E} I'l § ' T§e Calm.“ is published «+Ol7 Monday mowing; by Hun .T. Sv,uix.:.rut 31 7.3 per annhm if paid strictly l\' .\ppxr‘z—fizrfl) perfmmum if not paid it} ‘ ~ suMcriptinn (l'mcqntinuecl. u 1 ». opténn of the publimur, ufiiilx Iroqmid. ‘: . flaunts:lnuinsorto‘d :1! 11, . :Lp fumrlsu done with I : dis‘mtt‘h. A ~ “CI in South Rultirano st ite Wmuplpn' 'l‘inniug F . («p K Mk ‘Jlmun Psn'nw ”vixen" y lam—Novembe Gum Jun. mun—Edward \lvlntire. (Fore! riiltonbnn—Wm. )Icl‘lcnf, \losq ‘ nne—Jneob Bowen. - o‘l linnfi-Qamuel Welcome, Ph’ m. )umun. ‘ ‘ him, ntplenunljjm. 1.13 mi“), Di N Minx—Henry lloielor. ! Ge tyaburg—M. E. Doll.» 1 NE align—lm. M. Human. i '3O n'VI‘BO-Georzu Single. } Yrrnmh—hu'nr Rife. ‘ ‘ - Lagrange—Daniel (hhlnur. ; it Icy—George 11. th'itt. . Inflow—John Baker. ‘ (“runny—[ohm Rider. s.ll"qu unyu—Joh Kinnemund. . Raul ng—Jncnh Hun". , Hflord~fidgnrlenkinm - ‘ , Hgntfngtondarnh.\rnhhorrzcr. ‘ I‘umherlnml—Goorm Spanglcr. [Human—Samuel Alwine. , > 3 I'3 A GBNRM‘L In". ' Frpecilom-i—Andreu‘ While. \\'m. l ' Cuxnlbérlnnlébnvid Uragy, Wm. j linfhmnn. 4 , ’ .:. M'iuqtiqv—Stmuel B. “ills-Pin“ r )Hmihonlmn—.\mlrew Hnuhall,‘ Dnniel Hit-cedar. ' lhnlin’kton-Jolm C. Stephen‘s. + ‘quplm Milk-r or Lovi. Georg > Licetf—hnnr Hal-fin. Almflmm‘ : TH one—LJucob II :ann. JxL-nh F, Frtnklin-Pu-tc-r Bnhliu. [uni -m ‘Nr-hnflh'n—"n‘vid mm. “mm um I! ‘nmfilmn—Danicl Becker, Henry 5 "kink. ’ ‘ Coming—Levi Prabe. .’”-fllflllll‘c'flnnl—J. “1‘ unughmflu } Rum-mil" ‘ 3' ryn:rvfick {EL—Danid‘ffiuclwr, “trl‘ _ I'ninhl—Jercminh Gilt, Deter “'nl S‘rflmn—“rnrv 3. Picking. Jno ’fidnuo' Gillilnml. .\onnudcr J ' "Inflc‘rmfinlnmnn Urnor ‘ ' Herr‘iuk hor ~Jnsogfll Wu". "rn Cu'vfiwxg »—S~unucl (L Sueuri “$73613; _ s "muting—Samuel \hrchglnh. Di Px‘p' l—l—llcnrv J. Kuhn Jame! T (in-Uzthurp—Hdwurd .\lcnchy. J: ((Mrlu! Will. u ‘ [oc ‘ ' '.EnNow National unity A‘Nh Tuluzlgng-zx‘rns! \[Tnmsruv .\‘UTICS ‘..mv re 4 'ini th office of JAY G‘HHKE . $3. m Sim/II m..! .\‘lrfl’. 1 hunt tn‘hntrm‘viuna from the ‘ Trmuury. the SIN-irriptinul ‘ : N.\Tlll.\'.\L [AUX of TN‘. 4 Eng inn-rust M the ruin of Mr H" n pnr rem. pv-H annum. win? I ‘ . "Hire .\'o. “4 S. THIRD S I ."nr' n r untiL‘p, from 3 A. 31. till 3! Mn I.|}'l Ii” 9 P. N. . wan "MM will ‘u- nf, 'lu‘ don E" ‘x' “(H.LARH ”\'fi IH'VDIU'I’ \\ FH‘F. HVVDRED DUKLARS ”VF. “MALAIH. and mu: TllHl'S.\.\'l and ‘v M 1 dilcd‘mth .\l'.\ugusi, l in [5:22]. in threw )‘qnn, or router Indnfyymri’ six pur cent. lmn. n y “(has 'lmidvr. Em'h Trezmnry Km e‘tiéxmpons :ulnt-hcll. which mm IN rulflvl'lP-S in gull! at the “int won . 7 K . (In! a! the mm nfone cent per thy ‘~ 4}" ‘lnllurs. ‘I, ' . -‘ *qnu-nu of iu‘Hrriplinn: m \yj \ ‘in d or "her-ks} or Nun-s of any n! délillll‘iJ B tnk‘. ‘ ‘ ; - Elfin-run AT A mun-m! can rem friculll. .lhruuuh [he "nilJ Or by ylhrlu‘mghfll ink-. and lhu Trmuury X 3 imfmdinrely dellVfl‘cd. or senhlo Safrfiivor nuke)- nny Sl'VrLIH)’ Ililfec ' I'lrlirs remiltiuz mus! mid thwi: M”: of .~. the flute uf all I li\! dux the rmuigmnot-_rrarhos Phil ll ’- raw 0! one column! Hay on ex ..—_ “T 5. Apnly mnr nnlolrvzu _ .m: 000 KB. thu-ript'mn = L “(‘.!rv ofJn‘ Funny; .I; "0..! ‘ f No. I” Soullz‘Third Strv -, Oct. 14,1361. ‘ ‘ - "n T: . or, , en. \ l'u l‘u- NF" A Read? Mark? ‘ ' BI’SIIELS «R. 100,000 BIL—We Inn-e] hm“! hurl; uwup'ml by Klincfoho ‘& ('o..:vrith a ukterlniuurhm to [my murket‘jrric-ri fur all kindu nf (iminl ' find us lunpiiml “iiu I'I,.\STHIL 'nrH kimh. (HHH‘HHH'N, “'huh-Fulc I."\IBHH. (‘UA L. and en-ry other :11 , lingo of hiking-s}. mld M the lmn rn v: for wish. ('.-II and Haniincml price: before purchasingplum-hm.- ' ' l)lEl1L.lllKlNKI-ZELILO April'n. 13561. t‘ ‘ ’ 1 The Gi'eat Discbv OF THE AGE.—~lnfinuunnmry n d f'hrnnio Rht-uumfinm Mn be rnrml hr .4in ll L. MILLHR'S CELEBRATE!) RHEUM TIC .\HX TURE. .\lnny prnm‘mcut ritizens -f_this, inn!— glzé mljnining POllnliß!.'hfl\‘o terrified mule [HEM utility. It: success in Khan “chm: mm. hm- becn hitherto nnpnmll ml by any ‘nwcific. .intrmlm-ed to the public Pricu 50 3.3 mm per bottle. For mleJ-y an «it grinland Hurt-keepers. Prrlmreq nuly by U. L MILLER, tholemle and Retail Druggi‘mels! Berlin. , Adam: county, Pm. dank-r in "mgr; Chemicals” (lils..\’:rrnilh. Spirits, Paints, Dye? luffbrbot- l fled 01‘s, Essences and Tiuclur , \thuw (Hui. Perfumn-ry. l'ntent Medicine kcfkc. .Q‘A. D. Bnehler is the Age" in G'etlys iwrg for “ U. L‘. Miller's C(‘IPRI’XItL'd Rheum-tic 4 Mixture." [June 3, . 8131‘. tf Titiloring. OFIS KI’M.‘H§R.\NT reqwclfnly informs hil Mend: and the public. t-nt he has commenced the TAILORISG hnsin'ss, in Pg}. “I'. Itreet, (letxysluirg. nl. [he old mel of J. itching”. where he hopes to rem-ire n libml are ol encouragement. He war Ms all hil imrk to It. and the making to be Ihstnn‘tinl. He in regulnrly in regeipt ofllle F sh‘ions. so that he willbe'abl'e u: please all tangles. Give him nzrlnl. 2 . . S‘Lonis Hummetnnt also rem 'eg Grease Spot: 11ml Swim frgm Clothing. n a shun time, flag at modemfe charges. . ntisfnction gnu-n! d. ‘ [Org—4. 18M. »_ Merchant Tuilorum. ‘ ; 3w GOODS.—(IEUIu‘.I-2 AI‘ILNOLD hnl just returned from the c‘rlv .th a large flock of (moms, cmsmmsd. Guinea, Benet Clad“, Over-toning, \'elvet’Col-ds, Jenna, Drillingl and Vestiugs. of evtlfy style.—- Having lecgred the services or W. . KlS’Gu Foremu, we zre preparedfio pm. usthe above goods in style. equal to the best city msuufnc luring esublishment. having Lurucdiont 1 huge amount of work during the past Nisan, all of which his given suisfaction. Willi n large increase of our business, goes lo ghow con clmively thnt we do business ill n qanncr not ‘o‘ he surpassed. Our stock of s:ode cannot be gurpnsierl in quality or slyle. leo a: I cnll, we huge no doubt. we can plen¥'2. Oct. 4,1361. _ _ _ , g ' Last Notice! TO‘HQE is hereby given that Elm Books, h it, of Dunn & chun, "..., ha" been placed in the hands of A. J. cgvn, Esq., fnr collection—the death or Mr: J'nyhright Ziegler compelling us to take this _inst nsort. Nmice having heretofore beenigiyen to- all concerned Ql the necessity of clusixigtheir ac- Comma without. delay, and may buipg neglect ed to “(and to [he same, has compplled us to take this course. I BANKER & ZIEGLSR, 3R3. Jug; 5, 1861. 3t ; > L. - YSON BROTHERS have the Maury for GARHART, NEEDHAM erOS’S MELO O‘SS. These in'slrumuus ue übsuxpnucd {or burg-ad sweumess of tone. 1 opecimen an be and tested by calling xi ztheir Gal- Jem Tort “mt, opposite an Bu 1:. sum burg, Pa. . , Oct. 2!. none. No has! It the 11 nrrenmgog . mum! rates nmmu ‘ and not. directly mblishmem lm‘l flue sign. Term. nu) _ I: Scnbronkg Br 1111. J. s‘mnm; lip Reamer, 441 b, nial Lynch (Eh? . {Egan/1:. nun o't'ommn. 1m: vanta { 11mm: wwz. - .\n' sure] wns tould lg come lwro layouthonor, To it": if you'll write n few wurdi m my'l'st; ”9‘4 2, lie for I Rum-Hit Miste’r U‘Co‘vmer, . Widinncripe on his um and p 1..-mile his bu. .\ni w at'li 3'56 11-]! him ‘P it o VcKee•. F‘ur 'luk'h “your hon’or In 5 And say I'm all right, nnd' may. ‘ . (Thr huh}, lgu‘r human) is =IEIOI ill Sharer. - "drew Low, Forwhin he went. nfl‘il‘l on pic Slum-var held up her‘lue Ami u hin I‘ll b:- crying Iw'd |., And any nnuid I wish for 1.1 bmhnm AI- Ikm'euvvr. Krihe. it= 1 Denrilorfr. Sn he lift hmi ' dnncernnd m; 2 .\lldifulluwcg‘lhe Hugwitll m I)! it'll hilt-n I drnme of [hi ‘ * ‘lwntinfi; . 3 ~\ hafnhullet gone straight it) the hdnrt of me ' ‘bny. . , ‘ ' f. ’ Emgnmel ‘- AM my will In- sind me a hit‘bfhi: ifiom'y, P 1" n, l , l-‘ur‘the {ium Ind thealucm'r's hill, due in A .. .'i en, 1' _ :weo': , . , rubs. . Wel‘. siln-lyjhe're te‘nrq nn ynnr e; elidy honey, 3‘ : Aih L filitf}, [we u'o right wid such freedom to ayer. ‘speuk wr,, Jacob Ar 41 Norl Ydu're ovcrmnch trifling—PH not give Iyou trouble ; 5 _l'll find some one willin' ;—ph, 'what can it wtiftowl I»n_ L. Tate 21. mm. Whm’a Hm: in the nowlpapetfiflded lg) douhlfi’? , Yer; honor—don't hide iL—Qut ran it to 1119.» Tl. Wlml}! Patrick U'lCnnncr‘7—uo, no, it's name Mm NWT. ~ o”er- ‘ : [dr I‘ordulir- . Dead 1 dund l—no,nol him—'tjs a week scarce “0” """k- gone by; ‘ ' . , i/mlvlp'lid-- [)ond ! «lon-l !—-why the kiss on the cheek ofhis rim-rotary»! nmlhor— - ' 7' I '.nok to tho 1, . It luun’t had time yetfiyourihonor‘to dry: ""y "MM” ‘Do'h‘t'lrn me-—it‘s no; KEEP—Loin God! um I #1 "ml thrw- . Hun“ , , , V . emnin open ; : ‘,_ ' MEET. until ‘ Shotht‘h-nd. oh, (or “1010“ a! haven my v no; , ‘y x» M" "N on .iu' wlmt‘ll [do in the world wid ponr Daisy! nimticm ‘nf V Uh! how w‘ill} live; and oh! "here Will Igo ‘.' HUM-A "_N. C[he room is In dnrk—T’m not seein' your Honor; HHWS\SD . . l—lhink—J‘ll go home—and I nob; quick Hmmma, ’ ‘.nnd dry, ' , “l- wafnh'e Cam-{sharp from the bosom of Mary O’Connor, 'hlo mm a Img non-r a ten ultnp wrlled up to her 0} c. the (union , ‘ T has inler- 7(“ " .‘3 ""‘.‘“‘ ,' " “"‘ f‘ll! “Hand A A, , “ _ix xfinullm, F s].}llglxtllnntmli :on ouch lif. ! qty-D . , , . i do in 1- " g- .' --::‘:::- ‘T"“‘""f"i..:_’;?f.:~‘ e rm . he mm- f AnlOddlty o( the last Cenfluxy. l The oilitm- of n recont edition nfjlmly Mari “'nrtlcy Montagm-‘g Lq-ttern givbs the following: amount of the Earl of Pembroke, a grout oddity of a hundral years ago: ' . “ Marrying for the third time at: seventy fivo, he maintained striot'dominion over a with, whom othor people thought safely ar rim-ll} at years of discretion, and quite fit. to ttnkc bare ol‘ herwlf. She had leave to visit liu mil (waning, liut must never on an)" ac lmunl. stay out a. minute luto'r than ten o'- :clm‘kl. hiéo‘umwfi- hour. One night“ howev 'er. slle stayed till [fist toelve. lledoclinecl, 'suppfing, tolling the sorvnntstit could not be tén o’vloek, nd their Jadymas not come lmm‘r. thn‘ at, huh. she cam‘e in 3 terrible fright. and commenced making apologies: “My dour." said he very (holly. “ y'all are under g m‘uytnko; it is but just. ten! your ‘ “’lltt'll‘ I see. goes too fast, and to does mine: ‘ we mint have the man tomorrow to not I (ham 'to rights; meanwhile,“ let us go to ' sumiyr." . , l \ llin oxism‘plo on smother o¢ca~ion might shr worth following. Of ullthe Male-lino. ; Persian laws eetnbliathed in his house, the 13mg peremptory was. that any servantwho E(vireo/got. _drunk should be instantly ”div ichfing—no pardon granted. no excuse ? liui'i-npd to. Yet an Ola footnian, who had llivod 'fi‘l‘lll him niamy yefirs, ‘woulll some itimei indulge in a pot of ale extraordinary, ltrusting to the wilful' bllmlnm‘ which'he (saw assumed whim convenlerit., Que fatal l (lay cvgn gm. could not «mild _As my lord crossed~ the hall, 'John .ppe'm'ett it; full yiew: not rather tipsy, or: littlé disguised, ' but dead drunk. ni‘nd unable to gland“; I.4m}c Pembroke went up to him: “7M? pom fel low, wth ails you! you seemidremgul ill —-let me feel your pulse. ‘ Gail bless}; her is in a raging fey-er: get. him to bed diréctly. and send forth} apothmry.” The npothe oary mine, not to be consulted, for his lord» ship was physioiln-generalrin his own fami ly, but obéy. orders—to bleed the patient. copiously, clap thug}: blister on his buclE! Ind give him 9. powerful dose of physio.— Afier a few days of this treatment, when the fellow emerged weak and won 15- the severest, illness could ha'ye left him, u Huh, honest, John,” cried his master, “1 am truly glad to see thee alivq; ybti have had a wonderful escape though. Ibd' ought to be thunkfulsvery thankful ingleed; Why, man. if I had 'not posted by nhd spied the condition you were in. you‘woukl have been deadbefore now. But John! John!” (lift l iug up his finger), “no moreqf Meat fawn.” - ‘ iit hr their mrg-m. nr “If “'in he .cnch sub- ‘crqs’. (mm 1- "nu-i.» 10 (ll'h‘hi I. ,3 II (“If dul . .\ wnl. ankeri. I.;l’hilnd lIX WA \'T. tnle’n ‘he . Bulliuger he lligllent Yul: will (H'AXU at and Retail. rich-‘m mu" 4“ IJGILFHIW r stuck and ESE gig-The following is «ol’ fxbe no». Dr. fibrw. At an associnytion dinner I débuxte arose aGo the benefit of gin; in bring ing up children. The d tor téok the :f -firnntive. and his chief 'opponent mm a young minister, whose reputation for ve racity was not very high. A .He mainjnined flu; parents often do harm to their children froui unjust punishment. from not know ing the facts in the ease. "Why," said he, “ the only time my futhenwhipped me w“ for telling the truth.” “Well,” retorted the doctor, "it‘cm‘ed you 9:" it, didn't it .'” ‘ ‘ W” The following noti . ed on the bulletin of: W: up Nick Whiflles’ way: . “Lost—n. red kaf. Ho on lof his legs. He was give fibre dolor: to evri ‘ hym hum." ‘ El It is not generally kuownjhatthe're is now concentrated on the banks of [he iPotomac n. larger body of troops than has ever been congregated‘lin modern times, exeept in the battle of Leipsip. Neither Gustiv'ul Adol phuufnnr “Fredric the Grant. Wellington. nor Louis N’lpoleon, had everpnller imme. (liate commend anything like thel nurnber which is notv under the commnhil of Gen. M«(.‘iellan. iFredorio the Greet Hever led into the field more than'7o.ooo§rnen at I ltimefbut all his greet battles fella fought end won with I".“ng troops rfiigingbe tween 30,000 and 00,000. Napolieen. when M Austerlitzf. vanquished with 'B’.)le "ion the itwian [and Austrian Armiee. poundng about? 100,000 mee. M Jena and hhentndt, l there‘wera “tout 130,000 men finder the ‘ eornmnnil of} the Emléerorvof tlfeéFrenébr 'l‘Jie hattie of anram was fought: with 140,- 000 men “tulip“ ‘the‘Austrinns; 'nd in the equally ooh- ‘lruted battle at Borpiino, “bout 164M100 Frenchmen ‘were oppbséd'ib the Rusniflis. Tho decisive battle at Waterloo I mix f ight iwlth only 80.000 A’Frenrhmon lugainst Wellingtoniikith 7510 i). But. the 1 ‘huttle of [Aiipsic setyin motion a gigentic army of 420,000 men, Napoleon‘ having un- ‘ ‘dcr his eon muhll about 150,000, and' the 1 united force of Rusiin, Austrialnm [ls-tin, lobhut 27m )0. This was me' on%me 1 ‘dult‘ing Napoleon's wars. in which i. fium- ‘ be efeoldi rs confronting heh‘o her was . greater the the Arierimn armie n' the l Potomac at his moment. ,Gen. M lelhm ‘ ‘.hns under in command at inst -\(ium men, and auregard not lessthail 70.0%, ilperhnps mall-e. A}: the great initial” Soire ‘rino-the l-‘rhnclt fihd ltalianstd’HQflOO, manyagnimdlt 130,000" Austrians: an ‘a, the I siegeome‘ ‘htnppl the allies ne'vor‘lgitli more 'tligii IMAM?) against. 125,000 Hus gigs; It twill uplienrlfrom this comparison " he: the ”(Inks whi h are confronting eachlotheir on the Potom were exceeded inmunlberbniy iby'thoee “fit armies which. on the plains . of ,Leipsic, tiecided the fate otl galore? —~:———— m..—+4 ‘ t Amalgamation in marvels“ ‘ Ohio. '11,? lwnlrloof Cleavelnnd hxnvle" n some- ‘ whaq excited overagmse of .apxhliainntion which occurred there his: «09*. collared ' than hunched to Dan Rice’s cirrhii \Ton' the inflections-of n. white girl named rm? ‘Edller, E and obtaining a certificate in the u uni lway, \'mlirried her. The girl, after fine irrlaige. i rolurned w her father‘s house, in her dus ;kg lfll‘lll. [ii-Hump; timt her ”To" preven jted her joining him,“ sued ou n ,rit qt' ha ; betas ‘corluis in «meat? the Cloafelntid courtsi, hot it app’huiing on pn investigation or the loose, that {she was not rcstrainied ih nny wuy fof her libehy, the writ was dismissed. This ”over; her futlmr ohtilaiucd n whrrnnt for the ‘ nrrefit of like justieié who performed the lmnrl‘inge, hmlor an not passed last winter ‘ by the Ohio Legislature, entitled “no not to iprevent the amalgamation olfiie’white and. rniored runes? ’l‘hisnctfirnhiliiting it visible lnd.mixtn.lre§,ot' African blood 0. inte‘rmnrry ' with any {lei-son of pure white liloodmlakes a lperson muffin-ted of koiemnizihg such‘amnr 'riagelinble to a fine of not. more than one lhundred ”dolimhor, imprisdninmtt for’ a lterm’ not {to exceed'three month. at the l discretion jot” the court. The case 15 still un 'der ._dviuqment. .‘ - . I ‘ j huh: to he nisr‘ lnkt- wid flu.- pen, at mavguurnecn MIME wu the rhilder. ‘eycs tofhiu face, R but me timer. 1e eomnry‘s dia- m‘r‘rl‘v LII-"ling, lrislninn's jay. grout drums n ’ k ' Ooyfusion or a luderer. r‘lt‘n‘my jbe woollected by many of our winders thht about four years ago we: pub liqhed theiawful account of the hurnihg'bf t "a house pf the P'orkins family at Milhum, a: night, w hen all the funily, inéllldmg {abhor ind mother. gm‘ndmoth‘er andleight children—eleven ln‘ alldpeiislied ii the flames! A Scotchmarlhy thg mime of Wnl~ tor Mitchell, who lived in Ibqnelghboghood at, the timofund who had 3‘ divputes with Pflklnn an to the propertyfyna suspected ofthei mui-dan but no proof could lie lomul uminst him. lle left Econ? after for the West. Before the burning of the [mine he wpmed Perkins ofl‘the premises, jnnd threat gned if he did not leave to born the house over his head. This Mitchell ro‘cently died in Illinois, and on his (lfath‘boa confessed he mmgxited the horrible crilhe. He fluted tlmt‘hn. throw into the house ‘s‘home of liquid. which set fire to “(and slupefied the inmates-. 411“ Mr. Perkin: aroused him self and came to thodmr, when he knocked him back iim: the home killihg him.~Bing~ haw Awaken - g E ran/u, 1m nymph item of m army surgieon. we find the fo’lowing: I remember one day, in making my hospital rounds, a patient. just mitbd, presented me'an ampuhwd fg‘rearm,rand in doing Iq could scarcely refrain a broad laugh; Ehe fittér was constantly on his (boo. ' “ What is the matter? thin does not strike me as as I subject of llughter.” “ It is not, doctor; but 6me ma. '1 lost my um in no funny 1 way, um El still laugh whenever I look at it. ' “ Our first sergeant wanted uhaving. uld got me to attend to it, as I am a oorponl. We font together in front. of his tent; I had lathered him, took him by the nose, and was just Applying the razor, when a. cannon ball came, and that was the last I saw of his head and my arm. Excuse me, doctor, for laughing so, bqt. I never saw Inch 8 thing before.” This occurreddlm'ng ihe siege of Fort Brig. -. wad found past ten: Post omm, § .4 Mm Ham—The following is Auht Bet, aey'sVdescripgion of he! milk-[fun : “ He in the means). man in the world." she exclaimed. “He skim: his mi“: 6n “no tpp, pnd then turns it on: art skim: the ‘.bo‘lwm." , I , ' 1:1 I white 5M , the kuf. 1 will i 'wut will ,bring @EMEGRA’WE AWE FAMELV EDEURNAL. r 1 A§ GETTYSBURG, PA; MO‘NTJAY, NOV. 11, 1861- Large Armies . h “firm I! nun" nlmwlu. ”gnu.” The Telsgrsph Openecl to 8m Fruc’isco Telegraphic communiqation between! San Fmricisco and the Eastern Smwsis ah es~ tablished fact. The first pleisages consiiéted of congratulations fiom :the Mayor of) Sun F rancisco to the‘ Mayor of New York, to the President «(13. The line is ndw opém w the public. 1 It runs [thrqugh Mormonilnm. and it in mid that. Brighun Young is in eo~ “sales over the event. ‘ ’, . It. is needless to speak of tho Important advantages of being in‘ijnmodiqto conyhmm nicution with the ‘Golden Slate. {Hi is thought. that the Russian Government, will now push their line (in the Amour. Is‘rnpidly as possible. Then an extenpion of on: own lino to the mouth of tho,;Amoor viL’Behl-ing smug, will bring riearly all an; ciuje. in tha world into‘teleg‘i-nphllc comniuuidation with fnéh other. i - j The following is the mossage of the Mayor of San Francisco to'7 Kayor Wood ‘—- i ' >f SAN Fuixusbo, Out. 9‘5, 18m. Tc rnz‘EMuou or Nn'w YiORK r:— [ ' i Sari imnciwo lo few‘l’ork smtls’émti ingu and oongmtuln es 1 er on the 00:11pr tion of the enterpri+e w£iqh connecth the Pacific with the Atlanti . May theg'pros parity of bo'th ciliui he rig-eased thsreb3g and the projoctors qr tl‘is imponftnnt work meet with honor and rewind. ~ ‘ a 3 Hi I": zsvnllmunlttx; ’ Mayor uf San Franc . Abolitilm 100 *spmgfi. The N.Y.‘ll:ra(d.‘in = long gammymu of the Abolition mofibmnu, spedcheq, etc... against the Ad‘minfllmt ~n ahd Prefiident Lincoln. :5 I éonspiru' to ovarthmfir, it— and then demundfi smuinry “meaauées against the cbnspirfito . .'l‘he, ”amid, to establish its fact, cite! {what mlfie bf thw Abolition journals +l4l haying. (Hun? 'l‘hn} Boston Librralor says} that “ Mr: Lined]?! has already received thiersfigma of lhaiglaye bound at“ Illinoifl." : “We have a. right-(o proclaim loudly,” ‘6 oontinucipa‘fugainst the infamy with which he lms fidlatqd the Constitution." Yet it Am: um Mme Con~ stiuiion of the U. S. curse ’ as soon as it was Congress to “lose n 6 ti ue in ennqtig‘ug the (0&1 aboiition 6f slmefy. unmnflititnally, tproughoul ‘the 7cdunrr‘y." It Bin ‘ out venoni ngnilht the flag] of the Uzuib'p, and asserts that “ the eaglejofihe Uni’tfidgsmtgs is a very deformed, iohficone. thiavid‘, glut tonpus and cruel keyst." and that. “ imt the sliglfiest faith ongh‘t 69 be put in this 'foul, lazy creature !" lee Juli-861M? :S‘fandard calls our patriotic Chic Magiakfille the “un looked for assistant 1' Beauregnfil and Davis," and fixlseiyin uses hinybf having “quenched the enfih iasm ()Eklbe pooylo, and done more (mp mlyze the‘mi’rthern' arm than 1111' the audio sea of LhaSc‘c-asjon— ists." ‘ j 1 ' . . - an. F. HALL"; ' I long letter‘boa colim m.. which is publid'h Prue. in which be shy There is-no isxun _lru S/m” Mr (‘brcfilulron {be I lamlin every Slate and; '1 bnve repudifitad it Ey take care that the [Tn gate't hv Abolitiomg ' i to fife Union, apd f - of our Bdrm. or We . no peacejn it if wag!» ‘ How Government {L} mam—ma} gim burg Dispavrh says ttlh' some of the finimnl; purchued recently H hqt"plnoe; pram a sorry sight; that theiP nnsylvania J ilrood' Company refuses to“ nsport their! Over the road. fearing that the iglnt die on {be way, end the company be ode to p. 552- them; An instance of the ‘ A lily pm “ is thn related to us: IA ' 15b purcliased at the market on Irvihl reet,“the btfier day, for fifteen dollars, +lll subsequentlj sold to the government agpii for finally-five dol lnra. We alto lam-ti t at forty-tltl’eq horse). most miserable loek'i g nu’gs. wllllbe sold on Saturdnmlto deffi cost‘ of. tinguportm tio‘p thus far—the idsglctor 1;“th '¢ondem nea them. SJ ’ "E , ___—.._ _‘ .._- n_._a— ‘ -A Lam Lou!mct.l—Stephon Cwlewell. ol Qomden. Ohiqhu dude 3 when: by which he is to furnish one buli‘dred end fifty thous and cords of wooc; f r the Ohio: Central Railroad Company.‘ Ilhe megnitude of this ebutmet an be mtdetstod lonly when we take into consideration the 'flbt that it make- : pile four feet big: and [not less than two hundred Ind ting—seven miles in length, and require:- the delivery of near ly fifty cord: 3 day (Supduye excepted) for ten years. 1 dA: Erpmdu Prayerfn—An I apeqimen of “ patriotic prayer,” wa‘ lend you a portion of one made 10-day in one of our churches, in ‘he presence of a huge congregation. by s gentleman of reputed cr¢ditable atkin. menu, both liter-try and moral: ' “Oh, .Drrd,had WWxlaheawllal UM 11mm Sam in fundahing men! to put down um rah-Ilia», we would not (:4 undtr l/u my of calling cm 2'4“." 5 ' . . If you had, on the-awe Whit-4116 ob servance of the Presidem's Fast ply—buy thing more directly to the point, 79 petition for the report—Cincinnati Gazette. 3" A Western clergyman. in mounting n revolver to a volunteer. s'aid:--“ If you get into a tight place, and have to use it, ask God’a blessing}! you ham time, but be sure not to let your enemy get the start of you—you can any man after you shoot." Induury.—“ Sam.” said u mothefi to one of her very obedient sons, “ how many logs hue you sawed, eh 1" . “ Why, mum, when 1 get this and three other: done I’ll ban four.” us ‘cfxrséd fvith a Ade," and em. on 'f‘Bostn Jim ritten iltee inrklgilmksburg, ! inthe Puihaemhia this one great 99!! : he 9‘4]:th [dip or (111 'my? Elqve State. eoesnion. ,3 \ 9 must States (161‘ not abro‘ wth a‘reniiknieroaiea must be dri on out :have no Uniim and Union. : I=lll do:;•4:6A:11.1 Diptherin, like Typhoid F even. i, the ; fashionable disuse of the day. for. the last several yearn, Typhoid Fever him;l been ’ quite a fnuhionahlé diseaw. eflpocixilly with some of our medical brethren; and also I with a certain class of patients, fiho consider ‘it rather a pleasant ink than ojlvlierwise, to exxmtiate upon the intense pitin And an guiah which they endured, in; protracted i (Sue of ten ontwelve day’s stanaingi which ,thny were led to believe, by their phyliciw. I to he in. indubitable me of thq mnligmmt type- , 4‘ . Fortunatelylor our country. the Innjority , of per-om no not blessed with that piofnse { supply of crodn’ljty. which 'is the epaipntinl ‘ l characteristic in such cues. i l - z I Many similar “s°? have fiillrii uniler'my ‘ gnoltije. 1 hare known pntipntia to hoover ‘in t n days and even 1e43, from ‘ese so ‘ ? calledTyplioid Fever attacks. ibis i'ident from the ‘duration of die dime, that it t was not Typhoid“ Figvgr, but a ilisefle of n ‘ , milder. typo. :Wecan read in +IIPI)EH%I I Journals, reporw from couxitryiPhylicinnb claiming to. have Imin] a. minaret; war I and upwards of this (hump ini‘oncgsimaon. ‘ his one thing to‘hnve this dumger, and another to report'them. ‘ .A phynician an very on‘silyymlglnll hi: i | cases Typhoid Fever. qr whatevt: n fash ionable disease may be. nnd re ri‘accoxl-d-K ingly. As with Typhoid} va‘hr, with 1 Diptheria. We read in the public urnniu 1 of the astonishing success of ce‘rtai practi ‘ tioners in this alni‘m'ing disease. heard of one Phynioian who his traded fiver one ' hundred cases of this dimé, and ‘ ‘nly one terminating fatally. . ‘, Z 1' ' I might nstonish film credulons bf report ing twenty—five or thir‘ty cases l‘tnd‘i‘not‘one ‘ otthae proving ‘fatnlm Bnt of thinmmber‘ g only five or six wer‘e Diptheria; {the rest lm‘ng nothing more than bhd ‘J 1.; of Angina. It is evident. tint theta - ‘ many diseues which are dulled Diptih- which are almost anything else. Who an epi< demic firstt makes‘ its appennq'n 'nnd er“ pecinily if i. QOlneiifout under a: no : ‘ name, it immedm ry hecojmes fuhipnnbl to have ! it“: and as inter: tire not unlike - er per sons, someiot' then'i‘arert'nshiqnn a men. and it. becomes rather‘sgreeablb v' them to let. their [intionts have popui‘ar 2 iseasw, consequently the matter gem Vs much mixed up and cohfus'ed. as; w?“ 'ith the ‘physiéian an with his lmlienti. ’t. is not, uncommon ’for an epidamiqoi‘f lfluenm,‘ to be trnmpéted abroayl Is Dinnimia. Pa tients may have kipré throng. ligaduche, and all things which are not D ptli‘l‘eria, but. they think they have it, and [)ch for the sake of popularity. or ‘ beingi uider'ed fashionable men, readily _lcq}ui with their patients. i . i - , 'The next thing in order in i 0 épen the month And -cauterizo the mtrt‘nfib, upon which there is not the‘alightdst %gn' of a. Diptheritic deposit; Ind what: is,he con~ u-quencet A denuded 'surt‘ncé, which will inevitably inflame and ulceratie, (has pro; ducing a, sore‘thrott liy nrtificiul‘means, which may c‘ontinue sore for miwtagk or ten days, or even prove fatnl ; wherein. if it had not. been burnt, ithr'ee: or four dnj’i might huve aufiibed to remoée the ‘ I’rofem'or Pet‘fer, of the‘ Uni dwity of Pennsylvania. in speaking ‘of ‘ which he has treated, buys: “I feé‘l hfidcnt; that. in mnny 95 these cases, if ‘I ind used the solid nitrutb'ol' silver. (burntgthemd I would have increased the. inflaihmation.’ 3nd therefore the mount of deposit: find in fact. some mild we: are‘thns «inverted into aux-ions dizeue, bringing {has inflam mation and depopit so low down flint. it in volves the ohink o! the glottis.‘ armvades the larynx, and thus produces Bu ? tion." Professor Dickinson says: “I hive found the wlid~stick to‘he useless in the“ cases.” I might fur-trier quote from we best Authors in condom ‘tion of this pnciico, but the high unthoriiy which I have ‘ived Ihould be quite sufficient for inielligeni. npprocin tion. "There are many affections of the‘ throat,”uys Prof. Pefi'or, “which I have frequently seen in adults, with intense pain in the parts, and where on examining the throat, there will be found inflinimation and absolute ulceration ; not a mere exuda tion: This is no! Dipthei'in." “In ninety was out of a hundred of acute mthcnic engine in children, there will be white plastic deposits on the tonsils, perhaps on thevelnunnnd perhaps even on the pharjnx. If every such coco is :0 be called Diptheria, then indeed Diptherin is very Gammon.— But. these cases form a. very insignificant disease, and very frequently, from? too has ,ty and improper diagnosis in théee cases, itrong mimic applications are maile to the throng thus increasing the meltdy, and perhaps even sometimes giving riis to {and developments; hence it. is highiy impor tant the: 3 simple clan-ha) affix-[inn should not be confounded with Dipiheria.” , If your children‘complain of sore throat, take a moon-handle and gently pleas (11v tongue down, and if you tliseover deposits 9n the velum or palate, perhaps running together and coating the whole {woes of a yellowish tint, or ash color, ypu may rest muted that it is Diptherit, and the sooner you call in n physician the better for the patient, as in the first stage of die disease it is usually very tractable, but. if let run on it extends down to the Chink of the glottis and-produces laryngitin, (iflflamma tion of the larynx,) when it becomes a very fatal «new. no mute! how mild it my have been in the first stage. Minions. York Springs, Oct., 1861. , i, A 6004 Union Speech. Colotrugriietteed 11mg. Nathnniel ngfe addressed a mum. meeting in New} York on Monday night.— Mr. Wolfe is n Kentuckinn, and was receiv ed by the a'udience with shouu of almlanseg indicating the delight with which New York.welcomea n mnnjfrom Kentflcky. 9n the Union platform. Hr. Wolfe addmedf the imménse nssemb‘lg u a raneaentative; of the Uq‘iojn men of “flat gammt Stare. nny; engagfd inftllc bitteredt porti'ou of the cOl3- flict. grou'nfl their owuhiomes. . ‘ ' Thdreiriirks of we 3 man on sn'ch an 1 ocoiuifm bra mirth] o profound regain-d.— Hiiia oidle political ' ngue. 'l‘hepeel in; w loli he Id _Wu culled t 6 Mfg local lioniinntionl for co, and he hind no pelfso'nd ii‘nlerelt to 59+". no polities)! clip trap ui exei-t. His I hin mitinnnl in its emu-mun, and nddr to this mind‘ at the nation. Putting the igmé! thaw", he says: F . ' i ‘ 5 ‘ II will i'mt oxhnust y r palienée by ira cin; iliutely the m which have led: the . pk ofrthis omm ry to the very verge” ofsge f, wru'ction; F {ich-m has contribu—g ind: h share. The geeks.- zonlot, urged ‘ on ‘b {the philanthrdpy? sou lat the inbo litibfif Slagery, av. tlui expemé at? the very exit oeof the white an. The Advocates of inbolition should in their film in thel very dust.‘ It is to lh m that we oive. in a great measure, the min ortuned of our coun try; It in incompreh nsible to n mtionni and reflecting mind, at a clans of mm » should exist in thisrn ighlened'iigg, whose I vocation ‘seems to be to pull down every thing 'Which wisdom 2 esuhliihed. They] "my mt Mmred that‘their doctripes. uml their lab'ors can resull. in no good to our count .‘ Sooner or later their mad career will '26 the men f the'Slxtveholding ‘ States i to ope unitegefl'ort to overthrow thq o rmn‘ent—a. poverpment which , shoul a circle in its ernnl arms all the‘ citizo f the rent epuhiic. But if the} Abolitfio ist is fine dir enemy nf our insti-[‘ tutions, so is the . miomst. Hi: ic‘ ml heresy, which the co ined wivlom of the l‘ nation Has united in deuming. ’Seceo-i 'sion its“ principle thcTis at war with alli‘ good government; it is the prolific 'spurcei of'evcry evil with ich society could be| possiblylatflicted. .\ ar, murder. Lithium! rubber” arson, in she t, every crin‘ie known [ in eiwl society. are tine legitimate fruit. of}! thqt hpririble heresy. 1 ‘ 7'l Heigtites the viewafof, the Union men in] Kent ky, whiph helmuy hp uumméd lot; kn‘owfi as the only vilews on which we can} ‘oxpecé to retain‘thnt brave old State inthé}! ['nioq. ‘ l i ; Kentucky has pro sea terms'ol' peace.‘ Th‘sy were rejected mud pity it is pow-l 'l‘h guarantees of 3!. eprop'crty which‘sheg. {imposed mreuon bit. and they will bef insisted upon by her And nlthnngh she" ‘ unshnken in her lid lily tn alllier conali ‘ tuliomd obligations. («he will never came-n that the institution l slavery in the Staten orthe Territories aha lbeiniuredordontmfi ‘ ed; bf the action o the General Gave-111 mént.‘ Theproolmn inhul‘llmmontmmam' cipatiig the tslsveu, woiultl, probably, have! ‘ 10$. ' the sum, if the Pmfiidfyflt had [loll modified it. Kenlu ky dries not. and wil ‘ nqt. own to the nfimit‘mgr-of slaves ‘6 any other property. ownml ay p‘ersom ,i ; rehellion sgninnt th _Gnvm'nmont, but uhq ‘ will ncv'er consent t emancipation accoml j pa'nying confincation l have thus sookan‘ ‘ frflnkly and freely. _ _ l ‘ " l‘l‘hin ‘briel', clear 11ng definite éxpross'm‘q all} thoylem of Kent ckiann who dare to M ‘ Union, men, where i in ”nothing to bogs: ‘ 017’, and where itc sh ramming lo cal Ono's éolf I Union in n. merit: the cough)? nilioj bf Korthern liticigus lid patriot-II Who Kentucky all lni've driven from: Mar soil the last re 1 who now insults lief la'gyun’y, what will th North 69 for tho 3'an laint‘ Union mm of Kentucky? ‘ l lAa nSouthern in“; Min Wolfe's evidence: ‘Ol the state of the ‘ uthermmihd is valual bio. He remarks: 5 , ' , f I have statutthnt this war is! not wngml fo} tlieem‘ancipationofthenlrvei. 'l‘heUln-grvs't of the United Stuart. representing the sen}- ti'ment or the non-'.ulnveholgling Sums; have no declared it by solon’m rmolutinn. Go to the camp of the National soldier, an I hnvb donaelmd ask him if he has «boulder-ed hi; musket to emancipate thr slave, or to inton fere in the relations of the muster toward. his Illve, and he will answer. No. He will tell you that his purpose is to u] hold the rights of the people undur the Constitution; and not to wrong the people by “013.11 e their ri hts. * And hell you here, tonight. that a large portion of the peo is of the So'nth only need to be con vim-0:11:11! equality of rights is the principle on which the buttles are to be fought. and they 'will’rnlly once more under, the “ Star-Spangled Banner” mil unite in the overthrow of the tlenperat» and unprihcipled leiulera who have hurried them into rebellion to gratify their selfish and mean ambitiotn ' The remarks of Mr. Wolfe confirm th‘o views which we have expressed 80 frequenh ly. We have as grout on enemy in tho litionism tt the North as in wees-ioniam at the South. ' “ Bgnlon’t Mariam—How touching'the tri‘ bute of [he Hon. T. H. Benwn to his mo. ther’l influence: “My mother Asked me never to use tobacco. I have new-e: used it from that time to thoyresent day; she asked me not tognme, and l have never gambied. and I cannot tell who is winning, :nd tho is losing in games that can be played. She admonished me, too, against hard drinking ; and whatever mpacity for endurance I have :t present. And whntcmr uanfulness I may attain in life. I have at tributed tn having complied with her pious and correct, winhes. When I was seven years of age. she asked me not to drink, 'and then I made a. resolution of‘wml absti nenoq, at. a time when I was sole constitu ent member of my own body; and that l have adhered to it through all time. I owe« to my mother." ' Cambium! Wat—Twoaty-dx thon 93nd commissioned officer. If. nquirod 'to oomuud the Faded?! my now in W‘ Sold; 1 ‘ ' . TWO DOLLARS! A—‘YEAR. No_ '7'. lll== Order of We”! Remain in 11-min; and of the Amie: of zip Unm’fium. Wumxmox, Nov. 1:41:00: amoral Mo- Clellnn to night issued tho “lowing Ira-Hon ‘ a lluoqrunzu or m: AIIY. } , Wunmrrux, 1).C.. Nov. 1. cnu“. own 2m. 19. In Imonlanoe with Gonml Order No. 94 how the Wu} Deplmment. l lu-reby nuruLna WC! of tho armies ol' the United Statl‘am In the midst of the diffivulfivs «3.;ch «I: cémpus and ‘divide the nfiion. henihfion and selfdiatmst may fell uoonulnny the u. mmplion ost "at a responsibilitx ; hut con fi'dingu l ddiq the Inyalty,disciplilm and courage of our “00px. and believing at 1 do mat Providence will favor aura as thcjuut cause, 1 cannot doubt that succ‘usfivill crown our efforts and sacrifices - ' The “my will unite with me in the fool ing of regret an; the weight of mnny your: and (he effect of incrensing infirmition lion-l treated, and intensified in hiecouucry'n ner vioemhould just now remove from our howl the great soldier of our nation. The hero who, in his youth, raised high the reputatioh «fl his country in the fields of Canada, which he sanctified with his blood, film, in more mum-e yearn. proved to the World that American :kill Ind vdor could 13pm; il’ I not‘eclipne, the exploit.“ Cortex in tlml i land ol' \he Montezuma—whose whole lii‘e' [ hm'been (leveled to the. Rhine of luiucouu try. when whole efl'ort- had been direcleil‘ ‘ lo uphold our-honor at the smallest sacrifice of lifelirwurior who seemed lho gelflsh glories of the‘baulefield. when his great qualities u I Interim-n could be em plbyell more profitnby {or his country. A oiliwn whom declining years has given to tho! world most shining immune“ of loyalty in dines-Ming nlMies of birthmnd clings itilL m the (nuke of truth end honor. Such [nu been the character of Winfield Scott—whoigi it has long been the'delight oflho notion to honor, both as A man Ind nspldicr. 1 \ While we regret his loan there is one thing we cannot regret, the bright example he hanvleft for our emulation. Let will hope and pray that his declining year: may ' be passed in peace and huppinou.~ and time they may he ‘cheered by the nuceeu of the country and the cause he' has fought for and loved so well. ‘ ' Beyond all this. let us do nothing that can cause him to blush for us. Leg. mu dc feut of the army he has long nomn‘mndod' embitter hi: hut yam but let'om- Victoria: illumhmk the clue of I life!” grand. ‘ . Gnu. B. M'Cuuw. Mnjor—Genenl Commanding _U. S. A. A Putriotio NIP- Day before yesterday,u\the story apes. , I. devoted member a! the -~— Church, nml simian devout. Union man, Lttendoddivine van-ship, according tths invariable custom : butthe weather bein‘g warin bud oppressivé. the wo'rthy citizen ‘er uleep in his pew during the guly part 7)! “I? nerviée. «(He slumbsrgd pleumt}j..nnd just before the_ service bemfibe choir and coup-agi tion, sang n’ puiiottc hymn, that 511134.359 slegpcr's niind with a love of mtintry,'tlut could not be resisted. The toxt w‘ai, “Add what think of ye Christ 1” nyéted em phatically swam! tinierby the mini-Let. This appeal to the 'llumberor was (00 di: iect and hi: thouéht- Becoming confused in his half wakeful, half dreaming state. he forgot wlwre be its, and the exact lnfiuré of the Question, and responded so loudly md distinctly that he could be, lam! through halfof the church : , “Think? I think and 1 know 130'» I“ right; 110’: {or the Unign :11 the time 1'" _ The efi‘éct of thin unexpected and alto gether secqlnr unannde upon the piou's brothers and night: my be hotter fmcig‘d than rel Med. ' ‘ -“ ' w Tho 'lpniqville Democrat thinks itaia wonde'rful flat the “PI-aide” down’t ”sea the proprioty anH n'oceuuy of detailing n‘ fewof the editors Ind repqrton “HIM our Gillan]. when fie sdvuncc. when to m cede 9nd whaUA do sewn]. The-e edif {on daily waste" an enormou- nmount of whdom on military Imin, and show gleu'r ly ham 3 thing My flaw could hnv’y boon done we“, Ind how we“ don-2 could ham {wen dam better. ' , , ‘ ..._...“ - ov~—-—-—~ ‘ Jam—“l.9 your father a»: ham» 2? inquired I nun of tie link girl whouhnit t'ed him. "ll your Immo- Bill 1’" she “ken-L "Some people all me no," replied hef— “Thén He is not. it. home, for I heard hil}; “11.10115. if any bill mm, to say he was not a; home.” ‘ . fi‘A “good one" is tuld of n Quaker vol: tinteon. Wing was in a. V'y’giniu Ikirmilll.—é Comink in pretty close gutter: “M: u rebel herewked—“Ffioud, if; nnfortumsce. hm thee standsjust when I “gain: to nlwolflf and blazing away down cum See-ah. ‘ ‘ Elks: Partington any: that nothin 4 despises her no much as to m pmpl», win) profeu to expect salvation; go to; chm-en without their pm when 9 moolkctiou is to be taken. ' - fi-Gen. Cass has written Mother denying that he ever mid that the abblition of glue ry was necessary to the mucus Q! the Gov? emnient. Thus‘ another “uttong‘ pm“: ng Aboli‘ion aigument is kicked: from under them, . 3" Binding gain by Mblnory has been awfully toeomplished in love. The hand ' of wire. Tb. can of win sufficient. to bin! one-ere of grain, is about fifteen cents. ‘ I:===l fife-A genius out west has just patented. a machine for making chestnuts- out of‘ sweet potatoes. He in a. brother to the old gentleman who put handles u! prickly pearl I. find sold them for curry combs. . n-Every man hue in his own life foilini enough. in his ownnnind trouble-s enough K ——in the performance ofhis duties nlcficien- 5 cy enough-4n hi; formats evils ehougln— 1' without minding Miser mph-’3 buuiqess. : m-A 'gemlomnri in bonvorsafion wit}: 1 the chaplain of Fort Independence, when 1 convicts were coufiHeJ than, observed to : him: ' , g S “Sir, ynur hearen are under bnnvicfinn . nlrendy, and you have nothing to‘do but convert them.” ' g fl'i‘he man who "ahnUvngod contm'fia tion " got into an awful fight, and mu no verely babel). ' . , A Ifigh Privates-A wait 1:»on Same into Chicago who W'lhtfoct up“ '1 toninehuinhié'mkiiclw » - . ‘ - EZEIII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers