, © B As soon 29the Treasncor shall have gecoived ten dollars, sue shall pay itover 1 £1 iheboard of Missions, and it sell be the “li duty ot the Treasurer, to repuit’ 10 Syel) | annul meeting of the associaton the a maont of ail monies received and paid. 8. As s704 as ten subscribers shall be, ob- “tained, the association may proceed (0 % choose thsir Treasurer and Commiit ec, wh. shali seeve till the day appointed ia | thc coasiiiution for the annual meedng. Treasury Department, The following report and exhibis of the situ ion of the {unds ofthe conmonwealth, will convince every candid and uaprejudi- wed mind, of the faiihful and judicious man-, aremcnt of the public money by the officer, who presides over that deparunent. i At an adjourned meeting of a number of deinocratic republican citizens of Harris burg, at the house of Melchior Rahm, on the filth day of Sept. instant, Obed Fahnes- tock, Esq. was appointed chairman, aud col. Jagl Baily, was appointed secretary. The chairman mentioned the object of the meeting.” Jacob Bucher, John, Capp, John Zinn, ~ Christian Gieirs, and Jobn 5S. Weistling, a} committee appointed on the 21st wit. for the purpose of precuring information and explanations on the subject of charges made Jgatpst William Findlay, relative to his of- ficial acts as treasurer of the common- wealth, in which it was insinuated that he had improperly made use of the public mo- nics in the treasury, made to the meeting the following report 2 In the performance of the duty imposed on the commictee by their appointment on the 21st ult. they duly deliberated upon the proper course of conduct ‘to be pursued by, them in order to attain the object of their appointment The result of their delibera-! tions was, that the best source information on the subject of thel inquiry, must necessarily be in the treas@er him self; and they consequently adtffessed, to him a letter on the 22d ult. requesting from him such explanations as he might think proper to give in relation to certain netes endorsed by him which were discounted in the vanks at Harrisbueg, and which it +28 inginuat>d by some were discounted 201 the purpose of enabling bins to replace i the treasury of the commonwealth eer- sain monies improperly taken therefrom by tim, It is with much satisfaction that the committee inform, that on the next day he transmitted an answer to the letter of the committer, so fully explanatory of those } correctigeal of office t fare of opinion that there does Cash in the treasmiy, (chichly in notes ary coomed by the committee) 6,846 38 waar 190.8 at “lL 2 07 $6 * Tt has been the practice time imme- mo:ialy for the weasurer advance, and (o scitle with the cihcers and clorks when their sclavies ruspelnely be- came due, lt appea's (we are informed by « member of the comuilic) that no part of this sum had been advanced cither to Me Findlay or to Mr Wilson, the monied clerk of the office.— ep. + Of which sam (cash in the treasury) '% 2.410 are in bank at par and specie; leaving out § 190.807 06 only about $4,323 in notes under par which are principaily on the banks of York, Carlisle and others in the adjoining counties. ; The committee have further, in pursu- ance of the wishes of the meeting, examimn- ed the state ot the treasury of the com- moowealth at the end of every moath since the last annuel settlement, and procu- ved from the auditor general, who montha- ly settle with the treasurer, under seal 3 and report the tollowing as the result of that part of their investigation: BALANCE IN THE STATE TREASURY On the 30th November, 1816 $276,664 18 do 30th December, 1817 289,613 51 do 31st January 1817 355.962 15 do 28th February, 1817 355,962 44 do 31st Marchy 1817 497,162 98 do -30 April 1817 182,780 98 do 30th June, 1817 161,066 49 do 3 1July, 1817 do 30th August. (31st being Sunday) 190.807 96 I cermiry that the monthly vepoils Aum } Of the state treasurcrm which SEAL. $the foregoing balances are Amped } exhibited, have been examine ed and entered in the beoks of the office, agreeable to law. —Witness my hand and his 2d day of Sept. 1817 (Signed) GEO. BRYAN, Aud. Gen. The committee having thus discharged the duty assigned them, think proper fo observe that they in the perfor their duty as a committee considered it due both to the public and to William Findlay that the character of the latter confidence of the former ify him, rest upon facts, jectures ; and that upon a 3 of the matters submitted to them, full investigation they slightest grgund to believe that William Findlay improperly used the pubis money for his private use and that the charge a- narte of clamour against him, as to confirm the opinioy entertained by the coinmi of his strict integrity and fidelity as guardian of the public treasuvy. At the last meeting these letters were submitted to your consideration, and have since been published in the pubic papers. The commitiee, duly impressed with the importance of the character their appoint ment had given them, were determined to support it by a strict discharge of their duties ; well aware that the public mind had been much agitated Ly the charges a- guingt William Findlay, which, although not positively and’directly made, were m- sinuated in a manner designedly calculated to excite a suspicion that be had improper ly uaed the public money~ had borvowed from the banks money to replace it upon the annual settlement of his account—and immediately thereafter had taken from the treasury sums sufficient to discharge the notes in bank ; and having the following abjects in view, viz. i, A desive to satisfy themselves and the public as to the truth or falschood of these charges. 3 The best information as to the real state of the treasury, as to any deficit of public money, aud also as to the kind of money in the treasury depart- ment The committee agreed to accept the of- {er made by Willian Findlay, in his letter to them, in the following words: «If a. «orveeable to you, the whole situation of the « treasury department, with all vouchers « and documents for any length of time «« past, shall now or at any time you may « this k proper be submitted to your inves: tigation 7” and on the first of Dept. inst. waited in person on Mr. Findlay at the trea. pry office, who, upon being informed ol ‘heir acceptance of this offer, unhesitating: i+ submitted to the committee for examina- iio. all the bank books, papers, documents. entries and cash, which could show the real state of the treasury: a statement of which we submit to the meeting, as follows: Af 1817, Aug. 30th—Balance in the treasury of Pennsylvania - }190,807 96 In Bank of Pennsylvania $ 159,976 62 Farmers & Mechanicks Bank 4,619 40 Philadelphia Bank 3,419 .96 Office of Discount & Deposit in Lancaster Omce ofMDiscount & Deposit in Harrisburg Advances of salaries to offi. 126 35 12,797 89 3,021 38 8 ttee(exc the! | {least possible tendency to ainst him of having speculated ir the hange of no notes appear to nearly all par, aud payable in their paper. | JACOB BUCHER JOHN CAPP, JOHN ZINN, C. GLEIM, JOHN S. WIESTLING. The report of the committee as adopted’ together withjthe proceedings of their meet. ing, be signe tary, and pr papers ol Harrisburg. OBED PAHNESTOCK Chalrmany JoxL BAILEY, Sec’y We wish to put the dem- ocrats of Pennsylvaniaon their guard against believ- falsehoods which will un- doubtedly be propagated by the friends of Heister, within so short a period pefore the election as to preclude the posibility of a reply. This has always formed a favorite part of the Aurora tactics! We must not, therefore, be surprised if we hear of more Jane Marie stories, or something more about property’---any thing, in short, that can have the ecs and clerks? impose for a moment, up| se 1s. 10 niake such 201,250 98 mance of and the the reai estate of John should Centre County, deceased, to wit: a certain and not on mere cone not exist the lands of P. Benner, tes at par for depreciated be totally unfounded; as ouhers. the funds of the common-'acres an wealth are In the banks whose paper is at labout 140 acres situate in the said Town d by the chairman and secte- lished in the democratic news- ing any of the outrageous] an ‘equal distribution of ner in the business. jon th c:edulity of the ig. 'norent and unsuspeciing American Cent. ( By Adjournment.) = PY viriue of sunciy wriss of vendition exponas to me directed, will bs exposed tw pubic sales at tlie house of Evan Miles, in the borough of Bellcfonteyon Monday tho 20th day of Ociober next the ore moity or undivided half part of Washington lron Works. situate in BaldEagle Township, Centre County, with about 1400 acresof land, to the said Works attached. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. Seized & taken in excciition, and to be sold as the propese ty of Willian Beatty. ALSO, [he onc undivided sixth part of the Ore Bank called Pennsylvania - Furnace Ore Bank, and the one undivided third part of Pussey Furnace, and the lands belonging to the same. Also ten acres of land ade joining Thowas Ferguson, and lauds of Edward B. Pavon, in the said township. Also an improvement right to 8 tract of lund situate in the said township of Fergu~ sony comaining 400 acres (be the same more or less) adjoining lands of Eli Aa Jams, lands in the possession of Andrew Hunter and others ; all seized and taken in execution as the property of William Pate ton, and to be sold by Wm. ALEXANDER, Sheriff. Sept. 22, 1817. } CAUTION. All persons are cautioned from purchas ing a due bill for some where about $609 given by me to John Patterson, either in the months of June or July of 1815, as 1 have already paid it, and will not pay it again unless compelled by Jaw. ? ! rT PHILIP WALKER. Bald Zagle, Aug 25,1817, “ §——— By order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre county. : WILL BE SOLD ON the premises, on Tusday the 28th of Ociober next, the following inentioned and described property, beng pail of tha realestate that was of Witham Wallace late of the county ot Dauphin, deceased, viz + One thud part ot eight thousand acres of land, contaming Pennsylvania Fur nace and one Ore Bank, situate in tie township ot Ferguson, in the county oi Centres, aforesaid. Terms of sale, out fitth part of the purchase mopey to be paid at the time of salc, one filth on] the first day of April, 1818, next ensuing and the residue in three equal yearly pay ments. The above property consists of one third of a Furnace, nearly new; a stone Dwelling bouse, Coal House, Swith’s Shop, &c. a- bout twenty houses for laborers; an ore bank of excellant quality, and quantity sup- posed mexhaustihle; about five huadre d acres of good arable land 150 acres cleared [6000 acres of wood-land, on Tussey’s imountain, oak and chesnut timber; 4000 lacres of woodland in the valley, timbe pine, soil chiefly limesione; Furnace iu ‘complete order and in blast; with a large supply of stock on hand. John Anderson, the manager at the works, will show the premises to any per soi wishing to view them before the sale. By the Court, 6th May 1817. WM. PE [RIKIN Clk: O. C. Bellefonte Sept. 20th, 1817. ’ BiCMEDY ¥or the Difficulty of Hear- ing. pr. D. GREEN 7 ZN i AKES this method of letting society know that he has discovered a new and easy way of assisting those who are hord of hearing, quite a new 10y. Knowing that Providence has permitted a remedy to grow for every disease he has made it his study, this number of years past, to try to find out this remedy. : At length he flatters himself of being successful, more so than any man yet The remedy generally gives helprexs cept to very old people, who began to loose their eye-sight about the time that the hearing becomes weakngd, To all others it as yet, has seldom failed of re- storing that great blessing of hearing. Directions can be scent to the paticnt by postor otherways, to any place hows aver distant. At the same time, it may ve some-what sattisfactory to those dis- tressed to know that they may pursue their usual business, and to eat and drink what tastes best. ‘Phe preparing transmission, kc. of the remedy, will ‘come to about five dollars. Que great object is to defuse its bene- fits as far as possible, therefore, all prin. ters who will give the above an occasions al insertion, shall receive ils advantages for themselves, or relatives in thus assist ing to place it within the reach of the distressed. Mr, Edicor, : Many people in letters to’ me, express a wish to have the principle, of cure explained to them. This I cheerfully will do Principle of cure is to ivigorate the whole svstem, for : « Whatever los a tendency to strengths en the whole nervous system, necessarily will strengthen any weak part. . Co Dr Bush's Lectures, This doctrine we have been taught in his iecture room~and on this doclimg my method of care is fonnded. Now as hard hearing is nothing more than 2a weakness oi the ears—it of course fol- lows, that by stredgthening the whole nervous system ,— his weakness will be strengthened at the same tine 3 CORSE quently, hearing returns ’ Further—Perhaps it may not be amiss to make known, that the remedy is not to be put into the cars. rE - —— | By order of the Orphan’s Court of Centre 1 County. Will be exposed to public Sale i AT the house of Evan Miles, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the 20t: «day of October next, the following discri- bed and vailuable property being part ob Dunlop, late of ‘tract or parcel of land, containing about | 970 acres, situate in the Township of Spring, near the said Borough, adjoining J. Harris, and others; this tract will be laid off, aud sold in lots to suit purchasers. A tract of land contain- ing 329 acres, and allowance, situate in the said Township, adjoining lands of Jobn Norris, die heirs of John Harbison, aod A tract of land containing 255 d allowance, adjoining the last mentioned tract, lands os Robert Gordon ‘and others. A tract ul land containing Iship adjoining lands of C Huston, Thomas ‘Burnside, and others, near to logan: i Branch. Seventy-seven adjoining tacts of unseated lands, containing each about 414 acres, situate in’ Bald-Eacle Town- ship, on the South side of the West Branch of Susquehanna. Also the one raoicly; or undivided half part of Washington Iron Works, situate in Bald-Eagic Town- ship, with about 1400 aeies of land thercio lattachied” Terms 'of'sale one half of the {purchase money to be paid when the sale Ishall be confirmed, and the residue in {three equal anaual payments. Sale to com | mence at twelve o'clock, and to continue from day to day during the week until ‘all is sold. “Attendance will be given by Charles Huston and John G. Lowry Admi’s By the Court. ‘Wm. Petrikin Clk. 0. C September 22,1817. REGIMENTAL ORDERS. The Commissioned and Staff officers of ‘the 32d regiment, 2d bngade 10th division P. M. will meet at the house of Col. Thos. : M<Pherson, on. Monday the 20th day of ‘October next, with their arms & accoutri- ments mn order for 3 days training. By order of the Colonel. WILLIAM PATTON, Adjutant. { ' Sept. 20, 1817. Tan Yard. The subscriber will rent for any term of : ars, his Tan Yard, house and two lots of No--not even the least particle of it. in Old Town, Clearfield opunty- | Putting things info them has Deen the ruin of thousands. On ihe contrary, the réader will be pleased to take notice that my principle of cure goes quite the contrary way , als together so-—and thus, by this contrary way by this new ‘way, (if we may ex- press ourselves) a cure is pertected=—and that too, without zny kind of danger to the ears, and with very little trauble to the patient. ; D GREEN: Reding. Penn. Berks sousty. Ga duly 37, 1817, i * ig ye ground, The Yard is now in excellent ordery hav- ing been about five years in occupancy, and is well situated for making money; as hides can be had, delivered at the Yard, at a ve- reduced price. It the property cannot rented, the subscriber will take a part. Those desirous of viewing the property wiil please apply to Matthew Ogden, near the premises. For terms apply to the subscriber in Halfmoon, Ceiitre county, A ROBERT ELDER. ry be -~ {
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers