4 rnémgtsnéy- / Thaw is published very Non y morning, hy Hun J. Sum. . at $1 ”[3 3r pun“ if Raid strictly 1:6 Army‘s-32") pot nnum if not paid in’advaaet. No subscription discontinued. vinlm at kthe option of the publisher, untiy all montages are paid. A‘uvnnsuxxninun'rtmlnt Jon PRINTING done with linpfich. ' , UN!“ in South Bulfimntn Opposite Wamplers' 'l‘inning w—“Coxnnn Plus-nus OFFH‘ Adams Countyl ‘ ‘ UTUALFIRE‘ISSURAXCh(fWPANYF- M Incorporated March 18, 318 l. _ , mrxcnns. S fruy‘n‘ml—Gmrzu Swnpe. { ~ Y..-r PIHIJ'III—S‘ [L Rune“, _ sandman. .\. Buehlur. f - ‘ Treuurtr—Dnvid )l’t‘renry. . ~ Eta-«lit! L'ornmiflm—Ruhcrt ){LCm-dy, Jacob King. Andrew Heimzolmnn. ‘,- $1 * Hump—(homo, Swnpe, 19% Al. BnqllloiJn- W“! King. A. Héinuelman, R.I .\I'PHIfly. Tim ,A. .31 ushnll. S. Fwimoatm-k. W In“. \h-Clelhm Wu. K. Wilxon. \L‘ Eichrlher! _. Al-‘Hel F.Giu .Jahn Wolfor-l. H: A. Picking ~.\M-l T. Wrizln Jahn~l§ornen R. G. \l'-‘)rmrr S R. Russell.” M'Creuy, Andra! Pollvy, Jo ui‘l’icking, 3.31 Hen)». . 9TH! Campy"?! in limi ‘ed‘ in it! «new: ‘Aimu to the county 61 ‘A'damsi h limx boon in Int‘cusfnl oponninu [or we? than x'u ymrn, :nrl in Nut periothmr [mid ll Inn-«~- and ex pgfllegncilhan! any ournmnl, Ilhving nlm R Inm nurplus capital in the Tren nrv. The Pom piny empioys no Agenu—nl hnsim-ns being done bv the flaw exitwhnu mmunu'v Hod ed hv the Stock‘u‘fluloru. vAn. pnr-nu de‘uiripg in» [nanrgmco Inn Apr-1y lo inv‘uf the anch named “Answers for further itfurmmiun. ‘ (Q‘Tho ‘Eucufiu ('mumi (90 1‘1"" M the office ofthe Comnanv'un lb last Wednesday. in new momma} 2, P. .\l. ;‘- ’ . Semi}, Inns. t 3" The Um‘o .”- RC" STREET, .\mWH Imm. -’ - Plum ELM”. PA UPTO‘N’ S. .\‘E‘W‘UM'CR Pnornm‘rnn. fir'l‘hk [lntel 1" rgnvr-I rmn‘enimrt hf Punt-“(9w l‘nrs 'in‘nll‘ narta M the r‘v'r. nn‘ adapted in 'c-n-r\"pnrtim|l"rv the comfort am! VIM?! 5r we Lucian-I: public v - m'firmu S! .3!) mt dny. , ' l < Sept. 23‘ 13m. x‘; _A ~ A Reaflv M 100 000 hl'm'at‘ . , ELK—W tum-e )nto‘v onm‘n m] In' Kl‘ ‘ FPO” “‘3”: a dctrrmhntinn market prim-- far all kimh 0 find an unit-lied with l" \. 4:" \'3nd‘. m‘H'HI’JEi. “'hv ‘TJ'MBER. "GAL. nnd PVPI'V 1 NW .nf hminons‘ mm M. H: Ht" fur Cluh. (‘.:H null em prices hctfurevmvrv'mdm' "h V DIEHL. “RINK April 2!, 18m. (5' ' . , _ g The Great D 1 0" THE .\CE.——}uflnmm WINIIn'-li<~v\.4--~n l-u r-u fun I le's (‘ELEIHIATED I Tl'lik. \hnr prnmjm-ut I :II the ndinini’ng ‘rmmuio: h-n gr"! nlilitv‘; In awn-u in! than: bu l-N'n hith‘mm In glucr‘fir. imnnhwv-l-m Hun cont: pr'r huh!“ Em“ kqh‘ b fim‘tkrenvr‘i. l’rnmrJ-vlnul) \\‘loleu‘r nna Rob-H Dru. "Alhm: I‘Ollnh’. "71.. don‘nr in «Ha. V xrn'is‘a. Sp'u-jk. P "\u 91m! Oilw. Ewan/w: am! 1 61¢“. P‘ufumerr. P'HI‘IQ \T ‘ mun “nu-Mr]: a: m "hr: ‘m “'n. L. .\lillt-r's m Mixture." [ ' New Nationa Q'H'EY AV]? THRVF‘LTH‘ ; .TREASUH' \'nTv-xx u erv M div nfi'n-a of J \Y (‘0 on. .\‘nrlu Rh": 7", m’,‘ A“ Purm'lm. m i‘nflrun'inn‘ fi th- Tron-“rt, 1h:- Sli‘mm-i KEW N Wins \L mnw . hearing i'utorfit at the rntvl "all” ler cont. pI-r nnmmi at mum". XO. I'l4 S T" further not‘ve. from B .\. M “(mints \'r.“ 9 P. ‘L ‘ Thin min-a w‘l'l ho nf I‘ FIFTY nun. UN (HI-3111' F "E [H'NDRED HULLA '3. DIV.Y..\R\‘. and F-IVF‘. TH” nn-‘lnn- nn‘dMod 19111 of \ in add. in thrn- wars. 6 :- Iw§ntv \'HN’ six m-r Mm , 01'th hnMrr. E 21-): Tr“ ‘= (58‘ Comm": at? \rhn'ad; whit eolloctmi in gold m Hie “i! luv) n 1 Ihr" rule ufnnc (21’! . l_v doll-an. ' J - anmvnu of Sll‘Hl‘rinfiu GnH or {Wm-“<3, or .\'M\~§ 1 dclnhh ankc. . l Inn-nus .\y'x ulu‘ut‘v. ' friendl. thrnug‘) thr- ml" thron’zh R Inks. an“ "vé ’X‘r , imm-diaN-h drhvfiri. M" ufiher an thev n'nv sun-m ' Putin‘remitlinz mnel : mm of All-mat. the «‘MP 0h! dnvtlm remittancvrru {he Into OI mm vent nnr 4 hrs. .\nplr In or <1 Llrv-u -'J.\ Y». COGKI-L Suh ("AI-j! nf WAY f‘nn " ‘ .\‘n [H Sout‘h] ~ocl. 14, 135). . ‘ 'Tailcri - oms mmuamn 1 L his friend; mu] the l cnmmcnced the TAILOR! “.40 street, (‘vctli‘s‘mxg : flainingcrw whet-é he ham: thfl 0! encourazemcm. " work to fit. am} the maki ‘ fly is rcguhfly in receipt. Chu" he wil} be nble~tu pl Juim | um. i fl'Louis Kulumomnt flpou ind sum; from cine. and at moderate c - “untied. ‘ I Tomley TIE undon'uned res . public that he cnnzi 1 )lAan. .\.‘ID 1152 mm. Mareut‘farma, cheapo-rll pointy. All work \nrm fin to cunom 3+? Conn ;xchangc for work x“ ml Gettysburg, Jrne 24, i < mm .W. ‘~ .Lsmonmfiam: net of the‘ Diamam. le'llsn's Holcl.)~ Gettysl Jenn M n" times" lie found 1 bisinen in Hi: line. He ' aisuico and will ensur hit 3 an. ‘ i . an‘ \ SHEADS & BUEHLE' 1 fird-rfla HAY and (i ‘6’ 111' be told. u‘low nae -. 'ofltnity forFaxmerstu 5V . and lime laying xmpiem .‘ ' them. ‘ ; ‘ : YSONS‘ fifly cent 1‘ ' soiled. J \ Tyson? fifty ce'nt picture Tyre-f My cent picture 1 Pym-1' In, cent. picture Tyuu’ lfiy «it picture i Tysou' any can pick“. or null mu. 1 Ysox BROIRERS‘MH the m 3? {qr ' ownmnmcsomx h (1013/ ELO- R NS. The» insuujnpu are unsurpassed (or bunt, lid sweotuaaxot name. A specimen cube seen m-j tested hyf caning It their G .1- 1'". York street, opposite tho Bunk. Gen”. Munit- -, [oa. 21. ~. BRING 04.4308, velo , Lotte: v udMlfigfir, jplifflvfiitwlci’fi WM ho uduxll rate». umunm nml fut rel-i. direéfly ‘ Eflnhlishfixent ' on the Nigh B! 11. J. STAHLE. {lnfill Year- . Greeumount ‘ I , ‘ VALFABLE l l Tulmx THE Hum—MAW 'rms WAY. ' Real and Personal , state ESE-_The umlcriiyned hm: the pleasure ohm-t ' T PI‘BLIC SALE—4n puri‘ nnce of .u -; nounciug m the public llml he hM purchaned A ”.01.“! iiten by‘ the In! w land loan 2the “0f? 0' W'- Mcflndet ”MW“ “'v 6’9““! min! of (:zoum Sharon. decent d, will be of ;lmount. on the road leading from Gettydiurg In‘ {cred M. T’nhlic b‘nle. on the prom ‘5": on Jun. imenilghuu, and will cuminue the busiuoas on f dill/y 1]” 10M day 50f December "s‘" the entire‘ .: nu cnl-rgod acnlr. 110- 'yill min-,EXS‘ kcrp'oug “.’"; Esmtp of 55m (incensed. as (filler. : lentlulargemlnck ol'mh GUUlhjhrocerlc-L: ‘.\'o‘ 1. THE ){ANSIOX of aid diseased, (,‘unt'ectiunflrics. Qufi‘nFWflrcy \\‘doden-wart. ' being: a hllf lot. silmne in Soul“! Bdnimore I, I;.urilvpre. kc (Sun. all ofnhin h will he Kelli M 4 9mm}, Gettysburg! arijoining Haul» _lpricta to wit the limflu MW- ”)‘PSWHVO'L‘N ry (.'amfurt nnd isses Rowe, 0‘ ‘l’ninu, hrng‘; km, ('an be 1.1“] c‘W‘W 3‘ ”‘9 whivh nre era-w n. iconifnrtnbl; l Grcenugoum Store. Friclidnmiye um I call. 'l ‘l'“ o—story ERIC DWELLISG lkuow "I“ “I! 300‘!” ““d "‘3' i’r‘c" ““"n‘" {“1 ' mm which the 61: [ms been intrtidhced. with W plensc. - _ l I a Welt nl‘ Water ear the door, ”stern, Smoke I MY'l-hr- undi-mgned qlsis carries on [my , Home, Wood Hm 51,, cm," Frib. QC (‘MiRLUiI-Z-VAKING business a; glue snme‘l : .\'u. 2' A LOT )F GRUUXD,‘I l lylnce, uml hill-n rare ind‘uccmvnlsdo purchl- ! {'hc shove. cuumi ing; 1} Acres. sat-n. Hp will warrant hu work good, nihiltn on which {lre ere tcd'fl large F his vlmrgw urn nmnng [hp 3110:: ‘modcn'l ('.—i With Threshing F 100" Shodsfiln “UP-”71“}! “0“,“ "" nhort “"“ch ‘ V f riesJiog Pen, he. This lot runs wiluumr: pruduge Lulu-h in emlmng'e'fork inglon street, hm’ ng A front'ofL'T 3"“‘ls‘ ‘ ABRAHAM NA)?" lint-L and grill h suldinlota or ‘ I best suit pnrclum -‘ ' g .\'o. 3.‘ A LUT ‘ of \Vhyhiufl‘on an ‘ Mining 1) firms, I SM. 4. « Tum herlnnd to‘irnshiii H'ulp, Pctc'r hair (John Hum-E. And? more or lchs.) Tl ‘ fiélnis and is the fund in n (mod (:03 ’onltbe Imctn fine“ I 511; lumtml as lo n allol‘wein.‘ This ’ enlire,‘na may beu‘ .Vn. .’u—Jrhu u: ‘; mmUNm fronti ; strrct. adjoining ' mmh. und‘A. “'.l‘ [with n on: and thereon erupted. , i 7 “sol-. l ‘ (pan the qnme «y will he oiTeg ; r‘(‘\idel'll‘c of mid regained, the i {muml propergyw priming of ’i l (‘.lmiri, 4 Slows nd'll’ipe, Cnrh l Ul .sws, l Bi;ll!-( M Clark nndi 2 db“ Sidebmrd, .. np-é, Seine, E H‘ahe. ‘Burenus, iii-lbw min-ls ‘ Nettle. Iron «10.; Kigchen Furnl l‘ Bu". Whei-lfim'n w, .\lcut Vesse ! Alhl. “zlkPi, l-‘o kl,! Shux‘els, ‘r‘ (llminnz lluy and . mm by the tor 'Clova: Seed: l 0 lures of Stuck burg Gas‘Cnmp nygj n first-mg (hm. lnl nfliags‘luuiusz Postm with u variety. of Fum personal ‘ [fr—NA]: tu~ro mu'ence nt 101 o‘n slid any. whéu «tn-urinate. and terms mudr knmi'n by ‘V MOSES McCLE. .\‘ur. 18. 1361. ls‘ W'b'mr and Sentinel copy . Nance. ‘ ’ AWNG dispnu-d of vnystote [:0 .\lr. Ahm -1 }[ hum l’h'uk. 1 Inn-why give' notice m an perun-s knuwing theuHclu-«x inflebtcd to me ‘1‘3”!"!‘ )I\' Non- nnfluuk Amount, In nmke im ‘mpdi .te paym-nt. 34 I \\"ssh' to settle up: my lhminen without th-luy. I “1“le found at 1 (in-t-Ivnmum unul the ‘lx/ anunfm’tg/ nth. ,Al] 'mvmmlc not setllml hvhvcbh‘ this mud Hm: tiuu- “all He left in the land! of nu ofiiccr‘f’ur (‘uilvvtium J. ALEX. HARPER. ,> um 21, mix. ‘ ‘ 'rket. ‘(:R_\l\'\ij\"r -: h‘H‘P him» Hu efchrTnHMann-r in puv tho Mghu-f ff‘urain. le \\‘iH ‘THIL ('nl'.\\'o 1" “Huh- Mlv] RPM“ tl‘rrnrf§r-!o in mm ’ luwl‘st :mxxilm "m- nurstm'k and \\‘hnra " 4 ' One: Price to All. ~ ‘IYE «uhwriherd lmn- zlu pleasure ofinfnrm 'l in! Hacir {tit-nth nud the public generally that vhey hau- jrm-ciwd a full supply of Fall and Wmu—r Gnmli. whirl: they are enabled to scll at, their um Il lnw “tea - " ‘ FURUASH.‘_ Our stock conqisu ‘nr art of Cloths’flnssinioree. l'v—Vlnrs.‘ Snulnvll+lhrk and l’nncy Silks, and- l.~nl\l‘s" knusx ou'c gruergllv. Brmuz unll \\‘hxu:l illuclim, Th kings, Oienlmrzs, Shrol‘mgs. (lnleachcd-Hnr‘l llllbleaclxed,) (Inndn nnul Wuul l‘lunnrle. Flnvking Yarn. nfen‘rr descdplion llnn. \‘.llH.lloot~' nnd Shoes. Bum ml- and \lillinery of all kinds, Remly-m‘udc ClotLinm ‘Hndwarc, Grow-rice, Queenswnru ""4 hrugz, \lluw, (“l and Pain“. hf all kinds; .\lurm'cu nn'l Lining Skin} l‘t‘,\—,‘~. Flu-e Tlnrrwd, llngtlea kc. 'Wo M4O sell the velehmtml New Am'hur Bulking 1‘53, mum wtn'x.” “'sz lux'r. Also, SIM“ d um'quullcd lx’mt Angers -—in fact \u- llu'v'tuwhllxing usually kept in cnuntry Smnv‘h. and aré prc-pnrml In Hell tho-m, \\‘o think. :1 lll‘l" anbr than our neighlmrh. .\‘orlh, Suuthwl‘lau or \\'c~t. Blends, giro us a (all. and cwmmu l’orj younclw-s. 1 ‘ “a me at all times ulmnml tushpw our pgdfi. “a ”2‘1"?“ nur .im-ewtlmuki Jo a gem-runs public furnh» kindm-‘s thus lgll' mnpifesled toward'un, and fool (‘nnfi ij that ln :Il Ari-1: nth-union tn Lmium nl.:l5(:{)r)l) .\xn glumauuons, to merit n contiquam-e ofllv sime. - lUIOFF & (‘0 (:owry ntnrv and ('hrnnic ”th ”‘in" I] Y.. Hle \'Ht‘lu’lx -77.01“: hf ”HG. and u «unified fix its RIIWIIHL‘ afl'hr wlmllv hv any fiu‘d'v‘. - “r3O“ 5" "“1“ :Inw:r?srgfinv‘ M 'H. L._ {Emu-tn, gm. HM! Pmfl'm, hr-Iqt. f'lu-mifl‘k. e. Y‘vmatufl': hot: ml'uzrm. Window flr‘uws kc .kc. ‘ \Qrm in Ho'.'\‘:- mmtnd liha-um-Ifc mu: 3, {IS-113‘” Lom. * 'rns man f‘F\’ , ..W nu’x Fulrfiel-l, Oct. H, 1861‘. -——- f ‘. .untns rnum‘ty in the November . i valuable R6Bl respectfully represent: That T Pltll’ATl-i sun,— ed “le nll hills mhnlitted t LA ‘ MultN’l‘...-This helttttil District 'Attorney end prewntq hle etiuiitry,<t-nt. mlJuiuin,‘ L‘uurt. ‘ 3 , 1 (lelttrhn’rgr. on‘lhe road lent it in grhtilylng to} state the the nnmhbr of nim‘ tl'vredut l’rii'atc Sale. ,I ‘ ~ 2 hills hron‘ght hl-t'urei them WI‘S not. lurge,£nttd Thi: thr’fn Linngn'ng [34 .t ‘RES‘qnlnre or less, ‘ that with «the or two:1 exception ,‘none of them l 0 lull? “on-err] ‘uzhlch are i i tituhjer, nml about here eflt serious nuturo. i i I i 30 acres ot‘ftirumluw hnttnu; there are two ‘ The Jury-cnnnofl refrain f I exqre ling _t‘nun;r Applehttul l‘l‘fll‘ll Or haulage“ ttteprem- their disapprolmtion of the C Miller. 0 the ls€=.'llt‘ land'l“ the red mm in: at: l. susceptible imrt of su‘medustieei ofthe Peat j: in cnile in ufn hiuh sl-tlcfnf cull-Hall in; lime m-ts well ing crlnlinxtl cuse! ofatrivinl c nrtct’cr, Inch upon it :utti‘vlurnluuty: he. :Id 1‘ the Kuilrold tire hrogtght here before the C hrt toibe die ”,fiw,‘ “ MM: 55 in fight. a: l”:l,u~ilt‘sperlitl§hcl. _ "posed of. thus ntlen imposinge hsiderihl ex- Tln- impmrefinints :ire awaaoTy ' ‘ _:_ "pause upon the county. The<el¢xpt§nsés n fight \\‘q-:.tli‘-rl.q..r.lfir llol'S’E“ With 9; , igem-rully rind euxily b 0 nvoideddif Magi-t tea t-cllltr. llauk‘bhihling,liuik 4“"? fifiggfi; ,hefnre Wham parties appear, lulfing lngdc sea, minke—home. ll l-rge Batu “My. were sent ’uthy without taking apricfn pun “in. Line, (:lm‘u (‘.-ill, kc. tnzd‘ther with nll their eonlynlzunts, when the “0| istrate‘ls tis nercuury o-u-lmihlinus. i ronjtph-te nnh-r; ‘ltietl thutthe goodol‘thc comm pity whultl not there in: pump-ht the «burial-ml ti uéwnlnilxug 75nfl‘vrthm-ehy. ll 1- r ' sprsng or senti‘clmo hy. Willuby’w llun )‘ The Inquest hnvejvisited the'pounty; Prison, lmnnuls the w’est end ol‘the Harm. i This thpcr- ‘find are happy to my that "ii tomfitiq‘n in t\ will he shown by Mr. Jinl n Hurting, living (which they found it, in regard {to t-leilnlihees, on the premises, _nr by the lsuhrcrlher in (let- "kt-”fastery entlnl‘actory. shofilng the; Sherifl’ tqurg, : . l ‘ Sitmual “’nlfund fitmily have fled every [fort .\‘o. 2: ()l'llllERl.A?\'l) F.\Rll.—Tliis Flu-m ’to secure the romtbrt nnd w I beingo the is :ils‘n a hzunlmme itndr red desirable property, unfortunate individuals confined within, its situate nu ting-T:gne_\-to\i'ii rh:ul,fonr miles from walls. A 3 regnrde, the Henrik; of mi: ‘nerl Gettysburg.rmmunmg tilts ACRES, moreN‘rfiof desperate chttrnlcter, this llgiqnest cli3lnet |n==_‘ Ahulfl In! r:wms‘are in timlver I"]de to but condemn the insecure c‘hditiott o the 30 ncre< in tut-:ulmv. This: land Tin also of theN:nnd,wnll,efl‘ording so mnEy fucilltie; for rcllgmvel snil hind. clear hfstort‘es, easily rul— the scnpevof prisoners; and ould therefore [l\ll(otL|erd|l(‘(‘§ “ell. “mills gimme-hf being ‘l recon end that at least twdo has cells would highly iniprt‘itfid. All it Wanti in make it. oneJ be.so re ired as to {render the learned against at the but firr’uw in the neighborhood is a uuod l the efl'ons f prisoners to elf qt their eségzipe, {trim-r uml it little lime. which elm nlwn_t§ be ! and would erefore urge I‘ n the? County hall either :it’l‘il‘ll‘l sbur; pr at Limit-How», at l Commissioners he necessity dl‘ hiring the". I‘.” cents per-xiiiiellc], There i: n_v lung Apple cells secured as reuomlm-ndetl l j ‘7 an?! Peach Graham] and two springa‘ ol‘ wnteri ' EDW. AIL-INT RE, Foreman. "our the hOII‘B. :Iml u stream oflvg'atter cros'scs William Ncl‘leuf, 1: tab Rules, " the suuthseull hithc Etrm nmtr the bKildings.— Jncoli Bowers, Sn ‘nel Alwmé, The improvements nre it _one aniln .tn 1 ~ Samuel Welcome, .l n Rider, 3 . llatlfé‘lnry Stone House. lithe-oven, (32"? .It JttaeplhAfimitlh, J ltn Becker, 5 “ Smoke‘honaem large buuhle lint , 373% _ l fienry Beitler.‘ - G ' rge Spengler, with “'.tgop shells, (“urn L'rib._"‘" 3".“ ', Jolin Kinemund, Irma Rife, A llog l'en, nnul all nercssary Mitt—buildings.) Philip Beumer, \V . Thain"... churt'h. mill and ulwnHtousc it'll close by, in t r Edger L. Jenkinr, (lira. B. “unit, a healthy and pleasant neighborihood and guad Jena 11. Hutton, ‘ ~ E. inl, , sm-ietv. This ‘propetly will] be, shown by Mr. . Georgi- Slngle, Daniel Lchhe Wm. Keefuiver, lirlug uprn it, ur h - llr. John 5W- 2351561- '‘ " Black ntljniuiltg._ Terms my. _ N 0.3: A “UNABLE MILL PRUPERTY, cnutuiniug 3% ACRES of Hindi to to at which are in lllnlfi‘l'. situate otte-hulflul .1 mile S. ‘ W. from Littlestatur. the terminus pf the Railiioml.i The imprmetneuts are it Tti'wsmry ‘ , ‘ l’rnme .\HLII ,llUL’h‘l'l,; v‘lrith Sheds, 3‘ -.. having all the necessary machinery as] (or' .\lerehtutt. works ‘A‘ large Twa- " lsm, LOG lluUSl-I wit Bdstmenl; Stat-la; lite. This is every deiirnhle pmperty and will he sold on aucommodatitiz terms. )lr. 'l‘hos. lli ldle, living on the pre ises, will show it.— Cull rind see it. ' , - GE“. ABSOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 14,18 ‘l. 3m W road? WWW )KE/k (10.. nmk, -rf. I'Wl/Ir/ahahiur’P {m ”w S‘t‘rl-t uv 3f Hum 300 k M t c 31‘ Trs‘uuurv _\l A . lnf‘M-rt‘u nn‘l thr ‘ - . win rI-mn'm lon‘n Rh ST"RRT,‘II'}I§H till 51’. \L. mulun A .hnnmiq-nmn 4.:- l\""j)l)H'.L \R<‘. 'ywérrmu'e \\‘n “s xxn v‘w mum: gin 48121.1mmhh. co'nrl‘rkihlqa into n «mm :11 the ugvh'uu Irv .\Um- has inhr ! mm 1m c'nl ufl'l‘tntj t we‘- a’r} mnmha, per day m. with M. : mnv “0 made in ‘f :\n_\ “film Phil».~ «n nmit by their n.- h\‘ vrwwrnx. m :u'g'ry \'th~~' “'in he smhx ‘u each sub lv Jir-H. ‘ f ‘ d-I tho in‘orvshfrdm gin“ m» "Tn-é. 1m be: l’hEl—er‘n‘l’ln 4 y nu c lCh fifiy dul rit.tinn Arf,4nt 1; V; ('0 J‘ m‘kfld. ird Street, I’hilzld roqu‘nfufly informs mimic. than he has ‘6 \.-1-I‘|m-&<, 'lu (flu-- l lhe’ohl‘sland 01' J. to receive a liberal llu mutants all his g to hp .suh-‘t-Intial. of the Fakhioni. «to Mt" all tastes. Give {\lso rcmbvci Cream ‘lutliing: in 11' short Argos Snfisf‘u‘tim} [0.4. 4. ism. .Ahead. 1 ectfufly inform; the men the 6‘, \‘i‘dlLU‘rE J} bushes; in all‘ in i m any uhupdu'lhc ‘ led to {rive satkhc ry prwlyuejaken in km prion. . )1. TUWSSLE‘II'. G). ipton, .1: Notl e. , DANIEL REILLY’S E .TATE.-—Letters fies , tanmntlry on the og‘ttte of Dnniel Reilly, hm- of .\lout‘nplensnnt toynshjp, Adams couno ty, decegscd, hu‘ving bran ‘gmnzed to the undersigned, residing in, titanium: township, be hereby gives notion to pll pcmnsfinlcbted In said estate to make immediate payment, ml (hose llm’ingcluiins against thellnme to present. them pruparly alithenticdud for fielflemenl. . JOSEPH LILLY, Ezeculor. . 303'. 4, 1881. “2.1 . . Call at Samson’s. ‘ AVING. te‘urned fr§mtho war, (the stock H beingsumevhat neglected in conaeqrwnue or b’umsuu being sick,) nut 45 A. BOLLINGZB. is‘ at home again, a first-rate assortment of CLU’NUXG, &c., has bken forwuded, which will bu Sold as heretofore at the RIGHT PRICES. N. E. Gomerof the Diamahd. ueuysburg, Aug. 19, 186 i. 1 ER, North-€ 359. cor (m‘u door to Me n-g, P 3,, when he eadv to‘gmen-l to pH as also gxceileut n's 'sntixfu:iion. Give 11m. 3, mo. in have on hung two MN “ARES. which This is 4 fine op -urc xx Valuable lahor 1. Cut! and look at [11327,1861. tf inure-3 are securely water proof. entirely durnbl ‘uusurpjssad. warranted. m put upin lnr [Oct 21:18“. HE aubgcriber intending to go into numb" T busing“, offers the good will and fixtures offirhis Restaurant, in Chtmbersburg street, fur sale. The. Restaurant blah géodjrun ofcuslom, and win he sold cheap foi‘ cunt. Eat-If appli ucion desired. ‘ GEO. F. EUKENRD'DE. 49:21?anPwfiet-Jh‘ffil:w-._; MALL PHOTOGRAPHS for $1 yer dozen, ' u Tysoqs'gky.w Gallery. ‘ ; 'n k SHIELDS. V m Estate - ‘ .\'o. I: SGREHNZ rul an! very dl‘r'il'fl - thu‘lhnuugh o,‘ ling tp‘ Fuirfiuld, is Restaurant .For Sale. @EWIKCD F Guam), 1 Byeckiuridge orb or less. ’l‘ 0!“ LAN), :4 . . , » I, adjoining: 1n nappruer, Dr. ‘ )thdrs, contain is I}.th I: div icsgl‘qunlity al‘l ‘ c M cuhivuti princofm-Ler 'ord ncceu tot mm). will be 0: ‘ suit purcims I divide-d hair , 3 ion Brcck lliegi on the (‘ lemming on t half story I" ~ Grand Jpry Re 10 mt: mmnmnu: 'ru 71 THE-I (.'UK‘R’I‘ OF QI'ART OF. .H‘MMS (.'UI‘N’TY z—Theh‘. Notice. {3' , ACOB HOECHT’S ESTAnfir-figtgegg of m- J ministrniou on the estme £3: Jami.) Hoccht, h‘te ‘of Laximore iownahip, Adams county, decease‘d, having been grau‘ d to the under signed,r¢sidihginlhesnme to Jighithprfl by give no'ire‘ to all porso‘nd iudebtgd to aid cstnté‘to make immediate payment, Ind those having chums against the “me to present. them proparly audienticnted for «Moment ‘ SUSANNAE HUI-303W, { «some Rpmxs‘rw, Nov. 4, 1801. 5!. {{ iAdm'n. Noticea; . . ALENTINE OYLER‘S ASTATE.—-Letterl ‘ of “minimgal‘mn on the bptnte of anemino Oerr, late of Franklin diwmhip. Adam! county, deceasednhnving beé‘n grllfled to m. undersigned, residing in Gift“): township, be hereby given police to A! ‘person: indebted 19 said estate to make immediine payment, and those having clnims against 11qu same to present. them properly authenticatedr‘for settlement. ' ‘ JACOB K. ‘OYLEII, Adm'r. oa. :3, mm m 1 Notice. ‘ ‘ OHS “'EIKERT’S ESTATE—Letters tu tnmeutnry on the ammo! John W'eikert, hue of .\lountpleasant township, Adams co., deceased, having been granted m the under signed, residing in Germany mwnnbip, ha here by gives notice to all persons indebted to laid estate to make immediate payment, nnd {hose having claims against the same to present than propeny Authenticated for leulement. PETER. WEIKE‘I‘, Ez’r. Juan C. Dun-nu, Agent, Mountplwam Ip. Oct. 28, 1851. Gr : J O‘UNG Men”! Full styles of But! Ind Cap: 20 per cent. luve'r than own] price n B. F. McILBEXY’S. LARGE Assortment o A tar-proof Boots, 0d! gnu, he” just mind an- Qflqfl. B. EMI RATUGAND FAWMLV JQURNALD “nun ls licnfl‘n‘n wxu. run'lL." GaLTTYSBURG, PA.-, MONDAY, DEéJ- 9, 1861- .’1 u 4 ‘ - ~ 1 ' ‘ i i. ’Tis sweet to think'wb’cn fur Away In othér hind: our [a Jutepn any, 0! childhood'nihappy home—- '_ When-o'er we Hamil-haw“ bur lot, Fond_memory clings to that dour spot, Around the old ‘henrth-stbne. .1: ’Tis sweet to (hibkfif hilt-yanking, ;' . O‘er Which hape'a rvpin'bowtmited ray! In ‘golulen circléis hung—4l , ‘ Mei lifigbtly rum-d meme; soffur, . Undiinéyed by cluudn of griyf ‘pndqu-e, . I‘th o‘¢r us ‘6‘?" ‘l'}- fl'u-‘F. , . "rip sgwéet to think ‘pf t‘hosel’ ya: dear,“ . By tig‘m of love nmUkindredhmm, 3 - ' 'rhgrriends mu mum (fist; . . ' And twine Erbudd éncb loq‘edguno's name 0f rfigmoriusweoq an‘ endlcs‘g clmjn,’ TEN plumbed]: on {ol‘-cv‘pr. .lf "“5 Wm to think mg if no ium L , We shall! meet on» Time's blexy‘fkfllprej ' Egg urmly liefi are then; ‘ ' ‘ Thnyoice agnig’jwtj’ll re-ufiilé— ; ‘ lu rehl_ s übmfi of fudeles’p li’ ht, J . ‘ W 'l4 meg: nngin in ‘i““.l"rf‘“l3 ‘ sTis glw;et to think,§ns on weiélide'; AdoWu,Time’s swift uncertain tide, _ With cares of We nppresw «, Thnflfd} above yoni star-lit do: ‘1 'v. V Maitslus we're a h'appjumn‘p, ‘ 4:\ ome ofenxfless rcgl. ; ' y "a M» " - st. mmnzi. n the rear of I ore or loss, I' A “E HAHN, , ling. “num .nch '0 Wm]:- l feet on slid I mine a} may t the aim-net steels] wu- \ 1 lfllxuteinCuyn ds of Henry hu‘id study, ng 13 Nib" (lcd‘ int? fuur ’grunile lmhd. n. Thin-re is find thd fields It: Wink-ff from red in buy» I- . i {,l a LQT, OF ' at and I}; 'q’west, km] Lnu: wows : mnininig p‘er yldes. Maud-z, Mug, Leaking ‘39:, 1 Mame-l qsk undiluok ‘ iSflfe, Copper tfure ; Smp‘ of ; l-‘gr thr z(‘wn‘m‘lm ' e Aspirations of‘kouyh. You! jnyous! to thée in life}; gay mom': in! the rth and hlkuverkareinew and. won (lerful: their brodd skieu and buundlesgt ocean‘s em to youlns if ctefnjly was spread before :yi'm in it! mighty egrpnpqe your‘tiny l 50111:: 5H5“ with edithmiaam jig nightrgoffl?! steals o’kr the World clothe‘d in nflnantlé gemmw! with millié’us of lhe‘qtar-eyed hosts of hem-in. f , )' ‘ ‘7 'l\\'inliowing '1 nhersk flow ,CJrn-fod or, 'in the Get ys ie freihé M lc‘h 'hcmuQ its, ’uopert'y. ,‘ 'cxmk,{A.jM., Infill b’q gp'cn . \ .‘1 , Ezrautar. = J _ ‘ Thought forsakoh the wireq‘t’h of ‘momoryi and skings iLa nlngic lnmfis that are 50‘ hlnzinglév snt in tlie etheriallxpum‘; there,’ touchniq by the mj'stic powei-s of imaginali tion, itgcrentoi filings nnd‘beingu 'which have agility onlyi’p the 51%]1e of fancS'.-"-% Yet clliidhood‘s soul dolightsin these fairy like wfpiwingg of tile imagina'lion, lulled ini its sonhiiferm‘m flower, it, di-ealns‘ ohly of i heaven‘nnd the bright angelic Miiiéé 'who snrmoigpt the “ filler-nu! throhe of th§ most Ill!“l."'; . ‘ ' Howfnglorious itgis to thorn to watfi: the sun ”I" in the_ far “first Amid'agolden illower i of pearly clofids, find to see fthg (lovie‘oeyeii ngoon with her silyery {min of glory, as she gi'eetsrtjhe world nkcampanieill by star-eyed plunelfif that. bland forth iu'llhe glittering . galaxy‘vaith lheirsistemtho bfightnnd' beau-‘1 §i£ul “#ng atarsthq't tremblein glue henvxé‘n- ! ly dis?» m of on: Maker :‘ theyvare indeed fit em lems of the guileleg‘s. and lovely childrg‘ that gniesd wistfu‘ylly into their Eelesti‘ql ahiide. l ‘ E I ’ v‘ Wh’riis there Wklfl‘li he so‘esl’ the admira lion “it, h which 1:0th regnndfi the roai-ing Magma as it swieepslhumleiigg down a‘ migh ' precipice; into the foaming water! beneal , can say in his heart; there hunt)l Gixl! ;g;'rhe poweiful Missisqlppi. as it rolls Baldy} o’er the r'noulder'ing; body of Her nandque Soto. jdins‘ in tvheg‘ohbms of uni vumliipnise to" the God, 36f; ‘earth ‘and ‘ heaveki. When i‘ending some: ‘books‘his-i Lorie of noble d‘egdsa perforlhqfl by youths 'in ti es long «ince past, theil‘ spirits are rouse? and they Jupire to gig-ed: as worthy of am; it and renown u thesis of thc‘ir‘fore fathe ‘ Adtn ofipzuriotisin hie theii-‘glory. “Hi her, highci, ill the, climb, ‘ . EEG” mount 0&0“, . ‘ , ‘ Th weir num'da any live throughout time, ‘ [d their country story." i , Y 4 how often; done see these fair plum pd uhi‘racions qd golden hopes doomed even {lO Be dmlr‘ yed: soon; too soon, the “hliflxting hang of death” snatohas the 'most’li promiging; youth frplgv'our midst;— E‘But as! all huinnn hopes fire built-to de fcay jike the ma snow-83kg u elting in the ‘ snn‘si} nyl—thefbrightut d} ‘ my Be our wort. , ‘ : HI'IMH-t. OF [:R SEsSI ms ‘ud In ‘ueft of Possimi, 5861. my hm‘p [fuss i . them“ bx the I. them. tor the last. 1 Although llife nt bestfi‘ but of short Rim-salon, yet no] one shpuldj glect Que im~ movement of it; many may nave nbilities ‘and not. éxerc'ue them ; “ dil -ence‘ insures' success, while idlenesi deem) ‘ a character ;” ‘talenta not impll'ovecl‘ are n grfnt deal worse than none at all; If the “ nus-om of life ”is ; spent in usefulnless, the sunset of mortality ‘ will be a glorious one plhcii‘ pure and holy‘ * spirit: will be ushered in the péaenoe of l their God amid the Anthems ofthe clteruhlma l and semphimifand well done than good I and faithful Berfnnh'wi'll be echoed through the heavenly pand'lse. I. w. I Meclmnicsville. , , , ”My little boy, riding bomeywith me one evening. brimful of enthusia‘sm nnd_ fun. hnving evidently “ mafia §good.day of il,”ibroke out. in_this whelv—f‘Ob! pal there is such n nice little girl comes to {school—little Katy D———. 401: ! oh! she 13 such a. nice litfile girl! I like little Katy 'D-o-—, (and looking me full-in the face, with a Voice slightly lowered, and 3n earn est motion of the head.) I'd many her, p 3, ifl knew how.” . ' " GA. poor Smmsn. who)!“ uttendgd men! confimalions. wu It length §e~ cognixed by the bishop. “ Pray, has I not-eon you has before!” said his lordship. , .. "Yes," repkied the wow, “I got me confirmed uoftann X «many mum: in [ood for shabrhoauu'til.“ ‘ . . Men'l 'hea'y Wu.- ‘Bnota, heavy Bro for all: cheap, 4 . lemma. 11•11 @ll2 «£3lm. rug swan? To Hunt. IMO Lettpr from 001. Biddle, of Philnielphi The Hon. Charles; J. Biddle, Rep eaten a tive‘in Congress, from the 2nd district’of Philndelphia, nnd‘: Col. of a Regiment of Pennsylvania Resbrvps. lnving returnq’d from arrive. (lutyr “F the seat of war. where he has been serving since the breaking out of the war, a numlier of lgis'friend‘lj invited him to meet them} at a jaublicxdingaer, and 'the following mrréqundence pushed upon tlxe‘ subject. Cleßlddle. it willée seen, declares‘his purpq‘de to resign his {pommiyp sion in the, army. “:7 ol‘kd‘xence to {he wifilx-y' a: of his constitiwhts. that be {mu} devote 1 his whole time infill energies In the lnterésts of his District. 'rgn's letter of Col. Bid‘ le ' contains truths so ell ntated. first we co ‘ -‘ meqdjtn wrusal . our readers. fooling 0 ii fident {Exit ihpla'n and‘tvuthful s! emenls must mod: the ”prowl of ‘eve g V d- Democmt 2 . ; V . 5 ; .an (he'llnn. Cm 'nce .1. Emma. Sn somlj‘ l. , PEAR Sun-W havelearngd (in. (ma - ing with murl: pl urn of’ your roux n. up n : a visit of nfew do} .tn your fomilyi, Wit \- ; out wishing to M} ropriate to ouritlves : n } undue portion of: the time_ which; n. b. -f irospite from you lutins' in he ' M m _v plane at your dis nl. we beg on mlf_ f your felloiy-oltize , tn :ugqu the rapt-i y of your affording hem an a par ‘vu‘ty f i taking: you by the land and rinssn ing v u of their ,continuecl confidencd) in y ur nb li~ ‘.ty and patriotiarhl. It will 'ive am. 5| 0 small gratifivatioli if it shoufd b‘ in ydur pow" tn nmnen (l y upnnw nigh i av m’py tnnder you the’cd‘, plimemofp pxblic 'n~ nah. i ‘ v I ; You will perm} m to expregs the h e th'at your profit-no in Philndqlphin may a .nnly warm-Mow 0 assuming you: so’at in thr (‘nngrpu which iv. abnnt'to 1m mbl ' } The cirviumtanc “ nttending‘yn ' re'c t elwtion tnthis bm v, the strong d ,lnrat n of the. wielxos and 'xpectaiions of our 0 n stituenh, in‘ mnfl‘rring upnv‘n yo, , dur 3 your absence wit the army-and}: with t isnlioiuuinn on yo r party. a fiosiii 11 ML - (led at this time it}: peculipr re nsi fili ty, are. we (nut, ‘nnh as my in me on to relinquish. at lgmt‘for the n nt, t at military lit"? in wlfiuh throng}: rrn t an one campaign. you-have already came a. just distinctinn. ‘ _ f n , We‘ are. with much .regard, yo r frje d: and follow-cilizensL . . ‘ ‘l‘ J Geo. Shagflwm€L P. J. lnuofioll, . , Ilenrv ME Philly‘s, P. Moflnlm ’ Wm. L. Hint, t John Cadp’wlnd , ‘W. H. Dtnyan F. Fraloy. l A A, V. Pm’uun. l . Josiah Mxidnllc Gmrgn \Vj'. Blddile, .G. 81. Wlln’rtun; - GJM. Dailas, ‘ ' ('. Ingersollfi \‘ E A d others. , i 'f To the; Honprnhlv ‘mrqe M. D.|llm,l('l| ‘ leg J. Ingorspll. Pll er M'vull. .l’uhn Cudw la. dear, GM; Shuts“ d. A. V. Parsons. Pi d~ erlc-k _Fi'n’ey, I eury M. Phillips; E. 15.. i“ and am; rs: ‘ . Gmllmz‘n‘:—-I ‘ve had .tlm ensure} to receive to-«lny. y nr communic inn. Qnd be: you‘to‘nvc’opt y thanks for la". first or ing tern“ in whirl! you have n‘ xprewked your yimrg. upon 'hnt. has beam] to m , a ‘suhiért of’nnxiouslrefloclion. f-‘ I It has been .my earnest desi e, nt ,tln‘s wrest junior-9 in our Nationaliall‘aim} to cirehiy h mble sen-vices wligre’ lev may hetlmost usrful tq _my count '. ;“Vltll this pnrpme I took the field ; grill 1: lilll)‘l,l'lu ritig the poring! ofthe Extra qusi n_ nose-pa rnt’e ‘nml important commands; ‘ did not. fnél at librrty to quit it to take the soot in‘ Concress to whichfiyou hud,ih my? abso ‘ce, eluded mo. i - . i “ R l have come. for a dnv or tivyo. lfrom i great camp in frnht of Washinmen, wl; I command a regix’nent that has i» "u it} smurco of the highest pride an soul-i tion. and l shalll ve it. withflfcdl gs Q zret Hm I Will an attempt to'exfp sh; But: I ‘yield to th‘ represehiatinhs ol‘ wishes of my cnnfilituvntsfconv‘eyhd to in your letter nndl in other forms.. I a! therefore. tended through the proper; thorities. the resignation of my mil] commission from the Stato. and as g representatii’e. will return to \Vashingt it is true that. according to high out 0. lies, I might nt onee hold the two :05“ ms. but it is plain that I could not pe fo‘." the duties of. both. and, waivinthhe hare gal question, it seems to me to be incompatililia with the charqcter of trepresentative apd a legislator to be a paid ofiicer snbj to the ,orders of the Executive. and rose tin his place only by the revocable {have 1' a military superiorl 1, I have. therefore, ranch— ‘ed the conclusiom that your represen tire ; must not non ha thus trnmmollcd 1 yet. 'shoulll the tide ofl war. indeed. r9ll a: und [‘the Nationol cilpiiial. I hope tlmt liny eth ‘ ren in arms will mi room. in their r Dkl, l for one soldlc-r mdré. ‘ i.‘ ’ ‘ My politiedmpinions are what :Lhoy , dways been. I 1" am a Dammit-'- moro one than stfthis’hour. 1‘ john kit. was with my name upon you? be ‘that you overthrew the Repuhl'x‘tan“ in this citv. ‘*j ' f ~ When ‘_l my I m a Democrat; X dd, roman that l-hel ng to any knot of ticians. fivheb say] am a. Deinoc l moan than hay I )pver rnnintnined notional principl ‘which. under (30d, nnd‘preserved us a nation ; ‘thosq; gre tion principles f Justicepnd equali all the Styles w 'ch. so long as they pnu‘ticed, made but varioun inati and int; rchanzea )le commoditie ho st; ength ond'uni rather than 3431“: strife. . l 'i This, at least, may say for the erotic ptrty—Ait rs. at their truep’nl i {mm-6c theodes,lthe whims, the “ the qt cation! of f mere phrueol'ogy men. calling themselves summon, preferred to peace. to union, to the pmgress and dev‘élopment of each a and all races in due relatiOn to natur"l cau~ see. This, too. wie may say for the semo— erotic party—while ll maintaineq itflsway, “ Secession ” was :1 little. baffind ‘plique; as the Republican Pony rose. “ Sece‘ssiou’f/be came “an army with banners" “ g" Nor was the foresight of the Bfopigfilicnn leaders wider than their patriotism 7‘The false prophets of the par! ,prmnis their followers that three months should 6 the end ol' all the trouble. and whon wn§ came upon them even/then they wapte only three months'yolunteera to end‘ it. They created nndfostered that intoxic‘atigawlf confidence/that was the causedour‘ rlier reierses. They had so persistently bused that part of the American people th ‘ lived across ageogmpbicnl line, that. th y had come. It last, to underrato and (leapi them, and Republican oratory summoned ' hear ‘on "01;!” s‘t‘em encounters. but nly so a ge.~ ,- . ”aha: tr: notional flog gvss‘tfiruo I=l MN - g- -._, r—« <~—~- -, at Charlmlon. and the nntionnl capital was threetand'd hv SWsion‘ the North row like .oma Jmn- The world saw with Astonish. monlt the great uprising of the people.—,;— Eurqiie reiiidged the inane in our favor; yet, a itlizmutten wit‘h blindness. the Reput» , lien [antlers «eemeifiostriving to waste and i diui at instoad of stain; and nne.the no ble ‘ at rial for grvnf‘u'rmies which wM,‘ wit‘fism , ly nny limit. placed at their dili po. . ~ he soldier who ofi'ered himself for the Imu ie service found tlnt he mutt eat-- wignnm politician hefnre he could he allow.l ed the p ‘vilega to fight or die for his ooun-j try. l M n began to buy that the war was to‘ be made “ a Black Republican joh.”~ Po'liti un§ were put at the head of troopsj i—ptilitirinns who thought that to .wear 13093 audifentherg, and to pocket pay wan the) whqle dim: of the 'ofi‘icen-Jmsting and? frol ningland speech-making took the plnéel of winning and discipluxmmnlmhile the ofli—J cer _pnutbd and revelle’sl, the rank and file: wer , whim! of the first right—the right to ski! l‘ul ‘guidnnce and instruction“ The reins were nominally put into the: hands at} I vehernhle chic-{min : hut every politicihn,i ererv " thle editor." tool: is pull utthem.l till E‘ho upset the coach. 3 A minimum of" ‘f On to Richmond.” thel Not-g), with its teeminu pnpu Minn. fount itsv out numli'erml at ew-ry point of tlm ‘ nonfiict..nnd the battle ol'-Bull Run proved, the Adminifitration had known neither it , own strenllh nnr the enemy's. “Whet thon were our legions?" we may well i» t fpr it. But the battle ol‘ Bull Run was no , :witlmut it< fruits for us. Pnnic-atricke aelflqhiima talking self~preservatiom lighto on than whq could save» it. The direclio of- he army pmmed into the hands of 3013‘ die s. A General, born here among u&, re‘ ‘ sto ed to their due suprennny the martin , virmrs that insuri- success in war ; traine ,l ant? compotent officers seconded his elforta { scores of _‘imheciles have been pushed on 1 ol' hogvice ; and this good- work still p gr fies. ‘ . ' he Demoérntic party will sustain th ‘ m -—lhe McClt-Hunu. the Dummy—rib; ha e=in charge the honor of our flag pd la and sen. l.«t.,evr-rywhere,tho poopl l qu in office men who will not, see the Mi 1 hgatfn become “a party 10M” lot the Admin . istgfllon of the government be such as l hlt not. not. repel. the doubtful Suites. , l‘ Thin the noblest mav _be ¢ontinued wil ' an: ass and rnded with honor. We mn l yet; see the Million ol‘our nntimml trouhltm'f l th e twin fomentnrs'ofdimord-the Abbllr 1 ti ' IFtS ohm: North and lhe'STecessionist'i x of m Soulli—tréducad again to the harmlksh‘” insignifit‘nnqnaL in which Democracy lon‘ he d them. And ifthe event‘baflles the»: h ~ the Government that embraces thé gr nt,rlch nnd populmw Slutes‘ofithé Xnnlj, m , st Eibk to no humble. nn degraded plnop Minna the nations. National p‘ros’perity j‘ tr nndrlyéalliod to national dignity to an; fed. us to slund in the ‘relution pl the vari qulslied to those who npyu-rmn tec'ede fro geographical connection; with’ whom clo relations, warlike garx amicable, must conli - usylways.’ . ' he Democratic party naught: to keep t pénce among the Staten with honor to them ME; hut while the mu- laetn, int‘o’which t. , Altolitionists at" the North and the“ preci - it ioniats "of the Scull: have hurried u , le us demand that A firm and wipe Adini - in ation ol' the govormnvnt shall em 3 a ‘ l-honp‘tly apply our military rvsnure . inf} which the natinm must famous‘iu ur h. e nomurpassed nor oquwlleil us. . lFix c 0 uxion. gc-ntlt-nanot me any th t l- m dt‘t‘ply BPnElllll‘ nflhc honor ofrefm ‘ ‘ie ting this old éity : for our. District is thin olfbity that our farm-rs kne'w and loved. ' Ms your roprvmntntive. l_will oxercise‘t e ri‘"llt of free .«xpeech‘. and mllutrivoto nmi p taln. fin- nll, the cl'mrlhllfll righiftho (=llan ujhnt ofwhiuh constitutes civil liberty. l filly éthy here does not allow me unmet: the compliment of n. puhlic dinner. which yml do me the honor to invite me. lh‘o sec vol: and other valued friends w ll atltime'e afford the mmt pleasure to , lßexpectfully and truly youroh't. servant. i . CHARLES J. BLDDLE he ere mo ah— .re— the me KL”. nu: my our : Names of the Ono-um. ‘ ; gAn exchange paper gives vlint Mite d fl'erent name: of the party in“ opposili n the Demon-any. M follnwn: . t 1 1773. Nova Scotin Cow Boys. 1 ”1789. Blank Cockades. ' .- ‘ £lBOll. Anti-Jofl‘ersouiftn Improvem'txgn. £lBll. British Rank Mvn. ‘ .l ' 1511?. Peace and Su ission Men. 1 1813. Blue Lights. E ‘ 181-1. Hartford Conventioniats. ] ‘ 1816. Washmgtnn Society Men. ‘1 #lBlB. No—parly Mon. 2 I 31820. Federal Republic-m; 4 ‘ $1826. .\fim‘onui Republican». 1 . ilfifl. Anti-Mamba. : ’ ' I 1834. Afiti~MamniaWhigL - ; 1 $1336. Gonservutivas. ’ " . ' g 1837. Independem Democratic Wlll . 1840. Big Cabin and Hard Cldnrfivhgp’. g 1843. Naive Amt-tion Whigs. ' ''4 i 184%. Conn Party. ' s . 1 z 1945. The Whig Pariy. . g ‘ .1 1846. Mexican Whig Party, 1 3 1847. The Arm-W Party. ‘ 1‘ 3 1848. The Rough and Ready Party. ;' € 3 1852. The Fun and Feathers Party. 1 ‘. 1854. The Know NothingPu-cy. i - ‘ 1855. The Peoplegx’ Party. 1., = 1 g 1858. The Republican P9opleni'l’artyi ‘; 1860. The Republican Party. ‘ 3 a 1861. The Republican Union No-Pmy 1? Party. ' ' ’. E , AVG ever :11“. bars u ‘ ‘y, ' Rhyming- in Heetipg. }- = * Old Dr. Strong, of Hartford, whose nimo ism! n praise in the chugchos, haul “19n _, rtunate habit of saying :muliug thing gvhen he meant it not go. As when hejwu presiding in 3 meeting of ”mining”. :pnd iwhining to call on {me of motif in o¢mo {orwud and offer prayer. he said; ¥ ; 1:131 e thé r "18,7, that hnve »: dual tion, “ Brother Colton. . s ‘ 01 Bolton, . _ ‘ } Will you step thin‘tuy, ‘ind pm, 2!) , Ix." ‘ X To which M}. Cohen im‘modistely" m-' Iwened, without interiding lto fperpounu pnything of the same sort: ,' ‘ ' ‘ “My dear brother Sting, : A You do very wrong. ‘ ‘. To be making I rhyme, f 3 ; At. such I solemn minis.” I ' And then Dr. Strong ulded‘: : _ ‘ “ I’m‘very 56:17 to ‘see ‘ That you're just like me." I ‘ The good men Would not. for the win-id, have made jest: on such an own-ion f‘bnt ,they qould plud the same exam for flhe‘u rhymel that thaboydid for whinlin'g in animal: “Idkln't wbiodwoir; it whfitlgd shell I” . down • I , ~ ,r Eiiiiiii TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ 11.. I=l2ll Blue: st Hilton Held. } The UMWI“! in" fiubiiabod M 137 interned mount-‘0! the coming in of t (Inn: At Port Royal. From «woul guillo men who have recentiv returned from that t m we learn facts which ore to be rolled ion A: true) The negroea have some to tho I fort to sell .provisiom, poultry, dim. and i their supplies‘ have been bought. Other! i hue come from curiouity and loiterod ‘ wound urbilo, going “my again when they E pleased. About 160 Immsin in’tha fort, ; huring been employed to work, rewiring F nlions and eight dollars A month. The tot-l number that have ”9"“ in on any and ‘ every pretext does not aim-ed three hun— , dred 3nd fifty. No indication had been ‘ giron of. nny desire to lccopt liberty-u a‘ Iwrmnnanpy. Their nthwhment to their I masters sud the “miller to whiz-h tin-y be -1 long'does not seem. to be diminighgd, and there no iirge numbers, probably ch nurandl ‘ ol'-them in the neighboriiwd who hnvo not ‘ come in 10" the fort st all. No reliance is placed on any information they give. The army oflioers appear to think thare is some reason for the Southern luv of excluding négm testiinony. The’ remark in very coni tripn that- n negro will ‘IIIWH' a question precisely as ho think: you want him‘w, union; he has on end ol' his own to derve. when {that wili determine hil reply. The idea of pasting musket: into the hunds of such men as the slaved at Port Royal. is 'considered ridiculous as a military prb'pmi tion, and can be regarded only in the light of a. proposal to incite them to murder their Inhalers and mistresses which unions who has seen them believe: they Would do. It is said that A visit; to South Carolina) has already owned the eyes of many gorilla mon. of i‘urmgr abolition inclinnlionn, to some new fact: in flavour—Warm? of Com- 71W ('6. ‘ ..._—......r...» .- ———-—- -_- _‘Rvp blimn Inuitutionq.—John 0. Fremont; in Ifeecb made by‘him at St. Lbuis, on his a ival than from Springfield. any: that his confidence!‘ in-our Republican Innmw firms is “nlnendy somewhat wavering."— This is; an exlraordinary remark to coma from a Genetnl‘in the United same. Army. There link been a general suspicion that he virho has 11qu royalty in his Mylo of life, (In! in his mannerpf _conducting his mili tary afi‘aix‘s, and whose soldiers have has“ taught aubqrdinntion to him instead of to 'the government. iinot In very strong friend of Republican institutions. But, no one (ex ‘pectod‘a goufsmion so won. The phrase, whiclmviz'l fierhapu be npblogitad for u a slip ofithe tongue, ought never to hnva es. cnpgd‘the lips of a chdblicnn General.— The podple will not trust him in defending institutions, in whine permanency and beéuty he has buck-wavering faith. n—n is annoying sometimes _bo notiée with what facility membctrs ol' thewliepubli can party can blow hot and cold in different 'looalitia, whén it. sum their purposes.- Silica the election, when" they were Union nien in the Democratic counties, and. straight-out Republicarin in ,the Oppositioh couhtieae no instinco has (alien under our observation ishowing the]? national proclivi iie's stronger, than that. of two cases where the army vote, was for and a'g'nimt them.—- In both these localitios the Republicans with tho keonést uvidit’y seized upon the army vote, and withithc moat, reckless dis rogord of truth and- principle, thought to lmondlrn it. to ho bennfihof their part)" In j lhd one fflgr’lll‘lfldfllphlfl—tlle army vote ,was strongly firmimt them ; snd'there, the Heading Republicans sought ,to have the ‘a'rmy vote ‘thrown out, and {hereby elect a ( Republicasmin‘. But. ”rank. to on honfigt .Jgu'dge, they were not permitted lo tfnmpel 10'; the sacréd‘rixhts of the people. 'Xn the ‘ olhor cme~—Luzernnvounly—-the army vole l was in their favor. and bore, in the latter l le6, the Republicans are wonderfully ex lelcised ‘m réference lo said atmy ‘yol/e. lt‘ , would look quibe ludicrous to print. side by 1 side, the nevi-ml nrgumt-n'te, pro and cowl ‘of tho Philadelphia and Luzemo ,Ropubli l cons in ri-gnrd to the urmy vote. I Their opiniouof the justice} or injuslir .‘ofn men-lure. always depend: upon how i :will affect. their party. What}: good In .'in Philmielpbio Woulli not nmwer in Ln Finlay—“tile, boot is‘ on the other leg."l ,Rmding Gama: . ‘ Potomzc sud Buttmnfik.‘ An :a'x‘nusing story is told by 56m Du ~ buqug boys of the “ions First” sham. L'x chunks: which I. cattgin password under wenb about the tiny} of tile battle of Spring field. Onefof the Dimuke bflicgrs. wJ'r- V duty it «is to furniala the guard with a, pass word for the night, gave the word “Po . mac." IA Norman on guard not underutan ding distinctlyj‘che difl'ereqco bthaen th ‘ II"! and P's, understood Mo be "Botto'micx ‘ 1 and this, in being tmnsfflrred to nnmhe' ‘wn Ward to “Buttermilk.” Smnn tev‘iard, the officer who Ind given him th. ford wished t 6 retfim Lhmugh the fin ; approgehing a sentiliel, was ordered to ha] \ nnd the word demanded. He gave “Po - hue." ' ~' \ .. - “ Nicht right—yep don’t pay wit me _d‘Jj any}! - ' . I ~ “, Burthis in the word. and I will-pm,” } “‘No, yoq pta‘nf’ at the "mealtime “limit I bgyonet at his bread: in a manna) »N) told Mr. officer that. “ Potomac? didn paid in Minouri. . , " What. is the word, than 23’ ‘ . “Buttermilk. d—n you." * . - “ Well, then, Buttermilk, {#4: you." ‘ “D“ in right: now youpm mil; you : t d] about ybdr pine-l.” ' There was then a genertl overhauling ‘ the pusword, mid the diflereuce tywoe Potomac um Butteirmilk heir}: man-.:. the joke became. one of the laughable in w dents 9f the campaign. '1 Bmedyfor m an qr Had m..—A Su-l {bl-ester, named Gutell, now of the vane « ble ago 0(82. unwilling to bake lathe 331: with him 1 secret of so much impormnc hu mule public in the Lfipaic Jamuil tn: means which he has used for fifty ye . Ind wherewith he affirms he has rescué my human bemgs .nd (mile from 1.4 (atrial death of hydrophobia. Take in mediately warm vinegar or tegid wake want: the wound clean therev‘ritb i and th dryit; then your upon thé ‘wouhd 3;! ~ mp. of hydrochloric acid; muse m eml acids giatroy the poison of the 3:lva by which [beans the latter it neu'mlized I “WA moral debating wdfiety out Wu engaged in djncusaion 9n tfirfonowi question: “If a husband deserts his w' yhich in the inn-I Wu“. 9h. m thc‘w'omn‘?" - g j. g - _ ‘ «I. ~, ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers