BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. *AiwataTEG i TIALIGGHAPGZI/ AGRTBB PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONGIILSSIIIONAL Wuntrarce, lone 3. fisurn—Mr. Webster submitted a bill amen . s tory of an act relative to the reclamation of foe. the slaves, which be sold he prepared last Feb ruary, after much deliberation, and which he had altered in Do puticulusesse, it was Glen des bated in the Steele. The bill was ordered to be printed. On 'motion of Mr. Clay, the Senate vex trn the Omnibus Bill. Alley conatddrable diunsaion, without taking the question, the Senate adjourn. ed. Home—Mr. Schanck tithed kayo tootler the following: Ordered—That inuMuch is the Coatatinee oD Ways and Means have Dot yet reported the Au- Dual Appropriation 1611 for the civil and, diple. male expenres of the Government for the melt lust you, beginning on the ' 3oth Jose, taw, but hu neglected and Oiled to report for mono than Gum mouths beyond the time fined by the positive rule, they may be instrseted to report the said bill, and use other eppropriatien bates have not been brought in this session, without farther delay. The question being taken, the rules were not untended—aye. 51, eau 69. The Hoots then .went Into Committee of the Whole on the state oldie Union on the California question, and ahoitly after adjourned. NASHVILLE CONVENTION. Nasuvuaz, Jule 3, 7. x. Tne Convention hasjast nose Into meows. It la supposed that Langdon Chaves, will tio chosen President. The arty Is crowded with btransers. A. V. Brom', banes called the Coarenhou to order, teponed, on brholf of the 439muilLIze-ap pointed to organise, the Canna than, ;hat they had agreed to recommend that each nate be entitled to one Tote In the CJllteniloo, and that Hon. W. L. Sharkey, et Mira he appointed Preaktem, and Gov. McDonald, tiChtonna. Vice Proridelt; and . that E. G. nl9lllllO and W. P. Cooper, be appoint. - - - - • Tbe roparkof the Committee wasuennimoualy adopted. Judge Sharkey - , opon :skies the chair,lnade a brief bet animated rpecc .; which wee rem vcd with bearry u•plama. Se Mocked the Conveyes tine, mom profoneelty, fix the honor done ben, in electing him to a ' , Deanne which ho bad no duke to HI; but Which, ater - the appeal which bad been made to him, ha-amid-no touter decline.— Hetualided briedl to die canto which tee induced the meeting of the Convention. The several States; ho wed had united. Equality and eqsal rights bad been guaranteed to all by tee aneelatellOn ; but he uid those rights bad been violated, and the governmenteould not mend:the shock of tte dente= of the Combine lion. , The . Convention, he dec..lued,hati not assembled merely to divan menanres to protect the rights and penny of the Southern people, but to pre serve that government which had been handed down to them untarnished. It had not ben call; ed do 'divert,' but to. perpetuate the Union: Who/ he asked, were better patriot" thaw those who had waited till .a direct calamity had fallen upon the country,or those who impose to adopt measures to avert that calamity? It was for the convention, he "aid.; to devise a remedy — for the evils tinder which the Smith was laboring, and for the people to carry theta out..— He trusted that a remedy would be loved. In conclusion, he repeated that the object of the originators of the convention was not to dissolve the Union—the slanders of. its enemies,' to the contrary notwithstanding; and he expressed the hope that tee Union might be the last thing to pol ish amidst the universal wreck of matter. Elder J. & Ferguson then opened the Owen! thou with prayer. Judge 'Wilkinson of Miss, moved that a hat of ake States be called, and the members from each be requested to prompt their endentiale7- The motion was adopted. Gen.Pilloar moved that the vote be ripeonsider- :"; ed. He wished to amend the motion of the goer 4. demon from bliasisaippl, F 3 •3 to rake one Isom, 4 each State to receive do credentials of the mem bers, and to report their names to dre Convention,l After • short &audio* between Gm. Pillow 4, and Mr. Walker, of Alabama the motion to re-, ' consider was carried, and the amendment"to Y raise the Committee was accepted by lodge Mit lattice ' and the original motion was adopted. ' The following gentlemen were then appointed on sold committer—Cen. Pillow, of Tens; Jodge l Wilkinson, of Miss; Gen. Walker, of Al.; Goy. Henderson, ofTexas.; CoL Pickens, of A CAIVIaIk; ir; Craw f ord, of Ga.; liege Tacker, of Va.; and . Col. Pierson and Mr. Powell, cf. Ark. The consitntion th e n adjourned mud 10 o'clock, to morrow morning. , THE SUMMONS CASE. ' .11 . CMCSSRATI, .Tanti 3. ..,: The In the case of Sammons area direbere *it: , ed on Saturday, being unable to epee, and the : primmer was returned to jad: It .waa reported that tbejory stood ten for conviction and two for ... .-, aegnittab THE CALJEOHNLA EMIGRANT& f• Ii "- ' Bg. Loris. Jana 3. ce • :, Rent '• advice' from Council Blurs Brew that the California ea:amnia at Joseph, Itaneseiller •• and other paints, had, with few rexceptiocur, left :.. •: for ass Plains. The first Mermen Wale, consists lug of 1009agons, and between 600 and 600 pets eons, would leave. Kartesville for Salt Lvka abode the Ist Instant. Alasminereporti relative to the prevalence of 1 '.• ".' small pox and cholera among the emit/roots or. the Mains, almost daily reach the Gantlet towns. •:',l These repont were mostly brought baby eungranu 5..`:. who had become dircouraged, and wore return -. ~ were not generally believed. A party of six emigrants who returned, reported that Sollis ~/. van' s company, from Brunswick , had all fallen ~.„, victim to the Cholera With the exception Cl :? ••••.: The California carivan extended a distanqa of • '. ' form 200 to 250 tulle., and always In sight of each - :.'l other. Grass nod water were quite abundant on ' ~. the 27th alt. Esnessillq and vicinity were visit. • • ' ed by - a wemeodons 1/01713-00TOOdng several ''•-4• houses, and doing much titer, to the tlithet.— i.: ' The crops are not sollleienily advanced to suffer ? much. No live. were lost. • Lootryrux, Jane 3. The liver ha risen six inches in the last 48 hours There are fire lecTll lichee water in the canal. '{• • , • • NEW YORK N AREEL Nrw Irca s; Jana 3, IWO rani! 1417011. • Pion—The iota advice' of short supplies an! high prices of Float In New - Osleass and oto' West, causes more infintakill in this Inarket..= tides of Cotemoo State at 115,505,62 !Straight. jna pod at $5,62 0 15,15; fancy Ohio at W 1,1210 0,37 per bbl. Grain—Wheat is snit, and , pricer unchanged.- Corn is scarce sod firm at Intl Groceries—Coffee is soave at 101 for Java; So. pr fain fair request, and prices firm. Provisionr—forit continues inn, and priers r•e in favor of sellers. Sales Mega at 1110=3 $10,87, and of prime at 59,75 per bbl. Lard ism better demand at le for prime. • • Lead—Pig is duller, and declining. Tobaoco—Kentecky Leaf Is In 6cod.dansnd, ebb au improved tendency. Whiskey is firm, with rake of Ohio and Prison at 20027.; per gab( n. n•' CINCINNATI IdAILEET. • Cmcuman, June 3. • Floav—The market quiet and dull, and re eidtda ars mostly inured. Baku 300 Ws . al 0.. 1 %MAO per bbl. " • Grain—Com is in good dezand, with Was 3,000 bn in balk, as 40e. and 55c far socks. Widnkern-Salet at 271a 22 1 0 per. Oa. The market is scans drmet. - • Bacon—Pries have . advanced, with Was 75 bda Sides at e (or ribbed, and Mc for clear.thiles 200 , 500 On inhoakderaat die, and $ 1 for Sager bu tubtaneed to Pe. , lb. weatier The riveris slowly needful. 13T. , L0U19 MARKET. BT. touts, lone 3, We nod,* no marlredchango in Floes Trio" 'oakum are Dot. • Grain—sake 2000 baskel wheat la 122 i 01 45 .• Cora in dull, trith • downward tendency. • arks 3000 bass at 03333 bu; of 1100 bu inferior Ohio at 43c, and of 400 bit good at 00380 perho. Flour—The aka amount to POO to 1000 bbla at kr plain; $7,60 for extra, and $9 per 01 fot • • • Provisions—Small veinal' Mem Pork man.. and of prime at $7,5008 perbbl, and very Inn. No Wet of lard. Bales 01150 abater= shoulders at bi; end of tibbed - ai dos at Se pert* Same of plain hams at Sr and of rum cured at 71e. Lead—Sates at $4,60 per cam Hemp—Sales . at $3. 5 093 per an. ---- / tdolamea—Sales proms Pistluton' at3Oeriper 7iEWIIOOKI 'NNW 0001141- 41 Halm? literary•Dry:o, Tkird atredt,eppositir the Post gage iCTIONARY of Mechanics, Enloe Weak, ink D Engineetiog—No to._ • • Boston Shetrptete—dole.. • . • Pride end Irrerolutiorn new Berle. of tke Dlr istaken of .kilo Tlrse—No G. • - : n o Clearterly Keeler, fonAgeil. -14 pi e" al F*llBook of the Rointlation;ittrl L. ; I,ltrelPo Living Age—l!ro 3111. . Lands; or the Young ktlot of Ikes GY Coma. Lee flan. • t Ganutelo. P 7 George Seed. TM, Pontine. By Lever; put I, pees 5 rents. Meto:l.l Blether Jona:ban. The Yoang Prhoh Done. By Mrs Grey : . rn ßeek *Otto. • - ; wa i !Lilt magura dm. ratan Journal etlalsaee TOK am /alma of Selene' end Art le OM fi a gad Junco D Door, and jrnbilehed the ant of May. and toe, 'Aerials along.. Iho W for May, is novr • ' oatoly, niber per 14ar,br Elbe per . . . • • YAALES D LOCKWOOD, • motto Agent for greorletoelo o 4 Foga -•., • lietalle - Vight - bAg• u tit. • g i eO2 C 2l l es N g ec o b l y V et. "d onTo l : l:LlV.A b :o i ro l, :: *alai ore to =eh objected co in all ether goat.. One table • tpoonlol tha tantrum 141z0 . tl lo on thlsrae d a a rsa anyg i n t r: f ' B "e I ;t4 IclefOrellie by YOU ' D MORCIAN! it= COINERCIAL 'RECORD. rmssoson . VO•SD OW MEADS un inzpioresEcouxes. COMMITTEE FOR /Ilk& ~e,taumir--dmiximnum llotriaixtsor tniOntaa litriaxm—Tbe followioS Ia s Itu of tbo ourremeota of tho Clean EIWASICIII for tka moth of has : Conant Line—For Liverpool. Ehnen—Leaves New York on the eth Jena Aste—Leaens Batson on the 12. h how, AXLIICA—Leaves New York en the t9th Jute. • Collin's firtopool. Anawne —Loam New York on Mk /one. Col/in . 3 Litio—For Nom York. ATLAS.= —Leavens Liverpool, on 99th Jinn. Onion Sum. Navigation Company. Ifrenunk—From New York to Bremen, NO lone Wossenoron—Prom Brennen to N. York. 15th lone. From iloothatopron to N. Y,ffith Jona. From Nem York to San Francisco:. nrnionoso.r, era Comma. on 13th lane. HAIM, for bon Franeineo direct, lit of hum. Omen, Prrresoessi Gazarrz. • Timidly mOrlthit, Jute 4,1tC0. Tee weather yesterday seaa pleasant, and afair eta ral beldam aru doing in the meskel. FLOUR—The muter continues Teri , firm, with an advancing tendency. The. IMOIIIII . C-0161.1141 fawned demands earl light. sad Ilia .eales from Ant hands have bean confined to small low at ii,3lpbbl. Extra brand. from mare are held at WS, and liood a. f. brands at .14,60 IP bbl. VIZ netut—We note mederate sale. at 113,75M)97 iire /IP bbl, firm store and than the wills. Cosa hlnat.—We note hates from city mills at dde ► 66410. GRAIN—The market continues pulls firm at aortae% paotationa. The arrivals have been comparatively light, cod tales limited at the following dames i Vilmatt.ooolloe; Rye G3c; Barley Otto; Cafe We, sad Oata at 40043 c • bathe, tram Bat hands. •. ==M W i l:RlOl — EverYlhing wader this bead L wal Watt I{ll adsaneinif tendency in‘sonte of lb. leading artistes. fllipl Ls quite 6 rm. at Offlet for aom stmr to prime. • Molasses V Ono, at Us for oak hhhi. 5ud,31831; for commons cypress Obis, and vffr No e►6o[a to Other ankles. PROVISIONS—In the Provision market avorythnot remittal very Aria Bran contours quite , buoyant, at firmer quotations. We hand of no large tame , dog. on Monday, bat We may tank= our goo unions (or wattrn and city nand at al, di. end 7e for ahonld• we, Wes, and ham; from amokabottaa, we quota at 45,81, and 7c, for oboaldens, sides, and hams. BUT:PER—SaIes of prima roll, pat sp In boxes and 1:031,i, at !lie/Cc, and of • common angle at 3COIIa i ka4 I. doll at BIOSI far common. - (PLASS-4'o,th. "thou ankle. of window glass w 9 notice no change. She followiog list otptiees may be given os about the wiling limns for the visions sines of Iq rand ioi4try broods I .11y 16 .—.- -..1 10 by. U 1 4,50 ry 1 16 10 by 16 1,50 10 by 17 de Barran Casa Tasec—A New greareac—ln making ont a Het Or aging bY the PenmYlrdnin Ca• tel, we were enack with the huge trade In coal, now going on With the eumm cities. Owlet to the men. palmate 'catchy of other: freight, all the canal we are informed, with the exception of the Union line, bare tuned their 'attendee -to the tronsponaltan of nalneral real; and, In encfreqttenee or the reduction of 101 l on all noel .hipped for the purpose of teasels/oe, the proprietors of the cartel lines final% the most profit table freight that eon now be carried from this point east. Doting:the month of May, to the ;anent rm . , the shlpmeats of coal via the nazi, for the eastern man .kote, &scented to 1101 toes. Darla/ the moan of 1818, anly 148 tons were shipped I. that diner. don: we 'Mew this as ■ most Important Item In the trade of ear city. In dace .0! tear maw, front title Point west, our tool meretente will now find on eastern do mind fee Met/ coal; vita mad yield them handsome pietas. For toe menefecistred gas, no =Act M the world tin produce a fleerastiele then can the coal region. of Weave Pennsylvania, and we have no doubt, but that, this new 'MUM In oar wade,whtehise so recent. If spasms up, will cantinas to prow end expand!, mill t will become amain object with ear coal merchants, I especially in tiatei of low water In the Ohio .thar d when It le letpeatbla to elle the ankle from this pilot Ottaaa Ektra—The fitthroring ls the amount of Oil rad none Imputed Imo the 11dte1113tases, for the week euding May 13 t Spam, bbla Whole, bbli. Sm. bbl.. Tao meek ISSN 19 311 25.1.500 Pnylagdy, 30,796 11!,4411 1.72012 Toial Ode you 41,5•T1 Lennox, Mar It—Tha marten for British aranufme. tared Iron as hewer, and rather mere dolts. In eons. eptunee of the strike of it. warkosaw. the market for &melt Da lean has become own sense; I large by. thew 110608 n done,and ode.. are is to ls ad demon The latest pekes paid were 41s for mixed, and 45ts for No l and Garisherria Iralls are offering at .La Ida Welch ban an dell of !ale, sad eta offering at.f.1105 to-felts ad.' Flywheel hOn gala at presto. t[TPIR The mute, for steel is attrady, and a moderate ball uten dome at Imo rates. British Lend is Ann at red price.. Vpanish 17 las, end net treaty offered. For British Coporifthe demand Is geed at law wee. Zinc steady at till r ton. la Me Speller =AM • Caw large business has been deem. but the pelage accented are fatly Sa w les ander those of Lest week. Abort 1000 wes are repotted sold, elderly at 1.14 150; a mall put at for 171 M; at Mese price* the market la now quiet. East Inda 'ha Is again Is lower; abeam SOO Ms &rails have been mid at 69.-71 s is neared for small lots of Basce,hue *erased. Tin Plates genet at late rate.. Now Boonltt, Nay 27. NM. Ppene—No thugs to notice to the market, which continues* good demand as fall prices; sale. since “r lass iselude 311 Dbl. et 1175; 150 do extra' head at 110 e; bbla at Nantacket. at 11201111 e; and 600bbls at nal, town, the price of which we did not learn . Wnale—Tho analret has not varied dote ear lash and the Leotard eadinees tool. We melee sake of IWO bbls N W coast. so 510212;7M de at Me 4, gall. and &cargo of 2175 bbla en private term. Bleak In Bra bads In dila marker - and Fairhaven is reduced to bbla Whole Bertior—filles 31271 Act Polar and N W Coast was made the hist of the week en Private tones, same +bleb, we have hardhesol of no sr...does; fines OJT last the Avlph from Bonnotala. has arrived here with 500,070 Bormtoltr, Bay 21. Sloes oar tut weekly report this ankle has assent. MI an aspect tetbeating a return to a neural nod -wholesome rendition. Cpeentation has ceased, and the wattle kart come forward as purchasers for the curtly of tha eonsmaptlon which bed been so permit ally suspended or eartaile4 by reason of Ow fuel) vey.ll4l,- high mice& Sine. /Mondry last. the vial.. toile Undo hats been gone brig, anal toe aggregate tuts eardrum:l, of all desetlettoes, between 1000 end 01)00 bars,"ll: seoo oso Rio, at Plerltke; 110 0 bs-11 0 Last:urn at 5{060e; and 400 bags bletualbo at 00. 'The market et•wee with a mere ebeerfal feeling then has been manifested for some one put. Thal:abortt . of iha week are MC bp Kin; and 601 bgs Inguayra. • • T X. PaDltaatloaa. EAITIRESI on An and Poems, Waiddayton Ass 1 Edited by 111 Dans, Jr. Aistos la the Cold Zepon, gad Bean. by Ike Way- By' Theodore T Johnson, 2.1 Witten, oath aumerotte Ilanarethats. The Eillou nadir. or the Trials of New Volk ffeasastressee. By Charles Belden:m t. bar of "Toe camel. Child,. oAtthat maths.* ae 71,e ?calms, traadated anderphillted. BUJ A Alex. &sae., Proks•fn la Princeton Theolotleal Beseistssy Talbert; and Tenons, Pablubcd by lake, Sent. aer New Ton. T , he above, together with a lam assortment of Calms Books. foe 11111.10 by A it ENGLISH & Co, No Te Wecel siren .NOTEIII LOST. NOTICE. le nereby green, that on or about the tilth . of April, the sabscribers bad marled so them. at Wellsburg, VA, tee following notes, viz—A note drawn by O. A. Martin, payable to oar order, dated April ilth;nl 4 months, ter 1173 It a note drawn • y Joan L. MCM0L12,11103.0 due and thrie,for 1111 17, and Sete drawn by John Won &Co., in favor of Jo hn S. Martell, and twendorsed by not, dated April gib, at foes atimiba, for 1174 Tbe sieve notes were never DOTA , M I-0 naka for axle bI fiIoGILLS S . ROE received by us, and this Is lo caution ell persons 1 against trading for or baying the same, as payment mined Saran, tent eon or thew has been stopped. LIA & W RLIACOLI merfa A CULBERTSON - Sleek Fliparedi Drees 1111 km, URPHY/1 BURCHFIELD have received a nsp.• NI ply of nemmt. style. Spred and striped Diem piles; caper plain black der, sod Fancy Dream Bilks. in great variety. may4B Orathois ifitheles Cesspossmd — littita — trisii: 11.11110. T i lt% CV tr:IV:t::11 1 1101g l ig 'h alt! irk'A. c e' .3 C° k L P G arb " al Dan tlk:n" , f .0 well. ed by Wised, gas been t h e comenced, by Crane Is so l lieitedTor by A CULI7ERTtON p ~t p pop, patented by the United Staten. Glen rssluy Lake Erie O. sub tub and the other Lakes tor rinsing, and Me will de all the areekte armadas of the WAILS -15e le re on bend and (Or mile by World belibte breakfast. Ilanuraetured and for me 1.1 =Op A .CULBERTBOI+I at the clothing stme of GEO 8 WARREN, Agent, 'MESH .TEAR —Just tecelved, , st small „,„r4 Wood ot, between Third & Founh. gamily Grocery and Tea Warehouse, a fess hall - chests of the celebrated Dragon 'Chop Oolong Tea the bcst ack Tea importte, ato by the ball chest or pond, by Wtd A bIeCLUEO A CO mayB7 150 Liberty et W. 111. • ~ sole (mortars forthismarkat,of Disposal& Soma , Patimat Soak Ash. AillBeboveu""eel=bryarknl'e>,. r P"""th p e DOSTON CHACKeRa--A ftomti lot of Boston Bal. ity and hlgh' toot, mghtenh. an d Till 1J D.scsit anti Etrao - Crookerst just Isceived from 7 „ Tr .,„ t 0,,,,,, motet pnce, for sash or approved the City of Nollons,.d,Ure fr bir ioc unto co tetra to lifflltfos to the a bove , e. bay° severe t shipments ta arrive, for Me fall trade. marin eit—S+o' brim now in atom, and for falo by !SNAIL RICKEY & CO uf.r•• RM. •US 1.41•4 Gn, 17 :1 °;`,.,"' 111•IL*330DFortalA61:7;esiwo il ' TC y27 ll-30 Ms In slot , for 00 by A bamboos apright Piano, with Rofteirood 00 .11_ 3 % *IOAIA.II DICKEY CO Frungrao, 0 Mares, and la good order • • 100 y A Saha 60 octave Egan° 43 co A good 0 00413 r 1•111” • .... . ......"••••-• 73 00 A coed al octave flano;wll3 farm• sara ..... 73 CO For sale b y JOHN A MELLOR 813Voodst ,____ 07 7 A d. for sue by B ACON —fn . ! • S•aerm islisasals tat ISAIAII DICKEY Q. CO k BincjiplELD, at MO We senses 110_ , Dis_C - 53 . 4e_ ,. _ .,7 1 . ti w - Persaestars poundlimpa, f r o 1.111. ef Pharth sad Itlartet Ms Davo Jett " eel ": ' .l7;y" 1 pure by sappty actual= Disk Llaeas..VerThlH o44 Ph: "us _ %wet' DICKEY &CO to wallah they Writs the atteatlau seacoasts , . is ______„ ..L.. ..?_ plClliLES—Gerlons.m bigot, quart, and pint Jars, Mired Pickles do do _, Panay Oossuaires. Pleally do do do BY B. BUBCHPIELD bare jest opened an Tomatoes, or quarti ars; Spume Olives s h e; M i rsortomat of Fancy CassimMes, 1.1. " .1 ± " fellikalielASNlMßervinSt. ALloompolFnMeh s,... " , AI.N Tomato, Walnut, and Mushroom &rebel" and rh 7 : n o P* v ' a ft yn:Ti pOO up by Underwood, of Boston Liar.; _ad:Minn:kr, Fu a 77 x . V r. os_ h ug . s i ,• r i ..iz 4 7 c , ~ . . . ~ . . . . .: t a , . . r bl i . o , A SAMEMd sod Usb , eddbddYmß d . 8i.....,...1 7 _,.i t,.... i tt who-to Pickles am favorably known through the Usk Gloves, Mk t °Mom. w Mimi.° withd....".,... Utdted States, and b 7 Thos . B. Pugin & Co, ol Par. .1 kw Floea for quality. Ma, sv . dept,la, ',both articles , 1.000 lOU to give sansfaction - ---_ wharever introdaeod for sale wholesale and retail LI Wlit A bIeCLUBG & Co Linea /mitre. A t: CO 11111/0 lOCCI,-"-.., and Nany —2! 534.1 LaWg.r at the law pries VO pee 7 _ may2S • 0 I 1,11,11.• 0 C.ASSS Pat limas, or th e man de.trable:colorA pm a a 0 indeed pa arproa. NA Den by . , . .AA maaor aa* I 14.7 . 47. amill . •-,. . .. Ilt Plato a i . . _ PORT OF PITTSBURGH. • Ihm—Taani witrer,4 fed 0 Wand. wa n ' , 11"" In • last sidnint and Wang slowly. HIVED. Median, BrießeMt. Fashion, Peebles, Ell:0elh. 'Atlantic, Pullman, Brimorvillet Baltic, Jacobs, Brovenssille. Heaver, Oen - Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport. ' , sat _Erma, Smith, Portsmouth. Jos Nelson, Bloom W1..811111, immY Lod. Gallagher, Zanesville. labid.packst, CinettinuL . DEPARTED. "Wan% Wes, Deaner. Caraden, Ilendriekoon, Sfefiesaport. Paablon, Peeblea, Elizabeth. Battle, Jacobs, Broarnevide. Attune, Par) won. Beaver, Garden, Wellesslle. Kennel. State; Stant, Einem:AlL tionne.Dridgettort. ' Low. McLane, Connell, Wheeling. BOATS LEAVING TIM DAY. SY. LOUIS—Z.Tsylor,lO IMPORTS DT RIVER. iI Ilocklasport—Ple Plum No. tf.-411 kb& lob, Leech it en, la do d 0,17 aka wool, Clark & Thaw; Yo bhda lob, Dilworth & ee; Xi aka Corp, 43 do oat. D Morgan; 4 bbla eggs,.7 Faun; 19 birds lob, 1011.. Ion; =3 bee corn, 73 do oats, owner, 3 ate bbla, Smith & Sinclair; 1110 nail kg. Lorene & Ste , ling; tg dason bream, & Floyd; bbla flaxseed, Dor Arid ge, Wit. son& ea; 13 ba potatoes, =0 hoop poles, 'I Mils-an/re, • owner. Zimsonvlllo—PO* ,Lccer Liao-1 bills , rosp, 10 WM sob, SO elm mph Leech a co; 10 do do, Sinsitsin; 3 tes better, sk tasa.l bbl. eggs, Jts Mizell; 30 Little lob, 24/ aka <OM GI doolitlit DGG Post Meath —Pica Lahr Disox—= htuts sob, it Grad a co; 1 bs tools, Wolff , a Lane; Itm brit starch, McFadro & co; 11X) LOl4 whisker, Clerk & Thaw: 127 aka corn, nberser; G 2 ale bbls, Smith a to; 7 , 1 tone pis iron, R 'fanner & no; 3 Inn erns, owners; 30 bbl. limns, 3 htldm t bx do, bonen & Nicola; 9 MU. lob, D T Morgan:ll .0. wool, Iltabaugb. Rastas& —Pao llstaxmcss-27 Mob soli, Leech & no; 20 do do, 2 sackescool f Clark a Thaw; 3 Go do, 42 hitds rob, Graff a c 0; 2 kralrG, McGill a Roe; 2 Shia Gas enrol, hf bbl, bx rady'D worth; 34 Gm Mot, lien. nett a Derryll2 cka bacon, 3 she wtatlit 3 001. aol n p. .19 kes lard , 4 cis bacon, Salt& Leggett; 40 bhds too, ulttge.m. • 8e & Gla4agow-47 bbs, 4 raids, 10 tgs, I I 111451. ml iron, 1 lest loose do, t/ LJ 118hoenberg• ur,l7 aka p ash, d C Bid Well; 4 /alas gloat, Wink & MOCandless; J boa cheese, Lambert & Shipton; 17 do do, W J,Sattsitt no Obis potatoes, Stewart &Alai; 511 w cheese, Dahill; 6/ do do, Canfield; 50 tibia Dour, Hat , bansh. Pao 54tanoss-40 boxes eh cc re, Canfield; 49 do do, Canon L McKnight:7 et. pot soh, Jas I/stall; 5 bids ashrams, Wick & IdeCandlertc sdo pearl ash, /r. It Floyd 6 empty Dbl., Smith & co; 05 sts ra,* d o lon. dries, 4 bbl beeswax, Leech & MoAlpini 9 tibia scrap iron, I do Tine, March & Carothers; 3 bblzbauer, Rat barigh. Pas C B. Bcoto-40 cookies stoves, 80, Catwltey; ItS ho potatoes, Stewart Ir. Sill; 24 boo cheese, Idas•• ley & co; 22 do do; CanGeld;2l do do, R Fleitzeltoo; 3553 feet poles. It Dal cell; 4 his cheeso,lllichardeon; 7 eke pot ash, W McKee. WIIOLBBILB MITER &COMMONER, No. 187 Libarty Strset. Offers for Weft following fresh goods,lost receiced: '4OO dmino Smyma Pigs; va boxes extra do, 550 boxes Bunch Raisin% 173 half boxes do do, 100 outlier boxes do; 30 aegs 800 Raising M half keee deg 120 boxes Palermo Oranges, 170 boxes Sicily Lemons; 9 cam Slay LlC.flee; 40 dozen Assorted Pteklem 03 dozen Assorted Sante% 23 dozen salad Oa; M. 5 boxes Scaled Herring; 'l5O boxes No 1 Herrin% 150 boxes Jujube Paste; 50 boo 'Yellow, White, t Rad Ronk CAMS, 150 bags Waite Brea Sugar;; OD brie Leveling`, embed tr. powdered do; 13 bags Canary Seed; • 0.3 begs Slediyfilberng 40 bags linen Nets; IMO bozbels Pea Nuts; 40 barrels Pecans do; CO bags Son Almonds; 45 boxes Shelled do; All flavors common Candles 121 c per Ib, corcially packed. warranted os good as any to the comm. No 147 I.lbelly at, ten doom mat of SO Clair at. maol.l 11 by 17---;--14,10 111 by 30 111 by 12 by --SAO le by 22 NO. 61 Wood arect, has just recrlvril a new eortateot or PIANO MUSIC, among which are Ote following— Molly, do you Love me, by S. C. Fatter. Oh. my the Red Rote Live Alsray, do. well y was a Lady, de. Uncle Ned, do. Greiner to R. all Night, do. -Dolly Day, do. Sobiter's Weddies, by clover. The Roble, • do. Oh, Touch the Cord lit omen arena • Sweet Memoirs erne, • silver Moon- Lament of the blob Emigrant- A New Medley Song. Thou hest Woandms the Spirit that Loved Then • The Conscript's Departure, by Clot, r. De Rind to the Loved Ones vet Home. 'Ti. Home where e'er the Ideart The Yankee Maid. Low Beek',! Car t by Lover. Do yea ever Mint of rem ' Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. ESN Cellatius t Wedding, LWreary, and Daley Waltzes. Batchelor, Maidenßells Welts, Concert. Ladles' Souvenir, Carly, Rialto, Lily, Alme, Evergreen; 8 ."." too,Aipsy,l,ll3,7lsAts. _ en* Via 'BY a • wholesale hardware bonain , Philadelphia, an active yowls{ man, who is fa:Miler with the business, and hat an tritons° iliCgalkialanca moon the memhsnis of Ohio and Pennsylvania, whose trade he could infiaenee. To a minable person • liberal salary will be paid. Addrera' B. Y. et-this office. tatyld.deodlw aVallii.4l3 Gold and Eastern Exchange. HE !Lichen prencom paid for Americanlivid, T Eaciern Ex•bance. cad Per Panda at the Kg. change and finding House of A WILKINS kCO maygl Weal Paper W O. f7, hIARKE'I nfTt E T, betseeen ' Third end Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PM, NKR would respettfally all the attention of bit friends and enstamersoe his rresent,sztensive and denend stock of merchandise. It will be found to com prise every Cseription of .fitteriean and French Wad Paper and Border tor Parton., Halls, Pining Roosts, Bed Chambers, Counting Roma. k.e.„ Mimed from 111 teem to *II a piece. Bo meat a diversity of prices and qualities can hardly fail to suit the el:commences sod tastes pf pentium" , who may Mier with their pansmage,the old established stand on Market Street ri== . • IUEIIIOVA.L. WAYNE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE. BAtt..EY. DROWN A CO. have removed to No IM Wow si,2d doer below the Monongahela Comm arS ORE AlR—Thane who would by e pare me sn I Pin their dwellings which i 3 on nrcemery Marino doeiog the prevalence of epidemics, should provide themarivee With one of the mon agreeable, and. at the same time, effective disinfeeting agent. known. Beek an tinkle Is JULES HAMEL% AROhLATIU VINEGAR. It wilt Immediately Pertly a room of all is effluvia, and prevent contagien in all caws kis also • deureble article tor the toilet, and men , ligtilfal comma. In beedaelie. langeor r tain them:nail:. pains, be., it affords relief. It Is an excellent dentifrice, and an tlirrecable wart, it will atreriben eyes, and remotro Inflammation of the eyei a It eel the We and Magee con sequent upon excessive muscular of and when toe/ in the bathos prodactive of the happiest . effs. Permas meting the sick may be preserved . Ico nthe liability of coniegien, by Inhaling the Aro- I made Vinegar, et spanking a few drops upon their venous before entering th e room. In sea sickness, able, it nay be used with excellent result., on It be =ninthly dissipates the tempter and exhaustion con =queen upon thin most disagiecable malady. lle partientlk to ask for Juice fluter. Aron:dale Vinegar. Prepared only by JULES BAUM., Perthmer and Chemist, lilt Cheat:tut nutlet. below Fourth. Forme wholesale and retail by ii, A. Fahnentoch & Co , end R. E. Fellers, Pitts and John Pau gent mull J. Mitchell... Allegheny c i ty.Pa may 23 BAcoN—oo,ono prime Shealders; :21,000 prime Alden 23 tea extra Begat Cared Caw. may 2.3 McGILI,4 'Prot BENJAMIN DOWN. CE2l= For sale by SUGAR & KOLABSES-50 brit N O Suess; 150 Me N O Mamma. ma 7251 bIeGILLS k. ROS REARM BIJCIET9 & TUBS-50 dos Due.kols; 1011cr. Tubs. ---AItGILLS & ROE sMAßSllawana, Prlnelpe, and 11.11 Spanish Began, manned bandit: ma d 3 DIrOILLB & ROE O . A IF,41:11.: • , nt4 r L mar t 7 QUILLOII-73 mks los mocivVa i nta i raM l l 4, 16-7 193 Mem QTRAW BOARDS—Amu warted numbers Stn L7l Board. for binders, Cbmbeistrorg manufecour for sole by =WV A CULDERTSON Os[N—GO More, ybd foy sale by mbyS7 ISAIAH DICKEY te. C lIEEbE—Lro hand, alio for sole by aura ISAIAH DICKEY & CO !•1! Kla , • IK . Haymow.— part IA veal sad for sale by JOHNSTON - a STOCKTON • deli . , ipp btis N C af, res.g. far ale o ln PO A aUTCWON C IMAL-MAITERB.-- 111701119 TOIL 21Ci erilirtra SOFT' SIGI3OIIU. Siscacctennt, WO her loot concert at Wilkins Han but night, to • britlisi . it audience. She leaves to the Mint of all our A Qineca Cum., kir.Cleorge Beale, keeper Ur the Restaurant on Fourth street, washy:44M be. Ace the Mayor yesterday, oath° information el a gentleman who testified. that on Sunday he found his UM In the house of Mr. Beale, lika atato oftis . tosication. Mt. R. urtepreparing nether 'glass of liquor for him. The father begged him to de els% urging the situation of Ms son. In spite of his solicitations, however, the liquor was even' to the young man, who paid for and drank it. The Mayor imposed a fine of $2O upon Mr. Belle, for disoraterly condra. 'By the advice of his lawyer, Coe. Black, Ikfr. Beale refilled to pay. the fine arid was committed to jail.• Is the after.' noon he was brought into the District Coun,lieSind: Judge Hepburn, on in writ of hithrod anima. On' hearlng the case, the Court declared the proueed. legs Illegal and ordered the diocharge of Sheri*. oner. TH. SHOOTING Cass..—:J ones, the watetunan who shot Mueller on Sunday, entered bail in S5OO pester., day, for his appearanco at Court. Mies lienvings mule oath on behalf of herself mid Jones, who was unable to appeariagainst Yost Koch, Frederick Mueller, Peter Mueller, Fretieriek . Leinner, and Jamul Reed, for tomtit and battery with intent to kill., They were held to bail in MOO each—Ruch in $lOOO, for their appearanceat Conn. We team that Mueller is in a fair way of recovery, and is considered out of danger. Jones appears to. be the worst hurt; . he is, however, recovering Woman's Ituatrec—Ann Morrison, a young girl of fine appeuance, but frail character wits ar rested by the Wateh, on Sudsy night, for penults bottling the facets in male attire. Site madde . stout resiatence but was taken to the Tanabe slid detained till yesterday morning, when she was fined $6 and costs, by the Mayor.— Oae of her Glenda paid the tine for bar, widths, was discharg ed by the Mayor, with an injunction to relinquish the breeches for the future. Somme Rennet - v.—A small chest was found yesterday, by the Allegheny Police °Seen, In an out house, upon an alley, In the neighborhond of the diamond in that city. It had been brakes open and rifled apparently, a few articles Of male clothing of email value being left behind. A RUNAWAY. —A young lad whishadtenktafailt er's home, somewere over the mountain., was arrested by conatable Parker, of the Fifth wand, yeaterday, at the Instance of the father who had followed Olin to Was place. The yotmg rascal rasa taken to Ald. Patkinson's alio and tied,-but be wilbreektpgot 'hi..1.1 slipped thsangh the cards, and gavo his captors Prrnsmon Mow:m-0 wing to some delay in the arrival of the female performers, Dr. Moms was unable to open his lectors room last night, adv. cording to annotutcement. Doe notice loathe given of its opeoicg. =Ernie= Is stln "Unsling large Philo Hall. It is didlealt to any 'Mathis tils ox. Perham:us (unit° more wonder or amusement. 03 and an him. TUC PRIMARY Mernacs—The following are the names of the delegates from Baldwin and Jef ferson Townships, which we mentioned yesterday as having gone for Howei— Bolifici a —J. K. Hamilton and Maitheei H.Vest —vote of CO to 20 Jefferson—Joseph Nelson and Heath. Mifflin Tolearbp has elected Denny delegates—. Abram McClure and David Calhoun. The taro 13orougha of Sharpsbursh and Studer have elected klogre delegntes by decided tnejorities. McKee and John Edrington. - JS'ru has also elected Horns deleirmea. lircupstrtlatlon.—The above make 42 districts beard from, or 54 delemttes, of which 70 one in structed fur Mr Rowe and h for Mr. Denny. ALLUIWIT PoLici.-"Foortaybria.keepera were God 33 each yesterday by the Mayor for telling liquor on the day benne, (Soaday,) • MONLGIIII.7I, the men aneeted for obtalningibi watch tram Mr. Parker's Jewelry &tore, ts said to nano been laboring under en attack or dehrtuni tremenr, at the time. _ • Pas goo Cconcramrr Cont..-01 Seer Hague, of the independent Po:lce, *nested John fowler, on Saturday, for pulsing a counterfeit eagle upon coal dealer, earned Foster. The prisoner wee ex. =lced by Aid. Steele, anel committed for utak OCTeLOG—We {ewe that ori Friday u'gbt Issr,u • young man employed it the Saddle Tree Factory of Mr. Fortune, ens parting op &nib street, be woo anaeked and robbed of arii in cash, equal ho bed upon his peraou. He was also severely bum bin jaw being badly fractured. Ma. Itteitaanson's iswer.xy.—A- Jew, named Abraham.. who formerly kept a jevielre Wand in the Diamond, in this city, has been arrested to Philadelphia, and meet of the watches loot by one toweamau, Mr. Richardson, at the robbery of hls won, come time ago, have been found to Ms pow wasioo. Mr. H- let; for Philadelphia, on Saturday,. to identify them. We expeet some intelligence Ilona him to day. We hope be will succeed in to. coverieg hie property. ' Pieta..nigh Horticultural Society The Jane meeting of the Executive (Coming:eh of the Pittsburgh Horticultural Society mill take place on Wedoesday, the sth day of June, at ICH o'clock, in Chasms's Rooms, over Philo Hall. The Society WAS Stet eatablished m Ottote. , IbM, and continued mull 1830. It wan then or. glecied until March, ISM, when it woo reorgan ,zed and existed only for a few months. It arm I again reorganized in October, 1810, and !mamma . - !led an (through the no exertions of ■.few dlvidoals) until the present time. Mare the loot reorganization, the society boo held three annual ezhibitiona and a ',number of monthly one., which, in point of merit, have not been excelled either East or Weal. Premiums have been awarded at the anneal exhibitions for all things of merit, which have been in many in• canoes returned by the exhibitors, for the purpeise of establishing • Libnuy. A goodly number or rare and usefol works have thus been purchased, fanning the nucleus for a very excellent libruy. The proceeds of the exhibitions have been scrape• lonely applied to liquidate the expenees, which. together with the trabscriptions, hove thus far kep t the Society free (mm debt. The meeting on Wednesday will decide whether the Society shell continue to atingle on as here• .ttaenzier ammo half dozen mem ban, or whether the cltizins of Pittsburgh and vicinity will nobly come forward and manifest theft love for Horticulture by becoming acute and useful members. Shall Pittsburgh, indefati. gable Piusiirugh, the foremost fa all the mechanic . sitr; who can rise (from the ashes of her almost burnt op city) more glorious than before, rind who is not behind any city in ibe Union Or mental as well as physical energy—shall she stand back in this matter, and (hes permit to 'languish 'co to die ono of the Mild useful, elevating and Heaven like subjecisthat can interest amid)! We believe net, and therefore with confidence make this sp• peal, believing that oar citizens have only to know ere they perform their part to this as well as every other duty. Steubenville, Washington, and many other pla ces around us, have their ilourishing imeleties,and the city of Cincinnati has appropriated over 6800 to be paid In premium. at their next exhibition In September. If we make but the cited, the work is accomplished. Remember, then. the meeting on Wednesday. • For the Society. JOSHUA ROBINSON, • Secretary rf Etecrtive Corauttre. THE SHAKER:SARHAPAPJIJA -- - - IN QUART BOTTLES, As prepued by OR. 8. D. HOWE, AHEAD of all other preparations . butters It le composed of the choicest herbs kn own to medical science int Wadies and principal herb beirot HONDURAS SARSAPAIHLLA:I Which makes it the palest and NMI yet presented to the homes family. EAT, MILNE. AND LIVE AS USUAL: Pantie your asset avocation. Von need have ne fear of expoeure, as DR. S. D. HOWES SHARER SARSAPARILLA is warranted to he pantie Vette. table, and (me from all da.-gerons drso, and Is the beat Female and Family Medicine ever known. Gall epee ens of oar agents and get a pamphlet-. tend the wonderfal ewes performed by the _use of Da S. D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA alone. Price Si per bottle, or 6 bottles for IP. Black, by J. Sobottomaker A. Co.. Jolter, W., IL W. Mean., J. hl daler,l. Towomml, 1. W. Jackson, Pittsburgh •, D. A. Elliotti.Allegheny; P. Crocker, Brownsville; W. R. IdeClelland, Mart. ehrusr; and by &mists rata% - by this proprietors, FJWIS'OIOnn lOollege . OWE 1:013304 . CONGZEISSI—Timus DI. Haw mill' be • data before Ake ..ltistauxcala end Weer CAPVOOIiOI3, filt naminalion fat Conitrus. matl4.llkotrusT • Meanctia—aosnst Amman., Eeq., of Elisabeth IlevAeh, wilt be supporkd lbe next Arninommie end 7bJaConvonnion,ns etandante tor tbe Lad. nsayMdauter Joist IL Perm, Esq., pf Tmehtare, will be pre fantod by his friends for nembsatlan to the Assintbly, at the ertsning T onle tat Silk Convention. sasyntledkrteT Editor—Ylesse t on s hi time Of ;MD Ears, Fact ,of Snowden township; u a emnidate fee Assembly, before th e anwasehing Antimesonie and Whig Convention. Mr File is n;man of abllnY and teseanty, and orcald make a .ntember on whom the people ea depend. SNOWDEN Taxes J. Minn "tin fie • eandidute before the Anti. mssonie and Whig Convention of Allegheny noottre , far nomination to the office of Proseerung Attorney. :sanylV:d&wteT Coeur Contsusnonsn_Wtlii S. Thompson, of the 43110 Word of Pitnanargh, will top Ported for nomi suadon as n Candidate for Cou y:Commissiener, be. fore th e Anti Masonic: era W LI Convenuen,b9 nmVidito 10: MANY VOTERS. Joint MeCurie, of tt.e 9th Wald, Pittsburgh, will be supported for nomination an County CommWioneq kt the Whig nod Antintssordif Convention. ' msythdtevneT Tonal Atm hlesonta Wuto cc Aux eau= Contrry.—Robert King, of. the Seventh Word tin,tg le hereby recommended to th e Canyon tion; maim] to meet on the sth of Juno next, on a didate tot the office of County Commissioner. ap2o-dawteenT MANY VOTERS fltavlT Cream, Baldwin iodine}, tp, will Ito gannet. ed fee County Conuniedioner in Vim Antiantsonto and Wbis Convention. mayditdSarteT • Comm Acnnws—.lone Eames, of Pine township, will be euliperteo in the epproaehing . Whia and Anti. masonle convention, for the nomination of A aditor. mityVtdtes? MANY FRIENDS ; O. Tie claims of O. Ilasaroccr Erg, will be urged before the AnUmssonle And Whig Convention of Al. lesheny county. lot nomination is a candidate for the aim or Prosecuting /tummy, by .mmtl9 .31M1YFRIENDS. MmlWAY—Perna rrersamr.: 'Mc!, of the Third Ward. of Putsburch;wlll be s Candidate 4 0 , nomlnw taco before the Whig A and 'Anti .Masonie Conrention, as s Can t for aremblyr and will be rePwleted by roll View, Mann Frentrw. Callon. Arun, will be purp•wied for nommation, in ths Antlmasonlc and Whig; Oomention, for the offie. of Coonty Commitalener. i cosyllkdk.wlcs • ' Time. Vacant. Log., ofJlaldelm towannp,Will be repported for CollllMlLiorter. In the Watt Dllnscrilet tied Whlfilbrivelldon, by NUMBILOUS. V/lIENDEI eaorloilw&wta.S • Panetrtnyrna Arroartas—Feancas G Fiirranot, Erg. will be a candidate for nomination before the Ant , masonic...lnd Whig Gamentioni for Prosecuting Aniantel RI [Alter hent Colony; maylitid¬eS -INlFFalitor—Please announce last — *adaast Wean°. Los, Esq., will be a eandldate for Pm•eeoting At. t0...m0i1/role the Andmaaonie find Whig Con.erdion. sintyM,Ohnslefi MANY WHIGS Comm CONXII•IoSTIL—ESZNYIPA INatrit, of North FiGethi tratustdp, will he a tundldite for County Goinalssioner, subject to the decision of thy Whig and Anti Mavirde Nominating Convention. mapanneeti . _MANY FRIENDS. ;O=I:LESS—Ito. itaantuti Muni wilt he urged by his Irinur.g. fort a nomination as a candidate for Congress In the approaching Autimmmale and Whig Corivonuon. maytttd&oncS , Astmast..l ttre are author...l to sononnee JastY4.F. Kruk Eel, of Pittebstt h. as a candidate tot!, Aifesably, subject to the , deeizion of the And• somonio and Whitt Convention.. sesyle:dfosteS Wows,: Jurors. oribil N;WAVard,Pitubosab, min be supported to tho Whig and Anamesonie comity Conitenuaa, for Assembly. tsol.rill PIPIIIDDISUIL yl7:dasetefl P. P N. A'aiiasaasi of liirmin — gbam borough. will b' ruppor:ed for County Commi stoner, at Sin Whig an Arai Masonic. Conseiviou, by MANY FRIENDS guayllidtortAY s A.g.LICOLICIFT.ASID ; SHCIIICIT/113. FLAME' ROAD. ixCMGS hereby given,that books wit' be opened .far subseription to.theareek of the Allegheny and enagebester Plant' Road 'Coateny, by the Casunds. One. aponnted In the act; tneorporating the said eau:peer, at the following pieces and times, when n.a persons -dealtens sobentihing each, to attend, dm shares being twenty Ave dollars each, and. au...Sella: per date to he pUI If the time of sub. talker Jo the city of Pittsburgh, it the oaks ot Meant. Belgewell, Pear. & Co, comer of Second and Wood *peels. flanuday the oo.Blondaytheloll,Toesd Oen Ilth,ltrednesday the 11thi and Therolay the lath et Jen& between the hours bf 0 A. At. and 4 P. M. le the' city el Allegheny at Todd's tavern earner of Beaver and Ohm meets'', Ind le the Setott ' elt chaster. at the titan of Tawn'ep4, C arr Co, on Fti. day theeth,Setarday the Litht and bletsisy the 17th of Jealti between the hears of it A. M. sad 4F. H. At the houeenfCspt John Hay, Ohio Township, on Ri der sad Sater. 4 a7, the 14th and 16th of Jens., between Om loan of x. and 4r. w... • THOMAS LIAKEWEIef., • President of liontd of Ctlinemotoners. ,asaytthdkertiel7S [Pest copy.] In this Oigurt. of Common Pleas of irlnsegy dlorusty. IN the ease of the application of th e pbo and Perm. 'Veins. Red Road Compary, for the tight of War, ago. No 134,Jane term 1210. Ye the be or deaths:mg of John I'd Hood. late of Philadelphia, deceased. lieu are beteby notified, tart the hio tad Pennsylvania Roll Road Company half* taken and upploprioted . fer the use of Orb rid mat, the following described Nit." of th e land be. learns to cold decedent, 7 , Ohio Township A:ltalic - 4Y PCioal dl7Pe rail —E a gi ß n e g a th e gene ./ id of e r nb Uwe!, thence reenhas SO feet towards the river Glees the lino of said tract, thence , tunnies Et 73 deg 35 min, E 9312 feet to the topper 11.0 geld tracts thenee th alons , TAl r n.„ . " =l:7e ft te " tn l e tra r e ' e On 7. rowg, cont.moirgs 4 ocrei • rod. and 15 perches dosseppiloo Wa in of Which Jailed la the above ease:, alkt.FoßaTtioN -- • mayl3l4ll.er3wrs . Peraplont a P. R. R. Co In UM Cowart of cesetriaon Pisa& or 4u*. • irow.ny county. IN the ease of the application of the Oh'o and Penn. Sylvania Roll Read flionaranYl for al. right of vc•Tf pc. No 15.6,inne term 15.50. To d. e helm or devisees Of toMM Bradford, de. reefe Yea are hereby notified, that the ()hie and neunsylvanin Roll Rood eomparlv have tel., and appropremed, for tha use of their rad toad, the fa ilea , . dercribed normal of the hod helarnlng to mad &endear in 0110 TrmanthM, Alcifienl.(. 4 anit". r Inv—Renaming on tho loftier line of mid tract st • distance of C.O II from the centre line of sold rail rood, Wee ce nres aloof the line or said tenet aavords the river en (I,i:fence el 73 Peg 55 re a. E11f55 fact, to the upper Imo of said tract, thence along the upper beef said tnet northeratiar CO ft, thence N laden 65 min, IN 16,05 feet, to theNace of liegiuniug. Con ...klieg 5 acres 1 rod rand l perches. A descripuon and trail of which is filed at the adore ease. WTp ROBINPON Jr 0nav166 , 0 , 3wT 1 Prost 0. b I'. R. R.OO. GO.PAIITIVEIIISUIP. IHAVE taken 11/..% CARR into manor - chip with me in my thu s,i whloh will front Wm dote be corned on under notaioef "Jobn Puke: a Co." Much Ist, ISA JOHN PARKER. John JOAN PAttiClCll. di CO., Whofettle i . Dialers in Parka', Foreign nes, Lesneenar, ;Oki NonengoAda and liertiOd Whiday. No. S, Commercld !tow, [Amy street, mele Pitbortlt, Pa. 81.1tiAK-131 biota N ejtbreir, pricer "tooth!to4" ofoi for eat. _ IURN PARKER I.C.e . raw. Liberty et. M . drawn CO tTirtFe __;__,l_ollN PARKER k CO Wide Burlap* for Wool Dadra. UttPII V & litlitcHFIELD have receive:lo sap de Vyd,r of dove goals, which they offag low whole. roartt ek lea for Isle by mayll gi tVV=l r afil_7 Cor Wood t Slxth R. 01 . _ , SEGAIIrt-afflAtt 3 continent ntayttl fitißl4o,:ff bnlen Por - r - eti - e Li trod lor aide by trtayffn giliL-tiubA--A rani. lenglitb, fee Bald by 11 in PAIINF.STOCIi It CO ma 7ltbrili CLOTLI- Ib -„Lvond,ir.. enrrlngo potboiler, bat reed, nod for wile by 1 J& H PHILLIPS • itHLYP 7 ten Wood el -An aesortatent of different inser7fir 71 ale by enny33 J A II PHILLI PP IFlrdukaL sTALt.s-i 00. netorted - iiien, tor nolo by MHO .1 • & H PHILLIPS d itter , F SELLERS F 7 Wood on. CO Will vow 1 . (OF 011 n by • 122 : !SAI4III DICKEY k.SO l'EttltiNll-23 brie now landing, for •ate by may:, ISAIAII DICKEN & CO LAWNS. • 0 CASES trot colored Limns received and now dao opening, elllng at tba extreme low price of Item! Jiitfd t A !JASON &CO blVd DOC SCASES tut colored Plaglouns, reeid, and selling at it tents per yard; A A MASO et N pt.& CO Mark U Eny in.T..3ll TA 417-4311;. -- • tiREEN—b oases o. ode by moral (1 ORN—...TY sacks tbdalay reed, for see by rayed ' API STRONG & CROZER bibibiTictoies - U — igo_ I onnsignmeoh by : JAMES ' DALZELr may'"-- . Weler M. nfIEE.SE--.5 bzs reel per Lein Fade and Moda -1," gan, and for sale by - DALZKLL "msyrl _ BAILEGE D LAINO 9 CASPS plain and 6/Cared Bares , da Lame, emir ed colas, psi received, and selling at vary in mines. mayed! A A MACON & CO BEANS -14 barrels (urine by . J. BCIIOO Wood NMAKER & CO dr street • • • L Nycne, dark and pale; /0 i d il' ePtn i rn:C:lol:lookConspalar,dartkpale 1 o extra Rochelle, hr th!, - thud, Duprey k Co. dark; • 2 do Star, dark; 9 do relloodisin, la atone, and for tale ; raa794 ! JOIIN PARKER • • - • sooner =mix THE Puterte Wife ' a memoir o! Mrs Shannon, of Surrey Chapel. Dy her Husband—onth a portrait on Steel. Prayers for the Uoo of Families; or the Demesne Minister'. Assistant Sly W. Jay, anther of ',Ser mon., Diecourseqt &e. The Works of Dr. John T. hloutot; late Archbiehop of Canterburyosill the life of the Author, by Thos. Illreh, A. hi. Abe, &copious index' and lava of 'slip tare carefully compared. London edition. • The Complebensave Commentary on the Holy Hemp. tires, embracing all that Is veleanle in all commen tators. Edited by Rev. W.'Jenkr, D. D. embellished with Maps and engraving. • S. S. Union Booksionland. and for rale by A H ENGLISH & CO • Sat:et:aeon to ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, Wood sueet 51-40 brfs siva -fr'smiti - Plour, •75 btls nkpovine dm .. 55 br , s Floe do.' Lo 10 la Rye d 0 .,• la store and f • ma It NOUN PARKER & CO 1111CON—CHO pea Bacon Hamm, Sides, and Oada Al dere In alma a4d for sale !IT multi • • JOHN PARHEa it. On 66s /U " U"1" .Ib% " PAItZa a co I tle i l i.Ti4 E WEEIKEY-49 briopure Rye Whiskey, on pa,O, 04 tor sal* n 1 JOHN PAJULBAIC 1.1% • „ 01A - CIIIIIATh Captain WM/AAA 7. Honks..; - This apte t and boar.. btrilit by:the manors of the steamer Isar r Newnan, and ethers, 'for Ike Clad sand and lusher. Packet trade, and will kale everrWsdnesday, fen C.1ac1 , ”. 1 . 'in place of the Now Eagle., No.n- For freight or peautaDelr ea ho.dttn•W: 8 nmarzterm tra, — PITTSBURGH AND WHKELJNO r.taire.f. • • The splendid feat ermine ateareei LOUIS MeLANE, W. Orateell, Mt master, (haring an d sAther ough reptur,) will ran hereafter aver a regalar Packet berm. Pius and. Wheeling, - learuhe YOutburgh ovary fe ct d" Wednesday and Friday utembil, at 9 o'clock. Fa; freight passage apply en 1100.1,.. or to 1.4 W. B. WHEELER, Aram (,) 'Oll goffitiat Only 7 . 3,11122 es 131•421 arra Vla Bmwuyflle mad Catelarlarat to Baltimore and Farm so Ileastsoar.—•-•• • • —lllO IM DO. Pmhamozina----- - 12 CO THE morning botS leave( the wharf, above the /I.l,l=Tddliollsr"dl96 gOVitafp i al lY ,4o AI M :. 9 The eatable . boar leaves !Will, loseedt 2.1. 1 .7 on• r o u e i d n o%l a 6 tglri k r . o rfh e' r e g e r= itiri° g oh the day, and Mos avoid night treval. il Biome year tickets at the °lace Momlosphals [louse, or St. Charles lloled. oetie•ly ; , I. MESIBIBEICeaset NEW :414111,41111GiclIMIT. • liftialBso. Ma= PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lines Express Packet' Boats, And Roll Road Cam (EIOLIIIIVILY 701 -PAsszrosse,) TO PHILADELPHIA. AND . .13ALTIMORE Nu the New Central Rill Hoed and Penn'n Pima • rioX-40 how. Bare-1110 threligh. 1130 miles Rail Road, and 150 miles Canal. ON the Ist inst. the new Central Rail Road Comps. ay commenced running TWO OJTLT TRAM Tnn can from Jack mown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the - arrival of the Peeked Boats from the West. By this arrangement - paw. 'gets Will no through mithent detendorC - ~ • - - A Packet }toot wily leave scaly morning al o .'. elect, and every e•rntngeta &sleet. This mate, On Barmy, Speed, and (i.e.; is not equalled by any now In unto the Eastern Clues. Far passage or information apply m' W BUTCH; Morontenitela TIOOWN, xp.s • D LEECH tz CO Canal Basta' •ILEGULAR WHEELINISto SUNFISH PACKET. m a il The feel running winner WELLSVILLE, • Capt. EL Yanng,will not as • regular packet betreen Fittaburob, Kridgepon, andStiofish, leasing PAO. bittgb every Monday afternoon, for WellavUle, Strabenaltle, and a,lle, i r i t ,, d ,r evnithara;i t ayXtrron folli s teab a ex Retarnint, Drid g FOrt'and onfisit c e 2 very u 'lona. day afternoon, and S. eh every Friday a s • For freight or planate, apply on board. or to • • /7 WILKINS,' • . at. Fort CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLN' . _, The splopdplfargrot , Wooer Frisbee, masetr,lestire for the above and all Inte Will yrmediate pans on this daT, the 4th tnn, at 4 o'clock, P.M. ; For freight or passage apply on board, or , to • led D ---- 11ICINIGriTI AND BT:.1.0IIIR. -- " - =lbTbe zedsterming Starlit? RY TAYLOR. Leeas,masteroalleaseforthe abort and all intermediate landings on Tees ' dor, the ith iact ist 4 o'cloalt,,r. A . For (midi or Omura. a OH , pd Ord. : YOE ST. LOUIS. The Wound SUM! r OENENEE. Moro, Mester, will Iwo for above tea uttomedlate poets en this day. the I et Om , ,For freight or plunge apply J on Wage or to lel__ / NEWTON ONES, AgO - FOR LOODWILLW The nvarely aim sae „oplandid meaner WASIIING7OS,, IV, W. Marto, masterooll leave for the above and all intermediate landing* en Ude day, tee list hum, at 4 r.K. FOT fmikta apply to marl O. D. MILTENDEROER, Agt roil. 1.01/18VILLE. ~• . ... • . The splendid and Winning EdgrlT . • Jobs LI„ bin master, will leave iiir el aLove . all tederensafiata porta tisk day !ha as% inst., at A L.. IL • , . . - , Por 'mild or pastas° apply on boar& or to • rat O . III4ILTMBERG . Ant— FOR NAMIVILLE; • , The splendid stsomor FORT MT, L . . , Miller. muter, will kayo .ror abase, s i tl:i i ni . 7cdisir parts oti lids day For freigfit or pasage, :417 r ' n 4 t = 4 ! 4 " M. WEBTERIC INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1200,000.. , L Run, Jr.. 8.1.. 1 R. Mann, Preen. Will none ovine all knife of risks, • FIRE AND MARINE. 2 • • ALL IOW! Will be 7iY.rilll ed/nned 011 Manny Paid.A bone no by ho who no well known In no earnounln, and who on detain/n -od by manners and bnernhy -tonenudo not nben. man which any kno thronsed, as ninny the bail protenuon tothore who be rm e b - . Dannnossß:Miller, Jr., Genlneek,. W./3=ler, N. Holmes:lr, Win IL Ilollnes,_ _C. Mum, Gen. W. uL,b, haw, Wm. M. Lyon', Jen. Llgarnott, Thu. K. InatcaPAutc7, Alex. Nlmick,7lhoe. Sent. Onus, N 0.30 Water sniet; (warehouse of Bong Co.. no min.) Punbonn. 1.4:+11, lily J anise • Illeureara Plata 7laiaears. tip establishe immadin e care of the K venter. and d for upwards Of Mid, Teem ~ This elenent preparation is recommended In oil caw, of bite, acidities, indigestion, gembrind ignore., aseas toe mart Pitt, y, and effectual feral in which Magnesia ten! , and Indeed the belf one in which it ought to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of the Magenta haw in general swa,Vdtbrie;beniti like IL, to form daegereaa ea:WIT/10W 111 tie WIReIII, It effectually cures heartburn without injuring the 'coats of the amma'k,u swirls inneaa, anni diet. nit. beanies nie known 'to do; itpnorents. the fad of in• 'fsnut tinning wan in all eases at acts as a gleaning ',patient, and is peculiarly adapted to females.. • Fu Humphrey palsy testified Men this ielotion farms aoldble combinations with ode aetd Salta In eases of gout and grovel. ittetbf coma...marl their hilarious tendency,when outer itlkalles, and elm Magnesia Itself, bed failed. From the Philip Ciampten, Hart, Sumeen General to tb a Army in Heinen:— , ••I>cat Fir—There est be an deuht that hfitgactia may lie edtalnistered more safely In thereon of aeon.' centrated solution than In sebstanec, for this. end setry other Mebane, I am of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia IS o very' Tillable addition Moue Materia Medics.• ' PHILIP CDAMPTON.. Mr JIM. Clarke, gir A. Cooper, Dr. , Wight, and Mama Guthrie and S iebert Mayo,M agn ofliendon, strong. recommend blumay's Fiala ass bei in. gently more alle and convenient than 'esia , the' sohd, ng and free from the dameer attending the mutant use of soda or penult. , For sale by the inip . or . terAVGNl:4 l l: i ttents, mayIPI ' ' • Frentsts. ugh Wu, for so h by J KIDD & tX) INCORPORATING “The Aszociried Firemen's Insuranee Company of.tbe C,ty of Pitts burgh 0 5scrov lE. Tipit William AL ,F,d Gregg, cemod, Charles Kent, David Campbell, Fleury Hays. lames T., Shannon, R. Biddle Roberta, Willtant W. Dallas, Rod,. rattenon,ThOglint Battey:welt, Farad brCorunek, Williams 'Dollhouse, J. Cast Blair, and flleled Cowan, of Allegheny twenty, or three of them, os,and the are hereby authorized, after giving two weeit'a pablie notice In two duly nowspapers, published: lit the ray of. Pittsburgh, to open rooks ar Wittiest/tall, in the city of Fitulatrgh, for the subscription of the capital macho( said Com. pony, at such th ee sta /hey May sleslgnate,*and ithe tarot to keep Opep, front time to Weed,. between th e hours of ten o'clock In this COMM/WU an d font o'clock In the dm moon, or until, at least,rwo thousand shales of stock shall hove:been takem. • 1" • ' Tho Commissioner! oho. named, 'Will meet In Wain. Hellion Thursday, dm oth day of lone next, at 10 o'clock, La., at Which time =lntent the books will be opened for.theourose of receiving subserik. dons for the capital meek of amid company,o author. land by t e Act. maytli.dtleY by R ft Fr.oyn DREAM SPRING G.SVMSLIGB. GOODS. VERY I.rge. and choice Moak brFmlh tbrlnt and hammier Gash hot last been spene• at Alesknde , tr. Del% No 65 Market street, mink' west corner of the Diamond. In calling the attention of Oar cuitomeriand the pubho to din meek, It affords us greet pleaturSto be able to any it embraces GREAT DAKCIAINSI in al• most every description - of goods, as alarge portion of at mu purchased at lhelicentertendVa arletiatt reel in the eastern ewes. yin aSsonatent, lOW of lane and mapte goods to very superior, and affords to alt cash balms either by wholesale - 01 i retail, aline op portunity of !u!de . e . n ano_ ienie D New style Feulate elks, very cheap; rich plaln and fignred changeable silka,Of almost. eveg end quality; super plain and Awned Wart dq. be reave uld tissues; burg e de la'nk, new and h.& annul . i nto; new style, reach, &Shah, and Beoteb lawns, n great variety, and at Very low prices; plata, Phoned, and .si n sloped de haw or all kinds and quantirs. ' linen lute. of all sledge and colors; ging ilvollst,Ohltttres, r, • 1. , .11/IVMS. • i . CM= a t or It E BItLLEetl leer,7ll; ato.;ll;i l ilain d bla S e u rcro; ' - h plain s and embroidered let do.;2llu=d mere do; toper; plain .and embroidered white dod colored crepe A line assortintan or Mulls, rieirMooks, ;motets, Swine", hoots, Pirbor , I^.^.• Roach t Ithmll., pwti Mid, Floret.* timid mtd super English {UMW Donnatn. PARASOLS. • A fine stock of impeller plea and (eloped silk and Salle Tn. arlshiligtiloAg 141 Aught*. A large assortment of super French, bianthitt and &iglu, cloths and cetsimeres of oil, qualities and Prices, to which we would invite the attention of the gentlemen. ' :DOMESTICS, • Our stack of brown end bleached muslin', ticking', cheats, chembrsyS, drilIMP4 to, Is ' , err imlfe, and the very lowest Priori: Also, * halo let' of table diapers and table cloths, trovin and bleached; Rentals and sCOlth diaper!, crash dittell. muskies, cotton and wool irgoods for men and boys' wear, !nth linens. red, white, end yellow flan. r domesuo gingham*, silk ,end linen Eats and , levee of all kinds, hosiery and bonnet ribbons, ant e eta flowers, &eon all which INIONOIed reryeclaily e nsile the attention of whol“ele end cash " r ' ALEXANDER 85 Market W car. of the Diamond. WASZIOUEI MIXER. 20111. WIL LIU= PALMER, mums (encewor. to Hussey, =l4 •a. Ce.) ANSEED„EXCUANGE LIRONEENt, and dealers Bin Foreign and Domestic Exehange, Certificates or Dennehy Sant Notes, and Specie—Nardi west COTAO! Or WOO 4 wad Third stmts. Current money received on deposim.--Sight Cheeks tbr sale, and . collections made en nearly all Om prids4na 'points ' tases. The highest pnillniemhaill for Foreign and dineliglin Gold. A:a:raw-en made en eenstranonn of Pronnenoinp ed Eng. on libeant term. gnu kixabaag• /SAWA Runk. , FEW Ouse at Um sunk of els bAnt Issatee as ihssaioqo dr, ft A Wit'ELNA A9O MISCELLANEOUS, RITHIL 17/13IIlat FLOOD.. • • • .FOR the mmtn.t.ienee Of the citizens, the proprietors of a , pm,,hurilt City have pieced boxes for the !seceder' eude» at the' following plate.— . it Floyd, corm of Sixth and Wood streets. ht Hayward, shoe More, eor. Liberty & hltultet • A &elms, store, Third street, LAVileox,Jr., druggist, OCT. Fonsth SmithliaLL F Futith. store, earner Iligh Wylie Teleavaph Office, Fourth meet. C croerr,Filth et, earner ofidarietalle7 ht Grass, store, ram etree4 Ninth Ward . door. waitrons call twice or theme daily for orders, and the Hoar. krt. delivered promptly, either in barrels or sue —tmek tour ie preferable for family ase—witheat edam for cartage It is ;dein that no aeeonnts eon be allowed, sunf that drivers can have 120 permission to leave floor without peyment. We hope the publio will be pleased with thou. rangement, es we shall endeavor to do thim justiee. msCOO WILMARTII k IttOBLV /10196E1.11AN ZINC. NE Vieille Montagne Company simply their agents T With Roofing end Flooring in Meets 317 feet, from II to SI meta per square foot. Cernigated In Klima 747, 47 0; for roofing public buildings and depots. Mae Sheathing: 14x19 inches, from st m 75 Goners. r i=14717 1115 / Poitar Molds, Perforated Zlrie They warrant their metal p ore, and free from at: admixture or iron or any other substance, and rz tctomend It for the cormlietnre of moat articles ii, he boom farnistinginte, as It doe* not Ms; I. not affected by the action of water, and may to palm/Led, painted, and lapanned. HatoNwtt Medea/ plans, Occilltations, .4 other Information may be bad of their agents:— Wee. g. Steno, New York; Atm:mom, Hots M k Co., Boston; Nnm.e Timm& Co-, Philadelphia; W. k 11:111oRma, BatUrsorm Hugs, Mg& &ravens, New Orleans; F. MILL/ROI3X, Rerldent'Agent, Liege, Mae 9 Hanover at., Nile Took. Took. mayttOdam • NEW - MUSIC STORE, EU* of du Ge,ldca /ler, 1 0 1 Theca se, molt door to viicoasnar.. notiE subscriber would respeethuly inform the cid. cons of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, th., he hos opened his new and elegant establishment for the sale of Pianos, tilarinsons. Music. Moment. la. erntrartrers and etery othecardele in hi. tine. I P1A104.-4301e 'gauzy for Name to Clarke 's vele. bested grand and equare Pianos, with mid without Coleman's Mellen Attachment. These Pianos have lately raccirea several important insurovements, ten. doting them ueeedingly brilliant of tone; and extra. ordinarily datable and tasting. Also, T. Gilbert th Co's {Boson) celebrated Pines. Thera Insimments here deride spread reputatioo and to ormaiderad among. the very beet manufsustared in Boston, where they are decided favorites. J D. Denham, N. Y., of the um of, Stotinll &Dan, ham, has strafed the sahamiber sole agent.for the sale of his isnot in Pitt s b u rgh. ito Inn of fttodan &Denham s one of the o den and best Whir coentry, and their manufacture for Warm and brilliancy of tone and hominy of workmanship are second to none. The celebramd Concert Pianos of Sassadhotr. of Bremen and Hamburg will always be kept Tor tale by the subscriber. It ;rill suffice tom), that they are made. are of by ell the great Piesio players atheir Concerns on the Continent. .I.The subscriber begs leave to direct attention to the important fact of his haring special ascots both In Europe and this country, who carefully select and ozoodoe ;Tor, PlatlO *sot to hire, which enables him to glee i written goametee with every Piano sold by him, pledging himself to refund the money in ease the Piano be proem fealty or deficient. A lel supply of the newest and most pepsins Merle VIII Manner be kept for sale—furnished by the best pabliMing houses of Bolden, Pbtladelptuaond Bala, more: agmey for Messrs SCIIIIIRIgmt4LeIa, New York, the most eltertaiye Imsa;:ciel;s of foreign music • In tt l i l raTti% ! fee esthaidt'S PaintMelodeon' and Me con Pion" as manofactsund and perfected by Idoreh fc White Cincinnati, with eingle and double mit* of reetiel t t tuna ree4 tomes yet Invented. Alish.olllllla, Clarinets, Violins, Bugles, Paz Items; Tubas, 'and every description and 'artery of brass instransents from the best makers. Suing, for VtolinsAcitars, and Harp. • tiTlestrnetionbooks for every instrareerlb Wee tferia.of waste made, mule bookshound, Pianos %need: sod Melted; - Tioltrut, Aecordecrne, quAtium, ese, paired on the most raminithl2 ‘e_rMS. - m7O . IiEMIT KLEMM. M'M Vrtrr Spring ..asuifisnarger trir Garda for 111501 WILLIAM L. RIIIISELL, . . 6 ., ..,,, • WooLihtal,Z and Retail_ Demiz In Rad*. le'Trench, and Amerlean REV I3s, Marker street, betwecn Telre }mire We, Om of the , :A rgr tiVi as of ,IV fiar 771" tny and eitetudve itocks of Spring and Summer D 3 Gotadst aver crated for sale In the Wane= country. All of these Imported Goods are fresh opened, end received per the last steamers from Prince andEriglendi altl al. Is Ideem, imported direct from Belfast, all aran bleached, and wertanted the pare article; these ! Linens are all Imported by the sabscriber, and are all ' avec flax yamoananted. Also, itiettLinen Durand Table Cloths, the Tory bes t mannfactare; and hied 1 Linen POOMI Or all kin ds, - i mported direct from pelts" by tee sebectiber, and Ise found Rio tend thielgoi bib, -... • /ARIES , DRMIVOODS. : ~ Neer style rich Tech Elating, all colors, eplendld ,hood s • black , Talk Sanas, all pricey rich. goods; black 'glace Silks, all colon..lnte istamnation; P.'"=dl Kid Gloves, all colors, the beat Imported; plaid black Amnon, per last French rummer; new style painted LVlletrlFlZl6selk goods. Also, I s A L l it;re tZ b min s VP I d , ...ed , IT nob gopisli c tiAtz . b ,..x In .1. comet', Vianariees, '" v 4 e4nlicap . ; i' L gree k V k l,r th6' iie_ss ,o4 m 1..,. per last French steamer, plain - blot k Gm De 1 Rhine, high lustre, seperb good.; black figured Om De Rhine Brocade, rick goodg 'French and knallsh Cashmeres, new styles, beestiful geode; oplenelid Sgiatel Swlngoodsfer be, dresses nes ombrelered 8.1,. Mall. for evening dreg no; B 1•118 daring and In d Me beet Imported; Silk Mums* all coloch end guanine, new sty!?: elide and satin strt black Dares", oil pricanazed Lawns; lona styka.froM Bto Id ceia, per y • Bargee de Lidos, • new article for ladies' thrum _ a large and superb snick Of new lityle spiral Bennet Ribbons, the very best tat paned, allnew. • 1 ' . , sneveLs, EHAIVIS. • O t i s , . Osoton crape shawl. ell esker, fresh from the tem Haase 'rerk Bat* Shawl. splendid good. In all colors, per laid Kenner; benefited changeable alma silk Shawl.' freak Importation • wens crabreiderrA• CantoeiCraps goirds; green =betides , ed Carman Crape Shawls, splendul geode • Lopta's Peen. utade - Embrokkund Thtbet, hoed treitormodhi Pans painted Cashman Shawls, all prices and gala- Ora ; radii"' rummer Cravats nod Searle In great eh rietY ; Preoth wor'sedCapes,Collare, and Calk& torte aatOrtroctit. , ' ~ A Lugo Stock of DOMI=C_AN D STAPLE GOODS 60 bales unbleached Altulin. from 0 zo 10 cents, Pin yard; 15 cases bleached Muslin. from d to 131 mots me 7 lad, 11 cmes Irish Linens. Imported direct Odin Belleau 11 bales Tuttle: from 8 tow seine per ysfd; 8 cues blue Doll, Item ' l3 to 11l cools per yard; tic. lodes ii 401 a...count at Sommer Cie*. Also: Ch. alma", .Taircds, San:tette and gemacky Jeans; te ear" dark Calico, fan uttered, front 3 to 101. c rO - tu per yeitys eases (WI & Bout' Fhtelsh Print, hi,. imported; 5 bales Russia tandScotehDispers, exuelte. I y ww. Also, Housekeeping Goods of all kinds, very cheap; 9 b pies Russia Cm*, Dom Of to LH rents per. yard; besides a lease stock of Check and Shlr- , log Stripe. Also, Canton Flannels, all colon and gold:.' ties, at law prierq red, wen.s, and yellow Flannel. verpchesp; bleached and unbleached Drilliner, ihli assume. .5 casts. bl. Menlo:ak Calico", ht.: measly lowt black and unbleachulTable DiaKversfall prices; Dlrd , s eye Diaper. all priees and quelitm. very, cheap; colored Centeno.. n fell assOrtriont, cheaper than ever; 3 bales Unlace, from 121. to -M , eta per yard. , Also,alarge stock otCotton Table Nape*. . Manners , Shining—A fall usonnient, very cheap.; • PARASOLS! PARASOLS! .. ' MO Went .1 most, splendid meek of PariMele rear opened by any me house in Piusburch,ls Mit day recetved, and are all of*. newest French style. which, for richness and betty, cannot be napaared. A. we have a unts lot lathe's , Pamela, they si ilk be sold cheaper*. eey other home to dm city eart;al. ford us mil the some quality of good. The Ladles are respectfallylnvited to eiraminelliese Parasols, as they will find tome of the richer end newest styles ever imparted from F.oropu• Th.. Fmunbill stfoiVi Of rte rjettest and Meet fashionable color. Ind a wetnitY id the attendee oft. lodide All of the above geode will be sold of at prime for below any house to the city; and In order to prove tins taco the public will please call and. price, these goods, and compare them with tar other home gthe c 11 st " s!i b te e c= I w n' ollZr.,l: r nll ' ml . ertej ' On t• amen and 01.0 peddle to general, thet Rem stems other bee M. nom 111 marketjt, pretending to rope with she Rig Bea Bin:4 achiall oboe the only celebrated and far famed DrY G estattlishmetit te Pittsburgh The Submritter would therefore my MAII purchaser& of Dry Goods, either wholesale or rAil, that the Big Dee Ilive, on Market etreet, between Thad end Fourth. a now opening don largest, etchert; - ,and most splendid stook of an ~h and sugutter Da Goods ever odismd for sale la Putebergh , BONNETS! BONNETS! . New Bruns reartoo—Ttra largest mid most faeliio n . able mocker Bonnets ever opened in this city, la pat 1 meets. at the sign of the Borlice Iliv.. Mirka atrees, between Third and Fourth meets, wheMilrY Goods of Veer, deacriptlon are selling chcapeethan any other home to the city. The pubdc win 'game take notice atm there are two other bee hive stores an Market street, who pretend to eompme with the Rig Dee fibre, between Third and Fourth streets, where the publte will fold, at all times, the largest and ridarCat styles of Dry Goods, fro,* opened. - . .. •;' ~ irr num tote ItOtico, that the store be tan.. ' 'nerd and Fourth stmt. sign of the BIG BEE HIVE, where Dry Good' of "rely description are seßtng =srsa than at any other house in the city. , apl3-darn WILLIAbL,L. RUSSELL._ . .1850 itagal 1850 ERIE &. MEADVILLE LI NE. iIOtOATS of this Lane ve Will lea regularly,d .DD liver liver Dakhla wlthont transhipment. J C BIDWELL, Pittsbase, . JAMES COLLINS, do, 'Anse= BIDVILI.L & BROTHER, Dochdeers ',' mal=l -r i Oar. of Wood 1850 BEM wowsmos • SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. /...... _Pitt:33l'6A to Co/maw and Cies:eland, through the rich coutpoptdenuonatties of Colon- We a,. Carroll, &ark, - Titscansnets, Loshclrets, 7tlttekingues, Liefing, and FranLiin. The completion of the randy and Beeves; Coral epees op to our ay through this Brent natural control COON a tlirett eenhiliteleallell to the share as Well. Oh the adjetning counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knits, and ' Delaware. Front thi”ectlon of Ohio, the e with .Pittaburgh has been, to a great extent cut r ole eetweetienee of , the high rates of transpetionoti, which are tow re. doted 10, en an/ C. 3 per con, Boots °Nils line will leave daily, and runittrough , without transhlpatenh The Canal company have lbestowed upon this lire an Interest In the approce. dented advantages of than charter, sod Wes , steered Its the middle prt._rtloos of Ohlo in ordering the=ll. y L1WW1.7.4 , r0• BANDY AND nr.Avat. . •as .1 interest In this advaisto.. Agehtht„ J. C. BID WELL. iltuthniti .. DID WELL & CO, Olaisow l • • , . c mama, Spear's Aida, Ohs% I' A Oeorlla tallt.a. Eat... 4;4 & moo., do; Flamm, Onshara &Coadoss lOW 0; Arta do Niched', Hawser, 04 norm O.; Speaker rosier. da; Joseph Pool & da4 & Sots, Oneida Mills, 04 11V Donor, do.; C n larrhal &Co, Klatt., o.; n K bon, a; ! Reynods. do'; laaae Teller Matoolla 04 1: J LlarkdallAco. tdannollo,o4 Waldarnopoc, do; APFsuland & Ca, Sandyville, 0; P P latter,d.; nab' base. & Stolabouteh, warm, 0• ; & Sharer, J Itottoion, 0.; Quoadoo &C, Oa; John Hotonsoni Canal Yahoo, a; Fora 4, 1. Canal' Dower a; A Dirdbol Rosiao, ""-." taars. ". ile Cts " fra l ls C lia; abodes & Grua do. „ ors wil. — ZiLlerix . waLuaa a co.; qp.ousas AND TEA DEAJAH.E. 256 lactignat, shone ahray. on band lafips anunixoentof cbOica 134".•;!VeLte'llraT'ilaIcirell:V21,44,d. 10WiAtausn. gagYil INFORMT COESICAUDISCOTEU CHEMICAL COMBINATION - • - ,-ficas ths.Vegisdfle .kiigioss, to rrpei Diatasei G urs .w. irig.rnet of Tallow Desk and Baraaparllla.,. , :Pam eonsumpti n, scrotal. erysipelas, theCleablamy , ;„ gout, liver complaints, w Intl. erections. altars, try-, ; philis, dropsy. asthma, piles , scurvey, allittiona log .. • . 1. , the bladder and lidt.ey• ' mercurial 41.4t.50, ern rept human, ra.l, or hiced b that head, fever ad ague, female cempistnts, pretend debility. &me": " ma, leas of appetite, headache, colds. eostivehere, Ime!, r.)ght sweat., ebolie. orgatio envoys, pniphation ot the bean, Wet, pang lal ha Oda, that. bait, Le. • - Me Infallible in all Ail - erste arising hoe an lot. into stag or rho irregular nation of the aye; • '&l4 ! to the Vegmable Kmgdem, me .Alhmtee Bans ha ieposited pleats nod herbs; emageolat to Ger males. , ilea e, and adapted to be tore of disease; and to the ,irare•ahle kiligdom doei the marmot teeee an well 0 • • „....1 aalinct,of ant ale, ',tomato? &widows to pea. ; , 1", h'vroir is • MientisO eomOdeti4 °hie, moot vol . . ~ Cnii , ;game in•interei entrely (he 11.ete deletertozi • , io,d enetaming mamas) mhstonert, and nib thind i thseem from the aystom, importn,Msor tad stmegth ~ • . nearresimodimf der.... CERTIFICATES.. I.' Lar to p t" , ett s "di rr,l r e nal ( te "ib o t f ai ll7 7 o. d o P' e l et7 , : a ftZ l paved Zoo, kelt,' &eh and Ant...neat:a L - . Ilvoortma, Nov: 17, 31118: ~' Da. Genoa—Air. I tender my atnerre thonkr Or ~, the gre at benefit I have derived fooob the me of Tont i•• ! , relemble Byrne. I here been vernal] very had •It b • • smote lons sore, %win icb made its appeorenee on • 'Cll. !did not pay much attention ton at lincomp• • Toting atribe nothing bet an enipunu QM Olean • • s sI perm Os far tamale!, began to inereaw entail rend to th• ark pan of the head. I applied to • , phy 41ei on. 'who attended me all to no putpc se. I bed anted every Ming that meld be tried. I taw your Syr* • dap of Yellow Deck andSsrramoilla s and concluded Ito me itr,, ler knew that Yellow Dock was sae of the' -,mass valuable unlclea In the world for the blood. j • ; ;boat hi year Syrup, and from the -ale of one bottle,* • icould me great chargo LI ayslart. I manned to Omit and I _wait ai weli man. I now feel Into • :nett ell my blood Is perfectly cleansed tad - :from on 'repo ride. , There Is nut• qundon bst Ma Your newly dileosered compound In fan. comic, I any,tarssparilla mine ever acids .; Mos certificate at year dispoaal to publish if ion like, and any oneyou may refer te mti. I Minh* hap. pr to nice them ail the in 1, ewe Orr cue, C. Jew:min year obedient *erten; ' The best faunae tosdlelak known". The Enron Of , Wilms Doak and Ssisspartho positive; nerdy. and ponasnera curs rst. I. l ..amplalnts kolderit 11' PEIf.ALES. : Its:rand, alterative oroporuos reader h penal,i;no • pplicable. to tho slander and delleaut coaritatiotto! , the roinale. It Is unrivalled In its elects span nab :theases as burnt mass:mottos, barrow:lc= .horrhboa, 01 sr tea. Irregular meastraattos. ".need attains, and general. prostratoa of Ibo whom. It haandiately mantelam that Plittesslag unroof • non and lassnodo 10 common to the fomatornsmit, , :rand Imparu nn snout) and =they ate •e u' fl:•rd c e l net :mem.% induces 11l an. Thly to recommend this sosdiptas . married pivots vitae havn not been blessed with ' • • Painginms Vow,. or Falling et , the Womb;aY ENV: years' standing, cued by Dr. Mutat% Ebb= • Ilb Yellow Ikea and uyarilla,' atm evilly beam remedy had bees tried Withent 7011141.___. 4' Wesel :to ren, Ohio, Fab., OM' • 'Ms certifies . that by wife, aged 2? yebredrill boa soldering ander the oboe ammelont far yeare—nearly all in MU diet enedand to her bet 4 have (or fear yew eoraildlitt emplegl the bent, • ... nt teal Webat teak) be brae trod ya betide dal • country, withodt by benefit whenever I tome dad.: , prinditieed every lanninient reeeellOollo,l4 Jaf tit; ante clench Cube., ail oriel:doh proved worlltne.. b the spring or tele, garb !adobe by by' (Abdo - . to Ity Dr. 0 oyeatt's Ydlbw , Daok and ftmputilk tench was need for !bar mouths: • *deg ahe bat goad for abort bar weeketit was evident to pal Um VW, , wu nopilleipie r and (bat tOlirtirie 400 i-drd:Me s a l ; Idly, and gunned 11,:h and ,nreogthjnolil the wee mainly reamed, and ab to new ardaylarecteet excellent health. Yylt. Ilt.111 , 011T.• • ' We being notebcas of Wm. and.. Jolla blentrett know that 14.0070 slatereenr, at to the eleknisi s /' Moo. blower, tit care being ebbe Gabatt's Yellow Unelnead libebbilte, to he sterett ' Vim JANE EIDJYY • " SARAII rodnist. • • n==l , ;Onset Cure or alositnatoptlonut Ituntars, January 7, lesk i i Iltenacts—lar 'Ebe great benefit whit& Imre dented from seer Extract of Yellow liotte Sarsaparilla, Induces me, na ra eci cfjortlajloseate the fblhowlegauttetterat •. • After wardog far two Teenier= mare whkh finally termin.qed Ia coniumpnon, I was {tree op brat, friend. and,phyaiulaus as b7.Tood ad off medicine. As a 1111/ retort, 1 was minced to in, 71r,, b9 = o 1;"'W ' e e ll.' would therefore eare - ciao, inlT recommend To unenal. ' led Compered to Me afflicted who desire • powerfal; pleasant and age remedy. ()remind) lour friend; None genuine infers pet up In large t i qua W ri A bo rr nte commies a quart, and the name of the ryrap blews• ' in the glass, with the yerhten of of 8. P nett an the Om serener. Prime 31 per botUq x' ' aixb lot PS It is sold ba J. P. Park, comer of Ferterth end Mini , oat Erects, Cottle:ten, obi*, General Agent for 11*, ' I tooth and Wcit, whom all orders Mast bo eddroell: Carter & Brai Eli., W. P. .hort dr. Co, Water- - ". ford; Olin & anemone, Crossieg , ille; Abel Terrell, • Montrose; Hiram Mir, 'Eowende. 'Robert Key, Well. berm L. Roderick, Callentharet ' Li•Wdeoz, Jr:Pltral- barge, corder of Market street sad the Diamond, aptTAtertenT , • Er Tux cams ova Irr.lEirlitat u not en , flPle,po.l •.. Wee duos& bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellave MSc. , eel teeth. If rem:A hare these it is them awn Wilt— • lito7 can, for two shllLings, boy an eriebs that wilt • mate their bread pare and sweat uttts Eerie otts • . • WI eases diiesses . or the Gans, spanwy oe we! forthe Toth It is mqual:ed, rumoring the:anat. Wm:4n the teeth in ete runs, .and eiun• 11431111. • yrs, ce as w ailer s ;leafier -as Arra. • are the properties of Jones's Anbst , Toot., a2d, witaini patting II onnelscs, hot r whatont of 00012 C, tr-Ireatak of mishaps Drt us,dlr. E. ot eta, my, 01 hare both need and enalised this besonfal and .. pelpable ernere Owlet , Anther Tooth - 1.4..e5,) an can revollmend 11 pvuttsi FT Clam qaeaiirs 01 for 0,." Reader, we can say nu moire eon, only that it you try tale owe yon be weUtthtlus..t. , ... 11 is put op in benenfal English Cense Pow. for ems. :sold oythe Agent, WALJA.Ch:3ON, 040 User! ty strew. PitlAL,cl4ii. stzur6Wit,Wr 1U AUG°Oh comma, err aortorah:T. aataioa ta • the tailoring era the aemalL quaLluta at a Ja haiti o Jones Coral Hair Rcatortotro. ' If they &raht ear word, they cannetaltese htghly rovectabbs ettLatuall who have trie.l to,-.‘ - .51r. Goo. Bee cat, .11 Ehn ay Nor York.l ' • Slati:da Reeve., slyanlc ea, Brooklyn.; • lar. - Wat.TematioW_At tang it, New York.' L. , 4.1 r. Thea—Taekaort, !Seaman Wand, nem PlO**. =IL E. calk., late barber geanthoat S. America. r • And mon:Atom a hoodred others auto, Stough' SI most curt:* that It will Corer the hear to grow oa oho .• :head' ortate•ztop It to!linTff e, natagthen Om IV ramoTing - eekrf and Elan:lota from the mots, mat tag tight, red, or gray hair o Mr.. a fine dui loot, ate te tTll . 7, , tl:4:l ,7 l o tr o y s t r T i t h r e tr : oist, eoft, : du= mai • • Sold ei the Agma, 1031. JACIEION, 210 Lthertf.atj. rimbalh . Pneo3n, 50 cebta, L •and ono de lam. . ' 01 . hater:ha at. lint"atS fan cbeoneej Soap caches frt, persprraueni lad a ~ A, same late moltfica, Solleas,..sad Irltlhath WS' suing a the texture and busty of an lotantla 601071, SLLy .1111105 a.NDSoftta, ass csotfltil . 0 2 1 7 tooled, bat cured by Its use, as at lust 'coin 'I hos. dens In New Yet t knelt, who au it In such - tarok ; and 6e. , 1 it unfailing—as also in„ d • ('a,,,,,, iturresu, Feor , or any °tithe , sue. The reader is natured - Eb.ll beau an a deal . - puled nostrum, es one tool will prose.. / spaid, memta u taut Su pentane cared of Sou flun,S.ohn Lusa= Eels itsalnO.••••: ST 14 and pee it; and the reader Is eglie around uot.ernelly sell 11 for the above wile., I Snort - - to Da ail !yule. Those alto orehableto - • .. Cason, Csaciso,ortCnaratlF‘usgesillia thLja - ewe. Any one allietretatta say or the nhore, or sate star dleenens, will Sad nits all m 1 esut =144 pstrig. Ole in ill propestenlthea 1 ate ” '• Ent, render, the stores are flooded with WI atlaail,,' and tor sans yen uk for JUN 'SS'S Itahsa salsa doap. bold 07 w dl. JACKS - 0;4;610 Ltherty-stssolg l'aUbcrxh : • atirllAS IT ta . " LADIES A'S% ellYr.f6N - r.15 - 41 - ;fisr COMJION VItitt , AKED They are ter severe bow fughtte,ly unstraue fx b to the skin! how town!, how. ItaUChj MO, ah)h ' -" lOW, and anhoolthy th e'skin sp. pcogs o.lretins prepare,: .• " sides It to tostr/o - re, - 'cr.val.lair4 a' large 4100111). of Levi: : ' • We' late 'p.170110 s . l,thatlful vegetarili , artLeUf • which ere enti JONES , SPAN'S!' LILY- - 111. peri.thtly Innocent, - octal: 70015e4 - of all del seal • oat gahlices; and It ur.?stlktp the th:la • nalleTeo thy, Wahastcr; clear, Dying whine, at. the um tars he c.c.:ache on the Otto tesilng rueoft ...a • smooth. Sold by :be Agent, WM.. Jalltarrlq, VA IAD crest 51,1'h1ch01 1 h. , Proe 13 !Eau. . _ _ :J. Ii&ELILISON'S/1141/161.1., , • 4 • ATIOILINEY'A,T LAW, ' ' • • Om° c,,NIMiIiSIONEM, fur muss' 1,4 ,54 JO. - ; Ofice—fruata , creet, ate. . . -Vft JOHN MARTIN respostfal'y annosnions & Ski citizens oflti4s o. ifict has 4.7,2104444„ aud isimoc:f in res 'ens cay. tsr toe parpote pf. pm.. tieing Mathews and 4sirsety,-in a 1 its sheet lonanal• ca. His of is cn Puerta cleat, No MI. Reddens ' N 047 urns apt dfcsnes 4 4 • Lit3OSILT , ATTORNEY AT LAW- -Mit. 61..0 FottrOilo,'lte..toett Chen! at and Ortat amity tra tarsi:Army tits; for *Ur ittO;cobeis 'Dior (Or soli nattibAr 0 . anoint Lou, simian to OA br.:413{16 W uv, itouu, . on . . oo 'mond, {1 ery tents. (now{ of , .W. OIL attomsuri, AO, Live,Blo sir .or ofiASROBINSOII.OO Us; motors. .... offrortr.totfl ; : , MEDICAL rillOl.ll4Alll A • By 'ln" Cr a Ornilo,s4 gorier ma hands. of UM Ns.hPelere, President of Uri Court of Cos+ moo Pleas ho and for Mt 4,11.111 , 11.1 W Mauer of Pen ay and Juane in of Tao Court of OJer 4 Tu.spsorr arid General Jail Delivery ia and ter 'aid /rivulet"... Banal Jones - tee William Kerr Fours. Aaroclata /edge. of the dune Couru. .0 A for the C+ami of Allegheny, doted We Tth 407 of h 1.71 Tedn'a oar Lore,one ihourand virtu hundred add 44, wo me e direced, f,r hoidin; a Wen of (norat Toradottil and General Jail Da linty at the Conn•• anew, to the City of ?die] erg h, as tee Thud .170140 Infune atiy at lildeleck, A. hi. • Public :mute i. heteh)flees 1004 !asthma . r±l „, ence,Porons: sndllienuitiolea of the Ci7untr of Altai. o,y, th.'y (”;,. taco and there, 4s taw ra l ,g, K.., with Melt rolls, records; h.rialiturted, attire& and outer reesereurinaces, to do those thugs which to their rime...medium , lu their bell , lll7l7eu to 'Do done at also theiso Cm will .priaiseeettelha prinOrlern Lbal or coy ne Me Jaii of nail County of Allehen tO WM, piroarleass comet them ea shell Mt: . ; ; t,inn unit, my hand at Pitt4bergh, this 7th day el myi. In tht pear oi our Lord. Lein. 4nd of too Com. lb.• 74M. CARTP.d. GURUS, elhatlf. miryl,dli,worr ALlllMM.Tlneralauni n!! ThEAMIS llROCnWto.‘l,Votenueeton Merchant; K.Biterameuto City, Cellforcia. inhere{ adn¢ene mad o¢ coneig!.ncente, ,and all - agency hencoo pr l. auest,e tn. , t , iroctWAT, mnusl Luuta. ./ manswa GEORGE E. iARNOLD dt CO:. VaLtaw ipxonanictie, col X, .110.71Fosnkttutet,itaxt dm to IL Baa lia Pius AL -ClNC4— ' 94 ' uLLIA.2 4 . 4 '4l 771jAitt egrali:: ' ; 3t' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers