‘ flifi‘ml gal-ti W'l‘lm “ Indepemlvnt Bluosfl.’ 1‘ Hutu. are now at Umkeysw’ll Northern ('nmlml Railroad. ‘Tlm rim!“ {or fourtnMl mvn in the Cut }’~-r~ n“ wiwhing tn vuli-At in an I ‘.Sfirc requestr-(l In n‘mke imnfi: dlapntciun. ' '. OPJMu pubm. a 1m arm» ('n nun next—also nLL‘upt.‘ I‘ta’o-iflhrk l . ACCIDENT ON T” l-LK A I LNOA J.. r ballijukn nn lip-train / c.u'~t, on the Nonlwrn Central 13.1} proceeding to Walloon Tuesday .: whon Hour the 'l'nmnnl. the low, ‘ thrown from Hie truck and it 1 mmph-tuly rcveéacll‘ that isi its 1 \ turnvd toward “19 Junction. and 1 page was of cours'f immmliute. T! the can. to pi“; up nun? upon am? “7* rare: to state tlmt in the run} mhlit-r unmet! Hr-tnrs, why-"11TH l’fcifl’ci-‘s mm‘pulny ofmfmxt’ V: '4 “ n-I tl-rrlhlv in iuyrml.‘ his log: lu-i . ' t r“ I (‘ll "I n tlrnmlful mummr. _ H!- M to the Jmu-tinn illllllf'flilltlfly,l u tlu-nco to Ilnfim’nr. nml mm’o “hem (o_New Odin-«l. We lmvo‘ » ‘lmrnwl any thng of his comm}: qt (1" Odin". :3 ‘ ~UpandutThemLi ‘Dnmnomtn, h: abnuf nn 'l‘nl-Htlm‘ slum: thaw who Would “Walk up 3" that it is notl|vnd_nr4dyin-_". Tho ‘ nt' )0111’ [121113; Ml'f‘é‘lo‘l‘lnly imlpml lmdrt-l bf,tlxogj’;r-upl¢§‘—\vnro~ 'iLH ufiwx l'ollnwcd m- fi'tmhl u'nt now h. w a if th‘e-muntrv‘. The [n-nph-‘klm TOOl llfi'~—~:|1|tl “in \nh- hit]: Hm r. (lull can 're-sluru- nn honorable an ‘n-m‘u tn the whnlv country” Lot ‘al-‘I I/{qm nuw-uml tnkr- Hu- find hit-r hlJ‘lnp'ng bank flu- l'niyu'Ahy \'n! Hm Datum-rulic [mrH‘. llx' pv'nvi ’ [how of truth nml _iithl‘O :uul (h 4- tr'mmp’h, ’Hu- nnquhn (linw um. party‘hii [warty sup/mt! in Link (imt unrl lit-NI. nnut'nvvnr «w‘yu-rt lul _ ih ‘fiflmu nr 1w hunrixml in il~ 1m ,an is Hm fimn In ad. I 0 Ir'm 1:. In‘ no mun in (I 6 z/nur war/.2 In L I‘U'!‘ m: tlm gmmul mu-lv, um that H walla We. out. and “mlsru‘rjfi mm: v fight liukct. V Hiyg'a mm d.|y'hhnl~~ll\' :unl’lh'fl Q'om- pun-1y null v-nu- u-unfn. um ‘15:: surrv.t.:l'u[.—l 'lnunlu-ré/nnll NINE], W"Muh-hlm~ 1111~r‘?5__\"€?uq:|:4-t-I to he, haying n cigar uptl' nwlbln‘ru with. ; \ _Efl'fimm-lmilv my. ”mt {-w-rv \vnml gii'i-n In tho pm)!‘ H rr-m‘ml. ' ,MARRIED. .\t‘tiw (‘nlumhin Farming" V. Y,. nl' .{ulv Lust In' [ln ”l',Ll\l‘_\" \umml \ +:I:'!' F‘JHYES at" Ma... \'Lu,” ’ .\sNlfil“., serum! dunlghlcr ul' flu rlvrgymin. I ' .r‘,V, M + . “ _ y' ‘ ‘ DIED. . “s‘"Thur'mhLyl‘uL\‘n-n‘:uxhlt-nhw! )Irs LHI'LSA \\'Hl.|'\ u'n‘y ul- l‘ruln- Edi , uf .'Unmtl-lnu u, “lb"! 1144/1"! ": ' ‘ ' l (‘.ummu .- Uu ll|(“27flt.ult .in llullcr tnun‘lu ‘rnullh‘. .\VllEllgllV \‘ . °.\IIII Ilul x! ‘ 'hml'R .l. (‘ruin, ngwl’ 1‘ _wun 1 mm dn\'<. A K ' Allfi‘ llmr chJuq'r-«l tlmtllm't-lv flu Which llltznnllll-nl mgd (.lu-My-I my l’hiv‘ flog-hing 00".qu M an lmur, ‘ lluw shun wr'rr (:I[lll‘il’lll lllllt. _ ‘.\nll slulll I|l\'~l:|u¢--lTl’lg.llu:ut :ll'l‘.ll 'IZILH (lull wlum- \\.l.\-i.|lt‘ luu‘, Ur cajnlgllu‘wigl] unfit-u.L puiu, “L '- F 5)? him \\ Im, rcfia “lug—'s k‘. I. Nu. let me mtlfi‘r luunhlv pay m V Übeullonm- In Hié \ull: ‘ And \villrm} hmmi' Rplril my, ~, ”The lmrnl i~ rizlm-nm will ‘.' _ 7 ‘ , ‘r ‘ N once. i .(. r I”: Imrh-ri‘léncd here-fly L'h'r- nm 5,1 { llllil: ”ml. fi'n'm: all nth-1' mix; . l Aili oh; tvill put tin-k Hp v'qrm- Tl ~r~mn urlprrwns who m u' lw 915 nm . i 1;: "15m llu-ir hum", tor the [turf-(Ii 'im: onfishinfi. . - ".1 7‘ JmmN ID'u'k“, ‘ ‘Kmmu‘Hh Wm. “4.9:, : ‘ S‘IX‘WII .\V-h Emnnm-I \'eivliML > Horn of (1 Jnrnl) mlh-r. ‘_~ .lrhn \. l? ~ Jnll’ntlldn Rnnn‘nll, ' .lmm< f'ln: Jn'E'Tlh Smith. . fiiuflutun 1 lli-njnmin (“hmuidom Thom» XI > John .‘jfimpmn. r. ‘Amlrt-w “0011;!”er ‘ Jnhn Barn-r: . ~\\'illi:|m '.lnnl‘ll. szwm'l'mrnswnd. In‘“ 7 . . . (I L P In l ‘lrt . ) ql' 4 Y 'H" New Prowsmn 810 m“. nudeniunml hzuc npl-nml :1 T Shirt-in York slrcvi, ammun ninl hppo, by kg-vlnlng n gnu-l aciut selling: cheap. to obtain :I [Mr Juno; _lir‘a patrfilmg‘e. Thuir’cnr h runnir more rw‘ulurly. =0 that Illuir supp! only he l'ullJvut always erh. 'l'llm nu lumd a lot of \plllutlul SWEET l'l IRISH I‘l,l'l‘ATHl';S. the but ,cnn .SIIUIEIIJHHIS k. FLITF”: FISH, Inn! 5 \nriny of other articlo. ill 1h lint. They ulm. dral lur‘guh iILUY Such"; Tobmco, Mn. ul dil u find cheap. nlwuys eu_ hand. . lTheyJAsk Inn-en to 'give I Iu ‘ vinced’ I}! it tlwflnill be ab 0 to gi» tion infill cast-s. ’ ‘ : (120. v. swurxu' J.ujun .1. “m.. Gettysburg, Ott. 4, 13151.. > < ‘ Tallo mg. OI'IS KI'MXERAV reqiertfil L his friends and 1h -puhli(\ tl commenced the TAILO lSG_bn~im: Jiule ‘street, Gettysburg. at tfrc om ‘Reiningcr, where he hopes to race] share of cncoul’agemcnt. Hejrnrr: work to fit, and the Inn ing to he .: lle-‘is regularly in rot-e}? 6f the F. that he will be nble m p ensc’ull tu’ him h trig“, - l‘ , filer. ___._.-—-~~___¥T.-w ‘ ~ George Arnold I S sefliug ofl' LABIES' DRESS. \ I cost. Call, ifyou want bargain 0c;.4, 15m. 4: ‘7 7 Ready-made Clothi n EORGE ARNOLD has now not ,p his Fall; ’r and Winmmock of Ready-m de mom : 'mmnsiscinz of DRESS COATS,of “\'erykiud,‘ ’ O:S3OATS, in great. 'varicty, B YS’ 00.,i . , "‘.Y JACKETS, I‘ANT.\l.oo.\' , VESTS, . m Shirts," Cnu'nts. 610 v, Stu-I'l, '1 - “’y, ta, km, with almost every rticlc in our line of busincsa, all uf firhiuh wil be sold idle“). for cash. The clothing are [mostly 61‘, our own mn.nufncture..-Un‘e us_ a 11, and if we cannot fit you in a garment ,m e ’np, we-. {will all you the Goods, takryou met'sure ' and make you a. suit in short order. 1‘ ,_ vii Oct. 4, 1361. . l - _v .' . “ . T ~ . Merchant Tana-m} ’ I W QOODS.—GEORGE AR. OLD has N just returned from the city with .a large' stock oi CLOTHS, CASS[.\IERE§, Casinfls,‘ Beivez Cloths, Over-coatings, Veliet Cord-1,. Jeans, Drilfings and Vestings, of eve ] style,—~ . lining sen-tired theeserviccs of W. 1?. KING nar Foreman, fie are prepared to put 11pr above { goods in style. eqdnl to the best. cit) manufac turing establishment, having turned 4m. 8. large amount of work during the past. se on, all of vblch has given satisfaction. Wit: 3 large inn-u of our business, goes :6 a 0M con-J chain}: thnt we do husines in a nner not, '0 9‘ mam-9d. Our Staci of go Loan-ob? *‘ be mil-II qmlie, or style. in us wt ”‘s‘“ cm: PEN-R no doubt we can pleaef. rl4" HAR- Oct. 4, TB6l. 1 . .G. CAR . .3. , 45. F10rin...................._-gun...” 2 ‘ ' Rye Hunt”.......-.u...Panama-3 th, “ . Whin- \fhdt........... ..p...~'1........f IQJ out“, [EL-.1\\'hau¢..........;.....‘m;:......'....‘ 0g i . Corn 9 "‘ “I" ' “39.“..4” wauy.—— (hn1‘....‘......t.... 11‘? IM- ([5111: M‘lb‘ "' "‘ _ r , 4 met. d ...............1.«my»... 4—l hawk”? Timmn. ' fire-d..." ......L.............* .75 ,Flax Sic-ol‘ Pa"? in I'Lm-r l Pan: ..........1 , I . . ompnny. ‘ hater Penna, [vf'r' Inlay. 12. x munum+ . )—l‘4_’\"l‘ F!rIIIr.. ’f 1"“ng “-heul . ' r ' “fly, W 159 QB .... tem‘mn Corn... . ' Hats t'Ve W 35 (‘luw-r pnsftinn Tilnnlluj Sud '_ 'luad w“; ‘Br-r! ('.mlc. Imr hIIIIII . “04:". I' r 1mud........ he F‘tn‘",.11x1.\'...... i! cnnnfd “'luskn ._ _ her and Gunno, 'erm'mndwr toI ' ‘1 V u-«irm. n, I l.\.\‘l)VEll-—Tu of” l'apL 'Flmlr, f Im wagnnd...“ . 1m 4‘ _n _ In). “'le 51u‘r5..'...:... It ‘ ‘ Whom .. I ................3.:. L'. "“‘v‘h' {’.vo ...... |"-""'“"""""'i"" igrnught Uur11.....1..-............'...v...:; M from Hut”... .........‘...........2 1 1' Flavor S-e¢1.>................ N _s'""‘ Timothy \'«ed................ "“1110" I'm-«en. . I.—IIIIII~ - K . Hum clr: th ""4 u: (hm Hr I‘2s”}; tnin herb "iI‘I'3I"4"“ ‘0!!! .Indl l in ”I" In‘llizlu‘ rmlnu‘l'n wrll a 5:1 “iVil \le. grg-utqq 1 V this‘ ~ Tr'm'. [if E Iv pu‘: 1y ~lr'.m',.~: l 1 Lulinlr lurgr- ('H: ”w [Nilp tum: :m 14I\\-.;i-._1.-cuf. [new .:.I “11]. t'vhhrin. .1“; m.. Illvir c‘il _V‘Tanfr— King: In . ""‘E'llifi luwnth-u' ”1' "lg” “r":"fi': _ ‘ - L'Pll Yfl'l‘ ””67”" sznm' a .1241”. . N'lul .’” In ”It: \\ , \lu‘mnc mun Lo - “lw'”: .(‘nl'f‘li mu: [lm' “('..ngh . \"lnmpfil f'tu tn Flu-. 0. mu _uw: lan/1‘ >l'\O‘l'l‘ In [lnn-z flu-I , , \'(lh'l‘. .«1-~fin'm‘ The In \llgld il ”ml [Mr 3 \\ hlvh >1 ‘ mun) I‘vn find Uf' -—Jlfl ~nl'l I‘nlmu'. i! h 4‘" I el Ulu 11 ‘i "W-m Hm ‘ ‘ I n the “h lmu- lwvu )r lIUIL "ll." and I .'” \li~< fimn [min llil'i.Ll}llL{‘ lit-L”. oft Th» "FY ‘ Fl‘~i|(‘( I! if“: ‘miu fur tlri~ phlul-'\\".l ‘k \“a‘xll, “M.“ MIN-re. S icnin IL U: “r 5' " “'hm“ l'mlmlmm "'l‘ “I. F‘ No prop. h and G H“ rn 7} ,i! to NW) am July! "S‘liflh- linin- Batt; g . a! I then luru mm :null (mm-uh l lu'un xm-nt \illu ll ('.ns Mu Inc-lit" lg 'it. 5‘ :uguilht i 1 ’ ' 'tll-nlnl \‘uu if: 0. .nllel thm . . \P ‘1 ' in?” “m “r. I ll ~ller [:4 v» to H 1- .“I’r'rd” :ul l‘l’h'. Hmv nu th‘e‘ on “114 m :un' “an! 1:43. I «up up. W;¥‘Prc WQf- hum- “11-tun m'x burg: li. I Than/Zn, I'LI-l Hum 11 h.‘ . .’M‘Mt Full“ luizh‘ . .\Mmlblm ks, J .\l.lll-r. Lin mm-r. ‘ .\ng. Inv rhhln, ' _g, 1 Dirk, '- .m’V‘Sun‘ ”MA “Hydfidljl; 'mrn 1h (HIE {‘.n‘unjull \i 'tl‘llv .lIH-th ”M 3“ Jinn .\u no .& N‘ «mu-r, urn-l .\‘mvps nu n'r) _Wullc- ,hlll'm'b'lmjr e! ' rm; of II.“ ‘ ' ' Imm. i’hnfi .c . , -—-» - mu. Indvml. e. . li' xlxw mm. «x bunngo w l'rm'n-iun Lard I’m-« Lib; kr. T\ U": Bank, :01] \\ kink-$4lO um} rung], 'J“ Im-nt and Inn) \'\ fun: inf (In-Ir my!) hm .f llm PM" 3' <ufln~ur:z:|. Ellmln'r n! lmut It“ Unhi- Immd. 'lh |r a£>t§|'t|licpgx l. “m not :ure; :ll'aO JUJ‘I oxen-r.» ki 13:13:33" ‘ TU r'oxfimuj'rn'us —'l.‘he Ain‘t-mac I 'll_\ “.\. my: “.‘““ re [llml in livnlth in a le“ woe (‘lll‘l"\'l“' \'r-rymmple omedymln-rhnr'lngsullerenl ' . . _wnrs \nth mere lnngnlim. mn.:lnd thu lililriigmu ilk-mun; (‘ hnnnptinnw—lii innxious {to ‘1...: Klil|\\lli¢ ln l't-lldu‘dnfi'rrmtlhu menus 4 ‘qllal mu, To nllml 0 nluhire ll.‘h.e ‘iil scndu thl- prg-wri tiun usatlfi'ru (it ('il.ll'gc,)'\\ dih't‘linll: l' r Dreaming 3|qu lining the which they ’il’l find 11. eJlnolCnrn l‘nr W" tion, Aetln'nin. Bronchitis. k . , The only ()f'lha lidvo tiscr in smulmthhepn-srnip In henellt 1?: allliclegl‘, und lelrnud inl'un “ Huh hc [tum-nib: tn be invaluable“ hopes mien 'snfl‘erer hill El? his rmm-i'ly ' mll man th m nothing, with umy pro‘vy‘u‘ lv inform: sing I l ‘ i it he hns l‘nrtios \ ishing the pres ription will 1 fa in ('nr- ' address ‘ mzv. EDWARDA. WlLa‘ui tnml of J. 4 _, “'illinmsbuig, King: min‘ la a lilu-rnl' oa. 21,860: ly'- ‘ , New Ymi ts all “15... 1 ‘ < -..; ~~1 7* animal} szm‘ msrommw—imple “513,1 I«Ilium, so by uhle pinctitioners and l‘lifmit-nl (111 NS. rflire have dcmhnarutod the great. rain? of?!“ i 4, ISGI. (lrnth's htnuliful culuhinntipntcnllgdg‘ , «' 'l‘lilli OIL." for the relief“: (1 cfire OJ But the people themselves re reuderxn iwrxlict in a manner buth'u‘nniistakzfiil iSflllbffll'lpl‘)‘. More than two millim; ‘ huve Ueg‘n Fold in \a very Slmrt.timc<t ‘ proportibn ‘ol' tlmie “:ho he'm‘d other; r niend it, who'hnd tried it. Thntil‘s n'fp discovery is every where neknoivlerhgu nothing )ike it was ever before prt’pflri‘d only genuine Electriv‘ Oil is Prof. De G which isrlo‘be had at all the firespecmhle gists‘in lhc'cities‘ and at wh‘plesnle uni! at the proprietors price‘s ofthe agent. herd advorstioment. - , f . . . ‘ ‘ »--.....- , _ fiTwemy-fivo to sixty dollars “(F \— pensesper hmmh will he paid by the l‘lrielh‘oyr iug Machine Company to theirAgcnts, for sell ing the Eric Sewing Machinia. This is tnew Machine; and so simple in its roustmcflo thM a child can‘ilearn to operate it hy hnlt‘nn hour's instructioh‘; IQ is equnl to ahy Familyfiéwhig Machine infuse. and they mke the prer'niunl't (War the Filly and One Hundred dollar muchi es.— Tjie price i 5 but Fifteen Dollars. The Con intuv wish to employ Agents in every county i the United States. Address, for pflfliCllinS,l " Srmm .\lncmxu Co. B. JAMES. ‘Ge Agent, mum, 0mg?“ mu. 11,51 I“. «Loon sulishlc- )I'SER, ‘ 0005 at s2s!] ‘ _ EMPLOYMENT! I AGENTS WANTED !—-We will myth}; ta $75 tier mouth, and atlexpeuaes. to ' Agent's, or giVo a. commissiqn. Pattie. “A!" “W. Addrésl‘ Em: Sun“ MA Comm 3. JAMES. General Agent, 1 Ohio. 5 [Sept 2,4861. 1 •1•11111r1111 31%11A.3FILZICIIIT c;mrvsm‘RG-bSATWD” “'l' 4 7 51 ~..... '...1...:). Yum” 1.2.31. 5 2.‘ ....... I I! Eon ‘_ oqia‘l 'V‘S \InI‘S'I‘U. nave um! 4} WWW! Ot7 “I‘. I it I J u!" MI d•rint• r•ewpn and “Juana-hon n.l- :|i~u.|~n- Ha h_ml|v| »k mm mud-l ‘NJl'l lh I! h l‘ n-m-zl lIIV~IPLHH llw \A’ul » mu ii-ut mlmhim .l<l‘.llllln(l h_\‘ the -:_ nn+ulluuiugt l r¢~l§ginn :u we‘ IS. ll' Lll4 \mnk .‘“ Th'm I|:uu [Mr N :In- gifiunliv I l-l l‘rim'nw ’m 'migl ': "heir rum: um! 'l'hn—lrnhvd les on‘g in. that Jl‘l HS mm [ln- Inna! yrh! in runng lfi IM-alels. [S IS. ('OTJHN‘ .\S’!’ I ('uhh. “mgr“ l‘uugh. Dug-.H' Lufigq, hum an r lhan’Lr. nn- ql . Illiv'i- m and Im u‘s ”.\LSA“ Hi‘ iwr-nl opium" y l‘xllrlxutl I.)- s : —-‘ \\ i~mr'< If u'lmhh- run-4 n! . «s luring so men nu] .l flux-[liinn' 4.il| (hu- haml i' ulm from It”! ~‘ x‘mll-mnccl. rfige u“ by llun I‘Em null sum-ringiz u- lzu-t. Tnmwi FILL “HRH TH null) Sm-hh-I‘. w 'l] :IIIHIIIL'VHJ: ‘lO lIIIIr. m-xlw-I Hm \t-uvfit uf 11. ‘ at" I ”.\mngnnl 1-u:\\'. [Gm 1.? k r~ .—' ”.Lklll'j I'l'.l hum HT: ‘IHIH ll: NIL-n —\\'i~t.Arl~ “fr-ml» um ”11m lulpliv. Snlm‘ vi {ll'l‘J'il'T‘lJt'll’lil I I nf ht frown vgy ”(ml .9 honh- (of Ic-fnri- slu‘ h H} H 1‘ tin- Imtllt‘ ”H in ln-r hmllh. Hxnmvn :m‘ ".'m pn’mh nth-wing 3L: rvd- .‘ w L, I'M), lI‘A.'I 'l).. “11:19“, "Am! in my ; uw uf‘uvurl ‘ Balm“; o ‘nro to Hum 11! _war: aigu‘ ‘ in n dM'lxl \\ I‘l'l‘ QIJH‘I‘U‘ {nun (nor-Ht“ .-u the \\ lu‘uls‘ H- \\.|< gl ‘;.'l" l have. in In “<1- nf _ui‘ur‘ lay“ porn llw . made fn-qm In‘ I‘D, :Iml h4gl- uh \uuH. lmwcu-r,‘ quvilion. lu-rnn Imix\'\'Ll.u|~~lLil lghuut. [Lo («mill mthm tlgt there i'< um ol'B'lH 'Uy SW‘III —'l'lu- nql} In siun ttnr: ()1 Un- l'm'. ullur is vi fun in ~l’m 1.7r'l *1 r (mm hgu the any l‘thv printed on l'l‘ wrapprm u! W. FUND}: l).- lluchlet.( -'piiuy~": Wm [mutton Ilm H 1": I’. 15. Hnl Nx-w (thr-l, lit-.xlcrs own" uu-ml by SET” 1 mr Mllx- In' .\. iloshv“ . \'nxk ‘2 Hulnumu (‘II t-xll-r. \lulnu'msh ‘u: .\L SLlntcr, ctmu'n: and by 12ml. 4w M .'\t lincum‘n .l uh this timv. Slur? i: Wl‘] “Hiduu‘h! w a film II dis, wit Inrgtj' rl. -rn; nlsn. c.“- let-Irmx'Wm ml “Erna—m 0 house t'urn l,:r:l~~t l’ilil“u lm mund. ’l‘ M 0! cw!) pun “lnw “nu-u. sh iNu-d \Yurv. qu "vu-rfihing in I (‘ntlr ‘, Sausage SI by are prelm u “'arv and i Imfucture——k to supply al !fLuulbor i l IR'I'H'S ZOp'AY-fi DRJDL Ems mm; mm u: In I: "B,'opposm the Bunk. ' V _ l _ A . AT I‘IJHL. m 5 09 J_ _dqy of 45 3 Up phuu'u L'bllfli‘ m I ‘2” .\dmiuiptrplu lo Lll3. LUV ciwed, ‘wi‘ ’ ,4‘Ci prnu‘filfl. I|ch V' «eduntwfiz: . A "All“. 5% «rump, Pm. . ‘.nqrteWhitl to 2 m» I Jim-n. Karim. 5U . R 2a 45! to I 2:. ‘mut 2'3 .ndrel ‘imlwr. wil'h‘ 'nrnl ii hula} m in: bb‘t‘lfl l 1 pm: ufk Ihr imprm «~in ‘ nl.“)‘fy Dmlhlé ‘0 "f’;!?&nul~ Miami {0 .:‘fflfl'orn ("niln I: A ‘ ‘2 5 zgiiJ'mize; "(mm-1 l 0 3 :.ngu"“"‘?l'fi”' ‘ ,m H onwmhenlmildm i” 6 00'4""."5! And Ign ‘0” W'IH-huhng, “I“ I 0 2.)?5Apllll? Prf'hu 60 00 anaclwfifirrry ’ 5N4” 'yilslcrl'd *1; mirth!” pro j arcireF‘m-sl “Err-Ming there ' 5451“” "UL lip anmd .u ‘ pawl-[e u 5 wil 2H“ m, u Ill‘rmx jnll‘lll' ‘1 ‘ 3i HQSHT‘ “"314 (‘pur l or! 6 .'m l 00 ‘. 10 5 srfi 2L) 1 .10; .... 4 7: .. 23:: ‘3 6‘ 90 1‘: m; If) f. on 5 2‘o ‘ A N l 20 v .’H) 4 on 1 I.”- 6 2'» ME MEM 1" - Ky I'K'IRLI I'tljl‘l' (Ifl ,’.lht l iJ. (Zen . n tho p l ‘ . Ir') ”HI IN ' .13. l'lll~'. 11$ l mounl I wnrvh hut lhn ng and ‘ nl‘tlu‘ Isu-u —— -| "mm; T‘lla , if “M ~\\'J ; >irn Ht- L 4-‘Uuinl hull s h mug in ril’n- "1. mini :1 . and “I lliéi .\\ ml .1‘ m. mu | .‘"-It- In I: Huh. “In': mud 111( .11 inn i Th, J’L-fl L... n I. | uni -! ”up” 4‘. Hal .o'l4 () t H‘ g A 1' .V .’”/wimp 1) rulh‘tnlu- Inn! Warn. “i Ilfirmi-‘Hn. ‘,-\A'l-‘.I .\SES. 'rnup. 'hru‘nt. I: an” \ lh'nt Ij‘urv MWIIQIIH linllt-hpuluuwij plunzt'h-nrge J. ’\ .\vri-r‘: hum-1 limb”; nhd \I mu-mlm's m - )fiufiv HUTSH Emmi. Spring; “Aifing'fipnufiF 1:4 : smerul I. Inn»: ianlmusl ‘mnlo (‘lgv‘lmrn . ‘l‘llll‘imlion—t ilwo purtilé or 4141 M u ikhin I} “ [unrml‘ V} 1m!" the Illulx‘! 'K'rff‘sn'u'r H) l ‘.l .:ln} .‘ \xlnm “ "IF. umidvpkn KY. with rmn,‘ im‘ml nh-rs In tiny ml~ hf malnu ,iwaw Lln +l4-" mlir'rty ‘ Mal murih inn uf MEM 4 ",;I,_ ' . Sum. 1:31.48 . W f-I'lily “ Him.“ ’ mm ; )moud ‘ lulu-10f 0‘ .unl. ‘ lIIHLI '3 Ll24}- 4‘ “Hit: P :d ill]!- "Er imli- 1‘; \'.|luu— 'T n-I‘m-d {i' lmhlir )V ”Urinal?” ' \lllbrll'l i'h‘l im‘h‘e‘lxvuill ~' rjn!muu{‘t>f 5:1 in Adplu‘s‘ c I'!)l‘)"\',‘l\il.: ‘J. lfiv gig)”: ' .' Hm ~4 niuhx .l ‘. l‘min min}. \\' MEI 'H. "I“; gnglnisl n-‘ ('ll like. llrnin wil-h. I! rrv-h mI-Imld‘: r. H gum! l 1 ‘hcrry. 3: ‘ r EIL: 0" [armrl’lm ‘ off”. '1 iotn‘rs 1 e ninl 3;" . ( 3‘ OH} d- 's‘ “‘3"; -, i :plnn: inLu-r, 1 Julln . 4’ hertz] i .‘l’Hlll‘l‘ ul‘lit lu I fifl‘h'nlr m l I ll lill duv. 1\ h rmsumuip kn I . “i "li\ , .\l‘lhn‘s: lfqthll‘lsrdn |§lix~~,“ Mum. epf-plahy fitln . l‘fll-r' mid“ 1‘..l : l h, “J“dHi, Elfin "Nil-flee. ‘ Lfmflflltcu‘gia {flul‘lpy‘ , I ifit-m‘. 23. Iral ~ u 9 ki . The ‘ "I '}()l:‘u_}¢'K'S t! . HIT;T N 1) |A . . wor— *tln-r. ur of MEM MEI -, 'l'in hum-- \llinz Illcrs. ' 4 ml to 1 ‘lleet- Tying J) _v—da very ‘I. ”Mr- Emnqlv" Qig >' 2111 mm": :m_ ‘ m ‘1 of '~ (I A 9*le H; _\' 1‘ mu~ niln‘Ld I! \v‘lu “9% H rhfl‘ tilt-t Mi?” ) gr! I" Hui w :1! li u-yfin Mt | Th“ \rlir ‘ J’L‘l'S TL’l'l‘ inlrnduuvd ‘ HIT ME db], 1'! ‘ inrj!y,lt.rr'w! gt :\ lfixkl‘wil‘ V 39;. for fl hark-SF; ut,' H r Bch 30, ‘ .hm‘- v. hv :\ mieml» ! n dread ‘3 ~nml§e g 1 feuro. I In MAI, 111 the 2 same, ’ nmpm bjr'l'tl ion is mtiun HI he‘ M it bles- z “ No: {#1111}? Ass‘ . . l‘llrctixil It]! ‘ Commit! xGbitysbnrgf. » hum-s xnd the 1' fl‘ho‘Asaes‘, {Herwirk Barf if“ 9“ quflpusJ .: joy, wi ‘ aut pyt— ' ‘, “And “no ' gushing“ ( un mi. übflu. Fm Hut'ififfm‘ ' Il'qdumlml, ”I" : my ord‘ EME BM sqis ol' tllc Borong‘ Lxml, Frveclum, Lila-ff immune-r“ Mennllenfl ‘ ILutimoro, will nl.‘ 1 MW Iwnbl-r um. ,' (the Unnnhissiunors. , 'J. M.I‘L¥I'ALTER,_ 6l lid -. . » eei—«Jr— Notww . g "E 1 undo slgned, hnvilg‘n‘ ltrge, amount ‘T‘ winding on My Booksifor a con ldernble length hf tim l, rim-ipnlly made up of small int-counts, m es'ihizi method ofinolifi g those ‘imln‘ntod to h In, tlmt he needs mono ,and itS ‘his‘fi'iends w l¢all and settle their cconnts, ihe will feel nigger; nmu'y obligations them. i w, . , . . , . ,_ | 591”“ ~3’ “‘6‘ij t: 3"}? 357 1.193-}, Sept. 2, .1861. 6t F ‘ e 01cc, r 2, ~~v i ~- I'DOLPHkFI‘iIMHX'S ESTATE. Letters, ', , Miss C. Shem“. ‘ R Ritalin-nl.“?- {in the lostnte of Rudolph; OARDING AND DAY (,8 ‘llbOL, ppens , li\ man, laleioh‘tnlmn township, A nmscol‘2B Monday, September 24, l 61. ‘ ‘v [dam-need, hgu'lngibafen granted to tl under-1 "Penna—Per session'of five oaths, $75., igned, rosldnngi iii the same low hip, ho F 0; Music Ind Languages extr mL-by gives Inotiico to all persons ndebted‘ or further particulnrs mhlr a 1 ‘ v : dsliil estate lo makic immediate pnywent, and ‘ C; L. SEEADS. ' hobo having fiaimshgainitthe same to present} Aug. 26, 1861. 6:11 1 G tysburg, ‘Pa: ,h‘em properly;anthemimtéd fur getubimnnt. : ~-~ —~~--« .—‘—-———~~~ - ~~;—-‘——~ , ISAAC aumxxmum ; .Pmno Tllll 3. , , , Sept. 9, 13011. mi» PROF. ngwnn, of Limesm' ‘n, s Pmmical . ' " ‘l"‘ ._ .._.-.» M Piano nner, informs his rien'ls and the N“? .900“ & Ll] ‘mu‘aicnl public in general, *thnf he gives bl , ETSR 03L”? M Al'l‘ndt time, not otherwise occupied, lo Tuning and returned‘ from,he city wii inelaairing Pianos, at modem e pficen. He 30 kt SCOCk 0f ‘DYF GOOdE. GTO“ : promises entire satisfnction, nr ply. Onl’etp were, Hardware, Knots, Slices, ‘ received a: this oliice. I ‘ pt. 16, 1861. Trunks, m.. $O., t€l.llerq2er than ever. -——- ~———--—»~ «m..—pr; ~—-»- 118 also basinn and a lot of POSTS, RAILS 1 and Slllhjghis, qf qxcellent quality, which he ARY 138338323332, will dispxse o I“; the lam-st living ofitsz— M‘ht . ' ll: GA lb" Give him tong}. gHe will Always tryt pleasq‘ :- . I; l I’n_ 9 cup “in an 13,186 _ am I esyect ul) mfonns he: l'r en ' ' _ - _. lic, ‘thnt she lel open 3 Select 161-3 or erfixnl.‘ Termi, S tut. bath 1 lysis. If. no iLHC-I {4 in.— Lheir ' ‘L and; miles? 1 grent‘ } tom eudjd i l, and I IiZEM The. th'é, Irug-' etflil,: . See Eu”: 19ml Mu $75 $23 1:2193 liars HUM jinn, Lm} : ‘rjety, M 1 a x. ' ‘1 “ ' ‘ . I i z‘ ‘ 9: ‘ :Valuable Farm, I A Valuable .u- n.\1.1;._0,. T/mruluu, m Trilf 'r I’RH'ATH SAM-2 —1 {Wu-m4!” um, by orvlc-rthc Ur- ‘ A can“: of Jmmu Ha; in! Adams mumy. tlm subscriber. (gr: I! l'rn‘me Sulo. (Ilg iii: of Jame" Rxhuuzmuxu, 819., ceased. \'iz: \ PAR“, silt} {I nfi‘er at Public Sale. on the am lowmhip. Adams cou ifolluwiug Rm] finale of said dy- Gettysburg. near the romll \ 3 M Itown, nd‘uininz land-I offlo illualc in Liberty tb‘wuslxilnAdflpp llreVr-r, 3mm!) Lott,»l‘clqr djniuing Ihmi.‘ of Jacub linker Vronlainilgilu .\crn uh] :F. David Marlin. John Welt]: uni 40 acres ark uf Timber ".'“ lining 2H {.\Prt‘i, mure ‘nr 1013, of “endow“. The imprm . .k ul’nhichnre run-red with film are a qu-dury RUI‘UH' Emma m myos of Meadow. Thu “OVER, “in. [Ho-atorde‘ J goud atzmg' of cnlgjmliun,‘ (pggrc Duul 11- Logflmrn, “'ngun‘Shl‘ true-l" nnd‘urulcr good founding-ux'nrn ('rih,”og Sulhle. Sum“ - very bP-lgl’nrm‘ in that regitrn. Stulzu Springflunsc, \\ xdl n knlsnrcalurgr'l‘wo- “ and all “H; mm” wnlqud ““7”ng “HUSH. n l ‘pl‘illL’s‘. _\ grmll .\Mllewr “-"EW‘ SI)“ and g pm}. .uul other fruxl tn-rr. I I!“ “3‘! “In", Uflr- x wr’l‘he pram-fly,” hugs; ‘llog I‘én,jSm(.ke Hv ‘» "Minn uhdfwill hr- sold. you l‘istorn, Lop; Trunm } I ma) sm! nugchuscre. l’tirsr ‘ ~ ; II wéil M gum] u thr-pmpt-r:_v are requestflvl the} in lbdharn'ynrn.’ ‘ " ' ‘w‘ _l nuce, WALT-Th Home, and .m-r m. the L hum Her “'o thriving ‘ilh penr, he Farm is pad 9. most in? 1,0 View fiddlemerr, 1| wimp ifinfizwh; t :11. uf choice fruit, and otlwrifruit.’ T and is in qvery I‘9: ‘lrly. l‘erbons wish I to can ouSGaorge‘l M on suit] day, the IN]: nnlrrp. i rnimnenrd M 1 dc] Isroa MO [.ck. P 31.. legiven and op :uu-udqpuu will \] ( \Vn by D ‘ I RIDDL-TCMOSER, J ”mm Elulpnz, (Sh-i I ‘.5 L i .. \ ‘ I huntaiti Land! It SAM"; —ijn purslTl hp Urphll k'fi l'nnrl: l domigna . Admini IT 111-cvusr-«L will “HP! 0 1i~43~x (m {\'ulunlm/~ I . .\ Trun'r UP 3; 'n “mu-Hf" {mun}. n' I'm-h M Hu- \lxfii ~i 9. ‘:\n:\ Jflt'ub Hm .\(‘IHuSZ mow ur IL n-J'lut 'l‘imhh. ‘ .n ‘ lam-u laid MT in )9 sold injilml “my i' g to Vi¢~wllhcprupc 0‘: “mill Dill}. rt-sidh ~19:- of In 1 ‘ul Aduwfi idtmxnr uf tun. I’uh!i:: N‘ I‘ll/A vim, 40m? \|\' u L Admins .‘ -.~ Huh. is lit-1&5. . cuwréd I, 'H‘x i lmm ', "lyurew- i._ ...‘ 12mm ...»! «E btpl, 1.. 1 ‘k. 4\- V , L flu: gium ‘ x l .A' 100.0 lmuiu )Mnly .\l(.‘o..n\ithl market pril-I: find n: <um: all kim'h. (H Lnnngla.‘ m lim- nf'lhufil rnt~~~jur ('usl pr'n us [Mun-v (?lt|ll)t‘|lCF in In u'rh n-u I|Hl"l\l nee will menh) ‘ ‘ IJUJI.‘ .. (:[HF'I - J as lilcndnz, (‘lux Ix ‘ ‘ '. 1. V gnee’s Sale. ' 2:11]: dawnt‘ mm»; , A‘dglll'l' huf Punt; 7111‘?" :1! I'uhli‘r h‘n‘ A :'l‘~()l"‘l..s.\'l):shun , E 10.” Yn k Sprin : Lunlxyl' {\.11111111511 .\l_ cra, and others, 1 o hus‘. “'1 l 1 11m- pm]! I~d4luun T 111: im- ' M ’l'“ u-slury 1.01.: ' [“énrm- 13.1111. near “lll4-, \viu’h'u 111w:K ‘ oi “311012111111 other 111-huild u“? sprin! on the Irlll, 111111 .1-‘nrrl fil'lfl; n thriv 11;: 501 mg {g’l'ln- 1.11111 ‘l~ 111 .1 1,1111 slum fi-[hcmL-nm . M “ill 11'- (lift-rel! 101mb»: “151111 pur huh-ran r'l}: \"u w 1110 prulwrt. rnn' ml] r~“ A J 1;:111 r. fishliu llmn'uq‘, 113nm] Lll 1111; 111.111'111 f 111511101.1‘911; I ”'1 luck I‘. \Ln‘n :IflchlxlL'lll;L-\\'ill he iu-n 111111 11-11 In' 1 ,' - ‘ \'illl::f:h’[.\l\'l~ln.<, . “UM ‘Ju rJ. flu- I!“ .\h ilLfi fig. on {ln‘ 2 in ludi- V" .\dzl'm": ilh'. J.u all) pnmiuingg "urliuns Qf I”! g: r. , .1; \ fill-r, If; 1. 6 it ,~ . u, | ‘ I! l D MEE El ~ \1 ‘ ; , pr! \ ‘ ‘ s...A.L'.‘f THU-1 m ”H. his tlinl: Hum: I" [nu'ul- ‘Hlphizy‘ n fl} Jaw-mm"; pfiaiug ml 0! P will lA} 1 1 Lil. gnu. [lay SH‘,\ WF‘ igh and, a 1 Llll ‘.h‘h Hui“; ’: I ‘ off] "’l4:, | ‘ Sh“ chi,»r lnuls and; t of Inn! .’1 «I 41; of (Ir/11m 'm-uhor if lEX‘JNILI'I nt i'nlh iv Szlll‘. :lt lvwnxod. in Slmlu tr. ll|l‘“h”h\\lllg . mum. 3 (‘m\‘=, (uh Halo.) 1: 110115,)“; vars, lqnln-rm' SI 14' n.“ 4' (‘uru Fur ' 1. ('mm g flux. 101. H; :rrdw SI lll'N'k. “'O. Sh nemrrkrr 'LI 0:. I‘m; KMUP. I“ y,llw:|n|‘~lncl. "mi ‘ r hulm-é‘m‘ to Im m-m-v zt 11l n‘clm ”uld-An 0 “ill. be ‘ ‘ru ml 0 I ‘UI ‘l \‘xuit-ly * til)". '_‘ 1 k,- .\. 11.1 ivon ufnl luv \ ‘. IHU‘IKEIUIUFII‘ inn-nu plm-efwil ale amp nodding. nor (‘4 phnnrd, 13 u! Pip . (‘lm-k. ’rru, (.lmrn. .\‘M Trough. and a v] V Ll! . . 2:" I , Is'l'r be 5611!], Hurnnmu, ”paling. Suns'nuh‘ Sill'dll" irit'ly ufv ' "‘ I marle‘ u ).\L\.\'. ‘ giver»; mu! ter ”.\RY ’i'll mfg Flgien \U‘IH'XIH‘HEHH mumsml’. , 1- 3" 11 T h‘r right for fine I \'ing: ‘purchnct-df he :1 {10"0 Smlp‘ 151., hmjitby infurn how nnrpnrcd to 31331“ng and w ‘ @llO int the huij fishing: Soup, (I .H £l.”le know no tlfuujhey are ri Emmy, ‘ th'o riti-‘I 1'” “0111," furnidr‘ | _. ‘ usi ml ‘ I tc=t- it? I‘hq't they" litbef'orél Ihr 5! he?“ a , w h |§‘ [maven ittelftn' be who “ NP? 1:” SOJiIS, mud w nre‘oncé 'minhly‘ lnkt‘n th plnromf (‘h(‘.lpllLSS and g {:11 Slum», -ry nni‘jwho has ohm: given fuflv wattify. H inlr’iunle, uddresa the pro ’lL . ‘ n'nnuni‘n a: smn'xn. ~ 3t* ' 5: to A. es‘sors, !. elected. Lille Ina Spring - [IF-rehy n rifled to ltcml at em‘ oflice,,in the Do ough of we‘ve [Hunk Assessmqnt l‘upli: sany iusifi uctlgns, nY folk/~54 ot‘l'niun, (Funuwngn, 50mick,‘ _‘ ‘ lel'prd.‘ Innrillun,’ lmding, Ministry, Jtmlmn'hu: .\lounl ~osl37'umduyl’llac Lil/4 Odober of Getm 3', "mn- Tyrone, tend on FLM Es ‘mmnmcs, in ; Y I SCH rent ya.- ‘ .CK'S. ‘ Janipbl lh-mlvr. rl-::«Iil|; subscriber" grosidinp in .‘lli‘nl! _ . ‘i GEORGE m; Sept. 2.1; [861.“ i 1 , , V; . Trims! Trees! ‘HE' \uis‘ r-ignml inriie ‘ large n Id well gruwh s ‘ I-‘fil'r'lf\i,\.\'l)ull.\‘.\\ll-I_‘J Shrubs. kic', mnbrucinq n l.‘ ’r APPLES. ‘l‘ mum-rs. .\‘I‘JL .\‘mndnrnl fur 1 ‘0 (:nrdo-n EN! ‘HHSXI'TF. * H [3B. s'rmm :(JQFHHHIHHHI ‘f choiuwt kind .kt' . .{nn .\lu‘}. u n Ii\‘JCIHZHHHN : LIWII. ‘ > ['s TREES. M ‘l llk’fflzfilllr'nt bf ‘ TREES {mu ‘J’I. f rhuil 1‘ writ 1: WM. sw. I iv n-marknhly Ii! 1}! priwu‘ m ~| émw‘ nntih-d In I'll)“ Al”) J. H ('(‘ntrul Nur um 2:11 usqortnn-n‘ PLI'US. fll‘ mmvnsh Dwnrfifur ”1 $l’.\.\'LSHW lusvnmm RA VT.“ and! ¢:R.\l‘l-2.\‘. u‘ kHI'ILHHL f'orvm-11. blip“ Comrlprv mi ‘ lntnunjuj and u gcndrzj ()uVAWIATFU j linfil-IS‘HG mmmsukr : ()nr‘stuck nncl we! 0113-} ‘ Wgt‘nml :2 .\‘l’nlrris ME Refads‘r'M 0( ) 3.735;? .r‘-up“! h)“ K“ dun-rmilwfiun fI-rull kimh yt iwl \ulh FLX‘ UCI-IlUHh‘. -\\'h( AL. :Ihll Her) _1 “<\. :nI-I EL! 11l . ('.IH ntul rim purv Inning t-lw )ll‘lllL. lHlIXfi: 'lll. t! Ipril , 2 i a 11311 o'34“} K Great Dix “FL—lnflammu i-m 1‘ 11l be cur 2LI~ZIHL\I‘ET)I} ‘ ' phnlnim-m ('it) munm’u‘, Inn" IH aurucsi in 1 m hitherto un : alumni to tho I 10. For sale In' : l’l‘l-pnrvd (ml) . J Hum.” [lnn-J . 1’:1..1h-:llvrin I Spiritd, 'P:Ii"ll: ~om'vs :md ,’l‘n my. Palm! 31m hn'hler i~ [“0 L. )hllrr': ('He ' {Ju .\HHJ-le's N 1111215. .\[m the :uljuiniul' '.‘LHIK llUlily.‘ 11pm. haw lu-I sp‘vrifir, invr mm pyr hul flan-hymn. ’“rhulwuh- 5‘ Avian]: l'HxilIl). ("I|\. \’Arni-«lil film Ul'le‘. I 5 “‘l4“. H'crlué U f {xx-ya. _IL . 'hpr; for N [I {s| .\liulum.” 1 üblic --Not I .~ Inc'hml ll) i ‘ ‘ I - r. . mn-nl Imm li\‘H .\‘TUI‘K ( he m-u'w‘t 'ktjh lIL'S‘ lIIH'ISéV I m 1? (‘LUTII Ln\'l~'..\‘. llwsm'n’, . Imm- INI \ A new \vvll L»: :{fi ‘ Han-ll“ ‘ illf.‘(‘[(1\("’ll dark of Dr]: ‘ :l'ul: I ha ro‘ns mm; “FIRES, (”N WHAIL‘HS ‘\\ llf\.\'lllCl—llH£‘H m:l:s.m-.. in [w n=<umnont 1 :I:\' AM) l-‘.\.\‘ hum." i~ usu 11l F‘HH" “mu“ ‘lll—l ‘(:l~2\"l‘l.IC§ olq u <|lwk ul (1 1m M'ITMH.‘ :1 as: (:mu'l-Ii {CI-‘5. NEPK W as our brnuL'] SMEME }“}The Unit» ' RP" S' Ii’EI‘ZT, AIHH'H 'l' AA ; | ' PHIL.“ , l'l'Tnxißl .\‘mvmunau 1171;“1'hi» [l| Hal is cvnl'ml Plhs‘rnuvr (Hulk to all [mm m‘Lluplml 11l «gvr y parlivnhrfi \\x\llt< 0! ll“; hpuineh public. ‘mqr‘Nl'rrnh' $1.50 per day. Sept. 23,;1511F1. ly .. Chdgary Inst V. -' Amman .\‘le 102 l hELl'lll.\.-——'l'his durh‘d Inrym'n _\n-:lr~' pan“. .\ljmuw. . (‘l‘lmmuv and I‘m-r I)Hh:u\ll.L\"‘. "me lb» mm}: J one in New n drk. ”nil-INI *d Hl4,Mllr amen nn .\lumhyY 1H: Hall-.\k “finale mnlrumpl u mlurutiun 0 ' \'pung [Hulk-4' m ut‘bla-lamn LYlllvn‘illy. (ji}cu qu'kilc into Human, mm [lO.O ‘ L'fltlOll to Hit.- "tiucipnl‘. 1 Aug. 12,118q1. 3m . x ‘ '. L ! Last Nod; NMN‘E} in iborol:y givoin ‘ (cm, of [Mullen A“. 71.”: bcl-n plnce‘ljiu the lmmli oi . for cullér-liq‘m—Hhe denlhfof Zi‘vgler volnbelfing as to [#k Nutii-e hm'ipg Iherefinfute Elm concerned of glu- mutt-pity ‘pf counxs whhhnhlclay, and Ike} ed to nltendlto Eghe same, [l‘ 5 Like this c 6 xrse. ' ‘ ‘ mxxm sgzr' Aug. 5,1 611‘ 3c ‘ ‘ I ; e Gettypo‘ ‘ Emmi NSTITL'TE trn‘ F Wiuler‘ St-Ssion, on 1,0» Orlobrr null. For further ‘pnl ofohe Rev. DAVID Evstn, flig §ppL Q 3, aaul.‘ 3s , 1 ‘ ¥ ‘ 5 Notice. ~ .\vID momys 351%; tameutnry on the Hum: o lath: of Gettysburg, Adam; deceused, having been grahle signed, residing in Stmbnn‘to by gives notice to all person ' astute to make immediate buy having claims against. the” - them proper}, autheptfratted f 0 ‘ ‘Juus - § The Scientific Amgrlcazi. Farm, ‘he subscrihur, Ex; 7 I”) BRHT .\HIL‘HANH‘AI, PAPER I.\' THE yum, duet-“ Jul, of. F \\'oRl,l)..—.\'lqv-n:cru(h l'mz.——\'nl.| u \’,_ {Estate uf Mid du-i .\‘rw Swath—LA new \nlume nrl§i~ willé'ly a"- 3:119 in Mouufidea’a- 1 cnldted paper cmnmenccd on the 6th «my; t_\, 3 miles ehst’nf Everv numbéf wnlains‘aiglecn page; ofi‘ucful ruling to Bonjnngh} informaliun, uml from fi-i- tn n-n nriginnl cu ‘m Crcsg, Abinham: grnvings nf nu? inwminns and disroEerjeu, all MALE. bud ohm-n, ofu'nirh nr~ prepdlcd Mprmuly [at him-humus L Pen-II“; Hum“ ‘ 'l']... SPH'LV'I'IFIG' .\‘H'IIUL‘AX is drum-d In It ROOd'pmportiw the Interests ufl’upuhr St iI-nu'. the;\lc¢§hm;iv. ,mvnls in" A rh, ){auutm-lnrw. [li\CQUlmf. .\gtiuflrurp, 31') ST Wm (‘uumtmcc um] Ihv in-‘uuriJl Fur-Hilfigciltfml. "(‘LL‘II. ‘l.“ 311 I_\'. Mn] is \nlunM» uml m-Irurlnc nut uh yin Ipd.|nJ-, '31:; the \\'nrk~hup .lunl,\l.muf.u‘lur\‘, hugnlmuu the Liv—home, two-slur, HunH-hnl-L 'hl- Liluu'rr nml thu Howl-In: mm. .evt-rfflflingqpring‘ The N‘H-ZS'I‘H-‘U‘ AMERICA.‘ 11115 UN‘ ('[Ill— “”11 um‘crfmlmg tulinnfln, humr um] .flmmd. of Lung th brat "mud. “ith pgnch, \wokly publication dl'VOM‘ll‘ In mechanic; and ‘ ‘ imlu—trixcl nurmiu mm publidm‘d, any, the 00:1 state ofimlti- [)ll‘}li~h|‘l§ an dell-rmim-nl mk: op up lllt' I’m-p“. ire or i,“ purh‘, nus union they Imu- r'nrnod during the Sl‘s'Hl-N ru: whining!” mic-w “:wa lhchmvo been «punt-«led \n ith its 'in”)- 0 call biz ,l'igh nl’ licnli‘un.~ - , ‘ 31 ~ [H‘H‘OH'H‘W mi the' 'l'” THE IX“RNTUER'-The SCIENTzFH‘ an tofi'dslx‘xp.;‘ , TV AMENH‘AX Lin lispL-u'iznhlr tn :u-ry inn tnr ' ‘ Lrlll, Erer'lfliit. g 1 as it. not only (‘0 mains Elllmnucd dearripéhu ‘ :' ‘‘ of nonrlynll the heat inn-Minna m 4 tln-‘y r li~-‘ ‘01“, but BACII nu “he? contnim nu ()fliviag" 'oflhc('hliln<uf. [Hhel’utrntw helm-d inn} ‘ _ 'l‘uitoil SLIM P 4 rut Office. during the {ln-nt- prn'mull: lhui g' ’ing'n correct his! In‘ 04 ‘ “ “ ’ " 7-1 ll" 'xtr' \\ T 113615"! ll ‘ nemiqn to fi Mk of: ; ‘ ‘ iu'ogn-h 0| inn-"films in this country. “Man revoking. carry week thé 'heil Icic‘tifir -10m; journal.- uf (in-a lirilain‘ Fram’u, and Mirr- I-Ih‘,“ many: dun plzui g in our poFsr-‘sinn afl’llml' J‘X‘V i~x traaal iring in I n-chanil-al srioave and I'}! in and the“ o‘l r'ounl u-a. “'t- ilmll continue m TS, lrumlyvr am mu m luuwc top 0 H «\lrurtrflrmn huj‘ 'llOHVjll‘lfllnlr M “lunch-r wt: may fled}: uf 11‘ intrrx M In our 131-. :lrr}. 'j ""H ('ZlHlFS'lS..\m'lll'l‘l-X‘TS‘.\HLHVIHCJQITS -l'-"J i .\.\'n F mummy Tm- scnix'rlrn‘ .u Lrm. N‘l“ l'.\,\' will lw fun“ a must awful jpurn Hm] HIO llama. .\H lht- In‘-1w llirt‘u‘tl’il“ in 'lhe sr nu r‘ 5 1“ hf: In mil-fir} arr pfiu-n in its cnlmmxsfnn Hum ‘nfr, 1 intvn -t\n)l(lu-‘s.ir‘hilx-..~l an-i rat'lu-nlvf' a . I'm! ‘ :liu-rl-mkrd 3‘ all ill" "I'H' ill\'l'll‘|il)l]\‘ am Elia": "1H: jean-rim nm-l-r‘ai mug 1l|lllt“l' punuil: I -i,ug_r‘ \ft ”llUlliaht‘lr fima \rm-k to ‘.u-t-l‘. J ['-(-t‘ul and“ ‘ _r'prm'tivui iafnuuyluiun .ln-rthiniuz *0 [hr i, H‘- ill" 'esls of Iniilariulm‘aunl will-(minors air In . j? fmmtl I|ulnfi<l|wl in [hr 'Ht‘lm‘nrn' Amxficnu whirl;ixilu‘rmatiufl Ila-_x v'anlml pornilulix' 0 ~ ain ‘lfiuln any myhrrt gunruv. Sulrjt-gl‘ in \ rivh‘ “planters“ nun‘l l'armer‘»~ are inu-n-«h-I] \ri rhu‘ "fungal (lis‘n‘lli~‘l-tl i‘n the Zin-mun" AxLI: n:1 i "must uflln- impwvcmynl's in ugrirul'um iln- ‘ taut-Incl”: vhciag illlhlral'g-II in its culumusflq} i . ‘j ‘ TERMS. ‘ To mail LuLu-rfiluih :—TwO Dollar: a fin, m' Hue Dollar l'nrnix months. One Doll-Irma” fur mm oomph-{Cw \'nlmae m‘ “I; [mm-1': tfln‘n‘ \'nlunu-s cmnprific mu- yenr. The \'ulg uuv cummcm-c on tlw fin! u}'J.\.\'L’.\u\' and Jug . ‘. ‘ '(‘iLl'H ILVI‘I-IS. , "‘ Five (‘upin-s‘, fur .\‘jx .\1xmi1t5.......,....... S . Ten ('up‘ih, lur Six 31‘)x|t1|:..:...... .‘ . § ‘ 'Ten “older. [or 'l‘“ clu- .\1m1H1~........ SI . ' Film-ca t'vpiw, fur 1"§\cl\"o-.\lmqh<. “,5 . Tm-nly "urn". {qr Tach': .\lm 1|n~.....\“ . ‘ Fora]! (Jain nf'l'tu'ul)’ xun-l «Alinjj‘u- .“ 1'1) Flul_uacrlnliqni~nul_\' SI. 10‘ XMHV‘IHH huge“! in at dill'vryul limes .1111 l {rum cilIL-H-nl. I Isr oflit'wn Spl-t‘iml-n l‘nllib'i \‘i‘ll be Sen! graLi lo flll:\' pzut ulj‘dw «wimpy. ' ‘ ‘ Whit-1"” and ('auall'ufl monny nr I’m-IL “I'O stamp: 1 tak'en ‘at par fur su‘nrriptimn. , (‘;I-' nmlinfi :lilysl-ri‘u-rn w'il} please to rdnm I?» am l'\’|l’xl mx‘ c:|rh)car'~' =hlm‘riptinn m pr play pngtagc‘ ‘ .\ll'NX & (1);. l’lll)“~‘l(‘l’4 _‘ ‘ , ' . .\‘o. 37 l’nrk—rmv,‘.\'u\ \Egrrk.‘ 'ML muss. Irge, and «um; .\[rr‘ nmrl 'UTS, hull .\, .0 (Irl'lltlrd. US" “M [.hfli \‘ZLENI'TS. HIHEH‘IH. (I ', in fruit ! aril 4. .\ P} I} \l‘ ‘ fine Hm‘k u.’_ S, su‘ilulllc {u street 'l4:tn lowmusu Sum lira, (_‘thlfl thrifly" hm] '5 n Klu Him-s. \ll “[{lbllfétfilfi- In.» JL‘I'HN’I crica', Yul-L, Y! rket. , 'nlum WM lmve akonl' efultnr. Itollifi; n [mv lh‘yé higu Grain- :Yun, Tl—m, [WANG nezlleim‘md lit-l lln-ru tirll- in get. with “in ‘ lnwcwmus» inuonrfiluck \‘hrre. , A ,' RHOFFfi-t C 0 F... very \ wry Zuni; (‘hrnniv I'd In‘ In: In: ILLL. .mmu [l4‘ mi- hit all“! d ‘lO its iciuflkco zuns of ' loslifi Ilheu‘xm . by nil)“ trail( b. mhlic. In“ dru 'l'il'l‘ 5h iuNnilll [b (m. 4,1351. ‘ ‘ ‘ g» \ ': . ‘ F ‘ ‘ Chas. O. Flelds, 2; : mm‘jmrxm-zu, Pulnf.'l'lukr;:iml- lfihk B Bunk .\lnnufiu-tmwr. :hl smrr, F‘H‘HK inxildingfl‘rnlrc Squnrr. YORK. l’.\. 1;: ‘iks. Worm!) (”firm.Yunlfi'nixntiug Hunkm fllrni n-ul INS ilh Blank limflu m .dc‘oflln- hc~t l'incn‘; _ per 311 ml on the 1:1»: Il'.l~ull‘l‘lilt' term-I: liiuidilfiul‘ eimy dvu'riptiun fu-rlmyl “in: 110 mm"; In] diquuch. (fink-rs by mail pmmp’ll)’ nm-w ..‘fll (in. ‘ ’[.\u;:. 2-§.-IRhl. 3121} 4 u. 1.. fuum, Ll. I‘Zns Berlin, ru;_r~. (‘l}(-I|ni(‘xll<, : [fie—\'l‘ifi‘s, hALt- It-lurt-A, :‘M'inddw whim. kc . .‘(\c.'l \gwlnt in: (it-Myri lutgul lilu-uuluflic no 3. ram.“ if; ‘ fl 1 Public. Sale. , p I lll‘lluhshriM-r. .\hiurco of Vnmr ”Minn- T .\u\ :lu-l \\'lra.l\'ill nll‘vr: l’uhlir Jule. lu'u lhl“Jl!‘[‘ll|inl‘~. u» .\immlau l/lr .'r’/z ny‘QA [Mr ""J’,1‘lll‘:l“.?l”“’1lf§“llll4\\"l._'nllf". hll‘llzllc-rllflr' [lulmuzhln‘wm \lnumplz- Nun} tmnh‘hip, .\r l mluulfiiun the run-l Ivmlinur'm "unfit-run“ . - The l’urm rhuluhw 1.0 .\{'l(l-.>'. mmc ' n'r ll"=. improved mlh u 'l‘\\u-§x_my "_- l'guhlc hm: llOl‘Sli, u lu'gé Slum- "fl Km-luu.mm-hml..i l)nuhl(- Loglluru, l“ ilh Shells, \Tngou ._"lu(ul. llng‘ llnuwlwith 1 urn ll'rih .xt'uvhwl. .l “'11” “funk-r mun: Hm llunr willm pump mill, :Iml :1 young .\pph- Ull'liurtl nl~ :nhout lurr 11-19:. ln-urlug 1 knit-v l'ruiL The [ln-Ml if. of“ gum! llll'llll‘V uml lime run In}! ium unlhin .'l unluz at ll:("l‘:ll'lll, nu-l- lu-iu-g u" uiu nl‘lglll. (3f thr New ('nthuliu (I’hurvh. SK. .louiFl‘s. ul wuhin 11~ wilc~ ul‘ :1 l'rologldnl (‘hl_ch. St. lul‘luo's. lullcrzx grout huluct-nu-iits lo juk man“. ‘ l. l ‘ a .m‘i‘l‘or-‘onc widhlng‘: lu flow the, drupgfly Mr rvqug-{tml ln vnll uu Hvurze ll:I;:.Ir lldll ’ r-j .\lillfif llu-u-lm, ur on'thc kulm‘rihg‘r. Namath! lies the mum. It “ill I'm sold while u; llll‘ lots to mil pun-llator‘. . . . . ‘l' l m'i'f'finlc Ila cummvnm‘ M l u‘vlorl‘. 1‘3“”; on said (imam hm MH-n-lunw \\ ill he gin-n ,ud» :quuH nyulc knu'“ n 1w , l . (Hit). W. ll.\(l'.\ll\l.\\'.: A .\ug. 20, mm. u -' ; Aug/m . x ‘ ‘l n l Fancy Furs! Fancyll'urs! ‘ ‘ ' Ull.\' FARM A.) (I Th? Anh fix J2,‘ lwlwoml 7th :lu-l; Kl! SH‘L-(ih‘. (lane of :lfix' \l.|rkcl Fl») Philudrll phiu. lmpnrtcr llnll' \luuul'uvturt-r nf‘. ['ml l?|‘-|l\‘l‘ in all kinxlfi’o‘l‘ :s.\.\'mj I-‘l’lh‘, gr."- lullitW'. .\li~‘<cq‘ ljllll ‘hihln n" Wow. 5 a llm‘iuc wnow um: 11-: .'uulurell and in .leer -;.—;— 3~;,-,; : mv‘ mu‘ul large .u‘d‘ ‘Jes‘ulil‘ul usmrtnu-nl of H” lhe various 51?»; lull quu'liticaol' FUN. minim-d lo the comm: Full and Whaler Scuwuc. l wuuhl refiportful— ly inl'ite‘ tin examinationnflur stark and [7}??? , lroul thuu: intruding lu purrlmw. M I :un [11; ghlml :0 ancr llu-m wry do," Mr lmlucomc'filt. ‘ All myJ-‘urrx have lyocn Emmy! fur‘raxt 1 End mu-lx- by I-iperinnretl nud cumpv- u! l \ nlnls. ign’rl 'lll-r, preacnt mum-hwy ll‘nll'fii ! render it n6ms<ury that l should dispose o _y gomls at \'t-ry small ndmm-e on mil: Q? l g I am mliafil‘d, thM‘ ll *ill be lo \he inlefl'at ‘ zrlllose who design purc‘lmsil‘g, to give '0 ‘ all. ‘ ,‘ ' l WRemllocl lhc nmnnhnumhcr‘nncl sir: kl fixhnvfilreim, (New Fur Styre.) 718 [\rellllh, ‘ hiln‘d’g-liihia‘. [septa M, 1861. all; - f- " ".~ Arch Street . ‘ Q l ' .UN’ET WAR‘I‘IIHJI'SI-‘i.——ULDFIN k'Rll’F. ; C KER, 832'. Arrh Sheet, 2 doors below ! 11,) s'oulh side, Philyl'elirhlia. We commence he‘ Fall trude witli one of the has nasnrtml 31 _ks: qf English and '.\mcrlmu (Hzrpotings to be! i’pun‘d in (hi; city.pun‘:lmsed f 0: cashut rel-3" w ; flutes, and intend selling (Inn: at oxlreumlf w! prices. We lure nll llw'n'ew styles, \’el yr"! Tapestry, Bruin-léf’l‘hréc-ply, lngraiu d ; Yenetiunmilh u sl‘lemliol sluckufflll. ULHT H,‘ Rugs, '.‘luls, Drugget, kc. Now is the (imci’ [l urclmsers to obtain bargains in ‘the ('n cl; no, as we will érll at n van-small advnnvn d]{ uhmntee all goods to be as represented, ntl ‘ iferutirc satirl‘urtion to thc fiurclmier. i' l [Q‘We buy and sell exclusively for on 5 i 1 Hum, 4'2?” I Sept. 'l6, 1861. 3m 1v '1 form ‘El‘l‘ pub 'u- ri'\ ‘1“ PM” P: nouns, (~on 5M 3 I rffirm x k I, r . Imxs. % 11.-\.\'I)R'FS, (‘Y mum's. 2 ally J’uuild in Ise»'l'lls‘,-r!‘.\ss 1- » Fun 1 BUYH‘ ‘. S'rm'fimwb‘, ‘HIS. SFSI'KX‘ 1! la lh-lfi Jung. : L. St‘uh‘k‘.‘ . 1: Hm). !‘ ICIJ'IHM. l’ym'nnd PA. 1:. i It -|>y rum mi l" Ull' l'| . ill I Land the eunal I L tute; i ‘ . E ST.. ”HILA— luslitutvg.‘ can " ’tllis ('ify. My niece )Vltnuuu‘ tinciph‘: Quin the hero in who yum; Sept. 1641; with )rm isiuntl‘nr the du- llu- ‘lireytinu an, nunllnjl rc mincd mi indi- ‘lmt the monks, LEII, Jlls., .lm‘ve J. vow-2m Euh } .\lr. wayhfigm this In's! Iresurt.’ II given Ho 11l losing Unfil- ac ihavinp‘ "we“. «Impellyed! us to «and, $33 5' i ‘ y > v T‘fiw’“ .. ' 1 ’ comlr‘eflce its m], ”:35 HM ‘qf ticuln i'nquifc sum-1. i ‘1 . v 1-\ . 1 E.—Leh tes } Duvidfl'l omm}, }ou nth: nnn., v to the 11nd“- Lnahipdhci her'u { debtcd tb said out, «pd tho'sc ’uu: ta pf-esent senlement . ---_- ND'DOK'T FORGKTTO \'ISIT PLEASXL T ‘ 31mm xunsrzmgss._Pmohs wishEhg ; l'lnnl Tree: will’gn‘d (hosted in the gin: hul murknhly fine, an offered at reduced pri ,5. he Apple numbers‘iloo rarieties;ennbrn¢ g Il‘the approved sort .‘ . i . z‘ ' N. B.——Sef the indVéi b ard and Flora D e osgoflice. ‘ 'r. 15.}:ng d soxs. é; ‘ Sept. 2, 186). ~I“ . I‘Hpn'donii- -—‘»~—-o-——-- I m..... ‘ Nofli‘ée. ~ QSEI’H RIDDLEMOBEIL SR’S.‘, ESTA w ._Léuers nf administratioqpn file as 0 Joseph Riddkmoser, Sh, bite of Emmitshn‘gg, ’d., deceased, having been frank-id to gg Mon-signed, residing in Baltimore, Md.,_ e {shy gives notice to an persons iudebtedfib id estate to make —immédiate payment, SIR-1 one havingclnims‘ngninst the same to pre ; t em propcrly authenticated' for svtflem‘mh'é JOSEPH RIDDLEMUSERJK, ,LS iAug. 26, 1861. 6:. » Adm'ni K ‘ . MQI’S , Cathartn - Fine Assig.‘ ' übliq School, and the pulp? - clmo! on‘ 1111' ‘ 00 per qua;-l ept. 2,1861. I Come to the Fair! r Pills. ' .1 1' nsn|ws Mountain Herbi Worm‘Tea. HHHS, BANKS .\Nlj HUUTS , ‘ \’FR‘U musnxors “IVER-"l5 AND mums VHTIIERS. TJ H NEE/f! [Yo you Iwhen alum-ring the Inwm‘r actions at )our childrrn. mntidcr In: it um) he qure than n n3O“ (‘hnlic tlml n iru ”Itjlll: In nuie Lax-nus out often. the mum quu- link- sum-r- Wis anguish ii “'Ouxs, an! 1:1qu by u! uucr 'Lwlml lu. ; I EADS ‘ 0!" F. MIMI-2.4, l Do not let“: sent VOU I'DSON‘S W 0 ‘4' nus \.w v bl A My»; ‘ How mu“; have it nhw ’ “'th u ('hildi ‘Ol in demhfl hv ghing tM' lliutvh. may» ~nn-l h-ilimni i 'lult 31:0 fol-I: dom- m'lr 'l , 'l'ln: sm-u‘i‘i ‘ lwm-r and IN” wuuhli-h M- '0 Ln in llm hunger-3'l lilHr drlny ii; taken ill Ipuiv om‘n lw‘lhucnnsv iwhilc :u‘fingr \‘ilhum vii-lay. Jun] |' \"H'NTAIV [ll-IR“ TEA imma ‘M‘ill not onlr 1: w- fln'fili‘m n lung: thstun‘l.\nurwll InIu'IIM-xpuuw, :Iy‘nppierin Lulh‘viggthnl ‘rwu lune Ety, nnxl pon‘lL'm-d «try-Lit; life. rim: is (‘mnhimqnl [lurdy Dr ‘ n r: M; s .\ x n |.u 0 011‘s, LN [ln wk the xu‘r .\ M n'm‘ mom-:1. on 11=1 m or Ml} \'ermit‘ug SIM-31:0 thi< To. LI“ “Hm! \'L'r l:(‘1'l:\'. (how who ,u? prim iph- 'uf ‘ Klllcrr‘ Ii .\H‘ 1 (nu: \‘n 0,. I 8‘ f To \'Ul'll ('lHl mrk‘, .\élTV'. \' l'u- thi= 3 I 'l'rn \\ u uiiu 14,! [ln- \\'il|ls( In! or “)It‘u‘ " for tlu- “If: wt and when _\'m "_‘h‘mlN‘. Hun l ml Ir)" tlli~ (El: TM: “Ml-n 'u.|l W.l\' unto ——n fun “(‘1 n "LUMP“. A: uflhc .\gn-M i! to ynur 'II» M and In- I‘ml ON' S 11 EENI [\'l 1.‘1..\‘ ll"! 111 l §—-H I'LY \ .\'E\ BIL" 6RT .\ 51' (‘lCAHl‘l—l‘ [.\lwru' limlt .Il'hflUX x (' L‘urh' "wk Igf- JUDSO I P I'. u 1' u . ()uhflu‘m Illrv- nI'H. L, Pf Tum”. Qn S (J I. ‘l': BEE .\zum .\‘Tnen‘r ['3 \\'mu|’l'r.\ «I'9. and hy xxl 'L .\LrI-nt far ‘i ’l. Lu-vw [Wh'mm in I-u-n \'lH. 1 'IL H. ('utn' July 22, pi Notice I‘ll-ZRT'." ESTA ‘m nII llu‘ c-lnll M 1515 m' .qu ll‘ uvinglu-rn;_lj.l In: in lln- mmrl 0 In ull [pl-rim Iv'ilnnu-Jiah' p l,|:_r.|ill~t ”Ik‘rd -uliu.|t(-'d fur - Jle .l _ 151;]. til " qu: \H MI k“ lllllli-U‘ li' lute u! “0‘15"; ty,dert-u«-il. I siglu-d, rcsldi} br given m 'i Emits: in "‘.x Imin: clairm nrnporly :mth \ tivt , t Ye. I Notzce “LUCH’S EST lmlinu nu ”I ’l!‘ lutimnu‘ sud. lnu’in': "l budding in ch 0" nmimnln :- I!“ umlu- imlm- . "WI.IZ\ lL :ulmini» Lem. Inti- mum". duh. lll'ltl‘~i,{lll'fl. w h' r( hy "Ii 0 mid (NLFA lwst- huyiugl hum prqptfirk i :lims «wind I uu”u-ulir.ntrt UHN HUSKY 1:1. m ‘ \ t f , nr ; ; Dlssolu-tx lilh‘lHl’r—Th tum-n .\‘un-llw I('~~. in I'LHI “1 (“I on the IltLt 1!. :n’-‘ I" 1' \HT ‘ - j~llngrhl hnhing 'lliri .\. “an din-ml: ..hx:.l’.},’ll.~a Union I z. ‘ * fi ; '1 mm“. (I on th I‘{ my bf 11w "”1 nl mlorminl! 1 i.» prL-p‘urcch ["uuizc him‘. w ,im- ch ”'ng ‘ .3:|li~f;l?‘tiull. ; . I'UIHYHH l.|h|“1'r~lllll’g nth .\luuutuiu i~ h'i- nll< um 'm'ruunuml l‘ ‘ Atln Int-st mm .\'o clTurv. “i lie [Hulk um and Imm-‘l-li '_ lur 1“;qu ‘5 111 iu‘nvim-d. Lgxgp nmh’ln ll‘ln” Hay Ra HI'HIILI'ZRv .\Y um] hIL\ I Luv NIH. nrun'h In ~01 l g implant-nl. [.\ ‘:.\KDF k ‘rsl-zrull“ l "1.0 fiul-l‘ ‘i nil) furl ilflc uni: II S .n‘ \\ ill 1 par“; find I! HmuL - hotogra ' .\' .\LI. IT mmxmn-zs. I he“ =h’loi knuv'n ins [I LHAXI‘I'S “A ALICIKY, .'L'i.’ .\ xiuhwlfhllld lphm. LlHi‘ h:1-n-|,Slrrcn 'upic I’ol Hait.‘ m-rrom) pug, 'l‘.’ fur ,C urn-x, fiiugakc. . [No i Remova .\Tf‘ . CIAH‘K IKI'II' ‘V 7.131 ‘1) IiLIIIJ-t rmmn Chmk .\luking Ednhlisllmonl tilnurli “In-9!, lwu Iluurs "“I Ziugh-r‘s .\‘bur , \vlnre he w roivv :1. contilfunm-e m‘ the ‘ public. Hy r use ullcmiun f‘ “qu, and uyu‘ orulc Cilllrgl'ml general mtifl: ‘lil u, an livid l Gettysburg, April 8, NH}. ‘ . , Gail at Sam} AYIXU ri-lurucd from II I I being p 0 nw‘hm neglei-_ ot‘b‘alnsuulbci g sick.) but u in at home In niu, n limit-r: L‘I.UTHI.\'G,, c.,luui been will he sulipl s heretofore PRICES. N. I? ('(irueruf Lh ‘GeliyaburgflAug. ~19, “mi. n: "-—~—‘~'-*+, * r , , =Revolver NEW lotto! REVOLV i A slyleaflelghracipg the l sins“): Sfinol‘rthwesl corne ‘ Haring punéimrel fut cush,‘ ‘ l‘c is prepnrtd‘ fin sell‘xm luw ‘ inf)! lni'cr ye‘ . 1 Drop fu and (:1 }ourspl\‘ei.l 1T) lroqlplc lo : ‘Jug 1,18“. , 5., a J ' dhange of T ETTYSBL’IU: mumm] Wednesul _v, May x 5, x Truin \'vill hzw‘liclt) ab'ui'g «I panseugcrs rMI the cunue i South, on the [Northern Cqm reiurn about 1 I’. M. The will [cure 'c t¥hurg at. 2 passcirgcrs l I ‘Truu'. can ;. Hunqver High me erening,| reach Getty p gnbout 6.15 I" go}: from I‘m: itbnrg, Philn i this «Hang L I percbns fr net:- the fin 0 file Rnilroad,| to lnnnct n d‘ri-uynbnrg, ca Trilin up an 11 'e nearly two 1 burg, and rein: in Ila‘c Aflcru E { RAH-CUR nay‘u, 18904; Jo W, Tip ASIIIONM LE BARBER, ner nf th 1 Diamond; (u- Lellin'a llo‘pel? Gettyxhurg. r. n at all tilfiei‘he found md 11 sinizsl in His inc. Helms . sfhnnce and \tiill ensure an Inna Ml]. I D ~ Buttert Eg ‘ HICKI-INS. Any! other mar Clyto be hnfi at A u 4 Aug. 26, £so}. _ _xsqu; gums. Em! and (‘np Parlor, just receiv 13X nm-nrvhm-c with “I" Art nr'tho Grim-n] .\...cmhly ufl’t-mfi/g huninhnm-rm‘vdthe Huh «I. v nf' Mu). ME]. in rcgzml In Ihc rulief ul \'l luntcc-rs nnd‘rhl‘i'r funnlmx. Ibo (‘mufly Cam. In i~il|ll('ri«“.ll*.le\lt'll :1 1m 9:! If. millw. whil II H. (mm mm for 11.1,- llréflvutymrmr!‘ rvquirwl In *ullm l. mutpu llw «Inmjmcr to [he l'nllmy Tr -:|-‘nrvr In ‘ix \\l'("\: frmn flu.- datu nr lhgir W mun-u, ‘ lgvnt‘rnl inhunuuion,rumour” of mid Jerk dp t-mlrtl: .« ‘J - SI-ciinn 17. 'l H! il 41m" he lawful for flu: per nulhmima 01‘ um— mnmh‘ within thin mnouui-uhf: In wax-s- n'ull h-\'\ a La for ”In nu-nl "r sm-h nmwnprinlm’m I'l3 may have n. ur may hermit" be. mmlc In; uld: nn rilivs for the r‘rli‘ef pjvulunxeérs. or Ibcir ilioa‘ ”thr-[lnwnfivll volunlm-rs aim" hnro u or may he rrm-in-d inlu Hu- mni‘ cm Unis «- or (he l'nitrd titan-a. in MN: [en-«mt n. \n’ of the rmlulry. l’ro\'idcd..'[lmt nut-h . ~le-nt plmllnnt in any um- yonrllwwll two mic-half mills ups" Un- dullur of [hit luxu prupcnywnl Mich coumy.‘ Provided. 'Hmt n.lll~< In rrhfl‘ure m gqth-11. nr "gout-)5 lml ml |r_\ ('nnnthnnm‘S nr “municipal nullm'rL are hen-h) \al'ulmrdfi’ , a i ' "DAMHL (:RISEI..\L\-.\', ‘ JAS. H. .\l.\‘|L\'H.\l.l., ‘ ‘ "\\'.\l.« 1’! ‘U.\lH)\'l-ZR, . , (‘nmniiuimn-ré of .\.huus volunfy, "41“.“. W\l.l:u,l‘lmk. ' '. ';11.".'. {Shh - I: ~ '- u Tm ‘ 11. In: run whnifi. ‘l5! Raman Ere Bxlsam, m: I,“eran mumps, t‘n)!.\lu'.\"t,\‘_ I'\LI.E.D .\‘HHI‘I EVER—'II:“ llulsnm mm! I'ur slim} .\mr: in [hr‘ prix‘gnlc ymu . m u c‘clclmnul.Uculwl‘unh the gnallvul xxm: U4l will heluim} by ‘ 'l‘tu- mtlv :lclfiwn “. lifugps yum! Worm “ «mu-1' “hr-s'o the Ey‘lhlk‘ :Iro in—flzuuml. w mu ..r um My mirkly’mw-ml mm mm: -Iq :nmuq Mu: mnm’v. unul I‘FIIILH'H ull up 'uuvliuf ialllummmiun 'xl'n-r fiul or lltrro 'u‘uiuna. Thfir“ i: :\ Mmlruiu |‘:‘\'( n' nu;- (hut m‘dpm-ulinrly mum-a In nomdv up i~l:uv’~'o~l [h 1‘ “madam and mflunn- lha- h: 01/ lug-1.1.11” ‘M‘n-uy [ll% 512"”. with u», 31inch lmu'u'a‘ ul’nl‘ullwr Qprrulhrs in mun}. \Hm, HIH' Halurv‘ul lln-ir rlnploynn-uli;.uummv‘ ul Inqutllx in n n-Inhnl of du‘l mnl gm”, ‘ 'ml'flw ulhmiw; (pldmn'o: 1 A' ‘ lll_\n_JuM‘ro.\‘.Ju_lu I. 1834. i ‘r~'. 23.11. MI). 541 mg: x \ ...||.-“n~lf.-\'uur “(mam I)“: ”Mum, “11? ch i melnu‘h‘hul 147‘ na- Inr In)’ ILIIIKIm-l" ‘ lme “Eu-«E1111 llm‘m like u ylmrm. "l’ I \\ In}: I) Inna 1111' \0 \h-ml unintln‘ I‘M-on \vrv [h _~\\'n|h*nll‘llvl iuflJinn-«I. .xm-r :l tum: “N‘L' .F the thuu. “rye pgltunh rlll'wl um .IS mm: V'onra (Huh: \L ’HHJ'IY. , mum 3:; (1251‘s l'l-ZR .I_\n~. ' 7?- vn-1...mx by .\. i:. .\y u S.\.\'h:\'.“|)rn;: I. Illlrrulllm SI , Mir. I:F\\’ll|i:|nl.:.\.'. Y. rdzllc In’ .\. l). 131 “MM, “0"} flung. l’u. 13.12..1>1;1‘; 'lm i ~ _ ' . .'1 ’ ‘ ‘ .- | ' Prof. Chas.;D3 Grath’s ' 0 UZI vhhh-llhirinc. ? nu-rc‘r'in ‘un‘flnlN-I Xurllu-fil “His n in liml lli.nl .\3— ml‘ Tutu .'IIHIZINF.” hm‘v rm'utl'il‘ u-ml 11' ml) g‘L-wkuuu n REMEDY; ! , . , ll.“ 1‘ I“; .\ £ nus, ‘ J um ‘ll-} iron I,“ H ; \.u‘ 10 mun.‘ c 1525 (7‘lch -.\':unc:n'ld Signa .. mull tlu- purn' nil l'_lhi~ Warm Tm, & cod , r: 'r n n 9 ;~ . .l-lI‘THH‘ m [l..—7')” mm: L,- m" -'—.Thia in :\ pr-rt'm'lly iu'pm l-m, ~unwitting“ um]! ‘v N’imulxning .\lmlirinu. ‘ l NESI 1 OltK Ii :thl ‘ny one .\guy! hug-134:, , ..bnrg l hmngl'n. nu’t by ur‘pl-m >l»lil‘ilxl£i()l|ewflll‘l mm] mm o raw-s o!y“|l|7l'\h\'l"."lf.DEAF-x ' " (NWT. NICI‘ILUMI \. l.l'\[|!.\,(lu.,.~H‘l l‘.\V .\"piuul mud Hrrlm hin' mlnplmiu~, '1 iv run. llmdm-ln-V Thur». l'loulu. 1";1‘.“ IH, Slfinimlnm’l “Hymn“ ('ululml \\'mng|l.¢,_ lml . (Hamil ‘l‘ng {Em-l 4. Sure .\‘ipplp‘l I'm! lhu-zl~l,l\)’nmlr Diwrulvr-fi SI-Ft "Mum ‘n-r in .‘lmuh nnvlj Slump-11. lfulpiluliun, 'linn:, (‘nkqfl Brmul, Quin-Y). Surr 'l‘rlrmll. In [‘h-nriqfl’h {-rn ’Lm'lenu, I|:an Hum, Ih :md I'I:u-_fn:rlw. Nc‘éxnulnn-h. l'nsliu'm-ss. lE.—L(}UI'I‘E ul :nl. - u! Snruh .\lhvrl: hip. .\.h’uu; mun utgul In the ”nth-r -mvnduip. lw lu-rv . indented 1}) mid ”mom. and lube m- In I’m-syn! them "lI'HII llt. ‘. IJH'IR'I‘. Jill/fr. S“ [- (‘an lil'u l'nl Tm; l’mr ; Slifi' .Ibhlfljfi Sqnfl'ul.” Sun- .:l!llls“|-I' u; inl'nntr" (Mu, Plum .l” nnd L'\|'l'\ ull‘ur ’llll‘. ‘ r _ :" I! will I." \(“l‘ll ti"; gnu]! l'chLvdy 110 M Luinrgn ("um t-u-ruthiug. hut. dub fl~('hl:-‘ ‘l.\ss u! cumphvinlgt. m: (Jil :icld bu llu- mwlem “ilh «Mark ity, run: \cgc-Luhlt pn-flzu'ntinh, Iml Hm Jight auger uanpl) ingii‘ nukwm-Hypr human]: ul lIHL'l' gin-,5 u pv-r‘an’auvn! auro. in most, rt‘rnln 1 n to tu‘muy}minnlw. ” ‘ u.- ho‘t Jh_v:iul(:;;i.~l§s of L‘nymc lune din u-d [hut :11l Hummiy lh-rnngt-nu-rlat il‘l Um m] Syn?!” i: the (first "Fun tihrzlrurliun sc l‘hpicu-Ifih-l'lm fluid in NW nrgan disc‘ J—n =wmn :xmulirzézum (If llr'H nil [mu in_ Minu- luufiun Hu- néru'A Unix}. and "In I'JIL‘L‘ R (mm: :>(‘¢nlnpli~l:n-11. .\u high-fling, "no; ling. pnxgifig, Hr lpl'iplvriug is reelu'tcflu.’ Mum; uLsmuxzouc Nuns. .. 0 will 1m gin-n. it um 01‘ thu‘fiflfoving ndxrnmml he “mill. 1 . ; . ~ )0 W 1110) MT nut. of the higiwefivrrupocm. ' in the uh)? «I i’lyilmlvlplvin mu] \ix-iuity, runmthm—fl“. llufl)’. .H‘tgu Ilu'lwl‘ of Lu nml 'l‘“.th ’41.. l'llilarlrlphizl ‘ ‘ rumntisin—LHH'.“'.Ulnuclulrdfiflfl film ('nlh llilmlolyl in}. l‘ ‘ (‘llllliHii‘ln-v—‘ngln Clinlmf‘fl) N. Ninth Stu,— «It-11min. } j \ . cunmti'nu ‘Dm‘id Sin-inch, No, l Lyhurn I, I'll]! Uh‘lflliflu , 'F - “ _ hinéql “'li,L(—-\\’.‘l“'rmnklhl, NIH. High”: :4! . llilmh-lphin‘r ‘ 1 - lfi uu—W. Kim-adv. ‘H Eighth st“ Philml'm s 1 aimed “'r'u‘E—John mm, 406 .\ml .1., Phil delplfm. ~ V ‘ U lflr—JflluCS Logan. 2 (:mrgn s'!” Philn. A $1 ”nigh—hr. Wood. \\’um!',~ .\luu-um. “ ~ _ , In. .‘unma‘lur; hulfli—U, W. Hgnnpln'lj, Fifth and "Mutual” Hum-In I'IIiIJ. . ’ TIL-._lJ-UL-r-I ,o‘f: Wifiltl' bl' I’M/m . nuudxip.‘ .\llfl-IN'X -u -;:r.lnted In tlgu’ :lIHH' In'“ whip.‘ pvrflnm ignit-l'ncnl : :tl-ll.|\mvul,nml o I.lm}- m [art-pun. I)T..~|'HII'IIN‘IIL~ ; -a \'EHS, .11/m'r pnftnnmhip (“<- x, Stern. in flu in. .\ddllh‘ (zulllgo Jum- l‘:I~t. - .\l. STERN. j.- u ' \ mu = I per l',fl|e"|'lfinn hm uxulfikv. nrnrllw ul\(~_ thixrlm'lhml llu- i‘n’uhlh Ilm In: all .nho limy [m rr, mud .n much-r -lm ~lmrcnl'ln gin: gar “ill In‘ found EMS Ilt‘Vl'l'lrliullflfll' 1h- .ml; ;ll~kd a" P’ lv'lfil.‘ Jam. i ue on hand 1m“! .\' ".\KICSL “hirh ‘- Air; i< :1 hm- upcl u \'nlnnlflr Int-"r in” and ‘luuk' n! m ”mum..." _ju‘rs. H:nm|t_ Sullun. 332 Sun“; Big! In ~t..l’lul.~nlrlphiu. _‘ ,V ‘27, luuL- 1r ’ lllJlumnliqn—fl'. Slrmm, FINA-fish; tglnm‘o High In. I'ililn. v ’ I S] linmlnvinl‘le, Mir) Ellljll’jN'an‘lll. of Elbow Jniu -——Julnlhru|ncn .117 \lurkd flirt-fl. , . lzr plinmiiu [lr-Ml "ml Suulh-n Nvu'k of n lillh I’IHIU, mflyiune jour OM. ESL-'l'hiuluuth alrm- . A’ w-ry rhunrk'nbl‘o our. ‘ ,Bu rm-nl 111-ml M sun. and .SuOlh-n Broad of wife nl'l’. I‘LDHVIS. Ki 11... NungrvalSuru'. l'p. I vxu-Iztc‘lL in thé‘ e ’5”. 'll.‘ (1 u. chvß‘H'ueLE ~14: of ISIZI-f in 0H and .\nrhrut) {ea In. lelulliA-ngr Hm, I. n, ma ly bipelJ- and Rh: llmfilflhlllA—H. 'l'rm-, Helix, l‘fl-nnsgmin Ilvulvr. -um:llism—~.\lr: \Sliflgnnn. nwndmnl tailor, ‘ . Dvl.,mul Iminigr-imd 'nllwr‘YllmL may m and talked nilthy up) "no, 1 “ iir Port 111 N. (.7 I‘ll‘ F |umßn _‘Lm'ls ml'hii “Tulch k l to _.‘Wm‘h Hul th 'o‘ [humor 32 ll be glzlfl m rv. [n.llruungq u! the ) hluinl'ir, yum! In: hupcslto ghe .Xure. ; ld-M :vll Druggx-Lf. Lin-inn 2178. Eighth hulaulclphin. [Amp .23, lh'u'lr 3m l Fme Llquor3..- . G. (‘AIHI ha 1 nddml In My, “merry and Q‘vliun Shufi‘ a ‘tlt-pafitumnlforl the sale I’ nmralfifi‘d’flmving lunl in .'lJJ’l'gr mud lino I'Ill('n1’:ll'(‘ iu\ilc-‘ Hu- unmuiun n" lmvdrn to. l' Nllhnlct's KHAN“) EH, ,“ INKS, i, “:IHSKIHS, ML, (If «hfl'm-ut kllulr/lI—IIII‘ i, s’mm- nnmug the lintqu ‘lm lnid in Um | .\3 his mum: is, ”quirk .\.;er nlulmnnllr s,” 119 will Bell cheap. \rr3 clump. fur the I To be cmn‘im'c _I, it in unl) ut‘ccslnry lo vim your pmru‘mlge. ‘ ‘_ l3sburg,Jln|y 1., law!“ \ A < . e - - ~ } New Sprmg Goods! ‘— “K 151? hnn‘nn hum] n. new lot of Spring ' UVEIIC-UATS n 1 war Irricn, I ‘ , UVEIWUATS at: war prices, ‘ ‘G DRESHCOATS, , gums runs, : 1‘ .SI’IHSG PASTALUOXS. ’ P.\.\"l' \LUUNS nl luinic prices, - SPRING \'HSTS, ‘ . So 59.,1 en , ’" " ram. on 8. ? 1m" (- war. (dit- =tm€k GIN. ; '«I l'in ruéhj‘mlllc-iivn pri’t'c ‘ .\. “('[LIfJXCI-HL j lrlli‘e le uunrh‘ncnt of‘pmfl UTI'JHIIII, “Jm-‘h ‘(':lsh. { qt the '3:NlH’l‘:gi’\'c i Diamlund‘, ; Uc I. r i ‘ ‘ I “S, p! differ“!!! ‘ P um. received M" . or the anwmd. is”! It the heel ram-5] ‘ the lumen—4fi amino filmin 'fur' or gudi. ' . l 4.’ \’HSTS. \' HSTSJ’ESTS, Shigu.’ Drawers, Starkingsfiovkfifilorem Muslcnl lxmruuwuls. Afimnlmas, Elmés, Nulionu,.&c., kn, kri, being will very . . Call in n’nd look and _mu can't help g.‘ ‘ [M33 a}, ”of. f - 'L'nd m 9. ‘ . '.‘lsu )..7—(ln and after “'O5 HI, the glowing .C'.""‘. mu AER!" with bu." imu. .\m’thnu'd ' " Alexander Frazer, . (‘K AXI) WATCH-MAKER, Imp rpmm‘ed In shop to South Ilikinnoru street, a I'er mum of‘tlm (Tonrt “lune. when he will 9 be happy to .menu} to tho «all: oi: hit nets. "2 is thnnkful [or past lumn, and to receiyo the x-onlimu-d mutmu of the -. ‘ [(Muygtyurg, .\pril a, 1861. . quur, Grocanez, BL3. nl lfiuilwaywnd‘ , | noel-4100a Train 0' lb. I'. NJ but u no fnrghcrllgun ‘dtmr. ’ Beulrliing will ulwul I 3L, with puisen. custo tlphinlkc. By bnlw‘ m the country, publi [having .bilsi-maL f 11 . take the noon \V’Ecdnstnmly n 6 Imnd. l-‘LUL’R, (‘nrn ;. .1 Burkwhrnt .\llc.\l.s.‘llmnumny, Soup ‘ Dried Fruit, and l'ickvls; SUUAIKS, ELI-15,1 Tens, flyrnp‘, Sal). .\ld‘luuacs, (nu-w a! :5“ cents per gnllonh the [cry best kind king) l-ingrish, Chen-se, mu! every other’ i usuu‘lly kept. in I» Flqu uud Grout-t, ; Give me u call. “)1. fiILLESI’IE. _, gysburg Dec. 31- 1860 9m" ,_ 'H 9 hm" CUF , n .CWP. rOll, ' for b 'urthqnst cor- uticl -xt door to Mc-‘Swre‘ '15., where hev G 4 to “tend to nll'{ " ~ _5O excellent "-6 uur iu aett)s. um Trim". 1 Y, l‘ruhhfng. . The Bodugger, : 1 wonderful uliclu, just patent“. in omeflxiug entirely new. and never hefore to agonts, why. are ,wnuled everywhern articular; "113‘er Address . SliiW't'CllAllK, Biddelord, Maine. elm, 13m. 17 “ -, - ...; ,USG Meb'a Spring “gigs a! [has spit”: "pl 20 petmnulugfér plus new! ”My ' i" n. F. gclénmrm-u. . izfngiou. (live I PM. 3, 1360, 1‘ i ‘ ’ ' W" ‘0 en .’- ‘. . ‘zruu eung, mnm-nt- » g u. cums. sf‘ In .‘4 * . 4‘7 ' I. Nelle; Letter” duLSCLIIkaS. nu Belief Tim ls di~s'n\’cflul hv lf‘rm. (‘|l.\S. DH (3“ .\T”. unwilling ‘IH bfumh' Ann-ridH—lnluly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers