extmnf ‘ Highly Im - not me GEE ‘Mclhm of the Born (rm: PORTS am. 0‘ Pmmrr. mm? -. DBSPAT . BHUFOBT - ' The manner GIJm-g ‘ ‘ arrived“ Bulfimnre‘ . ii»: from Olnl Pnint.’ “ bringing thr lntmt n 0 film: nraof its 5 ghrzth'Cnrqlina. 1" Wom'pnawngon 4 s hung. lfter I new i fift- Hiflon "end ‘ mulling the entrant ? th‘e Confederates ani l 31:! the Fedetn! forcofi ‘1 ,heanr an‘w ‘n l gfu'inx the fire of (hi wordy." The‘fiégbu sol!er Dupe t. wa - fight ofher mm WP houndr’d. Amnmz t Fem o! the “’nbnsfi‘. Beaufort wag rape nn'edérate fnr ‘ s a "pied by the [gaps hp wh' man was r The K oflheCnn Him float in not I ut some tizht’eon ‘rr ‘ ere mid'tn have be forts, antlplrtrind. The Georg alwn non. captured in ‘. ere l'orwsrdc-d to li\ Mel-day up troplnie [z‘Tbe No rnptnrod a slum" are int:- cretary ‘ofthe Nm' In part nftlio spoil e forwarded to Ge (ht, ,' " The ('onfnrlerafn dncejmt buck ol' Ban . ere interpreted to ederul'nrmy with: (- floot,mnl (hon n l'fhagrnkmpr P”! tin '( be immodiah’ly m‘tmu Monroe an ‘ rronwnf'u, [Unrrqprm't'mrr q/ ' Emma“ anorx, tmmrr Binnville h 431 m from the great Port Royal on Sund highlyilnpnrfimtin: at once {0 .\V-w Yozk upmarmw. Capt. SI Wrr nt tlniq plm‘n sn' \ 'nshinuum with d -—lwn hrnsq cunnfm ‘ Mkon from thP ro’mll .enr‘ountoreil'bv the net M “3}"? ~- “"1“"3" work. ' V l ‘ l? “.‘r‘ iii to, I- saw them: =9“ 'l "t ”"5 FFVPI’QJ The steam 4 Union and Ocenlal A great mnic'llml wired the inhabitants . :2"? e Li';'fllln.fl]'r|fl "I” lmi“ nexhnuq "PM fight"? and wer hit” M Prpwnmi‘: n. 0f Snvann'ih. nut“ is gnlim'ed‘thfi “Pm!“ toil f r morn nmniii’ ition. l TIM-y {Were ~10 finrtcd. The steam‘ ‘Governmt Inun'ftqu .0f ”Wt 93” "(mm b” "w- . i i \\ ‘ «till hut lllmibtml tr cillinrl‘htnvlwt-rn ins-n. “t m" but=lhelsaoc -S iitlhsiieccrl-ded IF! lt isrunder-tnm‘l that “WWW“ RIVW‘M This tem-ililetirml'ell round thclii; I saw saving o_ll lmr crew. m be exoeptiou Of a: will improve the deform-u of hi‘ position \’el- thenl more. on'] Ikn w th )' worq' men... {ew mannfl- ' ." \l fora “Viki"! "‘s' fi’nl‘ mnvomrnt. “ TIN“! loaded, the ’fll‘ll‘l :“I R. fill llill'et near The fleet {‘"WOd Port RM“ on Mon-I In the fort: mntnrerl was WW" 3 ”$9 tlwr‘lt'flm tliéyalisnpplnred, oubtlebsbloun ‘l‘" ”’e‘m‘ "“an 0“ ”may the "Ta” siipnlv ol' nmunition and stores of tho ll“! ‘o‘“, l “-l , = 3 ‘ gfinbonts minded mt bums“ out. . o dcw‘rin ion. . - I Tb? Wabaxh was Irleatl'ol'ing innzol ‘o nnnel und r n firv from tho florts. «hmh C°m"q‘"d”"’ ““an will Imml‘f‘lfll'lfi'. liiiizfllmr tho nhnre. c llin: llllf‘ li-oiinvlinfl‘ didnpdiimnge. 0" “inpfl‘nythp weather ism-r"! the hnrlmr. “(1131309 .hH" “nll'with old indifference ‘lnwillL-Itlie enzlm‘ “I prevented aptlve 0:» “"10"“ hm: on Thu":- erect “'m“ and/HIP pnsmnn m“ I‘m" be ‘ his (in r to Hive Mac-ML? war. siaiiitlllnz to thy morning. the d inston‘zktilio mfin M “7""? '1 ngmnnent hum i‘rinl‘m‘l‘lmi "v I ILt‘lie v «elsrtheir \'nri, 19 evolutions. and at “I” nnd the gunboal ndvan l {<o t 9 at.‘ E““"" 0““ “it“wd‘ ”m fin“ Wm WIMP“ the sime tinie rwin'nfilhella‘ns with target tack. “’ i Imination that the forts should be silenced . print on. too "ml. to noiiiit. Iq» . . The Attack Commencled. . .thmgh it me our entiro fleet. . ‘ l l 1),. «my mayasuzilnlnilgi—ttérv vow! on. 'At ten A. M. the 11 tion commenced Lind The float utnnd between einlit liiimerll my. in (hp action mt: iiiore'orlcsaeiit up. was hotly carried on y both sirlm, and hut- 'n‘n'd one tlmu's'md fl,“ 0“. the forts: '.“d altho izli none were ltijiirml '1“ l-F‘Allr .15 to oil about four hour at, the end of which ucod five neeond fines. amt 71mm”. 3"" " ml” nioke it neeemnnrr t’l return home for ..k -time tho rebels we 0 compelled by the , tlmn d: I]., mn- of hro I’lntlsr‘fldslhflk‘ftf.“ I'Ml‘ pairxl The Wnbieh “l!“ sfrllf‘k Ly “ham .'l'; shower oishellq frm the fleet. toi‘abiindon, NO" a singln shell ‘PM 1’! ”1: ”hr“. MEI: shots; One Rlhot stnrtgd he:l le-nhinm l-iit. their" works and beat. a hasty When" . lin “VI-V “f our “hip“ and ml"? .s-lnp mmi not vl‘rvlmdly. 11-‘r limiiiin -t i: =0 <i‘\'-‘r'~- Our lose in this op‘ ning oftlie canimign “Pet was in good-fight‘ng condition at the 'lv inj ".‘N‘I bvfshot that: it will probably lmre i * south Carolina w only eight men kill-. termination of the contest, when the rebel? to be Imknn'diit. l e’d. including the let: engineor of the took to their “‘0“- ’ . . ‘i Th Bienville was in thel hotteet of the Mnhionn. and about wenty wounded. I The surgeon ol' IFoi—t W: fire; was lulled. - netim I “m..-.mpmng Inmrpri to the shore Th“ “19911353 in t “'in" is “0" known. ’ ""1 “l Charlmtdn “‘3‘“ dfl- 13 ".'""mfl 5“."7‘ ‘ then In' other of the fleet. and “fins: l’""' .but, fifty~two dead ho ien were found by our were firedyindicative of th burial of a bllle-I i'nhed . far her hm" '.V noepirling’i’. She .men nndburied. iftfl theirrrounded except adier. I . l Md: 1“,... sirnrk h,- fivp sh is. Iqul. vlnr-lot‘wlliirli I n were rurried o . ' ‘ ' the Batteries—The 00 ; inflii-t il serious damn PI. t IOI‘l! it ie at iers ‘l’rwn forts wero ca tuned—Fort Walker,lD3osf¢lll:;laoc’lko2n Both 'Bille-—How the‘ gm“ the rigging. “firing cltftlulE slhi-mulal on Hilton Head, in ["llng 23111133. andl ‘l’. . S ed—The Exdt6#!°*°‘- ut infiimjng "ninjmy i‘lm :mnm be Fort. Bonuregaril on Buy Point. niniin'inr; 38' terms m CIVI Ircpnl d witllout tnk on her intrl dock 'l9 mm" Th" gul‘gi ""9 "f h”?"” ““1"“: man: Shara. . > , t lOno sol from one ofllhe heav"C(llumbimlq fl‘hry “‘01" hotly-no Md splendid "HE-1" WP fin “in the Philfide‘lphi" lnquirer, “”3 lof Hilton Head struckl her on the trirboaril "firkflfif great ‘1er!!! 11. Oomtru‘pted in tha‘ subjoined details of the commencement 011 I)an IThis «hot killei two men :in l wound highest 5‘3"“ of~mili ry seienan an‘ ["‘o‘ ‘ the fight. and the incidents attending N] three others. “I lull"? to the shm nounced by our engi ccrs an imp" nable‘ iwprrvgrcss; - ‘Ofcourae the ll spntch ol‘ the WM not nomidernble ”I‘m“ poi-lo Izitinglior agnimt (my nsmulto hm“ “mpg" ‘ - Inwaciated 7mm“ given above. is the ""9“; ‘ <ille. which liolo W 1: 1 IL’ENI up. ”I‘ll? min The final retrent,o theLC'mtt‘eclerltes WMI In anticipation 0f the arrival ‘Of .the great , boat Penguin was ~trii ‘iin lit-r stclim clukt’ nperfect. rout. ‘ Th > left everything. arms. expedition. the rebels for some time past . whlvh!(‘xlllfllletl. tliu rende 'ng ‘lie Vessel oquipments of all k‘ (is, even the officers) . have been engogedAin erecting batterie: up inrvmn'hle ofgnction'. I li\ 'I I swordq and Commiflg' my?“ their letters; on the point at. Hilton’s Head. and iiponl Besides ”IN“ :peri.'lll\"nlr‘n .m¢.ll mast and papers. bothvpu lie and nitrate. order; the oppo-ite neck Miami. The entrance lof the fleet “131.de 1"“ "I“ P UsIlll’l‘tllll)’. books and document 6f nlt'kinds were left ‘to Port ann] up. between the batteries; the, In fact. not a vessel. A", the Anguin. ims :inltheir flight; and ii into our hands. ol'-i princifml fortifiori‘tion on Hilton’s Head was: incapacitated for “ultra“, %’lhfl. or F“. for‘ding our officers ucth valuable informer ‘ denominated Poi-t Walken ‘ 1 fl“- injured that hcr ' w 1 crew unnot put, ‘i?"- ~9 I f llt was situated on lowland. and M. the I hor in‘rmiliness fora I?" at on e. 3 I Mme": “10 P“ “'l9 3 tfilt’hflm from . time of the arrival o_f‘the fleet wu pai‘tmllyl The Pawnee WM {t . (.k nian' . and . I J t‘l'. Davis to' the co mud" df the Wt’ I concealed by ”0" and "n'krbmah'. {ML lliq-Moliiczin nlso rucei 'ednniimfienofsliots. 5 in firming him 0f (h Isai'Tinz 0i “l 9 “99'. ‘joining it were. other battnries of similar TllPfit’HtWO we". the M f anv Of ‘ at d that he knew tl eirldestination to be 91sz but so connected Mto prom a formula-l the smaller WM)“,I nt‘ ”leww . I’ rt Royalu i I Ihle bar to 'the entrance of the Union ian *3. Samoa. Vzti‘idali . 'Seniinoleéfus “e_ . hn whole sin-mun ing country was seiz- vocsgk. Fort Beauregard was of con-idelm. l’hiinna; Pocahontas a d Augmtn a l e. cd wi i a per t pa ic 'on the? arrival of ble importnnge, having been mounted With I several times hit. but (me we“, disabled: ; thle fl b. T day fter thelflight of the heavy gunk . . #1- h I Som‘o of the short lived queer prank .. enenil .It'rom Itheir lent.rcncllments,——.the! Tho' Earrigong are believ Ito rtve beg“ . One rqlid Colunibindlshnt of‘ 170I1munds ' “99 “”1 t“'P 0m” llun‘l‘OH“ “m!" tho SOHHtGm'OHna NRlMPntfl. “3513‘?“ by seve‘i'weii-hti ril‘oclieted four times lifter {strikilng 0 nd of llt. Am nn. proceeded up to nil Additional regi‘tnents‘ which ‘hl'ere sent» theta-star. and Ih," q‘eemerl about: to pass, , .nut' tnnd found hit one white man in from Richmond. The mnnnnr in .Iwhieh through the B‘envillc.l_iii=t “have “l 9 mm.“ / ,and he WM runk. A” "‘8 plan-I these. forts were! constructed and gnrrisoned I line, “then it lsudrlenllv took a. flying 10an ta ion- up the iliverl ‘.meil to be detertod i may confirmthe statement that. the ene—' clean owirjhr latter llhlp- passinallO or 12. .mdcepthy the, neg 3, who were seen in my Wpre apprised of the destination {,f the‘ feet ““60 her deck-.I and struqk be Alt-j "great. numbers, and w o. as tho boats pms~ fleet. perhaps even before. it left Illampton ‘ "mm. lwhich lay 30 “140 yards bell?!” “19‘ ted, came, down to «th shore with bundles Ronda. The batteries at Bay Point.l np'po-I. 'l-Eienvi 10. I I 'ih.th°ir hands, 9-5 if 9 rating ‘0 W “W“ . site Hilton’sfiwnd-werwiually form‘"l;b'°=l (w lf the Bullion—The Wnbiwh flmi. (In—l ri mom; . '_ . I inside of the Port Royal entrant-o. on be-I rim: We entire aetionl. 900 shots. being “HI ' ‘ funding of ”‘3' edenl Am' I hind the batteries. lay the fleet 0f Clommo-I 8. 9. 1 and 11-inch allllelis. with the oxeep—l r 3 troons seized l the letter‘siin the. do”. ’lntnnll. ”f the rebel navy; ““3 _tleet I tion ofi a few rifled cnl non prqiectllen ot nI 'thfice “(3‘4“th - i ' consmted only or small ":33?!" Cblrrymglal new ptittern. and WhlIFl) were 13%: siinplyl . ‘Aftor tho (‘llme o the't‘orts the whole few heavy 51“?“ hut prlndlpfllliiglli {Parana n l ntter of experiment. 'llhe SuMluo-I ‘ ' nboutli'i o(X)str n ‘were safel laiid-' Tugs constituted ”3"“! p 0 'n .0 ihanna fired 500~Ishot the Bier-iv Ho ”s'. lII' "M 1 g, y '‘fl ' h d outside the b l l nmlkstnblished on shore. I eat—mun} “f t 9“ romaine .l f. and t. e average of t le. gun oat»: am he The l'orts were But I ttlo inim‘ed. but the‘ mouth 0f th“ entrance until t'l’e‘l'rn" .° other mailer ships rlmy probably be set 'rebels could not 31371 the eiplosion ofour our _flpemff Eb“ 0°35" "hf“‘flmY to???“ ‘n . down at; 150 each. T iei-Ie were. in all, 16 bi shells ‘ I l miniature mm ”7. battle m the W“"."“ "I" yesselsl engaged on out onto. and probably fi‘h'e fol-re of the emv in the forts} as ”My stated, ”hm“ the Km“ 0' ”‘3‘; (“'an from lof them were lfirrd not far from 3.- 7 ' ht-IWW fr forts and ”"0"? the entmnce.l . the. 3003 i: timd shell at tho two form..“ixlkcrl ascertained from the r pap r . . om _ . I L ‘ morningof Thursdav last. tne Cmtedhmtesl (I sure ard the. ur—gun battery andl threeto four thoman men. under Generid‘fl t .1' , f'f t (42) rem-ls lan . g . l Dr vton. ofSonth Car lina. ~, : 9e . consis ingn nny-two . . lddd‘i‘l thle tints steameni. I lit _ I ‘ r wictorvié com tev—the’encmylenv- headed by ”‘9 flat-“hm! “W“OM‘.’ 'e. The vomge oost. of nah shot, rec 0mm;I ‘ ' ' " .- ' ' li h the “ mouth 0’ Port Royal entrance; ““5 w“ “'5 shell. rlound shot, and tiled Mono IprqieCw m eierythingbuttl; ir lives,wic _yh If ,’lk- . “10““ tm ‘I- . . . k on edbv runnimz. ‘ . ,i' a "pi“ "‘."e 0"oc' s" e“ ‘. n‘ g tiles ota peculiar make.- and tn mg into nc-I gut. lour prisoners were found. two of ‘ ports "'mmm’d “ml” PM" ‘7-“mde’ I count. lhe value of tho powder use] to fire! ' ‘ ‘1 wi bl 'lh‘e approach of: the “p" "gated” great: them. v beset down at about. $B. . Thusl u; m wounded. All ands cannectet t.t' . II b ‘ ... Th WI“ steamers . I, k hll. o I th firét are represe tedas acting in the:s ’r m ‘l9 Fw‘frfié‘fl leb‘l.‘ f f tl Ithe. buried powder a d bro en Is e -ir 111 m t gallant. manner ' ' “(Err)“m‘ "“l . “3‘ war. mg Y"? en .y“ of the attle of Port R‘lyfll may “‘9‘ dQ‘Vn'l - - . I confident of thsir soundings and ot ”1?" an hmnng (Wit the (.oth not; 19.3 thanl 0116‘ of the Fed 31 VB3BB l Sunk. course. Upon arriving II; it suitable [.’“i‘viS‘JSM. Reckoning. then. (says the New votwitli'iitnndinq th olieavy calibre of the . tion, the guns of the fleet Opened ii continua York Tribune.) a few illumipf this battle, g s in» the rebel tort and their abundant]; mend well-directed fire upon Forts Walkg beginn‘ni: with the i’hmpns‘e coat of thigl su ply of ammunitio , nowhsequent drum or iiml Beauregard, rut onH as those upoti: fleet. which has been pdppflring since August do brie: proved. not no of our fleet wereli Bny Point. Under cover of this fire anféf-y loct. the NY at the onl-tiers. the Yum. of eitlher sunk or burnt. and none were sen-i fort was made to run the gauntlet of the their food. and the “Xlllé‘l39of theltwo lostl ourly’ iniured or even isabled. ~ ’' 1 batteries: the result, wasemmently satisfhcn vessels‘on avé'rv mode ate scale, me entire #ll6 gunbnot ‘Puw N. which rendered l tory. A number ol'-vessels PMS“) through . cast, is about ns'followd: 3 J cient service 3“, “1 flf‘ht. sutfered morel the, shot and shell from the shore batteries . Rent. ot‘. the "“913 up kl this time. I I _ s "gusty than any ill‘ t elwar vessels en-rwitli yery'triflinginiu‘ries. _ l ‘5nv....................L...............5a.600.000 88 rd. yet She "“5 n 0“ {limbk‘l in the! Atlmst fifteen of themwmtdfng “”3"" Pnyofthrsoldil-‘rn.&c..ulpt‘othistime “30,0001 xli litest. A round 3 0t went through her I rebels. own statemqntJqugdod in pruningl Value rll' rations consum' it up to thisl l \v‘ -room.snd anot er ball damaged the .‘ up the entrance and ltlhllllng poiltpnnl , time.£. “on S "ml Lieutenant‘s' room, doing somelnhere they were beyond the reach or ‘nYlViilue _ clothing worn .‘“ up w this havoc *0 the fumi‘mlév ht" do“): the SMP . missileq from the land batter“??- M the! 32:»...1 165.000 n 6 mutt-Flo] damask l This ship ’0“ six in ’ Union fleet sailed 03', the i)‘l0“"l“no fleet 0" Value of powder burneji't.t‘................ I = 28,900 killedafid tl‘O otbexslwoundad. ICommodnre Tntniill opened nrenbtfl, sen, Value dt‘ the Governor InlndiPeerleas, . T . The fl-‘E'lhip Wnbalah escaped With 0113)’ I ing the impouibility of making any rears—l lpsgon theleinol scale,sBo,ooo 60,900 trifling injury. ller ‘9‘”th was, to “SP; lance. soon dispersed. nndpme were forced - I l ‘n———_ m! Pfirlflce, übadly wounded? by a; to run on shore. “hil.“ norm-q m-li-e. dnvenl T0mi.31......................1i...............”303,000, “‘1 sbbt. l . lup the inlets until almost out nt'smlitu I 77.5 (oqfederute Form.— Accordmg to tliel ‘ The Rbcnhontashnd hilt one man injured. ‘ ’ Commodore 'l'atmill deserted his vessel; statements oftlie pYISOTIFrsI and the. negrocs. 7116 Chief engineerlof the Mohican was. and went on shore with his men to assist in the tonnes at Hilton Head amounted toI on before stated, Killed ; and the assistant workingttie batteriesmnd used thamngninas' about 1,300 men, commnndled by Geril._Thos. » “3837*" 613 m“ P‘Wfimhms is reported to other vessels of the Union’fle’et which were, J. Drayton, including 50(H19rm1m "ll“?PYo' lino been badly injuiled. if not. kill’9d.’ < I endeavoringto follow the advance forces-u under Col. W agner. 50 Horse (wards. and , IT,” ”‘63-“ Net a TWIN s'll '1 «WW! F 775,"; It. must not be imagined. however. that tho somé 800 infantry of the Linth regiment ‘ When our men had lbndcd to take with? l passage of the fleet through the channel South Carolina volunteers. Col. IHeyivard.; lion of the forts theyl found the rebel flag I mu- the work of moment: it was not. nc-' and the twelfth .regiment. Mayor Jonesl I, nt the fort on Hilton Head fitill flying. and j complished until the firing had continued commanding. 0n Boy Pomtwerew: meg? jun II 0119 Of 0|" mlm Wild at the hal- from halt-past hints in the morning to erM- 1 making the total rebel tome little I ort l I yin-d 9 mdandown who Confedonto bao- 13] five o'clock P. K. During the figtit.onoi2,ooomcl. . . . I I‘ ’..}, an explmmn Who-e in the home (iftbo Union gun-boats in be ieved to havel ’l'lu waifiqalmf.—The FYISOHPYG reportl l m.wthy the I union's but. doinzl-bu‘a burned. 3nd tiara-obtaining duahlledu that thle fortifications In landlord have ‘ a .v 7 lav It», . . . Fm - ~11” ' ' “-44 c. “"Inmafiw ~“I-—._.‘ 7 m 31..“ on mg“ s'nsnantrfzww W‘» ‘79; .. any '2" ‘ W_- 1W .‘t '50., ‘.“rux‘h I“?! I. 0 0n“: ‘ *1” ""ytn 11135” th "2 um P‘l-fl n". M {c Ty’ q :*- A“- )f ha “”0” Wollld “"0 “r m . H‘ mm 1| ~,_ “mama“! hep“, 1"0ve . Tun-d ""1 i“ n “Fr?" w.&;T;H——_Vf:v——v——_——T— ”hf'uid him My»: mid any] _"flny tiller" an? dogunlflch ”‘M'e IW." ~ ".‘mm W "rfiwn dth“ ban}. '"Mvh... ""Pm ‘-‘”nn~:on by the‘ 'wdm :3 “rm- F'nn- .mf‘l‘m h. g“: by :2: or “Hf" M. Hlt 5.. £39, ”‘0 the {o‘ ”MI. 'nmr- 'l,“ "7,—l— N "Owing.“ g. in "OCH” fl'lg‘llwy 11d fwnowloqud 5 01‘ hr” 0:? in nin ocCUPiM" -; "H” W "‘itd' '0 'it‘t pg“: Zthe me on‘._ h .°“tv by! [lm 'l‘ Mum . _ m.., Hi' '13»... “ml .'" "at a” ‘n‘ mM” Wm "WB9 theil" loll" 't i's ’P“n kin h." “"0 1"“? M "1...,“ nfgn‘ 0‘3”: "" "hm-r m» .'npm'v fine '00:", I‘. find nu, *1 w Imm ”4 my .'“" «h "n. "“luiu ‘ "mp “Mun" w “.- . Plfi "Véd ”yd man . urhd In M ‘ll «Ma uuw MH . and, In, \I _ “(my . ‘an fra— l The :‘Mfi' il‘) “'32" did any"! R'nfiongilbtlczg : c “59" th “11:9,. «32"., ”mix-e lwhni-Crgnlll LP" MET inrflhtgy “ tif:fik‘~ n’l " ' 5n ‘ e M. ,Ory . .“‘ ”‘1 , ‘o' h‘ '"' ..1 "'n «r’fmnnfi‘wggwn to, mmm thr; mifln’riaghg'gns my, $33“; mf‘m‘zlmr-Irklgmif:;”ml-11”.?.tfiacimvgifo' qbt ”l" ~» . ._' T- .. v p ‘.. -.' .. v: I .‘r' ,_ , > . .._.- gnfladezmggfl Sm‘:(:;rllntli f: fnmnzn Qg‘itlrlflgyig‘:cfiggl dfiim‘d :33. 9:711:51: maginbut ‘i‘mn’liflrrgc :E’h-ipnavpzll‘apx' I 2:. I" ‘{a ‘ "‘ v:- "‘Om ‘. ah ‘Qu ' " inn, ' opt ”Ur " h ' Nl9 ' ynfr “3571‘ 'r“ In ‘ ‘ IPH ' 7’ T . 0.1;“ .of . fun“ “mm; the "hat' RO. w”) ‘mv ' 3mg; 1e . 0f a; ,hm. J‘r' “fix-w: ”mush? maxim“. 51;“ "i- “my? 331'; '“r trt‘ernh-«l’fi' “mm P"); {fick‘m'mmfii [3! "5313.125? ‘hitbep" ' :éniofitmtuwd. n:(]“annnn 1:0}: I lane;- ‘ {Trap ('}lfi:?ur”rl A::{"t"ha 71?)?!" YiVer - “Ind lit-u;gommlnlsg:i;lh¢:f”‘lmém "Thin: '"phi ”nap" .Otf‘Or' It ‘ll. i ’OCkfldr-d Pston‘ . n 5... .1e in!) ' lan “[1 Dru-g "I »- .0“. "I. (‘ .11.] d. wand ”Mm" “"101 ‘5 rfl'f‘} ”19 (> . 'lllt] - 1h“ v‘mlmh 91‘;le 9!) H v a Pre "efdffl‘ 101ij u] “911$ . Warp 'O5 of b M .’mlpo mllnh f’rchpv" ' 0111] Pun. 1” pan” mutt] - 16507 1“ camsmia’izt n. 3," ‘mengiflgmwz; «19:13? MELT??? [:32ng “my"; gamma! méfirfynwtiiz'amoié‘ag-fi ' “at ' H to mi :‘ “'tL '- ’J- Ymn'Hv ‘ . "R ”It a; ‘ "lo a sh o, W WW ; 11+ .3232; mum ~ m" Mug‘ m 4 :1 We", 0 . “lllv Illed'n hero’s “gm"! '"Yoi m”. ‘ Ire Viz-1,, ueyml ca 1v ( 9511+ ' “31-100.; ‘ All. -u§ --n n a ‘ ‘n th‘.‘ u: w")!!- flpele‘co hun- 312‘"’°red 52'3““ path?” txfd‘xs:rme'r°s.cfi"c“‘- drama“: egun, 4:15" ““3513”- "lOrfxi'n"“’°d<'n°{3° 0“ th “"1 «bu 1 €3ll #45; "mm” °r 343’ win ;«m"::°she im‘mmfifi'i: mg, 0:; 5""! "'5 3:13," ”in?ifsndxf3“.{mm2",vor£ id W“ n'Ohed 9w r? r pa“ m ‘ F’l'oug] n“. lnvn so" n- IMH 9‘ it; in)" 13? I inkj. lelhr. {a}. l r sp, by; ~ TI “Vl, "011 d Mvl.to “n pme‘l fihnqe um I» m . hv' “g: 'ln; a_ rm n "“t to 1351 f "9 "Mr Ibe Val “It! “he thr "Tl ‘ "'3'”- the ' ”10L "99b t"von :pngrog'glfliset I’oo ”f' ’ n°::rs¢flted“£: BN‘fifOrt w 59‘“ ho,nt‘3VadsL§:‘:Y li:§l¥°‘2’}“x.l afi§htthe 33:1“ 31']; F.- 9n€~l3§mll l’i kg"- Lfiflgw‘m’b; me ' H ‘O9 ' I M ‘ n m-d ' ' oh. ‘Pr ~Bit ‘dn ‘ Full?“ #3:; th Y 1???" ‘25:?“ tcmylly,"mrtm""d- 3% hfi ‘Ezomhlwkn‘m‘ndfl “"YJFH‘ fsi?eeso.‘;;3 nnfi‘fgu bfin" “MELT "I‘P‘kit - . .1 ,‘ , .u'~ . : e .w - - when, «m «H. 212: :, w“, z ’27: was? wears” waiée-‘t‘r .end ;'.{ ‘ 1m .- ' ,- ‘ .Im~’ fl -‘ 0 _‘ "‘ IV- a 'l' .: tve ..Vt l" _ 011 ml,” the 3:211“! R‘n‘ryid "£53114? gngglrrtwiumOntgglel-‘fileg “[12:12" nq'fl:;‘:Pe t‘n'omifl “£13318?“ tn M 9 viral. . ' ‘’9 beingiengefe‘: ugh,“ . ’Prt. 9 _ nu,- M‘ .It w 'e'mf , "co“ In" urn.” .Ptpht .\ r‘nofi) unlod‘ ' ram ih ”Ow" A mire} P “on; 83' . “fly to ‘I‘Y-V mum]. *ln ~ ‘ "rOll \. “v _ , £15,531” tsk:;""r‘fivds! if“ ziixlfi‘donri §l‘°'r°:3l'{;‘“?~ virfiijfi'l mg" «332:» L§-s§£° mm " tr1.;.,.:,',‘i°5 19”“ “did ' Lion ''l ”nlct' a "-ar. 00' ‘.-‘ WI) 'Ni 2 «n' ‘ “n- A. inf,”le-fiu,(m the "2):", Th lrm "hn'te'e Place d when n hgylnzlwhlo anmfuwon ”fob: 9f "'31)“ N 1&1 15mm “Mien“ Km, (‘n It In 6 7! lh ur ~ x (I: to Y! P ‘ “him" hm' h ' New Yo kr. 6’ mt n gun. 3‘“ ""tin “and,“ (l (”L-(1'0 Wn’ hm" b"9n d 0m) 9‘ an ”l 1 t" 4'_ ' 1' T . .. 06b.» ‘Wh ,nnfpo law-“n liner,“ 3) , Go mm? m "‘i'n'sryrwflfiz ‘ Tod-Xv «man's sp - , swam; 3:33.3l“an“sa";;w.n;::'°n. arming-finin ‘~ " fluid "3 pnl "PM“ '.ov 1 la. A ‘ ”in" .. P oth rT) “sung . “in .on'N I m '-Bu “”10 93- Th ,M fPt" ' 3-—T ‘ 0' Era ' Ih, "Fe ”‘."tn . ”-m l- T ‘ g "e“ “Misfit?“ “ivné’nW-h $2.1??? n.,:;,:»-n:. Eva-1:152“. %.}:‘mbar32r¥mn'-’so‘§{"t«ol‘: Wi’fit‘h’m ‘Trfivrm ”u‘ .'"" inf- "‘kinz .'“ "(m-kn)": ‘ [Em' menu! yinn-nd‘v. 3‘"? n 53”" oux'mhe fra- Swami Fin?“*32'r". m :22“, F 2," R’izi“ finf'mvan‘l' Wmc‘ A»‘o?‘2ir°r2;n;::;:auisfiis2";~m'fiia: a 0163\{2'31 Mo“ 9'lo 1 "'"dm; ' “" w ' "‘O2-. 1 ”Fri ~ “’l' "’mm,‘ ‘ WI: (« " V‘o tlnc ‘ "te mvl ‘ V 0 p,- tl‘fl-uc}(r"“'lng "“‘ "" '1 ""nm ' 'r‘ “M! "a ‘m .‘“"hJVh ‘ “th "Wi- \ ' “I'le \' “PPM ‘ 1 ‘ f m “"1 “ml ”mm ""18“! 0 com ’ 19M m”?! ‘‘ ‘ n 3 ‘°“o - ""1! '3o}; '“f ”10 0 ”pp Rm ,‘fhwm ‘lndl"k" Mb, .0: fl”, n miln] "m" vln I],, 3 Uns;b . I: ”I‘. . {lung P JI {0 t. ‘1 Ib., F ”Lt. n . ‘tln n 'm] ‘. L,“ fA . I. I p rum of mln- of a“. ”h RP“ ..5 ol‘ “Ii .1.“ -_ _m'3n.(l .‘ _ “(I ‘ ”"On._.: ‘ n 9") < k)di::‘mgnmpnmm 14:23: ”ml‘ MI'S'IMM film". t Walk”. H‘f‘tirElW“ "fight“ 13;:er of m“; "=sz 12:111‘900 {r2}; Arm. 101-] :bn..were The um]. wp 105 m hm; Mk]. .1 IFr "‘"\'n 11 h Chm ' ."Yi‘lii «‘.dpmi .W"( In a”. . ‘ I P ‘pelm\\‘°ro.l:eim ho"l'Wv ‘ll:?”'drrtmigzfiW‘rgfi‘Tfi tllg‘ltith“! A iLatte; {frofchhrlll§‘2‘“"sl :‘limfi‘m' guiv’lmmmé“ "4&1 - In- 1m “"10 A , IMI " V "I’3 - ”of? 0m | ‘ In, ‘ \ .Snnof \'il‘ [\'VAT Norm/"Id ‘ m 0! rum“,l "nnniv M f“: mg”!- 4mm” IPp‘. in 5139”} ‘ .. Kv I” h_ . 12. 1‘ £o3,]. I(1 lunar“ 055 i; . nudflfom ‘11: 0r F. 1““ ‘he 11‘ .‘m 1 4 Own, I“"‘:w I“gt :’ Jn-‘t n I'—‘T "'nc‘r r_ Suppm yrr‘hm v” “lkt‘r "S. t “WV h- - 5!, JW:] ' ' “Io ' :9xppd- _rl'lvc‘ “o"Vulk9 ‘1 Dr'u ed ‘0! ""‘Il ’W' ' “.‘"" e“ e' ‘ "WIN ‘1 mm f h ‘~ ' ‘ 'h) "We ‘?Mo ' r Bib --‘ rm 1m- T‘ No :7 ”legit-lo". gut ”“1 81m] r“ find (1‘ n 0m" _ been gum k ”1;: nvlnc‘ m“n t \n‘ U‘ ‘ , “in“ '"cnn‘ \° ‘Pft‘ Ty‘ "’1- En" "‘“nm ‘ Wu W'm r “W. m? ‘ ’°“‘i~‘o. "91mg “" ’9‘» ‘ (~9_ Q d hri In +o}, 10”,“ IM F p, T] 01“.] , m,” .. . It. I ““914; 9‘71“"? ‘4".er ”its tnnvm 9]; TM Fort I‘ a” nl.-m 1h 10“qu lm'fi'fi ‘lfllg h~ ‘ jinn)" _t; .'a.’ . .. : L'l “‘f‘nh Afu- V’Vl.‘ ”fil'nmnkh‘ Willype‘d" "hero "'3’“ “Van ”MP“ nd‘m " mm‘rc- "“54 p"hflra'nflh‘ M'l ' 7! “"‘no 1 r“"111: ‘9' ..lm mdu m It, "”fiv . ‘Q. <1 . 5.10. ’l“ ’in.” ”M 13191 wk." 11m (I ,(H 1‘ WOO. ‘Vf‘vo ‘ " ""4 "1511 mm “n 1” ‘. ‘1“!!! “Jr,“ he g'o so“ 31".“- . (HIV P,’ (“1.11% Y.- E‘W'tp] M“ M. ’ 11“.“. Th; ' ‘ed'lh'e‘ T|nthpfli Cr°ok-'Wv>r}~§ “T“!n. ""‘hlin. "'lh'vq “fmrrmq “'ininn 7“. ‘ . .-A-p. ' ~ . ~ —tl . ‘11“ {.'“ nhd “mt to “WI "“2?”P ~ )' “Wand *‘anr-O 1,1; :"IMAc In. “rd ,4 WM?" f“ do“; “n 4 "t 1" ”m 1: ”e.‘ , ”“D 1 1 .dmm 31th ‘ ‘ tomhk r, J MW,” omm" xrx-npip. ,mv ~ 11* m . Ikern ”(‘l' ‘9'}m‘i4nl ‘9‘ MM" 11! VI"B» a ”‘M‘v‘h .. ea ( “0}" 10 “In’ s‘" "it! dim"? flung“ l’ in“ "n ' n - “Mm 53m era 1. ”'wL ‘."er , "an. ‘oo]. “ml rnln "‘l1t.":-'v‘1‘ ;”“-k' -“ N. aI" ‘ Mum ”“10 a»: "'“i':~it'§‘("‘"rh-:'tn n... «:th mic-l I:."F‘V'iair3 fl'?‘ ”wigs?”frJ'ZWFMLEJ. “"1"1;,-t'\l.!‘"5 ‘ei: ”rm-1' gmm “m"? n"F Equn "Mi- “1» r? "'r' ”lo M ”"2 a "‘ “M \l- ”"5 mi 23'" r'uxr"".:'-n . ‘ )ly “Mug; 3"“ .’””“I ‘ \ “Jen"L folliW‘t‘ with :‘j‘ifin 1 '{;";fiic« “all a” “It; f;_“‘nr('(;““lfnu I s—o' H' j ‘ 2| I~r POW . ' Tl,“ f 1.101 1' ; ‘n fm’gz-o :‘gl‘l'heau ”:‘(HE m J3’fn‘wnlv.‘ :fif‘ sx)§.,§f”:'fl-ll\~ at ' “Imin B'Thvuors "r?“rs fit “MA” - I‘th FR,“ {(3O in ” “ant-it SHUT” “V?“nflmii'h‘lh ’ "a firfjfnl‘hl “0304‘” M‘Mt “i. Jam“ ‘in... (“Sung to bound i . '‘ I n \‘r 'fi “1 d . ‘ "'li.“ I “Mdmdn'g' ”n“llhhoh‘h‘l‘"l§r~t ‘1“ n, 'x n Then iglfilnimi sniff: PM firm": éfifiC'E‘§él‘ :sat News! T EXPEDITION' ai-dmznt gr Pnrt RnyaL firmer), WITH THE my, Lemmas, RES. ac. BANDONED. ’ n I :ana. Captain Cmnon. ’.n “'N'mwvluv morn— ‘ all Pnr'rn- Mouton. w- from (he floét. and pcutinm on the coast : Imm that on the 4th .9 Mmhardmont, the lam! Port Royal. com-1 .. were übandum-d by; ! tuknn posxewinn of' *hntled from pht- flock! he zr'ost “710* ofbanle’ . balm-ins lufl'ered w‘ v the flag-ship of ComJ I struck xix timest—Q killed and; nnnihex‘" ‘ 6 killed was the aur-‘ itrnppl‘s wet-31m f:\_ke formal Mort on 'l‘hmsdny. r vr’§i%’§;_iefincky. 'n'vomher I‘2 -—'[‘h(- lobe]! \'zllin’ms at P knwlllo hum fir-r {We dnw' fighting by Folir hnnlh't-rl rebels were mmlf‘ prisnm-rd. ntmdkwl tho rphah in the mom Col. Harris. of the flimobt. nmdn an attack in Hm’riu fnn back and rward until ghe- one ‘0 the midst of Gen. an mu- far-r9l prowd , killing 450 and Ink- 'Sed {I [lt in ' 0, w} 11 gm The balmy-e were sent- -r-otin ME o‘v. 1 .——Thn pun:- m Pikes -11 th .ugh Friday and Sat m'y‘rf the rileinmll troops Gx-n. Willinmszand (ion. -l r-nmmxunlprs, are among kon. ‘ 'nn nfU/zr Pyln‘lnn Victory.— Km‘r. l-">.—-R¢-pmts’{mm Intod; 13th, rflr‘viyml this I :1 r 0 iniylc" gonth mzm who In' force‘s «Um ked the “rang. prMnd on n nor ninvh‘. and tnki ‘hc‘ rfi-‘t \vvrt‘ «caller 'ns tnknn hrEcnnor.+ mnn wvrv kxllml and ~ hmxn was shot undm‘ -|. Fifn'« mun .won wiHmL The above is COM “5n," dy-fi Tn" \ thH' 1:: ‘r-- a 4- --——7— fiest {RN3I Mia'souri. ‘1 The Lag .‘lrmxur‘lrws‘i [ML-ml m np~l If my] lhn {0&1‘1 “‘3! :1 I'd“: (l:1y=. Fiji 9 mg} : lmvn “In rotrnntin: tnfl\l andflm Inter. 1 Al'kfln‘:l<. All (IN-urt-‘l'. 1"" Eng outnitle di‘ .\ Mn"; iNM'nuflv-r l].-—T!le grn haying hm r- fur St. Innis, 51119').-lotl;lrk~'4l'\' {-VM'II‘HMJ in jive NVL ”PHl”;rlz‘Hl'K-I'Uhnl ‘u-n Ip. Thn fol-mm- are nxtr t-c‘nrnvrnf‘fhr-Stmo, wine : l {x wintm- qifirtcw in WM: 2 H)“ ’lO hnnw han ds: rnm fining inlvml fight » i‘snufit T Sen‘fiilbllé Remarks no \Yq‘mn. Mnynr of Now 1 Ugh. FERNA. Yorkv rnr‘ontl' mhih'bwrl a Dz-mocrntic cityiih which he uae.l the - ! 29. 31:" H 1 1;] :_ {the Army Funds V:. 3" “‘7l: uh I"? \V ”0 It . . f. 1“ . t‘t‘l‘fit‘éflifl-t Hoot-mm nthnt‘ The Report. of the (n+hlttm‘ tn n .05“- (1h "hunt" .11.,” nvtinn- mute the fnuuk "Hr-god tq have ht-en mm- In ntv .iitlngWan this is mitted by mnlrnctms 'lhtl_ 13mm: “Pm‘ “It“ “In'ifihm’fbwlrt‘f‘ 'l‘hlf State for clothing, ht. for Ugo three mnhthi’ I I: 4 "Ir nuln: nm‘l an o "f‘ll‘ volunteers. hm ixl~t hm-ni ntmt?‘ tn the H 0 - Rth tCHN'P‘Kh! lvrmrlwl .. A , . . n . ’ ‘i ”L.“ W” “ whiz-H“, Rm'nln- Ennr. ‘A mn‘lnm} {4‘ HT {nnmntmo “or? thxtongh.‘thn whamnnnt R°PH‘M"'""“~ “m 1 3 l“ ’! ‘t‘fi‘w‘l'l" {mt that 'l‘uut yin: 'thrnn :h. lhqmle- although the repm‘t ctatn ‘ that i! “21¢ madfil 'f‘"';j"f‘(‘"‘"!‘- “4 Mb “'1“ :‘T up in Augl 3‘. i' “-n‘ not mate {-u‘nlio I y thb us ‘n‘ ti' qummnnovmon 2‘ 'l. - ~7 I, ~ , ‘ ' ‘ thrh'wh “m M which (mvhrnhrtxll a“ 1-": orfJgawcu, .Iw ”fur ‘ mixtrml 20‘ “‘0!“ in Rnuth the. electron] August 4th gt. 98 dated. Lott? ‘ x-nn-Lfih thr- wur wilth .\lf‘xi- 2 why was it. thus withheld P ?bvinusty for no ‘ Emir we? mcl‘tbfinfl “‘o': other rattan than Ith} {oar thaLit would I h finals-z?! 31:: P ihTimz- : operate on the election '6o' the detriment of intrtqut to inn-"mt tho Si“; the Republican pmty., It“? yet-those pod— -9f Imwtwhn ant now ml- *1 pk: tell us we must haven partim non“! AH‘ pub t; nfii‘fira‘ ntt ‘g-whingfi is sunk'in patriotigm : hu for‘ fun that'the )r‘v ( a t m «N (19v canr ' - u ' .:t. t t . eolewmltntt t . t. ' - ~tnnhr~m W 0 mu temtnin 4 p I; . tkl ( }) w; oqpmtrlln ITH). tiny his firNent. ofl'nrt' with ”,0" mu no new m\\:t 10.11 MB ..ns wrn plun r m’ )mnn-l. ‘His cause is ’ drred and the. sohhor: rohhgrl till after 21 e the rozglltn‘nt‘ ‘thn muntry . election! Away with we]! #VI/I‘e-flfl'fifn—awf¥' ;‘;‘“'Td“;‘?:i‘£'n 11“;3‘:1‘l;2';with such pro‘tencee. H E! n dmvmigh‘t . ‘ < 1 ~‘ . «- ' .1 ' "_Huflugmn “m”. I ("m 5‘,“ S sham—an Inlppmtxon on t w pcoph‘ of 11159 {wojdtvnt rizlltnf thnnglttlsmto. . . ‘ .3 ‘ iinm. i Th.a pnpulixr .impul-t O‘nJhe suhject nfthc- h‘pnkots for ”1990!- um hm" “"3 p'ltrmtxc. ‘.md fdiers, the report myc. “Snnio of ”mm work he boat :ut‘ngunrd agmn~tr ~ g , _~ , -‘ n And civil‘ “mi-.- The; bought for ..I,uo pvr pni‘r‘and sold to thh unr‘lommpm in theLWMldj’Statc for $3.50," Thk prklf, however, was up qr mem‘h‘f‘lPH De- I pubsequently twinned In 5344? [m pair: and MW] tho hr.“ ktnftécmen - ihevadd that sur-h cnndu t?“‘from the be; It has rarrmd this mnn-‘ .‘ . h I 'H t ”h: Il‘ ‘ y ttnrm. ("1" raked it mtgmnmgtfit o 07“.“: n tr Immon: 1 2d! firm or Prnk‘pflritv. of 9:“ i to the honost conv'ctmn-x ht’fnur fotlnw emf ntimml mnnrlnur. As it,zon°." They aim my wn‘nfil‘t “condomé mmfiwg‘ in (1121 fonnwing 1111:2111 Tr! Lmv (‘97! Wu Imam ntwm Hm “only huvm M Tu mm‘wdv.‘ lrno— 11mm i 1“ I‘. [myminr nlm‘nm nm‘o. I? “341$ 0} Hm Chibnivg thr. tivm: Hm mti unr \\itjl firmt Enter] ~\hi~k‘n_v fm‘znidahh nst tho envnrnn‘wn nullifinution "at! Ctr-alum: and t ' an. All thqu 0' cosuf‘ully .:.-flied! ov. acting Huron ‘ 1' do not wish a : cavity or cnmlm‘ mini‘tnrinq out! (rm. I thiovo undfil‘flfl‘firh! ! th‘e Pn‘cidqnt in rv roafiurco at m our onuw: it ix! sun! of judk‘h. 1 (grpmo no Pilffi! (:rnmmi: yon"! I or yield the int] and thank (with: sea of the Anxjorii after all furnieh I nnnwhy. remnil most mmcrvnfix' has been mallol mncracy ha: in of thiq aniinent! Cry thmugh low-l the highmt r‘nnll iiimtion nmllnr i has thus been vh on] fabric. sn, inl oniy support the LPt' us confirm» I the cioudq lower; the political firm expnnse of “icy h u distance. Let u: min the Dorhool certain. and at‘ ; :mumed prOpiorti the nation. and ‘ nml hmtile Mm: arrayed in da‘ndl dflnf‘! The mini nH of the Smtes once more meet hos’dS- ’ i ’- muin pxllur in our politi my npininn. it it now the govmnmont can rnly on. aan- vlwrih‘h it. What if I A: fanbOdEngan is now I- mnpt. yfit I we the bright} eukin: dimly through thé 1» 2mm] ‘firm. Let u: sus limpnfty. Its success is ‘o dim-m day it will have luris which will overshadow I ring togetlier‘lhe divided I unitin‘: which now stand . conflict“ This shall ha in nhall h'e preserval, and l‘ the Confedomcy uhsll a s a communion of aistab I- True ' ispach. i oonaenatiye Ro thna spruks of the loud niets of our day. It in a. ke dnguerreatype of that .' a and we command it to The Erie city pnblicnn pap". m’nuthed A hhlil faithful and life-I class of ponticid theinconqiderati nu'thed Abolitionists have est. cowardsr-nnd when ny that he will not con ion of this war ’until every “The loudes! 1: proved the gran you hear a Man sent to a term‘jna I i is eradicated from our I" as reward; and u an Intes the Constitution and lee M intense- as if he were f a rebel. The fact is be- vestigv of flak-9r soil. set him do i Aholitioniit who { the laws m :1 deg ‘ a seces‘ionist‘ an 1 I more apparent, that (if ~ ity is over again to bless I . ministration of Mr. LlN mrtml firmly upon a con. I the Comtitutjon mmt be coming every (th peace and pmspl our country. the 'I can must ho amp stitutionnl basis : 'pe and salvation, and he 'll- upon nny nther basis, rt and an enemy to the e timP hm paused for the ininns, party tenets and -ho is not for his country he who is in favor of this {er than in strict constitu . gloat an enemy to the l the men now found in nnr guide. oufr h i who accepts (ha | is amfimr at h? Government. ‘ T! im’vnlfince OF 0 ‘ platforms. Ho -‘ us against it. qnd vmr upon any Tll honnl basis, is A United Statm a: arms against it. ‘Theae are our opinions: they are true; 3an the tanner we. all think alxke the better iti will be for our country." filfajor Kinny, one of Gen. Fremonfn late aids, took :iwpy the specie chest, with $300,000. from Springfield. on leaving with Gen. Fremont. roam. Lou'n. He has been arrested. andi wi‘h tl're missing mom-y, hken ble}: (0:53p;- ngfi‘eld and placed under a strong FINN"; he maney‘ n! inn-aged for the payment. the troops. ‘ 'Wood ”aqua—nap. OUR FLAG- The union of hikes—s4llo union of lands—— The Union of States nnng “nultl smut: The union or hearts—the xtuiun of h.llldi—-‘ And the Flag of our L'nién fun-Teri ‘ n. a. stun, xm'rou AM; moi-mum. i'6 .-:x ‘ I ‘MONDAY momma. NM”. 18, 1951 fi'l’he Return Jilllgl-k of the late gonel ni election met again. :14 thé‘inw rfiqnirecf. at the, Court House. on Tuesday last, fortlie purpose‘of opening: andr counting the ni turfis nf the/Army vote. arid grunting thjb usual'certifirates to the caridirl ntes elect—3x “’e'lmve nlruudy puhli~lmrigthe entire rotd. with which the cc-qnt of melny agreek in ovary particular. Tho mrtioi hit“ on tltb nfigregnte vote. mow-Horn lit. J. ,mhér 9. Hon. I). Zieglex 24, E. SI; {-rx‘ “4. 11. it. Dunner 101. J. Eckenroglegtit). I’.'Dick 54; Dr. Cgu'l 28. '1 , The several certificates for election ro turngs give Mr. Buibey, for Lthe Logidnturé. a majority of 2 rota. But i-nnor was pro ducejd on Tueidny to shorfithat. this is not a legal majority. A‘tl’idaiitq .’wer'o rent'l nhowing that two of the persons voting 'ip Cunt. Pfeifl'er's Compimydterg under 'ng . one having been ' horngén 'thc flßth If October. 1841, and tho other on tho Nth V so'ptomber, 1843. Prrsortwm nlzlh mmle y another illegal vote. all “in? of which works (mat for Mr. Buybley. It was further showp that, a vote clearly and unm’tt. nkuhly give” for Mr. Myer: was not coui tori. Thero Into wvoml mic: houhles thwe. in Mr. .\fi'or" favor. hut‘tho above four Wore amply wring! hofnro thé fictum Jnvlugci: ’l‘ho'Ju'lgn , hnwo‘vor. Iconolnulud Unity/“y i'ntlltl not ‘41:) Lrhfml tho. cortifit-ntm of :i'lle rotln-m, an? thornt‘ore gave the cortifivrté of nloctinn t? “r. Busbey. [Tall thoy conceited them selves‘priviloizml minqm'lvintn tho illegali ty of the votes nlluvlmi to,“ they would doubtlosé have given the l-cgwtffic.zte to Mr. Myers. ‘ - I , Th‘e 'chernl loss Q As thr ‘cmo :shryk. tl:éro 3i: but mile ‘mui'se left to Mr. Myerunnvl that LLI9 bring the matter before uh; Lnuishturmf ,Tlmt he n-cviwd a mnjdl-Lly nf the leg I | ‘ w I votes: we have nq'dnu‘nt : :nm‘ do we holiogo lthat hd‘will lmvn 9113' tmqbio in getting 11.} lxcnt. Regard forlamjuwifinn'l tho put-1% inf the ballot hrw, domaml’s :thnt a fullva . fair‘invostj; atio‘n be mnzlg. ‘ ‘5 the selfiintprwt whivh, hf ”5w hnnr ohm?- lioéml perihTm-gottlng nllvgnrinfitm. Sl‘pkrs only how iii may inrn it-t . untry’s sufi'eé} s:lng to its own pecuniary ndwntage.” g As tor thé cofi'og that was Turnixlmd, the! say that the evidence of those who masteé it was bad. It seemed to have been brpughl in shim with the cargoes offiouth Amerimn hides, Ind Was sci much iriipregnnted with the smell and igutepf hidés that- it Win) called “hidey.” . . The committee is'yo'ryfexere upon Gov. (hi-tin for the appointmentepfsuch dishon eat and incompetent agé‘ntsi‘ They say. 1 “The appointmo‘nt hy an Executive, from person Al or rumba-n mmivemhfincqmpemnt agents to oflicos of gram responsibilily, is 11$ 3" timr's a greut (loreliotinn'of duty, new]: more tluin in great political emergencies: when the dientieru rg-‘ulling from ignorancé. or incompetency of the act-ms, for whosnif appointments" lw ia reslwnsiblc. wiil inevilné hly excite sus‘picinm of fraud, and will rm“ turn homvjo the Executive in humiliating/Y charges of (allusion .'" ‘ , I The refiofl'comnins mucll that is instruc-‘ tire i the way ofshowing how the cnntrnct/ on mid government agents rob the trehsury and t esoldier‘q, but we have only time and! spacelto refer to it thus briefly.‘ It shows ‘ that the charges of iufnmom peculntion, sq" freelyl made at the limb, v‘vere true, thougH it is [11:11 am the depth! of the manic: have u sogvell covered 1.13 that they flax-é not been oxploi-ed; We t at thgt we shnif' hear no mm of mobbing Democrats for ex? posing thése thing. on the ground tint“ they emhamss ihe govarpment. It is' much more importannhat thegovornme t' should be. honest now‘ thafi in 'timen 7 peace, when the “FEM“? is (.‘veigflowing‘ I 'Hold every man to a rigid éccduntabilit ,j and let mal- be exposed.—-'-Lu:trne- Union. } W» i ; ”In speaking of the meeting of the “The Fulton Defunct“. says that Johnfißetum Judgesflon Tuesday 1”" thé mm, Ceum, Esq" (Dem..) “elected tothe Lesa-5‘ any»: 1 , ‘7 lufun‘e b)'42mB.l°_'")' overl ouwholder, they! .. An attempting made, we beliera, by nnhtary vote havxng changj the result. ; some of Chg sew” Judges, to make it ————-—~ “W" H " appear zhn‘t wvg’ugl illegal vows had. :been ~ fi’l‘he &ar deserts Fremont; now that rust." ‘\ ‘ i the4dmin‘xsiration has remoied him. The ' We desire to know who the Star mea'ns numerous aympatbims ' hr the “Path“ by ‘.‘ Secesafoh‘Jt‘idges." Don’t be cowgd- Finder "in this region will}: hardly fancy; I!» but give “I‘9 names. Sograve an $11),“- thil "“W in their faces" by their special? “tion should make: be general. _ 3: " ‘———l—--+b . os—-————— ‘ , arm. ___;____, - .._.L ; pa-Th. Spritfihld Amory now gum ‘fillovembér Ooaflcomfienou M”_’loM‘llm 2" NHL ‘ V '4' v i,“f""”"111 '9 - “- 2-» :1 '-""':"’~"""»‘9‘;‘P r , , . ,7 _ . , m..— °[ ‘ Qcfllml Diannicuists tt Wplrk. I a rmu‘ ' 1 tr. ‘‘it is not only eminvntly(lesirnlilq,ibut nl- f '. ' V tmg. I‘ "1‘2“! “9‘91““! IO “‘ut‘r‘r‘su m the qtru‘ynlr- in ‘> _ J i .. “-’“ , w ich the nation in engaged nzninit rebel— . ... . . ~H. lion. that ”'l‘; people ol‘ the loyal; .\‘tntes Il—gi-‘ellirliclfcgvalufigl;:i:.;:_ o‘kfifulfiffi'f should be th oughly united in fighting for‘ Cl‘l’h Horne'r’s Cavalry. of the Home :Brl n common “1,189. ' Whnt is that mime ? 'glsule, was imtnntly killed this afternoon. at (‘ongreas had lemma-1y defined itlin tho’ s'o’cloclc.st‘the Burtifl‘klt. Iny the accidohtal resolution It ihe heml‘nf our cnlunini—to . ‘l‘f'flmm‘l‘l‘.’ :1 Gillian"? In, the lmtlfll °f ‘ “fwd “d nillntain the fiupremm-vl ol' the: innate am "If; ' e, whit- convening to< , .5 tether. and the mlrhcr “an monng tbaguu Constitution. 31nd to preserve the illnion. hammer with his foot. when it slippedhhd with all the dignity, equality} and 143 mg. of the loud entered the unlhrtunato‘ofldor’l the several Suit»; unimpaired. Ifthen?rthem‘fol-31'9“" ‘ .l , \ people would lull agree to stand n n this' ”We are told 3"“ the gun was "a platform tin-1+ would‘be no divisiomfat the hands of George (“um a warm {up ~ .\‘ortli—nnthi lf.’ to embames tho qm'ern- 11ml While“ (lithe W" Th ro ment in the aluceessl'ql prosecutiomof the “‘9'" Were lntcrred at. Ergmltub'urgi 0" war. But un ortunntely n faction o incom‘ Fudny, the {whole Company, “mm?“ the dill”. m. . Mrdm‘m ‘um botlytotlmtphxcenndattendmgthcfflnéfll declared pur eof the Nation, B+l cAn/Jl‘jie sod accident caused universal sortrow tinue to keeplup. an agitation intenllded to. there drive the .\dtfiniutmtinn into the lfoolishl mini fatal poll y of negro emuncipai This they do ufler the pretext Ofd trip: the Uflio "but the main oral-c 4; niount to thei 3170 ch love for the? isl to mompl h‘ the destmgtinn of j rtigartllefi of he fate of the Union; win- for the plieservation of the Unitl win. they r 92 rd M'their opportmi ctrikin: a bio at the domestic inxtl n" the Routinefitfitntm. and they _ioiii wry for the U! ion nk the mo<t readyl to efl'ect their‘tliabolicnl purpose. l 'l‘hin miert‘ n is capable of-rendyi ago them some nholitil her Openly opposed i holders. or eke the‘y (ll of worth perpetitntinl :- abolition prineipies I—the I’nion was; a se ‘ Rnther than ,slnvel y N 1 the Union might é l.‘ Even Inst Deeemb; ulnr sewinn of ('ongreu lode by patriotic menl Lle our (litlieultieq 11ml 3~ terril-lo calamity nl p threw, every (Artur-lei amine—bringing their} ieule, nlnlse nn'l m‘gunl . ‘ Perinh n tlmumntl l mle nn ioln of our prinl Tribunr—qnd the. cry l hundreds of” its ‘ull wlw gravely .'mv'i enlmll ion from the Southern litely preferrilsle to ear lavery in :i. pol't‘enl pin-er..- icidly eahu‘ntml the Jinn!» or W! came to the contlneinn irgetl null-Slavery fan“ tii‘ism 'h pyex'ening in its idtegrity an'r'rwsnuin, PA: Only one yen tntori were vi ninn with slnv the l'ninn :lnvery. The their first 19v. consider-Minn. not bohnmlnl all they care during the re, ofi‘ortp wer‘e . parties'to ‘sei and avoid ch war. than me way of cofnpr artillery of rid hear ngnimt i rather than in exolnimmi th ochoml from chnnea. It that a sopnrnt would lm infi l'niun with— q ,Thow moi] pl the Union; that their c mu hotter wn than the Uni n, But how uildon thpirl plinngo: ,Soutlu‘rn Stat é rebollm‘l ngnimt theJ The nation a np,tn arm: for its (334 The Abolitionil-ts thought thov =n‘ opportunity 0 nocompliéhing tho (I ‘ tion offilnver} through the war for 1 :éorvntion oftl 0 ('nir-n, and with one} thoyjninmith stvu-iiingchorus ol‘pntt} I For a time tify atl'vctetl to regard 3i :1: untlortnko solely for tho :pocifim sot i'orth'in th resolution ot‘ Congas}: that (lid notl at long. They could t gui~e their p imowi for «it: consi months. Aft r :x'musting oflor's ti the Aclminist tion into the: policy; vol-ml e-nmnci «tion, and dim-over“ utter failure " thr-Ir labor: in thii tion : aftt-r be min: tolemhly \vr-ll it that if the “'3 results in‘thl‘ tt-iumpll Government, t. to Union will he "fat—on' was, “ with ail the (“.'Frnity. {quiz/it right; of tho sovflxil States mlim Fin-11,? these Almlitioln agitators are sanity re ' treating to their oriuinnlyrounvl ot‘ hhutility to the Union. and hintin}: thnt itlin‘not 'woi-th hmorvilhgif the clown Stntofii‘nre to "come back with slivz-ry. The Tnf: t , chime—“So chmstructinn oi; the Tnion. ‘ much n~ we méy pray for it. and «1 ‘l'6 it, "Till/II In‘ win-I}; ill/V‘H‘M. nt [htl that of illg’zllr‘r‘t'kj 1m nngl intr‘r iinahle rmlnvomnntiot‘ the A .’t'ican ritco in tmm'im ”—th'it ii. it‘élmmrv is not «lnetrny rl. the I'ninn i“ notlwnrth prosm'ving. A l tho Tc’qqrrtph, whit-h hm: torontly tutu; to citrulnting’ (7?!!h'liflll“ Abolition prod! otionmmmpniinc tint I‘rmi dont to Phnm traitor demanding taint thol Forlorn! Gow- . mnnt shnll <triko an limmm' dinte hlmv, der RTFS our armies." “ inflow: organization n «1 buiillhn to tho t vom ment ”~ if thi< triu- isi to accomplisvywhnt Cong-ran Stu"! i fin (inly ptlrwr- 1m 70-? stomtion of th li’nirn with all the ‘ not-in]. vigor " and “ p l timl Imm," finswséd hy‘ the sevoml Stat . before this rcbcliiém wns‘ ~ 1 it the history and firm-mt nnti-nlnvery-ngitntmv. it? mf hot their only objnccgis the: : ”cry—that they are! tnore l salt; than for? the proheryo—l i n—thnt the)? are ofijmsed‘ ‘ Union an it visa. andgiret‘erl that under the’prltmcot e success of'our arm’ they 1 ‘ wing the seeds of d scord‘, Bgi'oro another yen t‘o‘ilu;l ‘1 be universally recognized ; nd public momma-Patriot. ‘ organizml. . ! Thisl gimme position of the I ficient m sliow ‘i destruction of: anxious for'thin | tion of the NH to restoring thel separation-Fan i of promoting t I are diligently :1 in 'the North. around tin-y wi n~ disunionists; d• Union “ How about ien. Patterson? Th 4 Gym pilzr in' its hwti nus (11-votes :1 half m‘iumnl to him dei‘cnue nd says he acted iiseiy, whilst. ninu-tnnt aof the Inyai citizen de- ' nmmoe him M dislnynl and a: bein the: cau.~e ofour dis.- im- nt Mann-mm. Winona! no stranger evid me of Secession symhuthy . on the pan. of the (bmpilcr than th ."-; Slur. ' ' . ‘ » _ . i ‘ i fi-Tlio “{de ence" raYliigleJK to 11% ihe,’ 51m, wn' roman ”of?“ Pfiihdcbiha'a £s7:th l Hmm’mn. one a? the moat able and ”mini-i non! qubliran papers 'l. the State? and! edited by "on. . l'orrox McMicn ISL, séveml . times in'the fie! for nomination for' Gov-f emor, and as o n for United States Sena“ tor, a]. the hand; of that party. “It is timely 5 not. fair in the Slur to withhold this Duper-l (4711? th We bcipe‘it will simply the omis sioh next Thursglny, and at line same; time give the Norlli Africa-an a full broad-tithe fol its “sécession syinputhy." Mr. McMiizhnei would no houbt keel terribly rebuked; ACCllmsz._n.u~.m\c. iii-h". Jim” of Nathan township. mM with anoii «listrewing accident on Ménduj eveni lust. Whilst rising from hinlchnir he ti pad upon his cane and fell. broukingi leg for the third time. Tho limb my} doubt, weak from former injuries” 1 ghope um he “in in a brief time'agninl 1y forrcovrr. \ L _ - f um.— roscrv- r ‘ fmrn- , ES MEE MI ME utip'ns 3 in the ‘ Axum-aw H'usrzmxn, 12qu of Fran tmvmhip. was Incently thrown from horse. hear “is residcnw, breaking Ma .lnr bone. Wag are glad to hear that In‘ doing as wel} M couhl he expected. ’ MEM GM annual? TWO Pmsnxxans m lAI‘ lilt—szu-I ‘ W 595”, n (lcrmnn. ‘nml J \(‘un low“. on lc‘m“ ‘1 If :1 P-n- '1»-- p.“ I" with 01, camper 1:011) 19 non :nvrlan n? aimed mgllt: Joules bored n laolo In his cell (1' ‘ sutflcimtly large to ndmithiq bmly.-—l mlury auger qummswl to have boon curried tpl film?” 'by a female visitnr under hor hoops the! ”,1“ m]- beforn. Uncoln the corridnero fox-cud 2‘22; lock of \Vnsser’s céll. wlxon_the two ‘fn of a“ AIM-Ix: “my m tho collar, and than by gun in}; in the win” nml wrenching n grn cablv, , ‘ . . ‘ E clvll (logy. gal mtu tho yiud. .m llun wall ofwll in tho they made un opmnng'lmgu enough to whole . mit their: squoumg tllrfgugh. l‘iothiug Mt t sihce bm‘n heunl of the-m.. ‘ l n _ _ . .._ ..b 'uinns ‘ LnnK~ 0171‘ !--Almrlt fudwmm hum‘ .iplw! WM slolr‘n from the tnnm-I-y ol' Mr: l-; Ln: rv- ‘ Mnnjzu, in .\‘lmlmn trmxnhiy, a. few nig‘ folilinn aim-o, ‘Mr. ‘llnsn Dunn. near t "79911 Borough. mml “1.10 recently rol-lml of 1:1 [Sh-mm ‘l5 (lollnxrs \\‘(N‘tll of shoes nml .lézuhor.‘ ‘ “mm": CONS”‘llA'l‘lOX.—’l‘lm no‘w Lulllm (lhurvh nonr No’w (‘ht-utnr wnq purist-(1m \'l‘K‘t-r'lzly. 'l‘lm nmv Lutlwrun'f‘llur‘nln llnidlerflvurgmll Lo ('nnsvcrntcd mi 5 bath. tho" 1% of 11-(mmlmr n‘n-xt. §_ W.“ am elm-(inn hold nu )Imnhly II for I'reiidont and Mnnngnw of" thn (v‘ét‘ bu‘rg and Pvtersburg Turnpike ('r-mfn ”IL? following persons warn qlmsen: ‘ i " Thin ['ninn. MEI I‘rmidrnt—XVm. I) Wmm. l I Mnnngm‘s—th. Mn-SherrylGn-e. gem Jumb Wirt. Mnrvm .\‘mnqm. J. H. MiC Inn. Muruhnm Mit‘k'm‘. ‘ 1 ~ 'l‘re:mlrer I. H. “(mt-Han. ‘ 1 MEI (Mme- he pro ,at-vnrd EOM l ”(‘onhihnfinnw'm onl: “szr-um " mmo. jn—uml motf. interesting :-p(*cin ’ni tlmf. ‘ s . Dluflr‘h .. But Oltlis- ! Mr. G. P. ’l‘inm. nf‘ Liberty tnwn ‘RPudp u~x nthiz R-v’! Beet, \\‘r‘iuhin v‘ pnnmh, and mmmrin; {332. inchrv n .cnmfurenco! This id the largmt 0.1 culiye R drfw‘ Pf Ufa-i -4m! the 'Fllimcs ’mEfit’d \ nft'ne Ins it i and FFfl‘hY‘. :, Maj. Ha'mv “"OLF,Of n miiltnn rowan :cnntrihufeq n mnnnnnflt llmldish. Wa’fik‘l ‘ 12? pounds! If unyhndj.‘ also has groin} .lnrger niw,»lot it he prmhxcw’l. ,5 3 -Mr. Fun “'2 ”XVI“, of 3101111119}: i 3, snip. brjngs u»; a lot of w-ry largo Putin lsixteen making a "heaped” pork, 'mlmber 6T'hem woighml over a pom-I '3 piece. We‘ never saw a finer lot of in 7: oyM. ‘ . , mg px.} WT)"; f‘ m-m-k dmlw " )wrmbnub: in; 'lnok mti‘mir lulu-«1k. Mr. Jusun Pan; {the very rTrw-r lnml'nrd of the Hailrn 5 Hotelnt Tatt‘gumwn,ahuntwi over 3sm distrir‘t-r-h-ut lbwo m 1?” mull: wut (All! plhu-n 'h fi-w dnyn upmmul in n'rxlfli‘du Lngm-Il fimty-ninr‘ purt'riclgm, Hum firm Nick and din-Lo mi Lib! 'l'lmt “n“ I'l‘ifln 'ly \zm'y “.ndl 'QJH‘oting, and “ill be. Ln: to “ trkc down}: " !: WW6- _c‘nH nth-mirth tn Ihr (WM pnnthor column of‘ Cu w. T 7. Trrxrn, l‘mrfl 'xmd Bunny Lnryl Agent at, Wei-11‘9“ Cih'. Tlmso nntitlod to Par-Emu!v 1154”} Lflnd or, Bhunty Mont-y, t-nn hnvilj‘nl “Mimi: prepared and forwarrlvd lo‘H {Turkor by filling upon J. (‘. Nut”, “)3 who is aumiatml with Mr. Tucker ini H proacvutirm nf‘clnimq. 3 ‘ It. flinch of Troudnl 4 ' Tha Almhtipn wing of the Repub] c party hnye‘ul} niong been kid'my, with P FIEION‘I, nml ggainn the Admipixtmlic in tha troixble hetwepn them. The Le a tor, Effluigrrtfqrinsknce’, of week 1: > last, says: ' 1 “Ger. FIIIO‘NT will come out of» struggle vim thepmpln. who are in mm! to_putdnwn this rebellion, or It. wimnnt. do for the Atlminixi “'mhir‘gtnh to cry out “ extrnvng hoip Parry out (he-spite- of the BL; millions upon millions hnvv been ed 50 mgr lumm. without évwr sfrik: footive blow, (Bicep: to make W ”ft." ‘ Now, if m had said half as mu the Admininmtian at any Lime wlv last. three..mnnth~l. 30' should 1» called a traitor by this sumo Rpr gun, and throats of viola-neEmnd: our person and esmbliahmént. nuppme, it is I“ right and patriot EluQliner to do so, and no Democgfl _lms any right to complni9.— Lana ligmccr, Fachange of I’lisorgrraf—The sub) exchange of ~prison on: between and South is attracting sérioas \ tion. The press generally at the Northi. IE ‘lny ' or {be im luy he do ml ch ul-L I= =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers