ls "y tpn Ror + og é CENTRE HALL Machine Works, CENTRE HALL CENTRE €0., PA. Having enlarged our New Founory and MacuiXe Swors Works: improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an- to receive orders for anything in thet line of busimese. Shaftings, Pullies, IRON CASTINGS of every descriptien made and fitted wp for MILLS, FORGES: FURKACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, We also manufacture {ie celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER. LF which now stand$ unrivalled. This Reaper hus advantages overall othe Reapers: now'manufuctured. One xdvax- tage we elaim for it, is the lever power, by w lich WRERin ore hunydped. per eent over other maehines.. Another advantaee is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, wherabe the driver has under his. complete contro of theamaehint i incomi od grain this Ch the teani, varying the stuble from 1 inohas at the outside of themuachine, as wall as. on the inside. It is censtrireted’ of first class material; and built by first’ class ma- ehanics.. We warrart'ié s=voifd to none. All'kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing Maelfines, Hav and Grain Rakes, latest im- proved. All kinds of Renaming done. Dif ferant kinda of : PLOWS AND: PLOW CASTING. Th Celebrated! Feekendorn Feonomien plow whieh has, gr en entitd satisfaction. - We employ the best Patfernmakers, eur patterns are allnew add of the most imprev- _ed plans. Plans, Spedifiestions and Draw- ings furnished for all work done by ws. z#r- We 'hope'by ‘striet attention to busi “ness te reedive a.share-of pullie patronage, iS he 1 Bic, J . 24 £2 & © } » 3 ; 1 The Gompiiy afitiounce to the citizens o” Potter. township, that they Are now prepar- ved to furnish upod shit notice, and its low as elsewhere, 6very article in’ the line of oul 3 ' : TIN: AND. SHEETIRON WARE. = and Spouting Vaibe RK ¥55de ofepatiing done. They ha alas ad fy Spainpe OF ’ BE rs DIPPERS DISHES, &€. “8 "All orders by mul CENTRE HALL MFG COM'P 801068 1 ans dA - Joe SEWING MACHINE. ( Qo, Fairer, at Bellefonte, sells the ¢ ele iio superior in the market, store and sea it Mdins received je med- july8 68 tf, TINWARE! TINWARE! J. REIBER, | Potter township, that he is now prepared ef Tin and Sheativon Ware. STO VISPIPE SS SNPOUTING, ‘All kinds of repairing done. Ho has al- | wavs, on Band buckets, cups; dippers, dish- ad, &o., &e. SILVERPLATING. | for buggies executed in the finest and most durable style. Give him a call. His char- | ges ave reasonable aplO68 ly, Rk - : oy | TP UGGIES! BUGGIES! B J. D. Murray, | Centre Hall, Pa., Manufacturer of all | kinds of Buggies, would respectfully inform | hand ¥ \ v ¥ \ 3 NEW BUGGIES, . + . with: sind without top, and sold at redueed prices for cash, and a rea- | sonable eradit given. { faction All Kk i Reo. | tor purchasing elsewhere. aplld on tf wih n every respect. inds of repairing done in short no- Call and see his stock of Buggies bhe- I pst NATIONAL BANK OF | Pa. Ao if nbn Bellefonte, & COL) | B.C. Tomes, Pres't. - J. PP Harr, Cash | This Bank is now organized for the pur- pese of Banking un ler the laws of the Uni- tod States, : Certificates issued by Humes, Me Allister, | Hata & Co.. will ba paid at maturity, ana | Checks of deposits at santation atthe countero tional Bank. | Parficulad attention given to the purchase | and sale of Government Securities. | E. C. HUMES, Yn yal oy President, sieht az usual on pre- f the said First Na apli 68, C : ; ¢ Ad ve on th US, ‘ELI Nete H. GU” ° | | | { ia "3 ars tus 1} 1S. permseaneniiy id o, in the ; Db) r of! and ho has been practicing with I’. XO, Ah wih } in ocenpied y cated -1 Vv who bure ofliee former bs 1 he would pumbear of vears in the profession, ‘ee. 3% « . Vy cordially invite ail : Ye ! given him a call, { truthfulness of this assertion. | Extracted without pain. nt \ to do so, and test the «10 | HENRY BROOKERHNOFY, 6 President. Cashier (Ta COUNTY BANKING CO. (LATE MILLIKEN HOOVER & C0.) 3» U RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, % Dis : N oti coun *™ Government Securities, Gold and Cou- poRs. ap lO 6s. 7 abd apl068. AM HOY Office on’ High Street, apl0 G3, tt, IS & ALEXANDE Attorney-at-law, R. B > " . " W. H. LARIMER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bellefi Oftica with the District Attorney, 1 Court House, may ls write, —in . p. PS : services, apl7 63. tf FAS: MeMANUS, wry 1 ii, Qilice, C« 1 Hii offers bis Profession Pa 3] tre Hall, e ly pays attention to all business te him, Jor D. WINGATI, D. D. ® PENTIST OfMce on Northwest eorner of Bishop and Spring st, first two weeks of every month. “5% Teeth extracted without pain. Bollefeute, Fa. aplO 68, tf entrusted julyd 63. Q aN santos op P. Surgeon, Center Hall, Pa. wens of Potter and adjoining townships. Dr. Nefl has the experience of 21 yearsin the détiva practice of Medicine and Suyr- gery. : ap POR 197 FI I: M ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER. 9 / © « =) ® Ir) > r M ALLISTER & BEA YER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Beliefonte, Centre Ce. Pernia: Chas. H. Hale, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa..dee25ly. N ILLERS HOTEL Woodward, Centre county, Pa. Rtages arrive and depart daily. This fa brite Hotel has beén refitéad and Tirmish- ed its new proprietors and is mow in- evel'y respect one of themest pleasanteoun- try Hotels in’ central Peupsvlvgnia. The traveling community and drovers {wilFal- vers cari: at all times be Retoiiodased with stables and pasture forcan 1 er Hf cat- tle or horses. ‘GRO AU LLER, july 68 tf. Proprietor. (ONJUGAL LQ¥E, AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRUE MARRIAGE Essay for the Young Men, on the Errors, buses and Diseases which destroy’ the Manly Powers andl create impediments to sdenled letter envelopes free off charge in ed Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, How- ard Association; Rhiladelphia, Ya june,5 68, 1y. i HITE FISH ATerring, Mackerak sc.; a Nat “BURNSIDE & THOMAS YH E highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce; at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’. gEnn_ I UsEEY PRUINS. -raisens, peaches RL: apples, oratiges,, lemond, all kind of foreign fraits; Hams, bacon &c., at ¥ BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’. ® | | { TERMS. —The Centre Hann TER 1s published weekly, at $1,560 in advarce: REeror- per year and $200 when not paid ni Re porter, I month 15 comnts: Advertisements are inserted at $1,060 per weeks, Advi rt ( ments for a year, halt year, or three months at a less rate, All Job-work, Cush, and neatly and ex- CENTRE HALL REPORTER. FRIDAY JAN, 2nd 1869, EE EDITORIAL NOTES. souri, last week nominated Carl Shurz for the U. 8S. Senate, on the first ballot: Schurz 60, Loan 40, Well, what do the “God and morality” ridicgls—~those piovs ones, we have many unty-—ay to that? Hark. Shurz is a German atheist! This same radical atheist, publiely in an address, spoke of God as “the uuaginary lives in the sky,” A at leader is Shurz, tor these “God and morality nen e is shout ag big a ference between the practices of these me unber and (fon 0 ther pious professions and i, tantinople, by which our 1 we PYM}, The mail arrangement we think is a hail QL, and should that could have speedier would bi chaneed, 50 the people of populous valley il communication, sugeest a plan Mail f } hia, Now Y 0] and wll ts, reach Centre Hall theounty, k, earlier than any and a new route, daily oar tri=weekly, from Centre Hall thro Meils township Wolf's Store, would strike all the Offices in Brushvalley direct- lv, with the of Centre which lies I road which deviation could be made with convenience than the prezent zigan arrangement, We avating it is to have an inperfoee rangement, and this } tion referred to has alwavs labored wm Mail mttler for Muadisonburg, C Mills, Rabersl d Wolf oure, al dr t wil) dv all " attirnlly nearly all, «first Hy tH exception mile from the main ] loss in- nn cat-n-cornered how ue mail ar s what the sec- der. \ 1oas Ahir to Centre W est: here i to Millhet AGM il tn 111 t ‘ : ul from points East wer t Os where it xt duv: make L route as a, ghd the peo- i eV edd Just in Pen a at Wa benefit \ N HUNAreds 1 od y Lid naer i AR 11 I’. R 1eW Bu efit the Pea) fe of a rich +1 1 tne peopie one ci vt1163 Y VOLTA fs wer Ho Yera 1 ay vs c] ' 1 thot al uous vatie and secure hein an aaviantuage to Wii r are entitled. \ i 1 + vs nn the . ¥ © Nake hese =Suesestions in ihe AE ‘ ‘ + ' . 3 + } tar ” y Fy - foaps ( VT% NOroel, 23 it OUI CI Oil Wg h 2 } in Brushva our friends At the request of a staunch old German from the neighborhom® of Cen- publisd the following German of Libe sil h vy. inl Lienz 1848, Die IFreihett. lie Sichel, 3 sihitter deutscher Michel ? Michek Von Distelniist mein Ack Die re nich Drain sewarr ieh's, Don Dem Stechen mach Tr voll, stnchen Tan wie toll, HEPERPPETIN el t ein knd'! Die iretheit. 141 i f ick Jelz rinstdua dir die Sichel, sauitor, Michel, 1 \ i ) Du guter, deutscher Michel? Dist Die Di est i FOZ AE Keil ~1¢ Die Stace ( wuchsen wieder nach der Sichel! k'. und hackezu, 3 £ ane, buck’ aus mit Stumpf und Stiel! ut besenviden nuetzt nickt viel l— 0 The Democratic Legislative cauens of | Unkrs | | This same gentleman, about a year ago, was fair ! i . v * t ‘ i for United States Senator. | i i v ant legally elected to the sane | place, and hadi hig seat, but wns dtisted b§ a tie vote Mr. S{oekton in his | | | i | énst a vote | But tide wns only a pretence to enable who never hadibaen the choict of the peo- ple of that state. The people have now done. Mr. Stockton justice by cominanding 1 the super to walk. | | | this state, was a democrat onee! astray during the war, and now, like all refibghdes from our party, he gets his re- ward. It muit not he voyy pleasant to life- | long opponents of the demoriaey, to find | that renegunde democrats are alive placed inthe most inportafit offires when they join the radical ranks, and that the old pillars wre made to stand aside, {) Wanted—a qualified, sonipetent gentle- mipn, willing to take the County Superin- ten dvney, at the wages paid during the war when everything else was higher than now, the salary then being 8760, $500 wore ad- ded about a yéur ago. + As we consider one part ofthe work performed by this official, as a humbug, We think the salary slonld be lopped off to what it was during thé time when gold was 240, and: when the then in- cumbent considered it sufficient. We pre- fer seeing it abolished, but the next pie thing is to ‘eut down ithe big salary on- the nuisance. Who will sunodtes Iimself at the previous sulary 2 By the way, taxpayers, the spring clee- tions are near at hand, when vou will have directors to choose, who have control of the salary; elect men who will'sfte vou pert of this néw squahd¥téd! suin or else quit talking about high taxes. . ., At Harrisburg,our law makef§ ave not yet done any thing worth ig copper to any but 27 people ef the State, wiih Wie pas- sing a joint resolution, adding 27 to the number of pasters and folders, in spite of Rauch & Cochran's proposal to fh this work for $7,000, heretofore costing $40,000, and will now have ans addition of twenty- seven men at abet? 31000 each for doing nothing. Oh, now, let's all sit down and sing of radical economy. - Butler's Financial Project. The leading features of 1. F. But ( ler’s financial schenre are as follows: der notes a naw form of eurrency, on which no promiseto pay shall be ex- pressed, 2. War upon the national banks, by | forbidding the issue of the currency af- it a tax of 305-100 per cent, per an- num in coin, 3. Making United convertible into circulation aftd States again at the pleéasire of the holder 4. The substitution of defitced coin for the present fractional currency. yyy Civil Tenure Act. The sndden action of the ITovise ' Republicans of the Radical stripe, who their with the peace are 1A sl } public with a extracts {rom the sixteen hour 22nd, 1869. ger’ from fires in different parts of the structure, exploded, seattering the bar- ning conls over the entire floor, The Joss by this fire. is estimated at Lone million three hundred thousand dollars. Two of Caldwell’s clerks are supposed to have perished. Gn Kiliing Little Indian Children. The correspondent of the New York | Herdld, who was on the plaing with General Custar, during the Black Ket- tle massacre, scems to express a shock- ing and terrible fact in language mild and soft and gentle as the vot a dove. THe says: “The desperation of the fighting at | the battle of the Washita on the part | of the savages may be judged from the as of the impeachment trial, whers he was constitutional, demanded The Re- President was beeause he had violated it. { i | i { | i view and the President escaped hy th Now this same par ly 1s on its knees t this humiliating gttitude before the country confesses its acts wer of the ] peopie but only {oO embarass tho ( ‘het ends: The facility w which lawyers adapt themselves to ei- party ther side of a cause, lead us to hope the } the country with irresistible arguments on the other side The Pittsburg Post, m a pung view of the Grovernor's message, makes nt re- w ‘vidhiie “The €rovernor says that i - 4 Py , i ! { On the last page of the Auditor Gener- No male prisoners were eapfured over eight years old, all the Indians over that age taking up arms and join ing in the ficht. So it seems that none men wr = spared by Custar’s troops, None of remorselesshy slain, And amore the slain or massacred were boys of eight and a half, nire. ten, eleven, twelve, &ec. when to capture them would have done iv every respect as much good as put- ting them to fle sword. But, whether in every respect or not, they should have civilized mankind as the most atrovi- ous deed perpetrated since the day of Herod. What man, who deserves to be re- cognized as one, would not feel his ad- miration and his sympathy excited by the sight of ehildren nine and ten years i firthers onc brothers: - «> A> . of the Commissioner of Internal Revinue. Report 3 Fn this inrportant report, X Hil bt’ this conclude Line which has an Governor's evident anxiety to Ay v vrecen ber 1. 3,280.946,13. Deduct this numbers- fifteen million dollars. lars, year is, reduced to 81, [FOA485:09, 1 a very wide difference. statements tactitionsand fettious 2” = PHILADELVHEA. Great Fire. Philadelphia, Jan. 14,—The most destructive fire which has occurred "in this city for probably ten or twelve yeats last night consumed the block of marble stone at the southavest corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets, The tures, spacious and elegant, and three in number. The one at the eorner was occupied by the firm of Howard & Jrothers, paperhangers; the next by ok Ea Three of B. the ris third by the fitrm of J. Otne, carpet dealers. finest btritcings' in’ the "city were At one o'clock this'morning an ex- plosion washeard by the offiters at the Hurrying to the marble block at Ninth and Chest; they arrived. in time to set #molke and flames issuing- throvgh the shattered windows and the iron grating in rear of Caldwell’s jewelry sfore, The coneussion from*the explo- sion was so great that the people in the adjoifiing houses andthe officer in the vicinity felt it; aml’ the sashin'the Sansom street {front were torn from its place, - Quicker than words can tell; the flames burst through the fitst floor of the jewelry establishment, and un- obstructed leaped into the second sto- light and smoke, At the time, vari- ous were the surmisex as to the origin, but is has been ascertained that the store, which are used for warming the express purpose of avoiding the dan- less thor two trillions, and graph and express companies not a x. “tl 1 v icy WZ than all the railroads, telegraphs or ex- i more are used through smuggling, ma- in the Unite States of ohe hundred and fifty million dollars’ for tobacco alone! Will not soma Philanthropist discov er some remedy for this enormbdus and useless waste of money? Ohly think of it, one hundred and fifty million dollars annuedly thrown away! This would soon ligtddate ofit naticoal debt. The question recurs, where will an an- tidote be found for this zreatest of evils. — Neo! ¥orde Herald. To Purify a Room. in a few hours it will have absorbed the water utterly filthy. contain’ these fhsts, Atotdinary tem? perature a pail of water will contain a pint of carbonic acid gas and several pints of ammonin The capacity, is nearly doubled by reducing the water to the temperature of'ice. Hence wat- er kept. in a room: a while is always un- ft for use. IFor.ihé samé redton” tha water from a pump should always be pamped ‘up in the’morning before any ofit used. Impure Water is more inju- rious than impure afr." The above, if true, proves how’ exceedingly careless many of us are as regards to our heilth' for we venture to say that a'large ma- jority of the people use water for drink- ing which has “absorbed” for hours the noxious gases of their rooms. Much is requisite to preserve health: | | A TOUCHING STORY. | The following affecting narrative | purpdrts td liave been given by a fa- | ther to his son, as a warning derived { from his own bitter ex perience of the { «in of resisting & mother's love and | counsel : What agony was on my mother's | | suffered failed tomove me. She rose | to go bore, ged 1 followed at a dis- 4 she reached ber own door. “It is school tinre now,” “(yo, my son. and onge more let me ‘eseecll you to think vpon what I { i i | sre said. | | 2 | have said.” | “Fk slrair't po to school,” said F. She looked astonished at nry bold { . . | ness, but replied firmly : { | “Certainly you will, Alferd! command you.” | can’t get me up stairs.” and kesp your there until you promise implicit obedience to my wishes in the future.” “I dare you to do it, said I;” “you pale. “If yon tovich me I will kiek you,” said I, in a fearful rage. I knew not what I said! “Will yoir go; MHred!” neath her eves. “Then follow ma,” said sha, as sl my foot and kicked her—iny How mother. head reels asthe torrent of memory rushes over me! I | kicked my mother, a feeble woman— my “mv mother ! she staggered back a few steps and leaned against the wall. She did not look at mb, | beat against her breast. “‘O, Heaven- ly Father!” she cried; “forgive him— he knows not what he does!” The | gardener just then passing the door, ‘and seeing my mother was pale and almost unable to support herself come in. x : “Take this boy up stairsand' lock “hind in’ his room,” said she, and turned | off from me. It was a lobk of agony, Lwas the untitterablo® pung from’ a heart | that was broken. I» & mbment T formed myself a “for a moment I would fling myself I' was not peni- heart was subduéd I was afraid to’ die. | tent, At tines my but my stubborness ond bade me not yield’ yet. The pale face of my mbther haunted me. I flung myself on my bed and fell asleep. Just at twilight I heard a footstep ap- proach my door. Jt was my sister. “What shail I tell mbther for yo!” she said. “Nothing,” I replied. «Q; Alfred for mi sake and for all’ our sakes, say that you's re soiry. She rose in’ an’ instant longs to for give you.” I wotdid not answer. I heard her foot- steps slowly retreating, and’ again’ flung: myself on the bed to pass a’ wretched and a fearful night. Another fodtstep: slower and more feeble than my sister's, disturbad me. “ Mfred; my son; shall IT come in? | She asked. I cannot tell what influsace ting at that mim nt, mids mb speak: adverse to my feelings. The ¢entle vole of my mother, that thrilled me, mblted the'ice’ from’ my heart, and I longed to throw myself upan-her neck ; 02ra- | but I did not, My words gave the die | to my heart when'I said I wasnot sor- ry. I heard her withdraw: I'heard her groan. I longed to call her back, but I did not. “1 wis awakened from an uneasy slumber by hedring my name ealled loudly, and my sister stood by my bed- sidé. ; “Get up, Alfred: Don’t ‘wait a minute. Got up and come with me. Mother is dying.” I thought I was yet dreaming, but I+ got up méchanically and followea my sister On the bed, as pale as mar- ble, lay my mother. She had not yet undressed. She had’ thrown herself updn’the bed to rest and’ rising to’ go i i { i i so T a p the heart, and borne to her room, . : Sols L cannot tell you mp agony as I looked upon her—my-remdrss was fois fold bitter from the thou Rt tat she would never know it: 1 Wieved: my- self to he her murderer: 1 fell on the bed beside Her, I could’ not weep. My heart burned within my bosom, | my brain was on fire. . My sister threw | bier arnis arountd nfe and wept in si- |leace, Buddently we saw d motion of mother's hand; her eyes tnclosed: She had recovered her consciousness, but not her speech. She looked at me ‘and moved her lips. I could not under- | stand her words. ui “Mother i miother!” 1 shrieked, | “say only tht you forgive ma” She eould not say it with her Tips; | but Irer lranids pressed mine. She smil- od upon me, and lifted her thin white hands; she clasped my own within thien?, ant] cast her eves upward. She [ remained kuzeling beside her, that dear form, till my sister removed n¥e. Joy of you had left me forever. Boys who spurn a mother’s counsel ; who are ashamed to owa they are ¢; who think It manly to resist oY youn beware! Lap not up’ for yourselves bitter memories for your future years. mien let pin On last Su: at Ruddol’s mills, Ky., a negro attemped to violate a little girl of five years, tive dauzhter of his former master. The child's mother was at- | tracted to the rescue by her screams. | The negro is now in jail and confesses rr ly ler The Rev. Father McEloy, of Balti- inthe United States, and wha has been blind two years, rezently had his sight | pericctly restored bythe remival of a cataract. dtl > The burninz ot th forests in eas t- ern Oregon, this season, caused the death of many thousanl sheep, Hun- | dreds of them in passing ovar the char red districts had their feat so burned the drivers were obliged to shoot them: The bears and wolves feasted on mut- ton. Deer anlelk eollested along the mountain strewms in surprising num-" bers, wolves and hant:rs. Ta» rains’ have now extinguished the fire. reread p——— New Orelans, January 13.— The’ stern‘wheel steamboat, Glyde Hence, ded at midnight last night, above this city.” She was-a total loss. Five or about twenty-five injure 1, sdhih fatally scalded. pp A | on Tuesday night, Janes Lard, D :pu- }. oy v Territory, wis shot aad killed Chauncy Biiley as he wus entering Mrs. Bailey's bad -room. Bailey suspec-’ ting improper intercourse, entrapped’ the guilty parties by starting on a long: journey and returning unexpectedly.’ The womha had previously eloped with a Universalist Minister, The’ citizens justify the homicide. A‘ younz mothar in Ohio recently bit off her childs nbse in a dream. A little boy, in‘attempting to cross’ the Lehigh on thh ica, at South’ Eas. ton, fell intr an air hole, from’ which’ he manag: | to eszap: with the loss of his cap. Later in the day,” another’ boy, in attamptinzs to recover the cap,’ fell in‘and was drowned. ttle t— The two women ndinated for Qihool Com nittee, in Worcester, Mass. were chosen by a haa lam: majority. A-woman was eleated to the sama of-’ fice in Grafton, Mass. A white boy met a colored lad, the’ other day, and asked him what he had- sucha short nose for “I spects so it won't poke itself into other pcople’s business.” An insane woman at Hampton,’ Canada, drowned her two chiidren in’ ‘a barrel, of water and endeavered to’ end her own life in the same way. American corn’ cobs are sold’ in? Loudon as “patent fire-lighters.” Dacotah Territory “gives women thé” elective franchise and eligibillity to hold office. Those who live konwn as Omshogs.- - jr — in Omaha,’ are’ Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers