- "" ' , , ~ t,t r). ~-.. 'e ~ vit -.E7.:14 1 ! Si 67BLISOILO . TY:F.; , 4I, C D. IL annul.) (s. . ... . . eairni aeraIIK4I'nM.IMIXEr. IX= DOM IXI Dolly ra pet,. OWN*, Weekly, roo I#l Do.,r. pChas, at LOAN ' ' ILA CS OP. ADVICIMiIIpfOr, Aczekas vras ~ • - my T 1 X PITTAXIOO2II SoRkS.Xe . One Pow to, (101inesst Nonpareil.' Mist_ Imo 1 ternloti--.--• One Scar to each additional unialloll... 41 1 1 Da, 00•7•444 , 0V5-S-...-11.. e 47 1., • /13. two 0,01 De. three 'Weeks 4 00 ' ere 11 1 012111.----L-••••• r „.. „... Dr. three Doi • reuretenthe ... . 14 00 Do. idx4s_l , mantief..v. • loading Dare 0 or Meat per earde.'/IPSI One dmaiv,ehangeableatpleasalli rim) exclusive of the paper-.--- - • - For each additinnil memo, insertedever isee hlonto. arukfor each adtlithinaksquent ineertedicedfx, thfl Tem fy Imes, half price. • e.l _ ' Advertisements eMbeealog a. KW./ .111.,0T01 Smite line4,lo be chtnred as a moue and &Awl. Pubtisheni not accountable fist DID pdvertmcmente beyond the amount charged On. tkidrOealkalion. Announcing candidate-afar *cos to be charged the lame as other advertmereents. • • • Advertisements not marked on the espy for a Miool: led number of insertions, will be c!llllaired, till forbid, and paymantexuantl Wawa - . , . tigldTh, oryosrlpsdreinisers willbs confined maheD reviler business, arid ail akar min 11. lisenteuts mot pawnelog sawed kr, se be paid mum All advertisements fee charit able unntiatlens,l2l .4.l:Mrtri,Zelargl/ . ' lll 4 l i"""th lbr. '''l l ` ' PweeiPV Eno Y - tr antes, caws le De ebtralid 60 enrol' Death nobees mewed 10140111aargRougess wow. peeled by 4.10 re ievitations or °Dietary notice% and when se enttanymmed tO be paid tux. , _ ralartidverasers, and all otken sendingCopiall• .13,14 - al• /miring With.' designed to tall turn. drive Fain. boil ceih Cone ens, s ee eery , Pablo ado. ts:ieee ?h ipping", where charges ale made (or isbilltenecov all dirlims of private' essociations-memp - notice de signed to cell attention to private onlerprisim sake's. led or untended to r.,emote inXvidnal lamas, men to• ly to trimmed with tine 471deralanding thatthe ease Is to De paid for. If intended to be truiertedia the In. cal eohunn, th. same will be charged at the Ma at am leas than 10 cents per lino. -Bishop or Fist Noticed lo be Charged m 6 y pr im,;, . Tavern Lleenne Padden/4Se each. -, Legal and Madera! advertieenseutt le be Glum/ at lied listate Agents. and inetiabeers , *Atrophic. menu not to be clamed ondermarlywitem bet' 10 be allowed discount of Miry Amend one Mini per NUL from the amount of MU : 1.1 IrsaLT on mvirincar iiir DULY rErm' Ono Equals, dine insaniena..---.411 Do. each edditienel insertion.,.. 4Drsialcarlres . . 9.10.2 e. (10 Hoes.) oft .rtri0n1101.....-40 Do. -.rack aklltlonat mosonlal) , ••00 Tilt trassitallutocrilarmonts 10 te pat In advance. - WIDTH 0 CO. OtooEuE. L. 11A1EPER, Po.). . _ _ • RE.IPItIDELS,4ecusuI.• • ' SAI4F3 P. DARR 4). CCl,Cbreolelo. POSTER k PROMISEE, Dispaurlo. /OP. EISOPPITEN,'Mormoy. JAMES W. DIODE.), .lOoetiOnn. _lll/EO)I , C&INE. EnEdow MO.& Prilllrlallr, Deo. 1, VAL r CARDS. JOllfit a PA.II.73IIWINi ALDEUMAN, Finn Wald, rtlikatteCti betimes o , llans and Wistral, AU business enssuptly ss- A Tromn' 4.T.s..Aw—oniee, Fanalicreet A i tTORNEY :At LAW, Ka ,Couir 'orittoitia Cr 'o Pommy Imtutot Loolloalb • tommonlestiorts promptly answered. UAIRP & ii,r=uuerr. A TTORN EV S and Cowellots u Law—Fourth st, , between Serditaield and Gmal. risbargb.Pa. Jul 3 , LAII4;E,h. ATTORNEYB AT LAW. Ranh gur.et,:tear Great, 17164 ... ... TARIES F. HELM, : ,CTTORNEY AT LAW--Ma an roaZlk dicey A Uetween Southfield and Grani t rittakarah. . aptla-11 Rakeirell • PATTON'. & OASSTYBLL r A TTORNETS LAW—Oifiee L Grant stolen . tiro-Goon noose: • • - A. and t .. o G od 7 1 1rt — ocd Nook:tit g r : Viti ' id deafen lo eh kinds of Writing, Window sad Wtopplng Pa per, No. Wood street.' between. Fourth wad Dia, wood . Pittsbor b, 'Pt.. - *Ol7 :• JOHN II: ILWIECCIti .. , , ATTl3iltitit'inti Coiner. Sot at Lam, end Cement. stoner for the State of rennsitganht, St. Lair, Mu, Onto of PlitAhumh.) - • itetetenens—Pituilmtgh t Ilan. W. Forward, 'lump. ten & Miller, 151. , Candleas & McClure; John K Parke, Diesel's & Semple, McCall A Xing. - • - nugle-ty— Wlr saaitzt..•-•-• wow a roassawa,. AU. STOCIDWAILI ILIMALST. OALMYi - WOODIVARII t CO. Wholesale Cra cow, Na %MI Mart el at. Philadelphia.- apt Vituburgh Alkt.lt Virorks. BVIM: TT, DERRY k CO, Alanufinetwerot orfosda Asb, Bleaching Powder., Altrrlatie ono Solpkatic Acids. Waletroinfe—,Watcr stets', below Pir+7 noetOsty • ' - . Fred. 7 .7rei Mao e. Oconee BBAUN &. ILE:TEB, Wbolnkale LA - nista 11‘ . ng.. e tts, corner ,of Lthcrti,k4d ISLOsIr meats, Pins soLoinoir. ' •- •C ° .. 4 lll:l s lCMCond Clem. Dangseea• Sprlstp Asp, , . COLEISIAN,HATLMAN' & SlanifactsirCra of Coach and Ocala Springs, Mitatmerett Axles, Folio( and 'Plough Sfeclifron; ko.',,,WarchoosO'on Wafer nod neat ocean. riffat , ' Also, 4ealcf la Coati! Trlonints Malleabis Anatirraolics CROZ LU, Cordsrisstom AIERCILANTIA,sred,DoIihro PTO doer, No Y 4 Blartet moot, ritlabartk. ahrl ohn ATCT•if. fttinoer.: nRAIG A & SKINNIM. FOrorioSing sod ComooolOO Alorchaets, No 126 Mad et, Pittsburgii. apt (I Mekl,pL.TY CO,Fpntuans Ale Pttiagls, IL GRAYT,WbolemileGtocerc9lSMaltioll sad' C ForiarainE Merettar.y, N. ir 41 Wsei Env In . Fleming R. usansinir;lPLlciosa aCiOIDLISS lON AINFCthiNTS—For the sale of rro• meode.Wootea, end Cotton Ilkerdn ahm, deem ter k Inds of ?ohm' Trimmindr, Not Weed elf ettr door from Firth. Mahon - 1u Forme noe—tderm 3Ftti z A. HILL fk,93, pullets, , _ , ranomn: sornser. VNGOSIg " (losoltndllsl, Ottroniter Cp.) WIWI Mt., 1D124221 022 , mr dipy morohoope, and denim ia Produce and PIA. Mutt rnufnotops, N 0.31 WANg bellreen Itd and Unmet.. VORIZwn. .roiniertni, • • - RDING B.oodibirtMOH mErwytAND. Second st; . , Audi, (5W — ItGE =MILAN. Commission =AP*"'''l Pits22b Las, No. 20 Wood urea. Pnatbortt..l'aZ • bl*.:,(marcossor,to Murphy to Loo,l Wool INC; • Or soot Commindbo Mere i sat, for the sea ol A itlia Wdolyes, Lbcrtl. eiloshe * 1 it ( 617 A. I. NOCK 11014 =VA= Ot.' a. C. wo•omoo, mot Looms:um EAVO MICENOWTo . ' Qum kW*. U ''! l /4",/,'" ' Lime:Knox, IDWAs6 1112/.6,' •v. a leammium..ol3 , 1 " 1 " 2 6,„„, 11(1111ALD BIICIENOI4Tobaceo 'LK. "Mak il North Witte alb Nosh :916= H1[4.1"14 76jZEy di Con AnCe*H4nl At.nod, Onannl ulna and Forwardizur Me*. "'`wolMantraetared Goads, Phubanrh, Pa ' .- • raehfrt. F 34 ,..in:: . TriTPORTEN Duda in Mena nee A. per lifunrine sindlioninra. Window BL +deu flee :snare Pnms.Le. Alon...witnnz-pristisitentkeHLP: ping l'aper.No. l r l WeelinfeeLinnweenFonnli and theeeeei eieliVeB &We, ritt.biugh,;L , .3751 Pao., D r upes; andALL:- er ON . "' II " , rau., Vanusbm &en Ne FI L3 Wood EN" one. door 80atti of Dianna Allay SlClFDiMMULekonislaroner,enanausznar noltani, gee eeeleSke Pare inui Mannihrture. Noll Wale, a Pitunnuith. ,14 0. minion Marched., anflUmers . U.'l oo ..Cenet 6 • Urgent: end 107 Front amts. l'imbuyn; , 941°1 • 5 neve h s e en , . h h s. co' qiholchattee l ers, and S. Dit ' w°R.rn o;aor Co., Ha *7 Wckoditt, . Aeut. 11 " 1 "- • : Se& - rittottronta. • ' • Turin M. TOWNI3F.ND, Drsahtiowl Ni. 45 Market ac;thteti doorshbowtTiti4 at n d.A ltmighoirill bare et:4lll=o . eu laid* gee Wetted sal mune= ef the, best had ftwrissi klathelww.wiugh h• will nil on **howl- attwosattia terra' Winding will be imebini7 eimeledlet exam. plied with whiles they-gm +4.1 man al . Phige,4l2,l Prdiett9tintly=. Meaty prepared itom the hid belief be dai "' l *'Poi& a freak an410047.,ra Alto for smith &lap ti. - CA El • Oslo of aneS, 001• e, won =A Forwarding Merchant. end whairstla dealer in Western Mo • Bailer, Pot and Yerzi Ani, and Western cos generalir.. Wain, area, ?awes Ihnigshelkand Weed Fiusbargh. . TOUNSTON it brut.. MN, llookaallera MateyM - O and Paper . Id anntartaretk MAK" Mutret Watt, • _ pa . IL Wbobale OrmeTa Camatisamt JMgreaaatscmad Delon zproiafa, Rama March Bath:ants, &swim an LLbeay, Waal aad Sixth StreCA Kaslaulk, t iCV=Tprt=rd =kialetratnt Clot la nosey.. mid Piit.barik aar of Marty ma liana mats, Plasaaral Pa. -1235 JNO. A. C.41:10 ILKY, Kelst toe ths.taks Erie an: Michigan Live-to SCIMOT•II4 doe lakroilerC)6l 911 Oa tuna of Wases sat; BaufM ; ; . , . ) . . . • _...,., .... •., . . -, • ~ • ' .; , • . .. ,;4' e . _'.:.' :',.- ~'-, • I , ~ . ' . ~..- ---.-- ~. 114 . , ....1;-:'„i.'--', - !, ..' ~',, ',,, •-•,', - • • . _,. • . i .. - .. r . '.. '''.`•'.-:•••;', .; :;,,, i, .. ,--= - ..- „ • , , .. , , . ~ . . . ,---......----- WI. .11ITSINFAS - .0411130- , " - lmfcitmo JILISCA non to tadittrerialtrthe-M/Atatiaeta S.Za ' " , 11.etts ' AlgratamaiPtitonsotrematutibitgh. , . I (nor nectoi4. - wholmilli un- mei dealer kmaldaid add Putcal 'lturtastima, syboot Uoo., ~,,,I.siate.;43sedl,Peas.Stdija, Printers' Cards, and 4,doviu?addeT• ll 7./1 0,61 Yidea kqPiddb itr Ran faddist ar tat hi vadat'. , " =PIS IL,WEITZEJS, le". fat JAW, affice . 3i impothe EL Cha Mottl.-Pittabeitgh, 1.111440 wend pmaigil to Ocaltedolay Wagangtou. Faretts sld Gm= Bell TO ' g h .'4 l `.4 4c. ""P':•-. ••‘-1 1 7` h i • = ma - . . . 0C111.1001.1.111611 r witate.re , No IN Weal 'Wool, Pirtle • ;"- • / u 5 , • • rarar•ing • • map•ron Cr !Mimi, Deslets Produce tad Plusbnik mum Otadtiredatlif eleg, glimillt.sin,Yatar 7th ft.' vp4 - -7 - 190111 Jaw., vrrsaßtrwarrEZ - 77 , IrENNEEOr CIULDS A CO, Msonfuturers of Ds 14 17 =644 Sheeft,Carpet Chain, Cott= Twrie and II: t • • - 1.10-17 S • "' Vesine'liea \Wefts. 7 -777- ' V ZWISSITALZELI. & co, 'o'r if 7,Es sizes Bar,isbee Boiler Iron and Nods of the boo. orlity. W Worn outran Front oreet Mltterqttlad. - lusbargb: %MLLER & RICXERSON:Weye Gicier4 . 2and •IYI ImpoTwo of Illandlei.l9ll:ice And Began, -Nos; 171 and tomer of Ltherty Eu 7 squat, Flu. With, Pc • Ittnm,' Nps, Ce . csqn Yani dw. Am, cod. sttattrita htn& . - • Jo}, • John4lNlti., a • Jame. P. Zirlialt. • . Walter C. Has. .LBaR ROWNlplameGreeerte =0 Commis sletkAps4buttst No .Libertrig, kitubargh 'Doug nom,tr - • I MEI t wino. , - Joints ai alma% . viANOPACTIIIMRS of oloilli • god blittei _otoeT, r., , .....---pltzma.24ll= ..,,,,...4.o,aolpsoanl coach trioV: . R .: lamair,nr:p4m,,ap .: r . r . mi go., flvb.2 zT. Houma - B.BON, No in Blolkolin. %mond door • (mos 'torpor oCrcentli, dopier* m Foreign and meszle f litlts of Enslicage,-Clertlfresten. Lopoon, Nottn,Ond Spools. ErColeintions mad. on ,all 'Ma principal eines - bro. baulk* Unlind Butes. -W . lit Lea -wiftee, Fourth a, - .LN. • doaf *bole Seetttefibld r eenth lode. • ?Oeoreefeeittg.eflat klmilifslOacrlritAt the poetess eon, and loral eoesranW. :n ty. . - Woe se tem Emile exam'nnd. &a. 0e5.71-17• I Ye itairt;lll,26l6llt CO,' • ASUFATUILBIL/3 OP ORE.I;M GLASS WARS, ZTO. 17 Maultiacmat, PI ttebarrh; Po., keep eoe.tent- IT.auhuad, sal Mule to orderall Mode of Niels, S - Patter Awl Mineral Weser Bottlpo(re 3Ynleulak aticestairpoldeePrivater • Initiablielataspt WAL CIII.ICHMANW.Thini at, animate the NJPoII-9Skee, Pttteeorgt.-.Siapef kJ:du:apes, Ittll- head., Showbills,Labtla, Arch:latent tat and Machine Drawlers, rattiness Ind ratitheweidda, aa..eogro*od or drawn on no:mon% prittieZ to not err, Gold; Menu gr ilhothjo th.M.St aPproved solo. and .at the moat laaaonatdoirnata. 1,1 mthStif . STE/al . :0 T .6(41N.T . Oritet Altera Wsu & Mums a 1110.4 apl7 t , Nor :Tinnier- ws o uz...sur u !LT lc; Dam GOODS JOBBERS, iCilifn:wooD ernmer.• TTAve, ,exit.l . eottstaily itearalag AUL dialog Oaf oosiam,ft tarn Ro d. well acTecova a. aoruaent of Staple and Fahey Dry amda,7 . #l . will sell for - arab or maraca vriltz, , • • "Woltaralftattaota aft! -IV.lfod extuaine 'oar 1010DEN=GMLITTLE &VC h.c..l2ll.llearry umiu - Pittilraqth, AVluslaratir Orocar., Prodnete, and' Conaals.ios AlarrAsms. &Alm r.ao><r. SIMMS , TESS. 12frnt , SaXL Z losissota lfh kinto of For ag ' snd.Domettie•M;ne w s . urgeLAMM, No, U Liberty street, ,Oa band a rory • large twee of iat 01 d litonottrobeta 'mitten ortoeh will be Fold lowfor c =qt. L. v. tars° DS." • • R6I7SOLI.I§ HUSE.' Fr:rrarirding. ned.Com amts. a en AtereEantr far ire Altegaelry River Trade, artaltrair, Groceries, Fro Iriee tares, and Chloride or Log. .• Pre higbett price. ist. - esab,:_paid• 411 times ler Counw rats. Cl , Oll , Aeart acd Irwin sts.. spla. - Co Wbluut omen dalens ° ln P;oduca mbd .Pittaargh.blaufseiaze s,,Libeny creel, Cimbalt, Pa - - upl9 ' ROBERT A. ZlNNa ea Z it lO L ll,nlaor4l=l4 We. 144 LAIX4 eireeu • - r!'" a. IS QQ L'lrl.%ll,'n,:r. and Pictish Steel Abp—Spriremd_leles, Vices, a rtAu ko. They in the sitets..ion. utAetchmaCan't commuters to their Stock before' pdrehosing• chic esti etc. They warrant theirs, tides to be coon imy mac in this cOSPUT OO OttPOS te.l., • .• re!e • raps. s: weirs Q.DADICIMIT warrE, Wholesale Dealers la . la Foreign alid.DOnlestle ll-Desalsalf. 99 good street., PlUsbagh." : W. 7 Qlthiltl/111, sal hteritigidi — , "Deifiri 0 0, Flosr ..rol DM/Imes messily, +keel Porsrstding sod Comma]. Morchaar,. a Water • tneots, tuatni: Ev.x. &. .1 nitmr...,l•todgeef and Gtnerst Co! M•febs.l4*, Liberty street,Vlo• birth , Spent,. bioueed avd Lard Oils. ' • !pl7 VON',/lOtioltp . 11.241 . & Wholes:o7i Gro qa eers.rorwanlime end CoMadvsion lartebanto, Dialers - rin.slmrch , l timulnetants ,and Wo•rern Prednee, have 'removed to - tott new. wateltonAm (old wind,) No. 36,earner Of Front itreek.ind Chancery Lane. . _ , 6;17 Z 10111415 de • T'SA 'AND WINE ISEILDIIANTS gait IN ,rnl u.. ,6. 18 R,N. to tennort..W. /3- Wruomili• • '. La IFWVVATICJI BIAS & SON% TI7TIOLT.9aft . I:IIItICT COntadimion and For. T : wording tderettimtn dealers toall hods of Pro. dare A. PittrburgtinutOtita ,pm 4 Article_ anti Amu for sale orgtcumpqa: . ibri; u7p4anug pu.stacc.r.d • - Tfl /LBLIN,. _ ATTORKICIt AT UAW, . Bw IVlLL=udl:pcolli le II d i in ai i A t . 1) . 3 - coandes,;s: 4t.eier ' • - g W. all :sq . " • So , - pittolugh.. o - db% Ste) k-rd, , Wo, id -- 1.7 Z. Ift. Gawps Maud. TT ..d"DrI .Goo'., and Comuilaion hicrehenth H 642 0 LI• ln: Patalmrsb . , . Jon neV4ILD *ICJ& O 0•9 "FORWARDING & COMM! !lON nuatcaerrrs, :.Canal Dnlo.Peea ratir7l4 Witthelith. griro JAWASI Dot..V l o Co.__ • ••- PILODUpp *HDFLC7U& FACTO - au, iit,2271440e4 , 5id4 Gorth'etmeeVbib4e ./Ph! a • 'Adfances nsda;l4 ei th er eitta ebtrre';oorolwilio• wieste of. Prods., to &cher Ibiasta•-•'•• 77 - aUMUOIWM - 011inWt — firriW.5 1 7 -- 3OILWAIIDING & cohneistitoNr aszac.nerirs 114111111331:111013 TIVIDULD, impeallally Pellet t , the eonsie=cat of lletliabonth freight, foot sVietnam ketch atm. as they as prepared to reed et any amount. Liu. Ind Section lbws runnirm at and dsy, the fro tbt will not be desslmsd, ittey w W tmload such boats , es W bows. .; fe1.0340r • rliorrisburgh;Feb.9o,l&&.• . • - •r t• • • I>} Wiitlams —:John HO. virtiVorAimi 117UOt ALk`A yxrAIL FAIIIINAAROdEfte. iFot._. l4 Arr.', Cemeii Jon Marebaou, and dcaleia in uet.r..mluce and Piusbores blanufae= Wks, tonseCet qt 4y# imd Fifth strezts,rm!lbmb. yhi. - 11. - Wunum B. 8.T..v.r . WIG ;.: wh.LIAMB & CChi' • ' -.BARKEELCLaii:V:imaraict ; , .. North re:4;eanda Wood end T ,lU ithd ercito g 4arN . • 'lien La~IBT. WM• ACIdEEY Wholesale , s,rordrot du a 401Nnod ettim, Fittshalgh. • . •aprl . .:oda d : . ; DATIL NYJI/Ftri., 1 4EBN (osocessors to L. & J. D.' ,Wiek,)._WOoloo* GrOCtf." Fonoarelsto cod • lootOsolsnion blerebtouq dealers ITV font, Nis To, tams Colo* YaDkr. uid Fatah lamb Ationfiettrres Ir;oontor of Wood and Waters tr oeu, uslporgb. it • . Mittifa r rafici r y eesle Vreeers, 4 Realtytog Distiller,. and Wine Liquor' kieretwons. Aiso—lroporters of Fed. MIL end Menet. lae.Poerder, No. iOO Ll(lexty street, (opposite 811th - ••-•eulPitt..b.v.1(.. • • - . • spl7 - ,716VILSON,Watctuu,iew . 1t 511 •cy lV ii i ! d (1 , 4 , and Idthtary Goods, corner rh olddialCet and Feirti ntrents, Patsbumn, Pa., .,.vVate! o 4, Cdoekl.natedalY . , MX T00:13. .. . • • WNL YOUNG At Cia, , Dialey, in Leather, Hides, Nei t Nl3 taberty-strect. , - • - •_:•IF , & 1 / Inriecriviiint: -- Tr -- . ~, ..:••• Wonewswo: W 1 MgNilnrCirV deafen.Toaaerots,ql , i NuNbaga7!!tar. gmtar!lly LlbettY ereb , 1 J. CM, -190 liOlatlititWALftb' crt coorts,-Fet: Q7ll=crgt rtisir:Vb".gailZe=r,"a Vlood est FM 412:4th lus burgh; sisaaisna - Jurreur.o. OPlE!ta+{. 00li*I$SION ArAtC3ANTS, 4i.hZlic4aCianicte tuadsionettudraient! tto !anvil( ..d Ifiocuare n 7, P4cter: it4lomo,colnriat Pest Office A Way sad F0 1 41 11 : 4 ; n.zu Ida rtet . • •....neigsies 0 . 310 41 1 .. b .4N Orbwir/MY 0. "&1 0 bud* argewortinotef Bnisches of for .ar• briuslacl, %bay Otral ypf ule, sten... Dcnind Agtobtygiti viz; /WWI J"'7 o,y t. rab4/b ce. 0. . fr.s4.=o bluely selebud +blame by/ r-- - Irjl:4 brides Clawriggetyl. c, lap ertet Si) /rANK JIL litalaup wen sower OWO4 WIGIMIAN-4112ettrattaret Mall kinds *feat .11.• tan and woollen tortektnery.Allegbear dr., Pa Tho ahoy...ark. being hew total! and aaaaaattu oJ * I =prepared to am= oriels with dtipateh far all dads' of maeldnery leybne, nth Os willows, rickets, spreaders, earls, grirohng ralternys, drawls. frames, spoedees, Wan:* Icons, woolen earda,iloahla or single, for nterehant or tannery work, ortles,joeka,Sca; slide and handlalhea and awls in gen. er•L All kande of shafting =lota enter, larptana en (or gulling adores or mUIo at tealattabla char., Rau ra—Kennedy, Chß& &Co., Blackstotk, Bell it Co., ?a - KU It Co4.las. A. Gray. • • • BENN ETT. •&) BROTHER, QUEENSWAREMANUFACTO/dEßlit. elrallaidiummt,faenr Plttebtargkra Pa. Ofte, ',37 Water 41, y barmen ditardd and - Wood, Prreadargis.. WlLLeonruintly keep on band n Oa WOW- Went Of Willi of out own maranectua.ranl anperitirdaelny.L - Wbolnialormd °Olney Mer. chants aro rerpeelfulty Invited to teller:ldes; amtna fi3o avant . .. Vs, as WO are determined te yell ebesper then burner before bean offered to.the pub. lie.. IWOrders stint by 'mai seeompenled tbeciali or ood reference. ..11l be promptly auceded to. nun NEW COACIVPACTOWN +atu . . . . , iur A. WHITE. A CO, 'would respeethdly Inform AIL. the public that thoy have erected a abepon Lacock. between Federal and Sandasky 'Meet.. Tee/ laro now tasking and are prepared to reeeile orders for every desenptlot nehmles, Ccanhes, Chariora, Be ' roaches, Begyiet, Pluatons, &a., Ae„ which horn their ' lone experience In the manufacture of the above work, and ther,fisoilidca they bee they feel eonfi dent they ma enabled to do work on the Mon reasonable terns with I these wanting,ertieks in their line. 1 Paying pansealar nnentionlo the aeleellon of mate ital., and baying none but competent workmen, they befe.sta Itexitsnon , In annulling their Work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. - " ' N. D. Repairing done In the best munter, and on the Moat reasonable terms. , i la.fttf ~1 N. ..i wO. Sandra. , - totem _ ecAnnaa xfiglissoari, n ,. {loon, sten tiraamor, elan arONTLNUE to sairmfactara all kinds or COPPER; 'IV TIN AND BURET IRON WARE. Also, Black. anutlt.Work. , .. Steam Boats built 10 order. • I Special attention gavot to steam boat w ork. • have on bands alma assortment °Mapper and Blau Rettics,Tin Wflni iCe. Stcamb6MCooltnigStorr.a, Portable Forges, various sism—a Tory c.Mycnient ar ticle for,ileamboata Caltramda amigrautli or rail road conpama. Pr a would reapectrolly Jayne steam boat men and others toCWatW see oar ;ankles and Micas before pornbuina el ocarbens. trl7 ' • W. iJ. CILICISB.r Book Blottoro. Won4noTa°2l7;-„dii4 the .s tr er5,7111 4 17 1 / 4 " . 174 we are prepared to GO any wort In our e with de. patch. attend to our work personnllt, and sou. faction will be given In regard to Its neatness and du rability. Blank y Booke ruled to toy pattern an/ bound cob. utantlally. Books In numbers or eld book boun d can. folly or repaired. Nitenta put on book. gilt letter. Tan. that bun work ln our line too inaited to call. Prices 7 — Blieliiiol:*cprks koandrs,i7 • orrrsavasa, WRIGHT& Co.,rmyrepared *band Conan end Woolen Idatgancey or every desertptioe, each 111 ;CL/11111g Ilachincs, Spungiag Speede., Rowing Formes, Railway Heads, WarneraSpoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Oritukre, da. Wrought Iron Shafting tamed; all sloe. of Carr Dori, Potties and Hangers of the latest patterns, elide mill band Lathe., and tools of all binds. Casting. of every description tarnished °ashen reties.: 'Patterns made to order for ' azip Ocermg, Iron Rnili t A.e.. SIC.] Pipe for heat ing PaietOrielb . CF4lron todow Sash and fancy Coo- Hinttas generally. • Order. left at the Watchonse of/. paer A Co., Liberty .nest, will keys prompt amt. Goo. Refer. Illackwock, Bell A Co., J. K. Moorehea d Co.; O.E, Weriter,loltia Irwin Sons, Prnsbargrti C. &J. H. Karnes, Steubenville. learn PIANOS , kableatber offers for sale a large and splendid f i rmament of rosegood and seaborne) , grand Ac. bon Plane', With and without Colemans celebrated Attectuncet. The above instruments ere WI.- rained to be equal to any in this cone• try, and will be sold lower than any brought fro m m , the Set F. BLUME, No Mr above sth N. 11 , —Cloy Scrip will be taken at par, fools few of he above assortment myll F. B. THIS is to certify that I have apt pointed Livingston, lidera Co. ' • • Sole Aents for tbe salt of /ermines , • Patent ' g lliaprahrte Piller, for the ell ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. . JOHN Glllsoti, • for Walter Al Gibson, 111 Bros...way. `l.-iS' N. Oct. lit We lave tees rising one of Sae above articles at the oriee of the Novelty Works (or three month, on trial, and feel perfectly mingled that It is • awful 111,,111014 and , . take plenum In Incommoding them toe ere fat article to all who love pare water. Orders will 60 thlahlillr =tiled add promptly cremated. etto LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN !Co :. ~.,,_f P,,._._ • Tug, mzzonwricae• 'DE attention of the public Li respeettany called to the following certificate= . S Bazunt , --Ilawing testa a quantity of Gold Weighed by your Areoaeter, I End the ' revol t revolt prove. your instrument correct; and recommend the no of it totbose going to Califbmi. to the best method for tuning the real niNte of Gold- Itcrp. yenta, • J. U. DUNLENT, (kid Heater. .14fitaburgh;galitt 0,1849. PrrMranan March '41842. Ma. Malta—Dear Sin Having sularinted the "Arco. mete;,* ounufactared at your room, I do net hemMte to commend It m the am of those gentlemen who am about removing to CnliforoM in seareh of Gold. It eives a ctnse norm:inn:non m the specific gravi tr of Incubi, and vrtli certainly enable Inc advent.e to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold. mart 2 Yours, relp , y. 1. R. IV6LINTOcIz. iNDIA,RUDITML CLOTHING—Just ri L ecived for dm Calllgntia Erpedition, a complete , assonment ni Gum Einstio Clothing, a: price. ranging from P 5.55 to 1t1,50 for nail of coat, punts •od hot. toe sale at the Indus 'Lubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. dean Et H PHILLIPS 7 - 7 - 51tos — Th — na Ml•RVAlriiiiii t iiiitlie; ---7- 1 1,.. solneriber offers for sale, the STEAM BRICK WORKS, above Lift*TCOCCTille, . comprising a EteinnEngins, 1:101ers, Mould Machine, capable of maantactarnig W,WII Premed Iltieta (out of dry clay, utak. Ran the bank,' per day; with three acres o f land eagle Allegheny ever, on which itie 4 kilns and shads, machine and clay abed', wheelbarrows, Woe.. shovels, spades, dem, every Ming rantilsite to core. Meace opennions at an hours notice. 'Price, including the patent tighten use said Machine, 11,005—tmaran of payment Made easy. Without the I.d, 53,000. For particulars, address HENRY MERRITT, augg7.ltf Nolte Monongahela House. • 0 Ty -a, - - ot e cetl of Air. C B ofA radley. 'no business will he carried on by I. Brudloy, who will' settle the bylaw of the law firm. REMOVAL—A DWI.= has removed his Foondr7 Warehouse from Tioltd Second strectstolio 10 Weed street, between Fleet and Second meets, to the ware- Vass. occupied G A Berryos here he keep constantly no hand &general austionentof Caw litp2 rates, Stoves. Cooking Stoves, Ae. lyld Dissolution. TllEco-phllmentalp heretofore existing between the luthser,ben,. be the nano of Constable, Butte & CU, is this day Dissolved by menial tOrinta. Messrs. Date & Barnes will thole au thorise d o f theconeere, for tich purpose they arelo nee the name of he eatusenh NATHANIEL CONSTABLE:, EDMUND BURKE. . THOMAS !WINE. , The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURNS is RdEPIES. for , tbe purpose ormanufsteurring Fins l'roof Saes. Vann Doors, no. kn., at the .Mand w i ll ollte sle e ted of Constable, Bathe /Co, where they be sleeted to receive the patron. she or the customers of that house and their (needs. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES.' . .. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke I .1121 sincere please:re recommend Meson. ilarkek. Dern. to the eonfidence of my frier.ds and the yobbo. Feb. 9, 0349. , • tita MODAL. COMTAULE; .. 1,134 rf .t., • 14'1 . 01541m Asa Cut Irani sallorMera heir leave to intone ihe public that rey !tare obtained from the East all the late and ongbie denicni- for lion Stain& both for home. nag persons wiener to procure hand! some potterer will pie COli and examine, and Wan fee be (arnithed at the Shen eat .netice ozd the but; 0. ...,“ 4 „„ 1h° ., °°'", of Crabeltebecca streets A %, MICONOMV MOTE% A. VA 0 . te KNOX. c A ssm i pllES, & SATIN IA KM received on . consignment; I ° . "}° ttia manufacturer's travel:tome by anle nusky . Firm: l l o & CO . . . . . , NO. 9 STATE . STREET;. BOSTON, eteri . e for Clam, end Beenery of Property sr ' Eugland. j Hill:CO spent nearly a year in Ale various I/L.- cord Offsces, Stational Library, Ac, daring bit late visit to England, inersttgating cloitns for persons P I this conatry, slid having secured egielent and re spourible Agents in London and, Manchester, be to. moored to Darted nil necessary Info:motion and art• vice to persons who Nen to recover their property in that canottv . .. 3. L. keeps • list of - the Dank of England Dividend Books, Inh.ch rosy be examined fordo cents, or n 3 toe. oath letter of the 'Alphabet. • References 11 0010.021 f. C.D. P. ADAMS, Notary Public, JAMES WELD, FAgi HENRY K. MAY,'Ento_ mr9S4m ' JOILVW. RIDGEWAY, Esq. ffUlftw ~•=• Pe' Eli Cs AUBUTIINOD. AS Jost returned from lJ Eastern Clines, and ..seeestring • large variety of seutiosble doods, to , eh be respeetrally Invites the attention of were h .I.nd pedlars. No ed Wood a. r rebid OKi.) WROSZI It CO., (Ssecessers to IttlCord &Zar) 11Pashionablis lilattoo's et" ' Corner of Mod an, OA Streets. pA c t.Trtft all . Gildoll mild toner Retail Trade. emi rely upon getting their Rats and Gaps Ram est establistonentefthe stn.summums and winecllstalF, of the I.AFMT crush had at the Izmir Cesittry Merchants, pareleufni• by wholesale, are 'respectfully lusted Wean and eramGe one Stoat as Ina can Say with confidence that Os regards quaint and mat, net safer in T. comparison with any . owe to Philadelphia._ *Ralik DIODY . . TIE& kayo to Inform hi. Maeda ands attonsta that hd Is Jest meeletneew soling ittook °Moeda, oemptelna, im - anal, all th enorest'and moat (Radon obis allot of Clotho, Pointer.. Wes Vesungt, cot maim; Imes mailer naffs, and every - article taltable for at wear fer mingnd linemen It bele* treposlible to describe the beauty, qrallty, or gstecity of the amok, the premitter htipes all who are to want goO, the faglontble, oat well made alcohol, as OM Mar cell, artbare is to - aunt Ws kale of the Alleghattles Mat ean !mama with It. Wady mad/ depot:meet very eztemive, adap. WI all eoertrisoinnh.enniry teetehanti. and who Pitethaile 1100, 1 7, an P. 21 1.4.111 Wilted 10 OX• I amine iths mask balm parcAutni, as particular at talttikt PaYltOptAWMAerale bit am rAthlit Envy is t6O SlinOtter - Unis made Monter in 401 5 41 " 414 ''"!‘1. 54 l ikmie4 1-,, URGH, SATURDAY. MORNING; tiTTNE INSURANCE:. LIFE INSURANCE! Tinton intilal Life lonyaneg Compagy. awns or IMMUNE mica= Z.pra. cuarr. .Capital, $150,000. aI.IIEO '8171040 & Co., Agents at fittsbuzgY, Pa. . . ........ Bann of masnron, iv Tarm , l ,, ...."'''" . lion, . .- Jamov, Jr. Joscpb C. Yom , Pres% Benjamin' Rail. G. J.. reillinaris, IT. P. /ala A. Wearl, Ell' Morris, Beert3a±l• Jonathan Fisk, Treasurer. • REFEREES. 710 V Ton. , 1.11./a6llitl.. Co,. rlPlreller of New York. Ilan. James Campbell. ..rga Wood. I David H. White. i John F. Markle Alexander Cummilim David Dudig Field. W. J. F. White, P. M. Joseph Mae. NW GSM. I Ills Tie. Gov. Rama. ErDov: Vroom: W. L. Lb:lli:4G. B. Gen Pane Wild:let; M. C. ' 0.0 Wa11,}1.% 11.3. Sen. Wm. A. Newr.ll, M. C. EvGtiv. M. Dick erten. Non. S. R. Ilamilton. MEDIDALEXAMINERS. A. Sidney Doane, IL D. I W:.-W. Gab Ind, M. Tt. T../ Warren at, N. Y. WI Walnut a:. Pall'al Wm. WA Mafgan. M. D., D. R. Dell: M. 0, . I (Merge McCook, M. D., Allegheny oily, rt Pa., Pituborgh. Pa The Agents of this CompanY, at PiG.b.rgh , 0 00 0 . that:en to take every Loot elms risk on Life at a erincrl a/ •ktvc.rtas on atm. from the asnal ales of peaemium,charged:l other Companies. D1L1111.7- Am. 30 Annaf .e, taking a Policy of losnrince for One ThouDutton To run for one year, pays only en,EO. do 1111,1D3 " " do " " . MVO And In the saute proportion for any camp. Co 90, attach Is the extent token on ally ones In fo. This Company commenced operations on the Ist October, tlttd, and Its monthly business up to the 1M October, 1040, shows a progress BIDILEDIND that of any other Ltfe Company on record. The first dividend of profits or,ll be declared to the anstued en the let January, 1550. Ttunplitlem comainitir the various tables of vates, , cad till the 0.n.0 . information on the Importsnt cabinet of Life Avsoranee. mill be famished ...alit canon to JABIES DORN° A. CO., Menlo, deli Odeon Buildings. FIUM INSUEL&DiCE., lIE FIRE gollipAYArLZll, Polieleg - f NNW - Mice •g•ltnt Lots 01-DOLicir by Flu, upon Derellinsu and Furniture. Storm Good.. ho,kun un ittiplicauou to JAMES DURSO A CO, Anortri del7 Odeon Building.. IBStritillSCE IHE DELRE Tamura.. SAFETY INSU RANCE COCOMPANY.—Offme North @damp( the ettange,•Thlrd street, Flat Imtramsem—Buddings, Merchandise and other PmPertY, In Town and Country, Insured ageing lon or durance by Sr., no the lowest rate of preuram. Mourn Inarmarem—Thry also insure Veneta, Car goes and Freight.; foreign or conatesise.under open or special policies, a+ the assured may destre. I tvesawn TWANTORI,IIOII.—They also lusttro merch •mhse tranaported by Wagons, Rail Rend enta i l:anal Edam and Steam BOMA, 011 riven and lakes, on the • mom liberal terms. DIRECT. ORS—Joreph 11. Seal, Edmund A.Ronder, John 0 Davis , Robert Ronan, John R Penrose, Pam:. el Edwards, Coo 0 ',riper, Edward Darlington. Immo R David, Wm Polaell, JohaTlenilln, Dr It'Al 1100100, Jll3 C Unnd, Theoplillas Paulding, II Jones Droom, Naar !Donn, Hoch Coaig, Osage Serrlit imams* 31eIlrain, Charle s Kelly, / Johnson, Wm 1117, Dr The Cons. John Seers, Won 07re, Jr. DIRECTORS AT rrrrssuntiai—D T Marg., egb Como, John T Logan. 'Witting! MARTIN, President Rienann S. Nemainin, Beni. 1.13-Offnee of the Coinpany, No. 42 Winer street, Pinsburgni. linm23 .1( P. A. MADEIRA, Agn. =:=:B1= PINTE Almost Llfe and Health Inmrance Company of Philadelplum locorporated by the Legislatore of Pennsylvania, blarrh, 1948. Owner perpetoat. Capital 8100,12 A. Dr= town mutt PCNNITL V•AIs Costrarro, nod full 20 percent. lower than the wont rates of Life Insentnee, nit the followiag eon. patison will shown Thos, n person of tho age 0100 in. saLing for Olt* for It fe.most pay In the Giranl 15241-- Penns77leania, 8214, Penn 2101001, 00 .20; Equitable, P 2314; New Englund, 03.3 rt New York Life, 8.1,,V; AL Wan, t 2,44, Life and I (MUM, Ptilladelphia,Sl.9l. Diescrons.—Ltennel Le-Orrick, Charles 0 hall, W. F.llamle, Robert P King Charles P. Hayes, IV, Baldwin', M. N. Reeve, AI. D., Chao 0.13 Campbell, Leiria Cooper, Rodman Limber, N. liiNbtleri Idwtn D. Cope. President—Nemec , D. eclat; Vine dent—Gobi. P. King; Scrielary—Fra.ncit Illactbarne. gpplications will be receiveCand every Information given by PAIINEWPOCILutet, a:ace, Commercial Rooms, corner of Wood and 'fiord an, Pottsburgh - - •, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. rimm ixeUßAlicE CO. of North ASCCTICS vili I. make permanent and Insurance n pro perey in this city and vicinity, and i.n rhirmer o t by ennui, Mayers, Lakes, Wad by Sea. The properties nt this Company are well inve,ted. and tornSh eit avail able rand for the ample indemnity of all porno:la who desire to be protected by Imiarance. ntylai Vial. P. JONES, Agent...ll Wale, a. 1114ALTICI Lit/ORANGE. .evieubArch• The Spring Garden Health Insurance Co, PEILLADELPHIA-CATITAL 51.00,000, INSURES Males and Females egainst the Expense and Leen ',no/Atoned by Sicirnett or Accident, by rm Immediate' allowmee of from $3 to &I per perk, for etc, two, three, or (our yeah. The method of effcctleg this Inmrmee. and the manner of awarding the rink allowance, will Le folly explained by the Agent. tearer A person can intorre epunct Sickness or en. which win &nein him Unni ordinnrY Le Fo eo n, ne )cur s by p ‘ nying Lr 1,20, end receive Sdkr week. Foe two •• • f . tmts •• 4 ; For thtee %AO, 5 FLU four • "" ". " °c. f.. • period of four yeare, the sem of .V 14,40 plod manually, will secure lei per week while tick. Every neeestaty information will be aerated en the Cu, A Fbn. , Odeon Ilealinng• Piro and Marts* Insurance. rivE OFFICE of the 'neura..< Company of Nett h 1. America, has been removed to No. IN Prom at east of Wood. The subscriber, agent for the old and teepee:. sible Company, end keno Politic , on Building, and thole contents, and no shipments of Metchandmo by Steam Boats and Daher vessels. ap3 W. P. JONES. Thalreaasaylvartaa Compass. Fda !SS. CILI on LtrealNDPl“ , tirca ANNIMIEN. Tess lint Life Imam. Company in the U. Mama. ' Incorporated March 10, tolt—chatter perpetual. Capital 8 , 500,000—a1l Pahl ht. Haring nathapsed the undersigned to raceme appli• catiOnu . stack petioles will be Sound, according to and rates, sobleh amil be made Immarn toap plic an ts pt at his office, N0..26 Wood Meet. .G F.O COCIIRAN. PITTBtIQHGII Alm tarsTl4l43: %lac Second Session of this Institution. ander the care of Alt. and MT, 6051102 , 1, for the present academie year, will commenco on this day, Monday, February kith, in the mu ne buildings, No. 02 Liberty atroel Amu:gel:tents have been mode by arnica they will Doable to furnish young Indict facilities equal to any. Intl,* %Vest, for obunniag a Montt gh Engliah, Clww • cal, and O rn amental edacation. A full entree of MI; isophietti and Chemical Leentrea will be delivered daring the winter; illustrated by apparatus. The de% parUllents of Vocal and loam:manna Maxie, Modern Languages, thawing and Palming, will each be under t o oft& competent Professor. By cit. on to the moral and Intellectual Improvement of their p. E lr p 7.l,l o c . ii.lsll.pa 3., merit a continuation of the tr ago they have hitherto . enlei Lt enjo ys Fs? t."We ß ej i tr .l./ Or apply t. the Primp s, MING Sr, 11ERSEY, FL LIANA JP r FROM Tilt I'd ANUPA BILN NAND PA White Flannels, all Wool. Bed do do Yellow do do Bro B la ck do Batinena. Steel soloed do Blue do Drab do ' Black Quainter*. • Farley do Fancy Tweeds. 'Eloper Block Broad Cloth. Soper Brown do Soper Omen do Soper Twilled do Soper Bloch Doe Skins . Soper Drab Caahmerea. Super Brown do Super Black do' California Blankets. Scarlet do • Blue do Drab do •• Grain Bogging. Brown 141Ita Al the blanufaenuars , Pittsburgh SALY, ' i !MRS, AN D AT EAST; URERin. PRICV.Si I Blue Drills; Mae Detains; Panay Collonades; all are offered at Factory prices. Homo League Eldrtlng. Checks and Stripes, very heavy goods. lotion' Gandy. Red Wading; super do; Vest Padding, Ranieri., ,Tailore'Curiv us, heavy do; Brown Linem, Si lithe& Dr ab Serge, biota do. a I 1 imd woretedi, Sleek and White Tape; Black Twirl, Drab do; Linen Cheeks wel Stout'. G cord Conon; do a nte Threud, a impeder Silk Figured Vestlnr,s; Meek Satin do. . Drown llollend Peir Silks; Ration., Cravath, Ye., &o. archon., No lt7 Wood • , mr-1, 1:50 800 T S. $450 mm ,..mhseriber is now manufacturing • beautiful SUM,r'k'.f l BOOT , of Rood matensit and work. ... W l' , - "" VAgalr Of ltta s , °' a ma rketir r t ir, se b. ean . d47; 4 from Water Sr. WOTICE. rearm purchased of U. A. Bay e. the Ane.thee7 'coaled to Olt al; bills of lumber of any A. and length, downwards. treat Sithng,,Deek Plank, Genera , " , ,2,... 4 ,r,.'„'"1„1:1 Trimmers, Boards, &a., on the short, commonly on hand. Orders recetved anon given by It Wichme., career u. '°'" ‘nY Liberty erects, or .11 Alorrisou,Mo IGO Lib. and WIG odic. of the relit. apiild3rn WIcIITMAN 11 eoastm~ t 1 WA n. 11,, ,4i 1 . 1:11.13—W. P. hisernsts. New :York .5' riraV., and ° :rfrtrr. French agencies, the newest and nitro laved %Ica of PP. Kig:=RisteNe n A r . Vo th r sale at " 4l) l Oed st, be tween Fourth St and Diamond alley, leacunor o m 3 C. HOW . • eieamery Nfor hlvALue PAINT-6r . * 1 - 71 -1- se and besets by the trend or ' single mind ar the Dmg, Geed. aid' Perfamery Warehease, center of Sixth and Woodatrcers. Sl4 WIOEI/11.9 11 A1L 2_ , P1 8 \ — l3Dasprattis\Pat owe 111041. , 464 CAWS'S of ihe,above celebrated hosed and high test, direetTrosa.the mar_mtacturers, 100 W casks now on the ; way Rem .Preve oriCtuta,orilt and ex ted here"thfs eek and 314 Will s ittr vpec J ia Baltimore per ships J uniata, CheeXPee h her Doha. ive . ens; and Anna, width mill he sold or; turrval, at the lowest market pike for cash or approved bill.. • • ' W IdITCLIELTULT., _ NUMMI:LI A LSI person( having nUmbers pat on . th eir kintsc .i n, ii In. eonfonntly mresolution of pirate tali at the Halms of the Pin.4 t...d , saved stern owner of IY!t.:otltttd ILI A ti r d h swroc y irni MNI - Wit s Pitt/Patril t ° 3 \ • IIEIIICAL': PROCLAMATION." ' - 11FROW all seen who are Sick 'sna afejefed with di. _ly....eau of the bladder and kldneys,wor rheumatic paini in back or limbs, ttislOilq, old stank Moron ulcers, Its that they eon be cured by raging the Ye. tredeum! You may talk chant les being a nostrum as ranches you please, but this dOes of make It so, for we proclaim in the face ofan hen< t Community. that It has virtues which Me not CAM d ut errs, other reciedY. The men who Is rocked with pain and auf. le nng from disease. tan fps lifty veto. get relief from anYof the ills enntonerated nbo6 . Header I It mats very little to make atrial. This trek= Is co mix ture—no compond, put up for purpose of intemting me the counnanlty; n bat it is a lernedy olaboratedby the minter Mold of nue, and bhbbles up from tbe sorn of our mother e:rth in its original parity, mid of fers to suffering humanity a ready remedy, a certain and cheap Ales ' It has coxed Piles after Otherinedicines have failed to render any relief. It ham cured Rhe.umatism along Medley, and of the worst and tarot painful character. It has cured Cholera Marble by one or two doses; It him eared old motes of Diurhed, to which every other remedy has been of no avail. Asa local remedy in barns and melds, It Is better than any medical com pound or oiennent that ere loop , of. It will cure chil blain* or frosted feet, hi a few appllcallermi uedeubt ell testimony can be fernishc.ll.of the troth contained in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Bashr,:th street; 'or either dike agents. Keyser It McDowell, cornor of Wood meet and Virgo, Alley B. R. Sellers, 07 Wood weer, I/. A. El liot k D. AL hurry, Allegheny. ..lily, are the agents. lan3t • ' A PHYI3IOI/411 0 8 TX,STIRIONT7 "1 DAVE FOUND NOTIIINCI.TO EQUAL TOM" BIACICIMIA, V. March R, p. R. E. SELLERS—I hire diepoeed of .11 the /NJ Cough Syrup and Liver 1 1 ,111 a you emu me, and IS doz of the Vertaltera. I have u,,ed all year Focally Itedisines to matt:WTl and hav 11.1 , 0 Korea.' shoot in my practice, I am 'Mr e them, pod have found nothing to mtual them. item] met; do% 0( year Vermitage, and 15 eoz each of the Llvot 'Pilla and Oppyb Symp. Respectfully yoont, (Emmet of Letter.l , T. T.,Tatame. Thom highly popular mcdtehaes may De had of the I ptoptletorl2 E SELLERS, 67 Wood at, andDruggism Funeral!) , n the taro cities and vicinity. ape DA ON. AND !READ I pel'The' moat Im Leas on Re. dterdt—Sure filesscei t nt Ter the Meet TAR. D. P. DROWN'S telebhated External Matti -LA eau Remedy for the Piles, has aimed* preyed Itself to.he do only care curt ever presented to the Pahlie.. &heaths disarm - rot this sainnhie and the Imre masher of fluent eases with which Dr. Drama has treated, no one las tailed tobeentirely mad route the many hes3na balms' extant, after months and yens of experhaeNiatfiny, hu tOo left the patient whets they enerom•ermi, pr WONG: bet; atter ma few days will decille the CAM ht cgacting OLnv e" 5- Z r r 6 tircts, I shall tinter into a labored al , violent to provenly medicine; I imrednea It upon Its worn merits. by im etrect I intend it shall stand or fall. !fres prefer that I lan, wome dikase, car the PILES, to Ma value date's dol I rest the "with you. Dna') P BROWN, Pd h.loyd street, Rodeo, N V. Sold 'wholesale owl TeUdi Di . R R FELLERS my 4 'Woos st. IN 411AILT 11.0.1`TLICII Tea stn AIOOVALI. MO nornaviterr ceases HA Mesas= musing roes MI EMITO L IOMM 07 OM MOO OA 051132 0/ SMlMina, 'Ecrofuls or Ring's Evil, Hlsettmatiss, Obittinate FMOMMIS Pimpled or Pustilles on the Face, Blotches, Iffloe, Chronicletore Eye., Rag Wor m nr Toter, Scald Head, ilmlasgeramitt and Penn of the Danes and /obits, filmbborn Ulecte,Rypieiltic Symptom, 'Sciatica or Lanham—end diseases arming from en iniudicions use of Mercury, Act. tin, or Dropsy, Repeeare or Imprudence in Life; Alto—Chronic Coneututifinal Disorders, ke- ThiA medians kin ~quirta ave encoded and ever:jelledveputation svheiever it he s been tired, baecti emptily nn Me own Merhs,which 1,. elk,acy . hasaloncenstialned.l , The lOrrattvmde Medea of hereditaryldieesee, with mgrolleriglandAcontrat:ted sinew!, nod bones half careens, has been rammed to health and trlcor.L.-79e scrofttlous patient, coveted with green, loothigonee to Weisel( Mil Ins attendant. has helm made Attie. Ibindrcds d pansies, viho ad h peened ho salt tbri years under entail.aa net alendalat disorders, ehronle Ittemnatisen, and mtny other compleints sprinting Gram a dcrangemenl. of the secretive ore.. and the circulation, knee be. raised as it were from the ramk of diecase and now, with mgcsterated constimmiffn, gladly meaty to the eth •ecy of this inestimable preparation. ' 4 TRUTII IS STRANGER THAN F4CTION." The attention of the readmits called lodic following no osishing once, effected by the ace of Sande liThb. is to t oe, enmiy that I lisle a colored woman who Lae lons ...eel t e lastiftec yenta with Stigmata, end nil the rent:bites I orestlnte no effect in anent% Mt proctors of the compinint; on the contrary, constantly grew son tic; and ititcr expendleg tetercen int.l gni , vita phieSetans,- beside. am otket Politest remedies without lui•re94, till the discasE bad enten away the cartilage cirAer nose, made its an. nearer,. °ovations parrs elf, her bAiy, and had commenced its raveces In the root bf her month In Oils dreadtkil situation. with prospect o death staring her to the face, I stated her ease to Dr bet e, N . the agent foe Sendai tiareapeolla In New. bete, N.J. by whine I erns advised to Dad that article; and to my sarong,' and that pimp neighbors, to whom her case ve. anal., alter titling four and a ball bat. pea she we, teetered to perfect health, and that In the pace of Mute weeks, and on able to work In two weeks from the time rhe tomenced taking it "In witness of the truth o f 10th statementa have hereunto adteed ley nett's, this loth day ordeptember, 1.817. JOSF.P II hIcCUTTEIL LP, "Month of Demme River, Craven co N C. eonr: Tliltoe.T. . - . The following is en utract from a letter received from Mrs. Revell, wee had been ellLieecti several years with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsia, &a, and' recently au affection of the throat anit obese— t'Usirmrshata, Va., Dee.l3, Isle. 'Mews. A. D. a. I). Sawa —Befordl commenced using ex your Sarsaparilla, ells sufferings were almost pan premier; my throat completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful enteb, aid there were frequently weeks torether that 1 could Scot speak above a wide per, and betides, thu inflanuhation from coy threat ex tended to my bead, so that my heating's:aver( much impaired. After taking the Bareaperilla a short time, my health was improved, arid tetyihroat is now wells am is free I , noreotigh and tightest, of the chest on ever I war, and clui bear quite diwitteßY. My threat has been well about three Menthe, the core of which has been effected entirely by the use of your Sara. parill. Vein friend . , i LOUISA FL.DEVAN” The following meumonial to the value of the Sasso. nerill.le Irem the Rev. Luther Wright, aged Mignon, Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn. • ..WomalS, Mass., March M,14160 'Misers, Bantle: GenUemen—Frate whet I have ex perienced, and from the information I have recently recerred gosn a camber of ipsereons of high respects. bifity who have used your Sarsaparilla, I have not the least doubt but that it iso mon - valuable medicine, and that the numerous Certlfteate* you ba. e receive d of Its efficacy are fully misteined by expepesticei and although Its rep ate teen and utility are very extensive, - and mond In no need of my!liumble afforests, Increase . them, I went all who are afflicted by dismale to be— come acquainted with the efficacy, nod power of your I saleable medicine. - '4 am, gentlemen, gratefully and very tereeetfullYs yours. s LUTHER. WRIGHT.° Prepared and sold, wholesale and retell. by... D. D. SANDS, Druggists and Chenhets, 100 Raton street,' corner of William, New York. Sold else by Drug—, gists generally throughout the United States and Can. ad. , Price 1l per bottle; s x bottles for Si. For sale by L. WIL.CO.X Jr., LVA. FAIINESTOCH A Cu., and EDWARD FiI,'DERICII, Flensburg. Al_ so, be Dr. S SMITH. Bridgwater. 11nirD:de!elkwr CIIENICAL StOVW. POLIMEIV J, HE Phenix Manulactuking Company now offer to the public their Fretniim Chemical Stove Polish: end willies. , exaggcroalon,lor fear of commdiction. then who have tested it, pronounce it far superior to any other in the market. The mummer need have no apprehensions of veiling I carpets. to., Si its. COLI, p 0514011 prevents a duet from arising when being slit. Misd, whirls must be donetween Do :Dove is none., Toe quantity required IS,en little to produce o had• 11101 lame.. A saving of over fifty per cent is insured to the conveners. A cowing applied. to Stoves, Pipes, Se. when laid away for De summer,. st sure pan. veulative against rust. After having . Died it once, Itf it Is 'accessible) no pd non will -use ally hut the Flocnlx Maneleeturing Company's Premlam Chetah , cal Stove rolls. For dole by S N WICKERSILSM, rey6 Corner of Sixth and Wood street*, Blodgett and Antique Furniture. JAMES W. WOOD'WELL, b 3, Tulsa St., Roooloolof. We W. gi e _yarAi theti m pubde Feist be boa cam. skied Is .pnoc mock of FURNI7I.IIIII, the largos and mostvarled assortanot ever offered mr rale in this city, comparing several nos 6f Rostrwoory, Platioeitnri and Ilt.ca IVaratse, carovd, ornamental and Thin, suitable tor Parlors, e Dmwins and De , swots; all of which will bo sold ft the lOVlest pneca. I • Perron. dewing FOrilitoto of any deveriptlon, are spectfully lashed to calf andeshoilne biastook. Which embrace. every devellodon, from the cheapest and pplainest to the roost elegant and candy, of which the (01i0WiltqC0IIP MCS apa Tema fete Soria; l Tete a Tem Divans; Convereatlon Chairs; , ElizabeLlaan Chaar, Reception do Loots XIV do h:.7,te.nrion do I 'toilet Haltme; What NotO I Toilet Told* LOals XIV Commodore; Date of Yetils Conch; 60 Sofas with Ptah iadllsll-elallt corm; tO Divanr do do do; 40 &a Ma ,. horimy Porlo , Cholla; 11l " Rosewood doil0; IS " Irk Walnut do do; to " Cane Scat ! der, 4 mongol:I Mickley do; g Pilau/ Stools; - 0o Marble Top Centro Table% all do • do Wasti SUradc , go !demean) Bedsteads; Wardredan4 ye MI Walnut do; 0 Cherry_ •. • Avery largo wort meat of Common Chairs and oth er Farrow, too to dams to atomic. Boat. famished on the shortest rude.. to o A PK rda —NbTerl i il= ' e l itt ' nod "rith " I "°.' mshorany, Natoli.; ad Veneers, at conadembly reduced prices , feblL CLUED. 4 BY musl-D.-10 barreli XJCrab CLOT. And 4 Itlies Dried Apple far side . by Mute 4+ Al • • : . ;','3IISCELLANE4OITB , :' ktiONIETHING NEW the Inn of Pittsburgh L4' Le opened about the 2.1 of May', a Family Grocery and Tea More, lin the Philadelphia • , - Its vabscritmi have filled op n siora'ai No. 2Ca Liberty aunt, in a style superior to any of tba ithut e ilittsbruith, where they wilt alma is have a lone an. sorrowed of floe Groceries, and trpetior: Tea., to 'oshich they respectfiilly invite, the nuelation of theyub. t, Of every mills, they trill endeiver to !keep the beet *fills kind, end confidently recommend their Ted At nor TO TO soirmosi, In squall= in Ina el , netr awartmeot will tomprism—Oreett lend Black Tens eta!) kinds, (mm 37k cents to SIX per pormd. Cotkes of every grade. Levering's Sugars, Loaf, Crashed .d Paltertsed; Stout. SYrnP,Pogsr home .d N. 0. Molasses; Choe elates, Foreign Fruit and Nam, Spires, Pickle Ketchups, Essences, Sugar Cored Rams and Beet, Fish ofLall kinds, Sperm, Lord and Whale Oils, 31,5ald.eperm and W. Candles,logeiher with m.y rarities which could tot 'hereiorote be bad in Pitts burgh, era which time wOuldiall to enumerate. I,l:TGooda delivered free of charge in rimy part of the two eider. Dealers aupplied on most reasonable term. WM. A hieCLIJRG &Co., ' myl No. 2.14 Liberty street. ikbove Wood. warrtrynr, aal (a. war:ma; so. A. WESTERVELT & SON, KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS. l i i rkt i ; constantly on hand or M.ke t oo rder the bostartiele in their lino, at Melt old stand, No. 1d St. Cidntree, also, nt No. es Alasket street, second story, entritien in the Diamond., Whalen Shutters made to order; and old blinds needy repaired. apt° To tiOntharra . wad Weststrat, glorolassts. EIROUSBEII9 PREMIUM PERFUMERY.— The, enbaariber respectfidly invites public attention to his extensive. Meek of Perfumery, Soaps, Phasing Creams, kn., to which semen Silver and two Golden Medals have, within the lass six years, been awarded by the platitates of New York, Boston, and PhLr dolphin, thelindr being to. piny Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either It Europe or in this counßo ve try.arle Unctrauma Brume Casts, tAlmornl, Rose, end Ambroslal,) universally acknowledged to be ornerier to any BhavlineCream slim country or 01.1deltUnt Sal Busarno—Beatifally transparent, mareales highly Salve access and emollient prone lesrlanottagamm Pornneandi AtTlartwirMS7l. nal T leo Military Shoving eup; • Bort " t r rq_ ga rc ehlo,gfuslr;P A rdeho n uli n At ' a il s, i lloat! in =gr iv re ' ri t . '°lll ll C l i e r tl Wad" . lt d o:, " 3 " st a n, Banquet de Caroline, Gernninm, Jenny Lind, Mousse line, Joekey Club, Magnolia, Clemente, Quenelle Rorac land Many pilu .s tr at . fidnes, 1., all or i4rsent P loTr ' llssau—Florida Water, Ean de Toilette, Orange Flower Water, and a great variety et Co lones and Lavender Waters 4agratamore sea sus liaa—Genutne Bear's Oil, Anticline Oil, Bandoline, Eaa Lustrale, Mina, Cara. pound-On Marrow, flair Dyes, liquid and in powder, and Philocome,Rleinine, and Jemmy Lind Pomades. Ononatorc Pantaseranta—Dsleassie Elixir Rose TortUF . , Fate, Charcoal Dentri.fice, Odontlee, ' Tooth Poste add Tooth Powder. Coasnes—Vegetibre Cosmetic Cream, Amanda° for cheeped buds, re Cold Cream of Roses, Cam de Peron,. Lip Salve, R aspberry Cream, de, Den tlatory Powders, for removing superfluous heir, Pali Powder, Vinsigre de Ronne, Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria !lair CC:Speediest rerslan Balls, besides. a roost variety of other a rticles, too nunisteus to be _ _ • reed la att. adventsement. The arthsettber bores to •matoraln the repatatioa bieh that establiahment ban negated, by darpestag • nothing bat Grin rate attielats, and pill be happy to mish th ose who may wish to pea t hiat usher . b &aside or retail, ea se reasonable terms as any as. blitbreent to the United Poky.. • . . •. . . • - XAVIER BAZIN, Succorer to and former Dimmer of the Ll , enoßry flutplicn ROBSirL, 'll4 Chesnut weer. M. BAIRN Perfumery in for attle by all tba princi pal Bracelets ln the tannin , . --- DtSSOLIITIOS OP PAIMMXIII. z lIIP. MllliPannenttip heretofore clinic* between Junto blaruhMl, Wm. W. Wallace, and Henry britenc7 , in the can Iron bauble,., under the name of Marshall, Wallaceh Co, was diss olved bj annual consent, on Om tel taut., James Marshall cud Urnry having . purchased the entire Interest of Wm. IV. lace in sant herb. The butanes.. .in future will be riontlmeM m all 'its Vilttollllr . a.oehea by. the aubseribera, under the nab e and styl of blursholl A Metieary, who will aerie the holiness of th e late firm, and to whom all persona In debted are requested to make, payment. Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty streets. JAMES MARSALI., Rye lIENRYtTIeerEA It V ENG E. is n & WIIOLESA LE GROG a offer for 103 pkg. Y. [Limp. Blank and Gunpowder Teas; 133 1.70 Trimero; KO hoop Rio CoSee7 WO brit N to Molxsues; 73 bbd. NO. Sugar :017 boxes luau:mod • Imp IL IL 11.tisine; NO 335 clutter 13 kgs: do do; 1.3 outs Zan. Corronvq 15 balm FL Wa imas; 13 do Dr 55.11 Nuts; 15 do. Tilbetl3l 100 do VaaNuts; CO bin shelled Almondr, bss Rock Candy; 5 easm Liquonee; lu u Prinetpee & Regain CigarG 1050 Al Half Spairlab; 362. Clover, 2eons NutmeFq v2.ases Le 0021.1; emon 22140 81mP; OS eases Pepper Sauce; 10 cases Tomato Catsup; Ground Spines of all kinds. 40 !tarsals powdered and Vhndow Clem 40 bzs Pipes; • 400 bee %no; WO bay Cand ies;, =Pt ihs Calksb; 11 bat Tanners' Oil; 0:1 boo Chocolate; GO doe Belt Cents; VD coda Manilla Hope; Oa boo 'Spiced Chocolate; 10 b a g s Pepper: bag g . Aloptce; 200 boo Homer; 40 beta Vinegar; B£ bales Cactileanck; 40 hoe Ptarch; 10 trei Rice; £0 brit (thellr;, roy drams Pim As well as a genand Idanafeotared Loaf Saitat; 2 dhd. Madden 10 t7ils Whitius; nszarUnenta Pilltfh MARKET, TEE TEA Bust side of the TRY vat 4Uc Tes.gaina Try earsUoTertegni Try oar 750 Tea ageing The very best Blank Te 1115 cents per pound. The very beat Green Te at St per pound. We are deeidelyeppos of respeettatly votieiteo • of Proving who se l l, the b MO • ntayta Prom IZZSZEIS 40e Tea bought eiwurbere. 750 Tea biPagltelsewbete. al Tea bought eltewbera a imporwd, we are soiling to puffitsg,inetead of which • parlson, Rothe best method • est sod cheapessTeoe. RIMS lIAWORTH Teton of the Ten Merket ion, ICE, - 50 TONS ICE, to antra one lot, for Bale ebe.p by O'CONNOR, ATKINS A CO emye Canal Basin, Liberty et and White Wadding. / 00 a L ti l if.g:r P 4 ' ler quality, j"t reeoved h'm , on conelgareent, awl for sale at 1111.11(CIA price, at the manufacturers' warehouse, - FLEMING &CO, •D% • 'l , O Wood Rt. /India 'llVabber 'lll§T received, Mal kto Hose, 2 and S ply, of all amen, d lar sopcnor leaihkr h fc i T i or i tg .B mayl/3 7 a 0 Wood c_ weantiNci TOOLS—A complete assanment of the best quality of Cast Steel Gross sad Corn Scythes, warranted; 'Cut Steel 2,3,N 4 prong Forks, warrant'd; Cast :Steel lin Knives; 10 dos do Gooseneck Hoes, solid; 10 dos common do-- do, _far sale toes, at the .Drag and Seed Suns of S N WiCICERSOAX tmi 18 . Coo of Sixth s Wooa ••• • GROCERIEff—iOOTEds Pi 0 nano: 120 scats Rio Coffee 211 It( th's VMyron, various grad 30 do Gunpowder and Imp 30 do Ponehong 5 do Oolong • &I caddy b. V II kip & G P Bl Lis 043% and IVs Tobacco d 5 caddy bss Bortoor'g S's do borax *arch 50 brli & Ma Palermo* Indino,'Madder, Alum, Ginner, Pepper, Allntim Batmen*, aitd,Lnrap Black in kegs, for sale by C II GRANT Di Wens sr )2La 1176111111116 . Mimi* Farinfl Cologne. 41IIE undereigntal have been appeinteit tweets in Pitubotylt for the sale of. Cherles Merle Farleoet eel ogee. }Wallets will he supplied at menufneterer's prices. ) W:l7 1. ItteCLIMG Ye CI) Mar I 9 '2513 Liberty rt. A ittIbr'XIATEIDALS —C.finvess, plain, Doll., ink.Englisk twilled. zorp{oll, Nutt Oil, Mull° & White Coped Varnish. assorted sizes. lllsbef piny Pallets, Channel Blink, Fire oil Colors iu flexible tubes, of kinds. Just rce'd, and for sale by J KIDD A. CO mey2l • . CD Wood st A sureLy Mod received, of the most a p proved A mate, usd sal:nide ' , width. MURPHY &BURCHFIELD, movut . N R rot Fourth & Marker at. TEA FROMMISOLADD RECISELY the same kind of Brno. end ROWIII L flavored Teas that are retailed in the old country at to and 5• per lb. can be obtained for 50c and 750 per pound at Tat Tan Mestere, Gut aide orthe Diamond, Ditubergh, or at Monti. G litmoorth'o Wino Rare, Faders! Sirecy Allegheny. The above .Peas Cmea Trot, no receive through oar English Agent. direct from de Queen'. Bonded Warehouses, duty free, being for importatine. Mt". TEAS! TEASI. • . . TEST opened, 11l the Pituburgh Faintly Gory and Tea Wurehouse;lho followicg ononnleut of Green und Muck Te.,— star'. Onloom • Fine oolong; Extra fine dos tionchons; Choulan Fouchong; Nieryeng do. It Is unnecessary to srafithe tkbOVel Tear, they speak for themselves. All are ask is a fair , trial,and ore are confident they will please bath in quality ant price. WM A ArCIAJPG k. CO 000 Liberty at Young'ilyaon; Fne You.* do; ILLtIII line do do; Imperial; Gunpowder. • TOIL3CeII-‘43 01 bes Myers' • W. •do Superior do; bxs Cobb:byes Lump. - • 19 bts Jones k. Ilndson's Lamp; '• 25 boo Itansell k ßobinson's es Lamp; , ..• caecadonuflixa 0 1 Yes's Oro « , 5 I : 4do -31 do * Toomse Neet:rLr; ' 1• do 8 do '• do 'Cold Leal; 30 kgs 6 twin, Id stme, and for sale by WILIAM k RICKLTZON mayl3 191 k 174 Litmsty4t. • (11043.11-19 - 31 - Cn7ilSOnsrsinille - es;flori• %./ 4511 do do 11 No 1; 09 b 1 do do • No I; - • ZO 14 do do No% 11 IS Regalin,,,Esmereldo; • 1011 IS do . Cosmopolite; Ilerord; lour 11 11 do 2ds for sale by eiticiterso 1,1 criCargosDaTtalii,moa7llli. mn ll „. I 's lOL 4 llla.pratia , brand, and nigh le. arriving ' by. canal, for sahs by • %V &Id BSITCHELTREE may9o Lzberry street.. • ItimAtlng AA ALTpLirj..t reetived, oltl , l Us. (Hanna widtbs. ta" !ltUltrilY a .t. BIIRCIIFTELD W ALL , pars kee mz e. „3, NV WO No atonieS ;~aee - --rte+ -+ vwail I : H.. T ;E ,•' - .il, . C 'PRY GOODS, &o• lista Bonnet Ribbons. ITORCIMELD have received an ad< a i rdnional sapp;T of above goods, inetuding 'salon sty ea of Cbina, Pearl. /Mane. Whir. and Wand Gimp do; and Ribbon. of all color sod prices., , . maYl.7 . _ _. movarrucia GOODS, t= & B u 1. , T , 1 , t ir C g Li o ll . E ( 9) . , i j n o Tge; ru atrall to Inds sr.s7Al c l i stssomit . ,4 Ist 1 st recniscd, macho Hornbeams Golan foes, Elsa Moose tic Lantos, bionrclng tVuh Silts, s. • % i • ~ de - Printed Fooluds, Ilassnes, rtssnes, Slciaan Lames, Albscorstes, Plaid: Mast and .Printed Lawns, Black Embsoldered dof Bonnst Ribbons, Scarf do; Veils, &c.' ' mayl7 flange da Latme• .A. .MASON A CO hewn received; per e La gp lues;t ; A. end mr.ppenlog pos;oholee Barego de st. 20 emPlain Mourning do, la ECELVE.D. per exprerr,ind this day opr . dag, at 11. - A. A Mason it Co , a; CI Market At:.. , 100 Mode cold Mbar 8aa1:1 , 4,03k b. embroidered; •- 5 1 . d / f , M % a m c ai S.ta Oadr deatie 6- ap .- do B o ide M Cab r,s 4pcTork4os..do.. . ad U maylfil'r4'. • • • UM Al EN MAT/NO—W pes CaMmamm, amorta‘ a tam', iudokt desirable an/ele for (rammer coatail ra6M, new aPeloiall b) . A • MASON &C 0.., maylS , ' • 62 MaTket ITICIOCV 811AVVIAL-Seperlor kiifi7Olo - red - Vbea -11 Shaw* campitelng Orman, Onmge, PHA', Blasi Wow, and Com eoloted,;Jaslageeviroa,per expresef and Mb day opaaing, 61 A A MASON le CO ma 17 • . • • • • 62 Market id IIECIES Plain Ole, P&L, Oxen, sad Corw Colored Bareges, Teo/ parexpress, and .roase;: °Proles by • . start? A A BIA.WN aCO ill•ek — Dr — sss talks. A Pittlxiitit rittrm d e l 6 tr i ge n rit doled, pa 39 inch do; 0 pes 34 lath do; fad ' 4 pieta( Wand, do., lea to ~ tlis.ii lain - ilkiistil•nu P. 400 do; Ladies , Ldnui Calabria Lfilkfa, all prides; MS der OCille do do do JO dos do do do colored bordetn'. Received thle day by A A MASON ACO n 0 , 62 Markel at.. 1 I/01mm LINEN LUSTS - ZS-40 pea . I,aageobiri . , LI Loarres, mitt* estreppr low price of 12 _per pad- A A MAE Na CO t: 111144 smo. Timm Linens. SCO peslD4 and %/apes 44 Broom Lineal; 1411 pee Oars Barklay% and Alezisedes's topigtsr. Irish Lieu's, now opelabil try moylo • A A ?JASON& Moult Aystval — et Dry , Goode: nx9 nrf creehlag larOa add mica. OMIT 1113 C k. yy of eprinta-4 Sammer Dxy Ooode, and are itra.t Para to offer an excellent assorixnent at ant uenar tow prices for cub, of approved credit. Tbo situation of western dealers is partlealarly ray mimed to oat geode, az We feel coa6dent of bein, Die to oar unusual indneements to make a bJll whit , us. Call and CXlStille many rate. 811ACKLT:IT & %WITTE, f: ¢y6,, Pit Wood street. (1111611 AM N.13.-.6 l ll;,basa Samoa pal received, and now sewn at ' the very low Mine' Of lei <OW Itef PIKS b• A A MASON le Co .11,111.15L1NS & BARE:DES-10Q Des Paris Pcirte , ,111, 1 4 °.&. 1 ""Arit".".!,! fatt emorad Manlius at QA per Igld , o.* w_ped_•rg_hrt. • • en6Y Q A A MASON &CO C. VERGER, 108 Market Street' (near Liberty') ratroavatts alva mai.= la A.NIERICA ENGL./211, AND GERMAN FMK} V GOODS, HOSIERY, RIBBON LAC _ NIL GLOVES, TIIREADS, COMlls*.matia, RUB! PENDEILI,./r. Is' LILACOAFIR a cv SItIZ Y GRAVV3, II PIEWEI4, BANDANNA, told LINEN lIDIEFS., • general mt: mamma of PANS, and aveq variety of trimming... .P 24 • FREED GOODS—We are now recovering a very large and tine tunorrnent of Spring and hemmer Goods, a lame portion of which tome been perchasell. at a great redaction from the prices brought by the mane descriptions of goods in the early pant of OM season, so that In almost every kind ai goods we Will be enabled: to aim Great Bargain. m Gash Doyen,. whom we woald respectfully invite to call at ho Market at, north wort corner of thc Diamond, mold A EX A DER & DAY MU/I.P111" t BURCHFIELD are now receiving their second sopply of Golds for this Spring. one offer their friends and buyers generally a large card choice amortment rel=r from.. tEr Dollen aro Invited to look in at the wholes* rooms of St R Murphy. up suers, Inhere a fresh sop. ply hes also been recessed, and ceserst Mods Of goods can be .old al naciprmes that venal.' myl-4, A A. tiTAACIN#. GO, C 2 marker , are now opci. A in °beige high Colored liareger,Tirsue. Met querns, Delplunee, rerloced price. myth!' Foils Oeieedawnn eadn d M A• a M th O N W & CO • amals Datigatnis In foulard &IndiaWaah 81110 MURPHY' & BURCHFIELD have received a lat a Printed Foulard YOU, at the low prieu Of Vie per yard; &se, super do. at higher prices. Wain Bilks, nut plaids, at redneed antes; and a. largo ar wonment of ESAILEGES.tG newest IIENADIN.c I LoDsIits , Dress Goods generally, of styles, at conk exit corner DEP:ear* and Market ow. mayit LIU r rut: enun ma" wur. mit+ Precisely the same kind of cap utronig and reudb flavored Teas th at are told In the old Country at bib thitherto per pound can tit obUdned for :Se per lb of .maythl MORUIBA IIAWCItTILr LOST. APAIR of Geld Spectaelue, supposed to hser ticon dropped in Wood .trees, in front of lintrewelt Pear's Warehouse. The Bader will he reeranted on returning therm to the owner, No. RI Wood street. uNtIl PIRUESOLIMON. A noveL Reeemed 1. this day, and for male by ermy2l POTASII-CA casks pure Petra, for sale by J & it FLOYD MR Round Church': 3-45 bauble for bale bT J a R FLOYU I Lard, for sale by - R FLOVIP. ARD-12 b 1 I may% - - ILOVEH. it TOUrn' Et.:l./ in mo , r,for Itth. mer2l I R MAYD, • RSENIC-10 kgs far sale by mayss ' B A FASINFATOCICA AA AINGANESE-6 coots oupoor, oar ea o oy V mord B A FAHNFISTOCK&W, ATII littleri—lQUl for sale by mcylkt B A F.S.IINESTOCK kCO TAD. ROSIN, & lITCII-391 brio Ter; SO brim Stosia; " s 110 brim Pitch. To arrive, for sale by LS /LIAR DICKEY &CO mapbt Water and Front LOOMS-100 ions'Napplas Furnace, Tenn., to rive, for solo by ISAIAH DICKEY ft CO us be' iota Furnace, hOt PT.:4N —2" W BUILBRIDGE, WiLSOH & co mar 23 I.II:SKEY-7no bcla sto :ainyd tor WO W & M MITCIIF.LTREt UOAR-133 !aids N O Sugir, in store. for sale Icy Paay2o fr. BI MITMIELTREV: VUND - NUTs—loo TEIIII,PCC Oroaud Neu, Just reed, for aalo by WM AAtoCIAJRO CO A. nurr 2t6 Liberty at. Unfit.° TONOLIFI3—A %mall lot for sea by OmP~ WM . A BIe.CLUIM & ENISOII ItA3l3—A choicAVerds. ti foryile by ' W few TI A MeCLUKUC9 V for entalo 14VettT I ncr2g. b lgent ' , * by l, mayl7 rpA CO— ..se 3 , 5 ROW MO ran, MCCl'fflng er canal, for sale by JAS DALZELit. MlllJS—a cases choice eolor r e 4, d‘ the extrema low price and per yd and upwards, 'd this day by mayl7 A A bIAPON &CO ACON.4O hhds Shoulders, Cie. eared. jaw reed, - and for sale by • STUART & Snit. za jam receiving by • eCTUART_Zet3p4t. C I M ES :Y;T rd 0 n12 , - 0 7 7 talbeshel busliele , in store, nadA k al i e maylT i r t. sniL SLIIII: I SI6FSd - Srcrtinger.dnet rcereiennZii meat, for sale by J 5 DILWORTH tr. 411 mayl7 33 Wood et _I Lb.. CON-0 lihde prime Lodionhe FiciedMbaddi /net received, end fur talc by ntaytv J SpILWORTII is Hare, and for mit by BTUAILT & 81111, P OWDER-IUO egs K. Rdlt; 300 qr kgs do do; IE3 OIL% Ailain S r. DILWOR just re reg. fo TH r rale; tr. Co Nit MtLr. WUAIt a. AIULAveLS—A bliast LYA. lecelycd, sod for sale 1,1 Wow A Me CLU4O k. CO 2M Liberty ar dAZYP RE-40 a trod of e q altry,r sa ki TiM for solo by b*g IliCirEil& CO UOTATOES—tiObuthels bat rend, for axle b mnylB • C.!.NFI., /0 CASIISIB PEARLS for ja Lll B CANFIFID BABIDEL EteIf.XLVIC, VFANUFACT RHEA .OP - CAST STLI.L, and Vo.l In. egg Ageerieen Raster Steel. Alses-glitest Can hteel Film of ell tiger; mei Diackstaith endlihoe Ram, Ogre's on hand and for tale, either et hise.F.shi gle Meet Works ,e Ciliate street, Fifth Ward, or ist the office in the Ittint Store of BOLLNIANS A 6.191111. SON, No 4;foot of 'Wood sued, eittabeirgh. s" • eiseldlist 131110i1bAB.. We e the undersigned, having lined, enth entirll nut• isfseuon the Cast Steel and Fates made by Simnel m c Ket4, or hie Eagle Steel Wothe, In thiseitttaltO pleasure in - recommending Iheso as equal in crOo4tl to to ever used by 00, of foreign manufacture. • y, Pittsburgh, Alarels 13, ISIB. 1 • . & H 13110EN13ERGEH & Cl2l, Manufneturers of Iron ttnd Nobs, Pittsbergh,"Pr IRLOPP . T OTIVIr Iron FounCoE d d Ar nc , hin A s ln I P N Aol., PA Malan UMW OTSprin34 AlltBprinidr I a nd 4l:.l e ADM• Entim Bgilae7 rac'dn,iltr,c Brass Vrionder r Yiusbreg_ _ tirLAFF.LlNGrdet.inee, IllonalhatUrell of Iron and Nedja,Plijr2_, Ann aSEP" Tl=i7 L"Oroodran..._—indßldp inoider,_ALLA IV AV MarbleEladadreorre' r, Marta.. o'./„,Ppl.HllnbuYfb,.r.. - 7 - 1 M CAIWIXtv; eAVormiltplattet3Ca: 1itnt1.197111=0.4 Lb"Y.J""kCI iFw erfeettigigelZl4 'De reptif ggg In nee Car yeee, and abera Pin1A, 6 ,.. -- ,',,enatead it to the psWlor Waam r et Me and enteral:triplet, general ao." t it P=. We suennepbere *tee end ta road { 6e • j ti nualPs • gimze. • •7 t 9 911999 14- FMl=al xvn.: NO. 253; BOOK. MUIC, itch TIMOLOGIO AL IVlTOnalge , THE Wotke of Looroud Woods, D D. IleadlerobUovellanice Young Lady's Friend. ILs Fastar. Christi. Mansal. IlabarL • The Con:mills man Adsoe'am. G. (hired. L.L. D Posibaums Works at Chalmers.. Family Prayen and Comamatury. T6sratim Metaill's Sermon. Gri(Bn't aermacs• Canalogitam's Sammy, Far Ws by JAI4-S8 D LOCEWOOD may2l IC4 Fauna rt ai lON TIISt raelved et the sign of the Golden Buoy-. The Mao gazette Waltz, eonsposod and dedicated: ', to Mrs David b Park, by Professor Itabbock. Bella Telma Polka, etenposed and dedicated to I Mira him' Sane Park.by Professor Rohbock. S=PiIEN U FOSTERS NEW SONGS. ' My Itrodder Gam. -Clyde° to Ratiall Night Mtge.' Era Baker. Stay Surataar Breath.. Away Down Booth. Dolly Day. Oh, Lemuel. EttemacrLeagings., SoireePolla, DoleyJonea - • •Alw, Asthore hlsehree„ by Watson. ' Oh, Think not Lets I Love thee, (alpine llern.)• , '1 Oar Childhood's Homo on rang by hltes Kraft. ..._lll/Mother I Obey, weird. by C.P. Shiraz, reside by Moo, • Rttat variety if New Songs,, Polkas. Waltzes, tet.'for We byl U ELEBER mast( id( Third at .• maw;:PIIII,LICATIOSEI. A N flistariaal and Critical glees of the Eva: minify. in, Philosophy ofEarope in the 19th eentary. Dy J. I),l[otelliA.A4 • I Lends of dmtoo. Samuel Rethinilird, Profaner of Divinity in the 'Ravel...it,of St. Andrews, with a Sketch of his life bb Rev. A. A. Dalai, anther of Ma• ;wire of R. af.bleCheyna. 2be Thank:glen] Works of the late Rey. Daniel Rayne, D.l). Edited by the Rev.Satil Fury. Retard edition. ' Prince 01 Abyssinia. By, Di Johnston. Fatnty on Christian Devises. Ity IL W. Reel. At. A. Thu Contribution of Q. f:/,' By - Jane Taylor. ! learned from original designs, by 'lowland. , The Philoaoptry of Unbelief in tamale end Rellreson, , ms dimaserable in the Faith sad Characters of hien. llLlteo. IL Hooker. - The Morning tly i llmtesr mquel .to Ihe Night of Weeping. DI • 11.1loonr Keleo. • . The Golden Pa m; beteg • Practical, Esperstase• . tal„, and Prophetical Exposition of Psalm XML, by ev. T. Dl A. The Lighted Valley; err Cloeieg Renee la OM Life of • Wined Hitter, by Donn, ith aprefeee , W. Jay. The Con . mantment with .Prosaim; by the Author of "the Lest Day o One Went; illustrated by Iloarlan. _Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. John Vitalism* Missionary to Polynnia Memoirs of the Life and Writing" of Dr: Chalmers,' by bin son In las, Dr. Manna, In three vols. Vol 1. Also, a large assortment of Now S. S. ynion Pah- Uniform For sale by A 11 7 9 Woo ado :911lood FAZINYSTOCIOI3 IDIttISCTOELY. QPAIINEZTOCH Legs larva to armormce tithe U. ',anew of hth New Directory of the elder of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, end terougto of Maw. cheater, Birmingham. to.,othat the west to now rawly ready for the prcw, and will be put In the hands of the printer come where bOtIVCOO the .'oth and 30th instant l'he cidaelrs generally, and all who feel re Interest la the production of a complete end verWet Directory t particularly thew who have not beau called on, weir greatly/ oblige the publisher, by woorteining tha t Tattoos wwations hod places of Unthaws, !he , acted for publication in the Directory'. All curds to be !wetted, pawl be handed in forth with, or at the latest hy the date *hew named. maylo BILLODZON P1A.2103. JST received, and nova opening, ono elegantfilisso wool 5 octave Melodeon Plano, from' the cotes. eared meinelaciory Of March it While, Our Janina. This Is a superior 111,1itImcnt, of five Wu, and very , ipld enunciation; aso, ore fine .1 enlace Melodeon, 11 ELEUER'S Marla Stare, 101 Third street. NEW PUI3I.I6ATIONS. AA •SYSTBIR of Ancient ma rd,di,.. Geo m phT., 'Ver tee nee of &them& and college. By Charles Autlion, I). Professor New md Lade langse.i age. in Columbia College, York. The History of England, from•tke Invasion o -L f lathe& ' .Camod, to the oldication ofJomoe 11, MS. 11* David BometEM4 a new edition, with the authaVainst cot. yeattorm.and improaccumts; to .11000 I. prefixed a. :Mon account of his life, widen by himself. a Tots. t A School Llictiomyy of Greek and ROlOlO Andmi ities, abridged Mtn the lamer dictionary. Hy Wes. 15111511. L. 1.. ; with corrections and isamoverecals ,by Charles Ardbant L L. lawsuits id the Late end NVritirke of the Rood Tho. iCheltnef ,s Dd by his son an law, the Rey. William :llama, I. L. D. Ipt Wee volumes.. Yolk: White acket:, author o MUM in Mae of Wart By lien. mall 'Melv J illef -trypcc Otrum," "Hereto mdt, Rdin:re. 'lle Work* of Mrs. Sherwood: being the only ant= fors edition vim published lu the United State. In flatten ',Moine. Fairy 1..t1f from all notions. Ry Anthony It. hlonmba, with twenty tem Itlustratione by R. Doyle. Walton. Harvey, and other tale. By 2 , 11.13 Sedge wick. stll r lltt N s ' ellUtVU S Jl te d%ta of te l3 s. oo lV.;:rt i n ' t ll : 22 7 ,d at o. , COOllllllll. Also, a large emortment 'of American R. &Union Books, as laud, end toe male by A tt ENGLISH & CO Successors to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, Mayll 'ID Wood strceL The Flailloo. Outdo to Scientific and Pramtient Agriculture., ILTENRY• StepLau, F. R. S.ll, of Edinburgh,' the celebrated author of the "Hoek of the Fenn," and Froteriaor Norton, of Vole College, New Haven, are prepsriug for the , press a book under the above title. It will embrate every subject of importance eannectial with Agriculture in all 1140021012 s branches, both Theoretical and inaelical. hSciance, in as far as it butt, rap 10 the 1.1 . 02011211100. been rands avalleble to practice, by erne:instal, will be treated 112 PA rein.. 11011 to carry operation as It otters. 10 the 00112110 of the semeins.c Tuo work mil be arranged under four distinct bents, representing Um anisoms, beginning with Mara and ending with Marren, - . JAMh.$ L LOCKWOOD, Irian Ilenliesllor and InlnArt4r. 104 1404T0 • NEW PULILICATIONIIs AXES Deemer's Works, th e Anilines Editlon .I.YITho Neighbor... ts Tale of Every Day Life. A new and revised edition wiik introduebbn written exprcsalffor this edition ElaS Werner. leme,eloth. Umta . ta with living's, , Cooper's, and Sedgewieleg end Illustrated with Yottralt and ,tow of the author'a residence. • Homer's Iliad; trenviated by 'William Cowper. .Edited Holtest Sonthey'ls• L. D,, with notes by Dwight. A splendid edition, on large paper; li ioetiatedwith twelve, engravings In outline, from de. signs by Flagman. royal toro,elollt. furo r s elllllOl7l for 'school. Goldsmith's Works, ineled'og a . 0, 10 1 7 of ppleeM now prat collected. by James Prior. Complete to 40015.1.1m0, elegantly printed, ant Seim in style with Irving, Cooper, An. Tee Shskspe.re Calendur, or, Wtt and Wisdom (or In Day in the yen, kAlited by At'. C. Ilmhards. In a very neat volume, 'Auto, elotit, 38 emu, cloth gilt, G 3 rents. • For sale by my 3 Book, • JAWKS D LOCKWOOD, :seller end In,porter,lo4 Foaoh at. qUE.SI' OF CANADA DY the otohor of ochday a," ins vats, cloth, for sae by troky9 301INSTUN s-rourvrnN . . tth; sACREa ILlignivivldT, it new cot:cotton of irChurch Music. Edited by George Kingsley, Am or of Social Choi:. Juvenile Ckftir, Ac t &a. Sabbath School Gems of Mullis and Poetry, designed expressly for the Sabbath School; by J. A. Cloth shook. •. . A new Treatise on Astronomgi and the Lee of he Globes, hi two ports Containing Miro/K.lex 'and odor definitions; toodona and ponders ot the sue t :noon d planets; Keptet's laws and Theory of Gravitation, Rtraction,Twilight.,and.Partallax, Connections, Pe, 'rods, Dialancee,yhtucmcnn, and- Magnitudes of rho Ileavenly :Bodies composing the Solar System , SA; ' Blau,, on extensive col lett on of the marthal rtols• tome on the tits of the bilobte. liii nm nuated bye son nide vidlety of .F.throplcs, he.; designed. foe the Uee of Bight:lC.ols and Acne emics...lty James Mclntire, 111.11, .Professor of Mathematics not Astronomy in the Centel Mei Senool,of ilalthnote. I peek nod Port, or Incidents efn Cram: In the United . Statue Frigate Cons-toss, to Coliforo.; with Sketches of Rio Janetro, Honolulu. az.d Sall I Francisco. By tin.. %Volter Colton, U. S. N.; • orator of Ship and Shore, An. For eale by • !'. A. 11. ENGLISH A. CO, I. Socneteers to ELLIOT h ENOl.lt 4 ll, ang Wood street. •• THf E Union Rible Iticunnory.—Tho Boot' o Rol Wis.— Macdonald, or the Meat Minsk a Story of he I.,ll.—Eintrgrotret or the Sunday School Bore Contramcd.--ahe Bar of Boor - or tha Danger of llasaactiErd Shetion.--Storioe of Schee .Boya,--lineoego, the IlasoCCltief.—The , lore Of 'Lathan. with cperial reference 'to. SI earlier periods, • nod the occoiag scenes or the Reformation: by Raton, Seam D Sonartiry of Dtbllenl ,AnuettiSca, tor School , . and Somber. rubbehod by American S For inlet by • AII rNULISIL &CO," Saccersors hr. ELLIOTT rcEsomen, 70 Wood street: 01.1101 GAL. COribtXltK %DLO TA1111:3 1) LOCKWOOD has be bb Fates. end ' will ehestly—DC bl.truns en the Dlytne Origin of Govercrcla. tramelated (tom the French, by A. B. Baiter, N. D., Damn. Second editthe , I Tol.t..ato. 01,i I • -•. .$ DLOCX‘V 000 Cassabas a. sasucesSedesot toes.... iiECTION.—The leer:m.(2.A- I bate have employed the lint Proreigare in Scot. land, In the preparation . of these works.- .They ate now offered to therebools of United plates, ander the American reitibion of aid. flume, id. fat 1...L-Pe. late Shparintendant of Pahlie Scheele, hathe Ctlyand. County of New York. ' • 1. utdribers , 'Prearurrof Knondedgel 11. Clatk'a Drawing and Perspective: , • ' Charnhers'.lllemente of Naomi Plulesephy; ' IV. Held fs. Cale: Cliennetryand Electricity; V. Hamilton'. Vegetable. and Animal Phygtologyl VI. Chatabers' Element of.Zoologr, with plates; Vll.'Page's Dements of Geonary, ilhuirated. It is well known that the originalphi:thereof Melo Works Mae Messrs. Chambers; of Edinburgh) are able to =amend the best talents to the prepare:woof their Woke, add that it le theft practice to deal faldifolly :with tee , This *enc. Will net dtsappotol.,the thaa excited. They. see ales me meow,. works, prepued by authors la every way ea pabk, of dotes Justice lobbed:respective undertaking., awl who have evidently bestowed upon them he <eatery Moe an di abor to adapt theta en their is Vie recommend th en to teacher. and parents with confidence. 'rho first named volume, In t h e hand. of a wadies of yoonger might furnish an In' est...sable fond of 11030SeMent awl instraction. 'Ere ,c.ther, they would constitute a Hell a t lo ter. intelltgant children, and impart a thirst for keowledge—tVermord Chronicle:- Yablished by A. O. Dames Pc Co New Tort; mot for gale by A. li DN7i ide &cO. mea I ATTED. DAY. PAID PULETB, edned by Thomas 'lLiCarlylo., No. IV: This New Dori:4 Stmt. • Received, and for sale by' mas 9 JOIINSTON a STOCIrrON bisaw AT II OLM.V.Sr LITERARY DEPOT. Tomo erirsT,opposite the Post Office. IZZIELEION, %Domestic Tale; by r.lbtaes Deck, ens. Prue d casts.- ' ' I ;Lkatoo'Sbakspeare, No IS. Noroing Call, No. 7 ' • • -.4 oi'a - dventores fn titO path . VOysre to Cob fomio, by Dayonl Tay k!r• Ltriell•• Livoig Age; No 813. .Dietamosty of Alooto nits; No. g, • MorebaoteAlagazine, lot Nov. ckgrbogligi for North, eptil, awl • , =NE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers