11. cunning. ~ The Cox m.“ a publghcd’ every Monday morning, by llx§kx' J. . nun, at $1 75 per annum if paid strictly in! unset—S2 00 per annum if not pail] in advance. ‘Ng aulucriptimr discontinued. unless gt tfig optian of the publisherfiuntil all Ilium-ages are paid. E “ ~, . 'Anvsnxaxxssraineertml attbensual “tea: Jun Plusnxo _dxme ' lth neatncu and di<patclL . rM - . Urns; imSOuth Balti are qtreet.,¢lire¢_:tl§ oppmitc Wumplers' Tin ing Fatahlishmcnt --“CuxrlLza Pmsnw Ufrncz” on the sign. Imm Trims MADE lAS,YI (:00!) NEWS FOR THE L'XEIIPLO’IED! _E V -..“...T ... 1000_C[uzncu‘ (0 31111-5 Jlxmry ." 1' 01m MILLiOIJj.DOLLABS V__ wont" Lu! 1 A . WA'IE'OHES, “_.~ _ ‘ (JEWELRY ITEM _ Silver-mama Ware, .1:- ‘ f‘ to u: buyout!» or on :1‘ 7 Ax BN—TIRELY Miw‘ ° ¥ _ up: :- 9,- , ORIEGINAL PLAN: 35,000 AGENT? ng'mm . All {ml-5:13 \ylcsirqusvufi LlL‘Clll‘illg nn .\géxxcy in this * . 3 -- e ' f 1- “,. -I\'};‘W 5371271012151; { . 1f Slinuhl send hn theirn mu-s at om‘e, euclgn'fig Surge. 9nd receive bgf ’1: n 3 cent, «lamp to pay p 0 return 0? mm! A A mm ‘ _ , CAL-15.41: ‘ Coutaiuing um: IS‘DQC —l BIM NIØNEY IL without risk, togethi-‘r with ‘FI'LL PARTICULARS RELATIVE .11} Till? N~OV‘EL‘PLANI To ‘inillrc prnmpt and 3.ltisfn'gtory dmlings, direct all urders t 5 4 ‘ . FL ‘ I, ‘1 ; t- .H {\ FGEORGE q. EVANS,- 439 Ch’Fstp'ut Street, ‘ ’IIILADELI’HIA April‘ if 186).,- ‘ 'Washiy‘gton = otel, TEW UNFUM), ‘\l).\§.\L C(H'N'IZY. PA.— _ h The undersigned, hav n r when [by about I named well-kumVn :lml pnpul, rlmuqu, fomwr , ly m'cupied by Magmifvy. mm! more n-rcntiy __h_\‘ J.PlBL~{'k.tnkcs lnlcilsurc in :muuum-ing In My friends and the plume tlgglt Inc Is prcpucd to fl‘('('i\'("=llld cnu-rtnirr gui-Exg in n N} lcuul to he , en'ellml by 'niuy umvulry Kluucl. The have ' Inning been rup.’lir(iilnnd Ike-“‘1; flll'uihlledwllll‘ every-thing calculum! an {nuke guests cnlnforb [ uhlcflhb public may rrxtzihsnrml jhul they will, 1 n! all times, liud‘ii in ucfmdiliuusuilud It; the ‘ cunn'ort and copveuiunrv Mm;- gnuwlcr. \th 7 gum! rumfisi un-l iglmn‘lwfiil uwkce u must dusiruhle ‘plnce for human-11L u‘nJ permanent lmarders.‘ - . ' ~ , His bar is nlwuys supplied with the choicest. wines, bnlnd’ics. gins, &c. 4 ‘ ‘ , ills table malway: suppliodm’xlh I'htbeklilm nfirkcts “Word; .\ud :Ill'othrfgp‘plnuwcs suit ' nhlé and nvcmsury: for [[n- nun-mumanirm of mun and hang. “ill: tail :t'ul nnvl ohliglng m-r -~Ynmwuul‘h‘ia 013 m IDUPMJH‘II attentioh nml sum-xx ‘ visiuu‘. hcvwiU luuvc no mews un>lmrcd tb I‘llifl'it, ‘ Lulqpn‘bfic palruunge. ‘ ' t The: prupxirmr‘nxsufes Hume who muy’ favor him wirh leinlnxtruqluc, 2‘11.“ They shall even meet. “ill: a curdifl ffiégqitiun 1:! Mi lmusc, and X‘t’lgut cvcnthmg L'x‘srmiul m Hm cuuvqnionce I‘sud happiness of llii gglcfiu slmli he niftuudcd. .m. Alspin cunnection wit‘n lhi: house, is on Win: blaming Mun-bed lur horn-a. ‘ ' f; . HENRY L. BICRKUEIMER; . Feb. 25, 1861. 31:1 ~ Second Arrival ‘: Tnis FALLw-Llugrr Swrfihm: EMH ‘JACUBS 8; “RU. hnveju vcéh’cdthcir sevond‘ purchase of Full and Winn-r (finmfs, .which they olfu‘r cheaper than q'ver. “fining ' bought at the,most fut'urhhlelratcs. They ask the public to call in .nud see thciLlurgc “flori plent, canvim-Pd Um! witty (_aalr run be rrnli~ fled. Their CLUTIIS, L‘.\S>‘l.\H‘}l‘.F§, V HST. was, Cnssincts, (:qrd’s., mm, M, Em: )t be ,excelled fur \‘urietyqzmd thou the low ler ~95 at which they ma 0111 mm are really satuui hing. Goods made up at the shortest ndlicc, the ‘lntest styles, and at as r «onnble mics can be expectefi. Their estafiishment‘is in ham~ benburg street, u few dpors halow [miner’s Drug/Store“ g ‘ . [O6L 15, lIGOL ' Sands’ Sarsaparma. ‘ 4p; J * ; HE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE .\RT OLE: a VENDOBSED BY Tun MEDICAL FAG LTY at: eing the best nut} purest . EXTRACT 0F SARSAPARILLA’ .\IA E. SANDS’ SARSAI’ARILLApurifies the 100 d” SANDS' SARSAPKRILLA cures Scrof lag. ‘ SANDS’ SAHSAP-UHLLA Cures» Stu born ‘ Ulcers. . ' SAXDS’ SARSAPARILLA cure: Cut. eons I Em’plions. ‘ (SAXDS‘ SARSAPARILLA may be 111'er ; taken at all timea,—it will sccui'e to La‘ies a ‘ e uh; penodic habit—and i‘s the very b‘est,l ~fill/,Ediciue they can take when firflved at ‘epe~ 1 fibd called “'mrn of life." ‘ Ad: 707 Sanda’ Sarwpan'lla and fake no (her. fi'PJ-epared by A; 13. s’. IL SANDS. :ug. glsw, 100 Pnltpn $l.. cor. of William, N. '. Fox-sale by LA. 19. Busugxn, Genysbu ,Pa. April 22, 1861. ImF : - . Cannon {8; Aadmr/Bs r EW MARBLE. WORKS, corner or fid- N more md East Middle etreetmttirecdy o - poslté the new Court Home. (:‘rettysbt: Having recently arrived {than Phiisd'elp ' , and feeling fully competent to pxecnite all 11* in the finest style of the art, We woiuld ”SW ly ini’ite the attention of the public wishing procure anything in our linerto favor us with I call and mmine'specxmens of our work; We are prepared to furnish MON UMENTS, TOMBS ,AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE 'MANTLES, SLABS {or Cabinet-makers, and aft othexf work appertaining to our business, at the loweat pO5 lible prices. We do not hesitate ‘to guarantee that our work shall be put up in a. manner sub. stamina! and tasteful equal to the best-'lO be neon, in the cities, where everfximprovhment which expex‘ience has suggested is‘\ ‘mmiied off and especially do we guaranteejhafiour Ceme tery and Grave Yard wr ” ‘ ‘ set Hunt to be affected ta‘gn for yum that ére ,It‘the cbmpletion ofajl confinued gmefulness: N 9". 28, 1859. u‘ “attehtion of tr. Lamas. » . _ ’ ‘ fedto alarge and beautiful assortment. of $11133! Misaes' HATS, FLATS AND BE , D 8 oflawst spring styles em brfiggfivudg m Vgrnon, which )tv'e m at all mduce gprices,at AW: )3 am. xcmnmrs. BY‘ 11. J. STANLE. q 43d 'Year:, (\v ('7 13132. , :'_’TT;_;‘“—;:T‘Lt“ «F- . : 4;ng , : _ c ‘ ‘ nu: Would) uni-3;!“ or lunn'ns'r ‘The world islfull of eLgncst mm, i Who live to lure and labor—; ‘ ' To do the little gem; x‘lwy can, ;' 1. . ‘._ And hdp n fixintid‘g‘ licighbpr. l There is n light thE-ir a ‘ll]Jnilhin, \ Though durk the skyinhovc mam; Each ails cnlbxoncd thfiang‘hlflp a king, Amid the heart; {Luszq lhem. With faith that slrengthrusfils filmy go, ‘ With [mu-ts tu frigndfhin‘ghgn— 1 ‘ ' They rob life‘s jam-[icy pf 1:15 wine, '* _. And make of «~22th filledvenl ‘ Day by dn)‘ nld Sorrows inve uv, ¥' Lean.- us \vbilenew sorrows mane; 3 Come like meningis qhudtiws lengthguig’xg; Lvnglhcning run-_nd the .‘pirik‘a homcg' Day by day fade Fl ivndshipk [lou’vrs—m I Flowers 11m! fluurishmi 3m lhc‘plhst— Pnst, uh [hull—aura bright :uld “I‘m-Eng; Gluwing wide, but dimmcd‘nt ifs“ I Lust Ly fade uf all is F.mqy.—“l ‘ Fumy. 0111"} mung and igdy,‘ E ‘ Guy as \\ hen young Love \faa‘drc'aniiufil ' Drpnmin'g dny by duf ,3. um '''. 1'; GrX7XI, smxrs, Which afford H’A NC E N 1 In 'ihmywnr 176'}, n 3011ng -girl of‘vory : Pr('l)0~\-{'S‘.Klll;! appearnoo from one ofithc iil'tt-rior "provinces 9 France. iwnsi plncbd iii, 1 Pnris in tho :ci'yic(~'di' a man deprived by 1 till the rice: ot'tlmt corrupt metropolita— Smitten with her chm-ms. he attempted <her ruin, but was umuocessi'nl. ‘ Incenseki nt‘ his doi'ont. he determined pn revcnge. land, in. furtherance of‘his design; secretlv' bla -4 . 4 'V . . " . riot in hm: trunk rrticlee belonging to h‘tm. inn] marked with hi»: name. ' Ilia thcnide n nncod her to a nlagiatrato, who nursed‘ h ‘r to ho untested, and thb mining nt'tii'los b in: iound in he; po~ws~=ion‘, she; gvas brought to trial. ‘ in her (ltnfnncql bl]? liquid on ly {hm-rt hpr ignorance of tho :mamtr in w ich the propt-rty (11er into llicr t 1 nk, rm 1- prnhuted her innojcvn'og. She has found guilty, and tho sehtojnce of (ldnth luau pronounced upon halal Tilw hnngtuéu's villi-n was inefficiently poxffm‘mod. it lmiing tho fir~l§attvmpt of the oxncufinnflr’a so . ‘Thflbody was delivered over; to ‘ surgiilon, .l’." whom it had been purnhgfispd Ila-‘in); nn-ilinlely C(ln\'c_\’('tl it hotngfiun was "I‘9- cnnhng‘to (lisnu-t it when he phoning-{l n :h‘ght' \vaifmth about the? ’héarnl ‘By Ithe "prompt use of proper rmn‘pdivs 1 rest red flionnqmntlvdanimation. ‘lnthé meal limo he haul sent for n. trurtdviorthy riost hull \‘vln'z‘n tln- unfortunate girl ofionu] he layes she .\lu‘pnbud hersqli'in urrpthur y’vorldi find :ulqlre-~~ing tln- primi- (wlm was ‘ll in: ii (if mafiu-d nnul mnjmtic ‘g-ountc-nhnnel ex clanaml: “ Eternal Father, “vonfknow tiny innoi-nnoe - have pity un mo E" In her sLim— plii‘jtrJieln-ving 51w llq’held lll‘)‘ M:.km",§she continual to we for mnnlynmtl HEM-us Mime-A time 111-fore she realized she was. in Lthe land of the living. ~’l‘he surgeon illfll pilimt being tullj' convinumi u‘.‘ he-rfinndvonce,iahe‘ {min-(l to a village fnr (listuiul: tromitne omm pt'Jhor uninist punislnnont. i Tin-rom nmnity“ snhseqllentl. became :thuuititrd with hor story. and Ll; m‘ithor oi'hbr misery buéxuno an object ofropronch mnl'mmtempt, though it does not nrupear that any ntteinpt was made to bring himlto justice. » l W ~—~W ---' “2-5 - ‘7‘ ' w The Prdportions of st?!“ Amer" ail Ping. .l’x’l‘hrr American fingproperl‘y‘ stould gon sist of thirteen stripes, seven rad unthsix #l9, one for onchjof the original salty}.— uilngahouhl’be one-half longer than wide, no matter what tiliould be its size": The blue or Union <ho :16! cover, sg'ven rtri s— stnrting with‘ and {titling with a. réd mi 9 —should be one-third longer _than wivfi’, and contain one shu- for‘oach State in ithe Union (thirtfi-iburfi)‘ 1 j l IMI In a number of Hugs rdéontly inhde, ithé Muchnniv mv‘vb fife anvl‘six stri \gs. {Now A {in}: of thirtéenitsti-ipes. :md _hé Uifiion covering six sti'ifies, «mum hp ‘en iroly wrong. as it woultl not hé red, [whit imd blue, butiwhite’. r d and bth. 05- blu Jed m‘ul whité‘. Again. .by‘ making th- ding right, thirteen stripes. arid tz‘he‘ | tion coyeying the stripes, one-third Ibngé than wi'de, would save some time in makin ' ,‘ be- Rides being a correct, pop'y of tin: Amrlcan flag as adopted by Congress: : i H —— $0... ——-o§——f [low In: Brought in his Gama—A {pier at ‘Pike’s Peak took his gun hndgs‘ra ed a short distance from the camp and 3 6t :1 cub. not observing at the time the bk bear, who was near at hand, ready. to inflame the death of her offspring. The hunt :v a!» preached his gamq with an exiuitnn gair, glowing in ‘liis sum, and anticipati ' ithe astonis linent 9f his companions tosse him march into their midst with an ampié imp- Ely of tender‘meat. when, tap his surpi-iae, 6 saw a large bear bounding towards him, very much determined to demolish hilh at a single meni. Our hero dropppd his gun and started ofi‘like a“ frightened de'er dhwn the hill. His companions saw him homing. tegring through the brushqmd fang out to hi’m—“VVhat’s the matiér?” V. - ‘ “ Gi-gi-gi- it your guns—ready for a shot i” shmmeredia, almost out of breath; “I’m bringing hex- rightinto camp! ” E 1 Trading Horm.—“Whnt do $011; 3:inl for that are heist," g ‘ ; “ Ont hundred and twenty-6v? dollafs.” “gne liundreyi and twenty-M9 dqllag‘s 2” H eS.’ ' . V ‘ F § “Give an twent Jive," } J _ “ Takeyhim 0:13:15: It «Hum be ma that I spoiled a 5 horse tradé‘for‘g. hundred dollars.” , ~ . - ‘ 1 ‘ a“ Pap,” observed a. young drchiJli-gf tender years, to his fond parent, “does‘ the Lord know everything ?” ‘ . “ Yes, m son,’ replied the hopegul sire. “ but why 30 you ask that question’ it \“ Because our Preacher when he’ bra'ys is so ,long tellipg h‘im everything I thought he wasn't posted.”, , . ‘ , The ‘ parient’ reflecwd. " [Q-An old darkey was endeavorin to explain his unfortunate cgndition: "g‘ou see" remarked Sambo, ‘ if wasin dis way as farm I ’member. Post my fader died, and my mudder married again, and somehow I does got seem to habfflno Parents at I“. nor no clue not no nu n.’ “ _——~-»+—‘ . H‘Btimating the unmitit of blO6ll in the human body at twenty-four; pounds, tvgelv; pounds pass tMugthahenfiavarj nunu . ‘ ' 1 ijAAEEMKDdR/ATUCGT Mia—“EMU EsfléfifiNAE—idf ~ Cht A GEIS Eggimllmimw. A Terriblé Romaine. GETTE‘YSBURGJ, PA.-, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1861- E A Young Woman in a Predipament. The Richmond (V 3,) “7mein few Sun days ago a modest. young man iof our‘ac— Munimunce attended the morning service in lane of our fashionable churchci lie was kindly shown a luxuriantly cufihloned pew. nndrhud hfirllly beltlvrl himselféund taken an obwrvntion of his neighho , Mfore a lu-nutiful youngilmly amt-Rx]. a d, with a graceful wave of the hand 11‘ V min; our friend from risin’g and giving he_ his place, qgiflgtly sunk into n. sent near fil end.— “ on the hymn‘wmspiven out. n sl" ll'ully fouml‘the page. {lnd with a. mvee -=mil {but wt his hon‘nt tlutmping. Inm'leda er nglfilr bar, the'jwmk. .The minister' raised hfq ‘h'uadx in praynrdand thw fair girl uolt.‘ and in this posture pdrplexed her i'rire d m know whichl moat m fuhnire, happen ty or her (it-VOIIIHCSS. ”P‘r xcntly the pray r mucou clmlotl,:and théd‘nngrognli n-ros marl their mats. Our friend rosrmtgijfully mised his eyes fmn'J'the fair form he had be n earnest,- ly scanning. lost {when She bhnul look; she lwnuld (lutL-I't him staring at he Allie} n. ‘ couple of seconds he cast a l‘ugi ive glance int his clm’rn r. hnd was mtoni» ed to see {her stilL 611 ii? ’knew ; he 100 ‘d closely 7 I ‘ ,‘nnrl saw that shenms‘ dncply as}, todgtrom 'bling jn vinlent'agitntion, no ( übt from the eloquent lxmiprol' the prenoh r.. ‘Deqlr,’ ly sympanhigingqhe watched her clonely“ J “promotion hqcamo more VlOl it ; x'gauch ling her hmnl bvlimtl her, ~he wo 11l qoxhvul ’sivoly grimy) horrclnthing. and}: rain, in; it ‘wcre, tn ‘l'ond the hrillinnt fnh ic‘ofl fincr‘ 'dréss. .'l‘he sighgt was exceedin _v painllul [to behold, hut lie still gazed. li 0 one 911- ! tram-od, with wonder and mton shnicntf— Afters minute tlie lzr‘dy raisedhqx they}. h rc- ‘ ltofore onncmlediin the dushion and Sikh: ‘ h‘cw hand made sh) unmistakable beclko to ‘our friend. Helquickly moved along )the‘ ‘pew toward her; and inclined la lam", as , she evidently wished to 5119 mm thing.“ i ' “Flt-aha help 31110, sir,” she vhis‘spfrod.‘ w my drexs, is cnilgllt,_nnd I can ; gdL ”up.” , l A Uriefmxnmi'pmion revealed thé (game ‘of the difiicultyn The fair girl wone Tush-l kgnnhl‘e high-ln-eledshoes: kneel ‘: gonlmth l k’nces. these heels of ‘course st right Mlgll‘fl, mull in' this position est, lmnp ofA her new fuufiled I ox or (hula; and thus rend’eréd it : for her 11 raise .hercelf or slim qulbs.‘ -'I 1e morebho struggled. j hhe was bound: 'in she‘wms con ml! fou‘ half». -Thm was ingmpdi i-cirntificully. rendewd ; und wh a pruygr mm made, 5116 merely ‘i Mega-Joli the buck of 'the ferp. It{ingh no doubt, t at slag unfuot '(‘uafliluflufl _ ‘ f . ‘ N=M ' Stammering'. 4, Stephen C—‘l'cxfiwnjnviul soul. ted 11m to play a;~tl'ick on any 01 Among liisawrhaintancds he'- ‘ young {lady alldniyoung Imm. b 0 stanmwred veryl badly. TllO5 :~ acquninlvd with gene!) other. . Bah F—-—-——. (lie young man? ,wns quite sensitif'o: and, to illill 'ono wae gnnkingifun of his dof'dc 31y flnw in a pmcqnnf It WM 17: , ; tum,> to moot bu‘h’ of them aha. he sonndetormibé‘d on (Hoke. ; ' ‘ “-Miss “Lie."sfia 110 ijpymu-hd I friend, “may I 11 x}: ti: plenq’rre ‘ (inn mm bf '11:)’ nogu‘iiintunlces, ydnnqfimiflmim 3”. f _ “(‘l~1a"-)l'-rm'fh niy, sir 1" ‘ Awfiyihr‘ stm‘f ml for Bnbf A “ B 111); 0.1(1 fell w, herei~z 11ic l to intloduce ym to—com ’011.” * ' “ D'os <he ta Jaw-talk?” as “ YES; like blqzm.” ‘ ‘ So o’fl'they stn 'tfd, nmi sonn . the saint of the fully. Stephen thomend imiiio ifitciy drew to oj 1115 might sec 110 they \Yould In other". when hit ms were greet } foilowin‘g ('rmveigatiou. ‘‘l “ How are you; en—jn -,ioy-jnyi th-th-this s9l9o3chng nun-m ?’ ‘ “’l‘h-txh-Hw‘nk,you, iiomanti m»rn~mtll£§r warm.” lh»b'.~,hrmv contract/ed, but h. his feeling andlomitinue<l—“ : sumo you are acc'g-q-q-hqnninte ot’thnse 11r-pr<pr‘bprdx~/ent?” ‘ “ Ye-ye—yé~)'e-yes, it.l’vith all, Have,” said she, at t 10 same (in I But that smile r’lin (I 11(‘1'1'01'9 ' esfimutionfloxi iiasfily rising, j e<.—- = 1 “By 1111-111Jul-filiénder‘fmada ‘ the w-w-w-wny s'o make fun infir-fir—fiwfirmitufi, you may go gn-grass.” i ‘ v . Stephen laugfiéd immodera while, and was ‘ubseque‘ntly .1 count for the ick, but his J drbve away all ‘ feelings. i --——- «...—m 'I Ck eating Goi::g‘{on.—Some years of poker was beling played in tl Jim C——‘,- was if: it, andduring cont. ‘ ed to stya'l the four ac them “ibis kn ,to be playe< per 'mefil The layer who sat saw he ve, nd splipped th tlxejr ' ng la 9, putting four in. their steamy. . \Vben Jim's 1 deal, he onlle'd n alllmnds to “ I’ll go overall of you.” Whegxi deép enougll to lsuit him he rea aces, and limu'ght up sometlla Throwing his cqrda on the üblb, of.indigmxfion $8 excxfimd: ’ “Geqtlemon,ll cam play iii this game; th'ere’s cheating going on I” l . " ' A [Malia—A ‘westem R‘s-pet publishes the following : IWB know 11 01d man who believed that “what was to be. Mould be."— He lived in a region infested l‘ygvery savage Indians“ He always took his gen with him when goin into the woods; but this time he fouud that s‘ome of his family had tak en it. As he would not go without it, his friends tantalized 7 him by-saying that there wee. no danger of the Indians; thathe would not die till his time came, anylipw. ‘ “Yes, yes,” said the old fellow. :1 “but sup ose I was to meet: an» Indian, ahd his time find come, it wouldn’t, do not ip have my » F" x 5.1 m J! ————-——O - o————‘,L‘— @A lady officer, if she wished to give fiie word “ halt” to her troops, , oilld do it somewhat in this wise: “ You‘Boldiei-s, all of'you, 130 w mind, I order you‘re soon as I havefinished speaking. to stem still, every one of you, on the spot where you may hap pen to be; don’t you hear me ‘l'! halt, I say, all of you 2” g W“ Who goes there ‘2” sai sentry of the British legion atSl “ A friend,” was the prompt mp: stand where you are. for, bi ; you’re the first I’ve met wit ' flfierin’ country.” 1 ‘ ,fi’Riches bide-view tad coals virtue. , ’ ‘ { ta; .1. ‘L .J—‘x 1. "mtrml xs man-n? AND WILL nanny."- l ‘ The Pennsylvania Treason Bill. ‘ i 1 SH. I.rße it. enucnul by the Senate nndi g‘llouat- of Repiowmnliwx of the) ("omiuon- l ; Wealth of Povmylynnia. in (Font-rll Aflom ' bly met, and it» is hereby ennctml by the nu ! thorny ol’ the name, That it any person orl . {venom belon ring to or reading phhin this J flute. and unfier the protection ol'it‘i Jaws, ' .l shall take a commiseirm nr éoxiimiasions . I from any; pemon, State or Station. or other. ‘ enemies ‘of this State, or of Ethel Unixcd j Staten-ofl America. 01" who ahiill ‘lch var against this State or gm‘ei'imiont illegal, l 91' knowingly and willingly shalll aid or as ‘ dist any énemiea in open “wai- lagaimst this ~\'mu. or the Lumen mm, by ,jbinsng their armigs. qr by. enlhkin-g or lii-willing or per } wading othuxx to i-nlm. lili‘ thuti purpdse. or r by furnishing suv-h enemies ivitlh :inm nnd ‘ l ammunition. or {my okher ariidles ft‘vr their l aid and ipmfort. or byicm-ryinggou :i.tro.itor {om corrfrppmluucc mill: Lhuiii.}>l‘ slmll' form 01- bp in any wise wimvrnuu'l in forming i any combination or, plot or compimcy for “betraying lhm State or the Unilecl' sum-s of‘ ilAnlcllCß. into Lhe hands or I!¢WL‘l‘ oflmiy. 3 foreign enemy or any organized: or pretend- ' [ed government. i-ngucvcd in I'llhlfiling the ‘ laws ofzho United States or'sliailllgii‘e or i send unylintcllige'nce to flieemlmig ofthis ‘ l State or of the United Main-s lot} America { for that purpwe. {every ppi'mn l 0 otfizpding ; mxd lll‘lllg IL-gnlly (‘Oln'lctml ‘t ir-mqf, shall he guilty ofu high misrlvmonm‘ir, zin I shall, f be somvncwl to,un«lor,r_m nn in‘fipvibJrimem ‘ fur 11101111 not oxeecding ten 3" nrxgiuiid b 0 ] fined in asum not exceeding til'e (ATM/and “d.ollm's or both, at. .thq (li~cr¢itioh of the ‘ court—provided, that this' as shill] not ‘ prohibit n'ny citizen from tnkiillg (it receilv- 5 ‘ ing civil ‘commissions‘ for the ickfiow-ledg ‘ menc of deeds arid Other iné rum'entspf ‘ writing. , l t 1 ' SEC. ‘2. “fit if‘an)’l ,pornmi within this C‘nmr‘nomvc‘inlth aha? struct, alter or flt'outl or shall . . ‘ ' , .| m bulldzfig, c&}lg(rugttng. alter) out any Vessel or veamils I'o}- thl making v‘mr, or" prim venting: 0‘ pose. to be used in thin sorvic hok._ofit ‘nc ‘ théf high iirt taught, innpsgible \ghtm‘ ~hér the tighter trained to tely. 1? not We glgxt sous or‘pm‘ties wlinhoevei‘ to the L'niteflASmtcs of America, bv force (111: executiofi of tlm .L'liitcd Stu’len. such person 01‘ 1 Ibo guilty ofu misdcmwmm', Van lion, thm-vnf, shall “be ‘scntonc go an imprisonment at labur‘uv fen yumsmml Bu fined in a sum} il5l fivxf lhoumnd dnHJrs, o; discruliunvof the. count lifted her • w{—thiuk-£ 1'1! praying; ‘ 1 . , J . .» Senator Douglas. Thin distinguishbd Demoérm pmitinn thntwhilst he was euliL plmticnlly uppowd to the pokic mini~lmhnn, which has invuh' I prercnt difficulties. and whils ‘ unnltemny hostile to the p trines of that Administration, ' it 1115 111 in to kind all the aid I to thé l‘rwident in the exenk power: which the. Ct-xlat’ifuti; led in his office. Stand ly 3 ment. but preserve your organ 2 principlca. your opiuiqngnmd . yield onujut ofllut cxued'whic to he the hope and the «Hun country—Baffinzl‘h'dn'ilc (Dow/v ¢ 1 mhei‘od a 11 ot'gvhom were not inch-fl to.-' that any , fx-qquenf ‘phvn’i; tor ‘: myty." and . g: his‘lndy )fintr luc— _ a “gr-thy [fir’l‘ho fqllowing is a copy If Majpr Ah dorqnn's dispatch to: the Sw-x-utlu'yg'mt War: SlR—llaving defended Fort lh'u'tnter for thirty-four hours untilfihe (tin-tors were entirely burned. the main .t destroyed by fire, the gorge wall ”fill lly injured, and the magazihe surrounde bi flames m'ul it<‘§lnor Closed from the or ‘of the hmtd—ffiur Lm-rn‘s and three. artr‘idges of pow/ or only being 'nvxilahle, 0 rd noflyrovi siofis but pork remaining,i ‘ cepttc the ’érms of evacuation of‘erecl ' (knead, Beauregard, being the sine es vere offered Ly him on the 11!}: inst” printito Giacom mencemont of hmtilit’ies, a d mztrched out of the fort ‘on Sunday 31' moon, thé 14th inst, with colors flying on itrungs bea‘ ting,"bringing away the_cump:tny rind our private property, :lan saluting my flit: with fifty guns. - ROBERT AN ‘ERSIBN, ‘- ~ Major of the F' t Artillery» A-A L-qflauw ---?“J t ' mTlieJMuyor of Baltimn e says that when‘ he informed the ProsiLant that a large body ’of Penn: 'lvania troops wére‘en camped at Cockegsvhle. and t 'at great ex citement existed m Baltimore tom the a)- prchemion that they were about to invmie the State, the President and Ihis advisers expressed great. surprise. Th y welt-e not aware of the faét that ‘a large y lof sol iers were encamped at Cock Cysville, and had issued no such orders. he Philadel hia Joggers“ also report that Gén. thall at empte to march his brigade‘through Bal timore without the knowledge{ or orders of the Governor. If those stutomentsan-e to he relied upon there is evidently you m 3 management sommvhere. The to egraphio wires are so constantly occupitrd with Gov lérment dispatches that we cannnt obtain a' ‘word of news for publication, and yet; troops ‘ are permitted to more abouthlther and thi ther without thorknowledge of the Nation- ‘ :21 and State Adminibtl'ntioxxs.——Pt§b{at 49 111071. V girl‘l want «1141;. , pproficlwd « ntroduced le sidq that nnge {each d with th g yourself ; but.k it is i restrlfined ”pt-1111-lIX‘B‘ with must ? I be- —be . uni ling. rin üb’s e exc aim; H . if that’s; 'of a. man's; to gr-gr-gr—‘ 1y all the led to ac ud nature 8803833” is place.— the nme :4 ant? lay at the ro ext to Eim ~. aces from other cards n came to | it. blind.— all were in bed for his 'ng else.— in a tone ' fi'Slavel-y hpa not been comjplete y abol ished in New Jersey. as we 89$ by the late cenkus that there are eight slaves in that State, to witz—dhree in Huntihgdofi coun ty, one in Morris, one in Middlesex,. twa in Passaic, and one in Somerset. { .-—o-o—» 9—7—— - [STA Wisconsin pet-”after? describing a farm which the sisal-tiger wints' Lo Vsell, adds: “The surrounding countryfis the most beautiful the God of nature ewe!- made.— The scenery is oelesfial—divihe. also two wagons to sell, and a yoke of steers}? WS'Pnrthn expressés her appre hension that the ple of thq gold region will bleed‘to deafiions the papa-sue con stantly announcing the opening ofmnoth er vem. ‘ l WA bfirglar was once frightened out of his scheme of robbery by the sweet simplic ity of a solitary spinster, who putting he‘r nxghbcapped head. out «of the: window; ex claimed, “Go away; ain’t you uhnmed!” ‘ Shifter a marriage in Connecticut, Into ly, the bridegroom took the pal-son made most' mysteriously. and whispered :6 him, “can’t, you take the pay o'ut in tater: f” [B‘llth E— was trying to persuade little Eddy to retire at, sundoWn. usxn'g as an argument that chickens went to roast at that time. . - an ‘lrish .Sebastian. h- "Then e powers, _I this mur- , “ Yes,” said Eddy, “but the old hen: always goes with ’em.” Aunty triedno nioreu gumenbs with him. : 9-, . 038 who isgrest in defeatilihnlfl conqueror. l 4: . , 3; a -tf °,ll ita',c.l:' 54,: m" porsona {I bfiihl con- Lzlxjd-or «int _» gPr ting‘ b ”up 0 ‘ ogllor pur . of {my puf mke mm- on r 7w resin! 1.1)‘(3 ‘of the ex-mns.sh;§ll , oi: convic- E-nl a}: undqr— ‘ t esceerling . E nut-{exceod‘ ' My, at ”:10 .' * (qkisthei 915131111 em- I, E of the .—\g—; d us‘in om-i héwjll be" him db'c-l ille ‘believbsl he Eczm 'iyev hm,“ t 1050. 'pn has '954“ ghc; Gov, ‘rn muon, four! km’bx‘, never, ( ‘yofibbelivv ' ién o! ymfl at)! a K ‘ 5 I. g i ADDRESQ OF THE HON. JOHN J. GRIT— TmmEN. The fofiwing are the remarks of Hnn. John .7. 4 itmndgm‘ (I) an immense asst-m -blaze m Léuiqville. Ky. 2.4 1‘ Feeling gleeply for theunhappy condicinn of a coupt . which he loves so well and has aerved«so ling; his ~uppml~uyce clearly indi. cated. “'ll hertook occmion to n-mirpl his lm.xrcx-s, tl Lt he had never on lmv periom occnsirm‘ 0 his [long and e\'entful lifv nmmnr- CdA before] h cmnnrymon'mulor ciroumwtxm ces df xiw e sbiemn null mum-mmus im port, or en ch (as reruirnd more cool, firm, and mum enu‘s anvj madden-ate anion,— lleret'nt'nr ,in hit uddrvsms td the maple, he had beep cqlled upon to discuss qnebfiinns oliéy viewed simplyyn refuyenqe but ‘tumu tbd pruficri‘ty M 'the w, huwcwr. the and mulfglgnmy. as prdsbmod (if the n-Ltion; cing war. am] (I. “hr, tno. no: waged -. onemiee of the country. but a ‘ which thohitizvns of the Hupubl gugcd in dcmfly strife with each moot suclran‘ijfisuv, preciyitnted untry, not by Gaengency 0? Keri she had nevér been conéulted ’uny manner, ){edeclnl‘em r‘equir— of public 1 to their 0 natiqn; n specfiucle ‘ ipvolved E against tlx civil wm-,i ‘ lic were 0 ‘ other. T = upon the c' tucky, for abous izi w -v.l éourage o_li filufipm-t of the il9O ed moré 1- übky {Hun ill-fly {vere ever pzfllex} on any Doom-ion in her [ax-Minn} d 1m cuiuo, therefore, not fin the partisan. came with no thnught] ilfly ufi‘mitil-s ’pr party proj‘ulices 1‘ 10‘ with his I'mlloww:itizyns;.\as tn which Kentucky ought tn tnke raordinm-y emergency \leicl} is ple of Ken to dimlay hiatnry : 8' spirit; of”. of former - to com'mu the cums in the'cx upon 1191'. ‘ ‘ Tlmque fuck)! now the to my Seven of ‘ fromithe ; ed film ‘1 sire-pm 14.11911 2nd: the' ,1 an indop possession.‘ public pro shunted ' ‘ brought 0 J (mam. Til wise com ! causelxert tion then for the people. of Ken- Lto (lgcide is—wlmt positiqn fought I me' at the present mom m '3— hep’oulhern Stale»- lmd s ‘eded nion. In doing Sf) they h. lact mi: gm] respémbibility, an 1 had all consultation or co-opexation : rder Mates. They had ffnmed mlent Govemment; haul itnkcn 1». of the fm'tu. arsenals. and} other 5; erty of the General (invcrhment . \the'u- midst. and at length had a War with _tlxc Federal Übverm c hjonor of Kentufioky wnslin nu fitted to the 15061)!le Stnltob' to -- make cnmmon cause witlnthcm,’ on that she hall in nq “jay, by ep‘opemtion, been pen—minted to m mu'vex'm-nt ihat hailed *0 tbe' wkbnf thing. ; she wonil not vithf‘tho l-‘i-dnm! deunm [nt in lir‘hihml thusibeon preoipltatml, AM in» alike abhorrent to her feel; for the re counsel 0_ share in t exisjting .: tnlge pzll't ’ the winr w fthut wt Haj-mt“; Kq'mm-ky, therefore, to ‘lner mm fiulm'cits, am] the iug~i 13nd mugt 100 speaker s: v n') fnfi-ty MUN: ('nnxll)oll§\'onl!h but in'ms min: 11. position of noutmlxly, if necessary saying 16 hdlh that. whi 9. she wot’xld ho] ‘ harselfin rqxulinewflt n] times to act as‘ 1(-diu}.or bvlm‘cujhe lmi‘i‘ius, in order go 1' sloru pence, nui!hoy»hnn‘lfl vrms her limits ‘nr‘hqqflc purposes. and that she defend LPKElfagninfit all who her or endpavor to thwmt 1101! was ready might mu pem‘e. ‘ ~ - 1' war wan dqpicted m; the most all the mlmnjifios ’that could be- purpose: , A state towiblel of lc—uml must carociullyl‘when w waged up‘pn our o_wn wil-pit an a. 139 that war rate ~cvm y liiulustrial ixntéréct— :dyzp the arm of»hnue?t l'xbor— nihilule nl_l Is_eml:l‘h‘)ma of p110? would pro it. wmfkl p‘ it would: cover with ngsnldtion thv fair counti'y. He‘ invoklod his fellow- Iruforo, to pause, tq survgy culm- parity. nn face of ou citizuns. t Jill on which they 'stootl—z-tobe in their act‘iqn by judgment, not —and to answer to [themwlves e grue yvositigén of Kentucky was neutrality in the conflict (1f arms on. with a fixed deterxyi'nntion rscgf of the advantages off ‘knch a mediate and restore peace whor be done. Hofleolm‘od it to be ly the g:- regulated by passio whether t not one 0‘ now goin to avail 11 position t ever it c ken bélief tlmt the termim tion of 'ar in.,wlxit-lgjthe country ’25 now ml the ultimate restoration of to its form‘gxr grand 13ml? noble his umhn thb' civil engaged, the Unio s, fgiepended fipon the course icky pow 11311410 up hormiu‘d to proportio that, Ken uat' if she detorminvd uiron se .l hniting hei‘ destiny win: ’ tho nos,a, civil wnr, thetEnnl of; wlijch tuld see,’ would be _ e inevitable Hf on the contraryf, 4m took the neutrality which he had indicat mld declare that no hosti! army is her- limitSynM only woufid she Ho prevent‘tbe transfier'of the hostilities to her own 523i}, but pursue. . cession 1n 1 sefidml S! In man c result; 1: 1 pmitima 0] ed, \ and w' should p j be enable theatre 0H be in n sinfixition to enable her to slid woul y. mediate bptween the contend ts ' . ‘ ', l y . aucceséful ing eleme, Ciiril War The foowing ointment extract from a letter wri eri by a laniy‘now in Washington may son: at this time to awaken the American pen [e to the folly and madness of civil w:_ .—f-n§)'un. ~ ‘ ' *m " ‘ The Seventh .Regimont arrived flintvcheers stew here this fternoon {Rim}; 'igflfiggched up to the‘ White House. ' 1)! God of Mercies, mustithis b‘a so? Mus brothers tear each other to pieces, w en a little ood will on both sides would m nd it so “:51? It v'made me sick at heart t see this sight. Men come down, lea‘ving solate homes behind them, to make at rs equally desolate. Ohl merci ful Father, can madness so criminal, so wicked, b 8? tolerated? Where are the true hearted nien‘of America? Are they stupe fied or tefilified? Sad, sad it is that nations learn gs little by experience as men and women dc} Each one has to read his or her 19.9301; thfiough teprs of grief and sorrow, while nations learn their folly through tears of blood.§ Is it passible that this national suicide will be allowefl? Good-bye; I can write no more. I um’too sad to live.” @Webster says. to rebel, “ is either to openly mimounca 'the authority‘of the laws and §bver§lmenh or to take up arms and open y oppose it.” Bouviefi.‘ says.“ f 0 rebel‘ “ is to unjustly and unlawfulbé tuba up arms against the con stituted whaflties of the Nation.” _ Vane! 5118ng i 0 rebel, " signifies a refusal to obey misuPex-ior, or the commands of a court.” 3 ~ \ fi-A wafer, on hearing that they char ged five dollars a day for board in Califor nia, said 136 wbuld go there and life, as he wished toga: in some place where he ’could get his bdprd charged to him. He is not particulafi about the price. . ’fi-Wd sleep, but the loom of life never stop,- md the pattern which was weaving when thegsun went down, is weaving when it com Igp tomorrow. . fiDcm In Jen-old culled wpmsn'u snns, “ting serpents_ that wiflfid them. I .mzm'e “3k, killinghu recolupgn." , , _ ‘ ,3. TWO :90an A-YEAR. ; .111: OF THE GOVER', MARYLAND. ‘ SPECIAL MESS. NOR 0F Gov. Hicks; on Siturdny week. transmit-t t ted the following pcciul mersugp tp thq ‘ Legislature of Mary and“ ‘ ' l Sun: or Mun“; D.'E.l'l‘mfil‘B (,‘hqmbi‘r, } 1‘ 3 Annapoli. ,ygi'pwil 25th. lfilil. I l ‘ Genllmm of {he Smu a aruz’lllzmu Qf 1):: 519:"va i The extmordinur ' can lition of All'airs iii . Maryland has ind oer! rlie to exercise {lief l constitutional pro ogatiVQ Vl‘fiifit -in that ‘ Uowrnnr tn mm on ' the light-m in‘ special :ecsionin lh -hn,ru\ that _v xtwisdnnl’ i may cnnlyle ypu {Ol ovim prompt and Pillv‘c‘ ‘ tive mama to rest re peace and junt'ety tq‘ our State. -- i I I shall «letnil bri fly tile ‘inrtllllg Monti which have induoet mo' 0 surninon yny tgj gather. and which mve to muldo’nly‘plme us in the stntr ofan “131.302: l'usimx‘nnd‘ dun ger. from which I .‘incéx‘uly truptj'outnm b 3 able to extricate? us. (J a‘ l l ’l’n'lluvlng iito 9th . dt‘fiign of the ndé‘ ministration t pas ovg ‘ our soil troops foil the deli-nu» of the city \S'imhingitnn‘, and, fearing that the pgssugé such troujpsxtould‘ excite our _people and ,rovokc on“ lisim), E labored earnestly a? induce the Prujsidenttq‘ forego him; punmsc It Waited upoh him in person and nrgnd t 10 ihlportanpe M my mi qggst. Iflubseqlm tlyigbmnmnicm‘ed witlt him and hia cahin t by flux-in] dis’patvhes,‘ Pntreatingan nlmm onmq‘nt oftheiilgleiigns. To all my requests f cgizulgl got but I.th P9P]; “that Washington lvaies threntened‘wit'i M 1 tnckJ—thnt the govérhm lnt. had resolved td defendit—tlmt thdxfe wastlnb other “my of chi tainingtroops thaniby pwfiingthem‘ overthq' soil ofMarylnndmntl tlmtl the militm‘rynecaal sity of the quse rendérod it impossible for thq government to abnhdonlits plans, ‘muvh M‘ it desjired to avoid the (In. gem of cdlliiion.”l My correspondonée wit the authbrities utj “'ashin'gton is herewith submitted,~ . l The cenannences xii-é known to yam—4‘ On Friday huts. detrwhment of trobps t‘mnl annrhusetts reached liaitimorogand wad attacked by, an‘ irresponfible mnb,lnnll newl eml wmns on both si log were killedfi ’l'hd hinyor and Pnlice Konrd gave to the Mausaclmzetts sdl’dim-a I“ the r‘otectiml (hex could aflb’rd, Mtin‘ 'with tlié utmost ‘pmmptness and 'bruvcfif Itut they We}: ipowerless to zit-«strain tli moh.‘ ‘‘ . l Being in Baltimore fut tho time, I 00+ operated n'ith’the mayor, tn'thi: fullest ex+ tent’ofmy power in his charts. The milii tnry of the city were jot-tiered out to 0..-mistJ in the pre~xervntionof the peace. The rail £oqu *compunies \Eerel requested 1 by the myor and ‘mysel to itrunsport ho more troops to‘Baltimoro city, and theytpromptx iy acceded to our request. ~ ‘r ~ Hearing of the attack fipon thelsoldiers, the War Department isfmcd orders that no more troops hhould [mks through Baltimore city. provided they were allowed to‘paxs out‘. side its limits! Sdb~erinr-iitly u detachment of troops was ascertained to be encomped at or near Cockeysville,‘ in Baltimore co‘un ty. On being informedfot' this the War D‘q— pnrimcnt ordered them back. ‘ - t,l Before leaving I! Iltimore, Coll- Il’u'gert.‘ who‘wns in command of the United Stator l arsenal at Pikcsville, iriformed me that h‘ i htill resigned his cornmisuion. Ecin'g mgil vised of the probability that the mob migh‘t i attempt the destruction of this ’lpropcrty, ‘ and then-by. complicateio‘nr ditficu tiey wit i the authorities at Wautliington. I ortlere 11 Col. Petherbridgeto proceed,withlsnfiicieit l force. and occupy the 1: cniircs infthe more of the United States goi'ernmonti of which i proceeding I immediately notified the W :Tr Iltggirtmgit. ‘ 1 ~ ‘ Sunday morning‘ hut, I discovered that a detachment of tI'OOpS, under co - mend of Brig. Gen. 15. F. ItutlérJltml renc’iie ed 'Annnpolis in a ateam’eruand haul tukeln l possessidn of the pmcticl‘e-ehip Constitutiop ‘ which, during that day, they succeeded it getting outside the harbor of .'tnnapolils, ‘ where she now lies. Afiwr getting thosh p oh", the steamer laid outside ohr lmr , and was soon joined b ,anothei' steamer, having on bond the éeventh’ A lßegiment from New York 'city. _. ~- i ; Brigadier General .Butlet; mldressed nip, l making for permission todnntl his forced. it i will tie seen from 'the cormtpondencc her;- i with submitted that i refused nit.i court-lit. ‘ The mayor: of Annapolis zllao r;n)tmtt'd.+—' liht both steamers soon 'nftérwnrd lnndodttt i Athi Naval Academy and pint ofi'thn troop-i. 1 Su‘mequently other hirtze bod-i 051»? troop-i reached here in trgmsporta and worclandell. i Ivan notified that the troops were to he marched to Washington. Tiiey desired to tic-without obstructions from our people; but they had orders to go'to Washington, and were determined to‘ ohey‘thore orders. In furtherance of theiridc>igns they‘omr military possession of, the Ann’apolis 'rmd Elk Ridge Railroad, in regard to which act 1 forimrded _to Brigadier Gei’gral Butler the protest and received the reply i herewith submitted. On Wednesday morning the two detachments first landed took up the line of march for Washington. .'l‘he people at; Annapolis, though greatly exasperated, acting under counsel. oti the most prudent chizene, refrained from molesting or ob structing the passage of the troops through the cit . ' ' ' ‘ Seriozisiy impressed with the condition of iafl'airs, and anxious to avoid a repetition of events similar to those which had transpired in Baltimore, I deemed it my duty to make another appeal to the authoritiestnt Wash ington. Accordingly I sent a special mm senger to Washington. with a dispatch to the administration advising that no more troops be sent through Maryland; that the troops at Annapolis be sent e]:cwhere, and l urging that a truce be offered with a view of n. peacefuleettlemcnt of existing difficulties, by mediation. I suggested that. Lord Lyons, the British minister. be requested to act as mediator between the contending parties. The result of the mission will be 1 seen from the correspondence! herewith 5 submitted. These events have satisfied me that the War Department has concluded to make Annapolis the ipointfor landing troops, and ‘ has resolved to open and maintain lcom-’ munication between this place and Wash ington. . a In the brief time allowed it is impousible for me to go more into detail. The docu ments accompanying this message place . before you all the information possessed by . me. I shall promptly communicate such other information as may reach me. - l Notwithstandin the fact that our most learned and intelfigeut citizens admit the right of the government to transport its troops across our s‘oil, it is evident that a portion of the people of ‘Mm-yland are op—l posed to the exercise of the right. I have done all in my power to protect the citizens of Maryland, and to preserve name within our borderis.f Laws occurrences wi}! Si re , ear, ea drom tactical afienbyyou.‘ .x 1‘ , p , ‘i It is my duty to advise you of myiown convictions of thoprogcr course to he gnar sued by Maryland in t e emergency w ich ‘in upon on. ‘lt is of no consequence now to discus?! the causes which have induced our troubles. Let us look to onr‘diwtrcssiug, grescnt.’ nnd to our portentnug future-’— he fate of Maryland and :eI-hnyn of Her winter border slave States will uhdouhtedly j be serioufly nth-cm! by the action of your _honorahl} body. Therefore should every |good citizen bend all his energies to the ‘task before us, and. therefore, should the ! animositics and bickering: ot the put be forgotten, and all strike. hnndn in the hol on so of restoring peace to our beloved State and to our common country. Ihon ektly and most earnestly entertain the con- 6 viction that the only safety of Maryland ‘ lies in prescrying a neutral position between ‘ our brethren of the North and of the Sothh. We have violated no rights of either zeo ‘ tion. We “ave boon loyal to the Union-s ' The unhnp y contest lictwcon the two scc~ tions he: not been fermented or encouraged ‘ l by uq, although we have sulfa-ed from it. in ‘ the pint. The impending wnr has not come by nny‘net or by any wish of ourq. We; nhavo done all we could to nveift if. \Ve‘ ! have hoped that Maryland and tho othgr hot-der slave Stntm, by their conservative l p<).~ition and love for the Union. might have 1 acted as mediators between the extremes ofl both sections, and thus have prevented this I terrible cvils'ot‘u prolonged civil war. ‘ En tertaining these views} I cannot 'counsel Mnrylnnd to tnke sides a inst the general ‘ goyérnment, until itshnlfinmmit outrages upon-m which would ju<tify usvin rdeistmg‘ V its authority. Asn’conncquencc, [ can giro ‘ ino other counsel than that we shall array -onr§el\‘es for Union and pom-e. and thus prewrve our 9011 From being polluted with the blood of brethren. Thus. it‘ wnr'm‘nst ilhe between the North and the South; we ‘ may force the contending pill-tics to trans}: ii'e‘r the, fiehl of battle from our wil, so that ionr livcs' niul property nluv he secure. _ It; ‘seems to me that, independentlyot'all other; icomiderntions, 'tour ge‘ogrunhi‘cnll position {fox-e091»; to tillSJUDlG>§ we are willing to ices onr Stntc the theatre of a long: and ibloody civil war, and the consequent utter ldeetruetion of every mnteri'nl' interest of" lour people, to eny nothing of the blood of lbrove then and innocent women and chil ldren, which will cry out from. our Roll for ‘rengeance uppn us if we fail to do all that -in us lies to avert the. im'pendh «v calnmit ~ ' Ll‘ho course I snggeet him all thin whilo’ theen the Hole groundwork of my policy;’——‘.' flint for the excitement prevailing among om: people during the‘ pox-t the” (inyi, I he :lievc the object! have kept steadily in View 5 during my administration wonld‘lmvd been iconaummuted. lfit hue failed, [ lnwc the full consciousness that, throughout tho , whole of my harassing and mint‘ul incum , honey of the gubernatorial clxnirLl'hnvo‘ln f" bored honestly nnd‘nithi‘ully for the pence; ‘tlm safety. and the interests of Mnryln' d. ‘und of our common country. This ~n sciousness hm' fully sustained me in «it y troubles, and has enabled me to enduro'pn iticntlynll the. cruel;unmeriteel and ham-t -: less nttacks that hnveibeen made upon my ‘ integrityi I have also comfort in the coné vietion that my policy has been sustained by a large majority of the peoflo, and ‘ nothing that hzw transpired since t to recent: . lamentable occurrences within our State ' has shaken that conviction, A momentary~ frantic excitement took‘tho place ofiremlgm andrgoodjndmnc-nt, and men fox-tho time threw flsillfl all prudent, thoughts ot‘the fu-I tux-o in the burning desire tg avenge “dial: they considered wrongd. . . t A Isnbn’iitm suggestions to your wisdom ;‘ and liu‘m‘y‘nlr to you not only are devoted citizens of Maryland. but as husbmW: futhcrzt; to allow that prudence nn' _ F tion-like temper, _ro hono hlc to nll~lnen,' to guide your counsels; 33:1 I implore you not to be'swnycd by the passions which room to be so fully aroused mounnidst, to . . do what the generations to come after us shall eyer dcp’lo’re. In concluding], gentlemen. I ask your in dulgencc it'l lnwc omittcd‘itii present to you" any other mutter of interest in connection with the important sulzject which you m-o' summoned to consider. The short‘timc I have him] in which to preporethiu eotnmuni- ' cation. and "the turmoil and excitement. around me. mny have cnnged'nmiusions; if so, they will be promptly gupplicd when in« dicatccl by you. V ‘ ‘ _ ' - _ I U OL From [he may! (VIM/er Jrfl‘cnoniun, April 201;; The Apportionment Bill Passed. The ,diegrzweful gorrymander conflicted by the Republican“ of Athen‘ Legislntufn for ’the electiqn of members of C(mgmflt, passed the "Houw of Hepresohtntivr'fi yesterday as it came from the Senator-During the dis cussion upon it, Mr. Ball, of Erie, and othelf' membersgot' the Dpposition, denounced it in strpng te ms, but' they were ull‘foroed inw‘ its support in, the end by party (lrill, s‘“! it: has probably ere this became a law; by the signature of the Executive. 80 glut-in}: are the iniquitiés of this bill. that outnille ofthe most solid Black Republicé‘m circlés it mebgs' almost univeijsnl execration. ‘A moi-nin'g cotempomry. not over him: in mostimnttm qt 8. political character, a zonlohsiitnfcndar of the dnminnnt ~\pm‘ty, neverthelws feel: constrained to denounce the ,glafinginjiih, tice of‘this bold sohemq of pdlitinul’ protii< gut-y. We mltke n'n. extract fig} fnllnwn: “The Wilmqt District hnfi’hWo divid ed 3.»; trvovcrwhclm three alljr-inmgdistricta ;‘ Susquehanna is put in-the Eleventh, Bimi— 105‘1 iii-the 'i‘vgolt'th: nngl 'i‘iggn in thn Swim; teenth. By thix mmm the New Y 6??? and New England sentiment; of those lxwddl counties, which is antagnnfiiic to l'anmyl-v vanin interesta,\nnd should h'IVP been kept to itself, is brought down .in the heart of thq‘, Commonwealth so u to outwjzigh and con tml the true Pennsylvania, feeling of t-ho‘ interioncountiesi: Let any rétlec-ti‘vq reada take up thhe mnfp and examine the comt'rms‘ tion of e Dis riots in qumtio‘n, and hewlll inqltantly see‘ how the r 991 Pennsylvanian: of/ ower Luzeme. Northumberland, Union,_ Canine, Clenrfield; and other countien~ will be, for the next'ten yéurs, oven-ulml by the Northern border counties, where thp feek ings, instincts, habits, and prejudices of that geople are almost exclusivelyin favor 0f ew York and New England. r - _l. “0f the twenty-three Distrioth into which the State in divided the Democratic Mtg is allowed 1 voice in juut three. the git-t, Seventh, and Tenth; The votes which they ca’st M the Governor's election, in October last, and which are entitled to a propel»~ tionute_ representation. are alumni. la entirel ly voicelees in the national councils ”they would limie been under the old general ticket syxtem which was repudiated nun ago as unequal and unjust. Among ‘he cases of uttcrundslmmelesa despotism which characterise the proceedings of the prés‘ent Legislature, this Apportionment bill will stand out in infamous relief." - ‘ Diaappm'zdod Republiéam Goingio Disband—L i It is said that. the Re üblican Associatiom‘ at Washington in 'to lye disbanded, in con sequnmce of the refusal of the President to nppomt any of its m9mbers to office. They number about 1.000 men, and n more ex»? penned set of fellows it, would be nmpoasibld to find in this hemisphere. Seven—eighth: of them joined the assom‘mion to obtain office, although tlvy did not approve oft'he’ principles of the Republican partyS—Bak. Clipper. . ‘ _—" War Tenn—A mambo is a stone root to a fort. made sufficienly thick to resist the fo'rco of cannon ballsnmd a casedmte gun is one which‘:is placed under I. memate.~ A harboue gun is one which is placul on the top of the xortifig‘at‘ion. An embrazure is the hole or opening through which guns are‘ fired from fortifications. Loop holes are openings in walls to fire musket”! through. 38‘.“ a Fair down East, a. reporter gives the following in a list of pmmiumw; “ Beat bed comforter—Miss Thompson?"- .. Q fink Min Story ma married {on KM Short. This in a ler pleasant my bf 111-q: king 1. “ short story."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers