.r ‘ ": " ’ _ "81K; The Con-mu is pizblislml every. Monday mor'nl‘ng‘ by “IV“ .I. Sun“. at SI 74') per annup if pnkl strictly xx “huh—m 4!" par snnmn if not paid in ulvnco. No Jubmriplion discontinued. Annie-a It the Option of the publisher, until all strong-aged are paid. . x Anvnrncxawuinwrtptlét thmmml "rum. '7 _’ Ll deol Plhjnx-u «lone .mth nesting: _and . any. 'os?th in South Bmimnm street. directly Oppositc Wamplors' Tipning Eituhlishmt-nt -—-“Ca)lrn.u PRINTIV: Hrnvn" on the sign. Getcyhhurz Restaurant. 'IE nndersigfiorl.havingbmlpht nuLChnrlM T n. nnqhoy. will mnlinuc lhe GETTYS BLRG RESTAI‘R \N'Tfnt tlu- Chi “and, um!" Mcl‘onnughy‘s “All. in Cnrlillc ilrect, white hn will always be I'9ler to wrve up.~ I! Hi! mllvmfoualnmrrs. OYSTERS. CHICK“, BER? TUS’GUE. ~TRIPE. "‘E UREA“! km, with DOVESTIQ WINES. ALW. LAGER Ind PUP. He will up". no eflnrt to l’cngler utiifgflion lo I“ who may palgoniie 'luim. 110 onlv Ink! a tall. ' . VALKX'HXE WERNER. July ‘l, 1561. 3m - ‘_ Lancaster Book ..Bindery. EOEGEfiYMX‘T. A e »‘ n9o]; BINDER. v . ~ All) nu.“ BOOK gnscmr'rcnn, Plain and _ommpn/nl (lintlihq. nf, only}; do. uripflon. unwind in the most mhatnntinll and rpm-out] uylu. ‘ _’ =I E. W._ Brown. Eu... Farmers-flunk oUAm-nétcr WTL. Pauper, 71qu mevmm'r (‘mum- Bank Samuel Shock. qu., (‘olnmbin Bunk. Sqmnel Wuner,Edq.. ank l'mnk. ( William Wagner, 3511.. York (‘o'mh' ‘B'mk, 'f. D. Cnnon, Esq; Bank or Ganysbum. Pctér XII-tin. anu Prnlh‘y p;'l..nnc:l.:tm"co.V Pu. Gag. (‘.anwthornhfi-q . Pa-u‘istcr “ “ Geo. Whitmn. I‘lsqu Recorau ‘4 f “ April 15, 1861‘. ; ‘ . Herohaftt‘Tailoring l (V-EORGE ARNIU." Inn-“jun returned from T thee"! willl‘n Inrvn-flm-L' n! l‘luvhg'. (‘Nfi— lime-res. Pruhlhczelhhhmp‘gk El». (‘uéhmc-i'o, C‘o'huflnd \'ea’flnz‘. of nll mun-lg and having secured tlie lon ion of - w . 'r . K H" n . ' I) Foreman, we are pniurml m pu! up; the above tooth in xtyk‘l oq-inl tn ‘hv, hm! mih' mnnnfuduflng oftnhliahmonh. Having lnhml in“. hundreds «(anh- within the 1 u! -ix,momhn. vhich II". ll] pron-4 «ninth-wry, nnf‘ n yup cqnliilornhie increase in mir traqun th Show. conclnnivcly. thnt we do thl-inv~< in .\‘u. l manner. Oin- nock ‘of good: ("mum be unr pusu} In duality and style.” Giro u! H cull.— WO In confident we run ulmw Wm. April :5, mm. 2! Townétey Ahegd. W undersigned rewovl’fu'l“ inform. the T nuhlir “lathe Mukinuo- flufl‘ UH" UH-Z MAKING AVD RP." \IMVH hudm-u in z?" it"- dilf-nnt Yarn". they-er Hun My «Ifnp in Hue county. All work wart \utad tn zine anti-4hr tinn .lo rugtmnrri. Country prgx‘liu-e mkcn' in exchhngq for work Mjn-urkoz nth-M. ’ ‘ - A: \l. [ft‘on'ssmzv Gettysburg. Juhc 24. 139.1 New, Goods! it"? \"YRSTOCK BROTHERS have in“ rt,- ; "in-ll ‘and are now opening a rhmq: unul ,duimhle assortment of Spring Candi. tn whivh m. ait‘nlilin nfhuwr' I: rr~=lwvtfi|lly invited. Their nun-k rumpriw: 1!) the luck: Jnd Inn.“ approved 51y!" and pantrrnfinf Dre-1! JhmllJofith-r with their mun! n=~nrtlm~m of Stiple “muesli: Cnr-t):.§fiuu~ln ut‘ minim {nil m p‘mau I“ who {mu fiu’nfi- khomtxw‘nh Hwir‘pn (ran-go. f‘nn early and sdm‘l‘ff‘rml llncirlnrge Ind varied nsmr'mon'. ‘ :I _ \ FAflNI-JSTOGK BROTHERS. Anril 1.1361. ’ ~ ~ '. 'J‘rhsnw's' Mountain Hex-b Pills. WE gin- n'per‘rrt “Kc-non; uf Trim-n. : ‘ vhief of a' mm thc strange .\rw .\‘n firm, that onre rum-d .\lnxim. \'nn wifl find a ‘in“ m'rnnnt of him and his prnnloinnm-[Hwy-h”- 7 1m and .\lmnnm-u—to hchud gratis. {rmn' the ;,Ag'-ntl for tlwso Pilll. -- t ‘ ' ; Thetinrqnmrnnxl Ipnnnfaomrh 6f “'Judenn'a ‘ Mo‘untnin “my Pills." lune "Y” o’u- grmmr pnfl' Muhjf lift- in (ran-Jinan 11min? \i-iml newlr 1m!" cimmn' in ”no _wnrlcl. He flit-n! nycr «ix 31- It: Mummy [he f-u‘i-m- nfthr llnrkv \lonntninifind 0' Mrvivn. mu! it was th Hm! thr “ .\lnrxfln’ "mm Pu.” ” were diw‘x‘orod.‘ A rery inlt‘reging Art-punt offihinjdvoflturfl , more. you fin fun! in our. Almanac and Pamphlet. " ’ , ’ - I! L! In rat-l.lished~fuct. Hut all di‘ens‘c‘s "in hop V 3 a ; 7- nwrm-z “mum , ‘ a ‘ k The bland ii thr lifoi gun! when anvlfilr'flizn or unhealthy manner grl‘c mixed Mil" iv. it it at «are diur‘ilunmi to grrv organ nf [hr limb-._— erty non-{forl- Iho pnimn. and n" the m..! mean! qnjokly millllhlin. The s‘nnmch “ill not dig"! the fnnd,perfm~3lp. The lin-r in.” to urrfle a sufliriem-y ni'hilo. T)": ,m-tiun of tho lii-art in wenkeiml. and fin Ih‘q u-iT-rulniinn in fable. Thflunn hoe-nut «bikini “iih thc' ‘ pniaonnus mam-r: lu-ncc.n cungh—uud nil from n Ilightimguritymt the fmuduin-homl of life the Blood! AI if you hnd thruwn pumi- «ml», for inflame. in a pure hiring. from which ran a tiny riulle't._'in A few minutes the whole mum, of Mir 'nrmun be‘mmeé liinnrhrd and di‘ernlornd'. A: quinklf doc- igapnrg l’nioo’d fly in every' part. and Inn- iu'l sting lwhingl'. All the passage-been” obsirnclovfiaml Ionic!) lin oh-tmrtion it rembreduflie Inn]. of life man die: out. > . “The“ pins not nnlyqniri’y the hlnnd. hm "punctual“ lhe umiions of the body; they are. zhnréfnre. nnrimliod In «I ~ 4-' CURE FDR RILIUI’S DISEASES, I . Liver Conga-int. Sick ' lln-ndxu-he. k", This Anlfiqflafou Medicine equals (mm the Mood the infidel! seeds,“ disease, an?! remh-r’s all the fiui‘l unttugr'euons pun MM fluent. daring and resusciufing the vital nrgnna. . ‘ ‘ , fiesnnt indeed. ii in in us. xhat we nrombie‘ to plnce within your reach. a medirine like’ihé “ Mount-in Herb Pilla" (hm wil! pnh dig-rug to the nfllicted pnru. through the blood «‘in! finial: n! '1»: My. Ind tame the “uteri: tn brighten‘with the flush of beauty nnd hedliln. Judan'c Pill: and: Ba! Rmmfy in ezn‘ilmce jar - (he thawing Complaints: ’ ' Bowel "Gomplainta; Hendnchca. ‘ Coughs, V Indigestion, Cold'u, ~ Influenza; '. Chen Discus“, hawtnmjon. 00mm”, Inward chknegs, Dyspepsia. ' ' Liter Complninta, D'mrrhtra, ’ Lowneu of Spirits, Dropsy. ' l’ilen, Dibiflv, Stone and Gravel, Fetu- nd Amie, Secondsry Symp-, Paulo Complaints. toms. GREAT FEMALE ENGINE! 1":ka tho value health, should nei'er be without the“ Pills. They pu‘riiy 1ll": blood, ‘2, remove obnmctions of all kinds, cleanse the sxkln of nll‘plmplcl and Matches, and bring the nigh color of health to the pale check. of “The Plant! and Herbs of whxcb these ‘W are mule. were dismverecl in ‘5 very eur ‘ "In; way nmong the ’l'ezncnns;n tribe of Alwfixiues in- Mexlco. Get the Almunné ol' our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the “ Gm: Metlic'me " of the Aztecs. Oullvl.—-The “Mountain llerb Pills" are pm up ln : Beautiful meper.. Each ‘box annulus 40_ pills, and Retail nl. '25 ‘cents pet box. ..11l genuine have the signature of B. L ‘ JUDSON k 00., on each box. -" 3. It. lUDSON & 00.," <_ SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 60 Lmnnn STIIE‘I’, .\‘lw You. Am wound always—Address gs above .‘H. G. Gun. Agent for Gettysburg. , 11"”, [B6l. lyeow ‘ “LINERS and other: wil} find I good u unmem of Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, , km, n. the cheap store of- ‘ .. ' A. scan a sex. OWTICS, Tickingl. Checks, Funnels ' “a 0"” l 3 hhnuhcu'. ‘We hue also I _ _ byudul nth our own nae, to that m inym "MM _attention, as it and: .by'flt, any cur ofend in “if Net for the pun. ' ' ~ I ‘ . 4-1121; Ye MVHAS’THR. PA OF SPURIOUS TI Dcmocmts,‘lnnk nut i‘} OUS or COUNTER!“ E'l‘S, as: the cmmtywill d flooded with them; Of) 1 didutes made \fi‘tesiiy. tll October, and vthcfiamc be tried on Tuesday h means will be remwflbd ((1 you. BE ON YUI'R ¢ an poinls. -' 49' ‘ Sqe thatympr tickctq \c the‘rlflxlh-wing, mm: F 0 fun: you vote : . ‘ Presidgnt Jude, Robert J. Fish (mount; “mom i a County‘ 'lireisu f Jacob Sh =I Remember that “‘ t 1 Liberty is Etermll Vigil Democrats, Loo_k_ol_lt ; ._‘ Handbills! i “'6 take the usual p 1 warning our Démncmti‘ beware of FALSEUOC éve Vo'f the election !. I igame of the ‘opponents mocmcy to circulate FA übhgt our candidates 0 eigétion, in order that hu‘ve unapppnrtnnity of c them. ‘TheOppositinn ¢ become dcspefite, and do anything to defeat 1h ‘candl on the DemocratiC’ tickefi. ‘ . D 9 3 slam palm-e pmi‘ssarics have alfeady lfecn e 1 therefore, caution eve ,to bewmle of han_dbill ourcaudidntes!‘ It’is ed to go through the c their dirty W( 1;. Le men spnrn suckrson presence, and believe i , RALLY, DEHOG =~ a TS! ! .1 The time has come, f l w 1969mm1 ', cram. for ACTION! ‘ %au<§i go work! Marshal yoF: f 0 ‘B3—?” Urge your men forward to do lm‘t lefl ins afield, for the Conifitutio , t}: 5“ Union and the snpre Jacv gf the; Laws! A victory for tie De ocra-‘g cy, now, is a trin'mph‘f the Enionj and a vindication of the (Donstlg‘u’lionl Rally, then, Democmtb !‘ Lot] tberj‘ be‘a full turnout IN vsxw mk'r‘n’lcr on THE coon'n'! - A i l ; nay-The choice presentefi lo the? people of Adams county. on the}! 2d Tuesday of Octoberfiwill 6, they Democratic, the true Union ticliejt, onr‘ig the one side—and thntzmade {up by} and of Piofessional :OfliceaselekemE who a_.re trying to steal the lnnme: of ‘Union,’ on the Other: The‘ Demm ocratécis the ticket of the Union hnd' ihe Constitutionr-of Retrenchment’ and Reform3—op'poscd to all frauds‘ on our gallant soldiers or bublic' treasuries; the other stands: upon the, narrow platform of—oflice.——: Which will ye choose? ,4 TERFEIT TICKETS I ' 1 fi-We learn with pleasure. “that our friend HINIY J. Mun, an.. of Adams county, has been re-nomlnuted by the Democrats, to represent that county :1) the Leiisltture. Iglrry proved himself? an ex-’ cal ent, nprigh egishuor, during the last: lesionfamiwe shall be glad to hm of his reelectiofi-Mfird Guam. 5‘ < -fi’And you will hear of it. } ‘ . 27_ - Br H. J. RTAHLE ~- - ‘ - WWI-2.1““ '/‘ A ‘ A “A . BEWARE ‘ Associate Ju'd_e, David Zie *le ‘* Alssembly2 ‘ Henry J. D - Comuiissione ' John Dutt‘ An dre W I John 00 Dl‘. A. B. . L"-‘:T':":LI_S"7‘”fo1’1":21“???"#7:.'::'.:-;:."::._':’£_:'.:I:‘Ef?ii":" -_. ,7 7- . :: s» :7: -;:.:::;: @EMQDQERATfl-CE Am {figmflwgmwmmg “'9 «Rank m Union men wh‘pn we address Hm x-Pndem of the C(mnpilcr. il-‘or they are xur-il fm‘m t-ducm'pn. from «infliction and from przliclice. The labors mid anxieties of the pmt‘lmvejwnw“ (he inve‘of the Constiii tiltion n‘ d ”if: interests 9T 0 rgovemmpnt into on ', am? 3no event bf 1e time: canl shake lg: mieientioynl‘y o the party tcc‘l which ~ belting Our 611 ants have tilt ken a 114$“ ste‘p ; imte‘nd df [Ring us upon i {(liéir aid gr ‘ nds'nml mfun ng us for. our' {loialty janilliguiori _lovc,;th§} now mume ‘ gtfmt lop‘uity finenx’selvns an; strive by epi-r i “Ili‘thfilllg siun at": to draw us from thme an!‘ } eiLent lml‘tdmnrks which 11M ever been the ibfpaxt n d glory of our pnrt)’. Lek us not! w: be shitlren i our firm I"de br‘th'y-ii Lelianzosfof n. mt; or new i: ‘ ' Quantum. of ‘princijil‘h Bl‘t wiihout 11".:de t e 91“." ' them :1 ‘nlulan for»! by WIMP: oyse‘ek’ to pro-f , mike" it?! into)lisloyalty. emu clingy) the“ ‘ olsi magnum inul (locfrixiosiof our fafiifrn, ‘ i "'.M (him-w cruel: vote mhu'pw of our op‘po‘ 5 "Hits viii ll son! ' ! Ma S! WRI ’ CK ts be can- 'or SP‘ !IT T 1 :i nubtle’l ’m . 14st imay . ery ! r t- game “Kt. E‘l ‘ In (To 1 "(TA H. anL' at ‘be- mparé ~KAME ‘PA'UW' ‘ Sm‘thern [7" NQrtl .fin Dn‘ Ropu flit-ans, 1 on the Mud:- nf ”UNI to (I; [93lloer that n Thoso‘ South?“ 121 succt-anf the ing gin-(inn, ‘ the result the will he groutl} (h: $112: Other Republlficnn v follow I(mi'mrl point (e? such :l Hulk 11 e Nnrt is Inahziy hyi ‘ lu-nldéei (hut t cruit§ffnrtheirl Mt, this UAn'm l Sorthqrn Dex ME 121 ~ era =a vaulldliwinfi. - m, “mi in «be For”: fwere I that eJouzylmd“ Led. {‘lht-He ; XIII] MI Fl coin • iq.}_trat int 'cu‘mm+n splls °trot H » -—-< . ~—~-- J K (bchwmc Republican .’reCulentJ flge in this coun :‘l, and Thé‘jnns 'E. Chohrnn, fine Lame Etc-r Ur‘lién, are, , one ar'ulgt I 8 mme ‘person. jn mumlet 1e candidate for b profosse‘g like mas}. qrdont quanta. with'opt distincti‘pn of no editor in anncuter fibunty ' 7 '.ho most. “kin partisan ticket ‘hnm'mn c‘d. ev‘fn "m that oppmition thhl. flex-all mn‘nbuof professions, 3 part' f this editpr and. jlia part); L in fa" "r of n tic‘kc’ft ignoring party. ‘ iuventinZ, called byithem. has piaced ‘non‘e‘ lbut (hiya .rankest 'lielrublicank upon t‘llloi'l-h Iticket, grind now they my that it is tl‘goiluty bf afll cit‘lzena, iwfho do not desire {W b)? i-muidotqd as secessi’pnists. to vote for Jhwégpnrtimfis. Shame #pqn such/ double enliajg. ’ { ‘ 5 / r Thn' firue Fhion men 0" Larmater have all-en§l;' repuxlbwl the ' Lion of this hypo ‘critic'gl partitun camel-y; n, and the true Uniojx‘} mi?“ of York cou‘n y will ~impudinte the :qttvmpt (harem (hoe v 9 the pefiple by ‘ profbisinm first arenot fplhowediq practicé. ‘ —-l'eél; Press” ‘ ‘ l, 1 ‘ I " w Thoma ca‘m lidale for (31 i‘mc‘] distr‘: the ‘u’itor 01 ntrangc m an: IY3 ii! ”in 0| Ellie ‘Jludgeshi svnu'n =I C of_ uce I” IMI ying for ‘Unid ‘ mum: ‘is sup ever Ii of Elg’ ’m i Lthe ccailti while t rting frie ‘ DSLo t is of t} SEEN ‘ the stron n jold 2 "De fins lay} of iy ‘mot ’o'p’ _fli flti’l'l I l x ME fl ll cjging ' F fiavéf dy «q ‘ i: dateé { ‘ Wei" ‘ olcrafi 3‘ rzE extingw‘ plug} 113034. td dd 'untry i 11" ;‘ fro : thein Q‘Cortni ' tin-Img. we 11 ‘ pvrpofrn quit lmxmficmcy: tp debei 'c D 1 In ‘orgcr t‘ mistqke 6n the Oflice~seq It is‘lls follo Nii 4“ l'fckitlont udge, Tho‘mlns E. Cochran. Afiuciate Judge; Josinfl Benner.‘ A, pmbly,}John Bush-y. Br. ¢ Cq missi of. thrninj Hygrn. ‘ I ailor, Pli‘l' Dick. : I ‘ ‘ )iq-eetor. . )h‘n H‘kan‘rddo. ‘ ‘ Tméurorpfl‘. Bm-h‘nnn Dunner. ' Co‘mner. fir. David Curr;~ - 'Th{i3 ticke was concopied by'a few play qd-ofixt [x'glit :11 bucks upd oflimeekus, tiboy‘iltnking avantnge 014 the time: to ac dom lish th ix‘ own pe‘rg‘sonul aiul selfish énd: Alt-h ugh called “sUnipn,” it g. only A.. _nion " r‘the spams OF OFFICE. 4 > , .—.. «or—7g“ ‘V _ ‘of Adams, remember thn she a ' ' lled “Union" tickefi is the! OFFECE-SEEKERS' ticket,— th . it. was} the work of selfish po‘liti ciaxis ip’this town—wan the candi dates upog‘x it were not choq¢n with a View to their merits or patriotism ; I h but that the whole flung wasp: “bur gain and dale" to segjmre ofi;ces for me}; who §could nag otherw‘fise get them. 3 i : ‘ 1 - mNodwithstauding the fact that ALL; the candidates on the Democratic ticket are éound Union men—for the Union now and .rever-flthcy are assailed us “ secessionists !" The meh who circglate such stories know them tn be false, and only use them to éecure the success of the mongrel ticket at the next election. ; ”A lam-r from 1(0an my; the WI 9 British fame in Canada will ‘nét 02- 5.000 by the winter. If E l ' I , v - I ' I . l ' , GEQTYSBURG, PA-, FRIDAY, 00*]; é, 1861- ~ l u LDENO CRATE. ,p '4 AND 35;» ’binn Sufiesh} , nor-icy no“! 1‘ ! such it co‘url If the Rebels. e assortion: ‘ {lllm Nor“)! ,LECT! I xn appeal to the} 1 fut? with thé - 0 will slrcng‘th , giving the color I" ‘lhe mossinn‘ Egg Mmliliuniwd: n pray fqr (he‘ inky at the emu-‘ 7 that if Much be" mm pf the Sonth‘ 11ml! dévolnpecl. ham n Union in )mnoctntid ml assure Union sentfin strenguxem-i hand, chef I‘ ctory M w 12‘ rare us {that It rt Du'ngmid Lia , the latter will xSntestuble proof ised, and that it ; ideaupon their [ol.] to obtain re: alimportant than to South beg the‘ 0 fur with the. w an t, --t : mm” as in D it: aaflifim uwosyéing t?) E by are ennlL‘ ’army."M{n : men of H ncmfiv not j the finite? if that "K? umplolelyl F. would saizn up: 1 cmorratfiin thé nnihlihuai. and 1!: WIN a minn-1 1y of tbe‘clnsontz 10ml them (0 the CL—(II‘I'IUI Dem- in the Nn 015 are wo’r m] we mm - of every \'p at} the‘ an'oilgrél , what it shit; their i candidates (lcmtand, ar loud in th'ir profpzl-iqps _of T‘The intafifi‘nn. doubtiess. is, mocrats intd voting for them. ‘mt there'm 'be no yqu for no part. of Sv tors. wie‘ subjnin kers' or so—omlfléd Union ticket. ”TIL’TE 13 main unjtu. rnjm. REPUBLICAN ECONOHYL u'lmr Tm: LAsr Rh‘Pl'BLlCtlfi‘ I;ch 1s“ rue}: mo :.I s ‘ . The Republican Logi .lnture on”; winter, was probably the most cqrrupt i‘jldfi eve; confimned within the hall of the Api’tol n 1 Harrisburg. to say nothii'g of thiellimcri dynasty, during the Bun shot Vin}. ‘ L3l, fall the Republican paper‘s nd omt' nppoke in tlw most glowing term of‘RI'TI‘g‘CEfNCH MENT and RE‘FURM in ur Stuté Mimi": 'mtration! They made 3 plain, State'dqbt, large as it. walJcould u be paid’ofl' in aft-w year‘s. il‘ tln tux continued to be collectied. 'l‘] were particularly mntio ml (3 CURTIN and the quM.‘ Arseml‘hly,“ and thus PR PEA L 9/ m.- TUNXJ GI t/mnsrlrea'r'rom additional (11‘ tion .' “'9". the people toyk; the R I nmtorsr‘nt fl‘heir word—thq‘y did 1 ~jm-ity 9f thvir vntps to‘ ‘ IRTITI ““4 the Republican capdidntt-g fo Awe bly‘rf and Lflmt rq‘nmmn Why; a, . REPUBUI’IJAN : LEGISLATURE REPEA ED 1" {l'}; [OX ; NAGI". i'mX'. At‘tcr the bul ,1. pgssed ilmth llouzaefl, i‘t int- tnke to Go . qqrtim' I who game it the Executiv anncfi 'n‘. hpd it ' became ‘a 111 wk and the uilrnm pfiys no i more tax. Lmis {n thefim a «ho ‘ g , $500,035) A AB! 5 ; . ‘ At the same xixne, qnd h ' asec rm:l {/1110 I Fame hill, the ‘l'vnnfiflvhfll n Rui road .wu :rclh‘vnl ‘-of an old duhh‘ taxes)‘ (In' the iSfato, and for whmli juxl‘ .:.-M adv: ’becn i ngimined, amounting to some! ing Jove}; . $400,000. Low to the Stu e, \ I I " MORE THAN $ 00.0 H ‘ I Another swgion of the in Miami '9!“ an , immense debt due the' Com , om‘r'enhh: from the Sunb' r_\ and EH4 Rui‘lré'nd.‘ J 1:665? sto the Stale, strme ' . {EI ~ I, A ‘ 3,600,006 !! F j t Ifan'y one ouhts wlmtjwe ass rt ‘3: f let him nxnmil'qthc‘juurmvspf ll c lulu : pnblimn lA-gislrlnturt l'onl- l’rm f 1 my. 11m 1: J. MYers Vt m 1 j HAIXN’I‘ EA n 4xl) ALL 0 ‘ 'l3! f nmnmvs PUNTHES‘U‘ATK mi TRY, for which he deserve; all ohm {inf upprnhnfio by the Il‘ax- pmyéxgs p’l‘lllil‘OIJlfio; Tuesday next. e M’H V _ 4 WHOLE DEMq‘ TICKETJ vow m :ROIEERT Ji Frsnfn‘ M 113) 2: gum.i ‘ Vote for N ote for ”sz .I.%.\:'\jr:ds ACOB snubs. J: V9te foi Vote for OHS DU' Vote for A} I )RE‘V Vote for Vote ipr mm); COL Voto for 'A. B. D” 'l'hese‘ gfntl cnpnbk. and and the.Co:nst' yon support g emon an ‘nloht frir 1r tuition. I ,t d men anti WA Dem ed at dertnin did not exxw who was nbou !2=1:7 rocoeulings' 1y tally )ri I to bolt his! *caun'tn laid h chinmpion nf The old Hero g rnisod jhfmse! with the fire .1 mimr him i 1 brought his c tnble before I: the Emul— ' S gnevanr emncrncy, I sinned to .5 erect, his ‘ nd nnimat the duys inched ha I m and ex ndliy zom u the lips Coming fro' good man—ll:, the cnhntry I: words Ihould true Merged-a organized plo party of‘ whic proud. , ’ whom th ver delig e the mll now wlle m destroy ‘ Jackson Q’quple J Adams. by defeating t no Spoils ti ter a rebuke t, Abolitioni a] ofiicé—sorkcfs. {Surely a time when that should is now. The good of the. it. Rally to fie 170119.51. old-time‘ fried 3 of the cratic nomincfs. Ifirm to V 1 Eleclipn ofdcers ghoul if: depbs‘iting thedballola ponion of me ticke‘ fox; 1 réquired tol put in a the balmce o the ticket. _, '— [---» «co-11 mpemfocrate; r; under yout- old an: Flag—the Flag of i the Constitution! [e-Rev. WI. Burma Churchsmtiobed at Ship appointed Chaplain of T Regiment, under oomm' and has entered upon his; QR“. DAVID A. Wily in this community. and [5 has been appointed chap?! Regiment, Col. McClurgJ upon theduties of the posh stationed at Jefl‘erson any sun the list of? hi» Coliege, .publia ed whom the degree of A. we inudyartently omit ~ Williams—tan. l x For the Gompil‘k. ' POLITICAL mau'rrmnn Mn. Hun-on :—n was, I believe. that fia tinguished explorer. Doctor Livingston. 1 ho amongst his other discoveries in the wilds of Cyntml Africa. first detected a tribé, iZn whme lungnngr- thf word hmtitude wasf 9t [l9le found. But though this idea I _ s not to huge penetrated the. curly cranién s of this ebon tribe, thovaero rich in w: s to‘éxpress. and facility to execute, a speiéi ‘ ofcunnin’g strangely akin _totlmt which [hive‘ .’ j ‘ ' QT ‘7 ' dhvcl‘oymontshava shown to he the vet-£9lk “ IVOJ‘ART} "Ni E}, READ ! Ismice of some olithoir white skihned brgth- 1‘ ‘ TTL . u ". ton of our. mm country and county. 3 ‘Eleglht‘ Exam“. 9m ‘3“ Stu. Ingrah'ludc has boon the favorite the 4of 2 $50,154 RTYI n+ PA [”11 every school boy. 0» this uuhjcc‘t'the' on -- , _ —— , of every honoat, manly ho! is fluent. ‘2O", g, TI“XTAN D U f )1 M l") T- , itis a long time since. my any on aids ‘ Tupi - »‘~ _ . theme wasssuhmitlml to ,“ tlm mantel-'s’ ih- “ ‘ t . r.. ‘ 3 action and since then I have seer; sol‘ . llmg rim-my PT" the mlmls‘nml'unpn p '‘ ~ " ‘ . :Jtriotic thé motives of th' 0 who laeh them omny insulti'cm of}! that l have cenapl‘i t'm calm-«Jo the wheels 0F :rty."+S(m~, Sqll. he surprigml at’ their 'recurrenm. Evil 60:, 1861.} 4- l ‘ have always ‘obsc-rvepl that for this cifima.j .2 C(mlxi'" A J the retribution is sureto beswift nm ‘el‘ " .. I i , fertual It and treacherv go hand in lml “ [Mm-“dimflmmfi f” 1‘" "W!“- "i‘ “W" a ' . h ' . i that our Rnpuhlimn frlolul-l [in Cong-fess] a" meet “1t ‘ the some Just. {Me at “l will do it in luohawnvn mltncomlu‘oinlm hands of All good and true men“ hm'fihc prinriplqa on which tho people decided “ treason in, imrhgips, liked. but. :the 1 ton," (la la“ deodon."—-Slur, Frb. 111, 1861. ' ‘in loathed." Like Judas 13mm. he parfl i! i , .~. takes of the sap, betrays withan kin find - "Tho film]? (“"1 “f spuluining fl" ”0“" straig'htwny gm»: and brings himself. 1" . :limti‘?" mg Ptgurring “'9 I"3‘ Mn?“ ,“c' .. . . . ‘ » mu m n irown upon‘m oun- Pnlm‘ml J'ff-Tmt'm‘le .‘““. however-”the cpl“. nndfthe people muqt look to tlwlfn for sanction “f '"Kh nuthoflty, and Fox-nny 0f {sustainimt ‘onr prawont'anm of (lower!!- theal’reu Is a shining example of it in it! m'ent. Tim Rmublimn 73mg, MUST“ am... purity. ”dis covered all over with= it ibs- :tuinal."—..sm,-' FO5- 2211. 1 01. . ' " with a garment. and lports it like a Roman: ‘ ‘ quntgr his rohe'l of state: Ire/hog his‘ imitators in our fmidatrnnd opt mipils thy] nre‘of a worthy? mmf‘er. Like him they? l hail? cui ‘ d irould ‘ l tohhage ‘ ‘- fir er: VOA“ for i dnflds {of M U”; ‘ amiuwe‘l I'rc'f cu‘a- ; l n cn'nd VENT )TAX,‘ L opprc publican ivef » m - have received? the hands of their party nlmmt every 9 ice within its gift. Thoy .lmve. (some pf them} been" nurtured and’ fed mid clothed by i't—no office which :3me of them did nnt'c-ruve and no emolkum'ent. lhnwevnr potty, whirl: they dill not ieek’. with a. pcrtinmity which woultl take nz’nres : fuml. ‘ ' ‘ l l ‘ 'They’lmve clung‘n‘it through ":I,de go'otl report, and Mind only—q/fi'ce, and! ‘ ofiice thny not until it .wnsino longer _ 3st} : blc‘tofirntify flleiriinmtinhlg lu-«t, and him " fluent Struight‘wtapi “ mtridftifimj» over-tide party." Front the ptlrmt nintivos' (o coursclthey go o‘wer to; tho «imp oé th enemy—become hand hml 3h?“ with it . ‘ leaders and ask as tho teword for allgthis‘ ‘ suqificg only—« Wee. I ' " . ’ l They are strong for‘ the “Union with: Reanlml, That we e'ndofo the, sentiments office: they have necedbd. nix they'fq'mlly I3‘Tii‘c'"li-°n‘in,.’";.‘§f".“‘,.l3 1111"}?! 1:23:32: ‘ , v. .» _i ' l ‘ : i hope, from “‘9 retired I!“ and “:9 “13°“th but the Constitution cmjmt he mnintnitml l uni/c l—thcmfielves with place and profit.»- lnor the Union men-"ed. i ‘upliasition to pub- Like; Samba who gave: Jonah credit l'of lic feeling; by the more exctciae ofthc cuerlcive swallbwin the whale “ d neon ted in 't powar confide-l to the genprgl governr‘nt‘nt. l‘he ‘ : , S n .un .i I‘ ‘fonndntion muithe lnidln the nll‘ectlonl ofthe Iby the «apposition that he was uneo on people, inthe security it given to lil‘n‘. liberty, fond of fish. they the will swallow m tln- 'chnrtmmgd'ptrpgfly in treat (lgml’lt‘: 0291; . . ‘ ‘ ‘ .. cnnn try. in» le rnH'nxt :1 ac men wto limited nutn'oer (ff 10”” and “he” and the citizens of the several Staten hetlr to one Porhsps this fact "I a mgmsurc accounts for mother, a members of one political fflnllll', their being so.fij,;,-,,_ ‘ . 9 jnittunlly Efntglmting to [inmate the happi-A it new 0 {a l 0 er." »‘ “ Ev-t‘rybtkly and the Mt.“ mnnkltttl ‘ Runhwl' Thnt the present dcplonthll- civil d 9!“ "1 “N" 97“! 0f therauntyseethraugh wnr having been cnuscnl hypuliticnl ftlnfltlclult the ‘Whole trick. which i!, to bo suite, as in the Norith and rebellion in dug-South, we, t‘ n g l. 5. u .\l ‘ 10d. 11 Ft. .‘ in this hat and vmergentyt hnmr tug it] feel 12m533t2'h2;t\gn:; lud 10%” I'll; i), 3:: .‘éing of melt Lpns<inn_or rest-ntment, will recol .. ‘ ' ‘ g _ :1 ‘flrct only our duty to 'the whole wuntry: (ha! traitors. A? open enemy is better ”1,90 3' 'llhia u-ar iaimlwugalononrmrtin any Wiring/op fnlse frimid. The brand is now oft lhb rmdanmffor my, purratr t 3" conqucnlrfubjuquh -Ifl, , h h A (1 real l dl' ‘ jion.nr purpniue 0 our! .11»:ng or Inler_ cnng an! 2:“ ”day can 8 known U' , all flu rights 0';- (glahfiahedimfllhlionp ofthme-b'larrt: n', . . t ‘ 1' ‘ Jmtm Jrl‘ntdaml mainlm'n 111 supremacy of Illh lhqy have selected their compliny—lmv . 1 bnmimrian, Kamila irrurrv the Uninu‘m'tlt «22 unit“! themsnlvos to Khow Nothing;- nnlf flir- dgnily.’ aqua/ilynnd rightsy'tlu ”Feral-9'11!” Abolitimiisth. Lot thpm ko’cp with them Vlltlnl’tlrr'qufffil’tu! I" my? My Nam-v ‘ . ' .. . f . ‘ar! arl'l-mp 1;. Mt at war "Hg tau; ' for the futute. and the party nlnch thty l Rrsolt'td. 'l‘hnttho Dmnncmtic party at have left. With the froth and st‘umlhus 'Adnma «immty will giv‘p its firm\ support. worked’out at the bung. will for this future to the Governmoht‘ of tilt: United Suites. in gain grant er triumphs iii this county than “fry “Wel‘MV-V ,con-stlt'ulional ofiilrt i“ "“"‘ it “u ever drmé in" "m M“ » __ ‘ - ilmnlhe came of the, L [lion and put down ' _ A ' - s*: ‘tsonemiu .. f ' "' Tmly. 3"?“st , C 0“? ‘9O; Rem/mfi'l‘hat. while the prewnt civil war ..._—--....‘h -'~r-- - . mun not of our seeking it is new iu‘.tlu-. , [Communicate¢. terrible ophorgency ‘prnpbr to prosecntmlthn Democrats are you enlisted in the whr war with efficiency. "10an (lilo: the [fairer ' i ' . ‘ . "p! the Goyernmcnt may )6 et. an! tuiq nhd therefore. battling for the Umnn ’hg‘unnntural htrife be the stoonor hm!!!“ m a ‘0“ “a"? "0 “(01‘ Tel-FB9 "In" ‘O, 01ml; td puccmfuial; tonnination,l and th roby the. your wo’ntml loin—Democracy. There In hlessingsnt puma be ,h‘i moncr rentorctl to political trickster-s in our bounty who Ire ourdi-xtrzicte? muanY~ “the?!“ 2‘“? "“le' . , . ‘ . " . ' - thqsucc in aural-mum antic ruito much imth shame be It .‘“" "1’ stealing the glorious} an lionogmle snttlomcn‘t M will leave the 1 flag Pf 0‘“ cfnmnnn country I” '7“? R 9" Union 0 the States inyiolnte 3nd unbro pubhcanism In. and by their ince‘ssant ken. l 3‘ > . clunor of “no party." forming'on the ybrn l Jlmlt‘atft.;l'ltl\ll the} 015100? Mb“ "all?" Wll3 ; \ ~ - ~ ' mve'gone art |to mt! oor m man In walls of sh: Jul): 2‘16““ 1“ t’g’wnmhqttier 1' he“ the constitution; desert} the thanks of all guise an ‘?9 ,_ nton, ntam ?fly "3' patriotic goitizenlfl. § support the 'ulgnttoal party we have but- Ranked. That we Pletlge ounhenrty sup tied against. since its organization; ‘ Which port to the ticket um dty nominated. pm-e. Re- ; FSE :s-‘inh AT ma ER .\.?" 1’ Ann?“ i nll wot‘tbsfl 1:! of 110‘; 3 voting 'c-i ‘? 11nd ninn Huem' ples. m hayshur rfly. that my, ind ; gimm - the old Jackson. ‘ n‘d‘fl-zen {1831,1193 1 chario- ESME 6 MEE h_ M: v party 0 ME I ndrew H. Story Ingle-ey [on whi rime, he l- Finn the I down liimed No, Ly I fly ."7 of flux ‘ ise and «”san ngrj—llxis lofi‘excry xflzts :n ‘hrdnored [y W" ~30 ? Demo 1!. to I) [mg cry I there 1 i. he tim - NM ’~ mummy: that ‘ ket‘youiu‘hhinisé LI and pfiofeflion f there ‘eéei' gm: ‘. -. done. um the l unu'y démfida d vote fog? trite, nion, the IDemo- bounds more houeptly, Republicanism cog-'1 ‘ . "~ pled with “Unign.” or “Democracy ind J “l ARE YOU gm? ? r} Un'ibn"? Wriw them togethér, thihk of 1 ON EUESDAY NEXT the aim "mm “film ‘hém' 5““ ,‘hen ‘9“: 011- , mml Elgactidn tnkes' lace. Are‘our ”um in‘hetm‘hfi‘lne” “.’”" ”“ln‘lhe' ‘De‘mocilntic frieudd ready for the ther “ Democracy Ind Umon ” u-e, not I: to thy If r l" h synonyms. and like Juno's swans goeou. 19" sl I _ "Qt! Pt tem go‘to pled uld inseinnbl‘e. Ahd those‘who would Work, hilly mg "“1 encouraging {0" now undermine her orgmizition and éeak- I“ afd 03? {Oll3BB, thAlt we may make on her band: are urged; by mot-lies in?! iii-é victorygo‘urs! ! - ‘ latest: of self? Wand: them with? our. l ”--’? *' "‘.- ‘ wanted vigilance, the dagpoilors, wheh {he}: 1 ml” Lyeommg G . _ :wluch M pres upproach you—uni~ hurl tlme'm ‘fmnt' you r“ “k” m.) Wt m- glam: nun—“A with the contempt of fun Aug-ium free- ' "3° PWW’E‘C’F f” m" ‘ “WNW” ”m..—m mm . ‘ lebx. ‘ ”has are lubormg Indmtrlously to create the ‘ ___—___...“ . imprasion that mabe I iDcmocnt is of no ,cessily Mbe a secessionist. If the men en gaged in} that work are sincere in what they say, they are fools ; met if they are not aim cere, they are knsven. What kind of an army would the government have now if all the Democrats were discharged from in The Democratic party is based upon foal. ty to the Union. and whoever is not for the Union, is a necessary oonmquence can nos be a Dmocmt—no matter what. he may profess to be." a ' bear in mihd that kn the boxé-s, unit iesident J wigé is Lam-ate 1‘0: ‘( fr‘om rm: 112 mm,; timegmnfored a Union‘; and w, of $7595.31. E 2 ran-burg. has beet; the ,49th iPennn. ' d of Col. Irwin, duties. , The old Duke! To any that there isf‘n party " in the organiution of thq '_‘ Uhién ConventiOn ” and‘nomfmtion of the Unién ticket. 116 eon'mdicm himself in the tizird word he utterl. The truism, "out of their own months. 123..” is here "verified. The first line of mi oflxton'd in .the Samuel:— "The Union party of Adams county hive a work to do."' Yes, they have—the party bu. It is to destroy Democracy—the ulti mate stay 0‘! our country—and to deceive the medulous into the support of the “ U~ nion Republican No—Pu-ty Ticket.” When Dom no disloynl—when they any “ let Uninn slide,” and the count'n an be " at too great a. sacrifice," (puty (pox, well knowia file of Potted; M9l: 13in gt 41.9 Ongé and had, gunned The Réginpenth g of ' ntuylvt 1m w_|:, upon QB. wan conferred, ‘thenune ofJ. R. I 9? (14 Gown'ler. TWO DOL l undontoéd.) and the “Condilution is a league will; Iloll.” then jmny you begin to ‘ di~organi§e the pnfl'y. I will laugh at lwr calamitjv nnd hxock who‘ll her four comcrh when sh? proves recrouljl‘o her high cnll ing. and jain in (he cm of destruction to Democracy: ,\'o sooner-incl. now, when hc‘r loyal Engine in [he fiehi, and she in e110!- getically supporting 1h gdrgmmeut in ”every cbnslitqtionnl cfl‘ufit to put 11mm ro llbellion. ‘ ‘ ‘ Dual-nu. . "){uchi «19: we dmire‘t difficultiek settled withmi .ye would hot |oe it pure 2 Harrifim‘. :f ' I l “ Ih. annmd- pro regalntjnm which we tru'l "tin-s in (‘nn‘gre‘ss will "ti-c Jan. %tl., 1861.: L “The e Pbtin'n of Lincol pf n gm» Lnl‘svlru: a must not?!» nlmndnned, can purl. shorifficod on U “We no“! our Repr ‘ gross will: at M! square-13‘1 tilt”: of tha‘ {epuhlicnn ‘1 !in rim Chiba}; plalfom. AS no 11m (nip nl nnorw u comm-hm 5 mn- tn" ‘2], 1860. 1 GRATIG P Reenluticfifi ‘Adopml b (‘nnveution of Adams IRGL ' ' -. ”In Spring some fifty men lately e ' of their country only a . cams And the remainder} Who fight th. banal York I‘ml. MAME]! Inflation. J 'rn’im Cm. Sept. 29.—-Thero is no to linbfe new: of imernt from Humming, Gmu-gemwn. Glasgow, Rona, or other promo im-dt points. .1 nznsos Cm. Sopt. 28.4mm] I‘l'ice'l 0351-1 report, giving a women!!!” detailnd _n ml‘of the battle of Lexington, has been I' 'ved. The following are the closing gaping-v“ Our entire In» in this serious of "gagenfcnu amounts (0 25 killed and 72 M nded. The enomv's Inn was much 1' (er. The visible fruits of thin almost l» less yictory are great. About 3.51!) pr' mars, among whom pr:- l‘olonel: Mulli gan Marshall, Paahmly. WhiinmVor. M:- Jnl‘ I‘Vm Horn and one hundred ml oigh tom other c'ommissioncd oflicen. five pieces of artillery and two mortars. over 3,000 stand of arms. a large amount of uhres, nlmht 750 horses, many set: of cavalry c-quipmonh, wagons. teams. ammunition. mom than SIm,O(IQ worthot‘ oommiunry Mortal, and n largo amount of other proper ty. i 1h addition to all this, I obtained‘tlae restoration of the great seal of the Slate amli the public room-dz, whirl) had boon uto h-n from their proper cugtodian. and about s9o¢Mio in mnnoy. of which the bank in thia‘ place had been rnbhml.)nd which I hm'i: muml to how-«turned to it.” ' prnmsm Curr. Sept. 23.7—A gentleman whd arrived here this moruin from the' Weft; Mates that ha saw «month-man who pact ed through Osceola on chnosrlfi'y. wlm «nyf tlmtvthe central portion of that town lnu bet-n burntby GenerallLnno. It is stu tod that the reasons for burning it \FPN‘, tha the rebels hut fired on the tron mm tha’windon-s of the homes. ,Vu Edens! t pa were there when He left , i ‘B’. Loris, Sept.29.-(_’ol. Mulligan? regi ment arrived here yestonlay from Lexing ton and mam-lied to Benton Bax-racks. \vh re thr-y will be aid 01?. ‘ J damn Quig .who.“imliciiovwlfi'mxght rum vr the rebel Gen. Price at Lexingtqn. wu arrauted yesterday as a spy. ‘ J rrmsiix (31". Sept. {ill—Some of the nfii ,ers of Coldiulligtm‘s command, who hay . hrrimd here from Lexington. report. tli: iargé amounts of ammunition hnvn '.ms ,wI-Lm 1 ha 1 fauna buried in the‘vicinity QT Lexing tnn including thrm thousand munds nflnn- Ilm shall within (‘Ol. Mu‘lligun'n putrc‘nch mo ts, which had been deposited thu- \ mo (he previnuSv—sent by Governor Jack -50% from Jefferson City, _ herebel f’orcont Lexington ia répzmentml' to from forty to fifty (Indusnml. and Hwy eh: m thug it will he nhgmomc‘d to seventy 1h ‘nmnd "within [lime weeks. . A boat has been «out to Lexing’tmi 19 rm mngve our wnumk‘glJ‘n-neml Price having givhn a pormit. for that. purpono. . f ' The foundery’nt Lexingtun is turning nui tluiee (welvc-I'Jmndon pm- wm-k, mg] n I'm-go Amount of Ihbt ind ahelll of every dugcription. ‘ 5 ‘1“ ~~-—o->—T—-~——- . .. Thu Diflcnlty Between Gan. Fremont _ é' . and 001. Blair. .. . . from facts nscértuined hora, it appear-f th t on \Vednemlay (6011.»Fromnm roles-6d 0)]. Blair from nnost. unin‘x lnngmge in the on grwantmnount to n defiance 01' the Col:- tp reucntlxis changes formnll , 09 Think d (‘Ol. Blair presentgdflw (fin-gen (Maul ‘ly iminst Gen. Etemnnt. in rogpomo tn tho de mace. Thoéhupm’flan. Frv-mrmt ifn-’ m Hatvly arrested Co . Blair. and sent him to lofi‘erson llnrrucks., l' . mm the prmont 1p “Wort w arms, named at m‘grcqt g u ”rim 0! tau! Roy-mumm comm! (o."-—:Slur, nJvm the triumph ul chm, principle and tha Rt‘pnbli -- nltnr nfuluvcry. ontntiws in Can -1 up .m the princi arty. as ghuutfiialnl i. ALL WHO rut—yo. H mm inrcnunn “.'“—Slur, Dl6. TFORM. [the Democratic lcounty, Sept. 9th, I The Truth Wpll Spot»! ‘ ‘ The follo'w‘ing langu'gge from the Catfish Volunteer suits this 10§ality m well that we" 1 s'fer it to our oohmjms for the benefit of all whom it may cqncoi'n : , he cry of certain vénal prams; and stay nt- \ome domagogues. glmt this‘mdidafi; and (h t mndidntq “fiver? fireckinrirlge man." wi Lfnil in its'object.3 'We venture the M ser’tion, that there nrn' gnore men in the N them army now. who “were Breakin ri 0 men.” that there are of than who we a Lincoln men. It is n well known fact, th t. our armv com-ins awry umlll moiety of | WI: Annabell. Who are the officers. too. at ithe head nt',onr ”mien? The hero of Wilt Sumter. Maj. Anderson, “was a Breck in _itfixe man."-‘—So was Capt. Slammer, the he oof Fortyickens. 80 were McClellan, quler, ‘le, Dix, thvnilmler. and h'un tlreds of when of our distinguished milita rv t leaders. The_ Wm- omtnn. too. Holt, Jo neon and Dickinson. “ were Breakin rit ge men."—-’Generul SN)” (lid not. vote, . hn if he had he wnuhl have voted agnimt .Li coin. {qr the old hem hated an Abolition ist Mhe does esnnke. Why don't our my ntinoma intricate‘enumnmttxtlmse'men when film with to inform thnir ronllers of the n , es of those who luppflrtrd Hrockfnridzo h t full? Whiv (19th tth also attack. the B I men? 801 l mu conxitferod a not! mnn_._ l t full. and his ninth: in the Noni were rmtnng the moat p triotic of our citiunn.—- W mra )lo we finder. Bell mm? In open an vio‘vht nutrition t 9 the Government 1 My. Bell i 5 55' to he worth three million ot'i dotlurs. and he hm mn'n a moment of nnizlmlf of his immense fortune to Je r IM vi ... eo-callod. Gotemment. Why, than, N ri-pent, is it that. M}. Bell's friend: In n ,Itigmntized sud libellNl by an thug; cm Abolition press! Even those ‘vt su portod Dougie; and Johnmn might Lei t tted bynur reckless opponenta. for it in 17 ll‘ known that Mr. Johnson in now. In car under Davie. \ t . ~ : ' ‘ ...—“...... m—~————-—— . . L A View Behind’the'seaneq. fore ever'y imgorte‘fil electitin clauses ofthe use ofimeney for the purpue or in fl‘ noirig thereon“, nrr- no 0911.111093 th ei «Alli—t the! are ge‘nfirally-reeeived by th Reople u electioneering Qrickl. it will bei r‘eoollected that on the“ m of the last. .PAeaidenual election tlmxmiuni OYHI'. Li min were perticulnrlyJoud in clingin‘ t Deniocmticgparty will} uring (he liublic m may to prepétunte théir power. From re m rereletiom it appeals thatthe lee di ‘g‘ New 'Ybrk hep'ublimn politician: w ‘ile charging corruption upnn iho lii-mo cr‘hu, were themselves engaged in using mpney m an extent tlnt costs I“ preview Nominees of thin ki‘ml _oomplotely in die shade. Som'e time ego. Mr. Updykq, e prominent New York politician of the Re ]:iiblican school, charged puizlicly that Hr. Wood; the Prince or the fillbany Lbbby, bed waived his purpoee in carrying the New York city railroad charters through like Leginlaun-e, to'beto raise a. fund ol' but mum or noun: to elbct the candid.“ of the Chicago convention.- In the libel we or Littlejohn against Greely, fir. O'pdyke was ready u a witness to swear to phi: a‘vosul, and it was made use of by the defence. in the opening of the case. x , township, out of ‘fiW f and “i adver ,. ereerourr erstm e “:8! inalthgengg‘. filament of J. M. Acs‘rm l: (30.. eluwhqro '“ a: "'° pa '- in our paper. They offer rare indnoomwp. “I“ MW! Ik. hauls 8:411:13“ has been «)s:an of but oountxy 2- agent in this place/film willexhibluw l _ -, men of the Engraving. , a“ mwm 11mm .n Friday night, the Mam-up}: wru «How, 0 communicate the fuvt that‘CoL Blair ' been {rded from anon: (he previou: lziosday. But the ofi‘emivs put-Lymph he otder of release WM suppromd, and fact M'Col. Blair’s second one“ wit!» F h'e army regulatgns «How no officer to arrested for A longer pexiod than oi h" , a without ohm-gm beihg preiemJifi ,3: 1. Fremont disregarded the regulationi 2' go cane bf ('Ol. Blair. ‘ I ter this violation of the regnlnthm O fitnd arrest 'for the stimn cause and «it!» , charges bur attracted attention md’ [ned remark. ~ ,- he great fmt'iurg'lntion (ailments in t Gen. Egon twin); ordered the uncondi l releqee of Col. Blair. ' ’ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers