.r... • . , *r --77 7 7777 " • • ' MAGrisibrlC,'TEV. ited for sets Vittobirrib mm . the Oiroue. cif* of yosxrday aflorofolo. 'P I ORTANT NE WS FROM MEXICO.- 'ERii. CRUZ SURRF:NDERED AT THE' - IRST SUMMONS FROM (lEN. scorr. e have received two devpatchea from our ' i rrt vpludeil tby telegraph, this et. to .eon,—rtho.eileet half plat two and ih other at 44 'o'clock, announcing thp iimpor t t information communicated above. tb , ' a)ed God ,In thri 6rd . ll . ..siisicit the information cornmoni rl. h in I or a that seports trid just reached the 'city .) W ahittat ,n, that. Mr. Buchannan had re .: red d patchro nt the State Department, that t Cam le San d Ciao de Utlos had surrendered tio , the A yof the 1 :,i,el3 States. • '-• Thin despair's informed ui that the surrender was made ...Woo Elifigarell a ;in. We felt so doubtful of the au , henticiiy of . this repint, that we did not fret - auth ;tz.,l it. pobliah it in an ex- tux. • • • A imon.l , a, p an , e4l I,alf past fur, and tcceived at 13:! , Cl/ ir.i0:30 , . to fi.a, at., a that a second deapcncll h 3. 1 .1,411 r,r-ittya fro Waab ington, where were cunGir. " " i - • _ ! the: -irs,,, itt,ii U.:iiii•iri' ; i:.i.;;.i' , .: , : The wane dri: r iateb adill the the M, al ding the 'itise. W. 1. 1, A.. &tend the ...- a tV. wfully, I. ,V rr r l', and with great low of property a ..,. I.—, . Ono ofd the fr.? , of Chi. disaster or the. blowing of tho Coq;; a• V' . / . 1. Cruz, sta• the derdruc op 1" 1 inn'ef, t h e Sir :111, .1/issis,ippi. . Thielitfori2ba, ion„ it is'soid not the Wand dew. patch, 9r11.1.4 Oa NI n. ISLIFti 111%1%, See. trey of . State, froml a v one. Mr. Campbell, our Consul at Havanai is named in our stand despatch as' furnishing the ; inf. motion of tine intrender of the 'Cagle, directly to the beprtn,crit of .state. . The eveUt -tv, e sport. d and we:think the re port will rove tree. I n our eroon d ,I, ; :,,,,teh;it is alto said; that there w ill be en; ea.tr„i, pct ,1111 of congresa at so early AV day. Cont s e cannot, however, Meet before the capitation f ei ' 'Y sya.; the President being r e. guited to give th t irie - ln his Prelim:rayon. _ ( ; Tl.ltl r,tanotct .. tom's, March 30,-0 3o'd ~ P. M We roor ;sed a third Pti;sdelphia despatch, at 8 ; o'clock Nat evening. by tel:geopb. ;It confirm', but i n reort, the news received in ithe afternoon iana make, corrections which render ;the Well:. genes pew;rourly received; more intelligible. .• Weser glad to learn that the Streamer Miniesip. p i j e r ot I t, but ii, ,be ton'. the - placal of the unfur -1 _tunes stn ma Tweed. reconttY lost while on her ; ' we from Yucat an. 0i r currpspondent say. that; .! tin Warhington tinion hid soot inf !metiers con. ; ----- ping tht. top at+ of th. , surrender f the city of era Crwa, and that ' without firing, a; goo. The Bditine of the I i ;lion Its.l received l reliable 1 ; irlfoisnatiOrt to ibis t ff.ch 8 snta ' 'Anna.; before . _ marching from Sun Lula Potosi , to Baltioo. had gi,err orders fur the with- drawal of the army finos the cite, when the I American army should ;approach in any con siderable force.. The tnsops in the city-had wit.-; drawn tweedy mile! from,Veta Cruz. and taken a stand at' Puerto Naciorial. where they will not 1 1 probably rennin long. Tne troops ha the castle wore left to defend it as beat they might. The, ' report, therefore, of the surrender of the 9dstle , is willap4foundation, and the news low. "Much of its iinportence. The poesession of a post like • Vera Urnz, however, is Tod important to the' counft7; and mast contribute toward securing peace. By a combined attack from sea and land, . we think the Castle will be compelled to marten. flo nuw in on r passi,s•ion. If ii io dasigned to march the arm y under General Scott fu her into the haterior,'we suppose it will not be d oe befo4 the .surrender of the Castle: .Vie :t.re erj sue- , pinions of the ultimate consequence of victories obtained byttie retreat of n Mexican y into the interior if thu country end espatiallyfil the di. rection the Mexicans have taken.. IA vibtory.that will bring peace. is not, of that kind velich con. sist in marching quietly into the eLliMi< ll country for the worst dmgers our army will!probably havel to encounter, will no tioubtbe when farthest (mm their own country. . . . The Army new, from Gen. Taylor's co i 4 ! mend u. not en finned„ rind from this important . quarter. every thing is left au before. • It is as cruel as the grave to excite the hopes and fears of 1 i the community, by sending out soimany fahre.re , ports as base recently emanated frpm the seat of, Government. The reported loss of t 100 Amerit ' . cans in a single tattle, and the driviog tacit of General Taylor. to .Monterey, with the loss of 30.. 000 rations and ~is pit.e , s spiked artillery, was it pieCe of itif,irrnation wrllaalculated to arouse the American people to the greatest pitch of eici melt. D .1 a lil- There hav treed en,ther flevoletton in Yoc tan in favor of the Mesie.in ; t arty Who were every where triorephint mere the lUrvndentsillAll the, 4aws and rezql.tti:...i., the tev.ilationists had beljn itholisded, and so the Province of Yucatan is once , . rnonkamong our bet. I • g7olr Despatches are all dated Philadelphia. the!llaltirnote,l'elegriph being! out of torder.L-.1 Neither that inc the New Ycnkl Line will belin! opeeation for tieveral-dayt—the effect ofthe il storm. 1 , 1 1 , .• • NEW YO.RE MARKET. t New Yeiti;, March 30-77 P. M. 1 There here here beeril6l.ti ofoenssee' Flour! ei47,00ai, 1 23 per bbl. d'eli , itsTAb on the openiil of the river. :hock nit este' in the city smell. ' The demand for Cornmeal iiisctive, and IL. aides Luke at $4,75•4,87i per bbl.. Rye Fleur is iodling at $5,62 perbbl. Prime Whim ceded, selling et 87e9fle per hu, Yellow rif some .inelify et 91.9 f,, 1 The malice: for Provisions/a.with'out chance. No cbonge in ri'nerirres-olomrhet-siesdy. •,, •, L' P.MiI..A.DELPPut tilk MARKET. lehipa 3 0 , fid T M. , An aitiveknd inereoine.deliand prevails 6 Flour. Sileo to day of 4000 dada idandard bran& at $G ,P 2.1 per bbl. Market CiOiel this evening vvry firm. The mark( t for Grain is without ehange. Generally there it hula variation in prices or 1 . demand fur leading articles. • It has been riiining bore nearly all day. I irr w. ensue thr attention of bur renders to the'tex traordinarjra,.. of Scrofula &rammed by Dr. Cultro's India n VegeroLO^Pormero, whien t bay will and reedrd• ed in at robust', of ro.day'a P.P.. Thrliar , 1 without doubt the roma wmiderful on record, and ave. mo beenTionocinced bf intany'orinti moat reopeet me !phyousant The adltrirri and datib__r• Interested, aro re ' quesied bo viva, them at L iIP I e rove - rat places of statute. and team from their own lipsshedwooderful Afro.. of themedichte. The first one named to Mr Isaac 'hooka, who may he rein ria•ly, between kho hours and 4 P.ll at the °trice of Ilowaird & lVtaton. No 370 ~. Deg • PASCAL IROSi :.#ORKS. PHILADELPHIA. Afielded w rensA Iron Floe. •St=n"llit'rslfr'll a r ' te h ; . rfo p tor lias. Swint. and oil+, perpotasi extra Pureag Tul.eier Hydraulic Smuts; I bellow Ststone for PumpsStr. Ste. ELT:net. hr. ...1113inufnewreJ and far %tacit! , TASEEE A MORRIS, •Wariboure S. E. center Taint teel Walnut elm. • PE.adriphis. • mi 7 t••• \CA - RD PRINTING. 311 E Proprreum , (gotta. Garet,. lob Office, would frit cetfally infanta thnr friends taut titer have fitted up anaali pteaauxprraely (di P. 1.7130 Ctt ra aus, ud a, e prepared Id e xecutett.eatoutt.rupertor ruannerAaFreaal,t -y relared rates • mur . GAZETTE JOIS PIRA:WTI:CU OFFICE. rsciort or sire (Jacette Job Other ate amply jyrepare 4 brieculz promptly and m the finest style, eri dee:l o" lobt suchn!niz& as r u.1.4 p;ic. „ Cirealarr4 MID of LedinA; • Ilearls; • Sheds; Dray Teekets; • r4tteds; Blank CiseeloS • Ttetetsir Blank Drafts; • ; Steamboat DAD and Manifest Heads; every desexarman 01 Proung rpeed.ly executed to the matmet, and on the mast leasanalde erms. Vavll • QCORCI.I. S ALT /3 - 10 bi a ds p.n. tick., I , •1J wore and for wdo by TASSEY 5.135317 word v No 35 wood w 1.6.1408 - dt: COM ~"; E xprettalto • . [!1L" Canal being notir ehose Cardeas which hat Ai tor toe eoovecance of valuable re Racidity., specie, blink nom*. Jewelry. melbeed running on Thunday. March IS. ~. An bash Cause will be dtspambeit.lailyob t of the clarialingseaven. atOply to mobilo Pl•asoc. A LARUE and splendid of mahogany and rosewood boo Pianos, with metallic an It atl th e lateet Improvemenbi, nitro ti for to and touch are warranted to he aortal In in the country. F 0( sale lowitibeasb by • P6l meta'? D LELC rot Pe na •t a No 10 wood at, PAElloor CANAL. BOAT FIVELNLTVI I HAVE in 'tore and for rale low— Runk Bank Frames: Alatwarecc; Cons: Bed, Pillows; wits; ,heels; And Tr/analogs of all km And allpher articles ;n line, which low and on aceatadmianng tem , . WSI : m 131( Slott., opporec the Ilsok of Pats! , - Ralli(lons Want:. 1J ID ARE'S NOTEIrlon Isaah: do iln do on Jo!, do 011 to. ' New Tomo. ;Alexander on laaeah, Ewncelon Thsole,gteal Essay s, Alaastlton's Meledle's do, Tsylorla do, Butler's Complete Wails; I looker's do:: all, do do, • liuler , 2 Ananagy. For rale by II ItOeWO/E 1 No A f AIF.NTI.EMB2II ordl find at the Nei York Store. ..1 ‘...1 :9 51orket street. a cladme zelrFuon o Foth r.turt, COO Pll, Boron.. CO" tie *.....%. •-'. ‘,.., litheet, .911..9 D t ....hero from N. rocteroN . Mertean .:64. ,, rine orFor.Sherp, with ts,traliareiri,ot. re - ria - thernoer.tff L A Mor. rated ...oh drawitleo of the thtlerrnt breed. sppelldi 1, upw aid, of I .M nem wont goowert and ...Ire." forteners otateo. detallote, nrit rerpectiVe ',Doerr of e.. For nal, I, • /DIV.:STUN grr ear ot.ricr =NM selt—ti us ~,t Wars. (Foil of d dirant ...a. ,Dswelling tinune for Bo liR)IiTAIILE two foory BriekJ cg .t. rooms undo hall, plea n street. fries fOr.tt o good I)welltng Ilnuscs in A 10 each. skiable Molding Lot . on Tht Stnottrield st• rIIIIERT, 13,11 No 3 UsT eeeiv.d • end opoted, by the . follooilna inm , 'Nano. o3o,cant Rosenrood, .usvo nano earno It Oosrwond elociave od Tal , lets—e opleultaltostt. Also. one v., good secondl hand I . Loa it. co, IC !lichee, a , 3 W %Vamp:weir u ' m :Iltod Todd r0,T0tt ,. 117:01,: n .% T r ' on . ,manufectoredgooda,4,b • der .; n; a nd and Col;a de.; No lb'. 'looks and Ey., ke ;tor facto:or. prioos Al., a Is.pe a +ad ran y Cravats, for .ale al %.:asitri ,ale, EITVAR \a lb word w r , Mantas- na91:02 4 , • DON lIETS, BONNETS V-Pan LP are Openinr lovloy, a very tiirfr• sonlizte ra of New nonacts,.l,, mask api leff Their .. eir alOrk COVIEJIS in pan of— Paperlor Ilt.ee Patent: French 1., POILIM and !lice Pearl; Raven, Kaglodt Duns:able; ' Fill! “,on flatlands. ic...A.e.. to ' Mateo' Bonnets. of all ety let an Also. Bonnet Ribbons In gm , . 'tar' , i ble tylet. Ittssms . Bonnet Itibeont— bra uotal al { e F'ench Artificial Flouters, of &de be& utul—all of 'which are alit...A a prl s ' h aline. &applied mt. ab the above goo tity on the most favorable fem. . II roclea No t • --, I mix 000➢9. CKLETT & WHITE, N. fici .kamond Alley'. are prepmre • 1 1 , 711. ?, T1 a .41.7V; " 1 . 111 k Y 0 h All .1 due sea 's purchase—of I styl and qualities. ecw•irry Merchants s'siig or pa city, will find it clearly to thcir aglow call. as we ate determined to sell at I at • ill make it greatly to their duet r stock is now fall and ecraillet compng • Fen al aswirment of such goods as usueini . kept d y goods Muse. A good *amity et heavy and light •• men Meetings - .jD7I2;rAn'es"BdTREIGT HOUSE, Cinclnsiall, I 01110—The subscribers having Mehilll4 thy eb me interest of Cal. , : Willthenson. late of this known establpil rn-nt, beg Icave to state to oe ods and lire public generally. tan , hey base taken this coutiondwa• Hotel for • tem of years and von exert their be.t energies to nuke it a desirable flown far Tra n elle'. and City Boarders The Hotel is spacious and adnurably planned for eon sentowee. light and ate, haring • mother of parlors M/Olmht Ohmtbera, Presenting unusual museums he farnitie. The present proprietors baying had the experience of, Teen in this my ami elsewhere, hopethey will be able sminansameral mulfaminn helm ar As". e location of the retail:Owe, House is unceeninenty eligible, boning Maw on rear!, Wan Sand,Third . so that Ii is equally desirable in view of the <omen , . eece of business moor remensent opf rivate boarders. 1,1; is near 47 the Banks, the Fog Office, the Masonic. leall,Odd Fellows Hall:and baleen squire rbstant from Main street and two squares from the City Whorf-thus offering the greatest induoements,cspecielly to country ticrebants and genefsilly to all persons Coma -1 - NOBLE .10!IN DLUILE &adrift. elbrd. . _ F6 - I . F:T.: -r Dw AR D TO eent to, ...item manufatiurer for the rule Cl Nona . * hooks and Eves; limn cur. enderi of the Ituskis Manufactonng in. IN : Stocks p Of every desertptton, Shiro. Bosoms and Collars,of the Troy romaufactory, he.: all of a bleb are for sale et Voanufacterer's prices, wholesale: • , • No' wood infect, up swim OOrder. received air Amerman hardware. notid6 . .., 1 A CLerkslalp W I /milted. I NIARRIED MAN. who bag hid about fifteenYcars II pracucal rxperienceaccountant; under. itands the mune° o f Dbok.keeping lhontugh.y by the talian or. Double EntrY system, together with it. pre, cal applientuan na th e most Our.< kinds olibtomess, r the smut cot:apt:gated co.partnershipx; is acknow. I!edged to Le one of th e brit INTmen to themity, , juicily temperate in ten habits; p 55t•iei a colll/.12 7,,17,:1ib0': of t,°:',l:',V . ".. u 7d T,n, x "nry,".".`,":, d '.",',705, 5 . Ment, , demo. of obtaining a • 'good and permanent : situation,. Clerk. in mime memantile, manufacturing I ot other establohment. ErTse Lest,ol references can be given Add... A. U. 11:box 3f4,Tost Oilier niehtuniSt• lEDGEWORTII LADIES' SEMINARS. ill 6 Institution 11 annated in the beautiful and heal ,' tr thy Valley of gewlekley.l4 rn des below Pittsburgh, The S.ummer Session will comm.. on Monday, NI of May. 1,17. For farther particulars see Cireulare, m John Irwin & Son's. Na II Water *liana, or al T 11. Nevin & Ca's,No mild Liberty sirvel. roctilenl2ve D It NEVIN. Principal 8 . 03f8 OF TEDIPZEANCE—Sarrows S. Tur. ntr OPCII toulay a fine assortment of plain . Satin 'Ribbons colors of blue, white. cher, an eruput. • Also. Irish Innen+ of gond qualul —low prised—gult. able for Regalia, at tin2G) No li, Mortal Si 1 UST Received and for gale nt the manufacturer . . s./ list price., a largr 111i01, of patent lium Elastic ind Slurred Suspenders. of the Russell Ma/oda:Mama uc, For .le Ly the Agent. No 20 wood street, up o, wholesale. . ED W ARO ,ToDD . ... Manufarturees Agent . W berig ANT idn. or all D SOON —Sevewirnrk forel gnnti oots, room ni fr never.' priva !smiling, boarding bowies 'and botcbi., Abid wte anted, w a r aeho nes ro for a oinnbtr of etc.:kg. nalesinen_ boolk.k neon utecn, OthOOiIUISICrIL, and bong id Worn. r. A hro kr • nimbi, of labovng Jlet. I'leue call at General Agency and Intelligrnen Office Nn ni •irinn tariff; WINDOW OLAIIB-4-1 boxes lta llj b°r"?q 4 ' • • • • 10014; 4 do FaW. 10 do 11017; ' 10 lio bdo 10x15;, , do 11010;; 4 do 21/021; do 11l 11. ,, ,"f0r $y F . VON 111/551 ORM' b. Co racial No 3:lFront rt SUNDILLF.II3 ,,O dor 11u) and 51 10 d0z,.,, Yet rhes~ 10 do liartico 10 do P.cla and 51 :or k •, • 10 - do 5 do Root 'lame. 30 in Twd:ad ling ; 5 Jo 1 nrnone. 1' 1 hoz V,cc.: 4 J. Wed.crrtl`t ~Ight nod con, do, ,201 ICtsa Nada n..or d. rOr Pen by WALLINGFORDs Co Socondatrcel PLAXSEED WANTED—I MO hoslicli Oran /' Flno.eed wanted, for which a Ines irice will 1 , pod In cash. ". 1:1211a11 DICKEY kCo - mcb.ls wait, and front ars BAlttsr<llnllloß.•°l7nnr',,a'a, ?t,Trov= 7s wt . ° per yard, at the dry goods 000.0 of rochlS lV S 51C111 . 11N" C1ollrellon• on Clocionati. , .l..oul , lll, ,t Loon; and atlacceschlel.:nd SIM,. male promptly, and upon don lowest termo J' y N 110 , 1„51F.: , a 1+415, Radian e Wok,. toch2s Ehall aon York• *5 II New Philatic , pina; T f 10sum* to not purrAnacra, N 110L.ME3 :-ON, Each:mr Rog ' 2510 50 1 55 Markct RUST PROOF IRON 6., . FOR ROOFING,• WINDOW SHUTTERS, e 1""i,',",:v:,b, - 11 , ,,,',07 , '. 1 ' ,1 r1;°;raZN , ' h r' ..:4 PLA 1' LS, nod 40 1110 nom) advandee. a lamb they po .. e . o‘e, an me m' c t oad other they hitherto owd for did nor, use, pos ssss ing Whey do lite .trench and beton,. of atm wlthrnit tot 14,1114 i 11) 10 rust hav , ng nose beet te-ted revered yeats,aoth in thes country and Lorope Illey arc elm les sunieet to expansion .d contraction o f Plate, of the atmosphere than ammo. Tot Plate, )on. /due is ,or any other metal now Fed tor roohea dtnd conse nentl/ town a roach tretter ant/Oehler roof requiring!armle.s frequent l,....tekr'd‘t'c'r?w":;l7'n:L"e‘all ' l ' l e any other of all dealer. an t .orker• to metal, to the many other pit, 17:: .. ....:: , V1 ~ h I , von thus t rone . tet, o: ,, be o l e ir , ! , , , , e , d ,,,, - n wh't h it err ' ...1:71-I n •I• . 107:1 ' 0 0 O3:1 ' tom Me t ' ret on of at Itmedphere And they would espeeddld ca I the at eh2ll 1 mutton. Mei, mterested m rra.l URAPIIIC LINE.o, - K - y • ; ---------- • 00, to theo tollsand , d St dr whirh is now'almost entire- KEELERS—:4PTA),,fIM6,\ I 10k...f,aceo Ity used in Europe and which answers even, purpose main No 3+ Front et 1 0.• A CODEIII . I for Of eiceltiCit) comma 001) ftbool. 0110 1,1( .‘4, mt.. es copper, and possewony equal darabdt q , 43 c ARPENTERS J us, receded and for so le _,„, ty oehh Dal metal / • !Doh lat of Utlidil rl.lO/1 1 1 100 , . .' 5 W‘...- Saving Wel, erected ork. in this etty thr the par street [enell2ll i°"°' VA LI" r i t. tv...,,,K Ti Nolte. this c w t tee , they BACON-500LO too 'lees:setll be able to forms ny article watch may be de. 10. 0 0 lb. ',des, ~ d A . pp t ) o f p es Rannufactored en Europe,l do,uN Ills Shoolii. o, 01 100 .... =• " ..kh h c ''''' "lY*" b"d ' i lli.(7 ri li WM%) .t. Co Hoare pnd for sale by mcLtl 1 JORDAN & oOA SHOVELS AND SPADES— N" - , ::::::e .0 ,1 1 o ' r1 " & No.. his article has be 14 odd 16 Deaver st, NEW YORK. • The Patent Right for t . secure for the United Stole. •• well •Is Great be and other ' C° '°""‘"" A. 1•.""'L blare on I t 'd ' ',. ''''''', 'Europe. connate*, and all legal measnres will be ta• meet of Lamont'. supe , tor eoeo condo •-,0n..,, e t a k,„ 10 pewee.l tafratgetneot by importson 1 °rlelit collier Sborels, and No. 1 and , , T 01 - 1 , 1... ade. ' meta) 1427 Vaceentve Coalmin e. will ittl, mate, for the, L infointallon of alt, bun 'rasa< & (Wenner h consented' to providg grnrunout storage: in thei vp• eiona ararehoute , com e of Penn and Wayne atrects, •vehere all donations Affered for the 'relict( of the poor of, Irntand. ordl be reedited. • reetanf Wkt ERR9t, Choorman - 11AVP. Received horn Philadelplott a tnrge awn tj / recut of :apt ot Chan:tart . Mauls of anper.or matte and fin:sh and foe vale low. , . wikr NOBLE. Uplrolvieger Oppeatte Whit of Plosttovelt BlIC•W ENGRAVIVGS. • IP,ST Received, a vplendid naterione id of F.aKlio R e d Frenrh Engraving.. colored and plain, of reat vnt , 4 of guinea., tunable tor praVlAS.C..}riuhritya, ur Scrap Itook. - nteh2o latvritott Ft. near Sth • YORK ANERTISERENTS nalt.ovirAlLE.. lIALSTEDS & DASHi' No. 54 llRond Street, New Tor*, fIFFER for sale,. ray toe's celebrated east steels, V./. 3, and 4.prung Hay . and Manure forks; •ILood's" and outer maker. Grain Manure n and Grut lndythen, Scythe. SineAs, b&antoon's and Colltst's Aare ' :Shovels and Spades; Fnch•h and AntencanMsllanderossentSaw s Alt,' is, Tiers. Trace add Log Gba•ns,Sad I ions, Hoots. and (huge, Rope and Cords. cut and wrouth tuaetner welt • Cult assortment of Shelf good. of For and Dom roam:facture, to which they respect fully in • < the attenbun of Western Merchants.. New Vey's. Feb 16. 101 l f LadAsstlerF. ' PILINDES, Taummixas. La. A and 'O NZ H ular• " e UlTrio;es, 1 5 n n.1' 1 77,7,11 and Tassels, Zephyr M nested, Cal:II - Pl.:b. ', AU 'nods of tlitultny sod Face, Trimmings; a large assortment of hite run. Friers, ke IC Ile omit" sneoft.in to his ssortment, which will se t ke full s daring the season, will be rereieitig the newes wad owo fwhomoble oder,' by the packne or otherwise. Term. and prices shall be suds to I' gise ktnds of Trimming. made to faaleto • C . ll kl AP AC1 , 017 NT •ROOKg ANN , I ,, TATIONERV. VRANOI , k I.r/VT,RE1.,77 Maiden Lanc.monufacto re.r. of every deoc,iption of !Monk Booty, Memoran dum..py ond Paso Rooks, Crown Ink,Nlalnfold heilet Wr.ter Diamond Pon. Gold Peru, A.e., !cc.; and Ina -pocers ar 841:oki ond French Stationery and roper A taiga asmronont constantly on band of the most =pro. O s—lnt ,eday t% ma, AV niers. Sia its, Pencil. tiscel Pont; token e. Mann cols,oivory taplcto, iulry carol, gum lobelo, pen 'B. card rock. powder, b1.0.k, blue and carmine onk,•rulers.,"gold and %Aver pencil cast. portfolto. fopyttig-prrs. se l /Ce ..&e. ENVELOPE'S:or Levels Cards, Notes, ,n great virety. Letter and Cap Papers, ruled and plain,: at Manufac tutes prices; Dole paper.; has.. paper. perforated board. t,r,tol boards, bonnet bared. colored payers. talaramg p.pers. be ' Deed, Itecotd, Docket, and other bookssfor County 'Clerks, Courtss Hanks, Insurance Compantes, Met , cnants, and others constantly on hand. or formatted to portent at short nottee arranted to be superior to qunltty and very low in pore, Cot:l.l.y Mercfiants, dealers and others seill he sup plied alike very lowest prices We shall constantly have or band a large stock of [Hank Books, raper and Btanonrry; and request the favor of a call front those who relator articles In our hoe. FitATICIS k LOUTREL Nlantsfacturdtg Stattooe re, 77 Alatden Lane f New York. - _ BRAWLS, DRESS LFILED EDWAIIOS 4. CO, N,. rear! Street, 11 Nevi York. *wild reiret fully ran the at.titiat of buy era to their It4TEN El grata KOF SPRING WOOS, OS, of rich figured ,tripe and plaid Decsit Silk. of ea grely mat &alp% tool It ist et)les, black aud 'bloc black figured, watere'd and Stripe Silk, together • Ilia • full atsortcaeut of black and bloc black laid do. A eery eaten ater and desirable...somata , of Si lk, TLibet, Ifiaregr, Iler tam awl Clatter Slutatli and, &ark Their asatartturut Deets Good. her been aelectid kit the greatest carr, roust.- ill of Frrnvh Printed Bareges, satin plaid and stripe do, Ca. Ilnlliattlea, French feinted plai d and Sc,ghams Jn ;rasa ranch end of moat desirable iattirrus, and Smack Lairtta and Gingham. C a ter) large Attack. Alio, bio bou. ta t arid Cap Gibs eery elotirc rcirctiour, Woe, fancy MAG. Lictra l limbric and Linea Cautbrat Ildkft, Syria% lad Mocha Edgings, Thread Laces, Little Filgiugs. black Lad ttrittle fwor.LA Lace. of ever, dcarriptitug together with full stork oUrtery dearriptiau w .goOd• wt their hat. STIM If' GOODS—A my lame uato Uncut of Foreign -sena Doraeatic Si.., t cry ratintite swirl! of tarry !kola. and-Flower• of them titan ®nufac well adapted to the Southern and Western Jobbing Trade. Aka, Coalman++, Ilarasula, l'asaaaeta, Sou Shades, tEr Mrerhauts vitals% Otis market arc rearetfull ud y anted to call and twain< our chick: as rev; poooble tocenunt will le olleettl to make it for their "acre , to trade with utt. Now York, March .5, 1:41,2n. METE march.. of tor The sate Tockr r, Gem a •yrru al< al man. ,eal a, Black p. net*. whole . TODD ,DriVaLtrf Ortatleatqa• FurrehtLing E•tetblleittuteett tIIARLE-'9 H ATCH; William street, New Toth „solicits sdlention to his &wort/and ofdhorals the O n tlernen's Furnwhin; U. impor t an manufactured pressly far th e Sperog and Summer reasons. Particular. at tellt.ol3 Is caged to the follow* articles. STOCR'S-StIlE, Satin and Bombathe, aU 001, wad qtral wits OPEFLI TlES—Plain and Flows - , hght and dark colas. WASH DlES—Faury Linea and iron., a new article far summer wear. SCARES—Latest st) Ina full assort. et Tame , a. road • o • SVSPENDEFLS-Silk and Colton, ,try elatte White 7,1 . .1v - tad quality. L. , ^lEza-,ffr , lTS AND DIC.4WERS-Silk, C.Atov, Tiri7t:'•rthit,ltnol,mol kid, .1 the tint I ufrtaß'llt7ot Limn, ,L ute Tread, ,kir L. 110sIRV - Silk, C o, Cook, Lin, Stor, ay. k O, LEI L SILI L L a - S I L K 'white, of the At bot quality; eIS".I Lhesined D GOOW W S _Printed Calve, Mometlim de Loot, Ikr. and twif.l Spaghetti, In. do Senior, 1.1. , and Petry-loam Casale, 4 -, M 4 , BRKLI-IS.C.VD -5 1.11 aworimmit. ClidrAT STITFNF_RS- Tango. kinhi He would... Halloo A tow Amnia', A hit SELF-ALILL JUSTIN° STOCKS.. enter, iliffereot Spring (m on the one formerly used, whit. renders thent attah more contra. • I tableand rimy AL the neck thou (utterly AbLM-30 PRiNts ONLY. SPRING STYLES. LEE k- IIIIEWSTv,ii • N 0.44 Cedar SI reeer He. York. DEG Irate to inform Dealen is Dry lewd., tlu- f h ) v Li) met tied, and Are row exhibitmg,al the Wrat1...5,, EXCLESIV EL 1' Go Pons! ohoo, 500 CA. ggig , compelling all th. Sew Spring Styles, of Dn.,. Freimh end Ammonia Mato whim, which, in ADDITItIit totheir usual thok, rota. is their lastrunent one of the mot bevatiftal and attractive in the toy; and hkottp mit been mir k thamd for CASH AND 'HORT L tapir, an oribred hp the piece orptiekar to the kerne term, at and below mato fkriontra pores. Camlogvea of prices (cm -rested &Alm me Oared in the o Purchasersastill inform thomelvet of the ktme of the mar liet, and be well repaid for en enaratostain, rim, if they dc peraliar adranla,r ter eserntine order. ao • • LEE lk BREWSTER, 44 Cedar ,(reel on rt,le• •ery ulna ual ) low =ll weft. above oder 10 Mel b!l==l n 4 thton,h nar to rye u• h naafi profit t to make a 0 II - - - --- - - - LAMPS, GIIRANDIkIaktt 4 , Rkl-1. L ISTEItSS A All CANIA:t,ABILAS, for thr Syd'ing• Trade DIETZ, lIROTIIF-R k CO., Kra William strert, New York, in the Waibingron Block, are manufacduri, and hare always on baud comf.lett wasort novt or ..,,...i.„ in ihnr hoe, of the follow., dewriptiwo, which they will tell at wholesale and retail, at Loa. Prirrs, _far tub. Icapreird Cherneal (Mani Carityitror ' tdonpa. Solar Laniiw, lilt and [inward, in pwat ranety. Girandole, taro.., latigni•,,lll, mitered or Onward. Wurprodin Solara, ' t. Didic Cauniltrce Laa.P . , Brack. Solari. Side d" Solar Chandrlierr. ' Brack.. do • l'atrut Lard hand Luny, r Stand,. do Bra:m.ll=W I arrqw, Surwrior Chrtnical Oil, Caspheue Chandrhrra, Pure S_ erne fad, do ' Cainiehene, Solar -.ad Lard Oil, do Mimi, Fluid, Ilrfrord %Vitali. Oil, fekr-a-Ilat PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO. 0 11117EL.NO SLIP, NEW YORK.. i , VRCS FIELD acre (or sale . the lowept Manufacturers' u very evencve of PAPER. comprteon, every posnildc rty, udLpted lathe acute of con*urners in all .erizono of the coo.nry. Paper of all kinds made to order at duo not ..e.thek of MD . :TING - PAPER Is unusually large ports(i• of vcry_•uperthr c;uttly. PAPER MAKER'S MATERIALS of eery deseript,ou. tropottra &sod kept ronot on W,re Cloth. FourdrAmer tr,, Powd,r, Ultramorme, Tarn, he., he C: , tiva;•, Bale Rope, ri ro.s Hope. Itasging. he.. he., pordssed, for which the h.qh,t pr eo al C0, , 3 wall be 1°" New Votk• • li4a. NEAPOLITAN. BONNETS - PATTISON, NOE k CO., PATENTEES AND DIANUFACTUIIERS 23 Delaney Sind, New York. • ,feel.-1m ......,. SILK GOODS. , • .13 OWEN& 11 '.N A /ILE E , No 16 Witham street, corner of Beaver, New York. n I-1...W1:C1F U1.1..V Invite the attention of Mocha° . n: visiting the coy, to the:, EXTENSIVE stock I French, t 1 iota. !tali an. Ile men , English and America SIIL.If.. AND FANCY GOODS. Compris , n; an asiortment of the NEW GOODS and to FASIIION ABLE oylcs ever imported. The greatest' inducements will he offered for the fol lowing memos. sir, let. They will present an amorttnent of Silk Goods UNSURPASSED in TIIIS or any OTHER MARKET. and complete in every department. Sal. Them Mock will be constantly replenished by the frequent Mreign arrivals, anti from Anetioit, render.. i thetr a/imminent aiwayk PRF-01l and-desirable. ld. They will pay Pprf:al at to the incrc.inx demand for RICII MOODS, particularly adapted 10 the larger towns.and eitmli (th They intend air oily to adhere to the prinelple of selling nt the 12J-LOO'Es-r MARY:V:I' IIitICES..../Al The following are ionone the most DESIKAULE style• Goods offered. vil,, -. EXTiI A RICA PARIS PrtiNTED mUSLINSY, Korn' the moo celebrated umoufseturers, entirely new styles. BAR Ell IIS and SALZOKINP.S-‘0 c.c.s comp], is In the room F641110N MILE old ma.gitifieent st) les roe d,vi V e ry rich G4Ored.Gon.tr:ped.rombre Mold plat, colored, kr, , be; some of wlotett 31 , CONFI NED to them EXCLUSIVELY. and adapted to the most fashione l de or city trade . RICK STRIPED and FIGURED BRILLIANTIES, st Paris sr yles, 0111 1 most desirable imported newe New styles and very rich figured . I k., 11010 It' 10 21 "' 13 h 1;:l vZ%-•"ll‘;":llsl.l'„,."nnntrranil'an L.l„n„, of the Lest manufacture, various qualities Etch Silk tinaw..-lircoMe fivk tell Chameleon Iler- OM reek,' other yariety of stele of nanno 'howl, MILLINERS GOODS--tkinvisting el ilto h lot and Cap Ft itilmos, oilman ex.mnsive ass°, one,. of tumning Uices nod other Goods, u4spleil lo the most fashionable dtATITr'VIETKI.DS, va, Si nett , ars. Slionets 11l Samos, Wi/ltr and Cran.on I'onger lidlas, RarcelO c nt Ildkfs, bir. ALSO. Rich Protted Lawn , English and Sewell Gmellnms: Kahan Cravnts , Linen Caml.rie lidlits. Kid Gloves, La dm. ( A rmy 11,11 is; Scar,. and Cravats, FI , Of il Nut., Imlian Sowings; Velvets; Lures, White Goods, klm. lormdery, he _._ , , ALSO: A great variety of LOW PRIC F:D Good. adayad , o he interio-i•nd rollhiag trade. I. wit.eh SPECIAL aF lt entinn I% weed. . Now York, Februark I. 174: 2,10 • . • STEA BQATS. f ' - FOR — li/E3V . II I3 LEANS-DIREOT , ' ZOO dllilfil'Ur, " Zil clean. 'matter, will leave . a re on Thursday murning, April 21 . at IQ o'eloec, A. I. For aright or pawage„up ,Iyon hoard marlin FOR NEW BLE/NS--DIRECT. Th spiend a and insane+ measlier Jr GRITTERIDEN , sra lel mastel, will leave at above on flatus ay. April 4141, At 1 0 TI'CiOCk. A tee For I itht of p.mirc, lie'rnie fill lc' EOIMIIO.IOIIOOA. apply ivoird. - meh'29- Regular Plttaissarigis awl 'Zanesollle Pacer. an The rte sr rri4 . g6d.i.a , lag ill MCAIIICY <1.••111-:- - -. 1 re June* F. Rol 11, ter, .:ill run ash s. S-7,=:VS. gular packet between Pittsburgh WA 'uneven. Ilavingha4 her eabius fitted up lad (uniolied in superior al) le, the Comet oTers the finest accommodation/ow graweno. For freight or passage apply on 1001 %.01 10 mar lir— --- . 1 D WILKINS. Ast ---- WELLSVILLE DULY PACKET. Ti, new, rlegan , and fast Packet WELL`VILLE, C. C. Can. inir, was built ex daily trips for Dade, and wtll malre daily trips uring the 1110011. lean lug Pittrbargli every owning al Wel.' ir, and Welioville very evening at 3 o'clock The W. s• famished wrib e -Faber's Patent magnetic IS met Gone.' For freight or passage apply oriboard (2711 ,‘, Tir , i f A . Keel , !In . 1i , 1 6 i , s w e , ri . nja4l , ll .r a n t ,, I . hr ., a li y i :tri o h n or , th , q.t. 1 A MeRANF, Agent. _ _ ._ REGULAR PITTSBURG] AND BROWNSVILLE P nei ACRET. eau. TIM ii and Rat running steamer HAULED', will run CLI • regular Packet between the above )slaers, leaving Pittsburib every Tuenday, Thursday and trautday. at It/o'clock, A. M.;und 11rownsmIle every Monday,Wednesday, and Frolay, al 11 , <NIOCk. I En iir.ebt or plumage op ty on hoard. . deal • Pittsburgh andl Sunfish Packet. mate The new nd fine atemne: .1 HUDSON, Ebben, sinner, Ass irnireed her reg ular tripand will leave Pittsburgh as levery Thursday rind Mon day ni 3 o'clock, P. M. F', might freight or Passage apply on board. I oc•_ -...' Allegheny !liver Trade• The 70 und fast Soquaboat ARROW, Capt amen lltin•on, wlll contin ' ue to tiot as a Regular Pneket du eg thi geawn belWeelll . lloburgh and Franklin. For fretgliiot pnassigc apply on brood. moth( I • ----:------ M=Z= :'.l' FOR NAtrtr at w arner IN TOMMY!, E Itrl b. the obore port do C ITI r„ ge study on board or tro IV BUTLER to 111W MR PACKET •aar, Ugtu draught •n:1 gua• *Liar EURFAA, Fanner. a run as regular ttween Putaborgh and Louis- • ealli s Caph Joh her rtgol Monday. For fre,gto pas•• mcb27 REGULAR lAtl, 'The no ".... rung enero Crozier, r packet LI iile. during the ..tdn. 1 For freistaor tlmis - ,ge ~,t . .„,... j i pply on board. trodalif MeKEESPORT , EL ZABETII AND MONO \G II LA. HI , LA CITY PACKET. The matot . l/rS " P r ATCH, t I Nett. unit ter, will run as above, li n. ring Po .burgh every Aland.. Wirt neaday and Fridsy, at% o'clock, A. ht.. and Aloruutt a. beta City every Toeaday, Thursday and v.zaturday. 0 Ei o'clock, A. M. For Treilit or passage apply CM b 0 ,11,4 I)ll2:kW:Aar Pittsbet4it and ZinnayMD. l Placket. ' r .. inicaloTllK biktd draught Drunter BEAVAILIK, Hurd, Mauer, wilt make h e Bop s to then htove pent during the gen. oh.. For freight or pussaguapply nnLoh td s py i D D ILICI Ntlt, Art .E AND ISTASIIVILLE u I ew and paveenner 'team AMERICAN. ,• WliklP fIII leave for the and all ...11 rundilwpoits,freg , apply on board. FOR LOCISVII. o at Capt. •14. v. nlarly. I i For freighterpa , maa l -, , , :,. jag g PIPP:111EKG11 AND WHEELING PACKET ' T c•plentbd and fast running aura NEWICNOLAND, I Cap ain (.: W Ebert, will cornotenCe ruin tog as iltore., on die .1 day of Mitt h, leasing Pinelourah c%.very 1 Toeaday,Tpordaj an Satuday, al 10 o'clock, A. M; and leaelog Wheel.na ,ery Monday, Wedneada and Friday. at D o'clock. M. The Near Fnaland h • been bought expreaitly 11 r the trade, •ad will tea re ryz,..:agy 3.11,0ve For Ire: hto , passage apply on'l,oaril or . I) IVILKINS, ittcat febld . . A' l “ , LOUISVILLE PACKET /e..4T ,e new ond.plendtd ceatuet GONDOLIER, Lypnr., uwaer. was bu:lt exit -1.4 foe, th rt .• trade and tvql leave tegu dung 'ate team,. Ilet days vr,,l Le .Irett.s,lberafmr. .E.L•REGUI.AR PACKEt • new andteiegunt Panel WYOMING, , ... maw.. bull clre . e,ly ,r the 9,0,0 it and Natv,ll. trail .1,11 owl for ttrlcrsartha.te I, ,zs "'a l ' . % ' 4 ritgi.zr.r.,,... A.,ona-.1,,,, FOR NASIIVII. F. .e relularly (m*ll or postakip PACKET far LOUISVILLE .hew and afauneh Pnrit2at FRIDA 11/W;IkZ- tleinson, oamet. ihe 41. 1 7 , CY=1e litlCf‘ ? . " frAlP!P tcom,d, e , m , e ; apply A. Iroard. rmure, havt.r tnarS . . . . - RF.Cit7LAR PACKET FOR W:, — , — ,7 ~ 7 1 - 1, 1- , A , T ,, K . N . 11 , 11 , .1.ri'' n ' L ''' AM) . ' WILJIINGic I , " " A" niateol Nl...lrvcn., miser. 1c",:,.', p ots . I) 'sgb evory Nlondav, W.., d „ a d F. ola y at 3o'lock," Ntir.' 4 :,. Strolonmile evcry Tueodly. Tloictity no.: '1,4....., - ; as .•C 'clock, A. M- For f r,,ght or , poc..t.gc. arjoy i .1.,12 a ri rd Marta ar Cincinnati & bolsi" lila Packet o at , 1T ,... 17 ,, Ile, and Itlt•Katt 1 I td. 111,1 COLVMIII i., fr C, , 0 \it 11. M "tn. , to. 11 run o• guts, Pancncer r Let l tqweerr I' tt4l,” ts *nil tt P the abovc port. t 1 mita the .rn.ott of 110 1 ;a i1L(..1, LArl 1 1 1T1 , 41UP(.11 AN' VI lith e INlo mainvPAteL, tenant trbe , HI B mEaaR t NI A, tin ',nin a. n a b reguhrr aIII euna - - t n th er , r parlntlaLou e sth Inn I 1 Ira, log l'istaburp 'Very Monday ,Vedne s) vial Frttla) of 100 dn... A Vtl Incylna Wheeling e, cry Tueads. Thurada) tin / tt•dur day at t. o'clock, M. For cretcht or pamice apply on bosh. Anti 511.113 LE AItRANDEZIED. 'b • /gags / Sl7. 311R66ii. SIONIVIGAIIICLA ROZITE; I lIRDWNSVII.LII.: AND CUIIBAEDRLANDIIO BAL TIMORK AND P ELPIII Tune to Baltimore • • .•• • • •:11 hears. Tune to Phil: delplua . 40 .! (Only 7'l Nliles t‘tagong.l tplendol pod fast room nit reamer s CL .I . Leu- T.L.is McLane a td Swatora. have commetrted malting double drily trip{. One boot will leave One slnnona nonans Lela wharf every morning precisely ate Passengers by rhr morning bon asnve Uall“(1201.5 neit evening in Muse for the l'htladelphlu Mod Dos., er Ball Road r The evening 4001. 1011100 the whsrf daily at /(o'clock, o'clocC except Scuni.l.• rassengers by an , hoot will roar on board. on comfortable state rooms, leave Mr...TM< next !nothing k 6o'clocri I um mountains.tuday light; rup oodles:le on Cum berland. Thus avnotaig night travel altogOber• The preparations on lho• route are staple. and t o Hal neti complete; an that disappounmenui or 110104 • null be us. kmmu upon itets..., Pusenecrs earstop on the route and their seats again at ;Armour, and have Cluhee of Rod Rood or Steals... Lbw re Baltimore and Pholoirelphia Coaches charred to parties to travel selthes dem, Secure yowltet. at the office. Monongahela Don, or St Charles lel. 1 311*.41i1.1ffIN febla iat 1347. , s* o - 111 -: PITTSUOJROII AND CINCII4NATI DAILY 1.1101 OF MAGNIFIGENT PASSENGER PICKETS. kaa rrlll6 well known and populaine of Swim,. L been greatly improred the pa-t Winter. by the.ad• dition of several nrw and inngnificent Laws. haat exprestly for nhe Pocket Line; and . the entre line Is .1).0111 , composed uf eight of th e largest. br a t Ln i ithed and (orb ho •ndli moo powertul bums an the Wale. of the Weal. Fiv"ery accommodation thal money will pro. owe boo been provided for Passenger, and no pains will b c .pat I to ,eader than rontronaliic and the nips , agreeable They leave Faatic, ghand Cincinnati daily nod posliively at 10 o'clock, A • • MONDAY PACKET. The NIONONGA II Capt. Stow, willleavn Pitt's burgh every Monday morning at In o'clock; Wheeling ecery N evening at 10 I'. 31 ; and Cincinnati en cry Thurodayoi 10 o'clock A. NI TITICEIDAV PACEET. The lIIIIERNIts, No. a, Capt. Min./atm will leave:l.2ushuialz every Tueaday mortoelg at 10 o'clock: Wheeling every Tue•dav ef emna at 10 0. 01.; and Ciac,rinati even . Friday of 10 &Mock i d. M. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NNW I KNOLA N V, NO 2, Capt., S. D.an, leave ritt.harah curry Wedne•day morning at I Whiteling every Wednesday evening at 10 I M 4 and emelnnati every Sanittlay at IQ o'clock, A. . . TEIURSDAY PACKET. The WISdONSIN. Cam. U. J. Gran. wit, leave burgh everyjnan CO ay morning nittio'clori; Wbeeltrui every Thorlday evcninst nt 10 V 111 ; .d 110000211 every Sunduy at 10 o'clock. A. 111 FRIDAY PACKET. • The CLIPPER, NO. A, Copt_ Croak, will leave Pitts. burgh every Friday taorntog at 10 o'clork; Wheelnte every Friday evening at 10 P.M.; and Cincinnati every Monday .10 o'clock, A. M lIATURDAY [ 3 ACKET: The MFRSENGER, Capt. Linford, will leave Pitts] b u rgh every. Saturday raorntng VihrellllF every Salday eVening at 10 P. M.; and every Tar- ay at 10 o'clock'', A M. , . • The ISA I AC NEWTON, Copt A. G. MIMS., Win leave Initollurgh every Sunday moraine at 113 o'eloek; Wbeellog IverySotnd7e7lll:ls kl it, I'. i , i m 4 aud Col ean. every Wedneeday to Or o Moen, A M. 1 ...... . __ ... , 07- rl,wn Pacarta will be at ihrvbenlwat Finsloagb MI eirteinhao. reatilarly, thr dap 'previous to brevity; rieher. porn , r'r th ite receicion of fretnOt and entry of Pit se a ng on h r. , No tlerthor :imeirce Room consolerodenraCcd ant , ' Pia fel.s: -- ,---.... CITICE. I !FitRIGIITF.RS and other) atirhiOn nialoto have Fire Brick, Praloce, !cc., bought tat Ibis place cram Steubcovifie and intermediate landing., can mat , , nangementeby milling an have aßt run ning tecadatly between Piusburia and Steuhenadl, . GoieM. ti. FIILTENV.a.R. ian4 Smboal AVOW. 56Eitt Water at . --.. r (VII I 0 0.W...4 Kentsieky tiaikk NotOkparrharod at low room Oa N . llOLal ex. & sox No 55 Market at fen r‘.o. aj i, prf .. ii , : k r l d ra T 4 S t a ; : . pi Meat* _DOLL ra i r toilldSeid and from au 908-500 dorenrat. I e. ' nannald and nno ILA.--:lnno7;e an ay an end and I.oxc• now in more anciTr en:4: by SII.PCIVitIY,,ON kRIF.PPERT 1 1 ID7 n<rond meet Poch% LULL LED COP.N—iLlrin bos.in 110C . ..11 1 1bii S (" "41Pr' otr'rg,3,l= p :=I` 4 T;JI : r“ few dap,. • 109 oreund sgret o 5h24 1 j - • . . Ol t t . VITR.I9II-25 c n rbo) 4 Oil i 1/1 1 0 1 ;11; a 1oLball web= ' No Oil wood street LIIi.S.MENT-10 'FIVIII4 11.ervG and' 'Or . fliVl.3 inchG4 i I PILITTY—ZIIO PA,il',.loy 411 Illaddrl i tr i alc co ,y I') mobil 1 A i 1 e I fi o, No GO wood i n I.''tS U3ttl Dj T 7 P 'lant \n ;114e 2 bbliguref)louse d os •ter I,y43timer pr i e P R INDEXCIA & Co No 41 volger•t F IgH--.11 , 1.11:. N,o 3L4411 . 6 Markelel. 40 10 bl,ll , Go d 4, 10 lA4. No 2 di, do. 20 01 bbl/ do do dni goo ver'd (or sal , romonxTEE & Co 41 Trate, ogeet - Bone lanment J KIDD.. Co Igo CO wood R- -- trEiThhl. S byl , -- prattel N . . mch24 Nnt a .. ti amrio S ,4it b b y !? 111 1 / 1 — 7 riVr ' mch24 li •11<22 C (Y rOc T •Til " 7.41.FT,114/' 100001 . j I _ latKrt) .91:Fet SEED -4 , 0 bu. d . 6, 0 10 I.n.Fvl 00011 ..J twE, 6 ._ - ---- ' 4l d SIINDRLES-17 bbla9oversee , 2 Mil, Tlatotby lee d; ,d, j„, 4 '..P N 1 Leafy I VA - U/T. t r2111 , .F. tiiting, far sale by n1:1121 COT Penn and Gann 4t! SI.I43AiL-.23 bll; prixe N. 0- for vale by , I CUNNINCHIA3I.4. BONER ._ n4rh24 . _._ I l4l Llbelly 4I a m a , I 1 - 4 . 1.';;'.71 .1 b 1 y - 9--- ' 4 !`" 11- gr. ,7, 1i. , : 4 v..; , ' , ;:c. ascbls No 41 waler at IVIOLANSES,-.15 ) 4_l_ gur Hollfr, ' 1113 s! ` 4 New (Mean, goraale by " I CUNNINGHAM In DONNER eneb2l l v lvl 144 ',Lary st +llBll—rUhL'l4'l':d4nS t 55 1 3 20 4- rLO'il , fitt Libent do; for gale by lANI S. lIONNEK ider Vane w for si• NM& BONN ER • ____ltt!,lbenY ZS I.ss While Ilavana Sotar. 1 '..-" '" :tU xs BrII:n do do; 1044,1 s l'u 36.1 N. U. do; 4U do IN 4..5,7 ...IA 8 Lou( do: 1..0 do “Lovenou'un Croullrd sod Pu 4 4r saleliF POINDEXTER .1. Co No 41 water st ..-sn nbls foe' sole by SaT & Co 3 Front u: 'Tensed mcbeo D RY PE •TITLU 011 A 1 X .,. 1 ER. 10°N"11111bNrS"llie:s0:115.3sT t er o C n O t • toreu!cb! PPLES-1,0 ta• pram . 9 VVON BONNIIORST h Co I No 35 Front rl GILIiES .. - A5l - 11.Lrf FLOIIR-20 barrel. Freeli abatly Ft. , for rale by I : 4 ri VON HONNIMBST &Co No 35 Etont nt tcsEs;rlll4-21) dorm for solo b) u VI ViJN 130NNII“ItSr b. Co No 35 Front et , 51 . 1511L:slitrit d rca - che;i I I 2 iiielis do: i I 4 attek* IN ted APTOoa; I bld Loaf Lard, for rale by .1 POIN!..tS:X rER ac. _ iPOTTOKS—Juat Toce,yed a fine 44. , and R ed Slieet P , otato tor sale at tarn' ( wood 1114 6 / tn 2iCF.RSII A NI PICASS-10 aark% Goober Pena or lire lan.Vng f ISrom mo'atocr Cr.tten h den and AIAII DICKEY Co water and front at• NV To—yon and Hurd ahr , l, tor ru'o ISAI.III DICKEY 5 Co ! ' wokr and (ins 4 oh - - - :',XI1 -r E 4 SCYTHE — nleb4 SLNUItIE SWEFT lo of Yelldi the ...ed.). GO4TEa n for zele b} I =UZI HICKOR ) m,lat I , Lb:tilli'l2NClt: . I to the; : le,y. for rormerEcnre 0 “, 1.},!• rent the Mane'. o nelstlte.st . tiale on the.blua's nleal 'Zee Plit•bureh. 3.1A11i , S CRAFT : LEINSP.. 1 -- -7-- . og lie n't ' eronitds ou the itm A, er „„; • Cmn'rY.ans , Mr '',l 0, , now occupies} N: • • , n . c, -- f- • Cpt, tor the Livl WA,.'' eds . :IOLA:S. e l ,„I ''No 2 , 1 Wood •t Al ANrEf D. ; ) •.„11'i MAX F.:1111-1 telik AtlS wonted.' f gbestriXolltell! be ._t .on ht od, tor desciptionlof riurg nod , :e VA,' and Cli rule Mole l Itlq NOIXS .'‘, ti,IRE e . ht o 'Oilier Pe a rout/twin A, i'M. ,, ..0 , .I A NES .Ws i Woßlol./WILIeLi ....... i . ...• "- " : A:::1 i m l; B ll} . . - . 4. 6:1 1 ,„ ti I:71T , t , d I T E... g ::::. 8 - I.is . iv ATER .... 31 looter and 62 nom rt• ,, , a'_,,,,,,r,m1iab1e ibr . eombolsts, rett- , md-loottle. and or • oteDepet. ' ! roman. by lin • ronsMntly on hunt and Made ot order.. r tam A N 1 1 be preecnt itoolion It nd cadre, lye,excelled by any 102 irtsit eta m anufaetory oldie meet ti conntry.il'orsotel ..I..hing lo purchase won id do w illy, lei me n call. as 7nM n for sale by ER h. Co d e ternitned my once., all file cc. Out of, Me "'nook. consists to- • - , "I I / therm . • _ 50 Safes with'Plu. I and Moir-cloth cover. rit r Desk for , 2 do. Mahogany Sum, than, '.R A. Co 1 • II Nur Dtvons, ) I • 1 i 11betS22 l 12 dos One mehne - tny Cri,ilrol j,. tr, 12 InAllOgUnV,Wol I. Zontlls, 1. A. co , ~ ado/ troalmenny ockitleChniL; sty street .; . Iti marble toWflre aloe gamut's: 'e team Onortion, : ..., mi ( Roo " • e m ',ride ton' Wre gift], .41.2. ~1 '' IF.cherry Wort S. - I Amer •" !On Login ny. Maple CI: 1 rm. 1 fr.,i: nit•almarlottome and al Fdrutture und na,i.cloA ale by ' ' it,m9lf • • l' o d s' T - --- sl ta ~- C li- S II AiDtlY 1. oiiiNllW MUOlt: fur 11; r V ANL/ FORTE 41011 itar.Sit... • 1 by , I'l 1 ?. , dngs Or. vi fit th. i';‘ , .. , ' ' , Tht., . T 1,,, Illue.lutuata; Ity 1. I.l , l , ulltvan &-.K.1... 1 VIM,. ... ,neat Recoil', bons or-.llin mby (lutco , mon , ' PirgiMa :11 inst. els,. N I 1111, VIC 1411/100:MIliJI. ;%. ‘II;I':';::11:::'.111':::nl‘ A Nay POWII Cali cootie M 4e-tione be Illaill , ad? M., r Worm. an Fill.r ma 1'604, by Wiolloekl : 'll,c to,, Farewell, a 0 vot rta meeet .-- , i "roc Snow ' , omit rt• ~riorta by the I I 1,01/111;011 • I . I : I TT,. : MoOtinght. Nltmle. Late amlalowers-o Ducie ' '': I'lol , . ~,,,' !, ~ e ' c l ' • .:1 : ::::1 12: ~.' l. neon ~ r . 7 1, , ,0. ' :e l l-11:) t il .. 1 .- 1. , 1 , ,. 0,, Z : 1 it i •••:. 1 7 " 77 " ' '., 0 I Lan''' ' AM itic Loam tiMi 1. uno oa Ilrolen? - • co'''''' Cove be Our kindle- , y i•:iltici,rer hi; le ', Wroo ,; Saddest when 1- I !tonne" . . l','!`sntronliaSsvret• o Comic Doom Rag ...1 , :,; '''',.., me -.ma'am mopes 4 Cher.•bed? , krt pmt ese ` ,•,'"` Ii of Stelmistme.6y the Itturbinsom, (r -A ' '''' ' .'""'sscir Nreln-ebv ltd ten , IW . R. 'll • - 1 , . 10. - . w 1 r rli•4! 4 , pm , 111 ~ re ' ; • ......o.n. time 0011, -t.t. q,.:-!,1, ~ tmes, 'elect lkshen 1„ Q , 0 ,L,,,, ~ , much cote, an r Ilarvltu'isl , .. ' ,,.7, ' t Z... e'. - Ludo., to hie r. ' , ~ drag new , :t . 'yle , . ' , dater.' to lisythe ' 1,l • 1 ,d I Commel ~, Feast el Rm.. s, . ..1 111,0 I/ - 1 'Ohl 1.0, to me the Ommi 1'1414 I.; , Toe Woodpecker, "t, • Fonlden, l'Illo''''• i' t ' Charnel:. Woe k W Mornme'l Ruddy ll'y am, ? : t ornitatt Roiled St:v4.l., l' 7 - , La'no a , I I.oi eMe Free, , j 'I he \t amber-by , Ifs 1, .1 Ilia Seem, Me 'I be Blue durum-I•y Mt?. NI. ll tmthvan, ells'e , '' '" NI) Soot re Dirk-tie 1.1)#..; 1 . I Love but Thee-L •IT ticbu,c” • . lit,lCllait, . Jo. received 101 l 'or 'Pate ni 'be 1'... 1 stool Molt rAte:l3 , lo. 11, i.. , ,‘,01.,,, • , I 1 JOAN II MELLOR t: And Iti. r.O , ~.. I, tow, oder iim noltd• ld 1, s''' toeh , :i - !•-Vo S 1 woo eirreti an Lemitl. Room.. N . 0 a BLACKSIIIreII f I*ED-A young MI oat emu!. r:IiIIII•lan 'it,ou wort. cart-hove inv •Good, ot v: 1' o •i• . -I °. o 0114 ia 111,1 emu!. •mentlist got!,4 woces in o healthy oasis's ' dealers well Gal n I '-' "' ',"`, . Nord-ern Mis tti•loo. Fe:t (atilt , information opo/y meet. ei , hll m ' inehl2if 3. „.,, .G.Eo cc,ulltt..N ,-- . , i-, . Lark. ~ ~,,, ~,,,d 1.. „,,.......„,. ..„„:„..... ~ ~..:„ .. , , Am... please roll aI thed-....;tn,,cr,t.0.re. „.; l''' '' : • ‘ f -j" - . ' ' .4l 3,ri5 - 41; ' lis Kee a .I.ltholtd sortairni f•h ' V.A. ettoce does. Stt A Hart ;es ; Ilultoram. plant teiw d rt ASTOR! 01 111-0 hitt, for sale by i 't Vsk}s'''}.'' .41e, , . - , ' •T4t. ,, , , ,t V . I , BRA VA, & REITER mcb2s I oar I.therty ohd St Clot, au ' Stnee. 03.hm.r,z:.. ir..w. i, ( ,„,, r , ,,.z it . ; ''' ~.:,i,..ki.i.4:-,-P:!4;Ai.r.i'"V,-;.il•,:!, i L t" ; ,',',; * ''' ' l ' ''"' l• ' No 71. Um lict SOAP -I , 71KA Cm. NI, 1, in stor . e . ond loe sale by 'iel y',l4' '1 tfse.,l j . ' AND ca n 1 our.sr. U III,A(.I,BURN te 1 o 1 rach2 t 't cor won, •I and cherry aiey I {keel ' eo st To:ssto, • ' ) o' . ' ' 5e,1' , •?V•,7 1 ? f'i"i( :- Ig-hi:o C.. C elge ~ .alit...s/ os .'ss ~ .":1-1, 7 "_-' ; M lass i hel ofml, Ctent, .. IP SA,IIGL. ._,.. b.. bx,,...,,, m ., y ,........ : , , ,.,. L. ......,,,,.., ~.,.., ~...,,,,...,. _,*, ~ „ . ' i n , i , l'.l, Re sl.o .1 ;tm, on ate Ily 1 , • mehet • ""' !,.."' colorater . and ells:Try alley, , :M . ' di, ,!, MIMI Coidled L AllO3-s;blds No 11.1- Ira now Issudom from swoon:, I ''.. ,, r - s, - ,r - et' '-' , • • • ~.-•.M.7.:•,- -- -- -, •-•-,:. - --'-' , The Moon fermi.; nositmentanit . i...ll . P . 34: lry Li Nishoille,ond for male he I JAMES W ARDROP. h ; lillll.re.N6hat.r.iii • melt I I,SAIA . II , 1:1 . C ., K , 1i .. : . :( , ir:0 . ~,y I l ~ , ',,: ~.,,_ ___ __ : _, .. , _ _ i U r R , Sl ,; (lj a . I , A , N , i , 1,.1 ,.. 1. ,. 1 ,. .0R „ 1 , 5 , T „ , N , 1 ,, 11 c w h . . c• , t , e ,, r .:,, 0 t t . , • , t 2 , el' ', . . i..u., i j. ,1 „ ._. A. , .. . 4 . .N ; . r_. 6 : _._ ,,,, • , 4_ , _. 4 pw ,pp Ert „, o box , „ pox r ~ o 00,,, a n d Inc lute ,i0c,,,,,,,,nrz....1,,,,,,74..:7,04,ty. Vsve re teens. FrunTree , , , u ,,,,,, h i 01; FEleth,lorems-_d and foe wile. b MF: Iby 1 RAG AI.EV a t.miTII I ''•• ' ' met+ 1 I . -__ I' ''''''' 2" v ' ' ''' ' '" 1 I'etr• I ' ' ' '' ' ;O ' ln ‘ I L ' "? Clt t e ' ;'; ' ' ' re e sn'''''.:ie's''''''''t•reoL'trun4l,o'''hiL;:i ' tol-;:ssi'n':rti:l'4i.ell:4;'itn::46llt;e!iir'nr's.'l:l:r.a'idne7;.t.be,h'oll'etlv'r:el.;;;lli . h"'" '''S' ''''''''' ' ''"l ""'"""" '" th' l'" t'' ' 'C'..' itr.la.r.l',"oli'Vr.'llft '. 4 l l " o ' xili. ' N ' o d:nt b na n it 4 c t' a 'i.' int ' s I F''' ' '"d' ib° "',l"'e'nne'•.'lvo'n.h"c"ere'n'fa•-ric:rl%-v-ilh t 'ed . ! browse oi. tn i . or hal,or Id ,t-neither will it had fI W I iTr4..,::r. , .,, , 1:z., I . lannen /4. Co's,. ad -• No I: in store and for sale by . 1 N ,,,"'7''';, ; °,',7 1 ,, \ ,:,1 ” ,, ' ,- - ,„ R , ,;„, ~,,,,,tuet :to' I a d - lmum litseer,l, 'lts ltyrogel. l'ke every thOrn-dit has I • ' MVE" ,, l l ' , C ,l 'in &Co , m i•k e ' ,; ; ;;lr.,..non to op, to ets•tor. nod 'be onm'lms'''' t t.ecti wed In )L , . ounO, li will brae printece ' ell, wh ' 1 ' -,-..-• ' s ' ''''''''''' " ' mono, regularly' during the dos ~ 0 or , ' l'''') "''"'• . aoll .1, 4 Ira. ow . Mo. perfect Hedge. --] or le't at 11;e sm . nd, N , S V lo otototd nook.. o r At OK I h •Itoohi be- pla led in n :Mimi) . and ultimo]. id at ropsEte.—u, h. g . handsome Rm. landnig Intro , m , „,,,,,, ms N wjm, m b,,, ward street ... ell bo at •,ii e _ r o t •tlentny 1 ltmlited Mrs.- a year and tii cell %-, sroomerdsoac Newton mud for sale by • i I , tended In ommivally , • IF '1 m e. twt dt,wn bettycenlise plonts.eorhich set II grlitod ia ' RE , L P V !" , N• II -Bonets eninnos , t l l s breee n. l 'al , E.'''' , , malt. rt otrnit•iflice. 1..1 . touchl em expeniellta he rorMl7 ' •" '''''''`', ''•_ Prowess fur Modtetes tun , I , tl•e , '" d "' ',l"' -euluetivea of,anylther,'.nrit . . , 1 - 1 4E-liltirl;el. ellfohll2 lb,. landing frOni 411111 , " ,”r... _ _, tit 141.4-So.vlll • . I, 'S .'S WICKERSII. I ILlElladialde, In, sale Ity J& U FLOYD Wholesale Dem; ;Warehouse Removed .. _torhly ; ;;,..; : . -ii 1 or .._,,... ? .1 and 0 1 . 4.1 , ncliv 1 , 194 Utterly et 11. A I`,IIIAID4-TOCIC st. CO, - tilt Uristerlea. 1 • t T 7 to an em.s , rc wouhoose on Mecca - arc JOR A 'Tit AN / ONG'S TA Fr's I ,AF taiGAIL-M bbls assorted Nos .tn more I C' ne for look by •JA. R FLOYD of WOOO and Fmer '''''''''. l.' "'''''''• "leY havr, . (Stiecri or in /Mhos Rhodes aCO.7 i 7 1114 V j , i red lima Wholesale l'as'n^ss• wlne, hey wl l' CIOUTII Wilq• curler of Smithfield and rto dot/ 192 L' ' ' ''' '') °' t otwoys Move . hand as es I. 1, , , c ossor'stemt of all 0 oppre klm,,,b, ~m,,,,,,,,,,amm, iiam ,,„x,,,,,, ~ ~ ,,ae. : U l , f i llr , XI: - 1.3 .:La:14 , 5 , p . u . r ,c o b P;rt ash" 1 9 tr i / 'Ta i l .. , p oint, i t ‘ t: o e n a o r tra,tre,,,•:%,i,,,,,t1b,.;,,1,r:1:::,, ,t , ti t, Tl , t n e , I , ~ Is „, ,e , y , :: , ':::::t: :: , 1' ,, , , , , - , o i v :,,,, , l „ i il ssi c d, rizr3.,„: ior. i,11.1.., 1 ..., n ~, .. ,,,,t, • ,.,, ( , m ; 27 I" l'i"'W " i co Th rr.t2f adiond W'ent .s. . - _utelt. 6 " I • ' '1141:c..:1,-47:::':1:17""5. ‘44" ,,,:: ". 3b ' b' ' '' '' ~ _ . • 1, 4 .; ,1 Soa.l ill Num; !pureSeutrun,ii,jilese, Choose, FOI,iIII I'd Do. [rods, a , I Pittilmtea Nlanafactured Si llples.l .! - resll3 ter and always on ban .- 1 1 , 0 'T 'i"F" "7"'''"itrViaar.g ; ' I • . '',;: or mum and *middle 4 ate 4 FR-U11115.7..C1-iialWlfes-eit-a4-tierf .. aztahla facplanting'in-elnetrV's Med CO appliention at the sal Mph i - r '4 1471 I t {Vl fit& I kN . . 00 131C0r wood arida' I ,.)—.V . cdnd Lump Tobacco of a oioo , NOE 'lZ7\i'i'.'D/CKEV it CO Itnrer and frooL.I.L. 'I'UU ACC A larir and conrenlent Cellar, iii.s34l,:e Sugar xod Molarmes. r• F re ' ts t .r.7l:d b c.r i loa.r.oy and wo NIcCANDLLII3,4 waw o , tIBE 14 LLla is nal for ra , WICK,& reIcCANDLESs -4 rt.( Water RI II wow! PLES-2CO • act* for b) WICK & &Ice& NDLF- , S ror war. - nod s‘oo,l Ilbeter .10 All Sterl. iu for ..tr by L W TM A N :II w,ter A and Gl Kll front st% eatzorT T. — mein STEE rtore enti mr4 . 843 C K dot 11eavLrn . :4 ,,.. ; , ;T; at, " 1 " 1 144 31 wnie. 'nil PI fn.:4l , CIT T 0 Si a. 44 4 ,4 No 4, 40 baths 111410ner .500144.!Cantlle 1:‘ w slorr ae4l for tall ATErtsi AN; • EaclC2 , —, . 1. . S u A P -: :_tt't .7117 . n l i a t !! r , z and js 1 r. o r E f n a ? II .. 1 , , ~ i . medal 31 wnter and 01trunt so i - TO, ' i 4 . LIACFO-1 . bns 4.43vl4,lTolscenfor sm . ?. by • PITT COTTON MILL. .n0.. , - , I "" s '" u l; ' , L / " .,b 4 , L ,:. BLACKSTOCK, 11,ELL &.- l. . - _ rOUNIUSO Ito - use Deolt.-1 supertt r De•li for I , . riTTSI " :""" ' PA ' V ..de 1,1 ' • Mr tatS,ltursTl4l4 & ~.7,0 i. 41 4 /11S Manuiarud, beo.4 ot full and complete I I . . 1,... 0,a 4 ,,,,,,,,..-14 nod tepineed Oil the , - 1" ' ' ' ' '- '22 - - • 41,,nen - b, the ludo onprov.inent4.l are TIOW % DZIT - IPPLCS and , r4,..1 . Vt1 , ; :: : ; i „.71 4 . 10 c0 rt ,,,, , - . 1. , ~, ,,' , 1 0 . ,,, y ne idle of 4.4 Brown Sheeting e ,- Isom. i,1011.. (brawled A I I..gbeny L ne626 : Liberty street 4orpn-401 , 44 nom , . ni Me 4..0 ols 4., .i. atm , ed dvld`ve, ior 1114 - Wdstxxx an I Sp `x, AN • ED-I.A C.'d '''''!°'." sLiVilitGl"' ' t n r , t '.. de. Mo 44.. dod , ;,atit ,d . nr . cit,nre ittv“ Frame troke i r. }..11,11:r V 0 T A ~• - ~ _I ~,, ,,r ., ,,,,,,,. ..,.., ~, „.,,,.,4 , i„,,,,,,,, G 1 Lotiong Lola•s NI ana,netunr ~.„..,,, ~,,...,01 0 ...,,, , , , t , t ,..,„ „ , b -, m/hdi Nolol ""°' 1""' I on, .i. ~,,i ~..h,,, 0 .,i4., ", •. ', '...0 ..., k c'd ard for-olle by ' W """ WA ~ -'''"" '°' ' l KIDD & Co ; MIA , Lt. , To wxr. ,e1.141.:‘ -- N'' "..'d ''. -1 4 j , I:N " t c :i s 7r b r u r 1 t Lit :.•'' I" . ~' ' ,i !",' . 'n" , " ,7 SOAP- :w 1.... at, de'e'Shaving Soap for sale by . ... 11 4N4: I N G5 . ..'' .. .,'' „ 4 J KIDD& Co 1 '1 10,11 o.,:a 4 tart dettodl. ,, o dmr c,^4,Paper Las. , . rnehdd No GO ,d,sa.l4t ‘ torn a, de om l d'idd.e t ,411 4 .. 0 ,, an d vci. !MG/Lit-1W tUe!. pr no, i r sale 1,.'4 e,..ii, 4 tor maim., tardif toe imw...,,,,. 0 ,Lll. 1 1 Flu END,'It II ET ii Co . e 4 ^terti 4 dos 11 t s t '.. mg ~ , ! di,.d. t ae, e..,.., I mo ; Nn 57 water st , 1` ,0,.. tld'Y 1 . , e Pa o ''. ll ' 4 V.'', toes ~, - -- - -- -- dealers In ezumole 11.,, ,meu, wd, el., I. , N -0- C I LA- SES- '' Cil ' iil. N M '''''L`'''' . , th I ~.n nl .1,, Homer ~ 01 s ..,i 01.3. 1.,. f„,tatt 1. ' ink y . FRIEND, 1111•.1' 5: Co . ' ~,,,,,,,„t „ W:..0„„. ,„,.„1„,., ".."fi -- ,0 /. ....... N " s; . '" iol.l . rrencb Am.rati, ,, l a Blood a•td Coin 111E/14315-15 1 /I.ds Clay I'. r• Dead. nor sal: , „ Pit 1 . 10 . 1 ‘ , n in:• , ~,,,, .. ,,k,,, • • POINDI,XTED I t.ki . m .1. , 4 , •. t ar.,l Inn , P. , ,rso . 41 WV, st Lan,0rnpe4. 4, m ,. ....e• add F T t.., .0. ,.l Pam _ • Curoun I•4per 1 d. 1,. • , ,, pm ti er.., n , OCYTIaIE /MEATUS-3 0 dos Pritdrit. Mr We I Wrdmd Pr rt l 'ng•.l.” 1 .4. 0.; . d.'.e PdPvr I.J by 1 ."..". I L /. r°l N ° EX N, T . 4 L I K W I r:I O 7 O . t . lit : 1 , g ' 7.1 0 1 0 11 1 1 T H 0 0 11 0 n 1 e 0 r . !, 10 ..... r 4 ..,',r, ..,,,,,, - . melll7llm3 ilies4DotloE. -,- ill oldliloo received and for so:, at i kr , ld'ev 4 the t Drbg worobouse rd o-A CAIID-.IIARCII 43.1. : Il Ps FA /INRSTOCK it Ca I tV - R NIURPIIV arprod , , eo.tooi. .., ritclf.r. 4 : Tar In end wonfl 1.14 lII' . pubbe nette 4 . 4l, 1 1,1 ho , d , ' d'." , 0 1.7 -- -,------'-'—`-- part of bos 'event rot b.•. ot • , .P. ,. . ,. . 1 I TOBAtICO+I4OI.Y4 1..,34, en 124...141 6 4 lloory . ~,,,,,„. „,.. 0 ..., ~. , , v .... ...., ~, 1 „. 1 ., ,I. Dew llibacel, .ni kegs .I. S. Dow's' , 1,141.0, i „,11„,,„„,,.„.„ ~ ~., „, ~,, 1 1, 0 ~,,, Folk byl' rOINuEI( PLR 0.c., I „,.,,,.,.. 1" A. 0h„,. .., . ~.. , 11l 51 „ 1 „, , „ „ II ,nch.2s No 41 an 40 . i . ding new • 1 les oi- NTINDOW. GLASS-,10 614 6110. . ~. I rat,d T.alard S .i.i. I I zsb.t , 10012, 1 Cnanieledo do , l o t ..11 0 1. , 4' 4 IllaA D'. no 10...• 151 I. 701, bald, 10411. 11.1 11 owl lir, , For Fide by , POINDEXTER & Cu. ' Plata Ida.: Ili. - . ' ::Noll_ver d 1 Ctntele , d , 1,.., \:, ,3,1, L..... c• Black Wo: r.. 1 S '...... 0te1e.2.3 • _t_ -. . TIOTTA.F. tORICS—a beler ,ttortest . oteo . o, jut; C .ett.te. lutleu 1 . .0....., Jul lec'eland I'o ale by Ilßiat Illt &It 1-I , H:it . luono, u , t7,l.sta , I'. mett2 , : cot l.therly sand St 1-Ittlr ••• . j 'Yr.', ‘1.1.. :I P.. Li ne• .. . u ltuper -. tse.t. 1iapr...1,, — .3-4 bolts"( dolereoton , o.o s t lnolol l • • ur,tuN h 11E111 , It litstelloo, Lott. ot Se ~c !or. e " r l ' '' '' `'Y ' a S ' r'''" ' .." I itsult:ol to, the i...,-.1, - ,.......,. l.t. re: COItKS-1 bale lore: +Fre, nn I to h su onct. .. not. sto• r: I: toote . :t . wes.c. , l , 'Die by BRAUN tr. ItEll Eli be to odes oL• c... , . , : , .. , c. , , :r-: I ~, . ' enr lobe sty t CI.- toot et C •to the, eon Le 'told. 1:...1 , 1 • N .1.1. .t • Al otlet oreeto. 4-1 bale of oupersor veloot Cor 10,1 wrth.„,„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..„ ~_. ~,,, sale by. BRAUN h. RErrEn 1 „„,, , i ,.. i ,„ „. 11 t ,,,a . lase - att.ll. helot cor I.:betty ond St Clot r sts ; c ,,,,, pr ,„.. - -- • - " ' l -- --- CILMICS-1 bale for oat, 1:11), UN fr. tr4Tr.it ter 1./I , er , ) real tau fl I Q 1 OV . tILS, NPAD . f.II AND 0011KS— ''.? lorr EV' - t -1 N.0., ,, , Sr dn Devonshire Shovels; 1 do Spades; do Grain Shovels; 1 4 do fouvpronged stropped Manure torts; in Ilene and for sale by ' Is 0 %vial-11mA N nlehel ; as sewer and 60 fro nt Ate ~--., _ - HITE PIPES-30 b.re ob:. and fur sale by ; 111 , &1•:13, II U &TER &Co • 414-• It 6 Libbny ' • - Cl7oliLly. VIINIMAIL—"abbis psi', In note tuid \J for yak hg ' MYER& HUNTER &Co 4Chr Pe I,llmyton EAOl.3i BALOOS. - f... • l'o o f F or l y rarn :A illr P artll 4 lo . ' 111 r ib:2:Oat and for thr4 prep< at Will IVCCITC-Oldcry nil tanlaterms , the Eagle 'Saloon. for fancy Cote, Foul' Jelly; Ice Creams, tylatn:da. xud crerr other Mete erees , try foi t‘apper, tVeddino„ a ,. The w.t!bc,oprn ear Ire Ct... de, on.or aboat qt.. ,t,” 01 April A. 1.1, amount or tabni , ha! 1.-en r.01.-adr4l, .a nrd,, tnal, !Iy• ,sdnon 0,11 mos; a•trainv pirp.ant plat, ol rr-ort .n dn. tern ent.ntrv. to; tile arnmaehme pea-no 0, 1121, mint .trtve de•erve a tonuno.ne• tt marro ANDREW: 3 . Wood COUNTY APPEALS. t . N ,, ,T, , ,,.; E: :. Inetel.y glYrin th i nhy Count, Aumn:r. ! the T1.,:1i, n%••••••• tic, Inn :to. ~!ar n 0.17, mull he held an the onvy. an,,i [lr. .e. blow neon ,I. I,e• ~ SIVCCII the Lours of In oscln,ck, A. M.. Ulla 4 o'e:oca;l . . r M. of rash d.!•'.... , Thursday, Al.irch Irl,b, MEnr,chruef ,n.l V.ttnislo..m. j at il . 01131111.10InrettlIner.• Prnday. April:Ll, Peebley ronvn,i, p. an C:unen salon, et', Office. .5 . -1 Montly, AprilU'dt. ILE,, 'Founo.n.p. o: Comm 4,,n0-.12. II Ws Wier. Mnday, Aprsl I,inli, l'ranklin ziod Goo, Tywn.lorns, nil Wei Atornsoo's Ohio Towto.hu , Tur,d., April 19Th, Pine and We, I, en. TS,:n• 'gni , . so 1 13120 t kaw.iff.Ll.krralnwn Wallin...lay. April 14th, Ind aux and Sharp...4.4h, ! et George Porters Friday. April Nth, WIL inns Township, at n..nrnan.- 1 sinner's Oence• tlataGiny. Arad 17th. Lawrence,. dlc and - lie‘cnve Townshics en Camada.ver,,,, 0ff,,,, Aloyeay. Ay all lOU, Pluin and Vri.na;l!es Town.lops. at 10440 Chalrant'A. Plum Toveuslinp. Tue.day, April YOU, Eli/abedh thorough and room I ship, at —. Wednesday, Any; 11,5,1 , . JetTer.on arid M.Clin Town- shunt an .1 If MeElltenn) Y,Jeffer•On Town,..u.p. 'rhureday, April .2.2 d, Italdsv,n and Snow,it it Town- 1 ybina, at Hold McKee'Y, linYwnni Tunvneoi•p. I Friday,. .9.,,1 :rad, Cpi.cr St. Clair Townirtup. at Jai i Connor's. Monday, Aprd 26iii, Noith and South Fayette Town ship, an NoY,lerinyvnt Tu,sdar, Aprnl 271) F.ruiley and Mo..nu Townships, Ist I Mc W boner', Clinnor; Wedneyday, April 3..11:, Robin air Town+l,ip. nit Sarah Mc l'alland'a , • Thursday. April t.9.h. Cay of A inegh,iny, n n C oouo i,.. .toner'. , Hike. . Saturday, May t Si, Cnny of P,ttYl , oryll, I , n, :Id, and 3.1 Wa,li. at ConnyaOGioner'el IX., Monday, si o , im, C. ty of l'iiixl,urgh Si li, .'nh and Gilt Wards.. Coramismoner , Office Tuvday. May 41h,Cay of rntt•borgh,7t4, ~ ,In and 0,0 Wards. an Comrnission , rA Olin OySn c. • Wednesday. May sth, Ilan, Vcer TosviiNhip, in the Borough tr," Tlfelltlllll Friday. May 7th. Lower St Clain Towno.hip, an Coin rnisconer'l Office. Each rine:pal A su.s.or .• rrointe , ted no antend an the time and place of holding !he ApralY. for h. proper Ward, ToNno.hlp or Gummi, lor order. JANll , .....l : Glinmixr, Clerk . r ninny Commi•ylenera Office, I . I,no.l , urgln. March 1:'.0. IA). $ mehi9,16,,,,,ia .......... -. :YEWIiOILIG STOIDt.-79 MARKICT ST. W. II GAR. IFID wound ft retrolly in vile . _ Gadnie and ritY. In and IMMEME • . • lUli RENT ge , t ale,oveatent eore.gg 81 feet. vesth counter and 'shelving. mud good eel: lat —.towed at the menu, sod .1111•1 bont landlng Beaver. The above ,e rottedlered n Creel loesleon for egkencve bd..... in Clothing Deg Goode, At A gaa-1 awed:lag boo, •dludted hen the above, eau lie had LI wanted Apply to tl CUTIIIIERT. General Ageat thelt:lo No:11; •dr,ge 1 3A It RO w W ,. .4 , & T.:1t.Znt , , ,,,, N k 0 Good, •tvl itmte, the ant/at:us, powelm,e: • i) tr an.artmrat of Dress par.:ear', cort..nc in rtri 11,1 . 1 r...t01.r034rre , 1 t.aa JI.-- " Rich Otgnentr I..iw other color. Very band...ne Ymoted I .avvnt.of M derma palteri. Rich Cal.foromTlx e•—m, to. very hand•omm I . e . :10 .o . p . erll4, F : encL M li ovmrho i l n l. t ll6 cw .ll r e M m g n l e n w Ma, a b , : sope, 4, NionrbeMer y :wham., tsvarraMeJi l t '• . • meire:. NO 1G mar:, mrert. 3 dem. above 33 1 A DUE 5 ' NEW NOVEL Reemved M Si l , A 41.. MINER',. - ibe Cmtle of nacos rm. its Ip!. 'fenn:oral ono Liptritui", tta inbehitar.t. ..a irs oil Unearthly: lip G P It inme.,l"..q., HUM', of ilmdei• to-re Beauchamp. Mc. litabne• Maga ~.g.c. My At . . N ~,,,, , tiode.,.. I.ndy'• 1.L.m..' ' The nt.ore blagn.r..”-• 1, 1 m.ful!v :11u.tram.1 a• um . •: per' I' I.rahrtm .. I'. gle No I I.eme a r:r.,•• 61 .S..ramen I . lm, Grimm( ~.. M..elvater— No 2. n •plet:MJ v.e.A. ot Potm.M.Ah. mi,ra..... ei prcs. , ) Cm th., Alm, , 'l'ne r.t r I inbcl. of•in. ' r., a, ~. of lbp 47,,,,, ‘ „,_, tolp pc the Iltltnebn , %V Ar by Kt. a • P.m Tp,. fi,.., \\' hoe NI All Of lhe lre-br r :be .1 , PIA c x.- rhos p( Col. Dan cl Boone. the farnl•enler no Keloc•y. by Tnnozhy Fr.ot Ter Npbt of 101‘. a inlp: by Nlt• Gore. IV,lltVolch—nnOe ni In.. 1`..0.4•. . • Filb Ilcory or'a noarr, , ,e A !I A ' •. I . , ' . The lV.ver Plbps ph M- 1.. o. ('hurloile Templc— ,. .le n: 1, . 1..) !.:.. V.. i rbritoberi ltilonnw ob— No la 1( Ingl.ll .sr Gwynn- hl I on p•—, , ,,. ~i Arno or Cor.nib; b) thloln. , O. ...•, Lan sn on a•lPpr.: , op,. --,b• ..., , ; , , •... • A I.SO ear to, a at, ~ of Serena hood 'rm., moot Nonpof ell to fa ...Flowcf,t, Chown , lon who: 01 rar - CL•il 101INSIalf S .4. ST ,, Kif 39 Mo. STAR .CQTTON MILL I [Near the UMser Bridge. A I lealterry City ) Tproprietors Of the Saar Colton Factory Teepee, 1 full) inform the public that they are now in morons.- f o r op , rr or o n, Ilarrna cmPlenied the aervicesol hI. W. Darn as as Manager . .. whn has had ail experience of 111 , gro the prrreopal Factorie• of Alregheny the Weald rnform . 3ferehnotranil Dealers in general that y they always have on hood superior Colton Varna of all Noe., Datungs, Warp.. and Drown Hushes of superior make. VLIFAXTLY I Co N. D.—Orders left at the 'or at the stole of NI- . era, 11 ter Co., Dix Liguori/ street, yell Ibe promptly &flooded to. meh2s43m N V tiotg, - ...l,*i• . .Aßts'e: , [° , ':' : l' 4 l ,ll P'''' ViAli , ' - '-'r • • __ ___ L. - ~. -_- .",' ', • ' •''' '1 i '.114Y.'. • 011 . . .iitdi: - , Isolsilatlata •ii . • !, "I" Ac T . :I .. ' . 1116Ilikri - - ... A ',WELL Punished Ir e -. d mot) . Ersisimi - wid. 1 ---- i. , .771 SS Ir . !" _ .. t mi ., st .. l, a good ettnimeeernMatket tusk, tat preadin oe: AlA r ilg i F t s:lgt4= l l,4:gwie s e,, °Ark and pied as • Direst mmo mitakilialialrent.,,g, . Also. a Long liaomild Marg i eldreanee St PI M* 11•11, , Eliptie tuigaellatousered item A X l, . " 4. det i. _.. 4 _ .....' fitaro well finisbee °Merit brat:Philo TH. --••• i Al•lka le Caatlttim, mid GesairkTtroMine ft_ r ally Atm the Grarsnera Emir .et . the G tette Offiee— , some: . r Rosa Mid Pront rtreeit i nttst orkbr ro• good mend ;bre Ilatbor. i ,E D t i sAZZATI • 2f 1 1,,, 5 ______e______id_,_ in" °Meei .I I II !. . 1. , bil- Id .T 4 dam iii , ..VIIII IllaTS II• LI A,TS 1t . , eOl. it 7.17, For Rent ' 2 T lid !mink the dordho Siiting I Fuhmti of ;ril .A W AREGOLISE .v..t. iima on; th e co , I I. will lie infroiliteed, by the mot frish-, -,-,.. &Ws nal, ion Watistngtoombirtdweell militraed for e thebie kimablitliknents in New Truk nit PlistladeiPrit d Snit Dispel end Flour aud l'eaddee FEIIIMIIiIOF bottle. the en de ie jegeddeke e -,, e , p - e e d eie o k e i t , itioani,.d Ikon, o D. - clime...deo , isettibmt Siete. Is Peru , ti:. to an ante le hkeir numerals , irletols anti timesb. ~ 4. Omni I . ~ • . P . general e .That {rev a, prepared to 119 . MY 1 “q* . A''' .. .. Si•rh Yard, l•dior 'iiis It urd• ur, °,I I 111 -slss e e laror u , ,mith It sai , with the dadhionuldie Hat toe- dot from the new Court 1101110 and it the I igniioilidedi 01 oestdottdromiitiGne Deaver*. Neutritit, and extra M.e . ml impror., part or Me city, _fratidutingote . non the Moleskin Silk ilism, either est Me l,i, l&rAnili lsG id of April. Impure of . DAVID (IDLER t 7,111,1 Peen et to near the Canal; thei g'c .. [, , ---. _ , _eor id;_o_m_llMlMit am — di -- .--- • I DR. W. kid WIELIOII,T, DEN - ..fi'4-I.6°' ths'eltiog -tir......7 - . irisr. Odic, and tetildrner to St.Clist ' t 1 ' 1... 5 P , mWe rms. .te e •_,, i , . Itteet.. between Vennlandlobri,ty.. • irunth book ir a••••• 7 ousistf I ___----i--.-- Kati/sled near the -,---- i ~., 4 , le i s i oB ii uoyhe Allegheny . ~. I' 'P. .... .•• s -' err Weed ...tied Mem en i' - .5 . E. i'k i ifi , ,i; irli,:k.' .4 . !i f '' , ..",,,;,,i i i ee k Tees, ) -k NEW and e!egaat 3 "Aida6llouFe.with 'ref. Sri .aarlara which__."_ Imam. I,ath room.te. The hod. rea7aria , (the faaocribilt rtr. tialJala a no.: eliatt. tar a farl.iy reaakece. ' , lt la' one naufaa..a enher cap. • To Let jaaTIIF: two :tor)' brick II into, nbne,r Wn•lootto &noel Intel occupant by ‘N. • Moe!, Apply to • WILL AnIS DION ORM fob-If No :rt Wood wee, e`C., For lien • f I:j.six •Acre• of Ground ith D,Velhog " garden fr. Phtitbliery, &0.1 ,n the ietoh Ward of therity, ray, nen the reio donee of lobo D.Moho, I. Alto, n 2 vory frame dwell tng,liouvv, Nog' Smithfield street, above V.4l.‘th, adjoining he rrty of Martin 1.10 c• Apply to iOOOll - ItOr wood and :Lb *Ts • Valizable 1. - ota'for Saler TIIE Aurrre'rib tersotrer onIeVW 0 LO'CS,' of 2.0.. d. sr tuale on TOM 10 slick6l in the 711 , l(Ll Ward of Allegheny City. rock 20 feet fri mat i ng, On feel hack, nolo ro or g story Inane dwelling houor.9l fret front, irr in the liew awllmpt.t aJurn style. with kirefien an. carriage hourre, will. ♦ large c,wern in rho yard,'andn I Ike Walks pared with brick. 'roe lota ore pro 111nd with chores fruit trona, •Errubbery:flowera,hc A Isuniihoincitorch is attached to the front, corroding rounilthyw me end. Thi• propertyr will hoopla ni rrroonable torn.—the rhyme, 01 i bring tonna d baud, the balance ul . ictirl lurart.,Atrily to y • PHILLIPS to their . Oil Clod, od Parnl.kore, NOS Wood street, Pioncurtih- - fcbs SAL -x-E4.:4:NdE.7 [Arr . re 2 by 110 fretn itt of mile lload.-7th, 11. Ward. There iuon t o hy lo tytlitory brick iliac!. lin; Iron , . with Well .er 4 cr.' n t rthe yanl. Frail Trio, svidi °ince eoltvement inalttng every nornfonnble plats winch cell he 6.091 for cash or-ea changed for a will Fano; nc r the oily. For portion. lar• enquire of , • I t. SCAIFE: linvlthrif - Front betweer kk - oruLand Market an. ' 8011.1MLE. . r OUR. LOTS—liounded IfenraLiberty and Hay r TT TT ,eurlt IcalurvinK act frotiLitnd eltrildihß back 110 fret.' 'Cob of thorn re collier lota, und,the po*lllall of to whole ploperulMalan ( the most a cl - van• Wren. on the city. Foe dintrr mi - odontion apply to M. 3W ARTZWELItht, Fourth or. nov3ll howucepWood and Smithfield . nidin ne bia :g on t well It • tl •tock of p I. Ind fan ) b 0 0 ,5,1 act ng else Imre, n• helms ke grcal bar. • to Mier to tn :sprit g tbl on tu,d attn. t erg pr ce• Air o, G nile ten Cra,ats w Yorl made hat Ir o-der re. s Dra ad n faete ip nt is new and wank can at ' IglVEgt 4.II)TSk .' Fa,ORSAI.E—Songe volushlat Lou. of Ground, situated the buttlt l of the Allegbiny Riber, continuo. to the cog, Those lore great. advantageously situated for lion Works and other lorge tninufactormgetortb ICU rot. lnovil-ddcwtfl HAMAR DENNY. ••1 To L r et. / laA Ttißtal Story Ili. llotbie on Second et, between Grunt and :Rd. Its ,ixtrith two parlors, &tong roam and barbell on the Its , Alio, no upper parlor and seven. be rooms , pod cellars and i coal r ann. For terms apply toD.JONES,'RuIIs Head. or the solltrriber.' 1 fcIC2Lf jl.l COALTAAT ' - PRUPE-ETY-Ibl i'lliChAiii , l'ObtiN, 01110, ' FO4 OLLE.I! , . L ... TIIE nave : miler offerp M " Mr sub; a gple trd Unit. 24.0. HOY,' 1ii1..1 on the North Elt.:t corner • ofltile l'oblic Sq.. • Youngitown, Mahon/nig county, Ohio. It is Isrgo, c ninodscrus. finished in ex cellent style,.ll in the bes l.rilicilf in Youngstown, either fur.. dwelling or publ c hoous attached to it is a yard, woht water, Gmbh., nd all other mover..ea at hand. Tins town is majarovinx b G "'PI V, 'l l •Ss.. d in ' . mediate ty.llll th e Canahond Imo thp various Furnaces, Rolling Md I, Lc.. hove beir butildbre completed, will be Me mow, flourlshiug One 111 thib t l iectton of Ohio. It ,: - :I h:i . aCidioVeier IT.: or cet.love, or excb.ned ror property in Pithsburgli. IFOO pihticultars inquire of 11, .b. I I/ MICE, corner of \Food nihl water sts, Pitts hurgh, w ho , will lb. all Infinuanon; .' . ' d l ARRATID , Ma vet .1 ALLEGII EN Y 1) ERSONS devirou. of r t-ry nre mferred COr - .:ttf , Yant. 011 thc Ground,, Cr F and flatlrl By ruder 0: Ibe Board, drell-.l.krvki - THE I.i - inter:bin. .gl , rll.e , n Fn..vn•htp. dta cars , ntindt dte lands d Il otr . rutd nth., eplitilil!” Under ell , l,a1:13/1. OEI vrbLt Crafird in. and nutnkr brvoilal tletten enottnattatug Afiml • riot , The, sun 1.1 l/narnes,oerenng or Ittnttn,, m ro peri ettnivanon grape. Narlt,nters • COUNTRY ❑ Sill I o Ts L r'o ' :e T c:o r rT ee . ruttl itruned ale Of the !armor:m:l , la, one 1,14 ..invo.r TIM brick dor: 4 flue opro,o property ot W r • RAGS • tt;;Uhli) T. Ps - Intern :71 I , s Nll., 11.5Tw0 lays 7[lll LINZ 4illlll n; I unto. =MEM 11Iiieisi—alille;c7( Ur;;n nni, ..._ _ ii—EnT.Tirtinuiitt, nal!, and one poi inl intelents. Teo ging tn4in 50e :per pound-to SI,NI AJA tent s. I .les o i il_ A ,ft 1 i_l_lll!iiiiles?_.... . . AI NEW.: , riodioniint Fur Atial.Nbileetni Tlati. of • , e eY efr : etier qune, , for .. ,ii f " Kix • c, .. • I sen 3 -- II : I . I"orritUttne!et k. lli II .• .. in... hr~t t I:1411.1N • Path ‘t lard 'UR•niCiiOlOl.li,l.l.lPS 1.l porinr( arbele o I rencll.9l. rsoldo 1- nod fonahle Inn, I . y ~ r., 1. , • _,. - . AI hr,-7,!.' 1 1;117. — V0hn'71' , 17.T. 7 g. d ...':.,7::1''. iel 1 ....gi r , n ,, ' h it T .i.:o r i ,p : 4 ‘typril:::4„':lifid.;:Fill.r..l;:h,,th:l:.ii.,.i!hl;p,nrzialll.ra::::;lc'iiiss4l::::::n:,,,,ol::i.vecl:ll!:n4l4.......i ::::. ttprin Vat Oda!' Unit and Caps. a orb will be intro._ durco on F - vidny,n7sl.. Thom nt ant or a topoidi article wilt .1+ at , .27 1 ''___l . N o 78 W. .":5..'17_1'.!”-.'±..: ' J Ciapartniishl • ' MB ~.' underHgned hove ,?!. day , ...I. Copartiter. Islip, undp7 the tiny of oharldri 5 Winn tor the 11¢11.C1/00 of, the WhoromM thy l do Posinem. aod bavoitalien atic moire. Na 09 W .• I i , Ufa, next dew,. al.,' the old al or tobackleti I. lydri. . . . . . . - i , "• B C tia.CI.I.I . ST Pit' roralb tinuary,7o,loP7. 7" . K. Wil f t e l Pf7 tt . 1 - .‘A . K . I NG 4 , i4ili S. -- . wilt. be introduced thin ay tho. o em SPB.d Fmhrfor tail Bentlerite, coo .be suppited 1 attioanc (0.. d Hato. at reamnablr t tee, by calling to i the Id Wait 1. No tr 7 Wood at. rotor of lbatoctot 500 1. MC , WILSON_ I '-- :oAyyl,Ll.liiiiiil.7l.l ias---------, —, do ''..l[ l d i ld L d j tad to d,T.?rr. l. a oo . : ; " . llll,P . MMa. St dad apo oft be West style, and urn es .rry low at No 70 l ood orldebEnsflide. . , ' Or • ' Btli. C Ji. 5o ETT Jo lor II 1 . .1.1;7 7" 1 A. E naM'ecceivinr, an attend. , . awortment or dr - hinible l li l ori:g . ll 9 ry 9 C:or V o7. l, ' t a t:l . 7:oom the Fastmit In newt slid Banat. iotera- , .and tbWkoch they invite the .61009 of City and C.ountry 51 erehanto. . . . Our Slonn, it entirely treeh and u. - -no old good.— w l offe9 it on such Terms and at such prices no can- Oa to i'proYe sati.faciory to a I who may fan& at m a the clotom. feteif i - rt giergNO AND WRAI ) V -1 0. 119. : r o d u o rn aC I t a , p ,tc ly t Lii g IL eon do 8. C.7ltrinv Wpping do. 2017 do Medium do. -lo . o, MX/ do Ili C. do, do i ln; • 100. do Tea Rag ' do Mlo: n bandiand for ante by 11.7.'01.11. 0 SIMI: obi ~ 11,. !. , Fix, j ni! dt d L."!_wi.ll CB_ 1 1 . Mill Pashloss, 114 g, • m i t BEEBE& COSTAIIXO‘t le hontleinem l allais will 00 introducedni KEF 'WS no Thonedoy • August 27th tticnilemen I,lli ne_n ehetip, fatb• , . 7onable Ilitior Pittsburgh in nolbi.bire :.hid of fa l ionablo Hat imported and a 'veniwtl by i Moon Pi di tribled - please call tit ' ~ KEEVIL & Cols , eOO _,_. '... 11, bemiof Wood ty illgAilLEY'S NAPOLE N-7:upoleon and - Ms Slarshmio; I.y '0 1 lieu ley, motion of the “littered Mountains," Se., 00. in ix& voltimbs. Just 14eired 0 fresh supply of the shoe viewable and very lioluat ADA, and for i sale by '-' JOHNSTON & 5T0.11. - roN eflol l 1,. ' . O itio i let 01.11 Wet., • Litn.ivA rt. FIRE LI 11C.11.0. - - - XTEN - AVEL Y ietteduml upm ored dl,llllr, ill, past .1 two jcuir.by Me ptitm,pal In v iirtnufamorierin 1: t arribrn comary, and tbrougl but ti elm:odor of genasylMma, will he ready for del.scr) oo Inc tip ring oll:Nior iglu... Thr . 11201eriaIon vhicb thi , aduralitlity abd Niipvhority depend., i• se Word by experienced mi litry, MAO: from Maryland, whidc the til , COoCly WIIII ' ft ,l tontle-lbe Coale manor. with which it is imbed ded, is cbrefully separated 'I h lit. ey will thrrouptily [Mimed dial compoctly preord by machinery, and Mit tifiic attention givembv. Moors. Harley 7 , im. tin pro- I pr.morsolii till norpeon to7nmittain their acknowledlimd sOpelio s y. 'order:, lot mail or colmexise, will lic prompilv own! 10d,on ,pmiculion to 7 bit 4,..W Ni.XCLO ItEN I raselli . _ Ket22,lllEiin Iron Works cbamsir Lot* at tti• Cron [rat . ..ol tho ,Eliter,itttnid 'roan 'Drug carimr, 3. cilrr, Sartrintenitant . . etler Setoa accoreatoda 1 land01.11:ml n ire , erve dy m the rear of Allegheny !I• Charlhe Rowan, Andrew 7vabotthl.4 note-; Utterer arc there is a midi orchrt — rd of ,egrup..d .ct ne, Marc iron for a rnvalv •resi- VIC or the ma cor n and, %,Ver:{l good a:lcarian, •tor ait,ag.l w0.4nt...t0 chgtge the it will he ro!d lota to edit J No IC LdterY`uee, raiiiiiiniill."lTia•3 Goad: , NO 110 SiANKKI' ST 1111 , 71*. 11011ERT - 11• TIIODIPSON, • I'.4I•t,CTFULLY tnforms his flew!. and the public 1 nen rally,lhat he is now receivail 0 Lige rind relentlig• as,onment of . NOW risyku Ccirting, oil Ilinths,,4c . dirsci mom tjic !tontine's and .ilainnacta ss, rininsaied .ii part ot I' S.:O, fillt Wessels Carpets; 1 , ..5i.i.a or Tapestry Drusse , A Carpeting; „ Popes Imperial 2 ply nod Erre do; _ . Sinierfkint Ingrain, Finn nod ConinmnsCarpetitir,.. 5.2,0.4 and 4-4 Plain Venittan Corneille; . . •.. 5 4,114 and c-S Damask do do; 5 n 0.4 and 4.4 - Tapestry do do, • - " Slealnbarst Trim/rings. • I Bowel, Drilling.; 1 4 5 4 and 6 4 Shectlngs; 64 7.4 $ 4 TAW Linens Linen Napkin, Comb arid Di u nesi Ilisdktdinek Towelling; Carpet Stripe. New 2 , t' s le ,i... r c0,r,,,:0il Ciotti. from .7 inc:nes In 24 feet wide, ut to ihy size; . loakrolsa wrrn - ink Iklobroidered ankl'.rintril Table end Piwio covers Isigisi,el Floor Cloths; • . Clie'nthle. Ilritiwels. Tonsil, rind W .1 ton lle,s, ' Ponsd, chente Ile. and Slier pskrolluir Mutt's, - ' . ilrall i ltr . ki n rlcs i Ts " rlu• and be ' al: ''''' '''' ' ,nakek and 21611.11-lair Linen, CoC ink Woofing. - • . 4 4.44 and 6 1 ['lain and Pesci d Indian Iflllittg; . . I c„,i„.,p4p0ni..11 slittuti2. 5, ,la !PerSinisilinitte, hp StiaiUbeins Urnels.or Prvrallon. 4.•. tiik eieted to call. as he feels confident they wit ifilid,iklio mo.r advantage to do P. 1.4q1 , In pi/eh:win@ Iscwhere , , . Dll2' GOODS'. ' ' - , , Ito 0,..14..1 , 4, Invite ant Mown , bis eXt•usive steed :of,.NlilW SCRING DRY 0001/S. lembrning . evert this 5. ill shot lintel now opening at the ai ewe stand. 00.,!,4M,int.' irr No 1 Ili 31urket street --—___ .. , ORPHAN'S COURT SALR., B 'l t. ' t ''!' of no 0;117 , of thf , Orph.srC.Conttof Alin I ft DI ' ,- - -1% ? , :rthe'h.ourri' will. To n 'c ' lTN 4 l '. . ). lll he ' i d t re g t i:. , Wapos . .o, o sale by publiC vendee or butery, 01 illisl.w.2.c cc ' ta 01 ground, marked. and numbei ed ink p • of ('the ReterviTTroct oppositel'insbagl an 144 - Nos t.ln and au, in such natty and in such psi pOrtaihsos will suit'norchasers. or I will sell the wrol Of cakh tot Ina body. Lot lio WO contain, 4t o an .22 110 'perOses, upon which is tremed • 2 story earl therniitarded log house. with klieg Intillipg and mh. onprOverucrits Ism 'No 210 - contains 7 acre. sm.l .4 40 perches, is under good fence and pcsfectli Invi old ia particularly adapted for the purpose's'!" a ulna • satirrn . • . Thp above property I t situated on the Heaver Tel ahous I indealie:ow the City of 511enlictiV.mi the F.: sule , lif Wood's Run. and prs sinus A - T.IVI . chancel I persinis wishing It procure a location neuF the toxic ;The letils of rare-ire, °trent - ill of the purcha Inan'ny in en.h, ton the del.very of the deed:)ottmlh. ,n wk.., y e . u . and onc.iliird in niter } murs, with intere no ht,., cured by bend and timings., ll' II .T.II 4 .WEV A.lnilWalrntnr do boils non. be, of John Wood. de! mkindkalsC . wrry tiettoeitlo of 4.t.t:.0rtin...1 of Common tp . ..uoltott• to torntion. EINCEM TS—Lt. , .kmtica.. 3100101 eb== liMil • TAKE ILEMOVAL—.OI. C .1t.1). . ' I" TAKE this inellmdni returmng thmAtt to 11.t3 publir J. winelaliy. for the erry ItGe.l rilitrOli.lC br> , ...Cd ,011 Ine, LGTV.IOIO, e. and I trust. by Orict ntlenCol In louxi• m.s.ip., merit Ihe 'mole patron:l, n 4 Ilic Lowland rimi• mn43.4my avarelimme..tnincr or W... 1 wild Mb - iitrecm, ovil . M part. o,eumed by It A Fahur:lncli. & Co— vt hi; my matt nal.i.rilyn rieln and Homer ~.eeilosed Agiieulturatlmplymenm, will he Mut.illn - tre anti 01 .. • he‘itmality. = l.: , :t . : , u ,, l n d:orditilly invite 11110 egll and sec me, nt 107 injhrdst . .orF $ N WWI:I.:IIS4IAM. Sm•dainaq : VEW WO i14— . 111 Prods—lli:dory niMesi. 1.11 no, her C ivil D ars and Colonial arid Resat:, tiudar s Annals, ,frotu. the .rind GI the sq,anisk Collquest, 1520, in thb present tinkm:tBl7; MC11111184: an it,“ount of the. Kiisting War distAtte . United 1 ?'tilt. Its Causes and Mthtary Achievernenta, By „Philip You g, M D. _ , J; A Ss. If P JAM I";S - , inch_,, - Publishers, Cincinnati. . 1300X—Parnphlet Fa lotte'not a chnice selection U . thry ttuundc, %I:111mi,, and Mdr. enva „,„,,, ,„ ll:Li:trate:l with nu and tonal ii 00, VO. Tri“. %Valuta strctttt*tiPJAP•lciS ,Cincinnati, March 0, INifob,th..nd Ft - ATA6zliull 11 3 1. L. w street, he o you BO mnu Oli , silid Fifth, anclunnti. .; Gui-rit'a Gibbon—Tee history ol deCII, : or the Roman Empire BY Eilw am Gag gin A now Edition, revised and corrected ttity nut.preceded 'by b preinee, and accompanim . gotta critical and hi-torte:ll;relating principal! the pr , pagation or Christianity: by Al. F. Go Minister dr Public Instruction fir the 'king& Crancc. The what,. notes and nrirrections, t toted from the French expressly for this ed: With a notice ot the Lae and character of Gil &ad Watron'. Reply to Gibbon. le vol s. 'Rvo. UM pages. I Napier's Peeineula War—Complete. I vol. pv o. RIO pages.-- - Hallam .Middle .Ageri, Chamber's Rebell licotland, Robertson's Vic.,,nta and New En ituraell's Frorigh arid Engfilli War in Atomic Ramsay's American. Revolution. hot 410. Library Cl American Hiatory=Containitx tuna from the best authors American !Biography; Travels, t :ortirecree;-Siativticti. I itievolutionaiy Battle., Ad. An. Ac. - Poetry and AI Well Amon. article.: 11 I lied with more than Nt) engraving.. - -1-Tut, ii '6O pales. Untsernal Pictorial Library .-C,pmaintng li'papers on so. inss *liiijtolii.compiiiiinx dowry, Natural Sciences, Agrmulture,Rural may, B i ography. ne'A rtslAlic Orientals; 'I if Geography. Botany,, hlisce•laiieen. rradio 11, An. I vol imp hen 610 pp, fall.ilterp, Tho Family Medical I.tbraryly-A TriMixt prevention and Cure of Diseases, by mob simple nilediCines. lino edit inn, melted on ged with the addition of a Vegetable Mater ma, pointing out the virtues, preparations at of bar' moat valuable medical plant. outline of Anatidnv and Phyaioli;:y. 111 with, one hundred' Engraving.. &is' of wl colored. By JIG Norynodr. M 11-4.6.1 pay American'Flower Garden Companion— .n the United Statesxby Edward Sayers, Li Ind Ornamental Gardener. wr. mo, third revived, entailed and illestrated. Palmet's Oregon, 11.1elty Mountain., itre Family Testartiort. ootavo, with and Polyglot nolea, and Psalms In'inctre, Rice and l'ingrce's Debate. Burn's Wei of the Labe. Lana Itookh. filore4Prie tine.' Juvenile Books. Cheap edition. unaphlet form.' . Eggs .c.taraseTatl terns, arid including.wilregv =tar 4th and MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers