Uff=M =ESSE EST76I,ISELED IN 1786. PC•BLL4UtiD RS ' , - W 7rg',•,&__C I+III.DINOL,IIIIII., NET DIX* TO V.. 12 *KT . OiIICS. (I r y fU r rocif rW•Ve.r,y.--- GPO • Weckly, In adratec)-- ---• 2,00 o • Cnut,e, st a red area +ata-: RAI ts OF ADVERTIBI/501 UPON. L-iie=vi:ta-ply g athon paras. • • Out (Wilma of Noaparollor lett) Oh* lieTti011o.......—•••••••••-••••••• —•-••60,50 -- Often:olr re, cock additional latorUoll..• 11,. one 1,75 1.n3. taro rircan.--- • :1,10 three mocks— -.. —• • 400 Pa. on; month . _ ix. three 111011 , 1311••• —•••••••••-• tozo fn-. - -:: I..ar months 10 Op • Ito. - 'lir ---1500 %verve months.— .. II 00 . • Paining Cud (o lice or torn,) per annam• 10,00 One Femair,oltangenble st pleasure. Oct kn. nasal violative of the Asper---• • -•. • V:4)0 For each additional mitre, lavorted over on.- month, moo for onclvaddnlanal untrue tinned ander the roar ly rates, half Nice. Advertlrementwcerdih,v-a nquarc, and not over :Litton lanes, to be clialged as annaarn and a half. Yablithcra not coconniablc for legal odvortiacmonta *area thraamoant charged for thou publication. AILOGRLICInr candidates for odic!, to be chargettla same at other advertwontrntv. Advertirrmerds not malted on rho ropy for a 'peel. 'Ant floret.' of insertiune, will be continued till Publ.!, ', .104 paymenteracie actin)._ . The prreileges of yearly adrettiten w c onfined `rigidly he tigidly to their recular tusinvos, and All oilier 'never.. titernelna not periaitting totheir regular butanes", em agreed for, to be pal tetra. ' • • , . All advertirenr,nts for. cLatitablo Inalltuttene, fire nmattlea, ward, township nod Whet public roentings,. .nd such be charged half price, paYaide atrictlY advance. • t • • Marriage notices 10bochargrA50 ems:: • Death itilitilioterttd without charge., Unitas ittelli• pooled by Content lull talcit or obituary notice", and -when so accompanied to be paid tor. . . , • • Regular advedit.ere, and all others sending bmmil citation., or tegoltips• 'notices designed to tell etlen• 'lion to Etats. &niece, Concerts, or any • publ le enter tainments. where eha 01 ceat e made (or admittance— ' all notices of private aas or i de. wiped 11l tell attention to private enterprises toirula tedorintendedto proninte individual interest, can on ly be Iruierimi with the understanding that the same la to be paid (omit intended to los utwrted to the lo- • Cal column, the come will lie cherged at the lilt of • DOT late than It trill/ire lite. Ilistiorfor nit illoticts tote charged triple pricey Tavern Licenee ons, 12 each. :Legal and al edicaV vet tisedrent. to be charged at 001pr:tea , Beal Estate Agent' , and Auctioneers , advert's trill Col to be einesed under yeasty bat to he ' allowed discount of thirty three and orrechicdgict cent. - Data the Lemont of Lin.- • . WYKIILT OS 161,KCILLI rlr Dant ' , arm One Sgellth three insertions • . 1.10., each e4dioenal inserticeY..... 37 run.' • • M. SLthsre s 110 1131.0 one!ncertioii“--- . .A me. Dn. curb additintel tnaerdon•—c..s treneleinTmleeniac clients in be paid In advance lIITE t. CO. Garettc,.. lIAILPER bli`T 11I:ILIDDLtz, ,Yourtal; — JAM r. niAtuteco.,Chraninls. FuSTEE DROTllEll;Diepattli. JO€. SNOW DEN, Mere WI.. • . JAPirki iVAIIUDLEq WWI KAINE,r3G6LIC Ttibutu. Prznisms,Dee.l,lSi. CARDS. A LDERMAN, rttlh ,NCard, Pen — outer, tecerren Jo& O'llua and Wel.L All herniae. promptly at. mood to. AL EXAM/Ile:a b .AVATBON , ,A TruttNEY LAW—Ofice, on Fourth Mtn 01.0.0. Wood. , • DAVID 0. 4'ItTTL~a ATTORNEY AT LAW, .111.1 for Ventlyiranla, St. Louie, .1 couttmulics.uons aze or ed. ostl3-i7 • / I. JAMES F. Kann, AA TTORNEY AT LAW—Daxe tin Fonsnh street, bcrresninintllficld and Gra raisbnrgh. sptte•ly • JOlifi i. RAN ICI Y. ATTORNEY and Cemtellor at La*, and Commix stoner for tha-tqate ot Penney Lou.; Ala., 'late or Pidahnrgla) • ' Referenees—Piitstn.rga: lion. W. poissard; & 31.N.Sndlesi &McClure, Jolln Yarar, 3;ateW d. Et taple,ticedri A gin:, .11•14.15 BIDWELL qc):, VOILWARDLNG TB, . • Gliargon,p,(..Yeairk's Ferrirort Ogez4 Having perroa neatly laraud at 0.10 ph.ec, a new sobstanttal 'Wharf coat, wd and prepared to re. CeiTC aai torarard pr.mr ay to at! I+oa:son the sad liaralT anal rearm . or Olin C.n41.1. & Co. 0/wow. June 15.--jeld . .• war: sAaas.rt- -.410111.1.Y. cw .etxya. b/..IVIAVOLIVAWIII-...---•-•--/ %UM p AILPLEY, WOODlVAntealea, Wholeaale II cars, No WI Aisne( Thilade/phis.. - ea..l •IW urgra A tall Wert. BENNE:rr, I;Evuts t co, mannfwmiren a Soda As& }Skulllog rowderF,MiltiPllC 1,,n Sulphime Alta. WRIT hOlif No 10111, Verry. I.ll4.l.erset ltrprn.s. • 4 carol IZemet. , BRAUN k. likaTEll,lloloo. an..l Itetail Drug gias, comer of Llberty. out :5L Clair nrcels,Tsua. C A. AIeANULTY it CO, ant toittlon blerebams, Canal DIaLII, Pittsburgh, rra'2 (3 11. GP Wlin , e,A.: t,C , 0:7,11 1.•+4 an.l k/.•Forara, talg• Nr• • . q Wzkri rat •. .0 Ira Benty — inn FICOIII4 ft. K lchung • • ie..,.55,11-. 1 , 143.111 . CO., r/ONtillflF. , ./N QCll.\NTi—Forthe.aleofDo lVl f Do azestic.F• oolrn. and Calton Goode; also, .lealus in all [lode of Wan' Ttitattanol, fio If 7 V F 'oo.l or, Ith Aoor from: F.:. h, Fatah arnh.. • • I • Reference -blows. Win. A. /Fill & Co, Banter.. a. a an:Al W... 11,1. IMMZEIMEI C -• - _ • . • OMITISTION MERCHANTS and Dia Broker, Nolli ,cond erreat, PaltvboTtb. auft7 • WX. 11. S.-41 . 31f, • info J. SSWICII . . , E:4G1.2811 I.IIE37NETT, (lac Gn.ltozig6r Co.) , Vbeletele Crocro,Comnlovonn and rot wardinglii,zhants,coddealere.in Produce and Kite, torgb. Mann .ekatee, N 0.37 Wood 31.. toorcut.24 ani rd struts. . 'WU. Lt. JWINNTON.. F°,7:lt l T,c's.B Pu . `4;'.",.s;r 3 mc"1.?•,41' Rolal7.w. rAsntrmai [W4l.lla c. tarnicrrox R. POINDEXTER & Cp.; iII*ENER I CClMlllAtiltni and Forwar..ing ?der ‘j Flour Daaitrs, Nd 2:6 atLet wrest, _ W:5 BIICK !SOIL it CO 101111 CU CULIMINSION BIERCUANTS. 4Watcr sa4ct Pc No. IG • A:J. n, t ItLLD, t..•Loi 1 niu r -a C. 51.i.140max t a; u %CCM aaa Ira Iscicitesor Alarylay 1te...e,) Waal that ,. et .44Catarai•tio. Melclant, fat the .ale of A.c.ltlasttaitpaskv. kb It. febl7 7tiir -I..TARDV , JONIN A "o., : I.4o.cescors ta Atlmod, ..qa. Jana: awl Forwrardiag chsaU, LT.Po , rilt Itlanufactstuf t'lttOvrcit • me 1.27 ...• actgano, to naMMen C. latMa) TAIPDRI'..R. A lacalet in 'French and American Pa. per 111,4104 s sod Border!. Ali - Imlay, $b lea. Eire kk.ard Prin., Zan. iting, Prinnna and %Vrap ;ZS th:Pet] No. 47 Woods: oat, between- in erect alley, west 0, Ptti.burgb, Pa. , uns3 wouns• Ihe lain of Chttriters, Ar. tNlly aiforni the obi Cu. 'ally, that Le will .1111 on. lilas , s Lowness, in •11 rill .11 oaera fur Menke. , Potato, V01.,it.e.. Aey warehOlibe ha No let a:Scrota lltkr. Oils,_V_lniethes, !Lc, No. ofihnonanl Alloy •51. PI7 roil:cumuli j t v v i a 'nt .o rr f EW, i l d a m tr s o lx f , Comm anon the Pt.tblid Gene tinan in co , ty on the. farce Varieties. , :113 as prepared • aims' re , Aitoret Minerals Iransintar Is 111 talasiarest. ,arlarket •Lar tastaireso ran NlZigia7.7ol4 • 14, study Paints, $5 Word went, ouis door r4IIPS der4. e t, and &at kbaiart s. Nall Ws: Isamu a +AM Mll 9iCIMII 6 Co, rSieTCLNU, ans Waite. lirl Front Meer rblilwe and Pitt•bwrntg r tt, , Pittr2.2sl). .pf 1101111,Ar tACI XI /A, !V{gacnilt Croon r..Con ttleri in - Prwlite • N0..53 Pittlburc. rove t '.• --inseph LK) war& , Wholesale Grocers, and • do Co., N0.,•1i tVood eh, de'..:•y Utuagtst tad ArotheearY doors mare Third st. Pitts • n herd a well selected as attest Illeateines,whlnh he nahle tams. 11 , 1*itik.a motly et!en4cdtas.od ea?. say Op., pa main.. • ill will be accurately and eat memorial% at aty hear of t et or (rash aruliciad Pura • Tuna • T. S. DO:WORTH &CO Wt. •4 1 :., , 6ps 1 , 11. imo4 Yo` esrgh,srll' here constantly norment, the best and ft .511 sell ,n the teen tea, seamy , 1,15 prig Abed will they pal IDIr Pits , :ivies Prescript, 7:%70% tT,tr' 2 th! Mao al +sly altuistol men.l Richard Flail VLOYD, Mel •tate Grocer., Comm..., M2l. .zeia, red Donters in Pl'Otilre. Roond Munk Ir ..14tmes, front S oft Libeny, Wood end fiallt stir elmihereit, Va. • - apt iriO. A .111JfillEY,Agrot for tha Lake Erin end Mallt:an Line le Whir the Inkcs.-13,7,etl on the rar.or of Ws., .inith4fl.l ell rent :•:1175ti."../C - 1111dlab: ^ 177Co s 7-: VI Lean. 'lntehtsenr Comotiasion ent • 'end Ageni .r Ht.• ells titesra Bazar acfinery . Ho.ls rr, nerd 90 front .yrets,Plusbutgb. 13C11 , 47TRAKKIL Wholesale Dragons No tri Wood nmet.Firt Jroillrig:Titiaiitcwha 4cnrc In Made and Maßit.l In< malt., Pelval pooK gal ...Prlntero Card., an statienxrr zermally.No.-61.81, 3a, Pmsborg:l. oc•lskke. ...in- socl% T 41.tb M, - ikrrilt, Woo,' Ccron,,,- titSion Aorta Forwarding Merchant, kold hole ale . ,a lir IVestern.sesarvd. Ch et, Mater, Peg and reirzrArgh; and liTuriern Prod,' 147 generally, 1,u, , nwt,llevreenSithfield tipl 4,l4l:abort:ll, ' KC R/OtitZ, Porrantrig anil I" , ,mlints..con Eder ZlL,etror t qDealers in Vradacc, sotl Piu.slnargh ma* stanared'articles, renal Den I . Inr.rsti irrts avail, PA. IKEtilia MOT, C 4.4 SocetingHlLDS t CO, hlanar a Chain, Cottonntatars 'o Vary minatior , Carpet wins . I 'fiat:lux.. . Ja7 , -In , 'O. BTOCKTOR t FhAIT. lo'.irrinan k. it Sin ,Mer C 001CSEL1.04 STA Militi63 r rtllNTEAlaon BINDER., cm .or atatoual Third Ern% limb's rirth Pa: mr90,411 THE BUSINESS CARDS. Pittsburgh City Glass Works. •W. CUNNIHGELAINI & CO, • Atittr.A 4 . I rTRERS OP. ICROXIW 01:A BEL In No I'd Merkel street, between Finn and ieeondi DoaAk odd . a i ITTntetthte attenti paid to otree. n FLINT GLit.L on s, VIALS, sorn Ahoy gs, &0.. W. ViInitISCISAY, O. DIRWAR Jr - Zat D. 05001001110, Wm. Idilier,Vhilad. C. W. Iticketson, Pittsburgh. %/111..LER lUCKETS-ON. Wholesale Grocers, and W.L.lmportera of Wend Ice., Wine. and Seems, No.. In 0nd174, center of l...rap Vol Irwin strews, Pots burgh, pa.. Iron, Nods, Conon Varna, &a 1.. COO - on ham.L._ sib John MU Jan:T*ll-14%1UL , Walter C. Roe bt . T t elM,2Yl h o ° l7VateTE C ' e r, ° l= l „ i' l; Pri v rankrifi STEELrIRMS AND aritii" ESMMI=Ma 11A/16 iom, son W. vast • , souses a. titriou,' MreNUFACTIIILERS of during. and birder ulaul, ;dough steel, Intel plough "rings, Vouch and ellp spnugo, hurrunered loon axles, and derJera iu oral 'cable outings', fire eng:ao lamps, a nd eoaeh trimmings reneralfneorner of Roar und ROOS ots., Burbank Yr, • - - rehrdr • J. &J. Tardas. Commission Aiwa haste. MO.:IICM Levee eh N Odom., keep continuity on 111 hand ajahee assortment of Brandicaol the follow hie breeds which they oder. for sale as axesits for J. Durand & Co, Bordeaux, vlrk Idailery, J.lwaud, J Mid & Co, Lareehelle .1 .1 Donna, Cognac, Ade m cron. A Blevilleii de Monitore, /eon Lords,&c., Se; else, Anchor G In, Bordeaux Best and White 't% arms in eases sad eases, .sleeted wither.. hy John Durand C.: tkenile• Chtmnsrnm Wine and 9weict Pervonilv pei..PIES &SON, No.%Market st. second door . lacus . e.sre=l; A r ztagel d esrtir ertc. F . o r Lrpo " .l, Rank Notes sea Specie. , Irreolelelloss made on all the priOsipal elites hrooshata the United States. • • apt OP IVM. suiluctimariN, Thad at, opposite the Turt.Orien, Pittsburgh.—Map aLandscapes, heads Thowhins, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Betittleiel and Visiting Canis, & e, eriarased or drawn on Mona, and printed la colon, Gold, Drum or/Unchain the most aPProred style, and at the most reasonabte prices. _ octUhly R°l l l'Z'4, l l ! ua 7 bLorettlo"nr, tbodgeatrtfl Commission oforehanu, and dealers in Tittsbargh Alanufac urea • spit, lour. hottlett. noon.terl2.2. 1. t0013.1/11... lIOBLIIT - 1511H3RE, %Violeta/a Ototer, Rectifying Distiller, dnalerio Produce, Piusbarrh rd. al.. tures, an l kind. of 'Forman toil Domestic lain. and Liquars, No. It Liberty sneer. On band every large swat at superior old Monongahela 'militay, winch will he sold low for rash. tnyt . 1... Untnotos. REVjVDLDS 8115 E. Forwarding. and Commie. clan Merchants, for the Allegan°, River Trade, sealer. in Groceries, Produce l'instiarah. Manua., tamarind Chloride of Lime, The Mahan prier, it cash, pa ta at all times for country raga Corns. Penn and ithein stn. riplS RD DAtiRLL Cr.CoylVbotaeale Omens, Com Minion Merchant*, dealers In Prodace end Pittsburgh Mannflaares, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pt , - apls 134, A. CUMNLISIGHAM, ' 'WHOLESALE GEODES, Produce, Forwarding, SY and COMatisslon Merchant, and Dealer in Pius brush Manufactares,No Liberty cam, Pittsburgh, 171 a. e. NIAVILITS. ' TY. 11. walla. 011ACELF:11 . tr. WHITE, N'iludreal. Deolers 13 Foreign and Limeade Dry Clouds, No. OS Wood etreet.rittabanh. a.pl7 arts."tiVlirlilHAUGll, Woi - 11 - 7,1 - efrian;,Thealcis lain Float and Prodnee generally, and Forwarding and Counibtricu Illerchanta, 1.45 First street nod 116 Second atreet„ i. a[Ltipi f Joan malts, ELLERS NHX/LS, Prorlacound General edni• 13 ['dation Merchants. No. l 7 Liberty atrest,Pinto burgh. Spann, Linseed and Lard 0111. spin Q VON LIONNIIMIST & COTWbOltaa la Ore .3.34.k.cri,oni.rimaga An . d .. Oc: c meni,eion Merchants, "6 WIGS and iVe.clll Prettate,•have removed to their tow warehoore , (o ld Manda. No. 36,torner el Front meet and Cltimecr) Lane. ---- eel? MOHAIR 6 unwonTß., TEA AND WINE mkaciiAtigs, • Ertir oule Dmmotta, Itituborgh, 15L.P.111.11‘71.1 =l= WHOLESALE: GROCERS - , Prakrie a>ta Corriiimos Afrnianu. And deaknin. Yitubarphl.l.4factated Anklcs, Nos. 130 and 139 Second Retween Wood 3 Smithil,yLrittsba &est max wadi'. • - Dowa ! JOIIA WATT JACO., N i an i l l Oitli L th E in G gVe . ye e tr i gt i tt ' 63 l ; ic tt " Alta t.. Je.tatevt l44 ibe.rg Pitpbokh,l'a. g eepth ' MILOUII=I - 0 al. a Lif — a_ Pimily • * • . brit bape c efine; .eshrin Fla,. arriving, .t 1 for sate by sepl4_ IIkItIWN 11A - 1 - itsvacanins [COULD Inform she- pithily, they have tat. the TT oraretaato .aarmartyaltamale&.by Mar au. Xi, Solomon Scheyer, lit :trued arrest. ILeging a Wee And comenagthos-grarthea tie ' they ttroalJ ill•Ite do attention of pena. Latrine g oody to cearlgaar nor. They Intl alto give attention to the purrhave an 4 vale of Neter, Man, Lai anal L.S. %Fa teimsn• • R.N.H'ide isnan• • W.R. Walarouus• L. Ss INATHAtiI - AN& BOSS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and For gg warding Merchants; dealers In all kinds of Pro duce & Pittsburgh ildstrufastored Articles; and Agents for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg idannfacturcrl Tolnierio. nut WM. TIMI:LIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, zul. , r, Pu also amend to collecuons and all other tali• yy nen ontrosted to him in Duller and An:lntro:l scanties,Pa. Refer to__ J. k. R. Floyd, Liberty sal W. Wallace, In Junta Morel:Lan do" I Pnetbaria. dl! Kav Cep Weal ea I iar7 JOHN rieFADlrat a CO., FORWARDING & CO3ISIIZSION DIRISCHANT 5, Canal Basin, Penn 'tract, Nue:arab. Rua JAJIMI M• DAVIS & CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.217 Market, ant 51 Cocuraca et., ratladelptda. Adsanece nia.'e, LI either of the above, oa coral; a scents of Prolate to caber novae. • mel J. otwil n• oho Rat. J. D. WILLI/LODI & CO., VIrIiOLESALE & REFAIL . FAhLILY GROCERS, IV Forty. and Commagou Idorchanin, and dealers in Country Pmdoce and rinsburgh Manufac tures, conic; of Wood sad Fifth menu, littsburgh. mr Wit.. 17. WOUcutts -.•- U. McVay. WIT. It. virn.i.uktis i co., BANKERS AND MC:RANGE BROKERS, ' Ncrnh Eaut comer of Wood and Third suettA, 1.1 PnrsinAire. PA._ Jo. •. W. U. WOJDWaLIitD, • 111•14 , 1‘ -nrat. BLGALEY L CO Wholesale Grocers; 13 and 2 , ./ W.od insee: , Flashing h. 1.07 10=1 D. WILD. OSIIY WeemsLos. 'WICK k APCANDLESS, (sate..." us 1.6 J. H. T Wiet,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwardion and C 4.011.140 Metatarsi's; dealers in roe, Nails, Sal.", COMP Yams. and Pitrab argil filirnaheteres general ly, corner of Wood and Water s tree", Pi unbargli. - anti W Iteeufying Dirtillera, and Wine and Liquor Merchants. Also—lmporter* Of :Soda Ash and Bleach ing Powder, No: Wu Liberty inner, (opposite Sixth si.olot„).Pioshargh. apt? W, WILSON, Watch.", e welry;Silver Ware I and fillinat7 Goods, comer of Market and Foorth streets. PrOsborith, P. 'N. 0.--W*Sches and 0..00 twefixtly repaued. .017 anti T 017,13. - • • JOHN X. li . CIIML txrd. YOUNO Dealit• Lcaiher, Hides VT '&e.,143 Lib nriy glitot• • ooSIr DITIIICLILON.' • Put. , lIIVOTCIIIOS. VAT la MeCUTCHEON, Whilesale Grocers, dealers In Prodnee, Iron, Tani Glans, and l'ittntramnldanataetara generally, Liberty y what h. • Ann I C.IFAUTIIIIC41.1111111 . • I HAVE taken WM. CARR into parmerskop ima In my baainens, which will from thin date ba earned as under the name of "John Parker &Co.. March JOHN PAIMER. 3 ° byillium • Cart. n I. JOHN PAIaCIEJi4I2: ‘ CO., WkoLsods Grurrys,. Deakin. ire Yrodace, Fornps Drina, hionongahela and Rfaffied Whiriey. N 0.5, ecumenist Cow, Liberty street, mem Pittebuted, P res.r.znan, nutria & co., (Sll...celers to Hanna & Co.) AMBERS, ESC!' ANGE'llittrlaritS, and dealers ß to rOftlf,ll and Domestic I.:valance% Certificate.. of Gepovite. Dant 'Notes; .4 Specie—North weal corner of %Vend and Thini• meets. Current money received on depolite.--Sight Cheeks for sale, sod collections made on nearly all the principal point. the United Stator. The highest premium paid fur Foreign and Amalgam Gold. Advances undo on consignments of Produce, ship ped FAIL on itheral term. apla WIT. 'I, DOCLaVi r l law. i. BO WIC A: 1111 , CLVIIO £ GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, NoS6 /aerie serest, obooi, IPood, Rate always on hand n large assortment of Choice Grocenea and Fine Teat; also, Foreign Front end Note, Wholesale and Retail. Realms impelled on alt lowest terms.mast R.ROLS. GLARE( 'WORKS. JOSEPH D, ABELL, MANUFACTURER OF ,GREEN GLASSWARE, Vial s,lloalcs, and Finale, Porter, Scotch Ale, Mineral Water,,Patent MOdlelne, and Wine Bottles Of every description; sloe, rINDOIV GLASS. Keeps convantly on band a general assortment of the above a minims ALSO EfFATE, as the ether Omen Glass Factories are sit arerron, as is the eget= In tamener. - TmeIFALIIII7 is VOVIIIII FULL minartals, and will Catitilllia emendon both summer and winter. Orders respectfully *elicited. and will' ho [died on aloe shone.* notice.. • Warehortac. No itS Second street, barium Wood and EmititLeid sts, Piltroarsh. jrArn_ ly SAL P. SHRIVER and CHAS. BARNES More this day emaciated tbs A iseires together, under the film 4181,0.1.er fr. • ClarneOnor the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery, Prediaco, and Commission heti. nets, at No Rad& Sanded. street, between 'Wood and Smithfield M. , Pirt,bursh. Angell I. IFI O, --eng l ' WOOL I WOOL rE hi,t,„t umbel pars In Cub will be palLI (or 1"'"'"""" 7 °'14 1 .4..rw lIAILBAVG}I 111- VITIUUL- , AA. ICA tot urea 13 A FAIIMT. DUX Ai CO PITTNIIVRGB iIISCELLANEOI I ;; WILKINS ILLILLLe • ' FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. /PHIS 'magnificent estabtlehment being mew Tom-. Violet and ready for busineas,the proprleberwould respeelfellyeelleit .totra ot the pebble patronage. Ile most. by giving his full atteetton to the tipsiness, to make the house a pleasant and comfortable resort for the. citizens of Pritnburgh and (91' the eettett7 generally. Good attendants. will 'be In walling, and every ea , mien made to order the eitablieltment worthy the couatenence are woven ef an Intelligent community. The TWO SPACIOUS; HALL% food for Parties. Concerts, Lectures, Bally and public meetlage,aritt be let by the comma& s. week, on Its 111/eral ter=m say other la the city. • The BAR and RLBTAURANT, equal' In style and be to any Inn the world, will be kept furulehed with Pore Whoa, Choke Liquor., Cordials, Potters, - Alps and allthe cool,llght,retrettineoleoltheseason. ftltltrP, boo, }AA, Soap, °peters, and Clams, agreed up In the best style. . The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the first floor, and cony of access, will be constantly supplied with all the•Lbrerien and Dellemice of Me mnon; and alte,with nth substentiale as the market. • froaLling by thr day, weak, or. year. Owners or Poppers for /11.11eitioala or panien,fumialaed an skint tie with their familiesiviiittoir the city' emi, tie eurielled with refreshment. o all Muds Many hoer or tie dal ai . Good, tring and 'air emensii4ll.ry Sittslilish• roma is untried with the 11.11. :. • ' Dinneriat Lohslock. Streakiattand ram the aims] hours. . V ' 4 • ?nuance for !.wiles to t he Joe, relito an Dhung Saloon, No 67 Smi th field street; ' • 1' " • • ir , 3 o .lif : • K. 11. VAN WF.NSSFIAER 4. WEntillflny, ELI . tn. vrurlarat4,li A. WESTERVELT &J, - 80N. trrp.l.L KNOWN VEIVITIAN DLIND MALI:RS, YY keep contently on hand,:ar mate to order the hem ankle in their line, at their old viand, Nu. 13 Si. Clairsuceu alto, No.ee. hla-ket creel. second story. entrance In the Diamond. Vonitian Shatters made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. ' ePIO W. & J. lAN, Book Bleulota. WE are mull engaged in tho obove eorapt or Wood' and'rbird street% Pittsburgh, Whom we an prepared to do any work in our line with des. patch. •We aimed to oar work personally, and tar. (action will be given in introit's its nosiness and nbillty. - Blank Hooka nil.l to any pattern and .boand tab. atantial:y. llooktin numbers °rola hooka - boon,' tart fully or repaired. Normes unroll books in . gilt letters. Those that boon work In our line Sr. lamed to ...alt. Prin. low. • tn if poor illkohloo Shop. WWIIT/dAN—Munafacterer of all Irlade of cot' a ton and woollen - machinery, Allealway eity,lest be above mark. being now in (all tad stare utalatp• eration, I am anvil.' to eierltte Odes with dispatch for all Undo of machinery In ay line, stab as wi llow., platers, spreaders, cords, grinding mulJne., railways, drawing frames, speeders, llutssils, Wins; woolen cards, doable oral , ° ! ~l~e, single, for mereltsmoreoantry. work, males,itata, tee.; slide and ha:W.llloms rind tools Is gam. mai. All triad* of shafting mad. to order, or plan" glV en for gearing factories or mill" at .P.soltatkie Childs C 0.,& Mae 'stew k, 11.11 ome. peuneek 4C0...1... A. Grar , •BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSW ARE II AN UFACTURERS, I:lltrentitillact, (sear rittatreurglaslPs. 0,0 - e, No. ' - 37 Water ii,: beta at Ararla . and Silz4t, Paitiurgit. gipw ILL c onnazaly kart., oa hand a goal auerr .tuent of Ware; or oar 011 , 11 ntanuattpte,atra aoyetioronalny. Wholesale and Collett, Met ehanle are tespearelly turned to tall anat. amnia for therhaalsea, as wa tu• detcanined to sell rheapet Than hu•Tit t before ban offend to th•pale trrOrders cant by, atoompani d t geed roferahee , tu proroptiv auiludid t4 t:. " 4 1"' 10, COACCI FACTORY. ALL.I4B3It. , M'kg A. WilliTt A CM, wild respectfully Parma . the public that they tow elected a ahoy./ Leto° k, between Pak tal and tiondasky strecm. 'alley ' arena. talkly and are prepared to receive °rile ry for *wry description of vehicles Conch., Chariot's, Ha. roaches, Buggies., Plartons, de., whirh from their long expencnco In the man afamare of lhe *bore wail, an,! thefacilideri ,her base, they grolicodrolent they me enabled to do work on the wort reasonable mum with ; them wanton eirticlm in tlisir Paying particular attention to the aelecuon of mate rial.' and having none but competent workmen, they. Rave no helitaCon In warrartung — their work. WE Pketsfoto ark the anention of the publie to this matter. ilikkßepniroig done in the heat manner, and 011 rho sow reksonable KM. • daunt • scapho a ATICHISOLI, .• toms. strw.. Woos am 4.1R1a, rrrramsau. rsoNTI , NUS:ro wansfattnre all kinds of .I.X.PPER,. TIN AND 21111 T IKON WARE. Also,'lrtsr.k. math Work. Steam Boai boat to oOrt. , Octual me= Epat wort. Havant hands lleno Illsvoru2ltal °Mapper and Urns KoWeit,Ttia Wno,tr.c. Sc. ....4, - nubon Portable Form, Vatican re.,-a• very tonve.unkt at • Exit for uratobolidß; Valiiermn . etiyirswtt, 141,111 real eowould roV“WailY iornui neon ion men and others to all ami o oar mittica tad plots ban. parch:lgor el gel:Flute. Wraimkt and Cast ArosslisUlag. • Jr; mihretibete beg brain sir hisronallet Vane flat 124 have obtained from the Rear an Um late and fa - Atonable dig far Irms Itaitiog, Loth for Manses ano cemeteries. Persona mailing togrocore band won patra-nsa will please and ezannne,'and )adge for themselves. Railing will b furnished at he shops est nonce, and te the best manner, at the canter Of Craig an/ Rebecca &errata, AJleehray atty. Auggs`4ls( A. LAMONT & cloy NclLLtsin DIUBY BBEGS lute to [alarm Ilia tarn:lean:l enstotnen if a he wilt.; wee:slog hts new spring woe It of Itectl• comprising, ai ataal,oll the newest and fawn faabion this style, of Cloths, Cast 103Cri, Sane/ Vet unit i t, cot. too and linen •sturcet sinift, and entryartitle mutable for gimlet:ten'. wear totspriag ao.l mu,amer. It being tinputalble w deser.be the ttemils,get/ity, or eotanUt or the stuck, Ito propr.etor hopes all whit ase in woo: o good, cheap, fashionable, slid well code clothe. will elve_took a rall, m oth to to maul: this silo el the Alle ghe rd." that can eon:pest was it. The ready made department is limy evens:ye. 'tidos:. led to all holes. M . il toaa.coraraetots, coanuy raerchanis, an,l XIV parcbne tarAMy, are paroeutatly mar sn =lilt Um stork Ware patehasiotr, ill pm rolm m Etymon It paid to the seholeiMe Leaman in it e.tah liahment. the most t Even satiric in Um to Greet Is atMoaab and te butmutter,, at Um abormm ;laden. DIM IlE:partnership hereto:4re naisting ceder the nant Of AIL C BRADLEY, la diaaoleed by the tleet sre of Mr. C Bradley. The bh , inese oral be carded en by A Bradley, mho will settle the business of the Is, (inn. IigIIOVAL—ABRADMI bat to rnovt4 bit Foundry Warehouse Dom No 112 St e nod sitoo,lo :to IV ttooJ • -• • - W.l, tic:wean Viral and Second attrea, m AI, w N.. house lately occupied by 6 A Derry, *hero he. will keep vonatantly on hand &general anoxtmealaf Lags, Um., bum Cook at Swats, to. 1W CIM=N3MMa NP N ['FACTURE& OF CART STELL, and No. I and No.Y American I.llLaw glee. Atka -II Cast Hite Files, of all use; and Diet karma. and Sta. as spa, al w at a on band and tot asla, criUle r gla Steel WOf k 01iirl lame% Vital Word, or at n.o mix° ,o II Iron Stara of D0(.1.-itA NS & GA (Mi. SON, No 9,f00t of I'Vond at', Fittitnarth, mr.f.t dtm 10:1314313 We, the andersluted, having tued, with entire sad. isfeetion, the Cart theel and Filet mule 4 Sanieel Mehienry, at his Eegle Sled Worts; Au thrulty, tale pleurae in recut:lntern/leg them al equal in quelly to any ever used by oy of latelgti4a.uttitscliiTe. Pittsburgh, Match 13,1"edir.._. U A / II atitisNIIEROER LCD, Manufacture. of Iron and NitilacPitisburgh, Pa: KNAPP & TO Iron Founders and Meatus., Pittabarch, Pc' COLEMAN, lIAILAIAN &CO, hluteracturses ofNcinga, dale., Spring Steel and - Meets, Pntrburgh, FAWN riatra, Dille. Sande. and Dlaehine Cud Mannfactu. relic Piitsbunch. Pa. A PULTON, • Iltarti Fancier, Pirraborgh, Pa • • . . • GRAFF, LINIMAY is CO, filsnufseturers of Iron tu4 r 4•11.4 Pittsburgh, Pu. 303E111 'IIIMLINR)N, Lorosmouve Engine , Pittsburgh, Pa. WALLACK, Mullis litany factures, hiss htho stud 1:411... 13 . 11 d• ssr2l er, Pittsburgh. Pa. LltaoSutton orßastssaraltips 71111 E partnership heretofore existing between the subronbars, under the him of Chambers, Agnew Co,Gisss Manufacturers, was dissolved by mental .naant, on the Bret day ofJ el y,"inatant. All persons knowing themselves indebted Weald film ars request ed to make payment to either of the patties, without delay, and all persona having unsettled acemmts with sold Dm, ere invited to present them far settlement immediately.. ALEXANDER. CHAMBERS, JOHN AONEW, hiladdin D. H. CHAMBERS. IZICIETII norzow, THE Parnell sad consignees of goods arching by the .Citirens` Portable Boat Line; will pleiwe tate nailer that they will be required to pay , freight at our warehouse, according to Vie reeeipt, before the goodshise removed. ' CI. aIeANULTY CO irt illiianing, anti Cleansing Dittstrions—Put the clothes Into told Witter and let them soak over night. In the monitor wring them oat and put them Into a Items of boiling Witter, to which add the proportion of one p rit who le d to eiht gallons of water—atir It op acid boll the twe nty Minutes. The clothes may then be wrong oat and well rinsed in clear cold setter. The parte of gap. meow that may be most soiled, Neel 110 wrlnliantir tied collars of shirts. may be slightly rubbed before rinsing, and the clothes bo sound perfectly clean, white and clear. • . . Warranted not to Injure the fined fabric and to glue perfect satisfaction, or rho Money will be refund./ liold wholcuele end retail by It E SELLERS septa • 67 Wood in - Efirsetaux7i, Warren' and efitsburgia • Telegraph Company. IN pinnate,: of a resolution of the Hosted of Ditem tore of the Cleveland, Warren -and Pittsburgh TelegranhCemPung, reguesting the Secretary to mean out and cause to be pohlt.hed In the newspapers Elena the line, an exhibit of the financial and other animal this conipanv.l submit the following Report— , The lino of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pituthargh, passing through Chagrin Falls, Franklin. Newton Falls Warren, 1 o enamor., and Lowell, in the Plate of Ohio, and New Castle and Rochester, In the Mate of Penttylvmda, at which points there are One. orated for the receipt nod trantelmion of business. . . The vitale length of the line I. 17) raiics—Cephal stock, 04th per mile, ranking 4 - total cartilKl .4lek of 1522.31 Of which amount 1110" I v. Joni by citric.. FIoMb liar, md the balance is hold ny Cotnall & Speed, the dontrarron. The above 1.4011111 of cub ,o,ipuon. by eiorene, barn been Odid & Speed. for which the Trustees have their receipt )0 4 : 4.y JF.FFIiSpON SALM, Secretory. TO BOAT lIVILDMILS. 100.000 feet Sen.:mod Deek Flank; 100,000 feel Cold Vogt Siding._ For ogle by ROBERTMaKNGHT, Radii , Attorney of Law, MERISEMME=I I=IM=RMIEVE FRIDAy MORNING',DECEMBE State Mutual 'Fire Inn Trots 'Company, mins . army libe nA nd aßiaß .psrinins Vß° .a ascended to Gift ends. ruin haring losing polielesto theamonogof near One sod a , Golf or Dollar., during' the lest three Clolllill, toonifernarlon of the esti. Mallon and confidence of the ambling], She llTOrmsOf management on which its bonlitesa is eandneted To elty or country merebants, Cid owtiens of tug., nod isolated. country property, it It believed Gus company affords ad vintages set point of cheat. nensi....fity, and Recirrity; inferieir Wan Inrarance Company in tills country. " .zd Conducted on the equitable and groaly.tmoroved *Taloa of Classification of Rhiks.ezeUding all .peelst hasanis, insuring only a limited 111.00111 any one locallty,th prechoding the frequenoy and occurrence or to fir and oleo on both the Stook soidldatnal plan, It rot only wassesseftbe cheapnes..o4 seems. modnuon of both methods, bet entitles the muted to ,a participarion In dm rola ts. " It la under the control or the following I/tractors:— John P. ROtherfool, A. J. Gilleti, John R Yaeger, Gunnel T. Jones, Alonzo - A. ItT, Philo C Pod.. wick, Robert Klotz.. j P RUTHERFORD, Pres% . A J 011.1.11TT, A. A Comm., Actuary . . . .lilrsueb Office for WeitentPenneglianis t field street,. Pittsburgh. • Pomona desiring insurance .. will be turnishedigith bouts of lb.u,s?istpunl . ing_st the °Mee.. ' • LW* *Sad Ilenlth }matakansia: • .14111 E Mutual Idle, and. llealth.lastinsemb riamianY • of ,Philadelphin,ihreorporated,hytbn-laglalninro a Pennsylvana.,.blareb, .1e43. . 'Charter perpetnal. Copal 111,0,090.. tilers Lowstetaati Ain PiPmATL" Setni•Coxras tO. per e ant. lower than the usual easelof Life isintlMO 4% the Mowing eon} palm will .Low: Thus; a pa s te. of ilienage of 70 in serum for ilia tar hie, mast pay In the Girard VAC.-- Penosy Wi liinni.ls2.oa, Peon •blata 117(b..; }lnaitable, ChM; New e 112 land, ,36; New fort Are, RAU; bion, }ILO; Lilo ia and Health, Philadelph,lll,9l. . Dia sesons—Sanittel D: Orriek;Charbis D. Hall, W. F. Ronne, Robert P. RU - Mules P. Hayes, Al: W. Baldwin,•}l.ll.l. Reeve, D Alban. O. Id. Campbell, Leman Cooper, L Rodman Barker, B U. Butler, idwia . .r. 41 9Pt 6-..64 . 13 MirC Oniek; Wee Pres} dult—Robe. P. limn &ATM:y-144mM Bler.kberne. Applications will be teneiret and=lbralion 11"? CP t"- freia It ' oonis,otirsiL l' o} ork.n.dly •'• • Wood and 'hard at, Piusbargb _ _ . @LIM /LINIFICA.R2.242II2IBIIIIARIORL. ' '..r"ll:,ltNeSpetsnausfi "l e% perry 1, Lit elly and vrtity,', and on shipments by Canal, Riven, Lakes, and by Sea. , 'The properties of Ibis Company lire well intresteili and famish on anll- able fluid foe the ample Indemnify of ell per vim dadre LISI be Rowel hybuatoeee. -. AVAL . '. • •en . 41 Waters. Vire sad Marla' Ilreasursiaao. I"ll(erFirs, th Es:LittLr,' LtL e' N M O P .77llfrO N lft r : l l tut of WOO 4. The sobeariber, 'Tornio' the-inbovo old end sihlo Corov.y, issue Policies on Boihlovs mod theireontoras, and on shiProotas of M.rct.".. 6 1 Steam Boats and other nate.. ant W. y. Modern lino Antique Finallate. JAS W. WOODWELL, Kt, Tamp St.,, Prmaoria. •A • J.W.W. • • Respectnilly inforins the reblic Was h• Imo tom! • • • pleted his spin orstoek PURNITURR,tIa, largest and coostvratedeleartrielll <TOT offered for eats In this city. , comprising several Amite of Rossvoono, 111J.110GaNts end &act {Yours's, carved, oral...null and plots,gettable for Parlors, t haw and Ita Rooms, of which Will ha sold at the lowest prices • Persons desirtne Famine, of troy deseriptlon„ aro epeerfstfy blotted to eat: sod ezrunlne his most, which mbrares swery dekesiptiaa, onlesk dote - 14211W plelnets SO Ike wool elegant 11114C0eRy, 0(10001 the iollossare cOreptisto Open: • • • Tete &Tete solos, Tetea Teta Divans; r1,,,,,,,rum00 chola; lUisobethlan'ettons) "Reeepuon ear Loafs .XIY da , Eiteosion Raffet•Moss; • • . What hots; " Totlclilbles; Los is XIV Conan Wore; Dote of Yetk's Cot* et 1301. with Plash and Lalr oluth ear cal 0011werss, da do ,' do, - 40 dos Mahogany Pular Choirs; 10 Rosewood do"" do; 19 " LI% Wolnst do • 11. , , (0.04 Seat do: 4 idshoosny Rooting do; P ° Piano Prools; • SO Uatble Top Cedar. Taloo Pd do do Wash Mande, • blat.ogany'lledsteeds; • ld do Wardrolna; In DPI Waliat do, ti Cherry ' do. A very terge , nwOrtritent of Corroono Cloare SAO od, et Furniture too tethoos to mentos. , itiats flutdihed on Eta shorten/MUM ARsrdcn promptly attoOdel P. 8.--Cohinal Maker' eau to osiPtie4 with alf .m l 2 of Alnbotaoi, Waluka, and Yemen, at coushlorehly reduced prides. ' ' • fcbtS • , _ .HERSEY,FIJI Moll TIM 111.110 P CRIV 31.a.NUFAIT walla vanao,, all Mut Bell Ja ' Jo Yellow do • - ds BOW" ttir - niece Sonnets. Neel mixed do Moo do ' Limb do- . • Super Work groa4 Clotb Super frown do Soper preen do Soper TWniled do Super ISOek Doe Sting Soper Dodo Carkawerer. Soper WOW. kb •Iyver Watt fal.tomr• 111..e1 eta Crum traireme. Prawn Led.; et We atioutertorers' l'e!ehareh l lidattirl rattan Wiz any Ly trowel eacaret. Mere. Burke rit Barnetoutlet ule the ilniaPit iLe cauccrll, tar which papaw they arc authortzedio tea the name et We C•1004t11. NATIIANIEUTOCittTAIThIt, EDMUND MAME, _ TtIiWIJUS Id/LYME-4. The andereSyneiles•et that detyllt.elnied themselves in the nu. of UV KIM & :DARN i'4l. for the p.p." d' manatee-doing Eire &roof Bytes, Vault Deets, k,. uthe nand of .he late firm of Constable, Mtle 400, Where they wilt be pleased to receive the rwan eee ILL .11411.1. Cl that Loosed tbr.B URET triends. E.DNIUNU THOMAS In realms from U.S aria ai Canna/le, Botta A Co , I .iu. rlacelc plcasurc recommend Iltpona. Haas ta 03114er to the canal:moo tato , frlcisti/ and We poLao. Yeb.ll, 1,00. • NATHANIEL CONATAIII.E -NLlJ•thf Cs *nab I 7Aa c i ~ v fl y; t . ulr g d . rrna , t , red . l . lv e . 1 .a n ez,..a 1 , 1 0 l •66,11 relpeetforry Invite. thu stuntman of Werth sills and pedlar,. Nu e 1 Wu./ rt . UV ALI. PAPER—W. P. Marone L. r• ennstardly llSvinn, horn , the laracel rnanulactorres New York and Philadelphia, and also Stool French aseneies, rho newest 1.11(i moat 11P11ravett style's or Pa. per Ilangrne a together with Mutters, Free hoard Mat. nod 'tutor Cups. Fur into at Wood al, 'Morn Fourth rt and Irtenvorld alley, trueneasor or S. I 1111.) . 14 amt .- I - or vein h y tthe barrel or kindle pound - at Um Dreg, Seed, and Perfumery Warenoava, foal.", of Sank and Wood %tram. 8 N WICNESHIIA N. sale lITOVIA VOLVOS' Tthe stud witrio ' ul ' e c x t sg e g r ertjtio ' n " , ' o ' r fea ' r m oretair t it o d y ie e ti4.l.; those who hive tested 11,pronoanes it far superior In any other ln the Ma r L The Consenter need t o n gi apprehensions at railing carpets, to., as its , Jloelllon prevents Adam from timing when being op, plied, which mast be done when the Stove is cold The guntllty regained ar e little to penance a beat, tiful lustre. A saving 0( 000! lily per tent Ii insured to the coml.:WM A enautut appinAl to Stoves, Pipe.., he., when told away for the lunnaor, In on We• wealatian spans( Mai Alter hoeing Stied it once, hte it is accessible) no per/1011 will nee any bet the Pticenls hianenctuttng th,mpsay's Premium ebenti• eat State Fungi,. For sale by MITE hlootagne Company ettoplY their kenal. I. with Roofing Kra Flooring it, rheeta3s7 feet, from II to ll•donoces per SqUILTO foot. Carnage' /d In rheou 317, 1/7 on, for rdofine public imildinge and depots. Ship Sheathing, 14 x4O Inches, from h. 4 to MS ounces. itna, :rhea, IYlre, Sugar Mold., Perforated Zinc, P ot, They seigneur their metal pure, end free from any admittura of iron, or any other suborner?, and re. enmatend It (Sr the manuforture of MOH •nicies in the brute ferniatting line, so It dons not tort, to not affected by the action of reeler, and ILIIII , pointed, sod Japanned. Sampler, moath, plane, rpecifiranone, and other infotmation may he hod of their agenbn—i, M.Cau. &no:re, Nev, yoai • Alwoos, Robbins ft Co, Deacon; Nolll n Toortra 2. co., Phi/as/ophi.; w. &11. IgoliM, Batllmore.; Mast, MI A !Immo, PAT" Orleans' 2111..LIROUX ; Remain. Agens, ihnover n., New York. Lleke, September 2.--oepaut3la T • 11F. Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; with rernin 'teepees or friends and comemporanes, to k vols. Carlyle's Latter Day Pamphleta—No VIII, subiech Jesuitism. • _ Iloiory of Dario& the Cir.t. fly Jacob Abbott, with engravings. Jolla froward, a foreseer. Ey Mrs Idartin Bell. Pittnilel Field Hook of Ito Itcsolution.—No L. The above works received this day, ,an d O d for only by D C N Cor. Market &Third st. rirtegvelteg'ia Ar'ria;'lmVotrolii reapecting than will be thankfully metered e3o . tVm II IitIINSTON 'lraqa:lW tirssiaTi sty7l.:Wa i Fair triaisTha bOWN Windsor Posy, Olivey, Murk TO Vernacular, Ortenta.l. Palm, and OH Soaps These Soaps ate highly - celebrated' for Itepartior, smoothness in ihe akin. Purchased Door the importer, and for sale by sepia It E SELLERS. Al Woolst INDIA — DOCIDEII — PACEIPar—tIisaI lb. mooned thicknesses, Gum l td to 1 Inch thick.. The above packing is prepared no that tlbUilegreee Fahrenheit will not affect and is superior to every thing alas, as no sonslnnee Las so much elrorticiry wider-Mandl ro Ligh degrue or beat, and may be used aboasall perm where packing is necessary, viii—laanholo plates, piston rods, amain Santa, Steam cheats,of lirs. der beride,ltc. For tale wholesale and frail L it, • J II PAIL aos7o 7A sword sr f • Fi . 1 I ripoll&C O-74 big lierssrmdlis lamp; Pew lauding J. no& ISAIAH DICKEY 3 CO, INSURANCE. , 11.11,114. . • 1E1411A140 A.7-EALST rosint.to rspe.Li: - mat Bernina; ' VI Carta:laden W ani lwireera tt Fiktoty pdeeF Beam Lcague Cava tad Scripta, .u, barer gaud. • • TalLorz , Gael, - Red Baddictr, rater J..; Vert Paddic?, Buckram, Tallaraerkurasaatrall du; Brown Limns ' krilictu's Drab Herz. bl ack d. • 4114 wonted; Mark and Watt* T. Black Trust, Drab 'Warn Omuta and DWI.; Stuart , c 6 cord Syl Coma; do LaArn Ttipmd, • toperkor •ri.dc; Ikrarrd Vccuaga; Bieck Baulk an , iJruvrtt llutton4 s&g !Buttons, CrALlato, uratoia+., Nu IV Wat.l ourzel N WICKCIISCANI, Corner of Hine sod Wood creel% M=3MMI NKW BOOKS. ~... D . ..._ .:, .. . . . , . BOOKS. MUSIC, 'lto. WSWIIOOBE4 AT HoLmEr LITREAR:Y ' Third atria. , airmails the Post ODee. rbAVIDCOPPERFIELD. NolB London MI ;mune for October lattell'e laming ge, No 3311 The Volley Far m• or the Aotobtogrophy o Owe, Mira by Charles!. Peterson. : Petticoat Gorernmenk a new novel, by Di to Mimeo Templot Di Chalks LOUT ' : • 7116 Iron DI alk—g . ntes' ben work, contract JAM of - Yankee Dill. Genevieve; or Pleas= Love and Sorrow, Do Lootor.ine. &atoll Sharpe ore, No O. NSW manic .INIAW nu. TFIVNIt LANE;•a, beeirifelEttiopi en 90 U by We New Orleans- Dew:mloa% Be 'euchre' and beware; Oh! Matt, take Olt baud; Toe Meidee's Tett; ' • • ' The itieh Idan't Bride; Would I teem with thee; By the Bad Eta Wave, an sung by le Isi.w. York; , 'rho Bird and the ptLte6 'sung by Jeno lake tUr lute, rag LT Jenny Lind; Tern'not sway; abe.etlldCdaet. by Fie Slaybsee Kite; lty titaikoeb,Jenny L • Gend Lock: fenny at the Gate . ' • I.vin Worthli very bat Polka; also, no w Watt:. lcalve .elation etUnit a Prerentoa of bl titerlEic;luiTh Gofden llv POSEr./111.6 PIAIWO Sole Agome.y - pr DushaniNi ELF.BER takes ;dement In Mum 11. peddle that' hi fins succeeded In tole agency for Thallam's celebrated .P far %Postern Pennsylvania. The Pianos made: by air Denham, of Ihe. firm.of filed:tn.& 'Mahan), ire too well and' favorably known its ibis neighborhood to I.IIIITO any eiintment at *Mx ligne,iVirme it to. ray. that for a long , toneho other Pianos were guard lathe Western cenniry than thematic Amnion & Denham and Nunes& CIO& - Mr. Diatom,- the. praotteal pelmet oil Mu above firm, fits anent onwards of twenty Year/ tit Oho fac tory of raid - fine, is practical orvisger an 4 director of the hardness. Within • year or two hfr panbare Nee bought oat the eutlreactory and apemen naceof the firm, and convinces li,llllllßufaitur, art fuze inbb own nante. DenhanOs.l.ll4. base d nett popularity, that in Forge of the we stele ti es, Clone. anti, /c, they have. sold two to one toy 01b.r tnannfeetare. Theyilre dratiognished by their power and blilbancy of ton& and ex naordinaty a tabillif• N. O.—A large invoice of the above elegant Pianos now teething. .MN OF TILE GOLDEN. HASP: °MG • . maw Riu•te. RECEIVED this dal/ Itom the eastr:— La Petenane—Seatonert. La Strenade—Artatnted as Dom. .14.1111•11 a and Jeannot. tot Guitar. • Voice of by goo," data—t amer.• Away down in Callo—talitet. . Ile Watchful and lieware-01ovei. • Decide, nanny ottkei popular Snows and. Pieces. • II ICLEHEit, tept3 Slgnot the Hoiden liaro. TWIN et . . . Disease, ind Qrmedy. fly DuNoore. Adatama Lind.ali a noaak tha author 01 ul.euieo .Noteoan's Bridge t IC., • IX. nod Corrcepotolooca of Rah. boothey- , part 5, Gibbon'. Rome—ruh and 6th vol.—compl.tion of the liteeireS and for snlo by ' upitl .. • R 0 VOCATON irEw [wogs.' -", GRaMlitaß—The English Lankaage J2kllll elements and fOtllll,WlLtill buttery of its origin, and development; desisned tar an in colleges and , schools. Won C. Fosslar, late profeaanr of Rhetoric In Amherst College. !, AWO.O.I—TIa stein! ptagsus'of aSatronoiny; especially In *a United.Rlatea mina .f.ssonsia Flee - Theron! 'a Heaters, Lilo' in Alta far interior of Peed; lance. wish nods.. of the tans. vibes, and Kiwi/wee ot du chase of die Us, elephant, luppupo.. - lama. silage, rhinoceros, /se. with illaaLlanona Uy R. Si. Curnasing. Received for sale Dy s R C H YOCKToppi sep93 41 hlatkitet =aMa JUST received at IL KLELIT.IPS Malin Atari, tbe following Bohr.- - • . la the Eye Mere linathe Heart I Love tuaTrice. The Watcher. The Whim end ,/ted Baca. Nseey. Bill. Ile doeth al , thlOssMelt. All is over. ~IVbery le nos 11/15 hopes! cherished. In 5e . 4 ., thcCant o! IL rceeivnl at ' lle o loses. LitenTry Depot. Thiry street,. .pps.ite the Post Sldiectmlso. Parry, or Trials of the Hew, by Olt tbserrne Castriot, surnamed. Beesdvstee Pug or Albina. be Clement C XoOre, I. I. IS: and No IDol lib it a Living o,Pti iit asc..lved. It .. . , A LAtla: and catenates asarninint al PATF.NT 'IL AIIitTALLIM IlVillitta PAHRIMS, among the altimet cadre.. variety asibrseed In tlis twortatiettl, stay be Wand 1911 tallosisc-- . •-•-. • I •'' Ilona Covers, Marriage 'tholit, Air Cads, Ale Pd. lowa, Air Cubit:ma Wank Pain, Tobacco roaches, Failing Boca, Capita, Capes, Cleat% Tarp aline, Snares, Minn, Pontine., Marc, Maros., Parrea, How, Deer. !wino, Mariano Minding'. Pole Weater., Sisal. ,Mtellins, Caton Mantas, Paper Holden, Isle Pretiervara Travel:4g ./taga, Istinana filmy , Iltaititag -/data,./teita'; .. Mt ..' Lio n .. 9 / 9 9a92 $ Has., Al, Latin, Fern' a, lade,' Wash Gloves, ladies' G 919 Steer. t ie `Cam thee., toggl ne a, ite. Evan. uncle acid at tli tatilastunctuia unattained tri 91919", ell Mg_tita, ' 1110....Atirritial,tAar%ter. proof Wit, •it,— MI, • ray Under sag tallies al beat, deritduty In 'Cr reirtren rota, greet Outlining, lislatnesa,perket intgernosetsesa, anl freedom Imat oder. Mr rale at the Gotalgear Ribber DAV..., N. 7 19 9 Woad, street. I arpft ' JA. All PIIILLI PS_ C== lIGV+I:3 SPIN PAINT/NU aviiileziag,pwapt• ir and n. 1.1 y esteuteJ. velth ff dm Inetty anternood., Mot n• van J/ renttiog Cl/rtnv us Clap av any other einier. th e coy, am/ ere ttetermiar to do it. Sprl.g Vlolvti, do, Jto,,, 1.4n.1110.1t Cita, Alumni, Vlncear, hoasrAre, snownin • 1 he at. n; At.ond Orr•to; Re.r 41,111 do do; oath •,,p /los.; d... An.andinc Jo: lintel NO 011 Ntsi.tAn.liom 4.., 11.qurt no; Wow,. I% maloof do, Sears l;fea•c by n net:l,l4 , ns, mob 0 Mr cod It. I KldiA — ND DUI" rAibas olail ktmlA, euattn.l. It on band of Iho twAL 4ubttll. Vatottlars. lanseol Oils. tioilcl vila s. k.zt Ornate, Atoll 'roofs, Wold 3. (i:au., unisons then, Am. Mail an aren/onao.loung tenant , „ parcha.ina natar4 or dry paint Who WWI to do 113. - ir own yeautina,cao arr‘ , .e . th wry attaruon• emus. Ira )I YI)lLl.11a 101r , fri : 9 v Wood at M1102=013 ON band an. serg from the Canltperdle Fartery, tor the fall gado,- 510, yd• 3-4 I.lnot Ott Cloth; 5(40 yat 4-410, )di 4 do, stat yds 01 do, 1000 dd.; dttitt ILcct do, roadauda and belay, from 413 tt yant• trate, all ti the sr west •tyla of patient ob nod .1013 any yisedl•o4. 100 yard. 4.4 Far - alum VU clotte; Odd yds 5-t do; Spb yds f•I du. 1.0 dozen assetted site• Tatle,ol.o4, and 4El7'aif Covers, wants' patterns, Lod spldnatd fint•k. yds 4-4 Patna Carnage 00 Closto - fas. 7Ja 5 4 Jo; tsaryds 04 J.. -30110ydsOd Cloth Ceoll for Sou e 5.11.4010 I pallet.; 510 yd. 11 Wade 00 Cloth for Wititidad Minds, 310.; Duda 5-1 do. Wtotioar Stades, a taw astortmeot ion secctved sof he 1011 e- blerchr.r.u. onnl aurae st - t.ttillg to pat,httre.,ortc in. tted to tali and rzaca:nta our avortment of goods, Lich tonli Ise 441.1 Yt the Lowell , n.ttqn J 6 It 14111,1,1 PS *ep:o s; 9 Wo3o sr itars•par its a Sods d Limon Sy, Icp. 20 kegs Sersapaollntiada.., bst do du, 2o bolts Lemon Syropouula from pore lemon juke . Juit stbl far sale by 4.10 sa le ♦ RI(IIZVTaIIN WOOLLACA GOUILId aIIFI ondecdpneJ h:u on bane, and L chic ear n. P enin.n from ibm monnf =:u"mcc, on ronugnmcot, Iftre lot of Flannels, all colors, Vele .d berm!, Also, Lird Olanteti, Idlaosectlontace, Dearer C.oths C.3.4111.(e5, 50../ aitd l'srecdt; whl.h be otot nell by the rare or piece, et mattcracterets• priers. The ettetatun of dealers vroolku geNie It Invited. II 1.1;h:, sogle liberty si C. YEAGER, lON !Market ti ttttt ;(nmar Llb•rty,) - . AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY UOOD lICSIEIIY, RUDIfiNS, LACES, iiLOVES, THREADS, COMES, BurroNa, SUS FENDERS, ke. Also, MUM y Vesting., MACK tM ILEA NOY SILE CRAVATS, PONGEE, DAN DANN - A, foot LINEN lIDEFS. a Foneral aolunent of VANS, and coon , frallety of smarming, apti me WILA DIARKEITI - East side of the Din's - wad s A T pe " n:ss ‘ p ' srtro ' g . sa " ppt.l p oc e n e e m s c a lll a s t ntl Y e: * d u e ; reayonable prizes -0M hive Ezaellent Tess at ----•—•—• SO 50 per lb' IMpermy 75 Tem Pest T a Impo rt ed I eU This IS decidedly the cheapest and best store sn Viimbargh to buy 'rens. /11010113 a IIAWOHTII Pt` I/5 . Prorter, I) E. Vt'll.Ll.4nl6 open a olosstral iwd tod, stohool, on the first Monday or :tort. nett. Ilmon over J. D. Williams' storo, , rorner of Wood and Filth street.. _ Rev. Wm. D. Iforeard, lion. Walter IL Lowrie, Rev. Pr. Elliott, 1. R. McCord, Coe-, Rea. Pr Mel iill. J. P. Wil Lig. el rd—tf 113. MItelIFIE1.1), inform their, vermin 0 - 1 an.. and buyora GYbcr.llyibat, in coneennence of Workilorn being engaged In enlarging and improv ing Ririe more Room, they have removed their goods to tho racoon rimer of the building they occupy, unttl the Improvement• ore hatehedi where they will Iw happy to lee little eitetomers he usual, and for the trouble of walking up matte, will try and MIILIUL them by sciting theuveheap Gonda. lErt:ntranco fiennyounn stroll none! ---i _,_ _____ natwaLovies, &h. LA UM FMC'S HAIR RI )Vldot, tingle, for Lathe, do do do' do for GArits. do da do do doable. do do do do Bath. do do Strap, far Latina. do do do for (lent,. do da do Bath. do llenridall Brasher. Imported and for rale by erfa ' II A I'AIIAIVSTOCK A 'Co Franck ananalcialinn 1 • i{ VIIPIIY A. UUIteIIFIELD hare Just °mond a WI troth aopply of the various (phallic, of the *boy article, including I leek twilleC, very boo Alto , French Doeskins' and earrimerea, black and Noel , and Black V.illiti V.llllg. Oh very law Frieda for qualltY. flora Hoye 13at.nots. iIIRPIIY dt. 111. 1 11111 FIELD have vet eived • lot L.V.L of handout., Funny Mixed Satinntr. far Boy. , wear; alto, Plaid and Plain Casennerel in great MeMO eacciinercv, Kentucky Jeans, Block Tabby - Velvet,, kc., al north all cocoa -of Fourth and Market clams. arid .• ‘UPPS KREPINti—n .apply of DOU'll j'j Bonk Keeping and Mani Book. reedit, not% 9TOCKTM • 2,0, 185,0 MISCELLANEOUS. STOCK & CO.I D 11313041119 Firat au, Pntaburob: It 'own iimponation, acct B. FAHNE WIIOLICIIAL ^ Corner of Wood and OFFER for axle, of th e from .tharege, • tons . , refined, in eases Gaiety Corn & Pond, tag Ammon, eats b• jars Paris Green, in cans - fauna Blade, at volts }loot Sulpha. do Csalle Bone, In has .• Cale. Magnolia do • Cub. da da• Aertlo Aeld Orange Flower iValer Bole Armenia ~ Pill Bores, paper eroloil do willow Vial hots , cleaned Adhesive Planet, En/ Reborans do 0 Lead do do Galbanum do. do Elateriem do do Citrate Iron, Eng PrreiP, Curb Iron Aleppo Galls Tipton's Lint Nedgewood Mortars and Pestles Oil I.avander, Spike do , Garden Oil Griganam • Oil Rosernsrp ill Ritter Almonds Oil Ceispul Oil Croton Pink and Blue Saucers Cani•0101 Fed' Zinc ' Reliefs' Teats, prepared, Gentile Root ithabsib Root Paltdrina Putty India!, Red 003 Paid 1;1 btla Cart.. ron.,m keg. Citric Acid,iri 1b Wilds Pule: Andmorlialis' do .i.q. Ammon Conc.' do Calomel Erg:. trit Amber Reet_ do lod.do Potful. do Cranzete White ' • -do lin oz vials lodine ling. In hf lb boulea lodide loon, in on atoll! C.onf. Senwa, in lb fors .131•Carb. Potasb, lb bottle. Ittne in lb taro Ref. I.lqtmriee En t• m boa Wood ?tenth., In lb looks Tart. Emedo do . _ - lur; lityktaX . o,lld nd Inai , t Wet. . • Prmtc Acid, o's Tamale:Acid, In oia thoca.l.lcrils,in keg. IltdVajgrian yarg.in War Ti.N G Ll9ll MiI`LIAGTH. 10XTRACed of Aconite, Ileilm.tonna, Colneyntb tlytnp, tiyoseltanns, itttantottirant, Wm tuny, Tarssi:tard, NopnpnnllA, Questis, Hops; Col akt and ludas. listnp, 1."""" IJ I A FiIIINEREWg.i. CO . Cdr. , First Waal et. .Solltog oat at Cost to Close /ligation, A LAIIGEAIOCk of LOY UOODS,.for whin, owls. mottgaies, juogrolents, grornoi yenta, or nal CIIIR/E, tin be tCrell. l inja JOS:lL HOGO, Its WOol err !Nortn-eh ABDUTIINUr lo ICCtIVIDA A large asaortmenio lanaY and alaPla,TarlalT , and Ilry Goods, consist log la part of Woolen, Tlobet and Cashmere Mated. 811 k, Barna, Ttubet, Kid and Ilackakm(ilotea; Wpol, cc and Worried Coltrane; Alpleas and Bombazines; Woolen and Canton )b.rinels, Calared and Mead.] Moillns; Cassumut and Carranmes ; &Mma and Lanes; Trumps and Uceabs, Threads aad Endings, Umbrellas and Loup lhule, Ae. All at which, enquiry and city merchants ara re faraday Invited to talesman, atitf3 Wood an eep,S CO.PAELTRIIC HAVE., ibis day, Itt/OCIII. lIIItA me Mr. 1.11. Clans°, Im We Wholesale G eery clot Ptoduce !Mamas.; the style of tna heats di be A. eulberume &Clouse. 11,5) . eutainamow a. en - Gausses] D. R. mane A. CULDEIITSOII OEOOBE, WHOLESALE GROCERS sled Costmlaetun Mee. TY chants, Deaden in Prodnce, and Pitt...burgh ramatseutes..l art.clee, Ins Ll. y et, Pateburgb,ra. GS • FLOOD.INO bosuns. it.) (Via , FEET Worked Ci:Ak Flonring Boar4*, .14f nt,per (telly dry. nut rf • Sllperitaqoll.ll4 fut c:LARKE. • augl2Alif , Abmsbarth. ilt sago Pootor nod noon.. for Hem. 11===ttl i i4t1=*rati city, by t,.4Ftga.oo.=, AJOg A pia r tztr e b tL t t C i lat l VENTED by Fredennlgi ;,. BVAIP3 Firm pt. 1,1111., lIMEME Wi 0 1-4 , ILP alld Retail I eller la '!~-Okros, h ' limas add Ronda Tripedtagd, Goods and radbroiderle.; proilciarn's Furnirhing Article.; 7.1. yr, Wod.ter,, Vitserw, and Canvas i'ryf ihninl, Tissue rarci,aml • Fidarer No to rial.. Nci dy Fnonh Mien mono Carpet. On MaL , idlinTOCK id ICY a yen , : taknPD Candpilinng in park k N4l► .4 Co ; Co Tai kin tngi New 271. priliViiTspidalr) Door coottatall rcceirt • went of [lowa, 0.0 l thr tlotrin our/they tortitto Calphrst ort w DroArcto 4a ,Ilth Aortal to•rt nrossot I 17.4, 6-1.54, - 4 4, o • 3-4 Oat Chalk Shoot fral (loth. err to • hot , "ire hall or on vOriau.itites and go .Carpets: • titres specs 8 ply carpets npes:me TO ro do an ,tct led`ni sup. g ',JO do do Fine As do Common 'CO. do - 4-4,3 4, end Datualt Venttlen entoets 4.4. 84, 001 4-, ags - NU!' Oit,clit • I 4.4. 3 4. 8 miooltd4 plat,.' . Vend's., Teo yen 4-1,3 4,1 f,und 8.1001:4,1. ',Nen:Alen Cerpee ; 8-4 cotton I eugyen 4 woolen do I•1:4 do ; slo tYoolen fatam [Worsen AfrotlelelYllB , icatideit Idfreheted effult Me =P. ere sod manufacturere, enmpstelue the newest mutest style, ,whim we cfler to conooistil 1.2 low tan be pet eared env of Me imatern eines, call al the Carpet NYershonsc, t-S - YouJlts et and,l) Wood a.. ceds - W. SIcet.INTO. - 1, TITT3I.IIJRUII GUNS WORKS. I.,b# 11 , e Rog, 11. d do sille Door Mid. MOMVIMMI . .. I>rah'r an ^ do Venitiair Hilt:is. ar A. & D. H. CHAMBER., laic mummy, •otizor • c 0.,) WoelJ torpOttolly Worm the cu.:macro of the lilt 0.14 . ttl.t the rola.°,ett . etully, ate they It pea. Ute I..fteto re Of WINDOW GLASS, V IA 1.3,11W1T1.M1 io In oil ...le It at Uhl No 13 Wood et. between Flt Eva WAD • tr.r:d3ot • I frf - 71 r7 , IV. Monlinti rt . .; Cann it %Vogel:oboe, Fourth mien, ono :11 wren, •grir gptcuilid attatortmong . t ot Vona. Coudi, emoting.; to pan inn following eittcu-.-.- L'. and Gold ohne ilelatogi M. and entaann do; :tangi and h eel do; ' tang; Cal tol no Lloion Crouton and White , Clue do Orange kind Clue Satin batoink, CriLl.2 and Penile dn. I.eatoesed 'Curacy Red Cunt:. Figur.' do loin do do; • bell Wido. - -a 1.::m n: [nab to en; Lr. to IL, oho. good; being pannond drool nom hrutorte. •T,4 Menulocturgre, wit: he .old . cheap •Ogg ai Oa in Itlol Itto cannot WP in• non all wislu. tine Curtain Good. to call at the Car pea Watch/we, Couto otrzet oz 1 11I<OL arrested Par• end Etrz - crell•• • QUITAMA: for Mudietnal rinpeoe., alml7b •”, 1,4.11 tat 1./ :Or Li tic b,t!e.quart, or r•tion •I ILA MIR 1•11 - 8 tepS • - - - ea &1N S,nre iJ4II3I•SIIC Vii`oulicn sh 3.!, I ...lc Tr law flannel.:; 2 m. I:,d do: 1 eate.R..l ronlicd flannel.; 2 cart. %Vilna do 3 cues muted J., I c 41(1 Elatu and rano , Ccsitmetn.; ase 64121e2, Clan Alping; 1 cw.aJokusi :teases Min Mast IsLunkt.t Coutimj lenter Gray trAintet, eases Drat, 11,1,1 c. "` 1 Cate ntiin 41o; t=a=r32EMl •:.(11131,4 R4vehecl and tit lain at ...int... 'Weee price? by II I.k:E 1 tlT..d,tv airnet. fjilliS compound list urrlnlrd leptaducrtheaaltnn J dmittibed rfferts, n tollbors:— Dirrellons for malting limed, Tee Cates, Burl. trlmat Cakes. km, by serech a ..tang as odeeted an Mellott odabsublllyee cent, To, rink:, trtosd—To curb round of. Pour add two teaspoonful% of Compound and the lanai quantity of salt, ml.O 1110,0 thoroughly together whale dry, Wet makes a pt.:pared tiouVtlat you eau net aside d.et use et lelpitsb then Odd's. much cola watt t as trim make the death the thud Imelt1111 , 11; I oraLl It wed, at a let staid lidded mina es before Iluktog. our or• two hoots tpll do no hurt. Lareutr should be ant.. J numb thinntr t and Liked at AM., but wall do nu hod to stand fifteen tar lavelitY uilinates. 'll.nredn.- fp, of gettipp 100 touch of dos Compound .n the Meath It will not tut n bared yetlow as saletatto dues when used to tort.. can pm toe above Compound aallo Tea Cates, ddino, Johnny Colter, Indian Caltits,ltinger•lated, Corn Meal Cakes, Coin Dread, thrown Bread. Pitons, Daum. Calm IlLelLwlteat Cater, Apple Pumplirgs, Pot lies, and for all Loamy purposes. Mold by It sru.cas, /101.1 01 Wood NI CEM1133323 Tut: FAVIIMIV etc clod On the corner nr It cberr snot Corny sOnso''s routing Ittcoupls to I.lseu.A forret, retiistly put In Itssoasug l'noc tooskr atr, so.4l;ter tot t sy. dryly to bolt ' BAIRD .2 IRVIN B% t.lcs lin•tern, nn t. Inod In nurse n o BROWN A. F l2ll-19 brin lov,o ho 3 Slane.% AU bri. do No 1!: !prig du No I du. .Oo::0 II WIN do. Cod F rL. nrrwnm, (.6r onle not! , BROWN d 1010:PATRICK 111.1113 Mani. rhanalltip• IIIeCLINTOCIt die emot,. of rhino. a bow torn to Lin retentive tiirorteneni of itine mina, rillOpfislOg in pail the Int owing tremors.— ' It ion end &ere. I her nun Gold rqiiiu do do itrinvon do Frail. and Steel do. do Vint and Mao do; do Cfllllsl.llilld Frown do; Ciirtoion and 'Mille. thilon D.llllO , i HUI --- an do; Ncorlet do do; Vinton . . Gino', Flue, and Starlet Wilma; Watered atiireen Wii•otril end foi.en TeLle Coverlet; Striped TOliel 0 , ; Turkey do ,In, Toikey :Red& Olen de do; 7.4 and 64 Wniiiird Table rAireia: 7 4 end 64 Telde Linen; 54 Illeartird S 11001106; rterileti .14 do do; &torch Naphilis; Vordoireed Trade Cavern 'Necreli CAW.. Plaid Toilet do do; 04 Dientliedeiheelinge All 01 *hien one direct horn the ennenfeellireev end itriporieri; of the newels lied ,cheat color, had pal- teen, an Al which wall lin veld ea cheep 03 twy of the eurtern twit, We mai. stencil boat wen to glue no • call ar our Carpet Winelioune, No. Fourth al. end 79 Wood it. , lOe3ol W. Ma:I.:INV/CU: WNnINLOiILtaiqNITETAEN4Tri - CPAFat !or Fide !holm!. sod totall,riy IV 3... MARSHALL rnitowilatgip onzaa. OR/TEAL . THE PIONEERS OF TIM MEW BM KOMI. This Ugh to POOR Day TO PiRLADELPLI(A. 'AND '8A1.31,401tE. .AVEake Pleasure In lihnonneing lathe Neither. Ty of Pittsburgh and the %Valero bottoms, eon. montiy,•that on had eller Broads), oho 10th or SII-L Matter. we mill lutist and forward goods via the Cennl Rad Road, exten sive oatustee tltem to he thtooeti to Four Day. thor *lock of Carituid Bolts enables ita to wreath& above expediumos mote to the mobile-whilst we. still teething our Isola lints Oa Ile rriotong aryl Colombia. • '• alerchmui withlog gooas broashCfroln , the haat with eortatory sod dispatch at law taut, er produce aldpped titre, aro Matted to cell on • . • I:PdONNOTI.AIINN B a oa., Pixubargli ATKINS, O'CONNOR & CO:, Plilladelphir, Proprietors otthe Pluabarah 'yodurpodadon Line; Orthe following agents, - • &Comore & C0.,111 Non% street., •• Baltimore; E. Biota. Battery Place, Naar Tart; lAclort t (i saw, la Anne strati, Itodon. , 1011e41 • , ints•prayte rattail Sods Axh. f p tubterilteri ue titter ractivialy by canal, Imo 1. pplin 013a:bet B oa & flo'ehlib wtt.t. 4 ben Macrea Asti.ifeltietk 141 WIU el! to the lo Irma ettaket price. tor tete or eppreved • LY6 M MITCLIELTBI2: ee2l .LbertTd . OCTIOIII 0/11 TUM piano. WPC l HARM:MDT, (pupa of .theltirit raropean mama)Ul lute of hew York, reskellully lotonus the ettizeon el Potsburatt and Aueyße9ll t that ho.haa arrives). and Intends making •this aL,p hts permanent resiJence, for the purpose of hopartini insttactlon ob the Piano. , Applieattotn left at Mrs. Whites Bourdioil holm; GO Merr'l et, or at 1.1. Kleber's Mole Store, will meet with prompt attention. , • •oetti • Oar Ord I — ii -- upply—stal open...• - IV - UW . IIY tr. BURCIIELt-Ide nave now completed 1 the opening of a. veq ImiteitsECOND supply of Wads tor the tetcr,onel rut a Het every induce me to 147 M to make their putchneea from them Ladies will find ' ' French Merinos and Couirrs at all desitaile nolo* . Printed Frel3Ch CuLmetes and Oa Laines,all woo 4 told Medal • do in great variety, of new .ty!. s, It cen , s; • ' Near styles and so , ad eolots,als low so If l et.; Chargeable Poplins in great va-ieiy of shadig • Dress Silt and Satins of newest styles' and molt' desirable colon. • • . . Sours, Nook Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, Olovesand Hosiery, &e.,, and a rail supply of Honsekeeping Goods, at lowest postib le prises , EIDC nal attention .1. also invited to their admen motet( Martina Alas , tins and (risk Linens—the totter wattantsdpasonar: North out coma of Fourth and Mutt I atz. not? .0 %EH • IWLda oa, • ----- 10 tfbtla No S, lo do .Nol, for sal bt uuk noI4 DURIMIDGEk ti M ahAssE.llo o b b izt e u w agm c liaate; 0014 6 " "I'Mairtigret N AILS—WO keg. Iltl , lofled alltra.ll, sits brsad, ri sale, —2:1) by , • Inca] BAIRD k IRVIN BiLtON teneascbsted saes, rot Isle by ' BAIRD& IRVIN TAIL o gIO ..rre 4 r ar, or i w rit ai y co . nal4 . 112 Muer 51 in ',le bY 01, Mer f s na l Lf i - 4°U i t §tr - it, Ells sib LK) AV Hig-4 I " LURE ‘VATEtt rittA/V allfllsl l / 1 1. !WM . — 40 tugs in store awl for sale obli ISAIAH DICKEY & CO d OVAL Valt.NLlll-73 pigs, brls tosi kerb furnimte .4 carlinte,forSak bY • tun 4 • . . ISMAIL DICKEY hCO Attmfr rip• down. ttefroltd Made by ATKOLRON, Pfr Wood &Market iti. 0 ". • 0 KV—A Leautifal rut-4 in taus tot . JLL m Tamil rcearred to sale by Y WM.A IacCLURGI IcCO poll - Zit Liberty st (JOIE AVPLE eittlEk-12U boxes Nenon brand, a , rY bandan , na, reccind tar sale by dol4 . WIII A IdeCLATRO &CO TVA K-100 La* N; C. flu, for sale by 1. 0014 WM 13/mal El( &co r17)C01.. - 41r:C=f0iWi Haired Corot; - • 00 tag do lsroami Lbbu do. No ICLoeolcm j for saki by 1 nolld . WM, BLGALEI r. 11., 0.3'. sourizolTdiTsale by raw: HIiEY, Attalla:W/3 & CO. rrouILCCO-164tx15476 , 11 .4 lb Loom -L logs Cerise's a nwisa, for ssaely Cold' ' • glIIIV; MAVIZEWS &CO ------- - 1,11511-ILre 411.11 No a iitalei; Je XlUtla Na 1 ftertme; xi raakt Coltish; bza dty Ilettlns, fur 'Ma ty nolB . lt /IEI , MATTHEWS & CO E=lll3lllrall . . - Al:;re n !Ts! I o U f i ro al o r gtf l o i s h o7P If teethed Tan& to flttrett Dollars pyr pair, the Loco. mamma atfidle, aod very +opera.. Also, QUI aml Cradle Wankets of dttletent urea. nold YPAL.I,tWV —de bits tidy day ree'd tot male by I null; gFe.'ll:itt If tun:4l-.IW Lula sopenor, tort& by lUA FAIIhF6riICC * .010 • Car. Pita & Wood us iovict:-Ti .15 B A FAHNE3IO:3C &CD . ' B urrEh igtg ist O% al, l n.c l ath; 2.5 docks l'ar Wet: nota J CANFI D tar raft by :sal. J 6 CAN . DVAIIII3-6 bar rearmed far aal&by ' • a orta J D 6.IINFIELD CrfUGARIAN - far sale — by 0 aorta • J 13 C4NFIFILD ,i.j 4 j -611 - akas fat rale by c j .. oiFirto 6111:11-6t batreLs cult ro ll ree'il for We by novIG S& W I'l NEFF:-100 boo alarm them reed far rale by • vla S& W Lattels Winer feel& and I no , 6 W HARR-11166 (JT: `VZ rn alure /or rata by , u Itlrt'airaariand zot sale by - ort6: 6& W IiARBAUGII Le Lie — landing Men U~Jwellb line .evlb " JANE. DALZ iltf docile/aver bue.ets an 3 u. eel 1. erg trecaele4 and to: sale b' JAMES DALZELL udG "'"IrZET;"aVELL TI liftWiNE-:A mAr• U A FABNESTOLK Zr CO. WTh"--et er,s Biact , Blown, and Gob/ mixed; e•; reeehred from the teeter . ", for sale by H LEE. 0- . 1 ,, , , i uTs -10 bags tot sato low bl .9 ----- "! ENGLISJI & BENNETT 'l - 5 - I..dii:C - ATTI - Fet , - - Tto, saidela - agevall tell IL lour, to e 1.,. [coal ENGLISH & BENNETT y" EWaPici.ra-TSUirla:rd /ITN, rri - Mi r1T .1.1 ;lola JOHN WATT & :Ca liinll-510 bets I.ouge N - per tekerel ; ... :a do uo No 1 Lake Flll3. VS do do Nis I CaitFlrh nold For sale by JOHN WT AK ut l R bbd, Rime for b • IJ nu {L JOHN WAIT le CO ' DRO IMJI-2110 do: large eir r iii brooriii tor rile byy 016 JOHN WATT d. CO oa, , r B G F rL r :SIF:N'S Heavy Wlk Vesanntli•TlO.lnj to -Fine Diel trio are, Jo Warm Sunny do; do . Pinin and Firil Silk Cravats, : FIDE Shiltn, Collars, and Bosoms; Silk, Colton, and Worsted Sospe.nders; Flukey Rea )heating Gowns; Prinmd Flannel Ram Belts; Umbrellas: Silk and Lirmn Pocket Hdafs; Wool and Bocknkin Gloves; Soper Kid and Silk Mover, Scares, C4rtaforit, and Molders; • 11===1111 Its — Bin king Moen Plea, &ea F you etch in excel In me art of rnaklag Mince I Me, Cakes. Pudeings, de., you mutt tot the fel !swam articles:— Good rued flu krauts; Val:amiss, pa' Pudding Raisins; Psnoled Orange Peel; • b • Candled Lemde Peel; Fresh Citron Peel; Crape Juice; Frchch an All Me above articles ate ler sala at MORRIS& HAWORTH'S no V Tea Store, east 'Me of Ma Diamond, • TANN EOM' on hand noel J S DILWORTH &CO Can.:BE-105 las W. It Cheese; cl Lao Cream do; for albs by lareSS WICK L fiIcCANDLEB3 Tsui:cats incites the attention of merchant& and others to his large and welt assorted stock of hosiery, itlove4, Uric. Shirt, and mowers. The &have orneles to kilt, W 001, Merino, and Cotton, of nil sues mud prices, eorstontly on hand and for sato l ow, KATON • Bear In Mlndr rilliEbent of t Vines slid Brandies.4uitable far me / theisal or talt•t rurpreen, ran alsiaym be prorated utibtoLato or telxst at MORRIS & lIA n ORTIPS notta I . o.LtA Wine Store, is the ttl.mooti Uhl n itAlllO.-6M m. for tale by kJ mai- I KIDD ICO NOW open a. Murphy SBurchfield's, north scan !Arne( Of l'ollfth .t Market streets, • Imo ass atoloolo. of abuse goods of newest sl3less.ll4 mugs Jc,outplc adur, Area, eIIIfeIELPO3 TUB' SATINS, • - - ... - - IreluJior l'xereb Grit., and older&limbic. slotdu. ~,,,, ci k ,,,,,0d, ?opium ot very low wide.' Cut. qua)... ' '.19 s ....3 A ll 1 bllll.detli:-`l—d7 bOds old etod Moinr• do brlso , terop Matas,:el uri.ving, fda 11.1 c by BROWN 144 Li tr.. KI b RKPATRICK hol:V er ty 21 Wc /1 e L , I . N 1 1 0 k egT . e c s g . o i t 411 , 1_ dowlitmaingl, compelling in part r tho folineriat varlet:cm— Rich Satin Wain Rimini; lhaboased Twang Red Comte; Pima • do do; Oil Painted Wmilow•Sliadea; /Int , and BUR Window Waco. , Call at the Carpet I.lfarchatme, rimer; Roarlh meat and 711 Wood anent. ' • • Mr.% . 1 031.•01'00041. `I rerolote, *VI und now opoolog a splendid !at of J new goods, consistinr Moan of 0.. ekrint'OsT , iid 67 oci.. with Cole rotas oelcuratel o by Now a etart: 'Ude elegant plain ronti.l comb, with an aehisent.. , Tbrce elegant tt octave lie.o".madt Darthawr N. V, auperioy Intitoroent., no very low prirad. a lot of *interior melodeons, wade by the onsittal inventors,Varitardt Need:not, Neat York., Toase In rt. animal for beauty 91 eatertor, sweetaela and power , of Lone, cannot he wrallel. " Also, a Lan lot of tfintea Inwrarnents, Vialinkke. hiLF.BER. tlyrn of the Gnlden Harp, : nom lot Tao aungt4 1,. ~...„. , „ -. .7, : i•. ~t. 1.• 4 VOL. XVIII. Nth ]24. MEDICAL. Raoormwnnrtoa, •, zr NOW all meawhow of k andaillimad with di,. Al. can of the bladder anal Wools:nub rheumatic pains ht back or limbs, milflonns,- old Scam,- mown. alarm, ke r ptat they tan be tired by _tape Mei'', Marmot boa may talk ahoy rim limn a Donn. as a oeh as you please, bat this doefnot Make It to, for In previa:Oa lathe fate of an tonem, conononity, that it L is rinan which eta I,a contained' in any °Met retooily.- The mall who Wracked with pie and rot rating from diming, can for Elly,ectits. gm teller fror.l inr of the Mt etunitearafed' abote;'Neatlerr it tone very Hub to noMirattrt, .Thtutartalicon is no tota -1 tere- , DO command, out tip for ; th e ;import, of - imposing I on ' the community . : but, isn rewrap 'alai:ol%lrd by Iks ammeatiand of nature,and babbles men= the boo Wm of oventother tannin lot Olitilaal ; purity, and of; Debi fferln ee. g humanity a ready retrody,, a certain "It has eared riles alter other medicines bay* tailed to reader any relief. It hail mood Vdtemitatlion (dicing alandlng, and of the warn and amotpaimat chattietar. II has cared ChOlera Mottos by oho or tiro donna; it has eared old eases of Mathes, In which every nL er remedy baa been of no avallt 'Asa local remedy in hams and Mild*, it.is tieiley than any medical cone pond or ointment that we iknow Of. Ito:Mesta thy, blamer framed feecia late* applications; tcodoomi ed testimony CVO be foralaked of the truth eontooltd I ClTatt raj:AZ:V: 4 llr e rt ri :fle a' UF 113. fie f, Keyser hleDooren, corner of Womt airoet at id Vtram Alley; Kill. 67 Wood Buret, 11, A. 1,1- Curry, Alleaheny ally am t i c Ise cwt. ' - - RFAUTYL.Ir is ittrlVeirnir ITCenecde4 Ina, bour.ky is Moro cesarean in tart Ceentri.taan IA ally other, white St Me 'woo time R is Iltica . tollta lib oLbor o4un tart la It lost at NO prime in a"' Now this Is tree lea certain anent. but hit lon fu offea'*Lattl by 11, eect. Wei say to alt,,do. riot beyfrot Your porsonul spoeultoce; but read the folloatlnt,'bral Ten Rata not lack Road molt. TbeJe Vtieles ato - neturtufic In.:- pitraborue,und alto all Inward a faith yto Wittily. . J m. r.ss ff. trabnu Eat Ilivuto atV Nyttrit n So, for rtmovoi fan, runbura, p f0tt..9:4, uittl alter groptiora of Ma stab; tha,mosi o 44.1 eon 'creator of beauty c roirrantran: Traehate nothing FOY= MIS to bo Nymph Hoop, onleara bus my mann ' :Joins Ilaom.'s Paula.. on Camsaa Poninamfer parting 0 the mom Wipes. ample:km e Fathead whlicnesa 111 nothing should spawn to mote CUM, 110 than the nee ota poWder tOr. the .thin, as many of these sold ate ♦ery lonariona. Chaim. Powder I. compounded Ina acientitla mariner, and contains no Ingredietui which can temably inflict an [Maly. Jim= Domini DrfrIAToU KOWDYR, for TtEClOVir.ff unartharos hale: . Wier is more allele Mb' than hair nlain tho Mee or arms otasladpi. This wade will ramose min a shoo time, wahouttas aso crony ahorp . • nos Mouth Vssarasis Lorna Mtn Drs - mu tomanumeortey impart to gett,,white.. heautifollf. block, brows, or. ,aubono 'color. It will color dm hair in a shorter liute.and-Iton tllecmally than any ether Dye, bean et the ones time Indellible. Juts ILttrees, Vuovuld Galax—ft Is really a plot. sant tooltasowith this °mem. There Is noon of Me smardng mutation amity. 'experieoced to the use o mossSoops.. On the tootrary, It levet the skin smooth tat soft as to intosals, and not - Ilible•to become ehoPped. we lisoWsigoazToptu PAnx.4-Nott to the bole, we think the Teeth were Intended as Ihegrestest orou [dent to the human Pace; hutch= neglected, nothing Is so disnamint, or so quietly seen. Alp Ileac Tooth POSOloril/ Impost to' the leeth 0 :pettily whnene 93, Li the sometime teeplogthegums A - naked hsolthy. •• Also On hand, a complete woorlfoont 01 Funr/i, British, mad American PerhtmcrY and ready drdr.k.• • J IJAUEG, Peruser onsi Chemist, '•• • .-120.010SUOU stuti: -:Fax Sale wholesale nod retail, by A. Fah nester k to Co., and WE. belle.. ,POl/61103hi and JobrOrdor. tent and-J. Mitchell. Allegheny Gity,po. 5•07..‘20 /.1 111 1P.ORTAITTrta - ApjpiacTsco. "•• • • Dr. tou's Telebrated Nemedjes. -. L JACOB S: ROSE, thelltscoveicr and** pro. 1,1 editor of these most popular stud beneficial medicines, and the inventor; of the celebrated *ammo= far Infiatteg the ifinatMlitletteeneg a into of I:titanic dame., was a student of thee eminent phyairjaa Doctor }MI.*, and It a' ate of des Vulverti4elPeensylvanie s esultantility yeanssinea has beewesigaged in the havealigeficnfieiglusitsc, and the *e re n t n a - e l a i d t / tt gm a a of e remedies thereto. - , *it c h IdsPphylaetie h Syup e o l d g Me lii i ! his n c.- mdc un he 'hail - gained an tutparalelled 'eminence In tering these dreadful and' fatal Matadiett,Wereulat Co, witapiltim.r.stecers, Berotitle, - Asthma, Fetrer And Agee, feret. of - all - Wadi, Chronic En , alpelas, - und all thole chitin** ditiams . paculler lo females. Indeed etretylonn ettit..eitnewhes under the ace of ht. remedies. to willati itedianity n ben , - nut by the owe of one compound only, or that is in. *motels, atlt litysiologmail.aw, bat by me use of has gamete., adapted to , and prem.tbed tor etch *eviller town oldie**. Roses Tonle Ton* Altetative when aced are invailably acknowledged* be *pular to a ll othet. a. purgative or Titer pill, inasmuch .they leave te , howels earthed,: tree fetal novalsonese;.vs alto big linden Pills a admitted by the faculty tO ponces ;metal.* properuei adapted to" Monti treat*, Ina being Welshed that a bare fetal itsatnicient toe:outdid, what has been said an the matte of the most sternest, The atheted are inaitatio tali open tar agent... 4 Prom.. tv.../.....fikwpwtor ~.c.pp0it,,,i,05 thettiree seer:al:Wet each getruntyand its eyytie ulna, Ear seta by the fulloartray agents,as yell at Ly mutt. draggle* ihrousboat the clammy. J behaanatekey A Co t di Wood street, Patti burgh;. : Jid Townsend. Mafia et, do; • - tier-sham, „do. r slyek.(l.ol,lltyheny e' try; Jo. liarkley, DAlllogtou, ileaaeveoa 1%1. . Jao Elliott, Eauso Velley y _ du; T ildnmailtaaser, do - , du; -- • - trove and; Illostratid • . Work, by Q. V. 11- Armor. A PllTt i ° ° VA t i ti . 7 . le " ii sraZilUe (sons drawings by.stos most eminent teitits. vol.evo • Jam reee'llefer solo by R 110.61 NA, twig • .• 78 Amino Butldlee,Founh • 4y 1 3 9e A r -i ''"" in. i7GtI ; tftV;ILINETT 1:e -JO bis nor6li - og ra ll r44twirr Cloths, sit Cosigns Jiohblog Pstess. 115 !Tau :t . V.,;,`;',.`kgr,Z..?ktrg"anlLlVr Cloths, pet open.' by ' A. A. AI IL N & CO, & CI /11•rket toss Y. tare, teed for vile by W I A RBAUGII li t" ; 2 "--*" Pr"" rail. ,„ tags Jaya na'.l (or sale ta It A CITNNINGIMM de/ 3t I.itterta .1 TVEAS--7o cbeeu yootg awn; :0 ohtsto Imperial; , ad taut. Ganitovidar, T... tat ar boa )(tom; llysoot .O 6 IL boa do do, reo'd Ins ex), by do/ 13 A CUNNINttIiA.f ,CM-1 - 3UTIER-13 ktpll..! iowat'lly/01171STON F 1.911- .1 1 3 .14 li,c d t r o rci 110 0 ],5 Hs Oo No 1:lorge; 5 to!. da No 3, mall, lutkibtl.3 do- No I; 10 do do- NO3 10 do . , do Non: 100 boo ¬ed ileniriggi dn.mgCodlgh; 21 bolo Pickled Hortiogst (Or gnir by . doS IL A CUNNINGHAM T GAF yVGAH-95brls Nog 6,6, 7 A. 9, for fele by .1.1 . It A cUNNINGIIAII _ 7j SE FLOUR - 7o o!: l ! R ty l f u ttfß i ll, r 7a Vl o ro ninlo Wee 17 et U ITER-15 Kegs; • • ' • 10 bbls (rub Roll med. and by' ale by • RUBIAON LITTLE&CO MANUFACTUK awn: 13.1, Inandgo, now lavitirqr for sale try ooa IBAIAIIIICKEY h. CO . . - SESII—EI barrels ,for st j bli Too co C nolY J UST reestved for ssle st 67 Wood I nset, lodide Potash, . ACIWO Pdhdr, Syrup iodine, ' Oil Catooldne ' Solution Tla, Areenato Qat:tine, ( Warne', giaolde Memory, Red Preetposte, Yentas, • ' pea*. Potash, • • R R SELLERB --- RRICE-14 les fresh boat f l ork i tal i stlt i z ,m , y tr_ CO F il EATON , Fourth •t b. Front /a IVat,r , i • - O — F - FtE-.43170 ' P U non --gracit CO - Urigh-30 Ah3i pnolo Jae'Tro'irfor sale k ,• ) , lIRoWN k KIRKPATi4 .nntn K:11..4%1 =T y it u. o per! 1 : 1 7E1.7 6 S A sin" L. 1 7.11 Kibp co IL O . I,r ; XL7:4 -"-E7fa NUTS-3li gnl[Y tots in nom; (or xal, ny • • PICkELJRB... VERY largo and select await:in eat of Pi:kind, Re - taboo:Sauces, he. from the celebrated e wab• loanotrois of Underwood in Boston, and See,d, & , Pad adeltdda,co aurally on hued sad far sold, at 5,7 ult. Al 510 Ltberty it, comprising " Gertnts, fgar one, A'pli Tem atb RetcLoo, eits& pts Pieols II y, do do - • Walnut )(whop. pm, Moved Pickled, do do Washroom Kewban, natant, qua and' Pepper Bailee, ow and p;s Walnuts, qta, • • Capera, Toinatoes, qlt, • Now onentog,, a largo addition to the above, to Wlnnb, wrt. respectfully call - the: attention of house. keepere and dealers. 'IVW A WeULIJFIC &CV M=±=M! - ' • • . I UAT Medved and DOW opening 'at 'tee LI he'll , s' , , 0 a large lot of Era ,Is Preserves atd ltqltel, e2s.mt• ml as roLowst.—: , Preserved Peachml,l Preserved Pine Ar.r.es, Preserved Plums, .' Braze! Peacte, Preserved guinea,. , ' Ulloaal Jelly. Alto, the followlree FRESII 4 FRUITA, put up ;n their owe Jake, and hermetically scaled, thereLy presentee theirr, arlemaillairor, . Peaetes,- 1 Apricot., themes, , . Proxies, Plume,. Tem MOM._ Black rierries. toil . WM A ItfeCLUBT: & Co ROLL UV/TEA-1Y GIl, prine, Jun teen Baby men • • •-CAW IIARBA UGH fi ERRING.4-11.6) I, Lnbeo ecnlea, Io sale by ISAIAH DICKEY tc CO T"ACC7,...b"G,,I.V(T&W,TP‘ZfOr sais G-- -VELO4t ItIR6PATitII kegs prime batter, for aale 4y ntlitnitlDGE INGIIRAM, uoilr IttllVater ott 1:4 r, CASES GOl4 Medalhrt&e.bcatat Ittatiltua D, Lamas affra Citattalentyre and opcittag ems arr al , - t/HAWIN awn & CA Mullet at Iron said-rfati. • . ISMAII.DIOCEV h 011., Anent for Marianien , .lton Works, aro prepared to all order, at ratan- Ise lerli' latest tau*, and of quality as ta Rood as any barna ally.. %Vareloo**,42lVtlet and WI Rant attcet.tirv;„;, ---~ L .~ ~~f;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers