THE PITISBURG'H 41AZETTE. rß.rrE c; Pi T.A.I • TUES . • •OR 6 JUNE 4, I£oo wry. B. NIX= la Aria fart this paper at his ..merat agendas fa New Ito*: Philadelphia, aad .B. 1- and is Itathortsect ut rstain.:looCltatians and alinnintasgata for as- ; . aummii.l2o2,2=o.Suberfribtidoi meow for Wit paper retchvd and Conininled him 0 change from this offies. . per Cr/Foam Mini GAZlTC.....Astrertitemrpis I 'land robsertpitoos, for this paper, will be remised and ' i *minded from this diem ergPertanaternaCeenexactam.orr.—Rabreriptions o 'rateable paper, will be reeerred mod forward. d (roes the elite. .•-• : • • Mrriirtanturnts. Norm Asrairulte—Advertise mots and sabseription. to the North Amerie.n mud Mated States Gazette:, Philidelphla, received and for. warded ban Oda offue.' • •, smut lITATX.CONVIatITION At a's:meting of the Whig Male Central-Cosconittee, MI/ u Flarrisharg, Much 17,1850, it .13 Itasonvin,-That the Whigs crib. several noon , icm brim. State be reddened to select a number of =Teti r i ve: e t he ' ll:l ' M? "' " s i e o P iirt J u n ro e : ne l Viot at the city of Pilladelpiga, cm the 19th day of. Joon, /M. for the tiarpose of nominating a eandidam foe Canal .Ceounianioney, tO be voted for al the ensuing 'y.Qenaril Election: • MORTON bIeMICHAEL, Chairman. Iht, Seaman. 111713#. NEST PAGE Fpn :LOCAL MATTERS TELEGILLPIIiC N EttAS, ke. Tex Panay Mamas.—Tie result of the primary meetinp, as far as Congress is concerned - ems announced to our readers yesterday roaming. Mr. Howe las been designated as the choice of the piny for Congmss, with a unanimity cone re and which must he exceedingly gist!. fling to that gentlemto, on his first canons for , any °A . m. It shows that Worth, integrity, and abuuty. conneeted with a remarkable aptn e ss fbr business, all of which meet in Mr. Howe, are _ seen and appreciated by the Whip entail district. His competitor, Mr. Denny, one of the oldest and most respectable among onr citizens, against whose personal character nothing can be told, '...and who him withal the benetiti of , experience in , the hills ef . dongress, has railed from the desire which is generally felt to send to Congress a gee. , ':llernsu fresh burette business walks of life, ann. ,r : partitively yet:toile years,. and in the vigor of-rt. peeing manhood, who nudentands and fully sympathises with the wants and feelings of the present satire biudners generation, and not from any personal and factious opposition. No ones w. thel assured, appreciates Mr.' Howe's claim, more than Mt. Denny, and who better under stands, and will be snore ready to acknowledge the feellngs which led to his noculnation. Little or no instractiost has been giveen the del man in relation to any of the . other officer ex : sett Congress. 'The Convention will hare the 'selection Ofthe candidates, and the delicate duty .viseleeting . the best men, and properly opportion" •:jag the cakes to the different tectionsof the cone. ty. This latter, next to the choice of goodmen, .1a every important duty, and we hope - it will be kept constantly In view in making the comitta . The Outbreaks on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Our settlers are, moat cf them, probably aware that very aerionnti.tilculties have existed on the t Division of the Nominal Bayed betweer. 3ohnstown and Blairsville, between the centric* ton mod the laborers, in regard to wages. We liars hitherto refrained from any comment on the maws, became woven:not aufficlutly acquaint wfth‘the Media or the 'Cud, and ',infanta to wail-until we'etsained such information ai Weald. sit cotattinha to she intaglio and true history . 'of the &fair. • • . . • • We are now happy to announce that the diffis collies have been satisfactorily set tied, and that it - is not hkeiy that they will be renewed. t The seat et them troubles was the wild region' is MS gip of the Chestmst Ridge, where the mag- I tinge bf the work rendered the employment of a! . . large Mee neeemary. supposed "eke bee ! . pond market' law,the tiotinis and disorderly ohm, Itloitheli.aPproftiate , *tit eSiiikey shanties 111 ~ great number' were established, and at leng th the mediate:arca felt thaftisekies strong enough „ to hold, the line In sobjeedoe—to drive off all the Gish and Connaught meta from the road, and to I s.,...4ictata.their. own tennanic only tti the contrae• - ' .Eton who inielored them; tint to afl the others.. "'•A great number of the laborer" .have been, thionghout the Meatier fdey . iiwilling and maim" ' , trp to 'lnlet at the terms offered by the comae tore, bpi ha're been overawed by the threats and violence of the men' who held the Ridge, and • ' !lowed death to those who should break the role which they had arbitrarily imposed. At length the evil beountino scrims, that on a representa tive to ihr Copts, and affidavits being made con. - catalog the nature of the anthem apse persona - and property which had been committed, Judge Knox laved a beach warrant to the Shelia of - Westmoreland tounti;iihe promptly called lathe add oldie gallant Captain, Coulter, and the colon. met companies from Youngstown and Wolter. • The military answered promptly to the summons, and in little more than twenty lour hour" from . the date of the-warrant, took pmeession of the Ridge, and proceeded to arrest the ringleaders, who could be identified. Five of these arc now in, GMensbursh Jul.i Matij others fled, soda the presence of the Sheriff befen announced, all beet. ~-„ Mt° the'dignlty of the law. - • ... " The Bldg* ha been eleared entirely of the - Maned bud, - who have bid ! defame , to law and . otter. The small - shanties, in which every plot and inlechlef was hatched, bare been emptied end nailed tip, and every thing there is quiet and . peaceable. A small force remains to guard the - property and Permits of those who. have been threatened with violence, until no further danger shall exist; and the Engineer, in charge of the !!! Mork, has forbidden the emplaymest of any of time, on that. put of the line, who were there previoat to the outbreak. As soon as the prosenee of tee military gave • 'am ranee to the laborers that they would be pro. Meted, *emit of the suspended sections were recommenced, Pild in a few days, all wdl again be In motion. The hands who have been ems . awed by the rioters, turned in at the old wages , Pig cents , but we understand that the =tractor*, now that they can show LlM:their eels are oftheir own free will, have generally concluded to pay • _ dollar par diem, tteXt weekbelievtiog that the in. _ creased deniaad for labor on the ndlroads Welt ha, will .make this =moo bekcp : long. , Laborers of all daises, Country Borns and Ger , - IMMO, Oteitl!llitli Men; Corkmen sad Fardowns, pray new go to the !Western Dilision of the Penn - . • .sylvattin itailroad;easured of good wages, plenty 'direct, a brimilifol and perfectly healthy cowry, sod what is of 'equal importance, aimired that Old! A_Vestasorelarta knows how to protect those under . Derwin, and is ready, able,tuid willing to enforce , , the kisser the Commonwealth against ell who Of• fee lidisterb the peace within her bOrdets. . We cos:ramie d that two thousand maw can find emlanYthont on the limey work in Westmoreland monty; now ready to be . commenced: We cannot rehabs from making a few remark', cm the subject of this strike, in an economical point ;.‘ of view. ,The Company has not suffered any de . • ' • triment byit, because the part oftheline on which It took Once is in such agate of torteardnews that all the contractors can complete the workth the time elicited to them by thairimatracta - -. The Costracuns auder from low of theie time and thiertsion their ieveaments, and from having to feed their idle horses. But the era ati the laborers thernsetves,' - who have thrown • away at least thirty thomand dollars,. d,vngeo ad board ineoey tOrrethcr, and have demoralised learn ' seives,and,dirgracedtheir country by their violence, and finally have 'been defeated.. ' • ' lied this strthe been an ordinary one, .caused by • aliremiiCo of opinnin between the employers and 'prep/eyed, as to thecurrenivalue of labor, it would AOC /AIM lasted a week;. for IthicabondaMe of le ' borers to Maryland, and on both ends of the divi csioo, where they wee Certain of proteetim from the law, at eighty pate per diem, would soon have filled thiplaces of them who demanded more thin • any other puldic.worki were Paying, under . .... Jar mrcumstances. • Jts peculim (SIMMS 1 11 M the. auempt to normal question of Political econoreF,hitirete form, and an lovers of law and onleranost rejoice at the yin "dietitian! of theirtlaires. • Some ofour eity,,Prem have, marld - .iernatks, ommosely censuring - E. ilwerd Miller, Esq:, the 'Me - ` ,fietAmistaut Enginem,.for - thei Part he, took in the matter. From iirereiettoe; ; fureithed tek, fro th ' reliablesotaMs, we, are Worraeled iniuting itut • ttileiliidoet patient' PatiadilskAid stilly os • ,tatMe him in his official position,' linked! trete our personal knowledge of Mr. Miller, we relies -gored, before we were acquainted with the fade In - thi moo, that he hid done nothing inconsistent with • thedothis of his Mice, cc the chemical of a gentle. papa * 5994 - . Lunn an= re Pamartx.vaera.—The, late tame pantsd dee /remind snail/4AS. septenbe lad ii g ood tumbffof these- spniained tee OEPlrgremtinentaenaeparains no4iaeitpai.. l4 94 fnkieou! Some Idea can be tamed fromthis,or she 'vent amount of Legislanonmhieh annually takes .Thp,rante titicsisf4l,niserrntkwatild tan? one entire copy of our paper—how 0000711nee,irill the people! . bacinne segriented :Mill theaetathem infrca:'.The'great nudotio , orthem, howeve4 .n; of a loeir ehersilet.. . : , - The citizens of Monongahela elty ate taking meta:telt to establish a Bask in thatplace, to be balled "Valley Bank of the Monongahela." The Idencmpliela CdY RePublican BY, that the negro Chino, whb shot Ism!! Janbert lately in this city, is the same individual that drid • pistol at his brother, in that place, some weeks ago, sod afterwards challenged him to a daeL Goremier Johnston has reseed his proclamation, offering a rewawl of 31000 for the :arrest of the pentium who tafirderefi a watchman of Philadel phia, on the 26tactlanio. 'The watchmananet hie death while to the discharge of hii drity, Lame. dearcirieg to suppress a firemen's riot. =CM=! The Women of de American Rreslaturn—By Elizabeth Eget. la three volumes. New York ; Baker rz Leiber. Those who have had the pleasure of marling Mrs. Ellen's first two volumes of the ',Women of the American Revolution,. will be dcbghted to learn thnt she has collected 'patellas fora third volume, Sot kg, interesting. than the pram:Rog ones, and that it is already published and for sale. In Collecting the materials for these volume!, the author Pas 'displsyed 1111 industry and enthisiesm which does her greet credit• She has' not only discharged a duty to oaroolki countrywomen of a pant sge, but has conferred a - great obligation upon the present and all succeeding generations.. The work ought to bean the bookshelves slavery fam ily in the land. "The Elliott Feet!;, orjha, trials of New York Seametimare—By Char. Borden," atnhor of sever al popalm works. New York; Baker 8s Scribner. . Tho object or this touching tile is the same as that which inspired the pea of "Charlotte Elites both," to depict the wrongs of hersulTering colons try women. It ie intended to ameliorate the con dittos of a worthy _cud, long .suffenrig clue, by awakening for them that sympathy In the public mind, which their condition so imperatively -ce quires. The ore for tale by A. H. English end Co., "food el. A Usiurra..lnrimattos.—Waliave received a new work, entitled •'ibe United States ..tatryere Dirraory. and Official Boileau: to which Is added the Monad of the American Legal Association.' The Directory contains the caries and places of residence of nineteen thousand lire hundred. and twenty sevenpractiring lawyers . - The American Legal Association, under whore auspices thin Di• rectory is published, woo established for the ra pine of ensuring safety and facility in the colko _lion of claims throughout the Unkm, and it fare nishes thri name of at loud one prompt and retie. hie practising lawyer in each of the principal cit. lea and villages. Every premising lawyer who strieeribes fire dollars, and furnishes the ties with satisfactory evidence of integrity and ca pacity, is a member for two years. The • money so obtained- la 'applied to forwarding the objects of the institution. Any person, by forwarding one dollar to John Livingston; New York, will be fur -1 nicked with a copy of the Directory and Manual at by malf,by Which.means they will learn folly the S objects of the Association... , Geoige Dan To th, Editors f tho Pittaburgh Gantt, For puny years, in the Arsemblf - and Senate, George Deride has represented . this: District, and faithfully tots he performed his driti, always at. trims° to the interests of. his constituents:and of hls Slam. He has been the bust 11,epresentatien weaver alni from, Allegheny Corinly; with no Superior in the Legislature. The Whigs md :Anti. insures on Wednesday, areta emit. hissaeles 'Sit: Mr/144cl take adrantsgri of biz Jong and well iiiedexperienee—of his knowledge,of legislation iS all lot detailsl7 - i — ar will they choose anew man, froth from the people? Legidatom do not, Minerri - like, opting intOex• istencis In an hour, ind it Is not too midi to say of the.worthy men who aspire to this Pods that not All Air. Daride'splace tutu:stip. We ate cured with too much leglsittlios, and this is cloned by changing onraepresentatives every other year. Oar State legislation has not received that attendee which It amerces. The laws per by the Assembly, affect, or may touch, every man ict. the Commonweelth. 'whereas' Congress may legislate Coe months and years without aiding or kilning or. Toe State is to be Apportioned or Madded, the Tex Lives are to be minedelied, and a better system established; a Free Banging 'Law is to be passed, and & thousand sets, public 'cir private, are before the Assembly,whieh require experience and judgment, and which no new man is expected to ponces. Delegates of the Convention, on you devolves the grand responaility of tilling this post. Do it without prejudice; for the good of the Common. wealth and Allegheny County, and . yon will do serve well of your country. IL - . TIMM litflUanilaiTON Cepuponeenee of tee ritithargn GRIMM WtIIIITICITON. May 30th, 1550. Death of Senator Eltoore—Conthismatt. et Leteher .The Southern Organ a live eat,ssail-osat - Dieuntonist. Freaklm Harper amore, Senator from South Carolina, and succeasoits Mr. Calhoun, expired . list night at eight o'clock, after a long litheu, the citmmetmeneent of which deal further back than' his cloaca to the station •le which be died. Hie" disease essumed a fatal lam woo' alter lila mitre I here, end for several weeks Riot bet faint hopes have been entertained of his .recovery. He was aigentlemae of respectable abilities, but not num bible for politics! talent. The House adjonthed yereiday with an under standitg of meeting this morning at eight o'clock, for the purpose of,adjounting over to Monday ! next. The decease of Mr.X. has mend a change of arrangement, and both brancithe willitikoonow assemble for the of auendiog the funeral. Among the gentlemeo; from among whom a sec. reeler to Mr. Elmore will be selected, are thought to be Ex-Governor Hammond, ft. Barnwell Shell, a man of distinguished talents, - P. P- Pkk• ens, who said be was born insensible to fear.' Ex-Governor leteher ma, yesterday confirmed minister to Mexico. The vote is said to have been 54 to 15. The Democrats opposed blue because he hxd2with other favorite publie speakers, gone into Ohio and.lndizna ileries the la and previ ous campaigns, and done excellent service epithet DemoCiatic candidata. Bet they were intereotae,. as the votes shows us, The BUitheru organ is to be Issued next week. It will be published three times a week, while Con. gross site r tm ice a week =during the recesses and intervals between Congresses ; and Unita will be besides a weekly 'edition for the accommodation of those whose thirst for slavery is greater than the shallowness of their purse, will permit them freely to indulge. The tel and semi-weekly pa pers will be five dollen a gar, and the weekly two dollars. The editor. sto to be Ellwood Fish- or, a, showy and ingenious Mthauporficial an d mat unsertipalous writer, pretty well known to our trans Alleghenies brethren; and Mr. Ds Leon, ate editor of the Pendleton (S. C.) Telescope. :Adam Garden, Eig , of Key Weat,arrived here se.. lefties , with volaminoits dispatches Or the govern. meet, in reference to the recent events in that bar. bit., connected with this Cuban emu pade. It seems that-the U. 5. District fudge sent back on the !Spanish steamer Pizarro itx or alsveri Steirrhos tr 'kia by the marauders from Cardenas, and brosught Into Kay Weis la the Creole. . be government is slid to be in possersion or the mon saiW,factoryinklMildint that at /cu t ' hi " teen thousand efficient and well 'armed militia, in addition to the immense force of regular, troops, were emoted in she several military dentists of the island, sad that acchingbut precipitate retreat Of the Imihmainif Patty preserved theta from sum mary estannialtion. At- length, it is sold, we are to have a Mon or politicsl note and reputation, who will avow hints .selfin uttenul 4o cal terms, in favor era dinsolaticm orate Salon, in, any sad c:ontingeneiej, is the onix „,,,k,,y and policy of the South. This man is the liorkT. 11. Tanwell,,fortnerly governor and gairginitt; and a greet absumetionist on the'prioniples 0f,"43 and TS.", - brie plea Err disunion ' 'O ll aPPOir, ..tabrroii Ehoznistg-lo tb•Mimgc.4 if P•per. — 13p the way, his reported that Barka will shake of the dust of his feet against that concern on the lit or nest month. It is no doubt a comet se, Pen , - .. tom V. r asKir*lr May 31 parneral. Of . 11r. Elmore—lllate at New iforlinied Bea Vraneleolopromlow NMl—Absence of B•natoris•—Nr. Tharlte rliii:WrMurAlittlOvt•Matteratrag .11rbags Carn—Rho President wart Mr: Clay— Their plans contrasted—No.oile*. Ti3 4 4lVesaWe and solemn Ceremonies intend: lig ee ! ol - iiiii. - 4 of ihe Ose4ciies or Mr. Elinor, did not .Movent the Sewn front Liaraing en hoer or two to lay, in the tranasellon Of business, alter rettuitkigfroha the fateral6Tice bill for the es " tiblialunent Or. wail& mint:sett New York and San Fru ei!co was yawed, matte to MY writ. I said in one of my letters, • few days show, that the rejection Of the motion for uniting the projects °fit:Mating branches of the mint at cach!of these places, might be considered a death blow to the principal plan, that of the New 'York branch. Sot the vote watt reconsidered and 'reversed; and the amendment in Cavoi,of the great Pacific part hav ing prevailed, the whole wee willingly swallowed by all, cave those who feared that the New York scion would swallow op the puetst at Pniladel• pbia. A vote arse also taken on it Option to postpone the compromise 1,111 to Thoraday of next week, many al the .4enators declaring that as the Senate would dcrobtlesshe thin next week, it was use. leas to think of acting on that important measure, But owing to the absence of Senators known to be favorable to the Postponer/cut, It was ion by one vote. The Senate will I meet on Monde!. when I hain ao doubt that the motion will be re. I named and carried. lir. Webster Mill Innen morrow. morning, on • brief tour to the Eliinthwar4. in the hope nreno eating no declines health, inipaired by a too rigid attendant° his senatorial azalea and to the hints of his profession. He hay Mo.dimbi, paired off I with some Southern Senator, though it in expected that he will return before - the Gnat vote on the compromise: A large number of Senate.' yet intend to speak upon this bill, Mr. Webster 'himself, Mr. Benton, Mr. Corwin, Mr. Can, Mr. Dayton, and Mr. C. o,” er among others. It will bei seen, therefore, how alight is the probability of any cooclusive vote for smooth to come, In that body, unites It be Gnarl upon them by the action of the House, of which then is certainly some entice. Burke, you will notice, hos left the Union, is I have from time to time assured your readers that he would do, in the fare of his own impudent as. tenon that there was 'MO foundation" fur the statements. lie delivered his valeilletery this morning, announcing that he retired to the shades, of private life with an Undying faith in the merits and saving' man of &mammy.— Baikal* a genuine chip of that tame block. Ho mouths of principle to the - last. Ritchie notices his hegira with civility, knowing well,, by loos' practice, how - to • •• Welcome the coming, 'Peed the parting guest' I The venerable organist Mill now be far more entertalinag than while his wore the bit and brf. I - die imposed by his arrangement-with Burke— ', Public cariosity is on tip wen witness the ex reeled holinobbing between the old and the new favorile,the later being the peculiar advocate of southern policy aboMt to be set up heie. It was rather cruel to treat Mr. Racine in this wsy,when it wn known how good his will auto do all that I the ferniest Southern agitator could demand, and I how hard he was striving to bow Mr. Berta out of his preen:lee. It Wooly msonable to salmon that on Mr. Ritelle's furnishing suntanial tern - I mony of his repentance, that he will be taken back into the graces of the sponsors for the South, and that therival origin will tn • very, brief pert- oil be amalgamated with his own. We have an important rumor that the Supreme Court has directed Cretan:eller Walarenh to take additional testimony In the Wheelleg bridge I ease, bearingen the gentian whether It be or be not • nehmen, and an obstruction to a common I highway between Stales. t regret that I have not I hod time to investigate the origin of this rumor, I but hope lobe able to furnish yen with the facts in my nest It inapparent serious dloutirlaction exists between Mt: Clay, as it' Whig leader, and the Preiddent. Many Journals of influence In differ erit parts of tharsentury, aided by Industrious sad able norespandents fo:fht• city, have contributed to an the Innen dinierd, and to make that a entree of permanent encransement, which, pro perty considered, is but an honest difference of opinion, in to Ike best wade of treating • great question, vital to the interests of. the country. It ii certain that the minim of men, Whigs and Demo- crate; and Hof private Unseal, as warn Stales.' men and politician., eel Melly, perhaps nearly equally divided open the ineritsof Mr. Clay's plan ofsettling 'molten, railed the compromise--the President's denominated, the petal of non acne. I, I and the simple northern plan of similar:a Califon nig withint questioa br condition, as a sovereign State, and the.ipplication nth. provieo far the en. elation of slavery from the unorganised territories. It is hardly deoessmY gsr cm to say that in my judgment,the latter is the preferable of then three scheme., were it possible to it, bet I lane that ft la not. The question appears to be between the two ethers.. I have only to say mow,' that each has some advantage over the other, but that, upon the whole, if one of the two mast be taken, It ap pears to ma not Worth while to gaunt over the choice: It stems that at present, New Mexico is the great bone of contention- Well, as things are, Tama is steam: at Mr. Clay proposes to hay it Far ten or fifteen Millions °fantail. Iris Indus bltably national property, but very many are of Opt:denting ere had better let Tenon steal it, than ~ p ay her any aunt anti; and, mike airy such addis tion to our debt 'names. I might ran a much more emended parallel of merits and objections, but your readers will, perhaps, be glad that the apace Is not left me: Daiwa. intoni-NEW YORK. Correvondonse of We Piusb.rgh Nrw Yam May SO The first looomodire u of the Hudson River Reid came down the city last night, as far as Clamber street with a train of cars, and homes in totem will be superseded. The:rpm:ma locomotive is con cealed, and looks like - a baggage ear. It uses its own smoke and steam, and is altogether as harm less an walnut as ever wan coedit to draw a burden, to my nothing of its quiet motion. This new pin haibeen sanctioned by the Common Conned, and people who leave New York by this train willitot be bored by a tedious hone ride of three' iles, hut accomplish the distance so readily m when the train is in a fully agricultural region, following the example of the Worcester cod other road. in Bos ton, where locbmotivm are used, u freely and with as mach safety to banyan life as hones. The French :Miniuer, M. Bois Le Gamete, and Sir Bevy Bulwo', have taken iummer residences Clifton, Staten blind, in the neighborhood of the ADOUga, etc., our New York magnets in position and fortune. The President goes to Dampen, so that the Government will for therein. met be nosh of Meson and Dixon's line. In the money Market there is the greatest ease, and there is not the smallest theme of keeping . ployed the ammoniated capital of the city upon any point In the Union. F.xcluleges are incur fa vor, and the current of coin flowing hitherward. The rate of interest cannot be quoted as high as seven per cent, and s Largo &mouton( mortgages have been dope'itt six per bent. The Erie Dail lima is now In the market . for two and a half mil lions of dollars upon income ceroficatea—en offer harCalretdy been made of more than 90 per cent for ' the whale amount. Even .190 this tithe cheapest money the road hint used since the present company assumed the charge, with the exception of the stack and a tew of the first bonds. • PtollsylVllol2 h's have rallied to 96 3-4, United Strung's, of 1967, 119 3-4a120. Belding meek 49 3.8. Erie 78 13, do Bonds 97 3-4, and United Suttee gent 2 per um,. Fancy storks generally are rather staggered, but with the superfluity of money, &Aloes cannot. long continuo, as settle outlet must berm:ceding money. The l'hiladelphis boo three fourths of • million of gold &Uteri bonne, which, uoderthe new law, will, as soon as tht•ealaY 4. rude, pass.loto There is a good deal of activity at our. Navy Yard, just now. The sloop of war Dale, will be ready tor sea in is few days, and the steamer San iodate, very iota,. She is noir getting her engines on booed, but then" are but fear hundred men at the pint in all, go that active as rue tha'feve, business is not pushed on faA. eisiiitss kettle engine at the Dry Dock ire now landing andare being laid under the superintendence of the engineer. May an, from thetWeat Pnini Foundry. The bed plate,, weighing oner:W. lona, fa onibe spot, with the col— unuis, .antablatuips, and walking yearn, which 1 Weighs cm Plias lona, being the huvest in the Tee engine is ef immente strength andrii d ity.— Fran the bestow of the' well at the base of the Pumns to the spas of the engine is over 75 feet TllO ritopg Darn l 2 stsekea per minute each, and when both gmnps all worked up to their full poll! er, Will discharge 5,000: cabin, feet of water pea asinine, and Will be dole-to dew she Dock in hem than 3 hours. Tbeweight,o(the engine and fixtures will be about three bunched tons, with nespzeity equal to two hundred horses, and, taken all in all, will be the hums:and most efficient structure of the kind in t h e in the boa line there is "now in 'coarse of publi cation, a wofk that would be intim hands of every American reader. It is the pictorial Field Book of the Revoltnion, edited by B. 3. Lasing, and pub; *shed by the Harpers. It is . elalronstely illustrated with wood cats of as excellence never before at tained in the United States. 71116 literary con tents are of a superior quality, and the work, all in all, creditable to the nation, and a worthy record of the days of the Revolution, even of '7G. Markets are not over active. 'Ashes—Sales 40 barrels at 5.5,62a0,68 for pots, and 55,62 for pearls. Flour—Sales of 6500 barrels, inkludi,3 1000 ba"L' Canadian in bond, at 0.5,Z5. Southern steady; mire of 1300 barrels, at $5,754,87, and few sales at SA Rye Flour 52,87a3. Corn is S 3 for Jamey. Grain —Sales of Sentient wheat on terms not made . pub. lie. Rye stiff at 50c. 'Sales of river and meal cogs a 11149 1.240 e, and Jersey at 47 1.2a484. &des 1900 bushels Southere yellow corn at Whiskey—Holders ask a) 001113 for Priem and Jersey. • Pork sells at 510,62 for mess, and $B,PsB,lll for prime. Lard has risen to 7a7 1-8 for prime. Iron under the steamer's news is held higher, end has sold at 5201120 1.2, 6 months, for pig, webs/me bar at 3.15,50, limos. Coffee is in good demand, Rio 7 1-2.19 14. Tobacco has insproved with consid. erable vales. C. FROM TIES Correa ROCION.—A newspaper, call ed the Lake Superior News, ha recently been eot•blished in the town of "Soo," in the copper re• gion. number as dated 13th ult., and coo• tsins some interesting intelligence, which we sub. John Brun, agent for the Quebec mind, arriv ed on the AM on the Franklin from Milwitirkie, with a large force of men and miners, on his way to Point Ann mines, or Mica Bay, to commence op erations, on the old ground again frorri which 'this, company were driven Mr lam year by the.lndi an,. The Indian danculiics have been nettled, and the company intend to drive their works with '" S r e . British - soldiers that went vp hat fall to pro. teat the miners of the Quebec mutes, from further attack, aregarrisoned at thelhalson Bay Company's ply's Post, on the opposite aide oldie river where they haws been during the winter, and it is said dust a permanent garrison will be located. The propeller Napoleon 'left for the mines on the 151 h, and the Independence on the Pith, with toll loads or freight and passengers—the first departures this season. No boat has yet arrived from up the lake, and hence there is no later news from the mines. Nothing -hasbeen heard from Isle Royal since November lash The . propeller Manhattan started on her °over land" tourney around the falls of Lake - Superior on the 12th. and in three days had piroceededisome 30 rods. She was expected to be floating In Lake Superior in two weeks. She h hauled on much 'the same kind of ways a vessel ishunched front— is 250 feet long and weighs lean' Mae it'al tons.— There being several sets of ways, as fast as she leaves one set , she it is moved forward, ho that she Is kept almost constantly molting. Prearrear. Ezrzoirms.—lt appears by the fol lowing paragraph from the N. Y. Jour. of Gurruneroe of Wednesday, P. id., that a new piratical expedi• tion has been nipped m the bud: "The Kate Bowen was seized at Brooklyn, en Wednesday eveotog, by the U. B. authorities, on a charge of being about to engage in a hostile rope dttort against some Went (mita Island. She had arras on board, and, it is said, wan intending. tit re mitre her powder to atty., A guard of Marines from the Navy Yard is now on board. It is stud that Atha immures are about to-be made. Whether the vessels In question were designed•to co-oper ate in the Cuba espedition 'or engage in some other enterprise equally disgriceful; we are not in- Fan:mg.—lle critical condition of affairs in France, is thin described inarecent Jenne from Pa• ris, written by Robert Walsh, F. -I'g., to :the New York loormil of Commerce "At present,tts lively a sense of insecurity,—as general an appettension of a 'sanguinary struggle— and as much hostile preparation on the side iof the Democratic parties and on that of the government, are to be remarked ns at any period within the twenty years past. 'The bill about to be reported for alfering and curtailing the law. of Universal buffmge, to the occasion for this extreme turmoil and danger; but the real:causes are deeper and broader, and [MIDI speedily bare induced the time state of things. No party to content with the Con-, stitution,t; , • Tax Lau ErraAalnlaWLY TIUNCL—ne daugher of James Cromer. of Farrington, Eng land, whasCemrsonlioary condition was noticed in our Jut, spoke on Taeadsytbo 14th, tot the . Alm time fa upward' of 13 Tows; her find Impairy was 60 be: sum Killen sod when her aunt came, the girl immedietely repeated the lard' prayer. Extreme a:cal:nese prevented her from articula• hug many word!, in mmeeasion ; tramps and con. vutalons are Eupposed to have ardoeked the jaw for the time. Stlo experienced a great deal otipain for many day.; Ito jaw is again set as firm as be fore. The girl mimed to apprehend that death would soon terminato her exigence - GETEPAL TATIO2..—Tbe Lowell Conrler, alter alluding to the "compromise" efforts in Coogren, comes to the following conelosiore "We am glad to seethed the Executive adheres to the doctrine and proposition or his special' Cali fomia menage. We have team doubted that be woaid do so. It la the best censpromme which has been proposed, and will be satisfactory to all the North except the altraiste, who, dot knowing what they really do want, me ready to find fault with any proposition watch proceeds from • Whig Admicestratma—simply 'became. It is Whig. There never was any flinching in General Taylor upon any of his well fought fialds,atid ha will cer tainly not flinch now—especialli at • moment when he steads on vantage groond.m the author of the best compromise, mid the moat practicable, as well as the most amicable preposilloo yet brought forward for the peaceable settlement of the slavery extension lotted, between • the North and the South. The cououy will sport acknow ledge the wieder:a, nalleaidity, and republinanbun of his plan." And the Lockport Courier eddri "Cider the peculiar cirotrinstanCes IA which we were placed, the recommendation of General Taylor was wise and judicious, cenhistent in ever/ respect with the rights of the North and the South, end if, adhered to,there can .be no `doubt that we shall safely ride out the storm." . Them Is said to be a church lathe Stale of Ohio, so situated, that the water which rumen - the north side of the roof goes Into thus Gulf of St. Law rence, and off the south side Into the Gulf of Mexico. There are also three springs In Potter co_, Pa., three miles apart, rho wafers of one go Into the Golf of Mexico, one Into Chesapeake Bay, and the other Into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The town of Farmersvllle, Catiangas cm, N. Y. embraces within its limits the tributaries of the °enemas sod Allegheny rivers, and abro Cat- tangos Creek which empties into Lake Erie.— There is one spot where a man can stand and spit in the withers of the Golf of St. Lawrence ant the Gulf of Mexico. Thera memo small streams in the same town, one running eaatand the. other north, which mom each other at right angles, goring on apparently undisturbed, though their waters may he supposed to have bust their Identity by the singular blending. In the town of New Hodson, Allegheny roomy, on the Olean road, the head waters of the Cana. des and Oil Creeks approach each other, and In freshets mingle so that speckled trout pass over the ridge from the waters of the St. Lawrence, 10 those of the G drat hilextco,and duo ortha.—lVers den Afoul Gincut. Asnitsvir.—This body adjourned al 10 o'clock on Monday night, to meet m May, 1851, at Bt. Louis. The only bulginess wo have to repast is the election or Dr. McGill as Perma nent Clerk,and eelliement •ot thci "chiol newspa per. pioj so., by the appointment ore committee to consider the matter and taport sights maxi meeting. —Cinciwesnis Gantt". txxsa.—The Victoria Advocate claims thit Western Texas is the finest country for the poor; emigrant in the Union. It is heulthy-.-clitnata pleasant, and as a in and grating country, it can not be beaten. Wa are satisfied that Texas is a fine country, and that the State is filling as rapidly as any in the Union. The Advocate rather favors the sale of New Monica north of thirty four degrees, to the United States for &sufficient consid eration. New YOWL Dllll7. — There are, according to statistics in hisrbankie forthcoming report, leh cows in New York, which on the aver age yield in dairy products 520 per year for each head, and competent judges estimate the gross value of the dairy product of the State at 55,0100,000 per A writer in the 'London News proposes that • WOMlLllahould be made the neitlaureste,and men d°. Mary Hewitt, Mrs. litroyming, and Cerullo, Nekton, as worthy of the wreath. • • Tie Paris rashe mention of a black pri ma donna, a Madame Marlines: . pl . Havana, who creates considerable SCOSS/iOll in the musical cir cles. • She has been the first chamber singer to the Queen of Spain. The Duke of Wellington bad • sennee of plate income/ him by the POrtUgdegovet*ent,..which to. worth half a million of dollini—lVmo York Post. The eineeeing Itrherd Crep..—The Kennett' (WLi) Ktenutenst of the . Oth inet.,tearnafrum every Conn ty,tp State—lnim. the WWI, the north, the cen tre, end the notnii—that the young wheat Woke very wen. The rains during the pest month have given it a treshliituid i vigorous ann. • . ,Judge Dap, achy papa:l2llg rig, bag recently promulgated theriecistori OW a woman amp um be bald to bait for a breach of .promise ao marry. - and that ii to only the ctumeoline gender who gad be. so bold for refusing Io CIMU/1113111te curb a. gcltgat=N. Y. Egress , • FOZZLOI Entrain . rans.—Ttropersons have been arrested in Nen York, tor ember/ling £40,000 kom a bank in Cork. Ireland, lobe= they acted an clerks. They aro EMIR CrtatOdy. Canatt d= °tara riakkurra. --1112. renarkib.c fact that the ablea. whloh tkletY TWA ib Haim*. dissipated • an; moment the exeitisi caws of the lading of Lepti at. Cade. salsas receive& Not a =ea new cue was aborted on the next day. It has bait remarked =Nth! tow arse disciplined army, when an cp. idernib Prekkfla/ the der list always diminishes rapidly on the eve of a bale.. The intimate paihy of the body With thehandts =early sham by amo twat and if something could be desired to divert the mind and:drive away the'torPorind despondency which el ways prevail when the eho. ten appears in a coy, its ravage. would • no doubt be much alsad.--Pafaddpktio Bane. In Sena Oman, no man eon bold a. Beat in the Ham of ftepresenterives, waken be bolds a free hold estate of fire hundred Ran of lend mid fait Degroes. This le one of the so called rieseuratie :States d'alditruioa! Mourrcas' Cart:nom—Sir Henry Balser, and M. SA le Compt, the 'British and French Ministers, ate both said to have taken cottages for the on Stavin Wend. Ace-uses of &Won is now nearly .compleled, end the Boston papein are very conch dissppoiot ed ar its Tesillt. The poptilstion will not reach topoo. •In some of • e wards there la an actual decrease. The Doke of Welli . gton had a service of piste presented him by t a Portuguese government, which in worth half m Ilion of dollars. A new ploy, by . Fenimore Cooper, sus lira on the gnu of the age,is In reheantel ot New York. • •Ildictrorax Wocia.ii— The Detroit Tribune things ghat ibe surging cir wool to be shipped Gem Michigan this seams will be 1,700,000 Ins. Most of the leaditig mercantile biomes on the Delaware wharves, have determined to close their counting moths and atoms at half past doe P. M., during the; summer.-Pkihdrigkro Rs. • worms or Innewrr.--The island which noir constitutes the city, and county of New.York,4na purchased of life Indians, to 1678, for twenty 'per &Ur& Thus seetkus chose; fat, that suet had been invested at compound interest., at 7 per cent, the accumulated Capital would now amount to viz . 's, five mdiloo,:el dollars, or more than the el. ty and courtly of New Yorir isnow worth, dedect• log what has been expended on the real estate shire tt was purchased nom the Indians.—N. Y. Son. The remains of ix President Polk were reinter red itliershvillo, on the 224, with Impressive so. lemnires. From Turk's Island the report is (Bth Inst.,) that, judging from appearence., the salt crop is likely to boa Inge one this year. Tait Cons MAGI Srauct.—The banner that was to float so proudly over ..liberated Cubs" no longer' WI. 03 from the fifth story of the' New York Sun building; it was struck on 'Wednesday morning. .•• Tim RIR Cat Acianc—Capt. McConnell, of the schooner Mary Mien, end 'his arstociste. rie ' were again brought up far trial at New Orleans on the 20th Mali, for the abduction of , Rey. The indictments we for assault anti battery and false imprisonment. er No verdict h.d been rendered op to the last. scoop's. DTA= Oa • Valtlatant.ll4l3l2ll3.,--WO leant that the'Ree. „Teeth Gruber, of the Baltimore An— nual Conference, died at Lewistown, Pa., On Sat., ordaylau,in the 73d year of his age. He was ex tensively knottin in Ude city and the surrounding cuntry. la March last be completed his fiftieth veere of active: 'Moment life, and desired to hue one year's testae a jubarre; and 'wee accordingly left without sti sppointment, but he was called ip , endure peat bodily sotreritg and closed his earth -1 career fa penec.—Baltintore Sun. ALAISAXA Carrot Clu.—The Mobile Tribune uys: " Sig bairelsof castor oil from the phintation I of Robert Dickens, Perm county, were received, on Tuesday, indsold at 32 per gallon. The coal. [ By of this nil la' superior 'to any brought to this 1 1 market. E.M. Carlisle has already sold this Swan tan for Mr. Dickens, some fifty bane]. of castor oil, et prices ringing from /S 2 to ft ,50 per Relictn. The complete ;success of Mr. Dickens in (hie new branch of Induitry, will probably indeed other to embark In The newspapers say that the Rev. Moses Stuart, who has recently published. defence of Mr. Web rter's speech,;wrote to Mr. advance, inform ing him of hie attention of "liking a Chiatian view of the subject;" and asking him "if such a form of aniciara would be agreeable to hhn." be it possi ble that Mr. Stuart would take any other than a Christian view ninny subject Or is this a joke that the Free Boilers have got up?—llahisnore Tearsurtipt. The Latest Arthentre Case of Kruicienar.—The Poughkeepsie Eagle records the latest, audio thoae concerned, the moot important cam of pine board I •knockirig that has yet been re corded. The editor of the Eagle Was disturbed in his very sanctum, white overhauling bisaCcolmte, by the kdockings of delinquent subscriber, whose name he was about to tranifer to the black list, hot who knocked et the door With the money is his hand. Tux Teemnoisse or TaSll3.—Sir Peter thicket, who fell at ltreddock's defeat, wore false teeth. Major Racket, Ma son, went totter battle .ground many .years rifler his father had fallen, and like!". fied his remliins. to his ealiafaction, by the artificial teeth which be foetid in the grave. There were other slight eircomatences to confirm his opinion that the remains were those of his father, but the teeth were qiiirfly relied upon. A correepondent of the 13arston Poet alludes to this met as a coinci dence with some recent events in that city. The powers untie human mind are of greater ex tent Mau is generally imagioed. lie who either from taste or necessity, exercises them frequently, soon finds that the highest felicities of which our nature is mipehle; reside entirely within ourselves . The wants of life are, for the greater part, merely artificial. Dad we courage to seek our happiness to othaelvell, we should frequentlffind in our own breasts a greater variety of _resources than all out ward objecfs s re capable of affording._ gti-Invabosau Ducomear.—The Inventor of Me• Lintel Vern:ease homed disposed of his right to his great remedy, the proprietors, Messrs. Xldd &co, beg leave to offer it to tho American public ls the best remedy rat Worms ever offered. It has been tried In all parts coilhe casalty, and in arcs which had de fied the eziktions of the beet .physielant, and never without thitioet complete success. We caution pa. rents against delay. If your children exhibit the symptoms !if being troubled with weans, ipso not a moment, bat at onto outdone a bottle of lirLane'e Peiallege; and thee wave pent punt Pea Petholm their lives !, For We by 0zy31,1&5.9 Heald af'lh• Foot and Ankle Cared.: Cad-1 am desirous of making known .to the.. public the great efecacy of your PETROLtUbI in my awn case,'which was a severe scald of the fool end ankle; open teetering the, stocking, the shin peeled of with 14 and left nothing but the bare serrate. I expected lb be laid up ell ratnter from the elleets of this scal4 bet we eradied the Petrolerim ,freely, bl =sensate linnet clods salanited with it; at first, the eradication an palatal, but in • very short time, the rein abated. I had no, pale in one hour afterward. .In lie days from the time of the appUestion of the eetroltern, I wax able to go to work. I tale plenum In stating these facts lot the benefit of other sugeters, and am defines that they should be Made public. I small site staie,iltat I find Isomedlete-relief by the nee of tin Petroleum, In burns, from which I am a frequent offerer owning to ray business about the engine. I would recommend it as the most prompt and certain 'remedy for burns I have ever ktiown. 19IgnetL) J U COE, bkminecr, Entupshurgh, Allegheny Co. Pittsbuigt, Aprll. ISSO. Dor ale by Keyser a Me Dowell, ISO Wood street; E Sellers, 67 Wood .1; D M Carry, Allegheny city; D A Milo% Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, apY7 Canal Basle, Seventh 1, Pittoblugh • LOGA'N,. WILSON & CO., SP WOOD BT., ABOVE FWD% Dare last received largo additions to their SPRING STOCK OF BIRDWARE, CIITLERY,& .imported by late packets from Europa, and to which they would especially candle &motion of l ' c ' t . :.k ' s a' b nd low priau w believing their v e e a afro roll.. satisfaction. mayiklAwlTT 111100131/AOlll tlOnta IN TITDTIO CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, C. O. 11018EY,.Pm'r..• •---A. W. DlAllitEt,Ssets. Ohm—No. 41 Water street, in the wart !teem, of C. 11.0 RANT. . - BIS:COMPANY d now prepared to Insure all T kind. of risks, on knows, manufactones. goods merchaedi.e in wire, and In transhu vessels, &a An ample guar.:7 for the shifty and intemiry of the laultutloo, La afforded in the character of the Di rectally who em all citizen. of Piusborgh, well and favorably known to community fat their prudence, Intelfigenee, and integrity. Douscrove-47. B. Hussey, Wm. Dagaley, Wm. Lar lmer, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hash 1). King, Edward Ilearnlton, Z.Klamy,ll,lllarbaugh, S. 311.1iler. aphiAlf Improvements In Eleateestry. DR. G. 0. STEMINS, We of Boston, In prepared to mansfectore and set Moor Tann in whole and parts of sets, Upon daetion or Atmesphetio Bannon Platea.—, TOOIitartiSCIIIIXO TV311311011111, When" the nerve Is exposed._ °Moe and resulenee next door to the May ere °dine, Fourth street, Plusbunth. ' Basso-J. B. WFaddea. P. tl. Eaton. Jail Da. D. MINT, Dentist. Corner °Mom* and Decatur, between Market an nall-011rie WOOL' WOOL ' _4llllltikabed siarket . prlce in omit, patd titaddLercal grades of Wool 4y 8 & W 1/ARII/11.11311 144 145 Pint a& 115 &road It F LIIIIL—Itib brio Flour, me t a Tvid _QODir ABll-40 tree Kerte superior brand, received avhdbf nrd 8 & W HAEBAVOU trT T sal. 1.4 & W No 1 IN2sP, CNDJA- 24- Us Mould , 0 1 . 5 b i r ' jet 11&911A OH Iloisabold Words. T a a IWerWOB ha o jam reel Diekoni , Hu era mew inn who. writes B.W) , .• distinct liminess hilad..a situation as clerk of RUMPLE* *Min • business office or whoteate bees. Woald be pled to make himself genera/ 1 1 UMW about each catab 'Awn. Ca. give Ake ben Of referaaaaa sod ample, testimonial. of chnacter. ability, Ike. Amount of pay only a .eeond. ry sortable Mien—per- Maim employment the pristeipal object. Address,'W. H., at the office of thi. paper.. TAILORS' GOODS, AT COST. 'AM irFelaT4 .t.cnt trZerd=ll Woolen and Canon Good: nom , eider Melt large stock of Tailors' Trimmings, Irdiings,French and Gettlall Cloths, Doestine.Cassimeren &al first CM. :11ERSSY, FLEMING CO leg Wood st lIELIDGMC ELECTIOX• A N Meilen mill be held by the Stockholders orate .Cl. Mammon Bridge . Company, Ct pablia hones or Henry Wiliam, in Monougabele Coy, on Menden the Nth day of June next. at 1 o'clock, for the purpose or electing, to servo one year, Seven Managers and one Treasurer. MASTS WILSON, Treuercr. June I,lKo—lea:d7l brl so arbr i e r t i ff i trAdjk!l F l A , a : 60 je4'Motor o. FY • _ SUNDRIES,63 No 1 Lard;, • 31111 AI, do; 6 e,,• la Bacon Bider, 306,1[6 Shodldea; 6sks 116 ms; _ I east ursoncd fluor, 3743 NappasloorarriTe, for .11 ISMAII la DICKSY & tX) Public - Sale Veritable litoblizery. , Well Seasoned Lumber, te,, :. A Tibe Gloucester Machine Works, Nerir 'Jersey, near Philadelphia, by canape, on MONDAY morning. June 17, ifilkr, at otleck, by M.TIIOMAR k SONS, Auctioneers, lbw eourestry being about to <bongo the ebaracter of their business. • • • Consisting in part of 37 superior &gine and Hand I.stbmi; Machine for Drilling Tubes, Whirls, &e.; octane for Drilling Rails Ins Ring Spinning Flames; net Grinders; 3 Spindle Grinders; Tools, Patterns. for making Cotton Maelainerr, and 00,1100 (colleen seasoned Dunbar, manly Ash Plank. , Also, the:follovrlng Improved COTTON MACHIN ERY, jolt Limbed, vim—ld Ring an&Traveller Spin ning Frames; t Dresser, &shades, brass covered rolls, cogper beier;:tirlei;.trll.aza..Rar.lers<rads, tea. psilt: n t i ni e . ' Tbe ' ress tc rens, Aricanrion, 93 . I%.teri l t auiet, " jetdit • Now Plabllcations, IRVING'S Mainmast. 9 vela hi gall& sloth. .Iftstr. Taylor's lil4Ontdo. 2 vols.: 12mo. Imines Works,Aomplete. 12sno. sloths hr emit Dooming's Lawman° Gardening. bro. Downing's Frail Treu of Amegica. I=cio. Salatbiel--Croly. Sao. Chapman's Arnerieln DraWing Gook.. 3 Nos.4to. Gov./told Wonis—Diektos. Nos Ito 8. Wealohi Sedimental Berlas. lemo. . David Copperfiald—vol 1i 12mo. For see by JAMES D LOCKWOOD I '<4 a 104 Fourth M T. the flortorable the Judge,' of the Court of Gm. ratattorter Stmon.s f the Peace, so and for the CotWOy rf Ailtestary: rtirtm of Joun B. M`Cay..,'of Town e county ofortraid, humbly thoweth. that your petitioner both prnelded bitorelf with. curiterlais for the necomotodstion of travelers sod when, at his dwelling boos; in the township afore. , vold, - Ond prays that your homing will be pleated to groat bin a license to keep a Public House of Enter. And poor eetitioner,as in duty bound,vill Vro ,e, the substribers. elthens or the township fl.O abro• 'sid, do , ertify that the stnitro petioer is ot good repute (or honesty and temperance, a n d to well pro. sided with house room and eanyeatences Art the no commodation and lodging of, "sttangers sad madam, and that mad WWII Is Hug henasing. ; Chas. R. Johnston, Thompson, Noble Roberts, John Illack, Henry Chalfant, P. PerChtlaZl Hemlio Aleirinroy, Alexander McKinney, Joseph Alabama, 11. Z. /peal!, !Annan Onan, Ltaniel Kahan.- jt4.1.7t0 the iturieref the Court ef Orn — rruil • Quarter Seuione d ao:r.., in . atuf far the County rf Allegkeur gh Trf E cli P eer ti po d ;Vt ?trot% humbi, %barrow, that you peotioner morel. proe....e. with boner, mum, stab li ng, Ito., necessary for the ac commodation of dm travelling patdic. fie therefore prays your honors to grant him unfit to keep • noose of ;midi, entenainment. • I We, the unf assigned Milieus of the Borough re said, do minify, that the above petinenerls of Rood re• pate for honesiy and temperance, andis well provided with heave room and conveniences far the mecumo• dation and lodging of grangers and travelers, and that said house is neeeMarl• Nicholas L. Bann, R. Sheldon, William L Sheath, S. P. limmer,luse Edmuudson, Frederick .Masee, William Clark, Conrad Allebrand, John 11. !Schuman, Watson Mahn, Alexander Maio:may, Jacob jelni3.• • • ENTERPIII SE: COOKIria STOVO6-4 far sale to love, at 1117 each, b7l 13 1I GRAN* I CIIEFUE—I&U bze prime new anew. last reeeired at the Batter and Chem Depot. and for eels b Je3 .l U CANFIELD DOTATOE2-150bultels for sale by PO J U CANFIELD INSEED 01L—I0 brir; a pure Wale, for til LD e I b y ie3 J B CAN FIE - • FIRE PROOF PAINT , -10 bris for sale try Je3 l3 CANFIELD NEW MACBEBEL-7 b I ] sat reed for Webb Canal OWI4 Penn .1 Watar Pant au c! ELM) k it BBIN6 !v~ I S 4 AO D[CIIBY s Ca t ? tcr.Ev & CO PIEBRic" TiFfirArAVITICKET & CO C= -3 b l i eP .'"'IBTLI/Nl4l/IgdWrie(fr tie kl ? k GREASE G'' l/ 1 ; b 1 lAII DICR • OUITULY VATTING for saliby je3 ISILIAU DICKEY CO WARRANTED PURE WINE It BRANDY, sail- . ablAfor niedininal purposes. for ale by quarter whole-mile, by, NORRIS& IIAWORTII ICT 'no above genuine Wine and Brandy was booght hi Pomp! and!Prance by ourtelees, and we - them pure. ! -je3 NOlaElf OIN, for:ss,N , b 7 a...P: 4, 4 - W" bailr.l.6 ' , • 1, t fIARBONATE AMMONIA-4 east, 1124. Ins( r • ecired fur solo by J. : SCLIOONMA.KEO.6 CO Wood st • • "C" !SS I'APEII-20 re?Lmo for rale - ja • SCHOONUAKER &CO :aUfiItiCEILOOT-4-6balc• gond q••l_,Tit for•als /A • SCHOONNAINCE62 &CO • • NRlff MOUS • AT.IIOLAIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third guest, °pm. the Yost 001ce. • , TTLVITORY of fondennis, by Thickerap—part 5. • hlaliornet and hi. Successor., by Washington Ireing..-sonoptete.• , • Rnsrs.Folter. icy Rapala. ‘Prt 11. Dl 'awed for May,' The War of Woman. fly Drimaa. Boston Phakepearc—No 10. Causizeln. Up (toil Land: David Copperfielf o 17. Dictionary of Ideeti• Ics—nart 10. Goo.. KIDD & CO, Goad nooks fair 01111111131111 r LOMIDY a SON. ti vols. Deno. Jane Erre. 12alo. Reit Coate!. lino. .Vieses Afoot. Moto. Fairtat's Tana 'tee. Hari, /omit Mission. le North AZOCTiCt. Poe. Tales—The Rims at:deities Posner. Mats Pictures from Italr—Jamem. I=io. htle. Ades.' Lettere. Pews. Ilmerkelone.. eels. Pluto. Kai oah—Mayo. abr. The Bachelor of the Albany. liteitt. The Image of Ids Patiter—illastrated. ittruo. Many Tili; • Lertild. For sale hy Jtifilk.l,s, LOCKWOOD 101 Fourth asset. SSeattle.. By J. T. Ileot The Women of the Areertem Revelation. By Mrs. B. T. Mary. vet 3. - Annals of ate Queenlier Spain. By A. George. • The •Iblllott Family; er the Trials or A New York Seenustrese. BY Charles Bartlett.. A few copies of each et the above works reeeived, .4 Ito sale by .10IINSTON fr. STOCKTON 07 Market Motet ' leT t Post, Journal, AlDerieaD, and Chronic . issopy.) . _ rIAGON-t4C O ) We hog toned, la m to reed, for sale by je3 , ART & SILL HESE-100 Lao on hand, to close • jc3 ecru/am& SILL Eadzooms,ico don in more, and for oar e by p jr3 STUART& PILL DOT ASH-3ca sk. P .lm q TNITTITILL J. le3 ~.CE,-13 tat, of the beat quality, jut ruVII, and for aala at the Dreg Elorecorner of Birth and street. . h WICKERSHAM "OLLAND Pickled Henig—VO Iry Put rceelved, ,•new artielo to this maze; for sale by A bIeCLURO t.. 00 ralS LAbody st •11TETIIKKELL'S PWO - Mttif--A ate nrsert. Vl' =outlast reo'd ro tate MOD & CO 60 Woad at W EV2 °U;ll3° 6.11*7 Mr gale /KIDDS, CO latiNt PBEED-10 Just w j d Mr D Sblbj c. ja Je3 30 bogs Fourtoet, reel per Br& LiIIIVOT !role low, to close consignment, by JAMES DAUM!, • UM AILA.IIICIpmked, for J SCHOU 1-1 NbIAKRR &CO :ilaS — lillEE:sll o cam, IC Ensa:ii-or *ale by je3 JBC IKON MAKER &CO - • . s s •zs Amford`s; fors • J SCHOONNAKER tz CO CUD LIVER 01L—lbrt pare broens,just received CUD sale by E SELLERS je3 67 Wood of WRITE OLUE—I est coopers best toriile eb ' R S SELLERS VIVIN—DOW OLASS--= bone *awned tilssa, It TV prime order,forialo by JOHN WATT &CO Liberty Ernst pro j e c 3ght Tar is by CC TICASI TEAL{ It TEASITI -- - - Nrenter not Into the Ilst of puffers, we saynothlng about Itundreds of Chest.. Importers, - Large Capitol, Bought for Cub, &a. In feet, we will not humbug in any manner or form, we simply Melte the public , o compere our Teas with what they embus ehestehers,• Muria the best method we know to ascer tainsh. luso AVo mills ire how selling Me but and cheapen Tau IA Piot. blu Good and atning Tea at 40 and Mews per lb. A prime -73 de do • The best Tea imported into the U. Stales, St Low prised, damaged, or inferior Teas we do net beep. MOMS & HAWORTH ProprletersOf the Tea Market, , East .Ide of Diamond. PUBLIC NOTION:• bUTILIC notice is bomb,. , indd drV . order of the Orphaas , Court.of Westinorelanu , calmly, there swill be exposed to public mita, on Tne.:., any, the 30111 day of July nen, as the proporil. Robert Fulton, sr, deceased, the lallovring c ol aloc. elet—Jl tract or piece of land 111/1111d6 tossuship, Wratrooteland comity, adjoining lsod.!_ 01 .flarothers. Philip Esher, ArchibOd B. 1110- Grigres land and others, containing 1111 Aura, Moro on Me prcashos, vireo or n. send, p ss in n to hy Robed Palo., •Ithl Executor of said deceTs ' ed. By the Coart. AM. • OR•11•34 CUM Play 9f, Issuclavear .:°. - 961.11A8L1S 101111141121 80011.4 •1111°100rI a Mstite N s " Tao M. ° Zs -- 04. IThellsry's Wortc. firo. T ;1 Woods' Pssodest Trsatiso on m il Kola. pars This Philosophy or Rom. Name. eva A Idetionaly of Arektinstase—Ststt. oso. ATelattreluTal hiligTalle, p o s h Int 'old. Ova Apbstrisoss std_Raleetiont. post lino. r: T Ca h m om p ps l l yPoeic"WokW. . Rope O h CraKm_OeO_o InlebsSown. SoperNot E D Fos a J MIO I DFoIm sW l -----_ TO ,naovitiui. VTANTEL , imatedittely, 9O INV Young rn will fa walclt a arra and fair cerapenzatlon be paid arorn delivery at ROONDOUT or KI.PIOErrON, New Wilt gram. Application made tither Otsonally or by eommanl ationb &be' + '" d ' n prompt attention: . WM kliAnuarn Jettai T w a n gs.,Sabnyitlll art..9*. • "We recommend Ma Essiry at smiles it:general Rudy, and as almost the only tomato political pamph. let that bas over been published areolOPane7 ' • Daytime Orlgla of Govensseisii. TABLES D WClRYooDvetllpoblisb,AATh inday t el Tun Mom Omore or Govan:mar, second edition. Translated tram the Fee nels of Ds Mantas, by R. H. Salter, bI.D , of Basta. I vol. lima - TUE ASSAM. TEA conPAIIIIri 135 Greenwich ereet,,A ear YinS.:l - THE ymprietors beg' to call the eurnuoit br coo etrismers in Tea, and the heads of fantail, to the choice turd nn selection °CT.s imponekbr them; - and hitherto unknown in this roomy, sentry, by mein frsavence and delicaey, combined with virgin parity .and strength, prods. an infusion of austaqing nun end rich. our. The Teas odered are th e following:— • • ' The /ado Bloom, a Black Tea..--St parlii. .Nigh s,_ •0' do ^ °anent,. Green Tea 19 de 'Too-taloa, 'do ' I'S do' I o Tieki.mies do •.0 00 do o Udlistare,aeoespented of the most nue and choice Tens grown on tho fertile andgerd al .soll of Assan.-- •—••••••• 011 do- Willi sclera, so encourage the (=edema:re Of 17..4 matchless Teas. It is the In el the proprietor* to distribute by lot, sarong the pnrchasersi - a quantity 'of Teas ;neat to the Etat Tent's Profits en Weida . Each porchaser reedivrieuelosed in Om pink sac, .e numbered earti6eate, entitling Not to one chance the thatribouon for every Any etas laid out, end on the receipts amounting to Ilett,OCA the ander. "entails ned parcels Of Tea, to the video of ten per test, , or 58,000 W 11.1.111: GIVEN AWAY no 0411110t2, *deeming to the fbilavriug • I 10 prises of:Albs of doesch at St le lb,EO br SOSO 00 do IS do do- 6001berS100 .00 do Dilbs .do do de tim lhor 100 •de Pos do do do 000 Dor EMI Ea do -11 b do dd '• do :BO lb or OntSo 425 Prises in all. semi, $l,OOO Those persons who prefer lower priced Teat can receive their primate proportion, or they all -be re , perchaned for cash, at a reduction 010 per cent. .Country Arent* wanted. Applielifons to bead. dreamed, port paid, to the Company , * Depot, as alms.; ien:Dm Peaussylvania 111/apltal." contributors who Lams' tot Pad the Third lastalturat to• this institution, Witt infer a favor by pall same the sae on Saturday, (to day to as under signed, at the Bank of Pittsburgh, ai m la needed to pay sonar tors forthwith. ; ialutat JOIIN Trassurcr._ ANo Vacatlott:i 0: K. onennialimrs ' COMMERCIAL re WRIRINO ROOMS mill mask open duties' the Summer, both day,end evening. , , Popiis Myren. monthly will be reeetved.Tor any length ot elm. desired, from twenty Imams' tri then menthe, at such times as best nit *air ortaveniittee. 'Ladles meet in <septum& aparunent, from *l4 4 P. M. , Stu dents In commerelsi and steamboat ,book keeping, both day =dere:deg. Such Les attend the summer term,should make applastionttoon. jet:. . bona um. cmi/M---.6•S'VoLlimile. 011eWo:Triertli.into olnpeußgells3l:4*42:::redb! jet - NeMl....._____lWoodstreetL TICTOES-- y2l_AOO Du Canal bast tiled and , r. .4, ..i by i - ra_. - STRART,,R.SILL AIM LWAT#II6... ICAWard A. eaarklrr, ' 10 South Cofetrt at., war Baltiwni Baltigta,t _Artie E. Godfrig.g. Bios. N.Y.,) •.. FlEORTEltellthoe Findings, end Chalet In loather. of Swami. kfadm English and Prank Kid sties, math Calf Sktes, 'Putout Lembeft Illoreeco, red, Irking, nod pink rstumileints,Ste. Ltutirofsf Francais, SILK GALLOONS AND MUM/NW Locate, Webbs, Shoe Koivea. Awl Midas ' , Shoe THREAD, Bleed Tacks, Shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, rif all ere. - E. A. G. having' established the l4:ave bUaltlePS In Baltimore; ls enabled to Alp goods'South or West with the utmost desputelt, end at the fewest prices. • Idanraseturerm, dealers; and all inhere, levy rely . upon °Wank'g every artiele in the. trade, of, the - beat Quality, and on liberal terms. IrThlanufeetorer el Lens, BootTrets.Shots Trees, OlemPa, Crimes, Stoat Stretehen, ate,' All orders will be promptly elevated. Low priers for cash. A catalogue econsiolug tvernoplate Lisrof every Ornate in the trade will be forwarded 10 throe who may desire it. ' - lt • , EDWARD A. GODFREY,DI &Calvert st. temyWid32u elm Italtimom . GREENWOOD .GARDENS. I . BOTiCS. • . HATING keen moneyed for some me by genie of time noseblevoue boys,. inleting the ebnadsety and I fruit, occupying the evrtogato the rash:Mon of more I proatable imams, fro. To preteen ineb from motley,' trarotect 'risings will. be furnished w Ith a ticket at the entrance , foriS Cents, Irbleh will , be received in • the colonel for IS Cents in refreshiatuti. Family %ICY l• eta for the swum will be fumishotby the ptoprietor. The Saloons' , will be furnished" with I.Grestes, , Emits, nod all the daises...if dor season- • The garden ate enter, nap. No 2:lcevea the PEI it. sanding tutor beginalog of each harts Of the day end . 5 ./cS. • let (font end Diipatelw NVI4 Onsiaggrable 111 k wig. • NaPHY ZIHROUPIELD.IIave =4 • band n assortment of above goods, of desirable taints. , , may 23 allies • *ay . GillGp. E outzumaing Scrip of Atli heat City will be J. a SAM/ 3(blawkestmB SALE OR: GOODS . At F tie One D , Veto Y * ' , Store of A. A. MASON'' 81, CO vr/ILL teem ' teen on Menai, !WU, tll3O V V Their uncense etteiblirh all 'heir Penafoe Rera lo ROOn. TM, WMaunt, d oll ns occasion, be thrown en f al their esieneiro melt will be °flexed lb retail purartrers, at adlteouni of from Pti to 20 per mut-leas than usual pricer. THEIR. liTOCCOY IDLES Comprise am four hundred pieces, and will be aeld,at tut introeuse,dlo , 11houes, Grew 16 ;.Ir anortesent of Shambe,lbitertesilamtes,. &din.. Foulard . Silks, lawns, ?Mashed. Jaem , 'Cambria% and Dress:Goode genertally, will be area ant immediately, at about ono !Agee anal rates. , 11 ease* Fart Catered Lawns mill be oCerad u . .re. 11 do lifireger, is 10a, .6 do llualin da Laluer,;, . , ;Au Superior 1,16115 h and Ameriesh Calicoes; , 10a lle. NlO do:6111.1nm Ilandkerehiefsi , 6 s 00 ue, A lame lot of Wr extent CoharS, soma as 101. Together with ceompleta Tallow of Domealie and' White Ocods,'llibbons, Haslet' e lord Olores Skoanete, at , as. , • Mating la slimmer' the roast datelines issortmenti in the country, we tea will be 'ltemised dawn to much LOW= owes than at any of their previous Annual FrilitTeLTVawaZ Clai, for ing and marking down steels:. No Walla lOU IX my3t Ai A-MASON a CO CLERE..AirePiTddre; A MAN, wheican width . a - plain hand tree 17, and who le well acquainted In the eq . , will find a peon went situation 67 nrritiut Mum'. Teleareph Mee, I. Charles Itote • myainide CODLlVEll,ol4—Justreielit, i fitattloto(Romb ton, ma & Coo genaino' Oil, for side by nrynt r• J tr, CO DRUSBIATED .POTASSA—josi vied aid (male b y 3 t .! • I KIDD & CO' VILCCIY4O kegs No I. 81 twist, Gado Brute, FII Incising per steams! Wilshigtothnlfs! sale I . 2y____styal , JAS , PAI.Z.I rveLsor & VERNON—A.;tew , an d inieresthig Ji. Novtl,lllsso. tmb, Jestritakt and forssle by • my3l JOHNSTON IS fiTUORTON. RoLL. , II ,ER—.:s.bblilors!retrAltke.,:kattbl: Valuable and exteuslvai Water Potwar to lot On favorable terms. MITE WABASH' NAVIGATION COMPANY aro 1. now prepared to lease the Voter - Power at the Grandßapida, to an asnount aifftelenhho propel four hundred pairs of mill, lointiou is b a .d upon • cock , foundation,' sad the power eon tootle, nsently be applied on both olden ofthe neer. The main of the White Blear, on well as the Wabaah, can he readily famished .at. thlatpolor While timber. iron ,ore, and coal, et the (I Meg abondunee, and of superior quality, mui be cull* procured through the 111100 country. Tamta—One hundred detail per annum fork pp.!. Or auflicleat.thptopel a Angle run of .smedirtut lured mill Mona, for • period of Peen 4eare, with the elf ht ofrenewal on the expliatlon or the leme, li ft fair valor:donor the power antilop:at. Thoelte of the mill or manutoctory Included} without tardier Mimeo fromthe Coropmy. By allot , of the, Direct Is. -; .MINER T. ELLIS, . Precidenl of the W. N. 9, taar . royal:dim' Vociatens, la., ?day C HEM Itfo Cruyre del- • rule Apple doh -, • Imitation Ergnth del • • - Detail dep Western Recede For elle by WM 4 mecum° It CO loy3l etrCel PRINTING PAPER-46 rid". VeNIN do .2313611d' 2S do ,*tr37l4; do 111.138.4 • do r 3130 Jai do 23We.: ,Os hand sod for sale by la II t-Mildrllt styll No J 9 Hood dude Macaroni andyormtaeUt.`: !MSC—ltalian blateonni Vennieellf.let'ule by ma C7#. AfoCLUMO 'it CC , Goirtittlit r ai l fr a•l 4 _2_ IIP I LY talY t t i h ß eTifia r k i-gorVhite:= for ataatO " 7 i:co r,sttelt . Scotch Nor* Moro Ili ents oti tri faast.) Marisa Mal% phtio ftztt , Pgv . t r i , • Victoria Lawns end • 0 ., Plato Jaokonctailacit arash, - 8../d...totic assortment a Embroidered end Nit.. ea Newt., tunrch eo, very atiasp, glaa gglk /garage, • • FOR VE:ll.9—a supply reatived ti Blllar 1 19 . i 111.19.C1IFTELD,; • etgentnref Vonrth and gimlet stu p r isWeetiaardesse. • ;• j RIB DEGIGHTFUL. suiincea• sitristat is drsots in feli operation. and en. the ieselat of the . season. , Its .steanter N0..9 rain • .I•l•lrtket frontlheelpf th the J ee elog the facto Int street int damn in the mOna. fro, and at the beginning. ofliabit hoar,antil wet ed g a, --eandase excepted.. rto intatieatlng drinks kept eo thejiremisce. . • . , MTV) • - a sao. Part PnValtailka. 1660; Corner of O'Hara sad Etna Orem,FIIIII Wani Dllsaaluataa. . . • rtlIE don of Heap a Totten:mai dined:edentate Td of April the deaUfof Wm. J. Totten: „. Ades Hasp, 1., baying purchased en totetelt of lbe We Wm. J. Talton, In the firm of Hasp &Totten, and formed a to•partneeddp ad% tihi. Wolter, Tbes L Kemp, they wal eoatitote taO 100111000 of the ranters ander Oa name of Knot, I Cl., and' 101 l settle ell Hal= spinet the lota firm. and teeeieaoA debts and delOtedooWlDs ta On OW, (41394111 THEATRE! I.ornee and Mu:mpg, C. S. PORTER PRIM cm (11.111111101: nren• Circle end rnlyntnn .. . Sorond'uld-Titha ... .. • GRUM Vor colored persposl,-- 7 , .211 Doors open at osa Ingo so , ok,o . BENEFIT of 21, OIL on Tneodsr, JuneHE POI3T 44 A will b. TATE. Etc Oxley d. Web 6 .7 . Mt Tavter limey% • Platinda••-• • , - o conclude with ' • T!l£ SPECTREOIIIOEOB . OONi. Dickory r Tao celebrated RAYMOND FAMILY ate enraged and will ehortly appear. - PITTSBURGH MUSEUM 16 LECTURE' ROOM, APOLLO 'IIA . z.L.-6:9,tra.r:! OPEN DAILY; from 8 A. M.. tJI IO P. M. Admission to Mote= and LWOW 1t00m.25.e..: Reserved sew, ilk teats clam ' 1.3 .... ......_., GREAT—ATTRACTIONI! At Philo Ball each Evenlbg ads 'Week. B. SPENCER arllt preeeut u: the Ladies and Genttemeno,l'ittsonegb, tow of the tenet won. derfol and ataustaa experiments ever seen in ibis env. tames. bete last, La has made 10111, man ,mond , rfal diseovenes. Alsace Sonatas indifilrettrairr will be The .htAOIC /1111180i0 p reinn ,,,,, i n which a i>enOn eon see seiy fttereriihstat or encores, admissiOn,ts cent. • Doors open at 71 o'elotalctLantariaid.o. - , lapltletr. wiggiNGTON • 137 . 4. 239 Wood .11tridi.dbove rpillAT splendid establishment is nor. Bread fur I Bent. It 'ls sides rably *minded. fed Coneans g Lenturodea Ignitions, die. For lernmarply to JOHN A pttzsisioNsi, aptedd.• •., Wood dr. .. . . ci;zoic ll 4l.era c Ta K JOUN H MELLOR, Ifo Or Wood tdrart, .h.• ,fteelwd, ,Ind now ormds for exam:load. arid mde, • new stock of Piano Forts, from the celebrated msaufactory oft Utiekertoß, Roston. - Teacher. and amateur. are reireelfoßE haked to exame a very beautiful GRAD o Ptallo. received with . . . • UlF.ll7Aredg..7,VM.l'e...72.l;:g.`Z` that , and Penn street, a mall Hooting 'Clii.en Gold Watch, with +deer dial, and a than gold chair; The person • finding thew will be suitably reworded on bringing dem no her J •13. McFadden, Mirk et street, or to the office of Taalfok. O'Connor, corner of Poem and Wayne Street.. . _ : ' coy= 113 Y VI MUM of a decree of the high Cain [titbi. .0 eery, the subscriber, on Treater. will offer at pub Ito gale in the Exchange, on THURSDAY, the ntati day oHarm -= ALL THAP PIRCP: OR rnaco: CP GROUND AND IMPROYSIDENTS, shunted in the city of Pittsburgh,' it. the . State of Pennirelvinia, 'known as; Lot Number IP; In Mike' Plan of Pitts town, Allegheny county, begionlog at the corner. of Marion street and the Vaunted and Meehanie'aTurn pike Ytoad, refining thence; wertanudly, and binding on said' road twenty-eight feet eight and a half Inch es thence soptheratilly ono hundred, end Monty feet to a Direuty•feat foot liL allay, thence earowardly toren ty ty-eight feet' eight anA.a half M thence yhre, Ilerthwiolly to: the piece Of. teglnning, On De led Lot le entre& ti.larti ivory Frame The.rermsor ogle ai prescribed by the decree are nun fourth eneh on the day of We, nod the remainder In *goal Instalments :at s, twelve, and eighteen Month; to be le-clue O d at the _option of rho parelnuer. 1 . . • /45. MALCOLM, Ventre, No. t 7 Lexington meet, 13a more, Md. ' . - .. ' ' OIbSON & CO, Auctioneers : Plata of the above described property may be 'seen al the °Bice Of the Trento, on and after Die Mir day of dene:—Balt. Amer. - - - - , inydltdound , LIFIC INSVII.A.IIOE• . • J. 7/...... 4 7..firt. • .Aient for tioPoota. fife Inrsoolla Co. of Phila. tr. of the %Vixen. Interseee Colspioy No. 9f.V.lee weer, Pivaborsh. • • Pamphlets, velth all secretary halormetloo, and blank toms 1.11113 e furnished. oband &ems in,state'their lire. r. the Lenoir of doh . wives and caldreal oreduors the lives Of.thetr debtors. • - •.. . The profit. of thtl COr.P.ItY ' ll '.} d ' A Samos the holders of Life Policies. The dltideodo of the past - top years have been'elth ty per eels...oh Vest. • ony:o3 TOC/7.oB=iisik. of hear . di far eatc - Ty - • N toyt'd Owner of Woodsolfier:th nmoy ' . 30 Cornar'of Woed and Slsik euett. QAL. SODA—leisk received and for saltily. roy3o 8 N WICKERSISA7I / INAbI/AltiNK ANI) CLAICenVINES, - .of sr; perior qualloos, kept constsunly on bard on/ for sale by . A CULBERT/DN. , Irroo . , No 105 Liberty sneer Dings, ult.:saw-1. bet pipe. sod o4d,tlaaner casks, of Om minufattons of Jolla Durand & Co, Bordeaux, kept constantly on hand Bad for sale try on7to ' A siLLICERTSCN rtftriga — dOßUl ALS—Absinthe, Aconite, AP7ou jr band and far sale Int aribil. A CULBERTSON TU°•si 6DIa on hand uoa for lle7PLßstM"°.-d I'.ULUEBI9nN • TUST RECEIVED, F at the ritribrugh Fhplly Oro• U. eery and Tea Warchettlet 1 svisa Fresh Oyslers, la chi coot; . 6 66 Is otjazii 5 do - do" - do, lb plot •e. The above Fresh °Meta aro parboiled. sad pat op 112 a highly conceitraled soup, enclosed Interelesical ly sealed cans. sod wilt Sup mach lonstr.than tbs.* pot op wlll i e ' s27al l ietsil, ,WM a BIeCLIISta & Co,' T. 14 Libetty • V SLVAIILE RISTOUICAL WORKS. Leanta's Wilmes, a vols. 8 vo. • ~ . , ~• The Alnerteilll Loyalints. Locum Sablite,B VJoen.nee' of the Uniteditsetes, 5 vol. 8 vo. The Mtltimits of Wazhionvon,l9 vol. 8 vo. llildrethis History of the United Statet,3 vote. st vo. Elaneteft's History of the United Somali :3 vol.. 8 vo. The Walks of Itranallm,lo vat. 8 vo.. • . Statesmen of the Commonwealth of En lane, 8 io. Ptemoott's Foritnarid and Isabollm,3 ea a vo., Rodent's His - Airy of the World, 4 vol. ea. For male by . , .-, . JAS D Lorswoors, 111$30 Bookieller and Impotter,lo4, Foarth It al oft bald Ibr Pate Jour( niuum& • pCOHOL—btla A L tIOYA./3IrZ6 qaalni prima quallty farC•ailFg, Iv lucre, and lin WO by kV; ELLEXS • tosyS9 , • zi4j ... 4111 , W GLUE —4O brio st , se, scpd gushy, fen pale bY csura k • • ... R E AELLEPS 00P . FFA . .—” , bairapr.rao ZUG Collee e t n t gal s ty r (111EUE—A to bzi prino;lost rend, for rate . mikria " - WLI A Blittli7oll Blncgit'Xitfyft'n""sezrptnilttir e i 1-1 "1 g -n J .93 keB. "a 1° briN° 11712 . 41PA111 0 H - 621.1 . 11n ' 50.1. 313° by hll I°l'2 ' w irtr. d° ; . 1111r-1113AI°064°11c1 T°B"c°-3""°ki.;' ..4 zi, xiit'sv's4l • - Secondti aciosls-9Dilos ' corn Broome tOr bY ma 799 , 11 JOHNSTON bsis ads! 7 .W LOOMS-10s tons Nappies Wooing, now . lonSost F . ' ,. " Wet, Vont au. • T ADD rk GIREASp--.2 3 brit , No Lett!! bra Ira ding from reamer Saybr•lr 4 t Tr i jr c l E T T &CO Amp& ISALLI. ITOint .16 tots Gibbed t,,7 Mirt Ityltlyrise , dot . . . IS Ott. Itle rty P 11/CAT o- 14CKRI CK - 144 Lib f d for ate by RAL,sracalr"iirov;AV".' eirvilocr, - S' "4'64 1' 1171:it reebi and e p -- OTATO , littOWN teI(IIIRPATRIC .yle by 0 " '" oiehtl•ri`o.s.l & Ktwisi - BROWN IRRPATRIVB hhds prlr i g w hod s d iL eins m f ri ni K sa p lo by • gssimeke- reed- for see by ' 11 /31 .. P:6 males ustoWri 2c kIIRKPAIti NN snawria KIIIK ERS3' SAL-14 hes reed this day r . A fi Tai r rs cg le. TA 31-01 .ASSES-40 bd 9 o.Bv band, frat nate by amy2l • DROWN & lantyPaTlUcb, SVOAR—I S bbds ebtated, a boanilaVaaklap' band and tor oda by— . , , • . • ward; • , DROWN & MBE PATRIC% t ARl l. Ob+4 now lan . d4l:t, f.r*O.A . 4 fa . A.N.; ..741101C.LLANIC0110 LITEIIATVIIL ANNU AL offelentlio D'serruy.l2m. Noble Deeds of Wm . Itao. Iferoimsof tbe Bliviornkry Daterprure. 1 2 m*, Iltualtlars illatarrof England.. Its.. ClibtroWs Kane Tho Optimist. Tuckestaan, moo. • Goldmide• Afitecllaneoat Wolk, Viler. The Wolkieff...mtkardtVoals,D.D. STD, ' Life of Jean Panl. MAW - poems. 12036.. • • • '111416144bl Soo dies. Itm6. . For bide by D LOCIZWOO .1664911 16641611 e• b Importer:l64 F 66416.1 , ASH-111 casks, inv. reekl, ...In • R0R1A014.1.1711.14 te AUILMA PAPER - Very assay, lined! JO: dui* for ontnida wonder... A cdusiiiiii sr .ar this papa, IY, 15,17,10, and RI beans mm: in nom, and any sion or pain= Ininfiaaill at 1na.17 , ,I.O.MMONMAICRUU •Lyreinvo ow iderylliti YAPER—Ita iino mod ! MCP nle by -.1 -• -I fiCIIOONMACER_LI ; ULPIL QUINLYE-11* oz for etbs by warn scimorougEk. k LOl3 W 00D-70 tyr I chip for mayit Q AtitiZ zr OOD— , 15 barejle rIERAIAN CLAYII4 casks bd BO boat, per ealaal, end for elle by . may47:4ls. 11011FR1FON-- o r ltu ' rpgrBVe l geM l T 47l ,. ""d 'i ankle, recomfl this dab szut inem.kirs.n . s atitysS• • • • CO?.A.LVABTMIL-9 tals fT: • LU it -40 . banals Aim, for a ICIUDI G l-1 . 1-41uLub."" Pot riToryorl, awl fin salo bt J KIDD , PrIKI •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers