ELAatN.V NI 0 E L NSW. TOBK, . • • Ileanit4ora7. corsair Of )11oldsm':Lanst a HlT'extehalve beCti leased 'by thd to hid:been centntetell fefrled in tea meat itlecarrt entantl.: Largo at:Lateens anima* being And — he , eitnapletecvoill 'mate it Ile, son !auntie Hotel - le •tve 'loth. It Is the:defers:a4 nation ortlasTroprietor;, to titatelt eat:Alit teary .peht, tto .01 ether House tithe Vatted brora. 11.11.1 .auen fa the meat deal.table and ientril lathe city, be bar le lite (slbieueb!coart 'of Bthiderey,ecneeelent to an the public Vete* oramonement; and tniiinema. .Grasefel•fot .tte (berm patranaire received from hie lovelorn friends,, lehile at Quabertand, aid, and room recently at the Weddell Masa Cleveland, Ohio, be respectfully eollelts a renewal of their patron. ap, 'treble new evanliehmern. at Na.; Yea, and beg, to ratan them that elan' ellen on ht• pan sash be even m ad , ehtiat.r to their comfort and nlea=re. • A. S. HAIL'ill5l. NevoNark. March, 1E3a...-11a17.4en 165 0 REED HOUSE, tics(' IKEITU L DAUDET!, Prop • - POOle Square, Erie, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OeFICF,-Eastern Western, and eSoantern Stages, Ware Wm boom dallf. Car. Mar[e• to and from steam and Pocket Seam, Gratis. M. W. Harm, law of the American Hotel, Erie, Pa. O. W. Daman. tote of Oa Klemm. lintel, Ohio. aokAdOrn bead and Mille for sale. AYIA2IURIPiti 8111.4 anth forte nte of stones—one of th e best lacono. for business in the wear—end utast rate Baw al ill, on an almost never failing stream, and Id acres of Land, good Dwelling Hoose,Tenant House, and other Improvements, shunted seven mile. from Me Ohio River,' Monroe County, Ohio. Also, near dm etoose,• [manual Fordowell improved, con. mining 040 soma— Foe terms, to edmaire of WILLIAM U, JOIINBTON, ryes,._:. Ith Second st„Pittsburgh. Greta Aellarlean noelialthila Work. D. Appleton a Co , New if ark, have Incense eachat° ladle; in pasta. pima twenty flee cents - A DICTIONARY Cr AlVAirmain Endure , Workaiml Erse gruMmg; riangsul for Pruned O'er/sag Men, mull Masi Minded far Ms Rags. neenny Pry:fru:an - MINIM Sr Olsen areen, fIIII93WORK is of lam five. we. end will contain I su s sssiman rsom, and upwards of 111 woe sane ussuannoin. It' will p cant workbag-drew. Inge and duodena. of the most important machines lathe United slams Independem of the resulta of American legenolty, it will contain nortmlete preen. cal tread ett on Mechanics, Machinery, tb,gine-work, end Megincetind with di that is useful in more than doe thousand collars worth of folio volumes, mega does, end other books Dos great object of this publication la, to place be. fors prettied men ono 'students such an amount or theolothal and •eientige wor k t o In n cond foray shall enable them to work to the best advensedan tage, and to avoid those mistakes which they might otherwise commit. The amount°. useful inform.. thus brought together is almost beyond precedent In seek, works- indeed. there is with s it subject within derange which 0. 1 treated with such clear nese rte s met moat that even a nate of the most anti nary asperity cannot fall of understudies it, and thus learning Rom it mach which it is important for him to loose The pedithars are, in short, dnermlned, medicos of cost, tomato lifework is complete as possible; and it Is hayed every one desire. to obtain the wor k will procure It as issued In numbers, and thus encourage Me enterprise. The.worl will be Weed In semi-monthly numbers, noreintocing in January, IBM, and will progress with great regalia! Tha.sthabi wink bo pnblithed in 40 augers, at Di pet nronber,wed completed within madet reat yell, A Ilberd s e cant will be to Ileum • • . Any , ona retuning the pnbllehers m edv.ce, thallescelee workihrosgh the post office free of • . of the Prised "To7oar Amara. blarestatiterees, Mechanics, Sr° garnets, shat. Anliens, it will be a mine of 'sedan— Prolillesta, lag.) "Rang man, am; yourselves with Its knowledge.— W• can with confiner,ce recommend au reader, to =thlaiselree of Its numbers as fast sa they op- American Anis.. hWe`athesitsup sly commend the work to doom en gaged to Or interested in mechanical or scientific put so eminently worthy of their examination and stody.'harroy, IN. T..) Budget. It (Struty a great wore, and the publishers de serve the tit.k• of inventors. oachielos, sod nano Isentrers.ind indeed of t h e Futile generally."—N. Y. Liduendird. "Ths Dictionary dill be .highly usefol to practical attaching., and varsable to nitwit° wish to neguam toemaelves with the program of Invenron in the IMO eltioncana."—Neve Iledtori Daily Mercery. "boom =chute. ought to keep ponce up In the Amaral as wl as pram cal knowledge, and thin wort rat sho rtthem just bow they stand." —Roxbury (Memo Advestmer. •We take it.to he last the work that scares and /so. 'ands M our Lutellisentmecbanics have desired se pos. eels,.,lari ample are its due mono., um so fall and middle its wei6esuous, Met it seems to us that any retehattie might convect any InsChiee ad... Mrs, on the • Mega dim engravings end instruesionan—N.Y. Coothounial Advertiser. 'SO interested to anechanies should avail them selves of Be advonagear—fitheyikill, iPeno.,l lear n • work of extensive practical utility and great Ito penance.. value to the upidly increases Lewes , . of the enentry. We regard the wort. es eminently catenated to prom:4e the canoe of science and the mechanical ans. and to nescminate aline., Informs non oo theusahjeett." —Fanner and Mechanic. I...anima men in nil the Toren ware of mech.n eel and mandactoriog tr.dostm cogincerieg find in this work a treasons tablets It will tte ID their pro's to powess n—T•oy Dail* Whig. "Welreveenrefully pamsed the numbest, and bare no haat.eo to mgng that it is the but work fns me clinic., tradesmen, and scientific f t cen...nate in rmatio m n e a n n , eevveerry e gtst, ed the rl mechancal ara and o C/COCt, unre.. n n ch style and hanyrnage intelligible to any reader of erdi• nary espaclry. `—i s leueesmr,iklnts.,)New.. "Wes are sere we are doing themeettataes of Der , end e th er pane of Connecticut a semice by bringing the works° their anconon."—Norerich, (Co. r waiter. "Is Miami 'ruche wed. as every mechanie should peruse "—Freeman , * tautest. eu o io as n r e der none of of the Malt asefel end important d... No mee nie ten afford to be withoutit."—Neware, IN. J.,)Conumeretal Courier. siri all the various publican°. having lee their ob )eet the elucidation and ad Saner meet of the Meehan, cal arta and Se-tenets, none that we have wen, it so faor promise ea this a—lltallo Corte Adv. '7t le the beet and eheapest work ever °rimed to the setenlifia sod practical engineer and ineetimito The ram a see beautlfally execined.”—Washinston Globe. "Tata pest Dictionary ii oar of the moat useful sings ever published fur years, nod the low erica at which nit sold makes It acceptable to intn—Soalb Carolinian. "We regard it. one of the most comprehensive end I as , well an cheapest works ester yltaaltimoe Advertithr. "Ought to be alma by every one desiring to 'keep Pete with the progress uf art end science in every one of the labors of Matured life, , ..Rondont Cagier. . oats designed after the needy. e of tires Moth. ' ry, only that it is more devome to me mechas,eal and migineeries professions° sod et.' . as otecompir icing for noteric• who Um has done for Maraud, viz oescribing Attune. machinery-and Wed. ofart"—flclentifie ¶ltis published In namners, non at • mice eo mode nasi.broking at whim abontainad in e eh number, Met no' sink wh.c.hia rho least interest In such mattera, toed deteryed proud/mit. and every °ew., doer.rise willdat Inc he. in , n eondenthd lore or . amount of welch would be obtsined, if at all, olds, by the pre... of very many volumm."—N. Y.Coarler and emonren .Tho somprtheneMenen with which the mbleet. am tritWett, the adarlablo manner mitten they are Mutated, conspire to make this one of most desi rable wore. to—Democratic Review .1 his work diode be in the hands el every mechthic, an non, and manufacturer, especially those who base the least athiatiorts to' creel In their respective boat. nesse" We have eawfsil ly Arend nen It, with a view of recommendiog .to iti•en te ra. TO them We wattle sap in th e =nog linsuure Mine: "It L. good."— Baltimore Mouton,. Joo runt. Stiefiga'iha Pprzi' tars cf Newpaper. tiroughort • lAA O rs wed Slaw and Canada. Utile to regoLtradaertimment Is inserted five ti daring the year, and tee paper corneae it sent to a Copy dine wort will ba scat gratis in payment. SPIS:dawItT ' WALLISTEII . 3 OINTMENT, Containing an Plenary, am other Pfineral THE following imam:nisi was given by the rein .' *rated Dr. Wooster Reach. the author of the gnu medical work entitled The American Practice o. Altair:lna and Parody Physician." :9avirig been mode temmainted with theta/re/hen:l wkieb compose bleAlttner'sli.ll.llesling Ointment and having prescribed v 4 tested it ...resat eons b my private procure, I have a hesitation in saying on eartifyLug that it .• • Vegetable Remedy, containing as mineral imbalance whatever, tool Oa involteate cOmbuted as they are, and used CO directed by the Profiteer. an not ordjbaratiess, bat of great value, being a trot,' imientihe Remedy of great power: and I thiourea, recommend it as • compound which has stool mach good, and which is adopted to the care of ligreaLaarteta of eases. Though I have never either rocommerided or engaged in the sale of secret medi. . eines, regard for the trots , booed, conscientious, ha. roue teharactet of the Proprietor, of this Ointment, *deka video of Ida discovery, Vio 1 , to say thus 7L. h .p ," nrk . , Ap tt ril 22t1,1616. LEAC H, ' • is one or the best things in the world fm Burns Pll.D3.—Tbousands are , rel 7 i eared by this Otnt. went. 11 never falls in glrig Fr , r TFecre, Ulcers, and all kinds of fthres, has. nflor ... • relsond and /curses knew it. value In cues of &MUM or Sorenßreast, they would always ImPIY In each men if used according to directions, it glees taliairt • very taw boars. .A.toond the bosons direetionsfor rising McAllister." thorniest or Scrotal, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas. Tetter . Clnitilatit,' Stahl Bead, Bore Eyes, Quincy, 80ren...4 BrO , olinms, Servo. Affeeuomi, 8 . 10 . r : macaw of the Spine, Head Aebe, Asthma, Deafness, Eat Aebe, Barns, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore Lim Pimples, dte., Swelling of the Limbs, Soress Pik*, Cold Peet , Croup, Swelled at Bro ken iireast,Vooth Ache, Anoint the Face, Ire. • Fmmitte Reading Rae.. „Ture was Ya rnl , perhaps, a Medicine brought be. garlic, that has In goober% a time won seelta repatadon sus McAllister's c, World. Save. Almost event person th at ham made trisl of it 'speak. warmly In Its probe. One has been cured by e( the most pNnfdl thesucerlsta, another et tic piles, • a third of a troublesome pain in the side, el ...la, in ste, if It dans not rive Web ' dies relief, in every acre, It e. do s no o laery, no inieq, appUed .trrardly. . another evidence of the vranderfut healing pow. cr a peiniened by this sub min the following certificate, from a respectable chime of Maidenereek meruedp, In this county: Maidenereek, Rerks co., March 30,1517. Metsm. 'Ritter desire to inform you that I entirely eared of a seven pain lathe b.k, by the atm of hleAllistere All.llealing Pulse, which I por timed from yea. 1 tottered with It far abut 20 years, sad at eight was enable to sleep. Dating that tried onions remedies, which were preneribed tor me Eby ati e r ' ra l i att .d ra eth a Onr" Stove, flow able beyond expeetation. lam now ennre ty Veit from th , Pain, and enjoyat night permefal • •a= tweet Sleep. 1 have . lee aced the Saler 911.1 (or tooth ache and other complaints, with smaller happy /CM rtUaii JAMES M Jo eAL an itLI9 oun TsES,asen • Sale Semi ri.ter of tee alcove medicine. 01130, No 29 Nom Third street,Pldladel - Wh. PRICE AS CENTS Stir PDX- Os Thnistarld.-11rann & Reiter, eamecof • Merl and Si. tlair immix and L. Wilcox. Jr., eon -were/ Mantel asset and the Diamond, ale earner of • .Matirth P e na streets; 1.1/ Otursei, earner ol Walnut tad Pena Wee% Fifth Wank, and sold the Beate@ to Banthfield serecyld doorfront Peened. ..h.Ausgus.ny CIO h M.P. Schemata and J. Sagest. Dr./. U. Smith,'Oraggist.lltrunngliand D. Nrgley, 8.. Leman Itowlmad, hiclEemmort; J. A Minder MenongslielaCUM N. U. Deena. a Cie., and .1 T,RAlrese, lirownsvillel John Dattley, Denver; Pa; febtteedlY IBIM OIL CL 0TH...M0 yards 44 Orton Oil I Ole*, is Mu* and MT ale by MOW . Cho Ftunda.d , Hyrz pace. •C4O alte W e llOl. tat• • . HOPPrIP, Graibt-A—aMarttin -.3foraleamalasi,W APPLETOhl*Milt i f f r k apolSlzestna Itaftnl.flou twenty fire :17 °, ,y'7 1°74 i,ket r inVt4 1 : 1 ;nedlili'Pnetle ttl tt n o ' rsine Iti:V.s;tlthinte intendeillor the Engineering, Pre ±f scion Edited bl • w ink is of Isrge 'dy ethe, lad sill contain two itioutandimres, sad upwards of six thousand illostr i to ‘144111. It will present Worktog drawingaand desm tingep d liant of the mos. =mum machines in the ate, Independent of the results of ALREIie. will sE i s t iepra:4csirit=7 : iin gyc.:tg.. Mg; with h ttat Is nmb more then one thousand donors worth of folio salvoes. man - alines and other twoke. Six Jambe's reosined, and for sale by the anent, Ft HOPKINS. eptd 73 Apollo Ilandirea Forth PEW STOOK OP PILPOS. CHICKERING , S PIANOS: John B. lellor, El Wood Street, Pllldbligh, Sale Agent in Western Pennsylvani foe dinsole of CiIICRERI%GR CF.I.EO RA a, TED Grand and Square Plano Fortes, Btus w inform hie encode mud me musical public, that be has now invoices. and will receive and expose 'Crude, during the erent month, the.lsrcen and most desirable stock of Piano Fortes evr offered for sale In she wess—sranne the unzaher will e be found a full suly of Superbl pp y curved Rosewood Grand Piano Fortes, with all the recent improresnent , In mechanism usil style a/exterior. Splendidly carved Rosewood seven OrateCafe Piano Forms, !unshed in the Elizabethan rimi S touls XI V. little , . With a large stock of all the various styles of Pia no Fortes, varying in prices from 11275 to theseo and SIM, prepared by Xs. Chickering for esent year (lOW I Purrharees ate asserted that the prim of Mr. Chick. owns.; Pianos have bean, and will cootinue to be, the •wtc as at the manufactery In Benton, without chars. for transportation; and will be delivered and let eh in perfect order, in any pan of the city, without charge mr9 A CANT). TIM undersigned begs leave to inform the pnblld that h to. declined business In favor of Ms Bon, P.lll. DSVIB, who will continue the /Med. and Com mission bueinen at the oid stand, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, and for whom he would solicit a combs tatted orde liberal patronage he fore bestowed up on the boasts. • 011 N D. DAVID, April 91141850. P. 111. DAVIS, (SUCCESSOR TO .101U\ D. DAVI%) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COM", DT WOOD AND VIVI NMI TO, WILL mn.ke sales, on liberal term. of Fore*nand Domestic Merchandise, Real Estate, tracts, Ise, and hopes, by experieace and close attention to business, to merit a contlnuitec of the support and p.troooae to liberally extended to the Dinnertime- April 9 h Mottos to 'our Patrons. ROLIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. ill lie deeelfo of do active p rod uces nohiladphia, Lithe lute Jarses Datis,l Interruption to the business—omen gement' have been suede which involves din some 'Lmetesta precisely, which have heretofore existed' The business is eonunned order the come name and firm sty— J Mal ,& cc., Philadelphia; Joan fd'Psom At Co.. PatSburga The coutteumee. of the patronage of our many frienditis respectfully solicimd. If my persons have demand! against the concern, they me requetted to p tame them forthwith, for payment. Pittsburgh, April W.,150. JOHN ATPAI/EN,' apl7 tf Surviving partner. ea. n PALMEtt, No 105 ,Matket street, is pretett. ed to offer yen meat tads:icemen. to buyer's of dna. & Milunery Goode, of every demnpuou Bid stock CORSI. of every desirable style of Plain and Fanny Strove Braid, Gimp, French Leer md other Bonnets: Jenny Lind. Cat rDia, Bound and &tome Top Hats, t,r hisses and Wan. Boys* Hats, In great yummy. Men. Leghorn, Sirawi•Hraid, China Ferris and Sultan data Rib bon]. Flower., thannms, Bilksomd other Millinery.. Anlcies i tsc., C., • HAVE removed to Wombat, He. OP Water at Detweee Wood and Market, where will be kep for sale, Of 'Weir cianufacturum. a 101 l .I..erteltent Iron, Nails, ttpitet, Castlnge ` and Hot Blmt Pipes warranted of the best gaoler, et the 10 • 051 Poem , bk. JOHN OBST, Bard Me late Mot ot Taster & Bost having purchased an Interest in the finn, will take attentionf the tVarehotrte, and will devote his entire .lemon to the tillable., and endeavor Is render tat alkali. to the Ern nit or his late firm, end all others rho may favor us with their patronage.. BROWN. PHILLIPS & CO, • Pe Water st. ttusburet_. StIAGICILETT WERTZ, No. 1111, WOOD 5T1111.7, rr .A.VF.In store and are receiving a large Stock of OILY GOODS, aeleeted vett& Ernst care for the srestu - n trade, and to torb,h,they heat the .ttentlon of city and Rtfleta merchants. Great inducer:i 9 nn ne.1,1 let eAlth iso ararr..rmag Masons arra arias. t LIU RCILFIELD ate prepared to far nish their elastomers and bayrreFrbrmitY the very best mane of th e above goods, and will do so al tics old prices, notwithatanding tbe advance of eon. Some extra Ilse Boson Linens. Some pure Its, lately received; also, a supply of Linea Table Cloths, Diapers, Crash, ice.. hist ramrod. Uordered Tovret• as tow as 73erbla per dozen, or ei cents a piece., an north east corner of Fourth and Market ets. FOR 110 oLD. 13 RiTANNIA PPORYINCi PORTRAIT CLUB, offices, George arca, PlYinnelth; Edbilutdi ca The nnagers beg to WV sint their nutherau• patrons that tie next Distribution of Portrait!. of Racedlocus. will enuthiim thou entered far the forthcoming (hand Sauciest Derby Race; the number of shares to be limited to 5,000 each elan. First class 'member III; .ecnnid plats ditto Si. Fatly application for the an .upprepriated shores is necessary. A potty subthiltr inn ibr more then one share has the chance 11/gaining anequal number Imituses. Thoth members Isho dther the van., ParlfailS will be presented with the fob lowing as Portrait of Ist class bonnets al dude Winner, or First llorse .L.oson 410500 Second llorse• •• • Ma/ 0.000 third norm f, 4,ftiO Divided amongst Stamen •• • • ' OPM AOch " • " Non-Slattern 0,04.10 3,000 Thom are OD booties in each class, that being the mune: of horses entered for the rum. The Drawing will be conducted upon the same legitimate Pramplea en those which characterised the late St. Lodger and otherproceedinsk Fall partirulare of the resulswill he soak to absent members immediately a ft er the de. talon. that nob may know his fruition. Sebeentbera registered and seep forwarded on re ceipt eta retnit entre. Rill of Fschange, Drafts, Dank Notes, Ike., unlace ed and mad. parible to the Mansgme Director.. . W. JitslES tr. CO. Five pet cent commkslou to be redeced on the preseotatiouf IMSIUSe, . EIUN ft 3 itIEECItd M elmuttEl•t., for April, lave. C,ontentm—Neer York and Erie Raliwes; Gommerciel One hes with Pen and Penctl;• The effect of Commerce *hod Sling restrictions ulionthe Trans. tam pferl Property: The Anatomy end Philosophy of Baa -1 The Production of Sall In New Yore, Usakruptcy, flanking, am; Catrency—lnterest—Produedorn Free Trede vs Protective Tariffs, or Strictures seen the re port of dm Secretory t om Treasury old. United States for 1.549, relattng to merce, Egmeslon of rho Ear don Empire in the East, he. to IILACKWOOD, for Match 1150.. ECLECTIC MACIAZINE, Domes' Literery Depot. Third street opposite the Post Oiler. APPbas Tuicias. T AM now prepared to famish Apple Trees, hem the I. well known Nursery of Jaeob• N. Browei. The ores will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for $l2 per hundred Persons whiting good thrifty trees should learn their orders .00n et the Drug. Beed,And Perfemery Warehouse, corner of Wood arid Perth 04. N WICIEF.WMIAM 111. A. Fahpe!sock ft. Co., WHOLE ALE DRUGGISTS. ..nor of Fins sod Wood arrows, offer for sale, on favorable balm 100 bbla Mining; 503 lb. Curb. Amami* 00 do Alum; . 51X1 do Assakaida; MO do Dye Woods; GOO do Cmde Tartar; 23 do Lampblack; LAO do Lb/dories. 1118.1 20 do Yen. Red; 300 do .Inch Moss; 8 do Camphor; 150 do Red Precipitate; 10 do Span. Brown; 153 do ualomel Amer; 20 do Yellow Ochre; 2.5 do do Eng.; 10 do brimstone; 200 do Basher Leaves; 0 do Clover, 254 do 'Rhubarb Rook 2 de Charralovrers; 400 do Sarsap. do; 14 ewes Ref Boren; AO do• Gentian do; 25 do Caancip; do Sal Rachkele; ' do Prn Blue; RA Beldllrs allklart; 10 do Cal e. .ffnesia;6oo do .Potr'd Rhubarb; 13' do Chrome OreAn; CAO do do blip. Elm; .5 do do Yellow; 100 do. do G. Arabia 5 do. S a ndmili JUG do do Lig. Root GO ream Paper; 100 do do Jelap; 53 bags Sicily SOM.; 020 do AtCayenne; 25 bales Bottle Corks; 200 do Sulph. Zion; - Moe Pelph. Morphia: 300 do Dar Tin; 1200 lbs Cape Aloes; 202 do Tamarinds; 1200 do 111 , 1brein Potash; lA/ do Millet Silver; OXO do Pt.* Ronk 2,50 do (Asap Peck IBM do Turkey limber; 35 do Cochineal; 1. do Crest= Terms; 03 da Ilyd rawly: 1230 do TantlflC Acid; GO do Mace; IC:S do Urn Ursi; . 25 do Gnuniller - Lertlon. febllled•kvelatT PETROLEUM. Oft BACK OIL. tonere are more thtugs In heaven and earth Than are dreamtn-of In philosophy.. 'TIRE VIRTUER of this remartemle ter/m.4IVA I the to application tor it, to the propnebr, has induced hint to have it pat up in bottles with la bels and direction. for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM le Proeerdd from a well m this mum, at • depth of Pout hundred feet, in a pure out daltersted article, Without any chemical chande, but jut en flows from Nature's (Oral Lubrator y!! 'Thoth camels properties reaching number of diseases, is no kougar ft cutter nr uncertunty, 'There are many things in the arrant of natttre,which,if known, might be of vain utoralneat in alleviating suffering, and re- Leong the bloom of health and vigor to many • suf ferer. Loorbefore the proprietor thooght of putting it up in bonier, it bad • reputation for the care of dis ease. The conaton nod daily inerchang calls for it, and tem. remarkable cures ithae perfornted, Is o sure indication ol its fume yropulotßY wide sptead do In the safe of dtwane. We do gee wish to at el lone Pero of ocolfi cotes, rot we are caustic. that the medicine can won work Its 'der boo the favor of those who suffer and with to be heeled. Whilst we do not eleimfor it a Ortiverul opplizinton in alron. &Seale, we Unfonito- • tie& lotyrthSt is a number of Chronic Diseases it in swivelled. Among Mee may be enumerated—all diseases of the gaseous noses, each as CHRONIC URONCHTI-15, nONSUMPTION (in W earl, atty..) Asthma, and a ll disease. of the air passages, W vat COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diatoms. Diseaus of , he madder pod Kidnevs. Punt in the Ruh Of aide, NentotoDitteseeellcaralt, Piney, unoom o ti o P oo , th,,.s,,Eryniptflf% etlmt everts% llOrno, &IMO, isrof.oo, Old Ham, eues of debility re. salting from elPolotw, or to and protracted aliteS Of disease, this modicum will bong alief . Il vr „ oat u a general TONIC sad ALTRRATITHin nett cases, mpatun6leao and energy to the whole nanny regiov., a penteg the sluggish fenetions,sthleh '',Z on di...go stud a bre tert.conetitution, And /demoted wed 'renewed' lecternto the organs of snug Wel. • The: propristar ,kuowa r several curet o f PILES, that trainedeeeq other treatment, get well Ender th e use of the PETROLEUM fora short time. Tbe proof tan be'gile s any Person who decree lt. sig ,.. dentro 0! the prepofo f o, e ? 1 •* iL in grol, CLIC ' Rada. dearßelledth Aka by R li. SELLERS. dy Wood eV and—KNIISER A MIDOWELL, seeklwho as nN 7 IPPO 7 Mt ASsail - 9V rfswismLvAta4 csmaz.l. l oectr. p TiripugglelpNAPO !Vila LIB. 119.30;1850 • v.. worm* Atvilisd..V‘Canal übeer 471118,4VC0N WU Co, zise s gukei lute• . . , o , Comaugs k t0..19 North street;llilLintore; . E. Moue... New Nora" Fuzz= ic Gam, It Doane street, 1304.14 Hammen Goal, Maleville; gestecity; e: Coy Colamld a Wiwi, Cinch:man; F. Wm, Louisville; Buss, HINE, & CO.; St. i.. 091.1. To E.kap ilferrAaruf ire and Prehow and frost .Madelphia, Bartow's, IV. Yolk, 'Barton. Oar route being now In Size order, wow° prepared to forward geode w .above at ern towed pmts. We bettor ell freight/in of nny charge having Wives for owe 8030,000, and win the following extentive stork or Bontifeel <Deaden% arriving entire radeettion to all business entreated to our cue. Oar boats are all new, and commanded by captains nr experienre, and oaf enure line Is conducted on soul setabeth keeping and cm:pear. principle& Boca.,' Captain. Iron City, ' Hagan Maryinnd, Marshall Cincinnati, Sands Rath Anna,. Chaos= n'in Atkins, terroad ats.' Captains Penn E Layton, 8L all, Cowan Col. and Ridley Mari Deborah Slms bTanT,ii:' — iiiiion • - • • TelegraphNo Itibie Point Mill Uny!dittoed° _ . olivellranebCoaser Ralrm`eC t lipperitttey America Perry Ohio Bela Kearney Mermaid hi'Colgan Hunter Engle ' The Fox PrPlittads Julia Am .1 Layton ACM. APDowell Telegraph No:Warts Look Sharp Retry North Queen Wtble tildpperstaill La it to their advantage to giro as a ea% O'CONNOR, ATKINS fr. CO, rrottO Canal Ruin Liberty at., Pittsburg°. Wes's.. l'rastspertatiork Company. mem 1850, .M.Olia, D. LEECH COM LIRE, BETWEEN i'ITTEBORGII. TRILADLI.PENA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORE, By Prnaqivania. Canal aad Rad Road. pIIE Noma and can of this Lee have been pot I. co nes to order. and with the addition of icier qew ones to the Line , anal:des as to carry • lug. uantity of produce and goods. The entire stook of tho Lina is owned and contro cd by the Proprimors. ARMS & LEECH, No 13 South Third at, And al the Tobaeoo W nehoasa, Cook .t, Phi adept'', Pad JOSEPH TAYLIIR & SON, No 113 Non Howar Wo o , rialund, Yo OPFICEd No 7 New re York. • D LEECII & CO, Cum . Pion Plustnalth &WM 1850. UNION LINE, 031 TUE PEISIN. ABl7 01110 CANALS. CLARE, PARKS &CO, RochesMl, Pa., Prime. JOHN A CAUGHEV. Arent, Met, nor Smithfield and Water au, Pittsburgh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD It CO, Agia, Cleveland, Oka HIS well known Line are prepw ed to tramport L freight and Passengersfrom PITTSBURGH and ELAND. to any paint on the Cued and Lakes. The facilities Mike Lino are unsurpassed In 'number, quality and eapaciry of Boats, experience 01 genuine, and elliciency of Agerrpi. One Boat Imes Pittsburgh and,Cleuland dolly. ran• wins In connection with a Line of Steam Beata be tween PITTSBURGH and BEAVER, and 1 Line of First elm Stem Bea% Propellen arid Veuels, on the Lacs. CONSIONEF.S. Clark Parka & Cp, Hochuter, E N Parka & to, Voangstown, Oeini 1.1 B Taylor . , Wafter, 0; A & N Clark, Newton Falls, 6, I Brayton tr. Co, Ravenna. 6, Kent, Grinnell & Co Franklin, 0; II A Miller, Cuimga Faits. u; Wheeler, Leo lc. Co, Akron. Ce Chamberlin, Crawford & Co, Clevolud, Hubbard & Co; Sandusky, Cl; Peckham et Smut, Toledo, 0; O & Co, Deleon, Mich; Williams & Co, Wim Morley & Dalton, Racine, IVis; George A Olblye, Chicago. Ill; Thomas Ilate,ChiVada,lik_ c v/GGFP, Aemt, mr3O , et em Water and Smnkfintd I"7. • iieg§2l lspo. sail* LAKE ERIE AND MICIFLICIAII UN THE ERIE EXTENSION CAN/I CLARKE, PARKS lc CU, Rocheater, fr HE Proprletora of this old and troll gad Mt Lute 1. Would informthe publics that they are el van, op eration for therrelent,thason; and barn ton.lheoced receiving Freight avd Pasthogers, athichlSSY.nse folly prepared to carry to all Wins on the Clith) nod LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN. At the lowest rates. (the of the Boat. of ift . ine 'mill he constantly et th e landing, below Id •knee • la Bridge, to mein freight. • JOHN ...r.CAVOREVAISIM Once, co. Waist and Smi th field sts, P S{ .F‘"V carminshaal/4.Nr•Sastle, MltCh;firTe7rCt7Pal ---' — W C Nolan, Beam: B llMl,Saarpsburg, W let. Aehre A ; Co, Greenvale, Wm Henry, Hartman, Wm Power, Connearavale, /oho Hearn Ice, EH., • John J Hollister to, Buffalo, N Aiarno DIDWELL 6 oncrrisl - PCIAWARDINU MERCHANTS, RI e R,Pa., (Be' V bud Mo - Airetas for BIDWELL'S Prrrell A AND CLEVELAND LINE: ERIE AND al, 'VILLE LINE TO END, WARREN AND NE• . +Cla, STLE PACKEIBI towing and atapping Octave • L P4,kberyh and Rochester by steam boats Alicharan Erse, and Heaver . ILS . Hoods reeelpted and promptly deV i trad to all Elves co the Canal. and Lakes, at the Mt tate. Ilhippers will please &rem roods to v Thd 's lane" J.C. RIDIVELI dont, mad Water et, .berth. 4 Pittnbargh Portablo atigMl 1850. TIM IIIiNFFO/1,1103 OF 111.2 ~aiL 1850. to Ann Faux PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA ILAtOLMORE, IsiEW iroax, Timms Deatiammed h Tux. k &Comma, Philadelphia j Piuebtagb. HE Coo k% hang now open, the propneters of Mir T Wag established LAne ore RA um/Ikm their old rands, reeelvics and forwarding Merchandise and Produce at low rates, and with the preropmem, cm- Minty, and safety, peculiar to thsw systemend mode of transportation, whore intermediate transhipment II avoided, with the aatocqueat delay. and probability of dsmagn. Merchandise and Produce &hipped east or wert,end , Bill of Lading fuiwardad free of charge for GOOlllllB - advancing, or: storege. Having Le Interest di rectly or indirectly *marabous, that of the owners la solely co:melted when shipping thelrgeode All cummunieMidlis to the following agents prompt ly attended tot •.. THOMAS BORBRIDGR, No ;VS Market .oce , ,.PMlndtlp ; TA AFFE O'CONNOR, Corner Penn and Mope streets, Piusburgh soma . . . lobo McCallogh k Co, 6H North at, Bait P.O. Dort ' Co. PO Doane at, Boston, W. a J T. Topsoott a Ct BO South ma, New Pork; Jomei Wheelwright, Cothi • out. woo 1850. Mi= 1850 B I D L L' S PITTADVIteII & CLEVELAND LINE THIS LINE, with Imsorpaased facilities, oo • prepared to.tronsPOrt Freight to Cleveland, th• Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and littermedlate place., o. the most favoraols terms, and with the greatest de opateb. Shipper. are refhrred to thoie who have heretoro • patronized this Lida. Send goods to .43/dwell's Line. Aosays—J C Rtdwd4 water r, Ptitsborgh; Bidwell A Brother, Itoeheater, • L 0 Matthews, Cleveland; 'Rhodes& Omeo, do. ICONSMINEF.St A D Jacobs. Youngstown; C N Leglogwell A Co, Wonno; A A N Clark, Newton Falls; J Brayton A Co, Raveonai . Kent, Drennan A Co, Frantlin Mills; e • Thomas Earl. do dm,/ H Miller, Coyaltoga Falls; J W Stephens A Soo, &Arms Wheeler, Leo & Co, do; 1. JDAJif Edon, del I JR Munllon; Cummins A Co, do; Wm Monteath A Co, Buffalo: NJ Gibb. A. Co, Sandossy; Biggins & CO, do; Haskell & Co, Toledo; II N Strong; Moon; Murphy & Moon, Radom, Ball A Elkins, Southport; - Doorman A Co, Mums:tale; D 0 Diekinsen, Little Fort; & Taylor, Sheboygan; Dom Rmmy & Co, Mdion.ot% Pstsbonth. March M. IPSO. BINGUANI 'ITILINSPURTATION afiaMi 1850. gots.= Pittsburgh as ns tarn Cities. Tee Canal beteg now ,pen, we ate ready to and forwanipramptly, praises and Merchantla ass( - wept Freights ewer! at lowest noes, charged by rerpon dble tines. Predate and mdrehandire will be received and for. warded cat and. west, "'Abner any charge for for. w• rng advancio freight, commbrion or .tong,. Dits of g for warded, and all directions faith. folly attended to. Address or ripply l e, WhL DINGIIAh . Canal Halo, cor. Liberty and Wayne Ws, Pittsburgh. HINGHAM lc DOCK. AS. No /8301141 cl at, AS. ILSON, AOn ath & rith, y . ka , L. No 182, North Howard at-. ikallimore. JAS. BDillllAld, atria , No 10, West tweet, Noir York. itatrieteri & CON • Passtrr accatitasie• Ones. an EDEN AS CO, commute to bring persona from anyport of Ergland,lmland. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their MALI ppnanemahty , and attention to the wants and nom fort of crundgrants We do not allow oar passengers to be robbed by the needling metope that infest the sea. p.n., as we take charge of than the moment they re port themselves, and sea to their well befog, and de epoch them without and. by the fast thins.— We say Ibis featleuly, as we defy pose( our puma gem to show that they were detained la Plum by or In l - dlyerPool, whilst thonsaridi of others • ore detained months, until they could' be sent in some rdl Vett at • 011 iP met which too frequently proirf..neir comm. we intend to perform oaf contract, sonorably, cost whet It may end MI 045 I. was the ease last telltSoo, With ether odtcers,--who either performed not all, or when It oohed titer convenleace. Drafts &awn et Pittsburgh for any BIM from .11 to pa able at any of the provides! Hanks In Ds .erthdr Soodand Mad Wales. . • ' ' • 105511.11.rROIl1illSON, n4E/am.' Agana, , Flannat. nive dmrl“.l.ll•WanCl - .& 1 4TPSTYV—IIIKe LW en/de Ot• landing, bob for o No by ' masa DICKEY & OD. WI Waltz st, 111111111 th REHOHBE, trect. OARPET W zro WSpring. St. TrizoLtin, ke., etkrisin Ezra Sipe? Kole _ 'ng his CAI ; IT si OIL CLOTHS, gin pan die following., Wei Velvet Pilo Coro, *b. • airy nfigioe y llf - o gerbil 3Rt • • Errlith and Aige' Eris S.Perf.ql.37 /flirt ralperpatentCherullo Ram, • m rfine de do Rut% • • • Tolled Rural Fine Common : • Rem Mom Common do Chenille Done Myth m , Tufted Sheep Skin • Adelaid EXAM printed p.° toms • table Bramwell Owe • • Table • Primed woolen • Einbesged Stand • Linen end emerald • Damask Star Linen; Turkey Red Mauer; Charm I/ordains Ena l . ish Oil Cloth Table Drove crumb cloth.. Woolen Ilrasa Stale Rods; Stair li=t l ; oi Jaw and arpe Coco Matt; ahem% and Skeleton Slam 3.4 and 4-4 Green Oil Cloth le for Blinds; Haelebeek Duper,rise rcl EZ;ME22I vrool, r. . _non 4-4,4 and - 4 Tap Van Cu. 4-4, 4 and 1 Tariti , d Carp. 4-4, 1,1 and 44 plain Car. List nod Rag Carpets, 8-4 Printed Cotton Carpets. 64,7-4. 64, 64, 44 and I • Oi CllottiN medl i lifintr6 113 fo itielipatent CI %tit , . t.im Cava WO. Blue end Drib Cl , rtes; Orwasee Conch Orl Clothl Dsmaskalor Linuip; Wintered Alerritui Buff Holland for lirShades; Traispesrent I French transp." Ve.1.1221 Blinds; 112:113114 for Flag 74 and 114 TablAlossol Russia Crash; I • Scotch Diaper N i Crown Linen Naoklog German Oil Cloth Tata COr, err, Pam Om Curves from the most appeared Ebr' tstv and American mcurnMetaten 11001 IS to 24 feet n wicth, which w i ll be cm to fit ream. balls, and vestibules of .yvire or shape. The undersigned having imported direct from Eng land, his Velvet Pile and Tepee., CARPETS. These Carpets, which are of the latest and most elegant style. and patterns. and of the MIMI gorgeous colors. .0 be sold at prices as low as they can be pearlised for in any of the eastern tides. also, flaying the largest assonment of the richest and most fashionable BRUSSELS. IMPERIAL THREE PLY and INGRAIN CARPS :TS 'stuck far surpasses in quality and cheapness of ptiee, any assortment ever before brought mulls 'city. ile a lso invites Steamboat Men and Coach tdaitufaeturen to his large and , well selected assortment of TRIMMINGS, arutotherartlelai ueeessuy in their business. The undersigned la alto agent for the Only Stair Rod Unnufaetory to Philadelphia, and Is prepared to sal lower than ean be purehasedebtewhere in this city. tole Wsi 111411.INTOCE. AA. MASON tr. CO, GO Market street, between . Third and Fourth, are now receiving a large as sorunent of dame Ds Loins; Persian Cloths,. in. Ore near article; Pallet. to; Crape De bales, tr.e,• with a largo assortment of Lawns and other Dross Goods, of the Imes; styles and most fashionable G.:dm'. 11'3 erniFFEE= - 40 Vega prune o am • mai laCamma-10 hia mould, dipped, and spew. - Cmaaa-160bm Cream md Eastiala Cairn Cram-20 dm Hemp and bland* • Caam-50 tdaum Closes-10 M Common and belt Spardsle brloaed hair brio MulterokaodklelßLMS Ogoso-60 Oro assorted aim; liseu,-1.200 Prime Venison; LOW Bogor Cured; lemoo-100 lb. S F and Stantlla; lae-16 doe , iarrloons Waek sad Clopylop Mot-uses-4n brls N Odeon.; 16 belt brig Sugar Haan; Mererow-10 dos assorted eardideng Moccozom-6o lbo Italian; Vasiesenti—GO lb. do Num—AA. kegs netoned; Pmcgoo—il dot Jars mooned; Peaces.— 30 busbeletialseg ream assorted; Pecos-100 lb. Sordeoex; Soar-60 by Ravin and Cane Steel; Scosi—to bbds N Orleam and Cleriled; Tss-60 packages Oren and Illack; Toeseco-10 boo 11,6, & 1 lb temp; Wun ,lassos-60 dos potent Zink; Far sale by D WILLIAMS & CO =ls Corner of Fifth and Wood at.. V7KATZD. FMP U FURS! FUILM—Tbe oubscrtbers Ni pa, for Coon, Mink, Malt Rad, Grey and Red Vol. -ad all kinds of gapping Furs, tlo highest *astern MOOS& A, CO, earner Fifth and Wood gm iffssoLirriox. THE Pennership heretofore existing hetweenJamts Taney and Jahn Best, in dte Oseeesli Psndhne at,d Commission-cosiness, was &noised by mental Consent, ou the 11th inst. bin. John Hest having per chased the entire Imerest of Jame Taney, in the hem, bitable. oral be mauled by him, at their old atend, No. in Wood at. SAMES TABSEY, febtl HN HEn. — Paper 'laughs's. QPREVO BElst:es lON.—Wul no received, by Am 1.7 anal shipments, • new and choice assortment or Wail Paper, of the latest French sad Eastern styles, gold, ehamo ak, plain and lu t fh . cro s io a n. W. P.messtieu, imm rt 3 bdWood street DlSool.llTissfi• 116 Co.ortnership heretofore emoting between B 6. Bethke:ld and John McGill, ander the Inn of S B. Bonfield It Co., Is this a./ Otublbed by moms conger The banners of the olit Sim will be settled by S. LI Bushbeld, at the old gaud, 60.t1a Laren/ bubbii Pittsbuh. B B BUSBELELD, Muer. rg 1. IESO. . JOHN bIeGBL.L. a BUSIIFIELD and OEOCOE RD will continue dm Wholesale • Acted D e coods and Grooo teeussness, the old stand s r.* under firm of 9.0. UUMFIELD tr. CO. Melva I. tneo 11V coy osweluedorno me, to me Whole sale Grocery, Commission, and Forwarding Masi ness, tvro Nom IL N. aml W. BWideman. The Maness iv !wore will be eandneted antler the style et s. S. Waterman Sons, at nie old stamt, No 31 Ws. ier and M Front street. L. A. WAITIIMAN. Firanargn, Idszen Ic4 VdSh. ACAUTION—About me ONLY CrttlfilNia Cl AND OENUINB WISTAWS BALSAM Of WILD CIIERBY the meat mesedy for C6NSURIPTIXIBiI And the best medlcine known to men for Asthma of every cage, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, lulluerma, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of the Laps, Shortness of Breath, Pions and Meekness In the Side Breast, An., and all other dmemes of-the PULMONARY URBAN& A very important disease over which thiaßalsana ex. mot • xer7 oewerfel influence, is that of a DISEASED LWEIL In this complaint It bus endaubtedly proved men eln caeione then any remedy httitc no employed, and h cumernus mime. whenpatiente had endured bang and severe suffering from the diseases, without resets um the [mat benefit from various resnedim, and whet Mercury has been resorted to in Vllll3, the axe of Mit- Balsam hoe restored the Liver to a healthy action, me Inc nny inst6llCllll elected penaertent cares, ' KAM evy well known remedy bad failed to produce this noised effect. Resides Its astpulehing efficacy In the disease above mentioned, we also find it• very effect...l remedy in Asthma, • complaint in which It has been extensively used mtit decided meccas, even in enamor year. standing With the increase of Intelligence bm grown up a knowledge of the elements of health, and a re gard for them, and commenturamly with Meat:ides at CICIICS have we acquired the means of arresting dr mac, and averting Its ravagea otwitheunedlng the progrese we dme made, sudience mow that even uow, one Meth of the whole population die anmally of cneumption. One .1 the meet Important discoveries of the age, In ameliorating the cohdulon ef tha hale 0/1.• of allf knee bemenhy, to DR. WISTAWS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. WisurY Balsam of IN.I Cherry I. • fine herbal Medicine, coniposed chicly of Wild Cherry Bark and the gamin a Mentml Moat, (the laser Impacted express. ty tor this purpesej the rare anedlcund virtues of which are duo eorebutel by a new chemical erocme, with the extract of Tar, thus rendering tee whole compound- the moat certain and ettleacume remedy ever discovered for CONtIUMPTION OP TILE LUNGS. Still further evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation: RC11311.011.3.Z. Brown no., 0, Aug. 91, 1049. Messrs riandfold & Park: Gentlemen, About six weeks ago I received the agency of WistaWs Beam of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on my park for me reason that I had been the agent of so many pftls and other nostrums, which were cracked ap be something vronderfol, hat which. turned oat in the end to be of no .count whatever, except to the ma& mauler. But I ernthdly admit that Bus time I have been deceived. for theektrsonlinary euresalfeeted by %View's Balsam have convinced me that "good can come out of Nazareth." Your agent left me one do& en bottles, which are all gone—having bee. the means of caring several °herniate came of Gorwomption— and no mantle; for what I see and knoW I am booed to believe. One Case in penteulan A your gentle man in Winchester. Adams county, 0, 10 miles fto ttlis place, was enred of Gonsampuon when the tint. has glove hi up, or at &est mold do nothing for aua it ants the Intention of his friends to convey hi= to youi city, and elan/Ikon under thecae of some eminent physician there. Bat a friend told him of Wow , * Balsam, and that he could obtain It of me. Ile sent for tt, and before the second bourn woo gone he war mend , and well, and attending to his every day business. An there are several inquiries for the merle nine, it would be well to forward an additional supply Intllool delay. Very uresAmtgrirAdkritt: • - •• • - - The above, from L. Newland, Esq., a highly respect.. able country merchant. commando itself forcibly to we candid atteniion of all theta who have doublet gnat merit of Maine. C h erry Rehm.. Remember the original md only gamine Wistar's ilaisato of Wild Cherry, was introdued in the year tea, and has been well tested in all completer. for width It is recommended. For 17 yeus it has proved ,fEcaciou ss a remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnfo• era, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consurnm .Iplent amps, than ladle, medicine. LOST VOID Re., RESTORED! ate Llxonsus, Aug. lb, IMS. Mr. B. W. Fowl. Having seen maey ecolleams published in relation to Dc. Maul Balsam of Wild Chevy, I take this opponantry of offering a word in iY favor, which you an also at liberty to publish. A few mondm since my wife's fangs became so mach ef fected with a sadden cold, that abe lost her voice,and lingered severely from pains in the breast. Her taua non caused her (fiends much alarm. Having heard your Balsam atrongly recommended by, them who asee it, I berthas.' bottle from your agent in this place. She toot It according to directions, and It pro. aimed a wonderfal effect Before using one bottle ate bad completely recovered her voice, the pains salmi& ed, and her health wla moon rally re-established. Years, truly, HENRY G. BRIGHTPIAN. To Dammam o.7lllDimissris MinnestarThi eel. ebrated and infallible remedy for the cum of Consump tion, Asthma and Lion Complaint, hes bilis two mu. rite, been rapidly, mire and safely working its was through the oppimidem of quacks and coanterfaiters, mud, by its we value and intrinsic excellenee, it W gained for Itself a mom enviable popultuity, emir:stab. ilahed itself in Ma confidence of en intelltgam and en• hehtenednablie, from one end of the continuum the other. The testimony of thousands who hare been re• tiered and cued or this valuable article, will show tout It stands unrivalled—at the head of all ether me. &eines, for the cum of diseases for which It la mesa mended. Tho genuine Dr. Wines* Hallam of Wild Cherry m ROW for sale by dull enPolnied Agora, and all re. pectuble dealers to medletneajn all large Mk. and all important towns throughout the Übltbd Klaten Paten 61 per DOUAI 1312 llottles for 65. Sold by J. D. PARK, (successor to Sandford &Fond Fourth and Wel= streets, Cinalnuati 3 Oldo, General Agent for the South and Weals to whim , all ellhn meat be ouldrosacd. . L. Wilma, Jr; James A. Jooesl J. l'ldd & Co; B. A Fahnestoek .Co, Plnsbargh. L T. Roswell, Waste ArM 11:W i el a t D is hi So p Mel: men meat GlknorA Y medfoed; Bon, nail don; Mn. Om, Holliday sb rg; HUdebran I & am; KiWm'eg Enono V,l4 L .cait:i. a , Veld' Lir: ttl= J Alagorskadalterouyar.Cos BMWs; &Baulk. Beserer Saamtaneo, Wanes; F.L.a.c.s,Jacun. conder'sporn P. Crookor. RivinsiTilis. 61441-.17047 SLOAN'S COLUMN. Er AL the Ideartbses advertised by W. B. fO.O2iN ere old R. E. SELLERS, Wood meet, and JOHN P.SCOTT L.beny . Pinandricb. . Ilimasiess by J O HN 0. saliTH. hes. Cdyi by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ en CURRY.de he Hilt isititheatoest son• illealethe 13 THE WORLD NLOILION OINTIIENT AND CONDITION POWDER, . , Had serrovi• grime 'mesh For Purity, Aritehserr, Eat. re,tutti Drma/01am, SpOANI3 OINTMENT Exerts And le reptdly open:semi all other Ointments .11 Llnlostuts DM Le use for the sure of the thllovring die elms Fresh Irmmtli gale Grail kinds, sprains, braise* cracked bale, ngbone, windbone, poi evil, calls,, spa ELS, swveney, fismla, shiest, suann lameneas, mad crack, toaaered fool, ...reties or cream mange or hone dbncmper. The Powder will remove all inflammation and fever purify the blood,. loosen the skin, cleanse the over and strengthen eicry part orate bodr, and has proved • savensign remedy Mr the following disease.: Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, lemma strain, yelloarwater,intronmation of the eyes, fatigue hem bard exereinx also, rheumatism, (commonly cal led mid complaint.) hick proves so fatal to mon sal eable hones In this °entry. 111, also a safe and ter tale remedy for ma hs and colds which generate eo many fatal dun. W.ll. SLOAN, . Greed pot, 40 Lake s; Chicago, Illinois. VIE PROOF. .Extract from the .aGalens North Western Gazette!, Pi the use of Moan'. Ointment and Condition Pow , .der, I have entifely cured a delete on my bone and .etherwise imoraved hie condition more than 500 pe cent. on the coat dike medicine And a now which was ea feeble gam be considered worthless by myerll and neighbon,was restored to good health sad strength by the see of len than half a package of the powder, and Ls now doing betor than any other cow I have. Roull Pox, May 13, 1 1848. WAL VINCENT. ' Tut BUTTERING cum>. - Thereby certify that one of my children, when re ted, fell into • large fue of live coals, and'wes burned severely frt. heed to Art. The beet ot medical aid and attention was given to lila child fors four or Gan days without any relief—cub dars sufferings mere.. ed tlil hie rune could be beard at. great distance, at which critical period one of my ntlghbors recommen ded and yreiented to me • boo of Blom'. Ointment and In leas than fifteen minutes after the applieation of the ointment to the aggravatedsores of the suffering child, th e pain Ceased entirely, and he epeedily begs, to MllO.Oll. My residence le la !felt township, Ver. minion county, end Sate of Indiana. TITEODORE L. TAYLOR. Chicago, August 97, 181& p EXTRAORDINARY CURE Aril IS, ISIS. Pour miles north of Chicago (mit Oa to Mildrastkie,lCook county, Illinoia. Mr.filoan—Dear. Sin One et my horses but a lane bony tumor rin his breast bane, immediately under the collss, which Woad him and rendered his serviced of very little salon I Slothfully applied several bottles of Dr. Taylorl.Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the team benefit. en procured Celebrated Hone °intone; th and used that until I Wilder'. became fully satisfied that It. would never relieve the dramal. Fl. call) (obtained a box of your truly valoable Dint. meat, and in len than 00 days Darn the first swollen don the tumor tadrely disappeared, and the barge was will. Yam, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. " If popular °Pinion he any criterion of the wnrtho fnn artielei ws Omit° the laeredeloas to read at least a few of the mum voluntary cardamum that appear is out mhos= re t Sling th e great variety of remarkable macs atm the use of "Mauls Celebrated Oho: meet tad Co Oen Powders.. Them remedies no longer remake among Moe. el lloA abtfemen % l n an atty, they has* h p ig assed from the tide of ex. becoming d mow stead rin retation and arg mate extensively he used th in all other ori oles of the Wad—MUM. City New. • THE IdAL?FiAB NOT BEEN TOLD. Fox Bryn, June 1R 18413. Dux Eloms,l3ln Pines toad by the bearer a new seriph or your Elena Medians,. They are tho beet uncles of the kind that I have ever nevi, corer has. ley been elleappolnted In their street, es I have been la the um dottier', even the most celebrated Ointasen* Uniments, tte., of the any. 1 Ilk, very much tide fete tore in them, yist that they do all Mat It promised, and rwu • thorough trial one limousine:l to add, that itlthits not been told" ReaSettally i M. DUDLEY. . • . The ordinary 421.nm:tents and liniments It is well known are severe and partial In their operation-- Sloan'. Ointment Ls mild yet thomugh—it meet., and removes the cause, hence mildntt gives real and permanent taller. For parity, ess, Wary, certainty, and thoroughness, Ointment and Is mpidly stopereedlng all other Ointments and Liniments now WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Burrs Ours; ILL., Oct 84,1949. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the vision of your Ointment in he note of rattlesnake bites, norm throat, bums, and many other iniuries, land in every case it has surpassed tem expectations. a family amt. meat, I have never seen its equal, a nd for beaste nos can't get along without it. Yount, kn., NILES BE JOHNSON. 'EXCELLENT OINTMENT. Mr.Sloaa—Dear Sin Fora considerable length of Imo I was seriously afflicted wilt the rheumatic com plaint, tad applied freely, the •.leas liniments, paint killers,S , wnhoot obtaning enyvel le f. After 'thick oar agar at this place Indoenced me to try year Ointment. thd within two weeks from the time I com menced using lt, the pain ceased, and I wueffectually eared, and than recommend all wlto.are slenderly al. dieted with the &arming complaint, to procure your excellent ointment wiiitura delay. rrw iLesp „rri l e, y r olirs, OSCAR F. MOLT. Fte lit the Boa. 11. V. S. Brooks, Agent of the Ethois and Michigan Canal Packet host Company. Cuacsoo, June 21. Int.; Dr. W.lO, Sloan—Dear Sin For the last .th years I bare had oteaslon to use many horses. and have used pet [rest velfooilfilliiinlAth'y'n" end ointments oln on t2 aeon for Wanes on bones. Within the last two month.] have applied in a to same BO bones, for varloasinitmes, and in every instance It has pro -1 vett • eaveraign remedy. A FINGER Brrr&N ENTIRELY OFF. Two IFiles south of Chicago, Sept 14, 1948. Dr. Sloan—Sim On the tit instant my son bed a fin ger bluer entirely otr by ahem. We tunnedietely cp* pUed your telebreted ointment, which relieved bte c pain in a few minutes, and prevented the finger from swelling the least particle, mud the ensued is healing apidly. Re.ry B. BROCKWAY. • DOCTORING IN GALENA Itir.Sloan—Dear. Sir. About three yearsago I was severely Injured in one of my leg. by the falling of • pile of wood which occasioned large running ulcers. Nearly emery doctor In Galena tried to care them; but wed in vain, until from sympathy and improper trna . .. merit my other leg became as bad as the one original. ty wounded. !'despaired of ever being well gain— hot;a In order that I might neglect no means within my Math, I purchs•ed of your agent In Galena combo your ointment, and you canjudge of my standee an I gratitude beam than I min express at. to find InDte It entirely well before I had finished ming the second These fiats I make known that when, aillicted. may believe and not delay using so Vaillithi• an ointment ssyours bin proved to he. Eterp'y your grateful fed, Galens,lll.; D0e.19, 1e49. EVAN DAVIS. ONLY m DAYS. Defoe the following ostler, Messrs Vaughn & Co. purchased • Large 'apply of Sloa's pr0m0.... Jacopo, Mich. Feb. 24, e 4.9. PL Hibbard—Dear Bin. lam out of Blvan's Condo coda owder and Hone Ointmot. The sale tar en e my orpeetatton. If you can manage to tend 4 demen (hutment, I will pay for them the fist . tine that yen aro here, and prearme I Mall be able to oil • quantity in the CO•ne or the year. It will be LP objeetto you, RS well as to myself, to keep mo eon many supp. Very imply yours, S. B. VAUGHN & CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER Sr. Lome, Feb. 0,1349. Sloitn—Sin About two years ago, while ratting on the Missluippi river, in passing over the dish sem plunged into the water, and by the sell tng soma a; rock, crushing my left leg and otherwise se. nattily Injuring me, so much that I lost all sensibility. When eonsenonness returned I found myself in St. Louis, Mu-rounded by my weeping family. Good nuns ing and Medical old enabled me to about two months to hobble ironed with the assistance of aerated The wounds Only partially heated, leaving largo, running sores an d knee, which for many months discharged blend mate. oldie mom offensive character. My prune t ha te lexpressible at times say b een was so gnat death would have received • heany wel come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, lone of my neighbors) advised Me to try you Ointment I obtained a box applied It according to direction—the sores soon began to &IMMO a healthy appearance, and In three months I was entirely eared, and enabled to-do hard labor. Your obedient servant, • HIRAM- W. THOMAS. We, the undersigned, neighbors of IL W. Thomas, were ammainted with the cue above stated, and know ing the ;circumstances, most eh...fully confirm said Thomas , statement REV J. DOWILSO N,UGLASS, JAMES PETER LAIRD. GOOD NEWS. Cluesuo, Jan. Fib, le4l. W. D. glean—Fin. One of my honer was hoof bound and Abe wounded inne nib. Ia wbieh he reek cold, and became to crippled that he could scarcely uavel. Uy the free application of your valuable ointment, his boot were won softened and the stifle permanently eared. 1 have Moo end the Ointment in the case of Poll•EvIl and on severe galls with equal and eets. On a mashed Ler.' that was very pp of it opera ted like it chat. Year, &e A. VAN RDEN. TESTiMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Blean's Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowledged by all who have turd Mem to be 'he lest remedy for hones and cattle that has been discovered. Fresh wounds, gall., agitates, bruises, dilemma, poll evil. and in short every outward disorder or injury can be cured by this wonder of remedy. The Powder is donned the Inward main., distemper, bide bound, fatigue from hard exorcise, &sensed eyes, ter...—Lake County Chronicle. 'RATHERDOONTIN G YLR, Y BUT ^ I TIIOIJOITT WOULDT I Wiegman, Cook Co. Feb.l2, IBIS. Mr. Sloan—Sir. have • hoe young horse that was 'taken With.the scratches last MR 1 paid out about three dollars toe medicine to core bite, but be grew worm i Ithen bought a box of your ointment at y our thoughth in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, b ar my oplutee of its beneficial qualities, when I found my hone's legs mood, and well In four days front the time IpornMeneed applying It. Your obedient, E. F. COLBY. blotelthart finnan years of unrivalled success in the cone of even' variety of external diseases and Injuries .uch as urea', bruise., cow, burns, utaneou crap. dons, sate lips, sane hreuta, chapped bands chill. blains,.biles, ulcer., corns, pains in the bank, side., or' other prate of the system, rattlesnake bites, tee, bean ample testimon_y that Moan's Ointment Is mst the thing' for the hour. Certificates Without number have beery received by the Proprietor frorn disinterested individre. deudla of cares by ileum ♦ WISCONSIN WITNESS. Granville, Milscaukie co. Wis., Oct. 17,1878. Mr. Mono—Dear dirt Recently my horses ran arra) with Ulog chain attached, which cut and otherwise Injured theta seriously, so much wt that I considered my teem ruined for bushes. Fortunately a friend re. commended the use ofyour Cuttment. I went to Mil. wealth , and purchased et boo. It soon removed he tudetemation, and in a few days the wound. healed The great benefit derivod from the use of your Csni, cam, onesy horses, induced me to acquaint you with the fa, bOUCTiIIg Its publicity would benefit you sod the T O * EOnIGF, COMSTOCK. •IT ill ♦ POSITIVE FACT, t• And du become a common saying, that flioatA Ointstent and CO'ndion Powder an ranter morass dm all other remedies for W &Lases of horses and attle. Tae besot, of the moditines consists in Limb .ors cal Way s . Orrin aher may be seed erer hay " r u m Er r danger of taking cold, or any othe horg ragedft trims Uwsir bsent kus, rrrar ta2 g ~MAW Ml9hi bISMITS STZ-LiarnLLY.PFtclact--- - (liaaaWs ersncrx, Ohio, May fire, 1E49. R. E. Sellers: I think It right forthetenefit of others to mate some foes in relation to year excellent Fowl. ly Medicine.. I have usad y. to Vermiloge Iron Lamy own fly, one vim , frt.,aently answering for expelli .ge quantities (nay Ito 500) wonits'from two chlldwin I have also teed your Liver Pills mid Omagh Syrop my family, and they have in every instance produced the elliect desired. As I aria Ingaged In merohaudising, J am able to state that I have yet to hear of the first ratline where yoar medicate have been used in my sccUon'of the counter. .11. conclufton, Inlay state that they aet.ls. medicines at the day, and are destined :o have a very, extensive ptpularity touts. re , . , f „ edr i l.. Prepared and sold by R.' kftS,No 57 Wood mmet, android by Drugs@ ir*entrally to the two el- Lea and vicinity mirM (liiielNe CUftit uPLIVERrai L.S.L . Vr — tt, TETI .5 Original, only tree, apd:genuine Liver Pill. Snort Cermi, Ohio canifty, Va. March 25th, 1517. Mr. R. E. Seller.: Dear Sir—l think it a day I owe to you and in the - uhlle — nem ly, to mate that I have been afxicud .is, th e rine, Comp laint cothla, the a toe, time, and an badly that an *Dem formed and broke, which le ft me in a very lute state. Having beard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by My physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them ti for trial. I purchased one box, and found them to . .10 iron what they are receipt:Leaded, TIIE BEST LI- . VLSI PILL EVER USED, and after taking four boxes I find the disease .has entirely Intl me, and I um now perfectly well. Respectfully you Id COLEMAN. Went Liberty, March 25,154 e. I certify that I are personally acquainted arith Ny ospd can bear testimony to the truth of :be aurve tertAentc. A R SHARP The acne= Liver PIM are prepared and mold by RE i LLERS, No 57 Wood sWeet, and by druggists irate: vre cites. TO PILE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver rills are prepared by ESellers, and have h:s name stamped in block wax upon the lid of each and his gnature on; the outside wrapper—ail others are counterfeits, or best imitations. spin R.P. SELLERS., Prtrprittor LUS.JAYII.IZY CARIMINATIYMBA/J7A2I j , ROM the Rev ACA SHINN, a well known and pop ular Clergyman attic., Protestant Methodist Church 'rho and emped heater beenafaieteddstring the put wirier with a Uterine mile stomach, sometimes pm d nein p Immune in in the etoinaehier tenor twelve hours without atterati van,and after having tried various remedtes with effect was furnished with a boats IX Dr D Jayne , . C • mauve Balsam: This he used se- • cording to the direct ens, mod found mattriably that thm medicine catuted the pain to sire in three or rotunda. cues, and in fifteen or twenty minutesevery uneasy evocation wu entirely quieted. The medicine was at terwardsered whew:sec indica:Mee of the approach of pith:mere perceived, andthe pate was thereby prevent ed. He confirmed to nee the medicine every evening .a n d 11•Mell603. •he morale', and in a few necks health wes ea (arr.; m tored r thot the ar.aerer was relies ad from Z. [Up &Mod ta Of oppressive pain. From CI. perienee, therefore, to can confidently recommend D D Jaynes Carminative fialsem. as a salutary medic r., for thertaces of the stornachand b owels.gheny A Alle eity,jyal For sale in RittlO9ll7‘ spEla Pi /RA FL ort 72 p e ceo, sines, ”aar We I. and also at the:hogs Store of II P SCHWARTZ. rat Meet. allett'aeuv VA.141.11.Yt CONSUIVII'TIVBS, BE Ol' YOUR GUA.B.D: DR. S%VATNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIDMISII. VIII cats, anoint tom Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Dronotili t s,,Lit - ge"'edtli.kre.',V , lTig.t . rollol -4- LUG Heart, Influenza, Croup, Draken Can. mitation, Sore Throat,Nertotts Debill. ty, and all Disease. of the Thro al, Breast and Lem". the factual and speedy curs e'er trillrfan tor any o( the abate diem. al. lit SLAY Cozumel:aid Syrup of Wild Cherry!' Tide medicine hi no longer among those of dot JAW aulny. It L.Passed stray from the thousands daily launched upon tide of okTmrimerd, and now garde higher m reputation. and iktmemaing more esti retire ly used then toy other preparation of medicine eaer produced for the relict ot auffering - mut. It has been stroduced very genera ll y through the Qited States eo n Mts.-Mona there are few lowan or ingernance Dot what comeen some remarkable evi dence of its good effects. For proof of the foregoing statements, imd Por es he value and efficacy of this medi ine, the proprietr insert a. few of the many iberc. toed testimonial' Which have been presented to him by ees of the first respectabiliry—men who Mare higher view* of more: responsibility and justice, than to cer. ,tify to New, because it will do another a favor, and themselves no kailiellee Sorb testimony proves min 'eltlaiyely,that lulapnalng eicellenee is established by its intrinsic omits, and the unquestionable autharis iy of public opinion. The instionaneous relief it af fords, and the soo th ing influenCe diffused through the whole frame by pc use, renders it a moat agnmable remedy for Me anieud. REMEMBER: "When men, acting from conscientious mipaltes,' voluntarily belts testimony to the Mill of a. thing, Of ;uticular fees len sed being °unwary to their worldly inurqns end purpose!, coerces conviction of its truth .and commands itself to a special manner to universul eredence.allogaren Moral Maxims. RP 1D THE HOME CERTIFICATES. STILL ONoilisa Ctrr.aor Pclasolsalti CcellsolalTlOßs The re 'weer woe a remedy that hoe been as successful to desperate eases of 'Consumption, as Dr. Swarm's Comer:mod kiyrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the system ` and appears to heal the often on the longs, cream w and rich blood; power posussed by Ito ether NUM,. Cuxee' CO, April 2.5 th, 1049. Dr. Po sync—Dear Pie: I verily believe your Com pound Pimp of Wild Chew, bso been the mews at saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which grade ally grew worse, attended with a sevens cough, that resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to, still increasing until my cede exhted ell the symptums of rolionnary Cumrampdart. livery thing I toted seemed to leave no effect, and my complaont increased so rapid , iy M. friends as well as myself, pre up all hop. of en ieetnredr. At this time I was recommended to try poor invaluable medicine: 1 did with the most hap py results. The Bret bottle had the effect to [mien the cough, canting MO to expeemmte freely; land by the done I had used six bottle,' wes entirely well, and am hearty a in= I e•er ein Iny life and wouldbe happy to RI. itifor. o ß oo . ol l ,outh 4 tdl ewe, that other, ralimers may derive the henent for worth eat so 'lerstefaL For the truth of the aNeere Velment. treks yeti in Vet. Rosh, Grocer, W.l m Chesr, DL _of whom 1 perchumitte. medicine. BAspellifolly yours, JaXX4 AZOIaWo Wonderful Cure of a Methodist Minutia. *l7r.Swayne—Dear Sin I feel a debt erg -retired& offer m a duel to. the afflicted generally, te offer my humble testimony in favor of year Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. 'tome. three Teem since I eras inffmamati violently acked with cold and on of the is whi att ch was accompanied with a &greasing e l if 4 u. ' ila; , pain in the beehat and head, every considera ble iliseuerge of offensive maces from the Innis, ewe. ti e ftl i ll Ain% change of weather,dlinseraver alighy rte Meat my eon ben, but was pretty on convinced that Irene rapidly going into coneaMp. den. I gtew daily weaker, end at length was scarce ly able walk about, or speak above a whisper, inch ss.th..ceedma meekness of ply lungs During this dine I had tried anon preparations md premripuons, bar round co rencr—grownig All the lime wo es. Just here I was adv...ed and persuaded by a dear Mend in mo o t Wilmingtn to make and of your Syrup of Wild Char ey. I a comess that previously I had been Men; dread against patent medicines, end I am nut airs4si those earning out of the bends of empe ries, but under. mending your elalsas to the profession and practice of medicine, mil Saving implied faith In the sag of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, ate of yoar s le,tiles, and comeacncedits use, My die. erase was sulks , time of doer PS months' elanding,ton aneently it weft deeply seated. I found, however, eoneidetable rend firm the use of the first four or bye bottles. But being is public speaker, I frequently at. Warded em Preach wino my teeretiong strength, b e gun to rupturer Mole teed that bad already begun to heal; In I n shi way, 'doubtleas, my care s o d erea relented. ...gmic of acting thus iropend I lied to use laralVe afroon bottles before I woe peo • reedy restored I hae nquestion, a much malt number of.liotuoi would have mode me eared, he the above indiscretion. The asp allayed the feet ash habit' took sway the dlatreashol cough, putt to tat &whams rer mailer from the hinge, and tray them and the e n are apneas good health. I have fiefs red offering this certifieata until now, for the perpos, of being perfoo... galleried will, We perrnmency at Me care, and now 4411 feel perfectly we 11l offer It with J. P. Jionan. P tu L tl r in . coital), N. C. Rev. Imp rurat Caunan—Read' Brad' There is lona o genuine prepamuen of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. dWZAWS, the first ever offered to the public, which ...as been sold largely throughout the United States and some parts of Europe; and all pre. potations culla by the name of Wild Cherry have been put our sinserthis, under ester of some deCepllVO circumstances, a order mgt. currency to their miles. Ilya tilde obsesthuon, no person need mistake the genuine from il false. • Each bottle of the genuine Is enveloped ant a benutiful steel engraving, with the likeness of Mint. Penn there.; also, Dr. Sesames signature: and a further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayer will L,.• added hereetter, so as to distintaish blaprepansilos root all others. Now, it it was not lot the gent carative properties and known virtues of Dr. Sire or'. Lora... Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavoring to give cenoncy to their ufletitients nes.. Erne alw a ysalmg the name of kVild fu,,,,onber, s bear In mind the mite Si Dr. Swayne od be not deceived. Principal °disc, corner of Eighth and Race sleeks, Philadelphia- For sole wht male and retail by OGDEN a.SNOW. OEN, ter kil sad Wood sts; 0 A FAUNLZOCK. a Co, roe In an. Woof!, and fah and Wood MN WM Tttons, El 10..eket ell S JONES, Itti Liberty st,• JAB A JON'S, coo *bred and Pena as; JOAN 'ELL, Micah.. city, and by all respectable dealers in =edict.. octl3 Dr. W. F. Inland , * Premium Plaster: : R. W. P. INLAND, of the Medtcal College bf Phil . jj Ric:phis, now oilers to the public kis Indian Veg. table Premium Plaster, the qualittes of which . , after tlong end tried cape tience, hes teen smisfactordy !tabllshed. To oil women who mei be adlieted with Prolapses Dwells or Fallen Womb, he his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy care in the short space of from two to thee wracks, if applied with Care end rest-41ilcanling nl the et:gall:o4S instruments and expensive bmilagm to long in use. This he feels onscientious In stating, inasmuch no he has not failed in one else oat of three hundred and fifty-three pa tient. Also for Rbetunatima and Weak Breast or Deck, at tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Plaster In nffording relief of effecting a care. For sole by 1, Wessex , corner of Diamond nod Market at. Braun & Rei Libert and SL Clair ma Dr .1 Sargentter, • • Federal so Dinmona, Alle gheny sit) Jacques & Co. • Dunn. and Diamond Birmlag , ham 17, KTRACT OF COFFEE—An ankle which Is ra .Es pblIJ coming into age as wholesome, nourishing and denclous °average, being more pleasant and pal atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small paper cooing only ten cents, will go as far as lour pounds of Coate. Manufactured It JOAN S. lalLLEL., ,, Pittsbargh, Pa. add at wholesale by II A FAIL 'ESTOCK Is Co, corner of Rot and Wood and Sixth and Wood MVO., rillAblargli .500 CIALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—Jun received, fij 39 Camp Mankets,• officer conts,• 13 pm Pants; 19 pairs nen lifted hinting Boots; 12 Isthmus Lags; 3 water Tanks, 6 and 12 gallons each; 20 cane, salute eeehi 1 dm. Duckskittliloney lleltsi 1 dot ed eambne do do. The above goods for sale at the Cali fornia Clinfaing Establishment, No 6 Wood st. Meh24 J a L PHILLIPS AlLE—Wrought Iron Anvils, from the Temper mmevilla works, warranted; will be cormtartd4 no hand and supplied to 0/ order, by ay • 62 egNIOIR AN, 44 tlf;m4 at LEi111Mf..5.7 Id pipes Drandy—lAch rd, Dupay, An; it pipes flolluot 6 mks N E Ram; 400 blds W hi•key; for sale by 4006 PI MI fCIiELWIER Wacm - NG I'M Mi ER— muss Jas esprou A Bons' bread, a impostor article, for mile by nova W & M 6117 CIIKEIAEF),_ 75 CAliKri iiiii.pnueo *oda .vb. snd le casts Iliesehing Powder, strived per gap Ozeottradipti and now ecoung on by Canal, for sa blll by '• W& hl TCHELIitEE • N.B.—They will receive, deltritt the arisnat, large polio via Ng! , WNW{ PCI3. •SlPlSClitls MOTION. TO TEAOOKII.I3. ,E ROMSOR ClirePLEB DAVIE!Y has Jost pre paled a neer arithmetical wort. a .017 •et ertueh will 0 c presented to each and ererflgeher in the Vatted States. without charge open applicance to A. U. English & Ca, 79 Wood snitch Pittsburgh, (poet paid I The Work is cm ulet, O RAhl:llelft fEP Or, An .analy ma of the Lers,oige of figures ant Pei •. enee of laurrstiers... The following notice tis copied lone the now York Tribune of Jam vdosat-- • „ °GROOS. or Aarnotalw, TT (time, pp. 141.)—1a this work the lamgesreir of figures, and tut.raCllollnumbeno, are catenary analysed. The alphabet, composed of ten figured—the swords de Weed ben the alphabet:and the lasts by which the .hgurea are connected with each otherato clearly explained. uTies analmis shows that there orb bit loin hum fired: Mad eighty eight elernentary Combinations in Arithmetio s each corresponding to amend of oor cont emn; tangelo.; end that these , combinations aro so c.m.Mml together str to be all expressed , by only rixty three diterehtwoole The smite% proposes to comtnit them wordiso namootys rate.. read th ° results instead of spelliegithens. mt. piractincd. "le imother respect the system propose.. on import ant change, namely: to et miderand treat all fractions as entire things, having spinet Malian io the unit oNs, front which they were dented: We ac.areely need say that; tbis litnework evinces the ingenuity end skilful mtalysia forOrlikki Professor Davies' wilting on this starker are luny eclebraled. We commend at to the attention of minefield teachers. , believing that they will find It crowded with new , and valuable naggemons • Fenn the Preen:wear Walt Point. “Mama. ACLIMIT O. U. B. Wince:Porter, lan.fir. "The Ornmmtr of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, presents the subject it a new lista It so analyses Arithmetic as to impress the mind the learner with the best principles of tuathecnstietil science In toeir right order and connection, and the hew inks for the rending of bermes are of great practlesl valne. signed, W. U.C. Bartlett, Prof. df Net t El. Phil. A. F. Church. Prof of hiatherrodies. Lb U. Mahan Prof. of Eighteering.” In Pram. 1 A.S. BARNES ACo. would resphitfally mahout. to teachers, and to all Interested inf.msdhematicil unction, that they will pUbLish, on, or berme the hat or Almelo, thdp, th e following 110 i THE - LOGIC AND UTILITY OA — ATITEMATICS, Or, an Analyses of the Principles Of the Science—of the Nature orate reauminp—and Of the best Method, (Imparting I.tmetion. By Chits. Davies, Author of `A Complete System of Mathematics." N. B.—A. S. Barnes B. Co., art the publisbers at Dunes' System of Mathemelles. , For sale in this city by A.B. ENGLISH B. Co, No. 70 Wood street feb77 • Footer's New Ethloplais Melodies. GWINE:to Ron all Nigh; Dolly Clay; Daley Jones; Go down to do Cotton Field; Nally was • Led), Ao. ALSO: j Be Kind tette Loved Ones at frame; Row thy boat lightly; True LoveS by T. Hood; Our way across the sea,drall A new medley song, by D. Coveyt; Jenny Gray, mum by Muller, - Joy. Mal were crowning', Wedding Moth; God bless the hardy marine. Sohn !kill Waltr. Couseript's Depirmre,by 1 C. over; Bounds trout Dome; Wanes. Sleyermarldwbe Co; Lan Rese of ftmmer, any varatiorw by Herr United States Polka; Wits' Sobyerdr Polka; Coto Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Cetwaies of Italy; Matta Trios, tr.e. low imam:awn of New Milo on band. to which additions are made weekly. ' ror sale by teldS iI.II:ELLOIC. St Weed NEW BOOKIE . . E WAIL "SITU MY3lCOiby IL S. Ripley; 9 Tvolo. Dements of Rhowrici eomprteng Anolyels ort tho Laws Moral Evidence and: of Persoacon; by Richard'WhAtely, Estay]ort Chrlsuon Bepttimi by Dapttst N 0404 The 0111 Ivies, a Novel .: .- Fairy Sales, from all Nationls tt Anthony B. Mon talba; With 21 Mast=does by Day . . . Janreedby 101INISTMIA STOCIZTON, dell) . earner Turd end Market etreev .. New dual Ziegasaf, tilfir. Dookst ACRRD SCENES AND COAFtACTERSt by J. T • Headley, with airmen anginai design. by Darley. Pocono and Prose Wiintiga, by s ttlebani D. Dana; S made • 5 Illemituded Gems et Seenid Pciiry, with tla Glum dons engraved on etre!, by John Sartain. Just received by JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, deal earner fel uud Market ses. law Doessis PHYSICIAN Aria reTiElTlV.rwiPmetical View of the mutual ditties, relatierik and interesis'of the Medical Prlxession and the CoMmimity; by Worth. inkion Hooker, M. D. Tao Works of Mlekael De blOntalkee,• comprislag hls Essays, Letters, he. py Wnt, Hazlett. Nineveh and to Remains. By zAnsten Henry Lay •ard, Ere, D. C. L. Glimpses of Spain; or ;dotes of an Unfinished .Tott Ih 1147. By S. T. Wallis. Tapper's Proverbial PrOlosophi, new edition; illus. tooted. Just revolved by JonNsrori k.grocrrox, noy2l comer Market and Third streets 11349.501 LAOCKWOOISS nzungeteo minced Books—Boobs in *lily carved Linden iliurtnuated and illustrated—Boo. superbly bound Velvet. Silk, bloroeco, and Cornjiositioir, m united; of the Middle Ages—Bath, and ?toyer Books, bus tifully hound in Velverind Morose° magnificently ••• • ••• • rued and illuminated. Fqr sale try JAM 5 4 D. LOCKWOOD, G't== Christmas and New Tsar Approaeldagt ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, in ifsg-niikent Antique Binding, for the Boliikrirs. j'AMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller set Importer, rd weal street hes received a heamitst collection of Illastreted Books, bound In We most splendid man ner by the best London and druet.ean binders—among them may be /bend: , , r l'ems of Amen: • Veretryi tcordricently Illtunitta Z'tMEMtEE= colons. Wordsworth's Greece; riehlyillastrated. • The r teacher illamuuded ty Owen James, and hound canted ;rood- The Song of Bones; illanalustid by Jones. Flowers and their Kindred Tboughts;lllueolnated by Jones. I krona" of Shatspeare; illustrated. Mrs. !seneson's Chunteterisuea ot Women; Iliusna led. For sue by !AMES 1) LOCI:WOOD, dell , r 0 Wood street mac= • . • . . D EDBURNi Ms rust Voyage, by llamas !Saltville .1.1 , calk. of "TYPea." "Omocw &a. history of Kins. Alfred of Eag,land,byJaeotribbott• with fine engravings. Si demi& Ma Barcena.; II Wtt. Meinked& H JO &Turf rp OTOOKTON. non corner Thtril and Market streets "Ono of the /Ma Rcroorlish4 Mirk, of the Age' N!NEWELL AND n'd RESIAINS; with an accomt of a visit to the Chasolsan, Christians of Knobs tan, and the Ifecidls, or DexibWorahipmsi and an . !Kuhl Into the Marcum and Arts of the Ancient As. tViniari p artito " ry t'L Nit ' LryFir itottlion D :D C. . LLD. Unraveled with 1 plates and maps, and PU, wood eats. vols. five. cloth, 01,50. "The book has arare ampule& of graphic, vivid,plc merge. narrative it—Tnlicos "The work ofLeyard ill the mist prominent tonic!- to Me study of atalquitn that has appeared (or many years."—Christ. Log. i , .NOlOl,O excels In interest the account of Nineveh and its Rains, given by alr.LoyariLo—Nashington "As we follow the diggers s.aa, breathless Interest In their excavations, ace suddenly hod uanelva 0 be fora a MOMiTlf figure carved With ;Min . We 7, I now lifung Its gigantic booth from dm dust of :atm years, we are ready to cry ata With the astonished Arabs, 'Wallah, it D wonder! but It to tree''',ln• dependent. For cabby novt6 .IA-IFISIN D. LOCKWOOD • 1:1 Wood' al •• ew cask, rIMIE WOMEN of the Oldrd New Testameut. I. Edited by E. B. Sprague , ' . D.,1 vol. Imp. 13V , ... Vir,lltn b ;r a i d antr r'" . " PCIEhLS Y 181 1 1.1.14 Met, Welby, of 8y.,) a new and enlarged edition, indurated by engravings from original designs by 'Wier. 1,0, square Soo., elegant ly an d and gilt. Also—A !timely of spleedid als and Gift Eloks. Sewell's Child's First Book )if the History of Rome. I vol. 18mo: TklE. MECHANIC'S ASSI6TANT, Mugged for the use of Carpenters, ShiparrigMa, IVbeelwoghts,Eavv. fees, Lumbermen, Students, and Aftilalgeoerally: being thorough and practical Treatise on Wns... non and the Sliding Hale. fly D. ht. lager, A-M. Balm% Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. Oliendatfre.Elementary French Grammar. ByFrof. Greene, of Bream Universltl,- tool, 18mo. Rominter, , s Gesenlus , ((shrew Grammar, by Conant. Gesetuns , Hebrew Legicod. Loomis , Trigonometry and;Logirithatio Tables. 1 vol. (sheep.) The Englishman's Greek CMieordance. 1 voL (mtut- Anthonts Classical Series. , , Webster'. Dictionary, reviled cd: 1,01.8,0. do, do unabridged. 1 vol. 4tot Barne's Notes and Questions on New Testament.: Whately's Logic. hloshelm`s Ecclesiastical ',Craton% 3 vela, and 3 vols. (sheep.) Vestiges of Creation. A vailerao. Monengs,moong the Jesuits at ROMA 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) . Scenes where the Tempter; has Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Hogue. Tl4COlogical Le ellittS. 1 vol.' Svc, (cloth.) Aider's , Pronouncing Bible: Boyer'aFretich Gistionari. Smart'sdlorace. Foe salerby id HOFICLNS, novl3 . Apollo Bundles& Fourth at- . VEW DOGES - JUSTEAWVIII).—Tbe worse. Al Montaigne, edited by H. Heir.htt, eamprisin; his Fesno, Letters, and Journ . pirgh German/ . 81 Italy, with notes from allttua coassorsdftolltoPh . Mal and flibliosraphical N cc., fro. Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Metiers and blethods of Good Sellool•Keeping, by David Plage, A. M.,Paincipal of the State Normal School, Lamy, N. 1. Frank Forester's Fish amt. Fishing of the U. States and British Provinces of NOM Ammo& be Henry Wm. Herbert JOHNSTON STOCKTON, _nose .risir 'Mini and hielkel!t___s The Oldagi Time. TAMES D. WeltWOOD,'Uookseller rind Impbrmr, fl No. 113 Wood street, has for sale a few coalescent. Plot; tam remmeder of the edition) of this valuable work, detoted to th e Preserkation el Documents, other anthentiel infotmationfrelating to the duly I P ero t: Z i n o : f ie; :h c io.‘l7:e b f7t i tt ' o e n' O OyodhiliaPe.,"Lly..7A e*elfelbll.7lCunraii:4! J. D. LO . ns , . • VOLSTINTAIIraCyc - s, A iiun t riodtt li aireer s.... ef ti m e; At, Liberty of other Aneltat kbott, Eaq. Illustrated vidtl4 calm! et Rome 2 vats, deo,/ onifotnl with YroxoßY, historical Winks. Jut publishes! siMbY mmi j u e L mEs FA;tll4l ir.F-NiuLE.7 'FEAR, CONSOLATION.i book im "11 ' "' " Vo i n 'l o; its anther thin sae had formed . meet Mete , ° V. o th n , eirittrigs. lidisplaysa &soca wne ° from 7 7.., °4 1 ": ir d 0r Arartmo P ro @ lle m.n eemai Y M e min" of r .,721,17; ;Ware acquetated. , -Eve, e very a‘mtesible upftteadable book, writisaln, g..mbles uest sell Id, spinted. lad eaer. '77v. We recommend itto oat readers O s the best p"bleition of the aeason.”-gleading,Go2. corium. the Journal oil travel through urope, and residence In taly; sad 4, nee of the plermantest end roost Interesting books the senson."—Cons. and Dniestr. nA very ehanteterietleboilr. We have read It from al e Mt to Colophon with *abated intern:. A eh vet pmts., of . hfi, P.M*. '%, 11 1 all respects eminently retemble.v—hmekerbovirtu For mole by .TA L SIM D LOCKWOOD, now l 3 tonkstriared ImpoTter, al Wood et _ _ Unbolts .n ' Ovv•ro. 301 BOXRd. daperier Bonne' Ribbon', Alto 70e do, Mower" of all Ilia latest and most (titian. alne SU let, read ILI, day at A A MASON &CO, . , Marl:eta B 4 3.-70,000 In sugar cured roams, Jas LPvalet mak% for sala • . all BELLASH &NICOLA 110,420 ED & .• D AAA ••A •• ilVzotnalag• Urcilt•es AND D1E...13M 111 eiterrs,DgarMACCEPTANCES.GOLG,IIILVF2I AND BANK NO'llst. COLLECTIONS.-1 Not and deerptances payable In any pan of 1,1,0 Union.eolleeted on the most. favorsble terns.? Y . ' MC-LANGE on New Yore, Medfield% theme; -Ise, Cincinnati. Loulainllo, Seine LDab end New Orleans, constantly for sale. GANG NOTES...—Notes on all solvent banks la th e Vnital Soles diseonnird at tha lowest nut AG li e d. of Foreign end d:r..etie. Gold and Sllver Coin bough and sold 01E63 N. di Market meat, between 3d sad th Pitubnatc, Pa.. at= _ - - • • • • PILIA on Enaland, Ireland, end EU otland bought any amount at the Current Raw. of Exchange. ao, Drafts pavablo La any out of the Old Commie% from:El to &CIA at the rate of IFS to the, Ittlerlina, without deduction ,or &secant, Or JaSIIIIA 1t0111.3.. SON, European and Geniral Agent, often nth et cu. door west of wood. . • oetIEU WAD cossista lA i ll inward, emus Eli fi BARN, TISANXERS AND EXCHANGE DFOKF3IB. dealers JIGIS in Foreign Ind Domesdo Dills of Escomtge. Cess tificales of Deposite d , Bank Notts and Coln, comer of 3d and Wood Emus, directly opposite St. Charles Hos tel. . Ins —2 I WIZSTIVIN FUNDS— ! , kautliel7; , metuad u Oa lowan ram, iv/ N. ROAM a. SONS, - 35 Gimlet area: Constaisli for nib bp, N. 1101..1t1Z & SONS. wPI9 Ti Mattel r. )11SCFAJLANEOUS, mortals Jr, tuknoti,rn, D VetiFYING DISTILLSRat, and tels - hng Wi no LL flerobanut, East side of the Diamon.l,Yin,bargh, are .new offering at the very lowest price, to - 'cash, Renuf,oll.l,Vhistey,.tila sod Doming, litandyl'also., French. Brandy llolland win. Jamaica taw ruts, Lon. don Oin, !mat/4114r y. Flom, lee. Pont, Shout, Ma• demo, aanyagne, Claret, Nos. tuft. Mi reiPe and !Arbon Wines Wholeralela ActelL ,mra %Vrapping Paper; Crown. Median]. nod so ab urowii sae. errata Wrapping Paper; Crown. Methuen, and Doe.le,!.Uciwri Post Office raper; raweboani..te. do. W fiIARSIIALLEIS Wood et. ...gent for Clinton Mill.. ZOT 101 C. JOSIN - WAIT & Imo removed their gook of . rooeties to the opponuo e!do of Libcrty et. AIiTCMAN IN AMERICA—Hot wort and' her re. VT Ward. By J Malntos&amhor 0 1 "Charms & Coantarchatms.s "TO won, and to be." I vol Lousy Day. Pfmehltta, No I:—The present woe. Dr Thomas Canyste. . CsarMres.4—tdomairs of LIM and Plritines of Thos. Chalmers, D.; L. L. D. Protections on Bolter , . Amatory, Paley'aßvldences et Christianity. and 111111 a n d Divinity, with trio' In to and fog. Addressee dolmen:4 in the Now College, Edlubanyis, by. Thomas Chalmers, D. 0, L. L. D. Ivo! 12olo..: • • - • • CALmft'—Life ofJOhn Calvin, compiled from anthen- , lteeoardes, and particularly frem ins comoipondouces. Hy Thoenta II Dyer, swath portrait. I sot 12oso. For sale by R HOPRINS.. epel TO Apollo Buildings, Fourth Deafrione Cured. Freon the New York Tribe.. AFnitaiDi =no.. word is man reliable, and who .has,aoposaibla lints:est in the master, b at one of gratltadoideliree as tn,ray, thee tie has been curd of inveterate deafuers A tif the use of eticarfaisCombound seeaustepiLe a Ptutadelphla medicine, whien is am lot sale lahthis clip, but which he thinks ought m for the eaglet at the efiliefmL He has a sister who baa also bet rthoiett by h. Ile arretnlT wiWw• oil who are miferilig,fiom dr.:n(1.13,m try this remedy, wills or. aseuranaMaist, tulless the case he estraordinarTi the exocrialeflt will prove aheindentla saccersial. roe saki* THE PEKIN TEA &CORP., ' 70 Fonnh at, Plitsbenit `. li ' Combat Combs! nn GRC ., O5'lll:p r Polka; 10 do do.very floe; h r ‘j 2 4 52 ' iO. r„ 4 1 . Polka; Hon.. Redanan 8 • ,",;. " Poet. , Combet 602 " 0 Vi'ot,d " ' 1060 do aektd One No 32 "' Shall Side Cermbe,• 10 ~ 4 I ever large Stades. . :. .adi gloss ail`d Side Combr redd od for •010 by 1e.23 ; C YEl.6kltt. ta n d Market at • Buff BoHandl Buff Holffutds • • TAKE W. Meolletock hos Ws day feeciaal severaleases of the finest and bantling Window anlbusd, to which be would most tespectlt call the atltetioa of tds ennemers,.and the public el An gene jp•liasl`et Ware Foams, 75 Peofth st. 14301 • A. GUITARS, lost reed from the elet,imed mbaufnotory of C; Martin; 'lnd for 1 , 1.1 , by kap • 11. M 111.4,011., 81 Wood id. • • Book. Jost. TEE Complete Work,. of Joho Boom; It vol., Ovo, in I Vol, Illmarated; mmlin alb and• Kilt edges. Mitchell% Ulbbeal end Sabbath School Scopaphy, 'a new work; 1 sot, P2mo. Town'tAnalysis .ad Speller. . I.lle oflolan Q. Adams; by Wm. 11. Seamed; 1 Vol, limo; =Oahu Poem. by ARA !lemma; I vol,l2mco_mvllm apt.. South's Dermona—Sermons preached upon several oecaslonm , by Robert South, D. D.; • new edhion, vols. inebadmg Posthumous Discourses. • Sime-t4 euep, csarm ovo. Far sole by . R. HOPKINS, Apollo Doildlega. Fourth at. EAGLE VOIINDELY lOWA 100I60IE00 O. tr. a. rl eri Tr Erg geed, v 1 iT "TO to VTO7 iZ11:0 C 2 ' rg i k; tau public generally, that they have rebuilt the kla, OLL. FOUNDRY and aro now in full operation, aud have part of their pattern:, rendy far the market: Amoagst which arc Cooldng Stoves. Coal sod Wood Stoves, with a splendidair-tight Coal Store, which I. now supeicedlng In ether cities the common round Stove. Also, a cheep cool Cooking Stove, well tutor.. tcd for small families, with a full assortment of com mon and mantel Grates We would papieularly the attention of persons building to call at out Warehonsvbefore purchasing, and examine • spmr.did articles of etiammelled Grates, Washed to fine style— entirely new in this market. ..Wareboase, No. Ihi Liberty st, opposite Wood at analtanlN NICHOLSON 4c PAYNE 7 — PlVl r 9llO/3011 lIIPOIXTATIONS. YEA.GF.IL Iceporter and tt,sholesale, Dealer In. C FANCY.AISD VA ItINTV GOODS: Sign of the Gilt Comb, Led Market at, Pittsburgh, Pa. Westem Merchants, Pedlars, and others virgin; Kaaba/elm purchase Goods, are remedially invited , to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eu ii.hiAmericaii, French and German Fancy Goods. Air ForclgeGoods at this establishment are Import ed OirCat by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from first hands. I have thelargemert.. mann of articles, in the variety. line, in the st city oi pittsburgh—all oT which will be sold low for cash or pity ceceptances. ,Tbe Stock consists., in part, or Lace Goods,lloslery, Gloves, Ribbons. Bilk Cravats, Shoe imd Patent Threads,Bewirg Spool CottOn, , Papeca,•Somenders, Buttons, Pins, Net. dies 'and Cutlery. Go.d and Silver Watcher, Gold Jewelry, all Lase! Draft cli,'Combs and Hamra . Pcreassion Gips, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk tr. 1 CottoaePorscs, Spectacle*, Steel Pena, Mello Dore!, ' Carr ,Bags and Baskets. • Shrimp, Findings and Trimmings. and Fatty Gaol* together with a large stria !ty of Fancy aptl Staple DRY GOODS. it also agent for the celebrated Las 'easter Combs. .• • • • Great rasialab . M.••••slY , FORCoughs:Colds, Asthma end Consufhptionl GRENP ANISObILY REMEDY Ibr the career-the above disc.., is the CUM.:ARIAN BALSAS! OP 'UFA di...oven:kr by. the ceichramd Dr. Ilketten, of .London,Pngland,And introduced into the United Stem 'ander the immediate superintendence of the Inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, In M.. 'cans' of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the 'Agent In soliciting for yea:meat the warm powlble sesthet can be female the community-cues that seams relief Meath from any of the common macaw• oftr, day, and have been grace up,.tyllipuO.T-r,.F. . The ___•±_., J ~ l:physicians as confirmed and . ., user :an Balsam has cured, and vedl care, m of cases. • It la no mama nostrins, but • atitttde Lis ; jeentateract the consumptiva il c a di et n • 11? core . be, le be used as, la proveoure , ,_ colds, <Ought', opining of 7,•• cheat, irritation and soreness or the lames, ry vas difftealry of breating.tPe=t4' mien ar.d general deathly, e ugh unborn m ~_ ' , ' Suld in bottles, en PeT ." I •l'siet.' dliss4 noes for the restoration of health. Paniphiets, mutimini•g •"" F.alts ,weandinpdg, Lae* cemdemes, and other evidueue, ° equalled •merits of this greut.Ealtlrelt ko l h s obtained rif 'ha A ft gent!. of and , s ‘ ti . o 3 6 .. Y ., , , ,,t x , A FALT E 5 - rth-', , ,,, & j eer:Art .o4. H iiirr AUAL C 3 UCaIIretYRUP. 7 -IUVIM, 1,7 Nenues Ws Ist • rms.'s - caw:4 March yr, 1617. Mr. Sailas• — lo,i,••tlue to you imd ynumiteen, parable Cough Syrup, g leave to maw, for Melte.. eft of .the' It wife has bees sclera' times atdoted - .mu • west:M..l4mi coati , . p.iaj chased, la JaauerY less, a hottle of your byres, o ne coogn twek mouths • atanding..Aboai one • thatsince. Me ees.gb seemed, and wen so micro that she could barely move, from wax teem In We breast; 1 mat for one tattle of year Cough Syrup,end a pert of one bottle eared the tough leave the 004e1 a journeyman Who Was severely afflicted, who had, use his OW• words. 'eaten encash cough candy to care all thb pcuine m Patsburgh,. if' the candy had been as goal us reoresented. Yours, respectfully, Amer , D. Erman. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLA:R.S,N Word street, and' aold by . geuerally la the WO elties.• este • A.LLYCIIIICAY yr. SITIMI BLIND, . I _'. ' " ' AND CAtlifibrr WA.'1.11.0014.i, ;, 1 i fully inform the publie, - thsfhei keeps on hoed alas stand on the,. . west aide of the-Litactiond.Alle ..i beny eny, a complete atsert , /'. . l. A. nR WN woeld ~,ix ,i - and of Vmullan II lil M inds; also Ve• . d. Shutters are made .01..3 der in the best style, tverriutted . equal to any In the Limited Stases, • Ilts Minds ean.he reams ea worsl Old the aid of a .CM... al:.*" ., • Haling purchased Itt • gear, tools, and weed of the eablnete_tl. lablishment of Kamen& ?. I '''' . land,' I am prepared to arsOti _ thee, old customers at aeli.to the public, at lathe, with every thing in their Led. - Ana M ? No *ood street, Pittthalgl lir , uita.r. j • TCST reed, to elegant plain Rosewoods OLP'. from the celebr ated manufactory or NT° . CLuk, N. Yl, of supe rior Luse, and verY aodenta V.` For sale by , • 11. KallEa del9 ' at J. W. W cc!dr WiLLIAMS'IVOR7 PEARL TOO7ll PO; Itil/ for removing Tartar, Searvl Canter Au" oubstancee destructive to the Teeth'. itis del MM. the taste, cleausing the mouth, healing 0 4 Mg the gums, and verifying dm breath- For sale, eel eiesate and retail. by• ' R SELLERS. 57 ITmad et wxreitic s c nmPET MAN ri r Ert Yr Just res , d, an inyolee fal l ie trek , ' kW. ,10 wet Watches, IS carets She ruses, which IC. aeu low as thing and thirty Iwo dollars, and warranted i keep good Unse, • , at/so—Alsplendid. [moment of /EMMY, cow bilsttns tbe varlom JAM latest styleaaakbattPaiktrt: TUL es SON, Watchmaker sad Jewid, ! 001 Prgisrgillulooll7o/111mili; L i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers