. - ''':PITTSBURGH DAILY OAzET-Tr:::::.ANp---..-Apvy-wftsEit./ PRICE SEVF,N DOLLARS DIRECTORY I x ifti. l ;',:rw A allt p ag g al ri eftr 61 C rai .ot and IN F • mckll • • A Ktrzbe? sad „ :2 . 67 i tt strret, alkne NaiiihrLekl. • • 6 . 3 • , / A LiiCANDER. GORDON. tom:ma= and Vormat.ling Nesebans. comet of Front . Redoubt aUry. gond* A T W 00D, JONES & Co., Om=Wit= sad Fetwaribeg literettitatt, have rammed to their °IL mod, W ator rgod.stteets.l. Meal 771%i.1.A tAiT,lteniirms latetlet, gad arboletale / l ry ctirw 1f eta an/ Liggett. No. 14.5, rum. m LncAp %Meg arel ;Worm" Allty,Putalitatt, l'a. 71— LItC.TAVITS; itiTittaTaFlCA -7— •._ Fe. , eh .1.1..; at, nowt. . • WINCIIESTIEn, dealer In an kinds of Ica pr,scd and Ihars. , c ,egara. ripanlah Leaf, and he elionvin o..ndann etarklug Tonacco, whoinaala aad unt,;4. X , Tin rdMr,c,t, • 2011 AI ILAVN & REITER. , bokale sad Itelsal .13 comer of line fly and & . Clul meets, I • Bed Idte°1•118 Tat..tiLy.?„4l4:;;:l)".lo*.'d 4 0 NIA. r. 6,3 Lima. , lime Tlunt. rY W4 :4l ' _ . II A. FA II STOCK do CO.. Wt.esals .LI. em/ I.a.oma cora. Wood and Gth us. Jyt 1.) A. SI.3IPSON' G. Co.. Omen. Commis.lna A 1 1 .10.1114 cad Wale. o. ratabdryit hlanufae• turn! No lj Llberty nrcet, Pltubu k. .251 r; oAun.t.nv 6 t ITII. 1V1.1.4. W 00... IS 11 •od <u WooJ rindrorylo _ . sm~Tn. CIAGALICV dliCO., Wholoud.; Gi•- ern and Produro Oetd•o, No. idtlitart. ode.. be. worn 502 a . LI fob. No•dt • de, Iloladelolon.• mod A. EIeANILT.I.T do' CO, For•ronllog a nd a C•Comsa..... Alertha Us, Canal Limon, rdlsbuzmadgL, 1.005116, Attorney .1 Law, of crce .lin dre. i.d.• v. Suctitnstd_apl 7 lsl , _ Wm; I'ut~rrvn John leunr is rt. W. 110= CCial.rtrin..agell'irliatutt'orLolls.les, A. l COr r..Tounprlng ..i and dram". 111 C. Trimmings of •very des er.ooo, ulauulnotory on ti Claw st. Warobont. 43 'Woo d . or, tr. io Charlet 110101 janZl j I,Andrel QUIT h. I r i T C 7 4 , 00. So. (1111114C11 r CA121.0TU5482, Wbolosale Ore= 4.1 err*, sad eleven at Produce, and in all attacks of Pasburgh 3.lnucriacturcs, No. 64 Water and U 5 Pearl street, pint: fIUN nli GIIA3I TIONIIIIIMWboIedato tiro 4...enam......n 1 and awl Forran:alinttaWomba:NOt lHlLthery Ploshorck:l'inaaraOa jn s o Joti.C 7 ;. a. 1. Kealtaerr et A a.aN IISON Mr:KNIGFIT, Imecei to ...0000r •tt Whalesala Grpeara Unnalisalon . aa..l ts• 01.3.; M.:ft - howl*. Dealers to Produce . on rattaurals alooolarturra Sixth meet, between Waal and I.therty, Da. • • .. a vsAuwtae imrotter and tobacco!e and rat k.. , .denter in Foamy and :hap Variety Wad., .41. 111 LO this COM, W 64.114.4. area, near I.4enyklea bargh. Pa. al — 11. ii[ALlell. Praia In 'rodocaand Fantay, ` . _ll[ Gr.., No 46 !Abell] . a, ma door to ta ller a blarLet JIB 17 • r% BUSH 64ffi1.41., Coat Maier, office CORN( Cbelti '..1-1• Miry rod Wooer awe, Jamas Dunlop. J. Hammon firsorolL lAUSLOP SEWELL, Attorneys at L. JJ Wier+ on nolothhold, bowmen 3.1 and Ch. ..1.1 EWALT. . WALT, or. GNB MUT, holcaale • 010- 4 cern, o f in prod ire and Ptusburgb mnostan , Onnn.,“...ner of Lan-ay asui iland sta., Patubofgla, PA fehl7 . WU- ...:nu..11.. _ !AIM j. mermen , UNGLIAII lis lIRIIISETT, ( 4u Energy, Gal- JD leerier k Co 11\ bole...kw Owen, Commesaurs sad Fororsollog _Aust.., sod Dealers is Pordoce sad Pirlsburgb alGodie cuss. No. Z'iN'opd Greer, berere.or fleeond and Thud el.. oar, . -- Y R Frreod. • Gen Riles. . Jame. Woad. ILIIOND, 11.11EY L GO.. Wholesale Grocers, .V 11.43 gy m , soort Motehants. axed Assaulted U. 001011 Couch 'ALMS, r•DI 5: , A ...sod 114:1Frostarxers HRS. •Sursh, Is. • • I kW' . .. _. . . DLUldr.. Pomo Forte Nlanufacterrer and deal- Feel ro Musical Idarrooreurs, 111 Wood ousel... Filth. - goat= - - ... .. ... • i.CUSIiOILSTI•II. • • • OUSlirTil i Co, Comounoo and Porwardukg FWereLoom No. go 11.:oor lILANCIISELLEILII, Gods/. Cornodukat Flgerelow and dealer io Prollace, Coologo Chis, No. 17 I.lbany '64 near Canal Bolan, busbamb, . IL Oakum, Manilla Rope, ax,lllrays an band. 03113 iFLiti.gt,:anleaala and =tad Osier in Leather litaidcottral and finn SW. 11101.11.1.14 - RATILIOIIILE PAIS a. CIUORGIM 4.013.01/1111 Is 00., Wholesale Om Li ale mod Oatamiseleil Sleschans, 103 Wood suer Pittsburgh Ile. . .111 G 6 . A. BEAST WtoDula Grocer Lad Gal& Initto•ou Merchant,and Dealer in Produce and Pinaburail Itla,lutaentrea No 19 Wood at,TuDayat. nice. W. toulih. M. U. Drown. I . a £o. ,W. SIIIITIL k. V• Brewer., 51alatere, ..-. " d.,i."Dt HoPeintstu.siei and Point Ikea , erica, Penn and Pat sereels. i 1.4 Cl HOlLDifie COCIIILLS. Coniutionap. alada4d: ll" 'reeding bicraintai, No. D. '''" - .-= '..:--- --AWL_ - re - JMOWIFIE., [mecca/ors ui tuDdship & Browpc,],litiporte..r• and oaliountetaren of Wall Paper aottlie.ral Paper Warehouse, P.o. 67. Wool atreet. Pluelaurnb.. . Ps2U ' . it N. BODWOILSEI to., Nes CI Mat &Last etre, sten door to Thl al street, am put &ed. Ing new and catenary araortosent of Swks and doi staaery, stitteh they. snit sett, wboleftle and email, at -TILES k BROCKWAY, Dramas, No.SEara -1-1 ' al Bo*, arse the canal basin, Patabsarla saltal-dly • . HL. WIIAVICE„ Whaleula awl Rama Omer, saclike in Sal; Produce and Pluabaret name area, Na s ytlsba7h, oral IJILLAILY UIIII3OT, WHITE & RED LEAD AA Manufacturer. YuntkUtl Merchant, earner of Lib-, arty and O'llara au, 1./mangy& kbla ix•wl MCI Emirs? Dlitinlio . 71 .• DICKILT . 1k Oco, Wbolelide - OftwAlt, Cotainission Merchants and dealers In Produce, Nos Id Water and 107 Prow stree - ts Pittsburgh. nosh • al Anattley 1 . a>.,• Pittsburgh, al ' Pa. bas resumed the praencer of Oss ptofessron amodsce. No 7, Sate well's ltuddirga, Grant Ansa oc cupied daring his tbsunea by T. J. ithgbato and J. Chrdne,leloqrs. ytednrortfP Pinshuralt. ly ---- IktUDGAN, Wholesale Druggist, aid es{ler to Dye :sm.!, Ilsants„ Oil*, Vlstnisees, Ate, 'Sega Wood sac., our &sit :Isiah at Diamond Alley, lAALES FLIGUIt , JA. A. Co. 4soece.Asor JOael , II • O. DavlA! 6131 A k7AAAAtc rs, 38 Water AL. iouS • WALKER, Apqt for lesnop oul. . n stre.t; bo. 4 , 4=1 . 0 loe sooonooool ExtraCasb Cu b and 814 Ale inoebr, Littman and Eognsb Ulmer meek winch he Will .11 on Uge spool uesonotodotiOlf iddid JotAs u.isszpr,po,wboluale add Retail dent et 41 Mace and Mauna] Inakupnern, *Jinni Books, Papnr, takaate, Steel Penn (India, Pennant Cards, and &annum sexually, Na. hl %VIKA a 3, rikenink• lawskanr uken in trade. . upl.s J. 'bonoosmAusiz, a. CO. giste.Pie. St Wood In. Vtabersb. septa 1056P 7 1 ejOUSekki k BON. Qs and s v,wanling 31exakinnts, No IS Liberiy Oman* lnottkri.l i=wanwons . Jane JOUN ikT4LLATIA, Auerany at Law, Mee env w, beWterl Grant and S m i th , wit.# side, Patibutath. elso attend promptly tobdainW n Ne adnanow .6N-117_ r ilKLe COoPtIl./ 34714111 L 000111. vanes COOP fl &.(14'&440. ' dtlll,ll in Paulnca anal Pittman annanfantuna, 06 Lawny a;. opposne tLe nniuth,of OA at. tarn TODD D. DAVIS. Allt-TIONEER, comae nsuN .2 ao4 Wood west. kitkaarat. °eta Dro. ccr an 4 6omnasoiaoNerehantY 2 aut a 4 2 .7.4 2 .d tlic . goonagabela Hodge. Piploup. 117 Iron, Neil, GJw, 111. c. tl SMOILIACIAIf[fe pleat J4Oll/14•TOIN & STOCKTON, Llakltellere 1 i i pnaters aad Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Marie et, iir/iirndr. ' ' JI. llNAlPli'llUali lire e, aiiir Harker _ ue cJi• . Cursiral,ll . iral, 11 • ria.4, &boot, llel• Limon add Meth in Duras cad 2.1140n.,) , WI _ .- J-TAIMIZS J. AY, Wad Dealer and Cereakimilon M e reanurr. lied& ODOM, Of Clierry Alley Ind War& or. i' , .. i.e. , r. . .. f... 2 I 'W. 11.0 . CIITIIO3I kCO &Ake aoA Er e/ oho nge I.le, Mr., of Wiliod Led 11 . 114 . sumo, I lle.4° ‘ yu icy g.ruoihunr,),Paubwin, ft. . _ a:rearr purcharad et Ow 010101 ruck &11l ~-.. 1[0111; HXZU, Whaleriale Grocer, dealer in Pre. 41 dara, Piusasirsl4 nravailecansa, Tha , PlAte, ka. Lc, Ile dr21.11.e5ty .. .1. rillaburik. rasa Jake V10y41. 2 ' ' Riehard-Floyd. , I , k. i11..111.070, Illide J. Floyd k Co.l Merkur& 0 • tl.aw•n. tie. Pit Liberty 1:1/eLitlfEir, WbolesaleGreeir.Conwi. stem Alerelwel, tad dealer to Wed...tend Pb rattatactstratalde ed Wirer et. Picartt,Th, Ll 5 . WATWlLltuiti Wbeleatlit" Gram', E. , - --..rdAn sad Cadtraiasios Sambaed, Dealer to Pittebatela blestafaerares and Predate, Noe. 31 Water ead er Frain .1.. 117_ T 1W1.4 Ce; • elracry V" , ..rd'lng and Ceentaieetoe lPerehap o, anJ detakite ta atenstaeutres, Na. Wateresti rrt,trant tee. • • ' artg3l ' - 116141 1 4341 SHIPTOk., Whfa Fora.4l , lhte and Onnothision AlerchanD, .D.. 147; *ri Radon... lid Pitirbarsh 41.04.44De5, Dos 13 and DWI .Dit..4 /VAIL • D. U. 14.46.141. Jas. D. 41.031 'GILLS 13USIIVIELD, Grater* mul Coto ci Desehatu., No 101 Libt.ny sueet, _ M AMn'Ala. Diana. W. A N4igek ' M. 4 .\1 1 ; 16 .et71 -' , '. .. %Zig, F i" TWAWecla Wood fi,f AUK. Ilit4 , 1{11:TOIS, Whodesale Omer floo- J3l. prying Metal., &War rocelnoc, l'isoborign m. o , o r e s.croo," cod all lewd* of Forsign and Ebniostle . 0 4 (amig, Smithfield ritmei. Octoroon Fourth .n. ' ced fiturnerre 4 lloYil!ittabeinh. wool I. uoIITZIL h. Co, r !totemic Grocers I. N 0. 1 ,4. Liber , Y a W. .131 , 6101.11011, o sata and Cossonnao9 Idendataa pto LAI4 West, Pattbarsta Pa yallt • MoCORD k RING , wholesale and retml Hat and Cap acanatamarerm and dealers in Fancy Farm corner of Wood and P,A am. j. v,( — !D 7. bracers; Dealer. on . rondo.. and Salt, and Forwardong and Commie s'. Alerclucour, Noa PJ Liborry and 1153 Wood stream, flotaborah. PL ; BIG WILSON Br. CO., Wholesale. Good. Ogee., 816. 8 Weal au.% l'acuburg , .8888 WHOLICLIES & SOX, No fsVaLarket street, see s and door Dm% corner of Fourth, Dealers In For eign and Domestm BUIS of Exchange, Cecales of Deposi Burk Now mod Specie. mods on ell Ms principal aides Amex/- out Mr Mimi aecl7 RW rn7m — antet. A Cuaer son. -- e H Errant DOINDEXTER Lolesale Grocers and Cocomiwon rod f'Orvrarding Merchants. ran 41 Waternarent. dactat_ R Ira& & co, Who I caul e aton blerchuro, ano dealers 6 to ' l Pillsburgh idaaufacturea, Luberty oppcuste South. field 0., Pittsburgh. Pa. erlys 11(011011 AIID DAILD, Wholesale and retail dealer Leather, Merged°, Lawmaker& Toots and Find ings, Tanners and Carrico Tools, and Tanners :go. lUI NVood at, Pittsburgh. aeplg OBEIITHON 11.EPPICIIIM.. Produce I/cal l. CUB and Coma:auto& otatehano, Igo WO Second at, Ptgateugh. sepl6 ROBERT ZPALZELL k 4r. JO/MUT DA.LZELL k. Co., Wholesale tiro .l. nen, Commission and Forwuding Merchants, den fess Psoduce and Polatourgh MILLIYI/C,Uttly Liberty street, Paut_l.nb. Pa. . 10E, 0 011100. 11. 30111•011. it.• ROBISON Or. Co., I Wholesale tirocers. Pos its duce and eiscsolission Merchants, and Useless un Pio:thumb M.nrectures, Na. Iw Lmeny gree4l'm.- bnryS Pa pull° °BERT BIOORIC. Wholerale Grocer, Rectify ingD..ller dealer In Produce, ranet,orgh Marra Gamma, and an n d. of Forenen and Donwsur Wince anl l i tLabcny street. Pinaborat i N a lts;c77alt i otb -71rtyt,..0 la. for Wwparbr cash. mayiG.ly L. 0. Reynolds. RICY IS OLD! 4 StIEE, Porsrardmg and Com misawn Aletemoss, for the Allegheny there Trade. dealers is Grocertes. Produce, Patsbargh Manufactures and Chloride of Ltmo. The ingbeln .prices, m sash. paid at all urne• (or Co any Rags. Corner of Penn end Irwin su.. An:o C Shackle.. 'rhea R White. SuacKLETT d WQITE, W holesale thm lora in Forearm and Domes. Dry Dooda No Mt Wood mace. Pottburgh febbrtf HARDAVOIIs Wool Merchant. dcal• 0. era o Fleur and Produce generally and Forward tog arid Conunission Merchantu, No 3:1 Wood; street, Pinaborgh. , AItIIEL PAMlllift, Attorney a , Law.; Othee Rmeda budding, No St Fourth street, between Woad and Snanhfield. no,r3d4urly STEPIIIES OAD.RZTT, Manufactureiot Fan cy,Sttaving and Toilet Soaps, Winter and Summer pressed Ltd Od,trx. No 17 Ptah n, between Wood and Market we, Ptusburgh. Pa. oc3l 0 W. VON HONNIIOB.ST p Cp., Wholesale Os Grocersorwarding and CosOmissien Merchant. Meek,. P.ttehitrygbalstaufactures and Western Pro duce, have removed to then new warehouse. (old stand) No 35, comer of Front al nod Chancery Lane. roe? - - 0•111L r EL 34 KIEHL, Forwien,nu and Constr. 1.3 &i on Metchant, Dealer In halt, Produce sod P itts fl burgh menu outied uncles, Gaunt Illseno. near 7th sh de.l Q AI. WICKYLKIIIIAM. Denier Seed, Flow O. Tree, sod Agricultural Inip.me o32 o 1S Wood wee nusborgb• • TOUN n TOWNSEND. therm.. and Apothe cary. Ito 43 31mtet st. mow doom above Thad id_ Pittsburgh. will have cunmently on hand s well trier t• od asso,tment of the hem and freshest Medic hie,. %stitch he sell' sell on the meat reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be pomptl7 attended to, and sup plied with armies they may rely upon as genuine. lj,7ePhymcians'Prevertption• will be accurately and neatly prepared from the btu materials, at any boar of the day or night. • Alm for Late, a Jerre stock of fresh and good Perth ' poll • T PForsyyth. R Fortztb: , T•P. FOSY crs in dolt, n k b C er e ii e° ert ' et . l, 4 = " c; ' •a n ci ' i I Pittsburgh htunufactures, Canal Llama, liberty ewer , : tilteburytt. MIAS' TIL HILLIER. Looking (Ilan and Pieta< .Frame Hanolacturer, and Importer of Look In; Wass Plates; 'dealer In lloose.furnmlnng ilardornre, 'urinary Gocalt,lol Wood creel, near Fifth. - —, .Tolllf D. Witi, DAVID X C.C.SOLIffI IXTICK WCANDLESS, (successors. to I. & c l d 7 , JD Wi ,) Wholesale Conners, Forurargrog and Commission erchantt. dealers in Iron, ..Nails. Glass, Cotton Yarns and Phtsbargh tilannfacluren genhrally, eornuor W and Watts its, Ptusburgh. . tnehld IXT It JD ifirliir iCVIIr • the ladles to tall and VV s•egata toe bin stock of Planer Workud . ColLarg somosts loss aZ. cents. mob 13 191(TALLIXOFORD & Vs.. Agents for & La- V mom, hare on hand an •raoroaeotof hu enpuLor WM Boa Vie... Shovels and Spades. Jane M. Leec h h *Vervaseem.re TAT cisp . Faz & co, Whoiesau cu,,rs, For V T wording and Commission Merchants, and Deal era in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, eorne RD•24 wmtoon. GLICSN, KaarenitOrTd to Me V V corner of Wood and Third su. above C. H. Kay, where . be is ;rod to do every description of Rol amt !boding.. 6t av A.T444.C5. Mill some and mill furnish ==:=M] IeCUTCRZON. MOST. 111COTCHION. & H. PrCUTOELEON, Whole.le ( inters,W l •• nod Dealers in Pittsbergla Manufactures, and Wegter4 Prchice generally, No. 152 Liberty Weal, Pittsburgh, • .31 IAT & MITCILILLTILME, Wholesale -bra !' V cers, Recuf)‘ing Dirtillers, and Wine and Olquor Merchants, No. 160 Libecty sue., lopppsne Sloth Pittabargh, mayladly WH. 1/24.11,DUULDS, Dealer In Finley and duple . DryWWI, I . 2lllnyket meet, Pantheist norl3dly • 111.. 1' V Dealer Pro GOR.IIII4r, Family Groner.. .w/dons, N 0.210 La buse Iland streerdPinsbriret. ibertyr2doors We. 4-0 /ZiattiaTit;i - trim it 4 burin trusd Wholesale Gamma are nom located at No.llB Wind at, sidocra they ofer formic a luxe assort ment of Grommes and Fittabririti his r nf.irmyes, si low prices and on favorable terms.' ' ariiyl3 WW. IWILION4 pester at Watches, elvol ry . Saver Ware, Manor,. Good; &c, No. 57 Me,. ket street. ; sot? tirWiratriklllr, wholesalea . trta ile 'red ' alet F F Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north caw co, aorollidisau a • F, anti .1.• awn JCL Jr:IRWIN, Jr. Lae s,7:purchased the YD rug Sours of Edgar them; censer Ift Pena end 1 and meets, Keep a mutant supply of the Lost medicines, perfumery. ke. 4'hYskiattla presumptions easefully fssutidfd.- ISfedieines ban be bad at all boors of the ta rught. WX. X. DARLINGTON. Attorney at Laar Pituboryrh, Pa, otalassnioner to take the ae kroClrtlgment and pros or Llceds, Leues. Contrams, Dtpositmas, or ngs nthe-nirri ling tend., seal or not,) to Ito used or ?storied "la '.us it d s of Onto. OCce on strest,above Snit ?cid. TVC. JIAJOIIINBAO6II. Attorney at LawTV . Fifthmeet,nearSmithfield. Firat Erect, near Smithfield. Collecting, alien-, ols• Wd athar keenness attended to with ponelesJlty. 8i..0i1. T r /Semple. . Et.lr B Fahneateck At Co John . 61i, Pan Ong Lindsay & Co, Joan Wright, Esti, EgCally, rag, Maj. William Lorimer. I . AUCTIONEERS AND COM'ISS ! ON MERCHANTS; ALExANDE LEVY 8, BROS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS 'WEEK to gel] enber establishment all kinds of histehnndt .at th e krwest Imes of Commissions and. are always tottered to make advances. The two of references ;wen, if Intuited. Letters addressed to either Hoe . sill he promptly attended to. ty3Odly Rge IFYING DISTILLER, FOREIGN -: l‘filft."7 No. 114 Lac"ly at, and 53 Diamond alky M=! i n. iymnir ADAM HOEM • W HO ~.4. liLk K ond ti d e& Locale , lo r : all r kie , rl7 ., o s l n .4:i Unzon r or, t. "' nenT g olorthsfno7or i'snotoZg: "mm W IiRICH MARTIN ok , CO., Banks, on Endoango, Sank Now and Coon, darner of Third and Wood once., ne•lgltio ' Pittsbargh, Pm. Wm. M Ii 14;;;. ci7ll - 11771 - [Sicaosor . to Lawrie WILLIAM% a lIIINM. ATTORNEYS AM) EOUNSF:J.Loue AT LAW. 00.05. !York •Ida of Foanh aiw.• Smithfield.4o yF : =ll SECRND, NF.IIII WOOD. I , 7.I{EET Apzare rot N. 1.04 t Co.ta - • /lave w 1444 • lull 11.01111,111 of Cw, Non. feb , el • Bunts ud ffocluivia Ssa A M W•Srneinol. lnbn F Stoo p,. ALLIBIGIVORR k Co., Com nni.Lon and tor• arardtna Merchants, Second, suer Wood .nect ra. "'SW/CLEM —An Acgoennent finc .- Icoreleci No 02 Woad street, sir, Ctencto, thustt, and oincr Sreom 1. pino, For 11. RUM., Oold Sened, I oold Peas of fine Quality, with in. without Molders, just tre'd at Law ppres. (.hl7 TIIO z. umatu.y, ATTORNEY aad Canis. Rai al l aw, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Cotiara.. ~ noytkare Obio IC teal... .4 m reatailty, promptly aud .reTully!artended REFER TO—Hau. kt,tchard II:441e. War Hell & Son, Clrma, %Var',APSlniert,(4' torch &Cared..., War Hay., Rart, Jamas P. SUlall,lVilarek Mara. 108 i. 61C111693,____ • CORMISSION MERCHANT, - I NO. 20 WATER ST. OPPOSITE CIIEAPSIDE r ST. OPPOSITE lATINDOW Masa, Wars ware, Dned V ,mayt, and Cowley Produce. Advances made on conaisysmenta SansfamM7 up ealdressam by mall Wpi7.ly. =MMEt=l=3= JOll4 irotrz.Lovoo & co. Canuniuion and Foruarding Mere limas, NOR". 95 & 95 SOUTH in. Ja.Vlr • /30 - %Vt.! MPS WHARF, Haltlakere. O. Y.IACEION. H. CYSUWTON. Law of ..i.e Amor House Of PaOlLan, Rockaway EUTAW HOUSE. BALTIMORE. JACKSON & CRANSTON ritOr II I LTOlt. Coacher real, in reathnees at the DEPOTS L. 111411 10 0011:10Y r10.0011TC111: f f chow, to jyY2-dly th e House. BIRAIINGIAM TACK FACTOR! I.FAMPBELL & cnEss, PIAIKPACT.F.IO OP FINISHIron ING NAI d'Copp LS GOOK HEAD GRAL'S:. aner GRADS, IRON AND COPPER SHOE . NAILS, Pattern Mnk'ra' Points, of ercry description. Office No. 2 SI. CLaric. Hotel, Third attn., frIA .. • Pittsburgh. J. 11.'sWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ; Office 3.1 - St. opposite St. Charles Hotel, prrcsnußUll, Vir!LL al. attmld promptly to CoPremiss, Wash ington,Fayeue sod Green Cos:lnes, Pa Kassa an !Er Bleekstock, Ikll & Ca • Chureh & Carothers Mash:lnch I) T. Morgan' GEO. B. MILTENBERGER, ST E A hl MOAT AIiEN T., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, PRODUCE A 31:RCIIANDISE BROKER, au g l9 Other, No 56 %Water Street, Prttshorgh Pa 'CV .74: ---- kato, , v 'Wae on Penn st n r‘e . e't, r t r o7 v d'oo d cr' ' X= '7. 5 - w , where he war he happy to• ILIICIIII to We're who may re q uire Lila arryl, er mon h A unU 3P. N., after which hour he vr,II on-rut to no one. aggro In ca w. nerearuty. Be ....aid further -.ay thu.e who rosy think proper torn/piny ban, that he e n ter. ,mmr &ate payment. orators the neerrarte on ha, parfpf send , na g bulls. 1. S Roubrlgh B.t. liontrgight. J. r& W. RONBRIGUIP, MANUNACT'URERS OF STARCH, tz u , ( . 1 ,1 0 1;7r, r zry . w o . m pL d ‘ e of at low Prices and on r. g ood Term.. oe-23 tyr . Beaaty, Pa._. BOLIVAR FIRE BIP VIES I'V A b ß rillge '' ' ''r o l e: 3 ll3ru i tt%:t °, lto ' r . tie br u:tVe l' . Dour “Sloan's-Whari, ^ l anal Boon ) nIiAW kl ACIARP.N MHOS. KENNE ; Look.g r e sod D. attir t Ciocko. coml, mod Vurie.) uockas, corner of Woodaod F"..urth wre.. 119 - - Remlttenrei to the -Old Country." ik ON FS rent to a , . par. o , En; land, Irclann, Scot J. land and Vi'Alea, roma oi and upward., I , stilt purchaser.. ALLEN EA MUER roar. Exchange Broker, for mud un..l ns 10EIE W. SMITII S ffo ' BREWEIL.. NIALSTF:ItS AND 1101 . DEALERS PITTABUBDU AND POINT BREWERIES. Corner Darken Alk.) and Penn and' foot of Mt 14 Pitt•bunth, Pa. V. DODGE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, /Va. 49 Markel 31, I,lLce. 3d writ 4M sm, ,/. fIOSTIN Li ES to exerate ...kna g.'slth ry no" Ilan. %.../ oars. Trunsparcncies, and a:i lcud ot ,dasnanutl wed. at the shot,.t non r. and . nr,' es vat c”no, poassbly fatl to suit htsrmplave , - . janl, • Tilos. J. CARSON, & Co. . COMMIMION MERCHANTS, No+.S•adfl Light St., BALTIMORE. tU•easil stavanreol Int& on iousignment to he *hove edd, u,by vinl ty CARSON /k. McKYIO lIT. Stith st._ fittlteSE OF TUE JUNIAti WORKS, roa rug ucg pr - BOILER IRON, BOILER IIEADA, FLUE k FIRE BED IRON. E.,F. SHOENBERGER.,'' PITTABUILOLR PA. Having taken the Warehouse iormertv oe rup.ed or 'AI. Et, Rhey .4 Ch. Water S near liven . . Steam 81111, 'Witt keep°. haul • hill sor‘y of .I...zee of liu.ler Iron and Bead., Floe and I.tre.lted Iron, male Irmo 1 1 1tAbarluniato Gases: evh.ol. rut he...H.41a. the loartst,, marke ext rate.. linsidets and other.. are .nytted' o eel and aMme hot smelt. Orders proptly a t- -1 n e rd u.. H. 11 dl v R'm"P Yount. C ittm.en F Plunk.t YOUNG, IU ISEi h. PLUNKETT, FLINT GLL:I,S.S MANUFACTURENti. WTARI.:IIOU •E Nos tg.i %Vine, and 104 sirreh Pittsburgh. 11e Glass rnaitioariarrd is warranted equal - la any in the enuntr," An . order. rrrrive prohipt sitant.on and Gi!rd ea Halle; roio. hlereliagis an-I nib,. !elating tlir tit). are Ili rd pi, rail before purr baring ekrvre ere._! -•--- FRESH iNtrottTAT!um co' liAttrywAßE. LOGAN & iiANEDY, IMINIRTEOF AND WHOLE ALE DEALERS. 1$ 11 33WAR Woo E, CUTLERY, *.e., lE d Streot. JJppfl egtetnnve utock lignlyenre, Cutlery. jg •. arbigh baring been purehu•e of the mag• utageoug rtnu in England. uml ,brect lee he ‘lanufactuturt ibm country. e.hableg them In of cct outfit on ISMI• sarp,,rd by none and rung Iled by frvi riglifullg vtted gull. JAILIS TIMIIMON. - W. it edarstu.. TIIOMPSON a. CAMPBELL. i W a the undersigned, would inform the ernsens of COMMISSION MFRCHANTS 1:',i, b er:1 . 74:.',7‘,:V::,7:77.".",t, ° ,:: ° , t!,' ',IL And Staratrfactrirers of /danced 011, ' .arer of our rieno Fares. from whom t . he y j may be rob ' No. 20 C4lundria Street, , tamed mad own INrw York I price. PINCINNATI, OHIO. - • '''''' ; ' 6 k I CLA " New York Sep I 1946-oorblif - - (O'Gara PAID I roar rtarscro,,c2 reir.M.lF ! gam Shovel, Spade and Sark Illartartaeo __________ 1. .. .. tort'. . MIS witurmonE R WOLFF, I)IPOirrIS •an Dt•Ljlta la Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, es., Corner Lawny and St. fair strcen, A RE now reerlemg per shqrs `Sarannac,' Itanna,' and •Athambra,'.thea sprLtne aliport.ol{. ot ardware, Cutlery, ire., pureha•ed for easA. dirret fn• utile nta.aufactorirs 131.1115.1,11 and Snare:mit Al &general assortment of Afore,. itardwate trom Ike •nstpufactories of thelklest anti %%lest. I..yers are respectfully navited *a climsontiOn oor stock.'as are aro deterdsincd to sell lour for cash or op ovedsroclic ooo • THE PATAPSCO INSTITUTE NEAR BALTIMORE, MD., n F F HO AL/VAN:II(4:S FUR 1 SIE EDUCA a./ TION or YOU:ste 1./I.lhl-:S, seldom found united among thasei arc Inc tollasing.— US la la“.tion, io 1i.101..111,1111 0 4P !aliened Elk Rida, end treuluolring the Patapsco Rays, and rurrawsoliwg country, et eminensfy ,aliAten,•ad ...lanes al • high degree the beautiful and pacturegue sa scenery- IV alio a fed minelos salt or the d wit of the Cumberland Railroad at Ellieut's :Rills, the" travel by gtailgoad from Sb ~L.ngnon City, i t sod wae hour um bialtanow, a o ury ug weer. tu traveller. from all pectin Of the country. , Omnibuses to and (nu Baltimore sEuil , a move:l3W. erannimneation arab that city, id. Ito r,ar .1. elegant and (44, 1 / 4 01,1/1•1 baud/ergs at. Ord prima a tasenta taripupda, E:r lodging, as,4 Or s tudy, for recitation, musk and lectors roams, Chalel and' all whet coueniencos re/rarred for!the prefie asganmagion of a co/trains inaatuiss. I 3.1 Aff extensor' grounds, Laid out in gardens and shrubbe.- riu, amidst llama and poets, afford eh pupil. an qr.... a.ty , Ga the cultieUris of florets, and odes inducements toe attire esucise and recreation, in the pure, open rue. • 41. A. 4 large.utabt•sbning el Prafuwn, readier, and Downer 5 avert...tartan. *courts to the pupils an amount of e,:aurttors and care seldoes to be met with rti any instr trilial al the irind4 Al 31,eg.grient tiinefustrairn Professor. mid naaers are earned itillarle several depertmenfa of in. structron, the greager number uf them residing in the family, and devoting their teems melusreel) to the benefit of the' In. stitule, . _ . Thin.... Mr. Clarke, resident Chaplain, (a graduate of 1.2, College) is Professor of Mental Philosophy, and liar chug; of We graduating yhas, io the department of,Euglish Campo . I ition. Mils Brawn, us well k wu as th e able and er64/Cla V/te-Priocipal. as Wined /4 is. rerc and diselphue i of 'ghoul, under the mss of the Pri.ipal, by eft. s ye , male leathers, oven of whom, snadditionyo a thorough edn. Niel, hose hail the ...era of long experience in to the yotutg. Then- Md.. lift in tous runt $1.1.11</14,1! irsoi . as pupae, sem are ace...if/M/4i 10 n o ard arm not einfo as s n ssssgnsrs, nns as /steads and ce.yateleur The Fsentli dopargerunt is u.lre,the direttion ..f so eccomploilstd froir. nor, /( !loos.!loos. Ltriei 1 1 gradl4.o of Ins Uncressay if France. • ,01/141‘ denort,i . who tondos in the leolitute,. .1 devote. biotic( to the itop.rtimeul of liis mai, effordiog them eve. ty idieutage fur acquiring Jseeehty us FII/141 ranrsrsansas. The principal Prole., , of raced era eninumentai mains . T. Xtrettuid,ll4lllll,44/411//4 2 pupil of the Rayed AA:pi. mar of Alum tr. (;aadon, (ander We e.t.a..] lligigur Crook') and for some time a teacher at Kew palace, the et. I . tout of his 11..yal highness,. the Duke of Cumberland.— Drierivig. Painting in Wet, colors and Oil, and Deneing are thught by Protes.bee, and the Piatoral vi tares ere •sraiti- rd indttsilustrated, eeprrimentuly In lertures byProf. Ai , i Irv, of We lfaiversay of Meryland . b al ib. 'I lie Pnarspor if , ;Ininnite, Airs tograln Pleslsd beaked Wag elpenehre in direct., a literaryl464/ 41 14/11 /14•14 g pai.std many ~.... ei Itribpal and Wire Prattu , ril GI the toruy ,lehreted Tn.,. ProinAry. founded hy her'aid, Al. edema It idet.l, ail alter W. Wan of vwhich, tie. Patalocri Ineutuir, . in me, respire. benldrlled. The Prisiciind of 111. institution is wet 6 nue., /4 the public as the author of I.ituolo Is Dow,. idol of a seri.uf L.A.. me ,Lilirioistry, Natural IthiineopLy, far . Lud of mod. y 1 u. k. ou the white. of I ant ett,o. kr, 4111/C of which line I ken republished 14 Europe 11.11 . ....1eted lath ' , retie). and Italian Assessed nut. los mu su the cenensi ore of the Iteintote and .. Ilead .if the Vainify 16 the nun folio Phskie, formerl y a distingutibtd la n v.i. and Pea..., of Vet t0w1... 6th, rag ...Own,. if Ow Artiniore and the us., isepeny sins. 1 5.,•• nt eree .hovel 1/417/1,0 parr.,n and guardtans vildi pleas raandsarr tn ...Tad 4/ Mt safity al instr Ilan:Sass's...4 wards, /Rho ere permitted to nuesie no • isits eleept such as are eanctiobeil by the direction of parents or by letters of oitr.tuttion from theta. Aii ,buss rid matron has tbareti cars thrtnninag, Itsaln, aud tomb. of thr pi, 141 S mining who.. on deal, ecribur ibillil.elttoli us *trident uf .1 Mal hes ever yet srcuertd. The entire exprns. per *imam far Lanni and f ,i 141,200, vary from tu flliti end ,e 41.10 arc ladle .14141 1 / 1 Of 4,41.1441Wer0nat porsurd. Circumstances Huy iodine a de. yeartore true.. r,46luhed terms. hot to ten... • Itheral pet rassage is required of sapient We unsparing etpenditiare 4 the Pnaripeile, for all that ran promote that, et. Gel, haw I .•oesee i.e improvement of the pupils - The Resat llsr. Bolop flrbsoingbarn, Thu I. ofilcially ni We 1.... Instouo. 'ilia. •. MA late eansaina• tom has all.viled stilt grestercrideare. if more wore needed, hoe romp ' i. Alm Plielpe h. lustain an Institution infer.. or tu root in the country a itt loud '. I The Cillowing is-an ref artliosn a tepoet to the Trustees i of W. Cl/1411•111/4 • 1.111.11 in lutfi to officiate at an °blunt,. I ming Loa...ie.'' '. The tours; of study, in tlielnuitule, as piruvled I to. in nee. tamiliato. rush eees a comp, theneive L6ld .1...1.11e ....,idrevoust ,tid orcompiuhmeet, and the manner In wheel. it ti ~o. ,o tried, as u el, as the ...ult. which . 1.... treii 114414,1,V, think •IE I. ell) reed/sat e to the 1 rely and pupae, end wir, every asturere• to the public , that the great set.... of dun ere eheinted end oriotril lu the lurtiosto to a degree which a. we belief... unseat...fed "' nu aoy other male lani tution be the euoutry u lily.l . by thr Peri U. T. Harmon, Ilan. J I' lienntdr . cid Ike. CLaritollut Julown. Ae only • limi.d number cif pup., 440 Ur mvived, it is desliabir thatsplit...Minns for admostun addeunird 1 / 6 the Principal, Ellkotle Mill, 51d., .1..14 h e main at sally : at ra A il f & ees rara.tes in the Abersnol or leaden riots are to Le yilledi nod Iwo rade..s of the wake.e aro desiroo. of ob taining situations wi learns. in p. nate tatnilien or Woa,. Tan Somme &lanai will momenta], We sth of Al.( and continua 6.. meads*. _ • inent6dir. Tt alizirs ow— l% aj:V4lia:T l at " I. actll Nov/ wood in • 'i,e• PITTSBURGH: TU ESDAY, MORNING, :MARCH .30, 1847 PITT 'MACHINE, WOHIIB AND FOUNDRY Pli2/11.8012. PA. JOlld WRIGHT'i CO., ,& RE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Multi. A ery of every description" such as , -Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frames, Speeders:, 1ihh." , 16 Rmiway Heads, Witmer( Twillere,Spoostot„Dressing Frames, Looms, Cmd Grinders 'Wrought Iron Shafting totted all sizes of C 0.,( I r ma, Potties and llengina, of the labia patteros,slide mot hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every deacnplion furnished oo short no-. bee. Patterns made tis order for Mill Gearing. Iro• &e.' Steam Pipe .for beano( Factories. Cut Iron Window. Sash Med hoop Castings generally.— Orders left af the Warehouse of J. Palmer It Co.,Lati erty street, will hiceptompt imenuon. Rum so Btochstock, Bell IC Co., J K Moorhead & Co, 0 E Warner, John Irwin & Sons; Pittsburgh. 0 C & I II Warneri'Staubenville. jaulh COTTON rind W oomataratAcarrnatv 'VILE subscribers aseruow enlarging their estab li sh , and are prepared to' ake a ll Slade of calm. and Wmllen Me chin cry , on the MOM reasonable terms. Orders addressed to as will meet with prompt attention W [GUTMAN k DALZELL Lactick street, Allegheny Cite N Wightrean, wwfJ has • patent for Avery important impros emeet on lb. Card,sind who has been engaged tv for the Imt fifteen years in some of the most extense and successful Cotton Factories of the west, will gave his personal attention to putting up, to Msa c t mfactron of those °esteemed, alt machines made at this inuthllv E==l f ADIES Who lift Oommou PlCpared lliang, art. °ilea uot aware how frightfully injurious it la to the skiu! how coarse, how rough. how utiles, yalirkr i and unhealthy the skin appears alter using prepared chalk! Besidek it in injurious, eonmiaiu•l•ti 0 0n. " tity of lead. We have prepared a Wanda! veritable •rtiele. which are call IiPskIkISH•LILY ItITE! It k arc reedy innocent, being purified of all dnlctenous qiulturs; and it import. to the skin a natu ral, healthy, al &bum clear, betas i urhitennt the coma tune acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dri Jame• Anderson:'PractiCal Chemist of Massa- ChM.... says: -Allier analyzing Jones's Spomielt Lilly White, I bud itpcksessea the most beautiful and...to tal, at the came time innocent white I Oone MM. I ..t.iokmititlY recommend its use to al/ whose atm requites beautifying" PVC.% 25 emus a boa. W or the GEO4Oli: WZT AA, • Manufacturer and 'Dealer la all Kinds of TOBACCO. SNUFFS, AND CIGARS, A T 111. Old ritand. corner of Smithfield street and A Diamond Alley l'inshargh, Pa, would recpectfol -1) rail attention of Country Merchants, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeepers to a large and superior assort ment of Imported Segars. among which will he band ;We following brands. ma Eagle, Regalia, Castello, Principe, LA.Normas, Star Brand, Minerva C a n nllar Regalia.. all of which will be sold at low Cl ha had at any other house in the city Also, ronetatilly on hand and for sal, a large and selectedsiock of Virginia, Missourt and Fine Cat Chesiing abater.° Aka 00111111, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco , eonria tly on hand and for saTe octidam JOHN 'HERMIT Co., Nos. Kl and w From ats, had Fourtnus and Gas na tant. flata.s of all reset east front the latest truproved pat tern• and war Brass equal to any . Also, Castings, [unshed f ordered, Gas 'Ent ungs put up pnattptly andr reasonable terms. novlndly PATENT PRESS BRICK /MACHINE 'I •ulaaactaber• harm, ebbed:led a amt. May Is 1,46,1 ra Prat Blink Mecham, and h yang nine then ahem gbly trawl! as antlaty, are aow reparetto nail raglan and reenact In delacer ma hi to any pan of. the clad billin. The .naarkine fa earned to torte Brick fame erode clay, and will ake 30,0111 good MM. final brick per dal. anffictent hard to meek op dar Into% thus •roading Ike expeat e and tabor of pre pa naa , the slay ;drying and liandlt g the buck alter rwang madded: It It sample. strong not liable to getout eattad repair. and as constructed an at can be taken to pare, and put together bran great actlity.tboa render- Ina it •onable. ‘Vo are now hut ing maartincs, and can fda at anthem on •bon notate.; ore read ...lotion we sr aid rbder t paechtna nitaya. , a n sorpreafel opera. d Mall creek bottom. near are Weal end 'Of hssana client, where we alma be /Isparta explain e v e rytkung connected with It to all who may eall. We bare at present no euthonced Agent. -• AreNtILLEN k Co. .q"Pu Ca ECM 7b od armor. ibo l'innoe may be examlned at all howl, and the anbeerl• her relit be there from IL to 12.11_. M. and Irani ton. I'. bI ~.en do Plitt'WC, Octane"; .44 GRIFFITHS 8 DIXON, HAVING commenced the manufacture or Spades, tithenrela, Hay and Suture Forks, tsc4ol2 en extEa7 sive trait, ere prepared to fill all orders far such sr, tics at Lectern Priem FOI the eonyemence of their decanters sad dealer. in tech articles, they have appointed George Cochran, .C . O.WELS•IIOII NIGIVIIMI, Na tt Wood street, their Agent or the .ale of their nia nufa mired. All order* address. ed Jo him will receive prompt attention, on die mated 011OOKTOPSIO/M• URI/TITUS & DIXON. Pvtatiureh. July e --dip WOOL, WOOL, WOOL CAtill paid for all grades of well Washed Floe. and olean Tuh Washed and Pulled Wad, by Ow subscriber, at Ins warehouse on Banthfield street, be en Ith street...l Diamon d jn-Iy. WILLIAM RA FIXER. ) EAGLE COTTON WORKS. • PITTSBURGH. lIANUFACTURE COTTON YARN.. Candle-Wick, Batting, Twine, Coverlet YARN, CARPET CHAIN, W ARIA, tee., &e., ' ' , KING, PENNOCK & Ca (Sweenon of At bee tlee d ivory.) jaol Propnetors U. W. NI iT83.1.11. W. V. I,TCII. COMMISSION MERCILINTII, No. 4t Water Street • • sr LOblS,lllO. W,ll give particular. attention to the using or Pr.. duce ,iod to order. for purchasin Swett ro— , :corge Morgan & C o., Pitislmah,.Pc •.11 PITTSBURon STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Nes EN and MO liberty /b.l. mine Me Coma ALWAYS on band and made to ordrt, a large rave ty of Marble Mantald rierCentte Tables, and Bureau Tope, Tomb Stones, Monamenta, ; all which, being inside of the choicest marble, and menufnctured principally Ifs machinery i entll be gold low forcash. N. 11. Persona wishipg to purchaae Mantels, an informedlhat n i• henceforth unnecessary for them to gn Easl. Jig Ican (Umiak them with an ir,fln re morel.; }.(goo d , nod (freight, insurance, ite, consioer. rd.) an cheap ae they can waneae them for in the Mem, Call and me 1.20. - 1 JOULE WALKER. (Lane Walker & Woodwelll 0111. H .Lane h. (tends and the public ihat Woe an)! commun.. it , e Hardware Inanneal at the eddcatsd. No Wt.! otteet. nhOonl4 raapeetfafry .0110.1 a enannannee of the. patronage here. , .... load', ...mowed ‘TIICOM. A. 1111.1.1E1A •• 0 1, 9 ,, K m M1: 1a...7 0, M . 2 I s l . F. la R R . , , Ln . d , 'a 0 . 2 , rad, l'inshordh. l'a ; Wholesale and Rawl: Englnds and French I.:ngraving.• Japanned Waite. and Trap.; Looking"lva N, Icyara the boa or c oglelied;d Table Cady; Tulare taloa. of all slyer; • ISnianni.'n, tV urr. in meina or stogie pieen; Portaitand noir P.A.', Ftra Irons an Pendrta, blithouny Toilet 01.. p. wii6 I, 2. and 3 drawer, Gennan t4lver and Britannia Tea & Table epaulet; land Magnifying Mirror.; b‘no,Te.tx and Tray., Gilt, Peer, and Mantel Gime*, • "Ilentlenten'a Shaving Carp', Coutlem. Ilolr aWlerebant, limela, and Steamboats supplied on Id.•ral p.m., and paektua carefully attended to Usu. al discount fur club 41,17 .41.1111 e•. 1 , 1 ellirlent, ha. beam gangly tailed during Mr. D.'. vismblishenctit In Chit city for the last weep years, and his new work upon amembost Book.kceping, he torsi • late rreutith upon this branch dike science vet pubilshudJenubles him to Math Ukill deportment of he science in Me most poet manner. retone lens. nine Hook keeping in this Inatinalian have ano th er ad mitsge' Over all ,others—they have tin oppothonith 01 becoming caper" penmnen, wilhout which their educe ban for the entonitni house timelines IncoMplete usistance given Mallen.. ofd itaculty ins...fling and closing Merchant's or Steamer'. R. 1.. .."""R oat Posting and adjasting de. conceit farts, ke. litnir. of ((osiers.. to to 12 o'ckpilt, A. M 2 .4 and 7 in Ifl.” the corning rah. annvniu OfiIICALMPRICE szover, l.et all thaw now Shave who new , ' Stirred berate, And those who Always !Mayo now ghoryethe more. rN offer[na this supsrmy Shaving Compound to the Me 1, nee M'the public; I can with omtlldenee uy that the upMett of all who have tried It pronounce It the most pleawat compoettion that they have ever used; mid la order to place n witltin the reecho( ell, I have reddeed the pone low ettoUgh ttlt oiTord on opportunity ttl person to give n n Wieland judge for tSentselyeL wentlemen. if yet wish fora wok, lllllnktlitt OW., on ith year Arming cdps. don't he wered! n Wool reel oc .j, g them; •ed, yeti kW, not Wltislittl r the met.. ai r be retorted. errEpiims BARR Iron City Lard 011 Factory. aid Palmy Soap Week., kelt eth st• oppetalte Iron City Hotel DLACIE I.ZAD-4 eases best Aleslean Alves LYAtatt for sale by I ISCROONMAZER &Co No IN wood et NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—Tbe copartnership heretofore existing, wader the name of WM. SWAMI & SON, was dissolnd ofi the !Ist of Jrily last, by the decease of the mid Wm. Swaim, and the Demises. he DOW and will be in future, coiducted inclusively by the subscriber, who has had the sole charge of the manufacturing of the PaSILCISI and Vermituge for the lest fourteen Tun. The Panacm will be put up as dual.in round bottles, doted longitudinally w i th; he following. letters blown on the glass.—" Swan's PAINACCA, rattans.," and the only change made is the name ofJAS. SWAIM stamped ‘ on tee sealing wes,and written on the label covertag the cork, and a pew label for the. Bide of the bottle. which have been tamed for the delusive use of the propneter. by Draper & Co., hank note engravers of Philadelphia. Four dies of different patterns form the body of the work, and in the centre in • portrait of the late Wm Swaim, eemirated from the borders by two, circles .of lathe work. 'The words “Swaim 's Panacea," are engraved couspimonaly on two turned' strips, and a large semi-ctrcular die forme the upper mar gin. The borders are composed of plain lotto work strips, outside of which is engraved in small letters the entry ot the copy-right.. : JAMES SWAIM. Philadelphia, Aogust,lB46l SW AIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CIIRI.OF Scrofula, ,General Debility, White Sonnies Itheematism, Diseases. of the ;Liver end Skin, and all Diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood, or the effects of Mercury. =I2MMe!EMET== twenty five years celetinted in this enquiry in Europe ford. catraordinary cores—fol the certifi cate. of which reference in made to the directions and hooka (which rosy be had gratin) accompae)ing the Panacea. It has been used in.heapital and pnrate practice, and - has had the singular fortune of being recom mended by the . mnst celebrated physicians and oth• sr eminent tremens. Among other. by • W. Gibson, hi. D 7, Professor of Surgery, Pa..l.lni• vanity. Valentine Mott, M. D., Professor of Surgery, N. Y. Univeraity. W. P. Degrees, M. D., Pr01e..., of Midwifery Pa. Untrenity. N. Chapin., M. D., Prolessor of Physic, Penns IJourersity. • —: , T. Parke, M. D., President Colleg.r Physicians 1/biladelpbta. Dr. Del Valle, Prefers°, Medicine, Havana. .'Joao Lonreno da L., Prolhoor Surgery, Liar. J. Chipman, Member Royal College. Surgeons, London. • •G. W. Irving, late Minister to SPoin• • Sir Thomas Pearson, Major General British Ar. MY. Gißreirt Robertson, Briterb Como!, &c. &e. And also, the wonderful herea off ected by Swaire'e Plantes herd for many years made it a. invaluable Tb• Panacea does not contain mercury in any Form, and being an innocent preparation it_ may be given to the moat tender infant. THERE:PAIL PRICE HAS BEEN REDUGS:D. to One Dollar and FIR] Cents per bottle, (conlair ing dove hall pant.,) or three bottles for Four Da tars. ALSO--9 1 FAIM'8 VERHIFLIGE. A valuable Feudly 'Medicine. being a highly ap proved Remedy for all disease* arising from Debili ty of the Digestive Ovum, such m Worms, Chole ra ?Ambit., Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Bleeding Piles, Sick Headache, &e. &c. See the pamphlet (which may he had grabs) accompanyiny the Ver. mirage. Prepared at Swaim's Laboratory, Seventh Street, below ag.sesnut, Philadelphia, aed Inc sale by all reapectale Dreamtr in the United States, Now York—H. H. Scideffelio Loudon, Ear—Emma & Lirtrpooll r Eog.—Evain, Soo& l'o. Havala—t. U. Melissa: Valparaiso--Alen. crow . &warm Area --0. LI.. Hayes & to; St. Thomas—h. Mins, • Coto'—.l. Swordi. Stindwieb Islacid*—E HOnsott. ealeotta--Huffolgro Ai Co. Potsetaylvanlln Railroad Compony, L ETTEKS Patent bearing date the 2Siti b d day he Gov of Pelt. nary. A D. 1017, having been issuey t Innsotof the Commonwealth of Penneylcania, in purse, &nee of the proviso:nun of wa Act of the General Assembly of emit Commonwesith.cnialeil "An A. to to Pent the Pennsylvaoie Railroad Company;" Notice is Away gimes, That the undersigned being • mammy of Me acting Coensisatonera, have and do hereby-appoint. meeting sebscnbers in the Cope nal hoick of said Company to tie held on Tuesday. the 313 M day of Match. A. D. MC at o'clock. A. NI the Room of the Hoard of Tntile Noktu Philadelphia env, in the City of Phdedelphin in order to or. tra ' a ' ite sold Cosernmy, and then and there to elect 13 Directors of said Company apecably to the provisions Of aid Aisle( Assembly. Thomas P Cope T kJ Penn RokmetToland George 111 &mod T a ystmwo H 71 Waits - George IV - Wind Al • J Fmk. Lent - wag Wm ass. H R Kneaas T C Roekkll . Geo W Carpenter John It Cash - Mott C-11%.11 C G Childs tßobert Allen Robert:linen - Charles 5 Wood • C blimaleater llogh Campbell EA Senniman John lithlyers Alex Function A 0 Ralston Edward Ntat Gideon WeillWrighl % A Roberts Henry Welsh C Plitteneiti John NI Atwood 11/b1 i1112<12¢.13 Ain Inwi• John . Welsh. Jr SI sithanielTruuer Townsend Sharplem James Mani -Thomas Sparks John J HeCaben 'Charley Hattaphreys Hugh Cad ...wood James Steel Henry While. February 30.1747. Onnc•l or VIZ )slamomumcs.• NOVIOATIOI CO, / Pimborgh, Illarh 1St:: ••• - ' ROPOSALS will be received at this office ari P . Plook P. X, on Monday the 50, day of Aprd nett the consoruitton of an addnionot mouton.. hark a m No I, to be filly-slo by two hundred and fifty fee the clamber. ' . . . Proposals will state the price for Coati payments, al• so, lot payment. in Certificates of the Compaayi paya ble right years after date with Interest. Plans and specifications of the work will he exhibited at the olhee ten do, previous to the lethal, and ink., =don tespechng the same, will be g ivers by Sy Hands LotkropAysq., .Enginevr. PRIJrUSA grffi also be I recited at the same 11191, and place, for loaning the Company Twenty Thousand. dollars. open the bonlls and certificates aforesaid. mehke J K MOORHEAD, Pleat ilardurare — Cutlery, Saddlery, Lo. JOHN wetaunt, 11PORTF.11 AND DEALER in Foreign and Dews • I ttc mold Hardware, mold nrapeetfully Intern his friend anddre petite generally, that he is now receoring !Coring supply of Ilaeware, at the old stand of Waite Wood well. No H Wood meet, reach ha will divot • of on the most reasonable terms. • die will Ia epetinuallyzeceinng fresh supplies deceit from the tdaatifactorers in Europe and that country, which will enable him to compete with any establ sh. meet, either East or %Vast. %Vesicle Merchants are Invited to call and examine hi. stack before perebssinx elsewhere. mate Dr. llieliassiV. Worm Spoeitio. J.lllB Ls m certify that. by taking one vial al Doctor McLane's Worm Speeibe. • child of James ehaw's mFmed upward. of 70 erormsdand - brthe are of acid dielne a child of day own passed 14 lame rms.— It i. truly the most eurpriting wocin medici ne I ever aeon. .1 Mewl have two Mere MMM WM GILMORE • - - . Wilkins Tosseslop For se'e by I KIDD k Co, No 80 Wood street, Flu berth. meB4o WLlfl ° D — Facs VVF sure " ruble hotels. Ward ens houses and private families, several cook., ebanaltermalds, ourses and housekeepers. Also wants ed •Itou, places fora number of rood clerks, salesmen, watehousenuen, school stickers, laborers, de. Also, forseveral boys of differeut sines and aged. Also, in several colored menand womeo, boys and girls. All kindeof Agenens attended in for moderate char. gee. Please call at IBAAP RAMC:P:4 Agency and Intelligence Office rischlto No Pt Si Clair st BfiONCIIfiCIAIIEIss‘ noveE, LORMER OF WATER EIRITIIFAELD 6TS, PIPBIRQROIf, PA. . TRR Undersigned, Prepriemrs of the Slononge via Noose, announce to the public that the House is now open bn the recepuon of Visions. ' They, are conscious of having spared no exerne fitting out the establishment, in such a kyle auto rends, every coolant to their Guests. They hopeby consent cagy and attention to basins.. o mentiho patronage, so liberally bestowedowhe la . alottorhele t liouse. JAS. CROiSAN & SON oie PirIItINCOTT THOR 11/01Litilks IRON and Nail ., !Revels, de: Cot sale al Lis new }Torches:se, No. SR 'Water street, near Waal, ran. W Al so, ' Front _, an osnostment al . the old stand, fiftnilasterkl Row, Liberty street. Having made great odditlima to the Rolling MIII, all orders cardbe filled pnatuOly. novllo VRAPV. LINDPAY A Co. YOYINCI - CARIIRIP SICLIERT 1101106 Ly ALLEGHENY CITY. - . '1 , 1119 Instillation has but recently been opened under 11 die ono. of Mr. N. W. Metcalf. ..the. Corner ,or,Roodusky awl Strove/Jerry eu. The scree. which ha thee far attended noe School, i• ttr cerabliehraeut and meg..., hae folly equalled the ea-peel...of Its Instructor and Proprietor. and war rant.. hope that he Will he eustained in his effort. to reader it al desirable lustnution for the education of Young Ladies. Allegheny and Weirdly. • The Fleet 9oaaio4 of the neat Academic to., will continence on Mooddy, Fehr There %to yet (per ',pimento to he hued, hut.. the comber of pirplts Is loaned an curly application -is de 'rabla. Fer panic ul•nt, WIWI'. to terms, &C., contult Pinellas°, appy tothe.lortrector. febbtf --- m c l 4 - 411*-4. de. all of unt Stating I Ittir e tßiZe Chairs. Mai' Beats, at show notice{ Otdereleft at hir:Noblred so Third at, promptly Rudd& mho. f IrPßepaliing of all tints. smosfi4 PHYSIC OUT ins Emma: . Dp, KATE ' S ANTI -BILLIOUtt PE PILLS AT. the beet ...Leine in the known world to seem. Oak this allirthooneat work. Threw atlithed with Drepepsiin Sick Riontseb. Pain in the Bide and Back, Liver Complairit, Loss of App.. me, Wealthiest, of the Elloothiek and Bowels, Odense. F P • Of gq4 Ape. ..pswe anal, a boa O. two of Pills. Thar Pth , f7 the Blood mad lemma the systems in sock .10111111007 that it is Impossible!. pith.. to .412•111, when that are need aCCOlillig 10 the IL reedone. ?dee lineents.' (12. A Q.* oupply of 414 abort lood•otoo 1m reed by Wh4 JACESON. tom. of Waal god lobloYY A" ittiala Ti r rbrel u T*ot j f: 4 ukn WMISCAIFE Pmen strew RAC CIDER,—. bele Clarified, fiat sale by P 0 MARTIN _ arat ssaiddiehl and (milt sis 11nOsiti Isnmarasee Comps:say or Phtladelhs. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and merchandise" of every description, and MAKINR RISKSI upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the[ mosttfavorable term.. ' , Office in the Warehottee of W. R. Holmes! Ot & . ~ No. 57 Water, near Market street. l'itts- 1 I tli U. The minces. of Out Company since the i amb! lieh esto' the Agency hi this city. with theyAnnmnessl andlershra wnh which every elann open them fart Irma an beep adjusted. fully warrant the agent in in.• citing the confidence nod pi-tronage of his Ince& and; no'betece?Com'm'pna'n'Tyiamthlitergitebrut'sthee atkeldlintio"l7laMtivSantnag!"'S!' as s}kinstitution among tue moat }looriehteg 001 'Phil m—as hart ng an ample paid in capual, which by the pension ofits charter,. constantly inereasmg to yielding to • unh person insured hi. duo share al. the profits of the company without involving him, to say reaponaibility whstover; and therefore as ; possesWg the Mutual principle divested of every, obnottiots feature, an I in its molt attractive form. , _no ra 1 • NATIONAL FIRE . AN MARINE INSURANCE. COMPANY, : p i Neva York. . , I , IIIS weliAmmrn and remeetalite company is pr, J. pa i through then priT,.uuttuil AUS.NC% to mate In prance of coyly kind connected kith risks MI trans tton anitinlaud navigation; to insure egainsit loss ',ohmage by fire, Dwellmg [louses. Wiimhousecit RetitdimMhn general, Goods. Wares, and Metchandi.v.l and evict , ' description of personal properti . on the moat; fayorable term, Applications Sr Insurance attended to Without delay at Mktoalice,No Ytit Wood street. SPRINPER HARIIAUGII AO. =1=1;1:1=== EIZEMEEI INSURANCE! JOHN WINK HT. 'mart A.s. Prrrnoum rox lax! DELAWARE MUTUAL AT an Mection held at the race in N. V. , May 12th. the following named gitenemen were chown Ih:remits .1 this Company, for the minting year, via: Joseph W . Savage, ' Sie.gben /kilt, John Brouwer,' John Matbilin. William (3. Ward. William W.Cianipliell, John Newhouse, Jacob Maim, William S. Slocum, Marcus S.pring, John F. Mackie. • Joseph .4.1.1 the, • Ig= And ate subsequent incetinkirt the Board. JOeliP11; W SAVAGE Flut., wa. .1111mously re.eleeitd gres•, tdentior the ensuing year. lytg. I A3l}:B BrßaiS. rt-S) r.t it:Journal eopriuge • ,Seererary. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. ltik: Insurance Company of North Z through its dot, authorised AgenEthe suburrt her, °Sem to make - permanent and limited limo, mice on property, in this city nod its rtinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers DI RECTORS. John C. Smith Yres't., Samuel Brooks, Mel. Henry, - Charles Taylor, Saml. W. Jones, • Sarni. F. South, .Ambroso Mho, Jacob Al, Thomas, Jolla It NCH, EAlward Smith, John A. Brown John While, . . Thos. P. Cope, Richard Wood. Wm. Welsh, • Arthur CI, Collin, Sec. Tib is the oldest Insurance Company in tho United Saes, havong been chartered in 1794. It charter,. perpetual, and from its high standtng long excellence, ample means, and: avoiding al flake of an earn hazardous character, It may reneidered le offering ample secunty to the public MOSES ATWOOD, At. Counting Room of Atemod,_Jones 'Re, Co. Water and Front streets. Pittsburgh. apd.l3.tf INDEMNITY Ag inal. f osilll . l.:3re—lzikept . .A . l4KyN, Fier iamee Crtopany of YtilsdelOsia, W . ILL make Insismoce, permanent and limited, on every dacription of property : in PITTS BURGH and the SURROUNDING COUNTR Y, on favorable terns.. Thin Company has i prapetnal charter. CAPITAL SIMI 000 paid In. ONTINGENT 5500,P.X1 Office corner orThird and alarket stn. , t ttlatigh, ap ti—tr WARRICK MAR'L'IN, Agen. Indemnity against Loss or Damage by Fire. TILE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE. CGSlllfbllb With the odilitionsl security or • Stock Capital 77§e Reliance Arlan/ /winnower Cu., of Phil's. CIIAItTER PE:EPP - M.IAL Die ICTOtte. George W Tolima John M . Alanod, Thomas C. Raekhdl, Lewis R. A whlrar, We,. FL Thompson, Geom.:sr RAM. George SI Stroud, John .1 Vauditriemp, George W Carpenter . Wt L y L l ' ire k ,;:l n' F'i r rc '" s ' n ' ultnri L n i n ' irr o ieu t t ' i ' ty7 on Houma, Store. and other Buildings and an Furni ture, Goods Wares andlaterelsondise on the must honorable terms The Mutual Priertnhe Cowan:ad with a lt tog, Capital, and the other puma:tins Of tits •ar,i 10i Nis Company hold out unuannl indur e nt. tont or profit end safety, to thole.of ent swig LineLastee.towhif.la!!!s l ..o!..n.eny tl. Attu:nm Those effecting Insurance own ti It ibrop s have, besides the usual grateeli a nzaregn . the maim y method of insurance tiloddb advsntagoof a direct partietnnson ,r- ey. oh:. the L otuptny. =AMMO , Ode traV " 61.01tet 01. lN 1 1 , l'rtiala E.M.ilMelln ea, Secretory . The mbeee Seri who is the duly atlnto tat d t 0 r. or the More named Company.. pr pow t at insurance, at, the Office al the 1 1.,,iins t Si. Lisa Its Rate, Third at , third di , ar i. street, and will gr.° all further inf. n rr d alyett-dly TSIUS J Ni PRI I I INSURANCE. • American Fir. inalleaneel Company or PHILP Dk LP/11A. Cnatrza PeerlreaL Carßat S.Yforlon rain Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 }{aloof Sired WSI. DAV4I:EION, ?rash. Faroauca F. o , Scey. M HIS old and well- sub Company el.:ll4nues io I Insure Illuddin sd gs, Merrhandare, Furnaure and proep rly not of an.rada harazdoue rb-ac tot, against 1044 or anuge byfire. ApparaWnla for inaaraneca In Pntabargh and ar neighborhood. af ill as received.. end risk•taken alley perpetually or for Inane& pe nod., on faroralal ten. by (WAY LtlelißAN, Agent. na•l2 No :V Wood rt. Dissolution. ipp heretofore eairtnig malerolre firm intotßeCADo was;dotmlved on tits ritualmoment. The 'eminent of the Wed by Marshath Wallace & Mc. JAMES MARSHALL ALEXANDER BRADLEY Wor. W WALLACE HENRY MeGEARY. T l 7ll . n'lTlN7ill 6.11, nn by nl tale fitua will be Cleary. FOUATRY. 9r L 1111111144 ed by the an , Wallace h allow War Pine, and S d the above Foundry w . ill', Le combo let-fibers under Hie tom of Ma rsholl I all its rurunia brooches. viz: I ' • Mill Gearing bve Plate. 'Agin& Heavy Mach'ry Engines Irons Engine C.hings • Plough Coatings, Ac. tee. saiteriali, and at th e lowest prices erred to call and examine our Stock e id Ltherly street , No. SI, near the ,eel. JAMES MA RSII A IL - M In. W. WALLACE HENRI(' MeGF.ARV • ... HEN_ Rl(' , . A CARD. ARIS T II RO :IR Al 0 RT 0 N Legs to scquaint his friend. Mot Ha no again lessen of the E A vr 11015 SE , Louisville. /Cy-Where he Lope• to meetpll his old friend., af oaring them end the'publie. that M. I , effort shall be op red to make all court - 43.101e who Nude' b1...i1k theirl 1 I_,,,?^FL_ 'aril Idly TllB. mos ASTOUNDING DISEDV ICRT—A lIIf s on. sting! A bliracle !! A Woit.r!! —To cure Erup i rtnil Hisfmorenients or the Skin, Rh:role/I:Freckle . tittnbarn, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Head., &es, Ac. . Four years. • o lest Angus,. Ds' e sPital of Fiance niu astonished ii sonsequence of • discovery made Ly an Italian Chem, t. Many doubted—lt seemed almost an impof•thility that anything made by the hands of man. could hive ooh singular powers as Thai claimed by Antonia ,Vefirini for his inventlith. Many classed hint and his inveinion as a humbug land. alas! many firOltith persons wohout trying do the none now, SoI et length, a ft er lest lig it in the boffin:Hs; the Medical . Misty of Paris (Me bert chiffon. in the worldldeLvered tie following report to Sign. Vespr nit oWle have I/Ony manitelyland carefully examined the fro - Kolar triven:n t iof Vesprita. We hove +only., it as component pa we hove treed it in several ca.., end ewe hesitate Mal I lea pronounce it [the (tribal, Chemical Strut as a great kleasing, Wel obey wonderful testis thy for any cut s eons eruptionfigurement of the skis Irk income we confider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. TlSigned) KZ= Gra. & Sad' Plough. blade ofthe be. Purettuer. are i at the R arehou bati of War...l LIMPOLD DUPREY President El= From 1.40 tnoentot hitnielf to the Nevin Peonnetoi. ro 4 . Nov 4. In eonelderatti;n of the enm of COO. I have.! vnL aed to Mr. T. Jones. reerdrng in the Aar Tort, N. A., the vi . hole process.' moito.oetortnE, together won a statement of dm togredionts migraine my Intl an Chemical Poop. olle rota mourrineture It cot ..Ile in the United Wale. only, and to bare the rvilego of o f ir . .foluse Italtan Chenneol Soap. r I Witnere Itent7 J. Holdserorth. Opted) ANTONIA VESPEiNI UP -Sold by %V JACKSON, at Ws Patent Medicine Warehoure, :Liberty street, bend of ol mai, at the air Of the Big Go.. jBl /le Dula Fdawe in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE ean obtained: A A others are Counterfeit. . • PENN •COTTON MILL. PITTSIVItaiI, PA. TUE above establlshment being nowweeertifid oprtlllloll l 7ll mei, manufacturing. uerY enten•lyclri an an tele of miry Miectiintr, well adapted to the naval trade, which for beauty and qualny cannot be needled by mny other make in the' country. Theiatteinnin of I parebauela is solicited to in exaMlnation. feblldltokwltlf MINKEOr CUM. kCo FRANKLIN IRON WORKS, Warehorme corner of Wood and Front tiny,' ' PITTSBURGH, PA. riIHRE subscribers haring purehawd the Franklin-Iron .11, Work.: formerly evened by M ..I. A. *onion Co, and We narrative anditione to them. am now prepared to furulsh to older Drop* Nall. of ail Nye', unwonted 'goal 10 any kt tie market. Wro also keep on hand i itnisur and 41.10airAln Blinn art a./ of the beat qualities. Oat (mods limiting market will god es prepared • supply them wail Cull rate arnelc, and on as good mans v can Ikeohtalned - In lie 014'7 in CCALTfiII k Co. inITOPIPIT Le NOTlCE—Proposals will fin re. Lot I the lit day . of Apra, IM7, for the rote Of 1.01 gnland,Containtlnr nor lens than One and a bait sera., or morelhan *even acres, annum nor more than two mil. frosothe Naar Conn Finale. and Imitable for • Hospital. Enith 'propointlon oral nontikln AL toner dowcrlption of the inn %ad./quanta/I of Ste Lot ',mown any mos or any memberr - 1 • Cwitorden Latimer, E.D.Gazoo" ji/realrladmarl SHERMAN S OLOSADNIANSUFFERER , ASSL-111E MUM S STUMA. • • what Kw relieltd Lim is noel ash.. time front hia diL Seal ty of breathing, .Cough d' an sudbbisai: lie will tell valet was "the Olosnosian, or all- Aak the eamtunraire ' 1 what daSitllayad his Coaigh, lammed • the P.lO 121 Lu Side and Cheat, ! checked his night awe:at/y.4 pladed the rasa of health • VMShiasheelal and he will tell yau SIIERMAIVS OLOSAONIAIV, • A1.1.-HEALING BALSAM. Abk youe . frieuds allay know of anything that will sashes dip cure a long . end tedium Cough. Halving a Blom Bail chon, Dyspecue Consumplas, 1-loarscon, lalueuza, .ml abase. of the Tbroa, a. the Olosaunian2 ad they all tell you—NO. There once yet has beak remedy introduced . public nonce whirls la been productive of as much good its ono short a span of time. Head the Wowing Astonishing Cans. - • WY. Boss, the crleisreted lkottercracker baker, 03 N.- eau greet, Brooklyn,' stun @I Lie ifs has bra atTlicted• with Asthma fa year., sod amid not find permano re. •, lirf Goo the best medial nalsice which Nese Yak and Brooklyn could produce, wa induced to try this greafrate- dr. Shens now nearly well Ili. daughter who v. wreaks.. is from the Fume daft, tried it, and seas also cured by iL ' Mn Boa la now so wt-II that she is able to the feats her bed ealy inibe morning and anal to her oast duties through the day without any annoyance from ber distressing' malady. 1r 141,CILMOX, 13th street, near the Cadanlic Cease try , . easen , Orthe snore Cur the-purpose of obtaining a bade of the °lanai., having been ended with the asthma for more than 30 yeareonal an sa eahruillvt as his anvil) that he , said at speak. Ile putolaed a bottle aid rode auto—. Four by, afterwanl• 1,. walked from ha residence to Mc eh' tics without rape,. distance of urea two mile, to tell of the wonderful relief which he hod esperhweed Crum wing; about one half of one bottle. . • Cormiltmspllom 'the Lungs. Me. Cowrotrr,3s White street, was so low to dos mardl, of Dotembor last: that he was gists up by his physician. Ilia friend. entratainod no hope otitis recovery. He was penis. Led try-the Olosaonian, 'mid to his smartie it has so far, s..bossed him to hindth that he ii ono able to walk *bout Aye. Mn. ASTZ., 0110 wife of Wto 11. Attrew,Josotsliarman, Esp.Weis W. 'Hays, Eq. can boar train:may front I their urn, mpeneuge of t h e healing properties of ibis Urea I - Remedy in Ausautoptino of the Lusp: hpltting Blood. Mn. Tuovancstax, 352 Minims street, who hail beta troubled bra gnat length of time be a severe. cough, OW raised quantities of blood, was reliesed by one bottle of 'tit Oluimonian ' and deflate* ot thegrealest howdy in the worbl. 11./1111 Katt.3,% Water tiTreet, lam oho relined loon the mine complaint, althoufia ho arm very touch educed when he commis:iced taking tS hating bees Roder the earewf lin physician daring the past wader. Although he magheil coostandy.and winery much troubled with uignt sweats, P bottles of' the rronrdy enabled !Mien return to his Milli work. He was entirely re.herid: Boris. Hannasmon,Clli I+l ht street, Om W. Burnell, formerly of Newark, N. 1., Ileury Lisbon, 129 Rivingtho strews, mod numerous Mime/. persona have hero speedily uld pernootemly cured of the on complaint by this remedy. • The Arrity of Names which could be produced b apen. solitrhave use th d this grea t . remedy would more 'an MI a r c olon., Among e number see ore permilted testier in A. M. Binumer, 121 liwrejay st Mr. Wilma, of liribokeo; (los "Bell of - Morristown, N Jason B Dews, 101 Reade'at-; Mrs. )I'Catiee,so Attorney st.; F. Bmith, 001 ThintAvenue, Mn. We.. H. Attraeuf this city, and Mrs Arhhiba ll d, 3 s White st - Rohl whnlemic and salad hy Woo Jackson, at his Patrol Medicine Warehnine and Don and Shoe. 2 tore, Nob, Liber y ext., head uf Wood street., iquabogh. Prue7l ce r but de TIIODIAS PALDI MANUFNITURF./D'AND IMPOIITER 01' _WALL PAPER, . Fire Board -Prit;ts Border, LemdwaprPayi.trioaturn. to! Dcriens, Tromporent IP7,saiote .S .S, t... 1, and lsoaltrin Wrenn, and 11 , 0 j , ..., Paper. Bonli7l 0/.1 “ B10::143' I Boards, 4e, ,te. No 47 Morten, street. between tfh!rd •,,J Fourth • . PITTSRVIWII. .I'./(q• H A a S mltll ' ' tt ' ?..n fa rt7r ft . P I r t ft d r ' o n „ 7 l '' t t c 11 ' 17 e l ' o marw ''''''' tespeutfully teetheinvi anentiotiol purchase.. It rein prt•cs' French ,4101 Ainer,eitt, Parlor, Hull, (01L,!,, ; Clamber and CO./mine Room laitr r of every qual , iy The ergo. are brtthant and &trunk, and tor style:al. Tatte utt.np.r, Ily the Iteguhir I.ole.- iii Par'' , ~1 et, between Ilat. re and New York, end from the 1 - ,i, ' tory, winch , ul,vay• in active peat,on. nod ttn.Ornt- , ty supolted with the beit work, ten tlw or try eln far-1 atilt, tre,orot othignoit, du r.,, the +vn: and summer, 1 w4l I,c tua,te to the eckala :I, .. ore. l'r,re-. ntoteovt;,, will be so extreayly nweirrote • tt, meta the view., off the moat reonottneat, and sato. y Itleretnthts and flodse . :. keeper. dispo.to no clamor andludge for thett.elees.: that their Intere,. 0111 Ite elsent.ally , ul,•erc'ed by' buying at dos ratoWinintenr. [lj-qtags, 'row and Tainter's Sera'. taken in trade., or boueht so the r:gulat in.Arl.e.pr,ee• I apt . a.ly A. i. Ili. . . Dell and 140.1. Found.' 4..... er, ha. rebuilt aed totrinler , cedln.teess al' .. h.sold stand. whdte he w4l loi plea,ed to 1 ....!-- ace hie old eu.a, cr. and irwad, 5 " ..— „... Church, Steam , oat, nod Iklla of every, .4.7,,, .4, ft.4l 10 10 0.0,10 j•01.0 1 k, CO/0',4 0 .0, *.......,...'- c° 00 " . 0 Ce a ra ~?' " .pt , rvrd model+, att, wirrunted to ur ::he bt.4llltaterinly.. 1. Mineral Water Pump., Coanter, Raitaig, Sr.c. iLck ogether with every.earlcty olittrua , Ca.tingo. If rcylnr, ed, turned and s fini.thed in the h1.,,t, tea:est anner. 1 113 , A! F. it the We nrogrtetor or'llAnarea Alm;- kr-reye t ,,,, , CO ntatly ne;cl..rated 6, the reduet I . 1.,1 of Crtetton in machines) .IThe Roles and Conwej • non can be had ulhnn at nq r .r•s. . jant-Ly, _. _ MEILC , I Tr; iIOTEL, Corner of 7' :Jul' efrede ' 13.. Vitra vet'. l'eopirleten, ..• r • eject ed unte the rravnof We most- .1.1, *tree., tunsurpcsued in the Country, teaarde ha architectural arrangements. or the e. taste Mid comlim 01114fur:161141g, Situated ih ; 6,e. immediate vicinity of the sTEA BOAT LA INI HANKS..F.:X(7I A Nt:E 0 1'1 , 1M:rt. and prinespai it ERCANT ILE 111JUSES.. it carer. to TRAVELERS BUSINVSS MEN deuruble ronveou.nm., whi , At FA M11.11'. , and GEN I I, 01. anninotient, land evt.r. arenintnodata t:u• aw-t tuuudio, Call d‘mre. The Pn r r Cli . ntaibera are nil 1101,44,1 modem A> tee wiu4l. new and rlevant Vomit., en ettic.rot cOrp.. of amunive ne,l'obtigszu: arrium% nimista l / 4 ed. and the Table will always abound with the etio/eeet dellca• : • the markets adold. rbr Proprietor, who ha. l cid long experience m this. Lue haameau, a.,urca the pub.ie that t a r etron cat t, s, pun xill he apitred to lon...actor/1y accommodate Motel WOO may favor him witri their etotom. An Omnibus and It.tegnet,Car will hiwaym I.e 111 for•lte cue.ta of the how, ' • fe1,19 - U. WEAVER,' Propr:etor.. WU. MCCULLY di Co INITTeNON CROWN GLASS,: mini.. • he latest I - nip:mint wheci for Pao- tdn.., • nie now Prervired to itirniph iris& of Wind dim lily. Nun!. if no,oper.or.. ar.y Ulan made in 11, tinucil Slates, and lint lad, itticrior to the I.llt,lndt Crown. We sure also very extenunvely en.up,ett , tuu the onna fartore of Common Wundow andDrtuggs•nu , and Boutu.sofe.erj deu.cruptuon. Deudeus keiterally nue ted to call tuna exarnme for tlucunw lee.. at our wale. hooPe. 13U . Watttuutreet, Puttuulnurgll, Pi. PITTSUURUII FEBILE IlsTlllll'ti, rpms . Inst.:Lton. under the ear' of ' 1 ( ionnuam am, L - Km.th whichan the kolo! and or namental ',ranches of a Guidat cl Hue:old.. are taaghl Ig now 0,717 for the reveptiot, at I \ Nta,lls),lrsilgia. Row, Liberty Street, lil between:ld and lth ...reel.. The Second' eotntuence tart Mot day the eta nlF'ri•nary and .t Important that' any who too th....gti elver 31g shouldbe pre...tot far at to art. ~ l e ei th er helot or at that tune. The, the vervlces' Froll.aor 1111 i). BUCK a+ teacher of I‘l..se .he hano ao..lGunir who ot ton k omen lo need recomme...4t,,e, AI 14 1, the servter , of .. Mhos. CA:31.1.11: narn"r, pl ..Chre..tontatl3... de In 1.31 , Francam"and 01bt.31% valuable ..rltonl book s In 10. nallve lamwage. Morisl, L. Is a gradoiste of the Umvera,ty and Mutual Schoot, 3 of Fat, and atatol+ lugh a: a tracker, Tho.e who 01 tore Mobutu, so swear-yr utal tl3orough knowledge la. the Fret., It Langone.. wow do well In plaer . under Itta For let , : . /ret.ll3 et api.ly to the Prutelpal. 1271 f • INVALUA 'ILI,: PA COMPANION:i SIC ,I7Sol THE Li'MN ()awes, on :onsony[LoLni. .1 . 0 .[..1. Oil lifC La+A. of L0nger0y...,..1 oonn ei 'gnu: tying male and le.:, male health. %) %hoot! ) ~nd Leaoty-t-esimmug eaMlnil " and cure oi Urn produce Canso lino, or shorten 1:1..eti0i1.9 of the SLin,..Spi e.,. Stronneh. Bowels, Kidoo)., Liver, s'crolula, (marl, and Female, Co.oplamts. Its rule!, ta.,y,: practical nod pure, tom a vole volonlect 'health and long hie. .1:i Engran men, 3.'./ pages. .5(I. ehd. footage 11l et% ily N11:4'3. .$111:1: I)IN 1 , 111:11, A. NI., AI. P 707 hllO.l p. 11:11' VOIIK. , ..... - Any pc.. retrottieg tifilieerds. free. %All meet , e copy. Ur load. to ally part. The trade suppli lob 111. 11l li-dt.te I Notice. I' DI PTC!ti Cu:. Adlowo:o< Star. .Candke ll i lbh: found at the •torr of P .v., hI. cI, .11. field crwct, hrtweru 34.1. cod 4th. , I t2El= . I"i. kr i' lnlPl " rku tk " :l. ° c' l e * :,l l ktt ' biz hand. :or nll lilt :kn.] grntkrAl •-aartkitekalor. ourikk in tht kr I,:tklk'tkikkr . ,,kkrtt, near t'llerry .itoXotkrtk PIMA , EFO:CR:ALLY ured loy the oh 0 the cr,n, toeNittntr. AMERICAN 0 I. It &kunst roirariewtaly inlnce• lettiarnrittonitt, afJ sequeutly i• u,rro4ted. tit all e 5..., to It nee no searh Or sear in the doh. who:rsalehttnY ret V.W.% JACNSON, of Its Iktet and Slick. Sit,, atn. Patent NI editine Wartliou ge, tit I.ilwtty turret. head o` Wood, l'itt•tmrah Price 50 rein• nod §•1 per Louie. W JaeliZon I.etng raelutrive Agettr.ror Weition twAn Renter.. hot what is sofa Ly H or HIS appointed Agent, N. IL A Pootplott.,r.mta.n,ng , Mt the nont,s and tuldfrs, of :h.. Proprictrtiond Ageol. Is wrapper of eaett hot Id Abundance of eertifieale. rasa Le seets Ot the e;tore. febt7dGot STRAW BONNET - 4ND RAT ,•_WAREITAIUSR, NO. Is mAntacr .....ITEET, Prrisllo Run .111 1 ttir--11- 11. PALMER oa. for . 1 ... an ~ r, ' able trams as any haus, in Phdadelphisi a complete aseinmSiii-or. Strim,Florener, Ital. lona, and a peal vuvety of fancy. Sraiii anti , lanpUollf...,nflha aping ~.1,... - ALSO—Palm Leif, Strum end Leghorn Ilan.; Al-a-. fermi Flowers kr- he. f , _ . mehh - • GEORGE COCOICAN. COXISSION At 4OILIVA1{1:1 pa: Al BISCHAAr, No. tit WOOLS Silt krt. PeT•BURGII. - J_ : CONTINUES to transact a general Cinarnission. Business ' especially in the purchase and We of American 11fantaactu-es and PrOdecrn, and IS receiving IR - forwarding _fiortJa cartOgned to hat ears. • A. Aeent ler the JelannlaeSanna,,he•sOß he comtantly .uppliett arab the principal. mtiedg”, of Pittsbutgh Manufacture at, the •loweat. 'stalest!. pricer. • Orden and consignment. are_stustectfelji U. 19,0 VOL. Milli/A ADMITISEAFENTS. :, , 9 • MG. BIaLLAS 6. C... —• FLOU7FACTORs - A.ND PRODUCE COW. MISSION" 3IERCHANTS. . . Li l ll :RAL'eaA advance, node on receipt of son.- • 1 catinients. Thoth shipp,ot Moor address will be • rase brae-iourthiS solve dt advance.' in Cita, by apply ing4o our friends. i• - • Messrs. Wsllussford' A Taylor, PAlslturgli. - .. gem, Thos. Bella: eo . Bridgeport, Oldo., rlt:lselnlphm. May 5, 1,44. • ' 01ay97.1f - - .Zal, B. MI produce; consumed to us is insured whin . tit the warehouse o(lWatfinsford ATaylor,Plimborsit,- or in our store In ril i lialk:,IIIIIL ICI 11, '/11. CO, . A,. I . . TA) WATCH, A.E.EItS n . nd .pF,AL ERs. •. '.--- .F 'L AIDCiMP S, f ; PORTER . f Wumhear Wmrlonskeen Tools and I. ;Vntch M.iLern , , wholcsile. and reta.1,..1 coo— Atarilly on hand a large a. norms of Insley,- Patent, id,. Plain lila.. Mansp, aim yersee. BAN. Wats} , —' Midas, and a c0mp. ,,,, Ew0rn,.,: us ntl Thal, and /111 tcrdllx belonstag In the um! yrkvall a large rumnrunent - or ilo;s: and :SO., I...yry Ulnae, and Plant Watches; •aII Af uqueli he willnuorunly to eall at the Mann :New V4•44‘ p.r.ns.. All utdese float-me MA, ry pwletually - evt'etned. • I N. LL—Counity Marshal. k . 1 11Aiwhei, are in.ned 'to , clilbstr4e/emmne'Ai :ha OIJ z , :n0.1, No . 3lSouth Fourth . obits, Ithiladelphn. , ___. 7 . jaraisam e l SIAS AINTITS PATENT DIRCT•ACTiON. .rte• STEAM lIAMNIEIt. ,• Is, it o rn me r NA,C,PeI many advantag Os. ' all i. IL ~..ees.,trd 011 d Width tna) bethentlencd es , • Its SI anuseut;lernea="llte reptdnity and tlirre of. blow l'‘T be ....Bed with the greatest ea, while tho hnotniet m in i/;1,1e11/11, ant! the hanonyr way %nil's slantly arre.ted. and .I.l4pendes. as any height. I 11, Calvermlny. ',Or °arenas . totseeuto Work of all kin A, than the Sargeetto the ROiniillst,.ulder the slum lin flier : I 2.1 S , n,p.cay,Cornpactne.tauSAM4lincia - I IS.. Accemthiltsy apoitaill tale, be the nothirmen. ' ; Al! the Moamar. ate made Selt.:ll. ling. ! !' The subscribers sant tulle to ass. me °Merit roe 0 ,,.., lisonsiere, urea!! sans, upon intimathile trona. ' ' -li-rar forth, pastundlre , oupurnof , ' MV.IIRIeg A Towsr.. I . ,I, 4singnerYuf tLy_l'atent farthellated thus ea. dr.! ,ly l•MatlinenrX l'ousalts,Phlllad'ae t a i' STEAM DlAT.iitECTfiltifi. fiitk, Road, 14.1 V Jprony Gordo, Stmer Philadelphia. a 1 ~,,,,...i , ~..; . ,..„i ., ,„...: , n,..„, ;,.. cr e e tt . .l on an unproved. Ida*, a I ( trald Pulsar manufactures all iroka.ia fiturare,Woi.. in a superior "Ile, and at the lotslext prices for Cash.' ._ i 'lllAl lamest and hem mmortmeithof Marble Masada }Pare before ottlarcil.to the paid,: inn In anon at the • Ware Room, to winch the annsitina - ni purchasers is • relsAvetfully invited. I :11nyotte.. I . (7ardea Stinatryttin.l . Vasemor .111e.mam. noteli,l stevans Mid pattern/ made of the Can., and baktkonteAt deser,pmnt Wltatin -Alaibles Ti lea for Elnort nr, imported, undo levays Oil I , ~ , ,,,r4 , and far raleAt Ibe In!. reawnahle r , iien • - (DIM sable Canemnan Lein .unV numb, orainthed Mann ;dared wholesnlAlMess, ,ti Math: shorsest,nace •I'lllotth, or cut Mrsinms 4l4gs Itoettl, al.are Spring Garden st • , Vlslletil`st.. sotto. atowlo :V / CARD. NITER. JAJIES dr. t . 'II . IILDUCE AND Iih:NER AI; COAIAIISSION ; t • r 2,011. the soli: of Flour, Groin, titre'll, Ate.. lowing two extensive Worohnows, one situated on the Dola j':toonittl t \ o • rec th t, h‘Ttlet':reTr'eVl!l‘tslrsSeTpellittn.o the It'll sonsigutnents , trust,' to thew ease will a s Ru : its..natty tot,al , l t, onAlcmittanses mods as soon as sold. Inlv ;tact, land, on all conli . gnmanta 11,e6lircd. 'Rasiaaaca. T.l,obn M. Reude.ly k. Co, A C. Barclay, Monis Pat. ieraOn Co ,G. M. Truiuun, Esq., Cashier of the -.{Vestern Batialey Jo,. Mi Cully, - M tiler I Rickel on ,!'-C•veliorah. ReConnel , & Snuffer—New linahzon, ‘v... it. Votlece—rori I lumer,f . 11111.7,11.CE1C, VON & C,4,7, -- 4. 1 • (',OAIIIIBSION AIERCHiIIiTS,.: . ' b. Forme I.' Pl4llLAlik:Pllli. , jEri.tberal ad •nners matte on coattgurnenta.„Ca , • - I.attllarla, Ileeetntter tee, dant 11 , . ~R . 4 . It DaneithOWer,J It- . - —..._ • enaldo Bank. t • • CJIARLES R. ID AN ENIIOWEEt. ig CO. • TOBACCO -- ..COMMISSION LIIERCLIAIVIS, • \„ '.441_ , -ottlb Witareett. and No II; ,outl, Water att l• , . PIIILA np:Lil _ lin: . ;1 - 1 us: in 111f0/111 the trade *0 dealers generally of ' I' Ptll4burth,thnt th••s hog, tabde anelt arrangententa ' au 11.44. Vtrgtuta fonnufactureek and the GrooteW of 'lt Inks., I% eat Indic, and 0111 Ct pipt...w1110... 3 . M large and conotont aopply 010110 foliowingderenp 1.,1f us el Tohoeco which will be cold upon as accost- -it ' i • odating ter:ono, 'any otter b 02,0 to alt. city or e 1..- • 4 here, aud all goods ortlttect4 from theta swill ho war. :. t•tlated equal to reltreNetaattont— _ Iluvortat St. Donatngo; Conn., i ' • ' ". Vera, Pono !Leo: Pi11311'4., Seed Lear To, .'. •;:-• Cotta; Ignatf; • sad Ciorida., , hoer°, t AIJSO-13tancli's celebrated Aromatic.sl4g Coven-je.• , ' j 2bn,, e with. N a large agrortsztent of bailer poptilaibranda• . ' .4" ;and quelnies of pounds. 444., cr 12g 12. and 41ft Lorom 4 , i i 'Ci i GS. and 100 Plug, Ladies , Ti,,;w virgini.•Tw , . , • , • ' ~4e, sweet and plafe, in wholn'autl half boxes, wood '... •• !mann, together witl,l,[l7 variety M artjg,te helojt--. : ...' ..... d r•____ • " -'.4.- lb i' il lY 4 '. 4 II DERRY ar. Najk.Elt.Bo.Pi Ittottufnetbrept , of ' . • • AWNINGS, SICEING BOTTOMS / . i , WAGON' .Ih3VERS.A.ND GRAIN BAGS .... , . . • • OP' ALL DESCAIt !lONA Ico.•:184 South Prout Street, L L'Od , of ' T. A. ilitnnes Cabinet Ware Mantsfy • FIIILAPELPI/I.A: •• • . i . t i. ,K LI. 0r(r5 . !....1 will ::i.. Moon,' nt . the otLeo of the , -. 1..2 - 1 Mr,..1...,,t , 1,..1. 1' , ,•1,141.0. 'ill he prow II ' - - )' am.A.1.',1 to. : III I ,S. H. nr.n.in - P ' ' ~.. E..pletitv A. 01 :.!,:lzt,:nsoN , RUST PROOP'IRON - . FOR . ROOFING, WINDOW SHUTTERS, - iii.„ : _L .f I , 111'.,4•41,cliber• hrg tagallih.. allulion otall th t __l interesmil - in roofing. to 11. ..GALVANIZD E I N&a PI-ATI:S. and to the noisy advantages wined, 11,e - y —I sm....mover. MI inetalic and other substances hillniso • . t Isell fog i 1,.. eur,.ose,po.scsiinnt ns thefda,thr strenph , I am! lightlfem of I roil without itelobillty'Strurt, having '.now tmen'te.ited reveral t ems. loth 111 thiS < ounkry and .. • ; •nt Europe They' are 01.0 Ices suldeez to es pattrlon t, I i i irld'eolllr.etion fronrsudllen changres.Mthe a tumor iro ' than common - Tin Plat, Iron. tine, /c..pr any Is er Semi now ' r Sir roofing. -null soliteynently , ior a much limiter and tighter roof.' rruiring tor Ime dreg m -, .. 4- ' 1 clime, whilst the Gent cost is Mit a macrame. Ilm. subscribers would atso calldhe attesitton o all 1 . eaters and worketv in metal., to the many other ur- '' i I 0 .., to which Iron rrilli Frilleered, enn he shrill . I n general Wills it Is applicable so allartielcs-ot Iron ' ' ii ''which n to de. , r.hl,r toPrOreCir.:lll/ the option ofitho • 6imo , , , bert. And they mould especially call tlisitll• iFi le 0110110( shove interested in TELEoRAPIIIe LISTAI • , toll," Galvaniced W ire. whichris now - almost ems, , .. }, „.,,ly...used 41 Europe. and which answers every gm*. ' .• -- Ise it conductor pielectrietty, coming only shout ' ne I I hvlf as much as eopper y artil polec”ing equal thus Ili- . Ity with that metal. .• • , , Having lately erected wort.. in Its city fo din prs ' . i i pose of Fulvanming• ntile; spike., I.iotts. wire. foe.,they ts. 4 ~....„ toe mile. to furinslisay ...tete which may he ma. _1 red. A supply of ITAlits funatinfithtured in FA pe,l .. i• I constantly on httal,6ll4ll . t i c i i :t 3 l4,•Aril . m i, k ', Nos. II and Indlenyer st, NEW TO '' i The I'dtent Right tor Ilia' Snick, has been set . for tlic United States nu well as Great Itrildin, and i European countries. and all legal menetims will ken to prevent any infringe/nem by importatios os r crowds. '!',. ' • oetN. BEN N ET - rdi. BROTHER-, ciFEENswA RI: MANUFACTURERS. - Birmingham (near Pittalinralid P jllarehoune, No. 137, .Wend strtzt, Pittsbur WlLLeonstailtly :keep on hand a good ment in Wav n i, of our ow.manutacture, .aperiargenlity: Wholesale and comitry. . . . ihanie are respectfully invited to cull and i brine for liteTriektieeiinti yeti ere clmermined.lo d cl'heatier Mon has ever helot.. been a:4,d to - Alle_p d:'. .., • e t .pt l'l • Di / urea ti that e ta• 1 oth r ..:, F: ...1 ..•REIIS. , „..untallrdP ..•.I strer.l, Pittsbur• h. , ...anon hand a good . t... ..., of our °a 0 manutacture, .1 ..inality.. IV/tole:tale and country . er ...ite arc respectfully invited to cull and r. tor thenit•C* . er...a/.. yr, are determined to el/ ...Orr faun ha. ever benne been 09 - ered to - RIC p ~,, Orders sent by °tail, accompanied Ly i.e t rash r - c h 5 .„r r ,,,,,.... will . I.• n•t•inotts.111 , 11411‘111 go: febRA • U A ZZA 3I'S PATENT ILIEDSTEATI:- t tt - rt - tt ' N il Ilr ITD STA N'D !NG • • ;;,,n'on;:t„ . 4.="Lttc.,'= • .to 41( the Cabinet makers of lit • • rind Allegheny city. and their nuette , .. nun rurtuinerr have shown tlrentshlve __,- „,, I t o cnteart•fejudier null iftrt true inerndonr, en ,- Ithey give lii..lllll'. Ltedstend. the preference, runply .., ~,,..,,..,,,,,,,,r;l ir. being the 4.4, strongest, and anal lrourruiett lkdrfead In use. Th, following testiinonia .., pat a for Ittell,- /I I Wet. the sultrcriherr. practical Cabinet Makeri ofd ~• It•it er of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Pa.. do hereby car- 'I ttfy that we have -boughLthe rglit to inuoufacluie bed- .steutls with partarnla Patent Pexteniugs, and consider” • ,t• i I t td,, ,„c t o,e t treu / r in any fartrisior,,with arbuth era hut • • a cquainted. , •- • James Leihon John 51'13rcw l . •- . .1/ rR I oong &Co Robert Fainnan ; ' • • "-t; tJ R.llonloy - . 1 / 1 1.01 II Bair - . • 1.1 John Liggett, Jr. ' Jos. Lowry & Rea - -,-; Lowrie le orbm It JAI a Dienoar. '- . -• -1 1 . ii,„„,,, . ii ,„„,,, F, .' / !ugh ii Wallace- ,". Wind Inlet . i't - itraway & Il'elelland • ' ' t i Ilugh Wallace ' • Mon,. I/Which . 2-, Pact./ Lukey. of Fur Rights to tnaLe nnd fell lit o above Redsleads-. ~•_ ,apply to _ • .t.:111 - .NEZE.R I , OAZ r Z , itlit, ~ l drellt J 1 ' JNO. G. GILLESPIE de Cf.t.. ' _ tt „ i, s No 76 Wend Rtre , i i ill'lA NI• FACTO It Eire otlettl.m)sl,ahoganj f..oolini . 1,1., I. Glar./cs, Impottert. Una Dealer, in Lookeng Glass ---i I Fluter, Ac OSICIAIII, Pereutr.on Cape, Clock., Combo, [Jewelry an d Fancy Goode renerally. . . .• •• ll Ibe advertisers ore waking tome improvements; in t . , F .,r basintas, with Increased ficillucisiollte purchase of Domestic, and the tsuporlaiion il ninny Pareiga / ; Goods, they will be'able to te/lAtt Severn pricer. They • - • I :resSeetrolly edited the attention ., rt.on of porch, I tantehlti ____ • ---- ; Vi n. 11. Walitogrord. Joe Ir.• blvd.'. I NALLINCIFORD & Co., I l iCollllle UN is FOR , / A RUING MF.RCEIANTs .1 HEAVY It A It It IV ARE AND ; h PITTSBURG', DIAN ILIPACTTrItES, 1 I I I•A r Canal i ' la U s . s o l l' 4 .li7ft; " el r:e 'r' t, Va ve i l ' : l ' l ' itt n i nd ' t:i . ' a t. 100,600 lbs ••••<ll,dlet t erl vat • . -... . .‘ t : t• Naylor ft Co'. enseShrtr„ltit.ter end German. to ol '' Jon., a. (tinges Arn Pier I ll pring . antl Fork - •.•- - wo glut thuvrts,..Rpades and Forks i : . • ' , Carriagepprirgs ant/ Able., • - 'T.' , . 1 1 Anctls•ltnenise lea/e.3 FtreS, /patent and common-3. I tttedgcs, Sledge Alouldr.Crowbant; " ; Fullmer Ringarn.ol.lll4o2 Iron,) • . . --. ...: - hlaturek a. Cla y anal Coal l'icks: , c.• . • _Age , RcYthcs,Sicklea. Log Clfaißs,--t. ke••; ; ' ' l'"' .' • sadrrrtatamaredor Sit. Proof Safes, .lron, liads,:lsts as/ ther and o l' iltsbarek.!itanufacturts rold-at the /owe i l l -k- g -,- • . ' ---' • / . ' ' - fehlh .'. i, i --- ;1 stILLE--rea Guts Puente - and Vellum. 6 dadirle ,A . C..trPrt- Chain; lOC axe dandle , : sasented; ergut t etc c '.. tterrtm tnateller,br /* csgre or doyen; brut/re/pi assail. -. -.I: *bile LooisvOk..l..kmeand rukricroc. Itast•At.le-- - le 11:77: A tedash arraccuserd ti r; 'Whetters dona Ayftdovr, ,' ' S Dinar, all Gres, too sale in oug annular tdsuit cam, • ...- • ;', •. , „,- ISAtic LIARRIS- t hri - E_ i " 4 ...,,,,.....,_._ Age.qtana (...palakky4 . on Die rcbebt..., 1 t . ••. . - . DAVkA ,with nr Talk e Trade gillbe To cilinls " b ' ed al I lo *1 Marble to the Mnu Ocala se. lan
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers