mm HE ———— i rt Bette et BS GT Published weekly by ALEXANDER HAMILTON, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. ~~ MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1811. ing one where I was the drawer in a bank then a generd! credit in the branch of the and as the cause iznow depending for trial at Philadelphia several years ago. Since Philadelphia bank. I therefore had $4,500 in the court, it would be "Mproperto enter — the depriciation of ous mags, private oF the discounted note deposited, and Sen into any public examipation of its merits Rica . . money transactions and those of the com-jed for the commonwealth a general credit|between the parties -~- The cause remains Boy ro wing & Exchanging monwealth have been sometimes in a man-{to that amount inthe bank, and took from|for trial by a jury and the court. ner blended ; but without the view and with- {the treasury the same amount, chiefly in| 7, prevent any misunderstanding of the out the effect of mjuring the interest of the) the kind of notes above mentioned and part iti to thine : : : . A he [CASE ILI proper to observe that tothisguit state. The reasons for this will be ex-{in country notes of western banks of this Mr. Findlay was not a party as some have pained s he a States It was thought rat it was necessaTy erroneously supposed, either directly or ins ¢ committee must be fully aware ol{to pay the secend insialment on the United directly. The propriety of his conduct as the difficulties that have amsen from the| States back stock inorder to prevent a for- well as then So other Persons changeable state of the currency within thefieciiure of the first instalment; but on cone). any P ’e Oh - : ; 2 : was questioned in the trial ; but no person’s last two years, in managing a mo .icd office. | versiig with the gentleman in the city who cause was tried but that of Kline and Pea-- The notes of the incorporated banks of the had suiscribed the stock for my brother, Ij oo 1 Har, Republican state are the only ones that persons having {found that there was no fafeiture annexed ' demands on the treasury can be compelied|io the non-payment. And as he intended : : to take 1p payment from the state. Verylshortly to seli the stock, and as specie then From the Democratic Press, irequently however other notes of difievent{vore a high premium and country notes a— tree states were remitted to the treasury Lyjwere much depreciated, I believed it for MP. Binns Harrisburg, Aug. 22, 1817. }mail, which it would have been attended|his interest nol to pay the instalment previ-} A : ataitiaph ‘stating that X 2m dd. with risk to have returned by the samelous to a sale of the stock. The instalment votati a om of oe il ‘vote: ‘for channel. Many instances also occurred of {was not paid, and the stock was sold by Ee : y Dl Ww : heir . Wp 4 or a : 7 Joseph Heister to be governor, has been go» persons, paying for land, having a part ofimybrother’s agent in Philadelphia in March ing the roundsin the federal neWSpaDCrs Hat rich red for disc the money in notes of other states, which Ijlast = The money I had taken with me not pl : t khow how 'orwith. Whol ELE 4 Arisburg, endorsic AK or C1scount atlpad either to receive or disappoint them in} bging wanted for the purpose intended, was ne ry Hove that. th i aR the branch of the Philade phia bank at thisf,\pcacting their business. By these means] returned to the treasury when the discount-| a oo hor do 1 be I Saas a place; and there have He been wantingyl thoueh nota general rule to accep: them)! ed ndie became due, and the bank credit to] 22S OF feoliigs, D1 0 bestun OF myyenrs peisans haetile tools democratic causes.) money. sson@ccupilated to o large mmonwealth of $4,500 balanced by | ca" Produce any effect on the approaching “ho have insinuated that some of thosef, one Having taken these notes at mya draft from the treasury in. favor of the a Owe er aurod thatifhe noes wer Lea : . . i i 1 - 100s were discounted for the purpose of} = risk, I thought it not improper to avail{bank] Thus by this transaction, neither publisher and some readers think differ supplying the place of money improperly Lined : ) ently, T do therefore, in compliance with tien fi the treasury. of ti myself of the opportunities afforded me by{the commonwealth nor the bank nor any shes Of 4 ud Shen rom the ury of the common- my private transactions to part with them|individual was either benefited or injur the bE no many piends; hipse DE wealth. ’ wy : wh “Iment 1 respect, authorise you to say that ; : ‘ for such funds as I ha m SPCR ye oy No deficiency in the treasury has to our payment of equal ad Bergh Xo dole oh sis a full and free. statement of the story 1s without foundation. Principle knowledge ever been ascertained by the endorsing notes and ez money foquecs ional method of ES oe bust, indlepoifiont of Gor dieriions volvinZ 1 officers and representatives of the people inf yo. (n'y good opportunity for the pur-ness of the treasury department since the! ox (coing) Will ever I trust as it does in general assembly, whose especial duty it is pose. Since the depreciati y of countrysdepreciation of ¢ y t p ieinated -| LIS case effectually guard against inconsis- to examine and scrutinize the expenditure|r “Pp Oi of Countiyldepreciation of country. notes iorigiated the, oy “iiygur friend,” 7. and safc keeping of the funds of the Come notes, no other than country notes havejanl which, imperfectly understood or indus- JOHN SNYDER monwealth 3 = considering the confident been loaned by the branch bank in any case |triously misrepresented, has I understand : ; LscrioRa OF ns persons 3) the wqbicet where I was endorser or agent for thejgiven rise to suspicions either real or affect-| = Dion county, Aug. 4, 1817. (from motives easily understood) and es borrower. And wher. the discounted note|&d of waste or mismanagement of the pub- — sidering the interest which the poonle take 2° paid by me for the borrower, it was iicmoney. The calumnies to which you and alwys ought to take, in peop thi ’ipaid in such country notes remitted by thelaliude, in thew full extent contain the in-| : y . th 5 3 y NSH orrower as the bank was willing to accept.{sinvation that there are now or have at times Big chin selves pv relating tothe management of the public |p ooo" oLen cases when I had on hand for- | heretofore been deficienciesin tie treasury | Alter reading the resiguatfon of the five property ol the state, explanations more eign notes of the kind before mentioned|of the state, and that improper exchanges Germans below, what will the wolf, or particular and minute than official state-!, 3 teow wande. To this' sheep it he choose, think of those he ate : ArT hres air) the repens Lav cnnmernmistina ¢ i uv. Japana ments usually arc, La Hox perp ac ns BAC) money, I placed the money of red] oF Rublic migpes id, 1 can now show (as Iitempted to deceive by his address ? Cun he time be wnproper. ad as i ae gral received on the loan to the use of the com*{couid at all times heretofore have shown) [think them so national as to desert their part of the transactions allu T to mn ae monwealth, and took from the treasury|the money for the proper balance in the ‘correct principles,’ and become the dupes ‘ calumnies before mentione ae i ©Inotes less current, which the bortower was treasury, or that it remains in the banks in [of those who always deceived them ? 1f so, known 10 any person but yo ob namber| g/illing to receive. 5 which the laws authorise it to be deposited [he exposes his own ignorance & not their’s, of republican citizens Harns ie cons (If this be an error, it has been committed|-—that no exchange of notes or credits ever! He has already. proved his. villainy, in at- vened last Frame: an oh 22% when I bave not endorsed notes; for I|wasmade in the smallest degree to the(tempting to set the Dutch and Irish by the Buchsr, John Capp, John Zinn, Christian sometimes have placed in the treasury for| prejudice of the commonwealth—and that cars. Such are the men who profess to be Gicim and John S. Wiesiling: 2 oh tes the use of the commonwealth private mo-|no bank note ever was given or received at [the friends of the people. to request from you Shen exp anation asipey over which I had a control, and used o-|the treasuryy except at the nominal value Carlisle Volunteer: you may think proper to give in relation toihe, in lieu of it which by most persons{expressed on the face of the note. The sit- the above aspersions. would have been unwillingly received injuation of the treasury and of the public — We are, : payment from the state. This facilitated|money has at all times ' been ready for the 2 : ent 1x Bi : heen‘ready. for to THE PUBLIC: with much respect, the transaciion of public business for thefscrutiny and inspection which the constitu: : : your obedient servants, people of the state, freed myself from the|tion and laws of the state have provided to] We, the subscribers, citizens of Tobeyne JACOB BUCHER, {responsibility of holding notes which others| prevent delinquencies; and last winter par-| township, on examining Kiine’s Gazette of JOHN CAPP, {could not be compelled to take in payment,fticularly such an official examination from the 7th inst. find that we have been vorainas JOHN ZINN, and improved, or at least could not by any] the representatives ofthe people was almost ted as members of a committee of vigilance C.GLEIM, possibility injure, the public funds. Toldaily expected; as insinuations had gone by a set of men who met at the house of JNO. S. WIESTLING. {this it may in part be ascribed that, of a bal-fabroad, I may say such an examination was Frederick Sharretts, in Carlisle, on the 5th ance of upwards of $276,000 in the treasurylby me desired. If agreeable to you, the inst. We tannot consent to relinquish our y on the 30th of November last, only a small| whole situation of the treasury department, former principles to aid, as we suppose, a Harrisburg, August 23, 1817. lportion was in notes inferior to Philadel-|with all youchers and docaments for any {number of disorganizers and office hunters, I ENTLEMEN, phia paper. length of time past, shall now or at any{who by appearance are seeking nothing I have received your letter of the} In some cases money has been procured|time you may think proper be submitted to [but their own, preferment ; neither can we 22d instant in behalt of a meeting of repub-|by my endorsing notes of a friend, for the your investigation. The principal part of{consent toaid or advocate the election of lican citizens of Harrisburg, containing ajuse of persons whose names did not appear|the public funds is in the city banks and|Joseph Heister in preference to William request to give an explanation relative tofon the notes and which could not be disclo-{but a small part in depreciated paper, al-|Findlay. We therefore request Messrs. my endorsing notes that have been discouns sed without a bf®ach of confidence and per-|though so many and such large payments| Underwood, Kline and Gangewehr, to pub- ted at the bauks in this place, and of my (haps injury to them. In the last transac-{have been made from the treasury in par{}ish this. agency in receiving the money. The re-{tion of this kind my brother of Chambers. {money since the last annual settlement. VALENTINE BRICKLEY, quest shall be freely complied with, altho’ |burg was the interested party, and as thef The last two or three years were times DANIEL BLOOM to do so will necessarily require the disclo- disclosure cannot injure him essentially in}of unusual difficulty in managing an ex- JOHN BRYNER ? sure of the personal concerns of myself and his private business, I may state that in jtensive mroey department. One principal ; : : of friends. November last I endorsed a note of our objectand duty was, not to subject the peo- Todoyne ivwnsiijyy August 13. 1 have often endorsed notes tor discount,|common friend for his use for $5000, which pie of the siate having business to transact ™ and when the borrower lived at a distance|was discounted for the purpose (as appears|at the treasury to unnecessary trouble and was often the agent for receiving the mo-|2lso from his letter to me of the 14th Nov. expense ; and the more important duty was, pey and transmitting it to him, aud repay- (last) of cnabling him to pay an instalment|to preserve the public funds entire and in SIR, : ing the loan when due. For small sums Ijbecoming due in January on his Unitedjthe best possible currency And siffce the In your paper of the 7th inst. our snore freely become security for others ;| States bank stock, of which he was the solelcorrectness of my conduct has been questi-|{Pames are made use of as members of the and in such cases the loans were frequent-iowner. Having occasion to go to Philadel-{oned, I may without the imputation uf yan [commitree of vigilance to support the elec- ly renewed. Where the loan required|phia in the latter part of November, I was ity 1 hope, assert that beth objects have {OD of Joseph Heister, esq. tor governor, was large, 1 was of course {Tike all otheridesired by my brother to convert the mo-ibeen obtained and both duties performed. we never will gopsEn’ 19 bsgotng 11s tonis i ; situati i a-| ney ‘owe i eci i a of disorganizers ; we have y AL TE ocoriny sooty unless well et Seaton sooth bof how sens oe epmied] J have the. Hononto be, gentemeny:. AJLLIS ESE} wo bate alhtys SEE bout becoming security unless well satisfi-{ States stock to pay his second instalment, very respectfully, your obt. servant 3 x ; ed that the debt would be paid when due. junlcss there should be a prospect of spe- or . ’ [party ; and we will vote for, and give our in- Applications to endorse in this way bave/cic bearing a less premium towards the end William F indlay. terest to promote the election of, William, been Very frequent, as well when I resided jof December; or else to request his agent Findlay. Ii the Heisterites want a com- ®» Lancaster as since my residence in this{in Philadelphia to sell the bank stock for] To Jacob Bucher, John Capp, John mittee of vigilance to support their candi place; and although often complied withy|him if specie could wot be had without too] Zinn, C. Gleim, & J. 5. Wiestling. date, they way meet again and appoint oth= very frequent offence has been given by re-[great a sacrifice. I had then in the treasy- semen ors in our stead. tusals But I do not remember that I was|ry notes of the state of Delaware, Maryland ; ‘ y ISAIAH CARL, the drawer of a note in either place that{and other foreign notes to a considerable KLINE vs: PEACOCK. DANIEL STAMBAUGH: was offered for discount. As endorser 1 “mount, which 1 deemed as good as ou George Kine, editor of the Carlisle Ga Tyrone townshifi, Cumberland county, have been on notes in both the banks in this|country netes, but which many person:|zeue, some time ago bro ght a su't agains: August 16, 1817 place, and am now on two which have been |would not readily receive and could not be [the editor of this paper lov analleged libel § : ; renewed several times, and in one of them |compelled to receive for demands agains.| The suit was referred, and the a bitrators 1 am the agent for the borrower. the state. As I had taken them at my pe:-{last week estirnated the damages doue to In some cases of my endorsing, the mo-|sonal risk, this was thought a good oppor-| his character a! Sve dollars thirty three cents : . ~ ney was not for either the drawer or endor- [unity of removing the responsibility, and|and one third of a cent. The defendant ap-| has arrived in Philadelphia. 2 ser; and in no case for my own use, except. obtaining for the commonwealth in lieu of 'pealed from the award of the arbitrators; Dem. Press Many of the papers hostile to the demo- Craiic par'y nave for months been charging Mr. Fiodtay with improperly using and ¢xchanging the public money of the com Tonwealth. The people are accustomed tosuch stories against candidates for office, and know what faith and credit to give to them when they come from such sources. Upon this subject we have the satisfaction of publishing a couple of letters that will mterest and command the attention of the public, Wiltliom Findlay, Esg SIR—It has been stated that you have several times since your residence in How completely they've cudgell’d them. on To George Kline, esquire, The Factor is below. Mr. Sergeans
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers