BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, ASPOLVIICI) & TEL*UJI FULD FOR TIIK PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONGRIZIIIOIIAI. Wwiihimou,Marokl4. • ( Home—The Boomof BAlfesentativu W , ag. ifter an attempt to moulder the vote referring , to Committee of the Whole, the Throadworth pat. ant, for a Planing Machine, went Into Committee of the Whole on the President's California Mew. • Means. Hebard, Mona, and MrLernand are speOciny, bat motaing new his bean advertised. Senate—The calib re rate Meag was uneer consideration to esy. • Mr. Dor:slasa resumed hie remarks, advocacy the immediate, uncondition• al admission of Califon:de—disconnected Doze MI other questions. The Senate next took up Mr. Foote's resolutions for a SelipetCoMmittee. Mr. Cass concluded his remarks commenced yesterday, in reply to Mr. Cabello. NEW YORE MARKET Niw You. March 14. Flour—The market Is heavy bat the demand is Groin—Wheat is is rood request and Arm. Cora Is dulL Provisions—Pork is easy, and the demand mod- erste. Lard is 6rm. , Groeuiea—Coffee is su m o or e Amu Tha heather, to day, is cloudy. New You, March 14. SVV4IIO tarear Cotton—Soles of 850 bales were Lreeorted on change, at a deeline of l to it per lb. Flour—The market is firm, with rfalr demand. The demand, however, is mostly confined to wants of the tegubur trade, with sales of common Stole and mlxed Western at it 8101 93 per brl, and otgood Western and straight brands at 15 08 03 18 per btl. Grain—There it no change in the market for grain of any description. - Provuitour—rPcdk is dull, and may be quoted at 310 37310 Sk for Mess, and 03753844 for Prime, per bd. Lard ais amiss request, with sales of keg at 6037 e, and of barreled lard at 015361 c per lb. Groceries—Cores is doll, with sale' of Rio Si 13131 31, and of Java at 13e per lb. Lead—Biles or Spanish at $5 per cwt. Whiskey Is in moderato request, and prices are a Outdo lower. CINCINNATI MARKET. . - Craciartatt, March 11. Dor' the but twenty lour hoary, the river him fallen twenty welter. The weather fa Bee. Float--Sake at 1N,50251,93 per bel. The wal ker very Ann, with sales of 1,000 brie at quoted Azure,. • Whiskey—Sates at 191 per gallon. Provisious are inactive, and no aales worth re. porting. Sugar and =Luse. are Ann, hot withoutchansw irrrsauson HEDGE FARM NURSERY, BETWEEN three and four milese east of Pittsburgh, near the Farm era' and Meantime' Tornplkaßeart. intenion of the Fourth strect,) and abort one mile from East Liberty. The subscribers respectratly give ae rie, to their nanny, and the pablie gencrelly, that their extensive rettrieliCS, Green Houses, de, S. i now commies between 130,Millnd lay= Plants, al l of whin are in a healthy condition. FRUIT TREES—Coalsung or Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Cherry, Anion, Nectarine, Almonds, Grape Vines, de SHADE TREIM—Vic dilandru, Catalpa, Moat, L in Ash. Sum Maple Euelish Linden, American I Linden, Lombardy Pepin, Balm of Willed. Poole. , Weeping Wdlow, White Harked Rink. Tulip Tree, Horse Centist, PanionmftarnedoLei M an ta , nob, Fnalish Ash, English Sycamore, Mancha, *Veld., dc., &a. EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS-Ih2 /s -niper, Ceder, dews lean Arboretum, Chinn, /Morel tee, 1100 Tree. Upright Yew,Connon Yew. de:eerie. • Holly. Dampen 'lofty, White Pme, Norway Penne, Bats= Fir, Silver Fir, Scotch Fir, Hemlock Spruce, Seotch Broom, to , an GREEN HOUSE PLANTS—ric a superb roller. don of Fuchsias, numbering 33 vedette. Thu dow er Ls worthy the attention of those who Irish if ores meat their windows. numberings ROSES—Many of them the find rale, over 7s. varieties in clam., via atonal', or Chinese • Everblooming, Rosa Odom; er Tea Seemed Chinese Roses, Bourbon Resew, Netnews Rosen, By brio Per- panel, or Remornant Rose.. A great sooner of these I are perfectly hardy. and bloom beery , throe t oot the i non , season: - Allicardmon, Glendon, Or ange, CaCtss, ac., de. N. B. All orders mart be accompanied with the crib, or satisfactory references. Plants many paned and sent according to dtree• I don, to any patio( the United Sums. Person wishing to orruunem thelepleantre amends would do well to grre its • call, as we think our stork of Evergreen cannot be repassed west of the moan tams, now covering same acres of round, and moa ning from die to 1W Mooned, a greet:nontber of watch are of a fine no. for transplntlug.. Orchard and Sbrabbery Planting executed by con tract on reasonable terms: We wish all letters to our address directed to Wil kins P. 0., near Pittsburgh. where they will find Im mediate attention. Orders left a will nand, on Market days, Diamond Market, will find inunedime attention. in the The pubbo in general ars invited to call and exam ine our steed; nand. to dots,, given on any day except Sabbath. - enrl3-did.wth To t o ILmardis as Jades, V the Conn qf Gnu l Quarter Smarms qr tAr Pisy, in aadfor the CoaNty rf rilirgAsny HR petition of Sows MAD. Camas, at the Second Ward, Pittsburgh, Is De musty sloressid,humbly T shalom!. that Year petitioner hash provided himself with materials for the meommodation of travelers and when, at his dwelling hoses In the Watd aforesaid, and prays that yew haunts win be pleased to gram him a been. to keep a Public ohms, of Wand, meet. And yew petitioner, as in duty Wand, will p m" , We, the subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid ward, c ernm, thst the above petitioner ts of good re. pine for honesty and tematerance,nud Is well provided with Kass MOPS and COUVertiCSICO I I the the =COMM.. I dation and todgmg of etrangemeoa travelers, sod %hot mild tavern to necessary. W. B. Moorhead. John Anderson, George P. !mint, W. Robertson, a il W ,Wilkins. Wen Wil. son, Jr D. H. ler, James M. Dewy, A. yd. DEan. ingdord, ' Thot. White, P. D. Jona. t0r11,14 TRY APPLES- 407 a i.right new) In W store and for sale OP Dull) l JOHN AIT kCO T ANE by bbia and hl bblin In nom and rot mrli /I sale by (min • JOHN WATT& Co NktV a m-alpUtill-3) Md. jant i = v r A l rray ,N^ -nacori=i2 tobn...t °" 4 fi'.l3l°F.VA HUTCHISON t CO rILLOIF:It t4NC:I)-0. 1 inns in .I ng sod m[ We low, V to close, by JAMES A IIUTCHIBON & CO _ WMS—t east hi store end for unla by adi ARMSTRONG MOSER IiMBI Baccli' — "" .I"'AYNENIOrIaIcVROZgft LAHUp"mAHMSTRONOCHM'.No I, _to non and lot sa , e by mill bbb. 110A4-44 Wets prime N 0, lan reed sad for we s 3 by it A CtINNINGHAId, cult No 4 Commercial How. Liberty ei '2110t,5441.14.4 . ,* big N 10; 4U do 25 Li; LU do Lica "Br"P' "" sale .11 UNIiING HA ni .goon • 134r0n; Lsk kp Lard; reed and for Inds b R CUNNINUFLABI tULK2I IFLIM . M.t.LiD o ILIC um in f r:90 . < 1 7 1 4::: mill g MilLlll DICKEY ' CO.Fron B ACONll t da quo% 10 " =rr. 4 " 114 Ro . 00d; now landing from .I"llLElPhmie4 ule lglAH DICHEY &CO sin e No do;I; LAK 11 PAD* noir IsoaLog from imams, En phator; for solo by • • mrl t ISALiII DICKEY A. CO_ • . - . icoisocamirsto azioxoLops.Diii • ••" ... - OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, h. ART; '' • 0 VSTEMATICALLV anseged by O. HECK. with 0 A.. hundred quarto Moot plates, by th e mom one. '.• -: . ...,.. ung Oohed anima of (knurly. The feel ~,,,,,h,t,,,g and edited by SPENCER P. BAIRD, A. M, AL D., .. ?reformer of Neutral Silences la Diclleson College, . ' . '.' • Carlisle. P. . . , The leonognthhic • Ennykosedin will be published . , , . 1,, oe pens, each coatelMMg SO plaus Lod ell page. of _. : . , l anse peels, issued in a convenient parr olio, In which i r • r sabser th ers can keep th eir copies na perfset enter tin ' ,ii ~,,,ie te d, when they eau be bound. . . one pan is pabltrhed terry month, at the very low '".•1 prior of it a, hick w il l enable all lover, of Waren. . _ . . . • . , 1 don la the mon Wai:al gad practical form, bower. , • i ' • , as scanty their means, to Octane. anbecribers to the • • . ' Seine rimione taken for the whole work only. • From the Boston Post. - ~ The work ehoald not be coupled fora moment with . • 1,- - L - any of the uashy or pupated, scluttillo publics:leas •.. , -ti ~ . • ii , From the Now York Tribune. • ,t ! ..' . 1 The excite-diet be of the plates recommends , • if , . me ~ ~ '. them to the nden of th e hirrer of Mk . . From the Metall World. - A well eireeted mild work , of subtler:dial Yule. '• r '' ' ' • r il 'The Introdnetina of Ode walk Into pound Orneriest among oar mho& and other libraries, public,' and psi. am, cannot fed la be prodacdve of advantage. From the Wattle/too M. C. Union. , . We canoed Uo highly recommend the work. The ' . . . engraving+ are in the hlghtm st3e of an. - No work has ewer before been mthllah In this country Bo . „ ypleadidly Illasualed, end the prieUd matter le of tut . . .I;,r,PAl!L'it%i:lll.',7 th e work 1'.`... . . . , . published end reedy for eribttbero , . JAMES ELLOCICWOOD, ~,._... _, , ..........-.- Bookeeller and importer,.6 Wood et. . roll (Aber tat Alett.-Fourth et near Wood.) Eirta•sbarg thebts. lignaufacte.Y. '...e. . .Fi 'absent./ Informs Ida friends Lod tha pubile. . TH th .i.t his ermine,: estabtishment, lettP•Ole of ' I se,ploylng from two to three hundred worklueer mid 1 'when he always keeps a largo nomber of the hen method/Ile messed,' be M prepantd to e 1..., in the 1..• manner. mAillind. area despatch. all Orden hit • .'" . • MILL WORK and COTTON and WOOLPN Ale, CHINERY, of.eyery drialmion. For tha workman • .„,_,,,. ' H ship and style at' Ids lthehmes, he would refer to the • • MIIIIII--i — lMe' mosterocs taaanfatteren In the Worsts end Southern IStates,. wad aa tie !diddle Stater, who an now rip ' ' ending thee. , Ile has recently made mreavintemoe teen., balk lads myte Lod Ilene of his KrothiemY, w huh will bet famished at mesoneble yrteesKy• , , - pt .:. • ALFRED JEN Yra• Bridestrug, . COMMERCIAL RECORD. FIVETEMIIIIMI SOAELD OW awns AND lancetatel =Wm , - 'COMMITTEE POI[ MABCII. ANIMA ILLICIA• • • T. Poi DONDIDTAR••••.D. 000111. Arrtvals and Depurturos of Zan. Plaster. Mall, via Philadelphia, due 3 X. X. closes 12 Y. Westesit Mad, Cincinnati and Louisville, dm 8 r. closes Sa.w Bomb, via'Baitimore cad Washington, due r. clo ses 3 a. a. North Western,via Cleveland, Erie ,eloses 9 e. ts. Erie and %Venom New Yost, d. dr. closes BA. x Pittsburgh Storks, and Illomry Marko% raror 11, 18,50. rural- Of- Ami no. fed. ed. Bank of Pittsburgh—Capital, 81,200,000; Dindand.(lday and Nov.)4 IP eent• • • 1150 1150 551 KUW.MMOimk..-CapiWAL COO,IBOO:II, • (Mal and Nov.) 4ir ..----•- 90 48 49 Merchant.' and hisasfactarers' Bulk— Capital, 97930.1955 Dividend, (May cad Nov) 4la rent.-------•-- 50 51 52 Pit:taboret Gas Co.—Dividerid, (Jan. and lair )4 cent- ----------• 50 itE) 50k An e . g y e ol i midge Conany--..-.•—•• 95 •as 37 Monensaliela o t •• - 15 90 41 Bud [tuna " " J - 50 N. Liberties-° o . 50 Western insurance Co. . 50 31 Ohio 5. Pentsaylvania Railroad, 1115 paid 50 Pennaylvanla Railroad • —•— 00 Pittsburgh City loan —.•— lee We 93 Allegheny Cuing loan 100 91 98 411=.8adou Copper Elin.Co, dm oB 90 100 RN North Autenean , o v 11l 20 Pituitainihk. litilu Royal " " (Oat sato, 1119 00) 9 Pitaburgh , Cineinnatl Pc Louisville lot. egruph Co—Capitad,Bl72,oolk Dividend, January, April, July and October, lut, 4 fe cent; shares, lII9O 50 !Wanda k Ohio Telegraph Co—Capital, 830000tr,Dividend,50e Sir share for Jan may, npriL and October; snare., 850 • • • • • • orrice; rimareon GAerica tt Friday Alornieg,lllarch It, 15.50 S Owing to the press of other matter, we are compell ed to defer ear usual report of the markets. So far, however, as quotations are concerned, we have natal. *lighten change to notice from oar last to report. The weather yesterday was very pleasant for outdoor tuna embalm, and business in a gencrel way, was quite sa liva. ha. Loors,lll.arehl4, 1950. A sale of lOW plas lead, took pike to day, al 404 k for the Camhump. market. • rIENNETB & BROTHER, Queeeevrare Hue. MI - terms. hue removed to ho 37 Water weer, be amen Marker mad Wood. Porsbargh. mlO Ho BEAU BOAT QUILTA-19 boxes for sala by . BREYFOULE &CLARKE MUSPRATTS' SODS ASH-12 exults on hand and for sal: by mr3 LOVER SEED-0 sack.. prime, Jain ree'd'ihd for Gala by [out] J DILWOHTII kCO .I.4 A ¢uti —3j kg. I"' 14"'d IS Dll7% r t'Vrt4 3 ll & CO RANS-10 bble Small White jael ree'd and Mr sale by Oarbl .1 13 DILWORTH &CO P ONDER—IC kgs Dee r 14du - 343 do liy do; roe'dthlo day and forest° by (mrd) J DILWORTH Co & CO SAFETY Fusr.-8 bets for We by . nuS J 1/11..u•ORTti &CO '. Fa) .)911 , 4 . 111.:SPRATT & EONS' SODA ASH, iJA , pal Wawa Wu steamer J. J. erturnilito, and for sale by W & N bIITCHELTELEN, m p No 160 Liberty of ARGAINB—Layrns, Gingham., and Rende ing for 14 cents, of a very good dustily, nonet eau center of Fourth and Darkens. torn MURYIII" a BURCHFIELD IDLE:ACLU:IJ UNULF.ACHED. MUSLIN. boned .U/I-before the advance, aed ceiling at the old pone, north east earner of Fourth and Market it.. mrt • 81ULIP1IV.Y UURCIIFILILD TuosF. who use Morgan's Cough Syntp cut coa sciennoosty recommend • From On Evening Tribune., Fob. 3), IE6O. Motrasn's Cocoa EvaceJ—We can conseinnuouly recontmend this medicate for coughs, snit Las cared of a aura aggravated utast. /t le different .odair to ordinary pavan sow` , vva If you bars a cold try /1- Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, by JOLIN O. MORGAN, Druggist, ma 'Wood sr.l door below Diamond alleY. I_WWCHOI • iti TklA—La. kr <karts jut reed and I% K oak lry tar.s C H GRANT VI ()LAMM-2W Ws superlor oak cooperege, • at stork and for axle by Ina noses VI/Amsted. ti9ANIED—A two or three story Hoare. eei , h doable parlors, leithle 4 Keens of the mule. A geed tenant est be hid by applt ttis to sers 11. L. Llberty at. FOR DALE.-50 casks Rooked ntloaiderr, • 90 do do Hams; tor 6 IiDTTON-8 baks Boning, for .ale by k,/ C H GRANT H. IMOLA:ISM-00 :obis lossaldg from stoat, S Clotof Justice Mamba'', msl for sato bi JAMEZ3 DALZELL C-11A5,ffr. DAtz ELL MOI...gIiSES-51balMinigdatt b kl :;: e . 1 :y VGAR-60 prime NO, la store a , d kn• soli* u 1,5 A CULBERTSON R ICH Lt.l J.! reed and forre u by Erervall BUTTER -19 kep in store assdf , o=ty wrsoN (11171131 E 1ift..131-3 eases for sale mr4 JILIDD &CO riIIUEL!,N BLUE-3 eases for sato ., by lDn •B r es;.4 k CO ATERMILLION- 3 meet extra .oaAsa, jou ree'd and V for rate by (mot] 1 KIDD &CO t... -- fa MA=EL,Qr ObleiLlAtegenhyaandwarol. mre Front It BACON-21 "d'lSlatiolJrllF,APjo"l, gol't EA Bit S-41 • Jost rea'• an , or wn by mr4 ISAIAH DICKEY it CO WM. & JAS. MURDOCH: -- LitilD-83 Obis No 1; tl Of We No I; boa toed ood for W. 14 tort ISAIAH DICKFX a CO t .,E - ANB-6 bbl. mid tandua lad for sale by D aka • DieDID DICKEY A. CO B ROOMS—It dtz PC 1:1;1:(0) , 11 eZILI4; m. 10 u Cloth Drash m es, ale by D WILLIAMS, not 4 collier PM and Wood es VENt3ON HAMS - 1300lb. Elm Cured, for old bY frar4l • J D WILLIAM , SEEI)-41 lo morel o i r i tf , o i r t z;Vl B ruti J D WILLIAMS QODA.ABII--Sa enakq(h nspransl anrien per sir 1,3 Gems Washington, for rata hy W a M MIWCIIELTREE, met ICO Liberty street ton • • for saio by JOHN wArr a. co fIL6V Nag la for rale by Era .• N LW by N . —MOO It• j o loA N artu v n ia ll, r f em. Sai t ni oui nn 3, 01. for .ala b y in bbly and bf bbl., rACREPENo. -• jogS WAIT& CO, I.lbert stre...t TiglEiTii V SEEII CM/ .nn band awl for sale by JOHN WATT & CO, mt 2 :. • Liberty greet • - Q.l Mils Battle linn ran ii t te per-Warner Companion , awl for sale by eJACKS' DAL2r:L TIN r, non O. Co's brand. for sale L fele.l JAM y E-4 DALZELI au.. gin'. Glow* .11.nowater. For effectually rowing sailed Kid Gloves to their • pristine cleanliness. DRECTIONS—Dtaw the glove tightly over the hand, or on a how made for the pulp..., then *poly the Renovator with it piece of ele. gannet, . tubbing gently until the effoe tis produced. For sale mr7 RE SELLERS, 57 Wood ,e • tailJl.4 11AKS7a. StiOUCVE.RS-90 cults 'boot 1111 LsR each, very neatly cut, and well packed In salt, - is good- new on would suit to keep here or abip east.—to arrive on slower F.urihrat., far sale by • mr7 ISAIAH DICKEY re C'. Front at • DATTINO COTTON-6 Wet on band sod for auk B by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, torl Front moot FOUND—A Lady'. new BOOT, on the 4th adareb, which the owner can have by calling lathe more of Co anb.nber, and paying for this advern.m.t. 110111k1UN, Lama: & CO, sore . 192 Liberty IiACON:=23 casts ors , d, to arrive on steamer Orate., for sale byy tore ISAIAH DICZEY & CO, Pram in lt OURNIN LPAC . CAS Bombazine and • at anortmen O t at sant, oast , earner Fourth and Mrollar . kei Meets. Ina . MURPHY & BUR01411F1.1) BROADCLOTGS—A fall assortment of Fret/eh and Jimmie. Broad Cloths, of all wee., at the north east corner of Fourth and Market Ms. rare MURPIIY & ituacupimo 111 ROME YELLOW--ll cams far rale b 1 LI mr4 J KUM & c 0,61 Wood st SOME C ranOLLARS—JO aria store an Inc male by W HARnAtlrill OTASIF-10 casks In store and for /Me NOR cormlgnment. (roe9l_ ItsG4 , B & P VfMONS—M bus We day rem teed, and for one W eherr ARMSTRONG & CHOZER. ItACH/25-20 Lads dry peaches ree'd and for kale fel> U 7 ARtdBTRONO k CROZER. " No kt%aßi MeCANDLIM kb" AR-22 bbl. N .11a by ANDIAMS fet22" bb do WICK A Moe R 0 t E febtS fo SOAP -100 bal. Ctn. No I, for sk sum sari DRIED-VETIC/MTEliallefizant OE p 1.• 4 —'4" L 9VATERMAN & SONS, gar/ 3I Wean. and Ga Fnlnt FLOUR ps — b - ice b *rands Supa • •bi — klU" nab; for ..le by nut L 8 WATERMAN A RONA St•area Saw PM IV, R.1.1i 1116, subscriber offers to rent a Swam Paw Mill k , in complete running order, situate , on the Ban of the Aneeheng river, within one mile of TAMMUZ. Tim Vlachne and other honorer one oil in good order, nod capable of doing a Imre bminvoi The Coal is convenient to the hldl , and there he a comfortable Dwelling Hoare attached to the premises. ortilch ls sulficieutiy commodious ter the um of the Far further particOlars enquiro of the wil,mriber, no the potatoes, or to Peter Pararsoo. who awn be foamd er its Warehouse of John MoPailen &Ca. 8.- oal 11•1111 Pittsburgh. • LiEWLS PETERSON. silß•tm Errss—Ther• wen 7 feet 4 tulles to % eaaaaal lan avadag, and at a nand.' BOLTS LEAVING THIS DAY. NASHVILLE—LoyaI Ham, 10 A. M. LOUISVILLE—Kentucky, 4 r. at. ST. LOUIS—Mt Vernon, 10 a. K. NASHVlLLE—fientrra. ZANESVILLE—Emprasr, 4 r. GALLIAPOLIS—aereuIa, 4 r. at. ST. LOUIS—Jas MUUngar. 10 a. a. KfEllah Toroth Erman's. ERSONS in want of a good Tooth Brash, are (nal. P tad to examine Mem bombe.. The bnettes are warranted oat to come oat, and fat zanies, one or Metals worth a half dozen of the.. in general not , Manufactured No, and for sale, wholeetz and remit, by town] IL E. SELLERS, 67 Wood et PSON SALTS—IOUO lb. for sale tl y FanY J KIDD & GO, GO woad REFINED SALTPETRE-2M les 'or We by uar9 J KIDD t CO Coouvut on.—A fresh lot of Ruchton, Clack re Co. 'coulee, for sale by SWELT 01L-100 gall for ude by mr9 J KIDD k CO I=l ['ANIS!! WHRING-60 bbl. for rale by O ms 9 J KIDD &CO CO m Pr VAIOOSIII-1 1501.1"". 11CLO &CO 12=2 ACONVENIENT two story Brick Dwelling House, *intl.:V{lU the ELS Coonskin, Allegheny City, withal a leer minutes , walk of the market boas, The Lot is slaty fire feet fiont, and one hundred and thirty five feet deep, and Is a desirable location. P 0511.4011 given on the first of April. Endalte JAMES PARK, Jr, & CO., rarit-fit Second street TAMES MUSPRATT & SONS , PATENT SODA ASH—MI mike to arrive par manner Amazonia, and Mr sale at the &men market price, by W & 24 MITCHELTREF.. met lee Men, et J B DILWORTH ic CO 'AVING 'associated wroh him WM. A. CALD DR. WELL, and JOHN CALDWELL, it, the Ship Chandlery, Ham Mare, and Qteeenowara Hague., swill be condeeted et No. MI Water woo, ender the tole of mtg-tm MASSEY & CALOWELLS. OTE-1. ease for sal J LJ IUDk CO bbla • Libeny street SrliN e " W w iTT on dih'Cbd ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Michigan. Brier, Beaveri Beaver, Gordon, 'Wellsville. Viroqua, Galloway Nonanuakela City. Flulimo, Peebles, . Atlantic, Puknon, Bramwell's. Jacobs, BrownsvNe. Camden. liendtickson. McKeesport Lake Erie. Clark, Beaver. Memeowr No. t, Woodward, Cincinnati. Leal. IdeLane.Connel, Mote Fairmount Ebben, Loalmilla„ Pennsylvania, Gray, tit, Urns. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Michigan, Dries, Beaver. ' C l as= =pa l' ri e - it I Fashion, Peehle:, Ellsibeth. Jambs, Brownsville. Allasille. Parkinson. MCCIMISine. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. James Nelson, Moore Wheeling. Peru, Bane, Louisville. Brilliant, Gram Cincinnati. Empress, Cox, Zanesville. Consignee, Kinney, Br Josephs. J AJDD & CO owrg• R. AlaN•y, ACON--/A bask. us% tb day real nod W.I. by WALLINOFOKD & Water K MARS-407M Ky., roo'd pot Messenger No.; for oak by ong WALLINGFORD k CO L: "-% ""` - INATM= & CO L EAD-1470 p.g• RIMY : MWTH WW S A CO, mrfi Wand 48 Water F I3II-11 bbla No 1 nackeol; 20 do Not do; 43 do No 3 do: hf bbla 3 do; 10 bbla Gibbed Honing: far 1.1. by m p RIMY, 3111TTHEWS ik, CO Toascco—S9 kep I twig, fledge & Bro.'e bread, for sale by met RHEY. IdATTHEWS & CO - AIiILL*TT i WHITE. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. WI WOOD STREET, HAYS to elere, ilete Will be Constantly teeelVing darted the eeeson, • lame and well minted as seronent of Staple and Fanny Dry Goats, whiels they will sell for cash or approved credit. Western Merchants ere invited 10 !I.eoe one sleek. sere AIoILVAIN £ WILLIAM!, NO. 10 GERMAN STREET. BALTIMORE, A GENTS for the We of SODA ASHBLEACH /Y. ING POWDERS, have now In .ere, and will continue to nreeive, sanding of the following well known brands. "Masprasta," `Tenants." and following raw," which they offer for elhe at market nava ont-d2w Par Salo, riIHE VOUf Utetio Canal Boar New klaausro, Dow laying at s upsSlibargh, and la good order. Ase PIT to I WA. WEAYER, Warne et, ine3.l2 opposite Canal Basin FLOUR -1.00 bbl. Just reel agl a bl E nju ist.L. mr3 Ii)FOULD CANDLE9-3:lo.,r hi teri umt. ILL t"ii ADMIAIIITHATOWS NOTICE y ETTFALS of Administration, with the will usua l./ ed, op the Palate of James Chadwick, late of Pitt toarnshltarAllektieny connty. Pa., dee , d, have been panted br the Resister of said county, to the seinen bee, residseg In the City of Pittrbarch. All persons in• &Med to wad Fauna, are hereby waled to male I . mediate payment; and Mom having claim. easiest it, to pi client them for settlement. nrrlSAlwkwsl9 D. li PRALICH. rpANNEWS 01L-25 bris are received, and for sale fabri JAMEA DALZKI.L. 10 .f obi. No 1; 00 do No I; 20 do M P S No /A D,ALZ for oak by A — LCOIIO4-10 bbN i for ..le b kci N y sikktk • No 94 Woo nisid st Q UP. CARU. SODA-4 kers fee sok by 0 sore / eIIOONMANER k. CO CLOVER SEED -3 bbl. for oak by ..11 J SCHOONMAK✓R & CO TANNERi;(3IL-ID bbl sale sare J tiCHOONMAKEU l CO TOWNPaNIMO SARSAPARILLA- 44 sins foe sale 14 loot) J SCOOOIMAILE6d. Co CR II .11.730=in.:442,111aiILL•ead Cree Wes, ml 9 J 5C110 . 0% - 4AICEit t CO • ifTWE6D3—New`done. and I , tenelt Wool Tweeds, Conon Wwiliateecroldart sale 101 Wood etre. - VELVET CORDS—RoyaI Albert, Waldemar, Oe V noa, Conentatten, Cable, Tata Set and Nemo , Cords, for sale by SHACKLETT t wurrF: 11H EZlL.4—Estra heavy Apron, Fe nature and Edon. Dart, ben makes, a . r i Cek alr r t i k e Vitas, Indigo Blue, we/ and _ FIRACKL Y EIT Cc WHITE BLUE PLAID WOOLENS-44 dark, blue, and black barred Rob Roy Plaldejast see*d and far rale by BRACKLETT WHITE, 101 Wood meet DOTTER -7+ kegs for aala by .D m I BREYfOGLIE. &CLARKE -OLL—BIITTP.R=IibbI and R for sal b 4'4". F,444, . 1 4 a n y Far. REA MOLE k CLARICE R AGS --A small lot fors t relly mr4i n EN POOLE & CLARKE G RE.N APPLIA few bbl. round, for rale by ort9 BREYFOOLE a CLARKE fif.ILN ALPINFO—Joa reed, 4 came Clan Allan t, Caesimerer, a new article, for rpnon &Oen febt4 H LEE. Liberty ot RATES OF DISCOUNT. &AMEX OF DISCOUI X. 110.141.11 Ezetmage Wok - as, No. Si Pesarasy&wombs. Owik orPittsburgh Eicharige Bank Par Meta. t Man. blank •Par Okan(Phlladelphia•• - •Par Girard Bank .......... Par B l? k g:7=== Delaware Co.• •• P. sgoorgoosery 00•••101.t Norilintaborland• •Par Colitentilaßridge o . - P. Doylestown Ilank•--7•P. F F ansers anners 'Bk. Bee' Bk. Rearting•Par k. Co. ragmen D'k Laneas'r•par Lancaster Co. 8k... • • .9. lALIMC.LOT Bk.. P. U. Slates Brownsville Bk. ....... P. Washington Bk.• • • •-• • •I Bettlabarghllk..---• • 1 Chambersburg• • •-•-• • . 131aquehanna Co. Bk.-- Middletown • •• • • • • Carbale Farmers' and Drown' Bank, Waynesburg- 1 I Barrisbove —• " I 1-10.•esdale -- • 1 • Lebanon Pourrllle•—• •• •. Wyoming ....... • York Bk. West Branch Bk. ...... 1 Relief Notes -•-••••• 1. MA M Bk. Piltado• Scrip-Nosh. Coontyt Allegheny, TO 1.1. State Bk. and Mancha , ri Moms Plautus..... -• • ' 4 Atenbenvile—•••••• St.Clairrville•—•—•• 0 Manarta •••-•—• • " New Lisbon• •••••--• I IL lONS. I Market sure., nee , \ A e Indiana. State k ilraneties• , I B . ateSerir • ••• Elzehan V ga r e.olVa , •\, l , Fanners Bt. of Va••—• Bk. ti the " Bk.or " M. M. Bk., Wheeling do Morgkritorra . • N. W. Bank • do Wellsburg. --• •• 1 do Paskersborg-- ... Timonium.. Bk. of lennessoo• - • • Fat. t Idereh i ts Bil-- IPlatnorsilik.-.7 - • •• • • Union Uk.•-•••••••---• Minnow'. North of O ar a m oled--lma. 1 Bk. of Cape FeO'"... 1 9 Merck'. Bk.,Newbern 4 I Butte Bank ..........• 9 Bough Carotin • Camden Bk ..... • •• • • 9 - Bk. of Ckarlesion•- - • 9 Commercial IR • -..- 2 Bk. of Gconrewern.--• 9 illk.oi Ilambera•••• • • I Iblerchante Ba•-•-• . 1 Planter &tdeetts'slik• 2 B Boon Ilk. of Fah Carelma • • * llarylaind. 13&&1010fe O Ilke.••••• • •• .9 91 Bakm'e L R 118crip •10 Cumberland Bk.of Alla 'hazy • • ...... ''• ' Far. Bk. of Marlimid• • & Mechanic." Bk. Frederick IFraderlek Co. 8k.7.- . .. L. .1 VIII c m r al * FIT• Bk .. 1 I. lt uZ .ofr m mitm caßlirK iks "... tar 7 - ••• d•A Bk.of St. Cltor•-- CfaeinnuiDank. Columbus do. Cueleille— • •• • • —•• " Paulen ----... Woomer •—•-- to, 3.1.0 • •landeek, .....•. •• • • 70, Norwalk 7131 Clevelsad------- • Zerua•-- - • DaTtea- --- u Wasters Raw.. FrankliaWk Colambaa " Chillieetke Lake Esia ............. Sekes.• • • ...... The Laneastar • Ramition•--••••• 50 GI anvi.Ue• ...... • • • • • s, rafEeti dk of Kentucky. ...... Rh.of Nachodealimille••••••-• s Rk. lestalgT• raw Tesii—cirr " Bk. of River Ralseo•••••••• beletilears lee. Co•-• • • I Var.& Ideeh'e Bk • •••• • 8 Wiscoaila Ter+lB , 7 Mar.&Fireln.Co.Miliv'e I . Omuta/. All.alvettßank••• leant of Kn. : l . .. mm. .....—..—t4 70 f_.f. mr. rtp,l l tu liS ""? . 7.ll: own,. —• • li 160 9 20 Eagle, old • ••• 10 60 Baglenew •••• • 10 00 Donbloont,Sparnah.l4 00 Do. Patriot•— •—•- • l6 30 Sovereign. 000 Guineas 600 redsviekmPon.••—•67 BO an Thelon; • •• •• 1 60 mi Cnlder. • ••• • 700 LosimPors• Z..... •• • •• • • 4SO .. Nem 401 phis York •—•— I prs. pnil• •• • prm Datlnioto •-•••••• • Mu • g.S. Wenn Ms-- LOCAL HAVER& 7.1701T5D 701 1 . 85 ITZTESUZCZ DAILY ILLZITIM Tan Au usaus.—Those colour citizens who were not mum at Wilkins HA!Von Wednesday night, at the concert given by this lemon. band of singers, lust the guldest treat of the season. They are decidedly at the head cf the list in their peculiar style &singing. The voice of the lady is exquisitely sweet,-her music gushes faith with a power and pathos enchudingly effective. The audience were perfectly delighted, and long and vehemently encored her several WHIM Altogether It was the Us:Conceit giieu in Pituburgh, within our remembrance, of pure sundud English music. To night they again bold forth, and as this will probably be the lent opponunity we shah hive to hear themohey will no doubt attract a crowd ed audience. A watchman, named Myers, in endeavoring to arrest a man, in the neighborhood of FM street, was shot at flute times, with a pistol The third shot rued . his scull, drawing the blood, but claw log no material injury. Tbs man erected his allnape. Faun Ditoweau.—Yesterday. evening, about ale o'clock, the dead body of a man was disco vered, lodging against !baste= boat May Flow er, lying at the Monongahela wharf, near the foot of Market Street. From the appearance of the body on being taken oat, it moat have lain in the water (or a long time. It fs conjectured to be the body of a butcher, who war drovined several weeks ago, oFone of the Beaver Packets, while tying at the wharf. Five dollars and twenty cents was the money fauna in the pocket of the deceas ed. The Coroner held an inquest, and a verdict was rendered in accordance, with the facts. SINGING! SCllooL. — il will be sees by her alter. tisement, In another column, that Madame 13omstan propowe to open a school for iestroction in vocal matte, on thelst of April nest. From this lady's high character ea an artist we have no doubt that she will prove fully competent to issw part than:lotion to others in this delightful art— She will also give private lessons, lmmediatelym those denting them. TI•2I.II.OTUTION Lum—The different Canal Lines are now prepared for the reception of freight to the Eastern aim Among the nest, we would call attention to the extensive Lino of O'Connor, Atkins At Co. They otter to contract to freight goods, east and west, at the lowest prima They are obliging and enterprising men, and as their boats are entirely new, and commanded by expo• rimmed captains, we sin confident that they will give satisfaction to all who may entrust business to their cam. The attention dont readers is directed to the large ode ofeplendid silk,, vesting's, orape,lncie ha Miami. thread laces, and arms, dsc_, to be sold at Da vid Auction Rooms this montumg, at 10 o'clock. &atm—There were two caseuof drunkentwas and disorderly conduct brought before the Mayor yesterday looming from the tombs. They were sent to the hill for ten days each. J. II•1111110N 11112WIILL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01110 STATE COMMISSIONER for taking Depev Mama, Acknowledgments of Deeds, An 011iee 7 Fearth mire., above Smithfield. imT Jon, MaIPADSIIII &AND.. FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Pena suet% Faunal& snr6 JAJIIAS E. DAVIS i CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS. No V 7 lliukat, and 64 Cooddnoroo at.. Plain&lphi Advances tondo, by either of tbo above,. coorign mono of Prods. to antler Howe. tort _ _ _ JOHU VIILI.OVVICR & pas, FOWWARDING t COALMISMION ea 11112113011, WOULD reepectrally Dollen the cartels - men% of Harrisburg!, frog., trots Western Her..., ea they ore prepared to receive any tumult. Line and Section Boats nun., sight and-day, the freight will rot be detained, as they will embed such Wats at all boom fb214.1m Ilernaburgh, Feb. 10, UM. L. 8. Wine mats • • Q. N. Waterman • AV. B. Waterman L. H. WATIEHJI•N i MOIL WWHOLESALE 0110CEILA Couusioion agsl Por n' warding alerettantai dealers ut all kiada of Pro• dam A Pittsburgh himeactared atomics; ana Agent. fcr sale of littelatioad and Lync berg biassfactured Tobacco. Sart L . pnms'oi Zu ten de do de; M ule 0~ mrf L6 WA EIWANInON~ lAR—oo DOM N C, ra , W. hi ma G"B %V TOLMAN i SONS OH—t9 tabs Lard Oil, (Bukhara% L Co.) ID . bated: I 3 tt Tanners': fat gale by oar! RHKY.14A721162921& CO BACON--3000 Ma anal Ilarna t aties, and Shoolcle for we by for HUEY, MATTHEWS & CO ARD—OO We not Lear; IA 44 keys do not SW nin acr2 RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO S tl(`lbLFYS—lue At. 13 , 1 , n ,; 4: E gAlz reoN. mrt 172 md t7I !Amy st ALIM-2D Mb Mr gale by sul MILLER k RICKETSON CSORSED BUGAII—N bl2ll L . 1 .4 by etri- MILLER tRII*CRETSuN SHOULDERS—IMO pieces sew 'amain sad ler sale by HARDY, JONER & CO, Water r MOULD CANDLES—WO bxs , To. landing and for sale by . _trL_AJ HARDY, JONI'S' & CO CLARIFIED bbls for sale by C II GRANT BACON -4 casks Ride& V do Hams; II do Sboulder, today reed, (or bole by mns WALLINGFORD & CO M OLASSES- 7 6 bblaN 0, ree'd and fey male Ina C II GRA NT BU to LX , . P ., 0 0 tl;.-15,010 to. nx i ll i wtraija an Lams, It HA hl3-10 Les John T. Lonna% suporiot Bairn Cured Rim.,lardinn and for sale by BROWN KIRKPATRICK. mr9 144 LibemAyt C. YMAGICEIy 1081 VRML:. l .ll`et, 11 1 rr Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Ribbons, Lases, Gloves, Thmauls, Combs, Dalton% Suspenders, Re.. also, Harm and Raney Vesungs, 13Isek and Fancy Silk Cravats, Naos., Bandanna, and linen Handkerchiefs, a gene ral assortment of Fans, and ovary variety ot Mar. elan/Ise. go 1177 . _ The SubseaMara bare formed a Go- ' Piartwarehlp under the Arm of RPIKHAWL, DO NTON L WORTS, At No. TI, Mar.Lel Wye!, on the Forth ads, Between Second and Third Streets, PIIILADELPHIA. Their assortments will consist of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND WHITE GOODS, Plans anD Dias Goons ILIMIALLT. Bleached and Brown Mullins, and the wont variety of STAILIL, Foam. Assn Deanna DRY GOODS. They are now receiving an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, selected with particular attention to the latem sty in the mulct, purchneed at low prices, and wlll hesold at email profits tor cash and approved credit. Merchants visiting the city are invited to examine Weir stack. THOS. P. SPARHAWK, WILSON DUNTON • MAURICE A. WORM'S. Philadet• hi Jan. I 1/330.—ifebtlkdIwkwtitT IMOD D. KING. ,BANKER AND ILICUHANOE BROKER, Comm oir 410 Brum gm FOR 007101 ALIA, DBALER In Coln, Barth Notes. Time Bil For- sign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates ls, of Da posits, ke. Emhart's , on all the principal sales In the Union, for sale in sums to ma purchasers. . Colloctiom on all parts of the Colonthe lowest rates. want FAIR will be held on the Common of Allegheny ACity, on the Wt Tuesday of Aped nezi, for thd esbibidon and sale of all kind. of Stott. Pitmen sod Stork Breeders generally., In this and neighboring counties, am respectially Invited to bring their Blocs to t air. And those who may won to Improve their breed. of stock, will there have an opportunity of making parches.. to suit them. No auctioneer to , be employed. By order of the Board of Managers of the Alleghe ny County Agricultural Society. mrl3-erniT C. SNIVELT, Beet/. (FAitars in this and neighboring counties please ropy.( The INWllifillt Water Care Establishment, UNDER TILE CARE OP DL C. BAELZ, /10NTINUES to be open for the reception of less. V lids Many imprOvements hays been added for the comfort and accommodation of patients. This, to gather with the secrets dating six years , experience, nables Or. Stole to glee the assume. to the potato that Ids establishment shall stillace l comi thnee to merit under tse patronage of those who may pemselvee his mina The daily fourteens* between Pittsbargla and Bresrosellw, with boats, strands easy access from the South and West. Six towels, two cotton sheets. three comforts, tad linen for bandages, are =teams to undergo the treatment a gTernte—Sis Dollen per week p able ireekly. , nsra.dlawkesOnT PICEII I I TIM STOW?, NO. 70 Faint tenrsoulw ?: g o oaplevol theen and Hl Teas; Att one a poandinkmirsa . &nut far Peki. Tea Cs IC ACME KARIM! woass, grrasramortell ar FAVVPMewrikiN.B' "'en.* be of bi e waents, BariO Vanits,Tombs,llead Stones, tr. Max.' Pieces, Centre and Pier Tops always on hand and made to order. N.D.-A etotitee selartion of Drawings on hand. asalltertrig Alketerty City mkt Poryssille PLoAt Rand. 'THE Stockholders of Alleabony Cuy and Perri' i• T villa Plank Road Company, am molted 'to pay Pm Haan, on each abam of trunk bold by them, on tbo l&A dol. of Janaari, Pabraary, Marta and. April Dar. The *oak at oat. prorroasina, and We inatai meou are expected to be paid prompdv. By °Aar of Ma Board. THOMAS LL STSWART, dep.taphl to I Trimmer. STEAM BOATS IFIIPTUUMGII AND LOIIIIVILLIS .aiiii. Jai. AEI STEAM PACKET LINE. ENCOURAGED bywellsberal patronage the to all regular and onducted Linea, the own ers of the following fine steamers hare arranged them Into a Line between Pittsbaryro and Lemisyille. One of the beam will poalliroly leave Pittsbargh en even, 1110,11107, Wanacanay,land PamaY Era tortsh at 6 o'clock—full or not tall. The Ant boat of the Line will start rot •blonde), Vanier/ t6th. Steamer Genesce•—.... Hamburg Went Neartoc• • • Fairmount Fa feWal ."11a.1.116.MENBERGER, •Captain T. Moore. M. Lures.. J. Modeller. • " M. BalLiy. o W. aben. REGULAR SUNDAY PACKET CINCINNATI. Captain WILLIAM J. !Court& This aplendid boat was built by the owners of the steamer luxe Newton, and others, for the Cincinnati and ittsburgh Packet trade, and wit commence making bar regular trips in the line, on SUNDAY, the 17th but. For freight or paientAtc , l t y „ , b r er a rd E ac t i ß, baba — PITTSUURCII AtaiIIIJITELIWI PACKET. The splendid tut running steam. iffit LOUIS McLANE, W. E. Unewell, muter, (having undergone a Moe' 0.6 h repair,) will eon hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh lad Wheeling; leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday end Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. Fla fretght cr passage apply on board, or to lane W.B. WHEELER, Agent. FOB Bi. LOUIS. The spr A ncemeg i ejreamer Capt. W. Norton, leave l ?or above 101 l internutdiate llamas on this daitiOl i t iir in k s „ t lr , p at is o'clock, '.lll2 . vgr 4Jog , Ate FOR ST. LOUIS. ...The splendid strutter . MT. VERNON, Roane muter, will leave for th • and all imernmdime pelts this day, the 15th, at 10*. M. for trcght or pa•aa6e appb _ oa heard mrl4 _ FOR NASHVILLE. I = l The splendid steamer GENEVA, ?.... 71. .. 1....,.... o Vitilkins, Master, will Nave for attnvo aree latennediate porta an Friday. D. %MAUNA Aleent._ he Ina lust FOR NASHVILLE. The line new and stanch steams. NAVIGATOR, Wm. Dean, master, will tease for the ve and Intermediate ports, on Sat urday, the lathiest., at lo o'clock, A- M. Foe freight or passage apply on board or to turl3 OEI MILTENDERI/E. Act FOR LOUISVILLE. The line new light draught sundaes KENTUCKY, ?thee., master, seal tome for the ro and all Lutertneallaui ports on thie day, the kith hut, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Erne steam boat Kentucky will carry articles o ( Pittsburgh manufacture, toCineinnal and Loaisville, for S centeper UM lbs., skis trip. For hated or passage apply en board. ' mete ARMSTRONG e CROZER, Acts_ FOR MARIETTA, G POMEROY.ALLIPOLIS. KANAWHA, AND The splendid fast running steame? REVEILLE, God, master, will leave los above d all Intertnedlate ports this day, thelnst., at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or pastime, apply on board, or to tart PETTIGREW t CO, Agts FOR THE W. 4.11,0111 RIVER. vim The En. fast OHlOnuosim , g woos. Bl.oop6,l2.llldar.willleave for the st•ove mad all totrkmdiato loadings on Mot. doy,the ME inn, at 4 o'clock, r. M For Redo or pmp, OVIPIYok, ot to world W. a WHEELER, Amt. FOR SAINT LOUIS. • o a s t The splendid packet omen MAO NEWTON Capt. Iletchison,leam for the bee d Otte ediate perm o n e du: dn., the elk 111 to 10 o'el:14 A. M. Fin freight et. • saw ell ee Ward. watt FOR IVABAHR RIVER. poi toboolid steam. CINDERELLA, Capt. Jamey 41.1.1aaleu,ortll leave vcout this day, the SA Much, 4 o'clock. P.M. FIN (Ivied or panagit app:y oi boar). m =TO I NEViION JONES, Ail -- REGULAR LOUISVILLE. PACKET. Thespleadid fast mama; steamer FARMER, nediet, master, will lease for trio s in adtermediate parts an this 4., the LA March, at all 4 weiaea, la P n„ . n Wightght of P""4"apppl) *l/115ki or to tl l BERGER. r ECM CINCIN. __ _ The splendsd steamer RUSGGOLD, ca t. Cope. win leave for the ahoy_ all intermediate ports.. this day, the Ilth lam, at 4 P. M. positively. For freight or passage apply en board. ma FoRCirICINiSATI •Nli LOUISVILLE The splendid steamer .HAMBURG, Gin. Iliarfelter, will leave Irs abo • .4 all intermerhate ports oo this at 6 o'clock, P.M For freight or passage apply inboard Marl OEO B MILTENBERGER. A. A. MASON & CO., I.C. L. & CO., Firt.Vlllll. ANT HONY EW TOM. WUOLDIII•LIG DRY GOODS! A. A. MASON & CO., No. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, WOULD respectfully till the attention of City and ComuT Merchants - to their extensive STOCK, comprising probably the largest and most varied as soent of Foreign and Domestic Goods ever exhib• ;ta rt ad to this market. Pos.sstng the moat ample facili ties for the transaction of their 0.111412, and ono of the partner. being constantly the tinsll.ll markets, thus presenting every advantage enjoyed by Rooters Bosses. They believe that they have early est.. listed the fact, that they offer greater inducements 19 Merchants seneraDY, to style., 4ottllttoo, and than any cute. market- Their Domestics, having been purchased previous to the advance, em be afforded at the low rates of last New Goods constantly arriving. Merchants intending poreh.lnaPort, Ty solicited to rattan their assortment A. A. MASON k CO. Pius. h, March Ch. llKA—Dortil-Mc.larS B. A. Vain...Moak 11ir11OLLALE DRUGUIMI, cutter or First and Wood streets, offer for vale, on favorable woos: bbls Wbiting; 600 lbs Cub. Ammonia; 00 do Also; 600 do Assafectlebs; 33; do Dye Woods; MO do Crude Tartar; 23 do Lampblaek; 500 do Liquorice Root; SO do Von. Red; 300 do Irish Rossi 0 do Camphor. 130 do Red Procipitam; 10 do Spur. Brown; 15023 do realonial Amer.; 20 do Yellow Ochre; do do Eop. 10 do Driaistano; 230 do Bucher Leave.; '6 do Mover, 2EO do Rbabub Rath 3' do Chun. Flowers; 469 do thump. dm 14 eairee Ref. Bona; 200 do Gentian do; 33 do Cutile So. 200 do Sal Rocheele; 13 do P. 1411411 Ohm; RP do Seldlits blivore• 10 do Cale. Magnewa; 3 00 do .Pow'd Rbubarth ' 13 do Chrome Green; 630 do do Slip. Elm; sdo do Yellow; 100 do do O. Arabic; do Am. Irenailson; RP do do Ley. Rom; 00 reams Sand Paper; DP do do igloo; 23 bag. 610.1 y Sumac; 4ro do do ALCayeture; 23 bawl Bottle Corks; 200 do Salph. Zinc; 73 os Salph. Morphia; 300 do Bar Tirir 11100 lbc Cape Aloe.. 203 do Tamarinds; ; 1013 do Ittalimerm eolash;lso do Qrsick Sllvari 3200 do Plnk Root; RP do Orange Po 0; 1500 do Turkey Umber; 73 do: Cochitwal; 12(0 do Cream Tartar, to do Hyd Potash( 300 do Tartaric Add; 00 do. Mace; 100 do Uva UT.); 21 do (Danville Lotion feb334koribuT . _ BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE ISANUFACIVRERS, Birmingham, [soar Plttab,urgh.] Pa. Ofwo, No. 37 Wow st, /omen Mated: and Pfitaurglt. ;VW ILL conetantly k capon band a good sport. meat or. Ware; of nor own manufactorT, and eoperiorqualay. Wholwale and connuy Mer chants are respectfully Invited to call andel: amino hernaelvee, as we are determined to sell shwathan It before been offered to the Pal , lio. IrrOrdeni sent by malliaccompenied by thecae/I on good reference, wdl te promptly attended to. Imre A Present for Tear Family. *(ORRIS k. WILLIE' liOilE JOURNAL.—Pu 171 lished Weekly-8i per ennui aTba best pape in the Unime—Evening unite, pi in coal titan p itbont it.."—Bost. Post. New imibsetilkers can bit supplied from January lit, 11830, if immediate aplication be made tondo , Put. sonally to by letter) to p the °Dee of publiestion- JD LOCKWOOD, 03 Wood et D. I. ham ILI.O receivevl— Blackwood , . idapsine, for February, Ediriburah Refit", (or Janoary; London ICtUartelrly Review, for Januar); Westruiuster do do; JAMES 0 hi iCit WOOD, Irroksoner and Importer, 63 Wood mrB (After Ist April 92 Pollllil IL eat% of Wood.) BAn Elifg MANUFACTUR ED TODACrkt— 'ALP John Rucker As; L Dudley premium lb., P L Dudley 51; Jews ilarc lb.; ..home. 5'.; John & Lewes lb.; Noreen & Archer b's; Robert Morns IhE Thos Metcalf Sr ; Oscar Boos ths; DaniePs unrivalled b's; R King lb.; Pickwick Ws; Lantanisellts; Wm Smith ISM Richard Dewey lb.; G W Ring S's; AD 7Yree lbs; Wm Mdler Ihr A Jac bon IDs; flank C og Sr, Wm 13powsurced lbs. The above, including mute of the most or, Lynchburg and Richmond brands Tobacco, or, em , rignment 11.131 MAAIIfACULIVIS, and for stle by L 8 WATERMAN, , b ,....f , . M Water and 02 Front its A. A. 211A103 & CO., Igo. ea Market Meet, 100 slily Teed,thi pert and desirable Goods from the leading Or this country, and Of the latest lostenuatooe. The needlideh w hid, they enjoy. la bong connected lotus • holm in the east, enables th ese to parchaee goads at the lowa , vh d e edon, end keep theltatoCk full sad de sirable et all teasena They knee • fine assortment of House Noel*/ cm x t h , to which they esprit the early attention of their friends andAtie abbe. m m SPAT G WASHION. THIS begun style of HATS la noir remise Mph and ill be inl/Odlited on Bat. L O J ierday, March by IIeCOIID ik eed Corner LA C O , fe Wood he LO:3 2 10 -300 d°!,,tr,;?..9,TL11 . T.STr, for sal. bY C 9 . berry lit S uom ,_,. khd. pthae N 0, en hand and for itale by mrt • bIeGILLS ROV REAIOVED—WALLINOFORDi Co have removed N . 45 Water sr. between Wood oad Market. JACON HA11,15- 20 end. ou band awl fat sale by ms , . I DICKEY & CO. F.." — OM ilkMhlii&Ve inscn A' tit . I. this day associated with me, in the Whole. e emery, Commistion, and Fern•-• ,, - ne • my two SOWN R. N. and W. H. Wate Ise . • • • ' • sin are will be conducted andes the utytc.. - Waterman k Sono, at the old rand No 31 We. ter .• CI Front street. .1.. 8. WATERMAN. P• Wmen. March let. 'IMO. RS! FURS! FURS!—The subserigrs wt!! pay Ffor Coon, hlink, Musk Rat, Gray and: Rod Fox, and all lords of shipping Furs, the highest Immerse Price f s. corner eb2O McCORD & CO , Fifth and Wood sts. WEIR Patuiership lierttofore existing between/sines 1 Teeny and John Rest, in the Grocery, Produce an. Commission business, was dissolved by, mutual CO • sent, on the 14th inst. Mr. John Best havine par• eh sed the entire Interest of Jam by es .Taney, to the • , the business wi be him, at their •d, N 0.35 Wood st.ll settled JAMES TAEOET, oId few2sl JOHN BEsr._ SPRING AIIRANOMNIENIT. , 1850.1111P1a PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE! • Tan Daily Lints al Esprtat Pada Boas, and Bond Road Cars, TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Great Central Rail Road and Pentl'a Canal. Tugs—Sixty Hours. Fan—Ten Dollars through. 2138 miles Rail Road. 150 do Cans!. SOLCLUSIVIVI FOIL roSSMIII. THE PROPRIETORS have built. additional Line of sander new arid comfortable Packets, to connect with the new Central Rail Road. On the opening of navigation, a packet will leave every morning at sin o'elock;and every evening at nine o'clock; cresting the Portage Rail Road In daylight; at Jnkstown take the splendid Can of the Central Rail Road, 203 miles to Philapelphia. A limited number of passengers only will be eared on these packets,. este tntern..fir‘- 'll:thi tome, for safety. speed, and comfort, is not equalled by anv now in on to the Eareem Cities. For paesup or Information apply to W. BUTCH, Monongahela Hone; M I) LEECH & CO, Cleat Basin. ' N, 11—On theist May nem the Central! Bail Road will be open to Huntingdon, which will shorten the 01110 through several home. mare aitiMl 1850, Merchants , Transportation Line. For the Transportation of klel.Cll/001.1 aID P.ODUCt ICI PIJL -0EL1•13 AND .1.111.015, VIA PENNSYLVANI AN & RAIL ROAD, Wnhoe A t nwslupplog. TIME-10 Day[. Rates of Ereiglst damps as low s any - other responsible Lille. C A bIeANULTY & Co., Proprietors. Curd Basin. Penn au Pittsburgh * Aawrra—ROSEMORRILL & Co;11altimoro. CHARLES RAYNOR., Philadelphia. /CURRANTS. WAY FREIGHT LINE, ly for the accommadatton of the WAY EBBlfillY BUSINESS Between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown. lIolli• daysburgh, and all tatermedia , rioted. Shippers hy thle Hoe can always depend opoo Iw ing their goods promptly forwarded And delivered at any point OIL th e Canal or Rail Road, at fair rates for fralght: JOHN MILLER, PH.PH.... Aouvr•—R H CANAN,JO6I , HO II, I I , JOHN MILLER, Hollidaislmair, mei . C A lIMANULTY k. CO PHu'g. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, ilitglilBso, 11'05 an; TiLIMPOITATIOn or IKICILCan MD= •CIWICI 11111V111/11611 AND PHILADELPHIA. THE PROPRIE TORS of this old establi.bed and we Portable I3oat Line, are coo/ (ally prepated to receive goods for shipment an opening of Canal.— Having much increased it slit facilities, their room for storage Is ample and complete. No transhipment takes plane on ibis Line; the goods being put into section portable boats, are not chsturbod mtil snivel at their destination , —ohus avoiding hand ling at the three points of Joimitown, Hollidaysburg, and Columbia. Ne charge made for receiving or forwarding, or ad. 'arming cooties. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon an fnir terms ag by any ott+or Line . One neighbor Imes differ as to their responsibility. We have, for the last 10 can, been "The Reliance Line," an have never forfeited our title; and we think we have earned the privilege 01 sow Changing our name to the weasel. of "Tn. RllanOnSlaLl Lot" JOHN McFADEN Co.& Canal Darin, Pittsburgh. JAkrboi M DAVIS A CO, mrll No Pl 7 Market at. Philadelphia. ADM JAMES BAILIE * Bald respectfully inform OA the (needs and cashmere of her late husband. that she combusts the WINE and LIQUOR busmen, al the old store, to, ekeStrillt street. Philadelphia— where can be found, a great variety of Wines usd Lagoon, of various grade. and vintage., eonsistinit in purl ot them, Pott s hlsdetra, Claret. Hoek, Sr BlnndY. Gin, Mortonpabele. nod Irian Whiskey, St Croix Rain, and Jamaica :vine; Brown °toot and Scotch Ale. Also, a very..superiar" lot of Chstnpaßee, Nato canoes vin)•rds, pet op by reial order, all of which will be sold at low price.. H. J. BAILIE Chen:int st y Phtla. door to Coteress Hall Hotel .BAcuri--10 bads dinemnati Cured lism. ; In do do do Shou'ders; 5 do do do Sides; Landing reg metamer Jeer., for .ale by IT. BROWN Ir. KIRKPATRICK `MAR-50 hada NO. in lonia and for mile by 1„,, mrg IIKOWN & KIRKPATRICK &MASSE:I—SO N 0; " Battle Ground Pinar Bowe; Landing and for aele b 1 mrY BROWN & KIRKPATRICK Z ' aßVlTTlttgf " Afili:=.34 kegs No I, in store and for :de by IA not BROWN a. KIRKPATRICK Q bias N 0, in stare and for Rale by men v&AV BARBA UGH BILK TORK-7.10 Ineiee'd alnd for sale by mei P A W lIARBAUGII WilblyTt BEANS--A bv,A.,;l'ail'iTAVGll)` ==! THE Lam Partnership of Mnaravr& MeKnight urns this day dissolved by annual cons.. The on. finished Mashies. of the firm will receive the united at tention of both of the anderalmied. 11ENRT S. M &GRAM', Feb 2., 11310 —mr2.lrn R. McKIVIGHT. MOLASSES -710 lads Plantation; 10Ofi " do; 50 " Pow House; 30 hf bbl. " 15 do Golden Syrup; 6 bbl• do do; 12.2 reel and for sale by HIM% /MEV, MATTHEWS & CO SMAR-212 hbd. nem crop, MO reel and for sale by RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO, feb • 21 and 29 %Tem It WINDOW OLASt , -473 bleasfd. ft. Mitt by fel, RIIFX,IiIATTIIEWS te CO • • SODA A9ll-31 eAllks hen quScore ta Oitv ItiaLL :st IL " Pame ngs; ort II (or We by febri Mn=l= 1650 SPRING DRY GOODS! NUR are now receiving onr regular vapplies of Do- TY meant and Foteign DRY GOODS, which we are prepared to sell at the lowest market prices to c.h buyers end prompt business men. We woold ask the attention of City end Western klerchants to our st , ck., believing we ceo offer many Inducements to purchase from an 811ACKLFTF fr. WHITE, febdt Dry (foods Jobbers, W Wood at F O p t/ N erol of r oL ip Money . b weefood, o ; p upon ylue w O B MILTENIAGER, febta No 87 Front at rIANSIMEREia—S canes Farley Canntrae mina tre l./ emend from manufacturer , . on connigand Inc nat. by H LET, Liaemg PM. , febda normade Fifth --- -- riivirEELA-4 eager Crreedx, elf., brown, a•d J. mixed, io reed ¢emengeorent. for ado rig gold II LEE, LMerty - _ B LANKETS -2 ems Gray Co!Born* do Drab do; I do Blue do; I do superior Bed; far sale by feb2B II LEL' Liberty Pt F.ATlik:Ral--8 sacks in sumo and lan sale by F febt3 ItRAISTRONO & CROZER - ---- nOUR-200 bbls various brands, la More and far r asis by febil9 ARMSTRONG lb CROZER ACON-10.00 lb. to dna reed and GI, salena B falt•A ARMSTRONG & CROZER LID[F 3D bbl. Noah, lot sale by (623 ARMST RONG & CROZER Great Spring and Summar Medicine Dr. S. P. Durnsmd's Sarsapanit.s. IF. DOZDN of the ',Ruins Dr. Townsend'. Sag , aaparilla. for itale wholenale and remit by R. E. Sellers, No. A 7 Wool street, and by 1). N. Cool. Allegheny city. ntall Q&LERATUS-7 emits&dermas' 10 14 Co do pulverised; 113) d o `or tale by du WICK & IdeCANDLa I IS, fade corner Wood and Water lag Bta eel. Fresh fA F1TX2Vwn°0,1:1511i4":8,;,•g74.0%141," bbls Lod rd; 5 " Grease Lard; teed and for. wain fab2o H GRANT ODPLYIS-w m. on hand ISAIAH DICKEY fr. CO B A t.. L b let PERU—Worrantrd by Vi . o . l4t ; lfittifaißs4ll ll4sll.--- t04V; 4 1. ; 1 , a77 1 los for mile by R E SEMERS. PILL noxes— , 4 %) , p..p::•; l 4i r. 45 do Erglith farmalo .b 2.5 E tELLEOS. FORIC9--60 dos best Can Steel Hay FM kw, 61 dos do Manure Pork.; 20 do: do 3 Tined Fora.; far sale bq ° col:H7 oi.. 6. 1 1 41 n %ll . A ; T:lli nr ldAr. ci. CRfeAbUY'L7 R 4 L WATERMAN. S IIOVELI3-4;id d o;artisp o e4stecentg t ml a g b l z e ll • febY7 16 do: min sbovVe k inZjar i M i. by GO re L b IgIN SYRUP-3 -r.17--m., , (1, and fin .de by /AMES DALZELL. ME•WAP . 1:11.1-11 21011 E HEW 00003: 60 PIECES heaudful Styles Ca French Prinrs, 3 cues Mons de Loins, good stoles: Also—Mourning Goods. Lentils. French Wrought Capes, Collars and Cuts, Dee.. Silks. Mantillas, Alegi ander , ' Kid Gloves, Puto French and Scotch Ging• bests, all of which have been selected with g reargue, and will be found at low prices at A A•MkSON & CWS, • GO Market It BULK RAMS It SHOULDERS-60,000 lb. very D bandeeme cab packed In new bacon Phds,aaltable fer dapping east, to arrive ~d for vale by fart • I DICKEY lc CO, Front n ; PIIOW Padc 5 do &onto Fluter, - On 15.1“, d and for ante bs F VON BONNNOAST & CO, &135511 S Flovt P ~~~: Y~H T OBACCO -1.1 14: ina ; V: 4 , 1 7, 9 1 1 7 1 b ig ,. lump; 0 .sr .nle b 7 FILIiEAD-1470 ps• Soft Galena, tor state or 101EY, SIATTHEW9 00 SSlTEElltaenaenca C01111'&11 OF PITTSBURGH. CAPIT .L I=oO,goe. J. FLOM, Jr, Seel. I R. haunt, Jr., Prsal. Will Moore against all kinds of rinks, FIRE AND NAIUNE. A LL loans will be liberally adjusted and promptly Pold A home lartitadon—managed by Directors who are waU Samara in the comnamiry, and who are determin ed by proommem and hberallty to maintain the char.: sneer which they have armm.W, so olefin; the beet protection to those who ricelre lb be bleared. Drancrou—R. Miller, Jr., Gee. Black, J. W. Bader, N. Holmes, Jr., Wet. D. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Gee. W. Jackson, Wm. N. Lyon; Jag. Lippincott, The. K. Lima, James hbAuley, Alex. Gimlet, The. Scott. Orem:, No. 32 Water street, (warebotwo of Soong & Co., op etalrs,) Pittsburgh. rubdly --- City Baßeksbousos. rpm subseriben, having :dm largo Smokehouses; jL. nra prepared, at all time., to wash, hang and smoke Pork an reusonable terms. KIE& Zs JONES, Proprietors, 1.31 Canal Basin, near hh st S UWE anbactiben, baying I.en apeninted agents for J. the sale of Sall, by several of the very ben man- I:factures& bale nem on band and will =ulnae to keep a constant amply. Orders left at our warehouse, or with Peter Peter• son, will be promptly filled at all times.. JOHN fdePADEN & CO, Peon at, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. .01.10 :and Pennsylvania Hall Road. TOE Stockholders of the Me - utd 'Pennsyleutia Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the fourth Instalment of FltretDollan on each share of mock, on or before the 20th day of March next, at the office ot the Company, in Third st, an heretofore. Nbl. LARIMFR, Jry Tree. Firrsßlindiriniti , WORKS AND SPRING! AND AILE FACTORY. 0.1110X12, 101E1 V. IMAM JOIIIICS s %VIGO, 'hfANUFACTIMEBB of spring and blister 71 4 1 plough steel, steel &igh wimps, coach and ell lie synngs, hammered iron riles, .d dealers In ; leable elltingl,ftre engine lanapsomd coach trimmings generally, corner of Ross end Front sts., 'Pittsburgh, Ps A feb2s C o'l l- lON—About me ONLY ORIGTN — A — L W. AND GENUINE WISTAR'S BAM WILD CHERRY, the glent remedy forALS OF • CONSUMPTIONS- And the best medictne known to man for Asthma of every Mmge, Liver Cotnplaints, Bronchitis, Laflamme, COUXtlf, Colds, Blooding of the Langs. sbonne.. orßreetb, Pains and Wenkness in the Side, Breezy ,kc., and all other Macaws of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very important disease over which this.Baisam ex. mu • very powerfol inffuence, is that of a DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint it etas mdeubtedly proved mere ealleacionsthantany remedy hitherto employed, and in misnerous instances when linden had endured long and severe redwing 'swathe diseases,witbout evoeiv- Ing-the least benefit from various remedies, and when Mercury has been resorted to in vein, the use of this Balsam has restored the Liver to a healthy aeon, and' In many instances effected permanent eases, .Mr every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect. Besides Rs astonishing efficacy in the disease above mentioned, we also Era it a very effectual remedy In Asthma, a complaint in which it has been exanalvely need with decided success, even In eases of yearn' standing. With am increase of Intelligetice has grown up • knowledge of the elements of health, aad a re gerd anthem, and caminenatirealy with !bestrides of 'calico have wo acquired the means of saluting dia• ease, and averting Its ravages. Notwithstanding the progress we have made, Manica stow that even now, one sixth of the whole population die annually of consumption. One of the most apparent discoveries edits ago, in ameliorating the cohdmon of this large eines of suf. fanny humanity, is DR.WISTAR'S BALSAM' OF WILD CHERRY._ Witt - hots Balsam of WUd Merry' is a foie Herbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cheiry But and :i thesentim lemand toss, (the latter imported express ly tor this pexpose4 the tare medicinal virtues of which are also combined by a new dim:deal process, with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole compound the roost cerium and efficacious remedy ever discovered for CONBUMPTION OF THE LUNGE Still further evidences' of the remarkable curative properties of this Inestimable preparation: Rusamtvito, Brown co., 0, Aug. 21, 184 e. Messrs. Sandford h. Park: Gentlemen About six Wild ago I received the agency of Wistir's Balsam of Wild Cherry, hot with some reluctanee on my part. for the reason that I had been the agent of so many yells and other nostrums, which were cracked op to be something wonderful, hut which tarred oat fn the end to lins of no account whatever, except to the man 01•Clerer. Bat I candidly admit that Onetime !have been deceived, for the extraordinary cares effected by Wier.% Balsam have convinced me that "good can come mat of Nazareth.. Your agent left me one doz en bottles, which are allgone—having beers the means of curing oeveral obstinote casco of Consumption= and no oristakeitor what I see and know I am bound.. marthest. One case fn particuhis A yoang gentiel in Winches., Adonis county, 0., IO antes from this place, was cored of Cousnlopuon when the doc tors has goren him up, or at least could do nothing for him, and tt was the intention of his friends to convey him to your city, and place htm under the earn of some eminent physician there. Bet a friend told him of Wirmea Balaton, and that he doold obtain It of MO. Be cent for itand before the second bottle was gone be was sound and well, and annoling to his every day biomess. As there are several Inqairins for the meth u, it would be welt to forward au additional supply without delay. Very LeM4:1 1 ., , x1) : The above, trent Newland, Esq., &highly respect able country merchant commends itself forcibly to the candid anention of all those who have doubted the great merit of Came. Wild Cherry flotsam. Remember the original and only genuine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, was introduced in the year ISA, and has been well tested in all complaints for which It is reeommended. For 17 years it has pined more efficacious as • remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnfla enza, Bronchitis, Automat, and Cosurtimptlon in to ue 0 0.nt Melva than another medicine. LOST VOID • de., RESTORED! ass thommte, Aug. 10,1848. Mr. 9. W. Fowls: Having seen many certificate. publiahed In relation to Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Miami take this opportunity of offering a word In its favor, which you are also at nerty to publish. At few months since my wife's lungs became so much al. leered with • sadden cold, that she lost her virce,,and suffered severely from yams in the trout tier snug non caused her friends mach aliens. Having heard your Balsam strongly recommended by those who used it, I purchased a bottle from your ageot itt this plate. She took It according to direc tion, end it pro. dozed a wonderful effect. Before gone bottle she had completely recovered her voice, the pains subsid ed, and her health was aeon folly re-established. Toon, troll, HENRY 0. BRIGHTMAN. To Baguets. sun Desztas to ALlgnour..—Thi• cel ebrated and lofaihhle remedy for ate...of C0n....P. non, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by.tts own me rits, been rapidly, sure and safely wetting its way through the ;insight. of React. and eminterfeiters, mtul, by its true value and mteinaie excellence. It has gained for itse a stenvi, and esta lished melt' in lf the comonfiden ce able ofpopularityintelligent and en b- lightened public, from one end of the mmtinent to the other. The testimony of thousands who have beenre beved and cured by this valuable ankle, will show that it rands !intimated—at the bead of all other me. diethes. for the care of diseases for which it is recom mended. The genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is nose' for sale by duly appointed Agents, and all respectable dealers in medicines, in enlarge mites and all important towns throughout the United Buttes. Palms RI per Boom I Rig Bottles for SM. Bold by J. D. PARK, (at:teenier to Sandford &Parra Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and West, to whom all Orden most be addressed. L Wilcox, Jr, James A. Jones; J. Kidd k. Co ; • B. A- Fshamock & Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Russell, Walt ingtom W. B. Lumberton, Franklin; L. B. Bowie, Uniontown; H. Welty, Greensburgh; S. Kortar,Somer. sa Scott & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & Son, Hating , don; Mrs. OIT, liolLidaysburg; Mideast! 1 & Co, Lai. sea; J. R. Wright, Klusomme; Evans o. Co, Brea mile; A. Wilson & Son, Waynesburgh; Farland tr. Co, N. Callender, Idesdailler, Baton & Co, Eric J. Magoffin, Mercer; James, Kelly &Co, Bntl er, S. Soth, Beaver, J. Am Sunerton, Warren; F. L. & C. S. Jones, CadmPorb P. Crater, Jr, Bromussillo. febe.dAvaalisiT Mi=iial O -• • • • . APTAINSAM DEL LL SMITHERS, having been appointed Inspector of Steam Boats for the motes signe4 Insurance Companies in this city, a classifica tion of Boats will be made, and nuns of premium charged accordingly. All shipments under open Poll. nes sabsnpent to thin date, will be subjected to such rates and regulations us may be adopted under such inspection. Every information will be given at the sportive oases. 1 FINNEY, Jr.. Eka....7 Western Insurance Company. P. A. IdALIF/ MA. AV M Del. M. e. In. Co, Philadelphia. WhL P. JONES, Agent Ins. Co. of Nonh A. W. NARKS, Secretary Cittanna' Ins. Co. Pittsburgh, Mardi Ed, IBso.—fmr4 NO aom • To the heirs and less! representatives of William Stanton, late of the Coanty of Lawrence, gentle man, dectd, vim To William Sanwa; 'Ann Mien, intermarried with lames J. Stoniest Nary _Jane, intermarried with liam Wawa. Hannah Merit Stantow UMW., Inter married with Joseph Crair, Henry &Lie.: and Ed win Adolphin Stanton— That the told Wats= Stanton died seised In his de. mesneom of fee, of and in Mar alis the following de acribed Real Estate, to win All that certain part of Lot No. 163 i, lying west of the Shenumo Creek, situ ated in the County of Lawrence, and Stale of Penn• sylvan* in the second district of donation lands, and bounded as follows, trim Beginning at a stamp and rest the tooth wool corner of the said Met; and thence by Lot No SO, to a atone in the middle of Shenange Creek; thence north thirty destee west, by the Mid dle of said Creek to a stone, thirty One pereheei thence north fatty deitterA tweet, by rho middle of cold Creek, thirty fire perches to a atone; thence north forty wren degrees; weal, by the middle of sold Creek, thirty perches to at none; theme north fifty five degree.; west, by the Middle of mid Cmak,ltwenry four perches to • stone; thence north forty Mee de grees west, by the middle of said Creek, fifteen perth. es te-a stone thence north nizty three d egrees Weal, by the middle of said Creek, ninety one and wren moths perches to a 111:01118: thiMee earth three dem.; east by land of Jobe Rob Won one bounded and Ms ty nine perches to the place of irtlinning—contalniscr mvnty eight acres, and one hen red and ten perches to t h e same, more or lens, being part of Lot No. MN, do— And that, by Millie of a snit of partition or value lion, issued etil et the Coon of Llertenee COuntr, to me ihrected, for making partalon of said trut of land, to and among the helm and legal mare/m=4llns orate said William Suwon, d, 1, David Emery, High Shedd' of the said County of Lawrence, will bold an inquest on the premise., for the appraisiment and par• uuon of the Real Pilate of William Stanton, deceued, n Friday, 19th day of March, 1950, at 10 o'clock, A. C., where you and each of yori may mend, if you think propar. ' DAVID EMERY, High Sherif of Lawrence County. P. fleaul Orme. New Cutlo, Feb. 27 1830. ons.orkfr • BY VIRTUE of a precept ender the hands of Hon. Wm D. cClre Pmsident of the Court of Com . fleas,. in and for the 1101 Jodlcial Cdstrict of Pconsylvtuda, end Janke of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery in and said Dtsirict, and Samuel Jones and Valliant Kerr Vatter, smel t, Judges of the taus COWL., in cod for th• County of Alleghem, dated the 11th day of Pebroary, In d he year of oar Lad one thousand eight hundred an fifty, and to me , teeter, for bet • C••".''' Oyer end r e is and General Jail Delivery,at me Coon More, ia the City of Pittsburgh, rp the Fo arth Monday in March next. al 10 o'clock, .Publio notice la hereby eiveo mall Jammer of the ?tate, C•otoner, and Constables, of the Co•tltY p of legheny, that they be then and doe Mar , perms, with their follr, rmordt4 lot tto•e Malone, and other remem o b a zac% 7.ll:l:2,b:otatire.,,re'steded.l,Wep r way he In the Jail .00000 to e Pruomrs teat ms • ebe then tad tetra, lopm• coder than as sam-t Give der 131111LVd, 1 Pittsburgh, that llth day of the year of our Lord. LBMa j and of the February, on caRTE2. Commeroffealth um 74m. I 1011446W1L1T CZlTlrtarlictei.ft L 9 WATERMAN. • TIIR DoreMae Room., rd, above Biahhiedd. oermnied by R. Ma Dolismeß. Aho—For 011 G or more p.m, moo looto Lots of 4roand, in the Ninth Wan], on and moat Om *MT, noitable for Lumber 'Fords. &qaire of JOICi M. DARLINGTON, or of and-rf • DARLINGTON:Fourth as. _ b 42: y °1,2 1 . e . Wi, REHOVSE Islet aniro o f „ A 16.11 F HOII ]n of imtil 4S. SJ Wood JOHN BEST. Poo Sala LARCH Sate, Platform Scale,-Ormalae, Treat, and other amides neeemma n the Who1male;(310. eery barium. Inquire at 25 Wood in. • PO JOHN BEST. rp lIE anderrigned offers for tale the entire stock of Grecerienei the late firm of TASSET k BEST, with the 'MOM fixtures and every thing suitable to ac commodate the transaction M. betray besinessorldek has been built up try !Woven. close attention and a large custom obtained, the cowl will Of salad ba transferred to the purchaser. and posserrion of the warehouse given on the fleet day of April nem, of sooner if required. The met will be reduced if re- Sodquired, and payments made COY kW geed paper. So good an Opportunity of an emablished bastion Ls aid. offered, and but for other engagement. twinning my attention, would not be given op. fiatlefictory information eau be obtained on thipre. - muses, No. 3.5 Wood street. fad: lorry Barr- • TO HE House at present *Coupled by King 1 Moor head, comer el Diamond and Diamond Alloy; Ro, Ih accond home front corner of Diamond In aairt alley. For term., apply to - BOYLE IRWE'L fear-dim THAT Perero and cenneetotlloneDWFLl ING HOUSE on Webster street. near Seventh, at mown sow pled by Mr. R. Vankerk, Poneenion IA in be mon Oil the let April. Inquiet:, on the promises, or of ILL B. LOWRIE, Wylie re,: • noon Chatham _ VOIL SALE., A LOT OF GROUND. 50 feet front on Bank Lam• .1 - I..runtsing beet to Rebecca st, teen a Cottage. Boole and Carrlege Mose In goad repgir. This pt. gate', t o ll'. vitiated on the Bonk of t►e Alle ghee' river, and is eonsi ered one of the most dash. No and pleesus situations ie . the Allegheny. For rite and terms opply t 0... S. DCHOYER, ~ t n`•xi . No no Setond st FOIL SALIP, RES . ACIMI OF LAND, shake miles. aboca9l es . o Tfrow tire City, tear the residence of Revlatehard Le, on the Greembergh Turnpike, suitable tor Com • try Residences: Also—l9l Acres of Land, sharked In Franklin IPIVII• ship, about 10 miles from Pittsbuigh, nest the Frank /1n Rand. ' Aleo—A Lot Of Ground, near the new Basin In the Screeds Ward. being 100 feet agnate, on which Is a' two story I rick Dwelling Home. For particulars • and terms of kale, enquire of DAVID D. BRUCE, Attomer of Lary, feb4.1.1 ent Fifth et, heft Wood and Smithfield: "%ATE orer for We, on male rate terms: VV, lat That lot of ground on Pennsylvania As cane, near Congress at, being aboat UM feet in depth by about 22 feet 71 inches' n width. 22. That Lot on Pennsylvania Avenue, just beyond Mr. Watson's property- being 112 feet deep by MS feet 71 inches in width. 3d. A Lot on the MI, lust behind the 3:1 Let abavil, named—beine tall feet feet deep by 25 foot 74 hide= wide, extending flout Gibbon to Locust at. D. W. & A. 9. BELL. Attorneys at Law, office in Fourth at, feb2lSur above Gaither-lg. Tlarge three wary Back Warebiise, on Wise I. below Fenv street raiding from Wald to Pint' smell, on reasonable i:1112.1. Possession given imams. diately. Enquire of febleitr Sosadala To Let, rp' Leant:Val riandion for a Private Residence,. 1. on the bent or the Ohio river, in the bormigh or Ittezeheoter. For term, apply to lebt2 GEt , COCHRAN, 20 Wood a IN within a sinew of the snorkel, • number of three sum Brick Dwellings, with bock buildings. There ere eight rooms in each house; sad theiords are paved, with hydrants in the saran. Rent very low. FOR PALE--Three Pomp., in good order, 'maid answer for wells from 63 to 70 rftt deep: Enquire o[ JAMES RAY, Pandinky at, near Baptist Mooch For Balks WF. will sell at a bargain. nno of NAVSMITIPS DIR.V.CT ACTING STEAM HAMMER, with Merrick & Tonne's improvement attached. .11 is ht good order, and east be seen at oar works. It is ad mirably adapted to drawing iron, and shingling bloom. For farther informadon apply to • fetal SINGER, IIitaTMAN &CO • For Rent. THE SECOND AND THIRD HAIRIER of Wore. house No 5 Market street. next door to !Olean! & Wars Store. Enquire or feta JOHNSTON & STD A Farm for Sale, CONTAINING 100 ACHES, abouchallif which is cleared, stunned in Washingum county, Ohio, about fire. miles from the ,Ohio River. Posse.,lon gtvenlmmedtaiely. Eranire of ROIICAC DALZELL A CO, 'Oa • Liberty MIOM TUE, sunscriber will sell or rent !skiver) , desis s table Cou n try E.ethlence, in Aqemieny tinted ion Shoo Lace and Althgbeny Acta:th e , west of the Coothoon The hr.: is a lime doakSo • brick building, to complete order. Thews is • CM. Asp Harm, Stable, and good water on the groonds,, which comprise two 1.1V5, well improved, containing every descrsption of FoustAlso—a among houseman smoke. house. Powerssion gnien during tor month of March. tf ...JOHN 6E811411T. OFFICIE TO RENT—Oa second story, No 66 Water IL Pasesston Oren tat Aprd. -. jam= rgAtAtt CKSV h CO, FrOni st TOILE TO ILEST-23 feet front by 40 deep— kJ No 107 Flout Pt P..casion April jamn ISAIAH DICKEY /c. CU, Front sr To Loti A detirabla Reatdenee, 'hawed on the iiIVEr Bulk. First Ward. Al!eglienf City. &ignite 111. at Ws °Moe, or of Mrs. MeAlwayn on d o ot • fca1.0.9. ' ' it:l:43 0, ' C=2= 'DOR - 8.1. LE, on very bbern; term--Filly Nine Lots r of Ground, situated on Peon, Wayne, and Ptko sts, and the Doquesne Way, according to-a plan to he seen at this eine, where tonna and conditions will be made known. FOM. the first day of April non--one large twa storiad BRICK DWELLINO HOUSE, handsome ly situated on the Ohio River, adjoining theboroughof Manchester, with about four tares of Mod; a number of Fruit Tram: one large Wick Barn and Stable, and other oat Moldings Applies • jantls . JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO. . . ASMALL COTTAGE HOUSE, in AlleguenyleST, on Feplenado sweet Rent low. Inquire or ionic; TASSEti A. RFST. as Vnnd at ALOT OF GROUND. suitable fora Brisk Yard, and situated near the city line, in th e vicinity of Soho Bridge, will be rooted tor a term of years. Ap.. DIY ld R. D. GARZA.% Third raced, braid Office over the rosiOrSce. 172=e31 • . A ROOST on the Roeond darr of the Warehouse La. No. tal Wood street. Janie • Per Rent,; . A THREE STORr - BRICE DWELLING 11017 S---- on Liberty street, between &flare tmd Walnut streeta, Fttth Ward, at patent oft:allied by the sabaraiber t - Vespertine giant on theta,. April. Enquire of jaat64 VOUNG. 143 Liberty at. For cleat. 6 BASEMENT. corner of the.Diamand t wo k TUnion streeu, o well adapted to may public tammeas. It has been ocenmed a. a Coffee, or E.ating Estahlial, went, fora number of years. AL-.o—Several Odlee. and Artio's Roormn welt. lighted, with entrance from the Diamond,- over the' Inure of the mbwribers. nosh west corner-of the Dla, mood and Market street. Apply to . janl2 ALEXA.NDER &MAY. ' FOR ELM h T, two pleasantly rimmed Drink Dwelling Home., wth the ground. adjoining; at Makised. Possession mut be given ..onche.fuat of .April nest jand HARDY, SONES2eCt). MX=l . rP lIE Batt fart of the Warettonse nose oettiPled br I. myself, ana (rooting en Front street. • • ions -- C It GRANT,4I. 'Water EMT= . _ AGOOD THREE STORY DRIER DWELLING, on Smithfield street, (oar doors from Seventh, west aide. Inquire of S. SCHI.YER, _jan7 110 Second or, VOR STORE, well Ins d up tor Dr 9 E Goods, on Market st., between Thad and Youth. POMSSIOII given on the tat of April next.. • • • Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Vossessient given immediately: ED. GAZZAMi • &AB 011 lee over the Pest OlEee.Tluni iIBOA BENT—The WAREHOUSE'S pro. sent or:espied by Me-ors.Bailey,Hrosro 8. Co" . on Water street, from Irst or April next. . nes% JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO PIA SALE--A Ana. House, Ott one year bull%) and Lot, on Robinson area, Allegheny, near old Rridgo.• Price low and terms uqr tcpuise or jr24 S SCHOYER,IIO Second FSA - 17F.:—Floe lout eligibly oluniuse in um it... tithing town of Sulam ham. The lots are sits.. teld en Dentean meet, numbered in F 833.37733 , 3 plait 73, 73, SD, SI and 64—Lot No 73 fronting feeton &Lir . nr Ann street, 79 feat deep; the other four 20 feel front _ each, by BO feet deep. Tenne—Greater pan of pentium inbriey inaLl inehrfor odit ye or nts, unwed by gmangage. olars . • _ Bu ll° —2lo'J___oneture VLUAIILE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A. Lot of Ground aituate on Penn , street, between Hay and Idattery a tregta,'telioleiol the bonne and let new occupied by Richard Ettraohte haying a front MOS feet, and In depth 130 feet, .11 1 be sold an favorable terms. Title nnuceptionabl. gakre of C.. 0. LOOMIS, 4111 gunner Wand. oello-dst • - A BLEW ABRAINGMBILIGINT: W. It: MURPHY J: M. 81.111.0HPIELD. • THE anal' Dry Goods basilican heretofore Fondant.. el by W. It. Murphy, at North Eau comet Fonnh andllarket sts, ristabargh, will hereafter be earned on by the new firm of MURPHY dr. BURCHFIELD, Who respeerfally solicit nnuanee or the wale er the old easterners of the es ta b li shment, and the petals , in general. A large and carefelly selected Contra Genes will ellen , . be kept ee kitody aed oral to. GliCeMent nirertd lo the Way Of {OW prices - , ' N. 11. — W. R. MURPHY will canunue the Whole.- ale business, MS heretofore, in the tOc=l. Up EiLei , .• • entrance from Fourth st. mA NNW SPUINO GOODS. A LEXANDEN & DAV, No Market .t, North West ri comer of the Darnand, bate commenced /coda, log their skink of Spina - My Goods. They . opeoed n choice/m..oam= of Silks, Limn, Lostkoks and odic, D.feas Goods. Also—Donnell and Bonnet gibbons, a handoom: a/kora:nun of french Wetted Collars. he. eplendia French Cloths,Cassimeres, and Seen Vest• Hon. Furnishing—i complete essmenotnt at the lowest nterket mut. ALEXANDER &DAY, 'ailet eta N W corner of the Diamond. SCarle's Cast S Maas and 11trep0...,. WARLE'S Cam Preel Hones ant/ &reps for Ratan .Es anti fiaretcal an article npronier 10: any that or the kind etteredlo lke publjo, both e,, os s . oil* and eirtng a fine and perfect edge. ata k aralLeat toms durability. The abort can be bad, and peraens supplied forger reasonable anandly,anlsa blrtnotfor Book Depoldrelrfir Year/bar. between W0...10 and Marto. R. /10EICRAL • •
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