0 E SEWING MACHINE. (reco; Fairer, at Bellefonte, brated Howe Sewing Mag Nine, wl no superior in the market, (30 to 1 has received Fr ¢ They v oldest tah- W the eH 1. s¢ Ils the ¢ ole nm ode store and see it. als at all fairs, lished machines i july3 eR tf, TINW ARE! TINWARE! are the J. REIBER eitizens of repared and Hs announces to the Potter. township, that he is now p to ft rnish upon shortest ne tice, nd cies ap. as e Jsow here, eve ry article in the line of Tid FR Sheetiron W are STOTE-PIVE & SPOUTING All kinds of repairing done, He s wavs. on hand buckets, cups, dippers, dish “&e., dc. SIL VERPLATING. for uggle S exccuted 11 the fi durabic style, Uive Nin a call wa a a ges » re asonable. i} fod “AV Respe LY sul) has a O85, nest and ni His char- 10 68:1y, isi ¥ Brees! BUGGIES! Cont {5 Fall Pa. : TUR ¢ p »,. - vt % +3} l rir 1} kind¢ # KH Eres, Wollle - 128 1 t 3 1 Iresjpncidd county, taal ie . p yp tures } the Ad ens of Centre hand NEW BUG and without top, and + © weed prices io with sold at rE sonable credit given, T Wao Horse Wagon made LO or der, an i want faction in every f1Ce. Cal l for purch ap y IHF OS tf. Jom N ATION AL c Sra or y 1 : anted to give satis every vesphet. is of rephgrinng gone i .: 3 1 a and Soe Ag stock of bu : wasting elsewhere. BANK OF Pa. Bellefente, ATE HUMES ¥eALLIS TER HALE & L XX). ) E.C. HuMES, J.P. HARE! This Bank ie 1 a "0 ] po: Is of Ban! aill and sale anid Hk, £ HH. Surg reon & rinang Neienet GUTI ~ 1 ~ ¥ Fic N ‘eth anical Dentis y } iH Aar antiy Sint invite Him call, ay al thitainess of tas ¥ hed wb iR ted without pain, EXRY BROCE ERHURY, President. § =¥TRECOU NTY BANKING {LATE MILLIKEN HOO RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Government PONRK, 0 ere api J 6 D. \ NM HOY- —Al Hi Dt apl 176 SE AS. Mc MANUS, ¢ Attorper-at -law, ly pays attenfioit to all to him. OHN D. WINGA J DEN Y. Mice on Northwest coriter of Bishe At) HOS, except, first two weeks of every nu Teeth extracted without pain. lefonte, Pa. aplO 68 tf D., Pp D. NEFF, Center * Hi wil, a. Bir, gp : Of ti ire lis profe rial Service 3 Go the cit zens of Potter and ¢ vdjoin Dr. Neff has the exp rienced of a VERTS the delive prac tice of Medici gery: : apli ‘ 5 TE, T I 8 ei perhaps, the mih. Re Bol eo Mi ng towns: hip =, in 1. N. MAT. Le R. JAMES A. BI IR A? A \} =» 3 WM AL Ld LIS 2A BEA ve ATTORNE FS- TTA - Bellefonte, C entre OC . Penn'n. Chas. H. Hal i Attorney at Law, Bell fonte, LP: MEER S HOTEL WwW oo dw: ard, Centre « oTnity, Pa Stages arrive and dep: wt daily. brite Hoteblras been refitted fui 1 furnish- ed its new proprietor, and is now in- ev el y respec tone of the most pleas 1 teoun- try Hotels in ce antral Pennsylvania, {raveling community and d Aro ers will al- ways find the boi acconintodations, Dre vers can at all times be accommodated w th stables and pasture for any number af cat- tie or horses. GEO: MILLEXK; july?’ 68, tf. Proprietor. WONJUGAL LOVE, ANBTHEHARPINESS OF TRUE MARRIAGE Essay for the Young Me n., on the es, buses and Diseases which dasstroy Manly Powers and create impe idinie IHS to Marriage, with sure means of re Aief. Be nt in seated Jetter envelopes free of ehiarge Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, How- ard Association; Philadelphia, Pa. junegH 68,1y. WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral; &c., a apl7 68; BURNSIDE & TI OM. AS KEY. BRUINS, raisens, peaches rH Ehighest market prices paid for all kings of country produce, at BURNSIDE ¢ & THOM AS. Tv R of foreigi fruits, Hams, bacon &c., at BUBNSHIE Sl HO M AS PBECKS S HOTEL, 312 & 314 Ru 0 Street, 4 few doors above Philadelphia. Its central loéality ms Rh it desirable for Sli visitng the city gh business or for pleas- 315 CK, Proprie for. ap 1008 eh of CHS Veber) MILROY Wareroon. . +. \ pectfully informs the that h 1 order Or Id tre county, { i i SEITE! IHR Un il, i : ull RDRTEADS, (€ettiye and phan) WASHSTANDS, CORXER CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, EXTENSION Bre alk fast Tabl [Bat’d secording to Act ("ongrers, In Jour 1398, in ( fork’ 's Ofco of Dist Court for Dis" of Mata husee. } WIE ARE COMING A ND Will. present to any person lub in r Groat ort GO 0D piece of Sheetin r.N &c., Xe. ilk { ti ern, FREE OF COST. The (Wen advance; and = Renortor voor Hie PERM ENTRE Har thlishi kh nt Ww} (Xd whe vsne 1 mont! Advertise CENTRE HALL REPORTER. FRIDAY, MAR. 5th 1840 EDITORIAL NOTES. have geen large. We Now Double Our. Rates of miums. We have made many tions to our Winter Stock ly extended our important , and have laree- Exchange List, and our extensive patronage. Send {i 34 Ney w lar. Catalogue of Goods to any address free. gistered letter, Address all orders to J. 8. HAWES & C0. J 1 15 Federal st., Boston, Mass. iraeu and Samples Seizd money by P.O. Box C Wholesale De ale rs 111 : Dry and Goods, Cutlery, Plated W are, Leather Goods , Xo Fancy Albums, ele, de mo, v. BURTON'S, Dr. Wigranvep Q entirely vegetable So Durifies and enriches the blood, invigorateNthe ti ne’pussesses great nourish an excellent tonic and ap- o digest the heartiest food, establishes robust health. ears cured. Price Fifty ating treatise om the in. Kiros refeg. ing and str engthening petizer, enables the slOURY wakes sleep refreshing, Smokers and chewers f cents per box, post frpé Jjurious effects of tgfacco, with lists aution.,—~Beware of humbug imitatidgs, { Trademark ¥X Copyrighted.] cl8.f 8, tf ruson Yul {) Dem 1s looki time-honored Rights n rat the adher nr QOH nts of Ba erinan s cloranti ALE ad NEON, whi h propos struction of » radiate fro citizens, and « the dung r of per itt upon subjects: which tem of government, s - — Ss ReMARKARLIY WoRKS. 8 wide, 40 3: 1 ~ x HCV 1) long, round, with a wall 1 for V0 fect hich and 1 . enough hree chariots tes within th walls, which weke 79 feet thick, 300 feet hig ple of Diana, at Fphesus, was 420 feo to the kt was hundred years The est of the Pyramids is support of the roof, in building, 481 and 653 on the sides; its base covers 11 acres. The Stones in length, and employed 530,000 The Labyrinth, in Igypt, contains 300 12 hall Orr ~ are about are 908. in 1 building. the lavers men and chambers Thebes, Ieypt, presents ruins (9A ~t) Carthag owas Athens 350,000 The Temple of land contained citizens and 00,000 hos was so rich in slaves. donations that was plundered of $500,000, and Nero carried away from it 200 statutes. The walls of Rome were 13 miles round. (0... Pu. Pe / (Tonlre Decision of the Sa- preme Court, reat deal of hair mul splitting AT iphien upon the de of the The ol tha tion of Wold 1 X 1 Of Lhe SUP Lourt ! i i I 1 ] 111 fat { pon He HECHT (1 in the athemation hoth con and United Stat i legal notes are . tender: that is where {tO sav, contracts have heen made providing for lore ol United coin pavment iu coin, whether b since the act was lass il making States notes a legal tender, pay- ment ean be enforced, and where no contract for payment in coin may bo i states notes ¢ and tender. Sq legal ortied money of the United States a ol Th 1 r 5 } sn) Low vel CANCER A 1eL0F LONCGCT Wie tenders nbhacks. n all contraets do Hot provide for pay me in coin, no matter when made specinie terms viaao | PHLLUC IN act was yr } +} 1 anda throw the Phare Wernhe 1 11 1 V1 | Ltd itl, 1 ‘ i UWO WAaVSs nit SIM I® | . rp p nfth of the part . i { nothime of tne ater e 13:11: FARINA INO PONDITeSD alt ili papi Re { FIN SINE ey alue. Court may prove valuable in factlita- 15 er O° fg ' y tHINe coin transactions 1 1 conniry | hat ought or tl he present, and the les be Inws with the currency the of natural mora fion OPEFAtiOHs . . ' . : action in the matted neisg oy ir: e will regu currency and nd us to specie pay ents as coon as can be safely they reached without creating a revulsion or disturbance in the values and business Herald. ofthe country. ie Horrible Tragedy in Tennesee, eb, 20, A necurred [Friday n miles northeiet of A party of white house of Col. Memphis, Ol ight, Springs, Phomas Dickens named door, which Without word, the party shot Humphres through the body, and with knives and in thei hands rushed into t gut the lichts and then com- t Dickens and Wilson. NR IeCeive a one ball in the body, and with Hamphrey managed to ¢ rawl out of the room. Cal. made way to aneighbor’s house and gave the On retorning with the 5 neichbors, a colored woman, Col. was found dead n Wilson's body was room with eight and knocked at’ the J : ba }y NSLVOTE Lil ‘OOM pit Dickeus I'l Dick- ear the in the shots it and badly cut to } ple Hu was al=o found badly ad. assassins plundered the r of value, and tmphre; V The Liouse, rifled the negro wos They the bhi ath {vom ¢ and escaped. bl A wild deer wAandere nto Ayroue February 9th. An excited erowd spee- . {* . . rn - commenced firing upon it. Two by bullets. The 11 : 1: killed, and immedi- bor Ly touched Wisi final Hy were shooters were all arres- ed and fined for “shooting deer out of son!’ Mearveh Hth, 1869. roe ‘A Mistery of | Twelve Years Solved, The World of \Y edn slay | rFints ‘thi this most mysterious trag Dr. Burdell own cirennmietantial confe he Charles Jeftard 12 kill Waltor fe g him 1 He dine to his murderer of fon, tnrne om 10 afl ] | John A elf murdered hy a fellow chm A The tective, relates Tr 1 rWnr Jill Iatthews and w ho W ago. Con made to a de tal night he year fession as was visiting Jurdell howee, and was in the rls, th Mr at the parlor with the voung ¢ on the amnse The and not to Slavin | banjo for he Snodgrass, as hanjo, said, belonged ment. 1 to him, had heen stated, Sroderass being able Dr. Buardell eame in and met Mrz, Cuning- Fo had quarrel, after which he proceeded at Jeflards then only to thumb on it a little. with whom a violent to his room, went Ar tH! to the roony of arine trom her the particulars ofthe became much incensed yardell, a rs and do for { l 12 acainst } nd volunteered t he old r was encouraced resolved up stat asceal In this by Murs. woul proposition Cunningham, and he d do it. WO « | rod Accordingly, , slender dager, which he itually carried, and being informed tle etact position of the doe- room, proceeded I'he doc 1 1 y - « 1QORINC OVEer ealthily tor was seated at some papers by a nmgneed was he that ho did not hear tix of 1 . . . . murderer, the first mtimation |} AT ' x.7:)» blow SUrUucCk Ider, The blow was in- was a sudden over his shou and i é 10. reitel repeated, smd geain as rapidly as the nervous energy of the | Wi ith a dosmed assassin eotild wield the knife. sinole ¢ =pralyg i a ET ,” ] ry Of murder the from his chair and with Jeffurds: they str I side “the yom, over- : > » 1 3 at \ By ' 1.1 throwing chairs and dracaing the table oust of pace, the doctor SIrivinge to seize dirk or hold | the murderous arm, ry blow of which was “At one time, caught the wall, "db my my arnt and “ted me against s I § hot 1h he but I put tw) for me: dant afd ed under and hit fetehed fichtine about the _— 1 him in kidneys, It room that made the that him. vas so all about on the walls. old fellow him credit for, and we 1 tumble buat vou see I had all the tir he bled a deal, and that weakened him suppose ? of 1t ; | n + KhNie, th LIC and kept wi that, and oreat murder SCCON PA isha Jon Hi rds lef p ; HH. and Was |e { : i the inmates, | Ou of {he Wiis )y whom all sary precautions were taken cast other direc- Suspicion i The World says: Strange as the sto- that eminent officer, Inspector James Leonard, who has reteiitly pas- told the story to the as an undoubted fact, expressing writer tionably the murderer of dell. ' Mr. od and ni} to imprisonment in the Matthews, he was convict Having remained at Sing also rs vos occurring as to the legality of the tence, Jeftards was still kept in a final disposition of the case. thus in custody, he was murdered which last mur- | Ht whoin had unwarrantably sent to his last ac- count. me fp on lf Wo Mp te 5 ames B. Wiley, aid daugh- ter nineteen years old, passed through to Memphis, Beotland county, to stand trial on Rev. <t. Louis on ditarday. en route the charge of murdering an wfant two years ago, the child being the frait of incestuous mtercourse be- tween the father and daughter. The Josh Bilkings Papers. ROOSTERS There is or ov live nature a strengthening studdy This remarkable pac has been for ages food for philos as well as the not more pleasing and than the kage of phie ample curious mind-—= They belong tew the feathered sck de nominate poultry, and are the hands of many In Utah it is i . | 1 » Konstdered a Chegrace tew speak disre hus Wives, spe kful ol a roos . Brigham Y Oune a's i , in full blast, almost cont of arms X rooster crowing till Le i: bent over double hackw ard. The flesh ov the rooster is simi- i very lar tew the flesh of the hen : i (fl ie rence vespecially Rooster to distinguish thi youre soup. tik Wah having » liests amone the domest wear the belt. and the 'y few strike from, strike {rom heell. they ry, if mi eq¥kashun remembers suddently upon one ov the *heathen r 4 gods, a { few = np: for that ny, and wuz, ollenc afterward dessined ter, and wuz forever tew crow, as a kind of warnine. for their ficht ness ew the ing abilities, and for their polite- hens, There is nothing ina man that a woman admires and more than bis reddyness ability to with a hen. When a rooster gets licked 1 rooster, if he ant half so big or hand- sSOme, wl; : ‘wp It iz pluck that wins the hen WOInan. Lhere iz great variety ov pedigree among the roost! dy bhizness rive me the old fash domi- ni jue rooster short legced, and they walk they alwus strut, abdominal ecubboard. hawk-colored, nm them, arch dilike’a The breed crooked sickle, thers as a new Luster. and has a and az + jut when you come r vi sbi down tu earth that can out-style, verboard there aint no thing on 2b IL, They alwuz put me in mind of looking glass, They don’t weigh more than thirty | az much fuss az tew | but they make a tun, I have seen them trying [i @ two-hoss wagon, } they would hesitate | V a meeting-house if it wuz the ink tew fight least sassy tew them. fs ix more than fun tew hear of oy it is liken » yearold baby trying tew singta line out ov the Star Spangled Banner. The een partner in this concern iz morte exquisit little boquet ov | They are az preme asa | It is a luxury cover themselves | with az much delicacy az a bell before her mirror. But the consummation iz tew see the chieks a buggine—six little chicks no | I soems tew be necessary that there should be gomething outrageous in everything, tew show us where propri- 1 iz meloncolly the case in the rooster ry. Theze kritters are the kamels among they yaid, tipping over the hay racks and fowls, mope around the harn- stepping on the young goslins and eve- if enny body should give me a shanghi rooster i should halter him, and keep Kim in a box stall, and feed him on cut feed, and if he would work kind in harness, all right, if not, would butcher him the fust wet day that cum, and salt him down tew give | tew the poor. | But thare aint noboddy a going tew | this breed, knot if | thariz a ma | ve me one ov know it ; 1 don’t think on earth mean enough to do it. | but very little house- | | £1 Roosters do —— —————— ————r they won't lay enny eges, nor try to hatch enuy nor see tew the voung ones : this catisfys me that thare is sum truth in the mythologikal 3 first orgin. Yu kant git a rooster to pay enny Just like a man forall the world. FROM CUBA. Surrounded hy Insur- eents-Communieations Between Cities Cut OF —The Situation.” Havaxa, Feb. 18, via Lake City, The Diario says that General Ces- bels are within the jurisdiction of Holguiwr; they draw their supplies from the haciendas. The Spanish forces in arms on the island number 70,000 men, Advices from Holguin to the Tth ine€, have been received. The com- munication with the troops there has been cut off by the insurgents, who surrounded the town and intercept supp ies of cattle. . Families are flying from Remedios, The tclegrph Mues connecting with have been destroyed and At Jagbay a party of one hundred Sixty were The insurgents were near Trinidad the 17th. They were under the At Clenfuegos it is reported that the Troops have been sent again to San- Manzanpise and Bayamo ; but perior orders, snd Valmasedr’s forces Nulanes and others have surrender- leave the country, Social Life in New York. N . Y . Met i opoli fan Record ‘he Says ; g . “There never was a time in the his- eas carried to such a dizzy height as es, in earriages, in horses, in entertain- balls, in parties, 1m every in which money can be expended, The result is dress without taste, homes without mn The extravagance of the women is, indeed, saddening to contemplate. Exorbitant prices are asked and cheerfuly given for dress, tune. Some of our fashionable belles made from Paris, copied exactly in its tumes of He Empress Engine and the her court. We have our ing about equal. Then we have ‘court qu adrilles at the houses of cus Fepubs lican aristocracy; and in ‘point of fact,’ as Cousin Feenix would say, having eached the minimum _in morals and ou maximuni in wealth, Wwéare ripe for the introduction of every folly and every abserdity. To cap the climax, our fashionable bridles have. deter- mined to ‘inaugurate’ the system of pa- Here is a good - this new and doubtless lucrative branch of industry.” The Bedford county Radicals, through their County (Committee have rawford county system’ of nominating candidates, and will hold their first election under that sys- 19th of March next. ee ——— The Clearfield Republican announ- ces the elopement of the Rev. J. J. Shorthill, (Baptist) of Punxsatawney, tem on the 1 He had preached to that flock fen Y cars. wife. 4 a $B The Western States are getting se- vere snow storms.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers