AT a FE I 2 NON Ak REPORTER. Mar., 12th 1869. HALL aes {) CenTRE JIALL PA. Ly nv Demoralization in Mexico. idly towapd. a general smash-up of the wretched republic of Mexico. Demor- alization ds universal. Public and pri- vate virtue seems to have been engulf ed in a common maelstrom of corrup- tion and abuses. on the high road to complete prostra- tion after an unexampled epoch of an- moralization. While one } are gorging themselves like famished public. Negrete, the rival of Juarez, | dtove-pipe, Drills and both for 4-horse sweep power and 2-horse | read power. Also the Tornado Seperator Fthat will out-thresh any machine ever bro't | to Centre county. Isane Haupt af BelleTonte, Pa. and Haupt & Co, at Milesburg, Pa, have already got a new supply of Spears’ Anti-dust Cook, ! Parlor X Heating Stoves: also. | revolving, light illuminating stove ; Spears’ | nev orbicular gas-burning parlor stove (wn st iron eviindler): These have all proven [themselves to bo the best stovesin the world | for burning either weod, thard or soft coal; they sieve their own ashes, make no dust, economize twel, snd are the best bakers in the world and Rave more conveniences than other stoves now in use; people th want of stoves would do well to call at their ware-rooms and see their stock before pur. chasing elsewhere, as by a neglect of this | they may be sorry, as many { been. | any SPEARS ANTI-DUST GAS RURNING COOK STOVE. (wood or coal,) | SPEARS ANTI=PUST GAS=RURNING PARLOR STOVE, STOVE, 1 fies, in poking the tire, entire safety of the fire; t vey require very litthk attention; | thus preserving the kheosgltk of the occu- | pants ; extire freedom from dest; a uniform | and well regulate® heat ; a gas-consumerof the first quelity; I nenliess, chuapress and beauty. dsaace Haver, Agent. revolutionary army. Revolutions have Y= NTRE HALL CUTLERY —#" makes and prices at IRWIN & WILSON, aplO'68, IYOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL 1 fowling precset : aplO'68. IRWIN & WI LSON. | [NROSS-CUT ANS MILL SAWS, best | rmuke at Lwin & WiLsoN, ap los, | vi VOFIIN TRIMINGS, a large assort- ment at IRWIN & WILSON'S, ap10' 68, { 1 AND BELLS and DOOR BELLS, all sizosand kinds at wd HO H8, lewin & WILSON'S, BOARDS, D RY for suk hy ap lox, Plank and Scantling Irwin & WiLsoN, APANNED TOILET SETTS, AND e) other Japanned ware, atthe Anvil Store, | aplU'os, Inwin & WiLsox, | Y OOKING-GLASS PLATES of allsizes L for sale by InwiN & WILSON. ap loos, { QYPINDLE SREINS for wagons, all si- By zes, at the sign of the Anvil, apl0' 68, Inwin & WiLsoN | POALTS for Buggies and Carringes, all Psizos 1H USCS ire Bolts, ditto, at | aplU'6s, Trewin & Winson's, TYORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, int low prices, nt Irwin & WILSON'S, TNTON PATENT CHURN, the best in @se at Irwex & WILSON'S, aplO68, ap lO 68, (x REAT BARGAINS GREAT FALL and GREAT VICTORY At The Old Stand at Centre &iall, In favor of the Finest und Best Selected Stock ot’ DRY GOODS, esc sss sti ho RGOCERIES Just Purchased at the Late LOW PRICES, And now on Exhibition at Wolfs Old Stand. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSLINS, CALACOES, AND SHAWLS FECTIONERY AND. FRU STORE. a T CEN TRE HA LL PA. A. D.SWARTZ, Having opened a new and first-cluss Cor fectionery, he is prepared to »orve the pul (ic with good fresh, PIES, CAKES, CONFECTIONS TRENCH ANDPLAIN CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOYS and FANCY ARTICLES WHOLESALE AND RET ATL, and everything in his line, at 8% mes, FRESH OYSTERS, Always on hand and served in every style, HIS ICECREAM SALOON vill ow. wen duting the Summer, and w be kepraciraetive by the very excel len Cream of wll popular favors, COnRSAN 5 ( hand, plied ith all kindsofconfections, leeceream ‘Unkes, tid fruit at very short ne (Ide, oct, JOR’ ly oe Bugg eo Centre-hall stand. Bellefonte, Pa. RULE THE MAF RET, gelling at | | 1 | | i 1 i i | i i | { | | | | MILROY I have just received a very lars wssortment of goods, Which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at V.J. B'M ANIGAL'S. RUGS AND MEDICINES all wur- : rahted mire, Physicians perserip= tions filed at, all hours. Pure Wines hd Liquors for Medicinkl purposes only. 4 Mirge Wesartrment of Patent Medicines at M'MANIGAL'S. Jou FURNISHING HARD- 5 WARE. Persons beilding will do well to give him a ¢all before purch- Burn ddor hinges, from terolve to d0inches long. Burn door rollers, nll sizes, at M'MANIGAL'S. RIZ08, Scollop and nll from best manufactures MW MANTGAL'S, RON. Iron all heavy Irom, HORSE SHOES, Norway Naiirods, Cast Nteel, Blister Steel, Spring Steel, Springs, Axeles, on &e., M MANIGALS. at \MATANIGA LS. nt GOOD NEWSFORTHEP Great Attraction and Great Bargains! FPYHE undersigned, determind to meet the yopular demand for Lower Prices, re- to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed es- pecially for the people and the times, the lar- gest and most varied and complete assort- ment of * - Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality ; Whips, and in fact everything complete to a first- tluss establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the tigies, A better variety, a better quality or finer style of Saddlery has Never be or been of- sered to the public, Call and examine our tock and be satisfied before purchasings elfewhere. Determitted to please ty patrons and thankful for the liberal hey of atronage heretofore ¥hjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, JACON DINGES, Celitre Hall N EW HARDWARE STORE) J. & J. HARRIS. 0.5 BROCKERHOFF ROW. apl0'o8 1y. A new and complete Hardware Store has heen opened by the undersigned in Brock: erhof"s new building—where they are pre- pred to sell all lands of Building and Houst Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Muggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, . Circular and Han Saws, Tenron Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Creart Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful Picture Frathes, Wheelbarrows Lawns, Coal Oil Lampe, Belting, Spokes Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boar i | ¥lloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Cal i . i E broken out all over the country—in AT | and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov* | els, Sendes and Forks, Diovks, Hinges. Yucatan, Quiroga, Nuevo, Leon, and | | SO Ol1. everywhere. the so-called superior classes, the COIR- mon people ave fast relapsing to a condition of semi-barbarism, brigan- dage and moral irresponsibility. control of Maximilian and the French in order to precipitate its own decline aud fall, and to pave the way for its final absorption by the United States, Furniture Rooms! J. 0. DEININGER, makes to order, all Kinds of BEDSTEADS, ico what is the duty of our government ? SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TA BLES, Lc. Ac store order and establish a stable gov- Hove MADE CHAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND the country is being continually plun. ged by unserupulous leaders of every his stock of ready-made Furniture islags | and warranted of good workmanship, asi all made under his own immediate superyi- sion, and is offered at rates ns cheap as else- | where, Thankful for past favors, he solic- its a continuance of the same. maintain an unbridled career of pil- lage and rapine. when action must be taken on the this goverment, and among the very tion should be the adoption of initiato- States. In no event ean the Mexican Where 1s General Roscerans? mission a failure 7—N. Y. Herald. a : "Rev. Mr. Baltzly of the Lewistown Latheran church last week receivela barrel from Wooster, Ohio, and on opening it found inside the barrel a lot of apples, a 18ih. cleaned turkey and inside the turkey a $50 green- back. ial ie ; A bold attempt to escape form pris- on was made recently by three prison- confied in the castle of Thun, in Switz. erland. wall. of « their cell, and; by tearing their bed-clothing into formed a rope eight feet lopg. The first man who attempted to descend was a native of Zurich, named Sut- into the open space, when a knot of the cord slipped and the man fell from a height of seventy fection the pave- ment of the court yard and was killed. His companions, a ted, then abandoned their project. mr nea eens MY lpn A 1869. THE 8691 r r “ v 3 Cy EY PITTSBURG POST The Only Democratic Daily Paper in Wes- tern Pennsylvania. Daily and Weekly. Tur Dany Post, in addition to polisies, contains all the news received by telegraph from all parts of the world ; full reports of each day s doings of the Rump Congress, Legislative proceedings, full market re- ports, local intelligence and miscellaneous matter received up to the hour of going to press, Tug : WeegLxy Post, A large quarto sheet enjoys a larger circulation than any political paper published in the State. Each number contains a complete compendium of the news of the week, at home and abroad; editorials on all leading subjects; poetry, storieg, full market repuits, and a vast amount of useful and valuable infor- ~mation, suited to the Politician, the Mer- chant, Farmer, and all classes ot readers. It is the largest, cheapest and best political and literary Paper in the West and is filled with matter calculated to instruct and en- ~ tertain the family circle. TERMS. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Daily Post, one year, by mail 0 six months, do _.......... do’. thre da | do Tamu iW eekly. Post, PEL Y Car. cp ciniri re csrones do in clubs of five or over... 150 74% Send for specimen copies of the Dai- ly and W eekly Post, which are sent to any address free of charge. Address all letters to the publishers, Jas. P. Barr & Co.. Dre tb D Pittsburg, Pa. Y s was to be expec- Call and see his stock before purchasing | elsewhere. ap24'68,1y. Merc HOUSE, A 413 & 415 North 3rd, st. PHILADELPHIA. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.N1rE, CLERK, This well-known Hotel, will be found by | all visiting the city, one of the most desire- able, both as to reasonable chargesand con- L venience. German and English is spoken. ap lO 68, tf, | H. H. | { {ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE- TOR. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. furnished by its new proprietor, and is now country Hotels in central | The travelling community and drovers will {| weeks during the summer in the country, | will ind Centre Hall one of the most deau- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con | venience, aplO 68 tf. USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again bear ocenpied by Mr. Russel, former propriet nn, { who now invites his old friends and the Unveiling community in generaltoeallaa | see him, furnished, and is bept inthe best style, Dio- vers can always find accommodation, aploy Bett, UNION HOUSE, MIiLROY, PA. A CHANGE of proprietors of this He tal was made on the 1st of April. The estab- lishment has been refurnizhed, refitted, nr Jd remodeled, and will hereafter be conduct d on first-class hotel principles. The presen proprietor will give his personal strict 3 (- | tention to the comforts of the traveling pub- | lie and others who may favor im with th cia custom, THE BAR is viel] stocked with the choicest Brands o Liquesgs snd the Table gotten up in first Class Aap «0D STABLES are connected axkith the hotel, and oblige Ostlers are always on the ground to attend to this Depgriruent, Ze A portion of publie patronage is so licited, n.&l good accommodations areginy anteed tell, S. S. STOVER, Proprictn MiLroy, Pa. RWIN & WILSON wre constantly re ceiving new. goods iwtheir.line, HARDWARE, ofevery description abredu.ce prices- new being opened every day apl C8, ‘Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocehite, Buker's chocolate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at BURNSIDE «a THOMAS A large and elegant assortment of Horse Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Bufta o Robes, at very at lowprices 1 BURNSIDE & THOMAS. 7A Norice.—The, subscription price of the REPORTER is $1 58 per year gid vance, which is less than that of ALY -N papes of its size. cost, and therefore wish to remind our pat. ons that it is of great impaertance to us that ayment he made. at onge. C.F. Harlecher'’s CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions Groverivcs, Hard- ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF i | | assortment of everything kept in a } i rates, GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE OLD PRICES. brands at prices that will astottish New spring You, Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, totsistinig of all the novelttes of the season, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. ‘White Goods & Embroideries quality, and prices, JOOP SKIRTS t | The best nutkes, latest styles ad lowes rates, (Hats and Caps in great variety.) ' Linens, Towellings, cheeks, Denings, cloths | Cassimers, Cloakings. . - feet BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep evervthing, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost, All we ask that you will | CA LI: AXD EXAMINE OUR »TOCK | consider it any trouble to show goods, | ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yutikee Harness deubi i | and single, bridles and dalters, mayl'681y. | 1 store of Zimmerman Bro's & Co. No. 6. Bush's Aveads,, Bellefonte, Pa. follows : Fine French Merino, 00 cts per yard, Finest all wool Empress Cloth 90¢ per yd, Elegant American Merinos 40 to 55¢ p. yd, Stylish Promenade & Breakfast Shawls > at Cost, Magnificent Sett: Ladies’ Furs at Cost, fine White all wool Blankets, £3,060 to $6,50 per Pair, Fine Black Beaver Overcoats at Cost, Gents’ Knit Shirts and Drawers at Reduced Figures. The above named goods, and many others; will positively be sold te make room for Spring Goods. This is a rare opportunity for Cash Buyers, who will also find here a full assortment of Prints, Musling, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves and: the best Groceries, in the market. as well as anything else you need. : the best and clreapest in the market. WESHALL TARE PARTICULAR t RAETO MAKEIT AN OBJECT FOR AS INSITE OUR WM WOLF. api os, ly. ROPE, Pulleys, Whips, Rroom twine, Broom hnndles, W. J. MMANIGAL'S, Hardware Store, M iro) ‘ Ia. | » AROMETERS and Thermometers at DD apross. IRWIN & WILSOSN, IPARLOR COOK STOV ENS | Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gus- Burners constantly on hand and for sale at ap UGS, Irwin & Wirson's, New BQOK Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK. STATIONERY & NEWS EM- PORIU M. ACOB D. MI] LLER, has purcha red the ¢) Book, Stationery and News Establish- kit of Binsloe & Brother, on Allegheny street, near tlie Diamond, BeHefonte, te which he has just added a large invoice of generally Kept in a well- | i | goods, stich ns is | conducted Book and Stttiondry Store, L stork consists of Theological, Medieal, Law Miscellanious, Sunday Schools and School Books, Alo. Pink books, time books pss books, diaries, every grade and price of Cai, legal, bill, letter, bath, and note pa- | per, drawing and tissue piper, fine French PRPC, envelopes of esery dezeription and 114 Filho, &¢c Legal ard justices blanks of all | | i | Orders taker for goods at all tines, time the order is received: Mr ochman's Celehrgted Writing County merchants would do well to give hint a ¢ifll before purchasing elsewhere. sepd. 68, ly nT N ABITS SOAP. Wm. Higan and .ié- ] ons, olive goap, Dobbins’ soap'de ¢3 Oakley's SOUPS, old eastile, pure, Palin SO P, Kldérling's soap, and a great variety of other soaps, a EW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re- duced ices, of : : ; Bl RN SI D# & PIFOM AS’ t BURNSIDE «a THOMAS A "BAUM, _e REYNOLDS NEW MARBLE FRONT, BISHOP st. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AXP LIQUO R The au henrider vespectfully calls the at- tention of the poblie to his establishinent, whore he is prepared to fernish gl! Kinds of ted to be the best qualities according to their respective prices, of Rve. Monongahela, Erich Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Gin. Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best a ticles—at n= reasonable rates as can be had in the city, and other New England Rum, Cordial of all Kinds, He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- tel keepers and others to eall and examine ris. Inrge supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seddom be done when purchas- ng in the city. z@ Physicians are respect fally requested to give his liquors a trial. apl10 6m PICES of all varieties, ground to order and warrantedto be Sirieuy re. It is the only place you can find unadultera- ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac- tiome. You can only find them at RURNSIDE & THOMAS’. YANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee H mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, Lamps, forks, chains, &c., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS —— riYHE Largest and Best Stock of warran ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be Formal ad BURNSIDE & THOM ASN, LOW PRICES! Cents per yard, for the Bast, DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 124 to 16 cents, the best | calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old i} it Wonien = Shoes, common good fo all summer, at $100 per pair 4 . = - - . Boots from $3.50 tv $7,300 for Fine Lest, CLOTHING the lowest rates, and sold at 1R3 Tees SUITS, from S12.50 to S18 for the best. CALL ANDSELE, and if it aint true, Stertberg Will treat. evil if they do not wish to buy, ap lO G8, tf, iti tt aply 68 IRWIN & WILSON'S. | CLO ALES. at whilesale and entail, cheap, Fo wa IRWIN & WILSON. 01d 68, 4 ” ap lon, VOLS, plated forks, sp Qt. ad IRWIN & WILSON. in all their varieties, at PURNSIDE & THOMAN. Wy HoLEsaLk WINE & | $f ORE {FORMERLY NEFF & ETTELE.) i cription, af MMANIGAL'S. {UTLERY. spoons, t M'MANIGAL'S. MW MANIGALSS. ) quality, ni MMANIGALS. at 10 and 12) ets, at M'MANIGAL'S. paper Wp it MMANIGAL SS. CPurne Baskets, Graitt Scevthes and Snethes at M MANIGALS. nt Table and M MANIGALS. MAKERS: ARGE assortment i ringn (it Cloth Pateriis, at NET nish (ground Biistles;) a new i ‘atent DBedéatead M'MANIGAL'S, large assortment Son Will Yé.¢ MMAMNIGALS. AXND ) Tea Kettles, Bake ns, &b., at M MANIGAL'S. 1s 3 ag . . Y 5s Hun hil voit Plaiiis; ( hisels, Saws and other tools low, at M'MANIGAL'S. terns ticle at Hocts: Oil Shitdas, all ede smatterns al MMA NIA LS, | | ding iormerly oceppied by the Key- stone Iakery All Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted to contain the yrantity represesited, Thi | foprietor of this { tatlishmment takes deasure in informing the publie that ims constantly on hand a supply o” Hhoice foreigh snd domestie Liovpores crreh —-d { w . Odd nectar, Old Rve, Monongahels, And Trish Winskey, ‘ y { 4d (Cognac, Blackberry, ( hefty, . 4 + . +f CGineel atid Common Bratities, \ A { wide * 3 Port Madera, Shere and . . $78, i. 242 1 [asbin Wider, Scotch . And Holland Gin, New England Refi, \ mint, Anniseed and Ros | ! | { | | A for medical purposes. Bottles jugs and in town. . as All our liquors were bought When liquors wore low, ard we sell them ral. All liquors are warranted to'give satistac- ion. . Confident {Tit he ean pleas castomers he ‘ ’ { i | | | age, A Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel or tserce. I have a large lot of : BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades, on’ hand. aplO' OR, vi. A large assortment of every variety of Cook, Parlor, Office & heating and Heaters at the lowest prices at : : janld Am FITZELL'S, Milroy py - ; : R= [he Inrgest and best assortment of une a [in cups 75 cts per 1 proportion at Janis Sm Tailors’ Stoves for heating Irons at TrrzenL's, Milroy. TITZELL'S, Milroy. ve. Partieular attention paid to heating ohwrchas. ; janld 3m I 1 ARNESS, collars, cart whips, earriage whips, in great varieties, gowern- ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales check lines, cart gears, tug harmess, bugg harness hames, ete. Everything in thesad dlery line at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ Bsr & THOMAS. Offer to tho Public one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan- dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and see for yourself. | | | | { AUSTIN BREW, E. M. RLANCI'ARD, ''M. HOLMES, | Ww, ! Blanchard & Codipany, to Valentine, Blanchard & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE: & YELLOW PIXE FLOORING WEATHERBOARDING, of Variolls Styles; AND S ASI BLINDS, . SHUTTERS, UOULDINGS, Seroll work of every Description. BRACKETS OF ALL »IZES. 1 patterns made to order. Having “BULKLEY'S PATENT A with our t. we are enabled to manufac k from - SEASOGNED LUMBER! + 2- ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, ILDERS, DEALERS AD THE MADE IN GENERAL. SOLICITED. an COnneety establishm OI WO ' Wr i auel FOR Gi. iP McCAFFREY & COs fis. of cose . A § . I holesale aT Retail BOOT AND SHOE Store, One Door above Reynold’s Bank. We will not mention in this advertise ment the different varieties of Boots and is complete in every particular and nothing to excel it in style, quality, extent or price Our ready-made stock was bought from We would invite especial attention to our on the satisfaction rendered in this Depart- invent depends entirely sur success in ness. Kmployving fowe but First-Class Workiien. We are enabled to guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. 2% A liberal reduetion made on whole- sale purchases, junedyt8,1ly. P. McAFFREY & CO. [SHING TACKLES, rods lines, hook flies, ses hair baskets, ete. Rig you outtoc hr trout at Eto cugh BURNSIDE & THOMAS T IS known to all in Bellefente and : through tlie cownty if you want # good article go to URNSIDE & THOMAS + { i 1 | 1 RonuhY Rods. Oils. Lard, Lubrieatin Coll, Linseed, Tanners. Ani's, Vices, Be lows, Plates, Blackgmiths Tools Facttey Bells, House Bells Dinner Bells Nerew tr Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Varnishes received and for sale at, jumes 68, 1y. J. & 4 HARRIS = CUACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILLIPS, T HIS manufacturing establishment 4} Yeagertown, oF Me Fewistown and Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on hand ils which Ye now offer: for sale as stperior in quality and styles te any manufacttivred in the country. They are made of the very best seasoned stock by first class practiced] workmen, and finished in a style that tYailehges comparison with work out of or in the Eastern citied thices of lifts ing. Being mastor of his oln situation, and free froin any annoyances in his busis ness, he has time and ability te devote his all patrons, operatives, his totintry, and himself. Edy amt oy Call and eXainine his stock and learn his EPAFIFRING reasonably; ; . Y engertown, June 12, 1868. —1y. EATHER of all deicriptions, french 4 calf skin, spanish sole leather, mo- Everything in the leattief line warranted to give satis- faction, dt BURNSIDE & THOMAS. sl ADDELERE BUCKLES, hooks, bits h ghots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the pitnufacture of harness, to be fouitd at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS. PRUIES dud DRIED CURRANTS of the wiry best guality @jusi received at Wolf's olf stutid TT" E ANVIL STORE ix now receiving ! d well assorted Stock of Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoes, Sade dlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoop Iron, also .Biggy and Wagon Stoel »f every description.—Call and sm? ¥ voafs selves at the lowest possible rafé= at : aplO6s, IR wl N& : WILSON: New Goods! New Goods! NEW GEO. D. PIFER, who keeps a Iargy Store, in No. 6 Brogkerhoff Row, riest doar in Belletonte, Pa., has just i Eye an —c— GOODS! FADD AND WINTER GOODS! French and Xrish Poplin; Alpacas, : .. Wool De alts, French Merenos; . ninitilowioies Bleached and. Unbless ar Liieiiied eviievechod Muslin, cesesssennenes Flannels of all Kinds, BLANKETS, TICKING, &c.. &e. In addition tothe above he has, and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Over-Coats and Clothing for both Men and B6yS$ of alk. descriptions. Me #s0 keeps the celebrated Ez] Boots and Shoes, ALSO QUEEN'S WARE, CANNED & DRIED FRUITS —in facet, every .thing that may be called for, can be found at his store. pay=The highest market prrce paid for’ Grain IN CASH. Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. Give him a call before purcha'> sin elsowhere. G iO. D. PIFER. ARGAINS! The undersigned desiring to close out at Milroy, will fn endless varieties. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Ready Made CLOTHING Gentleinens Furnishing Goods, &e. ey + he at Cost Prices: 2% Fine Cassimere-Suits from $10 to S15. Z#-Overcoats of best make and material at 86 and upwards. 5 a JE Good Beaver Overcoats as low as $12, He intends moving, April Ist; snd wil} SELL AT COST PRICE! Perconw needing Goede in his line, would: do well to give him a call. : : Come One, Comme ALL; he wilk ive you a Bargain. : ABR. HIRSCH, Cheap Clothing Store, feb5,6¢ MILROY...P &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers