Th ' The Guru.“ in published every Monday homing. by 11“!" J. Suuu. at $1 15 pm Innum if paidgatrictly n! “nun—732 00 per imam 1!, not paid in ndvgneéé ' No Jubncriptinn dilcfintinued, unload It, the Option of the publisher; until all indulges pregpaid. 1, ~ y » Anvnrunnrsinper‘ editthéusual pita. . Jon PSIXHNG done {with' niaatneu Bnd ‘ilispb'kh. . ‘ i j ‘ Quiet in South Baltifnnre street. din-«Alf~ Opp‘osite Wannflérx' Ti, nifig Establishment ef‘CgléxLu annvcl ”not” :on th/ggign. Jury List-LA GRAND . Cumberl'nnd—Jncdb Lot florhst. I Liberty—Janey?! mamm' lwltzl-r. . Nounlpleaunb‘qfigmuel Smith. ' ‘ l Oxforg~Petexj Mom." ': Hamiltonhnn—Dnniel'sfi' Lnumore—Amm .\chrl.‘ ”finch—soM! Minor. , tone—Geo. Macklev. \ un'tington—Jonephvfl‘ti ‘Oono'ngo—"Snmuelfich -! Fm.hcwr. I Hnmflton—Dnnipl Elm-h lfinntjoy—Silns M. Hornl Beri'ick.bor.—Andfew - Berwick tp.—Summ-l llrt Union—Daniel Welder. Struhsn-J—Jessp ShriVL-r. «Benin g—Michnql Alwin. ‘r T x . dlllliAL Buntingtdn—Wm. Smye Wolf, Canon 0. .\loorel Elmer—Mirna Thelma? ; fenlperszer. “ . ‘Bmumban—cmmi n? Fq, Snmuu Biker, {1 Adam C. Mnuelnmn I ' ‘ l ; Ilquntpjbasampl’exer ‘ tafismhh, Samuel 'FsJ ‘ bcr. Jr. ; - Cumberland—John Wei» 0.. 1‘ LntimOre—Gq-orge Fifi-T , n!" Jnceml. Gettysburg—~Wm.‘ J. Mn gin, Wm. ‘Chritlmnn, Jacob snemfl. ’ - lenlpan—Cen. ‘B. .\[unfm Oxford—Jonph J. Smith Hamilton—John Mym. ‘ anklin—Julm'liilt'mym Tyronr—wai R lITc-nspn-l McMillan—Thomamßlm-l Germany—Jacah .\‘rhwm Freedofnfi‘lumes Biglnm union—3 1(‘hnol KilzmnH Connvmgo—Thnmu .\l]:v Monntjuy—l’flcr Urndm“ (Banding—Jami. “whim: ‘Berwirk bot—FGNlrge I); My 22. ism ”—4-“ r . -, Gram! "P 3 subscriber will .all kinle-nfl'l UIH' ’ihaneherr-hurg “hit-t. \"J YE, (lURN. l).\'l‘.‘F. SH!- highut maWs w ' ”#1 Will ulfin uunlin’g VARH'IE‘Y STORE, nnllf fim Imud Groceries. Sufi“; Dry Gnmll. ('(Dllrl'l'fillfl“,! The puls‘lir Mo lnritrd my ed’ to sell us chm]: as thq Gettysburg, Aug. 6. l I ‘ Merchant ‘ (NEURGE ARNUHJ-H “I (11¢?in will: u hurr sinner”, (‘nshuwwlbh l’l t‘wmfi‘ "owin‘ga M a? I me la hl‘l'Jil'l‘d nf ’ 3'_¢“_l\'. 'l‘.'l yFnren‘mn, we uni “:1 fl‘léfi'e “midi in “3108' datum-luring muhlidn' om Imndrmh of job~l u it: whirh 'h.:u: uH punt-4! W confide-MM;incumfiu in rmu'lusiwlg‘, Him “2 I munnr‘r. Umwlm'k 0!“ {aid in _qu t 1”) fl'ld My - re Confident we cum A'firillfi, 131513 tt . Lanéaster Bu 'Eungl-z wuxx‘. ‘‘ | 1; 0| Asn n‘usx Imus Plain «pd 'flnwm-n/ul‘ nrription, oxm-utcd in [II approved" 513123. . ‘ nrrrnnwxs I". W. Brmfn, Eu... l‘nrmi-rs ”Auk of Lnn: Mtcr W. L l’glfier. Hill ,Lanqafler ('lili;|‘.\; Bunk Sumu’el Shock. Esq ,‘l‘u’lumhin Hunk: ‘ finnmel Wagner. X-Zuqq \lmkliunk. _ “'il'linm Wugnerhl-Bq” "07k (‘uuqtv Bunk. ’ ’f‘. D, Carson, Eeq“ Hunk of um; ehnrg: ' Fever Marlin. Esq...l’rulh'y“flmnrzx‘ler cn., 1‘“ God. {7. Hnwthnrn. En] . fill-gist" “ “ 'gen. “‘hilfion,l-t:q.,:l’.ccprdnr , ,- “ “ April 15, 3,561. ¢ _ . e- - ' . ~_ 1 - , - —- ‘New Sprmg-Goods! ' PICKIXG hm: nn hm}! :1 new lot of Spring OYERCOATS at war price-q, . f OVERHUA’I‘S at war pricgs‘, SPRING DRESS FOX”, ‘ ' mums COAT-fly 1 . ‘ ‘ SPRING PANTALOOXF, . PANTALUiLVS m. panic prices, swank; VES’I‘S, - _ . EN ‘ ' ' ' "ESTS.\‘I€STS, VFSTS, {'nderShirts.Drawers.Snacki'lgsfiocks,"loves. Al§or¥uslcgl lustfilmenln, Acuordcons, Flutes, Fifes. Notions, 320., km: («2, being sold" very chénp. Call' in and kink and ‘yml can’t help buyine- ‘ 1 [Mny‘m 13.9.1- * ‘~‘ The Great {Discovery . » F THE A(}E.-‘-{llifldlnmz\toi’y and (‘hrnnic . Q Rhoumnlism Mn h tin-ed hy “aim: IL L. ...Ffll [JJEB'S CELEKRAT D RHEUMATIC MIX (», ‘TURE. Many prominent citizens of th 5, mm} - the ldjnining cfiumies,‘ have tcsiiFed tn its greet utility. {layman’s in Rhonpmti ail-c -tioniflma been hilhorub \lnpnmllelcd y_nn_\; specific, intrnduccd to [fhe public. 1' ice 50' , bentf per bottle» For sq e by‘xu drug; «sand Innkeepers. Prepared 91in by 1!. L. M LLFJK, %Imlenle and menu LPrnmist, Entt lßerlin, Adnml county, Pm, deal r in‘ Drugs, Chq'micaut, piln, “finish/Spirits, Hainls, Dye-stalk; bol tled Oils, finances and Tinctures, Window filué,‘Perfnmery, Pageant Médlrincs, kg; kc. ‘ H‘K. D. Buehlvr imthe A'gcln;ill.(;euys ] rg for ” I]. L. Miller’s Cvlcbrnu-d lll‘tcumnlic' Fugue." ‘ ' [JU'C3I 135 L— tr A Ready market; ' ‘ \ BUSIIELS'GRMN wn'r . 00.000 El).-——We have taken the ions: lately occup.ed by Klinefelcer, Boiiinger —. k 60., with a dflir‘minyfiiou to pay the highest gush: prices far All kinds pf Grain. You wil , _flnd 111 supplied with ~I?LAS'I‘ER, GUANQ of I" kinds, GROCERIES, Whplesal'e and Renilrl “TIMER, COAL. auteur-y other article in 01;: line a! businéss, sold a the lowest possible gates for Cpeh. Cali sndLexamine our stoch'hnd prices before purchuind elsewhere. ‘ 7 , - mum, nnmuauorr a 0.0. 7 I. Api'ilzl,lB6l. ’-tff‘_ , . . ‘ . i . , -_ , ‘ '3. Townslqm Ahead. ~ ‘ ‘ deersiiz-neqr Fe ctfully juformsflhe ' ”public that he cont. nues the CARRIAGE .NGAND REPAIR NG hnnines: in all its filerdnt forms, cheapnr than any #101: in the «taunt; .AH york war ntcd to. give satisfac— fi‘oltoeu'stom irs. Con try produce taken in ”ridge (or work u. n’: ken prices. , ( A ' '. M. TOWNSL‘EY, 9 thtyg‘bur‘g, June 24, lush ‘ —— ;_\_ New Goods 8: Lumber. ,1 - awn BUBLlTZ,vfllArendteville, I”. 5m \ ‘ returhed from the pity with n'large Ind pg eet stock ofl Dry Gooqs, grannies. Guoens- Vere, Hurdwu‘e, Boots Shoes, Hus, Cups {l'm-h, tc., km, cheap; than ever. ' _ 13%;!!!» kn on hand A at. of POSTS, sum Q“ LES, or an n: unity, w ich he F?“ 6'3ong m. the lo estqliving profits.— 61" kill I call. He wil shrunk, to plans -. , 11:13.1861. m » Ayers Ch‘ gust Term. my. ‘ ,- E Jo'scph Bnlleyflohn ser, Chrietian Over- Geiselmn, Peter K 43c1_ wear. da‘r, George Trenkle‘. MfT artz. rt, George Butt lflkl‘h. wn. ' <-‘ lJnnY. ‘ ‘~ I, haw flow. Janna ogse Dull, Jacob Ralf- , Walter THEE—mm: f Jacob E. Samuel Hart “:0". ' _ n-r. "rznry'flfi “'vizle 11.. Slum" Jli~hup. u. Samuel S. .\lu-Xnir. ’r. \iukcs Schmurlzi mB. ‘ " J.‘ ‘ 'T'qun. prouuuneml'inv‘ne, _is u .\.!) -v ‘ ‘_’_‘ A rain; r-nnlinnns pnn-luuing E: :1! hi; uld a‘Tnd on ' .‘—FL(H' [L \YHI‘} \T, ‘ "S, km. 'or which the he gin-n. '- , . An army officer lmujmt 1| tqresting estimate of the mn by} an armf. Ho Nivs that. 5. sum-e daily ~51112 torfiuml‘tt-n sons alone chm: rodfiiring 3( ry fomro‘finugh to support ’ o my Gllm‘EllY rmvl J‘Yi” Ivor}! (‘Ouflhliflly l HI. Fish, (‘m'l sr-\\'.lr(', h’luslbr, Gunnn, ken—- gcull. us 1 nm chellnil.-' filwupvd. » ~ Junx SCOTT fimt four dnyfi. Msxlming t 1 ‘sol‘ves ’t-nuldhu'ry (Inc til-5t t —~nml 3N) lmrxm to‘-c‘nn:y 1] every day nfifirwnrds. :Tln ail orir. g ! 'iu'jn’st rt-wrm‘d frmv] } flock nH‘LmIH, (‘95- l~:Iu duRH‘. (‘.n,\lnnt'ro, Ell 513195; and h.l\iu‘g provisions shmfld ho snnt ‘ it): up 1 mfumonqing :1 wfpk's man-31. 'l‘hgix: 1 wife and ammunition wmfld' requir Jomt a‘ mur-l‘: mnre‘cm'ryi'ng‘ lnatbfial.l cavalry fan Limos :14 much :‘ko tlmtfu 'mypf‘ 341 mg. pl'aporlfmmdfiml. and‘h' i a anl] propm‘ljnn of horse fmkliersjiv now} the sorvim‘w of over 1.090110 an 3 each. for a singlmlix's net-oséuries. 01 mnrchlfrfim Ak’xnmlrja to Bull Run- m shhuhl“ hm‘o Log-n nen‘fly 3.0 m our Lm-mz. w-gsuming that ?ho tinny woul? tinge food mun-hing both Mh's. ‘ ‘ I ' I N ’a. - I-pnn-d lo‘pnt up the annl afrflu- ht-xl city It-nl-k. [Luingnmwd Ilin Niel-.'”! hi‘ nmuthi, 12:55pm“. “in! 1: \rr;\' ‘nilr Ira-Iv go In \thV, n ,hll~il|l-:~\‘ inhxnul nun-13' (”Minot b 1; sur lc. (Eh? :1: a call..— "3143350 ymj. “imam ARNOLD I -———~— .0... ‘ «J_V i - Cannbn‘ading zit Bulli Bun. f “'ll (‘iip the following from tho-Son , I): mom-r 11: " f l . ' ilmxt S’uminy n wm-k, fill" dannonhd' Munmsns was lu‘nrtl at this, plam‘, n mzuw ntho‘r pointfijp thfi‘crhnily. : : “(hut factory.” m: tnp of thwmmmtni i slim-k \vn'z sn {lll‘ t that it simnk tho 1 ing, while at poi§s in Middlverfok t “ 4:in (‘Ufll snow» \'9 diachnrgm ~ ( :t‘lislinvtly Imm]. At various other I in the cfiunly the firing WM 11mm] l —~at (ML; plmi-Jt \\‘:l~‘Olli\' hoard at i 1 1 val“. Thu Ili~tnlws is nlmull nna in ‘nml twenty five miles in a lmfilvino. l om; (ltht-i thr- :Ibnve. we cite the fo] ‘ as :l confirmation: Early on )fnndsw 1 ‘ inéavyvtulhf our citizen: said they 1,1 .5 Ann‘hél (lib day lu-t‘nro which they I! m g was tiho rnpnrt of cannon. nnil by 16 'g :a number of reliable ponchs from b lportinnxpl‘the county cnmc lt'o town "In jj 13.: similqrstntomonts. and [blamed it t llifiynmi questioning. No ono knew l » h! tile nf‘Mnnnssns until Mnndny‘nig 1; i ‘ This may seen) strange whéh the a t is dink”! into comidémtinn tlmt-jn, m ny 1 plm-éu nnt'fil‘ty milo~~ dintunt :from M. nn gas the canno’nnfling was not hbnrd. ‘ . ei her \wah it lie-53111 in Ilngerstown," Fro! or ck. IMartinshurg’ or Charlmtown. ‘Som Lis _lnn‘ thp Alldghvnr mountain; on ,th s ope iota ridge which ountinuea iiirmtly 0, En l‘nnksns Junction; which will hccount fish it. 'l‘hoee who mndenfund jhm scion or M cnustim can, readily explain whyl ands (‘fln he heard at an elevation one h ndred and twenty~five miles, which can at, be i beardjifty on a plain. 3 i ok Bindery. 0K It‘l.\'l)l~.‘R, )[Axl'Pu-Trlmn. x ‘ LANCASTER, Pa. Hauling. (T e\‘rry do - luofl SuLaniul and ‘ . I “I ‘ -‘ Not a Happy Wofman. g - Hrs. Flutter Budget is not :1 ha.‘ y‘wo inmi: and. ns 1 have intimated bef' ,she seriously interim-cs with the hhppifi, ,s and the spiritual prosperity of thoke abcu t her. When she mm find nothing to do. tl‘ n she worries. These children of her's a__ 3wo_r rigd nearly toi'death. If. in their phi. .thoy geLan'y dirtiupnn their faces. they a e im mediatelfisent to make themselves lean. If they soil their Clothes, they are sh ’0 up 3 until reduced to n properlstute of peui enco. 1 They're kept out of all droughts of 'l‘ for fear of a cold; and if they should talk cold, ‘why. they must take medicine of; th ”most“ . repulsive character Le a penulty. .‘ ‘‘ ’ i If they cough out of the wrong ‘co er of theii- timuths, she suspects them of c oupy intentions; sud, if they. ’venture, at some unguarded moment. on a. cutaneous mp tion. they are iminedintely .chnrged with the measles. or soousedeith the ‘smnl pOx. If they quietly sit down ‘_for a mom nt of repose. she apprehends sickness, an stirs l them about in order to shake it ofi'. ven sleep is not sacred to her, for‘ if she fi ds 3 flushed face among the hemmed little lum berers, she wakes its owner up to ms e of fectionate inquiries. Her husband, as I bnve already stated, died‘ two years ago. She walked» upon his uervous.sysbe to such an extent that he was glad to rid of ‘the world, And of her‘. Lthink ' mail would die.- after awhile. with eons ntly looking fit the motion of a. saw milL The 'in of s locomotive makes the tan hes: ‘ {writtlo at last; and the w?“ emf ta restless wife is beyond th strongest endurance, _ / ___: - 01. Mile: a'nd Mel Late Batik—A - 'ter in a New York joty‘rnal, referring . the charges referred against Col. Dichn S. Miles,U.§. army. pronounceg them grdund less, and undoing gréabinjxfsh'ce to a gallant officer, The writer furthes- remarks: i We law 601. Miles several times dining the day, and ronounce __ the char-310‘ of drunkenness a. Yihel upon the fair fa e of an accomplished oflioer, who saved ’thpflives of: thousandth? our men byjhe suoeJuful dud made in the Macon spinal four thouundot't..hoenem.y.\fl ' .‘7 Pectoral. BY H. J. S'I‘AHJ‘E @ll2 .gtgm PUZZLE” (EENlllfl-TAKK ‘IY JOHN G. SAKS. f'Gut nny boys 7" tin-Marshal said ‘ To a lady from ou-r lhl: Rhine; LAnd the lady shook her fiux'ei'i lie-ind, Aud civilly Mining, “4an: .’"" u Got npy Karim ms Mai-shin mid ‘ To the Indy from over the Millie; And again the lazly nh’oyk lI‘C‘EI’ head, And'civilly nhswcn-d, “ Mme .'” “But some me dead 2“ the Marshal uni Tulthe‘lndy from over the‘Rhine; And again theJme Hhouk he‘r head, And chilly unswarid, “ Nina!” :7 V , “ Hush'uul of‘r‘oqrso '1" the Rim-aha] £‘ Il‘o d3l- lmix frum over lhclillln‘ne : I And again sht- shank her limp-"fluend, . An‘d Lihxlly "nun-red, “ N‘ur .'” - “ hulls-mi _unr have 1", the “H. - - , ‘\ To mum]; trqm «nor the» And agnm ~xlu: ..lmyk her (PL And civilly nusucrcd, I“ J" “Nuw wlmt do 3 uu mean by gh Ahd MW")? mimrering ‘A “' [rink-HI" "If/II Eng/[MIA 1" vi“ The Indy from on‘? {he ll: I ‘ @imllfim What an Army Re L 4! ‘ The Resolution otlndémiity. We werelmisuken in announcing the | other day; t "It Congress hadiplnsnéd the re solution indllmnifying the P'éal’idént for the ’ exercise of ’ncnnntitdtionnl [lowing—such as increasing the regular day nd nnvi. ‘ suspending he Jim-it. of " ,‘ sup } pressing ne spnpersf‘i'c. . ‘ lie esolution i pnsdcd the nude of Repreéeri iven, but for some 1‘ «‘in (he major-it t a Senate did not dee itg‘pinssage adv l ‘l , While ve many persons egg! eréiselof u constitutional ,po' 'ei part. of the resident as’ neLtegi-f tiflable und r the peculinr i ‘ , fiery few ar prejmredkb denyfil alkwe pm‘i emt‘ed were uneqm ‘ 'lth Home toolé this view of}. when it pneé d the resolution of“ Mr, Joh'n SI orm‘nn‘deelnred in t. ‘ that the P siilejrnt‘ had not [5O pond the w of Lulu-as rm’pus‘ not. inn the opi i'on bf AttnriieyLGen t'b the cnntr: ry. ; \Vhy then hill t refine in m] pt tim‘ resélutit‘m of‘ .t)'?; _Wnre ‘onnlulrs afraid tqul ’nnlv'es nn lho. rccdrd of endorsing l of the Cons 'tution? Did they po'wer nf‘ (hit-\grdss to grant. inde did they me: n to nmrm: by ibipli alwalnte rip): of the’ lixécutiiréto the Constit tion withqub Hgisl tion? ‘ ‘ 1 i ‘ Wp suppo thatnthelimo ives mi; sonata ill n‘ouer be ex‘plici ed}. but the nst common til-gt] in jusfificnti n afthe exercisla of stitutinnal p wet“ ig, thnt in ain‘t the ordinary laws governiné on times offimn e are measurably xiii (loctrinc is fill of danger to o montg Tie l’reéidchgt and big of Congas-x qok a sniemn ath tile Cnnntitu ion of the ['n‘qedm t‘u's nhlignti n is imperative.“ smg] under 1- 'My variety of cirr 'lihetth has uld-reservations, an :demit'of nl. itudinar'mn min‘tr (1w llk‘ocutiv may tlisrognrd'iho q!“ ”Ii“ (‘Qnet tution WilénfiV‘Pl‘Li ion. Euhlic n noesity demnmlsjt, is tlxhre to ii: power? _ll also jhd‘gé of the wintence of such {3“ Exeoutivo m y. in time ofwm, ill. the Constitu ion entirely. and} *clividlml will the only rule of no. must he the novitahle comeqtm lay-plimtion o the principlc'thzit silo t in lit 0 of war. The: C 'malros no s4}: prOvision—nnd not i“ the be t 'evixlonce‘tlmt its tpmlod it [to )e applicalfle in tin) ‘iivoll :Ls'm'tii es of peace. ‘ ; No person is dispmed'tojuzlg dent sm'vr'ol ', for the integrit tpnlinm is n t fiuefitioned. Bu s'! pormnal mtier.‘ He can fur rem-hing. - It directly aflcqtsi of ouanver mont. Once letlth‘ be admitted hat the Exécutiqel rim] of the n my mar suwpend infirm mymé n the State of Sol n 1: dnne o a recent occasion.‘ qnca udnaitwthat the éountry i? 1 thry governn engand the head: his entire trol ov'er the libel citizen.—P:(t‘t:‘at d? Unian. alml said thine: MUM Ikiagyour ‘llf " 1' My said inc. - riZi ZEE!! H'- 431125 nit-Es index :1 mos Prinls reql |,UUO mm) cwts of pr ) hdrse< to them for lat. (ht-3' t] i“ roe llnys’ 'e fn‘ml n‘é: 34 RI“) (nn and " or] K i of mg uld thn the _I T 3 iltl ‘Wn- ‘ he in“ ldnv ter ( red any ‘ ing’v. WM t f > An Imm The Waalz New York 7* wagon mntr he ovbrhaul [under-sham lyn, New Y ‘ lime ago wi hundred wa was introdh ‘ oer ‘in the W igntd that of wagons— ? and railréagj ‘old fashion Pfior fellow ear, and 1h 11'!in to 'the' Ifa'fir] a quan 'tOW fo'r a n _ afterth q} soon at b'yltye an'rv tprs fox-the“ t_o purchase If more than 1n that thesae 1 ibe Gavel-unite plan the mania The pail-ties W 7 are well kno‘ 14 G’oodOfiinca—The Non-ism . Refit, .says thit nm ngst the 1000 me who :11- posed the Regiment from that. :1 -., tare were but forty-(m Republicans . As these men have now returned, the ‘,. , «thinks there is a flap chance for the W - e Awaken ,‘l—the fellow whb carried con oil lantpc last fall 0 hhow their patriot In; Thus far they hate been louder i-‘ profession than active in deeds. _ . Star: iuffiigaand On'M—ln - “war bathe nery. “why: the stars on‘ the U' 'lth Srtntu as; are five-Pointed. 3nd those -'n the poins six-minted) the editor of th. Historiéal Magazine Tim" that the d i er of the ooinfollew , Epglishmndoftre iz ; French custom.. InlEnglish heralllip : guage, the stay hu'six points: in the harsh ry 9f Hol land. France; and Germany; the :tar n futo quted. % . . é iron of» n ’s - gaspin- New York Herald as that the yak- tb suppress rebel may cost. 4.:an $150,000,” 000.000. w 11 $ll9 whole Grim :Enghnd _' 1y to much. pountsblo f the ppodigioas - hue been «19, with Incl; .. small rem] 2 ' ~ 4 a ‘ i . i I M =I < ‘5 1:5! 4"! J" 1% E - MOORATIIO AND GET'i-fSBURG, PA.-, MONPAY, 'AUG. 19. 1861- v‘ , [8 es! \ i‘ ‘ t t l thig ex on ‘ the and jui- stances, t {he' acts I .’Lutiofml4 j; subJectl demnity. 3 Senate 4 r to nus-‘44 ithfitand- 4; ral 'Bgntes r 4 [a Senate 44 indemnfi- )4 ca thrust-44 fractions 4 nuht ‘the :4 nity? 0r ‘ ntian 4tho upercede‘ ive vsanc-x «warning y reveal- ' ent used]. xtra-cod te cf V 3" rfilom in nt.' This ‘ Go'vvern- . momhor 9 support . tes‘, Img! all,time<, mstancéq. i “does not ction. If bligmin‘nn hisljopin- J hut. lin‘lit’ f the sale (unify. the -. 'oméwi‘gh LLI3 his in 'ion. , Tfii‘s , cc of (130 E 0 him: n‘re F nstifiutinn { at it; dock gamers I‘n‘ {L of warms the Presi of his fin- this is not. enoeé are he an-e ‘: princinle 11‘ any pond he writ bf - York. as and “2e fit nder mili - the arniy ‘ y of very I Theft. :nse Wugofi-Loa lington correspond ’l.»th says: 1‘ I havé ct which it is to be {by Van Wyck’s flint, a mangvfitm‘ r 3, sent an «gait a‘proposition to‘ ons‘to the Gover ed by a Sofiato'r to ' r Départment, frb ‘ the Government: but it wbuld my on‘ . and thus diipe modes of transpon lent home with I manufacturer m ' ad conclusion this ity of wanes which m-ket until’ the ré terminhtion of the; med from his melun I I'er fiashingto var Depa mam, wh 11 his wagons, and: could furnish. I }vcky" favorites 3 ant. flirty Jail" :ufwtturer qfered to 8': rhoare to reap this vn here.” _‘ .nt of the ear‘d of, a hoped will ummittee. in Btook- here some; ll several: » .ent. ‘ HQ profil- offi- I wlgoxi: he :a no head wambouts ; withl the ~:tion. y‘Tbe "54min1 his (13 up} his he had op - ould have ivnl ofblija‘i u. Blfl he holy mood of contrac wereréady -_ood many nderst'pnd ived dam wagon more ‘ themfo‘fr— 'ch harvest "maths. onhns '- Imdt‘fi' .nr ‘t "ho into- mp‘ "‘nt‘m Is nan-n um iwm‘rxfimn." The Democracy of Ohi :e-We have *eq not, taut. a; conngclcil wifllj question ~now agitating .t‘ ple, than the-proceedings Conventionpf the SL2. 9‘ Cleveland. . » l g 11. muSt be recollected‘ icy of this} greatefi Slate ii anthusiafiéic friends ‘ of ftheir vows for him with {last 6:11.41; for the J’resi‘ gspeaks ongthe War, 31nd his“ the vtjiw of 150qu ' “damning in thunder ‘ton ‘ H minisimlion, for its blind “and cru'efi policy of blood h This i the beginnin :éflmd which soon wills ' ”Iliisl-ctiéualism, Bhwk ' ”A litioriiqm 111-9]ng Tm: x:fmundjnilgment of ”19 p fisoon decree tlncm.-f]¢jfl' ;; §The 01110365 I] ‘_ 'The ngmmticsin‘tet‘ 'gwhich xvi-ambled at cm ‘ginutq Wait the largaext (‘vo Hmm at that phwe. Thei “'o“ng gimughnutl and ichpr-n . rlhe Union as xiDon-lOCI‘iIt-t will try to m+ hgivon. Hugh J. Jewptti licnnniyqu nominated (3 1.1. s'th Harrimn fur Liq 1} The f'pllnwing rcsoiutii liurmnim'mwly: ‘ 1 ii The Dvmoorncy .nn-l t 'Eof Ohioi in . (‘mnvon‘tmn hind (19171 an the folhming Hinds u on whir‘h they ap‘ [nt‘ié Uiiir'm and liberty? (unite mid rally in the suit Mm day prvsontml: _- } 1. Tim thu vivii mm», Etri- hid! [-I‘P‘T‘llt dim-nah pfi'xprnm of liii=gnidml wc‘ ‘gémlorfd int familiml a; wall :LsSnuth. nml that jpartv hiLavo equally nmm Enf hath svétinn-fl and Im znnlnn-ivv onmondr‘d' fnr‘t 30f the vh-noral Gnvs—rmm {slitmhfiml limih. that. p iréqmn‘sxl-lv’i‘nr mlnmitxm :ml from a dopamine frnn in di<rv~§znrrl «if he Warniri 122. Thu! ‘n this nafinn l'mnv‘gou-y the illemmrnc) mul other. U 1 ion Imin qf Ohio, hhniqlxin: ll fm‘lihg pf 1 exinn‘lnrlm‘ent tum”. {will recollect only lneix dull? #o:!th \‘jllO‘PECUll try. tlmtfitlxla \ nr 3116 ldmot be lvngmlsiu ouqnosh’ r em illgali" 0. mr fol" Um pull-110s of m‘ortllr‘n ng 011 Mt rl'vrl'n ' (villi tlm rights 0f e~tuhlis ml ln‘s' itu im‘w‘ 0% Um Ruth‘s. but tn (lifi-nd \ml m‘mntFfin tllé éuhrm'nuovlol'tlxe C mtit uinmflml to Mm gin-#0 {he I ninn will) all he (“I mitfio:lmml— lty (mid ri vlllq of {he so crul .3 ates unimo pail-od. an“ that as soonn llfme ol'jfots are grfim plislle-l. the war on :yt to \m.‘ ~ :17 3. ' lmt. while “(a due) it he ut_'of very citizen toislxppor nml .llstx infilne zlm'or Input cnnslitulinn lly ml ini tor-9d, *8 no nmmvml tlm‘t the logislnt r 0 of the five 15mm; adopt thel prnpo. :m gull-es for ceilinma Nutiqnal C nw‘nti' n. or the fun-p of? settling (flu- Ircsent (ll geulb‘ios 11nd r storilmz mrd prawn ing th I'liion. l 4. 'lllml (he corruptionlextin" (nuke. in mmmwflfi nnd fumrit' m sh wn in the mlmi‘nisl lion of (he W: Dcpal'tm ms of ill/(‘Sxéte ‘ml Fodeyalfio :mmehts esor've npd fipolile «utmost unq alifimlbom exting ' trees- i m e tinnf'afld (iugln to be im ed mu refw’mcd. ~5. Timti the volunteer the ml (3" their counh forth t 49 battle in def tutinn'wnfl lqu. my! in ‘ been x 3 mfielled m new; 2 «id nfii¢ rsiare entitied ten for the gnllnnt'manner ix dischnqgvd their duties. ' 6. Thnt‘ the privilege (ii day-pug is ohé of the great[' dam. n‘nd that no cxtizen ' Ejvod'ydf ‘the benefit t ngrefw‘, and than only I or inv ion. when the pu duire if and that. the la President pf the Unite-d tho prifi'ile'ge of the same i the Feder‘nl Constitution ’ l .—- x ‘ { I 11' ‘ Ohio lPoli, ice. «’ -‘ ‘At the election‘ forju‘ ice of the peace. held in Cpllgxnbps, Ohio 'on the sth inst,’ (the Deinoemfic mpdidat was elecle by i majority of 346.0ut0f 3 ml of 2,05 votes polled.‘ The Statesman yak. ‘ “W hen (Mr. Kronebitt r was nomi the' yelperlfl eomjmenced eir hqwl (3 Was a sgcessionist, as they hoose to d any Dagmar-Rt is nominnt d. But it ‘ éd my the authors, as ' -will'mnlit 40. gm will leérn belb e long that carats qre not to belhowl down by‘ Ll of secession ” ' The Prbposed Pution in of thy) Democrats to t The following {a the = cratic State Conn-cl Com to the Eprgpositioig of th a “fusign” of the ,two pa‘ 0011(an : The 'resolu ions communica ted to us by you have bee duly considers! by our bomlmiltee. who h - ve directed us to reply thereto. None can - - more profound ly im iressed than we l - withepe‘nse of the tinty of foregoing . rtisan~viewi§iand purpOSés in the present Raritical eonaition of our hnhappy countryzi The Democratic party has, in every crisislof public dp ‘ger. risen to the magnitude oti the oecasionTand devoted its energies and its sncrifieest ‘ the. call of patriotism. It will not be less lgp'th ful to the duties of citizenship now. when the perils which menace us equal, if: alley do not exceed. these which surrounde us in the War for independehce and in uh? for~ mation of the constitution. As 'to ..lhe spirit in which Democratsare dispa‘set to meet the emergency, wejpoint to thé un« dred of thousands of our brethren [who took arms at the first wq‘rnlng. and- to the readiness with which they have offered fiaeir means tn the country. 1 ' .‘ '; You.euggeec 3 conference of political (gon mention: for the nominaition of Stqw}ofli here, a: a mode apparently pf unitinx. the peoplei in e'qpp‘brt 'of th country. ‘; . x it, Fould {be well. at this ti e, to‘fill this eul ‘ng yuhlio emcee, sped ly in the f: . oral _muw Jéfimmu . and NM} York. ' ing morqimpor ithe grqnt‘ public 1e Amé‘r‘ichp pet‘)‘ [of the Helfiocrutic ;' of XOhé‘f” Ixeld at fovernment. to whit-h the conduct of pub ic aflain b'elongs, {tith men whow purity of character and cnphcikyfor administrativn Inb’nrs wore sowell known as to command the confidence of the people. is most true; and it is Msofirolmbje am if this example were wt in the conduct of federal affairs. it would be followed by the people intbeir s¢+ let-tion of State nfl‘idf‘i‘fl. . - _ ‘ ' u I; , hat £11011) mnem »f the We t, we're Douglasflj (1 cast. gren£_ ‘u‘mfihimit y, envy“ 'Ohio now he voic mement hem £145, con; But. we would be fislse to tho ty which . we represent if 'we bansiderod m proposi ltion of union with Efnrmr pol‘itipsl “PW‘ qwnts, excefvt upon the basis ‘of prxnmplq. l ‘t is of little immrtpnce what men or what. ‘ Imrty occupy puhfiu pmitmns, whether qf l nonor or emqlument: but it is: ol'ithe ut most moment that. citizcm of common prin [ciples‘ slmuhl unite at this time in nupporft {of the govprnrnont, and in tho vindication of the ohnstitutinn and the Union; We I believe ‘We utter the sentiments of all Deut ocrntn,wln-n we sliyt'glral they nro ready to lunite in ymliticul action with m-m‘y citizen [ th looks tn the preservntum ot'sthv mn {ntitutirm “lid tho perpetuatinn of the: Union ' ns thé great and to he arrived at, and who [estimate nll moaxurps. whether ofxt'ar or .I peace, only us theyjrnnduce to that. ond,: lwho arn- op’pmpd to any war and oqnally to ‘ tdny, peace which is I"de uupp tho idea of it’ho separation of thdfso States: ‘Whiln thPy l liqld that thvwar cajn only he succmsl'ully ‘ . prom-muted by moreivigorous cnmmnnd in i-the field and ofilciency in the naval lilnck fndaflthoy regard it a; the duty of the Fed ieml government ntlnll times tn hold out . terms- nf pence and accdmlnntlatinn 'to the ldi-aiuovnrc-d States; that as our pnlitical sys :tom wus foundc‘d in compnpmiun. and has Ilwen so pquu-tlmtetl. it can now-r l-o dis honored in“ any administration to seek to re; store ithyltho same‘monns. ‘ .' l l Above all, they repel the idea that tlmrp ‘exists lmlwwn thetwn cactinns of the- I’ni 'on snch anhnchmlfihtibility ofinntitu'tion: as {to giro rifi- to‘an ir‘r'eprz‘sfiiblo, mnfiidt bO - the i. whicx cum only terminate in the' suhjultntion n 'ono or the othpr“ Réw Lpollinp‘thp doctr' a that a v_ Stnte can rightfullj stovede from tllivl Unkn, they hold . next. in nl>hnrronco tlmt algal-(Naive and fd-I nntiml sortionnl [mlicy'whivh hm :«0 hirgd 'ly contributed to the present. dnngcr qr, - tlm muniry. ; : l L the Lipcffln Ad ! stupid, natural [and defflation. 501‘ th 9. knighty :‘ ge ovenl “:19 land. ppablic+nis3n and I he falelwlfich the triotic 1‘M—4568 will lwnian. V I; lufiionJ. nGPnti n MONO. mbm 0 #ha 71h 'ention tight ever was a hfrq’mnious It the c nab throe [it was Am‘ [IS the kc it n 'nih, were. ! of lwe ingum gr Gov rn r, and Agnanp iqvornnr. ns' wedle adopted m , lthf‘l‘ yl‘l‘ién mew 550m}: «I', mlnpt reenlu! any as the will to nll‘ patri tm‘ing 'ithmm to mrl “fit“ ticket ! whivh+m£ (~de nl. is l u :mmnl ‘innnlk 1). full! vn italorii North ns I the I (‘Mhfl'fllic 5 "l‘hey mallow, tlmrot‘ure, toinvitotn unimti "with them jlll citizmd nf whntvvvr party? who, lmlile'ring in they-'0 vim“, will not with. thmn tom-curt- an hnmwt mlministrntimli {in Fodergtl and Stutefinflhir‘, a rigid mainta . mince of‘tho cmi‘stitutimi. economy'in puly ;lit‘ oxpnnliturca hon-"sly in ‘lO award ol' _‘ cnntral‘tsi. ju.~tico to the roltlior in the field and the tuxpu’y‘or nt- hnmc‘. the rigidi snfn-i 'yuurd of public r-rodit. and tho oxpijlnitm "of mrrupt mm from puhliv office. 1 i AH such ‘unihn mu=t net‘maarily :spivim: ' [mm the people; inétmd of being dictated ‘ to-thom. We iii-e instructed by our t‘nmmitr tee to say that, in i:-<uin;_rtlw pull for the Imml Ihinmcmtic State C‘qin'ontion. thoy will invite all gohdcitizons .whqm'o willing to cooperate with Democrats to those f‘llllß to (‘omeitngethl-r M the‘ primary meetings and unite in selecting fi’pl‘P-‘vnlfl in“; to a State (‘lvnvention to nominate «widntog mum this platform of patrioticm. e hnvp ‘ the honor to be. &n.. very Aroelm-tl'ully yours. ‘ Dmx Ricimoua,Cliairlnan. 1' ‘d the ~x ‘ n 2. ntlul “o xylm ni ‘ t within ] fly is n ‘ that HIV: it: tlma‘u-i ' and n‘Hvi‘ ' 'nmiuls times. trnti'rm z mph -0 My result cs fl‘fld l l'. -—,—-f—. «to» «-| -—— ~ , T/Ir Dmth of (7m. Flmlrnoy.—The tale graph has nlrendy annnunq‘ed the danh of Gen. I‘. B. Flournoy, of Arkamns; at Louis ‘ villeuKy" on the 4th in‘at. Gan lFlournb'y iwns n wpll known and infinpntialpitlzmi‘uf : Arkansns‘ He 'n'an‘adovotcd pcrsonal find iplnlifical friend 'of: Judge Douglas, nndlint the C‘mcinn‘nti Convention in 1856 labored strenuously (o «Hod his nomination.‘ In 1860‘ he 'mw. n. delegate from _Arkqnsns t'o lthe Chlrleston Convention, and was np‘- ! pointed temporary chairman. Throughout l the troublesome scenes that féllowed, both ; at. Charlesk‘n and Baltimore, he remained ,thc firm’nnd unyielding'friend of ”Judy: ‘Douglw. jThough a' majority of the delay -3 potion Tram hie Stale withdrew he nutmeg! . to “lwccdef3 and cpntlnued up to the lust j ‘moment in she mnvontinn. Ila owned 1 : large cotton, plantation in Arkansu; and i ; lmmmor resldcncejin or near Lexingtom , Ky. He 'was on'bis way to join his fnm‘lly‘, lwhen he was stricken down at Louisville l and (lit-d there. 1 ‘ , . . edimély \r “ ‘ I soltlioi’S, 41:0, at, r promptly wont 'nce of the: panelli- Imany. bases have nrler idexph-ienc 'nu‘r hefirty thanks ' which" thcs' hque ‘ the writ of habiras [bulwarks 0* free . nn be‘legnlly de ereof. ’excépt. by ‘n cane bf rebellion nliq aaj'éty may re attempt bf film ‘tateu in suspend is unwumnped by fi’The wife of;Gen.‘F!om-noy. of Ar knhms. barbecome nnving mnni‘xc sings. the reéent death of her husband. ,' . Camp qf Inrtntdioiliabßullr'niara—A Wa<h~ ingtnn cprrespondent say: that in addition 'to the camps of instructioh en the north ern Ind eastern sides 6? Washington, it is the intention of the War Department to concentrate at. Baltimore the next. 100.000 ,trnops that are misad. The ’trmps ‘now there are the nucleu‘i of this immenw. _for'ce. Some of the reasons for the selection‘of Baltimore for this purpose hare elrendy been iu’dicatéd. ‘The‘choapness and ahun dance-of the Ba‘ltiinore inarket‘s, and the ease and rapidity firm: which treops c’nn be removed frem there here; are the moat weighty reasons. At present there 'are ex aqtl‘y 10,720 troops at and near Baltimore. ated. at-he when \ coilw ue to iDém 'e cry IN.- quk— : eply e Repuhli n 3. . My of ,the in» iitte of New? {York 1'- .:pubhcahs for Obcying Odom—Gigs of the. Fife Zounves’, wlio was .ifi thqsbqt‘tle ' at Bull Run, :3an vnfi'xosed very noon llhere‘sfter, was recogniz— ed neur-Washingto‘d‘ Market, 3 day or two .50. “What Are ypsxfidpjng herb ?""Mked the acquaintaflce, “flit-n he recogilized him,‘ :got leave of absefiéé Pf “No V." thunder ed the mum. "1‘ go; the wprd 16’ .‘fall back: at. Bullißun, andnobjody has tqld me tofmlt, so I‘ have kept; on njbireatingeversince, and got away A is not und4 lien] scho} meat of‘ 5,, new' Vition; of St. Matthew’s Gospel, to be pubalrled during tha press? month. from {mad script which gives .., thentic'evjdenee of havingbeen trumcribed by Deacon Nicolauéufifteen years after the nscengion of our Land. j ' ~— - —>—-- “Co‘s—#47“ Pm Jching.--A meetingpfl the citizens of Lenox, Suaquehinnn county. Pm, was held on Saturday wdék. The meeting was we‘ll nttended, Ind bu; opportunigy allowed to those favoring th'a war to defend their glicy. Several sépeches were made on . t 1: sides, ; .r . '. that Fire Zouavo ipline! k nmrmg the bib. the announces EMI TWO Donméns A-Y'EAR Tflh‘n FAILURE OF THE CRITTENDRN COMPROMISE. ’ Wherehthe Reapodsibility Regts. ‘ - From the J‘C'imv'mwfi Enquirer. Won“ 04! Saw}: law! A ((7)l9ch (116 (VI/16min; ( 1m" promise P—An .Irupsrlunt 'Pag’e (1f Politiqal 11 Mary. . 1 j ' ‘ Isnlsyuoyxs. July 30, 1861 ToAtfie Elflnr Qflhe En’qth I have seen n :it_nteml copied into the Seminal, ‘ Soutlwrn Secqstinnists. their loadnrs'—Jom-runn Toomb. were willing I den eonsmmifie last. w Union. but the Republi to adopt. that measure, wnt‘trnyblmnnd dim-<9. is vehemently denied frionsh.§ "I‘m-v say that howlmll’hy Davis and ' mko {ML 'mmpromiue, ‘ can he " ivon Chat Hwy tth mfmit that {fl/my terrible résrfimsihility publicn s‘ for 'rel‘u‘in Clara t! ey will never hareaft r if it can be 5 (my Ni lance. Can yo (ional p rUt-nlnm of (Y 1 dor \(lei h Mr. Dduglns véhich y u published in. ngQ sin e, in refer-one qf the .‘ uth'to take “a prnmiso" “'0 11l ve before us th ant/Er for the our mt msphn nul Gin/It of M. t a debate m‘t ludhrwin Rpm tion of the Uni f the debate,_ 1] Z am! "4/; 1861. \ (Warm fiml in ‘2. upon ('nnnfil. onursc I‘ugh R 4 Crittr-nden pr by the almmt hum-e of Kent by the Leg?“ ‘ mom’venlth of itinned for by - nflho United 8 that was over n my hoax-(,1 overwhelming ‘ 'Smtc: ny. six-. 1 do, in the Unim the Stair lg? Him. an! on: Qf llmn, 1: Prrsill'v'n/ q/ (In! I la hrrqwt ii on'/1‘ position mulrl nw nu l/w_ other side le,‘ of all your Dominik-ms, knc - “wit the hist In]; h'mr Info" '1 I- vote for the ('1 lutr way/I1 Inn-uh I gS'rmllt-(‘am/ina.“ gh said this in 'ude. of Fewem 'npubliczm Sen he truth of I heard it. and ‘ '0 quote frnm t gsion, of Marc I 'natnr Ila: ,mirL , ~ , _ I an _ rou/d Imm- M d (Jnrly in theaegxn, 'aw Jal'fl] ”If”. 1%!!!“ art-4N Saul/5 i [firmly Lrlrrv‘r tu‘ uld. “’hilo the n Proymsitinn‘w ‘ not in accord ;h my charisma ,iews, I avowed new to accept it, Qrder to‘save n, if we, could ‘m 18 upon it. No labored 11:1“!chl ”1' p I hays to_ get my roadl the Uni man ha's‘ it fussed lion, {ll4l rommiflu } I can mqfirm 1 Stnator Dam"! qf Tlurlcen. wdsl ‘c on ()1: (‘rillr‘ ; nther and say ti comprmm. will go f also.” This that, the 1.4393; the 'mat } nth would‘ . \ mpromise as Hfficulties. ‘ tenden !ITII ' ahd ndduce ta ? 1):, of Gears '. the United s 'nunry; 1361. h lthough .I ins yet when it 21 thafiSenator , that: the fin however I ator T 7 ‘ =IM 7th of.) >1 “ But, ‘ equality, undersitn propoeos , ‘nckhowledgi rty on tho mu ke of peace. I ‘ irteeh. and I ry provisiona, eélnmtiom f 0 ' point, ofhisdo "enden Com ‘Ufiion nnd‘p 1 ' hat a. terribl 12t4M1 .our prop for the s. MZIE satisfuc ‘ These tion, as of‘the # -: 1= jectionl ‘ ‘ _' ’ . We nr. now emhrdihtl- in an extensive and drea lful civil war. . ithout any r'ml at— tempt he ng made byj‘the Ilnqiority of Con gress tn : -ttle the ditfienlty peaceably and amicnbdy Many proptoit' m werla made in thelas Congress, bfit heygénerallycame either f m the Soq'thlem; men or "from Northe ‘ Democratsggh d Were all rejected by the ' publicans, ' hopt whose assent nothimz an be pone. he ropouition of Mr. Crittonden was, gs e elrkno‘w, reject ed by hispnrty. Than Mri Etheridge, one of the most raolntf oflthd Union men of the South, and whlistnofv Clerk of the ‘House ‘of' Bepreee‘ptotifiee, chosenby the Republicans. drafted me resolutionsv‘ofl compromise, which wpsTknown as the Bor der Sta Compromise. This Compromise the Rep blicans rejecteg. it {me not satin fwtory to the Cotton tam but it'would have ke t all the fßopdler States. in the U nion, n. d in that efin the Cotton States could n t have rem n' long out‘ofit.—- Mr. glas intradul: Ssverf' excellent achem {adjustment t‘nou d-lmve sat iufled % rginiaand all t e Border Slates.— Thisth Republicans‘iw ld not acmptfi Th, w uld not necept the proposition of thepl’ea Conférences ngreea. No votes were gi en foritexoept orthern Democrats andk. heni‘Border-fs temen. Mn. Big ler’s p position, to mhmit the Crittenden pmpnsi ion directly to the vote of the peo-' ple. mu! rejected when offered by him ; and subsequ ntly when offered by Mr. Critten-' don. r. Adams, 3 Republican member from Massachugeus. new Minister to Eng land, lid in plhn of.cbmpromise, but his own‘pns‘y voted that dawn. Even the con stitutional amendment of Mr. Cnrwin, which provided only v‘vhut is now in.the Constit tion, that Congrats should not in terfere v‘ivith slavery in the Skates, was voted against by more than, hhlf the Republican; in the~ House. Our correspondent will see. therelbne, that no shtetmpt wee made Mt winter do settle things, peaceably, nor has there been any efl'ort made lince. Presi dent Lincoln. it is ttule, recommended in his Inaugural Addresja Genenl Conven- tion'of the smo- to pose mod-ants to‘the Constitution. m. nebemowp! voted {or in the Home ofßopreaen tativos recon!- ly. By all the Democratic nnd Union mem bers. with Crittenden at the hand. but'tlgc Be hblicun mainrily voted it down. {huswe are in n bloody and expensivewar, beagle the politicinmwould not allow tlia question in dispute to be rattled by it fair ‘oomprom'rse. l'hny have ovincml wretched statesmans‘liip, and we fear thr-it"pnlriotlam is’bnt little better. There is not one of the Coeromisos we have mentioned, thst the poop 0 would not have ,ndopted ‘By an im me‘me mjority,for the wkeof national unitr 3nd peace. The people understand very viel . that in this extensive) country, with its vbry iu’g interest-o and local prejudices, tliero 'muit necessarily be compromiseo, in order .20 keep everything smooth and in order.— It is extremely unforiunnte that 3 party opposed to any compromise. Loppoaod to oven} having a conference with the South in a Géhernl Convention to see wlm‘t can be done, is in nor. Shrewd Administrations ‘gain liner-all); the pen than by tlge "mi-(l. El I ‘ { 1 INII IMO ICI IMI $ , 1 i No_ 4_9- Leila frmh Gen. Lea—The following data m fgom Gen. Robert E. Lee, of the Confed omtd army, to a young femule’ friend in :tbe Ninth, who had requested his photograph / for {mg-album, uppeandn the New Yo:- 212 x. press: -\ , chmmsn, May 5. 1861': EM” Dear Lillie II :—I am very gratefyl for yam-{kind letter-and Qhe cordiul expreapionn iticontained. Ypu are not only we! mo ’ tog th‘ptsevereyepresentflion of 193,1)“ 1'? , uh else you may fancy. I pray you .1 ‘ not hihit it. however, as it will only 0 1 tost mi (loWn denuricintions on thy h . ’ You I opo, v‘vileuke allowances {9l' 'y . ; pdsition and failin§m and think M kindl ' of 3 m'p fix you on’n. shall newer forget nu. 3 and " quire no work chart to kee you .‘vivl idl'y refine me. {lt is‘ painful to think how many: friends will be reflux-Mad and estrang ed‘by our unhnp 'misunion. May God re unit ' our seven?- mls of friendshiy, and tui'njmr hearts to pgacol I‘can say in tin may that I bear animosity against'no line. Whetfler the blame‘ may be, the fact; is thin, ‘we are in the midst o nfrutrioid Var. l‘iuu‘firt side either.with or against my ism.- ‘tion 0 xcountryw'l cannot raise my hpnd . amiiin‘iny birthplace, my home, my hil-._ dmn Lsgould like. nhnve all things. hut. our" iificultigs might, be peacuhly arrnq ed. and till tru-it‘fihntn. merciful God. who I kn’cmf will noi unncqessnrily nlfiict us; my yqtn lay the furylof war. Whatever y be. tl r rqsult, of thereontest, I foresee mt.‘ the c uyit'ry will‘hnvc to pass thrdugb a 1 01‘- rihle ‘Orlll‘lll, n necmsaryexpimion per) ups o‘] Odf nutioflal ‘ainu. May God direc, all f)? ohr’good and shield‘and preserve 011 Mid yours! ' , ’— R. 16., LII . _ —-——-~ ‘v—- «It. .77- , Wagif'hurrle u A bumfiDnc:tcd.—The chuniheo orji Mile Sabbath fun? almost deserted. has ntlenflance is not more than a quarter 0 the umnlflzunxber, ufnd the greater part oflthe atlondunt‘x at they. m-wnt time are slran€em . fiTclggrum frmri Tilialiingtan. ‘ Sud}: is the efl'ept of war [upon the Muse of neligion, and especially ofn civil mm, in whi’rh the evil usions ofrilon aro‘aroqued anthXCitEd to tmhighestpitch. Thuchqrch linendnncn will not only be diminished at Wnehingtoh. but elsewhere; and the mi (in ofinwn be diverted from devious thi to_ -worlxlly nn‘d vindictive objects. . '3'; ' _ flow can it be otherwise. whenfle cl rgy ‘ilte'maolves set the} example of verii ‘ Sunday intna (lily {OI-discussing politicalfifig ,Governinenml questionsdnsbond 9f pm" by ~ ingth‘e ‘Ospol? 'liheirhem-ers areveryli elf;- to thinic W fad hear enough on u c ' tw‘durfl .the “leek. and therefore any misty rom church (in Sunday. ‘. nt in the Eur/uércr, Ff this city. that the As irepresonted by [)dvis and Robert» take the Cril'y-m nter. nnd’sava Hie «an Senator? refusal .nd: hence our pfia -51. I"l‘hisz; statement, by ‘my Repubiican the‘mtlon States— oomhs—wonm not u'nd that no proof would. Several of ’nuld have lakvn [Eh vats upon (he Re -5 it. and (hey do '[ipport tlmt party :ann by documen giie me any addi ' circumsmncos un boré the testimony .the Enquire! a few , -. to .the willingness -. Crittondeh Coin “ DE!!!)CRA‘L s (bpgrcsiiona/ Globe <sion of I'B6o and end will turn’to the (11:11, 1861,)m'wi11 a Senate, of 13min xtign to amen the od ,Smtes.‘ In, the .'LV|--., _../|- 1 ‘ , (mater George E. position hm: been unanimousvvqta of cky. It has "been hive of the rabble Virginia. It has i Ina-gor- number of lMaigthnn any ro ofni-e Congreas. I lduy. that it me 1d .mjm-ity of the o- Ind r-fnmrlv (w ry I , Bufnrv the S a vippi (If! ”lii CIA m llrhn now mmmm' at SAM/iffy: Gmfmh'ra to maintain (hr, Unit»: ‘nr #1» ralm't only/M f 0 fortlu's Chamber.— positicms. of all I lfag w 1 do. and rian will write'it lll‘ fife/January, a I'u‘rzulen rfigolufion in nu every Slat; in (_lze , ~—-———«-¢W‘-‘ ‘—.- ‘ i ' A :g'mlird [mum—The triassage of gum; hnmflhilncolu, wherein he decfares ‘th ‘ it yet re, min; for the people “to demonshjnte to thegworld that those who can fairly cfrr‘y and tion cm: al§o nupmssfirebelfinn " 15. a deh onto, Rt died insult to the‘DemJ‘cm cy of he anti North. Mr. Lincoln ought 'td kn . that the men who carried ‘the clpcti I! last" fall, and thereby inaugurred civil nu. he not now in the ranks of‘the‘ army hich hm; been called out to aupabort. the G . vernment. - ‘ ' ZIIe ughuo knowtlmtavcrylnygeprb‘ 'r~ tibu o the army are men who voted agn gut him 'in) detest his dourines, and WE re gard lem as dfingeroua to the peace 0 {the count. , . and inimical toAr'nerican freedom._ I ha hearing of Sew . gm; of Trumbullmf km and not mm nis‘Esrse'fidn. Mr. , ”mid-its truth no *O/01)! roport 06' I i. Mr. Douglas They : re there not. to qupport n Bléck Wuh limn dminislraiian,but to mnintnin an 'up hold he Government undgrgwhich quay live. Carliele Vqlunlccr. \ l I _ , Ezra ‘ , -—‘——-:-7--»-———‘-——— ', '4l Fr ms.— 011 Mondsiy afternoon a Qulr‘ieri nitrate httncbeq to the 15th Regiment. Who hgd’ bsented himself from ,his duties gflw' seven; days; returned here in the up Win ofca . w|ho b 01'- tw the on! him. ImiSvmitor’x (Holma- I‘nyugf, Ichm on the m'yrly atg all time; (a (lab Proposition. I ‘ atiMr. Toombs was Pope. ‘ fliém of the prese. wit] - ‘ It If Bumo‘ V—Car. . r imyond’dispute,“ avé taken" the Grit; filnl settlement bf e ‘ ill go further, e téstimony ofSen miimaelf. In his at Senate, on the said: 11 f st pon t e 1- eat : ; p'mmfiofiqa‘ I r 291 Kontuckynow ' ; 36’30’ shall be my and ptjotecting th ‘side of the line, said to the Commit ny here, with other {would mcept'it." everknle the ques« y. that the, adoption' roMi-m wnirld have 'eservcd the public miptak’e was its ro- SI I j ‘ ijer Anavi‘ that b goody! Tyrese } Thai 1)}. Dni a! wee ’Th' In: J Rivor Print Works and the NH! Md] h vs also hepn stripped sevenT'weekl.’ Tpe' merican Print Wot-IS has been run; ning t. we dm ins week, but. it in one?! min b w longjq will éontinue to do no. The thread mills of Olive! Clme, g :1 Davis Russell, and the wicliing factoryof Angus us Chase, all in Fail River, .8. ~ have I) stopped frpm half bothro'o-{oun I of, the Etime for the past few“ weeks. Eve Jépart' e'm'of business in that city 3mi cihifly‘flhgru the same depre‘saional-r n 4‘ n 5 J?" . . _-___.'.... ___... 1 Mfr S!rong.-—Senator Sherm, 19 I', sp’eeehiin the Senate. said: ‘ ' 1 2““. ii better for every man who lives on this continent go fall a victim to this way, ‘ mlherégmn this” noble country of cum should broken mtg fractions, querrelling all the time." Ibis Reminds na‘ofthe ambitious Afrhfi who Signed um an, the world was d and nhe wbuld keep tavern. I ‘ .‘ ?——-—-7 —4— «w»—-—v- Wailtgin the Plain—To prevent the tam: . offthe ailiv running into the quick, I: the n l: of I preper length ;‘ and than one; a week scrape them down 90 the cnd't' with a Lieee of 31m; 11m will keep meg thin. and Vinstead of, in walking, heing‘ driven back into the quick, they will give? one who for yea." endured {his torture he: found ’elntire relief by this pumice. " ' 1 ——_.—-——< W‘—~—-———- v‘ Gw.;Sprague.-—lt‘ isJeported tint GOV. Spy-gab. of Rhode Island, will not nooppt W the ofiiee of brigdipr gotta-pl, which 1..; been tepdered him. but: will= Wu 11i- sent in the gubernatorial cfmir. ,' ___—L...“ . _ _..... . fi'tjho‘ Raleigh J our-n3l notices th'e sniff _ val of f9rty prisongrs of war in that city, “If . der I. gnu-d commanded by Liane. Tait” in abro'ther of In. Lincoln 1 ' L e ‘ I. Some of the men of his regiméznt not rcqeived their rations for a day , seized him as 5006 as he got on‘-of ’ . and cbmméncod an'awmlt up'oq One soldiex; tan'nf. him’witl': a npoiugd hich he gttempted to throw dv'ér cer'a heqd, but washrevcnted by ulme‘ fild officers, who lmbpéned (0'35!) ._ 'FheQuartei-mnstei: finnlly gofi‘off x rt much i'njury.’- , ’ A L . no wondei- the. soldiers are in‘a rad .‘ Their treatmenthns been sham'e ‘ulm ule Valuukérel , 4 ~ - ~» 4~. m——-- v. ugo qf Nab England lift-TlllO I+.“ News says thqt. the Tréy, Fall Rivier, n, Metacomet and Linen Milk of Q“ fill of which manufacture pSn‘t, haw? squeuded operations {or +0 ,~ t. ’- ‘ i [Ufiiom Quecluechan, Whatapo lhd tree’simma bins been stopped sev’br -3“ l ‘ x _ . FAN - N}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers