ate priutrJ U pievinusly printed with red Ink, efter design, as) exitoiatte end minute to dfyvnm- iliort ; the top and the under Ishel esch contain ihe won);, "st;it ASTiaiitVs fun," written in te.1 kik nearly two Imndred limes the top end under label cimrainina", thri.efare, upwards of five thousand Intern. Tbire is also upon lha top, the under, and the side label, two atgnittires of Dr. Brandre'h wne bring hi regular rigvtnture, thus B. Brndinh; and the uilter, bk fell signa ture, thu Benjimtn Btandreth; boih being fac imilo tf the wriiiwg of Dr. J3rwirtth, to imitate which istfgeryl The Brandretfc Pitts having the label ppun them, an be retted sjpoii a true n.l gnwriiMV ;. r (CT Potk of H. Masser Sonttury, of the geul published in sitother part f this miter. f ' ;-!:,. V---'-l JL- ' f ,.. thh xrensr-Tomic SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Til I RiTy R AK. 1 Ttite aV,ul' Scientific and Mechanical Inumtt, (f-wlirchthss i .'ready attained tire largest circulation of nyw.i4)tly j'lMr of thek'nd in the world.) will eommanec Tl.'UJD VOLUME on Satuntay, ept. ,S6!h. EWh.iKmftwcof The Scientific American con Uinafr.wiriTE SEVEN ORIGINAL' ME CHANICAL CSiCnAVl.VCJSj catalogue of AMERICA PJk TENTS, as ,wued from the Pa tint Office eerih wJk.-, iotices uMhe progress uf alt new WSJCS ASflCA'L and SCIENTIFIC tt ventione; itwiruSsoni! in 'tbe various AJFFS and TRADES, with ENKAV4NGS; curious PHI LOSOPHICAL CITE MSG A L r xprrimriils; the latest KM?. RM.VD 'INTELLIGENCE IN EUROPE AND AMSWCA? ell the different MECHANICAL mOVftETd , puMiahed in .airirt,1 an J illustrated Wi".' srisyw hss b HUJV DR CD ENGItAyiN'BHi t iboT' 'ej'f ' f;'j ' It is in fact Wt UeA MpittflS t ttrnnage f ell MECHANICS a.m M Nu AtVrtJftE RS throughout the UNITED STATES lJ fr'J in the hand of EVERY ONE that Ma ax inlet-cat in the ndvaiuerfinut of Mcchsuicet and Scr entific impiwemen'a m this Country, It is .wii.nd in QUARTO roRV, conveni ently Adapted to BINDING, ami furnihi-d to 8u'crilra at the LOW l'KICK ol TWO DOLLARS A VEAR ONE DOLLAR EN ADVANCE, and tfc remainder in Six Month, Adlrea.s MUNN A CO., PublihrM,' ' 123 r'ulmu Su, New York. rosr TAID. n i t. In thia place, on TieaUy morning lat, JOHN V., mnof Mr. George Hileman, aged 4 jeart and 2 montii ... .' ' In Chiliiiwtqus township, on the SOlh ult., Nr. JOSKPH KLINE, aged about 32 year. In Turbtit mwnnhip, on the 19th ult., Mr. MARTN KIEFFKR, aged abotit 84 yeara. In Danville, on the Slit ult., Mr. WILLIAM WOODSIDE. aged ah.-st SS years, ' kOn the 13th Mitt, ANNA MARGARET, aged bont 8 year, and on toe 14th, CflAKLF.3 G, figed 17 j ear a daughter flaid aon of Mr, Henry Yorka, of Mabooinc townahip Columbia co. At WiUiamtpoft, on tlie 22d, Rev. JAMF.S K A V, of Northumberland, at an advanced age. In CattawUna township, Colombia connty, on the 23d alt , Mr, JACOB KUUCK, aged about itO year. " ' In Valley township, Columbia count , ors the 3d ult., Mr. JACOB W. MAUS, at an advanced Gmk1 I lit fit! Fire Company." 1 'Si'ATEn MEETING of the Cwpmy wilt t- 'W Itrlil 4n Mond ay rvening i.rit, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance ia re quired. HENRY DON N EL, Oct. S. 14T. , Secretary. - "WaaliltifffloM Fire Company." THE members of the "Wsshington Fire Com pnyn are rojnert'-d to meet at the State llouae, on Monday cveniric, Oct 4, at 7 o'. clock, prrciacly. Punctual atlcodanca is required. Oct. . ' ... SAMUEL J. YOUNG. Sec. HANCE'S RARAAPARILLA VEGETAULE OR HI.OOD PI LI A FOR PUmFYINO THE BLOOD! , BitTiMoaa July 29. 1843. Thia ia to certify, that. I waa afflicted with a vi olent pain in the I resst ami right aria, which I auppose proceeded from Ihe impure state of my blood. I w recommended to lake Hattce't Sar in par ilia or RUiod PUls, and after Inking one hot, the pain was entirely removed fiom my hreast and arm. I found them extremely jen'le in their opr. ration, and wtuld rrcoinmend tbem to every er sou in want oft mild purgative. , PaTaiCK Roma, . No. 22 Conway at., between Howard and Eutaw. I roBcatftine rassa riLLa. let me add fry OAK WORD OF CAVTIOX.&) Atwave ask fT HANCE'8 PILLS, and purchase of none but those adtetiacd aa agents, and if con venient, rail ami see the proprietor himself. O-PRICE Cts per Box. of FIFTY PILL8 EACH, for Hanre'a Genuine Pills, or 6 for $1. For sa!e hy SETH S. tCE, 108 U .Itimore tt , and corner of th.iries A r rtt ts., Halt more, and by GEO KGB BRIGHT, Sunburv, D. DRAUTIGAM, NoithumUirland Oct. 2. 1847. I f ANCE'rtCOMPOUNDSYRIII'OF HORE II HOUND FOR THE CURE OF "mieht, Cold, Counumplum, Spitting of Blood, 1 am in " idt una Ureaif, Urorthti$, Croup, Atlhma and nil disennei ari sing from a ditardtrtd ttmditiatx f Ihe lne or neglected eidd. fry Tbe following aonnrt waa addressed to the roprietor by a Young Lady who waa cured of .'on.umption i Ho! ye who pant w'nh failing breath, And pine away and die ; . Htiri shall "put away" your drath. And light, anew, your eye. How awM'l it mrlU upon Ihe tongue How grateful to lha brrast ! A (lorious theme for poet's song, - Soothing hia coagh le real. Hskct ! ' favored of the Goda, artlhou f A Missing to thy rare, ' ( Let laurala fliturish en thy brow, i And wealth, thoae laurela grace. When heroes are forgotten ; kingt Defunct; or, crard to reign; Glory, for thee, ahall flap ber wings i Thou conqaeror of pain. Prke 50 Crate per bottle or sis hollies for f 2 50, Pristrd and sold by SE I'll S.HANCE, , )9 Ualtimore st, andenmai of Cb irUts tV PriiUaU, and by GEORGE BRIGHT. 8unt urv. D. URAUTIGAM, Nurtbumberland. r,c. 3, IM7. ' u ' VIllCK CURllRNT.' - . 'OonrateJ untkly y tlcnry itamer, " ' lit, - , v fi3 . CttaK, . - 2 Oxra, , . , . .40 BvTTan, lSj F.sos, . 8 Po 6 FiitsVtn, ... I I2J Baiwwit, M Tallow, . 10 Fn. , i Hcct,tt Fii. ' Dmtn ArrLita, . 75 Dot Para:ar Notice IS riereby rtv to n(( Vgateea, creditor), nd o ther persona interested in the rataee of Debrt rah Grant ore, erttled tiy bet adinr Kttderton Smith; of John II. Hart dec. rattled by one of hia em Jsmes Hutchison; of John PeinVr snr dec, settled by Via rra John and George Peifl5it of Simiifl Birr dec. artded hy hta admr Thomis Ban; of John Kittle senr dec, eetiled hy his admrs Gvmrg Hit'le and John Htttle; of Joseph Folk dec, tiled by hia admr Daniil Hilbiah; ofOeorge Nribsrt dec, settled by his admr J rcolt Zartmn; of Alem Marr dec,' eettled by hia admr Wm. P. Marr? nf John Gonsert dor, stilled by hia mjinr llrmy D. Hoffman; of Wm. Moriiidrr, e tle.1 hy hia adnn Jonetkan P. SheNet of John A. Schnei der dec, settled by his exr Jomph Rnvjnd; of John Mutrhlnr anr 4va, eettled by hia admr Michael M, Solter; the account of David Dunknlberevjr, go r dran of Es'her i.nd Mary rhdips.I.ite of Nor thumberland county ( that the txrrttlr- and sd mlnistratoi of said es'alrs hsve filled fieir accounts Willi the Ruaislrrof tlilcouniy, and that they will bo ernted In the Orphans Court of said county on Tuesday the 2d day of November wext, for con liifmliow nd allowance. v .. . .... ,, EDWARD OYSTER, Reitisier'. OlRce, ? ' R' gistcr Sunbury, Oct. 2, 1817. J ' ' Ttlaon. IVVTE think a man who w think a m who will mK and palm ft . upon an UtlMi'pc-.cttng iierann, a -pingsr ('oaied Pill." not hsviue on Ihe lox Dr.G. Beni'n Smith's eignature, would not bcaitnto in cell poi'ou, frgardless of all Connrrjunncea, No "Srnilt ('ok Tkn Pill" ttu be relied upon, unlets Dr. Smith's signature Is on iho Imt, and J W others are cither imitation or Counterrwt, and uf vourse Jingeroui to Ufe. " 1 - ' fjj CAUTtONAs a miserable imitation hsa been made, by the nime of ugr t)oamd Pills," it ie ncceas.iry to be sure that Dn. G DakJ.SMltMa (ignatuie ia on every box, ' Price 25 cents. Office, 1TB Gw-nwirh at. New York. Bold by JOHN W. FRtLINO, Sinf)ur. WM. rORSYTHB, AWAtim'tf; Oct 2, 1R47. TO Tlii2si5K At) A ri LI CTKt. R BWAVNBS COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIEHKY We can eomisimtly ttate that Ur, ISwTa'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry hae been extensively need in the United States lot moie than ten years ihat l'e bi nertrjsl effect have been tested hy thousands Tmxt it NvtaiiBLT RsLtKTca a RtrKsr Cotton, amlJ that liuiidreca of individuals, greduily siiiking un der the insidious attack of deaih a fell em asrv, PvLWOXAar CuftHUMrTtnM, have been rcetorrd to health, happinert and friends, by III use, and ar now living traiimnniee of the rurative power of this rrmidt. Attorttan htutn nka-roaaii to HcsLvn. Rein tub aoat BaitiHKiBLS cent avan I Dn. Kwstaa Dear Sir i I feel c sited by a sense of duty I n-.e to n flbrinr humanitv, to acknowledge my grateful tharcka for the wondetful elfrcis of your Compound Syrup of Wild Chrrry on me, after suffering month after momh with the most afflict ing of all dieeaace, Consumption. The first symp toms were of ery heavy cold which eeitled on my tunes, winch gtadunlly grew worse, with pro fue night swesis, a harking eougb, spilling, with sreat dehiliiy, My constitution seemed bro ken down, and nervous system very much impair. d. I went to Philadelphia, was treated there by physicians of tbe highest atanding, but received no i-enefi wbatrv.r ft un them, but gradually grew worae, nntil my physicians, a well as myself, gave up all hop.-s of recovery, and I frit like one who ia alioul to pass through tbe Volley of the SbadiiW of Death. At this "awful juncture" I heard of your Compound 8yrup of Wild Chef ry. of which I pur chased six bo'th-e. which I ant happy to say entire ly rund me, and I am now enjoying b.-tiet health than I evir have It, fore In my life. Physicians who witnessed my Caea are highly recommending it In similar rats, and I Wish you to make thia public, at that all may know where to ptneure a remedy at once which will reach their disease be fore tampi ring 'with Ihe many 'qu.ek nostinma' with which the country ia flooded. My resilience ia at 45 Ann atreet, where I should be happy to have the above .eubstantrted t,? petsonsl inter view.' " . ALBERT A. ROSS," Wbo'esale and retail Dealer in cigars, I''.: tj i Anq treet, N..Y. Be not deceived by the many spurious and WiMllileas preparation of Wild Cherry, nahered into notice by iinoran pr tenders, but see thai the signature of Dr. Swsyne is on each bottle, which ia the only guarantee against imimsitinn. Prepared only by Dc.SWAYNE. N W. cor. ner of Eighth and R we street, Pbiladelpbia. ami for sale hv respectable Drugeists in tidily all tbe principal vow ns in ine uiiiicu ouiea. Only Agents in Sunbury. a-e - - r - - - - - HENRY MAfER. GEORGE BRIGHT. Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville I T. 8. Mack-y A Son, Mdmn ; M. D. cV J. Wetta, Muurv t C. A. Wyatt, Leis!urjr, Davis & Hchnnre, 8vlinsgrove John j. Keen, Lilne Mountain r. tr. -Philadelphia. ao7-c2m. ffl-1 v ELEVEN TEACHER, to trach the srh.tola of tbe Shamokin district. The Direct. r v ill meet at tbe hou-e of Felix Iirch, in Snufltowu, on r4turdav the Oth day of October next, at 9 o' rlok, A. M, to examine and employ applicants, hi i aligns to tbe Hoard making application, will bliug ceniucales of good moral iharactrr. , FELIX LERCH, Ptea't. S. Joitv, feereliry . Shamokin. cepi. 25. 1847. ft. Fcatliers, Feathers. J'lotn 12J to 45 rntli per I'ouuJ, Cheap for L'uth. W'holeiale and Retail, FREllEIllClTo. FlUSEtt, t'pbolslerer k. General FurnlUer( No. 415 Market St., above 1 1th north side, opposite Girard Uow, - i.; runADSLPUIA, ITT II ERE ,By ttri bad, at all lint a, a large aa. ' lurtinent i f iloda and Malraora, Curled Hair and Feitheis, Gbaira, Tables, UedleaJs end Loukiog Glssara, togtther with all vther ettirlas in tbe abwte liLe of business, i the I wrat cti ri oes. - : ( N. H. Gooda warranted to give a.ijsiacUoii. '. iMjt. 3 iib, IHH. 'Jul PHILADELPHIA 1Valc.i.i!i, Jcwrllry Anil Sit vcr Warr, Vnarantccit helter fur the pride than trf any other Store in VHilarlclphil. mat be hai, 'w 1 " ; mholemh altd fiVM J, rt . (Tattle MCIIOkVtS IaClil'rtAlt'S) NTo. 72 Nonli 2d street, above Arr,i, PHH ASHt,FJttA. " VITAI'CHCM, all hinds, fair, low end mediftm quitilies, amonn whkh Ire, Gold, felt jewell'd, f 10 to flM Leplnea, do t5 to 4f Silver Levers, do 20 to 30 " Lepines, vie (C lo 18 Quartiets, fine, (M Qnattier, imttton, ' 5 J tWaviat. Diamonds, XI M Xhtmn, Gold Pens wi h Gold and Silwr hoMent, Pencils Breast Pin, Fln'fcr ami Ear Rings, Braccletrf, Cameos of ahett, total atrA (ava, wi.h every other artrcle of Jewetlty of the tiebvjet and most fashionable pal terna. u . t i ' . Suvte. Wi. -PUKee, Fetks, Bpoona, Cups, Aa?n of 8ianl ird SilvW, lVri Wt. -Caetots, Cake (ItAets. Fans, Vases. Card Cases, and tAhcr Rich Fancy Goods in ,Te.t virricty. , WhivVsslvj' Bwynrs will mivncy by calling herehef ire perchahg. Keep this adverU-rment, and Call at No. T2 Y0 vtrll besstinfied the Good ate really cheaper and better than are etfered in tbe city. For asle, low, a hsudsomx p ait of Show Canes, snilaWe for Jeweflry or Fancy etoro, Afftty above. Sept 25ih. I17 (y Watches &, Jewel lerv. 03 LAD OlAtrSy So. 51, MurM M, VHiLAIKLPHlA, HAS ronaJitntty on bind large assortment of GoK! and Silver Witcbia, at tbe foltowing low pricrs Full Jewelled Gold Levers 00 Silver d i SO 00 GotJ Lepinrs, Tull Jewelled, . , , ,90 00 Silver Lei ines, 13'Otl Silver Uuartioie, , 9 00 ami 10 00 With a latge assortment of Fi JtWaLlaa. such. as ear rings. Auger rings breast pins, brace lets enld and silver neurits, gold chains. &c Has ilao.nn band a Complete assoilinent Lunette, pairiiu! and plain Waich glasaea, Main Springs, Vfrgea, Diata.and Hmds of evtry description and in fuel, a compir'e assortineut r VVatcbmake a' tools and Watch Material', lo which he would call tho at tention of the country trade in genual. qj- Those willing anything In ihe above line, would find it to their ,advanlagc tonsil and exa mine hia etock btfore purchasing elsewhere. JACOB LADOMU1. Np. 246 Market stn el, treluw 8th, Phiti.Wphia, S pU26, 1847. 6in "wot Ire to School TcacheM. mtl)Tlt;E is hereby given, that the B ard of il Sehool Direelora ef Lower Auguata town, ship Will meet at the public liouee of Oemge Con rad, on Saturday the lath day of November, at 0 o'clock, A. M , for the etaminstiitn and selection of Testhera for this Public Schools of said di.tri.-t Trustees are required to select their Teachers for examination, aiconling to law, the unit day. JOHN SNYDER, jr., Pree't, ' Waltb Sraara, Secretary, . Lower Augusta, Sept. 25, 184T. 7t lYotice ALL persons indebted to the atibaCrilf r, for Wool Carding and fulling during last year, at David Hatlrk'a rSrahPshmrnt in Lower Augusts township, are hereby requested to call id him at tbe store of Ira T. Clement, in Kunbury, and pay up, nit ttr tie fore the 1st day orOrtobrr nrxl. All unsettled account-', afier that dale, Witt he ptad d into the hands of a Justice, lot eolliciioti. t'HARt.liS MARTX. Stiubury, Sept. Uth. ISit. 1t SILENCE TBAt tiaisnrcL r-oir.H ! Tit tt'Mis sue is Pta- ' ken, Tat work or Till (instant la tits Rika ntut', Tmi roue or tovitmrtnt attit ( ! it i snnMir bvTit. A' conftr RE YOU A MOTHER! Your dar lint child. your idul and earthly loy, Is now nerhapa ned to her chamber by a dangrrotis cold h r pale rheeka, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hold di-ease has already gained upon her the sound of her erpulchrel CoUgb pieacea your soul. YOUNG MAN, when Just about to enter life, disease aheda a heart rrtn-hing blight over the fair prospecle of the foteir your hectic rough and fee ble limba tell of your loaa and hope, but yoa) rvi-ed not despair. There ia e balm which will heel tbe wuunded lung, it is . mi i:rm a xs AIX IIKAMNU BALSAM. Mrs. ATTKEB, the wife of Win. H. Attrr. Esq. waa given np by Dr. Sew a II of Washington, Die. Roe and McGMIan of Philadelphia, Dr, Rt and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends all thought she mast die. She had every appearance of leinff in consumption, and was sd iironnunrrJ 1 by her physlrisns Sbrrntau'a Ualsam wis given inn iv rurru iic-i. Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, r Bull's Fetry, waa also cured of rnnstimption by this Balaam when all other remediea failed to five relief she was re duced to a skeletm. Dr, A. C. Csstle, Dentist. 281 Bioad?, ba witntwaed itseffecta in several ca-rs where noo'her medicine affotdrd relief but the Balsam operated like a rharm. Dr. C. also witnessed i'a wonderful (T. eta In curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spiltinc Bloo I, alar ming aa it may be, ia effect ually cured by thia Bat aam. It brala the ruptured or wounded blood vraarla. and makes tbe lunga sound again. Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue, waa cured of cough end catarrhal alb en ton a (. 50 yers ramtlt g, 4 The first dove'gave him tnore to lief than all the othrt medicine he bad ever taken. Dr, L. J. y.als, 19 Dslenvy, gave it to si-t. r. in-law who was llMtriog under consumption, and to another sor.-ly afll ct d with tba Ai-thma. In iHtih raes, tts effects were Immrdia'e, soon re- titrHig th m to romloriaii'r neatin. Mr. LLCKETIA WElXs.ojCbtUUoat.e suffered fiom Asihma 4 ysra. Shorn iu's Uil sam telwved ber at nce( and ahs i', fcompsratively will, being enabled to subdn every ttlarfc by a timely use of Ihia mrdtne. This indeed is the great remedy lot C oligha. OoUs, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the all rtinna of Ihe throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price 25 rente and H per holde. Dr. Sherman'a Cough and Worm Lneengea, and Poor Man'a Piaster sold aa above. Dr. Sherman's oHiee is si IDA Nassau st. N. Y. Agema, JOHN YOUNO. Sunbuty. ! M. A. McfJA Y, Northumberland. September llih. 1847-ty ' 1"4M.A V SKE D. thVTjtgKi-armitJierpiice j aij for Flaxseed, at the stJie of , . i,v :, leJ7. iOHS BOd.VR. lT A OUKS TRAISIMT! BttVn, Scatdt, ond .all kid$ of Infhimcd Sores Cured. .-- T0U3EY'3.tN1VE8AL OINTMENT, 1s the Rvoet complex Bum Anridrtever known, h iitetantly, (and ssff by Msirir) stin pams ifthe most desperate Herns and Scald. Fat Old $., BiV-eca, Cuts, Sprains, &.C., on man ot is the heal rrrf ation that can be mao. Thmia nds have tried and thousands praise it. tt is the mM pfcift-ct master of petn ever discovered. All Who mm rrcommend it. Km; family shotW be itrti do.) ar'Ah H. Kmii taM soM 4tew eoias some utf the family may need it , ,, (T OIerveach box of th genainte Ointment hasiTii rrsm ol 8. TotntnY WrrUiTt -on tbe outside letvl, To rmit t thia is forgery. BoiXmen. Liv.ty MeU, Fsrmeaa, attd a,1 whottse Homes will find Iftts Ointmnnt the veTV best thrrti hy tan tt for CoHr (tails. RTt toes, Kicks, &c. Ac, on their animal SrrTely evevv merriful lnn Wott Id keep bi anlmara s Tree TiOYM patri aa pnssi. ble, Timsey'a UuivtPTstt TiAnrout is til that ia tt Joited Ttt it, ' bites of insects. For the stmg ot brto of poi-tmoiw Insects, Tettseya Omtievmt is wnri valfsd. Hunifteds have tried it art I Totmd it arond PILES CI) RED F.rrlrm IMen I'Miy alJ. nivcrsel Oin'itW.1 Isrtne if the best KeiTHdawv lhal can be applied. All who bavetiied it foi ttr Ptitn rrtomntend it. OLD SORES CURED. For old obsiiniitw Sorts, tbeie ia nothing racial to Tousey'e tlmt ment. A jierimn in Maniiua bad, for a numlter of years, a sore leu that baflle I the .kill of the tbtetors. ToUsey'a Ointment Waa retominenAcd by eVio of the visiting physicians (who knew it grat virttti s,) and two boxes produced more hrtiefu than ihe pa iretiil had tereived fmm any ami a'l piettous reme dies, ttet all trv it. 15U I! N SAND SC A LDS C II RE 1). Iltous .n Is of Cases of Puma atnl Scalds, in all parts of the coutt'ty, hivm ticonmr-d by Tousey 'a Universal ' t Hnlntriit, Certificate tnuttt. could be had lo fill tho whole of this stvm. . VIOLENT UlUt'iE.-i CURED. Test moni-, At o tCBiimoniala. In favi r ef T..nev' O nlmeiit fitr Cuting Bruisea, hsve liren nff-red ihn propne tors. . Hundreds m Sytacu-e wdl rmlify lo its gieat merita in reli ving the pain of the most severe Bruise All peraons shoukl try it. SOAI.D HIVM" CURED. Sore of CJaes nf Scald Head have Imii cnre l by Tou.rj'a Oint ment. Trv it it seldom fuls, PAI.T RHEUM CURED. Of ad tins remedies ever discovered for llv mot dit mteral le complaint, Tousey'e'l'n versal Ointment is the mol cunplcie. It nnver ws Kit wn I fsiU CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CURED. Touaeya Universal Ointment will always cU'Ollio worl rases of Chapped Hand', Scorea if erson wilt slate tins SOKE LIPS CURED. For ibecure or Kfl.e L'pa. there waa neter anythtttg maderqual to Toil aey'a Ointment. It ia sure to cure thrin. Tiy it. Il is s scientiltc com)uiid, warranted no' to con tain anv preparation of MertUry. rjj Piice 25 cents prr box, Knt further particulara cot'Cerutnir this really valuable Omlinenl, the public a-C irfei red to Pamphlets, to ba had K'stis, of respectable DiuKRiata and Men hauls llirooghoul tbe Umtd Stales. Prepared by ELLIOT V TOUsEY, Druggis s, Syracuse. For sale by Jt)HN YOUNG, Suiibttrv, M. A. McCAY, Notihumbcitatid. Sept Uthj I8IT. lyjrow G r e a t B a r a i n fi, AT AUCTION ! 'T'lIE undcr-igned will diirtso i f at atiriiion. On I. Saturday the 28th nf August, at his (tore room in Suubury, an ebgsttt assort molt! of VL E P. C E A IT ID 1 3 , f tmtiiliniF, in parti of CLOTHS, PRINTS, DHt.AlNS, CASSIMEKS. SHIKIINGS. SILKS. SAITINETTrt. MIEETING. VTINt,rVc. als, a large Mottment of rt'ror(Tc, Ourrrtstonrr, 7intt're. r. Great Kargaina will I ottered) as I em deter min.d to diepot,eof my whole awk, wiibout ru Sale 10 commence at 9 o'elot k, A. M., on the day and at the place slated. Slid til be continued every cV.turd.1v until the wlirtle Is dlspo.ed of The conditions of .ale tit laj til tde known on the day of tale, A reasouable credit Will lie given ' i. It. PIKDY, Simbury, August 2 let, I84T. tf. V a LUi a I717T 1? a r til FOR 0AL2. ftLL be offered at puliltc sale, on the prtmi v W1 ol, Tuesday the 2th day of September next, all that Valuable Farm, late the estate of Ja rob Keller, dee'd , situate in Shamokin town-lnp. Nmtliumlierland c.nnty, Bdjoinii g I and of Asa T. John, Henry Mutt. J hn Richnrda. ar.d oil er., containing one hundred and .evenly f.-ur acre, strict measure, lying within half a mile uf the Dan ville turnpike and 18 mitre from Poit.v die, where on are ererted a good two ebry dwelling houe, shop, btrtt, good stabling nd ouit ulljings. and gortd cider works. AboUl 100 aCies of said fatm ate cleared and in a good state of rublvation s about aix acrea nf which are excellent meadow. Thc'e are about 300 btStmg tipple tree-, (principally swte',) together wnh a great many avtel'l Cherry, nlum. and i?ar tre. a t.n said farm. There ia a fountain at the door, brought from a never f lil'.n' spring. The uncleared land ia well set wtt'u ij)ri. ving young timber. Bale to committee at 10 ii'itiK-k oi said day, where due attendance will be givn an, n rin. nt sale made known, by . PHILlV KPLI.EK, i . . . t . ' DAMFI, KELLER, SOLOMON KELLER, August, 2 1 at, 1847, 3t Kxecuios. to rotrsViLLi: and nilLAUELnitA; PERSONS trattlhng thia mule lire b.-vVy inform) d thai thry can procoie wt,rinii;h ticketsi" by making application at tr, Hoiel of Clialle Weaver, Sunbury. A . KAPP. Noribuinberland, Jul 3lt, t 17 ,f To the Ulectun County ; tVOrtliumberlund pELLO'.V crriZENS-AMhe r.qtiestcf my ", I uff. r liiytelf a a cat'dida'.C fur tho Cffi.r) uf , County Conmilsslorief. Should you believe me worthy uf your conil Juice, and confer this u!lice upon me; I shall t-.pare uo excrilons 10 tv grnerdl seiisfaction. , .., JACOB II OFF A'. 1 PP" Mshonoy, July 17, 1847. to the Electors of XortliufaberTAnh County t - EING .olirited by many of my friend-, I have contented t dfur myself aa S Vulun ten candidate for the uiTice uf TitciNtiicn of NorthomberlanJ county, Should you see pro. per to elect me. I pitdjie myself to peiform the duties uf raid with fidelity. HENRY WEIE. Sunburv, J'irr Itch. 1S17- The only ltttnwn AVeire thtit ot 1e. some tithe ptrgc pnrijii.1 viff lrent:tfutll ihe sr'sfrm. Ltttiwcn, July 7, IfTWU. LE ROY'S Pitt am a now meoVhie IW wlriih haa Jurt r;.iered, an.1 ia fufl taking ine dacea of all oihera of tire san e claaa. Tlnwe i arU effmpoard -of many ingrrd ient, but trie two jrfintipt iHiea areatsspnrnla and Wild Ohttr. i Ty, (t uhed that they fcet logotlier ; the one, through ita aitmiklnre With oltrer stjha;ris, po rrty'ing r d Wgirf , wbilb the wilier i strencthen- j frrg the i-ystetn. 1'bus tbot.e illa tro at the sam rim totticarrd nferimil! a de'Sidetatbrtt long and eaevtrty annitht fnf by men, but never be fore diecov.aed. In iHrcr they dit Ihe work of iVAronti-dieiiKC. end dn it tnOrh betlt rhsYt any two we know of; fot ihry tbtTiovb Wotbrria frtvh Ihe sys'em hot the impifaiivs t so thtt w-bile they puTtlM they steeuuthrrt ; and hettWi hey ratlNe no tiebditatioii, and ant folio, d by ton Vp-sv.lit n. Dr. 1 tie R .y's havtt a "vWrndtTViit intluerit ott the IsSwd ; they not only punfv without weakentne it,, Wit tVy teurovcall tj'xi..M pMtklea from 'the chyle WFitrc ft iot 'tiverud itto!Sil A. nnd thus miike nn fi bl.Mnl sn T.tlvT dnpi ilritiiy. As tbee h tlo di'Ulitati'n, to tbf ie is no nitisna or srekness at tVnillng the iY.rrai1onofthi(, mosl errelbVll of nte itiriVtifs wbrrh m vvr -Itunt or towan-s the diges tile tuinionf, but cifl v thvtn 10 tvitrV in a r. reetty natural manner ; snd benre pe 1 son taking tbmn do not lB-enme pi'e and i m dialed, but the contrary ; for .-hlh it is tbit pr-riy of the Sarr.a piOitVi, itnrted as it ( with otbi r ingtedimts. to tvrrtuvvj nil that ts forripn and impure, it is rinally the proicny nf the Wild theny M rrtaUt all tti.,1 in it.ittiifti and xnmiil; and fence a tobu t stsie nf brnl U ii. tho eerlaiu irj-ajtt of tbrir united nra- irrtns (j-j t rn-rt 1?t r- nta itr Htl.T, Afntafor l-e RnvV !' I'v. JOHN Y nil Mi' ,m'm' M. A. MrCA V, Nor'hMh'oBrl'd. At2fst 21'. 1(7. Iv V ILL BE I'UULlsHElJ IN WASIltNG TON, D C, O.X tK SEVKSltl or liF.'C NEXT, NO OMK Cltf Ttt UXITKIi STATES REtHlKTKK. A Daily JoUrttul of t!irrrnmnit, L'giiduliiz and . Veneiiit St uyg. T IHE SUBSCRIBER ts M)W ENABLED tn announce the rnmidetinn nf hi arranR mrnts for the estsbli-hmenl of a well-nruanised and indi pendi-nt Journal of Nuwa at the Seal or the General tioverutenl. The leiidina; finttutes of the United Stile Re porter will t-c th fi'lmving I. 1'arly iii'flligi ne of the Movements nf the various Drpsttinenle, in n-frrCnee 10 domestic af faire and to Ihe foreign relation nf the Country, Wilt I elveil With scrupulous fidelity. Pnasesa mR peculiar facilities Tiir ohiaiuina: information, the t.Rnter'' wilt bo enabled frequently lt com mimicHie, exdu-ively, intnlltgt'nce uf the most im portant character. II. The verbatim Reports of tbe Prttrecdlngs and Dfhati'B of Ihe United Mates Senatn, whteh the propiieior is bound lo fiirnisll daily to that body, in accordance with the terms of the contract ntado at the nhisc of hud erosion of Congress, Tbe ar langcitKints now m Will at once fully aocUre to Ihe (Aciiatn of the United State all nulbpiilic and complete teenrd X its itebalivst and to the people, in a greatly enllt'ged dearve, the lnent Uf the rx-pi-rienfc, .agaetty, and stalMmansbip of that holy to which they have eVrr looked With solicitous atld repppciful teg trd. Ill The Proceedings and De' stesih the House if Repreaentsnvea will also he iiiven with fullneaa, impart ility and tbe til most promptitude. F.ach day record will I completely m nhj Up, atld ap iear in ibe Reporter" next morning. IV. A Synoptical View i.f lbe Proceedings and Debate of all the Slate Legislstuies Will be regu larly given. Meuitwia nf Ooncress, nnd all classes of readers, will thus be kept lully and systemati cally Informed of doun-stic legi.laliou in all arc lions of the United Pilate. V. l'arly tmelltgenett of a'l Impnrtftnt move ments in tbe L gisUtures nf Great ltri'airt and Frstien Will W commuuieaieit ty evey "teamer fiom Europe, ttiloU4tt reporter in lii iloti at)J Paris, Who pisess pei-uli ,r faellulea fot obtaining iiifninatiiin. VI. TbeGeueial NeWs ofltie Day will be given in a rondeo.ed form, with iudiu.tty and atterilion, VII. Reports nf Aigtunettts It-fore the Supreme t'otlil of lha t). S. Thia depailtueut will be so conduct, d a lo make 'be '-Reporter" ittdisptUsa ble to evety tawyei in tbe eo.inlrv. Such is brief view of what tbe "United Flutes Kei-Oiter'1 I'deslancd lobe. All the iilsns and ar- raiigemi-ttla have been Well matured. Snd the hup is conn lentlv cherished, thst tko United SlMr Ktporlcr, will pfoVe ilbeirgii enrlaetie, indus'.ri jUgf dlgnilted and eift-Ctlv indrp nilent jou'ni. t will have no pa'lj Views no political 4t, 'Jg proptietor, by the terms of hi con'.ri.ct i b tbe Seiivte nf the U. 8., Is bound to the condition that Ihe paper t-helt contain 110 p ;Ucel discdsslittas except the d,hste.' It w.', t.,e ,ne vibi(.t? J(Mm, not the orxalt of any , i.neu ITie grand aim id the sultscitlie ia to mtablish st the seal nf Government B f.tbl arid proii I reporter of all orta of in'elli jei,ceg revpouuble agent, on whom Ihe politician, the bui,i nets man, the mauufaclvirer, the inehnie;, and every one intereairil in Ihe af Jt Congrct and the GoVernnWnt, tttsy rely at ''l times with irnpliiit eoundenre. Il ia Ictievod that the eKittblUhrnoiit of auctt a reliable J nnhal Of lutel'igenteoti tern. a which place rt will. in lbe ira'ch ot the pri st me,.-a rf ihe peo ple, at the coinn 'eiicemeiit el ) 'ust promisca lo be a most infete.ting and trVeii.tful peiid in ihe hUtnry ef Congret-ional procit Jinga, will be regarded with favor by H V!ae of the eominuinty and having ihua stl. l,,H object, tho ulceiber Yo-Spt-i'lfolly tol"viU a lilieinl snd ceiierou sUpp'ttt from l!';i.,ii:(;liieiifd public if the Uniteil Slates. jmes a. Houston. Stenographer to tbe St natfof the U. 8. Tbo "United Statea R. p 'Vter'' wilt he printed on a large and bandsont hi t i, slid iiiod rVerr moi liiliK, except Sunday, Ml rule ui'six d.dluti per annum ; single c'opte. tv, c'.'nls. In conneciioii with ihe Jaily pajvr, there e lit le issued from tho .ame e.tabti.hment, TUT. MRKOfi OF COSnEESS. The publication Will contain cn-hiivr y the re poria of the proce. diin,i and tb-bme of tho Coil gre n'f the Uni'ed StateK. It will b iue.l semi weekly, in an elegant q'u'lii f .mi. lhroUj.h'it tbe ae.Mon of Cohgress, and will he ImuUhtd to sub sr'ribeis at lha rate tt two d llr for Ihe oug ttes sum snd one dollsr Kir ibe short session-. II is lie l!rvetl that ibis great national vvoik will be R ented indispensibln in the llbtatv of every public iusii u. lioh.polttirian and itrolWntnal mah llirouKbout Ihe country ; aVid that 11 will I r. gsrdeal by the great mar-auf the ?ople aa tbe very best political text book for their own instruction and that id' their children, impohtaST .issouxcfment. Throughout lha session nf Citngiess, Extras will be is-ued fr. m the oluce of the "Unind Ht.l.s Kepoiir," contatninj the rrpoits of uch dvbalos aa may pneaeas particularly exciting interest. All aubacriplion and commttiiicsliona to to post paiJ, addressed "J. A. HOUSTON, l.niied Snies Reporter, WasMiigton, D,C." An;ust Uth, lt4T. tsc NIV ago FtHE rlifiireti began tft Try for Sherman's Lo, 1. t.engea. Iie rrotse waa not a t loud ai 1 ? ifflie, but it bs tteA inr.reasmfe eVer r inee, and n w ha U'corrre so treat that the ntimths nf tho lii-!i onrk csb .1-arv-.e be aprtcd. ttr. Sherman eynip thises with rtietrtHe sultntsrs, and Vry much 'c grb a that any of them should tie dtsttppointed. Knowing the vastWneft which has been cnnfe. ed bMTh the community bjr the rntroduction of his infallible he ilrs bnteted into arianemrhtfe for rfi'argng hia Mamifitlotf ,bv rrthfcnti of Whfcti I thinks be will . ba able to seppfy the drittiand. And ihe ame paiua and rare will betaken, that these ci lebrnted l.o xenRes be made as thVy have always bren, in or der thst tbo.-e who defend upon tbem, mav not bo dissppnimed in their hope. He kriew when be Ciimmrnred the manufacture of the UVns Lozer' es, rttlt ihy wotitJ aunerar'de the use of tvi-rr otlrer Veainifnge. An die LozrngH is t'ry ftftitt mi lo the taste, sptrdif irt its effects, as well s rtrtain, and thn qMautftv reqitirel Id effect A perftct curr, hi very smalt. Three pVnprTiwt, in connexion wiili lbe I rt tbst they arts sold for 25 cvrtts per tx, tbu 1 plirrng ihrrn in the reach of the pooiU-t man in the land, hss not only caused them to take the plftvto nf BveVv other vermifuge Svr nit, ted, but ul. sn tendered tlieni popular lo tbu foinmuni'-y. Or. Sltvrtnsii'a ronUiiUe to cure Coughs, Gidds, .t;otiauiv,.iion, Asihu, shoinnpjsnnd dilrtvttfty ttt Bteailiinu. and olhet discs es nf the Lungti, WttS 1ha si lie f.ici'iiy they did mi their first folrndtiriion, ml the p-opl t have f.ow becUmb ixtatisitod by actual 6 xpem nee, that 0 the accession of a .tight r.dd, they h.iv.i only t-.iMcp to either this DrV office, or one oft'nl Agenta,s.nd obtain a box of Ms (Jonh L.irerge. which ace very Convenient to carry in tbe pock, t, and lo takVt a few through th" dav. Hv ptttM-n.:; this eourne a core it nfien effected in 2 V bo" -, .,.) the Cation! about hia b'jsin.s. So creni ia tbe t; -leluity nl Die Letengcs. that thoui-aud i.f pr-. r who bavo used them, ond Lernme ar pi iin cl Willi their rffcrt.-, Wi!! tiever be without tin 111, MICiniAA'S POOA MAN'S PL A3TSK hna rUird tnote cases of Khrutnatiein, Pniu in the Back, S:do and Chest, Lumbago and Wenkne., ihan nny npp'ici'ion that has ever been ui'ido. A the celebrity of the Pl.ister has Incteai-ed, bunilrcjj of unprincipled have attempted to count"-, fell it. Slid palm it otT upon the com iunily tho genuine, ijj Bvwaie of Deception. JQ Ketiu m bef that lbs tVUefind genuine Plaster i spread ti on red lish pnprr made for the purpose and in every case the signature of Dr. Shurmau i n int. d upon lbe back of tbe Plaster, and iho wholu( seeuied by Copy Right. None others are genuine. Therefore when you wdnt a real good Sherman'a Poor Man's Pla.ter call at the o(!'ice 100 Nas.aU alrrnt, af.d you will not be disappointed. Rememucr the number, 1 00 Na-sau ft., wbeid all Dr. ShermStia Lotengea arc Hold. His Agent re Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn t HilleSon, Williamsburg ami ReddinK etc Co Bosron, snd JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury. M. A McCAY, Northumberland. September Uth, 1817. ly. liidinn Vvclablc lMiiavea. SCROFULA. M'xssf.s. Rowaii& WaltUSt. '(ient : .Pte); ing deeply grateful Tot the extraoidin jrf euA per fur in. d upon me by yoUr Dr. CuMeu', f,,,,,,, Vegetable I'aiineva, I cheerfully furnis'j 0ij wiiR a shiirt hixloiy of my case. . About aeVen yeara ago, (when 0',,y rlelctt yVtre nld, I was attacked with Scrofu'.g, which fnerea-. id in il ravages till my throat f,, wj,(, cers! the bones Of my nock 'laid bare my p.ilttt dolroyed. and a large piece of cno of tbo nl bone r-irried aWav. My head wjs alni s,i moeli ditesed. lhal it) drinkir.g, ihe tei or reffee would r.equomly frntt out of tit; em .' A tr.jg, f ,omc. thing which the DocUira calk-d a tumor came from my no c. t Waa under Iho care of plf, !,. rf ,h,- hillk cut distinction in tbia eity, ni. ,imi) liouuced rured, and by rere,ewt attended a mdira! lea-tuie, where my taae te.Rrtier method of cure, waa ekplaimv:, 0 lh, udt.nU Tne ,cc. tursr aaid,--Vou e rft ow l)Ut ;,-,, di,,.,,, thould lettirn, yjU cinn(H ive t a4 t woutj s.Kin destroy v winjpipBi I did not w;,icve n,yalf CUted at the lime, a I hi r""0 ' ,',"tres in ,ny ne,,' ,01 ' l',tr dti"i!r'e able fe oli'jg, and after tide the U'cer re-npenrd. '"i January, 1845, my Woihrt called wiih me u P n Dr. Mullet for advice. He said I waa a vcrv 'ck girl, and it waa doubtful whether ever would. Eel well; II ever, it WOUkl tte a long wntie. The disease grew so 1ntlt.l1 wnire, that the pbysici.irl whohrVi art en dtd me a tid bo could ace uay wind piMi1 My fact also Waa swollen, highly inflamed, and Veiy painful, and the Dr. aaid ulceration e 44 irittvJtattle ! t I was in this condition In January last, when I Vomiiictitrd taking your "Da. CulllVs Isdiah VtntiVBLi Paracka," Tbe inflamallon wssrooit VemoVed, and tbe drea-lful ulceration in the faru pmveiiled! I am now well! I have rkt ute 1 no pain, or any disagreealile aetisatioti in my he.- I, and aow feel thai I a cured. I shall be. happy lo give ny further Information to the afll cted wh will take ihe trouble to ealt upon me at my father's bouae, We.t Spruce. bete-n I) each ..d Vil..v S'rccu, oppolie 811 ai-kittan's ftetory. Signed. CHRISTIANA SANDS. Crrr ct PuiLAOEtrtliA, is. This seventh day of April, A. D. 18 IC before the subseri'.irr, Mayor of Iho sai l cilv, pus -iinUy kppeared Chrislis-ia Sanda, who beine, duly siv.irn, di pu and ay, lhal H'B facta t f irtli i 1 th t foregoing amJavtt am atrie'ly true e,iry paiti. cular, 111 testlmoiiv whereof, t have hereunto set m band and filed tbe corporate seal r lbe .aid city, on the day and vsat before written. L. S JOHN SWIFI', Mat.. We hereby fertif', thnt the aiiV st ilfmelit of our dai'ahtvr aio true in every particular. WILLIAM SANDS, MARY SANDS. PI.ila.Ujil.iA, Api'.l tth, Hit), Certificates of cures, in pamphlet form, msy ho had Gratia, st the oflices of tbe sgonl. Ti i nit Jirine is procured and sold by llid proi rietitrx. Row snd A: Wuttuti, No. 376 Matkot atreet, Fhit.detpt'ia. A.niat II MASKER. Sot. hurv. 1, II. Kaser, Milton; J. Heebold, New Ber. I111: Mr. Musser, Millhem; Stmrpe D. Lewie, Wilkesbnrre, Suld tlo by Druggist throughout the t.'inu d Stales. Aug. 7, 1817. 2.U. ftiy 1JLAS i'EKTanuSH by the twk, foi said bv 147. C. S. BXHsAlt. VinitTE LEiD. io kea, and Painl ef all v v kind for tale, 15 er cent, che .pci ibau et before sold at Sunbuty, tt lb store of July 81. 1347. JOHN BOG AR. Wm'AKKr- t be biph-st market (-rice paid Ut IS Brk. at the .Mis of ,NTi.-hS7, 1817. JOHN DO'viAK. a. , rVV W Daneohower. No I Murray at. IX V. J t J J W Daneiihowar. No I O F Hall, Cin.O. 1 i (' T Jeukiii. No 58 Canal it, N Orleans. - N Robinson, cor Gay A Saratoga sts, Oal'. w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers