Show sowr Ticket, A Rtr, Road Sketch- By Solitaire. -On thf rah'-cars between Albany imd Buffalo, tho conductor ar frequrntly twinged, dnTinaj'a, single trip, and aa each rtw one trtwclmTfo, ho announces himself in office fcy tho exclama tion -'Show jnnr tickets!' On a. night trip, recently, a testy M wse ono iif the passengers, and having exhibited hi ticket to 1he first confowor, he carcftttly plnceil il in a well worn pocket-book, buttoned it tip In tlio brent ptctwt' fll iis xat, tJnl lod his bat tightly on bia forehefcd, nd folding hi arms, rewjrnod tihrieelf to the) care erf Morplirn. fife nasal organ hud scarcely pro j claimed turn in dream-land, before anotwr con ductor came along, with 'Show ydm tre'wIeV The aid ysnke woka with a inort, and having ,hr?cn made conscious of ws was wanted, he exclaimed . 'I reckon you don't want sein it tli the time, dew yon!' 'Once will do inn, sir,' say the conductor. 'Well, ytt have eefl it that otfia,' replied the old pent, 'eoybu kin pass on.' '" The conductor Insisted noon looking at it, and thedisiurbod passenger unbuttoned his coat, unstrapped the old pocket book, handed the ticket, and the conductor passed by. 'Them fellare ere mighty afeard of frittin' chisselled,' says he, as, placing his ticket fn bia vest pocket, he again resigned himself to sleep. The conductor, thinking he had missed some of the iitianengers, came bnck again presently, and asked in nee the tickets. 'What main!' exclaims lue W wan; 'well, 1 m ow, you are the most peek id bother 1're e vcr feed. Jest lake a jood look now and hev done.' The conductor paesed on again, and the old man stuck his ticket in Itia hat-band, and this lime pot fairly afdecp. The motion of the ear in a vhort timo lonFenod hi-hat, and it fell off, which a filepplfM wag In the cara perceiving, he picked up the conductor' lamp, and an-pma-rtnnp the old gent shouted in his car 'Show your tirkrtt." 'Patience, niaey,' aaya the old man, ef here ain't Biiuiherof these ticket fella re,' and then be pulled out hia pocket-book, searched it, put il back, felt in hia veat Docket, but in vain. ''You have it' aaya he; 'I gin it tew you, I know. Here he recollected sticking it in bia hat-hand., and now coinmenccd a search for hia head piece. The hat, amid the fchnlfling of the paweneere1' feet, had been kicked along under ceverai d it ferent main. After a busy rearch of some mi uutee, lie thought be perceived it beneath fat old lady'a scat, r la reaching for it he stroke her. ' 'What Jo you wsnl V ahe inquired enappish ly, aa even the most amiable old lady would do," when awakened out, of a sound alcep. ' ' 'I'm nuy reachin for my hat, martnaaya Lo; 'its got under your neat.' i .'I tell you 'taint, aaya ahe. That's a nice excuGC to be coming feeling round a body with, when they are asleep. I'll tell the agent, ace if 1 don't. 'Why, pood graciouc, marm,' aaya be, 'you might aleepan aire in the name bildiu' with me nnJ I'd never dream of techin' you. 'Von inipht'nt dt?am of doing 60,' said she, but you ain't a hit too pood to, I'll be bound cotninj wakii g people. rip in the middle of the night when they are all alone, (there were fifty in tli? car.) talking about a hat -why don't you it your hut, it it" there, and. go away; hut I toll you 'lain, there, now, and that ia enough, I think always a disturbing people thia way -why don't you fAe it, I auy V . '.Thus commanded, the - distressed old gent reached tinder the ucat at the dark-looking ob j-jct, w hich he landed was hia hat, and the old lady'a small pi t dop, which he caught hold of by the neck, seized him in turn by the fingers, with a it ti H Xtu-ovgh S .', Om' ah!' curs the consarned thinp!' exclai med he ; 'why it'a a live varmint.' AW,' aaya the old .lody, 'I reckon jou are satisfied that il aim Hie kind of hat you are kick ing for, aud you cao go else and search for your old hat." 1 A jolt of iho cara here nearly threw him into htr lup, on which ahe gava a alight scream, and called tor protection. 'Perhaps this ia your hat, air,' said the wag who waa personating the conductor, at the same time handing him' hia chapeau, with the ticket sale in the hut band. With an exclamation of pleuetire he aeized it. .'Here, take the conrarned ticket, will you!' he exclaimed, handing H out promiscuously ; but everybody u fused. Won't iiobudy hev it f he inquired. . 'I vow tew gracious I wont'l carry it anu'her ininit.' '.SAuto your tiikeli !' exclaimed the conduc tor, cuiurin, to winch he added 'We are at Auburn, gentlemen.' 'Here, take it,' aaya the old yankee, in a high elate of exritt-uient ; I'd jcat rutlicr be locked up in your dod -rotted jail bcie than travel by iMgbt in these wajjma. A nmu's ctarncly fhowing hi tick U runnio agin croaa dogs, or what's an allfiicl aipht w una, croaa old wimin!' Aa he luaptd. from the car hia waggiah tor mentor after him, 'Show your tickets !' 'Durn your ticket, and Iho bull bilin'on you,' he shouted litftk, as, making tracks for tha 1m tel, he diaappeaied in Iho darknesa. Si. Lvvi$ lie veil te. An unmarried lady on the wintry side of fi ' ty hearing of the tnarriage'tf a very younj friend, observed, with t deep aigh ; 'Well, is soon ss all the infautt srs dispoacd of, I suppoM the women will have t chines.' II A IV K X9TG LIST. Tire fnTlowiitj Ki shows rb earrmt nlM at afl 'entiayhrank BWV N.ftoa. Ths moat Implicit re- tianoo aaay tic p'tocoA vnn t. ' as it In rrry ek aiWuIlT cnrr.pitreil with ai eorrcctel from liii k- asi'a Kflfwant. Htoiak Im Plrttfislclpfit9t'' ' - ' Dmw." tit ma. 1k)ctiow. I'vttatt. NOT8H AT PAR. Sank of Notlh Anwriea , ' , Bnk of fi N(V.hii f .ihonina , Commercial Bun's iff fiw't.' . , Farnvera' and Mrtrtianii' Hank par par Tar par par ptr far par j-r.r pit pur pn par T" ("it Knini'hni Bn1i , Philadelphia liiink . ,! Sctwylkitl flat SoulhwarV Oank Woatem Himk . Kelianca' taant; Manufartiirerp' A Mivbtiif s B; Bmk of Pcnn TownKhiji . rrTj TlanV . Itmik of Commerce. I.iW Moyamrwing BaMk f lnnylani . " Cosintry nanht. Rank of CVatur County WnrtcbiKtrr par Itank of Delnwiiiv :ollnly Cherter par Dank of Ctcrinnntown (lermantow Sar fitfliofMonlKomrry Co. N.irrwlown par DoylcMowa ttmk Dnylciilowa par Raslon Bank Gmmi far Farmrra' Bank of Bnrkaco. Bristol par Bwrtiof NnrtfmmlxHlMid Nnrlhumbpiland par t'olumhia Bmk At Priiffl co.Columlia par Farmers' Bunk of l.anralei f,ancaf par f.awartrr Con rrty Bank fiticaior iar f.nncaalrr Bank I.ancaslor pal Fnrmeta Bank of Hailing K(-aliui( f:at OrTire of Bank of Pohn a, Office lo do Office do do UKioo 4t 4o NOTES AT RarrisVuig These I.ancasler offices llesffrng i do not Caslon J laiue n. DI8t:t)fJNT. Rank of the United ft(ioff Minn-B Bank of Pollnville Bank of Irfwitowi ' Bank nf Miditlotown CarliHlc Bank Btthange Bank I to ' do lriicti of Hnrrifhurg Bank liclianon U(ik Meicbatita' k Mannf Baok rUlitdtKrdiib Potiaviflo I.ewixtnwn Mi(W4eluwn Cirtihle 'PitUhma- If illiilny nburg HiirriRtuirg Lelianun PiitKg FirtatHug Williainapiirt WiHcevharea 2:t i II fat il BiHik of Piltgliorg West Branch II .ilk Wyoming Bunk Nortbamplon ttik Berke ConTrty Bank Olbce of Bank of U. S. Do do ' ' its Itn An do Bank of ('hamberHhurg BaHk of (ipllyilnirn Batik if K-qKhiinii Co. Khe Bmik Farmers' & Drovera' Bank Franklin Bnuk llomwdalc Bonk MononfraHoU Bunk of B. Vork T3nk ' ' Attnnlown leading ' Pittatiurg failed Vri - do New Brighton dn ChambeTHburg i Ci liyshurg - Mmrtrrwe I Erie ' tjalf WBynt'iiliirg Wnihinrloa lfonedul BrnwnatiHe Yoek N. It. 'I he nnlrt of Hiohb Imnka on which we omil quotnlimm, and Biihiitilutn a dntdi ( ) are mil jmrchawd ,y the PliihHl4prii brokers, with I lie exception of ihiwe which have a letter of reference. 1 B ROKE N BANKS. Philadclihia 8av, Inn. PhiladuU,.bia failed Pbiladclphta Lrtun Co. 1 'do fnited Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do fuilcd Kensinslon Sav. In. A do Penn Township Sv. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) fiiled fnwanda llnnk 7'owanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Btiaver Bank of Swatttia Bank of Waaldngton Centre B-ink I'ity Bank Farmers' & Mech'rV Bnnk Fanucra' &l Merh'cn' Bank Farmers' & Merh'ca' Bank Harmony lusiituio Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Noribern Bank of Pa. New Hope D-l. Bridge to. Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aar. At Manuf. Bank Silver Ldke Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Bedfurd no sab; Iteuver llsniatmrg Washington Rellefonta Pitubuig PillHliurg Fayetlu c.i. Circcncantle Hiirinouy cloned cloned failed closed no t-ule failed filled failed no mIi! Huiilinndoii no ifule' I.enisloAn no sale Waru'u Dun.latT New Hops Milion Mejiilville Port Carbon Carlisle. Montrose UnioRiown failed no aalfl closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed Weslinnicland Bank (ireeiisliutg Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. Wilkestiarre no sale fry All nntca purporting to he on any Pennnyl- vania Bank not given in the above lint, may l aet Jown aa frauils. KEW JKKSEY, Bank of New Brunswick Bruuawick failed i par i par "i failed Belvidcre Bank Burlington Co. Bank Donnnercial Bank Oumbartaiid Bank Farmers' Bhtik Farmers' and MechauioK Rk Belvidcre Mrdford Perth Amlioy Bridget on Mount Holly Railway . N. Hi una wick Farmcra' and Mechanica'Bk Farmera'and MerrlianU Bk Middlctown Pi. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed Hoboken Bkg A Giaimg Co Hoboken failed failed failed failed i failed a par leraey City Bank Jersey City Patteiaoii Belleville Morriiitown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Mechanka' Bank Manufacturera' Bunk Morris County Bank Monmouth Uk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morria Canal and Bkg Co PoatNolea - no sale Newark Bkg A Ina Co New Hope IM Bridge Co N. J. Mauufac and Bkg Co luihcrUsiil Hoboknn i failed failed i failed t par par i par i failed failed railed N J Proiecion A Lomlvrd bk Jersey City Orange Bank ' Orange Palcraoo Bank Patetaon I Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton 8alom Banking Co . ftalem Stale Bank Newark tttate Bauk Eluabeihtown felate Bank ('amden State Bank of Morris Morilsiowa ellate Bank Trenton Salcro and Philad Manuf Co faicm 8usies Bank Newloil Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Davor Washington Banking Co. ' llackeuaack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm A Brandy wine Wilmington Bauk of Delaware Wilmington 1 Uauk of Smyrna Smyrna Do Uancb ktilloid Farmers' Bk of Hlate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do - branch Georgetown Do WatitOi Newcaatka par par par par par pur par par par 1'iuuii Bank dy I'ndei 6's (V T On all bauka marked W liouiigtua i thus () there ar ck ther countortait or slaared oolea ? lbs various da- noininaUoiiS, in circulasiusi. OPINION'S OF TIIE PRESS, Kzmri ispliN ciT0it:' nils, ' ' tYom Iht CamHn Dimocrei. ' WRlOHrs fitnrtit Vrf tt Pitta.-Thaae rljtatA PUla, nnltersally used anJ ai. mired, have twenm to t coftnidipred almost as "Vie Mary in fawiliea aa srntat or fuel, tn tVt, the principle nyxm-wta'ch ftiH mtflieine baa aatalilWifl im rKjuitnrion"-purgntfan ia now pretty nmwally ack.nim'Miftxl l:ft etily tiu 'nhe, by which hmlrii may t p'-Ttefl, orteatorod wWn in)iairr. Wrmhrs Pill are now a tinivaraM Tutnriti', ' Pent. Wanaar't lata Vtarrtatv. Pitta, are at- ' laining crcat rchbritt in New YnittntiA, a wMI aa other pSitxol the Tniled Rime. The Hi'rmnt of fitKiitmd rHVaud the iridic by tl i1e of ajwrinna ' ailiclnH mreia with'' general reprotwtion. Pi. WripMia an iatJi f.itiaahle tnitineM trie, andhaw 1 an trray of cutea by Vie rncflf cine which wirniii . r. t , . . ... , mAliim tn ur um nl him li.Jian Vj.clIJii 7 " ,? "7 , rum. - From tht Philadelphia Spirit of the T'-mrt. ' WaisnVa liiniin VmiTitii Pttt.. IVo pie are pretty v.el1 r-aii fod tw ltif ti! thtcik met, and do' ether thousand and Xme mineral pre paration of the tto), ttt biler adapted, a a gvi erst rule, ti t rl rather than core the p.itien! ; as a aa.tticr of couc-mj, vee,etSle ssiesliciwc' arc thet.f'are m great request. There ar miny humbugs bow evei, among ' the hitler,' md wontd aiKi -e all lhw who liave the ct regard for their health, to ny WrihC Indian VefHahle I'M of tht Worth America) Cvlkge of tkatfti, as they aw be pre paration of one in'imalely acquainted wiib the heating art.' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " "' From the Bo'tun Dn'u Times. W'amai'a lasiin VaaTt Futa. Of all iho mVilic adertrvd medicines of the day, We know of none that we can more anfely recommend for the "ilia that flesh i heir to.' than ha Pills are sotd at. the deiot of ihe North' Amnitcaii Cid li fre of Health, No 19 Trrmnnt street, B.winn, Sewval inBncea welnow of m here they are d m famfi'ies with tb highest a iif iclinn ; and no I inner ago llvin yesleiiky, we h'-ard aw eminent physiiian of this city wconiacnd them in high tenwa. The foil wing Viiifhlv rein-etati1 aloielieepeta finvs hern duly appointed b nts for the said of Wriht't Indian Vegetable fin; m ft ommmbrr I nd county : Hnnry Maser, Sundory, K. 9c J.KnofTotan, AiiKuala townslrip. - bainuel Herb, l.ilile M ihnnoy. William Peppeh, Jackson. Bcneill Hotshne, Upper Mabonoy, John G. Retnf, Upi-er Muhonoy. 1 S'atimel Jotm, SShnmokiriinn n. Forjyihe, Wil-onfc tJo., Norlhunrberlan4. E. L; Piper, Walnonhurg.' (rlanJ A Haynes. McBeniiUe. Jmea Peed, Pott-arove. Wm. tl ScMl, Ruphvdle. Ilarlman Knelle, Klyburr P. I. ' AM'S V Beissel, Turbrnavflle. ' ' Hid. on Sliadet, ITpf-er Mahnnoy. Rhodt A Farrow, Snydrstown. J.ilm Kiok, Fanwersville. KiUa C. t.'ook M irtiu'a Cieik. J. )e Young Hickvi!le. ' ' ' ', AtTihBm 8n rcr. ni''hreond. Samuel Tajlor, 61 ileford. "' J.ilin H. Vineenl,' Chiheiptaiie. Wm. Hcinen ft Biiithor, Mttton. Bawias ov CofSTaarriTs. The putdic are cautioned atrainat the many' apnrioua medicines, which in order to d-ceie, are cilled by Haaaea ai milar to WiiKhl'a Indian Vegetable Pilla. . ' "The s.ifesl 'eotirse i lo poichae of ibe regular agrnta only, who srr geuUemau that may he re lied on. ' (rj Oflicoa devo'e.l etclusively to the ale of WKlUH i 8 l.NUIAni ViiUp I An(K I'lW.!, of (he North American College of Health. No. 288, tiremwich Street, New York.;' No. 199 Tremont Si. eel. Boston; And PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Ao. Ifi'J Rcr SrasiT, Philadelphia. i June I2ih, 1817. sly, DI CKSON Sc CQ., No. 80 Market Street, five doors below Third, South side, PniLADSLFHIA, Importers A V'liolci;tlc IsealerR In TaTA TCHE55, Watch Gla ses and Materials'. V V Jewelry of all der-ciipii nis, qu iliue and a'lv'es, c.iniiuiiioa all the articles CowwcU'd with the Tiade, . . Ckika. , lliXHin 4 fSon'a Briianni.i, Germ in Silver aud Sil- ver-Pluted Warea. , . Shelfield and Birmingham PI Hed Fancy Articles. Rods-era A Son's and V jnU oholm', UtitWry, Ra- lots. Scissors, Erasers, Desk Kftie's, Ac'.' Ivory H .nd!edJIble Cutlery, of tlw fim at, medium and common qualities. . !'' A large assortment vf GolJ Pens. ; 'I Perifocal SpeclaeUa. Papier Mat-he and Japanned Traye, various shas and ju diues, at re lurcd ratea Gold Waich Caa-e, Dials and Hilver- Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to order. DICKSON A CO, having recently removed into tlie large and commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Measta. K. Asbhi bst A Suss, ami more recently by AsamjusT o Rsibto beg h ave to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants and others, that they des gu having at all limes a large s-eotlinrnl ofGoiala, of thsir own importa tion, which they are determined to sell si the lowest rates. Cj" Every attention will be paid to ihe Packing of Goods, and in ihe ci- cutum of Ordera, the quali ties will be fully guarantied against all competition.' Philadelphia, June 19th, 184. ly riri rremitim AVriliii? Ink. No. 87 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. WROM Dr. Hare, tha celebrated Pmfe-aor of Cheioiatry in the University of Penn a. ' PhtUd. Iphia, Oct. II, IM3' "Dear Sir Having liied your Ink, I will thank you to aend me another bottle, as I find it lo he excellent, .1 am yours, truly, Roar. Hi a a." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distil gui.hed f r hia numerous scienlifio researchea. Medical College of Ohio, Clr.einna'.i, ' January 17, 1844. Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am satisfied that it is the but width has ever rome to my knowledge, and especially it is txr-llrnt for Ihe use of Steel 1'en, ana wiirnot corrou mem, even in long usa. Joas Loess. Prof, of Chemistry, HOVER'8 ADAMANTINE CEMENT. From s well knon scientific gentleman. Philadelphia, Feb. 17, 1848. Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sin A uaaof your.Ce- mmt. and aome practical tetti ol Its supeiioiuy has induced ma to recommend it to others aa an invaluable article lor Chiua, Gtaar, r Gahincl Wars, ' CnrssLi. Mosri. r Analvlie Chemist." For ali at tba Mtnufaclory, Whtdeaila and Re tail, No. tiT Noam Tbibo Btsist, cppoails Cherry street, Philadelphi a by JOSEPH E. HOVER, May Sit, 187. )M ly Manufariuret l OP fTHlin? Nbrcrlbra; taaa juat r:nret bia Nrv JL Vpririg Opod.s to which ba Invite h;s fri-. and (ianlofncri to call and exanina far thanrani o Hh iink cnn5ta vn rt of ybe fnthiwirift i Sup'crvor dtitn, of bM eolorf t'aa(mer's of di(?. ' ent psiterna? 9atin4nd'rtthe Veaiinen Oa , iixx, Ivaa, Oingbama, Check,' Tic. ins, and aummrr wear of all kinds ' ' and i'ticm 4a, Leghorn and i . , Palm leaf llala; ti robiellai , k and Parasols, 25 -eirts ttpwariW ; a1o, Oioceiie, tneeua-wnti-, llarjwiie, t'edarftare, Oit, Points, Fish, Salt. Ac, dec A.C., . . and in f ict, eety s(K-b' osua.lly kepi jn a coun r -.i..... .i.:.j 1 ..,n i t .. .. ... wtllimnilt W ml (Un, BIT, ,.l 1 1 . J - : . r 'Kinfl oi trJ'. .. JHIV BlttiAu M....I..I,. U Suoloiry, May 10th, 19t7. nlly jllore lev Goods ! Tilt' last ariival i' at Putdy's Store, Market 'Htjilare, where will Uo found a hasidsame aa swrttnent af : "'" ' ' SPR0 AND SUMMER GOODS, of the and most approved styfea, couaisling of ' Il I. litis, " tsssianera, ' Vestings, t?wmnier PtutTs, Man, di' (sine, f.iwits, Ginghams, ""''Calicos,' ' " " Muslins, ' Jeans, Ac, Ac , eVc; slsi, a r'oll assortment of Gruceriea, alt of ubich will be aidd lower than ever offered in Vda mwki-t. v ' ('all and exfiinine for yourselves. . , Sunhiicyv Miiy t h, 1847. tf "SOMETHING NBWf fllllkl Nuliscrihera haa th etcluiiva light of 1 vemKnc J. M. THATCHER'S Hot most Hot - Air C ook Ins; in ihe rourVtira of Noithamtorlaiid, Culiimida and Schuylkill and from the encouragement met wiih already, they expect to do a large businesa. Thia eoe. is constructed on an eutitely new prit.ciple, nd on the only prtncflte that c m make both a good wood and coal Move. The inventor haa over come all ute difficult es that so frequently belong to other stovei. lie lias tiy his arrangement, con stiuclej a broiling (Ty'Oveil III front , where in bridling-, roasting, frying or baking may be done, and all ihe smell' (hat arises ihsiefroin must pata into the cOmbustitle chamber, and is not at all thrown out into the room JTD Besides this, there f an oven only two inches leas than the whole arte of tbn stove, wherein b iking' or roasting may he done as well as it can le in ihe Conunon brick oven. Thia oven is1 alvtaya fit for'ue when the stove Is healed, ar the whole draught' of hot air passes a round it conntty. '' 'Public Bltenii'Wi ia nnrticutarW called to this stove. Ii csn he seen at our Htnre and Tin Etah lishineut in North Danville, at the sign of the Civ lumhia Tin shop, and at die Founsby of Rohrliach A Clement iii'Sunhury, where its particular quali lies Willi fully shown andeip'ained to any person wishvua lo rx isiine it. , . . " " ." 'f lie sulisoritH-ra continue lo have on band all kiuds of partni stoves, such aa radiators, rylendera, fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor us wpnacatl; also common sheet and Russia Iron, which c&n he made in any desirable ahapa j tnge tUsr with s general aaiortment of tin and japanned ware, wholesale and retail. Country merchants aie. invite J to call ami eiamlne our stixk, aa our work cannot '.e aurpaasetl, and ptioea mnloerate. N . B. We can aalely recommend thv above men tioned stove to persons wto wish lo embark in I good buaineas. Th patentee will sell cither coun' ty or slate richiN to suit, purc'iaaers, and on tea s-m ildo let ma." He or bia sgeuts may be found in Danville, Pa. ... , , J. A J. AKFKK. The undersigned, having seen in operation the hot btaat hoi air cooking Move, invented and. pa' iMited by J. M. Thatcher, certify that ws believe frnm the manner of its construction and operation lhal it is tba best one ever offered lo the public. The arrangement is no complete snd ihe construction an judicious, that theia is a saving of one half the fuel and time, in doing "any "fcivYu' amount of a rvice mer other celebrated stoves. In short we recom meni it in preferenrs to all other, for the simple reason thai it embraces every branch of economy Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. D.vid t,'hnt fieiil, V r Kich n, John M tuny, t. 1 bnmpson Sinitii Tbompaon, J D Habn, John Oakes, Hi siki h near, l.lna r IJonper, Geo M Kichr, pamel Hulfinan, Henry H Uiasel, F.Ht'atver, Daniel Dicisbach, Joiepn Vanknk, Brooks Epley. Uanville. March IS, 1817. ly F A R M THfcl subacntisr olfers for sale' a ehes Farm . situate in' Shamrkin township, NorthumbeT' land cnunly. about eight miles from BunbUrv, ly inn between ihs Centra 4uionik snd Irish Valley containing 163 acres and allowances. Bald farm ta in a good state of cultivation, witb reaeouahty good buildings .and excellent wf ter near the door and all kiuda of toil. &c .,,-. . . JOHN FARrfSW ORTH, Punbury, Feb. 20, 1847,' CITY ATJC.TIOXT STQIkS No. 31 North Ttii rd street, (mil TIC CIT HOTEL,) PHILAOBLFHIA. c. C. MACK Fa Y. AucTtosKKit TO :OtJNTRY STORE-KEE PERM. WVftNLNO SALES of llardwaie. Cutlery WA Saddlery, Whips. Boots, Shoes, Uats, Csps Guna, Tistols, Clothing, Watrkea and Fancy Goods, At Mackev'e Auction Store, 31 North Third Btreet, near the City Hotel, The attention of Country Mirchanls ia invited. The Giiods will he a dd in Iota to suit purchasers, and all Goods offered will be warranted equal to lbs representations that may ba made of them. N. B. A large assortment of Goods al Private Hale. Jan. In. 1147 ly laotfif T VBRNOTC :io JNortli '2i it., bet. Arrh At Race sts 1 Ii 1 1 n d c I n h i n . P' iF t RADY A PARKER respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have taken boa named house, recently kept by J. 8. Adams sad are prepared to accommodate cuato mora in tlva moat sMistantory m saner tad st rea sonable prices. r . . i ;.' i : . . 'J'heir table will bs eupptiad with tb bawl vari. ety the markal aflorda their rlora and sleeping apartmcBta will ba in lbs best oritur. Tba house haa been thoroughly repaired and furaiahed witb a vrsar lo the eoiafort of iravellsra and strangers. Having bad aevorsl yaam sxperianca in tba business, 1 Ifaey hope ' lo give general aaiisfaction, and respectfully invite travelleni and : stranrvra to give them a rail. BRADY & t ARK Eat. FhilaJetjhis, Janusry 19, 1847. if AUCTION ETORE, No. 0 North 8d (hird ior above Mariset Strcel, PBIbADtlPUIA, lALC EVERY EVENING, of a general as. snrtmnit of Foreisn and Domestic Hardware, . Table mv Potet Cutlery, Trunks, Lncka, Latchets, Bi-rlta. tawi, Saddlery, Whips, Boots, Khnin, ffs a, Caps, Guis, ricidls, IVirnrn'mss, Clothing and Fancy Goods. ' ' The atteratian of city and cisuntry eValera id in vheA. - The Goods are fn b, and will be warrnhled equal ia the representations titat miy le mrnln of them. - UA YLIS A BROOKfiR, aK-franr, ' ' No fl North Third st. IV. B. PwTCiaarra ran bavetherrO.nafapaekrd. Several invnires of Ujosla b.e uie-n recvivnl to he ild at ptivaie saW. " f1ao1a4 yec. lth, l9o. iy " j MnntifaCvrefs of Premium Odd Fel- ' lows' Itgaiia, ' " A'o. 194 Market ijfree, PllllADELPll!A, . First Clothing tore bWw h Ntreet. THE suWriher tiaving taken th premium at Franklin fnstilute, at the last exhibition, for Ilia test Regans, ttwv mv sIm aHewUtai of the order lo iheir establishment, where they will find a plendid assortment of P.O. and Encampment Re galia. Ttley aWo mak Id order for I.oilgea and Encampments, Regatia, 6ashea, Coifltimes and Robes, and furnish raery thing reiinisile for ike Convenience vf new Lodges or Em ampmenra. . , ' J. W. MVOKila, M.8'roKES. Phtla.W.hia, Dee. I, 1 8t. 1 y Trw jttottsscrs ElttftJtTsal SHAVING CRAIVI. Small quantities given without I, liarge. M 114 CkrtmU St.,riljLAlEU'HIA. TUH new anJ ilernh I article, a its n.ime de notes, ia profiwed to bs auperior lo any Sha- ving Cieambi tl United Males or Eun pe. It is uimuipiss d for beauty, purity aud f'Syrarne, iho' HOinewhat analanoua to Gu rlnin a Ambroiusl Ciesm and oilier similar compounds. It fur stir pasMW thr ill all by tha emol ient pasty conaiKtenry of its Ulher, which so softens ibe laard as to render shaving pleasant and easy, it further pnysessea lbs advantage over Ihe tmporte.I article, in being freshly p I. no skill being wanting in ita man. ufacture. E. Kousm-I bsvtng had many years' ex- perience in Ihe celebrated Liboralory uf Lnugor, i'ere et Pit--, now Henaud A to., of Puria. . Be ,i ilea hring the bel, it ia Ihe cheapeat article for shaving, it la elegantly put np in boIc with splendid steel engraved labela. ' ' Pnre f 3 per , or 37 j cents lor a single box, lo ahave one year" It U a'bm Colif at ft M per 16. or 13 eenta per os., ao thai genilemen ran have their boies filled at EUGENE HOLSSEL'S, Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa re Eaiablanhmenl, 114 Cbeanul Street, Deo 19, 1846. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm. rjIHE Vndarsigned hereby givea notice, that -he 1 baa associated with - himself, aa partner in the mercantile business, in hi store adjoining Weaver'a Tavern, iq Bunliury, John Haas, ami that the said store will hen-after be conducted un- r the firm nf Clement A Haaa. The store at the South Weat roinsi of Market Square will lie conducted as heretofore, by the sutweriber himself. to which he respectfully invites bis customers snd mentis. . Ha aleo notifies all ihoee indebted lo him, to call between thia and lbs 1st of January next, and set tle their accounts. . ' All kinda of produce will be taken on account. at cash prices. Hereafter no km get than four months credit will be given. - IRA T. CLEME.NT. 1 Sunbury, Nov. 14. 184ft tf. RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that on the .9th iosl., they entered into parinerbip, in the mercantile business, at the stors recently occupied by Ira T, Cb;msnl, adjoining Weaver a Tavern, in Surihury. They, have lately recti ved a new atnek ur gooli, wbicu tbey wilj Utapoaa ol at the lowest prices. All kinds of product; will l taken in exchange for gooJe. ' , , ' V "No longer than four month credit will he given. 1 7 IRA T. CLEMENT, ' JOHN HAAS. r Sunhury. Nfiv. 14. 146. if, t . ' FOUNTAIN HOTEL, , ; . aUfui street, rT.Ttr RnasaDixrrq- THE Housa haa undergon thorough repair. Tba proprietors solicit its former patronage, i' I arms (I S3 per day. WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FfHiO,' ' ' ' Proprietors. July 4, lfU. 1? Keller & Irirernotiffli, PATE1TT TTOPalTETS, AND, MECHANICAL ENGINF.F.RS, WASuntaToif?i.c. ' TkRA WINGS and Papers for tbe Pa'eni Of. J Jr fice will ke prepared by them, at their office, , opposite the Patetil Ollice, i j July. 4lh. 1846. ly SEUTISTIRT. PETER 11. M ASSER. - RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the cititeua of Hunbury and vicinitv, that ha baa opened an oilice at the residence of Henry Maar-er, in Market street, where he ia nrenared to rxecute all kinds of irtBTat, Pcaesat, I'tate Worl.ctc, on tlie latc . ! ... . . and most approved plans, flaving bad soma exMrienw and instruction, under ene of trio most eminent and suceosaful Den tists in ITiiladi Iphia, he helievea that ha will be able to give satisfaction lo those who may w ant his services. .",'. ' ' - - ' Ladrea will be waited en et their placea ef reai dence. 'Ilia charge wijl be mSdorsW, and Ilia work warranted, . , , Bnnbury,' Mireh t8tb, 1946. "' "iriaEXTEK'e, M'JiH I OF , POAP, for ei. Ujr Iracting Greaae, Dry Painta, Vamtab, Tar, Wax, dec, from ekavhinf of any description. war ranted got to injure lbs doth or th moat delicate colors. Tbia liquid haa also tieen uaod ith grral auceawa in eases ot Burns, Scalds, T'ettrr, Pimplcn on tba face, Chapfd hands, Bore liai, Khsoma tisaa. Hard ur aoft Corns, Ac. Pries, J5 eu. pot bottle, tvot ssls al lha atois of July it, 1641. i ' If. MAS8BR. A TTOK NRY AT LAW, BVIf BtJJkY, r A. Business attended to in lire Counties of Nor thtimlerland, tTnlon. LcoTrring and Columbia. RviRev rwr P. Ar A Ravurur. IiOWKR & BlStllV, Hc-ar.aa A Kwoooa ah, y-l'.'iilad. Ravnocaa, MFaaati ACo. I SaEaias.Goou A Co., EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY COOPER'S E I ERJAL Oil. A prompt and la-litig re Mioly l,ir Ji.r rs, fur pains ami di-chnrge pf matter from the Ears. ' lltindied-i of curia in ca es deernrd ut'erty rvnpe leshave firmly e talillshed its rtiierioriiy nvtt eve ry f.irincT Medical discovery. , , Thin valuable Acoustic Medicine ia s comrmund of four different fids, one d which, Ibe active and principal ineicdtent, ia oU lined from the bark of a certain speciea of Wivvut, a new and .efTertual agent in the cure of iJeifrress. , . , Per son who had been deaf for 10, t5 and even 10 years, have been permanently cured by using this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatic b been the testimonials in it favor, that the in ventor claims for it the ilirjtiiii-tinn of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is 'rfeci in iti foimnti n. ... : For further particulars, and evidence of ita great value, si e priule,! shots, in ihe hands of Agents. For rile in .Suobuiy, by J. W. FKIL1NG. SeplcmU-r l!)ih. fStC ly " MMWli l)iUIK H t) ill UNIUVALLKI) AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, W hoopmg-tJiiugh, and all Diseases ot the Ine.Bt and Iuiirs, leading to Cousump tain ; composed uf the concentritcd viriuea of the berbs llorehound, B nesett, Bloodrout, and several other vegeta ble sutwtanees. Warranteil PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER, rpiIIS invsluable Mediciite is the most speedy - and cittain remedy rver discovered f r ihe a bove cotiiila nia, as thousands who have used it will testify. For Bale, in Sunbory, bv . J, W. FRIL1NG. " and in Northumberland, by D. BHAUTIGAM, and at wTioleaale, In I'lulad. Iphia. by F. KI.ETT A Co, Horner of Second and Callowhill streets. Hcptemlivr 19th, 1846. ly' To Iurctia.eraj ef VVtf. Ul Pearl' NEW. YORK; HAVING established a Branch al No. U Cbes nut at., Philadelptfla, is now opening, and will,' be cnns'.antly receiving from the New Yorlj, 'Auc tions, an extensive assortment of ' ' TJMXQJ A ST APIA DRY OOOX& which villi be sold at tbe lowest New York, al wholesale and Retail. Among hia stock-will ha foond a good assortment of the fotlowiiig articles: Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, 8 1 ripe, Book, Savies and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen. . Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fney ami Ball Ursamea, Thread Laee,, Application Do., nek Black . Silk Trimmjng Lace, It'uU Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs.,ruiiiiin Fringes, C,asbmor d'Eroa-e, Mouaeline de l.aine, bilk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Qu ien's I 'loth, Gala Plaids, Fretieb Merinos, Bluck ilks), filove,,Hi k Uie, Shawls, Ciavaia, Rihlmns, Einbroiderira. Ac, Ac. Country. Merchants and there visilmg Pbif.idel phia or Nw York to purchase, are respectfully h' vited lo call and examine tbe alocks. . i Nov.,1. .1845. ly . , .J. . BE la IE V K AND LIVE,. THOMSON'S C'ompouutl Syrup or. Tar. &Wo4. MPtHE unprecedented ocees of this medicine, in JL tha restoration of health, to those who, in des pair,' had given up all boiies, haa given it an exat-t ted reputation a'ove all olbet remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, aa, the on, ly agent which can. he relied upon 'tor the cure of Pulmonary '' Consumption, Brom-hiltia, t Asthma, Paid fit Ihe 'id e and Breast, Spitting "of BLiod,' Whooping Cough, ("roup, dec, ' ' 'Aftention ia requested lo the following ASTOV. i ISHINtt t"l nr., bv I nomsoi a t ompound rup of farand Wood Napthajt. r .-.,. ' ' ' Philadelphia, May 3d, 144, MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings t inform ynM of the sstnniaUing eflects oC your medicine, tshich has literally raia-d roe from 'a de;itb-td'l ' My disease, Pulmoa.iry Coosump. lion, bad reduced'me so low that my physician pro. no.irued my case hopelese! Al thia junction I ho, gan to u-eyour medxio. and miracul us aa it may irrni, It haa completely restored me to health, after, i very thing rise had failed." Respectfully yours, ' WASHINGTON tACK. Charlotte alreel, above Goorgo street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and hia eufterinije,- bear; witness W the astonishing elUxts uf Thumsoit'a Compound Syr op of Tar, and UiS truth of tla bove slalemeut. ' ' JOS.. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKEK3, 43 Almond street, HUGH M GIN LEY, . E. comet Tsmany and Fourth eneets. Pretiaied only by 8. P. Tbomsaw, N, E. corner ef Slhand fipruce streets, Pbt'sile phia. Agents. H.. B. Masser, Hunbury D. Gross, ,i i ,. . f . If- i . , - aim jr. Kian"iersiHi, iiarnanurg , jiio, v, isrown, Potwvide : Goo. EwL Rejding : H jston A Ma. on, Towanda, Bradford eountv, Pi. (fC bO cents per bottle, or 1 5 per dotoe, (D Beware of miiation. ' Phila.lelpb'4, Jurie 28tb. 1845. If 'eorge, JfTWestivcis WV MAKBS is. MW3P CBANOUBB. JVo. 1 3 Forth Watr &!rtft,rhiiadcipuQ. ffVAM constantly on band. geuoral ataort 5 I ment of Cordage, Seine Twins, Ac., via : I aid Ropes. Fialiing atopea. Whits Hopes, Manil la Kopee, Tow Line for. Canal Boa la. Also, eomplets sMttutmenl of Srino Twine, Ac, auch aa Hemp tibad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, ftbos Threads, kf. dec- Also, Bad Cords, Plough Lines, H altera, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac , alt of which he will dispose of on reasonabls terms., " ' ' 1 , ' : Phi!id!pk;a, NorvmUr U, UtS.-rly ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers