- - ttAZETTE ANI) AI) Heto, PIIBLEIHERS • i ' • PITTSBURG.I-1 .‘ • 11 . WEDNESDAY,MOR.tiIIsiO. MAR. at, 1847. ' •____l '. ..41,-lu. rteraarauu Datairtuarrizunn •thrvai aunt tstulibflord Daily, 'Fv-Wr,kly. and Weel6y, Ifki%vll:aiits.Ser.r,en, 4,Uomlltatg..peza%vren-ki;l,..eTwor3-%euk.l7. pt r a nom. Unray it:alt.:meg t‘ . •N. - ollet . to •Adverillaers. ' Or p.dvertutemata..., u• beccre Aeltrtign. •bnuld .., b. ed in be. five &cloak in the afternoon.. Attention roads on tie pin of out eurtornera, would be prodoe • ' trreoelau.tual benafit. ' • ozezv FOR GOVERNOR. JAMES IRVIN. for cr.Ara• corvrr.l aFOR dANAI. COI7MISSIONEII. .1 011/ 1 :PO W. PATTON ' • I. crussiz.a. coca, I ,s V* or Telegraphic News ere next Page ,_. . •tfOt t .r.'-'7;,,, , C . ' 494 2 41 , -- . • . . • ......,I:,:kfilow x ios ee ;ti ,. 7 ons of .plessure and ' 7 : ' .,.`'. - iiia... . fo - Ins our fa rewell cta -.7/r -,,..,- . 4 .74 5 . „ . ._ . .-., ...,y o , respe -.,..,....' •,' , • • • , cc fiakotr, over the . ,‘. • . ...iiitarblab%wie,lanve presidedi - pi the last ''.. ,,,, ..., , .,,..,1." _,..,..",...!,,,• ', I • cox ye, ta7=Plianie bt the prospect of \ r lief front • .1 • the physical and mental stalely of '4 n editor's i i. ..1 , pain in p-ittr.g with re ra e t,l ,whorp we 1 r . have befoul° attached, and from chock we hare received many acts .of kindness. While we ~.. • :have boob assailed with the reckless and coven. l: ' : owe d abo?he of detraction, d . 4 l h our IT, LIE i are ever 1 • . . .., alood by no, and manifested for us a lively eymps thy,,!and tee shall ever keep a warm p1.14.f0r them t in our remembrances of the past. 1 ' 1 1 We 1121.0 not sought relealie from these labors, 1 but When the opportunity has arisen, unsought, to place .the Gazette in able and r perienced 1 Ihamid, We have felt it our duty to acee t a release • froth toil under which our health haa conaider. r . • ably. cred,,:• 1 e ,_ IT ,gentleman,telriltom• we have, sold , the . establishment, is Estsectl;ii Illsooss, ER?. Is e of ... . i . , the New York Exiirsea with which paper n " 411 b.,. 1 • . : boirt l l o ooeted elope its establishment in'.l 831", op t ito tract present time. lie is.u.I.KO, well knoWn for his i• ''..Leitars front Europe," which were extensively . i • I copied by the newspaper p-sss, and as the excellent and isecoinplished Washiigton vurrepondent of 1 . the 2.1 , .. York Expreis, and ,if the Denman, Ameri i. • ban. 1 'His Congr;ssional reports, iu the latter pa. . per, have been th ere extensively copied ill tba iWest! than any other of the numerous report. 1 , emanating from the Capital. Mr. Brooks brings ' with tint to the Gazelle, is its editor, *.bk•kesour. 1 1 ces."Of an active and cuttivated eared, 'together 1 with all the experience ti reesaary foe the discharge , f of his respensiblasdoties, and it giveS us InillP9. - 1 ed sa`tinfaction to hand etch tb 4 a Gazette to ono so t will . 4111111fied to sustain aad extend its pinion and infllence. 1 1 l'_ i.;ndr •thowuperiikende6ce ,of chit+ gentleman,' ,t. ,; the ideal and morel Character of the paper. t... will reinam enchenked. Mr. Brooke has been a •wWkii,i from the start." and has hid rem oppor. i litniliel of he , ming tharw.ighly vetoed in all the I. 1, 11 - " stil t, .s f - t 1 . 11 "hal VoliliCA, and has also a very. extesavir , e acqult.ntan ce with the prominent states. men :and political /rtaltrn ltt tho dry. In hie ' t t bards C.ze mt.. pe:ve a vale: Otte organ of the grant Whig party, attil'a vigilant ecminel on lit the erttell.triotel t of fteedOnt. t s., H1r,.!.1. P. kancs, tattoo; volusbie .rvices hate !,teretofare been x.rrdt.red to the Commercial department of tho paper, Wry .1611 remain as Coat. Intrcial edam., nod miii dttbo• to this 6epartlars! .tF. his otelltknown notating i and tho hems. flo of very comidemble ' experience. In UM, fearing the . 0 01t1 Gauttr;''. In good \_. hande,.vro e,not deny ouri.•11:ho just icht.f look -tr."-ng bel: and ..tempts:Mg au lat.. in the e.r., ;•... lattlishment. . , though th.....G zett, .1.1 old ar.d L I , '' , _.'eeneruble, and Jetts back t a ,Gxf .anterior to ./. the , " of any other r.etsrpa cr erns: of the ' onn• .'s tharts;yet it is in porve.i mof youthful c ergies 4 ......5ad_ii1,-.., a ht.sl , th. an Lids fair .no li o and ...'r flourishlhrough many EileCeBs?.e ge itterat ans.— ' . l. , Amidst all theestiousmeisipeper c1.....4es in this .- eliy,ihe Gazeltdhsal elveo?s krenepered. bui never __dry, milch,S es Ili the present moment: 1 _ * „ Since we hay° had charge of (ha Gazdne, it, bu4csa' has bcen more than trebled.; and its sub. ... , F op w ,ii, s h.ups r , oply:ipset t tly ins .rased, bet pls. g 4 kk*iii tooirliiik,4oFief,i,l f . aaiirtz. And it here t?,;;64.*::01".4.5r ., :ty: thot a morexeliable ' , ':".i ": ie' . ii# l l .l . 4 . i *:atiOs . .,., 'fii.l 4l . l , in i' ,, r'or l iiiiY. ::.I;lAiggarlAsitlii - tintless , exceptior s, have i' Itr 'eled , to be considengte end promptmin, who • bare taken a pleasure in remembering their DU. . gations to the pfinier. , liye makezthis statement with no little intitto_tion, de the to-erre is so gen erallyi dip case. — , HOW much of the present prosperity of the Gaiatto is Owing to our labors it does not become us I/ I , say.;—bin those la...liArs hare b ee n most . .. - Ibundent and indefattgabk , i. w r b . re .pared no toilrand no mcrificc of tholcommon enjoyments of life,i-tia do jiutica4pour Pe;rets. And although . ocir ir., l otivC;tar.an itiapugneit and oar ellitorial chatai.ter assailed on yet points, by (Ire en. _.„. viral of one' Success, yet I:lace we ever . been 110- . etre; naternest in whatever we have node taken. Ti is not in our nature to lie othetwise. T at we havelbeen mistaken at tilOOO.:4119 do not ' ray,— We iutve.seen *and acknowledged error 4 But that We always meant for the best, we hire the testimony of our conscience. Were we o live oar editorial life over egain, w r ith i , the lights f past expiiente,weshould,avoi , l many diffictiltils into ' which our inexperience and zeal for the lamas .which we srppotted, bare sometimes led tis, but under any OWtilolidances it 40111,1 be impbesible • -• to put forth mem anxious deire to &sobers° o ' duty and befAfit our fi , ll4lnert, than we be e ;.r done. I . , ' ' Ii +ll have !dcno iirjnetten to any man, as re. vet it. That we leave done to ;in the . warmth of poirt.cal ra'biteinint, is very, probable. Vl'e have Aimed at the truln,larid if in some cues no. were mist lien, our COLiictinnt, not our will, . were it Ptah: ' t . 'We leave the 'Garrye at a time when most 0 brilliant pro,prtts iihmrinuto its future. Onr city ,isi en the hiah road to pri,Pijity.iloore no than at'' -any . fittner "pral-d. The Whig Orly—firm, uni i i ted, oil z•alr,s--ctlei:y await, lho opening of too C 1 th. 71411,101. wfrn ha the pow er ot„,truth, • just r,rinci,pies.• and irl,grity. ill will become an ins iiniel'Aiin the halide or the I , , tineriesti people of r mosiatt from pricar,ns whii.h they disgraced and in which they barn tuflierral untold wrongs upn this veat na , ien those. dow linlditig the reins or overnment. r. , eleave it, thceroie, not only It gm ilrajlands, but with prneiects of future rue ' cam and usefoloras,nripeii.cr to those of sto7 for. ' met day. That it Ingit litti'h thousand years, and that Its tirrltrlneus may tie. Euintnenjuute with its cuestas, is th•emnsr felsent wish of out heart.— \V bid our IC:Weill a hearty goodliye. '' D. N. WHITE. . . .____ .41-, o:./ - As einftave dispoud of the fin ale esteb litent, it lis a metier of very c;nsiderable impor ted tel t as t o have a speedy settlmnent of all ac.. .4;anest.vo, Wednest oat t. This is most Imirable on many accounts, "Febn "Although premed for time/ to oth ourseliTs and our patrons. We shall . to drop you o line to prevent! m e out - bilk 'against every person with whom essinem on any account. ....,,,, a 1 ia ,,, a0u „„,..„. ~,,,,,,,,wy , pan ibi a , and pro - A _, "Wi y,a t c hl: ■ • short time abettle will be fought at beyond Saltillo. I am ordered to ..: "tent them in town persrually, for.settlement, and g reinforce Monterey, and march from here in thirty. forward them to thou, persons being in ho noun- minutes. • -. try. We hope all concerned will . obi •Otseby "You most not expect to heir from me again ~ . .. . ~,,,_ and of but for three week", or a month, as all communication latt4lng at once. I al' .41W ," ''. i . " i ',. .77, 7 y between Moiterey and Ca ' sago will be closed for littlt consepeneo to t 40," mmiog , thq i tonerm a wh i le ., . . ..., • 'I the ar6.0.....t....m0j amount I.- - "---- , ‘da t joitermat ~ ;4 T .;;i o a,A, o l'.bctte : r . ln my fife —l nm • ' .:" - 7 .' . H s lifoP i Is * • . . • in the.regimemt are . ' imetabared to jou:1 . t \I . . . . Teri Pax sser..vaark Vescarsimag.—We kWh from die North American that. the coMpames enlisted under theVen ramifbill in this State, under the command of Col. Ramsey, have receiv ed order. to concentrate a n Piitsburgh . with all desPatch. In a week from this, thirty, corona - Wes from the Keystone Stale, irrespective of the very numerous recruits who Lissa joined °Mar companies before the lag requisiil:n, will be ei ther .actively engaged in, or roo fing towardathe seat of war. The new companies will proceed to Pittsburgh in two detechromitin the first an. der the commend of Capt. Bader, the second au dit Capt. Biddle. There are dose nine comps., nits in our State, and the tenth la perhaps ready. They' coneist of Copt. Butlers Bassoons; the Yol tigriera of Capts. Biddle and Etar i ta-ard. and the In• fermi Companies of C.apta. Sy bilr g turf .W addell t of Reading.*.Capts. Irvin, of LOWato9/13, Moor. of Chambereburg. end Carr, of Cariltale. Two other Companies from the Westem pain of the *ate are recruitrng- 1 Fiat —T , ikthe Inwer part of Allegheny longing to...llantes pumas., se flier, were Larne re the grcitioll yesterday even. ing between 7 and El Otis of the houses was occupied by Mr. Durum jnd family, and the other by a persan whosel nem* did dot learn. The Railroad spirit i.lbegihaing.to moVe in Richmond. A public me e ting 'pr.e held there on Monday, in furtherance of Richmond and Danville Railroad, chartered at the recent smaion of the Stake Legislature. The j papers any that a liberal subscription will be made by the citizens of Richmond. A letter was 4.ad from a gentle man in , Net, Yak, pr to 'contract for the constr;,ction of the e ire line, and to take from V. 00,000 to f , 160,0 ¢llan of the stock, irf P".rt payment The Richmond Whig at+. t some im portant modifications hare heed made''by the late Legislature to the charter of t e Richmond and Ohio Railroad. The N. Y. ' , Courier des Kill. Unis" is expo sing the absurdity of the many die rumors afloat, rel slice to the long.talked of s hems for the re.. establishment of a Monarchy i lilexic'3, and the corinexion therewith of the Sp Wit Government, Prince Don Hena'and General lore. This pro- ject (it will be recollected) ha; long been pro. pounced a favorite one of.Frahce, England and i.Spa.in, and .the king to tar hireafter* was the young prince, Don Henri, Whc; \we. also to be married to one of Lenin Philippe's daughters (though, by the by, the French King has no mole" daughters to many!) SantalAnna was also in cluded in this 'momentous design,' audit wt. con• fidentialty asserted that he would open the Mezi• can port to the new King. Dun Enrique 1.. and Poe tewarded for his treason with the title of Prince de to Fiddikel the new King and Prince afterwards setting out \ogether to prosecute the tour with the United States! . All ihese talcs (sai. many dream, 'which . o Courier) are like so n and actual «eunence Thus, the latest adriees roaipletely pal to flight from E . uropr Annourire marriage and exiie-of wits to conquer Slexi• e. and marry a princess the House,M °Heath.; as' Well as the protrat of ths! Spanish ministry s o phist Geo. Flores' expeilithin against Ectiadoi, M which that project is raid 6 have met the demi deit Jimpyrobation of the Spanish gmernment. from Its cattiest incepti.m. chi, same pox. Hem; RELIEF OF I The Committee appoi thumb, to name gentleme. Mlles./It wards of Pitteburg select.] the folleseing.'subl ly request them to act with. condition of the etarvingpeo. i MMe diem action. We' icy tribute to the came of softie has given. to them, either In clothing. By ord.r of the M. A eat Dr. liftrron 's ll collect°ra for the art Allegheny, hare :Mercer, and earnest. promptimdf On the 'lc of Ireland requires ei our citizens to can ; o humanity,. God money. produce, or 'ommittee. EN. Chairman Ist \Yard—Jams Dslse! ..raaob Forsyth. 2d. m. %5 ri, Mortis J ones. James P Tannei., Montooth. 4th Joseph Perinoeltm. R. Drain. sth Hillary 19runnt4 H. Ralston, Hobert Wray. 1.. R. Liaingstrin:, 7th %Vm. A rilurs,W". :41 eCutcheon. Bth -• 'John Lightner, Riehard Hughes: L1:1 R H Hartley, •Phomas 11 . feBell, Jr, J Schonmaker, Robert Wizen, John 11Sandemn,Jam ex P ek,Jr. Richard Gray, Hamilton :iterrast and Majo Bechnn, N•3(.11.111 . IL • John 'Sampson, .16111.1 A enon. NII21.4!“701, Sinew acca —A, slip from the office of the Yaimontl Regi!ier, reports that barque Cactus, (of Kenn bunk.)Nason which sail ed hence on Sunday motining for Code and a mar• het, went echo,. on TrAre . Beach, east side of Cape Cod, on Monday,l during the N. E. gale , and that all hoods prished. The vessel had gone . to pieces. Later accounts /state that on Tuesday morning the Cactus was on the bar, her foremast and bow. sprit atanding, but the after part of the vessel all gone and a port of the ern with the name on it upon the beach. Only doe barrel and ode bro• ken barrel ol meal rime on shine, the. remainder 'of tho cargo being broken up. The craw were all lost, and none of the laidiechad come on shore. Capt. All;enathan, of brig Baltic, (reported under the Marine head ashore, near the same place,) spoke the Cactus on Monday, • .hurt rims before the ves , el went ashore. The Cattail was a fine bark of 200 tons, one or two year. old, and was loaded by Menace., E. D r : Brigham & Co.. Agents for the Steam Figur Mill at East Boston. She had a cargo of flour, corn meal, &r... which is believed to be insured in New York. , The vessel is insured-for $20,000, 'equally divided betivren two olfiee• in Boston, and am other office there; has $9,200 on her freight MOO. .1 Onto Rc.ttxtvv. led the public„ multi I tumors respecting Ohio •olonteen.— • Is rr.t.L.1..1.‘" raoa nit has pert in cori.e . quence of the trfinf the fate of the 21 regiment o A letter from Colonel Morg. by his parents at Waahingto. by them fomented to • hie. permits us to throw it before light open several paints, en the belief that Col. Morgan Monterey in safety. It is e not rfached the troops at Ce of tlie knee is calculated to aiOns which have been hithe opinions expressed were pro reltgence received by hiss .Wash. Union. haa been recci4d , Perlosll,linilk and in thin 'city, who i he pcddic. It *hada afford. ground for command reached dent the panic had rllico, end the spirit Ray the apppreben. o entertained. The 1261ybe/weapon in- I / out 'the' interior.— ay morning, t ary 24, 1847. S I I ern still induced I ur feeling any un- '.Friday Izg; he. :ADDRESS The accotuds which hive reached this country or this distress prevailing in the Higlalandi and Is !audior Scotland, from the scarcity orford, have induced veto bring the subject more particularly before the public of Pennsylvania. From the proceedings of a meeting held in Lie. erpoul, February lit, we learn that out of four hundred thousand persons inhabiting the High lands of Scotland, sixty tt. ousand are at thin mo ment totally .destitute of food, except what is stip plied by charity; and that before the next stammer arrives, the Highland. and Islands of Scotland will contain not less than three hundred thousand, who moat receive t,elief from other hank or per• ish. The potato &op, upon which that papule tionis almost wholly dependent, has failed through. out Scotland. The loan has come Suddenly and unforseen; the Highlimdi and Wands never look ed brighter and greener than during the pest math. mer; in many Identities the blight camp in a single -night, and the calamity has fallen upon a popula. lion without money to 'boy other uod. It may give, amino correct idea of,the extent which the distrew has reached, to-state, the ft the parish of Killmalie alone, according t atter from the Rev. Archibald Clerk, out eta opulation of near. ly six thowtand,there are more than 'dime thousand requiting aid; and in Islay there .are upwards of 'five thousand,' whose impending starvation de. mends immediate relief. Similar accounts hare reached us from many other parishes and districts; and to use thadanguago of the Rev. Mr. Dewar, of the parish of Kilmachin, '•there is a painful peculiarity marking their present destitu tion. In past yeses of scarcity thew could 91eu. late on'sure prospective relief from the potato crop at the end of July; but this year there are no pit. tatoes in store or prospect. Meal must be their sole stippori. In a word there are trials awaiting the Highlanders for the next nine months, such a neither they nor their fathers have ever rexperien ced. .Never did they require aid or syMpathy as much as now." - ' It may seem somewhat strange, that while the dietereo in other parts of, the United Kingdom has hero urged so strenously upon our sympathies, SO little has been mid of the sufferings to which the Highlands and Islands of. Scotland me at present mbjedt, and Sir Hobert Inglis hen not hairitated,in his place as a Member of Parliament,: ',ha, rebuke 1 the ministers fur the silence of the Qtfects speech respecting the destitution in Scotland, whfch he! declared to be, if possible, oven greater than that of. Ireland. But thr.ao who are better acquainted with the character of the people, will readily us , derstand the reluctance which tho Scotch have al says felt inappealing to charity. Thom .1n the North have been long familiat with hardships, and' are prepared to face even famine with the fortitude , ' characteristic of their blood; nor should it be for.' gotten that for years peat the utmost indoatry and quiet have prevailed among them; neither their time nor their means have twee diverted from their own support. There is certainly much that com mands deep resliect in this tranquil endurance of unavoidable calamities. The Scottish people have been already very tic, live and -liberal in 'doing what they can do for themselves. The amount collected up up to Jan. the nth, by the Free Church alone, was £ 10,500 whiCh was doubtless been greatly increased since. A meeting,beld in Glasgow on the 12.1.1 C of Jan. oru worthy of the enure; rank and sect were for. gotten, end the one great question, the relief of greasing want, was kept in view.. Similar meet. ' inks have been hyld in other parts of Bccilland. Large funds - give been raised throtighout the Kingdom of Great Britain generally far those suffering from fsmtne in Ireland and Scot/acid, though comparatively a small proportion ,of the amount contributed lies been sent to Scoilliod.— In fact, the diocese. of Kilinore . and Tuids have received mare from the Association of the Mitional Club then the Highlands and laleude of,i.:„.a . ffand altogether. It is estimated that a lnillion of/monde sterling would not more than suffice to! - ,Iiftet.t.e present contingency,...i.„ . L.;:: ' With there facts before us: the utueri4iied rip.. peal veldt confidence to the generous arts "of Penney brazil, belierth: that there, wig ! ha.e never turned a deaf ear to the cry of the tte4Jittite, will cheerlutly bestow 'of their sbutulanci : Yor Ow sasittance in this great extremity of a noblislicople, who are honorably notorious for never Watomrpg burdens upon others at borne or abroad* Wig es God permits them to eat their liretAin the sweat of their face. To those in whom egttir ten. the Scottish blood, nothing need be saW Vie call that comet from the land of the . BrOa.ini the Heather roust make their spirits Iso4 • filial piety, and GU their hands with giftrilaWnahy ei lie rent from the children al . Auld at:Slut .. .lto thei• brethern et limn:. How sad to tint . * liial the once cheerful logic side, are now 01045 of silent miffering, and that the Scottish ot ltras .• n even a bannook to break amongAl finher . 1 while we in this Nth] of plenty, are fed to r fhe 1 fincrt of the wheat !t . r if:l - 1 George W. Bethune, David Milne,,,,:c!Pigrert ,I Bald, William itepotale, C. MocaleaWir,l.4ol:wi 1 Biddle, E. D. Ingraham, N. Chapman. , ',4, , ..alvs , - ! JOhntirtief s , 111iliniiii eriutrio%4:` ka ‘ ''.' ' 0; 3 : 4 ..- . „..1.:.? , ,,;„ ~,:. n , MA IVf Iro poithailce of the above circular, Oiajng of Seotelimen and their jecenJents warilf.3l to adaptlnJ;vorva to co.oprrote with the d .... it!titee appotill.)l in Phi:adelphia in sending iii. : ,:iiv:t. Ilighlanile and the Isle• of Scolland,,ais!li in i'V.Or it.- set:t stall of .Vatitution. An Elecutivrtinut. mittee, consisting ;of the following gliiielnen, Rev. A. Campbell, Messrs. Joeeph Coliqte John McQueen, Thos. Hind, Jam. EaniemiqiißuLeit Swain and George act in thqremia. as they may deem . City papers Gig GE N. TAY' The admirable We letter to the of aa:orling won inipreas prafol country. A corn ..nrWe just Oprecia. .lien of things in]] .stue\ to. his observation., Pointe out the att..,ng resemblance lietvireen iba meracterisii. of Tarytot'a !Wets to the!Depart nt and those of Wasittgovoa; s on miatary •f fairs, during the Revolutionary wan ••There is" be .remarks, the same wisdom and icleirness of conveyed in language that leaves no doubt. Look at the contrast in these respects in the tircre.. tary's part of the correspondence; every , thing in hypothetical and undecided, while the, manly. straightforward, Washingtonian simplicity, and perspicuity of the noble rld General reflect credit and shame on the indecisive replies of Mr. 'M H v ow I" y. Xi the discrimination! The soldierly dignity of die ohl hero is a so a notable trait gene in keeping with the frank timplicity of his nature. The Secretary his been'plade to appreciate this by the rebuke, severe in its propriety, with which Gen. Taylor reprehended the interference of the Department in the matter 'of giving direct order. to Gen.- Patterson. The firot despatches from Gen. Teylar`announc• ing the event* of May loot on the Rio Grande wets regarded, loth et come and abroad, as models of brevity. ciewneosi god modesty. His lettere re cently . publiobeil . ohms the military genius of •• great commander, in the breadth and perspecuity of his .yews. the osolin solidity of his judgment, and the concentrated force of hi. language, whew :the very wnr,laand no other., lest adapted to give hi. meaning in. the most dew anif impreme manner, 0.,71 to fail of their own accard into their proper plicrw. The publication of the . corretrondence in' the Union herOratne, omission. which it I. any impor- tant to have supplied. For example, it is very desirable to ere Gen. Teylar's answer to the re quisitiriii which took from him the main body of his regulars; it I. further deoirable to know precise- If what irllnkratea were given him of reinforce• amts when he was so sorely weakened; and it I. especially desirable t'a booty whether or not the plan of the campaign, asifixed by the Goyetn meat, Yet-plied Go. Taylor to, advance upon San Luis while Gap,. Scot was to move 'upon the city of Mexico from Vera' Crux.—Rollimorr American. • Ws■ awn .Famme..—Tlie New York Express, in en article on the': famine in Ireland, makes the following significant and instructive remark •The ext aorilinary destruction of life, and the ex penditurn of money, large u it is, will not prove to be as grill, in proportion to the Whole of ,the population suffering from famine, as that which will take Place in the present war, which the President of the United States got up with Meni. ico for-his lown aggrandizement. England has raised fortylmillions of dollen to feed the poor.— We have already spent double this sum in killing off our own soldiers, nod murdering the Mexicana. Swedish.Children.—Mr. M'Donald, in his tear. ele through Sweden, say= "Young children, from the age of one, to that of eighteen months, are *raped up : in bandager, like cylinditcal wicker baskets, which are contrived so tut to keep their bodice straight without interfering touch with their growth. They ore suspended from peg( in the wall, or laid in any convenient pert of the room, without much nicety, where that exist in great 'Silence and good humor. I have not heard .the ',lea of a child since I came to Sweden." 4 tinouts Rerasre.--The Ecciperor of Rai. !- tin , t outer to buten the completion of the rail '. ,1 from Peterehurgh to Moscow, bus authorised : aienion of two aorta of Truant, notes: eadt ' reit, willtona of effective •rubles, haring hue teft..tfrous Feb. lst. lie bu also ordmiltbe itwe other meta of Treuury notes of the in cue the expeusee,of the wuks e Cailersys ins queation shall require more • cr n.; PAPER 'HAN ' Since oar attentunihts be i I, to this branch' of our man' taken some pains'to examine' ly. Among the other estail Mr. Thomas Palmer, Market ' and 4th, is.deserving of natie!. has ea great • variety of wall ful pattern. and as rich finis h m seen of American anerfactur. twined a good many sample. ny of them aro now arid of e Those in colors are bright •a ing. We must say we Mimi' artist who designed them. r p ....\li Of lain papers ! the White smooth d rich no Satin, and progress m ing in the inane the 'MI . ecomniendation to that prices are 25. to 30 per r season. The stock on band great inducements in purs,,hael The whole arrangement el tablishment is very convert:Nit ry is on the. earns lot, where the eye of the proprietor. \V notice of the pthilic and Wester I article. aro every way equal ti Mr. Palmer has an amply paper of various qualities 01111 Er A Company of rohig phis, comp, igirm lOU men, a r route for Mexico. na•The liernmtassn a nnotract• fur transporting th• lag from the East. to New 01 From "the St. f,..nsie Nan EGIMIM The following lettei., .idAre of this city,' foirfhu g h contain! ! tion from Ditiiv M;xico than .! RAM, yet be iiithoul dere: Four, Astu. Febru! • 8ro:—Ily en express from . ] evil for Fort Lovenwoith, I evil giving such rumors as we which from coi r, halting sccol ten, and from other circUmat founded, (by "we" weaning On . the 27th ult, a patty of Bent, Si Vraiu & CO.. at (an establishment of the co mountains, about one day's "from whence they were drive , nn the reeving of the 24th. I place a steal number of mud i cattle and working oxen. bd. Stuca and the mounted ruin which were &leen off, with 2. cattle, on the first dash. A. near as I can learn as t. January, a general inaurreetio t Mexico, and all the Americal bold of were massacred. TO • ned as to have thei 'revolt rim Woos points of concentration. beard, there has been a gener and property. in T... (Thal L. Lee, Elliott Lee, and ma t whose names have not as moisamed. Charles Towia Taos on a mulct, and wenieto above, which place he left of and has not since been heard to have been killed or to mountains: A' Mr. Albert, ley,. made his escape from the he got otf ill were killed (8) an old Frenchman—Crisrles slain. The Pueblo Indians the ma•sacre. The Antics newly been killed and plunder yy George Long W the only 000 has escaped. Him they rob •possessed. At fiat I bad he eased by the. Priest, but yest in which it war dated that it, war ml. and I ant fearful that. thi Iva account ii too true. All the Mexicans wh favored the, Amen. stany were likewise murdered and robbed: The express by which I carte hit Santa Fi be. , fore this outbreak, therefore lin ignorant of what took place there. Tk is revol , was to. have (irate off on Christmas eve, but thr ugh the defection of one of the.Alesdes, the Anufricanv were put. on ao long, cOnclaed itsiCiariti - aftzerrird.lyet , Priests are at the bottom of all this dist urbanci, reined no doubt by Armijo, the farmer Governer, ! who run away on the approach of the American I forces, but who in my opinion has not'hemx'.fifty miles from Santa Fe since our troops took paws. sion of it. Hue light-bower, Salazar, hu been to ken op on susrimon of being concerned-In the ['brume* agitation. and is yet, for aught .1 know to the contrary, under guard. 15'e apprehend no danger at this place either ; from Mexicans or Indiana. There le one compa ny (Jackson'a) of. Pricers regiment stationed here for the protection of , poblie property, betides about 150 teamsters, who are all armed, and can , concentrate on this point in a few hour. At the • Pueblo, wyenty.fire miles above this. there' is a !domino company.;( Brown's) detached from; the ! Mormon regiment in the service of the United, Stales, which is compptent for the defence of that; place. Immediately on recei•inetho.news of the; ineurrection, Capt., Brown despatated on e.xprere to this place, reporting to 'the Quartirmssre the readinras of his centring for-active service sliould they be required. This promptness apsaks of thorn as soldiery, whatever may began' of them as citizens. boo plcOo copy 3PATCHeB. acter of (Via: Tay. talentgive gyidence "ide vrp cap it nolf3 to I min of the We have had but little snow this winter of this point—none to' be seen now, though betwerin as and Santa Fe, and below or and to the west gin it is reported •cry deep. From the apperran i ce of the rnountanis at this distance, they must bekov. ered with an immense body. There has veen some intensely cold weather. The mercury has once sunk into the bulb, which is at 7 degre4s be. low, sera. If our thermOmeter had been kinger there is no telling hoar . much colder it would:have been. Yours, du. The following extract from the writings of John Neal, may base met the eyes of many. of onr readers before; but it is worth repeatini and , the truth it convejs are worth remembering 4 ' , There are people who, haviva begun life by setting their beat against ' wind nmVtide, are ways complaining of their bad luck. and alasay's lam ready to give op, and for that very reason al. reaps helpless and good for noibing, and yet, if they would perievere, heed\ as alma) , be to work up stream all life , long, the l would have their re. ward at last. Gdod voyages are . : . lnarle both wove. "A certain amount of opporitian is a great lielp Ina man. Kite* rise ageinstAit with the wind. Even a head wind is better thriii nothing. r No man ever wprked his voyage an where in 41ead calm. The beet wind for anything in' the:long run,.is a aridewind. If it blows aft, how is ho to g et back ! • "Let-no man Was pale, therefore. Iro.u're of opposition. 'Oppolition eta whet ,he wants,: and must have, to be good for anything. Hardship is the native milt of minhond end self reliance. i He rust cannot ohide-the storm without flinching or quailing, strips himself i t the sunshine, end eye down by the wayside, to be overlooked end for. gotten. • • ”He who but bream himself tip to' the struggle, hen the winds blow, gives op when they are done and falls asleep inihe stilluesalhat follows. "Did you over know lanybody to stick M. any 'kind of business, no metier bow unpromising, ten year. at moat, who did not prosper!. No Metter bow bad it might be at the beginning, it he stuck to it earnestly and faithfully, and tried nothing else; no matter how hard he • may have found it sometimes, to keep hie head above water, slat, if be persevered, be alway's came out bright in the long run—didn't he!" Fisu.—The Fish whirr, at this place, thejgreat depot of the Potemsc Fisheries, is beginning to swarms a very lively and bustling appearance.— The run of fish has but just commenced, and it is hardly safe, as yet, to quote prices. In a week or two, probably, the, regalia run of the season will commence. Several small cargoes of Shed and Herring arrived yesterday., Shad were selling at from $lO to $l2 par hundred and Herring ;stsll per thourand.—Aks. Issranscrton fol lowing is thSlanst intelligences's hero net; nom Nes, Mexico. It is Mink from the St. Louis R. publican of Much It. i From; &as Fort.—A letter received in this city yesterday, from Bent'. Fort, dated the tot of p e t e ne t y, written by a nom who had chair of the Goiernosent stock noar, Taos, at the time of the recent losurreMion, hoittinne the report, here. 'takes published by as, of the Whine of Governor Charles Bent, Sutphen end -Elliot Lee, nod the Aces-dean eitkens, and Several Mexicans of that p i ece . The Writer, In al letter to hi. retattne,states that after dm mesildre; tAo Mitsiemitt 'otinimenced ateafinff the stitch be had in dieititi'and" inswing learned what Outman they hetreammittei rit os, be fled to Ben t's Fort Tidetter. pub an and to t h e h o p e entertained heti, that the repents might have bisen.essmOded no.finfonniled. • ~ _ CO3IIOIIC Ail I lIECORD. ' c "-;`"''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''"'"'" rietlaao 110 . thoustrids toldie loath, without hav Diu" F/TTSITURGH 110A,Eill OF TRADE. 1 Prnai '' ' ' Sinn in + de'n by 'hn:nindinine. in nnninnni comoitnis:. FOR mAßcii. . Luse:. ou li t lk:brttluidsy es coloirig; 'oaf ban *Reidy 1. , 3A , 3 5 , 333.3. t t , , 3 , 3.3.3 3 3. ~ ~.„,,,,. Cone. when Mee dreadfut &e rase can be auccessollr _ ._ ..i. . _ ..._ - a. -j_j_3.,__•,:,_____,,_= cncobarted. • 1 / I . , ,,iLs:prcriwaunta of.Laversroa arid CsStirr. ariu Apt r. riSt.ll Orrlct Thr • ( 101 otily gyre iiii•ef w alb esies of Orid,,rested • Wednesda AI urn rig March 31. i i Coukhe ile unniediately. but from be tertinini i y it i,,,, The weather was no nit en sti of yeiterdo, and 1 th "'" Sri to'' 11 .8 sol .81tir t icir..e mtiking riwnwre, wo bad a Blight tall IA sin, with the prom= a . t,7,,,%,',":,f,,7 °I C ' in. ' in ' in° " In4irb !'” i ' m "'"" ..c good deal tome. We hall nn doubt hare a stet ,„,,,, , , m ,,, i „, --.."""ninw.na ' na ' hift l ii " ...i7 ”'" i ' i spell. A Telegraphic espnich informs us it rained ,,,.. . 3 ,,,, i ,:, P , rog"'" ngi' i i in "ink n in ' " " " i " ,n Phindelphin most of yesterilay. i i e.t.a° at our crioensre the :Genie I lll i 01 ' 7 '. ion' 140fewsow M the Cineinnuti Rel.:rue gj'After writing the bintesithand i er st orm canto C. B r i es, it , k eft'uLe pulu.shTh another coidnui np and i it rained freely. i - The Rivers are on a rand with 7 feet tinter in the channel. 1 1 , Flour—Receipts, oof, bat rhostly to go forward. The receipts by wngiin are I, increasing. ('does stood, as tor severnl•da„ a prer3ius, at 54.14a4.53 j" W. Tbergis an ado° dethand. Soles 70 kegs No Lard at He fi Keg ItutteLeoln to esterit i O/ kegs at lie, and 21 (ibis Roll to three lutslit I LW edijc. Of Limon sale 380 pc country cure Shkulders on receipt of ttici from paretent,la Int of Sides, Rime dOilcriplion at 7r. Fri in 'tor e' and smoke . house 15,010 lbs cry ecnoLmfl ti, 7.4.1. nod 7038 c. The marke t is hart u . prone Cheese Receipts of Foreign ridt !all, The steamer Allquifipa hadhooll sold again for 57,01.10—clionp. She 01 up Lida trip to oe.ion. • • In New York. on Ticanday.t,the best paper was sold in the street et 8 ' et, There Ind been con s:der/We wiles made 0! (Liverhuiont Saes (funded Treoury miter) at 1.171. lil ft el. prem. The seller allows in i terest from InJan.+. .1401 to the buyer. what i ererinay be the il. to of the certificate. iWo learn from the otritit!Advertiser, that the bill which had preitiour [i., ding for llin payment , debt, was rejected I a ti Adtertiser regrets that pooh one to the repuota• slotted have born deter The schooner Ilonie, drawOlienieuli . r.. facture.,_ we bide pit more partientar .lislaments titat of ' arm!, brAtrern 3id . This gentlemen 'paps, of es Iscauti. 7, PR we have ever and we have ex 'rum the east. Ma. aborate pattern:l. nd extremely plea. i e the taste of the parlor pap e r I. se is evidence'of the facture. It its not this eatablirlament Ont. lower thim last heaiy, and offers Mr. ralmsell es The menefeette . ' fverythiygia unlit r commend it to the II metche.t. The the eastern. =ELM e e r f o yesterday, r l d ' a i y lnkl el- ki Dominion bate troops now 'Fri, leans: Era, _March 10 pico, tirrittglit Sl9.'d , td i •I'no St Louis Union clued a scud annual di The Legi3liduiti sad to a gentlerhan lid later ipforma. have already pUb. interest ro our rea. won. in act to eclattitsh with .1.1 , 1 of SIOW lu oreatitac the trtatittzt. .§Ae • ry, 1647, S • Santa Fe, en route .yeelf of writing you, There ir cuoriderabli ket, but rate. bare gi British bOttnito hare b flour, loot `2411 for grain. dair, took :lti,l/e0 tio c / Lupo were taken up at kt,t) bo—for corn: T took Hour and grain at II i Rene/ were mode tar r Liverpool stiipped at lcp liar, 31,7,Yand .'Xicw and two ship!! were tak e Ilavre at Philadelphia.' c in 1301OWeenOn of, HIS from other just• cen, we believe well ll at the Foal' f men in the employ nod from the Peen. .pony this side the travel from TcO6o o by the Mexicans There win at the end horses,. beet ging to the United cern, the former of 0 heed of the beef / s tore hss been a gre 4 Isom the mantitailarers been mtj; prices 1, to arrival or the steamer. the sales ate prtncipal the opening of natiptit laved uy the time a? / limo, on the 21st broke out in New a. that could be got • affair was . plan.' Itaneous at their va- ISu far aswe have I deatrucuon of Me/ lea Bet3i/, -- tittephen ' p other Muerte : llW et' transpired. were ....e ilia escape from u ,10 ) . /.. eight /miles P r giving the alarm. : f, and is presumed 1 e pert/Med. iti the ho lived with Tur e, states that when except Turley'. and Ortobus among the ware concerned in s have/ itlism'imi• of their property. have heard of who of eierything he rd that Elliott ,was rday I sasss fetter traninon Soda Item Fr .1 , 76 n ti,7si iyeidern l'ani 'bleat for Immo-date diet] .ales of Corn hire be! Flour held oncd, 54.73; 9 ti Flour and pa• of all i i tendency. except tar I'll _Chen., in b" wohl or Cie; 450 Hdr I..irdallOir it i 1 7 eta Pork, it.. ...de iiii riored,p , ierdar Ind. i.dor ear, old prime and rn wc at ;4 ., • _O4 $l.l-prime "word he bought q”,te a low 01 I ).J . ...bairn 11X1)14 , 13 brown and jerniw liavara ana+ at 14418 r ir. lb, I tno, ahoy, targ n iiery 'Pa llllrkei n oil, a tendency to a d,,,,, e ago oi 441 lerair, elin , aniing:43o lib& at '2s:in told. • f reighta,arr lower. a bine lia}re been engaged for Liverpo , il no 7d tor floe'. anir 24'450 In, grain on butt, 10 I !ork nod oma et :n 1 !in bulk Tbe To.. sale oo any went of wi,ll—nnitirnkin: tt, inortay into conaderition. pawAir'vr iir.• (r II nal:au-it Tor money market It been Liveried; y i )m-r tir Hay, liondiiii IN n jail, iari.niiinjii 5 42,1„ . .n.idier• Elan Jai it.Titi. Ilananain 3411.31.1 Bremen 7 . 7jui , 774, 1 I. .IrP. A f., ,, ,1.,. p.a. the 6.....t1,, - was se n,...1, cold and wtar*-te, now 4ountea. 'he appearo-oec , •1 Spring 't he ricer IF filling at 11011 non gash.- 11.11 e tat. , cee , ..,.l'y 1,. .1icg •- , n , p , ..., ino in, I.IIVINg •TINT AIb.TIIT IT iNT. c.e. ,- • I IT, ~ -I?Teo: .I: laat./ .11 W 11 D tyl Two ph, Debalt , „ l',. k 1 Ittchland. :Solo W.alsei. Magitt,lF'int,ier. aed. I . l.anet.-4WaleaJi. 1:..0i1ty.. 1 130ATti LL'al, tit{ 4111 S DAT. •lii:OWNSL ILLE 1 . ‘1 . 14... I'S at r 3 •. Tll. and I i ~.u: . ; • . ..,f ~,,,:.,,,,,.,,..,, , .. : ,, :i... .,_,.,.: N b.,.,, ~..,,,:;,, ~: , ;: ci, ,,,. , r ,.,,,, a ,,,,,, ; ,,,,..... - 131POI0TS I.lll' 41 VEIT.. . 1:1:itlin:. , ATI-Per Plow 1:4004:•:So 2-ri bl.'s : mols”et„.2 hlf do syroN.lrhtes!se..... 1 sck coder ! _ - . 1.,b0n.10,. i 0wn.,, ,,.... 1 .„.....n..., .. ~.„,,,r _ __., ; \I .n. .--J 4/elrn, Lotlinvo , o l l, l, •eire.C. - oleal. the d0..1 l‘ . 11:st er-1 do. %i'teAltnillottl-; 1e1:....1.cr0p :'';' '``: e '! ° ' "'' ''''' r% th n ," • ,"g.;:"' m ' l ' "."- se ka, llBrute & l'o-rl l taj;a 1,1,..,,,,', t., , , i,,..4. , "."' ' '"'" ,,, ' ,.= 3 f." . 17 Leech A I ',.- i 1 111 s-te,c,in. F :neocr,-.1 43 , 1 . ~,,. , p „, ~.....g . , , ...,,,,, & .„ L -1 , .. ; \I A, ..,..1.-z,;...,!:... A . "F. WAll-A ..„.....,. m„,,. 1 ., Sicnethe , d - li" "I." I tn .... I ,, r ` l '' & '''..--; ' d " .. 'r ., A,...,,..- 1... , ,..1111 r ..t 110. , :..1 ' 711•2'.9;. P d ' 1 ' l leathers, W. rl ”,-5.'..7' '', ' .-, 'I I , ''''''. n.r.. ,'. 1- ' '... ' oel ' -e- d co.fccno;.e t rt11,01 , ...,,1. 1,0. Inecre.,.. eau. shauldron , ; - h ,; l. - .. , j: , ;..0 , 10=' , ,, , Sl.e.s.. . o' .11V 14..1:, PI MP c,h Amid Do, o. Mnr,and , I, captur,, •do hulq ea ba11.....,11, : •• b., i i do cIoNc-tred., 61 ot 510e,...*. c.. eh... elcranneelute ol !eters nexone.l, I bales hemp, 11 tlrad --. obi. 1 ...I 0.1, 1, It Manley. .......u. - A, .. end P:J.k of V.... Cre.. nod C, de or Joon te. l. c, la, r. ,c,.rod and for. „ ale I, • Willilll.lNll-Pnr 1,,, , England-1,13 .. , L,,, ear- ' ' - . - )& t•rOCI,ToN \ • loy,.1:1alo ono, on. nor,- 1 , 1 lAA% t100r..1 &ler:I/len , ~ e-, ~.. 1., irk.: : ned Thud ats & 17.,-....:60,11. .1 Al t' i( & C..-10 I,hl - n ' - - ' : - - ---.- who,key. Mtllcr &lit..a-9 Logi lard. lialaley ; FON NESS* 01:.1./. A 1 , ao . ....s.o.da-1 pcg, 11 1.4 1.11 & 1 . .-45 pc•st 15.....:, ury4..:. _._.,-.. 76 :1 Th.. •‘..e.., e ..e.l 1...‘ NTT...TeI 641 , c.l .1 cr. 31 do, applci. 4 ..c's and I, e .1 ss opplcs.. ~ ,.." ..,...„,, . T . ,,1,,,,,„ 11 . 1 . , , j , ,, ..7 ,, i 1 0 ,,, N ,,,, , „,....,,. 10 neks,eorn. II; I.llsier. onliers . r1Pt".........-"--.. 'I eJ,Jo, cyco eg at 4 o'clock, P. 4 . AVI.I,L , NILL,E-1 ., 1V elindle-4301.h.s floor . 'NI For ire ;:, or pa, go bpply S Wight...on-ISi. ess, S' & ll' II trhatgli-1 1..1 ' 0- ' oar'. • , n os e . hotter...! in Hoserscoe. Ii Mal , In. 1. beg huller, I Folio ST 1.1.1:1S-1,1FIT.cr. A11.:1,,rn k o'o-I s!,. 14 Io,L, d,,, I . k worn. •:. / r., TsKIT ANTI regale,. Packet do wool Odo ...All,ers, ' his, lillgalt.) & Snoth-ll: ', - " .1.. . ''' wc,,,,..d. C , ::::::.: , ...1 , , ~,,,,,, P. [Jogai:el meal. 1 LI4III/A 113-.-I A 10,, 4 sot/dries, W &. • Forscil.. marten wool lesse TITI alio, R An'alchren-ll hills-paper, tliazetee. Al. Far 1,1011 or passage apply on BROAVN-VILLE- cr 42..41-1 be, A horde,, l.aartl. I olal3l -11 do, Forsitli S. Doman-1 , 10. Von th & l'o -ii dri. Butler .‹ Bro-J..slirg. n:‘ll.,J Dainclt-1 g, We/ MeDoealcl-3 do) Wallletlord & Co-1 tio. Tonle & Di ' enor-1 On, Hotslteson & l'„-:'o do, 11 GratT-11 de, Ntonoull Jones & I'o--2 do: Brom., , & it co .-.33 do 1 !Irlsol& Tha4-112 I/1.1 glow, A Vanltirk-:.4 sclo. ntrat. :11 1.1111 Ileac, 'l' A hoops -9 drr,"l.l Lover-11 on. Itober',.son & Itepp,,--,7,i, Idols apples. o. nee s'i , arks corn. 93 blds Hoer. 4.1 do apple., lt stks beans, 21 1 /.10: ..:.b , , 91 'Clara:to & I Per Louis NlcLann-i1 pea. ....apt Doelen,-1 do. •1t0te,.&.. li .one-I do Shea At I.ennork-1 ,in, W II ArCITATIPII & T 'nlends, 1 I' ILdwell-i do, flown & Bros-Lill tin , gloss! Ai Vont:irk-1J seks oats, I,ll3or:Jus& 1:1-111sckalcorp. 19 eels apples. b 3 do now, ...ler , ', '. 1.6 - 04SVILCV-I'el'Mt &or/lon-160 ices hauls. 69 hllda bacon. 2.41 h,. .10, 1 WA. do, 6 heat tobacco, II Graft-Ili de, 2141 hall e s lien.pi,, 1/ Leech & lie-I hid tobacco, Poll pen 1. e , Forsyth & Co-6134 Is, 1,.. hulk pork. IV 111 , .,97 hal.f.s CITITITIT.OIId/iSITTI & I'o-h do, .1 Grin•-116 tons. pig iron, holler & Bro-1 Itlid and I htllsacco.iJ Maxorie-11 bales rs fu ski ~ka,,, li,' 13 11. burr & , ,Bro-e6 hhdsbncoo, ll s; no 11.nlhan.-13 els camellia & Hors.--u.seas leather, Car.... & Mc itoghtl-lt, Ins bacon, 3 bbls lard...! on brans, 3 sckt leach ..4 do tang, roil, dexter & On I ZANESVILLE-I'i Camel-INi bbh. dour. 11) pegs, 22 sc . .. oats, J.. hogs raks, owner..-91 bbla whigkei. I Intl Irallier.ll33 1,61,,i110ur,44 lob ... h cn, 3 bells do. LI. Lerth & Vo-,31111.11a door S 10 igtit` larlo-Zr2 bet. pAler, 3 111 Nlellne-30 do. Nlerphy, Wil s on & 1',,-3 PlSlS . poller, Ilagaley & Stni. h-3 do elaterser .1. 'l' t; Cti.orne-..13 pegs. oats, eggs,. feathers, Ste, J 17417,1! Inv!, pnek..2 libln be.ten, 4 4 „ lord. loud on & till --.I 10 ilea hocon, M1N..... I MA lard, I ,e.,,, pea ITTNII: I WTI Neon., 2 do eggs. It Dalsell,t Co.-21 i s ids bac.n. II Una lIR11:11TO:Vt . c . , I c over 1 .1 :41In. (1: El)-3.50Lhle dour, kr nd allingli & Uta-11.100 It. cotton tare, Friend, int , . & Co. ' . ~ • i Poll'F Oill'l"i'SliUlttli. MEM fErFernolle Plod so, from rehcf, compinia. The Ven Dr. Upham, vv II Lr ut the !peed} earn. it rthn Thoucnnes have unlilT Wholehale 1 . 21 Felton Martel nernet, end P. Pinaburgh,Pn. Prom • $5;00. B • 140. on SO CORNER OP P int suin•criCter nes. - he bli commenced l H FmAion Vara, or g. fnni ite win nterrent • tttefierelt for Um wile mule to nte . „*.t nented, at the IV, in CAS!(.ernanrocn u, ' nc tipren: T pas+ the-House • pron d the ilnorest on the State tens!.e, on the Inth. The tnessitre or such Tut iro n nue interests of that State .[r nt Sr:4 Orleans Ifoll/ Tatl/ neunine Company has de :deed ,t. Irgln , ased at ,ts I igt ss. ;ban ill ar:in,burg, ( Va e' .) M. Ekon. are Leong magic or of iloviay save:— antivi4 iu the Freight mar n Wt. Engagements in men made at fa 9th - ilia fur , The (And Wellington y e ra at :Ha Two Ainenell 1 6.1 fol. dour and 2 to 2bd— e Skidilv and Rainbow also cm raw, Several enp,f,cr I reland t t 4 litsd. Oat. to il. He vylmight eoa. For tea fl4l for flour and,grain, don to g reline to loaillor jilt S 2 pi bbl, t ee Britinidre Patriot w . e Voirs. Priday,-P. 111. t Jeal di Inqu'n for I bum, to day. rrl :AAA, tuler Isaac f• Ili caner thr lour is g. 1 , 4 demand, but 11,1, to arrive, 31 n, and the.pnces ore w%I. .. 'or r cvo Wejleo (roar ot u Loriletnannl al SG, 41 . 57117:15. lilkibble. Corn ilvery. &old at $1,75. Large 011 mod nt Ryr s 4104 c. I rnnslor.s ore iscro , trave 4111.1/Vnnar..l Ire,e L 30000 Michtp.an, 110111;11 Laknßall. I B..nsul, Hailntn Baird, NI 5W2i41,1, Clarke, HibCrntarSmlth. tt iltuington, LW.; Ltespatc;, Nelsen tVlsconstn, Grace Comet. Boyd, .Zati Ml. Vernon. Park' Planet, ;Be Dowel n, Cita. I,lrowne,"th ion, St t Mnr.o Ctn. 7 7 0 " , n i4 t ill, Bent. rownsvllle. I n.ieltcr. Ctn. a.ithvit lubcnstilc z hot. city blichigan. Ileintit. Loins McLane. le Lake Erie, Ball, SA3I3, Clarke, Hibernia No d. New England. Eh. Rhode Gland, Da Gladiator, Smlthe ZanervilliP Packe Nachville, Miller l• Zll/1 . VII t le forbtd,the gruller plretigia from preuiiar rrtnary. pelnitr.llcy • valuable Rciaedy tor ir?o•t Levere a•e% •.i an to its very [0.1•) of ah le F .nd an • sn Ih I tc.ufi 4,11 V l, WVATT & w orir:WN.Tilowc, S111:111fiie!ll creet. znAll lie 1333333 . F 1.0 k: Al.l. It Y. enrol, arlure of. Vinftporrs or ode he, heo4.l4ntre" . note Nrreni them ni r , prt FIVE DOLLARS led to call and exam lV 11 ERSKIN o USSET, HANNA S. CO BANKERS, EXCHANGE DROKER9, A.ND HEALERS IN FOREIGN AND bOhl Earle EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES OP DE .E, NuTr.s, AND SPECIE; Pour::: si nearly opposite the Dank of Pinahurgh. CUR I:1'N I' hlUNEV'n•eoiaeil on Depoatte—sight Ch,n.k. fa, niatl roltecoons .000 o aril' all pa. pant,a the Pintail Starts. 2 75e il.ghvitprmium peefor Foreign mtl American Coal AdVallre3 made nu conuigtauentx of Produee..ll. ppm! co-1,15 Cl,) -1 1 . 1P011.'1`.1.:VT TO TILE SICIC.- - / have I . .t4acraLu..l I a: , >oloaa..vrta: yllo have med it, and they ED.,: r. Wthl4.o. - .1 I cert,n!r has,: eo Itmtat,e,in et -0.1.11 .t aas rouble tnedlCl/11110, cough.. cord. P.l . lloCli i y tirco, P.ttshurgh Irani h.vl. Gray. ALe3her.7 esty: • 1.-aiter , l`anavca I. the bolt nseoll,Cr him eer I u.s. I , .ta ' Cough or Cold. f11GI!.IIII1 GRAN" Faea exunituon, Allegionly City." at ..Nutt.l ton City 110. fir PHoburgh and vcuuty, by gnu:tally See. ad vvtistmeta. kitg . 1) CA NuT ,, —li+mated tar .4. customer, at the AI asdetd .1. and Spa, l' ae:or, .17 nab 'treat. . • tack II 11110DE.4-ALCURN .. . . . . .. ‘2_I'ICFS of:. II lonVoubd tat cusioaleta Attila 51L0- 1,1 Intl ltd Spa., f" ry, 27 Firth Atrret inch3l , ItIIODES A. ALCOR , : -- - II ° lt ' in F ed i l '. o b ol ' ; 'll :.fn r J 21'utnI P 141 ' p a ' l " Je ' .fuglaTl to Since I- JC tory, .27 Yana ntreet. rnet,ll RIIODES ALCORN, . - DICE tench ground-cud con.lanl4 . o In t .4,111411 w: and Far•tor). 07 both rrrt nsen3l RHODE-SS: .11(.:ORN Di:PITH S.{ ITE--Ire LoadtOint Lottre`d 1 Ind,a P..pp.ns„on bun] and jar sole by --` 11.1i0DES & ALCORN Nod? FOth meet ['AWN I , bbl. and 110 kegs on band not Int salt. Ily RHODES in ALinikiti Incll 11 `27 KAI& intent ltd /1' to krgs and Loons, flub V ground and constantly on hand lot rat., I.v li/lODF—S fr. ALCORN No a 7 Walt Street I HOUND A 1.1,11rE, Cinnamon and Clovea $. • boar nd parkvic czantanDy on hand nal for aae a..aluanard and noire E.ictof 5. V 7 Fifth menal IDIODF:S 51 A I,COlt N 1)0A ;TED AND GROUND 4705.rEf; Ifre4 every 11'"„4 C'Tn'?l:;" N o 1 . ; " 1 7 : f :;11.1 d S :i..Z j'!" No 57 awned t FLA XSEED— 5 bLls Fiax , end_fo . n . Ly • t•! ni'fq.3l 4.2 ,s it s RILLA-1. bale Vera Crux Ann nod .11 E SEI.LERS n.•n3, ,No 57 wood ottrenl Rico AND .2S urtcc• Rice, • ,to!. Lonf Sogur: for talc by • , J DA LZF.I.I. No 21 WIWI si .up , ,fin-l‘la.tani uur own mine.. !co ' Si wM;d7orel.l rratated •rttat: twat I:1,1.4. tor ate at lan. n .uuslnd aJt,l lt , tmee Factory. F. n a •tr..et. et,cl 31 ItItODY..I. MA,RN 10 1 , FICR-11.).4,4 tool Mound, for ateatniktut... 'l,, etocers• at the MaalartlAnd ,po e I'dtb . oteh/t NtIULIF-S & ALCORN •1)&.lD BONFLN-A Loa.. ad,.orostent by the Doz• ,11Jn, •Fte!.. Noa, tor otle coca... at the Wait ,‘" or. vs+ PALAIEkt, 17.Marlet oreet, I.emeettl.l upd Ith •0., I'd tO.ergh. Nano 01 , 31 . . j,,•011 B E NT -rue Dry Gone. Note. No 44 !liar. 1 _ket z..a..0e.. than App, 11' II (;AIIRAIII) .ineh 7 , 1 Market .:reel rllll. I.IIT 11301.- tuo: received and 'or • .1:1 . ins Dreg waerhou..-6( It A FAIINE•FrOCK A. (7o ut , roe end arn.4l - ) .tI,ZAILINE S I S V• !II 41, /1,1 , 1 t!tt, eitity ttlart, tirr.oeti, wall • Al' It 'it it N It cur 4.11 and Market nts /SG II AWLS-IV. R Al.orrby ha - , now new and ric .1 my, Ca•htare c,•.! uralrir Jae onet and Rw,s• In. ! I , lgrne• ? I. 0 I'IS VI LL LIM E —l'rt I.vrnr, Lon:so/Ale trtaratoy, (mut GYe t. ,, l+nrre.--on the went Ptvorabler :Hari by IV I. ALDRICH :it Syr a:von...arca. Clueinnal/ • KW • Lil.ll.lt LOUIS% tux. I•AcKiir: rlraant sad nnett Pocket MT. vicrugoN. a l ; ' ,Ol k .: " Tn ". l - 1%:;7/7r 2nd. at eave W oclock. A M. Fur flanabi or paosage appvan Ivvr A. fine •tesiner i ALIQUIPPA, Nlceormirk, ntsocr, will leave. as ahoye ou Thursday, April in. at In drclork, a X poliitintly For freight or passage, hay. rot fine speomnoilauonk. apply on luriri r melfir 0131: CELEuttATED 11 1 .1/1 AN LIVER 1,1 I'ILLS, for the eatre of Liver CoUrplalnr; and all silaiiatini arising from the Liver. In isck head ache. and as a purgative and Anti... Bilious fill, ours piaiere by none... SYMPTOMS or a DillltaiSZO I.lv en.—Chronic irdliniat sou of the !Aver. when not the consequence 00 acute attack of ii,, disease, begins generally, with symptoms 010 Imictional disorder of the diges t,v, and titulary organs, apt dripepsta frequently scorns to 1 , .. the only affection present. 'fhe patient cony' anti,of irrarzol, appetite and i.i paired powers of digestion. acorn'', flatulence. slight eholic.pains, oecisional imesea and vomiting, and it alight dull pain gild weight are 'ell in the right .igia, accompa• riled in sown, srases wrth aniraggtng path in the right shoulder. Most commonly, however, go distin9k pain Iv esperrenctnl in the region of the Liver, nicept heti lino pressure is made on this part..—' 'Vb.', bowel. ate always very irregular, coativenon borne eceamon to some instance* with diarrhoea, the iftectiarges se.ant, dark colored, offensive, slimy, • greenish or nimbly. tine nl Fie most content and ph a ,,,cr er w rc s'rnptittos of Chronic Liter !;nuts pisi t iv a dry, handl, constricted state of the skin, J!o,ri dry cough, with slight difficulty in breathing, re a frequent attendant on Ohl, disease. In the chronic as in the acute form of this disease, the, pas, tient can senlont rest as ca.' , 00 the left as on the righ,L,rade, .ka the dttraio advances, stiglisfevers 'come o n towards MVPIIIIIT, attended with a' horning. heat 10 the palmy of the tin nrii-and solve Al the feet; the nights are restless. and when the indmirnation terminates ,nsuppuration:hectic and rapid emama icon Cl/P.lllOn the nit tl powers. AI inufactured and sold wholesale •nihrrelatl my JOHN D. MORGAN, Diuggiat, Wood street, Pittsburgh: Q . ( 41011'1A AND SCEOFIII 'SWELL. 0 ISt ie.—Semite:l in iii its multiplied Pines, wricilier in that of Kim'. Evil, enlargements al the gland. or hones, Guard, White Swellings. Chronic itheutnatism, Cans,. di.ensn of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one the earnestness., which- is a piesonotis entitle's , loam or Icon inherent In the human system There. fore, unless this principle can beenstroycil, nu met cal core can be elected, but if the principle upon winch the. disease depends, is remoyed, a cure must of necessity tallow. no matter under else loam the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore, to tue mason why Jamie, Asseu r treri. in so um. 'silly successful in entering ti so many malignant Diseases. pt destroy* the ses or principle front ilinu three diseases hare their origin, by entering ,rite the CI realation, and swath the blood i, conveyed .te the minutest fibre, removing every pnpcle of discuss from the syrem. Prepared and sold at No. Tlurd l•trcet Phitadolphia. Said at the robin 'l'ea Store, Nu. 72Tourth .tract Pittsburgh. mch3l. S _ ELLEIZS' S111:1k-There N.la nollung equal to It. - Vie rsiteaud, March 27,130. Al, It E . -diets-10 jestice to yeu and: 'our in• colorteible Cough Syrup,l beg leave instate fur the benefit of the communtty, that my wile, has been sever ,1 thou alßleted with a nabaldistrossing cough. I purclused in January last a bottle or your /Syrup, whielis.ored a cough of bat/ mOnthastanding. About one month slice the cough reterned, nod we. SO Se vere that she could hardly more. rronisweakness ui the breast; I sent for two bottles of- your cough Syrup, Mot part orone•bottle cured the cough. gave the other bottle to a joUrttryman who w ear merely 'afinCtUtl. Whd to use 'his own word., "eaten enough Cougb Giintly to cure all the POlale an Pittsburgh, at tbo dandy had been as good as rep. resented. - . IteepecttaUr yentas, ALI... B. Rgcsic. rem.0ty.,,,0, no , c.eq boodreid that 'me this Cough Syrup. cat that it is the boat lough Medicine in see. Preiweiii and cold nt 25 genii per bottle, by It E LLEIV,i, 57 Wood et. nicb3l FL4Fa . 4100101,1- r ey. mltreti 1:: 1. , S vac 630 Lrsis Ml= ust , ' 4l isid int sale by LtJ. yLOA belts -and iroo4 at. note Anii ei.onN L4,12.nd *ow au. i4thiskely idvtma .hi J . SLOAN ' , An+ rk..biik et, ht time .11. 4 1.0 AN Y wood /as Ml=l 1.4 tor Irtlt by ' BEILS Ohl AloOongarrel 1%..4ad for-r/rln Ly • ILA—SO krg~ its MI led • iron for ia!e de SLYIANT artiltod sta, Tell more .d. a. J SLOAN " , Y and wood as '' oy11:111 4.7.910VEL5-6 dirrert {„?' F0T..1,C hp thchSo • T . 0. SUGAIL—•tbu bhdi prune. • rivals Lsr.tl tar Sale by I • DVRI:ittI)GE, tu rfi% MOLA sslir : s-4 . l,np e /1 , 1 1 *ved perlal< ar 1(..5.4*.a.t0 ati4re . rt Ili< arrival., for ' ILSONtt Co 'Wat r jog's Cincinaalior sale tiy • LLARD 01E-10 ' I. E. No,' I Could firat,raw nrCe!e.julit rced•and mrh No LINSEED OIL-10 'SELL FTS •I.•mly tweet by • gIiFN & Co *later tt GUTTON YARNS --"A long awl Yhort Reel Cart. II ttt t ng, Curet sale by inrloo loomed Number and llwin<i Tot RN Ell& OP IVO 4:7 .i. , llct .1 r Skins, rurril& Co' for solt.by rooms I bil7 h. Co, F E...., THE RS, kr-10 1 For r 14' • meh3o C (311:if 131C00115—...U. mril C l 6 ARS-11 - 1.0 Ken.: _M=l for ale by " Itil ni ouor:Doinioion lICKEY,& Co rj2_ ron.troc ar,4 for HISUN'a. ord Oorront Pl/ , It , C;1111,Adlor sole Co: OwAtrflools?_. Il O n L n d A r nE n 1,61 1 1 .. .1 - • LI AMY— te3 bids P:clied I 1.1 by LEW nich.fo 'll-I , d , AND 14- 50 boa. nry,Avi , i, / LW do du ?cache!, ree' 11011 T DA rr, Win FLOUR -47 bbl. Faanily'F'aor for HOST DA 0 . reenact! and feraal.tity • i M.A, b ) 1. belly etre t I' LP . I.Li & Co LI erly street re atilde; jnn itS6:44 CO LS LI Rift, DU E. .I.<l ".g-aq La„.,,6u.A.-150 Loaf 0 bs N 0.., jest received and 5 for re• by +. • I.IUREIR DCL, 1c6.1,30.1 ORANGES ANA LEMONS boxec c•Nly o.iunecc - IC _do Lernons.r•ot rev'. LIURISH DGE," , cieb3o jWaitr »treel ' 1 •tui for &•le by ILSON Ve. CO MME pE.CAN NUTS—G b 1,14 jo•trec nit.ll3o N TOL A . SSE/5-30U yblo rre' MYERS, II tneq.3o • .1 I ' !• and int see by .0 11.. N b. Co ' IN= arid !ethic by :VIER a. Co Litxrtj .free[ for tale by L ARD—KO bbla No I leaf Lard myrns, /I ro• hlO • NTER& Co Libeny street • eke Tee . 4 and for DiTER 3. Ce ,Lrbert street EATS-ROOT OIL I 5 bbla II dile by AIYERS, II h 3.1 - • :I; COr b O y N YARNSAZZ • I: B ATTING -1W bal 7 ,1 raetoo yt:RN, 111 CIDER , VlNEGANl;!_llb . l i v a l 1,00 le NAILS—Mu t.lt anitytik Siam Farlory, for ;NITER* Co I..senr4r_ret osat4 by. , NTk:ll.l Co •' I Mort', siren store for ante :4 FERE&Zo Llbert Aare! , by &Co fTER Ltberto street DEEP 1.141.315—L0 hbl4 Just ree d by 31 . 1.i.E.R4 , ,11 LINTER*. Co L OAF SUGAZI.-2t, reed per cna-c: L 111 . TLN mxt 1 , O DRUGGISIS 1 WA Semi. toot 0,1 for sal It /lAN DICKEY:a Co 00-trar • --war and float as ROCK POWDE4l.7l.o.trintlylon handfar srtle Iv 1 AIAH LICKEYA Co rortr.o • waralllo•ootati, VOTTON I'ALLSOi—DC Cily. genufarilzre: ben -cenuillt Ain • K roror EEN APPILES r o le( T 601..0 mos kiwi., pin 'br , 1110.11:671' . ruc•l44 I wood nrcei • LASS-03 boa ealu, reed a d for 'Alf. W IrtDAL torE.Y.. ' 93 wood trect • AILS—le boy. aq•orle .3 0 0 t T , f , n I P..PT• 171 men: talc by & W mob, " . 93 wood Neel , I' , XT FINE ILI GLO d..en to t.017.pe em.llientlenieo ruck Je Kid.Gloyee-- 00011.1 iLe Nor York horn7o Afar kt roc t. 001.09 . W II GARRARD • NNAWLS ,No•a• op nal therirrk IJ Nom Market stroot,7olsplearl asior led spnog (rocirS9 W GARRARD . PRINTS, 7411.W'54,Ac—.4 _NH 0.1. • so. uncut or Spoor Prorts and I, wn.; at:the Now York Niore, Nark...rock mch-.01 ' II GARRARD ,F!.. ,6 m k.X.SEED ' Liberiy street cb.9 II MED APPLES I So. 4rced rod f o r J cc, by . 4 & w IARRAUGII acbv9 • in weal] effect BURLAPS -5 tnitr• to dmiee, lot W FIARUArGII 1nrt.7.9 II aileoetl street o fz ICE-40 tlerces suit', and ferls'aie . -241rERS,.11ANTE,Ittc Co mehlo ! I ._2.1E2 Liberty street LOAF!SUGAR-' • GOLDEN ETRE ectiuN—ssoln moh:10' [I , II.IN—NPTITurns Fr figntneni and for .1 mch3o n , 17 ' CLOVERSEED merit!: -• •• ficourt.-- - al FinTPour foito f . • ' 11cUILLt‘ BUt.IFIELD mcht!:' : 4 Libcriaatreei 7VMM: I I—'3OOIOP Neil. in dfur.6l nbv 111 ' mc6u.1.1 sus] fr,te.t4) .ch 27 • . SPTN. TIMOR STINE—N. order Inn reeerverl and for inn • - • ./ sciturt. , NAkFtra. Co ... .e1:127 • liiirrry.4 woad prrec2 I , nLonioi ' Ll3l.S.G Salm in naore and for .1e l •. • 1 J KErt & co wyttl firte! , _ OIL-:•151.41s brri n Oil 4, nile by J sJitoq,s IAKF:11 &co • , • 4 I Nu 21 svoiiid weer J.) ACON-11.ns, In. and 5h4.4, , /../ [rum .'Sluolchouse. for .0k by : .1, !ere hi.; received Ul IN (MIER 21,1,011 - - ()RA N43IES:-.;1.70 LEMOSI :0 aterni In,. by P . ”.. tf; rot. •pqhf VEN/SON AND DEER Si I 000 -b• ih'ef ,111,j recel navl/21 . - - d i 0 crdrt, ' NIA Itf I Idta! I n 1 me_ IA fi— i Ed ontor sale by X 1 k Co No 4twanorot L , - .lIHII.ELLII.II-11 re ti eaic Ginguuln Umbrell•B ii in c .4zp i fn • j{~~ARAB2ILS urn. / l'all.lo , —opeced and for salß fit silAcKr.ri ach27 \ V ! I AretrßtCin PAPER In rge narl IPB du assorted 181 Oco inedaum Tea Papei, 50 do l'os: and Cap do; t.CIEXES <S27 • I„,P PELTS—SIB he.‘,•q.-1 do , I C I aro,/ Co:ton - aka] Id at g W1,1171:1 , I 9) 1 ' Natal Pak ic WRITE 49 ...Atm. Straverpper, do Jo, alr •i •r • /ow by ,IIARER en e 21 wig:4l.l+l For rale by mcl,6 V' Kl.L.lll"scrl • of Norfikas y rare ll* T. , !f'‘'.. %RP MUD f GMC.:kb ran J U+T Received, • large invoicei ,and.Syes. For Ils:e at lou;1 .: 7 ) 1 , 4 No t 6 wood itreci, np vtairt.ov..l CIOTTOS-107 Lulu Tennrilr' V per eleamer,Ainrr2s3lnnAlN. :11YET L k.. ! !W.l. ' : 7:f 13 A00._0,40. lb. ihog rtwod.l 1:1-1 , -APitIbTING STOClthe—, . letrce dic‘or - trow-ol boo black 'and /Odt rOoior d fitnolibt pomp di , turor. and tor Pale by , he monufe orer's Sent, No dd wood dtrsot, up sty rt, sohokoldn., J r , IdU Mtn TODP, .! . !4/..poracturefl., Atent XEY 1, Co tor •n cl,Pront M. TART' PEACIVICS—IGO bn'sJ .11in store and forsate by ISAIAH' DI pip 0 WDEI3-00 kegs lkierd 1 sdactore of the venom, brilifs and Venittei m, —la Maw:lW anti. • c.niD, • ; 1111t,t1= — g : •Apply to , , rain qjla r2u, ettllC sni V6Ll.4 , Agent ‘Vatgr street 1V .'o Nr u p nl ° „l;rflT - 11: 4 14! ' f (oriole by .JCDID :ractar • 'a "01, nal= RItA-' • ola Derlavls, Alittleater l ive "Fikrec !ale elf, Prenalturet i • r4er4e.,y r ' am.. the 4lst twa t a.* '' Lee k rriat ito u rtion Itrums;ronrer of Weed and .— ik, au!! litkt re-• firer quenkay Or new end ' • hoosethold tral 'hoetteir (eremite. AMOUR ;i3deirdrany ehterr. tattle, drearargloreens, . pork end viarh etratle, hair fed-rdor... dl r ,pauttiihles.'eaadlearjnd oriedsor their, • 14,, V enerbr 4l „.. „ - 11turre.h:edr ee ,. • I TS del V or hook. held good.' _ ' ejtVi, W - the Coat. l o th shreei eonC !' Mtole , . erdayl cr/rn me. April 1, ,, at 10 o'eawa, l i t h e •t 1 Atlantan Room.. corner of Wood and Ftfth 16e sole,--a lance wrorttnent of Silk Lawn 4,, ,llrin o nrits ,:ls r o tbiw a. rea_e:pc, lien ann,,,,i o i.; / i ape 3ctey ~.,04,,,,,,c....T7 ajar:Mang of A 1 2 O'il' P. al. '‘. - a an ihr.r fi 110 0 , :7" - .Vboutebo14. roWitote iV:Vit.7. ~ .I V <,. .f ".t. , h ar,,,e. dtlbir a di,'Frda, .S' ',. 7' 0.7.1 4 1 = „ ;LT.?. taalt ataadr, . " ..:.. 4 .V.a.i nc d V,;7 To mail .ail, , --:-.1. '-trore,c.. met raking • : c.,.211.z .. 3wiiid: beds, roattracce • c ejbwe c ca / bins arare,gacrobwaego sl ,ce - wa. M: 0:Cl0e/1t.• .. • 01.11 of thy Goia • from a Colltaly ni(re. A cafennentof, fine cutiery, ready nlikde tit -Is, leoveliy, mancwl,lnrtrutnittts, fancy 1-21_9___01._ lar blartn., dMIE) alfae d relihi.l ve. err retail dAame el it_ IWILLTAIy,_A.. HILL & CO., 1 1 .• A 15' it Iter;f',EXCl - 0: MBE' BROILERS el* • Jon ORA Litit• jlt. . FORK. GN AND momvsric EXCHANGE IETIFIC TE4 Or DEPOSITE, BANK NO}ES, 13i ''' 1;14' ?door Er"! , i,,, ,, j , , , : rg i ln . ‘ ur atr i :: . F . owth,. East rule, __ ldiwl• 1 . ileir_ll7 - 140/• - stily. I OSE Islis .I.= - L - : Hale of the finn of Wts•A. 111114 ,an dilVl.l C. CLIRRY,‘Iste of Rle, l`a.) dee ems 441 tete , Copannetsfoit_under the name of HU. *.!ql7,itav; for we putissre;of earryibg on the 'Kok ing,..T .. r.rch#l.-,c bo•illess In ail in branohes, at 65 IN' : street. three doers below ' , north, west 1 e-1{1,4f they sbllEd the eurtinn of their friends and • puldie, enetall •. .j . JOSEPH if HILL ilachldl . W3l. C CUNIIY -- total.lt ; tilt . ', i . II LL & 'CLIVIRT # BANKER & EXICHANGLI BROKRR.V, DF.ALF.IIS .IN FOR . BIN . _ND BONIKSTIC. TIIIE & SIGIIB BILLY, 0 EX 'IIANGE. CERTIVICATFga OF DEPOSIR, BANK N))TEI ANL) COIN. NO - itS Won street, th ird drat. I aloe Fourth, west side. P R 07 # and tarreticy rc reil on Deposile and 1 . co ;I il- et alarm on 711 i .e principal Clat ain the Baited Flatell. - Right Eggliango on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Vora; Bora K.ta on and tine innati constantly for sale. Mi n,' Minn. nelty Virginia , and Penns, ivania Bank No el, boort and Ids Peln fiiiroralik terms. End/nage on and, Behind, Barn:my and France P """ d iA r '..!". .-41.__________"'SLIL _ i . I ,' : o Triagelleas. rIEX.P4R,SEI PAST PACKET LINE'," I 14QR ; ArEatija i Fill a Ex, rir . . l ,l.Np nALTi3ionm.„ 1E..- r h trd for "avenger. Milt: r an 4 !and ' Ratiread. being note in fterellent A orders e:Park sail! liost,rot.eritt 11, 1wc4,11, pas , ...Inge. - ors olloarro,ever, h. 101111,9 ne oek : racket Chap, I 17*pi.• Crayr, ~ Fr,'Ony,dati t .tim, do I .... 1 I do; HetavYr , BatarOngt Vih inst. do I fen. oa elnorspson. Banday,2a,k inst. do• RI , at aB .1 4 ' 1 r4 . /7 : . Monday, th iris), tTei do 1./Tt . : iro ir,ra ..e.. . hier,o.lay-ntab toot drl I .rat ' 14-1 51-•‘..7, - .V..rtmotoy,3ln innt . ma r Fa raigl aßtlg si llolCrl -,..traeoe ra , of 13 Borne, air to 11. i il .; N 11,311;e1 & a - 0 , no i,ga L ! 1 , i ' voon. Mutt. ' ' ' N 0... 1 1 1 ..1 1 1•4.• 1 / 6 . W 1 ',, 6! h.e.e . ..d - st. fa...del to the nob ertF:ll ' a=l:- P - levl r i' rc r,r " %fi . argaf ' d 'r f U 4 with the n4ersig l 4,4 surees.or.. la t e wa duly :aaihori t sCdrosefile.up Me huhines of the firm. . _ . I i 1 it 1111.1../6 BRESII NH . — , PA , L.I._ 4 4 ,:.. ..___s_n_t..A..r2'.2 4 .2Ys.!l_ , .0 ECII i VEI/ itti . u?orma at Burma, fr. Tut nees--A It fine el}cpon o . Cali fond.. hint.. new owl health.. :11.1 styles, Frond. Gingham, very net. patterns. at ZS Cents; /11sOchisteh Gingham., warranted, at she. law price of ttrentr;bEngloph Print.; Brown plaids and ot. sthpe ni: .od, 14,pilsote.at No 46 filaikes meet, p .: _ l6 fil/ 1 ' • ': ; lletween3d and 4th streets D.. 111 Jirll4l adlasplbeis /cep •0 o( Massachusetts and 9 nil lota aa wanted lit Wear_ Wharce4, flailadelphja. I Inetshlc.as 1 MO M KE:13111DI A Cu ._....- 4.-.-- —,- T . NICITi lip-:-Applleatio /lea been made for the re J. 711 new I Af, Oestaficale No 176. dated .Jan.ry 13, 1915; for wrisi.e. Share .of We capital stork- of the company for crecunk-a-tir ege over the Rater Morion— gahel.o pre de P.:Would which ,aid Certgicate has bortr-des old by Grepr I rt. Inc h3O. • : : - GEORGE; COCHRAN i f i n-,L, F ps. /01/ Gt_. - . .6T—The genera-41.m' of ..1,/ P N rn sylvan., lion Ole year Illsi la Aped roa n ' In46,:eht nologically arrabged: with noes and refer ences to II Me decisions ed the SuPretueConn of Penn. sylvarna4zing conotructi rm. In mid laws, and a very cop.. a 3. Compiled y Am. Denbo,. 111,1'4.4. burgh 8.. j Fa t sale y 51. .READ each:lEl4. I Fourth, near Market at' i Is N EWl,B6OKS—lttargaret Dercivat; Ity'tlie arab , 1 r tt . Amy]FlerLen." j - !'etertvidePAc.: ilitetl y !ley W. Se Arvid, 7' ( .A iystyrn of Intel:cm 1 l'llat.oophy; by l re " t k lent t ioritstronitray; t v D. Dirtted ' D'lsm ti'a Amenities of I:Dolton- Livespr FAtmentltiveh titer; IF r/ h ot t " p ' els b T . fly?: C !trn% itt ' 7- ' Tlte'fbres 4„ andtittic•af . 11• A Fat.l4e, :to W 6 clog< W : il t C qT . ' !•;,..11 thaTzoy,m aeture, Qt For sale by the Aleent, wholesale. jrach..lollt _ ; AEI drri L/.. ; Lot ri Federal tree feet allek.t, , t lenied to•.I 151 per lo be the laity ty will beTd °Poe,. (non • CU _met.2ol; Tea,'Groe , ery,Fp.4 and PearsilTorli tore. PI O! ' PettllPlN4 Bt.' . . 13 TI t..,'. Ts m i l, i! BONN. Ifb ‘ l ' i l c d g " t=ll; " ' '' lh j et ib' he '' l! ' . " . gain cosh cocoa tam o a ofthe abort drat:hes. hat door to hi gid .Lind, beta - bt Watt, by burping f? !apply ofi 0 attiOles, .liing low for each.. pad' pay • . a- .trice alma:oaf to, b a potato., to morn a abate of P 7* —± . New =ellen e foe l ' edle finl;. 4l _, OILING!' TYLEg, lEI 7. LEE, JVDSON 4. LSE, k) at the aprons fief, aie Warehonaa,l:io. A Ga.' dar.at., Aire, Tort, Oe whole of Kith is ileac:aid to the eshildlian and tole Of actin!. 'finial ,) offer for salef by the fibote or leaaliar,looo CASES of I'IYINTED CALICOES, Ms- /. prom; 4f1416 !desirable sio .1)10., a . lirgepropanom o f ala& haring brit cobtrael it Cur her the 'awns.. sq the Market, ortlibkaold al free Ifin LLLIMICIENISIII . piterot pri 6 "..' l ii t i i . . hands - ' ~.. - 7 Printed. ls'of. pr an tat into the ofboyere. '''.,„ I NE—B q LEL,Late anti 'arta, in the original firm of'', Ler 41%11.14.1er, (from ebb It be roared i11 . 1340') ha. joined it,, aria of , re and ikE and sofichatb pattenaga of his ild , &iced -rm. t. • i. ai.a.k.sd d.. the Mita of 1 Febitatry,a,la.7 . LEE,ItIPSON is.b:. , 1 , NKw liN LL.Ntosr 1 1 1, tditej Lire; platnut, sick: tenderly, bi 14311 Costivrineta, Plitt.; 1.111 of Appetiti,Liyapetstaei Stortatch.Ltning nor, Pep re mailer-[ Cc 'aelyonsDiada e. , , Setif In tiepin - int, PuAdles,op thelFar and oil disTatenarlain I Tee attention fll i alitiried bf any,of p e relied toll e , ate.nta f t lon tram a 1 origindl rye, eatabiniciT'iteelf IhTi of-two of t Y very B rn o. • I The *at Partite:and ' tioduced ice tlic palate a luring Ibb.perial their iiidarr dieprpiirtor la dence. - In tbel-toll belief tbastne uste.:they brill marring:Mien itie,dieent , sold, uunoleoale bad t A M, general egenti,l2l, Timex, Market 'street, inert. Pittaborgh, P i a. • -.. ..dir illE •LaW:E...• T riisspr7,l:77.tacE.s. ^_ STATIDNEBY AND PA FEB BLANK po.ulA ,• i RICH 4 LouTREL; _ • •,31 *ILL tot S 'ltEr.:l'. Nt'•:%s' ]Offs. il AW F. Tedkr , 0411 ind, • tbeii - dai nbrdiini tare, a <OM Ili pled. aa.ll ut of Ldp re,1.ari..4 , , Boy Boob, 1.. amid, Cosh,.grerr • d 13:11 Book., km, of eerie. tiara d stylts of bashogi frorn which sett of Aronent Books Yea be uteetedat eery toir pc' es; aiiatunde nimbler, ruled and - bulled icradp tette ~ sit• ort noterr.— - Furelgnt i and ion Wiz S7ationtry. Quill.. IVater. baling Was, Pens , fil•el, and fk,',1,,i, , Writiem.3lunt, L ' iad Pr is, Slate*, 1uk.tand1i,..t,„;1,,,,, , Port Ape.; Pocket-bi•iles, ( Id and Sneer Pet r o p,....., Pm . tibiae., Pea Rube,. Pen' Warn, Oo:. Ticket., Pa ticp Cards; Radials:ma= . . ,Cheeses, Dice, hors' !oilier', their ettniiro, I. T - ...,,e, Tame Mehl, Tissue la ...f i l, L l 4, ilert2rine - et . ikatia .echner Erman. tecincers, 5h:,,,,,, braikierlalt. File., .li:A Moir. L,rlb7,Adebbre Books; i n ,,,e.f Tables,. traal. . Tariff'', Eechaup,e Tables, 5, , ,M a *6 7 ° !t k . "' d!g d ''''' .7.. '" ;?! Book& -; • I A laqt ap•Ct enla ad) on hand, table foe retail trade aud country mere 6at u cheap rates.'; A. Large. Ate tin of Writing Paperp. i.,, ,.,,, Fiawap, plena rat, d'Letter Paper, plain aud rated Notk P.P. , •.W.PP . f"P'''.. o4 .itd Board., Leg,.Cloo4 tya.tery,F.ayelope , a,Pd al° ting Pap,i, Colored l'apera;Thia ~..,.,,,,y nor; . srltet P t yeti. anted Bank Poo Tluce „,ip,o pyLoir ape', Marne Paper, Gold, Tt otter, Emboweel„ andtie r , artier deseriptic of paper at rery'L.,. prices. paid' Peas Diamond; Pidni. - .. nii.t.I.Her.Y.OHH, ~, niHitri; and k 0 othi. cce- - Hated taalresa.,!in eittiatt: s to snit pur!baders, atebhe eery re pylng Proem Tsbealy-t r iLiterebt an, •tylet.....tt:e Ira. Copia," Prowl, with as& ere , thegnod repeditio a ., en 0.,,,,, no, , and aiipli, aa,de of ki., Aeopy at any hewer .51, without wripak it Gibe a iu • I .imgrgrict lila Told L et ter- IVrilers. By latch the elk{{ ceps ,I 3 written at the game tier.. The lar;rit innruneta or r wilted, and at the Unrest price ', Banta, la =mate COsEipaniem itterchauteaud othrrs - furohled with to of Actonat ntiolny'euteit and bound ' iu lay pattern al art notice. Abe, with at. 'dam., of the Leal 0.11113. .1. ', 4id jai presses, 1 • • Tor the nee eif Van • al .1 Corporation., to afar the beat er such liana oi l Corporistion to their document.. This tiara cina ierrydrenid by toy. ' acca at need Wel • LI i Ain., Premiums Awarded Hi. by ;he A• . lanitute, al tbp late Fair - Por the bept Ibute4 • 130eks.=4 :nicer Diplo ma -- -FeWtitt.Ha7d.iiiii tier Wrilen—A Diploma Fur be Be bed pyiug Prenws—.4 Diplom. . t Phu rill oin - ef Sze for Youmerts , ayl7ie.irde wid,Opuntry Aterdanie Supplied. ... . .. , 1.: tHcit it .I,Qi./THEL, ' ipapi;eiers 4.l 4 orlatidrlial t Statio;ery,, • . and Actubers Armand Book.; , ' - ld:Wri ea Esbehior,lifiale I i and 46, ,f• i,ke, it Wait.. 1 . a., .1,,,t, Iv - Y. . I'l7.;l ° l.: t g, 1; --) hi ,iiii., c. Jusl F:LD Imre: y 1... L D ty street ono recelvcd I.y . . 1 . _ 2c Co ✓ 7 lnter el ..' • • . . 111: - .; , 41: - .J.,' auxo, SALAWN, &V. aeurteut or Pickled Fab ..uncut Insocc:ion, foi wale. arcLou.sc. No 40 North gurFt rercivai; by 'tie artil.or 3.. j ilev W. SewelNor.. D.. I (Pba..PbY; by .Ma 6•lD.Dinniml, Lt.. D. iiitcrattire. rtmr; by Howe - X•kalrtr.. • Ilc•Mecuen.• rang db , libgbobed Clam or the 341.centary; by Rev. For sale_by J L READ ill, p.m Market it Ilona . ' raelarera, a large in lin and. Boorbaziaii Boannin and Collari ‘ of Raspenders,An . ,ike. • Ri Wand stria siairs, EDWARD TODD. ==itta MOPERTr.FOR , 2...! by ILO feet, deep; to a 25 above. of the same sine, now r twelve yea at the rate of ' The Moore h. valuable proper able, terms. Apply to lIHERT: General Agent I No ntlorneket street . IEFFECTIVIiImveDir;. - klarnaparillta labia Mind - kfor the core of Ilia fellowint; rgoinplAini, itlrDiliout Coin. k i tieatt BUf (1, , I 'dig.ttlion, habit. Inlidiationt of be Heart, m ,elanuslrrita dens Debilitated tarionof ttpliit enronle Rhea. t'Z'Clhe'llr' YPl'll.'id..4len. [ . l'imples •1311 re:ciliary Iluntort; Cold Noter, to miadindrus non of Net. vaiiil public. and of allAgitd bore 'ditentea, it teapeelnally nein and inrsiliattira prep..... on. dmiingnitheil phyaleian, a e i t eer " i n n ' ilfe " :\rn ' in ' r ' iinfedi " e7. lo l l Vl 'Dherry . Diner. were In . twelve 0201.1 h, agit nanl d.ent* hat been to great an in fret them unit PIM moreannfi— ha•by enteritirlitto mo ex. men a. blaming to at! 'Matte cal ove . enometamp* r tail, hi• WYATT .1.1:1.-TC1I 'ullito intact, New Yor/r, Win nd P.R. rldwratt..druiilGeld, rine/I—taint, bcinen. . • _ . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers