A. , 1 TATION 1847.2115L10Q.k ARIA CANAL .A RAILROAD FAST PACIEVJLiN F., PIC.E3181(1.1 E P I . lllt.eiDA. BALTIMORE. quaitlly fa'r Patstssam. rapectfu , l7 Worn:ie.! that thl, Live On or about ihr 161 h in i rodzhou,, •ert.on The proptirtora PITTHII,Ru ruii T" • P , ' ==elll2B2l ==ll mad Ca , ll-kmdde, vvnts accurnauxisitsons. Wbreb II g ool v grem,cr com•lnt r I rrr • A Parke,lLA 1 wtll always W_ In port, and the pa, el nx put•l. r ri,l, , d , d no call and i.ssumne attar., pre mot to c ri•rwhere I= I :ONE lIOLLA . . . . . One of I • I Ice, wits the lan.liptc. (opposite the tinnedCnttedn lln nL. co,ner Penn street and the Canal. every, 90 rim vi 31 nnrs For n!or. uppll al it.. otEe. Ntono,naltela at i 1.1.E.C11 .4. Co meltl3 I or Penn st , ect and Canal N TRANSPORTATION CO • P lS•il' AV - D. LEECH 5.-00 , 11. OLD•ESTADI I:I4ED 'FR.,!...I'OATATION LINE. !DI .."WI :EN PIJILADELP. lA, 11,1::11 ‘,OICF.ND NEV YORX. ri , HE 11104 k ef rone:•tiol n douLlr , da;.l) Line, •nd Carr ',lnch ore tu anal ore, ~ •at.,,, , ,b,ra apr..r.. PA to Towatil o / MtrilattL.... and I Prod,eo willricsta4a7 Mud ProAuce - p!rreta.Kli.ewarted to apv n 1 d. , c on drr. .1 ott go. tree nt Int charar for mairni• wine, or ortgo. Jp.t:tranm:tt...l and :nktrhet.ounipromr.tly ...red tot The I.lr•iner• of th, I..nc :4.entoharte , l on rrietly , Sabbolloltde;ong prlor _. p 1 44 A ittr cf... ,or apply to . 1/ LELISI dc I:o. Yropr/Flors. • Canal 1.10,0. POttEurgli • .• i1ArtnN.5...14:Ecti0 , ,,,,,,•,-, .1 No I:1 .mown '1l.141•Ireel Tholudelpton iil.3 '1 . .4,11..11111, SONS:Ago., No 114 Noah liovvord atteet, tiaSonnre , IV 41 1 .1•11,0 N. Ag e nt, • 1,111:41 PILTIIII awl POILTABLE B. LINE. '1"--- .' • 1847. a1..7-...--..--24 12011 weituoy•orri,/,,0t Fre.ght brtweett aid thr uvot , IIILG truno&kpnwo., lb& w•) - . L and the enn.r4o..; r..k of a, . doote, brentagellntl stClalltbim goods. CORCIIII6.,E & CASH 0:- Marko, •trctt. Cloladelphm .0 FEE & O'CONNOR • Cor 1 . .1111 st., Pas•Luigb O'CONNOR & Co, Ne•fii/ . Ilaltftnutu IV J T rrr, 75 ri N V. • - EtLeouruttett I.y Inetteutted Meant*. the !trout...um, ht., SW .11 ant , esu htled bell darnr the a utter. ..te rata Welt. d ,01. want Ire r 1 h and tlatenteh unt'a'Y'"'" by any teller Th, tet rumen, pthe •lpettle t.upet testy. le the Portable 1.411 ut mem.. anti 100 glr, end r un Velertlee t al the ware how,. t.t ear it kit,' t. the i.ve. ore ite-nliallt eutroln ted tu nuita. thtiereter.e•uot lull, &elr eisg.ttgeottatta and atcol ..... Dente the, utuottaut•—enafidenttYetkratg the tut Ptt 0 0 anasunty telr the.nture, duet reepectlutti eotteu e...nt.unnuce et that patrUttar.c whtch they tativ gratetullt ac•itowledee. ..14,1.11,1L+1” I %tad , h 0, - "ottnor at 111”. reed and in :.n tett anti ~, , char,. Pa.t l d Il.l:a at Ladatt any charge •jf.r cagomowton. °den/utter. or ttu,r,te- I laving no Lute teat dtteetit ur induecUy 111,..;n11.1 1 ,11, t, the uoneenory mutt t.ect.tattee, e tie tr et ter, •uutptng astn.ll Ine tee.lee then:. Ile. In ml all goo, gned then, ',lt:pity nud an the tut', advastut• aeon* terlret e: ewe era. Nurel I tttl: e m‘rt, OrnlMM= BOAT LINE • • 1S 4 7. • • Fort TIi I ,I.:'IICAASVOILTAIiON OF IDID.otN:E AND' MEW.: , IANDIXV. , . 70. to. 1) rrtom ruTs- LI, IDDLADELPDIA AND IiALTIMORt.. 17'Wittu.41 Tranblurnt...l.4:l 1304.14cr..ed o our car. forwarded oat d , luy• cutrenl of I...thng rah! .11 ...zrueL. , .. pr.oSraly s:trod..l fie. Imo atta ,I:arg , COMMl••tun - opplv A.Mr NtI,TV . ~__. , . STOlLitir..' • Itsviny very lar,vv. nnil VialltVA.nv• %V :11, ...,11 , , e try pvt-pnlivl In reevive (ill tv'd ...in u. We.vln am hlpo.veul . turge Arnow.' OrPtudvve. , v •tnto'..' . ov, 1,10, bone') 11 A 1r A S LILT Y a !,, . - P CELIVOILTII it. CO'S LINE. . ~,-.. - E " ,1 ', " : 4,T4 ..:?- :' , . ' .- 'L' - .K."''''.',:: , town. 11011id.y,, , ,, 1k. tVvier t.:s eel. 1'r,re1.,:r......v . . . - all twole.inJi . ..te plate,. .., Ono il.. v w.,1 Ina., int warcl.c.u, of .' A Mo.\ f.. 1. wawito'swr ow do ..5 0;.....E fa', rolo• ' of ,$... way fia.,,, ...a. ,to up. jogooo.nor* ronpocito:,, aolm/t a fiwroi ..iowo ~., g...tr0 , ..n0, , ' • Tr0,,,0n. JOIIN Pletill'Oill I: . PC IN m DAN I L, il 11., IC` , CS. • . to oCECT NVOCC ,. . , VAN . . 1 1..i.u.it. , i. , ,13 ,, b.T4 1. It II CA \A N JoLoowoo, Ar. ~ r nt C ..\l_Mc.l:, L' I:I N 1: Co htrabuf,l. . . • J J Mcl)..vra, Johrt.Per4r.r. Ittrbcrt Mofrre, rn:t Enea!ey rrrbEn-lrortt. tne6 LAKE ANi - 311CIIIILIN LINE. r.' 'l , ll, r...nrrprorr Lake Eric 1 end Nfirli orr, rrrtrt...'g fr torirtneir end o -.ern 1.10 pr,•r•nerr Corrol notorog r.r,vc..11 r rt.d r..runrc.ing W.lre C rr...,t0!..1::• on the to. , Dr pr-h.,..1 nirktr rartreat firers ire of Nr.Vl,:rerirrrr nrul frat.e.trecri all po.ntrdrno Cie orrd He .nrriv., mt,r, roe rre.eirconrl por renxrc rtrtir irr...r?,.1...• oroperetor anrtr . r.er. rr..,rer•orr I IMr Orr.] lip d, end be purrinf Mri , r•Cr, ric -,1 1-rlrr" , ; C AI REED. Ifroprorror REM'S. PACKS AV, Ile ter, •ers , . lOW. A CAEl:lll:l',rinett'etrdo' 'TO • W; ',kr. /!rr,i , ..rr fr. Co. New 1 orb tf o . Clevtiond ' Se A A rrn•rrong k Irt trorr' Air s. rtl.ourr•. 3111 u-int re 11. tot dr.' Iforirr. , ,Clacrren AV or Irorr.rrprown, Cenna foil flortrerfor - r, Erenrrlifgh, Penne John Mc Arthur. tiont•rown, W. mt. , : Acter.4l,llVlHr. Jo Ceerg k Frornpurrt, ClOrk,rlre, 'do W , Moran, f-horen.'do It AY Costronclorrn Now roatli, do magi j 'RELIANCE VOILT ABLE BOAT LINE. 'APRS; 1847.:,0 N , POWI'I MFMCIIANII: , K, TweEN Prrr,RUP.C.II AND TBE EASTERN ant, TRANoiIirAIENT• rpitt m.proac d totthmt o( ram toy used long . Vival). , onett ia now . 0 %ell known that do. • oeriptino IF now.-a y Good. ore not tintebed on the romn;ttiu• all ,rao-lopment nrextra handling Is ..vet/ Ttia UM. tit, of Iglll-4.lr+oglit and p..-rfortn them trips • iti (rota to pevrn nal.. Toe copaepy of au. Wm rhouses enable., us to store wly ilons , annitins toa ,, e .Recinvina, awing, and advanr..irre coargr, Bemg I•dty pr , pur , ,t ;a make sale.. of Produce; we reaperant.y COll.l,llZIell. or wv••tern Flour. Baron. Lard 'Miter, Woul,Fealand olber aroeles, for sale, no w:1,..h advAncea arid lg. made and nth, usual tael•Pi••• nlrrdrd. pledging °or •-salve. that slip 1.0•111 1 0 0 ..ntraat , ...l to sa shall Or a. p tly xe romp ecuted, ond an ”• .ny J NE no DI/EN & Co Canal flamn, Ptrothurgh ' JAS meidif a and ,I•Market•i, Philada GIVIiZENS PORTABLE BOAT LINE: 1847. =;ii.VW- Ton TIM TR.:M.OILT 4110,1 .T ALT./.l'Sb,, M1.1 , .1.0 TO AND FROM 11.111:o.rr. ;Kew York -••-•- • • 12=1 rune eneouragement lane hap recroned since. II“ eobwhencrirrentAns todo'red the proprie. torn to increl, thersteel , to adding h number of first Glens Sisals; and togreot ni clem, receipt. , as hereto. fore as regents; ee ",,or own receipts for freigh.t shipped by tfi , tene. ,rhc'tnents are ~ conhequentlf in taken the whole de.r.,nre e..• hoot rrerit tire,; thereby preventing d.ciaage from treqm,dtry the on the,route, 21.11 an tr.,ch hoar isl guar- Captain rue , thew, ~ '4 ; on Un- ricUIC wol o. an Son consigne,l to the i Alt Yrenhce Mere 0n IltEk: (WI.. wq , rid i..rwnr,18,27, and Dill MIS 10'.fur :drldel,t,ut .0,• I , ,areet rata a, •,! 4 - freight.' ! w Pol.!. a A* patty/Inge. WALLINGtORIJS. Co, t.:4 nal Agt. - Stresf, • J F MILLER. Agent , . .1.1.. w le)). Whnrf,ll4ltlmAte. ritteCurgh, Feb!. I qi7. TILE ,Itoti rota 1 . 1. , tome V.," .'oropan, , becng do 10,,d.,,,, Corn: nn.. ,a'n - , , ,,t.rkt0 amen, of Co , rurtnerplup under the a..r.,., or ow - lioaurrete. Lin," i , and likt,v ,,, e ngteril t,, rvii I :Le ,Lnek •o ~, to 1,,,,e 1 numb, ' of 11.. 0, Cte ~urpo, or enrry,ng good. th,oiseM:ita il . per,•ie In inght 1 , 01, KlltCl,3l.inty - -and; 1 feel enentirag•qt by Thr 1.1,,,1try or 1,..t pat'. p.m, , age, to make morn tiitan., .rtmeeintnt" for the r,y ' • _ .. ° C Ye.' , We .'weealel Therefore r(.l,erlfts , :y rol.eil ti con,:no.i agegaproor former paironn..e. ref, kit nem euthrineri' t . ; . to' thole!we have do, boNtt , , , ..cr. 1847. - -. F 1 .=,= • ' ~ IBOATMANA . LINK, i i. ..• , 1: `l., For the :r.opottxttoo of t... ALL Mg Ds or 1151"11ANDIeV, To .41.1, F,llOllll . P1111.1i...1U1A, ItALTIIe.E. N[wr.l. AND n..,,,,,! • 5. , , %WEI. w itiir Ar , i AN Co, . e • • COMO :bercyflilarizval Cartni Bac n.l . ll: , •burgh. 1 !• • ; , j. A .I. GF.IIIIA liT ft Co, ~ -.' tio 33 , klierkei street, Pheladelpi.„ : 1 i • ':I Y.l. i ft, 1F.1.S ros ec co.-Ar., , :J pot... ' kW. 1 ' t-i ' .. R RCNCES e.'• ''" E PITTSDIPIGII.-Jaa• kleCally. Geo. Horgan fr. Co.: W MeColly•tr. Co o II A :toe.. h. Co, If All Co.. PUMA DRI,PiIIA--..kl ii Path-coon h. ria, Reynolds: i e ICePArrirk..Co...Flem.ng ll.ley, Poser Wright A.: •s • 1 Rort..S . likii hank invereb Grate. - ' NEA VOith-f :boes- biCo, Theo Perry A. Co. i IN-liimil. lord h (o. f.t . CINCINNATI-Arlkme A L ereagre, W. kV :kerb.' • : imp ' i. PLEASANT, VA-I'iA Mgchicr. '.-..-- NASiIYII.I..E - F Firth:eel, s • Nurg-Att merehand, - e bolo Now Vora aird iloVon,' .i -. eoherepoml Sir AI. Gerhart & Co. lqobrulelphlio, will ber 1 ' , .. '-promptly•fr4vorded./411,: fll2lngolioll. . febtri : I . ' ' ---•:. ii' ' . Plano Pirrrtis --"=, 7-7- AitonsomEartlll4lt TR Of i!ianccv. of h variety i ofietylit and priers. with I:.t Oat. torprowroeo,s,i teleet , d b ibe ao!wer,p fe ee, w,ll he . recur./ In • w: nayend o'rend for It'e at Eastern Imre.. e '.. - i: Peitokalircedengioleof CC. bol.'. kia rd krima ro l -:' • .eallatil ...Mom thrill im their arriial, before , makit : : ,' • tbalr parr... Am . rt. , ) may aakumd the prier. en 1 . • - :-,•etnk pgyriad the *inlay korkiriamed so U. market. • . ... es erseirllV • • . - •' - No 101 'wood street' i fr- , APPLES:4ObI. reed and ! • t ‘ )) 1 ” 1 " ) ] 'few I TRANSPORTATION LINES. Rwwviiia TO THE EAST 111 MOOONWELA ROUE, VIA lIROWN3VILLE & CONIUELILAND.. r7ell l: undervlgned or• now prepa&J to &I ward pm t doc, At., to Me li&atrrn hlarketeduslog ens.- my Wioo-r, on W.: moat Invt.tith!elterm., by iris e..P , dluous Jou:, • AII property roongoed Ma, 3.04bn forWardel *cam low,rt I ate• and tleopatch. ilcll.l3ar,i&se re at& by tone promptly for J BIDWELL Alt. YituOvigb. 0 !V CASS. lirowna,Pe 1 ED:EirroN ro,cursincrlartd_ • 1847 Vim: , /111C . A. MILL Jl7 TO THE EAST BY BALTIMORE AND 01110 RAILROAD. rpm: eubrer bet , u.,11 reee;pi for the del:very or Pro- I .thce go Ilalrrrmth by the , IlorroxggitLera Slveirormer or the kr!lorsarg prxes.— Attie., flacon. !rulyrr, I.e.d. Lard, Pork. Tallow, IVirgsk ey. Cheese. and Glars.—!74 Pt. per 1110 lb.. rrlarecro.lienrp, rat••nd A'l at-01 cr. per 100 lbs. A51104.!i . 00 Apple.. t. bee,. Flax-Seed, litho, and Leather-100 CI. per Pk lb. 04, Si. , Seed.. Sb uoi--1111 e.r per 100 lb.. Ike.roz.l'enther, Fur, littiKenK, rod Sooke , Rool ets per 10 IL,. A p , operty rootoord to etther of the ta/Jer•ikned ~.pond delay. free of Comnu.ltion, at ithoee 'rate, (I If CLARK. BrotenolvaTe. ME= FORWARDING & COMMISSION MEKCILINT, Batt Beaver Point and Bridg,owaterf, • MILAVLII COUNTY, PS., hormetar and Agent 'of Wart." .::i.,.P LAKE ERIE AND, MICHIGAN, u•ILY ne - rvrzcs rivrenunGli aND IMAM!, WILL be in spared on earlie4l opening of cenahuv. r t.:on In prorrny et la. wharf Isom ni arelonu.e, for all ;%/11.{1. on El, Exten,on, ClOl.l. etii, and Onm Canals; for all pans on Lake Erse Ind kipper r uducc, Achy Improv. merit.. Apply m or /As e:CiZFV, PITTSBURGH At CI.EVELAND LLNE 1846. MUSH It Llarke 111 R.chmona & CLARKE Forwarding h Commission Blercbanta, BEAVER. RA. •pill.: Agents ett,d Proortentra of tens lane (.o favor- A •61) koourn to the pubhc),Wlll Le strepared.on the carl,cst opewerg of canal novsgation to receive prop Cr lf at l'atalturgh and Beaver, and deliver ,he some a. an) rattle on the Ohms canals, 'Lod talsoun Lakes Ent and Michigan, arab 'the greatest despatch and ,at seas onasle rates. i . . The proprietors Of dos Hoe soliclt the bmnras Di. khetr (vetoer costa:eters wtth conftdence, kuotrlng that. the, toed tiles are second to none. , ddre . 31 lIARTON. Ap.Pituaarg,h. CLARFF: a. Co, Mayo.. T RICHMOND d" Cr =CM SAND S SARSAPARILLAI, For the rto,ll shd i'ertvoisieut core at oF troth au import state of the blood or baba of the anion viz: 4r5f..41. King's Ertl. ithromotism. Obstmotr Cestastrous l.'s., nom, Ptn,plr, or Pustules on M. ram ElciA., Liles Chronre bort Eyes. lime Irorm or Mu+,Stull Eolorgrount and•yaiss of Or Boma analoinu, So./A.l,s nr.rs. Sypgame Symptoms, &lath,. or LuM• 6ogO, on./ arutocfrom an Injuicesou., ss.sz aJ Mrrntry. isritc. or Dropsy. E.rpongr • or impruat,smn Lys. X.. Chronic Comiautroval Dilorders. • . . ,atim ) autauustrai;en has been a-tr need with the happirst reSults ni may anonialuus ethetly nithiterd to !lathe vend which cam. hetwetn eathartie and aPr rxnt medicines; hence Its otadas op- ' rondo :5 that of an alterative threetly—indircetq, pro , 00.5 a rig ton, to the I, fileln. 1,111) cow entrated ler convenience and porta. 6otisanne nottong but the eapresvd easence, woo .• toe retheseinotive of the t4rsapartli• 'Ron. at tke sante wormer as quinine is of Peruvant Ilarb,or Morphin- of <Vain It ti an tstubitsbral tact, that • ft,‘" 01 either quin.tte or Morph:tie contains all the cizrlaal value of large yhanuty or the prude, hesce toe soperidrit) of those preparations • nn It•Ai •3 weld desire la 1:11/I k a gallon Sktfll Ole. wliru u half t rtaconnatned die sonic ruetheinal value. : , arstopandir can tie diluted when tasen sgrecutor tio. u:rect•anit, and made to suit the taste of the4ia• bent. Tu. n~Leov addresud to ho ARer itor ut.o. coocltoo woof' of lugrc.t o 011..1 o( revcrzkmr, ~..., . .:1 tell.. A. Rod—Gents: In Mu), Iris) ob store n botle or ~, i trul'n:saisarrar.ll. stvi P., 1.1111 coni,, , d In my 1,,d, walsou. s!scl. for.. w. ri. ncrtt..ourd by vm!ent pant mom a regale lever a., tudarg, on ray right i rg . My ph).siciansadvised toe m t.ayr the limb amputated. saytng a was the en!) 1e.... I,Lrly m preserve my li!e. Atter naafi hair ,be l.” e the. :d bevio to sublidc. and by the iiine I had u ....• , ~,..r.v three barter, I was able tu transact my reg al, I ,t , br ...I ,o 1 before I had' finished the lo. t ri a but t 1 r. I, n• a• ..:litird round as ever I nn.: been.; I 1., no ti.,itm..n.i , se, log that Ositd . ..l , •ll,lllll,llhWa. the mehrr. .4. Prov.dencc, of se6ng my hinl. t.titt I .eou••t stor toy )Ifs. I most L....cattily recortuni.l I' a.• the alC extant for din purifiesnou of kbe blood V... roost respectfully, : . . JAMESIIII.L.I.ER 'I. following certificate is only 1111011ICA Itilk . the 'great ease. or ...tummy to its Oleraa: ...ill I:4L.T.S. Canada Farm, Apr.: lib IS SG. M. .s, ,ands—Lientleirter, EX.-. as ar- to .** . " n:;::: ' 21 " r - s:17.. " .::: " . t , ' (,'''' .. 4 ''' lr St ' ll ' e P e ' ti '''" .. ot ...,........,i arittonsrs , .. i.l. /....? ard grai t tode lqb• is tror resperung . .,oor velum., prepare.. or X, ' s " .;: '-.,' " . '"l i ' V[iq7 l Woi l niP•l24C ' ea . rrd Ma.r ,rerscoomus.were stillamore diver., I toed vas r.... remed.re but found no robot tam! I commenced a...a rmr excellent medicine, at whith tie. I was wholly r °dined I:. my I. I hirer ....got a few mammy irL I ant row able la walk at. ode out,•nd enjoy ofo. fartal I...teeter of bee: . wh.ish,:l attribute reitr). to itie use Cl Sand's Sersa'arilia. Please accept ray es. aura tier of granted.. an ,regerd.. , • JOON M NORRIS tlevtg pemonally acq• mad With the above. lante n., I hereby ecru?), the the same im tear. • R V:T M MERRIMAN Patron Tassistoal.-1 e following . en count, Iran a letter received from ev, William Gains.: B. antax. Vb.,Oet 22,1675. I Mcsars, Sands: I hoer be n aftl mad with a severe paia in my rode. ocermioned y a drsee.sen over, for.the st twenty ye•rr suffer.. at Ismes what tang., cannot convey. - but sta. I n g )our Sarsaparilla, I have been greatly relieved, rauehso Om I have been i able to ...tend to my business, arid preach oceasionelly I for Me Ins: fifteen mutate. I wholly Maces - tied &limber 'l metbettre• aca thoroughly Irma the Sarsaparilla, which, 1 ranrecontuntnl rn tr rah and sincerity to all those who are ,ti ea y wry afflicted with rmy specie: of scrofulous conip•imis. There have been some remarkable rums `tattledl.) its tilt in this vicinity. Mrs I. Shaw. by the use of nit bettiles, was restored to better health than 1 r v h e o u ! ' . o s ' s!l ' , m aq . ct e :l l ' mt e n y e e t d , ' c o r e < ry 0 247.7,L 5 ., " d ., int ` . .A" . .,,.. 1 eh., was tamely cured by the use of • few bellies. hours truly. WM. GALUSIIA For further partteularsand conclusive evidence of tie anisette.' value and efficacy. see pamphlets, whteli may be obtained of Agente gratis. I reps... end kt d by A B. Jr. D Sand s.Dmggists,loo Fphon ft, cornerof William, New York. Sold elm by 1.. WILCOX. Jr. Pittsburgh, IL Iler. wood. Beaver, Wm. Watson, New Castle,. lb N. Rob n, Strownsville; A Crs.lah, Waihingnion; and by D r ugg.soogenerally.throughoat th. United:Stairs. , Price 51 per bottle—stn LOW. for. T. 5. The pult,te are respectfolly requested to remember 'that a is Sand's Sarsaparilla that it uttonstainly nchtev• lag such remelt kst bre curet of the most ddr.cult etas at di in which the barman frame is subject: there. . fore ark for Sand'. S a s...ostler and take no el,. 011332133 , TliE teisinfrolit II A RLEM ref. alrN 'Ze ant Vfll 'n not n a d h ' eraVtar7 Ar she rs improved the is we/la:dared for arr, rng fre,reht and prusengeta, or for Waring: sh haa great curiae:4 and power. Any porn d purehnse.w.l of coa, inspect Ler also proprere to lease, for one or morn yearn - own. , Mink, and to a mayor energy and !opines+ ban. th' , l oSer g reat advantages. I can o at sish Oa. Imo- , enber on rin.e or eliarier, nay tow bo “IINEIi • Ile can hare on ficr,terna. no barges, three ona - aird coal Minot.. •igieen r•rs with rnpes. flan.... - rurole tor fr.it • operanoris exam...ion of .. .. 'lll i• merged l'ereori• doissmed .t . refr.renee rnd i,'"r -street. r. nors. ern. TriO.rs I BAIRD 7 , 1 ---fr a rii . ,:2-,•T AND NUDGD.AL OPPWEe. N .. 43 DIAMOND ~:f. a few door. lie aid a:rcci, Wwerre We • . .47-•-V; .• na. BROWN,, Harm, been regular'" rd. 77r dmth' V . : " eoandr.Xm; IwL~ ° ),' x ' rlg • .timc'r i . I , h o nz plaints for which h. o rre no., iunities and ropenee roma. peculiarly' quality him— Desert year, essid.rous devoted to the niudy and treatment of those wh et t;nic he ha. had more pracirce and cured m0i0... thaw. mran ever fall to the lot en y private praritturnerl am. ply qualifies bon to offer as ..rnoce• of speedy. perm, y and aatrafaelory eon" •• •11 afflicted With ddlean Moen., and ell ili.eitrres arng therefrom. Dr. Brown ...mild inform those allheted with pricers d,••• which ha vir-lieromr eliroorcLl Wray. led by the Ilse of any of the common room of the day. dim Weir Complaints can i.e radically and Mot , ot.ghly - cored, honeying given hie careful attention lo the treatment of Prl,l matreAr•nd succeeded in hundred* of riirtarires in ear, nit per:motel inflarnatain of he neck of the bladder. nod er e die,' diseases who:hi:lmi result from those es... wh other. have consigned them re hoprle.• despair. Ile particularly invites tech as have been brim and unsure...fully treated by others to con sult him, when every satirlfeetton will be given:hen. and thorr rages treated in a careful, thorough and manner, painted out by long experence, .Idy and m arsiotation, wri.eh o ummssitile for hors engaged it general procure' of medicine to give any one class o airman, ID' Dern. or Rupture—Dr. Browncall, also invites rieri.ns afflicted with hernia ro call, as he him paid partouliir attention this dise m ase Skin Diseases; also Piles, Palsy, speedily cured Chargerrery low. N. laer.Panents of either see limn by inattng their disease in writing. giving all the synap: toots. can °Main medicines with drfeettons for ose.iLy addressing T. BROWN, Ii DI pot pa I and enelo- Sing• fee. Orrice No. OS Diamond alley, opposite the Wavily Fry-Nn care. n env. &IP NO CURE NO PAY. DR. Lbtir.NLl toranted /t E . G r F.: 13 1;A: n. ey returned. This medicine is prepared froin an than Receipt, obtained from one of them in the 'at West, at great expense. 'nose Ishii hare en fan - Misr with the Indians, know that they an nd do cure Venereal without the. knowledge 'of M nary, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The flicted bare now an opportunity or bei eu ed withou Ithe ime of Balsam. This roe icine is theont to the taste; and leaves. no smell on be bbreath. Prepared by ROW{tND & WALTON, nd s Id wholesale and retail, 67,1. T. Rowlett!, t Alm el street, PhilaiPti. For mile to Pdtabarib by R E Sellers, 7 w street. and by Wen Them,b2 Market at_ bc6d RYDE:4W RATBEI / cono;nloimu. 'Unluc, end re - • as ' . dt Nzd Caty Orde re ky purehuedrrd , bee& noLatE.4- e & N " " di EV:image Broker, 36 Market et, • DR.I+ELBBIIA.NII MEDICATES) LOZENGES, AND POOR suave PLASTER- • L;..d.k. IL SHERMAN Re, dlwoonered a Array to make h—cies D pleasatd, to that children vat take it ruddy and cry is seem See that hitter Hod/. is wound each S. of Lawn , a Pot ocroatb rage w tht back of etch Nader, sad co - 4 1. Hill a Direettons . kn. 811L1111AN'S COU r CH LOZEGES. These Loonies are', the safe., so:alums and oliactatal mar for cough., colds; comumphom, whooping coughs, astla . em.. of Me 'ion,. or chest, etc, etc- 'llse proprietor Om leer known ahousience • hero they diJ not got perfect isaiwinstion. normal 'thousand ham ha; been .Id allhin Itle law tem, resujmn to health person, m almost esery wage - Ydeousuroption aud Mow Leone{ under the Mum du ..so' iulds Mot coughs. They do not check and dry op the cough, bat reader temy. twasnote vapectoratiou, Way the tickling or gr,llll.tutt, ar.4 memory Me mamas al tacking tame.— They /we made imam a emobimhon of a most valuaLle cape, '4erything or rough ms diem., and are undoubted supers... hso use for ihme complaints Hundred ly • span him. dreds olcerbLeatee ham been offered of their wonderful eir tam, from thow,rhu hare Men saved from m untimely gram. arid restored to persist health hy Mang them. • ' Where them se much pain in the bresal or side,one oficher ntum's I'm,' Ala, r,..,,, (yraci only Lb) .cues,) Mould tor applwd user the tart, Mud wo.n till rehMed. If attended orssh emairenew, a fox ember. or !mauve lozenge, or an) mild cathartic medicine, should be ow& as mesaiou remora, SIIERAIAN'S WORM LOZENGES These worm lounges have been proved iu more J. 11,400 OW man to be tufallible; the volt' ortato worm destroya4 ineeltone eve Febseerrered M any . 41,easea arises Roo warms tend ornerun lung and into. enticring t node,. death, with out thew ever bete( sopettedi 'Tuna parsons are very GR. *Memel with them, and are dcrwred Cur ranout complanits without say hrtietii; .ve hen one stow Rte. to wohl speedily cure them. . Syr, tomrq Woros.—Pstais.in the joints or limbs, often sive breath, /aching at the non, grinding or the teeth during sleep, and ae umesa paleueniablert the hive ith dotted cheeks. Weeding at J. nev i * guavoui emotion at the Itomseli, dash or heat over the surface ..t the body, slight chills or obi, rp, headache, &avenues, vertego, opor, disturbed downs, midden sortie, in sleep, genii freeht and,sceaminy: sometimes a truideiredue cough, feverishness, thirst, p,lhd hue, fits, bad taste still, mouth, ditdeult omitting, pans in the stosnule or !soviets, tatigele, nausea, ecoanistiorse, Tura . mum appetite, bunts., blunted stamach ur Mob., gmpLop, shouting cum. in to lurk. °lithe bedy, • name uf some thing 'lout in the arm., itching oldie auto constrain night, friu,oeut dawn to cum something Limn the bomb, md omen Oincharges ui Mole acid mucus. nl in CAS/I'lloln LOZFuNGESi .L . rhey rrse.tarmrarats ralief io arrroar or sick headache, Frlcatarrau of the Lear t, Lamas of tLs slant, acepoaderay, rrararnarratary or putrid *ore throat, Waal or sunhats cam- Omar, farstrag, opprearroo o sears of otalirrag of the shut, dart, Trams, ...sap of Il eaarssach or Ward, tryst... Jell alirrtana, all'aerrour distaara, druarriorsa through the Jay, awl nat-fulness through the sight; cholera orchat. era shah., drarrlaca,Loart . orde or a tame of fatigue. ?re. wom tratelhog or attending large tunics, will Gull the LotatA rrally g, mud Imparting the hoops/47pr youth: used Alter dua both Wiry rrstoru It.' of Mr system gnu] mot remote all the oopleisaut symptoms Ansiug Item tou Pcrsom who halt hero wn yogi livers, and Alhoulunnt the r dissipated habit:, will flud thrsehoutrugcs Ad mirable europium+ or the Armes. ' SIIEILMAN'S POOlt MAN'S PLASTER. The best strengthening plaster io the wet Id s ante eovereign remedy fur mins, or weakiiew back, 100., ode, seek, limbs, pingo, them:nature, lumbago, loc. tee. dne amnion a 1. v+i II not supply the demand. They require a little warm ng te fore applies.... Warranted sups nor to all others,msd for one titian.* the usual prite,maktug not only the beet, but the cheapest plaster its the world. It affords relief in • few hours, and makes astonishing cures. In liter romplwat and dyspepsia, it slcould be worn ores the resew of the liver or stomach s and it will afford grin.' t and astonishing relief. In coughs, colds, asthma, digcolty of breathing, oppression of the chest or stomach, they will ho med...ly smith twnl greatly beriefititie patient. Peru. of sedentary habit, or those obliged to deist mu* IQ' mei. deesdr..l suppoey from one of mere truly strongthming Ph". tor. Ply mud. generally recommend them in preference's, others, because they girt or adhere better:and affordgreat er relief. In their operation, they era stimulent, tome, and' .odyne.' Thy are composed of entirely dillferent ingredi ents inna any other ' and known from the eaFefience of mil lions who need them, as"well as the united testimony of ell the celebrated and distinguished clera end physiciams, to he the most useful and highly medicated pLastir. Several lemon hare railed at the warehouse fo .press their turps. and thanks, at the shoat miraculous cures these plasters hove effected. Directions for uts , err on the back of each Plaster, with • c Simile of Or. Sherman • runic. It is important) ou should always alb .for Sherman 's Poor M.'s Plaster, mid see that you got the genuine, as there are mans worthlese imitations harked about and cold for the tout Slim:mem Platten, by • • tiopriucipledllcalers. SAold olioltoole ouJ retail by W. JACKSOZiat PalmsNlcif wino Wle atobou, No. a, Liberty att., tliim of the Blfl BOOT. jut. Git. ROGE R'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF' LIVERWORT AND TAR! A su,c and cerlai n cure hrr Consumpt.on of the Lung, :. 4 1..ttng 'lllood.Couqhs, Colds. Asthma , • 1•• n m the Sul, Ilronehtus, 'Whoop.ng Cough, and •I Pulmonary Affection.. . . , %lade, July 'lsar whit th• cesbn trd Dr. ft,. hard, says—a 1 . 1. y. a! , !ah ORM' ear!. smno.. , g. m•mlics mat m ease of 31r. Charles Wade. r ..!ng remited 10 evcry mesna wdlon thr ! nowle.dge. for me treatment of Consompimn, Without' the ,c,,iet; Prfir fir, he pent ,itch him to use Ur. Rogcra' I I.:verwort 41,1111 lar.My which he was reatored to per- MI he..., • AVM. J RICHARDS, 31 D • pmasc pamphlet 'sod ace this certificate Jo (U-11, rortheme still performs CC,ltEtt that acem uhno , med.me Lut al. they are hers ~ J our own neighbors tr whose mom rnony tlirt tm had from fob own mouths. tt most consmis thrum.. acepfical tlrearrigt , of ill, roml•one, , Ano:her re;nork.:t to cure of CONt,L MI Ile - W twhead. of this ray, wan reduced so Low , Mat till nti cv,i bin ph)inciani had givett torts up to Lal!!'! . a :1 Mr A I. ti.covill—As I owe my life largo use of Dr. Pokers' Liverwort and Tai. 1 feel is a dray, and shall St :MOM tear or delleacy.pee my tewonny. as evidence toll otters who may he afflicted mob Consainpuon or d,tisseit, Lune may know that this medicine in WI a II UNIIIL'O. but is month ten thousand ph) loans` pre seriptioia for the allsewe for which it is 'woman nded. Lai Al n unlnie r f was taken with a most DisTRE.2.4,ll.i COLGII. and about the first of Jule ray Loup were no itwased that I bled a a olioo time vet II quarts of blood, wle:ch , redured ome an low teat alloy triomlanto CVV/I my phi simans thong. mast won DI k: (rah Con adoption. My brother, hey... s. , t t .ard sate wundertul ewes made by thin terh.em and procured bottle. and befoie I bad taken one half bottle It .ea th, very seat of the diwass, and raised :,-,arga s quantity of Matter and rideem, and Mr _co . g .w. stopped as 14 a charm I tar e sttica.th , ..‘Z three bottled. am now ible to attet Yno man an d well Itt ever, I feet very thankful, to the inveri" .( :;"' m, for a It hall not been for r.° •. ‘ Pot.. ot oedt and phlcatn and healed eme to have 'II/WA menatter, have now my tongs, 1 should without 1”." , on Cathartoe fleet. half • Ir nnT°"ril g me ~ e them th• yart , colur• and trit namer (veal. who Tailed me during toy pick neat r; AEMII.I. lr FIST} D. I°n j 0 st " 3 7"" . tof Ilirans Cur. ~' "i e in he Cwtelonat' , Eck etre Methea , Col a . P°l nn well known, who Lalatt ex_tt.ll; I o relat.uo to the eon. 01 11.1,• . • , given u p to I,lE,_,wala thel l• I , ) a no br r of A b le I :tam, • A'l. Sens.ll—Su: Huns., reluctant 1 have her it I•persoll my nil to spoon'', at - vaned to • serllf. zits. ecant...Et...Pug Patent Alethetne, ~.stru m . nr C. 2.1.01,11111.0, / no vorthelitot thong qrsty duty. not only to my p• 11.311, but to the cotnstun.ty,'nntl all afletrot with t0r.1.c....5.10.tat0 that Intl./cc pantcolsr char. ol 3/Iclpeat ,CONsUMPIVION, t. 31... 11.4 t, step donp,h, of Sir John Cott r etty a Nhos 13sraer. •..tot :n law of 11, V IVondsr . Sr and ytr It 11 1111. tunt.ol not Coy Council. that OR. ROCKIVA CONICOUND RCP (IC 1.1 V1:11- WORT n 3,1 TAR nyn-rotrtl more LI Idt . a SPECIFIC than any rstnt..l7 nt It ,rntlar rhstatgei , n4l9 operation, that I has.' sic, u.•l In my Prnsll.r• Oss thn tas - • oho,. t. • I. opoenron to he labor ng order I,AS r ,T,tc.f, 01 sr to W., Con•tllripl.4l/1, a pm 11 1 / 1 111 ,0 It) e Pht.lont n. soh,' w.,te ce,.41..wr no.lit no I ot.t.g rs..etl In trent Intr rear. she .h. 11 • E 11,1111 ch,yttl , ntni epontnntly gond 1,...1h Oil 110t11 Appralr., 11(01 In` .r Will! an, ..11. r 1..0....• la 11) JOul l g tad) Of Ax •pect• honlll. nt th , thltor two en..• all Ow otetunn. 'too .y 171,10111. .••••1n In b., .ob.c.loti, !rum O: n-e of a (ow 1.01.!., of syrup al t into Re. . CAI , milli, J,l. 21 1-17 111 RANI COX. Al f/ Cal' I. and 01111111 11 yintnoltb.t. coots...nit co' 1.11,x1t.. of 50...1-tlul tunt•, (tom n rye , . Inanhot icsotetst.t. 01111 verlll,..n.Yll 1 • 017..11 1 FOr /1 I. St 1.0. - ,1 b. Ott .on of sth and Its.. wort., C.M . , , n111. , Mon, Wl.l.l.r•are ihr the WCI.I C Kne•lon 1011110 Itnt.lourgh, Potnis I 1111101 01111 Pat.hurglt John yy ZS. ward, Ittn.ltorgh ' If II Schnturt, shony. . John, t..11 . .:b. I: tn. nahalll.lEl . (1 - j—m2uNClllll , CC RI-:I, —lntl DI:Nt.t.AN. PECIIMANT ftl-:!•11.1 , 1" .41,WAX9 C1411F:14, II USED IN TIME —11.,r J.me. Woloots,of the :drol. .19,:turh•Ipliin,wan afhtrt,d mai th.• ,111 , 01i1.2 complitiet ler r,vernly car., whtvh seed, e. 1,0 Lan unable to atiand to Ist. mlt.tsteroil dut.es est 12 ',much ,. of Ihe Gave:. myntrosito were it dr, Amd ptu,tul courts, at. hoarArw,A, palls I n the cho., ride and Urea., n stro. ,, of sullocaLEM, so much soot time• that be could •enrcrly amble bieuth. Ili. 1,,,,Jy and otrenetti femme ',lured.unetante pule and ..,1„r; ,Lowmc ail itit oymptinnt cf toeedy terminal:on °I . 1 In• life; but fortunatety n lady, tine of the members of his church,railed to Visit nun while lie lay prostrated upon ho. sick bed. Itchohloie Int 4 twfal creation she xi once advised hint in troillin. DR. DUNCAN'S EX PECTORANT REMEDY. which he procured at the Philailelphm Office, ttroM but faint hopes of ever recov• eriot;. Ile comtnestreil - ustng,themedmint according to the directions. The effecl was .wonderful. flot fin% ,y week after using the medicine, ,the rough crated— hoaiseneet disappeared. .Alter utmg three honks, his strength began to increate, wii.ah enabled lion to go down attars; and by to. tone he had used eight bottler, he found himself a well perton and a now attending to his usual profettion. • We, RICMi•r(11.0( the MethorLst.Eptsenpal Church In Philadelphia-are well acqui - inted with Father Wanton's d'illictimn, and eon certify' to the truth of the glove. ELIZABETH MORRIS, tinttAil PIIILLIPs, HANNAH DEWF:ES. PhiladelphM, Aug. 12,101.5. font Sold In Pinshurgh, by WM. JACKSON, Corner Of • Wood and LiberlY .... , , A ,_....._,. . . -- coppERTNIRE'RT IRON. A/. 'rid -W.IRK MANUFACTORY, No B•Market street, Pitt.bu76, Penns, rr HE so , sertbers bnatng triode gram Improvements I or the coostrortion of their cOOKING,BTOVES, a i e n rx:c . t . f . t , I 1 r ,, t; b udding r , lex p rso . as .ig,. ..e.. Steamboats r.ppl ripply with Deal noires, forges, and every odwr kind of , (umiak- Copper . 74 0 :h:t o t ...d ire:: w o o n r: h tr e erzzry . i m. rt f i t:Ti s s a kr- 1 tag a PrortrOorn .. Tubes and Chamber, Copper work lay Steam ragines and every eatiety o( work in one line. , feet . • MIRRIFF /a MEM Reflers . .Ltwer..PUta. ~E abrininisesoly - free loth nning LiTACrilli sod Toffered tat*. audering Masa Liamgeomplaint open the teruis of name*, AO pay. • - Read Me fonowing tor Henan, Pa.:Yiept 25.1516. R EFellers—Deas Pitt -I :e a, it is a den , ' 'owe to the politic. as well as to the credo at your Liver 1 Pills, to stale the good effect produced by them in my men ease Du i slag the month of Jane. Itt-M, I mob very sawell, my appetite baled mul gay unagth was em mei,. presumed.. wim o severe pant In my aide and shaaldets I was laid in medical mendhai My dimare ems a tevere attack of liner tomplisint.t I tontteveral bases of Mclone's PM and wore syrups enact, I wita told were good ittl that diseate., bat after all I war gets tin; soot.. d tioucluded tapiocas:noel( under the eem of a pace 'or tomer ur veame• Rut torranaiely hat , at Eh, IsAlts I WWI hy tha Roe I. Nolhoet. of this place Mit frt. thl of his had mot tel a too nf tedSel:e r,' Liner htlls it Platthirgh. wlneb hod benefit. h.tu very in... I forthwith AMP r lun of int.. ILeer anti by the I'ISIP SI As 3 4 done. I la at stitched Mat ii trot jtist the . ..hamar that suited my case. I molt r mare. tank bye nr 0 a hozcs, and (otwermyself eni.ry In Murk. I ha, j 1 rough. a ...tete red. wh thattelal bark the ti n and m • short trine I toast n• had tt - ever actin bad reconme ILO lota ltv er Pillt nod some m very other tor Fll o. and oet.•••onat) r .tere amt 110 As can say that I (Oct lime if art, sympleta , at the laver complato, sad nq u 1 no good sts it lam been for - the last wi pmts. ee Itlet•ors tisk me who .•• my lloetor• I tell Mem that Se.teM . laver hilts Ps, lay of w and and by the Ideating...l Provtdrare. the menus of curtne me am confident . , A 4 Me 'mid. I.emtnes negaa tnte d art. the Italy , : of pair nt'lt. the dear far them vent Inmente Vary o f tomehhor, to whom I leive 1 , . rnatmended the pill, ht. my .1 sir value sad to the Met, slated Yours, . . . . • Ag there are ocher 1,1 4 falba Liver P,ll, perr.ens who want dm IiF.NUINF: a. rhooht 10. k for, and `take no other, than tho-e Frtptilcd hl Il I SPA 1.E11,3 57 wood itreet I!= • • R • r xi-0...Rn, tho tl te to the oman, with femur-. oy the entamentenes of Dr. Sluetn:eltt Protector Motor Stmn rt. nett! Prof...Ater Tho , ek; by Bol an Ilatilan, Ftg rect.n the fintt fhltnburgh edinco. 1 .1. vo , 75 , 1 nneet. F Prier Ete.Ut , 'Ti- ‘Vlckl.atc, or anyand to the Fifteenth eentutc: by Mrc Colonel. Mankay, author of the t'Faern I y ut Ilea. therd.tht.'• Per+Dual Derlrt nd Revlvnl of Rehgtoti to the Soul: hy the Rrr lictavat• Win.low Jam.'N, Cantr.la•l6.l4,l 14: '!vu!• I,Tto. Alt•Fn Ara and Cur,•pundrurc; uy 1. ra, lor. i• E•uty , 1., Rhyme Itetnam,•; •• ••Mmhrr and DAughtrr, • o.Lgotta I 10.-ray a 1.0, ' Tolc• of tho g,lvtl•h l'enom4rs. ht Rey I luttfY Dun gan, It 15. rr k KNUI.I6II crtehl7 t to 56 Mnrkr4 ,treet COACH MAKING. FROY the very' racourN;c meta ;he nbrr he. reeetved ,nce - • he hair locate.) himself In Allegheny, IbtoolLs.,e has Indeeed Ipm to take a lease, for II term of )earrS on the property he now ereeuptea, In Beast, street. krnmerhately I,ev!r the Presbyterian Church From the lope experrt nee In tlo• sten , buenteps and a dr •,rel4 plea., he hopes to mer. it and receive a Pharr or public patronage. Now Gotland and Ll...stung to ordr, Rockaway nu;.. pe open; and top Buggies, Intrl every desert piton o: Carriages made to order, frontseventy.five dollltra to 'eight hunsist. {aep3-dtf} JOIIN Extensive FurnlttireWarerourns, Nank.easrf comer of he Din.eurnd and Perinea street Aiitghrity City. H WALLACE, Cahrnrt Yore and Char, Manatee-. tee, at 'h.above stan/l, reapectially calls the at. matron or Me public to he emenzwe assortment of splendid Furotture.eonarsuns in part of Sara; I/re...lna and Common Bureau, Mahogany and Mathis.. lop Centre Tables, ti •rdrobes, Bedsteads and Chars, .111 of whtelt be is rearlyvo forttlah. made of the beet awe , • • - s--....erren , en at lon cosh peer, apt-ly r NEVER FAILS!' Dr. CULLEN?S INDUS VEGETABLE PANACEA. PERNS altiteted sto th Scrofula, King's Evil. Usurer, Erysipelas, Old tierce, Ulcers, Tether, Mercurial Diseases, or any, other complaints wising from ipsnunties or the blond, are requested to mid the t °flowing •testimoniale,l to pond of the Wonder ful properties 01 the abevetnadied medicine. READ! It HA IX! RKAD!!! • We the undersigned, hheing visited Mr. Italie Brook:1.j, at thh office nt• Messrs. Rowand and Walton 376 Market street. Philadelphia, consider his cueithe mi at remarkable one we have ever VW. nested :iv heat rs of. Hi] thecae° was SCROFOLA, and terrible must have ten h ; twelve yealvi' conflict with the de k • eentim roof of his moutil?Nose, Lip per Lip i and lower Lid of she Right lye have been estroyed, his Fare nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Buine tamed away. And yet we can give nu des notion of hi. case. Mr. 8.-tnlormtima that in Jano4y last. the whole intermeof his mouth,. as well as Imam of lOn fate wee a mass of deep and painful elects! On the I lth efJanuary last, he commenced taking Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE I'ANA CEA. which checked the dtscase in a law days, and rom allot time the cure has progressed without in; ter-mission. New Neeh bag rap died the plate of the deep Pl,. co, and thnugh badly distigured, his lace to ottoyd, and hto , general licalth to restored. - - We are mooed that in the treatment or Mr, aronks' case, nu Mercurials,Ointmrnts, ;3;C-rustle. applientruns bare been userl, 7 -in NA- Chirk .1.,0N F., hos wrought this wonderful change astfid Smith, Itectiecounty, Pg. Charles L. Rnwand: Meatlrillr ; Crawford col', W Joann. M D South Second street, l'fla Jacob Leo, Pemberton, N J. E W Can:, 470 N Fucrth, above st, N I S Art 'Slough, Luocaptei, W Appletnn, M 1.) 48 South ac . do Timothy call:roil, ManinOcia. Mins-nun. Daniel leakel, Chetinut Ilfn, rho idelphia co. Pa. John liarned, 390 Iligh street. Philn. William Steeling M I), t'ainden. N. J. lYJliam Halo, 378 II igis itreet. Pugs. , 111 Putter, Alanufacturci hlinctal Tneih. ti- Ninth street, Minn. I I. A Wollenweber, Ed.iPhila..oeinocrat 1)1 N 3d. .tree vo I ' ' , Genre, W Mentz. Brush Mike. 917 Markel :B. Ens Carr, 159 CheanutAssee, Phila. A I) Billet., Nee q. Eleventh Bapirst Claire], Phtla. John Bell. Ene Street Philadelphia, (North Ante: canedfice.) • Aaron Sands, 161 Cab:Wine Street, Piola. Daniel McGinley, !imam's Alley, do Andrew Sweaton, Catdden, N J. . I B H Evans, %Vest PhiH. , . Itteruird It• Voong, Wider, 409 Market at. r . S .d. ; 1 John %V As hmead,..Go .inuth Sixth tame, do t • T S llingrier,Lithogra her, 116 Chesnut Mr ,t K.l Kemil. 12 Eleve U. street, Peter Siert Smith. Ed tor Native Eattp , ',', do Joel fjod.,.; tiLva . annfacturer, ... 1 ..' .. " ° N.J. %Voltam Steely, FarMington, Vt. Pure.... ~.., L B Coles, M D, pus uo,bla:. 'Reuel Canfield, Ph lon i pt. Philadelphia. o Thomas P B Roby h 15,. arrralprgh,ra. " . Peter Wright. ..Li') M rlret,atreet, Phita.l James %V Newf., W Filbery et do a..6....u....1, PH Sp et... . do . . Willivm line, Paaw t. Paul's M. E. ChrCathartne i SE Phil. , John,Chambers, P r lat lndep. Crirch, Bwod et, do . TI. Sander, Pohl et of Pledge and'. Standard, 1 Pinin. F P . Sellers. Edite Olive B tech, Deyleatown; Bucks co, Pa. Wholesale and Ref II hy finwsnd '. Walton, Vt.. prjetors, 376 Market St. Plitlndclphvy It F. Sellers ST Wood st. MIAMI h, pa,; %It m. '11; . ••, ha Mm , ket it do.; K B Per ans,.Manetta;Ohnt,• eaten 'Fr.. -Sharp, Maysville, K V; John %V Danenh, er,Cin,y, Ohio; Soleil & Kees a, Madison la; C Novi, C oe ,.. ville K V; Deverau k & Pelham; St. Loon, Mo. P 11. AleGraw, NE hea, Miss; Hard:A:iv & John. don V.cksburgh,d • Chivies Jenkins, scw Odeon La. ‘, eh .._ - .-1,----_, HO TTSB OR N V A.L.;108, . ' Ultyl.l, TEL AT ORS. SI TIIE object of tins greatly felt by highway.—byre/ride and by raoettto frven.l who report tonna ?Inc diorases. Such ha.e ni .. vnriousconaforto .n to the Poet.•and fr and In-no eub,cted UKini=l - . .tnlthniment ,i to thaply a 'rap • Oathtra < veth.rann our western . la, vrdsout family. taken stok e aurround,theurd, and country fo, rebel. from thre.ral and other , glen auffeted froth the want at the 'lthot.ons ea neeceaary and name e•arelves and ginfluthiul nuthes, I nu heavy and methanol:able chnegee ov prided wtth e:11••/.14,14 I tool e, and at a ra e Inurbbether henMs Mlll here I tvid commonable. 'atten tht. usual charges. WhUe the case of I kvcry variety of dire pas greets' attrstssii7, riby.ieim• mil be extended oe le monde(' by Dr. Speer 411: teret.•xte OF"I'llE EYE. lEEE T'u; hraneher Al Int pmfe...tnn he Imo gill , ll a I nrze bin anent:lon tor.thc 13.1 t enty-Gy. year, tool "I,IICOIIIIIIIIC devote to them the n.operience uentored n con.notlPthc l, cn dnrt"gthut The llotel Ito Itsvnltant• tot an a nommen, 11v cstab. lontm.it In/tonne-Ird not only a• neeinthty to thithly , on evident want.th thie coy, In the entire nthenno of any Allreltllprovsethn thethe /ink, hot .• Ithrtantrd clan 1,5 the weer.. of ~nolhr1111, 1 1011, 1 111• at tlinemnott and :inn/ Otlenus—the loon, tinder the 0010.111 Lr. Taltaterro Marshall cold Stratler—th.. tatter on& r lb:min/J . lh Stone Tho hoilthng Frierted 11 . 111, I• 1 , ^ 1 .. 11111 Y oath,' on the smltl.4ok of the Alloationy met nonr th Antthdoct. /I monly, and Tarot/he with all le- , nmuntatama nene.nnry tor thr rick. Applzratoffis for 1nn1101.1.01114 111441 P to the hihrer hett. at ththr office on Venn 7treet, I'.lltharith, or to th Ostahlithment. 1.17 . No ronothffiun dokero.. • w,ll be nlnoto.l.' 1. 11.11 11 111 , 11 N. 101. M=l ---• • - • CIUNt.+II ill•TION has I,c4t n d4rc...out, ot.rur ki And .Nllho IJ.O Irrtd.l.- .nu: Semore tiny. gunner,* Ihr mouxtrr al 16M Among the nig.) mods me. for 'thr • Core of Con i sumphon" and tbsoase of the, Longs, Dr. D.:neon , 1 Ex periorant Itern,ly stands areine.t. I:uhhe conG - , defter ha. given it pref. rener above all nibs. fur the w.niderful eure• it olaav performs. In ell doca.eg of , the 11 01. Longs aill Live,. thi.'ing.l.eme will he foo,l I to be Ilse only eerie.. remedy iloti nil .Test a eerie 1 core It, tinuedtatelF reinoveNthe secreted phlegm one I mune.. that accumulates In the TrJel.ex, Mr Cell.. and Ilion ehial Tithe, which, If .nEgervol in renia.n.ohstrpet• An the resp,rahon.ort , reath.itg through the lunge, and ea t.l , 1 dtaease. II en6es Can. motion and speedy death.' DR, DUNCAN'S F.XPEC (111,1 NT fIRMEDY, 11, 1 . used in no, will enrire all ob•frurhons, strengthen and impart hie and newrgor to all the organs through can th e Lungs. Cough*, Cold 4. Asthma. Bronehilia, dif (multi of breathing and Serene. of the Throat, Spilling of liked, Night Swegls, earl all other approaching symplorns of Con.urnpuon; tile the above inedirme in time, when )ou will be cenaln to have WI these evil seeds of disease driven from your agate:, and your life Mowd. • opeoll. DU NCA N'S.WI.KtERN OFFICC, No 150 Sycamore street, Conelonau. Odpelle careful and onk (or .Dapean'a Espeetaran Remedy, and take no other. Bold In Stltsbergh, by W3l JACKSON, wetter o Weed! end Liberty meets. 1011 YNE'S Yap 41 tr I, we unhesitatingly prow e. it es be what it ptvpie "—the hest ankle, without .y mown, ese for the meow.' aDd prewerration of die human heir.. We know or numerous Instanter where bale n. been restored to heads .I.kh here Bern halt mr we hook est M./ du a greater favor than to e's d mull our readers who are [ming the', hair, to 'nate • oral of this Took itninadiatrly.— Bemi For sae in Rttobargb LL Ike Peakin Tea Store,. No:71 Fourth street, near Wad. • marddlaarT NIIOI.IIILI k. SOX; Exclutre, Hanktni, . Colleetios Office, Nos.slSlllkc Nowt, Pitt.hurgb, • SOLIS ralim A: 00,\ 4 „ 1 , •-, 41-, :..,J,A) ..,....:,..-, ,:.:-.. .7 11V . '-- - ---•,, 1 A A POSITIVE & PERNIANENT i.33,ItEiFOR. AND ALL NF:siVoCs c”.4111.-,ITsTs .Who :though (fie chatsa may urn he explatt,t. .ne the .r dens are duly p` a. Let noVdclustou premtnce. or pod., Induct. mankmd to set tn.. mom,. astder, 11leans,wfuch. tho' ~mule. arc by lb-caves, destatt•4l To allevtate the ilk of . twin kind" DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG- N KPH: FLUID pIIN reinorkul , ! , • ,t, 1 , 1.1 on. 'NI, eh hns ireetvea the 1 ' roll um:rob...on Iv the no, roLormes•lon of ' Great Itra.nrheouthrio . • an rot tn.:, ~....• upp ,eattn or Gelvait,smjd• a rcoted.a, aght,..l,!. meat, to ‘• It r 1. the a.cr fialOan,c Ilaver.s, El, cloy and Magnetic 1: a• clones. Se., are entucly dlith.rpett ',tit. a,td thehoste. nun- pow es of Guthani,. apphed ..v.tland ono' of the ohlretoil which are inseparable trot,/ the general mode now in not, Toe ' , drone do,- awl irregular intervals. in which tiutvantsm ts simnel' hi the Ma , tohe., ha. been pronounced. ant, 4 lthr and tinpurual tr.!. to be &chiefly in•Juriuns, a lit , t wasto none.). this 'atheist de feel that :Ins any apol mation wa• notice :W. wlitch,' if. cotr,n ~,,, on , per,everonor, has /bet, brought mere. Stan Of p[11,111.. The linWroir Mugs answer' all the pu,por• of the most exhens.lre Ala chines, anO to truoy one, er•oeri• me thore safe mid „,,,,,,, fi i so c oh ,..fiAnn, he tics•red Feet The D ie Rings tped ot conneenod ' , putt the . 1 1011- netie Fluid, toe Col.lntriltly InittOttitiCtildnti nn ad Jahr. too schicalariss from an tofii/sted or unAennayi than. of 1..1 toreros ur meal ntt.trt. nr, , then,. 10.01.01 a, are among the. most rotund and uh, ver•al in *hied; we ate -abject. They urns. v. ohontlearepoon, from one 'sna p,' e tt ose-n dera.ement ol the Nerv.not • Syretn and•tt was it, those cos,-. that other .rt.ntedies` having I AO one, r.l it a new nu. in lvii• greatly taccde.l, wh.cii roilconfhienoy helteved, ho been found ',in the proper 101C/00. applicant I. 01 tilittralli•lll. : 'rho Galvanic Ratg , have horn u•ot wdlrentire noe -1 e• •• to nitro', of lio Lev stlcy. orate 01 chi., tqc pis mg lathe head. fate or hmh., Goo. Tic-radoener, '&n004.; Bronchial, Vwrico. ,Ve,rores or Sick Hosdack-, Indsge.tion, .Phro.lois. Ploy,-Epilepsy, IFili.'o=P; Pipdatisin,cf the Ilth , s. Apoplexy. Skfpcs of Joint, Spinni Cemplotri", Lumbago. iVeuraTen,l Nervous Tre. Imam ih...-P,sa. , of Ole ilia.;. rain in Or Chest tree hid, Uc.teralnfihiltly. L l / 4 firice.cy of liercnu..Ancl Physical En ergy_ am( of/ NERVOUS OISORIIKR , I. c-es or confirmed 1/.,•pepria. wh.1.11 t• -on; .) '4 nerronh de rangement et the dicesti.t. organ.. Mel have 04, tnond equally succe•sful. Thee ext. i•ordmartf dia.. upon the system must be W./r-Ned to I, Lc lotted, a. a certain prcieottve lb, the preceding col pin toe) art. ruthill) recommended, Th.. It ih, nVe . Iddr,. pricer. Long made of nit •,er.. and ot 71,1.11 1,1111. ___ 1 mental pattern, and C.lnt he worn hr thelotosi Ideficalc I ht „ . .,„ u „„,111X1,,i c e,T,,,0,„,,,. T oot h w„,i, ~,,,i, !VIVI, C.llollt 11. al.ght...t titenneentritce. 'ln tact.. , M.,. ~,,oni nnc . r.e.t!, :Ind Guilt. haat given to me tht. •ettsahron it ratherameeal,h. ',Fan oth.Orwise :1....h0n0r,. of Ili torn. I ehettrfuly mend , The Galvanic Bells,' Bracelet.", Bands, gt to the s.-,,,,e1 e.e. It R KNEASS. Garters, Necklaces, die. I 1, , an i, c ,,,,, a f a •,,,,, „,.,„ r 0,,,i,,, a .id 0 :,,, : My daughter hos toed Wheeler's Tcaberry Tooth i statohttg. the pow. u• 41(1,lied fl the Ghtvatise limp 1 hilt-It laud proled and ha. MO. its efreelA to he ~ ,„,, „,,li etc ot to ~,.... o„. p,,,,,...., ~,, d,4,,0.,, toil chotr.lng .111 d llllrtfiet.lloll of the gums, and a sweeten ultimately rem. health. "The unproved um bfit..thon 'mg of the in red' I hove no hesitation in reemnraupd -151 the liaison. , Belts, ltrocclets. ne- cithr iy tem, • .t , g it .... the'toott beneneol prerroutott for the teeth I i C J JACK. die• thi tanrcoon, any degsec on power. that . trio,. , have eve\ seen, red ran. rcomly bc oLonned, and .coei.pol. wIiI 6 . „ ~. i • r • d G II ' f the tuysiersour Steent of Guivti - M,m Can efeCl Wlll'thil 1 lndritiladei a . , Latin an an cams 9 . , te, be pltftnalienlty reltcvcd. Theo, aro( les ire Id.-; Philadelphia. .. rd ...Is ' ''''..• ....... wr. ""' 1... ' •...... k ...-° ""'"' l It lt. will gintitane thni I rend the follow:ng er ea 'o( 11. ., 1 , 1.",- o. "' P"' “ F'"'''," o 7 o- ,-, 1 ," i Golv t ...' ', rah, Itot„,,g tam inmtv who 'ruder wtll he 1,.,11.y a pc .Nr0•....,. .I'. ~t`d w ' .. 1 .,. ` .• ' . ''' . ' . r - In toes -I • root Id it to 1 lain Wheeler'. Teaherry Tooth Wash Moncton. at one:lams of toe throat general y, teno In ' : r . ~. i d .„,,,... el ..,,,,,,,,, ,),..„,,, cud 5 .,,,,, , , , ,,, , L ,„,„,,,,„ , which artiote I it o ,r?l. need gum;:i 11ase n tx . ..tLa , t . y r.„ 7 , r i c . .t tooth rum , . •ta st preventive ( nr‘APork.. 3 ' , •EP 4. l' l° ' F. , : ,7,:rii: Zw . 77 . :: I b ' el t t i e l vel,oTtrely arte.ted c ol t Ter i.'"d .4 , l C .r h ' i7b i tt ", 73 - laMaelic Flu ' Id . ;.' •i - o '," ll °, !••=t '. not c! ' • u" oVeltr7 ti ar . . '" w7l ff l Z . , soon us ‘ po i‘ , l-'e i r - . is used in emineetton woh :he (101001,10 Mogi and.all 1 ble oe Whe Icr's l'enherry Tooth V. that,they the. Modtficottmthr * I ht. r.toln . ihnnihn . d° en P. n ` I may lie rchev d. JULIANA CUTIIRAL. flounced by the French °hem .is to he OIIC i the most Citlllololllttry ice 0 0, modern 'clew li sloe- i Owing to htv.ng taket cold, but mostly iu coos, he vet t0p... , the rc . M.l•ohmt , ...el ' of '', i ' . .l d. ' queen, of the col of a punt used to calonne pont., my ono, ',mils, so rah+, nic nelion by iltS met( is enkladtg 1 „,.,„ „„...„„, ~, ,„ L „,„ ,„ 1 „ r „, , „ . ..,,, ng ~.,,,,,„„g 1 II eoncmarattott oi the Endue., at the' Seal dtsea - c• i mon nt to slats, for between two and three years Tooth Wash was need, nod has thus gilotta ar. ,and permanent t chef. I , Ns other 1 wi,„1,., ii.,,, bohh , o , thsh ht tlh'hh -,,, h . khhtvh , hetbdn#, d...... , entirely eti fedi then . 0 in verttheute•form. I send, iedict. or Hsiang o stelotor 1. 0 1 ,,, , •th the .t.....„, ° ‘ I llett those why wtstz a pc/16A ntm-ity lor painful teeth, .'.mot e '') .0..01•000.*^0 boo•l•Pld , l'htt. '''' • and stlmolestr. a pteasuut Tooth Wit-ls, may with con. tench, Fluid ctains nothing cupt,l4oot he! sigh - i f, t 6 . ,,,„., 0, , ,,,..,„.",,,,,,, Thoth w ,,,,, I eat odury,.ite appßgation . agreatilr, add a ot ti - a 1 , MART' A. TAYLOR. . ! Inmate. t - t Int aCtl.l Inl it 1:01,10-15C-16/ In Itm re.enits. I , Full eipla toPCInt and ditecoons needomsay it The “Wheeler'dTetalierry Tooth Waste' haVing condoned inventions aro um every wa yi perfcl:ity be nip . scurf and ea ed soreness of the gut., which had Jen, they arroold at price,,,,,,,, the ;rend, ot all and I lard me Mt who ) ears. It is any Lellefthlat ll 111 a Rlttly die . disceeerr only requests a fn. trial ~*iVitslof i usethl ...le and that-it . advisable to those 4.. a their surprising .4EOOOI and trounce I ,, Tfit' ~i • for ve,th the Moth mud gums Miyake use of Christie's Galt ante ntrengtheni it••m..• : MARY t l D‘' . "...• ere. . ___. ) yy Thi,...ci. r0r...., sulnahle Op lieu on .1 . "Vonr Te••••rt Y Tomb Wa`b ettred' 4l.6'l. '.l . •ct. the tnYster,OUS Inane., of Galva msiti 1 • 0 ). ~,,.. tn „ ', and also 50...5e...0f the gums 111 eas.arela and rod maponhat adjunct tei the gen.., GuOnni Ring. and , Yoa tin ceri.fleo l e'n:' . 'h . .' ~.,.„, Z,, ,7,..,i ZVI m elt ~,,,,d,r,,,,tt o ns, net ne upon the same pt new:, but I ..`.. ,°. 'rn''• of '''' gu. ' .*-- ' 10101 Wash. l - haett , the adenumg , of more local apPltea hon.• 111 , 10 I refne..Y ,oe mirth. mid • verY.7o . „ . ..,,,, p, tire confidenni recommended . n valiettolt. add" ou tle ' Haa b' hne meet. idle OltCedy Carr of Rpeurnal.m. nelltelOrrh emir; ot nlt :. rt; ' ,,... V c . h .. 7.y r ..,,,, f , T,,,,,,,b w hoer cored net io9. com Pl- 1 . ,. end o• a t . '"mre !.... I°. ` .2. ' . '.. "r , t.. ; , ',,t{ In, effectually stopped bleeding ot Po en an., I, e.lets, .1. Of CA. o. , rk. / <on . the ' '','"'" ' ' ' ; Std[. Int AntAtnatif ,Iff.roon, utto •r, Weakne rot Opp,- nt tttn Fd 0 .1 . • I deco .. " ,"1,‘" . .4 , i,V . 11 . : L 1 :', ,, "'!„ . ‘ i. r.7 1 „ , gton of the Pobnenat y. e),..nr 1,, H,,,.., 0,.". 1 w"' , ' , "n•l" ' Ol " • and e, ..) ' n , th l J ‘nn ,,,,,,,,,, i I .1,,,,1,,...:.r. of toe t0.,i.....fid..., c.....l•r.undnlt. y • ..c.• • 0 , 5 v .. , r , _! , ..,.. , 2 r , , ,, , c..... , ..c‘.. I , . mu' [L. . - r hilt s oti. tor me teeth 'lave moo. hect ,acrd..o t ali .I -let,- 'I t 1 In, :" i ... ... ', 1 ,.',' .., 1 , .... r ,,,,,,,,,,„„.„,,,, ialso of the got, ne•i .tOsionge .0 C. 1.,,, an • W eak,,es• am gdm • .1. mu ' 1. 10 ,,i .A , .., weeiwy. nt the preot, and are Ihehp. r-.' onitnlmt.d thr amt.) of ; • No. 21. Cal.owlollst. di0 ,. . , , ,, i , ~,, i; , lam. tu ~ .', l l , , c lttemo“- • •• 7,, ally' . '' '' • t „ h. . ~ „. 5 .,,,,,. ender lig 0, ...elf, and - others lA . , ... le . eitial . .oo . '"• , , i h . 0 .. , , ...0rtf . .?h1n . t'c tf!' ..1)` - . 1 . 01 ~. „„. ,„,,,,i . ,i,.;,0„, roed Tomli Inc( •ore Gums, and 1 a urn Oehthuord , ,11... n. 3 Oro 10, t tty rlt t nn actt• . „......„.., ,_„„ , „.„„„„,, ~,,,„, , „ v ., . i . IT . n , •l ', i...' ',' ::"::1"..7.',1 00 " . t";;i,'"," ''','.." ' ."'" ' w ~.,„4 . c;,,,,..n . Ws oh I ..n. teduced to ! re.......•.1',:•'trr,.:;.it•itg:,.....h..:;,r'1.".h.5te'r 1v7,....c " ,!:: ' , 1 ,T ' ui : ,;,,- it dream ‘ , ol.:•7l,ol' - ,.1)."Y '. 01 , 1 ,. 1 ,,, , "7,;',",°.V.! j; , ~.. s.n. ~,,,--., ~, -1., 1i , - ....,,,, , :I . •- - ",> 1:' ,• . 1,',..',,,:,%:1irt1'210't'l c geld 1:;ty ' o o f H ° r ''' . '' ' '• I " ' ,:r t i.,./ . ..... ts I t•-. tpe to •.,. who Ith . ty Le tatlK.r• .'..., th" .thnottont addirop . ... t...- ..,.(,.., 1 ,„, _ J E.'S , . MOO RE, wlttel, Is neither rat[ll , 4la,r ar cannot, d„ k NE. , V hlarket. St. Lot enitthoh.., Ti..• , • stv,:•••• w... [I, re free Iron. thoe rd.,,, , ..•• ,tic. atr .... rt• a C0011111.111,.:11 1, CC d ntint,tlttilltric ;it CACTIGN. . I• 1.7.7-Ttb ores, cricttrdt c.l .4-n tun 0.0 , 0,1 Mem lo be entlele, Mail ' lll krotos lo ril. tile net •,,npooort. I 1 has hut one authorzw.l cttnt. 14 ,It d eny . i Tto- 0,11, ~en oh Pi Psturptt, t kyr lb j . CEItTI k'ICA TES ile TENTIrN le... ° 4 ' i n ggin. d .TlV;l7s7 o'br A i;"4.. andsocceo. of t h t . t , „„, ~,..c les :It .s I. tit ttic rd . ; 11l New Vot , - ; . "9" . "rl"' . ' TIRSIISA ND I'ERSO;; . :r,...T ' ‘ ' il ”" ,,:: ;IL i n .? , b V.:,, e :,T.7: . „., ..5 . 1',..,• 0 ., i ,,, ,1.1 , 1 ,. , ,, , t(h , a r,. i :: : .., 0... ' •H ''''''''' . 47% of tht• rii..h .. , d s , f I ll,r n " . P"t "111-.,, , -110 Mit.:1.......P•0•i-I I Galeart.< r' ~„,--,, „ , h „.. ~,,4„ '.„. ...."' orri'::,. who i„.: ~..; 1 ,„- - ,,,,,,..: :. I", ll ,l 9. ins . e:mon La r re;. , .,:.!,1 nn d. tn.. , • , , - I,.alost Intelligent moon., toe Ant.. 1 ,.... '• I ...1,011 r 1. st all i t re•ot, niat in.,•l to eve, y'carin ty to pho.cmos. And it....cn Mgt 11. truth of Iv.. a...en. a- molt the til discovery 01tI) age.) id Ptlnctutgh rornor Ith sir. 5ee.2.5 , 11) ' .. N COUGH SYR:UP- • 111 6 ,1 1 0 11 1.‘1',,,,,t1l made 0.0011 tli the i• was h....pm...1,11 of an tdd man b Ito tz .. Pr - r•shruitt; Frt. a Mr. )lowan:-The. may cen,4l that anti a trottble-orne magisoute time. (In of Morcett . s.Conah it) rup.. and am ham,' tosT tiony Crinell . clie lel y -tt11.1. , I 11, mu ph the 1,..... 01.01. too I sve eot am I . should he wow,. ;h., aluild., 11,1 j ' t DAVID M.:Rout:RTs, Arel 0 - Tieb ne.i.nue e prepared tiholes h " ` 4s Ll'Vr..;7s`:-IT,.loaa, anr. l eVif s :w 9 t), l ::. Y iir r'at rent• th•r Lott:, . , • Ot , Ile. MAGIC F.RAntIYI HO 'P -•For erne .1....ing Grease spool, Smiln..t. tor.. from Clotho, Weiollens. Carpets, do . Or , Lodi r-ude 'ng the „vim , Where tt h. ripplled elenr 10gin...... MI I ntOtIC•I/. . Y',Old Wt. ntd it•tcriton. Phoj she tan cake. - ir). - Fld I.y W.M. JACK•US, HI Law. 11, street,ltrail of Wood.. hot Root and Shoe dote. s gn of the ll.g Root . ...r. Time :1110ST ASTO% IrINC EI\V—A A Norse, rOrt Vivre.", owl 1/,frairtrmAi perrpien Proe k lee, Sunburn, Saltjaheat r e 114114.. e Iro.r, rt ar. Inat A...motto en; war !wow etronrorre oi o Carroi. Marty doritrled—lir an tinrroe-tritty Aln arrythrna nine, con , 4 have •rseo eorianAr pirreeta InA EttortAr VeAerrni et hor inwtroain as a burritoor. (e toolorh wolorot leyros do the er r or 5.t, 1,111, fltlY Or Par.! litre Oro e hero.,lnhe f0r.0w.,4 retard to Mgt." Veto. or ~rule hare Imo: m,nritely and eor.fr ;11 rnaruhrr rivertitton laVe. casrpoornt Lore r, , ,r1 Allrei ore rte.mite trot to pronoun,. A; rthe O.oraol an at rrrrot irlen•lng aAd mainly O dt. any eoirreeotr• eruppon Or 11l 'in. , Ite tn , •ntor ore connate, the it or silitreeint aurekind 0411,1 111( 1 . 11 . 71 1 1, !Rom thr .18,ilutor 1.. m, 10 ter rle• 1 . 410 t : IS C11.31, - 41/0 11 01 Bilt. •ilus o , 8,1 51 ;•d to lir T Jo. rc•Alatil ,81,6•8 .t, ..1 A., Ow u.;....r prn,•••• ..• uja 88 ,He 4.8) a eB. P' n 8 of ilu. 118:1...,•i15i 8 ,84 . 4 , c1,,,,,,,,a1 8-0,1. -11., 888 BuBnal•ftlavi 818,Urturd , 1 8,... ,8; !I. 1.888.1 su 18..vu 811il livii; II —J.Jeu.•' 18uflail (1111,,euu.1 Nillpl 1 Vs Ifne.v. I,rary J 1108.1.warib; I 0•88,1,..:1 ' A7811 , /f•,11 .“0. - ,p1.,1.y in I ACK•IIIS. ii 1 ) 8 . uteh ~,,, u, - 1-8, I..l,erty B.trer 8, 18,8.1 .4,18 nt ir.. lAN flout : 1 Itr Ole, I•l3Cf in 1.111.1./0. urhil,,i lan rBe 01i1u. , 8.1 All Olhirs Ali' CO. MITIAN. 111'1 A Lb" " "..N J ‘ O ll7Bi A.: pit eiA: R T . A .l ll ,..L'o l pV,,l7::iit.m . ": , . 5 . 11.11 111 lull 011,1:81.1181 or Ilsr 11,88188,181. 8111,:11 , 8 8am1 taB,BBl y Of 1118,8. 1 8 , ; t . 8 .18r, 88,8 u 0,8•; ilk° at No 5 lc., ..8 I 11. l'111118p;• 1 mlOBBlll,, •,,'”,:) Silliller• 1113tir lo 188,11 r 111 ' 8,..J• ture in ,1 ill ,188 •11•.8, •11,11; , 8 ' N -es. II;. uliml, Iwo; 1..; ;.41,,,,. I.onnl r.,....,.'111.. Ih,, c,,if I.r 118,88 ut ru,r of fify ur for ,88,8•1,1ug, a; 1' I 11' S II it SHOVEL - 31ANCFACTORY. o E I) A - , Ar cROTT Slanacurnirrrcol I lam shed tipthle• /11.1 Snnaels, rethectfully inform the 'Cr ends am! the rollithr that they ande removed anotarttotha c`talt*lmint to nth Si. Clair •ththl .n the•Facio i I.th orthttathl 1,) Culotta, lln loran & In , win thdhey w,li alway+ kr.lo on hunt_ n Ind 111 sell low wholethle or relation the molt aecornlnth dating term , We would call the ancettion of Canal ;contractor* to 6111 . canal Sloncla, yelldell. fora ', terial ;and work In.thithip, connot Narpnoactl Od any other country. PurehEi•ers dialog the ell,' sa,.l path., call and esamint. oar mock belore attya/ elthwliere 'aa we arc_nonfolent they cats.fra ardootom.lntrd. Tie junior Partner hue charge a the rdnnutactorthe dr pp rut. and an u pea Harkin:la. cothurthwod b, purehardng Rs) be •u r. dpi not Irma & CRO ITS. •: N fl A full /maul)• n aldal aproir. awl axle, well P/ ruled. and tar rule wuthagale and, .0.11 at the math im bloater . . price, I 1 a, C. I vandTortt T4OjIETIIINCI:IN SEA 6011t— , ..Ve learn thus 1 Dr Jaytor'n me.betne, fdr the bore of iioAT iv , ha, ti me 's wonders dun tot thr Into u r n • 'lortennt enthr under foot. :it ti toner to attend to hgla rabli in time, att.: to prOekt re ehe rem: I) nophed 'lrpnt pity that, row niAndwn nod •:sqloneetdo 9uaekg. IJr.Jaytte baN eaia , ,tt-hei tepoto 'lion Tong otec for prnieenennt ik loud qui rentedori eougha and cold. have been profit ell.eaciuus - tbe eiperirnee of thoilMtOds-=Saf Pori :Pot %Me Ibitothurgh. at-the PININ TIM STORE ,1".1 Fourth atreeb near . Wood; bind ail the Deug Store 0 P :Sebontis, Federal toreet. atbertherti City. af.I3IIIPTOII 8 Co.'s Adult. nue Star C•ndlev betll be found at the core of Doak At 14efb, Smith. 'held street, briween 3d and Ith ' oron/1 juS PRESERVE- THE, TEEM FAR better It to care the Tooth. he Inoue minute. by wing Wheeler% Tr - ahem Tooth Wash. than to gaffer -the aclang, also to core soreness of the Intuies of the gum., slop bleeding irate gutds. tha alway ae keep •he leath, gums and month' ptralant, nod to the hest .tote of beatia.l W has, i t aro.turtng WHEELER'S Tr...BERRI' TOOTH W .V.ll to the publig'itt is the of the proprietor bt main that this article. which 1. the tall...nal and oat. genuine Traherry Tooth W: .•t t heen lorneed by numerous Ten t ,eta ' - n e• Taal‘erTy To Pace...9l4i 6 rag e r c %ath t us., .T.afar , a, annexed to thane %two. in feel. 0,- .trycle :sate first that ever tore the tame of Tea harry, ,at t. th e only one po.otestwat the To halite Or the plain. a n d ,thl.lt.hed al: the cc:let-tin for ti, wh.rh todut,d othcr. tomatoa oath' as nom, though they net. et ,!.tt pedal as intrinsic value sty the potthe• •S• .r.th nee that lota 1.100 fast preps ton 01 Tea here for thc-Teeh, the tom of the combed records of .0. SLotes Itts.r.et Coart 1. puhlt.hed. tEa.tern %strict of Ponu.vivaota. ~.goaar., • #661-Mo r , to wa, Lk returtubesta, 11 0 1 on ..• : ' the ,COnd 06, 01 FCLO6 6, Y. Awn ln r bo atrt .. one thou.and, etOt hundred 4 0 • und fully -two, • oldie said nut I. loath depo, tad at tha Odle. the Tale. at ai . 11.. of which •Lt.in the words tegloWalg, to wit. l'Ea HERRN' Tour', W M.,11 wher6o:' be clam, as Proprwler... r o n• The w•th on .Irt of Contra% en led to ...vernl At, " Clerk of U. S. D... Coup. • 1,42. :.!J, Copy depoadird. CHAS. F Toeal.ve Copy Big Prior th, wrapper of thc showing 11 , ..1 - 111e ot t h e Amtle ;001,1 tnnvoge, and .1, legal loon. w ill prove Ithe to he flit ong mu! Te:.l.4.rry w old nil others arc Lot ino lal,cm'.‘,ll oh hove gone out wh. , ,ver the Gen. tune . remberry a.ll .old. Theo, rmendorr, n,n, mluone t.ol %VII EEI.EIVS. . . . . Crrtifirpto of Alagigraks of Mc oily of Philada Ila,no 'in.,. to, cif ) our urh colebruted 'roaliciry Tooth %X n•l4. I igci tip:wowed thai It it she beet article I he. i. over knon. and I.i.roby warmly roronnueinil pulilio gilierni an .1 ii.e.a.nro. end rifion o.ni, Into for VCR,. :110 T1:111:1 and l:unis. RMSERT Fora tintol.er y my 'reeth and Gomm weer no mouvb out r ut order on to prever. roe from eating wal. p 1.,. ate. nod cutinent me much' Not Ilanforggreard or 'realm., Tooth Wank. I du terrify that Irked our monlt holtfe or .1. and .0 le.. than week.. toy :rod lima.unere round end grind. I to ,n.ve that rho gat. of 'mould be an adValltage 10 rna.ty tiItAAF:R. Cerlifirate" of Aritaher, if the Philadelphia liar !lay .11,; u , e,1 ll'heelnes Taziberry Toth NV anh and ruunlrr. I have auva.l them mlleu.aute cicalunnO anti p. rtfylag propertine. anti while they whiten and beliallty the Teeth. !hey have a ueaulleht I .rer,c, Kan: the gain, hr impart/11g m them free and healthful achnn. F A RA 1-Nol.o I th•j, d irel) n Yo. NI mny., arr approatas of 14 , 4 Wir , h t! 31 , 1 , 1 JACK , ON'S store., So LiLerty sr, Vo,.1•1. i . Pt ;wird) Odic , Na St) Cliciatii at. Philadelphia.) In..eren an• uri eln •hould tie dilated, the laest boa, mut/. a 4..ari of the tvanii, and the *lnane. rg ; a ~.. • . • V `... Ft t h e toothache it .11hahl be ivied in the undi '.43k4.'Y? I ... -- .__. .. . , . . DR. ROSE'S • DEPT IttIEDLY i;iII.ELIIIATED CHRONI - IIIiERMEL 11EDICINES. id lONS:USTI:NG ol his Prophylactic Syrup, a ecr .‘, ; tam ipmedy knelt Coa..irairrtvc and Scrofu korF ail . ..earths . ; Coughyrart. Croup Syrup ed . Con. i . rat rd :lra:ad ' extract_ or , arsaprilla, decidly raheor t r all otheroatrarto. having given rebel when all 'doers have tailed. being through a new • attach; 0.1 ore concentratrd than any other ever ; offered to the public. A , TIIM4TIC ELIXIR, lihaving eflr;ckoi permanent mires of tliat stubborn ;;.i.sea.te, whert.of more thha Id years standing, : hence il stande.wahout a rival in That . mien dreaded 1 diaerisc. lk. ItoSe's LIN 111 YNT. for MI eaves of weak-- De, on ,•4.0, and a , omplerr +uh.tttute for blistery, .1k - Rease's ToNic Aux ; 1A11 , ., an inlallibi.ri ! cure far qtrd s and .evro., old indeed is more or. sptcilic Ilarfevera of all lambi than bark or qui f. may . ; Dr. Itrise's 4NCONIPARABLE VERfiIIFUGE, *!, inhere known. is erred in prelcrence to .any other Vermifu4e preparation -DrAittc s TUNIC ANT I-DisrEt , TlC, for all ilisegea ul the stomach and bowels, Claiera in., fectoMai,l6tc. Too high an encomium cannot be paused oh the merits of this medicine, to cure of Ihripepstb,•nd all diseases that resale from weak act of ritorrYen rr bail dtgettl , lo. Di : . ithse's Fl;:‘111.E tilt a most rallmble remedy rti; thocc general couip,laints to which to. aisles ark subject. • M. lqtAr.'s 'PUNIC AtTERATiv F. I'-ILLS -10 pill lever before °tiered the public so happily cnmbinrs the quaittlea of a valunolkmedicineas an anti-die aeptic. LIVER he Stomachic pull, correct. Mg Or, f.: disrasee, and thereby preventing Mtn. aumptio . A young Lady 25 years or age, having a diseas'il liver for some tone, her strength peon. grated a d appetite gone, was completely restored tit six w clis by the use of the Anti-dispeptic rmx. to re an 'these pilla alone •li Dr. an c's CICiONO-TElt MEL STRLINCTIia EINEM_ PLASTKII;Icr wea.r.u,sol the back ,sidc, breast. -c. . . I nx, rr I lite • r IMMO It -hoal I L. • c a I lulr 17 1g ais et; tr 11 a art, .1101211r.er your .r nne CLrn:C tc no,l r r 11.1111 JAN old Aki DISCO A V% te e,e( ey I • cum', ftnl of Fran), osery told.. by i irrelo•J Moon.) ) th• hand. of,l • ths , hi.o)•)l Nan) rF,•••••1 1•no, nr)“. hr. Alrtbdai 1 So orldpleltycml Ur. rent SPE( Fl EPILEP:i Y,Ute. Most ter. lan re. edy for all ow. or tits or convulsion., whethe . in infants or adults. tio'rertain a apecitic . it 10 ',this formidable Mann's. that the must ob stinate ;.ase., and those too of long standing, have ichird,al once. Dr. ',llse, NIIEUMATIC blliTUßD—Ailir many nithliCrot research tics compoood was thsco, oP never ladt,s,siliesey pliers its-erfolleney .love sloths.. for the cure of Ithougnallsta. Dr. Asnustit:NT ttOSIPOUN D. n certain remedy (or `proof blood, ;mired tor thsoh of blood w ether nom Lungs, bowels or other Pam nr of gee the lode, Pr Poor e 1104,4 sod Dosed complaint.. .Vore w.lf rtreetsully coo , bowel comphsontfi. 41) i s ry. Choi , re iDorhu, ;krod holera. At the Ortte 0./ , aplern was rhea, c pho ot ph.ii It se.s. lountl ;tthe roast sure...col to art rte rt e Ulmg op, te; ths of all Woo , Who ma, besat, of e thsse retorthre Inns be shot of ri, es,e only he [torn:vaned tr, tome oto tri ` lre m I.epere c o a t who base bran Jr-erri Ike te Ins:lobes atlhrt the hem.; ho.ty . Iry gsvro, hut' we ore wahng to Ma the l matter n tog rttv ilte c!vottquittlt. We have ',testae 0 tor t•otyoulo. •n :..esstous toottens,l L. 11.1 ,o;:• that 1p row., hos a•tottoolsti A earty or ttoorr.noeurolle th , 1,0 lo ',ot, , Iteloo ymph , tly,eured to tt low Itottolot 'l . lll...yeirer haol leo 1, twlse cal out by eronomoll,ltte - eelot-no.l rohetyytt tonheo . oroYeltloonotloth ler .lelultly Conshto• • 1..11. I“; relitn,el of 'loo sort .he tole of the he re tic on set or toorp!rtels ne0:.•,1 every ' yemfcr 01 the • d0...n, rxriminril the 1 , o ltatrard n. Frm. , 't.,nr.Chemwat m .oterful rrme rrmeut n( the plvlumbrorot I.IIEY I I ^ l'rrsscknr. •:artorr,tor I , Nov. 4. 1.70 I 1:,111 &vol. r 1 ut Na.yo.k. 11.p0..r^,. to, 111 Otre o tor lort% ,rge ei /,.• LI %%ono, =MIME ,nnurner,..te .1 the var..n tares that ~1 " 1 the use .or the, uatedtes onr flosses. -Inn. tat st tleemt.,l ~,,,,,,,,,, 10 enotnerme Otero the!, of lbent Nal v....m.lmnd Stela to all. 1 1 , t , c'Nl KEIL & , Woad Street ro ' r " Lo., st)„ 1 ".14"1 I DIS I E , ASE OF THE !LUNGS. -1' st• VS & •• 1.:11E1/1 I ., EACAIIP. OM' CONS U MPTION. • I I " . 1 iate lo.nk nrottwl pa/rid:lr j .bt n,al.t. 11101 bel.oltl al person. 'loolllostale nf 1.1.10. and a prat rnelrd road, fast appro trlstag 1 t thru I.nwcal dr•tt...t.orts, perhaps, being , 11obt ~a• shuatias. May this wat nog; 1 b.,:51...11 ,1„ dap ....a.m.-awl L ot once J.. relwb I, is tube found in Dr. Duncan , Expeelorant Rem. 1 I,I Y, n •nrnO K 't want.ttod.eeria2beedteine, tor the cure or a Cough:Rath.. pectnotWzry •yrupturns that leatito CA'asualr ll,lll . 1. 1.• mr , ht r ne ontnediately heals the irroatrd tnernbranc , of the prone!. and Loop, gives a”.l lb e enfcebled frame. thus cane .ne ILe I.ung• tit throw NT the vlsrol secreted matter, ihs , beentstutat, and seules um, then.. (krltenteenb,7 Is Ilk DUNCAN'S Medieinr tha I , ANN ....lett, Care, A freoh stiprily reee,yed prole/old other. Ant 1 4 4.141 In Pittsburgh, by Iv JAci•sp.,l tonee h ly/..1 and I.,bert, vi~hout; ;a+'l 111 • i 1.. I , '.. .d 11111 kn 1 ' " :co Cure, NO glayt Jarl,.• rat. Enorernh o n Nen, Fails' r II I EDE are few diereses more common nr trnu ,l blosolon than the and yet, nobs Ulu and. ing treat etlorts haveheen made to cure by the lase of pills, eleetuaries, liniments, arc., all wore futile and 01 little benefit. Now the Etnbrocallon is the only medicine used. A penton who has been suffer mg with the Films of the trout kind came from S., Irmo. New Jersey, almost on surprise to ccptets his gratitude foe the speedy cute that this medicine had effected in Ins ea.e.—Phila. Sat. Post. lliTS'or .Fittahurgh hi the. FEKEN TEA STORE, Td Fourth at. and also at the Drug Sto l le fl I' Schwartz, Federal at. Alleghefiy City. rablirr • VVENINGI ROHRH— Just received • kw more . S:d of ilk, eplendtd corn,' Swiss em broidered Hikes, "rh.New fork Store, 79 Market Hrrei ilic93 W H 6HIRHARD NOTICE. TvSSOLUTIOI% OF PAKTNERSHIP.-4 15 copattnerahip heretofore mating. under 1,4 eameoi WM. SWAIM at SON, veasi dissolved yin the 41st of July last, by the decease of the said . Wm Swann, and tbe business is non, and still :be in WWI, conducted exclusively by the subsert&er, it ho hat had the sole charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and V ermiNge fur the last fourteen 'I he Pm rya 0 111 ' heput up or usual otri round bottles. ['tried longitudinally, ititis the failluvringt letters 1.1....vn 4o the glaze—"St, Alien Patt•cF -i , PH it a rk, .." and tee only change made in' the no i d .. (tit tilt' tI XI stamped on tne waling wax, lid written yet Ile label covering the cork, and a Maw i ia' i I for the aide of the bottle, which have bilco aurae., for the eselustre use of tie proprietor. by limper (1. ( 0 , hank note engravers ol Philadialphia. Four she. 01 ditletent patter, :a form the body 01 the aura ark , in the centre it a portrait of the late % 'ln ~ actin se, , sratt it lona the he ra by too et les iifilatho oork 'I he_words • •it aim s Pan ace " are eogr.sed conspissuusly on two turned stt pa and a lama perm corm!, dte 11 , M11.1 the imp, at gi n Tee hor.ers are composed at plain late e itrk ett tp.r. outside of which it engraved in mall let era I the marl 01 the copyiright JAMES SWAI . Yllatlelplus. August, 1846 • I SWAM'S CELEBRATE]) PANACEA, FOR THE CURE OF • •I Senn6.ll, Cenetal Debility, ; White ISavellin 1 Ithorthilisto, Discuses of the Liver j and elt.in. and all Diseases arising from Impurities alba Blood, or the effects of Mercury.' jji , j S W ;NTS PANACEA has been tor 'more Zhu twenty re year. celebrated in this country arta in Europe j lor its eatraordieary cures—for the ceitifij• which reference as made to the direction, cod books(which may be had gratis) accompanying the Panariea. It has been used hospital and prtmle practice', and has had the singular . fortune or being teollit mended by the moat celebrated pliyairiamhand pt.& er cement persons. Among others by W. Gibson7M. D ,Professpr of burgert vemity. • Valentine Mott, Al. D., Prolersor stitge4; Y. traiaeratt. • W. P. Do - c•cea, M. D., Prolesaor of Midwifery, Pa. Univerrlty. - \. 11. D., Prolesior of PbSsic, Penni I.linversitv. • i T. Parlte. M. D., President. College Physiciana, Philadelphia Dr. Del Valle, Professor Medicine, Havana. • J I Jore Luureno do Luz, Proreirmr Surgery. LiabolL jJ. Chipman, blcurhar Royal College Surgebna, London. C. W. Irving. late Minister to Spain. -. Mr Thomas Peri-coo. Major General British Ar ! twY• • I Itt,bortson linuah Consul, &c. &c And :Oyu, the wonderful - cures eflecied by Paimern hare lor many years madcat as in•oluabin remedy. The Panacea dots not contain rneireut, in any form. and being an innocent preparabion s may he given to the inoyricnder TOIL li I.TA IL PRICE ILAS ISE.EMREDUCEII to One OnHsi and Fifty Cents per bottle, Leonisdr ang three half plain,) or Wee bottles far Fou; , poli ALSO--SWAIM'S VERMIFLUE.' A valuable Family Medicine, being a hi/iMY ar, proved Remedy for all diseases ? rising from Debili ty al the Digestive Organe.such no Worms,thole ra Morbus, Dysentery, Fero. and Ague, Bleedieg Piles, Sib Headache, Sra.dtc. See the pamphlet (which may-he hod ;194!) .i.omp..Y.ing Iho vir .auge. • Prepared at Swaim's LPUratoty, Seventh Stray' liou l def'phia, and for silo by 'i below Chesnut, respectable DroggistainENTS. the United Siges. • ,AD New y 0r k....11 A. Schicfrelin -St Co. London, E.c—Evans iSeLcuter. taverpoe.Lng..—Eretn, son a G. AtilizeL Valsoralsoi—Alex. Cross. Fromm Ayres-0. Libya. & Co; os!rhoinas—A. IL Canto--J. Swords. • Sandwich L Benson. calcutta—H °finagle & Co ; S'llfr"-,•,,141V 4;3 ,Z 11,05 . - 0 wire , 4 , tx.4... MOMMR PANACEA iiiOValinialiViati:Tir, ke. Correa, Colds, &Vara i', Branchitir, CortrwalPfirm; and all Shier affectiens If ac Bronchial raja. c ; PREPARED entirely from the Ginseng, and war; ranted nu contain no prepanaton of Anumant,Mer) eery or Opium. • .1 i NOSS TRAM 3000 NAVE =SIN SIILD.ST *ETAT!), IN TOL CITY CT CINCINNATI •LON'T, ISTTII.• , IN THE LAST FOUR ROOTS., AID IN Tillt • VASE *ITU TOM ROST INIA/S.CT SATIISTACTIOI TO TOO TATINNTS. • ,I 1 r The Guuseng Panacea is now ordereMby hysicians of the first respectability, theft regul . ar pynciik•e, rind an Gann to be considered the only arKele c.per'sllseop •cted apable of speedily and permanent)) , alla)ing bronchial irritation. which is the ude carnet of leisugli, asthtna, linnet...mild; according to Dr. Elie;lrc who r but expresses Oleo nion of all Ma first untho ales in Europe and A'uteri a, of two-thirds of nil the 'cal, usually regarded as rue tuberculons.nanutPlmn mu , be 'considered in fn ver settled. 'We select she 911 WIC,. nameg from a lisll of 1, dred,.who have fel t, • healing influence outhe;Selt and seen it in their fam,lies, because many of cm well known to the bOrinens communityo( . l'lt.Luilin no men of oand,ng nil influence to e ne)i ti, would not. for a turili ent. lend•caller their dal-% or finence fettle distrib non of on article, except mat en. iction of as vas Minty 10 the illtlictelil./ u W Philltps, B adway,bet oth and Darrinon i W Parole, Lima aiy. fluor Yentman; I; W Coffin, Buck ye Bell Foundry, 91 il; 3 V.Uurcit, at 11l pe's worelionnr,Sycarnorl o, J A Trainor. Sangm Demi. Congress , Congre it; i -----. 5.41.1, Gnu nil F DIlk• IC CO, tty C.A. rit.• N Noble, Canal 11 , 11ecies °See; • . 1 I ... 1 Junes, Assist. Clerk Hunt. Co. Superior. utt Ell Wbesdpit. 0 1 Wheadon & Blinn, An Mum, Dr Koss... I.4th s between Vint and 8.C.; --- Kenn., fi Finkbtne & Kerman,fil to; (1 F Ilmoncnim Ire •rter.9l xi. bet: Main an Syr, A Newell, Tonne . Symmts at; . . . II Lynn. Filashei Frontal, ' .. IV Johnsen. Carp uter,9l It; .. . Capt. Adam., Col mhue House; • ,1 ' 11 V lone', come Loneworth and Race, 13 Sterling. corn; Vine end Centre; 1 ' NII Fierce, Syc •re sl. For ode by 11 to 'ohnormek 1. C 0..; fiidd Co, 11 loriptit.ll ESel crs, Wm Thorn, I. Wilcox, Br A.llollol'. flays It' rockway, Edgar A,Thorti, : 'Kneeland, and F t Snowden. In the citY; 51/1 Co ),, ,h..: fah Ward, on by II 1" Samaria:tear sty ANghany City,. Sold am, at S aryer's Health Help° Sat field at. between 3 and 4th, Pittaburih.i , S. DAIIRET • ~ Finn sire. Opp mini am lam .C 11 ), 130101) distill , . Agent for l'imbn • h and vicinity. ' T. sALTKR, Pro•rietor,Citicinuatt, 0.1 e IL - J-Prire only* , r eta per book. . • ?IF •opianh nu. tiOLLISIIIS l'ilrs Sr;Tirlt, WI interned rsaileily certain and rad aid cure, whethcr intattbil, eatettial, bleeding°, for teritation tithe biihie3aasul blad— tire, mina 4 (lie back tour aide, habitual cuativisiess ' Vemalcs baton and after dorianetaaut are troubled with conui N taiii of the lino els or Cot lireuav t aj well ai the pike. In all such n e Spaciiicaran he takdn feet of lw uotit a rrelziu remedy Thd q r +ific t. lad a ergatlve, and unri I) a ti,,table remedy, ltlinut hale of gmbi, cli.c)c or alreaanaiu mite miil:fre licitly to the uanddeliute caws. ' This's to certify that I ht... Dr. lugulddi , y`i rile Speiia, to he a certain cum. and safe remedy. Ilastn,r, seen its effect, nimerral eases, aorm,sst my aunty cortnesl , 4l, ill-...mgricao. iirmrd'eta severe cuts of the piles, where it made an tire ca rr 1:1 Every VINP. Ilk:311.Y. WHITILHEADI NtIN York, May, 1645 314 Kistls weer I cheerfully glee my testimony as to the certain and sham. ~hews elrect. at Dr. Ingsdd,by•• Piles Specidc, its I bibs, it from my own exprrin, and obtervatton, to. be inGrible having I.elo it need with success in Kr mal elm.' i,(lnlee,,atali Milli female. ' CEO MILLEN; New York, May,.la4s. , :Ks4Kielliatrecg. I,ADIES• CERTIFICATES. 14 • Now.liorli.llay,ls4s. 11r. Deele-Dear 6ir:-1 have do plcisurn to sayq, that yotiesuedirint, Dr. luaold,brs riles Siocifie t his 0244 per. 'ert cum iti the ease of iny ...ter, and 1 noregiviyou tali:word don I have been surprised. ed at it, 11 was in my opitodo Un jewsible turner bee. Unvoceer, I can sorer lenity to thifmed. rine . being intillible, and do adeise 011 others winitiltr 'af rkted iu the hLe manner, to pcnrurc the article,. dalk mar depend nn a reruda cure. . Yours with respect. ! i Wed Cherter, - N.Y.;May,I.I.II I L, Dr. Inpldetry--Dear Sirt , -That you may.heneficbthers who may Leaufferin, niwell as to express suigratls gm 'the benefit thaw derived from OM use orb our valuable Sp, 'caw, 1 comply with your requmt, andlSon do giro m ttl many in favor of it, haiing bein cored of a *terra ate,,of the rile. eller having turd other reined i 'without rusess. Yours•with rcepeer.` .l • • , Ma wholesale and retail hy WNI. JAKIsSON, at It Pel• lent Medicine Warehouse, and Bout .d Shoe Strire, W. tat ILiberty street, head or Wood rillehurgh. , Prone, . ends 4- , boa. ' , • ' ! jet, 11-411y.'. -•--- 114. Mc - e• 4.l ver lliia . AI I Eesll:.. KllO 2.1:0.-Gen , plesele tm qr boy , .V • P boxes of„NleLane's Liver rills. Aryl print f.l r 'hue used two I. aof the Doctors' l'ills I nrsoSe r you ' Ithey have dune b r more gr./ tha 5 - my EntollY Phr,,te it.. ha• fiy tala y rare attendance Two sa;itional brfme4 1 I thins, wan caret p Our, •i J A M il a ld i s J OTNol s •: o s , , .Woi. bil These valuable vela for sale by .:PCIDDk db. DID. do Wood street . Ironstiurch ' I I , ” mprie 1 rif. E ptooiiis!t 14Ala Dtir...rri , Ti irsicdt. 1 nently dyeing , Inght. Red, or Gray Altair 11) Dail. 11 Drown or Mark 'color. without rim no injorteir the .ken. Sold with "all directions. riccl el ettotai or el I, bottle. - 11 la - 1 4 01,14 y WAI.JACKSON, it bia;raten , lfislielito II V. arVIIIII.f, 49 .ibetey alma', bead of r .- ~.n1 the I, •en of the. The I 1, - . r - I !I Mt ,To l i tzteters. — , --- q, A LOT of Ti neer Tools, ar.4 full act fililltini.s; XI. (which her been in ate) for tale be • ~ .- WM RCA 1 I . iStnla bbli fa .ale PC'ART! Sgri ". l64' • ', l l‘ i • • C RA , Ci rachig IBM=ES ‘liilg•To9Tli PASTY* ' NOM. DemiEteiti '. '1 - ~- ‘uorrtt 11cleaning and Whitening .....;:ichgthening •e gurus, weetenng:4l., : It rbould be noel hvevy night with 'a ‘idl . .. , lir,vh mar the teeth u; .1...14 witlonty wcuu.. e nali n , , . wat e r . In the IMIO7 I / 1 1,.. LIV. 1•111)• b11111,..Kh .."•11, , '--- water. or cold will ibiwer. an:bolsi. a ;ea: toue.i...,‘. ') t eeth... It when enOW,hwillja2here for ennnWevha • . teeth.. It leaves • dehelour lane in' the inouth, Anil tru Peru a tno.t delightful n mgr. e to the breath. II ..tandl unrivalled ea a tilat.a.nt, eff: 12.004, cow:1.111mA. and sal! dentrifiem• 1 111 w airout d lits% to Inure the teeth, bran piremethem.. i . - i .. • 'lly toting It regulaly.tit w;II remove the tartar and . • rat , its aethonu.atlon—ipreveitt be temlinebe, strl notice the aims:an:l plot all doenX.V. ot nier, Clinnivta. .e re pejb.t, pild lbe 1i,r41 recommend II .1/1 deo Alertly e:or , o e , .verY t .I.e. C l Ili. tines in ie,..— ' .I.k h oerfor;htnan%Contraund!in till Tooth Pane, ai d obWrvei ssitituture Je attache neehpc 01. '‘, Beet by lii Cass e: 41.1 Ilroadway. nee of . cue ben I>entivis. and be molt of the old 'eNtatiltelted . ones in the ,UnitcdSt.... , . soul c ~,,,,,is ~, , ,,j by Om Nobility of I.:tir laud and Fte• ea A t „, ; ,,,,,, , or the illiea, I V,tat'd , et nionkind • ' arrl.e from eoltiogletongeo,it tip( It, 1.,,, Ac h,,1,,,,,,„, which re tiumir we ot the yin; ..e Loreogre viOal,2 •- entirety obv,ne. PVITMIS Ot, hi,. bati:ia . bond al. ' wavy nave, a box at hand, art take a c.c whenever ~,i, f„ l the 1,., devangensept in their bre ath A Itlai• s Ilse, of theie Lozenges iwould Pat cot thousands of haw, . • t , .. , - For vtle at )V M. jACESOti'S. cornet of Weal and ' I.ibenTel• STANTON'S 'EXTEI I' HUNT'S LI Is now universally acknit FALLARLA: nal Affections, Contractiol Throntand Quinn.. bud., hank and Chest, Apo!. in Tooth Adv., Sprains, Bruit Croup, Frosted Feet nod a 'Atte TRIUMPHANT tended the upplicalionortt, MEDICINE. in eniingthe different Iliscrt•esl above: rl Fa:NCO:MICAH; that ha r m' wherever it ins been inirl to callaAclddir Al FL3l> the • ONLY REMEDY TH ON. it I InThe licaltv unite in :lated.Exterrisl lj The.folletv.og leper; fro Physicians why have bbc4 Pleasant Stale Prison for y eildence of the 'slue or tfi , •Sna hurl 1..•;1:1 Dor . Sir' —lrecelved as:idg Upin.on in relay pirepared by Mr Crane coniposikion,arid Jimt Can recorpmendit to you dy, and thy opinion; chi dee. ' Vr ry truly and f 1 Col PierrlifFnCorilatidb. I fully bunter in the eta recommending the one. bunt'. Liniment. en Ito highly 'emitter t attached to the' Mount piny years, is the hest his celelwated Liniirent. IP, December 11, w. 4.5, i 1 your nolo of. yesterday, . ;fun to Ilan'. LUAILcm, TF. Stank', Know/We r ; trcquently used it. I. as a safe External hems- e best Liniment row in eircetfully your, ! ' A K HUFF AIAN. .union Manor. • ve opinion. w A DELC.IIEiI. ~aTolav, Jan 1;1, 181 a - liter, I ..ould say that I Iteuirify,.calles Hunt'. note nte pbodetit bode me an f tiiiii, and unhesitatingly ; ir,l be e t r..t,..,t Kerne. • pnt lale f r which you rc- , Ft. q . ; N " ' D r ' Al " ° IL I t L ' Ell.M. 6. • Front hutASV Sun. the male r wbrthleas articles and . li i : , t d r a .i r y '' ; vi i:if ic : ,,, ,t o i; i • r r E th ik i l i i. : s l:: :xi lf: i. re e .r.u : : : P i t e ut i . ;:tk d, li d ic V:i • ! y 'attend P wviliftil Vaitiedies. Hurt's ; red! by, E. li o; tate,, ni bi n they' bee •blii a short tit:, b,s ore ialriady n mined the conlidenvc.n o r . I wealth andinlluenhal mile..., eminent hysiciana. All ocki.Oteri- I stikreign hn for foamy of the ihs .. ir to, soot ling the aching latc aNI ' atimulati I inlllueuce,bitnistdi, di„. ;We. ; .; i ~,,, iStr-i...S eing your advertiter ent 'cat, lis induceto try its etlku , a had en ripp ed! with a la., I. Boni an it le wit gratitude I be. 1 1 t• Weeded I hOling properties. Al, ILIM ' fire y ars of age. is now in a fat. , flil Volum, di.c. ' 1 . MA AILiN C I'iIt . :KF.RSON: Port Vane,TolVat ha, 1.... C.. I certify. that I am frersohallv acquaint d with the above earned cluld, Snit think' the fath'er would be sale to saying that hi r soils elronst well. JkS W DYKSIAN, . I Ueletty Post blaster. ate that I, have been foe a - to Steger:et attache of the many Distance. prevented neta. Tw_o or three •ppli invariably remove ill at n caies 01 -Weise.. sprain.. ' s to tnention,it has in this in reinedy. Its value can ' Ewe she have given it ear line Mind .iour,k:ateittiCl Liniment. in tur practieef iyiairsied war comp say that I belieie it to he dy now in ore the en: Commend it. i; ruidts 111 rico E Stanton, ga'Amoug, t ,i it po nm n th,, co o bugethat iomettung or 010, speedy be same tint bich general :Liniment, pre iSing, thpigh ithe public; la SS 'oely of our m but our most edge it to be a that fleshly fi by its genuine :ease from the 61r. Shut • lof Hunt's Leo i'onll.. i• tack from 's° 'testiniony to i Child, who is • ;way Of reeorei mehll d3,T , 111143'. I would .1 n number of yeare subj. Rbeimatism, 'which in 'ding to my ba of the Lemma, of the kind. aoo gams, too owner° vicinity proved a net. , only ha estimated Oy trial. • . • . u;',';',;.`irolo - E.V.,i,:,°, 1 throughout the count, WhOlade :A • , HOADLEY, PH 'RUSHTON &Co .A Lt & D SANDS ASPINWALL; I:: Orders tiddressed. I • be attended to. :,G , . , ml: in New York. LeS'er. Co, 142 Water at. I. 110. roagt,ay. iconic!. Fulton and William. , i William Went. • me 'at. Sing Sint, Pl• Y; will :OItOE E STANTON, H Proprietor. i. i.: Far sale in• Pittiburgh by .L WILCOX, Jr, and/ fiffrilibehiin, , JOlTN - SiItIITEL • • ' feblli. . ' ",'7 ''--.!: vaieut-174;14.. Means. Reed ail to iny,,fellosi - Creatu i respecting yOur P eg Since I hrst user( th the'happy etreci of- A hive nod several fl al , my lungs, One's instil:tee I have used plete and perfect siic cute in a verb few 4 king", I ao . not kuo suMption, but I hel • proVentative, and- 'iro.;therefore, for the •fleatly recommend .1 LI Ipulmonary Complain! been th e means orn gold whOiesale4 leblB I°4 IF)OU • the cure joil of the . hlorgan'e Cough Syr>,p,it wdl 4 Influenza and bad ,Cough. 'Fry VITT6IIOIIa it, J.. 1,3817. %an--,l'his is to certify' that I 9der d siicre COUGH loe sev• ' compelled me to 'cafe' my at your Drug .. Stords , le of IY , our Cough' and I '9m it; and after using the wholg_ 141 myself entirely cured 01. my . mmended it to many others ot— itorit it never failed to cure. 1 o's Cduih Tyrup is the boot ace Moil for: C00t,.. It only r ile.' = Jesus A Witazaws, • ~ 1, hlr. John D . hi.: Ihad been laborink 1 ' erzl weeks, , nrlnei, t'' wor purchase it t t e 17::e i no u I :-1 , ' (Von great relic'. Ii N of lire bottle I too ' It . cough.' Ihove arc I . - my acqusintance, 6.• say that Mur ' • Medicine 1 lava_ 7 colizres tents abc I; Thud street, above Grant. pd retail by JOHN I) MORGAIV I - febla • d f gOld wholcolit Drugglat. 'Too rosit.l O RICA un fulrjallag at your own, pilled, NIWOUS SCOUNDILELI fteenAtI3I your..'Look RI )our il , i th bet Fght sunny face! Look !r W a erityt2ons and blotches! Vet glut: hily Cents for rear of the, , al :soap, winch would ennrele free soalie,ybar yellow skin cleni and to Jai:Lson s Sore, cOleberty at, • cake •: • the Wilk place in Yolelst4• Ad ohkoned. Beware of youate too rtha great !tali. Chem sole from them. an healthy. Go at .m. Pirth6rgb,nnd ge 114 alCUNt r Ar..s .' t ti feu, 113-013SE.RVL -. • , 1301 ERS. , FOR SALE. fuedro:tc .:,1 appwd o"rn4• 1 low t for For I VID 110LAIS.3forkoi Slx lllll3lNtk.N .4. AI STAR. 4 LUTIIIA'O STORE,! NO. 70 WOOD SITEET,PITTSIIIIOI TF. would t nniipti T. li t ce w ? pa ba s r , c r oo ‘ t nb ! ! ' obrc b ii ring itud _Lim • cr:fltnily..iniide Dcct style aat arerkaiamh.p cannot be •lly ham 4 ill GIIFI I *entlecct 10.1 arc al want of any article i ill find it to' Dili... tiolaiNterni sire 00 act rebating elgticre: • pet, no aril II iccioof oar • atiDcanlii,nt plea. l'avoi as ar“S a call a • saneeeasity Saroaa ctn.:writs, tip • rup • not +Sorg.' or!, weekly as 'in outlice at Mir n• w 1.4.1:11 ulna Vairo !i uroti Hit, mnipicie;with rty -- arti-In perain. de.i• ANDII.t.II. & 1 - I:billet 11-241entim iett-wbolciivii orde rant our Oatmeal tha friiiit . to hitire itioile rein t . tn n lit I the reer .. n , , R.. CULLS:WS , IN 'AN V Ktil.:l',ll.lL+l - SPk. CIFIC FOR Ft TAL& CONE L. tI.I.TS. ' HIS medicine is tact 'taking the plsee'ot every N preparstionlhiretaatiire used for Oa-oases itisilk; Weaknesenr ettici.causca. All that is 'lee n. ry to secure than medicine n.sstice in Iht , Domes. Practice of {sr) lamily when such a medicine, need. 'a trial. j . , 1. speaks for ,tg innocent in its °matter, Id no mini, e a arise from its use al any tone. — ,6, 1 ,, - ; 1 Whalezaln.and , Attila '.by 140 WAND di, WAL. , IS, Proppetors 316 Market Stsect, Philitra.... "'''' 7 , ar sale all llittsbutnli ty KF. Sellert, 6 T Wond 8.. ..4's - ....1!‘y0. Thorn i,M Market at. tm w 'l' . x? 1p- 112UES NE . •• SPRING, ' A 'LE. STEEL -at IRON 1 ORKS in OLEM AN, lAIL3IAN, it Co., hiving male tad ./In„ jd V their Nov rks,l are-now prersiied to nutmeat. tia , :e every ;der rilitien of. Coach and Enna,: 'spriest Iran mule., Amttut /'liter, rpring and Turman Steel, d all .itea of 11 fondue and round lion which they °Ter. far Wale nit litrnal Why., at their ereeebene N 0.43 WoOfstreel; , iiyb , m they.. alua keep on hand a •catplita ~,,,4 amd.oate againla.eril of Conch :trim. • ,Dings, Caryi kepi Wens, malleable tasting, Nails _.. -, C. H. 441 . 4 ava seurn arraniensatua unit Magma ~,,j. • Day & Cants mandfatturcer- of Shovels Spades ,-- Forks, ite •an will keep constantly on hand ever, 1 . . 'trite]. tar2a h theuti Dealers an taSpatlll.ll7: not i : :lied tat ~ sea rice rp nd lemur:gill be nude liberal. 'Mi .. : • -. - 1 .I. i ! . ,_ !etirtr 'int • - . ; •• ; =MEM 4IMENT, ttvledged to be the 1:1;. .) for Rlieutantierir,.Spi, 4 ti of the Made., Sore t, Id Licent,l'atos i , , the the 1:m.4 and Cdr . e„. ices, Silt Rimini), Burn., all Nertods Duteates. 0 c.ICCESS xhich 'hne at-. tie must WCINDEti EV I. oust Let ere cute, I , r the, anted,—aria the I Illill been brstoned - upon it, need. giros rue the tight: Q./ to resort y Puce to, 'AT CAN 1.1:: I:E.:AEU it 25 andlso cents' per lyot -1 Draggle's and Men...hunts llnasikary Balsam. ' BOST., June 16.1846.1 . " ea, r , ITo state' eel in n d something ii* a more ° ; ra b l l s e atit P :t.:27, y u e'. l `.'7, — , 'pc, 1 then gave an accsunt, Terlidomplamts and attache siw days since ) and in every I the jßalsam_nlono tech cow . en. It has etlected relliTand yi. ! It is certainly a safe med. that it vial core a tined con ; IjoG'it will in many cases be a Tentlon• is better than cure; l inveral my lotion men, ear he ardor this Balsam, in all is. I h lam confident thatit hoe. eneraing my Ke to this diy. BI:NJAMIS Pennons. 0' retail by • . FAIINLSTOCK 4. C 0.,. corner Sioth d: Wood ids. , •fl :II Cie e n,114r.1 01-11 wrininta S to U". Star rottore, (ha N 1 aril. pt the r A A M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers