_ (TIRED. ‘ The Coll-u.“ is_ published over; gaming, by Hun J. STAIILI. at annum if paid strictly xx nun"; per nnnm if not paid inwiu‘ mbicription discontinued, tinleai apnea of the‘bljblisher, mm all qj "6 paid. ‘ ‘ “ . ‘ 1 - Anvhnsuaxrrsinsertedattheus [1.44103 Pmsnsq done with unfit ! gmmh. ‘ ' 3 o"ch in Scum Baltimore Etna!» apposite Waminlors' 'l‘inning Bambi ug“Colflu3 Pulxnxu 03:33“ on i Adams O‘Junty UTUAL FIIIEINSURANCE COM' M Incorpo'mted March 18,1351. 1 ovucnnl. 3 l'rup'dml—fleorge Swope. 1 , rice I’rm‘dmt—S. R. Russell. 3 Secretary—Q. A. Bughlur. i Trmwgr—Duvi-l‘M‘Cunvy. ' a 3'lch Committee—Robert McCur King, Andrew Heintzclmnn. : ‘ Imam-George Swope, D. A. R I uh King. A. Htinlulln m, It. ll'Cn i A.;Hsnhall, S. FAhnonock. Wm. B. ‘Wm. B. Wnlson, \L Eichrlherzer. A!» {aha Wall'orld. H. A. Picking, Abel John Earner, 11. 0. \lcCrearv, S. R. ‘ I Gnu}, Andrew Pulley, John Pic flat-h. - gig-Thu Companv is limited In ”min 1.9 the couqry o! Aduns llccenfnl apex-Minn for mauvthnn 1 Ind Natl“! period ha! {Said all lone . ”napalm“ any mug-Imm, Having nl lurpluc 'clpltnl in the Treasury. I ply Omployl no Agenu—nll bunin , don. by tho” Managers; who are annu . ed by the Stockhoidén. Any perm ‘ In Inlunnco cnn apply to a'nx oft - named _Xnnnzen for further informnt -Tho Exccntlve Committee me ‘ afic- onl" Gompnnv on mum-w “ ‘9 every month. It. 2, P. H. Bopm'l, 1858. . . ' ' f‘ The Union,” 1 , ncn STREET, .\mwm'umn. A ~ - ~ ‘I’HILUH-ILPIIL_ ,UI'TOX S. POEWCUMER. Pnornlu fi-Thia Howl i- renlml, mun-n li‘ulrnger Gun (0 n" [mrtx of the ‘ adapted in every particular 10 the com ‘ wnntu of the hufiim-s-fpublio. _ ' - fi‘l'erml $1.50 p" any. » 4. . 8...; 23,1942}. 1;} _ I . A; Ready Market. 100 000 m'mmLsmuN . lift—We h‘five’ u ’huuu Intelyorcup‘ed b); Klipefem'r. k (10., with a determination In pay the Intel. wins for all kin-1i nfflmin. _ find 111 Inpplied with PLAS-Tl-ZR, (‘.L I" kinda. GROCERIES. Whole-tale in LUXUIR. COAL. Ind‘every uthrrnrliv‘ lino ’of luniueu. laid at. the-lowest. —ruu!or Cub, Call and examine mt” price. before purrhaxinmchvwhere. : ' DIEIIL. BRINKERHOFF , £er 12, mu. 9! The ,Great Discove OF THE Alla—lnflammnltnyv and Rheuma‘liunmnn be ourvd by mil \NII.I.ER‘S CELEBRATE!) RHEUMATI TUNE. "any rumlnhnt rif'lzrnspf II the Idjoining Saundra. final-u tonifiec grurutility. ll: Ill’cceli in! llheumml mom-. 11“ been hilhmo unpnmllt-lcd Indie“. inlrnduced to fine 'iuhllr. 1 VIII" pqr bottle. Fur mlo hy Ml drum: nonkupou. Prepnred only by 11. 1..‘.\l Wholunlo and Retnll Drnggint. Hus! kdnms county: Pa” (Mlle-r in Drug-g H: 39‘", Varnislu,'3pirin, 'Pninll. “yr-um" Edd Oili, Enema! nnd Tin u‘n-s, 3 Gluu. Perfumery; Pxitent Myrna... m - WA. D. Buehlvr in the Agunl in ' Mar; (9: “ 11.}. Miller's L‘rlrhrnt-nl m: I: Ni‘xun." , [Juno }3, 18: 1‘ New National 12.91? | EVEN up THRI-lE_—TE.\'TIJS~ mm 8 TnKAQL'RY NQTES. now rem" 1‘ fly at that office of J \Y COUKE k (‘0 pm. 5". 1H Sm/h Th rd Siren, Plu'lm intuit“ to infirm-tion: from Lhe‘fim flu Tummy. thu Hu'asrripllnn 800 \ Ugly XATIONAD LIMV of J‘ronsur‘A bun-1‘ mun-ax it lhu rate nfq-von m ' (eulbl par rent. prr nunnm. will rem ‘n at up oficn. No. H 4 8 THIRD STRH 'I (rather notico.‘lxam s A. 11. till 5 P. .\l . Hominy,- lill 9P. I‘. i .. ‘ The” ngxenlwill he M 'lm dunomi 1 FIFTY DHLLARN‘JH'F. HUNWHCD IN V. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS-INF? Tm l . DHLLARS. nml FIVE, 'l'ltlilfs {NDAI‘M L ' ...-hrs all 4.1 m mzh ququnl. ”51113 7‘ ii: 3019. in throe years. or convert“)! ‘wl'fly your nix pnr cm". 10-In. at th ' ' of lhe’holder I’mch 'h‘o'g-gn ,‘fqro I dilcodpons nun-hm]. “'h .1 v-m up n," gallant-11in gold 'Il the Vlint v-vorv sit land at Rhe rate ofunc rent per dJy on c: ty doing-n. ‘ LR _ Paymcms ol', snhzr-riptlnn} m-u- ha \ GuH wanker“. or Null-s Many of! e Yflt-lplfix B‘ukfi. _ Purina: n A man-(cw e-m renih’ ; friend!” throdgll Hip rmEl. m- hy or _H - thrnuzh Bunkn. Ind tho Truzhury \'ot. immediately dehvere-l. «r mm. m' e c icriber If they m~w leverally din-wt. 2 P‘nrtiel‘retflitthx’z mud add the infe 19th of Augultnhe «late of all the i: (ha davtlle remiluhco rrnchcq l’hilnrf . the rate ol‘ one cent, per «lay on c.u:l)~; ~41". Anply to oLadles . 1:11 l - . JAY C"'lKE‘ cnll nylon“ H A fixf Hull may beg.»- the+Y n a £36" mi?!“ in :a ixjttfltreot, . Oct. 33-51 ‘in, “hen [lnna i A * .._“..10‘ adhe’rpforp uudr . . . ‘ “‘h‘n:\:"3§i”e’ Whigs-t I 0mm“: 4 ‘ .. re:- “mm hi: {r‘R‘md’ ’Ydmo puglic. 1h common-d h - ll mum busines lid. "net, Gag ihnrg; m the old all BJinlngfl, fhere he lmpei t'n'remiv .g'nsro o! oqccuruzemcr‘lt. "! _whrm 'dfk m lit. and tho mnkipg to be 511 1h '1! regularly in receipt of the Fa tl\t.ho till be able ‘0 please all first film I trial? ,‘ . ‘ fi'houil Knmmemutnlso remov Cact- nd Stain: from Clothing. i 6mg. Ind It modorgte ,clmrgex. Sn gum-untied. ‘ [(ch Townsleyk Ahead. ‘ § [IE nnlanmed reqlccthllly in '1 public that he cominnes the C. ' 111. me ,xsn nmnumxx; human-1 difl‘erent farm», cheaper than any sll - cnuuty. All work mufranmd‘to glr. )ion to undo n ‘rx. Cnuntr‘anro luc _ pxeh‘ug‘e for wbrk It market prices. ' 'A. M. TOW ‘ : Gettysburg, Jane 24. 181“. - 1 . - John W. Tipton, ASHXOYABLE BA “BER, 3'oth nor of tho'Dlnmond. (next do ellm’s Hotel.) Betty-burg. Pm, can “A“ Liam he found ready to . I “guinea in bit line. Ha III: also (2' 3‘ fish-cc :de will ensun latisfaqti ,il Ir 0311; . . [0“. 5 gay Rake. . HEADS t 3088”“! In," on S jut-run KAY ud GRAD!“ EAR \l'lll’be [01" Itlow rates. This is pofluuigy {offal-men to scour: a wall Ind tin. suing implement. Gail «- ‘hep. ' [Kay 27, 1 YSONS’ any cant piéturen a -. ' ”SM. ’ Tysom' any cent pictures are water Tyso‘ns’ flay cent ‘pictnrus ‘re entire] K‘yuons' fifty pom pictunsflw unsur Eysmu’ fifty cent pittnges are warm Cylonu' tiny cent picturoa'uo put ~ 4 at am“ can. [OOL {SON BROTHERS hue the n‘ ! CAREART,NEEDHAM E 00. ON3. These instrument: Me n for beauty Ind sweetneu ohmic: ‘ can!” seen In‘! toned 5!. mulling M . Im. York atmanpposuo the Bell, bu" Pl- ‘ I ABGB PHOTOGRAPHS for SI, L cakfior Sky-fight Gallery, Y: 0.990.“. the Bank. ~ " Mdndny 1 75 per o —s2 (X 1 . ce. 39 It .tho mange: ml fat”. ‘ ash and directly ishment he sign. ME $ j lei-.11:- - _v, T 93 allegian cl F. ‘il't . Wri 'm unacl ; D ing, . B and “'lrli, in will offer at! "him-1h";v (I. . r - mg (lEflCrled Tim-1.. nlmut Humillnnlmn ‘ TRACT .\‘o. riot Hmexlune l_", mljuining l‘ulp, Thmmu and cnnmin‘m :. improvements STONE “01' the duor. u_ml the cellar, ar Burn. will) I “'ngon Shed, olhur Hublmi variety of frul u'opi hee ix yel fur! 09!. 1e 0 as b; 1y 0! dPsi. I: I II duel. dews iu this Fnrm. 1 TRACT ‘W WOODLAND, )lnrshpll; flm 3, emitnining lesa, we" cov ' Tel MST No Sli‘iyu. Vin: \\‘m. (TulpJul' 21m ‘ACRKS. ; impro‘veme‘nts , BRICK ”(IVS new Frume and thrivin,~ wring: of u rllllllileg watt: The Farm i nnd't‘uhiuli~ Ilene‘on it. ent‘; M (y. «mi rv. nnd =EI ‘ \.VT -1 an? the ‘ “Mug" [mm-eat l on'wfill [AND of i Rdmil in our mnihln ucknnd Meclmnios’ E vnriuun Chnnl cuties, and th and ngr'eeahl I _ I'erunm wi. shuwn the In No. Lor‘tln: , sea-5311c n mid duy, \vh laruh made k To the Comm {‘l ENTIJ—I‘J T .‘eériun . tled “ An Art! Mrmhors, “Hi the 'l-lxtra seal I’mnphlcl Ln 1 1,‘lll)‘- 'i dow M Ir - d•c ? “There 'is I I Iprcin} (nx ‘ §wlni(-l{ thH | propurt.“ DOW' ‘ner as other ll nu fur an mny! X the iletvrfllgug (‘ ':\:T. (div. Ink- ,1 lII, -t- ry of t thc . Itcs. ‘lree- three milliom 'of May 15, l [mum of org:\ ‘1 {porting Invl ' thin Hhte,'n ”Hire, in ui: Eur of Ihe_l.'ni 4 [thorn-of, Anal 1 therewith.) ‘ from shall he» with its not i ‘he appl'od ‘cip‘wl of"! pl: 0 The mlxli'hll .is ,rh-chiroil 1 i cvlly npprnp i the interbsl, 'i ofithc prim-i :I . dullJrs :uxrl'u “V money “pi-Ii *7 :uocrs‘nr'v by inguini! the nu Hat-m uf Ihu | [order thnt th 'ed, um {LI-I ‘ 0 10f lm‘v. rpl ( I“ appliculum .' ithe ordinary ‘ lhy [in-vim” u Ilhe Stale Tr 2 Hhcnmount n ' be specially” tionet’; and on the suhje muslho plnr ly distinguit enue ncn‘rni hnwcs‘or, en officer: to a other Enmpe be onfitlod t lfnr in only n iof two and clal klx " a] it belong: t real and per mud collect ERIE . until end on 11 n 9f ll UN. '. \\‘D J ARS, '1: \':\'ll(‘ ; 10-n ‘ ption I ntrr- mm. 50m: ll; fif- e In li\:h y 1110?!- -o a. or will he ‘ll sub- a 1 from "NH, {0 h “gun,“ fly dul mI. . Edga— ‘ h ilnfl I ilgforma he has ! in'Cur nd M J. . n liberal ..au his Ivstangial. . :jons“, so” as. “Give 113 mg“ Aglmrl ism-Lion ,mcx. \ WW": f ed [llO-th ! into effchd ’ mx“ oflmlf levied on!“ poses umler: ‘ urn]: tho. IRRI‘AGH u at. an in lap i‘p tli . 'sul'r'nfnf -5 taken In Arlen—J, 50V. ld SLEY QTILL I)? k,‘ —-The nonncing [E the store a. mount. on } Emmiubur an enlarge bnnd a In. ,1 Confection unrdwfl”, d price: w a j Paints, Dr. Greeumpul how tint to plane. “The CARRIAGI plncl, and 1 sets. He his charge 1 Repairing i servo ’4 goods. I a•t eOr OE= here «be ad to all elleut M- i ,.,1ac0. Mic! two S, which line op hlelshor d look at .61. u‘ seegrely , roof. dumb] used. ted. In Inr , 1831. AVI ha ency for l; MELO s‘urpnssed ; speuimea he}: Gal . . Getty-a: ' ct. 2]. persgul it either by mediate p business Greenmou accounts ; time wi - t the Ex k" ‘umt, collection ‘ ’ Oct. 21 ’ 1 A Br H. J AULE, 44:11:11 a~ l 'smgnees’ Sale f , ‘ '12”: REAL ESTATE. ”The Suh- Assixnees of PM" fits-mum‘s run. for the ln-pefit ofkruditurs. luhlicvSnk, on I’m-A pr mires, on '4l}: If Ileana/:0, lflflJ§é folluw {Fßl Eitnte, situate in ‘f'nrrnll’s ‘ linlc and n. hnlf from Enirfield, wwnihip. Adam! cuuniy, Pm: ’ l. beingn garden spa .;of supe lnhd, nut surp-wsedifh Mu: rujun lands of Jumea .\lnrsfinll, Wr'n. ‘A. Marshall b 1d Tr‘ct No. :2. . 100 ANN-IS. In re or lwus. 'Thr F VAL". syribers,‘ , nn- 3 Two-:2 E, with :1 sm“; one |lll~lurpdurel died, a $011: ll 0 threshing fl two Corn Crib : There are act, and run l. 2, firing exceHenH - 'L ‘m‘jnillill‘g lands nl‘Jus.l {fig o‘tlwrs. and 'l‘mct No. E. “'w 25 Agnms, m‘vre or EJL; red with Timbcx. ' ¥ 3, u-Ijgining he. profit-flies nf' nin .\lyT-‘r‘s, Th 3. A. Man-«hull, n Waugh’, and o lmrs,cf)pmining more 0 loss: he - re a n‘eLvao-s m'y . Wu‘ 1, mt]: Imsemm t, :1 11,4; gfl lurn, Tenant-h use, ,1- '_~;{; . young ()rclm d..‘ ‘ There ure lvclleut water 3}; 1m [Then add ‘ in the lie-Ids. ; wull timber-ed. am} in good nrdrr ~xi. There is nbunflunc‘p oflimc- Wraps, Milli, Sc IQ! tire cunvuri; y are situnrud neighborhood. Iling to View Ih. ' m by ”IF .\SsiLi ssigneen, roaidi commt-nnc nt 1: n nueudnnce \\ Ivuwu. by JO H WM . EMZI ~Nov. 11, 18 Circ ar.—spec Illnnnlsnrnn. (k -. your" an]! Tr U‘umty. ‘N:——l.l in rnnr {the Arc OR .\I: to progide fur fl plgln'nm nfjho i~(-r.4 and (‘onun 1- tiaxpenzc! of .sinn of [lm I. L5l lmurc."‘(n-ulr 4131:}, page 'r mm: foilows: Inert-by ("N'l‘Nd ro' beak-vied. n f one-half film on the dollar. a lmiml nfid nllmfdd on all 'snhjegt to Stun nu. imliEn nun , xeq, an—d uhichffihnll he :vppllwl. 'he non-“My uhth'e payment of I ma said lanai” h’iz: llw. loan of of smlhrs nutlu‘u‘iged by than! 11. and Ipprupriuled t 6 the pur- Min-z. urm‘ngfiqnhrping, vrnns» uppnrling the milnmrfifufi-en of G," «..r hwen-‘lcr‘to Le v'fillrvi into '0! the gorernnwm of ”2% Smé :d Sum-a, mud t pnfurclrflhefiwq ill incidvnwl 'e‘ffiiéusvs (‘Pnnerled Ennd the surplp s {akin}: fluoro lu-t ‘.npnrl. lo IJJithit'flL which, )mululinn‘, is lion-bv IHI-dzo-It to ‘lllt‘fxlill‘luishl non! of the prin ian authorized fly fluid Mt." ulnhhalllmill tux. thus’lmpotcd, ll)» “ R‘GpH‘lAl ML", nnrl‘is spun-11l- FM“! to thy pin-pO5O of paying nd lair-unis the tx‘..ngui.~llulcut nl nlf-tho lmln nf tlnvvoc nT—lllinuu‘nf Eizcll to he nnlzatilulrd find the‘ xll lo lge mull-gr)" ium. :rgmln-nd ‘llm exiqinz felonious iehnllion ulhfnily and laws dl‘ 'th rzuvqrn 'uxln‘d State's. ’l. i n2O wry. in nhjknu of Hall _Bmleuy l e aimin lll' mill lax be i}. nll’lfitu‘rncossos .qxilm, {la-cnun‘inglt pnnfinz anti " kept srpnrutg‘a (l n m frum‘ Noland a l|.lll”;jnfl m Ilmpowd :nvq, In all 'p.‘}' ‘nts panda inm (usurp on 11000111: ‘f S ate taxes, hail-nut: to thellml'i‘ mil tux nnrst lsel forth, nudjpar ion arlv mm:- in u’ll rephrts ol‘ Cn‘mt, Amli'wrs é! offllnm nus! UHF lm fmill 1-.\x r] umlt-rn Goya Me‘ha‘n hand full ml from 11l ml Pr spur (N of rI-r -g m nu- Smtp. This \‘vin nag,- ltle'collecting.Peuclhln pr pdying diff-rent rule 5f t-mn'hliii Inc or‘ lsatlonl‘rmn llml whit-l; hey Would , wrrc llm.lmlflugill tnxulruonntul Egrerznte with the otllcrl Smte tux l half mills ; foriwhile it‘is “ Ii spm.- proprintod to p p nrtitgqu’r purpose, jthe general be d o Sthte m: on lunul estate, out; is 0,110; “ levied liq the wwmfn " ' ‘ -\'dry Respectfully . E.’ non:lnn,i Y D. MOORE, Slale THO. H EN "hni'a Circulnr Mvin F‘fl admit of carrying}: ring‘th‘oprese .t yen “a mill flmruin Email 0 lawn-r!)- tumble #i ‘lhv ulluzninn l 3» ls rum-:1. nmsn] J x 3511. H mm. ‘ W“. B. ICARDN on'unissinners of Ad . . “’Anun, Clerk. 861. , Greenmdun ma UNION-03.1 ' 'udersignu} [ma Hm I tlie’yififilip thuth'e i r, Alexander |Hat-u \ a mud lending h-om a and will contifiue tl ‘i scale. He wil a! r' stocknf DRY ‘ 00 rial. Qu‘eensware, 0.. km, all ofw ‘ich “he times. ' Al3O, D gl. to., cum bci In: t Store, Friendl, ‘ , ‘y fined: and my pril . i undermzned also c; JIAKWG ,budneu Mien run induc’eme: ill Warrant. hil‘worl ‘ are among th 111059 on on short no ice. 5 tr produce ta en in exchnn e for .v ABRAszn PLAfi'N. ‘ Notwé. , » e disposed of m storg to Mr. Marti- Phnk, I hgrebfi give notice to all owing themsele indebted to fun ole or Book AcQount' to make im.’ yment, ts [with to} nettle up my iflmnt delny. a; wifl'befonnd M -t mtil‘xhe Ia! Jungaqry nut. AIL ot lettlod be '1 c 19ft in the ham J. . 1861 INE:1 A @SM@C~.RATH AMI?) lIMIM £1151? ' gl KG noon} ”Us never tub late to do good J { WP nll bav‘ our time to kn YTSs‘doing n'oi ; {'ropressivcj “Tia folly m r ' lie hopeful‘l Thp lower {he 19‘!!!) greater we all might on' , - :1 in :33: . 3:." uuk All- viz; —I X ' )ors, hrgc new - Huggpen, add ‘ lore loving Withgn link- diorclixprd, of a To mnnnfie 1 "NE noble w By labor or ‘ The gem-seek I 0r nm-er lln o first-‘l‘ntc Sloa tg water un tho é? ..T’lié Ié Truth, 8 A iYn’fikee -‘ house to minke a wry ntmngo I nmwor to a fri j some marvélo "Truth is ab nflmp jsteppeg] isbgml fientloflm _ ‘.‘Yon're mi. th-hdunea, and “to tHdse prop “m flak-”139m mini}, ‘so—nnd jukfififfor the 0 tion ‘llmt'lljufit egvnr gheerd télll “ qud," w; lik‘e i hour at ’ol‘f‘rlégstnphér 1 , T‘PThnw! (.‘h‘ cir‘rxmntqnvd :‘ ‘tho I «M R: ugr‘?’ «Imam-f { sh n‘q so nil-fir tin m " lmnrlko thém .‘from he stnnq'l |m: flmi'. ' river, n’nd FN‘ll lnm fume flqat M fell‘r‘rs on In hnnther nn am Inst chap in‘fl mouth 3 Gnfln lmforr; ; I was #1004! dill an}! \’qmcu. will be mr, 'rcsiding on g‘uenr. ‘ ‘ d‘clock, 3L. on ll'gbe given and CKLEY,‘ .I‘. " Auiyneu Tax. r 3mm”. rcr- '9l“ Adam; “y NW 53“]! (2, lISM. unli- “Frown”: l or! dowh: mm" 11 tom 'nf flu) rim 'm-mq bbnt (3w minded it N“) 91 hp jam 1 < thr- 51mm. w l thg‘ref'bnu '1?“ it {l‘l the f 9 I beg drank i Hlilnk—‘and t to* haa m‘n‘q‘h :’ whi rlzméin’: H 1 text in the hnd‘, no urn wgv‘n‘ his“ nbmft that 4‘ {“Tulolw fr» th’n amid, m “‘H' romépih? old ggnu‘ I>olted out t e backdoor. 5 ‘mA K . . tnnm- of. (19 t' i (qulivorgxl hi 1) l “ Primnor.‘ t: 1‘ C(pulrt, it: unh r ,5 utmfe of the I {l3' «jno dog v i flex-b broug ! of ihtoximt .\qun all I: ' thié‘Com-t ‘ lwmm plus I anfles, it ld‘rifik; an "that this ‘ { fémpor. mu s’mi't off, am 1 lfiflnr, I lm Gpuirt, sir, roux-LL {[o7ch (ml. Tre‘aurcr. I , . him reco’fv -5 Mg!) ul‘limn , llju -‘ spociaul inngwl “ill be Mr lEmlc put -12.} 1 .\lfrh', l. .\ CR; L ‘ -i 3‘ Lm‘rm'y-gl ; skhdol. in a ' Al'n'loavorin , I lead of my, ( p"'4is‘k nln-u ged at the aha Myer A; final letper.‘ . I " THIS WAY. leuhre of An- Inmpurcbued or, It Green- Geuyshurg to be business on buy. keep on S, Groceries, 'opdrn-wnrr'. ' ill be 501.1% ‘ e-ttufl's. Oils, -clgeap a! the éme A call. I 'pei cannot fail ." mu th may.“ i , i}: ,it,t.hen ”‘ 1. 4‘ ‘l‘ naw, zur, "snfwejrgd thallium. that, Ii h ; 10$ Tad you Knew inute?” ‘ 1h“ ;‘ “so I d ;I no ant ve "well n. amt} 1f ca Eréoollzft his J... .L. ? fi-The largest ar‘myke éoheokgld‘wu that with ich XIKIES; fine in; of Ppnia‘. invaded G ,in 'the‘y n 580. before Christ. nis estimate‘d ¢o h we numbered 2500.000 3 Idiots, with, 14 m y mom] camp Walkman, aking lhe~whole h05t’5,009,000 ‘pumnn b ngs. They conq ered Arithens, ‘but only A mail! remnant othhe army ever te‘urnod Persia. 'On his ray to Greece, ‘ XIIXIS toqk twelve young git-ls of thé coun .try than which he was munching, and {from the smptiqga of some barbarinn au -1 pgrstition.l?urx'ed them all aliq’e.“ The whole Eexpedition " says Anson, “wan the mqst I gigantic crime against the rights and inter- Lasts,“ mahkind that. Numb) nickodnw . ' 1 ban eycr n permitted to fierp’etram.“ w ,- :‘1 , 1 , fin '3“ Rh,“ 5 , v£.li%§.- V V. ’l<l ) 1|: , “Yes. an 2‘ “ What i ‘ “ I doant “; How in it just this "153' m” by sight. - name?” "Sea on fin Al the mm. '1: to purcha ‘ gbod, while moderate.—-. thil apxl than . an omm for . HARPER. een I s 0 .LE. 1 1 _________ i C4r El 'l' r i r- Y.S3EIT_TR. (3-, PA *Or. mu; 1 lu‘uld, } { orb than we sh _v onwm‘d to mo : lornfully grieve nd you will he 1 station w'e leave; he merit to rile! o bench—4n rue mom Mendly ore feeling—m. he heart nnd th = manly strive ’more ma ; . fact— ; mind. mining to riml ;2‘ r deeply must di k out for a prizd‘ i- ranger than Fiction 1! Hurwhoalop .‘ in a coffee: himsu-lf onniq; day, hehrd old gontlefienl‘femarkf in -nd who had Wen relating a story, mid be true, get than firtio .” 80 ion p \l‘aml slappiniflithe nation .n‘n the buck, Quid : . nken right‘ tlvfir, old b 9", to prove it I'lfl‘wngpl: you owd that I‘mmt’pll _vnu ,fic go’nhcad‘af n+7} truth ion «man, ““I'd n go ahémd i‘xlilm‘e." {bus ain‘t a iml the old on v fir-(inn flFt . riluman. f )r’i anhar dflu ut hey-q gnqxz, Handing bi}: river! in } . ”he «km s oHigedi to 5-04 to keofi ‘ (1 As I fins k 1: down the p ut any b'nt ? 5| a hull lot in] no MM. gshnnd the . at had ho ‘noh a nigfiht [blazes—aha ml was dri I non that «hie! nver n}: blindef ‘ hnmw med 1 n Mg boat Mt n"up strom‘n w r; one of 'em a. another fin l 9 atom of ,tlm I never mod skeered like oked at ’ém. .0 nhnpas‘hml r three cont ‘pio‘c . and the Tenn -r and} picked he (him who] . 0d! of Hie ho to a grog sho pint of whisky «- who' had 11 mi and all I n lust I cowl o I! 0 eyes I lk {r at thank ' who had no {it up, thkn ‘11:] no le- , 'l. «mm Te: :that WWI“ 'pmd handpd qu‘uth‘, a‘ (I he I-Qst {nll ['em the fiel— 1' ‘ "skillC‘ul ~' no leg": $3.13 ‘M romliq’ g : fellerwhzxt lAh'de dyhd .111 left 13115: muth was singi he chnyi as hnl o-r-ve-l ichap i ‘ m-boqk, and t‘ m clappiri’ hi - like bl-uea—a ll c..llargtii to an, \as IWe 4'"'—l*_7+— t (sky-fodgoi, in hasfiingA n'- upon. a critifufinl rmnn ly. elf in the finilofijinq stylegz— nd up! Mr. €Kptllefl, his Hie noceisity o_‘q pinning en ! w upon‘ynlj. sin} [Thin flint-t 1 Mr. Kattl win whn‘t ' on. L into this “find by the use n liquor. Tno friends of his :2: that of th r isidny vice ’hnt dhors, it [allnq‘em‘emn .- C urf. mi: 3 ‘yoinfig maxi. I r. . consideAnbl‘ i inclined to t 9 friends of tbeourt flow: . has natc rill 111‘ very #igh i this Cfilx‘ti‘hmtffi‘ot stommd s upped t 32 use « fintnxir-n'hing e no doulJt, sir, Lat what flhis n uld hnvl boon iii the Ironi n ilsgrnveflir {" ‘3 1 .3 ““J‘ ‘7‘ ‘ E II fink—.s mdatoj ann ewfiing Hinge nonriCh hAnhnmi‘qu: t host um Mfid‘ftinmtha r his whom-s. ‘bly he fcfimd, ulzt hopelesai flue L‘mmter, qn .y’s stupidityfidh‘bwing; him zlked him whether he [flew “nu-m Is Ilbfifl' no An American Sailor JlorrilJe Sim—ma s; August 24th. has the fol the killing or one came ! can ship 'l‘. W. Searifl; l narrow escape of two rn‘zth'i On Saturday in: thifee‘ w the ‘Americnn mil) bathing) alongside th’t’Zv them was seized by a h first nixed him by th'la force withiwhich he this caused him to loose His unfortunatie mun s‘evéra water. Tlievshnrk again back and finally by the poured wiWhis prep} within pluiini view of him; mediately Itlwered n. bémt on board the oihér twib drug for the body. fllhe pied in this way for sb'm shark was] observed té r from them, still with M) his mouth; shaking it} as dog would innit. l The mn‘te of thé v 4)” with abon'r'ding pilm,l ‘ - the spot. ahd the shulj‘k ‘ pied with MR victim gm self to bestnbbed seveml ‘ dimppeari g. Thinkin 1 received h s dmt’h wow“ ed to the nip, but scaku‘ I-h¢-n the sinnpr ‘ 'arpnnn wnsi n‘ he shark agn can-bud suflic alongside I‘ fore. AW bdnt, and to be appi en he again *truck, w _l E=l some dip' ucn. till. mg monster “‘qu killed by;! lance. '1 ‘ ‘ Most-6f hm MMnnNl gnrged 'sgdkile being h an being élpellt‘d; mul were unycfagnizulnlp, tin Cali 0% nrou‘m‘vml m. found. 1111} shark w I known "15 the ground . , figtll. Tim feet in 1 ‘ yfund is state, 1/MIGIE Cl= 're Liddle ma ‘, you rgckldjm. -ny I I»ycd"mi I “Chr: 1 plack l v wak‘?" l t .. Yah ( “ Not! H &) 2! I “an ‘ plind m *von eye. lmrnros Lvuner l him a. lit {gits stral {shu~'t so i ! und‘ van “éfex'x’din ! ' i ‘ pm‘kmr ' pridla." | rot of him .‘"“ ng, only Igits}. ll ,e lugle le'ge Den \'on \ydu p peh‘int um." ta chuckmu ‘lle rite yisto tlu his back 1 like a vukin ’he gits {one '7 "1 I v_iudi mfi PW, vit his duii jvnt ynu goin' I; ‘vix him pf“ I in de cartlm" ‘( to pe; do I t‘pmit de him, :11 he keed‘. J : kwart. ~ 11+; I nd‘sits town 0 l OEM “oh. 3 mm. m‘ hed oug dozen c ‘ pht so 5“ makes l : pehinb. . looks I; ! self. D! da rightl 85 any} 'i a he we} xi I dak: jay, um ly's b 0: EMI -l have in Snuth “(r-01in». the Goitnmom ing the luck been m 'e, since of that ‘ flute. has Wed ord: moat. u ting t]: regardq t: prim «lim‘ga bv Curuliufinnd thl ormftti c; of the pursue the tin • When =CM - 1:!on t ' 'llc” I: paper: i‘dant m d Confe‘ Confed The Rumba w for F, : Southe ‘ almost A lexgn beats. vtmnimm é: H. St Their to: Gwalfi Rrgc'ma has flatbed tht ments f cavalx field .55i regimem of wit?!) 11 regi fvroui . ‘ew York, 5 Regulus. fi'l'he Lieutemim 001 mm Craghan (rebel) 'lt/illed by Gain: 1 Ben m't oom.‘ ‘mandfii‘ Gen. Roeenerns'o lunar-(ash with the enemy near Guuliefl proves , be ogsou of. the late Coloneli Cgoghamnkpe‘ctor. Generll ofthe Uniteld autos .1 ? —_ -4..» muuz—z .: > an; “maiden my." ybme fi‘school keepin " and age had made f ’gfbl hnvoc will) her beauty, said ofie eveu% fro oneof her little boarders. ‘fNom J uni. you get to bed early and‘ulwa‘ys do 80531 i you will be rosy-cheeked and ‘hnndl‘ome when you grow up." The little codger 100ng up quuically into but wrinkled oéantenance and will, “ Well. finnty. I 3min ion “sad unit up late a. godcl Heal what; 0;: was yoqng. didn't yam"? ._‘ g t ' FAWN wwmfle i ’ WILL nlnxn.” , MONDAY, DEC- Scenes on a Battle-Field. é . A correspondent 9f the St. Louis Demo crnt writes from Cairo under date Nov. 1 11:, giving a dmcriptio‘n of the shocking sc es preseiitekl by the‘battle-fieid nt’fllelm nt, the next day after the conflict. Ila any : :’ After gettin} permission under tho {in}? of truce to go and bury our dead. and rel‘ via the woumled, _wh ‘, bad hm. upon the gilt for nénrly twL-ntyiiur hours, the film. t nl; l we ssh after landilng was two of out (i men lying besideiup old house. Three adj ‘ been ‘throv'ln into p corn crib near by, d 1 four lay wounded in the house nearly d d. We ,wunt on_ throfigh the woodsluntil ‘ e i came to a corn-field, where aiktgop of (lend were lyingjutt us they had fallen, 1 here wo‘ also taunt] three of ourQwound Who immediately Ltncaived the uttbnti of our surgeons. 'e also 56w hvre lu pools of' blood fmin their (lead, who I been 'rt‘ihovvd from the field in w gonk Going on halfa. mile farther, we on y u] .n large party of the enemy burying tl de‘ad, which they had ‘oollected fr ,m different thickets; about. fifty bodigé w lying about. awaiting burial—nuns of i killed Were among lbem‘." Going o furt through a clearing, we :chmo to the fa] ,tiiiibcr where ouriboys charggd and ti . the enemy'sx‘batlélries,‘and where loss} hoih sides is represented as frightful. ‘ enemy hgd buriednnd removed their} dead. and We found tn'glve of‘ outline! ‘ ‘ the position they; had fallen. On the :- 'nr; bank we l'oungl nlnumber of our d‘eukl; nil 1 here it wlus that one of the most. hearl-r kl- ‘ lug sec-nos ol' tllc‘w‘hole‘battlo was or he kl. ‘ Guilt. Brooks, of Buford 's regimertfl tr'ql‘ upon the dead body of his own in mini who wasm§urgaim in the rebel at y; he} know he: waa‘u rebel sin-goon, but 521 not‘ know ‘he was in t io. engagement urltil he! stumbled oyer his orpsé. The spenll isldé-l scribed rm nfl‘cctin v in the extwim‘, Ean‘ it 1 certainly forms 0 (5 ol’ the most llu‘il ‘n‘g and horrible ink-id M! in this unholyrrb l~ lion. Captain Br oks'huried his‘hrot 91',- and put a stab at t‘m hand of his grqajv lléd by a Shark. ngn‘poré Time: of owing hhcount of rew of tHe ‘Ameri— u shmkiand 45¢: ‘ seamen lljwlnngigng '. W. Shara, were. WEI, whe’n (mo of k. TM m'onsmr boulder‘tbut the ed £0113)“: victim ElOlll, driving the ‘ feet-01h of the being-hip: by the neck, a d ytlisap— 11' this anptumed lipmnies, who im nnd after taking hen. prhci‘eded to I hm! Pqpn oat-u— -. time‘ “_‘rhon the se ~9an distance helplées man inl is demiw, as a, i-I nrmodtfihimaelf “111),"le towards. : as no mlicflmccw he altovieé him ] imes hellfire again - the ani'mul had . the lion“ reflirn y_ had ‘hb arrived rcappfmfcd as be w tnkqn‘into the ’ allowed Mmself ‘ me-hm; to be sappenred. [Line a bout \vfu towed mop nrrijihng, 1110' P iud aldbs oflhe‘ Ihis mzm' i'wnre din. l‘ll on bo‘ rd, nnd~ fra'ngnmua. which .’ an eight-pound i yore alliphat was Ine of “115‘ species Irk. and Wheat ten. h of the ‘may wfis '- have bqhu eight E 1 ‘gtuzlt yuuny of 11:: 16;. éen thrown of!" m in: our holir-o, hug yogaw lon drugged and {IN ‘ 91d )0 of our party, 10 Hi express 01110133", T 9 :w, 'enty five or one ‘.m ml :mgled £011,503“! 9. (:51 FllO dizmnntlvd refiml ar hricd our_dcml—sonn 'B5 ‘ringing away abtlmjt ' of Lgain reached our t 1: qt portq. ' ‘ ‘ V Uur ‘dond were Lnosi'lyfiying u h t e'ir hunks, tfnd evor’ylhing taken frgzt‘i' ,‘ dr . bodies hut. could be of value to the'en " y. i The countenance of tht; (load were-n) :tly §expressive of rll 6. One or twouf'ea. {-65 ‘were expressive 1f fear: One po' {fa w, _, after hp was wounded; bethoughtoffli ' elf ; ti) tnke.a.‘smoke; he was found in nagging { fioaition ngn‘mt 3; tree. dead. with Ms ipe in one hand, knzfe‘in anothey, andfhi bo -1 bacoo on hisbrona‘t. , A . '5 1‘ A young lad about JG, waaifouné 1 Mg gnarl-ass a 10;, just as he fell, gruspfih his ‘, musket in both lumdfi. . , 1 _ Al: thié point a m"s ,deu‘d had ~ bnznkmem to \esoaf where themenl. emu“: bunk. ’0 o\'er, cn'n‘trury to as he auppoavq, sev of bleeding and . on heaps, nmung tiglm'y. filming bi in number—and ohr'wounded, wo‘ i f?ony.§;‘ L mUer dz.“ 'liddlc do bcdlur next ntgd hulidy pad.” I {mflt bl céhe huh I-d ferry ainelmit it on by ‘to rite lickt; Db before so ' I dink? I d'nke , um. 50? nor I om‘menc 3KI: vny,‘ am on ditenm; ‘as no mi tfip‘ mit 01f zitti g hmunt mine 1m té‘vqr :de Nal o to mit hiin ?" -r as chufm‘aup. I I. his dai! vjrre his gifc Inimipgout so .? hon rq'l to‘go rt befo : him he A wounded man with Lollt [gt/Tin! shot. oii‘. wnsTnund in tlne' woodxghiv _tlse “ Star Spangled thrgnvr ;" but for circumuhmqe, tho surgeons say tluilfiw not have discovered him. '4‘; . ~ -—-—~ -~49o——‘ ~ qumper Blunkcts.--our readers in! member «the item [which ran tllro v ' newspapers several_mnntlw ago, tn ll] feet that {newspaper laid betWeon Mia clothes added greatly to the wan-tit“ ol covering. We attached little wei hf; ti]: statement, -but intolll'genf persorisj‘i us that it is really true, and that! H ‘underithe qéunterpnne-or under life at is v‘ery effective in keeping“ tle l comfortable. ,The texture‘of‘the ' nr so close that ’it keeps in the bodily ,2“ better than clollt.—lfarrLsLurg Taft-312$], ,“ ' - «It» 1 4,F fimenJester (I? Clmrlps IX. 8 his pm-xlor's mauve lfiy‘rushing intifis one-,lnorning with tlxé equammio :‘li :‘(lh, sir'e,_ such newsl—foizr L“4:0 nien have risen in the city.” , é; .“ What!” cried-they startled~king§ _ what. intention have they risen?" *j ‘ ' ¢ “-‘l\'ell," said the , ester-mist fingér pan his n‘nsr. “Hobubly with the integit¥n of l a; - _ - .n ‘ 1 ~ ' "‘“8 ‘°‘l‘l.E=.‘.L".l‘s“.ET‘L-_‘s , A arqnnp heqring‘nludy mdin' Hindi} in Lnewsp‘aper, that in -cert.ain 5 Wales it in the custon} to plant tit i and thistle! on the graves at old haw “'3’ r - markad,~ , ' _ é ', ‘, trilmples hgs,’ 9nd nfit'him ‘soon be his haun him in tso goot Hir‘ “We L otities of ed with \ >of hoisi— Laion has I= thle coast . n. Lee \r apart ‘ must. be sh'will be {,O South he will he I‘ Red. at . saying r den the t'te'm.'" .i 4th lectjon 1 of the jin‘tha !Davis and M incum ygm. ‘firtrfient néw resi m in the .790 men. (Hinds, 6 mph, and “That is another instancé of “to pg“. In? of? mmponsati'on, : Ifo‘ne compo; moths and thistles in fife, ‘he must ex ct them after gloat-53‘.” ~ "; g, . , +— » ~~ - ...» . -' a: A happy oonixjnelnt on Eh nunlhi‘m tion of fife ind gm by looomke 08¢“- cy' in at! f “own :——A 1 little childl ‘ o- rode fifty miles in an" d train. the”)! took 5 couch to her unde’s ous‘e, some flge'niilea flu-that. Vwas ukod‘ In her arrimfi if Eh. came by the can. “‘ We came flittla way in the can, and then-all the mi of the my in a carriage." . _ 3 g , “mutual, Famine in IrczaA¢4The {m dou New states-1h“ a considerable ponidn of Ireland is upfn threatened with fs‘mipe. gnd infihc north; the {mute of the flotatoes is mare genenl Lnd oomplete‘thaugil‘; any previous year since 1846. I! f F Down east theyl put a felfi in] jsil fo swindling. ‘j'l‘hé undacioun Ichi? had (trial snow spud Wd it for ssh“ , * v , 2, 1861- i 1 m‘g his uld 'rwo DO‘ g The Lessons TKe elei-tion in Pen} and @onerbdt it has qr the Bohr. 1 :pwlvuniwhu come aft a. lesson behind ion fog fimse who 3y. says the Luzerne prppgnnt with inntm‘ will Be instructed there‘ Uni " . ’ 0 year ago thé D‘ ‘swe from power in Sun n sweeps away t art and blasts in its-‘0 ‘ moémtjc party was s|is comitry as yhe e sands bf the des uirse every véstige , that party pleaded .. m and the integri : In ynin through , rs—through every , 1 it rould reabh the | public attention, 1.19 that the success Von “mild produce mbermen't (if the head orhonr. All eryice \vvro ’united' 1 forum third time f the government, a harps on. £l9 wil rn for the sad fate of animal life. In vain‘ for the Uni3n of the Sta ty ofl the g’ovémmeni its press and by its on chunbel in‘fgct by whi publi‘p ear or 'pltruct ch did i admonish the no 0! n . ctidnal prganimt civil 4 war and n. dism:‘ Smteg. They woukl no Bramfiles of the public 5. with film Opposition. nn‘ “inci‘he organimlidn l the emocmby Hung il lows SIM! retired to men of th ir countiyu ‘Thzir prophecies h tlleiri‘predictilmn, in 111 ity. l we come to Vpns‘s and esolnting war. no peuc and contentmen bocorgzlng a nation of 1 men , and when the min 11. V Bu “nchange has of nlé‘dreams." Start this. xnpnign m'mmt’ that. ztlie Democrntio p the Binding political «11 essay?! to cruel: out 0v tnlily’. Its presses \vur undo} the ban of an q ion ttm \kpuld tolemlq tunl chdi‘puce to the l in ‘ 0L; Its orulnrs :1 Hulmmlfto indignities all file Rinseians Would We nre mffidly xihtury nrcnmplish arm] shill! be no one ome o‘er the spirit ng oui long beforé ced with the idea .u‘ty was now tiéhd, mnt of‘thé country ' ry voafige'nf its vi molmgl or, placed » noting public opin znnlhing Lut an ac; nlxcstn of the party ml p‘uhlic,mon wet-é ‘ suthns (he Cmr of bunny darn tn 'iond u'pnninnq; 9f his, suhjoc s. The [_inul-diésm lutio? of the' Domocritic purity was an: Vnoufipod with 'so mu h earnestness .nnll zenlflthnt ov'erywlu-re the’timid {altered and lcn hack—the do .:jng hosiitated and lookéd about to L: .mrc which would in the end he the stroiigost 5 (la; drill, thnt large clms of politiciam wh have'nn principles but the loaveiand fiall3——s\-lmlmve in turn belonged to all [l'm-lies: nd adhered to none. weiitviclear over nml jni ed tha‘Ommaition unnlqr the specfonsc 61': “Union." liut wimjhnsbeen themesu t? Undismayed by the Fisastem that have hefullen it3aountry, or (1% defeats that but a year ago Over-took its party, the ever-livin . active, broathing sentiznent of Domncrry. inherent in the hear 5 of the pmple. in IS heen nt'work and pcrfilrmed its mission through the hillot box.§i Pennsylvania ~ xix-en; redeemed fmm‘tllo rule oftho v nil—redeemed from the to of sectinnniis I—nnrl has returned to h rold and ancient nith. I _ > ._ It ms often seeme- strange to u: that nny’ «ly can for amo vntkl’idruwt the re cufigi'ative pmvor‘nf (to Dx-mocrnticfipnrty. Yet - such there are. “The Democratic part : i 5 (lea-d," i- a sin - that hits henn mid and sung for sixty , an; nndyot how, t‘m thn dust ofsackul th and hurniliatiou, it n 1 'nyi’arites! No lefom hu’mhlgy—no do datinn mhduesit. ‘ Chulin theplmoply (if ri lit—'emhu'od with tho principlhh of U nio and‘ good gnvo nnient—l-ongg over fhrnfi'nhml atripywd n the robes of power,‘ it nlwayu tit-ism with renewed; viflnml clingy-tn resurho its nitinn as the con éorv tor of good. gnvia mcnt and‘the pro tocthlr of the national in'tngrity. Such his been its: historv. and 3 ch it ever will be.— Thol spirit of Domncm y cannot beaubdued or nnuihilatedr-It wi 1 live while {rise gov; eminent shall live—'l va in the hearts of ‘men—live ithhe att ibules of God—live forever! Iliad wiiltan‘ 0:1“ the 1 1 \\Zrittml but y‘nfton ‘ . ncrmia puny is not ‘ filoiip. [pied thing 1 lastic as when it was ' .mized existence by 1 ‘t {g rising up find a Intro] of this Govern-‘ Italy grasp lhé object} P 29 that the olu'eotitif lgrfiupod. TM acmeuié as been gain'ed. and“? lag mu- and fictional; I will sguin full back; IA whosolongmd In.’ it.to be Igsin-uni'wdf [- g whole, or we than TE“! election thonl filft’ grant lesson-_oftnl forgotten. that the Dcl dean. neither done it! of life an active and (3 lwefithéd into on or Thtsmas Jcfl'crson. ‘ refilling out for the c, mo t. and it will as a for thiclu ll: rr‘anhos, sol shall exist to'lce nf lly and madness wi: led with oxlmutt strive. the govemmen inn} the hind; of thr suchqfully oontroll , inisdlid sud enduri ha 1 none to ghite. ‘ thergpeople by an ex. ‘ bit r am they wil "DOE? hen-smal- distu' th' countiy; Faulhgl tlon it may need. b made and cured withi i To go outslda of {hit incl only imperili th Ml: another thing‘ Democrats-in sunslx'l stoim—thouvho, whl dash-t the ship pm! Pl solo tho bottom—t pajty. it! prln'e'iplell th ”it whole life. ta ta ‘ oUheir enemies nndl wily-ac will teach - o snfe road 'o' pol] t Visflw oldmd -l -t q Domocnfio legio am!” 98°! I I And mum teach .rjeneo so‘ud And so never Again forgot." b the Deméc‘racy .of it may hare—correc t in these must be its own organization. urea them no better. country. .And if. wil! I To those who are -o and ’deugt u- in In: the lempea‘lowen’. I y hastily chm: may ‘ om who betmy' their [and the friends of swings in the bosom >11“) enemies bf their i yep: that theme is but tion! dhtinction, nnd n-trod pnhv'uay that? i - hue invelod zinc.a dl.tho captur'pd rebel eonqnmemy ’ that. . ' ‘ s6an md Sli envoyl- m “9" in Warren. in Dayton « I ’ Smiling of the Stone fleet. . > I. Thirty Vmcbbchunk in Southern I’m-bore. I—New London, Conn., Nev. 20.—-The none fleethnot. however, with pomp or human, tailed today. Twelve or fifteen vessell do rted from this port, ell bound South, and , ll ~leden 'with stone. The crafts were old helers."eomo of them of the largest line. - nt lg hurdloéking set. ‘ . . They go now to illustrate the Bee. of minerce which prevail in the dnrker pon tion, girl. with and bars. ot~ our dieturbed , epuhlie. A screw is fixed in their W hich can be worked from the deck. When I t hecrewed out, the filter in e stream a r 8 o'- a man's leg come! in end the nod QLosmm. The stonelenchm no at the hot m. . ‘ . L I_‘ Ourfiget is to be joined outside by n ilk. one I from New Bedhrd. whidh will ~rush. the whole number of vessels nhout thirty. $5 thousax'id dollars each have been paid $1 the' Government for some of these vel {elm ‘ ' l I The fleet will be udder the’oommn‘nd of [ln old sen-dog'ofitthnlipg propensities, who i as been appointed oomnlodore.——(br. Lin. ad. . . ’ i. ‘ ' -r---‘ «I —-‘f-r- I Shrrman'a igly'Prorlainulian.+The Math arolininns welcome the ?enkBéa"ith the Kerr of “ In (prison above, :or a tomb below lair soil." general Shormhn. bowihngith at {:1 hand, addresses them as most hoepl~ I ble Carolininns. undthr-n pnlnvers them é'rms old st" ‘f' about canxtimtianal riyhn, Ind h'ut not. JWhen he hours from hi; chief, t o ,Socmtmzy of Wer,‘ the next time. we ‘ t ust that he Will be taught, to speak like ?mnn and an American—N.) :1 . Evening ost. , - .~ Q, - _ . . Evin-y true friendlot‘ the Union and the cl’mqtitutinn. says the Albany-Argue, must limit-aye of Gen. Shot-gmm’e proclamation tI) thefpeoiilo ol'Soutli‘Cnrolinn. It is to\be regretted that a paper of the nherncter and il‘ifluence ot' the Evening Post should ridi-’ . 3m; and condemn nn otficer ofthe United .1 totes: who promises protection to loyal cit iionsmnd gunrnntees to thorn theil‘ right-un der’th’e Constitution Jot' their country. If. we are waging a War of» sulgiugntion—Qf 0!- ; rminntion—then we might well censure t e militm? commander who extends the ive brunch tn loynl men of tho’South, still 3 eks‘ to {win the hesimting over to the (muse of the .Union by a policy ol‘justice and rotection. But we have been npcustomet} regard this firm «i a war for the preserve: t on of the Union, for the enforcement of elaws, und for the upholding (If that yery nstitution whose guurunteoe Mp respected , y Gén Sherman and deaxiiacd hy the Eu— " in!) Pu I. I s I . I ' o_n—é «.eL-L—————— . fine-Tho Washington cog-reépondent of :nrnt‘y's I’hiludclphin Pres: says: . I 3 “ Nothing has done more to weaken the esgzioni‘ts thn‘n the growing opinion thlt {ndtincolfi is determined not to be driven ' om’hie purpose by [he ‘ cry that he pon- . I mplntégnn attack upon the institution of loving. ll’hen GFnzml Fremont’n proclama hjrm "other! Itirhmnnd it was rtrriwd with shoe“ : Jo_’/. but when it was mmhfiednthie not of . I he Prosldent was conm-nlcd nrrmiaropre ; outed, lost it might c‘pm‘nte nguijnut the de ‘igns ol‘ the tmitnrs. Now that Fremont I all 13°01! suspended, \hmvogcr. e praetical lodge is given, not merely that the Fuel tent hna rm‘olvod to adhere to’ hit: orifinel ylicy‘, but that he will do: nothing in ich ton give dill-nee to the‘doyal men at my action.” « ' LABS A-Y EA R No. 10. e been fulfilled—l their ton-iBIe real< Warwmurderqizs reigns in ‘plaqe of The fart that “ Fremont’s Erfinncipatlon roclamniion f’ WM receiyed with limits of in) ‘11: Richmond will show’ our rn'dica! Re~ 'ublicau friends um théir policy of Setting ree'Lhe negrool is one that, strengthen: the nemy—«plnyfi into their hands wftbcslgull flbot. "l‘he éhrewll leaders of the Confede nzes know that pmnncipatipn proclaimed _v the Foder'xd Governmqnt would an"; he South an nfio mm in the rebellion Ind érionsly divide public‘ opinion ii: the ’orth. Hence “my want. us to adopt. and; k meaau‘re.——Patriut (f‘ L'nien. ,- wTho Springfield ({Io.) corres‘pbnd'ont‘ fr the New gorkmmmin minim moun't’ of Gen. Fremént’s leaving the army, uyl: ‘ “ It is 'xflso said tlmt'he carried 911' ii“: ‘ aim, all his order; and special order bookl. , eport bodks, Atljumnl’s roturna‘gndJu ‘ 11 § 5' every kindhcarrying up his st; urn, : i 'ith' him, and not [caring a salilury scrap z I -. ”per ( slnh‘ wllut store: could or llmd4 , ”mm! iv?) (Il‘c' Sul-aistunrz or Qnurm'm’wa’d Dov , : rtmrnl. VIM nfi’cnyl’x If (I): mnmmmlffllckmdz ; Ex" 12/ [he _fln‘fl’fi, or the (fair upon whit“ Maj: ’.. can] vauulm paui.‘ was Markd.‘f {i ‘i ‘ -~———«-~«.¢>_—A——~————-- ' ‘1 i A Good‘ Clmnf/a—‘Lnnt year at: thit tilfié/ ‘[ Ropulfllcan‘pnpt‘fi of ~thc North weie It’ll-W long Union meh~cnlling then) “ Union HM] [fit-A.” “ Northern Dotfifl-fncdtff “ Lick-H mink: ”mm! mzmy other beautiful nuns-u We are glad to see thé healthy change inL thegonhfidf. them 'apora. _ 3H3 t Thoy‘now thinlgatzoiglll'out Reppblicsmi ism‘will no longer answer, and that “U-1 : nion " should‘take its plume: If they land“ ‘ thought so last y‘nnr 'there would pover hue“ ‘ been n.war. We welcome them til) tho‘; 1 Union ranks. Let them cplhu in, 31;! in, K ‘ anyway, just no Ihatjhay are in. The dob! ‘4 is still open, and - ‘ - 1‘ , . n While. the lump hnldsvout to bani, f . . The vilcst sinner mJy'rcturfl.” W'j'he “Union" Convention which mominntxad Professor Monroe, 0! Oberlin. ffog the St'nzdo, -the other day, 9WM What they , were for one country, 660 Cal stiiu’tion, one Union,.rmd one nation um nae dew.” Don't Domocmja see when tho "Union" fiarty is drifting Y—M (Ohio) Wmhmgn.. ‘ - v I ”Wm. B. Lethe. Em. of; Schuylkill é‘ounty, ilms been appointed I. Contain?! in the Army, witli order: mjoin Gen. Ed loclfi’a division. Mr. Lebd. itwill be u ngembexed, has oneof theihreb Deinoeutin members of the Penlwylvania Loam". whose votes elected ng. Cameron to the United Smmvi‘Sénate in 1867. ‘ ~ , 3 fillnw bravely a madman wdk flu earth, bear the heaviest bard-ens, perfogn the severest duties, rook 311 men squire in the M. if jhe only begm in his brunt. clou- oonsbienco, vbid of offeboe tow-Id God or man. There is no springin‘o lplll’, no iiupimtion like this. To feel M n have omitted no talk, and left no oblipflop unfulfilled, chi. am the 119011 Imm mimo tion and the soul withwu-enfih. ‘ l ‘Q- A: a pmof that girls are usaful and. 1 cles, sad that the world couldn't very‘ well if get along without them, it. has been .uud, § by a. late miter, as that, that. if all the id 5 were to be driven out a! “be world, in on. 3 generation, the hoyfivonld all god'tegthu'l, ’ Woll, they would. ' a f ‘ , 3'l! you wngit lo M’esnan form? 5‘ friend; hunt get the ill-gm of his wifoa-j. . Public opinion ii made up of the w E [i prejudice-9? Hogan-kind. _1 1 ,—g ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers