‘\ l ‘ i 5 Q Attack His—{M for» jun olonel ' Pay of Volunteers. t t l *, , ‘ 'v r: ‘u 'v ! ._ W“: W: Camp at ‘Point «no . Amy iniporbnt Mm museum.» I:s,ng Rm-xc. p".- 19....“ m, gawk hy the War Department, in rvlerenrc to this imaging at n-lw] l-nttm-y nl5 thre grim. the pay of V‘olnntmn. According tovthe ““"ke'Nigl‘ E’Tl‘!‘ ”3:”me : will? on practice. my only became duo'fl'amthe t‘nmmono u u in; enc . i . . . . 4 .. (‘nlonol (‘n-myk T'Pnn'ylvunin‘lromwent-7 date 01'th mtftermg "1 9!“? full loamy». Almt‘lwmny shells. well aim? . {all nmitlfi "Y- Th“ decision h!“ Men "\'E‘mlfd: “"1 tho (‘nCflllll'mplll, thqfirq mil n nfii-w feet nowd loldier in entitlea to ply; Mun thq at} W!”- ‘J‘L ”I“:‘gwmn'vj'hnyxfihgi «my be onlium and i. not compelled to «as: H‘ Fl\' {‘Hnl’ln'lNN l (‘HH‘P I - 0 n -\ ‘ . Isloyml :mxl onlrnnohell. null gho aren’t]- (In!!! h.m9"t(l‘mny ’.flmfl’ f“. Eh“ fmnlalfnm right): rogiinum hum-r)”iniymdxlitelykponod tel‘m}! In of hi: regiment into the servnce of with two mun. Thoir’ fi'rdt sllnt dllflflblt‘ll the. United kitten. "This in a very goal 0"“ 0" UN “WWW! L'""“h“““ ”film“? move. The old system deprived the} soldier Fell in their midut. Unr :miy ctr-at - ‘. l \'nnocvl and poured .1 continll .‘“ fl 6 Into ofn cqnqidernbla amount of pay. Ind thus them, she-twin): all their guns. 9nd f firing ' retarded enlmtinenh. We hope '0 ll” ”'9 Luck 1: {mirth «me, which came re nl'urce hen eficid.eflvcb of‘ it in our immediate thr-in. The rebels were drive 'from their ne' l hml—C/wmbenbun r..“.l . msition. and wore man in full NWT". M 9PM” J.. .9» ‘I ‘._.. luau: {nurwen Ire-r 0 hills-fl and [l3:lva woun- Tram ”w“. chmrj/ ["O4 Rather, ‘v. Y.— 11.-.1. Un mu mill: in. tllll not me man. .l ”Hunt. ‘b‘mrloial ‘wafia_n_.. ”l is five Tlm~onmlgomunt lmtwl nver ll If m hour. - 1 g = filler thv rfiutlnf the rebels wq tur ed our years since that I accidentally rental-ted your gum rm mmo lmunm near the gill] fn-‘nuco. flora ‘for some sort of n pramra’tlion for on “'9 Virginia SM“- Wl‘P'" “Mi" 1' “43"!" Irmr‘wanme Troohnsnwhich yhn {.'m'p‘ “TN "“NIHL ”“1 ‘lr‘m’ i‘l""“i°“t' hum“ mo nntir’alv mum-Prod the urpnsa ltvhivh I hid wmmtlingn number. Ont gun wt-re ' , , fl .- ’ ‘P - mlmirahlv “H. 0- _ l hml m vu-n’. Smr’t' then m nlhmf lPr-(ur ' A 1 _ _ in; tom-Cl put ‘Troohes' in my ca pot bag . m regularly a“ I do lecéui’es or lin'dn, and I . :huve never changed my mind r to 5 2?- them from the fir-t,’ except to l 3 5‘3 better of that which 1' began int 101 2., A n t to I I 5 well of. ‘ .- "I ~77 - «Dov—”’7 A ‘ 2, @111» Republican party is as (3;, l_v _dlvhlctl tn-«luy Mif they had h t 4!. Fatinns. The hnnn-tt. conseryativ ‘4 abbvliqve ‘in prosecuting: the «ar 5 1 3: the l‘refiilent. defending thr Ho t a 50 and leaving slavery to be dishosed ( 100 (Innelitution. .Tho rntlical crew. l 4 7f lmderxhip of Clmrle‘u Snmnér. Gr 'thq Independent. would now jn n 2 . . . . ‘ ‘ . - 55 With the .\lmhtmms‘ts and turn “1 77 , to a cru-ule. against. slavery. - . MICIEI GETTYSHL’ IKG—Sncmu F10ur........... Ru Hour White Wham. Red “'hcut... (Torn ............-u. . . Ga :9 ‘.. ... lluukwhvnt .............. (Word-fled . Timothy 5ee«1.............. Flax 5vetL.......:....n...“ Flurry! Paris .........:. ‘lustcr'groum‘x, prr bt‘xg Purk..........2................ llAthMUlll-L—Fuon Hour. W 11- fl H3l .... Germ. On. ('lnver Sm-:1............: Timothy 5er:1.......... Ilse! “Mlle, pvr hund "nu, per bund........ “'lnilLt-v \. Guano, l'wruviun: per lnn [[.\XlH'EßeTurnnnn I. FlaunTan wagon-" L... Do. horn slur-".....u..."........ “'hon‘ Hl9 .... ”urn" Out-1... Motor Sop-\.. Timothy} Sen] Midi-run"... Special thl A Tlll‘l} (H: HI‘LU'TY. L" _, EVER -—“'lm v-zm hr henlll'lfnl \6 pair rouul I‘m. qu- the pure. ‘n-e. nml- the Modal purn. and um fit with rlw run-and lily. The a \\if‘. Ilmul m-h nfpoie- in errn in “lime vfli: r it in “Hurry “11' the ‘ I‘m hlnnll—llw urkmm ergl-fi vun‘ tun-- nf mankind—when the :4: !' 'rrhml— vhrn it in x-overml “in; when i! L cnll! und vhuqulT—whe _‘ \Vhd fe‘i'n-r nr iufl.l:unuliou——ii fur lhrukin under M Mr (‘irvun'nsta furm h}- ynroprr rum-Hum. MM 10‘ ‘ ivm urUic-s [mm the hmly as «It-3i I'l‘o‘fl'ul’. ; Jrlmws .\mt‘VT \!.\' ”Elm m'nu- Vin-~1- uh~trxu-li-m-:. and prn ‘ ‘r’llhr ”and. remm’r the eruplj A “in. MN! cu.u it to h'ighlen wiil .\qulh and hymn}; Bunny m m mu! Imm]. lh-Juvy Mthnut pail mgt‘cn—hul 'n‘ \ulr :prn'luu-d 11l “qupin‘ua‘ .I:.l!ann'< \lnunt lin H in” by all .\lt‘dicluc l!3‘vl‘l‘r§. [D AYEll‘S‘f’ATll Ali'l'lt‘ Pills.- al “11-'ni-t‘rr and )lcdl-Yhe haw _ their utmoA tn pro lure tliiihesl, IO!I ('nro Femr p’nrgntiro “'lllt'l] in ltnnu‘n to ium: In l'ure l‘lnlL In'» prnnll we allow" Hi It (llexn l‘ "it h . (‘..rru‘y...” Meg n-‘uii-h nnznau in I-xrellcnee lllc irdfinflri ('urn 111-qt" nwfiurines. nnrl‘th it lhw win um rrue innit-Jill} l‘qu- 1:31"): anon the c-trvln of all men. 'l luv :u- sni’c ('urk‘ .\‘pmin nn-l pint-aunt to take. but powl‘r ull r rel—- tu lit 'l'hrir'prnetrntin'g propel-tics u‘im Into Marital t‘urp intlatn mrliriliu nf the lmdy‘. remove the Oll‘e nations (‘urc .\"euri. o'iuiorgnni. purifii the blood. A Ll e pel‘ div:- lcn 111 rupe_ Thar purge out the foul l‘ mm a ul'hieh ('nrc Ill'llllll M'Ml nn-l 7mm distelnpvrustium Me In gi<h ¢ll\y.~: or iliunrderrd organs intn Ilu-ir n t-lr. nlftion; l‘ure llruisr nu-l imp-rt healthr Inne n-ith st ugt m the _dm‘s: “hula “Mom. _\'at only dc Ile)’ 1 Hr? the. T'nrt' liztrznl ‘.V’l‘v-‘lfl' t'uulpldllllC oral-err h uly.‘ lllz‘t‘lfln ('ure pnhmfi‘ t-rmi |~i‘.i!2rn‘nl .l trig-mus dim-:1 21 11, 11. hu’e llm-e lmm.«d ll). lw~ll ulrlulmgm Skill. “ll “Elihu." ('urc Quinn pm lure ll0'\‘0"rlll eflv‘fik‘, lhnr :u all he fume u.“ ,[ lime. in -l|’nmi-‘irl (10‘0". t‘m- n. cut ndghrut Curr .\vlm pinir lhll (an be emplm-l-il t} 1' ch rlrcn.— m ‘w “vi“: Illfl‘r-y'hlll'll t'u‘y urn [)lv' mint 0 tEi'nl‘: (‘ures l-‘roa Ind heing Lillf‘l'l \'rgetihlc. mu rev l‘ mnl any “hru _ri-k _nf lugrm. Purl-I inure hot-n Inn \\ll‘lllll m F mrfiuu belief were they not su ”taint nit-ll by! In a men of null (\'ullvd popitilm :m -h.u [ct r in, This ”.1 ‘to‘turhid tho Klnpi-‘lnu ul nnlrztll . M nvlehli- "ml is n :- nrpt clergl gnr'n .inJ phy‘lrinns l “‘Ol ut [heir lepthing. k“ ‘ I . nun" tn vertil‘y in the pnhlie th rt-li; lull 3' ol' ORIGIN l. GENl’lNl‘l l‘llJ‘El‘lllll' MIL, al’r remnlin. while otlwrghn -- m l 1" thr “...! n n cured mom‘ «'.ts , lh'nl u‘crc lultrymte‘mrlllrir nruiction thn our ’l'rl uru- th'ouzht hn elesn thnn nnyme-liciltr' etinnti. , tion: runrrihule itnmenielv to t ml of lmy Ask thou who ha've med in, they “-ill u-ll :lfllictfil. nufirring lellon-nien. you that In nil ant-u reliet nl‘tor’nll renal-(lien ‘ The Agent in 'lon’ named is plc: =edt fu nidl l. .d huh-d. ', Wlu‘n'3ou‘ ask fllrlElEClriQ' Uil. he ruin our Ann-rim“ Alm'm‘lr. onlu 111 l di- sure you as for Prufulletirnth'sl. us it is the ‘reelion! for the an and l‘urtifi W" I fiheir only logilii utc Electric till prmure-lz- tuké «111-ea. of the following rompl-111l ill 1 none otherrs all others are imil‘ptions. und‘l l‘omvenuaJlilinu-i(‘om 'nint . ie ma ium , ..._ , . . ' ‘ . will "my“. , ; 0.15 m“. (m- nny "m. ,g my “um, limp". 'llellrtliuru. llendlichc iri.in lh .\l, ('ook,.nged in years and 6 nldnt-hs. haggling! for the ale of Al. 11.- MFG Ell h ($l7. up in “ ritirlg 1'21“)“ the mep‘" “‘11:! my name {.'l (launch, Nausea. lnuliguli 1, Me On the all} 'nit.. tn “eunuch low‘uslup, “I.l“th and “ l‘Uthl'li'. bll li\“. {’LCH (nib, blown in “I‘, KM“. : _ ’ union of the llqwelsmtd l’nin riLin H’ll) Min-LS, Sr., 'aged Bijou-rel!) montln which have taken the hint. l’reloi mat agility } ' READ‘THTS!‘ 2 , , from. Flntnlencr.l.ou ol Appeti e, all d 24 days- » _ - g : 3‘5“” “”‘t ever :‘l"Y,“¢'e “l“b“ d“I ‘ - i.“ .\lr. Livingston. of New York, Ellit’or of the 'whirh require an encnnnt m dicinl ln tho llth inst. in )lcnnllcn it‘own‘ship, is some six or emht In number. ; Monthly Law .\lnguzmc, wrotelmé that he was plan. hy'pnrifying the blood a d stil MES LLLIUTI, son “George K.nln'd Siivillal “‘er ol' nsn'ollen ““sthqu by ”M. "I‘ll“: the ayflenl. “If! m“! éoupl li\“ ‘1 Lagcd 4 .‘"" 6 WNW ““1 5 “53- l cation. The Oil wan recommended by I. hid! wen” i.“ b. ugpposed they ran .1 real (In the 13th inal.,nt,the resident; ol' her son, in the Gimr‘d llouse.- ‘ 1 l , , " ' "u ”nine“. Parliil Blindnew, 'eurn v. Adam Brown, ol‘llcnding ‘O'éflllp, “(5.. l [L AND ng_ 5 . 'Nernn- .lrritahility, llemngemr ts otl ‘73-‘3le; BRUWN. Wife 0‘ Grunge llruwn,l 3 Mrs. (‘nn an, Cnates Sin-eignhlwe Rldgc mid Kidneys. Gout. find other Lindr, q-y oil-211% “.'““v i“ ”10 ‘33") 3"" 0‘ hernge. L 1 Road, milk-cl May 14th. mm] snirl ’tllnt the 'Oil phints nri-inz from 1 low state ”If: -On the 16le nlfltn Nf- “US-ll WHISUN- 0", cured her 0% Xenrnlgin, (‘hilizmd froup. ' ahxtrnctinn of ins ium-tions. ‘ Freedom tunneling-zed 64 yenrganmt 8 months”. ; )iotht-rs. MN)”. “mun”! 51 cenli~ l‘" n. not be rut ofl‘ liy unprin ipled ilenicrgl Un tllfl‘zd inst" §LSAS. danghtér ome.: bottle, uud oubt “gm", i with mm. othgrpi" thp'vym lite mro p Mill on. - nntl Eveline lluniillon, aged 16 ycnrs’c months I. \lr. (.‘”,pr 0‘ ”mammary jammy. I'm. ' All: for Ayor‘s Fills, and take thin fish..— “mi-6 dn} s', ~ ‘ ‘ bought ah ltlc a farm.” Againnd anid‘ he ,No other they can give you» com ares with Ithis 0n the 28th ult.. .\lra. ELIZABETH “'llllS.‘ hml ns'ed it 4n his fnmm for swanm‘gjmdg and in its intrinsic vulnyor r‘urntiv poxfers. {The wile of .\lr. llrnry “'ill:, of Emmitaburg, )ld.,- | swellings “PM“. ”mfg“, “PM": in "do“, nick went the best aid there is for than, had aged nboutzfl yell-s; ‘ l l um" linin ‘the Scnrlet “ch H“ thinkn i‘ ‘tlley almqlgl inn it. ‘ ' . m f..._._._.._._-_..,___._—__T.. ; nbmd ofnll other remedies—{Lad 50 “via. - e fiPrepnred by Dr. .l. 01 Yl'lllrk ¢O., ; , ‘ ' , . 3 Notlce. I- : Persons ‘re daily calling It fly om", g” Luv-1k 9U"- Pmctgfi Ch 1'" B°s- f Houses for. Rent. .\h‘lELlll-Elf.l’J"S;ESTATE.—Lettcr§ ffi-‘Shuth Eighfh Street, Philmelphsi,nnd telling Flu B-xxs "in Sl- -‘y . ‘ 1 W 0 BRICK DW ELLING HOUSES, EH“ 1:) tanientnry on the‘estnte of Dnniel Rel l_v, me one; vdnderfnl cut-min efl‘eets. . exam h"; A. D. Bc‘mf: ‘.‘nud den er: . on Uhulnbt‘hbuf’; street. for rent. rm llute onlonntplemaut township, Adams wim-‘ Price 25 ennui, to con“, and $1 per bottle. overywbere. [ '- 1361- 3I- l M. Ewulanlzllum. ii in». 'det-eated, having {been granted ml in Large bottle! the cheapest. This rnlunbloml l '. "* "'“‘ *~ ' 3 ~ 936‘ ‘l3, 1891. at ‘ , ‘ nnJenigue-d, residing gin the name towngltip, in gold by in“ Druggists and: dealer. in the ' Gill-711‘ DiSCOVI-IRYI—Am [5 “9m. '3‘)?“ l‘'l " ‘ *r A * - --- ,__..___,. ~—- he herehygives noticedoallperaonsimlebteel to l'nited Sula. Use noneotheribtitDeGr-tli'n. by nhlg prni-tition‘er: null Cll’ He'll “Ml. l‘"- ‘ . Estray, , said ammo to; make immediate pnymen‘t,‘ nnd‘ Sold by all Druggilts. Depot 2‘” 3. Eighth line demonatrtted the gran, \v no (if Prnt‘.l‘l)e l All}? to th-e‘ premises ol‘-the subscriber, there huvuigclnims tug-{inst a", same to VHS!“ SL, Philadelnhin. . [092. E 6, ”861. {fin (:rnth‘n bountiful combination, ’ filled u ELEG- _ in ”emu?“ townshi Adams ooh-tr th'e , them propel-Iv authenticated {m- settlement. I I. . .. -.. . ' . tt -11:16 om," forthe rrliet'nnd «m or ‘mltl-f “mm“ in (mom-smg; Wk bm.;,'m“, T Jam-1P“ Libby, Mm. l Attention. ‘ BM the Maple them"‘“°~‘ "' lmdm": 1'5”" mar.- witly a whitnnai sup iolrdto be eight or " Nor- 41 1W- “ v ‘ . KCRIIH‘S WANTED 141,000,be 80mm {edict in n manner both Illlryl-‘mkflble find m, month old. Tll‘,owu‘er is re nested to —— ‘ ~————-———~‘—-—--———--—l-—iR HEN-AND BOYS wurw to report thum "l‘l'l'fl‘c‘WF- “"0 _thnn "W illizn bottles come lorwurd, prove proper! p.ll :clmrgcs Caution. ‘ ‘ selves immulintelyat the rendezvous in Cham ‘h "° be.“ "All i" ' "”7 “hwfmnkfi we" . and like“ ”"1.- Jl'fiN-BDENDEIL , HERBAS mv Win, Hurriet, luu desortcd bernburg street, Gettysburg: and receive, at n PnP'm“ °f “s°“ "‘lO heard “he" "3“,"? 1 Dec. 23, 1861. St. " g , VS me—hnrinlz leffmv bed nnd bonrd on mere nominal price, full uniforms and the ne- Wfi‘!‘ & V.“ “N “394 ll “Mill‘s '1 'lefl‘d ; - —~'~—A——-_————.~....._.__ , _ into 9“; day of“ Sorgmhef'lagt—l hereby cad; granary equipments for a winter campaign. I dlscgfl'fi ‘5 .9"?! Wk". "k fledged, and ‘ - Notice _ tion “1] persons {Ol to trust her on my accodnt, . hnve taken specml care to provide for the rum. .oelnng llkl It was ever before reputed. The - . _ . - i I“ l will. not be responsible f,” any debt.‘ the i fort of my men by visiting the ciqies and lay only genuine Electric Oil in Pryf. De Gmth's, ‘ HE snhncriber rweetfully informs those may mum,“ PHILIP THOMAS. (his! in an'unugua“, large supply of which is to be hnll It all the regal-ombu- llrug- ‘ who are indebted to him‘ that ha intend! 4 Oxford, Dec 16 1861 an! . ‘ mama” or every description, gaunt; the chin, amt m wholclmle um retail, lclusing an In: hysiuess, in the borough or Get-L_‘____.'___’_.s._.‘_______i___: muck mom pm; Com, dthe‘proprietors’ prices ofthe ggent here. See ) gysbnrg, _in which “In? G. Cum; has been Notice 1 Cassimere Business Cents, . “vendetta“. > i ' Int-ting '5 l‘i’ Agent. He thereford'requestsl ' ' hi » Pantnloons in endless variety: ‘ , m—«goof ’3‘ _ . lthem tb cAll nnd settle their ac-ctrunts immedi~' ‘VHEREAS, my m“ SUMNME’ A gents nnv‘qnnntily of Winter Vests, fi-Snzm t Brunt: 5 53‘3" ll well w‘ar- : “by“ HENRY JEFFERSON KRISE. 1 . herself horn-my bed and board without . Undershirls mm?" lloisrrv, thy-visitjnst at this tune. ll gllonht whether.) “LC. 23,11861.“ 3:, ‘ .1 annual cause. this in to warn all person: from . Glovcs’Sus enders llnfi’illo and u" i, .m- largest cilia. so tile :1 display of. rm-.- ,-._.- _. _-__-- _,__, ,4 ' hulmnng or trusting her on my account. as l , ‘ p . ’ . ‘lm A ‘ ' ‘ "r l » - - - Gum Overshoes nnd Gentlemen a b wls. Stun an be found. Theirglfll‘ge metal a can “383 mg 11’ ligill pay no debtgot‘ hereontruung ahfntlns, i—luso ._ , (“ll 01' 3‘97“ 0f ""1 P“"¢"‘ii‘l‘°- 9""! V“.l . _ . 08‘ ‘ . date. H JACOB Fllehb. ' ' Trunks and (‘Upet Qackq first-rate Clocks 30 riot! at Hollow \\‘ue, Shectaqon Ware, Tin ‘ HAV I.\G returnlevl frot’n chedwar, (the stockl Huntington tp., s’o". 25, 1861. 3t ' hour eight-(lily and \lrlrm Clocks. Violins Ware mung“; Wen, Japan 'sre—embrnc- being somew M neg eel-e in consequence , —~‘~——->—-—-,———-—*—r—‘—"“‘ _ ' . ’, . ‘‘. « ' ing, i’n—deen, everything in the llouse furnishing 10l Salmon being'lick,).but uA. BULLINGIIRf . Hohday GOOdS l ':lleo:3ll:s3,l:so;:‘ingqrfllzfg’o $321,322); liu. dean, Snugge Cuttera,S’ius.lge Stufl'eu, . )3. at borne ngmn, a. tint-mu: assortment of: £1530”) GALNE, Mum-“m1." of Fan— \'ollons in endless vnrietv. No; is "with". Lard Presses, 51.2., in. They Ne preparcilJo . CLUTIIIN G, km, hns been forwarded, Wllit‘h ,R cy SOAP AND PERFUMERY, Wholeule ;. buv cheap Call soon. Elwin" purchased cell wholesale andretnil, Tin Wire and Sheet- mil ‘h‘uq sold as heretufure at the RIGHT 5 "“1 new“. xO, 320 Vine 3L, Philadelphin.—- my “0'0": chenp for CASl‘l I am BYEPM’M ‘0 iron Wnrre of their own manufictnre—keeptng Plilbhn. S. E. Corner "LEM ill-"mondr : Keeps always on hand 14 large stock qt. se" them cheaper g,“ the; have ”or been of_ n IllfiCletl. number of hands tq’nuplglr any do» Gettysburg, Aug- 19' 13°l- l White and Mottled Cutile Soap, ‘ - I,3er in this plug before. 'p. 3_ 1?“; me and. Their nsnrtmcnt of Lumber ll 79}?! m 7w' Burber’l B°3Py '1 Oct 18, 1861 , ‘.t ‘ . . V : Ilsa; Co 1-“; ,_,_.. . .3 ‘ __ ,7, "[7" A, ' 57*”v-f-1 3 , E desire in penons indabzed to 111 to - ‘ * ‘ . . ' 1' cull uni mike implement, hu‘ng and: Ayers cam mm Vgciungein unrmzmnersfdoinghnsilxesm ' ' x- -' I Ucl. '2B, 1861. FA’HNSSTUCK 330's. iliiig iffuundgrfl‘md respectful- ‘ l_v infant“ the reudems& ‘n Jeltjflnlrglnd vicinitr.tlmt he halt opened a WATi‘ll AND JEWELRY STORE. in the room immediately in the rear ql' Mr. J. L. St-hhk's Store. and fronting the Square. where he intend< keeping an {work merit of WA'N‘HES. JEWELPY. SILVER and 15lLl’ER PIATI-Il) WARE, SPECTACLES, Chm'KS, m.. &c. ’ 'llmlng been connected with n lint-dun “'ntrh and Jewelry Stutt- in llnltimore. for several yenrx pil‘l. he i: [lfepdfl'd tq turni-h every article in the line, at the lowest City {writ-es. and all pnrchnnes will be gunmntied an represented. , From a long experience in Watch-repairing. espm-iullyul’fine Watt-hen. he is prepared to do ill kinds of \\‘ateh-wo‘rk promptly, in the hell m'lnucr. and guaranty the performance of it. lle will kcepfllwnyi on hrtnd I large “nurt ment ol' SPECTACLES, and Spec tnvlejllauer; and haying: muchm experience in adapting them to the sight, is prepared to fit all who nee‘d them. HAIR JEWELRY made to order in the belt at} In. and it great vanety of patter-m on hand. JEWELIIYrt-pdiretl in the neutent inhuner , A: »~ JUSEFIH urn/AN. Gettysb-zrg, Dec. 23; “61. (f 1 . 1 . . _ _ k‘w_ _ V ,» Dtvorce NOtIQB. N THE ('fil'RT (l? PUSH"? PLEA.“ 01‘ I 1 ADAMS CU.‘, NO. 7, .V'llV. ER“. ”Ill.— Wlwreaw. Lvnu .\.“ Bnowv, by her nextfheud ‘.l. 11. Wat/rm. did file her l’e‘itlin for lltvorl'v. a Hinruln malrimomialgainst Jun; “arm‘s, upon which a Sufihmun. was,mvurded,lte=ltld 10!: the ‘1 19th any of April, A. D., 1881. 1 And whernn‘ «01’0“th nn uhas Suphmnn, issued in saidlcase, returna -10rgani-1M“ the lflvh dny of Nov. A. Di, lsnl, Now (.0" {you the said James Brdwn, are hotificq to be par ', 'luntlnppenrin your probe?p0ffl0ll1in:!fllll‘('0‘ll'l.1 «taming . on 'ltv: '.‘t‘l‘lh day ofJanuary next.‘tn nnnrur the mutant Petition of your wife, the mill Lydiinnn fhy the Brown, by her next friend, J. M. Walter. andtn l lb shew Ctlll‘ie, ifauy rOl have. w V lthe ehuuld (er 0 ‘ not be «lit-erred from {llO bonds fmatrimuny. 19le andl , SA lll'EL won, swam, i hnnrlgi ' And now, .\‘or't 20, 1861, on mlltion. in oan WA? in.LCOUI"' llrsnr A. l’tr’xlxa. Ennis uphblmml (‘nmmiuioner ta take testimony 0n the p.trt. Inf petitioner, filtren dhyq notioh of time and 1 plnre to he given by phhlicntloi in one news 'P"‘“‘n" paper published in the borotigh Aflletty’rhnrg. I ry! {[l 1 ‘ Br h": Fot'ur. e shiver. To Jules l’lnowx’: Yqu are hereby notified that the depoaitions ol' 'wltnéises Mill be taken, to come umler the uhm‘e thle,lnt the house‘ of J.-l‘.. ~ flimss, in llttttterstoxvln, Strnhtln towhship, ' Adam-I county, on Frfi’it”, the Mill bt‘JJhyr try , ch_ t'nrf ney‘hetwcvn the hour: of 10 :Icldck, A. _.\l.. .ptrnl‘y un‘ 61’. 31,. ol‘-sum dag. 1” ke the 1 HENRY .\1 l’lpKlXG, hmmisair itr. 'l's «011- De". I'3, 1861. 5,3“ l ‘ i 1 Sunny , . ' 'l“‘> ‘ ‘ I" . in. h, :Jury List-January Term. uh~mu-' 1 "mful‘n'n' .‘ ‘ ’ 1 “no“: Tyrone-Jamesx. Pitteuxturr,(loteninn,l .\lah ‘ 1 [in llnfi'enencrgcr. 1 t ’ , 1 _ {Germ-my—Wm 53mm”: 1 it nee ll . Latimore—-Dzivid l’. Lerner. “’m.lF, Handler: W. n 3 ltuller~§xmmel llomle lull. Bur hurt Men. 'ttf‘ml'E‘ llnhtilton—chrge’Slvdnr. A.\\'. 'turtn. 1 ' 1'1)":th lleru‘irh tp.—)l--eob Klan. ‘ 1 , 1‘ ‘I '7’"- Der“ it‘k‘l)nt——Ell“’:‘l‘d j\l‘i-tx(-linfl.2 Sr[. 3 IyStrnb~iu—John F.,1-‘eltg, Isaac F 5 Brinkefhull‘. t It Gettrailing—Zachari-hl.\lyer:.Al(lx.l'.lhlurhur , n’. Huntington—James lhtlris, Eli Gilchenoml: 1“!” 01 Alomitjuy;.lncoh Let‘el'pr. 1 , "‘0“: ll.iller:)’-—|)nvid Murtitl.l IPM)tv‘xr.\l:ti——.\t\\ltiut‘\‘ Strnshmtgh. '.\lountp ens mt—anrplt prtnaler. ‘ ‘Fimiklitl—‘lnmer lluisell, George llnywullt "-L'nion—vJohn Diehl. ‘ j . _ 10 Ohm ' newnfi. n'rn'. ' I]] at. 1:“ tßeading—oiliehnel H}¢tls,.ln_mes[lit-kqfiultlnlw 1: . Ill". 1 ‘ 1 . m. the IMnll'itulnntant—Georgd W. llngnnnhn, lllnitl l 3_"““ .‘ ('. Smith, 1 I i Icy Ar- “latit‘ltun—juco: tinker. ‘ ‘ 1 A ~' .ititnure— aro 'aw- t. . ‘, 1M'1”.l 15.rnh-tn~'l'heo-lore Tijughinhaufih, '.‘lusell (‘. ‘0 "Mt flewner. x 1 ‘.l :It I'i‘J‘Sletmllrn—Amos Srhloéser,l-‘mnclli'blo,.\brt v, hunt llufl‘m all. - 1 *E‘ _ ‘}llnii:tiugtun—.l;iv-oh Hartman. ‘ 1 i 1 ‘l(let‘y-hur;—(letirgr l._ttle. ‘ 1 L MARRIED. 31 :‘Ullllitl—Jultll Smhglem'Juhn Il.‘ Folly. J2II-01. 0n the ”fit inst., nt‘the ltherttn P 1 swe 1 U '“3‘”"“‘“"~ 1 . ~ : .\rt-nutwille. by 11e\'.,.1, K Miller 31,11rm-‘fifi ulailllllMl‘JlEl—‘Pt‘lcl' S 1 Ollt‘l‘, Jen-inilth ‘Htl-m, .\l. tram”: to Miss (‘tll-‘ZEl’.l..\ Hl'tionl). , .1 wit-l Sur‘lrr- ' ~ 1 “ YEAR. both of lim-henherg Springs. 11 ' u"“’“,“““"“'”““ld K‘lh‘l- 1., 1 ‘ ()n the l‘flth lug” lny Her. .\I. lluslmhtn'. :\lr. 1‘11"““‘]".V“J;";““'l‘dlllfin‘r":Sl‘l‘” ‘l“‘4’9rl‘w‘ ('HRVHH TS-I’J l) to .\lias SAIL _ .\n; ‘nno\vu;:n‘ 2« war 11;: p, , lllllll'tgll. "n of Adams ('euntv. ‘1“ J\ ‘ It'itmh-rlntnl—lll-nrr \lyq-rt. John F. (‘urrell~‘. ,m. the 5m imm in; nut-. 1. 1:;1t1ok. )tr.'”"m~nb~‘=°°"ti'"S’Wtrsi'H--\ugu-WWe 4‘. n um.“ tr. 'srmnt'n to in . Lilwrtv—"onry >- witnnn- » i t ‘ HSSH‘K. lmth of Adnma linuntv. £3 ll.l\\\ $ll 1“"1"""-—E"| t‘nuel F 1539“. ‘ ' ‘ 1 l ' Near l)ill~hur’r. on 'nu- Sth aim. 1.11%“ .\. 9 “X’fM'~l--\lv.\‘i"“ -‘""Sl'"”vJ"“°" ”M 1“ 5 1 Finel‘ruvk. 31f, ABRAHAM Tm 51'”; of llun- l-‘ru‘ednm—Juhn linker,[Jt-"st: l’. Topper. ‘ 1 tington tnwihllip.~ A‘dans céhmtvjiluv .\liss ”'JFWin hon—(ivorge filléuhi'V-ifl- “ 1 (‘.chlilNE i:.\|:.\'t:s:r, or human “trump, “"s““;tip‘ftihiOlOMH liuchtul- ‘ 1 York connfv' . ' l 1 cc. ,‘ t; . » a . ‘~ ~‘l t , l ()n the l2th ult.,‘.ah\' the Rev. J: " .\l‘llt-r.. . t. . 1 Mr. .\‘U.\ll manittrfint sl“th minnnh. to" New G°°ds a 1: Arendtsvxlle.l \h;~ MATILDA LAWYER, of F ankltu tun'n- Vijllli Itnth-rdigm-d lutve juat rl‘turumt tr.lnn rlllll. Il‘ 1 , the (‘t'ieu “ith n_l-plcmllil fturk nf‘figfl‘, 0n the 15th inst. 1n- the Rm, P. H'kpurpr_ "(l-mils, such as is rnrdly found In it rotiutry \lr. .\ll.\\l lllt,\l~'\lll.\RT to «ill-S hiiUlll‘ll. ‘st‘nn'. emhmeing (‘LU'HIISn ('.iui-nerea. ‘ltlilwl “.\Hl. lmlh nl .\dnnu mitinty. 11 .nolfi. \'oqtfugs: LAI'HEi,Y SILKS. lluhurgé. hl - the tut}; inn" hr [he'l‘l'h-v. Japan 139,.m”. iIfiH‘J'JS, til-lineal. header. l'rilnts. (Ilihfll'n'uhlm .\lr \'11.1.1.\.l FLIUKIVHEI a .\‘a _ ' j- . "Him. (zlltlH‘ 4: v'uy-nmre t‘ .l " r. l. m 31‘ St‘llWAllTZ, bun. “1:14.”.‘1‘; .1 3.11:? "ll.\§l*s. mes, “001319114 snows; ”“1“- U” the 131)) '"Ml" by Illt‘ qqmv. \ fJEuE_ll\\'.\Ri‘l, Que-cuiu’flrt‘, (GIUH'HRIBS: DRF‘ 7". mm twtnztulfuu to .\{i's it.\ni'l.\lt|.t.tzt:. :‘mtun. “ilwinshml s cha gem”! ”-1.121“ .Lutl: of.\t!:tnl.=t-hnntv. l - :cnll‘tmt {.\ll tu xiv» ge eral s’ulid‘:wtion—-:t,tul _1 . 3" “1 11wh’1t‘lt they mll‘sell forl‘Ah'll. ornt gilt} filth; ” h 7.- '~- , “to .prompt p-n‘ers. (‘JII in nud are for 301 - . - ,_D:Ep' , l i, seltmé—nu trouhle m sliow (londi. 1‘ 1 \'tutnrolnr. i‘: this, place, )L\RYl(‘.\'l'l!.\- ' Alshfiéustu‘n‘tlyonhimdPOSTSnn‘lßMllLS. RlSE.ynungrsldnnghter nf Juruh and h}. 1?.1 ‘ - UInLV‘K k SI'ANHH'IIQ 1 llennt-r. t‘grth yearn” ll month-*1 fl"d"-L(ifl\“‘.§ , I ' Arendtdvlllc, Adume co., Fun. 1 n lnil-‘rnlliklin 'nwnshih). on the MINI inttJlim ‘ on 22. 1861. m g . U 1 -_.\.\_\‘.\ I MAKE. a. 2.") ' hrs 3 lnbhths and ' ‘ ' ‘ “" ’1'“: _‘AV‘ ',_"3 ‘ may... _ . 3‘51 ’e 11 ,' . Another :Vtctory‘! ,g . Oritheflhinut..nl‘llrllamptnn. Adhps roun- '5 .\R\ll‘llb§, take mitice tjmt H, G. CA1“! ty. S.\.l’..\ll.twit‘e uf Hr. Ephrtim llu ’lu'xlmged Fhm the agency fornhe sale of SUHIHSEII ‘.‘l 28 _renrs 10moutlH and 18 days. 1, l l\ll"l!l)\'lil) P'.\V.\'lN(l MILLS. whit-h )txh't ()n the Bth ivt§t.. lat the rezitlenpzn of his italqentireuty-tltree Fix-sit l’relfi'utnhthrnlrghfilt mother,in Menallen townshipmt‘tvphitid fererr- the‘ State of Pennsylvania. an thl; l’int I'll-et t- LUl'lS 11.. non cf Jeane Cpok. derqued, and inni .utthe'Stnte Flifolnlinnii. And al‘fo 1h" ‘ A. I) ... I 5 ou| 1 1, @I I 355 ‘2O I 7.3 .' . ..-. 45 \ Q'AH‘ wlnte free-men mpnbleo 75 ing the in~tiiution§ of this coir 9: not )et us acknnwhflge ourQéNas‘ l 4.u . ' 75 of slm‘vn', by Implfltmg the nPgroc oo ‘to ourassiqance. ’V: ' _z 22 . a» » 00' fl'W'e we no poxsilplo gqnd w result I‘l om «mm-ting (he 'lsz against. privnteorfl. It will nnh' 0': “nr more sanguimuy. Thepriut 1:“ stimte the war marina of— Um rub 62. nnrl. M m- trout their cnpturmlL 5,, primmys nf war'we do not nov‘mwl ‘,:" tin] rmmu fur {rt-Min: theircuplyre( 4‘ EU ‘olllern'iue.-—lbsrml I’M/d. , , ‘ In 4 In 3 In 8 h 4 [O4B N l -1 7.". ‘ . ".‘"“ 6 25 WA ’vnnn': lmlv of Culi’nrninht ‘ brokv In-r nN‘k while I‘O‘islillfl 31195 I ' ofnyuung mm to kiss IN-r. Thi~ I! ' a frurfu’l warning to young-5 laxlie+ ‘ "FUR- I'o.v/. ‘ 4 Y \ ”LI" » —-_——~’~.»-—l w} thinks“ W 1! is utmpd that hx Prv‘lixl eh: will chnnnn INN vnmplotwl the first w‘l lonurrl his Duals in «From-(- bf Ini~ ndministk I surfnce - I v . w . EE9 J! )i lh (I 1 rh - . . u y. i ' I { ‘ m..-3n: In), l-UR nu». 110 mm» ~24 “H ‘m' winhing to treat théir frivmli 10M dry and . .. . ,m,,,,__ ”ulldfl)‘(vlfl4. or ghuhlvn llu- In} cia_l'n~ with Chri~lmns Prom-nth". hhflllLl ~ !‘"*.'}”° H. .\[nmmn's. m l'unlrimure street ‘ > to rcr- , . {forum lhnmmuf. \\e hzwe novorgecn Ru ‘ ; by our [Union of Tl:_\'>. ('nnfl-clions and F. l I A ‘ / ‘fil'k‘s prowntiul to tllephhliv.n<)[ J: {11:24:}; 'nmv nn hand. 'l‘n-m'her: wi‘hing . om the tlmir Pupils will he zxccommo'lntex . 111-sh M: (lured prices. \ I [- .lmircd _ , . ‘ n-‘k «'Oiu llh .Iml "I“: are l . hu so‘n‘pncovz 1i faxed perfffl rixlm-m -r1 vir-v' fipecting. Kink _vet‘; nm'nkinga ,I‘l‘s‘flni (home Notice Something New. 01in S‘Pnp. .‘r' ‘ C \ ___—~— 77 Wind-or Scum ;’‘' 1 ‘ l ILLINERS and other; will‘find a good M- L - : Honoyfimp, ad], -‘ ' ”Hunt of Ribbon, Flowurl, Piudu, 4nd I fa" “sol-men! of PERFUMIRY'. 5 ‘ 5 uchn, tn, I: the cheap store of: , «‘ age. 15,1861. 4: . a '. “ I i L soon a son. Shetirs tlate, N put-mann- of (unit 0! Vendifinn'v Xx. I palm, issued ulfl'oflbe Courlofl‘nmmon Vic“! of Adam." canny. and to me directed, will he uposnl to Public Salmon thr prcmi-e'. ml ll'aJnlm/uy. Ila lv! Iby anunurln/ anti. ”Ban M 1 o‘clock. P. M.,‘lhe fulluw'lug deaéfibcd ltrnl Bmuc. viz: v TWu L'u'ra‘ 0F (morxn situate man burg. (Y. 3..) Adam-I county. Pa" {turning on thut’nriide :ulil ”mover Turnpike and bgnmd td by nliqs an 11-r North Suuth‘ hm! \Vcwv' M which ure erected a Two-um‘y ‘“ Frame \\ cathL-rhnurded Diemun ‘ :54. _ HULM‘LR nnexmry xmd uric "an ff; Ea . Hulltlmg all uth with m-llnr nn- ",_.. ; «in the hnvk building. [my Roughcast ('nr pentcr Shop. frame u'mtlu-r-hz)urs€m] quhlc. we“ of Water nmr the duor m thpdwrlllng; nlw cinnix-e Fruit-"H" on said tartan-1 :1“ other nl.-crumrv Ou'i-i-ulldinga 'Sxi7ul and Inkc-n in execution us the properly 9! “'lLuu V‘ucx. SHIN-TI. WOLF, S'lrrrifl' Shorifl": office, Gerry-burg. Mgr. 18,3”. ”'1'?“ per rent. of the put‘chuc moncr upon all files by the Shorifl’musl be paid over immediately aner [ha proprrty ic‘qlrurk down. or upm‘finlnre to ramp!) then-will: the proper ty win he again put tip for sale. - Notice. “ ART .u'x' sxvrmws Esr.\_TE..—Lemrs I‘l lcs'amcnlur) .on the “Burger Mary Ann Snyder, hue of figmlmn lcyxrnrhip. .\dums mum): flex 2.ler lmfing been granted Lu 11m undersigned. rmriflin': in the m 19 mmushir, he hv-rohy, gin-s notice up all Inc-40": Emit-Mm] to said estnté In mnka immedil-tc p.lymcyt, and those harifigvlnim: "gains! the sn‘ne f 0 present them properly Mun-minder! fur b‘vz-nlr-‘mcnt. rnmmmcx sxfimm, fi't’r. « Nov. 16,1861. fit‘ ’ g - The Spot! 3 q \\ISOV ii =till in NI-w \'uxk. making pur- L’ rlm-cs lu keep full and inureuu- lhl: sun-k 01' his ('lnlhlug nntl \'nncly atom, on ”In .\.lll‘lhE-l." (crnvr of Hm ‘Dinmonv , Gettysburg, whr-rc szlloe an made at :uzmlishlngly lmy prion-a. Buying for mph, he can sell low for “eh—low” than m‘rr nn‘l no "final“. (3.131 in n! the Store, and ADA! Bonn-Pun will wait on you will: the gin-Just of plan-mm, showiu you Clothlng, Bouls,.Sllu¢s, mm, of ever} ms nnd price. ~ ‘ [Ulla 2,1861. . Basket Making. OWN ELIMWER y‘uulnl Inn-=4 rmpcr'tfill‘lyl OI inform the public that he has wmuu-m-ml:l NIP BASKET “.\K'NG hnsinesx, in Suulh: Hullimme «reef, Gull) «hurjzntwd dunn .\‘un'r of ”tuner I; Zirgler': Store; w}: 'n- he" has an Imm! nlarlou:mrlmunt qumkulz—‘mfluding' limb-u- fur mviglu, \\‘n'ah Ilzls 0“. “when Puhkl-N. kl,, kc. Ho invites uu- C III: uf fin pn'JEc and fil‘u'Hi’N‘s‘ to furniih LJIL‘ [he Izod/01’ wJI-k. . I'l‘ilm4 mmh-rxtc, to .suiltixc limt-s.‘ Sm. 25.4 w. 3W . Cannons: Adair-’8 VIEW MARBLE WORKS, ('Or‘u-r of Halli i mnrelnnd l-Znul .\h‘al-lle street".ulirectly op pmiu- thr nL-w (‘o‘url “misc, (ih-(Lu-hurfir-j “Ming rm‘emly :Irriu-d from l’hi‘mlrlphiu.nml I‘ogfiug fully competent to min-Ill'p all Mufk in th’l- fim-rt «311- of flu: art, u :- wuui‘hl rwutflfid l'\ imitc the ant-min" m‘thu .mlrlfic Maui"! to prnl'llrc xluything in ourjimn 10 “var IN with :t on" :m'd («amine «prrmfom (if m” \\VU‘HL \\‘c :In- prepare” In furnish .\llL\'h"Hft\'T>‘.lT‘)MHS Aw: mu Ds'mx HS. “mam-t M \.STLHS. SLAM“ fnr (‘nhhwt-nuh-rs, .'l‘n‘l 2111 min-r wurk :qupn-rtniuin‘g m uur huaiuanul ”'l9 10mm! posi ‘ihh' print-K, “'0 tin n'm hwimlcho gunmntet‘ llm‘t uur \\.lrk sh I" M put "Hill 91‘ mnmwr suh dunfin’ 3114' t.l~!r'flll mph") ‘l‘? ’11)}1‘ In“! to in“ Lyon in ”1:9 (‘ilil‘<. \\ hort- «WE-n" imprnu-invnt “hit h («pt-"ricnu- ILL»: Huggt-sh-‘l S .uailt‘ol of, nml bin-vial” uld \\ c g 'zuunh‘f ll.|luur(\-;xm u-r) :rnd Urgu'c Y lrl‘ work 9qu" b - ~o' l‘fltchfl’y 31-1 n: “U! [u Noam-01ml In} frufl.h{lt ~lul'nnu‘m luin fur ‘3l-: r< that «rm-Inc» lol’ Hudfion gin-fl :-l the rum lcrinn of“ job and ml m-r'ca My (0 cuntinm-d gi‘r-u-cl'xflums and >3 InmL-lry. SUV. ‘l3,}:‘3UJ l!‘ I I= Prof. D 3 Gm’lfi’s ‘ , RIGIX U. I-Il,"l‘-Tl I“ (’[LE' TM: arm-[- 0 (Kt dig-nun i~’uu \' rrml'm .u g'cngwnl <.-li- l nun-Ii: t .e .\XL'Jir I] Rum]! I‘~'ul' _I-lurupg uni 'hi~ mpl‘mrv. ll \ ill cuir‘c he {aligning [not cwr'uiningz) P 1 i u .\|:lr.\xl'r.n To; _ n-l .\glw in «no ‘18]: :i 1n fiw mil'ute}: ‘ in mu- night: 3 u --‘ in Nu. in four :5" : . {mu} .4- :11-H in ton uinp' 3 ~, \\' ' ‘ m..] 87‘ ' Kg, ’irlriße'ry i. math-n in one :1 n‘l V F » .vin. (‘rvulg T9oll¥m~ e. Lint-mach: nun-i: 1 ‘lmgv, Scyul‘Mn. [.Mpfccu, in ’cn \, ‘ 1 IL Wound-x Teflon} in‘onc (a three 1 ' " it}. Siifl' .\‘t-J-k. Mint. it! mw‘dny; r. mum-n Brush {'nll llildmu, in hu§ Il:|_“§: v , A _ . I’.\ piluliun. l‘leLllri 3‘. im on to . nundfib'l‘l ‘ee -l:|_\s: ‘ 3'3: x . ‘ . Ll, I' My. Gont‘ Hh’sfiwhls‘g in five mt; slum: 1! S . ; nl Feet. “hilhlkdi‘lf. 1 Slifl‘flqinyn u- HlwumMism.‘-“Qi‘ehlnruil.Sc Ir— wet. and fine Lunt‘: nfiude :50 walk. out ‘ (rules. I g ‘I I Do (:rnlh'p} is: trim {lnd p.oniynv. L-nt Family )ln-Aluiuelfur ulnldlcn " “’ " .i . é " ‘ ‘ -~ "'rT'“ “ , . ,i; I 1-a t‘ L . 4 , _ K- ‘ Vfluxfimi gand Amment far 1882. 3, p: _~ ig'tiifllfi Ba “limit? . . X pursuance of an Act of .\ssr'mhty pauod tho fith day ofJniy, 1842, the following Suic— fin; “I,ng my: 8E ’ _ I mom is hereby publinhrd by Ihe‘l'ammihioncfi ni‘ ldnml coun'y, which exlfibits the A ‘ ".‘” iIHU'HTiI ‘ amount, descriptinu and nim- nf the iii-. 11 ‘uml Personal Property. Tum-J, ()vctlpulunl and I , HuliF MOUTH“ me'cnlions,mndeunble by the leveflil Art't of .\su’hxhly of this‘CommunwnMih; A ' ' ' «€me 1:: .fimsmsno nun-2mm ms. ' ' a i , ~ xuulxu sold noun: 5 ,And the heat Apecilo now in me lol’ on' =- ,w¢d cbndniou emu: ninth. in ‘u partied.“ ‘2 :le beneficial to pcflons wining , {li ; ARTIFH‘LU. TEETH. ; romyvlnti-[r donroylng i-rr-ry taint pflha mouth, I,“ absorbingfind removing all impurities, imurin‘ _i a _ 1 lat swam 15mm: i . 5 M' H who mnu- uu- oi'jt. Noh’ouu Land: at ‘ _‘ Xuilng Uflntlemeu who is “flirted Wlth 11 ~.‘ . nu) BREATH - , ,thoghl delay nppfiing thiu' term-rig, for It I! n 4 icrrlgtin cure, nut is uppruxed nndgccomméud : 7 int hy eicryrphyaibian' and" whose notice it" 3 9 in; ibou brwght. ’ 1 ,2 I i .. Aum nnm'rn i 15 is nfi nth-me for which then-j: no emm will. ~ - ;‘ mt. w.“ n. nuno's mun \usn. 5 3 can i” prorllu‘d. 1 " ‘5 ‘ ‘ a. ‘ Miny poi-(nun can; with them ti barl‘hrnm 2 Emily to (tan Innoynnce mil oilon to the dis f l nsth-t‘ those with whom they mine in contact, 3 Mthbm 'heimz count-ion: ol'-the. hut. I'6 ré-‘n “Mn-{yourself from nil loan “s;:thng Huh, twin \\‘Mo 1;. lll'ED'S .\lpi'Tu WASH. ‘ «'l9. um of fliennmrh-‘i‘q of gliein impor iqnce‘ t 6 the genunl health. which it: ohm uf- ‘ {cote—ti. and [in unfeqnently Iqrriouly impala til, I irongh"nnni of prnpbr attuizitrn to an. ‘ #lij’Cl. \ ' p 5' . iVHRiDR. “"1. B. liL'RD‘S‘ "OPT" WASH-a _ ». ~i'l'i‘lml't‘tl Ht "I'. "ni‘il‘s Dental Olfiw, .\‘o. 17 .1151 Fourth Stu-rt, Brooklyn, E. l). ,_ ii 'i Price, 37 Centrper Bottle. I , . | l .\ lihoral :lismunt mmlc lp denier»: “Aggro” Principal ,Offlce. Tfibuno ,‘ i i , “dings; lo; '1 Bprhee:Bt;, .Y. ‘i .‘tnhi nlso.h_v Cum-11. In‘]: t Cm. Filth 7M! {\w-niue llatrl: J. .S' l. (,‘odilinmnnuilb Broad: ‘ “" ‘ i" ' "‘""'“"‘ Wayil). S. Bzirnu, 20:} Broadway} Ind h a! Valuable, Rea} Estate ‘ . ”mam; ‘ - y ‘ 1‘ mint-Ti: sump—so. 1: nnmxu ' ' n , ‘ ,7 - v, ‘~~- 3" A xii)L'Nl‘._——’l‘lii«.iii‘nuti‘l|land wry dvs‘irn- ‘ , i PR9“ ”- “ HERD“ _ J . hh- mnniry sent, ndjuininp‘ the B‘urhugh of“ iTO O T H POWDEB, V' . -. Netti-tiny. on the road lenilmg‘to l‘nll'fiL-ld, i! ii: Tm, inder ”95“.,“ the , -|l‘= unw n,rred nt pl‘lvflt!‘ Hnln. ‘ ICAIWHLVH' "vnnUvT THE ~lNJl'lliUlfs 'le‘l“:lrlll cont-ins [24 .\l‘lll'fimi‘oro or “leaf 5 , I'RUi’ERTIES 0F UHARCOAL,‘ 3 -,~ In In ilm-rei oi which Mi- i’n iimhcr. nnd ahnnt ind -. fr--v from all \r'irh or .\llmllis mm QII ’ 30 :16va ul' Incmlpw bottom; there are two lnthh 1M“ ininrr’ the 'i‘vr‘th. . - voilng'Apple null l'l-uch (lrch‘lril‘ nn tht‘lirum- 1 Irq‘Jf‘Tllfl m 1“: “"1"." “T",‘Jwfl'bfl “(agile Lind itiltllf‘rt‘ll granite 4(11ll.ill.‘('rplivlllfi rn'uxiiim wrrn‘nl r Wmmva nut “in“; - 01' .I hiL/h n! no u cnllimltihii: inlc nvt~ we ! ' , ' ‘ ~ H . . '1 . -. uponi ll Anni ('fl-l :ll\\".l\! be in“! ill the liuilrd ml is r 11”: \: All”: lull 111?] ss2o,l‘trilgliii‘ugfin . ilv-pntfnhichjsin sight, :I'. 121 ccuulicrlmshcl. : l'ri-Krilriliilwt lirlylinr'i": Driiiinl Juice l‘i'o 77" 'l‘heinqpmi‘cmvntfi nrrn'i‘wo-stury l' {Q: ‘t li. M" l" DI ‘ ,1. ._ {\ Wi- itlmrhokrtlmi “UL-SE. with uurln “ "'0 ‘ rOO 3'“ " ‘ ‘, ‘ Mm- nick minding. fluke-bun. x . Price. 25 Cents per, Box. g Shmkr-hniixc‘ n l :rge "Mll‘ Burn. 3‘ A ii‘hornl discount nde m dealers. it ' im. him. (.‘drn Prih, M: together with A”! lAddress Principal omce, Tribune not-mam; nut-buil‘linn, in complete orderg’ ‘ Buildings, NO. 18pm” 3t" NJY» ‘ rhv-rr is .1 pnmpnt the tlUUFflllil :i'nowrfniling“ 1 Sold also bv ””0”, .\lnck & h)”; Fink ‘ ifprlng of With-t (‘lndt in. \tillnhys ltnn Afimir "010151.55 L (‘nvidiugtnm 715 krona-'l. hounds(hem-stenrihfthohnrm. ”“3” ”ml?" hail-1) S Harms 202 Broadway iind lb] a! : ty will he shpwn hp Mr. Jol‘ n Hurting, living Drn .rrii'ts ' ’ ’ ’ ‘ on the promises, army the SulJ-‘l'l‘ill'er'in UHJ 1 “Eu; - tyahurz. . i' ' j ; xO. : CHIBERLAVD F.\nn._.frhix Farm‘ 5 it "no; handmmo nmi t'crg' dreiruble property,l siixmtefi on the TnnL-ytown roiul, four miles from " Gettysburg. rnntqimng 1:28; .\PIIES, Inprc or less. “in“! 1H) iii-pic: are in tinlht-r nnd ‘.h': to - 30 tings in nicnrlow.‘ This land is nlso of the red gr. vui snil kiml l t-lr'nr oi'fs'lmiec, énslly cnl tifzitmfi prn-hiveq “will. and i! Nimble ni‘ lining] highiyiiniprmcvl. All it wants to finite it one of the ‘..! Farm: in 'lhe neighhorhoudis a good: turmerinni! fi'iittlo iimo. \\‘liit‘ll' mm nlwaig be.- h.id eiihc'r nt (‘.ottyéhuri! or iii. Littll-Hnwny nt“ 12! rents per hmhc]. Thert: is n y "111;.’ .\ppie :Im‘l P avh “Nimrd ‘nml (“'0 springs of water“ near lii hooah and ii alt—rant if 'l'Jil‘l' {iroqucgj tho 501 th rn-l ni‘thc fnrm mm the bu‘flfiinga—J The ini‘prm‘clncnts nrr n one‘innd n. , m . I iiiilfstorysuywlionnthkeJm‘cn, In'-161 ' . i .\‘nmkl-diouscm inrgé ltunhiq‘ urn, 1.2:? W' a with Wugnn Slit-'lsl (‘urn il‘ij“:.;\“’~_.. ‘ ling t’c-i, and all; nol'L~.s‘~:l~y viii-lJuiiiliilz~,! churri . mill and Ft'lioul-lmlliko nil ('lmr by, in n heal l_\’ and picn=nint noighimrhoml rind gnnd smicti‘. Tllli‘ properly \\iil§h&_ shown by \ir. \\'n|. iii-rhux’cr, li\ii‘pg upon it, or by Mr. John | lilM'l'K Adjoining. Terms 0“le | No. 8: .\ VA l.l'.lllLE. .\l’ LL PROPERTY” 'cunmifiing 33 .\QR'E‘SOF l;u|il.9 to 10 0! \\'l|ll'll are in yiinher. situntq one—half oi a mile S. W.‘ i'riiu: Link-flown, thri tn’rniinds of thr. llnilroad. 5, Thv illiprou-pu-nls me n Two—story A i Frnlm: .\HIJ. ll(ll'$l‘7, with Sheds. .: - . having; nil the nncd~.~nry uni-hint-ry 3"” ’ tnr .\i rrhnut “orig: A lnrlw Two- " " Mary, .06 IIOIYSI-T’Jvith angmont, Stnhlch kr. ii: is a very dgiirnhle properly and willi he an] all noconnnoflwting ierma .\lr. Thu-Li Billiilei li\fng on the premisus. will show it.— (‘.illmid see it. i Lino. ARNOLD.’ .* " (ictiyabnrg, Oct. HJMLi 3m , l i To Disabled Sbldiors,‘ . qEANEX .\XD .\lAlllXEéi. AND ll ”Hill’s, ‘ OR OTHER. 'lll-IlllS (ll: Tlth‘l'HWllU ll \\"li Dli-ll) UR BEEN Kll‘lJED lXI‘Tlll". SHR-\ \'ICI‘LH—CHAS. ('. Tunxmi. Attorney for (‘lnitii-I ants. Bunnt) Land and Pension .\gtnt‘ \\‘ash-, ‘ingmii‘City. l'). (In-Pensions‘procured for So!“ Iliers. Euunen and Marines o: the present war. who a. 0 disabled hy imhun of wounds reu‘n‘cd: ..r disd’use contracted while i lon’icumd Pen-i eimis.,i:ounty Money and A rears of Pay oh- 2 mfuwd for widowd or other I in 63' those whp‘ Imu- iécdor been killed WM 9: in Bt-nico. ’- I lion [7 Land procured fur b’ervii'fla in nix-v of the or. ex nursu L'ilAS.]Q. TUCKER, . 1 . ’ ' \\Mahington, D. G. I - J. 4", 525”. .\gentt (icuydburg. ' Not} in, 1361. i i ‘‘ I A ‘ i -‘ ‘ ““"""“‘ '“ i ,‘ I A. Scogt & Son, , g :‘ E'UJ-IKLS in Foreign and Domestic Dry t ’.D {‘Dudé. Fancy .\rtn lea. (Incrnsu are. lira-i ,n-<-ries,l&c.. .V'. W. (,‘nrnvr oftjhgumbershurg and g ‘\\':uhigigatun six-vets. We have jun: received, our S og-k "film-is; united to the FALL AND‘ M'INTkKSA LIL“. m which «'9 irn ite’thv :llli‘n tion of hnven ofprt-tty. good and cht-np Guodi. For th Liniim. Ire han- I. imml usnmm-nl nf Dill-Li? GUUIDI, SHAWLS, TIIHHIINGS. he. Our ori; nf ('lutliq, Canimrro-u,‘ L‘nuinélts. ‘.iMns; ML, fur \lun nml Buys, is lnrgq, goml. ,umlxlil-np. . Q ’ mt‘omo one, coino all, and unmino for imn'u‘lvu. A; SCOTT &,_SU\'. ,l «m. 14,1361. 3 a . “woman: A\ o ,t anxsnn-d (it-lgnhur'g, (‘ulM)crl.llA'd. a Herm.m_r,....... Uxfurd,......‘.... Hunmnpwu, Luth1)0re,....... Humillonlmn,.. Lit;ert3;.......... Hamilton) ...... .\1cn:d1en‘,....... Sir-bun,........ Pr.nnk1iu,........ (‘.(n10w:ufi0....2.. T_\ rune, .\lunntjué, .\hmulplcaan! Rondmg," ”('l’Wil‘k, ........ 81-rwirk Mr... l-‘reed0nu,........ l‘nioh, Butler, ........... 'total; \lteét—.T. \I. Warm, C‘rrk. . f Dyumbor *6. INH. 4!. ; " ‘ zPublic' Sale. _' x . . £ .\' ‘Sqflflfdfih IM- 28/]! (ff ”11-nub!) Quin the 0 ‘undcr‘igm-d"Euwulnrfi hf \\‘ Uhmym,‘ Jercucd. will 0591‘ “I l'uMic Sula, y fiutlnoriL t_\ given in {he hug w'l'l :u\-_l teaLmu ui of mid“ den-Mm, on “If premises ”I? MW“ ug v.. 1-" unhle Ih-al I'r‘ipmu' n/i . 1 THAT DESIIHIHJ-Z 14mm, nr 1' gmuqfl lmvu, Adams couut‘y, left by said 1 -('q:|-(~rl,——: TIM! Trucl Irunls out on the Tur {flux nual, mnfains 6 .\rru, muré on less. dim-3h jun; 0;. LnH—Limpm'no Hut-l, in A high 8?. :0 pf l ul lhmiun. The imprnronwntu nn- : ‘ud ‘ u 'l‘kro-any Brit-k ”HUSH. with “531‘ ‘c Burk-”huurling. 5 gm“! Barn, ('nm 3553 fig" (‘rflh (‘nrrifige Home and (imnn- - ..‘g': gr rfos. "0;; ‘Pcn and “on "own. “akQH-mw. ‘wilh n hm'cr-hilinz we” of the bcsx'w tOr. , WM. \\ in he "(Fen-d in yum nudgéher, tn" suit purbhzlsqx. If not sold, it \\ill Lt-gilcun-di ulx,snxdrdn_'\'. ‘ ‘ , ' H Wink to cnmmon‘ce all n'rluck. I’. )1.,’ on nix! day. when attendance willflm 'giu-uf‘ and [thins nude known hv . ‘ LEVI HOLDEN. ‘ JACOB ALTIEH‘F. Exovutnrs of Wm. Golden, dccuspd Dec. 9, 1861. Is ‘ -‘ f 1‘1” _ _ l 'rnt‘. Lm’vs FRIEND. ip - ' V _n Godey’g Lady’s Bo 1g ' t . _ on wt; 4mm WtLJILD‘S FAHWITR—J‘ * For 33 Yer": Ich'nm‘lnrd ,ll.:quzh_t(.‘-ll‘ro nuunced by the Press of thc‘ ['uitudab'tau‘s.“ Tllßlll-ZST ‘A {1 La 3': )lnguzineinthc world.und|h r enrpcsnfi ThE‘JJQx-ntnre ii at that kind Hut: 6. n :p‘regd-t 1310 d in the fun’g‘lly circle, nnd the do. u iI ilh-t mrnse numhcrsgurc' snhscrih -r« fur I’ll -' Backfj l t'l'lll‘l‘lil‘ZS'l‘ LADY WRITERS inlfimoricafii ,conkikun to its pnfiésuxmd we have some that) , w_r'ue (qr an (altar tnnguzino. ' . ‘ _‘ , TIIHMESN‘ is gull original. and “mum con 23 contdflht- pfice of the Hook) iu,t.’h¢'mu-i IMum : but lilo“ ol‘it. is cup) rightul. and can gnot ho‘ohtwine-l cvat iu “(Huh-3’5"; i ' ‘ 5 ' Ul'li TERI. HZ“;R.\\'l.\'t:.\.'.'—.\ll.‘emyr:at4 :riml us :1: Illié have rcd‘l‘ll. mu] we now stunt nlqne 'nr this dopam‘rtmrut. giving. A 5 are do many min-c and infinitely bellcr ehgraviugs lhzul nn- publishml in nny other, workf ~ ‘ COURIER HUII'SSSI-l DOUBLE SHEET. tEASHIUf-I‘LATES. runt‘tinllug frnm’itiw to.) t-‘vveu full length l‘oloru-l F.ulniuns.‘otr each; ’lalalc. 'INtl-(‘r .\lpgdzinm give onl'ulwn. -l"ag nllll'dll ut’uny I‘Yfih‘i‘ilfl’ in Europe or: .\lnt'ricu; Hath-3's is the onl} “wk in the uurhhhut ghos lllt'rt‘ immense plains. and thrr ure sluuh m m.. h m: twin-:1 Ilu- \rq-ulrr ul‘puhlhhvf’s wnl the public. QTIN‘ publication or the-'2 mull-s cut- I§l11.(l00 more 'thuln tiuellion-phucs ‘(f the Olt sttlv. and nothing: but our wuudt-rttily li\r-jt mruuhuiun (‘llllhll'fi us In giv‘e th'cfll.‘ (th .ttttufzéniup. r:ntnmtsgtm)rul St. W;- ugv pp.“ mum-y \rhun the pllhlic can he belie t l. f *The<e fitsliiuns may be relied" 0). rent" u Irornvoire ~mny he mmh- ufu-r ”huh. and the “fin M‘ \\ll ‘ ' "Of <ll’vjcct harm” tn ridiv'lh‘ n: war?! he Hu- Hmse if ~ht' \‘Litci-lhc large cities \lrg's- d after 3 the st_\ it of Ike plgwjfl given in some 91‘ our :0- :cullwl flullivn lqu'winPl‘ ' V l l : “VI: “‘00" l-INGRAVIXGS. of huh Wei jgii'e (wire- or three Hun-9m: many :L 3.1} nflwr, 4, nmgniine, "nn- uflt nl mistaken fnr ‘sl :21 T 1103; (are m Tar euprrior to any othl-rc. = I y | HUT \Tlt'NS.—Hew:|ro of lhl‘lfl‘f\ omé'u-A Mr 11: It the Indy}; Hook i: the origin [pub-1 “('.-1:330" and tho rhtfuprst. ”you t:ll§c§Godey.i ‘you want no olhrr Ilmgnziue. _ ' ‘l-Zv‘l-rfihing Hm! it: uwfnl or ornnmgntnl in a! houu run he fmmdjn ”nth-r. . I" . ‘ ‘ [DRAWIVG I.l'lSSU|\'S.——.Vn olhofmumzium Imix»! them, qhd ‘We have given enolhglf 1Q fill .~evrr=nl hmy‘ vnlnvnm. ' ' g I UI'R RECEIPTS are sun-h mgcnn 11¢ l‘nnnd nowhere} else. ('otvking in u'l its \‘tiely-«_ (‘onlrcti'vnery-dhe Surv-ry—flue Toi («Mue- I.:lnndr_\—-lhe Kilt-hen. Rcrt'ipts upon ’l‘" nth: jet't: art-Ha he found in the pom-c «37mg Lndyj! Bunk. We origin-1115' ahrlerl 11-is deli tmenm and have pernlinr facilities for making 'mrm‘ perfevt. Thix department nlone is .w ‘ th the [uric-o_n! the Bank. l ' ‘ ‘LAMES' WHKK T.UH.FZ.-This drp rtment mmpriaes engulfing. nndducriprions [every nrtivlu that n Indy wean. 3 ‘ ’ ‘v ‘ .\IODI-11. COTTAGES.—So other In guzine has this department. ' l: l ‘ Z'rlmns, CASH N-‘Anmwm .' ._ 0M copy one your, 33!. Two ropirs are 3 var; 53. Three copies one year, 3'l. Full copies; one your, $7. Five c'np‘u-s one yenrinnsan t"- trn copy to the person sending the ul. 1, $l0.» Eight topics on. yeur. and an extrn copy to the person sending the «Int-.‘Slfn. Eleven copies. one your, nnd'an extra copy to the perso‘h sen-l: ing thcwlnh.s'.’o. ‘ i E? And the only nmrfzinethnt can be in} dnred into the nbuvewl’ugs in place of thegrland'r‘l Book is Arthur's Home .\lnunzine. ‘ SPECYAL CLUBMNG WITH ()Tllfii‘. “All. AZlXES.—quey'r Ludv's Book and [Annex Home Magazine both one your for 5094: Gmlcy’s Lady's Book and Harper's .\l gnzlne butlr one year fur 5:4 50. Godey, Hn ‘ er, "mi Arthur will all thr” be uni. one yeti on re-z ceipt 0! $6 00. " Treasury Notes mid notes of fill aolrei bnnkJ‘ taken at pnr. ‘ ‘ Be careful and pay the postage on ynol‘ letter.‘ Address ' L. A. (milky, , ‘ m chm-m .:., Philadelph h, Pa. 1 .\‘or. 11, um. ’ l ' A __4 _ 6 Another Balk-cad CCHIHNTI—The "on on the "’5" nm A York. but All we! 5 [l. U. CA llll'b‘ is the place! Lotion. julli come Ind see his fine selection of Sciatfs and} Under Sleeven, Spring skint, (Horas, Stock ing: and. in fur, everything in lhvééusiery way, \‘e‘ry chap for tub or country pioduvc Gentlemen, a word to you also. HA; , FARR 11:15ij returned lrom the city of Phil-.melphia, ,haviug bought; fine usortmenl of \Tuullun b'hirts and mecumlso the vet) latest 5!.) 1:: ol' Woollen Comform'; in fuvtremrything k make’ people comfortable in cold wenher. ‘ H, G. CARR haw just received a wiry figp assortment. of Liquors, winch he is gselhng very cheap for cash. 3, ‘ Don’t. forgot the place—right oppqnhe the: Bank, in York street. ‘- i Gettysburg, Dec. 9,1861. ,7 4 LADIES, at 11. G. Carr's is the plaqe‘w gen Gloves and Gauntlets of n”. kings rery: cheap. Call :Lnd. ‘onmiue them. No 3rouhle; mallow guoda. - [I '. 13. , .‘ YSOS BROTHERS hnn coustwflygnhud il‘ A [urge Msortment of plain all fine tum, glued Mm", gold And plated ' cl‘ brunpinu, teq'tm, which they I“ “ping & punishing!) low prical. ‘ g ..., .. I 5" x‘ I 22;,4 E: i §M‘AF% g-2 2;; a- r. 'g=?&=“a Cd- .:fi-H was! - I 5:! .3 3 ,~ n. 3, .:.; a ' T" ..‘a ydogf NH: 7 .... , 2365151" ....31 23mm 1.1.373! ....‘l‘ 1:4207‘ _... 21099:, 12193] L ..,.. 234qu 142 mm, .. .l :ISJHI; ""K 1743'” M. 245476, ‘....1 232110? flLov. 6 lpuvar‘ 2 giugu‘ 4 13184 1 e453.' 100 ' 2 III;: 1‘ 254 u 4 197.0 4 R 9 2; ‘2 tuna: 1 lhsia ,1: ........i ‘10:] H; ' Ems” .....7...‘ 2010019 . ..:;..,’ 26mm" .......’ 20828:! 909 w .....t‘..| 412?, ........? lIMIZEI "......E 213110 15:.24" hm“ ‘ '.- Hr. ituu‘ ‘quu {mm :27)? 2n :- Haw 107.45, :hm:'m 9432‘ hm: 13?va ‘* 2524‘ -.._... __23_ _minJSSz- 268;:93 691F119, 2.1933471 5330 “I -P‘ II“ {t E. 'll 12.31232" m 2“ ' y ': ._ z z '5; a :2: 2: ”1:; 1: We" ‘l—«gcz: ‘ .15“, ‘UJEI a: flc'qm‘iCWßAe‘A‘ ~,, fi=~“sl-;~';_ 4 ‘3... nfige =s3“:‘__i A 51932 E=;=::'=; ’..-_.- ‘e¢ E. 5.4-; ::=7.-Ig..‘:;':‘<E-v: .: ’: - ',-I=l .‘ q _ : 4-.5-‘5 huh—334s‘ :$,~|.5:- gu‘_;°s E:- Kim :. :9:??;‘ > ...... ._‘. -:a N:— u.. .- 3 P" .-: , ”:13” F 537 m 5354‘. 25m» 500:) Lgum ‘99” 11-12", 1595-, 133.20. has, Sam: ‘hHu, ...{ VJ]:- .5 4x937 .. ”writ“ . “an: ,- snn, '. 1200‘ . «3:0l . 3130' . 4:31" . mon‘ ‘ may Izz'u‘ IRMI =M3 1=:1 t ....\. ~: ‘ - - 1 {JAMES H. xunsnmu ' 3, ML B. ‘HAlthSl-H , % ummm .\n'rznsi - . g , (‘umuuummra Sands’ Sal-napalm ; (TUNES THE BLOUD. ' , P sum" SARSAPARILLA . ‘ s ‘ . . ('ms Srrorulp. ; . sfim' SARSAPARILLA ' _ I ‘ ‘ Hug“ Stubborn Elnora. : SASDS' sumuumnthx - , . ,2 ' Cures Strumou Complain”. , SAIgDS’ SARSAPAIHLLA , ; i " Cure! .\lcrcurinl Dillon-sci. ' SA 03' SARSAPARILLA 1 - ‘ . .It Never. Fnils. ,' Ask f r Snnds' Snrsupnrma rind take {no othe'r.‘ Prepared by A‘. B. It l'). SANDS. Drug-I gms, 100 Fulton 51., car. of William, N. Y.- ' Forlale h: .\. D. Barnum, Gettysburg, Pa. ‘ Nur.‘23, “961. m ! Notice. i WA SICGINLEY'S ESTATE—Later: of adminiamuion on the Veutute of \nnt? .‘ch-‘iuley, lute of Gettysburg, Adnmi countfh’ dcéeutzd, having been grnutgd lo the oul-r-l sigéfle‘h residing in the sgme place. 119' ht'relr, gin-s notice to all persons indebtm“ to saw “tau: to m.tke immediatep.l3umnl, nnd theoe having claimsugfiud [ht-5.11m lepreseut them properly authenticau-d for semelnnm. ‘ , ' MOSES McCLEAN, AJm'r. ' Nonls, 186‘. a Mrs. B. A. Chnsmer é “71§"ES!0 inform the, Lfldivi of (:ettyg-‘ . , ; '~. - burg and surrounding country, that xhef ‘ Nance. -‘ h\s rcccchd from the cxtfes the moat filsbionnr‘ Tom: I FICKLE‘S BSI‘ATK—Lduu of ble 51719:! of CLO \K. COAT nnd SLERVE O Id n'lu'utmlmu fill “18 “NW M John PATTERNS (or [mdies' and Children's wmr, ” kale, Mus m Latimnn- run—nihhl. Adm-a tonne Rofldenue on Baltimore s'rccl, next dqor to i ty, deceased, Inning bcLu grained 1o (he an- H. H. Rowe h llrn.’.lore, Geuygburg. _ nlergiguclL rwidmg m Humiugwn (otuhipflaq Pinking attended at. the shun“! notice. thereby give: Imfice tn all persons ixgdcbted to Nov. 11, 1861. 3L ‘ and 09D“? to make immcdine payment, 'and ' " '"“ ‘“”‘ '—"‘ ' “*“‘— .fly hmivgclnimf ng-f‘lnnthu Mmehpflpn‘: who“. .Iu cu... ~ h For Exchanga- “hem properly authenticated Inc ”Meme”. wfiLL .xchmge mm on mum: “nus :: . WM. 8. umuxgn, Adm. I aiiher in Missouri or (own, fur rm: flux-xiv} Nov. 25, 136]. a - in Adlml count . . $ _«~ ......_.. _ ,"h -._, __ , fii‘l will “in exchanges mxunmemm.lfrfifi‘mu‘m“'“‘°""""-‘ i." ”Wm! "5 PROP .RTYin Adm county. togechcr “chad W “M,” n I'm!" M." b’m'm'l‘ ""M‘m" 5‘4 ACRES, mmman. (mu. ARNOLD. W 11'5“" a”! “9”“ “-‘T“‘z-"L“‘3 A” Nov 11 1861. lm - 4 ! HARER I!Q:)l)S,9_rlute‘t. spnng fly!!!“ out: J'__’____ ___— 4‘ mcin‘k Bauhvhmtnnd V'e‘ruun, whuh we ”a; w‘‘‘ , A ‘ , \'SQX BRO I‘HERS Ire mnking their prem- L ufl'orin} at greatly regmod pnm. m ium picturu at prices to wit tho Limcl. ! ,2 April ‘l2. R: F. McXLHEXY'S. :3 6 =1 .. .1 4-, I ME 12‘ :2 DM 1=1; , 27851, 122,:, . 324 m Jun. 1830;; L'ITDI .....‘, 1244, .:.- 1195., ..... 354:!) 5933 370 W 2061; 2637! ‘ 2373': 9 2 ‘ 1....‘ ‘::n:,.;‘ ' 1....“ 370:. ‘1 894' -' 1 f 8’2." :3 F 2m! . 0387' r. - .WJ 2336‘ W 963 ‘ > 300‘ a. "sou J _, I)n.-.W«M; n. mum's 3 g ' ~ TOOTEACHE DROPS, 3‘: ‘ ; 5 Forjthe 'curc of g . Monucrm . a 3 .‘- yrndnrrdbv etpuscd nerves. ; , i 5, .1' . Yt is‘y-nrticnlgrly adapted on all cases gftbjlfi Jren Momma. T()UTfi.\(‘llE. \ ' >7. i Para“ 5 can n‘fievo flucmwlvu Mn; “11‘ " distressiLg wenrimms caused by .4. , I .’ 3 V [5053 OF SLEEP, V P} :-; _And (l‘aelr children from great "'l’";ng by #94:}:ng a boltl-I of - . j j ‘ I)“. “in. H. HUBD'S TOOTHACHE QROPS in llu-‘hnuse. . 5 ‘ ‘. I’m-[lmm] at Dr. Hut,“ Denlnl 013%, So. I! fjonrth Street, Drauklyn. E. D. , j ‘ ~ Price, only 12 Cent: per-Butt}; _, ‘ A libt-ml div-count made to duulerl.‘ V . LAfldress Principal Office. Tribune ._- ‘ Buildings, No. 1 Sqruce spiky. ' Snld also by Cuwd‘l‘. lhc'k & ‘Co..‘?ifih, Awnue Hun-15.1. .1; I. ColMington, mimosa. ' wuy; D. S. lumps, Zoluruudsmy, and k} 311‘” hruggisls. _ ~ . l 4 I ‘ ,1 Tm. “0!. B. "URDTS, E _ ‘ NEURALGIA PLASIIRS,S _‘ 3 Fur the cure of XBI’RALGIA I qr Toothache produced hyrolds. .“ _‘ ‘ ; « LOCAL xxrmuxm . " i's immediate-iv vurcd by their Application; I Tin-ya act. like a bhnrm. nnd are perfloctly harmless in their nutLre: do not. prodheo i Blister, and leave no unpleunnt maul“; ‘ bILW“. B. Hl'llh'S .\‘EURA LGIA PLASTERS @m’er (hi) to give antisfnclion to all Mll6 tn). ‘uhoir virtue. , ' ‘ ', Frepvkrcd nt Dr. Hurd's Dental Daugfioq'll Fourth Strvet. ankbn, E. D. ' ~ ; . ' .. f Price, only 15 Cents 03911.; . , : A “blond dis-'ount m..]: to dealers. ' j _ fAddfess Principal Oinco, Trib’nno ; Buildings; No. 1 Spruce Bt.;N. 7?. _ : somméu by (ram-n. .\lack a: 00”}th ' Afl'nma Hotel {J.. k I. (‘uddingmm‘ 715 fiftmd. wq‘v : I}. S. “nines, ’.‘U'.’ Hrpndw.¢y, and h; M} '_ 'l‘hlggikk. [Dre. _2, 1861. In]; '. "<l' ‘”" ” "‘”‘i‘,‘, g s A’Fresh Supply. _ ‘. . ; 1 TAfE wig me'lmd to ,fnl’urm the [\uhlic ‘ “ uer, I luv“ PM-eivmf from the rify :1! PM!» '..“.mu. u rlmsn-STm‘K or Gonna-cm; rising?“ ofthe nowoet shim of fz.. '. 1 il..4l)lL‘S DRESS GOODS. § - . i ‘ smwns. . . - : ». § CLOA‘KYN’G f'LOTHS, 1 " " i { GLOVES. \ . I 4 -~ I t 1195 mm: 1 J,, a ' nuxxms. 1 v ; , . MB‘IWNS, ; l ;, » u.xxmcr§,_ g . *5 “-9le n fin‘e nssnrtmenl of i. . - . J'Em‘l'mzm' AND FANCY SONS, - in fan everything than. is usually {nmidlih 9 flock of liry‘hmj Pam-y (500th, ! . . mm Tm; NESTLEHEN , ,1, ,: ihm’e M oomph-w u zlm'k n! PLUTHS. (7+4ng MESH-IS, (MODS SL'ITAHLH FUR WH'S' ' FHARHM «on “a (moms. S'rm‘wa,‘ Vagulqmu'rmzrs, .\'E('K TIES. scs EV-‘u ”-2 ‘9. Ann. M was Merhmnght I. 1M; m yin-$.51 I Lmfiré‘ Drcn Trimming: in gm! rnfiq‘vy. .. ! \‘inifihg Cuidv‘, Envelopes, Note, be)” and, ‘.‘np Pnfil-r. ~ . 1, ,' 2 3 Irich ‘Liucn. Elem-bod and: Brown Hurling Pltlbw (yaw Muslin nnd Wide Shooting. » ‘ 3 arm-F. mu. 3. L. SPHICK. a; fi *2 . ~ --‘» ~-- ‘l‘“.. 4 « Town Property. ‘ . i 'r PRIVATE S.\l.H.-—-‘Tho‘nndorsi¢noflior- EA rel-lan! Primlo Hall- the I'rnpepy in *hirh 2 now h-nidu. mums: in Easy. \fiddlq men, (iottyahérg, adjoining: S. llfl‘imou on theiwm, find .\lrs. .\k-l-eroy «m the am. wnh 1m ' nlh-y in thr rrur. T'HH HUI'SE is n {Wu-awn Frame, \\'L~nhorl’mnmled. with . BackJuliMing; n we" nt’waler. with a muffin: fit, at the door; and n variety of {mi}, Inch uf-Z',‘ *pplel, pears, pom-hrs, «pricou, chcrriei, {nil impugn" the mos: choice. . ‘ ‘ ' . ZAUHARIAH MYERS. i] Noi‘. 1"." [BBO. if ' .Chegary Institute, '1‘)!“ 3‘") 15:9 SPRUGfi St, PHILA .I4?! "HM’HI \..—m. Institute. m ucted .r "to yams mm. in this rity, fir‘ "mum (‘nmht and her niece NADA-f D'lluvlnu. upon um sume prillciplvs as the Qt".- in .\‘cw York, “Kuhn-chm] there ih they": £Bl4.lvillrc-open pn .\lumlu - Sept. 1811), milk in! (mm! ample and romplqthfm‘i'rlon for the _ eduuciui of Young Ladies. nndur the dimtiblf qf' Radium; li'Hervully. Circuintra, and ti! rrv' ’. quisiu: iulomultion. can be th‘illed on Ippli qmon tn {llePr‘lncian , Jug. 12, 1861. 31m ,- ___~_ ‘ --1 - -,----. %1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers