ESTABLISHED IN 178 b . ; PUBLISIIY.D ' •W ki E:11. - 901. P.'s; Trenoi. 111111121131 1.913011.•111:11.0 STILIIT, ms TOTE TO Danipc .e.......--•••-•••••••••4:7,00perimaish --7111•WeAr SAO . • Weekly, )32 advanca)- ICO • “ Ds. • CU* at a nthseixl : ' RAI CO 01! 4.011,111021311,11 i ' • AGREED UkON , er"Ti Prrsimvp.aii '0 , 2e . 59 , P , 0.0011n0 orNanpareit or ' ea i f1terti0n.*•••........d...••.i .:•••••,•••100 !One agar re, each additional inimiv••• Ccle ' ' Ds. • . eta week 1,75 • • lb. , two wie ' ' • DO: Dare weets•--- • lee ' • As. • one Atel be. twb 7, 00 ' Dc. twee cob.' race mmlh. • ' - • Dn. ntiouthw •• • 'L IM • ' At. MOTO menthe.... ---. • • 19 00 • • Standing CArd lin. = es tem) Peeseine' i e, "" •,,One Soave, changeable atplewara iper • suns) exclusive et the """ Per cach additional aquars,issuenul,_,wrocl and ter each additiohal worm insereW.T . er `" e •l e r hy ewes, hallptioe. •. • ' Advenisementa =Ct.:ding a anew.. and °lt °Tee Elven iieu to be charged ma wiaar9 eee 'z Publishers not aceecnuible kor letal UmR.IIMM 41111:id tamest charted Dr e.els r eth ' i " eee ' er caodidawa bream, te is chtted the Same sitothSi adveruseinerne.• . Advenbentents not muted en the eepe r for a coed ' Led 'amber ef imienban, will be =Re uel till - tablet and I;Eseva willbe — cgaed ftldly r traeriblifiiiiisinew, and all ether on silvan. estimate bet renaming to their molar bashes., so greed Sir, to be pate QOM , • EII sev6tiwemte fa thititable inititutions, Ltd • ward. unwed* and wherpublie meetings, and anua ,es be charged haltering, payable wrietly le advance. • jaintkie 011trOOO Oi be dinged do [vols.''' . Data bedew inioned withoutchsrge, unless teem. pealed by= Wilts ud eblesaly notices, and In lesalar advetUhers, Ind !LI mkt . * evading comma. • sdeadens, sr rivaling notices deilved to cell lineal lg. to rein, Renee*. Cancans, or any public enter el=where chargesate wade for adolittanee-- of private aweelations—every notice de. .e. 4 to tall attendee to private enteconses calcula; led er Intended to promote individual inurten, can on• 1 , 1 be fawned With the imdematefiter bat the nem I.w be paid for. If kneaded Sc be.uwarted to the la gal column, the acme wilt be charged - at the natio/ ace ben than 10 cents yet llao.. .• Riaboasir Fist Dodoes to be charged tells grrtee,4 ?avers Lawton Petitions, Si tack. • .• • -Leval and Medical advestisewunds to Do timed at Baal Edam ,Ittote • aad Aactienceve advertise :Maw sotto be clawed ander 'only rwaybut to be idiewed diseases of aim dues and one tight percent. WWII of 211100,1113.1 DI DAILY 1q21.113. Om Pews, three Ineenkses---« 41 50 De. eat! idditleval Ineenkm« .12 - ; One Seam, ;10 Duce.) pus .userlon.--lie eta.. , Do. each itddelocal smerdo¢.«..s Alt Dineleil advertisements le be pole Iv estessee.' . SWIM. lb 110,13aseus. - , L. HARPER, Pe e. ltftlet At RIDDLE, /Meat • JAMES P. DARR & opo.,,,_Ceretdele. FOSTER & DROTllMl,lltspuelt: SNOWDEM, Manley. . • JA111 , 15 MDD Lb, Aseesteast. MR &if YAM% &cuing Tribune. IMusecient, Dee. I,lBb, • • CARDS. JORN PARED/60A. A LDEMIAIt, FPUI Ward, Pm .ueel. between O'hhg and Ws All bosiaess railway as. to m . AILUX.AAIMIEL t. VITATICINi • A ITO_ _II141 . 11:11AT, LA .. 19-011Se!,.ou rth . gitet • IDAVIDA). TUTTLE, ILTTORNRY AT LAW, sad • ••• • Pantrylmds,Bl. Usbi MC' • - eammanlethoaspresqpdy sarimed. T. IC Bain, J. P. 81112102. r. sTspatunTr,. ATTOIAN ETD tutd Counsellor, it Law—Fatertb at, barmen Itadtbaeld and Gnat, Ptuativagh, hC 4equi Lam • ..•••• • ....... ... • . —Wm. 6 Ftleind ' L1816611' Mr. IPUISND, TTORNEVES AT YAW, romil, wee; new Gnat.. 10.1 f A TrOINEY-AT LAW—CitEce on. VOIR* , ; between Bautki&ld and Omni, plusbarglt.. ; , Um ...a. rims Baitninral • • PATTON & nasearsia.,'. , A TIVANSIN AT LAW—Othe• in Tustaim otaall1.01e•Z the Goan !loam .. Sabra. diN ENOWN7I. (W. — . Theological, Classleal, tad randay Benmiler. and neater ait kinds DI Writing; W indo w and Wrapping Ta per, No. Weed Meet. betwoett Posnla end Da mara , Piroher b Pa. en IT AMILNE? and Columnar at Los, and Comdr.. alum for the Bum of Poonsyloonla, Ili. Lon* fArs...Tlato of fliataborgAl Itoferorieca—lOntborilt lima. W. Forward. HAM. too 11PCirottato A McClave. /oho K Praia, Stomas & Semple, McCord It King. sorlAly lIJOULTIN. MS S. Malaya , 111f90211.1311.. •••••••111.111.011XT: &WILLEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Clfe. • • • No 191 Merkel st, Philadel•hi a. . KIN . Pittsburgh Alt.. Works. ' 10111WitOZET,BRRRY Jt_CO,lttunalitstuert tad o. ss Frederic been.: • theme Mkt. 1311AON fr. REITER, Wroleule and. Retail Ihnt , wir tos, center eflAberty and St BlUr sheets, Fin& saconom - senoirza, rpouxissrol SiERCHANT,Stack and 081 Bret.' I,„j er, N. Ile liseond sheet., . • strybdly DUO , • 1121. 11Fdas.11, Axle, Ilekele- and lei; /1018dIkM;11./AMArdt 00, biaandeabis of Orate and Xletle ledgers. Iletaatered.4lxles, Darin sad Maga Steel, trek ka. Wareham, au Want stag nant streets, Mamma. , Aka; dealers ln °each Trireme!" and Malleable . ARMSTRONG & craozett, Cotilassam smacakirre...g Dal= II pro &tee, No =Market =vet o Pittabargt. — Jobe A. Craig W. 8. Skinner. cilium ea SKIIINER; Veirtardiu mad Cam,. tut& Merakama, No 40 Market at. Pittsban& co,Po amt Coin M.ARULTY C. lal&& /..12d Oil4fT,lirboinaala Grocer Commission and V.I rl . Forwarding Illerehanl, se. 41 Wine' in, Pin. __.,„___ h a ju s wn , ....-kedrern Fleming H. iLinenknk 1,. - sigressm, PLZIKING i CO., , . . , JANES N. DAVID 4. CO., 0111 MISSION ISSIICHANTS-Por the . 1 t -"I' 1).. ' PRADUCS , AND FLOUR FACTORS, 9 sussierAiresden, end Conan Goods; Si., dealers Id. . c. ...., . t.. mid 0 0,... kinds of Tally & T rimming % Ile isr wood at; dik Ne,117 !dirket, eel ni dem from P.A.h,PistsboAk . , _, -, , Advsnern mitre; by either of the above, es eourinn - Relff°4 " --I " as ' wW " -A " ma uNDenim.', : meet. of Produce to either Beam we viatrir .... gruiv ., = ELI,. Wt.lassie Orodim, Ociamdfake end Far- Minlmuus, owl deafen Ia Predate and Pidx. ITaidrata, N 0.3? Wood M., Wm= td b. _yortrixo p u r l tvgaisp?rt swam/Aro - "``' IPOIIOE COCHRAN. Coma/alas sad For sitAut Nereirsag, Ha IC Woodsmen Pittsburg/ 'a7l7 HI. loaestooor Looa W tW — Nott• ~ sod Goottaluttoo tor ma. W.X.1026, lAbertftertttitte [OUP' &Latent" annum nix" 1pi duah , . learzeit, LoirAzwu , IcAUCICNOIRTotnieco Chreidsevi ClUtliylatiordi wan: IN Glf !Oath hams, lontunk ;olio§ VOlN;lins t0..04, .LA Surat 09.) OMIDINIOI2, m l Feronidior Hen glisEbr anlert iglitleletared Gedds, w. 1. II aasnaLL, . . i • ' ' • . Otommtert plan .o-latza '- ' - ' ' q ui.. *TEX** Matt ft Monett to* Ateuniesir Pa. per Hiattotssoil Borders, .W . indnir Stat. Yire *NI rdiag il " Wittree 'l et, dn foi=r l = .... 131 ""d_ilel'g . wen Idde, rinsbeirght RI: 'i Dye Whdaub Draggia, aadirei. tvis Dye 546, Pitata, Vantisbes: kg, No 33 - Woad suvat, gee' deer Bench of Diamond dile"' we li Zetnkl . "ViVIVo ra eMIP/C:= Noostiotores, No 94 Water • Pirtstotoh. • ' eo4 . r i tt a olfa cy , wh. =llll7 o =RS 4 A. Wallas Hateklattr,o7doalas la Product', Nm. 4 , atm told la float stmts. Piftabaratt. - - we rata bwr - iat j4=l37oitTlf &CO., Whalroolo Gros an, mi Arial for liasardrowdottCo., No. F . Wood at., . , urn N. M i =tet at*, three darn r ith burtharill haveo,l VI It welleeyr utl as! "1101114110 ill Of thte best sal Onfaboot hiontelook - what t b. " ..o o n r f a onsdi iOO tw o relendde i t VITh ir PlPit taal oadlv itae es,olllo ItebilrMots WA .rpliar ottla thfoar aa a =elm ta• 4trgaw. la be *a torsttn7. WWI oroortoa G' a m =inaaorialo,, A stir on . 1 . Aloe la slap gust et ISO 1$ cal Podt ?eft • „8.1.L.C.191.1), now of W a ne % Ottleadi; taaai i ttr " P ar 'di ga M Clfi hW irt d iett_ Z ' 4 b arrn i t • rsr..4 mad Walt', WOOA !Rea, ballroom Stalthtiold rad Woof 1, Pluabargh, • :TOILVISTON k BTOCKTON,II44. tßisitol Pmpa Ilanufaeturers, 44 2.14Me4 autet, • . apt Jeba. . , - Diehard T L FLOYD. Wbetesal• 0 Coonairieids LP • Pere! Sad Dealers . 1 n Prods,. Aosta' Clore?..F 11,.. frosting oat 'Labc,r l / 1 * O4 ° TOIIIII 391TT. (flocossor bs Byron:* 'Slob ban - Vlbolsiodo firodef mot Co astolsolos Blerobiat dodos ix Produce 1111114 Pittsburg it Ibutufsolurtui ado-, ow of Welty eel #1.1.4 • putsboritit PIL Tata . 11 L th at, l itre =ll, 7 , 19!1+1 , Maar of Watertad sa laktia4 'lra . . , . '"' • - - -.-- ' • . .. . . . . • . . . • - . 7 : .1 ~ •', • . . _ . • , • . ..... . . : . . . . . ~ . . . . _ . ---4 '-' •'•••• lir , - , .7,•"- ,--, .. , r ,,,, --" , 2' , .. , • --,• • . ''-' , '^ -, -.•. ,. •- , ..-‘ - ' ,-- ,, ,--.. 1 ,, t.' •.* :• -• ." - ':• - •";' - '-‘ ,-- 4, • , ~.‘ , • - • r_..., -, _- „• - • ••- . .••- _ - . = ..,,,:" "-"-,-,,,,.,....----_,.., ~...•,, . --- ~-, - , •:- '--..- : --.. 1 ~, r,"•!:....•••• -*. ' . -, : • -.__ .1- ".... - - -.,..,' - .•7•••" -' 1_ . _ t I i i --, .. G ~..,.,: ~.. ! •• _. ..,...... . 1 , . , .. . _, •—. . , • lIIMEEIr aeon BUSINESS CARDS; -•- - iMPA A; MITCITIAOIV-& CALlSneeetsol4 te 4 Uinta littehtsen & • ConapArgion. Inetellaro. Ind Wats or 41w. Bt- Lad. Stem& Plum s aelkurp 4S•ratltr OM front &Omit. PlculurgA 011 , 1 L blEryoß, Wholewee end Retail dialer , j. b Hula and Utte.eil Instramentz, gehno nom, ftver, Eats. Steel PM. Wl_ c„,* aad godocomim .N odh. BL wood o.4l`itubrith. ,11-7-11.6 Nanrht or IllaroO in owl* ivois OSVEMZER,t Attu/tow au Lalriortra 4 opposite 5t Clarke Hotel. Pittsburgh,. will alio ...ddroavittsooollolols,la Wirakkor4Fl,l4o Ind Gr!.0II CO:intligh Plr. ;., .Iliackstoek;l3ollitCa., 12 .1 4 tornher's, rtaiturtli: ' .kriC BOO• • • • KKR & CO. Wholesale Drearlstsi . . 94 Weed Aortae, Plusher/Eh.' I,TTEtt ir.•Jaki:s.Paterardlog sm. Comestessoo • er -11 charts,,Dealers In Produce and Plusher& mann. _______ lo . s Med.rftelaL "Anal Bees; near 7.h et. apt XPrataTßULTltirrinftri ditTPA - 7 ENNEZEDY CHILDS .& CO. blanufaetzuvri. Tess sopetior 1.11 Sheeting, Carpet CAIN O M 'ranee and Battles. jetl47 irfsavllua.lrens Works - r EVCIV DALZELT; Y Co, lannuraetorrro 'of ei size. Bar t Sheet, Ballet Iron and trans of the On quality.' Wareltorae, all Water sadlos Rota street Wm. Miller, rbllad. C. W. Rieketum, Pau burgh. - s VIIL . LER k RIONETE .. N.4I.= Greem s, Began, aad ar l ==rof Liberty and Inwin arms, Pitt.. bare.. Pa. Iron, NMI., Cettou Yams, Ate. to . mew John DiPOitt. James D. DINAR. Walter C. Rue. RICGILLS & ROE, Whoiesere Greece arA Oeterets- JY.L.slaniderehants,:ie 104 Liberty E, kitte' Esti BTKE.I. %VDUs AND SPRING} AND AXLE FACTORY. OW/ lON% . SUM T. Mt! , Jon. qtrsoa, IMAIVITFACTUILERS of spring and bligter End, . plough stael, steel ploug h wingtet. 'and clip issits mil r as,oc an of Rosa led Float sta., PiuSburFt: Pro b. 13011 N 055 Markei occond doOr . trout corner of , dealers to Foreign and mastic 111111 of Exchange r Ceradoales of Devout, Bank and apaela. • •• io l.l mM. - a Cowhtenacan all the • pzi nal • pal clan • el abler; ER, ALDULIABI—urace, Etowah at, third dear above Settefichl, oath dee. • Coaveyanciaeof all kinds tom with the pcateat care arailegel securac7. Rites to Reio Estate examined, axt." • ocaltaly Co, .a.attFATERERS. Ciet GREEN G"..A.88 WARE. ....,17elattetattett,Pittattniab, Pr.., keep eetettaat ' ly ea Mad, saga to order alt lends of Vela. • c.r Pena? and lElataral Wr eta Bottle. of at . Parte:lglu aticallea poid to Itivatz *oat. •• Lttlmeriartle Estalitilahaardar. • riettliulthld 88, _TrArd a, opposite the For,olßee, ChtgonintL—, Landscape*, -be►dr r Shawl:Bit, Labels, itrehltretaral eta Magda, Drawing*, Variant and Vl.lting,Carde,daorn= or dn• o at mina, and primed ha agora, or.l.llaek t In this am approved Aria, and at the Dian trisitadthepnera • ondhar ' J. 17 PIM TIGGE3VI7 Mt STEAK BOAT AGE NT. Onnes 33372.11*A.13. Nauru &Du, • • 3 • 17 V. 37 Water strtet: •II AO SI. T ;is WEI EMS, DRY GOODS /ODOM% NO .101 WOOD tentElliT, HAVE Is store, and win be Constantly receiving daring tag season, mirage and well selected as. wirtmeat of Staple:and FanisTDry Winds , which sbnY will cell for cashew upprtived craft. Metaces.4lnrobants are. invited to. examine our - nCiBIN ON LITTLE A CO.. ' ITl2Libsity watt Pinabard • !Whale ante Cruces , - Prodnee, and Onneriltion ariamtn,„ and &Isleta In Pulablarth blanakeArea. •- • npl7 101 t. somal. TERM . TAMIL. 111X6. n. 11:0=0,01,. FllOO6ltT 18001113,..17/helessie Grocer, Rec , Oink EV Distiller, deal.. fit Prodoatt, Piusbani, Plan tau lartilouu all kind. oof Foreqn and Dearest* Mans and Liquor., Ilbeny•treet. On baud a way lama dock of roin.fiar al Monongahela ...Waal, lor 6i eh atel be *ol la w for • ..b. . . . _ Extiohre 4 , 8 fl6li ForsnLeGet and Com= l . - Lb skit Nersksec for tea Adsseeny River, calm lu Groterie ,Predate etusburgh, Disease tares,sed Chicsiibo Or Lime. , TM Weis pls.; la cash, pasi LI all Glais for mean rare. 4. , / roe: Peen and Irwin ins. acia DintEIIT Del zELL a' Co, Wholesale tiseters, • RC otieeludefl•Merchants, dukes IS Produce and Pleabarit ?dullest :sus, Libetsy MSC, ritlabartD, OAIIISRT A . CUNNLNIMAN, Wholaals Orixer , Ocala In Produce Pithborgh Masodaetnres. Ne. 144 Leber T wen • aple, Vyy li rit , ol A " a*gf C°- ; 9be6 m Ud 117. Ito and Val noses *tea ' , Also—Spri .Vicea An vit., ftwy len** the att-ra tion of merchant. Imd 'canna:tern th-tr stock before earchndhlf Vika Th...• warrant there ardeld to be eqa• to any meet In this coantty or =ported: - ' • Atilt • • . . Oti&cit.LE:rr & WRITE: Mak4ale Widen , in Foreign and D m.rtio My Goods, No. 99 Wood vaunt Pinsowirtt.• • apt 7 Gi 0 , to Floor and produce generally. rune Formuding and. Zosounation, filanstisais, No. 48 Water street, Pittsburgh. apl 7 AIWA" ITlrMtleatt. 1.11 INLLITIAIM. SELLEREI & ?redore General Cam Iu oa tilemhants, tea 47 Liberty street, Tina taltb. Sperm. Linseed and Lsld Oil.. 407 S.:. IRA DON TO, Wholesale Ott s cam ForreardLna and •Cenner Isslon Merchants, Wider* In Plttsliargla hianeritetet we end-Western Predate hive removed to the, new warehouse, fold Predate; Corner al.Pront ars act and Chancery .7, . aOl7 E ELANI7OII.2II. TE4•: AND WINE MEILCHANTS Fitt tide tm ti. aols L 8 . Vltataoip•• ri.Waterroan- Waters • • • L. 5. WATER, AB S 1110A11, • .. . . . . IyiraOLlt&ALfil GROCERZ, Cam:anion and For. grardlng Marchanta; dealers La all kulds of ?re dacts & Plthbargh dlanntleuared Ankle. , .4 A pat. fOT ate of 'lliehmotta and Lrehbarg Idanalactored ' Tabatt6. ' mtt WAL TIRti3LIN A TOILE ICY &T LAW, Butler, -Pa 1,171= also aaand la collections and el other but ', nos callused to Um to Mau aaS Annstroog Ps- Refer • •• • • J.& 12. Find, Lamm, • - James Pdanhall • do )Pittoburgh. dly 4 Kay & Co, Wood-n., - • 1 . pm, - 13, B.l3ashEcM --••••••Ocerge Claw& . B. B. A: CO.. — CITOOLESALit . and Retail Deniers In G7o[lllle. VT and Dry' Conch, And Commission Merchants. 2.14 x MO Libe at, Plmbitrals mit - 4 - 7013A•11or&DIEN. *. FORWARDING lb COMMISSION MERCILiNTS Calltr Dasth, ?elm street, Pltlshireb. mei FORIVIIIIYEKO t COSIMISBIONLAratiAIMI -Viartifrai reeptellaily 'BOllO3 the cortalaainent of lianisburgh Ireighl, from 'Western Merehants, an •they are prepared to receive any amount. Lino • and Section Moue loaning night and day, the freight - win notbo detained, no they arm tinkled each bo w as 'iborgbireb.2l),lBso... • -J.l). Williams ;.--.John Bad. D. VITILLIA.IIII t 00, • IVI C O I'ES tri 111 d Co_ _clan Wi nur , de Om in Costry Woad and Piiarbarth btanaraa aar ra,earant of 'Woad and. Fillla meets, Plusbargh. H. vniiival---•• • • -I. B. ntevw , tvlll. n. WILLIAMS & CO. . ' NUM AND EXCHANGE BEGIAE, IVonk Dan coma of Wood Ind Mit Wel wk lakm,kr. JOIIN • co.ooors, t.t • & CO, WhVga l ls u el=, It 'VT ''•o4 ov t' wo od arca., annotinfoh. . , :opt? - Wilt. 2""' ieliigtimerrim.Ess,(roce..;; , WGl ll : l7l ). . W .ll pion.,) Wings sale Grocers, Forenution and I Comm', id. &Terbium:s dealers In Info, Molt, Glats, .1 Cotton Yams. and Pat , earge Manufacture general ly, eera sr.of Wood and Wawa attattaj . . apl7 Whoesale! Grocers, • • '•fieetiZtog Distiller.a, and Wine and 'Liquor Sleronans Ns—lmporters Peda Ash andea ing Poi ear ; It* übero WIG, (opposite Binh . slsel4littsbars6. • ggr .14 .74'11,50N, w ood. . , Ne e Wan, VY'. • and Minton . G, a 11 , 11ser of Market and nrariditreeis, PttisbarsO, a—Waleben and Clanks' enteral,' rePalren. • anl7 ;int — Veval. • • lo® IieCMIL t. Datlem in Lealker, Hides a ice,l43 [Abed/ lOW -'erriewo:7-___. laklncataa. MaeITrCEMON: ii%olssal. Grocer., dealers lo Prodnee. Iron, Gin.% and Ptitslpsign Marne entry generally,- Labatt,- ent, 0:11I&I. In 00, tprnotzsapattiMitutot., 01LOCERS, For. :•••13•1100drabbronannosion Mar arum, Designs In o•olo3frodnoegt raeltvgi =fares, .11101:161t & Aim ma. . .OEFERAI. 600131315110 Hf =WM, trrLiberit saline:ea undo ea e emu. at, Ir Art reentering him nue sort; meeker Gonda, Tog *WHEW .P0r1, 1 2.." ,',111. 1 ...1 compelling, tie naval, rtll merest id nun (amnion- Le.A. Palmer. Rooms, ganef 0. /m 0. able stylca of Cloths, Leuhrteres. fancy Vest::ss,cot remelt street. =Mum ett F4Fulk L ,ueit . ton %nal linen summer Enda, end every article unable dece.drf • • - for gentlemen% meter foe gyring and summe. It being iee m ese ggeoltrannee• itapeeeible to describe the beauty, quallry, quantity dir. -rlarvgoll4 OM= fr. NT (1.21-01 d eeneturt of the Mock,' the proprietor hope. Walla Sr. want tA t'"e r. tt r.T reke °6' ht. " ' L rVirll - &CY Or Lb. at of s e.g, teeny, furnonable, •nd mad lothes, rue tt . kn'A renda s dh - Tchthei - offer for ale valat.. s. ..,fota: - . A g i i i g h td e : . . l l b - 1 11 ,1, ‘. . 1 .the. p.a bi no a tre it. k Veld, of Daa ' kk '" Iknde n -.l= I ' 6 ' 4lMT ' - 4t de Id .2- The mady seas departs:am La Tcryetteosive, ads.p- Tust CO,Litroehale, 1 Parana, Coptic. mut. A I..Ellaville. dt de Mondale; Jen n Imes. t ea to all Mete. • ..11mt.alneautebar (iln.ilordeanz Rod and White Vilna Rai ma contractor., andW in enekneted cues, eelemeil rah cue by lehe Dense parehlee lamely, ash patilCait, wetted. es. .11 e mrte the sleek before Oluenultrg, *4°4.14414 " C""1.9"44, Moe - . sad law C ! ! ..ce n b Uggn • • r vs, - con in geld Ur the itheleula 20020Cfkl , aWS /stab. fta 11° A77 ' arlleL is die tailodam L :am:tile rd., a B,oeir o i a CO. have t ameyed hadembhi awl wig sueneria prill unen Once to acreUonnit et nrsat atek Nat • • , • , .71 I , I ; naeldn• they. WlGHTMAN—Plantractura of Will:ids ant ton an woollen utlettaery. Allegheny eiry, Pa tone works being now In full soul succentil cu. critical:l wytcpaed to exeratitnites with disek far all kinds of machinery in aybra, melt as erlibas, rankers, spreadrs, cuts, rindra Tustin ninny. d f peed g th Us, too " ' I g $ crs, 111M1 MS WOO CO cads, double or striate, for =Tensaw country work, trollosJorksare-; slide , and hand hulas and roots in ton ere. All kinds of shafting wade to order, or pints for en for gearing factories or mills, it ronorable clam. Rom tc,--Kennedy, Childs & Ca, lllnekerock, Bell 4 Co, ring, Pennock & Co., ins .A.GraY. BENNETT-AL BRCE E IER, QUEtNSWARF. RS. illeuellagiumix,partar Plata hr) Par Ottat, Ba. .37 Water et,' daureers Maria out ON= WILL consume) keep CM Wanda rood aeon . mem of Ware; of our own outenfastere,/e0 saperlorqualny. Wholesale and concur Met chants are respeettalty melted to call and ex tonne for themselves. as we are determined to eel) eheaper than has aver before been offered to the pub. lie. iti"Ortlere tent by mall,ae camp anted by the cub or cod reference, Nal be promptly attended to. tore A. WHITS 1;oold mapectlblly Inform LT.L., the public: that they have erected trollop on Lacock, between Federal and Sandusky streets lhey are now making and are prepared to receive orders far every description of veldeles, Coaches, Chariot's, Da roaches, Boggles, Pluetons, he., tee., which from their long entwine., in dm manatee-terser tho above work, and the facilities th4lhave, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles to their line. • Paying pardeolar attendee to the *election of mate- Ards, and having none bat competent workmen, the, have no hesitation in warranong their work. We therefore oak the attention of the public to this matter. N,8. - Repalting done in ths hest manner, and en the teat reasonable terms: • laden( van. 01101111 E. saxes atareseA ATKINSON Tskrsr strwsza anu Wean at m all Maws'of thrr COPP utrion, E mfacture kirula ER, 4,7771,rail SREET OWN WARE. AIN, Black. =nub Work. Steam Boats built to order. Speci 114`bilu'Igg7, a " ob°‘ r d Dram 'Mules, Tin Ware,ke. &a. Sterunbo r at uooking Stoves, .Portubio Forges, nnouv rhea-a vers. corerenlent ar ticle for stcambriam, Califemta cungrants, or mod compardcs. Wo would respectfully . inane Mean boat men and others to call and sea our ankles and prices before purobaslcur el +esker's . m. 17. W. 4 .T.GLEISaI. Stools Illiselors.' W lltre m egl d er t g i tt i Mei Mot Abrialn u ass, com er We iro prepared to do any work in our 11. rm wit: rgby P. 445. patch. We attend tnonr work personally, and sane. Merlon will be given .1n :needle im nearness and da• Dhak Hooks ruled to any pattern and !Mond tob• suunially... Book. In numbers or books bound cue. fallr or repaired: Names pat on books in gilt Loners. Thom Mat bays work ;In oar Una am Invited to call. Priem Low. , nulled t Mr miry. Pltt. Mold*. Works sad . 7111111117411i1i FL. JOM WRIGIIT it Co., ore prepared to build Cotton and Woolen hlgehinory ores description, sub u Cudlng Machin_ o, Spiaping Spesden, Th =l a r r e nm ' :=lllViniTs * , B Nrs, l u a g n hl Iron Shia , q / i t innted; ell sites of Cut I rou, Pathos sod Hangers o latest potterne, slide and hand Lathes, rind loot 2 0 I kinds. Cutouts of every description furnished en short notice. Pomona made to order for lihnnne, Iron to. cam Pipe for heat linng racurrieg, Cut Iron Window S aab and fumy Cu. lgo goactelly. • Orders left al the Warehouse of J. Palmer t LJberty .snot, mill kayo prompt alters. Refer to Claeketoek, Dan X. Moorehead Co G. F. Warner, John Irwin tr. Sons, Patabutut ; G. C. aJ. IL Warner Steubenville. lattin • T . • • • 11E sabectibereders foe tale it largo and splendid essortment otrosewood seed mahogany grand Ac. von Pianos, with and wuWont Coleman's celebrated -Cohan Attachment. The above insumments &rearm , ranted to be equal to nay manufactured to Ohio coon. try, and will be sold lower ear any brought • from the East. F. BLUME, No 112 wood st d 04 door-above fah N. Scup brill par fora four of ho above assoruneet. eny2 - F. U. • • Vil - allua gdrisatt Water. • THI9 is to ecru!, that d hive are pointed 'Lloringsum, Rogge. & Co. dole Amu for the este of tenni:dee • resent Dieprahaen Filter, for the cid *sof GIBBONPiItOargZd g =y jar Walter IL ., ‘, way N.Y.. . . Out. la, . Wa hoe* need iting_one of the'above ardeles at the edge., of the Novelty. Werke for three months, en trial, and feel perfectly unshed that hie • asefel Inventive, and we take pleasure In recommending them as * u e hat whole to all who love pore water. Onkel, will ho thankfully received and promptly excentett , owe LIVINGWPON.ROGGE.Td Co ___. THE - nuirmaucTsis rrlsl: attention ado: public re reapeettane canal to tae felldwbra cenlfmatorn ' , , • S. wane -I.l.avme tested . eternity or Gold Win:by roar Ammeter, I find Me ptsalt prom raman camel; and recommend the nee of li to those gems to Cetitonda, as the best method for lib mining the real mane of Gold._ fteeot.your . • L Er D111.a.i., Gold Burst. • rinaliehNisight,lBo. . PT:Tarte% Mueb 7,1848. lax Bemis-Dear Sir. Having examined the ears*. mete 7," otormfacmrod et you rooms, I do not immune to earnmend It to the use of those gentleman who lee about removing to California In search of Cold. It gives a close approximation to the email° greet ty of metals, and. vollecnamly enable the adveantrar to aseensin when his placer is yielduto Cold. merle N'anta, marg. J. IL M'CLINTOM. I NDIA ROWER CLAYPHENG—Just received for the 1 California Expedition, a complete assortment of Gem Elastic Clod:41;0u prices ranging from 65,00 1141,50 for suit of coat, rents and hat For salifet the India Rahher N. S Wood " deal) Ja II PHILLIPS Steam Brack4l,llWiTorgas rrnE mese ether ems for sale, Ile STEAM BEIM J. WOltlitil, above Lawrenceville, - comprising 11 Stearn Engine, Ittioilers, adloald Machine, capable of eitanstieetermg 20,1.00 Pressed lilticks (out of dry clay, ea taken from the bank, per day; with three acne of land on the Alieglieny riser, on :which ant kilns and sheds, machine and clay sheds, strtiecibarroars. trucks, shovels, spades,' Mo., army Ming requisite _tel nom- mete operation* at m Winn notice. Price, Including the patent right to Imo said machine, 17,Mitt--mems of payment made cup. Without the land, IMAM. For particulars, addicts HENRY 141.1M8117', no, ..dtr - No 118 Menem . la Haase. T T,IIE. partnership heretofore eilstieg under the am of A I 0 BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease o Mr. C Bradley, The business, will be earned on by A Brroilsy, who will wile the busies of, the tats firs: REMOVAL-4 BUM= ben rumored his Foundry Warehanse foam No We Second street,terNo lb Wood. street, between Mat and Second streets, to the ware. house lately occuplesl by• O Seery, where be keep oonstently on hand • general assortment of Cast ings, Orates, Mores, Cooties Stores, be. 1713 • • ' • . Dissolution. irliDee-partnenhip heretofore existing between the C =VI I th s n lo ' N ' lll U r re Dart. k Domes will souls the business of thesorteern. for whieh pomp they aro authorized to inane name of the eoneern NATIIANIELUND DUMF., CONSTADIA EDM BARNES.TfIUMAB • ne undersigned have this day woe-tided the attelves le the namo of BURKE & BARNES. for the pansee of strauntaeloring Ftre Proof Safer, Vattlt Doors. ae. *Co, where and w ill e tate first of Constable, ltarke t.hey be pleased to receive the patron. age of the camass, of that hone and their fsenda. EDMUND BURKE, TUDDIABBABDEB. - • • . . In restrict from the Arm Of' &amb& ~.Thstte & Gh I with *mezzo pleasure recommend blears. Basted: Benno to the ettaidenee of reFftietAs and the public:. Feb. 90949... • NATBAbIII4I.4 4*INISTABLE . febt.l4 7 13.-iisawrneroir • Hat lost interned from the Eastern Cites, and teeming a large variety of scuonirile Goods, to leech he respectfully 1111iteil the attention of 'remit an mod p ats.. No Weep at. i , --. 'We ought and Cartl.raraltallisligt I:1,7. nibseribert be leave lb Inform the bubble lid . they 1.00 obtained front the East all the late and liable deeltet fee Iron Railing, both for homes ana etneelerlu. reruns wishhts to procure hand some patterns will please gall and examine, and . Judge for the:mires. Railing will be farniabod at the .boor. eat notion, end In the beat • twitter, aa the owner or ... 0 JI : ObOC011 Mee!, A J I L I , CEbal o gl. a. KNox. KaCONOIIIY CLOTHS, CASSCOERES, BATIN Err% Tatman on cananounent, and for gala a tie manufaattonei warehouse, ey • tilt - HERSEY, FLEMING & CO JOUN LYON!, .r;r0; I'EITATE t3TftEET, BOSTON, Agra for Muni and littawy of Property tn . Zugland. HAYING anent nearly a year In Me 00,10. Ro oord Offices, National Labrarr, an., during his late Malt to England, investigating clalnts for persons In this country, and having secured efficient and to aponatble Agents In London and Manchester, he is prepared to afford all necessary Information and ad. Mee to persons who seek to 011COVai their property In that country. - • J. L. keeps allot of. the Dank of England Dividend Doak" whelk may be examined for 00 cents, or IS for each letter of the Alphabet. - References In Boston: C. 13 P. ADAMS, Notary Pablie; • JAMFA WELD Foot ' HENRY K. MAY, El e :tra'&0:11 JOHN W PIDGLWA ,Asp, . .11PCOILD i 00. . (Sueeetiort to APCont a Kin) oi L 7wohlosablollfilatto Corner of Wood wad r 3, 80.0.1. P ' GonnacL ut a ti l es upo P a tort dats and . Cana front oar ottablialiZni the and NAIIMULS end WORIMI3IIIII., of the aostrilirtUai and u the Warm Ccoutory Manibants, paiettaiing by .artioleash ate rarpeatlenly invited to call and examine oar 3100 • we can way with nonlidonee that as regard* qualrn and run, it vrill not safe to a . comparboa 'Fah any ease In Phlladelptda.• . • • ' feb47 Itwie to Inform Ms Magda awl . Wi PITTSBURGH, MONDAY :t&ORNING, JUNE 31850: INSURANCE-. _ LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Intnal- Lire Iniurageo Co Ix= OP-SUZIZI6 itlmrtem 2:5 ?ca. cart: • Capital, $150,000. JAMES . mincso & c 0.,. AsAnts at ?imbues, r. . . , . 1."... Dr.VMON-At TIVROS,IOI6. nun: Intl liar, Ir. 1 loaptt .11. Pott.• Pres , i Benjamin Fish t O. A. ECTUCIMS, V. V. Join A. Wau4 r. Fll Morris,EleerniAll. Amason Flak , Treasurer. Comptrollero(New York. George Wood. Joke F. Mackie. David Dudley PieldL .Teseph Bozic. any maser. . V I Iris Pae. Gov. lime, ► Ex•Gov. 'Vests= , ' W. L. Dayton,U. S. Bem. Immo Wildrick, It. C: f G. D. Wail. Pa. U. B. Ben. 'Wm. A. N elect I A BLG. j Ife•Gov. AL Dickerson. Den. P. R. H.. 111 ", MEDICAL "CAMINERB„ A. Sidney Doane, M. D. IW. W. Gerhard, M.D. -__ne Warren st-, N. Y. Mt Walnut M., Pte.? War. hPiC I Morgan. M. D., It R. Bell, IL D., , ‘. George McCook, AL D., Allegheny MIT, Pi, , Pittsburgh. Pe . . The Asesto of thit Cot:moony, at Pittsburgh, ale n}• Mori.. to take every firm class risk on Lifoll n amocc-nosear,itmn.rive en cm. from the anal rates of pr..i.ant,.as charged by other Compaalet, Am. VI years of age, taking aPolley of Insurance for One 'noose. Dollars. - Ti inn for one year, pnys l ily 55,E0. do seven i s . . sifio do lifetime, . a a VIVO And in the time tproponion for! any mtmgriP to UM% which is the talent taken on tiny one li re. This Company commenced operations on the lot October, INA and Its monthly himileeis tiP le ilia /.i October, 16414 shora a magmas •sicanirta that of toy other Lae Company on record: .: - M. 11% dividend of pronto aill be detiound to the • assured on the fat /vinery, 1130. Pamphlets cemttining Me varies. tables of rates, and all the necessary information' on the Important schism of lie ASSIIIIITGO, will be famished on app l.• croon to JAMES DUSINO A CO., Arms, dell . ()Aeon Buildings. rrim TRENTON MOTU al, LIFE AND FIRE IN SURANCC COMPANY will Usso Policies of loans. opium Lou or DAMOZ by Fat, sport Distills's and Furniture, Stores, Goods, to , to., on appllusuon to JAMES DURNO ACO., Age is, doll Odeon Dandier. INIORABICE. /lIE DELAWARE =VIAL SAFT.TY INSU ANCE COMPANY —Otte North Room of the R change, Third street, Philadelphia. Pax Istioustoca—lleildlngs, Alerehmdlso aad ether propeny. in Tenon and Country, Inramd egninet low or damage by ire, at the lowest rata of premium. Mal.llNittoommum.—They also lento Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or roastwise,under opener special yellers, as the assured may donna Imam, Tassersonsime.—They also Insure muds. andse transported by Wagons, Roll Road Cats, Canal Bost. Steens Boats, on risers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. • DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. &ruder, Jan C Davis, Robert Dorton , lobo R Palmist), Same al Edwards, Geo 0 Lana, Edward Darlington. Isaac It Davis, Wee Falwell, John Newlin. Dr R M Huston, Jae C Band. Tbetsphllas Paulding, 0 Joan Broom, Remy Sloan, Cralm George .Serdll, Spenser !delivers, Charles Kelly, J O J hums, Wm Ilayi Dr S Themes. John Sellers, Wm 1: 07,0. Jr. DIRECTORS AT riTTARL,RoIi—D T Norm, Leah Craig, John T Ltwan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President Emomo S.Nonmen, Seel. •. ILTOtea of tho Company, Na 42 Water menet, Pburgh. r rotaltSo P. A. MADEIRA, Agt. • kilt. wad Health latedrastoo. • fPHE Mutual Wei and Health Insinance Cantl., 1. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, blarek, 1549. Charter perpetual. Capital, 111AMM Hays towns Tale am Vama Cdarser, and fall VD per cent, lower than the used rates of Life Insurance a. following com- parison will show: Thus, a po ti on Of the Me age of:gin gering for SIOD for hfe, must pay in the Chard spa r Pe nnvi i ivani.'llet Peon ' F York Life orm ha ez, Sion bionAkt,W; L E N aatltTA N ,Fkiladelphialiall , Rattennte—Sentucl D. Orrick, Chorine 0.11•11, W. F. Saone, Robert P Kink, Charles P. Hayes, W. Baldwin: Reeve, bL Chu. 0. 11 f'mptelt, Lewis Coor,l. Solace Darker; RH. Seder, Edwin U Cope. President—damsel IL Orrick; Vine Peel. dent—Rebt. P. Seeremay—Francis Mae Mime. application* will be received, and every Inferential:, given by SAW. YARN MUCK, Agt, Who, lkenalerCial SOCIMA 00,1121 of ocer.dly Wood and nerd ets, Pittsburgh FILLY AND NAMUR INSURANCES. TIIE INSURANCE CO. of North America will make penn.en% and limbed Ingenue an pro perty In this dry mad slnlty , and rn shipmesta Canal, Rivers, Lakes, an te dby Sea. The oropeniss of this Company are well invented, and famish atfavail able fend for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be proteema by Inestrance, WU. P. JONES, Ave .1111gALTIR reeeeb,ersek. The Spring Garden Health inenrante Co, OF PRILADELPEILS--CAPiTAL SlOO,OOO, INSURES Males aed Foglialin against the Erin.. and Lose occasioned by htlekors or Ace/dent, by , en immediate allowance of from 53 to 85 per week, foe one, own, three, or rook yore. The method of effecting Ude Inherence, and the marmer of awantleg the sick allowance, will be fatly cipleined by the Agent. . A person ean In against Sickness or Accident wider, will detain him from hi. ordinary beldam, aa billows, vim For ono year, by paying 414,20,and miens in IF week. Fot tvro " Ai% a a 4 a For three ° 7,1/5, a For Goer ° • 10,,5, • u a Or, fora period of four yean, the coin of 614,40 paid nettally, will secure L 9 per week while sick. Every necessary information will be adorded on the 'abject of Inertness renersily, by JAMES DURPiII as CO, Agents, .Odeon lbuldlapa . Sir. and Marls. Insarnaßoo. TIE OFFICE of the Outman. Company of North Ameriea, bas been removed No. 141 Front st cast of Wood. • The subs orther, agent for the above old and roman. sage Company, rid IMMO / . 01iCIGA on Building's and their contents, and on *Mammal. of Merehanstue by Stearn Boats and t.ates spa The Passutsglasaii a Company Fox letssuancs on lam ago Guierine Assornsa 111111 E fast Life In.srance Campany in the U. States. .1: Incorporated Match 10,181 g—charter perpetual thipital 63CA,006—salmid MMus entheructl the undersigned to receive appli elisions for inairegice, On which policies will be lamed, according to their proposals and Mei, whleh will be wed., known to appheants at his came No. la Wood street. GKO.'COCIIRAN. PITTBBITILOM IPMBILLW INSTITOTM TILE Second Session of this Inslituden, under tha care of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, for the present academia year, will commencen this day, Monday. February Oith, Indic lame buildings, No. It Libeny onset Arrangements have been made by welch they will be able to furnialt young ladles facilities equal to any intim Wee; for obuuning a thorough English, Mull cal, end Ornamental education. te fall course of rh.- I.Ophlea: and Chemical Lecterns; will be delivered during the erinter, illastrated by apparatne. The de. parlament of Vocal and Instrumental Illuele, Modem Languages, Drawing and Painting, willeach be under thecare eta competent Frofermr. By claim 01.100 D to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pe• pile, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal pawner,' they have hitherto enJoyed. For Mr f a i r w. sr ePPITte the Frineipaiu HERSEY,,FL DAVIII FOR /ALB ' . , FROM TIIE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST - ERN SIANUPACTURERI9 PRICES: White Flannels, all Wool. Blue Driller Red do do Sloe Detainer Yellow do do Fancy Cononadeer all are Broom do do offered et Factory Moen Bleck Salaam H ow . Lapse Shirting. Steel mixed do Wee do Cheeks, arid Stripes, ken Drell do " Ta.C*lJoods. Meek Condoms. Edney do Red Padding, super do; Feuer Tweeds. Vert Padding, Buckram, Super Black Broad Cloth. TalloreTeavase, henry do; Soper Brown do FirowALlnene, Billelate Shaper Breen do Drab S-rge, black do. a II Super Twilled do and wonted; Soper Black Doe Skins Blank and White Tape; Soper Drab Cashmeres. Black Twist, Drab do; Baser Marra do Linen Check. and Drills: Rester Black do Stuan'a 6 cord Bri'l COMO; California Blankets. do . Linen Thread, a fleariet . do superior article; Blasi do Bilk [leered Itcatlep; Drab do jltlack Sarin do Greta Bening. Brown Holland Set Silks; Brown Irrldr, , Bottom, Cravats, he de. Al the Manoriteornerst &rehouse, No Lar W ood. Pittsburgh corSi $4 60 800 T; ff. 14 60 TlI6 aabserlber la now manufacturing I beautiful SUMMER BOOT, of 'podremount* and work. sulamp, at the vary tow puce of 114 30. DANIEL RHEA, Ne 8 Market ar:incond door from Water It. apl34lgm artheme co. ir.l NOTION:: 111 HE undenlaned Navin portAithed of O. A. Bey j ard, the Steam Sew MII on the Allegheny Rivet. stave the Arsenal, ate now prepared to MI all blur of lumber of any else and length, from 50 R. di, wnwards. Nest Siding, Deck Plank, tinnwaleg, John, ecuitllngs, 711mthers, Boards, lc., on the shortest notice. Units tonsthnly on hand. Orden received and any Inform ation given by a 'Wiliam., terser of Water and Liberty streets, or II Cortison, No ISO Labeny Wee, and at the office of the mid. sple.d3m WlOl MAN tr. MORRISON WALL PAPER—W. P. hlrreanetz t. coneutany eteeivine. front the largest MilllnfilletOliell In New , York and Phdadalpera, end glen Item French agencies, the newest and mon approved styles of Pa. or faayinee, Trun15,g3074 ; 2 nod rr* , :.1,,1, (4rFontiindLmond alley, (meaner 11,1 0. 111141 "—Wrist - 1 - a - FrALLAC PAIN -3 brie jest need per steamer, WI and for gale by the barrel at steels paged at the Onse ' lesed,_ sad Perfumery Werehome, tenter et Elaths.nd Woekstreets. • 8 N WICIEELSIUBL al lb 1111corp - ratta l Patent. Saga *eh.' 464 CIAtiKS of the above celebrated brand and n rr o ndi e reet y to m 11 , 4%rm th ei o act are . % e l peeled here We week.; and 114' wit' egrt'y attire eta Baltimore per ships /delete, Chesapeake, Demos elm and Athos, which will be sold on armee, at the lowest Inerket poke for each or approved bills. W t hi DdITCHELTREE, 114,21 No tan Liberty st. • irunmoutara nuorzs. ALL pay.... haying numbers pat en t elf bout m in conten) , to freehelon of I:s, plea.* eel at the Roams of, the Beset of Trade; teased awry, earrtar of Weed and Iltlfa and pay for thesaata. tr UAL I'ABIMTOCK rille69llll4,Arl Of 94 PROCLAIM &SION. TNOWIIIIIIIeA who us 'dot and afillerted with al*. eae of the bladder and kidney., with rhettmerde pun In back or limb., *defiant., old sores,' running okays, &c, mat they can be eared by tattle, the re willenna you may talk about Its being a nutrient as nub ai you Tactic, inn thladon not make It so. for we proc lei* in the face of an honest commulty, that It has virtue. which see not contained In any other remedy. 'The mu who le racked with pain and as s forum from disuse, can for fifty c.d. Pt mllefftara any of the ills unrest., above: Header! It cods very little to Enke a 1111. Petroleum is no gbit• tare—tan compend, put p for the purpose of harming on the tommutthy; b It be a' remedy elaborated by the muter hand of and bubblesup from thebo. soma our mother In Its original parity, and of. fen to nedrerlaghtunatilty a rear lateadY, a amtala tall cheap tare. • • It has cared Piles alter other Medicines have failed to render any mile It has cured Rhenenatirso of long Ending, and of the worrt mud one o r caraete. It has cared Choi...Marbles by one or two demo' It bar outed oLI ewes of Ilistrhea, In which every other remedy hu been of no. arra A. • local remedy in burns and scald., it le better than any medical , son. pounder Manama that we know of. It will care chit. Mahn or Dotted feet, In a few appllcadonm undoubt ed intimacy can be throinhed of the truth contained' la the above datement by calling on Samuel M. Ham, Caul Huth, 7th street; or either of the agent.. Yenta. gt. McDowell, corner of Wood tweet and Villein Alley IL E. Seller., 67 Wood area, D. A. H- Hot & D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, in the agents. ittal . ! Hen. Jame% Campb4Q• '{ David H. White. . Alexander Camosinaa. W. J. A PCIVISICIAWirtfiIIITIVIONY. °I HAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL THEM° BiALMISUIS V. March 8,18.50. MRK. E SF.LLEFIB-1 have ons Posed or all the . Congh Berne and Liver Palls you, sent ma, end LB dos at the Vermlthae. [have ased all roe naafi,' 01edininea In eel bodllY, and also ineseribed them in my Pmetled; I am very touch plwared with them, and bane found mums to equal them. Peed me 8 dos or you Ventlfogs, and 10 don each' oi the Live, Palls and Coosa Syrup. Respectfdlly yours, T = tc h t is o i l d . y i4 pro r lity dianeu may . be . tatt proptictorF. E SELL ' "Fl u ; 47 Wood xi, and Elyogglyte racially to the two al. and vicinity. itO4 PAMIR( AND DICAD t The meet twapostems Dosc am Se. curdy—pare humudy for the Pelee . nlt. D. P. DROWNS celebrated DYWlTihisiuneti• RI can Remedy for the Piles, hal already proved heel( to he the only um eon over presented in ROD . public. Bine e the discovery, valuable medicine, end the large menhir Of cases with which Dr: Brown nu treated, op oiled to ins entirel7 eared. Unlike the many ha lialma extant, alter menthe add peon of experthumOod, has 470 afteM left the patios where they couneneed, or mom; bur alter a few days will decide the east by erect/rig ' perfect nww,l Udine{ enter Into a labored an descent to prove my medicine. I lime It open Ito own merits. by Deana I Intend it eh l_w. ye fall. Nyco prefer that loaDworne disuse, 0 P1 , ,t0 the value of a few dollars, I rest the cue w ith you. DR. I) P BROWN, Mt Lloyd mut,Buffalo, N Y. Bold arbolenale and retail by It' R SELLDRI3 myl 57 Wood st. &ammo non' Ai nor. non non Man as aunt or eo InTritYr, vie Serofela or Rim's PHI, Rhumatisto, Obstinate Cat. aeons EmpuensiPmplas or Perm!es on the Face t Dlotehes„Biles, Chmnie Sore Epos, RiPS Wene et. Teter, Staid, Head, Enlargement and Palls pf the Soon and Johats,Smbbom Ulcers, Sypiolde Symons., &laden or latutbage,-.-anal Mae.. anaing from an itiludielous nee of Henley, Aeb lites or Prepay, Exposure or IMptlldenee in Life; Also—Chronic Consthational Disorders, ke. This medrelne hay acquired &eery extruded and ' anabliMed :remnantn wherever - it haa /moo, oted, based entirely:on is own aintitikethich M mkerfur ..hat c o ne retrained. The unfonanate victim of berenitareuasa, tub mullet glands, contracted inew, and bones half redoes, has been restored to health 'and vigor. The serefolona patient. emend with alter,, loathsome to himself and his attendaula his been took whole.. Hundreds cf persona, the had groaned hopelessly for years rodeo cameras glendalir disorders, c h ronic rheumatism and many other cOmplainta springing from 41011411A1 , of the searenee organs and the ureulation, have been rased. al It were from the rack of disuse, and uow, with regenerated constitution, gladly wailly 4 the otauey of this inestimable preparation. "TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION? The attention of the reader isealled lathe following asur Ming cum, effected by the use of SaMP Saner pat!. This la to eatifYthat I have a colored woman who :ha. been &filleted lot the Mat five yeatswith Serofhla, and all the remedied I trrnt bad no effect In arms:tier ther progress of the complaint ; on the • ontrary, she conmantly girt wane; NO oiler <grinding between Ste and 41...0 with :physicians, timodea using other popalar remedies widamiteaccera, till the disease had emu away the cartilage or her nose, made IS ap pearance on earione pars of her body, and had Snarl , commenced its ravages In the root of her month "to fhb dreulthi &Hunan: with the-prospect o death awing her or me face, I stated her cue to DT Disoaway, tin agent far Sande' narsapardla New. bern, MC, by whom Ivyo advised to use that ankle; end to my sarprise led that of my neighberum whom her cue Ina known, alter aging four and hall bot tles she was restorol to perfect health. and that in the pace of three weeks, and woe able to work in two weeks fromthe tlreq she emorneoced skins It. "In willows of the troth of this etatement. I :have hereunto &find me. name, this PM day of Septelaberr, JOSEPH IteCOITEII, J. P. "Heather Near: River. Craven co. N. C. b4)IIV. TIIRDAT . . . . ITIVIMI 1121211221 The following I isnextratt from* letter received Goth Mrs. Deem ',gaited bean enacted several `years with snroreloue beers, Dr.m.b, 4 0, ImMatlY au affections:date throat and chest:— "Dsatirsa no, Yea, Deo IS. IM.S. 'Messrs. A. D. tr." D. Sauna—Before I commenced lulus year Sarsaparilla, my wideness wens almost pest asp:onion; my throat was completely Meerated, I had a orudful e‘ss end there. Wan frequently • week. together OW scold not epee), stave a wide. per; and Or•lac• 164 ioilatuins!loll from my throat ex tended It. my bead, Oo ihot ms bearint erne very ranch impeleerl After taking the 6 marasdae short: woe. my health wes imprimed, ender) throw is now well; am at free (eta etingb and tight/m.O fifths chest ee ever I war, and eiril bear quite dletiactly. My Orem hat been well about three month., the care of which has been effected entirely bribe oak of year Sarsa parilla. Vow Mandl, LOUISA. R. BEVAN" The following testimonial to the value of the Sent retitle, Is from the Rev Lather WrightogedXo years, Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn. "Wescott, Maas., Muth M. ISOM "Ileum Bandit Gentlemen—Flout what I bare ex. perieneed, and from , the Information I have reeently received from • umber of persons of bib rcepects• [linty who have tied" you Sarraparilia. 1 hate not the least doubt but that it Is a most valuable medicine, and that theisamermie certificetes yOu have re4eiverl of lm cOency are folly sustained by experience, and. although its renitetlem and h um b l eare very extensive, and stand in no need of my efforts to more.. them, I want all whit are affilmed by disease to be come unwanted with thriadie my and power of your saleable medicine. .1 am, gentlemen; gratefully rod very respeetfally yours- LUTHER WRIOHT.. Prcpered and sold; wholesale and retell. by A. IL D. SANDS, Dreggiets and Chemtsts,loo Fulton street, corner of William, New York. Bold alto by Drug , gists gentiralljthrodshout the United States and Ceo. ads. Price Si per bottle; six bottles for la ' For gale by L. WILCOX, Jr-, ILL A, FAIINWTOCII CO., and ED%VARD FENDERICH, Pittsburgh. Al. me. by Dr S. SMITH Bridrw.tet. I ardadeodgerT siiiintrioWsEaltoss. ciFltiosi;" ; doers No. as, DIAMOND ALLEY. a few doeb.. ow Wood etrnat, to, Wards market MI6 Milt WI, having been temslatly educated to the medical Melanie*, and been for some time In general practice, now confines his attention to I the treatment of those pnvata and delicate cone 'plaints for which hie °enormities 'and experience peculiarly qualify .him. 14 years assiducaely devoted ie study k treatment erne. compleints,(durinaama I time he has had more practice and has cored morays. tents than can ever fell to the lot of any private prise- Wisner) amply rinalifies him to offer easurseces el speedy, permanent, and mulefactory eon to ell afflicted with delicate themes, and all diseases Mising there. from. . Dr. DIOWII woaNtntarm thole afflicted with pritiate discrete which have become ehronio by lima or kg. gravated by the eta of any of the common noun= of tee day, that their golnplaunseen be midically sad thee, mighty cured; he laving given his earefel attention to the treatment Of Stich ease., and Succeeded lubandreds of instanceg In eating parsons of influernallon of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases width MUM vault from those tams where others have cormigned them to hopeleesdeepely. Ile particularly revues smelt es have been When successfully treated by ahem to consult tam, enrol satiefution will Ise given them, and their maims treated In a earentl,thorough and Intelligent manner, pointed out by a long cipetiozOt, atudy,and Investigation,which It le impose - Pole Ibr thorn engayeA, In general prunes Of medicine to give to elate of acetic Irrllernia or Rupture.—Tra LinresnalsO Invitee par sone addend with Herniate eall, as he ha paid mum, elm attention to Owl, diutw CANCERS also cared. Skin disearegalso D u, Pala, eta, speedily eared Qhmges very lOW. N. a—Patlenu of either ten living at. Cinema, by Mating their deems In writing, giving all Ib• toms, eon ebtahretedielnes with directions for ine, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and ender MING Sz CO. ir g f ea ". NO. Diamond alley, opposite tlta 'Waverly ROSSO. RIZOIUTTM-LDT. Brown% newly discovered rm. dy for Rho imatikm is a speedy and certain mmedy for that painful trouble. It never falls. Office ar.d Private C^nsultill Pk , 01.40- e:end alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ma Doctor to always at 0619.2. lil==lC!ri DadCi71141.1... ClltllitCll. CAW/MO.IIB At CO. lam removed to No 07 Woof,. er_het n Wood Itlartet, le the house formerly peehplulh e' y Ilhedy, Jame Co. "CIMEYRDUE PAIN I . —to nom I.l.aiiTeiWtrat T he P Proof' Palnti artifieial Watt:join reaped. The than mint ern have. h. 4 in neetar,tive Fel" and we ean enarldOnly re ef it AO the pethe:Ser •• ,6 •• • portent are and wale , Rea P• 1•4 and in stand the Winn at the etzan , .•" 01. sale by y it MIMI.= iasat isaya 74•Woodsi . MEDICAL,. MISCELLANEOUS, SOMETHING , NEW tradee the au criVPlttalnarigh WILL. bs opened abeam Mined of Kay, a Family OfOtt.l7 and Tea likere JP the Philadelphia. sebeeeibers Mee Mad to stef•At, No. 4 to Liberty greet, in • Olyie.upaior to any of the la PituberghOirtiere they will miens. kayo a ilinr• t o RISIZIORt et tore Groceries. and mope. Tnea. which they reeneetfolly invius die auention of the pal , O( metered., they =Lorre,. to Peet. the beet of Its tied,. and made:ley , recommend their Tea es DOT te. 11:11 511111.15 , 41 r, WW l = 14 0,0 noir wM compriso.'--Green. and Mut Toss of all kinds. hots 20t =tit° 51,60 per polla. . Corsa of seem rade. , • • Padam,_lciat, Crushed and Palintiscd; Stem Bran, Boyar Hem and N. O. Molasses; Choc olates, Yorelga Fran and -Nina. SPlCear r iek ktc Reichardt. Esendes, Baps Canal Hama and Beet, Fish °flail kinds, Sperm, Lard .and Whets 'Oils, Sloold,bicectia and Wax Candles, together with many rarities which could not heretofore be bad in rilts• burgh, and veldch time' would thll to enumerate. 0 - 0 - oods Whinge flee at charge la area Inc of. the two calm.,, . Dealers supp li ed eitti•Cieunhable UMW. • • Wira MeCLUILO & Co., mil No. tie Liberty wrest oho.. Wood. MIEHN . . . . .WELL KNO . VNITIAN '.WIND M A KERS' ' keep taut oo bold Or mate to otdet th e ben artlotolo Omit e; at tbelt.elo stand, No. Llt St. Clairstree o otto, olCip.t4 lialltetstreet,stoood MOM entrance id tite Diknood yeettilto *Mutters mode to elder, and old bithdoneittlt , mated: :.. t. : 1,00 013eittltiviiik*WWiiiiiiiIii 01111/IELIE PREMIUM' PERFOMERY,- The ‘ unoriber runetfrdly Invites nine attentin to _his mantle. 1100 X of Porfa!!!‘m, Soo* etaTifq Creme, so., to *web maim bunt and **Veld. Medals have, within the lut six yes:g r een awarded by the Innate. of New York, Rester, sod PhDs. delphlaohe liner being the any Golden Nunn exer awarded for pedantry. either 01 Introlet .ar la ill , . G 013.117. RorrtersCs Vesonnie 5i11113.1 Cawh Ibbed oo , Roar., an Ambrosial.) annertelly acknowledged to be supenyto any Chiming Crean tlas cottony or 01 . Nun rop Besnix-Dementlly anuminni, and penning highly Saponanons and .notlient reaelte#Battonneon Compoen; Ambronalliihn. lot Tebliag !Chary Shemin Soap . . . . durance Tomas Illosi,-Almond, Roie, 00Re bare, Doaquet.Pisteehlo, Mask, Penwell, Oandbas, Plow. ie=anint, Ono 01, Windsor, and ilmasslait. rep Ilsennener-1 1 0. 0 . 1 . 010 101 Hertquetile Cannt, nisintlant, deny I.oo,llcrossa Rae, Riney CIO, In/MA* Ciemllthe Rout. and many other 11111111. in, all 111111 ninon penmen warn -Florida Water, Rea do Toilette, Orange rt= Wrer, and a greet aunty of Co -I.°C;:suniess T Y 2 I :I 714 / pens 00. Annus Oil, Bandellee, L. 0, Olainc, Com pacted Ox Money, Nair Dyes, Up an to powder, Ind Plinern, Wenn% AM 24441 Powder: OacerroatePlUellsoolM- 0 0 1 1 0 , Rose Tooth Patio, e, Deanne, 0000 • 1010 , T O . l / 1 Paste, and Tooth Powder. • ,Counnt,Vegetable Came* Cream, Annano for ehspped bands, Cold Cream datum; Crean dr Perna. Up Bales, Rarptierry CrevatAe. • &pinery Powders, far remonntsiperdents hair, Pearl Poner,Vinsigte de Roan, Ar=ade Vinegar, Victoria Nair Conmesulea. 711:114011 Balm, besides a great *VIM of other . Israel% too 11411:1101.1 LP be Inman ills adrerdsemnt. The. seheariber • bores se saautteln this reystadon which lbw establish/neat hes malted. bid/tootling of nothinn bet first rate snide', and will hnITY tarnish those robe way apish le' nu 94. KISIer wholesale or retail on is reaortnable lenna as any es tablidareypt in the United States. X•iffER.BAZIN, of to and former Director of the Lobo/Mary of EUGENE ROUSSEL, Mr. Dasla's Pertatery far ~I 0 by all tba prine.V .1 Dnitscisu futile countrr nitsimprricm or veurrsioutpw.. rrLE nrinenthip heretofore existing_ between Jameh B14.1•110Vol. W. Wallace, and Henry DlVlcoot the at Iron briabseas, ender the name arbitrate.% Wallace t CoI., dissolved by moral consent, on the Ist Inn, James Marshall and Henry alVeary having purchased the entire Moran of Win. W. Wal lace in amd firm. • • • • •• The baguets in Anne slll be continued to all ha ns was branched by the nbroribord, ander ike narma 'and stele of ktarahall t IdelJury, who will acne dra 'butanes of the lanklmi. - and b theism all, persons in debted are Tr...qualm& to make payment. Warotoase, corner of Wood and [Avery =sem JAMES MAIIIIALI A myd HENRY ideGRARY EEMI Ei u EN A GLIII: ft , Iltl Ogg Y. IL Imp. alga sad Gunpowder Talc bu Tabaem ICO bags itio Calm; N 0 Molimesj htrdi 1 , 1 0 Sagari tiO Irseo snorted gm WO tar IL IL Rezinz 100 bas olustu do; 13 Irs do do. 15 oasts Zone Conant. 13 balesH Wocnnur„ 15 do Brasil 15 do Faberzi 100 do Pea Nom; 30 Mtn MIAOW Almonds ZI bzo Beak Candy; . 5 eases 1.1011.11 , 5, 10 It Principal Zegala 10ent011 150331314. bto Corm 2 GUI NOtt2Ms 3 demons Indigo; Window GlasA 40 bra Pipes; 400 bat 4 oap; ttq bib Caidlen 00 3 lbs Calash; 90 htie TILMILTS' COU; 90big Chocolate; 60 dos jle4 Gels; Mead. Manilla ape; 30 bra Elpicesl Chocolate; 10 bags rapaery 5 bag. Manisa; 510 bea Haman 40 bits Vinegar, 010 halo Casdlasnek; 400 is IX= 30807 draifis Figs; wall as a general hlasafattesed ankles._ .• • ZS omen Lamm firrep; 91. emu Pr pper Bane;10 amen Tomato Camp; Groand Spinesof all kind,. 40 barnsli powdered and Leaf flaann Ilakcin Bladder; 10 blis liVklaol6 anarteoutt at Pittsbamh THE TEA II ALIKET, East side of 4s Dia-viand, Pice4ttrei, SPAY ear doe Tee evilest lee 'Yea bought ~ewbere. Try oerrEPeTea agahattneTesboostattsawaere. Trf oar T. Tea melon It Tea boalyht elsewhere. The very best Black Tea haported, we are •seiliag at 73 cable per wooed. - The very bat Orem Tex imported, we are seJliag 'it DI per pound. -We are claidelyeppoaat m puffier, instead of which we respeetfally so!lont Comparisea,etthe best me that of Previa, who sells the hat awl eheepeat Teas. • MORRIS R. HAWORTH osT2O Pronneto rs of the Tea Market. toes:, ;oz, 50 bT Ir3toNlmatioatiliaratbalip .oalB'- Canal Basin, t Iblny C 00000 d ex • Ilk • as iNuadcair. , inn BALES sapevler quality, lust weaved (rola mantaenires, on ezelignment, and tot We at aaterarice, as the is ae traetaTere van . Perim lIUPEY, MIMING iICO 3 to Weed et Indio Illabbor !loos. UST weeived, t•et note. z and 3 of oil r""P'd"l" Prit t' f f aitllT'S 74ta I,LARdOiNG TOMS—A. complete surortu bauguallty of Cut Stasi Gram and Cora Scythe., warranted: Cast Stool 3,+,t 4 prong Forks,morrdFd; Cast d4oel Ilan Hamm; 10 don do • Gadded Hoax, to doe common do do' for all law, at the Drag and Seed Mara of a i d Vi , ICKERBIL•III Mayle Cor ofßirth Jr- Wood mg GR°CEIIIIIII-2.1%N11t agg, FA bides Y Dyson, amid* grafts 30 do Goopoardor and bag 30 do Poodang a. do; Oolong • • • gl caddy bra Y H Lap & 0 et bu Pr, Skand 18'. Tobacco 35 caddy.b3s ,Banow's S'a do 90 boxasStarCk • • .60 brio f hf brir Saletafha Indigo, Madder, Alum, Ginger, Poppet', AlMpica, Nnunep t and Lamp Black ft key, for dala b 0, 11 GRANT ma II • ' Of Water al • (Kaulmo Karla Part•ii 'Cologne. TITS anderagesd bare been appointed astute In fhttshargb for the sale of Cherlsa Marie Farina's Cologne. flotailets will be sepplied iumanttfaaterers' prise WM • IfeCLURG t CO mar In Sid Libeler er. AUrEsillth %WI! * p poppy OD, Nal oil,lllo l / 3 &WM& Copal Vamlos. Rrh Miltborts, ,c a t riej ristelr Zolont'llazible obey of all kin d& Jon reed, and for sae J KIDD & CO me/4 • 60 Wood A BIJPPLY .lust received, at Ma moot approved A sad suitable width: I • MURPHY &BURCHFIELD, R cot Fourth k Markot TEA MIME . I'll. B .7lM.l,heZme=l,=_, u Roma y at 4. end Ps per lb. can be obtained for ove told 7.10 per pound at TurTst blt, east Edo of the Diamond, PlustAtrgh, or at MorriAA.Hawenhta Wine Store, Faders! Street, Allegheny.' The above !Prat Cm= Teas, we revAtie through oar English Agent, dimet from. the Gluon's 13ondai Warehouses, doti free, being for eapOrtetion; amp 0:3=1 -TUET opened, 'at the .Plostiargit ratitity Oratory ql and Tea Wantons', lbo Mllowiag assortment of therm and Blank Teas.— xlip. ALACIF 'l ' lli ' Tt . 7;2 1 j Onlong; rive trolonst Extra ;no ao o om - Extra In* dris' latimMtit Souchonyj Onnproder. , Mouton Pooelionsi N o da• It llnummessary to pall Ma atom Team they Veal fot theamelem. All WO WI ill ll fait trial, and to am eonfident May Will plaara boll in quality_ and price. W.II A AVCIAIIIO On CO' Moytd ME Llbony at trial C 3 b./dyers , Ez Lamp Cavan • . • Ito dp do 811Pednr do; to bst Catdoess Vs Lamp. 16 bas Jade. II Hasson' 5'4 Loam . As bzs Emelt k. floblosan's 5 , 4 Lamp; 6 oasts 48 dwarf bait tilyst's Oronoce; 4 de 23 do Tama.' Newer 1.4) I. do 8 do do Gold Leas El kis , mills, to RIC E fos ON by MLLTBON osayl3 171 h. 174 Libeny st. 45 Al de , do H No 60 M , do do' No E 20 Al do "do • No t 61 114018,Ente1414% . Al do CossoOpoltuE AI Hensonl, l lA; 16M de ( or sale by_ maylS MILLER Y RICEEISON ,1-s A 4..TisT - 1 111 ,' otosilrelaii. calkers% 1 - . 7 ;tdloptime but/Aka Nib ses4 assising by canal. foe sale by . W MiTCKEU.TWEB. . elieeilail Illehellaks, •-, • supPLYreit reserved, M theeirreetht widt hs jog. eeper" to three yeada wide., realm MURPHY &BURCHFIELD VirktrY'APEß. at lo emu a Mim , at , .) .....W P4CAUHALLII , _ WWI rerf glierei PI Wept M. . , DRY 611008,,&& Hosseiread nexus; Itlllfrojcis. MO RPHY & BiIitCEIFIELD Wive reeelyid .n dulanal al:playa above goods, trkeludh4r neon , area al Cbinp. Pratt, Albano, and (MO Wn ,, et , 4 NS him and Conned Gimp do: and Ribbons of all calory and once, r • ,:anapl7' • .NOEIH.IIIIIO GOODS. • L, • IN !MPH? &, BURCHFIELD 111114 the •attendon JAL of Hum warning goods tor idenrolottolpores, to their very 'VI oosomoont,lori received, Su& cv Black Bombe:lnes, Boroborme doles /dozens,'" Black Moose de LAW-%i Moomlag Wadi do Piloted Fonlirda •,r.ll2`4.,,L= etzitt.." rgi• Bonnet Ribbons, Beset do, ele. to: • h mityl.7 Unworn do Lannon • i nint new " k sil h p a erekai CO . *ge li d= 03 pc. Plain' Maaninc I_,ECEIVED per expels, .d dare'Pening at IV A A Olsson C At, es Market • lOC Mole t eoPd Macs Skat ls,plaint om4roidesed; I ISO alse Also,lo pes Mask Coo de Albin UU k , pes do Buis de Chios; do 4 pre 'Turk Sanas. UMMER WATINO-22 pea Cashmere% enema al galore, awen desirable article for rammer coma, rood, arid now opening b 2 A A MASON ACO anylS . • 02 Morkelvt TllingraliAWLS—diperlor eampriaing Crunson, Orange., Prot, flue, Green, mad Corn colored, jest receiving Der e spree, and Mrs day Opening by A A MASON &CO ma 17 OV Market st 2°,4°,2 ? lea: l ;?dl n p u el ; e 3 x7 'h r ' Lar 'd .d e' rtTr i o ° ,, by mayl? A A DJA..SO;• A CO El" ' • black --- A. Ti A` ON ICCO am et, day ere oin:;10 • an inch ED•alt Ora de Mine &! p ; ID per inch do; .10 pea 32 inch den 8 pet 24 inehdtq and 4 pm. Winch do. vo•TIO „Linen Ilusdkeruhlof. 400 dos ladies. Linen Cambria Ildkfs. odlriod4 HO dap Gents• • do . ° do toloreo bordeng A A MASON &CI) 61 J2ark l t it. pro eViniFt wire of 12Kper yani. A: A IdAFOpl &CO stata Barwraldraerte. , ItOpes 3-1 and f9O pee 14 Blown tbrosi . 1541 pes . o ray , . Bukhara, uurl .i3exisuler's superior U.4 ' 414'4 ' 44.""1'i 1l riIASO'S.I tr. CO msoct • e ' Fresh Arrival et Dry . Goods. e now receiving large addictions to our meek WO are (Spriag a-A Summer Dry Geod., andare pre pared to offer an excellent assortment at dot moth low ;lices ter cub, or approved credit. . . . The attention of western deale r s Is partieldarry re. quested to nor goothr, as we reel confident ;of heir e lOW re ever onward Lathe...meals to make *bill wi th as. Call and examine at any .V. • suecKLETr & wiirrE, ~ . • reeve . • 10i Wood street. r itiONAIII LAWNS — dO p e a Gingham Lawn. Jaw received, and now gelling at the very low price a Vie tenth per yard. by A at MASON tr. CO ..... A 251,1145 & 'ItAitEOES-1(.2 pas Pads PTlniedi .011. Busses, ham styles, 23 pea do at tie per yard 1410 pe. riett Printed Nunes, all qualitlea; LCO place gm colored Muslim at Ela par yard, paw opening try tally A A MASON to C. YEAQ V. 1%, los aartitt4 4trooly (*.Bar Libeirth) DIJOITUJ AND moms U. AMERICAN , ta€4l, AND GERMAN PANOY OOOD,R HOSIER ,Y sioBnris,.LACES, GLOMS, THREADS, WIRES, BOTTOMS, BUS PRVDERS, ke. Also. !lath' *ad FaUST Irestis BLACK AND FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, HANDANNA t ood LINEN EPEES, a shoo) u• of SANS, Ed gym variety of toSoR.IIN op2I • FFREAKpqapsi—wa ant now recoveries • very large and line wont:nett of Spring, and ,dommer Goods, large gannet of which have beenPercheaid at a great redactioir from me prices brought by the same demi rheas of goods in the early part of the season, to Met In almost every kind of goods we rill be enabled to Offer Great Barone. to Cook Boyer*. whom ere would respectfally Inane to 'call, et IsorM Market at, north west ;VW of the DiamondALKIANDI DAY "iffartir , & • • Mtittt Welr second ropptz Welao.l4 for thi s Spring. oder their Glenda and billet.' IMPOIIII7 tone nod choice assorts:mot to select from:. MEMMI [Erneslore two invited to look la at the isholessle roosts or NV It Marshy. go stairs, where • here sup.. ply has ,alep .pees received and fryers!. kinds or goods eon be told at lower prices than ante. sayld AA A. MASON & CO, 62 matket , , are op etl . hog tholes high tledorett Barepto,Tnisses, kW guess., Delpldnos, te., all at reduced prics: atyls AST to • red Lawns and &luau at thalaw mica r eine, artil bet opened by A; A MASON in CO meta , ilatigatwa Oa Pewdam d &Inaba Wait SILVA IUgURPHY 4k. BURCHFIELD have received a lot. .01. of Pstated'Yoslard Inlet; at the low ellen al Baa Off 7ad; ea). s.P.da• at blab's/glee* Wass ailly neat plaids. at redaoad prices; and a large as sorueientof DEREOES&GRENADINE(3,ind Ladles , comerGo generally, of newest styles, ataorth take of Fourth and Marko. Ina . , mayls • U.) rem Yl.b MKO 'rob ,04 stt/tnelltr— FveiPely tba nine kind Of arry orate' and numb layered Teas that are eels In the Old Country at era shillinge per pound ean be obtained for 730 per lb of masnle MORRIS & HAWORTH LOST, A PAIR of Gold Spectaclee, supposed io hive been drop he Wood ',Wel, le trout of [Messed It Pears Warehouse. The Ender <sill he lreeestelcd 00 ramming them to the owner, No. f 0 Wood-al:met. INVLAIRMATOZSY•raIiZITIMR.TISMs Tills AhItRICAN RHEUMATIC iliktid AM!? A. NEW remedy lately disecercred to tholVegemble Kingdom —a sum and pezmaneuVestre for 'all ammta Couple-I.M tech ea Inlatatuaterty Chronic. keubs and Meterrial Itheuleallem, Gout, Larelmal, Sedum Aifeetions,/m. This medicine hes loog been nought fonlt has been said that Rheumatismemild.uot be eared; btu tiers is a remedy designed by nature Inc %bacons/slavery ills. ease that the human system Is subject to At leg a re medy has been found that earn Rheurnatisun of the• worst form—ono of the moot valuable vegetable mis deal°. of the earth—ths greatest ...t.oxotitraponturt dtecovery of Ma else, and a weaulerfalliietiing in the human family. It tares without slekentoger debtliut. ung, sad renews strength nod vigor to the Whale are! tem. It has eared, during the past three maidni, ow. SOO cum dim were eowidered inonmble. , • CaneSemes of Me emotive on:+cmtif 'e(tble medi cine can be teen by calling ma the neeiebi.i. • - None ream, artless pat ey r ntheo dole Dr rt. worraw Third and Market st, hitseurgh. gold also by F. 1110MAr. Na Ica Mom st, Weizman, a feb7-4k.,Gic. SAMUEL Shot Caa;Steel Fees, or all IIiZCS, fiend Illectstitith and Shoo Maze, s on hued end fer,,,iier eit his 'olfa• Fla bite! Work.," titan street, Fifth Wahl, althe office In the Ir an Sten. 01 BOLL.NIANS k GAILBI. BON, No e i foot of Weed meet, eithiburgli: BONN, ontouLatL _ We, Qv, andensigned, having wed, with entire sat. Islam.. die Cast Steel and File. made by Simnel kleblery. at kis Eagle Steel Works, in'this city, take pleasure in recommending them as equal tri qualm , to any ever need by am, of foreign matinftterera. Pinsburgh, Maroh O & H SHOENBERGER* CO, rs diannfaettne of Iron and Nall. P Pittshdrab. . KNAPP & TOTTEN. Iron Foundaar chl t it l r Pa.da , tar a idanufactstrers ofeprings, Ails. Spring Steel and •Ttionts, Pittrbarkh, Pa. V & FABER, Engine Baßdera end Maeltirto Card Mannfacta• ren' Pittabn~~ggh. Pa Brais:Portudei.Phtabargh GRAFT, LINTRIAT i Manafacour or Inn and Nails. Pitutiarh. JOSEPH TOMUNSON, 1...d r . Bath. undstdp maldnr Plnatauta t ra. WLIV iTALLSOE, MmHg blanalketacer, Machine and Engine sala• melt . _ or, Pius • .rgh, Pa Roder» lAA intlque futnltture. . :;sl/0.313211 cirowoopwELL, AT.., es., PnTarifa. 4.1717. W. Respect&lly Informs the m ie public thst - ho has coat steed Itts senor sleet o klnititTllßM, the largest sod marshiest *hate; her offered for sole m this chi. compng assail sing of 11021W00D,.?&L11DQ41,7, and Rats INVautor ; carved, ornomontal and 'plain, suitable fot Parlors.. Drawing and Bed Roams, of 'Which will b mid so %bologna% prices. • Persons desiring F 9,11119111 of coy. desorption, ore spectrally fatted to all nodose:nine his auxt, which emasees the deserletiml. hose Q.' QQ.WI I .O O ptomain us the most elegant and costly, of which the followinif eater:set putt Tam fate for The The Divans; ConitersauonCkiltr, Elissascian,Cosseg Reccpuots do Laois XIV i do Egr e ssion, do Bader hataal What NOM Tollet Ted* Lola my Commadong Duke of YorithCaelti 40 Sofas with 1111211 and Hair•elakeverr, 00 Dicta, do do do; 40 dos Mahogany Pular Chairr, 10 0 Bacwood do do. Bit WILIIIII QD 40 0 Cons Post dol 4 a Mahogany Rocking do; • II a do 11.0 DlO6lOl Ob Marbla Top Cave Tohteg 20 do do Walt fitood.w 20 Maharani Std...* 19 Wool:ober, ie ert - irshmi . —4,; h Cherry do A very large autortetent of ConuttenClialra and elh.. ar Furniture too tames to mention. • jp, Steam Boat, turnlahed on the Miortennotini : b. P. EL—Citritnineerr j e t ail l eopplled with atito4l. el Mahogany, Minot., and Veneer, it ocatido rah., minced priers: ---.- 011JESSICIAS. STOVE VOL UM ITUTE Phenix. hianuthaturiou Co:spoor the public their Premium Meralcsil torrorollsh; snd •Mintint oieggeredon, m foal of edurradietiou. by those who hams Leonid it, pronounce. It, fur s.P.ries W any Mhos in the martec The consenter:teed have yta no approbensiona or ooiloy m ow..4. 0 0 1 1 ,;i: position pmeents a dot t . P 4( (P. Pliod, Inset be do *nen tbe Steve is ea The rpnoutity repolted e so liala to litodene a bed.. Unit syrinx of over filly peteeot is insured Maio taissumers.• iemilmoopplied W . Btomur, Pipet, to., when Isid assay (Who mammal vs sure pre. nest hZtnUrt . st 140 , n , e b e, k msa W: riglttaPc% est Moro Polish. Fos sale by .••„ BPi WlClCEllStlihr, j. • • Cotner nf itimu - and Win ow, 104 b Uys* -4 1114' oarroon 7-1.71° VOL. XVII. NO. 254. soot MtjJC, &c. TnitoLout(' tt, vv Unlus. T HBlar e7 kt!lll' i l.a . : e lt r, rdao . o . dg,t4 ' Worst Lads Friend. AD. • Chrisdan.hlonool.. Debut - The Gospel iu nvva Advocate. G.Gsidets..l.L. Posthorn% Works Epem,, g a m 17. Phlynts end OotesceetarT. .Shontion. h.fouliPs Sermon. Griffin's Pennons. • 'tinitioglistra'a r eism ons. Pot islet."' JAMES D LOCRWODD W 24 , r 4 Fnarth st • ' ovilvd: - • VIET rietdirea et the olitrof the Gulden Ran.— te The Ma•getetta Waltz, Compond and dedicated to Mrs Reoldß Path, by Prof/mot. Robb...k. I Della Velum, talks, composed. and dedicated to Nhat !Jan. Jane rt. by Profersor Roebuck STEPRM FOSTERIte NEW SONGS.' - t My llredder Gam. Ovine tonna all Nlebt: Anse , hide 80b.,. Rat Badokter • Bleadt. Away Down 'Bomb. 'TWIT Ob, Lemeel: Rtuadker Lolling& Soiree Polka. DOig7 • • I nate.) ,Odr (11,14bootP. feome, is sec A: ( yAlpine Milo Kraft 'My Mother I Obety, word. by P. Philos, motto by 11. Weber. Also, II; greet vellety of New. Roars, Polkas, Itd.i for sate hp II RLEBER merit • WI Third et 1114117 itEMILIOATIONEG. N Mstaiied endtritkat'llievi of this Sancta:nee A Philosophy of Ehrope in the lath lly J. D.hlorell, A. N. Letter: oftio•lte•Aatonel Itatherford, Pniksi4r of Dismay in the. Unifernity of Si...Andresn, lea • sketch of Ws .I.r. by Ste, A. A. /Sonar, author of hfe -1h ot R. hi, McChsloc.i • • • Theolnlicol %Yoshi of the , nte Ilea, Daniel Boyne, IX D. Edited ity the Ites.Eattlyroy. Second Pe.e Prince-oL Atq l nein!. lip Da Jobqamn. c.nuan Etssy on - Chrladan rosins: - B. W. Piciet:sl A. The ContribeVens q.q. By Jane Tayior, 11- lattoted ftVo dempse, by Ilearrand. The Philosophy of Clabollef Jo Moral. and Callable, the Faith and Charaatern of Men. DE nay , 110-kee. The Braining of Jai, beinal[a segue, to thel:ifsht of Be the Eter. N &mar Kelso. The Golden Prem. beiog a Practical, Esperimco tot, and Prophetical' Ezponltton of 'Psalm X VL, by - - • The Lighted Voile y; Closing Eggert in the Life or • Eta loVed Sint-r, by Boltin, with apretara by Ka, Wm. JO. , • The Commariem.nt with Pre:mire; by the Author of "the Last Day °flan Weal'," h:tainted by Howland. ,Alernoirg. of the Lite °tithe Rev. John William., 1111..ionary to Polyne,la • - 31emolto of the Life and Writings of Dr Cbalmets, by big gonin law, Dr. Hann. In Or. vol. Vol I. Also, a largo awonment . of New S. S. Union ?alt ligation. • for gale by /a 11 rt.:Gwen& co - 79 Wood 51' FAIINEFSTOCIre'DIMMOTORY. illa ilt raV ES- orinsS P e,irl/i " rert . wl ' rtsT:Flit th al leitrthergh and Allegheny, and tan:malts WU ebertar, Ihrteingbarri, Az., that the walk in , 112•• Dearly reedy for the press, and will be pot to the bands oC the prittet -some where between the tAlt and3olll Instant.. The citizen., generally. and'all who feel in Interest the Firedoetion •to and perfect Direetary t particularly those who have not been ealled . on w 0 I greedy obllgo the publishei,by ascertaining that ' lltois venous avocations In Macro of begetters, Ito, are noted for publication In the Directory. All cards to be mten. must he handed In forth. with, or al the latest, by the date above named. .1.710 DIELODEOS PIANOS. . . , . received, area now opwling,rweelegarltTtose .ll7o.l.o ontorc We!c We cet, hicon Plano. from riced mumMesor7 of March & Moto, Cateinssu. ,:, This Is n superior wurtrument4 of two lane nod •: ,,,n 7 rule 4 oc tetril. one "Pide"ue'thmi 5.' 11 ELEBEWS Morin Clore, 11l Thin! creel. NICW MIUDLIVATIONS. • A SYSTEM of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. It the eat of sehool. and colleges. By Glories Anthem, L.. L. D. Protestor of Green end Latin binge. agessu Columbia College, erew.Torh. The !Emory of England. from tie Invasion of voila. Cesar, to the abdication of James 11;16e8 By David Home, Emu.; a new edition, wit' the atatbarra lam 11 eer fetool and improvement.; to winch Is piefixed a sten account of um lifer, written- by himself. 6 vols. • [silenced Dietioutry of Greek and Roman Andoui lle., abridged rem the larger dictionary By Was. Smith. L L. D ; with cormetiens and Improvement. by Marie. Antbon, LLD Memoirs of e e Life sped Writings of the Rev. Thee. Cbalene , ., D D., by h.. nen in law, the Rev. Wiliam Dann.,!.. L. I) ,e three volute es Vol O. - Wale - Yaeger; or Life in • 51. of War. •Ily Ber man Melville, author of eTypee. Ornoo," and Redburri. • • the Works of Mrs Sh.vreodr being the only sel (orm.edition ever pulliisnmi lo the United States. .10 a linen volumes. Fairy TArs, horn ell nations.' By Anthony R. Menunbal with twenty four Inurtratious by R.Doylo. Walmn Marcy, arid °Mar tales. By Mien Sedge. ',let • all parr. or tha Untied States . B 7 Jaha k~lemlrg, ao- Also, a lane I...tedeat of American S. ELlSnion Book 4 on hand, and tor sale be ; • A 11,EINGLISII de CO SnecessOrs te , W ood ENGLIIIII, mart) TP Wood wreet ' ' The Farmer , * .Guld• to Beleiittglef said Practical As/alai:inure. BY Stephetis, F. H.S. E. of holinbanh, the r .1E l idebrand 'anther Of the "Honk of the Fenn," and Frolessor Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, sure prep 'ring for the press a book ander the above title. It will embrace every subject of Importance connected with Arnie allure In all its venous branches, both Theoretical and Practical. vSelence, In ae far as it tins, op to the present dine. been :Lade available to practice, by experiment, will be treated In Its rola. don to every operation as It ocean In the course of the aeasona." Tee work Will be arranged tin Lor foal &Alert beatbb representing the • carom, beginning with Winter and ends with Atantan. • • Jehrgb r. LOCKWOOD, met Tlontrs-llor not lid ...meth at. =E==! • ItAISS• Brewer's Werka. the itathor's I.T.h 'rho Neighbor.; . a Tale nr F,yeey 1:4 7 lan, A raw and revised edition, with an Intioil notion written-, expressiy.for this edition by bliss Oreracr. Itato,eloth. Unliorni mob Irving's, Coopes, and Sodgeari k's; ' and ilinstrated with Portrait an d 'New of the au hoes blower's Iliad: trans'Ated by Witliwo Cowper. Edited by Robert kleinhey L. L. D., with not. 's kb Dwittl. A' 'pieta:id edition, wi largo paper, Inatrated with At e n I.• octane, irom de igns by name. royal hyacinth. Mae, &cheaper edition for kutiekala Gbldith's Worts, includYg variety of pieces now l ens ien collected. by /Ames Prior. COrttplete in 4 Yoh. - Mina andy printed, unite.= to style with . . Itair.a, COoZOT, ke. • Toe Ssak.peore Creendon or, Wir• ad Wisdom ior every Day m the year edited by W. 0 Richard*. Ina very nest volume, limo, cloth, 3 , 9 emus, cloth gilt, 63 cents. for sale by . /AMES 1/ LoCKWOOD. my 9 Doekaeller mid imparter. lull Fair -oh virrQUE. 'OF CAN.IDA 117 N e a.h..r ef in 0 am, MGM, for see by male 101INs roN t eTOChT rat Ifni', a now conecum, Of Cocoon Music. h.dated by George Ringed,. y, Au thor of Social Choir Eremitic Choir, &C. &e. Sabbath School Gerrit Of follnia land Foot ,de*.glird expressly for the Sabbath School; 6 7 1. A A. 0 ' wk.* ohm & ' A aim Treatise on Asmonermyl enti the Use of to Globes, fir two parts. Containuig Artionomica and other Janina.; clarions and nos/twos °tyke Nonsnoan Rod planets Center , . la*, and Theory of Gram...non, Refraolron,Twilight, and SarranagiConneollons Pe riods. Dieurnecat Phenomena, and /Magnitude,. at the Heavenly Radii. corr.poting Na Solar Skahara, &c.; ei(eau,9o 0011001 Oa Of the Mal I.lAcial tlob lems on the Uri of che Glob, Illustrated by a sun ehie •ariery of Examples; *el dealgted for the Use of high &boohooed neinimmies. By lames Mot odre, D Profecons of Mathematics and &summary in the Central ilfgh School, of Balt more_ Deck sod Parr ; arlnctdents of • vroisola the United States Frigate Congress, to California; witts Sketch. of Rio Janeiro, Valparsim, Lima,'llcmolain. and 5. FTSOOISCO. Ey Roo. Wakes violion,-U.113. N.; armor Of Ship and &Oro, &a. For We by A. H. ENGLISH &CO, Soicessom to ELLIOT tr. ENGLISH. a • • No. ST Wood moot. frITE Briton Melo Dienonary.--The. Child's Book j. ol Balleda—Macdoneld, or the Great Houle: • Stoty of Bell Ltfe.—.Elmrstove; or Oge Bendel School Boys Cordrasted.---The Bar of Iron .or the Banger of Unansctile d Alaimo:L.—Stories of School Bola.—Kneaugo, the Gana Ghief.—The •L•fe of Lather, with special reference to its earlier periods, and the averting seems et the Reloranationt by Barnes .11aars,D D.—A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, •lor School Yid Perinea Sablisked by Ame rican ENGLISH Far sale by 80000000,11 mh ENGLISH, • 1072 12 Wood 01000 b - POLL ielCAls • COS111,1: , %11./27s.r/111. D LOCKWD Inn prew, wad w publish shosly—Ds M a yag on the Divine triiip ill a orGoyemment. translated Dons the French, by 11.11. Salter, .51 D., Boston Second edaion, loot. limo. n ,•rinsv.,.,c, • .MAOO VHbrd...lhY4l/1 , 10 ok.l,3lloN.—The meters. Chem. J, bets hove:employ. t h e Vat Prows. , to Sc. land, In the ;preparation of mew works. They are odor oared to the trehoersl of the Dance .taus, under the'rintrrieen teriaion of D M. Heuer hi. D, 1.. L D, lam Raperintsedent of Pabliadclureds, the City tad County of New York. . I abanthere yreasery of Knowledge; It' Claire Drawing and Perskee.•; Ills Chambers , Vernet. of Nanu,al Yhtlerephy; IV. Redd & Heel Ctertartr7 and Eec.rieity- V. trenuitesia Vegetable aDd AnoVal VI Ch ea uf Zeo.os vYrauhy sptology ; Paa'sEomno ortO,wogy giesayurlates; la welt known taro the ongshaiyuelo here pf these trouts oho 'Messrs Chambers, of forinborgh) nre tole to command the hest teb-ntr in the prryarationof their books, end that D le their mambos to deal faithfully phat.rdepe,.. .Te.i:r4seArte..• sill rot duappamt tat ...To - say work.. prenared by turbot. in every 1.1) 00. .pnblo 0 (6,1211:A 43 CE Lath= rerpecu•e unuortakinge, and whether. , tridently bestowed open thcre th e n ,„ .IE. and inbor to adapt them , 0 their pular:4e. cosy toe reCOMILLItIId them to' ...whets sod pare= with tongoenee. Thn grit named voter., to the %soda of e teacher of the younger cluseaenynt faname an in kkhemutile bred of antusentrat saw Ingtaction. rthey would Co. sumo. a rich imamate to a fem. y of intelbgeet tit tit and Impart a taint for wrilage --lyerntoat Chronicle. sol o by A. S. Setae. & Co., — New York; and ler Wart by ' 11. E 5101.11311 a co. t . Nola Wood at f ATTER DAY PAtrIYIILETs, edited try Thome. :1 Carlyle. leo. Ms :Tito New Downing , btreet. .Receivcd, and for ale - by ma,ll .• , ; L : _IOtINSTON & STOCKTON 14 W. kloulLa I aaTirvailiciviat— ' 4 T • HOLMES ,. 1.1T.E Ri N Y DEPOT Terre Sum, eypealte the Yon toe. LEIGH, s Unmade Tale; by Charles Oink- LE era. PytteO.Cartl , Barton Shaksprore, Nara bleraiag NO.? Eldorwro4 or advent:ores In the path ofMph...A Noyeee to Califrorda, bYllayard Taylor, - Lida.* [Army ,Age, Np 3W..., • , Dictionary of Mee Londe.. No. 0, • • 11mtlitIdirrehardeldagattno, for ' • Nleterbent4l" Muslh Aprl4 ILO 41117 WWI! ' =MIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers