Ii r ±XP.SUCED 6 Ttraelltitti.VlllLL POR.Tbk: PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL OP THE STEAM iIHIP CIIEROKEE. Two WEEKS LATEIt FROM CALIFORNIA New Vein a, Der.. 29. Thesteuner Cherokee arrived at bee dock to day, at 12 u'eloct. • /She firing'i dawn !from Geld - cline to the 13. et November, beteg two weeks later !Lou thine pre. Houaly :reeked. The atetelee beings 241 passengers, and 81,- 009000 in gold. The steamship Genesee arrived atPanama, on the 2d November, with two weeks later new+ , tram 15112 Francisco- The Leeds had 'not reached Cho. • pee when the Cherokee left. The meal:whip Pa. ' Witte bad eat arrived et Chasms no the 9. I)ce. ' ' Theehiladelphis arrived. the 9:11 from New Orleensilted would sail the nerd day. Both vets eels would be full of pasiengers ftom the Pacific. - Sari FEASCISCO, Nov. Da The news lance our tort lace presents nothing of interest as to the Ogress of California. The cholera has load many of our citizens In the dtan,slace its appearance here. The number of deaths has been abootl3i,. while, at Sacramento, the number has -proliabiy reachedThi; . 00 ,,, r0, however, m tb thug, cad the deaths, either city, do MA average' oveee.ight or ten per r. This mortality ta, proaunted, m a great Luca. awe, the butinesa o f the larger cities, and coax. queutly edema every locality. j Dowag the approachiag jwanterj as much larger number of miners will remain in the mooch., tun ever before, and, consequently, more golf will be taken out than any previou'vralter reason. Math attention is being paid to :quartz If Imulg. The btafipoon Manes are yielding a good return, Detwitteaanding the machinery is not na powerful ita desired. Within abort tame pant, however, another quarts vein of veal richnevi Luta been dia• award between the South fork of Fulda:: and Yu. 4a rims. . Hermit:re the mice. horn only been K/niched over, and oeienune mining ono only jaot cone. meneed.Q When ful:u under only, bud nit regai n!" iontouct of capita! teuvily employed, the re sult aril) be even more weeder: hi item over be tore. The tallier an extra STUMP, of. Llll3 Lexeda , lure tx WI Ind.:, 'dere:einem, ccd cut clwacther Impixtbable,- - ea the aecessdica or the Strtd de. atard it. Thew of Canf T 2114 atakrog Benicia a pm of entry has called forth MIMI dick- union, and reel. ted no little awcalahroent. It lc linen snot Can. Revs lid I make aelileconn disir ce hill In accord ance wahine whales°, inn peop'u. The Indian d Setiltes. ornicene, but aro of a leas Wert:Ong character. 9 vend akicra laice have taken place, tot hare been ;acceded alit to lour of only two or three on either el 'a. The Sacramento Times ,ZYF: We knee scan persona from various pare of the trao•s, Poo whom we learn that the steers has spread ic beta very Ilmked event, end only a be; ca. see had occurred at Naiads C ntingh and Bawdy, and other tonne:' Obverts°, Been.tt her limed n nanciamnicon, settles , forte be 30th of December day of Thanktaivlrg and Piayer. • The Tuba mints have nceerall babied well, the average entreat, per man, being &SU to an ' dollars per day. - George W. Bescon, : ef Philadelphia, died at San Finesse. A very deatractive Are bad tr.ket place at Sterameaio. Antoott tba boddiaga dettroYed area four-lario note ' @. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. . SAN Faaaccecs, Ntv. - 1 - 57 flour—Tb.a market ie dud, aad pace, are de. atlas. Bricks—Seel biro baen =Ade at sli . Jazs per Calser—Sapplies os tad ;Ire large, aza Ste mai. kes is gales. Coal—Sepp:les ere plenty c.ad the raeika doll , Domeidea ere ccehomg:d. lanolce drags eneg heavily. Provisions en &boo: no a-an c! iLat red.. • Colldag—artieLa cf la Lary; ate, a:e gee orally oridoint omega. Money la picot, r. , :131 per can.. Gold dual u erllirg at elf. 38215 per cm:co ==! \VasaLanuod, Van. Stnute, yefterday. otter some ay. tuna:mama bovines, adjourned over a Monday arts. • linctrt....lion. I). F. hiller , theniber vier! from lowa, was introduced by Mr. Vinton, moo after be. tog duly qualified, took his tem. . After some unimportant billunesn, the Hour, west into Committee of the Whole, on the private ral• ender. The moult of the proccediegi orna the possego of two printio bills, after *Lich tho Homo ad journed• EOLITH C%KULINA t-EN.9lOa. Prr.u..nurtt:n, Dec.2o Mr. Ellett k electea Henn , ibm &nab CMCIMNS.T/, Vecembet 20. Hogs, In Alton, Mane, are galling at' $3,:0 —6313,75 per-100, and adraccing._ The Banks a Teem...moo tyjice any whir thao-Tenoreace or co Da paw Lr . exchange or payment of *Wee. Easters Sight Exceaugr• hove aJvaureJ iv Thu city to par. and . BALTIMORE MARE E L' Ilettroueo Dec. ?A. Fletto.—Sala lloward etrost teete.i, et tln7, of city mills a 'A,55 per oht. Omit, is eittl.en cheugc. Provistone•—The matket moutons firm, es feet quoted. change nolca la other tuti:.'ee morally quoted. NE YORK - rtsc suLat. Deciruber Phut--Sua KAt and clixed,fritealraz and kJ:. ana CORLDOU AI .1. Gelling at /14,h7315 per Orate—Toe market is %lochs - it/rd. Groceriet—.Jaffe is heti m rupplie,, nod Gin. Rio Is willeg st 1012it1e, itlclistes is quirt al 330f0r ceW e , ql Orleans. &vita: a alMadf at , 4_ bar old asp Nrist (Meant Provision.—port it held io 313 Laid at 71 071. Whistey—l - iles of. Chit a: 27:. 13111:11212 Dar,ember2o Cottch—Th t teethe& hl gale!, nod Owe. initial the hdriece. Sure of 600 he. at 1310131 fr.,.• fair aplead; and 12;312}:. fur mid. ans. FiataTlV. OrlDtkv 11 crady, 71. h =ie., 6,000 bbts at noon Rysaloar--rtio market I, de with Dales of 200 tibia at 37 per bola Uraiti.—Wit•st is he'd shoes in sec.., of bop. ors. R. ie ',more at 7315. Crs is onehangrd, with talcs of 3,000 hash at Wise fo for ncw, and 67e for old. Provisions- .2'11,11,037 bigs pork no 212 =l3 pet bb ; prtrae - insiespi. Lard tot trio, ~ + :11 sales of 103 Siaja at 7071.2 per Whiskey—lA.3 270 bmcis tit 23 1.1 per, got lon. ChOcitirlea-- The tosslict is cote , with of 300 begs Ricretiores at fanner Sal. of 100- lads Or;cans snips at 01i61c. Tabscon— ZS*les of C 1) bntir en KM . 820011 Hilt, -.4.4106 of fiorcral f ,sin lan.] Win 01=et ham, .t fen, to eg0.,11111 C-SCNNATI I I- it 2.1) TLr castles is quiet. ales ri4.70 asad ac .`llll64,lsyeautst. Recevs cumulous fair. Other artir'as are ,;taersily art so: cusarte. Taa river Is in Cum raisqatus lorder. Freights toiriamp!. _LOOK HERE .MY FRIEND! A amvor A FATHER, labolior: for rho oopon of a family. and saacria,c Horn general debilgy and Low speraa, tha t m ost seems a borden, use DM, fa D. HOW E'S FIIAWEii SARSAPARILLA: ADE 1:0t1 A MO rioEiL. Esteem; feta Meerut to w'ziob foamier are goner ally tabiect,r, m Dr. S.D. Howes Shake tSmaap tient a —it wlll earth , nly core Ton. Si •Irpah or an ono of ocia;:ents,and,tol n Crry ' Veliftr. 71: 7 be 7f Tcry P: X,l: bteritheme,sos permed:on:ly can r more !Manatee to whibb tlel baton fontly arc co unstally sobjcot, then any Ott prerortalms of Sus paella (Tel )el brooght Oda , - the ratio. Thla o' er o r. bar errahltrael 11, r e put a tion by Its tomer. or and well allosud 00 re - It la poem m ma mh.,.and as' be only Sarret plats that an lever, Kie4C and Mood a t the menu tick rendora it altr,e th e: LlOlO volt. tato berm" on , : pattlerillrly tOltdattlar tore aae...lortrafr r Dr. D.D. SllAriCit EIAILDAAIIitr and man ea other: peter al nor bon3o—C. tudtlea tot td. For Watt' _ S. D. IItiWE. L. Cidoeropnetsda. 1 CoUrrallal/.alorretatLe.„ ' To whom .! ardora mast to addree_sed Also, Orr 0..t0 by J..A.Jones,J. lictoonwater &Co vy.sh leo cs, b K'.Slurs, J. M. Townstoi W. E_MC e,l'tuateteY;AA-PJIImy AU , J. M, a nd laatea Datil &Co , Wboorunp I. IL . PI a,a and SO. .atorEan, Clatravdla ; ?Wee h not lis d Slabber Goods 11:192' reed-1 dos 41 fret Itsbtxt W t.:p; Q 3 dos 5 feet do; dr.r. 0 feet do; I 4:11.7 feet Jo, I does fret do; 2 dot Odes 's T.okr Sloes/111 , 0sec • - 2 Jae Buckskin Mutiny ; sui the bulls ikpol, 7111 Wood it dell - - J h 11 1.1111.1.11 bull Tallow; . 15 tabs Pestle; 10 btls PAO Apples; 4 lois Clove !sad, 6bes delerstur; • _KO bss do • 20 Roll Danes , I 50 kegs packed do 115)ssilauc1 0 big toll do; 2000 Dia Chet so; Ibex, Sheep Yells; fur isle be D CA. "'FIFA. waliftn, Go dsaalabln a e Wyh leTslMale , G lema m e o qLWOa I balsam Bas'araetw7 Wattage 8 . 14 NO WA Peg Mts.. • • 01 , `,111ElicIAL - RECORII. .rrsysevauu t wean Or/ 1171111.132 mxtexurs's Exclaim COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER. WDZII :0311‘ }UM, ..... Ltk. TILE CPC84,21 STEAMS= Collies Idle-proof Lirrrpool to Mots York. [Woe Copt. Co] Saturday, D. ll' latelba Capt. Nyr Saturday, Dee. 19 dlowlic •-••‘CapL Weal Saturday,l.. Id Fr= Aresol'ork to Liier?“ll. •-• •Cepr N)e natal - day, Ded.2l Omar,: 11. 1 ,re--F., Live77.l. Asia Free, .Vert •• • .Wecke.deY • rk. ttl - Asuctiee—.l. Prom Bacon tVeenetday,lke. Afkeis ••• •• • From N. Yen Weller*Jay, Jul. 1 Canada . From /11.111/ Wedegeder, j an. II ,Frurn For N. York Fot Batton Orr= Sudo% Nat,. Co.—For &emelt from N. } HERMANN Cep, Glabtme V.,lay, Dee. 2U. From Error's to Nero Fink: WAS El/NOV.IN -Copt. Lloyd ',undo). Iko. 11 PIT rife inirinDz Au Otnca, Prmnacaan Ohdavra airlantay morning, Ore. 21, MO. I The market, yeaterday, was marked by no material Change in qamations; every thing mmvina order al former rides. PLC/lin—The receipts wets more full, and priers, both from Grit baud. and (tofu wore, a little le.. Soto Sale. of =I bits were reported to az, on the whet': at 1rJ,701/113,75 p bbl. Sale. from atom, ht regular dray load., at SS 51013,87 p bbl. GGMN—The receipt. of all Cud. of geoln NU:ulnae l'auted, and prices are.geueially fine. We Quote Wheat nt 7502 Ge; Itarley at 21.1015 e Rye, Gee Corn, soul Oaf. at SPare p bathe!, Goal Grit Land.. Oftlat.TßlC-We Demce a general qoietnesa In ;he mantel, mnerd •- •in 0-10.1 yap a have been owcfaneal to gmhro lora. We canto sew nl tliaCio for new crop New (Henna. Illatrusen,:ae• C Aim 121012fe. Loaf Sugnegblet,and Klee atrlio. to time.. PHIWI3IDNi3-0t Bacon the tnnritet has betel far 'mot time nearly_ bare, acs! era can report no tele, We note tale, of Iva, •t keg. at 7*b:it, for No. I. lasikai Is steady, and prices firm. W. croup@ a feltregalar t lash - tees kl 6ePtc (or cinci• mon W. It , and Ceine for cr.., according to qatility nal CRACKEMS-11,21towinr I. tie cuurnecuru4 lit at Price: - Mauer Crackers, per tbt KUM fluter n u "••••• • • • • .... •• • . G,13 .ft•ortta ..... -::--• ... 7 EUTITA—Cralca rollhatter, in Lb.,. cootil.aos Gm, at 14311 n, sztorra totalite Eta, I ititltte go Keg b iaddll , and ma!, be or:meg at bgt,tige O Ir. FRUIT—nn donlo ad, Is tan, etch talc* Itotitcts, . V.1460* y box. of Atztonds, tt, 1.4,2•1 , < tr• . or firoZ:d ant... at stAnai,ar y bus: o: mono: or Ellberti, • to: of Cre.,in ants. at 6gCric; of 0 . 0 Cm.... at Kita:ti, :4:1 or "E elute %Votnuts attic; • Oraares, r 3 per Igg, Figs, 1180 e Letztoor,23 W. $2/06.3—Coasgs., —=lte, Covet, 15V11, ,, e, not Net . meet, at, for rio. 1 nl4OOlOO 4. Et nrit!art a (tic re: ear demaaa for L•r.acci at 90893 e, and. for tiu. 1 srLtc: Emitted Lant, at 202'.1T0F,9—S..eies 00 tire wharf et 45: for red:, cod 65M5cfor liestmommk...l mi,ll• 1,4 -domard:_ 4 ? Cattle 11111.ex-Yol• 11•4.floosts, Mt In. The 45745 . ings Deevcs c: :ha ream. to 077 es eked £lOO howl: rostr.or oeu freed were sold to city bombers; 'lOl , to par Cr r+; pf were Iret over oaroot end 17t) wmre drip nto PL;Ladelphin Prows r•rzed Iron 00 to 153 5 ,5 :he Iwo; cqual to 449E5,55 get, d aseroolog “Otl. Mott—We quote from to 115 '71. Money Natter., Trade. dm tiro , Your, Lee I. 15.53 he cool mtaket hos iclhed oprn 10 day, with a lair demand :or wok,. . . United Steles tie ore steady end lr/ q.. whien I. ewer gaoled '‘ila mend C. be. as Mer.erd I, llatlrm }. ono Llelawore slid Itedwan C.. 1 stock I per cent. tiumeleh and Worretler deeltneJ ; Cant. ; i ids bonds, ISCS I; POILI4C4III. y ;Ens o ;anti Peiretsylva toe fro Ice moneys nazitet is well ...Ford, 1. pa) met. of the rails/I , oolOn nu. amount monthly to over Ibrte not Lies of dollars, tatteh hoops all steles - awl in tit eastern money unokem..paetally in it i, . a pea/tu ne /lib tatWer. The tbcte.a.d demand for Monty, am. at Its se.- .., is, ttetelow, writ Lae, and ram. are A large llne of punt. Ave mouths paper boo Leon tenet/ at oil per e.nt We goo. sto in. soling Wes, mete:lye oral; dale. op to six meet., (or the best rose. of co... Cali paper. The ebenne.., Vl manor keep the martet tuturg,rentrolacaudt-w tem. purity datt.lions.—; k ve. Post. 01 - 111..51471U. Dee. WAN. Fie only settee stock an ibe :tit today was Ileaaing, or which some 3(00 imbues changed nand. at .7.401, moping at 3C/. The tommeas to giber sreurOlcs was Verf inniten,.ond tatthom any matemal enettec tu Voices —[N. Amerman 11414 . 4kmaz, 1.4 17, 1,.:M 90 akm 'BS 0 RVI. 70; 10 44 do, rot: 10 do du.o,t; t$ Ju 40, time, 71i; 40 du, uum,:`4l 10 d0.:7. to du. Itee Id The put reek Las eibildted :altar Marti setwity in the stork master as any week ter moat , . orbit...lb t e Ohrraparta hatr,o been evened pr.netaally to a few of I.V - Tpetaung eruct:sea the Thar - eater owlish al the sake hove been emifutol , to rtheallaboa. sad wilre mostly tour, lly am tr, the ffeeotuaty punk ok - whi eh l be deirrirdood at the tattoo.) . uf me contrast. The same eskraeteritmc appertains tuth• New Vat t thwart where a arty 011eLeise bustrese be berli tdoleg for a loog time among the stark eye:tufa.... The soundanee of mono), Loth herr and of Wes Yolk, hits reedited ft vote ra•r fiat operator. large , 4,1MILIlle• 01 imeh ranbtql,r.lly 00/. g. liesn Jay 10 day, •woh tot mar web... If. an ...cure extent - [Traveller. - . • -- W.t.Oarowtxo.—Wool ti.oonstitete4 • mow ten not tent route, of the wealth of varion• tea lion. In their early history ; cod of so 121400 !mn:mance was Wool Ff..fl looked anon in Eretrts. at the h.: deswe of her nation.l peat..., tins the no t•inog•ni bawl were enacted to promote tide and rly in staectuent Lind oat to oohs, tee theie•so o f the the Pin deaden or this mania, that acute possibly ho deer:id a cd In order to admont.h her wile. of the Impel tau.; of 11. gturrth .d of nrsterYon of Mil There IS no oz. thethased i ,see presume, CI alogtt that Luse or eharge have made It of less lennunatee ; but, at thlt day, and In cur owe country. a nowt 1199011•Ita branch of our siticsintral teterast, fu ll y Al much, if not more so, thee it h. he. .y former ayes or any ustuott. We have Often thought, when h o w over the fast peal les of Inds.. and bltnott, how smin.tty calculated they are for rain, g eaten and, coald almost imeilne we heard team ime ofthesimpe herd's reed, floating on the breeze NO it poised WC( melt' Wide eipanre. The high pr ye wool Loa rulerat the part •P4ll/Cll, has given thin ceputmeta or oar domestic hurrandrr lpowerful Impetus to. agneolitclats being previous. y pretty well aware tilts great importer:se., both a. regards the raising of 'Merin, nod the cultivation of the breed. Illtehlgat cold Otis us the taroprirsnpal wog growing Stater in Me Writ; arid In ord. r to slow the themes.: of ail hat leers, we sive below the annum arid value et this umiele f exported from Dtunitthe Lau year.:da Pc and R. less•_-- A 5.144 BIM (CZ 1,46 4 0.r.. , * 01,1,44 23r.5.4 ieja..__,.— , ......--.1,44,(1-U e.eu 0 len —l,seo,ttou 52.1,W0 IM.— , • —l,eud,Opu 691,auu The folmalog table alse.ato ye the receipts o (Wool t Cieveleed, via the Oahe Coast, tor the lasi sea ran: Ponds Poor tit. 1511• SthS ISVI thl tell 19005 E Inl7---• IPO bet In tot —•-- 4'01.133 1510-• • • • • 1,501,1i1 —449 as I ,sacs yad lEtit --.----tEe1,174 3.oind w Tot, Is on bonen. growth of the Woo, Interest In a fewyears,ttally 151 per at. in g a entity, and ED per In cent. the priee,enteln five years, in the export, at De - rot It, and teary three lthedroi per cent. to queen ty, In the trarcns at Penland, the pat: ten 'cars These laeta anew, we think, pretty plainly. that the Importance end profit of tale bothers I, duly appre ciated by • large number of the fanner. of Ohio and Idlehipiti,, end testa to eselte agnealturbas In oar other 117cr.crn State, to the naponsece of this avt.jgct Poanen•iax, no they act, tech aran tia t at had,. tat:trendy adapted. ea be ore named:to this heathen and, teamster , nit haa been developed IT the mew elattaratenlenithe researttheo, that tee allazle an • tell of the-Venice States are 41...er adapted to the crowd, of firm tang "tele wool, guyed for the mane fa. tare el elosh,than a, other mantrancnng country, a:needing oven the tat- et of Australta , hence, all that It> Crawl , he la improve the breed of our sheep, sod provide thew wnh pasturage where they cannot come al contact with the wed., and other nth cancer., which snake the wool of a large amount elver sheep is the West almost cab kss —Minn Gan. Cars Gatainiac, Deo 11. The Earner Ada aerteed here to day, after a dates hen of three days in the ire at Commerce She will lay op for a abort Owe to undergo repaint. The steamer /Jack Peru, from New Ortega., and tee d. l. Crittenden wad Cambrat from Clneinnatt, past. 10 tip sines ten oje:Ock. Tina latter boat very heavily (ideate. Weather mild R,co—otcv fond: Ly dela WM nAGALEY & CO El=l . . 9 r,, , iT0c,,,..., Bay Sdate...beoldn, Wniel too. and lytl Malendelt Long and Sqoans Sidkorl s, Jan T. ceivrd by • Ided7J A A MASON A CO I 11DEN—Y4 1,13 lb ill. iilid WM 1 tor utie by v-y- dyl . 7 1 /0111,460 AL LOlne—f6 fee ;ale i• V WII : 11 JOHNSTON 13 , 11=15-110 dux tor sale 1 , 1 H H _ JOUNSTLIN I.'FJ—I IU fdr yak by del7 WM it JOHNSTON LEAH -1000 soft Gale., per steamer Nevi orator, for sale by del: HUEY, MATTHEWS k CU PEA CII E-4-172 bap per Mayfiyeetr, fey eald by dell &HEW, MATTHEWS & CO PlO METAL=l7iffiris del] ILUEV, MATTHEWS & Crr 11 . 14 , 1-1-9.13 1 det7 11116 v. MATIIIEWS & CO je 1l Ix 011—i "tinter strained, for mi. ly • dul7 1111611, MATTHEWS &Co VISIT -10: brio large No !inane 10 brim No 1 Baltimore Nemec In dromos CASA; for sole by de a HUEY. MATTHEWS & rA) .• 0 LOOOl3-100 tong best Tetutrltce, louJitty from I IlltaZlG, Cinderella. for ..1^ by Sel7 JAME 9 DALZELI.. Wlvt It QPIZMWITRITI=ArIt Ett —Jut , misty tor •••te try del? JAMES DALZEI.I. neUCII3I.IC4-3 cask. ors.uted, from — El tie 0111 best Dltok Lead Crueii.ler.3lllllt.ll4.o, - del7_ StIIIOONMAKER &CO _ . • MINE (IKON-6 ker;Viiiireili =— • del] J A CIWONMAKER & CA Ul"l.XttN:Ft77 FARINA-43 ta•far_sale by .11 del, J SCHOONMAKER& CO T iN a TIL-1 et. tiest j F i rmh A :; si Jr 4 c . 7 A . t i l i sa i r a w o co POirrOFTITTSBIJII4II: Ram —Tkere were 9 feet 9 iltheilto - chi:190,94 a611114l Earehing., tad at a riga ARRIVED. ' Feebler, Peebles, Ehrebeela Michlrae, Dn., Beaver. Beaver, Borden, Deaver Delve. Bennet; Ltrovvesvilie. ',erode, Perk/woe, Deosensviiie ./.111eltee. lieeddersen, Eaßeeve n. Thos. Phriver, Bailer, West Ilea Es, Buckeye Mee, Deer, Cincinnati. Jean? Lind, Hard, Rams',Ut. /ex. Nelsen. Moore, Wherlant. Reveille, Dales. Weßraille DEPARTED. Festive, Preblea, lllsabela. Miehlranßrie. Dearer. Beaver, Gordon, n, o Bearer. Bailie,. Deaco Ircosearrille. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brovverville. I. McKee, liendiiekson. MeKeeseen, Thos. &Inver, Bailey, We.t Nsveten Chipper No. t, Duval, Cincinnati. Dame!, 0011AILIOVAA.U.A. A sena, Rainey, Wellsville. Milton, Davis, Louisville. nstxrdstp, Dec 7 yatarday, BOATS LBAYINti Tli/A DAY NASHVILLE—MayfIower, la .. m. ST. LOUlS—Blanc Newton, to A. N. 101P1111.111 BY SLIVER. NA I 3IIVILLk:Psk CALsn ma-10 empty 1.1.1., A A Wood; a Wit tobacco. Wlck & AloCsndlest49 bran, Hay & Johnson:so9.k. bran, lon do cora, 1 Int oh c.k.e, F Perry: 21) bhts Whiskey, Lanahcn & Shi ion;ls oaks pelan Iron, Colcillan, b 1 1 4 obis whiskey: W & M Mitcheltrec, 257 rk• br.o, CO do corn,:libodes & &icons:ll.z. (no/nor & Atkins; v 5 b n lr = sbka 1' nurr, g• 't 0111. to II :0 Ze„ ,cc, Co. WEIEFE.ING--Pas .DrOnd.k-31 ibl. sour, 07 U. barley, 107 kgs lard, allot; 13; arnal; Id •ks wheat ka il• mann &Noble; 131 Obis 1 / 1 .11 . , owner aboard. 10 do do, bell Elt lisae.oll.3 by barley, 1 Ike.: IP kg. lord, 3 Mao toner, Pk. s•th & Co; la pkg. koodrk.a s T Arms:Yong tr. nearer; 113 do Parlor, 0 o. H....101;43 no soar,kg, owners tlukard; 0 bbls eggs, ID do a Lor, owner aboard; 13. k. barley. 01 El Ilrown;120 ekagootos ware, L Wilinkrth; 1 4 *salts wool. H Grant. Co, e•bnls door, ' a. Co; 2 bga raga, Lo -rot.; plea aandnes, lot tort rya and tale k• en., F Lug 00. k. tom, A II 9111; 1 pkr money, Kra• Met & Ratk. NASHVILLE—F. el:IMAIIILA to NO o so. pq 0,0,120 bp feathers, S filel:ol.tan & Co; 67 bags S. a.e., 2 pkg. mllow, 17 bk. lard, I /Act. & Co; 130 bg• deed 'aches, 71 bp feathers, M Allan & I boa beeawag , 1 bg geaalng, mac; er6 bga pea unto, / Rhode. CINCINNATI—Pica 51caradtnNo r—:Obbl.ehar• coal, Miller & Ritkounn; I bz 11, Co, 43 bbis sstiskeyt33 Imo bandlor, Parkes & Co, it) bblo arbio•• key. P. Mama; 90 do en, W Su um., . Stool, Mt Sarin.; 17 hza tor, J 111'FrGren & Cs, 4 0414E149er nod Forsyth; t!bzo, II Groff & C 73 bbl. ct.tre.l,ls Toner , A bit &doe, Meal & Co; 3 char s% F Shlnkby, I an., Mr. S Fog,. CINCINIVATf.;— Piro Drcin.it 57.71-3 Lorrain lord nil, :131k. !enters, II do grnolog 64/1.1.7 & 7!G toe totem., 135 kw( df4,2i I Litid. "frog, 3o Ms main ,os, Broom & Kiftpoirfrif 01L41.41.7.13 proches. I do wrooi, 7 i.dl• 4hri ri akin., Publ. 0:64 sks fruit aril do 7 , iivAri & 8111, lota oil, own. obo.d. 4 ol.firk :loc., I kea mdn, I) Ilioothorti G LI- d .r el e .:s ("K* " ateb.l7 : llr F.PGSI ro 11Y Q 00AR—birth prime N 0. Pater, zeeetriny per SICS.Wat ILtreroire, tor salt by Wel fre.GALEY dell Yo Wood sr /VIOL N. U. Moine., receiving p. 11.11MeS Hibercia, for vale tiv Writ BAC:ALEN' & CO L.aa W. R )itr a i t fi e PEACRLS—= sacks laathag for solo by W. 51 13A.linLEY 11. CO A L1, 7 10 130 s for saJe by CAGALEV &CO ADCIII-3 4114. No i D.L.etc fm,1.14 by IYI deli PM OA GALK Yt OD Winer and Brandies QUITABLE for Cook ins parpeara, er rate bylh s„) Goan or gallon at filtiltßitt er I tit WMITIt'S letd Fart Wet of tte Ittoraontl. n(IOKING tictiroas, Dry Clirl.2l ciron Pori ConOrrd 0. - ange ortl Lemon Peri ',Off.'weeferr.Cla maroon, Cloves, ex, for role co very prfe,e, uy drlo NIOBIUM s,flifilfTrfßVll FA HILT F L) V 11-.% 15611• .;;Ca. Lana an , 1 ., bY ;Oil Jot; rh N 3. co secs ANTleta, moan, JOHN 3lnt'a HEN Is CO 1\1(1 3 Ft ACKEREI-75 brls raupeetron, o troaS and fur Far. uy axle JOHN J•IuFA DEN s CO .1.1...e55r,—:0 besot.: 1 - ,41 rer ouurner Mbar LT/ ura lau Y , for e•lr by Ai ?..l - 5 -a' a" gULL.F.H 5? WatoJ ("folrl'Oia- "*II7ITIfIEVFUGUS:"2II,tIIIL.-i-5l SIZE:NI:R. 4 —th Je.l reel! :na sa:a lestflj /KIDD I(I 44, tl'v,d el /11.51 SUM-LAC 40rassr , • ••a.- tone's J KIDD .5 ..1) TONIC i•VII - I sa.. j; :it s ii s ,,,.o, 13 ATEVE rigs; TW 1,72. • - a' Strltl aL 'a- 'a". J KIIID.a CU Ja's sale by - VI dela 1 KIDD deu it 1•010 M TO Db..Al.r.::F—Wr W;rmert Ma; Jay, 1 from las manurertarer. miaplam of Ammar plop.. nod five plars•to me paaml, watch vac .re maborsrea ra vell by me emelt. WALLING WM 0.4 00, dela No. Pc Warm weeL ,VerCrOD3' rEARL STABCII—eI bait. aim rape •riara.uotel is roma sail (or nun by 406 W hiiIVIIII..TRIII.,I.MeM• - DONALD , * boio. S. of ibi . • rtlo , Ltokal Lrani treelve'l tot. fan. in tune au4 f4r sato Ly 14e101 W b. bl MITCHELTREE Q ALT P ETER ItIMISMNE— V/ 11 6 2 •avka Petra; d. 16 Is. 41.1. ru'l Amnon., In bline for sale by WC & CO, slit4rt A. front at NFORSIATION - AV ANTED. Of JOHN WILSON, woo left Ll...strain, Conroy Itow a, treland, 10 1511. rents hp, vo A. Irving with aMr Gore, Rrill Patsbarsh, red of SAM , I. IV. DRAT IV. and HUGH lb L , o\, who Intl &math, tans t Duna, to 1.3:4. and in IN) were in or near Pottbstres Any one Vilna inlay...on of thew, will cower • Neer on Weir brothers. Hobert Hearty du Stua,t Wtisun, tare of Phenix, 031 Broadway, New Vet& de Mai Q LOAN'S NILDICINES—For awl and bun—A 1.3 toll supply on hand and Aar eat. Ly H E eI),LLEUS, dela Wbolesele Aunt fee Pat‘bewato. AAIERICAN ALMANAC and Rep...mon of Use. fal Knowledge far the year I. I ; envision, MIL asithentle. and ••slad Informanon concerning the at. fairs of the General add Netepcsetnconn. this To erne Is enal in r predneison in (Minna .nd seminey, and will Insulin the Min character of the "Amer:can Almanac" a; • trestwnwhy manual for reference, and a fall repository of metal knowledge. last fanned and (dr silo by • R o PrnerroN, Rookteiier. Punter •nd Mader, 47 Martel .1 LEECH a co , , PAPRIMISiI TO PIM. ADO.I.PiIIA W E atql-r ETo d y:ss " :l:i ' rfe& '' Ye " ta t i a n r ie) " lTas i 00, by &tam to Hollidayntanyi!, am) tram ‘tenle by Pan& rezaalea Hain ROAD to Philadelphia. 71iroogh in tblisy•six bows. Small, panaceas only eon bo taken del7 , Oym 1) LEECH & Co. Canal Rosin Smallish Ob MURPHY & BURCHFIELD hove toceised a tot of flea and hoodunte Roiliest Mutates, of styles toltatdo Gtt aing/a acd.dooblo artappora—oforrantad fast toots deft 6TI2.AW GOODS TS W GREViE & CO, Idannfactutess of rot. . alga and Domestic Sirs. Goods, call the niter. onn of buyers, to th eir fO 4 / 1 1101 . ladle, and 141E11.- 11e, T• 111 °Tit Inducements In a great variety of ttylee, /Lc., to potehlem ...be, Lay by Ina manalsa• r rer,' outage- Samples exhibited at their state, No 31 P•rel e1..1n0 saint New Ito , * eeteliad Wid. Black Iliatsrvd Silks. 1,41311P11Y s BURCHFIELD have tereivol the DI shove antele, of aoltab'e width' foe laving:labia note and cloak's; alto, Mach Blareil:a eNI Cloaking VelteZt 4,te 100 tla viva, jolt nee • JOHN WAT CO FPOURED FrIENCII OIL. CHINTZ—On band and Or tale cheap, m the Coral Werehoure. No 8$ Fourth tt os tIeCLANTOCK tit P Carnet WmehOude, if. r p ` ..4 it h j2-437 ' '" dell WM IIeCLINTOCE tpU ferg.ClC.Tair.cal'B. risfons deth WM bIeCLINTOON Leah QUIVER ENCILI9III bUEEFEEIN MATS lbs cog. bindsorneto aironsnt Sheirritin Matti L I. s market, to for solo by dell WM bicELINTOCX T ENN Y Llnti i 1 m store rind for role by der4 WWI MeCLINTOCK Tln ViilkiNti—Tlir. turner sod best aeon 1...3 silent ever brought to this market. for isle ehrbri by fdr•4 bleillbtfilltelf I 111EINUTS-lUla reersved mr !nit by kj drl4 SHRIVE:It k BAIINFS ROW; nUTtEld — Tals piime:;;;;lllittliday by del.(s & W IimiDAUGH DtsextiblC- - 10 - Giliiii - Etore ' and for site t 7 - Ls tlel4 S &.W lIARDSUGII DRIED A PYLV-1---40 Inus recd for axle by drl4 S k .. , i" lIA. It RA VG II 'SUNDRlES'—.l;ll:erritiyilEnt.,, 17 brat 1110 1 do, 10 brls Tallow oil. 1 ant< Bernwal• Gj Leas around Moo; 31 4egr Dry DeAe•Ler, IN Dry Apples. I> bog. Fetabots. to •rtlyet 011 etuto er7ulearora,tor tale by NA I All DICKEY Et Cu &lAU l ster tr. From C. C, utrIDRIET--til — tolt Geese, 15 begs Ground Nutt; 7 bap 71 Gieereoog, bales Conn, so arrive on etztortet 14 . 7 eel , b 1 ISAIAH Dltli EIS k Cu Jell Waters Front sot , GLOVIIIiI AND 1111011/ZHIL O DOZEN LADIES , Mork, Wl.k am.] o id GOO EIJI/loves, otOa,Caohmere, Etlk and Lisle • 'I bread do. 140 don Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, .1l colors, ssith a splendid assortment of trastancris, Bruno uid Beck silo do, th i s best quality, toftether with Ma and most extensive clock of floriery ever birkailhl to this marten, Jost fetelled, and swill pc sis.d at reduced Finest, by dela . A A MAAUN re Co, k ell Mattes st Wooprottarlllaseldung Powder. .7 d.,i, c . As duc K e e d b it t s q : try y ,00 hand and for onto el • 24 W & M MITCHELTRIX eiiors and ANA ha.Phol obooanibiod :mired t and tot saw by it I .'~~t~~ uponza idn!guin - i nan.t.wim Wane PnIWAXY:. Mstrama M.Fazgarr.- The *big primary melange, fa tbe 'anneal muds of Allagbeng. 24 inflecting candidates ko. lb., Mayoralty, and mud °Mears, mill be bald to The Hon. Hrgh 8 Fleming, the pterst Mayor, wrdi have no ivpunciat in the rank! of 'dr Whig P.M. Th.. is • gratifying And well deterred mirk of the eicmatioti'M which he in held tig his fellow eirisinc Nevezenlese, his lilted, should attend Me priimuy meetings to night. AWFUL STEAM BOAT EXPLOSION. Around rethembliog the exploston of i cannon, wag dtallnetty tumuli. Nut barge, thetat three ' , clack yertr___Alay - anemone, Roe in a rhort time wa loathed that it proceed from the roller..e ci the Inboard Qua on the nearer Facthien No 2, bound for Elisabeth, lath a full load of Laird, nod crowded with a...en gem WI &MOW et the crane of the accident. Whioh took place at the nett dam en the Monongahela we trend that the boat was very touch Mantled Ape,. ben of the troller deck wes blown away, and caul thing woe in the mom filet *al confe•lon. home of the lacerated were in air harm of Mt. Thomas, k Menet, who pald them every anent 00 to hi. power, and others bad toe,, conveyed to teRA Several permute were dragging the riser for the dead, tattle in the .lime along the chore, lay three rind ha. dies, covered wth Itlood, whlah Sewed from many wound., god their 0,01 wit, input,, laterally Meld od elf thelt b The Coroner was sent for, end made a rigid in vestigation into the facia connected with thn'eXplo glen, the particulars of which will be found in The evidence below. The following is a list of tho killed, wounded, nd atissifi4: Isaac Pbeeitts pilot; eon of the ciplain Abraham Lytle, of gtizabeth.. Janacs Lottetbactr, fireman.. nusituio. lasoph aural, of icirason township. woottigit.. William Gaatall, first artatinear, badly scalded. _ . . . Abner Peebles, eon of Ma captain, badly scalded Jesse Gilleland, of Elisabeth, badly scalded. :eyelet other persons ware slightly wounded, bat not no sererely as to prevent their walking to town. It la impossible [old' the number of lulled. ne the 1111611:11 cil the pitssengara bad not been regis tered, and a ouraber'aro aupiooord to hove been blown overboard and droWnal Mr Abraham Lytle leaves a wife and tbs.'s. children. Mr. Jo seph Carol, who in ourpoortl to have been drown ed, had sale wife and lire elsildrea on boned at the time of the siplosion, bat fortunetely they escaped unhurt, es, indeed did all who were in the bodice cabin. Captain I C. Penbies sworn—Am Captain of the Feat:lon No. 3, We came up to the Lock at about • quarter to three o'clock, on Let way to Eliza- Leth. d. pair of coal boats were in the Lock. We backed down, and were detained from ;tramp minutes to half an bear. Don't collect of "eying way thing to the Etiginaer, but be mid netting hr me shout there being ton much steam on. The boat didn't blow—theta won no singing—every thing appeared to me to be going on right end emouth.— When the lock tenders 'commenced - to open the gun, I let the boat drift up with the wind, Did . not hear her blow; I rug the bell to gait h.r, Lut couldn't nip whether! heard her escape until tee dee collapsed. I .was in the pilot home at the time, end felt the deck lift, after I heard the crplosiat started to rah eel bad tang the bell before this woe. When - I none out. I raw that she bad head• coy. I ens in, nod Iput the wheel herd ashore; I Then jumped down on ;be ferecesde, the •tans having been blown away. I enquired for any son, and hest mode Alms tau to the hog eham. The hoot is about a year old. The boilers were new. Nat tire minute. thecae I lett the wharibaat, was back to the deck room, rod the eogtheit wan trytog the wider tu the bonen,. They met!, Eli of water. The reason I know mina was that I UUHEISIOI.OI iNCIIKAAI lIC VV,„ YO 11. If Ilia uppw 03.4 a tvek, neat Wes abuse Ital. II sally took sa - Istssal Isar mm• Wes to rows Op, and We Walled .bow Batt as hour u•.n. 1 was no the p 4.1 buttse lid eat ler, Whet thorn, Whether the untomear Quetta*. pIISIP:I,4 WC. 101,0 Ibe Isatlet 'the wey that 1 httost Ibl. . ti hum the recapcsacal sal Ifs, dons, , which I,cau to Is her mud hose. 1 bread nod taPi . Mot up lu !he lane el the eltpLaakrn. Attabaut Lytle, uueut Um d cal, we. • rummager--• blacksmith, mud 'raided to beat. /11111 CG Luuerb•ck, Souther of the d. bug was a Stem**. boss 1 3 estalta, .astasa Lady ass Leas reea•erud, wsa pita al lLa Samual L. GaigueLawato —Am lb• doa ..-idlateed befoul the I.”a gal gotta out of the leek. pee u I could tee tiirla steam, pl • lad seat ttii lee were all packed up by abet lime. The :wheel had wade awe w tlowe terotallasts beim the us. plostatt. K DON Pothiug a. rryoomded the lotlla of water le Ite butte.. Iso •tool, blow far wows ssu..uda slier the due ettilapertl The *met Waal the hater cams ..galhal lb. .1.3 z. yid.. ud vet II Ths•le 4r Le rel., Wdlum Ken . , BLUM— I 14,/ Os Ito oppulgo aide of the tort urboo me goo oallopttd =do a 'my loud explooluo. William ft. Feturson, 112,0111—Was a paatantier oo the Fashion No. 2 Waa on the Laub, Jack, talking to my uncle, Jonah Carrot, lotto to mien. log. Heard a laud eaplaston, and was entwoned in steam. Old not see my uncle afterwards— Heard no remarks made ty any of the Gißetti our brat meting Iho tfUlralf man before us. Saw uotblog culpable about the condom of any of the °Moors. Captain Pectin, reconed—After the explosion, Mr. Gastitl , thetustenglueer, lad tome, •.mytand, Is this not awful; 1 wasn't holding her down, and nu% account for it." To satisfy myself, after the canteen:et, isteru nut to examine the wing on which this weighs wne, tad them was no unw ul weight on. sworn—Am engin-xr of the Fashion No. 2. There was plenty ot awn in the boiler at the time of the explosion. 1 had Weddle nine strings not talf a tinned before; they were loose. We were not racing with the steamer Mo. Kee. Sits was ow of sight, l believe. Can't give any reason for the explosion. Abner Peebles, sewed et:slater, smuna—/ am learning to be en engineer. The engineer put Deem on encase up to the locks lam not certain whether the wheel :cede one or two revolution' be fore the eaplcalon. The bolter was not as Ism as when we went oat yesterday It was not the fink engineer's (mkt. Toe water was up, and the Doe• for running at the time of the explosion. The we. tar was above the wound cock before weleft Pitts burgh. The Meier none not stopped more than bre WinCILN3 betvnern leaving port and going out of the lohic. The haw was blowing off at the piety vales, and et the throttle valve, when to the lock. We were not nuanlng with the McKee The eng• oeei did not Intend to run with the Matte. I ten on the feet bench, end think I was knocked down The bait was out as warm as ou other ocantiono. The Jury seemed to think that no blame .wasst. tamable to say of the officers of the boot, ends turned the following verdict We find that the deceased came to thmr deaths by the collapse of the due of the Steamer Fashion N 0.2, but In what manner the said coliaper tool. place, this Jut y cannot sty. MOM, I=E==l Ah aillourbeJ tomporititoo mooting ol the dl,. tens at Pittsburgh cud Allegbeity,fstroratito to ma causo of teruporaitotb wu Loki vu Tuuday vsoh t Off at Dt. Herron'. Cbutoh. The Hos. 1.4. 1:4 01 was called to the (hot, and Mr. Hatrison laity appointed Seed Mal I.— The monitor/ harms bowl) Opened with prays, Ly too Chairman, Co wawa ot Dr. C-ittuphell the Committee appointed at the lasi omegas was called upon to sport. The 'Rey. Dr. nudge's thou lead the follow. lag CORRTZIUTIOR. ART. 1. NY... TRU alto3o of (bill Saoisty shall he the Union Teupeeurece Itseueserron of the clues of PlUsborth and ,Ailegtieny, and vicinity. ART. 11. Oljert. The objeca of this Auoois• two is the suppression of the druntrug nlagou of ...icy,. the Opole! nurse of iotempersoce. Aar. ill. The 1.2113 ru be employed. lai.— Pnrrintal emu:tides m abstaltuay from the tee of lams leafing dimba as • beverage. nod wring our istlmose me indoec others to plactice a the ab. stifle ace. Entightnniny• the public mold by 1101123 o 1 popular eddies.* soCfree discussion, and the eboulatioe of such publications as ate calculated to exhibit the alarming tells of drunkenuela, and point oat the mesas of its suppreulen. 31. Taking measures for the establishment of truipersace orksoizstions tri to, churches, and wards of the cities. ....CIL The adoption of surcb measure* so may seem most at/prop/nue in addresalng Our Courts ofjnitice, • and torte upon them a rigorous eon. lIIRCIRNI of eziming law*-on the subject olArent• Iltroasco, fui wall as do/mad/us of ow Tempersac• al.ting . . . bide Islam ai :.; idifiefita afambrire. with sites, trOupenutom, to Cie gupyreaton of In. : • . fah. Aildella Mar Lagialatere the pump of 'uyaUd, lawg wheels may , be &ought beery sari for the sopyremlog et thrubeeneth; when public we Illtnent G judged to be prepared fey *Os. Walt, them.' . rv. west comigiarad, This war:aoe i bail he composed of ail anus eign this cecina. how, arid in defog to, scums the teroperetwe v That they *ball AM mike, sell, buy, or our, nay in toxicant/ad:ink sae beventge; sad, also. *tree to contribute to , the Muds of the sesociatwo In such wares may be afterwards agreed upon by tberd. V. (Oran. The officers at this Associstioa Usti be a,Presideat, a Va.. Praddeet. Ticaeurer, fte.vraigiSeatrillg, sod Corninmadifig *mis ty, to be Cletli dat the first regular meeting in tank year. VL Zsainas Comutta. This libel' be eaax posed or it member from each Church repreeented is this Association, three of whom shall form quorum lbrithe preparation and arrsegiag of buei. efts, and collecting and commute-lug ittionee. lion to regard to such atattep en may rap aim the widen of,the ASSOSaIbOO. tfield Cementite shall be elected at the same time, sod it the mime manner Ce the regular officers. VIL Tema tif mune. This shall be gaud. mom*, or oftener, it aecesury; the first meet. ieg for organization shall be held Ira Tuesday of January out. VIII. This OSSltithhloll may be (mended at say regain' torerlitNi by a vote at the majority of umbers mum, provided notice of the same his beet given at the p.m.ops meeting. A debate ensued, whirl was PartioiPtifed Iu by Dr. Rodgers, 'Dr Dale, 1;r. Wray, Mr. Ed. wards, Mr. 01, Mr. Mecssitcy, the Elev. A. W Black , the ay. Mr. tileLatet, and caber geitlemiw. The 01:10413 clauses of the Canalkitten wrre Polly &tamed, and the whole were want:woe. ly approved and adopted. Oil 030000, Messrs. Alessodrr, Wray, aid Mr.C.3l;t7, Were appointed a Cocoa:tore to ap. polo Otiaceso for the permanent oofao rains c: the AritoelatlOo, old to !elect a sahjrct for ea bate, and apcoircre for the next lifetime of :be `Aaron Temperance Mutat:Wan of ;he citiaa ut Patibtltib, allefthacy, aid sicinuc." On inothfc, it mat rarolacd that the pistors of the Churches of the two chic. be calorific requited to preach sermons to that, aaogrer,r• tloa• on tap sutj tat of itoomperanca so or shoot the first o isnuaiy. o.a Izmir) . a, the merlins a tjou ecd to ardor the Otet Tactday cf January, stAterea P. SL, to'itao Protectacg Mcittsial Church, Wut ewe. Pasbotes. Teo meeting man closed Igilb prate, by Me &treaty. Being/CS Voiaze ' only nece.va iy„te repeat that this is the best Pnoornni_• P.ctere ever exhibited in Arnerkz, and nbould be szeu by every onewho is desirous of neintring a know!. edge of the sublime and beautiful in art ft is drawing eronde of our bea citizens. 'reale watt be ad exhibition at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and at I 2 paw 7 in the evening. CITTZI7I.3 (NMI/LA:ME COMP/MT.-At an election for nine Director., held nt the of of the Com panyoia Monday,loth toot, the following gettle mcd'wocte duly elected for the present year: C. 0.• HUSSEY. WILLIAM BAGALEY, fi D KING, S HAHBAGH. WM. LAK U INIER, JR, WdLIER BRYANT, SAMUEL M. KIER,' DW AHD HEAZELTON, JEHU HAWORTH t [netting ca lh Unrciore on Turnday. 17. h tis 4 , Pa. u. G was nonoonGualy re clef tett Prenident. blsattNo or IN, AGLaostrof Ccu • -- 11 &sleet gkaJ C.mmoa CUUCC 1. of . ..an I 't.y .a A.l 811.:Y. (Let UP Ttaimlicy Tito tolkuttog eettalittlag We. re.rulr . .l at J Resolved, 'Chat the Mayor he. vol he la botchy aultter . z.d to draw tit waircat :a laver of the Theme, of the F Se bud, :r o f Word For Engihrs and Hose c.quorn n•—eavii for thirty wren dollar* au4 at y Lea, lb. quarterly allowsura due on the (mu a' t-Ph,het t Infer.and charge the tam. TO the prop.. toad. The Mayor was lag:itched to draw fir, 1 0 /.1111011 la tarot of Ueurge Perkin, fur tally two duller, trad wetly cte., and for vatic us other wartantelo favor Of Weer perstOne tor leaser ...unto, at:tweet/et , h ail to Pinot, three dollop. and her rule, ft, printing gone rot ti. binary pleat:LONA le the of Alkabany Ey Col. Jaw,. Anderson. - The following reaoluirAt wan preaehted tleaolved, Thal roar budged &that. Le, and hereby appropriated to grads the eolith rod et Feder.' Sllteet,lo ILleteecl the Perry...;. Habil Road, provided that prvr cry holders totereatrd ipre the city • guarantee of the ore a the vatted Ina bag a.* ihro auue um, he u.. Jed by IL sty lon the ptilpellid el • read, or thrueughfets --prOVidt cl fillthear, that ILa expenditure •hall act 9i r tth+h..vaocg auv aatahltabed Irj rl.. tut. TU. traultitiOa Watt had roneurred to, - hitl'arre Inferred to a entnnittlen with the wet. of obt•ita, log information retails ihr or connecting the cry {tide with the Wahl gead,au4 lb. rhiatlce prupattloha to Le paid 61 11 was ruv.teed Mal +vb. ficoet the puberty I.oldela 00 &aka, alde 91 the eta...was paVe and grade the erect., the Sheol C.3161141.1e/ abali be mumeuJ W lane thY maeu yart.J ec*.ee iLe C+361100111. A ftaalui/011, 14.1.1 and the Oily Regolet,t, to eouturottoowiltt this ittgotht.t of the Borough 01 Doqueohe, to lay 061 ceetlits through it o bottalgh and the e.ty of Aliostietty, ores retorted to Ile Slit et Cvutcooke. Afieff likatirqg a ccauhrs v 1 bio,, IPa COULMi 1116 Arista.. or Ransom. Ipcv We oLset se dui scrotal lone ut teitroad iron LY the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, Lavearriced (turn the Brady'. Bead. Iron Works. Theban eta of the T panes. and ireigh four hundred and surly pounds to the rad They are bents deposit.] upon the sue of the intended railroad depot, at the corner of Federal street and Blink baste, Where they may be seeu Those who are Judges of such ...men, toy teat the iron I. of excellent quality. WARD MEETING The Wfugs and Atroisrasoai of the oetrotoh Ward will meta at the Pubha tochool House an 0 o'clock, to choose caadolares for Soled; and Coro moo Council, New Music —We are indebted to Mawr. Firth, Pond do Co , of New Fotk, for smite! of the beau. hful songs,of Jenny Lind, which they have recent ly publatted Among them is her celsbraied "greeting to America," wards by &yard Taylor, Esq„ music by Benedict. Thew songs are beautifully printed, and the 11th. ographio frontispieces, some cf which ore maim& neatly colored, are executed in the tint style Mart, and far surpass any thing of the t Lod we have yet term An the song. a Jenny Lind, together with the new mm.o of the day, as ism ■s a is published, may be obtained Cl the menia WWI of H. }Veber. Third crew, sign of The "Golden-Harp." Court or Quarter Slumleas. Decedaber Mb 1550. Ptevita, Wm. B. McClure, Pres Wept Judge. Wm. Ken acid Samuel J 044111,. AZIOCIaIe Judges. l. • •imtuonwealth vs. - t'uYguald—lndic meat' keeping a tippling house. Mr. F 1116.10.1 is a druggist in Temperaucevillc, and the evidence which was adduced proved that Lc had r... 4 ' sold li• gums recto r°, medicinal purpo-e.. A verdict "MA guilty' Wa, orridcisd, county to pay the sums. No other rase woe tetra up. Join' 01.11.1013[1.1.—The pane! 01 poor, in ilia l.'inut 01 Quarter Se.Blool wore att.,. wed )ngerday They have been punctual In then. Mien-luxe dui , mg the present aueinnu, and have 1 . 114,11111 y Ju• charged all their dutou. ADMITTSB.—Mt. Theodore We" Tel Willey ' admitted to pumice In the Coon of Quartet Soutane) He le a wine: of too lion. Charles Stealer, end a onderetood to ho h seullee Wan of groat !raid aIItIMLICIIII, MI well ea a ripe and polMhed scholar. pawn.' Oulu SLAvv..—Thls beautiful statue is now in Pitlibungh, nod will he oLhlblieil ail soon as the gentleman who hull it In .Lathe procure. • auLL•ble room. MIOLIMIINT TY. ladtlol.ll Iu ku It Court of Quitter Stations will tott tsig<Ll up to day. laceanc—Four Comanche loilOws, occiiinpai nail by ■ mulatto luarfireler, arrived in ibis toty seater • ay. I bey am on their way to Washita. ton, to have • talk with their •Great Willie Falb • A 111) licclaxatiar.—Herr klealak, the 0441,12 modidigne, sties &author or his atertainmenta at Wainer Hall to night. If you wail to secure • east, as this gen v. • Men and akin in hid mot grander. •• • t, will donblkai seetim_a crowd. Mao! prince unique Go est ' tleman SIF. "B OATS, the Port of pltialpurgb. POE CIIKCINAATI. LOUISVILLE & yr. pm& AEI The ;marrow packet le enC NEPiTtrr.d, U. F. Hozbi•on,(maner, will leave far abort and intermediate ports on Chia day; . .:Irt log, at 10 teal. ...stage, arply on board d,21 ' For freight or p Foe sr-Louis.. i MkThe Inc running Steamer ROBERT ROLIGIERS,. Bracher: mailer, will leave fin the above and i.ll Intermediate ports, on this dap ,_let dist inet., at i 0 A M For trelght or passage, apply Oa board. i_ 575.2. ;FOR NASHVILLE. . _ .. ~,,... The splendid . new_steamer LIiELLA, . . J. IV. Koontz, master, will if 1190 Au the above and all intermediate pone an this cay,lllit last, et In A. M. ' I, For freight or passage, applyon board. de% , --... The fploodid cram, • MAl' ri....wEa. J N. 110Olcti, lanovor..lll trove for boon and incermedlats landings or Wel/M.140,210t lo.t. For Crekbt or por.uo, apply on board, dzOl, FOR. CINCINNATI The epleadidendlistnianingeteamer . MILTON, Sohn EL Davie, toaster, will leave for e above and all intermediate pen, 'on thleaoy the 01.11. c For freight or pauatte apply otrboard. or to 0 13 MILTENBIiRGER, Agt. =MD==l32l The rplendtd neer peeler steamer 1111711 hoisr, Cantrell, maartr. n.. P , KM Oiag. her regular tn•zve illy +rips brtarern tiai• Pity end Whether: Prasl.pi,h at It o'Ci4Ct. ereq Mender, Wodnerdcy, end rrldsy, ard returrier., ;raven Wheeling erer, Thrire dcraked r , sourday. fn eaeb %reel: et (ref M or remote. apply on Lorrd. er to 0 , 8 ARMSTRONG a cnozEn, Agra IzEG I; Lett LI VERF; , fSI. I .; NU• watt SVtll LE s,. At The haat drat, j r , t,r.r . ?a , ctsr 4 4045 ritanyy. tria ' s ' t,: bares ria . 1 arr,it ttlt.t.dr F t W dt.rad.7. eat/ Fri' day, at ICI o'clac k, A. M TburrdaY, and Satorday, et 7 ey•octt. 31. Pnr . t at.7 . _ PlTT:tnt./IrG If tr. ViTI,f,S - Yti.l-1 , , • 'ray atcaxar / • SEVOLI.F. 41 , . „ Saturday, rata rmnr.. We, Welsvilte t' , l7 Wedaraday. end Fttday. • Far flliski or imitate. rg r ady cc t.onyl.or to WEDNEIDA V PA clivollTlS/Vri s CalAzin l i agija z Mao. o,_ TIOS ca:ordid boat o. bola by tha .... ot own.. of It. lace.let Ise toosnan. '- • . cad tdIC:T, far e hC 011. - ,...1 cod fltrabruh Pict: troth:. cod sill 1.1,3 every 1v.1,,,Jd:y, Sro 00t,....,01, to pi,“ Sr ,ac New Lagiand. No. R. . - - For fool:or farcdgc F_FP I 7 1. Coo d, or to orid ' Si a Z111:11-MtfdlitEC, Ara 11.1.16111-Att tflikrdt.ddifaroTl`ii•Tq F.Trwrzir'." 'Fla '.... enamor flealed.r Af'_._'"7 gi WFI.I.I4VILIF, drlf i kt i , rap 11 Vrang, roll,. ea a ocular * 1 cl bc Oa v i eriOla, Wheat* llig, Rridgeporl, a nd naLtplt, En Fitiancrah ca r p Monday, soornoan, for Wcll.ol. Firroncaillo Rad GridgcOorl., and rye. Tharriny allarnoon far Sreaber.- tale, WI rep ; 11 rdp-rart, C.:ia*, a.d Scads!, fialcount, lease. P.ridaypoll and . .....A.l - .every Tor t * day theNenn, and *•drarth row, r tiJar • urnml7.l Far Roach ur t..rracr, orp. ~ oa 1 „, ar zo - .ray 0 WILK11 1 :9 A.D.r ' i....7Tri•Mp - Tpl -- t 17;:. (SO() EltZda PHILADELPHIA & PITTSBURGH: TIIE CITIZENS' PORTABLE BOAT LINE, f 'IONTINLTES :0 Proud frcipat r. Forat.ao. tor I,_, ROI Road ..1 Can,. nu rrry rroonaala terms, .11 onto tie lomat dr...cli, foo eve large dep.', 110.1 , 1 M ,r: ar for, r. Foiladeohl.:foraarld are oP l ad Iry ~1.•. r. froolam R. Mat cocadadtin R W FOINIWICTEIr C Cr; FAL/. AttliA NOV.ME2T. MP:Mit:MI .r ../V ...,131=R0... C 1 11C NC& OF 11111Urt telattrwl Italltt•Rd ttotpoto Intl./1.4*0 bLurl 103 ow:et Va.,/ to iuhrt grow,— :iSy 4.0 h, :La , Plluttelpoo. TWO IJAILY 110A'1,,P, ePOOO. I, for I . .te,:x•sa. • • iJlt ANL/ ILA LTlMulik. rw lta4u0!1,1:1 ...Fat,-510 / Sg•lntout,tr VIA, Mu diuly If lark. Bone. will lea , . for Joltratuvru, Iron. Wwee talks spirtdol t. c. Direct to I'p liYJetppi,t, ro , :nfrPtio.pylvftn. k4nl t:o4J, i..lnon .'i c t •rrt i ISt C.•1410/1' 'the ,c.6.<ed n Jew.Ele, IL. Lll.l .ac /4 the • ...era :stles A t'ackal B.c vvtl:Esc, - 0.05 Ain, •t h, wad y o•tuine al • te..tacl per.i.cl 7 . Ibe Putusc P•• das ..ht W Fot 0.1.,,,t0.e.quit to , 4 CR 34.1..004.k 11.6, •np:l , 0 01.1 , -Ei.:ll A. cf.. mLc? Oat, 7l allos cla UrZiimottlis 3.141 C.04441.4] FAY.. IiALTIVIunai----• • u. 4 110 Pllll..tiaitalat 1.1 warats4z:cave, t.t.a wharf, st..• .La as . 4,4,1 gace4.434. 11... 4, tialtilMO‘c.:•3 h.r6, . 4. 40.1v1p41•,,14 h oo t. cyr..g Lost Ica wer Jalty, e r ..rp, aotais, .1 u f.....4,14‘ 41 4.44.4-,. cre4l.4e 4041, will cm.. 445. raaufmatta 14 ft:4i, 4...1 • .layotnil4ar•Vold nieit 1107,1. tli• 1 , 111,v, P1144.:4•41.• kiaaw,u. St. Challe• f td - --- • . .ISSO. 4, 4 :k r 4Wl-- kIIDINVELL r BRUTE:M[Iy foItWARDIM. ROCIIRSTEU, rA. p- errisintnc II AND AM./AVM...OW LINE, ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINK TA/ ERIE; WARREN ANTI NEW CASTLE. PACK-Erb, •1.3 40opp.ne bat...AA IbustAtith d R0.7.b.n.r by ywaJA boa. AI.bIAAA, Lal• EnC, And Heave; frr reDelpie.l sill umt.lll J.llvered plat., 011 %be CasDis and Lelet. bweat lOUs pi.. Jim." A... , 44 l 13 ...htlyrl:ll'. LIDD,' 1. C. RID t 4 ELL. • Waiur rt, FiRM,NJA. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Wll9TiaLl. ig6 30 k, uuus • 213A/Nd Eau Road—'2 smiled Stagtrg Good tataat T•lagrapb R. azpross Ltda. Etinye company. SIX Van, ol Nvx I. L/A18.1A6. rind nicnco , hd Non enno ninranid 8011 Road I . IIILAPLLPIIIA, NEW and 1181.TIMORE During lb. du•rentien of Enna! NaNlylon..9..x Dalty 1.1.4 or Leanne, -.ln Inne tor Unlilaynoarn. •nd (ma tbnree. by the Ner a d rennfllvacla Road. OM FCll,loph.a Time ihnu4b, SI noun.. Foto to Paliaairichto ....... •• •El I tio Yore to Britannto-- . • • • ..... Iv uu 0 maim, will I, are every morning, nt @ o'cloi.it, prosimat,d catty tligio at toe rate bout FAT Ato WA kayo+. auy always in readinom Ms a Me mom direst, comfortable, act ozpodirto. route laths mattrn data. - • _. • . Paascaten rer Baltimore tale the New Rail Head at Harrel urg, direct, alpha aril•.l at the ens at that place For pae•a2c or Infottnotlart, apply La W It. 11101IR11E&D,Pt t.hterles Dote,. or to., P DULA( Pat. Nlcatargelela Ileac. Pittebargh, Dec at e Itata —de/ • k1.111 , 11.9/1 your Haiti aialam rat. M 44, velslo nre ewrtl snd miter. mak—. aim of the ‘Vathl, L'al el Salts rioni)lriata, Allegheny Car.), Ya e, Mout.tair aod Haman Lire. Climalr., y. nlaa Aslttri enamel !tram , . Atteam of Time, Family and School hionhars, out. toe Map, (nab.; Charm, et, ambe EMULATION AL RE.PliStollY Cato tJ Mu; tit at Chrhim" & New Vent Toys JUST sco'd-6 dos lonia Riad." Donis., 0 •r dot do Dogs: 'dos da Lions .101 3,1•01 ntt 3 Jos MCI Site do. lhase are an entircly no.. and Ecanciiiii af ToLa for chillicii 4,1 c 4.0( eo 9 R.ika E. otter Lind for hornet.. they cannot be Inland moray ty id.cal) walla Lica. 6 di: India MM.: Tecildne a", (or Isle al Ito lad:. 11y11..0 U.pof. 7 L a \I zed mut _del. & II Meryl - 4) , s Salt 6•allrq All •• ***** Air Hi r•lopc• Na `45 Lawn New Yeti. nee that Lemmata, .1.1. ...Lie:. 6 be, irt.la Is LtoaAt beim Ike ;unite Tee a tteo., new. c. tabllthed hy ',rend all gweedon t and eonteetly relit tht wtti,art., u( there but; net• 1101. 1•431.4.111 ed U." envelove. • and to LI t rapidly ...le, a. renal of Iheir errel: , nre. The rolloatiez ate a ,ety of lb,. teal to, thett popo lenty, lit On the Owe tar:tarred tr, the a•I a oelsoo may have his name, hushes.. 61.1 address, drelapiersenil, and beautifully wohosred, ...tared or peon, thus I. fontant viler! ter eats Sraiiktl baud. dd. Tlin ha reaper Cannot Ire opened without beteg deetroyed, 31. Neither we. not wafer. we Irritated to deal thew itb. UpOn the autscorria id 01 4 letter the seal °mutes its Intruadists 111141,1 to the denier rewired of being batted loofahs 1° the Lead Letter Gram Lth. The Enveloped ate runlet...id SI miaow the /1•1•• PM, 11 plain ones 11:11 Eaeh it iter eratihd ti a coat effective adverliiement, earn to await tie *lterate° of all through whose hands It may l an. The ;allowing 14 • uatuf p.co• foe thee ingelleral on bra., end wirier/ will tut for 't eats, and of Er:vetches of are usual site, either while or hull, of good parse, and made u 116,,c with name, address, to . Prices of Dies. 1•1•:ecoi iiiivelopei ti. ...le 20 lettere or lowi -• • • 21 1,6 • ' .a , Lo , xiu, 43.........-- il Oti Z. 71 , •'. ....... • 7 .70 10 WIN. ..... ••• •• 060 ih•A•li.— iii 70 al 00 10 1 1 le U, 75i.gi 14 iai NW NU It Ui. a.. —.. ...... . . 1. Whim It 111 ntll COliVenleal to tut a 0111 .MOOOlOl order Jof Mail Oreoprer.., . 5 ~‘.,„,. 10 , , 057 , 5151 , 1 ,. New York lloure will be , lit:Melilla. All on,te will Mall IVIIII prompt lilientiou 11 si.l4fewoil. tV I LLIA.NI NURi•tiV, • t, Ness York. Olden will be 'treaded to psommly tr lett at the wom of frlessry !Obeli a, moo, to Wall street 'Or of Meson, 11 Jereliatan It Co ,191 Wlnnuu sum: N. B —Business Cards embossed In et lank nom same Ines, as SIO pat Moused. r ,,,23„ta u , • CI ALESMAN WANTED, by ► ,PlaPsdelphia Dry O (roods Uonse—one *Ole Po rannenee earn OWN`p =oaths , trade ImeiT morn Pennoyiyarrit and te mast be of tOo7 nbarloia: sad quallEnd to tats a position as a Ent ma Weed= None other need apply. DoNaraniontions will Oa etnodderol eon- ArtannaL Addrova, pgst paid, Du 771 Philadelphia ra; elk* • I nelltdocrtha .. • . - • FOR RICIII2', A TWO Corr hum Irmo awl nook bailrion.Onto jj two lotr, sluice on Elodwol plith Woof a., Sbront. For teon. - soply Jr° CODISON.I4II7LE I Co, 0.02 • 153 ==l3 f INE containing ..rti sere., 4 attics Winn Woods Cr 14; ma the graded nod to the Unto Met r, at rowing Creek and Sardisahem 100 *VG elesred, tare . rst ram t (atom, 3 dwelling boast Whim, and a Twee orchard. This would make a splendid stock form, or at would divide to advantage into that farms. Ilse • dd•ltsble etoPerty, and will ho told low. ALSO, • Two SO .ere tracts of food besotlfeßv sO. 50..1.41 the Oblo River, ZS miler below Whooli: pros.. rod will Le *old • tarpon. Pnouiro of H 301111I,TUN, 111:13oonii st rjliii: clothing boon No. ES Second meek beilretn tPood nnd Market streets, oretpir. •ulmetiber. Rent eIOCI per =nom. Pout.mr on the lit of November, next. JOliN II NEI 1.011 ociint No. el Wood FOR RRAIT.. r"Fen finahed In FO:1 olea Build - 44s Tbinith-tet. A long, evel lighted itonal,3d mar; entrance Mat ket !meet, bettanien :id and 4th Wee/. Alao, a mall briek halm, le Pitt Town:hip, neat Penneylvanla ATesult. In of E GAZZA.6I, enn7 ge . No 10-1. Second fit A O LET. Ole FOUR Sther D T well:no o 'eoo4 oltee. Oa th roorn, gel fiviorea, and bake oven, 142 Third a:. .113,ne0 at GO Water 611'411. aeon • a. mtcolio & CO, Wholosate& Retell klanumetimera & Dealers in HATS. CA FURS. Coo, Wood &P 151117.... vittsburpia. Where they palm a fall and complete Rock orlon, Cap, Fora, &e every o ealttY and .51c, b 9 W sale and Cu ud - I:and n attention or their cos- Lemma stn.lperchacera generatle, •rrorleg them that they will vs , 1 on the Man ac - r•nraasa:p :nays. auelike COAW:S3!OIVEIt AND '3ILI, BilbfiEß, 112 Stood aaxtx S7IIIC,T ra . ..mon will tc ci v in all buainar , ca• irirnodio care. I, , liin;trn aianc•antatd nnzielna niways 'nand n:ba• active, Noire. Ac 4canniami an ("op able cereal. Aar annats erode if reazirtd. oriw;aa IC:=== A lIRANGFAIENTS.ItarIng - been mr.dc harm. the undere;gntd e: d E ti. ittpnon. I 3 , WeeninAton env, (tate et Ike Derntrunent4 ti r ettdemtterti will emcee. Bt nine Lentle ter the otcles„ trio totdtern,their r.erm-• tha pentnY Lund Itiq, anexed , tyne,Lne ,dth IA MEE E EVER, Atternee at Law, Enerh it , Lever.. =mi kilo del Cherry alley. Flash -00, Oct laZ MURPHY& BURCAFiELD 1:?Lt11.1) lUS V , LABGIEJ.T.T /MD 411119 I.r...vecu,s or 111016 rT OE 6011, [44.1,VA...tar of PoUitilh 6 Mat kis.a WILL HE•ur•EN, .atrat.g, Itti Li LIIIW Siva of Ariv Goode. IL 0. tagrall.lliaTUlß s HOOK SELL Eli ANDST . rI TIONL Nu 17 :Shake: erect, comer ct Tnlrd at, Ti AS cans,sl.77 07 hand,dor akle, Wrlutg, Lstni, Vining 'fru, and IVinpnins Paper, Bonnet., Fo,:ers' Ilindara., and Trunk Bonds, [lank sndllll.7l/1 l'sper Prlnuna Inks, •toth to will nil nibs 10,011 Vaal p r less, or in ennui/FA:lnt tor sea tanners' snaps . 1.46v7 fTOIINEF nT t.n IP gil Fifth p. -- ISAC ORTIIINCIT vtL sa UN. •rvitlAl A luar W Baal Wi.tt,, I•se L.e thanz• , /y [or ll' , ll.l.ightr.,,Al. U. 51k.i• curve, deld2w [barn &Dallll.ll. Ill•rehrasts. esmaiot I'EnFllME6ll.—Ttin trial)attelfillait Lt Y.rrure t er Y. Sudpa, Sbavias , , aLrtL sevrnllitt and ti4o Gold. 1 minis h.ivr, wlti Iu a.° ion .// ye.•.,t.eeu awarded tLe Near VOir, and Mil. a.lyttilk, n 1 Le w015.,,1.c "to, Filo . abli over tonaulr..l •far hurgki Or to lbli Ittoost.th . • homy...huh, Jo•vto. 1 :11.2t, lAIIMPtad, nuke. ..rial,) ulavrryally attnowledged to he suttertor Its out Stoe.* P,ruu m hoo coottlry ar EJI4(2. Ch.:c.w.. v.. Vw,vo . , d —lle,mtutly I.p/urns, ..... ins WOO r•aulltrial to,* Compute A ,•, Ns, eau,. 11 vc LV1,4,../ Viteasitau. Lis tun,/ rua - tax 1iehV1.1:144,104-11wie, Jai,oun, di 1:fir01,... Jet, y Land, Magmas lt.t Ley 1.10, 1 , 1.q,,Aga, elzoustae, CArunallt, tisa, 4/1 artV prteuac• TolLas NVniat, Eau •Ie 'rodent Or.•• • ge F.•••v••• W•act en 4, gtert aa • aaa el Co eo•., I..istnJet Wi ant. ••••• ••••• 41•LI•11.1no 13•14: 4 11 Llautt•Ainc, Eat. L•alrale, Olciat,Coirl• you.. 14 It., 10W,11.1, Oyes, •••••1 pourdes, and Ybilazowe, Rleitillia,••••••ierany Liml.Yotax4e.l. th-wit•Lxic 1.1 •E•Palail:•••••—•rial•Lulie Elsat,osa 1'4.1 DI, Chra.4 l4 .l.Dtztilf,a, Odaraina • 1404. Four. old T. 12, FO,ltt. - • • . illorheenee Co. 'vette Crevh., tau Jr. Vold err au of Borer, Clelo de Yerre, left Salve, Rhipherry Cream, Drpdtitery Verve r, ter removing . vils...floe.. hall, reurl Kfaitle VLIMI,Itt RAOPT, Aram Vißegll Vlet,lll !let: Camp:4lmm, l'tevtot atu, Geste.; a elev vrao ,e of ether woofer, tea urtrevreue to E. .aired in this Rd% Cl:it,e.4l ..t. - .1e,“ 14 4 ocka Lica:Av.... ty alsp.laa n.,ting but Mal race azll.c.. ,1:1 Lc tateT thoac art, Vile,... tLt., artac.a.aLse I,lall, as raaa.tal.:a aaj . tac:ttacctui In L. frao.t atalao. VlEk 8A2.114, Ulf ors•- EUGENL'. 10U1591;1 * 111 Ccaaia. I. sale Ly all lb prior ,f-al....Laasaaaa la 31411. ra10.4.1,:d ut tocePts ieb hag 64,anaed ;Le otilt,AliSiOßE4l 11111.1:61;eTIC Cbal. 1 .. . 1 1!bD, bra IlLt)011 PURIFIES ; In effeelaelly eur- IN; 111 ea,e4 , 01 IN. FLA et!;I4.ToRY AND ClInOle1;7 RHEUMATISM, 11 a a.Ceiew gukranicv awl re aomneneetton In. .11ite 411 I. 610 . .Ith On; d.cedfal dleenwe .11, U. 9,;,C5. Hundreds of nteets, of ety ot theist °Wiens of ac. Lea. and °theta from atiroad, Lave been cared with. to the Ina few oterans In the ray oi EL Loofa alone, estate lam, freer agent. ataced si ax Mao that it is per:ovular the sell. wherever tried Many of these were Claret, elves of lees star dht,r, and 111 hope of sty hal hest, pieta' up While. others were of .acre recant data, et the unite tallammatory Soros, very advert All however, yield to toe wendreful vltnats el (la. r.1...c, end thcuranda tree have te ne alie,4 Is U..trftill, cut a OEM In the enjoyment of heeht, ens. but caterer the misdeal diveoverer and pre fitters, a tentfactor°ll:4lll.4. It as we I angina from the ezperienee of the put, dirt Po...maul eppitenlen can AO oibly cleats per mai.= cure of Ina irontifil ducat._ fly the appit. eat en of enneularlog ilPirPer.t, parts! relief, in wont may Le •Lun Ltd We a 5140:1 none. Bill Ili It C . while Utie li.finlng its gratp matt permanently lit the 111.11,31 . at Isis! mitt again des - elope steed Ina .50:f.` dtCtltllt .n 4 after a' feet pal. udteal IttarGa, it settles into a chenille form. which, if not 000 n and. tat individual for life Th.s ia ,ttintl icy the tilitorp al thd Port In ttiCrPOlllll[3, oni morn- ludy derenattroted hp the bleddrifonliabed of lute to the r.vpritrw Dribs compound, as given by .V 416,1 nanureds 01,14.1 YlliiCt hu seeding tones nod treatment daring the tau few moult a. SiOuT.IMORE7.3 ilfll.ol/I.TiC CONIt OUNIii and f;LidOD Ptliulriti.it all Ittornal tame's— I,tos. lacocca 118 ectetat.o3e ahem the disease fast offal netts, and, lo purlfylos the Mont, pose. thmegh she whole Fluent, tlettliettele the pt 11141111 let 1#1,3P tarns welch has settled woo iho tocathruhcs, muzeirs and lendons. redreveult casirely :ram thosysteas,s.r.ar tt.etOtits the irdietkluni perfect tdaith. those Wit, ate atiitmed rsf de,miet tkosecivut, cad put die,: mu of Chit medicine tco mop, or shall lbulr Imbs arc .11110[J11,t or err...ave.:l io such a da ores rho; SLIT arc . ,ssirylcs Lot life. 71,1 expetimmo ot hanctedt tudum.rdo doer.; she reel, es wall an • ettlitikttic at the preset:l day, derenewnwes the folly Di es fertharichl reher fr , ra tattinal chplO c coca 'IL: cony th, lots ta , nabla sneiletr.t knows c.cpc , lectc, that no calomel application can rove.' offo•t a ittnittlnen t curt Wllere 411“ . e le EiAllY Lead In the aylocts. tic Con and dere prepays: slid nhply an embrocation Ir vory acute cants, aqua tv,.• ye:lef In one be, bat thle call not z.ta 61 • parinncent mere. The 0415,0 01 this dkrtme •„I, ha, cod:area lender Vino, and an Internal rtmcdy 2 to crodaae the do - sited elide', and Mot Ornate's Jibe/Jamie entnyodond and iilco.l l'orlficr la Me only row t dy ten eyes been Jitcovered,titheit4Amerl crt ar say Lllter cconctT, that will eioctually care this detects, ree..o. - tee enoi ha ololeaale or let6O, It :5 Thud loreet,..6at to 0.; Poet Off.", PittaborgL Price. ES per took , 6 Lott e• f VA n: *it per dolor.. !,a.l q r..Vs ord.; nolo R H WHNIi A RT. aim; B AY AWL S. T u pri,,, E ,g''i7da, in Iliii;lefit-e-tileeing'"e"nrolotadrit ployed style n a, will be famished by the . subseribera In any qeactitY, at the very lowest once.. wilt please nettles that the genuine Bay Stew mend. bear ticket. calTeepOndtiir with Mentions and they will also be diennattlithed frontal' abhor Woolen ttbewle by their canaries Lash, finenen - el texture, and brilliancy of colon. Ordete. solicited from all section. of the county, and the came will be Snoopily intended to. Purchaser wilt also find in our kkawl deparminnt is large assortment of all die other moo cop:need makes, and newest designs of American, French, and Scotch Woolen Shawl., es bracing a great variety of .plairi and 'minium etylii Ice friend.. ALSO, Fqiparior Perin Breen long and ers dbatala in latest styles and beat manufacture- Hig ht aitie Week cod Colored Bilk tlhawla-Lupitis Black and blade Colored TNbetNbawlc , wnit silk sad reunion filnois -Parts Printed Can:etre ant Taractri Plain and Eatbroidencd Crape miss/It-New stile Eristed Balca PlaWle..Neat filtered Pasta Urn.** Shawls-Lupins Black end Mode Coloied Thlbat Long tlhaw/a-Plalh bound Seal Shin :;navels-Plata Mode Colons:ll'month Terkertl tkin nu, noted ea. qoasur Pranch Mode Colored Talbot Cloth, ineanying fall two yard, ride or slate alas blndLas a matedidiliEbtia and Colored Bore tooy sae Genseee Bhewts, he. Muntenia and lietall. ROBERT POLLOCK CO, 10 Beath Second al.,P4iltiPtu. • -._lielißPAltaraml3ll NISCIUANEOIIB,-: witruglirgULlNClLCOldhifir oft rri-3vsen.i. e. F. 11.111,. it,,,See'r. WE/ Isms. eget !s • :0 , •• of net ' ARE AND al A 1 , 1 t: E.; A CS. lames etill be liteselly aisistati eta ma bit, I f Direetots the ate well kw:main the commune', Y; 4 who a. &serials, el by Proarywe tad hbesali , maintain risrehato eater 'wich se they have 111Vome Offeert thf . , > 18; Proketiail to those who satire ee hatred' 11 rsctoas—ithither..la., C Liatot,J. W-Seste , N. flotates, 2c, We. B. NO, Y. C. lemon, GAN. W /askew', Wet hf. lye% Geode:. Dente, James hMaloy, Mel N. rema. ThoS. Scott. Oriset, No. PS Water street .v . a.hintre of *yeas.' a at. hat Pittsburgh Ptil MID ildßlllll pacprzerrios • DisußANoe COMPANY OP HARTFORD,. e..m.a.stxx amp Arrrunsono, ;91,000;000. ciIAIITERSD 1825„ TN naderstatied ass been non isted nett for Oat old and responelolt, commix, to acceerd Ate Payette Stoma, and In ready to loc. politic; La Um, Fite and Morino department, oci' as arroratde tram; at any other Isslmatible company in dde toy. • • EO.E. ARNOLD, 71 Fooxtb et.. next to of Pintborih. PROTECTION FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Armzeal Prrsriims Cep&e,sor4F,4l,6scr7l. baud, $1,000,000. FlEnoderslined would call the attention of cos( clams wed • others boning property esposee rtt lon by Fire or the perils of eels anon to the soperuor adstotsges aTeSed hi the Prlpt•etion nat4nrco C.Dapablr 1217 . 11112 . 10 g C0311,•11,, I.—Unto, of Premiss us loss as thou of any, other RESPONSIBLE OMte. 2.-4 itpeedy and estisfoolory odic uirtent of losses by the General Anent of the Company for tin Western and Southern Ststes 3.—Arborstion (of all dills - ratites ssbich may erls4 by referees maturity choTert = wards promptly pain to Specie, Bankela or Esehengeon New Yon. Beldame, en:trios:nu, New Weans, ,St lsodia L:nisi/pie, Pittsburgh, or, ChiC11111•11, t the option or the insured.. Pamphletsi stairs kith the tootle end 'prin ciples of atipissing, lessee, rates pivotal:co"- casein; °won of haserds, no, furnished to rho ons.Grcez: sit the aloe free of charge. For (antler Planned., apply to the unearilysed, who is folly authorised to Insure /Swelitees,Ftetes., Hotels, Waschone., ills, Manufactories, De Ini;sto. IlauagAd Egililuato..nr.glGuotri;Nuu, ct , l hug:U.2. tCLll.llstd 1.1.1 11.e!eto, if. 01 dume by.FIRE' . : Dry Goads, Groeenes, Maillitactltied!GoNr. dace, Roasehold Foulkes., Lire Fancy, sod every, other &tempts:ln of Ideretudiao or Persv..nal Pro perty.oh pped or be shipped per cowl Aeon.boat, or boats to and 'from rzhu. ot. the Wastes's Waters, or letareeo Futelb trite. pia Lekkt.ar o*c , ‘ , 4 4 .0 route) and nip towns in the Wraltni etatit rho hazards or INLAND Tit khfl nerdllatti. -• . . ebloaents lrei hd:: , •14 moo 4 :e e l as anal., betoken New rag Irma end Ilie' meta torte---betebn. 4. New (Means seal oilier Cali vqrie— teiseen all American poste and Eng ..“1, or Eeropeen poem. or IQ any nib., maritime who, sheet in the Atlantic water.. *gainer Ina enRILS OF TOE SEAS. 'GEO. E A11141.4L1r, n , t, 74 Fault!, St., nest to the suit ct tit:slow/h. tapltr..mael . DELAWARE MUTUAL 11ASE1 IN. U• RANCE COMPANY.--Ditce Noah Emm at Ms change; Thin! sane llud p 0 Fmk I num act. —Undding rt, Erre handlic air! Mbar Itrap.mr. in Tama and Camay, Insurad againa ion ar .1•11.1.6 e by fire, at the Morena tale of pianism. alaamsissurtarica—They also toms Veactll, et% goes and Freight., foreigil ar csaawiss,nisdervitql special pallet., as the mrated may dame- Istmem Trumenarstnm—They also Incite onrn• andira transomed ttgkitragons, Rail Road cer.. ; f:anal Boils and Static ca, stem and Islis,;.art tha mart Literal urea: DIRECTORS.joaepIi newt, ildsmirl V Saar, n Jahn C Da., Itoben Raman, John IL Penmen, Samu el Edward., Gee Leiser, Edwrald Daras .Qll, Issas R Dame, Wm Valwell, Jahn Newlin, Dr 10111artos, J. e 1 / a wl,,Theophilna Paladins, /I Jones limns, Rem v Sloan, Duel. Craic Gerege Sarrill Spencer Areltram, Cherie. Kelly, J JeLeres, Dr S Thema., Jobs Soifer. Wm Lyle, Jr. • ' DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURDII--1. Rage Class, Jahn T Loge.. WILLIAM NIAR.TIII THOS. c.IiAND. Vme le-are W. Cava, Serty. QT UlDee 'f fe th eM . .f r i "'" i. N A ' ed l e.p " l l .llTA . : 4 l r V a. Lb" evtin.atoki. J. annoy; Jr.. rl,,awa far LAS Penn Life Ltseinvitv aj • P.tg.s 04 Western Isserasre Water esem, Muchersh. Paul IMu, p with all seeemary Infant...llo, ital. giant roma furnwhad. iiestuunaa'<ao swam Met. 11,6 i ha ILu ta,4.l:st 01 that, OriVed and aluldma; ...Isom the 11/041 ei thou. deters.. , , The whole pioh.ls of the ecitaimay ue 41z14.1 o. 1) tho)aLica of Lf.Politleft. The dlvideads or die put two react Lacc L3.rOr, Peg ca-!t each kit*, JCS FALL FASHION Ills btsiatifal sips of Bat is now resstsfal.l will bat Istrodasea on Saluda', 71st tstt., try ' bIeCOED ft. CO Cos. rah Wood an. J. STAUB ISOPT REIM? EI,L, - ATTORNEY AT LAW 'IWO STATE CONM/SSIONER fat mi. Do kfisiLane, Asknowledgmeras 0: Deeds, Ad Othae—Foortt, street, abase StaltASeld. 1.4-0.1. T • SIGHT DRAFTS NEW YORK, BALTILIOR/i, - .PNIL•DELPHIA, CINCINNATI, ;...oinsvitax; • 11sr. Louie, • "OLD COUNTRY," • „ Fat We l 9 A. WILETISI94tCO„. u 0,5 Oar. Third k Riaalgat ir SPEER La. =area to Lfbany suata, beam Ur Put suede, No . ICC. °Rea and dwelling ha to aaau bailding aug3l,46a HATS, cAps, AND MUFFS rAinse waLacos, fat W7mit sr, corner o Dearnond atlfy,Ssoi43 eters% Ucustoonn and no peollo, an entituy new and flesh stock of Nam Caps, and Mars, groat variety, hlanofactured and Selected mote O&M LP reelliat.o to price, style, and quanty, it, Now Yolataly, and will. be offered at the lowest:etas of pierced low prices. Wholesale and Retell. - riuebafgh, Oct. 11, LEM oelldldraarlosS 1101101510/I.OIICLA AVIGIALTIOdi notice io litock.hoideta I N parsoanca of tbreprovirlons of the Chance of hol th e o n o of r the o Mono n An hula l Mei ga g t ioonf thCeSuy• will be held on hlondaY, the ett, deg ofilannarg, InZt, (being the Om Monday of mash) at ita onto: et the mild company, in Tilghman Hall, carnet of Gnat street tad Diamond alley, Plusharge, et Weigel& to. the &fiancee, for the purpose of electieg meet:. for the ensuing you. :Wyl, ILlAKE.Mtfr.Ltiiin4. dce2dikeriad I Nairnisi Jonarsop, ENGRAVER QZL WOOD, PHILO HALL, nut maw. Vitga,..tmithad. ..vivvrtiEthenLklelz.; Dr:g Latel ents. SW. for GlNns, Sc.leills, 004 Assoel a.lollll Comm Stamp's, dm, ha the Ana styk! of an. acet =M= A. Ws FORTE It, Law, 6.41 ca N 121 Fella- Y ea, c& d calt; WA I L; /till, Plosearn '' h, Pa. , ttottketvttvetyll tita—klii;viVetaellwrard G.Co. Huaia, ana Elia= of LigAtaisg olt Soisanfie nitDERS salt at lb *Lino es the Post 0}113114 eta AJ for persons] Isderslews e*n be .on Or. Fourth .t, residoace of Dv. Rant, between Market cod l'esty. Referostess—Pr*_ Rahman. Editor of Sii:tmast`s Joasoa4 Prohssof M Mitchell, of the Clocltusati Moors atom Professor Roben Peter,orrrarsailvanla Dnlvs'alY, Kr. Professor Chutes Dawes, D. a, M.D. New York itObetebt L Costar, Cleollend sushi. In Kosberg:L-4. vv. Jonah, John Elarpir,llDsoa McCandless, Mr. Childs, Colooel Ltorea., Rev. Mr. Sparks, 1. 4. Wilihuns..Major Harding, D. S. - Anenal, John & Sone, 11_,aw.s. D. N. rv r elte. W.A. Marsball, JohnSampan. M*o Davls,loo fi:Shootri• nottkidtostril td01•1171.111, ;: (3 L.l. COMM. sairri.orr 60bLVZN e nom.. Alorchanu, end Dealers la Dry tluodi, 11.) toes Iron, 11.11 i Nails, earner of Wattia we,: and Wakungtoo Turnpike Road, Teroperarrcarllis, ocißitsrly.3 Vfrnaiad so Citartsr. • a. UGH? Ltraf Stdm Wheeled Ededat Apply to BCAIkEA ATKINSON cadFfltE st, Women Wood G Mudd& • Aduentstralars. Notlca k l 'l P .t r .7f, s„it utrtrlP:„Txt:L".f,.6lv 4 n wrg=tTgWV:g:Vn2l= •oulement. ADAM.WHAVN ' Adze. nollild3Daalthr CALVIN ADAAL_ f. 111 - 111. LE wiU tell tilelt Extra V v Flour, deUver4l, on awl tflarthe lrt liosonber, lt IltZ pet Hal 108,1 a m -too, at 12 per Jul lbs. A iberal diaoawa , t la MMus nol WILMAIIT/i & NOBLE . able tot .team tnec d k 74 or art w : rT • aa ‘, Vc ' ; ua cow/ailment, and for aala low, by_ HERSEY, to W FLEMING & CO, wad ood at; . Sellers , Istagueriel Coairb glysWw. 10011. the owe of Omits, llositeress, enot, Tickling fiertholon lo the Thoth; Wr.o*ng Cough, pronowthed to be A. awn etre. real re medy now in , Stollen' Imperial Cough r . P aw .has, wi th out solhiltation, given a cerr.firat, of t he ei• callous of this papal.. spook =dicier. It will be Interesting to all . who an itthli3ed with coughs, and are till about fora safe and tpthdy ocre—PLth• burgh Doll PM PAchange Hotel, Ori IL IMO Nowt F.ditare—Having been for forth :Mao' past vet, much afflicted With a severe cold&lid abaae. caution uage. and Aeries tried valin tat remedies, syrup. lc, sod all to Perfect, I was Induced by my ealecm.d Mead, W. Wallace, of this 'city, to melt a POO of ILB. Selene Cough Sy tap. i I dig w, andlp toy greweutprthe,l received alro•on Ilicsodista relief It wits with the greatestdilltrulty that !leo tard before my tufweled bat on sating a spoonful of the e=ust bentha enteritis my leetara roam, I coati with gazette war doting the evening.lwpald particularly recomnarrd it to men, lawyye lls Othar public speakor I hose axed two Willa Gull, and am now terra ill tot& I feel It to hem duly , ylLilaothropitt. to that e this Dabs actimwiedammit et the dieselt of tqe article, for I souther tito - be Oa testUow beers the pubic . /AWLS H. PORTII2, IcnoPr of hlathepowth. 44 Vxml id 141.1 isELLECS, ,cr,...W00d
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers