II 34‘, Tu." FR 7.3333310}? A. J; CO‘ . \T LAW. It mi mud z'il “mm- In‘! egln‘; ~ Sum Ul‘ttynhurg. PA , . é Edward B. 'ljmnxm AT [.\W. A prnmmlymund m n‘ M Mm. TI? slwnks (lu- ( v.o".iyl- M the rune plm‘f‘ '1 ' stir". m-nr Furnev‘4 ulrng ognmntn‘ lewr k. Zin-2244' Hefty-hing. \lurL h '."I. ‘ ‘ ~D. McCon.‘ ATTHY‘A'HY .\l' L um’ A u! llui-hlvr'd Alrug «ml onhn': urn-L) \'r-muxxv I‘ nix“ nu Pnsuns. P] (hull-i, Hark-p \y nuprndm other c'l»im°vl;:linallhvfin Yug'nn. D. (3.; nl’s'okmericnn T-‘lfld \anrnltfln-‘Mm! and 5 flight!!! Rim-1 gin-n. Ago" ruling} Currant: in lowa‘. wwtcrnh‘mtes. wAppl). or by Inn-In‘. 1| (ml!ysl;§lrg,t\'ovf2l,273 ». éFJ‘.‘ J.. Her , TTnm .v. wn‘crujx'. A ~Ofli1'» 0n lifltmmrr ~x flit!" F‘lhnralmk Ilrlod|'-r.~' H ' Wuyshuu. ”rt. 1, Imm. ."' ' '1 ‘1 J ' ‘ . :1 J. 0.1% TTflRYEY .\T I. HY, w A linni My! All nlhrr Bu ‘hd'ruc with pmm‘erN-u' (mm-r uflht- I)i:unnml. (for “'m. 12. .\L‘Vldhn. Hill.) a (MI) dun-5:. .\pril I]. H." ‘ Wm. B. ‘Mc Tmn‘cm- .n‘ I. \w. Adll' ium-l, one ulnar _(‘mm Hufiiv. ; ' . Heliplmrg'. Sat. 1 Q. 1:53 I - Wm. A. Du ,hunk'm .\T L \w -4: 'A \yc'~lu:nlmul't'cnuc .\. x- i l ’ J. Lawrengg; ! .\3' his oflu-e one f, r~ . dour \vul uflhe \"‘ LuUu-mn Mum-In' in ! filmmbemhurg «In-rt. :\'nj 1 llflro, n-ju-rc lhhw‘v Malling} Operation, purlnrpwul :lrwoa; rzlll. Rnrl-znuwrzs: - Hrs. ll Kraut“. I). I) . [IL-V. IL L. “1 Prof. .\L Jacobs, Prof. .\l. L. ‘ GHQ-smug, .\ym’l 11."5:i.- ‘ ‘ ‘ Adai‘ns 'Co I'TL'ALI-‘IIH'HXSURA. - [uéurpomlml .\lilfl‘ll I ‘ ~ m'rlCl-Jm. ‘J’ljnivlm'l-l—Cobrgv Swnpo. l'icc Prmrlrul—h‘. R. Russ S»rrlur//——l). .\i'fluchk-r. Train:rrr—‘-l)=n‘id filgl'runr) [fury/in L‘uu’vun/hy—Z—lh)bvr Rims. .\ndruw lli‘ili‘YPlnl'h. f .llunrlgr'M—Uoorgc Swnpc,‘ cob' Whiz. .\. [loinlnd—m m, l A. \l‘Trdmil, S. F.xhu|b<tack. \Ylll.'“. Wiliofi, .\l. l-liciH-lhcr Juhn.“:nl‘lur~l. H. A: [’inkill Jnhn ”arm-r, [‘.. G. \l(;l_.'rcnr .\l"(3rc.|r_v, Andrew Pulley, J ‘llorzh': ’ a E LWThi-x f‘ompnn)‘ is If": {inns “Lille county 0! .\d: m survrésfnl onvrflinn Mr mu mpl in flint perio-I h:II paid .'It'fl~'(‘<,ll‘fllu)ll'1(lllll unrumruhl Fllrphls onpilnl in the Tun [nny employ no Agvnl<~u done by [ln‘ “humans, film :I n'd by the Slm-k‘luylors. .\n An Il'uurnnu‘ mnénpply tn name“ \hnnqoh‘ l 'r further WT”: Euruliva (innfln nfliro ole (‘mnlmnw “on th in M‘t-ry mmnh. ,Ht 2, P. 3L 1 Sum}. '27, “135*? ‘ j , snn at w‘ ()ACH\L\Kl.\'(‘. .\XD, I; C -—Thr‘ Inlegngu-nl r 0: his=frirnds Mill‘nu- public Hu- Co-u-hmwkin’g and lil'u‘k lu Ryery brunch 'til hiu o-‘tnlul bershurg Stu-rt. Ila 1m: ‘ m-mut-imurt-tnnrdr‘rnllkim BUGIHESSSIIHIGHS. Siv‘iu the best‘mntcrinl. nnd mmlc men. @l‘mvumxi! and «H kind! dons at rcnsonn‘vl and to the sniiafurtion of m (‘mw‘rnv Pnonw'l-z taken work -:Il market pr'u‘r‘s. \ wl'crsons :IMlrin2 nrri Cnaphmaking or Blnckumil ipcrtfnlly imuetl to ml! on , - JOHN L. Gettyshurg. Jan. ‘24. '39. ‘ Hardware 81: c QTORE.~I‘-Tllo‘<llhsrriM-rs : k; nssnétv‘nentofll'H‘llHVA“ at their uid esthhlidwd st smm. . ‘ Thvy .lmw juit rehli-m“ 'in an immense smék of flua part. ol‘ " - “VILDLVG “.\TERLUS, Snow: llinqrt-a.~BolL:. llnrks wants. im‘ludiuz Edge Frfip'inm S st. Flame:v Chis nml Bin. Afigew, Squnrn. ( am. Mr. ‘ ‘ _ ‘ w > BLACKSHITHS‘ will’ fin flaps. Filub “first-741mm; i uo._vith ‘thom. \‘t‘rpgvheap. cmoninxmxds. such . “mink. Fringea Potion, Rpririg-a. Axlnc. Hohg‘Slmki Polea. 51mm. «m. cm. ; SHOE FINDINGS —Tnm Pnem-h Norm-m. Linings. Uin “not-[rhea ctr" with :1. gen Slmenuker's Tunis. - cmmmmflxcn‘s To: .Aortm’oni; aha. Varnish. Kn IIrfiIESEKEEI'ERS will nls ”fig-neat ofKniyL-s and Forks 'lml Silver Plafadrv‘l‘ghle and Memekl, Waiters, SIIOTL‘I-U hjuns. EnaMl-ledamd Brnsa k. Pligkets. wlnirm. Cereting. Aim. It {general :usqyune naked IRON. of all ‘in-4 and Y and Bll‘nt‘l-r Steel, which they as the walnut. . . NM lemmings“; {all and g_ méh-ns Quake-I, I‘nlvcriz Bro‘l'n Sllgzflrs, New Orleans, Supt-house Mulns=es “1'“! l spicu. Clhcolute. fine, coma I.3mm; , Fm. ma Sperm, ‘ 15m. can. - 1 ‘. Afnll nSsortme-nt of Lend ‘ ." impals‘n‘ Eire-prod Pain rent, "tick in thallnnlw.‘ ' ’Bhfil' 3mm; House-Keep Uubll‘ievmgkkers, PAinlu'g. m 111 of which tliey ‘re delermi . thr cash as any hiuse ont'of A ' ' . ' .' JOE 1 g - -, .‘ DAY ~ Gettysbn'rg. Dec. 24. men. a \ ~~ Seconé An; ' [HS .F.\LL.—‘-L¢lFg(r SI". ~ ucmm & mm. Mm} Itch-l pnrchimo 'of Fall' . ‘ ~‘ which whey "S; cheaper ll ‘ hapglh M. the > at fnromhle I the public to dall'iy and are j .mut‘fmmvinced Lhnthrory ( 1 fled. Their CLUTHS, GAS IXGS, (Enamels, mania. an excelled for variety. “gen ‘ which they nre olfered a r.‘ qudti pade‘. up at the Ihort 1.; styles, and It as reis ‘ www.l’boirwhlish \ betabnrg‘succt, i ‘few doors ! 0w; SW- ‘ f ; E ‘ , Procnmatlou. : $ ‘lBll g, ‘ “7UERF..\S. in and)»; the A 5? 15%th «en , , ' orul .\Hz-mbh' ol‘ this mavenzipcd ' --‘?*4-- .“ Aug“ to regulate the (it-non“ FIR-3mm: or ;‘A “by” tlhfis ('nmmnuwru‘th.” I’m-(ed [on I'- ‘35 M 7 "' ' "‘ 0° *. Juh'. ”£19.41 N tnininrvl’nn ma- " pi? Public Ii". :*_ ' .N‘l‘llilr uf -ll."h Elvrli‘lmi xv hf hPM null 320 TCT’. lenumwfil} in mm. mun-F Mm nmml‘rs hr" to " prompt!" Mlond be eh-c-lml i. S.\ .\ll l-11. JWULL Shefifl'ivf: 1h!- )Llwr lnumw‘ 1.“, l‘mml‘r nf .\dnun. 1145 9 rrrfbr V {"7th gin we" Fnymcdmxb' 'lhi: pnhlw "mice mgm- Hot! n nfllhd it?! u fidfintunwtrn-I, I'llunty‘uf .\du'mfi, tlml . (I'm; fl Hl¢hdn£nll . rqquJ‘ “5:7. hFhrM h» min! L‘mlnty n the 51W": 7'!" ,1”! j » . .- 13/ (Il’ln/rr nrl(.(//7¢ mini. thr- :- u-rsuulhagma ' ‘ rmnpueoll ufllw fullum'm Tm} ~Mf‘" \’j ': ‘ 1. l?l:l'?}s’l'\' and In the Fir-t diarim.‘ mum: *1 “ANN! “or. s‘, 1‘ '.l ”1' 4;ch ofGut}slinry,t\tthe(,‘uur_ Imm, inm tyglmm. .'" IMF'll‘" r" In Hnrv3f‘vn'liv:xl distriut. Hy [mu-1 ngf lIH‘ Tsun‘hTK'lwye'“ mu n-flunnf I! ~t'm:ln\".3ll 113115;" w lulHyuw-u -‘“m ”‘ “W’f' } piml hr. l'i‘N‘“ Lingvnfi-lu r. in H a 11min ul 1:1.“- turn. yam] "curly 'D‘hfl'P- 4 "lI‘CK‘IIWII’. in the (tbu'llqh V I." the Thin! l‘latl‘tUl. (V whip oanurd.tlt thL- ht} u. m [ln' umn of .\‘cw 0 Lghy’ l {_u thy’l'nurth di‘driét. “"9 0"? d 0“? “'95" shiw of Intimore an I wok start-.(‘lizvm-‘l ILIIIISE of (I. W. lIiI-lelu Aw: Strum-rm: V”|l_qulm|tin'_vmn. . ...an imml Winn, Imm Fim. diam, c mum". MN '1” 3 :hips 0f lluln‘lltuuhun an mrnim-nt "‘ “"“IL-VLHI' Zs‘chnul-hmlm‘ in .\lill 'lnims in I-luglnnil. 1,, ””3“”. “L."h." c *l‘Lmh‘w'l'mflfid i ship of Ilnmiltnn. at th u pngngmt in In- t by IhminlJk-vkt-r. itl‘lhe mm)” ”n'l‘mlN"; In thn Sen-nth llth If 1'”? P 9110111”: tnwnihip‘nt‘ .\h-nalh-n, i ' . ' home in the town nt‘ Hm] "will I In tho Eighth clitttir’t. . Imp-m lship of Stratum. in the hous (‘.‘muw. in llnntnrmm'n. l i In the Ninth «Ihtvirt. L‘planlW ‘ship "I I‘ruuklin. nl thl-I huufe In} .Inhn I’. Hunt. in mm {taunt-I !' «In tho Tenth ilidfi'u't. «gulp-fa [shjp'of \'nnnwngnhut lhh hm“ i hr). in .\IrFIu-rr} <t‘mvu. I 2 3 In the]l-Ilt‘N-mh‘district. dm lomuhip nt' Ttrnny, at the lint ,Cunk, Tn Heidlvrahufg. ’ ‘1 I In the Tchfth diitricl; cm! town<hipfif \lnnntj-n'. :il thc‘h‘ illilugl'. in :MM tmvrahill. { 4 1 In the Thirtl-rnth .li—trjvr, [‘ll tm‘lwhip of ‘.‘IHIIIIVPICHSHH',' I Svhtml-humc in said tmnn-hip Ivrmt rmuli, the mu- It-mlin: 1f the Tun Tun-ms, the other frtn Ito llunm‘L-r. ‘ l 11‘ the I~‘nurtt‘onth 111-“rjl't, :Cl tnu'nship of Rmdiug, :tt they ‘ ‘ house in I|ngnptnn. ' 111 the I’iftqt-iuth ll'Htrit‘t. c-p‘t‘ llnrullgh nl' ltt‘rwic'k. :It the I lhouse in \htmtt‘nmxn. I g In the Sixn-l-nt'i ililtrirt. (“m ] township ut‘ Fin-Mum. m the Im‘l I “(wit/win mid Um’nahié. , 1 -ln'tho Smcutevuth I‘h‘trit‘t: (‘1 -tvu‘n~hip of l'niun. ut the halt“ lfcwr. in said tn“ hship.‘ . In the Eighteenth tlllrll'lt't. tn ‘tOW'IIV-‘IIHLUII Ruth-r, at the [nfifllit I in .\liuldlrtqu. in said ‘tuwnship. 2 In tht-‘Ninott-onth lli~'trict.{('( ’.towxhhig of ' lI‘PFWII'IC, ut the lSfilmol-Imusc, iii. mid tl\\'n.~lni{s. i I 11" tlnkTm-utix‘th Ili‘trim, ljn E’“" “‘” ‘— “ tuh’mh‘i'p nt (ht \lwrhnul. nl.? t‘ tnty ‘ _ V 18(- when in ‘tho Inrnugli of Gétt ICE (‘tNPAXXZ—I t \\hivhtilnl~ ninlzu-m-wm 18' l._' .' Ont- l'rmiilvnt . who for th“? I I posed gi'thcn untimofAtM ‘ Om- ‘.\~~i‘iril2to Judge for the”! of A-lum; rmfitlg‘: i Ono .\lmnhcr of .\ukmnhl)’; j 011'? (burnt-V (‘nmmiuiimer ;‘¢ onu(‘mnm'Auditor: ‘ ' .1 ”no I’Erni‘tnr of tho I‘nm‘: ”no (‘nunty 'Fimwurer; . (Ilw (.'tu‘onor. l . v-“ ... . '0“, l I~2H.nR“\T LAW. {rm-L nearly oppo )rf. . lLt v ' ’ lnltrntl I" ("lIIH‘L lhms illll‘lla'rll tn Mim- in the S. H. vrl) occupiful by ellan, Hire in “'O5! .\Hal (jsl DI the uuw NEM flirt: in the Sort];— . lrv. Gettysburg, ML. ‘5, 1115‘... 1.1. 113 BI ppnsite l'irfiing's I have any DI-nlu‘l artfully invitiul to )I'lll'f, [Kr-v.l}. l’. zlu'r. l). D., llev. tu-Vt'r. . ut-nnrdy, J..:ph‘ L A. Ruelllchn . .\l'('nrxl,\'. TIMI} ' Yul. R. \h-Ch-Hnn , l'r, .\lulit‘l “‘.Gitt; 3 Ahrl'l'. “Wight j .S.!l.l§u=r‘E-ILDI In; I’ickinng. I'll I‘arlinflur ntlcntinu i~x direct .\s:9nnhly. p:\~‘sol the 27111 (1; 131.9. mnillwl' “ .\n‘m-t rrlnliv lm-tiuns'in Au] um. ".\uphin. \1 ('nmhcrlnud, Brmlfurd, Centre, rit.”\'il.: ’ ' _' 1m! inl’ne op9fnf’: . Lt 11M Imm: in; p .Umuézh _vonl‘F.’ ll hustfia .'lmLt‘Xj-‘ xu'ingnhon Mme‘ 'ury. 'l'lm Cum-i SElenV I." .Be it onq't-tmfl._ House of llvprvuflnlnkb’cs nfllw of Pennsylvania inl‘renergl A? is hvn-h‘k' cnm'tvul in‘ the nntho —th:it it shall lu-ln‘i'fni fur [hf _ of tho runntil-s ui' Adams, Lnn ' ank. Franklin"!fumlncrlnntl. i '(irPI'LlC. mul Eric. trnn‘r nnd :\ 30f thihact. to Votr'fnr‘lnll ml r \’nrimu olfifl-I tn lu- fllll-n] at an 'nlip. or tirkot z—l'rm'i'lmi. TM whirh ou-i’y mmli-lutu is \:I\11 donignntml. :Is rvqllirmlJiy thcl ‘ ! thic’(‘Qmmnnu‘vnltiu ‘ ‘1 Ssc’nm 'l. Tlmt nny lrnn-l rq ‘pl‘rmn vntvinr: in the nmnnornii slmll he punishud hy the cxiitl {'nmmonn‘onlth. I ‘ .\ttentinn i 1 ai<n Ilirt-t‘tcll t‘ son-tion m" the Act of tho (il‘l «if Unusuflinn of lfifilmnlillcvl ville fur JIM- vie-(tion of Judie: (‘nnrta nf this l'ulnmlmwcnllh $12!"!!th That the election PIP-Mid . rnndnrtml in {he distrirt- in the name mnmii-r i 1 elobtirmi for roprt-wnmfivet lu‘lnl nmi oomiucujj, and by ti lnspocmrs. and other nfliu-t-rs: ionq nt‘ thn art of the General th-d “An Art relating to ”IF! (‘ummmhrmlthf‘ npprn'vz-tl tlr July. one tlmnsnnni eight huntl ninr, and the several :npplomfll er like hui‘a. n<:f:_ir as tho same and nmli'fnblé; slmii be decxm 1y ' th" "led? ‘ for Jul l lulfiim-u lwiligj (- annually l-lw-i - lwrsun (lowiridall u}- of fife-phone, yfnrumtinn. 7 '(fl‘ me"- M H.“ lust. Wednesdfiyi I‘kl . '. ..U‘K‘WHTIHNGS u-rlf‘nlly informs; at hc‘rnnlinnoy mithin! l.minor=<‘ :hmrnt in Charm" 1 hand and wil! ~0l (‘.\RRI.\GES,I \\':gt:olmhkq.. of‘ _v superior work- I inwxwmnxn of? rates. promptly: minors. TL in exclm Be fur‘ rs orwork influ mg line, are re- mzwmnjn nppn, to ltht- cl; tion Tlmt thr 'nforvsnid electors sh {:95 oflhe Supreme l‘nnrt on i M pnpgr. and for nlljnlu-rjn -ho learned in lhc hm’l on “hotly? «imam-r. ; .\.11.~-)—ln and by virtue of he ch “L‘l'lillflr 111 l of the zu't :Iforemid, n‘cry p rmn. urqpting l BAH ,Justioi‘s «If Ihc‘ Pan-o, who 51m llmldanylufficd l‘m’or t or appointment of profit. or - rust under tlmfllrrssi (‘.mcrnmont of the l'nile-l -. atefi. or; (if any rurcd city or incorfinrnlcil distr‘ ' 'lwthorinlcomggl Rulm miisione-l oflin-er nr nlhcrfi'is . n snhitn inntcl Homl ofl‘u‘er or agent. who is. or shill he Frilfilfl)‘t‘l?LnHS(‘ under Lliulwislntiye. exccmi‘r nrjutlivia)’ de- - atu pnrtmon't of this St rte. or oft o Unilml . mosJ Ta or at any Pity or incorporated «liitrit~t.iix_ul"nls lhl'rt} so tlfiu \'éry memhcr uf Cun'rrt-ss and M thc _t“ “'l "Stzt'tc‘JA-iklnturehanll ot the Select. or Mimi}; l hind ‘ mon’ Council of nny (‘it}'. or .ommiuio‘ger n .\‘enr l any in'parpomled district. is ‘- lnw incztxmhlb Balm i of lmlilingor cxerriiihg nt th same time, tli ‘ Fo office oerpnintmc-nt. of Jud o. lnspct-t'pr, of ,hm t' (‘lt-rk (If nny c'locginn nl' thh Commonwealth, Illnll u nnd that ‘nn Judge, filfpfl‘lol‘,’ol’ other Mice [on o nfnuy such election, ‘hall be e iglble iii any 0 lbow ls five to he then voted for. ' . J ’lhc- s Army—Thu! in the fourth 5 tion ofithc Act - l'nl‘ a 11l of Aaliemhly entitled "An .\( ‘smmr‘ ecutiuns. and for other prirl April l6th. 1840. it iu enntteull 14th sectiun “shall not bet-on: rent any militia officer or horn serving: as jntlgr. inspector or ernl ‘ or special election in min rocery H h:l\'(‘ll spit-ml” HkGIKOVER'ES. mi in llflltimcu m (he Cities wftlx .s—vqnsisting, In sfich as Nam. (llnss. chafctr. ale 0! every dc-‘ <. Gong“. Bran-s nngcs, Haunfln’wu, Anviis, \‘irvs, uraC—BIIOL' Nails, x s Clmh, f‘afivasJ/f .\i-NS, Jul—cloth: s. Fullocx, Bows, im. “HHII and f ing<. Pym, Lasts, {Hal uswrlmcnt o! fi—n gentml as s. 910.. etc‘ find I largo nil Bricnhuin, All-am en. Spoons; (Ign «nd Tongs; Sad ttles. Pans, Tubs; v. 12. etc. t M I’m-hm! and imh. Past, SIM-«r, \\'ill‘,~elllas cheap And in nmLhy an Act of the My of this State, puswd the 1939, it is directed that. ll: Judges he at the plnccsjul .thc' day 9f the Gvneml nlfhctio'r‘ o‘clqck in the forenoo , to do several duties rcquiredlglud on and ny the mme act. : I And be it further (“I'o”ch 'of the General Assam ply of ‘ said. that onek‘m' Ihe'Juago Ilifiereut distrlfls afokesfiid, dieclmrge of flag certificate: 'o'“ whictfi shnll hpreg been 3! dlulnte for the dim-reap oflice‘ Voted for at their re’pecuv meet the third day nflenfileel J be on Friday,‘llae Imin; an the Court-house. in “10:80:01: a then and [there to tank» g ml certifichtc of the numbhknf v I have been given at the’ dilfcre calmly of Adams for any per ces nl'otesaid. - :neml éssortment, | u ULlr' 'ed. nndi ‘ West. [flit-5, and : Syrups; Coifee,: ~ I. and dairy Sah,‘ il, 'l‘qrpcutiqc,} 1 nd Zinc. dry and} I': in fuel, nlmnst‘ '- Conch Finding. ng, Blacksmith,‘ d Grouery line ed Ln :0” as low he City. B. Dixxxnn, n “Hum-:11. EMI , Mun Emir!— i at {ervived their SAMUEL W! Wm." ““0951 Shorifl‘s mm, gumburg, an ever. hanging ‘ ,_ _--..." imm- Thenski' n. (‘ARR sells 9mg; Ixeir large mason--1 H. Hum nny body .1" . P 5“ “9 "1' fif-lhg Don't term-t the pllce, right mums, \BST‘A _...-.V A -.._ - . .._.. ,kc-,cannot bul ISSES‘ Axn qmmn “9 1"" plzices at} M lnrgenssortméiltnflliu I. 2.7 3;‘°'l|§hill‘l§- , Shoes, Black and Cologulli a: 31:01:42.1" 6| Arilzz. . . . ‘ Me mm as cm“ —.P —-~ *“h'fl—f tennis in Chm.’ (‘.. CARR has just re - helm: Buchler's‘ H. Maortmont of Ge "Sr PM“ 15, 1300. 100 mg and examine them.' ‘ I H. . ' WWW to ' of ti - 11P e ‘ , rl5“ » u hOth fro? POI fruit TEST] \l the treat m (:3 Input-1 ‘8 Mi 1‘ liml, I ”Illib] llmll nd, ‘i : 1 he ‘(dfi'n- P -rkhéim~ he‘éfn ‘. “I UH {how‘vurslup mun} ! rt xv . Lil . case. wg in a fur I '1 of ngld the which vi ‘ Y nnd hr 1 1 disphse m‘hd‘i ‘ [.'m‘, mm‘r unpoy house Imm rt. «‘0 ‘ (In‘ I a or y, At. he}: 'rrn , , remefly 1 v my town . { m-cnhuml. > Berlin. l of now f I‘qu‘ Ipmqt ’II Mid ’me [flunk n : pprirlou ,1 PIT. L 4 {a m the ‘ Si‘llmvl- I! of of ‘.‘luli‘llt ,nppo r "t i -. .‘i ummh nl‘ n mEIi i‘ lIIIN- If {imitmvu-Xi locéfllpird l 1‘ or 1' now I htfijtowflL lam Hus- ll Dr 1 : ol'J Him-«J fr hottlc, a. ‘ hf are .\an 3(‘5; “ms! sevut| if) hr 1.5 m Jul] ‘l 1. Ar 3M h“ rsJ Y. pnFF, )|Isl‘(l 1» T \, f 5 {‘m.‘ " hunrqi 1|» Hui-0’15“! M" ‘thl' 1 HI? 'Puwic sim.u,to,nti the nu ( xflml tn Ilulftcxjslkpvn qm-ul \l’ Stan-1 _ E [its :1 x hpuw Tl upmlu] «utitlu» uhlil'." Sélwol- ‘ hr \'H nfl'urd ‘ phrre nth-I. i ; pow" (If flu ufilici Sglfilnul- , frmu . l|_m wl I g'l‘rm' ' 150-le (If. “IL“ we df‘erhplas : hfave 1 .\I. an Lam! 4 Impl'yu-I] nf‘ he ; of Enoch Le- "5t so. E] 3105;; Want! at n I Jul} {pnwd «pf flit-E Séhoolslwusut mppged of t)! , l’ig‘cunl un mfm<iod of LI: herhohq-yof‘l! I HIM-'1'": ’2‘ f i n't he cicrtbd' l‘ifitrict} mm 4 1" u ‘nlfi'nrk' ('VOl‘il final-[J I'u' gm turn‘ml I‘laltin SORT. hclhro Hm" IME2 kimlut’ ambled o tho In ‘ mil :- I'l . ¢ ‘ : I to clu- Ayn (If! of .c’fl'flzll’y.“ tn \'Jriaigull (~- r‘i. ”um-finch ireenic, Md E I -: gut-h TI 1 their 1 firii «I I We are Am wh ‘ "Qnic In phn W thunk Ih-rL-m hv 511" pm! I} aunt-I fu‘vurs alanine!» nd ' {whit-1h!“ inc! 1!“ l N ‘.Uw j: unc' x-nlJ'iNOrJ‘ .‘":Ulllllih" . ('éntre-{i Emww! .1 mr thel m on pilql oflicfl an“ , alm‘ll‘ Ina: u" Imw of the ‘ [Mum .mhly, lity ol' qnnli ‘ 'II<N-r rmlfur [er 1!: (“data clo‘cti ( the .d fur, 'Xisli- will; nny: ‘rt-{t- ”I! 'll, 1 of; lhif,‘ Imil “‘0 n‘ u; 1.1? rrai BEE l L 1 {Tun I.— » 1110 Tu“ '“finfil-‘l‘llhl oral] Ahgnlhlh b‘lt‘k ‘r ".\lr not“? prn‘.‘ P‘l'nil'el 'or [he Slr't'rilll ‘ maul: orJu-lg‘l-H‘HHIH To"! ‘m‘t-ml clquing I‘m-red} ,nl! Nunavut nfi I Immm ‘nrc nr slazfll ’he ' mmuu 0 “me v’ll‘dgpe‘ "My. and the fleVipL‘ I follow Ansemblw cmij.‘ I up?» It‘fli-mh‘ .‘n‘f finp‘ l 0 noon-x "(9" GI?) a 5m rod nndfihirt'v; EP -15. and nl‘ m 1..." 2.. Am ha" he in‘force‘i The d and tak‘L-n to your ; gas 2 Progidod. m ‘ H \‘ole' hm judg. I one “- scpnmie ‘pik-cd I (fun-l 'ci required to “0115- ‘! §rp=lr=3tv Il'im'fi! relating to (‘le .3055] «mil-owed mt the ufofi'csuié lmed. as (n pref ugh officer} from gk. nt any gen ,ommnuwentln‘!‘ Gem-mi .\Essemf 2d flnp‘pnt} July}. 'lnspw’mrs and ME MIS ! disuiqh on the ‘ nforefzfilf, a! {I and perflmfm Ih]!- [)iued qlrtlhem i 9 and 1%; the m ‘his St‘htegnforfi . of each of the who shulL hark «f thefnnnlher 0! von formeh mn ‘ thenmild lhefie 1 districu,l slmil tionnyhirh Ilmll aflyresnid, m. :11 of Gettysbnré. r mum-m. an“ Hes. which shall I 1. ding-ich; in o‘o ans {or the am E m, Sheriff. Sept. 2, '1“. Lumps chenper ‘ the county”- posite tbeßamk. A IF mengdz Them I 'I snow—A find Chum“ stinking-L ived a yer‘ fine Cquon “pp:- . ti , cheat} ‘. In 511% .1 .2 tho p mu .\mr fire h we introduced he "mice M thcfmg-dicul‘ profession I ‘l‘nry tlu- "I’ure (Twila/um! Chianti: nf M, :15 .\ Mummy ‘l~'nn'mn-irst.\- 1h In- \"In;; 'fcu-ivc- from many sonnets, Ipb}-il-it!u: of I ‘lc Light‘s: stansji‘bg ST ”31'anle \lieriqq the .\H .I.u.si jw IT lii-IA L VALUE in 5 'q .‘ :II Inf/[His pain . ind’u-dd to pr u 118-7wa rbn‘ 1! Mll obstinatcjdis- oil! it .Ifrtho, [lliblic HIVELILH‘E USE, rim ilsélf in) [soso |— lnfllirling-rmupl'jlint, crjng \Ylitll this _ uier ulio mauled rs! of this" vuluythle ten (line pow , in the form afwve on (’xh‘i‘fiiW-‘y: ex «'sYl,\:\.\'l.\ ups i srcqxass (asiwin normwlx i 1 us remi-nl'ly h \rilh in‘mo I'm" waiHJUIIKEI n “'5O publhhc .1 accounts inl the male.) , nrrfufly put n villi fult din-Clio all {lnl drum-xii. x n! “‘hutei'ul' 0f 1 really for inj‘lmn- . =, and rgm bnl‘ uh. ; Its M. 1.1 cents per] I . HELLW‘K & ( l= :uul\l‘.umf.n:lu mxs‘mw, 4 in; Flt-maids," I'hilmh-lphin. -A. . _.. Vl. ESLL I'F . SC? Bath; PHILA )El.l'l”.\ hlnnliriCilp'. .\‘.‘ .0 [mm {l’hilmh‘ll firm :In_\'{ nlhl‘r [M 114 h:|!hir:)g_r|,snli'ir;g ,1 Marble Yau Vfillrl)|~~('l. I: n ‘ ‘ » tirhl \\ ill nevummj llil“. {uhscriboi- In? :\ c n; wél’l kn u u. HINDI-<5 to In: min-1!. IL»: Hem-Illi< n n‘-o bola“- h’t. Jnmw‘ a magnificent Ilriv h' {he publiv lhutl‘lui- is Flhe duce; is'n-mnr rIII~ kings ul \mr' n F Ié mlnil- u‘rc rurriml '.mhns. llcndduucs. kl: lii.ulc!ph_i_- ; :lan n l SQ“- nnd finfih, with; '» 011“”.th ILT Ilu rum . V m #ll3. to suit pun-hm 5 lan ('mnucu :lml Athmlic R liflmnd Ix'flmcf. I’ch‘qnsdr in q‘ sm-ct \rlmrf, Phi :nh-lphin. m 774 .\. ‘ Jill} hml n n. deride}! a} ll'. .\I. ”our .\tlzlnlic m u If: A. .\l.‘ toqk Hill] [mu-s lwhlzrej u I'. .\l. L’ DisuncT 60 miles. ffure. l . 1 j 4 1 1 E ; Gr-ttysburg, Munch 2 D fin'a (I'nilml Shut Huh-H) [qu Surf ‘ -"~ -; ‘ ‘i. u homemhm' «pg-n.l _ 1 I I 4 J ‘ Grafn 1 ‘15‘51- ’1‘!“ i l' ‘IIR snhwrihc- it 1" :’ I ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ “'é" “ 4‘" '1 nllkindvzofl’km i Y7K! RFl' L D T - ‘s' mimlu-rdmrg dr‘lm‘t till it the niofi! 1 RH: (‘UHXJM'I‘P‘JIE F. .urr k #rmv. 's' box lgzu'u to on" 1 '!*g!'”“l“Firm”??? u uttrlfliufl nflhl'ir numlsnndthfi I|l|ll-"“,_fi?fi,r¥.l \'EI‘IF'I" .‘”: e ally to (hp fay! lh» Hhcy have in,“ re- flu-riflvuhl (. “ON4; "\I‘I nm the :(-iij\- of l’hilldvlphm nmL I) (' “MTV "Phih; . ~wm. n,.\‘EW .\., n sI-1.1-;.\jmn 2m- {3 "I r ‘_'. :me \‘y’l' HF “DUNS, grhualpcr Hmn‘ ever 1“ "uh” I?“ '_" F’ l 'H‘ml in Hu- cuum ‘. . ,¢‘ ‘o‘“ “5 t ”-‘l" a” n hnughtdhair gm: «fur nigh,“ mnic “ . . : : u] M:l Ii ru- when lhoulerline in? Emmy. 1. (,r'f‘f-‘J'M'J' ”\"g' 6‘ t' .|hrit:s ium urn-e outed. (Nev n‘re 011-, 1 ‘ ‘ . m-rsm-h‘”.\lmmxs as “-m "mum. i ‘ Howard creglumfiu. I'rn r frin-ntlA win 1.... P'l{l..\m-.vanr.\ I «amine, our sm- . uhichf’s wrinphwc " ; Nun ‘j”"h!'ih"'! ‘. deparuni-nt, no re sure “'1- (‘am «Sm-r hm ”.'" R awn” ”'9 -‘ 11-1-nwnvizls “'1" Iqmply H‘ ‘1; them for *‘l “ I!" \ 'f'llN" 1""! thin. leggy nr'i h- utuufiy kpw i" a ec‘wrmlly forlllowln d ('nllntlxgfifih' “J" In- fnu‘nrnlz hnnd. 0'3"?“ . '_ ‘ cu-rmim-u .\‘U'l‘ um: l' 'l)!-ZI.SUI.U MW“ -\L AW" F v "uni-hi of the! if)’. ns ur m 1111 l is i"? Sf”"~""""- ”"11"“! ':ll('< mldifillull I rams." Nu :rt‘mhlc :l.l‘§-I>rxllntlu.m 1|;I?:‘IQI{‘ '1""|l‘- i i ‘ 4 ‘ I n’, muhn. -x n-..’(~. 'u ulm hike r‘ni< céaziqn 4o rotilr‘lmnr Vl'f‘r'.‘:“P'l‘fl'H‘”; f” )r the \'crj' gvnoru I 4 [l'm-n :ugowc have t \"".\”H" “‘7l " u- rN-cEn-gl. nnd indium-1:0 hnjm um ‘ *3va “ll": {.“S'f'wf -‘ ant-min!“ 'n hu~i;nc-><. um“ :1 high ro- “Hi ”1“ “1‘ [WWI-J)! Ihr iulrrptfiof lmth nu? palm-PI and WWW”); 31:11! "‘ fl" .', to lm-ri‘l u énntinnn’nrv 65!Fc;ir}|nd ‘:”""’”P‘"- "7": ”“3”“ IHNEHQHT «“JSI'HJVAN‘, ~ I 'O7 lnlit'ugb “'1" hi” 3"— (‘urncr§.\l.finn . .\lnnntuin =t=.. 1% gg‘h‘NN might; 3,; 5! 3|; _ ‘ ‘1 ‘ ' '. . . ' ‘ ~ ‘n'? . "rm-on. I I '1 l I_l_’[ '_ h‘imfugl.“ .. 'Nin‘h‘h‘lrw-v. l'hilml‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ :ihe Dirt-aura ' ng 1 .-~l~‘nr Srn {Luth .. (tn-n and a 1m)! Him) is "um-e {rt-w lm- in the l'hited mu! (idling facili lbl< :Ind]m:trfliug. . ulnle nl-mn [ooo' Name of Sdrhogn' nounik R in lrfilgtll. . “hilclhcunum 'Xllv'l‘ fn'r iii"; alry-' twice dnih' :u and lvlcgrquh exp-[lds ward! } Islooo R J. ”E I'LUD F 1!! ANY \U-H’m'lNl-I '( «an NHL lII.‘I.’T 3 ”mini .u'n ‘ “.(Pl'!-, I l'fiflTlil:F.oP AFFLILRV l of No:\|lm'lu-‘ Tnntha Fm. Pain in the side. rl~ (‘nfii’ nr Trump Burnd. Fr sh Fun. In. Sure TPanl, nnd . 11 minutes. Enrnrflg. [firming-M! rurcd in u-r\ rhm snmrting _in two us rum-n) in fiw- min on minutvnfi. .\‘prnixuf Sun: throw relieved HAT mm. ‘ |l.\' ”Ilium! Tm: Sour un or the quick r-u. uni-mind: Scum :vnmzu'h, Paint Pret or. E tr, Bruises, Dinrr nF complaint• :u‘llc curml in t‘ fivp In‘nnws. ‘ lhmu tcured .\"enmlgia pn olic cured in in trtydunitß linutwf. ‘ ’ I .bg-u hnvor‘lmen ' "rod Mgono .\gent in B 1 VI‘TLE WA RIM NT ! Tm‘ 11'! H Price Hay“. mum “\'LIT! 5:" IT .q cpnu I‘, Hon on the fivot and before ‘ unl ('nlnr withnu es. only bring 0 your cases. Huir fmm mrnin H liheml digcm nl made to Agents; ‘ Full I’RHVI-ZX ml in mwrf: 10'": Man, Jl to“ gnml fit, when [ln-re is '.v Aryan. All rulers an}! communicn- Ir‘vu-upomtiw onrr‘ (mil llc'nddrc‘sgl t 2 __L_ ___ [ FUR RI'IMUVIJ i , ('. S}§('(|LRERT k C 0" :nnd all rumno’nuiafl'c 1’!!! South 4th street, fillilMlvlphifl ‘i FUR 111-lAITTIHYI) ‘.(‘THINS‘ FUR USING: 'Ol'. . .T'S toilun nneqlmlh‘cj Eh I.\' uu.l-:.u).- or Tootbm-h npph— it, iit soft l"Id silky ili its fun- and gum of magma“: nflerind, Clqurflldil3‘- ! ‘ (llclmml: upnn t‘u- f:xrcl'-:.rrpe (if not. - The 2"?!” "Nb?“ ln‘cxnome on: 9 won (Jolt with the gmaml for .Lhisuumlmj nd unwr‘ the rumh m‘ puma. For :thc prnpriotnrlth 't 0 he, hath» fire It- nplc! um] apply In the Hm} satisfy a diu- rnil Rd ttke t'rpm tcrfi tn thinly drop! in halff‘l‘i‘m‘i’“ ”‘l'" “W 0" t-rnfw'nxc'r. s» downed. ' _ ' Hm "do. I! rlenndes 3rnup and Sore Thrimt, take from ton to i dilflllrlllTnn-l Mlltl’ t‘ reps internally. pn sugar, or in int-cum- i tile lmir to grow: in. in water: llmth the throat freely and : l'ii‘h. mfl. gimsy an n flannel. For‘llemlm-he. l'lheumt'ltism.)y Ill!" where lhl‘ llflll’ l in, ant- linck 6r Side bathe freely with ‘ iti will give stremzl Gilead : and generally tnkc lnternall’vJ mid restore _the grow urn‘x niixfimte pnrt llnlm in Gilead and hztvc become lmltj, c 'nter lllldl Henri to make paste, cater co‘t‘oring of hair. ‘ with thn’nume. For (flu trike frum‘ ‘There are‘huml'red forty drops in ihnt water: bnthc the,. in New York who ha i and npplj'i wet l'flamneisf In the nbm-o vb: the me of this: in Her dime is for +hildrexi,§nnd the ‘larger‘ finpamtions had it'nil 1 ts; vary according to ‘mgc and circum-,.ses~'ion letters irinn ~ . , . ; ‘; altos—e film, from p i rt’s Balm in G leail ll h‘nrmlru. Col- Fnertahility. lt wil aim in Gilead iircs satisfaction. ' hair from turniilg -g , film have us, (1 'inlm‘ in Gilead will‘ "I life; “.“d in "HF" i tout it. i ‘ elinnged its colnri, th is wanted. For terms a‘dtiress i will with certain! ' r [3. SACULBEIIT it m.. uiv‘ugg in dark, 10.: . 123 S.J‘éurth St“ Philadelphia. Pa. i fame for the tqil t a Unit-rs sent his' Express to nny pan. 0“ pl‘trlirularlyrecon me | ti-il Statks at “Ill? allDl'lQßl notice. fragrance; and ti e i 29, 1861. 6111; ‘ '. {in-using the hair :1" ‘ - ,} ’TT‘ ~v- ~-- livigomtorcanb A. Mattht & Son’s t'ar‘) an to preserve Ft: Axn FURNITURE ium-moons,qu CUFF—hence they! ‘ and 27 N. (in; street, Baltimore, (near hid"?! in 'l ”8".“ "l at...) extending from Guy to Frederick pllgl“ ‘0 be Will"? ; largest estmblishment olttbe kind l‘u th | Wl‘hln ”‘l‘ With bf . Always On hz'uid a large nss‘ortment cl ' OXLY TWE lanolin m. Ul-‘l-‘lCl-Z l-‘l‘llNlTUlll-I.eni- P" bottle, to WM Bureaus,lledstnndsfll'hshstnhdn,Ward. El!" “‘1 Perl-"1“?“- .\lnttreues of llnsk, Cotton and Hnir~ L- MILLER wepld _ Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Au: Chairs; ""“fm‘l Gllfifdll‘flll g (theirs, Huger“, Marble Tables, Seto “0": “' ““803 “1;" ecepliou end li'pholllred Ch‘uirn. AS. to be weak. Th “5 cannons oruorncsmaxircnn, for {good head Mir Clmirs. Office (i‘hnihl, Barber Chain, ”"1“” that ”nib”? I’d Ufiidlt’s, lint Rat-ks, llnll Furniture, the scalp, the rdmo‘ d’Wllnut Frame Looking Glasses, Sidb' l’Mh f" we health 0 I, thensio‘h Tnhles, of every length. ‘ i appeal-3m" ofitrhni] ns disposed tolpnrchase are invited to" ' LE“ TlON‘.—.\'une‘ ti give our stocfi pn examination, “lilt‘ll ”mile ol' “WIS ml iiety and quality of workmnnsbip is not ‘"‘PW;}l99, L": 1 ‘ul by Any establishment in the country R—VI‘QR, 5- ‘'9 blo ~ A. summer a; soy. i “Mimic Down! 1:95:25 and 27 5. G”, street. 3 the principal )lerclm 5_ 186°. 5 ’l, lent the world. i i‘ : - ‘ Libeuldiacountw] ‘ ”I Also desire a pnhlir my New Asn p LlQl'lD mm mm tillic experimentiiigl It dyes Buck or B jnry to the [hirer "flit-la o! the hint! inv 50 CENTS. Depot, 0ct.19,1860. ,1: G. CARR his jun receiéed {mm (lie city of Philqjelphing very fine "sort: Ff fancy mum“. .entlenen'a Neci hich hefld sclgiug cheaper than ever. '1 HES, at ‘H. G. Carr's is the [flute m w loves and‘Gnnhfleta of all! kinds very: . Gall gnd~mufino them. No trpublfi' 30060. g a - j [.\layfl. ~l r I l . 1861. Latest News. 1881. Groceries, Notions,’ Bw. 1 I'ST :H we were gnihz to prev" wt- received 111-Z nndtrnigned ha: opened it (ti-ml."- nnd p n deapitdi ”Lll‘lLiF. .\IcIIJIHVY hm: just' Notion Store. in llnllimnrc «tin-ct, nearly lult‘tll'd n rnniph-te nw rt'mom ol'dHA'l'S XXI) opposite the (‘unrt "on". Gm nhurg. where, 031's. including the ntrst full ~t\’le Silk, flu- phblic will roulmnllv hula-Him: clue-p u: Bearer, Slouch. (‘nss‘i en- nnxl Wool llata.- thé cheapest. SCUARs, .'N‘vrups, .\ltl‘llaaws, (‘o‘-, HATS for Spring antllSummer, of beautiful fees.Tt-as, Rive,:(‘heese,‘3pirri ri All kinds,‘ ‘ stylu, embracing Sm: , Leghorn and l'nlnmn.‘ Mackerel, Phovelntc, Brodmfl M 1 ltrurhsc; ' Buy' and lnfnuu' pl 3» and fancy "at! and Fresh Butter and Egg, Hrnnmll‘é e, I'LL-meal Cam, which for neutm = nf finish anal qublity ' ofCoHee, Scotchxllerring, Candle-jinn", Salt ;, mrpass‘nnything orth kind over ufl'rredin this Tobacco, .Segnrs, Snult': Confer-ti s. all kindn' plat—lll of which wil be mhlnl afifnnls'bing- qf Nuts, Alrnnge!‘ Lemons. Rn ’lne. llreurlfl ; “hull-Spikes for mi: . .\lso. "NUTS AN!) (‘MCkrn'fflkfl of dithrcut kin «Shoe Ind: l S ‘ . urludine .1 lit 0 nssarlulenl ol' LtvliL's' Sturc Pol ll: FanchomL-t‘llnsli Allinzlnmfi, i . . .\lorrntco Bouts. l 3 ukiipfiuitcra and Slippers “ Cotton BA 5. Wntldi‘ng. llos’iery. ll‘ nrllzeirhic-fa. $6l“ as a Ramedlal Agent- ILUTEIES .\.VD SLII’I’ .RS .\T 75 CENTS I’l'ill ‘Surpende . Pins. NIH-«Uri. I‘lullllfl flirts, But-l 7 “IS Illilril'lUl'S 'l‘llNlt‘ >'l‘l.\ll‘l..\.\T, PAIR. All in want 0 good! in thy line ure tone. with Notions of null kinds. inhare ofthe {Wildly tlt'fiuh'wl hr the use orthe .‘lr rapt-MN”; invited to ir'c me I call. A ‘lpublic's p tronate is respectfully {blit'itt-tl. 1 cu! l’rufcwun and the ‘l'Vumlly, hminq aupcm Home "no! t'mne nI! 1 ' , ‘ LYDIA C. lablilll'il‘lx'. led the Ito-culled “Him." “A rutn>ttic,"”(jnrdiu And give me a friend y cnll. i. l NOV. I*, 1800. tl‘ it]: s“l.\lenli(‘atml," “ Scllrlnpm." cun. Ii now 1 , For allgon-hwill her M ntnnhmrd of prices,! ..._. . ~—-—-‘——- ._;-—-—-~—r- : hl‘DfaCll‘ by nll of line prominent phyiicin _Tu m‘grrnme the uul uked tor crisiSJ { . Ema“ & Adafl‘."s ' 3 dietitian and mnuoiaiu'urs. an pnuessing all § April 22, lsul. ‘ I 3w ARBLB WORKS: our 5,. ol’ Halli-" 1365" 'hnlrinugl' medic nnl qllnllttes4tumc n‘ I 'i ' ‘x '‘ ’ i' “ “‘i‘fiv‘ more 3nd ElntMitldle street édirm-tlv np- dillwlld “ml“ “81" ll ‘9 "l 0”) “fid‘ PU. ‘ 3 Somet ng New ii PMite m, 1n... Carin; “on". "I‘M-fab" (hp. _l’nt up m qua t bottles and solJ by . {if CETTYSBL'RC.— hcnnderbignmlinfoml Iltfi'ing recentlylirrlrcd from l'hi, lolphinde 'd’ 89'1““: 8'9“”, (2 :- I ‘the uitizens of the wn and quunty. dint he feeling fully competent to excl-Ht “nil work in l I . , “‘..“ ‘ husi commented the .\KING husineas., I” n' the ting” style "(the art. we won lrln-npectful—; (E'tnlthsheu in l“ ..R. large Ernie, in York I rot-t. Getty shut‘g.‘ early lly invite the Itthtiou ol'the pulhl wishing to; ,f , 5," 20m mite Watthw'n llnt l. where he will try to ~prm-ntfe anythinfi in ourline. to‘fnénr us with:' lot rule by FR‘EN 7 desicrt‘o. and hop" to Wire. A lihnrnl 1 [mm ‘ call and exnmin specimen! of un worhe ‘We W'L‘L &"- SHIT.“ Ina . BREAD. ROLL. CAKES; «an: 'm, m preparedtofnrninh Mt).\'l'\tt:%rs,l'otllts;w 0' "'6 "mm“! 'PISTZHLS. 30., km. lflkl‘d eyqry (luv. (Hun- .\.VD 111-:ADSTLINES, MARBLE! M-\STI.ES.| '00! 15, IBUO. 1y ' (In): oh-c-pted.) nll oft it- best «’lnnlity. in :l snhl ISLABS fur Cnhi rt-mnlx‘e-ra. and I lather wtnrkl 1' ‘ '"— 7 at he lowest living pr ta. Cru¢kl-r-lm in: in appertaining to burbnsinccs. at this lowwt pos- I - ull tn brunt-hes islnrge v earrlcd ,onmncl orders ‘ Bible pricea. “ do not hesitate I? guarantee, "I to .ny amount, from t is and adjoi‘nin conn- thit our work 5 all be put up in nlgltzinm-r Huh-l T 1- "tici' supplied at the srnrtout mitire. ‘ luring stnnti'nl null ttlS eful egunl tb (hi? lit-st to lie' (fin-m ‘ erot-tn-«lu large and coin npilium ltllliehllOl Re and , seen in the fit I, where every timrrm'flm‘m bninint levpl‘l‘tl the host worltman run] :the m st up, I'llltll ycqieneu ehm RIISEEP~II'II i: availed of, I pnlrlic prom-d nun-Linery, h? is prep‘en-fi to do a null especiully do we gillfilnlfl' ”ll tour lIA‘mP- lmit hel hodv'r l)u:-i1|(_‘5;, ' ' loryand Gr.u‘e 3rd work ~h.IlJ h so cnrofully IN“ _\ ' .‘ set M nut to he ~ ected by {with shuthaim ("4. (l ‘ tztip fur years tljnt erectness ol' p ”giliun gin-n llor~e '. at the enlnpletiotp ol'nl joh.. and ~to: recent") to ' Sthre cantin’nvd gran-e him-. 43 and symludry. . I “215,-“ Now. 23, 1859., tr, ‘ —li ‘ . fsgm-d . . . 1"”‘—"‘ ir [lt ' Tmning! Trumrfg! ‘ IT’ . HE undersigned respectfullygiulurms the“ in]?g T ci'izenl of tlcttyahurgmnl tli'L ""l'li" gem‘, nigh-e ernlly. that he has opeut-Il n new‘jTingiiug (“z-l in’ 's r tnbhahment. ln Chambershurg Stilet‘ll direr-tly: \\‘ th ‘ opposite ChristThnrch.. llc trill mnufiu'ture, 30t er null keep eonitnntly on‘ hand, on y 'Vprioty of‘ hi (I 8 . TISV-W'Alll'}. PRESSEI? nngl JA .\.V-WAIH‘L' P( roll and will nlwuyq be ready to do EI’A'IIIING. , ls ROOFING at}? Sl’rOUTle‘: nls ‘tlunt' in the n 'i best inn-non ‘ {rites mmloqnte. VILI no effort _l)’, in Rpm-ed to ren’der‘rt l‘ull anthrax-thin. >.\ slmre 11f; ‘ at the puhlie‘s putroimge is sulieited ‘3 l y wig l. ' . J ' .\. l’. I (TUNER. tll r Gettyduxrmflllne 18, 1560. 1y 1 ,n'f 0| ' “3'”_4 " ' ,H—"W‘ r " ‘ oJRemoval. "w I 7 str SM. N.——GED. r. mu .xnomtlms .L“ N run-lied his Oyster estnhl‘u ment tn the: ; splendid new Saloon in Jnrnhs & lru's. Iluild.l ' ' I TO\ inmen thr North side of l‘hnmhe slum: Sin-« 1,: ‘ 'll PRIVATE S. where he will in nll'timei lu- prc- rm! to iorve A ‘rs nt l'rimtc 1m the heat of: OYSTERS. in e" ._v style. lly he no resin”. situ; Jim-ping}: good Article. he expert to receive a ‘ (11-Hy ‘hurg, mijuiuir liln-ml. shm‘e of pnhhc puirinnnv -. TURTLE a ll 3*”. .\ln-Elruy o St)l'l',, CIIIC‘KENL ‘HHEI’ TH. Zl'H‘. ‘.I‘IG'S ' :i‘lfcy ’in lln- n-nr. FEET. TRIPI‘..BOILED and I’ll! h ) EGGS. ”‘3 t Ao-nlury Frxuuc. \l'r CREAM. BIRDS. kc” in their .50» on. A nice llztt-k building; in Wt plums oI‘ALH or L.\UER run nlu ya ho lunl.- it; :tt}ho door;.nnd Come and try me. ' . G. I". EC I‘ZNIIUIH‘I. J apple, pears, peru'l April 2, 1860. I. ‘ 1 gé“l"'i‘l_‘lll the most _, _.‘——____.._._. ..., ‘-_4_.._ K : I LExnij- SA Jguly 2.1, lan l _,_,. ,_ ovals. I“ , Hg [lu- nuflmfixo' . in!" ENG (in-onl Untmnplu‘ite NIL: 1'; :ml rclntifn: or this smuup nfi'llw‘ a mail» win}: pro: Eur! spurt-5! to Me! . " ' Re 0‘ 1' 7P!!Eumh-r=icm~d.he ' jto make n-momls‘ j trermpos thm such In': ‘ofllho rcmaim nf drro. H‘il‘l avail Hmmseh‘os o i have it rlnnc. Roma\ “4 -—t:rrms low, and no o‘] mm: mm L‘pt‘r 0H1": Cum! Stare}; I‘3, ’6O \Remqve, ilg roman-Id hi: 1 ark short. 11' ill} ‘hun-h. woul-l an] , Still prepared in Ii» lixw. mrlru ~ fun. of un'l-ry h and “ium"! ha (“r-3.1"“! uf prim-i ring RI” Illing‘rin lmnmg‘c 10 um hurrhu-‘ing olmv “WI. 1”. .‘“ ME Gram ! i q-mn‘mfim [m TE,“ hii'olul ‘ ‘iz‘:—FLlH~'l§. \‘ HUS. kt- ”In'. W 'ill be aim-n. , nu? mv ”RUI‘ \l will RN]: ‘m L Uil. Firh. (‘l-«X '. l’ltlft'rr. (lu‘u: a cum :st nm II c cheats-Mt. Only One, Dollar mh ! ' 1 Nu . 12, 1860. t It) 000 BEAI'TU'X'L S' IKL PLATE} ‘.. “_ “ VG , , Ex«:l:.\vm;sn ‘rnulJlltll'S .. e 'l'-R.\\'Ell FORFSALPL—VJhumid: Pkua-I-tnnh QT VA“ LHH'I .\l ‘ {(Hvzx .\u".u'!—Tho’ idea or mph-coming ”1431 AND RAILBU. .1 ’1" +j"“f“ . Lnnl gt Prayer by nn pugnniug. {and of unm- . }‘(ll¥.‘{l)ll\'.—The nl 3.303343 Jon, jamming nnd arranging it ii: .a'uch Va manner In: Sivan “ill of .\lr. (‘. v.\ [h-nm'qlmn‘flnilifu- An produce at nnm- a mum-l or (feature: and h: F h+ul it Hoornugll In' sprviul Em wmwm, hair. WM rnnceil'cd and; Carrie-j “In Ivyj'nxs- il‘tlw‘nN-ouurv um ' ‘l‘k and Dia'rt-n cl. 2: in-t- fln'. the ceh-h’rnwd Hunk Nou- l-Ingln'vr. M‘va ;it um; The mill i€ Hpi lt-mir III—:0: we. and Yurk ('ily. It ('UlnlMuwM uith exquhilvly ox- I My" to simply an MUM-Mus oft! -.\'¢ixu“| m-ulevl “‘nruh of “ Our Father," nliul'Llu-n I‘ull‘awQ F rtilli’n-r. GRUI'N ‘ ‘ jin fill|'('(‘\‘~‘iol| the other part-x (an the pm)”. nI-D‘Ucd by HIM? luivon qr-HL‘uhyfthl- .\vt- ‘ N'l‘ry phrase of which it engmvvfl ‘2n.t|m mm: : m Iclgglwm-r Frrliliz u :Ipph In' 11-Hr". “ilh'a vlvgqnl and tasteful manner. .\‘cArilhe hunum d ‘-d_}m_v of the mln 'IHHEHY‘mI. (~1-_'t‘.fm-:-u|d\- nflhe pirlurc is n mburhly ext-rifled hum! of p rd ito land. The land hum-c: I. (wtnm'c ”FR SRTIQR, anal Quin-ling {hl’p‘qppcr pan 'M‘ Hymn" nnm‘tcn ”Mu-d frvr "fr Irzc, ‘of the cngrm‘jng are ten nnch. .I'ch hearing:| shot-UH.“ l‘jlinn of 'TS nu .\‘pvrnm nrrlnm; mm of the TEX.('(HIHANQHIHN'fii The on. t t Ilhpf thia fl“ ' ' ° ' “' ’ "“"’*"‘" ‘ "Ifirgmgllrwrc hr IF6O Hu- va‘lml Ur- ZS «'mgdm'w-l in unlivtl-d in .m) I', Twnnhh! wq-hlnhn ‘ LLLV ”UVIHI ‘ .\«urintiml. ,\'.‘ finhin, I’.t.‘ i‘\' ”H \IITWH :L .‘I- . ‘ E7l” D L Gm. Fum-mhn. .\‘r 1’ Jan, 7.1961. 1y 1 1 New p ‘ SI‘HTT. k S” :1 . Gi-ILVqur'. w mm alvsimhlo st wk L-gdirw and firm] ll|(‘ nf‘Dnnl-wticn, k:- fl“ :montinn In: a" "hum! pm V ‘ KVI'MI mun: .\'o trouble [0 sh: - '. oppmiu: Rn ll opc}: l'.i~ d l_ of wwxnnnfilo “ill: 9. full u I kc| 'llr ! 31ml In} I \f ‘7] We would I‘} Inf‘k, which \\'i rntt'e. l xaminr for. you Huh. i A. SCOTT a Lkpril 8. 18".! 'l.Miller’s I m..—An um i ('nmpnu‘nd.‘ Pro . .\"l |.\'\'H; _ and l-Ivnnn Fl I! lil-ISTURI ”KAY ".\lfll ill-,5, nml [ln-v [ numxms.‘ ens! puflirle of I nmininc. 1 ‘I'RF .\SD [LE ctimm of the 5+ 6 'l'lll-I ”Cum. :3 and hrillin’mf texturq ,md cui ' and gille in" mi pn‘lmmtiu 1c trinl’ i 4 oniy g public-'0! i ‘ er p‘epnrulinn he hem! and tancous‘disga inriilntly, and :- flexible «ppm I loosening um and vigor to h to those p {using it 10 xi of ladigs and :- lugd their ha igom’tor, uh , d. ’L. .\l.' Ml cmblc tel-til} non: of 'tho 1 [ effectually 9:156!“ thel l' until the lat est. period here the luujr ling already 1 I. use or the lm'igonwr‘ tore it to it! orjfiinnl hue,. l; nppcnrnnre.’ ‘Ai h per-l d ‘ Hnit Remain-mire it is Inlet!) hm’ing'ni agrt‘enble' l on: filcilities itnfl‘urdr in « ich, when moi. t with m‘ ; sued in any" niredfonn ‘ luce, whether plain oa- In :t demand {0 l: by th Itoilet snide which no | . as life pricr places t I l' being , H'-rrv€,('i:srs {t I." reqwcyme drug- cnll the attention of Pn (to; the use of Ilia Invigor he children’s hair inclinel ’ prit lays tlw‘fqundafion r ir,'u “gen-of” nny im- ' hecnmé gonéefled with a] of which is neceuuty chcrhild. and the future ‘genuine without ithe fnc Luau being oh the outer LLER‘S “All! [NYJGOq - in the glans \ a Day St... ".4 sold by all u Ind Draggipu th rough- mrchuerl bthe mummy. D present to the A'mcricnn [lll-noun ‘lxnnnnocs which an" yérs of mien mve brought Ip perfection. n Insluutly without in-'! NGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, umy anur. Skin—_lnrmntcd the but. E ucle, now to ho had at 9.13. CABB'S. g‘s"‘”‘§' “KW”: m‘bms‘gaz‘ggg‘éofi"; «- Lrec . r . . ~ , g6D 3' u? d“ o I‘V’Jnd Clp PLperJuntret-ohdd M SCHICK’S. uPram: ‘Cl'lllt‘l’ moral ‘ rjo-nds , vent- to . pun-SJ [nun I ME flare of: *url dis-z [nunm'e furnish ‘ “unll- I rit-ty of I la“ find to Quit! hisline‘ lim- his ; lu-ro. ; .\I.S. inning Ind nu HEAT, irh the 13' M 13‘ slnnllya r-wnro, I .. m.-, “5.1““.- JOHN‘S -,n~. :111-l :zmringh "revolve-Ith» mm! unquStlifit-«l turning the m.. trmn the religious cmutnuuity.u~ ,n-re i 4 not”. [in] [flit-y in: of n xet-tnriztn churnctor mhnhn it. having h-Nt-nnpfi lu-en recommended by, l‘lergymt‘n" of all «19- nmuinntioni. .\s tin onl-nut-ut itjii one nt' the mm‘t splen-litl ever pu' li-hcd in _thiu cuuntry, nnrl it} dc<tiiuctl (0 hike the pint-e M a poorer eluai t engravingt The size ofthp plnl'e i.- 20 ,by 28 when. nnd is unquestiotmhlythe ”leap- Pref], ;est en raving otter oti‘ercl in thin eonntr . J Whuthatlm‘esnrt—whntlnl‘tlt-gfihl: I‘udy In line engraving—who that won! _ greet-Zu- the - -‘- ~ I itupreaqiunn “I'llll'll sut'h A work jet mlculntcd f {to impart, minl-l fail to Kernre t hour when 'lO Hotel ’the price. i! (LAVLY “XE HULL. R, uith the " n the 'l: chum-c 9f eerurtng fnr thr mm ih gulditmn. .1 mm“ for permanent home 6r nnollu-r \'uhmhle cit't? ‘wrmwm .\fi l_wo|"k ofurt this valuable nml beautiful «pet-full” engrm’mg: 1.23, wnrtlt_nturc than the! ullarnskeul l he will “for it. in Will readily, be :u-kunnlgt gut] on nu ‘ . Inittectiun of it ; but the inhuerttms inn-ml tu ’lu‘tthc tt Gift Distribution to purcgjw-ri of the . engravings. 0f vulnnhle Prrfivnle. liillun‘l: ‘ . l "Mice nntl LM in York llnruuglfl ' i 2JLlggit-c. (thnn k‘l’nlmcr‘s nutk ,mtrrhntod,) : l Rut-kinmy, , t - l} ' ~l 2 Bu-iltliu’gr Lots in York Borough“? _ _ Ltmn \'nlliuhlotllonks“ . l “"cis"r° l .’H) hhl‘s. Flnur. (\mrrfintt-tl.) I H ‘ [l,OOO Gnid (iilt Frames. to suit. E‘grnving of l the Ltml'r Prayer, - I ‘ 50051091 l‘lxtte Eugruvingi Birth q; l .\ltttzhifit'eu! Looking (Flu-sea; h” (i-vlultnd Silver Watt-lites, ' t All ‘ imln 0!, Jewelry. emhruetit l Fl rentineP‘thniq.Gold Stone; . I A Lift worth from 59 gems to $2) ' ent'h engmving sold. ‘ wn the engmving’! are) all it“? ll meeting a purchasers will he culled It. ’thhiuglnn Work, Pm, when the Gift.- {I med nh‘nre e diértribuled in’ such menu {as the pttr~ r 5 may determine. The p‘t nvhztscrs‘ae, g A committee hr disintere tktl [vermin . he the mend: n ruch innum- as they may ficsignnte. .; . 'l‘ ' The proprietors. f tn the {Mantle runner in which this Gin En rpriss hits ht“ n rct‘eived, and the number of turning: qlte‘tdy sold. hope to bet-able to have the turnout-t disposed ofhy the [st of -oct., ensuing; tint! when all are said they will notify the ptlrdlmsers,‘ and have the distributiou' of the Glftl: pr'opu‘cded with. i - f , This engfiuing has feéeit'ed the eommendn tion of the Reverend Clergy. our. ‘firat citizeni, Ind indeed 9n“ chutes; who enter inmyit with UV. \4'!.- I . 1! Sun!” unlor qf : rl v.CP.- .40N ii! nriki uling the or] rtirinir italiti or anx'vr, 'fllp. " yimlmrtinz fly. making using? it to w] of lb" "1111.4 vriH chn. led to «hm: de . convince [ Hen-csmry ‘ superior jut pron-m ’ rnlp from (‘ll. Cfl'lrcl ives, it p anre, and I thinning: {the roots, _ n: whiyh‘ I [d I t‘rcah «\nlle'men r r'cstorcnl , allvuzller n hiunos- H; to the igllcn IT- spirit Arsmr I: wmmg‘r. J. 31.,Aunlx. Glow“: Wlnw. Wefinvite attention to Int-mo pf the recom mendation}. : ». Inn In. C: Y.Ml¢:¢prg!§.3ohn'l an. fin‘lfilmfi-I'Efiunh, Vivi, 15;. ' ' 7 Messrs. Austin & “'elu-ly r—LTlao engulfing of the “Lord’- l’ruya" which ‘5 now olfered {or role by Messrs. Austin hWehrly of this Bordpgh is "goLup" with angel: gum 3nd beauty, I'pd ought. to recommjn {lull to pub. 1 lie situation—anything that riligkeep nun: no -1 ble’gompoaition before the mindllnnd memory it ‘ {ikéy to do good. The work seem. to me only a to require enminnliou in orderfio be admired, until] an but hope that the. gentlemen who '11:.“ in hundiu distribution at {ld moderate e rue; will be thundnutly ruecufisful in their nndemking. U. W} THOMPSON. flmu awn». L]. "301-. rug-er o! w, nor-van ‘ Church, for!N Pa _ l . ‘ York, Pym, rob. 20. 1861. . Mum. Austin & Wehrlyt—l lnring Ind the . pleunre ofinnpecling .\lesm. Austin & Wehr ly'l plendid engr-ving of tha‘lxmh Prayer, ] woul cordiallj recommend it. to tho favorable fluent on of thejr friends at York and 9139- , whore. It is not only a beautiful oriuunent for . the dwelling of every Christian family, but 3150 I nuful and e'difying Icqnisilion for Sunday l Ichoola and limilnr beau-Olen:institution". I- f. IIAGI-IX. I fi-Edilors or Publishers of jinpers giving - this advertisement 6 insertions, Will be entitled he nnEngnving and Ticket, by f9rwnrdingthe ' [Mper for let glme v.O our “hag-or by in. eating it until the time afipoimedior the dis~ ‘ tribntion, with en Editor: 1 notice once in 4 weeks,_they will receive the engraving framed will: a fine gold gilt frame to with: size and I Ticket. ‘ AUSTIN I; WEEKLY. Yorh‘June 24, 1861. ' Clin.ct, lg f‘hmens, I.” .h'. 00 00 with naconhsmrroxs KINIVGER & (Vl, | Sole Proprietors: VH3 "rpm! street. .V'. Y n, Hummus & 00.1 ndmlli of the promiu in I'hiludelphin. l g Foundry. Gettyab K lm’vin'g purchased ’ll. Zurlmnfll, Slmfl & mm‘lry.) [ma rommen pn-pnn-d to char to l meat M .\[nchineiy fl vfl'rred. shch ns Tuna. Iver Hullrrifi‘oddfls (‘, tn! Morgnn's ln‘te imprh STUVI'ZS. such M L. (kinds; and fi\c difl't ‘ q\'e<. ‘Likewia‘c Mill d ullkinds of Turuiu, : sllbscrihcr.| Inndry ol' .\lesl rly Warn-ns’ i ii, and is no I a larger mun Inmate been .1 .\Q'IIINIES, (‘l - urn Shullern,‘ a “like. Aldo, ' "ll'l‘l‘ difi'crul If Ton-phte | ill rusting-x, a {r wmd. I REPAIIHXG . naungs will I '.Thll kinds on .\lnchi e donelm «filer~ on pl 1e to order: Plough C AH-‘Gllh‘, su’ch as ‘b‘cy . . 3V6o(‘l'(lx'k, and m Int-refund eight dim. iNCINH‘, for Ccmclo 1 _ , ' I’Atturu‘n Inn mly made ; P‘ row, l’lm-lu-r. not mentioned _nf lIRUX H? x! or Yards. I" Slortisinu M: ‘ use. This In: Id; my little!) and c-xnmine‘ ‘wo can please‘ Ilmntugu In [:1 ‘ c. where it is l 1 ‘ yexlilb get an‘ chin“, one of,the chine works will) I] )y L'flll Imnmge it. our Mock,- un doubt u: ‘l’Ersom'oughc to se it If umrhinery ”ol' any .ind mnufnéturedmp :hnt my 'lmrt re’plmrml hr repai ed. DAVID STERNHI ¢ 1,1860. . ‘ , ‘ yshurg. Fob ' hoperty 1 ‘L'E.——The.undersignefll ISn‘lnllc Properly in “I »Ie in $44 .\nadhn st: 'mS. llfl‘iptuu on the ' lléllnc c.l‘t. will» an ,5! THK HOUSE if! a aflwrhqudrd. with ”inf.“ nilvr, will: u plim I‘vqflpcy of fruit, fiucll rfi‘jtpriruls, cherries, linircfi ‘ , ‘ .ZEAL‘UARHH “YER. tysburg 'm. (‘()l’.\‘l-IR or w ”MSTRHETS, SEMI '7l.?‘l‘nlt'rJllH'illx‘HlßN ‘vg Horruf. in thii'pl fy’rt‘pnircd. by phlrin him-ry. 161‘ grinding Li mw in‘ opcrhtinn mu] ,1 ' ‘ik‘lnzl‘lldvfnr rli‘H n 5 ) Lumsxmxn is 1:0 hm’o- filled it, to l -r “pm 5%.;er Limo. ur rtvfurlilizrr generally failuwihg (inrtilivute 3vp’ Tanner, {and highly \lhnm Founty, will .“ ~rlion: trying, ‘tln (‘.rnnnd “I r the Hut 'o'". your: (e.-liliz9r than 1119 BI It has gin-n \mN‘at- E'HTEK DIHHL’.‘ rdfit’ng-s “(“50 I-lmra ut thin i-x mflirivul. l . Ht Mbu‘ mm A 1 m 9. illxéthc Nun c+|}d‘ u ~ lunjr horn vinn my lan-i fix it m he u he'll: .‘r and Climrxn. (first ('rnp. J ILCI’OIH mlwro ”he proclucmll, l rl-‘alrlm-rs :Irv_ F and lo give it i. 4, mn. u ln-qun’tm] to suqd in t n lriul- _: | ions "DOVE Tyson )PRH-ZTORS ( .Ih‘llT' HAL lom‘urc ill mu.‘ Brothers, 'r Ihr ‘EJ'I'ELSIO/I s ! h'l.‘ I’. G mnsncnn. mint-inc to tho public a Ilu-ir ,\'v w nu Enn lm-ntvd on the 8mg!!! in the Bank, and aim . :u'c roman-u] .mn'r GHLLmu" 11: street. omm 1 ~ their old stun ‘ hnil-lin: hzn‘ liiule mun-His {e hR'I “"01; J ‘ enls bulb (‘0 la modern imp ' working dep. ie ere-rt fiwili! 1 ‘ lmen nrootvd unflp: ‘ um. and neither pwin pal-ml "[il rendering . ‘ IfiIH üble and tmm‘eni m'omt-nls huh-X wn m lnuwnt,‘ in that} they ‘ for the prmlurliun of mania rulod «flmm hy 1 Fair lbr the InflLADI, hlt. _ nn‘nrt All H to; th mm 1‘1"! ‘ ME= <1"! 3! nq l; 'o: ’i‘. S -n- : fink pru-miuml lrn .\nimlmg \and Phnlugmll i \'nriomft’vlos.,(inrlnd ‘ M innrvtufnrn: nll wl ‘mannn‘ilnd gunrnnvie ‘ n: The-y lmp‘o theirfi'ie rmomhngvhen they 1 ‘ the Rxc-clsinr Sky-Ii urcs at nlhl ’lcopivJ: mml o_xocuiiod—in :1.» but; gin ' liremtisfiu-tin‘ add XII: pulilir will i pifmi'es min-n. Ihn (Kile-brill nrnrflne it runs nlwnvi e ta re} made in inn" H y {mist npona an Thé ” ExceLc’ior " ' aid ei‘very one is t' v nawhen lhcy‘wi d cidt- of theju'tue. c as ng reputation Aha-lies will ll mfrnngement of Ink a. fruit. V g rum mun. lflGl. __l I. and that pivtnrex, m Lunl and nflrn snperin cities. In nn imlanqe cwhen they fuil‘m pl -, i‘ :Ilm'lyn free to the [ml rdinjly invited to [my ‘ ‘1 have an opportunit‘ of the ‘pulrouuge Am] Mull it enjoy; mi every convenicnée heir toilet. - CH 1!. I. TYSO :RAPHERS.‘ ' ‘ J : Handso 6 Women. 0! THE LADIE- .-—JiI.'XT’S “BLOOM OSES." A rah nml eflnnt‘color the- 0 volts or lips. IT WILLSUT WASH RUB iut’F. and «hi-n once applied, reml dltrnllle for yea". the tihtis so rich and rim], that the clonert scrntluy‘fuiln to detect ufie. (‘an Ive remoeéd by lemon juice end not injure the skin. Thii is Incw prepnrnti tried by the oelebrat d Court Bunnies of l do‘n lint! l’nris. Malt-d free, in bottles, w dizi'ection! lor use. fr SI o’o. ' . ' ' ‘ lUENT’S “ ('OUI TOILET POWDER," pr‘lrufa dazzling kl: tuned to the comploxi uld is unlike any! in; else‘ust-d‘for "this p p seJ )luiled Tree :r 50 Cents. ‘ - Int-i5lB H mm H BALM," rembrcs 1, fr cklcs, sunburn an all eruption! olthel‘ Sihileul free for 50 C nls. 3 mums “mm: m. POMADE, ’ for“. Mir. 1 strengthens nd imp‘r’brcs in 31-0 kéepl’ it'rrorn .fallin oll‘, and is wartime}: Inna-n: mm crm. Mailed free for $1 0 HUNT’S “FEARfiF‘ BEAL‘TIFIER," for teeth and gums,‘clea mu and whiten: the hirdenu' the gums, p rifles the breath efl'ectl ly, "nuns ‘I'III r£nfl um ruvun 'roo Adnl‘ Mailed free ‘l' $1 00. l‘ ‘ {HUXT'S “ HRIDJL WREATI‘I‘ PERFUME; 1 double extract nf orange bloseom; end lakne. Mailed free ion; $l 00. This exquifiot; perfume mu first and by the Princeu Ro ll of Englgnd, on her marriage. Meszrl. [ln t Co. presenteil the Princess with en el Lat citse ol' Perfumery, (in‘wnieh all at the the" “titles were included) in bendaomc cut I with gold stoppersflalucd at $l5OO, puticu n 0 which nppwed in the. public prime. {All the above MIC‘OI lent Free, by ex as,“ fair $5 00. Carl) ran either ncconpeny he 0 er, or be paid to the expms spent on :- lirery of goodl. 1 ' HUNT l 00., i .x, . Perfume" to-tho Queeri Regent St.,’London,;nnd 77 Simon: Sc, Phila ldelpms, h. A l {For Sale by d! Dmggista Ind I’erfllluenlh zfi-rhe Trude Supplied. [0ct.15,’60. ‘, ”___.M-‘___._ «7 __*_,7WV_ ~ HE Attention of film Lndin in elpgciallyiin- RISH LINEN, Bleached and Brown 1311115} A ylted unlugalud beautiful Issomulem,‘ I pm”, Cue Muslin Ind Wide’ . duh! ol‘-Ltdiu' .und llin‘uls’ BATS, FLATIS RND ‘ just received u 803%?‘3. ; . S AKEB 80008 of nest spring ny es, m—i -w&~n—.————+—————-—-- +_ I._____, ' bruit-g Boulcnrd’ap‘nd Vamp, which weft" LADIES “‘1 093303“. l‘ Fe 01 I ol‘ering At gnu, rgdncéd "ices, n a 1 ‘ the plug to p. .1] kind“! ‘ ~- "g .\ [April 22. . ’_a, r, whammy my than > -.1 n. L £ ' l f\\ f. Ayér’s‘ Oathartio rm». RB you siék, fee'm A and rnznpluining I’- Are you out nl' unler. wit your uyilem deriugeddmn your feeling-I micnml‘dflu Me? The-4e symptom! m often lheprelude to serial illness. Smut: ll: of “Pi nQaI i 5 err-ping‘ugmn _vm uml limuld he “I‘m-d n limvly use ol‘, lll(!“H[!i remedy. Tnke.\yer'sl‘il‘ nnd clrnnne outllhe (lisn #lt‘tcd humpH—ipurlfy ll blood, and let fithc flail move on, unobstrucled henllhugnin. flieystlmu Into the_ functienu 9! ll body' into \'i'gorpus nrliv Iy, purify the system fro... the obstruction: which make dilute, A cold mules numewhure in (he bmly, and olutrucnl its nMnml {uni-tiom. Thew. if no! relieved, rem-l. upon themselH-s am] the mrmunding or gnnt, producing genernl uggravmion, uulTering', and dinelue. While in this rundilionmppresno ed by the «lomngonwma, mlie .\yrr'u Pills, and see how, directly llu-y roslore the muturnl‘urliun ofthe system. find with it the hwy-nut I'ce 'ng ol' henlth nznin.‘ What is true and m "an“... iirthis lrivinl rind rommnq cumplninl, is also lvn in many affthe deep-sealed and «lunacy-mu (“rainy-err. The surnv 'pumntive efi‘eet expel;- ulvm. ‘Cuused My similar o‘uslruclluna dud dr mngomonu ol'i the natural function: lol‘ the bodleiex are rapidly, aml many ol' them sure. ly. cured by lhq amue mound. .\‘one whoknnw the‘rlrtuca of Nine Pill“, will negleel to cmplu; them when mini-lug l'rmu the’ disurdefi llmy cure. ~ ' ; ' . .\‘mtomonh frimn lending pliyaiciuus in some of the prim-ipuil eiliw, und ~frum other Well known publir ‘mruillu. ' 3 ' ' from i romnlau’ “mum: of in; mm, m. 0, Im. Ur. .-\_u-r: . \Four l'lll‘i are ’.he pur‘pgugi of I” that iw grout in medicine. {hey have; cured my little daughter of ulrernm sores up n her lmmls null leelitlint‘ lnul rovcd ineumiile for years. Her mbther‘ bug’hoc‘n lqng-grie‘roully uflliclcd with momma and pimples on lier akin and in her lmir._ ‘A‘l‘ter our—lrhild ‘wnai'cured.’ she nlsulried your Pills, and lhey llm-q c‘ured her. 1 _ ‘ Au Minimum“. ' AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. ' From Dr K. W 4 Curb-right, 50' Urlun . Your I’Uls “no (he print-emf purge». Their excellent qualities surpnu'nny cnll]: tic we possess. __fl‘hey'ur‘e mild, but wry (fer: 'n Ind efl‘m-tutl in (heir nvliun on tho hmnli. whirl: nmhos them inrulunblc [bus in the duiliflrenh men: i-l'xliaensé. ‘ , . i " lU£.\lMLTllE,g SN'K ‘llß.\£l).\CllK,‘ FOUL ' 13TH“ \(‘lll l i '. ‘ I’rnm Dr. Edward llmyd,’ u-llimm. i , ’ Dear. llxu. .\yer: I cannot} answer _v u whnl. minpluiims l h'uve cured uitli'your'l’iln hotter Hum tu‘ suyull lhul‘uc cwr Irent with nlpurgu [in qu’divino. l plmio grunt dopemlendo on in ollectlml eulhurlic in my ii iii“ mulch vl'iLh «liq-Mu, mnl inclining as ,1 an lhnt- your l’lll! ‘all‘urd ‘us the bout \\u hnvefil nl' mlurx‘r value them highly. r‘ ' . l 'i ‘ , ; l‘illqburg. l‘u., \lflyi l, ”55. Dr. I. l.‘ .\yqr—Sir: l lm‘i’e been repeated lb‘ curml ol‘-thehh-hl hmuhu'he any . [’o'le can Ilec lay a rlowlur tn‘u ol‘yhur Wilt: l 3|;le tin uriqelruui u (onl «lmnzwhmhirh the; Henna til. onl'é. foul?! with grim! n'sprrl, i x , En. “'Llfnhnl.u,£l'k'nf Stoumel Plaflon. inumvs l‘ilfill'tlH-IllN—lJVl-le(fl)\ll'l,A|VT.~h Hum Dr. Theoduru III“. M 5“ Yurli City. .\"m wily m-e ynur l'ill'gxul‘lnirubl) uduplcd Io chi-irlnirpnue as 05" nspc-rimll. but: l.liuil their benefit-‘in] «111-rte upon the ‘in er Very l‘nnrked inllLl'l‘dJ ‘Thoy'lnuepin nu nrnelii e prunnl more ellm'lnul l'nr‘tlml rurc u! inli‘uiis ununluiula [him an}: onie rum-d) Ir nimu-ntiim. l hinveFely rag juiGc Ilml “'l.- hmc at length R [lurgnrivej n liirh ix uériln thefioulidenre oll‘lw prui‘euu‘un Ind the people. ‘: ’ . .‘i - 'i inf-[iarlmrnl nl' llw lnh‘rinr. } . “'nihingilvn. l) (,1. Tlh l"rb. 11l .01. Ef ‘ Sir: I hm‘qnqecl iour Pills in my grumnl‘ mul’ liqnluitnl pgm'licern'i yin-w _vuu mud: lhnn, and I‘illllml llFsilute m in)" the) urn “he l-r‘l. élklllilrlil‘ we einplny. Their regulating: urtiun ion I’hefliwr is (lllll‘h :unl dor'inli-«l museum-ally they are an mlmiruhlv romody l‘or drmngrmemn nf‘ lhni orguu. hull-wil. l lulu achlum finund u ("we of hiliim‘ «limmo su oh‘blinult tlml it did 'nnt. regulil; ~\il-hl lu-thrm. lirnlcrnully four», I ~3 \ .\i.u\7.p BALL, \l. l) , '. . 'i’hhin-ian ul'lhe Murine lloapilnl . ‘ m‘snsz'niuv. mmmmzi.‘ munixuvunus. [‘o‘ ‘_ 1 hum {)r 1.6 UnenHMChfc-agy. _ , V on‘; l’lll‘ h.m- lull n lung uml mmy prac . 1“", am“ hnlcl ”mm in 'O5 com as one=nflhé 0" Inn-a} nimrionh I lmu- ewr 11mm], The phary -Ilsvc (:fl'crl Ilpun (ht-‘li'ier nmékcs [held an on ‘4’. ‘_- I lenf rtun-rly, “‘1“ n giwn ifn sum]! 11m: for _A u bilin‘gui dy.~ouu-ry nll-I diarrllw». Their sugar cmmug makl-e [ln-m very né-n-pfmblr mu! ton“ IJ- , vm'xiL-In ty‘r the usfinfnumcn und childrrn. ‘ \ Jul “\'SI'I‘II’SH. HII'I'HJ'I‘YwF THE BLOOD; I"! - l’mm lle. J. V. llilml, I'l‘u-r u! ,hgvrm (‘hin'lu Imluh vn Dr. ~\_wr‘: I luv”: use-l yuur Pill: with up do: lnmrrliuary hug-cunt in my Inlni|y and nflmux or tlumc I am mllt-d £0 vigil in Ilium-la. To regu- 1 late the orguni 6f Iligl-zllou and yuiily the ciri blqud,‘(lu~_\' nre 1h» wry hes; remedy l lune nr‘ ever known. and l run muliglrnlly recommend t-ir . them In Ill_\ friends. \'uurs,’ J. Elfin“. nt. I ‘ Warmer: ll'y»miugrn.. N; Y.. “rt. 24. 3.55: “.'“ '. Dear .\‘ur; I an: "ting _w'mr (iuthnrtie ‘Yill'l ow ' in my prtictil-o, and (in-l them Inn ‘n‘xt'ellont rst Tpurnntivc to l’l- nn‘lFlhe g) stem and [muff 'llm Efountmins ol‘ the Mom]. ,1 ' r " ; he ‘ Jum' G.,:)ll.\cn_ni,\.ll.-l). 'v- ' Cuxmmwmx. (‘Un‘TH'I-ZM-Iss. ist'rrx’ns i SIU'S'. RHEI'MATIS‘I, (11 WT, .\‘fill'lUlL’lilA, "9! DRlll'Sl'. L' \ILHxYSIH l’l'l'h’. HT; ' ‘ l'k ‘ 'rom‘lll'l‘J P "nnghn. Myntrnl, Cull-d 3. ‘ lo'g Too‘ much runnut he mid of ,uvur‘l’lll.‘ for 'fls the‘cure of cumin-unit. lfmhen uf hur‘l‘rn ish - trrnity lun’o 11mm! them .0 rllit-Ariqtu :- _l In;l"ththeynhanMjuin me in prm‘lnimihg it for Ide v the. (nu-fit ol the/multitude! w‘ho lullerafr'om In that rnmplnint. “9’31"," nllhough‘lud eubugh in do , itsell. is llw'progenitor of when tlmt nj-eynne. Re. I l lit-liege ca-ti‘vnuos-r tn originnll in the liver,‘ lie,l bul. yogut l‘illn AMT-ct that orgen .’nd cure the it u di‘rt‘e. ,“_ . ' '1" y m 'rmn Mn I. Stn'm. Phys-lent: 1M uld-lb; kl. in I find one or tun [urge done: of your I‘illl, ltnk’enfl the proper time. Are excellent promo {o" lives of the natural secretion when wholly or .pnrlinll't supple-sud. and all-mt": olfeegul to " change the stmmirh nun! expel wome.‘ Tho-y Ire so uiuch the best-plush we have tint I re commend nn otherto my patient". ‘ _. Iran the II". D}. 11-lhn, 01th. Methodl-tlrlaflllnh.‘ ' Pulaski Upuse, Havnnnah, (influx: 6,256. : llonnred Sir: \K. Iltould be ungr‘lefnl 'fa‘r 01" ._ the relic-{your skill has brought me “‘1 did not. '0? report my case to you. A ,culd settled in my [lß‘ limb: Ind brought on excruciating neuralglc "'5: pains. which ended in eh‘wpic rheumatism.— Notwithstanding I had the Beat of phylic'mu, 'the dilienxe grew worse and worn. until bytbo advice ofyour excellent agent in Beltipol'l. Dr. Mnekenzie, I tried your Pilln. Thea efl‘ectl were flow, but sure. By perseveringl ”the 11. 0! them, l em now entirely well. ‘ . ' ‘ , Senate Chamber, lluton Hannah" 5 Dal”: Dr. Ayer: l have been 'entieely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout-TI psi-fill d'n eas'c that‘lmd Amie-ted me for yeerl. ,‘ u _ “your Sun“. WHO“. 0! the Pills in market coughin cury. fillich,‘ although 1 (I 111-ble "had, in skilful hands. is ,duugeroua in I puilie pill from the dreadful consequences tlut frequent ly follow its incautioul n-e. ‘Thne coltlll no mercury or mineral unbsuace whatever. ; , me, 25 cents, per Bu. 0r 6 lam #l:]. ‘ . framed by Ir. J. C. HE! E (70.; hull, ; , fisold by A..D. -Buehler, Gettysburg- Boblltz, Arendtsville; Fulton t we Pnirfleld; P. A Myera, New Chester; I. S ‘ Ken: Oxford; E. Hiteshew, York Sprlnp; In" denlen generally. - » ' ' Sept. 3.1880. lyeow _ E I l gimme: Branch Railroad: 1 MM!!! ARRAl"GE.“El‘i'l'hluy—l’nunfll‘l Tnim run I: follow“ % FIRST TRAIN loam Hanover u 9, A. l, 3 mlking direct connegtiou n Junciion for York, : Hsrrlabuig, Philadelphia, and the Won. ‘ . SECOND TRAIX‘IL-nves Hanover M 2, P. '.. ‘ with Pusengcrl for Baltimore Ind intemedhtql poinu. . ' Through Tickets are igaucd to Philulolp ‘ Columbia, Hurrilburg, fork, Wink-op , Bnhimon. and all principal way point; 0. 5.; line “the Northern Central Builwny, ; . z n. a. mom, mm Ago-c. f June 10, 1861. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers