z 'PSr'~sa E 'z‘nefiii’éifii‘n {g iiiuMlshed emy’sgbrdiy m n'n'mg. by "HM .T. Sums, n( 51:” p?! hnnum if paid strictly IV .\D\'\\'L"l-§2 00 p-r annum if not mid in “ulna; So BLUMcx-iptiou dismnn‘titll‘¢l,§ union shrine ops‘ma ()I'jhv! puhlhlmr. until “110"“?qu Ire,puid. ; ' _ f .\n) surnauxxvinwrtedntthv Imm! r: /4"Jnr. l’mxnw; (Lulu with I.lmm”. \‘k‘flultn‘h. * ' Orrin: 111 so2lth "11:3"er dront. dim _ £N‘Mshé “'.unplhrl"l'inuinl l-hmhlislm —-"Uo\H'H.an Pixxrnufi’rrlt‘s" rm the ‘ ' Adams County ‘ w L'Tl'Am-‘Hu-J[\‘srnAm-mtml'.\.\" #4 ‘lnuuxpwdlcd .\lnrch 18,1551. ‘ OFFICER)! Pram/Weaenrgc Sqnpc. I'm» I’ruulml—fi. fl. Knurll San-rlnrq—D. A . Huchlcr fl'rudqfr—Dnvi‘l ‘ul'Crtnry. ’ | ,Erlm'ice I'm» mTln—Jluhvrl .\YgCux-nly‘ 3‘ King. Andrew ll‘cintzebnllu. ~ ‘ .Vunqrpn—l)66r,;c'3wmw. h. A. Bug?!” con Kinz. A. ”Pimulm m. IL .\l'Uurdv, 'I A. V‘rnh IH, 5. I“ Hlwo<tnck,\\'m. 13. \lct‘ll \\'-h. B. “'il-m I. \l. I‘lic'u-ergrr. .\helir-I I" J )hw \anl'urJ. H. .\. l'iykmz. .'Uu-l T. “' J I‘M H )flltl’, It. G \1 " rung-. 3“. It. qus N l‘rcA'ry, .\uIlrcx Policy, John l'jckiug, Hench; . ’ "5 ' gag-this Compnnv in mum in it: of _Siqns to {he r'mnly (J .‘dilll‘. H hug; lu surceuml ohnmlinn fur more than <ix .1 my! in (hit periui 1m: [mi-l ’nll lqssmi flu‘ ‘urnwd.n'llmulauy mummrnl. having 21140 :1; surphu capital in the Tummy. The my; gummy; ‘lm Agents—Jr!” pusiw-sy‘ dvme by Hm \lnn $201". who an? annually 1;! In"thc Slgck'ml h-r‘. An‘y person do nn Ynnuunce 'mm apply to any nl'llhc 9| ngmm Manager; lnr lurlln-r i Hurul.|{inn.( , {73"le Bucvniv‘: l‘nvmmlH-v 719'!" » o‘firo ofdn'l‘ompanv on the Insv.’ Walk: in «rem ‘mmllh. M 2, P. .\I: l 'jt’l‘t'?;‘ ”5.4.2! B; ‘ ‘ ‘ A Readv‘ Market. J ' ‘ H".“"HXSHR:\L\'.\V ]o{ .‘)()1) El).-—~\\'o hmo (uh houn- Lm-h ornnju ml In' leuvahz-r. “all 1: (‘u.. with n «lon-rum; Him; In F n [ln‘ 1;} gunk“. p’ri‘ uh fnrnllL‘iu.«l.uf¢lrni&v. Y..: 11 n 1 us unvuilcd “:HI |’!, \STE!!.(I['A z'll Hulk; (:i!!|"F'.il|K". Wlmloan'w wind I: u'mmu. (‘l').\l..nnd 1-I'tr‘.\'¢.lhor;\rtisio‘ . lixw m tun-incur. said M. the lunl-H. po Tau-slofi'vh.’ ('.:Il .m-I z-vnn‘do mu hltn' ]irjces hvfnn- purr‘hm‘vvg c-L .-“ Ink-r» ' ~ . mm”. nmxxznmurrg a Anri‘ 22. ISM: [’s aThe Great stcoverv ‘o'? TH}; A?iii—lu‘imn'u-Ilnrv and 1‘1: ‘ ' Wrotmgnlhm rm “v- vurl-«I-Lr "sins- MHJJQ‘R‘H HICIJ'ZBILVTH‘) “HER“.VFU‘ TFH'HXL, Mun} ‘plnminrn‘. Ih-7OHS nf ll‘xiu thr hufifliflhu’; ‘ro'th-i. h-n-c Gratifin-‘l great I ilily.‘ It; uhécciiin “hr-unmit t-immlLM been hiHn-rm unuurnlhlml b. "NH-I'lfiv. in'rndnred- (n Ihe puhliv. J‘ri I rhu‘bnr hnuhn 'Fur nde \n' A“ ‘lru'zgi‘ pinrer-cn‘ert. I!“!‘plr|'l‘ln‘l‘\2l.\‘u. L. \I” ’Whnl‘t-nuh‘ and vadf “turgid. lib! I: ‘ Adults rounty. I’m. nh-qur in Hr'lqa. ('lu-n “tux-mid). Spirits Ruin“ "ye-uni!“ U»! Dqu. .lia:vnm-<;nn<l Tinflunu, \\‘i '(II In‘. I’erl'uuwrr. l'nn‘nl \lod‘cint-a, km. \my-jA. n. Buchlvr iV thr A 20"! in n burr; Idr .. 11-. L. Mnlh-r‘; 1‘ ~11-In-.u.-d lilxeu Mixturf." [huge 3, 1561. _ ”New Nxt'm'nl Lo’m. q‘fl'ltbi AX!) THREE-WIVTHS I'FJ‘. L TflEAh‘Y'RY XIITI-IS. now rn'ulx' fur cry m. Pm "411"" at J \v mum: &- m” (.'“. .\’ 11-1 S'IIII‘I I'} n! S'nrrl, I‘l'l‘v'l’lrl Pursuit“ tn 11I‘IT1I“1"IS fm n [‘ll- S-vrct ‘B': T “'nrv.‘ th- Sn‘quinfinn Jhmk NEW SATIIWMI [ANY of Trvnsury‘ lv-ur‘vng interval. at the ruv ufqon-n gnu-l 1 1: “In pvr t-Lyndhr nuuum. “-73! rWulin mmy mu -m—_\' Il'l S Tnnm STREET rum-R nm‘ro. rmm ,~ ,\.31. till 51'. .\L. ? “'indls'!li"9p. W. F ' .1 The} «nu-a. W‘ll 1"- nf ".xc dcnmnimt l’!FT\ Imm UN (Ni-1 111‘ UNLLIH) my r'n'slh'wn‘mnnm‘m'm um-nwmr' 11.11.24“ nnl FujyiT'l'H'x‘ \\‘o Int] :‘2l33l‘jfl'nllk-F'll'H‘l anuzvxu, 1111.1) 1" gxl . in l'nrne vn nu m I“1_I\‘-'1"1\IG. l\\""\l {ye-raj xix. w-r v "n. hm. an lht-f "Tlhq‘tx‘vfld -r. [2‘ -11 1'1? w'lr.‘ \'uh» hm r I(‘o'+ mus :Lthrlv- l. wln'v~‘.| mu 1" I 21!!! r MM“: 1 in gold at I'm \livu v-vv-rr six m Am! «(SSIM mte ofu-ie ceL! [ur day on e. 1)‘ d Illhrl. . -< ‘ ' l’nvnomro' nu‘ui‘rF-ut‘i-n‘; nny-1m m (‘.uH -I~(‘he-'u, or Nana; of.m_-.- ofLlm' dfln‘ai , Imm. _ ' * I'nlz'rls-s Kr \ l)HT\\‘(‘K rm rrnu’t h friend t‘u'naz‘l the mm. or ‘1: I-k'n throw! B ~n‘n. ”vi the Trusnry NJFM 3mm" ‘flr dz-ln‘nrnl or «eat. to car 'nrriju u lh'l-vmu- u-r mlly dir-M. I‘l'll’t on ”mini-1: mu“! ml 1 thr in‘oro PHI: 0 .\ugunt, L'N‘ thus'nr “_H I‘M nn Iht Ih‘lhe rmniu-lurv rv‘w‘u‘: l’h"! I'M) (ht-Tat? of the (Mn! p-r My 04 on‘]: [if In”. “NH? If! v" wLlrc-uq .» ~ 1 U._\\' ('(l‘i‘x’q S'x‘fl'w‘n'inn Ag:- ? (‘n-p at In‘ "rum! k (‘1..8m } Nn 114 math Third mm. P‘ to 1414. £951.21 1 1. s‘; . 4*: . - . ‘ i . ( Taflnrmg.‘ 031,124 ”\qu:wa mpmrunv I J hi?" friends ‘nnd‘ l'hr public. that : cum-nfnred the 'rumu'fi‘n husineu. ~‘ ‘li'syn u meg¢3ol3ysburm ’nt the oh}- at u R ~inin}¢r. «hull ‘n- h )po:_ to rumivc 3| sh he .'eucoururnnnv, Ho wu-mutx' fiv xrk {P fit‘ ‘nnd tha’mJLing t I he «Mn "N:1 id rcm’nrly in rm‘oint M'Uu- Fndli rm: [Le w‘ili he nhlu to pin“:- all [Ask-s llhu a his]. ' ‘1 i Wfl‘nuin Kum'nemm «lanjrnmnvcl {Shotl lnl Shin! Tram (‘lmhing. in §~timm (mi at. mo Imm chug". .\‘ati Eglxarnnflex}. V . , [oa. 4, - ’ Smas' Su'sauqri'ua. N’ml'ng's Tum: ILH<'rnuATl\'l-:. A Ms? (W THE T.\~‘Tli. umuw ‘PvRHLY VEGETABLE EXTHAI‘TS. .bo mink-« 1 all Ransom vmll perfect 1 The flml‘; of SANDS' S \RSAPARILL rnnfinc‘l to ill? limitq ei'nurn'xn coun it i.- nfiv‘inedfln almost new TVA", \yorl.l.;lhe‘ quowiu’: is from Mr. Well known repnsenmtivenf uur Gov ' do Prus'fiu: -‘ " " r , {- . jlzaulox l'ursn Sn . ’ ”Ennis, Put-sq: , Manual. 8. k"D.'S«n-li-—flen A ‘llnvingJH-p. _YOII' autumn-ill: us 1 «(‘ity wilhz‘grleu cfi'ect i 9 3 severe Scrofuflfi have heen required m or! dozen homes. whinh plrue send whb posfibleflelwy. I run iispin-d ' ly b in: nrpfi‘nanthrofihy. in beggiug‘ynu lish this unaiked leatim‘ony ~m fine Va Incdicinegfihigh. which?“ it ia'know Known 'as “(might to be: Imm. 21V reupcctfully iammlfikm.’ THE“. ‘. Pric’t 3i 00 per lmc'lo. or 6 bottles . ‘ Aik f. figx‘nfis' S.lr:{:wp.lril_la nml take‘q ‘. ”X’ghanl‘by-‘R.’ B. a I). sum ~13“, 100 Fukon fit. cat. 03'4““an I L? is" saga-v A. l). Bui‘uun, (ifttysb! . cj “111,61. 1;]; ‘ _ . Townzley Ahead, 11‘ u-ideu‘izned remecfiully inf rm3lhe, phhhc th‘m ha :onflnnei fl]: (MIRIAM! X \KIXQ‘AND REPAHHSG [main-mi a ML?“ dilfcnntf‘mqg, rhuper sh m any 313‘0 in the bounty. ' Kl! wafl: wuunteifio give :-. kisfac -1141 néi‘a'mm‘n. Urmtry pro.!uce xken in exchaq'zo for wurk M m erel pricm. , , ~ ‘ . 85M. mwngLEr. Gowyahri, Jung“. ml. t . 1m W. Txpton, i .\imounm BARBER. XOIIh- st cor- F r of'tlhéJMnmennl. (next dot:l to 310- 41-May? hatefi)‘ Gettysburg, Pm, _lt'l'e he can 3% R“ am” he {mind ready to attéim to all businexs,mlhigung. He has also exccllenus aiwwce and will ensure angkfnctin . Give him I calf." ' . w [pea 3 1360. . ._w...‘ ...-.. _-. .7 ... {SOS fiBDYLIERS has: the an ac; {or CAR“ RTV A EEDHA“ & Co.'- MEUO DMHSfi Those in‘trfimenu are an: mused for begun; nd'swoetness of tone. A pauimen mnba 1909 9311 tested by {:xfillin; at £1 air Gil l." 101-}; meet, qlnposite flit 13;, deny. has"? " ‘ ' - ~ Eat. 2L: I fly 5' C~ WS Br 1!. J. STAHLE. fith Year. 1 .Jn- Unn/ Gm igllt IL'IL J. R flu: gfgufir. Ln"; ton 'ruu as". i =2 Tip! 1». Thu T 5 kn Tlu- To {co “'h Thu! 1 To I: Hc-r to give a king]; word 1 ova-rgso Imrd n; Mow. . , i w \\ome by kindness stirr'd‘ IME mu, 1 ex .nvge Tum- mun who “has utur m 9; ' we Imvo n gong-intent, ; lerrr lu- muy ft-H—’ - nflcnqié with I“ is men’nt ' aka the old wohnuls herd. MI il f rm: héve "“1: II Tim To Inc “'1: hr in g'v» oufimullh away '. - I In our neighbfxrlp want, 5 Kim Hu-ir'rcfilful d g, i the inlay 119 they arr \n-n nfml mulntg‘ [Voiced brings Hirilfly though ’nmlet mud in H ' ‘ th, we have?“ PH}: u world of Ii A kin: In! . FM! L. w 'T‘uh i - Tfml All 3|“ 1‘ n' r In work and s he nhmlt and m mm nle [lief-ii R 1c of [ht wry wpr L. ‘ r 1 l- Dunn-ml Umflu horilemi, I [ff-.2: his head "f Mgh, 1‘ ! WAS nnt Ma "04"?” v ‘r other; mil‘enl, ou- M-hn i -: .Anl AI; ifi ”m (For to have m Humble haul-$l,. Ig in fiith and flit-rm, [ I an ever Erwmrdlpirt, ‘ Ic-mhcring wo ML dust; the «Irénm: of We run pug? \ed and Invinglf, " -.‘ 'c rmu-h in o_r nit IM} 1 gn-uL‘va-nfxl Lon. . 1 Ii Liri nmc y HX . Mill 0 its fl'oc ._nny To RP Tulc't 13rl I'uLil ‘ - T‘Lu and ER, “in. ['nh. lml .low C' , iiir2ll.:“l‘l‘2grgnugiEw exesting- Bfemfnisaanee. 1 ’ . $l3 the Mosingdf filo‘nfiirn Mr the in of the rimnfi nf voterfijhrl tho Mll, ijcdnyT sighL n cle-Ihltnhy nnkpmng up. (1 ring “high it was [Hunt the mm m! on which“ the Mont] in' whirl flit-y wnrfii the." the very siten whinlifWl the haul ‘nver whicM Millard l-‘mlm‘rm ¢ afichor in yorlrn gene h)“. ‘ Afid riulmwn. "two 4f tho gnd‘t‘min 'xdmlh' "Wag!" find “'nnroh Pran pnpiL nf the Ex-Prosidvnl {it tho tinned. Since 61w" whit finighty :u'o taken plan‘f‘. The li:h;léhlnlx_' uwn inmunn immenze éity, ro ' r~ Its wealth and commmim‘, nfid knuiw imd retiringpc-dngqgue hnu met the jdvgxiniés at this flat r - low tl-é-chinf ohmtimu. Add the the fIjUIHUESS ism! oppréssed.— ‘(ys i-l‘c MEM I‘P'Jiv-‘Q m (i 'l‘wu-lflh CGHVPYSA TNT. Mir- Ank- discnwr building man-d w ‘ nl.—— ry n! lho c [O3. hrér- di-it riet m rre.itle4l lIMMEI nqeu ISM” 31.111 pron-n t. 20". “'0” ~ time mm o'l of “'3" ;‘ \$D AR“. ”'11:- -1") n —: let has nou‘ng‘d Hm untfi “1:44.31 [:1 IT)! ic— mhm 'I It ‘I:-_ (Tau-i I'lf‘l‘l. ‘l] Ma linmo of Bu T 10 ( u ru'r I n! In (Iv bile Sc'IiLIIOT Dm/pIx‘IIXI—Tho "Chicago last mile}: completed the inn of the “ Douglas Mohumnnt I n." to 1}" fnmrpnmt d ufrdqr m] - taflziilfihlrr‘ of “Hunt‘s. This n:- ' prnpnseq tn erec a monument to cry of the late $011110“ Al. Doug :\ mpigal stnvkmf one Hundred ‘tlxnmaml (lryllarfiir divided {um nm and fiftyjhmhnfit‘i drums, 51ml”!- Timoywratiopd of the népninlinn mrriml (5n in thL city of (Chicago. -... 1~ —\ —< 1 «Yd/tn Buru'fa [Arm—on Mnnday the/'2'!” 15".. mmosi diiltressing occurred in Ferfgum‘n ,‘Mw'n‘hip. 1 county, Pu. ML. .\‘icholag 'l‘ubbs ire wont to pro Lining at L sflmol chandistnnce abut th'cigr‘ homo, itln (Hem uu-ir y pungent. cfiiM and the‘ f-mr 01d” -; d~ in '51“;- citizens (Ar-.:.mizn MO . ‘ -: ill he Pub- n 6! 0H1: —a the me I frnm (My 'lO ‘ inf} ‘y dul 1:15. with and fifty 11 Innlred 1111' mid] are to In IEIJ 1M11132 necidontl Cloarfiol; forms 3 c has ~n (‘ur .i nf J. “burn! all hit Infinl: hi. to ‘ Give ali.l hix MEM -‘ 10:4vins. , c after their nrri Snare ti e alarm was give re. On ramming ‘ 110 11:10 t ‘aroase 41 art M‘i m s ;1. > I=l lEEE . tin: ram-r: an; mly falling in : n' wc..re al he: discnvdrod hnrror. (I ran t! v had left, aé h LEA; 'EDOE d may {aha- budding. .'l‘he y age And thc,ol burning! IZEMMI two girls Ixwi an ' - ~~— dw- «av—.‘“ Tcrnb 'S/fipwrcrl‘.—The tnrm of fintnrdny vc'vokA w a wry destructive ts) sliip’fiffrg in on our cont mt far mum ‘ . Btulhn'l‘m-v; In thon ‘hnrbor. Saturday wetting, 41w, ship Murilm 1. from Lig‘rpoo , 'hdt ( \'ned in‘ Ernt‘ido we, was d'rocko on" I" Rock,“ nndwvo tto pines“. nndgtwent ’uril-‘per-j, ' cnu-«I. including the captqm. _wére‘ Lil-teen =were sawbd.‘ Théav'wmel ‘ lakmhlgyargn of céal.'§"m§l, cnlltfnng .ls. ir ' ', steel, lac} which Was‘ 10%.: ' ’ ‘..“ ‘4'; ’ ' ‘ '4, I I , (infun."—'Pllfis cm mnntl and team has briginnhi‘ at wohql‘: the MT moertainihg it}: Stmng fioint. ‘ ie not H“, but «it the fly. ”IE rumunl 5:5,} n ._this «39' of r ”not: My“ 011 mt. 1 uvl n ll’y g: I e [out n ffl'l to pub n '0! a its nnt “ A'n‘v popula pgrrpo’s: '.llemen, [. .\ Y. -rB5 0'). o nther. Drug- Being g, men-Bab of ”flaming“ ash-self and prr a 151803” the . criptnren, weflmve discovo ed (Lg-Voéigin of th'n'ternf.l I" can l be fun d initfie 17th versf of the 16th éhap— tér ‘of l ud-ges, where Delilah wag) coaxing l Snmsn . for: the mret’ of his grmt ftrengtlr. . He divPlged as follows :—:“ If Lbé slmven. than my strength will gd frnm‘rna, and I ‘ slum choma weak. and BE like ‘alny other nian.’ ’f— Whaling Prank ‘ ‘ tH'FLL-m;+FT—‘Y . Fun I Hanna—A mu m Hamilton, C. Wu’Fave decidedlhat mournng cannot legally be considered put of funeral ex~ ‘penmtg'l‘he defendant was connected with the Gr ‘ 9. Western Railwiy company, and pmmj , l to 'pay (He funeral expensm of a. victim bf an accidenA on the road. In the bill prb'senbed was an itehl for mourning furnighléd the family. whigh thejury disal llowed. l 4.... u . l. wixyfloung' ca'lfiiidate Hp‘r the :Ichl pro« fugioniwas ukedéntfiat h‘q‘ should do first I when employed m’bimg Attraction. “ Ask; ‘ {ormoney on 3000 mm" wlis'the gmnapt re? plr- ‘lFepnmd: ' ..g‘H’ ‘5 . FINA ‘ “Inc are some episorlm'in the life of n :ther profiomtire of laughter; and that ' lig'htonyamp ‘life. Not. longsago a. farmer. who did‘fiot‘ rmidc so fur from a camp of 4‘ the-boyfl“ (n he wished hqj did. Mu ac— tustolfiml tdé'figul every momihg that se’vcr- RI rows of libthc-I had disa’ppmret} from ~hi-x field. fie berg it for‘litotno tim'g, but y’rhon the lnét ‘half o‘flhiafiv’d‘offine fki‘cL :‘aoy‘ ” In‘-gun Lo diuppéur, h‘f: lhgun to: ghink ‘tjhat sort oflhing hzul grime ‘fn‘ enough, and den-rminpd tosmpit. Accn‘fidipfly, he {made «i vim. to camp early ne‘xt ornin‘g..and Amused himuelf by going? nfound tr} we x'rholhur trhv soldiers were; H'rovideditith good and wlylmomc- proqsitlim. liq all I‘in't [Srncemle far when heéf 'lnd a “ jmt sot-ring ‘up a fin}: dissl‘x'fi “ khln \'rh‘ich‘lm-ked-:mnrvenouuly§ h .'e those flue “ gmlo \vifa " brought to)“: own Making Hm fifllowing collofiUj 1 “flan- fine fiotntoes hero. I a“) ... splenaiug" {m Hm may. ‘ ‘r “ ‘Yhoro do‘ynu gilt thud} 3'. E " Drmv than." Q r I “_lmm the government {ur in your rations Z" {i { y “ anv potatoé." ‘ X l } “ ['flumpht you mill you fdr 'r,“ Did l—wnjnst do (him Uni [I “ 135 m how. ‘if they are p 0 your‘rntiom 1" g taught, Ave and .tpi 1i .“ Emiwt thing §n {lucid :‘rnll take mmn with Ix: ?" mi [_(N ha mated hin‘telf at the‘ ‘ rm": <nmkingxegbtnma; l, 11l "Thank you!‘ But willly I by tullmg lmvr you «lrny y? I'lho'v nreigmt found by the, l ' " Notlliirz’onu‘pr.‘ Draw 'r '7 tutu/1y: Smm-fimm with a. {h “of! in tlmfiohl." (l 1 i; “ Hum! yes! I .undorstniti: ifhorfi, if you; won't, (lmmnnyl V {J will firing: yhn u hmket bi fjlnnrl Ilrnw Hmm myl-olf." ‘ l i 2‘: “ Bully for you. old follnwll; {Sand three 01309" am] a tigoé ‘ ,l’sl-‘nrmor—tlmfo. w'c had like‘lt jghis‘ nmno. 1 The covenant w: I l‘g‘unuhm one but the owner? ‘ivfrmn that field afterward. ll L A, .‘“»— «n» -—s‘ lu . Bmmm’a Last 3 ; Punmm l< aha-”y: randy W?! i Hllk lnloct‘is tho fullmving. y :Elinn llnwo, In, who has 1) l Lib fitting nut rocimon}: fall. ‘ “one hnq-gpmt thou-ands r'fl' «my. find taken an git-eat n'n lzl :tm‘y affairs llmt he has but it ‘rto’ml tn nnythinyz’elsa. 12‘? ~, ‘One day a'vo worthy Cl} 'ne‘ctirux 3mm obllnsl llfk‘llullle gnntlmh 311 with a [iim'iption IM. “9 wantedi r. 119“ give something toward»: eh- ‘ ting at .ohurch. ‘fl don‘t think Im’n Kgive nnyt because I an: spending all “(I ‘xpuro in for the war. {Can’t tvlfinkvnfinlinything l (The deacon looked def undnnt. Mr. Howe néemr-d firm in ‘ h dvterltina tion no! to giye n. “ rod." 41415” In; km! tlio dancou what the newichfrch was to be called. 1 4.11 ,1" ‘ “'l‘hé Chgych of St. Pet L lsir," wasl the relyly. I ‘ “j ‘ , I “ Ah. the Churvh of St. néter.” reLlied .Ilmfe. “ Well, né SL' Petefjln'nu the {only fighting apostle in‘th‘e Int. {Luna I'll have to give somnthing. Bu” Mn’t do much ovén far Sh. Pour, an my WllO and mnm-y muh be nlmOst entiébly duh ed to Salt Pe tra." ‘4 ‘ 1; , _. T Vfl-....._.‘| -. «- ncs' nt Imino.—, ‘33! at thé whool-j 1 that thtfir housn Mm sceng ‘oficon— ‘l othorj‘tiqubors ‘ zl tn thdir utter ‘ at the {caquhil m9 \‘9 in the, L In 3?: 3;“ 6h ree est 01'3““; two” Rulleer a Bid Prat/ice.—A {' i mvpleo «top 'pod at a tavern, and was muréh phased with the lindlady. a néat. pretty‘fl-and agreeable qutknress. When about tégdcpnxt. be de clan-{ed he could not no withéht n kiss.—The Ipretty"quulderotzs blushpdjba she Nplicd 'with grant rfnumspectinn‘: “ i i “ Friend, thee must not (16 F 0 impiudont u Itbi'tuz. " ’ :1 '} üßy heavens, I will! " .gxdaimed the } traveler. ‘ .Ht . l “ Well. as ‘thee hns swam“ I will nnt be the cause of thee breakin" [thine tenth}! (naively answered the bludfi mg landltdyv ; “ but thee must not make It raciicgofit Y" \ ~~--—>—-««M~ 7 '—~‘ -,-._ 1 awn—A W story is! mof the late L W. E.‘ Burton, which’we but ‘.nevor ygen in Quint; While traveling f} n steamboat . down the Hudson. he seatemhimself at the ‘ table and called for some Bebfsteak. The waiter fum'fghed’ihim with Hsmnll strip of the‘ ‘artide. hucfi ’M"trnve“s+q nro usunfly ‘put‘ ofl‘with. Taking it upéjlhibfork, and turning it over and exnmin': I; it with one of his pe'culiur serious lookéfthe comedian mofly remarked, “ .Ym, math; it; bring me somec” * ' 11. 4 "‘ “‘ ‘“ ”‘.‘f ‘ 7 Hit“ new Indium is said to béfi fine fiold for missionary service. In p ,f of this. the Cincinnpti 13)»in Timh mymnt some time since, authority wnn given igo Coi. 'J. L: Smith to raise a regiment ini that State of "“ moi-a1 uni] religious men," for the war.— After five weeka’ Itrhggle, id which period he «amused the Pwholes of Indiana, he mo ceeded in gettixig twenty-(hm captain‘— thirteen more than were headed—But the “ moral and reh‘gious men ”Adid not, it j: said, face into line in luflicient numbers to form a respectable guard. ‘ Congrma.—Prepnrat.ions To“ the Session of- Congress have already commenced. The chambers of the 3‘ nate and Home of Rep resentatives are fitting up, dud everything will bein readiness before'hha fintof De cember. I Sf! 11. Rowan Helper, author of the “Im paidyng aisiw him been upfiointed Cong]! 'to Bgenorfirel. " ‘ ' 1 GE‘I‘TYSBUR G- aning Rati‘ons. V emu sou.” iuh pomloes I ”11"} I . includ‘cgd in I" 1 [ £lth \\Ln't h the pnli'lit-r. tfble, ‘ (Synmikei u-nldi “ mt: potntfgn, n 5 mm‘i-sig’ry .’" by Uléhlops, .‘ ‘ . ~ If 6““) 13 i 4 '1 . Wei"; toe‘ ore of‘ ‘line. ‘ry mdvjjxing. was ‘h'nfcry. ort- pit? for rl have “- :tton '4l!”qu {ink}, 7ew pothtoes‘ i a 1100!] 913017. ich "in fluid M J} very .qbt?ve I'm War =II Worm! in he time =2Ml=2ll “TRUTH 13 man“ no; mm. PREVAIL." Dani‘el Webster on the Right of Free tht Will: We Do With It? SPBECh in Wit Time. At our 3000. his accomplished Up to fill: It may be W?” to calmly weigh, sit the, time an that an, +nm‘ sanguine mulrlfnnye y present time, the ramming words ofiDanielé expock-«l of it. mp”. l 4 now a ““0318 prom ‘ Webster. They were llm-red 'ln defence bility thdt Sou}! Carolina will be taken 0f 3‘3"“ prian-le: “"ll the Hill” in [mic-"l —thnc ind)“: will not be taken awnyfrom timlly illustrntn that fiurJnciplo. wilhin ran-i “hp". 3he‘i:.—L{‘“f loos» frnm her mkmr'mln. mnnble bound“. at .(rllzt‘umv. will ”0 fmm‘l ‘, “"11““erle tmlriftnwny inthoflulg'slroam to be casontinl to the F: 013' of our freé in-I —-I.ut mr-rr'ly taken pruevsuinn 51“. Thai sfitutions. ,Wohmlr 59:5: » i ,l next question is, what will we dd wig}: South ‘ " Important as l deofn it to diwuhs, on all , Curolixin when we lmvo'it? ‘ .5; ' 1 prqper ocm-‘Sunk. tlielylllioy of the mt-ast-l Offrinn-(g(‘Velylnlhhliflfi his nwnxiows an, in“ “t l""‘“’“t pllrsut‘ll.‘ is l' “l” '11)”? inv" th “all":t- lThc- store-box pnlificlu'n, whu'l pol-tun! to maintain Iqu fight of fuch disl‘ linows fuqz egglany hrfiv evor'fithlflfl ‘nnght to) cuu~ion in its full and; us't ‘extentl‘ Smith: 1,.3' done (h ‘cnwh out thin ‘rolmllion..nnd l menu“ lately 'Pmnfl WP and, nrzwlgrmving‘ bring (hi: war in q (pr-ml)“ oml, hnu nn yeti popular, ""31“ it ““39 wry 1n liefoxplicit ’ decided whu hllfillll he done wilh Sputh I on this point It Ml3l. unriéntdynrl con-f (fmfifinn. 1,“ ml Wiping m“ ”164;“. or; stillitiom’d right nf tl'yi people-«(H'cmwnm' Clmrle.~(on, w norn thr- meoulitv'enrdménr-mlfi’ public monsuronfnml it! o merits of fmhlic f Clmrjpgmlh ] “-ovfcr, is nnt all of the Pill-? man. It i“ "‘ “Wm'l’lT' right, :1 firewle: ink-Mn Shh. vntit.cnnmim«.éoni-idpnlbl'n privilr‘g‘e. It hnn‘ovm-ll) “1| enjoymil in 9"“; number of :I mof imprnw-ll lundympnbk‘l ry Imusée, cottagé HINT-Hlil? in the-1 nation. 5 "f mi-‘lngrni ,n_ ram nnd'tobncco. 4- In View! Able. It in an nmlrlnhti‘tl as tlil' tight nf bi-vnthin'f the nil-Land walking all llm earth. lliolongf: in}: to private 'lifn m +‘i‘ight. it bt-lnngs to public “In M n (lnty: Mid it in thallzwt «lu ty Wlllt‘ll thaw \\‘llmetri’ipmwntutlhc I lam rlmll find me uhamhm. l'l'his high éomtiitn ‘linnul pr‘n‘ilv'ue llhullltlel‘vhtl11n(ll0XPl‘jbl:0 within this llmw‘ nnilli all plnn‘u‘; ingimr 42/ war. in limp (If [km-c. in?! a/ all limi‘L l.i\'< ing, I “ill new: in .1? ng.l will Mir-rt, it: mnl phnulrl I leave n: litlmr luxury to my children, L,- tln‘ New); or GM 1 mu have the inheritance at (vol: mrmoiplca. mnl tlm example 01' n manly. irjillopmnloht, hml 0011‘ stitutihnal defrlncq of llh-m." ‘ -—4~ —— -- «- '~ -—~——‘ Dutch Couple a} a. Thegtre.‘ < “\'rin l fir‘t vnlno tirlJ-‘ilmh-lfv. try-isorts'o. l was very munch Itnnivlilizmlf' mid Kntrina, now a tidy intt-lligenti'igirl in a rmpeclnhla family. "I laugh very liifmqli. and l fool wry moooh ashamed torenietnln-r how I behnvccl when I know so littloJ [Shpm that: mu'my hmu thou—Slum wolf i 139 tn the theatre one night von 1 had 'I nin lFilmlelfy but, three weokr'n. V 9 sit ml“! millory. and we see not goat, and Shthy sdid he \rriuhl got another SPIIL ' Suho phi his legs nrnund the pcwt and slides (low Ipitgde pit, undihe looki up and mils out. il i . y _ “Katrina! Kutrinn!rtn‘imodownfiishugood View here.” . l ‘ ' ,' , “ Antl'l lomed m'r-r' find Enid Ii [ “ How can 1 room, gill-m T" I " “And he milli— ‘1 i t j 5" "Jud hliLle dnwn."| E i 2 “So I vnt my legi strquul tho pill :- nnrl shiitlod down top. .D'hhélor! hmvlth folks laugh! lloy laugh wiiimoch deyiy :iy‘nn more on tho dingo. l'il'Q-r)"l)t)'l)' hiuéh and yell and whistle all oidr the hqnse. lAmi IV was morwh ashamed, Mien. tho I knew. Imt' any harm! But now i Imus: red (3%“. time I dink: (if it." i l _ ' EZ MIN 1 iii. 0 nt- I den [ Byb ‘o to , Counting foil-La Friend, ‘ l 1 Other men lhan t ll hard-headed Puri gtnn. Miles Standidi. time made the mmp [blunder lw p(\rpi'll'flll?(l in Funding Jphn ‘ Allen to do his courtship 'wilh .thor‘preny rim-ills. Envoys exitlraordiunry are some . tiines extraordinary drivni'e, and ire should i not ndviseany anionq ixwuin, unlous he had no tongue and mi- ianalfimhle of making pot 'hooks and trummols-l- o imitate Sam's pru : pond by firnxy. SnnlJnnym—“l ups‘and I ‘l‘t‘ells Mose nll abopt iii“ flaws to Mose, an)": ‘I, ‘llad’you juqt as “We ask foi- ma.” He ’snid_ he had. So, {Q make a long story {shortho‘ne cold nighft we sfarted for the houseH‘hem Liddy (lived. It was agreed~ l that l tilmuld stay it tho woodslhed whila 'Mmo so’ ~"matters rigljid. ~ Mose Knocked“ 1 the dani- nhd wont if" and I sot down on fin choming log to wit the issue. Mme lthnuglxdho mixld fixbl hings in abaixt half van lmur‘, and ns‘ it W't eight ofclock when ihe weni 'in. I cnli‘glfitd on being in Para Ql3 Img. nay ding übqui halfnrtelqt in them I sat, and sot, till I heard the cI k strike nine; then I hnd to get up and 5 pm): and thrash my hands tikeep from i 933113;“ Ton o’clock. then el 1 en siruck— (1 still no Mose. At lunjugg‘ about midniéllitmliow I'd got to be , little Leiter‘n n freezinLuuer \uthe patios. i I rushed up to him. 7v. h a fine kin’ viiiée. i 'M-M-hfbson.’snys I, Mh-whnt (159 she V' 3' ‘ ——‘Sum,i mys he, ‘ ’phh my soul lionggyto nx hex-. 1 Just six with: nrter, Memo and Liddy more made on? ash.” \ -.._ ‘-.”. “.._—‘4 i \ (langiig mum—3i: limos». Nov. nix— Coionel iCoroox-an, thr lopnptains a'nd eighk teen lientonants. all ofmom wore captured in the action at Mama 3 and confined in the jnilsfnt. Richmondihnd been selectod by lots to his: hung‘ in rdtfilintion for the hang ing of Captain Baked! find the crow of the Southern private" fidunnah. The Hon. Mr. ['3mean of Oohgren from it» State of New York, dréw flhp lots for Cal. Got-co rumwho‘ is now impi-iioued ‘in Qharléston. In case the mud of Néw York condeinmd the :crew of the Sas'o‘anah to death“ the Federal pficen would}? immediatoly hung. 3"“ ion curious ncid'etgce that all the joumnls‘which . are nfm bowling Io hastily for Emancipation, are! the wiry nine ones which agreed _lnst fan‘wm. in». New York Tribue, thut " the SoLth isiworth nothing to the Union. and ifphe redly‘wnnts to ledve ii. we will [help her out.” It is not at I“ unlilfiely that :be Abolition crieu, which ring out with such peculiar fervor at ’this time, are? intended to “ help her out.”— Whethei intended or hotly. they surely have a tendency to do 50..-—-Ji'ruk{y Obaen‘er. A ‘... _-, ___- - If]! your sister. while engaged with hei' sweetheart. Mk; you to bring a glass of water frfirm ‘an' adjoining room, ptut on the errand blm you need rift recur-n. You‘will not bq plum}: Dealt forget “is. little chiidrem ..; i PA_ MONDAY Nov- 25, 1861. of thin far-t. “1- Mil the attention a! the'hiui do'r‘ziu tho t. i ymul toflur viewn. '1 i I When livn .l‘nrt was taken. nilmfll'nitm-' her of durhhfx wore found on ,shor withJ their l-unllleflundvr their "rim, it! 5 m‘tzi-i tion of l-iilvlihgmlieu to Dixie. nil Ring the tit-t limit for the North. ’Ph'l- id Img! voilfi thrmmhout the Stuto umong‘th‘ , nig-z, ill-r 1 that the ‘ilay‘of T'enteonit has (final and "that they are nlmnt to hid fnre ll to; finlels of rive nn-l tin-hid of rotton. (If one! thmfieit- mi~tukrn. Brother lleeeh him«i self wmxlrl filo m) iniunrtion nunllgptl llinz: up the Xurth with his colored lirfitl‘ on of‘. the South. , ll I ‘ I We then-fore propose. that as Alamo“ the .t South is thoroughly subdued. South (‘uroll-t no, 'whe‘ro relnellion first renrerllits horritli front, he disposed of M followi: Ml the; white inhnhitnntsto leave the flute. .\lli the hind to he :dividetl inth t‘nrmn‘of'tliirty! norm. and one given to eaoh slnl'e H'ho ia the head ol' n fnhlily. and thelt‘olru groper-i ty tohe «li\:itlotliu the 51llll“.l'£llrln qmonn. the florkilw who {lum- not been in the airi-l cultilml intermi. A large \r:ill,l.likg that| whit‘h girdle-4 China. to he' built flou‘utl ,it, and ohdrur-tions-to he placed in‘gpaoh hnr-I hot, so that :ill mmmunioxition ht: rill oitt‘. ‘ savo niu‘ oiltlrtt by milroml to Winona the cotton to some ~hipiving port. . : hrm‘ifiion-i nl ‘govelumont to he c>tnhlishriih withoutl army or nm‘y. with Fred. Dough}: M! l‘rosi-‘i amt; J.Stellxi Mal-tin at ntzpism-dgrmnnco;' and Henry Highland Hornets ml Mini-iter of Justice. “A ti'iai might fthu-l‘ be’ given ; them thr one year, and it" they did not zinc-l 1 Mod istnoothly. llenrv Ward Beecher. lllr. Itodpath. Wendell Phillips, t‘inniuin and Alrhy Kollv might bewnt. down for one‘ your to rogulata‘ntliiir‘. If. at the rind of that. tiine. the project nfo<tnlali<lfihg 0 color— ‘ . ed republic proved n. failure, tléen till the , darkies should be shipped to I lilioriu null. Hnyti. and the land he divide?! 'y‘moug the ‘ i neivspnrier «mm of the North. ’3 Thorn. we ‘ have had our say early in tho (luy.;but if anybody run exigent my thing more, wow-i ‘ ticnhle. we shall he pleased to hear from ‘ himaf-I’utriol (f‘ Union. ' 1 ,' l a —'«A- ——-¢-o— "—4341. I, ,d‘finv. (‘in-tin. of l'n-mmylvn 3251 th mle dressed to the Secretary othnte dggn'unnnik 7 ‘ chtion in refercnog‘to the recently opini- of . ‘ tlmt'ofiioer i'ecomtnending the fmltityin’g of: 09:1 sea coast at the expense. of tilnTsénnrnte 1' States. The Gove‘mor sop héiifi flnd to' learn tliai‘tlieie is no prospect of: diaturb- s anceof our relations uith foreign p’owerx,’ hut. declares himself unable to‘see wliv. l ‘ «nah being the e'm‘e'. the intlivimfl States f ‘ should be called an to fortify th *l‘lVO‘.-—j l 170 Furtheri remarks that the Le‘ Nature of 4 Pennsylvania will not meéhtil ttnoi-e than! t a rrmnth utter Cong‘ren nsnomhl ‘g‘nhiuhnt l l the enrorgeney does not. seem ifiiciently i great to authorize him-to call :1 Erin] soul sion. "He next: says that he qhhts not] Congress would vote to reimbursq thb States ‘ fol-{their expenses incurred' in tocor‘hince' Wllh'tllQ cirenlnr of the Secret s*, yet. he pulls nttqn’tion to the delay hioh has marked the pnvmentjp Penn yll'nniti of the money rho advanced in ”filing; and equipping Volunteers. and hihbi. :fllat‘it would he rotisfuotoi‘y if the (hoverhmentl ‘wouldrillne more firornpt in settling {animal ofthix chamoteh' He suggests in ohm-lu nion, that it would seem proper for,'the General Government to do its own work (li rectlt' in regard to fortificationshut promi m. it' this shall not mm downtown} Fennsylvanio will reupor ‘y to any l demand of the country. i . ~ , ‘ «w 2 Aéo’ilinnim Rummy-L— V fin 090 W! 'sional extrnet from the Nation“ -. .tl-Sla— very snndmi, to show the {pinion r Aho- ‘ litionlxmx Parker Pillsbury writes follows on the Fréntont pfi‘air : .é Letn President Lincoln nude in .(l thnt the people hhn‘s in the Westwilf; to'lee the evidence precédn the condemnation—and certainly the sentence and exeogtinn. And eome may wish to know whether the pru dence and economy about Washington hue been such as to demand so summary proeetvlinz‘! in Missouri. , * Will it he tremonnhle to petition Con green to imnench the Fret-Mont and hi- ud visers. on the first Monday in December next, before the going down of the sun 2 If so n. grout mnnv ol' u»; are thiitorq nt.henrt tn the. extentot‘ desiring it. And I know nnthinz, were Congrats brave and honoat. that would no tend to sub-zerve the ends of iuatice and liberty. Pixxm Pgiununr. l —— ~- «.00 7-. —‘ «~— fi'T'ne Pittsburg Chronicle puhlisheo n li<t of eighty-three oompnnioi of volunteers enlisted for three years in Allegheny coun ty, all now in service. A. :i * ”The Na; York Cbmmercial s 7 e 8 thnt lh'e income orghe Sherifi‘ of that ' ty win he mom :lolPrl' per ynr for‘p 1 time tacomo! An {office worth havil'l'g. . Your ox, 0‘ My Bull. Tho fable fritnr'wnf wise. A few wank! ago it wns‘lnid down "‘1 law. by some nrllvnt nr‘w‘pappn. (hm no than who disapproved of any oftj'u- net’s of tho .\llminiflrntinh in «uppmsang the relwll' n,cnuld be ”mu-dad as a sincere pntrint. n the contrary. ifuuy one bxprpuml (limp ohdtinn of the 5‘1," mneinn of the writ f lan/mm mxpm. or nf the urn-st ofi citizen on telegraphic div. patches, or of‘nny nth tmtiqn or of why of its prover} wan pronounce traitors, and in fuel: In‘ Rinni4t lt \gas A very com'o as thGJAalministl-agimy these 3 ardent gontlefil glue Jar. It newer i portsiléle thin! that (h! do anything for the [mllinn \\luich “n" not heartily apprm'c“ it did not appear fr” iktrnlion could ovnr U The}; ‘ in fact im'ngim-i Hm Ggwornmont in the lbpul 'bout as they plé Bilatimcs have elm tratini-n hm a mind of nily pilruuesna course tibmoh do nnt like. opimriunity for the shimlm-d of lovnlty. by tho Administration But the Adminidruti pate {he slaves, tho }\ .Frém’ nl's proolnmnli lion consinnnllyynrd ed to hisinnsh-r. Tl tllroc-‘unnnflm nun p n trni nr Mm did nut: tion { ‘ through thic inring up flwjr own p find iliareforc at'nn vlaiming their right album the Administm sinnisi. bun need mm" struck more revere n; the chm'm‘tur of the P not. than the Vory me ngo .Igrnfimmcod a db? offimfis rank treason?C in sump remark; pply‘ to private in li vi [11915 as to public n \vspnpm. The most {urinilu dnnounvcrs n the President Qohry are men who a few w kn since 'brmmul to hxing'ovrry one'Whl‘ZLdnglfld with them a: lo'lhé mode of .ecntiug tlm war. ' "flirt—W" . ~ 3.7Nu‘pfiae our neigh ' y-nbhdmu that “ .\O - hc‘uqlmrjrtr-I2i to him: Rapjlhlicnnjmxmnls. u- pul‘vliqpuhw in rela opine the public will [to the ”sigma! the [lit/("(67, _ L:-/ m ”art ”It E's". l’xfi' ‘Of the “ Amt/mm crol ( irruhr" mnt "m: self and the role! qflh gsking them In fool fl tinn‘flo «luwry. \\‘a ”magnum the “ km" tilneh‘.”-—l)nnri{/e [.41 “'i- drsiro 11w pulp juuhi: this tlmonll 111+ thro‘ving mlt strnn-z} TM“; as ulqu‘ ind] sound. tlm public. ni dnm'nnt seem to. If“ guhficnn [eagle-r- vii! Almfitinn ground; buw {_v "hitch flwn mm! dodge will be um n; , ny/m r. the Mm mama New York Tribvynr recently spa 4- of Gen. 806“ thus: . “Whr‘n' the cons imtn‘rrs we're pinning (ho-rnbnllinn‘ flu-y mmued tn mun-o tho m-opr‘rutinn nf nit'mt‘nl' llié uhlm'. more ac tive“ and oleror nf t #0 nfl'weru, Inning l/w ,mlpcr‘nnua'fil, Mr minty Il.r inmqwblt, (0 be mp pfirml and rndm‘nl lg] 1 Union." . D 1 the firmly imp ten herenhoutn e’n dorée 'such langung in this? Is there no Manlua‘ In New Yo k. or mm they instrug§< Ited (fnly to 300 k unj Domncrntic editors? ~——-<_--—~—— ‘... —‘ -—"‘ - Wm! (.‘rmuda Pfapo'fm 10,130.43}! dnnlit it is «grand thing to'gtit nqxrs from California in t‘E-enty-five minuts imtowrl‘of twenty fivniinyk; and the A Ericans deserve-great credit, for rimning tho telegraphic wire, as they‘ hum dons, may: (ha continent. They are a little about] ‘of us in. thin. but "will not preserve thiir advantage long.— 30me many yam—thprhnm by the time they have extended their firm: to British Columbia—ave will Lon Ours to the Red» River. and up the» Sa‘pkatchewnn. and have It teicgraph, as we will hive a railway. too. from the Atlantic ,0 the Pacific. 'all on Brita“: territbry. When built, our tele gragh, u we" as OIJT railway. will be the mnih trunk line to ”spun. China and the East. because by far filo qhortost: the Yan knot lines will be Flint. feeder§.--Qu¢bcc Lernicle. E 'r' '7’ 'fi'w i TIM Hundred Tlaimlnndnzllorr Man—lt in Hated in the northern paper- thn 'the Prenidcnt' will soon: issue a proclamation calling upon the Gdrrmorl of the different Statics to fuminh two hundred thousand ’nth’hionnl men befoi’e the first. of Jmunry. V .._. b *— - —-§-. . ' I. Imm: 01m; [mm—on the 'Bth of November, (860 the‘l-‘ule-ml flag was haul ed clown in $31!”) Carolina. and on the Bth of November, 1861, ‘ it was mined again by tho Federal troop: lit Bénuf'ort., (hm Todd—~69". J . B. 5. Todd, 0! Dace tah. a brother or coufin of Mrs. Lincoln, has been appointed to fire ehief command of North .\[isixourL Gm. Quintin is to be miylcd to otherglufiea. ' , ' 7-7 7 «.0 pp— -—-— ‘ [S‘Friemhhip wh'ich flows from flieheart; cannot be frozen by Tndvprsity. as the wntar flu; flows from the dpring does not congell in *inter. I ‘ . 3 file isvbut (step from cunning to knot-f e 115; lying makes! the: whole difijrence—nddg duty: cunning, um}! it 'u kmvery. : \ ‘ _ ‘ MMI LLA ms A-Y my: TWO ‘r nét 0f the Adminis mombofi. Hm disap - n sympnflnierwith ‘ - bemu- than I sodas nhk‘ (10011 inn sn long Iroo‘hcly nzreNl with on ih Uwir Vimvx of 1 film?" for the grounds of that impression in urer-to them In 3 Anything that he- is doing or shying.— (‘mvornmont ‘muld f ilonn‘rognrd is mare subtloucrnfty and- astute. uppj‘f'fifiinn of the re: i *‘lcClellnn is more cnmpmhenaiw, more and citizrns",wnnm 1108mm]. more impreu’sionnb‘o. ' Bonnregnul mui. in their; nrd'nr, ‘4: a mldio‘r; lgcmollnn n’ny prove. he {I a He that the Admin- :‘grmlt gefier‘nl. The fprmnr'nnEy' look! to isixgreo with (hum.—- ' fifilit‘my mnsoquances. {lnd dilregnrda pop. ] that they (‘arriml ; Ihfll' mnnifeatatimi‘x: Hm mm- rmpeck the ir own pockets, to 'be ' épiniomnfthe outer world. and 3m panti- Imd, . ' maps well as milihu-y rosultmfin \vlnaf he, fled, 2119 Adminia'xl‘éldera. 'l‘hpy are both the meninges of Itc~ E a own. and ovcnaion- lament, 8n far as their premnt. pcuiti'nnw are 'hich ”'10.”, vnr’y gen- ! dancémok It ronmini who won ifin eilhel' llVre i« an oxfyellént tfho n’gfil rymah'or the cavalry nfiix-er of. pplivmion of their It???“ I'nimd States nh'ny them is tlm “If you don't «and i .4!" of Which histnry i! moulded. nurh as ‘ you are d lmitorii , filmt of which tlw mtiUm-vnpn of Brianna refuge to pmnuci! ‘ rir the leader of the li'nnsitlos was made. . , ministration modify. "'-L“’” “'3’: "‘ " ' j' A H. the Administra—p I @Thc nmnunt nr alit'nr nfm tindmg ".1 “Inc to 13;! return- . {my to Sun Frangucn from kevndn is fish- 1 030;”), editors, who ‘ nljlted, hy well ml‘orrnod hankerelnt at): mumoml “I," man lllmlhnm per nnnum.’ At the enmewtims exr I . k the Administm- . ylnmtinns are being pushed fog-wind “long. 11nd min‘n cannot‘M he énstprn slope at the Sir-m: and that l rintwnl tn the point, 119483,“ o’9 l“""Ufllfl to light. leml'tngto the l refine to support; I belief that only an edgy- of the rut amp". _0 d‘iasnpprdvn,'and ‘0 ti'crous depoeil has yet l-mn dviscovored.—_ ion. _ .\‘o "I'nk m_ {The fact that silver is‘mixod with gold in ' viqlint Vlnnmmno‘ or ] the’plncers wethoftimt mg:- is aim bogin- ’ 1| (tn-“div mm“ at! ning» tnlexcite ottrzminn. Some time! ttmi rem pm 1111-1] his mlbi- ; [importion 11y weight of; the l'nrmer to tho n “.3", ”mt". mouths - Fitter is M high aegonath-d. it being usual» ngrw’mont with those 5 y in thetfnrm of ’sulphun-tt‘. und'ocnauiom' ”My found united with lead. tin, gold. or; Ignpper. 0n anmunt of these combinatiqm. Ilwhile gold wnn' found in a notiva’gtate, re;- 5I ’gniring only meclmniml mmm to mmmto 1 it from the quartz, it in not surprising thltfl ”diver are shngld have owned notice “to ai! [great extent. But it will henceforth ho‘l imu'zllt ut‘terih its various t‘nrms. and probk‘i Ilfly'be fmmd inflimmenm quantitiés. .5 1‘ ‘- -.-- «Ins-w—w. 1 if Animal! 'Srunlhemlu-At tghe burnin! of that: igmenimerie ot‘ Me’ssrc. (Gtiédwin. It- Brim. Hm Tuesdav right. the fire did notified! _ .étho'hnimnln but the minke "gathered 1 “thong Amnng the nnimnlnlmt mum fqynlgf ll‘Benqnl tiuer, «aid tn have been the lamest" I'innd the heat epnnimcn in the cmmtrjf. nnvlj’ Ilthe mm mined of any single animal ln the? ,licollortion. The other animals Were all tjne 1' ilépeéimem. and numbered three linnng‘t'mlr-I‘l fileopnrdfl, tw'i A'ricun tigon. two bears, n 35 :ihyona.jncknl. African gout. mll<kmt. long» I flat-dent. horned hone, nlmnt fnrtv monkerl gitwn trick mule-I. tin-013 trick ponies 11m! 61's,? 11mm. all o'whieh perlfihfl’l. Thennimnlulfi 1131 mm were valued It about $lO,OOO. '-1 1 * ___. ' ..., . I*. ‘1 1 An Amrnalmrnt (0 III: ('nntlthrhom—le i ilnuiwill: 111-mural ailments that when thefl Imu- is ended the Constitution be amended L Iwo that un-exocutiro be chasm by lot. «mg i lénf eight qr ten of the members of the Sony} Fate. who hmt'e been longed}. in that bruit. I fund confinehin term of affine to two year-. 1; ‘io tn nah- Hm f-lct that ’llh‘nlldicun p’apors are Abolition somimdnh. icnled. is, intended to 11ml; and 'if the Non imfimcfiaflflo’ the Be nt Fume mus-“me uhm ir the pub“? dwided 'clmmcler of f: I'nfnn'" L nin.-—C‘lin7on Dcmw'ral. E=2ME - INN= I“ Elf-fall] "Om-I t 'in.” or t «"17 don ‘ 13min gives tllp following rompnritnn l!" l tlveeu McCl'ellnn nnol Boaureglml ll’hll ilimlfleltor: ‘ > ‘ 1 So in my mind (hare ls gauging ofr'o-‘ afimblnuce between an". M, ‘1; ch mhov’ I’ w_ the middlo” heifintfld‘hoy are both Hum-Ely Bum, 3nd Minn: their muwu l r power lino. M calla” dlys. Beami : an]. invlpedlh lean Ind Slain ribbed : Mc- Lt‘lqnnn irtylhnd rouudmith gxnpbloonio t I nduxm‘f to Huber-paint. sillnluod lgv'mcenlnt ltomiw. Mum sleeps little: Xb ’ (plqllan': temperament requires ‘I hill‘ihngo l f 'rest : both we spare and Spartan Indlet, ljtudinusly qgivt. Beauregard _.is 119!ng 1 ‘rity‘mine, and :If nutmelanclmlic. u d I. :inm gaiety : McClellan in 12min] em}: in his , hang. The density“ of the‘ ‘hair. the I iqunrenm of the jaw, tlap'fxrmnm—lfl « Mule-it} of 019 «Minna! draw - Illa hung-en. qre point: of similarity in I In”). which would be more striking qil‘ 7 Bonurognnlwere‘notof tlmmw Inimilninn . {Crmle tint, wln'la McClFllmn ii fair com ' blexidnmlh Bnnnrogmnl 1m» n (lurk; dull ‘ Student‘s eye, (he llullnou of which wines, ‘ luowovor. from its fol-malfunfiu- It. i. fullo! ll'lrg. and its glancm are quick and searching. foClellnn hm it deep. clear eye. intn thigh ffou van lnolE fur nmldeep, while ybu feel it . finrclnos far and deep inln'ynu., _‘ I ’ 1 Beauregard bM something of prrpttgmiou l In his manner; .nut‘hantenr. but A {claim firmed, mmlitntivc nont- of air. whlnh mm: 5 gp'éay, “ Don‘t disturb ma: I am tlfinkinx ‘éf military mnyemaqts." McClalhn smm 62 be always at leisure: but [on {rel It the ' ngm‘ fimn you Might. not to intrude 100 mcla upnn hinl. Avon when you neeklm I•T,o_ ‘ ___“... no.» ;- - - ‘ i fiL-wge om! dapmiu lmve just boén 1 gdiscovered in ’l‘mmbnfl cnnnty. Ohio. 1 M ' “he to‘wnahips of ,Brookfifld'ind Hnbhnl. L “especialk 3hr [um-r.) i3ll nyhnth gidns nf; who State line dixcnvm'im of think vein. of ~ can}. of the‘ bent qualitv. have bbon madn. . On.the Bwntfiy fnrmfln Hubbard; the Voinfi' is the foot in thick‘nm, and ‘4l! otfm IONA: lions varying fmm thrée to fifp feet. —~ —-»--40.00—-———*.-‘ - ’ E ne-A good stnry i. told ofnh xanhmn-r who mu- mm‘to the stable mining fnrlh if Etnveler's harm. Not kndwlhg whiph ql‘clm. ; itwo‘atrango horses in the stalls belonged 14v the traveller. and (wishing ”avoid the, 91% } peamnce of ignnmnco in his Maine“, hm} saddled both animals and brought them? Ni 3' the door. » The traveler pointed out bin} own horse, laying, “ that’s my laugh-. 1; “ Certainly. ye'r‘honolr, I knew that. but 13. didn't know which. one at them Lelongxlpil. ithi other gintl‘emmn.’.' _ y‘ .i A Good paw-"Pu u‘kémed that a bani: tractor brought to Washington 5.000 bggspf l date, containing two hushek‘ each. Beforq delivering them they became WWI, tanked an the wharf and wage rejected, "I'th view than «M to a private" individual at, twenty-five cent: per bag. ‘ro driod theujt; again, yet. them in Mammal 561 d than!!! to ,Gnvemment at forty-five cont: pm." bushel. Thin‘il one of the mny 0119 an final which ‘uo taking place u the loot d Goiemmvnt. ‘‘l ii h -mmcoo» ——+— ------- X ‘ fi’l‘ruveling on the Misapuri milflndll, i must be _1 little gxdting to anervoug ma‘gfi at present, ‘A comspopdent {rqm as“ I soul-i, whom“ ro-cently (mule Hannibfil‘ Ifld ; SLJmoph Railroad. wrium, "the éngine‘” ‘, that brought us down—{he Missouri-Aha : 61 bullet marks on hor. nndj am informed ! of others bearing gven mm? _gfixirks offebel} " buliets.” . , 4‘ ..r: fi-A little gm. hearing“ hex-_mothel‘? upenk of going into half,mourning, did} ‘ “Why myou goingintnlmlfimmrnint-fl momma—are any of out: Argmionl W dead?" .‘. === Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers