PERT of such cl i =e of army New pein Cmany it wt, aside of (ho pro- cign war, in which both heerfully unite to vindis cate the honor of the national flag and further illustrate the national prowess, would be the surest and a wa) : natictinl enthusiasm, ime devotion to Union, and occupying a fovee, coucerning - which grave doubts existed as to its willing , after four years of active cam igning, at once to return to the pur peace. Whether these Intions were true or false, it : cued that they existed, and the predilections of the army for time being were in the direction indi ated Taking advantage of that feeling, it would have been essv, the Comune v-in-chief of the “Arm Navy, wit! | all the power and pat ronage of the Pre sidentinl office at nis dispd=ud, turin. the th of nation against I'rench interference in Mexico, and to nau arate a movement which would have been received with favor by the military a large portion of the people. in this connection, that to the almost unlimited powers, tends red the by the measures relating t Ni tx and t Hu a mtervention in Mexico. vis believed and urged 1 . » irom the Ered justice ings, a to » sid eS could be ceed Y ~ Of awakening a \ TAL ¢ 1 yevily yl Jie His ol will be CON +} ne is ¥ wii xi} tu concenaralea 4 : 1 Hire {tne and It 1s proper, T should refer additional Li xecutive, Civil Righ Fecal. Contrary to most precede nt experience of publi Ic mon, thus placed within 1 1) clined, being in violat (‘onstitution, y aang rer ous peop L 1 i ) . he I reedwmen 3 4 +} in ag Powe J the r - 3 £TASD, were Qe- jon of ti the as 1C¢ liber- to age- it discord naturally resulting from our civil war. With a large army, and augment: authority it would have been no difii- cult matter to direct destinies of the Republic sefure my cf 118 office known to ou whom | fo i tics of the £, and {< andi ravate rathe be . 1 r than lessen Wi W } a ! P h at pleasure ihe NUKHCE lil r . 1, Ys PEYPIT, lil 1 » the 1 ing hours of a laborious > Ey ! 3 A 3 + 1. rh different would have been the pre . yoo : 3.4 sent condition, had P wielded tothe temptation ike of personal a io +1] Len Wi not residential chair \ JON aazzinny ‘ex it, and power, | Ol 1e4 UeSIy, da lize t} § oor Mel the dosivs “wield additional I x have fiCC. yt ¥ mduly magnified mine of mereased by my acts and other and | perhaps thousauds or ten thousand of | hives sacrificed to visions of {alse o ry. It eannot el : 3 ; ; my ambition has been that nary riminal kind which, 1 ay + 1cr} t3 neni of rics the people's CTASD Nn ta Lore hoe + L $1! VALU BJ AT TC of ala or Cries, €Vvel set ef to 10T¢ aceon a» + (len to 7 ANE and to con fe | establis hed ta tory colonies through- | deprived of the full Roman suflage the inhabita®ts of the It: lian | on; ted their Is ands and gave them ic vs; and conferred citizen ship upon a great number belonging to those vho had proseri bed him, thus ereatinge at Rome a Wf body guard for ; protes After having over slanghter, and tyveanniz example over those had his legions his tervible of wrong, Svila conld yet avine down the | fearfully abused, in with the families and uh riads of \ ie he had inspired, voluntary abd ti cement, who had permitted themselves to be en- slaved. What but a knowledee nviction that the homan people ed and od have TE W hat, sequen conlizca 10 | i SIV OS Kind (LION. {oO all given hevond d to him and instrument safe in of power =O sling freely friends his " whieh iinued after and even in re Il was law to a people ‘( opp i fect CNRICNS fie tims, The fea ™! ation lets his wi shutie and co had become changed, discourag i utters fr ik i I 3! 1. u {01s WH! nin Si rit coun du assumption ? but public indifference to wv terrible as to leave Rome to every calamity, which subsequently left her, could have justified the con clustons of the dictator and tyrant in his staciling experiment? We find that in the time which has since elaps ed, human in | covernments have not greatly changed. Who, a few mn fing One have “ wing opel nature and e Nig MCI ars tro, conten npla futur ' 33 Vy Si itd =~ ywosed it hat inw hriaf ivsla "tk 11 iN & Dried HLL is wri- HEE Vy Hl riod of CX] demanded in the name dictated hy red coll- rvihine or constde that personal tes to mh IE, with sullrace ils woilid i ] > TAAt unless 1 t rpose, there no ihe ma- under aomina nt jority Congres the United States. An appeal to the nation is attained with too much delay | to meet the emergency, while, if left {to act, the ton mild correct, in time, such evils as Go follow [ecislative usurpation, Is a dam geury Lat 11 same S Io Constitution to check a power of two thirds of the Of “= W | freo 1 would for theirsole 1 : he the SAnrenacy } rity * Wiki cutiv having aaving anject i 1 4 d " LIC VE fox y s devel ivnnil DOWNED J0uire ' ‘ . . Gf 410 JOVEN MICH] 4 Hdaicdate in { 1 & al . sactireid ian eatin suit ‘nion, ing about eace, lo ex- cumities, 18 R ‘outl i, Pea 3 ted the £5 dal i Lo | i have e 3, Fe ri 1013, 15] EGYS ; aL. couytry, I aw; GulLG ony Lay deg Lanta i ut of the prune, lori cdan Seidl t f 48 w€4 ferGAT IILimate G, witli Lie ™ 1 i . 2 De wir, all mast. rem slapendous and deplor able N har Ki ide under 31 Gin ] the othe yr had this simple fact and its copelusi & 1 he Hye £ » . witli, JQ fF pda : + sv 4 the disinied ii) ember sir atel iis cif ails), Yoer #4) sale ai Hshed by the nl tors Ble wrod 13 ; a0 wt i Wi as Lio } e350 Om 35% ¢ the hitter feeling eadeaver at aisnemont shown and fel { i the promut ratilicatioy of ¢ tational amo lt dments tne at the close of’ t' e war, the 8 2k ar a3 qc 1 Be who in 1 "1 eh no 3 ii s by cogpting “0s ri ato yd if. d ly Tin ne ean elds this Jat ¢ d ate, we YY OLA to | palliat rig cin 12 moreover, as all | nave ao e¢gst of the arbitFamant Let usin] the future, cling eloser than ever to the Coustitution as our ot nly: safegnard. Jt] i3'to-he lieped that, not unsil ‘the bur- dens Yow pressing upon. Us wi fearfzl weight are yems people foriget the iessong of tile war, and! that rite from SGA, he wig y- ib the States may be pe erpetrated, the his- tory of the late events in our country, as well as of the e greatest , governments of ancient and modaren times, teaches that we have everything to far {rom a departure from the leiter and spirit of the Constitution and the edie as- cendaney of men. allowed to assume power in what are considered desperate Svlla,, on bee oming | & gmeorgen Clee: = . 2 * 1 1 Yih ' 5 ' 1101 Of LHe IN Tr . mand of a hill Much It must of af- defect whi nent of I. work its overthrow remedied without iarimony 1nstiru- veto power aenerally grounds, ; 4 ened and prevented a cal » reconsideration : : Executive. + 'y + 141 Je Constitution. this condition Ey aesion 1}: 114 Ely hood bnetted that } 1 Ve] OW i a i 1 wold 1 ers] (ePaT tho gov » A ment, read ily ny however, be 1 | 136d n { It may . | disturbing Tl | exercized upon constitutional an whenev 1 | bill returned of the | el to ment. 1C is with the I casons for withhold ling | Xecutive! ot his signature, the i.wreme Court of the { Sales Pi 1:3 deeision. If its constitu- alite chall by Ceclared by fh tribunal ’ : oe declared a law + but tals it shoul ! fo re- pats the vet “te le 1 te 0 wi and inconside. o= and in ‘which 1G constitutional | involved. | would ie fundamental law, for ; A Le {4 > upon il 1c] islation, t (iesll 1m . wmanient- evil cu 3 ederal wergl systeny, is such ¢ srpent ag i existed un » the Constitution: prior to the rabel- Tot, may he subverted MI id | ov erthrow 1} by 4 two hirds maj or 143" if) - fl It , therefope, di iffieult vd rapidly th Jico may I net say here | Ly an uncle table nu ery y ii POWER, and W he neve rde the y (Gove wl eM 1 ECR, i } r OY) ia 1 0W Ct ost, and | iy priv ed of their rights, how powerless fo are? Regain them! Let us tuen for a mo. { ment to the history of the n iajor ity in Congress, which hag aeted m sock ut ter Vhile heen le | the liberties Ly ed [agit | makine = the 9 sublie attention has expected sins of the South, the servants | of the people in high places have bold- ly cutraged their trust, broken their cathe of chedience, and under mined the very-igundations of he , Justice good: government; + when the rebell; lion was being suppressed by the volunteop- | edeseryice 6f patriotic soldiers, amid the dangers of the battle field, these men ere pt without question into place and power in the national councils, Irtyv © J — people bowel their he ds to the fia, and renewed their allegiance to the | United States, then about the thousands of lives and mil- lions of treasure sacrificed in the sup IP «ion of the rely dion: + the y since pit siticntly sought to thi x pr Ju Lie & sections, to restoration of peace and aud by every means to ke ep ape Hn ant e X os ed to ¢ poisoned wrath of party passion, terrible wounds of a four year's war; they have prevented the return of peace, and the restoration of the Union in eve ry way ; rendere 1 dolusive the pur POSES, promis rd 1 J | be lo Ny SOS, by which the army was marshall d, tred on febicHion erushed, and made t! v liberties of the peaple and the powers of the President, objects of constant attack ; they have arrested from the his Const | power of the supreme command of the Larmy aud navy; they have destroyed the stron, he Executive depart ment, bi making subordinate officers indepe ndent of and able to defy their | Chief Magistrate ; they have attempt led to place the P under the inflame retard tho hs armony, Ne rehukdd and «4 residunt, op ati of Ie sident cabinet oflicer: th have Fxccutive of the nitive rendered null and void acts of demencey granted to thousands of per- the Constitation, and com- FOSS Us frpation by legislative this power in OLS the mrdon ; y pred ! t i LB TOs Ut wler mitted ot attempts t of party adherents: th ed io oliange OC xereise favor i y have Conspir- {y the tem of ment, by peeferritie eha p do in the forms of articles of HER hin nut, and coutemplatin : th 1) trial, tl he HA ho yoy f tial duranes our Gove ell the Hing 1 hea 3 1 iced FOS tan)rivt Or slo! under arrest, held in it { i aud when hoe Wsire, to 1 ! 4 He Ne driven pronouiee S 3 a bine i1tve 100 th tide of peace inereis- national debt, by il reckless Cx ture of public sand burden 1 Qe) IMONeys, 3 whieh y } Le ‘Oss Lage ation to sutfer i * ‘ WV 38 ) Wy Currency, 2 11 ' . . .} . ail tne necessaries of 11ie have maintained a laree standine enforcement otf their « they have ehgaged class lo wislation, built and encour: moi polies, that tho few Bt riched at the e of the many: | they have failed to act upon important treaties, thereby endancering Le ful re I: 110s WW ith {ore ior P WOES. usurp ads upon the |} army for the BCASUTES mn 1 rel en Ol ODPTesSSit . micht X Pr HINO | ob our pes Their eo limited to nr ent, by Sy tents, ates of the Uni l to a condition n that tron revolution tion haspot bh nurse of \ ! + COLT Ye $34 ay unconsuiiid WIP FES » CIA i i 11» S03 with more i uther I's : did SH ii 1) ff avint OP LU p + PAM | and pay mei ’ 1 . al they HILYVEC ere and 3 ys A dAss 011) of new ofhees rm= of and eat owt their subsisten y have affected tor ® the military independent to the civil power-——combined with others {0 subject us to a Juri to our SCN othe rs LO hea nds and si jen for sdiction foreign onstiiy mn and unacknowl- edeed by Jes —quartered large i! troops among us ; pro- or a mock MN iol? any PE bhodie 3 Of teeted thot punishment they she mld cominit Ln posed d taxes uj withont ; deprived ug tr many triad by jury ; taken away « | excited domestic Pvt ead bois trial, rom rders which Indes an fo J 1 fhe On Us our of nr charters: consent Cases mnsurreit us; abolished our most val | altered fundamentally the for | government ; suspended our own legis { oN among e laws: woof onr bh! pd § | le ature ond. declared themsel wos TE ted with power to legislate for us iv adl cases whatsoever, This eatalogne crimes, long as if is, 18 not complate | The Constitution v the judicial power of the United States in one Que pes me Court, whose jurisdiction extend to all cases arising ender CC iH ution and the laws of the Uni- | ted States, Encouraged by this prom- ise of a refuge from tyranny, a citizen af the United States, who, by the or- nilitary commander, oiven wiction of a eruel and de- t of Congress, had been de- the cong: tional richts of jenee, fr2edom of the press, and of ¢ personal {recdom from mil- | tary arrest; upon bein” held to answer | for crimes only upon p.osentiment of of trig! by ny ; of the the protec- ticnal of Osis shi the y der of a | under the s: riberas } £ | led of cons: YL.» peeled an indictment | habeas Cor ls and tidy el { writ of I. . tion of a civil and cons | ernment. | A citizen Tus deeply wronged ap- | 1eals to i Supreme Court for the protection gnavanteed Lim by the op- | oanie law of the land. At ones a for and excited majority, r= ty ~ h: cemine from the judges, transferred the and vemanded. the oppressed citizen to a degr: adation-and bondage worse thom death, It will also be rasgrgeds of the marvels of the times that.a par- ty, claiming. for itself a monopsly of consistency apd, patriotism, and boast- ing of its 1 alien sway, endegvored by : a costly aad deliberate trial $0 im- pe ach one who defended the Coustity- tion and the Union, not only threngh- a8 one —— I —— ~ ring the whole tem of officer Chief Magistrate ; but at the same {ine they 0 | find no warrant or means at their command to bring to rial even the Rebellion. Indeed, the remarkable failures in this case were =o often repeated that for propricties sake, if for no other reason, it became at last tional What nioré plaiis Iy extrémitids of management and indasistditey pardon, party tiveness and intolerence on the other? Patriotism will hardily be encouraged, when, in such a record, it seds that its stant reward may be most virulent party abuse and obloguy, if not at- tempted disgrace, Instead of seeking to make treason odious, it would, in have been their pur rather to make the defence of the to punish fidelity to an oath of office, Happily the war means at their comninnd, for the uf the country has determined agninset power of State to withdraw int pleasure the Union, Tas s destruction in a codices mn its Fre in mind, however, that the war i impaired nor des- troved the Constitution, but tonteaty, presdrved its existence made appar ht duting stechgih, ted to the St reserved to the people a therefore intact. Among these riohtsis that of the Peoj nle of'e ach State to deelare the quali fication of their own State electors. It is now as- | that Congress can control this vital right, which can never be taken away without impairing a fundamental principle of Government itself, It is necessary to the existence of the States ns we lI as to the protection of the lib- i richt ; Yo Pp iti es shall he of the State Whe nm di deprived of this ~t Aes will peace {es or re Stine \ i Deobie { i {ors 1 the iy : 1 in LN 1 | | Heel Tae eiee cal power for of erties ’r ! ’ 1 wiom the the Sa Se lodged, IIVOLV eS thet 1 | i ot vovern itself, prerogative, the rth power W rome, and they will arbitrary will ot 1 \ the Grovernment 1) the He tl 1 L he adoptio will he ¢e then by partisan infla- BIC dime nt Brectly in he OTHE 3 design of the onstitution. This proves how it 1s that the people the administration of these erent epartinents of the Government to be within the limits of the Consti Thew bonndries have heen ansk neither the: ¥ IY 1x0 ¥ 3.x ans Ol RWS, h 1 not oy L830 . ¢} - . Liarollyr epee, OO; > : confiiet wit sary i} 8] HOCUS hould re o ii Y ae i y iY Qe ned, l to tr L&E all, t t IESPHASS 01) SLAY th vam the he war was reverence for those the ed by their seniors will be the preserving the bi of the nation, not yet under of party must resist the ndeney {of eentrahization, and out- OLE of the at rel ellion, tnd be fans liar with the fact that the country congist= of Wnited St and that, when the States surrendered certain the sake of more pes fect union, retain rights a valia. ble and tmporfait as they relinquished for the common weal. This sound o.d 20 soon LO OCCUDY i ~ » vpu DLC, VOI ne he C HT ates : a . . . ss 4 rioaud jor the - A — oc influenced hy a y desire for gain, and that I can in all sincerity inquire, whom have I defrauded, whom have I oppressed or at whose hand have 1 receiv ed any bribes to blind my eyes therewith. No responsibility for wars — ——— his Been shed rests upon me. My thouglhits have been those of peace, and my effort hasever been to allay con- tentions among my countrymen. For- getting the past, let us return to the first principles of the government, and unfurling the banner of our country, “the Constitution ‘and the Union, one and inseperable,” [Signed] ANDREW JOHNSON > lp» Two men were killed and three seri- town and Gloversville Railroad, New York. EE — a Subseripe for the réporter. 7 a rr fee Fonda ’ Centre County, ss, THE Commonwealth of Pennsyly aia, Rishel, administrator of Matt he’ Katzmgyer, dec'd, Mary Kntzineyér: wi- nnd to any You are hereby cited and eo pear at an Orphan's Hefonte pumnded ourt to held at 1 cd Ludwig for the specific pi rformfanee of a certain contract Be ror the said Daniel Ludwig, and the said Mettlrew Katzodey- 'd, and then and there show if any you have, why specific perforniance of said contract should not be decredd by said Court, necording so tWe true intent and meaning thereof, Witness the Hon, { dent of the said Covirt day of Febraary, A D. J. 1] er, dee Aa Ese, Presi- the Maver 3 Hef mte, ' 1809, P. GE ! 'H ART . marl tt Cl'k of Court. OTICE.—Tle different officers for (he N township of Potter, and all others in- terested, Fereby notified that the annu- ul settlement, or audih wants, will he held at Old Fort, Th trsda wal Directors g upped ar on Zoth, A ure re of ace March and Friday, 1869, The and Overseers of Poor, Mid all the other town- a Henry Dasher, Town Clerk. "PENN HALL ACADEMY. This Institution will be opened on Tiles- day, April 6th, 1869, under the curé PROF. ROSSITER, a graduste : [ Marshall Colleg IN, from 55,00 to $3,00 l Boarding on 26th fu ' CGth ship olfders on per quir- | can be had at Fett sd nat { al For (ifr Mor inf. mation apply to B. 8 [SHER, Penn Hall, Pa. J OX \THAN KRAMER'S HOTEL, ¢ Milibveire: Pa, (formerly Wm, termagy s THis weall-kne fit eid by its nlew prope tod. om comnvumity ar ivi od to give His ta will be rst HiWwavs Pp) ye a Ww ith rovers will find her of Borses REPORT. oY © GEaAPY mnnonwenlth ot The trave! him a i +] bile Ciilss, pl il } \h si choice Vv oa marl Gig MTORR ANTI unt with C ih Ureasurer, nia ce cyl ie Fanvary 4, 1869 4 1 *3 nipotnt 4 mill 5X anding vA . (nist gal 1 1 ant uit omitl far for uit indiug 1867 previons y » > HN - iount nding 1.500 outst $2 T1464 RT LA overpaid accounts aa 1 & 9 464 8° 5 Qf amount L 1 Os nud tam Wii pre- ings thet led to the attempt to secede, and the kindred theory that the States were (dee out of the Union by the role acts of conkpirators : ed’ tod well withu¥ their borders, must | thusiasm of early manhood, or will be raded by the corrupt combinatiens of the commercial circles, which, pletherie from wealth, annu- nigrate tothe Capital of the na- | tion to: wllw in Conesfo:a more fully exhibited the nation, laws cease to be full discussion, at the behest of some! party leader, there will respect shown by the law . i . og . . king power, cither to the Judicial or ative branches the Govern- The generation just beginning of those oonsiderations to in- their representatives to observe all the restraints which the people, in adopt- ing the Constitution, intended to im- nose on the party excess. Calmly re- view ir Wy administration of the Gov- GFIINEN 1 feel that, with a sense of aeeGuit tability to God, having consei- entigusty andeavorad to disc harge my whole duty. I have nothing to regret. Events have proved the correctness of the policy set forth in my first and subsequent messages, The woes which have followed the and comstitional rule are known and deplored by the nation. {tis a mat ter of pride and.gratifieation iy retiy- ing from the most-exalted position in the gift of the people; te feeland know that in a ln arduous and eventful life my action has never heen ~ ~ 10 Sea | public Deduct HOC Norn id WES | by per cefitage' th a ‘tors by exonerations to collectors | by state treasurer's rec eipt { by Commissioner's re Ce ipt { by Treasurers com - Mission... . $882 32 ANTHONY C. GEARY IN COUNTY OF CENTRE. DR. Janu To amount outs tandin iy 1, To amount assessed for {ROS | to amount overpaid acccunts of collec- POPE iii ines desansins to anrount received tax: U. 8S. lands..... to amount received of militia an.i oth- er sofirdes to. amount of relief RCCOUNL ...oin0i. to balantaduétrea- surer RR ; of tax % Janu- ry $25,223 31 of tax 41,978 66: 854 €0' 6,401 23 03,956 08 11,373 66 s Aaavisasasiiieens : 0,626 42 i, $145,813 04 January 4, 1860, By amount county tax outstanding for 1867 and previ- OUS YeRrs ...c...ieuu by amount outstan- ding for 1868 by amount county orders lifted...... oe by amount exoner- ations—per cent- age to treasurer and collectors...... by amount allow- ance for stationery $4874 20.656 7 104,005 7,176 57 10 00 By balance due treasurer {NX ACCGUNT WITH RELIEF FUND. DR. dapuary 4. 1869, a To amount outstan- ding at settlement January 1, 1868... te am'nt overpaid ACCONNES covvirisnsesss to amount militia fund.. Siete $ 15,202 a1 iT 126 62 — — CR. $ 15,386 or January 4, 1869, By am'nt outstan- eding InX...cnviniis es by exoneration and er centage to col- cetors by balance feo rred to nccount $38,020 OF trans- county » Ey io 11, 66 — $15,386 HT We, the undersipfitd, Auditors of Cen- tre county, do hereby certify that we have examined the foresoing accounts of A. C. (yeary, (treasurer,) with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, nid County and Relief Funds of Centre Sounty, for the year A. D, 1 RGR, and find them corre ct, ns abov e stated. Witness osar Yards this 4th day of January, \, D., 186: JOHN KINNANE, S. ETLINGER, JOHN RISHE}, Auditors of Centre county. RLINE, oF NTY, IN ACCOUNT 8 5. , DE. WIT? S41 COUN- J drones 1 1869, To Amount of jury feck und fines Amount county order Mulihee., woo. ® 148 of 200 00 1, 1 o : CR. C Jurtkary + 1880. Py ru moning ju- rors at'% cofrt pro- clémations bv riterchnn' is ) tra hit for juni il.. by WH tH od by ught fori by NL costs in sundry ea- by conveying pri- sutiers to peniten- tiAry and Housé of Be fug Fer | by tif ri ke 3 . ib} <Orde Hl Be §i £ 1-040 54 TIN -i - a3 Le 21 09 126 oY ag Jon a2 off ! bn Jury fees col efated .........oum . by 34 Wy olin ding prisoners ... 1. Teor 23 00 . $1,840 54 damn oy 4, 1869-1 at settlé We, “dditors of Centre county, do hereby certify that the forego- | ing necount of D. Z. Kline, High Sheriff of | Centre county, in account with said c { ty, higf MW examined by uve and found | correct, Fhove Aah Witness our | hands this 5th day of Jundary, A. D., 186) JOIN KINN ANE. N. E TLINGE R, JOHN KisSHE L, Auditors, the e Undersianed . ee ak start TY, A. D., 1868, To orders for auditors pay I.. Gray, | to order of John missioner { to order of Joshua Pott missioner to order of W im. Coni- 434 00 Furey, Conmis- to order of Wm. <1 { Keller, Commis- C1 60 to order of Jno Bing, Commis 1.065 33 PU | LIMON WE Ath costs ....... os | t& intires st on bonds and —— fe iaie * of B. (Ridtbraith, (Janitor) Fr of Jho. §. Kurtz. (prin- ore ove tinge y | to order of St | {er of Fiat 1.1483 4950 Sd as 50 » Lurtitie Asylum Penitentiary | to ord#r of Fréd, Kart; printing { to order of Centre Count Neri- { cult Soc ic iy oa “hug ed Y. 10 ord ors io order of H. | Attorney WR | to orde, of County Prison 617 0 | m election expenses oy pr iy 1,716 7 | ti p¥amiums on scalps... ni 208 Gt | to 1,223" 36 2 Assessors pay | to otjuls itiehk on dead bodies. rider of Me At ferty & Me Der- Ol New bel Lt - 19.873 order of A . thonotary 1 A { to road views and damages... | to Ged and Traverss Jurors, 2, | to order of [saste Frobbs, Archi- | tect to Constables | to o1 “der Ju f An Hoe Tr to order of Jno. ! Con er to Kirt" ™others printing to DZ. Kline, Shéritt fo Jno. Moran to [roc of Bellefonte for Wate; Pipts, { y bridoo — Fal to Ded Bonds to al. =, Parsons Bs duke AVtentss Sennsatas oy to Andrew White l tod). H. Orvis i Atte mn Orders tor re fun ing acconut wi ¢ bonds fd notes Jud crders for road tax; 2 Yiands to Supe | order counts ~ fin ~t 3 {to | | io Ry Ri 348 he ‘WwW Gregg, Shannon, Jury IMIR ST for telontse “0 00 * » . Cominissioners Sol 00 to A isO™ - «for Collectors overpa d ac- wx-on Loans... N. 41 53 order nte Ad orders for redemption of UL { orders for B. G: Jbruith, Merch- andise, courthouse aoe. aay 13 0 to Jno, D. Lieb for lomber : 30 G0 {to R. McKnight, Gas bi 20 to J. & JF Barris Bev handise. = 60 to surance Policies aid Assess-" ents... on | to*J 3. Parsons tax on Brown's house to A A Sussman, mere ‘he \ndise... | fo Keller & Musser do ©... to W W Montgomery, postage. | to Georpe TH ion for blank | booksind st Rioery - | toilno Ma lory for Shackles........ 450 23 2035 600 700 3 50 16 97 85 61 4 90 20 0 200 4 00 16 00 500 87 2 25 20 00 315 15 00 2 00 1 Oia -—td 3 GO a0 00 te revenue stamps. oui. fhilicagi. PEliBascsasese sssssinuisuin to Ster nberg & Brandiex, merch- undise Shortlege & Co. BMWA ng ner, merchandise” i Harris for Désk: E M Glenn, lee...... Pregisters Docket Jith Latz, wood Jo Boa! do Alvertising US Lands: i... "= Stove for 'I'reasurers office Mdical attendance... oS... Washing, &c . for pr sohers.iii. Merchandise fot Jail. nia Poa] niin masases nerii S102, 881 83 RECAPITU LATION. DR 52 15 21 23 To amount indebtedness Jan. 1; 1868........ cnn o,002:-30 To amount notes issued, AD, 1868 57,840 00-+esen- $85,432 30 By amount notes and bonds lifted 1868... $59,061 40 Balange..::.. wrens nanan 20,380 90 -—-— Se, 442 30 To amonnt of indebted- ness Jan. 5, 1859 ......... ay 280 90 Watire undersigned Commissioners and Auditors of Centre ‘county, do hereby cer- ify that we hive e! amined the foregoin a®ounts of A.C. Géaty, Treasurer of sai c¢aiinty, and find tL®m Sorrect as nbove sta- tes INO. KINNANE, SOL. ETLINGER, - JN WisHEL, WM. FUREY, W M. KE L JER, INO), BPG i - ; Anditork, 1 Attest.» JNo. Moray, Clerk. - fel 19, 4t "Com m’rs. ol ctor ———.————————— COE'SCOUGH BALSAM. This long tried and popular Remedy is again called to the attention of the publie. As often as the year rolls around, the pro- | prictors annually make their bow to the | many things required for the health, som- | fort ‘and sustenance of the family through | the long and tedious months of winter, ten. For years it has been a household medicino—#td mothers anxious for the safety of their children, and all who suffer from fdily disease of the throat, Shent and lungs, canriot tfford to be wi addi ition to tha ordinary Li poe in the. daarleet, we how furnish om moth family size bottles, wh common with thé OYRE¥ §1% Be nk ai Drug Stores FOR CROU PF. Thé Balsam will be foune invaluable, and may always be relied upon im the mest ox- | treme C ases. £8 WHOOPING EOVEH: The testimony of all who have used 7f #67 vears, is, that it ind#rigbly re!féves and cirres it. SOM¥ FIIROAT. fnd relief. S001 HARD COLDS AND COUGHS It will succeed in givin Telia where all other réiNedies have failed — AND LUNGS. taking Cod’ s'@otigh Balsam, when troubled with any of the above named difficulties They are all’ premonitory symptoms of Convhmpti on, ani if pot Arrested, will son- met or later sweep youl vay itdto the valley of shitows from whiv® fhne caw éver re” CONSUMPTION. and to-day rejoices that her life has been finde cusy and prolonged by the use of’ Coc’s Cough Balsam. X SHORT. It is for sale by ev.” vy Druggist and Dealer in Medicines in he United States, THEC G. CLARK CO. New Haven, Ct, Sole Proprietors, Rend ! ' Read! ! ! Re: sd i. IS CALLED TO THE World's at Rene dy ’ Great C8E'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. This preparation is pronounced by Dys-/ pepties as the only known remedy that will’ surely cure that aggravating and fatal mals ady. For years # swept on its fearful titles carrying before # “an ontimely grave, its Dyspepsia: Cove has Come to? the Rescue: Indigestion, Sick Headache, 84% Tess of Acidaty of Stomach, Rivne of Food : Fiatulency, Lassitude, Weariness, ° Biliousness, Liver Complaint, finally terminating Deat h, Are as surely cured by this potent remedy as the patient takes it. Although but five vears before the people, what is the verdiet of the masses ? Hear what Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee, sayy; ———— A —— aovadbm———— a_i on —- V1 valikee, Wis., Jaa. 24, 18 Mars 8 G. Clark & €o., New 2 i dl Both! n{¥self and wife have used (lan Diispensia Cure, and it has proved PEP FECTLY itisfactory as a remedy, ® hava no hesitation. in sa Bl g that #3" fave rd ceived GREAT BENEFIT from its usa Very respectfully. (Signed) LESTER SEXTON. A GREAT BLESSING. [From Rev, 1. F. Ward, Aron (,, 0.] Messrs, Strong & Armstron : Gentlrse , —H gv £8 me ati plonsure’ J state that my wife has derived great bene t from_the vse of Cop's Dyspepsia Cure. She} Déeir for a number of years greatly trenbled with Dyspepsia, accompanied with violent paroxyvsms of constipati n which so prostrated her that she was all the while for months, unable to do jiny thin She took, at your instance. Coes e wind Cure, and has derived GREAT PENER FROM IT, and is now contiliratively La ~ She regards this medicine as a great bles-~ sing. Truly yours, E.F. WARK Jar'. 13th; 1868. CLERGYMEN. The Rev. Isaae Aiken, of Alle hany, - testifies that it has cured him, after all : er remedies had failed, oth-~ DR UGGISTS, Any druggist in the doin if you take the trouble to HA yon ery one that buys a bottle of Coe’s Dyspep- sia Cure from them, spedks in the most un- qualified praise of its great medical virtues. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Will also 1 found invaluable in all o¥ked’ of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Sumides Complaints, Griping and in fact every die ordered condition of the stomach. Sold by Druggists in city or count ¢* everywhere at $1 pet Bottle, or by appliea- ti on gE CC. CLARK €0, ole Propriet Now Hostn o- ’ Lore 1 June, 26, eow,l.y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers