E : «.~ ; DIE-gal. ~flue Gum.“ k publipbad every Honda, m by inn] 3. Sunny: 8! 75 per innum‘if pdd may ll union—s 2 00 pet mum if not pgid in mm; No subscription dimominued. unlm Ii tho option of the publisher, until 511 M "0:33“. Annunumimmd “the usual tutu. Jon Puma done with name. and‘ dispatch. (June: in South Baltimore street. directly opposite Wampkn’ Tinnlng Bumbliihmgut —“Colvu.n PRINTING Onlqt” on thefign. 'no Teachers & Directors. 0U are hereby notified lhll I till fink the Y following place: for the purpose of ex sm ninz cache“J on me dflyl mendoned: Struhnn, M. llunzerstown. Aug. 11. in, LII. oxford m, a: New Oqurd, Aug. 24. 10. 3. 111. Berwick Bot, at Ahhomtown, Aug‘ 26,1, 1». In. Berwipk xp.J n: Ehr’l Schoopbouufbutfl. l, p. m. ,V Hamilton 11)., Rat Berlin, Aug“ 28, M, I. 11. Banding tp., at Hampton, Aug. 29, 9, I. m. Hampton, It Hampton, Aug. 29, 9, I. In. lpuntpleunnt, n Brush Bun School-haunt, ’Aug. 30, 9, n. In. , . Oonowsgo, It XcShcrrynovn, Ant. 31,10,3Jn. Union. A: Schildt’l School-home, Sept. 3,. LO, Iv 3- mrpnny, .1 Unknown, 82"" 4, 10, n. m. , Jloutjoy, a Two Tueml. L apt. b. w, A. n. Emduw, M Maria‘s Schggl-honu,'B¢pt. 6, 10, n. w. 0 Cumberlnnd. ntShrlvel'l tuft-3n, 89113.7, 9,1. m. Lfiben'y. It Schooiéhmqe HILL Ham. 1..-a, I. m. Humiltonbm, u Fairfiald, Sept. 11, O. a, ah funklin, at Hilltovm School-home, Sepgplz, 9, L In. _l‘ Butler, It liddletoVn, Sept. 13, 9, s. m. "" gen-llama. Henderuille, Eli-pa H, 9.1 L m, -’ unlinnml, II Peterslmrg. Srpt. 11, 9, I. fl. hunch, It. Wolfurd’i School-house, Sept‘. 18, 9, n. n. {h , ; Wynne, It Heldlenbnl-g, Srpt. 19,9. 3. In. ‘ KIM! character in the fint qunliflcntioj ofthe 'l'zte'her; end, in thla Qartirfllnr,.tho inning of (he Cerllfic‘nte will nut be Based on the mere chance of open objection. Positive knowledge ”propriety of co‘uductJrill be u rug-requisite. in tin nbunce of Intisfiuclory evidence on this pointgthe Certificate will be withl ld till re lishlc information in procured; "grin cure of mmlned delinquency, it will be refund cn tirfilynuo matter what the other qualifications. . e prints: exumisatiunp will be granted flitting the period ‘duéwd to the public unm ‘ huioun, and It. other times, print: cunnilin tion‘ will only take place at the written re. 2:08: of the‘Preeidt-nt and Secretary of the Ird duirl to employ the dnndidnle, and ‘in: oppormgty for the memberp of the Board to’bopresent,~if they desire it. .:. Tm" Inn-t apply for exuminntion before “a D ‘ tort of the township in which they de ar to lush. Any tenclu-J filling Do übmji s School in the tdwunhip wherein his or her ex ‘uinetioi‘gu Ind, wunt submit to: re-emmi nation Beforé the Dirac-turt- to Ilmm Apulicution h but made. hhoulgl said Directors so de.ire. , Directors will plenu- not {mil to he prSst-nt “than! ruminations, m- ! m‘ive numernus 11nd dnpormt doruments to present‘ lg explain ‘lO the In] the lcnt‘llere. ll“ . , - JNU. u. ELLIS, Co. Supt. .. Kev Oxford. July‘é'z. U 561. bd » Lineastei'p Boo‘k Bindery. mum-2 wIANT. - .' . = ' >1300A"III.YI):_ERV, A!» qul IuUK lAsrru'Trlxli Plain and Omammlal ltmdmg, often“ de lariptinn. «gm-med in (he most substantial and ”proud styles. _‘ ' - .. . alumina". EJW. Brpwn. E!q.,Fnunorfi Bunknf Lnnraster NIL. l'elp’erb s'qu . [Magnum Counlyßank Stunt! Shock, Huh t'unnmbin Bank. . . saline} anm-r, Eng” York Bank. Killian Wigner, Esq“ York County Bank. ti). CI on.ll-:aq., Bun}; of Gettysh‘urg. Pcur NET", }lsq., Prolh'y oflmnculer co., Pu. 690. C. Hawthorn, E 51,, Register “ “ Geo. Whit-m 1 Esq., Recorder " “ Jp‘ril 15,j361. ,’ JUDSON'S _ lonntain Herb_~.=Worm Tea. Imus. Bums AND mum; . . v , ‘ynu cs ‘ OISONOL‘S Inning AND DRUGS. ”OTHERS, TAKE ”BED! Do you when? observing the uneasy .actions fymir children. consider that it may be morn an! I were Cholir that. afflict! them? 7 In nine mu nut. often. the mute of the ‘ittlc dqfl'er or'l Inguiih in Wong‘s, am! should 5: “L 0” looked to. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ' ' . ,am'ns Orfuxuss, Do not let your chitdren suffer, when we [ire uhyeu‘in ' . , ; .‘ JUDSON'S WORM TE'A' A urn Al'n ”num- cunqién wants Howl much better and nfcr would .i: be lo In" it fly!" in the house. A [lul- .delay who-‘i‘child is taken ill I'nnv oflen be [__hgcnuse of in (11-nth, while ”fling without delay,mnd In giving the MOUNTAIX HERB THA- im‘me. Ifuely. you will not only me the child : long _lld tedious illnen. and yourself murh Impulse, ‘lt-Ijlb feel happierin knowing thni yu'u haw loud-your dull, um perchnp‘rc savgd in life. “It medicine in combined: purely of , HERBS,’AND ROOTS, ’J . 10f A‘ Pll'flcll 0’ ._ CALUMEL- on MINERAL , \ ':‘ ' ll pun II n. R ‘ ~ - 1 tin mm mm; Yermifuge will be and by thou who onve'ule thi- TIM. The on'ly “(in ' riaciple of 911 othei Vcimifugu Ind Worm $1.1“; ,I‘l MEBCL‘ BY. CMIEI ”x? —=o '--1 3‘ o :3 l 7 x ‘ ~ to [r "i, ‘ . ~ - - \ mm: cmwnax. Jf ; ' ~ I!“ this Simplg‘. Scfe, Variable Medicine. Th Worm Tu wu dincovered in uh unu~ It! v 1 upon; the Wild: of Nouhem‘muico A full amount of it you ‘will find in our AL m Ant for the "Bm‘of M Alumni-f! of“. “cpl, and gheh you have rend it, und~ hto your neighbors, mu they may duo kno‘w‘ pint! be cum! by is GREAT REMEDY! ’ Jfinséx' wo‘nn 1.1.1,. ’ ' KILL yams, ' nun nus-«u nun" {0 un. ‘ an A PACKAGE—mics 25 cans. Mn.—Alu€n_u and a. mm “a mg“. m «a. n. JUDBON A: 00., “a the po'n'nn pf M, on 61d! phehge offhil Worm Te‘. ' ‘ ' 3. 5. WIT & 00., 501. I v. 3 0 I"): I I r-o us, my Luann Jéfillf, NII X 033. .‘Junml'l Wop-‘l'“ [I told by gne Agut hem Vin-13,5“ by I" manila. I. 6.0A11, Agent for Gettysbu‘rgq ' Um I), 1861. lyeov ' lax-chant Tafloring! 3030!. ARNOLD w jun nthrned {ro- G mock! with I lug. flock of Clean, Cu .i-em. O‘lbmamu, an do Eh, (fishnets, Cloth, nd Vutingl ol'f 311 nylon ; And buying wand e services a .1 3h w. 1' . x Ix G , u Fore-In, to In pup-wed u; put. up tho than good: in style! equnl m the best city mandarin; uubnlhnenu. Having turned on'. hundreds of job: within Qre In: six months, which luv. .1: proud mftctory, and I very confident)“: ium in our "969,30 to show, «Mainly, um we do butiueu in No. x I'D-Int. Our stock of good: cannot-be Duh wad inqualit) Ind style. Give In s cm.— 0 m confident we can please you. GEORGE ARNOLD. 436113.1851. tr RS and other: :31] and 1 good u m! of Ribbons, Flam; Pin-u, u, m.. It the clamp mm of A. 800'” t SON. 4301 "Fea.r.. f-ll‘ II IlAlJ’l‘Y l.‘ TI. [3.“- There it bounty in “I! country, I When watering hxu‘crossed the. 10, and n wrcnlhvgt Howell and Karim; - Lgu‘e their bro-uh I 190“ (he gale Wth the summer croy‘ned with br‘iEhtneu Lewes her treuureston 1h! plainfi“ _ And the waving golden; harvests f ‘ Wake out grnljmde “nip—s \ Whu: the Intumn, self and ffllow, Comm n-m’. chilly. frostnmorn, Ami brink. lmy bud-fat. hunkin'g, Pile the hright nnd ybllow corn. There '1: heany inJhe tountry, Who): the skies Me bright above, And lan, thousand bunnies an In TAN Me world it "Jedi-6y (on ,- Enn winner, with his mantle There is beauty in the countrylx ‘ Every leaf and e‘rery flo'wer‘ , It} constant 1h ing wul‘ndcr—' ' Is a miracle of puwer. Everytree with gngnd p‘roporfiqnl— Every happy singing libmi, ‘ Esjcry hmmblc by the “183%!(‘19 The contented grazing llf‘l‘d. These are tokens of hié] jam-ducal, Bright unfolding of [tin might‘i So I low We glorious bunny. .\vm. in scenes of Mm: delight. There in beauty in the , buntryl There is hgslth and 'igur there; Q The‘re is purity nf {eeli «.._. Thar! in less of gildqdjcarp; For the pureu social ”11-lagures, There in fig" and nanle mum—- There in pure and awe t}cont2nune It the midst oi: rurall‘upenes— , 1 There is more’to cheer; and glndden ‘2 There .i‘ leu lo mar piid blight—'l Oh, I love the glorious tduntry. _ 1 Will: ‘11: Icenca of pin“: delight. I! LANPASTHH,PA From (In arnelqnd I’lm‘n enter. Our. fut Contributor in {the Ho‘m and. The moment the Fink was th tencd, large bodies of men w‘oie'oalled .u‘xon to ~muy in its defenée. Being a lagflbbdied 3mm, I ruffled. and eljrblled my» f with the Home Gdanls. TLjelhill is we Isl-were on me in this hot weather, nlthoué: 1.3 m eonstgmlly ullowJed nn “pendant wifih a fan and aglnitch‘er of 'ice wafef. ‘ I afn constantly remijnfledthat on; of the first requireménts of lajsoldier is I throw out his chest and draw [in his stosacb. Having been burned out severa‘ times while occupying roomfi Ln an alticfi have hall considerbbie practibg in t/srmm'n out my cImI, but by what system' of practice could I ever hope to dravi in :my stomizch? can’t "dz-m up”—it’a no use trying. If uy vest button: ure in line I snuff“ in the ~.: I, Ind if I ufe the mk‘ . feafl'ul bulge iqdicam my position. :(Thore il- no room {ingu— ment infitgu‘d to my'i'penliment v'ery hqdy can 'see at s ghndpjuut Elders Mr One evening we hadfimew drill . rgeant who WIS near-sighted.“ Running lil éye down the line. he excldimed sharp! : I “\th is that man Ming in rank:- with a bass drum ?" 7 , z ‘ ’ He pointed it nag-but} I hadn’t en :dmm éit was my surplus «tornwh tbs-t I uldn't. draw in. N ’ ' . 1 Im the Butt or‘ niimherleee j es,~u‘ you may ~well suppose” They hav got a story in the Quiz-d: that when I firs heard the command, “Order arms!” I dropped my musket. and taking out‘ my nolz-book began to dfnw on order on the Gove or for what am- I vented. . They any I ordered 3 Winen’l m gunfight I pair of Dehlgreen howitlerl {or sidearm; l Bose fabri‘Fntoral My ambition never extended beyond In rifled unnongandk they knew it. I ‘2 Although in respect :0 sizia I belong-to the “heeviee,” my preference is for the light infantry gel-vice. Hy knnfienck is marked light infinity. One ending the «painters seemed convulu-d sham eomethiné,‘ and my comrndee tinned by pigeons whenev er my heckm turned. It in ell e mys tery to me until I bid 08‘ my knepuclm— Somemtch Ind (an-need the twoflnel letters mat Ind been plaguing .n evening lube“- ed “ Lion Inns! 1 " The drove in one of the W apnoynncee to which I m gubjeeted. Ind nothing but my consuming patriotism Gould ever induce me to submit to it. I rollied u the cellof my oonntry, and m not tobeputoutby themllgiag of my comrades. ' ‘ e I overheard e spectator inquire q‘f the drill eergennt onede‘y: ' “Do you drill the whole ol' Kiln Itohee?” “No," he;re(urned. in m “fol whisper. “1 bill lii-I bag-all!" , ~ ,' I wouldhnvedrilledhimif lhdm . heyonet. ‘ ‘ Specification lnve been pnhliahedln re gard to my uniform, end calm Idver tieed for. Themnking'illbeletout‘tothe lowest responsible bidder. In one the Guard- ere ordered to “he the field, up» id commie-try will he dotsiled to eupply my rations. Tint remind: me of I harrow ing incident. On Int drill night. F 0 old farmer who dropped in to see ins drill, took t A 1 ‘2 D Br H. J. BTAIILE. 'At not. V. Tyne 1! bunny in the country] I Ofthe wunlry‘lev. me ling, { With In beds ofbrlmnnz flowers, And guy hirdtupon the wing— S When the keel put on their glory, ; . And army themselves in green—‘ When the woodlnuda ring with ling‘ng, And tbp ciover lenvel Ire neu— Wheu the orchard: ue in blossom, ’ . And the "In: cyan "ed with bluo. 0h! [ love the blooming mutiny", ! Wfien the flan-rs gre' erect and 1:7. 0f the purest, brilliant white, 15 n crown of «rpm! glory, And I leunp of drlight. Yes,.§love the glorious cohntry, . For here" living brightness the With its sunshine, trees and Moe With iu henuty everywhere. argmmmmu IEI @Emdgccfiifzwm “AND [FAMULV mmmLffi me aside. and “id be imbd ‘0 all me a yoke of poéerful oxen? , “My and?!” agflwlfliflst." mid Imbmil ing’st his affinplic'ity, “_ hue no % to: oxen." ; l . i ’ “Perhaps nbt at presenlt,” quot}: he, IWhat i! you go toju you will want them.” : [For wlnt :' nidl, Adder-ably nine!- & V I if? M Th Guinfi meat tthel "Chi! of the first Corpulan in.” I my pent mm! a}: V" who ‘ muse—he hq E 99031 and N #Wminz WM #nii uppmvriw‘ cnlifinually.‘ 3 peace. - j :Youra q ‘lr ..4 draw your 4rstidnke l" mid mae‘ t meeting} Regime 1 End c 1332»; 5 hou‘ to :1 ropriite a 1' a present‘ ‘ got the ‘ l, and I' ‘ He said fie speech' I got his the Ul_\' n, ineluifing esmu theSLripeqi . .‘F 1' Can-unit: sjor Jack’ In in; once 'd in? “Gin’ =l, I hue ll lays thosb .-. ml who Info ‘5 A 112M:— I to Gen. Imk' observed that great dm] to - their last (Iron! I‘M" about the vi qf the same c -': my. They m-l what. shpuld 1‘ the raisingof ! hgstlyfar éth-l (“outfit-y, but in! You on hoisy habit"! gaging beu Pdor fellows! . ip'g stock ting l ay sbéut‘ ing ready to 'hed .‘ol' b 1 reamuin' pa io irsu dm ” There are me <8 of p pieleftfin this un g wohdro "glint in te ing in done «it: the rebels, (“nor armies by ({illi‘ofi'n, pleadbnr m to enter be aervieqot“ the w ojfcr :tl own precimaibal- Eenirnllyt )1 them by their; nd hluste ng méthod 0 at . peopie th n then‘uehim— héy don'l‘k 9w “that all gh are for oth rs. E ‘ _Mw, ___... , wily—Sir nrles'Lyell tells flem’un 1w , being psked in Fwd-h}. had ost his lot, made nengers p mise that. if he would ask 0 more questions ~ He then id. “It wu Ebiv we thus p )uded them for mg journey I!) flaking box F was 1 trul ingenious moan ‘rlinentéu ity 9n thenck. ill Era-Mn}; ’3l a “my 03' ,n [gs a stage-mach his fellow-pa iold‘thom the qp .tlm suix'oe 338.? off." {‘o the rest ofjul lv it was him-h o of gutting im A 13.73,- street,‘ Juli Ru her" cngLu iyely ten apd carried an Ah) one was [wing ”juat one bite g ‘.'\Vell," nah givé you jes‘ 41mg wfli‘iq Lydny evgnin with twoh fte‘en Ye?!” e in his hif all his pl.- REM A 1 the yqung ne bite; .bu , bite.” ‘ more'njos’ On' f The larger 1 rhouth abut wI a, hundred-anl of? one side. .. ainnll sl’mre on! t ‘ ' ‘ -v took the I uld Bavg‘x .; E' fifty-poun the apple Ithe olbci‘ ,si tlge little 0 ith istonix _'ve me the ; "Jimy saidl the operation the apple and! A Drl'yM Ide while lately e of a cpuntry ihg queetinnsi i}. Mariner“ ‘fHow'm-e the} A‘ miner. “So .u h. are ieohted o wen do you mew ; rd ‘ been due examiner. 001 red him fine!"‘qni+l_ ed ne of the 1:. ~ E Wfiy I: It Sty—An exchatge says: “Fu— ten or ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ unspent! it from y the nail will occi Let some o‘he plr the nail and it. will m. Then let»: fl IpOIJ your should in a mo ment iner of schools, *amining'th young 'children hoolmskéd hem‘lhe follow “ Are there!lny mountains “Yes,” replied thechildren. situateda‘!” ‘nquired‘ the e;- »e no in‘clu hers. and than uf’ they waned. K "What y the ward ‘ lubed!" asked "Why, 001 red iith ion. of fly replied ’ne of the chi!- II=1;21 . M! ihich . why. av ‘cl A . , could hold no I'm-e. Thd victor “49150, the unquish ah hm‘lgaggin‘ It the 149 m, when he gave up tho~oontea€ remuking Hut ho could at more, but f‘didn’t rm: to nuts I hog of himself." 2 a-Au old maid who has her eye a. little sideways on xhatrimony, sail “the curse of war is‘ that it will make no {any widows, who will be fierce to get muffled. sud who know how to do it. that modest old maids will thud no chance at All." 8'1! any persons who are obliged (0 take ofiensive medicine would first. tnko a Bit of alum into the mouths,they could then tpke the medicine with as witch use I: fhough it were a much sugar. W ~ Eda-berry ~Wiue.—'l'he berries, when ripe, ere picked by the stem. then “rippedch the heads, or trimmed with sheen. Ken they ere Inuhed fine, which on he done by Ineem of e pounder, sinner to those used for pounding etothel. Let them remain nniil me nextdey, when the jflee in pressed om in e cheeee preu, or eny other convenient wey. Next. boil the juice twenty minute: ; skim ig, and add font pound ot eager to the genon. When mum edd e and! piece of breed cm“ the; ha been dip ped in yeast. lie: it stead three den, remove the crust, and the wine it may!“ healing. Age improve: it. Some Add spiwe to the My 1101’ when boiled. This in egresibvorke wlth the English. 1 : mum! ‘hmé man thrownout of employing“ on the embtrgo mam-o. 6m GETTYSBURG, ’PA, MONDAY, SEPT. 23, 1861. i deflate (so-hp“- ' They elecldi Inc "withthen kof ‘ y pf chief “$Oll7- Mm thank; gin I ‘ whén +39- 7 _ am it} min thing in type. Frail it in the‘ they kept 5' $0“ “Audi ‘3 in ype V. In; 1191 me , I ' '_ down 11—“ g. “ the bulged ya, Aged respect- The young one - , and the elder uence to obtain e, finally. *l'll don’t you take lapple. opened a z-n creditable to utfish§lmd'bit I leaving a very _e. - ie, lookipg up at > nent."you take n'te I" M‘Olee females eedtoeut . aid to he “the tint-by “13cm n noun an flu. mun." Horrible Tragedy It Set. The Beacon papers bring us the particu lar: of I horrible tragedy on board the bark Curin- at sea. The vessel arrived at Bos ton‘on Friday, in charge of Mr. Sen-ea, thq flntoflcer of the ship Di B. Metcalf. It appup that the bark is ed by Mr. Johh Dryer. of Boston, and hua‘Ebeen o‘l 3 voi- Age to Cromudt, and w on‘ heft return home when-the murder 9 ‘ k plneei: , The mptdn hired at {r ‘1 out-yard voyrge. a man 11; ‘ 1': first mate. This man v; by Capt. Dwyer, in the for file Ind condition of I that no more trouble of 001 red until two dun befo} . I ‘ when n dispute took place in the fibin.‘ NP sulting in the throwing f aLpln atth‘e; captain by Crotter, which flii ted 8 w'ounil? upon his head. 1 1‘ E On, the nlght of July . some time dd,- rlng the middle watch (fro twelve to Ton ) Crotter was seen by a boytnt _the wheel 11> 1 go down into the captsin’ cabin. If Bite-it; nrd. appeared that he 1%: murdered ml: 1 captain filth an no n he we; sleeping if: l m. berth. He the‘n Pugion some of :th captain's clothes and toolflhisv {non ,‘-wij on deck again ht four A. ~ and mix-dared} the second mate. Mr. Cnljlnett, of Booted. probably with the same w pon. E ‘ During the day, the crfifindingECrotter min : desperate and 5 less mfil‘di‘l’filflf'i consulted together and to I: ll him. i Giving I pledge each .to ¥h.to a nd by 1 the other. they cnmmen the ’at kEon the next day, 'July 31. rotter,‘ h were“!: was notlin the humor to s hmit. on as thé‘ crew came nrnund he 'll need a ipeir of‘ revolvers loaded with ball. The ntt‘lpck hnxl_‘ defense which followad as of the most desperate character. Th 4 carpenthrfiwhoi} made a pan M Crottor, wusirhot and {thrown}: overboard by him. The boy at the wheel” threw the carpen tor I rope hhich he faughtgj‘ but Crotter upon perceiving it, cut t, and 1 the carpenter soon after nk.’ ‘ Another man then app Mhed, who '8! shot at by Crottm, but a! .l e moment the‘ Formerjumpt-d nl3 mdde y. end the Ml lodéed in the shoulder of Russian pagan. gar, Mr. Alexinder Tree): sky. , At “all time‘one of the‘ draw who Lid an odds in his hand for u efencejstruck‘ Grow" a severe blow in th “shoulder whieh4 somewhat oowéd the {mi erer. "know“ Ifipeured that the wound as mo 4 ,md‘; he was plncod in about. u deck.]where.; otter several hours of h 'iblo nanny, he’ died. .I 1 i The mate. after kifling hn cnptayn, [fie-l strayed all um papers. T e bodiespr the; dead were all thrown ofierboanl. Capt»: Dwyer «m dbopt 33 yam-31' 9f age, Id be-‘ long: in Boston; he leaveq hwife I d'bne ‘ child. , ‘ 5 l_ ' ‘_ ”a Injmm Tank—7n ma 'lnnt hum been 1 *ncraflj'fnoliced that the levying tnxeai'l lipon ineémea goat into‘e on thorium of‘, January iext; noton thcfi tof Apri ; 1862.!y as (he original dam o‘r It, bill préviaed; Harmer. the tax, is‘ pnynbifn ihcon‘Peu-ei ceived during‘the present em. The fort)“; ninlh‘section ofthe act 00 _ ‘11:! this Pause; “The tax herein rovid shad! be ' ed upon the "Isz income: of the I: rsoni hereinafter named for thez year prefeding the time for naming saidhax. to wit: the your next preceding the, first of Japan. eighteen hgxndmd and aixtttwo.” ‘{ ‘ All perso'ns, themforq, w o are in mipt of incomes exceeding eightfhundred 30112:: a year must ply their Lg: uhhe aloof threq :per cent. foé the whole of the preach} year; ' .‘ A Mm Daiiy Ram—{u bu beén fre q‘uentlj naked whgt constitutes I adldier’l daily ntibn. We give it +- it npp'gm in the Irmy regdlntions:~Tvqenty ounpen of fresh and salt beef or hair? ounces ofpork; eighteen ounceg ooh bread q:- flour. or pwolve ouneei bud bread :two unit! a-h‘slf (ounces beans or one and'three-fiflhs ounce? rice; on_e and five-dubs ouncgsfign', onegouneq groulld oolfee‘ ; onuhir‘d of}! gill ofvibegu; 3 Quarter of an ounce mndléa; two-thirds of ‘ nu ounce of ’9‘!" und hdffiw ounce gm. ; W Id: Claws—On qunday we‘gk Qhe Rev. Wm. Hunt, for the. In." five years pan. to: of the Lutheran Chm-bk. M Mechanics town. Frederick county. m.. tendered hi!- mignation. He recieved sea“ from the LuLhenn congregation at. Duncanville. P 9. New Tdagnpl Hu‘loFrcda‘ick—ltis stat/pa that: new melegnph line is in course of coil?- strucflon, for any put-pods. from Waq'h ngton to Frederick via’Can‘xp Teudly qyd Bockirilie. It will be completed in I“W days. .' if; Populall'ou am.—mm arenow with in I trifle of three milliops Qf inhabitants ii: the city of London, equal to 1.119 populatic‘fn of Game State. which luvo‘made u not ii:- comidenhle figure in the world. The whole Sootfixh poopie. wiphin their .ovm borders. very little exceed in numbers me people of this great city. fi- anny Fern uys unfit in just am aiblen move to undertake to get hurried Without courting, as to attempt to succeed in busineu without advertiting. Funny is a woman of good sense, and 111-free spoke: on paper a women generally are with their tongues. Her opinion übove, show: than she knows “what's what.” ‘ we Sate of lon half had her goats in New York md other cities ends-worms to horrolono million of dollar: a 7 pg:- at. but without summits Govbtndr now undo In opeople the sub. caring. Mancun- 9: the doll». j T _ V filt is rither amusingto hear the ul [tra Republican newspapers assigning as a prominent m of the present troubles, ' thesdivision of the Democratic party at the ‘lut‘ Presidential ' election, and accusing 5 those who they mumem-re the prnniinenl Viligenm in accomplishing that division, as the conspicuous cguse ol' the war. Demo-1 ma may Ind do lament. the division in their pony—but it sound; rather odd when Republicans who did meir vbry bed to pro; 3 19010 division and diseord iii ou'r ranks, as’ 1‘ the means‘of accomplishing the success of their party, ium round and blame Demo-1 min with results which they hailed fiifih so‘ much iatisfnction. ‘lf'lhe Republicanism: oérely lament the division of film b‘cmoa cratip party, why did tliey take advantage; ’of that division? But"stmnger still. the? very paper: tliat new shed so many tears; l became of homoerotic division, oiipotio e 77 erj effort to re—unitc the Dem'ocratiu lmrty, by leboring to perpetuate ifs divi;doxia.——.~: While in one brea‘li theyzdeclare that, that defeat of the Democratic party was the; cause‘of trouble, inlthe very next they do»; nounee every attempt tomaintain the Dom-v ocratic organization as evidence of disloyal- Aty to the Governmentné—l'alriolfi bm'au. I Ladia An'fllmfi-PM'I'F. Greenhow, a wjdow lindy, was arrested at'Wnsbingwn, yesterday n-v’yeek. hy'v tfze inmost guard, upon the charge, it. iflhoughl, o} treasofiub‘e corms-v pondenco th’ the enemy. 'Mr. Green-5 how died in VCalifor‘nin‘i in 1844 or 's.‘ no WM vtwenty year: up; eguployed n‘libfiarian' and trnm‘latnr ip {heismte Pepurttfien‘t. Aflerwuqs he was mflsiuwr ‘for the coma mission ofprimto land claimsfln Cnlifoniiu, where he was accidentally #illod.‘ Mrs.’ Greenhnw is a. sister {oi M.rs.§Cutts, mélfieri lof Mrs. Douglas. } , ' ‘ \ Two’ of the daugbt'ers of Philip Philips}: _l’aq., Mtornéy at law. formerly a member of Congress fiom Alanmal, havegnlso been ta! ken into custody by thlp provost .mmbnl'a gum-Ad. under the allegiptinn Qf lreasonablo ‘ l‘ correspondence thh‘t’hle Confederates. E’Pthmaptgr Gene‘s] Blhir Img issued the following brdei‘ :—-'l,ll}e President nf the Uniteé State; 11inch flint ills proclama tionvof the 16th inst, idler-(lifting commer cial inter-bonnie with thp Mllml Confed; crate States shall be nfiplipdlaw eqrrespon dence'with those Statmlfinn’d.f luu devolved on this Departurntitlwé enforcementrof so 11inch of its inter-dict: is lelntés {0 such darn réspondence: The ofl‘n‘rers and, pgexits of“ this Department will. illlcrflforefi witlnnut further instructions, losq‘ no time in pitting sn.‘ and w written inlaircoursé with those Stntm Ib, Wing thg infest. of any. express agent Or other persons Ifhb shall. after the prbmulgation ‘Ofgi,’ tlnii when} receive _lét tors tabs carried to‘or {rml those States. and will seize all web letlflxfiafid forw'tgrd them to this Donn-gmont. : ‘ ‘ , ‘ Tm Lg: al‘SpringfeM—An ofligial (._qble of the federd filled; wo’md‘ed and missing ht the late bgfltlé nan-1 Sp'riugfield, Mo.” foot: up~ as follbxys: Killbd, 223 ; wounded, 721 ; missing, 2?”. Nea‘ 1y all of the mis sing were (3k n prison»; by the Confedefh Meaghan théy ave been released. with the except-ich of e ofiiceral and have either grind 'in p br‘prq Wll npder way.——- we uyvthey had to tilk'o the oath. and othe’n my th‘éyfmdtnnt.“ In cohsquenoe of the move release; {lgor Bturgis has re- Ida-ed all (if lair prime without reqd'u-ing the u: from them. It 1 is, expected? may ‘the ‘lflioen 4m retainep ‘in Sprinfifielgl _will followgkhe prints: in;- I'ew days.i Gen. Lyon '14:! Wordia—‘The Rom cor .ramndent 0" the ‘ St. mania Democrat writes: "_I bu? from‘ Dr. H.Reich‘enbhch.a surgeon in t o Pint lovlm', ‘he very last words which f 2“ from thejipa 'of Gen. Lyon. The doctor within Q few feet of him ‘when shot. We Geperal was reclining in the arms of hilbody-uervabt; whén, turning his eye: upward just as hinLapirit wu dwarf» ing.,he exclamed faintly,{‘Lehmann. 'I am going up.’ " A correspongientpfthe Chit» go'l‘ribuno In”: h(iron. Lyon was lowing his horse by the bridle, aufd vigil shot iwhe side. me: in; fall, he said. “Pub on. 52', And then aided. ‘Take care of my body.’ " ' A Woman DWMH logo to (la Wan-hm Columbia-Ohio; L few days since. a com pany ofvulunteen were orrlerd to Washing ton. Theiwife‘of one of them desired to go with her husband, but the commander Raid that it oofild not be allowed. Her husband netted himself by an open window of the car. his wife standing on the outside, to whom heofi'ered all the nioney he bad. This she refused, saying she intended'to go with him.; As Hue cars moved ofi', she made a spring for the window, and was caught by her husband, who drew her, crinoiine‘nnd 11!. through the open window into the car, and it. is ptesmned she went on her way rejoicing. " The DemOcmu nnd Repuhllcnns of Chester county. have agreed to unite upon one ticket at tho coming October election." fiThe Above is from the Gérmnntown Telegraph. We publish it as a. matter of new to the Demoontc of Chester county, who are not "are of Inch nyeemefi‘t. The Telagnph must have got its information from the Record. Time. or some such source, for'certainly no Chester county Democrat could have given it. No. ‘no. friend Freas, it will be a. long time after this, before the Danocmts of Chester county will unite with the Abolition Republicans, whose sectior’ml touching: and unconstitutional practices has brought the present troubles upon the oouutry.—- Wat 01mm Jefcrsom'an. York. Co 1 Pursuant to puttrlic n ‘ Mafia Meeting was bold .. '2o:}: of August, n’t the Samuel Lewis, in Chm York county.’ It was in ‘ing of indo'pefident free . was nfiimaeed by the sp ‘ tionnry qurioia, in the' their sons and Idesdendn of (be My and the present day. met upon .‘ shoulder Id ahqulderJor ing expresdion to their I mining all Rhoirjust righi ’undor (he Consiitution. Col. Rout" G Minx p alarge nuxfiber of Vice 5 retnriefi. \ ‘ ‘ On motién. (he‘l’rmi I: following named gentle on resolutidna:—-Thoe. G I phy, Dr. Bl F. Porter, J w. Smith. 1 | . ”The Preeiident introdi ‘ Esq.,of Yoirk, who odd for upward“, of an hour. hisremarkshe glanced hn ing evils all the uge', sn V‘streted from thereoord K .‘our' glorious institutions 3 dont upon the denialprin . lie-regnrdhd the teochi 1 and modorh Republican ‘ to our existence as u h i the attention of the uulli , ate strait to, which the o , oerncy are reduced. 1] ‘ cry good name they h i and being frightened u . our Country under I» few ‘ liban Administration. at are now appealing to D withienjn‘ and save th demn ion ‘of the honest assuredly ho administer lot box at the coming el christened ; the late party the “Union" part_ popular mime to dccei enough honest Demoéra to defeat the Democrn give a low of the offices 1 { ken down} Republican ] snvc their phrty from the , {out from which, even { they have assumed, will (‘But the loyal Democrat i 1 understand tlre' trick. I ed to stand by the Dem ’is not only yovrohut qu nionparty of; the Country. party is good enough " them. and the feeling of -tho county‘gis unanimou can be «av without givin trust to Mr haul: of Dru: York. Whom the Admin ington and the‘ Republi l limn counties. set the en l and lilierntliity‘ to Democr enough to talk of fusion i cratic counties and distri York and elsewhere the fusion havefbe‘en reject cy, and in York county t g s corporal’sgusrd of De on .the day of the electio he referred to the DEM. 34 Stars. which wsved 0 V stand. as the emblem of t " don). in that: full and firm preservation depends on the only security for the ‘ power of our own poop! hopes of oppressed h the world. g'The speaker amidst rounds of Ippln tho‘Band. , . After a short absence ported the following, wh by welsmntion : War-us; The pesitlon fithe Democratic per has been miscons med, end many Ectgand‘loytl citiwns su jected to unjust and, unwarrunfed suspici ns, through the machinations of designin partisans. i Arm Wnsfins, The D mocracy of the 'nstion have in no-wise c nged their prin ', ciples, we, Democratic citizens of York ‘1 county, deem‘}t 5 suitable time again to re } iterate our principles in this hour of our i country’s trial—Therefore, 5 Resolved, That we endorse the sentiments i ofAndrew Jackson, in'his own languagel as follows: “The Union must and shall be preserved, but the Constitution cannot ‘ be maintained. nor the Union Ereservedfln opposition to public feeling. ythe mere exercxse of the coercive power confided to the general government. The foundm ‘tion must bE'lfllll in the; affections of the people, in the security it gives to life, liber ty, character and property, in every quar ter of the country, and in the fraternal at tachment which the citizens of the several States hour to one another. as members of one political family, mutually contributing to remote the happiness of each other.” flew/ml. That we consider secession n po-l litical heresy, and Eledge our support to :the Government in t 6 exercise of its legib' imnte functions in a wnstilqlional manner. ‘Resalvrd, T but we view‘ the agitators of the“irreprc§ible conflict" M the cause of the present war, and also censure the Scuth for resorting to arms to redress their griev ances. ‘ Resolved, That we earnestly desire the per emotion of the Union of these States. endptlmt strict obedience to the Constitu tion and Lows be enforced; and that the uttemptby mob: and terrorism. to suppress the free expression of opinion by'thr Poo: pie or the Brass, calls for and deserves the eternest condemnation b 5 every true lovar of low, order, liberty an :the inalienable rights of man. . ' Resolved. That, while: as Democrats, support the Government, because it is our duty N do so, and because it is the only E TWO DOLLARS A-Y EAR , No_ 01_ 1 .Meeting in‘ my: 1 ' s3o6:an (ice 3 Democn' ‘ I- ‘i’l‘uescfisylnstkthc 1 public house of ‘ (‘ieford township. 1 I. sed a great m’eetr [1:11. The meetmg 'r t anti Revolu lxjepresenfntivee of. 1 I fin. The veterans o_‘ung mgn of the h;e same plufim‘xm ‘ I no purpbso o_f giv- . llémghts-nnd mnfin l ;and prerogatives VIC DEMOCRA aided, assisted Ly fr‘caidents and Sé'c- in appointed the ‘nt‘n B committee (hoes, (H 203. Xur u Sprquland E. .4 T. 'hilo‘, ised tho meetihg In the‘course of any at the prevail- I 'lclearly do‘mon that. the hopes of re entirely dep’en "Mes of “Democracy. 2“ of abolitionist]: "mas pen-p tion. 11;: called ricé w the desper ponents of Dum \‘ing worn out ev a ever assumed; the‘condition of xfifinths of Repub ‘W‘ubington; I'lmy‘ mt tojnjn in -m ‘frqm the con !rgam, w‘hichyifl -- -tl§rough the b0!- l ion. They hn've ! publicnn-People's F film.) hope by this '6 into its ranks in in York county uq Cpuuty ticket, !. some of the bin» «Arty backs, and ‘vyeflvhelm'mg dc iac popului- name not Mvc them—— of York‘co'umy my are determin -13:; party Which ;r hem/name U fl‘lge Democratic lgu'on" party for he Domacmcy of ~, ‘thnt the Union ' qfi'crl qf loonnr and . aryin Dnrwcratic st‘ration at Wash nt-of ,tho Repub- Je of wlemtio‘n t it will be time ti keta in Demo- In Ohio, New ir‘ propositions of ‘ §y t‘lug Dengocni my will not have lactate yvith them ).E In conclu‘aion RATIO FLAG of ‘6: the speakers, I. Nn'tion’a Free helief that In its nationalitytmd' nu, liberties'and' . yd the highest: In it] thoughout resumed his mt : and music by -e Committed re— oh were ud‘opted ho [or 4 .mufion loO'UnloI: l 3 “011:2: 9:10:31“ 1:0 mm chug-rd 0% it‘ he mart two prove 52 the measure- of the pram: :Lhibr tion; on the contrary vm duplex th- p. cm! mndilion of our country.“ mun-r Intuition whirl: have befsllen our one. mulled. prmwrous 11nd b: o‘»:me and regret. cv'xceedingly thongl-eu bu llnno nothing to reconcile orreunito the contending flies; believing it to be tho duly ol‘ the Federal Governmmt. not only to exprt its pawn in a Commmional mm. her to prosecute the war, but at all time. to hold out terms of MN: and unconfined» tiun m the dissoyornd States; that as out polltlml szslcm wns founded in oompm liaise. and as been so perpetuatod. it u never be dishonor-"ble. In any Admini‘w tion. to seek f 0 restore it. by the 39m. manna. [.’rmlurd. That, whervu under the Demou' qnzic Administrations we have tiny: prospered «r 3 Sum and Nnti'oul '0 nave, therefore, full oonfidencein the prin cipim and usages of the party, And dash. to opo'perata with Democmu throughout the County in nominating. naming and supporting and electing a union! on! Duocnnc flcxn. ( The Hill. Adam Ebaugh was then intro ducodmho addressed the meeting in awry able and lucid manner, Explaining :50 questions agitating tbe‘puhhc min In I manner which could not fail to convince the most fanatical of the opponent: of the Democratic paryy, that itis the truo‘Union wuiypf $llO Country. And at the resent firm as in the pint; is worthy Mtge nup fiort‘of a“ lnyni‘c‘lfizena and irue pun-ion. M is for the Democracy to extricate fir. Country. from the unfortunate gyila’which now (hi-Paton it! destruction. ' J.;W. Brickley. Esq., of York. wu then called for and proceeded to uldreu tho meeting in} short. but spirited speech. in i which be uyged the Democracy unkind by the flag 1 our Country and their own flag; andvby t] 0 Union of the greatDemocrnfic guy, to save the Unifm. Ind mwre om ‘ loved runtry to the proud position it nmupied before the baneful mumph‘ of ‘ St-Minnalinm. ’ "" _ 1 ‘Afiér n vote of Hiank‘sm the make" and’oflicers or uld-«fleeting. the large :33 dembly adiournecl with cheers for the U nion. the Uomt‘ilulinnknnd the Democruia party. The Uimnnoford Bru- Band In in qtt’ondnnre and added much tothd plum and spirit of the meeting by their oxalic!“ 4nd stirring music. , ~ -- 3 ' ‘ _ . t : ——-——<t.~——-—d———— ‘ Q ‘ x The Beuocuoy.‘ ‘ _ > How manly and mngnnnimnus is tbs fol lowing from the New Ydrk 771 ch (Repth licnn), when wmpnred with gthe gmvelilih {partisan bigotry 0F mine penom, a; no“ u abmo papers, herionbouta: - ‘ r` X. W ‘ “It w’ould pmyo been easygerhnpa,‘ for €ll6 Duuwcmficjnnswg of the es States to have ovarthrown the gnv«\mmpnt and pet-'4 munomly dissoverod the Union, by refusing hupport In Mr. Lincoln when hit: inaugura -13011 w » menacvd, and when, -later, the Hi pl .' cy ol' the constitutiomwns assailed by uh nm-timl nxsertinn of the right. of ne~ qessu But the Dcmncnmy dxd not. to road th ' honor or Lhcjr safety. :l‘hey lpvvd the: (country more than pfirty‘; 3nd. in Mr. Li: oln they saw, not. the succeuful inrli.‘ umlidnte. but thp cqmtitutioml resident. of the United States.“ Audi, 1 zercfore, they supported—not grudgingl , but heartily-us earnestly and sonicallyfiz, met. as if he laid been (bait own part} lmlcr _in the canvas ,thnt precsdod hi: Jiectiun.” * ~ m , ”The Juniata Regina, in spakilig of (be County Conventiod who held than oh the 01h ofSept... says : “ Leg human, and a gain» (9 promote the interest: of princi p‘lo and‘ (fur cause, rather than of men, ‘cIIAi-nci nrize our action. Let u deliberate: 1y prquwe If! the long recognized Ind ac knowledged .cohservutoru of religious' and mliliml‘ fiolemlion :wthe defenders of ‘tho Gonsthu‘vlion. and life laborers for the pro servnfiioffof the Unipn, tn tumour back: ,upon nn‘ntiemptodhxppyedion ofgbhought, and npeech. nnd express a freemgzfl voice if: dcfenqa'of liberty. economy and humm rights. thiough the last Menu: that in left be for such In expression.” ‘ .lfnrtmenqu (70». Fremont: Army—A F' M at C'lmr/Mo_rl—-7'lw (hnfcdcrala Rented-it. Louis, August 20.—Tho town of Common», Mm, about. (any miles obove Cairo. which win taken possession of _on Sunday by $5O messianirt»; who planted a. balmy there. as rctukon last night by,» force of 5000 {lniikd States troops. sent down'fmm Cage Ginsu-dean b order of Gen. Fremont. ‘ The rebel: made no stand. but retreated with“ their battery on the approach oE'oul' trpops. Their force was about 150 infinity and the some number of cavalry. _‘ Cairo’, Aug. 20.——A fight took plus In: high: at 12 o'clock. at, Charleston, on the Cairo and Fulton railroad, between a fedeb «I force. con‘sint'mg of the 22d Illinois regia ment; under command of Col. Daugherty. accompanied byJAT. Col stsdnmf thellth Illinois regiment. The rebelforce It; a timnted at from 600. to 700 men, command ed by Col. Hunter. 01' Jefl‘Thompwn‘s lb my. The Federal force was victnrtom. oom plehely routing the rebels. killing 4 and taken 17 prisoners. Tho ion on our lid: We: one man killed, William P.Bharp, of company A. 5 ‘ Pal: {film and Gallanby.——The Sundsy Af ‘las. in a fit ofrevnlu tibmry enthuaium‘ nyi. “ ‘ll’umh fonthe girls of’76 I" “ Thunder 1" mfies s New J eney paper; “that's too dulled old. No, no, ‘hurrnh for the girl: of 17 X"‘ lObnzv‘nin}; Husband: by mean: of Falu Hair. flail, Jul—A law agnimtobtuiniifg [IM uigder false fireténeesgpusgd by the 2g glinh Parliament in‘ 1770. enacted “tint Ili w‘pmem-ol wh’ntover age. rank, pro!“ 0* degree, vgho shall, after this act, impou upbn, seduce and betray into mammary any of His Majesty's subject; by vimé o! sd‘gnts, paints, cosmetic washes. In!!!“ tebth, fnlse hair, iron stays, bolstered hip -01‘; high heeled shoes.‘ahnll incur the pond ty{ of the law now in forée against witohmfi and iikefiTsdemganon; und I. marflnga under such circumstances, upon conviction" or the ofi'endingmartiq, dull be null mgi‘ void." 5 ”The wheat crop or hum is nbundnnt‘thfi Reason, though sc‘nrccly u fieuy as lumen-'3. It is estimated that the people of Mn rm hub usurplns of twenty millinns ofhushell thinks:- son. ‘ A gentleman ‘ ho nu traveled some {on'}- lmndnd ‘milec throggh Southern lon don’ cribee‘ the cro'p of when u Very good, nné com a fierefihavinglmkmi better. 3 ”The ”trial of Ru. Henry ’nridge, {or m nileged inurder of his Ilfd Priscilla: I. now In progress 10min, New York. The Eminent; connim nine counts, charging 0““ng Ind coming the throat of dacmed,‘dad,muh‘ «in; and cutting her “and,“ the Nth GOD-4 camper, 1859. 411:: wound I: I Congrats”. a! minister. 1 new" n 4 us New ork Herald alum 1h“ It 7 rioul gloating. of consemtlve Bnpublloun held in New York since the lute disasuonu bur He, n has been reached Chu tho Cnbincl should be «bulged.~ -., ’ .fi‘lt is proposed to mine 5 11954169130! t Pennsylvania School Teicbers for Sb. #B3 They would be very useful in “inmate; young (recrui‘t’s) idea. how to shoot." :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers