TTIBE - :_l?ffTNl ESq.A LITAS LIED IN 1786. I=l3 WHITE; CO. '6 11,01 IT t wurrs .tzrfl■ t.% TitirLD Irsacr, Ntzt Dooll Oa", pa . fy. maa•are)•—.— .-•• :Zara — LA. a"C[e'y, at A reduced rate.: -}7,VO per eneern ItSl CS OP ADVERTIVINGI 7' • ACHEIII) 1.41)N BS TI C PITTSBURGH PRESS Oat Foe re,(loliers of Nonpareil or lest! one I tsenlon•---e— - -4.- •---- •lU,:al One Wier ye, ester, neldruoetl rnsenton. • • 0;n .. Ire. one eveet••-•---. I , es lOs (sea weak 4• .-.-,..-....•........... ~, Ild throe or eelre• --- 4,nn Ire ono Erronlb.--•-•.--•—• s tn On Oro .. __ 0: thret mcnotil..— --- use, On • four mantle ---. •In en Do. , s-s !moan& ---- • ---- NSF. Ou __ twelve month, •-•----- . • less, - Orsneg and le Hues or le•s,) per noun. mut One :S th Ca quare, tbantesble ur pleasure (pet an MOO tlaluwee ni 11. e paper • ed.on ''Foretell •ddrtiurial nowt.,/Asserted - ore. one Indian, tad for <net! additional spare in, lied under Inc , rent , iy rotes, ball price. Advert...entente a steed:l4g ar Nu•le, and cat over Idea, hots, Id be charged as • .jtilre end a bat; - Pablv.heri Ind areal... e.. for legal ad rerrendnents err orv.l thenruount charge.) lot heir p a ,,,,,n0 n . Munaunetnn ClLlltilliAleol rut ofire, re Lc chart. d the same las onset advettreemeirds • rt.lretuaentente not hlarkrd on the cop, for o Pori-1- ,1:1rd sortuticr:ot inert - tun,. wdl Le ruhasitied fill (orlon, and pay loom lex ;icier accord , • Th. prortlcgro fa yearly kol ret uset • oral Le enatir.r.l tt‘ldly lo their rerslar burine.qn ataX °War vet - Itsament• nut pertain:tag to their regular tpurttna, at aercert tar, to fie pate extra. ====l atpetnot, tO we, t0t...1141p toot whet meetings, tbl reeb bee, to be charged bolt price, poyse etnetlii • Sal MI!, itutif GS I 0 t•c charktd cent!. Matti nOt,cesin.rttd *Athawt ebattre, utae.s.r cum. paaltil by finienliliVitatioll. or obltunry notices, and vrlnn on accompamed I. be r.ld foe. Rerraar advertisers, and another, aelohrig crown Meadow., or retainng notices detlgned to rail atten tion to Fairs, totters, Concerti, er any public enler• Hirll.lllll. Viholll charges AU, made Ibt ode:attunes 111 1100Cia ci 11.1. i 1i5.--ctrery nutlet. .le. altned to call an/whoa to pnvele eat thissea cereal. red or Intended to piontote indlvidanllliterebt,Clll 0., be Inserted with the understanding that the some tato be paid Or. intended to be tnserted m the los cal column, the Same Will be chatted at the me of hot leas than 10 acids per line. , • Bishop cc Fiat Niltictl LP he charted triple price, Tavern Lisense Petitions, It each Letal and Medical advertisements to Le easu l gett at 'apposes Meal M Assts.' ocuuneets. adventse• WL not to be classed coder nearly ratst, tot to Le allowed di.ottut of - thirty duce and one laird percent Rom the amount at Lilt._ - • - title equate; three lii•oniCita, • .^ Ol So Do. each adltho nal tu acthez.. • . 27 LtlVSC7l3Cartri.l.ll,...ll - 1 1,1112. . uneS DO Dues.) enc. •nsenson•--D.Le. Jo. eneb uldniore.l In...erderk•• • ....Tr All atonic:a adveniserneoL4 io be paid in edvanio. Di 1111 E k. eIL Gazette. L. HARPER, Po4L. - Kinn M. RIDDLE, Jouronl... JdJIRd P. RARE & CU., C+roroelo. FOSTER a. muTeir.ll, lAvateh JOS SNOWDEN. Alerenvy. Aceric [DRAM riAINE, Evening TriL yes P:resAnnea, Dee. 1. IhlY. , CARDS JOlll5 A. PAILKINsOSI, A LLIERMAIS, FirtO IPnn Ikno rartot, Leterorn 21 O'Hara-mod %Voir... All bosturzy promptly co t - - - isr.d•d 10, Al,tailLiOiLii. M. WATSOLI, ATIORNEV AT LAW—Office, on FonnE creel &tare Wont .• • DAVID V. 'TUTTLE., A TTORNEY AT LAW, riad COISIMi.•10[10( for renarylvsmin, Lova:4111o. LU prtrruPUY OCCA:3•Iy JAPIKIS P. KEAN, ATTOILNESeT LAW-4 Mee on FoKral street, between Multi..ld nbtt Giant, PatNbu re!, eptlt-IT MIMMIM • A IfTOIIN EV and Cuilm.ellut al Law, ne,lewnia.. 41 honer of the VA., or ecousylvias.ft, SL Lout. Mo., Oath of l'ut‘boteli.) Referenees—VitWourgh: lion. W Forward, Mew too & Miller, 11'llon,lles." ft Meeltire, Jut,., F. Panne Sisselle &!e, McCord ‘t N nuel4-t', BIDWELL FOlLVVARtiltiofah:lLCianNT - s, Glaagaa, Pa. (Sortith'a Easy Ya,t LOifirr ) Haying permanently laeotral at aal t aa.m, a near and enbainattal %Viotti lioat, we .re ~ ,epaced to re. Calve and ionaatd promptly to ail patimu a,, tl,e rt, es, and Sandy and liaarer C..... 1.131, U O Co Glar,,owNjulir, —l=lS ) B . At;ALEY, svocanvAito z. co, 6,0 cen. tio VI Market 19al1tdelphi=1. ett4 Pit tobargla Alkali %Vara.. ENN nrr, URN kV h '44 ra of ,lala B Aala Wearbiog 'odor+, tiforia,,r sokolomo Warob.ouie No—,lllt, time:, be:ow Forty, ooaAl l}- alklenek Lamm , iiootoo Rene, DRP6UN A REITER, Who!oolle tool /k,a,l 2.31 gals turn. of Oda .trees, rAh. Pa„ . _ _ • _aol tNt!far Forwitrding n.-. 1 Olen mi. lar flicretasnle, i'l!L•bole? Y.. CCeteieeetee....yee eeel . Far.," lirt.•ll,•.t. A. It "el , •1. rtt.. In Iletiry • • • c.r...t.r Ii 4, 1V1.10.41 VI.10.41 .a. CIOMNIts.At alt:ItC11. a NTS-- rO. 0: A".i .1..1.e ,see Ul .t lma. al Teme:eta ee,•. Nee I: pi, .Itle tram a".• Vett,,,ergle. ncc Wm. A. 1115 A Cu, I.l.tele r• Ar.l2 _ I. Srl betel lomAth , si '5; J YO 111 1 , ,tret, 11:sitrimtgh IOriGt•TSII iJENTNimr, V. loltekle tirwcela, 4.7 ttttttttt mud ror• wa[dlgMe itßlCaln uVA Nu 3T riu.l.l, , to.twern 21 .11•1 $1 meet+. ._„.q F O R y 0 , t 5 , N , 1 „ .. c. 112 1 z .. " CO U N N I:I cif NT ,cc c t . UV, 3.1101 - 'ft. W. POINDEXTZR ENF.R.k L. CO11.)11, , 3ION and Fortrial , ll4 u.r chant, L.,3 Flow tidairre, No Yid radar; 3 Oat dikdrlplo... 41.0, LIUCK.4IOI4 A CO flaAttO CuMlVitlol No 41 Nor: Wale: Street 4 N... 14 Nont. ♦. J. 11 4444. VOILA UCLI . IIIA &MI/ ixlD. A U. C. 111....:Am0u1d J. A. NV..4444 . 444 • •-, ITIKE, • il - cet-i•or 51aroby Lec,) • .er I Orraeurrio• Nlercheel, tor the eele of /merle. is' ,eire., eePeri. .• kbt, ••l. U•111“.CIFIC V. /ONO. , , iIDFARDY, JO:VE . .4 .Y. lly , Otk,..un,ora to Atwood, XL Jane" :,... C.:.3.lCzant...saott ani Forveardmg net .ohents, de: ra ill Yiiteb,rgh Manufactured Gouda tAttsburzh. Pt caelir_. . -- Woe ;pru LIM Irl - canon s4,lCal. C. 1111.1,1 rUd.TI b. Dealer 1.1 WrCllOl and AifiCIIC4IL Yrr per arid li, Medea. Shade, Fite 4 PM , . ne Cerniansi and Wl.l, and Paper, No. e 7 Waalstrecz, Late/nen Fowl, creei and lhatenn.4 alley, wearalierVitendargh, Pa. fe1,13 . PIT t`SUlLlktati taLritlS WMILET.S • pew A , NEWo late cat the firth t Chatehert .A g tlew & • •• respect:fully int e erim the 0:4 ro4 Waters ant: the publ:e generally, that ha said 41111cOn time to ea , ry - on the Otto, CIA 33 ltithews, to all Ito lllTietleS, pepared - Cartes' fa , olatrai r M 0.4•14 pgrtantag. , . , Ltd tol4lno 4 t Market str,,, between Flf 1011W110111.:AN, Wi er m 14e...31‘115, NOLO Ti Wood ?,, et, one 40;1 Mnantrab. F. 51 ni:YELL,NYholesait 6ra, Nlere4 vc, and Giesler In . Prada^e It,ttrhurel, hlarteraete Nott Witter rt. Ihltahar op? MIAS AlAll tugs CY b Co., Who &els Omen, Cain -6.lerehuntg,aud duster! In Proditc.,:iog4o SU; .1,1 107 F/put Strettll,' Pittsburgh 0019 --•, • -- • •--- - - - - • — , --Josepb D.lsrorth T S. DILWORTH it CO., d t . hiplesele (ewer., nod t! Agora, tot lleberd POW Co., .t 7 Wood st , rk6 . de& y l'HWNßNlctiisirgista.. l Arninbeearr V No. 45 Marko , three doors lactose Third et R[u batch, wit: noire constantly on band a well selected as sombeat of the ben and freshest Olediecnes, Whirl, he Will sell On tho wow miserable terms. Platielans wading eritt, will be prornotly:stwinied to, and off. - piled with cuticles*. GMT rely noon screnaine. UPtytlnie.os Prewrintions 101 l be aectraiely - ronl tub) erve red from A. test mauri.4, et any hog, Of be day or ins.. Also for cce, 'a lotto elobb of fresh sod rood Park laid Jahn ER Richard Fioyd. I'L.01), Wholc.iala Gluten, Couarrhasion • EarCamas, awl Idtalate in Proda a. Round 'RCA fcacruna an ',Reny, Wood and Sixth atm.?, .111:bare, JMO. A. ~ . 'i kit: IlliV, Age at for llt• ta•ke P.:10 no - . 1 :1111011i oe 7.1114 to klcarct and 11, I 4.111.0. —Orfie e on the ent. , or a wa.b•a5441a4.4.1.,.. "„, 1 ANItS A: IfrOfOrto, , - .4. — 1...57:- -- S . uccestors I to Lc*. ituttNitnn it Co' I, , orten4tion PlerflAuti .„“ Agent. , of the 4 , 1. Labaiacema A44ar Ree...ry 14641,,rat.” ar.J 41 front btre tbsPitoburgh. • Oh) • ' ...17101730'4X4A10L A ,CO A w11.14..0• LA••goat • .._i i pl , OO O'roM strtr_l,fltt+Omi nth no! ... 1 t siEbt,cm, Virlaoletaao •n 4 Kew dealt . 141 in Mesit and Nadel.' Inrararnent, yki n , 0 1 B oa .t, • Wipe?, Blare., dieel Pen,. i2oWA Printers' c.,0, . n _ tin gene nsliy,No. et Wood a., fir,!Flp.c. lAnght or to k.n in trod.. . • „, ---- .r "...---- ' '—'. ,ott•. d O. CAMII - ELD, (Isto of %amt., 1r.,. sib; add Weltern Praises agnstaiii, • met, between Smlthfield'and Wood, Pittlbargh. :VIA Jtlrilo.i.Formorams and l'ommo , Lsool Me! eltsru, Dealers in Produce d Yttmlisidli mans Mogul's.) officio% Canal !Main, no neat 7:4 rot. apt p)ZNO Mut, PITTSSIIIIPE, PA. ENNEEtiIf, CHILDS A CO, Stanafastarert o nem aapertOr 4-4 duetting, Carpet Chain, Cotton mg and flatting. .lllo4y_' _ „., IA lATE tauten & Stock , BOOKSIELLER. .TIOPRINTER,,7 BINDER, of and ikint aro% Fillsbarliko Pa. ilMK•ar BUSINESS CARDS. Plitsi•orsti City Glass Works. W. CDSISIWGIIM:I & CO., lklf ANO FM" , Vit Knit 0 IN INENtIV GI. A Fp. INA No Y 6 N.,knt tittcot; bet ',ea lint nod' ',tenant/ , Ps. ottotinon to odd tures Alon, Dealer. in FLINT VIAL., ourrLEA. n. ortmootion, n Wtn Miller, MtlaJ. r. W. Itleiremn, rituburgh. ILLER fr. RICKETSON, lVnoleeale Grocer., Importers of Litondle, tn. and Sm... No.. I It ortl 111, torn, or (Atm., end Irs+nn etrerta, Pitu• It. Iron, Nails, C.tol Yarns, &C. IC sizably on bond. &PI Jolla allittl. Jame. D. Walter C. Roo mcqii.t.s ROF, Witt:oftole tinocar• and Ihttabo Comma. mon Merchant, No 194 labor°, rgh apt PITTS3II/14-611 EMl=== gala MEM, JONIZe or %moo, lii - ANurhgrunefts or •prin6 and blister goal, 19.1. plough steel, elect ploagh add din . spnugn, hammered won sole,. and dealers In mai `cable ...nor., Ire enptuo lamps and coach trionsungs S e flaraliP, corner of FLoss laud Front au, Pitsburgh, Pa. J. &J. Tardos, Cadismission Dil•robasato. MO. 31 Old Lesee et, N Orleans, keep constaraly on LI baud a larae astoronent of I.lrandiesol the follow- brand:, winch they otTry for sale as agents (Or J. Durandl It Co, Donk er. Aleatory, J. Ersud , J Du thil6. Co, Lorochellc, aux, 1 Durand, Cognac, A de A L. 131evale, A dr Alondord, Jean Lao.. Ar , Or; oho, Anchor Gin, DdrdeauX Bed and Mon WM'S Arash • And eases, Aksleutrd sunbeam by John Datum! • .2• ilvempn,m. buruni..ts. .1 11111-SlESl6'6N,.hiv Wilily!Yet st, scc and door 11 • fond corner of Fourth, Sealer • in Forcign and llorocatic Hills of ilzchnone, Ile aflame. in Depoinl, Hunk Note• nod lepecla. 112•Clailelenous node on all the_ engslral rill. hronghoin the United Sluices grid Llithlraltdo Ealabllshm•st hILF Wl4. S AIUCIESIANN, Third at, opposite, dm Poet-Office, Pittaliorgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Del header Showhilla, Labels, Architectural and Machine Dragging, Blaine. and Viaiting Canis, to ngraved or drawn on stone, •nd pnalrd iu colors, Gold; bran. or Black, In the moo approved stole, and at tho twat geowninthle owes ocaleity ' 1)011:11N:ON,LtrrLE A. co . • o. V 55 Lttmny 'Vert Pitiablugh Whulckale Croce:.., Produce and Commission Aletchania, sod desk,. in l'imbutEh Maniac Sece 10.7. 50Ea10. toe. , urns tau, is 411513.100. RoßEttr MOORE, Nl.hslesais Groeer, tlectorying Diitiller, healer to l'rodare, Pttoanargh Minoiac• tures, an : ill hinds of Fermin and Domestic Wines end Lie aura, No. It Ltberly street ti . hand t very lisle stoat of superior old Monongahela rnkt , tlY, what octll I.c gold Inge far ...Loh tioyl L. O. DA. L. L. YNOLDA Formordodi rod C onlanc•- illliron Mem - h.., far vd. s;trgrt .y Karst road, .eaten in Groceries. Proole4n Pis ibutsL, Diouf toe• tares, era Chloride of Lamm The Idgheot erica, In Cll., pear ai all Ltines tor totlntry Sig, Coma Pena and 1r...1• nyl DlM:burgh hivafi.s,ares, Liberty strent, Ihnstbnies, 1,, NVIIOI4:SALE cilica:P.R, Produce Forward Jug and Corr.raissom Mereonal, and Dewar 14Ita bgh Maaalacma, No 3 , 411.40 rt oy street, Plc looaa Paar tu 1 • C. 36•CILIlly. tiIDS QUACKLETT a N Wltolessno Uc , , . O Foreign ani. Irkita,sus :try lloods, No 9S Wood WV, P6looll6‘h. soli i6tral MirChemo. lt.tatots L 7 in Flo. and Produce icr uer all y and Itorararthoi; and Commission Melehnt , i, 10 First St re. 1:6 See cod a:4 . 0 , , htlf ant; L. ••.0.66.11, Prrlta.C.a. none 66:01.5, 1.1•IIIL•tft, ELLEKS do NICULP, Prod., and 4.21. 1 . 21 Cot, S stitslon Marrbnn:a Na it Liberty street. Pitts. burgh. Sport., Lonattod and Lard Oda Q F VON CO, ro- IZZon E' i f ir.7,:;, " g Produce, band remand tn near coo c•rinttnune ' stand,) No. 36.carner at Front order ncd eltanocrt Inane- nor CIOILLtISa LlAAVOttll'll. TEA ANL) WINE I'IIE:II.CIIANTS Elan vide Dutruotd. YittsLureh. apin 1311111VE11 & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Coccomacon AL-coat:u, ACAIIVIC et ATKINSON, orr And dealer. In lattunaratt Manufactured A/talcs. wcy. .an Mamas, P *NANTINLI F. co In•nalacture al' tha. or fl/r VER. no.. 130 and 134 d•cond aTJA AND 211 . EYZ IMIt.Y WAKE A,. V.... 1, &wenn Wood Ann:maned, P . m./Junta .nal I lOU. W.T.) W 11.4011 EMI= 110LErtei tenter., Coneeteitsion Nierreanuo, Cud .asele:• ,n Produre , and L'it:sbeltsb Niabei rxetstres,2CG Liberty et., P,ltebergL, Ya. •eplt FLOUR -7o Cris ebtrire Femilt 2,0 brie succrfocl • 65 brie File. atissmo. •ad for sale by tiNOWN Klaka. WOVI.D wham the puLlte, they have taken the ward:mem formerly, oereple,l by the 1•11“. Selottvon Sehoyer, 114 eecoatt a ere: Heave, a levee sue coalreoaltosa warehouse, they would iovne Ike etteatien of peewees having geode to rortveve ornate. They will elm; tve 10teetten to the earth., sod *Ca of Notes. Drab, ktosli, -- - eel/ L. S. WV. te man • • II %VA.- ratan • • W, Vggterso •r. L. a. w•Tuitainr a. 8088. WIIULI:SALE 1:11.1(1Elt, l'unsauwien r..r• wraultne Mezokant%; Jettler.. all k, , ... of Pra duce .k N.Lburrls Nlaaurach...l for ule ul ILlchaoad atiJ Lyar %Our( Manufacture.% n.rt W.ll. TINIBLII. V.CT0M1.111"..7 AT LAW, •-U nth .; tL 11-. ,.. L . a:.:e5tc, , , ,f ,,, tu h ce. „. :1 ,i5 c COY../1 4 4. Reler tc 1 a. R. 1-I.ol,l.lterty a: 1 W. W. Wal!ara. d. Illar•I.ail Jr Rev .1 1 •• FollW A RUING it COMMISSION S Cumel ream strevy rstisbureh mcd JAM M. DAVIS A CU., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTUILS, So. TV Market, and SI Contsuarre at., Ms..telplai• Advances malt, by ol the .Wye, ea t oavqn men. Of rtralue. to caller Hou-a. 01 J U. ..... • -.-•••••^ —.tabu Matt 3. D. WILLIAMS A CO., WIICILENALE A 111!TAtl. FAMILY GROCERA, Forwarding sod Caincaszion Mara:owl. IL/La desilati at Country Prodore and l'ingaitgl. Alooolor toter, cornet of Wood aliJ Flntl Filistizah. torrA ... . .. . . W 11. 11. AV ILLIADIS a CO, BANKERS ANI, EXCHANGE BWKEWI Nara Ens. cume. of Woad .....1 Tiara ...trarta, ...I. etriasur.oh Pa. wx max •. CO•GYLVII, WOODW.II.I, 11•1,11 0•.L41. %Iff BABA LEY S. ei) . Wholesale 13 roeese, Itl yu.d 29 Wood rues:, riushuis apt: CUN D. WiCZ, naves ai'samttstss. I CI( Istscressors to I. in J. D. Ty mint, ) Wantesaie (tracers, Forimintlng.nrd COMOIISsion Marettanis; dealt. in Iron, Mali, titans, Cotton yams, and Pitistmigh slanafacturss tenets!. iy, comer of %Vona anti Waist *Mast+, l'ittaosinh arl7 hl. MITCHEL - TREE, Wholesale. Orccer, V flecaryiag Ulailltra, and Wine and Pleret. • aati. Alm—lnapnticrs of Cada A•hud Bleach tea Powder,' No. 100 Liberty *tram (oppaide Shed, areet,LP.Aubarpti. apl7 VriiflEsore, Wiacita•, Jewelry, leer. Vi r are v • and Miluary hood., Ca.ff tilaiket and Pdatth etracta riusbutati Pa N. U—W atehee and Clue" carefully repalreJ. 17 -- lem tom.. 111...4 W.. WI. & Uewlet• Leuher. Meet he .11'3 Licen; jarifel3 ET. Mi UISItSOX. Sun. SVCCTCIierME. ixrß ItlCUrCrifArre, Whoreset Groccr. VV . deniers in Prattler, Iron, Notts, Gloss, httd . Pttmatego Honor...tors gm:orally, Ltberty stroet.- I.'x.itt_nualt. lonl7 I HAVE taken WM. CAR R into on Ontlt WO in my holiness, which mai from carried on under the llama c f "John Parity R Co.. bleach tat, r — oldr. JUIIN PARIG:it John Park er• - - • • ...William Cur . JOAN PAItICER L CO, 61 , 7zokuto Gnorr.•, Dade*, or Praiace, Forug'n Ws,.cs,, Old IllonongaAaa and Reaffled Whiatry. No 6, Com:nutlet Liberty . r e u , oralPlo•burgb, „wAsoutur PoLflin. ruaao. MOM., NM. cU• It PALMICII, HANNA & GO., (Saceessars to Clumsy, Hanna 0. Co.) BANNER.% EXCIIANUE IMOD:RS, and dealer, in Foreign and Domestic , Eschews, Certificate( of Deposits, Bank Notes, and Speete..Norri, wen, carver of Wond and Third ?tree,. Current money', received an .drposite.—Sistd Cheri. for sale, and eolleetion• made no nearly all the principal points the United States. • - • • • • The highest prrolum prod for Foreign and Atiariel. Gold. Advance. made on comognrossor. of Produce, slop pod East, on liberal trems. wx.leci.ov.o.) law. 11. WIMP WAI. A. 112 , CLURO i CO., GROCERS ANL) TEA DEALERS: No 2.56 Liberty stern, abort, Woad, (lets Alm) , on hind a large assortment of (Moira Groceries and Fine Teas; shin, Foreign Fruits and Nuts, Wholesale and Retell. Willem supplied on the lowest tf.:111. mitt EAGLE GLASS WORKS. JOSEPH U. ABELL, A F F , MI: , dO Flute n U , T L :ff b .t Mineral 'Water, Patent Medicine, and %Vine Bottles el every description; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps constantly on hand ageneral assortment of the above articles. ALSO STATE, as the other Green Glare Fl.Orief are ALL STOITID, as is the cancan in ementer, Tao FaCrelli u now IC emu. (Omens., and will continuo in operation both stammer and WWI!r. Ordets ropeetrelly solicited, end wal be "Cd e s the shortest notice. Warehouse, No 112 Second street, between Woad and Smithfield so, Pittaborgb. lYseindlY SAA L a i. SHRIVES and CHAS. WANES blvo. firm or Saver ;."'lrsdrathes*. together, ceder the Whole aab Gnseerr , Pralace, and Commission bold ness, Wm 10 & 12 ) Second street, between Wood and desiddield st. Pittsburgh, Ai WOOL I WOOL ! T ir e =jog du ma c. C u h 1011 pg! ;mid tbi 1113 4 W lIARBAUGII 'TRIO 'by far . NFU II A FANEISTOCY St CO M ISCELLANEOI 's. . WILILINS HALL, FOURTH SCREF:T, PITISUURoff, PA Ting coginficent estahlishment being . now cow. pleted awl ready for Lawless, the proprictur would respectfully soils. a share ell We publie patninase. Ile units by giving hit toll attention to the boattleSe, to make the house a pleasant and colnfortable resort for the eittiens of Pittsburgh and for the Gallantry generally. Good ettendants will he to waiting, and every ea. croon made to the establishment worthy the counteance am • option or on , ntellitent POILIMUntIy. The TWO) SPACIOUSI blvd for Parties, Canoe., Lectures, Dalls, and Waile meetings, will be let by the ere% , week, oil as teen, a. any other Is the rity The I3AR and RESTAURANT. equal in style end beauty to any in the world, will be kept funushed with Purr Wines, elusive Liquors. Cordial., Porters, Ales, and nil the cool, held. rein-Mane= of the mason. Poultry, Gatrie, riatl, Soup, Oysters, end Clams, screed up In the beet style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the first Cone, andcony of acres, will he constantly le with ell the Luxus/ Delietteice of the season; and also, with such outistenuall as the milieus afford. Uoardunt by the duy, week, Of yes, Suyper. rot individual, or puttee, litudykrti on short hotter. Gentlemen With the IT hannhes.intaina lb. city can, be nunphed tirtth reitrabinenit n( 01 kinds at any hour at the dna Gad Ste And en extenule Livery Estabit.h. num t conneetrd with the Huh. limner at I ohtluelt. Teel at the unto! 'Apure. Entronec fur Ladies to the let tithing Solon ti, No 07 Southfield ettcet. lt . "tat A. V ttN RI NSSELAER A , WESTERVELT & SON, {yaw. KNOWN VENI aV lILINU WAFERS. V keep consianity on hand oi tong to Wei the tio,it *Mete. in their line, the, old rood, Nu 1,1 K. Clair street; "rillo, a t No. me 51E111,1 rect,se tom' story, entratice in Ma Diamond. Veniton Shutters made tu order, nod old Min neol, rentiiied W . & J. GLZINN, Boob Madera Wfi ntr ran cognized u, the above hostoc.t, (01001 of Wood and Third *tire', Pitt-burgh, whore we ate prepared to do .y Walk. 114 dal hue tatth Jet ',glob. We attend to our evoth tu ',coolly, and sotto Metier/ will be given in regard to its neatooaa and du rulditty Uteni I.luok ruied say psoorn and bound solo etur.l:ol, 13.1“ innortalpose oW`wolLa bound ca.. folly or repo:rod Nowt.. pot (.11 lotto!, 'nude that Lave wort in oul lino aro kovio.4 w r•II. Moo.. low nvrlo II Wl{ ITNlAN—Slanerecture; Lf ell• ultt cut ton and svoolion isect.mery. The atc,r s uora to 11 auu 6urcr%rtirl eration,l ompared to t. e Itt: otters will. kloquuteb for all ands of rnachincrr ac oyfln., ...h..", pieltrrs,apreniers, earda, g rnsCm drow , nl; fraunes, roceder, looroz, woolen mcards, trioulUe or rtugle. for tnerckuun or coo tar, work, ulev,ruck, ;bit& Rod Ituuul lalL,.a pout tool. .n Ben. eml Ali kind, of .finfltag rnue ,to ordrr, Or plan, v • en for Kearny, feetottes or milk et r.nrone tale chew. Reonoro—Kennedy, '2u Block“oet. Ikll moo. ne, I, l'e lea 1,•• BENNETT & BROTHER, ~UECNSWAN e 11 AIV TURE ht URE Ott rmllagbam, [stoat ral•bun - b.l ots., No. .37 IV,cer cud Pal•favgi. %V ILL constantly c ea, on band a tool limn mew of Wars, oI our et, manufacture •tl a ttier:orqualit). IVboltstio and country Ms. eaanta are reripeetruOt invited to call and to moon* fob ittemaclacs, •4 •ra Jetcrmmollu tell cacapar ;Lambs. ant LabOt• Latin ',Strad to Is pas -o.ordera tour by mail, accompanied IP/ t4<ettb cr tSturt ta.fcrence. will be ;mutiny attco.lPd to inra EIMMMiI Iv,' IL WHITE 12 CO, would rtipeotfally inform tLa pulaio thaw they Lett erected a aLypou bet•roest Federal al d SaoduLa y vlf act, 1 . 1,e) .tre now sating and arc prepared to motive ardars ter • Yet) itaacrfpuov of Yehiclaa, [`acetic, Char.Vv. lia ..ouclica, Burgle., PILe,onY, he., de., 'squab from the ong expefinteoa the manufacture of the above work, rod the, radii taro they Lane, the) reel couhdatatLY• ore trtabled to do war: on the Lao., yeaLoaabia tern, n.,..Lee, wetoung ambles it, wear Pay i..e par.-W.7lr e to telect , on e.•.. :sots, and herm tter.t.on e uone Lut ra,pelenk erurintro. tlicy tape no hevtlat:on in warrmarte 11.411 k lerefore ask the Totrettun ol the intblac to tb, matt., N. U Repzsttn, don* to the 6,4 . • manner, a nd o:t this 1 , -2.40na11e them, is. ti 2 , p,etal aaadmod Raven cdara twat woek haLuda • Cu<4 a w Co, dual...a It mid., Tin Warr, d e asedrunrd6tedldbonl Codling Stn•c Yvtdable Forded, nknor, t , r, en••,.ont dr- Lte k lor steamboats, Calllorals t ram, or r %An. , <L. tli tae. s. • 710 c reepecaslly dust rz.e.o cast dud ded 05, •Meic• sad toa todtwra pal rh•ridd el •cd•ldre Wrought anal Cast Iron Ffi liE Let 'rave to ,nirren the nubile 1 they bat, °Luau.) irurn the tat.l aIl thr late add laalrionedalt druval Irva Ilan., burl. In; end teructhrloar Parouns anslar, to prorutr warm pallrrns will plea.. tall and courant, Ana lad,. fur Ibernselrca Stathog wilt Ca iarnul.rd at Uri aen nal boner, and an the beet 111.11111 C., ft: the needs, ut Cr. lo and Rebores morels, Allrahrny ray. ' .iietd-.tll r.dIIONT KNI/ir( DOI, leaveto new loa !nand.. •nd oaf tome,. 11111 l.foal reefri volt f.s. Flew • prt, •oolf of loaf-,, a, fife of are, mod moat fa,..oft ola ty le• 4., von f Offen ...ova., food-. sod Jrilf ef • e lola a e•lf iffere , tha kl/eaLcatra Of of r. t,5.1) suaele.lrp,‘ ad to •❑ macs. Mu O tot, ...i.iirreioto rot:hire seeirhooln oho vet, out. ea, toevly, pit eviietl tinithe the volt, O•• {CllllOel iv pool to thavolhoiti-..1e Lavine. tho Every atilt le Ili the testurilig Ithr inottle the. mu. tahstatut.4l.te and bast wa••aet • at the ettot kart', CIE= partnendtor Ar...d4re .26.ttn4 aitJet tl.n Ortu 01 A falAlJl.EV,t•al...ulrrJ by ill.. decess. Al Mr 13 BreJlry bun.," vrtil tor .0.1 0,, by A Wadley. Who s'lll .rult of mc htaa. REMOVAL—A, !Mathes loss Tomos eJ hi. Found,' Warehouse (mot No 112 beenni street. to' No I, W.sod street, between First suat ;:ceutilstreei•, to w,.ss house lately °erupted by 0 A lb rr), where! A well keep sunstantly ou hand aquae's] assui tole tat ul tlast togs, Grates, 00.50,Cot.ling Stoics, 1, IYI,I Mita! Lll4l. Maki ILL V If ILI ANL/FAG - 11f ItEll CI, 5'11..4.1.,a,1 No , LTA and No x 4,neflran Uliftat 'floor A 1.6-1:. 1.1 Cast me. I Face, oral! <ou aa4 !Para onith and Loma af - a•aa 00 haul and to, ••1,, ettl3, al his ),Vorta," (Pilafs, Wert, Fiftb Ward, of ..21ce ES. the Iron store of 1101.1.hIANS 1 Ono Nl hull, Mu 4, (*of of Wool earcet, rttobuf a I s , c,rel Ml=l We. the ausearttgned, h•vitte neer, 1 / 1 m entire pin teteetion, ib. CO .t Steel and Files made by lament 51eKelvy, at Ma Eagle Steel Wort 1, in thli city, take pleasure In reenmlnendhor them as equal in qualar to any ever coed by as, of foreign manufacture. Patiburvb, March 13, 0 & J II .9111,F.N131.311.1.:2 8 in CO, Menorneturem of loon and Non Potsbargh, I t s KNAPP & TOTTEN, Itor, Pounders and Me: twilit., Pittsburgh, Pe 001.1311aN, MAILMAN & 1.10, Manutscturen of Springs, Ax le les, Spring g:arabSteel end ivetr i Pin, Pa FABER, Engirt. Randers arta Machine Card Munefurta. rem Potsburelt Pa. A FULTON, W.* Founacr, Poteburgh, GRAFF, LINUdA k 1.11, Manaractaten of Iron and Neils, Pausburgb, JOSEP II TOMLINSON Locomotive Engine and glop Rollder L Pttlabom 0,1 1 a W W WALLACE, dlarble dlanufacturar, al sante and Engine Ruild• rartt ar. Pittsburgh. P. 01.011a1.10111 of_PeortsemattlP. rut*: Yertnconip befetaanre rilining between the subscriber., ander the firm of Chambes, Agnew & Co,, Glass hlanulactutersi was dissolved by oluo.lal cOnSeut, on the firm day of July, instant. All petrol, knowing themselves toddled to sand firm an reiyu el ed to make paymens to either of the parties, woliont delay, and all persons boring unsettled &MAIM, .114 said firm, •ro maned to present them for tettlemeht Immediately. ALFA ANDER 4311A1l OEMs, JOHN AIiNEW, jyadCrti D. 11. CIIAMLIEUS. =MI WM:owners aiid committees of good. arriving by j.. the “Cdisevis' Portable Boat Ctoe r ^ will ylraw tithe notice that they 11 be required to pay fie ght oui vvarchouve,to toe receipt, berme the road. aro removed. C ' A Ale ANIILTI ACO Washhag, Weak mean elle•melleeff lhascriono—Pul Mc clothe. Imo cold newt and lei thrill soot over olglit. In 14C tivornilig wring them oat and psi them Into a Seine of boiling watt, lo which add the proportion of one pint of kohl in mghl gallon.. of water—mil' It op and Lod ilia wink two illy MIMI.. 'llia clothes inel then he airtime not well ringed in clear told water. 'Me per. of raw utants that may Lam willed, sack wrlatba.ole wad collar. of able.. t nay be chelitly t abbot before t wine, and Mc clothe* will be luand perfecky clew, owl.. mid clear. Warranted art to more the bunt fabric and to poor perfp,el paiisfaelsow or the maim) , will Le 'Wooded _toldwhatemple and rciail by E peplO r 5 Wood Ci•r•land, Ware•st 1.4-.lhitteburh h Telegraph Compauy. IN N pursuance uf a fLllOllBilOll ut the hoard of CO cc tore 01 the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary at mot out uld cause to be paid - lobed in the newspapers whine the llne, an exhibit of the financial wid other scale. Of this company. I submit the following Report:— The lire of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pittsburgh, passing thro . gl, Chae nn Valls, Franklin, Newton Warl O{lll,llOWll, 11/11f Lowell, in the State of Ohm. and New Castle tool Rochester, In the State of Cronsylvania. at which pointh there are offices located for the fetelln /41.4 tr ansmigston of Lushness. The whole length of the WIC la Ilti mike—Capital Watt per suite, wahine • total capital stuck all of which amount 0111,4:1held ealz , o. •Ipne the line, and the balance to held by Corned, its Speed, the rallirseturs. The above amount 01 f db. Sempt.t. by Muse., hum been paid to Speed, for Which the Trustees hues their rlccipt jeleidtf JE,FRERSON HALM, Ser, qqqq TO BOAT 131)/1.D/Ctir1. 100,000 reel Sac oned Reck Plane: 100,000 feel Coal ROBERT ldttmaPoNriz;r,y OEM AllOlllll7 al Law, Rath at ti1611 .---- :10:•Alt PITTSBURGH, ,SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2L 1550. INSURANCE. State Militia! Fin Immo Company, • RRISBURG, PA. 7111 E very liberal patronage extended to this eon,- puny, having tamed policies to the Mount or.te d. a flail Million of Rollers, during the last three Mouths, is niebeient manifettation of the esn matron and confidence of the public in the eletcm of management on which its businesa is conducted To city or country merchants, and wrier. Of dwell- Inv, and isolated or country property, it is believed thus company Minnie advantages in point of cheap ness, safety, nod security, Inferior to. no Insurance Company in this country. Conducted on the equitabie and greatly improved syelem of Claerificazion of R,oka, exeluding all epee's I hostels, iimoring only a limited amountin any one locality, thug preluding the frequency and occurrence of large fires, at rl also on both the Stock and Mania! pion, It not only pewit...ea tint cheapness and accom modation of both methods. but vitalist the Insured to a perticipation in Pie profitt It is water the co..trol of the followtng Rimettnx— John F. Rutherford, A. J. (illicit, John R. Palter, rinzun-I T. Jones, Alonzo A. Cowie , ' Phil. 0 , Robert Klotz. I F. It UTI IF.R FORD, NIA ME!MMEM Breiseh Oiler for Wet.teett PC11114VIVIII.:11, 54,411114- held elteet. Pittel.targlt PII•RODB deriving Ineoto .111 n. fort.i•hed law!' of U,o compute 1 4: , II 111- tie). the atre. 04 Lifts Red Laalth Imaurialall•• 11112 , :i tx c l , r i r , r m i , 1 , 1 e o a r. t t , ll , ri t t , i y ur u a b s ,, sersl g ulais o o ra f Penns). tv•it,ll7--Mnri 15,48 Charier p. 1111.1. Capnal, 310.Utal Lou:. :11,1,,A •nv vsism C. , 111,17, and full 20 per cent lower than usual fume uf lam Insurance, as the Ailloselng turn protons. will show; Thus, person 01 the agent dU Is. liklnng rot CV/ for do, no.l pay in the Girard ff. -' Pennsylvania, 34 711, Venn Nlwnal, Tr;10; Equitalle, ALAI, New Engbilid, EVA New York 1.41 e, de,:lm ILI,4o; Lilo and Health, ' Drlttrions —ensalael D Orrick, Charted D. NV. F Boone, Robert ' P. King, Charles P. Ilayes, 'Baldwin. M. hl Reeve, M. U, Ch.. O. Li C. .mil t Lesvis Cooper, Rod... Coker, E. II Butler, min R Corn. President—Sam./ Orrick; Vice Itsi .l4loL-RUbt. King, Secretory—Francis Applications will be received, and every infur Bort green by SAM 1.. FA lIN &STOCK, Art' °dice, Commercial 11001111 , . 001/5(.101 ~crl7 dIV Wood mid Third ale, rittstilarrh AND RILAMIIIIII 1111SUTLANCS• 'rill' INSURANCE CO of North 1 make permanent and limitedlnmraneeonpv pprrty is. Mla city old vicinity, and f r shlpturnla. by Coon, Rivera; Late., and by See. The prOpe /he.. 01 C 01,..,), or well invested, and furnish an 10111 , aute n forthejtritple indemnity of all persons Who dame to be protected by lAirreaucc MYI- WM. P..R.I:4F:S Arent, II %Tautest ==t orricr. of We lusumuca Coatoany of r`.ionh Aascrieg a .basJacaucaaaarcal to Na. 141 F7out al eau of Woad. The subscriber, egret bur the above old IRO reeTto elL!e Cuccouriy, win War l'ottetce on Ildltlretrt their cohrents, eve on chino:ruts or Itivrchar.ther, by Steam Floats and other verecle en.. W. P . 30N114. • aludarn and Antique Ituraitutc W. WOODWW.LL, 413 faint. ag... Pun/meta 11. J. w. w. Reapcnoully 11110iGab tta public that Le has con, pirscd .pons moat of VIIIINITU E. the lutsfast and otowYarteduountlatant ever oneted for pale U. Lbw city. comprming seettal saw of floutwoon, Mations:vs, wrd—llLscs IXdr, cured, ornatnectal laud phon. !notable for Pludrne, Drawmc and tkil ROM), an of which will Le said at the Maw. prices. • Person. drearidtg rartatitto of toy deettiiloo, it 4 tfully invited to call and et mine Itis •toe ~ sr Welt etobraces every description, IV= the cheapest rod plainest to tat...a elegant and easily, hr which Ito foliose:LK cora a part' Tete a Tete ~.fas, 'C to a 'fete Divans, Converlotron Chairs, 67taabethiao Chaos; Deception do Louit XIV do Ertenuion llufiet Krtuane., %Vb. Nola; Toilet Tab'eel Louit XIV Cotookattiaiei Duke of Tort . . Collet., Gotta,, with tiluult tout llatriclutti v./ iv, L4eitits, ao Jo 40 do/ tilkheigiany Putlor Ilnaes.attl Jo da, ==2:ll Nl•rbis 'Fop cent.rnabhcs, EZ=E= LIE= l'hirtry do. A •ery,•ret , ...ertmem of 01./13M1:1110/1•1,11/1114 oth at F.,anoolv 11001...1t04fi m Lueniton mrato Ituate furoltlig,lis. .4 Wu... out,. Al -, enter. prowo:(“, Jr Nirrir.rm rar, trc.ripirire.lrontir. ar . . sorts or M.normy, Warn Qr., tired Votrzete, .1 corawlonarry IMM•M:d HERSEY, vurinc & -co 1111 V K. FOIL 11111 k.. retult.T:tt: MANI 1 At: T'U Itlacs. ASO Al EANT KRN MANI)! no. , I'L tv et. It•d , a. 1.14014. ilt•el, S•t:net. SLcci and J. IlDohot I.sgoo 4kfung, Bite du Civet. tad ..Ilk., wor, Ds,. do 3a•.7 gorls: ~..• Wart C.11.11.T. I Tulors'l7,47r ''..-- Fame) , 0.9 10.1 Medlin, ~a wrfilw, Fancy Tyreo.l* Sea eaJJkltg, Llorktoru, .ouper titan lin..d Cloth. 7.11010,16 V 44, 44.7••1 4 . , ; ~pet Wow.. .1d 111. 1 / 1 1-1.11:1C“, :Illkeoo.• • Wren 'that, black Jo. • • r '1..,1 Jo •O 0 looed. • :Ile. m N 1.611. 0.11.01 and Wilate Tape, 1 , 1 11,, k Dr-4 r I.lnro Checkt st..l De ells, 7 r'." • .1.. 1 •61,11(. 1 . F.ture.l V c.ting 6, Crsso IluiimuJ 7,g :mil. I I tar. I:0. Is tlas3 that , t w o etauct, Mew. 64 , 1,.. lierues wenle the 41Lutteee 0. the euneen, (0t weltLL parooec they are Ruth/Invest to ute the name 0( the ant e(L. NATHANIEL cONIf ULF, rba eigoe,l have Um day w•claaa in IL.. 001110 01 HMO:1.0 ft OA ItP.E.S. 101 U. ourpo.n of iusittotaclutul Fier 1400 1 :611.., Vault D....afA, ac ar , •I toe Kluod of .Ite late Erns of ltoo.tablc, [Lute aCo, when Mc, will be pleased to recrsve atm proton. .ac of Lha etlatowara ol that bow< atul their friend. 1:11NIUND UUINKU., TIIUMAN DA RNk-S. Irr MIMI, Iruru the rtuu tlmot.tble, & t!" , •111CrIC pica.t4 mend Firms. Bull , . a. thr ,vnl.4tre.ce of m'(1..11114E4c puLatc 4.1,14 NATHANIEL, CUNtrEtt ULF: .1,14 a - 11 Ta AL I U 1 1 lAA ausa re rued Iron. thu Kasacan Can.. re tooting . a latervuracty of are•atorauhae (104,, to artnet. he ', nom, the ems-Ilan a( sec,. I. anat and pedlars No Woof at. tuba) WWAI.I. I'AFF.II—W. F. bl•asnsu. . ponstalatas reeetvtnr, atom the large. neanalemones Non 1 art and Yhtledelphie, and saw awn French geneace. the on rent and moot approved et tee ral Pa. Mahlon'.. tagettler wrte Borders. are Lloartt hints, nod Tester Tap, For wale at 8. at, be. inte ,1 Fourth et and thatnuntal (spec sear to A a:. 1141 rata PAINT-3 t• st eaoer, bylehel pound at the Drug, Seed, 11/41 Fernatnere Warehouse, earner of Sauna and Wood adrents. tl N 31 ante C iketlltUAle ISTOV/h feUt4llll/1 Phcruat hiecabareartak Compels) , now oam public their ktemtuln ebentteal StOre Pullen, hoof exaggeration, or rear of contrattletien by Ito have tested it, pronounce it far %%penal to en in the market 'lheehnsoneeneed hare., beton* at oollbte carpet, he, as rem. oreventti • Must front arming when betrA ep Llrn mutt be dom ,Yen the Stove is cold (!aun.iy required ta ett little to produce • beau •fe A saving of 0101 btly per rent Is insured ',warners. A routine applied to Stuart. Pipet, n laid •way for the summils,,T• more pre. e spenwt Met. Alter hating tried it o , kre, n<tell•lfolei no Perron will [Ow any bat the Mancructunbe t`holpaty's PrenAum Carrel e Poha4. For vie by N tbiCCERSIIAII, Corner of tkietn and %Vane streets zinc. I nIOSSICIAIArI tei , le Montagne Company *opal) Ikea agents Runaing 4.nd Flooring in slAmts3sl(sei,frons tanner , per square foot. Corrugni.J In skeet. x. tot 1100612 t ptllllle bnlltlinge sail depot. tiding, 11a 40 luiltey from Y4 - Is. 3-/ miner* rains, %Vire, Silos Molds, Veilorinid tint, ni, ;Pile( 7 orarreta the& metal pure, cod (re. Iron ellY %Oulu Ye or Iran, or any o th er 5ub1ati , %., ,, a , 0 ,. .1 . 1 . e t ; ' lll ' elZ a d ;Ur::: let the reltri t t " true. l .:" . '. 01 rert, to 1101 stole 1.7 the action 01,Natcy, and may Le pub.hea painted and lepooLed ZLOO Co, 3110notl, plans, opentaLsoola, luta fatal tram non Islay be tad ul their mamas:— I M' IaLL & Stoma., New Vora; Al Moon, Rota.* 4 Co , (Layton; No tit,. TILOITit ,S. CO , Ploledelphia, ' VP & II Oar him, Baltln.oreL &La IL IrrY & Sraoayas, Near Orleans; F 1011.1.1ROUX, Iteroleot bo Agee , . a Hanover rt., New th. I,lege, Neptelabr r 1.--srpS,,thu • .. . .511:W BOMB. /111111.: Autubtorritiphy of l,rlgl. 110111; Wltts yen. Ireenrc. 01111004• and euritetutiomleai 1 . , Vail eurtyle• 1.1100 Uuy l'autphlet•—Nu Ylll, Jeoutuam, Ilt•tory of Dar sue Or Weal 11y Jacob Abbott. with JWI Irarurd r , . Ituin•nre Ity blariin 11.11 .11.1 1' irld Ilona or she ttreolution —Nu The tou•t work. rrerierd ll thi. due...I4KTON 10r to by t: SVOC suet. Cur. Ittatlet &Thad t 1 rCA inUisafie. Huns the No V, ISt, .0 K.;. 01 Putter, marled J. Any 1. 110110011 ..' reeper 01 them wilt tn. thankfully reeleved. - Whl 11 JOHNSTON Lille buses lyatalie—\L ~ tweak. , Got nails& Tbrse!Sokis atr highly relebtated tor 1140.11111 e 1.0004•17 ilir l .1 In Pun he Cil 111,1111 tie importer. and for rote LY Iron• yt NOIA NU LIDE/CPACKING-311/0 1L• armorteil 1 Wick oranr., tiont 1 :Vito 1 inch thu.ll TLe abut, parking In picnarrd so 111.1 51.0 Jet/Nes Felitrolicil will !nit egret , and E. •upeour tu every tig elle, al nu •übstance eu touch ela•licity whic h h n .ttin4l4 pu WO degree of beat, and may ba aired about all parts where parking lire 44444 Y. vir : plow. •teitut wautt, etesol chez., c yy ylin. det bead, al. Plll 1•111 whule,al j o 1 suewi I' le 9 Wood. ij~ubercu» • b a. Nber.i.:;:r:47,,,pdzr4,l..etu, new slop4s. AT LW LA! EE LIZEILAK V DEPOT, Third street, app.& ❑m ' Post Odd,. DA YID COPPERFIELD, No le hoodoo Art Journal for October Llyfne Age, No BB; The Valley Farm; or Ow AutoblnkroAy Of en Or phatt. &lard by Chariot J. Pete trot,. Petticoat Ooyesnmettt; a now novel, by Mrs. Trol lope. Bamboo Tompleton. By to es• Lover. The Itott Mart—Dumas' lrest wl, eonipl.l , s Life of Yankeeßill Gencimeve; or Flamm love and dorms, By A De Lamm-due Porton Sbakeprarr. No V. °eV NEW NIVYICI NEW DlltliflC I JIENNY LANE; a beautiful bhfanciful Sung :lc cart, by Ibc New Octet.m fief caeca. s, lie watchful and became: Oh! Dinhhi,tale this hmai The MalEaa9Trv; MIVJZ=E I==/1212 • • . - lly the gad Felt Wane, as sang by tuna). Lint In New Sock; The lard *ad thk Malden sung try Jenne ldird; Take Isla hue, sang by Jenny Lind. Tani not a any, ri hartutifill dent, to , :4 roster; tileightne Poles, try Stadion', lent.). !And tiomanan (Sand Lurk: tenn).9 at the Qua: ternotn. and Nat. north's aces Polk, also, as %Valises u,3 tenti vs seter lion of Glider Pp.ppotopp n(een 11 tarlall:k, tut Third Went. _opt, Goblet flare . _ uurideni , s PIAkOS. flot• /Lasser for Duoharres Mauer. ILLEo t•Yen plenthre In at to the public thai he Lee •nteereded , the epic gurney fur Dunhande celehroted {'lnnis Enrico, for Weetern Pentenylvons, • The 1.1•11. nude Ly Nr Lionhank 0( the Cita of %oder, k Dunham, ere .no cell and 11470tR , irktoll*II nethhhothood requne env e,nt .c Ibis tune, .tliht, II 10 ray. that for nn.n long lime min other ram, net, known the %Veen . :a rounto thin, Otter of ~ icnlnn a Dthhatn and Nana A rinth Mr flonlwn, pracural privet of thy :drive Gosh - now epent aportirdo of [twenty yearn iu by fat , ton of said hem, no practical nom uger and tiltrotor 01 the h00d... Within a year Or two Mr •Dontigla ha, ben4htoat the enure factory USW 111V. , th < Collniltirll tuaiwovture. as WOG, lo W. name thothaaa'• Piano , " etfetitell -tteh n PdPlOmity, that in mom of the mystery hales, . ho. they nave hold two 1.1 nne or li tre ntallafacture They are dirthiruiehed ha their power and net Stoney of tote. and ea:G.l.l%ly ilwatoltie. N. 11.—A large int owo cn the 'hove en- ennt hianoi now recel•lng. • SIGN OF TflE GOl.OtN II h NP. onto - 13; lew .3111 C. KFell %TA) Oho ofty from. Om met:— .111 Serenadr—titbru , K, Ist Serrnaor—Are.ntral no DISCI/. Jeutnnuno au.] inommt- I or (lama. Vol, of Ly none titma-I.otum. Amoy down In Calm—tatcor. Wateural end Ilmootc—filorrr ef3.llk, many other popular Sorter and Pincer II Ifl.E111:14, 'COO F , criortl,l:oliert Harp, TLird IS ilrininly. By Dr. Moors. Adrlude "Leuire ••Normanla Linden" Ac.,dr. I in- ti-n CoryeApondence of 12.0 n ,61.11i1,9 t/ibbtrtls Ronne—ft sod Gib onl.--conipiennn 0! tlia work. Ileceiveil &nit fur stir by se ,Yll It C rat i-rliTioN GR • l'etlo R—Tbe Forrlith Lanencee id etr utet..o for ma, wall • harm, of its orrgiu and development, rlerierred ',or one in tolleece and teLenip We. C Fowler, fete ororer•or el Rhetoric Afebrnt College A.troaumy—it. ',cot prove, of A,,, eiperis , ly :, v.< V01.,' Stairs. By 611. Looini• Flirt Veo,• Of a Boater's Lire in the fat intenot of tooth•ar unew. robe.. and nnerdnit • 0, the rile, or the lion, eirptient, CLOW., wet", dinootefue,ererl C.l Br B.C. Camino,' ft, tivTd ITT K C STOCKTON PIC/ 47 11.4.r4et JI UST rt moved al II K1.g..111, litcrt., the follulgo4 :ton.,. In Me Eye thrte 1;r• me !Iraq I Love t..Te,. WcrAgr. Tlio W tnit lt.u: aro Nm.r, &tett Wog. ar-I' All I. u•rt H tore re rm • Out too.. I I.• Sul .ro 7 Irll l' lm P on " Vl::f r f2:. 4 n i trt7.L7‘; rrgrirrd at Ilenmes , tau rgtv tlrpo: Cl. os.t.ntr tlx Port Eflrn l'actt, ut Timis of it, Ilrati, by Wigs*, l.rorgo Ih6g:ttut, tufnuft,4l Segndert• Km, of Cletorot it I. I. LI; C o od N. :It: of Buell'. I.lcil y Agr M== I.ANGE and .. E ... CF: PATENT• RU 11111.12 ATIRWV. Ifie Aus.g mE ,n. 11,•• •texy rutireceJ libe .••••tmeett, J.., Le $.31.41 the ar luilvw./44: fluff c tlttlyurt, t' l 3rrtu,c 11.111. At, Ile, tttt low., At, I . 3•Ltuntt, %Vole, Yall., fn..-.0 l'ututtu-, 35316.03 Lloteu, Ousts. Asp..., 1'10.1", 041333, ]luau., rpucltco, 3111ttate.. mot., 11.... 31ar butt. 3151411.0.1. 1 ..'%\cuur5, 111/ 1.41113 c'euttutt, "amp Ulautetn, Putt., Iluttlers. IJ'el . ,-.errel-, thug Hap, Ittntr.t” ::.A., tlattuttg 0011.' I.totru, rutltt'e nog.. A,, llai. , 3',u, 1 itlie• tt.l, 1110vr 1.43.1te•' 113/u Sltuctt, 11e LALLin .4 . • .<4 1.1•33, arty'!" *44.13.11,1s estsitttihtatentla veutra,t3llll 13 ptrut.ito r•—untiut tu utslu3 •ii • 1tt.0,1..k11, ut•Jur burst. du Itttillry tl t u euld, ttgeat aur.t.i/tl3, Itst,ute•.. 34c, Ittutterrtusuartut, 5111 11.• 1030 ituno utlut. a•IC at the thooart. aiT 3130.1. cl It.tupttstutu, Nul 3 Vt . 430.1 clrret. 11-'scry CA•stuttatles,ll bra M=== NI tl pa Oa: r a • it l a t %MI t Ma mi. at mil, a mac l!la ,6.1 ass, Jo•tul Lai.. !o.ot•r umtrr. aal Ihe .r. 3ne“ ao•n A II yin 1.111.7. D.F:O.-it on, .1c .4- :my LL Estteri; We.: 4 1.4 ,, u; t4pmag lower• m., gnas,n4e, r=nt3 13= title hod., thot. Veto. Eh v.t-h luo Window thititt, tr•itotte #1,41, Se rol4 wholowde re,lutt scrothwodathite N -.hi! I.lNya Of paw who sew!. to Jo !beat oven pitlitit toe reeevee the neeetwity • Ifeettodii h II 1 . 1111.1.11 . , tory, h Wood it OIL. CLOT [IL )N hand had eec e' bow dm Fuel. iv. otti NII w ade' , hio e.l e .l I Fit... Ito ..titit J 4 : do. vde 4du :Wu yd. tot do Iv. id. v tJu. d • %heel J.., otidtudu ittol Le••i. Wort 14. Vy eid• whir. ul thec wt.," le tit fa, it, hod •to uul NM 1-4 rututturc 4,1 re. 4-4 do. 540 ide v-I Ju tiozeo •hsowed thee* Tahle 'Nun& +hit 11111 , 110 . CYlorlt, yealcre.s. N, 04,0 V.DMUND TIII.MAS 032M132==8 =as= M6==i 11112=1 ===IMM .p.O Ilbevaparlll• (So tcps Skr.npartlin rbea; YU buira Lemon yrup,madc fr Jost neamad and fot .ale try turf WOO/A.4;11 <I a lats., lot ol Flanoots. all tol , ro, plata oat: bor!e.t, Also, 1.1,1 lll...Acta, blanket e alb, tiro,' I' who. Ca...mares aattnetts and 'Tens, istatett be mat sell by cl.c cate or pent. al coaorla tare., rho aura.. at dealer. 11, 1/PvOllCll g Is lortted. II IXE, aaglG C. YEAGER, 108 gist Reltßars•l, ,laoßt Llbett tt 0 um.. mu mu/ uxal.aus IN AMERICAN, ENCILISII, AND . GERMAN F ARMY 000 Deli ''IsIIELIV " . '" , INS 1.n , : ES, t/LUVLIS, Tit /TrUNR SUS. PF.N DELIS, a, %Wu tlngs, 1.11.,ACK :Nlkj 'l',l, VONtiEr, HANonNN. ' 1.. se..r.i o. •ortmem of l'Ar 01 lfloll.ilNo _ 104 •run A T ostabl rk pow' terrouab/e glnellentTe tupvrisr ul 0 73 1 . 1. 11,1 'l' • 1 'lOl. 11 dreld, Id 6,1 ot.ll, in rtit•lut4o io IVIIIII . II . _ it. lifts School, 011 we try: Moodily CI Room over .1 U. William: "'turf "I V, 0114 Falb .400 la. He• Wm U Ilow•N. lion. Walter II Lori's!, Hev Ur. IX 1 , Her. II iy IiTAIUS mint 16 LAJRCIIFIEI.II otfutio ;het, ..041.1:1 Llll cr. and buvu,e groerell) 0.11,14 i•out,uurece of worktortt he ,g engeged It. enlargtah'uti tmosur to,' Oleic Store Boole, they have reiniut.l4-thett guo.l• to the. Steutto Stul.ll,l the burldiine they occupy uottl the tutploveMellt. nte hot.hed; where ltry will be' happy tu oar thrtr vuotome.• me u.ual, OM uuu 01 ...limy .tatt., tiy th by sullstkv. tO.ut 010.1,1.04, ICrEutt•ore 'cum Youth, ,treet •ueli HAIR 111,111VICY, At A%V liAllt ti1.UVE.,..e1,1. 1, 1 11, du Oa Jo. ail . do Je du Nrdp 1.1.1,es du du tut G du . Ju t. .lar Uttuided 1.1111.1. n. Impotted and for .le by petit! II A rAiiNK,rork r,, mUnPiIY isf•e opeoc.t iff.stu supply of illy rufous queloie...lllo. sf.o.e .I,IIC/V, ..homy I [suit turslted, rely hi. M. , 10,1 i eassrltcres, 1./Isf.l 01111 tmno) &sal black 11 011,, Vo.uur , ift very boa sm. 101 gustily Bo URPIIV L LIUKC y& lIFIF.LD hare teYelyerl a lot aji. of bondsman FaIICY %ken Sntoot.. tut Wye' west; also, Iliad tocl Plain Casconereu in On.' 4...Ml4, l . te , tr ., u . f:ustttnelet, Kentucky Jenne, pluck , tomb tam cornet or Fronk .nd etrerna . tutu - d-kuiPPs uot.. Book Keeplog •roi Blkok Woks reo , O 61 C ITOCKTON BOOKS. MUSIC, &G, =1:=1 0:10EIMIM EMOT2 4 r0e . ... •If J o Jo, II 1 wooteos Ju footootoo ll'oroJe 4 do do • I\'oo , ell 'oda or Iflegge it wil of *k,.-L ha. Toren ioareksoeod I from it, and me.etoierre o reoloptielnK lte and sJela•st me)l oeto e.e, eve -1 to 1/13.(4111411/ • lOW as p00.t...1 to any 01l tloso •• .I. n elite.. tall at dor ol'erpet Woorette.., , Folgotoet and Wood al J A II MIIIiJIVS • W. IiteeLINTLWIL CHEM K el 13.1 Ks, =WM o*a.r,lt tn . gauJ : t %LT •t 1,120[11 Syrup Y. , dud Oils 12.11 re, kmcnt, g al way* do el en! le 4 CECSO e..0.n Drosuctutla• T. .GAZIMUje'. MISCELLANEOUS. OCK St CO., IMIZIEI =l2l Garner of Wood and /AFFGR for sate, of Um 1, I brim Caropr, Bunt, refined, in Cole. gantry Corn tr. l'olvd, Sip Carl, Anignor, , csk. k J tr. Faris Green, In remit Rolom litone, 111 milks Firbt Vll:Stalitgb. Itown ,Importauut., diredl lidette hold Orange Flower W star Kole drozenak nll no.ea, pap. embded do wdlow Adlieel•o {`inner,rat; Rottman. do labd to do Gall/an= do do 10.1.111 JO Jo elltdlt Iron, flue Peerlp. Vert, Iwo Aleppo Galls 310. tart ILIIJ Pestle. Oil :AV.& r, elplke do Oil Orig. nom Oil ilemeanory Flour Billphdi do Ferult,Sonn i m 1 .0. 11.11 E MILK 11.11, do Our!, do ' do Idun Dye, pined bite. Oath. I mu. In kegs Citric Aeid, In lb buli . ica n inindeuiddie do Ay. AIIIIIIOII Cony. do Calomel Ent. an Olt Amber Eul do lodide Fotruili do Creteete White 'do do In or .Isils lodine Eng. in hr It, bout. iodidn Iron, to ux viola . • Oil !Auer CoJapUt • out. Sinn., In lb Jun th-ensli. P 011331,11. bolt:. Olt Cronin Pink and Blue Psoeel• Cardusnon 9ece.l ZWO Moe Pal W juts Ref. Liquorice l'at to pre WooJlaptlat In A. boalr. Tart.Rnetltt do IleiVe. 77 l ; ;ata. prepoted ❑cuuan FIGot Row I•nlislooe Puny !Dillon Red oe3 Priontri•Acid, in onnldi 'Curtain. Acid, lit bin Cionid Marti, in 100 liailValniku, Cog. bawl 451011..1311 IiXTBACTO, 112XTHACES of &conic, tlenc,:untim, Conley:l,n ..I`,A , Cumin, Ilyi.youniun, nuama,i.uw Nu.- only, Tionsie ow, S'noliparilla, quaol•, Hopei Col. Chit I 0001., and Indian nip, anle I,y LI A FAIINDSOiIi & CO QS: Flom & dottlios out at Cost to Close flutist.., LAlttsli wick urUit I.4.rtillgt, for *uel. Work ecartgeges, plegtinrTilS, ggcbart rums, 01 real e 1..., *lll be received in PNLit 4. T . nouv, 115 Wool et. Pittsburgh ARTIUTHNOT lere/Vill a lama worento i. fancy and staple, vn rie ty, and airy Gaols, enure, tog in tk pima Of 11 , 001., liar. and Cashmere :N.M. tlin,ltilbel. Kid an; Bartel, in Gloves; Woe'. tit •tid tV Grath! Condon.; Alpecarand.Verribczinca: Woolen and Con toil I leioirt.; Colored and Bleached demos i'D.sairtiercB; iilLbQz, and Locust Buttaire arid Brindle, 'I 'arcade sad Bandii.g.; ernlecilas end Brts. Lich., fie Ail of which, cow htry and city tuercheete ere re• %Taetfully invited to ezaerhte, at 1-lj tl pod st eepl.s IHAVE, all n.coetaled entb me Mr; 11. Clothe, In We Whonm/de Gwen' and Produce Lleeiness; tLe :.; ,e of the firnt Ten/ be A. Culnerm, A Cloule. A. GULDEN:VS.OY CULUS.ILTSOR &CLOUSE, WOOLF:SALK OttoCLßrn , win Cninttmion Men chnnO t Wale,. in Pro+Ore, and PllLSl•tlfg, SattalfS.Clerrdirt.CieS, 193 4..:1.erq SI, husburgb, I OAK . PLOOII.IIIIO DN. Ir s ti 1,1 ~,,rpr.T. Cr). tP; " re IV " 4 r A" 9 r t R h stiglsLchl 1 , 1. ?vs!. Mo.= Po'Pos. .n.O foam. foe 1.421. Rt,obkn:rruriunrJ on it ro.vrltrriana4 wit/. ne.a. Puvrcl 00 , re..i, 11l• • was of the al:}, ,C N,ON .ti Ftr,,L ;wren & Appall," (Ili fur leaning Vit., Pips valthont taking dawn. INVENTED by (n.t.ltnr • Li.rdes,.. mWr by ,•MI'F.& Al KIM...N. • Pint v. brine. Wood a Martrt nn. V. 111. ICATion. lire add inwerct w (nada e... 4 Eitt....;.11-t.e., raiwenait Zrn.)r ‘,14 Patten, n o d Cwt., P. d Inand,Tneac F. inert, Manna:. nn ,, ilFoutlh •ttsrt Carpal.. WIC/olb., itc. Il't7 NCC . /.1.4 e.)1 . 4 a now con•!•.• reccira,, !I • •rty ;•rer epronnar•t llatp,o t•il 26.0. 1[1• N••• du, 11. c, .c Vcorel 1'... ==2l Jo do 11.04,41 Ameshea.o 410,•01-; N , ve otylr 1404 .I"rop..tty,o4. 74, 4,1, 44, oticl l••rpell ' 7-4 011C11741 !'-airs 701104 .1 1-010,40 101tret 1 111 Clod.. tit 02 Ito 04•4400 do 70 40111 , 47r I'll Of 10040 Jo • tool.. Po I 1,10044 04, , r. •07 0 0 • ,, Sled'. lop [o.• ho o• do do . - 11.•id.0 nu, o•Nott 00 I . o.ted iu 11004111.14 001, 140, 01,1 V 700170 170.10 - 14 44 14, 40J - Ts, 0.14 ' , Throw 40 40 V,tolattl eal pro , 1 , f:44.0.00,4Na Ju 4 4 14, , a. 41 '1 1 pl.l' ietiay 1.0,1 ltrliooo , • 1 4.4.olarent FlVratilitiUll GLASS WORN A. & D. H. CHAMBERS, {I.• It 1 /5•1•61... •,/{lllO 1.0,1 ceriprtell,/ l• tLe 1. y. • • ../••• th 1.4 a sLak fl I la 110%% 411-10,4. ulyr•rt.ce *. No 14 Wood at, 4a a t••••• 1 0 11.11 LL WO" .1r: Jim •Irren v..) •••urttssfitt elmt .1.....• and tine,. tints. V0 n ..., Mute nice. doe lain L/11011 1411.1.111 tem.., end %1.1... c Jo, Mut I ineige and MI. SllOll Datuade, V....anon awl Potpie Jo, Vllll,Culard Tu. lic) 11.1 e Iraq yreJ Ju Ju Lind..Wieniow Jr, dr he above pthth. toe the, datn troth the lthithrteth sad :to kt,wart ~,,, .111 be ~old cheap us the y tth am, of rote4,ll We all tio.Wv tthll Ile Oar- W.trlth the. —3 ee 1111 51r1 . 1.1N . . W t•d 'ors lit•• •ad Brandltta, QUIT.IIII.I Med....nal Yurpugeo w•, • •,0 Otketn.l end -atr by the I ze• "doh,. 114.11Ukt 111 a 11nhe ah,te Dttuus•ake Woull•ai Guoll• '1 e.rac a.. Had du. • .1 rose Ord I . ltd I , aunthh c. IVlme a. du do, a rents oo rrtd du. cane. Flank and Fahey I ea.teinnett; 3 cases Clan litlOn, pa.c. Jean, 3 coxes flue flack Maul, 'ewes (hay Blanket, +Ur I Cite floe dui leaaet Wk. Bed blanket, Su pairs Steam Ilukt blanket, Iterelved on cent/gnu/en, and , or eat, et.ahuga. turer , piletilLEE ,el.lO 0 1.11.e11Y ,tree, I , lllSUoutpoupd tau. ..00zed to ittoduce the wid.t. dew.bed etlcvw al .olh.wa,— D.ree.llol, stiAliig Dread. 'lea Canra, Back wheal elite, he., lit wliWtt •ering ederted the 1 , 1.. Cl about Viler vent To aakc Iltesd—to Gatti pound of fluor add two Cotnpootto and Oa u.oal yostilltY of salt, itt,/ th.w thott.ughly tosethal whOe dry. One wake a prep...A flour that rum two set aide and a to lentil., Oleo Still it, told water. will wale the h the h•ont Wut-knew, Itheadtt we I, d let ..tand 6,timoWood e• before or two hwita will do no hurt. Ltheatt .hould be tatted toßch thinner, and lin grit et wire, but Will do no haft to manna nee. Or Mehl, There lo at,,. ger of 'igellit% too mart. of Otta Compound in . ltio Dtcad. I. 1.11 not lug It 14. hrpa.l yellow as oalutatua dor. ad,wn used to Pitt". You eau put the above Compound into Tea Cake... Yu thltaxa, J uhnuheah Caere, (intact Cult., Corn Meal Cake.. CuFli Mead. Mown !head : Biheull, Mutt races, 11,01 cheat Ito he, A p plc Ihuonplfilo, l'ot her. nuJ 10, all I.hllag putpugew. 5.1.1 h: MN1.1.0 lie, hul4 : 47 VP ..chl st 133= T IIE.2'/074,11Y •, rt4r . ted the iccently pul , Ivolt ugh ohhlei otc, aha ter in. eat) to ohl lIAINDS 111 VIS IV/PA-44 hal., 01 boles Ea.,. 01l 11, IlkoWN lilati!'A 1,11,11-3111.0, I.e, No I . tal, Jo No 0., 1..1s 1.11 .1. slo 11.0 1' 4. esr...o• lIMAV PI a. 1.11-0.. t. Alceltlvllr• the . b.k•t W. 4 .411•••4 4 4•4411111,1. 41,11 0,11.0, 44n1, ..... Ite vocr. J.s Ju 1 . 111 l thue . .1“1.0.1O wiol J•• •rol ihalls••\ ?1,, Jo. lltue .0, , Vl'.ltra , Moroce , IsO,ll.locet 1 elor roolel 'u '• WO., ‘lo '4.111e; lt.J Tot any Pete Ma. : 4 awl ti 4 Wa.t.,J 1.1.1 e 10. e,.., 7.1 a ng 0 4 TOO , 1.044 : 4 1.11....1,43 ,Lren.n., AP, Ara 4 .1. J., :tr M trieh NaplLaa, etebaosed Taal. t 1 4 ,4411, s e . , eo Otale; 111 1 1.1.1 1 1,11e1 flu al., 0 4 Diearl.4.l: 4 bctllitA. 1 /Iv., b c 1.4 .4114/1.0.1..0 ate I tl.l.lllleltil el • al.l °opus/en, of the newoln ea/ 41ches‘ t0k0n...04 041• t, t a., all of whfre .1.111 be 101/ 14. 41,401. Qoy - al the eaalere e e Invie *team heal oie4 :111 eaty W et Warehoopr t , Na. 4 44 FO/1(11 , WW 11 eL .1 W Tt OOd„.„...::;11 41.44 Pli , l b N y TENti 0411 01MRSIIALL MISIILLAIiEOI I B OREAT ORBIT/KAL,.I/oVTlici THE PIONEERS OF TUE NEW ROIL ROAD ThreS4is :a QUvB osy• :• Tu VitILADgEPIVA ANE) IsALTIMORE. Air E take pleasure to auGoaticing toll. Merchants TT of Pittsburgh nod the Waster. Luau.aa gm mantle., that on and after Ildoadal. tho Ifle Of Sep. tefaLer, we will [euchre and forme. , d gad. Ott Um ,d Phil Road, IttiJ guarantee them to to thlotagh In Four Days. Our elle/16PM MCI al Cats sad ((Lou eoBl , lcA us 10 0110flfto afore eltpudlVOU• ladle lathe pooh, sehtlst wet atilt tqlllllalc Out 11.11.121 (Wee:Via Harrisburg end Columbia , eau, 4cooght from the Past with scout/1y and dsepatele au law rats., Of Weslaco chapped trans. Ofe-10•Ited o Val On tYCONNOtt, ATIIIPLa & CO.. Pitasbingh. ATKINP, ONNOINSIGt & CO., Philadelphia, Po.paICUPIO of the Pittsbutao 'Proust... ant Lim" OF the fuliourtag agent& Weonnalls & Co., 70 North street., Oedemata, Ithaca 0 flattery Pl.& Noss York, Vl.l.lun A URA.. 14 Dunilc 111011, Uoslun .41 , 1 knit --..---. Musprliats , Pat•ulLSOda /Loh. ` fit:o • tAcottera hour tenatrifig. ranul t itirga r~ aupplua of Jame* hluttpfatl 6 Saa'a blab teat, and twat quality lila aa Makers' Soda Aah•roltich they 1011 rt I at the at rte.l that elDrif e, 101 Co•ll, rr approrell W A M MI'ITIIELTREE 0..01 Liberty et. • , IfIBTUVW/1001•011 TH ".;,: - ..ll.".)l. 6 tUttl'frve'WTodif,cethlr*pecaZik;4ltTlran etaxene of Yittaborgh sad Allegheny, that ba I. mrtara. and int..., , ttat city Ms pergaaacal madetice, lor the purpose of trapartine lmulrUwrba ml Patat... Appltetatous lett M Mr. Whites ibaraibi u-e,Liberty, el, or am (11. Kabera Music. Sant. meet :rah PIO pt anent •.n mad- Our firecrod open. ICI If KrIIV Q I.lllllollrlrJ.o bore lawr comptrtut In We °pours ot • v. r) large SECOND supply 01 Goadr Iv; the Ulmer, sod as ytter every lotUlte meta to buyers to Atif pur,:lauct /tour atm Ladtra will Lod Frtr.rh Cabal Ft of all desirable colatsi Mated Planet Catbwereaaodda Lainet t areol; Cold altdat du , y attar tantty.of atw bigre, crA'i; at cylet wad cobra. at low at It+ rt.; .. C_ha.g.D , C d ear aa .e.y.of eaadec . theta Sit and 't , taat al :.err , : at ttsl sad most dezitable co/mt. . . Ft ark, Pita Itlbtll+l4i, e. Loaor r Ilurtety, .antt • ittl •up,,rs of lloutt " ketpllttt Goads, at la. . r 10 k.ret-t•I at tellttun is also lottitd tt dm" 1.130 cc mulcts of rtturtt, Nut. tins and Will Lttiett•—tht !nat. • turtutt apart flax. Av th e mut torn, ur Fourth end Dl orlott •ta nol3 • I 1 ACP:P.TrEI-1C41;71T.;; hl hr., No Ni Id du No I. tar salt Ly ;ail MI ,. SKI Mir. IV,iIRAM • 041. Sagan Ittrustt brlu !hr. vrir 5 bd, lio.dr.• Syn.., fur DO. 14 • r. 1 4 J D a% ILI /AMA & ldl s\l AILS -DAI 5a a. mg. or , ad ...0.11.e r 6, bd. brand ,16. IN ~,,c 1, iit..lll BAIRD d IRVIN I).\R IRON- WO tel.] 0,31111,1 j r;ara, Aar rale by ,al4 • IJAIRDA...tRvirt , TAII . 4, .. 5 151.1 Larva:, Tar, for i ;a 4 r , 0 4 9 1 a: ,.. a 4.,., , „014 02 Wale: 41 I 'REEVE-449 ~ 1r iu cor;:and for rale ior • INA lAN DICKEY &CV Wit17 ,0 1:. 4 ` F1.9t1- - 11/ brie a.d 9Li DO. for by ISAIAH Hi I , KI - 3 . a 13 l'A INT— r oil " tA S II DICKEV 3. Lth Al. V A/INI,II- 7:1 V WI., LI and IIke• 111r1111.. CD I.IOC. ./C nr 1.1 isAln r.Y 3 CO: I usrill- - A .plautE,l et up En Lust, ipg ltoll, tat,. N.: 14t,ive,1 to n 'sic AVM A Al. 41.1'1t1.1 uul4 I.ll.eity It Wrrll. tiE.r,t vrry Ivo rtc , ,,,..1 wolt 1., • dul4 iA Al A Wel.l.ltll. 1. CU CU •0111.1. AC- 4r, Mare. C10t,..; .1.4. J. ttrurt.t, J 0 N. I 1100•01 Me, (0i este 1001 M WM UAGALEV A CM • ' E Vr ' arl t! . A'A I:y 014 l' "" "." "2 ' {5!;:7;;;;; ! • ;j 0 ~,,, lIKV. S/ AITH WS 11.,(A! F 1- "tg: 01.1111 dry Iless., I I •stle 17 noln 1211 EN . 11A11 - 1117:WS 3lYl. • • • 1.?1 ,.. 1'11LA inert x. V0:11. pet 4.n, We 1.11. a.[emill. eri..le. •rry •stpe ulna eteJle 11!sukcit 4tilere..l - "L i i,"." - .51'1131,11 1y1133135i: ILL/ Ltts •a Parlor, for 1., U A 3.111311"..010121C A CC/ nol3 I Fir-t A W 00•1 six 11, tor ,ale tol - nnls 0 A 34113410.310/011i 6CO' . B UlTtilt--11103s flesh roll, 11l 01040; 10 lo:10 A. • 30 r.oc\. J. • 40, for .ale Ly B CANFIELD q m.i.A.m ior ..b by I tuYl4 J B CANFIELD I )lL ai' s*-4 NAL• (at ...le by J B C NFI ELD_ I otic ANFIV I 1. , ha, .14.3 1.1. , r , ;le , vr t ? A fgr a •Af ti l3 . • , nay rirt - T.1.0VC":14 barrc17k . .1.117.7;71715 . 1 40 lIARBAMII. (• 't• Vir LI • swir .1.13 by • S V? IiatiBALGIF UNNI UAL,,,,.wee Sad Lir • I._l • Galt. e s 55 . 5., tra 72ltllill. l ZTlT Jar Etenvtr baeiets and d doz b rASIF. UALZFA.I. I 011, Sw St, s 1 WILICTIO.trai.• . .•1, DP4I..ZLLL 1 / 4 ! I'TS TUB PI , NIiNV.-7...4 t;rli . .or arc - by: U .1 FA II!: F-.+TOllk II CO , I , W Utock, Brown, and kiuld nuked. 1 r•ectired ftaiu the /actor', for sale LY II I EE: • eIIIESNUTS- to hag. tar .0k low Ur KNULISII & LiErtzgra-r. 1'11...41.7r ft N . 1.1"-Q-130 1. , 1e. which we ~111 D. low, 14i clo.a 11.01 I:NMI-Jell S BEN 41 , .711' Nr KW - 41'1' Llk - i fd, Lu Gerd r ler 17.77 r. II 11016 JOIIN WATT & 111. La•le No 3 Mackerel da Nu 1 Lake fish V,i do do No I Cod _nold bior e.elei JUIIN W d. CO , Q: U..% bt. JOIIN W CO 1.1 , How. 4,, large cure brourii• we 84 le by lb nu% n JOHN W*'rra Cel IDILANKETIL. 4 tioi,,• Colon and Idr salc 1. ito . !Heavy :'r;l mid nrawersi do tier Muni. do, • Je ,aito :inlay Jo; . do , rigid Or.vst., Pb,. Shisti, Colin.) end Ketonic Coma, and ty wad Stupeodeta, orkey.Ked Urriouing Goon, Pruned flannel Robevi Kean Unthiellas; Sat end Ijnen Neal Wool nod litrelidari Move., Super Kid ad Slik Ulaveti Some.. etalltUrlik , .rid Muth. a. received KM: 11,1 .ale by I' II RA TON, Oy Vann vt - To - le.noel Im. Ala Isla g riTii 7641•71 - I;3T . 1F ,vu *Oh es..•l in the sit ur , o•killg Cie., Coke, Facings, Or.. you 00.1 at ttie lot naval, nioelo.,—. uoul 'Sound Coital, Vleni`;..,ew Suthili 14.14,,,, Ormiee Feel, Caned Lcian Peen Flea Cinori I, urupe /at; Vitali Brady. unklee •re 'et *tie in filollklsl lIAN ta PULS Te• ract ,ole or ma Iholound , piLiv At.ns , 011.-4., LI oo _ l,nuS DU-WM(9II 1 co _ b 0% . II r'l rya; X./ -.I ns• Jo; for solo by , ruled WICK & MoCANDLFZAS rum' ...tie. the I,lla WIWI a Stletdill,l4 I .ad of . 100 etbd wen mock., IlotierY. t Drqucto. Tha above autizlo.• .0 011 k, %N M[lll,o. and 14/11.111, of .411 file • doi fa via es. a •11V ata 1a..., 0,4 fur itikla F It•KATON =ll=Ell i• .6U tuitshic 164 arp...e. e. .I Ire pfacAml 41 AttottklN 11,A utITH'S t • S 11 lit !001C, ullLa Piam t n4 ~u m. ..m by hllll , e 0 ps i bug 4*.yi ../ .F •LI'l:%1•13.114. =MIESMMI • a al. , I. v: :Anis uld ono Isult*i; WI. new elnp MOlnt.4 1,1 WIRKPATRIeIi 11. LA..? . • • M.t.1.1:0 10,3: ...two authuort at _teat t•wert to tot Laroit.te a.sCiftilicht YVIO• W eaolititting ttt: psi, Iho nice In Dolma lattatell, ottootea.l key Ilea Out., 1 . 11 , 11 a,. 41. thl Y.o.tcd IVto.i.w 41.4 c.; Vt.,. tool Unit Window Leto. tl at the Carpet arettcate, NJ. t 5 ratintt 111411 atot ‘N'totti meet _____[old H.w Let or (loads. I L•v t v-er.ven,.ost noor op es oof, . o. opien4l4 lot of orof CPlllll , itni psta oi tow cladool orove4 Ce it,tave 1e...4. 'oak , COI.' Hoot • o,lctiOle4 -1:11v11. Alia 'taut Ist,illice Illallllll .t Clark, Oat clue 4.4 144113 tl.111.11,or:tco, wok ar-kaisettL tier cic,sitt made by 1t66.6 6 r. , very /./Wprleed , '. A..p, 161 ut •uerllol ‘ , etudeons, 'made or the numnt 44eniot Carta.d. Needhaw, New '.ark. Th... Hot erne.. to. tem. , / eltaziar, 41•666:6111 46.11.vvrev ut tv, L 0.., tee Halted. .5t,.. .141 t 11.4( ... btalr.a,euta.,ll46.ll.6e, 66. it 61 EtiElt ,ivk of tt, tiol4an limb 1..71.44'1 .11xces • Vol,. XVII' No. 121. MEDICAL • DUO. C.l el *Tittle K. NOW all won led .... o t t •Ao tai.oro ' woo .b.. awe of be Mad, k • mil lane), AOh Memo.. Ontia 111 twee or Ando, leant, 4%1 Nati,: ,lllhilh, olcere. Ile. that that .••. , t.. toed 1.. tatter the re tr.t....! Too nuip o.a ut.... t Its Leiiig ll pl rittoon at u.,,.,, ~ ~,, yeayea ea., 1..1 mit duet su a io.l. lit an, for wo ...elan. n. the i...i lit was butt,( cuttoo . o.ty, that It to • Inflate Illthlult ~ f ., 00, Cilrilaihtd In ? Soy who, rel. tily. rho tuna who le reeked Wlth Noe end p.l raring Dow Dow.. co. for lattroent, g ei rag a , ry,,,,,, any of the ills conirootwed alAna. • Dernictl it ewo wry little to twits 4 trod. This retrol“rit it no ture—no coutpond, put op for the pope.' a impotiug on tha wrinaratoiy; (Ml It IJI • tr• Slay eta et wed lip thie Motet band of more, old bubble. op 0 the tro. sew of ear mother WIWI ID il. original cooly, and of fere 1 1 . tittftriAll literality • reply reedy, la eerote i and cheap ewe.. , It lea cured kilo, ono: Odle, Ille.lcihei.l ha.. Data to render any relief. - It has eared Itht . tn•litIll DI lona *Lauding, and or tea Worst and mowpiAnntl ekanicror It has eantaCholera Milano by wro or ow. dy•,,,, {, ha eared OW eases 01 Diarrhea, in 1.141,.T•ry ollitc r tuned) , bas been of no Wail As. !Acid rreedy .11 bailie and sealda, It lit bent, thou *li tool t 0... pound or carrawnt tbal ore ewer Af. awry...or Idaho of (Noted feel, In a tow Styli, at Andouto ed testhartor coo be fernithed of lit. loath moat , . it In the Work Milkineel by Colloid( on Atimutt NI. Kitt, Canal Haain,rth skeet; or either It Ole cr6et• KeYN , A itkAmireli, Winter of Woo.' )uteri and VOW, /Uteri-H.& Tellers, 57 Wiwal it. r,et, D. AI. liol k D. M . COITty Allegheny city, w r the hVIIII lIRAUTV-4.• la luisstuallysourrdol au, ttosia , y i. A I ounte eoluatoo, 111• that vouuttl ad.,, Da tor still. at the moss lithe it is rah; nu colic, - sotto jty is It lost at Sio young' bis Ls tibo' to I cStegt. but the. la oft-in wo u nd b y mo sloct. 'We say 10 at!, do not neut.:ft ins, perauoul apDtlatlilf.t. but road tbo 10110Willlr, 1,1 you need oat tick 400 Inapt. :Turso untold. or. e - buStit PM pantilous:toid have all aiwinea a WA) lota 11.a.V. Eat Ouyn* :a V aNes a>d r vixxu SOAP, tor rutrartizig .onttto. Ltoichrty uToPli ,,, on :Lc ilotb the tei:toot cot, senator oibettuty'eurry , Snow,. nutlub4 putpaallag La De Nymph t 4 osp, alder, n haa lay uncle slushed. • Jots. 11•11112.3 Pll/1114:10.:CRINESC rel":1,1[11, for tr,- purling to the lost comptsa‘us rethato whiteness. In Ito ,1 wi•ou' • mute rat,- rat,- ful than the use o a posettet fur tio. /.11411u, uf those toltt ere set) 1141416.0 s My Clllu, 1 1 0./0,, eS Compour.de4 In a e - tyntlio• Manner. 1111 , 1 1 . ...los u•I Instedlent talttel: Co.. 1.0.11 1 ,1 y ,i Into horn's pses-sress Potoossr.-17 1 071.. superfluous hour. m ot , th s n afro. the 400 OT ,tmr, 01 lad, It:, st•tol , tst . tacos. n o short t . tue.w.:lloul Ittltrutneht. JOL/13 fiattOL'a VEOlitirte Itst inslaolaneotraw tad, cs, , t• rrar haw a bdiatinttly black, bros . .. or eels tn tutor It atti tuber the ha, u, • skate; tithe. an. , tnnto ed.:neat than say other Ine, bring at the sante tudellittle Jelaa Hatt :tn. wan rite. ,• rt all) aa Co sure to shear with lbis cwatn. too, of weaning unman.. ri-na',7 caner., t•-. 1 tite u... to moot Soaps. ain lea.. • e. raje su.unt4 and tort aa as Ufa.:a, cunt 1.01 5.•.0u Leeeme ohappeil. Jot.p. IfAuta.',lllth•Totrrit t - o tt.e Law, we thlqk the Teeth were Intruded a. I.r mem to the haulms Dori but when r, rd, 00.0. t., Iv to thahaurusg, of Iss qulrely see., ; 1. 0 „,.. Paste will isupan,to the term a - rartt nt the sane time keettsg the gato• hr v .. •• lea Iths Also Otf hatal; 4 euttlflete tia•ttt •• t•rt. Brithh, an ' d American Fertantery .4•••1 . 1 .• 1,1. a JULES lIALIKL,Perism.,. sm C1.••t....1 ITV thtestitut street, Ft... For sale wholesale sod rant', try s tr. Co., sot/ H. L. xncra. I•lttalturt. tro Jott, gent and .1 alnea.ll. Altera...lw ta.te - • - IMPOU'r/IN . S. • TO Tem . Ut. Celetattled 111 bib Un. JACOIi . yttetot 0. Tiles moat med.:ma, and alto tlis l etao. ma:oment far lntlato.g the aay cog. a ca., of • . hroe. wel altolr..l ci phya.cic nt a, Doctor Phya, and a liairerairy ar Prunailvatila, mod I.loc. het Won ct.414c4.1 lhe thc apptseattoo of tetoodtr, ei theto • .1110•10 the u. •••• Indating • with Wu Yroph, :ryr•••• Gad Gii•rt irmcdtri, L e ha* gained hut 0:•;•d•ulr :rd lit,. tl•G‘c arraGlfill and fatal •••••••thr., • fe..Gri l'oo ' taini.J••••,.euGer•G. .: 3 4110.13 1 11, 1110 3 , 1 . 11 ..36.1. A , ..i••••••• • rever '6•••• Ague, Eetetr GI all ••• L.; wpels, Gad all ILIAC Git 6 lll. l 6e • •-•• I•ed• • ••••erely for 01,1• i thoo. GI tilt ..idle wutet. t by G• 001 tllu ere of out ;i t 16 1,. ..1.14101.1 1 . 14...•••ei••••• 111. 1 •to .•; l 1 / 1 the Gr.. of fehicilleli, ki,J 10; ct ;• aaealurtuna 0 1 414.1.. e ISMS3S= to plirgalire,k, lortr 1,11 tom Ihetrowel. porieetly ,I,n, lits3,lc:t rills t• nthltute.l U... tit I , iiiitt,l-1 • pocutur 1.14.1/ 111 , 144,1 M. • blot Mel Lae., sa.l.lllt ittlnasc.3 Thi eltliete4 itto waltrl weallLi, it u ;rat 1011 prOCIAIGIsrat4.I obi, 441 IL, sJetallau arcuunt of caeL I,.lnely . ..... • • Co. aala Ly 4.e lalleano4 egat0e e ......•,, ea Ly 4' aariata tatuarleout die oemo ~ y • 3 bc.amakeit /a Co, VI Woal an...! 4,40, rd ol Tosinatild,,lluggiet, 45 Marl ri •i do, la A. rfacthalo, a Ctaelhu Pl. ...I...eae , y Jut 0 1,1 10 4 7, DalLnatot,. BO.tet ~.. inn Ellto, F.nnau Valley, Jo u. P Adam, 11.escret, au5114414 A N.W wad D.auttfulty I inatrattd • Work, by O.P. 13[1•11. ABOOK of rho Pomirom. kty G P Joule r. F. 41. /11116trale4 Witt. •1 2 / 1 01111pletltha s , et , moymormyy from 411.1 ring• by 1.11611110il etainem / Vol dva JostoorobbOormolo by , it 110PhMor no`l9 lin111111,•. V ' unith DUTAB/1-15 cult& in sinta ant lor -cm , by 11. Jr 3 MULISH t IIt:NNETT ;.!.. bid in stutn.n.. to, • Ja V1 , 91.11%116 ISENtiell - • Cloth.. at haatari JObLing V nee.. YlKek)...4 Mark. and Fancy Ercla-s, I I t./ Chltlis;, elo , lklsqr said Owl., plat 0pc..4 by A. A. At A,IIN A ( . 4 dell rvAv l Mallet 11. 1 :i t :LAM IpVITEk-a bra prin e roll, for talc by 1 del 01 IV HaRIIM.I4II (2 , 10141 , 113-:70., bags Itloi bega itagusyra; toLego Java rea.•.l (or .aia by A IThNNINGII,IIII dal 3va Liberty et 0 111:ii43 chew, Young Ilyaon; to chests lateen/II; 0L eheeti thutpuvrder; %Vif bra Young Ilyaoh; *Oa lb Lee do Jo, re. `,l for We try del • It A eliNNlNtill Cl kegi for - -sle by - nott Whl 11 .11111NkTi•N L 41411-10 Alackercl No l. ag! at) Info Jo 1113 do No 0, taro,. r 3 bele du No 7 sum, , 10 brle do No 1; 10 du *do No 00 do do No 'I; ILO b. lento ed floret:lA' II drums ett./Ash; lsbrla etekled lietritigat for fair- by del It A. CUNNIN/111,111 lOAF SUGAR-7.510, Na. o, G. e , tot tide b, j Jett A 1 te , Nlnit.:llAod 53-Il lavav Rio,. o. t '7 nada . WICK 1 31.-..,,N111.09a 10k YE rimult-11/ tiblo Rye - lour, in •ore ord IL ogle by iret.F a. co note 1 e,t, •i BUTIT 4 III _ . , lreah Roll read end iur •ele 0002 110111 , 0 N, LITYLE .t Cu ialitiVTl • i.t.Jll - 1 gab TOlfACilO-i, /3/.1 brands, now landing for lisle 1.," roll 1Y1•0I V 3 Co ANARY SEED-aborrels for ib ll . l ' 7 J 140214 44, u 1 . 45 JKIT received ler late at 67 Wool •tioaa lodide. Potatls !Otto. 1b.., Syrup 10/10‘0, I Cal I Chlnoidtne, P4lall.n lan Araentate afainiae. Cc:, :0-1 Oganlde 11•,•11, y, 0 . Venetia, c.•l, tbnaati, .431 . • 11 h R ICE -lilt., heat. brat l i o4 - , z ; tl t e ., h , , 1000.1 a null Piaw olr no% ,t "ttivi big* IcA.laug 01.:a IIAIIII et, 1. 1 6/11-...30 hti . deiv - V A c h ins, no:fl Iti Li "t frKArill 01- an lb. tiara, for Bald tr 1 , 13031 AL. ettl7A-W oat. tot gale Ly 0 nod 0:1144 Co tilth.l 11:AL- 1 1014a. N t,Ore, li,t •tia by lJ 4 ,1 lIAIOI4A I'oII bitaltr.FTTNOTs-Slik to Min, 4 •41 • tor 0. 1V la 011 N 000111 PIOKto d. Asool' tatge and *cleat 0114,111,,,1 I of Pitt:at Ketchup. 'deuces, 10. 4(.04 tto a1..1., cod ettab ligaments of C11.1.14•004....1 in Bacon. nn! r1G.1%, 0 Ott,, 001161.1.14 On band at talc- ot title/ ll= Liberty It, oaptlenna ii.111,10.,1 At l. qtto. Ipia; I 'retool, b op OO ‘4 , 11N11 - 1' ICA I. istie 6 s 44 Molt, zo - tO. hat. bb t ., Onions, largo ona pie . t•-• Walhuith it., t'apele, Touter..., qta,1, . 4:5. 0 Now etnitiins,. a /ergo .10111 o• Whack, we ro.peettunt 4,11 lho ons•, lon t a l e' , atop.. and dealer.. 11 hi "I at noln IPeonot vas •initJ•lll., Jlin re. titwa and 1.011, orCicakg ca 414 I • • • , leitryt lin at Fresh lteset•co 0.,.1 .4 ',Ca... W as fotwar.- • a, • Presetted Qtt.Loas, I 1...110 • 1... 1 Alio, Its I.4IGW.nA Fiabli fill 11- , 1 . .. er their, own Jui-e, gni berntalrai7 t b.r.L t prestraitig MOll Potent., e nemas, Ptii- Linirt n.t9 W5l A :dert.t.lit, 1 CJ DOLL DU ITF:11-1uLIO 4. a IffEltlitONlOS-101 , Lls Lute., t, mla by 5.1. oaf/ 13.411. t it Co FIUBACCO-49 bit Ot sui a Wst”..a•', 15 416 Wm. U. Want's, •,,, 4 ,!, b., U• . ROWN Ct • Ir.i;l' AT t',ll. 4 butter, fv; • •. ,•• liUITER—""" VITtrI11111:1,ff Zs 1:‘ , . 1111A:s1, 11h ?Naar? It s s CASEB (lola' facile!, felaatiar tlsavl2.av 1 , . Liltiti alld C.12111.5<te.. it: • t otvran itas 44/ 41 • A A At s,???S.t / 4 v, vsa an " a JO, 166. 1 / 4 . 1 SALIM' D/CILXY . & AO,- 1... t as ?es , Its2l Worts, aril prepaid it, 1. wun'an' 10. 4 04 race, 422 O . v, , ,,a , :•11. a. 41 ,' to lia city. Witaisallse, 112 11saeloa, a...11v? Pr.., curer, • 1 lUD t t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers