X p ] - . - A - . il noasilinesnssuc: . . le EA . - — ME wk se hi —— — ep ————— ee ————— —— 4 A————— Ao aA ——— —— eee Se ——— iin - Et AR EE SR oh, . TT + a Je ; YES. —We referred to this delicious GRANT'S CABINET. | NEW YORK MARKET. : MULES FOR SALE! CENTRE HALL REPORTER. || RAPES Wo rer ibis dlc 033 tnt Sra sues md 03] Goh] LAT or Wheat dull 30183 1026 Miles : 2 Ti underaigned offers two good mules (1 x the subject back te » readers, ® { fallows : a RE sat NE OMI years o or sale. ey vells CexTRE HALL PA., Mar. 12th 1869. BARE ie Suhiget Spey R 4 Jae, i va- | fi 11: Ws: al : : | 1.48 for No 2 spring, 1.51a1,55 {or No U nion Pacifi c broken, and will work whereever hitched. m—— m———— | rioties, and most successfully raised in our Beceney of State- KE. B. Wushburne, | 1. 1,60 for Amber Michigan; 1,70a N J WwW 1 tA \ | The animals are sound, and the owner bav- LOCAL ITEMS. L climate. How many hillsides wre Mion ed ol oo of the Treasury — Alex, T. Ste 1,80 for white California, A KE GOODS ‘ LATLROAD Ji ®t they will be old atu | $ = { neh 3 he be v* ? y ¢ AST Falun, alin i ) QR ry 1 x «I y a : No stand wild with brush, h HE t thrifty |W art, of New York, Rye dull, western 1,36. ARE NOW COMPLETED I D. RHIN ESMITH, Quite a fight occurred in the Plumgrove | stead, could he made grow the! Inst Tl and. productive grupe-vine Nothing | Del PEL. of the Nuvy-—adolph Eo Bo- 1 Barley quiet, German at 2,27. |, Ad 0584 rdiles of the western portion of the | marh,3t near Centre Hall, school, below Centre Hall, on as parg- 3 Lo . He. ti ! pv to yield, | re, of Philnae Ip hia, Corn. mix ; a line, beginni Sacrament : | & 8 ore madly, 18 qh ' \ 0 rn Ne witor 4 ine, beginniu at Sacramento, are jad --$ day morning, between some of the schol- | grows ine : Tou \ hd attention han the RE cretary of the Interior J. D. Cox, of Out ’ y eed we a vo. ; ho i x B 0 | Agents ‘Wanted 10 a Day. y | { == re a ; . : 8) ic 1 S, ON mT 1 OO. on Y ars and the teacher, Mr. Levi Murray. | grape. An hh Te WL ; ard on iy a naa oy Bestnagter General- John A. J. Cress. Rice 9] lal0 fi TA wodind, P00 MILES REMAIN wo kw POR Sv , \ . | realize one thogsapd dotiars a en Fs bg : : ( arofin . . . » Our informant SAYS that SOHC of the ni ale | Ww d wy 13 to urd Wh har Al ople tO More ex- W ell, Of Baltimore. . . Cofle 0 dull. Sugar uiet, ( ‘uba 12} NOW Opening ‘To be finished, to Open the | R atent Revoly ng Double Maps scholars had conspired to make an attack | tensive grape growin, ous there are so ma-| Attorney General = E, B. Hoat, of Mas. . . | Grand } lirough Line to the of Ame rien and Europe, Amerien and the fq SONSIVE SPADE BUN. to make it profitable. | sachusetts ny s 15 for American. Linseed Oil 1 Lis O will United States of Amorith upon the teacher, which ¢ ulminated that nv advantages in it nuke profitable. 8, ral Sohoftold \ | Pucijir. 11, pening we certainly | | Vines ean he had i Huy quantity in our | decretary of War—Gen, Scholiel 1, 02:dnd1,08, Spirits Yates. 04, wed dat Mic . $n Nui f be Luce earl tis season. Colored--in 4000 Counties. te bi | awn county, Capt. Gg. M. Kepler, of Pine | The announcement of these names has | Dressed he WIS quiet at 134a1d. Lard | Mie undersigned Hiving purclinced the | take p J bo | Thee Preat Maps, now just com pled: tween Mr. Murray and a big, stout scholar Grove Mills, having established an exten | gy, 4 411 parties with astonishment, and in | 174410. Butte 30a38 for | . Besides a donition from the Government | (0 rv place of importance, wf who at first got the mu wstery of the teacher | sive Gr nape nurse A v, by, whom all orders | BP ind tia olitlot is congids | | in . 6G ey quiet at Slaol Ol of 12,800 ncres of land per i the Com- | rouds oO wd i eo and the. latest uve; All Ka ily Ors \ a’ A's { att » u in His { { { NN TN ‘ Ten i " and inflicted some severe blows upon him. | for ti he Concord, Catawby, orany « ther va. | IRRNRY Fu LS hic ., id hs HK ity for Mate, (‘heese at | pany is entitled to subsid in 1. . BD, Bonds | the various Erttopean States. These Ma riety, with ins trictions, will be promptly | ered a very weak one, which is not a wmis- | 19327) Eds U3a2! | fe Regt | in ev xy Scho] and Tmily in, | the land -the$ occupy the space of ome : I : ; : | { the; Average rate of nho? tg S20, HOO fre rmile, Mup, und by Means, of, phe Rexurauty either list sO successfully as to make him com- | grow. Person: giv ing goa i reference need No 1 at 1,14al,18, and No. | , rug” | RCCOre ling to the ditliculfies encoyntere d, | side can be thrown front, and # ote nasty iy of the situation. and the teac Jhi- | not forward money for vines until they | Ai [Ao am ty Y Rikhts ! ; VD), 9! Sav whi ' eond | brought level to tl y . : . in ’ Zid l 12ial 1 f 1 A a . 1 for wh cl the ( riament toed 9 WSCC | rat ¢ thee) ff {oun grow, and he turnishes a grape that will | appointment to the high and grave oflice ’ Tn t Bh ( a H | -t 2 ; tri lt LUV re Ne “| and large discount, Rte id gos gral Je1) 1 { I ) ore, 9 lic ps eearity. W hither autad ilies ure ’ ven 1 # 4 a a 3 Nn h wigilistic \ kd ; d i : : : Yous 4 ! i, Wd 'r made use al it A punis sh the d stand the elimate, This is straightforward | or See. of State, is rediculous and an insult orn, new af Weed A. Apply for Circulars, oth par- B33 : ol ; ‘ y ering scholar until he cried cifoy i h! Hoth I" and fair, just like ovr friend Keoler, Ade | to the country Alex. T. Stuart. is u free Oats quiet, at Hoe, given Lo any other coy panieg or uot, the | money for Sum le Maps, to J. 1% ti es fhe Ww marks of se Vi Th blows. We know dress your orde 7s to Lien, MN. Kepler Pin { | til. ey Loxluari, { ( | We Onl. A | Gover: w te Aon- | ard, i 2 ‘0 tlandt s N. t! teacl from ii sen eral good Grove Mills, and 3 ou are certain to ran no trader, and better known as the great dry- Liye at 1,18a1,20, overnment will comply ith all I som : / gt t. "$d 1¢ teacher, and ron HIE 8 x : ; : : { ¥, a on 3 5» {i ¢ oe i » * (d+ { ; hie di risks. | goods king of New York; Mr. Stuart can Bu) ley 1,80u1 81, : yracts with the Union Pacific Railroad Ca New Warehous at Mil conduct and bearing, ana pe 0 ) y: UiS=- | : 0 at {ot ths cific: $ ati not PAS d by out { Lard 18. Diesse d hogs at €11 0 PALLY. Nearly the whole amount of bons i . ' . Nal NOIR LHe QALY, As ull ad NSS 3 . > } ! yosition, we think the boys who had en- | “HR Fa. NG. Vucdd : yu. A to 812 ive hot o which the Company wi title Af tt €} 8 ; 1 into thi Jot will not hgve added | The att ntion of our readers is directs d to | revolutionary fathers wisely provided that to $12. Live hogs dull, at $6 £0 and v i | * Lh will, be entitled en ton, ‘rm cred into 118 plot, 3 Bra. 2 Fo { a1 + { . : . 5 {fore J) . of i : + » | RAY niready eer de | ; t {his vere | the advertisement of Coiv's Dyspepsia Cure, [ no one being interestea in commercial | | 10,45 for common to choice. BB ef cat- | | : cened ivored, Ape ilgpsigned d kosgleasure in infor ~. 0 QK a ; d replenished it with new goods just pur . | ¥ ot) t ) S Dae F try ation x , , "oy . 5} YoY | : 1 d BH 8 3: rc ® > Co i i} Te me £O b entire co sion of the affiir just as it was reported to in, Apu ier [Att th L Nit a ine is recoms transactions, vessels, &e., or who iz a large | tle dull at ® J0a8.30 for choice to ex | chas ed at the lowest Cash prices, fee) conf] First Mortgage Bonds at Par. : i; A ve Ty ai ico Teeently importer, can fill office of See. of . | tra shipping tRers lent that it will be to the interest ofall who | us, | mended by all who use it imparter, ean fill.the off I'See. of the PRINZ jie ant LR : | erected it the Stofie i! i and Are(now pre- : i ah 3 : i \ | Treasury, This is Grant : Hest blunder PHILADFLPH \ KET A ¢ a = nrrah ase sll nds of Grain for In ope of the Gregg twp. schools, taught Mr. F. P. Host 3 4 Has again leased ndisl 1 Binitediis bis k oduo JT | . LPHTA MAl KET. | fore purchasing elsewhere, | ted to issue its otvn FIRST MORTGAGE prrug to p his st annpket Wn hank: by oul young r friend, Mr. W m. Neff a dif-{ I Or a A . and shows how limited is his kKnowlgdge ol |) Red wheat at 1.6001,72: amber at | They have placed the store under the } Cash a 1 iighest nag t ] irr 1 bet “Bh 0 + teacher ! the Pe ‘nn tall Hotel. Frank is one of the state aftuirs: the President upon hay ing I 00 ’ ’ » sont trol of Mr. Jas. M. Lashell. who has ' BON x DS to tha snné amount us the Goy- | ful for the ti iheral prtroTE fre ore fore 4 giv~ feulty a'so gocurrer SEWEER She enone : rg had many, years expe rience in selling goods | | ernment Bonds, and x0 MoRg. These | en them, they hope by a Mgich widertion Ie : Pid , we to conmigsP ashing torthe's \ Land who will at all times be pleased to show | Bonds are nu First Mortgage upon the en- qusiness, to me rit Re fontintiahee 0 which is likely to end in a law suit. Liv . A | wis iid ek thet Mr iii rot i ol . a Pires i me ne I Hh ¢, and make 4 tire road and all its equipments, oN | "PL ASTER SALT and, COAL, on hand Since the abov! was in type, we hear sto- ™ ie rine the last ten avs, Q iis fel, so it . ooluart mghn yr Oats, western at TO lich Pa. 02a nr i ject nr them to pure INS, ’ a) RB 1S Te 2 +: | oh # y 3 . 4 ‘5 Som theiother side which have. ab Oi I'he weather, during { an { come qualified Nice business indeed, and | (4 ’ oO he stock consists of a gre smperal Hnsort - | RHE Y H. AVY ; 1 Al J I L: ‘ Hand for ale ut “SLATER & BEED, ries cu t LALA iil ‘ : d 0} ! ment of all kinds of goods usuplly } Ig! i A 8 x P ER § EN P. nhid, by special > - M potite leaning, and as the matter is likely oF roprie tors of Lewis flown ills. morning and led to a severe struggle be- » Jatt er luckily rot hold of & Poker | Diet ‘1 'y.3 _s " : i when the ls , got he Fok { filled. The captain guarantees all his vines | (ken estimate of it I'here is not one sin- on its lite as « omple 4 1 ind as Le pred, nl whiclt he brought down upon his ant: 120 | ygrow, and agks ne pay where such fail to | lo fi tos) in th hale Hist CHICAGO MA RK ET ele first-class statesman in the whole list | . \ | \ heat Washburne is a noisy politician, and his to their reputations. We furnis | want to buy goods, to give them a cull be. By its charter, the Company is permit- : ‘ ug fandlords along the 1s OTror pointed to him. for ith sont | 3 = and two of the scholars, some weeks REO | most accom modatiz a | his error pointe { out to him, forthwith sent | Rve 1.55 tor western. : . neoable. Last week was ex- . Was Very changeable. A5 X as ; . : ws : : }nesld yn 9th [a fine crumb of comtort tor the tariff shrie- (loverseed 9.75al10 " . ! {tremely storma and cold. On 9th fine and : | OvVerseed oJ, du . a country store, such as | ante wet. both ' \ ‘I's Wf 0 i! syl : i { « 30 oe ry‘: i KL N to end i in a law suit, it is not necessary that } heli rain, thunder gust inthe | 3° f Pennsylvania. Adolph F. Borie, Fimothy «3,621, nA. i a | y TLD ERT : spring-like; hei rai RE in Hg TR ed Bl LL | Ten {; 1 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST | Sup Wonrelovon Milroy. parties get | warm upon it, as the difficult ¥ | aveninz, and very stoaiy af night; 11th F Dec, the Navy, |i ' littl note, and | Flaxseed 26H. Dey HO Ne PAYABLE ING OLD. fun? Am 1 i 4 : 8S sil a he ie ‘TONDO ia 3 i jf SEY + will, no doubt, in due time, receive a thor- cold is said to be the wrong man for the place . . . ‘ \ x] r > ’ 1 onal: sifting “ale : J D Cox. is nn ex-governom of Ohio, who I. ‘ \\ ISD { 13 1 AM \ RK I + . { The 1 en Say rom £* ourt hin recen ly 3 ” > » - s i . . . . ¥ mid = r ¥ y * is . i . 3 . vt Would not in additional co. superinten- Rev Felker, of Sa¥dt’hileg, Las accep. | may do well enough as a radical eabinet of 3 heat S1,50. on Corn, Old* O85 Kye { . : decided that this contraet is in all respects pl Wey os’ ‘ont wipe ou . leutant " 1 a call from the 1 theran charge. near | ficer Mr. Cresswell is an original Mary- 1.20 Sa a20b, 62 Tin thy: U Iroceries | vulid and of legal abligatic = 4. A a3 7 wy das { ent wipe out all such onpleasaninesses fed a call i : 4123 ta Lat RY a | | : ya : : Cs 1 dull, 2:75 Flaxs ood 2 y NOVA rso dl. : . Nie ho securities ure ge ne il vulas ah le in : . oR : if superintendent hambersburg, which became vacant by wid secessionist, whoswas engaged inthe | dull, 8,7 Butter 30 9 ¥ in our schools, for, if one superintendent | Cha : hy NAN ! ! A . . ’ ro Hum A cine roportion to the neth of tine they have : ‘ \ x _¥% . gE 0 | 1! » is Ma ' Rds y Joo accentance of the Centre Hall charge | first rebel movements, but believing that White hean : gs 20,......Lard oh . : Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, R good effect it woul 1d be quite log i» the Hot Nh of th HIN adil ching a8 | tov TUN. The longest Six per cont. wold in- 13 Dull ! T allow Pot at w (RO og - 4 \ “lovaity would nay better, hoe went over ray Bl Ri, oad A Ges UM uéen yW i re iat I, Joi i he] cue, \ v . . ’ . EL bad t} 8.00 \ lod Wii ried Appleslh, 08, Port Rao . - 4 a terest bonds of the UL 8S, (the '61's) will be P I'l I'sBU RG H, PA. * > ; : to the radicals who rewarded hi with y & shoulder 1] } ' » » . ' ‘ - 4 ho 0 . Ballou N Magazine, fo] [aren. mil e . 2 mente, wind now he gels MILROY M \'L: KETS 1s upon our able, filled, with valuable, in- | the P, veneralship this is the manver structive and entertaunang . ial : y 's x ‘ gh . . : : wsheprk . in which “treason is made odious Jr > . dering O06 Out WH) i - Fed oa intendent be require Wd te examine teachers nunerons engravi 1s one of th = Abin . ! a hr arnnsnen \ ’ i} ‘ni Yacitic ¥ 1 t { ngra ny . do S ‘ QO \ fortrage I” FA like the Union Pacific | » . } tw el a : 411 be needed or 7 4 3 i Hour is a was aise re wlio was n t dati he H ta, .....5a ht POF SHOR A, . ‘ fh. by : i PRAC riCAlL BUSINESS COL upon their muscle, as this will be needd magazines pithlish : . Mour (fami'y) 4.00 Butter should approach this rate, Fhe demand LECCE ‘hen scholars . . nnoilistic. and let FE previously known (Sid tate ‘esa iVl "TH Q x cd 45 - judd. FT ira, . when scholars hecome pugilistic, and L Y ou. flaver.anter Hotter a Gri 1 , . wees 29. ....... Bacon Nides & Stroulders 16, | A hit W AR} i |g r kK ropes is estinent iz already consid- |! i “ RA Ha . ce i y : w v TY we i i LR A411t'8 i i : : Y . tel 4 ; ; ¢ 18 ‘ 3 | i f 14.4 vi ' K . . . ~ v . 4 the certificate read, On Boxing, No. Ist | what you mect custome 1 ne) iden inson urd 1 Met $1 od 1. ah, to | td treble, and on the completion of the work Jn the United States. 0: + line may re fiire. an CAIN rl oO ’ork f iedy 2 ) . as the grade in that line may require, and | (he; “Py urged for this re ason t Wa rian BOOTS and SHOES ~ill doubtless carry the price to the lurge , LR nauguration, Wis g te \\ hte tlouse yy FIFONTE ye yap { eh War where it is clearly established that a schol- | Alwass wall stocked “ith un full pes ; i, ; LLLEFONTE MARKETS. { premium. | FIF TF "EN THOUSAND STUDENT and vou can get whatever 1 ask tor. uring the entire morning signing bills, "hiite Wheat $1.50, Red 1 40, Kye . $ . . . . " ' ' i . i " ry rye » ' ry v ' Gy Se - § . ither aid | any the procession. 1.95... Corn 0.70, .... Outi Barley ii H. 1 SNE [ RIT} (1 THE BON DS. receive a permanent certificate. We do (Go to Pattan's for watches at jewelr } Yn} . , ®t Mov ed © V ft : ! iS an npA y . ¢ v Coe 3 et ry Wy ng Hi wing found Grant Seas hed tRA vera, BOLRLOES 1,40, { It needs no argument to show that a not think that an increase of salary should | 8 fine assortioent always gu, hand de 2 liv of +: : 4 ) . ATH Der poaa Ie ‘ork per pound 14 Fi M oS SN) i y “rs : i celebrated perfected Spet in | BRU o : anal US gr y . \ ge ‘he | First Mortgage of $26.8 yer mile upon bifid be had for these additional duties, / 4 Cele DIRE a pel feitad J Pt lusterner ton Drugs 0 18 as andl P. | : | . : H : utter, 40....... Eggs 40. ,,... | = GES Ap, 11g 1 the world, at Patton's word in the Stanton affair, we think there | $16 Tiliow! 123...... Bacof 20...... ams, Hn On A nel Willow Ware, als » | What for a long time must be the only rail | FOR LARGEQUART) CIRCULAR | road connecting the Atlantic and Pacifie a ———————— eal to suppose that two of t hem would he we hy Rev. I n “gooder”’ effe (ct. WwW ¢ wou! d aere St ug- due in 12 vear nd they fre worth 112 if gest that, as schpol government is one of : The Largest, Cheapest and most Sueces. 4 gh the essentials, that Ligreafter the co. super- | thev had #0 Years to ran, they would stand . 4 . ful SI.50 ............. th at not les an 125. A perfectly safe First brie I ir “licked” the teacher, the said scholar : did ior Brter Hy From Phirty-Thise Slates in Te COALS, Mr. B. Kerstetter, of Pe mn twp, informs ol dabidl : Ie: 2 4 ; «3 I want to ruse each slog) i alt Oe Cn’ lake sorter ttac fH wa iq } : avert v RproE The entis Coptaining, fall. Lin fmmations Outline us that he kept a earcful rec od of the W ho stand apon the brink, sal u th nauguration of the great Will Paper, Fish, Salt, Loe ther, &e, | DIAtCs Is PERFECTLY SECURE. Fhe entire Course of 2 aay, samples of Cowley's depth of each Sllow that fell this winter, up WW here Swain wr uit i tose THe dead, : CT, N ' | (rive us a cal Hand Noun tl © Cony ined { | amount of the mortgnge will be uhoult =A - : : way Yaoi vatas) 3 . hin} 3 '¥ & BR 3 » nls ( roy } 4 + & hy to the 3rd inst. the total of which is 5) in- Who might, {did not, think. : oo 4 \VAGER & RRO ' 2 ak | that Centre Hill is the place ‘o buy goo 1! oo0.000, and the interest $1,800,000 Jer un- | PR EMIT M PEN MAN SAID, { nih Semonie b (Successor to N. Hilibish) and ches ROGUS, Ww in gold. The present currency e ches. I want to warn the living ones reba. ciudad 5 aeit] ; Gravy & Tuomrsox, NUM 10 RoN le present currency ens he te } Lak : sts sme | eee W lio blindly grope along Te chdod, Lari, WALA VO uf LhiFee Ml Centre Hill! Jan. 22 '69 of this interest is less than $2,500,000 per I View of He ol Wing, differe ira wel) a n'inscstine of #4 vonferonce lindly an bh . I her f hi wwhibeot rode . hia ri vy. 0p . . duty = Yas | ’ jes . yepartments, City o ‘ LC. There will be a meeting of a conferend Ye fathers, dau shite ¥s, mot he SONS, 1} I his cabin Foe ‘ } \\ boles! Ie ¢ and retail dealers in annum, while the gross earnings for the ade Uo 8 ri 18, Te ke, &e comntittee, appointed to prepare a pian Wy WwW hat Pt rils ro nd you { ng H i . 10ekKed the d } HL iim { I. 8s. Ww e also bi dy Ii Jo \R § and € ul 1{ Qki % VeRr 1868, I 1 »\M W AY BL SIN ESS only Qy ITH & COWLEY, : ; 3 $3 * » oY Te of > a tea | . erent disan v1 of ia vows . . . . A a X - a uh 4 nicale. Fa 1 Hey a : : opetatil Hs for the extension of the Lewis- | Look ott, my reader, are you free, | great disappointment ofa lar | for which we will pay nhurket price, ¢ithe: | © AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 700 nies dy. : Pittshusgh, 4 | 2 TOWN nt \ FS a ye Ye r 4 B3: ow biuire bri he ‘h Railroad through Buffalo v als | Ord you wear tl mark ? i ha ollowed, U vase s reached for a hox of \ (¥Y7 3s \ | ‘1 2 "int Cash or Trade. G.&T. M en “ . : ile —————— ee amend me i 0 YO i pe ! | : i . LILES Ol ROAD in operation, werg | ! ley—at 3! Hiflinburg on Sth inst. (last Mon- Mast all ar » blind and cannot see, = 4 ear , And ail sat down and took a smoke. | , i '\ ( Ny \ / HW dl ( y | wore than a ; ve So : thun » The public sre formed | v) e hope this 1 0! cease | Y ea, groj pl in the dark. | fiom ' EO PAD : diy). We hopie this matter will not cease | hg ; | | fut special refiarter at Washington, for | THE CHEA] FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. BOOT AND SHQ& Iw i\B SHMEN Tt. » Fer { + { . 1k » i: * to be agitated, urgt 1 nm and talked about. ( atar rh, a de mt mn in t} © head, : +} in 13 LPI ITV OTE 4) y "n ROTH ; ‘ i} All worhet ; «tp t Be Hef I": N i 7 has been started ol Centre Halt 1 4 the un- of onte, R. r 3 : ' atrial n 1 1 VIL tegh - - v ’ ‘ toi] } . » 3 { A? . . We need a railroad through this way, and Consumption is its » my ix : : a iii \ OY ¥ ike Sti ye Riedetiils of which are ns full is dersigned.’ His Establishedent., “will be 22 =a “ys \ v oe 11 $ . tla 1} hii eas 'y tor that the loading biuhy 2% $£1iea : s2 43 ) fy - can have it if the citizens of Union and | ills he 3t2, yea, countless mithions, Gea porter, that the ly n lish; uu, | it, x { . bo P{ ° rom DP: 1 24.005 97 found in the upper ana Jroath part of Ms ! Yr vnla "a i} + his one j \ g" » Cf" s,.'F .e A 4 . Centre counties will only take earnest ae- Perhaps you niay. be one. guration dinner, was a vegetable one, from ad only a parfial Tist of Cook Flo e rely - 2,040,2 a 19 John Shannon's housed Reddy.-made Shoe AL rl . fda) 3 AE . a " . . . ' . , fa Pa » . {= » » tion in the matter \ railroad through That hackine, hawking tein hows | the facet that all at the table eried, let ‘ Ft 1 3131 ok, >i a | always kept on Hand. Repairing dom: I< I i Lil dllel, ui o — ¢ ‘ i sho . v ib Cy an 3 rafal. i 3 AeA Tt ‘ TT Ah ’ eal ibia 1: 36.2 3 OY : neatly. : Baffa'y falley means a tilrdad thiough | v atarrh te your head, 1a RAN Ww lingtor “Miscellaneous Wl,626 27 sepll;tm GEORGE BARN a : \ . Matter and sitme in thr mt or nose i aver ‘ ‘ee {av ern » . = py - ———— Penns valley. Every dollar's worth of real | Ru d wn vour throat in oo : ‘ : ’ . : brie i.d hs ' y ! 3 \ ¥aiil 1, x Foon Government troops. Jase $d ~~ =r Sy ———— - . i ns dow nur thread instead, I is We sporier X : \ rnnmental, | ) Wh A 3 ad . qaeh : a estate will be enhanced thereby. Self-in- et by Psd ai Ori tal AHL OT | “ Contra ; y a 0117 ” | Chas. H. Held, 3 3 e i resiaent vin ad aledictor to t io rrening, ontractors Lh,.... r erest demands sétion and liberality from | our lungs and liver soon will show, hae iil Roval Cook Vii obi LE WUT Geman Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweler % avscri sa vybies mn has its bi VOD Wf thie nited tate ask for 4 : "MVE BO Ag . c | ner ov | . < . our pe ople in this itor. n=uhption ha I ) Ti i ’ : ; ; hy é Prince Royal, A ne aw) re how *» ncdgous Fei fp. Bn Pi i aaa | Millheim, ‘entre co., Penna. oN. itiarria, 1i Ie. WH ioe LO i 30 ur 1 porn al of all snd : Sen | } ell + IRLEE S40 oS H§ ig . QU yh pn G < : Pi De se oY Ho 3 . is M. i Till vou return t rth thins triers “Ay 4 iA ) . Nriisan { Belle fonte, w Ligre We, keep .a. hand u ii | yl Total HT re A , ol “ i Respectfully informe his friends and the ah No Dounr or it.— The ne, . Mian an Ter Ee tent aia And Aus fean | cheap and well assert ~d Stock o Ps This large amount is only an indication public in gene ral, that Le has just opened A * s s, se = i . 1 . adlintt thin : PY A) a 3 '% i Q American i i . . i ; i op Be ho Col that a course of tudy ! If colds affect your head and throat, al nat every w wd of ‘ , of the immense traffa that most go oter : at hiz new establishme nt, above Alexsn ie dron CIty le ge is a fortune f any y FN Y M1 rar buy | * " | : . . A He AF dre Store, dnd Beep constan iv on voung mire, worth at least $5000. Hf this SANSrLTeR uy | 1) ‘ iroad sine hold at “Xiof: yuo d Yio & the through line in a few months, when the T 450% a bY e hand ta : wh Xow don't forget what I have wrote, : » Ratlroad meeting held fin. | Parlor and Office Stoves: EE Aa rw ih : 1 all Rinds-of ( Cloci KS, » atches and Jewelry we velieve he { * Milly sustained by eve ry } Or think this subject dry. ure on Monday. a committee w YA ssl | ‘VF " gregh tide of Pacific coast travel and trade af the latest «les #s dlso the Maranville practical business man who has examines : 3 ; 5 A a SE ( i 3 OO Se ® +4 } ’ . } ow } . . * a Lor d mmtere i at 6 pet cent {i mi Jun 1 i a vhs *r}e 2 ‘ WH 10%, i, Jiail vy Ti h the material aid to sake tha thi ; Inte, fa New Sze, ich he be st FOCHIV- 1 5, . ' { wers Of 6th inst. "hv PAIN PAST stons all vain bi ve material wid to make t A sr at i 0) x Ren bed As Ju iv i ful Ne fun Ne in Currency. { © The nndersigned having opined a Ware’ “ve All R20 My dal aiid, 4 1 : . ol, Size 2) Mmanes betle Wh ithanthe } wh - x . . ] - - for have f qOCertnl : ore ‘ull or section tT t rFobd han the CEE will Ise received in house for the purpose of recely ‘ng Grain af d ! aw ; fx ns cette “sled Fa sia : will begin. It is estimated that this busi- | Patent Calender C Locks, provided with the system of practical education there "OLCOTT S ANNIHILATON cures By Ee ll pas Oy TC CY | Morning tho f ey . Inessmust mak the. envidhizs of tho-road | etn plots ifdex of the month, and day of adopted, or Rae eC Als Testis in gp h—the d i Ries; 0) | ; + taken in furtherin | fe the finestand be + | Heap h rN op PAT [1 T "thie nionth and week on its face, which is {ites of the ( Miege, Young nen Seex HE: it Myo {Fe / ’ , a} en tH INSUTeS, thie nat ruet of a rail-road from 5s ie } Brillia: notion ‘ irom I’ IF TE] Te 1 W BY ™ MIL warranted As a verfect time-kee eT. business education, or parents having sons | And Catarrh quickly dies, bie. SOE agi boii New Ege, Fe : TONSA YEAR. vg .Clocks, Waiches and Jewelry re io ediente W Foal do well to send to Messrs. DR a * a AR : wav virinte-a hd kin. \ 3 the SUDLIV of these Rond: will soon pind on short notice and warranted. Snith& ( Pittsburgh, Pa, for a copy ' t yg. . 4a : . . i CVETYy varnety anda kina. fe ie . ha : : “ 3 , : 1 : And I arlor Cools for W e od igh oul and » . 4 ait: wr} toto t f oxt » toh ~ w - __Fepll'GR 68; ly : of thel*C irc: ular, which will be sent free on ¥ 10 Wish | Undersiana net in earn t, ot Freatl de; mavhbe all le. Wood Stoves of ever leserd ption, {( fort hil o RLS eit ry ye a. TE 0 - DE Dn ie ads. re ; 2 . y . { nt J 1 . a ¢ will ind it! Ah ely Intere ‘todo Son +t anee : M iT; i oli frre nd why its great demand, ITY null Ath nde AA YY ‘1 = a most splendid stock. | The price forthe h ighest is PAR, and ac- | ! roy are touse. DEATH OF 2 DCE SHBAXLER.—We : : ; Wis nt a radd-road, and let that be backed | Attention is ealled to hij stock of Roonneg | pg i learn from the PittBurg pi | of the death, at Newark, N. Sire. and can hatarnislied cnener tha: . : vious afternoon, of Hon: Clia. 'Shals LH re aN yuespertian latest style CENTRE HALL BY | wary Fr, Wa ‘ 1 Ni ty i ait gain. f Cory i Cader Stile . } i any wh tal lishinent in town. Furnishing G ods. i ’ a ap i Fas .hoenspreminently wontiected-with lo pT Ee Penis varlies, thatids without a mail-road | Cuverlets, FRED. KURTZ, | MLR OY, MIFFLIN COUNTY. 1 it: } ] . 3 3 gi : is, : aad F wt thi } » . - : 4 'r : *ienl.d 1) LN Ww ork gal, political and soci ial atfairs in Alleghe-| uni} jliarnash noout; ds ul PAY Oger a outing and jo irs promptly at- | Napkins, and in Ng York will cense at hr - To | atl Towels A't the Company's Qffici No. 5h Nae | xomid bagladdo secall their friends at the ny county for the last half century. ‘Tis Ti ‘mnless on the brea r brain ’ Ens fin benaded to, GLarges rea ‘able and Sits ' all PE { above place, where the highett' Cash prices Among the positions which Judge Shaler A trial stops all doubt. ne emocrpis al Hie laoinns fila | fyciion gitar nized ney linen Tul Fo Rodin] Yyiend Wound A Sk Sigel 0 | wil be paid for WHEAT. CORN, RYE 1, : i 5] : 1} we en i Yi it . 7 I . remy * 2% TOI 4 sd 1h ye ~ ’ ANI A _ filled in Allegheny county, were Judge of | When inflamation leaves the fro hoa hi HB NE. {r i ORGE PECR'S EATING HOUSE | Wiktghes, J ve'ry, and silver plated Was | Jol J. C - Bor Bank re So EX | ATS, hk. \RLEY, and allkinds of Gray hy i a nen inf ation Tee < tie nme, . oer ‘ ; . " 1 . B Q { » Li Dl i *) ) ankers, N09 | : < the Coie oF © ommon Pleas. Judge of the | Al puin noo 0“ "ro IR i oh ST TR yl. oN od a anda : Varent cariety of goods too numero 3 OI IC wl St. «| eo ind etoile oh hand PLASTER : : cir Eon vas . : J . . an street, SLE cade Rests - a i PROCPY « . Pie . t B as States Yistri ot | Re: ave t} 1 Cruse, Tis the same: nm (en iat i" doh 11} . ERTIES C$ ol bi : to NX ntion. . istrict Court, and United States Distric Fone doubts unless a dunce bloe lire, . Ey ' WW Jellefonte, Pa. This excellent estab- .R- P artieylar pttentioy paid to tl | And by. the Company's advertise d agents | COAL. SALT and Fish. Xttorney for the Western Distri ct of Penn : Ah Ta dle eid ale lishment is now open, and ood, meus C/N xe Ns of atches, Clocks nd Je welry | throughout the United States, | Ib Bye Rail-road depot is in the same milding greats : oR oT . nt the elect in ‘ Joence | be had at all hours, Roast Beef, Ham y 1 ; o 3 £v1v vania, under Preident Pier o£ al dniinis. The pores will open an ink Pars . ; be hud as all vonst beet, Ham, | oq a first glass Watchmaker constantly 0. cont free but 3 ws sttbserii ca : Tr ; 1 | I =a ofthe radieids a : ; warm or e313.) Chicken; Turkey, Tripe, » Saath rk int re Jy : 13 mds se me: ¢. bat Di : u “ hing] GEO. BLYMYER, ol Al : vi ‘ : i >. 1... ‘ : 1 : . ‘ : ; Ls . : | . > " : | S734 te £11 wis} : 3 tek els, Ovsters, Sour PS, s. Lukes py 3% * hroueh local agents, wi ovk to them for ‘ SN. PP. 3 Judge Shal fo the last few vears was Absorhents ill with ease; bake. Piciats, Oysters, Hou K . eS S kes, | « Ouicl sales and emall profits” 3 oui SFORZY 10CR A Qe JOS. P. BLYMYER. i aler, for the last few years was Restores the w i- 1s t.ly 4 x rt Crackers, Nts, Orangs 8. Le Taons. RC... ‘ ‘ . i their safe delivery. zoplé om . a citizen of Bellefonte,‘from which p lace he | The a. ce aN ' yt comprise the bill of fare. * Billiard Table motto, | ANEW PAMPHLETAND MAP was —— gpm ga Japa ey i Hb] - dit} Stewart, Grant's See. of the Trea- | connected with the Restaureat. Oystersin A Lberal discount to the trade. Please | ° . a - i The 8 receiiliy moved baek agai to 1s JT hoi . : : : ) 7 - | iccued Oct. 1st. containing a report ‘of the ¢ ¢ " ¢ tt Pi 1 H : Weld ini the hia} i Ev aporutior’ cools the plac sury, has resigned his seat 1 the cabi- | every style also by the dozen and hun- | Jive us a ell. Lon ' Jun22 3m 153100 hedge y & RT in » i { « Q or > a Q * 0 ¢ va ; . \ oy » ae “A ' . | . . ‘ i . " | . = ittsburg. 1€ Was FE 11 Li 112114 L 3 Fe: in lummation fH es : fed dred. dec 0, ly i = Bi 5 CO \ T TN) Y iW 0 a { progres: of Jie work to that date, and esteem by all who knew hin Hot hood at the absorbent’s base TE | | : more complete statement in relation to he penny 3 Makes Fader 4 | in vapor rise. Ft i= almost certain that Boutwell, i : y “he be | value of the bonds than can be given in an | Mr. D. O. Bower has sold 17 fouse and of Mirss., will vet Stewart’ 1. / J The best | VA ) : or ewart’s place, and | (1 aner I Set ‘ TLL NY + | advertisement, which will be sont free on : | "Tie thie Pais Parse itihigtes all . : i . WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, |! o "s offic fa ¢ SK 5 land at Aaronshurg to Mrs. Kline of Brush- PAINT 1 a i Poa this will necessitate the resienation of cin be had at the Bealtefonte Line Kilns Ob | ¢ application 4h the San) ue. s offices, or to | do de tore. val . . Q . Ou DL, ve sry Hii 1.: * Jus : . : : a di . : 5 i “4 ¥ ! wily rt Ise agents alley tu Mp rlauer intends moving. 9 | Removes the very Cause | Hoar. These cabinet difficulties have the Pike leading to Milesburg, nt the Towest | *'¥ JOIN x. C 18¢o Treasurer Union ounty, ha tife purchased the fal’ By pumping inflammation out | caused creat excitement in radical eir Cds 2000 New Patterns, just received from | prices, We are the only parties in Central | ' 8, ' * eWTY ORK. ’ penny property near Laurelton. On this we rest ous cause. | cles New York. Penna, who burn in | Jans, ey A — | CIC, WY S of all dn ate . Thisire Hours.” is the title of "a new Wolcott's Pain Paint is sold at all Drue Grant has sent another me sage to Patent Flame K tn. | IT _BU RN MIDE a THOM AR literary monthly yublished at Pittsbure. at Stores; also. Wolcott's Annthilator. for the the senate w ithdrs awin hi roy ™ | 2 ’ ioe . AR & i ALASUTS, < ‘ 3 g 2 ! g | : q I NCE (0 = oof all ki m ds, 4 tel ong gloves | £ GRAIIAM & SON. $1.50 per vear he Mare " op § .. | eure of Catarrh and Colds in the head. =1,50 per} , he March number show: andere shiefs, coms, pod ket books, which produces {4 V their variety andsvees chen, at 72o=~Over 5000 Pieces now on hand, and ror “ . : BU RNSIDE & THOM AS’. i Armbruster, both of Gregg twp. GENTS of either sex, in every town | Grant's request, in hot haste, without TI undersiined offere- thi very desi- | ON NF DOOR NORTH of IRWIN & WIL I 3. ac 1; Tareront Dr gl 00 P Re i Livy pe Yor ame ussél and | i ind Silage, for fhe Lax he Sh | consideration, hut Sumner made ob- ‘eh uy and | rab ¢ building Lots, at Gentre Halle at pHs SU HARD-WARE STORE ss Lucy vb, both of . shurg Ah SA LK spallest | bh mie wet Ao og U8 17. ( &Y dots Are § on the | I wi Bio hie articles sold can be exchanged. for a Silver | jection, spying it Wasa gr: \ve subject, | *® ( oogk paper at 9,19, 123 and 15 cen vate sale. These ls e situated on the “Public Sales. over =o | | | | rm : | ¢. 3. ver Bi \ | Fo | Baplshurg road, near the Lutheran church Piaig g Ave-Daiifed Re We ving Castor, or | whic hi sho nd 1 it be pessed per Jolt. | ¥ : 3 adjoin aach other They are finely lo- ing - > { your choice of 200 articles vpon exdhunge . : - Sale of H I Norris, Oakhall, March’ 22, i list. Commissions to A req P larger hd ‘ lightly, and the 1'eg jue ~L of Cire int was Bl farm stock. | over. Send for Circular. 3 | de fo ate id, Crood for Sumner one QC. * o>: i astorine Line. ls ote] pu dS \ J = 4 C, | th Is ine em e ofthe * town. For Terms | | Marufacturers and Deulers in M. Krumbine's sale, March 27, Centre | 5. C. Tho MPSOX & Co " | : Fe >} | apply to ; Hall, house furniture. | £26, 4w 136 Federal st., Fr Fria Panes ienni Ta : J. R. ALEX LAN DE: Ro 3 Sale of Rev. Settle ‘moyer, at Centre Hall, > $1 onnsY radica congress- | wa. Best Sutin Papers at 30 cents per Bo | ' jan&.tf — Liloion 20th inst., house-hold goods. IF YY ou Ww i Sl i men hav ¢ se nt a pe tition to our state Sale of 3ienry Lengle, 29rd inst., in’ Pot- | b . oe. offered to the trade The Des st : | SYRUP. The. finest LEV Oran wdel jnst re- tor tw tock 1 1 1 Legi slature, fort the pass; ge of an act | ~H AMC KIN AND WW 11. KES SB. AR | | ceived, che ap at Woll's ol4 stand — ‘ry it. "Res 3 - kg Seno . | Hon.’ S. Te stnek ale, Hiirris fp. 19th | Try the C Jombim ation of appropri: ating money for a statute of LIE ANTITRACITE COAL, fo Manhoad:, Taw Lost, How “Restored. | Marels: ; | Allen, Atwood & Bates; Thad. Stevens, to be placed in the Lin- | | | wll sizes, pre] pared expressly for family ust John Fry's sale, ne; Fy v's Mills, or 3 : , AVE! | hf : . 18th March, ah ad Bue hold. °r| GREAT MAMMOTH SALE! coln Daan it. This would eos je | | » vig. Fine Patterns at 17, 78 20 and 25 cts, 30s ton, o. mblished, a new edition of Dr. per Just | | C ULV FRIELL 's CrrenraTED Bxsiy on the h ow | SiEver Brook Fofin-| sims wis metcne dawms| YOuths; nrisses ti. larg are Stock of O11, WINDOW b torrhog, or Sen inal LL ie [avolunta- | 3 a ah SHOA Ft AEs, Tap Ea ND J 3B | q rv Seminal T.osses, Lmpetey BY. Mental tnd ans CHILDREN S BOOTS AND & JOR ( 35, all of which | | V ( he 1 | Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar-1 will be sold at the lowest market price. | ai JS Od ringe, te. ; ako, C i Epilepsy. | of oy Ls d will Com : | Land Fits, induced by felt indulgenes or | Our Stock, 13 Large an Establi pat AT W. J. MMANIGAL 8} i. uid ou lot of Briand doe {28 unl extrayaganee., ec Iy 6 ots. with that of any other kstablish- LT We will ® nt to any . reor wending | have no ohject ion, but it 1 tEe mean- | at lowest prices. Also alot of first andsee | “cg Price, iii a sealed onve ope. only ment in Centre county. hs a Tad es,” gent’s, Also : Ojl Cloth, Hlso D. S. Kocherderfer's sale, Harris twp, | Licensed by the U. &. Govt. upwards of $30,000. We object to on '20. March, farmstock and hous ehold. this waste gn: Pe. If the negro- Jacob W alters. gale, as » 0 Having had larger experience, we fare ie,” near Centre a rm stock, 19th March. IZ onfident of success in our ONE DOLLAR worzhippe rs of P ennsy lvania want a D. ‘Hosterniy 8 sale, Penn twp. » on so | SALE. | Statute of ole | I had, Je if them ik ly for Marl ¥#. NOTICE. .go7 it out of their own Nog, kets, and we > RAT Jorrs XE OY. p ity ™h rata or this admirable ALU TABLE P ROPERTY AY PRI us # club in our GREAT ONE DOLLAR est impudence io take it from fife tax Jan, Af mr NiLE ere | ODA aUality 2 | oxioraid au In from a hirty We cordially INVITE OUR COLY ¥ ATE S ALE i in Centre SATE Silk Dress Patt Piece ata . " . EY. iF) [F\ © [f) T ‘ oo Ey BS. G. 8 SHANNON — fi ting, Sewing Mac Tint, ue hk Sig funds; aid thus make the De ‘mocrats | | $5000 A our ne hw ww 3 OARDY, JF 0. AD A AIL years’ sue reessful pu nchise, hat the dlarm. Ly ous prices wi that =) rs his fine . : ] >» half. W hat would tl . ; Add J. AuEARN PALING, SHINGLES | Yhe-consequences of self-abuse mayioe rad- Sea. : Bro Tt for sale, situate &ec., Lc. - % 1ay one l Would 1e8¢ ra- | valuable inv ention, aaress J. J HE hIbNy 2 xX, 0 A rd ad ing conseq - . B sellin off 1 the corner of Main ab — ALL F RE E OF COST. Jie B13 sa Ly if it were proposed to pay | 63 S econd St., Baltimore, Md. feb26, 4w and plastering lathe for sale cheap. ically cured without the dangerous use of Cheaper T hort the Cheapest ei fi es , > 1 Wale . sedicine or the application of the ES treets, in Centre Hull, a large | Greatest inducentents ever offered, for th e statute of some em pent Jeader | IN E PROPERTY FOR SALE. Otlice_and yard, near | iSonrehs end of Bala jutgrnal mois out & mode'of ~ure at once | arellefonte, A oR 68. tf , , ror , _| Circular and Sample sent free to . r aPSi{FNe . rop- | Eagle Valley R. R. De tre dwelling, with Al £8 20 camp. ho Atk EN, A: I'W Frea & iy J of our party, out of their taxes? pg he y le gne offers be : SHORTLIDGE, & CO. simple, certain, oad efissinal by Det! dons Malle i oe el Suighéd, anid Fhe. Nok. 5% 2 3 alk, 7 78 & 81 Deva jra SL. wh ial en: Pa - rity at C fant ra; Hall, at priv ate an10°63. 1y. Bellefonte Pa. which every su erer, ‘ne ‘matter what hia. r " : 5 be, may cure himself gueap: : ) vate 2 '| feb26 4w Bostor, Mauss. BLA NKS —Blank Summ Ne 8 TH ae, consisting of one lot, : condition may be, 1 g hrdrant near the door andthe water cor ee re : Tr y = us Notes. Executions, and Simmons, Xe ids Rh Het] reon, erected i good, two- HP® Te oa Levy road's nt ly, Pn: pisly, ad tadieally, ths yi = . A Tromeliious § HGek of Good 2 2 Ry : MN. BLA 7 TITZER On Note combined. Tor sate hie Trig r fram ellin ouse, ! ARC his Lec v ein: ands A the cellar. For fy] particulars inquire of ; BL AIR % S ITZ EY ke emption Note combined, for si le at this tory frame dw 2 made sore, get good herse collars at: « «| ed fr mar in-the land. * : lice or ( us with a new and convenient | we John Shannon, at Centre Hall, ‘or 5." G.' ATPORNEYS AT LA Ww, Oe Pwo New Hubli Satise Ma | | good us hn io with dr fon ord wd | BANS IDE & ROM AS. | very unt ara eer man i he ont, to FP Se — Shannon, at Selinsgrove. feb19te Bellefonte, Pa HINES Ww o o ' I 1 y. t) shop: very. FI{ANNE caches, ton es, eSS, “rosty vaid: or receipt of 6 cents, COV ~ 10 coffee : : ww: ed {ur sale 3 cellar: and urge two story shop D FRUITS, p aches, tomate anys J ov. java, best "quality Ri = When es FL Ee erees of Office- -On the Di ABIORE next dhir to Gyre | Sn a, pa er m cola on 0 i ieation, and, Sian i pine a les, and paps in’ tent varie: Prive D st samp an Fe bgst oo ong black teas, green hone ns . bustion, = Ee iq ] os | re oT their’ man’s Hotel, Consu tations in Ge rman or this institu tion for sale at this office, and to for conycls sion to a ¥ 3 RST CT S lan tys at 3 JRNSIDE & 1HOX 1 abhor, oR 1C Re 10. | FAFRD, olden Syrup, Drips Bre art in the com like w ter Hn barons English. : feb19,69, tf be had at a bargain. : ROOM with:ecllar under fie oud 8 ow ASK BTS in all their varieties, childrens pay 1 127 Bowery \ York 6. pie Molasses, Tice and Syerst » ot in the pores li ater through a spong. : ; X stab le on the lot and choice fruit: tree B carriages, willow ware, ‘guns, pis- janZy y 127i Bowery, N.-Yor | grocery line at the lowest gash price re il th “BOOTS, by the thousand," all si styles, gi | tpi fete rorder.y For further particys J tbl fut 8, in TRNE 0 is the Lock Haven has & man who sits up nn ses and prices, for men and boys, just ar- | The. Mer! Ns Sun calls & very blac dy. goed bearing order. v Fo oN TN STER. | tols, powder, Hie caps, tartridges, ac. .y dt TCLOTHING—Overcoats Pants, ¥ est market BU RNEIDE & TH i . ‘ SAM KE [54 ci > . = vf A¥ g Store, 1: . night to avoid the expenrsé of lodging. and | rived at Wolfs well known Old Stand. gro the “viviied but end of midnight. ky Ld to y Centre Hall, URNSIDE a THOMAS | ¥nd Dres: Coats, cheap t=, | | place steeps all day to save bord i fob
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers