2 W— 1.7 * TheéColnLn is published enié-Mondny' morni' g. by [lnn J. STMUJ. tBl 75 par "than: if paid strictly 18 ADV. sen-32 00 per aimnm if not paikf‘in ad mm. Kn subscription discmitin‘néd, unl AIL/the option: of the publisher, until a] are mid. gnfinusunvnimertofiatth Jan Punnxu 416113: with u a Astota, o ’ . '- . ff $9211" In South BaTtxmnro sQrd opfl‘fiuite Wumplun' Tinning Est ,- viking" I’usnsu Omen" ,~ Adams Coun . . UTUAL FIIKEJ'SSUIIA NCE v, DI Incorporated Murat; 11, ”5 OII'ICIII. 1 I’rqidml—Genrge .‘fwope. Vu‘c l’ruitlmr—S. R, Rune”. , hsr'ewr-D. A. Bnolfler. Tanya—David. M'Urenry. Buam'u Commute—Wuhan. )[c King-Andrew Ileiutzelman. , lamina—George Swope, H. A 09b Kinz, A. Hointz-lm‘m. 11. If A. Warsh‘qll, S. Fahnr‘smrk. Wm. Wm. B.Wilson, M. Eichrlherger. ’Jolm Wulford,‘ IL A. Picking, .\l Jnhn Hornet, R. G. \lrerouy. S. I'Crury, Andmw I’olley,Johu Hersh. ‘ “'Thl‘fi Company iI "united “an: lo Iha county of Adams, I uecouful opention far more do and In thlt period has [mid all . pgnlel. m’tltoul any unummlJuvi Inrplu’: cnpiul in the Treasury pun; employ: no Agents—n“ I) done by the laugh", whom-o I'n ed by the Sloukh‘ulden. Any pr 1 an Insurance can gmsly to an; 1 ammo-l Manager: forJurlhcr infor fi‘l‘he Buullli'.‘ Gmuminee ofico oftho Company on the In In our] month; nl. 2,31'. )1. Supt. 27. 1353. _ ' 1A Ready Mgr]: . " IN'SIIFJM’GI ] ()0.(WI HD.—-\Ve Inn house )ately m-cupfed' by Klinofcl i (‘o.. with a determination hum mullet priru fur nll kin-ls of (fin; find u. Inupllcd wm. I'LASTE «1‘ ..n ‘kimh. (.uucmuas, Wil’olesH LI'yHHEIL ('UAL. and «not! nthcr' I‘lnl’ of budneu. in!!! m file In WK!" for Cash. fill! and examine ! yrinyu tic-fur! purchnling pin-who } hmuL. umSKgmu April 21, 186]. t’ - ,_ i The Great Disco ? THE Affli.—4nflnmnulnir O Illlclimfilism can he rum-Ii h MILLEII'S CELEIHIATEI) kin-2U . Tl'llfl. Mun, prmnilw'nt citizen. the mljnhflug roumivy hxnu u granc unlin. Its sun-(gas in lihe yonl'fluu been hfllheriq unpnru" bpcrifib. inmulnch to Hie puhl run" 1)!" hullle.‘ Fixr sale by nil ‘ Horckeepen. l'rsimred only by H Winch-Mia and mum ltrucrgisLl A-iluu county. Pl,. denier in Drug 'Uils. Vanish, Spirits, Puinlr. Dyl 'leJ Hill, ’Euanru and Tim-m ~ (Hun. Perfumery. Pam-n: “admin! WA. I). liuehln-IJ is the Age lint; tor.“ H. L. liilu's ('rlnbrum Mixture." 7 . ‘ ' [June :1 ' _ NewlNational L- KVEV AND THIUCVLJTHNTIIS S TILEASI'II’I VH’I‘ES nnw re cry ll lhp uffire of JAY (‘UHKE pr‘lNa. .l H .\‘aul/I‘ T/I‘rd Hired, I Pursuant lo inulnmiuus from Lh -‘ Hm Trouurr. tho Ru'nsn-rlpliou ‘ KIHV NATIONAL LIIAY of 'l'r ‘1 inc-arm]: interest at the mn- nfaer Iquihs per cunt. per annum. will ‘ nl. mt oflirc. No» “4 H THIRD 3‘ further nnlic‘e. from 3-.\. 31. till 5 llu‘ndnn till 9 P. l. ' 1 , Thcn'fnutea will he of the clan FIETYDH‘JARS UNI-2 Hl'VDllH THElllisnklehlmhl‘um mm hullill“. and FIVE Tllgll'SAN‘l had He undated l‘Jth ofAuzTnsl. an gold. in; ‘hree Fun.‘ 0r ("MW 1 Iw’tmy yazu'a‘ six pu-n what. In‘“. ‘ (I! (he hnldvr. EH‘I) Trouury X: en coupon: Mt u-hed. .whirh run I cull-[cud in gold M,lhh “i‘nt n er and at. the run of out cent per dz; gr dollars. ; /’J l'ymenti n! luhqnimionn mu :1” pr l‘heeky, or Hum Many] huhin Rmkq. Put-nu n- A window can [J l'riénvls. lhrnugh the mall. or hé through ll:_nk|. Ind llu Trrmur’r‘ immodintely dehwnoi, or sun! scrflgc‘r as 'they may lan rullv nllr-f l'nrtiea anluimz mus} :uldzthv.“ l9th:of Auguu, [he than of lII}I Hm dnvth‘e remlnunre reno‘ws ('1 due rate of one cent WW Ilny‘un : inn. Tnly to or HI‘JI‘?FI AV '(‘(l(lK|’..~\‘\lhm-ripti _ Cure ol'JAv (‘ousg 1; U 1 's'!) 1H Suuth Third St ' Oct. H, 1861: ' Tailoring. - ‘ Ol‘ifl Kl'\HH-ZRA.\'T respe- T; his friends and the pub“ commenced ’tln TAILURIXG bu i‘mla btreet. Gettysburg. It the Beininger,‘ where {he hnpu to re almrrol Oncouragcmenx. ‘ "e mi wurk In fit. and the making I.“ b. He in xeg‘nlarLy in uceiptpf the‘ an: ho rill be able to plan nu‘l himalrial. V, , ’ , Q‘Lanis Kummomm nlno » 4 ‘Bpou u’fi Suin- frnm Clothi ~ line. Ind at galleria dmrgeu. (nullified, _ [ n jury mat-move tnb: 7. “gun Jr" (funny—MlA“ I’lcindre. (Fan Inmiltonbu-T‘Wm. McL’Jeaf, Mon fl‘yronen—Jncpb Bowers. Stnhln—Sam’ot Wcuume, ['l Wm. Tfiomun Mountpleunnx—Jnl. A. Smith, I Honhtjoy~Henry “rider, HL-.tty§bm——l. E. Hall. Moanu—Jlsso ‘5l. Nuuoq, Fonowngo—llhoru Slnglu‘. Franklin—lune Rift. . ' Luimore—Dnniel G:\rdnor. Buick—George B. Kiwi“. {'nion—John Baker. ‘ Germany—John Rider. 3; ‘ Buwickxnnp—Toh Kinnemnndj Bonding—Jacob Han". Oxford—Edgnr Jenkins. ‘ Huntington—Jacob .\rn’tsberqtr] Cumberland—George Spanglcr. 1 Hamilton-.Sunnel Alwixie. 1 Quinn. Jung; freedom—Andrew White, ,Wm. ‘ Cunherhud‘Dlv'ld Hazy, Wm. «Hnajxmnn. ; . ‘ lountjoy—Snnu'el n. film. mfnex Shnfev, Humihonbn—Afidrew archall Andruv Low; Daniel Bieuqk r. T“ ,3 Hgnfinglon—Jnh C. Stephens. iAbmhn‘m Al pqr, Jothfille of Levi. Gobrg’p ,P. Wenvir. Liberty—[nae H men-Abnlmnq' Kriu. Tyrant-71:41:01: Harm-n. J cob Hunk‘. . an’din—Ll‘etn Bablitg, 3min in Durdorfl’. Henna—“grid Dull; lush Xi! 6r. ' ugnilwn—aniel Ruhr, Henry, Stock, Chu. .Klnnk- ’1 3 ’ ' Guggny—L vi Crebs. . i llo'upplnunt—J. JV. Mnghu‘Pn, Emunel’ Rudilil. , 1 Beiwick ”._'-Dank! Buchef, Bej’nnrd you. Union—Jermain!) Gin. Peter Wdlf. ' Strung—Henry A. Picking. by. G. Gilbert, Samuel Gillihnd. Alexander fllcobo. ‘ gulnr-TSolomon Ofncr. . ~ prim: bah—Joieph Wolf. “elk! Mayer. , ()ouonge-ng'uel ~G. Sncorihger, chob EKindig. ' I finding—Snug“! larch. Jnor Dicky. Chord—Henry J. Kuhn, June: Townsend. Mrlfinrz~fidwud lenchy, John,L- Tue, ' what” Win. , - [on 21.13%, i YSON BROTHERS have congundyon bud . F 1311! unortnyznt of plgin 'und, flncy 9‘- Fig“: 95:1". gold and Plued Lech“. ”5. Cu s'l V ich m um: I: m It thng‘lflowpriccfi . 61: _g E LL arrearages I a’unlmtu. . moan and ltd. directly bmfllinhmem 4n the sign. )MPANY.- Dr H. J. STABLE 44th. YearJ grdy, Jacob B-xehluJl 'unly. Tho! f ‘ 503112 @1152; '- WEOIc-Ilyn [bdiel um i IT. Wrigm ‘ . Rnuell‘ D ickiug, J. R ;n inopor'n ' ha) been in E I ll: years, use: and ex {; Alan glnrge .“Llh up your bonda, de mugs; and be lift up. In ovvrlnapingdoon. pud the King of glory shy!” romc- in. Who is the King ofglnry? “when! stro’ng and mighty; even: the Lord mighty ii. battle.“ ‘ K \ ' Thev‘Oom- Him-u being ’ unlly elect mu desiring 1 r Ihe «have ntiun. l'nbnr your‘gmes,—mhellinus world! . For (‘brjal'n blunt banner is unfurled. .\nd ’ncath its fuldl (igd's hosts Illall fluid, Made firm‘ In romhu! by! I-huud, . I Until'with loud triumphant y r: ' . flisvmnnnul slum ‘he rnigcd I high,‘ I . ‘l': AIMS": your turrets b d. ‘ l'nhnir y'our gnten, doomcd'worl i Before Jehovah's ”Huh glmll null your more; Your’lnutlcmfiuu llc'll fil‘éakin twain, _ Your l’onstcd‘strenglh Ihnll Allfin vkin Conteul with Ilia grmt miglu : i-fiis breath Shun quLyom-‘vnunted troop! with death, “ .\ml‘v’sprfild'forth dire di‘lufilf.‘ cm at {he Wednesday .\IV “34513 . taken the r. Bollinger ' the highpat .. \'lnlfwill (REASON)! and lleuil. rficle in our. «at Jn-snible ur stock and Quickly uubnr your gntu,——lor seo ’ 3‘ For you Hun- run" is offered free! I '; 7m l And on the purvhmenb pure, is [need ' and-"hrnnic - .\ Pumas, the sign of pnrdorling grace. ‘ ’, u-im: U l). {'l’is by our royal King's behest, , I ll.\Tvl_(' .\EIX- ribs: with lhll merry you are Most; “' l "r "”5- “"4 Then sign the Ign'ing scroll. . zlified‘ In in , ‘ I I ll‘lllll“ “m,“ Lulnr your pencils, ere too late; - ' Ilrlell by am- :llclusnl—signa your andfe’u fate; 3 “~ ‘l’fh'o 50 ~4‘ling ton gigging Savior‘s love, ", 3 lugglltl 2.23.1 (Ir torturing misery you'll prove.‘ J , -1 L 221"; 3141;"; ‘Gml'sjllsticémp'ul'lns Ilia rebel soul; ' 1 , f'hrmirnh, ‘Angl whil’}. ctcrn ul “'6! roll, ‘ g ‘ will“?! bl'l- ‘ ' No page: nlmll quell its woes. , 1“}: 121?“, Immy,‘proud worl-Il Ypuggntcs‘nploldl ‘ {‘in (lenys— .'l‘lul Conqueror comes ! “A: charge? bold! d lilncuumt'c lle breaks your lnlrsr—subdnes‘uull foes, I 1,5,5" ‘f "I And loud "uh," Victorians grows.! " 3h.— __ ‘: \l'lio i,‘ ll“. Kirig SI) g'luriousp—whl‘n ?- . l PHI! ““1 l’Tu Christ! l our gates llc passes llamas-hm «lv arm“. I And God supreme,—’lle nullgns! ’ 3 “0.. "‘IIIIk- m FIrCO lhélmlrll'vhl-q.—{ .. 0 ; - ‘ ~ orre urVn \ . ‘ ' ‘ lsgfllmrrllnnmm. , uurv \ den. ' , )LD . ‘ : in 11:61! three- l- _ 7-” -~:; 1., ——-- ‘-- ,-,__,. -~-: - “l ':l'&'i饑n3l.’f;'{u CHANGE IN THE chsmom. : l‘ M" and on 1' .i'f‘lfifio‘s up 11:1: ti-ying nny lufiner to wit ‘ mlnnnon of Lupe I'm-sum," muttvred this indivigluulfll ‘ "”‘gl‘lflq= both-r half. as 'lhe sat in tlxé corner 0f HERILELE, fimn-knchen, rapidly ‘(livost‘rng g chicke mu, [HF-"h; ' ufjxs' (mum‘s; “ I’ve worked qhd slnv rtihle ‘i‘nlo n myself‘l6 death for lnlnl nml his-'ll. and al ‘ ”'l' Win" 1!.“ “My“ I’ve had m- the luatfiftoq cg )msénter- , - . . 1 "PM "mum years. has been short word: and general sh montfm‘ ‘szwlin’hq‘l fwlfiirfindinl. unlil now ‘1,"1 0“ “ch fif- ‘Jmt dc-termiui-d to sand out. :ulil’luu'o my»: own 'wny. or hit things take their run!“ muryl: and he‘ll find. after all. Melissy 'l‘.:lmtt lam gotfonw spifit in hef that egg} 1w (‘l‘llahed out wit h-ull his abmin' spud ng~ hi: made in J the Phila- nit. h♦ their '3 «inn-1 ur Nan-i win he a mu'h‘auh- gm mt xon I > “To think he should have the heart to ‘refusv me a new: carpet after he hint finch ‘ good hwk with his film“ crop, inn}! K’l jest slaved mfselt' throughghnn'uatingtnud got 'ulong with onn girl. h ‘ ‘ lin‘er‘cs'. from Ithe ufoxns, to H'ldenih‘hl. u |uch firm" LlOl “ 'l‘hejnnre‘ that man gets, the stingier hegrowsrnml were i-m't a woman among all my m-quuiméinccs that would stgmd such grommet“; and I won't. I'll put my foot clown from 1M: moment.” setting"; (down most émphaticnlly that solid [mania-Ii of he: manly perm}: on tbekitchen floor; “i'f Isaac Parsons-won't. come to‘termsfl’ll quit him Mbnt's all!" ’ ‘ 1‘ , x n Agent. .. Rnnkun, cu, “filed {fully ‘nfdrms ! Hun. Ilq iu 'inosl, in PM. lid “and u! I. ' cite a liberal grunts II“ hli 1 lubsqntial. ‘r Fashion‘s. so Hutu. Give Mm. MeliSHS' Parsons, had been a‘ refmark— ably pretty girl in her youth, 'nnd thirty sovm yew: bid mnde'b'er a fair “(10019er woman. i - ‘ l r . . Her husband .'"“ A somewhat phlegmstia man. stubborn my] npinion'pted; and-M his early life and social atmosphere lied not. enlarged or softened his alienate!“ the hardest and mast disagreeable part of.it ex panded with his years. He loved money, and on the ae>thetic partial“ his nature had mailer been 'cultiubed, he re‘gurdea‘it as wutofulness and extravagance toi irfilulge iu much grace or beauty of surrouildiixgsg, .. Still there was another side to this—min. llis affections were deep and tender-gm] a judicious and loving woman ‘coulf have reached and influenced him to nlnfisft any degree through these; B t, Mrs. Pumas never understood her huslidnd. She was on impulsive, highapirim And really warm-hearted woman. with a. good deal of petty social ainbition, and she and her hiss baul} were constantly jarring each other‘ Yet all these yeors the barn soul‘store htizse, the lands and gold of Isaac Parsons increased. and God sent children—two boys M a girl—t 9 none: the hearts of the father and-moth». and ta be to themjangela of a no! covenant of household pesto and‘ ten devw, But. slas! alas l the sweet. faces Ind ell the beautiful ministrations of child hood never ncwmplishad their missionl; end. with hearts and tempers fueled] and soured, and worn. Mr. end Mrs. Parsons counted the years growing over them, and both felt thaw their marriage hsd been s mistake and o misery. and with blind eyes [that would not see. and hard hearts that would not. understand, each blamed the other, and.mutqn.l recriminswn only pro; duced fresh bitterness, At last. a crisis page. Mrs~ Parsons had ‘set. her heyt that autumn upon s new par lor carpet; which wss in povise unreasonnr ble. and in which her husband ought to have indulged hep ; but the manner of the request, which was in reality a mmmand, at, once roused the inherent stubbornness of the man, and he flatly refused her. Then followed passionate words and sngry re torts, till the husband nd wife ”purged with mutusl bitterness and rage. . . _nves Grease ~. in n phort Satilfartion ct. 4, 1861. Term. ‘ mm.) 11 an Sénbroékl, flip Bestraer, ♦Uiel Lynch . McKee, Ron, Gem-u I-. 1 WHY/en for Ike Compiler. Till eonqvnnon. = II A @EMQ©RZATB© [AWE FAMULV mwmmn But now. as Mrs. Parsons; took up her donuded chicken and plungefl‘ it in a. pan of hot wager. her eyes glancedwn the mag.- zine. which by on the üble,’ and they set tled upon cl“); passage. which: completed a abort skotph); 1‘ Who, when h§ waslreviled, revnled Mt ‘ggaln. but commuted his cause to Him \vhdjudgeth righteoui And mm “ma. stifle, sail In'-baking :voice, thrqugh that Mn. Pursémy. , She had read! '1 arable times: before, and théf no special manage ‘or mean God had dent his nqgel to M heart. and in} a moinent 80h; real sin and; wrong of hei- 11‘ coinfi‘inted her: ’ i Shésut Hdwn in a low; chair en table. and roared her fo} hand“ Tlpa‘hnrd, fi‘etful, an‘ out {minimi' (bio, and was xi: M)fl';/tlum§glltfu expression, shi e huhg in yearning, grll beauty about her 3 And then the’womnn’s meqll . to her first qvqunintance with —~‘he bud chb'tenlmr from {mi others. “hair-min! her that F find how tln'fse early days of? ame nvér‘ tljlo mftined honrf l is the first wings oflhoipring‘ tho 50ml); nfid go mftly oven" spniring enréh. Than she RH - [pore n lihyfitreumlouq, jnyfd. nftnr, len'ninbz on the strong a heart. tomb, m sho‘gnve hang truntingly a wonmn should Ami she mnmlmed Hum He later. whirrrher proud a‘nd hmbn'nd bréufilxt her k 0 thé lmd been hi ‘fntller's. 11ml Ho while the nimght or her ban t‘m great MI! fag-ni house féii- t m wits outmf her She moané'm make it n mlvte t and happy‘ me for [(3 'lfl Etrsons. Sltpé emembered, - though' gimd all happen 1 yesterday, ‘ 19 little pigms and cnntriHn ceq gho had why {or his Eur-Fri“) ant‘l‘ t, éir 'mytunfl mrnrt. L E j' ‘ .5 I But tlzc§nl§nrrel mime. "hr fivollfljhe rm n mnhcrmk it!. and how clearly ~ho sp‘w now t .c- room. npd sinful part Am; Ind mm in t 1:12 ! ' If ‘slie had controflérl her énmpor t‘l‘en—ifshei hind only been fr ”a E Im fiont, forhflnfing nndflfnr'ivyn .‘ in-I «id of being prom? and lbasfinnat'e, fretful and stubborn ! 1‘ she hwi onlygb< me It'er wo~ mun's hunk-he. and done hp}, nmnl 's duv tic-s! ' More PM! wife and thql otheb‘ broke down; Hhe huried‘hnr facein hbr‘apmn, mid c 339?! lilfe‘ a child. ,- ‘t f ‘ Mrs. Pug-_sqns was anenerg‘ptfic', (1e ermin~ 94] wonjam 'nd when she hind; one, made up her [nip-{on nny ‘ curse fiofl Inctifm, she would not gihrink :{nck ‘frl‘o'lfim it.’ What wbnt on in tte softenéd womia 'anjyt th'at morning. ns he sat, with he'l- ron to her Dy‘cs. rocking to and fro in }h rln chair, and Hm nwéc-t. rm‘tlpsu antihivle an about her—what {sm on in. the _ uan's hoften ed heart. osty God and the nels fine“. "Are‘you fired, {W 2” ;. ‘ The farmér mu Wiping hislle “c and hands on the brow“ cmsh towel wl‘ic hui‘ag near the window. He wlus a tallislfilwartxmus culxu innnfsmi-‘brownegl on‘ vfieatbgr-beat en. yakt he had keen, kindly civil, and ,the hard features had an honbsti intelligent. ex‘pl'ewion. Mrs; Parsons {kw-‘5 capinz 3' lmfof rye bread at the kitohlon mblet Her husband turned and looked. at hen; mo ment, 3.! itlmugh he. half ddubted whether ,he had heard Might; ms fifb’s fake was bént ove'r tflegbread, Img! 11 cqujd got too it; but thp wdrda came a. seéond timb— :" Are ybu‘tired; Isaac 2” {i V ‘ ‘ ' 'lt was 3' long time since 1?. Panda: had heard thin softéquiot voice" sfieal aver: his‘ hang. like a wind from film ilwuligf his you-th. _. - ’ ' .1‘ i : u ' "i 411! v’ "\Vell.:yes,l; do feel kiid 'P‘ tdckered out: 1&1;th work to get. in (lil thht corn with one hapd besides Randi-. 23 v. ; ' “I reékohed so; and I t whit I’d broil the chickpn: for tea, and ha e the sweet po mztoec, as you’d relish them best soft iKr. Parsons did not say‘ one wo‘ffl: he sat dowrr had tori]; the weel+ly papergout 91‘ his pocket. but. his thought; were tog busy 9.? allow hiin to road. He knew very “@lll b s wife's avlerSionwto broiled hh‘ick‘a'm, and me the kitblmn was her nndiq‘pxitfed territory, he mu; obliged 10 mlme and 1:46 hisi chickens ( agent], Land his ‘ came. jawed up in sauce, notwithstandir; she W* per feeily swam that he preferred the fpnner broiled and l the latter beheld; and thiakun uhuai deference to his taste feirly struék the farmer dumb with astonishment; 13d he} sat htill end wuiched his wife uehe hhrried rfmm thepantry to the table, in her preps-i rations for we tea; and than thereon!» acros- him the memory of some of the hush. } angry words he had spoken during: theix j querrel that morning, and the word! emote ‘ the man’s heart. ‘ 1 And while Mrs. Parsons was in the§midat of taking up the daintily broitpd chicken, two boys and a girl burst into the kitchen. “ Hush, hush,” wound in among the ob ntreperous mirth,‘ke a silver chime, the soft voice of the mother. “ Father'g busy wading the pnpér. and you'll distxifl: him.” Thu children were silenced :Lt bnce. not in fear of thé reproof, but in wonder at it; for the Wife as widom consulted her hus band’s cuts and convenience in thine small, every-day matters, which nuke the happi ness or irritation of our livai, :3 ha: did hers. In a few moments tho ‘ hungty family gathered rdnnd the able. ‘Therefwas little spoken It the am]. but. I softeni kindlior atmosphere seemed to perv-do éhn room. J : ‘ ""T f!» l , a" «a» 5%?“ 7"”??? "$92.- él" 4'l}; it? x. K If 91'“ :7: . nr.',;_-.; ' I'4; ._’“; x ' \ ‘ " x ‘ r ~ ‘ J 1/ / } ‘ "j ’ ;~ I ’ .‘‘ ‘ / “nun n noun A n mu. rnun." , : ~ WiiV’ V " GETTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAY, NOV-_lB, 1861- The children {on though they did not. speak of it. i “ Are you going outJlhis evening. Issue 2" “ \Vell,‘- yes. I thou~ ht I‘d strep round to the town. Want uny’thing at the stqre 2” continued Mr. Puso s. as he tried to but. ton hisioollm- before t no small. oldofnshion» ed looking-glam. wlnc nuhognny frame was miounted with . -ughs of aver-green, around; which sou-10v berries hung'jheit charm pf rubies. ; ‘ ‘ US : atilli nor-em. am), soul of lhem! innum. hagd§for' her I g; #ut now I{h in her this; of the rosei up and \ But {the nun'sé _ I after sévenl ineflfictu I plish his purpose, Mn: hand with an angry", would-hot work.” “ Let me try, father. pod quickly to ho;- hu moment her hand I: . tqry bdtton, I y hm- hitch. iuenvjinn her I kwpnt , e fi-d-by a d fihe sun ttn. 1 shifting Then she smootb‘e of hlaék hair, which sunburn! forehead. pn soft fingers felt very p mer’s brow. and wok sweet inemories of « ti fuel' them fluttering l‘ irngnt back I sanc'Parsonu mg 335001? of 0d fn'rlune— oir'céurtnhip L» tlnejavoman, ome hp from ’11:» bare, (m ‘ hmblf opoc pride“ gt the i ant} tender 1 f ghrl‘l'y and , his hair. 1 He lnoked‘ on flni nozu ih his facaand eye, which In; liqtle softness and the 'u‘ni warm and tender; in ‘ which hudJlot for‘ y‘en iLs sxvéet water. She impulsively and ki» \pne ‘who had w‘iln'esse soene would scarcely the married life-(of; I wife chanted tlu-cé omlng a lit- nppy young ous‘e which for‘ a little miq'tress of frightened FlZi2 The , woman's mine shy blunhes as a girl's Parsons seized his ha the hquse without 5p ‘ with q_mixture of 'm 1 fining idueper, on his scribed. “ I ‘ But at last lJe‘chnrs-t lered io himself, a} Hunt. :w‘t—lfiuy '«ho slim Parson}: mid anything meant git. 4 at ‘ 41- a 1 I 'l‘hn cumot of nnjot rolling its "Mums nfll the nflounmim, vrlile 1 Parson: rolled into th ~ been a‘lbtgntnnll day “I supper" had been 11km hour. hm} the chiMrei and impatient. I l ‘ "0 fmhorl what? h' they all clamor-ed, 114,1- :: tugizihg an immémd b “It H 3 sométhingLfo dron,”i mpg the rag]:- = Atthis moment M “I kitchen. Her huanh and n brqadth of ifig ‘ upon the-floor, thrg'm groundwork tmiledp i leaves-ha. _most £3.st . tern. I ' I Isaac Parsons turh -—"Ther9, Melissyig pet you asked me flbr I mékon there ain't . in West Farms.” A quick change yrs face. Half of joy, half “ 0 Isgac!" Shy}. strong: man's neckfiu TheE'triq of childl‘en ed onivin ntolid em 1 sight of their faces W V recalldd [gale Pawn "Coma; come. mbt voice was not just It- 1 now like this; I'm: I ngw, gnd want my in} thing but put up my 09' to' (but impatient q 1 yard. 1 ‘ So the new onl-pet of peabo to the house i Whilq other: sdmi - uj its quflity, it spoke: to} a story of a." that wh may aocompliih. A i muéh} prayer, the {fl 1 pudo'p, sud ”“113!” , was 9% Int achiev ed; aim this mu :1 t mpliphed in uday, or a month. 'or a'yl r bu]: the "small leav en thit’fiaveneth‘i; whole Hump." work ing silently and a re y‘, completed at last its pure and perfecf ork. and in the farm house; of Issue Purim reigned thelpirit of forbexixnbce and sclf- liu'quisiimentmf gen tleuen snd lo‘ve, fw ich mu giv,en unto thosei “who fear 6 and ,kgeep His holy comlénndmeliu." 5 3 -—~»-~———¢ o—--—-—- , “An Indim ' pininod to‘ I retailer um qua price of lfl um “10 high. The latter!) in justification aid “(cost .u much to kegp A hogshea‘gi é it did'd cow. The Indinp replied—“ Ha be he drinkial much water, but be no but fie mu‘ch buy.“ S‘A queer remmmado by an urchin of fivé yous, who hadhost Mister by death, to t ‘ neighbor who; wan afielldiug the funeral. ’ i , “ What are you crying for!" said the lit tle fellow to the lamb, who was shedding tears—3‘ it 1': me quoitr funeral." fiSome idea. of the cost of wnr may be gleaned from the expense of firing two thousand shells at the Confederates in the fight at‘ Greenbrier.‘ They averaged bo twoen fifty and sixty fibounnd dolls”. filming on'. ... while the butane!“ 5 called genteel. . =1 '.rs were clumsy, and I] attembts to accom} |ansonqdroppéd his; nt, that, fi‘lhe thing ’ Mrs. Pal-lons «tep bnnd's side, anrl'in I managed the refquc- down a lock or two nd strayed-over flee ‘ the touch of those «pant gbont die far up in his heart old es when lie used to" 'e o dr'eam 'Lhrpugh ' wife with I. so“- hsmile‘ inhis keen uz-poctqd. And the ; stirred a fountain rs. Parsohs's heart, . yieldqd (The drop of reached up her lips ‘d his glzc‘ték. Any I that llttlg'domostic' have suspected that no. Parsons and his mrters of yspore of y face was as full of ’f' pixte‘enyzarltl Imin: and plphged on} of ‘ king qne word, but numuent. and sonata face, not easily de~ his throat. and Nut li~sy shnn'u‘, repent 'K I" And \i'hen Isaac cveryibodyknew he • • er nufiilmn day was lrpl" g-nd gold about the wagon of lune turm "and. He had the town. Aim! the tingliim nearly an I had grown hqury ve mil got there ?’_' came into the I'muaet udle tied with yards. ‘ yonrmoth'er, chiL ;r unsatisfacpry gm Parsons entered the ' _ snnplied ”:16 cord“. ‘ 11in 'cn’rpetiqg {ollqedd h‘wbnse day‘k eon l‘ tune vine um} gflden . Wang fgrncgfulg pat~ 1 k 1 ero's 'csterf i any tl: MEI 3=l L her I burnt ptood mentm I think the the firth thing which to hiqself. ' . 9+.” 1. said, but his -y. “ dron't give way hungry as ! panther p5l- bjfore I do lany a Leif And he strode - mph in the back » wed .fi olive branch 1d of 1 mo Put-sons. in patina or praised Mrs. Barwns’u heart I ah love and patience a many struggles and mph o'er pride, ind t with a. lilver fork; has not been laid. in 1 i ' I [ i WHAT PREMONT’S FRIENDS SAY z A Burning xipositiou; : The Chicago Tribune. heretofore among the steadfast and earnest friends of Gen. Fremont. devotes five columns to in expo sition of military afl'nixs in Miks'uri; mak~ ing disclosures far more damaging‘lto the “Path Finder’“ thnn anvthing‘ 'divdlged through the agency of Adjutant (13h, Thom as or the congressional oommittte lowly sitting It St. Louis. 1;; Desiring to defend Gen. Frepifit from the charges that were floating I; und re specting him, the Tribune dispn’fiahod first aim and then another: of its editbfisl corps .to St. Louis anti other points. cach‘of the {on’ going upqii his mission with I strong prejudice in Grin; Freinoht’s sfiivm‘. The one who first wjnt- wrote honiq such~unfw vcrnble accounts respecting the state of affairs that his ‘mrgfreru supposed he inust hive been imposed upon by ehemics of théGeneral. and another was sent to Eon-pct his imagined‘enots.‘ The socomil ‘and the third, however, only confirmed jthe repre sentation: of the first, and tho-Editorial proprietor then! we’nt thither W‘set the three right, but? the evidence oi' grails and wicked mismanagement was so overwhel ming thuthe too was compelled tb believe it, and theirjoint conclnsion is thuisuuimed up: ‘ , y l a “We arrived tit thq spot whorl we new land by drgroeii and with relucfimco and pain. Pint wq had to conquer 5M lilac-a next. to give'uli new hoyés. and ium ot'nll to despair nf nnlv future gnod from the com duct of afl'uir: there before we?! fault! he brought In speak : nnd- to-dav next to the knowlédge tlmtfour brave boys of lowa. Illi nois, and Indiana are being snot-tied, wick~ edly and nemlkissly. the fact, that we‘lnmt: shatter the idol.thnt we thalidnly margd is the most painful thingconnected with the nfi‘njr.‘ But nur duty to our dear country bidsus speak: and God know: with what sincerity and singleness of purpose these wbrds are recordetl.”, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The subiocts bn which these gentlemen obtained inl‘orniutinn are curel'dfiy classi. nod. Fimtin an” is “Lyon :13de Mum gnh.’,' In reintiém tn the snerifice’ of ng. Lynn, the editm?’ ventures upon stgfuonknts, which mm soar-(My be credited all truth.—» He says: ‘ ' 1 * :3: A - ‘ “We have thelworrl. of a brave nhd truth; ful man. who w'n's with Geneml },_t-nn on Friday before thb fight (the butt e was on .3 urdnyl that, ‘with high indigoutinn in i; senoe of most of his stati'. he die-hired M 1 331' that this! was a deliberate pd osetocut hi I {Wands/MIrQI/ijbrn .' 4 We urg no charm ag i 148! Urnrral linimnt (last to had_ ch a pur ‘ poke ; (’v"! Mgr? were ”:0” about My! a mm: mm trolling him. The on: not annplfromlgrcal seal pézan of rrimt." i .t I , And of the surrender 0’! Col. 1" High— “We add, an the authority of n. Jolm .\.Gurleynnemher of Congress fro i Cin‘cin n’a’ti, at , tlmt time. a member 0 General anmnt's stat}: that a messenger ‘rnm Col. o'nel Mulligan, flith his loud rry’fnr rein forcement«. cooled by his heels iwo days among the Mict‘ujn Fremrmt'x ante-r ‘. unulglé‘ to put down the court etiquetfliere en forced by the shirt-sabre: ofthe ' ‘ . guard. 13nd at inst, by the aid of Lieut lint-(‘01- ‘onel Hall, got in only to hear tho? the fien mi ‘would Bee about it.) ” ~ . . ' The Tribune thus describes th .v‘ mode of operation of the Ualiforuin horse "gcontmct ors: .‘ ‘ , ' “L ‘ ‘ "One ofthcso buck-Maire men . Ild, Iny to-day, importune the General forian order £nothing was advertised {pr-that “ould not 0 ofcourse!) for 5.000 horses 1t _y figure, ranging from 11% to 150 dollarsfifieording to the service, for which-’the‘ nninials were intended. Next day another order for ,1. ‘01!) would he an}. and next day nythird m:- 'de‘r for 500. The usual method was this: To ofi'er these orders for l'llQ atzprices like these—for an order for 2.000 bones. $20,000 : l for 1,000. xlwuys 810.000 ; for 500. not léu than $5.01 1. But 'when buyers here not ‘ plenty at these figures. the bontrnctnrs ‘ themselves commonly would undertake to ‘ pmcurefthe unimnls.- And right here new phases of mscslity are opened. l . "One mnn~n Californian. of course—hav ing an order of 5,000 ho'nseS, sends his clerk or secretary rather to the count tqmnke contracts for whet he wants. 'ltiis under» I ling or sub goes all about and a. ong the farmers. mokes contracts. signediwith the ‘ name of hi: employer as principfl, by him self. agent, for horses at 31191. net By . and by the horses begin‘to come in from the ‘ farmers of Missouri and Illinois inlets of 10 3 to'2o. and is high as 100, the nwndh having . their contacts in their pockets. , Looking up the principal in the. bargain he seeme to know noting about the matter at all. His ‘ agent, he mys, hos exceeded his powers 2 he is not. now bying horses. The Government will take no horses. The agent pleads not guilty ; he did not mean to do wrong; he is sorry he can’t help it. The result is that ‘~the farmers. owing for horses tlmtjhey have i . bought at $llO each, with the Tapparent certainty of selling at sll9}. are c'gmpellcd. sfter‘feedinf their animals for d; week or more. to sel at any price that thereontrnct~ on may give—~33}! $6O to $7O eflph. The 1 horses are turned over to tho‘ gofernment at $119! apiece. With whom thc‘contract ‘ or divides the profits .of the tranfiwtion we do not say." } 3 Then follows more about the nnteroom l thieves. of whom it i. remnrked: . 1 “To see the commander of the depart ‘ meat, sure in cues which make 'pxceptiou to the rule, has at nny time in thQ lyt two. months been a matter of greatenditficulty thm to get no audience of the Eioperor of Fraucwohe head of so empire and an army l (if-100, men. It mm for the intuestqr‘ Cali< Mop-nine: and livir confederate; that this than!!! be 1 so, because w/n’le all Me 01/mrr'wcre excluded, they hadfru are”: by UV back stairs." Among other specifications’in regard to the character of these retainers. it is charg ed that “one of the covcmtneut'inspectors of horses at St. Louis is a graduate 9f the Ken tucl-y Slate priwn." The above will do in specimens of this shocking expose. The editor says. in conclusion ‘. “ We are informed on sufficient authority that when the investigating committee con cluded their inbors nt St. Louis they sent o dispatch to Washington (by mailla Springfield, an that it might not be stopped) telling the Preo identthooondition ot‘sa‘nirl in Minonri. and urging upon ‘him the instant roman! of nmsfiedwifa e mrlor‘ can 'y mornin’.—- ‘t will bead it .ire. Parsons's hing degper ms round the into tetra. mP, and look- Fremdnt, u mn the ground (but in his handy the war Wll} not be caph'nunl a war, for "rum, 9/ want offumis to simply (In waste and prqfliyua‘ ty in In}; (It/)drfmtul." ‘ ‘ ; Thiq accumulated tentinmny of the‘lnsfi few‘ days. it mm: bq confessed, bem’u hard: on U a lute hegd of he Departmentof Mini son; :‘but itia due 0 Gm. Fremont fillet: till: rbved by thor ugh invasligntion, and by mpetent mth Hy, these graveréflocii tiotil' n his champ er hml official capmflyj slmul be taken wil many grains of 8111qu 31109. ‘ each and rel-man Women. ‘ g ‘ Tl‘fa Paris I‘a‘yarois responsiblgfot tho; fuilo 1 .g amusing figrnllui [lumen remin', ine {bu vanity in IHume and Gonngmyi The ,1" enchwomm diesscs, tile Gafmar? clothesi hen-:elf. ‘ T 1 0 German whlks,‘ the Pariaieline unduht . German Wfimen “‘i eitliqr handsome or ugly; Panisiennes ard chaining; none of Lima: are ugiy; no; nrd they} "on beautiful‘ Whether excitgd 01% lietl . the look of the Gr-rman wmnnn. i; 51mg: frank and h nest. W hat delipioul: abysisqn Are the ey 80f(llle ParisfeanS—f As (ilount'doflmm ont hnce’ remarked; ‘squ; eyes than 2 em to be doing some» thing more than ukrely looking at. ”ml-j The German say yep or no. With the R rissidzine it is neveerquito yes. 0;:- ahogethof‘ no.’ The Geljman ill wait for you a; ch‘ tryéfiriig placé ten ye N; the I’xrisionng 1c; minu} .l. Putiaieqn ig fiuporliiiveiy kfnowf ing; 9 Germnnia good. The German 11 cont'e t with‘the lmimtinn of one: It]: Freqiwoman 101) to be admin-d h , ail; andi Itould,mther 'in! up her tetrrithgq than} tlhe public. Tae Paril'ienne is an >urll_ (isn't e German 5 w man. Mural—love 'in Franc: marry: in G rmnny.‘ i ‘ D.» - ~~—-——- r mam (Wm—i mde ,of a New York Thine}; C'm'p inJ An‘Uliinuis corms - paper-gays: ‘ Thefci'op tithe yeaé. } Com has box eve‘ My has been to [grin wherever I ble.) The consequol; lug? 4nd price: me‘ 05chle the produ and; In their soul pri nre' elem} do I n file river towns llie purclmsod M. fro nbogn in“! of what yefi. In the cont ho Icm", the bag cl 4 havoc. Hogs are and, thousands. I ‘ty, Sugar Grow ma that In tho thi mysteriou- d' x aligning counties '1 an in a most. muli autumn continues m.. rim; Affect th Went: l Etcéllznt Substitute or Grim-Stir on . 'pin‘f. of corn meal inw twp 15in“ of boiling \tFtex}, umfiletit simmqr fo filteen minutes. hen reniove it from “1% fire, and when [Jedi-ll cold, add two pints cold finer, sfirri - g i; "11; .dd «0 Ihj- rah: pint! meal on 0119 sauéer coarse wh fiourfkneadapll well togithorfipd [at it. mid five or lix now-Q", or 1511‘“ quite ligh ‘Buki in 310:quth we]! dune. and who quite cold cut id in“) sueju half a. inc chick, and put lhom again :into the 071:: to bg tobakod'mntié’l they no ignite b In on both aided, m not b‘m-nt. Thur} or four Inigo: of; thifi bread (not ground)! will task. a. gallon of oofl‘ee, to which it ohe table spoonful clfmfl cofi’ed b. added whine boiling. the naval wlll boimproved. iThis oofl'oo clnrifilé- it self, and only r'eqnij’es about. half the lmml qug‘ntity of sustain! swaeten it. " fi-“Dad, who in this Sam. Fraricisep that): getting all §he gold out thexfe in Kaliforny? he must be the richest felloi'r in all them digging." 4 1 “ Why, Johnny, I nther think he’lhome related to the Sam Jacinta who was filled in the Tex an war byAGen. Sum Houstdnfl W § m’l‘inncn ought. to be good spoken _éaey do so mach sspouting. 1 g fun App! "to Am"—A-guniqx In) . ' - . ‘ j ‘ .- l»! Two DOLLARS A-YEAB.L v Na_ a, i. e o >r my I lty, '2 er an t man, , i Immense sate of Oil; , " i Allegheny ri er. a Pittsburng pupal? )r several dn put; has exhibited oil Ls-aurfnce, in me instnnées ext‘emlg m shore té fill re. ' This is caused, iii Lin. by the f! w of oil from the well bod farm, on Oil creek. which hits: ‘mptying in the ‘CPH‘k ever sincé - was extinguirihed. 'l'he 'l‘itusvillq ‘, slmking'qu‘this wolhmys: - ‘ 3 - burning well of which we apokt 9k mntinped! to burn two or threé hen the fire "as viith much ditfi'oull guished. A tube wusv then lxilserti i the proprie ors failing _ln.the§r cli - plug the pi} so mvto otopvthé fldwf 9nd lint hnv ng vex-sols to hill] it} the stream oil into‘thc c‘rc k"i wis large an .the force of gas islverfl The last we huts state. that thin 61 uring into th creek in large quimti} Ve hoqr of 0 allowing well ha‘vihg pluggedras a stop the fiow.//Esolu§ fore attempt 'd, bum feat-Myth“ th’?‘ prpsuure of gas was sy’éreat as t? leir pipes. 11 vellot them flow (nl.—sy aving been succtmfui, no doubt ~will be atte npted. Aiisuredly, if ble. some ans should he devise the oil. so but find present grenli ould be Itol pool. We think it ma)? said that t In of tlioufinds ofbnri oil have alr miy been lost on thé == i est {s' a large nne'nni mg no 10w a price tlm I engxgedjn‘ putting ih§~ k bog- were uvuil co in that. the cmp'n ely nomimil.~ In Inwé lthan is unushally hey lem market is clog-i :n to flue lu‘wmt notch}, ‘ y numbefof hm' on -1,2 50:0 $3. whflh x 1 theypofimmndid Lu? counties of this State; 0191‘: is making fearful plug 011' by humltedk two towns in Menul and-Elkhdfl. it is can} farm] have pen-ME: by RM. In several “I'9 '3 ha made inn 1 nant form. If “is disk as it has begun i‘ wit price of pork 1? th+ I=lll t _1 m WAR mmssomu. 3W3» (f Gen. Prawn! “.81. Dado—TM; Hitch of Hi; Ranaval EzaigeruzalT'PuiM i [y tlu Confalrrme Mpl. ' 3 ' 1 We wbjoin some interesting vur um} fnom Minouri : r Sr. Loni, November Sr-Gen. Fremont J arrived hero in u uponiol train this evening; sud Wu met“ the depot by an enthuuiuy . tic‘u'owd of citizens. Large ddogitiom of gamma. from the "rim- wuds of this city, esoortefl the‘GenemHo hi: quartet-sh} 1 n-tomhlight' plastics... " . ‘ Snmcnun, Mon Nov. s.—Gen. Hunk-I" hasu‘nt yet put into effect any, decided‘ measures fox: the ooxiduct of tin compilin,‘ but I_ am informed tint he~will Adopt plant entireiy difl‘erent from those d Ifi-emom. ,Col'. Merrill was sont out on n rooonnoilk; sauce yesterday with one hundred and forty cavglry and a section of artillery. Ho ex amined yhe country mundWilson‘n crook:- but discovered no signs of the enemy, their qdvance guard having left {or the South on Sunday morning. f ~i Gen. Hunter has little faitb,~at present. in their having a design of nttwking um—g He: will, However. in a‘fel days, have mph) reliable information of their numbers. pogif tion, «In, uto dacide as w‘futcaction. ' The troop: are now apparently M entbuf .'siiutic as ever, 9nd the more they learn of their new ommimder tho better they are; satisfied wi‘h him. This opinion in nl-q gtrehglhened by the high opinion .enmf rained of General Hunter by all rhe regal-1f army ofilcérs. ' .; The reports , that the officers ol' many rémpmiec and their corninnndu threw dqmé their arms lipon the nnnouncémgnt o‘f thin romévnl of Genérnj Fremont cannot be traced to hny reliable source. 1 Genera! Hunter’s pooitio‘n on the contra}? band qu'estion in lrndgrstood to be as fol}; hm‘s: All negroes coming into camp will be retained, and such of them u are prong; to be'tlle property of Union men will-I ' duly nppmlaed and reopfpted for, to be p 931 whey and how Congress may see fit. , J k Enliating Drunken mi. mm been judicially decided in Boobon' i that? contruOof enlistment does not bind a" my! if he was drunk when he entemd inl , to. it} The case came before Judge Dewey ion' tine. petition of Mnry Finn, for the dia lrcharge of her husband, a. soldier in the icgu-j [lau- army. on the ‘gmund that.“ the tin a at? Uni: enlismhnt, he ,was so drunk M not to: i know what he was doing. and that Isnoonl (as he becnrrie sober, he repudiated the not; i nnd asked to be releneed from his obligation; . Those hllegntions were sustained by evi;J 'dehde, and the Judge held that. an still-Q: i ment was but a contract between the Gov» erriment find the individual; that it finL ‘ plied nuhasenting mind on the part of the {individuoh and that a person l 0 drunk as not to know what. he was about was hump“:b his of legal «agent. The .00an accordingly" ordered the discharge of (Q: mun. Thiq’ ,rnling is of ,general np’pliu ion. and it‘ inlmufd admonish recruiting ofiivuu not. tel t enliut any man when intoxicated. ' , . e. «a.» —— » —-— _ ‘l‘ T Plantigg Trees. “ A 'correspondent bf tlge Elmer. 'Agn'wllul» rial gives the following points to be kept it}\ view in ywlnfiting oilt trees of all kindu—efi pcciully fruit trees: A - ' ‘ let... A poglion of théroétn should be DJ nbur the surface. find in so porous twili -Ihut they can enjoy air and gun's warmth. l 2d.‘ ,Purt of the root: m'ust go deep ‘cxiougln' to Incure abundant moisture ol' sap gt all llama—particularly when th surface soil in temporally parched 1% drought. .I e . . f ; 3c}; The lubsoil, so far down as 1110‘:1 roowpenetmle, should be of good chnnoii‘ ter; (but is. it should have been so exposed‘ to me action ol' air as to dealroy the sch?- ble protlo-sailts of iron. mngnesia, etc; an [ also organic acids—otherwise these null stance; will be absorbed and get as poison.j ' Kicking Comm-l have a way to Itbp kick; ing cows, or to keep them from .cefipiné' whilq milking. xlt,‘ is this : I begin quit. moderate. and when they begin to hoist. + foot. I give the menu a. jgrk; by following this up it will stop any cow. for a cow dis:- likea teats jerked. If a cow gets into lhfi habit_of starting off. I hold on to the teat? nl hngd u I can, which man cures hero! that «pen—acme: Farmer, _ g Reignation qf Gtrleral Wm. H. [film—lla is currently reported tlmt General “7. m. Keim, Surveyor General, will. in a fey days. renign his office. for tlle purpose of recept -3 ing 1 position in the army. Gen. Kaila ‘ served as n Brigadier General in the tllrr'é ‘ ‘ months’ service. and may!” aid whore p ' decided taste for military life. The poul< tion which he will fill in the army‘will pre vent him from holding the office of Suriof or 'Genenl, and the Governor will Ippoi l' .a mcoeuor,»wlno will perform the duf- a! ghe office until the next general el one?" We ‘beliovd it is generally . itled chm Gen. Ke'uu has made at v/erfgood float-H Patriot 19 Union.‘_..‘/ - I l g.“ These ’ere clerks." uld Mn. Witfia tax-blossom, “ are aleeuo worm-n. hunk; yesterday into anorein Hanover fired“ when all the fixins was painted blag, gal ‘ ukedforsomosilk." "anloolor,m’nn7l3v ; ukefl the young outer-jumper. “ Why, l my: I " about “t color of your drawer-L. ‘ “My drum,” mys‘he. “ why I let: 'omp lust Monday,” ‘nnd then be grinneduiu“ ' if he didn’t. know «ball meant. ~. l ___...H . ‘ 3A gentleman, once upon": limo. ‘ ”red 3 Imall shop in which vegeubleo i} , kept for tale, and ixiquired of “no propriu» $Ol- if he had any “ onions." ~ l “Oniohs, onions." repogtod thopuixl vegetable dealer, "onionlX-no. ninl flew not." . After tho ge'nckmsn had left, the pe plexod vegetable nun scratched his in {or n moment, and then u if “ruck vitb ‘f sudden lolution of tho myitery. :1 uddm od—“lwndcr if M: damad, , W fo‘ol (fidu'l mean inyeu!" “ ‘ u fiJohn C. Tucker, who ha been aha} sen a member of the Mauachusem 80W in the city of Boston, in the first hm ever elected to th-t body. . i ‘ M...“ [ n-Tmiew—“Toby, what did the-Infidl its dorwhen they crossed tho Bod Boa?" ,~ To‘y—“l don’t kupv, m’nmkbu; I M they dried themselns.” ' V 44.; H‘Thd’buhabr bu bolook outta am i bet w—lhe married mun for number on. f! - About 30,000 persons on «upland um Cant It fit. Pour-burg. . ‘L 71% =I ;/ PI El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers