Ya, © HALL r is se————— ——— ee ——————— ———— so ——— _—y ————— ce —————————" - ———————————— Vol. {.—No. 39. = — or tt w—— Gospal will have free course and be glorifiad among the millions of the Le- vant, and the highway of the Lord will be opene 1 up through the Holy Land into the heart of Asia, and all those kingdoms will be subdued to the King of saints. Itis said that a sister of th: Renos NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. visited the dead bodies at the jai, E where, after giving vent to her grief for a tims, she dried her tears, and placed her handkerchief over the face of her brother William, who to the last, declared his innocence ; then she kneeled beside the dead man, a 14 laid her 1 ft han lover his heart, and, rai- sing h rright hand toward heaven, she took tis terrible oath : “Oh, my poor, murdered brother! may God curse your sister if she avenge not your death terribly and fully. This will I do, 80 help me God !” ow ~~ ' . » » » . Py . : " For the Reporte rr. gravely keeps his own counsel. Sana- FESTIVAL. — Tha German Ref. Sabbath School of Aaronsburg had a Festival in their R SEWING MACHINE. CLOTHING—Overcoats Pants, Vests, wnd Dress Coats, cheap ta, Waifs Store. BOOTS, by the th all styles, si- ses and prices, for men sn just are rived at Wolf's well known ? SYRUP, the finest ever made, just ceived, cheap at Wolf's old stand—try it. ONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT STORE. AT CENTRE HALL PA. A.D. SWARTZ: Gon Having opened a new first-class , fectionery , he i repared to serve the pu lic with PY od Tron re PIES, CAKES, CONFECTIONS FRENCH AND PLAIN CAND FRUITS, N tor Morton, who is here, professes to be busied with his financial studies, and deelines to discuss the civil tenure i t Bellefonte, golls the cele ra Patron, ot bot Machine, whieh has no superior in the market. us to airer's store and see it. It has received prize med- als at all fairs. They are the oldest estab- Jiehed machines in the world. July8 68th ~TINWARE! TINWARE! J. REIBER, Kespoetfully announces to the citizens of Petter township, that he is now prepared te furnish. upen shortest notice, and as leap as elsewhere, avery article in the line of Tin and Sheetiron Ware. : STOVE-PIPE & SPO UTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has al- ways, en hand buckets, eups, dippors, dish- es, &o., Kc. . SILVERPLATING. foi buggies exeeuted in the finest and most durable style, Give him a call. His char ges are reasonable. apl0'68,1y. UGGIEB! BUGGIES! CENTR E HALL REPORTER. . issue, believing, however, that when Trumbull and Fessenden return, all will be made right. On the contrary, Senator Henderson was to-day free in his opinion that the law had worked badly, and that General Grant's de- mand for its repeal in advance was timely and right. Itis conceded that the bill will not be repea'ed, and that Gener] Grant has only succeded in precipitating a hostility which was not expected to show itself so soon. The other demand of Grant for a ses- sion of the Forty-first Congress will be acceded to, Indeed, Wade, Fessen- church, on the eve before Christmas. There being excellent sleighing and a clear healthy atmosphere, just such a one as is calculated to cause a free cir- culation of blood, and bring the blush- ing tint of beauty to the countenance of all who have life enough to give their bodies a chance to live and en- joy the privileges aloited to them. All these circumstances were the hap- laa dh ——— —— a —————— FRIDAY JAN, Sthiso. dailies rn ——————— —_ A Lady Buried Alive—Evidence of Her Horrible Death in the Grave. I have just heard one of the most heartrending, and yet unavoid ble af- fairs, says the New Orleans correspond- ent of the €inc'nnati Enquirer, which it has ever been my lot to record. It is nothing more or less than the fright- ful reality of being buried alive. A most estimable ludy, Mrs. C:ane, whose husband is a bookkeeper in Fleming & TERMS. —The Centres HALL Reror- TER 18 published weekly, at $1,650 per year in advance : and $200 when not paid in advance. Reporter, 1 month 15 cents. Advertisements are inserted at $1,50 per square (10 lines) for 8 weeks. Advertise- ments for a year, half year, or three months pss rate. Bh LOE rit, Cash, and neatly and ex- ted, at reasonable char- UT8, TOYS NCY ARTICLES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, and evefything in his line, at all times. FRESH OYSTERS, Always on hand and served in every style. HIS ICE CREAM SALOON peditiously execu ges. Grape Culture. There is no fruit so easily cultiva- ted, and none so early to yield a re. py means of brirging together many The Chicago Times remarks: A man and a brother by the name of Menard is at Washington, with duly authenticated credentials as a member of the good citizens of Penns, Brusb, Sugar, and Nittany vallies, and con- densed them in the church about as compactly as the mercury in the ther- Will be o J: D. MURRAY, Centre Hall, Pa, M anufacturer of wll kinds of Buggies, would respectfully inform Mae oitizens of Centre county, that he hason hand : NEW BUG G IL E § with and without top, and which will be sold at reduced prices for cash, and a rea- sonable eredit given. : Two Horse WV agoih Spring made to order, and warrante fawiion in every respect. All kinds of repairing done face. Call and see his stork of for purchasing elsewhere. aplO6S,tf NATIONAL BANK OF Rellefonte, Pu McALLISTER, HALE & CO.) Wagons &., to give satis- in short no-{ Buggies bes 4 IRST (ATE HUMES, E.C. Humes, Preset. - J. P. Harr1s, Cash. This Bank is now organized for the pur-, ots of Ranking under the lawsof the Uni-! 3 Cod ee 0s Tugel wv Hames, McAllister, Hale & Co.. will be paid at maturity, anc Checks of deposits at sight as usaal on pre- contation at the counter of the sard First Na- turn as the Grape, and we are sur- paid to this subject by our property holders in this county ; we so frequent- ly see so many places, hills exposed to the genial rays of the sun, overgrown with worthless brush, which might be very profitably turned into vineyards, or patches for grape growing. The Concord grape we think the bust adap- ba, a very excellent gape, but dos not ripen so early by from 10 to 15 mometer on that night. ones stood. people were not the only pleasing and interesting feature of the occasion. The church was beautifully and artis tically arranged with spruce. In the centre and immediately in front of the pulpit was a magnificent, towering column, with graceful arch top, and 'n that tempting and sumptuous column, tle writes us he has alout 60 bearing | vines of the Catawba, which last | season bore a heavy crop that ripened | well. Tle same geitl:m:n 8 ates he intends planting 4000 Concord vines next spring, alledging that he can make mare on one acre of grape than tional Bank. . : : Particular attention given to the purchase d sale of Government Securities. Me E. C. HUMES, President. aplO 88 : Science on the Advance. % H. GUTELIUS, Je surgeon & Mechanical Dentist, whe i« permsnesty located in Aarous-g burg, in the ofias formerly occupied by Dr. Neff, and whohas besa precticing with i antire suceesi—having the experience of a mumbar of years in the profession, Re would cordially invite all who have as yet not given him a call, to do so, and test the seuthfulness of this assertion. #z&~ Teeth Rxiracted without pain. mayZZ08 1y J.D. SHUGERT, HENRY BROCKERHOFF, 3 ; Cashier. President ‘ ILLIKEN, & CO, CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, "Discount Notes, Buv And Sell Government Seeurities, Gold and Cou- pons. apl0'68, RVIS& ALEXANDER, Attorney-at-law, Bellefont e, Pa. apl0'68. A itis dad oboe L DAM IIOY—ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office on High Street, Bellefonte ; apl0 68, tf, Pa. W. H., LARIMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ballefonte, Pa., Office with the District Attorney, In the Qourt House. may15 68. R. P. SMITH, offers services, Office, apl7 68, tf. AS. McMANUS, Attorney-at-law, ly gaye attention to all business te him, J OHN D. WINGATE, D. D. S. DENTIST. Office on Northwest corner of Bishop and Spring st. At home, except, perhaps, the frst two weeks of every month. without pain. apl0'68, tf. bis Professional Centre Hall, Pa. Bellefonte, prompt- entrusted uly3d' 68. esth extracted Bellefonte, Pa. a D. ‘NEFF, M. D. Physician and * Surgeon, Center Hall,'Pa. * Offore his professional services to the citi- gens of Potter and adjoining townships. Dr. Neff has the experience of 2} yearsin she setive practice of Medicine and Sur- gery. apl0'68,ly. Bn. X. M' ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER. M ALLISTER & BEAVER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bellefonte, Centre Cc., Penn's. Chas. H. Hale, Attornéyat law, Bellefonte, Pa. dec25ly. ILLERS HOTEL T Woodward, Centre county, Py. Stages arrive and depart daily." This fa biite aLotel has been refitted nd furnish- ed Ms Dew yrietor, and is now in- el, i respect one of the most pleasanteoun- try Hotels in eentral Pennsylvania. e on 50 acres in field crops, and further states he has tried 14 different varie- ties and finds the Concord the best. The gentleman we refer to, a: a success- ful grape grower, is Capt. G. M. Kep- ler, of Ferguson twp., 0 well kuown to the citizens of Centre county. Let our farmers, axd.all who own evar so small a patch of greumd, plant grape vines an | they will find a profitable return for the little attention bestowed upon them. amen A Good Dary.—Tl Patriot is now one the best dailies pub lished in the state, containing all the latest telegraphic news and market re- Harrisburg 1e ports, besides special correspondence, As a democratic organ it now ranks among the first in point of ability and force, and the energy displayed by the new proprietors, Messrs. B. I. My- ers & Co., is very creditable to those gentlemen, having established at the state capital, what it never before could boast of, a first class daily. Per sons wishing a daily containing all the latest news, full market reports, able and spirited editorials upon the ques- tions of the day, will find the Morning Patriot all they could desire. Terns, daily, 87 per year. py during the ses-ion of Legislature, daily, 81,90. The weekly Patriot is printed upon a mammoth sheet, containing eight pages, and should be widely circula- ted in view of the approaching guber- natorial campaign. Now is the time, Democrats, to circulate the papers! Terms, weekly $2 per year; 4 copies $7; 10 copies 816. Magnificent pre- miums are offered to persons getting up clubs. One co- eee iy ee Apr Lossings History of the U.S.—We are indebted to our friend S. S Pauly, for a copy of this work and have just given it a hasty review, and find that it has been perared with great car e, and supplies a want long felt by the reading public. Everyimportant event in thelistody ofour country, from the Aboriginal period to the present time is presented in a concise and compre- hensive manner. We have observed that this history has received the warm- were sus eaded the bevut ful, sweet, and the inviting gifts, that were thought lovely by all, and app -ecia In- deed, the who structure was tastefully came the fortunate recipients. and symmetrically planned, and must have required considerable labor and I feel it through the instrumentality of the Ia- expense. certain that Wis dies, that the matter was so sucecessful- ly contiivel, and they deserve the highest credit and honor for thie man- ner in which they acquitted them- selves, The only fault I have to find with them is, that they did not give me a Christmas gift. Able, brief, elo quent and appropriate addresses were ].ast, but can Scarce delivered on the occasion. not least, the musie! | and soul inspiring strains that facina- ted and charmed the entire audience; it was a rich combination of vocal and irs rumental. Long may their sweet strains vibrate! It was a happy Fes- tival to all, and the managers deserve the highest encomium for their labor, May they enjoy the fruits of their sow- ing. Cunisrmas Fries, want Fonntain, Dec., 25., 1868, NS ta . The Fight Bega. The Worll's correspondent, at Wath Ple ington, says: The sullen between (ner! Geant and the Fort an 1 wilsaninz breach eth Con sress is thatoie of the eapi- tol to-night. No new annanciations have been madeby the President elect. He has not referred to the subject, and only casual callers have dropped into his headquarters. His position, stated in these despaiches last night to the effect that he demands the repeal of the Civil Tenure law, and the continu- ance of the law providing for Congress to meet in March, has been confirmed to-day by the flutter it has caused in Radical circles. A few Senators, Nye, Morgan, Sumner, and Stevart are here, and had an informal meeting to- day in reference to the new situation. These Senators were, without excep- tion, in favor of the continuance of the Civil Tenure bil, no matter what may be the result They declared that Con- gress was prepraed to yield nothing to dictation, and that General Grant’s ex- traordinary and peremptory demand ought at least to have been postponed until the occasion of his message, and form of a proclamation. They deny den and Sherman, and also Trumbull ling’s bill to repeal the act of Continu- ous Session has dropped out of sight. i anh ligions Aspects of the Conflicl. may be involved in a conflict not to be settled without blood. We learn that Russia and France and England are unit :d in advising Greece to be mode- rate, and all are exerting themselves to avert the war that now threatens to break out instantly between Greece and Turkey. The { known. .. 1 iB i of the whitants occasion fv hi I a. ; \ ‘ | ehiefly Greeks, but under the Govern- we { Crete Lis war inl ment of Turkey, have been in a state of revolt for some years past, and the sympathies of the Christian world have leea enlisted in their behalf. The Greek Government has not ren- dered material aid to the Cretans, but Greece has been the refuge of the wo- men and children of Crete who have been reduced to want and misery hy the war, and the Greeks have gone bratiren in ersting off the voka. This gives o feace to Tarkey 1, and the Sultan has at last resolved to make war upon Greece, and put an end to interference w th his affuiis In Crete. France and In lanl still uphold the Turkish Govern nent. the natural enemy of Turkey, and the protector of the Greek Churer within its boundaries. If war in the Kast breaks out, Russia will be found on the side of Greece. France and England will support the Mohammedan Power If Prussia is drawn into it sha will ddes with Greece. It will be a reli: gious war, as in one sense the C ime n conflict had itsorigin in the religious pua:rals of the Ihast. Bat w'th Franee and England it is only a pc Ii ical game which they play to keep Russia away from the Mediterrancan, and maintain their own power in the Levant and the farther East. If this conflict should come now, we should regard it as indicating the speedy downfall of the Turkish Empire. Itisan effete despotism. those wondrous dispensations of Provi- dence which we cannot fathom, that bloody and persecuting pewer has been permitted to live with its heel on the neck of millions who are sighing to be free. OF the 15,000,000 of European Turkey, only 4,500,000 are Moham- medans, and all the rest are professed Christians of the Greek Church. These Christians are far more in sympathy with Greece and Russia than with the presses them. And if the time comes for them to assert their rights, they will be found fighting for religious and civil libertyl. er in one of our most popular schools. In the afternoon, after school was out she went to visit a neighbor on Felie- ity street, and just as she entered her friend's house, she fell insensible and expired, in all appearances, in about two minutes, the doctor pronouncing it sun-sttoke. Her body was interred the next day, at ten o'clock, and her mother, an old lady about fifty years of age, and her husband and one lit tle son, went home almost broken heart- ed, and have sincebe n no ry di: tracted, bein at times unable to sleep and in fact, leading a most miserable and disconsolate life; and well they might, as the sequel will show, had night last week the mother, after pas- sing a most distressing day, fell asleep late at night and dreamed that her daughter had been buried alive.—~She jumped up in a frantic state and rush. ed to her son-in-law’s chamber, crving, “My daughter is buried alive! What shall I do?" To sleep any more that night was out of the question ; she still crying that her daughter was buried | alive, whenever her son-in-law would try to quiet her. At length the prop- osition was made to have the body dis- interred, just to satisfy her, So early the next morning the grave was open- ed and the coffin raised. Oh, what a horrible sight met their view! Pen is powerless to portray the scene which | followed. The body, which had been placed in a metalie coffin, was tnrned over, the glass covering the face was broken to atoms, the ends of the fin gers being beaten and battered all to pieces; her hair torn out in hand fulls, and her shroud torn in many places— all presenting the appearance of one of the most desperate struggles to free herself from her terrible misfortune. It any of your readers could have seen the relatives of this unfortunate lady, when this condition of what they ~uppo ed was the perpatual silen: t mb had been brought to light, it would have forced a tear from the most stolid and adamantine heart. the most distressing affairs ever record- ed in this State, and [sincerely trust it will be the last I am ever called upon to record. ee ee i pet tt Tue following is suggested as a good loyal Cabinet for General Grant. Secretary of State—E. B. Wash- burne, of Illinois. : Secretary of War—I. D. Wash- burne, of Indiana. Secretary of the Navy—W. B. Washburne, of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Treasury—C. C. Washburne, of Wisconsin. of Congress elect from Louisiana. He is not admitted. He eats and sleeps in a nigger shanty, in a negro quarter of the town. Sumner does not invite him to share the hospitalities of his bed and board. He is not repuested by Chan- dler to take a drink. He is not even invited by Lozan to a gam: of draw- poker. Wade does not take him to his arms. Butler does not invite his confidence or companionship. Itis a shame—.1 disgrace. Were old Thad. Stevens alive this indignity would not occur. Terrible Colliery Explosion. London, December 31.—A dispatch rom Wigan, Lanchashire, reports that a terrible explosion occurred in the Haydock Colliery to-day, and that twenty-two dead bodies have already heen taken out of the mine. AP ————— Highway Robbery. Norfolk, December 31.—The Agent f the Virginia Express Company was cnocked down and robbed of $12,000, at five o'clock this morning, while on Attorney-General—Israel Wash- Foreign Ministers and Consuls— Revenue officers—The rest of the his way to the depot. qu — At the late term of the Circuit Court of Yazoo county, Miss, Miss Mary E. Carr brought suit against Mr. William P. Patterson for breach of promise to marry her, and obtained indrment for ten thousand dollars. Costly country. i ————— ly tl DEKOTA Woman's Rights--Memorial. Chicago, Decamber 31.—A bill was passed by the House of Representa- tives of Dekota Territory enabling wo- men to hold office, but the Senate will probably defeat the measure. St ein Hon. George H. Pendleton and Mr. McLean of the Cincinnati Eaquirer, with others are out on a grand hunt in Jasper county, Ill. At last ac- counts, they were having good luck, having killed fourteen deer, from isxty to eighty turkeys, and several wag- gon loads of rabbits cel lf Ap - Vessel Foundered—Oune Hundred Passengers Lost. London, December 29.—The emi- grant ship, Starry Banner, bound for New York, was totally lost in a gale on December 21st, seven hundred miles west of the coast of Ireland. Forty- two people were saved on rafts, and have arrived at Boulogne, France. The Captain and the rest of the crew and passengers, one hundred and twen- ty-two souls, all told, were lost. The parties boring the new well on the Evans lot in Franklin eity, struck a vein of oil on Tuesday ata depth of thirty feet. A Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun intimates that Gover- nor Curtin has the best chance for United States Senator. The Cameron county Independent advocates the claims of L. A. Mackey Esq., of Lock Haven, as the next Dom- ocratic candidate for Governor. d the Summer, and will be kept attractive by the very excel lent Cream of all popularfiavoers, constgnt- ly on hand Pie Nies, private ss, &c ean be sup- pied wich indo conscions Lecresm, akes, and fruit st very short nctiee. oct. 368’ 1y ORSE COLLARS, if don't want H our horse's shoulders galled sad m CS ENSIDE & THOMAS: FNANNED FRUITS peaches, tomatoes, i in varies C |, Pine SD NSIDE a THOMA®. B*¥ ars in all their varieties, childrens wi tols, ca illow guns, pis- porvior. gt Sy STAC £5, Hee collars, eart whips, carrisge hips, in great varieties, ment > he bridles, on check lines, cart gears, tug harness, bu harness, hames, ete. Everything in ay dl Ii t ery lite, 80 URNSIDE & THOMAS URNSIDE & THOMAS. a Offer to tha Public ene of 1he a tand best selected stocks ; ise. In Centre county. Call, examint sad see for yourse'f. Ta: Largest and Best Stock of warran- ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced to satisfaction, of HE NSIDE & 7 GOMAS'. PICES of all varieties, d te order and warranted to be striet] It is the only place you csa find et hor. ted spices. Toy them for your own satis{po- ion. You can only em ton. X ou CO TRNSIDE & THOMAS. DSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, fi &c., at lamps, forks, CE NSIDE & THOMAS OT1ONS of =ll kinds, Ste! loves \\ Handkerhist, Soba, Soot i ir variety and very na YS URNSIDE a T y. JrsuNG TACKLES, rods lines, hooks tie, Joa Bair baskets, ete. you out to catch LE NSIDE & THOMAS T 18 known to sil in efente and the county if you wasis oto good article £8 10 CSIDE & THOMA®. CENTRE HALL Tan-Yard. respectfully in- county, that the y e sore, AN The undersigned would form the citizens of Centre } above Tan-Yard will again be put in full operation in all its branches, under the management of Mr. Charles Horner, as old and experienced Tanner. The HIGHEST PRICE PAID for HIDES Hides of all kinds wanted. Also TANNER'S BARK, ib ich the highest market prices paid The ic patronage is solisited. tisfaction gUATRTSEPH BITNER, decd tf Osutre Hall. IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP READY MADE CLOTHING go to Abraham Hirsh ot Milroy he has the latest styles OF COATS PANTS, VESTS, :FROCK & SACK OVERCOATS TOBE FOUND. Suits from $10 to $20. Alsos geod ss- i Hats, C ort of furnishing goods, ny Sark I> COAL AND LUMBER. : the Pena’ a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the Best Wh ite-Waah Thus the war now imminent is one with which the Christian religion is more immediately identified than it has bean in any war of the last centu- ry. We look at the overthrow of the Turkish power as one of the grand events to precede the triumph of Christianity in the earth, and therefore that Congress intends to construe the Civil Tenure bill against any desire General Grant may have to execute summary removal upon notorious of- ficials ; but they decline to abrogate the law altogather because, as Mr. Sumner declares, the security of the future re- quires it. traveling community and drovers will al- ways find the best accommodations. Dro- vers can_at all times he accommodated with stables and pasture for any number nf cat- $5; GTO. MILLER, tle or horses. julyd68,tf. Proprietor. Washburnes. All the other officers—The relatives of the wives of the Washburnes. nl A MP a Washington Rings. The following are some of the more important rings that are now manipu- lating Congress forspecial favors and est endorsement from our most distin- guished men, and it will be a credit to our country. The illustrations are of the first order—comprising 12 fine steel plates and 388 engravings on wood, executed in the highest style’s of the engravers art. The house of Mr. Carpenter, six miles from Phi'ij shurg, near Hesser & Co.'s m'll was destroyed by fire on Thursday last. Horrible Murder and Suicide. Cincinnati, December 30.—A horri- Plastering Lime, offered to the SHAMOKIN AN RIE ANTH ! ull sizes, prepared espranly for family use Attention, Farmers. New Warehouse at Milroy. The undersigned takes pleasure in infor ming the farmers of Centre county, that they have leased the Warehouse recently “erected at the Stone Mill, and are now pre- Jared is purchase all kinds of Grain for ‘Cash at the highest market rates. Thank- ful for the liberal patronage heretofore giv- en them, they hope bya strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, Lola “PLASTER; SALT and COAL, on hand and for sale at lowest market rates. + MWATEE & REED, = Proprietors of Lewistown Mills. A. 8. KERLIN, Mr. S. 8. Pauly, of Centre Hill, is the agent for this excellent work. det gmt GREAT BRITAIN Murder of Europeans in New Zea- The Senators charge that any rup ture between Grant and Congress wil land. London, December 31.—A dispatch from Suez, in anticipation of the Aus- tralian’ mail, states that intelligence has been received at Melburne, «from New Zealand that fifty European peachment proceedings proved that i must stand. 1 t | an uninspired man. traction of Turkey. for the enactment of Laws for legali- zing public plunder. The Treasury ring. The whisky ring. The steamship subsidy ring. The telegraph monoply ring. The land grab ring. The protective traiff ring. The Indian agents’ ring. re > —Po—" ble murder and suicide took place ir this city this morning at two o,clock. william Ashbach killed his wife Josephine, by blows on the head with a hatchet and stabbing her with a butcher knife. He then shot himself through the head with an Enfield rifle. The deed was done in an upper room of his residence, and both partialy un- dressed. It was a second marriage for John Plummer, a “carpenter, fell both, and they had been married four Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices. Also» lot of frst snd secs ond quality 30ARDS, BROAD RAWLE PALING, SHINGLES 453 glestering rp for sale chend. of Bald Eagle Valey & . Depot. 32 & 00 SHOR A RB oP years. The deed was caused by =n ap10'68,1y. ousy. from a house in Baltimore on Wednes- families have been murdered by the day and was iustantly killed. maories. 7 Supt. Warehouse, octd, mr Lo) : crescent will cease to be crescent, and Milroy. will wane before the Cross: when th, son enjoined no lmste, and patience; | and Senator Sherman, who is now heré, Pt PE “_z Pm - git dal fs. 1 La - rr. ag 4 - .2 ’ - iN oo ; Lead Me = A - » . s V2 gr. + AEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers