013:3 a ‘Mggflmtifiemmtfi. II ."l~ 1"!“ W CM‘VWfiC . . PPHUfl§S¥UL§A2 $41.14 an ._‘—‘3‘ :”‘_~--————-‘--——fl'*‘ ' \. , : Edward 8..- Buchler, ’ - Wang“ AT LAW, will mmmnu- and 1A prom-u,- tnend lu nllbmincne‘uxrusted ‘3O lum. fie Ipc‘lkl’ lllg ,U-ormnn l:3.xj,_vu:u,ve.—— u che um". «urge phi-c, X’n ‘Suulli‘lsuhmmre ‘slFeeL, {lbitfiOl‘HQ a drug sturc, and newly \ ”Paw“ Unnnork Ziogfr-r‘s store.‘ A; lettysburg. Much 20. .1 , ‘ D, McConaughy, ' TTORXICYAT LAW,(ulfi<-e (we door west . M Buehler's drug and book toro,(lhnm erflwm strut-I.) Armani: nus 14cm”; 70: “plus no Puixo‘u.‘ jflaunly Land War ;lu'm, [finckfpny gqapondod Um I, and all why 4W5 Jpgniny un- Governm m M Wash ug'qn. o.;nlnoAmenicnnUlnim in England. 1! \Vnfiunulncnted mu! soldlo bougbl,and 'ighen uriw: giveq, Agents cnglged in lo .cuing warming in 1017.1, [Hindi and other wg-tern States. WAN)” to hi person“, kr‘hyile‘uq. ‘ v 5 i js-iflfgv “s'“ “F 'i?-__ ' ‘ ‘ ‘J: J. Harrow} _ . TTORVHY AND COUNSELLO‘ ~Ullive on Baltimore «tn-ct, git! Enll'ncstqék quflpeu' Slure‘ "Oédjmurg, out. 1, woo. tf J. C.‘Neely, i ~y TTOI‘aVEY AT LAW, will nttehd [o'cnllac tj‘ons‘ and MI other business intrusu‘d m . .53. fagg’gxiclg “rmuptneds. (mice 131" the S. H. urt‘xel: W the Diumund, [fonncrlUL-bupicd by 'IIIKB. McClellan. P 1341.) ‘/ . Geltggshurg, .\pril 11.1859. ‘1! .r ; Wm. B. Maelen _T’TORXEY .\T L.\ W.-——Ufiiu ~dle street, 09!: dour‘ we.“ your! House. ' goltysburg. Nov. 14, 1859‘ T Win. A. Duitca whim m" ‘A’l‘. LS \v:._um.-c ’A wcutcurmn'ut'(}mm'c qun‘t ’3‘. V ' , ‘ [pt-1.1;? A. J. dover, TTURVHY .\_T [.l \_V. Will pm! A to (:.,1,.Z..u..m “mI—AH tithm" I» {when} tux-lg'un. (mm- ht-m‘m-u 1“ and ".\nmz'rk lit-”'10:“: SUH'CE. Bulti gettyxburg. Pg? I [Sep , J. Lawl'ence Hl2ll, V - .\5 hil piliro um: S I I «Pom: writ n! the “ . Lwhe‘rmn‘ Elma I; .i_n N 4 plun‘nlmtghurg “Incl. Andi (rm-mil pmra. when: Nun ~ wishing to han I(hylerntifim w~rlur|lu-\l.~nr(‘ n-qu," Uni fall. R‘m‘nmem: Dr» Hefner, Krinth, l). I) , Ih-v. H. L. H unzlwr, MEE prof. IM. Jncolnpl’lful. \I. L. Stum‘c ' ) Gijtlyshurg. .\pr 11, ’5l. , ‘ Adams County , UTCAL FHH‘ZIXSHII\XUH‘N' M [ugoi‘purafl-ul .\IAHIh Id, 185‘ . ~ ‘ ”MINI-211.. {N‘quzleGuouc S“ 01m. 'in: I'rz-mlml—S. H. Russell. _ kr‘l‘ftflllfl—l): A, Huchk-r. : , Trnmlu-ILr—llu'i-X .\l'l‘reufy. L'vrufiwawn/fill»?thort .\[L'C‘ Eiurz. .\u'dfvw llaintzolmnn. . ‘ Allan-lyFH—(h-m'gv Swept“, I). A. ”mum-2 us‘ gob Kiuz,'.\-. lluEul/Jlul m, 11. \l'(‘ lrdy. 'l‘hns . a. Armin I. s. I’lil'uvatm-k. wm. B .\l. emu.“ -~ ,Wm. B. \VxLlm‘ \L liiu‘n-HH-rgur. .\Hdicl T“.Gi't \‘ J'ohn \lel'w-L ”[5. l'iu'kirm, .\lw! T. \Vrizllt' John ll‘qriu-r. 11, (1. \[ ‘Urcnrv. 8 Il,‘ Rune”. D , < M’Crenry, A l lrcx l’dllvy, Jonu I‘l’i‘ykiug, J 2 ll '- Hersh; - ‘ ' WNW! Cmmvmv ‘H li'nitml hi iii npvm ej-lbns to the v numy pf .\4l nna. him-1 ‘hccn in . successful (”wrumwfor mare tlnu') six your-z, , and in (I: H. pL-x‘imf lm; pxirl .111 lasso: and oxl ' Ewan-s, IL'II/m'l" (my dawn/urn], [nwing Illifl a Llrgt‘ ‘l‘itlllll’lfl‘ mph. l] in the 'l‘rumarFy'. 'I‘II Cmn fi't'fly cmgluy“ 1'1) truth—vl”_huk‘lm: _hclnx done by the \I nil-[cwy who are :mnu'luyj elect ed by tho Slm-k‘mlnh‘re. Any ln~r.~m{dcsiriu,_r _ nd'rnur‘lucr run zqrply lu‘ uny of lheubovo ‘ ‘ lunged 331 ml CNN for further inturm Iliou. ’. ' BEE" Ic Evm-utiv: CnLuvnineu :,x.~c's at the ' yfficéfof'mo Cu mum on the Lt“ Wednesday , , ‘in cvory'muulh, u: 2, P. .\I. _ x SPEL'Z'L. L 453. . 4--.’ " ' z N . - mm at Work! ~ ~ PM 2:: 11:); '~, ).\CH\L\KL\’(‘l AND BLACKSRHTHIXG ' Ilclmruumzs -. C —-Tho unlu—ignv-I respectfully jnf‘orms foreign new»: Jzi'sé‘ricnds null [he pulglic flint he continues hint:- - H hyfienclnnnkin‘; and HI \(wksnlitlnilrg business 11m: ‘ in every brunch M‘his cslnblislunemvin(2lmm- inh-Him-nvc, bershurgslrce'. llc hue on hunt! and “'“Hdcnh' in 'ull a marugl-wtnro to «mu-mu kinds nfCARRIAGI‘IS. I cuuutrici, 1h ‘ BUGGIES, SIrEIGHS, Sprima,r \Yngnns, kc.‘ of . pvrmins (0 “ flimbest'muorial; “ml mndc'by superlm‘work-i 'l‘u rompuu .Luen. gfi‘lpmumxa uni! fincmnrlnxa ofi 20 cop-W3. U“ ~éh'kinds dom- nl rcnsorm‘flr r4lB. p oxnptlyl 1.; mph-«.... ._ nM 10 the sutiifndion of customers. - 3 3 l-Ulfiug‘“... < CoUNTnYTl’nobrcn [alien in exchange for' 4 copies...“ :fiork nt Ilmflieg pr‘u-es. ‘ - ‘~ 3 ropirs..." Wl’ersmus desiring arm-It's er,Work In file‘l L'nflcr 3 cup; pgnghlpaking or Bhwksmithing lune, are re-1 The p 11,”, \ fiver-“U"! imljcd £9lm” on ' 1 persons at (ht . - r '. JOHN -L. HOLTZWORIIfl. .UN in the m. 'Geuysbnrtz. J’m' 23“]59' ' ». iwhixlr will In ' . Hardware 8} Grocery i"'.§'\'.fl:::~:.mdl L TORE-—l‘l‘°s"“‘*”i-‘.""55‘i1ll"““‘ “Wilma” "j‘llMilv Jrru‘rnn olifiuulnwrce. ' firniiiortmcmol'H.\RD‘YAfiEkClUH‘E‘R'ES. ‘ “a“. Juuinr . n. \ ... , t. their old establish K-d slnnd in Bultimcn ‘ H‘wd CUM” 1F": n. to "mgr“ Stl’e L ’ L ‘ ‘ - " lAI LU ‘K. HALE k 9 $1139} hzn'c jut! returned. from the Cities with ‘ . l 1 . Editors :1 , a lihmense‘ stock of Gnods—consisting, in f9l Wu" “if“? New York. ’ art, of , " , ___-.- A ~ .‘47. v-» W 7 ',. «3 EDEN-VG nny-mum, .surh as mm: Tilining‘! 'l'in 'y . ‘Br e\v«.!!lnq§s, R-nltsu‘hncks, Glnas, etc... ctr. ,' [YE umlvi'signcd WSW“ TOOLS, mrluflmg l'.W)oh of mery dc— [‘ci'ir-m Fqgtlvalmw nu sciipvinn, him-4. l’lnnesrphisels‘,(lnugl‘s, "rm-v 9 cmllr “5.1:“: Inns 0'1"“ Ms); firgmts' Angers, Squi‘wsl ‘S’Mgfil ”munch":tzlhh'sinnent. n (.‘lmm-b‘crspu e ec. A . - r . -- ‘ . . ‘ . . . ‘ KLACKSRUTII‘S w'fi mu Anvils, Twas, f 33301:? “3;: Raff]; ‘l:ij Rgsp‘s, T‘ilus, Horse-91mg, Horse-slide x““suvtl§;_w.lum 1111-‘SSFD nnd . etc: with thermrory rhea .g ’ - f" . ‘ .‘ ' = cumu FINDINGS. $3321,th mom, cunyne,h“;!(;3ll.sl{3}s”f:lhfi'su‘fif" ‘, {i-iignsk’, Fringes, :Gottmu .\lnst: Oil-vlotlnhw“t 1n uu'w; lira.“ [mull-1' !’p;mg:T Ar’dei’t ”Obtg’ Spokes, Fellloc‘i BOWL" ‘ spnrod‘lfl 111.1 In“ full Sinisfnc o 03y“ In w e c.,0 c. ‘ ... - . ~‘l sum-1 FINDINGS -—T:lmpico, Brush mm 2 “'8 I'ubh» a v tron-lee 13 Sign - Frcnuh'llnro‘cro,Linings Bindings’. Prga, Lasts, . H a ‘ ._ {Motfirekisfi end, with afgeucrnl §§SO)‘lnlfllt ot‘ (‘CFWTL- Jflnflfiy‘lsc‘l’ 5 .‘h emu 'cr's Tuuls. ' . ' 3 a ‘ " : (‘l)AleH‘l‘AlAkl-IR‘S TOOLS—a genrrul “J C ,I'P‘lg" of, ‘. . aortmmt: also. Vurnish.;Knobs, (46., etc. a 1 GET)": N; ,(x RAILIJ) ’ nousnxnmwms will also find h large asqi. . \Sydm-s n 55; M": 10, I. , snrtment ofKnivm and Forks, Brimmlia, .\l'm‘ta xT’m“ “"u h'“ ‘s‘ “”9"“? Kym! Silver [H.ued Tnfilen‘ul Ten'Sponns, Can- ' Q‘P-‘s‘fl'fs'9rs fol "’l‘ the “WE" I AUleslicks, \V:titers,"Shbrcls nnrl' llrongs, Sul- Immllg, {“1 1" ho’rthsru‘L‘L-I ..ironi, EnamoLed and Brims Koflles,.’l’zlns, Tubs, E ”PM“ “Pm": 1‘ I ‘ :‘l' '1" ,‘ Bu‘ck‘gts, Uhurm. Garpeting. 010.. edc. , .‘"“ ‘93:“? ('7 L'thz‘ME at , '“ Igigqfi n :n-ncml- assortment of Forgot! and Ilm-‘St'nfif‘m h)‘ "3 “.‘"“ c'm ; ‘ '3ode IRUmenllxiz‘cs’gnd kinds. Cashshcar, I ”WW? “j“ Am: “2""; - and Blister Sxeel,‘ which they win genus cheap . rem-b "919*!" rjn'f‘ ’o‘" 13'? ‘' as therhehpml. ‘ ‘,_‘ 2 ~ , tlgr‘rs .frum ll.rtxaburg, In : GROUERlES—nfull‘and genera‘ assortment, “‘3 “”“f‘Fe‘” “ ”"55““, such as Gr‘uahed, Pulqerized, Cla‘lrified, nnd'mmr the l”‘?lfl"‘he_mm“9‘ vgl‘ggu Sagas, Ncwggrlczms, West. Indies, and I‘o ‘f‘MA‘Mt ‘ ffn-‘fh'r'g; “ A!" lgnr-hnuae 316135.: 3 and Syrups, Com-(AATmm “P ““d h "3 mi") “4 , Spires, Clxuéolntmfiue, coarsefand.“ (laid Suit, I burgrnnrl ”Mfr m high; ~ _ Linseed, Eish s’nd spam on, Turpentine, - 1‘ t .Fish. etc. _' ‘ _ . * ‘ ”A mn assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and (._‘ in (2“, also Enn-‘prpof Paints; in fact, almost " A'si'cr'y article in the Hardware, Cum-h Finding, IShots Kin-ling,‘ Hunse~Keoping,- Blacks‘mifll, _ ‘ Cabinet-makers, l’ninmrs, and Grocery line—— all—ol' which they are determined to srll 3310 i futupsl} as myrhouse out. 0f the City. ' - “" . ‘ -‘ mar. B. DANNBR, ' ' , DAVID ZIEGLER- Getzjnburg, Dec. 24, 1360. n Second Arrivgi '- 1.1 m: {TALL—Lama aim; in. Em!— J. CQBS t BRO. Have just received their a.“ purghue of Full and Winter Gnods, Ewing shay omn- cheaper than ever, having ‘ . ugh: ulf mos}. fuvomb‘le rates. They ask e pub call in and see their huge “sun. ‘ 'mecf, cdnvinccd thnt every taste cm: be gnti. fed. frheir CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,‘ VEST ‘ d3,§:minets, Bows, ‘Jeans, Jun, cannot be xc‘ofie for van-icy, and than the low prices at. ‘w'hich they fie ojeted are renily utofliahing. Good! made up al- the than-test. notice, in the : “a“ “)4“, and 9!. as teaspunbla hugs as am e “pegged, Thexr‘esublmhmentis in Cham ~ "hurt stree‘t, a [few doara below Bnehler’: rug 3‘9“.” ‘ [00.“ ”I! 1860: , _ ~\.__.‘__a~_*.-_._ ‘ Anngsl Dggs‘s 'l'RlllfléGs, id 2"?!“ Wl .'in 4 , Swazi-s; . ¢ ‘ IAL-RFILLD .- . ~ :- [Grunt " ' EL‘Xln PRDPYLAMINg . 1 still injthe Umon! ‘ ‘xrllßu lubfiribea‘fiill antiuuus punimaing -«¢-... . w , y . . . ‘ , "’5 IDEHART tSIu‘LLIVAN 3,“. lemv to In!” . n kmdaofl ‘ 01)! l 13,"? 1113}:le sinn‘dm; gafifixfi.“ MRS X§V » " R the nttufliuu ofllwirineuds and lei' pulp Hu'nmbcraht‘xrg FEW“: “3 s*‘3‘ L9l “I “ f”~‘\T: i .‘“ . “ hu‘fivnvm‘J)’ to the 't that the-y hmcjun :3 “) E: CU!“- ”-\ rB. shhnsx bk}; "0' Wkl'ih “‘9 ~ 5 . ‘ ”‘$ ‘ ‘turnL‘ from the gitk-u r I'bll‘ldelllhil .md» L’E"“”“§"‘“‘ Nil”? {”11 bf‘ HIWP- ‘, . - ‘ ‘. _ N ‘ ”2.l%:Altjlhorivlwith‘u :x':t;xv:(.\’r)_wl.x-:.\mu .\s- vflßfiL‘gfi mmnimx'JlsiiykGflfULEM anlvi ['l'l‘(' t 1 . 1.. . . have introduced‘huqx .\H‘AT Ur (.I?u[)n, cheaper than ml},- . t .5, 'nm m..: . up‘coquahty D ... J u [m.- 'u u“c , A I befuu 031,er in ”“5 county. on llztnthl-oscne ‘, halt, 01!, FIgJIKLedAg-wure‘, to the notice or the Amyt-d‘h .11 profession flying bought in it few}, for (quh, at panic .1375 (“303“, Lu'nfefuuns, I’hfltcrfibynno, kc?— [ A .~ > _ I 0,1 .11 " trues, and Mn ling wan lhedechuc in mmny “W [1:1le “0.1""le 19 C 3 '33.} “lfldewfllnb ofths cogmtrfv the Iw! Crysfllfh'l 't a" ‘’7 kin aof fnbricé is u precedent“, they are op- ed to sell 85011031183 the u 9"”?"_‘ I'mprfl/immr, us A» [(1:31 EDY EUR RIIEK'MA-"KN to otl'er such AIIUAIXS ttnwfll Miami-l 1 -‘ ‘ , , 1 J 02!) SCQTT' ‘ ‘ ‘_, ‘. ' : ' the must cre‘luluya If our .’ueudu mll Inn. . GEtlfßburg, Aug. 6, 1860!.” ; ‘ I‘Ibll; andhaung rf-coned fron+ many’sources, : can “d examine 0' r sunk, “hid; in compietei _"I , , I. 4 $ 3}" both from phy‘ylcinhs uf the hikhut ”finding ‘- in . wryrdc-parlmcuit, “21‘: are fun: we (an: o_lEer , , “Ho'fvprd ASS I“ mam, pie nusrigufizmxoj nuns a; 11's «my VALUE :9) an: of (hag-painful In?! obstikmtc dis- F ium-feet: to preseqth to (he [)jgblic‘: jumpy; For: Jusilrzuxna yam, Papa wikl'cummmdl‘itnlf 'to those who are sutTL-ring wifih this nfllin ing complaint, and from pt TESTumN the lrchtm cue, we'nr in a form which we and to the di;pozied tul amedy ‘ELIXIR ‘ A 1: [in . ’eztrly'opp - l spoken of; perimented PIT.\L,-un appear fro medical jo Wit'isi diam mu, “(1 lnin‘qgl fromK bottle, and I Went .\lifl} l‘ the new Dru-trial] Jul). 1, l- TAKE I “nil l h. .‘lvvlplzia a l [irimng ,‘III ch;e’.\'orm ;l't:‘l\'§|)ln‘g, min. 11‘ _ ‘7. suxw 1" “in :4: pthfintti‘nd lr‘lllLW‘i cn- Jun-\lut’ks' nnrt- effect, 5. VHS. $ I menu" 'ln flu-I mnr a‘lerL of Dr) FUI atal I'iang'! an) lion”! 3' invm-d m llh'. ('. l'. I). D., “on'. t I IHl\l'7l3('|H mamas, (: \‘CI'ZJ R‘. 1|: “.\VDKT'HH Mans. .\L .: \ 1 ril22 MI: I ‘ N in;:. .\l ‘hnuré' ridu Illlcutt'd Hm] Nan-s. |l< ‘ tir-t are unq Imuwi. uhh pl‘réuns‘. :ire nr Svu‘purt. nfl'nrrlmz a n phi-1r utillm "Oak. Tim I from I'Lilu the “halo ll- Trmm “on huuc \ uw‘sl .\l. mu] 4 P. and 4 45' 1 S 1 Im. \l PAN):— J mill er, Ja- - .\HKlhth m-l mlnzr 1:.) Jul) I‘. Iril JOJ'RN H .KVEHT‘mg .\‘u. m- (“m fiit‘llXL of ll: prim-5 tur t [he mus so n .nut .1 n gt! May _27, 1813 Hanov Bram: (“WEB .RRANGE“ S Trains ruu us'follows: ‘ rmsr 'll:.ka leaves mxking direct i Harrisburg, Ph SECOSD Tl! with Passenger minim. I Through Ticl ColumbiJ. Hal lelmnore, nndl line or thexon ‘ Juhe 10, 186 . ew Go ! : . AIINESTU K worn as have jnpg-u-‘fie F cuivcd an are nbw o niug s'chgnp and mt-m desimhlc ussbttq'ueut of priug (3.60 s, to perm which the ntfcmiou ofbu'zy rs is resp fully 54M invited. Theirlsmck comma” all we ates: w”? and most uppr \‘ed styles :1 patterns ol'iDress 8100] Goods, togethe: with their dsnal assorlmfpnt of ,that! Staplé Domestic Goods, such as mnuot nil tor ~ pZeuse allAwho may ium: ‘ em with their pal Ju uouiugg. Cull gully and la! ct from thfirhuge —— and vuricd us'sq‘xfmeut. , , maxssmccx BROT‘EERS. A Am! L, 13014 -, 4 t .v ~ ' : ‘l‘” , § 1 \‘ f I ncdhnl {practi'tiquu‘ fi'hq m‘uy feel ten. thb powers 0 this vulflnblé ‘ i ‘: nom'umxmn— e torte &bore =ME ms recdnuy been nxm (in. in we I’VEYXSY kimh .\mRKED $1: JCESS (a ‘ me published! Inuit)? ’ ‘ cqqnli in mly fdri nd Cm b; l 75 cent {cnrc'fulll' pm. up n 11m.- full Fun-mom, K all thé drnggist‘s Wavlnllimlé of: énrm. ‘K I: 94:11: L 1 .u.:l.\l.;uuflmtur‘inh #l. . 131' .. ‘_) SHAW, (‘hcmfiqz hiludglph } . Public Noti ‘ nis I‘nc‘fluui tn inf \‘r‘ rot-"fun! frnm U INF” .‘”I‘HI‘K 0"“ “he Minx-11 Ish [vs nn:.s'“nl:l-.'.\'.~' (I 1 I:rm tho [‘l‘ 0 ("i'\' of l’ I mguus, ! )1 } [ml/313‘ l may: (‘LDTIIS umwzss .- uhsmnn } nun-:1; “ ‘ ‘ mm )NS‘ * .\NIHVI'I“ flur- MLHrnném of .H‘lHY".\\'Dl’\.\' Chin: lflml i-c' u~'u. JIM Hum-v limnk THE= GENTLE) Iplrlo a Hm'k n! V ums {.fl'rrum- NJ] :35 ‘(HJ'IVEJ‘ [HUI-‘s}: Mini: 1‘ ~' “n: (We! ln'luifll an. 1 J p' SD.\'Ps y fuuhd‘ m 5 ¥ (imam .1-‘nn .11: .\"l‘Ut ER! HR, SL’S 110 “(401 IL. st'lllt Se Bathin “anlclmqug luulic ('II}. N. J., Hum Cl‘luhdclphi: n nny orhor [ll-u Imllgl g, sailing :lu 11m»: 4.). ll: huh-l \l') \\ ll ‘flmmulumlz I!“ \H II Lop! as th ’ in Hmu'h i< ”jut: :tLrnil mnl -Iriu‘. ‘ 'l" m: i. rcnlmrL'al mk xqrc rnrl ii-ul t“ I'll‘mj: and 111 [r] firth mm mm]. l'um Im] and .\l ‘L't-l \ hm‘. Phil?!“ I. I fifix- .\HuMi I .\l. F Imam «; ~‘ur Sen (Wu 'uud x 1' i; my in thy l" 1 Mining 3': 'mM hour. Ie uhunl m~ 0f Slang uilt a in‘rlql Inh- (hum? v fur its? 01- 114“" t$ gritpb PM} nuiic Ital Iphin. {h " - an 1: I‘s . lhild.‘ H'n‘tt-d Shuts ' xm-‘.~’+uw open. . 1;. 11m ‘[ tclt) the Ich New Y. Ul" ‘UU‘IEHUE < F THIRTY I {lflifhtx'sl-1 Ihr . ilufl. M (In: sum" ‘ qulwr.lx.n‘l: 1‘!“ hr TYw-‘(lv editi‘l 1; Lu mc‘cl ".110 fit I N-lI‘KLY 'ln‘nu‘ Y :w You): a mini) of a :04! the Pt and huh“ s of those] 'lmln-r for I; IHLL.\R' .\ X MR. ~ scroml‘tn "n: thor < lut- I|“th fix 13M hm utmutiti PW Balm 1m rhvingrumn ' hind i-coxwm u l’l""'l"\‘i,‘c in it} ‘ulhzin, liwmk :gmil _wixh inn-1h! mr ‘of mlr om - p [wit-airs cluil 'Ouluul oftthcr ‘5 ‘rkiu'r —' ;\H‘|rds.:....o_\'l§l .1................Fn‘ ' Harm] '. nzlliumn ustry m 1 ré 31111.5: cm. coin nnd in f l for in'nJ ‘ first rink DOMIAR "in uou..\ Cure Cure Curex‘ Cu Cu?l (‘run - - Cur ruufisn 00 Cur ' .....1' 5 00‘ ”my 00 c.lr mmmctc, I ' $..r............ :rw \ “ij dnegnddrcs same Post. ()flic 'u oll'luhs of 13‘ hmilw] to (Jim :u‘ 'iul) must be m 1 N? to diti'orc'nt ‘ , it'dcaircd, ex; or more copies, mas. :l'lnp pm]- e in fine sum in d Propriefliors. Cur pril22. '6;l._ | I 7"“ ”j“~—“’ Cur: !.Ing_ !J ' | ull‘y infoi-afin fhe 01m ' the {iuhlic geu- I CHI" cw Tiuni 1g 05-! . i six-gel, iruclly‘ noy vill maunt wture” every Turk-1y of ‘ JAPAN-WARE, do new ul>o dpnel te, and n 1 -J l’. BANG me.- 1 I D.—‘—on n ‘m;l,tha ; t. 7.40 A. 1 'r-tiogs. N lmllltailV _ Bflcrnooin Train .4‘s, I’. SL; but" gt; no further than '. lleyuming’wilL [PAL with pas‘sen- » adelphin, fit. Byi rum (b: "onntry, I, having Easiness 'qu take the nood‘ 0 hours in' Gedys-‘I noun Trzln. ‘ I:m','vr idept. } x Ram-pad. . XTS.—--P§tssenger mover at 9, A. .\l.,f filncliou for York. E t 4““! “‘o'“. j ...:nover nt?,.P. M., e' and intermedialq I d to Philidclphisfl k, Willi nusport,’ 7 way poinlis on the' E ' ilwny. 3 -puuection I: lkdelphia, .“ ‘ [N lexu’eal i; forc‘Balmq ‘ ; eta Ire 135 r risbnrg. Y.- ’ull prinbip 7 cm Cenlrnlx ID. 3.11:0. i ~ Ticket {\gent. inducemrul»: a: trouble. E\ c: class country 3‘ re dLLL-rmim-d, [were outside “1 ick Sules {uld E mw goods. 1 :‘r We nlso Ink ks for the Very? tofome received ('10! mt utjon fur the men-s -l\cs,_to meril 's. " [USE (‘ mnc-r‘ xril 8;) 61. Ma“ Hl‘ltf r EN. ( :xlenz suc' the} firs We nny Oft her 1 I A FA AN! 25 mid 2 He at...) Ithe‘lurg n. Al“ ISEHOL ling Bur 4, Mat” 1!- 05- will bl (HUI I's 0 l ’ ‘ANU 3:2,]! was a] Sofni rs, E! g 1 m; OHS . Um udlc's‘L U}: I“ 51“" Eu)" Beds, ling CM ! lim‘cpti TEXH‘U la mm and C. lunu Wu ; ds, Exte: lrsous d: EU “INC 1”)!- mn- nd'giy’c uriou/u “ml/by oil” a d qu my C. Nos 0: 1 BM m: iy [LL 1- I THA; l)! {N L TO‘THR |!:—l“nr l l RUM!) ‘or‘sm [MI Foo. ' 3.3 m UK 11' $ 5:? 1241 qlli isnl, mrh, :“01'; 1M h as. 1 TIUV Fuzhv IML' Frm h‘hr: u” ~ =2 is”. l . w. mph: chin-. 1 m‘nu rus ll urn], cm !I mihu' v ' )flmrlw“ l m fiv tea. 1: tea. ’ Colic 'ed in t. 'efix‘, ’lCN luxfg. K 4 MI nmu‘ utci‘ rclie e miuu )77Afi’; :Hh- ! ‘ 10 mm “ Si frc_; an. hm . 25 " ("111-I Tl I file DJ} | Tm: \n d 50 cm clw 'th'hl 31 T. 1: pl -1 < “e [.\- hr -rul 'u uv Ink.- [m m] inLr. ' you ,rmu' ‘ - mg“ one gill, “in. anS- ; “U“ )‘I-i, r) .\ lih n: .\m should dr:% - Mud Shut .\lh‘ HEX dml‘ rmwrn ILIN (i [he fucé iug Lin-l . In L' , and (- .irho. b. EMI 1 V “.\L mm! “W" .. .\. 1"“? : 3L (me Fun: lhlln ‘ ‘] ”mu Surf" “"“:‘ a I|. tlu Ivy-r Itli» =I 'hkrnt ‘alto lrl‘mnp uni I 'lrnln i We!" .nm “Taft '(ul \ uhinnl {l}. Non | m n “m: lllt‘rid. In‘ | in Gil". Ir Burns I §' I V ‘ ;bl'1;I-.t“0 ‘qubd ”'Ol “ho W” ‘ lbuw thus CM ium ‘ flu: ’dru Wily M 1 lr'y‘ n-u witl o furl)" u and :1 nullcr‘d ults,’ \‘ 'o . ' (mm. “"3 .0”! stun ‘ ‘ uccp (1“ Mid ‘ be” Hmrl's I ‘. linlm i )se “‘ll [e \villm' cuts wu not ler kl ‘ I ‘ pun- | A ‘e|;n‘ (Halt .F r: Itc< 131. MEI itcfl S 1 '11:, 1 I 3 . Grat THE M "owing Rheun Fil Neum] Grnlup MEM ME : Piles. . is Fcious I tWo to >3 Ilomar I ten d 4. Es Fro‘cte CIE \ -‘ I all nor is 'Denfnu , nll Pui t duysf MICE of. _De Gv badly cu it, and w Huh, wh ric Oil, 1.9 walk saved f 11-eud yo foot into RING. imthe a c : Elec nhle was MEM .ch (4f ERE R‘l ntd' . Tl' “E I so \‘ eluimtis: to. by th e (‘ures 1 ECTIIIG ‘ 'omlvrqu d afici urning ‘ ~ with {11: km ny. mad tory and mi ‘gu lug of hl upm public (uh liounrics, elm eof [ml lic I.l)S?.ilU!i(Hl ‘sulfi ring, to 1‘ 'ok' Wt” intél meri , the Bmp e efficacy Oil,’ farfibeclm fdismscsl G EAT D Sm VERY!— by a )c bmc it‘wmrs and I hav (Lemons at u) the grm Gm 11'; then :fil‘l comhin -GR.‘TH’S “I‘LE TR“) 0”. curelufnum nld 0:159. Hm. sclvqs are reu h-r' 1g their '\' bot uumist kc! Ve and s 1 lhn flvé hun re «thousandl sold in in ver a rt timf . to tljose _who ”:1“ d. others r lmd riedit. , pnitis u' is eerywher, he uowlcdgc it w s evbr b for. prefmred.‘ TI 9 01:1)” enu no “ Elcc De rath'fi. w- ic is to be spec ble Dru'ggi ts in the 3 Liperaldisconm Bf“l|ole'sulei;an retnil: m 3 ”’1 ulso‘désirc pric s, of the Age t. Price_ bublic my NEW A!) and $1 pet-3W“! - 1” S- LIQL‘ID mm my delp i“: Pnndlpa Depot. 3 $550 experimentink M 37327, lg}. 3m 3 I: dyes‘fllack or BI T“ ' ‘*‘ " "—“g jury; to the llair d \ lechobl rAHatement. Igrtiéle of um kinda nbatengen; of l-‘n‘: l n 0251.. o_n the‘ 0 CENTS. Depo A School ind ‘Bnlldi‘ng ex, assessed for U.“- 29. 1860'. " ‘ own in ‘f ettyaburg‘ {or the eu- wm-f T"'—""“~ “' ingJfinc‘; I, 1861, will 31m Illoitd to :11; ' 3 NOW 8 3us payink H e same on r before the luof' A SCOTT &.1 bar nezl', ei her to the Collector, Hymn A . Gettysburg lynx, or the 3Trenlurer, br. E. G. Fuixx- and desirable 519 ‘x. No abut ment wgll the allowed aflet. Ladies and Gentle Ednte. By 0 der ol' the Board, 3ol‘ Domestics. M... D. A. Bll’l-JIjLER, Sec’y. gunmen-tion m o 3‘ 2231861. 3 3 I at the lowest poui —— A ‘ --"———3—'———"—“— 3"??? soul;I ‘ , . 1 otrou eto n a V , i er’s3 eny Pactoral. ‘WB’ m '3 “11l amply [up 1y them'fpr lIILADELPHIA —.\ ll y :Irlét‘lu usu¢llykcpliu n P upn esmlvlisrwl by ‘ are will b: found—o?l hand. fu; thel Reliefoftqe Sick a? NUTfi“) HE L'NDH SULD ed wilhy'Viru‘lt-mvrnd Enid ‘ the (liity. us unr motto is os‘pecidlly fuflhcgure of Dil and] Profits." .\‘9 trouble Ur n 3. ' r ‘ : - J I fit (his qccnsion :tt'frclurn our' iug Sm rcneraus pzurohat‘gq we have . deg-mi nng indulge the hype that tiuh, h! h'usiuess, un‘d a high you povertj 53 of bothaummmfins and! ‘VAIq [continuum-c bf their kLnd" And all ART pt sx’z.l.h’.\.\',. lou the 3 “in Mid Mountain uts.. Ipcnsar‘ l l-‘nlrfield, Pal: envelo " for [7O { Add ing Su Ninth the Di: ¢ 013?“: Sam: ‘‘ ' ITL‘IIE W A REHOORIS, Npl. uy stfl-o}, Baltimore, (nénr ‘ ng from (my h)‘ Frederic? blibhnwnl'ohh‘e kind in the hand n lnrd’r Maortmon: 91 DUFFIGIB FI'HSITUI Fr. cm stcudF, \Vudhstnude, W Inl f Hunlu ('nuuu nud‘ Unir- Tcle-é-Tmes. Arm Chairs, 1 gen-4;. .\lurblc.’l‘ubk-s, Sut xl‘ ['plnplalcrrd Chum, .\S JFFU' 'l'.\Gl-Il"l'll.\'lTUlU-I, i-c ('ln ird, Barber Clmirs, {ht R x-k<, Hull Furuyrc, ‘ xl'nu- L ukixujfil4yfi, ‘ Id}:- ' ‘dhlos.i(-I erfiry length. to pub haw an- invited to mk an unmiuntiun, which .lily of \mrkmnnship is not. nbhsh nont in the :onulry. A. M.\ lllU’l‘ .t soy, j 23 an 27 S. quy >chct. .’l’. L“ 1,,“ __l... m: | .\mmmgn 01. I: If]: TY‘S .nn Harri m' Armle- L'lH‘. Toadi- m l-‘nl .\.\‘Y J. EX .‘III. I ll).'— lsuxru xn {M lEIITL'H. k (‘lll‘t‘ if Hm. P tin in the side, '(‘XITJ'L' I . a ('nlu- ur Cramp Kunfix. l’r-¢~.~h Cuts, , Suggffluzuut, and l’aiutm‘ ‘ mrs, I furrlm: minim-5. Enrmrfie ulmhc cured in ten n sl.";anng in two vmml in tire mil)- inninulflk. .\‘hmins uru fill-but rchinud i in ten t-a. lh_ urunl fru -| pains in‘ teui ME .l hv aim .\xzcnt in I‘TLE V'.\HIL\NT-, TH 11'!!! l'riuiei v u‘ the spni and heroic I Ir‘c Lit-3). ; 1 made to .\gcntfi; I nlxn, at film gum] h:|~ s and cbmmunicfz- lzn eon Curl HILY m \' 1H! nuule. [)ru\'(' 0 g nu }( .wunul 'ry [mu .\H null rvs<uul u (‘. SIN.) I 4211 «IN FOR 17. ).—-'Fur' mamfl m.. , 1. «‘ It, l’hiludxlphin. ‘5 | 1m mumn'ws 'hnflmul 0 apply fit .11”: luoflx‘mlcclcd, ‘ M 0; rcpr-nl if Milt H. Al nllljn. With-HIP I 3111.! gums. For gum: nl' lpnn t'u- MIME the mm It} :mnph 1) {ml t) = and apply in 1h? |(-r( hirl)‘ dfups in huff sell 41. i - ‘l9 Hm 1!, Luke from ton to 1 1w r 1r or in su't‘clqm lhluu! ‘ht-rly mil!" u 119. lKhou nlltisn ‘L haLlloltrvL-ly \\ HP: Hy “LeiiulM'nanvf. .glm in {Gilt-ml um! ‘ | 1 {AIM- n. I‘Jszo. «we? r (}|~lic,it:-ke troll! “u‘xel‘: bathe tlw', 1015. hi the :llmv 'L‘n,“fll|ll: the lama; u .Igcalpd ci‘i‘cuu‘l-S l x is harm‘s“; COT-i aatid'm liiun‘l. V ! 1m: in yxlqad “'in , ‘ I s erolsS ‘ ', il BERT 8: (30.. I E, 'hilmll‘lp‘hin, 1’51.‘ ‘1 my” tn nny Nrwéd Meal uulue‘ sm-ou n m'v Tim I”) . ml ~ HIIIH- Hu Fur [lv-u ML ur S: M {:cncr: no palrt I tluur, to .uuc. I“ 1s in hot 1w”. 1! m ‘ for rhilx :- t‘g Cilmd 'llr! givv: 0 ustl ': ‘l'For ion 1 S, (‘Ol u‘rth SL. cgl't by 15:: Ina: lhs: sh x 41111 V- i \ .77- ‘ 1"; ~lectrlc 011, g s Amt—4m the! ;!:) ' : r E 1 1M“: x ' , r ' V ' I lGrßat i IHL or H tfpvcrvhli' 1) often in . 09thuch4 I tnmdrh. m nds, Bruix' t: [teen min! i Litf Nun-Rh led (”mull ukcn «Br - this; ' I gwo minutes; 8 min" or; ‘ ‘ same: [wading-rag? ‘u-s'n’ I \gzufi, rim night; % u-‘n d-nfis ; ' :fi Ma's, Salt Rheum? . . ‘ .7 Alkcess, six gm, ‘— ‘ ~ . I; laina, (11m: t 6 three? A‘ J l K ‘to Cwoi'dnys, aud‘ iuuslnflpc‘fions. ( r dingy; ' Breast, km; in No tj a n d C't ‘erer. mul And *L'J'lb'. bne to f 9 the Duck, s TWEN‘I‘YMIN‘V‘TES Alemndrihwva: CRCTCBES :—.\ly sbu Ind hist ‘om sticking a nail» le to walk \ighout pliuntiqh of your link-1y fund and tell. I;hclie\'c he "C thereby. i re ictéd De" erl #sxvullcn W ntally uuu‘! by one A[ '3; inunc mit his‘cr Bi-ififir In I to all a“ fire, truly JOHN . nmlfiin. a lent on. I by Prof. | 1" nrehlm I I intmnm lmxonn. mum. l d all pains cum II a truth with his ‘ Is: miraculous, and. .eons, so sAlisfilc umh ill, as to cull: a'ud tlhuse having ; “at, the" sick and tlié wc-ll uttestcd‘ 1' this 3‘ Electric; on maukdnd boast. 2 unplc data, both ' hemicul 'annlysis,: i ‘lqu of Prof. De ~ tion, cult-d DE " for the rcliet‘and, the people then -}dicl in p manner ti‘sfnclnny. Mdre oltlcs have been' . grimt pruportxon‘ commend it, who‘ lendid djscovery,‘ I. and nothing like' Iric Oil " is Pratt; lmd at all the re-i I'nited Slides, and i the. Proprieloy’i. r. cents. 59 cents, jam stredt, Philn-' {(2H, ADV geon,.to IL TCH gin -4 who nip ion of N), bits ol' lil’c' . .\lt‘llit‘inei ‘ ABLE R ‘ er ‘lheens 3 'EW um: it com“ Ml,) an {l‘m-"Mu ‘UHTS s of the IDIES :- Ie afllic large. " i, sent. to I ' es,fre'e ()fc 'mgc will b‘ ass, DR. L] goon, "(H ’Street,- Pb léclors. ‘ M‘ceptn SK! L Ll. rd .‘hsn ladclphi N Ezn. szmnu 7, was. D. "E Sec‘y. ‘ Gm ’ "“Juu. {mgr IKE ! I last N: lo ggiug 1 1 R. F. ’ nésorlql _ the“ 1:" : ngsimer I and Sl‘ ll‘lruw.‘L :’ plain ' “ml-35 (m‘ “he kin 1, will bcr cad]. ; I A fine fl , skintfil: lIII’PHR. Int 0! g: I to gin lule all I iomlly (' Lbc mld ; unlo‘ok as we we; V Lespntdh 1h gpupetfl I} qomplet m 022 including Boon-o , Slough, ll 'H.\TS_ for Shringl ‘ styled ombnu-ing 1 i Hnys' mud In‘funt} -C~,lps, which for “i surpass anything i plnlré—nl] of Whit Iv low prircs fur ISIllfl‘IS, in! ludinL‘ l .\lufrnu-o Boats. 1 .uMTERs AND I Imm. All in w} 'lea'pcctfully invitci ‘ Come one! (‘0 g and give me n r { Inorxgnguodmvil Tm (wen-(mm 1h ! . Arum-22,1501. I .1 . . x Marble ". r ”P. sum-rim 1 I { Imsincas (o E. 1L”! '0 lmhm' St. Jul to 410 public tlmt nll gkimls of Work 'lménw, lln-mklmum slylit- tint! liuirh, \: so-‘kofiuflu suit [ln thmfimei. I'ormn-l “in: fihd it n dun-id! stu‘dk gun] pxiccs 1m Ell :u‘ing r; ‘t ank‘ vs" (‘hu 0 i: ~ll] in “ii - $O.; .‘u it]: rind. m‘wrfi. dwiri u} ‘ d minu) ~on: my 1 I n l dcuyshurg, Mun 1L . 7 ‘ .7 7 : ‘1 Sam. RGETTYSIH’R' chfi-‘citizem nf cmmucnn-d (I Le ‘Srnlv, in Yu‘ “mile “'nttl'l-s's fi'l'jt‘. am} hnpo: é; (mum). m 1 "lC’l'ZI-ILS. &¢-.,. :1 ova-5:11:11.) :E” Hu-ilmu-a! liulu ts hmm-luu id nyj mnuunt. fn .suppliml M t 'will a large and nnhl the 111-~11 v I . m\ on nun-I‘mcr) : \'_\~ husiucnh i thin }.——TII(- he [mm 8 “.\K ‘k prrt-ét Mutt-l, \ Hu l‘t'l'L'i .I.>‘. ('. ‘vu Lakt Lur ”I" L prufik. } I'm-[y r$ in this ~ n- almrt mmmnd l'urkmm I. ' he is VALE uly 25..1830 ‘7"l‘.’ ' :*‘ . , 1110 V V +lmlanc-r~i_rlnl‘ 1‘ J” make n-nw IL-ry. lrfipcs tlmt sue uft.lu-;n-Ix|~lim uf ‘ \\ i" .lK‘uil lllcmsch' lmvcit‘lnna. Rm —lqus low, and l wit-HM ‘ Erorp us can! nu-ht' 'Eéil‘C'l rrlalh s of [hi4 .\l' lsou (I\.ll~lu:|’xlv\\'i: u effort‘ [Mn-[l' } HTI'IK ‘Kocpc Aul'lhu L. 11131:? me.‘ \‘n A ('nl U'bl p mnd’ MIRA ' ”All" going, unl 'mi rr.n'. I luring! :IL: in! Mnt'uh 12, 'co l ; PrOfl HAIR INVHmi _ i mul Econmn‘ Mi: nns'mnm mil chlor withnut.‘ llair 'l'rom turnin':J .Fun l-m-n'lax‘r it; \\'lu-n there is ti rc‘c‘npemtn u oner Ifdll REMOVIN ruin} iill I'utamcnu~' Full 111-lAU’I‘H"~ to it nu unequalled it soft and silky in} cm]. readily. \ The great tale “mild for this mm the pruprietuf tlm tn azttiil'y a ll‘h‘t‘t‘ qualities orer_uu_\~ in use. It clem‘ d.mdrutf umLothq the. hair t 6 grow rich, suit, glossy alga where the hui it will give firm and restore the gr .lmfe lwcumo,b.ild co¢oring uHmir. There lII'G thud in New quk who by ths use ‘of ’this 'prepurativns 'li'n'ul {sealsiqn letters in above facts, from ispnlcmhility. lt \ glutir frumtnruing of life; uifil in case (changed its c6lol} lwill with certainty giving it a dark, g ‘l‘mne for the mile fparticulurlyrocmq ifrngrnure; and th “dragging the hair; ;lnvigorntur can be :80 18 to preserve i lcur s—hcnm the Nu m «3 lens: I'xrcuan SQ“! fi‘ec‘lior [NU ’l‘ vloss all its text 'rityfnn Ivy-Hm} y , | one Innrg 1". ) Mtherpr i the h cnmue ‘luxuriqu ml Hex] ! ,is lons th’ and until 10‘ 1 cauaiu ls of 1 av: ha m‘igo um.- ' ‘ mineral) persons] ill (‘fl'lL‘ _rny u'u when} l It xe use I‘csturd 0553' up qud a ll landed, ! great 1': ’ ‘hich, \‘ dressed } 3 place, Irun do ' ‘loilct at, n's all, bci INTYvF In] at n indies us a stmnln' ,ught to be with fwith’iu the tench 0} .;‘ " ONLY TW {per both», to be ll [fists and perfume ; : L.MILLER wou] Rents and Guardia Qtoy,‘ in cases wfie ‘ to be weak. The for a good @ezul o} purities that may '- lhé benlp, the te bofh’ for [he'lmllll uppenmnce of its 1' UAITTXUN.—Nur timile of LOUIS ‘ ‘h'rapper; alga, L. j gumn, x. Y.,.b10 ; Wholesnle Depo the yidcipnl Mex-c In. the world. ‘ d callt § 30» "1% “the chi use of it. hair, as vq be ovnl of of the 0 air. .‘ genul‘ [LLI'TR \ ILLERi “ :1 hi Ih. 1‘ 56 Hey any: gird opnrch ‘ ‘ to pres : Inpuo I which. hu‘eh j o‘wn in Skin ‘ in mmx‘ce. mileauxw , 56 Dex Sweet, , ew'Yox-k. . l . jurmg | ‘UN, bp ' will up 'k’of se. mm, W” ;.c. We? ir stockJ iule rntea d can v I gogds.‘ MEM 1, 5“; ,fl ’ . H .55“ *4} -7 ‘3' '" ,a‘ul. ‘ Groceries, Noting, Bm. T‘ ‘ Ayersdathartic V’lufl‘s‘~ linden-ium] hn npcnod. n Gnu-"v and ‘. BE you sick,‘ flu-ble. ' .\.ntwn more, in ”Jillmll‘rc sin-ct, til-“fly ‘ and complhimn; '— mppvgm: lhc (Your! Home. Gnnyahnrg. “huh; Are you out or urder, \\ uh we puhgic wnll ('nnitflnll'y flnul.selllng'cl|enp us you; lyflcm4lf‘ru‘ngmlunhl the chcafwfl. SEGA ns. Syruiu; )11,1M“.._ 1;..r. your («Hinge uurumfurm fi-es, Tons, Rice. (‘huesq Spices of“ all. mud,“ Mu? The” symgnoxns' urc fluckerel, "hqvulalo. Brooms “my 'Brn=hsc; ufiL-n lhépreludvltuxcnuui Frcqh Butter and Hggi, Groaml‘t‘om-Q, chfiw illness. Sonm ti; of Elck: ot‘Cofi‘ee, Score}: llerging,»Candles. Shupqflfim; "an {I creeping hpnn .\ou, TObI'L‘L'O, Sega"), Suhfl'; Uonferliong’nl] find: and should be pin-fled Ly ‘of‘ -.\uu, ”ranges. Lemons, R|ising, Brand’ a timely use ofltlm right .(‘mclfern (‘nkeq uf different [,kmd-t; Shae and "‘HW‘}!- Tske‘\,\“‘¥'al'i“°y gfilutq Polish; l-‘nnrv Goods, .\luslimJHngh-nm, und cleanse out «he disar— lUunun Bani, Waddingq Hosiery: Hund‘ilerj'hit'r“, ' do’rcd humo‘rt—{mril’y ”W Snspelders.'l’ins, Nemflrs. Clothes Pins. Mm: blood, “I‘l I'3" £1“. “"Nfi Qmus; with Notions ot'nll kinda. .\ ghfire nfflm "ch. on unobr r ‘Llcd in ‘public's pnlrbnage is town-lmny sum—hm; ‘ hthngnin. ”Tin; stimu- I ‘ ' LYDIA C. .\"URHHCKZ flgtke‘the funct! n. of tho ‘ A ‘Xot. 19, [B6O. ‘tf ‘ I hvb’df into vigor ll¢lu~ti\'i— . *fi—n’” T" ‘4 A-r—~—-¢-——V--——< , h‘i. purify the 53’ tgm from titan, flan). [lnstituc P24l}! nn‘ngrnt, Irmaud, llict. _ Diseased, md 0431* of the Sexual MIS ' .\ W'ljust received from (Micky (Richy-gee! 3,5101%.“ GROCERIES‘ Illa-y liuvo emf o cred (t) the puMic—Suhxz'urgtfityrupn, Cum-M, Tens, Luce, Qhecs“, Fish, Snlt, Spin-3, km. kc.” mehcingafl rurinies, n! all ‘riuw. gtn- ldwest‘, ‘the market. {fill nfi‘nrd. Also erntllni; “I’leL-a.' and Notions; an. Uils. (‘andlZpg km, in Hhu'fl,‘ everything t'o he found in n. 533'. til-L35 Grocery ‘nnd Vuricthtoi-c. ‘ 3 “ i The Flour and Feed businMs is continued rwith u. slczuiy iucrcmlc. The highwt uulrket; 'GYITUX, .\ct- ~ prices [mid and the smallest profile nskml‘ The D, NO- 2500!“ puhlil: are invitedJo give u; a onl] and see for ; Hy only; of themseh‘es. 5 NURBIN‘K a: .\lAikTix, , J" . f Chrutir of Baltimore and High istroeis, -‘ ‘tlbflpfpftl‘l. ’ . M:ly'.’l,dsoo. 11 L _ i .5 ‘ 7 i , Cannon & Adair’s 4 '- —"‘ ' ”‘ L E“' ,‘LEHILE WORKS, corner ,0!” Balti rws; . . 1861.3 N uwrpu ‘d EusHlidnllc streeta‘difirtfl "1).: " prl‘}&“’,9 ”wk-". 1 ’pmitc the. new Cmm linuic. (;('ll}'g~‘hllrg.r— Mmgmxy has just liming rm'en'lly nrrivud from L'llilaidi-lirliinl,niid on! 0‘ , HATS AND 'in-ling fully mmpcu-M to execute nl'l work in 3! “if! ‘s'lvle Silk, ‘ the finest stylc of lhc'url. \vc \{mlhl rgq'vcrtl'ql ‘ and Won] ”35,. ‘ 13’ invite Hu- nuention of the public “fishing Lu ium“. V I,f' [wflmn‘ufl procur'c uhyghing in nurlinv, to fnmr; us With it! ulaor "m 1 ‘pamma. :cull'uml umniuc spcc'imc‘ni I')‘. our “jork. k_\'L-‘ ml [Knew Huts :md‘. urCJurL‘pa'u'ed Io furuiali .\i(l.\'('.\ii';.\"l‘3. Twp» fini‘m '"nd qu=ilitv .\.\'n n[H m‘rux 1‘25, .\Luwma MhSTLI-s. 1m... Omw.‘ 3,111.}; ' SLABS fur (:‘nhillt‘l—nmkci‘“, and all other work "m .1. u¢f|)|n§hinq_y_ 3nmnuruninilig to uurhu~iué.~~. an \in- lowest [NH— rUmJJNNJTS AND V sihic [ll‘ik‘t‘~‘. We do: nut h('.~ilf:|lu U) lzlwmmoe :- iFUI‘D‘ out of Lndit-g' w that him work Lin-iii he put upm'xummm-r ,‘Hh-| hhfln “5"! glimpnx i shiutml and tzyfctulrg-qlml to the 1):“! In lui .\T 7 CENTS pm: ~ soon in ‘thc cum-4: when: (an-r}- im] rmunu-nll uds “‘E'my line ui-c ; whim-h cfifo‘rjcnyc ha»! suggcatflliq _:I'\':Iih:«l uf,‘ . um 11, all. is, by the Act- - Jetter, with 3‘.- (320, OCCllpflfio sea of extn'xiro -, uhhnrge. ' vermatorrhonl, 'l Organs, and ('d in the Dis -50.51011 letter it thrwfllmnps {3'l .m‘ lybl ion, i’ I”, d_ fr ‘ ’vn ‘ 'W \ p 10; m“ und (‘allt'l'izluy dn we gmr‘mm-fi Hut our (‘t-mvi n-ry :uhd (inns ,Y‘unl Work ~lmll In- 3th cam-lull}: sat a: [not to 'ht-ufi'wtvd by l'rnJJnul Jun "mini: hiin fu'r years that, ercctucu uf'lmsin'iuh gin-Ii m the mm’ph-tinn Ufa Job. um] so nég’msrwry t“) coxilinm-d gturcf'uhxess .md. .\ymmt-txfi. NM“.‘.’B, 13.39. tf . i rd nfvpriccs, risis. in un ' .d iur veq. ' hipplm-c‘ of . n Short dis )ulul :ummuu-q rc‘d to l'urnhh MI :13 ..“mm cry variety of I‘ll buses and priros to mil ingln hizuim u (-.\nnlinc his {-lwn hora. "o‘l ’3‘ I't‘ll 'h. w [in-1) EW SAL;OON.—GH( >. ‘F. rivhnxnnm-z has 1N n-mqve-d his Own-r (~~l.lhll\]|lll(~ni tn the 4 splvndfid (It-w Sulu‘nn in Jm-nlns .5; “1.3. x. linihl- Eiug. on Ugo Nurt‘ln.sinh- ut ('hdnllmralmrfisly-Mi inlwrc lie \\ ill 2‘" nlLlinu-s bv- [lrvarul-l ruse" up tlm‘ln-RL of ()YS'I'HHS. in (A cry 41x59. “'3 'kl-vluing :1 grout] urtirlaJlv cxm‘rh [u‘rm oh":- ”lihcrnl sharp of puhlu: [nurmngm 'l‘l‘u'l'l‘.‘ ‘SUI'P, (‘HI(‘KEN. “HEP TUNISI'H. PM)”; pI’E‘IET. TIHIH‘L IUIILEI) and Hill)“ HUGS. U' .. I'IHJA‘I, BIRDS. km. in their svzhun. .\ nice, films of AM? or [_.XUEK (um alw :\ < 9.0 lutll—J "(fume and Ira' me. ' G. F. EUKEXKQDH: Apri} 2, 1500. A ‘ r . .. Me with ml nt . mu) t] lam- t: lmsin‘ lwn. 1 .. M H.\ LS Egan} iguforms ‘muty. that he , 0111th One Dollar Emu ! ”b “E \I'TI‘H'L 'NTI‘IHL Pl. VT; 10;()( )0 HNGI: \A'IXHSM-n-nl LQHUVJM PRAYER FUR SALl‘l.—\'Ai.l'un.n Raul-mu: GIVEN ‘\§\’.\r !——'i‘lu: ijlllfll 0! r.-pr..\enxi 'r Ilhn' 'Lm-vl \- i’l':x..(-r by :ili l‘llglfiJYilPL’flflll (lA-rhu mtnlinznnll arranging it in .\IILII M In mnl-r :N m pro-Ilurc'gu nurt- n nlmh-l {JP "‘4' "new and "table. “and rmMj-ivw! .md nmiwl mu by (Haw-- {l‘ . the rah-hunted Ii mL \‘(m‘ E XL’l-H‘l'l‘nfirVPW [York Pity. 'H ennmr-nvv: “'th .-‘.,.‘Liu(.]-\- {4: ($llllO4 work 0! -‘ ()nr I‘.|l)|l-I’,.r .rnn]xhhn'lhllmv ‘ih éncees'iiun the nth" phx'le nf ”w pulp-r, :gw‘rv lulu-aw, of “‘lirh i< ('llzrmcd In the ”+l4. HflWJMM and i Mel'ul m mun-r. Von-r rlu- hum-‘nnl ‘(if the [lit'Mh- is n snh‘erl-Lv ext-mum! 11nd, of 'lH')’. S.}YIOIL- nnd «n; irvliuithz- n‘mmr filrt I"! lhe onglxixing are lon nny! ‘_ moi: hmrjng‘ one. of the 'H'IX (.'(HX‘LLVIHI‘JVPS. Thu pug grninL'hA! rove'n (Nlllll- «fir! 11mm llEfiv-xlpr (Ln ' lrnln Ihr religious ennmxuninzhx thl-rv- ‘l4 nu'th-. -it.g of n sef-lurhux «'hnfiu-Wr’hey-nut jv. Inning Jute-1| rm-nmupuemlml by (‘h-rurnu-n 01' A}! W- Inmn‘natimn. 34 :ln urn Imm}! n i< "no nflhe nus! sph‘miiul ever [MY Rh" 1 in‘ghia «'unntry, 41ml is dcsr'nml‘m {.:kv the p‘ :x'( of 31 I~u_ mm 41.“! M enzt‘nvinza, The <iw- of the Mill? is ‘lO thy '2B inc-law. and ii un lnrztum-mly lhe «flu-up éet engrmilu evvr nli‘elu I in [ll3‘ conning ‘1 \Vhothat hives :u‘t-—_\\'hn HM“ elvlighhmstu‘h' ‘ in‘ fine clurM‘inz—Mm :hnt “‘«mhl . rm 1 he the iixngm-uinns which eneh :1. “Wk is 'd.li('|xhx:le'. ' :tu impart, wouLl ftgi! M sewn:- m vdgu‘ “hi-n .ihe nriee is‘ ()‘SIAY UV": [)(H‘LAK'uHh ihe. 'ehunlreguf m-gfiring fur Ihn «mil. in :n}.!t21:.15,.n: ,pernm‘nen‘t home (Jr‘nnnlhnr whmhlq gil‘zflx I ‘ Au :1 worli ofnrt thjs vulnahh- ~vn l Ll-(‘JIIIHH‘ cum-living: is “‘urth mine llmn the “‘thll‘flshl‘d for“. a: “'31:! readily he nehnduledfi-d nn’nu ifidpeutinn "fix ; hm the Snbw‘h‘fi-rs inn-ml" Lu ‘ puke u Gifti Disi‘rihntiun to Mar lmqus nr hhc engrnKin-gs. M‘vulnnhh‘ prwv‘nkxn{Hf-Nun‘s;‘ '1 1 House und‘ Lot in York Burnmh. ~i ‘ 2 Baguio} (Quinn .2 Pphner"; m’ Ike,\\'4rrnul4\l.‘) . l [lyrknmuj : ‘ ; f ~ \ . r 2 lhlihfing “ofs in York Borough, ! ‘ ‘ the Infrmswggdc“ moo Valuable. mm”, . , “91'3”““(9'h Cufln‘mec s|) hhls. Hohr, (\rm-rhntcd.) ‘ 1 I» I‘l ‘9 0“” "WW-“"1" 1,001) (loidlhll Franu-s. in suit Engraving of. Mic “irks >upcriol‘{j the [Mm-5‘ nny-(..., P‘lmtifivi M present fing)Stoel m‘hc Hugrlfill!‘ Rim. urepnsm l ”’“l 3“ 5““? from'.‘lnfi'uifiecntfLouk'n; H].n<=us,‘i, ‘ i L ‘.- ms diseases muses ! Gum mid Sflver “'nu‘hcs, ’ v . y‘ g ”Y; “HAVE"? it Ii All kinds bf Jewelry. embrwinz‘ Cnméus, tic ul’pqflmujev and, I Hon-minis, .\lnsmic,(‘-uhl Slims. m}, m. ‘ win: up,“ tlu‘lming’,’lr 7A um worth-IN"! 50 cents I.) 5 my 00 “iith‘ rig!“ 1,0" the I‘OUIS, gm-h engraving gum. ' . g L those '[fiimS’Whifi‘h ; When the?engr.itiugs Arc nlljohl n H’H'L'l‘lllg ' 'l‘ W 9’3““ “krill oflhe pun-Inner: will lurg'wlh‘ at \\';}~'hin'_3lnn ,‘ _ f : ' Hall. York, “I’m, win-r! the Hi a named above shes‘nngan‘en‘tlemen ‘will he disuhlmu-d in such manner us. the pur llleil' hufr Nsmrt‘d I clmsers nm_‘ determine. Thq purclhlscrs se tor, when “11' DilWl'il‘celinu'a cohqmunoemf di~inu~rc£ml permm ' - “- has 111 hi! PO5l : " mnke lhd awards in such mime: us lhev - testifying ‘to thé Amy designnpc. - . 1‘ ‘ “f the" high“: 79‘ -" T ’lzhr proprietors, from the filmy-“bu manner _tually prevent ”“9 ißn which thisGm.Enterprisu‘hts been‘rn-LeNr-«l, "‘ ”“5 hm“ l’nctiod And the ’nuu‘pblr ol' engrm‘fing‘s’ ulrehdy an)”. l‘elmif‘ihflsfifll‘m‘l)’ ‘hope 16‘ be able .&0 Imvv the amount." dupu'scd 9f ghc r!n)‘lgor.ltpr'ufhy‘lhe 1541. of 001., ensuing, null .\thldilll‘ “0 "5 origiunlhne, are edhf they will notify the purchasers, 'nnl enmnee. A 3“ 1‘"- , have the'dismbution of the Gxfls proeeghedx, .1 u- pesgomme it is _ with. . L ‘ a , 19:35"; an "gum-awe : This cnguving has rm-eivc-i‘the rommefiih :' 1“” E‘M‘ffnls m tion of the Rem-rend Clvriy, uur fil'sl. citizens, '°“:!"0Pt.“"h the and ind~ d dfull chases, who enter in,tu it with napy required l'u‘nn. dilil‘it. LP ; , ‘ ~ ;. 1 1' "WW New or i". ' Ans‘rw a; wanna: " ‘ 1 ~-l and)” r "I’3" ‘l'“ ‘ J‘M Ann-H ’ Guam); “’slan I nrtielh hieh “none I ''. ‘ . ' ‘ . I V T the pri - places ”I ; ¢ ‘ I him-«,- on :1 alullrg.fllt~:lrly c will; “'s' t 0 lu-rnl llnlrun (‘I:\(‘k1~:l:.<, \' (lA-Y. (Sun “fix and aohl : L-r-lmkiug in ’n, and uni: rs liuinu” roun u-n “Ming o-‘lmliw uml 10 "His: up _rd tw do .n 'I‘IN I- SAFE‘EE (or-fled Jxrrmn flirt-1:1, Tomo— ~ the remuvul t“ pr fril‘uda‘ qu‘tllv} car to : 1 pmuuptncss l'zu plmue. . h‘m MN, tiCcmqkury. r 3 I‘. n'ccfiv’c‘, Safe ’ ‘ g ' to ih; origi— ‘chntm; lhe_ ". M"! hiring.“ bf vimlih' or! “NBS .Irlicle )AXDRI'FF, ! , Soul“: g t, imnarfing my. making ‘ I uglsing it to_ ‘ .\N D 0! (11d H 11.” Ibrjmi re uixd ‘1 Ci).\'3T|P.£TlO\' ‘ slil§.l:hl-;r.\l' ‘plml’si l' \r ' l From Dr:J l , {foo um h vu ighl} Pure 9 enzti“ tcl‘nity ,h.\ (- full lmh‘u, they huh I the bein-lit'u ' that cnmlsl: int, ilaulms the prog ‘1 lichero c «live but your I‘Flis n diimso. ‘ [mm )In 3. Stan I find onl qr l tniu-nal thj [mu lint-i orxhe Imm 5 privi'tiilll” summer: clcunae the Mum! un- so much ll": ('0 nfneud n nth , P|+u thuflncv. r.ll ‘ulnakl'll use llmmrcd 'ir: we rem-no .r s! i n-purt m; “i": t limbs and I run: pains, hhiél nu ‘ thu'ithsm hug thje diaeaue rcw l ndp ice of” r u )lrwkmzic‘, in were slow‘ I, is»: Racmnnqxnuiuxs. ‘,. x ;g°'ti‘:‘:,fi'g ifi, 1,: l W'g inwtq‘utpentimi m Sumo of the rccdun-y' Ur. Aye“ Ll: nwmlations: ‘ ‘ ' ' “ u ‘ '! . ' 1r“ 0 111 l . m v. c. .'l‘hom . ‘in-taro! Fl ‘ . 30!": I3’ . "‘ an. mtnplmmnunmnn'urk': [Jinn ”n+2. {“3} "“1”“ ““1‘ Messrs. Austin‘ & Wuhrly :-’l‘hc ongnvinzi s . 1011 the “fiverd‘l {"ruycr" whivll is um}- nlfe ml En?" fth for sale by Messrs. Austin‘s: \Vchrly uf’ihis *“3 Wlllch.,ll} 4 «Bulj'ongh id-J‘got up“ “lfll'l'llllrcll Lust: nlid‘sk “‘1 hnnd ‘ 'l' beauty, nndvong‘ht tn reruunncud 11'an to pgh- ”0F“ “"3 f" M“. ijic qttentiou—hnything that will km-p that inn-fly [allow “5.1““ :Iple 'compuaitiou belore the mind and memory is mercury "f “m” .lAlikoly to do good. The wnrk seems to me‘only ' Price, 23 *n“ ' tu require examination in order to be admired, Pmpal‘fll'b)‘ l'nl 'My‘l I can but hope that. the rcntlemeu who, ' n'uld 3' A ,the in bandits distribution ..flo modern“; s Rain"..- A mlts fate, will be abundantly yuccesslul in tlfiuir Pgirfieldfl’c .ll gnndemkinz. ‘ Ci W. THOMPSON. sew gum-d; E. 1 from the Rh. 1. I "w. Putin of tnn‘ Slot-vim drillers gene lll)‘. ‘ Chuck, York. I‘l- . -~ , l 2 - A , \‘m,P-., Feb. 20. 1861'. 1 sew-51”}- ] Messrs. ‘ nn'm k Wehr’ly:-—llaving-'nul the, ”i ' ‘ pleasnre ogimpncting Messrs. Austin k Wehr-l ' ‘ me Ch ly'a splendid engraving ot the Inn]: Prayer, 1 ’ (1 E!) “-5.": Al‘- iwould oordinlly rccunnmend It to the hwomh‘le‘ I “NC"! Wll-h intention of theix friend: at, York and else-i Blmcréfl. C“! mar wwhcre. ‘ his not: only: be-iutiful ornnmom fur' L‘zlh, and V stiuj I the dwelling of every Chriltinu family, bnmlso secured “It? 8 Wit a. useful and edifying acquisition for Sunday ‘ FV . ischools and similar benevolent ingllmtions. lwe ‘\"E m: TS \ “ it Ihyc‘ 31mg: GEE iQn pf Pm |is ln‘vigur ir hit-hues fourjdation’ es any ilua cteql with necessary thefifuture; 1e lwithJut {he’fac eing (mJ the' outer 8 HM! IXFIGOF glass” SL, and 01¢ by all .Druggjs through- c atten - usgof er-n‘s b‘ nys “lei it rhino me conn vhich‘ i 1 3 ild, and Isersbythléquantity. , Ina thq American fun Xxs'rpssnxmvs pm: yen. of‘sciyn nughuo erfection. Imquy Igghout in- Inurruntqd the best u, . ”F. F. HAGEN’. 33"]?de or Publishers ofipuparsgiving this udvenisemeng 8 ingenioupywill be entitled GOOdj ! _ v nositc E 31?: Hotel, :‘n gllis flay, a‘chenp ‘ sonnblegoods for I. a full unonmeut Hvould kespecfully iwln'ch win be new 11.0 in: Engraving and Tidift, by for“ :mlinklhe ,papcr forfimt time _w our address, pr by in ”ding in tn“ the tune appointed for the 3H:- tribuxion, .. in: an Editqrml upticu once in 4 fveeks, they will receive the engraving tru’mcd with a. fin'e gong“: frame to suit its size and a . Ticket. ' AUSTIN; \muxux. York, Juno 24, lam, . ve for yoTnelfa SCOTT it SON. L ,‘RIBH LINEN, Bleached and hrown' Munlins, Pm“! Cam Muslin and .\Yidelrhcuing,’ my. recgich at ‘ YSQ ICES. ‘ Norbeck 82, Martin ‘3 Removal. Ilich umko amuse. A "ould ‘n the bud}, mu] 01mm; 4 ns. These, if not rélivw-d, lvesund (he .\urmund‘inrzor neml uggmmlmu, “during, [9 in Link l-undiliun. “‘o' ant-I.} leo .\}'«-r ~ H by né‘nrc Ilu- nMum {within the lmuynnt “ 'lmt fix: [my and so a] Icnm-nuu q-unnplainLl dwp-scnlml ‘uuvl drug; nmc .purgntwe elfi‘cq imilx r u‘vhlrm'liuns ; nu um] I:|'ll'"linnsT sH_\', I nd my“; @lth Inc mrans. Num- why ll‘ilk, will m-gh-rt m 3.1,; IT!” thu‘ olifill‘lh‘f . ‘ x alt-“11m: pthil-Luns ii inc-«gum! from ulhq us.» 1 _ ‘ f mhan MS! Lriuln, F.-h.l l‘illJ: nnl lhu p.srvgufi "Jil illu. Tin-y hmd’ :uf ulvrrmh 3mm {l}: ‘ hull l run-d lm um v‘r “Ha, hm-n lung griJ .108 nl pimples «111 in {Ami-Tour child was" mm, and they I.ng E j, .\r‘.‘.\l()lil-R:fi LVMILY I-uvmu ; .:Cnrlwnghl. New (Mean? ’B‘IH‘IIH r Ul'dflllflt’u‘. I Sllrpnrsamyl rntlmi mihl, ln'n wry verti ufiun' ml (hull hm‘n-Id 'uhlc to us in MN dull [he ulrslruvtions settles mmewhel in niluml lunel repel. upon them guns, producinul and disease. W 04 by tho dernn m- huw directly uf the system, In ofl, health again: I id this trivial n . two: in "nny of I distemrcrs. Th th'cnl. (_‘v‘nuled ‘ unmanmts of hubdy,v.he; nrc' -‘ lfi, cured by the ! tlie virtues u!‘ u. thém when sull' cure". I , .\‘utemvnli {h of? the [trim-1m! kiln“ n puhliv pv l“rom I Forwarding! Dr. A) or: Y tlmt is grunt in Igly littleuulnuuht han-I and lock 1 '3o:!!‘4. 'Her mu! “mick-d u ith bl? 11nd in ‘ liner Imir she also _lricd 3'4 her. 1 l s AS A » Prnm Dnfi Ynur P 11“ l\l‘l‘ Veicvllcut qmllili {lioness The}: ('ITx-t'lunl in lhl-il . mukrs tluhu inn uwut of disvnne. ; HEADAUHE, ler .mt.\n.‘\clm, ' (I'mLu'u. , r 'leunl Bum. “ultimo". L» l L‘ mm! nuuwrr ytl hum-IT \nlh ybur l'ill‘) 3WO Erl‘r [null \\ ill) u; “at? «kn-M dwu-n-lt nn‘ ‘5 in luv tlzuly runn- Ji'ing us I guthn't 30} (“we lune, T Q" ('ulll‘al Prom br ‘Donr lino. .\yc cmuplluintfi I Inh man [u mlv all Ll li‘n- nn-did‘iuo. ellwugul k-nllmr' tli~c=ue.:lpd bO.- 1‘ :lfl‘unl 71H: the h. them big! 13'. I ’ithhurgr, I’m. .\Lifi‘ 1 Sir: I hau- hu'u re! finial lu-ndavhc an) [m )1 1w” ul‘yuh T'HH, I! ul‘<lnnur!l,\vhii‘l| flu-H with pm 4 rm‘pm L i 4.1:, ('l k-Ufh‘lrz‘ulfl‘l (‘W I)?“._H"—Ll\ ICIII'UUJ’L‘A "(lore “all; of New thrh Cll' . le l'ilhmhmrphl‘v :I!|.J’|lll‘li m :m n~|u~xin xil. bull llufl Ilu-Ir u‘pgm the Lnlfr \u-Iy Lmrkml “F”'"'3l”"”"i“'1"““"‘l""'r° uh' 02' lnlldlh litllel-lilh\ ”lIIJI i‘ 05“” lu‘t-nliuu; I {firm 'rrl} rr. 1' 5n 11-mglh «41mg: um} \\ lm-h nigdcncc u! thr pmirufiuu "‘2'“ E 7. : Dr.rJ. d .\yer Plho V qlmv 1. nn 1‘ f 0 \Yuun '. “uni \msm ‘Dr TIA-e _v 'vrl: )‘ I_\' ru‘rml : hm o'hy :z in nri<e h M'nui'c. \ i . ‘l‘Zn. W munrs‘ 1I ‘ I'lom‘ .' ..Vnt onl} HI;(-ii"|:ul'p‘ hem-fianl‘ kimll-tnl. . ’_ v formal ~| n mm r juil’t‘ that I‘ \\‘ur.lh_\ 1191‘, pruplé ‘use ul ‘cll'url I ‘ hn-v h .rthc } Hun-1!) 1 1 \'l' ha ; llw't'u 31].:Tllll1“llt nt' lhéolxnh rirm‘q m» h (1.. :11. l-‘|~h. 15 n 2; 1’ «LI \nur I'ill: in; lny.’n-m-.~.1l film “or Hut-Hum nnnf; [hf-m. min.» In i‘l) HIM 71.1- «Ihr In :1! -H;.‘. Th-ir I:~;;I|!.uliw z'lxfi'ml it‘ll‘zzllul .l. q io[ud nursv [W‘nlh 2|!le 111 nm!) l'ul’ -H‘l.\u' I un-nl‘ If: um! I Imu- ~41 Minn 01mm] .1 ”:‘94' <u ulnlixialc- ”my. it. did 1111111111. I'l'.l«"A-| null} 1 Aunt” “film. .\I». 'ithn nl'lhl' “Min" ”U: I‘m-nu}: \fl .:211. \\‘\\' J U Ulermufthicugu. . . r ‘lmfn hm; mml In Intv pun"; )be" inrmh' *u‘ :u' yum; n!” lhl' ua‘vn mar hmml. T|.<l}-.IH--lu|-_ INS lin rlli-lkc.~‘[ll(‘lillxliL'XH'l' v' giuu in‘fim.“ Ah‘ N for .llhl uliJrrhu-zm 'l‘nvirngnr— --x \m)’ .hcx-p‘uhh- “JI‘I «un— oguf \\ mm H‘ .uuLn-h’vl‘lrg lI .\l‘l'i‘rm' «11-'l'l‘luv 1:1 n 1 lunar pf .\lln-I‘ulfi‘hlm'!‘ We Haul \lllll I‘llh u; ‘13:”: "HIV It Lmlih~ and} . . . ‘ J 6) mph in IXLil'vn. 'l'l‘ 0" tllgtutiuu uml pur‘ llit‘ “any [yr-st I'vnludy‘l . (um raulflxntl; lu'u‘} «4; Yum“, ‘ .J. \' I“ rihgt-o . 's’. Y 2. (ht. 3i .' ‘ . 6 ‘ J 'm ll~lilg yuurl Admit! néd fixul mm :In M ”3(- Hn- sgsu-mfum} {mi 10011.; - ; gJunx i}. “new" uh} (f‘l).<'l‘~l\'l§.\'!-)$S, sHI‘ \TIS'J. liz’l'T'rVlCL’H. .\"l.\'Sl>’. Fl rs. Ic'n'. . Vaughn. ”hath-kl, Cxuuu nix); hr- >.u.l ulhmn‘ 1': rinks. [ll4th of 4 ud .llu-tu us huh-Mimi juix‘ III" in prurhimirl - multitude): who “I“! lxich, uhlmu-Jl Inn! on nilur of mhvufillmt .1111 “JEN m origiunu in 11] L‘:l;s llml ungau and (5 1 shingt Imm. n ‘1 II pr‘: Int/In! lwv mu; Sir: :u’Al h up nil-l hm! 1‘:I:[h.ll"il' uni lln- li\ {hi-hr Jl'l“l ul'lhul u l'llb’l‘ nf I; “fibre-"Ii Inns :1 )idd Plus? HY. h mul Ilr ”3 3|..\ Il’nld DV:Q.:NT ’ Num- 1" tili‘e, mh‘l‘ ‘m-k! upcr th‘c ctfcgt Icm. rcnn -uls I ] "ban 1‘ 13, “I on“ rffi |L(:~' I} who u ~ I * 3,1 " Tvson Bram-31‘s, ‘ i ' I)!ml'm'-:'rm:,< Us nu- [arr/JIM: I.‘ My . [Hf/IT Q'Jl‘ [.'“/I l'. li} l1\~41llll:l. . I’i', i-kl- [:l'rfiiquv lll.l'lllllll;l|;l'ln;"0lll‘;||l1‘lllll'llhl'lt ‘ 'lll"\ ham. ll‘anml l'v [hi-u MW nn‘lé\ri¢x‘nlxu.' Mn Juan r HAM Hm: lm '.t--nl nm (in): Slynlhi side ol Yulk ~ll(‘|‘l. Ibllluldli" l-ln' Il:illli,.mul UWr-idilmr, “(Jinn lluvir'blil ~1-Iml. ' l' ' i i .'l'lw lint-14hr: h -~' lu-en l‘l‘l‘l'll'll lllJ'lt'l’ill“! ir“ inunw‘linti-J ~nprrn<h n, and m ilhu [lf filly-1‘ nr ('_\l-Pu-i- ll in him“ ~fm‘rwl in‘ rvnvlv-i nu Itlli-u "lug: tun-uh lmlhl mm'flh’itah'lv; nnilt r 0 twlliml. Bill" Inmll'lll ilnpron-"mull_lmn-l i-vi a‘llu‘lwl t4] the uuriiiné‘ilru'vrllm'ut. uni tll t llvHMlM’ loaf-v (“'l‘l) I'm-Lil) for lhopr-ulm ti n "(lii-l (his pirlu‘ri-s, 3" , , I l Tin firil' nrr-minm \\':N awarded lht m ll'gr thu ' ‘ll'll 111 l n \crii'ullnrnl Fulr for line hmi .\ull lu l_\pc-n inn-I I’hutugmi-hs. 1 . 3 i I'i-'tun-~ Int :ill the various HrIN. (in-Initlln': Slvleml'npuul nlxule as; lll‘l‘l'lllllll‘“: 11l ”wk I I-VeCIIInn in‘ll‘u- hl‘\'l Illfl‘llnl'r nml 1:":er “with Iu giu-entire<.nt:.~fui-tinn, 'l‘hm I|(I|tl“lllt";fllir+ol( . :lu-I lln- puhl «- will remvlnlwr. ulna): ‘l-‘l' wph [m-lnu-s-Inken, that: llw lay-" Isl“; ihj-ll‘flll Halley-y firm-Jr lill‘lll. mnlAhnl pirlu M uninh tliow lIN' nlu‘nys ('llllal.:!‘l/l(l often s‘ulmrhlfitu‘ Ihme made in hwy- riliw. In no ins anl'r llln llIM‘ innit upon :t ‘lnll‘ “,llt'n [ln-y t'xtil £1 plI-aiu'.) . TIM: " I‘iuJi-l‘tinr ”i: always lrvt: It} tile plllllll',. , - I I ,illg1(~\~or}"ulie ia mmlinll} ilniful 11 [my ipu . '- l"'!"”'“ “M I'l'l‘lf" 1 (0|!- \i~it. \vlmu that “11l ll.|\(‘ nu nppnrilunily‘to ; H, [.'”-g” ”"5“ “t 3m”,- 1""5' 111-villa (yl' t-Ilvjti;tiii~:-~' ol' lhe patronage Int-Lin ~r 1......1.fire-eminent I'W’ii”; creasing repulntiun which it I-lljmi. i all men-duh \rlu'n \\ IT”). or Elfifluhlies will liml mcrr (‘uuH'lli .uce'fm Nix mnl nlm \er) eflee‘ uni in the arrangement “r tlicihloiltflw" . » 1 “‘3' “"‘l “V 'i “""""l‘ 'n'l'l' mic G. Ham: ‘ l‘llL‘l. J..:I'YKON" I 9“ “‘3‘” .‘” "JV” ”'l‘” ”-1 . 'I‘IIOTUGRAPIIEIm. l .; J‘lu nu putn-nlg: l ; Jun 2; 131- ‘ , 1 \ l finmttlul unnuiqmuphiehureh. ' ’ ‘ri' - _ .T.. ' . \nnmi t, (in, Jan. 6 ‘3l}. i ' I . ‘- l R should he iungnuclt'ul furl Haadsomo women h K ill‘lm‘a hruuglltuu ll I‘lnl not; If” THE LADIES __l—lll'x'r'fi " IMAM)“ 0“ :ml. .\ culdflxulllt‘ulul my lu’fil'ih'." A rirll nnJ elegant (lilo; I” in: on Herneiulmg .nclimlgw the rheek-u or lips. I'l'J\'l‘l.Ll\'tl'l‘ W. fill (at all in ('hrninc rinunuqmm... 1!”! “H“, nnd when once applied, lrflnalhfl liluul the Lest ut'lnhy4iuimim Humble lol' yeah. The tint is w rich’nnd fil u‘orse nail \iurpu. until hy [he ’t-irql, mm the chutes: scrutiny fails totlrtetliifil 'cllunt. agent millultilmlre, Dr. 'uw. ('nu he renmvrtl h! lemon juice 'ml Will 1L ’uur Pulls] 'l'lleiru-nfimg not injure tin-skin. Thisisnnew preplirntibll, _ l‘l‘l. ‘ li)‘ perpenlrlng in the (he used liy the celebrated Hour! lleanlieq‘vhl' lain ,tlutircl) “ell. ‘ i dun'auul Pnrieg Milled l:ee,.in hull”, ‘with . Batch lluug‘cpha" 51)}.0155. l (lirevliunu Inr use. for $1 00. y I f ale use" ci‘lltbly ulrul, by' HUNT’S " (‘UI'RT TOILI‘ZTJfOWDEIL’N ign 'llfiullUC (iulit—lb'p‘lllllliltl dla- puns fl. tlnzzling whiteness to tho rom‘ legit-1, clje-l Im- l’or _yczirs. ' l ~ him! is Ilflllkt‘ anything else and for lgia-r’ r l i Vucmr SIJQEELZ l pose. Mailed (“'6 for an t'enls. 4 ii I l _ “ kills in mnrluil rout-lit. .\lenl UFNT‘S “ BRITISH BALM," town? I I”?! "ugh a \‘a luabll: reuqidy in freckles, snnhurn and all trnptioni Milli: “fl. 'duugerouu in a publle pin; Mailed free for 50 Cents. ‘ I chum-queue“ Whirl l'rdqn'em-v NINTH “ RMI’HIIIAL I‘OMADE," I" O l tigms use. These couluiu no. Imir, slyeuglheni mnl imprmrs its my lg. fl I] snhsmncc wlmtevefl. l keeps it. h-Om falling all. and as warm to 0 tier Box, or 5 Hum! $l, ' Inn 1:"! nun) 9”,!" Mink-1d frerf'UrUSl “,0 ; 11. “Eu ‘1 co” ”we" Hui-l ULNT 8 “NULL lmAlyTlll-‘lhlhfilgam h. 1; .vlluehler Gettrslnl g- “(u-um “Halllm‘,°lolosf!flfl‘l w "m" a. l 'r i It: . Paulin‘ k. llccrehri'l harden; the gums, purifies the hrenlh e ‘éctn [— h .. ’. 2 a. ,-’ Iy, r‘nsnvu in; "nu ”alumna-rs I 4‘ er. MM “has“? {L Sham" Acuu. )lililL-d free for $l- 00. ‘,\l I I Hem“? “"k ”I'mb’i‘i “‘l’ V'ch'r’s unuum. wum'ru melm ‘ lodouble excl-net. ohm-angle bloatwms nié‘dk\ ilngu'e. Nailed free for $1 00. This cxgulsile lperlume wun first used by Ihe Princess my»! lof England. on her marriage. 'Meszrs. limit, b (Jo. presented the Princess wigh m Glen-t case of l’erl‘u ery, (in: Which all a! the label" qnicles were’l'ncluded) in handsome tutalfi“ I with gold atop'pcrs, valued 39 $1590, purtijulnrfi ‘ ofwhieh uppenred in the public prinll- J I All the nbove nruelea seui Free, by ”WV“ for I?!) 00. Cash can either ncwml’z‘zgf“ order, or lie paid to the “page, "P all“. 3 livery dfgouds. .lihh‘ 84‘“ I \ Perfuunem to meg-u: LRegiant Stl, London, und‘fi Samoan biz! l del lius l’il. \ . v ‘ ' Fulfill; by. all Brnggjsm and P 991?!“ WThe Trude Supl'md- [09.15% t?! ‘1"; auction of the Lulios is olpea’n] Fl Vilcd to u. [Argo and beautiful "mi '0! Lullies’ and Miami HATS! FLA'Ifl SIIAKER HOOOB, of my "Nit-131° hmcing Boulevtgde Igdflt‘frugm, “huh ‘ "Ewing a}, grey 4 uce prices": “‘ “min. - "I "l 11.7. mum“ lulinlh d) owning u \‘Mnrnl h firm-F. )‘nhx llev. J ’SI \. v. m.. pr. .\_\c: 11' trmr lizm \' ~ln'c [Mut- 1 mi 0 nllerl 1:10 the rgnuls .hltjuul. l:u-' :Iru ML-r me‘ I, All-111 41mm to In h'imhl _-! hp." Si : I: in‘ my pm fire, pummivc "vi-1“ fu ulauus M'thc l I- [a pt Tanonngz; A .ULD has just returuep from in Inrgo stock or omm , Cus -01.5,, Dnlp de Etc, Gas uuere, EsoanH styles; and uv'mg emf , 1:. x x x 6,, 1.. unprepared to png fip the files equal to‘ the best, city I slishmculs. ’ Having turned '- lfi williiu the 1131. sik‘uiouths, i ch “Lismctory, stud? very .use in our trigledgq 1015110"; _ ' e do‘ buninus,iu»No. l . fofgoods cannot bk eny dszqu‘. Give In a. BIL-- -‘ cm pleucéou. i ’ GEURU ‘ ARNOLD. u 'Furemnn,l n‘bove goods manufucturinn our hundredsl which have a. considerable Conclusiverrl manner. Uu [1.5330de qu ‘ W 4 are con; I IPA-i] 15,1 i #y u I 41ij “1 pr ncr .tha .5 '\ “193‘ _«ent‘ thartie Pills. 1 1 fiffiés Gin as a Remedial A'gent. V ‘HIS I)I.I.H'IIHT.\' TUVIU .\‘THH‘II‘A‘xT, Mr J [mmllr Higncd In: the use (d mills/.1 m" I'l'l/I.r.flu;l.&‘l rln- Mun/131, Inning snlu-nfml‘: w! tlu- m-mllml “Nina." “_\rumzltic,"“C(/nlzn}ll. ‘ “Vlahruu-d." “St‘hnflplfll': HOl, in nqw: in: Ilurml my all 01 the prqrgrincnt physicimn‘ « lu‘lulrl." .md hunulndqenrn, m; ”0‘99“"! a” n] ‘mow [llluulg‘ :uA-dh'imll Qualifies *lnmc '11:") diurl-lir) \th h itching to ah 01.!)ng Pym: Gin. I'ut up’iu quu'n lmnlea n'nd ‘0” ‘l' 1r druggiau; grm‘q'rk, fi-It‘.’ (a :press. ’ 4, ."ud .; -.\. .\i. mxn'nmt 3; Tu. 1‘ (Eslnhlidmd is} WM.) h‘ulu- l'rupr t-l‘uri,‘ ; I ‘ \VU’. 19 111-unit H'rrél, .\. X 1 For 2:110 by Fl!l‘1\('ll. RlVHAllliq a: PO}. \\'. \\'. kill. S‘H'UJ; “qu n" u! ll": Ipl‘whniutul. \Vlmlmule "min.“ n mmmuwn}. ‘ I l yu.l:.,la.au. ly' ‘ '-A. ‘ I - a" '- :\’ 5* Gettysgburg, Foundmy. I 7 ‘llE' sulfinfihvr, hu‘ing purrlnth (hi: 1 Fuumlu pf \h-sirs. Zn MlnlefiJH-d «E (30, (town-Hy “'nnn-ns' Foundry) lms c‘xmlnwnr‘fml 111l~hu-~a,nnd it nmv prr’mr d to "Hg-r n} glm ‘pnhlm “larger nwurlmn-nt n! \thlwrv lthwn lI'N lll'fl'hl'nl'l‘ In rn dfl'eN-d. Hm; HAITI'RESII ‘ING .\LU‘IIIXI-ZS. (‘lm‘ur llnllvrnl.Fu‘llk-rqfl'ln term/for" Sin ”ms. and llul‘uun'x 13m imprmNd lluru- Rnkc. .\lrll, HTUYHS. auk us Chm. Sim es. throqdilh-rrm Hulk; and flyizlillfi‘ré-m 247.05 of Tun-plum Stun-n. LiklIWL-‘l .\lili Mm Sm“ -Inill ('zhfiugs, um! ull kinds 01"FuXI1ifig} m irun or “Wm-L“. ‘ ‘ , 111 \‘ ,l 5 nun” --- ‘ "HEM, MEI cchrig pun-ht is :nlm gc-ruus ~oxm k 5 ud‘dv nf the 111 Sure- kaimw l-Inpluy ME 115=1 113111 ,1859‘ ‘I ul':lJ| ’rurcrl m Iwr nlc thr nyb‘lH-lI’AHHNG ol‘nll mun nn' Mm». (mm and ('llalillus WI” lmiium- hm Hl'dl'l" on lr‘prt Imtirc. l’nllorus Ill‘lllt‘: to order; l‘lbugll Nd. Tilgs ready made ; l’l.!BK(lllS,sucln§nu Shh], '\\ ilheru“. l'lm~lwr.< Wumlrm-k, lin-l FWP'W 'mlwrs nul mvnlinm-II ill‘ll‘; um! vig It dilfm‘q-ul VHulls 04* mm: l-‘l-JNl‘lNflJ for (vuu-tyflw, :l’nrkht'N‘ nr del“. 1 > 1 3 ' \‘ulul'v Qr— skin > curod. ME BE .\lsnL \lurti‘inl: .\anhim-fi, mm of lhg: No.l 'umt Ln ”<0: I‘th murhilw wurka with ujldnr by hand : :Iu) llytll-hnygyun nlmugl-.'l. —' ; tit: “'l7 in lllhl which , trLul- Cu” and cwlhim- Mir duck; nn Ednulit Inn, what “0 mm plrnw. :‘l't-rsgns ouglé! to NM it 111qu u mining-(to l:lly_nlzl(~lliIIQ-r_\‘ 0 any" kind n 0 how . nlwu- ibis niniluiuvturml. 5% Hm; [l‘m c .1) "cl 'czullxgel any [inn replayed uh- rvpuil‘vm .. , 1‘ : , mm» STFIQEN. . Gunslmru, l"(-ln.1.°-,:IRUO. j , ME I‘ what hem-r 1)“ng- z - Town Property § .E g . "‘ T PRIVATE S \H‘L—Tlu- umh-nsiglwd inf ' A I'vh in Minute S-‘II'HHS l’ruporh‘; in whim II “he now n-‘ilhw. <itu.m‘ in Hm! .\Hdgllt- unfit-l, I(h-!1_\"lvl|r-'. n-hui ling S; I: ijlnn up Hui. m-sl Inml .\ll‘i. Rh l‘i‘llm on 1110 mid. \nlh ‘nn b lnlh'v in [IN IN”. THIC “HUSH i; “Eli-fl |two~~lurv I’rnmv, \‘v(‘illhwlmnrlll-IL “itll ; . {lku'L-IHHHZH: ‘ :x u (.51 m‘ nun-r, “3111;. punt“ in , lit. at the dunr; uml u un'il 1y ufhul . uurhvm lfl'illll'V', Imm, innu'hvs, .:[>(i('uts, thqrrivr, and * rm ws all the mm‘t « Mnivu. ‘ {A l ' . - z.\c|r..uu.\u fl , ‘ My“ 13,, Is‘so; u‘ 1' “II All "l with n‘ Pill; UM n am} I) can worm. 'lvnnsc 'ri-nxg. \l.\'rs . Gettysburg 'q'l‘l'fl“ H‘JE “IL“. (‘Il(ll\'l~lll $4 '3 \\'|> IHlLlmmS'l‘mac'l's, M ‘l-nl \‘m:\ , _ 'l'm- ~uln~l£rihl ramming Sin-um \!ill‘nl’\|rfi l‘.\\' ”(It'll Av. in “In H inn-U! Ilmrmmhh rvl'mia «I, by 3 II II 1- nwr-«nx mul'im-r) in mind), \(unv. 'l'ln- ImH i~ mm“ in ulnrrJln-n‘l Vrnhh‘ h: ruvalv. nu I'h-wmnnlfi‘r’tr J-‘miu m. Annm'w 'l\nv:.§'ru.\’r u'u!ll~(f."1’ in [him-Adm l|.l\l- [with] tum-wa'lv] I'rfl' i 7. Y‘Hl‘lll l'mlnl Lil ny-I-vl nn‘ “'1 Hu- u'h -r Ifmlill/mxz :n'm ”flit-II 3n Ln“ .'l‘ho FnElmnllg l‘vrvilL :‘lr Mun. 1H1("H‘Il~ \w'l'unglv-r. mull kpm-luldu‘ tili/I-fi uf \viguuwvnunl'x” \\ Illu- lrn‘lh 4|! HII~ "5.9.1:”...3- I H 31 [En-,‘y'm‘l lunu- I; rn “Mn: ‘Q'm (h’um [Hull a, v _ . ‘ , . s’. s-lunt. nn nn l|n|| ‘nr 13hr .1141 our \ 'n'itu]. jjhxyl, H 1.. hr Agu-Hr-r ur-txlvrl: llm}: \ Ululh: [.mn'. 'nwl : m‘uw u. 1;. hm Lawn su‘ ‘ ' '1 in Hlvlih‘ ”up; . ' l’li'l'l’.” li‘ ' Stunt-(«MN nthl-r C“"'in(fllt("~ nf “la: Poul-l hr lnm‘nywl. hul this is ~ullji-ir I’r" I“.'l"!|y!“lflln I':_-qm~-lt-nl m SH"! uh‘~!‘~ um] HI» uh} n. 2!. [tin]. ‘ ' 3hr. I. mu.’_n nun. , yuqmt 1h m: :lumng D I'l‘gll' ly ”IQ l‘ Inn (- ‘lunrn'l v PIHs vellum. m (In- l. I). Pipes- Ll : l A, (”x‘fnr 1r fru § as l K it lur rAfrum \\ ura'c Iu liver, EMI .1011}? m yrr...'iic`l EMI {-- F I Yum 'r mm in: Tum Luau-«l like his [llM‘n' Inciting" m: l Inpu ‘lmd 'I {nu ‘34 Irsol'ufi =Ma b. In hu .1 w'b)‘ in- In”! p an-J: um“ lizkfir'lv— ill u‘lffxl «I may“. var-o 31%: l 'in; ”Mint. Riv-Ilium 131111, '1 11'11114 r in 4.41 r v 1 1 ME :- fl ‘:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers