ECM . ’ b“ » 5,. l I The Qigii'fibfiflw madly morning. by mum J. Built. a W ,unnnm if pm! Quietly I: must on per {min i! not mid in “you. He Inheripfion discontinued. unl I At the ‘_ ‘on of the publisher. until ‘nll 3W li\ aid. ’ . z r‘ Auvnnsutvninwrwdatthough! rites. Jon/Pullnso donc‘with mania?” and dispatch Ovuct in South Bultfinore gtroet’ directly appalim melarx' Tinning Edmbiishment —~" COIPILII Punm Umnn" on hm sign. LIST 01' Puma, nun“ Iv Tul Adm County Agricultural (C‘nnclmlrd from our lad.) CLASS NO. {Ia—AGRICULTUBA A DUC'I'IOXS., Ben Timmhy Seed. \Vmigm B.‘W lon Beam Red WheaLL‘Geo. Bear. 2d beat Red \Vheat, Wm. Emu. , um mm m..-m: wm. Weihle, I “.’d best Whit. Wheat, J m.’ Cook, f Hut Ryanmu anzung, Belt Whilu Crun. Juhu U'iue. Heal. Yeflow Corn, Wm. H Hewitt, Ran Poland Onu. A-imn i’nxgnn, Best Spring Barloy'. Am-o‘u Pulon, Beet Flu Seed, Joana “gummy, a cinl Premium. ,x . Rumnxs.—We' the undersigned fully enmined all We difi'u-mnl kipd bl'Gmin nnd.seedl, md rt- "'1 u vibuve. ‘ : Jnlri‘l HOKE. , JO5. \VIAJKBRS'IEA. . Com. - JACOB HPHJ‘LWA.” CLASS NO. '2o.—-DQ.\'IBSTIC MAN TITIH‘}. Bent lipocimen an‘eedin Work on Card board, Mm H. A. Bligh, Bext‘ Child's ‘Wdrked Dreu, Mrs. G.‘ Wilson“ ‘ , £91?!" Y»nhs,Tow Linux, Mn. Lenh indnnr. Brat Win-lied Shirt; Miss H. 3. Bon dor. ' 24! but Worked Shirt, Min 5. H. Ben. der. ' V at Hint-y Work on Cardboar'd. Min Eliza Group. ‘ I But: Munch Flax. Min M. Fuhl, Yd bent Bunch Flax .lnnm Roulzoug, I um rl.,.«l'l'uwel,.\liss Elm Feiwr- ; ‘ hofi'. ,4 : Burl Hundkprchigf, Miss Edzn Fat!» 1 . mg" - fl _ i nm 91.: Thread. Miss 11. Fnhi. ' 1 ."eu‘ Luce Veil, Minn ('athnrine Kink. 1 Ben! npuciuien “this Wurk, Mill H. J. Warner, C . fie . Ben Firie Shirt, Mi." E. J. Warner, Dip in; ,l my 2d 1m me Shim .\ih. Fuw. Cunk, i _p 5“) Best Fancy Basket, Mina E. J. War , ”I her, . i 5!“ /gg/Bwst l‘nne of‘Bunnola, Mrs, Monique, f ‘ ,5, BuplFimcy Negdle Wm}, Min M. E. r ‘ 50' ‘N‘WIT‘ ‘ - i i i— _ 2-», lbs: Pant-y Needln Border, Miss .\ E. l ‘ . 1,3 ‘ Nueiy up'ecmi J’rpm. " 5 ‘ n 25 , Best TabKe Linsn. Mm H. R. Funk, ‘ 1 3,1 . . -, 24.1 w“ hummus... Mrs. J Imm, 1 CA limit Wursted mmp Mat, Mrb.‘ Wmfii. 50 Walks-r, ‘ . .‘ I L 1 ~ I [li-31‘3“) ruon lamp Mats, _anaKnia ' X (‘am 5 _‘RJK. Stewart, i ‘- ' ; Beqt Linen Shncls, .\ira.Wm. R. Siev ,_ _ , ‘l/ u'rt._ ». » 5 , '— ( ' l'. ‘... . '. \ CLASi NO. Jc.——l-‘ul=rrs, “1311-33, AND', B'g‘fifl'fig‘: 7"”‘7' C"?! “m”: ’ " ‘ . 1 omm. . =1 i Brim O‘uouum Cunt, Miss Priscilla. J. ‘ Bent Bush-t Peach-o, Win. 1 Put? S! o'} ' Kern, x D But anv-lr Stripo. Jnmu Bun-mm, ‘ 1.00 ,2d hesl' Ottoman Covpx. Miis A. B. "will ruiigt-linu Apply. (i. }‘Lo-h‘ n k ‘O. 2. (I 0 I UMI‘L'IUY. ‘ . ‘ J 2.1 bar cqucliun Apyirs. C. (in: k 5 ? Best ’l2}th Hat‘s. Mrs, 060. Fwape. _’- ,3'untM i I 00:; Beat L'hiili’!§sm‘kll, Mir-ii Ella WY. Bat cum-(men: of Gmpn. 0. GF est : g . Swupe. Special Premium. ‘ a gem. " . 75 3 Ben! Emmy l’in‘ Cushion, Miss Ming -2d bent unortmem 9f Grapes, oi. - ', gie SwupP, Or wr, ’ - 590 4 Best (‘h.nir Seat Cushion, Miss Mag ". i 1 [Lila-1y Apples, 0. GrivM & Hrius. *l 00 gie Sque, - ‘ ,Buat dinh uf-‘Assoru‘d l'eurs, C'IS. BP~t Hams-undo Silk, BBS! June r‘ (irieqt, ,’ 10" , Kin-. 2, Speci ll Prgnium, ‘ ‘ “B'4 lrukerQuinN-a. T. Conic &Sm . 100 ABe-it Wurked 'l‘uhhgTCuvcr, Miss Jilno Bent 'bnllémimi of Wines, .Burkiiu ier ‘i” King, ' ' ’ lawn»... mm.) . “ . 2 001 B»!!! Hair Guard, Mister WrE. Cris: Bé-u Bum” Catawba \Vilw.’Juhu Rimn. 50') Special Premium. . - " Bg-l (hurrnlit’Wixié, John Burkhui‘er. ‘ A. T. WRIGHT. 7 .y (m.. )~ A . 2 l .so ' 'I)ANIELSULLIVAN. - But Rania Sim-kins"! Wine, C‘D._ ' DAVID MCCKEARY, Em»... (Dipi ‘ ~ _ i L5O Best culleciiog of Plum, thn B+rk- , ‘ hdidér, , I. ' 75 - DAV‘lr W“ '35. " h» i" J B. L\.\'.\'HL Com.‘ . '- j PAUL sow}; cs 3 CLASS $0.17 ~BUTTER. CHI". ' E, HON ‘ " :\ KY. HAMS, kc. . I . Km 5 Hm. Hunsy. J'unna Rouflzun ', 25 but ’5 lbs. Hum-y. Jul-n ingle Bent H‘nmenmdé Cheese, Mr: Li S. ' ' Uri—«L. (Hip J.. . 2d befu— Home made Cheese, 41in A . Lizzié (iripst, ’ ' n { - Buv's u... Bum. m... Ann Sr E iis. Q _ CLASS N0.‘15.—-\'EGETAHI Best. 'Peu-h Blow Potato“, Cy ~' Griext. Beat Sweet Pumpkins, Nichol" Wi, mun, M i Ben Bunckley Potatoes, John Bu holder. g ‘ Ben Prince Alel’H, Burklnfldcr} Efiplemnn, : x Bun l’luk Eyci, Jnhn \Vnnmy. i " .Bvlt squashed. Jn'nu \\';u.:hu.y, I lieu! .\lvn‘er [humor-a, [’.mi Snwars Be“ “In: Kidhevs, Mn. S Nin Imm v Bent Spa-rt Potato". Wm Mun-hum] Bent Lot Prince Albvrlg tram l Pu' r _ he Mn. Dr. Smith, « 4, _Bul Cc-ery. l".'W. Punk. l Bent Lut Bunho-y'u {sum 1 9,013 Mi“ M, J, ('ouk. ‘ 305} liven. Mn. Hiram Grieét Brut 'l'omntmr. Miss When-a" .\l'Ki I But Sugar Beets, (L \V. McCh-H’n'nri Heat ’l‘urv}ipl,’Gem Hewitt, sen. f lint Lith Bnnml, Mia. Snrxlrj‘llliswj Butpnlhiu. Mrs. Samuel [Emmi lips) (Hiram. Mrs. Samuel Ht-wit‘l, Befl Arum Sillllmh, lunxan. Epplem. first Hubberd Squuli, Mina Jennie 9": r . Beat Castings. Mrs. Smnupl .\YMH. J ‘ ’FkEIH-Juux by, . SA 51 um. MEALS, , , B. E, MUMMA, 2d best 5 lbs. 'Bunu, Mrs. Jug 13$“, ‘ i We he undersigned commimw; {Hr clan 17, having cnrefuily H the Ink-10's on «xhihinun. leun‘L-i chm. htmr united in ramming 1h miclenu meridng‘ I’fimiums 3 our guqlgm-nfi aft 1' e Imdiu are donning «my the pxc‘plh ney‘ and quality ornuu -. we xhqnld hue seen more i'n qua! . ; HIRAM (mus, - - bum Hm: ‘ ‘ ° ‘ (:EUIIGE BE.’ 'CLASS NO. I?.—CARRfAGE. l ' ' , :gfiTOVK DEPARTMEI , Puma: art-ble Hinge Stove. J‘ Zinn, s . ‘ ‘ Bell- 090‘ Stave. Sheads & Buel *gekqnbui‘g, ‘ ' ‘1 But 'lvo Purse Buggy, A. G.( Hnnover, 1 Best One For“ Buggy, A. G. 1 _ ' . Hmmvéfi ' \ ’ Bent nutty. A. G. can. mum. B'ea‘. thlled. Horn Saddle; David V Bren-y. Ipechl Premium. , . ad but Quilted Hum Saddle, .l ”damn. ; ~ 1;; Best Fans: 011' Rain Bridle, ; , fleKimu. ' Belt Duh Conan, John McXim, Mags wan. “ " .. But Huneu “ “ Best Single Giflhl. “e Belt Double Gil-d:- “. Bell Driving Linen. “ Ben Fine, Surcingle. Belt Bid Strnpl. “ Bu: “vb Either, “ Ben I'm; Blind Bridle, Belt single Blind Bridle, Belt. Coll Hide Tsnngi, 31”: 1 0m skin: “ “ m 20 C“ u ‘1 ll pair Lather Gloves. “ I 4 "But mi: Short Glovu. “ pB3 Belt' Sign! law. I. L‘. Grin. Be Ptemum; ‘r ’ > iUES J. WILL! ' TJACOB PITZEB. ~ ' noon 3.13051‘ . cuss so. 19. , ”MIKE. Baily Batemuj Ba“ M _. Emily Sheds, f Hm Qum, Mix; 3. E. a $4135, [in E. mom, % 3d but Quilt, liu Curio sun», { Dipiom no “in H. E. Bender. 1 “ In. Lulu Weiduet. ‘ “in aninds Slnybnni “ 11. M e “ I. J. Weigh. ‘ In. H. lona. , 1 Mid Elis- Buker. 1 “ .11. Wagner. tl‘ _Clrpel, Wm. Megan! I-rpen, “ “ ' i ‘.i I ~Wooh\ Em 81W liii 414 • 44 'L i, L. n ' filing Catharine = - on; ;m Ii» J 211 In“ 3 lat [IE-n _Sunfl, oisiety PRO 44t13. 'Y'ear.. 8 75 I 00 50 l .00 £lO Bent Lsdim' Kn". Mia H. R. Funk. Ben Woolen Mittens. Mrs" Margaret 'l'Mghiulmngh. ' - Mm. “muff Peters exhibited n u: Carpet worthy of '.mviee. ' 50 '0 Pure- FS. I T. J i so 7:“ . ; i * 50‘ rk- _*_ VB" 75 75 50 7f) • 60 CLASS _NO. 2L—NI‘IEDLE-WORK, 3HOIUERY; (F'C. ’3 Bnnl Cvllar, . ar‘h E Griesr, Boar Urnnmnntnl Flower Pot, Mrs B. H: Mpmmn ‘ Ben-t [lnir Buquot and Leather Work, - Mir!“ Annie McK’uvm“ 3 ' B 9»: Knjt'Quilt; Mia: JehnioJones. Best. Wash Stand Set, Mrs. C. S. Grinst, ' «on may. Mrs. c. s. (1.45% Bent :Alum Basket, Mrs. William J. \Yxlkt'r, ’” Bent Fluwor Yaw. Mrs. William J.»- 100 Walker, ‘ ‘ . Bm mus; Bum, Miss 11.1; 1 09 ,A Funk. ' ' Bast uoil Cloth Bushy Miss H. R. s‘? nf‘Judgt-il mined I“ ‘na tot-ur following cording lb Funk. ‘ ~ ‘ Bch Hair Flowers. Min 11. R. Funk, Beat Wuolen Cloud. Mina J and Flick iuger. Hunuvér, ; 1 '1 Beat llnir Guard. Wm. E.'Crisl. Spo cinl .l’rcmium. - Best Knit Cape. Mith. W Krauttel'. Best Cnmhet-Tidy,‘ Mrs. EVE. Mum .mu. ‘ ; croditfnr r. nuhnugh in. .1. v fl. Cum. ‘K. > i _ . CLASS NO. 2%. 84m Rush, Mrw. Cyrna S. Grit-st. 'Baic Sponge Cake. Mrs. Wm. J. A'W'nlkar. . Bent Luaf‘ Bread, Mrs. Smmel How itt. =Uip. ‘ B‘ut filver Cake. Miss Sailie Ellis. Brst Gol: Cake, Miss Sirllie Ellis, ‘ Bent. Pound Cake, E. [l. Minnigh. Bestfiover ‘Cake, Mina Carrie ’A. sum, _. , ,* DI. EJY. MUMM'A, : ‘ .1011): wmsox, ' ‘ F. \V. ORNER. ~ FATnsg Diploma“. lel'. , ‘ » $2 00 in; ‘ ~_4 co 3 no 1 50 1 00 CLASS ’NO. 93.-—‘PRE3HRVES 7 , JELLIES. . ; Premium toNisn N.'J. Moi-risen. best Apple Jeilf. Pfemiuhl to Mrs. C. M. Stop. Peach Preservqs, ‘ Premiupn to Mrs; G. Wilson. Gage Jelly? *1 ' . Premium 11') Miss N. J. 'Morrilon. ~ Peal-Melly, , ~ ‘ . » Premium to Mint N. J; Morrilom Cufr’int Jelly. c Preuu “to was N. J. Martina, Phfiggelly. ' ' ‘ Prom m :1 Mrs. G. Wilson. Buck f bet-. 13 Jelly, 1 ‘ 1 Prom! ,m to MissAMary J: Weigh, ' Gragp‘e Jelly. ‘_ _ 9mm In to Min Maggie'J.Sadlor,l Tom Ito Pmsenes, . Premi m to Mrs. G. B. Howitt,‘ Janl (Ruined Fetches. 1 Premium to Mn. 0. D, Elden, Libs-2 3 in}: {7155b Jelly. ' ‘ fiffiigm a. Mrs. c. n. Eldcn, Peachj e y. _. fixing-gm QM". C, D.‘ Eldon, Quince! a ;, ' Premium 00 Mi- ldefine Rotations, Apfie Jelly, \ . Prank-n :0 Min Adeline Boating Tong-(o Jelly, , : A. K. MYERS. ' 1‘ - THUS.— H. KOONS. I] JOHN 3. 2991.32, l 00 25 25 2 00 = EMI 25 Diploma. 25 25 Pram. 50 ‘ ‘ 25 tifiupecid : ;7 elm. ‘E , SIM 100 200 100 50 CLASS NO. lip-BUTTER. PICKLfs, kc. But Peach Butter, Mn. 0. Wilson, 50 Ben! apicad-Plulm. " “ “ a so Bat 2 Jul Pickled Chen-ion, Mn. i Racial Peters, , i 50 Best. '5“ Martina Pickles, I’m-Smith 50 Ba} lum Pickles, Mm N. J. Mo ‘ I 00 2‘oo 100 ‘ l 0" “'o‘ ‘9 V. . anon. - A ‘ . Best Plum Mixodgfiu. N. J.,.Morri ”on: . IEII -‘ ““ i Ll: ‘ . -.’- 3 ‘ :. ‘~ - g . . ‘ a 7 { \ ‘ 1 ‘ , * ' Ixf .-g2 _‘ K "L ,’i' 19% ~ 4 \_ J'i ,:L:, 1" . 3' / .v" s ' ’5; ' , ‘ 5‘7 I; . . ‘,l w 3:. A?" A l xa ' . ‘ ,u 1‘ ‘ / \-1 ‘- ‘ ‘ & f . ‘ 5’5 £943, #29. .1!» 2’? ~ ;J 1 L \_ /t _ (I, 2 3;, .- .Eh #3l»- i g | , , \w. A] ~ ‘i' ' \ x , . /»"' 1» 1 r ; . , _, / . f/ a- z .' - 3 ' a 3, . /‘ ‘ \ .“ - E ii .‘1 \\ ; // /7/ 1/ ’“"'“*'-‘l~~ .- L___,__” a ‘_:__ f' l . IMI Br 11. J. STAIILE. 0mm“) WIERMAN. wax ELLIS, ABRAHM; scorn . EPHRAIM HITESIIEW, A U. RIMES. HENRY THOMAS, L/A DiEfim<®©RATU© Mg'uemuwawmm, ¢ firmer. Mn. NC J. 310 m. ‘ Best Plum Pa 1 ‘non. Bic-t Pickled Bun, Mu. Said: E. 50 pie ul; flunk, Egg! Jar Spi f. thu't. Bun! Tomato 'wm. 13th . Pickled 'flmbong. .11 Pickles, yin men atsup, Miss Emmi ueumbere e ,Miss. EZE Dn.“DA\'ID CA‘ GEORGE Push J. F. LOWER, . ”88,919.35, ‘ Dahl‘nia. Mrs. Mg B " vnr’mtyo 3pplem'ln., 2d - .st variety :I Peter“; ‘ ‘Mfig beautifi ‘ anfingpd bank ‘ ‘ulawem’pMi M. E. This“. A It mmgéu nd 30q§ot, Mind,“ ; ender“ “ “ ‘n- Bn é‘xCuétun (IPlnnt, Miss Rab! - ' 'll‘ la.; 1 u ' ‘l‘lflkolinn Sm‘itthin, Roz] Min‘Lmfina " tle, Minp Jacob an: utherjfily di<piavedgreat nrfnngemantof. \qnetn. .' I MISCItLLAgEOUS 11'! B at Knitl‘Capi Miu‘Amuie H. W n. B g imitation? Halbella Bod B‘kl‘ collection Econ, ' K B s p drama 2:! beat [nit Dj .i-ntibuuy; u}; Samoan} I.'oo of mining, in. 1 00 I 50 of Animalsmtoi, \ I'. 4 z pflflahh. C. Grie: . 50‘ lltl . ; I ”Diplonn. fits. JambeH'. I J 25 übbits. Michwfl Irvin. ‘ - Prc-minmflp John W. Carson, stuffed. 1. . 1 WM. ‘IA‘ ELI)? , I. J. WRIGII Com. WM. >8.01“?!“ 6.—CAB§NET’W§RH.,MQ NSTRUJENTS,‘ 'rc. ' ', . J. Eichbhz, Bad ord ‘ i Specia| Premium} PiMO.JI. D, R:- ¢n- ~ hex-laud Cu. iDip.l‘ $5 00 uuble Réed Melody Pfizer. E i e Duuhle Reed nlich, Urizlinle. I“. Rainer.- Berlin nclxine, Erie Luann yen; 1‘ unr, *JJL HARP mm 1. Mum}: pm; L. gCRIS'r. ,‘ fly 200 ‘5O ASS NO. H SICAL fink. \V unrity. Pa. 67 Octave pe_rger, Cu ‘w 5 Demo ‘ J). ltnfl'an heat. 5 (Jam. inn. P. Um : omm. A 1 t: Sewing A '1 re, Zawh'. : IE3 E .—-HA’I‘.S.BOOT lo CLOTHING. 1| [ u. mm mime Gr M. w. nmcns ‘. WEB. mum] RANK com-z, ‘ SS NO. ‘ ‘ , A Pane 80 'y \ -“‘ ASS ND. 28 Pencilirm. Blen - .dusin W. Smith, Painting“. 31in [I t P,tintin m.. Min T 2d (sample lish. B c‘Penrhsns Ell p, G. L. • 11. 0 life“. B l. Ambmty . ‘ymn Brut] Be \gM-ulel P , (m Broiherj QI‘PGM Pom-3| E Be t Drummer: I , ‘ lea. Pb ‘ era. otqgmph', 0" 1 00 :, mgraphlGxdlex-y, i lewin‘g,‘ Miss Me: I'd Painting, Miss i I" ‘ 1 . ‘ Letéer. mitten h I 1 exhibited by {).l k . Springn, Hunt 11. from Ibefncto ,thnt bag ever I;- ry true pniriot,‘ i wm.“fimt in W‘ ‘ in the Home! of .' 100 200 50 iOO. «It Vun ..1 d original ‘ \V shil'rgtu'n, a] Supt-Mt. of Y 0 "th st‘emi w ttpn by 4:- th? heart of ev hirllnnd gum Pnhcé‘and Him 'I 1 JO 50 1 00 cugntrymen.” he entries win the moat limb, in the fa In this 01qu were w. yet it. interestingg'clasa n exhibi buildihgn. . I 1%.. 'l'. HARMAN ’ P. sutvsLX. Com. ‘ D.KE».'DL3IIAB§I, {#2l43an mm? I r ' (iuss NO. B t collectio you mad; Sun. I Blt 6 A e ‘B. “$112!. Bit 6 Peach iOO !' Frujg- Orhnme hmbbery, 0.: Grie. ei, m recs, 3 yes»?! old reel 2 old Yulker, ”I? ‘ buckle} S. V st 6 - Peach bud, Burkhl ‘ Inca Tea Ph‘ Pbrpetunl boa (Dr. Smith, I 01:30:! Plant. . B t\'iawria {Sunny - ’ Dgiucrexiongry {for stock of Run“. ainentnl *Treea‘ ithble to the ‘: nhd we doubt I « y‘oection of l Tree-.luyear nld ‘derk nttqn. ’nt, Mn. Du Smit ling Snowman-y, 50 50 .50 “I rs. Dr. smixh lhubarb. C. *lri Premium to Ad l- Cum I ‘he diam-y bum-nit ind Orn [um’er elm 29‘ are» very cred eighborhood othndel-sville, 1 hatter it an be «lulled by mmy’in t e Stats. ’ : ROBERT BELL. ‘ DAN'L, DIEIIL, Com. 3 G. W. Ip’l'l‘. ' ‘ Some ol' thy classes were well‘lr'epreson , while othe have but few files. We 3‘ ould like mine seen the m unicel de qarment better represented; hoivever. [e aphid not complain. us the citiiens of the charity deserve credit. The whole number oif entries exceeded 700. There were men, things in "if difl'erent departments, the: de serves i notice is ouue run: omit them fop:cwaintgof time. 110 3' The Musical department was well re re resented, both vocal and illuminant- The instrumental by Prof. Reflens rger, ol Meehnnicsburg, and Prof. Cromlifah, of 'Oarlisle; and the vocal by the sin in; elus ee, under the leadership of Prof. lfarry. The exhibition of speed was good. 111 though the Society, should have had a class, grisly for the trial of speed sloue, as a $3. of this description, seems to interest were then In! thing else at a County Fsir. ‘ The Preei en! end Board of Managers, return their thanks to the citizens of this stud other Counties for their liberal contri butions. ^ SO JOHN BUBKHOLDER. ‘Pm’g. Glam: men, Sec’y. John J. am a mandala J. Crib (Baden. in spite of his advanced nge‘ is aid hi be the first private in the anldori Home Guard, And his declued hie {Monti ' to go ihto «nip and rennin in aer‘gic'e “:21 the e dr'en {min 016‘ poi! o! Confederated Kentucky wu- veuell nqw budding by '‘t W-me- ‘ ‘ .1110 n; ‘ gland will iliffliiiii "-rnt'ru n noun no 71:. GETTYSBURG. PA-, MégvbAY, OCT. _2l, 1861. 50 A ‘nnlizr. nu'roav. In 1- PABTI-qu‘l‘ll‘ A not: EMI 50 ‘Pn'r 1.-—-Lnn. ‘ > A flame—n thought—‘4 mint— It Minus him 'to the core, A question—will it lay him 10! 'I '0: will qime hul it o’er 7 "f He kindléq-at the name- 1~ ‘ He sits 4nd think: apart; Time Mova and blows it tq‘ n dun: Bumgngiwithin hi: heart. He lo er N though it imrnfi . Ahgnmen it with care ;} He fetig £th bliuful pain by tnrnl VWith'hopo, and with despair. l- tsgf 1 ‘1 M- ’ ‘ Elfin? ll.—~(‘un"é zml. Sonnets air] screnndu, ‘ ' Sighl, g‘ ncep, «cars and rows, Gifts, lokrps, souvenin, pug-mics, And coufiesieu and bows, ‘ 1» o.Bmm), fin Peter! no in t: - I ~ -‘ I ' ‘ ‘A purpose put! a prayer— ‘ .‘ The plan are in lbefl(y-r- LS He wonderh bow e‘en Hope! should; To lethib aim] no high ! ‘ ' h , 0 Still Hope llures find minim. f; " wind Do tjqat mukéwhih‘: bah/1.: - And 50; xi h pissing all in tumors” ; The u bling m: is( wk} ~ _; - ‘ <1 Apologie! nd'blushoa, , i :‘l , Soft IOIIHF. averted eyes. i H ‘ ‘Hgmh heartiimo the othar rg‘ushes, g; ‘ Kim-h yielldqud win: a prize. w: . 'E I , , " {fur I]l.——)flnnpmé. ‘E A gatherin offend friends} ‘ § ‘ Brief, .In emn words. indjpmyer [ A tremblin- to the fingkrfl' gnds,’ 1‘ Au hund‘ lin hand, they sw‘énr. Sweet enktfiswcet winé, stéet ki‘aus, Am! .40 t c deed in dmmf J- Nmr‘fur lifé's wnvvs and Misses, f The wedged two are :1)“. 4 _ 'And dpwn ihe shining ntrotlm, 1 The}; Martha! their ”buoyant 3k Bloau'd, if] 103' may but trukt llop Hm uh 2} {Truth echoqs—‘f If!” ' pan ‘ I 29—9 Diplomh. ! né- , H‘HF Sunni—“li !¥' ‘ If health hi: firm—if friendfibe tl'l‘l ”self be‘woll cnntrolled+ 1 11‘ males bcipure—if wnnzs be few, ~ Ahd not. 3.00 often told—V ‘ ‘ If rdnson niwn." rules the Heart‘- I’fpussim‘l own its lwmy-J “ If lave—jun aye—to life unpnrts VThe zestfit does 10-dny——‘ 1 00 Y)» i ' Com. SHOES eat 95' ' } Com. If Providenke, with parrnt can, ‘ "\lfle om. {the varfiiug “\ot—L Whfie me'elg‘ contentmem‘bowa to 31 i, The palnfe or the cot,— iAnd‘, oh! iimm, sublime and ole The spiri upwards ghinle— ‘ Then bras-'11: indeed, ang bum-d r 4 Therfieridggroom and the Bride. ‘ *m l flimllam 1 iK) 9 300 coms or THE NEW msmhmr. t ’ ' _ _BY‘JAIES Ross tantrum}; . I Binder quite 13.8. Mm, Phila‘ JIM}, [ “find wlien he had agreed wiLh theld f borers For a. penny? dny. he sent tliem i‘Pto his vinoyarch”—Matt. x‘x. 22. - } it i t . A penny at day seem; a small compehw. 1‘ tion fora low; but the coin in guestir'ilt E was not the {penny of the present tiny, I) (we: otlenariirs, 3 silver coin, the intrihaih: value _of which, was fifteen centre. Thfi gives one (better idea or the value‘ 01' “W it! that timel. And it shouts that the ' Samaritan win, more liberatlgand gentio than the‘usttnl reading of the text would i - dicntegfiénhe x. 35. ‘.He: gave the ‘ man thfit‘l‘el} among thieveg two silter ooi ofthe value hf thirty cents. iWe hide reiso to believe tliat silver who: at that period to t times as valuable as it ii etipreeenti; in 0“? [er wards, thirty cents it did buy is much , ”three doilm would tuiw. It thus ap-' pears that the Samaritan.i Beside; the other ‘.vnluahle thiitgs,’wine and oil, wtjiegh he be . stowed upon the injtired } man. gave 'the" “ host” money enoughto pay th hoarding of his guest [onsome time, perh _for, sev eral weeks, {because this there: inig event happened in the hill odun of tides, be; tween Jeruxialem addition-i ho. ' ‘re th charges at the innw 3pm ly ' jte mod erate.‘ Thus e libe bro ilion wna mnd for the intervening ti elm) ch w uld ela before the benevolenttrne wo 1d» retur from Jerusalem. And inTeue ei shoul be'deleyed in his return; hfi said to the inn keeper, " Toke dare offihia m-nflmd who eoever thou upended Emo , when I com again I will repay theft rueroua ood neighborly conduct of 11 1 ‘oriJ ton our Ind commends, " t tion, “Go than and dbl likt ‘ The ointment with dhici r “at ‘ our Savior, in aid to have tort ly,” John xii.3,nnd utter-y int-kl ‘ xiv. 3, “Some hnd indignnt am: ‘ selves, and niurmured Agahit we} l her ointment might havr‘ for 1 mere than three hundred pmt tey‘ given to the poor—Mark ___ ‘ the } propriety of laying that it‘wu fiery costly 1 end very precious, appears Very clearly 3 when we ascertain that the price at which‘ it was said, it might have been sold was‘ equal to forfy-five dollars of our om: money; Mary’s ofi'ering was therefore a valuable one ‘ intrinsically; but much more so no she wrought o “ good work, which is hpoken of throughout the world as e memorial” of her ; love and devotion to the Sevior.—-v. 9. " Again, when the five thousand pemna were miraculomly fed, we ere told that the disciples naked, “ shall we go and buy two hundred penny worth of breed, and give ‘.them to eat 1” Mark vi. 37. The present hnlue of openny is about two cents. It would seem to be very unreaionable to talk bf feeding such a. multitude with founhun {dred cents worth of bread: But when we Eknow that two hundred piénce were aged a. l 00 en.‘, Geo. Wm. B. :. ”mid ‘ its being rn déu to I 6 whose r. first in [II fellow- EMI $1 00 100 100 1 oo SO 55 Di lona. «hp. ' ' 95 Smufl'er. @lll2 @1152. to‘thirty dollars of our money, we can rendi \ly understand how, with that wm’. bread enough might have been purchased not on ly enable “ every one of them to “he 3 little ’—John vi. 7 ; hunt the pmportionste velue' considered, the money would hove bought 3 out of 'bregd for each one of the giant multitude that were assembled. The (rent Muster the mfg; however. preferred to feed than) his icreetive power. end thus the five be eyl ; dates and men two Imm tithes were irLulously increased; "‘.imd they did all ea. ‘nnd~ were filled; Ind they took up twelve Who“ of the frat ments."—Mark v1.423‘43. ‘ ; . i in is difficult to dettirmin with neéur‘agy' 1’ tlie relative value of money i different pc- I i, ri‘Pdi-of‘the' world. The pieces ‘ f the tame . ; denoufinntion,“l‘ooinedl it ,‘difi‘ere t, times," 1 gtoatly varied in weight site! in fine m. or 3 ,in' the proportihn ot pure silver to the Hwy? 3of base metal aged in the coinage. 'The «2-! ntrius of Tiber-Hm weighed Ibout sixty grains, i and contained hbo'ut 90 per cent. of tilver, ( and ten per cent. of hlloy, and was'iitorth an we 11mph. fifteen cents: but its the. Rains?!) .Eunpiré declined the dénariu‘i W 35 : dimini‘shed in weight nndfineneug; ilntil-at ‘ length _it («Eli to‘ohout tlie value pf 31* cents. i It was‘ perhaps mime mode! of this;reduced ; dennrius that the English pen‘ny'whs eetnbl lishod. The pound sterling, as originally . constituted in England, and up to about n. t D, 1300, was mmposai oh (my pound weight I of-u'l‘rer. As there are 5.790 grains iii a trey; ponnd,‘ and o imnny is flie'huo'drod and A fortieth port of 11 pound Sterling, . it trill be i seen that the penny 0! our English wees-i tors weighed twenty~four grail“; 3mm 1 which comesthe term " pirnnyyveightfi Atfi the present m‘int value of silver.~namol§ 121 . bentp per ounce—twenty-four grnim. 0 one} pennyweight, i‘ worth six ce'nlg; buthkne' boudd tray of silver is now iii‘Englnna ‘ in-l ed into three poundti Ind sj‘k shillin step‘ lring, the weightpf the penny would my! ly about. seven grains. This bein'g small ‘ fora \eojn, the. copper penny has been sub! stituted for the silver penny. The Roman I term is still preserved in the English account =, of pounds, shilling! and pence—thus, £ a. d. , From these considerations it would appear! that the tmns‘lntion of the, word dennriusi into penny is'legitimate and proper in one} sense, nlthough it gives an incorrect id» of} the value of that nnciim’t coin. . i 4 g dar• Mil PI! : ' 5’ due: I 1 EMS We have thus endeavored to shbw (hit it is useful as well u. inggreaeing toy! lear‘n something of the value, of flu; demu-ius, in asmuch as it serves to rqnder more clear sevei'al passages in the'saci'od writings. irli2 25“ '4 A mnouio'ua Escape Rom—Btln'rtion. The Memphis Argufi. gii'es the fol owing gecount of a-miracnlous escape from natu tion, of a gentleman residing'in Lauxderdale county, Tenneasee, near Hale's Poiul': Last week he was nut hunting in. 5 huge bottom in his meigbboflnodd,’ and hoobcer wed a wild goose fly 0!“ of a large éypregs stump, which win some twenty feet high..- His knowiedge of the habits of these gem led him to believe that? the goose had a negt in'th'e stump. 9n the ouisido of the stump were a number of vines, which he pulled up to peep .in and get; possession jof the eggs..- Afwr he had succeeded in gaining the top. of the stump, he discbvered a‘ large number of eggs some six or eight. feet do’v'm inside“ The nest. he supposed, was on a firm foun dacion, and he accordingly let hims ‘lfaowh inside ; but. when he Itriick the a bagence on which the neat was built, he di vered their“. bad no fmmdntiorusnd 50 n {blind himself siqkiugrto the bortbm of the tretfi' Th? inside of the tree was rotten nndwould not bear his Weight. Now he w‘nsvin a dilem ms, five miles from an}; habitatioiigim’ide of s'stump twenty feet high, with no| pioépect of nny assistance, with nothing to subsist on but the goose eggs“; h'e screamod and yelled until he wins nearly exhausted, no one com inmwithin hearing distance. {Onithatbird day after his “incarceration” two gtntiemen weie out hunting and efame within hgaring distance. 'Thgy were very-‘much frightened at baring a nun ”groaning inside of the stamp, and for some time they oduld not. reconcile themselves to what it mphn't, but having learned that the gentlelinvani hsd been missing {from home seven] any." they were soon satisfied that it was no “ghost” inside the tree. They procured sales. and s'oPn the prisoner waslibérsted. Ha men: he will never attempt to rob s goo“ nest situsted ll thst one mu sgsin. :1 \ A Remark“; I'm—lt. is stated lam Mrs. Samuel SA. Fruer. ofDuxhury, Mam, ia'now engsged in knitting stocking to)? the sol dienin the army. She was employ'fadieighty five years Ago in knitting stockings for the soldiers q! we revolution: Sheji now 92 year: of age. Primer: 9/ War (0.1;; San! w Map-The Boston pnpen say that n. few days, slice in quiry was made of Governor Andmvt. if he could furnish I. gustd for prisonefigf‘t any time when they might began! to 1305(th, and he replied in the affilfnntive. It, isbelieved that prisoners of war will be sent, uld not political prizonefi. . , 311' the stars Ihould appear But one night in a thousand years. how men would believe and adore, and preserve for mini, generations the remembranoe‘of thin city of God. which had been shown. Bug every night come out these envoys of beauty, Ind light the nnivepe‘with their admopishing smiles. ‘ fin must“: wmqwhem written that the virtue: of then shnll oémimlly be fished upon the ghildren, :- wall I: the sins of the Niger. ‘ g TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR- AQLIT'I’LE 01' ALL 80318. Henry S. Magmw, Edq“ of Lnnmuter, and J . Alli. n Eyslcr, Esq, of ('hambenburp ‘for 30:11: time prisoners at. Richmond. hue Leon reamed. Ind they have returned to their refspective homes. ' J The indium in Kansas and Nehru)“ are mi to be loyal to the U. S. Government. . 80m days ago we mentioned thltGene-H n 1 Sh man was about to be orderedio the chief cqmnumd in Kentucky. The girder has sugsoquently been issued. It izdue to that gullnnt and diningxfialxed ofi‘lcpr. Gen“ Robert Anderson. that it ahquld beg-known that this chungehu been made at hil re quut, dwing to the continued precarious um orgns health. Gén. )IcClellnn occuihmlly vihitn the en cnmpm'é'ms "on” hoth’ sides of the Potomac! in cit: ‘s drelm, (sgcording to pnpuhir ru mor,) n d thue has npportunilies ol'lenming a great‘ esl more of the temper and dispd silion .0 the men, and the manner in which they in provided for, than would meet hie‘ ofiicinl beervntioii. ’ ' _ ‘ Col. Villien, the inntguctor ‘bf Col. 1 Ellsworph, who we: taken pniboner by Gen. Wise. iii Western Virginimihns arrived It: Washii‘éton, havi'fig escaped from prison at ‘ Rijcilm d, and ‘made his :way along thofl 'James Elvin? to Nevi'port News" .‘. Ebenezer W. Pierce, Brig’. Gen Massa chunéfll Voldntce’r Militia. late oom- , mundian at Camp Hamilton, V 3,. is now; serving” nprivnte soldier in COl. Fletcher Webster: regiment. ’, 1 ; Ex-P esidcnt Fillmore hm euthanized the L Blifi'nlo pom-lei- to contradict. the report that ! he nppllwed of Gen. Ffemont’s proelamn- ‘ tion fo the emancipation of the sln\'ee,-—- Mr. F. *dda that he cordially endorses the i position; of the Presidentzon' the subject. Bri ‘ ier General McDowell is to be made I. Injor General of volunteers. it is id ‘thot Gen. Scott is becoming foe ble fro ma, and spends: much nfhis time in ale: . He will fiever be seen in the Mo (He again. ’Hil mind, howevef, ii an vigor ous as air. and he watches the immgresa of 'oventafitl as anger an interest as the young t officer. " , Salt ii selling at Richmond at from $6 to $7 per bpn-el. , ‘‘ ' . Gen. Watkins, a commander (Ipr South ern {or 3 s in Missouri, in} a half brother of Henry tiny. .‘ ' ‘ ,x A Parisian journalist. mortificd'at the te— ‘ ’jection pf an article he had ‘writteh, recent— \ Ily hun himself. , ' ‘ 0n tie Slat u"... a sévere nh'pok of ‘ énrthq A kewu experienced at. (fincinn i, ‘ .m-omi " the peopié from their sleep/ 1 It in timlted that the wedth Mum? ifchunet amounts to twelve h dred mil-. 1 lion do an. t ' ‘ i It I one of the max" 9of Nupnlmn 1 1m thd first duty on Soldier, in to know ; ,‘IIOW to finake soup. 3 ‘ I 2; John s. Rock has been admitted as m :glnwyer t the Sufi'olk Bur in Boston, mnk- ; Ling th third "gentlomafi of dolor" nowl ' pmtisiyg iii the courts‘ot' that. city. ,; ; ‘ Gen. Fremont, being unable} yo prncére/ enoughfisabrjm for his cavalry, ‘ ordered the manufacture of 2.000 Inn; L The minds-master's Np'art ent in St. Louis ornploys 700 womenfiu‘md it} another Week the force will be inbreu‘of to 2,000. ‘ The harm of correqumlen é from the Washinigtbnl post-ofiqe, consequent. on the war, is” pormousL-70,000 letters a day be ing sen off. I , _ ' . Sew l'ol' the Cape Ann fishing vessels are ar ed with‘rifled cunjr'rolf. '.Privateers .will m, t with a warm ‘x-eéeption if they venture to attack them. H ' . Theré is a. man in East Bridgman", Ml}.- 64 yeulgejd, whn weighs 326. He ‘hu nev er stop growing since he was bom._ . ' Elder S, G. Wikon. of [.69. N. H., bu . } out 24 *ears old. and the ;Elder thinks she f muut hive at least 300 children in that. con)- i munityf. The gmndmnt ‘er of this opt w { doptedgu rabbit that she dLnught in up, field And'brqught it up. t " , g . The éntire number of Jews in the world is nomad to $4,300,000,“ which there are: . t 3,600, in Europe;;‘in Africa;,2oo,ooo Atrial-ilO3, and 3,000 in Austrslia. ‘ - i ,1 ' The human heart is Kilt? n. feather bed—- it must be roughly hindlled. wall shaken} and Gxiaooed to Ivulety‘lof turnsi to pre vent itéfrom becoming lung-d nod knotty, ‘ Whfiezwretched old bhchelor that must hnve . , y'hq, on bolus raked concerning A row of luck: standing; in tho street, if there in. funeral. repliled. With I 013 mg; “Word ; thgre'll matings.” ' .- Pridq in the first weed :that grow- in the human‘ heart. ‘ ‘ l Death md tomorrow qxre snever here?- they aria either not conic é! gone. ‘ . I V Wheat is a gap-barrel like a robbed man? When it in riflod. i ' ' -We ‘pey receive no muéh light In ‘to :be blind, ind I 0 much philosophy u tube foolilhl A munkey, owned by It! Edinburg Ihop keeper. I.:er Matched than: its mother’- armi exbady, twelve mom)” old, and with its teeth and mill neuly'wro the child to pieces before it could be rescued. The Prince of Wales is huving u jony & time in Prussia n he had in America. a year ago. A ‘ War Ezpmu.——The Secret-n of the Tres sury says he is expending $1,200,000 5 day. Thi- nmounto to $8,400,000 3 week, ‘nd $436,800,000 I year. It is equal to $50,000 an hour, and a trifle over 8833 I minute.- Tbe amount of interest of a year’s expendi ture It this rate will be about $32,000,000; and we’ Ind $111,000.000 of debt before thi onormom expenditure begnnr-Bouon Tm. A Bung! light st sun-um 3Tb. Fork,“ Day Book conning "under it: témphk hand 3 dilpuoh dated New (Mum. ‘ivinggn‘a‘ceount of u-denperntcly f 1 ght battle 0&1 tha‘ Bth inatlnt, between fl Wilwn'e flew York Fire Znuuee and ~ 2 Lone thoixsand Confederate troops. life: Fort Pickens. I- few miles from Penn. ooh. ‘ Ah'out two o'clock on the morning of tillekSth theOonfedenle troops. cemmxmded fly Gen. Andean-on, croeeed the boy and Inn d'bd on Sink Rosa Island, near the Zone" ‘ encampment. without being dieoovnrai.—- 8502:. however. as they came upon their otter line oL pickets. they drove them in and commenced storming the piece, And in less than m hour they ind destroyed All the tents excepting those used for houpitnl pnrpoees, and succeeded in capturing I large amount of rations. equipments, atom and nmnnition. end Ipiked an the cannon ‘ which 1: been pieced in position. f’l‘he 3|]va fought with "in "utmost Jdeterminn'tion Ind heroism. and t Com 4 I {odor-ate loss is put am at forty 'ilod. lmid a much larger nnmborfionndnd. p ain Bradford. or Florida, a brave we . - ham nflcer, mu killed whimin the thick. 'ut of the fight: Lieut. Neime,of Goal-gin. ‘ int. duo killed whim main. on biueolumn 1 toithe attack; Ideal. Wnlter nuclei-Lo! tho Mbbil‘e Continental; received a deeper“. \ Miami; and wopld probably did; .Lient. , ‘ Eyre was badly Wounded in the hip. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ he: nttgcking’ force comietcd of thine ' ooinpanies of a Georgia regiment. wont 210‘ mil-hots, 15! members of the Mobile Conti- ' n ‘ ,tnis; three conipnnioa of refiulurs, A de- ‘ ailment of iMiuiuipfifimo, and nédemh- ' mentlofGeorgianq. under the comfnwd o! Litute. Neime and Hollingrist ; duo 200 vAiiibaminnls, and a number of mvni officer: an}! tic-amen. commanded by Captain Brest, formerly of the United States Navy. Lient, ‘ Ju'ple'l E. blmghter. (hot Lieut. s. in the . U ited State: Army-Regimen) whilst cu ry ng a fldg of truce {or thecmmion of h tilities,"vns badly wounded.’ Major IF m 1 VédgeSVOf' the Second Light United Slims Artillery. recently stationed etJ-‘ort "4’B 'Monyjoe,‘ was: taken prisoner Ib] the , C federation" The loss. of killed and w unded dustnined by Wilson's command er not shim; but in the uniting lnngunge. ctr-:9 Dayi Book. more: upon “scores of the H , [ium were slain." ' .in-i Mil MI No_ -L. , ,‘Genleral McClellan hu issued an lm~ pokumt antler referring to the lug dept-e“- ‘ thins _commitlee by thé Union trooxi'a at tho Wilts“ of Rsll’l Cburfih. These‘exceuos he ld" ounces, as ntrociom, and feels conylnce‘d L ll: 1 they have been the wax-li\)! I few bu! ! mg, and that tho ’ofilcen Ind loldien of ‘thf: nrmyfgenenlly will unite in the sup prrssion of practices which ‘lbgmee tho i whole army. He orders that fit future the | p mlty ofdenth all-11 be enforced updn all pal-figs co‘wicted of such outragol. In } anpther or‘ler General McClelldl duignatu .Alllth‘e foil: and 'worlu in the Vin/inn, of W hingtdn. to the number of thi y-two by 1;:ng names, by which th shun b 6 kilown heg'enftor. I ~ —« ~o—m. ‘B‘er chk Island rgul tells agood ntdryrof \ "dell" on w Aholitionisu of Gall“ “ W 1 tin. i (of; § EC ELI d rain CM inf £11,113 W 0 EU «of co!!! prel._ -.. Pam» n ‘enr, Ind asked for the attention and I 31+th of that bddy. The grave If. P.'l' I lofking sneeringly at his invention.‘ukpd§ ' {"3O you have nmde acnrriage to run enly‘ ’ byl uteamthxwe you 3” I I" Yes, In? Lords." j ." And you exßect ypur carriage to run onl mllel rails, so_ uxgflt can’t “go 03', .do yam r" - ' I“ Y'eg. my Im-rh." " I . A I“ Well, now. Mr. Skphennon, kt us show ‘ ydu be»? absurd your claim is. Suppoao ,yllen your earrings is running upon thou , Rails at “is taken! agency or thirty mile all hour, (ifjéu ur‘e e‘xtr‘uagnnt enough to .' suppose "(at such a. thing in possible.) ( co;w shank] get in its way. You can't tum oqtlor her ;_'h&'. then ?" > ' I I“ Then ’millbe 6111]!)th am, my Lamb." ~ * jTo Cure the‘Qrovp.—Tbe following in high lyirecommenddd hyan exchange: “A piece of, fresh lard. u Inge u q buttemnt.‘mbbed u'p with light; in the same way that bulger ‘ ujd lugu' are prepared for the dressing of ‘ peddings, divided into three port's. Ind giiven at. intérva’ls of twenty minutes, will . rqlieve any" one! f croup which in n?» alr‘el- , dy allowed to page“ to the fetal pejnt." ‘ _ {ll¢ New “nah—A change but he.» Diode in the ten cent pins/1| that bar dgu “if: year from those heretofore emuod.- we figure of Liberty, ium ofbeing m -1150!:de §y nun, in entail-chad by the words “United Suw- ofAnierica," which formerly W placed on the reverse of that yieoiq E-H’Dr Winn-'1 Baum of Wild Cherry isgtrruly u lull-In. I; containi lhe'balumic plj-i'nciplo of the Wild Cherry. the btluunio lptopértiea 9f tu- nnd of pine. lu’inpodi e“: no all balsamic. Caught. 001 d» Ind cdnmmption. (happen: under its balsamic influence. ”Here's a vile counterfeit of this M mug, therefore be auto md buy énly that pmpued by S. W.‘Fowu I 00.. Betta», which has the In!!!" signature of 'l. Burl". on the outside wnpper. ’ bd‘CampJJHie” is the name of on. of Fremom'l (:31le < .n Jefl’enon city, tuned } after the eldest. of Jessie'u three childrea. ‘ 360 v. Kirkwood, of lowa. bu bud scirculu culling upon all the nblo—bodiod min of the State to arm and drill. . ‘ ._W— —~ «0» ~ ~-——— fi-Belmed prisoner: from sollM uy Hon. Mr. Ely it} the merriest man In the South. He has plenty of money and h lib' en} in its use. - ”Every heartfumne ghould In'. “I. crickets, and every bean 39:39:15... mhéymaomnmkuumd qukeinboworCamdn. -_ v N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers