err", • V'Z.TAP-frl :4'4%1 eirenList. HAW ter nid , lt , n ya ILe, Gone:ltne,e ilimhbus so r • I Itoid ridv tut- . Zee finely There Js ',tun IC 10 COM ,: pkua track to Et:gni:incr., are now unfinished. 01 tle — f - p..rnen ecluistied„ . the'. coetnictors are lay.: g r., - ,0,,0e to two cite, • of track per day. ',trestle , prose nercrable, ' ~ within 30 day's:Tate Lase an col:rah:en failutta conoexten front Cleo aa.d io Cincin ' Oa nor Qevelsod and Ithaiiorgh Load, sire, they are delay writ Ti o time It [neatly laiiihns town - hare and Encf:rd—inclrn milea. The se-- cercsry 'ears .eel Ir.:rent rim ere in rertilarts for the Baca. 'Dive - Ls every Initienton, - treat Abe energy displayed bribeJr:if oremn coteerded to the proweetion of the c on for the year Von, that. •srety consilerabhs por•loo, if cot ihe whole of it, will be completed at an earls thy. • +gni of us, from here tti Taleedg there are two rldfl companies; and to, elffetecit rontee A pot-. • tom of tb" line, on oar In, to, Is Caner COntrACI•O &leech Oen:rano and E yea they have cent. manned gradirg tee - The - srobabilities ire, however, that the two comps*: will reconcile them intereste, and Leconte united. If this be done: there are local reeourrea aulEclent to eons street the road, and me :rem...mato vdl he secured . at en ertly paned. Eist of eb,. the Cleveland and .Erie 'mad is on goon tonlinv; cod the stock subscription is greats ally Airy op. The coetrocrors tare bratty engeged In getting out ths timber end sole for .tie bridges across Grand River end Ashtabula slid - Comment ereeks^oh are the Lear Lest althea:Lie* on the bee. i notice that the worhetrinare nattered Over the route between here and Painesville; and the. get Moir of the It ad has been commenced at differeet pricy.; It tv in onatemplitlon to have the first thirty miles done by erst Augusi; and the most of it, If not the enure r oadgcOMpleted teal Gem,. The by' pendiog in the Ohio Legateture became a lan last week, anatomies - the Company to Rite , their anent, in a to cooform to the none of the New York and Erie, or any ether Itrad. with which they may contact - in the Sate of Penn- Weenie. This is-rt 301p0rilnt preilson. We learn, however, 'eat it la au open question, what care will be adosien. Talmo, thereieri rl in ell, cur . Relayed ores en reap tale, th-e ellreMely good.—Ciom Herald. - - Nam Fitibitocterst..vbortotcrr.—We' have els ready cc Cu. :I. taco au on• Free nett As. so ratroo" in Star roe, hoeing fat lii o f t the aby Inca of soy ter fr or duller on tittrOftwlTl , seer, (to 400 alitaillieattlCC of ClattOal line tee eatable:omens oflaYelote freedom of tin profaner tat hour say cfr, Import, :Or limits tint wSuever. The Tubb Pe tel sus that SOLO or and more fzrtni able movement kias rectally . !rein commenced , whieb has Indies tendencies it C 01311 2 00 With the rita-g7tog. but which Is Of more prscncal 111 it aims. I.eta effect ise tree ong sail Ma of at free trade laiprrtert, fattp pont, egad, or ftte'ga atsoubscturers. •dec., to a~rnrtpneu-the riominottlon of Has. Irmyert 3. 'utter, cf !Mots toot, (Vir: Volk's Secretary of the Treasure, and the resin welitectOt the pre• xm tia.ll - 0 an the -Doteovatic." eandidao for Presley a'. St the Same time rtiatit g "the party" on d &met at d oneqa vaeil Fret Trade" monde and w, etruttag Pa tr umph in the election el Mt This movement, 1.4 e Tribtl7e faiSit. has been bashed by a subscripttoo of aver 3240 000 pm. .ble hellos demand •od the balance la nix months —Dal:. Dan. LIYDRUPIIPIA. M. Bohlen has written tO the Paris Academy et Seieneet, it:minim ea a small treacle on hydrepholrq addreord 'to the Academy so fay beet as 1835, and o, enth a steno. n Ord The case reetred to in tont midst was his Pan. The parnehlars, and the mode cf Mire ;Joined were as follows:—Ho bad Seen coned telmot a woman who, fir three days. was slid to ise suffer .log cadet this disease. Ste hod Ire whit tymp , tome— ronstrictins of tee threat, Inab.lity to swat Ica!, abundant wcretiou of Bat., and foaming at the moot!.. Her polytheist reittthst stn. had bten ' bitten by a med do; about fortilodays triter.. At her own tygent entresnes, ate was bled, end died • few hour/ alter, a. was vipeet'ca. . M. Batman who hod bit bled. ciavered ' with blood, intsuucestly enlisted them with a teasel which bast bs.-s.n lista_ to wipe the menthe( th patient. He thun hied ea ulceration upon toned' hie fingerayet tniegbt ft sufficient', to wipe off the saliva that adtsre.i, wait a lode 'We're. The ninth .day after, h:ituy in Ma. cabriolet, he was suddenly seised vitt n pain hr Lit throat, mad one, Grill greeter. to Sin etc,. The: toilet wan` centinen ,, y pour 101 , 3 hot moult" :•, the impres. .10e a entree: .4 Of brilliant tn dle!, nave boo a ellefet seetaten ; budy ern peeih I to hm to cwt; :het he feltrs thrnigh he could leap to p-.1 , -ions height. tie enpoien. tee, he "id, a Much to too sod bile. not Men, bet stoical's, nod in toirnittei to2ten.• F.eally, ho drank with slant; and, the ea...lvor water wra racer el.:Trot:in: to biost!-In Iha pain in hr tel Tat. The ay op o ccr cv,red comp five tens, utes, red it amor.3-d toalT_y a tithe pain ova,- ' merited 'ta the i,aCteted Ilal777atto ;erected thence to Mesh. older. Veneta the sabok n, three spot atom!, Irc j wiped himself affl , ned cuh hydrophstia, and resolved to te.cinate bin bre by stitliog himself ler vapetir bath. Hating entered oat for IFis ratipese, ho caused the heat to be exited to 107 deg. S 6 ter. . Fen ' whoa htvone,quallts serprisenaiiii dash:. ad to dad liiiassa free feint - sit complaint. He left thL losthirg room sareN diced heartily, and drank morn thou went. Sliace that tirse, be rays, , he has treated more than eighty persons bitten, to tour of whom the • Symptoms had dettLared themselves • and in cocas. had failed. encept in that of one Add, ieven jenne etas, who died iu the bulb. The mode of treitmer t to reconteends is, that the prima bit sn entd take e netts:in:no-sit, of vapour byte• (commoaly ea 1,1 limsisn) and should 11i1.1C0 every meta a violent' iperspirntlen., by wrapping himself to fitonots. itr.3 1 1 00 11 1 11 ,0 F. bons' . with a feather bed, tic pers,irati,.n it. face. .1 by drinking (mei , ' a a w.,s, deoo4ooo rine. Mode:lama, to cot viceed to he ~r, caav treatmeet, tnat t will suf. for blotted In ha inOvo:iree with the filmset,. As woofs of the ut I y al royloas tad etratineso pet - sp - ,rtiion. he retry, the follow:en anecdote t A fetal - me °robe muecian Gretry was Moen bY • mad dog,int 'he lame time with many other per toon,who ail died of hydroolobit. For his past. fcelteg Me first symptoms of he disease, he rock to daneme:PiAltt and day s atyleOhat he Web ed to die csyy. He recovered. E. Entwon alto eit.ea the old aerie. at dancing being • remedy for the 0110 of a 10rentolli ; sad craw: e[tenece to the far], that the 'asimats in whom _thin madness it gem ty found to trvtiop itself toretsceoutly, ere deg; wolose4and Lon*, which never Trims acs Bens oo , s. toe "—Thei . lttneti ean - Asrimiltnrist f .r. lieressbort Fat Irrned by Sortori do lit at chard, in answer lto tb inquiry, trial.■ the a pyrcaal,,, 12 coulee 100 w to des nlject, we will trice an eneedunr kele6tC2‘. DS by Gee It.• Pen, of Eloolh • Cerullo,. of the rice b eds. These hole apatite,' g.ther ensued the nee dde nt harvest time to nonage's mirlada ' and of rcorse•C , 2l , oalt con tVercbte grain. Scam yea•a ng• - q it teaadetermtr.. ed to mote wer,non them, and doer them out ci the cructrv„ and the thereure , 3•19 in some de• area tetecessfal; as ler e•dag rid of tho b ant, t• What m a terla car.' fir I' Tao 1.122. bleat, soon found out_, for folds. the decrease of birds. tie worms itierereed to rapidly, th,t,.instead rt of s feet risurnre genine to feed too bird., the t6holtt.erap was -- derhulded,to GL the insettsbl, maw ea! attny wh:ch came to despov evert young shoot, as' fad as they *prong from the ,mood. Most natintibtedly Me tads Vele 22, fed hart seal., with a hearty welcome. Rice - C 26201 be cultotived ur.thottt thelr atoistarice. .1. few year, ego, the blackbirds to the north err tart of Imilann Wen considered a grievous nuisance to the lamer. Whole tl dds of oafs were some Imes detrroyed mud tha dtpredances _open late corn Tone Vetter 12621 cat he believed. It told. The farmers cowed and the td.rde reaped. He sonleed and they tw.ered. Occasidins.l7 charge of ait bet Ernesto loan a +cons, hit made • to more lonprerrun upon the groat roe of birds than the removal a ;angle bucket attester the vest rah peddle. A. few years later• every green thing oath,. laid teemed. icitiocd In de alrecCon by tle army worm. Man 12. power Ica--aworut afro lg . CO inn. But Ws best fdends the hated Watt Lbada, came to his relleftind In use to ;eve when all seerned lest. Nohenen lid could have helped Wm. How-thankful should man be I.hatCiod. has give,. him for hie emonsumni and fete • low laborers in the cultivation 01 theietrth, these • lovely birds. .• 7 he !abater la worthy. of his hire " Why should we .hrpcdte the little rubley claim ed by the fussy Gale fellows which ttl , owed she plotiga and snalhhtd ton worm away from the seed, that it might . produce grain for hi. and our anateisneel • •!. No *racist taxa wooed cheat a -bled of his epeisg and simmer's work.": Wastesrs—CarisosCato—A. Washington Inner in the Nags York Herald says:— "A curious case of the location of a land veer rant to reported berg. An old soldier, in the tail accptation of the word, living at Harper' s Ferry, being entitled to IGO aura of tend for blo verVcrs to ibe army; according to the bon ty land law of the tint frOPrion, for Ow cake of coolApeore, ted hts "potent titan" 00 a tract oMfercroment land unoccupied, or in some way open to tonniton. at Harper's Ferry. Ho ban consulted" 040 of thy that lawyers on the subject, Whose opinion ts that the old eoldier will get the laud, which is dud to be, from It* lodation, worth at boot 5150.000 . It is to be hoped that, between hien and linclem, the land Wi ll go tr? the old soldier, it the law rays so." yhts.beincegtoium with Old England—= - PA the late non Mu:mom:eject:tit:lc at Richmond, V., a very Important arena meat was offered to the re: 'port of tee committer ortieb_prepared the refteltm , . Worm and to:natation. Mr. T. I. EttllOO mooed to tamed the repurt,to as to pot 0:d England in the slain or agarewlve States, whit which we ahould bold no imercaune. 11,11'motIon wu seconded , by Dr. E. U. 6147. and was telt:etc& • Betio:—B4n. • di - at e; conYleterl -of tape upon the oenon tuf a winta feinalo In Iteelebstege. coon , il, Va., onLciwen: the astremn panel!). of die low on Fsiday,tbe 8:b; H ' e aia bn . ..10a Dinghy Mlle, about two finer do town of Le..tfogtoo, Soo the alone-W.oa wnba itneased by.* largo,Oonteelltde of persons. 'fin toe gullowa be contused his guilt, wid.called upon Ws fellow au/Tanta ;anent 4ALC,ISfaTATItin 11140Vilia::. LOGAN t iWILSONit:CO. 129 91(.,02;t1SEST, Are nom prepare.: Itith attn., and holt moat of rzelah, German, ar,3. 4 .reerteart Ilardware.ra offer supg.o . r e tr.: l , j.eaceata gril l .. Thar b a y riaas4o. ottoriallal " they us dmitinionsa sis seit - ga. I* Ina Most MIS kITTSEUIIgIi GAZETTE. PfTT3BUROU SATURDAY MORNIIRi, DEC. 24 18 .W 419 Cal flm tflrwnroe tarot ; 1001411 21,7GGV1. TVA west. to uaati to alert favos be tote S r.n.,and as ,caely practicable,' Advertiseettut. nottanetted .:or a ePct , tot tine nritlitorattalAy,be. charge?. anvil oedema oat 117 V. D. PAIACTTA IS Agent for mss paper at hia eareral seenedes m. :New Bort, Phdadelphia, oud - ibuizon, and fa authorized to receive sub.-I'4' 6o n. and aderoulmmenta for . Pratanestrars.oPill 4.lll=TANe—AdTCrl:SN mous and adbreriptiona to the North Amer.. end binned Suomi:Mame, Philadelphia, Mecieed and for warded from this o"Prltt.almbrnma ComatumabLrau.—tfabaoriptiona for Ode ratunhte paper, wal be received and (of,. ard 43 (tom thin ofPes. BALTIMAIL dammean.—natmenpuo a 3 and /Weevil.. menu for this raper maelved and forwarded tree of ,abarge from this office. Ir-r CINCINNATI Dalt f---.7lnaurc.—Advembretn and ema and subscriptions. for dos 'raper. will be reee,,,rvi erwanied from this face. The New iengland Supper Gmatpriparatioos sro making for this enroll festival, and it promises to be one of the finest which has been held in this nay. Those who have not procured their -tickets should secure them today. It is expected that all the New Nightriders resident to the city will be present, and ante otheis who wish topic in celebration the laodligol the Piiitan 'Forefathers on Plymouth FL^ek; an event interesting to every . Ainetican CRIZ.I2. . . The annuli Sermon, on the occacion, will be preached Di the Third Pretbyiensu Church, by the Rer. Dr. Rid ile,-en to morrow, Sunday ec. lair, 'where the members of the Now England Szeletg are expected to be present. to SlMelltkoat EZPLO3IOI regret to h 2 ,a announce a steamboat explosion on the Mononga hela riser, and the loran! life. Thu accident :oolr. Vamp yesterday afternoon, at the Flee Dam, as the boat was on her upward !rip. A full account mill be found ender local head. A correspondent nomplains that there is tot mom sneaking at our Tomperentie meetings, In the *hoe of arguments and aopes , a, drawn from ! reveanon and experience. He says that some or the late meetings have beets spent without re , - an the audience one idea on the - aubjec of tem • wane°, sad that much dlsaauafact to has been exprisavd. He believes to lecturing and miring m 're than to pratticalciforts addressed to Courts aLd Pl:palms:es. Tina is the subitcnee of the att;gestietts of his ccrumunteatiott, which we havenot spice to publish. We confers, for our. mitres, that we like practice better than theory; the timanl taking of the boll by the horns better than declamation. The - temperanco mee, how , ever,may take the hiet, and have at frost a sortukhrg damn speeches to gratify the palate of our correspondent, woo sincerely • wishes wail to the temperance canoe. The No•th Aluericaa nape that the . population or Pailatielpltin will rant up about 4:,0,000!—oaly about "A0o:101VA than Near York, leaving out Tam Trxas Qrr , sion Fle/LILT Snrrso.—The President has announced to Congests that Tess; has agreed U the ;101.0100 contained in the act of September, far the reillement cf her Banality, add has else issued be Proelamatior, aroonne,s that the lull, haring trees officially aeeepled by Is ate . the law cf tbe. lard. The stole counteylardl jilt rub Pees:dem niftsent lc tie iaCgratulatoty remark, 03 the final and edict set• tlemecit of what,at one time, seas the lowa alarm. mg question tbe ceentry. ‘Ve deabe roe +hat t`co patriotism dud prod:see, end gemd eenot, of the people of this ceentry teal c_ ..= three tt tettle all their difficult e., bere,ter, eve tte. as to• /In r.3drcu of a turpb•r cf . tn.; legbeny, to (Oa in,T)Nlc . ort orite C , lna FAlO:o . sto, has been.patlLited, Lt, Eat,p.r.. (Kir ticx:.;ktnsing. bred tint Kit lia.l rxim Lail is tni.) Via) undermine that these iaro for p;ospeOts oSonicieg an cppraprinusn 1 . ,71 Cor.;re•.+ fur it crectioc of Munn otte ; e•.d addlt:oaal apponprielion for the Niarae 1101 ttl. ALccavcs — Thti Whig Wctil rhci.,:hgA ih piseo in Aileti,oor.y this tri-e.i..7..•^ oat. ato dote hirhooi 9n, t; 7t it, era to ph:2.otl to tad- on .1: I cpis,o”. at It, sul.jert roy. Mr. Fiatintriq tt•l rv..L •• .•; a 1.,•1 xt,..r . 11,21,1, • Inat Lc SV Tte conso,ofL.LLLL• . the total popuistion is 77,1 - .79. is :Sir), 1LL2;0,.• ratios if the county toot 64,ti 59. Increase In is: 105i5,12,020, which V cqual to about %wooly pet teat. A Ceetsrumna, &0., to CarOiillia Senate has almost , tattlltattl! usetod a revoltufrin caoin¢ Or a El.stt Co..asen• dun pelt December, the deligatss to soh, het, te be elected text Oeoher. The Herter Wee expected to concur In the reealn'iea yeeter _geth houses base pasted the bill arum pna• dui s3oopoo for military pcirpo.e.s. A motion to pending in the Senate to call back tbo !Moth Cal- Geogreastuene netcirm;elded to Allegheny County-. ; . Malta* Or Ins =Orris/ JrII.OA.S For. corarar. tr,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,..,,,,,d to _e,.i. ost an pro=01) , _ amnion, 19 , 0. hurtled riff to the printers than I could 'cat gel a 'the highly respectable Traverse „tory, which g i oe pre of the itarcnant retro:Taupe-sr paper,. has just closed a long and ardammairsion at the Jemmy Lind tea teen the theme of gentp aid Court of Quarter Semmes la this comity, behre „ ea „ e ' , are , i h, e ,„,l„ o „h e capital today __ their arpancre held • meeting to conevit upon some enny hos arrived- -I cony het visaed the Whoa referms to the need et which heir attention had ki .. e ,,,_ e „ b „, ~..e.,_,„, with r ,, ,rdde snd hien =Led &Viol; the discharge of their dance, iiinctiiiiiiteiliOnl by :1. Pienidect and his femay In this meeting J. WILLI:nos presided, and 1, j ,- ny bar er , e „ nnt . eti inn cet,t , ni, tee Senate Howson acted as Secretary. La dodaccdt'ea, con ..,b,,,.ber, and the Supreme Con n, attot bee peen ,. " lu g °E. Tin"' King, Jut. (3'l3ri'a' J. 13 G' '''''' eccr; ten Unsay, teeny has sung at the politima Dr. Curry, Joseph Douglass, Ls Howard, and Jas, espial and center of the country, beton:, the more Shave, Wee appointed, to express the sentiments of ent.ned endinnee abc has yet urea In th e . the meeting, which subriMued the folios mg report, U Vied Stain,. Som, of your leaden will moot whieh was uonntmothily i adopted, end we hive ' • 'act Me in ray creamers:a upon the Lind enthual. nodoubt will meet with general acquiescence by aim et iii, , e York, lei toe coerce of a notice or s ,the people. That there ire great reforms needed _ must beavident to the most superficial observer. o'n ,e it t lit' en by her Thcw't 1 wee e'en,' emphatic on too whole thing as a humbug. Mina Land, In VI &PORT her perm.' character clear exurpted. But one m That as Tveree J arms we have been a ttending the Court of Qeaner Sesame stone the 28th Onto- second besting. I Mild acknowledge a great mei. ber last,. period of eight weeks, "'"' l that during ' ification of my op non, or rather of my impre. Met time Indictments have bee:tined, embracing _ k __ ..„,_. concert en etebe atec certainlycertainlycan ut offences from the highest to the lowtel erodes of I •iim• . enmea and tqlstkmeanors. The period of time i tar most brilliant cod gratifying entertainments I which we, es Jurors, hare attended- - end ^th' , t 1 ever ettentied. The new Mid itself turns out to may be compelled to atteod the Court-, to the l p r ive t ,te e e. ; ha a must neb'n and commoclom rwrairior ouch manifest loss and derangement of their &int—requires that the Ines nethericoin the sun, . parposee, [lomat:star dice that only thirty days mitiro4 of /erera for the Court of Qom ter S'e'ione . wore allowed to produce It from a roclitem and should be so alr-red and amended as to direct and , t , , had ,..__ beaten end bettered authorize the Court to tissue the sent for Auer ist o'-"t•'. mm that seven that every panel Medd serve not more then three by ore it , rms of ax, anatcra. Tao andletice cou• weeks. This would throw the doles end rayon. • eaee d of the grcate,lll,d plelt digit guisbed men eibilitles of Jurors more equally among the citizens, • _ , ~'•„ ... on. end the meet polished and refined and would relieve one meet Irma the labor of a ." long and protracted_ Term. that move In our usual circles. The house was lithe power to the Quarter Semionn t , try cent - not ra i rorii(ortiti, ciowded,tand was what would "and tease onto for J. "‘” • , to it ai 'F" ...a ' d T '''''' od. coiled foil. TbThermwe..e.t. foe mewl ! , ft., atCourt, d art not exist by taw, we 'croun, it that the Legelatuto shontel tin irked in cram a or five hundred. end mere were probably two This would enable the. Court to dispose of enrol. thousand persons in the house. Seale rid I ecn nal eases more apeedily,and consequently relic,: re. , e,„,, toe tire 1.,„„„,2, and famuy, tad the the County from the charge' of beeping from Term heads of Car er.bic, is ho est near tom. All these to Term persons committed rpe1 ,, .1. Too Terme oiler Courts crii^iiit 0 1,0111chillIel whet troy entered intro mierved etch Worm and advaitareausly, The Mittch .* Tettn,sa row florid load applause—yen , iintl , the Pr.istdrat and Mr by law, begins an the Mann Monday of March. w ,,,,,,„ Got, s”. Looter r, aid Si r . 0,, and we. are Informed, usustly continue. until t" first or second week la May. Then corm, it, spetisred to ete• , l 11 - .0 giiii,U It enibitsitiam. All Jeee Term, begiantog on tin third Mo• day ,if were welcomed in n manner to show the brut bold i ln ne no more than two wren. ..a he Cioeit , t , they have upon Me respect she esteem of the J r theJune Term, bemuse this illivrgil roots - to by . eetee,„.„s, whet! ,h.,. , , ~,,,,ie . irony L e l her the Ist ef Jelly, and Jurors will not remain, snit ; thOghtMet to be expected to do so, o ar i ng b ar onet. ' sell seemed to fell the Implretiou which might he The June Tarn ha ant time, enough for the but. I gathered from such an occasion, and tam Anion. Oen itriiing between that and the March Term; • I , ' s he son , gaptercusly applauded. The exceed bit it 14 itieltiely btilithencid with business from the , d uit.lferled ex.plicity of hot iota March Term, eases continued, or held ever. 6<. I tag grace an , Thsenusemicace is, that Liminess both ef the i tic rofoubtlete, 1i , e Surd da d to do With the ens March and Jane Term Is carried nor, I , the r i Ilmetaien Which eon every where contras. I still Trial Lai of October Term, which is r al ' et ' d i think her voice r.otter flexible and sweet, than for weeks end months- We tithe-, it would be 1 &denaturant to the public than be law should be I , ... ttaL 8" ten ' ''..a ! than a c."200,44''' shuula a changed se Infix the Mama Term on dm trot uadettake to snit z: it. loony Lied is now on ,Monday et March, end the Joni:Term no the hest h er ~y to 'levees, where the will *leg about • Monday otiose. Tatiana:realer with the power int, .ii She cv,ti give soother concert Gera, ens to try causes m an sojourned hurt, to IX, ho id ' ' some time to Anent or September, would mirth!. ei ache:end, sod one at Caarleolon. She will ly a ite.:-.e ill e business of she Criminal Cohn,— return by the way of New Orleans, I Pre?nnte, 'effect rimed, trialts of oTeriderc—lesscn thy tx• pencelra heel:dna persona la the County Prison, ,_„,_ , Ma rc?and by a gradual pregte se leech Pittsburgh about r n, It will be °brit:any incd embe the to to got through with tho in- Ste middle °' —" -' ^ ~ mask; titmice's ol the County, impe”ibla for for to 1,-mM:beetle met 00We en . The meeting hi , had forced on th eir etenn" n gagement of one bundrsd and filly raghti on this the great eXpeareseasequent on the commitment . , and trial of per s ons charged with slight inTenere. .16 Wotlire COMIC( Streit? large Peace, /insult end BMUS- Pei , . Jude. L.l ocean before she leaves kw • , tglind ethers ere that grader occupy much of this The price of tickets hero Is ortOttlyMa - efovea lige° tithe Court, nod occasion exTpr nse to the. dellarafor the best seats, AT° dollui for the vest, people. 'No. know net sobs mamay to summit -- l i r th e . and four and three dollars for the ',mender -4 fafthia. It hinglarstem andlua men o Peace weld keine= Malone theve many of these lit- small 'samba.. If there were over tgo thousand tie be Wiled by parties,' much good panne, la the house to night, the pmeneds mast might be done; and in ease they cannot efieet • hive exceeded ten thousand dollen.. auk= great eve should be ameba tlythnta gfi SO OM alitiebsil aka. /autos os. WZIMINIEMM=I ~ tr. isny etra COfittly pit* th.eleXPense Wien the bed Is iesilfilekatf. is MOO the op GlO.l of th is Altetioi?thot pee t exu , ion sod etre be eccrelsed by theroper omens to grecuma.favern ismenees., :The Coon, is, pre near,. Wale to beiraporred ca be a Way 1.0 009 , 00 can detect 'l be law requites the Moistures of twelve -rev spectable citizens to the petition. Bat experience huishown that those; or signatmeg p t i rt ,,,u, to be rereallable, can beeitily obtained. Wo would .oggmttrill tolOrt the- applicant Tor.a Tavern ceese i.pereonally known to-the Goan, the awns ers to 111: petition should be tent for k and put under oath, to totify-as tothe character cf the applicant, and an to Ili. ability to entertain strangers and to. j eurcers, with Mein horse', lco. It will be found that cony cf the applicants have not the taguirementa of the law—that their lens are nothing more than grog .threpa.cousating atone acorn, 1 gilOr, and glasses.' Such houses an in toe Gee or law—theT ore pobhic suis.ucoa, and engirt to be abated—they minister to the ;idle end v:clous, and engender crime. Mort of the tutor tiled in the Criminal CiWite ore Closed by inteno• peranre, which ham been created and nunistered to by licensed sod oulieeneed doggeriea. The members of this meeting have had their attention directed to the great expenditure of the public money, annually caused by the commitment to prison, sod support therein, of what are cal ed vagrant. and dlsarderly person. Tne whole ex pense, from the time the ceicer grabs Inch vagrant l or disorderly person, to time of their discharge, thrown on ilia county. The motional officers I of the Thies—the constables and (Abe., who too tier service In tne 'wrest of such vagrants and din orderly persons, ate pad out of the county tends —an item got to be of large and increasing ex• peoditere. The fires imp:eel by the officers of the clic% g 7 into the treasury of the cities; and tt in meeting atiggett whether it would not be right that these fines should go to pay the expense, of nesting and committing vagraotssand disorderly percent. A. It now is, they are paid out of the cnunty treasury. The fines Imposed and callected by the city officers would pay the expense of ar• I resting, etc., vagrants sad disorderly persons, agd odd, to that caters, he a relief to the county. More prompt .d efreeleal measures 011,11: to :dopted to diminish rho offence of vagrancy That class of persons care nothing shoot the In. privenment • punlehment; matey of them, as I the eclat , approaches, prefer being sent to the county prison; they arc too Lazy to work—they prefer to live Idly, and be sapported at the ex panse el the county. This should be remedied; and-the mooting proposes, as a ears for the evil, the erection of a County Work House, concerned with the prime. The idle and dissolute, Who care not shout going to prima, and who gather about the city Crete all peers cf this and other conadee, wig care about beteg sant to prison, if they have to work 'here and be madato support themselves. They will &bun that sort of Impriaou meet and la bor, sed the Coheir Will either get rid of them or mate them support themselve. The mesetsg can da no more now than throw out the propcsi • tint for the egabllshi. cut of a Work Monte, and if the people approve it, the plan and details ttereof eon be readily edepted. We submit the foregoing as the results of not ' ebecrvations during the psst Term et the Criminal Court. The caldera of tee law wet, diligent to the discharge of their dotle,, and dispatehid a large amount of borines. Speedy trial of than ~ffences.,„wjll Tootribtre greatly to lessen the ex. rinse 'o the county, and we believe that che suss geatinne made In this Report will be promotive ol that end. Before wparating, the Jury prima some resole• fions complimentary to Judge McClure aid his Associates, and to Meters. Darr sgh and FlatieSin: which, though very well deserved, ware scarcely necteaary; sad also to Mr:McCurdy, the Clerk of the Court, quite tee-clarity to his purpoees, we dare say, but certainty not mer.ted. If Mr. !McCrady Bea been "gentlemanly end obliging . to the Jcey, It has most probably been with a view to the whitewashing which it appear. he hasithe ezedcd Ic procuring, and which, It man be nits nowledger3, he very clench needed. FROM ViA.SUINGITON. CerresnonGence ci tbo Pittsbaqh Ga:,li• Wb0rf1.7.03, Dee. 16, 15:9. Cheap Postage.-. M .. Banton can his °Asa re-otectioss—Jeskor Lind. Tnere bier been cthicg of onct a en:rm . :lt said or done is chore lions, 13. day. The chap pos. tats hen been made the or.ciel Cofer fora Veen thy. and the probahilives n! ;La pasragegr,tot or ; event, indeed, Ito;, ;stn. bet ales dxfol. The orebirco, ‘b - tolt It nne 'al fLob,rfaell o. fAcfif n0 , 11 , 1211 , :ir , . Or • tern d 41:nt - € the pnt two scary dcc r:... en le. r l,,ed do az upon :Lc', p:rta7, rote 1-,,r i",,nton epedetl tie cid3td . zd to opt tate cy.oa the electtoo of Senator in kKilkmr., Cie ha._ b+en a tkalkke l ,)illet7 cvtr eicet/ilhe , ra4:,.kin.ef thit lea.ahvave ea, detetotoned, and evatittlay c brinks some act - pitem into tutttry agatrat the Anti Bentoniena was have bad the in lack to ce pir,ed In that ba2.T. flat an aintemvery he of pte;ceta for the advantage ct Slksittrt, and the went at Idtgr, al!, however, cl,ently tdnd :a, to chow ham Ind , spCllVlb . l . ft WIG to that State 10;0.d mU. 11 ...Ott 01'0011CM plot.' IL ft •lifkaftat . mt. cyer, .hull tat 10,0307 ft•• en:afttei.. •ga.:l Lira. tfL.der Tfuhr.;.t, ILe , .yhiFs—prov , : or! I..curo a gi-ouit i l Whig r/. I, • f.r 00.1 .4 , 0100 :;.31 ictm. .1 , t7 ft,., are c. 7 .4 it.L It C.G . , dum.t 11.1 tolev.ics. re tatter I tad to ta7 Er..1..d whet trupt ,A u.l mgreaatta upon . Bealoatana—:dr. tett - educed V. bill for the .enettuctito of a :ail toad and common hint-way loom some point ,n to the Pend: r and prefaced tte 1174 4, 4 , wilt a q.t.:el, of Orew quarto - re long, and c. ttie c.,,reet he ear made. The over till (51,4:=1 of Mr. Benton—bl* anther.. M11:4 4 r...,L!--11AA3 la.n to do the greateet mit:mace lac .11.1 e eLikt ar.d pioneer of Mt eq1(131,13e, W6tlney, whom be is never tired of ridiculing. air W. cos 1-,,en lob-at-tog on this great work--ter .ren yeatz. end it la coding but little in WI behalf, to :met' that be btu done more than asp caber ten men to chlgh , en Ine public mind upon Ma-utility and feria ..c ncevd Re of the envetsty of the ,V,lstunaTO7:, 2favy'l34o 'ittelit c ber's Di th.-1.104 „.:lbsulanTorolgutationgoz—aevr Lei; lean Appolntmenlir--More of itiani. Mt. Corwin's fort rep,rt Las beta read atiitt a '-a/dity and eathfaction. h must - , $i rah& carves prodace such a change is the tariff as will remedy the tilOCC1011:11MIld5 which it txposee, cod so rr. - tote to the meettlartairla; indohtry of the coenunat least that M=Lll . O of protection which was keen tied by the erasing tariT. ivc tball have a deel! Iva movenecnt un that great grretVoa to the comae of a week m two. Pdneh dependance la had upon the penetration and business talent of Senator Cooper, who has found it neceasory to be absent for n week part. Ile returns to night. I bud that Iwe entree! in my conjectun3 that at. eggreSuto at S• l7 g )0 .0 0 nil . . en tic Inentir on the receipto of the Treamnty I-7 the past fiscal year, included tome lieu, tan properly belonging to a statement of the available mean, of the year. Three and a half mii,tons of thin Sum consist of an item describing the I undatg of Treasury. notes, and on the other nide of the account, is precisely the fame amount expended in the same transaction. The actual cash receipis of the year were about 541,500,000, of which nearly two mill loaf were re• ceived from lauds. Mr. Harmanseu's death wet annonneed in the Home and Senate to day." The eulogy of Mr. Morse upon his late colleague, in the House, was chase and appropriate, but I thought that of tdr. Downs in the Senate wns diffuse and elaborate One portion of it consisted of an enumeration of the resources of Louisiana, intended by way of suggestion to the State that as soon of her funds be come easy she ought to *employ re part of ahem in erecting a monument to Mr. Harmanson. There wan quite en entertaining debate In the Senate to day over that subject which is brought up anew every year, the printing of the President's message in German, Spanish, and other languages spoken by citieens of the United States, of foreign birth. Dr. °win moved to print two thousand Cop ies of the message in Spanish for the use of the na tive population of Caldornia, various efforts were made to override the resolution stubs doom ape rictus amer.dments,embracing every tongue spoken in the country; but the whole of them,onththe orig. inal proposition, ware laid upon thetablebya large vote. This ought to conclude, fora sin:altar too eon has been made every year for printing indica* foreign languages, and never with any better no ceu than now. The President ha. maned he proclamation de• curing the acceptance be Teas of the conditions of tho Tea Mahon and Boundary Bill in due form, and that, the teas, with is various and important proviolons will be ezecutal. It will be remember• ed that one of the coorc- - ,uenert of the acceptance by Texas of the terms held out to her, Is the organ ization of the Territorial Government of NcwMes• 100. A tiovemor, Secretary, three Jeff" Diet Ict *ttorney, Mantua!, and so ensue to be appointed I stippose they will he nominated without much de. lay. Jenny Lind and Barnum continue to be talked about. The cone art last night Wan ouch a brilliant and delta - Wel affair that even a greater crowd Is eipected to rnoirow night in the brarrtiful hall ape- Melly lined up for the orca•ion of tree coming The whole town, and indeed the coon,ry,are under obligations to Mcesre fLemidoand Willard for their industry, energy, and public mint, in removing an unsightly rota, and Converting it Into one onto finest apartments for publs displays now tube found in the Canted :Rate. Actor! other things performed in day, Mies Jen ay and Suit, cursed the Trani) of Wanhingtoo, a Monet Vernon. Barnum bay pat a circulation one lithe ragtag of Jenny w! thowa how thor ouch a mover of the ari .1 mar egin4 the papule fancy be Is Directly aft., ienny'n ,ream, es to. Kay WOO to ho ' , bort honored with a in,:tattra to ri•it the Wh.te Hoes.•. 127 m r s , cf • niviln.y cad nOntin.n.l , a. canon In 1 Una: antlat. WIT t:iR, Crelnuned Jormy. bore Zvir. Barnum, is or, norm:sod for m 0 Ott,: I know - ,tterei am t an , oc:nrazen.odT the ra'uno. l'•anaak. ii,rronn el gr,.; en'd}. Per 1-a: in I`,:s canerr.., bend aril, C.overninca: ; rya: ~“117.11141 anctpaanna nf Qr•ld.nt denc•of city. fi,:iof Mug: -tnatesva , rot the cer! , ... of -Court. thoagb, pracilnal, n p e no :ntid.l,l pr,ce Cr,ar r-Lapercne Croirrntant want witl iatnr,sl, and Ea ttc paled. mind :a nay ccratry r-. :,,, r:::.. -. F c G:.~n Sonata Men's Llbrary his. la N. V:lturt —lt a.ttlaral imptll6l:l to GICOM OtlTACtles Ay We fall, when arpthink we !Inv, c , ixitficren.e. 1,1 : • Ite&P! cf 1'11,1.. w rap, To, r. 7,4 re tn, Vltosti,ts so e ft s sts4s Ist sto LLeu rc!< 7e , frrt col IsstLaterwl.o,, witt rtes ate, ; user .t.lota.` ,11.1r.y r.L.I tva n " 0.1,4 aft In- .g Iho icfaucv of th, under the or a , prrlunt r raw )1:1,14 ) a •Villie .1 tall la lb) • ))) 1..) • lull, pr.'veg e...0.,1,1.,•! • IVO all Lu:l, 0.00 tut:ttLoso tkefatards. tt) u to tho lIIUY of Cow:err-att.:, aloora tto't is he Len it• yol cod C°l tenon •6aut a , O , IIT •_ , vb. Me ball it. etJae , i to tx.c , aswhich rusCl• Jotted ftlettioto snit cc ita speak., nut the Vt fur 11Enr.t7 ea) Ihe tr•-. 4 ol thin svuontl I, iltt'co was th e u dilition of ...vets , nor: fizencticri to the Society, olio Intril, frrfric.i 1:1“1,1ho Woe ertfcrscd t,y z , ctat plac-e. But, I r.cs.d ..4, , ~,,,,,E Atri coot, 11.. .0 :r. , 23Ainr. of Cote .1 CIOC• .•thrl GO effort Ls lvodo made VI trre • At t drat dottl motion," and the. "tt is tithe high est roportarter to here active t•Liettar are sta. eke to tOiVIGLC coca C.O.,TVSIi•aS, that the alo and easy method untold he hhanderted. I trust that the rope r Itt,ltog ,t now showing Itself, attd6(CeNtll a ..,, that such Worts may be mode as wit vane cur loci:olio on a pa, u'ith otters ul a Ututlar nature. hod a a further Incentive, I might ...t. te. that In, If-t^.. • LT , . P. unto, Senator from New kistaNtort , , stqu elt cur ettyYerurcaYs sa to douvee i 1,14,1 before It', YOULT Moo's Mercantile Aseoettilon 01 QIIICiIIGGI.. The Qom pltutentary itoket of tots Asidotattoo, soot to our goetety showing n list of lecturers outlawing some cf :he bent minds In the cannily, skictutd pet us to rho Mush; v., reface ,rev to accept fry tot. vice. of our own OtrtingtOthed el:tutus. end truly may It be-Said or ~,, A...,..;,,,, an It sa cf our city, that we ato he: tad the age, to every thing of a pongee... Urn oath:, W. Pit turgb, Dec. 19. oca Anneal To Pcesia.—ala fion. Dietl 9. 8r 4 at Tennessee, Minuter Plenipotentiary from ho- United sintes to Russia, recently t er itten a l ever to 6 incitil at home, which Ls pub• liabcd to Ur: Pulaski tier. From it the follovrlng extract , aro takeo 03 the 13th of Augu3t, I was proented to the Emperor, Lmpreu,aud other inembtrrorthe penal letnny. 'rho ceremony took place et Peter• boil—ease ten m.i. t &mem—where tho Emper• or's stn.. palace A shunted ''here pan ices formality that, I celled. A rpatich 'tom the Mho inter wan dope.. wltb, are tcllng to 0011010 here, and the whole 'a:remelt between thi P,mprtnr and myself wen a mere eC.....11101 of about ten min• uies. Ho ci a hue looklug -tune, and Would un preen auy out with the'iden of superiority. Ho is over mm feet high —well built—with Marled taco and head; nod his itemiser and cons - ersuritm fndr eared great energy 01 cLaiacter. In to rind to be the taunt 1111.1.4 1.11 to the empire. His eye is upon terry clepartutettl. 1 raw him on Iwo other mermen , on the pared.• vretincl drilling his troops On one day there were eighty Ihou•upd troops, ui all arm,. under puede, nut under the opt of tbo Emperor . There tot much ...lit, between ntrontu.d the (laded 'nem ban hot beta an Ameriarn ship here sm. 1 urriVed. Our trade here is much lc,. lion lodnerly .•,everal eotteetl exist for no, lu the Owl piece, buy very little Irma romp ihect iron, drilling, pod sail cloth make up the principal and what cite wed to buy from US doevily, to new bought intermedl• ately through Greet Britain. Our ravel , And but little inducement to come hem, tor, In the main, they hove to return in bolts,. Into nbOut as well pleased Me I expected to be, except I tear the bu• since, of she Inman° will ba Icon. I would rather true as much en 1 could du. 1 would' not then have ee many etlC4lll hour., in which di Milt my eyes over the Atlantic. Ido not (eel willing, hoax what 1 have rech, to bring my faintly acre: I fear my children could not steed the 'climate. With this view, 1 think I dint nob leave to return home nest spring or summer: • Improvements t DisitlstrY. DR. 0 CI. STEARNS, late co Wools, Le prop:aid $0 crAnufacturo and set litoec Tenn iu weal* sod puns ants, upon auction or itunonithette !ittetion Natter TOOTII.EIenzo ovum sitnerst, where the nerve II expend. Olen and reseleece nor: door to Me May ofkr.o, Fouilhotrest, Plmburgh. Ra 7111110.4. &M'F r iddan.E. H. Woe, lade s: esanysual. i Oire Itetar. Mgr db. 1104/fearb , EYLDENGE to OUR IVII?C r FAFLETS OF mratnsts. leddc4 t•s" Aga.Metio-131r I cheelfally comply wait 4 . lc "'N D brnd not , v ,tcc, genet tbltli.Woul , d giee you assrmant:of ilte a.m. The Irk, edited by Pre sweet' John q. Dart been., Miraculous cure of mp Ihtle daughter's elw by the we i id Turkey ractocco, was nen:erre. ll'utiost ono a..d of Yeti, c fl ' em ' re r f t h e Sermon, vleesntly ateret-4 She wet attached with • very rune eye in FehrhalY I 711.11 Ikeepsate, a r f I.o lllola e rmund Or Much Ina, erhrm I LMlGCellaae:r ateptled to thabest TOO. , ttaircece el , I lee- I testi.. , The Crystal Feet, t"ot edited by T Arthur, medical it u .l to the city, by vaunt it eta pronoubc cd into "a yeti had eye" and gave me no Lope or doing ' pour of Temperance 06erne. for 1811, by T. S. Ar IC.°X t." law tie no ,, - o 7 try to who had teen very snecce , r - Canny eyes. Me told me that her ease wet hopeleat . Scow Fluke, ...b. would Certainly base tact only that one, but I Feeynt Mo ' " by Mtg.& S.Emali also dant the other would follow—it being a ecrofttione (3 n emiVerl 2 4 . ef . i f i ' ty l , c' Ur ng Litir ‘ hry sit I, tar 1e.50 edited by effection of thel blood. And Ido cent') tbat;at the F. t i me my (whet (3 Vtalioni came to the conelnetrm tkntwe had better try your Petioleumb tut was a tr'e Rose of editedet' for 1551. axolotl ratan of one eye It to now about two i Tupper'. Y roveibinl Pwoeophy. embus edloone, 11191104 ejoee eke upon WI site, end she Can row ace elegantly bt and and Send ihd did .", in l 7e 4' Acrel . o.74 ' l4U t itl: ' Vr ' ..7 '. 4 ' u ' e n i::/: 11 ,11firt; Pi I ran te with both 11, I believe she with the Lleuvnig of I / F be Almighty, Leen cured by " Petroleutu Mn Amelia earl. Mrs 8 J Dale, Mrs I: C Kinney, I Ann C Lnuch, Mist item 1.1 uske,tbrace Omen. Your., teepmatfally, ' word M. Fri knees Vasnori Corm. I Ehe by, Goldsmith, Porno, Moore, Coleridve, flow. Pataburghb, Sept. 30, 1010. / rot, Al Oman, cod bestk, Colerldre Shelly end beats, For ante by Keyser A McDowell, 140 Wood street; P end mec Virork, R. E Sacral 57 Wood street; M. Cuirlt D. A El - albums in ' morocco a eotb nd pant! mato e lintiri;g l 7 9 l:l ' e ' o li , lion, Joseph Douglass, and If. P.Schwartu, Alleg briny, large collection. .f sp escld Inert ite Bootie. vim other al,. by the ptopr.elor, S. M. KIGIt, orks, for sale by It C snit:lTO/V. i Lit, elOttrelorl r VaCilniel. corner Market and 11 lelet Seventh it, Pm War dc2.l FeeiltOletelt and Post ee ls Offlod or Ohioan./ R. Co, nit LI at A ILTIFICI ht. L 1 Ll'llf.LL-1 case lust is rd end JA. for kale by J hlf)1.1 CO Perrsauflati / Aegnat 5, Oddl INK-10 ibe for kale by Tttt Stoekboldera of tlai Ohio .4 Permanent. mot Road Company are holeby nottfted to pay the ighth instalment of Lee dollar/ pas share, at the °thee ARDIXT 4 S SCOTCH e - NLIFF -CAM frm sale by ns the Cop.y, on tot before the sow day Aus.n (j. J KIDD CO The Moth En!Meng an or before the Rd,h day o 1 ----.-- -- - , ADRIGINISTI: ATOM'S MOTIVE. t September. This tenth Instohneut on or before the • ROM day of °whet nett j W . 0 ,T. , ,:1 . . , :ni...,: . ....1 , . e f , :: , , tv c in0 0 t . ra110n .11, comm. 11 r my ea' AII,LenY, Fj• Tho 7 Instalment was called tor on tha ve‘h 4, have I. granted to I , n Inslowfil , el, 411 rely lost oervons tuoe hied to raidfr.cOmord In Make gucgam tom L.mmER, Jr 5w0 ...., j tee pyment, and those Ilaving Finials ogalnst 1 .e tome wt'l present them del. outhettested,. Will COUILAGIC 1.102111. INSTITUTIONS , N &Tit A hilh.t. MI t.,1,.R R, — Aunonistratet, IDecember 20, lEllo—de7l,•3: S OITIZENS' Five C a nts Itswarti. INSURANCE COMPANY, , TIAN away !rani 11:e .nhacra,,,, i. g o bi.on town . Of Pittsburgh. • i a .hip, Allegkrny <nom. p., an ,he 10th Inmost, larue . s f i•Attereoe..leelomi k boi I an indented *morn., C. O. ill1351:1, eltLet.. , —.--A. W MA101,740.1, l lb [tuning to•lnefs. ad on when be went v4,l' OIECC—NO. 41 Water areal,. the warehouse of C. . j t -0-o cough and • „.4. hot, Ken ..... „.„ pomoiooo . , 11. GRANT. PHIS COMPANY Is now pupated to mount ail 1 thi a coo P" . " l -f n on ''''''..''''''''''' A " ""'” ". i .i o d. o f w . .... 00 h 0 0,,,,, ,, 0 ,,,,,, m . 0p0r ,.. , good . prenentong rewar d but shall be 'nulled in the above reward but no camera All oerroot are for. merchandise to store, and lo tronsito vosseis, Mo. L . . bid SW T Da' e 'lathering info boy , na the law will An ample guovanry. for the ability and Integrity or t'l •- ' ' ° tie Institation, Is afforded Lathe Character of the Di• a e „.' l % °O. enforc e d . _,, J. remora, who are all eltleens or Pittsburgh, well and ","1.,,,, 00 , tEn —de; l , a-r. favorably known to•the commantiy for their prudence, Intelligertee, and Inlet - Goy. Drascross—C. 0. Remy, Woo. Horsley, Vl". Ls, bore, Jr, %Vatter Dryant, Gush 1). King, Edward Ilessolton, John Haworth . S'llarbangb, H. M. ffler. ap32,11 PR. D. lIDDT. a f t De e crc.;,. r , G n et .43 vre ril e a . _ oc , l-41 rte =1:221 e l a llen AGILD Lahr, hrbo esphtla of goserattg th ten, Is •II ordstly houvthorpor, and arldhag to f/L - rdfit. Pt of the Pittsburgh and statrgban7 OrPh.f , Loyhtto, would bear of L goad slit:muse and high Marl by sorhysog to MRS - SAMPLE MUD StltAlhitifON, or del: - : MPS ROBINSON. TrE Foe Dalt • aboo!lac•er be withast a .apply of Vass , trea —At this sauna parlor:ally when worms are'ao trcublesoMe and se fetgtlently fatal unto , g chi Brea, Pareas should be watchful. and as the ern appear lure of the. &strewing symp• coca which WRIrl U* at the presence of 1.11:0.16 at once ayply a powecfal tut acad.:a remedy. T11:1 remedy Tf • 0,. toprir, confident that it only en. ;tires a ;nail° convince all that It richly meth; all tan praises that bays bone Isviti ed up. ic It It safe and Infalbb Vo'ourts of cot ac,ates rash! he pi, deiced, sllnwing it, gc , at medical alturen- L7Fot sale by/. KIDD& tdt.Vio Co Wood scot. de2l-4tklev3 Oz TL,rs.tny insur.t, by Ficv. NOW", I.II.LOVOZZ, totritny of OfLeaStrafgA: LA uu. eve FAUX-Ll, of A.L1.70,11,7 F:Ativ Virc Mardi,. of Micgt My. vizi 05 Tram ILA frtncmi R.II tato: piddc tic:r 0.1 Virdr.rdayj :51 frvtra 41.151, retitle/limo. the treat Cdrrinton. 71, friends of Ito iaco.lf arc invited id anc.r.f. 0.•ar,1,4 ‘,..! 01 011 F..: pma:b c,rt , r Om at Th .4t, V 14,4 Wood Whis Potwar, 1/144410g q /lig Wolf/Of ttio Fatal Ward, l'alabarea, al. re• - I Fr L. race: Lt Mr" 1 , ' ,. .'• r.• , ~ C.... 4 1..;! 41...11 , 11.A.5E5—5J tab ."..I I,e• 5r.,741: and Fr ro. cr , : , . ea alaad.... ~..'-',.',. Ca -.,,,ap al, GU itratii.titei • LI, fat etie h , . !tempo, il a.c.e , elt nu theta da). for ate: pupa, ..: ~2 " la t. 1 , Wl' .....tri ph..., to LOW.aal , an I,n•tist Culdednien to. r!C{,.4 --- ... ar py oesarkdrl Ccaryeti. teellnet-I,v JuJyea, 1.. x• ~..5 Bet 11.1V0,1P.7 spcclttre. Pe. 111 nod, 1.1: 'I" ITEIST PL. it Li lIIS (.1 111 .14:111 1,1 I vvrTactuitou slic.tit scatiuL, yill:,1-, A1..c1.11,1., 'hi e it., liiere•• 1101 1 (cc el.eaurs' Hai, 43 Gets. unit. 6re wan 11.7 uner, re:tit - rte. mitl tla all • rtri ' .nrtnet ly urn...l nottnet ',tante, pin., 'or ....h.,. Mi."; Vtt .11. PA 111.A.:11, IL A.. Yttre,pal, tateanatioat LoOtag or Goe,elP.4, a., Iry lin,t. at'. L. Mr DUN ALD, 11 A., Aiiirtetille ' MO tiriliteeliiit vette the Well, m les,. O.Pr . no , Ideat.., ''`l'll4inatitaeen 101,1 Le upeaid fur LLD rev 11001 of 01 the '•orlsee, xi el 111 '.hr War. ( to: . W pupils on Thorofty . the second day .0 Juritiall i ...Jr , . iet peens. ,7 rtie ebt• • to ol ..rtt, •o-ter arra.. thrrnleroyeaplalutee Me uLietrt el the Idit.ta , pat.i.•yt,tuirecithe pl.ned ....fa", sad t red ,el flan runda of ArAtruetnne.restren - of ...eq. t1....1 , ue, I Lamy C.. ee ten, 11l re tit te...roteoto Cl.. p^' 3140 ' .01tna, att . Mate he It: 4 nt the 'mai, a hi. C. 11. . 113[ P. 11.17 1.4 . d - ond , t., 1..•• c. ,1.1....,i 1, ..• a• Width, and bleasti Ray ..t. Cu ,nt of the Pr:hrta,4l st In, 0ff., , 1bu: ,, 4.1 , tr ., .•: , 'own., nt h ',hitt , the Aktrlntigabillit Low.. Itom 2to4L. A , di enc. I. ter i \ pl . l ..t 1, I .1..47,1i..•. I .111,1, I , 1 , 1 ' , ..!=d_..rPf 9F '0.71 411, 1., ;, 0 • th. .• , .....tra eine... , h. tt et IN, ,L . at: - , 1..r0va.1. , Waal , , Ya:l.ce,,,pu, 0h.... he u.o FULA CILILISTLIAO. , •fC I i a. dr. stapt e..era.:re .'..:1 , 1 MilE iabs.7:tar ,,t,liy 1100101, 1 hi. a.m.:fear ' ~ , 1. , .. •t , c:. et Toys •. de au t t.• t...•, :14 T :.,,,..,... „,‘,.., -••-, itoil.rble tor ine tri,ii..., t i is now e'en Eti LI, list,. '.. - .. "" A , A t . ~:,... ...,male ware P.m:. :`. 4.41 Al//14..1 .. up •..I.le, ......--- ,OlLlifila, it 1114 181 g ,, .04 aul•t 5p101 , 11.1 ...atm , . • • - ut lAreauxu• Kew:fut. evas uttered Ls la:. al , ) •'•tu, ported Street Ly guys:ll, and fur sale Ly dett,d4l C 1 c.. 0.1 t_ II - - 1.1d1F.4 w Ramo LIMES -TA. W largest arse/moans or Papes Ithgbe.,l4o ,,, lguad, and Mahogany Worn Voles and %tinung Desks, acct orntint for sans in int* el my own non and mill Ay L5.2i:444 vt:AtiErt Ede assonsu.t of Toy no As. & Ar.t.t144.11, in, awubte for Christmas and No,, de3rira.t.'"' by• C YEAG Eft . _ =EMU HOLIDAYS. GIFT OGOITS I GIFT BOOKS for 1451 Al HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third 0, epposlte the you Ogee /APR Sealers, With Prophets mad Spastic, Tl‘e Jo O' acry, a O,C Molt The Sured Sonte.i do lee Iris a,.d Illuerunated eouver.o The. Geln or Foamy itosury of Ulu itterions The Load: aura( Mercury the Fio,K Ueepeake The Goma of the Seal= lee Winter klexszols Tee N. anal Temprratele O eta; Toe Soot ol Ttraperme: Christian 90111,11.1 e end firles,otears The Keepeaku of Friendship The Amaranth, or Token of Reenembranta Tee hem( Offertte Wrve rottealt osileri,erith tit go sraviese at Ms eingundaeitTble The Tot., or Frit distils The Americus Keeptaze The Sauer Flute gem of the Written World Tbe 00%11 Fount Ttie eilTeete The C Chttrause Tr it Ole The OmlauJ, or Token Of trtoadsh.p Seeeee In the Lilo of our harloar The Ladies' tai The Fortet hla Not The Llor Orate V. 0.1 The Gift, a token of FricalA4P Foe,' Ladies' Alin= 4011,dit pi 1 , u: cdomu Balsa dla ails a Gift 'Rooks for 11181 TIIF:FetaVe l'of , ts lunetlee. 13y H. 11 Real The roofs (Meting far by Mrs M 1. Bak. Mitt ot Deitety, for OM The Wistst oloom wt IRSI Ceb:Set of Mids. Art do 'AO loot, a Vetiver& do 'fee ItemetOber Me do Phe Id. tnoad III" or Cini.s. Dy Be , Weld oe eta Is doe Life crony Eaeiout and Vitatalaacto atui tyl.did edition. Soul of Telllper.Ca Clefts!' lot 1531 The baby Warie do Gem of toe We.ter r n World do The ameticas Keepee he do At:era to 8 repo to of Lady Poore MOO rt Htipows from ale Soared Oracles. Achim's. Reveries of a 13.chelot. BT Marvel Al,, a eomplet. rook of Uoion Books io ancibinetag. at Magmas presents to the 7 oehlf - her':{ 0 0 0 for .1 , by AII ENOLPMI aCu 79 Wood it - • - ricsoberlsig floras@ onil Pittelst:Loth D A LI. penning Inichted to the sterihet tut nom. Afisting bout... Diusbargh Di lOU will Pierre es I st the Rooms et the !Dimly( Trude, Cotner of Wool nut{ W Tined streets, between the heeds oft una elsch,. sad sento their b.lts. untie wish= to r rclatses the Vitlibutgo threetwY will ante piens" evil. SAML PAD:4E3IIICD _.l.?..ttsperhAtio 21, tedo.7ded tdiw 2QR. sects Peit Wine, 'undue brands; t/ dery cues derect Melede Oiru lo atom irrid . for mils M rem riar.r., dell Liberty meet i'VAW.AR- - -lirttiitnite r( clireJ for Yl male by, ounumuat:&ll:ol),llßAM 116 Wider at SONDIOBS-3 0 nhdo pn:uo N. O. Logo'j . 7., 1,01 Jo do bloloosoo; lob boo Rot Coffoq 214 4.,.. Lemons, to antic I ~,, jab. 1, 7 dell illlBolo l ,llo , INt;lifte...Nl . ___ —.— . I t f liltitS & Ct — nd lit'Eti/IVIC,:tot all d itc a 10 , 1 ot 00 IVA tirittatp Ora olio. Lettanotccai iitewonlwoo DI the ninddayi Eliot: ,at. rtit aIR Ai per iiottle Sold byi It a sKtilittlts No b 7 Wood at and by A. 1.1 & D. Sandt_Nat. Yo lk. d.9l c ON ....i50 QVUOI. .6ir do. teed ditsot Rom ihe Q rtmanfactoty. and lot •.I• by deal ! ti Anti LI tilt:Lr 1 1 A n D . L .2 . . . [ L2 - 4 1 11.1 p - 4 , , L v in:a, ,,, b . ro lo w t a . irtl b bleached dell : C AltaliLINOT . FIRE: CRACKERS lot sale by 1 drill' C ADM NINO? Bn'iit —29 brk roll Jost recalled for sole byy Ortil d k W HAIWIILI6II "—SO basica lord 'seamed for sak by CyPARS-311,000 common, received for sale b 4c21 8 a - W HAM/AUDI! . . yriALLOW-40 brio received for nk by 11 tr. w lIARBAUtaI 0 FLAT LIOATIL rejostsifici m b do lo m ros a lo K b i l a a l - co ,rd an 5 . 101'00rl street 160 L iTtr"" i ' d P `"`"*`" eul i trAtVyco DALIL I 111 COPAVIA OAPOULS-3 C o o tI7 KIDD 1 - 3091G1 , 701, ro , ka, Soiree Polka, E. cateh talk., 11.1 Cogacne Poke. Jen.) , Lind's lied Song do flew, no do IferdeneaU fn, Carta Dora, es ,nog by Jetay Lind The Dow Is on tha Inas:nee ; Jenny Gray beet ealltratine tweet balmy I in&Tactual of thee 0, woa:d I we, a bey age. Blanche Mired (Inn Rail Cornereaker ealteelleny Cola ens Loalstana Dane, wuh annatione Leen Not, Thou hart *Ltbded the spirit Jeacch and fe•eett Shower of Peens Bitter Like Yolks Received and rot sale. N 13 --A Large ,teat et New Plan, te e rnvotti week RAIN IL MELLOR, dot 43 et Wand at 2ZOtla AR NIVERSARIC OP THE LANDIAG OF THE PILGRIMS. TRS Annual S'onocr of ihe Neu , Enc;and dlcciety forth be In teethe.. of fe.: Coe, le. Dole), on ,Stoutly e.emfß, r•kel o'clock. Tortots moo he procured at rho Boot Wore of Mr Luke Loornif, Wood wee, dill uolft o'clnok no SattUdzy evesieg, die fast lllttlia. II 11111,1),..Committee iti,l•;F.Y4 of K 11 I'AtNIER, Arreneuruns , rioTtvg. It ISS anhttai meeting of the Ciriethni r.ed ?Itti tergn Nail Head COmptc.y to !tele °A.., the Germany. In /Lateen.. on WeAtzeday, the Bye .y of /enemy neat. et tea e'en.. A. Al. St tebten tn. and Ole. twelve at colors :as oketed Irma the c.t.sztrg rote. 11.11.JAMSE Fe, r. fXca nt dte C e. nit dro S Nee. 0, trU TA• Ex.DA•alie 1101.1 for Rant. THE ono el ripinrr on of Apr; no.l the ptonnrwr ni this art ins leo:: Lona t•lh in a• t tberoagb nod , o.optcv- rtink.r, aLtt oir:ri • laNtrat lvStnt. r.0{411! a/ lYji. RI , LINS. AI:Y 31 tacct. (Fa,t cc. y 1, 1:z1 Gve , lo• Iv , • E1,190n OY, JONES &€O _ . . •- . _ - d Flo for s• LK* F lUttACk. • + La,. try S et IX r ti ALVA,— IG tee. IV. t -air ‘7O WA. RV Chew): Iht ,QODA t!t ills .14y, 422 jj lit prhp. . _ TEAS—t 4 in r t 4 [deli): ANNEfti'ollJ— Ban (Jr eke 45 Nrigi Ni CL d ttrEtw-:11b;lx Lcw; /u • d_IiEE9IVAX-1311 1 N 3 /V landtag 81.= Titsc ISAI A 4.19 _ F".__ T l?ndir . •tAL AHD-4i Cr. Nn 1, •vm.Low—i L 17 tats :%; d<l.o !+AI Ataxop., ott—nbrls del9 11,MAHCo & C L•EA NUT.,—.Ll,a;s nc 1 del9 NA] AM pEACILIaI G Art . .LES--7.3112:p: I ttr l i n 2 n: I. l {l CO If==l - QUNDItIEI-10 brli No 1 Lard; 1 or Orea4e; .110 T 2100; • a 7 bag• Foa2.•er.; le Tara , on st,a ar Cambarlanil No 2, for sc.:a by dell • /SALMI Cfl LA.NTATIoN MOLN-SSES-2U berre's nen crop !alt ace mi tn./ far +;a Alb by It.I.F:R It RICK ilri•ON. vg :It !Atm, _ _ ... . . WHITE lint SUOMI-4o bbt In , t re , ! lor we D by— .l ,19 MILLEIt sc ItiCKRInON PLANTATiO'S nalCieit—at Idols brie, otd crop, on nonsrguntwst, nod I, sale by 017:111:-LInt & ItirliETSON _. --- ----- _ _ ry O. suom.-10 WU now \orp. isndinn, and VI. for salt by itUilStitT ...1.701.1. &Cu dm, IA ersy , t I's A 01,11 , .. , 5E--45 brls now Ovilition.•or ssor 1 . 9 •n. dol9 9 rriti.ire 4,,,,z1,,1, ec co_ HMI+ —I:11 , blO,y CeOl bkins: 1 bloido, Deer Ssins4l - ..ndgr.; for sale by 19 11011N.RT OALZELL & CO ___.— L BVITER.-10 trla in atom i.:!< by delg fIOtWEIT O XLZELL Cr. CO C -- -- IICESE- bxs 1. prina ..T3ry, ‘or 11', by tll, 14/ 1.01:11:NT 11.VLZFLI. t: CO _• - _ EFINEDSVHDP- , ce-,,ra 41 ~m, tar sale t.,y Rdet7 SOLZEitT IhkI.2.F.LL & CU --- -- - -- - AUKIN—""*No II . OI7 4 rAI.ZELL Pc CO 4e17 WaiteWashlog Ftletti T is gal far acoZ, at- blen ds ched a:atOW: tar:a t oror,ertl, any dr Orn rerip a te Sen. Calreete nod other printed Counted rood. Ore :repro,. ed In their appenracee, and Me Color, bora trieldvr after unit urethra in the rood. I. n.ed wrinoot or ney other preparnunt , —ir trnlablr or err b r and roans . , lot. rimy to perbstrn the. work— ,' e onnbut pnirrirunbis, Intonc, and I , is far prepare It east no oder of and ef cent, e nap.n none in Ilse alai. Ina, sauna I. wed; revert roe, whir, and Ironer Oran by any WO, worse, f saa•nina. It esstalna ireidter Inthentive, ammonia, Inamprsenr, pransh, or 111 . :43 0 , toor de.,nrunt•c. de no possible Nur/ or the, and will me fire cltlre unlYea uncd unnteertserilf reads bet quart Sold try It P. recta Oh Woad at T. 11.0 “. macs RI •atlug• itN 'Adhered 'acctsoa sr the Allegheny - OmA , , Tirmserance l'Avcritind trill tie held A thereat mem., In Rev. A. W. lillueliJCSurett i tialidusar rt., Allegheny oil rod lit o'illtieL, A. M Several Abort ... sews WILL in presented by committees raised at the last artclitig.. The temperate and the intembersto are invited to attend. Uy order of the edertbrioe. delft J J SECHAN Sbey 24.1 w Gioads ■gain MUKPIIV B.IIUIICIIFIIiLU bare revived by esp.). le visiew cl IClii ce lnd atilt/Ole good+, ran . Loriu SHAWLS of desir.le colors, CHOl rue. and Pros. SCARFS, (inege Flouneer,(in de Nan*. Ritibeep,S.e. delfi (30thltMas Gifts. ENTLEIDEL swishing to make mast acceptable resent. to their ludy (mds, niii find a] l oll PM & BURCHFIELD'S, tiorib cast cornccof Fourth snit Muter sts, k choice assottnient of Dress Silksi Bouts, .Flee Linen Cambric Handkerchief, Neck Ribbon., Needle Work Collars && ,gelb liDdsitattionsE A School Boot lloyooltory. UTE:DIPS Nowst ;Reader., fillinetc's do. meiles.Onicamani, Geographic., tinste.,Station en% Maps, Globes, and rivet . / wort used in public wad pivot° vehoolaii Also, a general avioruncni cf Mops ..table for schools. dwelling. end OfECCP. Also carter S Bro s. pablicauons, urH Market il l COI. of Fourth. deli lal . arrrEß 4o , -4 Ws froth toll, fo j r kitio nle b u y Auzzu: . „ IXPE eerily that inviileltnat, tirMillnnt to folir I h V two thoesawl five hundred doll*" WV/. heel' Vale in ease en the Stock lhe Pennsylvania Pai klacepaily. rind tips the debts due and anpale wet< nice nu- dred dollars, en anh Novetober • - • . . . ... .. - lax. 0 Eott G F. T 1!031ri.0N. , Seep te.Trees , t. CIIAPLES L,F,MI(I. Prtaident. Alarmed, la and autos cubed thin 17th day of Deco. 4er. 1 , !...0 ra IM:C{iNlAr.Tfilt, And. 11t1.211 . -11 , bas fresh AI R. Ital• Ins; 1,1• ds da 25 dr brs do do 1 , 2 rail, fresh Zonis. Cumuli; 5 by, do, ism Fred for sale by W M 6011511.51 Y. 1 st, above Ilas.l T 137iLT-27,5 seeks, to Its cash, Gm:tad Tahoe salt, is store 4521 for sale by dele:thAl W 14 GORMLEY, la Liberl7 .5 (ion FISII—C2SO lbs prime io more, for sale be ; del/It/nal W Al G6IIMLFY BL IMUCKETS-25 dor Bier Beaver Becket., 13 <at haL,l Red rale by Je p.r.trat W M GO1lMI.EY.::11 Lamm st. Nl ClLASSE rh y r i l ' r r t:l7rn 'i rr i' r . UA l T. l 9.7l6:nete•• reeei•lag per steamer North Riser, tot ule " ,teld JAM DALZELL S LWAR-1 rrler,o7f:o7,:r! " ite 2 e t iving from steam er North River, and for nle by delis JASIR DALZELLi ron d.l nteamcr Clnciaruu, and for sate Lp &Id JAMES R&L.ZELI. UM DIC .IAR - 1 cazn fur,sole by C c_ri J ,CHOONMAICP.R & co prAc - DEts D TVIIKIne K tra7.37A, lIOONMAO, by J KER k; CO ',21 Wood strteL OUTLINE. XIA.PE. P - ELTON'S spfeneid Onilln ' n Mayo are now betas totrodurrd in alt the leadieg school. la New England and New York. We have obtained 'the agency for them In Pittsburgh, and invite teachers and setnot committee. to call and examine them— Nu I—Nap of the Werwrn liemaphere, Vag to sir 2 do Ewiren do ' do; No a-- do North America, 70 at 4 No I— do llnatid States, 7O s-C.! No Entopc, 7 700 E 2 Nod— do ktio, 70 x 79 07-- do P. Ammica k frlta Price ofde aerie, with key. e2s: or tha fin: two: Ilem"splicte Mays, with key, ea • Terse Mops ere unrivalled in accuracy, beauty and cheap:tett, and adapted to the %Tolls of the priakary, pavan:a. mi blab arManls of the Prited States. • En- ral^ a , pabl'sher'a puce., arledon addulon of 110.1 f, efougoa, al tte EDUCATIONAL POOR STORE, null Hof. Strairet k FOl.llllll NIB 'gEST r ii l 7Lred-1 act Kent.' perpolliii l lglom lora flobher bloom, Idt tale at 7 It 9 Wood at by dela J PHILLIPS s FLOUR:—ofof la reectv e w d ON; 1.17 , 12 26 Wood st Lora I, n N E. an tsyL LA E D-43nral 17 Leg. ;;;;;t r;A:1 1 , 1 for TIURBIIIDGE & 0101; R&M, date iO Wo.ter 111 TCCEZS FOR sa,Lp 20 51i16.C.Es \lie...4MM Ili mazer Curu p , us; IU 5 , l•Tt'S Pcnn , q17an4.5 end Ilh , o pail 55 , ad; • 5 da North alaunenn 51IrrUg Corupanv dell A I.VIGRINS lc CO Ti!rtia Croak Planlr. Bond. ofverrv.rd by Cell A WII.KINA & CO Patent sods hen. 9a P C,ZsZ r . .m l o t 3:1 Glee Meters', roll n on e lttn o d , o‘.l for sal, the loco iParYet p °.3 b or approved \ I S tr. NII.IITCHEL2P.EB, dolt • 1 tbrrq Cold 'Weather GOOd•. },,(CRP Ass lY k e efu ll p F t l e i ltga h 'come anode do , da mrin Flannels. erhga and Lomeli 'fon;:erl +lO IToot.rinka`ela rionoedo, Under Rid Drosnom cr. oee , ireek.e, evartted Searle he. Scoria , curtain Chtata. tiTtil:Pird it tilitteilFiELli lava :remora a top- 2LL pi— idiot I roptimeht do • cell -- CElltal: NIVEA G'S fiZZLNOSe ~ JflaT IaViIIFIFYL, a rim stock c Cliiio • e emia'aa. GI anti :octavo Fiances , • .1 all, A richir carved Ghana Piano the 0 ircosibramira' iattracient aver tonital t to this csl7, Thera hr stipnlird 1.3 LIK . II, at Ito•toil price,: N",114( . 72 an CMAY. 70A 71A1C ranrxrcox E. isisr. alto e•criired, a fine lot of hoar wood porn and a:l,rd filial, fitaole, will silk plush and hair cloth seam. For tair by al qr . : 11l C o A at,: for - 's l'iande Western Prania. not/ Veld. V roauxa•ter• tr.endt.: Chrnornler maly tuna ciyh"een Et:rat: 'The =.1 . . :rere mao, prc•-ly to nt , ,r. am. cl worlEmrat,hip 11,0. n.orto,nt Gold anti art W ate :t2; rTerrol 111 e.ty 1 Wqtel,' , . from S'lo to $l , lO. u. tron 0111 11'd •o- $.ll to 2.10, of govlaT trnrrreqr-,lt:ene, SANDS , SARSAPARILLA. 11 Q r U / IIIT LIOTTLEC£I. rdo.CLII7IIIO TIII 151.0iD, aID [Oa 1111 CCI/ 1 1 OF derorul‘ Or Oars Evil, Ithouniattsho,ol , ollmato Cam. of-oot Daphono, ll l l[loT l k Oillics On the Facto, Dlotet.o., Boles, Chrome Soto Eyes, Itiop Wort. O r Teller, Scold Bead, Ettletl.t.tM anJ Peon of the net and .10111.,i 1 111 1 /Orinl VICOM, pWluc AfillptOnS, Politico Of Lurchown.—aittl disewss 1010014 from In tlll - 11d Olt l 6ll CIO of Morcury, Art IC,' or Dropsy, Expwsurt or Improdeuro or. 1.110, Alen—Chrodolo Coottiouttohol Diwrders,,te. 101.111,11oartaion we have roll dor roc:pro:lye pro Bernes of the toss, mutinied ach on; rentrated an their utmost strength land etficarY mere mode in the on tore cremine until it with found it could Gel Le impttived. Accord gly. we Gni] it resorthd to 111411031. amthrtslly ,it case of 9cnifilia. Litter Inseams, a Prelim, General P 1 ,15. mutton of she Vhal rowers. and ad those Itlnnet.ltrir discmcs of the thin so mitig to toe patter co, and m ambits to the bran. It is a moth aperieut knd dme toreattht. It opts simultancouity open •hc stomach, the eirealsan, mid the sesects, cted thin three pro scores, rehtoh see oniniarity the result of three mire; ens kinds or mcdthism, are cerrme en at the snot: time through thr Instramentalny et :lit, one memu arena Them re many wave of it I ethic for M time onto . but there It only CO.- may arms:a-Atm (o.a % 1 I-I.OND tvt r. le I h R 1 Lirl /1 L1G01,5 la • I by 'Mir( k Cl Mtont •V• disease. Din palliative, O00:111.C. 101501 ap. pileauen will remove lt mom to attacked at Ins source, In the fluids of the which eO3T, preen n wt hi lee ethics a. here it Is de, roped in mn Sam. nmo.len, scree, ulcer, tumors, re• aprzscs, glertemas sterility, rer on the case may 1-1.. These Soils roust by reache - I, east epon punted by race roe cad agent. Sue: no ogees is muds , arsapa - ilin, which gently rSeidlAra while It dam tents and curds from em t e stopaeh and bowels ail that Is ante: no end et the same mane stemma hem vigor col term Its peal meth Is that tt meets lad nesiteilisra the epiree preemie of disease itself; and TOO. ;hat Is gone, the aye soma necessarily tap iocas Tr e rapidity with which the :mace, c o hea!th tort rang, wider this taPP.e mdaenee son,. pater. Soon Lew T in which epp-Ine ma hes In the newts new c itifters. of Ito exec:mice: nod ham only no in Yr the accdemeleneal teen b oK% - y R Lo of realt:iseei .o bare expetie , eed, a. .s, to cc' elnee tecooluflre Roof o: is real es's,. ems Liest. ALM,: of the:ace/ . hes ki,...1!) . scot es the m foilowg tette: from Callformx— f4o,essera, ha. E. Sao f - '' to.. leo Metal A • ..nde---7,ondtctch-1 re . .211 TO to add ray tenricaony 10 facer,,( 7dh , thoninside ate :mate, kapott it may lead ee Giber totfa lunott befogs to try as -lam, and that thr.y .any be Lama :load as hove I arandul here (rain the Vialan Viet F y Over lend rata, ahoat ale ,rata:Ca:arra , lust A fate days a rr at di is nrorts_ied V. oh a very airaereeabin ott u r hinir ay the ilium rich rev fdr/7faiaachotted not clue. I Lipp , cad' , ' hod l ler 'arrnp : , a Iris. pace, and • etatiabd,lnt tht loguienty of the InralCvc or hone I purebasia theta battles, which had the &citedode, el yr-sc. - Mg my daculty en drily. Warr nigh regstde yours, erd I. 11. U S. A. Hera it another, Ilearti home:— Nam , 1 opt, :Ina 8,1.751 Mem:. Sandshe4'endarnon--1 have pat: pleasure in acknowledging in you the grrall,ntht I have re• carved irom the aria ad your oorripardia A ableat of pnimordiry dictate, I made a enYafin ro Europe, I bur world :been cocti.rd to br etibered. A rem iris oat, ale triers, 1 WaS it eta will -.violent tacnorrhantr of thn tope, .1 Item rho dabolt, end gr-at ororarnrion of auerttar diet foam:wed, wolf tin prat - titled diMeuity of I:capitation, I ant entirely r-t -loved by the us: of ycor snrsuparill. o-hreb I con sular Most into V.llll rind traly a:unable dueovery in :be belling art I fret that 7 have col for fourteen years annoyed co gad heath!, a, at platect Very grilEt(ully 1011/14, Z.‘ It. :741idCtRil. Reed um ItlllOWltq, 1.011 , Mt, Oahu, rt., ?Icor Id, 11-17- Mem. Fonds—Gantienfra—l intro the tfacifY_ cl tending )on u letter whinri . bin; es of frtiportaree to those whoa re toiren. us I h done. I teecierd great benefit fro. your rotetebff balint eared of o tne'ne year._ y e tn:toittle ale year erchy cheerfully ettlny orbletlect of ) war uirdlcine; and I hope find will reward you for all good yoa I have infue. A rourae couan lied f ors.. eat day tied plaid, tied repeated .141,11, .wilaccd tan to believe that I 0.110 die with un to uyitteit. One day, ert Ileoutfe ~ tOlcl,l .I.'ll or bel., freer, a (red pers.& d ore id try your menu:lovable Inc: theive, het to isti thi: troll.. I hod no confidence In It I Anniq n tattle. Atlti by Its rite and the help of Ciro, I was re.iinr, wt health Om I had eortiytel :nr ,t earl I cannot tut Wets the aUttof of OLla adoe'trittfle ries:lett, W. vest it..b.ct, I am,olletlittat FEU - MIN Glatt:PAZ rtfpektC•ingd 6014, vvLuirsuic 4,114 retell, by A 1.1 A I.I.I . IANIISJ Druag , so old Cladrotli, Valtee [ollie, of Neer Vogl. ‘/Irl . also 1.1 to geootolly lalnaglaad tli. litaitea ,aalre cod Car. ada. rstee SI per Itaule . fot SS. Fer sale try I. WILCA,dr., U. A. I'AtINE:f IVO! A Cll., ' ee l ElnilAtil , Patal.t".re aair O.:water .nol.deadb.eri STAGE COACH A, WAGON tOINITALTURERS. Barnett o:thinner, endoi Ehedthld Pet. It her been Feted by tear , best euggh bri.Cder+, end pr Pounced to be the beat to use. All ordinary coach, with a ret of thew exits, among tinily. wid eonagme a half pint cried in air months The email quantity of oil coed tv owe of the best eatdeneea *4. have of the great re duction of (notion, and Coternaaerly great raving of power; It sill mate the cOiten ploorletora tonere CS per cent. an their. stork odd teed. Alto. it ...Moo. , mot attfutj to traveller., the flat revolving with wLeel :non not having - any covnes , on wdo the. ;tilt will entirely ptivent the anted GOT 001,GUlf or, By proper cart. the potterer vvaFrart the. axles to last from twelve to lateen years daily ructrucar. Warehouse, 109 Water and 140 Front areas, Pttuo bail!), Pa. nolf AOSEMENTS. iIiCTURE Liberty Bir•of • Oprrt E VER Y I VEPUIVG, fur a :ore uric ,, , poTt.c", colebfroxf" soCto of pg .1.0 I' A NO It A NI-.A.S, A VOYAGIrib EUROPE, Embracing aragn,ficent ',cars cr itnEm. its Ilatur, Ilamax tic Atlantic, Livcrmaol, LON DON, From ar. ThamtV, par.:m; uraer Its Itetigra, maims 5a1 , 13 raar,F.iLteral attar of lir TII&MICUB TUNINE:I6. IS:itLmUi d uoth h•nl. :ha tx..alitul An EaltiLitton tare ^ Etemr,4 4 allot nom, at 3 n'etork Admooton, .15 Coot-. r httr'o , m.let 12 lento of 4,15 cent, • • Dour 4 will open at' lat k, I'22:atoms to eom. encore moving ac!{ o'clock. ie.12:230r =M=MI 1114 Rll V.. 11110 Dlehlalts66 , • LI " I:, L ou b e.7ott h ., ' : ' n - r o m f ar 'P D P T, " FT 6.6 a FAM•I3 , II . • eCe•ILLI . IViI , ...Oiti, old 116 , , ia • great varlely of MAGICAL, M ECM A SICM, :OD 1 1111,086 pro. C4l. 1-XElllalEarlit iO - 11c6,,r7 open at d l o'clock; P,rlco olca tea - Mace at 7, UV - Admission; /ill/ cents. IFr par Lealara tea 131116 of tha day.] de..:117•X PiTTzlit.!ROR -‘'..m.wgt4c4,4r4doOe're• Coiner at Third and Malan CledilLTEß ED A. D. 1554 .01Lartaillr.r.lEntio',n of 4.: Ilvad Inßenrea lursxo. Jan Plccolbg; prthespel Inr.taelot Ira the Science A MIMI.. • 0. K. Chambirlio, Profemr of ileonstrathir, Me, Cotupoto.ton, 00. Alex. M. Watson, E+9+ Lecturer cn Commercial Lanr. The Canine of Insulin. r anch ih , ok Kospingi, arid apolitourn to every branch of Cosiness, l e e• tares on o , 3lMeiele Law and ommarilal Somme, Penmanship, Met Clrallin C 001111161... C• etCdfra, MI enter the College at any tics, and when entitled, will Connive a Diplom.. alined he th , Faculty and Examining Committan. Cele ===SZ OELLEFONDAINE AND INDI &NA IIAIL EUA D. EftLED PROPOSALS will Co received at SACK. 0 SON MIX, Berle county, Ohio ' nown as Ye, seines) etll Jarinary..2tst, 1661, for drh g the pohb , tog, clearing, .und atationr, o . 25 mile., from Lora.: role Creek, to thoJanetlon with she “Itililar,apolit cad liellentintalne RUB Ftnad,e at the Indiana State Line. Picalet are now ready, at the Engineer , e cusey, SIDNEY, Shelby County, Ohio whet,' Inform ti nn ran be obtained from true Petah< non. Fondant FA:pincer l'rorosstsl3sy la .0 be lett at Sidney, oil the 0..0 of January _wind yrecoais .1 I aisn be received at MARION, Ohm until FctTll . l4 Stb, neat, fordnsnp she grabbing, dna day, and ata niana 40 enter, tanween Merlon end fleliafey.., ng: ,:a Ihe testa and Monks on this diVNIon, Vi,ll be road , ten nets t,f)rethe lening. inflate:shims can he onteined Arm aletir Warren, Resident kruniteer., at Iletlefontalte, and at the Chief Enelneet's °Moe in Merlon. 150 Mien are the only portions au the mote not yet under conical. ILI, roan is known. tuenhon :Inks in dtegrese. central backbone altelm ,, front Phi seerptita to at bezie, and likewise as the :ifs, ro roasnostinh tee main Linea, front Dolt, and New York, throuyisCle•olard. LI, 0: der of rho Board o , fronton MILNUIt EttlDEntS. Chief F.ogincer. F:Nallindklerws,.slterlon, U., Dee- tu, tato. eeioidestrasty4t LIVEIIPOOL PILOPSALTY FOR SALE. TICILPING hors ter sale In the town or E., Li•tninii, Ohio. ellen' print, and on favorable terms-414 5 tor enener lets,and slat; lento 1011—f•ea being CO 'tee front by l feet deep. Livelpool le 10. eattel on toe: Ohio riser, 45 mitre betas? Ibis rine, midway brtneen Pinahnrch rod Wheeling, 4 miles Irony Waitron , and little [leaver, and the same dis tance in and Calcutta. It iv italic healthy anti beetnifet part of (thin. has lave Inhabit tents, and oye.e aim rttr...neri, 52011 T EOTAtII9II -51ENT0 tor-the mannfitentre of flocktegthan and QacenntanTe'ireternl Ent , l+ geode, and Elmer; store', and ntrellebt on of 'orient kohle, fear rt.arena, end public whew, nt rce , nt n 1 t e ema were narehaied ernanerfitcturn a who deanln ted, Inc daring Lite conarg ten.on, pol.trie.l and,Other Lore white, itt eldtben to flureownern atvLyellaer ware, baying teen manure...will ,in his town, it is ',atonable to torgrowe flint tt will rapidly deplane p a r,wea &clue,. en viewing the pi - npert, cart do an any day, he's taw boon van train L'ittitereh, "eer. - •11, lenenic Oar where, er:ry Cal On Lw:rpm:l. Wrlisente and Wile:Ll:a Tenon of paywent—haul fourth in coed and the bal. linen in throe count ennui joy:ter-5, with =rent. !I.lltnew of li o nw low fer new pester ner.l4: brier 1.710 g. en, and pn.nt ttg, to no Gene n 1 L t donna the trot rprieg end man mar,ll-1, let LUSIDer and Lira. pply SPAndford C. Hill, , Live pnal, or to the rat.eriutt at tits 017a . ..0f Mss•r. b. Pa intr.!, ttomeys Lew, so it 9 Foeith 'we.. JAAIES BLaKELY dr t:e&withlo Yiu lay: lieu in /",1'er.511,,e4 to boo KEAL GOOD TEAS . 15 at & H.vN OD:VW& TR& STORE, rani *Um 604 and $1,09 par Paned, atrial} Olact Teen el ?5• end the Green Teu sLoo tie hbe rely tut: mper.a.l.llo U.: U. Steam del? • Prone). s.lalluOk. , rP t IVPI Neel ar Futrch Merino', 61, pike a roared JD ' 114 du Pataaialua Chale t .11 aukats, • po • Cosurg Jada °'.° do Atkaard 16 , 1 opened by A 6 MASON & i . O deli- . "Or ecatalarkat at HILL PIICIPZEITI: A. NY pontos soishim, engage fit the Milling boar • fa. uess ma/ bar at a yeridesirable property by WAS II sotiveroN, 112Socan4 rtiE 01A) PRINTING ESTARLISHMLNT, (LateJobtatton d Stnekton't) • And blend; Bowl and P.l.atioiary. TYareboe... prt Nand to exit on every ttslo Lege), Coll• 11,1TiAl, Coast aid cicala Moat Job Prattle* end amt Pt 011111; and fernith every sends in the Blatt mat, paper, nod natant:en late, at the enemata nee tie, wad on the most ttssonattle lance thank Hanle and Stetioncry Woretonae,turLel of Si.ftrl clad Second 4111.015. Printian'OCiec and rock na.derV,Na 50 nand tn., AlttaiLD'id, Ilibbert*: Beath illartilarOs theca. Red licatlo, Carmine 0051045% Fultesht, Moot cudr raJact ina',,,• cad aloneoe's Bisce and fled Lead Pencil... Irkstatill of every desestplith; °Molt's, Cohen's, Fran's, henry's, Kelly's. lease' , , and other MAlnm fat:lases of hied Pen.; 0. S. I:. M. Srtath't (successes lo A G Katie* ft Co) edlehnste* Gold Pens, with grid end'adver ewe. Whsrubanls Enalith Paperantiquaslen, do and clephart, .ilea. colathbler, sap., thy el, this/ and elephant) Brietol ithards,cap, delay and Indite.Pe sweated beard fanny box peper,phin gold and Allvf e,c.l.lpo.llcd gold, Stitt: cud fancy enlorre papas, re . ) ond catered ttnes and ecnrth, end Ithograpbe lot arty bests; alarmed p ncithent of *a e th er, .citable for decds, at and diplzmniu french cote paror,thiway eon hand, the mnss desirable 50 sloe -d ploterns, plain, 014 enthrstheel soil atlecrdd, sconble for halls; glance. arrediveS ftild 51011 . 515 g. Frenclinete enc.:lnge* vino) snd embossed; lend brawn; white and blot laid and plain ad tetise clesionce, bag', blot and white. Wafers, wafer cr ,ps, tie r,l:evar; setting send; sass, tin, croon end Tastes hr.:wood send banes ropying presses, Inks, brushed, Elena) and rdthicsh enpying,booke, and all vc1"..1. paper an eolith) led .4 width Naunng - yvt.." ; n. /60- The tiler*, with all ether tittle,. In lb* atlitillearT line, both tansy end Annie. unether with a large as.- s^stmeni of blank .wok •acd ttommf am hooka of all C 0 ,51.200 forme ofradeg, me Idyl* of bindings. and pqper of all etre/ asdquelthes, lersalcn; seders,: sates an, int! thestsettac , l'lll ; ajC , It'f'S_ • Et 1 Slunk Etc.k aad S•tatlost7ry ~*. Wardegre, teiG C:nicr of Market trd rrone sts Lang . Shawls and 11:7 Goods. -IY2: 'hat, Jots torclird oz , ontlotoct,t a vary bkr.dsosno lot arLeoßßbcoc * m tLferant th viii to eloped oat verp ~b attlt.. TOO tied, h . 1T:tootIdly jutted to call aid ell entiot tbers. Mao, y,ry lout lot of DU . Goode, conectiott us, put zo, follows, Soper Ulna French . do tithe. rtown itttd that: do :Mac and ttatt )'tench Dotrtkln elotimtrcat do Uro,..n, and erg , Tabby Velvets,. de heavy )lint ed &tr.; Vit.hted tlo; 11100 bladk to,t oed strtiol) do Block dllk Total oltoolt do . Mae block We Mat tat Tate ca,vcri sap. itaate,!l*. a Al tat. Madder r,:mx Turkey Ped, neat tree o; 4.4 do do ride fat onttokadc.; 44 do do fancy sttlts; Etto.tish; • • Popetior French do; • - • Supthor 0,1 colara et ee. For a ,ta LV • ILLERSEY, PLEUrrICI & CO, - - -i Itle;te Dontis jztot zeteltsdL DP of Jahn Randolph of Hottacke..X7 Dagh T • vr.ta a pottatly: sons. tftromas. sy . ..ttne at Lett,,inz•.L.seget.cca, nlicd Id . .he 3,47 Of Fesock . , :renehßesd.r. iliaatte;eo.,Tllll illEtntiCM, firer raplaral,Philosophi• COl am) Ph;Mlog mai notices. Uneriej,Pmkw ot.;100 Front h Lanstra;c aati Litetalore 1n the New Stark nee academy. Irmo 'rhelecaod solhote of the Id...molts of thO Life sal Westal*s of Thema, Chahar_:., - D D, L. L. D. DT Ins ran In low. Der. Wm -Harm I. D. 111 , 14,7 nod ticorraph7 CI the L Middle - Ages, for collards and schools. chi:fij. item the rrroab. lIY Otazge WashlLgmn Grcend, %Altar of Life of Gem Greene. il'atnr The-Pathways and I'taces of ear Lon1;i1- I.lllrated 10 the Journal of al ~ ax through. lte s and PCOI7IIIc, with homiest:a Vogel - sit Kt.', of .1.31. W.L.l:killeht D. D. I roys ,Tll. rot ,aLs by g dell 79 Apollo Ii Vetoin Foool'lL--. Llffffi tlAtili, l 811. A WING CILFAM—Wi... is ri Bib may who dots n ot sobwolaio ue 10.1113 Y of art COY slue! It toy there be, we do DO adlreos our. turf fo Olio. But In all 014 ro WO alp if ins Sob setwlei aloe Ins e Oculist, inuttale t besot' islet, Iftuel's ttlmonn l'lttnehio 'et Ambrosial $01.14 Creams. It in aserlyatopowd.te to find words to de. stribi the fee licos of is rerun who boa bunt:Ma tO hallow. with ordillna beal, tk 4 '_,,1r.... 16 ' 21 1 :4 tLii TO( the tient time 411.6 CCOAIO2IIO2 -04 "MOOT, la. caitarinn, and plonturn.: JULES tt4kUK CRP-AM/a exceed./ ladly emollient; uselerlng the-ttiffest sod OWN Nino ',lard toff and pliable, erodocnisu admirable lather; sod by !if tornmely onalloff sit 'MU tacr..!end presenting that teuccestal tuff stiff hobs, of the .tie which to to oftow-• aperient.' off's thro ttle.: Gentlemen toot Jake tutor. ffhayncs Cm. may; fate the coolest end o plerator, winds im: rocastety alter ita stno, I,L at LOS . stin becomes, chapped. And the: c'sslay at • cut 11, we eta Safely, lay joill OtTtt see soy Obi; • 1 3 - Ono gust advantage, w eipeelalig sp. preinated by thou 'ob.'s.. • ail. M the ES!, 00111 Will not discolor. (1.,t , 1.4.bia moat l o o p s g a amid, of fluty aproranee to lha 741:do7iVe"Wthisk et 1. Jalet tuffs Shaving Creams net elnelebtral preparatiotnq 1. accrevaded Inith sally to ed.' h di e exclntion e , stun/all caletlated is t e die ore s of 1 /.,! - ' °"ffit ooo tais and era be apyrrclowd by al! geLog,.. ha (Jilt of ihom. Pi:pt. - n.lo l l l ' . it deefotaet is ; cgaai g g, i Ida iTt.c.,..dsz;phdis; Fer sale, swltolestle nod Me Ail, by a. ccs,'and R E.ffellers,rittAbsoshi• and /aka IWget.o Seef!..11110411. ialeadlOt COT, folff.—gig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers