~ 5: ITEM CUL‘ RT Duleh‘.-Tha flowing anew we“; (“91") «pd of},~ Pmide age Fzsnnfl and Awwiutes 212qu AlxdWhnlas on tho Bench : -’ r i Qt.!dint' SU3KIo Com. vs. John M‘cfluw Immeny uf HIMPI'O!)0I!" of J: Verdict Not Guilty. ' ~ Com. vs. Amour G. Vlir Verdict Guilty—"dgnbuneotl iplpriwument in county [)ri (Jmnmomvealth Vl. DJVId diétmnut.‘ Voluntary Mansl dict; Guilxy. S‘entmced to jm )ribomuent in the Conn; j doilurs fine and the costs. 1 Commob Pia John Shun: vs. lrvm & Tn Assumpsn. to recover bal beduo for work done 67.! Railroad. Verdict for Phil Motinp mr new tripl by Darn Saniu‘el hmdoh vn. Ex- Lomlog, (beefing—Dub! on for DE ndnnu. ' Weiler & Ellis vs. H. D. in Assn mic. Jury! boil). l’laintifl' kci‘ a non suit. All thb npjnlivations for granted, xceptiug that. of UNKB’ MEETIN'JLeIn call fmuud nu 'l'Umday: mn yughuqiastic "10121ng N tin; Lysbul-g, 'irrr-upéccivu éof In“ together with, a Xar 4.- mm from @llO qnunmy wifq‘ War at Court, membhvl it the 1 the evening of lllu samu' 1 pi-ession to their (any? h] flounlry in this hourToffitl early hgtlr the Jump (gnu rt . to itu'uhflort cnpucuyqnttesl ty to LEE Uninu. nnd’rtl‘w' rkmnri by its Plug. \Um mutl Cmflsmvx. Llemeetlfitg w n) .ntinlaw , l i xfiguulenlk: GEORGE ’\R.\l Vi? Rrrxixlrntx, Pmé MI Harper, Hun. I). erglrfirf S. meoy, Sr.,Jnhn l’ickiing. - Linn. Samuel Mtt‘rn'ar‘wl V A'ICI'ELU‘U'J. Hut). 15. 11l Snyd:-r’.U.X Mummanfl En Tr... obivct om» md-M'uh D. Wins", FAQ” after )vhic oomnizMQv Wu nmmiritwl timuexprcxxivv of the (firm; Draw”. L. ’ Bungher,‘ I’m David Wills. E~q.. Wug. Du bill-gar; Dr. 15.1}. Falmbam \\ can, ,Ewh Hun. D. Ziéglc IlnnfiJ. B. hum’wr. Dr‘Ch' "ouch. DJA. BuehlchE-fl Ziogler. u 95 It , _ Itiilho' #:sonco bf 31513 mr-eting was addrewv b BTHFN, of York. an I Into -C..LMr. Row, M l'cu-n-Mv _D. Mn‘CuxM‘fmr; Hm]. 'l‘h ‘ Torte-J the fnlluwinu rcaulu unanimously ullnpti‘di' ‘ “ “ ' \Vulkns. This xuwfiing ’l)‘ the large-u irreapecln . (AL-s. :m-l whet-(3‘33. LL 1H jho lulu 01 l'hisState lo‘ giv ox irif-ws Mid purposvs iyi moreflgrc 1i ’ [mm-[l, That: filmy Ha . pregaganl tiiwkractwfi an 'I pjeri \ the country. unll‘ han've ‘uux; vimy-a u}- to the .mudle: trilnumd to the present {co m the he}! 01' the {mrih gm Ihapuhlic.‘ it ii (.116 megu‘f ‘ mm to fut-gut 13211eg leelin dintincfinns, And p) runhe hm, to mumnin. the lénn mul the nxi u-nce‘ of oug- N rlfizmlued‘, That the m-‘rie: po‘tmwd in 11’} ortilm hfjln against the rigleS. humor tlm‘ - quunnl (hivnminug with the seizure of Park, . Hump“, Mum. nml otflvl‘ Union, aml cuimiunxinglin llgx-lmr ;m' Churlvslou. hy— m‘ul capture ofa I"edqrzfl F My tbu Fu-lernl [flagrant high officmls. directing mm- momxmeutd. to invm 3"}‘ndanl Capitol, cnndfitut Tremor! against the (MVP f if"! Qpromp} und micrgétiu ; part nflnl‘l Thad citizom. 1i (‘mvnrnmmgt and [he Nam —‘-‘;lz.~.wtw.l. That we men-l National anrnuivnt £ler firm dn-Lérmdmnnn to cum "xfu‘l emu-ta to unlimgun the h - um! its ox'lecnce; and ii} 0.11 it Is our purpmic N) know n; 19945 t um! buldly to tram] ‘ jg dufunm of a.(im'urnm tn 'xou oi) bum—um!” _wl‘nici : lilJfi’xnme than tlu'mhfour . we have risen to a dialinggi ‘ Hmiflatious of thu‘ cam-Lll. a! tinm-d pn‘wrvatiau n r and must, chm-MIMI 1113369 1 of the civilized wm'lnl. are d R”mh‘al.'l‘im( mmgul‘ln'n Sundan-by Major Amlérsc band. umzd the fearful can ‘ bursaries by whirl; he in; h~fu~xul m strike the (1.1;; of til compelled By thyxh‘uu mgost the quztlixin-s ofntrun )trint, and (lmuuml the gnu “ofnll tum and luynl ciuzeu ‘ 0n moli- nit “M msgdv.l bm-dingfi of me inflating-fie the papers of the B xxouhh‘.‘ QOnThul-ed Lynight hn “ingwun held in the Court ‘HoannzL 15, DANSER prén'l inumber ul'Vuxz PfiwhlmL Jingnd T. D. Csafox, FAQ.) :5 ties; The following.r rcull ipnan'udously adopted, will jeot qfthe meeting: I Rewolml. That, a Commit. 1 seven cinilemg‘ the pmidiu meeting asChairman ‘ngm 1 a] pointed; whoge duty it shj ‘ and dimibute pmvrsionma’h and every family which In. the some; by the amends hand or Son in the ‘ in ch‘e Company now formi »' The fnlloéving obligation thq meeting and received at sigrfitnros: . To give assurance t 6 Eh , mny ye\ enroll themselves Compzniy now forming hQr bent in Vthe. £Bll3O of theirt families% will receive Ith‘o prqviding .care of the com ' undqrbignml citizens, hum solves (I! contribute to the; pointed, nur quota weekly; such gum (for the spa‘ce of; as may be required to prov; families fifths absent soldie: The weeting wan very ab} . WI. A.-Drxc.m, Big” S. .i 155%.? Prof. Semen“, I). A 3 ‘ an D. MCCONAUGRY, 15564., n - gatriotism and humanity o] , ‘he «Neda is still before: sigfii’fl.’ emeetiug ndjali‘ hearty cheers for the Union. _ ”Ike Stars and f'triées are floating fromdlflfél’rintiug Oflicc-‘p, Court House, Public School Building, Hotels, nndmsny of our. businas houses. A laberty Pole, 120 Tee\ above ground, with a lgeautiful Ameri éan Flag attached, was erected in the Dinknmd on Friday afternobu. _ fi'l’henow Lutheran (Uhurch at New Oxford. will be dedicated with nppmpriaw mligious ammonia, on Asefnsion Day, the 9th of 'my. 2 fisixteen emiads 7- ' troops passed thgynranover. Junction on Friday on their wamwwmgwn. -* 5;: g_' - ’ ‘ l Ih§.sWiiherhu"%divo§séfléém he ' " arubu‘sé "a ’ mml:- Vvhtfiy§i§iisippg f "p 6,? _..- . ,A‘ ’Tii~'. A ...;~ A~~-- »,» «’- m-mm ~_»,,r-,'.f:J: _i:___.-.. »- -- ,i‘..‘.. . E l , ‘ i ‘ V i hmll. I llccmmr—on ‘ Wednesdny ”gum—Mechanics. withdéndinfi‘ ‘ i ‘-- i Palm" 5819- . i im'ening’lu “Mr. .hcon A. Rumulosn, of the fashion of the “foul be eonqderé Z V ,3): ,43.-~.+.£:.-_;..,' 2.1.: f \' niacin, the 23d day of .lpnr. lam, um: Liberty tow hip, whilst in the wows l'ell- 33:91:") ti; put o_ntnm; txlvill 11m in: norms" ‘qp‘bM‘ '-‘:fi-“";V' —‘-'uo ' . \xxl.§l-r§igiied. ‘Exegulora ol Hun-i “um-,1 - l - . . - l 0 also A ‘ . 1 _ 1 I f . ‘ “.18 urge: mu lulled. 1: “Mom by n “We, be figfifig‘wfiaffimf 33;; To the Stockholders a: Bondhold- mmfl firm” 3;.§,,:‘,‘;{;f iris“? $3133 ~ 7 , L limb linking his beard. He was alone, Ind Worth, midi men slmuld be, find if Lb'ey do era 0f the Gettysburg Railroad CO. Adams clauuly, the follomng l'cl’iuuni Proper. i m, “KW“ PM THE ”lEIHNYBD l ; final. returning at tile time he wag expected. not 9'1“!) plmtmn in mieiety and in the Ilillgltlvl mll Den meeting of the Stdckbulllcrs 1)., VII: :1 :Uikjifi, l Uow. .‘ Sim-MR; head 0“ ‘ ‘ .: ‘seu‘ch wu mud h , found dead. W'Orliid‘ ins not liowusrs tlnjyure mechmizcs. uud lloudholdcrs oi the Getty burg Rnll~ b‘uccp, wit Manila, 1 Une-llurse ugou, lv _ _._.a,....‘.._ - 1 ir _ Q. “'th _f it.“ .. i If t eydiinol conduct themwlve®flmn~ Thad 'Cmnpnn'r, an Thursday, (he £5.41 day g! "flu“ PM", 1 Rolling 3"“?“1 H“! by ”“3 “mu ‘ ‘ 1 L #lll2 Joust B.T8l.!¢l,l, iof Carlinle, who her to bu: worthy nfit tlmyihave no upmil‘gpt' lIJL, at one o’clock. I’. 3L, u lhquifice like“: $3”, “"1! ‘1’)?“ 1‘31“” runs; ““3! 1000 W” ”a," ”7'”! i i ' ' - ‘' . ' t ’ ‘9th ii- The “med feasionb nre m M the Conlpnnyin lhe pnssugx‘rdepot. intlet- AOO ~ ye am We: tan-p ale 0“! non ‘ . ‘ ‘biilnltfiur (.our: home, land in: came; at is crowded W flank“! um of more ”Hm l).~lulrg,lulecllli0 banqmemqwuw 9... our”), Pipel Bull-.Lrndi and Beflding. 1 Bureau. a T 2. . ONE MILLION DOLLARS 1 a opinthu town destroyed by fire on 'lmr- ordinary talent to acquire anvtliing more (.mhumujmem ”(me (jump-HI)- .uld “i dr\is9 b‘h‘Sr-{M‘B Minimal l lm-r Lnuklnglllassex, ‘ l 5 ‘ day week. Two stables were also burn! an tlmh o cmnpebency. Men are Beginning to mI-aus for in. relief. A full iattlvendinlccis de- k-Vi'ICHIIKQnfl :{llbi>lard;u: qui large lCopper ' _ ”+710! ;.‘ . ‘ ’fhe me “me. The 10“ 1181500 ”my train their sons. and v 0 . r 0 erl .' fnr sired. B. Mu. RM}: l‘r f"' Ht 6, on on. r. u s an: nrrr .3, an: - , i ‘, . { covered by insurance ‘ I otilnrtlliilgs besidelaw deneFliciim.’ And, All!‘1 33: ‘s‘”- ‘d >7- , ,_,_,', ‘3”_ firirofiiéfliff’sfl):::;::ui tomeutlou. Ah"! ii ; ATOHES’ E' ‘ -..-r...“ ---—*'"'°' "v' ‘ 31W&»find yonn men who 11 ve received the: Pll ' SH] 3°‘ ' ‘ ‘ . .. ' i > ‘ ' . \ -' . i PRESERVATKON OF THE IlAan— mlvnnmg‘es 0;“ liberal etfiucation jummg lll" b 1)“ng utor‘gi' the lad. Will I said :juiuslillifncorilitlzx‘igmcr Lililzekézi'eiiifiiiii ’ ‘ J'E , ‘ ‘ Y Some Ittentiuripnid to this item of prairie- .tlleu- ntulntion .to'mechanizgm. as more like, T “gds‘fifiz‘megt "f Emmi: Shrugl‘. dc- terms unzige known by . i i .no I‘ , ‘1 would avoidimuch .of the Baldlgess so : 313633? fife: mig’g'figgfei 913;: '2’"; cmed, will alter a: Public 3m; .u the lure, ' i ‘ Genny; worm} sir}. - . Bum ham ' . L“ . W ‘ ‘ « ‘ ' l}; h f ‘ JOSE Al WOLF ' ‘preuleut m ”33‘ eonntry. 12;" 11 RS L; thatama iquworks for a. living is not enti- 323:3:er aimgfififfigf‘ifi’fifif £2735”; 13-3_ the snmeytime iind plug, (will be of.’ 0! London, LN“ "11mm“ . i‘ nflfne ”9.9130” . “Ch Tesl’QCE 1“ {be "13." “4‘98"“ hug-Line following: articles ul’ lfersounl l’ropcr- ferwi Ht 1 übliv Sale, .\ LQT Ul’ um)! .\‘ll, the the inventor of u “Slimuldlxng Dayan," all-vmg' without working for lttlfl an “1.68, Iy, vii: UNF- HORSE‘, Buggy} nndi Harness, a property of Henry Wolf, deceased, aimnto in whichcould beiasppropridw in pre entin’g “hwh' ‘f “.och CXlsthv is fast ““I”th Une-horse \Vngoa, l’longha, ngrowsLCuhix-a- said low of Sew Chatter. The Log confining uin curing baking“ T 8” 5 luiul'i- from {heimmds Of men. 5 ‘Lor. Haw Ladders, Hone Gems; Sidfllefllridles', nearly 1 Ai rel improv’ed‘ with IT T‘s-o‘saqry \ ' , i .. ; 3m— ‘ miners? Cow Chains. Wheel-hhrro ', [Ladders ~ lioughc Hol’sm win I nm‘L-r- ai ing 'ell ant groin}: of board or winsiiersvn “floqudli @5ll we} liuuun’s: to” is we“ wish Seflheiy, .l'row—bnl'. Mk”, Winngwing .Mill: ‘0! Water M n Uiatgrn n: the door'; nvfluble ly certain. Messrs. 11. L. Hegemanrk (’4). i [hynvigfi 1m anhis time. edrmbc “when-Libra lulu, Shovela,Forks.a lingo qunnmy or and olhc gut-buildings, and fl “’“B‘ 0!- now lure the entire Ameriicau ma‘ketm— eren in,o r largest cities. soifiuel display of Cflfpt'llwr'fi TOOlB. PM“, “HMS: PO5“, MW “1“” ”r hone}- "“"‘ "a” “we Pmper‘y” llencewe 106 k! 31” eincl' infim‘m‘smves c be found. ”their large room is l???» “10!.0f. Spokes. Work Buch,‘ MMWCkSv "‘o‘ sold, ‘"u be ”WW4 {9" Rent. “‘9 “3"." ~°" ‘3 ease ; {an or Sm fl arm-0;,- punch; .150‘ ever, u. Grindsmne, Barrels, Boxes, 5 [urge number or dny. ‘ Terms made knifrn on "I? day: of appenrlaga among 01" young mini" 59‘} may of ollow Ware, Shes: -iron Ware, Tin 13825-510"°~ P 199. 3"- }i'UR-‘iw ”ATS b! "“9 “h , M Tlll4 llEle. our MVefll-«ipg cblumns. v x:‘ .‘“ 3 : Ware, Pl iii-lied Ware, Japn Ware—emlgpc- - bushel, and li’lirletyufelher perwuai PI'OPCHY- ‘ Apnll ': “3‘“- [Join "‘“H- Am“- i ‘ ~ < -» -‘—--—-—i——a ving, inAdee ,everythiqgin theihouse fumis ingi WSule to commence at 1i o'elm'k. P 2 31., ,“ ~ - - -~ . 'i- ' ,'*—-—--~3—vv‘ line. (11-s ,SullsagepylitersJSausuge Slufibra, ‘ o'l Mid day, when “WNW“, .‘”” b? L’th‘flc" » New “In nary Lard Pn- sea, kc, he. V'lillej are prepared to and Lerms'madu kflan‘i’y ‘ ' -, v ‘ [ .\’ LIT .ESTUWN.—~.\I ‘h‘ MARY“. REIT-l §cll Whole ale and rqmiifll‘lngll'nre and Sheet-i A ’; MOEIQS‘ .IchLHKAN, I'4"“‘9" ', Ll-Illl'u uld respi-ufullyjinfurulUm [unlit-a or "ought" of their onn nihm fnctllrc—kecping‘ April 2?, 1361- 1! V i ‘ ilhinleetm and surrounding mumry. tlul \hq‘ asu cicu, number of lmnda uiupplyany dc- ’ ’l, ' ‘ ‘ ’ h" ''_. f Wank: I, The Smirk ff Snnih (fnroiina. mam]. T eir assortment. I‘ol' Lumber is very! 3, The Nek quk ”continues llle‘.\lilliuery li siuesa, m ilie resi l‘lgre; al: Coul oft-ivory kin . ' IJOURNA’h OF COMMERCE; infiEKLl:.‘ . lack“. "fl. r. Jncnb Lnnnllgcr; m Lilllestumr. 'Ag ' ‘_ ““1“"! ‘THHH’ 3 E‘E‘XR'L.\IeHS c unly, whore (hluing jufl. returned l w’rhe Publishers is! the final "EX Joan-3 {rum 1h: ity) she will “‘in on handtrur sale, flu. or Continua, at t c solicjmuou urf many ‘, at the 10 e“ profits, lleXl-Z'rs, l-‘auut‘! Rm. friends or t is pnper, have _n-xiise‘l lhelist of lions. Flo url, Hand-lunch, SHAW, Leglinru,‘ prices for Ultir Weekly edifiuln, mid ruvlut'cd'nud ("he Milliucry “PMS!“ u.‘ "mm; um; we rules 3%? to mucrat ihe “His of Quest: wlwl befl styl . lkmly-lrimut-d ll Lets nru u: :wuula We ypaper url ; inll times to he lmJ--:xul ug I. cm the :nuw ' (SE D‘OLLA “$4 Y‘IARL » I'‘st 10 Will .‘Seupulilan. } ‘ i 'in mcclmniml can-rut unit is tsunami in "059-; ’linnncl- mlung and lriinming: atu-n-lml in “Ith 1m nilile4corps of dlturs in the several With .lisp ch um! clump”. llunm ts Ult-uch‘ d Idflpqflmemsflmhmvinl- c0'""“i”"“““ fingmuc, hiulilone Iy, lor 37*. «bug‘s, L: («L mduuui {UN-“.10 "0“ 5. {WIMCI‘I ‘ “mm".u "'E‘i‘i‘m‘l “”d reached ti r Spring and b'uiumu (mm-ls. 'Scum politics, prodllc n: im 4slry 9nd, inn-1 April H, laugh. at 1 A ‘ provvmunts, city affairs, lilcrilulre xlnl gencrwl l—~——- —- intelligence, and will) intelllgpn'i torrespnan-i s I: ,(lenla in all parts of o[r own|nml\ in fin-vigil}; . P Ecnumrles. the pnipriél‘ stluiul funil tll’lllut ‘IIBS pertains lu n~jmlruul (if He \‘L‘l‘ first” Ik. "4» ed ' I To com unies taking 7 ' i " '1 ! ‘9'”"fi‘sx’ 20 copies gr ul»wurtie....,..oNE )ULLAR ench. ‘f’ “4'41“"! . 1.5 Cl!pi€.-....................3,..1H'T r 221 HULLAHS. l “M“ Pu” Pi c0pie5....................q...’r1iv' ” Kim" purcll ‘ 4 cupil-5........'............‘...5:x . “ . ”Ham‘s?" 3 mi11ie5........'—".1..." .i...rl\'l‘:i ‘ 'l‘” Ellpon IU‘U l'micr 3 Cupi1:a..r.....i... .. 'r\'::) i v": 2“” “ark," le [HINTS - will be ~ldrcaied v. 9! different ‘ the ti" 7' pcrwns M. the smile l’us Uillcéiflfde‘rircrl, H- “5” ‘” “.'” cap! in the may at dubs bf 13 mun.- cnpie‘,“ ”"3 IMP“ whirl: will in: ane-ltn ue nail mas. , The )nly- be {hii'v'sj mm! tur (‘flcll rlulllmus: H: mm] in one sum. in L“‘l"‘"' c.‘ ndrnnr‘e. _ .el:e\\bern,‘ lmiiy Jmmml or Comm r 60...“ s‘lrm-t,‘ 9"“ ”.lin Junior 170. u (””3 sm": ’l‘wéo topics Juninr [6 one mlilrci 'H'm 8' . HALLUL‘K. Imm; 3: ll E'Eilnn and, 91 Willi Street, New ‘l'pyk, Ad Indicted for mu: Bickrode. wn—lmrceny. to 6 months " mgfiman— In ughfpr. Ve’r hree months’ » $3ll, with 3W} lon—Action in co claimed In he Gettynburg tifl't'or $1.376. «Imu'oounnel. um: of Wm. I ate. Verdi‘ct bales—Action emponpelled . '1 * Llcemes wore cury Bitner. ”Dune you the Pynpepbia? thd, Asth- Lma! the Liver Complaint, o;r 69111:}!th I)? Fabilily? does your fodtl distrreu‘s yéuf.’ Up ‘ you_uufi‘cr from nervous irrit tion or quad}! "rake the Qxygennted Bittegg, which curv‘fs alljhcse. 1‘ - 1 Ipursunnce of 3‘ ing, a largo and citizmw afflict x‘ty difl'u-rcm-m. bar of persons In nttmnlunce Cum-t. Home on! ' ""“'—'*—- ’”"":‘|"—“"“ lazy. to give (-x~| , ~ 1'52”" 0’" greuvrd .u, “m"; » MIbCILLLAXEOUS I.llllqu R néril. 'At an ; .I am composed of I"; lottery-1. ‘ himfiuti filh-d My 7 8 ‘J In is what ev'cry person (10L ling their. finlcli-i ‘1634 i» a conjux cliw'n. I. ' }¢ I- wxllinguesa to 1 10 BlLis a part (it mums drags. F louof Dr. 1;. 41.; :1 4,0 5 3 1215 aivrrimty."_\R J, g in organlmd 11y ’ 241 l 2 L 5 1:. éommacinl tiuwn 3n L'lenn'q, E "' ' 1 l 5 waver)». _ 1 3 f:1 PM). Em! I 13 11 101‘ a (lrinlé. :1 ‘ nlq‘nborn. R. 0.1- My whole {a one m" the President»; S. Fornvy. John Umwd‘w. \ ‘ I. .3. din, James: w" Il.l,I)-)U'lil . l v? \ ‘ (womb limioll ‘ emaififiefléun munllinxhnmnfl THE). OXYG HNATEI) Bl'FTlng.—,Fot § "“5 5'3"“; 1-y , medical .n‘lcncl- hml Imcn nucglun the I the fiilllm’mg the p‘iysicinn exlmustcd in tin-limp Mil to Ilrul’t’rcmlu- :ering some rcnwdy muuhiblc tincture i. '(ifthe tum-ting: d..<lr'esnin.; of all disclscs—llyl_u-psin, . M. L.‘S:uwcr. I“ mulling tum ut'eiiJS uuvlul' tllc‘ir v, glrts, Mn}: {‘hcl- nil-"I031 “fir ' ' l k. “'m. A.£)un- No melllcine uix‘tcd which ‘imnld Sp an'gc s'me permanently, cfl‘cctnnliy. unnll radicall ; Harlin-r. John and expel these cilagnscs from ll” sysu'n and Ruv. Jaicdb Dr. Grern mudc known his lllac neg-y of , l , ‘ ' ~ THE UXYUENATQD llll'l"L'l'IRS.l ‘ lfll-‘fi, co m 3”“ H) l Such 159124 rcnnuknhlc i|()W(‘»,'-|llll pool linril-‘ _ l V‘ 1‘ n - P ty, that (‘ztsus which for yenra bliu'e bulll d th‘c sh“- ROV; Jun” "A, most potent mrdicine nnd the’liighcst firui’ew Bull‘- 9! b‘cwbnr‘v. 5‘ l sinnql skill, _yii-ld to this renu-d'w' as rchlilly .m 26 day»! ‘ “3- L"llf~'1:"3; and il‘thé disuds'c were hut of a 4J;IS.~‘1HIII hug—. 7 “"‘ll‘m‘ ‘(Nmnjl‘me 79" , For ill disf'nsc's oi the Stmnmyi: and Di ,u-sth .0" Mr. 15““ 1011.»,n'nicli were mgnns, nml fur Urucml Dchili y, it 19 hunli ~ ‘19)"?- l r lsulumr’y :ln-J c‘rrtui‘n. : ’ l ; ‘1 : l l)" ”‘s' St has been called: film lblloptingleltcrfrmn Mira ‘aralineJ’nn ", lidbllllcsla“ of politiml par- I nttest! to thé greut whw ofthcéry‘gcnat ld [ht filmm!” until duty of tho citi— Lll5 at“. surf r=mcd;.l;pr Dyspuplm sud k ludrc l Unithe z_ u‘estsiun to tlwlr , diseases. . K ' , g i' k - ', ,‘EL'ZM‘l‘il'l his emergency,‘ 5 i Timings, N. Yl, N‘pv. 21,.1 39. IFI‘TN‘E" "E“l ' .Hossrq. S. . Paul: in Co': , 1i , l Un‘thu ‘4“ lug M is the} Sim-Brig nuliyited b) )‘qu‘r agent in n Hugh Kmflll ous condition of, rxprcssion 42‘ my opinion at )otir Uryg lnnlellF dangl-turmf. vnl‘innt may b... ,lilttcrsJ will an; i considcr firm int' ‘lmltle 7 months fl“ lxich have Con-1m llyspcpaila. thlrwhichnl w s nfllicl "Ail fol“ ‘L-fb'} ni'g‘p litiun 0,- affairs lilevemll yoga, Mill 3;. lust 505?:in IIS,:lU hlz -“ “NJ“. ‘ - v ’ mug“ to cin ‘IL‘ astsugc '(‘n‘nsnn Iliuu. m altitntogl’gl’gilz: lfl‘iiey were [trolcnibed famine )' Dr. Cn ltpliclll I #‘HE MAR. m ydg ; t." . {of Montrenl In June, 18126, whcn in)" strunjcllt, I, , "f‘ftj‘j‘iff':— - an 1‘” ”‘m l wns in 'so bad a. stale that it would‘ on; ‘ ,bcnlr ('lVlnnh ’lil‘ll—b-u‘u‘ 3’ continon 53“ ' the smallest quantities of foml,,lnt th’e si \lpll:sr.'.slll’l'tfi'le r1uur...........,....... -r._ t/he "11-(SETH, kind. l lllilil‘ I Look .'I ha, il dgfin l) Hill-4,, ~ llé'elfl“lo’-lvlr.v................‘........ uomtl Umon. and‘ now con~idernlysclfcufedlilf Li":[K-I?1.1l_l. \\ lllle‘“119.lt . {f outmgen per. l l rould Wlill Every pcrsouxwlm s afihcti (I wlli i ls“ ll’ ll“‘*‘ h"lull”?Ml4ll9"'l.).iapcpsi.l to gil'eiour Bitters nlthbrhng 'ui Li l““' P‘ ' “d muggy“): of, I‘l CARUIIINIE “‘(llOU. , '1ift“.............r,............... [_ conuncnemg; guprcpflrcli by; SETH “v. ilifli'bl': i, UK l- lMt! .-......................:3...... annuals, Urumm , Boston, mulilbrisnle b; Al D. Bliehler, dottyal lfu‘kwl‘f'“ l‘ )mpcrty of the l burg; E. Hiieshcw, Yu-rli‘ Springs: \\'ni.lWoll‘, L’lo‘orb‘”_‘l """""-"""" pen War iuthc. ‘EJA: lit-Hint Solomon L‘hronistcr’, lln'irnpton; Timutny bprd......,......... he ,cauonading lJatoh Pulwc lcr,Mumrnaslmrgpl). E. llolllingcr‘, H“ med . tress, promyhul : Alblmttstowfi; M. Shuttor',‘ New (Jxl‘m-d;l Juhlt . Plecr'ut PM” """""" the threats of] Miller. Littl ‘tumi; mid-hydcdlunsever) Wherc‘. ' l l"“"‘"' grqnnd, I)” bit}. mi controilingf 39.?“ l, '1 51- 4W ‘ l. l ,I i ‘ u :m: misc the —,-,‘"‘“.lr—-§" ‘ ' ' “slim”: undl. ‘TUCONS )I'l’i‘lll'lgs.——'i:lve:Nfivertisc ,hm‘f, lilllllll'lllf. mum. and call 'mg bcen rrfiured twat-31th»: ILL-W w ‘k ‘hy :t lhe cc'don ”IN" thi‘ gerxsnnpicu nledy, auger hminghullcra j-voml , Filmy-"w " «1011-lieu 0,. the , years wllll s‘t'crc liuxfitytflccnmm‘nml thhtlilreml 6,,“ '"""" mi Union tdlsl'flSEz 0.” smnptlo ‘——is anxzmus [u Luml‘e U‘fl;fl"§em tvmlor i 0 ”10' knuwn 0 his ft-lluw-sglfvrcrs thin manna u ‘i-nre‘. : 'l'imnlhv' s'u-11l ' ‘ . f !‘ To all who dugirc $l,llO nililmnd n cllp’v of, 8.,,,. ~ ,5 l",'"", c.\ph_aSlOli 0 l" , the prescripl‘uu wed (fl cc ot'chlir e.) Wl‘lill-lllei u M u», ”I “U“ ' m". it In all [cw ‘ ~ - -f_ -"l - i ‘ llow pcr hunl... flux . w 1,, {tailliri-ruons I? . pncpnr—fiu; and ulunsr t‘he‘smnc“ ”ESL”. ‘ ”1" mt: ‘gl-m_ .Iv nnich they till] hnfl n-nluic Cul'c ll; Lonuump-: ”.'" k.~ 9 detormumlmn ‘ tion, A=th 3,. Hronchitis, kc. Tho only lohjcvtl ‘3 ”l (“‘ll party. but m Hairline advl-rlniser in écudiixg thélprcscription _is‘, (’lmuu' in path nl i "I to beneht thl- afflicted, hnd sprq'mll information , 1 ‘the umst glen-mug. he Cttnk‘el"€§ in lie i‘nvnjlluimo. and‘ be “our er ‘asin. people, IMlliopeq every .lufl‘crer will ‘try hip’rrmu-dy; as it' Do: lrom 4“,.“ ll“,()f a century. , will cost the'm nothing, and mm row a blast, “he," .- __ " f‘ “ in mm: mg .am i , 1- A: 4 l , ‘ R,e......z..:::::;::.::::;; :1 in whose cull'l “ml“ wishing ”'9 Premiml ll will P 193” ('urn1..,.... 1. IWN saner address , REV; Emum) Ax imsuN, on“; in: well a: tlmel “ ‘lll‘!“‘*b“’€i , all" EMMY: lULovelr \ch ”Ply invnlml. } 0“" 1'31““- 1’ _ , ‘ mm“ 3”“. l'rimoiui, b‘eed. .-............ defence of Fort‘ ' " “‘“‘"‘ ‘ l . yi5ter.......... ................. l“M his hm’icl PlllE\l‘(I)lill‘¢l‘ lava€3Bl;ljliufisrlllllilws‘ 3"“ il “ in mm, ,of t ,1, 1.. ~ . . _ e mu r icnie _ ‘ 4! litexlwgixficd.’ Ills lffinmlflished in 18,37. and Krstntggle of the ki‘mi_ , 01d uskets 83 hia‘country tin-let" mtrpfinccdpndcr the “l“: “rum-"WNW . Lula para 3 throughout , (ion ”f his men. “ Areas; ’gm ltllll.ol‘ {my oth |r country; nil . Vlhaving i' their po~sessi sum,“ and pa- , other l’nhgaonxc “ Men are cnnnterfcitsJ, TIN," ”35.; either M xskcts‘ or Rifle; )f l u , 't‘ genuine cgn be knowh in; the‘fnnnio I”th P“ 11:11.“) to ,9“ :1 them innumdi ‘ u “‘me “m being h‘llufi)eil on each WAFER. i, ; , d rtigtncd. “ euysburg. If. l A , 3'.‘""'.9'P“lm°“lc “fife" l l F 7 turned in a reasonable tim BehaveUpuKllva-tfisvfiui‘c l‘l-A'W'Mloarslerieasl a. ml milimrvfldws of tlicC m ' . Brynn‘! l’ulmonic “fer: 3 me ‘ill be tahén tn getthclm Relieve .Usthmafiiqonchitis, Difli -ultl!renthing. “is 065 not pply to arms ‘l, 7 Bryan'é Pulmonic Wafers é._ of or “flied ('Lllmpiinics. Relieve Spitting of. Blond, Puinlz‘in the Chest‘. , , l . - ' 9 Bryan's Pulmonic Wailers l i ; April 22’ 1361, Relie'r- incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. ' _.————_ 4——~—- ‘ l fir‘yuns Pulmonic Wittenv l , A Ready Malfket. ’ RelievaJn-itation of the Urnlnl and Tongils. ~ .- BL‘SHEI SA‘RU‘V'IWAVT \ m» s 190 000 MW; new “all". Fl‘;::;:%:3‘£lo“lifc“v€irren “m“‘Fs; . house into]; ocjcnp cd b'y Klin elter, liollingcr Ire 1 allowing to a}! Glasses ”d flosmtitmio MOO-i “Ellih "' dcterminution tolpov l'l‘el l'lgllc.“‘ _ r , _. Br 'nn‘s Pnlmonic W T » l}! mhrlcyt lgrlceahfor all kinds of‘ ram. ion will . a * ,2 vi,. . a "be!” , , find us _supplled wnh PLAS ER, GUAM) of A" ' ",l"°;,r‘;’fn,f§;‘ui;‘zxi fig: ”9“"?- , nu kinds, GROCERIES, \Vhol "ale and Retail ‘ . . ' ._ ' LUMBER, (VAL. and eve otfiemniclc in our Arem “ll "split “3": “,nd ”"3421? to the 1:85“: ,Ii ‘ ’ of business, sold atr’the {lowest pouihle l’ '. ryau s n manic, ets . ,3 132: for Cash. Cull and examine our atocknnd ,Xctcol reheve,hntefl'ectmplditngdluatmng-esu prices before mrchas’in elsewhere , ‘ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers ’l 1511““; ISSUE!) 0%,? 6: CO ha in. routed to gire safiafat‘ztinnw‘evbryoneq K ril ~ , 1861 ,1- - $l3 ' ,)3 family should be m: 0:: ,i box of , ...2—21..--'_‘_._.._,_.,_—,—~ m . Brynn} Pilmzonic W fen l i Lime! Lime 1: -’ 5 ‘ m l e "05"“ l 7 ENE s lhsuriber has leased ' eof the LIME 3° 3, “H" should be "l‘hol‘i maupply 0‘ l l A 1(1th of Mr. Samuel Snag-tug". in Conn ,l 3‘7““! tPnlmofnc W fen "I wngo tow'pship, nnd wil! hereof r carry on said ; ,il {"Jl‘l‘ Pocket. ,‘ ,_ ‘ bu~lne§§ M snid Kiln, invitingfpontiou of the ‘N? person Wflrpfl," 013.02%? r" for l . LLonzlge ol'thc public. His ices are 9 cents ,3 - ry;:‘:nt;-::elgents e,l .~ I, .f-rgt bpsbel‘cash, nrédfi93‘cmpsgp credit. First JOJB MOSES.‘:\‘ole Proprietor, ,Rochuurfii. firm“ Luna atone an r. Shfirjullfinmxn. one 18, Low» lyeow '- .. i d that the pm.~ publirbgd in'xfll fivor large mm‘t now. at which ed. axistcdfby a Juus Buss", ting us Someh -1011, which was xpluiu the ob- oe consisting of officer of - this Committee. be ll be to 00110th - mnnnyio each . ha in need of 'uf Esther, Hus their count 3 here” f‘yr' ‘ was laid before large number of a who have. or in the military b. that whxle nl; ' Country, their rotecting and nunity. we. the y obligate our '3 Committee up {ol' monthly of ‘Lthree months) :msion the needy :18 GREAT mscovfiavi—Ampie tesls'. both Stray Hard. by ““9 practitioners and chemical ““1331". ‘AME to the premises of thé subsciibcr, in have demonstratedxihe great value of Prof. De C LMiDlOl'e township, Adam counlv, on the Gm?" humif‘“ o°mbiull‘io‘l: called “ “‘s‘“. 7th day ef February last, n GREY MA'llE,\i-iui ’i‘Rlb OIL," {or the relief an“; cure uf~pnini=fj one mm; my~ gbnut 13 years 25:1. The owner But. Imepeople themselves are rendering 'Jieii- will come forward‘ prove prop y. psvclinrgci verdict in a manner both unmistakable and land m" her away. [SMEL FLUKE. saiisflctory. More than two million bottlesi : _\ ril 22 [Still 3', “ have been sol_d in a Very short iimeL—a. great W propéirtionhofiltmlne wiho heard other: ”com-i ~ .V. Notice, 1 ‘ men itiw‘ 0' m triei iL Tiintii‘s a splendid , - S ’S. ESTA. B.—-—Let£ern of discovery. is ievcry.wbere acknowledged, and JAg'lzßinigfimmß le. bouisgnm wiih‘the “whim; h!” It.wB3(;vel' P"?°wpmpkmi The will ann'éxéd on the estate (it Jakob ank. 0’”? ggniiine “come (“1 m ”or" De Gum's, Si- lfldoffliin‘inmon townshi' Adnms Conn; “m“; '5 {l° b? .had ntifll‘thzrfspccmble Drag- ty-hzcess'éfl hai’iriE been mnifd’ to the under gisu n! ecmesmni‘n wpessle tundra il, .' .‘- ~ . ‘ ‘- )r‘. a: see :‘Ezimmrainixsgzmiisig L 22. ndvertlSEfilnClfl-‘J— I ;A > g eémte to mine immediate pnyiéent, and tilijose . "" ‘ .- In'mgn niusi the same to meson” em ’ fi-Twenty-fifl .w n"? dollars “9’l u- ‘ 11:31:25; iéthellgtiflfled for settlemgnt. pauses per month Will he paid by the Erie Sew: P , J \(‘UB FUNK! JR .4 ”fr. ing Machine Commfny'to their-Agents, (“k 11-1 M h 25 1861 ‘6“ ’ " F ing the Erie Sewiug Machine: Tfiip‘mwggi _ are 1 I ; "_...‘L ,V ~.,,'_,- .. Miwliinev 3nd so simple in it? consl.rq§thn3h.t; HEW {ion of the Ladies is egpecinlly in n child on learn to operate it by halfun‘hour’n 1T “m g huge and beautiful aswnmem instruction. It is equal ‘0 any Family Sewing? of, India; d Misses‘ HATS, FLATS AND Maggi: in “38.105 the; take “in premium vor 5 SEAMODSv of latesi spring siyles, em. the y and One Hun red (Ile flaming“; brain; nude and Vernon, which we Ire The fltice lg but Fifteen Dollars; The 00,1“ _3y 3 “sm; ‘ any reduced pm 'B. fl" wish pimple: Agents in .93": cgnnty in {11,9} my. ‘ i 11. F. ficlLlll-IXYS. gnaw; 3J4“!!- Mdgeu, f?!» pariidulmfliml . W has minis: c»: ‘3. JAMES. ‘Gegtml, .cmvs, EnYEIDIIsSs me» Letter Agenfil, Milan, Ohio. [3ll}. 11, ‘6l. 'h ‘ I afidt’apflporJnstmccivg qt‘SCHICKS. of our county. y fiddressed by . Vaxmsuswor, Bumun, Euq.. ppealing to the our citizens.— the public for ued with three amri I On the l : 'JEP FHA 5' \ ”HULK SH \ L On “w l 1’ [ML .10le ‘ t BENTLEY ()n the l ‘ L I Ulrich, .\l n ‘ til/‘A'I'HARI pfthe v Liming-‘51!) .\l. «‘ I (m Hull DAVID C IMI ‘ {Culnhcrln‘ ‘ :(jAlUbhl park's > ouilfifil‘lsn‘ :1“ meq‘t ”01‘ I‘: Lu.) 14 ye“; 'IOUS V.‘ OJ} Frill: ‘i’ ,shnjl Him 3:) yen‘s 7 On Sun 347.”; m In] bum Mu- I ' V MARRI f m: inst, by the l "1 )I‘IHSS, :of [mung FIfiRT, 9!" Hanover lth‘fluslniby the Re f “.\IZNITZ to Mrs I‘ all of New Oxfm'i 21h inst. m. Unrlis l.‘ LEONARD Me, 'l’. URNDORFF, ’ is county. i ‘ 11h. “131.. by the " DURNBAUGH. 0‘ d county, t 9 Mia , uf Adams county uthcmn' P.|rbunng imt‘, Uy thegflev. l’ '35 lo Mrsjsumn . of Adams county . .\lr. Ziebti, .\fr. county, to ‘Miss J. G. McGee-huff; ANNA MARIA; , Adams‘cqun '. v, fry the Refl‘i LWEE to LE3: both 9: Ytfigk‘ ev. P. Rnhy, Mr. , Merhunicslmrg, : SCSANNA E. . in Pdgrsbllrg, ’ Ruby, .\lr. JUUN: \ c. Emman— DIED 3‘ hit, m-nr Mum a», .\II'. JOSEPH Iv usburg, “nor :1 ”ELMAN, “.401! "with; and 2.’ (In) rxlaly hug. in SI. B, daughter of JO5) Ills and 'i dnys‘). ‘ ’ h nuL, (\“as‘ EL llughlur of Mr,'Juc mlnp, aged '25 yet alum toynship, Em Bunnu, E-q., WARE?“ “US- I) Bugafrmun, u! s 2 mumhs 11ml E\L\{.\,U \(‘BL [Laughtm' ha and L 5 “' ‘ "'" gun ..ua an) [Ling uhlu: . T‘ . ‘phulcz-ull U! which will 1,“. LA“. I!) in“; pncus lcr cash "_"4 (2'! to 5- ,’rill()i)b', imludiug :\ lint. j 3 Mufirlltcu L’myts. [Lukin ..{JJ 15 u, 1'2"; UAITERS AND SLII’PI‘ .....l 1‘; 10l 15. ’.\H{. .\H‘iu “'llle (N 5"” . -. 4:! 4c 'lct‘lfu“) invited to gi ; 501 L um um! Come ull , ‘ 127‘ .\h gin- mo-L fin-IM]. . 1 45" Yo; Iguudni‘illbu so 4 1.0 to 4[2 Tu on- come the uulw ....1 7:. to 2 m): 1‘1"“ “4°“- ... l 13 ‘ .' u so .. . ' l 00 lMUltl-I‘j-I-‘um ME \‘vLAb‘l‘. .. 5; 37 m 5 50 .. 1311 m 1 7o "63 to. 7m 55 lo 6.; ‘27 to 33 5.. f 50 to 4 75 .. ’2 50102 75 . G 5“ in 9 no .. 6 23 10 7 nu ...11 on mum”; ~. 11‘ to 18 .. 62 00 er ton . i 113:Ei3 5.50 .12510130 u ...: r unqnn ,4' files; Adams. empty '. United §xutes are llql'ehy m :er touhe nn~ I idamné an: no: :1 such ryensuns l- . n'um“ (I.lm pro m. U. course g the patsqssion sport JOII. B r sdr Indlm‘mr 22,1861. 6: I BAIKER, 5+ yeurs 3 1861. 'Latest ew; I'ST us_w‘e were ni Wto prJ J u Ih'aplllsh lelgli. “XML: ‘ upenld a cuxnpletu nssn lm-‘nl I (L\l’S:inuludmg the ”deal. In “mu-r, hluuclr, Cnssim‘prc ’:|n zHATS fur Sprung upd Jltfi'uunuel 5131.5, cmlurm iug Six-mu ch'Lul .‘“":"V um‘ lnmuts' pldiix and I 43.1)); which tor nentncs- uf fin‘ ‘shin. .\lrs. Ir. Jmmh 4,1111”: 11cm: 0' .\h' 'HfGIMA. '8‘?“ Hear TUILIH TAKE Um: I [but lhnrc re) \Hlil'lia n “113"“ prismg nll oflhc uufi ‘ L ”HHS" [lii SHA \\ LS, ~L‘LUAKL‘U: (‘l‘l ULU\'E~‘, 1 ‘ ,u— 110 st n 3 a fine aqs'nrln €i‘[‘—“Eß\' AN 'h-r) (bin; that Dry and ll‘nncy Hm Tm: GE 6 complete 21 mm 1 Guohs am I a; well as Gil I‘JiL‘IIIHFS. NEI an, as was u er \22, um. [ as well I ~ PE in fuel i I= Ell 111-We ‘ MERE“ \vmn,| luxm mans, « Apnl“ 45 L 4 2 2 00 R 50 - Sands’ s; V “IE ()R-iGINAL _.L‘w' l ’ILNDUHSBDBYTHE n: “ong the bcscnnd pu xxx-mew} UF HARE SANUS' Si RSAPA RI SANDS' S. “SAFARI SANDS' S. KSAyAR i Ulcers. 7 S;\\'DS‘ S. RSAPARI Eruptions. ‘ E 1 sum" 8 mm .m LLA m taken at. all imesML'itd‘ill sec r leguim' peno‘gic mum—jam is 1 medicine‘tht{ can thke w hen ni‘ ii ma culled -~ um 01‘ life." ‘ Ask flit Sanita‘ ‘Sa sap/+7ll a l WPx'epmfe-‘i by I.\. H t I). i l gxszi, 100 Fulton NJ, cor. of \\’i ii For-uk- hygA. Dillinqwn, 0;: Ariiz-ziul. m ‘ ‘ _J,__-’_M._._4 _:1 ‘ ~ N otipe. EORGE sxmmcms ESTmfi.—Letlen leaninieuniry on {he e<tate of :eiorge Shri ockafie oflhe Bor.‘df Getly‘sbu , Ail-nus em, deccnfied, hiu'iug been granted ich epndersjgn ed. ruf=iding iii the same plan, fhc hereby gives :notice to 3.1! persons ini‘ljlfié‘d to .said estate to make immediate paymenfiund those having claims against the jam: lgdprpseul than pruperly authenticated t‘nrsertiepneql. MOSES McL‘Ifl‘EAVN, Ez’r. Apri122.1861. 6: ALL 5 l . x ‘ Auditor’s Notfiqe; HE subscriber, hnnng been: npjiointed by T the Orphnu's Court of .\dhmp cohnty, ,Anditot to make distribution df the balance ; remaining in the hind? 6f 110114.10“ B. DAN ' sun and Roam Sauna. Executurspi theiiast ' \\'ill and Testuuzét of Pun-m Smhmrl demand, 1 lo and among the parties legally emuledto the ymmc. hereby gives notice {handle will {mend to the duties at said appointment (ii the office ‘ of M. k W. .\lcCuAs, in Gettysburg, on Friday , (Inc 19111 day of 103/ next, in which time and :place all pgrsuns ink-rested in ,said cam!!! will please ctte'ud. MOSES McCLEAN, i Apr|l22,lBBl. GI. - Auditor. New Spring Goods ! ‘ SCOTTQ: SUN, oppome Eagle Hotel, IAS Gettysburg, will Qpen this day, a cheap nnu desirable stock of pe.nsonnblc 'guodi fur Indies and Gentlemen, with a full nssortmem of Domestics, to, kc. We would respccfully cull mteuuon go our stack, wbiqh will be sold at the lowest posiible Lilies. ‘ _ @0211! soon and examine for yourselves.— No tumble to allow goodk. ‘ 1 A. SCOTT & SON. April 8, 186}. _ ‘ i _ g New ptore at Fauzfield! I HE subscr'rherszhnre spened ‘nn entire NEW . STUCK (3F (3.omm AT mmrmw, m . which they imvite the attention} of the ynblic. We are prepared to sell at acutely LOW RATES for uni. All we ask is is dull, and we wnll prove the pram of the above abseni'on. ' b BANNER t SHIELDS. ‘l. 3m ' 2 i .1 I Aprit 15, } Layicwzn - ESS mfiiE-cwm w! no 3', at ‘ ISChICK’S,” i so of 5 (I ! 9‘. 00 ; ’\L!‘;.U(‘K, ‘l’x-njmimu rii '2, ’6l. OP .\ I . ‘ JAum . ii' 1881, l'nmtc S» 55 w‘p receh u] " “mm” P!” IENSX' has just lbcrhmd ‘9 r .H'ATS mm ; hiding f 1 u :1, 1c Silk, i “W”- 0" “2‘5"” ‘u-ita.—; Farm wil: , of luczxutif'ul'nom‘ mans mud I’.lu:v.um.7 n-JPI'“: 14' “U: 11.13““‘1 wnh bifcd 6!: .in-I quulily blO3, “9W , ufl'w‘cdinlhid {vulgar M I -: 1‘ anld “l :l”!“nl3hinx' Url‘h-U'C. l .\l5O, :20 ms unflthe XElluw : ussuruhénnm‘ Ladica'.’ Persons ,GJilcle uxfl s“pp;r<. , quested to nus .\T +5 CifiS’l‘b‘ mm llugfeun, u gunds n, my line nu: ‘ lyshurg. Ve me (mu. ' ‘ i <Aguil 8, call, ”-ij (ifzpr'léf'fi, ‘ ‘nf‘: u,. iqriJis. _ ‘1 A“, % 1 :§ ’, .’ol lummilv 1 i"?‘"“" [Gunman ; 1! Aulmus cu rm ithe pnlgl‘ ' pawns k 'cly 0! Huh .\ss‘ mrs lit), DSLcouMSiflm 1' {D . ty.Lur‘g, i ". . " {claims ngu 1 I)? v ' ”I unthcu: \ 3. ' 1 \ . 1 2‘ ' April 3, w ' a. Il- a - ‘1 .u un Red 10 blic otic % 3m inf‘ from 1h 'K 01" 13K} lea is.) G ES! EXIST . RM“ )2 l A ont'n’f . FANP ' s niuu ly‘ hmds. 'TLEM ..V o. siméx, . ' (mud in Q L ‘ . I 0! CL ) I ABM-i ”YES, : x m; rough” | ' J. L ‘IIS, CASSI (m fiuvs' TUUKISUS, ‘ 2 ammu (Lct tyshurg’. scum. apafl GENUL .\mn‘w; c~t 1' a” in cvcryd E ARTICLE-H such innluu L FACULTY their "9“} - ‘ first class 1 .A MADE. ‘Wem (M as thchlood. nu‘)‘\\'.hex:c ‘ s Sc‘rofu'vla. ‘A. Quick 54 95 I SEUbbUSn , 10 “how gd ‘ ' * .. new“ e‘ thanks. tor: hfereluthrei b" strictfl gum ifor d o‘ursclws, I fiu‘urs. , ’ mm "LAP“ |.L.\ cu LLA l. s Cutaneous SEE y ibe gnfe‘y "(,9 fmdies u e Iver-y best ed M the pe- 7::- na othcr. XDS, [lnig— mi, N. Y. ' vyslgurg, I’sl. &‘Summe}' Millinei‘y. AREA BRNNHIT has jun xecejv new-stock of Swing and Summer dukes and 'l‘rinuuungs of en-r ' kind, c‘im has the uuqmiun ofvlhe'iuQiés. cwurmm-c. uddgd lu mud} Cure in Lat-rs, x-he tqusi “tidy-d thu‘ ‘hcr ('uslmn'ura cunn‘m full to be plcusegl lu-r‘u cull.» Slju is prepared to do nl- wmxld invite specml attention to. -n. §lro can reumll'eLhcupulglaq flun- Iperior stylul Igor gm'nds {lure an of In] mm“ hushiouhble kindJ ahd ‘Will 1 cf “(:th v- {yilmycst ca~h pricvs. l and myuuixw,‘l bl-fnre punbhsing Alflu: vUId Sde, on [Lillipmru w duoxs'Suulh‘mf the Post Office, , PI. ’ ' IHuL Pnyate Sale ~ ' AME—Time acherr, Assign-'4 of Bakuxnunn Mill WIPE, allots m 10, THEfAkhl ;of will .\nsignors,‘ ly in Emuklin apd partly; in Cum-j fnshipa, Adams 501mlfl,m:zhe,ruud om Gettysburgi to .\fumxunshurg, ‘ mm: from‘ ihe‘lumt‘r! pl-xco. The uns HZ AUREJ‘H‘ and 5 PHKL‘IIES, [O,; impruK'ed “ilh u 'l‘\\-.._Story G SUUSEfLog Hnrn. ‘ $5,; - numbed, Horse Sm- g: , ‘ : Sprung ”gust-Lyell 01 m; ;. 1e dour, mud n quungL... ’ ’lih'e land is of gum! quuL, bung suml.. , } g Vlfillillg to HEW the property hrv re uull on Jauub Micki-math. residmg on' the A'ssignqp. 'l'L's‘ilhng in Get- Z.\CH.§ BLXU ..MYEHS, MN. I“ ' i ,' Anus/ml. { _ ”.4—_.;_,_4__.__._ smgneé’s Notife.= lvrsignod; Junipg; he n uppnlnted we, undor x 1 «let-Mn! hast for the 'r’mlnurs, of JAcmi Et'fzxnmis and , his (vim, of Frainkl 11, township, nny‘ notiqo is primal)? ghcn m nll mung Khunsclvles inJi-nu-cl In said {Q mukc immcd'tutc- Im} mi-ut lo the d. residing in ”10 Borough 01‘ Got said cuuuvy, fund ‘ikmsc having ml the samv tu pkcgemhhvm proper- mt“! for selflenhfiL ‘ ‘ ‘ Z.\“U\:‘.RI.\II N) “is, .luiyme. Btl. tit FAIRNELD 52‘ tlll m the ;U on! 4‘ Ill‘ &SL'L|.l\':L\' b g icav [q call wuxtiun of ghcir .rlcu e and ‘1” pub- h~ ____q_ )7 to the fiwl. lhuuluv have ust re- , I ‘x the mica at ‘m. .umpl u. and] . ‘ Removal with a 53m? AM) 5 ’LENJH) As2} ATGH & CLOCKREPAIRING-$410013 0F GUQDS, [the. cr tlmu even S» : ZI‘JTLER lumiremoyed his WHY-Ch,¢ éul in Mac cmmtf'. ' g'Clock .\inkfug Establishment. to“ South Bul qughtt‘hcinguofls fo Cashmtpauig ' timbre an t, two doors nqrth ‘of DMD?! k u» tinie “h‘ru Ilhe dine in man)“ Ziegler} brute, whn ru be WI“ b 3 glad to re- Jrics is unpreccgluzl ,1, mew”- cu. ceiVe u‘ continuance of theiwhonuge of the, Winch BARGAINS s will “tough ; public. By close attention Q business, good rL-Juloug, 1f 0%" 2‘ ends will In”, work, and modcg'ule charges, he bopeu to give ammo uur slinging “uh is Lumplete general antisfnctn u. as heretufure. ‘ L g ‘ pnrguwnt, “e are H ewe cnu ofi'L-r'. Gettysburg, Ayril 8,18 M; ‘ ‘ uncut: as W!“ niuply opuy them fur ;“" "‘ ""‘ ‘"' "” " I‘ ”“ le. 'l-Jvery uniclc lie all)" kept in a; . " Notimfl r nutty—l9w wifl be ouxgd “Ell humL .n'nnxcnr.zstLElz'sßaum—Leg «mined P‘UT TU 1” U 5 UH SUE-D! s; tors ufndmiuistrmiun on the estate 01 umidc‘of the City. oui' mum! is “Hybrighl‘liégler late’uf Gem-:bur" Adunx'q l ' )‘ -' . n - : 7‘. . ' 1 4’ its and bmflll 11,011“ -\0 :"Wble cu , dt-cenacd. lmvmg been gunned to the undcg ”di- ; 1 ’aigned. resiling in glue sumé plucvl he he: - :Ila‘n take this ocicnsi n'm rc‘lurn our ‘by gives notice Lu allworsons indebted lu suih he wry Renew“? P 4“ OMEN”: 13"” ' chL-tc lu mnke iunmcdmle pa) mint, and those rccciwd, mm indulg ‘ the hope that having claims uguingt the' same‘ to preset}: LL-nliotrto‘ bUSiIIF”, "‘1 *‘ high 11" Lhcm properly nuthcdficmcd lur settlement. 6 e intereals ol' bq‘tli o r putrmm nnul_ DAVID ZIEULL‘R, 5111 Adm'r‘ ' o merit :I conlmpux -of Lheir k‘md 'Murch H, 18b1.' tit RISEIIART k‘bUX LIYAN, ' ‘ Cumcr Main am“ No “lain :RS" mm. 1 .‘ . Lx‘nhgicmpm IXI‘IU OM lic gene“ tu‘rned {l' Baltimore, SUK'I MEN before 03' “wing, “Pitt‘s, u‘u kinds of f uhled m o the mast E 1. Assign‘ée’s Nance. 1 __ _ _____ m. _-.V.~..._-.._. I HE undersigned. Ixm’ing‘been appointed As b . .T‘ ,1 'l P signee. under a d ‘t-d oi‘trnst lor the bend- I‘ 1:103. I i , ‘fit ufcn-dimrs, oi UIEOIIOB “mains and Wm, YRRSS ESTA'BE.—«Letlcrs 01' ail-1 of lionntplensgnt town hip. Adams county, no ntion on the cstpte otJothßyerthice is hereby given :0 all, persona-knowing ding township, Adams county, de- themselves indebtcdi snid Assignomw umke ring been granted to the: tinder-i immediste payment 1 the undersigneh, residi idlng in Hamilton townshfp, he in: in the sum: township, and thoB¢ll37l3§ I notice to all persons l'ndehted 2 claims nguinst the true In present th te'to make immaldinte pnymient, Ind properly authenticate for settlement. ’ 3 claims ngninst‘the was to pruent .~ - GEORGE W. ii AGARMAx, Assign“. ‘. rly authenticated for s t'lenent. ! Hnrch 11, 186 i. Gtg l JACQB wannfin, .m'r. .‘-—--—~—-—-—-—-—-—-~«-,——-——-—-+----r ,1301. s; i r g Nonce. ‘ . *‘-“ ‘ "]‘“‘—“"é‘“‘f‘"" | iCHAELBENDER'S ESTATE-Letters of J ‘ NOt'iOO- 2 ‘I 1 l I‘l administration du the mm of liiuhne’l iURRY’S'ESTATE.—Littcr§ of the!Bender, late of itichliind county, lllinoil, dc stiun, with the fill nnncxéq, on 34-7 ceased, havingbeen granted to the undersigned, ne Curry, late of Liberiy township, residing in SorthCo-lorustpq‘furk co., Pa.,h}e my, deCensefl. h‘glving beenigmnced hereby gives 'notice mini] persons indebted to irsignedfiesiding’in the snnilc tovm'-y said estate to [mike insincdiatu payment, and reby giv‘cs notice to uil persons in-‘ Lhasorhnuug chums against'lbe same tnprcscn't aid eststg to make immediate pay- them properly authenticated fur scltlement. , hose hnving‘clnims agninsl the same; ' PETER FISHEL, Adm’r. lhem proper? snihenlicatmfiior seb‘ .\Lirch 11, 1861. at." ‘ - Am HiBAIJ) L‘L‘npn‘, ; -.- ———~-~—~~—l7-—-w——---~~0-3 3 Adrh'r with the will annexed. i ‘ Notice. , Litm- 6* ‘ 4 05mm Dvssnrts s‘sum—Leum A _wm‘f—cf’up‘__ g of administration on the estate of Jouph rchant Taller-mg! ' .“ i run, late of Gannon] township, Aniline ! EOE n ABNULD has just returned from ‘ county, “Wad" “WK heen«'grented w G the c. ywithu. large Mckwtlolhspc‘niq tho“; undersigned: resuii'ug in (man tovrn siineres, \éishmeretts, Dmp do Eta, Cashmere, 'h‘P‘ be h“{")' BUGS “0““ ‘o' “1 DEW)“ “1- Clolh, sndfi'estings of all sales; an having debt“! 1° 531 d ”9“”? w 111..ka umnedmte ”a" secured ‘bk services 0f 1 x meat, and those hnvmg‘ciaims against. the same i“ w'T._K I x G ,: , :to present them prOperly nnfllgntigutfd for set ns Forem ”, we are pnepnrcd to‘pnt'np the tlemrnt. - . A 310: LLFLVER‘, above gun? in style-shequui to the Best city" Mnrchll,ls6|. 6' “- Admr. msnufnclu in; eohsblii memo. Having turned ”7%”..- Ont huudr P of jobs within the inst Six months, I Dll:l3;:fotugigfififiifiglgifif find “6.; which but nli proved satisfactory, nnda wry Ru'h _ " In ’ . . . . 0 cs, to, It the Chdlp store 01 considern e increase in our tmde,go to show. A SCOTT & SON cunclmivc ', that we do business’iu Nu. 1 _, v“- s .s_-.._,_.._'_ ,' . .L. mnnwcr. mr stock of goods cannot be sur- YSSES’ AXD CHILDREX'S SHORE—A [mused In unlit) and stile. Gin: u; a call.— AI large assortment nfMissel’and Children's We are confident we can please you. | hoes. Black‘nnd C 0109“. at ~ 7 ' GEORGE ARXULD- ! Apzil 22. ‘R. P. MCILBENY’S. April 8 OHN ‘ ' J minip' Idle ol’ RI: cam/ed. h srgnud, m heleby gl - aid as those hnvi them prop March 2 - Arm I 1 minis-1- exam of: J Adams co to the‘undd ship, be h debte‘r! to meat, and to present nement. ; March I i 1 April 15 1351. t! E fl” 7 ' EAt Broadhead’s, , ¥ ; ‘N Carhéle infect, the Lites! l’eriudlmll can "" ~ ( j I almqsgbe lmd. 211153 is the lime to repay, BISH USES Blmhod‘lnd Br Mudim. g :‘igzgrflmqéns‘ D 0“ ‘ delay, 1"“ ‘4‘ 69m "8h" 1 PH 0.1" C"; Muslin Ind Wi%eefll§£y l 1116 «wont! Fellows'Cercificate—n ipxeniud I 1:122? ‘“ ~ scmcx “A mic, mick-«ma be obtain: mama- ’ Mi: dulqnflflfihy. -» ~' ~ ': I “It, 1‘ . ‘ , - ‘ ilAttO TIMES Hubs" EA ; Bilver-Plgtuedy Wax-9,. 20 u ms‘rouuo! o: Ax sin-‘11:“: xsgxy IYo '-“omax.\'AL PMUH 35,0070 AGENTS wmxnx A}; paru‘m duirons pf fiwnring 1; Agency in an. _ , ’ x a NEW ENTERPRISE Should sand on theirl name}; It once, dudos‘yé n 3 cent stamp 19 pay poslnge. Ind r 3917 b“ retu'rn of m‘ail .‘ , y," A Pgnmm y/ ,' 04-1-41.wa dopkin‘mé _ ’ 1: ' ’ bun Ixmgcaunzf/g'. f .l ' . ‘ i 'l/ Which aflbrd’ A'A‘Rl-AREE'd Anal. . __ ’ : ‘ 10571 I ‘ ‘ 1M o‘fiu“: v " wltfloqt rial-:1, togethéé whh: 1 F, , ' 1 ‘ . :3an P‘sinrzéfizms 11 ~5 f lOLATIVA TO !HIS _ Jar-01731;. PLA‘N! To lisuie 'prdmpt 41d satisfactory dealin’gs, direct all orders‘lo ‘ , ‘ ' (mega; G. EVANS; ’ 439 Cheémm Street, . ‘ PHILADELPHIA. April ‘l, 13m Lancaster Book ‘ Bindgry. EURGB wum,‘ ' ' , : .BIOOK BINDER, A§D BLANK Boux'lAm‘ncwnla, ' ’LANUASTEEE, PA. * Piaf» and Ornamenlafl Binding, of e 'cry de scription. executed in the moat 3:108an and approved styles. , I , nnnnxczs. j - E. W. Brown, Esq, Fnrmch Bank of Lnjncallec.” W. L, Pexper, Esq , Lancaster County Bank. 3‘ h‘dguuel Shock. I-Isq.,)l.'ululnbia Bank“, ' Smnuel S\ Jgnkr, Esq., York Bunk. ‘ 3 William Wuguer, Esq” X‘ork‘County Hank. T. D Carson, BHq., Bapk‘of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esql. Prmh'y oglmncnaler co., Pal. i (100.0.lluwlhoru,Esq.‘Re: Cur “ ‘ " | Gen. Whittaun, £511., [gecordqr “ “ 1 April 15, 1861. : ‘ 1 . 3 Alexander rrazer, LOCK A‘ND WATCH-\MKER, has jreumed 0 his shn'p to South [inniumre sue‘ez, a few doors south-of the Court. House. flier-#1".- will always be huppy to attend to the 'cnlla‘ uf‘hid customers. ‘He is thankful'fqr past. fnvlors. and hopes to receive thel continued custom of the public. [Geupbunm April 85 1861. 0 Cannon & 4mm 1 VIM MARBLE woman cuqm of mm». i more' and EM: Skixldleogtrectgdirpctly op r .. pusitc the new Court 1] se, ‘Otxttysburge-g -» NOW GOOdB! a: , ‘11:” ing recently arrived frail“: Philadelplxin,snd- FAIIINESTUS‘K BRjU'fUElh‘g havehgjnst :9}; Eeilil?gtl:l:l:{’fgngtéinértto £§f§3dfiiq§2§fmiz solve an are trim; 0 term: a c ‘cn nn- ' ' “ ' . r ‘ dccsirnhlu assortment of [Spririv‘ Gaodps, .m';E 13 invite Um attention of tll9PUbli‘f “”4“"! W whiqh the attention of buyers :3 gesyecrunx ‘- gtlzlcurzanytlu'ug $80:1;2::,01!o:\;€0:£wfit&: invited. Their stack icqm rises 51 tto Meat“ fin gramme _'c ‘ . 5:. ‘. > - ‘ and must approved slfi‘lcs 131 d putternsfof Dress" “”5 PM)?“ ‘9'"{o3l‘l‘l' HUM/Alh‘h‘tS, TOWN 000193. together with heir ugsunl assortment 01" {-ND ‘llh.\l‘)b’l:th\ Lb, MAilmLh MAN'TLEfi, Ship“: DumL-fitic Goods, sucl; us cannot fail td ; bl.Aßb,.furvbubmct-umlfcrnfund all other Votk pleusc all who may (wur th‘fgn with their pm i '?fl”f‘l“§9'“s m'ourbumncs‘pgut Ute loweupob trunage.» inl uz‘uly «pd sel cl from their large 3 “We VW'CH- “e ‘lO “0*- hesntple W wilful“? and ruried assortment; _ ' , i thatgur work dull—l.lM: pulyp In}: mguncrjup- ' * FAMMHTOQKWROTHEHS .Iprill,lSGl. : '1 ' - DUN; Meg's Spring styles of Han and I COP; 20per cont. lower than ushul prices R. F, )fcILHEN Y’ S. Ayers Cathartic Pills“ , ”.....w ..h‘ ‘ H." a": ‘43 ‘ ma, v 1.4 OM I, . ' ; Bdmmare Afivfizc 5 Howard Etreet 3 .\RPET STORE I—- A G. GRIFNTT! & , SUN. No. 58731. 14‘1de 25} ,S; W. Ccruu "on Howard .3 union Struts, Baltimore. ‘ "-5533 An) (rump; UABPHT 110 ml. [)0 you’vnnl to buy I flhdnp Curve” ' , Then go In W Howard St. UlrpH Snort. , CADPETafiII. 0101113, MATTISGS. kt“. ”ml—We would invite attenunn to our New Inn-k otUnrpvmnga, ()IL(‘lmhn,)}nltingl, Rag Carpets, Tgble (hl HMLI, kc, ML, I" at ’l’Mch we an d-urmmcd m sell at the vary lowu! Cad prim-n. , r ‘ “‘Auyxilhing to buy goods in our him till find h. to flwir damage to "amino d‘ur stack hefpro purchasing elm-«heft. Gouda packed for country undo and ddiv’erod free of rhnrgc. A. 9. GRIFFITH £505. . Ammu G. Ginny-rll. G. (unicorn! aluuml’ - No. 31 N. Howard 51., S. W. Carrot award 5: llnrioh Streets: lApril 8, 11561; 6w , . 1881. —’ , 1861. SY! : .\RPETfl. OIL CLDTHS AND HATTINGS. ‘ C FROM NEW YORK Al'CTlUNH:—~Uqr_pfll C from 25 ohm:- up;_osl Clolhsftmu Nix-Inn up; . Wh'm- god ('herked Aiming, all widths, at any ‘ 19w {l' ~09: Corm Mmtlngs‘ of difl'urcnl ‘ vdthu. * [\lsm/étRI'GGETTS, Iwas,uooa MATS «...: STA, R RODS M. reduced rmea. RAG (HQK‘ Pk" 5 ml‘ our «a n muke at uhnlcsnle and renal. on}! annulled» JUflEPH VICTORY, 1 '. / . 145 Lexington Straw-t, » " 4 doarsycs; nf HnwnrdESl.. Baltiumre. . Aprlll,lB6l. 3311 a,» , A. Math» a: Son’s OFA AXD FIVRNITI‘RE “’M‘.Elloo.\ls,.\'on S' 25 and ‘J'! .\L Ga) street. llnltimore, (flea-I“ Fuycue 5t..,) extending lrum Gay to Frederick SL—Ulc lung-51wtnl-lishnmm unite kind in Ilia Union. Mwnys on hand A lnrqe usionmvnt oil IIUIIIeHULD..\ND OFFICE [I‘I'RSI'I‘URF em—T bfnvillg Bureaus, llodglmuls, \\'iish.3mnds, «ard robca, Multrusaca of llugt.,Cmton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sat-Is, Tctc-e-Tcles, Arm Elmira“ liockiug Chairs, Hinge-res, Marble Tubles. SH.- Lees. lineeptidu and Uplwliterrd Olmirs. AS SORTED (JULURS U i" COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wuuq Clmii-s‘. 015 cc Chairs. Barber Chairs, Cribs and L'mjdlm, Hut Racks, llnll Furniture, Gilt and Walnut mec Looking Glasses, Side bomda. ICxu-q‘uiuu Tabb-s, of awry length. Pei-suns disposed in purchase urc' invited Io call und give our stock nit examination, which in variety and quality of workmanship is not e: u‘ullcd .by Jny cshililislwiem in the CLINIH': .‘ i A.~.\iA’l‘lllUT & SON, '- 2‘ Nos. 25 n'ud ‘37 N. Uny I'trect. Aug. 6 1800. 1y I ‘ La. ence' D. Dxetz’a‘ n TOTIUX in; 'SE. 1 .- . h' FAN (12600123, 9' 11 SHUNT, TRUIJIINGS, - AND frm’s, Wholesale and etiil, nsflhcup nanny place. is Unlzixuorcu , - ' 151 Pmsxmx Swan. BALTIMORE. K ”Oz-(191$ rompxly wueudcd Lo. Jun. .18, 1850. ' ‘ ‘ . George M. 'okee. , ~ “ ”PORTS“ and Denier in - n - ‘ I ' CIHNA, GLASS 3 QUEENSWARI, No. 41 Nurth‘floward St‘rucnbelwceu Lexing- Lon uuLFuyoue Sheets, BALTIMORE. , STUNI‘IWARE nlwaya on hand, 5! Victor, prices. ‘ ~ _ Juno 18,,1860.‘ .ly .LNI'FACTPRER OF AND DEALER m M STKA’W GUUDS, Naif. My}, 105 AND 107 'ounl ngpxq STnm-z'n‘l’nwummuu. W: in now receiving our Sl'l’JNG STUCK, w ich 'wlll comprise a large and desirable aga‘pr men! of all kinda of STRAW AND‘LACR GO 03. Al9O, 11 large assortment pf LADIES' AND" CHILDREN'S HATS: Ouralock 0f FLOWERS and HUGHES will b: unusually lug» Lhil’ sqison, and wc' would iuviwyour lpcuinl “- 'tentirm tn that depamn‘fim I'lensd can and. emunne Ihgm b 91011) malfidg yogr purchueu. ‘ - . ‘f 'II.§VVARD, Nos. 103, 105 and 107 Nurtl \Scwhd Sp, nbovo Arch, Phlladclphm. [ \rcbizbfidilL it . hL’lfl‘iul and tasteful equnlfto the but to b. seen in the cities, where every improvqmem which expericpce 11.1.5 suggested in Walled 0", and especially du/we gunruntce‘thm our Gavan. lcry nud (Emu: Yen-d ,w urk 31ml“); so carom“, set. as not. $9 In: Ml'ucwd by frombut shunning min for years that erecmaas ol'poailion given at the gomplction of n job,,and so neceunxy up continued grncctuhless and. symmetry. . ‘Nm. :8, 1559. ti , ; De Grath’s Electno 011, OR the following (not everything.) War!- 5 _1 named to ‘ t Oqi'e Fever um! Ague in one day; ‘3 £ Cure Chills iu fin- minutes; ‘ _ ‘ '. Cure Group in one night; } - r; Cure Dunne” in tnjo to four days; ‘ ' j (.'nre Burns and Sctfldsiutmmjuulu; , “, Cu‘re Sprain; ’Wunmlsxmd Bruiscl' iu Ital"- one to Quote days; ' “ Cure Inflammation in'onc 64y; * ‘ Cum Neurnlgiu, Group, Toothache, Baiting“ ' ' Len luhHllLa; ‘ ' - ‘.-, ’ Cure Irelnmhngt, Setofu‘la, Abuon, lnflen (lit 8; , » _ . ‘ Cure Efuiaos, W'oundé, Tenor, in on': to, (113': ' (1:135; ' I ' ' Cure hurnchc, Stifl‘ .\‘e‘ck, Agué, in one dly; Care Fulnns, Brokeu'Uu-asl, Sn‘h Rheum, in 4 tin-cc u six (ins; '1 Cure Quinsy, Pulyihflion, Pleurisy 1d anew ten days ;. . a ‘ . Cure Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipeill, In life totwenty (lugs: " —‘ , Pure Frusted Fem, Chilblnins, Slit! Join", Chronic Hhehnmtism, Sore Throat; Scarlet. Fovar, and the Lune mm; to walk, by ,shw bottles. _ - 4 This 0i! (De Grurli’a) in mild and plea-ant, and is A great annlyalediciue for children d-‘clhinig; mg. ' ‘ " ’ A. ‘ Lnuw'u'moum all use 1;: n atwiynme‘. you better than in find: Jon, and on. Mm uflvu cure! entirely. , ‘ ' ‘ AFFLICIe ram-u: an: no cunp'u on * wul. ‘ : , , l Read» Yetta: from Rev. James Temple.» 1 J, ] Punlahelphia, June 9th, 1831‘." ! Prof. De Grub: I'jmve been afflicted for ‘ wil-teen yen” with Neurnlgia and 05h” pninM 'coluplmnu, and? have been unabiu'. lu 'fl‘edp .soundly or walk any distance fin mm; ya" T pnst’. Last week I go: A bottle of your “Elec— ‘ lrie Oil." The flu!- uight 1 glepg soundly and ’ A well. and to-dsy 1 nm a new man. ‘ H; rife um” not. ereve her 93cm Yuur Electric-(m . has dune in one wgck wins the yhynicinnn u! ‘ Phihdelphh‘s fuiledm; do in thirteen yen". . "zcc‘w Haven, 31.; ‘zmn, 19:9. , ' Prat Do Gnuh; My brozlnr has been dexf ! for three years. Arm trymg uxuu) mingl, ho I’used you: 03;: féw (mm. and ix curcd Mm on‘. Hirel)’. ‘ cmwunu x. scmx'rox. ! Cm'rxox.—There are numerou' imimszns Ispruug upon thu'n—pumliou that my articlchn i uquind. The public inutt Donn. (the; no { “onhluu. Sold by nll Druggisu. ‘ Depot 217 South Eighth mm, Pnundoxphfu. i Na. 25. mu. m -‘ ‘- l*m ' ""“‘"“““““‘—j“"'“"“ 3 / Farmers, Take Nance! .f .P EXUVALp-DAYID WA RRKNhasufloV‘ ‘ \, hisPLWQH AXD lAUHD‘IB 880 ‘b 1 the, “Senna! House,” in Carlin. “not, ‘E.’ ; persons snubs supph’ed witbgood [WE as j heretutore. REAPEHS, Tainggsmsu It-‘ i 011 mm, and m kinda arr-mus luplunnti I remind nun mnututict,m at m tcbnrgeu -A'lo,, WARREN'S BATEfiI tPLAX’L‘EB mmlgredlnd for sale; -. sam . , . .. 3:1 mm 9 Ayr'dlfistih 4‘ ' ' . SIX= 1861. H. Ward, Grutgiully yours, BM". JAHES TEMPLE, 3:0 SuuLh Etta! guts.“ cr. vso
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers