THE eITTSBURdH GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO Eni==23l FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 15,1550 /37•nnersnas are asueruy requested to hand fc hos favors before 11 e r. and aa early in the darns lracdaable.. Adrerdsements aol insetted for a sped.. ad time will invariably be charred antil.ordaul o• 0131Ccioran s—C. W. Immo, No. HPRI4OI,I ./1141 alliallllll3, IS eat meat for Oa thy. elivenisemeig, wad saberriptkros handed to him 'mil. reeeiro prompt am:ton. PHILADELPHIA 110IITEI ANIICRICAIG Adeerdeeskeras ILUdvabsenpuons to the Noith Am•r as Lla United States Gesone. Pidladelphia, received nd forwarded trout We °Sea ETRE:B NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL fSATIER.S In consequence of the press of matter on hand sad the Mebane of several of our cempeatere,.. ate compelled to lay over a huge number of ad. vartieennents Intended for to day'a paper. Pros DOLLAILI RXICIII.—For several mornings put, a huge comber of mu daily and weekly pa pers, have been stolen fmm the pram, or packing room, of our office. We will pay the above re. ward Cr any coformatio4 that will lead to the dis covery of the thief or thlives. Hoax or fizrvaz N P nary meeting was held last evening, at the looms of the Board of Trade, in reference to establish. lan g s Hone of Refuge in this city. It was re. wind that ■ formal meeting of the citizens should be called, through the papers, for Tuesday everting next, on which occasion Judge Patton hen, at the solicitation of the Bawd of Trade, kindly eared to prepare a report on this important subject. It is -11 IrldersUol that the Legislature stand ready to aid It by an appropriation of twenty Eve thousand We learn'tly despatch from Harrisbargh,that the proposed amendment to the Constitution. giving the election of the Judiciary to the people, paned the Lower House, by a vote of 87 to 3. It has nicety paned the Senate. Mamas Presousz.—The editor of the Tribune haabrien r lately indulging his readers, is his peon• liar style, upon the onboard the Peat Office print. log, and assigning reasons why it we, given to the elaxeue. We are not disposed to 'petrel with him, ipon this subjeet, as we presume the public. wall properly understand the muter, notdithstsnd• lag the statements of the Tribune. The editor, however, makes one deelaration, in his paper of Wednesday, which we deem proper to notice.— He sap— t. Besides, the Gazette left no stone unturned to obtain the printing. One of the proprieton, backed by the member from that district, Laid seige to ev er, department, worrying the secretaries until, in very self defenee, they gave what was asked, in order - to get rid of this eager persuasion .° • Now there is not one word of troth In this. It Is true that one of the propriaors of the Gazette was In Washington, shortly after the coming in of the present Administration, during which time, in company with Soar or five Mffrobers of Con. green, he'had one interview, of about ten min utes duration, with the heads of the different des permeate, and, also, with the President. This was the entire amount of his worrying the some. Caries, or the President. It is true that he did 'A dresse brief letter to each of the departmentsAt their tartest, in reference to the advertising patronage of the government, which is the customary wane pursued under every Administration, and was adopted by the Whig papers Groushout the coun try. This was di the effort made during the two days sojourn of the parson alluded mat Washings ton. We do not presume the editor of the Trite bane would willingly state an uatrath, but, helier tainly allows his pen ollen times to use the largest sort of freedom In its declarations. limns Fs= Nmeeentr.—We paid a visit to this fine Nursery, One day this week, and were mach gratified in examining the extensive collet. tion erre= house plants, fruit and shade trees and evergreens. The collection of evergreens. for number, variety, and beauty, exceed any we have ever seen, and afford to our aubturban citi zen' a cheap and reedy mode of ornamenting their grounds. Messrs. William fin James Mur dock, the proprietors, have manifested no little enterpriie and chill in bringing their tamer, to such perfection. Those who give them a call will find them most obliging and attentive, and can• not fail to be gratified with the fine collection they have to offer, which will be still (tuther - inmeased, on the return of Mr. James Mirdock, from Eu rope, where he has been travelling during the lest winter, for the purpose of making extensive addi tions to their present collection. 11= Few people in Pittsburgh have the least idea of the immense system of rail roads contemplated, and in a pratess of construction, in the States wean et us, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Muds, 41 0 1 which are the natural markets for Pittsburgh pro ductions. We .have endewored to' keep our readers advised of 'the magaitude and rapidity of the rail road - movements of the West, and of their Immense Important"' to the people of this city, bet we'tear, that we have hitherto failed to make that imPresidon that we desired, or which Ls cont. menntrate with , the direct interest we bays at wake. It Is our FaLiOie; however, never to in termit our labors In this behalf until Pittsburgh is Indissolubly connected with the vast an &immense ly valuable market, within her gimp, both by rail toads and intimate baziness : connections. Then, and only then, will the daili:jor our coming war inertial and mancifacidliorireathwe dawn upon us. • Yesterday we had. the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the Hon. Albert S. White, of La fayette, Indiana, President of the Lafayette and Indianapolis Railroad: Lafayette, as many of our readers know, is a doruishing iown en the Vs' bash,some 'qty or, eighty miles' above Terre Effete, and in a north welt -lire:akin from Indite.: spode:. It etiOys steam boat navigation during moat seasons of the year, and the Wabash and Erie decal plumes though it, and it is the centre of the most fertile districts of Indiana. Its trade in grain sue pork, and other agiieultural preslue. linos, is now very heavy, and rapidly lncreaslor The lafayeite and Indianapolis Roil Road will be abort sixty miles long, and inch is the Lvora• blo charamer of the country, that it can be graded and bodged for $2OOO per mile, on an averse. A c0:v.46 . .61e proisirtlon of it is contracted to be prepaied for the' Supentructare for $l2OO per mile. It is contemplated to lay down a flat rail, for the present, and Mr. White has visited our city for the purpose ef, effecting contracts, with our manufacturers, for the iron. - We hope he may be succeisfoL, It will tend to increase, still more, our heavy business with Mit part of Indiana. 1 1 is expected, when fudged, that the road will not cost over idx thousand dollen per mile, almost a miracle for cheapneas,which meat make the mock extremely productive, and, therefore, very tabs able. This void adds another link to that chain of nil roads' with which our westhrn road will coo. nett an It will be finished by tha,linte we have cars yenning to Indianapolis, and, probably, Wore, sad thus give a direct mil toad oonnection with Lafayette, and the futile region of which it is the =atm It will do snore than this, however, it Wets us on our way towards Chleagonnd one new and feasible !onto to Springfield, Illinois; 'Ara to St. Louie. Of this, more hereafter. Srsarnte F/IVIT A YEW. Onnescis.—We are pleased to loam that • lei l Is before the Lerida- . tore, mating the stealing of fruits, dowers, stc.. (tom orchards and gardens,t,a penal offence, to be punished, on:conviction, by imprisonmetd. We dope It will pass; for ft limuch needed. We nes er could see the justice of leaving property more 'mood Mon almost any other, and on which touch time sad labor is spent, to the merciless re. pleitY ot.anprfoeipled boys, and still more =pen- Mided and mean men, without any adequate pre load= by statuary penalties. We hope the law will pi= It la greatly ■ large class afeitlseas, atul Is necessary for the preservation anis monisof the yoneg. ' Lamm as: EL, P. Haintra.—The Washigum cat nip:Or !fent 011ie Philadelphia Americsn stases ~ho it is alleidged was me tresilli.the.We' [Pint of ' large sums ofmoney from the ottlairied shrank the agency of fow pima fraadillettt papers, by been 'arrested in • •mi n st v ig,, mat renew onAis way lo Washington. •to answer a germinal utak-mind, which was laid berm, the paid PITY on Friday. Oecep.ll. Ratter, Fig., ha& kin appointed Costal at TriPAL , . The New Jersey Legtdatmo adjotmed at Fri ~ r .~.. _ - FROM ILLIIRMIBtMFEL (. .rn.pandene• of Ws Pthabardh Gann. Hatilsaittinn, Kara 11, 1830. Iv the Hor to der, Hr. Minn forret • 1• 80 °. from W cilium .tingling Crag, praying far tha pea• of • tan to rennin tb< loudio ato of iotoxicatia. liquor.. Mr. make r parr the romoortnittee of 24 Opine= of ALlegbetty Coeur, N 0... tht Dap.. Congo of Moira. Mr. bleCliotoa, road Oa hi. plaers,a bill to toearpon. a Cowry to neutron • road from Parervills,is Allegheay Camay. to Dort, in their Cooley. 711. Apportion:meat Mn ear up, whoa aa annenament armed by M,. Hop. to redoes lb. number of warns from Dauphin fro two moor, air considerable debate, ens groat r Taros Mbar ammulaiinta were propos.. by Whip, bat voifontlynated Own. The err. of the °gong is becoong Do onager that arrest dal of .z• neerotioa u legienkog to b. fill by the outnins, id I droll.. wain if-. hal some melting times yet, bears the aro oft. nor.. The Lon.= no.d like to pt op weather Bock.. War, no doabt; hat 1 thinking 8.11 he able to shuns the with real fort. TM &nate is oie 'Mildly brogan, rd dm priding akin is many isderaeleot, ri premed on much bye own otjaniesta4 propriety, that 1 as tally Manned ts look to the Irate for for warn direr of ea I. the dear., Mr. Dania, train th. Connoitoa oe. repor o. tie bill rad ia plus by his a fen dap op, rain to human is tlm city dinging, cod to k.- row mar to mina the only anal/lefty, without Moirod• anent. Mr. Dania .lao nulls kis Owe • 611 b isweeporw ukciatka tatablish • Mune( Haw to linstem P slittant. Mr= the es tuition of ?r. Fills, the Sates task sp tW bill from the limes entitled us supplement ts Uts set to sledidlt itsprtkairest for dad, sail puma& buds/sat ilsblora."— r EstVer sayhtised the objects of ties sad die net ehleif It luxe /sided to mod y. It use bitsoded to pretest Gem opus property kir ia Iniellalts period of kw. After this autism too the bill Ina rt. s tk4d Was slut wool. On sestina of &le Haps, the Bents Wei up the kill to tempi °autism, Executors, sat Administration , to re cord &sir sososats, sail Auditors to record their elopeeiti, whirl less rod s seem& ioed thlel that and Fused. • Sower& other load kith poor& mood owl goof traitor bat sothiog oho of gators' itoportaoso, or of atrial (atom to lour what orao does during the dog, For W PusahurgA Chaster Manus Enrroak—We promised to cins the law, from authority, defining •who are rioters." Thls is made an easy task by the athjolned charge of Judge King, of the Coon of Quarter Sessions, for the City and County of Philadelphia, delivered at the September term, in 1844. We have compar es . ad It with the common law authorities, and And that, so far so we are compent to decide, the lean:tad Judge has laid down the law according to its tine meanitiii:. •'lt is not necessary that any person, in order to bring himself into the perilous position Ws rioter, should be a alllef actor in the scene of ontrege.— The common law, founded on the teachings of centuries, holds that if any person, seeing others actually engaged in the riots, joins himself to them, and assists therein, he is as much • rioter as if he had lint assembled with them For that purpose; in as much u he has on pretence that he came innocently into the company, but appals to heel joined himself to them with an intention of eeconding them in the execution of their unlawful enterprise. And it meld be endless, as well as superdnons, to examine whether every particular person engaged In a riot was in truth one of the Grit assembly, or had a previous knowledge of their design. Every person who enceuzws, or promotes and takes part In the riots, w heth er by words, signs, or gestures,or by wearing the badge or ensign of the Mters, is himself to be considered such--for, fn this crime, all coricemed are principala. "One of the chief causes of danger in popular tumults, such es we have mu passed through, arises from the congregating, at the emu of out rage, oi mania:idea of pawns professing to be in fluenced by mere motives of cariosity. It is a no. toriotus feet; Mat in all the great riots that have, in this country and elsewhere, disturbed the coins munition in which they have occurred, and pow crated the laws, the actual mischief is done by atom pa/alive', GP, the strength of the meeting Wing composed of indlvuluals who am to be pawing specialism I say wese—for although in many in stances they. MO JO, yet frequently these same paWve spectators really are in cordial =kin of feeling with the more reckless spires. who do the work of destruction, but, Gm cunning and eau. tioo, abstain from apparent participation In their atrocities. Thil class of reasoning- rioters see quite conscious that their presence and quiet api• pithy embolden the active partissas, by mg Una confidence always derived boos a loge lt hinders. and amiantus Mo& CMS °qual alarms, ms in their efforts to rune* public at tus. der. No really well disposed citizen &Weld re. main et such a scene, unless engaged In old of the public authorities. Were all such either to stay away or depart, there would be Ws difficulty in dealing with the avowed offenders. The dread or injuring the innocent would not t h en paralyse the ministers of justice, and the eumenters and opponents of law would be arrayed in unequivocal utalia. "In adopting this proper course, such persona avoid placing theme-Ives in a poution from which they may And difficulty in extricating themielyea. For, in riotous and tumultuous assemblien,all who are present and not actually assistant to their .oppression, in the firm instance are, in prelacy. tion of law, participants; and the obligation is east upon a person so circumetanced,, in his defence to prove his • actual non.interterence. When, however, the sheriff of a county,- the mayor or a city, or any other known public conservator ache peace, has revered, in the discharge of his duty, to the scene of tumult, and theme commanded the dispersion of the onlawfal or riotous assembly, and demanded the asalscance of those present to aid in its suppression, from dot instant awe can do no noureetx The line •is then drawn Clemson those whose, for, endemic who are nelson inalo tenance °Corder, and with theforoes of the one or the other, all who see fit to remain, mud promptly arrange Maximises. These who continue look ing on while the active rioters are residing the public authorities, and daringly moving on to the consonniabon of thetr designs of deurnction— who refuge to join with the authorities. , and wit. nee their defeat withnut striking one blow In aid of outraged law, are jest as much rioters so this most active in the work of violence . and in sock circurnstancei it will avail them nothing dint they appeu only passive looters on, limed of lICSITO rioters and incendiaries? "When. 'Jeweler, an outherfol assembly ass comes a more dangerous form, and becomes an scout riot, particularly when life or property I. threatened by the insurgents, measures sore drive should be adopted. Citizens may, of their own authority, lawfully endeavor to rupees the riot, and for that purpossasay even arm themaelves, and whatever te honestly done therein the exit. ' notion of that object will be supported and justi fied by the common law. In the , great London :iota of 1790. thismatter =amuck misunderetocali as It clearly war wi th us. and a general petting. doe prevailed, that no Indifferent person could Interfere without the authority of a magistrate, In consequence of wide% much mischief was done, which might otherwise have been prevented. But, as was oluerved two hundred end airy peon age, by the judges who decided as to the right of citizens to arm on theft own motion, in suppression of dacgaraus nut, " it would be more discreet for every one in such a case to be arab& set to the justices and sheriffs in doing to." This Is equally prudent and sound advice at this time. For on Sheriffs and justices is the duty spootally cast, of conserving the. public peace. The very name of sheriff Indicates hisduffee, being derived from two Saxon words, um, that Is, shire or aunty, and um, keeper or guardian. He is troth by the comma and special commission, the keeper of the peace of the Commonwealth within the county, and any Neglect or calash= on his pan part in the performance of this duty to the utmost of his power and ability, subject him to heavy le gal liabilities, both clad and criminal. Of course, to execute each duties sad encounter such re• spouthilltlce, he must have the mean. Of com. mantling adequate physical force. For Warm pose every citizen capable of bearing arms of ev ery rank, descriptlont denomination, is bound to yield prompt °bathe cis to -his commatiel, -and . repair to meet him at y appointed place arena dezvous within the com This duty of the citizen Is absolute. He hunodescretion le the matter,and 0 be neglect or refuse obedience to the command of the sheriff requing his aid lathe suppression of a dangerous rice or other innorrectlonsry tumult, he maybe Aped and Imprisoned forsuch unauma• cy, at the thermion et the court. His obligation to come to the aid of the sheriff Is just as Impera. tive as that Imposed on the fatter to see the coo. nouoity suffer no harm from lawless licentious. new. Sot unless the citizen p.amptly responds to tda call, bow is the sheriff to act with effect His title and wand of °See cony no magic with them by whleh be sun overcome an armed mob. Thom who love law and order, should not shrink or hesitate In striking an honest blow for their pro tection, when threatened by lawless violence. When inch a timid and feeble spirit prevails, the days of the republic are numbered. This general duty, this. universal obligation, extends to;the citizen Willem who, in common with all other members of the community, are rei• quired to be assistant In the maintenance ofithe public peace on the call of the civil magistrate.— They are subject to the same penalties In case of neglect or ratosti to OPP.., as any other citizen summoned by the sheriff. They do not, on such occasions, act in their tee . teal character a• tam When assembled, they are but part of the sherill's pale, and act In sethonlination ea, and in aid of, th at °Seer, who is the 'mud reveal& ble chief of ill forzessommsned under his author tty. If the soldters act in any mane., not au thorized by law, they-are amenable for such acts not to the military but the civil law. In brief, ea to all rights and authorities, they stand on the same footing with the other citizens stoutnesed bythe sheriff, and composing with them his I pooe. " In our article, of Monday the Illtb, we cited the antloxitles *legatos the powers . sad' preetroder the duties of the Sheriff. We odeleteereta no opinion of our own, oar object only W.' , • IF to afar onr through your kindly ctned col* mane, that "that is the law,"sa laid do by those whose solemn duty It win, on Gemstone deeply necking loth° public mind, so to decline it, and to to define the relative dunes of the Merit sad alb sm. We will not wino time In dtersolag the in or onions of say man, when we lave Sbgou.tottbottly, still less hoes Of a man tag him.. f to escape from the consequences of his own • lodgment The most name-tin capon°. which could be made of the doctrines thought • be law by "Philandra," would be to republish • ether the whole Ave articles, written enz that afire, and as a key to interpret their shillings° • • ' us, and contradiction of opinion, and to me • out their weight of andarby the public, to republiah•at the same time the artt. cle written over the siguarore of Thom= B. Baird. Whether we are "our, reaper-Idle bar,or bench" is of little matter; we gave the authorities with • very kw remarks of our own, merely to connect the points, desiring no quarrel with the opinions et any mart, or set of men, we conclude for the present. Carina.—The papers Gum the Sarah West bring drestbul accounts ditto havoc now-making, in the Kissisaippl valley, by this fell disease. The Natchez Courier, of the 26:h att., my.. that .a few days previous, a boat landed above Natch ez densely Bled, with aaaaa families from Marty County, Gs., ell belonging to one neighborhood, and nearly all related by maniege. They were on their Ivey to leek a new home in Texas. The whole company numbered Oh including Ave cc. groom The Cholera developed Itself among them, this side of Vicksburg, and, on the 18th ult , ' gee man belonging to a Mr. Barton, died, then Mn. Sally Barton, Abel Barton, eon of Jas. Bar on, Ell Gentry, Miss Hannah George, Jane Gen try, Jaz. Green, John Green, and Elizabeth Green. children, Mr.. Elizabeth George, and bliss Mi. nerve Barton—ha all, 10 white. end I Gana. At noon, on the 25th, there were no hopes el the liGt Of another infant. The Natchez Five Trader, of the 27th ult., an nounces the entire depopulation of the thriving village of Trinity, in Louisiana, at the junction of the riven Tomas, Sleek, and Ouchita, thirty mile distant (tom Natchez. That awful scourge. the Aged° Cholera, descended upon the popula tion with a fatality almoat unheard of. Ten or Mehra phyaiciana resident there, or °ailed in from the adjacent country, were 4ly tale to sane • patient who had been taken Fiight wu the only safety for the well, and death only reigned in Trinity. bk.Soyder. Gannerly • resident of Nmetv. es, kept a bonding house there with 25 or. 30 boarder+, all of whom, who did not ran away, dick Mr. Snyder staid and took care of them, until the last one died, then demanded to the mouth nuked River, and he too died on the steamer going to Natchez. Arztv or the Osaiglia sad Empire City LATER FROM CALIFORNIA The U. S. Mail Steamer Georgia, Capt. Porter, arrived at Nev York on Friday evening. bringing 1 two weeks later adviees from California than those previously in our pcssosaion by tho way or New Orleans. The Empire City arrived OD illeturdas. The Georgia beings the malls of the California and Panama steamers to the 15th Jan., and let of February. She had about three hundred par unser, on board when she left Chaves, fifty of whom were landed at Havana,to proceed to N.O by the Falcon. No gold direct is entered on the menifeskal the Georgia, but the following =oust. were brought to the Lamas by the Panama, and a considerable portion of It is probably In the heeds of the passengers by the Georgia. . The rest of the news comes by the Empire City and Philadelphia. The =mutt of gold brought by the passengers ni the Georgia Is about $300,000. The steamer California which sailed on the 15th .January, brought tome $BOO,OOO which is on board the Geor gia and Panama. The Panama brought about 1300,000 to Chutes The Empire City bar near $600,000 in gold due on her manifest, besides which there is a large amount in the hands of passengers, which is not on the list. We have been favored with an abundance of rain doting the tut farullght, and the arms, al• though not absolutely impassable, are as near that undid= u you can imagine. The rainy IMPS this .T.M1.19.1:11618L1C0d two mouths either than usuaL and from this feet the ariseasees predict that the dry season •ill open correspondtuty MT. . . . The good in the Sacramento and its Whelan hat abated but little. Steamers run up the Yuba and Feather rivers, where several towns have been loutedrecently—the overdue of Sacramento I City inducts( people to resort to MOTS elevated sites then thou hitherto built upon In that vicinity. Marysville, an the Yuba, is one of the most dour. (shins of loose new towns. Nine days after the fiat tent erne :pitched sat election Ins held for the choice of an *aide, and 231 votes were poll ed. Non ruiner were excluded ; that is to un those who had not been on the spot more than three daye It this city real estate is bought up" and sold at priori really startling to those unaccustomed to "California rum" Rents have not doom!. aced, yet there seems to be • remarkable nos. nimity of opinion, that they " must come down." There has been a very great reduction le the price of lumber within the tau three weeks. and 1-have heard of several. cargoes being sold at S7S.per id, and in one =tame at 1170 per H. A number of Wok buildings *re gains up and give to the city a more substantial appearance than It before Some of the building are really very elegant and compare favorably with the majority or buildings in the Anlantic calm Palma full ape half of the papilla= of San Francisco live in tents. " Hap y Valley" and the bills surrounding are ell with these trail tenements, end as the ocenpants - pay no rent for the land seen which they locate their tests, they thus corona to live quite eanamically.— Board and lodging can be obtained from $25 to $25 per week. The news from the mines manna , amount. ging. Ali amoeba represent the miners as doing fall as well so at any previous tame. Indeed, the recent news is of such • character es to induce many people to stet hence for the diggings, not witatanding the almost Incessant rains and the bad condition of the rout. We have accounts form the mines as often as ones a week, brought by expressman, who mate down frequently for letters, etc., for the miners A lamp of gold, weighing twenty one-pounds , bats been picked up in the Southern mines, and reporting stories of lumps twice that weight Bed ready credence with hundreds who are hoping to get • few Jan such pieces. Within the next two mouths the emigration from Ws city to the gold region will be very emissive. Almon every other man is form. bur his plans to depart so won so the weather wall justify. Money has been bandy subentbed for the pur pose of sang as opposition line of steamer. on the Panama route. The sum proposed to be raised is si,ooopoo, and more than half that amount has &beady been pledged. Mr. Samuel Brannen is the prime mover in this pro. jeer. There will be plenty of Menem in moth er line. The harbor master has put forth a statement of the number of yenta, immigrants, eta, which have arrived at this port from the 19th of April, 1849, to the 29th of the present month. It Is inter esting and reliable, and I have transcribed it fir the Information of your readers. Within the time above earned 805 vessels ar rived at this part, of which 489 were American, sod MI foreign. American tonne 2118,459 for eign 55,809; total 281,238. These venelsbrought passengers as follows : Absericane„ 29,842 males and 919 females; larelguere, 8, 592 mice and 502 kmakts—lotal 39,08. This is exclusive of vends of war. Our harbor is still crowded with vessels. With. In the past two weeks a amber have sailed for the Sandwich Islands and the East Indies but do zing that time the arrivals have more than exceed. ed the departure.. None have sailed for the Gai ted States or Etutope.;,_ • A Ore bempany of fil ly two members had en rolled themselves at San Francisco. and sent an order to the United States for an engine of the fat quality, and the necessary apparatus ke the <sun. guishment of area The Empire City willed 25 • hours before the Georgia. The Cherokee was wail the same day, and the Philadelphia remained at the anchorage at Chagres. Among the passengers by the Georgia are Qat. Fremont: and family; Idwor VOOOP U. B. A., and Mr. Devoe, one of the Misers ef the Paige News The Ooeola no ashore OD the reef at the Navy Bay, and wee towed of by the Philadelphia, with loss of false keel, rudder, and started Weapon— would probably be condemned. The schooner Boom, from Philadelphia to Ca ves, ran ashore on the mar at the entrance of the harbor, and was a total lain Cargo saved ; sale. 41 41 7 1e 5 agt: e latae Is in sesaion at San Jose. On the 18th of January the House naiad passed the Homestead exemption Bill. The Placer Tans of-January 18th states that the deed was rapidly:Deeding at Sacramento City, and says: The tremendous mountain tomcats which have been ruling Into the riven stove must have had the elect of forming new hens, which will probably prove as rich as any yet dl,. covered. There have been smell Oakes of gold , found le oar meets within a few days past, and we saw .gentleman yesterday who bad washed out quite a .pele? on the Sacramento, not • quar ter of i mile from our office. Large umbers. have been washing gold within the lima of :our city; during the weekonthout any great deltree of acmes, however, this point being too remote from the mountains. The operations at the mines ware coatlneed with fall average moan. On the America Rim and no bradawl, as well es In the Ravine* and pleb es in the amintabas between them,thcee who work obtain from 95 to e7O per ay,when the weather will allow operations to be earned on. Gold Is band la the high banks of the rivers, and among the rocks, where no doe deigned to look for it in the dig season. It 10 believed there cannot Oa lees than tweaty thousand perms wintering In the mineral micas of the flecromanso and San 1 .;...;..''.:' ), .• . - .;,,, i2 2, , f., ..:,-, .t.z,.-.1 Dad odd ienend rood health pre- The Partite News up: "There Woo evoking:to yet of decrease In the product of gold or signs of =hangdog, but it is still described as rough Wore. Large. however, as is the emigration, there Is room for • hun dred times the number, if they only by of the roes surrariel." several shock. of an earthquake were felt at San Francium, on the 16th of Joinery; two oe. coned *born II o'clock in the monsingond a third at 1 o'clock, P. M. They were of several seconds duration. P13151,LvA.M.• Ce0.1.--The Harriaburgh Union At the Georgetown diggingi, a water:neat of one asys thousand wads, the placer Is said to be nearly ex. boosted. "The Pennsylvania Canal ie now in 'doe nevi. Provisions are selling at comparatively low pet. I.gehle (neer, and the line boots to Pittsburgh have ran at the diggings. Floor by the quantity, is rt.c. par sing through that borough heavily laden wiling et 25 cents per pound. Pork from 37c to I with dry gooda,gmeeties,hardware,,kc., on their ' 02c. Potatoes readily command 51,50 per pound.. way to tto West. From present indication., No other ooltetables are to be obtained. Oa the `there wt Ibe ¢ vety heavy =Oent of goods sent Middle and North Forke,the American.' camps 1 wastwo 1 through our improvements this spring, are abundantly supplied with venison.. both frr tr. Philadelphia and New York, as the At Hattgtown, near the South Fork, where New Ye , k meals will not be open tor the next about 5,000 people are quartered; although the five ore • weeks." anow has interrupted mining operations, the be. hef is prevalent, that the approaching summer will find the washings of unabated value. Lumber was wiling in Sacramento:City at $155 per M., • great reduction from former prices. Reuben Withers had not been taken but was supposed to be In the country. Some One new howls are being erected In San Franciecio. Theatres end stage compantea ore also orgenised In good style. The Law Courts are also much engaged, and "Police Reports" sod "Coroner's Inquests" figure largely to the news. paper.. Dr. McNair, formerly of Philadelphia, tel and broke his neck, lately, at San Fran. eisco, while in a Kam of exhaustion from dys entery. A city charter kir San Francisco his bees pre pared, and was to be submitted to the people on the 2d February. Thu charter is published in the Alta California, of February lei, but we have not space be a review. A meeting has been held at San Francisco on the aueject of building • rail road from that city to the Alining District, on American and Feller riv Col. Myers, recently absconded, after haying victimized many people to a pretty good intent.— Among the Muds which he abstracted was upward of a thousand drillers belonging to the aseaciation teethe relief of the poor, of which, through mispla ced confidence, he had been appointed Treasurer. A reward of $l,OOO was offered by the officers of the sixthly for his apprehension. A large piece of gold has been taken'out at the Boeotian camp, weighing twenty two pounds two ounces. It was afterwards purchased It? so Amer., Man and will be here in a few days. It contain.' four pounds of rock mimetic The moat interesting civil trial which has wain pied the Coots lately was the suit of Mn Farn ham against Captain Winmr, master of the ship Angehgue. Capt. W. left the plaintiff at Valpa rain, afar having contracted to convey her to San Francisco. For this Mrs. Farnham claimed 15,000 damage, bet the jury gave their verdict in favor of the defindant. On the motion for a new trial, the judge said that he nbonld grant it, became the plaintiff was • womth, and her character has been aspersed. In the meantime, Capt. Wins°, has willed on • foreign voyage. now Oalacm.—We have Mei of the Oregon Spectator, to the 29th November Inclusive. The paper of the latest data complains of the Loterests of Oregoo being neglected. The topics of its ed. tonal are mail motes and post offices. We are pleased to notice a reaction in the agri cultural prospects of our Water territory. Her ens liens are returning from California enriched by a summer or successful gold Ogle& and attention is now being directed to the settle. meet and Improvement of her broad and fertile lands. Every were and hovel, and every apology for either, in me city is oe.copied by some one glad to find a shelter. In September and October there were dia. patched from the Whetstone and Columbia rivers, 1.485,000 Set of lumber. the yahoo of which was 1185,000. Mechanical labor commands higher rates in Ore: gun than ever before. Carpenters an receiving from five to ten dollars per day. Mexerra—it will be noticed that there hat been a still farther advance iu the price of breadstuff,— Wheat Wu been stationary for a week at two dol lar. per bushel. The shock of groceries in this market, except sugar, coffee and tea, is very nearly unmated.— Sell, syrup, nal-emus, sulphur, and many other articles in &Grad-ant demand we , tibry scarce, if to be had at all, and command high ptioea A cargo of hallow ware, M.S. cooking otettstls, patent water pumps, ecc., would tiod good market here. Indeed, this market is far from being glutted by Ley kind of merchandise. Noaremi Pula Am Witsan). Sitcom.— Mt. Webster's spepalageouthainds a large altars of notice In the publia prt:as• at the Nortb. The following nom the Boston Traveller, of Saturday eventeg, I. all that boo yet come to hand from, Massachusetts. It is speakfag of the teleirraphio mmounn bt difficult to learn from it the exact bearing of Mr. Webster's speech. It represents hint as hay., lag and some things which we are not prepared to believe he did say, at team without material qualifications. Mi. Calhoun's general commen dation of Mr. Webstor 'a apemen, and partielarly his remark that •It was calculated to save the Union,' I. inexplicable. But the, report is not inch as tojustify any commenta" Tb, Boston Tranamim says. It cannot be denied that the speech of Mr. Webster but produced much aurprim and no lit tle diasausfaction among hi. friends Lem. Eves, the /Ulu admits air much as thin." The New York Tribune of Thoraday, has a long article on Webster and slavery. The speech is thus characterized: "We do not criticise the manor, of Mr. , Web ster's speech; we do not End fault with Its details; W that is of • minor consequence. It is its sub. stance that we pronounce unequal Mao 00011411)11 and unworthy of its author." The deelaramm of Mr. Webster that Northam State. and Mau citizens are morally bound to aid in the recapture of fugitive slaves is attacked, though the existence of such a demand on the face of the cotualtution is acknowledged- The Isw la, however, maintained to be in advance, or rather in contradictfen, of public sentiment', and there. Ries impossible to be executed. The N. Y. Express of same date Bays: "The speech will not and, we are bound in troth to atom, a fell acqolewnee of opinion at the North; but it throws a flood of light open the "Mutton of slavery—ln Its origin, progress, its ex istence in the Mined States and every. where.— We have alluded briefly, elsewhere, teethe powoo of the speech from which we dissent, and shall take occasion at an early day, to enlaige upon the reasons of that dissent, Gum the facts growing; out of the poonage of the Joint Resolutions for the admission of Texas." The %Weres liaioa praises the speech o , Mr. %Wet serf highly. Ole 801 l has bought an Islanctine Odee—le the harbor of the city of Christiansted, the ; south. timment port cf Norway. lied resides there with his family, a wife and three childree. He expected to bring out at Bogen, his native, city, this winter, some new dramatic pieces, interspersed with soup, dances, and music, and founded on the tradlthmary history of the ancient Norwegians. Oat of the grand total of 57,960,784 passengers conveyed by rail emu in England, during a pe riod of twelve months, twenty one only were killed, out of wham twelve met their deaths by their own caulesuicas or miaeouditet, leaving bat nine bone /its casualties upon nearly sixty mit. lion ventures, and giving the odds of more thou 0,00C,000 to 1 in laver of the traveller's ukty. Imo. F. Blum.— We are much gratified to learn from several °four exchange from the State of Ohio, that our old friend, John F. Beaver, Esq , la very favorably spoken of as the Whig candidate for Governor of that State. And we are tree to say, to our Buckeye friends that, after a long and intunateiacqualotanoe with Mr. Beaver, both pro frestonally end otherwise, they cam rarely fled a man better qualified In every respect 'to perform the duties of Chief Magistrate. Mr. Beaver 4 • truly self made man, possessing respectable talents,as of solid useful acquirement.— energetic in hneinen--warmly decried to bin friends and generous to a fault. As a lawyer, frer mertimer prepared a cause with more elfin, or fried It with; more tact and vigor, which his great mom and reputation is the western part of this Bude laity attest. The put which he took in polities In this State, was manly. and Independent; always bald, and fearless In expressing his principle; discuMlng all qaestiona which aline in his way whh muclecan doe and fairtns, founding his cancleisiona upon the eolid basis of reason and C0111i1:101:1 sense. And we repesd,that for true busineas habits, and Ind:. log perseverance In whatever luieldertakei,.he bas bat few equals. We would rejoice to see Mr. Beaver elevated to the Chief Magistracy of the Back-eye Sate. — Watmordast Itutilsgrnar. Ad' Boston, oo Wednesday, In the owooflan. Power U. the Pall Inver compaop. for dgmnitn fix ■ child clot/iota% iiitten 'by► RiocHioue dog kept or bettered by delendent,:tbe Airy re tmined a verliet for plaintlf,aseeentog damages at 023.01. Tux Wholesale Gmera had a meetloF st New "York on Wednesday, ' held lifiw'report or the committee akicinied to' consult with theimport era or rice on the subject of Inuolucing the cus tomary tare of twelve per .cauton the rice to ae• tool tare.. The meeting resolved, dud, after the later April, they would deal vilth uolxidy who did net adapt actual tare,. In 1639, the present &Amor Fremont was ■ Brevet Second Lieutenant of Topographical Engi. neer% and ran off with • daughter of fdr. Benton, whom he married. Fort outdoes In the triple. retinas of the great valley, he received the double Waves of Ma Lutenant end C tale, End wet thee eppointed L eoiment of the mount- MESE ed Riga. Via this rank. he did no duty—hls I se cat "it California were is command of tie. lie .son resigned his commission, Went to California, and returned thence ■ Senator. Mr. Fremont Is hardly nr medntni size, spare and tight, tviin dark heir and eyes. His trusine?alnent in nervous, and his countenance highly intellec tual and:descent. be the youngest mem ber of thi. Senate, his age being less than forty.— With the exception of Sam Houston, no Senator in that 604 can basal sci eventful a life. ltryilouis Sercure!—MeLane's Vennifuge invalanb e remedy for Worms, is rapidly supplatturg all other. in ptiblie estimation. Where it. is need, it has prud.trid the heat erects, and driven out all other remedies "it is the best they have ever seen," is the remark r f all who have ever used It in their familieir; • .. Tyre Springs, Sumner co., Tenn., 1 February 19th, rite. . I J Kidd .t Ca:—l received a lot of McLiaru's Veiroil . rag free , i your .5001, last opting, which I sold alit in one e'd, and I think ! could have sold one thousand bott • ty this time, if I could have get it, but not knoiring where to get it, I had to wait, until your ~,,,f oa oe around. Every person that has tried Me- Lani errnifuge, tell me it is the beat they have ever seen. L. fact, it is impossible for any one to say too much I Caviar of McLant's Vermifirge. AV. D. ROBB. For ea a by J. KIDD S. CO., No. MO, corner of Fourth and %V&A at., YillSbuirn. lau9-dtcwlwB Another Witness en the Stand. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Ms. El M. Scut—Allow me to express to yen my heartfelt thanks for the great benefit I have received from an article called PRITOLEUM. or Roca 00., of which lou are the role proprietor. I had occasion to nse It about the tat of January, in a violent attack of Rhenunoirro. which' was very painful, dying about from plaeo to place, accompuied with much swelling, so as to Seep me in constant torture. I used the Pe troleum externally, a few applteations of which re moved ill pain, and every symptom of the disease. I am now entirely well, and wool.' take this occasion to recommend the Petroleum to all who may be soder ing and, the agonising pains of Rheurnansm or Inn deed (Luaus. [Signed] 0131E03 Wotan, near Perry Rouse, PrUsburgic general advertisement to another colamn. IchtU LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 1510 WOOD STREET,..ABOVE nerii, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e Ask the attention of purchaser. to their ' TELESIS SPK:ING STOOK. Flock they think null compare favorably, both lo extent nod cheapness, with that Of any other !loose, either here or in tbe Eastetn Cater. fettli.dAvrlyT Dayrovententa Ls Dentistry. ' DR. C. V. STER.R.Nxt, late or Dorton, 1. prepared to otenufaeture end lot MOM Tears In whole and pans of vets, upon Section or Atmospheric Saturn Plates.— Tuoiltseilit COI= 1.111.53L1T10T1L., where the acne I. exposed. Office and residence nest door to the 'Mey er's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. 13/1100 so-J. R. hl'Fadden. F. D. Eaton. lota Pit. D. norm, Dentin. Comer of Fount, and Decatur, between Maraca en nett-drain pa..., Lixul ettotat —Prepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N. Y., and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. W Lomat street. ThIS will be found a delightful arti cle of twvoraite in familiea, and - particularly for Mak Bagards Blossa.—An barn:lced Chocolate prepara- JO/a, being a combination of Cocoa nun not:wenn in migorattlig and palatable. highly reeontineAded pante- Ilarly (or tuenbde. Prepared by W. Dater, Dorches ter. Alan, and for sale by A. JAY...Ltd, a the - Pektn. To. Rtorp. Nn. TO Fourth on 'Ynebia I=ll== IS I ADANIE BORNSTEIN Inept cdully *Anemone to the cill.llll of Pittebtirgh. that she Intends open iog . her Sinaloa Schaal onhe Ist of April nen The plants arill Lc divided Into alaum, &demo, to their age, atter latent, and musical atntintnecia Print. tenons can be commenced immediately. •. . . Madame Bornswin can be wen avery allarnan, be tween 2 and 6 &Heck, at the assellthi of Mr F Buck, In Slb at, between Markel and Woad an. =164=1 ANON. Amp BAIMANG HOUSE -A. WILKINS & CO., . . ECORNER OF MARKET TUIRD STREETS Platabsarigh. • =l4 UAU =la by .3—"""'744". for 12 /I GRANT • 'n u " 'n u "_ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' inv A aitt A s or:spec/I, k t C e t ' d . - I tforoia blankets at mbeh less pewee than the former lout nab UEESE-100 kis I n Ptcte ~d *W. Is/ inriSHARZ/11AI • IrARIL— , IO bb!., kire No 1 ,,, rce v :e v .lol .l l ßß forr u lz i tiy terls q , A.I.I.4IW—UU p man, reed and for Ws by mrl 23 R WIIAIRSAUIIiII IVItIV SPRINU-1301/D3—A A Manua & Co iLvite J 3 We matetataa of Weir patrons and Wn public., to Weir axteasina monk of ncssi sluing gaud., comprising 1111* leshteueble sty: ee at mate, flawit, press ;goods, messing bounetropiug du, &a. New goads community received, by the arrival of *attest every ;ratchet ship and smmer. rurl4 LIWOK- O AM bb). euponor 6r.;'74.1 do dn eal funtir IV do Rye do, in store and for sole Ity STUART & 014, Oat WO .k. Vallotor_yn ooture t:i tvl A lt r nloz i, C il . lrn. 7 -5110 . 1 4 1:" . rr•on end SIPA P-. 60 lan Cincinnato on wire, turt4 -STUART .1. .NI) I I 4 ES-25 tozn No I ti0r.'." ,:11 . 1171 ' 7' b. SILL ";;`: C" i , JcO rO 1,7 i" LAILD-4dbLt No I toarn . vn on 'tau ton Yin. lot otto by, anal InAlAll InekLY ACU VEATHERS-11.k. to n 'v on sitar Fort Pile. to r snit by mrl4 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO BEANS --3 Intl. to arrive at, sitar Fort Pitt, nor sat. by null 1.11101 DICKEY & Ct. G IM :LT4 "—t2 W ANDI.t.:SS f PISII-14 dram., for Bale low by / meta Cll (111.A.NT, 41 Water at ItTr L ale U b . 7 " ;Tr l l o 4 "' """n / c. l l 3 °, lTrif : 4l.U nd hlula,Jan reed, and tor i l V ouli i pita.o ilovr4 Mounis-aod.= inmate, and for *Many 1j null BRAVER BUCKETS—vS doe in .0119 and for PRI by mall tIRGYFUGI,F.t. CLARK - -• • QUELLED CORN-16011 ban reed. and for min by b.) inn:l ' ARMSTRONG 6. CHORE@ I,ILMIN-30brls ctire family Plait far mile ha r .14 BAISTRONG & CROZER 11111118 E-30 0 las %V 11; Idd do cream. to note and kj for dale by lurid a DALZELL &CO ROLL BUTTER—) bbl, roll reo'd, sod for .ale by oul4 RDALZI LL tr. CU BACON 911OULDF:R3-7 ek* in afore, and for .el by aoll RDA LZ ELL dCO COME= 91111 E Woof Aladin! Green, DM; I col, ti on; 1 Ji memoir of lady Colquhoun. Hy Hamilton DD; Ttie IlogloA Pulpit. A collection of sermons, by the 'n o.; eminent living F. K lish div in e . , vol, no; Egyounary lecture on the Epistle to the Ephessam. By Be. Kohl J McGhee, A hi; - Brown's Concordance, alumnae gill, 31c4 The Mountain. of the Bible. By McFarland; The common maxims of linfidmitg i By II A Howland. Daily Bible Itlnstrauorte, being orlgirml readings for a year, ort subjeeis from carrel Balmy, Biography, Geography, Anuiraines and:Theology, especially de ogned for the Wady circle, By John Kitto,l) D. Jacobus' Noire on the Gospel, according to St Mat thew, widi a horroony. • . The Book. Hy M. Secourney, illectrated. TIM complete work• of Job 1,1 /duo. Dl3, in 4 Tole FAited Ly ku .on, E Mason. For nolo by 11 ENGLIRII e. CO, nal{ 7V Woad direct. DISSOLUTION ee•parmership heretofore existing between Ja• T cob Barger, Wm McKee, and Jas N Nearer, under the g,„, df agreed, Stefice & Nesley, is this day do.- solved by mutual combs.. The business of the fdin vstil be settled by Wm Me. Kee and Jades 9 Negley. st the warehouse, No' IS, earner Front and Wood Its. J ACOII BERGE:II,. Wl,l ble KEE. dell J S NEt:l.u'A• _ i Paper Hangings. ___. §PRINS: SELF:MICH.—WiII be received, by Ent i, canal shiments, a .w and ch nesortment of ii ,ri peper. p of the latest French nod oice Eastern idyl., inlaid, chamois, oak, yrsin and high colors. W. P. MARSHALL, (late S. C. Hill,) _ nrrl3E 3 Wood street ------ NMW GLUTEI STORk. C o C , O Pb T l'l3 ,. kir eAlhrhl i E U N ' T.N ' l TR 151h1 I NOS, at No. 110 : I v Es ,:ol Ul. : 4 ll l : gB'oU s, a : :" ¢ fld ‘ T 6 T l7 : : lol'l4a: : °° :l i f March. They Intend sell inggoodo vett, taw rod csnu. m 113.31 Carnage, and Buggy, fc,.. A FA MLLY CARIII AG E, rn sty le, nearly now, .1.1. with Harness A good second band BUGGY', sad— A w i ll family HORSE, perfectly gentle,) for or will be exchanged far nterchendine. Address, 1100 GI, rust Office. terin,tut Iw.llaru Trw.porlal(oa Company. Ea= 1850. Mkalle U. LEI6OII 4 00 9 8 LINZ, - lIETWEiav Virmuttull. BALTIMORE , NEW YORK, Bv Perobrofootots Comet and Rad Rom/. T K roam and Cam of thm Lane have been pal In I complete order Li , and 'mat the atldsoon of several now ones s o b the ne, enables 00 to cony a lot Itianuty prodace-and cowls. ITtle entwe stock of the lane ts owned sad cootroll ed by the I'MPOMoo. • HARRIS &LEECH, No 13 Saudi Third t, And at the Tobacco Wareboaae, Doak e ; Philadell3hla, Pa.; /071E141 TAYLOR & !SON, No 111 Nonh Howard st, lislumote, ; tiFfICE No 7 Wen at, Now Mk, U LEECH A CO, Canal Bailin, Palen st, ecul3 Pittsburgh. LIST OP LIMP/GOO REMAINDiG in the Pittsbutgh Post Office. front this isa to the 15th of Much. 1350. Person. calling I for them wrillplesso say Masa aa, L.4lu' List. Alms Sin. Andrew ales RH Arleen Ellen Adams Sus. C Ansllea Arin Miles. Mary C Addis P U AnllsonyChanoneAlkinson Eau. Ainey Sex. Applegate Carer.Valif Cade. Barry Jane Boyd Jane Bracy Luellala Bidwell C E Breed FranceaßC nigh= Marinda Brennan Maw Binslcy Marc Bridle Marion Blaney Rebecca Brunei Myst Blssdell Maulda Buttock Barth Books Blinds Barns Mrs /no Boswell Ereline Bachelor Elekth Bailey Mary L Bailey 'Martha Baker Sophia Barr lace Exinki.lOuiteri Beaty Covhne Beaty Mbry Beer MI. P E CooperlEupbenia ZJare Satan (raiser. Agnes Conlyn F..tbor A Coats Mary Colwell ElmaJno Comnek Julia Conlon Margt Cameron Olen Corwin Rester Connor /mbar Campbell Isatoaß Cox Hannah Connor Rosa Campbell D M Calb;nsonblarthaConaray Ellen CbesloyblaryAnn Curry glary L. Clarke Sarah ins Dailey Miss C Donlan Mrs Dann ['nine. Davis Sarah Dotson Matilda Dann Martini Davis Sarah Ann Deasherty Mrs Dons Sarah Denny Mary Dryd.Jane Ann Dane. Eli. A Doles Sarah Dotty Mary Dane. Mary A Donnelly Cad no Dugan Mary Danlspearoline L Donnelly Mary E Edgar Maria Eggleston Anne Evans Jane E/m.ds Alargt Mier laabella Fergucoo M.rgt Pollard Sabah Fraziiir Julia M Filch Lydia A Foster Julia , Fatten Susan F Foster Rebecca J Gallagher Canine Giffin Greerarg Gallagher Kllnti Grant M Josephine ary Griffin :M Kase l Gibbons Mrs Ann Grant Mary Graham rodrAnn Gibson Mn Green Mary I U l . Halpin Anna Harris Henrietta Healy Mary Hall !darn Hut Anna Harris Elixirs .1 A Halm Caroline M Han Mn John Haydon klargt . Ilerington MkaWHonay Maria 1/11111 El. Louisa Hoge Jane I Hughes Markt Inman Mar C Irvin Jane Irvin Edin Irvin Mrs A n <, Jack Ann C Johnson Mn Johnson Magi E Jeffrey Margt Johnson Ann Johnsomblintrla A /cuing" Elliffi Johnson Mary A K Kean D B Kennedy Mary King Catlin., Aurelio Ken Catkin° Kirk Sarah Kelly Keyser Jane A Knox Jane Kelly Mary Kidd Susannah Kunkle Mary Kennedy A • Lane Mary Leech M Jane Lowry Arms M Latimer Calms Livingston BuhlLowry Juin Landis.. Agnes ALoneman Cattow Loyd Jarman Lairs. Anna M Lubeck M E Lynch Maul). Marchand MonaMendenhall L T Moore Theresa' Marquis Charlotta Mills Rachel Mardian Mania 1 Mann Canine L Milligan Callan Mollin SE Manner's Ann Killer Mary 0 Murray Amelia Matthew. MineraMontglish Sophiallhaphy Mart Slay !ace Monde. Matilda Musser Barn Marshall Elnth Montooth Nancy Myers Harley H Blarnan. Jane id Morgan Flint. L Myers Mrs Mons Martin Jane Morris Matilda Sheets Mann Moor* Sarah MeAnelteinCeeilaMeDonneithEtirliefeKee Afro McCann Eleanor McElroy Ellen MoltinuMargt elcCosnell anti McFadden NancyMcLean Mary McCoy Rachel McFarland Mr. tilMeNa rn Eli McCracken N A elcUrorr Mrs MeNangliienNlay McCructican Jana Nelson Ittertha Newcomb E Norton Jolla Nesbitt, R.naona Nolan.Eltstell eel Cathne Owen. ALL ene Mary A Owen. E wejt mon Sarah Priuthard !dm le habel riosserNalaty J eriof Ann lu E T Quirk Mrs agar Mary J Rodgers Mary Jioson Ellsth I Rooetea Mary mardson M A Rana!! Co. Jail Lydia Shales. Elieth Apes House. Shore Mary .I Luse. Sweeney Csehna Scans Sarah glees Ely. Swords Mrs Cask Spew Saran J Smith Sarah A Stewart Mrs /as Skim Jute Sup Itiergt Stewart JIJ Staley Sarah TannAhnl MAnaeaTerra Rune A Traagh 'Mary Tall Mary Thacker Mary NI Tinley Jana 'ratan. Sarah J TnompsoanarahErarain Gera Updtgral Rachel V Wales, Ramat N Wilson Martha A‘Vuston M. W.l.ts hh. R Whitmore Elms Wins Mart Walieu Kate Whitmore Mary Klee Eimmo Ward alai" - 'A Whims Ceiba@ Wood Athryt,. Wardle Esther Williamson IgaryWoAhinpoo PR A Wartime/on Fan'Wllson Eli:lb Welch; Must Weaver I.llstolt Wilmmrah A Weaver 123m0t Wthion Mary J A Athos. %Von Anhker id Armor Davidll Adams/. Andrew. Sarni Arnwlay Aaron 1 , Abbott Dm Anthony Too. Antis Christopher M About. ott cw Anderson Wm C Ashkeld John Abrahams 002 J Ann:toy Ch. Attnan Tho. Allen Chao , Andrew Kohl U Amours Geo Allen Jacob Armstrong J D Again. John Allmon J. Armorial= C Awthinbaush & Allen /no Arthur. J as D bloom Alford J am 1 B Baker 1.0 Wean Joe Bracken Barclay 11. Bea. Dr Brennan Pierce Baker Jae Brach R R Braid Robs Bannon /no Lteaddow Wm Bradshaw Wm Baird Jae W Higley Peter Brady Jaa 5.m.. haaf Bishop Wm II Brainard Jac Baines Joseph Born. , Wm H Brownlee Jon NO. Isaiah Billingider Jas F BroogLuanAlfred Baileyßlainey Wm Brooks Henry Baker Alfred /Madmen Jacob Brolly Henry Bonbon Smarm Black Henry F Brio e The, Baldwin LAM. M Black Pro Brown Th. Hanley MLI a Boice Milton Brown Wm Unreal Pat BOW. Wm Brown flea B Berlina Wm T Boyer Ahralo M Brown J. Barton Band' Bond A P ' Brown Wm R Horror Loren. Boyle Hugh Bopp Jacob Barran Homer W Berdon Fres Brea) Adam H Bair John Borland Jae . Budder Jtio Hasa. Geo W Bohr. has Burney Hugh h 1 Bell Alex Bolinger Abrahn Burley Rob! Benny J. C. Boyd Jobn Butarg•J H Ihiany )1" H Boyle CO. M Byrne las Bedell Danl J Bonner Jas Burge. Wheeler Berkey. Peter Brannan J. Hamm Robt Benedtek Th. El Brien Wm BettterLEJno Bock Chu jr Brannen Mansard Cahill Dr Clark Jas 0 Coalman Char Callihan Jim Clark Jar Corbett (3 LI Cadwallader 111 DClark A T Cormiek Peter Calmar. Jas .Claraems Jae 0 Covet las Et Callow Hiram Clark Pat Caswell it. Canal J. Clark Danl Criswell flub Cameron Alex Clapper DorranceCsowell John Caughey C Clark llaml Crane) Cbn. Cainielta Wm Clark Terence Cray Jac A Carlisle J. 1) Clark Wm El Crawford Mien Canter 8 8 Cochran Ina Crawford Andw 0 Carlisle D P Cochran hale C Craig Topa Caner Ldwd C Cocain Edwd Craig John Caughey /mama Coiling Wm Crain N J Camp D 0 Coleman /dm Crozet rohn Carpenter Thos Cole Wm Crsgg Thus Caplan Ja. Celleld Jas Crowley P Carroll Terence Collin Wesley Crosby Ham! Cooper Wm ' Collier Capt Fred Crocker lien P Carpenter Thoul Coates J. Cumin Edwd . Carroll Thais Cooper El Cutter 0 Carlton Albert Cook Joseph Callen hue Carnahan WilsonConnaly Juo Canon The. Cannon Hugh Id Coyle Nealas Caourobags Thin. Carnahan 011 Connor John Cummings Hugh Carney Danl Conyngham J D Cunningham P Campbell Wm Cook Iwo Cunningham Jr. Campbell EphimCConey Wm Cook Cannittglmon J lid Campbell C Copeland A W Cunningham Tit 1 3 Campbell .8. th ISCommarfordßevECanniagtata Joe... Chambers J Corr. Abram A Curtis] B Church W J Cos Charles Cavite Aar . * 8 Chambers stile Canner Philip Cards Chin or Hy Charters Sand Com Jas Cornwell Jan M. Chapman Thus Corbel R H Clapper L D Driblets Philip Dill.MOll Henry Dougherty Cleo Davidson Win Jr Dibasic Manhole Donnelly Thal David Win Dillorna Michael Donovan Dr John David J C DID= Josiah Re•DripeTtioa Davis David R Dir. John Drieotiach Herr Bawls Jonathon Dickson U Drinkwater Woo Davis Risials Thos C Ming. Daniel Davis 1.2. e. DiCk•oll J. 1.1 Doman Andrews Davis J Mess Donaldson Imes Dune.gan Archibald De. Zadock W Dotiglosa A A Dun John Devine J o hn Douglosa John J Dunphy Edword Denniiir on John Douglass /ohm WDonbain tlamnal Dever+ Donnie Munn.* Wm Dant. B oa t. Th s ,k e Den • Donoghue Harlin Durgenonlitichoel Delaney Martin: Donaghy Joe "Dorgenanittivrard Devlin Donaghy John Dorgan. Henry Deasy himr• R Dorsey C O Dyer Samuel Dewy Dr Win lintibans Moo Dyer Oliver Dyer John Fahneads Elms ',Awards Joseph Ohm' Thos F Thrmsa Edwards Henry MM. James English Casale!. Nmerl TAW J Ewing Rohm, Maher Jahn F.malna James Evans Edward Egan Jamas Ilowarty.Teak Evans Dadel E Edwards David Ell[. AT Evans Oeo Eagan John Farnham John ft Floyd /SMOG Frannie $ Fitrieu Thema. Flynn Daniel Friel John Farrah Jae D. Flynn Thor rance Geol. Ferguson Wm Flynn Christopher F French Wm I F en l th F e re ry e li r ic Wm Fouler VJmoa L Freaem Wem. hi Firhet Ur J E Fowler Simon Frenwith dlr Fletcher Roe L ForsythEarnhaniFta ry II Flornigan John BForslth Alan Fulton I 11. • G Gann Wm hi Giro Witham ijr .. k . z l / 4.i4 Iladher Ale. Gibbs W Grow Wesley Gs/[nyder damn Ulan Win Urm OrMier .bn Olapnaber' Thus p H .. .n o r.. Marital Chuln biGnalsll . Mon Do•id Gluing N M Gardner Robert Grab= Robot Garin Mani. Ommen Herir• _ OnWmJ throes Joan Uxmu PoNlok Graham Ann W liana Parma WM. A Cinbms Mallon H trillsoa EllorardtCoGorama Mtpt Gn a.. Gibmaldems 1in... , W am Jobs Wm Gamin William Oren Hon Was Gr nn {Om ah Gillespie Robert Mon Gene, p oillorpie Timonn 0,024 dr...a Onenne oillopi. %V II Ga nes Dm Gilroy link Wm linehty Mkbarl Dyne. H Ilendingill Jos Hannon id - eitlel Hinton Saynnol Hall Sum I Hamitigtort DWI Hill A Id Hall Josep Harbon Corind Higgins Jam. Ilamilum lobo Haory.John Hob!. Arth. llnnitttori Tn. Hatianeway S llnillno g eb pr. Huree Samuel Home. LonnumPlloorker Henry Haight Samuel Ilsolet Prow Hoorah Roy J K Haigh Joe P Havilloy Ono Hope Heady Naomi Hugh Harris non Hackney inn Human /ono USTI C A Hopp /am linallerind 0 W Nos Join Effgrud Wa N Mover Geo Hays Samuel Harris Ws HartealGeo Heller Matthew Heather.. girT Hart Prancis Palsied Patrick Hunter Win Hanka TO Hefrou Parry Hugtis Arthur Huger John de Robert Hamer Jamas Hart Phineas A HendersonAndrarHughey Wm llMill David Henderson &Lel Hughes Jam rs Hartman Conrad Henry Francis Hunt A J Harrison Noihq Henry Wm Hatehison Wm Hare Samuel Herbert John W Hughes John Harden Mies Herring Henry !Masten Geo W Harsh., James Hynes Meisel Irvin John A Irvin June Islay Frederick E Irrin IsmeslA James Wm T Jarvis Stephen Jolson:lßJ. J James Rem Jory &ohms Johasos Robe Jameson R C /mines Eduard Jones Robe Jackson F C Jolly Ands. J Janes Alex Jackson War .1014. Mehl Jones Rio' Jaques Joseph Jobling Emannel Jones Dull A. Jamb John Johnson Edwin Jones Fredk Jambs Henry Johnson Amiss Jones Wm A Jaskson Om Johnson AT Jones Edelen Jackson W hi Keefanver David Kane Wm D Kingsland JnoW Koehler Jarob Kaufman 9 Ktrigaland Wen Kennedy David Kelly Benjamin Kiter Jan Kearns J D Kelly nos Kalmr Coo Keens John Kerr B hi Kurt John It Kent. Kerr Peter Knight Jim Kenna Bernard Kingsley hi CI Karim! David Kennedy W 9 King F Kline Paters: Kates Ander King 9 hi Kunkle Wm L a te ny patk Lewis Beni Len4mM:um Laing no. li Lindley In. Leant David L„,d Miekl t.indaay II C Lea Alex Eli ItZMIZEI W;mierJnom Loekoutßatt Lea Io;C .g Le in obi A nog Jno Lord Levels Leach Kee T T Log. C A Larkin Andw Lestherbary M ELoekatiJas Leighton Thin Lennon Mr P Lyons Sawl Leona M Lae /oho /3 Love Ephraim Lewis U C Leery J. Loy Thos Lothrop O. Lenoir) , Peek Lyon M S Loaves/. Leonard Nand Louderback.Mr Loah timid Lesko Was Lynch /as Mackin Jeo Masten. Palk Miller /no Maddingion Beni Massie Nelson MillerCapiThoskl Malyor Reuben Maiden. Robt Mitchell We Velour Thus Maxwell Rohe Alwiday Francis Mayne Jas Dlatehling W Moberly Devi klagonaglcSamlßldatthews Levi Morrie Er. Mawhinney Wm Merlon. Jno Illonigoinery J4O Manely /as Menial. David 'Mors. W W Marshall (leo Milliken Chas Moorhead Henry' Martin Geo Al ilagan J. • N.V. O. Martin Imo D Milagau Than A Morgan Thos Martin /no A Miley J H Alurnlord Jno Mania J as Milholl and Money Chee Mania Theodore Milliken /as Mona/hen Jas Mandan Geo Miller Robs ' Marro JaCkson P klanin Semi Miller Deal Morns W E Manus Jhl Millet Sena C Moore Alen Marlin T 440 Mitchell APaireardlonison Joe klarkwast Jno A Miller /no Morrow Mr. Mason r Mimhell H Fox Moore 0 B SI assingharri Edwkliller R M Moore Robe W Mariam .lonathanklitchell Henry FMornnon Jno Moore Elard Myers U H M. 7 Job. Mulligan Sarni Muller Lawrence Marphy Palk Muller Palk or Jobn Money J. Money Andre WRrido Joseph al , Cloro Arehd hPlEaa Arthor M'Adams J. M'Cormiet Thos Owen or WAnally Pa* llPConnellitobt Hugh Mika Hemphill fil'Clo• Wm B Mims Wm SlOnlkingh Band blOully Henry hPlOssver Thos APClell.d The, WCally Jena Mize Thos ZdOnnlry Mehl hiCres&OalbraithbrLasghlin Bernd hPeddlt J.. PPCsigan Jos Wawa. Jos rd'Cartooy Wm AVCrootenJno Pd'Clain Hasid M , Clarty Jno IRPDmald Pa* 11P(Sosranino breams Joe DPDermott Pat 111131nniss Wawa Ando , WDonild T& P &Moss. J W M'Clare Wm jr APLlona'd Jos 11143olgan Patt hoCiosty Bend PPDermott 3.13 APOtoran Palk ADClosty Jno rirDonald J. or hl'Oes. Basal BPCloy Bobt Henderson M'Gosrart Jas M.Cafry Tnos !d'Donald Wm INVGnire Jo* Wm hVDernsott Jno P APOrady Joe M'Closky Eisrd liVElbroe Jno 111.!Oannall las 111 , Cann Geo W 111111roy P H Whlaster Saml T Casr Jno Dl'FadtenJas , Pdhillen h tir t'Cance 1111 M nolty Jno WHIM Stiehl Henry arClory Pads hPlilarame Oeo Wary hlTartny Tam'y ISPltlharo Bernd APhlahnn Owen Weirdo Arehd 111 , 111roy John hVblaban hrOsslin nos hrßay Bain N !Hann T & .1 Nelson Ham Nabattl.l C Mhos T W ?keg Williamß Nevnli 'Maas F NoblaJohn L Nokansary Mara Bokaom NiAols Her ftielbobJolat 01Rally/dm OtComm Dartial O. /mph °Tamar Jams Wiwi J.reiniabOTryas, Smith O'Hara Mislay O' Wm Juan OlDaaisa'aves Mall Jahn Oliver Aadror O'Camor Janos Oilcan Patrick Oskar. F A OrmslM'Orra/Co IYBayla Thom, Ormsby A rthar 13 O'Neill Jam P Pathstil William Patterson. John 0 Pollock J Patchoh Mil o PandatMialtael Parts, Jams Yattar Job M Pan/grow Jamph Parma. Fluid PaumWißuma Pawn Darki Portar ChM. Paul Alba J Perehmest W. Parkhill /Mil Pack Jamb Pansial Jams l'allod Wm ar Park William PM William JIM Par John T Fb llipJ M Potts Chap Pam Richard Plarmar R H Parer lama M Patlarm Jampti Phillips Imp% .Putami E C Patterns, Robert Phillips Thews; . Pryor Itilas Pailirma'Jalto Phiskart Mass Patsrfo. Si laity !Mom Amu Phillip-Heap Prior David Partertati 24 P Ports 0 0 Pm II Pima =l= Alurrt Sams chquo Arthur ' COMA. Jams 11211=1 itattigas Peter a aber F Rose William 1 h Jame. 11 er Sky Thames Robtsdale* a Rr;Villlese IL'eberdscia John Robins/Rahn Rae Joh. Riddle Paseo! &Alarm C M Ramsey David Rite Jeremiah Roberta= Robe Ray !Ismael B Rikhia Jabs I n 17412404 John Redstraik A Robots Joseph Rehm= Wm B Ritnor llstaadar; Remslly date= Rakers Marais Re* Laois Rose Femme Rote* Ambler It.. /tease Hearty Maid Ricers dila* Reaper Jobe Poe Merriam Russell H Y Rataalds Terns* Rauh& Teems. Ryan William Re eel+. William Rhodes BOA Reed J W Reese !leery 11 Rh.des JosephH Riegle Javph Samuel Nathan Sinker Joseph Spears John Samuel C Sintles Theodore Sproul Isaac Saud Thomas Singer .7 hi Snyder BF Scott Harrison Sell John Steller Abner Sus Samuel Slicer W J Stanley Abm Senn Al.. Smith Alward 6 Sun:burn T Soott Andress , Smith Chsrles F Steninger David Seibert J Smith T A - Slott Caleb A Sect:root. Ily Smith Wm Steenbrook Geo Selud George Smith Adam &ugh: Anthony/ Severance L Smith 0 AT Stevenson A Read Southwards hi BlSmith Thornton Antentenson Rota Solomon Chu E Smith Samuel SturanJohn Shale, hula Stahl Phillip Stroop Jacob Studer John Smith CI Walter Stout Wm A Shannon 0 E Smith Geo Stokely Junes IV ShallenbergerDuStulth Jonathu 5i.,... Thu Shields Isaac Smith Mt Swartz Abraham Sherwood G W Smith Thornton Schen Henry Shields Alex Simmou Palk Squire nos Shtelds Edward Simms Anthony Ssranigan Junin Shannon James TStualley Of Mr Sullivan Patrick Sharer Jacob Spencer EM 8 Saranzareldet SE Shields Wm Sproul Welsh Swans Wm &septet Jules Spinks John Sullivan Edw• Seger CO Upson Wm Thompson M B Tindle James Taster 'Joseph Temple it Toopher David 'f'sykm C Ike Tsomas Mr Tower 913 Tailor Wm Har Thompson Jams Tonga M L Taylor Joseph Thompson 811 NZ:milkman! Taylor James Thompson John Tabs Airs Tall Hatt Thompson Aaron Tyler Capt Thompson Jos Tolosa HA B Tronbriage 6 W Thompson Wm PTIOHIJames Trott Geo Tater Christian Tamer Beni Va!lamina Mr Vatderionder Jo Vail Goo Venemen Geo Walsh Jae West nos IVilliame I. Walla Bromley NVells Jesus Williams Tints D Walter Adam Welch Patk Williame Ileum Wacker John Wedmore E V Wilsowhioses Wagner John Weber Henry Wilson Deo Walsh Job. Wetherell I. Wilson Itobt • Wegner E.meh Weaver Jas II Wilson Dm WArt les T Werner Adam Wilson Dort Walsh Patk Weever David Wilson 'rhos Waddle Wm F. Wedge H L W 14011113 Walker Gm. y Webster D 8 Wilma Thor B Walker Jas Wheeler Illehd Wilson Jas Henry Wed., A Wigwam, Mich! Witte. (leo Warnock J L Whitely JaettlooliWilkenson & Bell Watmn las Wheeler Blob Wirt Jag E Watkins Geo Whitfield Joseph Witmer 0 Waters & Evan. Whits & Sinclair Williamson Geo Waimea Mr Whitten W WilHannon Than Ward limo II Whitaker Jan Vigurlohn Waasen H W Whits Rola Wishard JllO atson Wm White John. Windt. Joseph Watner John White Hagh WtgaineJno Joe Wassail Jam Whits Thai I Wilda Jim Ward Thoa WiWama Lll , Winter Pater waue e AM ,WilliamallogrlantWorth Jay ' • •• Wendt k. satur.owmam. ChesleyWolfJosepb West Rota Wdliams Edwd CWood Ju ESMlliWgi=l Ei=2!=l Young Wm Initial. Stearn boat Pilot No. 2 • Tneuntic Division. Lawrenceville Gaalia Division No. 381. BAPPL ROSEBURO, P.M. Prrwonnele, March lb, 1850. El= ON Wednesday, th e 10th of April, and to be eon nutted for wren duys. will be sold at Aaenon by Cooley it. Reese, No. 304 Broadway, N. V., he Stooks, lir• 4l ..lrt. Faithless, Engravings and no/ary, of the late Wm. A. Coleman, belt' known as a Collector Beeler m ßue Bolt. and Work s of Art. The Catalogue of this sale ten be clammed al the Bookstore of H. S. Bosworth, No. e 0 Marker G. add bids will be mien and wet in time for the side. Aut rig the works are Audubon's Birds of America, valued at gl,miltg • copy of Shskapaere, worth IBM: SU Busts of the Napoleon Family, valued at 84 000 ; The Dying Gladiator, 8340 1 , This litoadsideo/t . Agasi Frol,ttal, /Lc. , For particulars and terms of sale alt tte_ cathlnkee. 11. &BOSWORTH ketlrreet LEO., o uvl et 00 Mar -• (Journal mid Evening Tribune coPY./ DISSOLOTION • • - rrilE: Giipadriership herstafote coating between B. LU. itushtivid and Joan McGill, ander Uu ISM w S. U. llissatield L Go, le mle day dissolved by amigo coot, The !sadness of We old Arm dill hemmed by G. Li Ussidiaid, at We old mod No. V 2O Libedistreet, Pilobarah. B BUIMPIELD, Much t, ltdd. JOHN MeGILL S. it UUSIIEIELD end tiEftROE RICHARD will Con.. the Who:orate • ,. d Retaii Dry Good y m d liroce on ty bumines., at the o:4 :nand, No Y. , 0 Liberty ot, under toe film of S. B. IJUSFIFIELD & CU. March I, Il4o.—lmril DISSOLUTION Or CO.PAELTISICUSIIIP. beratofore - existing under Ow TS., and ely Cu:perth Tor P "Crurepton fr. C 0.," to tine man eneemre Adamantin e:fur Candles nod Soap, urn 001.64 on the brstof February, 1850,4' mutual eon. 40, by the withdrawal of John C. Crumptc,.. 'Me beaten". of manufacturing AdanthatioeCroulles and Seep, will be eeenneed by • the aebierthera. un der the oath, aod *We of PETER BEARD & CO. PETER BEARD. JOSEPH O. DAVLS. On wttadrawmg from the late am the sebtenber woad eordmity retommeaul Me new Ann to the eon stemma of the mercaralle community. nad94l MEIN C. CIOMPTON AMUSEMENTS. • PITTSBURGH-- MUSEU M. Amalie liall,llYmnrth strum. • 1113 undersigned has the nlesiare of eniantacciot the unseat of Pittsburgh, and tie melte in gene " that he huts, at peat trouble and exp.., lse leeded in establishing a Memnon in thin elm. Th e col ection of callosities is exceedingly extensive, ea. brumes an =diem radar" of the rate and carless watt* of nature, u well as of art. Thom who have men It have pronounced it as em end only to Samones celebrated establishotemin New York. TN, great mad] of the Proprietor his been to bringtogether such Menge as are ululated - not only to gratify the eye, bat also to internee the pile, and to afford instraction to the minds atlas prang as well as old, and to render it every way worthy of Me attention of an Imallment and mond eoramanity like own This oblect the ?roomier hilly believes he bee attained, and be relies with conldenee upon the patronage of a liberal public, to =stain this new enterprise, which is uknowledud Drell to he a desideratum very autch needed in lids city. Persons disposed to make dons. thole of euirreitles to the Meneam, will please giro their history, with =mesa &rttora winch Mall barn `lll=';:iii"b i :. n m d,al',,, r. ato ts in the morning, and from to 6 o'clock. to the after:. noon, amnia Me emoting (rem 7 to 10 o'clock. Admittance, SS an on ender 1.11 years of age, Ulf prim. *anon to to be „had at the Ma mma • atuaram open We day. mill IiJAATIN WViSrldollitl&Proptitiar. THEATRE! uso.nd &tanager• 03=1Z3 FIRST APPEARANCEOF 11R. AND MILS. ()LABS. FORD. Ftiday, Marsh 15, to eognamea meth a comedy Is • eia set, called PERFECTION'. • To which will be odded CHAIM! kill • EZEZMII3 1141thed Fling To conthiaii with tbi 'BIM TIGER: SA...Y—Adm. or vett Istereat, ..11ed 'IIW CHAIN OF GUILT." TUE ALLiiI6II.IISIIANS SECOND AND LAST CONCERT. • IXTILL giro their last CONCERT, et WILKINS T NALL, •ILower Saloon') tut Friday Euenieg, March 15111,1,6 m they will introdwe an eating, new selection of Bono, to geetterthet Mese, &a. Tickets 60 cents, to be &tamed at the Print4al Ro. this. the Book and Mute. Slam, and ea tie Dear. Children with wants, half price. Duct span at o'clock, Concert to eanotenet at 7d Wslook.. nun AUCTION SALES. By Job .D. Davlftlimettosear.. Beata at AX414014 • On Satuday evening, llfarch lOth, u 7 °Week, u the Commercial Sales - Rooms, corner of Wood sad Frith creels, will be sold—a soluble collections( new and noiscallaneens Hooks, among which are many F.nglieb and American editions or standard en. there, 4mtly. pocket ; end pew bibles; letter and cap psper. Also, a quantity swiend hand Book.. Gem • private libAry. vale JOHN D VIS, Ana. - &IF4, a Auction • On Friday rooming, 16th inst. at to ,'clock,at the Commercial Soles licom corner or WbodFlab streets, will be so/d, Without ...tree, a very val.- ble Invoice 0( Freak Eras, wbjeh were selected for (uhlmable mutes,' comprising blagnlacent scarlet and whits embroidered cape sdawls,blaCk and elounelon Mk shawls, broad shawls of saperrier &edit); chmsehm pont de sob, and satin Mt Mom, Week end ciumelen gro de Rhine silks, Lamer ' black `rode Ulna, M inches arideoatin ft'd ire de /Mined plaid Bilks, brocade silks, ebamMoe black tareptelna datum silk llamas, 'sapid black silk velem es sdngs, cashmere, satin and corded Twins, super whim and blank silk stockings; whits awl black silk pie min lo[ gloves, embroidered tamed riblaMob ladles and gentnerhae, black arld ssedkirbalovim silt serges, medlar silk sad twin, gents eplendid sum and oilk barred end feney =cram ekamelon and black de Rhine silk MN clewing black silk vellsokread lace dtth eddnotd, hnesddeg., eollan and dotal muss, silk Si =lone bdf., casaba* and mall salaam ks, &a I, 4lzrnia I T. In original inmard e ga . eds are open tor insMetion. • twig • JOHN D DAVIS, Met. Boas and Akers era Pd.. latf - Bas at Assume.. Oa Satordai atomics, lath logy at 10 &doer, at Da vie* Auction Boma, comer of Wood and P.M Its; will be cold 00 Case. of Bias and Shoes: 6 do • Palm Loaf Hate. comprising . • !dues arm Calf Soots: Seal and 'Think Boatailion's Prime lap Well do; do Km Pamir do; Mee'. SitOtteh . ' calf, Gant and thiet.Bans; do; Calf lialf Bores and - Slippers; Bora , Boots an rog d Brorrans' knotted; Child's . Kid, Lane and Strap&ens: Nissen' Fine Kid and p.A• • god grain Raskin* and Slippers; Women's Plan Mo. • rodeo &sett Hoots and Sllppenn do Soper Calf Sewed ' Kukla. and Patent Leather Slippers; ditto mead twain Basking, Boots, toad Slippenh Men's and Boys. Pim Leaf Hats. Marsh 11.X1140. JOHN D DAVIS, Me. 5. B. 115HIPIELD t 00.. 11171101.312 ALE told lactsil Waters in Grossrust sad Dry Goods, •od Commissiou Idershwos. Na YiSt Libeny wt. Pittsburgh. mat rIHOCOLATE, BROM. Ite-100 bra Norfolk Ca Chocolsie; 100 0131 Wter's Not 4o 7 t Me CocosiSo bores Bakers Broom ject received and far .ale by WALBAOALEY &CO. erne - A. eat Car the hianufietarere I~ ,q A~iq.l ~lq>:~rl'r LARD OIL-70 brls relater strained reed, and far sale by mrl4 WM BAGALEY t CO. • • 13081413021PZ3M1bzs on hind, wid tot saleby lI mrl4 . WM DAGALRY &CO. iittit-71,51 kissas & fasaterdiozEssylekbL lIROO/.19-110 dos Corn Uroomi fur sale by I) °!! WICK tr. MeCANDLID39. • 07 . 8811-8 a. Pawl% tor utleoy WICK IdeCANDLEBB Collars. • elreed, by Expresa, • lot of taw , style Needs el Warred Cotten, at the meth cut corner of Funk au! N sts. • • " ' - - • bIURPII4 b. BVIICIIFI OLD KURPHY BURCHFIELD hare thit teed tonna 1.1V.L now tilt Ribbon Cars, at north east corm of Fourth and blatant ins. ant .13EANS-15 ba mid 15 bbls, in store and for tale by thrld ARMSTRONG &GRUBER MACKEREL—I% bb d t: r o t L&X, / dor .Li to stare arid for sake by JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO ("MEAN( CIIME-200 bis in store and for sale by rl 3 • • ' B CANFIELD ALERATIJS-50 bag and a cask., in sum and for sale by ' [curl "J B CANFIELD S lIED BALTS-' • • ' ... .1 NFIELD 1) ACON-115 pas reted and for sale by .1) mrl3 nncih bIcCAZIDLESS L ARD -g 0 N V f , fo r sale by • • mrl3 • 'WICK & tdoCANDLPS9 rpABLE SALT-8 An seperior, for sale by rarl3 WICK MeCANDLESS me, for We by . & bIeCANDLESS LOVER SEED-3 bbl. E. 113 • • SALERATV3-8 basks for bale by barl3 WICK & IfeCANDLEB9 MARRED .ROOFINCI PAPER —A coast.: supply I. of the bestquality of this superior tosser. for WO by Darl.3l • J SCHOONMAKKE A CO TAR a PITCH-00.1Als for ..1 by mrl3 J SCHOONALLICER t CO CitlZED'"wwil - 4 3 110,11'.71fity.a , OLIVE 01L-3 baskiVizga ucen fr. co, v 4 Wald street jr;KI . , E 3 D PORIC-4,!l=7o.ldckalsßb • 'DAC° —6B casks au% on hand and for dale by rarl3LD3Alati DICKEY & CO, Front dt lAA bbl. No I, on hand and hr asks mrt.3 AMU! DICKEY & CO Cam E - -1 - vsti DICKEY .0 RYE FLOUR— S few bbbilan need and for .ale ort3 by BRM'POOLE It CLARE RRE H BUITES—I b bls Roll, 'jou reed by , rad: BREY POOLE I CLARICE kitiiS. r BB SUGARS & 8. It MOLASSES, from the Saint Laois Pallnery— atde powdered Sagas 13 do Crashed do; is do - d.oat 'dot 11 do ClariSed do; 5 do Golden SI rap; SO do el El Moluser. Jost red'd and for tale by EDWARD IIEARELTON, • ij i i!flro M nr 4 re '—' er "r I b 7l! b ar l i t e rse' i _e! " b n e l 1 ' ". mrl2 • . HAMM , . JONFL , tr. fel ilia667l4lZlMTC,fill - Tißj) Oily tn. am. lijetn 6 4 7 ll4, Swell, and Shod& reed per mom. er Hibencla No. 2, for silo bY ''' tarl3 WALLINGFORD &CO Water ti ft ERMAN CLAY A. SODA ASH— Ur 40 cants tillinan Man t.. 5 0 Soda Ana, Maapnins , bead is ewe and far sale by ROBERTSON & REPPERY. maids • , • 509 Sneand at 602 P-t3Lt tat...a1.% prima Plataatioallotesoes, IP oak bar. and ext ellant outer, just loading from sig"""1 " 4 m,,„ to Libenv at r -- QEGAIU3-791:9 Regalia Orin • deao do Li Napoleon; WWI do Coronas; NW do Leon the Ore; 10,030 Puerto Principe; Together with • ieriety of other choice bragde Also—Half Etpanieh and Common gaiety, on consign, meal, ard wilt be sold low to close the invoice. m MPaii.l. 6 lk note 1/OLASSE4-60 bbls N0;40 do II; tu . •1,1,12 and na. for sale by . _ =!==l QUO lAA; In aura sad for sale by • 1 0 . 111_ AILIISTRONG G CROZER INDIUM -3 best Manilla, for We 4y pull SCHOONaIaKER & CO,lll Woad et LAID 011,711-1 . J610 best oriour wattled, (o ..itb by mai J SCHOONMAKEN. CO 13EPD BORAX-5 elupes.jnt r c'd by Md . / J B(..HOZINMAKER CO NEW BACON-43MP lb. Hog Roend, fest ." nd for sale by JOHN WATT t CO. When street COAV I ross P[l9-11 d la simp and for sale by JOHN WATr t CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers