ne 'l'!) ni ° “ 1 ' preso 0919‘ he 'Gon-‘pu 'ObABBAT A 960 mt, . 9t” ‘"M n ‘ 1. her n his t' H Win A ‘B‘! ‘midu’. MI( A _le . 11119 be /- .l’ba l‘o' ‘ "p' A 9‘lo .“I m I “1% M ‘CE in 3mm“: _n at 25‘ til ”‘9‘ L‘gercuti; ”rum Xi” LEE“ 1 June. “h— m b can". t me'T v. 0.1; and NM( 56‘ 2:“! “mun v"! “tame“; aH_ l 38:0 nutrbile Julian )‘rord i‘pkpisenl m‘ um firm-t, . man 1* _ ‘di 1 1m in '; u] 1H 4 , p" c luee “n” f “fawn" 9" bad ‘ ”mi n the Orch' ‘BO, “’9 be: "93" T] r, ‘ -01 In" lulu“ "m" ‘MT ‘." , ‘ . ted}, mu "dry ' “m‘ “t' t], “'4 g _.l Mm - "H, [e 'in h, “I, { Our,’ «M win. 3' ma "900,1 '1 “mg, ”m c °lwm "1000 ‘- up 1 4 m" 4 ”he 'mm‘l mm mm“ ’t the n . the '1 » 30‘ : Oahu rfufi ls '- t 1 0I l” m e! 1‘ b y 3 ‘ day w Vii IdinCrTl- ’1 ~ c re] Ch :11. by ‘n 1‘ 6c no] I ‘ as} .1 an “U m. n a 0 Ih. ‘g'e *e u“ .' I “l . ele ‘ 100] . in firm :1,“ Kern ‘ “5r |n(, 'Lmr. - 11. Ink W“3 {'9 {‘I'AHIU 1" gm: [ghky “Hie ‘9o“!th bmlio 'T e not? Fave ‘3 ’i “Act-IL minlnked "r 00" [ln—v . hu- e'h 'nJ-u :‘y _ 11. '. In {5 n w f 6! sam ‘Vuflud _ nun ' and and ‘nm .0". 30 with" hOD:‘-c hoenr enhaguued : 114,-! of in: frima‘zo the M [Cherio'iyff Organ“! ”enacts: Eur? o“b:‘l‘dicisrn. bltnguizz‘e 3h." ; .I' : V ' } u,,(' . . . » Jaye}; Wheat”? diet L 2,! 4:33;": 9rd“?! ‘ 830:“ the ("17310 menlbened in“, up" {of ‘ at?“ L~o&l”srl:ful,"ulfflgmfilhwastfing’tts‘: filo“ ,_ I: f "1..; “12. Rb 'e ' e . '0: "“Po mm of Mle a snd 'vnnd Wsed Hl4. 5: :1 ”Jim” to m rm r 1 ML. ‘d" one “m; m 4%,, Prc- h.¢-1 nccc ,I 1e P- “o .. Icm 'MI “I J (“ch Flo me" .0“ u ”I mm a‘d v a e. "a r '>w h a 'se I ‘9l: (I:W - m “if" dbl ?°me. rrih‘x cun'cam‘nnl'; rowan“? 2;" the The ex“, ‘1“! 1T "flies?“"y ”:00! “:3”! ‘11,?“ {hr::;hbl::‘:'u aucti‘ntmxé 3:25 ,‘ui'tn‘ev “is?“ '4‘ Whedq’. w and: . “mi; en.‘ Se . (3]- '3'"g' 'rcim Eon, 'l3“, m, the Clrryé ‘in" I|, viking “0p "um ' Com lFu A g 15.. , h Nos: ‘mg mg‘; b "If! e,- rorh: .- lug 1’? In. ° 1.64 Wed Uneir‘ in R u in” .'““ AUG 0! the “sub. eugi ,1 "mil ndren and f ”'ll onew 10d m 0“. eehle Huh; ”2 I ule by 1h “"60; dis-i 3e” mm. of .'VUST - Pd p, an Ne w. "’1! int Wel-e "pm-0 .~ mn t”re n r thwcohlh '"M. 'me b.“ y, *Okcne‘elem “uh,‘Mu.'mm‘ilqmmu Lou-n 0w _ ”In” Tue), 311 mm.) entlen "um I)“ (e “mi OIF' {mduficy 09m, “11115;” *um 91:“: WHWanmfis upankg"~-.,:.l’wm‘i. V Judge . “'u YRl‘,_ 3" In H‘o yea "wed bt. I), ”“9"- Draw $071318 1 plus ‘Younhe‘l‘fmh l"“-:. n ‘Mk here gum" ‘Cgou hf“ 1W Mud I‘lsflz held X ‘Tlm A» A 'Dlitm ,p . Koch yfin fljb "9nd _ncd b'4 Th 0(3: Blunt.“ ”myth?" rén D 0 m" In" or ho "t {0; T‘mulrl‘flé”; "mum an y?“ ‘0 ‘ um] ”t w uguéi -_ 2m: nn. w}- le nd‘k". andy twirficbi]- 90.n'lMSe’ xr'lke 05°n:d"leeb‘?drd'bthe‘ H“ g; SEEK-"I'm" in may sum “Ammiégk—‘Pm Term the." An‘exgh do“?! n by Wis “Super in; 11.23,; "Ii! ti'ng «was? OglofifiudiCQi tl,6' Hut-1:239 WW" 6‘.m - « _,_ ,7 ~, .9 'I [a 7‘n ‘ 05‘ r‘.o‘- ._ ‘s' “W I “mam! moon. 3:” Am?gfl;:'°"‘ $1111.10;va byllanl unitlxamngflv' 3(ég’l. rumgéhis, clhunélin-‘Jhér 01:? “1:11;? than I” EMILE? _"‘--... L" k K Of‘ ' g r ad,— nn.‘ I'} - at“ In . l’lp . m ,q. or: "3 ~‘3 gII c . 9‘! ~RI' "V d» ‘ 4» ; "m.” ‘ £ [finesm‘x‘vn co" / ’ iél'urnm: I:: lm‘erc;::;wm.dufrwlgnd)! :pfiilil’fxerci' filli‘ixfiile“ 21:20:13.; ”0315;:‘l:h:v;:‘ _VoeJ‘E :‘li’r- BAlfii-g‘: b”? . _nn. . as. .‘3 5.,.‘ _ -. ig- ' led In 't f'm ' , a Ht. .x'hbu ‘ R" I 0“ "I“ V. \. “all Na , yo cm 1. Jon 0f; he e was I .... l r rt. .. In .It. I'e qt. I. {w .us I ' (:1 '. My 'O3; 'Km u s "or 8 he w ace ‘ I'oo '1- 111 Ify J. t 9 Wk gr ’)e '“" rim. > 1 ‘’a.N3re f I . . ‘ mt Pug. clcmlal 'h p. ...: an Ids g} ‘ :15 ea. v v PM this?“ ,‘il “0 {UN sth‘FmP‘fl 1 '‘. My] CD I fl"d it. ~'; e"? abnllio leVifl "(i ‘ Any fills ‘re (0.111;: “e“; 5‘ ”3‘“ key-y] "I” V Armin? snle v,4 ',l'|..ia,':sflsub:z "g 1 l 3 th'p da‘lélod t Isa that"! “b:' are “3‘1“” (6" "511186?” by? “I; ”urn“ 81.10” J‘ M m" I]. F. i: (ril Tm“ M yb. 000‘ w ‘I d I or —~(~ ”n .:.”!1 Pl” 3‘ ,"re en, J Mob B,”\V WY; 1.." \N "‘oll__ deco ere mm': 0H) _Pd . j .4)", :.'(~ «"v afflic- n,lu lb .3 J 32?!" Airin‘mggiét &sP_Orl:.", Adm five nmlmm.‘ .:.“ no‘t'figfiiué’ 3f meg-m; A Elfimfiflt 01:1):D40:G; ix ekxgxms z" ‘or'g lM’l 5““ , 15v," ‘2’) - P 1"; ini "IL-g 'Ock . 10 es]. ' 'M. , inn Sc ‘sf mm; C“ ”an"; I I ‘1 ’ v 7 ~143-'m on‘-‘l‘. -J:.(. ' for ul~ ,- 4-) , Ml, ’n th 501100 luhtl " dur: H "re ' I "ah “at. - r g 4 1 ‘s' 4-} Im. [O. on..- M cu 1 ML In ‘lo In ."un . I": m {l”an +l. l(:l,ju‘l'lrlmn’nifi“vnlllrlumn (he’matod ich lvrgfficrnmzeturfij@be: aglg'il'edt fl! {3‘o"}:2s9‘ .v.Q" ‘ I”w m 'nn ‘. . Ce; '1 r... .he: . .3, an 5‘ -A‘ ‘n- m‘l' 1 .Si Plallit AINARTER - ‘ "L. {Dr £‘JJN _‘_l "‘hlPh ‘e‘mllin qnged il‘ dup ”Id ‘m )OUt ‘thfhfit u”. '5 “'inlflll: qnic ‘J [giver I ‘himlilwmf-Jgfii'q {Jilintiif wiguh "bummfi, f‘br Lind s“ ‘Jhn‘é ‘lis; whitqlmulmersn] [gs-\chtiéh “a ;:1 .“u ”I“ .:. . l! ‘ 7 ‘ -w am "1,. R’ II"- | If?!“ (finnlxlilnutnfiud an“ m“ .'“ Zunntgm‘m‘im it. t..‘;.excg;;.nmaa23» £213 .33.? Jyfixséfi-og a); :.m. " 's. (. My in l-r I I l— 1 4) It; On mt, lit -’ Fu- 3“I i.“ ’ y Amofi‘}. \v uh... nunslmpgd-V an unvi. « “my" "19.1 “In! t] mp| t ”do" '3 U” Atleé H 1 W. I,)' 7 u . §> v '. ‘ 4 .vr.(T l l iH B punks}: i airflofilt'lx ium-V [l3" (ill-{mo z W‘T _(th‘rn' a“ WHO 1:0 Elwmfifl'cCQsQ g'rtlr‘ifi'c:::‘sl him? :33 of 1;“. “iiilnnfix ”“50”“ "v- .\‘lnqi‘h 'lfj fgrtgtmhlvo Wflgnn t- ‘ "'l' cil'inf-efl.‘ NILE-i hag: bt|losjlih ’tfigecufirffiu u ' ‘4, . ‘ l ‘ ‘T’~' '.l,‘. I ‘ >. ' {“raxxn; “001'”er p ”I fifii‘.““::: r01"“lvnn [Hr-kl: 500th 1:311"? ol'—l —— In itj“ '91:)” “:5". ‘t 2111': ”druids ‘0 'u” H”. I“ ~H to y, ~‘ 0 O‘V ‘r,, ‘ m ~"; en‘. 0 “42310":34 “;Icl'.l-,lh.l;':,‘ur. Si-h- 11' I,L‘lni_’p‘..‘lwhl-<;'LC“|,|n::fiilel‘:l MOH { dyl‘cePJll-tlfl db, W‘ri‘iyregpfi D ‘ 8.. n\-I. ' ' ' (“9} “IVI! -’ ."l . '1'“; K C I)", I ‘A[ .h ,~ 38" ,1 I: _Sll‘fff _ rem . In” 2‘", :fll':3ml::’:trlztfirm“; {l‘l3"}.l'lHT‘il')‘. Vin-k. “11::E.‘ I(.u1:1l4lv:;ni.: 1);;91' ,zifiay bvi Th: IL‘.‘SJr”4l[: I‘d ”11$, :6 0 ”ts ich. 'w IL 1‘ “L“ Ngr _ylni: ‘00” ’5 " ' pr 8 (”£1 expec flo| ' )RF‘ ‘ fur om. v; , noun - hm. ‘ retina}; Mir," " A my w] u rm, 32190" 1‘ Elm“ M! m) 59””! TBS . Huntiéuw; wm B} ”mum; AV‘HHL” . out in 0.1 at \(‘Ptm-h. "To (01:6 1151‘ I}. up, ‘0: ch'Ml Voné “.2" We“ / CufilfYHW-Il'ia: ~13.43111 In. and I”; "ml l'esf-pq comm“'ln:‘}’bli|‘m|n f“ e trfikpnfi‘he'g‘ 319:. ' hull-i 121?” Jr" 1 ‘ Sim: {an— m" civilflfir‘wr‘. I“ 1 ,Eml-V hm] ll MK ign‘lS’t'r-f" 'Fvlkncénl Ha trl'lm£~ [)1-25; SET \"L-f'lc xiii-Jo Fume. I"- A K “Y's-i Mm"! worm“ driw. m Erma Klimt)“: , [Akin l“\n er ”OPI film" $111.: Pox'un. p”: 0%!“ m? imam“ K ‘ mpr'h ' .pillv'lt "Ms“. 6‘ sn. (_1 ("flat “rm 9 sent 1.“ 1’2"“! Hm. 1.2.1162. ~ .3";rntl:r‘me(.“ (vrmnl‘i "hbq £’.l”‘ul)L-:“ _“ the 3H “'N'c largo' t Bani" ' and." ’i‘vl'Prr‘. ‘Pf‘r‘: :"fiis‘ I:ng m“ . ] ’9)... r in; W? a, 0n "f' Sur- [ "I ”30,!“ Drum) Ink L 02M] on, r- ." to {f‘” n [nu—"W9l“ m J = "fl. lmh ‘ n “9. ul :1 , Jul 91W . ”(L Cl" (f oto “‘l‘ w- ‘ who Fmv [199111 only 14-. ‘0 =- of "Slant?kc“;'fnirtfundluzl: Mifif-JLO ‘1" EMr " eta} ‘fxd rm“ [ml the nil-I],: lung)”: HQ, :10 61;: .0 F 9 ',O h,” "'s'. 9w r-p-,_ ‘Wn, -‘3 _H [1 Or Inc - t _h) s ...J..l)lll. . M \S‘ J an. “Mimi,” Ifit Maw"! thp’ftpm-p «Mn, “MI. :1 I" In; ’_ - ,__- th “fin. E-zth" “Er? {firmed & ”‘gh /, n-ctv :N. kn lie at 4'} mm am," '1 91 Mill 1“ “W "1 Flu; A present Mom and?" rd ”if m m nil -(I f ' xun \ I of . In ,Y' * V . Ill» ’l' n l“- A ' M he “I . (:15 A In!" ‘"I “:1“, _Vs wvof . ' J (In u b! UH W‘ W mI mg '‘ .m J”- r. . (the .p‘, mg .Cu ~ mm“. 4"f H c ,1; {I9 ‘ .‘ ‘::“"“"":"-. (urn. nu “s’th . Ll amt,- “Hint gm; “no“; ‘91)“??- “""t ‘l‘, “Hi," ,gzi'luzr‘c'u i ”'0 lxulmd 1:11}, J ‘ Indi::l "5 '6:luv‘(nr‘hlhflnlo;“"3s’l‘ll"HH nny OthPrn [JV \; I" (Li C them Iqal'flir gglLllienlcll‘itt‘e, .r‘l‘r RIM-gash”; 'ml.‘ I "w. "L_ ~“1 ’, 3 ‘ .111." or. Jon“ er. . I';F “In cas _ ‘l.’ _. it. In». "Hr. x, ‘ Lhw‘u’i‘: t.,";:il';’r film": 1;! ll'r;n(:““:f’f("'n IN-flt ,lhlflczd ’3" in ”foyj‘wiu' :Prcnbplui'lhg‘s324ll”; l' W 2"?“ hnr‘(:llw“t :1 /‘ 1. flu‘ _lm. ‘ n n.‘ lu‘ ‘ ,n], - ‘ cf . (9c 0:1 -.r[‘ amu "Iln- '”I m I V rung"? y; “V":ri f'lklfu-flml ham—ml ‘3'. I“q m 7:; I f’le Us qténty. :I"er ‘riifi'gntiuanttlilmn‘ u:":"no“i}'\'¢;r‘?' t. .:.-,4. 6‘, ‘21.. arm?” {mm '6‘. )ilr J" "‘0": ‘1 y‘lwgcu “will“ mill," algal" ”it-I'} “11:1. upr lI’PI "egg“?! “‘0 1 Very wilt: “bed.“ “I?ar hour 15111:" [1:11.64 -f|(‘f -n _ _nl- ~ 'll-. 'v,l l _ Mil ~ N 1 H “rd r' . ‘ec F 1304.1: ‘0 fiiil'ujilqtfi [ml-1... [ll-lip “)lllgL“ “ 03”.; 1‘“: .\.;‘l‘h’orv' * » tolilllfgflr'l 5::; ‘lO P 03"". \.'|ll«r;. \'s_ 1‘; ‘!zs-\'\‘t}..-|-«Ii:f:‘ nl- ktl:ll “It f' - fret llnq I Myerflmm; v“: ”on 3:; “ml ll," finsgtrfhauiv ur .- '9' . t-Il ‘. .“ J. -I] 1 «n. fir )6 lv‘ 3“-~ It 7 --. 'm‘. w VA I{lngdg‘cttunlilltnrprfi. imnxl. Vrmllyl‘l‘q’m “I thc'li-hé‘ng- Livy: hau- jufc “-I!:|;'uted':’l‘lllc; :1 u, ‘l‘ 5‘ y. .S _1 ml, r. ' _\~<4 ‘ m.. ”"3" Yul CI _ l he“ "p": uc4 {lf b: y» R‘.‘ _ununhgg Dr. .qut '1 ‘ ‘gmnnnq’. J. H "Onrllge, ’ll mnvr‘m“. w. “hm.“ n to [la'nl‘fl‘frl‘d ”om Eihut Elmo‘- . 'v“ I 11”] 3'“ “mm 3. #5 _- ;~ Dally “I‘lln‘ . Esq lIIIK'I “l" . 1h- ». r ‘ him AV 7‘ “‘hi. vy i : ‘nm “uk‘l'c Ind" ‘ t (‘1 V (1' mg “C Lvui‘h ,' Lu]. Ilean " he a .1“. U _ be“ 3701-» “"41“,;th magi, ”Fe m xller 31‘] I}; ”in?“ VW l 33 at uni] ‘, [an \uh ‘M alr(.m‘n_filol- 1‘1}! ”WM . ‘1 met ‘ _“H‘flm'z , , \vnh gr; 1 I u oral gums. (will! m'kill. hm guilljvrtiligiwiuilt find lgxil- ‘ Wlee work ogtho r 6 nion of (hie Di'mp‘ “1“";"11 I‘m“ «flmq‘r. :“mqu "1 ““3." ”"9 d‘flalzu‘ timmugl ““Nfih‘ WWW in NOW Yfl'k i~s lu-ofies‘inu-‘l‘Jg'lilii ;:‘(r)qriitr|i z . 1 u ._ ‘, ~ H . .- ‘ ‘H (5:5? ‘5" l'"”‘“ “”0“ _ 7H 5 I [he Momrt ”all mmnutt e had a x+evlmg' Encthotlll _ , _ r , 1 w . > . ' - ‘ ,:- -l.’l-Ifith‘liNfl‘A'l._ REVi‘ii\\'.—S:“mrduvr “n “omin! "Iglhh'wfien r nluuam qml«»rs~9“-Hmn Mn hm “'33 a «grand milijar): thy imro. 1.3.".1yiin2 the call of me Stainkomhitto‘g for a: $(':1':::::ll\l‘ in 31:}- férenfmn. Hui unifivrmcd wmipunim vnnventmn of the Pemd "‘fic partiyvand I lificinulcé l 'mmlmsin: 11m brigade (Adams quality) extending the niivo bra rhvoi‘ mime. _tolly”l;t';lunuéy. a xbegzm in arrivn. :m-ins thpv «M J.., wc-re Tammany; “Tm ununimpu‘iy ailmbtedn— («Inuit-filing , . . .. FA» . . x-. . ‘ . . inn ‘us'. .pwilwriy run-WWI my “‘0 tuwn' mm‘puuiog. . A (onllilllltet. mus {imnoliitqd to (:oqu!- mth ”in m \Lhe‘l ' .:Men. women and i'hildi-onmlm came ppm» the f"_ nun Domocmtxc contra] com ittce. “WHW- P": ing in. ulmgutlmr making "1’ mimol‘ ilu‘ rulunvc to acbmplcte uninn 01? the] run—l ml whim-I*. a. . . A i . v ‘ 1t - 11 m jaw-2m! crqufgls over won m tin»: phu-ie. 'A f- (”Nd ' ‘ A . ...» _f .__,_, i H‘ fimeriifi roul ' to; «#OlO (onlyl‘flllllfit imfl arrived. :l bangle @Dr. H. E. Hmvoll. o‘?”qu York. saysi' “."Fimmk‘y 0" ‘ through the lurini‘ilmj‘mn-un mu hm]. 11.3 “mt thn mm: Mi'ovtunl reiimdv to im wove , “gal” d' uzi‘ . . -- . . , ‘ :- 1r 3 ium, prewnhug a moat attractive xippan- _ the tone and an‘gy of (hp stomzwh i the P“‘"‘“t~‘.“- “m - ’snl‘nt. We give a lik! of Ilk- siivernl (’[m-«z Uwgumtwl B‘Mnrl'. 'For' .Dyipepéiu' and j 5010 A 3“!!! [1: T'mmffjny Rama-r“. ((':u'alfy,-) ('apt. ‘llnr-V lu-iigmtion these Bitiors ire unparalleled, i i J 0” MU: ...,~.. . A i ‘ r 1 ‘Mmlmj-iv Unmeflmwls. G'in: ('nliim. 'l‘” left”) :)_‘l‘::‘_§l_l;2,reih i 1' ' .\'. 11—511 ' lnilln‘fwl dent. illiflumon ,' "An-nulls illo“ ~ . . ' . . I —.' v 1"" ""7“". "H w Cur“: l‘lfink. ’ ‘ ; I The Dphes and Righth Magnum; i containing €va 'i'nimr Rina. M'umt .Rnuk. ml". Mlllnr. _ The Goyernnwmyn’ch view" citizen [H ‘ ““0 “v 0‘ ln‘h‘!N§lle’lH Blue‘s. Gettysburg (kipl. "an'r'pr"’°"“”". 0‘ I‘re‘i‘rmflfl-V !"M h[l Bun-Her. _ _ln rvlurn for this prntH-lion fury. citizen]« 5 Znunvoe.Gatlydlulrszl C.lp‘.‘.f<lllllwfl", - {:l6 (-.n\ernnu-ut ”‘fNH‘AM‘.’ He “my ”mi“ ; ’Atlams Rifles, G‘cuyiburg, C‘i'L “6(31e i u: \uuloin “Hun. hm he. as no rxgln (fre . lu-JIH'. J . . z. :33“) nhndw-nm‘ to (in-m.l illlaipersunzilscr u-es. ‘ ‘ . ~ '_ . i _ us poucsuoni, ~eu-n .Ik io constilutenmlt (2:931:38 “Wm": 11‘ "3 xhurg, ""I‘t- M“ or the roqugrsus oer-ernluqni. upoy whi'ph i 1 ‘. .‘ -' ' ' ‘ _ v I nmyt’lruw in awe: ufnm'eejf}. In do: oti: _ I E‘gfho‘d ,l‘om“ 9"; I‘WFL ){d‘fml‘fi cm‘“ gmerunwnts not only is l‘iiJ punior lull-fr] ‘ n’:\':ui'::nl (iuqrd' Vew ' ('anrd' 11““ snnr‘anxl pruperly miiimitwl.:mt rulcréu Jr . _ . ‘ ‘ W . -- , J '- [non-Wise supernsinnover be than"!!! fll‘ ‘-lefi'«~r. ' " . '" '. ~ ‘ "’ ‘ ." n'7-nnvo‘x .Ahbmhli'm'n Y‘all! Ram] illillln|lnl.:i:\(:lrluuflnrrtslr'luiifli. tell!” 1;” \r S: . .- ." .‘ .V .. . I In' wam ey§:u_... '( Bendersnllo llnmean-ds, Lupt. \\ alter. uttr-n-d in oppnaition to the co duc‘rof tho ( , A The Blum~ “and. ‘ frs tgnit hr. sul-ji cts the nu] cky indiridu" ~ . 'Ag,3 o'el’nck, [he dress puréde, Oli 'rr'gi- :‘lean‘Pem‘ "11)"; Pugishnmn . He may 13% ~ 9 .- , ‘ u 3"va army} ,ns uties n a subject. h mf’m'al re\_le\\'. mm‘e off—under the an- be \jrntures to express} an oliuion minim mnml of Llont. 001. Q“. H. Bnohlnr. Capt. i-ncdunctmf those in powvr.‘ :e is treated Frank. Hersh. 39‘1“" “7., A. Dum‘mi ‘nnd criminal. .\rlyiirnry nuthorii‘ and freedcj . Calm C. B.¢Hainefi Aids—_Liout. E. G. F'ifl‘fl' cannot “I“ In the “ me “I‘m” . FMlnestock t' Ad' '- t— 'l‘! 2‘, Either tile one or the mhcr plus! gn‘e wr ‘_ ‘ 3“ "‘1! :1“ 1‘" - “‘- renew aud,nrbltmry power alway sqppreeses. mu n'very gratifying S 1,?!" to the: throng of ,npiuibn. 7 . l KPQCtnmrs. (‘nnumny drill-x then became if “‘10" fir‘grnwemg‘fEhid}! is dbarscli . _ - _ . . nanr w: . rec‘nm epee Inn 0 [le .if,l‘ . . , . . “'9 order. an 1 "f‘ ‘l‘ Eli?" of othmncy 53"“ u nereSfary to its exmtenve. ji'l‘hemomens cmlly shown mu mucir wlmu'wi. ThO-is‘dmtrm‘edflm whoie nnmr‘ of our “my ‘ Immpnnivu looked «(iii and drilled “ML—i S9M ‘5 Cllallgfl‘i- “Vim“ it bc%omos d‘fflflfl Th 1 so" one ome liv "v: v ' pr ""f!‘ to say what.- they 'l’ k our b“ i ‘ b 5“ ~. - rah»: .days m the hhemes cense‘to he. and \v ni-e wiqliinl . ’l‘ns . of bettysbnrg. ’ ; gloom or an ovmlmdowing dgs tigm. “ i ' * ::‘C“ ““1". “_7 “"‘ : But this fret-dam of opini does nétinc fiThe Independent Blues! havmg re— tiie right ‘to \‘fehue laws or 3:131:59 \iolkuc turned ~ . ‘lfriends Engine” homes‘.‘ "”4““. senn Eh ' ' fibout i-e" “Hang“ Qleir bus‘ing- 'l."- E'e gout-imam“ "luau “ ' "“"u‘ H a,” we ”if—t '0! o wtheold \ ‘ 1'" “he ~‘ "'0 Gore ‘> ‘ “Sina . but as tho‘ membe‘rs will "‘3’: “"1 0w rnmen‘u‘xesfl n' ' "n- " .. wmplonwm . mm"? If itd ""3“"! Krumbl ’ “"5 “’l’”. ’3 now 101 instead ar- for emih company ”flagellum“ hls service! mam" he must ny. t pf new recruits Will 1;; meeeE’ qunoajlumbe‘. to 5“ “h";gf "lust go. , No fiflflnawy’nge my; . , I ~ ’ 'Me 00in" <" e i he' .0031 an The n“I to fl“ [1 u . “Wane nhsm-l ‘ was “)0“ "W E ~ ,- com an - ..‘P‘9 M e . ‘ “‘9‘“? exemt' '°-” "1.1 P 'xlment now £ol;me “31,1 be Mme?! to seek'§£§{s°'-"S‘ Mime" h“l;1:nt.l)f dl-s' “e" 8m 00“ t' .7 mg m_ York “m 1 re! fund" some filnf'ed ‘ .'e "g t ‘o‘ M n leg f 0: the lpec' I : n‘lld, “0n 'b‘L‘E to prrform his I . .‘ngher ’aw’fl 8‘“ '“S "'6 "flmd “hes rm. Bewlce 0f This: fc‘f‘se’disagreggbfeorsngtion‘l ob i 234 u Property in they): ““4 such other‘ live o‘} e' ‘f “H“ mm: 01'," mm 5 "3° ' “when . . __el’glmentmay htk in ‘. .“" law bees ‘lw “M be des u ‘ .'IOn. Th'osewishi : hinder ““1“" Obedieh 9" "“m'int the a“1 1:921 Ind hobs - « "gwenlistrozu "may is in :1 °‘ " law-m mum” '°‘ W , ”"'§“°d. “pleasing -- [e P'm‘ure ihc' 1e In“: of the ‘ {lifting ‘4 \‘p at h‘emate’in jdflin‘g Ca t Wlhon, and “NH!“ $438311 or modificfi?se'wmlmsq {in PM. 1113: din up; 3" "-BE""'lu's‘ 85m or u» 3...... ’k I . by ”1”” jug Qaptaimi “WM?! Oueof “"56!“ Nationml A ”.'““ paras...) ,r I . , withufield4 not enough f‘ “Human-m 9f the ‘ ' “Apt, 3;“ -'.__.___'L_:‘:" ,1 ‘duiv to the 6);: mile" towmigyéhfit ‘5l ' N - I- ' 'er ,} ”Hakim about 23“" 0f Moumioy'fifil‘s' “PW?“ nfififf‘zbz‘“mustfim'tSH pug, ior r‘ee ‘yems ls “g._o.quah~y‘csm_' wlletilgfilr‘n‘j‘confidenc: if“ express the ‘be in ‘ i 0" d.‘{nng’tlxe w' " "Potic 5" dese'Ve no; '"°“ 3“ Por ' be . nto the Bri ad .. ar—m l _ rule manught'tg “"L Audqlis '1 (used by Fax-G 8 e Wilton-ind to" pe“ ““1 fn-edom f .be eufmced flu" W “ (“y-Thomas V . “fldte'w - o “Plnion upon the 6 Under“ . ,0” a r . ‘ “kn: me . “and of ‘ . - ““1 “Mme rank x, W‘“‘“‘- “W trilix' f 9°‘meenmnm-me We” "'5“? Application ‘ “"9 fastfill- “'9 l(govern o "'5 “me“?- B‘s “mm": ’ . 'tely. . < should bGemnd .-: abuse‘ gnarl?“ De thus “$911233" Cm“ ,1, ‘in/“+4 _ :Im- mun, xifiohkigfli.“ d 9 not exist'lhlféfim' [duke ‘Cfiousll 88:1)sz “ ’ ! {1:322 do "is" the;ys::‘xffdui,"“ (“I“bng‘ensi-i Boa i Sch . ; .Wllo ' ‘ “I'nytoco ‘ ..°."=movm ' 8e" “1:, no.) 111161 an on chops a gaming ngniu: the‘glfilethe" ”Wm-ax is :83“: by ‘ 1““ SJ! admimbn °f on“ . merormmc J- J“ an expel-mum m d educsc' 1 qualifiéa‘T til3001: 5‘ the “Melquen” , flu“ . Ml PfiHCi l 1137i]; {:l}, Am make.“ or (figpkression 0' free dl'stgg-wm‘m fo ow‘ yaff‘mliecwdfith .1? en for “van! the “gown dictating u, the “‘3‘“ _lns a“ academia‘ 4 _ 0“? 0f the bestf ‘ A 1 mlstm‘onwoum 1*“ ‘ minmmié"! u: the coil Gmale pP find are“; not of luv-omm: (u [be found :1; a “‘7- Her and ‘II “WM be free ""3" in POWer p 991°“ ; .-—~:—~ Eh” “lama. »"I “"itlloug the i 133; “Icrcise “nullified, 2m “‘3" MM Roda-Tc: "'"—~—- ‘ ‘ .‘"."h‘infl PO‘wle: t?“ we.“ i""l’osed bgttgqu"\ - tbs: Thom 11 m" (Md‘) Remit! ”(WWW “313:“? °Pi°i°m ‘Txmefi' - a. V . ‘ 0 ; o x. - 31%. "5 Whtly ”fig?" °f Phat cityu Argpfié 1:71:33": ”We “0:115: 33333"? ”i‘h" fl orgy. has been rel ‘by Fweml MP to th. keep“! fed to mign our boas‘elusyagou. eamen his pa ‘1 - the time being °f “‘0 Icy MI“ hd 111 nm.” I'o 9, (”Patriot _K 30 occupy “an ' “PFC" fol-ii ‘3' Lmon. onaflptharhyr TWX.-1 . ilmmhlnqx ught out; 1,. Wl'h-pn no pnrt- ‘Bosl'ml.‘:uxd firm of ‘b‘llrg; 1'“ .H‘ t =t - _ ,1i'"~‘( Harlin; a: >O.“ " lurid) Fulwv PV-‘k N ‘ fihhutlatow public. :anlur, _Little Au r. w, 1 i ._J E», has 1. I i \vin'go i rot. The the hug. i . We u: nenlofthc EME has red}; Ipt. MVP! accr-pt ““6“ ‘2 Tm: . (:11 June | Lu: _ ' 1 l‘srL-[mrml frr’ w. . < 13!. IL. l’hysi‘, 1‘ _m I This imam. gpd 11l ' L‘urc uqu [l]: r. 113.”:1 which the 953‘, : {Hum-run“ n} . a I inni, {lnd :\ lon-r, wh le, 13 eng ‘fnr ’he \lvq Lying sucq lon -oft". Io“:;i l GREAT “T‘E‘COVERYI—AI Him; l?y:ll»lu pram linnors and (~11 0 re-‘ lun- u‘lt-mmm mod the great :irei Gmllll: lu-aul ful comb'im‘tio ll'm}: TINA? ”Hi," fl r ,tlm relief nndl ‘l‘h it. Qut‘t‘ 4: pen]: thqmwfl'es nrc potiv \‘yrd‘i in n hunulcr'bdth uu‘ ‘ ‘ ' I'lory. .\lnm Um; “‘0; I'm: lrm'pe m-n talk in n vt-ryéhq nincl , prn’pp ‘linu ol' host- who h‘mr} say mviui it, who find triczl it. ,0"! fdismréry is . \erfiy where fly 0‘“ Luplh‘iz‘g like it ~“mi ever belorq i] to“ouly_4‘genuine .luclric Oil i24l”i ith- :Wllil'il is to [lie :ulrnt all the ril‘ t. if givzlfi in the _L-It or, aun'l M. «mm the {lt [hp pfuprn-l ra’ prices ofthe} L‘s u‘ ml\;e}r:mc-ment.l .-” "3 “fl wTivg-nlylflrm to 5321.15- (1 'em' f pengl-s pér 'ullmllh will be [mill] = ixmnachiné Wmlmily to tin-in ingllhe Erica mug: Mun-blue.“ ' Machine, and :1 £99]er iu‘ its m 'a chihlcnn len’ 11 to‘ opemlc itll inslfinction. fl 1': Equal to any Machine iu‘ufielnfid they “Ith ‘lhc Kitty and 0 e_ Hundmfl doll The lpricc is h’urfiftceu DqUnrs, wisll lo emplbyl \gents in; ever: Uuitpdb‘tnlos. Address, for, p Sumsu .\lwulkl 00. R. J) Agéyt, Milan, (.fhio. “ [Mm ‘— .frep . pon Iress this PHI- mus six-d I thq I WSnnns ' thy u_ \‘isitjuat u even; in our ‘m 1 Stoves can b“ full bf Stoves o| riely of Hbllo Warn, Plimishs ing, indeed, eve “n 0.5 desq, Sn : Lnrd l’n-sses, - sell wholesale - iron Wan-e o! t! a anfficien, nu . mund.‘ Their ‘ lug"; also Co . A-." , T 0 CONSUMPTIVES —3The :dveriiaer, hav ing bg’eu restorfd to health in a few the)“ .3” a verysiniple rem dy,after hpving snfl'elfed sevgml yenrg with sen: e lung nfl‘e‘ction and that dread disease, Cons mption—is an. ions [to milks Inn‘s-n to his fehlow-sufi‘emrs th§ menus o_t'uur‘e. all who «Ic'éire. it, he will: sendla‘copy oé the mescn’ptiong used (free of clnugeJ‘wuh ‘lhe direFtiqus for weparing and ntling.the =‘axne, whjuh they willifind a sure Cur'e for Consulup- ‘ magma». B onghitis, kc. "the only‘uhjecy of the advertise.[ in sending themrescriptiou i§ to benefit the nfilicted, and spxfid information ‘ Ohich hqconcgives to be inv unblemud‘hfl hopes every sufiferer will try hit remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and 111 more I blag-1 sing i J.‘ I’m-tie: wishihg the prescription fig" please} address REY. EDWARD A W! _ UN, ‘ b’fllimnsburg, laingl county, I Oct. 22,860. 51y , : Nev York.- I Latutfram‘ Wm~ raga ~ I Surraunde.—C§L Stinger, 'supe {glegxyapln unified figs momi tern Virginia. I He left. Gen.‘ heqdquuters at! Clarkgburg y -.. The telegraph tape” in reg ! or having bee surrounded :1 «int foundafionj—iamland ‘ . day. .‘ ‘ 1 . ] , msmsns. Ruin, Group, i the Throat, stdnding nnd tuft! by ,Lhul. em dy— -0 Cilfißfl-Y. laccords with 1‘ Sn'la-xuogiun," has: achieved I an} disorders ‘ {ln}! u in time, lhtgwnuds 6f - p r) rielors ‘L‘ ri Puma“! ,d ' nlhmll 'oyiimmun'ityv EH better cvi-f .' kh low Fc‘ .B. 'wn quad much opuhxtiou of fig" ‘hatemeul \ .16 1 ' \ ' 8 stoni— J 9 ”‘l4“ Jilly f-Innly I buuwsifi-r, aged II) mouth: so ”If 3'0“” “HP“; Uu [he l-lllh‘ in‘l.,.|n A é'ifi'fiiiiagll'fi ' HENRY Bl'l'l‘dMiliß, ngeq “ ‘uud ‘l'! ll:|\"‘.i‘ , - p9l“ “fool“ of: "On Weduosidily, the nhi 1" n:11“. "39. “I"! mm mm... JAIMES JAN)" urc qntergulxlcd.— . Chfll‘lnllc [)ulfidldsungigcd‘ n" ¢lcellcm "PL? 0n the 21;! ,iniL, FHA ’l!‘¢’“'hhh’, “ff,” ‘ "and l‘.’ Huriflinmnlha all “{‘P ‘3 13","! "If-.m hm, 319111 e .:.; u\ v “' m 3 "“1" "mums and «pigs—child)- o w” “51"“ lu-gxc. of thklin towndhi {e n hfml‘m‘"! : ‘)n tlu- llth‘ “151.. in‘ lei; til-eux'flggti EIfIAUETH; WRIGHT, ,1 , " h ' -\\'|ighl, Sp, lucc‘lacd. u'o ’ 5‘ 'm CINE")- 1 uml 6 #111}? ”QCCJ‘BII ht _ 3| 3mm, t w greater-quart LEgR-ngfigiur ' run”; lll‘qu, and" lunch 01:1 ' ; , .10: I A . _ .‘ 1’43"?" 9f“ lz. ()nTILu 13le 11131.. .\lr. “ POEM“? Pundit-Maxis] tuwuahip, ugh 13 “lb: and gm” [8 .14.}; ‘ ‘l‘ . ~ ‘ ' I)ns:hu amh X}August; hm :L\.\'!-:, daugh’lur ..r a, years 8 mégnhs'mul 1:5 d.l'\_ ed by smu \\ rrwllerhy A. I). #fllll'w, York Sp Sulnmnn IL'hrn ler, .\luuanshur ; 'M. .:smuter, 2i , town; had byde GI. , 75w ‘ 'LR & ('O. 11”,: (Forty:- ; “‘1 . “'ulf . Buo ing I isltl I H. nlptnm; E. H 4 Ilium-r. fan‘; Julm (Her) whcto. w I der: ._‘.4 - D”:— FAT ‘ ENHLIS‘H K's (‘Hhm‘muun ’n'n prescription ,mn Extr.m_r_dilmr .lc mmlirini“ is L: pminl‘ul and 11: fun" 1‘ (Ullrvlil‘lll ("W054 and rum pct-:1} cure mu) u it is peculinrl; Ic, bring on It" 13'. [EDI—Nu: u: laws:— r J-. fluke. he Queen.— lng '{n the m~ ‘ iacusc: .\uhfi‘ul. It all 0 nlruc lied (H. To ed. .’lt will, lhlyi period I rs 111 m flow“ LlO im-wut I IF“; ' u-s lbe r upriée One Doll: up of Great _I! Ir, he' itui 1 \ ¢. lot by mM-u - mu ths pt ,ng‘ qn Mis- ; ‘hoae Pills shu ' firing the first I ~ they are sifre [it nny other timl uT .\'6rwus and i (H; and Limbs, ; I itutiuu of the i lheac l’ills will ‘1: us have 'fililtlt;‘ ulg'. dd nut can: my thing hut-1f ‘ tine u In f are s-Ife. a. lXfl'l‘ulimh'. 'ue un flighl‘ t. llyslcrirsl I rur¢mlu~n ’ although u an. c.l‘lnuu-1,,¢ u.- countilu- 1‘ ‘plu: ‘mi_ “154 feet EH! 1m in the pnfupa' II should he curl 2mm- l'niluLSl Es, (Lntcl.U. I ‘2 let r [451”. {LIES ! and; ¢ Clllfr ’iL-In ium} {muiLl round envh _prosl’eN‘l-d. nu! Canada, in .% HAL.) er, .\"1. Y. _ ps CllLluM'd re a lyuulr, - 1'“ 0 and 6 postugel Ll'd Agent, wil l'ilh, by return .' 13 09W ‘ mid omm- in [how 11:95 iugv menu-roller!) 03ml hath} ‘} JU I uu‘nlyds‘ Aug. flu, LU ofl’rpf'. Ur‘ ' 3 ' ‘d “ HLHC-, . ,7 l I“? \ ‘llllr ’alue‘ I call uf pgiu.-—l mm’n .\LI {cringtheir mini-[rum \kablr and late 01' .\lnunl‘ an b‘mflvg Iy, dweszd. |& he—u'grpfl 4gneul. rosidil Airs r¢uom- { by givcg'nu'iv -l . n-m mist: |milli rt (in I utL‘ It it's 'upuz 51mm! u spl‘endid Jyoti, null bred. The c (h-‘ntll's, :IMc Drug. ‘Mnl retail, hcre. See [nrupcl'lg‘ untluiruimlucd tor z ‘l' ‘ ' JUHN .. ' .\ugnlkt 2318151. In" 1 158 0. Sb HARDING AND DAY I .\idndzly, Remember 2d, ' “I‘d,°"" Trrnw—l’crl sc‘ssion of 1h Er” p 0“; . For .\lmsic :unlxlmngunges ex 51 forgscl " l-‘ut further particulars ad ;a? a; new] - ; : 0. Law" ”‘9' Aug. '26, mp. 6m ‘ ¢ hm hpqr s 1 _.‘”.‘-7_- -[7 H.___.__4 1b: 5"".1'15. : . aims. o. Fm poct‘ sale ngen . lolld ! yth !* gen Thi innslr ‘s’ 11:1 Fumj epre mum over '-.lxir (chines.— (‘omimuy nty in‘ the lnrs, Fun: . Gimeml 61. 6_m I we? wor tw other, pisplay of fl Bcsuuz’s 8! this u’me. W' gest cities; so _ I found. Their ievery pnflorn; Ware, Sheet d \Vnrc, Japan ,- ything in the h sage Chtters, S 0., 316. They nd retail, Tin .\ eir own mannf ber of hnnds ts; fissortmcnt 1 of ‘ ol’everx kind. ‘m LE=ll3 CM1;1 I_ n brae- umishing ' Stul‘ers, spared to nd Sheet- —kecping ly nny de- ILIZIZI Rockncranziwt 'ntefident'of g from W.» Rosengmnz's ; 1113')" nooix. . to his being wholly with . ’ ‘ 1 {HM witict crrrfihu‘uc ‘ C0rn.......... A.............J Una .........,.'A........ ....i. Claw-r beed' Timmhy 5ded.............. Beef Cattle, pc‘r humid. Hogs, per hiund............:1 U11)'\......... ...-.:.... ......‘..... Whiskey ----r""---""---"~ Guano, l’L-rifvinn, per 1,101 mkovm—f'ru Flour, from riparian," . Do. from 510re5....,.... WIAL‘XII ...-..." n..u....u..w Ry! ......... ...L..'... ......... .. C0rn........ ....z............., Unt5...... Clover ‘ Seq-4 L... Timoghy See. P1utvr..........z. :MAzmrillann.i 0n the I‘m: iust.,~by 1% Rev. Mri; (‘ALVIN SSY‘IM‘JK lu :Ml‘S Eh .HONTZ.\IL\'.AN 9: I.i(tles(l)\\ u. fl Un'flu- lmh inst” by the: llwv. Jamil llr. (‘mumcs ('unl sit to W E. s“ A [:llwa orLiuh-skuun. 1 Uri< the mnu~ day, by He mum-11 NAU to Miss SARAH MB "SUN, Mu luwu. . , \ ‘ ,l , > ‘DI . ‘ ,On (ho I(itlTill>L. in A mm can; ELIJ-ZNJnfnnlclnniil‘frt Pennant" 4, . Public QF. cubwrihvr. .\wigné! T 3‘l“ :nu‘l WIFE, “moi on tliélpn-‘lniflw. on Sullgrnll nut, Tun-21mm “mm .\s‘ . l§‘\xl‘:l:lh'.nt4’.\\ll. Muuumplc.|.~': .A-uuul}. m 3 :lu- {maul hauliw _ The F‘urln rnnhfiins 41) .\(‘L ”Br 10%. improunl with a 'l ,Duulflu lfiH} “.\HN.’ “it ‘ Wago‘p Slhnl, “a“: Hunw \ (‘rih :it'.|§{llA-xl.‘xl “'0“ (yr .\rilh :l‘ ilfilm in ink, uml u _w v'm' nth’t .’ou‘ tit-cs. lu-rlrin land ii «5‘4 mfinlqualily: Milhiu I’- hu‘les m the Fur“ ‘siglll m‘ the X(~\H'.|lLnlic( nu.| within: 1; miles of u ,S:. lugkc'é, mfg-rs great in ’ghzungs. 1 t . ' k 2?" 'irsn‘p: wishing tn ‘ nrc rcfluu'rcd {o‘ m" on “('1 '.~ d ngt thf‘rvniu. :nr m 1 Ihc 5‘ "mar Eh:- sumc.‘ It “ill U luu (u «in })!lr\“l-\s‘('\:$. ‘ Lq‘fi‘h‘ih- t'n cummrnco on mi“ (I.l}- \+hcu :ulemlun tvruul nude klluhu by f ’(H-lU.‘ M'. \ul'. ts ‘ NOtIOE .\ngk it), 18 osmm j" [I —iLL-llvr m low-pl: Hid“ .\l-Lf I]L‘+L'.'|~('l u‘ulerignch lu-rvhy. giugs ‘ knpu-Lm m: at mlmiuism llvnmq-rzb'ru , hm‘ing bl ruining in notice to u” .umkc immm aiius against quthenumm ‘HI'H RID!) .4'l. 6t . Notic- FIRT’S ESTA n pn the ram nle‘nsnn! [cm H. Wing: been g‘ g in the S.llnc' - to'all perm ~ Hume-“Me [I Lng‘pinst [he an estate 0.:!) umkl In: ring‘clums’ nofiv‘pxr‘mu, I’npcr { B liq’ok' .\Mnufnrtnr'cr, 31 harming, Centre Square, YU Counlymfices,‘ and Counting with Blink Books,mmlc of ti! and un glue most reasonable (1 every dtscriptinn exedncd u dispatch. Orders by innil p‘ to. ‘ (Aug. 1 LIZA LEASE'fi ESTATE—Waiters of administrationfln the equine of Eliza leuko, hue 0L Lntimorc tonfinship, Adams calmly, derenaed. bnving been (granted to the undersigned, residing in the slime township, he hereby glues notice to ill! persons iudL-htccl to mid estate to make immediufqpau ment, and those hnvihb chi; s inguinal the name to present them propefil nnghentioutqd tor settlement. ‘ l l ' éunx HENRY MYEMS,Adm‘r. < 1 3 1 Aug. 13,1861. _6: 1: "',f,‘“““‘ ‘ "Dissolution . ' i R {‘B' i F PARTSERSHHK—TIn partnership ex-‘ ~ 1.., _ 0 mm; between Sundhcim & Stern, in the ‘ l ’ (‘lmhing'hnsiness, in East lierlin,.\dums coun ‘, l udcr lvly, may dissolved on the 3d of June last. '- I Auw. mum. at! N. STERN. pg , 0n‘..__3..!._ , . -.__. -e. . _ - p“ volsel Removal. «v < l j: :0: WATCH a; CLOCK\'t‘.._i.cimsl l‘ l “...! , ZEITLI-ill Hus removed his Watch it, i P ..Cluy‘k linking Establishment to Emuth BAL' Set} itinmre street. two doors north of Dunner &, ‘A 1.., 1861 d f I!" ‘ tZ‘tt-gler's State, where he will be glad to re'» _ "51-? ,_,_'_ {HH-__..J__F._l_L_.«~o€s" n contiitunnce of the patronage d the: ' ‘ ‘7 “ : l ‘ uhlio. 3' close intention to blblnt‘ss ood ,MCthm Insfit‘up’ 3 5 funk, and innde‘mte éharges he hopes’ loggire i -' ~Am 1929 spawn bT. MILA- - - ’ | ]' C), ‘ . , . _Vi (. ggenernl snusfnctiqu, as heretofore. ‘ 9-, l DELP}{IA,—Thls L Institute, icon-g Gettysburg April 8, 186] ‘ ‘ ducted Yur two years pasta-{n this cit? by: ___“.‘__. l 1; _ - .L__._-’_._~._ .\hunfl Cnmun' and he‘ niece nA‘AII‘ , John W. Tipton, k l D‘llanvlLLY, u on" the same principles the . ' ‘ _ v“ “in mlal .1814" “i“ rc-open on Honda)", Sept: .wmi' with lellan’sfi Hotel ) Gettylbhrg I'a.’ where he'i I“ usu‘ulrunple and contplete [Rm man!” '3!“ can all. all limes’be found tend.)- to ntwnd (J nll education 9‘ _loung Ladieg, under the direction business in his line He has also excellent”- Uf “mm“ D'llerVllly. C'rcul‘m' “"d'nu re- instance and will 'ensute satisfaction Give qnisi'e intormntionl can be obtained on nppli- him a cnll ‘ [Dec 3 1580 cation to the Prinei ,nl. ' ___l._—__’_—':—’_._.'_ Aug. 12, [B6l. I?!“ l Hay m 6. NGEISH DAIRY CHEESE, n rery fine .:-. SEBADS '& BL'BHLER have on lmnd two, E ticle, now to be had. at. .G. CARR’S. I ' fi"‘-'¢’2 HAY “"1 Gil-UN IiAKES, ‘h‘ch , . . a .__Wlll he sold It 101! am. Thu his fine op-_ G. CARR ha! jnst rec ired a very fins; portunity (“Farmers to scent-en valuslile labor _. issortment of Gen“ Cotton unaffi- ‘And time ufiugmimplcment. Cull hud look 11. Come ind enminc them. ' ;, .' them. . ‘ [Slay 27', 1861. t! > ‘ Stray! H AME to thé premis‘qs of lljtéllesmwn, Adams col Weeks ‘bin'ce, a ,WHITB ll weigh from 80 w 100 lbs. qnesrcdzlo couu: forward, prt charges, and take the same W Y ~ . JA Aug. #6, 186 i". 3% - nan-ms, and auger mn Mung, C’l‘g gamma nt_ ' 1:. u. (m .\ug. :0. 1854.: _ g 3 . ~ 8 Teachers flutedJ “s.lmm of Sam] Ditectors 64 I township‘ will lnpct inl Middleu} tiring, (Mm. qTSvptenbrr m l, for we! of employing Teacher: to win- charger Schools imsnigl tovfi'nahip. ‘l‘ I 6 Uaumyl intendeu will be present t. cmmind rants. Bv‘order of the Bani ~’l , . ’ «amuuun wan»: ‘ y-g- '~‘ :5" -" - ?~- -.~‘ - |---»-"-*- ..1 awful-rs. - :- Real Estate , ' l splendjdrarm ' ‘ S‘A'rcnukx' ._‘“. ,l. a T "Pill“ BALE—WiII _‘w ufl'md it" xn omm: REM. Harm: AT Prnut‘ ..1 50 lo .1 m Pybhc 3“"; °“ ”'9 INNS“. 0" ”fin-l SALE-4n purdgnhcé ofinthority gncn ..l :5 no 44!. ‘1" 13" “f ‘W’flb" ""‘n ”lérl’nmt‘mx' in the last. WI“ tn-l tq‘Jimunt of Cul. Btu-mi .......,...ll 00 ml 10 Ilenl Est-10‘ lntc {'l9 proverty of .\ir‘uon Ssvunl, deceased. wil he often}! in l’ulilir ........L. l9o[o l 90 ‘0‘“?! «fer‘emd‘ “”2 . 5. . Sula, on Thunduy. Ihc )l/I Jay at . pin-Im- uezl, ....qu 40 A IR.\LT “l," Ll5O. ““1““ l“ 919 m- upon the pron-Lea. all the Rt-n ‘stlteol said ....m'.. L' 50' “"5"“ “Hm-“l“?! 3mm" county. ‘Mljfllmng don-used, rousirtiuu KHz-J “_.mL ‘ 35 lands of Jucnb Gngml", l’“"_-“"""L‘l'tlt'r< Nu. I. A PLAM‘A'EMV or Tract of Luqd, .......l l ' 45' Rimlmch nnd’Peterlsoel,t-onlalqlug 33.\1‘111~2.~5 3mm“. :u 'l'yruue township. Adams «county, ‘oom 4.25 Ind 13* Perches, mm 9? 'N- mirrored ugh adjoining mas ol Samuel Deanlurtfilfillinm 75 2,02 00 3 Que “Hi I ha". 5301'.“ IN“ Spangler, Samuel (linlilnnd and olhenmong l 00 uuLSH, Lug Burn. bimngllmwu _ ‘ miningazhAcmorpntcmedland, 6 50 C‘fl’efl‘" Shop, ““0 ”Elm”! 0‘ ‘ murc ur kl“. The iniplr'ovtmeuls V 1 W'cfioice lruitv with!) neverJniling ; "e a mug n... 15.0.53"! Brick W :aprlng of water utéir the liqusc. ‘ " i Dwelling fiUUSHJnrgellunkßuén,‘ ”' r, l The “.‘“ "m be offered l“ l“ 0 PM” 9' lU- . “ ith Slwda,l‘urn-l'rili ‘nd Wagon Shéd, Spriug‘ 0,0 f 0 d 25 gothn, as "1.1) luil pnrclmat-rz. Poison.» :‘nish- . tiauw. with two Wells (watt-r neurthe house. :2 3| 3: ll}g<t.o“'lcl' 5. gm: requt'slt-d lu mil oh the .\lmut. Ho hem ure in excellent Timberf . premises. _, J lhcrc i: a llr‘H‘ mnm 'oi oi Meal w d 1 4'? 1° s'? 1’ ”Sale to romtnonce at l gklmk, P: Muou an “mung, trill: PM 11311:; higl; twang“ 1:.» to a? said day. when ‘fllltuflnm’e W 1“ be Ellen “ltd culti\'ntipn,~hu’tng be u llmed ove'r. It will £3 2;: £5: terms made“ known. by I’ll" q Slllllll ‘Bc suld entire or in two path: as may suit biJ ‘ - . : .:. . - .1 ~ era. 3 l 190“: 5} 0:} - gt em for the “A ndo_w andllms- L. No. 2. rm: .\ifismh' PROPERTY at mid‘ (:0 W ~11 U l Aug.. 26,18 1.1 ls’ ‘ «lgcensed, on the A rth—lrott corner orthe pub 'l: Sin (1!: i *7..- El 06.611“ lic square, in lleidlcnbhrg, on {which are gram? '.. v ‘ p ; ed a lxll’ e Two~story D nle 6° ”04 ' N Electio‘ pl]: be herd, in theloliee of :fi‘ ' Brick Dwefiling‘llousc with base l7 * the_“Allunl.~'j oumy Mutual Fl (3 lxisur- 3; W ment, Log Burn, Well of water,‘ ' . 4 15‘ ante Company,” in Gettysburg, an .'llumlmy, (In: ,3": ~- “i with otlnellimpmvemrnu. . 3 I'4 5, 511' 2111105] (If Sfplnnbrf+nfi betufeen the hour.» 30! I 50. 3. A TRACT m: Lam). in "cidhflhurg’ 15 to l -l'J o'clm-k and 4 o’clolt’k. l’. 33., {or Zl .\lunnerrs ' L'nnlni‘uin‘g uhuut. 3 A"?! well a“ in Clover, ;50 ol said Company,'_t¢ airs-w: uflhg the elh'filng , “ill: good Fences .roung i 9 4-3" )‘mr- l” A- BLbHLE.R- ”Cll- : N. it. The uhuve prop‘ert? will be shown by 2”: Anna 20’}. Hull. lid ' 'gllr. 11. lltnh, reniding n the mm, or by the ’—’li' ' ' i Subrk‘l‘lbl r, residing in L cuyxb’urg. W‘Snlt‘ l. ‘III‘ “I: I! H) o'clock, A. )L Ii FIUDAY LA EMI •••• ~..1 1 4 =Et 4 on 2 00,, 6 23' Loam- anddinm’mnu.l 5pgcie................,.J Due: by nthl-r Hanks. Notes 0! olhmr Bulk: 5‘0g‘ki.....w........1...1 Jl WlnrnL“...L;.. ...... 8unflr11........4.........j Monryjlr .IZABI-J'l‘ll" ‘ I [b Svrhler. 5 ~ SARAH F liml Baum-....) innwux . . 'quiules-' *‘Tolulu ‘ :‘Cirl-ulnliun ~ :X’c units... t' n 1 ‘ . j . . J1;lh:r;1: ‘f Um: m uHM Banks, and I 4 5 glam’s c 4 37 \‘cu ‘ Tutni my. M”. I; mom,“ , The Mauve rtxllrmu In) kuuwlcgdcyng b: miltunbzm umrs pm I! .3 mm. SL, ip II son of _ . , D. CARSON, flanking. 1' A‘flirluednfid sulrgilgi'ihml bol'ure lunhlht‘ WLh day 01’ .\ugujt, ”11.21:; Us», Ausuw,_.l.ll 1 Aug. 'l6, 18431. ‘ ’g ' “ . .Reai Estate. ‘ . , 'l‘ I‘I'BIJQ Shut-flu purzunhde oflnn A Urdvr of the Urplmn's L‘uurt 'of Aduns mummy. will he offerod a! Public Sula, "Lyon “10 premises. on . uluniny, (In? Hf}: IL“, "I Sr’ohln'prf nm, :1 llenljnkme of Am: Yum, doteflrt‘d, consiatfifi: of \ TRACT OF LAND, sitlmto'in Satmbun lowrfhip, Aulnmi coumy, ndjuining lands; of Fr derick Qnickol, “'illimn \\ in. murm (:iuilmm, Daniel Fidlcr,nnd pun-rs; containing 55 Acreiy. ‘more on: legs. 'lille “ppm-Wu cm; are :l Two-story year; um] 'l.l.\' JHI 4 days:_ 3., aged l u of [saw FHIISUX, u] (ill the years 3 lud .\(lar‘f ou•nshiN elmllen \ughlfil ‘1 52 years How Ami flhc timt‘ «5 time L‘ t William ‘J months \‘uhd’fnr umiblc SO mined to ..\RY, of {months .11. MN?! l 63 year :, .\Lm- n the Tr m. “alt L 1»; I'm-mu uug'sa, «it's: my?) Burk-buildings aflhclu-d, Double , aged 12 Lng’llurm with other outbhil-linw. There u‘rc two wells of funk-n mm at the house and the otlxqr near “it? lmrn, Thule is on the pn-mlwlcs n gmnl Orchard, with’ a inrim'r ufyfrult n-ccm'f Therv is on llge prpiniuéan sullivlenvy of limbpr and a lurgc qunmi'y of 'l-n-clll'ul uu-mluw.—— The road from tlnollarrig’lmrg ruml to lh-n-lq's (‘lmrcll runs that the properly. the lmildi )L’i helm: within Imlfu Inilc‘ol llmllunielmrg marl. [Hf-Perm“ de<iruuu of \‘ieh'imz lh‘o pull-(4h, ty will will upon the family. living upon he sumv, Or uyon the Administrator. rc~idiug m 1: r. . ply-rule to commune all 1 u’rlm-l‘. l'. 3 .. run said any, ‘wlu-n nflendnnue '\\'!ll be ghtcu and [Hum made known by l? V ' :. , HENRY Wifmmn,_l}lm'r.l lly Llu- (‘ourt—Juux Elcuouz, Ulrr/c. ‘ ‘l ‘Aug. [in mm. L: . ‘ ' l . - of (2120121 r: "mm-Z» “IT at P! )lnc 5:110, . 111/“ [ln' I; ll] If Urlu/ur :ifllllll", >l!§|l:ltun¢t\t ultu\\n~l§hl, Axlmm ! to llunmfsuhmf—l ‘F‘S. 11-Oro I 4w ‘ \\o;;lu;_\’ lfi‘“ . I A lot ~, -- i 7 51h Cor-u |_ r“. 5::: Mar um ‘l'lf‘u duur Mug \l-leDrdzm-«l ‘ L'lmir‘c {l} it. The ml Inuc (“II he Imul . :ml Lei}; uilhin; hllrrhfh'l uvflflbhlxy' 'rnhuluu ;('hnrch,- ‘j‘tu put-g ‘ .‘ Two Good Farms‘l " " T I’lililJC'SAlkL—Thc suhmihm Ek- A‘ ocumr oi‘Gronn‘s l'mxx. Ak'l'ynacjl, will ofl‘e‘rrnt l’uhlio .\‘wlr: ml the pl‘cmisofl, of: Solar du”, live '_'l u :ln,/,Qf§rplrnrl»l:r nrfl. ‘Ju- filliuwilig \‘zfluulnlé Rm! Hill"? ol' :niil deg-cull-nt. viz : ‘ THE MAN-"ION FARM, sillrite in (‘I luhof-r lllM township, Adams mmnty. on the l‘lihmils burg road. about 11 m.les from (l,etly=luu}g. ud jninl_ng hunk of Roy. Jost-ph Slum-fl. Emanuel l'ilm'r. null lulu-rs. ronlniniug 156 .\Q'll S and it! l‘lilufillih‘. m-ul nzcusnre, about 30 :1 we: of which are in Timlu-r and 'loucrc: in Mn xrluw. The impmrcmoulsnrv m'l'u‘o-atury \4i lngN‘Hlng "HUSH. with: smm- -_ g»? ; '_ ‘ . Kitchen, Double Log Burn. Wagon "‘4, [mg Shhl nnd L'oru Crib, “ith other -_' Ling-”4'l necessary onl-linilllinge; :l gum} Apply 0:- churd, with Pouch, l’cnr iunl ulher trill! : a newt-failing wvll ol‘ wan-r near the huuwfl \\ Ith A a line wring not far all? | - , _ | Also. .\ SMALL l-‘Jln‘gmljuiuing the "have; ‘ ('ouhi'ming 50 303125 .\xn n 5 Hzlu‘mzsmm: nu-nwre. about 7 acres of which are ilg‘Timlmr ‘ and It; au-res in .\lcarduw. The improve- . uni-nu are u One-story Frame and Log: , Dwelling HOUSE, Stable, Urclmrd, (Ind , a goo: spring conveniwl‘l tn the house. 3 'i Those l‘ruperlios will heull'eu-d sop’mte-i l" or together “1' may sulit purchasers. , 4 ' Pefsuna winking to View the pl'Operligs arq requested to cull pt the mansion house. - v ‘ While to commence in 1 o'clock, P. )l.z on said day. “In-n attendance will be given; and terms Ina‘de‘kuown by‘ ‘ l :- Ul't'hlk‘ll Vimv the r'_,'~: ”'l'_".| uh-crihcr ‘ :uld L‘ wnpnrt}: l' “H". rc- n-mling gin: ur in -v. r. .\l,’ \én :ly-l t I n‘r-h r “ill be l \S‘. I wit/me. ‘ g ' ‘ l ii tii.% it ZHTATE. I‘l- («Lilo lé‘vhburg, '§ m- the Jud" he ‘llll'li to] mt. and: 'o",me v-nl. ‘ i '3qu 4 . dm'r. 3. __ .3" .x. , , must. ' iull nu I 'I u,- ul' Hm u gnmu‘ ultimorc rSmn gm int; ["15" In- snml‘l- : for so!!! liltlb‘l'lll, ! L 1 biflld; \ 'Allmn, i E._Lez.! I 0 9! Sum, Illip. Ad" met} mt lou‘n‘ship? s iu‘tlcl'n Iym‘nt, n 1 )0 20 pry. nil-meg”. ngn‘, 1‘0"". under: e herp to suit! [1 5| thou.» cut them ,Auguégm, 13m. ts MD ‘ Estr‘ay.‘ ; ‘ .\ME‘to the premisrsi of the wuhwribcr. in , Littlefloun, Germany tuwmhip, _{rlama} cbnnlv, on the 2m. tiny ofJnly. (DARK ".\Y’] MARE, \rith bulll fame. Inf! hind foot Whitf- and} supposed to be about 5 your: old. The owner! ii; rcqnwstcd 20 come forward, prpvc yropcrty’.g pay charged and huge the same «way. , _ MAILCELMTS CROFSE. « Littlguown, An‘p 19, 1861. 3: 1 - “-_A.._'_'_t__._._ ads’ . SCIIUO [B6ls opens ~ ~sis.- i ~:. month lEECI s 8. Pa. ‘ Blank mall's anka, ' r ishcd‘ ! thper udingéf «ks mull traded. m* I L. sum: fattyshu 1 les, | nler pm :1 aim-’3] I K, PA.I Illonses fl Ie bc:tlin mm. B lith neat lomptl)’ I I'd. lflul.| ! AVING returned from the war, (the flock being tomewhni négleutcd in cn’glsoquem-e utia‘amson being nick,) but us A. BULLINGEII in at home uguin, a first-rate nssoflnent of ‘CLUTHING. Jun, has been formal" ,whirh will be uh! u heretofore n: the MONT PRICES. N. E. Corner of the Diamond. ‘ 'thysburg, Aug. 19, )861. I ' ‘ i. ‘ . :4 _l‘er, In t. three ‘I d to u' is rm: any; Ie subsc uty, 111 ml G, ‘Fupp 'he owux‘ ve prep : 'ay. ‘ II (:0!) Fl ~ St F Tm-z BANK ‘ tement F (:P)TT\'SI{K'RU ssms. ‘ ' ILXTIES Lu ...... , i S‘zcfifim oo ...;..........‘ s:2;lvB7glii; .......-u..-- 7.23““;‘7n7_'{= 'l i; corn-rt, to the bestmf lief. .' 1 CANTAL, J.\;Cuu.l~g.A.\‘x, Ec'r. ; Call at SamßOu’s. Notice. -_‘, .-m .o Cululllem 4, - ~. of said dnymt the .\lnnfiou‘l’rnperly in Heid leysburg', where nyttondn?ce!wifl be given'und terms mmlé Lnu“ u by ' ‘ 4 DZLVI J: K. SVY’DER, : Adminiatmlor wit the Will annexed. July 110114861. ts I ‘ ....S-:90,r..m Ir. 43,4;qu 3: 113.913 24 5320(1) (nu and no ' 5.19:1; o 4 53,0181> 17 I:;4m>% 00 '—+’-;—’ ...smasuunl 92 ‘ “___..ka »——— --—a-—-d‘ . f I'- /. .Bubhc Sale. I WlLLk‘he Mfulg-d, nt uhlir .\‘nlef‘on Sumt— Iduy/[Auyml 3|. lGleml DESIRABLE % FAME belouging to the eirs of onn Sunny. ’ ecetuned, situate in Mou Ijor Loy'n’ship,Ad-tma mount}, 3 thiles from Getysburg, near the Ba!- ; timoruturnpikc. contuini lg 108}, Acres. ‘ .Tho ‘ Farm is qom‘cniently Sift“! ph‘usuntly located, and is utulera good amt; fmltivutitfn. f .. ‘ The builnli'l‘ngs are 100.1,"! d the orchards. younguxzdfhthriving. 1": sun: wishing ‘ to View suid p‘rnperly are invitéd to call with Jakob-fink“, its -uceupx mixer with Nu- sub scriheti, 'msiding near (? hmwn. ' .\‘s‘d. u'! ,thc sumo tinny m} plan-c, will he gold A \‘cry‘ suprr'mr (‘HESSU ‘ T‘HIHEII [4)3‘, situ utcin Mafinmuuhuu to ship, conmiping'll Acrl‘g’l. \ ' s': H. 553! x 2"! fifihflé to crommcure : Mid tluy, When utlenldau mm; mule kuo\\u by‘ i . ’ ‘ . .\.uw JAM | .\ug. 12;]861: ts ' ; Last m; I TOTIC‘E is herebygi &c., M Dnun J: i i hu-n ylglcefi in the bands. for colleqtiou—the dcai I Zit-gler cqmpeiling us to‘ iNmicc hnvjing theretofur i mun-rue»! pi the uuccssit :munls‘ without git-lay. andl .ed to «Menu tu the‘snme, ‘ .111: this course. I if ‘E “.\NNER - * .Ang:5,1861. 3! i i a . Notl J .uu' VAXORSDM‘.‘! BI Sestn'au’cntary on 1h ! urs-lzll, Info of Strnlm ! I-uuuty. dudeusml, having ‘unticraignegi, residing in I thefhurehy give notice [(11 Emid cslu’tbvlo make im ‘ glhme hm‘mg claims ngnin ' them Hrup'quy uuthcmicn i ‘ , Jonx u. 1' P ‘ ISAAC F. Ang.s, 1861. «R > i 5"! E - 1‘0" 1‘ »,\ :11-mv Nu» £9.14 . a. = 2 - flevol 1 NEW ‘ lot ‘q’t "Em A Styli-fl, mnllrm-i‘ng I. 1 SAMSHN H. nurthwn-.~l cu] llm-ing purifi-hmiel for Cu I Innis prqmrcd to sell us II not lowor yet. Drop in “i yuursekcs. .\‘u trouble L July 1, _mm. 1,, 1 ' ‘ Fme L: C. OAR" has udde H. .\‘utiou Store. a dc ofquunrs, him] having lni nssnrlmenw he invites “I 1 thorrtn. It: embraces ‘l “INS, “'IHSKIES. km, (1 prick", some uumng the h ! ('illo“. Ax Iliwnmlld is, “ ‘ pmhte." hc‘will sell yhcn,‘ wish. To he convince], i gn‘o him your pntrmmge. ‘ ucuysbung. July 1,18% T.’ E. Cook AYE csmhlishcd n. H Scot-Ha, in Chamber burg. Fiul-lthril'ty Frlfltn and I'Lmls, uurrmlly trump ka‘Uall and see them ranted. “ _ - [‘ Alexander LOf‘K .\.Nn wucmn} C his shop to South nun doors eomh hr the Court ”1‘ alwnys be happy to attend cu~tomcrs. He is thankfull hopes to receive the comi public. ’ [Gettysbu ‘ Flour, Grace: HIV?) cdnstn'ntly om): nd, FLOUR, Corn I and Buckwheht MEAL , Homlnony, Soup Henna. Dried Fruit, and menu; scumw, CUFFEHS, T a, Syrpps, N 0. Molasses, (ucw crop. at, max: p: r gullen, the very best kind for Imking,) \Hng'lirh Chet ‘, and every olhel article usual” Eel-t in u 'l Snore. (givevmu u call. “Y Géuysburg Dec. M 13001 Umon a mum: I.x. cnnme G on the (Slumhcrsburg I top of thy Sd‘uth Mountain, ‘nfinforming his ’friends and is preparefi té' accommodn. i :lronize lxilfi, in_ the best nun ate clmrgqs.; No elfgrt. wil sulisfuction. Him-mule nndl We" pruvidfédinud lxisbeddin Large ambliug for horses. UlB]. . ‘ l . JOHN BARTS ESTAT.—- Letters testa ; mentary‘ on thc‘esme of Joint Bart. like othu'on township, . dams county, de mand, bums been grnh_ 31 to the mule:- sigch. resltgiug in thee me township, be hereby gives ‘nolice 10 all persons indebted to an” esulolo make immeiiato payment, had those hm‘il‘; clulmaaguinst “sesame lo preiem them properly aulhpgu‘waledfiar settlement. 1 WILLIKI STE KER, Emuwr. July 15, 1861. 61‘ L . Photography , N ALLJTS BRANCHES“t e‘ecutcd in the best Mylo known in I e art. at U. G. )IL‘NE’MLXLLERY, 532 A ch Sweet, East 0! gin!» PHiludelphin. LIFEwSIZE in‘ Oil nd “sz, Stereoscopic Fortmili Amhrotypesfih . gncmotnretpkcq for Cascamma‘lious, Pins, Rings“: ~ ‘ [N' . 12, [BB3 1y The Boa HIS wond‘erful nrticlg, ljust pumwd, in I something fiuficly‘newnnnd new! her-m: q em! go agents, Rh? We \finwd eterywhere. Full puniflxlnp soul fun. dllreu ' . SHAW & CLARK, B' deford, ”nine. ‘ “arch 4 1861. 1 it. .. ,_ '. ,-__.’..;.-L_~_.-,__ A 0138,“ H. 0. cm'sjis the mm go get Gloves and' Gentle}: of I" kinda very clie'up._ Gull Ind ”amine 1H0». Ra trouble to 91m!" goods- . 5‘ [May 13. IXSSES’ AKD CHILDR Ll huge ussoflmzut 0!)“: Shoes}, Black and Colored, at ‘ Aprill‘fl‘. . 32F Luswou‘tn-s 7.0 m umnmrs mm; DR . ‘. CARR’S, opposite the .4 ‘ 1 o‘clock,' P. )1.,0n (urifl be given und is x JSHEELY, ‘ nuumm, - Kai-um" tice!_ i-en‘ that (he Books, ‘ZxqumtJmL, have d A. J. Cm'xn, Est}, of Mr. Wn'ybriglit luFe this last resort. been gigen to all of clusingtheir ac thcy hxu‘in: neglect ms qompdllcd us to ZIEGLER, gRs . a ¥ >6—~~-~‘ ESTATE—Letters eqtulgof Mary Vnn ‘ township, Adams, been gmnted to the ihc same township‘ ll persona indebled to diam pqpncut, “Yul t the same to present 011 fur scttlément. [HSKI'IHH(H"P, ' HUSKERHOFF‘, ‘ . Harman. - ‘lvms, of _dmcrep: c Inn-st, rrccived at {nor of the Diamond. I, at the best. rules, m: In; the lowest—if dcmminc them for :buw gods. uors. ‘ Ho his Grocery and autumn for the sale in n. large and fine a nuenljon of buyers .\NDIES, WINES, I difl'crent. kinds and '4l m be had i'n the nick sales and small , very cheap, fur the is only necessary to '5 Sons npaLnt Maj. Jonx stfigugstreet, Gettys d Ornamental Trees 1 .Inled there forsale. | Satisfaction war ov.l2,lB‘;o. 1r 5' (8201', “(I-18, has removed imorc street, a few use. whére he will . LOl the calls ofhis or plat favors, and mud custom of the rg, April 8, 1861:. . , . . _,,_. r iea, Bw. hur and Grin-cry m. alumna, 9111* » 311. I ‘ - l of the l'niorr Inn, I urnpikc, neanhe takes this method the plxbl‘lc that he I. all who marita- er, and at moder he Spun-ed to {give lbnr win he fuilnd g uncxceptionnble. He only asks a “16,1861. 3113 m m N’S SHOES—A ‘ s'nnd Chrildren'l i ‘ “of“! \"S.' . _L E DRILL Ind Lbkto ho had 1‘ ”Agricultural FairL! TH E F] RS'l‘ AN N I'A L EXHIBITION ' “ or run 3 . ‘ADAMS COUNTY AHRH'ULTUIMJL j A SUN E'l'Y r Will be held at. mzwwsvmfxnlsl‘, - ~ 03 , % ‘ rrvmnn. WI-ZI)NE~4I>AY. 'rmmsm Y Md FRIDA); "1924”). 2.5 m, gum :gnd'l‘nh days of September. tfltil. F $ 1 (AllulArticlms 'tbrlJ-Ixhiblfion nh¢ul¢l I’m ‘enperm on Man a revion‘ “in not later than 'l‘uesdiyflly 4 OH.» . 5 y The Board of Mnnngen reslpectfullylnsks hllthme that have Articles ft‘n- Exhiibi ion; In this or uljoiuiug counties, to bring cm» in as early as possihlm "I s -‘ ‘ ‘ JOHN BURKILDLDER, PW!"- : Gm. Winn-or. Airy. ‘ ’ j ', ‘ ngy ‘29, 1851. If a ’ _g _' ‘. Arms! mist! i: "E undersigned calls the silent“: oftho , chill-1.5 M‘Adnms county to the iuTluMng briler to im directed: \ .«I ‘ i Ilunmnna, .'an I'2th, 83). , Dun Sun—Yon will‘a‘t‘o thlnt Ilmrebte nu; t‘horized tu collect nll tlue'diilltnry «lull of fi’enmylvnnin at my own expenhe, for Hie ur posc of remodeling, and then to be Him ncd again to regular orgnm‘zcd qompnnich‘ 'on are dupntited by me toxdruinnd 1111 l ("tiled fmni whose hands the slime may bl: {may 1111 the military nuns, both good nnd lynd. in the County of Arinllis,_(sec l'nr.' Dig.” 59 '42:“ [ll],) and give receipts. Nu patriot 0 (id 'cilizen will refuse to dglh‘er uphis mu‘ lu-“t in these times, and alwnld- any one relus upon demand, report his name to Jne. You : reiiu xtructcd, flrgtlmvin'g mude 11 full report, 0" I l‘cct all the arms. such as musketa, rifl , rd uunce,_ swank-(pistols; tents, saddles, all u, arm] utcnmrvmenls ol' xfllkinds, and box 1 em up unqscnd Ilium to this Nice. ery r kph-1- full)" flurs, G. U. \qunl-xtu, $9“ ' Hc {wishes to state that the\.,nlmve on! r Lil!c b’c étrictly carriul butflufll u'omllt'itizui fill hunt up_nu£ Imm in their push-“ion, u d‘hu, fit} him ofthc same. i a : naa'l‘or the éonvcnicm-e of that": “h Mug: nrius‘lo rctlirl‘i, théy will be rekeixcd tithe following plnces: , u . \. " , *‘Unslnouu—Mr; Peters; A'renlltsvilllc-l-C. Hnues ;, llixldlctpwm—Cump'a Store) licnchirsa. ’lflc—J‘. Mya‘d:.l’clt§rubnrg——.\lr. Berke find \lr. Hildebrand; Hmmptun—Mrunicku; but Berlin—Daniel .\linulglp Abbotlatown Mr. Cpblcr and Francis Wilson; New Oxford “J cob - Martin ;' )lcSherr) stuwn—John Bu L'ittlcatown—Joseph Barker; Mountjny— bpr's‘sxoré; Uorner'il Mill; Freedom—Me )loriti; Fnirfield—Mr. Shively; Mt. Roi E. Smith. ' ti, < ' 10m: soon, nrsgm'e'rnspeclu Second Brig-“dc, Rum-eh Divisi Aug. 12,1861. 3:, ~ l 1 Roman Equalsam, .OR INI’LAMED EYl‘éLmS, (‘IUMM F CALLED SURE £Yl€S.—This 'l5: was Med for many years in the yrh‘nlé 1 lice of n. celebrated Uculipl, with the gr ancccss. .‘ [ln cases where the Eyelid’a’ nre inflame ,: Or the bull offlie Eye thickly covered \ridl bflwd, it nels ulxnust llke‘ magic, and. rcmuwa nlfl ipy penmncc'sml’ inanmmtion nfzcr two or Iree npplleat'mnh. There is n. numerous cl» 3; of" pllrsons llmt nrepecnlinrly exposed to fltL'll ‘tlts or diseuses that. weaken nnd inflame lhe» yes, and perhaps destroy the sight", such an M“ e‘rx‘, .\lizehnnies, and other operatives in metal, ho, from the nnture‘ of lhelr employmmxts,nre aux-- p‘elled to work in a cloud of dust and grit.‘ ; 'lßead the following evilleuec: a. ' h», - Bxxcll\xrux',lnn. 7, NHL“: Messrs. A. B. h D. glands: l .7 e Gentlemen—Your Roman Eye Bnlnnm, wiliph I‘wns recmnuwucled to mm. (or myduugl; m'l eyes, has :N'll-J on them UM: n tlnmn. Mar ey'cs, \Hlic-h ‘hua l'ur smut-"l .mcmlJul been 1141-;- mm-ll pwnllen nnll'infllunefl, nfler n few “I 03:!“ use qf‘lhc ILllsmn, were perfectly l'llfl'd ‘ d well as we; Yonrfq truly, .\I. FULE .; , l’ “*3, 2517l'2N'l‘Sl’RR JAIL ; wl'r‘rmml by A. n. J; n_. SANDS: l)"n’g grsti, 100 l-‘ultun 51.. our. of \l'wllimu, N. Y‘ i 13:er by .\. D: ”L’EHLHIL, Gettysburg, lid. Aug. 12, I'HUI. lm 3, JCDSUN’S Moan ' Herb Plll3. 3 . E given erfcnt likeness nf Tommi ‘V chief of: tribe uflhe strange Aztec tion, that once ruled Mexico. You nill [in full account of him nnd his pcoplcin our Pauli lets und Mummies—Lo he luul grgtis, from} Agents f these Pills. ' \l‘ The im mgr and munufuclurér bf “ .luds Mountain llrrb Pins," has rpent fie grcu pug-t. of his lite in' mug-ling, having vi-ii nearly every country in lhuworlml. ch s“ over six years umpng Hie lndinns ul‘ 1M; Roi Mountains and 0f Mexi‘cn, null it \\ as Hills 11 glue " Mounts [luau l’imui " new discover A very imam-Ming nrcduut of his uer-nlu there, you will flml in~ our Alnuumc anyhk-L IL‘is nu cstnblishedfimt, that an diam“ arise lru‘m . , 1 ISIPURE BLOOD! The bluod is the life i and “hen nny fox-o ln inr _unhenlthy mutter gets mixedavith itl it ifiixlt mice distributed tn every urgun ol' the body —- | Bt’éry nerve feels the poihuu, and all the my! ‘ organs quickly complain. The stumnch I 1 ll lnot digest the food perfectLv. The liver candle: ‘to secrete a auilic‘tency of bile. ’l‘he action v‘of ltheihcnrt is weakened. and so tlah circulnti 11. 1 is fe‘ehlef The lungs become Mugged with his pu‘fiuuous matter; hence, a caugh—uud all fru‘m {n slight impurity at tlw/l'ountniu-heud oflifw— .:lie Blood! Aajl‘ you had thrown some eurt'th, ll‘or instance, in I pure spring. from which r+n 'u thy rivnlct‘ in A few minutes the whale rourse of the stream becomes disturbed a d diaculom! All qniykly dues impure blood y irret ery'purt. and lcnve its sting.behiud. ll ‘ the pamfuges become obstructed, mud unless! a nbnruction is removed, theJamy {if life 30de dies out; . 1 These pills not only purify the blood, ‘hut. ‘ rogt-ncmte all the secretinus of the body; “14+, ‘ Me, therefore. unrivalled ns‘a : CURE Fun BILIUL'S DISEASES, ‘ . Litter Cumpluint, Sick Headache, be. Ti Auti-Bilmuu Medicine expel: from the blood 1. liidyleu seeds of din-use, and renders all tits fluiils und‘secretinns pure and fluent. Clem-i” und remaciuting the vital urgnna. i - Pleasnnt indeed, it in to us, that we are)“. to place within your reach, 5 medicine like the “ Mountain llerh l’ills," that Ijill'pludiracgfi t 6 the nllcted puts. thxoigh the blood a , ‘uiha! the body. and cahu um sulfa-er tin bliphten with the flush of bounty and health ‘Judaon': Pill: are file But Randy in tritium. 117 I‘4 [guowmg' ('nmpluipl: : 1 ‘ Bowel m’Li‘mts, Headaches, 1 . Coughs, Indige‘itian, ; Cnlds, . Inhotmt, ‘ Chest Dihusel, ‘ luflunm «ion, ’, ‘ ‘ 'Costivenebl, inward Weakness; f " Dyspepsia, Liter Complaints, "1 anrrhmn, “ Low/mu ol' Splriti,‘ 3v Drowsy, ~l‘ilcs, A " - _1" Inability, , Stone and Grant, i Fever and Arne, » Secondary Symp. } Female (jomplaintl. toms: . ‘ (maul manna: .\IEIHCIN’EI '— l Funnel kho mlue heultlu should never bd {withouthew Pills. They purity ,che blond; remove obstruction: 0% all kinda, cleanse the? skin'ofall pimples and hlotches, and brinzllloy rich color of health to the pale cheek. ' ‘ § fi‘The Hunts and Ht-rhs ofywhtch thud ‘Pnlla are made, wM-e dimovered in a very nir prising way among the Tczncans, n tflbc an Aborigines in Mexico. “(1 the Aim-nu of? our Agcm, and yuu will V6l with dengm, me, very interesting necoun it contain. of‘thef “ Great Medicine " of 111 Aztecs. I' cassava—Tue “110 main Herb Pills" us: put up in I ““941nt Wrapper. Hatch 5021 contain! 40 pills, and Rem“ at 25 cents pel" box. All genuine have the signature MB. I; ; JUDSON Q 00., on each box. ' ~ 1 B. L. J'UDSON a: 00., ' sou: PROPRIBTORS. , Noam Llosnn Stun-r, wa You. Agent.- muted ulwnys—Addresn as above. fill. G. Cnl. Agent for Gettysburg. July 29, 11861. lyeow ' 1 4r II E] I • . | I MAY llrfun I'M:- $- A." ;lui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers