CENTRE HALL REPORTER. TT 15th 1869, To CorrrsPONDENTS. —Communications ghould not be written on both sides of R sheet of paper. Be brief, plain and to the] point. Communications containing person- alitics will be rejected a Hiester Clymer has written a letter | declining to-be a candidaie or govern WW ¢ are sorry for this, as there is i i i 1 i nam ————— | or. not a purer, abler and better man in the state, for this place, than Hicster Clymer. It will be remembered that at the | last demoeratic county convention, the | delegate from {ie county to the next to | state convention, was instructed support Mr. Clymer for’ governor. i Who will now be the choice of county, Gen. MeUandless, Gen. Cass, | Asa Packer? There should be some expression given, by which the | ~ " i ss} preferdhee of our county may be made our | or 3 113) AA known, this can only be done by a | re-assombling of the late « Dunty Col vention, at January court. - . - In our option vur county 1s always i 100 early in selecting delegates {0 state conventions and ‘im giving them in- | structions whom to support, as events often trauspire in the long interval be- tween the meeting of our coumty con- vention and the assembling of the state convention, which place us in an awk- ward position, from the change of ev- ents and DNUW questions and med that F138 41 130 —-— wn oe - SE lefonte : —— he Del Republican is the name of a new radical paper, which last week made its appearance, fiying | the names of W. W. Brown & i ry i can makes quite a lively appearance, i ve i : 13 editois. he Republi Hutchison : and promises fo be a spirited shoed, | battling for the blackest kind of nie- . . iY . aa gers, worthy the zeal oi —ambo hime self, 4 i to lute | pardon report, during 1563 pardoned Gov. Geary, according Lils 172 persons convicied of various of- Stanpei AY sx at §} a ph f* the ' fenses, pany of tnese were of (ne vi- : a . ‘ “ riminals in the si let loose by the her i Snickes % they were Is dieal marty, « at the elections. made a practice ~ vy Ca 1 . against the laws th: 3 he than because 33, } vir » dical party ; ¥ vA ) Issue Hp oCOVernor i $ ve used by favorties foam of + 3 } was pronounced the laws as 3000 violation 1 bY fhe court. tence aa) : 11980 3 i 1 kot pardons have been stuck he 138 i under the nose of I Ai + { Centre county COU fact tnat se, Mesars, had oflored dy the pasting an‘ ole for the $+ 4 & Cochran, ) LY O Houses at Harrisburg for $7000, for the former, system up. These ty of leesla- | 1 whiel rards of 249,000 gentlemen apon the mee g » 3g ait 1, uikler ers patie. tare, last week, handed in their peopo- | sition to the radical caucus, by which | they propose to save the State $50,000 - a : annul ly? but t eennomical (7) body | proposition upon the! dical Ser i 4 RAL iavor ’ = , wt A 7 4} i aggrg nr | ai YX-payers, Soe 1 ho Vo Fie De IRD who prote aout serving M1 50 DORSEY. fiere wis a chaaee save 53U,E)) to thie dlate 3 N } ted al ¢ 52 A Al : iH I Ole 3¢.- and it 1s hoo Dy the radiead i bein i} dy iy rls prop nil Liascseer, Jax. 4, 185) T, ha Sen iin of P: irl Hoaint FE La © Le | ' of 32H) i Ae oi pslinz lative Rocord, all “aa iof the sum the worl Li: { EN = acuuiye do hauany % yr 3 A iv il pfasidis . ¥ Le n 43 [ix inatier, i 11 i 1 ’ Out Tolta irs. 3 1 or 3 tad j 141 ¥ 9 give boing wit! i 4 Bd ; i r Lal Py . Sia, for asa Butngul exeution of i 1 it Arid 1 ave 5 cer 1cd > 3 ray ¥ fi Ca, 11d QIN AA HID pros Bp Ji wv A, 5.104au tae proposition bo accepied. Havinz made a similar proposition | to the House of Represeutatives to de! its pasting and folding fo (130, propose so to anodiy as to do g1id work, for both Houses, for TON). The cost of pasting and Hl Hr of the House alone, last 009. ge x5 . we ¢ i ), 3 + 1c 2 it » 1 ail v O31 Ros mame ms— mf en off emee— eporied Lynching of Murderers. Angzuosty, Ga, Jan, 9.—1t i5 repor- | ted that the murderers of Martin and | his two sisters, who were robbed, killed | "and burned at their hom: in Colnmbia | county a few weeks since, were taken | from the jail at Appling and lynched. | A white man named Anderson Upton | and three negrocs, who composed the | sarty, confessad the murder of Martin and his two sisters, the stealing of six | hundred dollars in gold and the subse. quent burning of the bodies in order to cover their guilt. ix A ¥ . eS 1 | i | i i i i Hon. William A. Wallace, | i The Harrisburg Patriot, of a lat: | date, publishes a just tribute of the i mg men | scampe in place see that they are only robbing themselves by vothing the voars has labored so energetically for | radical ticket. the success of the party in our state. Ler heard of in good old democratic Mr. Wallace has performed an amount efforts of toil for tl will our farmers, mechanics, and labor- . who help to keep these worth and services of this distinguished Democrat, who for the last five or six | tLMes., essen Allvieos from Washington inform . ‘op : sll ws that another infernal radical villany he of labor unequalled by the state | His |. 3 | Is abort to be perpetrated arast t Maryvhand, © The politieal ! wroundrels of the rump have appoin ted to the one great end, the triumph Central Committee, before him. labors in campaigns and out of cam | state of paigns have heen unceasing, and direc “ ! ted un commitlee to report whethe Murvl ind is i his committee 3 : : laa "Wo oe snoeratie principios acdoin munied | . J of den | i | | state government of re hy no selfish designs, which are foreign | | |. : . : publican or not, Quay cotemporary | AH HOPI report to the rump that the covern- “With the presi nt session of the leg- islature, this distinguished gentleman will enter on his third term of servie: His shown their high appreciation of ih: ability and faithtuluess with which he has served them, by an increas d ma 1 Lu addition to his publie duties, he has sustained the ‘= {rom l Larpress will turn out the membe f Marviand., Th this in the Senate, constituents have round for 1s, If the paitical de | Washington become sailty of this out ¢ quality. ay t . ' rity at each election, Libors of a constantly inereasing prae 1 » 2, [or four VORrs he has held the position of te Cen- ragous proceeding, should be lynched 1 an the spot, | { hat tL commmitice man of the Democratic Sia Th « y : 101 : rare but justly mer [hese radicals have acted in violas a rare but justi) & 3 3 Clon of Mi 1.1 1 vid 1h] i¢ ment. 1 Li : be surprising, indeed, if, In| yourss—vio | | | | SC ¢ : and the most sacred richts of the at there were not a fow to be found ready | to induloe in censortous Criticisms of | Zen. rin which he has discharged | zo on unchecked ? i in ard to Mr. Wal ace, the complaints an imfrequ De manne 1s duties aut red no consti ction whieh they will respect, : i * 8s ! 1 1 i } i 1 $y 1 it ! \ 8 al Wd up i ! } 4 . then fet an oul st 1 pine 1 ’ * i as they are wholly undeserved, Fo the 1.2 ) cca bas : . ‘ cit rigchis upon tne sitae Prine 1 : Ee DUSTER he neclect of tnportant pnt deman devo i i ' fiw LE AAAS 1 it iy ¢, take (he sito road to justice, an 1 PAS f Hse) 3 y . Mt » > . ( iis 1utie nitro, i. 3 x : de of these hounds who i i + ww amd nicht wl unwearie lly to in the dl eXang ted hinmse ‘ i=hiy a ! {ae + te sucess of the { \ \ & i> [it ie Ire Cand Ret alt in Pentsylva- 1 ! wt . 20% have straneled IDETLY, and N{ worst Kind up i : i i 3 . 0 + | i prt i iw ihe and mocrati of da:potis 1 iu this onee spotistile fi I - x. : i Iie and happy bani (1 ; aeliana, The causes : | in other nia a= in Ohio : a { Coey richly deserve to hang high a isd 1d it defeat must in {ur as usual, the | Haman. ! 1s ris} DC Sorat this case anertlous and ernpbiimy are Meousis tent aud * "2 1 1 . - it [hreuchout his longternin of pap i "n \. ever permitted any selfish intevests quires, . oo i Hiconerent. tit { Ite tith. 1 ‘ i ’ au the t=ual numoer sand petitions were presen The ts o : i ¢.za) . Setiator-eect jess enonah | Wallace to SCY ice, noone has 3? e rev More ¢ memoria : tell and referred. i 3 . + oy yr 3 control his course in the legislature, or 1 3 3p , : ; ¢} xX :13i. to intimate that Willem ‘ { i eredent {rom 1 bn » the Senile relerred an Flo = i Boe inteerity which should actuate every Teng tis rad- 1 hy £143 ‘ > . " ¢* =eptative oi the people. Uider the eail of the his : LE i - i JOOS WHO © ¥ i found him panoplied in honesty agnnst wtrodaced La a large number were d wore dss an hic ottetinl carrer di : very assault on his official course, were twice, and referred, Y i wl to low vitupera- The most noportant were a tion dollars Net } irser2 iri vr 3 brains # ait} 1 tion and scurrilidy in (heir assaults, to SHALE 1 an tile frail. : propriating five vr want ol ahe ap {or tr atte ris tvs $633 t} 3 Ove? Lahn i} oe i tit RITHIEY fire mn woven 3 (Cia , ne 5’: i ¢ y ~{ ih ‘tht 1.31% n, the unjust and om \ the political cam yvwold eon Hi 1h nanly abuse of tlie obiect, has v for it, and is | Fai tracts; : resi arising {rom Virginia, and a bill 3 » i 4 thus edeoment of Caban Underwood } forthe a knowl : 1 wi a ; rm ceased with the necessi i x} males LG o pei acii i { Y Ky na liao . 1 . ’ Dariied ~evuring the annexation of nu rchnse, the United State The morning hour having ex . tal hoteaveod : i gan capitar beiraved them ‘aba into deinni the character of’ an hon- wit lsnt 1.3 .“ Te aie CHHizel. wr 44 $ " ? : . Mr. Washburn, « Yo divert i! ¢ lio of our Pes | v2 to fhe annual statement of our own | Hl ano lumn. It must be highly gratifying i i of Penns and Brush that thie lustitetion mest reliabie footing, ' Weide fy A fait) the +! wie iy 0 hit i al moved bill for the re act, and i 06 is ras 1 . el he £¥% “segoide ; question ordered, and hill passed veas, 124; nays, 47 ; the Democrats ali voted for it. The rules we tt: for qUOSLN ts ous question was . iis (UES HE fin Lie Citizens #3 Lar Vathies to know co SUEP Ne y ; tota CInsurnees wii : ; vn | ask. HOSA i ¢ a { | exp 5 the dino te hur citizens owe it to thenrsel : . . . . neintion bill was reported and ves and to their neighbors to give this |? : congpany the preference in having their propery trssired. A deserved compliment iz Gen. Bu- } . " po em FT chanan‘s eleventh re-election as Presi- and the } us : Agrpro 4 OTee : passed .- = ? . . ' lA joing rescition proposing an WHINOTH a ! brant *e] Test oy) ment to the Conststution of the United | States, and a bill declaring who may i * thi liek had | vote for President, and Viee-President. ‘> < £* Trl PRY winter dy > Nk = ; . . ) dent of thnzcompapy, wireh he has so | It provides for tee suffrage in ali th its oreanizetion, and of which he was | | The House then went into Com | saittee of the Whole on the naval ap o : . : | nropriation bill. The ohn Scott of Huntingdon, is the | BIOPHE B & Navy vid Wa . . . for the Pailadeldbia Navy vard wa radical cauenz nounnee for U.S. Sena- | $d 1 i ee lp Al pm i appropriation reduced from fifi to twenty-five thou the t tor. Stimon fixes RB W. i radical eaneus nominee for State Treas | journel. . in teil { A Radieai papre t Little 1at- | ' . 1, House Judie ry Committee ar: LK | spon to report a resolution declaring a a g 1" | thet Mareviand has nol i repuab IC AES . - ? constitniion ; sucn ‘ . ’ [+ 1 hy the Consiitiiion of the Loa ad . 233 . 4 $ ip oo : ‘1 3 slature, aad will | States. 1t thinks that the House will t bv a nearly unant- re ’ Aon’ | cand dollars. The Connattiee rose and orted the bill, and the kHouse ad bi hing. { Pittsburg 13 the | rej Sack YS 03 iy - = says that t Stwon alss fixed that ’ I v x EE om Harrisbarve, A ja ¥ ' ore J ‘ | ntro laced 11 the Ji « as - er : » re Eisiry nas already been fF {io be put through at once by the radicads | accept the repor nous volte of its i and rule oat the Marvland Represen astives {rom the next Coneress, . ¥ —it is intended w operate in their fe vor at the elections. Bo Rillote Phil dat etie Foe A police bill for Philadelphia has THE AMNESTY PROCLAMATION, It is expected the will send to the Renate to | message giving his reasons for issuing Tio, off red | the recent amnesty proclamation. The : messaoe will be one of the most Vizo- rous of all Mr. Johason's state papers, y} Iso been intro Ine l slo d i : 5 denoerats, and sive 3 * #3 which 1% fiten Pr . le ut Usage HOVrow, she i to take all Po ce foree from the « it to radicals. Stroaz, rvhical fron ( a. joint resolation ‘ys i £3 ar w Lh apport it i of 27 alditionad prestors and folders for | r . : MOUE. BETZENCHMENT. the Hause. Whew, what a sy ole ) hundred dol Having cut off two Fact > v ! ’ § Sy wl econoiny, each of them will | | cast a $1000 with nothing to do. The | pocters” gallery, the House Committee aads passed the resolution instanter. | on Accounts have further signalized | their determination to retrench by al- Pia hundred dollars to ! nin jor! Plande H § 1, ¥ “ = . i - i-5 FF y J . hop ' e hove fr Ty ner or reacts | onembers ror pen i 4 | lowing wend +r ¥» ‘ » fy nies, BRADLEY, 8R., RESTOR Ho. i * 1 Fase 5 ELV Washingion, w The Supreme Court to-day decided lesislation . | lumbia erred in strikivg Mr. Bradley, ER ‘t "| sr. from the list of practising attorneys, ngress is virtually a den of Land ordered a mandamus to issue re sat the fort mi to hiz place at the bar. rabian Nights notoviety, completely | Justice Miller dissented. th All ¢ TENURE sia PORE Tee 1 congress 1s a huze bateh o is thine for the . } 5 bad avn 3. 2 er de . . V3 thieves, of | storiny k i he » shade, , ACY. in legislation of | PEPEAL OF CITAL acts for pri- f » y radical eon- bill for the repeal of the Fenove of ‘3 » i sx . » > . — win av FOiBee Act, by a vote of 121 yeas to 47 ther freundseliaff make | i i hl v : It i= not so certain that it will immense fortunes, and the country is | nayes * cowry Bass the Senate. not benefitted oue single continetal | GROWLS AT GRANT: vate speculation by whie and 4 oressmen i “J r TE 2 iw . ‘ - . : copper. The resuit is that our debt | Phere is some grumbling among the ant, in invitigg the Confederate the interest. Voting the radical ticket | officer, W ickhia, to din Some of the more suspicious among N 5 > 13 ders of the party 3 who.cling to it for | i. C" C er Grant's rein. plunder’s sake, but it means a good thine for the villanous lea- | ; : : > es the “loil’, people are’ becoming quite sweal andi My, Sherman's bill, introduced. in the. Senate, proposes to amend said judicia- | ry actso as to provide that any judge | of any court of the United States 4 is now seventy years old, or who shall | attain that age, may, upon his written application to the President, be retired upon a life pension, equal in amount to his full salary, but ifany such judge shall for one year alter the passing of this bill, or after arriving at the age of seventy vears, continue to hold his | dent to nominate and appoint an ad- | ditional judge for the same court, Who shall perform the same duties and re. | jndge then acting in such court in the d strict, and shall in connection with Land Tn the absence of, his senior associ; aloe, hold the courts prescribed by law. Ee a he United Seates Senator from Lowa, Michigan and Florida. =cnators, whom it dubs a“ carpet bag wer extraordinary.” It will seem £0 to Fall who will read what ays of the Senator. The Hon. A. Wold h, of lowa, President of Aertenltaral College of that State, i anys, “with 4,000 lomse, and 8 Mureh voxt) will soon 1 , date for the bert from his seat as senator from «his State, United States Mr. Welch was elected fast July to serve the un {shortly ater Ls - wi sition of President 1 i % expired term ut ted the laertive | | of the Low collez:, gave up Florida, remtved his fi and “his property 1s resis in ily to lowa, bo for 2 {NN) 1" ii dence i syle, His is with furniture. Mr. ned to Florida, | 21 feidonce held at fm ath) » his | uy ¢ 1 i 3} ature will be so naaghty as nol erattly him. . wentlemen of the Legislature, we 1 “31 Ke the bili to yi» i honor to ta and introduce in January Velch, of Michigan, it Towa, and at from senator },: 1 Ep ¥ i Vi Hon. eset ns Wr 1 | 4 i » . I ’ i TTL yf Bia pros 1 United States Florida. LATEST BY CABLE. i ye » i ans —First day of the Eastern waferenee—Grand Banguet at Mudrid Tho Sublime Porte, London, Jangary S.— Advices | | Candin, by mail fully confirmed of the $ ¢ i 1 tne {* ol LL reDorts Lretans (o Lin i y fei 4 # +1 i: 1 ty eit of the disntile beilweel aad Vurkevy met vesterdav. <C=xiiMl Wisi long one, AE Hil |) ermimnating | € ¢ iri i i 3 * i» 3 .y * * ' * » . oli ninndested COncii i IPs anil a peace! } nan ld pOSTIst, Gna a peaceith resuali { with ISOS 1:4 Foro ke orwasd to COauCnee ; : : 1X session takes place on {ues £3 ta} ON ERTRR Cit HE J ri ¥ esl 1 : : pdt 8 ved attention, ak PI YE posit oi by Ai Dass wi nrvi day. HAMBURG, Jat. board th Ambasy 1s to the Emperor. i : yo Fey got ARIAL } ON NW at Fy y ' o HUYEe sO 43 ton i OTT ¢ {iG Lhe L.mperor al he the fore reported o { in pL ’ - 0 —1 friends of CRIT I Port- ' i - orn 3 yO’ % i + $a, herets Foungland, with a shaft, and » Ten {}¢ ! | by the cable are informed that all we safely landed on the 28th ult. Mapp, Jan. 9.—A grand banquet was given at Seville last evening, All ml officers of that eity, and were prescit °C | | i i i ' i (he munien biny F One } h : , | a conplimentary teleg in, which was 3 it . 21 it to Maparters, wherein the vaests ' 13 oLher notaies, ry “4 ’ expressed their preference for him at the head of the State, whatever the de- form of goverment. Jan. 9.— nesof which have I to the fulare | CoxsTANTINOPLE, : Cireek blue i been received here, contain a state 1. Ae i 1. DVR, 0 § [ «ian Ambassador to the Sultan’s court | ininister here, that the Sublime Porte Cin peferemce to Crete. ct mmm in se ff GI os ——— — | A letter from Colima, Mexico, gives { experienced in that city on the mivin- r of the 27th ult. | previons the woleano of Colima, [twenty miles from the city; bad exhib- | ited sy Iptoins of internal commotion, L sending forth smoke and steam, ac- companied by damblitgs and shaking of the carth. On the morning of the 2H vr 6 earth, which gradaally inereased in was dininished. | from north-east to sonth-west, and | lasted wearly forty sccomds. The | Cathedral warehouse and brick buil- bdings were eracked from top to bottom, | The peuple started” from their sleep, | rushing frantically for the plaza. Ris | reported that soveral persons | killed by the falling of the Natioual tance, and in several places the ground opened and trees were uprooted, hills leveled, water courses changed, and a general upheaving of the earth took | place. \ | cathedral building, which bas stood | theshocks tf earthquakes avd stores for over a century, was riven from top roof were broken. twenty falling wall: of the American hote' gind | three persons were buried in the rains | of the warchousc ofl Maserman & Co. The eight persons who were killed in Rochester, N. Y., a day or two since by the giving away of a floor in a school-room, were buried with hut one funeral service, and that was held at the Catholic Church to which the school was attached. Fifty persons in all were injured. The Coroner's in. quest established the fact that the acci. dent was in consequence of an under- sized eap having Been placed upon the column supporting the floor. | ———— A The jury in the case of Daniel Dechert, editor and proprietor of the Hagerstown, (Maryland) Mail, gave Clim a verdiet against the Hagerstown corporation for _7.500 damages, for als towing his office, types, ete, to he des- | troyed by a mob in 1862, and driving him ont of town asa secessionist. Othe cases of A similar character are pen- ding. This case is likely to be taken | as the precedent for numberkess suits cin Maryland. ER —— ily tle Apc Death of General Roussean. Dispatches received at the War De- partment, annonce the denth of Briga dier General 1. H. Rousseau, at New Orleans, Universal regret is expres ‘sed at the untimely death of this well: known statesman and gallent soldier. - ns A niin fac ———— Rochester, New York, Janoary 6.— | A shocking accident acculred this evening, by which eight persons were killed and thirty seriously injured. A floor in the school house of St. Peter's Cand St, Paal’s Roman C itholiec Chureh eave away, while crowded with peeple attending the holiday festival, Three hundred or more persons went down, Land several wera instandly killed. unr EXT \ NNUAL STATEXM A Otice of The Farmers’ Mutual Fire Tost | rance Comnnahy of Cerilre County. Cestiee Hann, Jan, 1th, 1864, In eonnpliance with the Provisions of their : Charter, the Directors present the Eleventh I statement of the traisactions of the pany bills receivable, he- due and members, forin- Ahlan { fs eiisd NEL Dreuntin notes, pavable by i y wliifnfives, toe Of which amount been called jutsl year... there | = Liegvine dud on Premium notes tukep the past year To this add Ferg pls into tite Treasury from assessments No {, und applied to BE pay ined of losses Kis 82 \lsa, money on depo- Gt duemembers........ 56000 Balance inthe Treas'y 170 45 a - 4.21 Makine the total assetts the PRUE FOAP rr ratte cecrnm EXPENSES, $32,060 81 (Compensation to Di- clos Salary of Secretary... of Trensvrer S112 8H Ha) 250 Venue tay ad 136 19 a ovina are house of Ino WW Bod]. .catscinnnnes to dwelling house and fin SRK OD pitare, Geo Grau- do furniture M H Mo- | ol { NK (XK) 8.907 05 va! aeerining assetts and funds the Fomepany, te past yer which add funds herotofors reported for [Previous Vors wi: 774 4 am nt of notes | & exceed] i : ed by paitics...... S20L060 §& § ! i {50.780 40 | ZI! Si fe 10.042 25 Making the total available as- of the Comp, this day... and cos taken the past SI) 883 of Selig SER, 700 35 | } Risks Histran- VOR. ccrrertsies : ,herotofor ported thr tend [are - vious years...o..2.000,808 § Serie * re | | Grand total offrisks sad fii PRICE orggiRzation..... From which deduct Pol expired and enncelled by i! of parties Si Fiiar ess oN rane $7, Wx, 282 14 | ! i 1eTes 247.579 05 (Crh ait sand total of risks and tnsu- ranees force this AY cereiine bei hip? ond lee $2 588,703 (0) | $1841 ‘ sits date mvmabers SHO I i Fontris i i ’ i £5 an election held the same day. the fol | named members were elected D; rs for the ensuing vear: John W Kramrine, Georges Mussor, Joo! shia Potter, Henry Keller, Joho Shannon, | San! PPorster, George Doachangn, Amos i Alexander, Jacob G Mover, Jacob oster- man. John Kreamer, John Wolf, ve » ~ - Vhereapon the Board organized, sod | elected the tollowing officers : ! President —George Buchanan, Vice President—Joshua Potter Seeretaryv-—NAlexander Shannon, | Treasurer—Henry Witmer, Land afl the former Agents wee continmed’ for the ensuing year, i Attest, Gro. Brenasas, Prest { Alex. Shannon, See'y, Jani. ot Lhe rectors 5 | Wall Paper, cheap | from 12 to 20 cents per bolt at Herlacher s. NFORMATION WAXRTED The undersigned having given, in Febraary, 1865, a promisary note, payable to Samuel Harpster or order, which has since passed into other hands, is desirous | of finding the present holder of said note, | as it is now due and he therefore wishes to | pay off the same. daw JOHN JAMESON, janis at Centre Hall. TTR TREY | vi. A large assortinent of every viriety of 3 Cook, Parlor, Office & henting Stoves, Stoves, dnd Heaters af the lowest prices at janis, dm TITZELL'S, Milroy. 747 The largest and Post assortment of tinware atold price 8 rans a o 3:2 i | Tin cups 75 cts per duzen —other wird ih i proportion’ st TITZELL'S, | Janis, 3m Milroy. Tailors’ Stoves t for healing Irons at Tirzery s, Milroy. ve. Particular attention paid to heating | stoves. janl1d.807 1 snammnr sepm—se— m———— : "New trotting Bugey Gor BUZZ Vana renin, at Wet | ~J57® CentrosHall stand) §- Anothér Noteworthy Death. John Mivor Botts died at hiy resi- in Culpepper, Virginia, yesterday. ms pri tt tien ; A man in M ichigan died lately of too much cider. ‘A barrel filled with it fell npor hin, Ee a a It is said thAt ‘as the twig is bent the i Some young ladies will grow queerly if the Grecian bend prevails long, * es h Spirits over proof—printer’s devils, COURT PROCLAMATION, FHEREAS, the Honorable Chae AL \ Common Pl Contre, Clinton and Clearfield, and. the Hondrahle John Hosterinan and the Hon- orable William Allison, Acocinte Jaiges in Centre county, havin hind their pre- A. 0, 1868, to me directed, for holding s Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of tre and to commenecdfon the 4th onday » Jan., next, being the 2ith day of dxnuary, 50, and to continue fe weeks . Notice is thereford hereby given to the Coroner, Jostiee of the Petee; Aldo*men and Constables of the said cotinty of Centra, that they be ther and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'tloek in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exami- nations, and their own remembrances, to do thoze things which to théir office appertaing to be done, and those who are bound in re COZZI» Lor proseciite perninst the : ; % dneis that are or shall be in the Jat! of ngain<t them as shall be just. Giver under my hand, at | the Independence of the United States, PD. Z. KLINE, sheriff Sheriff's Office, Boliefonte, Jam 1st, 166) POR SALE! oy bis The nndersign rah e building Lots, at Céntrd BALL AM pri- vate These lots are situated on the . i, Hie, i HEARTH ana HOME Agricultural And Fireside Journal, oh CONTAINING INTER Ran td dhs vio pages, p nted Tim tepe, of MIE raa BOK pagew, Mad ABacdantly trated OF THE Dost Arelad : xorTED BY _ on LE ES * ~~ DONALD G. MITORELEL | | AND HARRIET BLTECHER STOWE, ER $I REE EER aestatad hy corps of able editors nnd : if in rely doopartinent. ¥ It is devoted to the int rosts 0 £ sz # EY vk ! {ihe viLaNrua, : vol: GARBDESER, 0 Via Lire WER, sud the. ¥ LORINT, ORNAMENTAL GAUNENING, s RUBAL AC UTRCTORT PLANS AF CY we - A or i ot od Cor th ode attr actly on sis, wi’ . dnt rtun as Also es ) ¢ -— 7 A Ys HOHE MS wr Orleans, © were, giving te Wiles To BUY ie BS /mily Circle LEEDS bs Lstore abd tve hogasheld, ra ag mini do grstle agg Wm naps and tes evaing of 8 1s elaualions ol children. MA A cabal Top ort of eo, lla Lolphain, © vill Be faraldee Farm rinforee 1 wil WIEN rw “W Tv y Hw” . font good din. bts sTOwWE, CIACE CUETO, and My £ and adjoin neh other, apply to : JR ALEXANDER, Bellefonte, wi New Goods! N GEO. D. PIFER, who keeps a large Store, in No. 6 Broekerhoft Row, next door to Post Office, in Belletonte, Pa., has just received a fresh supply of EW GOODS! 1 oS FALL AND WINTER GOOD ! iis Stock Colisists uf Dress Goods, such as, Poplin, French ond Irish Poplin, cpesries senses Alpacas, Wool De Lains French Merenos, Bleached and Unbles- vrsrsenstiiPLE Morreline, Kinds, BLANKETS, TICKING, &c., &e. In addition tothe above hehas, and keeps comstantly on hand, a large stock of Over«Coats and Clothing for beth > - a3 3 ; Men and Boys, of all descriptions, Fall Bodis and Sheex; ALND INS WARE, CAXNED & DRIED TS —1h fact, rv thing that may ‘ ean be found at his store, “The highest market price paid for irnin IN CASH. Marketing of nl, kirk taken in dtohanee for Good. Give him a all before preerelia- « (ro. P. PIFER. " or Lok «tne eiséwhera, RIiLROY FURNITURI 5 4 Wareroom. ! The «ttbseriber respectfully informs tie citizens of Cetra vonnty, that he has con- kinds of BEDSTEADR, (Cottage af plain) WASHSTANDNS, CORNER CUPROARDS, NOFAS, IBning Tables, Breakfust Tables; Toilet Tables, Centre Tihles, Sevks, 1 dongkira ve; Cradles Cane Seated Rocking Chairs, Cane Seated Chairs (plese) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs; "lain Rocking Chaitis, Windsor Chairs, Children’s Clmbes settees, lounges; Complete suites of Furnitive furnished at a —p——— | ]—7 A AAT : rest material, Prices Lower than Elsewhere ! ve. Persons in want of Furniture will do well to give me #eill- iad JORN SAMP- Milroy. FI URNSIDE & THOMAS: 5 3 Offer to the Public one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan dize, in Centre county. € see for yourself. INE GROCERIES, mocha coffee; olf gov. java, best quality Rio coffee} best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak ing molasses, yife nd Chine in the rocery line at the lowest ¢ash prices in the A arket BURNSIDE & THOMAS : is the place. F writion expeosdy (or tin LZARTIE AND HOME, conte foe aes Dn fess (Ihe ah or 230) namher, THE BOYS AND GIRLS cgety o Will Bad (RHF aw page dwers li dab ed 1" ald fe drs, Aad A girlon 37 al wie the wy weed boris eiaiag of MIAN ’ sri 15:4 purl ov AND HOME: Fi tole FERS Yor 1859. Rinvle Coples 84, Invarialy 1a alvanee: 2 Caples BIO. 50 plvadis Awograralinsza 250m a rink of 15 Copls=s (all at onz Hun, will recive a copy free, Xs travelline agents emploved, iunications to PEILTZJ ILL, BATES £0). $1 Pang ow, New Vos. Adiross all cons —— LOT FOR SALE! a The iindersi Had of Fors a lot of ground, Foitdi¥itig about 6} doves, with the, #*ain thereon, at private sale, 1374g of tile hve rAd between Cantry’ [all und Gld Fort, about 70 rods from {he torujike. "or Terms apply to JACOB DINGES, Centre Hall des. Mt G ENTS THIS WAY! | § SUITS! SUITS? W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably needy stiits of Cloths, from any kind of ma= totint #Mev #0 4%e: | wouldisay that | am still in the tivia, and prepared to accommo date. | ¥ade f large nikd exnctlent fesorts ment of Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Cassinieres, & Vestings frotet which gafméerts will Mo muds te or: der ¥ tite MONTY FeSHION ABLE STYLE: AM Yak is 20H did edanfide fy fine stock. Huring just bought my goods du- rift the last panic, | defy com jon ad to prices, durability, and fiieliow, this side of Philadelphia Remember the Place WW: MCLELEAX,; No: 4 Brokerlioff = Row, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa., wiiere SIN éassim vestings; callars, wwbrellds; éxins, tags, in Ailort; every tii to eSmpletely ri out a 2 utlewmnan, can be ad and made up iF the test stein: Tr : I arn also agert for WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Yaclrre, which should be seen by all destritle & wachine, dc 68y Agents Wanted. ‘oF Our New Great Standard Works, CHAMBERS xi INFORMATION for the PEOPLE The largdst, best and cheapest sul; 3 book ever published, and endos by all Literary People in’ Euarepe and America. As well to supply a mach-needed want in’ dur own country by diffusing ¢ofrect infor-- mation in a form best adapted ta oti people, as to gratify repeated solicitations from’ friends to issue an American edition of thie ralaable work, the Publishers have under taken the enterprise, The vast amount ‘¢ illustrated trash that has flvbded the dotin= try fof ome years past deinands a' Book off this character, for the benefit of those whe wish instruétion and entertainment, jnstead of cheap pictures and sensational news- Jeper clippings bound up and sold for wioks. . . : : This gteay work ix of itselfa complete and selélt himary for every family. Contain ing over 3.000 closely printed ps om all enihects of popular interest, from the best aut Mors, and especially adapted to the wauts of t¥e people. The daily inquiries received ue to hate of Issue give assurances of un extraordinary sale. By applying st oer p- ofee, agents will seéuré a cho rise ry for a book that will sell to everybody; Fegardless of sect, pdfty. or section: Send for circulars; apd sfe our terms gpd & furl} oth work: description of this manm ats Adress: . : 5 United Stafex Puptishing £6: i 411 Broun at ; New York, dec Zit. AP MINX ISFRATOR'S NOTICE. A cttéds of administration on the estate of Thompson Deviney, late of Greg township, deceased, having been gra fr the uudersigried, he requests all persons knowing themselves inde ' to said es fate to miake immediate payment, anid those having claims against same fo present thsi fils Atiemicated zecording » law for setflcineit. y A- J. YOUNG, Administrato¥-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers