ESTABLISHED 'Tht 1786. roactsuro, sr - W H:IT E . :AI:CO.' I eaurrciin •D005..1713XX, aism, a= zoos TO TIN KIT CT/IC:Li ... . . , . . , ~ . , • Dallv rya t.....—• ---$7,00 pa azoim Ili-Weer ry---.-- , ,,,- • ••••• •••• 3Ce . : WaulaYOu aluaueol-..-- .•••• a,IXI "' • : D. lo Clubs, az radaead raw: W 7 is OR itDVICILTISEBIOI AGREEI) llhON D; T 1 e,prrruntnaciti PIZESI. -......... • .. Ott Errev re. (Di lines of Nommen or lousy ' • one t meroon..-.-..--...-•.-; •••• - ---111 0 ,2fi ' • One Soto se, each additionarinsertion..• O.Z week ........---• 1,72 Do.-" ;twee/et, ka.--- - ...:...,..,V...., MO Do. Mtn yeeekt,-,../ , •. • 2 / 0 ° .' : ' • Do. one womb/ ././..--;—......•••• '& O 3 • Do. rob menno--,..... 7. 122 - Dr. three month.... :....•.... 240 Do. four months .... ... .; . ........ MAO ,• Dv sir tm0nth5........_ .« , r- IVO- _ Do. L , tweeter menth••••;..r..-. • . shati • Standing Card CO line. orle.a) rev t eems. MOO Chi Uitl) c Equa re te.tharrgefb bl tha • etpleavo n i (per t 0..., „,.. • Stative o paper. 'wow Far each additional moan, !teemed emote month, ano for melt additional emote Maenad under the you. If rates, halt Mice.. •• / •'. • • . • Advertisements ercenlng a equate, and relater &Men lion, to boeharged es a Imam nod a half • PobilMen not steam:able for lera.b__,. l 4...en" beyond the amount emoted Mt the, Yub'kuww. A...m.1M candierue. roe Dike; to be charged the SlPme to other advertmentetm' • Advertisement. not marked Mthe my for 'a epee. filed number of insertionsorall be continued ti ll forbid, and payment erected accent, The prreleges oryearlyedvennere Willie confined rigidly to them regular theme., and all man- adver. Mement. not permuting to Melt tegslar businem,as weed for, to le raid exit: ..; ... • . • - All advents/meets far charitable untinniona fire . mammies. wen. to end etbetpubtle ruction and each like, to be Mural hitlfpriee, parable Meetly U. Advance. . L . , • ' notices to be charged 60 mum, Death notion maned withoutcharge, unless anon. panted by funeral Merano. or obitemy notices, and when Go aecompanted to he mid My. • Reraleretverucen, sod ell others eroding !IMMO! alettion., or e l Baden designer, eel au een. thro to Pain. SOirrell, Cone MN Or any nubile enter: lehe t ,,,,,m, where charges are mode for admittance- , • a ll owe,. of private anocistions-every nonce de signed to intendedttenn to Individual erpri cerel. lied et to promote Lucre.; can n on. lhe Wetted with Ma underatandlne that the nom • tiro be laud tot. If intended to be foa med in De 10. cal tannic, the same will be charged It the rare of am ins than 10 cent. per Line. ,Rishop er Fin :tenets to be charged triple pie* Tavern license Petitions, 112 tut. - • Legal and Medical advertise/meets tole chargedut 611 pncrr Reel Eatate•Agenta , and &Intl/amen , taverner. MEM not to be clamed under yearly noes bat to be thawed diecoant of thirty nine and one Mud per earn. Iltim the amount or Ulu . . • WIMILT 01 S0•WX:111.1r Et allot cairn. One Equate, three Insonlons. • •-......•••••01( 93 • //o. • • each additional leaenion... :27 marammaninve la an:tart torn.. . One Square, (10 lines.) one t menion•.---22 et.. Do. each addstloeal umertian••••fill w • All transient advertimments lo be paid inarnanee. WHITE h CO, Garette. L. HARPER Fog. , . ' • • ROST to RIDDLE, Twine. .TASt. 1../ BARR & CO.. (P/molete. ' FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Ale:ee . IttalFS VT. RIDDLE, Alm Nato -Prrentam, HIRAMI24II. UTNE, Evening Tribmte. Dee. 1, . , . CARDS. JOIIrt A. Pesucusaos, IDERMAN,' Filth 111.r.i t Peim Atest..beturren . .011un Walnut. Al/ - buAnsr promptly at. t ended to. mac* ACIIXABDICII WATIVON,• • • A TrOREMT.AT.L.AW—Derme toonit Welt ZIL. above Wood._' mrlo DAVID O. TVTTLE, • AI7OkNFY AT LAW , and Moinaiiiaioner Wr Pennsylvania, Ht. tools, Mo. • All eemumuleations promptly answeie& onnaly IL Baia J. P. Stem BAIRD t BTICRILICTT, betw PO te ll a giVeld ial.l John FL Lars C. Prima &FLOE Ss FRIEND, XIA TTORNEY IT LAW, Pouch Rutty am Cm= btf JMIZEI F. KED.II, , ATTORNET AT LAW-41M. 0p Fotrat street, between PaarzliAeld mad pram, M..'lt. _spll24y Benin=ln Millis. Daimonll PATTON & naicroprimL, ATTOBSETS LAW—othre wra t h. Rai, Grua It, near the Court Haulm. tebd AII V.NOLIECH Thrologiedd,. Canned, a and sanday drh.ol Elookar dery and dealer• all kind. of Wridog, Window and Wrapping Pa No. :9 Wood street. between Fourth and Pia mond any, PittAhordb, Pa. • • • snl7 JOllld s. RANKIN, TTOIiKET Ind Clonosettor n't Lair and Commis. stoner for the seat, of Pannsylrania, 81•Lotic Vote of rinalStneh.) • Reference. —Pituborgle, Hon. W. Forwardi Mom d Miner, SVCandlein, ft. McClure, John E. Porte, Bissell. d tlemple, McCord fr. Cot. anetl4.l7 • WA 6.1•11 T.... - 'Toddteessosen. w. 41. aj L e..e.e. IAGALRY, WOODWARD ft CO, %Vholesale Geo ents, No 271 Marken In, Philadelphia. -- ape Pltiol,'arab. Mimi* Works. NETT, DERRY k co, ittanotanoren of 5 , 74. BApk. Mooching Powder.. Mahal* ann Acids.. Warehouse, No —, Woor street,belowrorty. . • .• M - VdT•R - etIT" ... en, . - Geonre Re d r. BRAUN it RY.ITER, Wholnala and Altai% bros. gist., carnet orLiberty and St Clair meets, Pine b.-0, ra. SOLOMON SCIIOI7EII, nOMMISSIOI MEIIOIIANT,Stock .dßill Brut er, No 110 Soto, d exert. matt-0q Diroptauto Spring. Azle, tits.l. =ad lrais COLEMAN: MAILMAN k CO, Meltetaeinters of Cosob end MOW Ennsta.Ustomotsd-Aales, Stelae md Plough Steal, Iron. tte., Warebease on Water Front streets. Pltt•Eaageh. Also, deem le Coach Trlelts .nd Malleable .111.10. • OClii . ARSISTMONG m CROZIER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and Deakin fa duck, No 22 Mutat street, Plustnargh. — Jahn A. Craic W. EL Nkinner. SEINNPR. Formtrdinz and Cool melon Merchants, No 25 Market at. Pittsburgh. . and C. L . .1::7,,u17.Y.t, CH. GRANT,WhOlesale GrocorSMoidrelorl an . Forwarding ' Blerebnit, No. 41 Watet at., bmth. lro •.....•Andmurilorning R. IL Fleming. 111:11.411E1r, gLEIIIING & .CO.. OhIAIIASIONMEIIOII A Nrs —For the We of Dx.. ondeotton Goody. alto, deolorsiu al kinds of Tliord Trimmings, No It? Wood it, Ith door from Mb. Pittsburgh. s _ Ilefoftnee-.-A1 essro. Wm. A. MI k 0111. 14- [MMUS, L WM:3IMM! lIENNRTT, Cate Eoritth,:col u t,, „I ,, WV . W re to m le t r ,m o [1 .021.1111d4PFor oa. Mannfactorri„ No.= Wood at , between 2.1 snd FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCU ANT No tot Second st s Pataoo2o. .121. (4EO AGE COC IMAM. Commission and Pomading . MeTtballt. N 0.20 Wad Wee. Piusbansk. MVP LET.. twee-Isar to ,rphy & Wool .LL cued pommie~io'c Marcbant, for the id. os &I • • • • g EALD BUOKNOrI, Tebaceo ' Commteelea Ma stmts.-41 Nana Water at, & 16 NOrth • ncreftatf • omete.;r7t;';;;;;;a, .11 , & Jonas Co.) Continuum and FanninFur M. emus, dealers la ,Pinabiudit Manutiamred Gnods, Finsbury . ), Pa. • mehr, AV* ' matanniva. • . r.,tecwoz TO 111{17[1. c." 1111.4 1. LISPORTER &, Dealer In Prong& and Anoriesa Ta per Halting* gad Border.. Window Shades. Fire ard Prints, &e. Algo—Wrai, rthnino and Wrap- Sind' PdPcr , N..s 7 W‘wdotromietween Fain& Men nad Diamond allenwesi gide, Pittaborsh ra, - febiJ i BU S.. Pu b • O r in Dye doff.. rd , no, Ogg. and•boi, te,•tdo in Wood gala, ton dwAr 5.4011 Of Digooiad Alley • pinsourgh• • api „M D iar ost, and dreier in Prods- g sad Pillabstrgi Sigartrgetgreg. Noll 4 water trot, •.taa niccry. Acanwr imam, ,„ Tamil wary a 00,.w4.1.4.0„,e,...„. Corn. .1 mission Nferehants. 'Ma @men hi 7..,...a. 3 ~ N. 466 Watt, end rront meets.Pitub.alk. • . nnvq D. O T DILWORTH W 13 _. 1 ...j.Gm.hy.. n a el Agents for'llawd row* 1..0.,110.27W.A --- . Pituttninb..• TORN N. TOWNSEND, Dragala ea 4 Anab,„,. et No. di Marta et- th ree dare above Third et g csiik , bath, will have ',named , " on hand a well saltlike lie sortment of Re but and fresbett'hisaboines.seitleb, will toll on the moat reasonable arum PtyNUaas fending Orde, will be pranurtly attended to s and np., 0,,,a .nth n wg;th article, they may rots anon rtaataas gentine, • I;t44 . g a ttn=c . rtre wrStAe If anal, az 0„ li Ait ai ft= 4 *, l3. aiarg Mat of Rah assigned lu eres, ' ig e. T . v it " lt ' aVetig *( s r `l7 "ear.) ~,,,, l a n Western Steams Ch",,,T; Peer Ash; and Western Prodeee generally:. Water •, war" between Suddideld and Wood, Flusbargb• 011:v1137 0 N 41181T r ICIFTON, !octane'," and Paper ena aoutrere, no. 44 a Mart 1:474 ;.Pstrahargh. „ :kvi10yD,,, , ,,„,.,..Grz e ,, ,, c1, i- z= J 'toleration% and, Dealer, to Pada Rand biCkareh Madding', fronting on Übertg, Wept Snd, liana meets, rittebtostas Pe. . • - • •tejterp, Iseeecesor Esrey it "'deb ban ' ,d- illkiesele Grocer end Commissten „oatees a Produce end Pitubenris Mentfaemrtes, rem of Liberty and Hand erects, intiabnah Pa: Jag , 3 lib V, Agent for thic,atiiErs, tad V, Michigan Line tO Deaver toda s. y Late-eodle • pi th, CORM' of Water NA Wail,' ~ I si s • . . . . . " .... . . .., .......... . . _ . . N .. . . . . .. ~...! .. . .... . . _. ~. ~.. .. ... .;.. i.. i lir . . . , .. . . , ~, , BUSINESS CARDS: TAMER -A. FILITCEILSON. Co.—Siinceessets et Leeds Illgebiton ,Ce Commission hissobsess, .nd to of the s3t Loads Sisim Ruses Winery. Co. IS ssnler and 42 front meets, Pittsburgh. JOHN NIELLOq4 Whoicaale tad Resit deale , gasicand Name* Instrtnentt, school Roper • ftres. Sl.t.lBt.d Pmt, Prin4co Cards,And Vtattemy guarani, No- El Wood •LlPlitabargb. beisslit nr taltrn In truir' - ' aeon B. SWEITZBIt, saom n eltjlotel, Pittsburgh, will also r : ;:;ai,f=Z...l:ert' , Oi.ii Vp■shlnron,Fgetla , Blacki944 Lk.114. .019 T. 41449 & CaMbers Paliburth. 14 44144 A. . 1 7. 1 -- 4CHOII. MAYR. & CO, Wholessle Dr44toto . . N. 94 Wood meet. Pittsbnlffb. IL& & OtE.e.„ Porwardwg and iiernonuision Aler t charts, Dealers In Produce sad Piosbays& mane teriensred ;Tana) Bsidn, near Tih ap4 -7—erigg PITTEIStrat VENNEEITY, CHILDS & ,ilklanufastureirr of eery auperier4.4 Sheering, Carpet Chain. Cotton Twine end.l.4 : nine. TOSUlelhtll Iron Works. • - r SWIS' DALZELT. rt Ct), • Elaneociore. or id sixes Dv, Ebeet, Boil.q.bon 3nd 3413 of the bes 5111. 4 an1Yla . Warehoese, 31 Waxer and 103 From street Was Miller Philad. C. W. Mammon Pittsburgh. ILLP,R ft. RICICETSON. Wholesale Grover., ana MI Importers of Brandies. Wines and Began, Nos. 173 Kul 174, corner of Libstty and Irwin streets, Fina l:nisei, Pa. Iron; Nails, Cotton Yams. &e . ko son• stantiy on hand: • apt Jobs James D.111%41. ...WaltegC Roo cGILLS ROE, Minimum Grooeni and Roma. 3.V.1 alms Idereltants, No IPI Liberty 8, Pittsburgh iirrAmutni rwriw. wuRNA AND - wraND • • .• . AND AXLE FACTORY: iosicsa. qui ea - Y. ANUFACTUREILS or spring' Mod buster steel, UR plough steel, steel plough 'riots, tthd lie ammo*, hammered iron azles, dealer! . in m `eubm eastiega,hre onside lamps, and <each tromainga teherellneomer of Roos and Front ins, PittsbuTit, tqa I (OM. L I T HOLMES &SON' Piaft,S ?direct st . Fo second dom . from corner of Fourth, dealers in reign and mead, Balls of Excitants, Certificates of Deptun, Book Notes and dpecia ir,Coleletions made on all the principal clues 1 , 117 , 00100 t the thalted &Mr. • TT Ui CMMA rE,R, Atasa.s., Fourth IL, third door above So to:11We, eeeth side. Conveywtelag of all kinds done with the greatest tire and lepleteuracy. , TEM to Re. Estate examined, Am. 0et3D.17 ----- kEggfartrien - :WEIS.Lit ea Co., ASLIFATURERS OP GREEN GLASS WARE, .I bon hood, an pon. lute Miami Water Bottles arse. perler gaming. Particular attention paid le Private Moulds. Laheirrepare'Estatstis m eat 11— r Third h sl, pposl AJFPWartildiee, Pittsbergh.—Maps, Larst:eines,'sl3llle. heed., ShevbSls, Litials,taibtteetarnl and Maaine Drawings, Badness em tilslung Cards, to, mowed or d ray n on stone, and printed In elders Gold, Stanza or Clank. in the most approved . style, arid at the Cent v e asenable Demers". nettnily . J. C. PRTTICEBOBVIT, :oat STEAhI BOAT , AGENT. • Omni AparaWx. A Miami tß sr Winer Grscl. 'IIII6OBIiSITT '4l IiV•IIITEi Day GOODS YOBEIERS, NO. 101".40013 STREET, HAVE do „h e r:c e, egad wet bitrtaili e tccecjag aortrocuat7Staple and .o z l'anc7 r pry. Gee,* which th ted cy Ifill'etll for caste. approved era it. • Waste:mt. hiercheata eta inviv:d to exandna our out ROIIIIVON,LIITLE CO..'" co. In laberty strtat Pittsburgh. Wholesale 6/ wen, Produce 'wart Couswissiart .hicrettaras,' utd !dealers ha Pittsbtrrir Mat:arse urea. aorr.lkotusbs. ram urns. guru S. sostssett. 110110 BERT MOORE, Ni holesakt, detleria Prodboo, Piorb,, * ; b R Marl "' bOo th-r • ,ma tor_l7 . b,. rt : Fow., oldze Domande Wise. .root Oa vr lor , stock of =Desk, 61 .a.b. wand, oi b, .a km for . t liOskey, Dr EYNOLIY3 & BIM& 'Fonsardtna and Commis. Li. *ion Mrenants, for Ulo , Allegoeny Bites Trade, 'oafers In Groceries, Prsdneo husbargh, Manatee tams; and Chloride of lArne.' The hlche.t price, I s cash. Dud u . 11 111 1 ,1 ,..g0r enontry reel. Corner Penn sod Irvin .11 ,•111,1 • . It'cuoTLlT."4, l *. Pltaborgh BlameaW.nres,,Libtrly street, Plusburtc, 'pie RODER? A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Graces, Ocala, lb Produce an_ Piusbargh Alanatemares.• Na. 144 Llberrs street. • a.lB • S " 7. l s dt ' xi " l : f it C rt roll! Iro n mA and rimah &eat. Also—diptims. Vises, A. vas, an. They Invite Ike attrntion 'of merchants and amis.:inn tartar-is at/ cit- harm* tehmirt whets. They,trurszt altirarsteles to be alias in any nada in this irtiontry or mooned. '•' :rebid 11. C. muinciLiri fir 7005.1 word& SFIAC6L6TT ti , NIrRITE, Wholesdde Dealer. to Foreign and Dmatstie 'Dry GoadJ, No. 09 Wood dtreeLPlnandoda.- .- - - ' ' 11.17 'ISMtraDDR,II, Wool blerebaiir, Wile& to Floor and Produce generally, Sod ForwatrUng and •:"&monation Moreltnutd, Zia. 63 Waled' oZrct, r 411•111.11,2? . op t' i. anion, ' inSibOVIIGIG. :01.1 . XiCil.:l.l.liTl.Min. S EL L"5 & DlCOL 4 ,Proonee.d General Calgi SingliV3ll tieretiallia, No 17 1.15 f lir Stress, ring. burnt, Soon& Linsend nird Lard Oils. spit Q . • F VON DON NIIL/Kar CO, IVholes‘le Oro -1.3• eenl. Forwarding and Cortwolwdon Merchant., Dealers in Plueonrgh Marneactarca and We.wrn Fr•Jmee, have rcin.yed V. Inv( new ...rebottle, Old . l andt) Z. Corner pt Front meet, and Chancery ' apl7 1101 . 21h111 & HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE iIERCHANTS, ..}7.ast nde Diimand, L.S.Watennan• 41. N: Walermar••lV. ti. WaiiiMan. L. Y. WATMIIRIAN i SORB. WtiotEsALF: GROCER:I, Comodirion Rod For wording Remnants; dealcro In all !ods or Pro. dote & Pataborgb Manntoctored Article.; act &gest. for talc of Richmond and Lanchborg: hlanolocured Tobacco. - • - • WM. TIMID IN. ♦TTOIIIIYY AT. LAW, Balla, Pa • amend W matted.a and ail other bus!. exierassed to him in Bailer and Armstrong commie., P. fitter -• • J. k. R. Floyd, Liberty a .- NPAV. Wallate, do • James Mareiell de Plusincitli. 7 ; • Kay AL Wood Diubf ,01,1 •••••• - •• - " George Richard. . • 'as Bs 7.11713/IPIELD TIT/lOLEZALE and Retail 'Dealers in GrOVITIt• VT' NoM an U b in ° . mt u t t ' tonadh Commission Me • rchants. JOSN JpeFALIZIS Oa CO., FORWARDIIt6,Ii COSIMIZZION BIERCITAFT 9, Canal Ruin, Penn Nixie!. Pi6lbanth. mare _ _ JABLEIYIIIe.DAVIOI it CO, PRODUCE AND MDR. FACTORS. , No. Y. 27 Market, and 6 , 4 Commerce et., Philadelphia, Advert - 4.a made, by either of the adeove, ea tenger,. meats of Prods. to either Ileum met — 7 -- a - cp - trsrarA - L - Lo - FOROFAILDING' l.:039119910N KERCUANTS louvram retpeetfatly Batten the consignment of flarnshargh freight, from Western Merchants, as aro - trinpared to :reedy& SAY 14101.04 Line and Section lbtw running night and day, the freisht will not be detained, as they will outland such boots at ALB hours. . fehlr4ra flanisburgh,POl,-.2M,1G,0. ' LD. W/Illaran•—•—•••••• ....... n--Lobz Van. J.'D. & CO, TUROLEULLTS & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS; UT Forwarding and C 06.1311•100 Merett6lllll, and dealers In Coot try Prada“ and Plusbargh Manors... turn, eornei of Wood and Filth streets, Plasbar,:b.. min • Wa. 11. •• • --LB. mpv.r WIN. U. wu.mwme & BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East comer of Wood sod Thin! streets, ?manna. wa. 11A.LIT, • 10111111 , W. U. 11100131.1.11, 241,0 111.1ALSTj wBAGALEY & CO., Whol.BBl Ore/cert. 18 one 20 Wood FlUSherith. Bpl7 • 101111 D. WILL. norm recassios._ / viticx M'CANDLE49, Ism ceemoro to 1. 41. TV Wick,' Wholesale Grocers, Vorwar.lina and Commission Marabards; dealer In Iron, Ni4l/,r, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Al...facture. ire rat ty, corner of Wood and Water •IrECLS, nitss¢tot _y_anl7 rAT - AL MiTeilt - TffirkTK - WboThrWloiliroitat., VT • Reetitymn an d Wino and Lupins Marcousis. Also—l lo of Noda Ashand Wroth. Ind Powder, No.loo Marty street, (opposite 11 , sitt creet)Pittabarat , IJIT W. W 1 fib Watches, Je.salry, titiser Ware TT • and Mllitary Good., corner of Market and Fourm stream, Prnsburan, Pa N. IL—Watches and Cloaks carefully repaired. 0017 • S. NYC". TiTAL Tutßiti a Co., beaters in Lowboy, Hides, 1414 IC3 Many street,' • to^O•I V teolitcongs. • Woo - roue.. ' k intoHLN. Wsele Grocers, Iv dePro?,ede, loon. N. ., Glass, n o d rittsl7syyn lltlanefactere , tonerally, Liberty stitet.—• .1. D. wILLIAriIi & • txprnoLENALF AND RETAIL, GROCERS, For • v an4Comrnission Merchants, Deis*. in Cutsuu7 •Prednee and Pittsburgh Mansfactut es, for. nee art Veal and Firth meets, Pittsburgh. . P htvbstrgh,Farch MUM' ENTIOZIL do ANTELO. GENIMAL COSIMBEIION mEßcuerrrs jun 442. ""4 IrPtibtral tar made on catnip:meats, MAPI2IIe. R WlLS" '; en g. ale 1 1:= Pc. 114 mrance zni n Fouiilt st:sear Market. '77lr elerehanty.• Igo. 31 Old Levee at,ll Odes . keep ennitudly on kend &lams nefutent or U n read'. ed the (ellen as hiranda whielt.they oder coo vole ao . agent* for J. libimm &Co. Bordeaux, air: Realm, Er. "' j Du. rand R. Laroehalle, J Itatrand, Ceuta, Adodi ." itton, A Lr. Neville, A do )k oo l om, t Wee, Rad.? Boßteani Red and White Wined la cut. and cue., *elected watt care by John David k:03; bevideo Chasuagne Wine and Sweet Bergen") • - oviec. • A x. l2.l o E uv it. 110a,ANII.set ofg.w.thavelmaft.ovvvitodeir Penn In Reline Nihon. tr •GRTIBAN . —Manx facturet ofallldndt of eat -LA• ton and woollen mew' ter,. Allegheny et-y; Pa The above works being now to (Oland saceessral op .-calm! am prepared to egneato enlace with dispateh for all kidofmaehinery in cylmb,rteh as willows, Pinkert, oreaders, cards, grind/an =Wines. reilwaYe, Armoring frames, o peelers, thiossils. Imola woolen Crewing double or Single, for nterehootor country . work, ontles,Bitks,&e4slido and hand laßiesand tools In gen. eral. All kinds ofahailing wade to order, or piens giv. en for gearing actinic. Or calls at reuonabie eharga Rana ao , —Kennorly, Childs & Bleeksteek, Bell & hlng Pennock & Co., J.. A. Gm. „ BENNETT 4 BROTHER, tWEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, lellvertlaskiana,[naeur leltteibtargb,]Pn e Ogee, No. 37 • Water a,' batmen% Markt and Wao4, ,Psitsburgh.. oNVlLLconstantlY keep on band a good wart meat of Wang of our own manitiacmre,ane raperlerqualny.l Wbolarale nod coontry Mer ebants are re-Teeth:Ey invited to call end ex tonna for thentseleriyaa we are derennined to eon , ibilinFer filet bee ens bafora been Oared to Eta pub. lie; lirrOrdera sant by call,lecompunied by the cub or ood reference. will be promptly *needed to. .mra lIRW COA.CII FACTORY, M." A tte ‘ public uITE l igi a titcy tt a ve ergied s tfutiy t ' op f on Lavaca, between Federal aid Sanduky streets. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders far every description of vehicle., Conches, Chariot's, Be. rovelies, Usggics, Phatons, /U.,. whirl from timir long experience in the manufacture of the above work, .d the (anilines they have, they feel eonfident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these warding artieles in their tine. Paying particular attendant° the Select= of mate rials, mad having none but competent 'workmen, they have no hesitation In warranting their work; We therefore ask the attention of the nubile to this Matter. N. B. Repairing done it. the bort manner, and on the most reuonable terms. latell wst„, ....ustuuccosort. iattrws Ava Woo.Haan brown, Ann klaraar, I.trnacturn, .S!..TINUE to mmtufscutte all kinds of COPPER, C TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black. smut Work. StegAll Boats built to order. Pppeeu huesVot t lt t atTl i s ° a ° tr e° gt`r,,'"4'o_,,...or k- r mad Brass Routes, Tin Ware,lke. de. Steam:Oat C ooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various elan—a very COSlTttlitta ar. tele far steemboato, California emiOnts, or rail road companies. Wo world respeettally faare mare boallnen and others to call and see oar articles' and Vices , before porehaains el enliven nr:l7 N. b J. GLENN. Doak binders. N i rn! iul it thn :h°74telint=c e olood=lrl res, 1 when w are prepared to do any work In out line with des patch. wWo attend to oar work personally, and sans. faction will be given in regard to its dearness and do rabtlity. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and Imamd seb. stataisq. Books in nambers or old books boned car. fully or repaired. Names par on booki In gilt latera l There that have work In oar line are Ituritcd to call. Priers low. myllOnf Pittactrrn - ln• Work. read • 'TOON W/UollTik. Co., are prepared to build Cotton a• and Woolen Machinery of every description, each in Carding Membines, Spinning Pram e, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heeds, WarperaSpeejera, Dressing Frames, Lomas, Card Grinders, ae. Wrokah. Iron Shafting tuned, What. of Cut Iron, Pollee and Hangers of the latest patterns, elide end bend La th es, and tools elan kinds. Castin gs of every description Parnithed °oaken collect. Patter. snide to order for Mill ticanug, Hee Railing, &c. Steen/ Pipe far heat ing rut:mos. Cast Iron Window Saab •and fancy Cas tles, generally. Orders_ left at the Warehouse ofJ- Pamer & Co., Liberty street, wrn bars prompt 0.00- Refer to Mack:tack, Bell A Co., J. R. Moorehead & Co, G. R. Witmer, John knits & Sona,Pittsburgh ,• O. C. KJ. IL Warner, Steube.Wc. Hale r i nubseiiber tillers for en d a large and splendid caeortatent of rosewood and mahogany grand ike: Bon Pi A l t; with imd without Coleman , . celebrated Atta.illlnent. The above lestrinnents are War ranted to be equal ID any anufneatred to this main try, anti will b., sold lower than any breuglet froze the East. F.ELUME, No Ile weed at. 2d deer above ith N. IL--City So,lp will be taken at par for • few of 1 he above assonm am. my 2 I, 'alter, Waters THIS is to comfy that I have apt inted Livingston, Ftoggen A Co, pa &gents forme rale of Jeanine* Pat cot D . :ameba= Filter, for the cif Pinabargh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for W alter IS Gibson, 049 Broadway, Oct. 1 ki l ß4B. We have been amine one ethe above article. at the office e l per Works . ft. three mbedts. en trial, and feel perfectly sanded dial • is a useful Ineentlna, and we take pleasure In rota onswoding,thent as use ful article to all tato love pore. Water. 0.1er...i1l be thankfully received am! prOmp sonsLitrigiogl ROGOEN & Co M=t=ll - • • • - - TIDE attention of the public u melmettntrY rolled ro the following certificate= .ua. S. E.t.a—Haring sermd .uslollotirl of cola weighed by your Areometer, I find lie, _result prone your instrument correct; an d reran= moo the meal It to those going to California. es the be, itosehod for ob. Lathing the real value of Golit h Ite E w`Zat_ ' J. D. D MUM Filsidncrgh, Much 9, ISO. Prrnanasg, Mef eh 7, Iddl. NL Eadmist-Elearßht Having examines tbe.Aseo melt:" manufactured at year rooms, n haute. to - conlmend it to the ate of those gentlemen tam an about removing to California in teach ore. , d. It give. a rifler AVIIDrOZiOIIIIOO. to the specib t Kral ry of metal., and will ecru:ll4v enatle the ads mums, to anertain when hit placer C.yteltltr.g Gold. le =to Tour, Tapir. J. R- MiCk.INTO q>l._ NIMA 1. rwaavat CLOTIIING—Jatt received fo elite Callforuin Expedition, a. colonic. attortmen. i lien Etat. Clothing, at mica reales front 115,50 to . 011,50 for suit of eon. pants and hat. For eels no tht mite Rubber Depot., - Iho Wl3Oll ; deedi & 11 PHILLIPS rplIE subteriber offen for sale, the STEAM BRICK j. WORKS, above Lawrenceville, ciamprising a Steam Engines:l Boilers, 0 Mould Machine, capable of mantithetunng tru&oo Pressed Bricks font, of dry eley i es taken from the bank,f per day with • three acres of lab& en the Allegheny over, on which arie 4 Ohm and obeds, machtne and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, Wiwi., shovels, attars,- k.c., every thing requiitte to com mence t oopennltn at ad hours ounce. PriSe. including the patent right e Imo said machine, 117,Ulm—somes of P.M... matte eety. Om land, .115k0). For particulars, address HENRY niguitirr, auga.dif No OR Monongahela 1100.0. NO &fah THE mirtnership heretofore calming under the Ore. of A & C BRADLEY, is dint:lived bythe decease of Alt C Bradley. The batistes will be chatted en by A Bradley, who.will settle the businesi of the late Grist REMOVAA e.= has removed ids Foundry Warehouse from No 112 Secondhireet,to - Sie 19 Wo od street, between Finn rood Second streets, to the were• houe lately occupied by a A Derry, where be will Seep constantly on Lund a general assoruirent of Call ings, Grates, moven, Cooking stoves, he.: 151 3 . . T HE eo-yaruseta'tip heteterote existing batsmen the I. In the name of Constable, Butte le CO, Is this day dissolyed by enamel consent. Mesita. Bloke fr. Bones rill cattle the boldness orlhe eeneemt for retneh porpoeo they are an ihntized to one Weans. of the =teem NATHANIEL coNtsrABLE, EDMUND BURKE, , ' • TBLAIAS BARNLM. The undersigned boom this day oeseeistedtheMSElVeff In the same of BURKE & DARNE...9. frio she purpose of etanotertoring Firs Proof. Safes, Veald Doors. Ice. ler, sr Ow cane of late firm of Cone:able, Barka aco, whet. they will be pleased to reeeivo the patron ego Of the customers of that hooserand their friends. EDMUND BURKE, TlitgAlati BARNES. In retiring from the arm of donstnhte, dente & Co., I with plenonto recommend Nrksto. Baste & Borneo to the conGdenee of iny friends and the public. Feb. 9, 1E 49. NATHANIEL, CONSTABLE. febt3-dtt C. ARIIIITILINOT • AS last retomed'froto the Eastern Chia., and i H smalls g a loose variety of seasonable Goods, to which be rex peetnttly Invite, the atientlen of emelt ants and pett.ant./ ire eti Wood at. I febll Wron ibtetnd Oast Iron Railing. Ilk:mate ribers beg leave to Inform thetnie late blie that they have. obtained (root the East alt and sablonableidenme (or Iran!tailing, bo thfor houses and, emoona ki. Persona withiag to procure hand some pate;ras will gleam tall and examine, and judge for thern,lria Rolling will be famished at the short en node a, and In the ben manner, at the Mmer et Craig an I Rebecca enema Allegheny city. LAhIONT E,T,rl forVl.l:l.,"!. ! 'oc.A. Bs ,na""e sale a I.l3ldaCtUlerbllll.7coOnle g o.7 ”; splO LIFRACY RAVING &CO Jona LYONS. /in P. 0 *TATE BT lESr, 110EITON, Agent for Clams and Berotery of Property on Zugiaad. spent nearly a year In the radon.lll4 cord d Ifriens, National Library, an., 'during his lain visit to Vagland. Investigating 01¢0011 for persons in ibis coo dry, and having secured edicient and re. spa:lntl., A genie in London and !dandiest., ha is prepared to afford all neeresrary Information and ad• vice to per. ,no who seek to recover their property In Nat counted . .• _ .1. &keep s a list of iijo liaut of Englatid Dividend Mot., w 4 • .h may he examined for LO cents, or 23 for each letter of the Alphabet. Itehren zee In Dolton: • 0.11 V. ADAMS, Notary Public' JAMIB WELD, n 9; HENRY MA Y , Emil /011 N W. RIDUEWAY, Fag. N , COAD a cO, tot Mee e more to bi'Cord & Wog) Ilheelsersaabile natter's. oorrot o f Wood and FON &nem DA/ .TICVLAR attention paid to on, Retail Trade. CI sneer ten cen rely upon getting their llats and Caps Irmo o sr eneb:ishment of the SLIT klailtl4LE and WOlrt MAW Lr, of the Carat miss, and ai the LOW= Me d. hulng by wholesale, ere respicViga m s c ri ttt examine out Bison' at era eau sal With coebdoncri that as regards QUALM' sad tai m it will not taller le a comparison with any ease In Phi ladelettia. feblr • '— IATILL - 1/111 many DE4:IB .ye to Inform Lis Mends and animismat that gl be 1n just receiving hie nem springsts.k of °eel* teonPrisi M, ae usual, ail the newest and man fultion• It* idyl . es of Cloths, Cassie:terra, fancy Vesungs, Cot • and dawn summer staffs, and everyartie le sellable foe went; ensiciVe weer for spring and einnotet. It being imposer de to describe the !smutty, qesdity.or eseenilly of the ie onk, the proprietor hopes ell who sins to want of good • cheap, fashionrible, nod well made deities, will est te him s mil, as them is no stock dile side el die All, tglsenisni that one compare with It. Thee eddy made department is very extensive, &dep. tea to r taste.. Bail 'mad contractors, canny morebaets, and all man P imbue largely, am panienbirly Inslted Itt amine -- b.stock before pereessleg, as partlealer at taMtm t Is paid to the 'statewide business in this astab• Worn tits, . • Err .ry . article le tite tailoring line made le order la lr diem 044 futdonbl, Ltd test smut, at the 'bonen arti . • Pula PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY :- 'I4OIG,:::ATNE 4, 1850. _ INSURANCE-. LIFE INSURANCE! • Trenton Antall Life Insurance Company. oxre. ar miaow aroma 25 p CCM Capital. 015%000. LOXES DIMINO Co., Atooms Pitubargb, WARD of reascutur, az =cam ow MM. 'woes Roy Jr. 154nU Fish, I Joseph C. Potts. Floe'. Prdican , l seetist uo A. Wesel. Fit Morrois,Sotesietul• VII=L2 1.451 ,, ` , - 1 11 Iflnr Toll. CoMptrellerof New York. George Wood. Jok■ F. Mackie. David Dudley Field. Jowsph Nokia. Ms Era. Gov. Romeo. W. L. Dorton, 11. 8. Bon. 0.11 Viral I, Ex V.& Stn. Er• Gov. PL Dickerson. MEDICAL A.fliteer DoaretM,p. .1 Ez-Gov. Vroom. • luso Wildriok, U. C. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. Ron. S. R. Remitted. EX&MINEEB. Nl7_,yir . ...GFrbard, iCD. diducy Doane ' N.Y._ . Dm W. W. Gerhard, Warren ~ %Valour at.. Pell. Wm.l. sr 1 Morgan. Id. D, H. N. Ball, N. Ocorge McCook, M. 1)., I Allegheny city, Ps.. Ploshumb. Pa The Aser mot this Commie. at Pittsherghotre sou O , riml to take teary first elms risk on Life at a momcnorr or rwmarr.rtra res;sentr. from the aerial rues of premium, &ashamed by other Companies. A man 30 years of age. takiim &Polley of Xnittranco for O. Thousand Dotter& To rurt for one year, pays tmly g SPA do ~ • • •le,lo do Me as ow, • " • OrYSO . And In the setae promotion for soy u 1 , 21r0, witch is the extant taken on any otter This Company commenced operations 011 the let October, Ittaa, and Its monthly badmen op totha lot October, lOW, shown n propose &acmes= that of any other 1 tie Company on record. The Ant dlildend of profits wit be declared totha awned an tholes January. lUD. Pamlahns cormimlog the cation. tables of rates, and all p the necessary information on the trepartant subject of Life Auttranee, will be tarnished an sppl.• cation to JAM DURHO A CO., Agents,. dcl? (Mean Bancliagli. 13====1 THE TRENTON MUTVaL LIFE AND FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY will kup Poi/nice of loannina arsine( Lou or Deana. by Pl= 4..1 Dwellings and Font_ J oni. Marta, Goods, &a , ko., on ayrillecton to LeataleßDUßNO i la CO., Ago ts, , del? Odeon Belding*. LIIIIIIIILABOE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL, SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.-0111. North Room of the Exeunt., Third street, Philadelphia. Ft. Indeaance.—Ltadd logs, Merchandise and cams property, in Town and Country, insured satinet loss r damage hydra, at the lowest Me Of rt 11111.61., Mauna lusuaance.—They also insure Vessels., Car gets and Freights, foreign or ettutwise, ender opener special policies, on the seemed Iney dente. ' /3140113 Tasterrowurron—Ther deo tratcre met.- mediae trtnnanad by Wesson, awl Road Care, Clue! DOM and eITIIIII Boats, ea steers and lakes, on the roost lIMAI terms DIRECTOR B. ll Joseph 11. Bcal Edmund A. Bauder, John C Davis, &Zen Barton. John I:Penrose, Swan. el Edwards, Geo 0 Lelper, Edward Darllngton, lane R Davis, Wan Falwall,Jofin Newlin. Dr R M Hui" lu C Hand. Theophilus Paaldlng, II Jones - Broom Serrill, aver fi°4ll„l 9 .lAP.Ve c ,7 l , to ° Ty, Dr 8 Tbonini. John Sellers. Won k.lre. Jr. DIRECTORS AT lUTTSBIIII.OII—D T, Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Loa= IV!'..LIASI MARTIN, President. RtCHAID 8. Newoora, Seo'7 • . Odlee the Coorputy, No. 41 Water street; Finsbury,. P. A. MADEIRA. AIM =9=M==l MBE ?ducal rate and Health lessitanee Compeny of Philedelphis, Inearperated by the Legielainre of Pennsylvania, Much, 1849. Chimer perpetual. Capita1,11101401:0. Bann town man .m Pusan.. tuna Coarser, and fall 20 per cent. lower than the areal rates of Life lawmen, as the following eons , perinea will arm Thus, • person trf arra 30 in suring for SlOO for 11f6.11201% pay In the Girerd tor- Pannrylranis, CIA Pena Mantel, 1111,3 k. 119,04; New England, LIAO; New York Life, Ait. bion, 62,4 P, Life and Health, Ptilladelphis,lll.9 D11111.0211.-9ucrul D. Orrick, Cltulesl)..l.lall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes, DL W. Baldwin, 91- Id. LIMO, 11. Chan. 0. a Care_ "ben, Lewis Cooper,l. Badman Barker, E.ll. Boiler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice .Presi• deni.-Robt. P. gins; Beereuiry—Preneis Blackburne. applicationa will be received, and every Information given by 13A111... FAUNIZTOCK,.dat, (Mee, Commercial Booms, corner of - - Wood and Third sts,Pittsbiargh FIELD AND DARIUS: ntionamag.• THE INSURANCE CO. of North datedea will Make permanent and limited Inane= an pro perty In this city and vicinity. and on shipments by Canal, Risers, Lakes, and by Sea. 'The prop vies at this Company are well invested, and Varnish • avail able fund for the ample Indemnity of all • • • • whet desire tote protested by insurance. mite Wei. P. JONES. • de We rat. 'LlEszorn lASUILANON, tat rist. The Spring Garden Iltatihinturant., OP PHUADELPHIA--CAPITAL INSURES Males and - w againsTq and Lae eeeasioned by Rieke. or an immediate allowance of Rom to SS p for one, mew, three, or four years. • The method 'of etreetlue Ws Insurance, and tke wanner of awarding the sink allowance, will be flalli explained by the Agent. A person can locate again.; Blebs ass or Accident vabicA niil dczain him from hi. ordinsity 'buboes, as follows, el= For one year, by paying 54.90, and eaceivo 451# tweet. For two " 5,t5t, • " 4 " For three " " 7.25, " • /5 For four " 15,55, • " " Or, for a period of four years, the one of 81/,ID paid as nastily, will secure Id per creek white area. Every necesrary infonaaUon will be afortied on the antscat of inattranco aenerally, by JAMES DOW:O,k CO, Agee., 'Wein. Emitting,. Ylra toad alartme insournsam. PHE °FMK, of the insarbitee Company of North Americo, ban been remobed m N0..141 From at The mitiseriber, agent for the above old and trepan s WA Company, rata bane Policies on aniiiiings and sirnominal, and on shipments of rdernbandisa by St.& Boats and other vessels. The roans?lemma Company Fox lisennorma o, Urns flan Gumum A. 011113. Tilt fits Life insurance Company in the U. Bums, loeorperaied March to,lBl4—ehmter perpetual. Oman! asac,oao—an paid in. • Geeing andionand the underlay:a to teceme - FPpli• esti°. MTh:mimes, on which policies will be Wooed, according lo Melt proposals and rates, which will be made 'mourn to applicant at his once, No. to Wood street.. sell GEO COCHRAN. PITTSBURGH vsne.Lic INITIT UTZ rrinE Second Session of this (=linden, under the 1 care of Mr. and Mrs.- Gongola. for the_ present ,academic year, will commence on this day, Monday, Febnury nth, In the name banding', No. d 2 Liberty . greet Arrangements have been made by which they will be able co furniab young ladies facilities equal le any In the West, for obtaining • thorough EnglieN Must cal,mid Ornamental Macedon. A fall come ern. isophlcal and Chemical Lecterns will be delivered during the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de partment. of Vocal ind Instrumental Al4lllO Modern Laming., Drawing and Punting, will each be. under sheave era competent Profaner. By etc.e attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their no. pile, the Principals hope to ment a enntinumlon of the liberal patronage they bane hitherto enjoyed. For tame, see elzenlar er apply In the Principal. febts-dU - HERSEY, FLEMING & CO. =3l lIAV2 PllOll TM: ASANUFA, URDU, AND AT BART• URERN' PRICEEL • • ERN bIANUFA Mita flannels, on Wool Hod do do Yellow do do Proven do do Blue Drills; Dias Deorin% Fancy Couonades: aB are edema at F•atory plea. Home League Shirtloy. Checks and 13trikes, very h" Votora: ' Grocdo Red Padding, roper do; Vut Padding, Ucektam, Toiler Linen., heavy do; Brown Linen., Elltiela's Drab S•rgo, black do. . 11 Black Bath:att. Sleet mtped do 11laa de Drab do leek ' Cas hmere. Farley , do Fancy Tweeds. Soper Meek Broad Cloth Super Stoarn do Soper (lode do Soper TseWed do Soper Mask Doe Skins. Soper . ):Vat, Cashmere.. Super MOM* do Super /Beek do CaWOOS* Blankets. Sear do Jibe do and waisted; Black and White Tape; Slack Twist, Drab do; Linen Checks and Dr ills; art's a cord Sp'l Cotton; .do Linen Theoad, a superior llliciti 3111rligsred Vestings; Sleet Sado do Brown Holland So* Silks; Motions, Cravats, &e., ko. alehouse, No 1117 Wood . • spree eras do Gm4it Dogging. Brown iirials; ritAti:t u ox thaufacten, 17—.7r, N °. 6. .si =. BOO T 8. $4 60 iiii...Le :1 4 'AMIKINZTro7 =l;7:eV:Fs a antllL u rr• ' 43 6 Mattes Ft. A .ec i ss E n i a Vol from Water sr. a I z., 4 ( Ti anbane copy.] 30T1010. 4.4. desalts.] havini parekafted of 0. A. Bay ty-I:4:t:tensanoelSa'lMln k o . n o‘ th . e 4 Al 's l o m . sheny River. aim • Arsenal, are nowir pared to All all bins of eg , lons ' ,Any else and len , from 864 downward. Una .46, Deck Plank. unseals.. Oast, demand., Trlat44, Board., An., e. tbe .boron nonce. SAM. :r o a d, „.,,,, ,, , t o n n hand. 4 11 i rd ar med and f a % n i i• Ist , forzi• Uneirlreenl y , orII aferrison, !VITO; ClnenTsnent, and af. floe f the mill. eptITIA WIOIITMAN &MORRISON t17....J. P APER—W. I. P. MAassul.l. to constantly fi l l , T., ' ,l ,`' .l ' i c r.tdA t', 7,!:, , - - .1 :I.7 ' fr r-o g. - ..1 Leeneisktbe unarm Ana moat approved mi.. vr o P:a rim l iVQ.N. l . u ll I, l ' l r . , i r, mc ayt°, " L. twecriVistrth W. and altanteata tiley 'n , l (saneettOr to S. O. MIA .... atO Mh , 4 A —4 brio ut reel per steamer. and , loreale by the barrel 0 . 1 , winkle pound at the BlsWt lek i l i 4tAd ., ratter% Vittßltuittargleket la~yrsSWPiolost Soda A.O. • ACASKS or the above selebrced brand add _ ./7.618h test, diner her the mansfaemretm ISO east, SOW an ma way from New Sidearm, and et. sewed tem MI. week ; sad 311 end .hortlt . arrive vialialtimore per Ades Juniata, Chosapeoke, Damn eon, and Altn, welsh will to sold oo aremt, al the !althea Mullet plias for use or avowed balls. IV Jr. 31 MITCLIELTREF, apt? Nol4o Llbeny wt. Nun BSI:WM U 0113111106. ALL persons bevies numbers pet On Moir henna to eeaformay to a rmelsdoe of Coseelleoeill please call at the Rooms of the Beard of Thule; seeped Meant earner et Wood and TIM etc nod par for the same. BA.MUNL FAJINZEITocz iittitiljt, NOM HOU s 7 ---,pisOCLAELILTION. Rinth°7,lbe Pains% back ° litb:, ' lnlifjoints, old sores,. VO 7 e7ire ."' lr th o u " e y 'r til o : about d Aeons t u l l' In" the Pe a; mock as you phase but Ws does not make it so, for we proclaim to the lace of an honest community, that It hat virtues which ore not contained In any other remedy. :Thu man whols meted with pain and W himsfrom disease, calf foe hay cents. get rend frattl Loy of the ills enairoorated obey. Deader! It costa Very Uttle to tole trial, Vile Petroleum I. ma tzos—no compond,Srut soh( they urpose of Imposing on the connounlty; bat'- lii. a remedy alobonned by the master band ofnalabs, and bubbimuP hum the be. tom of Der mother push In is arising purity, tend on hrs to suffering hureanlyi ready remedy,' a certain sat cheanten“' ' It . her ared pila after her irt jnea hire felled to endeany 'rel It Weaved .wo of loop Itauflbse, and Of =Worst endows; cbanoter. It buttered Med= Mort= by one ,or two doses; It has cured old eaiii sunt.., Lo ral even' elm , remedy Yu been en. As p .local remedy to barns and scalds, It Is better than any 0,04.!pal tat]. paned Or 0115trOtor en me knew a. 'twill blains or frosted feet, In few applications; undo t ed tenhuony can be furshbod of the truth contained In the above statement by Calling ea Samuel B.r. Canal Buhl, 7th street; or either of the agents. Keyaer d McDowell,, corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley; B . E. Sellers,.37 Wards:tree; D. A. El- Uot D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, ara the agents. lona Hon. ).me;Vamp - boll. Davidn. White. • Alexander Coratoiot& W. LP. White, P.M. L A •fi is I c A.WS TESTIMONY. - 4 .1 HAVE POULOS OTHIP/O TO EQUALTFIEhI." gion,y, Ve„ Najeh r li, IMO. ILAYLL R. E. SELL i have Ospospd :of oil thp 01. Cough Sy . rop en d Liver Pills you sent me, end LB dos of the Vermifur le; I have used all your - Family Medicines m my iltmily, and have also prescribed them In my practice; I am very much viewed •vith them, and have felted nothing to equal them. Bend me 9 des of your Vermifuge, end Lagos no el the Live, pills end Cough Syrup. fLespac7lly yore, • LEstract at ise,:ter. • . . T, 7. lenyoult. Those highly pop _es Med.emes may be so of the proprietor a E SELLERS, O 7 Wood st,end Druggist. genteelly In the twee eider. tnivieloilr. atni pAraug aim gSiG ADI The most Impel toot pletegrOYW OD U.. ..s.dt—eatre Rateedy for oh. , 1111. D. P. DROWNS ealebrated External Amoet eae Remedy for the Plies, has already _proved Itself to be the only sum ewe ever proseelM to lb. public. Since the dithevery of this velethle medicine, and the lane number of extreme calm with whlth Dr. Drown bas treated, no on bat failed to be entirely trued. Unlike the many healing balms extent, after Months and years of eltherimentallsing, has too, often ‘ ,ll the Ptuent where they rommeneed, or 'PCP= MC e th er a ass days wlll pp* th e eau by effectirg a perfect cum rthrow thrnmes,l shall not crier into st labored ar gument to prove my mett:etne. 1 introduce It epealls own merits, by Its elfeet I Weed It shall stand or fall, II you prefer that loalloorth disease, the PILES,th the salmi of a few dollen, I rest the ease with you.• DR. D P BROWN, M Lloyd street, Befhle, N V. Bold wholesale and retell by ft y z ItipueEns , Ri 0./ SIM TIT Begs Alla or ng's Evil, Rheum&llatn, Obstinate Oats . Geer. Eruptions, Pumples or Pustule, en the Pace, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore EY.. Rine Worm or Tester, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Horton and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphildc Etymon:nig, Sciatica or Lombago--and titteases arising from an Ink:dick.' use of Mereury, AM tiles py Dropsy, Exposdns orklnprudence In Wet OnadtutiostalDleorders, Re. This otediffitie has acyairdd ply extended and established reguiniion wherever It lass Eenn usgg, bused entirely on its awn merits , which as sunnier efficacy his *one gamine& The venter ovate victim ahn , nnitsni - A.Sansaf, with swollen glands, contme ted aloewijand beans hail eattoot i has been retooled to health' and vigor. The aciorakialt patient, covered withalcen, loathsome to himself and hie attendants • kap' beenmade whole. Hundreds Cr persons, who bad grasnad hogielessty feg years ander cutaneous and glandular elholatera, chronle rheumatism, and many other complaints npringing from • derangeln.l4 craw accretive organ. and Me circulation; have been raised as it were Inm the ilia of disease, and now, with regenerated comnitution, gladly testify to the Ethane, of this inestimable ;reparation. “TRUTH IS STRANGER TAN FICTION.* The Election of the reader Is c a l led to the following antonisiting ewe, erected by the are of Sand. , SAM. • • • "Ttliii is to certify tit et I have a colored 'renew who has been Kali.. fur the lather Seam with Sc'ofills,' and all the remedies I need oat no tiect iri Eventing the program of the cemplaintt on the • ontriatTOES constantly grew worse; installer expendin g i between and gad with physicialin, besidesusing other popular remedies without sniper.. till the dianase hod wimp away the cartilage or her nose, tondo Its op. penman op various par:nigher body, and had fined • commenced its rein on in the Mt of her month n thin dreadfa AZ i ettosatien. lyith, the pro.pect death elating her In the face, I nutted her caw to Dr Dimmer, the Meet for Sande Snrseparilla to Nov. be ru,N U, by whom I was @liaised to use that article; end te myraorprise and that ¢f my Del ghttors, to whom her ease was known, alter using four and a bait trot Iles she was re-tared top elf.% health, and that in nitt pace of three weeks. and *as able to work In two weeks from the time ale commended ;skins it. • In whimss of the 111111 of Rua statesmen,' bane beenumo armed en acme, this lath day of September, 1547. JOSEPH ducorria J. P. "Month en Neu. River, Craven co N C. SORE THROAT C3N/ME! The following is an extraCt teem a letter received from Mn. Bevan, wee had beim alined seven! years with Scrofulous Ulcers, Drove-pea, he., and recently an diction of the throat andcbesti— .llsmnsaina, Va-, Dm. 13. NU. "Mears. A. EL ft D. Sans—Before 1 commeneed using your Sarsaparilla, my sulferlags wens atonal past expression; my throat Ina completely ulcerated, I had a dreadfal comb, and Mere wen frequently weeks together Oat t mild not speak above a whiz. MI and betides, the Inflammation from my throat ex. tended to ill head, so that my hearing wasvery moth impaired.. After taking the Sarsaparilla • ahem time, my health - was improved, and wy throat la now well; lam an free f-em ebagh and tlatitnaxs of the chest ever I wriv, and can bear quite distinctly. My throat has been well about three months, the core of which has been effected entirely by the use Ofyear Sarsa parilla. Your friend - : LOUISA R BEVAN. The following testimonial lb the venue of the Santa. earth. is from the Rev Luther Wright, aged 71 years, Congregational Minister. residing at Wobunt, .Woanan, Mass., March 30, tefelm "Messn'Sandst Gentlemen-From what I have ex perienced, and front the Infoimation I have recently re caved from a number of persona of high respect, tilllry who have used pose Sarsaparilla, I have not the least doubt but that It in a loom valuable medt nice, and dial the numerous certitnates sou have received of Los efficacy ans fully sustained by experience, and although its rep tuition and utility aro very extensive, and stand In no need of my hamble minnow increase them, I want till who are afflicted by disease to be. come acquainted with the efficacy and power of your reliable medicine. "1 am, geodomen, gratefully and very respeetfully years. LUTHER WHICIIIT.. DrAWDII I , and 711 ... an b d k etVt ' mrs comer of Without New York. Wild also by Dreg- Oda intlerallY p e r the United Staten and Cm. ado. Price 111 per load, tax hordes for in Fusel. by L. WILCOX, Jr. R. A. FAIINESTOCK A CO., and - EDWARD FENDLRICII. Patsbergh. Al so, by N. SMITII taidineater. tapa.ldcodAmwe RkiLDEO:Cis sik/iD - 1 - 3UItChIOAL OFIrIOIII., No. 011 s DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors b ow Wood street, to wards market WI, having been rarularlyetineated to the medical d for mind time in 'i g7l 7 , i c7ta n' l n . o pri b e e tl e c n e, now confines ht. attention to thetreatmein el throe inmate , end delicate com plain. for which nix opportanitlex end experience peculiarly quality .him. 14 years assiduously devoted to study O. treatment of those eareplairitaplaneueplax time be has bad more praticextud has cared mere pas tom than can tear fall te e the led of any petirato prac titioner) amply qualikes him; to , offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all ahead with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising then. from • Dr. /frown would inform those aMleted with private dire...which have become ehronto by ume or ag gravated by the sae of any rif the common nostrums or toe day, that their complaints Min be midi attd than onghly mired; he having given bit careful attention to the treatment of each c noes,' and succeeded In hundreds of Instances in curing person* of inflainmetion of the neck of the bladder, and kindred Weenies which often mans from those eases where others have consigned then to hopeless despair. Ile particularly as have been loot and nneneeeastully treated by others to anneals him, when every sedortbellee will he gine them and their anti treated in • C•infilisLtiorociiin and Intelligent manner, pointed est by a loug experience, sindy,and lavestigation,whlchlt is imposilble for those engaged In gennal practice of medicine to give to one clam of ditens. Erliernla or Raptere..—Dr.lirewn Cao tants* sone articled with Bemis to call, as he his paid pante, else attendee to audience. CANCERS Cm cured. ' Shin dimmer, also 11 a, Paler, sta., !moodily eared Cberra Terriers. N. 11.--Pallenta of either set livinkat a distance, by stating their disease In wng, giving all the .yx, torn, eta - obtain standees with directions for sae, by addreesing 'P. DROWN, AL. seetpaid, and clan litater.NO. da Diamond allej,opiimits the 117averly Hone. Iluxelest—Dr. Drown , . newly diseavered mut dy for Rho matins is • apeedy and certain remedy tor thatpantfal noon!. It never fills. Dace atd Private C•msaltlng Rooms, No. IS Dia mbond allay, PlMA:aafi, P. -The Dendria !awap at rr PIN sax ne pay. . Dee R. POW , , . CARO . llltifts & 'CO. have removed to ti No 07 Water et, between %Toed & Meteet, In the house formerly oreepied by Nardy, - Jones & Co. VI • E PROOF - FAIN 1-Itt tots Mak.. Patcet ttn VPrcof Palo; or artificial alma }art received. Teo iibirre p yea,M,indain - Ira tone bad in Y. tor Fmn We 7. coofideroly recommend It to the pablli,for oe:.1 asta ne perfect. Aro and eviler proof palm, and to mend the *Wen of dal atm:opera without givlag. nib by Jik P11134.1141:- maya , llk W, a -NEDItAL. • To. Soothers alba liVastani *I 3, I3USSEI)B er Ignites pahliosoaalail; ins extenakre swot of Perfumery, Iwo Creautsket , , ,, ti , r e arh i tek seven Silver and Gold:: kledala'by toe " Wanne t th4 `14"41, 7 VA b 4C14:1 7 1Z. delphia,lle litttertteing th e only Golden Modals ever' awarded for perfaincry either Ia Europa or ist this country. Roma?. traurrauxo Stumm atom. lAlmond, Rom and Ambrosial.) universally acknowledged to he rogation to any BbaTialfClCan. In Rua ceisttry or Ottumwa roe Suartno4kaatilally trunsparent, and ggageggnat glarMacelan sad emollient pronertles; SaponaceensCompouadt Ambrosial Sitar , Ing Tablet; Military Staving Soap., ttergar t n aToturrilloas — Mmendeas,Milldeurx, net, Pistuitio,kluak t Patehouly, Omnittent, Float- , ing, ranaparent, Olive 011, Windsor, and Circassian. Erasers sou tint Ilasnssuctula-..1105e, Iloanuat de Caroline, Gentato ay dearly Lind, Mouse lino, Jockey Club, Magnolia Clemathe, Citronelle Rpaglor wiltlY Otter karßll4 Mall Oz., different Tamar Wan alert Eau de Toilette, Orange Plower stra n d pent variety Cl Crk tortes and Lavender Waters Paitalarroal an Tits Hate—Oetnalno Banes 011, Annuals Oil, Randelloc, Rae tamale, Olean, Com pound Ox Marrow, Hate Oyes, liquid and in petwdei, and Philoramc,Ricinine, and Jenny Lind Pernallea. Onastateic Pursagarnes.,llosamic, Matt, Row Tooth Paste, Marconi Denuidce, Odontlm, Tooth Paste, and Tomb Powder. - • . . . ... . Contartn.—V•setable Cornelia Cretin, Amapa.° for ohappcd tangs. Gold Cream of Anna, Cram p dt Persr,Up"Slilte,'Ufsrbetref Greats, ts, - ' • Depilatory Powders, Ihr rnsioal gaped anal her. Pearl POlrdtt,Vlrmigre do RO.Ve remade Vinegar, %%nods !fair Compornian Praiser' !Wis. bevides Il A gm• raliEtr of O th rr anielea. 40 fullrelim to bo named In this a d seri:Umlaut. , • The rabserMer hopes t maintain the tePetutien which the establlal=sut has mor.lrad, by thsprsanc ornolilog but Mist me ariJnles, tali will be happy to tarnish those who may wish to per/anise him cutter wholesale or reta!l,on to reasonable team ea nay es tablitl•mmt in the United !hate. fa'""or to and forml Dire ti or V o I f E tALs Z ota ry ETIOENU tiM•3r. el, 111 by'sor Vreet, Mr. Males Per outcry is for sale all the prise'. pal Drassics in th e orstoirr Amp:pry DISSOILIIT/ON OP PARTICI:II' SHIP. T Virtnerolp beretefora existing bermes, Jame* 17!.thbetIYIlr ;:th,W.;,w.',:14.°41.1441T81P''?1; Wallace Co, was dissolved ban maim consent.. as the lat lam, James Marshall and Ilutrg M•Uea having purchased the entire unarm of Wm. W. Wal lace in and Ann. The Nude.. it, fauns will be °indented m all its venous brariertea by , the subscribers, Rader the name and style of blarshall & htstseary, who Intl settle the business pElbp late Eros, and to whom in persona te debted ere requested tomato panne .% Ib'areboase, comer of Wood and Liberty streets. • JAMES SIAREALL, [nye HENRY. IllealthaitY ZAIGLIBH & GROCE offeror 120 pkg. Y. 11.1 . 01 . ' O. hnd S 81.1 133 as nb po Las G. order Teas; acan 100 bap Rio Cofer. WO brio N 0 61oladk 73 bhda N 0 Sagan ' 250 bares audnad aim Window EllaaN 40 bz• Pipe; 409 bra 9 0ap; 10012. C.des; 300011 a Codtlsb; 31:1 bola Tanadnd 131 boo Chocolate,' 50 dal Bed Carat: 99 coil 61a0111a Roo.; at boa Spiced Ohmolattj 10 bags Yepp4d; 5 bags Alqued; 200 boa Ilernap bob Vlnegan 33 bal. Civdlawdakl 40 bzo Parch; 10 war Rice; 10 brla Cl.k; :00 drama Flo; As wall as • mare Maao4clom4anl,ol,l. TEATIIE SIAM:LET. Ease side of the Diamond,. Pietzbetrgh. rpR or the Tca atm nst 40e Yee bought e.t.a sr bare. Try Garth° Tea agelnet7Se Tea bought elsewhere.. .Try ear 7le Tea Rack et Tie bought elsewhere. The very best Black Tex imported, we are sedind sa 71 MILO par pealed. . The very best Clreea Tea Imported, we are gelling at Ci pound, Wo lie deeldely opposed to palm, Instead oPerhleh we We twitch Campeche/3, se the best method of Proving who sells the um and cheapest Teas. MORHIS & HAWORTH marl° Propnertom of the Tea Market. lOYllaxt 60 TONS ICE, to goal.. In low lat, kir tets ebeap • 1.78 Cu by CON • m, O' Ruin. AT LO KINS y & CO An Oslo •d dad White Wadding. 100noperior tmalstp, Jest recessed hen man. funnier, on consignment, and for sale as eastern p ,at the liantfaetaress , marshonva, areS.' -LUSBY, FLEMING k. CO, tag Wood it. 12A RBllllO TOOLSA complete Itasertmud of leo 1: best quality orCaeiBteel Grass and Corn &Jibes, warranted; Cant Stool 2, ;jib 4 prong Rook,, Warrard'd; Cam eneel Hoy Ronne; 10 dos •do Gontwonek Hoe., solidi don'oomMon 'do •de, (or sale low, at dm Drag and need Sion. of Sl2 WICKER: I IIAM maylB Cor of Sixth A Wood ote. G ROCERILM-1001Rs N 0 Sugar .1510 ranks Rloparee hf ele* V Hymn, yarlon. grades 30 do •Geepowder and Imp 30 do Ponehopg 5 do Oolong 83 Daddy bon Y H Imp te O P 81 las 14,5 , 5, and 151 Tobacco 33 beddy oz Barrow's s'. do 90 boxes Stuck 80 & br brl. Palermo. Indigo, Madder, Atom, Ginger, Pepper, Antoine, Nutmeg., and Lamp Wank &riling., Am aMe by C H GRANT 0 want s• Marla • IP aria. • Clalog so. THE andotatirned base 'Men spit/idled agents In Pont .' fee the sale of Charles Marla Farina , . Cotogue. lletallen will be aspplied at manufacturers intern. • Wril A IdeCLURG is CO may Id . • 251 Labatt" , at kkii,Tltiktkiniii.uvrass, plain, ots — ath tl and English twilled. oppq OIL Nov 011, Mack E While Copal Varnish. English billtboa•rds, mooned sizes. blanoynny Pallets, Charcoal Sticks. Fine tilt (totals In braille Ornes, or nil kind.. Just reed, and for salts by J KIDD tt. CO marl! Ni Won 1 rt At as lux. • A. Pan U iV, L an Y d :Vatralti. ° ‘4" on apyrmeJ TEA Flto,ll 17.1110 L %AD. DRECISELY the same kind of Yuman and Roo. 1 flavored Toss that are retailed In the old con Mg at 44 and ds per lb. ran be obtained for goo and 7fo per pound at Tim Tao Must?, tut aide of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, or at Moms linwetitOe Wine Store, Federal ittion ilidlegbeny. The above Pd. Vflttl• Tu., we 'cerise through oar' Engliah Agent, direct from the queen'. [loaded %Mehl:mars, duty .froe, beinkforesitermildk. .DIN TI.IBT opened, at We Pittchurgh Fatally Grocery P .:d Teefireball., the following sworunent of Greco one Black Teas:— 1111.1.“. (Wong; Fine ()along: Extra fine do; Ponebonr, Mostlan l'oneong; Nlngyong thr It Is unnecessary to puff the above Tear; they speak or tbasnselves. All we ask is a fair trial, and we are onfident they will please bold in qualAy and Mee. W3l A MACLUROA CO Llerny at TOBACCO -16 bf his Myers' Ea Lamp Caronalab; 10 do do Superior do; 90 bza Cabinets Vs Lamp. 19 hi. /one. dr. Hudson , . 6's Lump; 23 Dz. Raarell d Robin./40. 6'. Lama; 6 eases 48 dwarf boo Myer's Oronoto; 4 do 3/ do Trounaal NocefLf; I 'do 8 do do Gold Leaf 361426 twims, in awns, and for sale by MILLER 44 RICRETSON • Ira it 174 Liberty at. C 9/I IOARS-19 M & Sins Priielpers,dorr -7-- , M do do II No I, 6,1 Id do ' de No i; 69M do do No% li M 11.egoluyEs9ocreldcr, 13 IM do Courtopollis; 9 M la bl do.2dr; far silo by MILLER & RICRETRON _ . CA.BIOI SODA AtfiTisoadjgliaii ambers', a I 3 Maspratta , brand, and bier tat. aniyina by ea.% lat axle by. W &Al MITCHELTV.EF. ma 11:1 laban Shootla/ A.P.Unxrreger 4 tVed 4 r........_=w , thb , Mara IssURPHY k:BlZlßunarasaat :WU+ PA!git allterttwi tam 3Vall iteiel If 7f94 MISEELLMOUS. SOMETHING .NEW Onder the. SUZL Of Plttebtarglbt S 1. Te..u. be opened aboat the gad of May, a Fatally °lntent an d Tea Stoto,Lln the Plnladelphla The subsetibers . bava fitted to atone at No. to Llbery fret, in a style sepetWr to any of the kindle Pitubargh, hen they wilt always base • huge as sortteent of fine Groceries, and anomie,: Teas, to which they respecifullyjnilte Ito attention ef %boyish. Of every article, they seal endeavor to (keep the best of its kind, and confidently' recommend their Tana U Iso7 to Az kaursosso, re :granite in the ci ty. Their steerrtrient cosortlier—flreeri and Black Teaser all kinds, hem .De male to 111050 per Peeed. Coffee of gravy grade. Bogue, Lott Crashed and Pulverized; Steam Spiny, Pape Nona and N.O. blolesseg Cho. elatves , Foreign Frets and Nets, Pickles . , Neteheri. 'Eateries% Sago Cored H d err vb tr a d . • diPe h lt r ee li rna r qa d tilltrlTJAV t i Tt thor with um; rarities vibleh toe &tot Ileretalbre ' !ltri had Le Fats. intvg tk : i ttoo.w i ldeb ante would foil is eeemorate. V i fr , alp, crest , fops ebarFe toevery pert et Dealers aapnlled on most reasonable teats, • Whf.. A AIeCLUTtO as Co., ettla • - No. DO Litany salaam above Wood. • a. INIT/112VIIS, 11.1 wmaturvaLT, A. WESTERVELT m SON; WELL KNOWN yENITLiN BLIND M&KERS T keep constantly on hand or make to order the heat article In their dneott Mier old vend, No. I 3 Bt. EMBNIDPII t 14 135, 104.1..0q.u0514.0. 0 00190, emnettOo Mend: yenlipm Banger. e order. and a *WI, reC aplo • - REM Oro bye M.R. Its'elos; 100 boa cluster do; 1311, do do• IS cubs Zmite Dire ' ants; 16 bedew fit 011 w alrai• IS do Matti Nuts; .IS do Filbenci 100 do Pea Note; 00 bre shelled Almonds; 9 bin Reek Candy; .6 caws LJgoonce; 10 Id Prinelpeek. Regalia I CIVT 000 In 11 Spardeb; 3 bits Cloven . 1 cam 19atmeim 3 etroora Indigo; 43 cues Leman Snap; 23 ems Pepper Seam.; 10 ewes Tomato Catsup; Ground Spices of an kinds. SO barrels powdered and Loa:Sugar; Wats Madder, ID lull, Whilitg'i =ion:meat of Pittaborgh a retn India Malib or Floss. Yid, 30eO trot tlwe,r and 3 plr, af all f...?Perler la leather for *ale by J & PHILLIPS • "It a p Wand ac Mit2Zl MURPHY R BURCHFIELD, N R enri Poun4 h Mactat rt. E==3 R at= Youn Finn Yoang do; Extra fine do din Imperial; Ganpoordar. ETTE. DRY GOODS, to. Boact•ts and lleaast nibbeall• MVRPHY & BURCHFIELD have received an ad- Stn.:mai supply of above goecls.lneludine, ariooi atyles of China, Pearl, Albano, and Gimp 13annefaj White and Colored Gimp do; Ribbons tfall eolen 4.317 IttOURNING GOODS. IiI'IIRPHY & BURCIIFIELD inane the atientieri, in of Woe wanting goods for Dreaming potpous, to their very fall natottactrot, just received, ouch as Black Bombazines, , . Bentham. Soleil Alpacas% Black Moose do Laloos, Abittnierr WWI Bilks. .. an , Printed Foolards, .. Boraces, Times, Stein. Lunen, LAltratrnee r , Plata Black and Printed Lamm, •Olaek Bmbreideted do; Bonnet Ribbons, &outdo; Vella. As. trayl7 Bongo do LaMita AA. MASON & CO been reeel'red, pet exprew . and now opening 30 pea ebotee Bare:o dd Lae 20 pc. Md. fkloarips. de. • ECVIVEA . 1 ) 4.1.?1.10 'pet explode, ind is doo at A . Aiwa CO% CO Mlirodt g 100 Mode CON TOIOCt Shawls, plo:n t emlnolderdi; 60 Bled( ; do. , 1 440,60 in Week tiro do Rid. Silks; • pee do Bade de Chine; do 4 pee Turk Setin... ISUMME.II COATINU-1M pee Casboseressoimoned colon, a most desirable snide for PURIMMCIMIS, reed, and now opening by A A '2IAFON tb CO maylß 1 1 1 111DETWEEWLe.e•Sopester, 1n oaken) Tbibet Shawls, Miroiretieglintdson, ()tense, Y,nb, Mee, Glee p, lit4C6`uqokireo, jai receiving pererpress, *W 14 442.4=01 by .• A NASON & co 17 64 Mullet et= M] Colored Bemires, teed per express. en& now o. Hog by msyt7 A A MASON &CO MAsPN" "66-311ke, 6 1 , 44 34 Inch do; -and 4 P 1 e es as wift ' Wads Elandlcaroltlsfa. --..... .% 400 dos Ladled. Litt. Cambric lidll4, all pica lto dox Gems , do •do 4 6 i'' Li doz do do dd colored boYdets; RFc OW thla day Ly £ A: MASON at° • .maylo Pi Market .ti • I tAMBLET LINEN LtIETREd.-00 pes citame VLaities, at the ea Irmo low price o f I2to per hard. otaylo • -A A !COON A CO Walsh and nrannaLlnena. • =Om 34 end 21,3 pes 4-4 Hama Linen • V D A es Gm% Bartnfa and Alexander' n . mope d e trish 1.1"" ' "" 91""b / HARP; lc Mayllo Fresh Arrival 'or Dr* iurrE are now receiving lame adalttions to ear week PI/ Of Dunn; old Summer Dry Good., and ate, , pro. pared to aler an excellent awortorill at out areal tow prices for cash, or appeared reedit. The stteralon of wertein dealers la .par!calarlY . gamed to our geode, as we feel eongpent of bake able to otter nausea! inducements to mflo a hall wiLY as. Call and e.uxolne. at any rate. SUACKLETT & P71111 . P., way 6 lOl Wood attest. .• INGIMAI ANIS—od pen G t online Laliiiirlaet LA received, god now gelling et the very low Mee of Irg cents .er yard, by • , A A MASON CO VT UrILIIVEI 114RF.GELe.-- pcs Parte 'greed J. 7.4. flume. Wan e7tee;l3.lpce de atlefcper ykrd 61:e. pc. nth Yrhated Blonds, CI quainter; ItO . pteee: fart colored Manilas at Sc pot pert eon tr•earnzliy , amyl° . • ' C. YP3/401En, tr/ alßriist Ytreet t (r.rar,l4l.,crty, no.nratut A.Av 0U.1,01 AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN E'LLIHY GOODR t HOSIERY, RISSGNS, CLOVES, THREADS. COMB, BUTTONS, SUS. 4estin nab raiscy,4 BLACK :NU FANCY SILK CRAY ATS, - I-ONGE., ”ANOANNA, and LINEN HIKES u genotat 1:0000021 070:7 unapaingti. fpREAIf DODDS —Vire sr , rr, renovating a Rery large and fine 13.07 , 12.1 of Sprint and fiemtarr ..lords. a large ponioo of which hem bean pnrchnini at a great duction from ID, etici., brought brae same descr re iptions or goods In Oa ea rly Dart oftliis season, so tont in almost every Mod of goods vim svill be enabled to offer Great liaigains to Cash Capers, whom we would respectfally invite to cell at Np En Market at, north lout corner of Um Diamond, N roaTl3 ALMf ANDER & DAY Ml.lltPitY & SURCHFiELD — ard'ZIOW receiving ale/ !retool enmity tifGcods for ULM Spring. lied epr their Oren • and buyers . generally a large and choice asrortment to select from. E r Denims are invited to look in at the wholevale morns of W R himphy, ap mare, wheel, n fresh ply has also been received, and several tied/ of goods can be sold at lower priees than usual. mfl3 AA. MASON & CO, G 2 market et, me now °An . ing choice hien Colored llaregee,Tissees, Mitre (Loma., Delptilnes, &c, all at reducedymices. myth FAST tu,lored Lawns and blinllniiat the 1,74•174 re cline, will be 150r.nd by A A MASON & CO mayls . Ha:/.lna la joralas 4 llama vira.suks MURPIIT & BURCHFIELD have received &lot of Printed Foulard Silks, at the law piece of =le per ya , d; also. super do. at higher prices. Wont Bilks, neat plaids, at reduced once.; sod a larger,. sortment of RARECIFS&GRESidDINES,.d Ladles , Dne. Coeds rrenerally, of newest u7lea , al nosh test coracle of Fourth and Market sin inavlS 11.13 ra.ury.ti 'VHIS ULU 4:IJUN 111. f— t Preeb•ely tee wee tint avery etrong and rouih flavored Teaa that are aold In the old Country at 11. be stallion per pound can be obtained for 7.1 e per lb of may2o MORRIS te HAWORTH LOST. A PAIR of Gold Spectacle., .opp osed to bare been IA drooped In Wood rtreet, In from of Bokewell & Pear's Warebonre. The finder wlll be rewarded On remains them to the owner, N 0.96 Wood &Tree L .990 INFLAYIBIATOILT 1111LOBIATIIIBI. THh AMERICAN RHEUMATIC HA Le AM!! ANEW yeasody lately discovered In the Vegetable Kingdoms-a sure and permanent cure for all litteumala Complolvs. such as inflammatory, Christine. tette and klmanal Rhoureatism, Coot. Lumbago, Spinal Arestiora, Ae- Thle medicine has long been sought for. It bee been said that Rheumatism could not be curedi but bele le a remedy designed by nature far the cure of every dm ease that the human system I. satdeet vsk At last a re medy has been found that chest aneotastism of *s wam form—one of the mos! .enable vegetable pro ductions of the eanh--the greatest and most Important discovery of the age, and IL wonderful blesitag to Me human family. It caree without sickening or debilita ting, and renews strength and vigor to too whole eyes tel. It has cured, duneg the out three menthe, over 300 ease• that mere nose:Wed Incurable. • • Certificates of the connive properties of thinmedia eine eon be men by calling oe the Agents. • , None genuine unless pot up Inth an engraved label upon the outalde wrapper, signed by the proprietor, It THRIVES, Buren, N. Y. Bold by tL . 8111YBER, est= Third end Market at, Plus urghi Sold aboo by G. P. TIMAIMI:, • fehrstkortm3 No 105 , Cincinnati, Ch; • ADIVEL IficaSCLIFY, iurerruFAcruttka OF CAST FTSEL, and No. kU and No. i American Bilsiar Steel. Also—Beit Out Steel Film, or all sixes, and Blacksmith and Shim Rasps, Oswald oa hand and for either la gto Steal Works," O'llara street, Finis Ward, or at BM idea In the Iron Store of BOLLMANS dr. °Amu- BON, No 4;fool of Wood urect, Pittston-Va. oF.N4l.ra 01IICVLAIL We, the andenigned, having aced, svith entire uL lifeetion, the Can Steel and Files made by Samuel rdeKelvy, at his Eagle Steel Works, in this eity,hate pleasure in recesumending them as equal in genitor to any ever used by mt, of foreign manufacture. Pinaburgh, March 13, LSO. 0 & J II SLICIENDERGER & CO' Manufeetureof of Iron and Nails, Pitobusah, Is. KNAPP & TOTTEN. Iron Founders and Machinist., Pittsburgh. FA' COLEMAN, MAILMAN & CO, hiansdacurrere of Sprmp, A. ln, Spring Steel and •: Ervels, Prtobarrh, F & W M FAIIER, Engine Duildere and Machine Card Manufactr. rera, Pinsbunth. A FULTON, Brass Founder. Pintburgh, ORA FP, LINDSAY a CO, Mansifacturers of Iron and Nod. Pittsburgh. Pa.. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Kander, Pittshorch. Pa. W. lti avALLACE Marble , Mownfieturer, Machine and f.nrir, mrY9er. ht Alodern and Antique Furniture. JAMES W. WOODWEbL. $3, Taus. Se., Prrr•nr,ll J. W. W. .; . . ; ldil7 ! t - ' 1 Re esti. ictonaskho. ?f;- , -c-.„„re th.., :...- .. • pined ht* ape, mock of FURNITURE, the torge*t and :nos: vaned usortrurnit VI. I aered for talc in this city. comprising several setts or Ileszwoon, Alsooirnut, and ikon %Vaught, carved, ornamental and plain, *unable for Parton!. Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will Inaold at the lowest pie CP. Persons desiring Furniture of any:. description,am speetfully Invited to nail and eraminC Mattock, which embraces every desenotion, from the cheapest and plainest to the most elegant and costly, of which the folinnung cm:apnoea it ' , Alt Telt aht. Sofas; Tete a Tele Divans Conversouon Chaim; Elizabeth!. Chain; Bcceptton do Loot, XIV do . Esteem. do BuffetEtfiqueo What Arun Toilet Tables; .. Louis XIV Commodore; Date of York's Couch; GO Sofas with Plush and klarncloth covers; 10 Divans, do do do; - ' 40 doz. !Mahogany Parke Chaim 10 ° ROSCWOOgi do do; It " Elk Walnut do do; • 40 " C.e Float do; 4 ° Mahogany Rocking do; -. 11 0 do Piano Moots;' 00 Marble Top Centre Tables; TO do do %Vash Steads; !" . MO klabogsny Bedsteads; If do Wantrober, • 18 Bi 7 k Walnut do; 8 Chem', do, A very largo assortment of Common Chair, =id Oth* or Fortuna° too tedious to mention. 7 Iprr. Steam Boat, famished On the ohtirteit nod*, Ail orders promptly attended to. • _.. P. B—Cabinet Maker. can be supplied with all .4 of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers * at donaidersbly mduced one.. ___ onEnzom. STOVE PoLlent Ttna Pptrilitht=sii"CbC:=7B%"r; offer io and without none ration. or fear of contradiction, hp Wore who Saes testbilit, pronoun* it far ouperior to any other it the market. • The eanstanter need have no apprehensions of whilina carpets, ka, as Its tons.i po.tuon prevents a dun f rom ' telling when bens ap., plird, which mast be done when the Stove Is cod • The quantity respired to Ito bast* produce a beau , Ural lustre. A smog of over Ilfty per coat insura to the enamors. A coating applied to hres.,PApesii he, when laid: amy for the ounnalr, Is a sure pre!, veralialmo against ran After hosing Pied it mini. ((if it is accessibleyno person will lied any hat the pantlx Monelowering Cowpony's Premiers Chturil...: ell SluCo relkh• For Coin by • , S N WlCs6ll4llAhf, mpg I. Corner of Blurt sod. Wood onwto 'flifOrgy CIDY.II s. tie.. • -- IDCONCURY CIDER & Da, At , Lir— to pafre4 . Cnds Mgr, sad I b = , oggge2.. soya VOL. xvn. .265; BOOK MIJIC, arc • TUDOLOOIO WORKS. • Marc t9erisar Leodard Wood", D. D. L : ikadlera 111,01ie.. :Wang ILadft Friend. *grams. • :lehrisdan Manuel. atebalL , Tbs Gospel Roma Adsocate. - D.Oriren.t. L. D Yoolittster Wasksorcbesce s% • ! Pirfar• and CendaeritarY Thciatda leill's MOM . er Connicybarabi Bemon or aalebY - • rday2b '• 7 ! tee Peonb TU' recelvid at the sun or Os Oxides Mum. T. leasystetta Watts. ecasoorsdd dedicated td Mrs David It Park by Anteseor Dabber ' rk. Della Albin "Polk To died and dedicated be 'dies Miry Jan. Perk, Ptoreesor Robbeek• • • artmiari a's N BONGS:: M7y Dodder Odsd...lsler lac Littman EW Night: !Amos -Rod • aaer 7 Star Demmer' Dreinh. - Away Dow. mh. Dolly Day, 'Oh, L, _ Sommer Sawa Pobia. Delay 61110, Adhere Machtera, by Watson.' • _"• Ob, Think not Less !Loyd Derbta,„.. , Oar Clittdbood's RD111.41116 ace MIS MIS Erlllll.. - My ble th er I Ober words by C. . ehou bt klnb2r.• •aboOa. it rween at Il ... il lo:0M Polkas, Waltzes, toKtor One by • 1147.... P. • - sew rupzio4Tions. • A N illitoriettl and Crineil Vie* . of the Somata:lvo Miloropl i t t y of Swope 14th. 3111. b century._ By I. Lett.rsTof the Ite., Sawn! ButhorAwd. PrOrewer of Divinny In' the Velversity t o di Andrews. with A . notch of his loAt by Bee. A. A. Mew, whim of Ales molts of B, 51. tdcetepte, The Theme leaf Works of the' rate Stir: Daniel Bo ft yne, Lr.. 11 TehWd by the Rev, Soul Flay. SCOOMI I Lowelas, Trite.' of Ahytelnia4 'BY Dt lebhNm Neweutuon FArol on Christian Boinbea. •iy W. Noel iht The Coottibanolts d COQ.. BY' Jane /ilia.' lustrated from original demons. by Howland. The prdlosoyhy of Doh Serie Moral(c ud aT 0 1 .1JAMAL6 Let in the Faith aad hauuons of By Bev H Hosker. The Horning of Ivy, bang aieieel' to the Hied of Weeplare. fly the Rev. 11 B oo ty Selo. - 1U1 72' , itenTlPtliferai bein LlT; 7r iti. B 7vri7; Roo. . Dale, hl. A-. LThe Lighted Volley; or Closing Beenem in the ph of • Beloved Bitter, by Bolton, w i th &preface by sus , Wm. Jay. - The enettnandenent whit Proirdte; by the Author of utheLost Day of ttn Wee r ," ilhutrated by ItearieL Slettleirs of the. Ufa of the:Bev. John Willlwwo, Hlssinnory to Polynesia • • Memoirs of the , fas and Writin, ef Dr Ch 'hers, by Jim mon In law, Dr. DAMN In three vols.- TOIL. o large assonment of, New B. S. Union Tab. For sate by AErratum • - TO Wood ol PAILSNLSTOCILT DfIXACITOJELY.. card: PAYINRSTIICX bees levee td arntoonee PI the gretifri t rk s „ °, l h t.ll l' ate . u7 l , ) =gpilAT :Nat ebes'ef, thrmingtair, an, .that Ike welt 111 .- 101, 000017 re*" for the press, and will be put.loo thus hands of the minter ectee whero'between 99:h and.loth tosoutt,, • , • . The eLllzer- generally, end all who feel an Interestln the production of. mandate amlyerfeet Ofteloq. prtield.Tly those wtho hale tool boot aped op, apt grea.l7 °bilge the pubPther,by ezeutelolos that *lsla tallol3. emote:lnns sod'elneea.of ,btelns,ikoj ems awd for publication In the Threcorrry.. . , Al' curds to be to rted, mat' be, handed IC derth• r. nth. ec et the latest, by the rit..4,1061. named.. --- MELODSCON ezApos. JTusr received. tat eon, ono elegant laom• wood S octave Melodeon Plano. from the nolo. rued Montana:Mr? Of3lMen'te M:O 3 Cmelman. Tide I. a nom:der trannnallat,orfleolanc,marvery rapid enunemnom a no, ens fine 4 neume Melodeon, ni Id 4.1.F.11F.1VS Malle ntom, magi! • •101 . Thlvi street.: rial.'W PLUM CATIONS. •-• , A SYSTEM of Ancient kind Piedlaelal A GetigPhi. For Mt ouster schools and collegea. DY arleo Anthon, L. L. D. Profestor of Greet and Latin langs. c,rr•on Columbia College, Nes..Yorlt. , The Dielory of England, from tbn Invasion of Jalias Crumr, to the abdication ofJue.ea 11,10.8 Drllavld lia 9 m, 5344 a new edition, win the author's tart cor rection. and improvements; to which is prellied abort account af nis life, lariat". by himself. Stela. A Peboiel Dictionary or Greek otrui;floutanAads,al- t7cl, abridge 3 from tbo longer dictiOnsty ity WM. Smith. L. L.,• with corrections.'and improvements by Chutes Am non, LL. D ' • - , Memoirs of tic Life one Writings Of Die. Itei Thos. Chalmers; D. 11., by his awn m lass, - Molter. William Banns, L. L. D. Is 'Oren voloomo• Vol 9. - Mine Jacket; or Life In a Nan Of War. Dy'Der. men Slelvllle;author of ...Types Onicto,^ 'ALartart and Bedlm. •. 'lie Works Of Mrs Sherwood: being the otily eel. farm edition cies prOlished ia the United States, In sixteen 'einem*. ralty T..lesi from all nations : By. Anthony R. m, wish twenty four Illustrations by R. Doyle. Walton Bergey, end antes tales. By Miss Sedge. wick_ The Nation:a System of Book Keening, adspid to all parts of the United States. Spleen hismlng, So. CeurtlML • . Ago, a• logi at.of Arnekearri a.'ii Books, on Itando=tl by ' . 41" All e ' ' . ' ....' Sticeessora F#aLlBl4 ' "* Alilit ~...04 , , : 1 1, El.L o l d 0T , T , A M,i___ll, Th. )tarmac'. Glufd•- no Soleattifto marl P 4 '... 01 . 43 *Vries.lntro. RY Stephen., F. R. th: S., of tdlebnislH. vhe 11 eclehrstal Armeet of toe "Bosh of thtt.Fana," sea Frefessor Norton, of Yale Collegr, New Haven, are prep ,rieg fir the press a book imder theabont tide. l! will embrace every melee& of connected with Andeellare In al: he noxious branches, both Tbearetiero and Practical. 11Elciencey Le is far as It has, op to the Pedro! Ittne.,ber-u.b.sda available to praettre, by ezperiment, will be treated In Di eels• non to every operation as doctors (Das consul of the aetw.nan. Tie Work ho a:rained en font dadect bond., rep... Ming thebiOu44 with AVintei and caning moth Autumn. , A DEA. D LAJCRWOOIN my 3 Dooks.ller and Infearler. 104 Fear* et. BMW P ' 1 1%71117Z7:ile ih j, EreWay E tir:\ new and mowed edition, with en Inttnonotton wiltiea esvoitiolv On Weed:non by Alias *ewe. i&inn,elotti. lionfo.on with itailee, Cwipel'e.; Sedgeeri Vei W iiitistrved wis2a Vortnilx nrd view of the enther's . Horace* II htd,-Azonslated itry Wellun Cowper. E.i.kd Or Robed Sembey L. t.: , D ;with notes by M. A. DertAt. A opted. id.edition, ea huge vapor. ll hammed with otrelve eogrowine hi outline, ftoct de. stets by Innen. royal tiro,cd3th. Alooi actieeper 001.1unitta Works, enelnd rn• o variety of pieces now 'fimt collected . Jai:cm. Prior. oompleur to .4 rola. I.ltne, eht antlyprintodornitatnt 1a stzla with t oop .te.. Mae tthakopeare Calendar; or, Wtt and lirladant fat army Day In the year • .1411cd by W. C Richards. in a wary neat inhume, .Ittno, e10th,33 ems,' ninth h, Or cents. . • For sale by JAMYS D LOCIE*OOD, topl Bookseller and Importer.loll Pott , th et. rtiRSQUEBT OF CANADA — By the audios of 4 •Iloob Mayo,. IA 3 tel. moth, for sole b y . ose)9 .1001 s -rum l Kranre rtti c E . mgrkS..llu . A: d oi g . .t d :s b l y n't it a o ttoor K ez ti lfuotl s o . f - that of Social Choir Juvenile Cbou 'r tte, , &e. • 7 ' Sabbath School:Demo of Mask and Poetry, dallaned expressly for the Sabbath .1. & A. Grua shank. A new Treatise on Annmearyi sod the Use elf ha Globes, two pans. Contabane: Astronamlca And other definitions; monobe and peanhans elite maroon and planets,Ke law. and Theory of Once:Mon, Retraeunn,Terillght, and Parrallax, Conneenotia, . node, Distances, Phew:aro, tad Magnitudes of Ma Heavenly 13odlea composung the Solar Bylaw., he: also, U s ' extonleo collect on of the moot mend Prot. Irma Co the of the eilobta. Illustrated by it atut abo earnafol Examples, &al der:goad for the Use of Uigh School. and aeAneones. By Jame. Mclntire, AL It, h all Peste r ot Aluthenaties and , Alanszallroy la the Lt llig :leboolpol /lalt-toors. Deck end Pon, or Inctdenia of a arailis In die baited o States Frigate Cangressoo Uallfonda; with Sketches Rio Jonah., Valparaiso, Ltma, Lad Su Fronds... By Hee. Walter Colton, U. S. N.; leather of Ship and Shore, &e:, Fat sale by . A. H. FAGLISH & CO, Successors te ELLIOT & a • I. No. Di Wood Watt. rauiptui.vvo-q / . . Union Wein IA pilonsrl.—The' Child's Beek et Etelhd.-.4-Meedoeeld, or the (rear Bliinsne'l a Stall of [Leal I:Afr_lannogrove; or 1111) SWUM,. 80. Boys Concrortrd. 2 —'rhe BO of Iron; or the. Dancer of llnrose..ifildddlarenon el&hoal Coy , --Hossein, the L r, o f Lecher; 'Pah menial reference tofu earlier Period., ecd we 00.114 occurs 41 the.llctorrestion; try pens. nnars.D o.—d, summary of llthhesl Aramtities, for Scheols'and Foal;es. • . . Inbllsked by American 9. 8 Union, . For me by s, II ENGLISHid co, Sneccssols :to ELLIOTT a ENGLISH, mr2 - 72 Wood dusou . . f IVOLLTIVAL, DX 'HSI/. TAME.* D bee In 'prime, and 'will neettsti thonls-05 Menden en therench Di•Mefi of Goverment. Hensls.l froth the F, by R. H. Seller, M D, Boston. Steond edition 'j val. thaw. tat, J ams nabs's. .W et aLOnanVYot_a ' V ••• op fl skip, t{NTIF/C ottrlluN.—Thenseasra chora -1 ben tore ernpnryen the find 'Pearlman lo &tu ned, in the preparnuonef Mese worts. They an now offered to the School(of the Named -.laws, ender the AZI•11(..13 revision of Al. Reese, Al. U, L L late Superintendent of POMO Schoen, in the Cily and Co, nty of New York. . • I. t.lient4rs' of 'Knowledge; 11. Ciotti Drawing and Perspective{ Cr:enlists' Elcisenuinf Natural Ptuletoplty; IV: Reid ft IhiliNChesulitty and PJecirletry; • V. Itamilten's.Veletableand Animal Phyaiology; VI. Chambers' laschents of Zoology, with - plate%Vl L'Palte.o Element:sof 134elory, untended. It is dwell knewnthe theenginalputileiters of thew wore toe Mn,.;, 'Chambers, of Edinbit9h) aro Kole to command the bed talenti fn the proem . ..newer their Imola, and that it to .tliCir , prisedce to deal faithfully with the politic. This writs sell riot' disappotnt tha reasonable ospeetatlonithas excited. They are ele mentary wails, y roared by euthenist evesy way ca pable of doingjin lice to thmirespective midertakings, and who have evidently bestowed Upon thest the ne cessary demand lobos to adapt them in their purpose. We recommend them to tearben teal Potent. with 'confidence. The fint•bsonal octane, In thd hands of a teaches oldie Totem daises, italcat Carona an in exhaustible fond at amosernint andluersedon. To. caber, they would co, tor sthutew fob treasere tea tast ily of {managed • childreo, end =pan a, thirst kerrarledle—{Vermont Chronicle. Publianed by A. S. Llarneals Co - "New' Mork; and tor sate by • :dIL iihNtiLIBH CO. No IS Wood as AT orl r l %3te. . hica V ' fh Doormat tr L • s el. Received. and for sale b ONiSIDDSTON -- • • • ' too egg • i kirlgro - 6 7 1(4 . 1 '47 Ir 0 L.l 1t.4 - 5 . 21.8 RAR Y DEPOT - Twin &may, °rpm* the Yost DlFtbs. r LUNN, • floaleann. , Tini; by Charl!aDlek• 4astori yOl4 .4 p.a. No , lll4orautn.or adreniares In the; ; .nt, of Eriplm—A - 17bygge to Cal; (and' 6, by Btyl!rel Taylor. tit l et ' . l ar i l ! crtilt i tn i t: 3 4. 1 O. Hann. Nereb•WIIIILY4Ino, Kick•vbnlter ioy Alaysty'riprlls 494 sigh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers