g'flvcrfimmtfnta. 1 I' ROPRIETUBS of the [soBsslo]? SKY. y LIGHT GALLERY. Glrfl'slc-o. PL, tn c plenum in nunounciuz to my: pufilic um. they have removed to their New All: 8:11st \Sxt-Llourfiaunv. loaded on the South side olYork street, opposite the Bankfihnd one door 4 below their old slanvl. - i [\ fl‘ho building lug hoen angle Imeflau‘ nupervision, and gel expeme has been spared in ire Ipartmenu both comfortable n ’ All the modern improvements in to WI working dc'lllf‘TDQD‘y a t x ; pone” every luckily fig! the p od ' clan pic-mull. ‘ ' The first pnnlnm In: awnjdo é'N-nnllrn April-nights] Fair {0 th :"Iypn nnd l’liolo'gmpl'lp. ‘ 1": Figures of tllxhe Tvl‘rloul (fl ‘1 31ml“ ic,) made u here (0 1. umled a. the best winner a d ‘1 1: ”veenlircsnlixmction. They be ' and the public Twill remember-. 17 ,1 poet-n! ukvn, llnt :1" Exam 2 Gallery 5" near them. Ind tin; ‘, then-”e nlwnyl equal and one § than math in lime ulcies. in d ‘ é (muslin nbonu mic when they i Tlie‘mxcelviior " isnlwayn freel f and every am: ie cordially invit' ‘5, fifisit. when they will lune an a t E decidafuf the juslneu of ll}: pntr é‘eréuing reputmion which it enjo .g. fi-lmdica dill lint! eyery co g _phc artilngumvn'l al‘ zlxeill toilet. ,’ (sue a. 71mm,“ cvu , 'l' H PHOTOGRAPHERS. i Jan. 21,1861. .l ‘ u .i‘ 1. ' Dr. Esenwem’ girl“): A-xn woo» rum” 1 . MEI ‘v ,_. II u, is [he beat .\lcsllcine in an world {1 - l ”Coughs and Colds. Cruup.‘B ,- i - ' . Asthma, [lilficully-in Bren" ' 'Jy‘l’ldpitminn of the flea l ’I Diplhcrin. I 1 and We relief of patients in t; l nag-3‘o! ‘ ‘ ‘ ll Conunmpliqn. together will] all if ' I.lm Throat and (Ihcqt, and “4 J a(l : dispose to Chpmmpti ‘1 , ‘ I! it painfiurly Amiga/110M; radiml r l l 3 Bring prepared by a pmclicnl P‘ ; Draggist. Ind one at grin: exper 3 vure nl' Ihe vnrious diseases to WI ‘ mun’l’rame ls liuhle. "ll ‘ ‘1! it offered to the all] 'led with “. confidrnrr‘. - _ j , Try it and lu: convini‘ that it . l in thoA-ure of Bfunchizl hfl'ecljp: ‘ arm: prr [mil/t: J: ‘ . l J ,fifi'l’rcpnred only hy 5 3 l ‘ w . DIR. A.‘ ESEXWEIN‘i '- if . ~ ‘ Drnggism and ' N. W: Mn. .\‘lnlh k'lhlplnr 325.,1’1111 ‘ “Sold by m‘e'rfi rospe‘rtuhh- l ' g Denl‘c’r in Molliclnoa lhruughoutl I l f ‘3}.in 2, 134:0. I"! _7 , ‘ l I «I V ' 7 ’__ ___ ' ,1 - - _Norbeck 8: Mart l’ .\VI-ljnnt recvh ed from thcri I'. mhzk or nnncmms the ;, offered iu the public—Sunni, Ry ' ‘ l Tau, Rice, Cheme', Fish, Sult, Spi l embracing all vnrlefiesfpt all pric - 1 Li Jlfé mnrket will afford. Also Bron {L and fiction: 1 Tu. ()ilvl,.Cunlllcs, J» ’ qvorything to be found la a first. 0' l‘ and Vnrll-lf’ Stnro. ‘ l The Flour and Feed hnwlne" ‘ l with a. stun]: increase. The hig '‘. prices p.|id\a/nd_l.lle‘smnll9Bt prnfiu v publlc nruluvited 10 give us n_ cnl E themselves: XORBECK k .1 _ l - Cnrnor of'lhllimore and 11l i Nny 21,~-18130. _- x ‘1 I'. Eat. Va, ’ ~ Boot. " j ... ORE NFAV GOODS .\T T" ; M THE MG ”(DU'l‘é—Tho nude' 3 31m. revoked a fresh sumfly of f Boots, Shoes, Tfiunks. (‘nrpot Bug hnrun gnnd sglpmy of Smlxllcs : <_ Bfidles,(‘ulh\l‘§‘ &k'. a : Show and Boats of all kinds m. i b)‘ firEl—rutc “‘mkmon. nml nu ch j. Hume—mgdc work ulway- on hand. for ‘c'nst‘ ‘ cum-Ln" ‘ Rania, 1869. r. ' é 1' '-'-¢- N. "T""*“ i *4 i. 4’ 7-. i i «A; 1' 5’ Somqthmg Ne , N GETTYSIEKRQUTIIL‘ undersi i I the x-itizefis own.- lnmi and r f‘ has 'connumu‘uid jhEt- IXAKING hu .5 lurge twain Yank street. Getty F 'zgpogiw’Wanli‘x's Hotel. when: h 7 se‘rveffffid \mpos'to receiv'e. n m ‘ Ige. BREAD.» RULLS. CAKES. PRETZEIfi. #40,, #O., baked ever . days excepfed.) sx“ ‘0! five best qua as me [Mn-sf living profits. (jut ‘ ‘ 331130.: branchesishjrgciy carried 0 k in nuymm'mmt, {mm [His and adj , ties,~suppliod at the shonesg‘nol 'erected a lnrgenud Commodiqm ‘ba ‘ 'Lgecui'ed the heat workman nhd . »p_rovcd mxl'incry', he is ygepa .; 'xheiuy hufiuesd. ' ’ j '’ ~ _ i ’~ i “Ln-rim f July 25,1859. 1 1‘ g -__,._._... _..? _l‘ 3 Removal. TEW SA EOQN.——GEO. P. EC ' 3 IN named his (mm ash-hm 'qflendhl new Snioonfm Jacobs A: " sing. on the :Vnrth dd» 01 ('ixambe - vherg he will a' all gimcs he prep mum.- hc~t 0F OYSTERS. in en -' keeping a good article, he expectsi J ~ liberal share of public panronnd ~. \ySUCP, 011101:ng BEEF TO5l * e 7 ‘ FEET. TRIBE-:L'BUXLED and FR”: \ ‘ _ CREAX‘L BIRDS. (an. in their son < » gins MALE qr LAGER can nlw .Comehnd‘t‘ry me. G. F. EC . Apr-U32, 1800. « y ‘ w Handsome - WOl ' 9 THE LADIESp-HUNT’S ' ROSES!“ A‘rich nnd,eleL the cheeks_or lips. IT WILL XU" BUB UIFF, and when once appl Aurel-1e fur years. The tint is sol ‘llml, 3.51". the _closest scrutiny fiti pse. Can be removed by .iemnn notinjure the skin. This}; ane used by the eelebmted Court. Ben don and Paris. Mailed free, in directions lor-use. for $1 i9O. .- HURTS “ COURT TOiLET P ‘ pawn. dnzzjing whitenesutn‘ th end is unlike anything else use you. Mailed free for 60)Censs. ' HHN’T‘S “BRITXSH BALM," freckles. sunburn and All ‘eruptio Mailed free for 50 Cents. L ~ ,7] ”Haws “imam“? You H: for th’q‘ hair,’ strengthens 'nud i'mpro‘re ’ its gro‘wrh} ‘keeps it. from falling 08', and is nrrnmed w luv. m: mun can. Mailed fre for SI 00:“ “yrs “,9an BEAU“? a," for m , teeth and gums, cleanses hid whi ens the teezlfll harden: the gums, purifies the b ' nth efl‘cctual.i ly, ":9:an: rnl nun an en; Ins mum's} ‘ : ACII. Msiled free for $1 490. . ~» - '1 1 HUXT’S “BRIDAL WREAT .ERFUME," redouble extracg of ornngé bin in; And on' ‘ lope. hailed free for $1 00. 3‘; is exqu' ’ perfume wns‘ first used by the Phat-ass oydl. of Englend. on her marriage. 3 ssnfifl ut' ‘ 00. presented the, Princess wi in agar: (use: of Perfume’fiin which 31 Lo! the shark: tniclce were incl ed) in Vhand§anrne cut glass with gold stoppersfinluefl‘at 515, ; particulars - orchich appeared in the public prime. All thepbore nrucles sent. Fr e, by express, for $5 00. Cash can either :icompany the order, or be paid to the firsfifngem on de-l liter-y ofgouds. - 12, e 00., Perfumers iq the Queen. . .XegeptSi.,l,oudon, and 77 8311 st SL, mun- I denim:V EM ~ q.‘ , for Sub _ y 511 Dryggists and if’erfnwérs. ’ fi‘d‘h ’rnde Supplied. [on 15,‘6b. x,- _... ...... H... . .._ ~ ‘ rumour, Grocaeriei 8:0. . RAVE mnatufly on hand. tLOL‘R, Corn ' Ind Buckwheat MEALS. Hoinmony. Soup fl ~ Dried Fruit, and Pickej’g; swans, COFFEES, bu. Syrups, N. 0. goings”. (new crop, n so cents per gullon, the fiery ban kind ”WBO Enflish Cheese, 11;] efiry other dich‘ anally kept in a momma Graver; up... am no . call. wu. GILLESPIE. Getty-burg Doc. 31 1860 9*. V > 61—“ "'M"_""” “‘1; Economy 19 Weilth, . one or our learned men,3§snd I believe . E, to? tho folks all pay they aim» moner hv in: u H. (u'. CARES. I 0 buy "flair Gmoe'riei, WM Racially, tax. [1121.113 1:531. Tyson Brothers. under their - 2r pninl or daring their convenient. ’ I no fi’lk‘d nt they now ction offiru them by the best Ambro- , (inehadinx F ; m wdrk unrautfed‘ to: ‘ their friends ! :1 they wish 1|”. Sky-“gm ctliréu mngle I‘ augerior to B (ns one d 9. nil Q 0 please." i n the public, ‘1! (o_puy it: a parindily_ 10. ; age and‘ in s‘. ; enicnce‘ fox J. TYSZIN, C’TOIZAL, r he (‘hre of _n itis, .- ! hing! | e advancect Discnqes of Ljh pvt-'- ‘ fr Okla/kink, yak-inn and once in the _ich the hu- MEM \inmhmhle ~. I'nce 50 CO., 1 cmie’ts nzu’nu. ruzgisl and State. thelnrgcst hnve’ ever ps. Coffegs, s. &c., M 2, ,the luwcst s, Brn=bes, ”Jen sfiorl. 5?. Grocery = cantinucd est mmket ikod. The and scé for \RTIX, 1 streets gShoe. SIGN OF 'igued have I 3”: Cu)“, «EC. Al5O, 41 Harness, do r: ‘ I t ‘riroe 16w Cl'Ll‘. I ncd informs mly.th:lt he ' inessf "on a burp nenrly I will fly to {and patron- HACKER»; , day, (Sun "ity" and said“, i r-‘ljmking in 1‘ , and orders ininz conn ce.‘ anin! c-lfiml-e nnd \e *nost np—‘ d ’in: d}? a. I}. sgvpsa. . ‘ I SRGDE has ment to the ' ro‘s. Build -burg street, red warm '1 style. By 1 to naive A 1 -. TURTLE ' 'E. PIG’S I .‘EGGSJCE on. ‘A nice 3 he,hm|.— .ESRODE. | BLOOM or nl. color for [ WASH UR; ed, .remnins [rich and mu m to detect. its: nice and wili‘, : preparationr nice of Lon~_ bottles, with. 'DER," im I complexion n for this pufi‘ . emoves uni : ofthe,skin Ayer's Sarsapolll.l:i. 0R PL'KIH'ING THE BLUUD..'.._Amd for th! spud; euro 91' tho wbjoined uriwu ‘o d ~91": ,_ > ‘ SUILOFULAAND scnort- 4‘ LUUS M’F’ECTIUSS. Iccnu ‘l‘ ) muons. means. sum-rs, . ..- ’ ‘ Egggryoisymirmsyus. fr , j s 1; «mm ‘5, Bums 1' mush. AND ALL 51m” 1",” m: DISEAW-IS. ' " " ' ‘ ‘ ()uLlnna,lnd., (Rh June, 1860. ' LGLfyer‘! Co. Gents: 41‘1“! it my duty tn. uc uwledg» what.yuur Slgsuparilla ha: done {d} me. aniurz inherited t Scrot‘uloul affectit’n. l have sufl'ered from _it in van-tom ways 01'- years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcerst'nu my hagds Ind nrmi: aomm‘mes it tunedjuward and distresled we at the stomnch. ‘1‘“0 _v an Ign it broke: qut on rhy head and covert-q _my scalp and edru‘ with on‘;- care, which wuh prfinful and loathsome beyond description. I tried ‘jnnny medicines and sever“ physici-m, but. without much rclief‘Trom n‘ny thing. In nfct. my diwrder grow «one. At length lw‘u rejoiced to read in the (Rape! Méuengcr that :you hall prepm’ed un_ mftmtire (Sursapa'rill‘nJ for l k‘hew from you} lgpntation \hngnny‘thing you nnidepmust be good: I sent. to Cincinnati and gt it, and‘ugcd it till “watch! me.‘ ’I ta‘ok it, as u advise, in "null ‘doses (yt‘ a teaspoon t‘ul 9v 1. a month. nnnl used nlmou mreé bdttles. ‘Sew a d healthy skin soon bcfi'flnglo torgn under the sc , which after a while-felholl'. My skin is no clear, and I know by my feelingsithnf the disease has gone~ from my hystcm. ‘Yo can wfill‘helicvc that I feel what] um saying when 1‘ tell youjlmt I hold I'oqu be one. 05 the “pygtlcs ot‘ the ngefima remain evqr gmté fully. j: Ynnrs, Amnznfß. TALLEY. ST. .\sTlloNl"‘§,Flߣ. IlUn'l-l QR ERh’Sll’E ma; THTTEIL AND SALT RIIEUM, ISCALD IIExp:IHWHVORRLSORH EY‘ES, DROPSY. Dr. Ruben .\I. l’relzlc writes from Salem, N. Y.. 12”: Sept., 1839, that. he hep curt-d an in \’(‘lkrl|‘¥' (use of Dropsy, \VhiCh threatened to u-rm'm’ re falullyJJy theffiigsovering ua'p at our Snrmp3nlla, and also a anglt’ous attach-oi Mn'ligli u. l-Zryzilfi-lus by' lzilrge' nnxcsv of the fame gays hg cufga the commmi firupiiohs by it (‘nniihnttly ' '1 ‘» ' Bkt).\’("IOI‘ELEIHWI‘REOI:SWEELLEHNECK. ’Achuluu Sluum of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Threefhutllps of your Snrsnmrillu’ curqd me from n (loitrc—n hidt-‘nns swellihz‘ 9n lite heek,‘ which} hud swift-rout t'lrnm nybr lh‘u’} 04:15:”; \ hm'mmmo;.\ on x\'ln'l‘l-;s:,pv.\m‘\s 17 310 R. ['l‘thth ULL‘I-ZIMTIUN, FlnlA‘LE l)l.~‘F,\Sl-Ih‘. -; ' I._ ,U. 1 [v.l3 ‘B. S. ('hnnning. 51f 53%; Yorg‘fityp urites‘: "I mm! rut-m't‘ully cdmply wth ithe“ roqt’xegt 'ofyour‘ agent in swing Lhave fohndl‘ yuur S trsapurillu august cxcellqnt ulterntivb in ‘ in lhennmt-rous coniplniuts {on whiéh an; elm: ploy but“ a rqmt-dy, Ihut espéciallyiin Female - Disc‘nscs of the St'rnfuluuu dialh‘ea'r‘s. huntei cuted‘muny invflcmth cnscs ofillencorrlhea by ‘ it. and some whgre the comp] int was (fill‘ledl by ulverntion of the uterus. T’hu ulceratiohik‘ self wax soon- Ema. Nothing ‘wtthin sm] knuwlcdge equals it. for these female derange mvnN," 3 . V, '!:'1 ‘, ‘ Edmund R. Murrow; or .\‘i-sghtfiry, _m., mftei, 5 “ A ddngt‘ruus‘ uvnrinn tumor a}: 15m: 0! ”"1 te~ ; malt-sin my family. “huh huh defiell tlll‘thel rcmcdic< we‘wouhl éthploy, hnslat length heen { completely éurcd "J’AO‘" I-Ixtr'hct .ot’Su-sz‘tpn riHn. Our phvsicinn thought npthing'lhitfeb tirpution could :Irf‘oid relief. hhi he ndviécdt the triulro't‘your Sarmpmilln us thé Inst, resorti be; tnre cutting. and it pmved ’q'tfectusl. ‘1 After t-tking‘ ypnr hemt-dy eight weeksmo iylugtom of! the dist-use renmini.” ‘ ' » i i: ‘ l‘tllElYllgA’l‘lSll. GOVT, LIVER» COMPL'AKT.‘ Indcpéndcnce, l’ro'gtun cu” Vain 6th July. 159. , Dr. J. I‘. A) er: ‘ Sir—l have Been nflliucd with ? painful chronic nhouuwmm fork loug tinny-hick harm-d the skill o pllysicinns.g‘qnd sturk to me in spite ofnll the fiemedies [chum find. until I triedyufir SJrsapafi-illn. Olierot -1.1:: curdd me in twé’ \voeki,,u‘.ml r‘osmrmi my goneml heultlll so much than! am flmj‘b ttcr llmp before I was uttackéd. lithink it Q. 'on derfuhnmlhino. . ‘l J: Puma;- Julc‘s \'-Gotcl|cil, of St. Loilis‘ writesfl “I _lmvo )ecrg .\fllicmd fnr ycnqs “gm. an nfi‘eétiun of Hui Linn which destroyefl my hcagti. 1 t’riod 'rcry IhiuigAngl'eng-y thihfz fulll‘d ‘t' re licrc rim: and I h'u'e hem a brhrken-dmén‘man for syme yuan from no allied mumeJlllar; 'de rnnrggmg-nt of the Liver. My [bglqved putter, the RES)“. l-va, ndvified me §lo ivy ygu‘ Sar supzwllhl bevEuse he én‘id he; knew youL-nd any tfliug yuu made ins wonh vying. B ' {he Messi‘fng Qfflod it. In: cured m mind has 9 pu rified nlylblood us to' make a nt-w 1113“!)me— lquLynLfing ng-«i'l. 'Tbc beat )hm. czm 130. said of yqujs‘not h lfgohd‘ennugzlfi’“ I I svullml's. mxvau. TUMORS, ExLAfiGE .\mFI‘. I'LL‘ERWIU)’. BARNES ASDé 13X .b'oLume (h? mm (nus-Es. \ ‘5 to order MEMO A great rariety othgoé‘hm‘e been repprted tn m where cures of dune formidabl'e mom plainhs hue r't-nlhcd from the ts: of thiai 'ieme. dy,‘ Hm our space here MN 113 admit‘lbéms— Sufi“; of (hem unytbc found iF‘l our Anguirican "Afimnnac, which th «gents bflow mug-fl are plcnged w furnish 'ngis to {all who all furl tlrw . , nglx'nrsm unm'r DISEASE. nrsvnm.‘ .; LEPSY. M‘El..\,\'|‘HU’LY, XEL’RALGIAa ' , ‘Muuy rcumrkuhle curr‘s oflthese aflectionsl lm’m been mmlqhy the allerntive power qf this medicine. It slimlnlntes tho y‘lznl fpnctlohn in m‘ vigorous action.‘nnd thus hvercome isot dcrs which would be s‘uppbhpd bet-t d its rrnch. Such A remedyhns lo‘ng been nircd by [hf newt-silica 9f thclperiple, uudMe are 61mm en: [ha thlsruill do lb! them #l} that géllicine can do. .1. j I, i ‘ f" AYEB?B C?BBY.PLECTO ‘ 3; ma 1' g “may; aor ‘ , Coughs. d'nlds, Influenza, léarseness, Group, I]: Broucliitig‘, jncipient Cnnsumplionhxmd “7‘ for th'Q Relief of Consumptiv'g , f Pnclyilsin uvll'4lncetlSMgcs 4r . , . ‘ "of {he Disease. - ‘ I '3 This-is n~remédy so univcrsally known to hnrpnss any other for the cure of throat and lung: complaints, thnt it is nselesg here u: pub ‘lisxh {he evidence 0! its virtues. Its unrivalled cxrellence for coughs and colds, nnd it: truly ,wandcrful cures/of pulmonary disease, have made it known t'lu'oughoulriha civilized nu.- lions olefe earth. Few age the communities, pr: even fumil'es, nmong them who‘ haye not some pcrgonnl experience ot in effects—some living trophy in file‘ir inidh‘q'f in victony o,ver the subtle, h'nd dé‘ngcrous‘ 3dimden of the “throat and lungs. :As all 15an die dreadful fa— tality ofzbe wdisolderaJndJu they In: two, the effects 02 this remedy, «of need not 6% more than to nssulfe them that it has now all the vir men that if. aid haw: when making; the cureh which have $Oll so‘suongly upon the cgnfiglenec ofmaukind.- . ‘ . ‘ Prepared by m. 1. 0. mm 300.,Loyrcll} nus. ”Sold by A. D. Bnehlér, Geu‘ysbnrg; P. Bobiitz, Andmsvine; Paxton & McCrcmrj, Fair field; P. A. Hyers, NEW Cfi‘nster; “saunter, New Oxford; E. Kiteshew, York Springs; and d 2 tiers ggnemliy.’ [SepL 10,1860. lyeow Wlythington Hotal, ? aw qxtono, ADAMS comm-r, PA... N The undersigned, humus taken the above g named well-Enown Md pgpnlar house, former ' [y occupied by Mrs. Miley. unif niore recently lby J.F.Reck.tslkes pleasure in nnpouucing Lo his , friends quid the public that, he; is- preparéd to receive find entertajn guests in {A style not to be e. ellerl by any ‘tountry hotel. The house hum: been repaired 11nd newly furnished with ’ everything calculatnd to make guests comfort ' nble. the public may rrst assured that they mll, .u nll times, find it in z cpudition suited to the comfort and conrenience of the traveler. With gnod rooms and clean beds. it makes a most ‘ desirable place for transient and permanent. boarders. His hm- is always sfipplied with the choice“ tines, hrnndig, gins, he. ' His table ish tiny: supplied with the best the parkets nfl‘urd. And all other npplisncea suit. able end necessary. for the uccommodaiion of mm and hunt. with faithful and ohliging ser vantannd his own personnl attention and super. vision, he will leave no meuul hhapued‘to merit the public patronage. The proprietor assures those who may favor him with their patronage, that they shall ever meet. with a coidtl reception Ithis house, end that everything eueniill t 3 lhe conteniencg and lmppiness of his guest: shall be extended to. Also in connection with thilhoune, in ex tensire linbling Attached for horses. ‘ HENRY L. pERKHEIMEB. Feb. 15, 186). 3a: ' ‘ I H. G: Carr .\.‘Hut received a. very fine Assortment of CURRAXTS. FIGSRMSINS tPRUNE— Also a Ipioqdid article LEGHORN CHRONS, all or which M'e used (m- inking pnrpouin, kc. Just. call and examine mun. Don“ £31,003!" plan. rig»; np;«w§:ot m 51:23. la Ym‘hmuz 39?. 922333925 : z. $243333. “*3? BOOT #kéD SligE ElPoglUX, 5!. ‘3. Cor ‘ ‘ ‘ -ncr a cum quln.-- h puh in ue re- D' “00011311811?! specsrully requened to bear in ind that I! Ih'n TTOENEY AT LA‘YAOHI’" 9‘" 4°” “'s‘ Store an: be found ahr monument of Aof Buebler‘s drug and book‘alore.chnm- BOOTS I d 55055. of the mum-id. ”“15““! street.) 57’0"" ”939““W‘ 'o‘ Th: sufiscriber. b‘avi'ng jun turned from Pnzxn up Puuoxs. BOBHWW W‘" Philadelphia, where be selected with are sad rants, Buck-pay suspended Claims, find all upon an be“ terms, . luge nssonmen: of 01"" Chin” IZMM‘ “19 50'9“?""5" ‘“ W'm“ Boat! and Shoes,his stack is new full and com iug'on. D. (3; ”hogmuicgncjmmgm England. pm: and he (1:1!er himself that he can plea: Lsnd Wat-munlocatednndsbidfi‘yho K‘f‘flnd the most futidious. Cull :nd examine my highest PH”! “NHL AR"!!! .'"PB In: 1°" stock. Ulla“)!!! mme Boots and Shaes always cming warrant: in town. “Wolf! , d 0W" on hmd. R.l~‘. McILuEXY, destem States. E‘Axwly 10 Wk “"0““! ‘ On. 22, 1360. or by letter. ” [i .‘ —~~ Gennhnrg, Nov. 2!, '53. K ‘ J. C. Neely, TTORSBY’ AT LAW, will an lion: and sll ulherbusinei bu are with promptneu; 0911c wyner' of the Diamond, (furmcrly Win. 8. KcClelluu. Esq.) ‘Genysburg, April .11, 1859. if ‘ .Wgn. B. MOOl9 : ’ TTORNEY AT LAW.—Otsce (Ame street, on door ’wcat ourt House. 3‘ " G‘fttysburg,‘ Nov; 14, 1859. } . A. J. Cové‘r, i TTORXEY AT LAW, “-111er A WCOUections and all other trusted to him: Ofl’ice between i and Dannerk Zieglet’s Stores. In Gettysburg, Pa. [5 _ Wm. A. Dun : TTORSEY AT LUV—Office A westcorner queutn- Sqnur Rn. -* ‘ r [U‘cL Edward B. Bua -; ' TTORNEY AT LAW, will a A promptly attend loyal husi ‘ w Inm, fie spenks the German Ofliue M the same 'pluce. 'ut Sou street. nenr Formjj's drug smr oppqfiilc Damn-. 5: Zieglcr'm not ‘Gctbmbmg, Mnrch ‘2O. ‘ j 5 L , J. J. Herron -. Tmnxm' .\Szn cqufau A ——Ulficc on Ballinmrc ‘troo ‘ silo Fahnc‘stock Brothers" Sfure. ‘ Geth‘sburg, om. 1, 11-560. 6 ' :J. Lawrem As his ofi‘we om ,‘ dooi‘ west Othhl Lutheran church in Chambersburgfiuch store, Where those \x‘i Opjpmtion performed mu. Rarsnaxcxs: Krém'th, I). D., Rev. H me. M. flucebs. Pm! Gettyshuggy April Adams Gun" mammal; lxsmaxcm - lucérpomted .\l‘uch us, 1: ' orncsné. ' I’rm‘dml—Georzc Swope. Mice [’imidml—S. R. Rufiull. féreiufy—D. A, Buehlcq‘ rmm ‘ r—l) wid .\l'Crewry. Enema C'uumitlee—Robért r.“ Kihz. Alfih’ew Heintzelmm‘. ‘ Nana/fib—Genrge Swop , 0 Cal! King, A. Heintzvlmnn, R. '§ AJMJrah ill, S. Fnhncstm-k, “'in Win. B. _Wilson, M. liichi-lberger, John \V'Qlfnr‘l‘, n. .\.Picking, . John Hotner, R. (L \lcCrearv, S Min-ear}, Andrew Pulley, Jubu Hersh. '.‘ ' ‘ aha-Ting Com any ii li‘mitm in its ope'm tions to Ihe comfy 0! Adams. 53! has been in successful opemunn for mate I? :in six yeah-3} and in that period has paid nll. oases and {ex-x ponies, zéillmul any asuummt, lmv 3 also 11 lab-g“, annulus icnpiml in the Trexnvy. The Gem; mny employs no Agents—_.ill usiness being dune bygthc Managers, who are ,; mun-Hy eldct ell by tlje Siqckholders. Any lrsnnmlcsiring an lnsnrmnce can apply to an of the shine: n-imcd “Jungei's for further iafrnmtion. I i :5- Che Executiv: Coxnniiu- men's at {the ofl‘ice uf the Cnmpinv on tllél st. Wednesilny‘ iu' el-cr3lmqinh. ME, Pf)“, , . r l ‘S‘ppxgu. 1353: ' z = 3 f H_+,__‘~. ':_..—_ _.L_._,.l -‘_...._..'__. $ , ' Sting} Wor! ‘ i Cmcmuxim AND BL. (maximums; r—Tile unilgrsign'ed respu [fully informs his friends and the public (ha he continues the Conchmaking nml BLtcksm thing busines‘s in eveiy brunch at. his estiihlisl en! in Ghana bersbung sti’rel. “if”, on ' and and will m‘qnnfncture to ord? j! kindso CARRIAGES, BUGQIES, SLEIGII i. spring \ mums, kin, of the best material, Inn] mnfle by uperior work men. ‘fi-Rzumlsu I|an B cxsmrqu of nii kinds‘ done ntxcnsnnbhlr ms, promplly and. 10 the satisfaction :21 cast ins. , ()ocxnw P 110060: 1. in i exchange for wofx at market priées. ' ‘ kfiml’ersmis desiring article Coacbmnking or Blécksrbithin sperlfu‘lly iuuted to call on O] ; JOHNJ.. H thtysbnrg. Jun. 24, ’59. ’Marb'le Yard. Re HE subscriber hnving remo T business to East York str tnnce b'elaw St. Jomes’ (‘hlltghj to the’iixhlic that‘he is still pr all ki s _Ol work in his line; 'lments, Héndstonesakcq km, 0 style and finish, with and wi 30‘ kcts, to suit purchasers,;and the times. Persons desirink an will find it a decided ndrnnmg atopk and prices befoye purchns ~~ ‘ W 5 Gettysburg, March 21, 1859 X. ' ,Proclamatiu . ~ nanms the Hon. R 0 .1 rh- J. mix"; 8‘ 'President of the seven ourts of (lam mon P as in the Counties co {i sing the 19th [DistricL nod Justice of the Uorts of Oyerjnnd I Termitier, And General Jail Deli cry. for the trinl vof all capital and other ofieners in the said istrict.l.nd DAVID Zlmu‘n on . lsuc E. Win lus, 85%., Judges. of the Co rte of Common ‘Plensp and Justices of the Co ts of Oyer nnd Tcrminer, and General Jail livery, for the trial of all capital and other frontiers in‘the County of Adamo—June iaani their precept, ‘ hearing date the 25th day of nnunry, in ‘the Iyenr of our Lord one thonsnngl eight hundred 'fifty-nine, and to me direclml, fo holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General {Quarter Sessions of the Peace“, and General Jail Delivery ‘and Court of ()yer and ’l‘erminer, Gettysburg, on ‘ Monday, the 150, «fly of .413 mL—xorxcu IS HEREBY GIVEr to all thé Justices of the Pence. the Coroner and Consfiibles within the tnid County of Adams, that they be than and‘ there in their proper pcrsonsfvith their Rolls, ‘ Records, Inquisitioul, Examin tions, and other Remembrances. to do those things which to their oflices and in that behalf appertain to be donefi and also, they who will proaeicute against the‘ prisoners that are or then shnlhbe in the Jail ofl the said County of,Ad3ms, axfi to be then and there to prosecute against that as shall be just.‘ SAMUEL WOLF, Shenfi'. Sherifi's Office. Gettysburg. }r Mot. 18, 1861. to g g ~ Photography ‘ N my 11‘s BR.\XC[{ES.Zcxecnted injthe Lb“: btyle known in 1!: 2111.4! 0. G. I AXE’S GALLERY, 532 A; h smm, Em of Sixth, Philudelphia. LIFE ‘IZE in Oil tnd Pastel, Stereoscopic Portraits "Ambrotypgl. Du. guerreotypea.&c., for Gun, fiedailions,’ Pins, Rings, he. [Not I), 1800. 1] , ° The deugger. fiIS Wonderful nrlicle,’ rjun pntented, is I ' omething entirely “Wham! never before 0 erg! to ugonts, who are w‘uud evorywh'ere. Full particulars lent free. Addreu ' ‘ _ ; SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Itigc. Mych 4,1861. 1y ‘2 ‘ _....f. ,_._., - .—.—%-_.—_.._____ g Henry Hughes. .hDDLE AND HARNQSSNAKER, Gum!- um, P 1... hunting just "gamed from u visit to the Great Eastern, is now mppliod with n In“ Assortment of Suidiu‘ Mirna, Trunks, Wises. la. Give me - cmij Adz. 13. 1380. A ‘ F you want to buy the flag" Ind bounding UFFALO Rubea,Shl:gh Bells,Bu€llo Socks, Ladiu' Others, Lidia or. Boon. Gcnu’! Gum Shoes. Umbrellas, Gun Gum-u n: a!!! 8900, Inhnb' u-J Youthc’ Shea. an . we: Sack-,ud ’l'th a! "-3331, kcpt a 1‘ Huh-aura. II ‘ Q'l. Hardware & ‘Groeeri , STOREi—Tbe 'r'iibféiéfi'ém haw {splendid :d to collec-I uspr memo . El A ROGE‘EI'ES, £49"de to 2:423: old csublghedfi‘ 1!.le m Bt‘d'umon t 1;;21023- :7! Tyéyjpve just reflumed {fem the Cities with r : ign citrate \uock =or quds—Wnniuing, in _ - nr , o . . 7 .3; , z BL' Lop-'0 MATERIALE, .an q’ Nlils, ‘ ‘ i 80%, Hing". Bolts, Lory, Glad}, at}, etc. I , . , T ‘ LS‘, mclnd’m; Edge‘fl‘oohmf efery de ,n “ est Mld-| scripfion, Sh", Hung-,0 ,GWgetJnfiun of the Pew at: 31:, Angers, §qua 3 pages, Hjsmnluen, ‘ e ~ e . !1| L ‘ ‘ ' a ' nmcgsm‘ms will nd Agavna‘ Vices, ‘3’" {Raps}, hles, Horse-shoe Horsé-shée Kaila, _ ‘ (etc. with' them, very than ! J 3 ‘ mfinly auend ‘ CQACH FINDINGS. we as _C onh, Gnn‘vu, bu’iuegfi en-' Dampk. Fringea, COILO , MO .[ (iilycioth, apnesuicks’ Springs. Axles, Hoba, S keg, Fiance , Kiowa,- imorcsueel, Poleé. Sh'afls,etc.,etc. ‘ ¥ } T ‘ t.;‘5,1859. l Slam: FINDINGS—'I' mpicoJ Bn’ ~L-—-——,—« ' French Slotoeco, Linings, indingi, Yes 3' ‘ Book-trees, etc., with o. g eral +330: infithe xénh_[Bhomnxlker’s Tools. ‘ ‘ .(senysuurg,. catmxmxmxms 'r ans—Ln g; ”59' tf noggenmnisofl'amish. nuba,3hc.,e 1 ...,u _ USEKEEPERS will lso fin - 1 gr, ‘ {sogmsqnt o‘Knives and For'ks,’ Briléslnni mm , arm:.:;:::3r::::?::,:::gs mm W's” ; :6 ironshEnamoledund qusg‘ Kenlc ,Paq 'll $5,111“; "“ , Buckets, Chums, Carpeting. étc . Mb. 1 - ‘ "EM”; Al'sn, ‘a general assortment o For “Pd "“3"" 1‘ Round IRUS, ofvllvsizcs and kind ,Cu . {andifllialcer Steel, which they wil‘ sell (as he c lenpest. . I “ k GRUL’ERIES—a full 3an gener such ns‘Crushed, Puh‘e ized, ggnwn Slug-us, .\‘ew Orle: ns, \th ‘ugM‘Jl use Malaise: d 531 Spices. Shocol.ito,fine, c Mae, 2! - ' ' " um 01L 9“ AT LAW. nearly oppo- Linseed, Fish and Spc Fish, ctr. = ‘ ' A full hsmrtment of La in oil, also X-‘irc-pro‘nfY Ppi every arlixle in the and} Shoe Finding, IlousegKh (‘uhinchmnkczx I’mintors‘ all of winch they nrc deu for fur]: ns'uuy house on ‘ J ‘ Graphing, Dec. 24,1. {3 Bower; Bar. Hooxsrzurms AN] fiNoth Third SL, Lo keg} Pulmngwuu. inv‘ Tea ahers, Booksellers nn to tick- very [urge Stock liahéd in thii and other .\lisfilluncous‘ null‘ Blnn Stationery generally. S. ers of many Popular “'0 the following: I THE SERIES OF NORM By Edward Broner .\. I cmntiqs in Pennsylvania Wlmim-cr helps the stud mans'rnmxa of his sm Teacher. n‘cts us n pm; him, while it rclenws th bow of making explum‘q unnecessary with n moret :u‘umxvi— -51. ' Curdy, Jmfob _'. Enabler-fin ‘Curdy, Th,‘os. - B. McClellnn. Abiliel RGfiLt, pal-\T. “'ri ht, ‘ll. Russelfi In. Picking, JJ R‘~ The seriei ghove nK‘mc" but a short fimc, and ye‘l‘ without ndvcrlisiug‘or «mounts to nlmns't one pica. Some of their adv eluted. 3: follows: 1. They coumiumorc similar series. , . A . 2. They exhihit a number 0" 0n! solutions to prnl-lcl‘n‘s‘th‘m been mnfint‘d lo Alas-MA. _3. The matter it nrmhgod n cally than in mhors, and is ‘ adapted for instruction. . 4. .\‘o su‘ jcrum- phrnqcs, sigr intrndurcdin lcs§nnyurerinxnx rhey 7m:- fully explained. and‘ t 1 ‘96 M 5“: wilhmn the nmressitfi troublesome uxplnnufious on f tencher. Very fe'w elementary; merit. _ ' ‘ ’ l 3 5. New modes of Teachinfi are ‘ throughout xhe series, and ulidur tli :“Socinl Arithmetir," unions; and problems are intuduced, whiich' "'l‘ J with ndranmge in wakening hp the m 13nd sharpening the faynlties of the sit-ht } 6. The key is not only whnt.iv.s tiule ‘ but it is who a, complete trea 'ise‘ on tl ;tenchiug Menml Arithmetic; lLniing‘ilil t hints useful to the Teacher. , i r i i The every-Jay practicnl ‘vnl e of Me till .\r 'ilhmetic to every one who heirs; r; pays money. if only for the dailr n eess iel y oilile. i is now universally admitted. } h. thi-rel‘gire he . comes imperative upon teachers to gm t re the (best method of teaching it. .‘ i '- 3 ‘ ‘ The books are benutifully‘iliihtril dithirk white paper. and firmly“ and testef+ll hound, Their prices fire ué folloiws: i i, ‘: , Normal Primqrr Arithmetic,..i....... ‘ . 4' i Normal Mental Arithme;ie,“....+....."1,. Key to Mental .krit1imetie,......1........‘i Li A very liberal deducgion [to Teficli rihose who buy in quantitie . Sihgl sent. to Teachers by hinil, o receipt third of the above prices to p e—pay,po saxnnn‘s SERIES 0 ~ newt: : Consisting of Primer, 12; news; th'p ice :,J"irst Bender. 15 cents " Second, IThi' . 40 cents; Fourth,r6titexltsl;‘ | cedt 3: High School. 88 cents :JJ'oun L i. cents : and Sander}: Nerv Speaker, 3 gnntly printed, beautifully ill strut. d; tially bound, nnd sold at low. r pric a: oiher Series of Renders. ' .- w W ‘ wnmrs COPY doom. : By I'. Kirk White, President of Finn Commercial College. Thew iting is is yet simple. pncticnl and easily taught, ten: being founded on‘ no urn] nl principles. The sale has [free me rery|( is increasing. They Alford liberal denier-s. i ‘ Psmox'sournmi-z MAPS] This series of Six Superb .\inps 'rsgno rd in almost every school: of qot Union, where Geography is; taught, no‘ equal. 3 i PHYSfiiAL GEOGRAPHY has be fluced'uphn~ the Hemisphere; Maps. ul tails hating been so Arranged as to most 3 rgeous'appenrnnce, while jt ‘ interfe‘riéwith each other or (he suhijec ly sho upon “we, and no" easily“ 2 understood by Tescher and Pupil. ; P for full set of sixilihpa, or $9O for petl isphere Maps alone. i ‘ ‘ Oct. 22, :860. 611: J j w ' 1‘ “‘7' John W; Ti tony g .\SIIIONABLE BABBE ,North-eest cor ner of the Diamond, ( ext door to Me lellnn’l Hotel.) Gettysburg. Pn.‘ where he con at all times be fdnnd ready to an ad to nll business in his line. ( lle had also are llenl u— sistance and' will onshre istisfnctio‘ . Giro him 1 call; , , , * : [Dec. 3‘, xaeo. orwqu in t! I line, no“ r, . TZ‘WORTH ‘v oved. : ; led his place of cl, 3‘ short :dis f -'ould annomwe 1 we?! to furnigh I such as Monm‘ .every variety of , out. base: and j 1. prices to suit‘ f hingin his line 5 to examine his ng elsewhere. ’ .B. MEALS. L 9 ‘ * i x J 9 61, PICKING xs XOW §ELLING 61. OVEIwOA'rs u pmic prim. 3 ‘ OVEBCIWASMinQ prices; OVERCOATS It psnic prieel. DRESS COATS at pxnic prices, J “ DRESS COATS at panic prim. , DRESS COATS st pguic prices. PANTALOONS“ panic prices, PANTALDONS It panic prices, BANTALOONS u panic pricel. VESTS orunkindl at. pnnic prices. ‘ VEBTS ofnll kinda at panic p'ricel, VESTS ofnll kind: at Tunic pricel. Under-phim, Drawers. Souka, G oven. Com forts, Gentlemen'l Shawls, and Genu‘Tumish inn Gond- or every description. Alsé Musics) Instruments—Accordeons, Flutes, (as, No. lions. km, km, now beimz so” very cbeup,¢nd .3 price: to unit the times. HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY—CALL SOON. .m. “,186}. ‘ Gettysbhrs sh; Ind 3, Sta, melt of ~® rpz as ,A mun. i, an 8, Sad -3,. übs, E I and ‘fi an r, f hen p [moat lent, [Mi e and in. 1.11114, and rape, O-fl‘ee, 'ld dqir Salt, J Tuipdytiuc, a; 1 «f and inns; mm, 0 wing} and (i - < ..Imwdry and nTuét, filmost loach F? ['m: ck week 110 5w {My} ‘ I minedl v of the‘ [MI :3 .wm ‘ 60. m )ZUqul- CO., 188(- PUB) 131- Sid? e the' Conn‘ fSclml citicm' Duo? [3. & CI ks, nr am firm ‘2, ntinv m' In of er hams o_k ,‘jpnb *he iwilh lpefrj nnd publish. which are " mtg M bl B fume} 5,; PL _n._lu' 'ong,‘ ITl] ME film“ anti er frm it \ich wrm Text “(hi I een ”my: a. to ' . th¥ ‘(Tc‘ -tho mm] mm} 1195. MID l- [meti- i pt" 0! i . s ‘ !np l-‘ 2 ‘(mlm-r ; (;—E\:(“ IllZ‘U'SE.‘ ellmi“ Wi ip firhlz‘h 5 £131” l ‘l»ig 111qu :flum' tqn‘ent “I! lTr . , l mu “ 1““; 9f the I passengi I !l‘“?tw.ds]; Hnnove ',I . I G wan-sew 2:2", I‘e Puma. bf this an- Mir-{hurl mature; T, q “.5 “110 trans! ‘ crimp, 1 Train u; o. ‘ . "motifs, I burg, m cénrt of! . ml with i C 33 1111 I m ore here uzr ‘ l thol Imp" UT 11 the ' \mrk. 5 étents. 5; u I 54 fl eras. Ind . 3cnpi of one— age. ‘ ”or, 15 Oéclcn‘ts; ifih, 75 dies,“ 00: ele upstan- ban any i-flmnia - ntiful‘ , tie Iys' lit and rge and ‘pfofit to Mom ‘ iii the L'lrd has 5125 mm», l in de resent I {y do no: } ; nuns!- rghx Ind ice $25 of Rs- x w Groceries. Notions. aw. 1 Prof. L. mum , HF- Imdfif'lflncd‘h“ OPFHM I Grocery and AIR INV‘QORI:XTORc—*Afl Emmi" s f T Notion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly ' 'lml Economical Compound. 'u o Opyailte the CW" "0““ ‘Mtrslmrz. uhmi t-‘ou 111-irl'l‘UtthG mow mm min ofi i. lbe public "“1 “I’M““u’. fi“d'"”“’K “WP H "“l 0010' “WWI“ diving and Preventin 5» the cheapest, SLGARSV hyrups, Molusnes, Cof— , lluir from turning grnv. I g fees, Tern, Rice, Cheese. billets of all kinds, e. FOR PnuquTixo'nALo sand curing Muckerel, ChOCOlfltei BfO‘HUH and Bruslise; it. when there is the least purti ofvitnlit or Freskßutter "“1 Eggf, ('r‘tun'l ('otl‘t-e, Esticnce recuperiitive energv remuining.’ ’ ()(Cofl'ee' Scotch Herring, bundles. Soaps, Suit; - ‘l-‘Ult REMOVING SGUKF no Dmonurr lf‘ Cont - ~ . , . , Tobucco, Sago“, 3““ , utmna, ull kinds and all cutaneous inflections ot the Scllp of Nu", Oranges, L‘emou‘, uusms. Bread, FoR BEAUTII-‘YING Till: mun importlng Crackers, Cskes of dlfl‘erefll kinda; Shoe und toitnn unequalled gloss and brillinnyc Imm; Stove Polish; l-‘uucy GONEyMMIiM, Glughums, it. son and silky in it: texture and (:15ng 't t 8 Cotton Brits, l’Vuddinghlllusiclgv. l’lundkerchiefs, l curl readily. ‘ z ‘ o Sus antlers. “"3, "“3 “z "0“” ”My BUM The eat celebr‘t and h ' ton: with Notions of)!“ limdfi- A ihfife of the I muud {gmis unequxul’ied'preherilllizrnugfiigg public’s pltrouflgc 13 reipeclfugly mhutgrq._ the proprietor that one‘trinl is oniy’neceuuy t! Ll DIA L. NOllßhle. to sotisfy l discerning public of its nuperior ~ goalities over any other prepariit'ion fll. present "I uge. lt cleanses the held and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous discus”, eating llllcehbxamlzrow luxuriuiitly, and given it n 'lB "I v 30“! find fleiublouppenrsnye, and . or. iere the hair is loosening and thinning, “ '“u give ltrerltth and vigor to then-om. md rq’store the growth-10 nu,“ puts whit-l; 1"" 'hecome Pflld: Chilling it to yield I (real: eaglnpg of I.lL], ,1 f era are um rm 5 0 indie. . “u in New York whohnve had their “a: ”53:: by the use or this lnvigorutor, whtln all other preporationa lind fuilell. L. 3|. hull in his pub aession letters innumérublc tertil'ing to the shove liicts, from persons of the Highest Yt apgtuhility. it will efl‘eotunlly reth 1),. ball" from turning grny'until= the 1 test period of life; and in cases where the hi: ill already changed its color, the use ot‘ u“; mixomo} hull with coirtali‘nty restore it to its 0 igiual hue,’ , giving it a l tll‘ ‘, gloss 3n i «trance, Ag; 0,- Great Work on the Hour. ~ i fumo l'or lbc_toilct um’i “him um mice 5 3.. - IIE HORSE AXD ISIS DISEAS S: m; , purticulurlyrecommended. hitting it ngreenhig I Roda-r Jnxiiiuos. “it 8.. Protensor of Pa.- E "WW9“; ““1 3"” We“? “Ctlitiesi infants in t clog] undOpergtii cSurgerg in the Vethriuury fgp§3'"fl “will”. Wlllcll‘ milieu mollstyltli the College of Philadelphia, eitc., etc. _ rlflflttonitor can b 9 dressed in any rel-[mud rum. Will Tell You or the on in. History irhd dis- ‘ 5° “‘1 ‘0 Pmm" "3 9""?! “’"°““"i PM“ °' W tinctive traité ot‘ t e i'uriohs breeds “f, hurls—hence the grent‘deumtitl fiir it\by the European,Asiatic, fricuuundAmericau “die“ a." 3 “MW” ““1“ "mile. h’hlt-i nouo . "on“, will! the p ”in” loriuution andlo‘lgh.‘ to be without, ID, the priqe places it ’ ' peculiarities of tliémiiuiul, um] how to i “ "1““. tho "9“} ‘Zf;“_"‘-‘_bs‘mlfi '}_ ' ascertain his . age lhy the number-and | ”M“ 1“ by! ‘ 'F“ E (’E .. condition or his topth ; illustruted with ' ”Fr bottle, to be had ut all teapot - numeroits.explanh ry cngrmings. .; ‘ 3’s”} ""d [it"rl‘umcrs. ; ’ 'l‘llF. HORSE AND “S bISEASES l l.:.\llLlil‘.R_ would cull the Mir tion of 1‘»- Will Tell You Ufßrce-linz, lireuking, Stuhliug, [rents find Unitrl runs to the llek’of tl'rl lpthun. ‘ Feeding, Grimmin ' shoeing, ““11”“: tutor, in cases where llll‘l:lllltl[‘cll u on im-l-iie-i . general mnnngerngg‘ of the him", *llli , toqhe trunk. The I|!b‘of it hiys \h louiultttimr the' best inorlos-thdministeiing medi-’ rmf‘f‘f’del'm‘j 0’ hunr, “f‘ “ "m“ “3 “"5 im cine. “ls". how to “cm Biting. Kit-king, i purities thut may hun- lu-cuino'cop ct-tod _dmi . Reming‘Sliyiug.SWHillliiig.('i'ihßiting. ‘ll‘lc scalp. tho rciuoi’iil of \r-liiult‘ necessary _ & ‘Restlessm-ssr nnni thither \‘icei to which . both for the lionlth ot thochild, ut the future, lit is subject; with numerous explnuil- i appear-imm- 9f"? “"3 . .. ‘ ‘; tory engraviugi. i , f, I . ( .Al T“L\.-—y—.\ltlll‘ gf'llllnt‘.“'ltt mi: "oust-2 3AM) fins DlSl-lASES , ismnic of‘ljll‘lfi IIILIJiIR 'l’wwg .. KY“! full You Hf the culimis. symptoms, nnid “ ”mm,“ fail" 17‘ “Him-MS "M ‘ Treatment of Striluglcs, Fore ThrouglflA-TUK" ‘\‘ ‘ " “0““ f" “'9 F‘m’s' Distenipcrfiiitnrrhfliiti’uL-imi.llrmichitit.l “ lli_lll'§l\lL‘ Dcpnl, 5" ”(3" SL, Ml} Pneumonia, , PlEflll‘lry, ‘lirnh‘un “1"“, ‘ lllv‘lll'lllt'lltlll .\lcrchuuts uuilllruggi ' Chronic Cough. rotating”misu'inauiuk,3°“‘.”'f “W“ - , . , LitmpushSm-e 51‘9"” null WM”, undl luht'ruidist-"iin‘ttnpurrhmteruhyi , ~ Decuyed'l'oqlh,with utht-r iliséiisea ol‘lhe“ . lhf {.‘“} dfs'rc I" "PM“? ml! V Mouth and Il‘nspirillor) llryuus. ‘'» Plum," "'3' SE“; '9': ”Hum!" [MI Tin-z mum: 'Axuiuis iiisutisns * I's‘s3‘ “Him?!" "' “‘".“““‘“" ”l “'in Tcll‘l'bu 0f the norm: Ffi'lllitliluié, ’“l‘l lihi'expei'iiiioirting'l lliH‘f‘Pl‘Ouglllli i Treatment bi' Worn}: Ho". (folio. thfltli- ! it d_\ cs “Lit-k ‘4‘): liriii‘rn tiiziiintly.l }\ gitlution, Stony Qhuptetimn‘; E’utpmnfHY Jun)" to thp lluir or hh)ll—-t\urrilllll ltulsy. Dinrrluuu.Julnmliry'. llopniirrhu-n. ‘ firt'fil‘f'f” [.‘” km" ”I (fluent-o. l l “ ' llloonly Urine, 510!le iii the Nltll‘lc'l‘sfllld ' “o(('l‘§;b’ llrpof.‘ ”b ”‘7 btrbctf I. ,\\ Bladder, ,lullnmmhliou. 11111 l other dis-l _._’E‘_~-:~la.‘§l‘t”t 13“”; _ “I" l ,‘xeases ot‘tlie Stoiuu‘uh, limit-[3‘l4 \er add i ’ 'M if - Krinury UrgllnF. F: {I l f . Dr- ways i 5 5; Tu); nousn ..ixu'ins Diseusizs , ‘ CHALYBEATE 111-iSfitllA‘l‘lVl-l ,{Will Tell You 01‘ the Outlet-x giiiil‘iiiinis."niiil ‘ V ,7 PILLS (lF IRON, i Trenliqcut (i! hope, lllnmlg null Rog.- Ali npr-rirnt nuul Sinumchic pr-purutiun ul' , Spuvin lliiriz-lmm‘g. Suociiig, Strains, lllth lrlll'ifit'd M ”351.20“ mm Cilr!{on hyyam l", lirakcnknccs. Wind (Hills; meglor, I lmstiun 11l llJiili‘og‘t-iig Suurtiiuioil‘ vfiht‘ high -3 Sole lirui. ‘tlntl Gravel, "ruched lluois, i’t'tll llmlirml Authorities, hoth in l-hiiopi- mull . 'Scrutchcs, ’ullkl‘l’, TlLl‘llill. null (Torué 3i "W “met! Statenmul pri'scrilicil i“ ”Win’rm“ 1;. nlso,of.llegri is, \‘tirtigo. Elllh‘itaj'.slllfl- l lit-P. ' ‘ r , 1 ‘ gum, and utlierclliscnues 'ul‘ the Feet,‘ ,(T‘ch oxprt-innrt‘ of thousand: .duily llrh‘j q l-ng,flllll lleml.‘\_ , i ' ntliut nirpri-pnrnihm of Iron cun fir-mtxpurcil, "rm; mural; ;\_\'n\,‘ins iiisngsgs‘i , iwiih it.. Impuritii-Kol'tlit' Mood,lirpri-sfinmx Will Tell You Of the mum-s. éymptmus, and 5 i'itul‘uiorgy. [ttllf‘ uuil utliuriiist~ Hli"l.\'fllllll- Treatment of lilistulu.‘l’oll l-Zi‘llJiluudr-iw, plot-ions indicate its necessity in lilii‘iost cit-ry . Furry, scarlet Fe‘ier.\.\lnuge. Surt‘vit.l couvoiuilyk' who. , . , . 1 _. ‘ Locked Jim, Rheumatism(wimp-(mugl lunmiotm in it“ rpzilurlu-s In 'liitli it-luu Diseiiseslof Uit‘ Eyh and “gait, £6,513” ‘ horn "it‘d-'3‘ ““3 l"'"""di“b~“01““‘r‘"!"’“‘lw l" 2 null how to mflllil‘gl' ‘i’pstrhtiun. llii-rjl- i Null of the guilt-“3M: cu“‘i""l“‘.l‘- l"! I ‘ 7,, ing, ’l‘rephiuniiig“ lloivt-li'ul c Firing, l [u [)1 hilt/y; Nwmp. 4”""if'l"' ”maria . ‘ Hernia, Ampuh’llitlll. Tripping. nil other , (inn, Dyslmpst'u, (.‘liqumlum, Ditlrrlimt. 111/n -surgicul operations. j ' Ii PHI/‘13,“ Inn'pient ('imrnniplmn Srrld'l’nltl THE HORSE ANLLEHIS DiSE.\SHS\" ' Tit/mi-rnllmix; F4l” L'laeilm. Mi'nillleml'rmiliun. Will Te'll Yotj Ufcßarey's .\lt-tliodl'ot tu lug Win/rs. l'lilorouh. Lire/- C(mmlmnlm. ('lmmir: Honest; lum- to‘prrouLh.“ ll‘iltcr\,\or lfl'l‘tlfll‘ltffl. Illintmoliim, Intumltlteut Fmrs, Stable a Colt; hott‘itu occurstuiu a hurl-o ”my!“ on II” Fun. «to. A,i ' ‘ :n‘stmngr snumlsianil sights, and MW“ tin 'l-iiacp of Guru“. DEMLITYJJ it'hotln-r the to Hit. Saddle. Ride. iiml 15ml}! him to : suli ot‘ «cute dist-use. ‘or of he continued Harnl‘v: "ls”; “l 9 ‘0?!“ and l-IW 0‘ uiiition of nervous lull mu culnr ‘cuerp‘v * Wilkins“. The iii-hole livingtlicnsult {’ , t-hrnuir «anipiuiuts. one iri lof am re»- Of'l‘d'l' “I "1 fillr‘t‘ln 3'9“”, "Xi'an” Stud," turn Te has prorgi‘l iliicvessl'ul 0 mi utrnt of the lmhits. wiiiilmritws, wuiits null hm. un (luciiption "or iritt n attestation wenknesscs- of “IF: HUM”: “all "M4llll \fotiltl ruler-credible. liii‘itliils so long lit-il - 'lni'i‘ul- . “ ' ‘ i lri'iltlon p. to lune become forgo teth their The hook contain! 384 pages, unpropriutcly ' mm neigh nrlioods. hair sudden; re-Ipprnr illustrutcd by nearlyOiiellluu-lred Engruiiiigs, ’ mi hi 1|”- ), ‘43- wurhl n: if jllrt ‘ turned from It is priiiiell‘ in ii. clout uml upt‘n i} pe, and it ill prolrilclt'll "A“ in ~ .hgtumjnndl 'Some \‘l‘ry be forwurdcd ‘0 ““y’l‘ddll‘fi-‘i l""“5'L’Q paid, P“ t signul in-tuni‘i-Ei‘ol. lli‘ik hiiiil irre llllestt'tl of lo ‘ receipt of price, liull' bouud, 31,00, or, in cloth, mule Sunlrvry' {: im-iutod ”can"; of nl'lmfl'lll , ! extra. $1.15. . ,‘ l .'“..mgmus, snngi‘ihnmus exhnui-tion, critivnl , 7 __, _ ‘____~, ".49... l $l3OO A-YEKRN“ be mmlo hy cutcr- j rltnngofi, and that chinplic‘nt'wn fifties-Hilly .I‘mt Aowa‘rd Association; , : prising uic'u ewr_\whcrt:,,in selling tho above, dygpoplirn‘Rrfilon toWuiid mortise for uliirh \DEI Pl” ‘3 ,Q ll . l t‘l ‘t't rand other popular workshl‘uura. Uuriu-lucc-j the-phpiriun'lms no It me. , ‘ . ' -‘ , eneio N.‘ ,"fI "" monts to all such are cxceutiugl) lilit-ijal. ‘ l in Rumor-i .\rvsrrtos‘o of all kinds, Inll tor, y‘. e‘w‘?““""}_‘ \“ “his?“ *‘f‘i‘lmnfln’i " For single cupitllof—lhc Honk, orifor termsto , "Mung lnm'ilinr to niclliutl men, theoptrutioni ' Ql'efofmc'm‘b!‘ 9'" . myfflf’fi’ "‘ ”"1 agents, with other inifummtiun, npllly to or ill-l‘ ', of this ’prepnrutlmi of iron ilturt ni-ccrriiril) L5l f"““'“‘:‘“" ‘l’"!“mc ”"c‘li'fv “d dress, JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, ~ ‘...11.mn-,,im, unlike the old oxidas,ltis rigor ) for “‘9 Lure “D“NW‘ “f the bexuul’ ‘l 80. 617‘Sunsom 5&2, Philadelphia, Pa. , ens” Conir. without being GXNllllg‘lilul‘DVl'r , ‘ . r . ' Nut: 26 1860. Gm I Min : and end re ulnrl‘v‘w >0 lunar-yen AL Am lCh given izrntis. byllht‘_At't-‘ ——_‘ x 1» «——— -~ ~-—~—’~ —~—-- '— L 9:13,“ fno‘,‘ “bffinul’; rats-. 2 of with-aims with-l can, to ullui'ho apply by letter, With it} That People's cook Book {out ever being a gmflric purgutl‘t‘efltl‘ inflicting 8’" 0‘ f'mr Fondllinn- (nzc.-.u¢€"P“- opanx cooK‘Eur it" .-ii.i. ITS n dis:\!lreoiililniiensution. \ ' "‘5 W'“~"°'vl.““d'""“’““°l*“'“"'°, RI BRANCHES—Hy Miss Euz‘l Ac‘ruhr—l Ttizithishitter,PropwrtJ’vflmontht-‘ViWlllthi fixlfiltfiehflfnlfilfged “:9 of tl‘tnrghlt l l'lrt'hllll)’ Revised‘hy INJS. .l. llule. A l nialutitso remorkubly cfl'coluul und [zflnlufil'lm I Disrnses Uf the file‘..lll:fit;lrnii:; Iliad, h Tells You How to choou’e in kind: 01 “outs, l a ruined): for l'ilu, upon which it giro Emmi” FW “WNW“ ' i .d J, 9”] 'D' i l’oulu’y, Mid Gating-Willi nllrthe vurions' to exert. a dirtinct and specific “min. I a.“ ' «I ‘ d ‘ omp n.“ 3 m! e '9“ ‘ unit prost approved modest of Messing‘persing the lot-til tendt'nc)’ “Will 1'0"“! “m"- 8"“ to the "fil‘lw‘? '"theulfi‘d‘ 12“" and cooking llért‘and l’ork'; also the‘ in Dust-ting”. innumerable us turn itii calm-Ky 517'". "f”I‘MFE' T‘m ‘ir “'“tlmml” ‘ best And si ‘ picst way oi sultjugmirkliog n ringlelbox ot’itlicse (‘hub he“? l’mfil'“ 0m"; to “I” he skirt-pug)? tl‘ ”(‘0 l I and curing "lie smflqt, ‘ l snffi‘red for the most habitual onset, iutlusl'ii g 33‘ DR" 1‘ 5“ hm‘ ~i {REE Aim-Ad. lt Tells You Alli a various undmhst approved . the attendant l‘osllt‘t'nflw- . i ‘ 9°“i "0“}le AFPC"‘,“Q ) )0." “0"!“ , ‘chiiles erotic-suing; cooklngmud honing, lo unchecked I’lltflkllu'ltfl't't‘n when advanced ”a?" Ph'luddphm’ ' 3;. ll)“ {order of; Muttjnu; Lunib, \‘erll, l’oultiy. and Unmet to "YURSTKRT, confirmed, emulating. and up: ctoraézn“ l) IIEA RfWELLJI’r-u‘l. l lentil-kinds, \\ ith tfipditl'créut Drgssings, ’ pom-ti): malignant. that-liens hun- beon eq‘u-l -', - - . Gruiiics, “I!“ Skinning! appropriate to ly’dm-isiie uud llllonlslllllg. ‘ “"‘fmul' Say. 1; enrh.‘ ' l , ~ lin the loan! pains, loss of flesh and smooth. Elliot, 5 ; ll ‘5“ AI it Tells You How to clibnsc, cit-'in. nnd pres , debilitating l‘pntzlnflnd remhfvnt ll“£lic.‘nhi-h Gin as a. Remedial Agent. 1118 DEEXCXOL‘S TUNH‘ STIBIL'LANT, e!- T pecinlly designed fur the use of the NM!- cul Prafem'ofl and the Fumly, having superced. ed the so—cnfied “Grins." “Aromatic. "‘Cordiul,” “Hedicnteda” “Schnapps.” cm, is now en dorsed by 11 of the prominent. physicians, chemists 1n; connoisseurs, u possessing all of “lon mimic-medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) w‘fich belong to an OLD and PURE Gin. Put pin qua". bottles and sold by El} druggisu, grocers, etc. é A. 3!. BIXISGER 1; CO., ’ flin 1778.) Sole Proprietots, ‘ No‘. 19 Broad street, N. Y. ijRENCH, RICHARDS 6: CO..— ‘SMITH, and all ofthe prominent )ruggists in Philadelphia. ‘ ‘B6O. 13' . 7 (Etublillie “for ads W. “'. l H Whoiesnle Oct. 15, ' f tysburg Foundry, 1 bscrihcr. having ‘pugchqsed xh . _V of Messrs. Zorbaugh Sloaga Cow; _'arrena’ Foundry,) has; mmmencedi HE Bl T FOUDI ( orgmerly _ business, a‘ {rublic a I has hereto- ING MACI] lers, Corn ‘ Home Ru 1' Stores; 111 I sizes of T. Saw-mill Iron or W l-d. in now prepared :2 oflér m the - get nssortmen; of .\{a‘hine ' [Mn - e been offered, such an TIRiESH [SI-IS, Clover Bullets, Foddeés Cm ‘ igellers‘, Bnd Morgan‘s hm: improved 5:. 5159, ST.OVES, such ng Cook i e dnfl'ereut kinds; and flu: dnfl'crent 'I-p‘l‘e' Stoves. Likewise Mi“ Ind Innings, uu'd nllkinds ol‘Turning in o‘d. ‘ ' IA A 1111)“; of all kinds on .\(néhinery '23! win be dpne to order oi, short turns made toprder; Plough Cast- Lmnde; P'LULTJHS. such as Say-In. Plocher, ~Woodcook, and: many mentioned herb; and eight differum ISUNI I-‘ENUIXGI for Cembtcrics, )m s. ‘ ; ‘RE nn‘d‘ Cnsli hdtice. P ings réady Witherow 0&1er nm. kinds of l’drches o I ”I%qu anhinps,‘ one of tlfie been f Th) m‘nchiue Works with in leu-r ny liuleboy c'nn limnagc it'. 1 4 lexumine our stdck; p 0 doubt but tin pit-use. ‘l’otsons ought w m- it tgge to buy machinery of any ffind here it is mnnulactured,so t at they Ellyggt anypuri i‘eplm-ed or rqsnired. . DAV“) STER.',EB. I‘m, Feb. ”N 890, ’ Also,‘M now in us by hand; Cull an. whag we | ghei'r adv“ no home, ‘ o_n "envy: ding. mitb, 'nc— : low Getti .b Cazicexl Institgt'éw‘f —#. 5 many wears uhncccssi’ul practice, KELMXG Mil! desires to do pnod to ‘d. [No coutinh‘és to cure nu‘kilnds of '. TUMORS, “TENS, SCRUFULA, or mp, swans. m, if curublé. Hmong v poison. He does not coufidd him- Iy. to the cure [of Hm nhoro‘Adis- I \rilllrcht'nllothvrs with sugessé; ill be visited. if desired. a rufufiiguuhle’ 1 Persons desiring to visit Dqf K. will 'p‘flt the Railroad Hutu] in .\leijliullics~ re they. will bé’dirertcd to His regi qr an' panirulgns ‘wrile-—St:litie dih— inly. Endosc a postage ‘thmp to swer.’ Advil-9331». (3. 1,. KELLING, Imm. Cumberland 00., Pat. 1 ‘ 1860. cm ' .'i ' RTE s A “QR. the n in CANCER KING'S a cutting o v self mere eases, bu I’Miequ ‘ distnnpp. I pleasdxgt] burg, Inh : dance. 1 misc: pl prepay a: )lccharfi . Oct. 1:! Ma am MEE “ w .. -. ’“’“"“""“"T“‘“ Town‘ moperty I f ‘ “TATE SALI'LéTho undorsig’nod nfy at Private Salefihc I’ropvny i‘m‘which sides. situate in East Middld gamut, g.'adjpiniug Sukfl'iplon on the «rat .\lcl'llroy on the cast, will: ‘ruf 5113:" [the rear. Tm»: norm: is A“ Frame, \\'gathefbonrgloal, witl‘g‘ , Ming; :1 we“ 0.! watt-g, with n ”tulip in Ikmr: and n Turivly of fruit, sud: as mm peaches, wpricoh, Lhcrfii‘ :, and Li thé mos! choice. ; ,f » , zgxcumuw sums. , 1300. cf , I 3 ' \ ME jupun, T‘p‘d elnssA fer] ‘1 be henmv : ,k- {Gem-sh I ‘sac"[ and Mrs. It“ ‘3, “up. in ’“M‘d ' twogsmr 1. “H llnck~hu : flea.“ ‘ it, n: M. ‘ I anples, ' . \“ni'igmpos, I I‘. - . r-~~~~ I Change of Tame. :2“ ‘ :; 'SIH'RG RMLRDA L—On rind after “my, Nov. L’fi,~ 186 .‘tlre‘ ,lurniing ll trave' Gettysburg Ml4O .\. .\l., with. .5- s for ll” the‘ connections. .\' mh mul‘ In the XérlhornCentml Mailing and bout. L2O P. f .\l. The ulna-noun: '5! leave (:ettyshurg nt. 2.4‘.. Pi SL; but| rrs by lhiL ,Tnux: :cun gp no fan?" tlmnj f thex sun": evening. Returnyng \vill‘ Nyshum about. 5.15 l’. 11.. win! Juassrn-i in Harrisburg, Bl]il:ulelphimlsc.. By; ngemen: persons from the Haunt”, { line of the Railrom}. Inning iiusincss‘ _ct in Gettysburg. mn tukr 1e nuon ‘ and have nearly two hu‘urs in fictlys ' rctuxn in the Afternoon Tm I}. . R. llgCt'ltD", I‘rcfldeuc.‘ l . ._. I BO c, 1860;. "IL P tin for the 3 ed with | espcch { Organs .1 MEDW ing Snr 4 den-rim] tion’, [nu povenyl VAL M and oth on the j pelusnr) envelop fqr pos -: . Addr in S“ E Ninth ~11 the m- ,1 Gm Jun. Pay Up! xl‘ i ‘l‘ serve ,Flsh ‘of all::kin;ls,luul"l::w to . ; . * . sweeten it W len wihle: ;nso :I t e va mrtnership heretofore exmlnghetween . 4 “-0,“ and mo“ “l'P‘iOVcd modes 01 cooli suhm nbcrs, under the firm shame of! in with the difl' re it Dressin s Santos ll 21:01.13, ”*5 hating beendiss'olvedJ < on? ll'hu‘oriu s new Iro rinte togeltch » 3 ”by 3"” notice ‘0 “1 personh ““19““. It Tell: You All lhgmr'iSua-xrllud lion n 'nrov lem, by Note or 580“: Accoun'l‘, to cellil 3ed modes of ".9 mri‘ «aver filt . dil'f'mn, Lle the same before the first (1 ' ol'.lsn-,I kinds of Henlt‘ lh'islllgl-‘owh G’NIN‘ “if nuttwhich timetheir weaning; willbql W othhle Sn; 3 gm,“ '1‘“; 571,... .n the handeaffln oficer for chectioul ‘ w-E -.p , ‘ . ' ‘ ’ . _ _ . ‘ A nth the Rehahes dud ocuomugl upwa "F'NFY 8‘ DANNBR' l pfiateto Inch. ' , 1 “Al BRIGHT Zlbfil‘gg' I [t Tells, You All the various «ml most aPPm‘ed S4.“;«L- ’ anodes of caulkingl Vegetables olf'e‘ffry l ucri lion 9so ow to re Are he as Grain ! Grain! ' , ‘ l l Gunfire Iml Curries of all lands. l’otteol tsuhncriber still' continues pirchnsin ‘ - Hank, Fish, G-mo,:Noillf°om9y *3- . kinds of~PBODUCI-}, st his old atnud cal 11. Tells You All the nriuu‘ss and mustnppruved lrshurg slreét, Viz :—l‘LUUli,l\\'ll}§AT,l modes ofprepuringaml cooking 21” loiuda PRN,UATS. SEEDS, &c., (or rhich “ll" . ‘of Phil: and Fancy Pastry. Putldmgs, market prices will be given. . , ()mqlettes,Frittera,.l:nkn,Confi‘ctnoncry, l'will pluo continue my GROdERY and, l Preset-Yen. 38’"er ”“1 S“”“ ”"5““ 0", pr s'l‘uns, end will keep comma,“ * . every description- u d Groceries, Salt, Oil, Fish Cellos-mum, It 'l‘ells You All the various and most s‘ppror .ds, Confections, Plaster,l3‘nnno, tb—‘k’ 'Cd mm“! qr ‘3'}le Bread. “Ml“. “Hf-1 the we invited to call, us lam harming .. 535,304 Encmt, ““559“ “‘oth 0‘ pro. ‘ :11 a) cheap as the cheepestx ~ :1 paring 005.9% Choeoiute, "“1 T“: Ind Juux SCOTT. ll ‘ l‘iuow tntmnlte Bangs, Cordinls, Ind me- o venom n I. . ‘, It Tell- You How to set out. And ornament :1 E ' Teble, how to Carve. :11 kinds of Fish,’ ~ Flssh_or Fowl. And in short, how to so, I simplify the whole ,Art-of Cooking as to i “if“ chgiolest luxuries of thevublc‘ wi in ever) o 1': remh. , The book contnins 418 pages, and upwards ; oftwela‘e hundred Recipes, all of which are the ' results ol actuel experience, having been fully: end urefully tested under the personal super-l mtendence of the writers. It is printed in 3* clear and open type, is illustrated with appro- l prime engravings. and will he forwarded to eny } nddress, neatly bound, and postage paid, on ; gelcozlgt of the price, 31,00, or in cloth, extra“ $l.OOO A YEAR can be mode by enter-I prmng men everywhere. in selling the Ibove Fgrkclour io’ducements to all such being reryi l are . For single copies of the Book, or for terms | to Agents, with other information. apply to or Iddrels JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher. No. on Sonsom so, phixaderpbi-J’m Nov. 26, 1660. 6a: 7‘-“ l [IE th DAslu :‘ lhey he ed 10 I 5 and re 5‘ nary 11.3 placed 'l‘ 2. 1900 !for .' [IE 3 . Unlmb RYE, of; highs-q a“? VAN :u, fonh : Dry U n The pu‘v ed to a: QM .sbul‘g, A‘g.‘6, 1860 i 1880. ‘ ‘ : £B6O. 3+.- and Winter Goods. ' TH lubscriber, having just ietumed from the Eaten Uilies with 3 huge end splenv did unfnu’xeut of HATS and CAPS. nould red; Ipectfu ly on“ the attention of purchasers :0! the ”#O. His stock of Huts is full nnd coma: plele, ¢onaisting in pan of Men's faghionnblaj; Ind binduome No. l Silk'HM-I, Dress Hus Son Ham. high, low and medium \depth a; crown,;€loth and Glnxad Cups, Plush end Plus!” lrimméfl Cups, for men and boys, Fency Btu» end Cafpl for Children, together with a good u aomnent of Wool Human ofwhi‘ch will beiold' It very 30w pncu for cash. Alto, t fine nn-i lortmem of Lndiea’ and “1330’ Bleak and ' Brown Vernon Hun, Fell Em, ice. I oa. 1'22, 1860 Removal. H 1351 undersigned, being tbs/nu thorized person T (Q make removals inyo Ever .Green Ccmu‘ ternhafipel that such I! cmtemphw the removal ‘ arm :{nmnins or docsrod ramivu or friend! will "{in themuives this senor: onbeyenr to hue itffidone. Remfi'lll nude will: ptomptneu ‘ «can? My, 3nd)“ cfl‘on lpm-ed to please. 4 / PETER THORN, In? :1. ’fl, , (up; of the Cannery. ~ _ is / ‘ ‘ x’ ‘ Hanover Branch Railroad. INTER ARRANGEMENT.—Punenger ‘5 Train: run as folIOWs: ‘ ; -FIRST TBAIX leafes Hanover n 8.45. A. M. :with Passengers for Bnlfimorc‘ York, Harris: iburg. Columbia and Pbilldelph‘m. SECOND TRADI- lonvea Hanover n 2, I'. .W. with Passenger: for Baltimore and intermediuu; poinls. . EXTRA TRMN every 'lfuesdqy and Saturdav lanes Hanover “Q 4. P- 3h“ with Pusse‘ngors ro} York, Hsnieburm to, returning with Pusan gen from Bunimbre. ‘, ' ‘ Through Tickets Ire lsgued to Philadelphia, Columbia, Harrisburg, Willifimwort, Reading Bahiniorg, York, Wrighlgnlle 3nd all other: principal my points on the line oflbeNohhex-u Central Vllailwny. ‘ ' ‘ R. F . .\{cILEENY OMESTICS, Tickinp, Chocks, Fltnnell, hm, cheap 3: Fnbneutocku'. ’We have Ilsa I USLIN bundcd mu: our own nuns, to which we Invite upecinl attention, A! it ouch blink, g." in: gland In this nuke! forsmc P Nov. 19, 1860 ‘D. 2‘ Imm, Ticket Agent g gnwmlly indicate lieu-nu l‘osuvnr’rlux. this Home-1y his Illnyed the alarm of tricndp and , Ismail-Sank“: several very grntlfxingtind in} lei-eating indent“. ‘> 3 ln Scyort'tousTusncuosm,thir medic-ted ‘ iron lrns had‘ for more tlntn the guod'eflect ot the most mutionsly bonnet-«j preparation! a! iodine, without any of their well known liq ‘bllitien. , ‘ "5 y [ The attention of females cannot be too con-j 3 fidently invited tothis remedy sud restorative, in the cues peculiarly ofl'ectirg tllt-m._ . In Rusmutrms, both chronic and inhuman. “try—in the latter, however. more decidedly—l ‘il has been lnvnriuhly well‘rcportctl, both 3 alleviating pniu and reducing the swellinganna stifineaur! the joints and musclu. ' 1 In [hrsnstrnsr Fu‘snn it must necessarily be: great .remcdy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new reltlernenttmt the West, ml! probably be one at high renown "IN nsel‘ulneu. ‘\ « _ No remedy hss ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts melt prompt, happy, Ind hilly reslontive eaten—J Good appetite, complete digestion, rtpld‘se quisxtion of strength, with so unusual, disposlr} tron lor setive and cheerful exert-no, ltnmedl. slely follow its use. > I Put up in neat as: metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cent! per box; for Illa by druggistr snd dealers. Will be sent free to n; address on receipt of the price. All “an, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & 00., General Agents, Oct. 15, 1860. 1y :0 Cedug Sum. Y. , New Fall and Winter ‘ tLOTHING. for Men and Boys, with on?) article of venting Ippanl u: that line; to. gather with Boon, Shoes, Hats, Capt, Trunku, Carpet Sacks, Double Barrel Gun: and Pinch, Revoflen, and I splendid Inicle of the has. proved and celebrated Doll's Ranker, with an the actuary fixtures to M. Bump Robe. and Over Show, Indis Babb-:1 Om Com and 1.09 ings, Bosiery, to" Guiun, liddlu, I'M And Fifu, Jewelry Ind Witches, together v many other useful anicln, All of which I! sold VERY ('HRAP. You ilk ulna? W} n SAMsUN‘S, where every one can buy 3 Ind ‘clu-ap goods. That'c the pot. Thing” County Building, N. E. Corner oftho Diagouu, Gettyaburg,oct. 15,_1860. ,4 :1 ILLINEBS did omen will M A ’ ‘ lortmnt ofxibhourno'nn,’ ‘ . c P" tc.,u tho dirt) “and ‘ 1‘ ;, fl ~ “1,". ' -A. 800" .130"; nME drug- "t H)» fué tlw ounr INVIUH. old by all Flt-Elnahtity. u Auu-ricnu unwind a pn- ot suit-n -tlporfccliqn. lilhmfl HT. ‘t‘d ”It: hr>t I “‘8 (INLY New Ypik.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers