'1 4 11114.1MM. an— 'r ‘. Thom] FILE! is plibfislu-ul evexiy Mondaylg morning. by [Exam J; Sunu. 11:3! 7:”: pm nun if paid/ strictly l.\‘ .mvn rl—-s:.’. m pr uunln if m: paid in mince. ’.\‘o “hicriptian «fiscnnti‘ngml. am! « at the Option of the puhlinhur. until all Fri-angst can "fill. ADTII'THE'IE'S' :Jon Puwnxd d‘u-pntch. Urrwn in South Baitimnro‘ltr ‘ apposite \\'umplor~4' 'l‘inuing Hit i-—‘“(‘uu r-I Ln: I‘!"an Dyna” o Adams County UTUJL FIRE IXSI'RANW'E P DI Igcorpornled .\furch LB, 185! ‘ nrrlicms. I PruiJ’nl—Gcorge Swope. v ' Vin-e l'rrn'drul—S. R. unlit". Sawing—D. A. But-11hr. Tmurrr—Dnld M'Crcnry. a ' Hamlin Crimuflmu—Rnhctt “(C v Kinq. Andn-w "Finn-Imm. i ' ”yawn—Grout: Swap», 11. A. T cob Kin-g. .\.‘lleimdlman. R. 3|": A. Marshfll. S. Fuhno-‘tnt-k. “'m. T‘ F'llTBJVilson, \L Eirhelherger. _AI Julia \Vou'ohl. H. A. I’ii-kfint, .\h John Harm-r. R. G. \lnCrearv, S. H'C‘rolry, Andrew Policy, John P :flenh. - ‘ ‘ , firm. rompuny‘i. umued i tion. to the “milky of Avhmt. It Iprru’xful 'nprrnlinn for more “I and In that-period 1m! paid nll lo pe-lunmflhnm an, flnlllenl, Imria lurphu enp'mfl in the Trelmm. P“! employ. no Agbnll—all In 251:)“ by (he “angel-I, vrlm are nu ml! by “to Stockholm". Anr per u lmnmnce can I‘m-1y to MIyJ ‘n‘mml “Anna-era {or further infnri ‘ mm Exchllire'Comlnittt-r' ‘olfire offline (Ynmpanv on the In! In cyory mpmh. 1112,]! H. . firm. '.‘7. 1853. I “The Union.” RC" STREET, .\WH’F. THUR A - \l'llflAhm. CI'TQX S. .\"'2\\'('o.\H‘ll3‘_ I'm: mTlli‘ ”my! i 3 rcn'rql. rn Punliqt-r (fir! '0 all par“ of ! Iduutm} in ch-rx pnn‘u'uhr m UM: wan]: hf tho hnghuuu public. wTermt 513-0 yu-r duy. ‘ ‘ Kim. 23. um. 1y . 1 A Readv Mark 100 000 TH'SHEInQ T‘- . JUL—4YO In lIQMO )nlolr m-oupkfl hr KHm-fi-l h “0.. with n dfllggminni‘mn M p:\ infer-he: prim r-wpn kinda ..r «:m find an Km-Miml‘ I'H‘l WASTE, a" finch. Grumman. \\‘lmlrufl .LI'MHHH. (‘OA L. and l'\‘t‘r\ nlhnn lino of Maine”. told at 1h:- In "(afar "nah. Gull am] enginhm prices brfnre nun-haying; o‘lu-u lu- JH‘IHL. [WINNER]! April 22, 1861. t.“ ' ‘ The Great Disco OV‘THH .\GEl—lnfinmmnmrv "'ll‘llhl'l'ip‘lfl c-In M; run“! In )HYJJ".R'§ (_‘HLERRATIflD “HF.“ TYRE. “nny prnluivwh' rifizru flu ndininiug o_numig-I, Imw n gun”! \\flfih‘. It: «um-95a in'l Rh Hana hnl horn hhlu-rm rm'mrn ‘uu‘n‘fir. inlrmhu'ovl In 1h; [ln‘-I "uni"?! \muh. For it“! \w p“ norrlunn‘l. lfropnrod nulv “V l \rhnzmgo and new) Drumm} A 4 um mnp‘v. Pm. dealt-‘- in hru-j "iii. y-rnifll. Spirits. I‘xuinva. [h "r..! ‘Oih‘. Buourv- am] Tim-tn [HI-l Prrf‘mm-rr. Pntl'nt “edit-h ”A. D .Huvhlnr ii Hm .\m in": In; ‘2‘ H, L. .\lfllrr‘: i‘. lu-lmn .\finnrol‘f ‘ ‘ ‘[Jllm nthw H L.’ ['.mv mel nf (Ilia. nnr! ti‘le I}- ha m‘mfiv MTM- It'll", 50 um" r. l‘rirt- 50 \rlww'M 3 «ml 91.. \HIJJ-ZR, limit Harlin. a, ("urmh-wk. p..l|lfi'a_ hat. '4»: \\‘imlnw «N. km. kl". " n in Gen."— n 1 Rlu-um die -,18I:I. if N ""7“ MV National 12'. 'm. I, ‘Q'W’RY AV" THREE-TEXT“ I’I'ZI: (‘EVTQ | ,TRHAN'RY NH'N-‘Nfl nnn‘ r nlv fur drlir or! at thr’nfl'lrn (3f .l,\\' (‘HHKE .\- f‘lL hank -0". .\tc. ”4 SUN”! 1"- rd Slrul. Li’n.lrlphial._ Fur-MM tn imam-'in“: from H: . Sevret'iry uf I!“ Trvnflwv. rho .\‘nluvriminn Bunk M ”to NEW .\'.\T|'H.\’U. l.n.\\' of T murv 'Vntoq. hearing intnr-‘rt M the mto nfifl um and flirt-I'- «uh. 1101' ronf. w‘r nnmvm. wil Tl‘nhlhl (Hum n my my)». .\‘n. 11;; a mum . Tu'um'. until f'nrllu-n unfit-r. froth S .\. \l. ti" l‘. 31.. nndon summ- an 91'. ,‘4. 2 Thin non-a wi" l 3: nf"hr d» ‘nminM/ion of FIFTV‘ DH‘Y.I’.AI:S.H\‘I-I lII'VIHE -'THYUIA..\RH. Y 1??? lII'NDRHD nuuiws. n.\' ‘.THUK'SAYI) “OMAR“: and ”“5 TIWII'S \. h llnl.l‘..\lt.\'. Ind tr:- nll dam! mzh nf.\ngnn HI'L pwruh‘e in an”. 'm “treasure. or can ertihio ‘mm I twmtv ynn' '.u'ix pnr «PM. ln-In. at thr n'minn of (h. hold". Ewh Trmwnrv _ nn- ha: in! -r. «mm [H n" whet}. whh-h m be rm on‘-“d cnllocuniin Imm I“th “in r: : Ill}: m "the. nu! M the ml. of onb ten: pvr : :1; on ”9;“ fif ty nan-m, ‘1 - ‘ Pnym-nh nf tllh-rrintinna m Cnl‘l ur l'lm‘ks, fir Nun‘s nf‘nu dv-lnhli Bunk“. Punt! n‘ A ("nu-0P om fr’emln. ”ll‘n'lg“ th'rl mm. nr ‘hrongh lhnki. Mud vhe Tromu immod'in'rlv dvlirorcd. or u-n‘ uri'wr " We} mn- serergulh' I!‘ , Pam»- rgmmin: Inn" ndd! ‘l'nh at} Avian-3.1m Jun 0! x [in dart?» remittance "Wacky-I that“! at m."- rrnt yu-r day on Inn. .Annlvgtn nr «Mm-n ‘ ' JAY I‘OUKE. filth-«Hp: ' Carr anAV (‘nniflhk ‘ Km, {l4 South Third .- oa.. H, mm , Tai‘oring. OI'IS KCMMHRAST roam L his fricndi and the pub consult-nerd the TAILORLVG I: "sit nueet. Heuynmrg. M flu Reining”. where he hnpcs to thin ol encouragement. llr‘ work m m” uml fin making m He in ragged; in receipt of! um he will b; able to please him’t um. - , fl-lmnin Knmme‘mnt Mao emovea Grease Bpau nn-l Stains from _(‘lutl ngfin a slum! time. In! It moderuu char; 3.. Satisfaction guru-untied. 7 ‘ QM. :1. I‘m}. TownsleVA 3”: nndg lgned {upl‘cfl My informs the public HE! In continue: he‘CAlmle -‘AK|§G AX? REPAIRIXG b Sines: in all in dun-rent farms. chuper thm Any shop in fire county. All ‘work warrautrd 0 give :ntid‘ac tion toenunmrrs. Cnnulry odm-e taken in exchange for work at, mnrkc! wires. { ' . A. .\1 'nnvxshm'. Guttyxbnrgdnno 2%, 1863. t ‘ ‘ { a . John W. - .\SHIONABLE BARBER j _ nor of the Dinuaud. ’(n Chfiu's noun) (:‘etlyshnrg l‘gu at All-times be found run I hulsii‘eu‘il') his line. He has ‘ finance and till ensure : ,‘ 5h 96;“. ' - . : . 'Hay mg Runs 1: BI’EHLEII mp M—f‘l! HAY nld GILHX w 45- uld. anon ram. '1 2,omulity fqri‘iumern to «cum “I fill. “wing impleuunl. m [“1 0318' fifty cent pic: x sealed. Tysou’ fifty cent pictum .l’ Tyml' Ifly «undocum- n . Ty-ou' my (cat picture: at Tymns' my eengp'cturel at.“ Tyioul' my cent ictures at or In" men. ‘ rsox wardens km the agency [O, manna, xzsmu M: a: (70:8 yam. D 33- These immanent! an nnmmaned 70" W‘y and Iwcemgu at time. A Ipccimcn mhe ICU! and tested by culling It thiir (hl - lueez, opposite fih. Bang. Geuys 111 EREEI 1211 ne,s and L flirt-cfly plielunent the mign PANT.- ' m n. J. smnm ééth Year. r4y,Jßcob E' ".111". In nrdv. Thu 1 \h-(‘h-"nn invariant 11‘. “high! I. Rant-11. I) citing, J. R In open " been in in y'lx "an, A! surely (mm-4 ouch dying‘ (‘omcn Jack wi'h flaming .\1 his‘ npprunch the lent 100 The fields once green rook And-Natureluems hush-xii “fill: frl-e‘zi‘ng breath and th ' He «Mlle end: Imrthern b! =EMI nl-In a large The Pom inon being unlly ole-rt. nn drflirinq -I' the nhove - Mid». "“93 i 1 , ' F- nud‘llLook, muerl iug brook, F team“ He 51mm o'er th’e laud “'in iron Him; A ‘ lh'é’mde hrmlh’ M mp. the lukc i‘ H:- thrown :m icicle at the mill, SJ } .\ud In! the [mink-rail}; “heel i 1 still}; E r . He nut}: and the thrash quake. é; -' ' “in sk‘l‘lffl ufmu' [lre h:lil_ {uld sleei,‘ ‘ "is icy tongue pin-cw rrun’x It has hushed the gougim'lh}l And candied the cutnrael' rr-r} M the Wednesday 111.\.1‘.\ RI EZTnII 1. rinietit hr 'c rin‘. and omfort and A He ridei unilhc norm-é“! gnlefl‘ «1 And the nrflcll \ynlh naked fuvl, , f'l'hnt hep for bread through llw 4‘01“, ;is hum-mm dimml wail. I He “"3“"? the faint! in n snowy slur ‘ (l, 7 And ,lnukhs nl huumn pum; i ‘ .H hin haul the pitilcu Mohn rourpj loud, And sxul u’n: (gt: trim of pou-ny's Humid Huring m. dréndl‘ul reign. lg" \l\' WANT o hid-n the r. (‘..-mm!” ' thtl highozt - . Ynnwill , (:L‘,\.\'o (If "my new", The rich. “hose, “mph precludes ’7 rlirln in our .\lnv Hugh hu’lhrculs to scorn; 0 t ufi‘ceihln ' ‘ . ¥ . ‘l‘ ’ 1 But It uuhler thk hy {M 16 thelrm m- «Im'k and . . x . ~ ‘1 fl .. Tu dry the shivering urplngl : lenrfx‘ ”PF-k (:0, f Agd comfort Nu: furlurn. ~ H .\ Ijnlr \\‘lulc [ln-y, 100. éhnll flee-[rll A.‘ laughing streams do uuw; 1 When drutin's puk- frost shall u‘ert- Thrn. as they're sown, m A..." the ‘th‘l‘t‘ all are doomed to 30. 1 I .\ Eiltle frn—niiuch (git-pd}, door, 1 Wlmleye'r Line's givfy'n . 1 To ,II I]: along “ad's pJur, :1 ,Thc'giwrzulds but to the More ‘1 Ufl‘umre gilt! in hour", 11 and (‘llmnic (‘\:‘ o c '7‘ , ’ ‘ 'l', ___MV— sl3} mellmzmug, , mm; £5,994 5%., s;}: and Name Qf 6011.35 . , h. "J”,e bow?!“ 'l‘hn“orth-r—honk" of tho liq‘lointionary‘ “.‘"“ bidiremain army; tinn- in the [mwwinn (if I’mt‘eusor “film you "m we". ‘.er, of erat Paint. cétmaim ajgencrnl nr-f .13. Iran‘at‘tinn of th-rnf .\ugm SM]. 1775. whit-h; imigm \\‘oll Nb," ”WW-mm hot-(viva!xiftifrfthnlapsont'piglitrfivnyoarx, film" ,1,; a“. at 193‘ and Marni in tin- hawk ni‘ ovarymfiir'er and m‘mmnhiil; (h-iuk'i :nliiier. with the formal sanvtion 'of the “.'“ gem. mu] varv , yhung CinnnmL-r-in-chief _nf ; plu- armyz‘péncm of‘h gpnnc Tet-epim Wushhigt n was at, the hand nt'q‘hout twen- 4th“ "p ‘ugntil all “"351!" ty thou‘nnd lronps. lhc-n‘dofondi'ng the city shggestion: 15 W.“ 59“..1e we anmv Y 9. k~sfiim¥thirty tlmuhinci.trrfiipn Hits of “I‘os évery 3'99”; [,O In'-in: in mid-about 1h:- hnrhor—fivhcn‘hé is- \ chhhtrv. & z. ‘ y sued thtl foi'lowing: “That thq troops may; 9 The tau-ac hos ‘modicin have an opportunity of .attenfling public ‘ are warmth. nbfitin warm] wni‘a‘hip m‘yi‘aii ns tn‘take sonié rest; after ‘ Jourzal 1111.. I the grout fiftigue tlwy hnd‘gohie through, 1‘ , , -+—— tlw Gem-ml. in the futum. eating“ them! Strange} zsigh Savanty flm‘n fatigue-duty on Sunday}, egos-Rt; at the' t ; “Bee “5 W 4. 1 shipyards“ or on special ocrl‘afi'ione, until: 3 Run Dihhio, an ll know citizen fifth“; furthm' anion. The General immrry to tie) tion'n. andfi‘or man year! on |,'_'Nl extfnxive in‘ormeil that the foolish and fliékod pmo- 15 in the 1, manage ent of '.‘q' ctm'lmuhi~ tin- of profang bun-wing and mefiriup. a vice ' q‘atos to 1191 the fol] wing int eating ’ rticu hithertolittlo knnn‘ninla‘n .\m: icgm army. hm of ni‘mttio a ng his a. 1?: had is gmwiug into fashion. lit- htp ms the ofii- sevpnty sad-arms of‘bees, nI-o t oqiialiy divi m-‘(will by example ax wrll mil influettce. ' dad-on nth east an?) weft hit as of hisfhouw. vudnavnr to check it : and that both thg)‘ (mp Sundhy atternpon, nbou three é‘ciock, njul‘ the men 'n'ili reflect that. $l9 can haw the “3311+" bc-ing‘ \vaxl'm. “£1 thetvrindows little hope of tho. bleuiiig of lle'avén on p‘ur l 699%, My house mm mild? Iy fine-h with arms. if welinéult ithy our impiisfe'ty and. fob; hm; ‘aih'uih famed the fhmilE‘ to flaetltt once ly‘. A’ddgwl to this. it. is a vice fib mean and Ito thc‘ noiighlmra. Mr. I). aft" ““3? W 0“ law. without any temptation. \‘that ev:ry ,- protocted‘ against £1.13 nssaii t 5. pr ‘ ceded maxi of «Wise and character (leftists and deg-4; to tako (survey. find if wiggle. 19%"?! the pin-g it." , 1' ' | PM?" whivh hm! disturbed them. a“? ““‘ q‘ —‘+“ |< The sei'enty .4“;er nppé‘ared to. out. .\— ho mm!" in '.of lhe Phila- ({mitV hr their \- nxurr‘umnr Nair: WHHW hf each ml)- «cl. ‘c in‘orc‘t from I lhr "In". 10 llilmhhulnimg each fifly Pol inn $29112}! 'n.. nllnlxt-rf, treat. l’hi'nld' mun: mum“. to. that he hrs ’Mncfi. in PM I OH stand M J.. ore‘u'c n ii‘ueml ‘ nrmm; all his he. iuu‘tunfiflu 9 Fashion. so H tastes. Give The tlny when it .'wns mmidb'éed interest ing and .‘ally-Jlk? to be slimy? ailing hsfi gone by. “and health. fortu 'tely. is the faushiofi. A rosy ch’N-k is fin 'lxgnr cnnsid~ (:er “Vulgar." nml'a fi‘ir, shép‘ely allow mpce ol' flesh n'n the bones in cdmiilored the “931310." Perhaps the great . [peg-ret- um: 36ml loolil cuimat exist without gond health. nuiy have had mmethidg to d 9 with ‘thv care now taken to obtain’lc: ithe‘thor this he so or nthfuture generatinm are the gainer; all the same. A lanquid eye and ; waxy, blorxllms'complexion may go bogging now fcr Mlmimtion. fl‘he elegant stoop in the shoulder: formerly oonsidflfed so aristo oqatic. lIM aha inimmlously ('lisappearédl \Vnmen walk [glare and ride less: they have Ir‘liny (lily suits ofnppm-cl. too, kh'ich :uper— flui‘ty‘wm "eye: known to exist. Iforetime. ,sunuhine boilig the only atmo'sphere in ; which the human butterfly vmq suppofled to l flout. ln ghort. “ the fmgile' ‘woman. of ’ America. " will soon cens'e 1:9 ”in onl} in the acid jean-i or some Engmh traveller, who will. of course, Ika mm» bygone fact. as still ,presént i'éality, with i dogged pal-time“; knmm only to that amiable In‘ Liam-Fwy Fern. a =3 ? on, [Soy-throng cor [rxt door Qt: Mc ‘ I‘m. .when he \' to attend to I“ 31-0 excellent as x infliction. ”(to [beta 3, 1860. e on hind two , “ARES, which | in h a _fine 07' a valuabk labor {Hull and look m. g 27, 1601. cf ,n-A man residing fl. tome distance from unnr neiativg. received a message one cold evening to hasten to hi. real denoe. n he was dying. Whe'n he ar rived he In tnld that his relative was a little better. but that his reason had entire. 1y left him. The sick man presen-dy turn od his head. laying in o. (aim. voice, “who in um I" Be WM informed that it was his relative. “oh. ah," said he, “yes, 3.5. He must be cold. Make him some wax-m ‘tod dy.” “H 0 is not crazy.” said the visitor to the friends standing wund ; “he talks very rational, !" es are securely water proof; entirely dumb] unsurpassed. warranttd. put up in lnr [oa. :1, 1331. WA philosopher nan: dreams my; man! honed: his notion: fin therein io‘ mind tit-Imm; fimn'sh mom's “Imps of in: teflectml out'efiatnmenf. ‘ - (Eh): 31513. ' ' 1 IL- .5: _ r JACK PK In' a. w. uuou‘ ‘VEPT. breath.“ I l acre, leak Q ‘ d drier, in ale-n . ept’ni g look, Fuhionable Disesbib. ‘A DE—MCC) 1003111103 or mad 1. Ir a man aim; plnoe‘hll luck, and let him alum. 2‘. If any poifion h'swnilnvl smm]; half 3 gigs ofeool WM tedfpoonful eachfofqommops: I _mxlstard utinedihtosih my I ‘ ujit reaches ”:19 q‘tomach :I I 30in of “‘3' [which may still I.’ ImIITBo white of oio or tMoI drink n cup of strong coffiem ing antidotes {Olin theater: “I Ills than any 35am Mher' " ‘ I. M: the ndvamtnge‘of their? ”Jami: if not, hdfa pint lof ‘ dripping.” or xmelted blltt . "I“! subatituteai eAlpecialiyq ulckly. I I ’ I I I 3}. Tliehost lhlhg F 0 510 t ”flimodernte cut il st 'ntly, I: I I Mlc-ly witlxcob ebjlm- flour ‘ lII] 1111”. ‘ I 4. If the blob: I j {li or lp‘thY hel . > ' In few minuml. Mealmefan nld: tie a hnnflk ride; In‘ op thapart. My“ {/wu'lu I ui: “. flick hcil’w‘laen the‘hlm'N I. b+skiln. tyist itlro "Mil I I Ito‘flnwwnnd H 99. 1t thére I n mmosé ifinlh uitioll w I I ell'chief cannothe 1»?de I I‘ “I: the upot'm-ajr _ ‘he wcjun ‘ Ivmmd and the {waltz ind-on“ I uliléil the 1110011ng 0 ‘Meßlbu I (111 pronnre fur Inn instanlt u 12%va arrived. m in (A glunlup I thtenag‘flpfion or hardening b 1 ‘l. I- i 5. If your clntlni gin M .’mhds dawn the (toss, Ikoo chiral to flu- body kaW'lil-fl tinilo s‘mkingto th flmfr h‘ 'kdbos‘. tMs has; a immh‘rri I thhiflammzlif notontingui hufiujway is gnnnn. lie on Itho n ovor, nrhvltmj. emlolo, civrglpét. mg. M PM)”. OI iln m f‘ got lmTtl of. ah‘nvn firefi I‘v. In’ tho body isltiredl res is Itirnd. 3100 p. 5 lfulrs, ; a, i m creep—7‘ I=l \m , . Emu thnsq on one $ll9 of “"1: house #Oll9 or ‘rayml in battle aglinst ”low on ihé other Lama; and, .«uéh K Hattle 3nd perhnfi never before wiincssml. iThey fin 1 the fir. cov- Eeringnspnceofmoré than n acreot‘ground, ‘nml fought despentely for me thr-031 hours l~—nnt for; ‘f‘xpnila” but ifozj conqught: and fwhile nt‘ivnr no I'ving tk’in‘g could “twist in :the vicivg‘ity. Th stung a large {lock of :Shanglmi'chickon , near} a“ of which died. [and portions passing Alon: die roadside wen obliged 19‘ make axe to {mold the}? slings. ; A way; after 60 clockgqujet was fiatored, ‘Jnnd the living boas remmetl‘to their hives. ‘ Ehming the slain jalmos‘t Ii :Ile éovering Ij‘the ground. finedwhicq buffet have ap [peared around the hivds. and thongs appo ‘rently stationed is Sentinels to watch the ’enomy. ;Bnt two young swarms were eu tirely «lnxmyagidnd nslide‘from the tan-i 1 11m: slaughter of been no other injury was ‘done. Neither pony was victoridul, and jthe‘y only caused on theispproach of night. toad from utter prom-“ Zion. Tho Minion :of this strange \mrring; among r. bees is not fanny accounmq for; and those most convgsnnt with their fnanagement néver be£oré witnessed or heard of such smuggle as here nnrmtal.—Lwnmul (Ohio) Reporfcr. Am . ‘«.;_ -,,.,.’7‘ Capping n AStoryg—A Scpgch lmpu speaks of nfox having boen see? trying to'spring a steel trapby means of xi stick that he carri ed in his mouth. We knew a fox once that took a well pole from the well and' pushed a turkey 03‘ the lbfier limb of a (ree with it, and put the pole bnck in its phoe. At. least he got. the turkey. an’d the pole was found all right. in the morning. Sports and Pastimes if the Ama‘ican.—lt seems to be I favorite pursuit. of the Ameri— cans to get. hold of a poor editor. who has the courage to difi'ar with them. M to tn Ind {anther him. If ukedwhwt find of A nation America was. washould fodjndined. she; begins of the AprO- MM pro pemily,l to exclaiui, “Tar-nation Pf—Punclt. "Z‘ZZZ‘Z—ZZZ W... “31*“ Z“' 7‘ -;?.;A_ RAT—l‘m Am mmm mmmgg Z GEJTTYSQUEG, PA-, MON-DAY, DEC- 16, 18631-3, WOE OP _ L , drink in. ‘r with aheap I It undhréund mits p famn but ff’r 4! fear emain, *wnl raw 9*: , or iboae (iv? be mlwr P : pOl - icles :n' \m. ing a] a}: at sweet bl .'o: r or luki are I they {vpmit e him-(lmg of cover itjpm— hnd uld! illulf I i ‘ mo: Rom _ or hm‘ q wmm by 'mnn wil die artery ii! rev ' sly «Wund i mul (luj‘lyarf: ‘kerchie’fi and he Mood Ipm— ! ntil thejdoc ere thehaml- I; 2h 1‘ ‘umbg !' . Milne: the! {e the kre‘sure dn not “wen ‘ [lii] "IG‘Mfi‘Qi the mm ’d by“ of the calling. 1 11-0. xliil the pfim Hie 1 as -. at Hz? ‘nme bondind the g Pi‘l‘pct ‘ pnn had. or eat floor. roHFr:\'er , ynurflf‘y’ in a 'mrmdn ynn rrinu “inv Inn. ~t : if tlie grain I ‘. «1W 1‘ v ‘l'? Hose Ho (10:! theré, a I! out SIM ; i ' the hon" ls dons} naht M {n 9M no' im ntvfnglmfil -t for thx-fy-s'ix inure: \rgzt-Iy of ould \ aéor or min the pen air 0 the ion, "in" kvep Vrigzhtbdiz thin 1d sm‘le nm'ri .h in fcib' and m a hing s in‘tbejwnrhl ' pout—7l7a” a Swarifla of 7'"- ‘ ‘ “urn: Is noun psu mu. Pnnm” "12mm on A mnom my." A‘most voracious chronicler rélutels, in the following fuhion.tll¢ experienqe ofa young lady from the rural {listriets wl‘o lagely via ‘lled the city, accompnfiied by Ler peculiar swain, and took u; appreciativ view of the elephant: , . Getting into one of the city c the maiden took a Isaak, whi planted himself on the p) graceful vehicle had sped bu Hookswlmn thoYmniéficentynu inninuflted himselsz‘ito flab pa; for the purpose 6" livonect‘ing ‘ Approaching thetnis ie maiden My: 3 ' “Your (me, miss.’ The roselmd aha 0d a dnl'u mnnifegt itself 011:}: r dwelt»;r down in soft confusi n. Thejx conductor was mheiastonisha ventured to remark nce more “Your fare, missi‘} Thistimo the pinH‘ and ths' maiden fin deepenet 01-011 ‘lmr . Tile on‘ 19 mnke - prottv coqnetlishnps l_v didn’t knuwnvhn thing. and began to as a sniall boy at (111 began in show signs ff u disposv whbout paying for h 5 ride. the agvd tb say once mnfo: , . Hum! mini, )‘oufifnre? ‘ ‘ln a moment mom love} m-re looking up hurl}! his Tani 1“:er of b‘mshes, §nd the clniniml : i ' l ‘ kallinl nther o “Well. they (low shy I'm {:0 1 looking at hum : but] Ann't soé \\zlxy yo}: want tony it oh! so loud !" E , M - ‘ It wns not a real :0? thund -r that shook .the cur jmt thc-n. fol}, no. .1! sins game-f fixing hm! E‘nmmvniwl in n :knmhxl fitter.“ nnd culminatpd in Fflvh a almJterihg gufl'nw ' 3.5 stontm-Lm Inngfi ,n‘nno MD; &}‘}:hlr nil—‘l In thé midut nfthe‘olfichinmmj toq‘mnttuth’e “lovyor” came to the wsmlc Inis‘animm, and. when the ‘iphlfi of the I: ll thing" was oxphinod to him, ‘1“ month expanded to prnpnrfions 'tlmt "fight have mfmlo Burnum's Iprnpotnmui die dfjculous‘y on the spot. The pair g‘lr-woxulo‘ from the car amid a salvo of m'r h, an {\'lwn his! snon were pmchming urtificin sweetm’chh m a. cangly shop. " ' NAM ---- A Gq’od 011:9. We were yesioniay 'inlJ a one of a jniiy 0M mama [or Germ «minim; who keeps a hoteii not. li. in hadmiiefi north of (his pincei. A friend in‘ihe'fiui lmvingjn-csoiitml iiim witi} Ii fine lot of fireworks. he proposed to give ller ‘ler techniml exhibitioi: to his {ii-it‘vmifi, and ‘lo perfecthimself in tboiuri dfiinndllha thin. he went. the night Prim-e the irxhiUiiion idio a fiold near hy. wilhu lightéd mfidie. hind commenM by igniiihg n \it‘r‘icie pin~wheei, hplding it on agi llet. “ii; coveripg him, with sparks. he pli%)rm-Ni nn «vex-man mid nnxt mt ofi‘ ‘n sorgent. NM 1 exyioded in his hand, sirikingéihis dog. ‘nenéiy killing him. If , I His next emrbinont m rocket, wh'ich hafi nilod. hq hand. we wmd‘ , ibe 1.14 own words. He duh: 7 “1 sets her 3 firéi—den a!) pulls—den she "ms «gain :10 bug flies all ovpg ni‘e ant den df dam ting pflrhlnes n‘n dc bet." '3 "1 ~—-—————-——~ an». - $ -A “T‘— Tving (lu- KmL—{A young ‘l' How was taking a slr-fgh ride‘ with a prett girl. when he meta Methodist ‘minfster ho was some: what nelcbmted (hr tying to knot matri monial at short )‘lt‘xticen we stopped him and asked hurriedly! “ _‘ 1 yoga tie nkno‘f for me 1'" "Yea" A‘aid 33: minister, “ I gum-n“ so: when do you w M. 11:16:19.2"; "Well, right nwub'," wax the reply; “ is _it lnwfnl,‘ though. hero in the highway?"-.' " 0, yes, this is sigma 11‘ pl'n'ce. M nny—as, safe up the chum}: itself." I “ We“; then, I want 1 knot tied i 3: my hom'é’s tail, to’keep it out of the Inch," shouted the wicked wpg, is he drovdnpidiy ni’ny,‘fenring lest. the minister, in hk'pmfau'e wrath, shank! {all from g'rlca. . ‘ ‘ ~ ~ _T. . o—v—<—-—- fl‘ln the town of T—-—L—.‘thexje m ..“hoe' maker who at tithes officiated a preacher. Healways wrote the notjcuj'himself. in order to save the expéme of printing.- 'Here is one of ghem: "There will" be preaching in the pines on this Sunday afternoon on the subjéct, All. MIL do no; believe. will be damned at three o'clock." . fiAn old lady w“ in (he habit of teach ing her grand chiklrm in this “is“. “My dents, when I and yom‘fatbor md mother have fininhed pm- mcnls; when you have eaten 3“ ya: conveniently can, Ind when you have fed the three cats am! {he parrot—then, my dent children, remember the won". ‘ fi-‘Good temper in 11kt a sunny day ;ii sheds brightness over everything; it is the sweetener of tail and the soother of disquiotude. .._. RA man in love my be likened to a fly in s spider’s ‘web, entangled by one of the most fragile of minimum, yet the most diflicult from which to escape. .'An utiéle announcing the desease of tpeuon, says: “His remains were commit ted to the bourne, whence no traveller re turns, atteizded by his friends. _ fiA My in liickiggny consoling her neighbor form loan of her son, was no swered in { “ If Bill’s anndmotheil in huvenLX 19mm ch. kill 30‘ 390 Billy abused.” ' 1 THE ANTI-COCHRANE MEETING A meeting of Union mm “IMAM-Id Frankfort. Ky" on the 21d 111/L. Rig-3px: qentimPnM in nmmifinn to the racgmm datinn ofJohn Gochra‘fie and Simon Ca 1 ton in relation to arming the shven of South. Thefoll?wingresolutionswajre : ed unpnimously . I . ' ‘ That the go’vernmen! of the Unit Std hn-z no Con<titiltimml power to I tel-f with tho instilqfiorx of shrew in n , nf ‘ smm. nor‘hnn it the power to dopfivq . citizen of his slave property withbut' , proves; of law. um; [he power to npptopfl such property jo public, we withéu‘cj compensatibn. . ' i 1 r the lover lform: The .n {NV short 3 conductnr uhu' chariot earns”.— he' mid ufl‘a- They! the exercise of any such Miter, 3 any oflicer ofgtho United SIM”. firing! or aim 4; military, in a palpable vioiqiqg of the otprosa pio'viéfions of the (‘onsti ult; n. and Hlmnld he rondemned by every np‘ t ment of tho goveniment, and by e y ti ,uin lhereof. ~_ , g : ‘b That \liepropaqitibn recently nnfiblm . «LA for the .emnncipnlinn of the- sl’avqs‘bl' ll: se at war with tlm United )Stntésngnd no arming olisuchislaves against their tut - rs. is in violfiion‘of'the rules of‘ civilig I“ .r -fnm; is=ablmrr9nt to every firiilciyvg‘ of u munity and Christianity. and in i; results would add m the calamities nf tli "-p're. nt. 'vmi-vthe additional jinn-0:4 of serv% -in¢ Ir wotion; murder, mpine and' plufi er, ’by the black mce - agaimt the white, ti rough out the slave States of the Union. g. x ’ Tlmt'as friends to (lm‘ onmtitu‘i n ind gnvorluiiont of the lfniml State"‘ in m triois, M pliilantliinphts. and in Plgiiulizlns. we do hereby most solemnly i-onfbnsh'nte nnlfiu‘otpst pgaiu’st such n promfitinn, and do- mo‘ét parnosfly implore and .eutrleat arm-y departmvnt ni‘ our gnvm‘nmknb. nml ovoryofiimf and citizen then-ol', to dondemn and reject the mmr‘. ‘ ' ‘ ate pink [0 wand looked [My popular 1 at thismml to carnal inn - urns/3] will) tnluduwr rm]- fthi's 39x1 of {bond}; but 1 crime on} tion} to leave bmaial Ill:ln- vinlnt'ryos “ , lllmugh an “y lips ex- That; we lmreby tc-ntlor our than . s to the eulitnrw ol' tlm Lnuicville Journala - honk \‘illr- Dt-rpm‘rut. for the nlyility “‘i which tlwy have rilcistwl this threatened mhltinn of thr- cnnstitutl‘on, «ml the firm E .~ “31th \rhiblrtht-y have dennnnr-od this 3, humun pm‘mqition and its fimntiml nnthé- . “ Thnt acopy Bf the fordgnlfig [Bumble and resolutions be fonmnlétl t 9 ls Excel lency [\Ahmlmm Lincoln. l'rosido of the lUniu-d States. and that the Hun ‘Eolm J.~ Crittcmlon hé requested tn pr: M > the name to the C‘ngrm‘s of» the Uni Slates and‘our Ropre'sentntjves. 1 1 u __4.____»‘«... -—~—~ ‘ 't fi'l‘ho {niglll‘gllh‘t‘r. a. Rnp\ll»li 'll paper at Tnnckhnmwék hm; unspendul. ‘ SQ they go down one hfter another in tlrse lirofiz perm” ti‘ml‘" which they prqnlisq the peo. ple one yoar ago. ‘Penco to their fishes, may :ITJingming ppliticnl min: a. w they qproad over 'thg, eqhntry, gin): th‘em. - t ‘ 4, _.f“ _t ...... ~ A Pfacfim‘lJol-z ”Mufti—An 113 form beggar-woman wont intn a shop )in L ~me and asked the master for lief. wishing to play njnkp “Imam ‘ ' rum/1 tnnm- why was meant“, suit] to? er. ‘ that truth: man—he‘s ‘ the lmnsflr.” im‘mgliatoly'turnod tohim with. Q’Vill Minor-smm a trifle for a distr‘osseé worn: .“Are you really irt distress -?" sqié the tleman. “Indeed. sir. Imm it; mg! distn "Well, then, give her» aixpence‘out 0‘ till." slaid he to the master. and humor] 1y walked out. In vain the master pr? ted that he 'was himwlf. Sh’c Mould} belieée him. but pertiuaciounlyjurg. request, saying. “'l‘hg maateri‘aid you. WIS to git» In‘“ a =ixspencehlf ‘4l in it is vary—hard if I don't get it. H 4 obliged t¢ give it to HO. himgf 61 announcer ' with s largo Ming i! in his success in his e pupsT-der. I Den d 9 span ppm: me: mg! 13!. me I." but? 1 ”In-e i: Lil-e a Dig:ineu.",——E§r 3‘ Scott in Ve. of his songs. gives the To} ifig mtlnjpnipetic description bib " inks" onc'p, Mien in love: ' ' . “I tri 7 {o sing. I trivd to pf: y; I trie m droWn‘t wi' drinkiyjfi on , " I tri wi“to'\l to drive ’l2 an“, '‘ ‘ Rut e'or mm sheep for thinliin' ’t. oh. 1 vellum Maddie, . g } Love likqsdiuinesa : It wnpns let a. pair boddy ' { ‘ Ganuznbout his business." = Svpnpallzlic Arthur-A singd‘nr c {I noted in the Cairo hmpital pmop the wounded It Belmont. ,One aim was. shot in the rightleg and had to ha‘re in armpu’ tated. Sympathetic action at onéojook place in the «_other limb. and, figpre'isely glue cams; s‘pot whefe the‘knife hid gained {(1 fellow, a aimiln'r pain was rem‘ So vex-e dfid Ibis become that the leg 1:: bnnfaged and treated a" if itself wounded! ‘ a - ”_.. «I~~—-—ofw:— ‘A distinguished physiciifi whidied in Paris. declared that. during’thot . aty six years he had practiced medit'fine if! that city. he believed that (family Mouéznd iii/dru had 6w! can-22d In Ilw grave 63/ [la a'bmrdiuslom qr (rmying (Im'r Law Imm, , 1 ——- - , - —-o o o——-—- “Mm. Pmington told RemmfihL oth er day in confidence, that a young man hul committed infunticide by blowing his twin: up in a state of delirium tremendoud, Ind the corner was holding :I mnq'flest'ov'er his domain , 3‘“ Is any body waiting 0:; you 19’ ”id 11 polite dry goods clerk to a girl fro?!) the country. “Yes, sir," said ‘tha blqshing damsel, “ that's my feller ofitsidol He wouldn’t comein." :: g ‘3' Expected fight yetweeag m.— The mum mm m wont» puck in» the Vm: ’ . i ”W ~ ‘ and . ulnk sbgld Mm reached back again-i; ' - ' i 3 - a ‘ NMI [and WOll \'ith VOT- Ho: , K R‘Tl‘ .\ «k Shq 'onr - 13‘" the; It?! D $9B - ire-1" E WEI! the lil in Im ‘ low’ ‘feel- TWO nouns A-YfiAR GEN. PATIERBON‘S ' SPEECH-"HIS $ DEFENCE. Miow we publish Gonna} Patterson's wit-6:6}; delivered in Philndélphinn mythg; 1611! u“. ThKIIm-rifihurg Pan-inn!“ Union, in referring In it. says: When the Nation wn 'smurtipg undo; the deft-at 0" (lug-l 2“ G“ll\<:l‘fil~;“g:0h:0:tq frog:z:i;h::th 1:21.;- n, Pm. Patterson was at: ec :m npan n a m _ 21:91:25: toybeu the responsibility, and“ milled t 6 the GLeml-in-l'hicf his plan, mclfopitheta as coward Inditraitor were which was to abnndQn the :presont line of H ' to «i u 1: him bgacause'hédid oyeratinns. move a.“ supplies to Frederick, genteczedvin vitamin} the escape of "s“le Mnryland' "033,1“ WWI Mill"? Dthb Jnhhnon'a umy from Wihchcjster. 'l‘hlq‘ hlmhtg's heavy guns. and n;«l:ri;_vml« of in lnadof'obloqnyheboreinfsfilmcemomcimw fan-dry to support them, and mth every— thn his means of defenagyére trml'm‘pi thing uelfi—tlgorsr,aimltoitxlnfasgazyx¢i and, waiting the moment when :2 can . tam-8!} 10. ('1 “mo“ . W _ ~ . sub it them to the public game without nmte mth COL‘Sthne s forces at. Lgosburg, del mant to the public len'icé. and wilh- fmm which pom! he could Opel-gt» ”fir, ‘out'mpairi‘ng confidence in {kg (imiman- rmnqtancm qhould {lemnml apt} the (lope. det—‘n-Chiat‘ of the ”my. Gen. I'uuprmn rnl’s nrdl‘l's almu‘ld'roqnimg )0 reply 5731: has disclosed "mum to alm‘w that all m- receivwl; but, on the 27th. the Gem-ml ta], y’nmvements were nimle with the sunctiun cgrup’hml to_ him that he suppoaocl he mi.- {and under‘ the d'.".cfinn of Get" Scott—l that dny‘crossmg thenycr 1h pursuit of the that: he was stripped- of his nrtlllery um ehomy. ‘ . ' 2'5 - 1 lel'vd to run ‘0“ that (luv the enemy was In cnmhhnn reg hu- Lroopsetlut. hL WM or: , , . . . . . ! ngé‘sky—llmt his retrngalle movehwntdup- m Mufflljgc Invtxr m Ihr: puzglt. “110., luv-l inn fllnrlestown was made umlf-r Or «H are? l». l. mon.nm‘_ romd. 0.. gun. if” ) wxwh'ummn—‘WM he was mulml us to (:unoml lattnrson {wont lifoor nnhh and Athcfimo of _McDowell s nthlg‘k Upon-(ht? SIX gum, tlmlnttcr mtmovnte or mmt. nl‘ ‘enc’py at Manama-fl. and that he renewal 'hm'nmsy 0n the 28th he mformed thn i no i‘c-ply I? ropontml {olfgfayfi rt‘l‘,ll1;"‘(t:":‘:5' qroxfrnl offtho “Klfizhooifln'rtmy “I"! ‘ 'néi iveou ersto nttuc - u msnu. -u I » o la own arm: ) 1 [I c n,on u: llPatterson {loos not tell nllf Know“? '1“ l (mu rpspénv' ility,‘attack without artillery, ‘lwe d 0 the chzlxm‘lm‘ or tlmhrlrders in his! $1.411 would" a no cheerfullylaml promptly \‘mneisinn. we mnnnt hut mh'nmf and W 01“ 1 "- he would give him an ”I‘m!“ ordnr 10. tu’l—or at the mnderation of Gen: Patton-won m. ”mt fifi‘ect” N 0 nrder was pie": 0n the ‘withhnldin: 5" mm" “‘o'“ ”'9 lll‘ul" “.‘"“ 20th he received harnohs foly‘hm-amgl‘e hat lMo’it mnn in his 'pmitinn wm'fld lI’IIEY’QTOPG f tnry of six I-month-hore gum. and on thq l thiijhnéo 02:41:»le the whole hmlnftfrwlthoutt 3‘2"}, gave a]? qrdgr w “'7O-“- : .On the 2d nf "“39"“ m ""0"“ ”'0 refpnnfuluihty nllfi"‘,.lnly.he crnssedt met'the epgnny and “(hip :fiill'j rather than rvst for mnfiths u‘mlixr thei‘ 1:04 them. , . . isusifiicion nt' colvnruico‘ ilxn"'*:f'3li,_‘ll 01‘ PW“ . 0n thcf 9th nf'July n mung!“ fut! hphlhnt son-l so galling to a wtllnm WHIP“ "ml I)" :which all the mmmnmlery 9r thvmlnnq ahfl ‘.tridfilic gontlomnn. BM “'3'!“ l'fil'e'mmh‘m' hrigndm. and (‘llin of stair. Worr‘ prawns..— tinfi and delicacy he has «llsvyygml no mqre gal. Stone. the J-“mm. 1m? nfllver, ”“1“, than 35 “Whit“? “"9"“? fnr M" decnvm-lftwiw nyn'Lllocldedly ngnlnit an ti'dxance, ud- Tho tim'o must come, hmfovqr, and “If“ 59‘] vat-Ming a direct mnvempnt tn Shgphordg {o'9 long..wllen‘ “‘9 entxre record mil be! town and Clmrlestnwn. ”Alliwhn spoke Op mmlo public. , * _ . ’_. . El pnged an udv‘qnce and all votiml nfinimt one. .M. Phil“ delplfia on 58“““135' “fl"“mmf 0n the same «'an h:- ‘mforméd‘tho Genes-hi the 'mvmfit’rs of. the Fimt €in 'F’roorv mth-Jin-C lief of mPcondmnn or Affairs in tho in-éommn'momfion of the fbrnxnfinn 0" ”10 ‘val'liv. and proposed (h t ho should 20 ml cnrfipnnyh 1774. Aftormuomhling mth9i‘j‘ohnriostnwn nnd tuneup; "MP9?“ 'Ferrv. nrlfiory. 15!“ ”001‘ [“‘ONI‘M"d to ”W 00"“ fianrl naked to be infnrm‘ed‘Whon he would n‘ohta} "pk“. where ”I“! 1““th or ”'.i 'nhnok»Mnhn.-sa& ‘ 0n the 12th he was (ii-1 1m \ivel‘=qF(lifiher., ' ‘ ' - .- Hector] mno (’0 where heHmd: pmposml. and l , §ipm~ {of eighty mombm. in “191 informed um‘Manmus'womd bo‘ amqkw highdao'mt ul‘ziforui,wore‘sented around ill 56m Tuggday‘ the Nth. {)n file 13”": he was} (Able. A, the ,furflml' cnll 0" the m“ teiegmphpd: “If not stronmonough to bontl lning (hi) old flag of tho; troop. which “-.': ”the enemy early "at ‘ «eki, mnko «lemon-I bornaflf .ough the battles of Trenton an “rations so as to dotni him i“ the “my; Princ'oton. . |~' ‘ 3‘3 20f \Vinchostcr.” 311.8 mde Hm demounlm-l flor HlO dishes ‘WI “"9“ ably discuwmfi. lions, and onl the 16th, his day Gen. Scott”! G . Paliénon; in respénso to a toast ""é ‘ sam h}: woul?! attack‘ Hands“), he drove! th‘ theemv made in fm'cmd “P"‘Ch- 7?? :ythe enemy’s pickets into‘his Eintrenchmontull pt 'ina m. mm“ for not immzt‘mmiz ,M W'mcheslérmnd in: this Im. max-011M101; G; - ,Jolxnmn. preyinllfi tO‘thO bn‘ttle qr’Churleuh-an. ~.l ‘ ‘ E Md "’3“! "T““Cfi‘m- '"9 “i“! ”“t be m? g~ 0n 0:013“: he telemphw the Genfl'd-l' no in th“ Mbit‘M SM”! "“3”“ TM “"3' ’in'CJiflf that Johnion wn‘s ii I poiition to!‘ “‘3 g 11" did 9" did ""t ‘l‘“ but i" "'9 We? ‘. lmve his (strength doublcd jhnt übe ldl‘ en' , of-imPn of so much inteth'Pnoe—x‘ reach him. and flujl hemofllld numozum: p 11“ of his command in the short campni ‘ tum chance of accompiishl'bm nomethingl in the mint-y of Virginia. bacon-Wm! ,it i brilliant. than by hmrding ,his column. to: (he to them as well as to himself, to £iV9l“ ' destroy the fruitsof themmy’iaign by defeat} ahbrt-Mafinment M “10 7N3“- ._ __ _ -,‘ sglming his telegram this; ‘{ 1f wrong. lets During the latter part of July. 11]] Aug“. , and part'of Sr‘p‘h‘mhor‘ there mu no n’ln - dex- igninst him so gross 31ml it could‘ n t ba' ”Berle-d nnd rein-rated with impuni y n‘l‘d swallnwed with sviglitv. The gent .- n'en of the troop _knm‘v "hmi ”false th n sl (lens were. He had submitted to “I i quiet. alrhmml'l he ’lwl thp‘dm'uml ts i hit! mminn tmprnve ,thnillhe did ll t the was ordered it" do. nnrl [hora th In any one had a right to upoét nnvler t 'e jcumchnces in which he and his run -\ 'nd were placed, and he defied any m n. hf: _0: low. to put. his finger on an o I . d heyod. —~ \ sTbeg‘ntlemw of the (mirp were witn 'es 0; whngho had done, and he gal-Med wi R my Mammy: trua—thht. the coin n W” well'oonducted. mm mi.- nolr‘n in step mule. nor a blunder'oommined TheVskirmlshers were nlwhys in‘Yront, h d the flanks well ‘protected.? ThPy w re chug!" in no trap, Ind fell into no am} :- éde. They repeatedly offered the cue _v lime, and when they Sweepbél it, thvy M, (£s9m. There was no defeal. and no ref t i'th his column. , ' ‘ ’1 3 u might, be Mkod, “.Why have you; at made this gtatemenc sooner?” Bed 56 the publicatmn of the document/w mo or would have been most detrimental t 0 he public interests. He preferred bearing he odium so lflwrnlly bestowed on him. rat 9r than clear himself at. the oxfionm ol' he cause in which wé w‘ere all engaged. 'ihe time had arrived when the-manor eodld, vgithout injury to the service. be inquited ium. and he was determined that it. shopid Be acne, and flat before long All the docu ments referred to shall be published. and Errand before the American peeple, “megs those whos.e duty ithmT m-do so shouhfiin I “31;:HALE:I;:~AVI;;I:i-‘a.mwmimim , the mean tlme do hnn justu‘e. \ . . . ‘ He would state a few facts. Oh thefllk "n?“ homothiat thn 1“?“39“ .‘” "-3": of June he took command at Chaf‘fflmrs- ”PM FPOF'N‘ mull, fl” 3"?! “PM! ! burg. On the 4th, he was informed by the common-cm! on???» ‘ ’ General-in~Chief that he consiglnrcd "the? VWEX-President, Tyler's—Tramp; n , addition tollisforcgofabnttciry fiattillery, Hampton, Vm; which is 13* and I and some Mylar mffdntry. Ihnfllspenm-blm .'built, up" comfortably slit-Meta . m 6n the Bth of June a. letter of Instructipns of contraband shve’ q” gent him, in which he was told “mt “...—W . fixer-e muist be‘ no reverse; a check or a, Cmund'mm for Gretltyw—Why in Gmfily arswn bottle would be a victory to the em. like Richard I!” Bees ~tbomknnon€n my, filling his, heart with joy, his mpks Richmond flooud him. “‘3 V I , } ' with men, md his magazines with volunm- ' “._‘-«..._... i fycontributious, and. therefore, to {mke his measures circumspectly, and Mtempt nothifig without I clear yrospect o! modem. Thin In good instmctinn and most audible advice. Goodor had, ho has expectoa to obey ; and‘ he did! ' , f l on' Friday; tho ‘lmh, hé Mfinrorm'ed [ that. on theiu‘ppmllion that he would cross lthe fiver on the next Malidny or Tuesday. fGo“. Mcllrmoll would he innlrnelpd to {make a dmnonztrathn on Mnnnssns {lmm .lion. He was surprised he the order. but iprnmptly obeyed. On the lfith he reached :Hagm'uown. and, on the mm. two-thinlnof l his forces had crossed um l‘nlan.. _The i pmmhed deummtrndon hfllen. HeDovmll. in the direction of Manama Junction, mu not llmle ; nnd on the lfilh. just threeduys after he had been told he was expound lg emu, he was telegraphed by the Commarr dor-in-f'hiel‘ to send him 'f at once all the err-gull“ troops. home and. foot. and the Rhoda Island Regiment and Batten," and ‘ told that, ho was éttong enough without the regulars, and to hoop within limits until ho{ could satisfy him _thnt he ought. to (0 bp yond them.“ On the 17!!) ha Jun Again mlcmphed, “‘We no messed hon. Smrl the know I have twice called for without No_ 12_ delay." Tlii~WM imperative; and the hoop: wnre sent, leaving him without a single piou- of artillery, and, f 9? the time, Mingle ltroop nf cdmlry.‘ It Was a: Elmmv night. but Hwy were all broughtmvor thd river, [again without loan." ‘ y, _ , ' On the 20th of June, h‘e mu asked by tho me be instructed.” But no imtmotionn; came. This _wns _eight days before the But-3' He of Humans. On the 17th Gemflcolti —_telegrnpliea: “ McDowell's lint day’s work? hm driv’on the enemy beyond Fairfax Court; llnuae. Tmmorlow the. .lufiétion will [troll-f ably: he baryicd.” With this irif‘ormntion] he was happy. J Ghnson had bcén llemiumli the appointed time. and the-.work of Com; ‘Pnltorion's column had been (lane. ‘ ? On "thr lflth, at 11 in the: max-hing. hq * telcgraphml Gon. Scott the condition of Hui ‘n-m-my’a fnice' and of his ow‘n. referring (q his letter of the 10th for full information." nmlclmed‘lhe dispatch by taking. “Shall E auteur" Th'u m phih 19mm, ma mum no he misunderstogd. but. he regeivod nq reply. He expected to be studied where he was, and if Mamas we? not to be up tacked on than. day, uuntediin (Sn-n: Scott's vdisyucbes of the day previoqn, he ought :9. have Boon ordered down fogthgvith to (’joil') in the battle, and the Attack «liilnyed'until he came. Ila muld huv’é beén thern 'nn tint dny :1.» the battle was fought. sac! his as}, pittance might hnve produced a difi’lm‘n' remlL , . 1 0n the 20th he henrgl that; J'lohmton ha marched _with 35.000 Conffilfenlq trot) mud a large unillery force. ink mothers 1y diréction. Ila imped‘wtnly telegraph» the information l 9 ngenl Scott, and that hg received it the umw'khy. ' t fi-Wnrd- are nice thing» but Ch , strike hard. We wield themfl) cm“)! i we are apt to forget their highlenipower. Fitly spoken. they fall like the kuns‘zinu, the dew, and the summer ri‘m-but _whe 1 unfifly, like the frost, the hill, and‘ th désolafing tempcjst. . ‘ ’ 36‘ Who can tetlnwhere circumstanc'éi cease to 000 W g man. and ihenfreoprfll begin! and operajcu nninfluenoed. .f f filmy is u sailor's Hui-x 3. liké _nv discarded Ivy hex-beau?“ Because “if.“ Z;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers