'iwzigeLlwas. The COII'ILII in published every Mo morning. by Hung. sun“. at $1 7' unnum iffpaid- striq y l.\' units-_.. per mmum if nnt Ipaid in ndunce. subscrfpfion discongiuued. un‘leu it optinn of the publifler. until :1} an? .5 are paid. ; A r: K Aqnurrsnzsrsinixomdmneuxual Jun PRINTIV} 3101 f: with neu§ne§s di~patch. d ’5 ~ 1 ”in": in Sngth Bilti'mnre strc'gtfllir. mppnsile Wumplgrs' Tinning 351:5,“th -—t‘U'unun anflxq Urncz” oi: the j '; ‘ National Hotel, ' ‘mwmsrmvx, Alma cu. PA. 3:) umlorsigned, ii ivinglenscdy flue Na onel, (Ruilrond llouse,) in Litelealawn this! method ()finfuruiing the public of I‘l and of the further he: that be will waffle“ (on w piouc all who may patronize him. Tl‘nhle will always ln- found to have the he rzmrlwu may urfor‘l. whilst his llnr shall bun the thou-est of Liquors. None but ,‘ tive and nccommodnting Hustler-n «"Ile £5 («PM the Hotel. With goon hedn,‘good and all me other armngcm’unu of the j good, not forgetting to mention m’ot charges, he cannot fnil to'give snfiifnctin i thcr'erore solicits I share of the public 1 ,tronnga. ~ JOSHUA mu] -‘ new. B.—‘fiOßSl-:S and VEJIICLE‘ s‘lwayn b had an hire “the .\‘ntmnnl ll A Jan. If, lBGl‘, 3m" f. > _ ‘ "_.." _ , P..«_._-.+k--_-.,_._,.._.4 $lOO,OOO Guarantee. UCK “11min: unn‘ AND ‘ ‘ , WASHINGTON Z] 13 UY Till: I] HS 7’. - \ BUCK HEAD, ; .1007pognds w'dl co\'er am much ugh-3e : ‘3“ pounds of nlhcrflVhitc Le d. ‘ y 7 BUCK HEAD, -I} > j“ Pnlnting done with pureilhu-k Lem] is»! ’ ’/dura.ble as other lends: * , " BUCK 11%.“), A ‘ h whiter And mqre brifil'mm. than up)" ‘ known White Lewd. . 5 ~‘ < ‘ BUCK LEAD. n ' I! nperior tn the fimwt Eugfish “'him Lf ' r 8011 mm: and honply. "' ‘ ‘ ' _w IH'(‘K ILEAI), l \ ‘ Evrry Body‘fihoulnl‘ {my Burklmn ’ ’WAflHIXGTUN ‘MEDAL ZN',‘ 111 sdporiur ln uny‘ olheerim: in the W 0 ‘ ,5 hfiemo whim-mu} nugéhrllhunry. ‘ ~ ~ WASHINGTUV 3\ll-Il)~,\l. ZIV‘, Isinnr‘lvu‘lleal fur bully or COVE-ring: prupo - pounds WI“ do As much pniuuhg as 7.31 _of mhvr Zinc. ‘ . .‘ 'J _ . ‘ MFASI‘UNGTUN MEDAL ZINC“ “as no Zulu-1} (or dumbilily, it Wears 1w "5 _.« Inning nlh’cr Ziul- I'Jlim. JFM'I'SCH. Rllv [hubs k 00., Ltuuufm '_ ' In!!! up .\hnnz'r 81-14 mm. l'mum Wl-br‘éule by DANSHR k fIJH'HJi ,ctyybnrgfi’ni. _ ‘ Hum. 10.. Ixl3o. \' l’ - ~‘ -——~:»~4 , . , ~ / Only One Dollar Each (:10 0(){‘ BEAI'TH’I'I. STEEL I ‘ , ‘ . [Examyvtxusurnml _ VRAY ER FUR S\LR.~——\'a\’u{\nw' [’l’ f, (;|rxx/AWA\'!—The iCh-n of Irwin-on! L‘ord’n L’rnyor by‘ nn el‘igrflving. And 0 meulinzfind urranpingfit in fll'l‘h m um ‘o pru‘duce at once‘ a Inmlol n! nl'ntn 1 male, was cmxccirgnl and carried out 1;) M". uh!- colehmteofidi lnl‘: Nuu- Hugrm‘a-r. York Gily. It romnn-uww wiJhJ-vIuECI A rcutod Words of “Our Fucker," .Iml tl‘el A in sum-casing the other [MIN of tht~ every phruw‘nf whirh ii 1112““ ml in II ‘ olnganl and tasteful mmnnr. ‘ Nmr [ht . of [he pit-lure in n diliughh‘ ewvnml I HER SNVXOR, n d ‘sncirclinz the um \{iuf the engraving. c‘tt‘n mun-Xe. em-h » one Of the TEN” UH \[ANIHIHN'Ei kni’ingha: revoked-I 0 mm: uuqu f from the rehaimls cor mum; / ing 01' n ' eumrinn ch q'hcrn rogm'fidndcd ’ iiomifllvimri. As an ‘rnumpnt It is ml "um <[llrn'lil c :- publis'hiid in thiwi and is dquinml L take/Ihr plmw'of‘ ;cl.tsr‘nf euzrm'in a. fi‘hc viru- nl‘ Hit“ 1) /, iiy 23 indies. an! isunqufltimrxhlyth out epgmvin‘w \ nifvrod ln_ this cmm ‘ \V‘lqyuin/tlfie “rt—ti 1m nclightq u the engraving—Mm that would rm hum-“mud which such it work i: m ‘/ (niimvu‘h. wunltl full if!) <m'urx' '\ Pnpv ; prior is ONLY. 031‘? DOl.l,.\R.\\ilh [ht-t J mlvuri'ug for (Le sum. l'l nth] tion.“ p home or mufilu‘r \ulmmh- gift? A} n work 01‘ {ln athis valuable um] I engraving is wdr'h more than the Dull ‘ior_it;, us will readily lie nrrtnnwh-dg ins’pcctin’n 'of it ; hut the snhscrihoreji malt! A Gift l‘intribntinn to! purrlmw .rngmfifigr. ofvnluublc preanN. us fu ‘1 "nine nunl Lat in ank‘ H nuah 2 Buggies, (Quiim a: l’nhncrg‘iunkc, Wu 1 “orknvi‘ny: ' I. ' f '2 Building Lots in York Bo ugh, L6OO anuthe—lhmk’m- ' T / 50M)“. l-‘hixfi‘. (“.irrunLC-(Ll Leno Gold Gin Fume: tn innit. Engr ‘lhc Lorll'qtg’rfignr. A g goo Steel 1 ‘vtc‘lincmvinza ’l‘yirllpof C liaznifirFiMfmt-wkin (Ups-gs; ~ Golrll' mnlfiilver VVHN es, Q All kind»: “0! lewelrv, vilnhrflcinq flcirontine' .\lnsaic. (in [1 Fiona. &u.. 1 A Gilt. wfi'élh from 50 rulits‘mSStjt) each cngruihg’ slow. 1 ‘ When tly: engravinzi ml> all mill .1 ofthe pnrlmscrs‘ will hcrm’llt-d :11. Wm Ila-ll“ York. Pm. lw'llP'hll“? Gifh n‘ame will he distributi‘tl 11l such munner as diner: 13.x}- drlormino.’ he pun-h luciing ll committee of di interested in inke; tlle.ll\\lfll'd:l in Slfi‘ll In'anucr ' mar designate. i , t . _‘l‘ho propr‘etnr'sfgqm the “rumble which this (Sill Enterpriw hiu heéu and the number nfl‘vngrzring's alren hope to be able kr ll we t 1 amount of by the lat. of Julylensnii g, and wh; sol they will notify Ithe pi rt'lmscrs‘. Iliv‘rélistribulion the Gil" prrfiemficl T is‘orgrming has "win-d the (in tion of the» Hen-rem! Clergl‘, our first 9nd indged’ of all, cla‘sseg, who enter ll spirit. t l i .USH‘IXI‘ & “' HRLY. J. M. 71.1.: us. ”one: W t _.__ , J ~ rimmoirmxs. g We invite agtqntiou to mmof ih _ mendntions: it ’." ‘_ , 7mm 43.1. c. . hnmpmn. m nrbet In 2mm. ‘ tan ”PENN! CJmn: . gurk, Pl. f Me’urs. Austin 1!: Wehtl z—Tuc g nving of th“Lo‘rtl't Prayer " which is n v fi'ered‘ .[or isle by .\lesprs. Anni 8: “'ell y i” this Borough is “gdi u‘p" wi I: much mat and ~benuty, sud ought :3 teen mt‘n‘d in: t ,pub licnmmion—zmyfliinfi‘th will kee that. no ble qompostion before the mi and, ennui-y ls. likclfy to do good; - The w k seems In?! only to‘ reqi’iire examiinion ix; rdgr to b mhn‘red, apfl‘l can but hbpe thnt the geml men who In“ in lmnd itgdiflribntix nat so odem a. ‘nle, will betayuudantlylsnccessgi . in th ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ " 7' l PSON. ’ on undertaking. L}: C' W. Tlll Iron the Rev. 1. fi'nigon, umr of h. “or , Pu. ~ ‘ , ' i ‘ York, ’31.” Feb. ,MesarpMfi & Wehr i—ani‘. pleasure of.insfiecting .\les rs. Ausii I 3”; )5 lend-id engraving offihe Lord’ wonlg cordially rcco’mmfln it mm attention bf their friend: at York when. It is not only a b ‘uutifnl o the dwelling fevery Chriitinn faini yusefnl Lad edifyiug ac uisition animals and imilar benevhent inst i P. F. . - fiEditox-s or Publichx-s of p (his sdreetisefn 6 inscriions, wil toll! Engrnvi g and Tickpt, by for yspnt for that ‘time to on’;- address eening it until the time appointed < tribntionywith an Editorial notic iulu, they'will. reCeive t’he~,engrn i with. fine gold gilt frame to suit i Ticket. * ' AUSTIN & l \ York, Mai-ch 25, 1861. g '., _ Pfiotogghphy ' 'i-ALL ITS‘ ERANCHES, examined in_ the , ‘ Seat. style—known in: the uni. at. C. G. l iflV“;:?ALL§RY, 532 Archzsgeet, East of‘ . . Eagle“: in. mm: .31 ,in on and :fldégw’eélgpic Poem-9m, Amfiotypestn ‘ _. ypea, c.,for aqes,Me ‘Xious, ins, ‘ 'kc. ~' .1 1880. 1 533 , ,-.- - L. R‘iflfz. 3; , . LINEN, Blanche? and Br wh Muslim, > 0? Cuu Muslinmnd WI e‘Sheceing, » 1.106 n - I EKCK’S. ' ‘ I 'iér . tea. and m It»). STAIILET; § 43c1 Year_ f can tel. Somebody has grritten the following about :he girls, and set it afloat: :, God _hléu the girls, . . 1 . ~ Their e) 2: hnd curlu ‘ l ’ Blend with our evpn'mg dream}; ‘ f~ ‘ - ' They hngmt our lives, ’ ' ' g ' Like spirit. “hes, 4' ’ fi' ‘ 0r Ila N‘niuds' haunt the ”rennin. _ : 1 . ‘ l )\ \ The, loathe our painsn' :' L f , .Thq fill our brains ‘ TWith dreu sof symmethoun'; 4 (ludibless she girls, 1 1 ‘ God bless their curls—a ‘ God blessflLur humlm flowers! Somebfiod): th‘inkinglhg wives nllworlhy hlésuing as lhclgifln, adds to ,the 14:13“ : Mil EOM EMI ad for K‘ 00 'blclxs the wives, I Wit?) fill our lives 1 ' ‘ With iilrlclbccs and honey: 3 “ 'i‘hc‘i' was: ”it": shacks”? , 1 They ‘mcnd nur socks—a} 1 But don’t fihny spe‘ull‘our mungy? Wh nwe are sick. 1' ‘ The heal us,quivk— i . Tlml is. if hey should love 315:; ‘ - ,Ji'upt, we mic, , 1 . ; :And yet uni-yxry. ‘ i ' ; Amf'phce‘tmubgalokgs nboveiun, \ k x ( ~ ‘ 'J riESI MEI SIM CM I'IHA. ' (m- ' LATE (IRD'S lI’EKTY, Ill! the Urn“: : 4 1 Health.’ - 1 ffl ' l‘llmltl', up. an x-xvhnnge, llike Vining rim-nus inure t‘ «y to n‘mirp than _to inchi'mie. In it not. imiglt-ul. ilm virtue oftlim Bodyfln'nl n‘n‘ly ll) be anaim-rl bfn-mnpliiince’with‘an s’ysmm'nl'rigi‘il rulo<. and :3 life o'fscrnpulnu»: ctxnctit'hdo‘! SSO. Its préservalinninvohjes [in such «norifice. and can not he} purchmdd. intluul, at :my- hllt'll pi: [-0. Jilonlgli iii ho mon- u thinglnl‘ Nile-4 nm' systc‘ms thud lift is, urj‘F', nn‘thnt highc‘stithingfwhivh exists on our 'h. the gnollnvs‘a l'a trim ('hrininn‘ mun, {lowing warm fronl i: hehrt, efi'ortloes er‘ul nnmnscioua. N 0 an isi’tri-ul)" lisp” who i 4 thinking of hi: h. piness;sn no man is tlnly Jmillhy who i< glinki‘hig mix-unthis health. lluppinms': gomanss,‘ _liedlth;‘ nll a‘re nf o'hc kin ; nll cqm st in ihe,"\illinht-‘ pouring und inlluwing df nur life \xiifih‘tl‘iat l “'llit'll‘l‘ around In. <Dne wot-(fl miglithil‘o define them all, and (lint. wot-(l L+—+ymp&;hv. A mini ix‘ happy when hh hea’rt bohmls to nnntllior'sjny, or thrills with pi y for l-m'l‘owsl \\'lll(‘ll his hand relioum. or his a 'oction lk‘lllfl. lla is good whom his {.'mul li s 0 Wu to his Muk Pr, and his llv~ir9§ find their li'Hl-f filnn-nt in the Eternal Will. file i> houlthy‘ whvn hi“ horly is in lmrmiiny with the CELL-ole” netivitivi of, natml-f ; nl‘ en Iris blond i~x warm with the 39ft» ism oiiaii'.‘ ll.‘ mu~clo¥ vigorous witluhom-ty ioil. his hm‘iu fertile in \vix'c‘nml ourn€st thought-z, bit hoax-t glbwing with genpronjs purposes. Wlwn :1 man lives. mus; (suit. of himself, then does he innit tguly live, Ilenlth Ls: thiiig l'ik‘eedomzitexi-‘tsin‘ Enselt‘ss mla tatimilto all the infinite variJY of imtun ever the Same. yet, ei'pr névi. Tlii< is, h a grout part. the secret ofits pionsapitn‘esix.‘ llmlth knows no mnnoton ‘. ' he‘l-v‘or varying influvnces dfithe b 0 indless worl Pntor intn it, and mould it into their :sn'hy The invisible' fOI'CCxK ii'hich: regulate th ‘gmnd ryfhrn of "universal order. swec thrnugh inland dmw'l'nrth each its own 1130] mly. The living hmly «honld thrill witl every thrill of the Wide earth, as tho hspe . ‘lenf'trembles in the‘ ti-emulous nir. Its per lectness lies in its continual change. l . _ ~— -v —. .‘¢-——~--—— l i, wr M a null laun- MEN 1'; M folio“; mnyer c Innfit EZEI lend of or [mrt waring ME prniw S myth inning an 11“- uf't'w ; [ht-n -/~ 1 . ougflgom IL, (Vlarzymen of nun-tr)". [mnl'cr h- ifi ‘_‘l) laap- CETI ww- the I “hill-d hon the hlnef. of nm'nL-nt. n , lfifnl r asked i on‘ at} loud -to i (If ”It! Imm: ‘ atnted,) ‘3 . 1m; of fix: .I’ ( ‘nmoosi \‘c. _(m with int-ting {inglun l "have ‘. The, Human‘ Figure. The proportions of the hum'a'n figure nr. strictly umthcmmical. The whole fignrei six times the length pf the foolt.‘ “'hethe the lurm is%lumlvr or plump. thié ml holds good. Any deviation from it is n d parture from the highest beauty of propo tion. The Greeks inmle all their stat‘u never-(Ling to this rule. The face. froha th highest, point on fly; forehead, whereith hair begins, to the c in. is aha-tenth ofth whole statue. The hand, frqm the nfist t; the middle finger, is the same: The "he: is one-fourth; nml'frgm théhipple tofih head is thelsamc. From tame tap f‘th chest the“ highest {mint ol the {Drawer is a sore-nth. If theJength of the fee frnm the More of the hair ft) the chin, b: divided intu’ three equal parts, the first) I vision terminates at the plece’ where ‘th eyebrows mpet, and the sccbéd/at the‘plac ! of the nmtfils. (The naval lie the central part'of thfi human body ; and if a. ma should lie n his‘ brick with his anhs e_l tended, thel periphery of‘the ciréle Mhic. might.’ be described around him,’ with t.': have] for it; center, Would «ouch the - tremities of hisxhands and feet. The xeigl from the top of the. head is the Fame‘as th. distance frqm the extremity of the finge when the arms areextend ; : I r . ‘ ._----—.L_—‘_ 2 he pur er! M'- pcrfnxms Ila hey ICBM l.‘ . snld. ispnrcd ‘I all nre’ nl have with. lmenda- Minna, ! it with EEO tlecom- ‘ WA lnwlycr, on ‘circuit. firopped‘ n. to - - ‘ pound notelunder the table” while plnfi m “cards at thetyinn. He elid n‘pt discover‘h 5 loss until he was going to bed, but then r‘ ‘tumed immediately, On reachin g the I'oo ‘. 10. 186]. :he was met by the vhdteriwho said, “I ;g be“ the lknow what yen want, ‘sir; :you have lot '3 8: Wake. ‘ something.” “ Yes, I have lest a. ten-pou .g’myqr, I ,{otefl “Well, sir” I have found‘ it, a. a favorable 5 . ere It is.” “Thgnks, my good lad'; bee and $159. IS a sovereign ‘for you.” “ No, sir, Imt »t lumen for no reward for being honesti but,” looki x pbutnl at lnm wit? u knowing grin,“Wasn't .t ,rt'sujd“ luckytbat n‘ ‘ne qfthexgentlemen found it ' ” n "3115,: ——-—-——.«...-———y-fl-————- FIAGFEX’. * WThe’g‘o‘no th’onsnnd ambfirst dichv ’ ers smut: of perpetual motiqm hm just been mad, he EP‘MN this time by Robert Hitchéock, of Wat - 3.1:}: :29- (owxll, (gonnficticut, 'who has invented 3a . :vcloc tat :ever re uires 'in’d'in Lu ‘ or.th°.d“; hand, and will mil mmlig uxfingclfii .‘"“; m d worn out. if left alone. Arte;- being ut up “FF '22:)“ ig 'reqnireu no further attent’ion. {ls allao 551;?” nets as n. ventilator. The inventi'on is de '! I signed especially for town clocks and lnr‘ e ofiice clocks, t‘o any of which it can be mg)- pl‘ed. PM: Hitchcocliha; received a’patefit. ”It, is h’remarknble‘cimumstance that nine-tenths of the slander: uttered are aim ed at individugxls the least deserving of them, and who ‘hhve given the legst cause. If we were to trace the venmn to its origi nal source, we should generally find that ,the humannepme from Whom it sprung was so utterly worthlegs, and so fal’benenbh user. wto occasion.“ sensible 13m: more a! waiting“ than napping feebng. ‘ g .'F ‘ ‘ \ ”W Ollie was. GIRL! AND wn'l'zs. . ()f roguiuj: girllx ‘ ' With: sunny 'uxls} ‘ We may ip‘ fancy <€Pum:\ '. . Bugnivcs—J ruc wives-31 Throughout (ml-lives“ Arc ever”hingthgy seem. 4, gfllgrgllaflfingl ,~*lA“[‘©§M®§ mm: Afifififi? JwRNAL i Peculiar Sheep. 3 Inlthe Punjaub,‘lndia, thori is a breed o’hh’eej‘; so small that a full- ' own one is ndt larger that one of our 1h: [)3 of about. fogr Izweeks om. These créntu have small boneuna full, flashy carcass, an the mutmn is excellent. Each ewe has 1 lambs per annum, and yieldu about thr pounds of fine wool. 'l‘ his bheép would excellent for our countrymnd some sp ited stock rnin-r should import a flock of them. The lfnbitp of the sheap'are tux dom ticazed as a dag; it feeds on' every kind uf vegetable. Fain, and fruit,- and takes rumba mull mil-paring: from the hands 0 its master“. The country whiéh think vshpep‘nhubits bnsf a climate "wry s‘imila; {fill‘te-pcrnture to that. ol'dle‘lL'nitod States. ‘ ' . ‘ “.41“ \— ’I. C'vfing Rancid mum—A corr :pondent of the kin-ii [lifgisicnl given the [7)“ win" rec-i o Tar Hiring ncidibutter:—lFur 100 fim. 1-. cid butter, tnkci lbs. fine “(hi 6 powderpd sugar, 2 ounces sgltpetre fine} ' 'puh;eri7.ed. “miss much fine dairy s-dt asyqu wish to mid to the butter to make it - your t to. The hatter has to be thorough y washed in cold water before working in .he abow in ‘gredienfs. iTho umounf- ‘lJSt'd rhouid 'c in :proportion to tli‘e slxgongupm i: the b fter. '> I ~~i| «.IV" "' _.. x 3 WA burglar in Brooklyn, vlm ntt impi (~d_ 19‘ i'q‘rm his way into mliru e flu-o gh a hack window, the lmwr sqshof wk” 1 he mm raiéed. slipped from his oothoi ‘and the muli coming down cimgh him y jthe neck, mid he had to mm: for 6111 tr! uvoid ‘Rtrmigulntion. The alarmed hmiiy culled xi policeman, who marched th ms to fihe station-bqube. \: « ‘ ‘ ' , , a... l i l'''' @Wie lafPH En‘glieh pm the fnlfow‘ing Hume has be into the policiés Ivy. film-c 1 -priv:ite lindorwxjitersmn‘d the Lloyd's : “ Warmntod free f-‘ qr dunmpc,nrisin from féi \ or any mlmr hostfie not 01' H: 61- pfimie. ofzmy revolting or i of am 'l’ninn. gut-rally k Unitcd‘Stak-s." . j na- Europo:ln§ncw- The Lydon Pensf 51" 'npémti ns‘ in which G are anut to cnmmm inns and Hungarian: font uniie‘rsuuydiug mqvmunnt. It is 511* S’sjv’e irsm‘recfion will in“, in which flm in y Liuri’buldbnd the "1158,5411“, tho Fn-m-h m [lzpn'le \chu flaxon. inslmlq .n; ‘all Other Hummus do. II ‘5 vzltirrly (lifllu'rnt frpm snml-(‘mn‘t dross worn by E ivau roprézvntntivw of the ‘ mull flowing. anil richly firi As [hit Danes me n nor‘tl prnprmty of the att'rro. 53‘ up mlu'ptml by the youlllf purmit; 'Hi~z innovation-7k I much applauded in Lon ‘ o_l *7 v ' 7 ~— - «Co»- , mJnlfin Dréfw is per. r c 1111 Theatre.l].olld(nn,/nn b gemLiudgosf—includifxg h ~t lrirh comeilinn sin e 'I T Ii- i~ a mn'ntle which 711:1 t wozmjn ggneml mid]! mo 5 QCQDS. ‘ , I \ ~, "““’L“".. [ETTIm National!" nte ti 9 story that two cap wet-I 'r m-ived at the Post ffic “IPM“ addressed to th Pr 0 ‘twq I|ij two snake \ver oiky fiast (IffiL‘PfllHl we ekill l ; e~capnd from some w rp. of nbm'mlms harms} t nded_for tbe‘Smifimsoni ._ ~ .y ‘ . WT)“; Philadel his A ‘ I s n it did not huv the A; , p nde from its 0 'OO was. IL prietorfl affile Nnr h Ame ' j thnoppositehuildi gmefns . , 0 a mpo to be mzfnchod t‘} i . 1e attack of (h mob pr L‘ ue of thy Argx 1 x j s ‘ *W ‘ . JQ‘Most of re occul {Hull Market 11. re decor .' '\\4ith_.flngs and; unting. ; «tor-es and mo 5- on S Court; IXanoverL‘f‘gomont . eyixice a. libqral display of; ‘ blue." ‘ ' 3 ; W‘Vashinghon_letters nptivity 'is going on in th (kpm'tmonts, all other b wide for the detail work . the army andfnnvy. i 3‘ mTho patriot, Avon-necked to stand by the admtitutbd nmlioritie.‘ m: the only coumd that self-Inefservation ca .1 justify. still may flit-ml for pqacr, and by verything honor able hat gm bpemte 0 human conduct, may a ple'nd ,for it. tTEEI greatest captain qf m' emsdays, ' ‘ "M'rors df war Pelion on lag,- éd afar the class: tear that “m; Worm ox; nos-m nrr'cn'lln “Ike Viould dq' IL9 x‘nm try, what, but dishom 21d~ ed fobfllf mké of \try as our: ?+-11w!9n I’r ' $5; Louis Sunday morning . Mo dolgs ands t 1 The‘tiger was kill 3A diverg‘ofl I)! covered a ‘thi ivory from ashipl city ov’er, one hum [B3A rifle cannon, Ifiving a range of five miles. has been rece ed in Charlesmh, .S. 0,, from Liverpool, 3. ' resent from a Cair olininn. ~ , ‘ - . ~ 1 fl“ fi’l‘t is a pretty spyig of an ancient au thér, that men, like . begin sad and with blank leaves, nun infancy and can ilityf ' .. ' 1‘ > ‘ fink sfiecial Wuhi 11 deg ml: 3: General 8:29“ is entirel ’mtisfiedpzviph BE *0; Anderson’ a conduct“; ‘ _.————————oooo~¥—-—-‘~—~ , , , Jfi‘Acch-‘ding to thefreports in Turin, 1 the coast, 6f the bombuament of Goats. to [Sardiniw alone amounts?“ £1,009,000 steer ]ing! ' ‘ ‘ i _ /. .. Sa'zure of (A; Star 9; nie- Wm.-—N:w 0.- Lnxs, April 20,—The S rof the West was ca tux-ed by the Mango a, at the orde: of Coll), Vm Dora, of the nfedeqte army.— Cilualilfpundedag are as in; ‘glinl, Ihoi And ‘I . ' ‘ ‘ . . , . , r K a \ K r 1 O f I r 5/ N._l ‘ 1 E LIE'I'TjSBURq, PA.-, LEONDAY,’API=I§IL 29, 1861- 5’95 3 t 9 that E in reduced l-npm ien hnd |3fuct gmsted at ; ml fluflaim ‘ re. {letctxtion : fin 'efrnmr-nt _(K‘L‘ ingh‘fmm éwfi u ,the ’nflikfi. ; lilitayry > ke piuv't , IL- ltnl- I MIMI nMnod cx‘ten— m Hun be aided -lr __ l a (or, in pluy’ing% ,; of dark huir. ( ' codumefitno. I he ~traditimmli lislmml Amer-l rt. ‘H is 10059 med with furs. rn people. (110‘ y of the gPtting’ i I‘m-Man, is xq»: Ignvc boen vexy‘ ing. at Hm Ly ‘ i: [-romln‘cerl um Lover—«he 'rone Powha— ' have essnyed _e audacity than igencor refutes': ‘ ad snakes were ' Department in= ‘ident. A Week[ detected in the} d, lmvingdoubt-ii puékago. ‘Tlley,’ hr and were in- Institute. j gus saysvthe rea lerican flag sun ‘ because‘ the prOo I am. who occupy toallmvnne end I their premisoe. _: vented one day's nnf’s of Faneuil ted their stalls d occupsints of te, Washingtnnd ;-: nfi other streets: “red, white and; K av. the greatest; 5 “’ar and Navy "siness being laid '-t the increase ofi «eeii funnl. ' 2 1‘11”]! ll man" Asn Wmg Pan-Au.” ._ _ - ‘ REASONS, Entrml upon Ike Journal of the 83'}:an 3f Pum : cr/Iv‘ar‘lia. by Ihr, Ihrmm-ruim Member: If tlaal J 'Bml'ygfor mh'ng ”yam?! Mt art ”11636110” fr:- ; dug, April 12, W5l; rulitz'rvl “in Arjffllfi the j ‘. BCHI’T Organisuléou (37' (A: man; (JAM Cam “ * monwcall/l." f x l The undersigned, momMra of tlichnntc, ,ldesir'e to pince upon the J uurntnl their iron.- sons for voting against, the birl p :c in this body on Friday, April l‘Zth A. If). ,1 _ >l, entitled “ An Act for the better }>rga'hizn ion of the Militia of the Unmruonw mm." ~ r The act provides for the upleintmen .‘by' the Governor of Pennsylvania. in mm ary GOmmiasiou clothed with full £llll ext 101'“ dinary pqwors to re organize t 1e ultilitm. of tfho Commonwealth. The naugte a d c‘lmr dctor of the organization propo. 0d ifs'uol set, forth in the act. and is, thcrcf 'i-e. ientircly unknown to the members ofthlSL-nntc and Houseof Representatives. The ‘blisilllljtinvl éxprees'ly declaresflmt “the fr -mdn Mimi» 'Commonwenlth shall be nrine‘ , organized, ,and disciplined for its delencl in such mm‘mcrax may (m direch-d l furthnr. that “ the Military sh: m and at all limos. be'in mil tinn to the civil power.” - l'nd siom of the act aformnid,‘unliui ity is vested in a military cnmm members info. to :lctiimlnpenll ngiilatufie: and thuq the law i-r. ’whivh‘alone shouidmontr Elm rirganizntihn desired in (h n nl ‘ ' vt-ncies is do'nrived lege of heling upon the-link- a! which is of the most vital imp pitizens ot‘Ponnsylvnniu. th't :ér" must blindly yield to mi ‘ hey. it will be an easy trunll "from known and oxi-ting lnwk despotism, >ustniu<~d nndj {ll-h 'ding army. Sim-e the 0 «min ;entv session no nth-mi 1111 boot majority ‘inithis lnuly 0 re+ militin in a proper and c nstit men and the toprewntn iu‘m. .'“ (have not ‘bcg-n permitml to «In §any menaui-e to rc-niod ' thq rmilitnry sy<tenx which: tl ism-t 1 to cure. Before the nnd 'Taigli their sanction to any 55. ten: (i tion they must know ts ‘l. {clearly their con titutiox al ri dl ishould not be called up, 1 to? martnnt guljt‘ct entirol; and ‘in the hands m: an unk own ’5 [lni~:~ion, ‘ 1 The heavy hurlht-ns I restit .1 people demand that nll’ox we :the public trmwn'y shuuhi l Péllllllfln, n'nd. when nnulo. sh 1 (led with propm' and in- «war ‘ While tho pocnlinr sy; cm i tion ii rltbely voilml tr m tln ‘l the lnun'nvr nf' di~pnsin of sum npproprinted in the n equally {vague and undefint in (iii-ot, main“ theb‘ni‘vrno monwvnlth tho uli>lmr>eq ofl rlollms, ifso much may b‘e nee tnins n'o provisionifm‘ a n-ppo poworon thr- pm't of th nvco lul’ the (im'crninont ‘in tho settlomén‘t of tho aocmmt'. proprintod may be mod “'9l 11-: readily he expfindod iln will depend in ii grout men. nhnmctvr of the milittiry c pointed- byitho Governor“? which have not yet been pr “Renate fox-gm approval, and cé It is our nnqnestioned dut to put. this State in a. co nliti Vasion, to suppress inst 'recu‘ fend our borders in tim 4 of\\t purposes. by ihe «2min sécti enth article of the“ Con limb? thoi-izc-d to contract, (1 Mi. dence heed furnished 0 us i thesc‘xcausos existed. w wmz’ll fully linve joined in‘ 5111 porti inn, .....VJOmu. _r ‘ lg to and constitutional mmgurcldeiga ul‘éd’rby the exigenvim of the times. ‘gnlnl it. is our manifest duty as a Stale illi gly'to' res Pond to any _roquifiition ma e utonins by the Presiding of the l'nite Stu. es #0 support the General Govvrnm .nt. tlo protect, the phblic property‘und to enl'oice the Dawes-‘- ‘At. the time tlm bill w i unfioriconsidom— tion norsuch requisiti 1x lmd flaen mmle,“ either directly or indi ctly t the know ledge of the undnrsig ed. Bu ,in order clearly to evince our esire nnci intention ,to respond to any such cqui. 'tioh. we su-lfed the privilege of voting: ‘or th, ln‘pt clause of the third section of the act a ore'euid. This privilege was not printed. until we were, therefore, compéllod,. by n tript. sense of duty. andforthe minions here nbeforeslute'd, to cast our votes against the Min: b‘ill. ‘ That "the citizens'vof this Site will nhver fail to respond to such a reQuimion, is at tested by the eagerness witlji which her pa?- triotic sons rushed: to the uvmr't' of our National flag in the WM with Mexico.— l‘hat they will 110 so again ll) obedience (to a call of the Chit-f Executive of {the Nation. on one will doubt ; and in all his constitu tionnl cfloxts to uphold the Gov‘ernment, to protect its property, to mn‘ntiin its 'lnws, and to guard the National 53“?!“ incult .‘“‘d dishonor, he will re me lhe cordinn; enthusiastic and deter lied support. of :ue‘ united people 69‘,th omnigny‘voalth. ' ‘‘t ’ iLIAM . WELSH, . ‘ 4 E. D. CRAWFORD; ' IHESTER CLYMER. JER. SCBI. DEL, . -' KENNEDY LEBLOODP HENRY S. IQ'l'l‘. _ .5 A 123“. 16th, 1861. i ‘ 1 \ ,__ «....hjd. ‘ - fiDropping for a, time Ith account'of my arrest. as a “Federal spy ’1 iet me assure your readers that Sumter fins-net “envelo ped in flames" a; any time, Hunt the men were not sent ‘out on a. raft 10 colleqt. water to extinguish the fire, simply hecause there was plenty of th article inerde: that fthe fort was not. breach at. alland that it iwas not a, blackened mass ofruins when the hur tain drop Fed on thelnst note? the tragedy. No boat, eff. Morris Island‘ with a United °Staten! flag for Major Anderson when his owfi was shot away,simply because the Mor ris Island boys had no such flag to offer.— It is a retty telegraphic fiction, but very false. Kinjor Anderson surrendered simply beehuse he found that the forty could not: continue the siege for any length of time. He found that the United States Vessels were not coming in and he wished’to pre vent a useless shedding of blood. The pa ger warriors may accuse him of cowardice, at a purer, truer, more honest man does not walk the world—Charksmn Cor. N. Y. 77am. I I , W: that fiCelibncy clubs‘are rifeiin New Kort now, says the Heine‘ Journal}. Cq‘mpanies to Insure against Matrimoyyme talk” of. U z x 7 , i cwuuiasoinzon 'kl‘ ' ‘No’n Yuk. Apphunq I)" very 33:11:03. . I= THE CIVIL WAR Elm BALTIMORE. EVENTS ibr S‘A'nmmy AND stjm. , DAY—QITHE mm'mnY STILL: ux- ml: AgiMSI—ENROLL _ [EXT )F VULUX- . ‘ . .‘TEERS. ARRIVA RE'S NSY THEIR F -—-T1 F 0 RT ‘ \Ve‘take Clipp'er of : I The cit_ am excitet 1 moving m t tllizers of ,v with Conf Squads of : iwith mart of but Hm 1 war, and t- a a \vlitagen,'nnd _/ (A; fkmd, 111, in 31' mo in when-(finn ‘reflne provi ‘it . quhoF' ssion, “#lO4B m] o. the n ing how -1 :1 ddiroct pr: 9135:1114] of he farivi< of n sy‘btem‘ ~t3| ce td aha o,“ ivfl powi ta suplL-emi {tin to; pass to :# military" M »y n stun: - nfjthe‘prcs “mile by the‘ +015; min? the gli ‘nal 21mm ‘l’ t 1 “people's - ihr- 'ntvfupmfx 1 er 1.» ix!' oui‘ nm rm mes lea 151.1332: 1r ' rgani ‘ innit-this is 1 4h!-—+:m ‘ Hwy ' Fade amimt I 1?" iserl't-(lly I fm' Varyjcouf 1 , . ‘ if 1 1‘) the i . Hug 115i}: [mm c nimle with Huh betguarn ' ' re tridtionen} k' 111 orgLuzizn-‘f‘ m puh‘iq oye,‘ he s3lo!}an t 9. His id is ,l. ILL no}, v'of} the ('03:!- If mmfllximflof rl‘edfand con. - (li.s£~retinmu-y aming officers ,llonfunc and The sufn up- I ——§tj’.muy just rnmly~this .urerupdn the mmissiom ap ihe {nnmos‘of ' son ed la the bnfil ntion. ' as qufixlalora n m. repfiel in lon, _‘nnd to de tr. :Forjt e-‘ie i nof the lew fun. iwe ar , Au lln’d t e evi— ltlm either {3l' {ld 05$ cheer :g nylpr'opér ‘vl a' ' ‘ SE ‘1 At 30' company “by n‘ num 3 null on u 1‘ Railway 1‘ Tstrayed t 5 bridge wn " {ms sent .: the Relay was nsxikt "llnpnrcrsl -; works. 4 3495(1'03'0 1 'ng dawn 'iiuck Riv at Cantu strayed. pour Coo fire. W , was goin 1 ty of the ‘ , tlmsimm gble tcrtl‘ I r ‘ 1‘“ Ci dvl'mlcu ' willing t rpqumtp the- Mar. g Haml calling’q tho_(lol‘w ,‘City IIuI time an str'eet, m thous‘nm ’cles. "_ formnd‘ 3 clworin' ; ,walks. . { .Bnth blmlint jand we hour 11 open. t Goo” ,Bf-r, and ' dent 0H fdospatc} , .rown grune, i g Tn M soon th ‘ bear fro .nnd G lshould ‘ a. militu ition, th 'more. [ Mr; qommit [sidemti :mmmit . the two fhour. {Mn 'Ni: (ordinan ' defem-a paused Eadjéu Ichn¥u,mnwd that a joint special ee. be nppointml to («4:0, into con rn the present state of’nfi‘nirs. Tho on was ‘uppointéd, mi“ on motion LBm'nches took mreceis for ha‘lf an pan the neuuscmblingdf the Bknnch, rholas sqhmitted a:- ,rt witlyan re to npprdpriate Sffjm for the .hf the} city. The" linnnoe Was Hg a hearty vote, The Brabch then x d. , ‘ mr Hicks nhd ‘Mayor Brown'des the foflowingleuer to Wuhingmn, fly evq‘ningl in charge (if Messrs. ‘ Bump; Esq" Judge I “uh Ir.‘ Bond, ,W. Dnbbin, Esq” which was 3150 Mlvxmce bytslegmphz‘ ‘ . _ " Mn'tm’s 01116:, April 19, 1861. yum [grfczzcw Abraham Lincoln, rresi. Gnve pafichm on. Fri John C and G. sent in‘ dent '. S l . ‘ ‘ ‘’ . Sir : - This will be presented in you by the glen. l ~ Lonox Bond, Geo. W. Dobbin and . no.~C ane. 115119., who will proéeed to Wax-hi gton lvy an express train. at my re quest, ' i'order to explain .fully the fearful conditin of Lfl'nim ‘in this city. .The people are exasperatedl to the highest de gree b the [humane of ‘trooujn, pnd the citi zens at": uniremally decid in the opinion that n more should beordared to come. ‘ The i thoritiafi of the city did their best 00-day to protest both strangers and citi» zens. dto prevent acollision, but in vain; and h t for their‘gn‘at chin-ts, a fearful slaugh r would burn occurregl. ' Und rthese circumstahces, it is my‘solemn duly t inform yon that. it. in not possible for mo 9‘ soldiers to puss through Baltimore unless hey fight their way atevery step. . I tbllarefnre hope and trqst, and most eamesflly request, that no more troops he permitied or ordered by the government, to p through the city. If they should attem t it. the’responsibility for the blood shed \ 'll not met. upon me. With great respec , your oh’i. ser't-. l . ~ . ’ GEO. Wu. Buwa, Mayor. To HiséExcollency. Presideht Lincoln. 4‘] lmye been in Baltimore since Tuesday evening, and cooperated witthypr Brown in his pngiring efforts to allay and prevent. the eigcitelment Ind suppress the fearful outbregxk}: indicated above. and 1 fully concu? inl all that is said by him‘in the above communication. Very respectfully your Met“ servant, . ' . , fl Tuons Hicr‘s, , . g u 7 Gammon):v Md. column": sum run DIS?“ ID. Ear in the morning the flag~of the South *rn Confederacy was thrown: to the breez from the headquarters of he Na tionalfiVolunbeers, on Fayette streak. The eventhm witnessed by thousands of per sons vfho hailed jibe eVent by terrific yells, ‘ ‘nn'u. svsrrsnzp. 3‘30 cu have been posted on the doors of flip N rthem Central and Philadelphia (15. pota, finnoun'cing am no more talu- will : *3 [' OF STATE vowsmmgsu VAxIA TROOPS 31‘ com I ,EYSVHLH. ' ,n'miEßMAch DISPUTED was unrmumxmx. L IcfiEXRY REIS'FORCEDJ be following from the Baltiréore londzly._ . y anSaturéay mom-hing pmaefited appearance, the military fiierq idl'y to um] fro, excited kynipn- ImrSnutll werp seen everywhere crate ,bwlges on their breasts. mm were parading the atrpeta 1 musivfimd nothing Was talked ‘Bhltinmre was to be the henLof a: übattle would begin in u_‘ l'uw ‘' A l "Humans ncwnarrl), ‘ ,1“ ‘ look on Suturulnv gxlomill‘g.!jonn :l ‘ho City Guunla,vaccomptfinicd )or of pnlix-e office“. prncobded 0 lim- of Mn? Nnxtlnern Contr‘nl ' a. Ili~.hn_xco of five milcn. n‘nsl (10; l Melville Bridge. Whilel the being‘defitroyed, a. detachment 0 Mar dmvn ~tl'ul iron ln'idga at lame. This work of doktnmtidn («I in .by ovui‘ one hundred Irish l ll? ni-c ongugod mi the new Water flulo thew bridges vare being : detachments were at work‘teur: Ill“:- hridgoe across G unllmwdelll mid re. Tlneln-idgo mar-rll arrii'cjreok was sot on fire null cum-Ply (ly lOn Saturday night two bridges l r-{vevilln were 815‘!) deuroydd by ile lhe above work of dostrdt-tiou on per-‘ons‘ welding in the vicini uridgos manihstod (he wildest en mul expressed flnemselvés favor -0 South. ;[ - L oCLMUI'IuS m‘ minor: v F ‘ )lA\'(>:R'S Orurfu “I , , ‘ Bufnmmn. :ser :1". INT-[j 7on<_ hm'anm-nb suitphle Tm: thc nt' 1110 i‘H'yL and which they m‘c ‘ cnnh‘ibutt‘ for that plxrpoero rn rh-pneit [bum at the office of ml of Phlico. ‘ 1 Gn». Wther. Mayor. lilh were pmled in many filncos, mn U)!“o\lt“~‘il'\?3’li of onlNim in (x 0 of their rity, lo apply at tho 01d , nu Ilhlliduy great. In arshm't. exoimd multitx'ule thrungrfil'the ml India“;- three th-lm-k'innu'lyEthroe ‘ lvnh Maori hm! si‘m 0d 111$ arti~ I; eml onmpnniprwora immediately i: ail pamelnwl the stroo <. mniic'l the 0'!" the thousands upon 111$ side- E ETIVG or 'nn: ryirv rnxtxrlL. g . E-mm-hr‘s of theQEly Council qs=om~ inirroap’nclivorhhmborsswb'plock, wt, into seeret session. ‘Aflér an n s spent; _the doors “ere thrown I? . Gm. E-xqu nppmred in the idham 'lfimdml t 9 Mr. B‘lnck‘tnne. ‘EPrvsL laeßrunothefoilowingteloémphic lwhich had been received 11v Mayor pm Maura. Bond, Dobbin' hnd ,1 \V'nwhjngtdn: ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 3 \Viun‘mnmv. April 20. nr Brown, Baltimore: “'2 have l’residerit and .Gon. 800'“. “’O, 1: thé‘former a iuttor to the Mayor 'ornor, declaring! that nn troops ‘bmug‘ht thromh J3Jltimm‘v, if. in 3 point Ohio“ and without oppr'wi y mi: be marched ground Balti- “2(‘l‘los' or Imm musings-r TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR run until \he existjng troubles :hall have moderated. ' i i «mm—rm or ”its. . During the day llollidn' Street Square ' was in a fever. caused by he constant Ilr~ rival of boxes containing tins. The first lot received was 61 cent-s. containing' 1.220 breech-loading rifles. Theyi’wore purchased from Mr..Bcnnett. nuctio eor. The'tnext lot consisted of 43 cusosficontaining :86?) muskets. The. police next turned their nt~ , tention it, the Control Mnie High School, where 0‘ or two hundred inuskets: were I stored. Tliey‘ were rammed to the Main inhal's oflice. These Bl‘llHi biul been pre~ rented to the school ut’ew ‘ ears ago by the ' State. - _ ‘ . In the‘ufternoon.’Sergen t Metzcll,ofthe Central Station. vinited tlicrresidvnce offise H. Smith, on Wm Baltimore stroegnnd . took‘pmsesuio‘n of 14 carbipcs. 5 satires and _, nearlyowngon loud nt‘ iiccontrementn.‘l This lot former‘iy .belongod to the Mounted Ciiitbinccrs. . , i ARRIVAL or n: ”'s‘ ’ ~ About four o’clo‘ckln co ipimy of volun i teem. commended by Capt. Johnson, from 'Frode‘rick. wheeled into the Sqiiiirejcmid the cheering of the multitude» The coin pany brought with tlienii seven pieces of artillery. Which hurl bt‘fllli taken t‘rrim St. l Timothy‘s Hall. at I‘ntonutille. Theuloiit'fi t visited this institutionpiflt‘ridny {llgllti‘flnll . ‘ An P Vt 'l 01 took ios=esxinn of several midi-ct mus 'ets. ll ‘. -" «I one, - I" - - The ilno~t noticeable featuiie connectedwitli l 1' "II"? “93““? Maryland arrived £0"! this I the arrival of the sham {conipiiny is that morning, 11""“8 9" board C‘d- Butler ““1 the cannons_were driven lly ne'gl'tlei,év|i'ilfl‘lo £3,131” f2:“Sifflmla'fflpifimua "00’!” m . owners are in the company. the niegroes ‘l , i 9, , ‘ at . i: r‘cilimer “now. state that ”Will not ‘lcnvo their otrners, Im}; 0 “ngéi‘lf’ 0' the U- . - blHßCoflSMtu bill: that they Will stick to them let come $32; 143333;: tf‘fik‘ya and “11“ ”I.“ In: at nm . . I ' .'i , I 1‘ "3 yart “.0 I, The neyxt company. that presented itself flaked, ““1 additional “'“Echnft‘n Rwdinis ‘WM the Mounted lleiniilion Guards, fmm the entruncen.‘ “it? Etinstitution trill cono. Ihiltiinore dounty. This company lqlcom-'}Ne¥ the “001’! to \ M‘hington. ‘ ‘3 , I gilded bi; ogp!- Chntlos hide-Irv M nnm- , {More 3}: {iiiiviiiiziifiilr‘i‘ic citizeiis rs seven y- vc men; ~' - ' : . ‘. . . About lialfqmfi fivo o'clock the Howard ‘ioif‘ieswnedwtfl’ I‘?k:3'°s}tel‘d“¥ _ momin I ’Drifgoonsztosplendiillooking bodyotl'iiien.) 1:0 ‘ [Yuma 9'2"“? htmt "'5 it‘d“ I nizide their nppmmnoc injlolliday Square. H 28.29:? 01“ d “Mgr: ! optima. rim“ '1 hey are from Carroll Manor. and are coni- j“. d" ‘l"3 y] one. 9 “In?!“ t“m ‘ mantled by Capt. (iiirthor. ii whole-soul fcl- 3P“: 1“3 l 3 nee “"1 placed ”m "' “.‘"w‘ r ' low and itbrm‘c otlicer; The advent of the ,dei‘enco. .A'l‘Zu'c' ”PO“ “MP“ “mil t 0 (‘nrroll boys into tlicsqungi-e mu hailed with film“ Miami” m the county demanded: ‘Eletilflpplnfi of! hands and. hearty cheering ig'i’:e:’l‘;?:m%:‘élfilfi 8:13;: xiiicltill‘ii‘: y it: n u ace. ‘3 i . . ~. I The Isltdiiriier _l’ionecr reachcd thia 'city Ith:posssfilt)fl of'lthe F0d""“"”°°l’l- ' l yNtL-rday morning from btistun, MIL, Wllh Irénfii’v 5:121:32: glxtznme Priau‘enfiorion the [two companies at volunteers, under the'vm‘ ‘v'ld‘ 'th 't ' f’Pe‘El.‘ “"1 “’"lwnd m :ggmblgrop- 0: rat‘tmll‘ i...” ”in: mm on 0.. mm rg.o w nonrawm. . '.‘. ‘ . have‘ofi'ered their eeri’iui‘: ’for the il’et‘ciuzo lmiifgitieiii 'ih‘ii'iiil?fet‘ii: 3:33;:- l'ngfJ . of tho. City of" Baltimore, l'hey chartered l «is g.“ be' .‘ ‘ n ,0" 9d" the Pioneer in two hour: alter hearing of ’ grate internal. m R‘emfwud on Prim”- icontlict iii this city. _le’. Strniiilberg in“; axnexm. 'r' '-. t r. l _. 1 ~ i. 1115.. en arm on on n AIS t‘l'n .‘ mre. llnl ‘ v a .' ~. ‘ _ . j i - that ”10;; lire now a. unit tor the defense of ; gi-riihedétitizit:::?x%rigipmam?“ “'1“ “"3190” 110 SDI.“ l. . . i- A V .E‘ . _ ice 1' (Jill‘ 11103 18, . 'l‘lie 'l‘owaon (Bnltfinoie countifl IMount A" 2?‘!1‘;“"§”I till? “it?" FfltiH': Congress ”I” .ed (iuard. Capt. lifllt‘}'.dl'rll'ol in the City, ”l‘ ) '39? 1 e t ' 0 '.u 3',"“x.t"" 1“ it!” ' on Friday night and reported tlicineolves;,,m“f'“t":§ln l ““3 “0°19“ ”1 “whingtonu-ill Int head-quarters. 'lnfnmiuti‘nn .IW‘ been: be oirde.“ 1".“1‘6' 1 hi .i. : received by the police I‘quml“ionltl‘3, thin I ”T “3 “(i3 3" 34“";‘3'1PW‘311MN‘ f . sitcom during the (luyuut least fitter-n coiiipnniim‘ fin?) reef 1:} .y‘ {given ,3 by A, r. lluvrd JIM!" tronli the‘connties will report theinaelvcs; terrirh'l: my“: hi‘ dealt‘iiriiii? £25330? 43;“ ‘ out ' bunt-tion. -§ , i t * . . ”-5) - i 1“ Ir 3 i “in,“ M omrnoors. .y. ‘i'gn'ti mll throw three hundred halls in‘nne i Tll .Merylnnd (little-tsfiliieiit. Command-i initiate. ‘The miShilt-s,of dentli‘nro coniiid lug. fi'm. “'ilmii, n' liointeil a cotmnitleei gnihly In?!” than a munkotimll: anti 01““ on Saturday night,t}iw.|it upon tlie Mayor edhrownu mm?“ Of; two 1111101., Ti”. this morning to tow u'r'the «crrices of tlie‘ ; 3""? Is at the old Qty “311‘ ' ' . I can: if? the; city.‘ El‘l‘iapaileis WLlITLIurnlWr ; h {uiTxi‘aEZghi‘dotfeTqu lanai»: Aiiri h' l ‘ii on. i - -‘ r «- filmer 118,11] mei‘tltoi'gdrndity. an e iibi‘ms t _c: luau"? 1 thé regulcr volunteers. fldé rocruitnfil-ikngthté ; a rttces .\ldniirn ‘ . ; only. nudithe county sol l 8!“ will in '5 me I. TOn lnutlaliiui-adny fléitlgh‘l‘ldlty,tilGGOl‘lc‘lnn limihy 0‘ ”o:22!figfrfirsmf‘ggrmm' ' ‘ ‘ urneri 1 es. whosl rniqry is on \ 'cst‘ .. Tho ' v e! q ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Pratt, Stroeu'left. for qufhmgton ‘to ‘otl'ert Enriqugiegstzsie giieldisi-ljile‘glaitzf‘gg‘e? their set-Vices to the (.monnnentfijhw lie‘ I With h'envv ieceé of nrilni 0 _- t l . 9‘7“ ’ iniz made known on' mummy afternoon it ' men e udnltzit f a It? ll" “1" an 115‘ tii‘ge c‘rlmvld visited 1(lliie ll‘urner lltlilrfllld, 2 E "'1 y:1 23:2: Bl' g ' an"? my“ tie‘ . ‘3"‘§‘“'ith. iiiec‘es ”f! The vm-imxe ni'ilitur‘ lotiir-orq iii 1 ‘ sciintling. Lpon ginning admiss‘inn mtg" Polichominisuinncr‘s hurl t‘nl. lhmihwgl: ‘the houfeptln- crowd ‘ln‘iltlll thcflwork ofj'dn sessimi a" (luv yesterday rmtlvt‘ror’n tho‘ I (lestructioiz’hetverx thing ill?“ “:3“ broakiihlo itei‘mr of their ilelilieriitioiiii,‘ our city will i Eggfiflzl; W 331??? n «1": BFBlzgl‘vzl: in utew' (lave: present the iippcnrmicerof be ‘ several females in thfi l tilllseviitit no violence 3 :iiiriill fighting tnmfigigxmiian "5 1" 90m was offered them. uriii'g: the diff a lar e l ' - '~ ' ‘ l . Icahn mm nor Itit:Lithittfzizizzf minim “"1 Mitten. ““5 (ex-posctl‘ 10." ““13 in;the “m". i th" unanimous” protcut of the llaltimoie d'- ilnw of the iOOklnfibflim‘fi‘lllllllurtlcinl‘y at 12:th of the steam l' , ‘ : Wm. morew.-No.ii2 horn. Howard Street: I- mm” m, m: I "3”“:- .. ...: . . : 9. crowd collected aboutithe window “ml-IX The {“5O “,1.“ T... €713) tr-iI-I‘Th'llulldm" i3olll9oll9dolllulldt‘dlllutfillepiclllreflilnuld ithé bottle on Eli-icing; ’th wort; hiidtildl'i: . b° removedl.‘ ”$233 the eigefid Would re; iGr'ecnmount Cemetery yea-teriliiv mo" inir. "i 0“? 1l- ~ rir‘ hr?“ s‘“ “18““ “n“ th‘ Rev. Il.»Crout, or the M. E.t.-'lxitrchnofli p 3(ilng iimso ‘in t e doorway. threatened I cifting. flevcral of the mm! prominlch; of to 8 100:; a“? m“ mm\‘.tt‘halt attempted ‘0 's' i 0 ‘ 'citizenls attended the funnrnl. and "the movet epicture. . 9 one being desirous d P 9“ sym athy win ”WWW! for-the iof getting _shot. the picture was permitted M end of the union t _. . ‘- ‘toreméin undisturbed. l ‘ a , .. “.'” ° ”9'"; "‘3‘".— I, 0 S 1 rd . ft n} g l f . 1 eye. were enclosed in homititul .mctnho [4 'tecrl aut "3 a 83.43“)" 3h "2““, n: 9‘3; ct m and placed in the public vault iriuiu 0' young tnen “"‘eg‘t. e d ecker‘ (Ith that their relations in Maemotfiw'zvn I.?fixggogir-fififeér‘ézra” Yfégirfigifgzoge‘t‘i' iffitny should vi~it here to claim thorn“ in”: n {i - _' _ 1 - haul down a small'A'mericnn flag that Walt 219252;: #55:! uptglt‘li? $112: iflfltlll “3'"; flying from the Window‘onil'Plm-o in its conned, and were takenr pouch-ion :3, I: intend the Gonfederato ting. _ ‘he'fltlg “‘5" “i 9 coroner. who will as soon in ‘msibl: hauled downwind, in heliort tinio. {southern transmit them to Boston to the 033..“ l’ a“? "m “3"“! “MW“ “‘e "”49"” " , h'ée ;by this method it is an , oéed the do. Several hardware and other stores were cached may be reeo ind ‘IP . 3‘ ffkef“. :1?“ by Wt“ “-4 ”I“ We“ -" CURREN‘I‘nONIiEVCI-J ' ere r 0 ' . I ‘ . I ,Gm ‘ deuce 6 Tc! aI: littwc'eh John‘f . I _ ”"05"“ "‘l’" MHWSr _! ! cum 13.7. i’rmflt 155' in Baltimore Xi _Mnrshal Kane ”vet orders on Sliturda aOhio Railroad and ML or-B - ‘ night, that all the ,barlrooms ahoul‘il' bh , . . 'Bunmiz {031.21 136] , gardinfitg;dgzszflm°mmP complied ‘llon. Geo. Wm. lii-own Mpayor i)? Bulti. . . . ..‘evcl’y {Mew 5 re- ‘ _ - ,__: . .. gergdfgedfiwfirrm Mailman? m: imiésrptgimsisw I . _ 9 P 179““ .3" a _ V". ‘9 e'esville. Intense excite ' _ mung 99;.“ filaegday, .‘mdv “gm"? M Churches have been dinniiseilvanldithrlseo we “1:“; :3 o‘o’curredm ”I?“ disturbance pie are arminggin mass. To prevent terrif ‘ e ;'_ > ‘ iq bLowlshed. the result of your interview ’1 [IE Cl’l‘iY 'x ESTERDAY. v ‘hnd arrangements are awaited. ‘ .Yeeter'day Will] be, a. day that in after ,' ' g Jon! W. Galina"; Prex’t 7‘ ' times wxll Hupply inanyje theme for the EWAsnixaroit, April 21,1861, 1,55 PYM. fireuide. The day‘diiwnetl most beautiful, IJohn W. Garrett. President :-—Your' tel- ‘ and neture appeared on if smiling upon us egrem Wiwreoeived on our return from in With every assurance that our troubles were inter View with the President, Cabinet 3nd .'“ an end.. Early in- the morning; however, 1 Gen. Scott. Be calm and do nothing until it ‘WM rumored thut during the night a‘ is: hearfrommeaguin. lretumtosee'tbc; lateumer had landed'troops at‘the fort, and . sident at once, and will telegraph again, that the l‘welfth Resmzcntfrom MW York Wallis, Bruno and Dobbin tire with lfie. w had landed zit Annapolismnd that. the regi- I Gm. Wit Bnou'w Ma. or . merit mm on its way toqurliington. These i? 'XNG‘l'ON‘Anril 21 '3 l 5 P .\I I’B6]. I {rumors spread like wildfire. and in a sliovti I can W. Ghrrét, Prehitlnii,t::l~;e mi. i mine the centre of the .city was thronged‘ e ain wen the Preeident, Gen. Scott seen, i iwtth anxioue thousands eagartohcara‘the in of Wurhmd other momber, .of flu . truthor falsny of the statement. A: the binet, and (In: troop: are orderzd fb my": Imomigif advanced, the. streets became forthwith to Hamburg. ...‘A manager yogic-uh block “P- and It we! mm (limoulty tim' u from Gian. Sum. \ch mum immediacy. r ii Eeople could pass‘along Baltimore street, ‘ Gm. w]. 330,”, 1“).on , i “ween (my and (mlvert. ‘ . rm crn' LAs‘l' mom. I ”V «alumni. ; U n the recei 'of the tele ra hic 3 About ten o’clock ii men mounted. on a pntciiioes hut nighxi;t the city @squ ad: 5 horse came doehingthrouzh the streets and imirkably quiet upect, the corners a? [flitti- I I rode to the office of: the Marshal of Police,,i more and South Streets and Holliduy more i ‘ bringing intelligence that about five thousp. became in a short time nearl downed— J I and Northern troops were at Cockeysvillo ' Atintervalan "sesesh" would he heard ling. ] and were marching direct for this city.—--1| inga line or soot “I wish l was in Dixie'ifil :This new: gave the finishing touch‘to the 4 land.” By ten o’clock fimum’s Hatch” a smothering flame which has been bunting, which has, been the heflh’iinrten of die i i for the past week. In a few moments the new: 58611611 for the put teudnys, contain-i ' ‘3lka roll of drum; could be hear“, calling. ed butat'ow emnlmndevarythingeppcp- . t a soldier: to emu. Men were ruehing to‘, ed us than hno excitementm occurred: :snd no uit aruyfdho bell of the (min during thegby. ‘ ‘ ” i _ .4 1 . n t .’ ...... clock hug (art!) In darm; the fgmnlefln slirig ing 'thmugh tha street, sufiponing that we enemy were A: ndy in our midst; Holliday Square quickly became fillod with persons anxious io know what the pqlico ipultl do. Nnticen were quickly placed on the bulletin boardnof the liewupapers mum volunteer-340 defend their city. The mumponded toin an instant. Thomdn of our citizens rushed into the Square' an! q‘uicklyvformed into companies of fume-. he elected their captains and were im mggfifiiqu {umiPhed with rifles and 91mm, . 4 v Hundreds of personmnnde their appeal mnce It the Merulial's Utiice, armed with small bird and heavy duck puns. bowie knifes, piswlg and evnry dnmcriptiqn‘ of weapon. The recmita. after receiving their gums marched in the neighhurlmod and ex-‘ ercised in the ort‘ofdnllingp llttring‘ the morning Te rts come to headquarter: thntr the enemy hid left Cnckeysville and gone ’ to the Pikemlle Arniory, distant. seven miles from the city on ithe Reistmtown maul. and would erase the cuuntry to Elli} cott‘x Mills, from whence they wonld pro : ccedtp Wmhington by rail. .‘ i Another report. was circulated, that it‘ the i woof: were attacked,'fl-‘ort Mcllany would iuhel the city. Another peport Was,- thn i the Seventh Regiment lmd ‘lumded at. Anm— ‘ 'polis rind would more forwnr'd, and at; 3 given- time enter our city in condunction With the Fedmrel troops at (lookeysville. ’ l - The report that troops were at. (Booken gville was the only one generally believed, Hind, in a show time, everything in the shit e of horse flesh was put upon 1 1e; York, mi. while the volunteers Were being‘ enrol; - led in Hollidny square. Cannon were being inmunt'ed, while bulls and powder worn i lit-nu ht, to the Marshal“: office and. distri butefi. The warlike preparatiqnlfl‘fif ,es iterduy indicated that if the invndru {ind «nude uteitggxpcnrnuce.»tlwre would hive ‘ been the bl test day ever recorded‘in bu'i' “annals. ‘ ,- - g l ‘ At four o’clock, a spocinl messenger lar rived from (Hickeysvil‘le, bringing: the intel ligence that there were at thuplace twenty ] 66¢ hundred Pennsylvaniatroop", and that they'wege in u-yvretchctl ‘condition. They had not; tasted food for twenty-four hours, ’ ‘nd We 0 dcserting rapidly. About, ,one {guilt ofthem: were equipped and urxnod,‘ the other half being in citizen’s dress and ult nrmbd. . - ‘ w '. I 'tho of “the 'desertcrs camc- to thix'city. l 'nd were immediately uresmd and taken 'in the Marshal's oflide. ‘One of them in» ‘litlrtilnflnvnh, and gutted that the tot-cent; zt.l«mkeyt-iviile'is' between four and fiuethouo‘ hound. - . < A ‘ M No, 30- 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers