2 2%makas. Tllo Curd“ in published ovary Mululuy morning. by Hun J. Sunni. al 3| 73 pér nunum if pnid strictly Iv \.wrnvnA. 00 ‘PE' annyun if riot paid in advance. .\‘o ‘.lulnol‘lpfiun discnmiuuc-d, uulm at the lgptldn of the [niblil-lmr, until all “1131141134“ ire paid. g Amama“mninwrlvd at the usual: Jul Pusnsu (lune with "03$“qu - dmpntch" “Ornrt'in Sumh lbdtimnrc Mrvnt. «lir OppoiilQ \Vnmplun' TillllZl‘lg Efl-xdg'ljsln --"¢.‘mlmuu Pun-w: Urrxrr." on the 1 .. Alexander Frazer, I LOCK AV!) WATCH-MAKEKJM rem 0 hi: shop to fiuuth Baltimore fling-t, l door! mum of the ('uurt Home. vain-re he Ilwnyn hr happv m nurnd to the «'nlls . run-tome". He ‘4 thankful for past: furor: hop" to receive the continued cimtnmn public. - [Gelly‘faburm April 8, my :7 Gettysburg Restaurant. "Pa nmlrnlgnedvainq bought nut (‘h 3- Bn‘hey/vriil conlinnc the GET Amwsfisnrmwm u.» an Huud. n Wonfiughy‘n‘flnu. in (‘nrHfltNLt-"l. - 'he rill liwkyg ho rmd)‘ In u-‘rn- up. I! call: oTruuomc-rt, ()YHTER‘K I‘HN'REX, H TUNGUE. mm; l(‘E,('l!E.\\L m.. “DEE-QT“) WINES. .\LH. LACE}! nhd ‘ ~11: Wm upon (it) clan-tn render “mm“. all who may patronizo him. flr‘nnlr 1r cnll. " ~‘ \'ALHXT‘SHJVHHNI' 41M; ‘l, um. 3m Lancuter‘Bopk Bindery. v HOME}: WHNT. ‘ ..CI -- Imm: KIN!) #. A’s-n nu: mm: uurr r'rl'nml. ‘ ‘ I..\\'(“"TER. P‘ L'lm'n mud Omaypwml (finding; 91‘ Qttr‘ Irrlpdon. unrated in theme“ substnnliu AK» A ‘ Mun-owed stylu. A , . A - " _nzymzzxrru.‘ *1 E W. Brfiwn; E‘” , mevn Honk hf Laura \V. [4.l’clpcr, Esq '. [.:ln-wish r (‘ullyuy Hun ‘F'umnel Shock. {-‘mq , “4-! nnhin Hunk. “ H'unucl Wumu‘r, Hkq . Ynlk Bank. 1 ; \LViHi-m» Wagner. Ed... ‘AIIQ‘R ('tmnh' flunk -711). Curmn. Esq" ”J“? AF th‘uphurg ! _ Tom: “.Ir(iu."Enq.' Pr nlll'v ul‘lmnrzulor m. ".60. If Hnwlhnrn. I'ful . lie-gix‘trr, '2 I no“: \Vh'ltdnn, E4q._ flechrhr “ _ , April 15, 1891‘ \ 1 1,,4- -V-,__..~r V . . 4‘ ¥ » 'Relief‘Tax. ‘V irrar‘dlnc! \fith Hu- \l'! uf‘ thr- (:w I Aui'm’lly.llrlu‘lll~li‘\]\X|'HA "mm-x rd ho day of “av. 1:461. in rl~u.irrl In VWAH: \Efflnnlnn and Illeir Bug's. flu" umny l‘ ‘fin‘snhfwn Inn? lmu-H n tn of I: I‘uills~ w ”lo‘C‘ollt-t'lpn for tho prusl‘cl! iniur :In- up.“ In talk-I'l. and m) 1h»- .mmv uu-r Ln (he 1"» Trounr'er iii six “Wt-'1” Tram 4h.- 4 me at I “'nrrnnu. For gnu-Ml information. are“: of mid Ar‘ in nfnwnd- d " Section 17. Thu! it, shall h; In“ rum (hi proper mnhnrlfiu uf Mira-“M3 Wll‘lnu‘ ('ommnnwrahh m :l‘v"!“‘l In; A: in} l'ui ynyment nl' nn-h npnrnprhlnunvg 339. ,‘nfiny ‘ hem. of ma} 'her'rqflt‘r luv. mmlp h} rllll! flmriliu fur the rrlit-f m \‘qluulw‘rv‘, or families. or hath. “‘llll‘ll \nlunm-n plmll l lu-c'n or m-Ij- hr n-t-rin-‘I 'nuu ling-ord. an! State or the l'niu-d St..}m. in the pro-‘uul i'zmoy nfhlv‘ue rmnmv. l'ranl-‘l. ThM .4 au'nsmuuj .Ilmll «in! in um mm W u‘l-n red ‘nml our-halhnilh mmn tlu- dull ur m‘ Llh- 1‘ lxlc-wrupcrly 01 ~|l~‘hv,vmyltr. I'r-ni-h-«l. 'l Hllloln“hvrrl3fl’urv w‘gnhznn-pr' mum-ya ‘ nun-d hyl‘umminimwr: m muml ipal .unll m. arelzL-rcb; x I‘d-d mnl " ‘ ‘ ~ ‘l>\\'ll‘.l. (ZI‘N'PLU \\‘, 1 1 " .1 \s, n \3\n¢n\l.l., ' 1 \\'\|. l} l? \’IIDX VJ}. ' l ‘ ‘ (‘nmnllwiunv'n ._’! \Llam: v‘nun {J‘A'lg't—l. ‘1“ “Human, ('lcxk. , 1 ‘P 'Sep'L 2. mm. ‘ ‘ ‘l‘mp LiquorL 1 I ’4l: FARR ha. mam m m-. Hrm‘a-n }‘ .‘Nulinn fi'urv. :( 4"".Il'lllul ul [‘urJhL‘ nl‘lfiqunrl nvgsl h max; Vhiul 111 a 1 Hz" and n-Mrlmvm ‘hr il_ni|m tlwmxu uliun uf‘ In v, m..-m... u _om'nrnrm m: \\lHl2.\'. WI. I.l\'.~}, wmsxms; a__ angina-rum k‘um. prion. some lumng tk- 11““ to lu- h Ml i 1 rzlim. Ad his mnlln h, '"qui-‘k «(0‘ nun-1 ‘ :pg‘liu." llr W 1” svll rho-.tfrT—V-er.‘ . him]. [4. 4 ,r «4111 ~Tu he (‘9lu‘iuv9L 'il in on!) 'uvccssu. ' 1““ him ynur pu—[rmuum '. ~ , I‘3' Ucuy‘htmg July I‘, UNI. / : ..1 , ‘ : New §prln2 quds! ; g .' I)H‘KI-.\'Gl lmn an h mtl :I- mix 'lul of} - "\'l-lIKL'UATS M mu‘ prit'v“ 3 . < . (IVERfiIATS'ut mu pr H'RIVG‘ DRESS ('UATS, ~ ‘1 \ Inn-:55 mum's. ‘ : ‘ f svmxr: ['Aifinmnxs. » i ‘ PAST \[AHNS M “main-Nit . ‘ 1 SPRING VEST“. ; ' ‘, ’ , \‘HSTS. \'kfi'Ti \'l': I'qalerfihiru,"rum-rs,.\‘tm‘Liuyfiurksfilt Ah“), )I“,an ln~|rnnwmg \ro-mhmns, H )‘il'pr. ’Sntnnnu. Al 3. Chu. .\v.‘ Juviuigsulvt .‘ cliefl‘ng Call in null luuh find .\(HI can't I “banguigi ‘ V vi [\l u a.“ £\' t jJ [I’DSTLV'R‘ l 'T Mountainfierb Worm Tg‘ . ERBS, BARKS \\‘l)‘ lum'l‘fi ' ; , \ mutt-s P‘QISUSOCS‘ MINERALS .\ND DRUG, i‘ I ~——- , . MOTHERS, mm: Jim-:11! i ) pl: when nbsorvin: Ilu‘ mn‘ my A": of fog!) rhiMn-n. mneidvr I|th i 4 uyu' be ‘ than erc‘tfilmlic‘llmt aLHIvu tlwlu '3 In‘ Tue-gum! ol' ic'n. Iho ”the "Film ’litllo <| er's .Iflflfliill ii M'ouus, and :quld be a. 100ka la. _ . V : mans o? FAMILIES, + . ' u not 'l9! your children aufi‘cr; when we I nu. you in i JQIHOX'S wmm TEA A It?! AID PLEASANT CLII VON WORXE How‘much better Ind sail-r )vuulul i: ,5 h": 11. Ilwnyi: in lb} hmiw. A lilllu ‘1 'irlien u child‘ialmkeu-11l umv ufleu bl‘ the r‘ 61in dank, va‘He acting “filuni' dl‘lsy,. I.}- giving m. . Ol'NTAlN'lll-IRU TEL; timely. you will not only Nye the vhihl ‘1 ‘ Ind tedious ulna”. and )ullf‘t‘” much up: but :l‘so feel happlor‘m kmmi‘ngmut .mu .j done your duty, and perclmuya saved it: 1' ’ TM! medicine is combmul pun-1;,- of /u E a a Six x o‘}: our 3, lo? A nnncu or ‘ 0.1503151. OR MIXER“. is re, IN IR A .No workman! Verfilifuge will be use thou whoa-we me this Tea. The only a Knuth“. of dfiqtharj'ermifugea and \\ ' an?! ”BEECH". - . IMIXEI 0 1 S. 0- N ‘ to ' ‘ mm cmfionsx mam. mime, Safe, vpgemdfe .\ledici Tub We!!! Tea was diqconred ii: an n 11l day “along Van Wflds 0!. Sorting Me —4 full Mat-m: of _it ynn will (ind m out said. . Ask for he “Racuaqf Tula Al . , of the Agent. and Linen you have rehd it, h. a your M 3193: um: .they may 1139 k of lad be cured by Wig-GREAT REMEDY ~‘ JUDBON'S‘WORM TEXA’, , , ~ “ KILLS FORMS, nv'n aqua—xi nuns: to flu. . - ,_ .._. - 1 - 7” an A PACKAGE—PRICE 25‘ CENT onuym+fluys find the Name nd Si .. tuft of B. LQUUSON & 00., Ind t e per a! M, on ml: ”guy: of thi'a rm T 1 ‘ n. 1.. 3131330319 co., 38L: 93072121633 00 1.101;;{81-“521'. le‘ You alums“: Wm Tu in hold by one A in our, Village, And by 511 Drmiats. ' n. 6. Gun, Agent. {9: Gectpburg. ‘__-_’llly 22, 1881. lyeow ‘ H ‘ G. CARR bu just received from ‘. citypfl’hitdelphin A very fine, r] Into! he; an phin Guntlemon’a; ; Ties, which be}: selling cheaper than up i tl4l and cllyj mnh 'ved few, will him and the my]; ‘J. mums; : l 1‘ 5:: "f. :: f::"":_‘2‘?.—"f"* , , ‘;. 4453,11 Year. “ 6112' @3352, Eli an 1n: luqumzu M m. ml“: HSTI‘ 71in! hy mun myJLu‘r: he wnqhhl to glen: An 1 srruhbed su Dun-d fur Sunday '.' ; thl‘ you know wry we", (us you'uq all 5150(5).) ‘ ‘ YTI‘iH he dirty again on .\lomhy 31, wt: 3. mm “m. the whery “Hp '3 Thu behind my em: i.~ dripping, ‘ 4, And : ' wmrlinu eye:- l'm afraid lo opb, And In} lips lll€uuds are aiming. ‘ There. dour: my «bruit and up 1‘11? node—E And to chain me 30:1 seem (01 be pring Thu! 1' I .ulml my numtlr you need n't'Sup For {auwfignn l Locp Imm urging? ; \ . ‘ .\nd yn‘u rub us lmrd in ever youmau-L— ‘ Ami .\nur hauls are hard—rm my nogrrn” No Woman i‘mll wa~h me when I'll) fl man And I wish I was um: td-murruw. l don’t -nn~ how lulu-h l ffighh-n lthhg, .\mlé r xre for {m 111-anger Hut pnadw, An-l utill l “fill rry fill you} wipe my fine I .\ud gin- me some 'lmud and molunqux. 1 fifijimllmum mm MYSTERIops omnms'r‘ iA LHGAND D? THE RIHNEEI‘F. th 111 , P tbr 11%0 “' Kind hearts are more than coronet ind simple {nilh than Norman hlbodz’ Yegmt :mtl yearn ago. at a grand old the. i ”It is (lral+wt‘rlt)(iktllj_' the lt‘hinthorv “I’ll 4 («In 'tn nurt’w mystrvriuus organi-tt. The front. chm; o~er lmpy to] whnjhml plnyml the organ to long haul Hull'- in alft-n‘ L (IPIII ' «Mahmud (\'prylmdy. frommlho 'in]; final Lit-us to tno Invariant, wnsi wonllei‘ing w ‘;o (- uld [ Sl'l‘ wm ‘i’?- as ifl’she would 1,9. mml to fill his blunt}, whm ()th h 'ght 'hunéilh hil l-u «isli'cngth to (In so, sum m-r morn, as the antOII antorod the l‘”“i [mg “5.“; w“ ”mm! He ”mm to chitin-h. h'e raw :1 :strangt-n hittin'gnt the l'ml” her? carnal b tlk. hehl horlM his ~ shrouded nrgxtn. llcrwns a tail, g (‘P- by...“ i!‘ . li'ggnflpnw 1i and with it half~ mm. with a pale. but Itrikingly antl- émfihé’r {Hpfi "ft . ‘4'““s grout, Mark. ‘inoinnchqu 3"“, l 'l‘llt‘ mu. urniné intrnml in Qlflltl‘ll(‘~'¢ ""‘i ‘1'?“ 15““ “1“ ”“14““ \x‘ilng;for 410"» 21ml ,llnlolwli‘lrhr, nn‘ tun o_m v lmurthal cathedral "('li'r"w"‘ii'ihé infigl‘lfi waves (“Tr—.‘““ “ “’Ui' PM ”mm H 1| 'l]. mid tile sextnln begun to dun. Hetljd‘q’nrei‘nn) ("noting thlesc ‘in". ‘ I-rotu‘m'v tpr 1 1 lurilligtnit iwmlrlin‘g. ‘ Flutnn In' wr-nt on playing, null :11on mu‘aic ‘1 ho “IMWI y.“ N' “udnqfll’w ”‘5‘“."5..51,19, _(h'vw from tho imirt‘inn-nt no Word-l of nil)“ huh? qnl n-u lawns finiéruphing from the PM“ d"~(‘ril!“- Th” 3“"“lhlw‘l ““"im‘ ”0' firm“ - :“n I‘ in _ligz t‘ heapsiumn‘ the (‘l-H't‘d that. the qrg‘iijvmuim «l to hut‘t‘ ,_ nun lgrt’lihul : I”: rhe who; lruvetl like :1 gold:- hunmn~thnt it hniloilnntl liizhmlfihid him- 11le 1011, and ) rrim (Profiled in red and pm;- m't-IL 3w if.n tnrtnrml humxm ht-zirt wine 'plifiu’rh'ra v Ethe rpm-kt» alonglheßhine. thrnhhing through its ‘plpos. Will? [the I _ glen :h lupnlnce-gntos “‘orén‘ni‘lnfi-IL muxio at lnfizth crxsml. thesextpu has cnfed nnllithe y. arty up hred. escorting tlm lorlimfih'angn-l‘.:tnllfluid— ‘ ‘ 1 ' i_l‘rillccfleii .lwth to he mtlmdml ,wl; “PM.“ “h“ M“ th 1“" 1W- ‘5 ‘ '.lmi‘ltnhrning 'us to h solemniz d. 'lt i “U“ “0‘ “‘k “‘.V ““"'°-" “9 "1““ l 3 “I in lfhve‘ l!" t; far brighter tlTan thc’en lqu llt‘flr'l that ymun-e in wuntof‘m ISM" .tn nod if lit: n ml hiv’hssnms ‘n’tjile th‘o mm: M‘ 3'1""1 Cllmfhere ri'n mat.“ ’ v 'offp’lum wll {loan from, stiitelyfhends. “Vb-”u.” h“ “We” {1“ ”I“ I'lftQP-"iex laim- inhltl tltil est ll” oht-s Unit strenlned; down 9‘1"“ “”5“"- “W'IF- 3‘o“ cotnllm; hizfi Invir-irtllohnu‘firl‘ *df‘tlie superbstl-ethi. But ”I“ 5 mm“ ""‘l gnnh. “it!" ‘ t ' J IthDLPrlihiosl' uht‘egl 6,71 a white ipnll‘ry. ‘X‘R “”3 yott‘over-rntenlpf’ {me dllhf‘ lwlhé‘nfio n a l}: the' dzhurch, she. heard $140.“ w'nh‘n and “mum "film the H“ ’f -i it inlhi‘ n n 1 i‘hnisic, h‘hiéh übilnnt in helium! [o_converitntion. he tl|rfto7lfrnm ‘s‘,th tub". n lofkllr'llken f" ralknPll, JUN“: “H". 50E“ “51"“? “B’9“ 4!“ fsile‘trlnnm-E, vfin‘nldhave {- llen to the L”w "‘“W‘ "hm?“ “‘7'“ a cor “ff“! .ehrth had m'st ye's lphortod tin-r. .' A few untto a grand plum, and theom‘yn nous . tnhtnt‘htn “f m V (Ihr; éntered tho (‘3th l"'st—_ > 1 ‘ ital. ”horn. \'ith [lbis nettnue, stood the ‘11:») ‘ii'f‘n llplfligdanhlj lfprf if; l Ntyul hrfido‘t-t [li\ffillflni she hn noyér bi)- ptl «Agluryutnote him on th fang," ~ “’1!“ 36m1. I l 119 glfinbe to"! from him lhis cnuntt-ntinoe ‘scem ‘ nut uhke U”: t'ojfil'n’m "1 .fi‘ wrhm'e 55,19 1:34 €33)“th tot‘ St. er'hat-l. ns'porfl' r-d 11‘}, uhlm ERI .991 the 1 stvnq‘us (tn-gum“. ; He was .lwt in the harmonics ‘hich s -el‘od:gntto.:';titl 3" ‘ :Lfiohhgedztoreturhlhggrnce hul him, ho mt \gith th “fair 3 oing" my“? 9“ 9 ngvi to wirhnm slldhagl‘ bet-n fixeil on thaflistant 5k ‘ 3 glinipw nf hfltlrnt‘hqtl f n motilh-s qfnolicyj l )fvchnn. .Lh he hurt caught. throng an mm | win~ : idnllfi'fl'hk} “ “‘1 bl" SM“ 0" lh “luau-stoma X, when then- was a stir at the chm-chi "f‘ilwth‘mic H ' linténed: to the fol-vice and , and a royal 1m”). cam swotfpilg in.l "tilde lllé‘. s nfeéi Then h‘n hudnmd ng them might, be so I your? girl; ‘ drew her ‘ h"3 ml“ convnlsw embrace. t a \vmlth of golden hni . heriey a like 3‘ "ii“! )Vi“l‘P° “ ~ g ‘ . ' . '.viz m :in 1.8. x. and tips‘ um tin chcr-; L"P-"7«'}'Wl 1- .\‘Qurefn. my wxfilJook up 1" . Thin-As the. Princess timm ~ ana‘ lemi'w i“ "emhmh she OWN 11l lye: turned to her. NI sh scathd 1 "self, “it” am i * (‘inrl’g ‘33” thrill, 5"?!“ 3° ’— int ‘oV?l\'t‘l-(‘\l.\llloh(‘djww )ytrrflvr ‘ed to “ilhy (till ‘ a smile bring 38th to her the’ ourt. The mysterious rganist fixedvdlfi‘l“ ii A ll'though the. kzmi wore the his gain 'uponlher, and won on any ng. :rdfiéll ”“11 ' .‘ld ma!” hJewollgd order 01:4” Nd sooner had the music :3 chodj’he ears, «IL? RH???“ h “‘9sin ,m‘. ”We hurl)” than she started. as if gt. gh Llnld c 05306} -‘ if“)? h dbeen' tmqployed *0 ‘93": her hm‘puth. . The bloom fndegl from Her leek. "0? Rum : d hag ‘3 Kym hen the lore Of her “I“ quiver-otl, her who. fralme grewjlo 9-, i i 5 ’ ‘ tremulous. A 3 lnét her eyeslemet: Lh eof . ‘E: ,’ mnrlmunxl “lei the organist in a long, long earning look, ." T: fimunfllt'hsmyflerwi and” then the melody losti joyo‘pa notes, '8 t? “I'9 me" For?” nnd‘ once more walled, amp sighed,l and 1“" '1; ‘d “1. F 1311? you, '1 t l lwir I we this "',' ('nq ‘ full ME hr: FIN: :{lnl On: In” 1i sth! (1141‘ old ~"(“4 slm’i and [hit ME gnzd w [I 3L an , 110:} A I“ our: 21y use n‘ud ma- 4-] cluthod. /” 3‘ “But. by faith," Wlliml‘lB; thej Kjx hih daughter. “this‘ orbsnis has hm ham}. ”quk ye,child,hes d 1 play “3. wedding 1" s " The pole lips of the prin pitta but the 9mm not apesk—nhe dumb uh grief. iike one in « painiulfidream, 2&3" the pie Yuan at thp‘organ, 'd' be I the} melody (Heb filled me v edifibe, rye; fufi hie" she knew who he ’wuflmd why ‘ ‘1 ‘ the , \ .613, 1 9.1.9 hash-u m seeined hr: ggorixfxf ato ured hem-H - E hen the service was ow. NHL hid ieft the cutback: u 'ysteriously as he had 1 notnleen sgn'm by the sexto; hout‘when he appeared in ihj in enced his task. Whi fiifid figuye glided in. am siddshrine. Tlflre she ’ IN “fix 4 shrine. y. ~ m -... wq ippenhsddilpefiedmhmh-Lhe seixum w 66m: ed heron the thou} ‘, gunfig— , fifladum‘, ov'erybody 11130“ but #you and‘ and I mutcloseth doors." Q ~ ‘ km notneudy togoyet," was tile rel ly -.‘ “16th nae—lave me !" 'f I If!“ nextén draw back to ujshadowy n‘che. ' ma jv’ntchod sud listened. ,iThe mysteriou's ] n ‘... ‘-, mil?» mu kept his panel but his w‘uiboved upon the instrument, um oofld not see the was devotee. At 1e she ‘roso from the isle, 'and moving tq :m-loft. pm-od beside u: amid." & '“Bertmm,” she mnrflhr¥t , ’ ~I I TIME It7LXAN PAL E; In' corrmv ucxnku ‘ l , andfthe *oyal: , he atdle iway -me;§ II [“1213 I lit] the vjsper: : orgy-10d and { '- be play a. his“. 11% :3 aiued til 'z'hei mi .1 ‘ I ammmm [gm ..'_ 1 ‘- . V. J J ‘A .‘M/ II IEI Y J E GE'JQTYSBURG, PA, w‘ , _ i ( n l: - ‘ =Quick nnlthrflght tho organist railed his From Uu Lam? WM ”0!”- iTud. Tum ‘nh‘the‘Jight ofnlampMlS- THE OLD MAN'S COLT-F [mulled tn lke iron above‘ falling full upon x , —— ' {' li’ur, stood the rinoesg who hull graced the! l rlfhle ($3O" was falling guilt chleorilmgn 1:. , I M ‘ ' he as nyof lheyear 5.3 m at ‘y ‘vfifltPSZrt-‘infi T‘y‘ I?” court-dress of; there lay upon thegrnund su icit‘ntm make Al“'“ l ‘ ' “ll‘o “ ermine tnmxmhgn. the maxi exrpllenl. sleiglniug‘. he younfilfirs thin-pyljligneck ace, thb‘ bracelets, lmfl been were onjn‘ving flue fun in he roads, the f'llangofil for a ‘rey serge robe an}! “‘5 long (‘nunnl-y .:.-dist»: wlerb ertlin by filllcid jun) 34%, - , .' , , ‘ma-cmrqu gin-«mu "I‘er ms; he ”m 1“ .'Hl'jwf" ’ “M"‘O‘l Fuflwd brckfrom ' mnxe elegant turnouts {mm the oily—Ll. our film‘lmr. L’lf'lb‘li, flice, lA 5 ' ' lpon milos (llstnnt—nooaiia ly lined mt ‘ “0! ‘l'llingel , I'llim‘bcllll”exchiimedvthe the tavern door. where l w tarrving Enn ol-gmnipl. and h‘ Hunk jaw“. feel and sued ‘ pnvnnlf, in?! the smwm “Ins peculiarly I fly, -. . - 1 ~ ~ . in 1e hp n hysM’ere pmum away. ‘ ‘ TESS]?! "1m 1' r (mulblg‘l 9795'"; lln ”if bar-room or Ithé mungry hotel -1 E ‘7 “1° 1'? llere,lߢlltrun? erd the when Ilsnjoumml, I had ri ht hoartily an- Ilrxqcesu. l f _ 1 i ; joyodtlle variouu sample“! f human film-- i “.I dame} tn ‘ it] you lint-well. Eanll as I “0"‘21 mot. and I ha“; f 0? .‘"ek; daylnnd (lured "(It wont m into! lapaln'ck‘fl gained :vgnmfi. ““"°Pr.?“““"¥ 0f ”toning llm » 'o' 9 "thodm'l bh " tl' bell yrims Lnf the vl.lng;-rs. 01:0 the lump us arms: ‘l' I’Y n "In '8 ‘ vmtnrs tho congrt-gulml In the nlxl tn 1 rlngm', anM l 1 V In: lalfm: lhe Vacant amt of L«which ‘hml for‘mrmyn Inn! your boob llw‘djend him. xi st, letlliyl'l'nugic Lrenthn out. l‘rumn nil‘ lninder o£ fur or‘f, cowl llnev Alliuul I '6 uld lilo! punt mv lips toilmflplnl‘kflls' nml travail? ol‘ ("Infill an"? 8‘ l \ ‘I i 7 , llamhlflr en route to the on ,or lining! : . l l i l x « llnr .‘ ‘ LA l“‘l’."!fim 1 931“???” answer, “Dd he; I lmrligiven nut ntnnngllm donliillio<lLs~ ‘ l ‘ l ' wvished Jo purrhm-ea good 1‘ l l“, mallriétfion llm mnr'rnn'?" ! clmncwl in turn up during .1 lhei i 1 “Oh IM- 1 ‘itavern—Mmd all hall'li were i,‘ ngrl. ' ' ‘ 1' mm. IMr megfor it mu unclnrsto ‘lll be (plstnnd 1t youdzL“ pnv for _such an animal as lolvows which will ‘ml WH‘P- ‘ ‘ ltllu 3., ‘‘. . Whothm‘ zmv of mm newl. ‘t "Ll ll) ‘ ; t ' tunes“ nulvdj the ailin- or not ;" '3 organs ""I lvni blur-r 0 nnmfl nlnng. on 1 ‘l‘flui‘fiti’d m 0 ‘0 play ‘ nrmn gillmled to. the Inn! (In dye promlsed to be " 113—, n ymlng man from \ l ,‘M’ .l P'ould b - IIHH silid. and I illness ho (“9.33) ‘ . . . ‘ l:9 tawm ( unr a gnvis l “: 6 orgnnft ' but 3! attracted my nttentinn'nt ( ‘s‘“ “I' i l 11 good stopper. and he ¢a linml body asunder stylo. ; ml“ gm. “Twig”! .. \Vlm»:\ I" slinnlml all; “V I lmt‘ vuu llul jumpml from (Im hvnvy (x: il l'. 'Gg ' ' , door-step. and flung th ,sm. ‘o' 30 “"d g over the tl‘mhgm the NFL ‘ I look M'lm' the now fix-rim . H) {mm . “That'sl Jom Snllumi‘; Q 1. . {ll-nr-rnmn dunfivn. “ 9' .310 ‘lm ml 7 . lu-rn', hurl he's gnf n g’ovtd ‘o‘“ H ‘ 'hlm ‘ ' mnws rldn‘n will: anylh n Lthm‘ “elnl lwriu. “ nytluer.f" ' ‘ I ¥ : ‘lnln' film 3; half. I; l’wrhhfm lhiqnmnrk «hi», lmnnfit. Mld porlmpa not 1 «mm-ii no! to olumn'o it! v AnlmurnljlornnnlylvnS: ; himwlf lu-fort- Hm glm l»: Him-ml n mug of flip. mu 0 l uroly Nmm-r-ko {short ei, , n inr" Millie u-‘ullogl'it. l I%} _umhln :‘anlloxnmiuml hi (- hripht ‘lmyJwith hnuvv Hail i put tn‘getlmr ip llmh. null-l * notinnfqm-l I lonm‘lmlna iAe yntl l ham sairl Imlllll '1 hon~i-{'v.fr,« ""11 lm hm! n}: ur lvuon on entering the h us Join Salim": to open 91w I ' around : ilwut lné i-nmkml n nml looked into (he gun I I finally [neemecl in be (In: .pi It with rnlil nighg. th .1 Ilocmu‘lngr. 185—. Then 9\ V_ mm: ’ l‘lm. thul Hm prospect o ' . Floigzhin‘ ins novvr m to . "'i’ stdgelyzhentls, ‘ waited gar} him (0 Math! 5 i 1: “l“ that slumped:- down l word about him hm-ea, mi l>l mu‘sirl'flL of‘llie mum-L ...; ‘ " “ A synod—looking nng‘ m _ mm“, “mm.“ day." 1.1-;mmked told I, l, l. 5' ‘ mmmomr- 4t. , "Lat l. the qhuroh, “I"?‘l'eafd. 'lledid hot imply, bu o n 1 ‘DHlf‘lm/Ilflmh “5'11““ 11: lazily, then continued 1 9 «t 1 lorleilr'llkenl‘u ralknpll, 4 ing. i. 1 vfin‘nldhave {- lien to the! —§fé,3l‘ollfig’l|n°‘”lcw vi > {’9 sflp‘rortod lirr. .' A ffiwl lookinlzy; SPO“ ‘“ n 6: v-(L Que gnterod (he mlhe—lx u, lvifimying you 1‘ d ,his Ifctmue, stood the colt." ‘ “ - ‘lmni she hn nnyér bB-i :: 2}" Fm? “ium“ the h mnhe row: from him ‘2 “ 5::-“:01‘0dmolly. ."h ‘ $5,"? 1:“ €33l)“th Mlle old man wnul‘lu't a: ‘e firgumst ; He was ' no rmirnnahle lii-ium" ‘ \relurhlheflnce" f‘ \ij's‘lthp 0“ “1"“ .m‘ m slidhiid‘ bet-n . :l‘vhf)? .y‘vhy' he’s 11 y _ f 4 » I luv With. ‘ : “‘YJ ‘ MPchnn-l ‘1 What lire his qnnlm s. '\ Jam-stoma; “film?! 11119 old uau ' 'rvice d “ .'0: té co Q's} W hus'biiiid “Oh. I lmught you 9 Wal, the hats is what w “11”“9- country, 3; good 'un. I a ‘ round} is five years old m, w' tmtter.mly'down in th fo .1 _. new tiollqr. good size, n v : l ’frnizls‘of nothing’ but a. w _3 mad he taken: it, all his w Y think jibe old man’ll nel t l continued Jem ; and lid u beganlto settle himself do for another nap. I made up my mim t cow—or, :9. least. try hi “ Islhe fast 7" " f‘ I Cold you‘just now. th lube) six, and could foot it do n tiaim That‘ll do, I reck’n,f r 1 sci-man.” l‘lhg Umr are yum -w, - “ Yes. yes. Ewe yo 9. l ‘1 wishled m' mam Von. lmt lzwould! let me see him move T" “ None in the world, lit“. you wish.” ' t “ Yes. The slipping il would like to buy :3 “HI can light on one t _st way, and that does not Jem'Saltum knew all hi did not know whether I) and I thought. he didn’ " Yes. Wsl. then, - take a. turn with the col ’- him go. But unear u I what the ole mu: said id) he don’t keen- to sell hi 1 And with this oonsoln ‘ ‘ sound «sleep (or up rO4 big bum-00m fire. ‘ At an iarly hour uexl ‘ ngainmnd gave him tho (.'“ tion of the semen. 1 i “ Hapfiy New-Year, sir,” Li ‘ B‘l CME 7‘ _h\'e<"‘ What u trj n’ltal‘ fizhld «hon: rm. upnng I ving dad ," ronoi‘ :Lfif a y. "Thiiik ‘i‘ Y'riur'h ’yt nit‘ the WW? Ijlq‘l'f. If; “idem-nay [‘mnr null" wr In,» r! and :I l ~~~ ynllr'o toad of HM giv @llng 1," shit! now ‘flon t “‘ili : IMM {e re th ‘s‘ a: van . clru rs. )“m m] l )wh {‘«nfg'w u 71m mum “ml; ‘tfirs‘ offs, We den 1:_ 'gbapdig font WT; we 1m -i * , _ E * He ‘4 , ‘ udl ‘news , h ruhgprm pe ‘tef‘fiops ‘pe ‘d' ‘ mt‘ ) I e‘ 1:15” aml unwifli in the sq‘cret.” qf jog raihed frol -madn’ Qupen m 1 kiss, inndrfor onCI x py by a royal m 4 g to .ter- m ‘tal Ixcitemen , ' e’akehs the action of the a thexlungs, destdoys the tp— igesdonmnd w tinllj ms Adsw‘ll the functidns of the. “'lbe slim ifluahes th Jncbes mafia ' "mm tbri n iniliiou of Jinc: Surp ' pulse into a. gayllop. :Dulirum i chip-3y. Volition commands, of §méscles séring bo dkecuto em‘ptibh often, kills the body Glfiho; D'mgards. de Sophocles at? the Greciafn games. The up {day meg Philip v; The doo‘ Cofigfiegs 03iner upon hearin m‘ndar of Cérnwallis. Emil speifik‘brs hqu‘ oflm died in fly I Fmpauiondgd burst ofploquen‘ afideep emotion that producaf 1y ipbsided. Engine, the you die]?! when halheard am the v forfivhich he had ’ \ted ‘icx 46 [A Other. | . trad dmfiphon of the differ- V good " diet and a fut-ion ne faces $llO pom'flefwd the the'fm,‘ , t 1 «(I hes 3th; the! i ' l lThe x bet-web l y' Fen-d k 1' 'r ‘ J MEGI In W 11113 monarch, é orgnnist, a my first uut liwould o g btideu— .. her blue urneéd her twofiearts risgg. stem. An I face ‘; fear llslefirifie' ‘ [puts the lfum'great I- hum-eds I Powerful It. s attoke ; died of joy In of 3 do- keeper of of the sur ent public p 0 midst of be, or when tit. sudden ‘ g Pin-Rina, usical brize . adjudged compe ‘ g ME czz2 “Til"!!! ll man" an In y. “Wan, ya. so it in j): m’ a very nice an it in,’ “ How’s the pony flail! quired. ‘ ’ g “oh, nieely, fievar b'eh You‘re the gentleman as I) last-night.” l ‘ “Yes: and we’ll giv“h' you're ready!” added. 1 l -: .. Y... we’ll try him—mu I don't believe thq old man cares Losell fulfil." insisted Jam. However, we got than! a light'ctzftter, and at lubwe startéd for '3- jaunt,;td'test the‘speed Ind mettle or the horse lflud been so favorably struck with It fim sight, and away we went, followed by halt Lido:- en food 'ur‘n. rigged out: at the “Horn stab es, to aeqsml help ‘enijy the promised I rt. ‘ . [glue handsome hay cost. pl‘oved a. " flier." How fut he could trot ‘ no ld not 5:17 "but he diuznccd all oompui for inhe- f ' ire ‘ L 3%? 0% gi- I?) Lg? ‘ r 7. /' j. ‘ I ‘ “UV” ’9 lIME :APAILV 4,(31,PR1)1A,L0 x. "tum? ONDAY,‘ occfii i—x, 183 m twn. fivn, nix, seven min—and remi'fned to the hotel in gallant stylr. at 'hii t”) gait, ,without‘ showing the Bliphto‘st Sign‘ of dis tress. He was a splendid‘ roadgtkr.’ and just what I wanted. ' . ' 1 " What do m MI: tor him?" .A'ufi _i,; at ISL ' a} i‘ “ Wnl‘ at; I Md before. I don't Iv'lihvé the nip man ken-s to purl with him_—-l‘elql-wgys vh» could get hm hundred on’ a iili for iIlIln." ‘ ‘ ' “‘3‘“! I‘lmt'a a. big price for a five you old: I “Wnl, .h" ain't. nn (MI-of a colt, xxiind;- The nln man won’t mfg“ lest." . . ' ' “I'll give you twohun'drt-d dolldi-i,’ I mid. This was t round anm for slim-:9 i (hone days. ‘ ‘ 1 € I “No : the ole inaniouldn't b 9 with . insisted Sultum: and he Lurm-d his . Eb heal to the stable as I rn‘hrwl. .—j~ 1 ; , I‘ cnnr‘ludr‘d ‘vory rhorgly tn tnka‘thg h It. at .lem'n‘prico. howevenfimd, tbOut a h ur , afrnrwnnl, mid : L' . . “Wt-11, Salmm. I think I’ll trade“ lIL von. It'ix Mo much for n fivn‘ymr OI , qt ._I'JI give you h'm hundrfid and n Imlfi'l‘ ~ “ \Vn-l," mid .lem. slowly. “willy. I,“ 't ‘think the ole m'm’ll'llke lo mu Illal for I [bah anyhow : and I guess I'll take I 12“: to o the rity whore. I’ll get: his valoo.” V 'i '- f , “ But with ‘onlywked‘ lwb hundred and ; fifty for um Tun" ~ , a“ i j “Wail, you didn't'take me upmyther, ,am we?” ' . , i i e ‘ .“Not at UM mommit—l‘." V- » . 5 - “ gll'riL xlaarp’n llm word. _Ver Imflmfi n 1 I 10.“ trade» Bu! I'm Nita snrtin thr ble ' man would not‘bemiefied finch leash Qh‘ ce ”numbed.” ' “Threelulmlr‘ed f" I exclaimed. “ 11, ' I wan't d.) iv—QlmL'n all.” r , . i " .\'n ma 9‘ I wouldn't. minor. if I 'as - i. ‘31)“. ' I?“ ynu rnn'timllers toll flIxilIlI: Ivo - _ . I ‘ _wgar oh if he in‘smar and pin-(y. e 'ht 3‘22: “1:3 I tliz‘ gislf’down and I can séll him in did? )I‘)’ . ' A i ,1 l‘ . ' , ' I < . y, ‘ _g‘: ex; :12)! I (ranted the bone. hut I lot him‘ 3. .Y ‘g‘ . {‘Anlll did not see .lom Shiitum ti” § or .m' one 0‘ the; noon. wh'cn hri turned the nag out fri x ; from m. mew'orrlss again and “‘llthl up and down , n. "i, 9E" {MI thy; door, {.O (hi- admiration of‘u‘ :ry- L" \ v x)! y W Jr) snw Ilm. . ‘ ‘ . . lut gum] Tum, i Esnltum.” I said. “ chm“. I didn't ‘ an ‘ Ito n it: but I like your horse. ”iv e ,‘figgfi‘ifi'mm bill or him. rn :le him at three 11- , f . ‘ (IrHI. thpugh it's n :Ith price {or him"? ‘ I‘- ' ‘ “WI'II. mi-ttpr," mid the amunp. r y y, “tgzznfirrnficml ,“ainne this mnrnin' I'.ve made up my m nd mmmr’w“ ileia-i that he gunman {ism than we tImIIQII‘CflIe] I" inhiq - h},iF°l'lEl- and I can‘tan three hundred qrfil a “PM 6“" £omlfi‘3‘hnlf for him ol' 5 man np the rfmd her ‘l'} It—a beailtif'ul , Jive therefore conollu'lml tha‘tflne‘ ole r n ‘ ml nmim “g” : yron'l be sntid‘n-d mils-Si I (in (In? host I r ;‘ WV I‘!in 1“ in'fithough. milly, I dpn't helim'o the ole‘ u 1 nl‘hmf -lli~_glwolllll,allrnv me In sell hlm any war.” I ‘0 10m" Si tun! i "‘Cmnt‘mmrl the old _man and his ‘I. vi 1 "n; Pd 9i: ', (no I" I said, not a little vexed at e: I, I “"1”- d fori shin-p pm'otice of mv green nppéarhig fri ld‘ 1;" or «Inn (imp: from \'nrmunt. “ You Igot. nn four I n '. (II‘IIDI; h' flip I dyed dollars out. arm}: fur that harsh" nil-1;" fir and" . “No, I Rpmxo not. mister: hut ti re] I'3. inl-n h 019‘ Ynoo'd not he nn‘hurtl foolin’s ntwcen‘t; -.—} il-tv-fimt a“ of“: He ‘ a drondiui 390 d poll. and the ole. ‘an I hull rezwcjdfid-i would not he sutbfied _nnlcss he bro, hcl ’ I'lul‘lOllwihOOdlahim ‘ grind prfiie. ‘l'ln,¢ll{o." i l .rninirin’ ,- I I “'in: those wn‘rdy Sailttum returned is , film I‘aid I 110: a i dashing pony m‘theJtnblqon‘co mnrei..i i j 1 - l was bound to huvlhis home and t k i prht torhim.l - . ‘ (Imm, do n to- nov. that .lem Saltnni knew it. But. u- s i ‘ way oficfim— ‘hu (he‘d dollars mm an awful . figu . I ‘ E'l ‘1 1' thgiuzht. ‘Still fearing that the {e w ‘ woulrifindgp me Again. Imusternd mu! 9,} unil before I ratirod ht. night I said -" ntturndly. 9.4 Jem mt sucking his flip. | ,fr Well, 591 mm, wo have had a good al I ol‘-’tulk." . A ' " ' L ern, the at I one the nut. fuseftle‘ri l 3 home—if 3’ stay at qn “0.8 l! u: (1‘ that l - fancied a‘ n'u'ld “M made artq: I haven]; Ii! very. ' nf Dace lermnnt, C lh'n drum x k‘ng honstfi : we. fnrJl‘fi Ic 111 mg!“ enml his‘, om to 190 rye-a IEI r?" he f fYafi. w‘o lmv." ‘ . ‘ A ml I likn your horse.” fi‘ I know you do." . 'l “And I'll give you four hundred (I l 1 {o+ him—though 'I never believed l a he,such a fool in to pay like this for i glé hnrse." ‘ The Vermont sharper 'nhook his flip andgdminvd it. (ii the ‘ bottom blowlyfi replied: ’ i ‘ " After all we've mid. mister. there 'nnn man I'd mther'd liév that hum t you” But I'm bound in do what’s ri an’ it the me time I munt not forgit ole man rill»! mined ville colt. I}! 1' fat five hundred I'an the pony} donni ! ieve the ole mnn will he mtisfied, u? tconelmied‘tn (eke him back to Ve_ h accordingly." ‘ ill I 'fFive hundrod dollars!" I yelled: 1‘ l , you're crazy. 0: Iwr'lmps you think’ ' i fool.” I added. rimng. " Goodmiglims . ‘ trust You‘ll get ‘fivo hundred dblli . To 'your five yea-.r' 01d. Thin is a huudr I year. 'exactlyl” . . i . ' - -And I went tolx-d in‘hiszh dudgeon. _ “ lle‘a’ blnglxey quick at figures“ anyi .‘" rexmketiJem‘ dryly. M I retired. . i ‘ And vex-y shortly afterward‘h‘e w; W bed himself. - l _ . ' {I ~ ,When Icame down the next momiflt e colt stood in the sleigh at the fron ’ , 1 andJem wujust'ready. apparently, to‘l vie. t The golden dimnunily to become th‘é b er oil- really fine nnimgl was sham lb 1 fronfme. nnd’l coveted the beast. in dly i and in earnest. i “ Which way. Jen: .’" Inked. f. l ‘ “To town. Afom night I'm goig have mlv price for thin colt, or my; ei ‘ nsln’i Jem Sultum.” .' l i . “ 'Hovunuch do you Ink _for him . 1",” I ciaid tartly. 5 L. i ’ ‘ Wal, mister. I've ”thoufht i! .115 -:'6r. ‘lnii as 390 d lump: Lin’tt only jnu ‘ : , I’m made up my mind 1. at the ole 7: n lnevor’d be satisfied if I didn’LhrilL s x ‘ hundred dollars‘fmy the colt: un' I've :a -‘ i eluded I shall do one or the pther, w : i preachin’. any hon,” , = g ; 3 Six hundred l". said I. " Why, ‘ rin't ylou any 5 thoumnd u once. Jam." , l I ‘ "W5l, _he’u wuth u thoumnd—hutiren shall have him for just six hundred; of .- uu wmt him now." . ‘-, Join wok np the ribbons. The col h. or] bi! beautiful neck, and was shout; ‘.i-n may. I was beaten. . . 1‘ , “Put him in tha‘stable, Jem," ~_; .:.-‘— “I‘ll take him-dbough‘it‘s an awful .. ‘ -." And thus Lbeaune the-owner of my 'i rel. “(mt hone." ; ‘ The landlord laughed. The has er: laughed. Jam laughed—so they said ; nd I was half inclined to laugh myself uCfihe Vermonter'n management. Still I 11‘ ‘got a fine colt—J was sure (if this—end s’o ‘ wn weeks after my little New-Year's—ds Id venture, Ifouud myself on thc Blinding dnle road in a naughty N.York cutterinhim min; sharply over the newly made pnh‘iind beating with we most of the dashelfsihat frequented thattlien splendid thorou‘gl‘lfue of the fut/um. . ‘ :4; My colt quickly dumbed the «mi; of the crowd: of horsemen there. ufi' among their number. who was wealthy who knew, what 5 gobd nag was. very“ } ly waited upon me, And bmterd me i purchase. _ i ‘ 3 :- a n’ico-l" ~~ =MI {or is. ‘I . r o sell hi spr‘nk of ?’ ncle; the {E23 ! t my quirky— : ml] "p'.':l“"' Lots up we all ; ing six 12m ities, «o’un ‘ a lrnhies nrj its. k ip. and o “the i way; I“ on': ugh,’nnv wg': nedpron'm nn_d 11,111 1m:. hair purrhnné 11112.: I I addedixr * t he mu in“ n the‘fod' ~--— five {ear bid, E LL y objectio‘ to ‘ ! To-mgnf‘oévy, if I - ~‘ 1‘ be fine, nhd I one." I “Had. finite me.“ very ‘- too high." ’. before. " at. I wished u» M; . ‘ ! . I arrow '9‘! will d you shut? sege .n ml'lago. from 11 ‘ ieft;"hom'l.-, .y “my.” remarkfih fell to) bath {the ninglnie Jéin ‘tomaryi Pto idly?!" fo- Aomingff" 39n- I '9’ - I'. Yuflqtfl . kegbou‘t him W-‘ ”I I y 1 r‘ p m trial 'then E {4,}. .H‘ili‘i \ 'l‘ . ‘- - 1 Tm.» _' ”a .' 5 I -- , = 1 “He's 3'l high." ‘ ‘ “\Vlmt “Twont ed. with!) ‘ The m. looked t 'then drcl what to l A Twa y Inr chit hx speed gm {6‘ my ca once sin ; thousand 11¢ hu’ m and in n« Amt-rim i ‘My on‘ ‘ with hing] Vermom ‘ now cert I !- ‘.. ecu-’0 . :rizlg‘ uld Keeping Applies. ~r tin secure son dues:- and pre ‘ it in indiq-eylmbly uet‘mnlry ‘hat honld be gather by lumtfil‘. Fox: ll! (be gntheringlldi-lnyeilb‘s ltufng p. agniding wver‘f frosln,_4nd Hue «fin! practice with our eigen’sivo x iq 'tn place the ' (‘xgl fruitldlrrctr Bil manner, in new. tight flour {i i n u plum-ell from aha tree: ‘rels should bel gently ‘élmken ing{ and the hon? clqsoly prc‘rueJ are“ then placed ln 5 capllslmdy expounreLunfilur p shed opl‘n to the 'llir, or, on “I&s".er nid'e of a building. prdltpctml, by amvu ingj of boards over' Que lupqu‘hgre they re: ainl for n fortnfight. or until the cold ‘ too 60mm. wl'lon thi‘y ant care fully mu sfj'n-(l to n coql, dry celtnr, in ‘nllich 5i can} be mlmittml ocoqsiomllly in brink W hat. _‘ A cell} (‘o‘:- this [nu-pom in dry gr wily or sandy 54 file a ulo )e the north, with apex ingon Hm nm-ll mission f flir‘very rnrol ""‘ 31 SOM. Herc CEE In out nervntioxi. the fruit. 19 winter fru M posyiibli moat nuvd orclmrdid ly in an end barrels. .51 lese ha While fill} in; thvy‘ 'excesaxve mi tiers on the r aides, onl'si tho .lldi be lu-pt on' d rk as pouiiila—i coilinr, one of he ‘luljgestlnppie l Dutchess codnt imahle mi keep nin‘g apple, wlxi h,‘in tho! fruit illyi decays in J mmry. until lhe lril.‘ in the fresh it and finest. oun n‘nie powms phi} a layer oticleau bftweeu vvéryi layer ‘of a ‘nples, ing them in bathin—lbmiiny. «Mow. - ; H wito Hive Qofd Cider. i , Profess r lil'orsl'onl. of"! award Universi ty. has rectintly publisho'd I receipt for improvin'? mid preservingichlé." by Linenns ’0! which lilio. proprrpa ‘in (he \'inoufi am] acetic f 9 méninlinns/ milyi be qrr'ai'fd M pleasure, nd the cider preserved in jut euch astl‘e in may be d irod. A e'prrq'n f'pondeni f tine Boston J ‘ya : 3 ‘ i" Pal (I) miw cider ‘int 1 alt-£5l! cask: n!- Igbgrrels, a (1 ‘llo'i'v it 1.0 fax-Ind!“ frofh one iin three L, accordinghsthe wentiiar in I cool or w mi. When it his ntjuind twic- Ily femelitniion, uld tn eixch Fallon oe i fourths oi a 130 ml of wliit‘ sugar, 3 ‘(1 let ' the whole; feiment 'agiiin Emil ii ”guesses i nearly tliié blink plrmnt it’u-te whirl: it is ‘ dc<irublu ialuiulil bo- perm pent", Poin- out is quart. f “is bidet mil mix with one ignormi of an mince of ruliphihe'ofi lime for ; every gal on the cask con aim. Stir? until it is inti “all mixed, mil pour tlielemnl- ‘ i‘sion intothhe‘ liquid. Agitle tlneaiiitents lof the caik liliprouélily f: a. few mihutés, then let; rqsfithat the cider may seitlea— Fennen tion will be nrro+ted at can .‘and will notyllie resumes]. it may be botufied in the couulb of a few weekni, or it mam alt 1 low'ed to mmm in the Wk and- on ludmuglit.‘E If bottth it wilfi beenmeai-park i ling cidci, better than win I. is called iolmm 'psgne wi‘fmq ‘ , i . f i mefinr Homfordmf Ciimbridgeiviafi the i first to e (be suinhite ofglixno for thin pur ltpone, mil to! him isl due 'in credit of first‘ i cullingimexition to in u-lfulneu. ii hint i' no re'spgct (ideal-ion: M lihe sulphnqa, into macho: e nilphito is changed by final Eben: Anion _ mlpiliumus Midi: ontireiy instill» ‘ ble um! mailing u the ‘tlom ol'tiie ves- Jcl. ‘ l * ' j ' ‘ . The writei bu cider primred in tliis way two you" linw. whichbj'xu remaili un cliopg’gd And in now I . “age of mur pmedi excellence. The iwlphilq ; lime, notfihfo ail/pick, must be mixed. j i '-- 9* <O.» “‘"—'~w ‘ A Water Wu“a-Bcflcrfl§m.—A iii-vi inn _Croue.‘ Wit}. few doya Ego, rusheditol the. river shooting that he would (1m liimfi self. ’M’hou he Ind waded in.» woldepth ‘ of his ’33“, ‘llis wife, who ind followed him. ‘.i waited pin: by the lair, and thin, I: i. local q‘editmjdaoribu it, the “ led him hick till: 1 they ruched : plies when the mfg: van, t .bom iwo tie; deep. whale .5. pained liini over bfickwqrd, wuss}! him under. ood pull | ed hiq‘ hand up spin. ‘4me:: youmif’ ‘ —(dovfrp he wentb‘luge‘uie to Ether the brats ’i——(snother plunge)-‘ get drunk 'i ~(wd‘her _W)—‘ and ‘ltlft for rum riv er '—(ga.nother‘dip)-—‘ better use falter in stead lof rotvgut ’—4(motlié7 dip ind Hanks of hislheudy—‘l'll lam fie to lone inn 3 widow, and oil the men The to their" !’ {Afler Loosing him to bar hoarbjs content, she hit him out o yottell' if noLjI >toms? momlmtetcgrtod‘hininto the being. uni closed the door. 5 ‘ be plan cellar sh In .such growors I file (i - room mu first of A 1 dition. rye stra when ‘he "it. )9. ’ve . nt 39914;:qu soon unite in ”when of pleasure, my! becomem ‘ new-rib. the possession of which gin} m onjbyémea‘, but No [.rngtioq ofivhiehé is. potitivq pin. ' , ——.———-r«o~-q—~- --‘ 3'" Como. Bill; in t 4: (feloclé, think‘wo bud bead! be fling. (or it Home“ («>lequ It. bong" " Well, ”I,” 111 tho u 03'. bht you and n'& h count,” \ i . lon aone Hind : orb r my . j ., MI liN MESE 'U Two pomhfm A-YEAR No. a igood ’un,” nid J], "and abut me willyou sell him or 2" he Liked. y-fiwe hundred d 11m,"1 Answer. u winking. -‘ f n of fortune drew} n Inna bmih. (- horse aver at hiwloisuro. Am] "1 mil-W" , I: hiq’ check for (I)? amount-rumo ' surprise. I can fa. x rs “tel-ward my 'rnhundned dol bkcoma fnmnuifor his stfxperinr bottom. and (h [Montgownen tai knowledge.i has more than refused a Immflde offer ‘,of five 01$an for hiupl ndid t (M— -1N8: 1)?! mile in 6. reprtedlv. #1 many the test hobo: in when I'Lporfed, he mlnn‘ nfmy "g of him; lam colt too éhenp! ‘ I re et is, that“l Id d not passage rio d in disposil u qlmt 1 mid my i should it» dug il ; with immi ’or. at. any rate. ‘ side fog (in ad~ ‘in Avon-t]; :- m; c burn-hi should or, “Ij m I x 1 14“- m‘nmy‘u mm T?» l’midcnt of the United sum 'in disgpver before he mm much old”. w the "anion: Democrat. that the new“ can with abolition pmelivitiea are the most unvfiigblo clan of men in Hue country. So long an “Mrs um mum‘im to wit “nil extfleme notions, and the Government mm! to em to be drifting into me polioyof n emancipation, they are very mlbuv Ind .nthusiuflc in support of the Idminia tut n. Ind extremely busy in braiding at .mm In - tnigm who venturm to don?! the expediency of‘ovory Inca-urn tending to the nbolition of slavery :but the monk“ flue President ventures io_ put I check upon the illegnl proocedingi of my of bf: subordinates”: in the can of Gen. Ppmhont, {limo Abolitionim forget their nfl'eéed obedience to nuthority. and grum ble qg and ,oondemn the proceeding of the "on? of the Nntion. Thin doe. not-ir prisq us.- It in eminently chnmterintic.—— No fines of men intho country no mom hnbifually lqwleujn (lie-if him (but the Abo ixioniatn._ Disregard for law i n chro ‘nic My with them. . Afi‘ectio‘n to; the n is, '1 ‘new-born untimenti They so Icing hosted the Union a of link ‘2 in comparison with tho'dulrucflon very” and no peninfiently dmprdod -iolnmd the MC 01‘ Congress daimnding’ audition of fugitived from Imm, [lnf rst symptom of“ determinpthn on - = t of 11101 President £0 compel I uric! rrenog to the gun,- mm a rejulnibn of :13, mid exhibits the force of their law. nstinctx. 4 ‘ , . I la Administration ein place little do lence upoti the Abolitioniats to sustain GoVemuu-nt in my Inmate which ‘ not candle the realization of. tlmir ex-' re idea. This mu- is to them the many maheipnfion,’ and their anal in propor' Ml to the npparfnt (engency of event! at direétioh.g Let it once become clear negro emnnéipntion cannot be the m of this struggle for the Union. Ind tho litionisb will be converted into oppo- , uof the war and enemies of the 96y ient. It would nnt be mrp‘riuiiig ,bé three months 10' hour the whole crew uncing thq [Ah-fig: thé‘Admininti-oq with as ,m’uch vi an’ce us they has 1 tofore auxtu'ned it. , , ie Administmtidn will loam h!) rely tlp- ‘ e ’eomerhtive men of the flotilla-tho '3 who hate impacted the limit in the and can be depended upon‘ to do It)' e future: who fight for the Union as nétabiished by the Fathers, and not Union of condu'eren- ind conquered, . upon {angled oqmlity of noun—— 9 are thqlxpe’n who are doing‘the lotu 'ork in tupptedoihg fobelliou, and a ld and ggnerouu confidence attended lhem by {he Adminigxtmtion will Inca-9 prepay the injury lnfl‘mtod By the 0;» tion of the extreme andtunatioal Abe-f itiolnists. ‘ t . MB em for}: 1 dan 1 tion he - PM} in 1‘ i! w for 1 bn Ai The Vto Um [‘os ' .._.__:..__ ‘... -T—q 1231:6011: vs. the Abomionis‘u. is guité mmiug to-nve what afterribla tbr ‘ the ,Abolitionisu huv‘e Worried new}: into hem” President Lincoln 'l3ed‘tbe proclamation of Hem-n" Pro- I. ,Mwsn Greeley is in high 'dudgeon, it. «an blwlwrs as loudly again-Ii Mr. “I‘3 the m 1 =1 din u he did when he wanted our nn-j nred troofis nent to Richmond by'vn‘yf ull Run. A grt-st‘mgjority of tho pm‘u“, e Noilhwest have been midilg’liko" my {fill-women. bomusts the Presidut rferéa' with {he Commanding Genorfl," upheld the limb of his cppu'try. Fat; -lves, we think it. quiton pity that “tho‘ lxfinder” should have bven éhocked in‘ pre : of 'l I‘ and] 0U ‘ Pat his {fling career. .To be sure Mr. Frem'ontj a great my. Ila parted his half in tlml le ; he -liked ,mule be,“ betler thug“ g principleek—wlny should In: be checked, (hut-Imin} But Mr. Lincoln with the‘ e of a Jackson. made him toe the ’muk manner not to be misundrrsml. Thor ' 1m could not 668 cm . bill squeal ngreu to bonfiwato the propgrty otl It with arms in Qneir‘hands me'ulit all. I of such punters should- be declntod ' men." Hg’wu right in moxlifyfinglflno lam-lion, for be well kné'w thattln'a wan tum for law we! not for the «bikini» xlnvcry. The delectable shegt- 'whjch' F been killing themselves into, n 1156,} no other remedy thm to oonie d9wn.§ :ey _refufle to do this. why not "airflow"; 2 ”Phi; Newfi'drk Day Book, Journal 9!] many. and 1;]! Vibe feat of the Walled palhizing‘ shoots, did not by on&llun -1h gnu-Mo “embarrass” the ndminigtn-i Jimvejhoy‘ We‘uuy again, )li'. Lin? dig a (load .which entitle-him to thq of ever); patriot in Jhe land.-a"qmr—‘. gamut. ‘ , ‘ a n ml ‘ Wh by ,; MD by rah Aliv ‘frc pro wu . haw huv' In‘ the a, ‘1 A Bums Story. !he following pound- very muofi mg. the static: of the Anhisn Nightn' or Sink}! the Sailor, but u it come- from rte-profile soul-cefwca give it for what it is warm: » ; Aaroéuiing Dlmery in France—l: has bead ‘ a gmtfmystery to English bankers. Ind I“ 1 the; Dln'eclm-e of the Bank of England! how; 1 thfibuflion of Qua Bank 9! France could M ‘ secretly increased within the‘ last t-hrej 1y , jrhile that institution l-uTu been con , m. tljpending 30m m England. a: Gemanyl un VlogAnierioe. Not long since the 2.1114 of nice drew tome {mean mgllion tuned in "Iver from the Bank of, Englungl, whichl .it ' 39; in gold hm with one French Minfi 9%} them. At its but report it. an; ‘ ed bdanco of one hundred end wvenlefl m' 30:3 inn“ in gold, while the .amoun 00¢ny ago w’u undo: eighty millions—ll nee'rly one-ml“! increase. It is 'hisperod‘y my: this abundnnoe of gold is the result 01 I skientifié diséovery, which au- Empem Karoleon he: secured the monopoly ol'.—+ God is at ,the present moment menufmj urged at. Paris in A secret, manner. Thd, principal edicles used in lead and weenieu‘L and, though it is not I: own how extensiveo‘ ly lhe precious metal is produced, yet now en! iiundred weight. of the materiel ere talqen to a certain plwq on the‘flrst oleuch molhth'. Every thingis conducfid with tho} aghast my. None of théworkma are dl+wed to leave, and nothing d'eflniiig cam heme“; but the am am ”whim-i -an is beygngl p'eradvcnture. How long N ‘ lean II: will buble to keep an. won; (1%! leeret. remain! to be seem—Banker:i 8‘1”“ - , ‘ u ”Thefinfiomg Fast mu observed in‘ fiYork‘wiLh duo solemnily._ Emine nniversdly "upended, and the churches: “fiscally. wronged dim crowds ofmeol wohliippén. In Washington, Mt... IQ 01131511: sad we Brasivlent in am oh rch. Quad I ~ time r. u. II I I A ' E~' * ‘ , u f . " ? : ~, ‘1: 1 . v . . at: (\rfl‘w “wane. 'in-4:.- IMM E~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers