.r . u ’ The Calvin“ ii publishé‘xl a V"! Mrgu‘uq morning. by Iln'n' IL Hun“ ‘ :‘t 31 75 p 9" amng if pnkl strictly n :3 ,leleSg, ()0 per unnmn if not paid ,33- "d'flnce- ‘5O nuchription dizmngimlélu'; .unlm ._t the optinn of the publislfl'r, | N 3“ “"W‘S" Brejy‘m' _ . _ ‘ Ar“ nxrnnnn mwrtmlnt the mun! rates. . mu Pusnw done with names; and' displtch. @ ; ' Orrin in South Baltimore «front. aim“: oppmite anplors' Tmn‘mg Ednlfl'uhmcnl l -“Colrn.u Pawns-a Orna-z " on the sign. I Gettysburg Restauraug. ”-7 "mu-rugged. h'm‘iuu bought nurflhhrlm T 11. .Rnwhovrwill continue lhc GETTYS- Bl (”LG REATU'RANT. M Hu- nM stand. under Mann-mghy'n "all. in ‘(larl'nlle all-nl.,- where b» will nlu‘nyfl be rt-mlv to urn: up. n! the mlh oftultumflkhYSTßßq. Cllll‘Kl-ZS, BEEF TUWH‘HKTRIPE. ‘lf‘fi UREA“. km. with DIDVESTICV ‘VLVEH. (WE. L'HPER nhd PUP. He will spam no effort to rcndicr smid‘artinn m all “he may patronize himx‘ llt- onlv mks n cull. YAKfENTISE WERNER. Jul;1,18c1. 3m— ' Lancaster? Book Bindery. ‘ EQRGE wuxT. ‘ ‘ I” A ”not: quinmz, AID nus; noon uutl-xi-w-rn'znv LAYIWSTBR, PA Plain and ommnmlal|llmlfinm nf every 1%. Irritation. rxorutcd in the mpnt yuhltantinl nml approved Myles. ‘ ~ Rninrxcm. . k E W. Brnyrn. 1521]., FMMC‘TF ll Ink- n! Lam-MIN. W. L llmu‘cr, Ham. 'Lxlnl‘h-lor (‘nunlv Bunk Samuel Shock, E<q . (‘ulumbin Bank. {3' Sam-IclflVugnrr, 3511,. York Hank. ‘ . ~ Willinnf‘anm-r. Em" York‘Cnnnlv Bunk. ‘;- D. (‘MlyonLEAqu Bank of (lvttynhnrg. ‘.. cler Karin. Esq., l'rnlh'y ufluumutor (‘4l: Pa. _ Gen. C.l Awthnrn, Haw. Rouifler 8‘ , “ 7‘ Gen. Wl: io‘n. Esq.,*flu-o‘rder : ’ .. ”April 15, 1861. . ' A ——.——7 ~ - , c ‘..“- _-.. archant ~Tailoa-mg! * 'no as “mu," hm SM! [Mm-net! from JG the I-ily will: A lurk». «traék nf t‘lm'io. ('.ru. 1 limorez. (Vulnnwreuz. Dyan (II- FA}. (‘ncllmorm V .(‘lmlL MM “ruling: of all styles; un-l huving L‘lecurul the son-in": of _-. ~ “'.T.Kl;.\'.l‘r.‘y II Fort-man; we nl- pn-wrm] tn- put up Hm show! good“ in nlyku mm! In 'lm hut rih‘ 'manufzictnring iwstnhlikhml'fih 'llzu'inrz mrm-vl V out hnndrwh of’jubs within Ihc‘l m «ix month. which have all $n rm! 3 |ti«rn-rnrr. «ml :LA'erv *5 . . . ‘ Honudv‘rnhle mcrr‘ ur- Ln ngxrjruhngp In dum‘. conrlnliyelv, shut We 05" lmuim-u in .\‘u. I . Quinn": ”j" (“wk 7 punt! iAu-qu‘ality am} We are confidcnusjc ('- April 16: 1851. cf _vfif._fl_ ._ '\ \ Townsley»&Ahead. \ li\ ndrriiznml'rfipgrtfu'h i.,r..1-m. m- T pn‘nir Hm he mfmuhgli‘l-thc (' \IHHAGH MAKINGASD REWHRING hu-‘mma in all in difl'o-rent frfi'mn. rhupor lhin nnr qmp in {ln- county. All work vurnumd in gin mism— ..:iun"tm-uulnmrrl. (‘nnu'rv prh'h’ll‘e lukvn in eulnnnge for work at rn \rkM pr‘m-c. ' f .\‘ \L, TUWNSLEY. Gettysburg, Juno 24, 136]. New Goods! .umm'ronx‘mm'r‘m-zus hm gm re. F ‘(Wh'fd and 93's nnw (awning?! dlu-np Mp} dun’r'lhle _nnnrhnrfilnt of Spring (hunltg‘ If: whirl: the Attention "fihnyori i 1 {Mm-“trunk invited, Thti‘: Stork cnmp‘ri-wfi «11-11101401! ‘ in! niost xq‘pprm‘od Rules and anv~rn¢ of “I?" /_(‘.on4*. tngélller with their mum! :Iw‘fl'l’llflé‘nf nf‘ _Slnvie nnmestir Comb, such ni wmrfit tail V 0 _ ph‘lfll All g'lm nmv i‘-u'or than: with t'uir pn trofin‘gé‘ Cull cm]; nnd MIL-1:! from tler [urge ind varied nslnr'hirnt. ‘ ‘ A FAIISESTWK‘ “noun-ms April 1‘ Ul6! - -‘ JU-DSON'S g ' Equntain Herb Warm 'Te‘a. Buns, mums; AVDths i : , ‘ {mars ‘ “ x-oisuxovs MINERALS Ash nnrcs. M 0 THE/IS, TA HE -III:'I-.'D ..' D 9 you when nhaorving fiw unmsy Action: of y‘ouf‘t‘hil‘lfl‘n‘ romider that i 0 m n‘ lu- more 1h m n int-r 9 Chr)“:- llm‘r nlflirtfi Hut-m? ln'ninc curs nut "Hen. Hm 'vuuu» uftho, li'lle suffer or'l Anguish ii Wouxs, and :lniulrl be a! once lop'nd to‘ {rims or mmuas, 7}. Do not In! four cinil‘lrgxx‘sufl‘cr. when we pre ..4 ium. yon ina- - Jl’fiSfiX‘S WORM TEA A FAIR A!!! VLIAI\VT CUR! mu WORKS ' Ho? mnc'h hi-mar and wife:- \Muld it he go have it nhvnV: in '1“- house. A lime- drln‘y .\‘fishpn A child‘ i< mkcxi ill mm: 00.0" h:- lln‘ muse ‘ of in: Math._whjlo noting, whim“? (May. and .‘ .'hv giving the .\UII'XTAIV HERB TE\ immo ,Ailtolyfl'ou will not gnlvmnve‘lhi‘ ch‘l-l a hug ; nnd’tedimu illucss. and yourself luuvhJ-qve‘nsr. I but aim fog! hnppi. rin knowinflhnt3-111111|\'0 ‘ *dbnp yaur dflty. and 'l4-“vach <2ua-.liza.life, , ”This gmdivinc is cumhucd purrly of _ ,M lIERns AXDJTOOTS, EMI Not A‘ ”guru: or ' ' CALOMEL ()R MINERAL 5‘ I! ("SID IN IT .\‘6 man filthy \'r-rmifuge will hp used by those who on'”.- nu- this T 1“. The 0 IV ext-vivb} . rine'kpfe of in "who: \'hrmiflng’l‘s £lll Worm‘ given is MERCURY; . ~ GIVE V 4 P O I YOUR CHILDREN , ('5O this Shuffle, San, nggmhle ‘v‘lcficir‘m. ‘_‘- This Worm TM '1: din'mn'ere-l in an unlu- Satyr/fly among tho Wihh u! ,\’.}rxhorn Mexico -—irfull sot‘onn; of it you will find m uur .\l 'mnm. Ask fqr [he “Rm-urof Tull! Jim/mar," of the Again and wfic _\'nll have read it, senfi j: m ygur neighbors. Lg" they mnv nl'm knofi" at 3nd {:9 cured by My GREAT mun-2m I. ' 3» _ \___‘-__ if: D Sp'sr' sjw 0 I}. 3| ’l‘ E A , * )I!qu WORJIS, nvn unis—ls nuns! TO nu cm A“ ”ohmic—3.7lll9l: 25 céxrs ' finnvm—Allwnys finvl the finme'nnd Sign} tl of B. L. JQDSON & 00.. and the portrait. of; Mo, ou'each 9401“” of this Worm Ten. ‘n. L. James “a co., zlsonn Pno-pnth'rox‘s, '{6o‘ Ltoséin Sruuné XII You ‘.JCDSOX'IM'DII Tn § sold by one Agent In "or: Village, and‘laylnll llkuggi-ns. R. G. (311:, Agent (61‘ Gettysburg. ‘ July 22, 1861. lygoy _ e i , ' Change of Time. ET'EYSBURG RAILROAD—OImI! otter A ' Wednesday, liny 15, IBM, tho Morning! 'l'rlil will lave Gettysburg nI'JAO A. M., with ‘ ginger: for til the connections. North and 111, on the Northern Centrnl Railway. ind return nbont 21 P. X. The afternoon Thin 'ilL‘luve Gettysburg It 2.1.8. P. M.;' but: gun-gen by this Tron: cs: go no further thin f , out}? the lame evening. Returning Lwill ‘rmh Gettysburg :h0uz.5.15 I'. .\l.. with passen- _ gen ken: Hmrrlnbnsg, Philndelphia, he. By this arrangement _persons from the country, nest the. line of tlie Rnilrand, having bnu’nus to tronuct in Gettysburg, can take the noon Train up Ind [up nearly two hours in Gettya. . burg, ond null in the Afternoon Tmim R. HcC URDY, President. ltyhz'l, 1860. ‘ L {LLINEBS and other. willjnd t good u‘. ”Hunt 0! Ribbons, Flore", Plumu, no as, tc., it. the cheap store of \ A. SCOTT t SON. DMESflCS, Ticking, Cbeckl, Flannel: 16" "lea-p IH-‘ahneuoek‘s'. We have 3150 t. [3Ble brudéd vnh our own an e, to' wiiqh we invit‘ "peck! “nation, :3 “Excel: Iv: Mm: cm ofored in am min; a. 44tli -Year_ I‘ERSONAI..—\\’r nwd money hnle: and it will he a n tro'ivl‘lo us if our ricnrlr mu] pntriml Mruith us with I‘} little ol' tIIF “ nootlful " without delay. lf thév mn nnl [my ML?! tlmn in IN“! give m: n (2an n! that In whim up are jvnlly emitlerl. in order m ruliovo all from our tmlmrr:uum?n(. . “'r lllllik wo lump ‘lu-en very inulnlgen , land therrfure hnpp m meet with a rmdy rc' pan“- to what we cunreire (u Inna ron-q‘ufllgle r qno-zl.‘ l’t-rd‘ms M n lliilflnl'! an remit lay nil. .51! our ri~k. (‘om_e friends, giro min lifl. "hon! lnnzcr drlni’. WP “Ill" lhnvo Honey 1 keep the wheels of the old CoirnrznTn well n A Readv Market. 00 000 lwsxlms G AIN . l-ID.-—§Wc h 0 ml: lmine hut-Iv mman'uery Flincfu (or. R 0 I; (‘O.. «Mi 3 dvlzrlnmntion to p ythe hi mnrkn prion fur all klindq of Cr in. Y 4 find ml supplied will: I’llyASTl': ,GI‘A .n was. GROI‘I‘ZRIES, mmh-sn c-and l.l’\ll3l'ill. ('O.\ L. and overly ntlibd nrliéle linP nl‘ lnuiuess, Fnlll nt i[he lobe t p rznvs for (Huh. ('alll nud‘emml'm-iont Ito prices before plm‘hnqiuz ( «when. {l l)ll~2lll.. ”RI. KHRIIOFB kl April 22., 186‘. 19'. ~ _ ‘ l “,3“ , _ _ _-..~. ._‘—"7‘ I ‘ Tl 9 Great Dgscovery P THE A’G{-I.—lnflammatorv and (‘ 0 th-unm'i<vn (uh h:- vfiurml by Mimi .\IHJJ‘III‘S CELEBH.\'I‘I-‘.DIRIIEILII.\TIa Tl'llli. .\lnny prmnim-nt dillzcn of thi llu- adjoining t-mmlit's. hfn'e ltislifienlr lln-u utility“ Its more“ "n Hfiinrxnfirl Mom. has bI-en hitherto Inpqar, lleled l - m..-mu. inlrurlm-‘crl to 1b public. Pr] mm pI-r hymn For gale _v all .(Irugzi slnrr-keepch. Prepared (ml by I". 1.. .\II I 'Wlmlvmlpnml Raf-H Dr! {Eifit'pEnlL - Avlnmy: mnnt‘ra Pm. dmlori Drngi, Che um. Varnish. Spirita. Pain 5, l’y’mstufi': thy? Uild. Esm-nrei End l inrtu‘:os.'W Glntifi‘l’vrfunwrr. l’nn-ul Mgdgrinu. krm WA. I’. Hut-MM ii "I .\gfing in (‘n lmr! for “ 1L L. Mgllcr'u (‘UI 'hr:l(3t!l§hr£€ Mixture." . ".[ une 3, 1661.1 rlnnnk ht- Eur in» n; u cull.— \'ml. I}} .\RWHJ). t. . . s . Pnbhc Nohqeu' ' , TAKE m. me‘hml to linform the I I final I hurt-_rv-rrivrd fro the ('ifj' 0!: ulclphin n FRESH .\‘TU”K. H" GUUDS, ptisinp n" oftlu- nowon sh vs nl ' N % "f I. ”was mmsslaoons. . ' SHAWLQ. ‘ l ‘ ; -,cl.u_\m_\w: mfir IS,’ I : ' GUWE". 1, .‘ _ - . HUSIERY ‘ ' anV'hs. ‘ . , lunrmss._ . - ‘ HANDK‘ - as we" «1 n’fine nunr'ment‘nf l ' I'ERH'HERY AV!) FAFXCV'SOAP. in film ov'vrvthin': that ie u "ally found aim-k at” Dr\' nml Fzmvv Gun 11. f 0“ THE (H‘INTL :“EV ’ HyM‘fi a! rnm'vlo-H- a stark nf|(‘LUT S. C. “HIM-Is, mums snnuxu-t F it WEAR. nu “‘P” as GLUVFS...“ OPK ”.\XIIKERVIHEFS. NECK ‘ THE-‘l' SLR DEBS. km, I“ mu: ever brought lg h-Itv April 2'l, H 551. IJ. I 4; SUI” -_ .___‘ _ __ -—‘r~> , ._‘__V;,,.,_ L... _2 I Jrnsnxl's 1‘ ‘ _ AMounpaln He b P11]; ‘Vg Em- a mum liko’rms nf Fm w t-hirf (”‘l‘er oflhev'slmnge Au 1 ‘ tion, that once nlcd “exit-(7‘. You will % full «(w-hunt of 57-51 and his purple ih oqr Pa ;_ Id; and Algnmmrsa—tn he [IPII gratis; fru 2 Agt-uti forguu-se Pills: 4 ‘ ! ‘ The im'chmrnnd muufnriturer of ‘SJ-n I I.\lnunmin ”orb Pills." h'ns “PF“? We Hurt (11' his life in‘ n‘urelilxg. having: \" ne-«rly Every rmmtry ii) tfiq' world. HI: I miter <ix yea“ "mung the lulflinnsmf the i‘ .\lount-linzand 9f .\lcfico. fl'ltll it lays o.lm I the “A.“nl'finn‘ Hnnn PILLSEN were «Ikm A very inturuting nrcuunfi of his nave them,’ you will find in bur .\lufiln . .Pfllll’vllh‘t. ‘ ,' i 1 .n' is an estnlfliahed fucfl, that all di - nrise from g i. l Tho hlnnd is the life Efnnd when any f oign or nnhenithv mutter pols mirxt-d‘wifli it. i is at um-e di~trilmml to every organ of the b 3132— l-ln-rv m-rre {sols the pmba‘on, nd nil th ntnl organ: quinklv cnmplnin. ”he atnamcli will not digest 1!" food perfevtly. The lier estates t‘n fine" it sufiicienry of‘hile. The ncti n of the hurt is \imkcncd. and so the cir‘tnfitiun is'frc lo; The lungs heconie cloggedmith the {minions mutter; hence. a. (Ollghé-flnd anlt‘rum n sli ht impurity at tho fauntnin-hemlfiofiifcé “ho ['n‘lnml i As if you had throw“; some Garth. for instance. in a purt- npr' ng. from which Hui A tiny rimlati in ‘nJow minutes the #holg course of the sin-11in hem-“foe disturheqi and di<rnlor(-d. As qniogkly dneiimpure hyiofid fly in every part. n_nd leiu’e its? sting behind.‘ All thr pzicskgos become obstructed. and nnlegs the nhflrnrtion is rem'ovcd. the lamp of {life soon Qies {out ‘ ’1 . S. 0 N These pills not only purify the blood rogencr te all llie secretions of thehoiv; are. the efnre, unrivalled an n ' (‘ ‘RH FUR BIIJUI‘S DISEASES, [river ‘nmpln‘inl, Sick Hand-lobe, kc. ‘1 Ann-B ion: Medicine expel: from tlulhlool hidden seeds of disease, and'rendd-s al} fluids Bnd secretions pure and fluent, der and resuscitnling the vital organs.’ l Pleasant indeed. «_is to usnthae we are to Nun-e withiu your ‘reach, a. medicine lik ‘- Mungutnin llerb Pills." that. will pass din tn the sifllicted part ; through the blood fluids at xhe body. 131 d muse the snll'on‘ blighte' with the flufih of beauty Ind heal Jun-flan} Pill: arr (ha But Ready in existed ‘ ‘lllr follqu‘iny Complain/J; I . anol,Complninu, Headaches, “ ‘ ('ong'hs, Indigestion, - Colds, ’ .V Influenza, Che“ Diaeuses, * Inflnmmntion, Comm-nus, ' Inward )Venkne Dyspepsia, Liver Complniri Dian-hum, Lawn-d of Sp rl Draw. Pilu, 4 Debility. Stone and vaal. - Fever nnd ‘Arne. Secondary Symp- Fem-1e Complainte‘ ‘ tonal. GREAT FEMALE MEDICJNE! ' Females who valhe -henlhh,—ahould never be without these Pills: They purity the Mood. remove obstruction: of a.“ kinds, dense the skin of I" pimplel and blotch“, Ind bring the rich color oLhealth to the pale cheek. - ”The Plum Ind Herbs of which these PHI! I" nude, were discovered in . var;- sur prising way Among thu’i‘ezucnns, a tribe of Abqrigineu in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you wiil read with delight: the very interesting Account it. contain: 01 the “ Greét Medicine 'l, of the Aztecs. ' , Out-". 4411: “Mountain Herb Rilla'! are put up in I Bcnuliful Wrapper. Ench' box cnntsins 40 pills, and Retail M. 25 ken“ per box. All genuine lure the signatur? of B. L JUDSON l 00., on euh box. 1 l ‘ B. L. JUDSON & 00., soil: Pnovmmoas, No. 60 hogan Stun, New You. Agents wanted always—Address I: show. fill. G.‘ Gun. Agent for Gettysburg. ‘Jflly 29, 1861, lyeow ‘ _ ‘ Ayer’s «WPill's. ‘ ‘ ! l l ‘J’. ,1 E Br 11. J. snnuzi ‘ mrrm: mm“! PlOt• 11+: 01.!) clumps. 4 ' It "And: in E ‘The bofity mymy meadow! ‘5“ go mossy find brown, brons old stone chifimeys, Ey‘robfuloping dowfi. ‘, ‘With its on . ‘1 51mm -‘ % {imagines {Ol t ‘ flfhtueea, E Lhnl ihe winl , 51AM (he I; “d their green arms round it, ’- century old; _ a go chanting through them, Inbeunu drop their gold. - AST: 13 the E s‘ll} cowslip ‘E 1 And the r ; And beside l i ‘ The‘hcrds spring in the marshes, we: bloop on ma 11m; 4! brook imtlu: pnuu‘ru _ - feeding.“ will. . finger lighe‘xl u will ’0 of emiflr in on t fl‘lu- childre i " The: uit‘i € And the Qld ‘ A 5 she ha. hnv‘e gonegnnd left them; the "In' alone! 'uihlg- I )- Ind h'ife‘s eira gre failing, 5 . lkl to the well known tune-J 3 Thug! won he ' heart in her girlhoo'fl. I ‘ ‘ otllqul‘ her-‘iin mlny a care, ’1" ngoonr the hrigbtncu - |e “ditto wear: } l- airs og‘hcrmriaal— . In] in Pier robe of while, i her gay young lover lniugjs rouy light. f ' —! 1 Agni finder: I ,1 [.4.-r oldf. rnnlc I H L. .\llXo , and to it! nfi'ec- ' 1 f ‘ [bundx'L-s. i s|elamdd h u the mu ‘ nny (‘2 56 } I and 1 [(ER. c-rlin, ] icnh, 3 but n'dmr kc. .01. the mor ing IS rosy as ever, . e Trnm liorfibeek is fled; ‘ {he still isgoldexi, ‘ ‘ on A silvued head. ' . ME! ‘ :‘Aqdlhib sins g nut i: ran i {\lLl‘thegirll; ‘ ; :I'wnv bur - % Tm ‘hor fcohl. ; - wimzheil % A’ 11l lornkigg i ‘. 'he Hrjuks‘ E‘Sib‘le, Had i l I : ‘He "crossc -I?Tl£nmllr dim i ' yd'glimm 1 iltlloee in E ‘ as bevel: Is ‘ L | I Th ‘4'“! hi [3 Eff” 13hr (In‘ 14 (Illlwnnlt I i .3 $1101; over %,‘ 2 ‘ l g fleHMdflJh = f ‘ ilé_k(iuchcxl .fAngdilht-ir In: ‘1 5 Like the cl 'oml dreams, once vanished, - in henhinter timt, ‘ [, puhréi; tremble ‘ rill oflspxing time's prime. on]. from the window.’ how the trees have grown, L 7 he}- bridnltwhittfncss, the old door stone. - Hiya— math: 1111: . cow. ed her on': bright azure, ,d her lmir‘s xoung golh; or {zirllmudl iglficd rmivn dim hor old. ‘ *. 10% in the sunshine, 1 wui alumist 11mm; ’ 1w close, an angel he thrunhdld stbxie. ’ MEI r hands tdkether— » their eyelids will: b'xlm; hrenth fiuLm-d upvnnl, so at usolemn psnlln. ; 531. (“'B‘ was, , w. ! nrg. ;' liike' a'br'dnl ! - The "nice ; 'li'h‘né‘le'm e to 1 , "I‘Wlmseb pair 31m: t‘rnvcrud 3 _ myitic roqd, ‘ ' me beautiful city, . ’ Hdor and maker is God." , Perhaps in t I a They wilf‘l AILJd ‘flowors (' Wu bloo ‘ onlc briqngh! $143.11 call I Anilgttcrms} i we love”: .1 i. t miracle country . , \'eher lost yo‘uth bu-k; . ifn g‘yuuiéhed spring that, in the spiril'fi tuck: Irum the “vi 3 water; {wk fiia mafirwxod'a prime; Icau‘qlmn measntq _ .‘. toutlivedilime. ‘\ {a that they left behind “(0111, +35 and silvqr iiair, -\\ a by the Eisul la! pr‘inted; them. I'* "o. I ' Nu. nd 3. mph . the mn's mler sited spent i‘ orky : tlmt | erwl. tum Bnlt‘he nhap THe wrinkl Madi- holy! The angel 1 We fin l‘lide ‘ When the ‘ Whege Hue an No: the wi} ‘ . 1 And we'lléu ‘ With itsug O'er the iwo -‘ In gheJ’nflx way.‘nenth the willoys,‘ _\ is Jofjh the west; ; hemhs mn‘not find them, 1!: diSt'urb their rest, E 1127 er no tell-tale tombstone, . ‘ and date, to riser ~ - ho He olld‘no longer, , 1‘ r'a House in the skies. “mama. m tation to Dinner. ‘1 EIZI2 ed Hm, a certain oovetoul invited any one to dine with a wager," said s wag, “I get an him." r ‘Ticb ma 1 him. “ 1n in‘vitatio hut (buy ’yh'e kpger 1‘ next day to th fine he was t he mu§t speak‘ Iy.‘ fdr he can» 1 ing accepted, he goes thé rich man’s house nbout this dine. and tells the serum. with his mister immediate ve him n‘thbusand pounds; master; “ What. is that sir, -. a thm'mmtl pounds 2" ‘ This the ‘ ; the? ring‘i‘ Pdt camath you can save . able 1 firm clly ‘ “ Yea sit. I - her, will '56 a 11$, me’ 8. with me.” ' n, but {see you‘are :2 din my and cg“ again.” and r to Itil. . blesome." “ I shall'be e No; .:. ail.’ The ihvitati ‘ dinner} If” 0 .. Well} 537;" “ now p 0 bunin I am t 4? save I “ Well. sir, I dispou of in “ I have, air. “ And you i thouuud poum " I d0,,1ir." “ Why, then’r sir. let me kayo hot, And I will hie hey 'lth nine thouamdfl n was. locepkd. Al soon at -r. agd the family‘ retired, ”d t e mnn of “:6 house, W Pray let me know how ‘ housanél pounds I” ' la eu- you have: dmghter to . We 7” j . ‘ i 'teqdm portion her In'}: (kin . . 7" The mate} of the house arose in a pinion tad kickod hixh out of doon. . ¥ Izz Budd)" not Rebellion—The Chicago Pout, u very decidediwu‘ paper, in notieing the subject of “treasonabie” newspapers, makes the very pertinent inquiry, why no grind jury of the loyal city of Boston bu taken official notice «if s newspaper there. «fled the Liberator, which ever since the com mencement of the war, baskept displayed It the head of its columns, the traitorous and infamous eentimentrbo uncivil to the President and Cabinet, too,) ” 17w Guaran h‘oandu UrdtedStamiwloagwwfl/thdlad a. men! with tie devil I” .fl-Col. Killian, who command: at Lex ington, 110., i 191: Irish hwyor‘fromChieljy. -4 ’ ~—______—____ ‘ fl" ' as. GETTYSBUBG, PA-, 'MONDAY, vSEP'I‘. 80, 18635}. come in and take dinner “run {s‘llcnfl nan mu. Pnnn." I Speech of 11011.1}. 0. Bailey, Tn tw Mnssacltusottf Drrppcratic State Con"- vention, Sept. 18, 186! | MI. I’m-stunt AxniGisrLtlnN, or nu , Coxrzv-rmx—Ai I hnvé Men the means o_f expediting the busine s spmewlmh, I truut i I may be allowed a. iw‘momenls to sn§ that I am overjoyed “#M3 the Democratic} ,Ipany pf Mauachuwtts isinnt derail. [Afi- ’plnude and cries of “ 900311 I; ‘cqre no ‘who_it‘a stuhdard-bem‘e mhy bé. dog that h‘ ‘ix A true Democrat. A ‘lfiair, I §zx£v¢ '{ron Ithefir'fl. beli'eved that hé walfurq of (hi fin-pat ¢onntry depended u ‘ n the ‘stmbiliti ‘.nnd the lmflevemnoe fifth?) ufp‘t-isingoy Mhe Domacrary of the n tibn. [Algplnusel Sir, I stand here to cl‘a m 5 that the‘ Dem ' :c‘ratlic party has ulway. béen loyal to th“ Constitution and the U ioh. Wusit not in the 1 war of 1812? it not do in th war with Mexico? Anfljs it unit so now? [Voices—”Y9st mm are. hé whthgnf dartakesto éharge upoh ohy Deniohmt. be} cause he does not ch 9t9 ybtaf for .somQ man who represents pri ci lea in which h - never believed. that in not Ken! 10 th; Constitution, libela‘theg Dlmtocratib party Wm]. ‘ l - ,é ‘v_l VI lmvo, sinfnr twentylfiv yennfittenflaa llm Dvmncrafic Conv'olltl s in ibis Sm»: [have plwnyg worked i t e funkyand I{ aim plggsed to work the : ow. lE lclnn nnlyl say,<sil§, that _yvhen th I mqgrntic pal-m gives lip its offinimliofn. nd pfiesents nd cnntlldixtns. my oc‘oupntlio as n idurnul'iad will behnnp. llnw shall] ropresénl ypm': principles unless 'you repr sent them your;; sdlv‘es TL ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 Now‘sir. I: believe thLl hile ml shouhl‘ pr‘memite tlllp mu- to “19‘! tmml pgtcnt. 03" nlir ability, aml that w‘a p“ {gld'suiptmrt ll: i (ibvemmont (not thei ll vidualfiwho :jtr ; ih 11. lint (hie GnvernwiLn .) in all lnivful and legal moésureu .for t m purpmpgof pub: ting (lnwn‘ infurroctionl a U-rehellianfi { the name tiuie «’9 should vote that “l Pinion Jmon ’f Kontuilg ‘ Mies‘mi'ri and; \'lrginiri. whrrnre strug; Ii) g. for vory'oiis ! tench. can ppint tn'ou firm and nhh l tlnjnt‘there‘mje as loyal n d true Ellen‘i‘txl Mnssachuséttb and X 9. .nglnndln’owa. ‘ thpre were ini‘days of ynlro. [Appliluuml-j v.l I beliove. Hirhhnt if {ll¢ o ininn ol’ J‘eerr-J sou Davis omhd he obtain I, he‘ wdyuld hfl vise you herd: go make lno nominations: ‘ “"hy? > Would he not (file be abhtopnint?‘ lh‘e Union m§n of his 5 [ct uof this coun-j' try to your mgtion here 3 uy, M eyidoncoh that the who]? North I‘m Imm Aboli-l" ‘tionizodf [Applause] is ‘all we innt got; band m ham! with the‘ 1 ion mje'n of ob " South in all tonstitutio a 1 and Imm] men: mired to red re pbaoe o hue o‘ouhtryf “2 And; in myjl ‘dgmoutfi in n ohb' b 0 dorq‘! through thr; mllol-hox. IL I t. "I pay no'htf‘ ten'tionlrjo lh {hue and qr nbmm "inn par-fl tyfl‘but stun - up' for ("Eh- mt firihcipl‘osjf n-nd‘suhtaiu (them‘ in eye may :we 9:}an through the {mum-box. for upon Ihbse, ghe; U’nion men of Kentuckyin d‘thoqe stntes Ll htwe named, fan stand Inn go \‘vith “sf-J”- [Applnuim] ; Many ofi :1 cm ‘béli‘em _al-‘p Rough. fret-lisp“. not cor octlyn’thnt ‘wewi mewhis ya} for otherfia rposfis than 8116!] mainte‘h née :ofthe Govtllrn ‘lédt. and in .'no‘ii “jay coma e. do so mu’h to’confirm this i belief. a'mkfiparnlyze {h trma ofhhe U-i'; nion men of tb\a\South,las ‘ y ahanédonipglli oiu- organiutfinn. may - in, poll-mall,; with those Mic hive flay. oppoea? us. ' These are my beneath inioqs, find for these rqasofis l have do e hat I mlulddin‘ my humble yay. to ad ' ’te Dbfloctnii‘gf principiea, ant] I shall Mnt nue toflo sogin“ the future. 1 , 3* Nowwlet might-ow asidie ings‘, ad}! opt-l 1: our dooriiwi are any gennfemen w}; and so flesh-ops of mainlEniJ tution ind the Union, doctriflg of “in'o WtY-Wk’r‘ md vole omf ticket. :{AI have: very gr‘éod. 's'ound De candidate for fiovemor. *hc great ptinciple—“ Mina 0t and dori't ‘qufirrel with i& [Applnuna] We have lgo‘ denial disenu‘mn and n'_it : 'gro queftion. or we shall b l nion, Md in no way on til Hy standing Hy the aid ‘Dh’nl Democratic pfinciples; IL 7 _ -——.— .'. a.“ .4.—_.. “Unionme ' ,t 1. ‘ T ‘ We bur ngK-ent deal not days from Re—‘ publimns nbout Union mkn that th‘ey caret not thankind of men or“ Jesentediflar of-1 fice u the c‘omiug electioF}. ghe‘y will; " sup port them if they are onlngood Union mam"? This is a. very: proper netfttcijnnt, Ina upon it the Demoorncy of “fin {unlike} about 1 tanking n tens of Republienn :nineerity. The 1 Democracy nominated n hill ticket. oom pooed of noneibut genuinge Union Him—not members of a party qhoeo Wade repented. “ ly have aimed ndéairdtor‘ Isabel Union 1‘ ilide." but men whose "1101+ lives, political ly. has been pmed in an most endeavor tlo maintain the Union And the Comtitution. 11 Thin is o true Union ticket, composed otl loyal Union loving Democrats. and we call" upon all true Union men to give it their“ support. There are n ’thier nbolitionistst nor somasionistn upon RM Union men of] the true conservative stamp, to whose wisel counsel: we must look to :lifi the Nation; from the mire. Let us see. gentlemen, id you are sincere in your Union professions.—: ’Waynz OJ. Harald. ' i ‘ S‘Could the Republican leaders be guilt ty of a greater ingult. to the “Douglas Demo crats“ of this qounty than inzthe mumpzion flu: they an be made the hook for betray ing their party into the hurt of tho Repub flout—Clinton Denna-rd. 1 i - - ' From the for} ”rat. £1155“ Ems-om- :—I noticed thp follawing ‘ ngmph in the Philadelphin' Prru of the .11th inst. and as it'u very applicable up the state of things in our ovm J_udicial Digit-ich l rocommwnrl to the perusal and careful connitlemtion of evéry voter in the Downy: J “ J mlgcs 'l‘n‘ovrsott. Lummr. SHAIHHOOD. Snot-n. and lint: are fill mcn who sm. I the confidence and ”meet, of thc t 1 >cju ‘di‘ced; portion ol' the bommqnity. Whey have not beentfound wanting in any 05! the rccluisites that constitute sound and unight jm ages, nod that should rccommcml ghemv l to the supportuf our citizen'. All of these ‘ Eemlemen have had the experience lgffit lmct two ygtrdfnml «mm of them of n Qiuch lgnger pe otl. Judge Sworn hut he an associate judge'of tltp District Court. fgup ‘ worth of twcnt‘y-eight yours. and oregano i at all familiar with The duth of the Inch Zantl the buiirtcs‘z of that court can tip ”Dci ‘nte the rut Smouut of Icm] kndwlg‘dpe that mmt necemtrily have b‘eon mqired in ,tlmt .timc. ', With such exlwrjmtgc it ‘ woitld be unwiéc for our community ti? dis— ‘ ‘ prune. ,It igcertm’nly impolit'm to pet-mil: , 1 manike theacthgninet whnm it in allmf'Zttod '3 thq're in no §eriom grourid ofv objectitfn in l any aSpect. to bé supplanted by ambition-1 (4 aspirants for thbir pl'tccs who have ever: yet. been triei‘l in judicial capacities. 3 i i ‘ I 'N ‘ ' I I. The wiwt Mid host courue for thé éitiicns ‘ of Philwlelphiq, without diatinctima ofrjpar ‘tv, tomumtm‘is to cive thOir nuppofi to ‘them man whom they have known any rtx spacte-l for ma'nv \'ctu-s past. and who .lnre ' learned their confidence: for vhy voting for l the Ranch (with, they will “ let well enfihgh alone.” . FT. - Yet Mr. Fornoy in the same papergyub ishcd a mmmhniénlion npprmingy {the cum of the R9publio§nsof this dinfpiet, n nominating Thoma: E. Cochran. the pru ‘ntfiudimr Genet-xll4O oppose Judge Flg'rn. I he’lfittor his bad i'n experience,“ Chi bar nf 't’venty yam, and on the bench of' (on tears; is admitted to be an aide and to“ end lawyer and m exporiénced-Judge,‘ nd ne whoserhararter for honest . impnfginli y and judicial inlpgrity is évg'rywbefiul iued. and 'whoqe ndminislrlt an of j ‘ , icé um been highly acceptable to the mpg.— or filmy purposes, Hr. Pomey ‘dejrfi to lace in the stead of Judge Fisher. 3 him. ' hol ‘bna been. all His life; an active {byli icinn, for mnriy year:- In oflice—hunterannd t present an tuffice—hn‘de‘r, one whose gno ice at Hm bar has been so very lim‘led, _ hat the mmt of bin ,time Has been devbtegi lo ¢diting bitter pal-than jam-mils. a ‘ t" the doctgiue of Ur. Forney is sound foi llilnglelphia. mid iti-unglonjably is. it if. no fo'r‘the District compbséd of York andéfid itmn. ' . . 'Kt , This District. at one time duffel-ed swat-e -y from the iucompeten‘cy of I Presifient Judge, and’ the lawn is too recenflwre "hipk, to venture‘ again upon the exfierii Vinejnt nf inking nnjnoxpprienced lntyt‘to prosi¢§9_ovor.tll‘e life, liberties, andprgplg y,‘ .jof ‘her people. Bucxsiosf. ‘ Ofllciel corruption. 1; 3 3’; It is nnt disputed, ‘but is Ilileged‘ b} all parties. that n vast amount ofpflielel Elfin]?- tioin egistn: Thntlour soldiers wefe in(, m pusl‘y robbed by being mpplied with buttclo thing for which the highest prim we‘ - [pit], iaadmittd byGov.(\ntin himself. AF Ithis is only e Ainglo exiunple ofwjhnt in;. in on in Pennsylvanin eince the Republicans eve ipesseuion of the government. Till: Em" {not only an imposition on the soldiepflbut In loss to the people of that emount. {gr it. luvs neceswy to furnish them hmdi‘l‘rdy with) full supply of p good _lrticle, I‘. he people must pay in the shape of tuélJi The Republic-n Legislature ma {Gcfier -1 i, “not lastwwinter ,repenled the lounge 3n. persoriel fee]; lWhiCh amounted to ehout three hensl'rod 1e ; and If ‘hére l,thousnnd fallen Vennu‘ellyf besides ‘néhrly be m_ fifijoucllelghfihun red thonumd already due.,' fifin, ling thejGonsti: l (:32.th in paid by the pe°ple in tbgslgwe 91min inte‘°;' 198-1. ‘ ' lu fithem' 3m 1;" {lt in nnh'onneed tlnt President Li‘n‘reoln ‘hynudejl You-L bl” ordered uninveetignti n intothe Pll4 mocrat A, youri duct oflhe Hmishurgeonbtleton for hog-nee represeht‘etliat and mules,.becnuse qf the Pomption 9:31»- , own‘bnsinml nod to him by pr‘i‘nte parties. It in mime :- neighhor."—‘ contractors received 3125 m the 5° m “ Mrlp‘ “1h: ment for each horse. ‘wliil they paid only ion of the no“: from $5O to $ll5 for them-revengingnfiout ‘ ak up sm. 13- s9o~und thet theyl waived $lO per heme is be dnhe' hut‘ Miées for‘making the purehase. As thgms ratic flhg end‘ end: were bought. it is entry to mlculhte ud 3”,“va what the profits were. This is only Inge'x ‘ ’ ‘ ample of the speculation going on utthe Expense of the National Government. , The National tax collector v'rill soon be trout?— the people must. pay ; money or no mo" ey. the taxee must pe paid.—3C'Enton Donn-rig. Who homage: the South! if , The Moor-ts tell the Southern rofiels that the entire North i 9 détenninod to {but down rebellion, Ind thgt this unanimous North has the power to do it. The Demo. crntl tell. the Union men of the Sbntlg' to stand firm; tint their right- Ml» bro mted, 3nd if not mficiently located st present tdditionnl mantis! Will be gitj’en. The, BepuPlicnnu muréthe Southern yob els thnto large number of the Northern peo ple sympothiso with them and wish them iucoeba. The Republionm say to the Smith ern Union men, they Ihnll hnvo no further guaranties ‘for their rights, and those they have nlrecdy will not be further respected than levénts render necessary. Who, v'then. are thc‘true friends of the Na,- tional clue? . Who is sctingwisely and pm triotically ? Cfmlon Democrat. Bum; £3421. 21,—Orden have been «in sued from Washington, to Capuin Kanyiil, quarter-master at. this port, directing him 10 provide quarters and ntiom on Gauge mind, in this higher, {or one hundrod‘po lilies! prionon. 'Tho prisoners ”gaping,- ed to urfivo in I for days. Hf; [nnuocumc m'nonu. Rn‘nltionu Adoptnd by the Damon-Mic glaciation of Adams; county, Sept. 9th. ) . V R» MI. That my ondd‘rae the nntlmenta at A lrew Jnckfion, in his 6m: language. “The l'nion mum. and shall betpnlugrd: but t 0 Constitution rnnnot he maintained ‘nor th l‘ni‘on preserved. in op osition to’pnh lit Tee ng. by the mere exm‘ioflhg coercive power onthled tnthe gene ' vemment. the found ion inns! he laid inTihe nfirrtiona of the people in the security it king to lifeJlihprty. chum: r and propertv, in FWEI'}! "arm «(the mug" , And in the frzltrrml att owhir‘il. the cit. tens of the aevpmli Stnmto nine nnothc , I" mrmhrrs of tine pnlilimd familr, mutual p rantributing to tpromute the happi. has: of me other.” i . Rnolhdfirhnt the pruq‘nt deplorable civil war ha Inn bran canned hyzpoliticnl (ninth-inn i in the ortli and relvcllin in the South. we. ‘ in thia ntiohnl emergency. Vanni-hing nll frol— ‘ ing of ire panics or reilntmunt, will remi— lcc‘t onl our duty to the Jivole country: that Min war i: wil wawllan mlr irrh'n am] 7n'rlln/np. prruio orfér (luv/Him” . mnqmslnrmbjugq ‘t‘inn.nr urpq‘oe ofnvrrflvrow'i r 7 orivprrr/rrinq'wilh ‘ thy rig}: cor ”tab/{MM hum lion; (:flltmrfllalr: ,~ )an In (I fmd‘aml. mai Jan": I_ mlnrtuaq, nr‘ Mr Hamlin in, land In prnrrvr {hr "ulna viii all ‘11.: «limp y; Wynn/it}; am] rig! qr'l‘: ureml Slam 'unifin rd: ‘rzml Illa! a» mi «u Mr." 0613'an >urr nr phi/ml (In war on No ”age," " Run n 1; 'That tho D 0 not-ratio patty of Adam ominty will fl" it- firm nltnport 'to tho m't-‘annnt of th United States, in .every o_coafxary cnmtilullgmnl otfnrt to «us ,tnin _th chase of the Un‘ n and put down ,its one ieni _ i ’ . Rim nl. Thu. While the pro‘ont civil finr ‘7l- n t of‘om yanking, iit is now in the ’torriblt mérucncy pmwtto pfrw‘vuto the war with ofiiciencv, in ord r that the pnwer,’ lot' the (finvérnmont mnyiho (alt. and thi unnnt val strife he tho- mtmor hrnnght ta: succe- l termination.‘ :zmd thereby Ie blmin . oflprm be the tanner restore to our dir téd country. Pit er m the rec lt of the mo l Mm"- nrmum- lUm fruit yfmoh nu hMtxuhle nettlemontlM ,will I?“ the l'niom o‘l‘the Slates inviiJlate an unbro< ,ken. 3 ’ f r Ram WI. Thnt thenffirmia anrszldiors'whn. hue tie forth tohattle for tho Tnion nnd_ the m titdtion. desems[ the-thanks of all patriot , citizen. ; / -‘ ,‘ j I Ran Id, 'l‘hnt we pledmzér hourly mpg pgrt t he ticket this duh Qtnipated. L , .._—l,. .... .... _.- .._ “Elev-'t Extracts" I; , ~—+ ‘ , NOU’ARTY I's] XT AND C / narrow" are the ho‘n‘jqfivcfl of th . thy wheels of [ “ U 0 trintip «wives 615,1: i (‘ol'nv-r “ If n adjustment i-to that rr Republican file; will do it iln: mch nfiuv as th ’pn' tip a, on w ich f_ tilde brfi%."—~9m, I?) ' “'l'lmlwhole duty of m stituti nn'd Pnfnrcing t tion I: bnpn ‘thrown l n the Republi cans. n ‘d the people (nu-{Tusk to them for! suntain m: bur preterit. lnrm‘g Gavel-n mont. ,Tlmi RUN/Miran WM ST be nu !ainerl.’ , BM, I'tb. 2‘24, “*sl‘ ' “M h at! we denim «i we the pment djtfigul E 3“ ‘ ttled withnu n. rmon to arms. we we 11 t see it pure ased at. too grgnt s sun-i be. ’ ‘ ‘ “Mr Cr? tendon mo 39 a «rim of remllgti n! ‘ hivh we trusmxr Réprmntm tin-s in _lnn ess will new»? mammary-731w. Jami?) ,l 1. § . ' "The‘el . non nfLincoh‘uun the triumph of I It. um‘vru; l (I that principle must. :3: be‘ abandoned. nd the Ropuhli-- can "mi rificed on th , tho of alum-y. “We’ of our Rep! ntstivm jtf Con- WW"? I nd‘squarcly up toting-princi ple! of a I epublimn arty. in muddled a (ha in. plat/om. Ina ALI. "In um I 0 nouns‘ nu. nnnxorsc: AND nnmnm u Dom «Inf nn nu oas."-—Star; Dre. 2!, 1 . ‘ ‘ - a ._‘-04—-——- Nice Can mm'oftheplfstrict conipmod of Erie ‘nH Crawford' have oflhe notorious lon-ow B. Lovgry noinin Senate for the putatipn' ofgbeing one of [the CT= a and impri most m the Co rown Aha! tionixt. We will cani of E 0 :ud Crawford do the ' .uppose tht Lowry was not. ' choice. nn- tint he procured the just thnir de by trick'erfiy, snd Slug appli- his no.. .rgumenulgwith wfiich he is otlic Liliqu Deinl cation Lowry mid to be a Wilmot, . mt. but giant ov_er to the free-soil Republ' ans: . me four~ qr five yen-peg), much to'lhe! (haulage ofi the Detfidcrefic party. e de‘ ighte in caving a great swell at Sta Co yentionenvh re his mare ep-' pearan ‘ ”rd unpmllel impudence ro mind 0 of the deecrip ' lof the‘filoody leaded f t 1: Frenéh wolution. "in last ep ‘ in this esp-city min the Republi Convention fibjch homineted Cemero {on‘ President. d‘here he was the recogni leader of the Winnebagé {cl-cu, end e (bi-the right man in the right place. 7 ' L ‘;' ‘ Lorry 1 not seek lq disguise the feet that he l m Abolitionin 0n (he’lfltb of August I the published iletterfieeluing that he 4'oqu "give the [eve of. mm in ehns against the Gonfnment one hun dred end sixty acres of lurid of hi! muter’e plantatién for khahmr’aj‘ mlp;"lnd tho expressea the opinion “ (fiat the Commun der—in-Clfief of ehe Unitpd States Army, would, efie this wu- ceased, es en inevitable nncessim' bluon on every banner the: he ankles Spin» eleveholdlng foes, the in spiring tad noble motto—{Universe} Eman cipmonfi And thin buberim i: . Repub licen un’didste for the sum anfikli—Po trio! cf: Utlrion. _ . ConnecfleuL—Tho Governor “Connecticut declines $lO _mll for mon'voluutoon,- inm ticipatioi) of the gum; oflthe government. the lutkLegiflnt-uio of flat Stu. luving limited chamber In Ida. right a all fol-lo 30,900: . £ ‘ } 3%. afar :—l'eee 1h“ Henry L. Fuller, l ‘enry Kreherfmd oompeny, the town-Inna, } ' of the broken dewn ,“Republim ‘ y,".or :- it was In: yelli- eelled the " ‘eople'l Per-Iy." here under their thll y ’- mm of the “Union Party," male I entire county ticket, to endorse which. ey went through the fer-co of homing e My Convention. made up principelly of v nnteer end aeddelegam. Thine;- u 2 dodge in lamp of name in pretty well “ yedoug'Wnt themnm'ngtovn menegeu, ‘ Io now here the old machine in bend. flaming eo much upon the ignonnee of the country people. keep phying away at it, ‘ gull: like the which; when it hides it. head; nhder its my» mom. body, think their .' (filth cannot. be seen through. Théy m heeded 'iheir mongrel ticket with the n ,‘ ; cliche Hon. Thumu r. Cochran. for}? " ida‘ut Judge. Thiernm has been thro 3h life a. bitter reviler of Dem'oeretie men ml: u-vsureepend now these Repubii lea-x~ h e-k Democrale to Vgte fonhimd It is; well known that Hr..Cochrnn.for y min: his newepeper, "The gYork Repngl’i‘cnn." arid in his politicd speeches. main in in.“ dqnuncintion of office holders In“ a tin”; erg-ted the impreuion in the mindeofme, who believed in his sincerity. that it we: IL, m‘net .crimiiml to be en office holder. A clielnge.» however. "has come 'ver the epirit .0 his drum," for he now‘rfienly hold» I. 3% fet_ofiice himself an desires to be ell vied to another for tenfeere longer. but } hd films ellowed all the member: of his fun ilflfbeheoqme oflce hoi’lere fine. The Vol? lowing are the offices/now held By the Coilchmn family, vis': // Thomas E. Cochran. Auditor Gen- No. 1. firs]. 33] I ’ ~ Jilin J. CZcriran. annular. Lim bmter.‘ uppoin by )Lihooln, ‘ _ ‘ y and boxes, - 2,500 (:0. I). Cocbr ' . Captain Re no (\riAriny, upgimpd by Lincoln, v vying“! muons. 2,500 yen. bm'ther-in-luw. omce in Ayel‘lflflfih- ...“. nmcein )uswm H ’59. Philadelphil, Ip inted b Lincoln. ‘ 5.000 Elfin; n yen-1y ium of TWELVE ,‘l DUSA D DOLLARS. or nearly forty 10.41;" p(/ 4171ny ever-[working «by in (Ice yaar, a: Hat! Marty mm would reccivefvr their daély labb‘r If"! This is .rewurding one, kmily veb Ibem‘ly mdj'nbuhl nat'ufy Mr. “than: E: Kfiéhmn, to remain in the office he now her; s and! hi. time expires, which will ‘be it/ut'_Mg\y 1863. For one thing Mr. Cochran g ; thinly deserve: grent'credit, and the. in, ' titlhhh'fill and génwientioul manner ifi wlfiph he hm carried out the scripture pro-v cem, that “ h whofprqviddlo nl./or lu‘a own flagella“ it won: than a linden.” +1” President end! the Abolitionlsts. p’fhe Abolition prose of the country' have 0 ned their batteries upon the President sinfde his modificflion of Gen. Fremont'e p lemotion. The New York .Herqld, in ex ‘I ing the mischief they are doing end have done to the~couniry, says. for the last thirty yeEe Abolitionism has waged s cru'J‘ s'egile'egei t the institution of ‘ slavery, end itsgleeders have frequently declnred that they preferred its Abolition to the continu nnée of the Union, and that ii their senti ment to—dey. By their violence snd proper. guidinm they have supplied the ground on whlt'h the insurgent chieftnins have erected th fabric of Secession, snd But for the Abo lit' ists the Southern lenders of the rebel-.:- hdimnever could hevesuaceeded. ' A or will the insurrection he ever .put Join. an A'bolitionism ecu: up root sod eh. The Abolitioniste ere so much reh- - :hTiln henrt end as much disaffected to the Union and the Constitution as the Southern Seées'sio‘nists. ,Not only are they the noto— riohs cause of the dismembesmeht of the Unli'on, but the min hinderenoeot its me 3 torhtion. Their organs mail the Govern meht either" openly ‘ or. covertly, prom» turiily disclose «its plans, and endeavor toJ'orce it into dangerous steps by Bring ing: party clamor to beg: against. it; end they even encourage insubordinntion to thd 'supreme power. A short time ego one of these journiils proposed to supercede the President by s revolution. and appoint George Low in his steed by an insurgent mob. ,Now eevernlbf them sgnin propose to tuperoede the President and place high eboLVe him in sutharity one of his own gen: ersls. Fremont, at St. Louis. of his own ‘ metre motion. end, without the sanction of y the President, issues an ill advised precis motion, wflch esrried out the idem of the ‘Abéimonnn, menu! 'the chnrgee or the ‘ Sedeseiqnists spiuut DALI. Lincoln’s go‘vem- j m t, and ignored alike the law of Congress snythe existence of the Chief Magistrate at Washington. Itaw‘as s high handed not of ingtbordinotion. end the Tribune end other A , lition journals sustnin him in it, end 2 censure ;the President for mildly insisting L on gthe adherence at his subordinste to the i letter and spirit of the luv 0! Congress, ‘ which the President is bound to carry out 'in Eire-now of his oath. . » e proelunation of Mr. Fremont ins e; pideeor dictatorship akin to the mutinyi' end innubordinetion ' Cdifornie, for which V he was tried by court: mutinl nod found~ guilty. in the Mexican war. He was sen- , tenced to deeth, but saved by the'influence enli- Mean—l... ‘un' recent sctls m mofe reprehensible. because involving more“ serious consequences,» The Prmident not onlh idministe're e gentle» rebuke.‘hut st theiseme time asserts hie own Authority,” and proclaims that neither Genernl Fre moht nor any other general ‘stinll trsnscend the: law of Congress ; thst no ulnve shell be eethree by the suthority of a genera under myi circumstances; that no slevee, even of 'rfils in arms. shell be seized by any gen- . e unless those shves ere proved to have been used in the military operation at: the enemy, and that whstover slaiés'erejmtly captured. dull be held to in. code! the‘ well. ‘ ’ he “ Stir." PARTY_ MMENT‘.§ s inlla and hip!»- who hinb thr-m -rty.”-——Slar, Sept. he made. we hope dn‘afin (.'qnpmn] at to coin promise 9' [l9ova decided . M. 1861. finining the (‘on -19 Inns of the nu-- v !EMI wty • cajole the ciplod sump: iii 1‘ In' fortunate, in one «mm, the! Gen eral Fremont gave the President on oypor limit, of :10ny coming out 'befon the country u he be done. Hi! letter no longer leaves any dnulgt of the design of the Govgemment in the prosecution of :50 111, and it hu‘mved Kentucky to the Union.— The President. it is true. 113: givpn mortal offence to the Abolitionietamnd they will never forgive him in this world or the world to come. But he has mode milliom of friends, while he ballast some hundred. of fanatiml followers, whose supporbéw'u only conditional. ' fi-Ohio has authorized 56 regimnnh, 23 of which are in wfin mvioo in W.“ Virginu uld Missouri. ‘ ‘ ' fl'flon. Owen Louie: h- M 5 place on Gen. Fromm’l‘m A , In; th- TAM $2,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers