ESTABLISHED' IN 1786 PUBLISIIIEDBy • H 1T E. & CO. 0. -Cirri Sul Zings, Tilai faith, =LT Door To TAX ran . 0/71cr. iiii,i/ ---ii' ii. Book Binders. WEefe , Z[ %% la the ar , 7brinea:L : coney we of are pivpared to d o mcwork la or Me with des- CI Inft,e7invder trreg:4l=‘'nv2Z.Vaa.dl::. ',ability. Bluah Hooka rale& to any pattern sad booed mar flrVe. _Books ill umbers mold books bosml eve repaired Name., pat cot Maks in il I - Thole that have welt - tansy llan am ini g ed mt i l to ' all. lan? CI OP, ADVlCaTigusla, Aden low. . - ' . Viilso. - . Daily p. ,-.......--. ...... -.-47,60 F.( annaci. Tri-W.....1.-...-................ ago ," vi4etty, .sdiranc.)...--- •••• • 2 . ,6 . " Da. . a Cliabs, la a nodauta M.. MICELI) Utord BY T 1 C PITTEBVItOII PREIS. One :NW e, (In tales of Nonpareil or lees) clue Nes te, each additional inurtlon• • • OP Do. one reek ... • ... ••••!• • • Do. three weeks.---- Ida Do. one month. --• ....... 3,06 Ito. two months--.--•--- 7,00 In. Do. sour months —• 10 ,00 ,00 Do. .1.0 months.....-.:. •-. Do. . kevetee 18,00 Parading Card (6 lines Or lesiSper annum, 10,00 One Sonamchanguable etPlemans. (Per att . aural exclusive of the paper— MOO For each additional square, Inserted over cue month, am for each additional square Inserted under the year ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceuting • nem% and not over Garen lines, to be ehargedaa • means and a half. Publishers not aecountable (or legal advertisements beyond the amount charged Medici: pabtication. /01110110eing candidates for office, to be, charged the Patna is other advertmements. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a *Pee fied number of ineeniuns, will be condoned till forbid, and payment exacted accord. The pnvilegm of yeerlyeiverdsers wilt be confined rigidly to their molar business, and all other adver tisements not pertaining to Melt regular business, as agreed for, to be pald extra. All advertisements for charitable Institution. fire companies, companies, ward, Urernshlp tad other public meetings, and such like, tube charged balf price, payable strictly inadvance. Starriese notices to be charged 00 cunt • Death notices inverted withoutobarge, =Ws 1,c0,.• y funeral invitation. or obituary notices, and when en tecorapiplued to be paid fbr. CARDS. WM. 1. Wiling,' 7/401 , 7. 112111(1M, & IJENNETP, (late Ealllinh, Oallamher f Co. Wholesale Groat:ea Cornausslon and kor warding Merchants, mod dealers In Produce and Pin. unlit, Manufactures, No. S 7 Wood at.:, between Id and a worm tell El J. HENRY, Attorney and Cowenllor Law, r. 4. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ottio, .11 ill Indientii and in Kentacky, promptly and care fully attended D. Costonlasloner for the SUM offenn sylvtmis, for takirqr Dept:4(lbn., acknowledgments, Emma ro—llon. Wm- DeU & Bort, Canis, Cimrch & Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq., Willoek & Darts. ED GFAAIGE COCHRAN, CUI - siiiiistiod and Forwarding Merchant. No..ZAVeod street. Pittsburgh. myl: 110 DIE LEA01:111c PLOTORY. AMIIIION STEII'ART, rosonfutoret of ilcoo7 DL Shirtings, Checkn, to., Rebecca. outot, . o onootteor. n0r1.3-dly• LT LEE, if uceener to Merril &Lee„)Weol Deal. LI. or and Conisttinier. !Fiera.; for the rola et Aon , ieen WoelenN Liberty, mesh° oth et. feta? ant. uaatn, Bet*.ore• 1. sccutoa, saaraao Miry D. c. 00cauxolt. roar a. own, lICIEALD BUCKNOP., Tobacco Co.acbcdon =sou, 41 North Il'Aer .1, 16 North Wbarm, Pinta n0..364 L.A. MAW!. - WM. P. MAIM. HAUDI', JONES & Co., frucemors o Atwood, Junco &Co.)oclummaton and ForcearitnEMsf: chants, &Udall-Cm Pittsburgh Manufactured l'ancburatuPa• Wm. If VPilllanm— , •—••• • ...... B.ldeVay. WM. H. WILLIABIS ti CO. • BANKERS AND EXCHANOE•BROKhR2, No, Cut e o?per of Wood ioderbird weeu, Jana • ' • ' ' P 171.411.11. PS. w. maasitsza... MICCII3IOI,.ID 41411. 91/1,4 . y PORTER'S,. Mater la Wreaah nod luswilcan Pa. L per Hangings and /larders. Modem Shade.. Fire nowd P...... aa. Mao—Writing. Printing and Wrap. Jing Paper, No. el Woodauest, between Fourth street and thareued alley, west slde, Pluaborgh, P.. febld F~.7 • • r BAIA!! DICKEY & Co, Who'peak Grote.. Com- I mission Mereheat...and dealers to Prodaea Nosed Waur. and ICO Front streets. Pimibarett. nosh JNO. A.CALIGNISY, Agent for the Lake Elie and Michigan Lion to Deaver and the Lakez.—Othe on tita earner of Water and Smithfield gts. An 4 John S. Iblworilr•— • • • —.Joseph Dilworth. JT DILWORTH .LO. Whofatale Grocorr, aridJ . . Agents for Hazard Powder Co., No. 27 Wood rt., Piusborigh. JOON 4 DILAT.ItiS. /OM. DILWOII2B. . ••- • • - I B. DILWORTH lo Oo,"Witolessie Oroctra, Pro t/. dace and Cosandmon Merchants, and Agents for Pro a/.. Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 17 Wood st, Pz Uzi • h. .cu TWIN M. TOWNSEND, nutlet awl Apotheury No. 4S Market st. Wee doors above Thin:lac Pind hank will hays constantly ea hand a lull saluted a samisen& ante best and Gesheas Medicines. which ha will sell on the most ressoublo lemma Physicians sending orders, will be prompt, attraded to, and cop plied with, &TIMM they Sely open u gamine. • ,L, E; Pre p~ ,pared from g: a:e x i s. wa y tela ir suitl e In day or night. • Also tor ule, a largo stook of fink and good gats: 1911f1. - 1143 JWIN WATT. (successor to Ewalt A Gebbart , Wholesale Grocer and Commlasica Merchant, dealer In Produce and Pinsbargh Ilanufactarea cor ner of Liberty and Hand streels,Pittabtalth Pa. tan AMES A. HUTCHISON, a Co.—Successors to Lewis Hutchison a Cc, Contralaslon Merchants, and Aseula of the 'St. Lords Stem Heusi Refinery. No. 45 water and el front strecu,Pluabargh. tans aIOIIN 11. MP slll., Wholesale andigic"ist dealer InMaine and Magical Instminents, School Hams, Paper, Slues, Steel Pena, Quills, Printout' Cards; and Stationary gerterally,No. El Wood Al.„lPlttabargh. ICT Fta. beisaht or is' tln trade_ sepls AIThL VOU OaCo.-llealsn in kather TV 143 Liberty sl .4.514 W ten inl l r r od r te rtEj a, Wh e "C." 7ll ".. bargh . bLaanfactures re...m.ll'7, N a= a ft, Pit burgh.. d.B • WM. TIMILIN, ATTOILAZT AT LAW, Bsidcr, Pa • • WiL also attend to collections and all other:bast. nes* entrusted to him to Brass and Armstrong cool:mks, Pa. Refer to J. & FL Floyd, Liberty st W. W. Wallace, do James Marsha do • Pittsbot .7 . dly Nay C. 0., Wood ft J PZTTICIRMW & co, sTsem BOAT AGENTS Orswe sags& M. Ansa & Co, oct3l No. C.' Weser street W. Ai M. REITCUELTREM, - DOLE.SALE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—ltarotter. of Soda Ash and Blaaching Powder, No. MO Liberty st., (opposite Molt burgh. &ea; loan P. WICI. naval sressauss SICANDLCBS, (soceesseirs to L.& J. D. yy Wriek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwardly and Commission Merchants, dealers' in Iron, Nails, Glass, (Atom, Yams, and Pr o t burgh Marinfacurnm soundly, eon... of Wood and Waler street. Piusbrails E, .111 mom and Mill Fortush- VV log mtabliahmerd, No. $l4 Liberty at, near the ea.tul mann Titr Mr7WILSON, Wateleadeoreiry, Silver Ware. it . and !dilitat7_Goods, comer of ?dulcet and eth atreets, Pittsburgh, Pa. S.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired., doo4 UTFST 130WEN—Conurusalaa and I , Wararda Merchant, N 0.91) Front at bersMa Wood Market strtetf. (604 e r 1 or in Ncraresg* bome;rds Dn: Goods, =mi • lk mc Irner of Marketand Fourth rts. sugfi I. 10:311000 rritll3ol3ol. ;0931 V1C50R5,310931.3.913 71.1410 a, NICOLA Produce General Con -0 raumen Merchants, No. 17 Libe7l7 et, rimborall. ---- • QF. VON .LIONNHORST. CO., Wholesale Oro. 5 q.....14 Forwarding and COMPIi..III MettUaita, Ptrisborgh Marathon:rag and Western Pro dace, hare.rerooved to theit new warehouse,(old swat) No. 33, comer of Front at. and Mama, Lam. - rum! A. H. EA (Milli & CO., ileoLoGicet., Classical, and Sunray School / ry B"'. ll rra, rad doctors lo kind. ot Writing, Window and Wreoping Paper, N 0.79 Waal street, be t wren Fourth and Iltiactond Fiusburgh, PA febl3 • • . : • rt)Si-"'""frt Yholceate Grocers arerContml me Merchants, and dulare in Traduce. No. 37 Wa..l Pitteberah, _ 9!.!1-• • IV 001. DEALERm Celamisoloo Marches:Albs aho vv of Amman Woolen Goode,Lilserll.U.' 3 ' . 1.1191 wst. W. ti WOODWokly .1.28 ZULOLLICT. WAI. 11:.0ALEY k. CO., Wholesale GrOttr, 18 and Rs.l Wood street PoSaborgh, nal27 RRISON SEW 2a ELL, r fiGeeE.nt aneellar Laar —0 MalAtloL warily (late °Marren, 06[04 Cau.d_r j • end Porsearaing Hsrehser sad wholesale de.ler in ''' We tem Hewlett Cheese, Bauer, Pot and e. AA and w stem Predate general l y, Wow .e 'fli, between Smithfield sad Woodnusbargh: . - .XCIIOONMARER & snAd Wood street, Ntledtrel. JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Date. , er in Dye SlaID, Punts, Vare' Wood wee; one door South of Ormond Alles , Pnle. Lurgh.nal s i 011N — R.15. 7 0, Aucto Dinsbursh .10111sati.):4 a STOCKTON. Beate end Paper Haooraewrer.,No.ll4 lirlaTket buret. -.J01.4 Phu.. iltra.a trwyp, Whole.ule Cosenrs, CUMlllasioa j • htererishos, and Desk, in Produces Ite. n d smorets Buildings, fronting oo Liberty, Wood and 6W torso, Potshot., Pl. f i ELI, -- W - 10i - Nlsk.T4, -. M - ; — “i,ije immix A ei chant, e me nd dealer ia Produce .d Fitubomb plonator:tutos. No,CS Water 11, Janie I.U. SWETT - 818, Attorney at Law office Diet, oppob. N. Charles Hotel, Plusbdigh, taW aleo Sit, - nd promptly to Collude., in Wastilapart,Tayelis tool wren counties, Pa. REFER TO hase attach, Bells Co, Church h. Carothers, }Pa., irith. t). P. iltaa_tar • ti A W. HADDAM/If, Wool Merchants, Dealers to Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding L ai Conun.ssion Idercltants, No. 33 Water at., Puts. • EMS 'PRE rff MISCELLANEOUS. 01040 Las, CeOkalig Stoves; aratim,7llll.. mAgatau., WALLACE & CO., Round Church, ~,,,e r ,uherry and Wood tames, mutufecture and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales. of We matt improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for 'mod sod. eoaß Egg Stoves of various sires, Parlor and C0M113012 Crates, Hollow Ware, An. &a. They aim manufacture the Eitetten Range, which has given mach general satisfaction to those having It in ase, to all or which they would rupee:tally invite the attention of the citizens and the public generally. 00t47-dtf WASICIMAII FALXII. 1061111 A 115Mtk. WM. /I.OMIT PALMER, HENNA ti C 0.,. ' ISuccessors to Hussey, Hanna & Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE lIROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate., of Deposite, Hank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of PitMergkl. Carteret QVo• ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for isle, and collections made on nesoly all the principal points in the United Stoles. E=i==;l3MGl Advanees made on consignments of Produce, stop ped PAL. on liberal terms, apt Thi Pennsylvania Company Foi Inimeam 03 14m Am (imam* Ammnia HE firm Lite insurance the U. Slaws. Incorporated March lA, lOl2—elial tor perpetual. Tlapital t he paid irl. flaying authorised the undersigned to receive appli patioas for hata nnee, on which pollciu wilt be issued, according to their proposals and rates, which will be made kimunt to aPPlieards at his office, No.le Wood street. sptl GEO. COCHRAN. A OIJ }MIND PRlNTS—Handsome black. & whim and black and dove colored Prints, for Mou rums. be found at the Dry Doody House of NIA I W R MURPHY - VICLED . 6O - AILLICA; W . . . . . . FL MURPHY ba• r e ceived • farther supply • of Tacked RedTvrilled OitChints, for commis, at /awed price, at the North East corner at Feanh and Market na. febet 1p Der.' V ED flia DAY, a r A. A. IDADDYieCO'A IV another large Invoke of those desirable Frerieb Wroschr Caper. Collars, and Cuffs. Alro—fitourning Collars and Cads, and lbo pieces rich hillCk tlils Leers. all widths. -febSCI Der,J=`' falai.. 1101:FS-3M dos Lidice and GeneTririeo Li Cambric Mikis Also—l, mall kit of Ladies' Cboice Prob'd do, reed per espren at febad A A MASON & CO'S TA. Franklin Fee. insurance Co. of P.4 4, 4 , 1pkia. DRECTORB.—Charlea N. Beecher Thomas Hari as -Tobi Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. NV Richards, hlordemi D. Lewis, Adolpho E. Bone, Bend 8. Brawn, MOM. Patterson. Casabas N. Ilsnclus, President. Charles G. Rancher, Secretary. Continue to make immrance, perpetual or limited, as every description of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. To Company haveaserved &large contin}ent which with their Capita and Premiums, safely invest etl, afford ample proteetion to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, WO, as lbliabml aerrembly man net of Assembly, were as failowk oi, ; x. Reel Estate Temporary Loans • SlAtts Cash, No. • 51X8,492 Btnee their ineortoration, • period 01 . 12 rest, they have paid upwards of one million foar hmdred Moor and dollars, losses try fire, thereby Mfording eridenee clam advanutires of:lnsurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER LOFTIN, Arent, Ofilee N E cornet Wocid and dd eta Ll 6 sad Health Lmakamei BE Mutual Life .d Insurance Company of Philadelphia, incorporated by the Legialature r el l Permsylvartia, /larch, IAB. Charter perpetual. Capital, 111100,010. Ram towaa tn. axe P.c., oasts Coalface, and (¢ll 20 per cent, lower than the used rates of Life Insurance, as the, following com parison will show: Thus, • person of the age of MI In suring for SRO for life, must pay lo the Girard HZ Penosylv.ia, HOS, Penn khan.. $2.36; Funttakle, IttA New England, 152,38; New York Life, !UPI, Al bion, 112,4.11; Life and Health, Philadelphia, Clot: Druceo..—Smatiel D. Orrick, Co lee U. Ilan. W. F. 13000 e, Robert P. Cank, i n P. Hayes, IL W. Baldwin, Al. M. Reeve, ht. U., Chas. O. 11. Campbell, • wig Cooper, I. Rodm. Barker, &IL Butler, talon, ope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vier Press -Rob,. C. King; Secreta—Franco Blaekbarne. mkt... will be receiv e. and every Mho... by SA/IL. FABlit-nrtiCK, Agt, 011ce, Commercial Boma, earner of Wood and Third sts. Pittsburgh VIRE ADD DADIDIIE INSIDAANCY. IDE INSURANCE ~CO. 01 North America 1•111 mate permanent and limited Insmanee on pro . ' ' Aeity thii city and ' vicinity, and t n shipments" by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Be.. The properne ot the/ Company moo reit invested, of fermah an avail able toed for the ample ladeamity of all permit" ....ha desire to be protected by limaranca ntyLP WM. Y. JONES, Siren; 47 Water et. LIZALTI! INSURANCE. as Pittsbargh • The Spring Carden Death Hunt:ince CO, OF PELLeDELPHES—CAPITAL 1100,000, INSURES Make and Femaleangainst the Expel. and Lost occasioned by Bickner or Accident, by an immediate allowance of from 53 to 89 per week, for one, two, three, or four rem'. The method of effecting this lemeratee, and the manner of awarding the Met allowance, will be Wily eiploineal by the Agent. as -Y1,1.4. A person eau injure Kauai Sieknem or Aemdent labia will detain him from his ordinary bovine., tu follows, ♦aim For ono year, by paying 134;20, and receive 33 ire ek. For two G,20, " 4 For three " " 7,35, " " 3 For four " '1045, 6 " • Or . a . ~ rs,, , for period of four ye a rs , the U. of 514,40 paid anomaly, will secure AA per . week while sick. Every necessary Information will be afforded on the subject of insurance generally, b 7 JAMES DURNO & CO, Agents, d017411m Odeon Buildings. • BELL AND BRASS WOUNDIAIf • a„ A FULTON, Bell and limn Foamier, bas mi. . bedlam:l commenced businus at his old stand where he will be pleased to see his old cutom . crs old friends. Chture.h,Stemnboat,and Bells of every size, from 10 lo 10,120) pounds,cast from panics of the most oppose cdmodels, and warranted to be of the best materials. bßnere Water Pamps,Counters, Railing, &0., toge ther arithevery variety of Bros Crating., if re.quired j Mined and finished in the smelt. manner. A. F. la the sole pmprietor of Bakurls Atert-Armai nos Ain . .., so Rosily celebrated for the reduction of friedoo in machinery. The Boxes and Composition eon be bad of him at all times. Wetly 11,1111. x. 000.17. _ .. .1.11.• ATILTSCIII SOALIPN i ATKINSON, Pra arn., arms. Woos Am klAsarr, Prrrstrtmon, fI A ft.NTINUE m manokorma all hods of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. Boats built to order. • ••• • • • Special attention given to steam boat work. Have on hands a line aluartment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin Ware, de. dec. SteamboatCooktng Stoves, Portable Forges, various sizes—a very earrenient am bale for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road " tite i" . " 4l . ld respeetfully steam boat own and others to call and see our articles and pried, before purchasing el sewhere. /•:17 1111/I.OKuNITT fi WHITS, NO. 99 WOOD STREET, 101"./LVEnow in elite • tame and general tworttnent of DRY GOODS, which they offer to Coy and Coanty 3lr !chants at reduced price.; and which they wit toll ur 'I It triduenmen's to cash buyers., w Toe 'speroved ere ladle P• 3121 Elaolan. HWlGHT3LAN;—alansfaentrer °fall kinds tenor. ton and woollen machinery, Alleghen y eitY, M. The above works being now in and 'accents] op erasion, I am prepared to creme criers with dispatch for all kinds of machinery inlay lute, nth as willows, picker', spreaders, cards, grindreg routines, miivraye, drawing frames, speeders, thissos, looms, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, muksjack ire.; elide and handlathes and mole in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rev. so—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Alseksiock, Bell to Cr.. King, Pennock & Cu., Jas. A. Gray. NZW Tir.Lwan.seu cirricar.. THR citizens and business men of Pittsburgh are reepectfully informed that the Norse Telegraph Lines WC COW to complete °pertain!, between this till and Zia Motors, Washington, and ether Ramer° Cities, connecting at Washington City with the Morse Line, the only nee South to Richmond, Raleigh, Camslemon, Augusta, Savannah, Mobile and New Weans—and connecting in this city with lines running West and North to the principal towns and cities lathe valley of the lillselmilppl, and on the Lakes. 'These Linen will receive and .send messages as cheap as any ether Line, and the operators and clerks will be foAnd gen tlemanly sod accommodating. to the lower story of the ST. Cl a lA th ßL ..„ l:9 streetb Wand T C. BREYFOGLE, having associated with tom A. H. CLARKE. for the parpola of transacting the Forwardnig and Commission Mosinee', will eon rinse that bonnie. at the old stand of -cope te. Urr y. (ogle," and respectfully este a continuance of the former patrmage of tits (nestle and die public gene, ally. The Liminess will be conducted under the name and style of ItonlooLl & CLAIM& • J . C. UREYFOGLE, A. 11. CLARKE. Piusbareh,Jaaj, 1M.0. 7 .8anu Dlaseinsliii or CisPaSrincesonisp. - TllPartnership exisung between the under. F. Co- signed, under the style of "F. H. Eaton A C 0.." tens dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. YOM. F. H. Eaton, having parchased ihe entire interest of W P. Plantain who retiree, will attend to the ertllement a the hominess of the late form, at nu old stand, No 62 Fourth strsoeb F. H. EATON, lob/ W M W. P.MARSHALL In Us aGA I TOrts kEALER In Gloves and Hoslery,Tristuningss, Fancy Goads, Ribbons, Lutes and Ernbmiderien, Zephyr rsted, Pattern. and CILIITS.I9. No GS Fomth street. Pittsburch. " A full supply of Fine Shorts and Gents' Under Garment. . . ta ifil-11.017111 /IC comma of roam ano au= eraMlinti THE eatisenbor respectfully annotinces that haa hoar opened his net and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of trovelen t boarders, and Ma pid Lb dle sinterally. The ws. and forniutre "tirtlY new, sod no pelt:mos expense have beta .Pared to, render It one of Me moo comfortable and element Hotels In the dry. sable:fiber Ls determined to deserve, and Bare r solicits, a share of piddle patronafa JACOB ILOUtsH. EmPrtelo,_ - LEAD 81krr—"7n ' V g lV I Vt i g:tor sate by o kt 423 G4 _ 'll 4 ...liUlyi r tlSr...AlLL I A c t i rg r r i, co D RIED. ikurl'- - Tai. p ime IZ.1,1!(0 (JIG I • A A/ 411 LIZ& . IQ Wood it Ca rtb — it 5 bbly H Carolina, km *Me by r j. J LIUTOILIBON &CO IEISCELWEOIIB. WANTED, DARiv`lt'ObltiLatillegabrlFEWOßEM GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MENLO wholesale and retail Bores, and other respectable business, to net Book-keeper, Sales men, POISM,Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Mach in., Car Agents, Book and Mop Agenu, Collectors, Overseers all branches of business, Re. We have at all times a large number of good•intatto. on htod, which pay from MO to y 0 per annem. Those iu want of emulous of ea kind would do well to give nu culb u hove Meats in each of the above ci ties,wineh will enable as to Pince every arPilooli In a su itable at the the shortest notice. We have a large acquaintance In. ill the above named eines, winch we mat will enable us to give entire satisfac tion tp 111 who may favor on with a call. TAYLOR to TAYMAN, No. 59 Second at,, between South and Gay. N.B.—Persons living in city in of the U. Stolen, and wishing to obtain a abolition in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above cities, will have their wants Immo. diamly attended 'to by addressing iss a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and ex• pence, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves Address, TAII,O &TAIr SIAN, N 0.59 Second street. my2s:dtf Baltimore. hld TH iMICONEITEB• TNE aUention of the limb& u rupectnury called to Oro following certificates: Ida. S. Damns—Having testeda quantity of Gold weighed by your /ammeter, I find the result proves your instrnment eolTeet; and recommend the use Of it to those going to California, as the best method for ob• mining the read umbra of Gold. Rego. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Denier. Fisub,ugh, ISl..ett 0,1830. Prrturutou, &lurch 7, 1840. Eummt—Dear Sim Having examined the ',Lie. mett.:," mannincurrad at your room!, I do not hesitate to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in attache! Gold. It gives a close approximation to the spacillo gray: ty of metals, and will certainly enable the advelmantr to aseenam when bis placer is yielding hold. marl: 'Pours, re.ip'T. J. IL APCLINTHCIZ. NOLICRUI3I3EI CLOTHING—JiMi received for the California Expedition, a complete nAportment of GUM Elastic Clothing, a: prices .mnipng from tide to 1111.40 for salt of mitt, pants and hat. For sale at the India Dabber Depot, No 5 Wood at. deM3O J & II PHILLIPS = Steam Brick Wink. for Salo. ylll3 subscriber offers for sale, the STEAM BRICK , IV 0 Ft!Cd, above Lawrenceville, comprimog a Engine, 2 Boilers, 6 Mould hlnehine, capable of manufacturing :ACM Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, as taken (Porn the hank,) per day; with three acres of land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and elteds,mschine and cla y v sheds, wheelbarrosm, trucks, shovels, spades, le.,ery thing requisite to roc.. Unmet operations nt an hours octice. Price, including the patent right to ow eald machine, 57,000— r0c of payment made e.g. Without the land VAOUtt For panicularg, address hIERRITr, aura-dlf No lid Monongahela Mem. W rought. And Cast Iran Ralltog. Tsubscribe. be leave to inform the public 'hat j they have obtained from the Rest all be. late md fashionable designs .for Iron Railing, bob for houses ma cetactcrien. Penon, wishing to proms. hand. same patterns will please call and examine, end bodge for thenwelve. Railing will be famished at the Ahorb estnotice, and In Ow best manner, at the corner or Craig and Rebecca c.c., Allegheny city. msrMidtf A. LAMONT A. K.NO.X. Oysters% Oysteril URICE CO &N natty Express to now reautaxiy da- B ..nd dhoti OYSTER/S., suffice ore of fered to a alert und femiltee el (ha loom,: payee. Quolity -Toluca equal to any brought to this mot. het, mid it. I.IIIC by J. C. 13111WKL.L, AV. Water 0. A Iso—At the fo!loarme depots:—r..& Da reef, cor ner Scoithflent and Second six; E. Nettleton, Diamond; Alrreer ft Robinuon. Federal et Alleeheay. mita $1,047,428 41 44;124 to 94,001 ES 51,513 2.5 38.44/1 7 . ... • . . . Wirkave soniteniireet, made on ut impioved plan, so as not to freeze in the coldest weather. Persona wanting such articles, are invited to cali.und *ea them at '3CAIFE AATKINSON'S, enr23 Ist. between Wood Markel Wit SEW SSOKSI AS.W BOOK SI . . TCoos:Mai . . and Standard of dart aasocinte Reformed Chorea to North America: ivo, bound to sheep. The Other Bide, or No for the History of the War between Memo and the Unitrd Maim, w eeee En Alealeo, arid translated from the Spanish, with notes: By A. C. Ramsey. Sketches of Reforms anal Reformers of Greet Britain and Ireland: By H. B. Stanton. The Worts of President Edwards, In 4 vol.; a re print of the Worcester edition, with additlor.s, and a cepionS general index. • llte mountains of Egypt. or Ugypt •W.o.r es for the Uiflei By F. L. Hawks, a D.. L L D. Memoirs of David Hale, late cdoor of Journal of Commerce, with misc.,. from his ftliscchaocons wnunitc By Roe. J. P.-Thomyosin. The Purism n and Hit Daughter by J. K. Paulding. Las Gnurgos, or an Inside Vico , or Maven and CAI- Sidra. By Lie. Wise, D. S. Navy. Psufailtar Lefton to Yoang Men. on vs.., sol,cets: deoligned as • Compfution m the Ynapg Men's Coo lc: DT W. A. Menu The Poona. and Prose W riAnys ur 11, DsonOct Nufesch and ss Sauiin, By Lxyard. For We Si ELLiurr & ENGLI:t 11, ranlV No 70 Wool A Putout for tour VaalAly. AIORRIB 6 WILLIS' HOME 'JOURNAL. The beat paper la the Union" IF.ecning Flat. Anther gat In coal awl au o ir" lßoston rota New raltseriber• can be supplied from Jw. t, 1 ,50 , if immediate application be made, (eitherpeodnally or by (rods) or the Office of Yublmanon, 63 Wood ianla J. D. LOCKWOOD. New Bowl. Jas. Arriv•di CACHED SCENE'S AND CHARACTERS, by 1. Tr deadly, with orignulderigns by Darley. The Pro. Writing. of H. H. Dana. Phyriet...4 Patient, or • Practical View of the Moral Danes, Relation and Interco.. of the itladieat Proles.on and the Community; by W. Hook., M. D. The Parimn and Dls Dauslater, by 1. K. Pauldnig, author. the Dutchman'. Firedde. Lus limgo.. or an Imide Vicw of Mexico and C.l - with to Pent, Chili and Po!ycesta; ny Lica, Wise. For talc Ity deal Etuorr tr. ENGLISH. 79 Wood ot MISELLANEOUS LITEit&TUITE, AT LOCKWOOD'S, 63 WIIODSTREET. 1) llOWN't , Amerman Anglr (Made; fall of illos trallOta, taus. Puldiag's Pura. and 11, Bambini Mao. Dr. Hooker's Physician and Patient; 16no. Mrs. Eats' Deans sod Homes; Pro. Boulder's Life.of Claim; Imo. Pieauder`s limier,. of Christian Church; 3 vole, Nvo. Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoir. of Miss Murray, ero. American A 102.11.147,1850, Evo. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. Anil) Bookseller tr. Importer. 0.3 Weed .1. Now la lb* Urns to 1367bserlbo. FFICE of Semes Reprints of the Four Qua-tu lle. and Illnetereceli 110 per Tear. lam. A. Willis' Homo Joana, pool shed in New York weekly; 10 per empire. Downing's Ilortieultundivt, monthly; E 0 per year. Invaluable. The Cultivator, monthly; SI per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly; SI per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; S 3 per annum. The Bankers' 31agazine, do Sid do JAMES DLuCKI4uOD. Ime2 Bookseller 6 Importer, 63 Wood 01 Pm atookiao Works •ad Foundry 111 . 1.011.60, PL. JOHN WRIGHT& Co., art prepared to bond Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every description, ouch u Cartlinig mn epurig Frames,• Speeders,' Drell g Framel7,'Looms„ ."" Car i clGrti ' d V e:i7S7.. ' l . CZg 7 iti ' Iron Shaftmg tamed; an sizes of Cast Iron, Psalms and Hugers of the latest paver., slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every dr ocripdon furnished on short notice. Patterns rude in order far Omsoolfi Iron &c. Steam Pipe for Meat- Ulf Futories, Cut Iron Window Sub and fancy Cu. Ling. (morally. Orders left at the Warehouse Palmer & Co., Liberty W.I. will have prompt attn. nn. Refer. to Slackatock, Ben & Co, J. K. Moorehead I. CoWarner, John Irwin & Son& Pittsburgh O. C. & L H. Worrier. Steubenville. lanl9 PIANOISI MILE subscriber odors for .ale a large and splendid assortment of tomarend and mahogany grand Ac tion Plasm, with and without Coleman's celebratrd !Conan Auachnient. The above ere war ranted to be equal in any manufactured In Oa coun try, and will be raid lower thar any brought from the' East. F. lILUAIN, No MI wood at, td door above nth N. ll.—City Sony will be taken at par for a few of he above assortment. AT Makiitask/Wait: flail .GLa. 11. 311.11E1.11y connues to keeppn ha a ful 1. VT • •40(11•10•I of As ti Welsh Unshrunahle nd Flan nel., and has recently received a supply of the Goer qualities. Also Swansdown Flannels, a aearee *ni che and well adapted for the wear of invalid,, and others wanting something warmer than usual. Also, PCIII.OI and Liam Flannels for Infanta wear ; to gether with a full supply of American manufactured flannel,, of different qualines: ' Also, SIMMS DINCe PLANN ELS, of all the &Screw widths, at the North Eaw turner of CA and Market en er Wholesale Rooms up stair., where dealer. will always find a good assonntent of new style good.. • cia.PlriTgi.Viiiii; — tiiilfai• — iiitiffiiiiF. THIS is to goofy that I have •O 1 Intel Livlngraum, Roggen 6. Co. Sole Agents for the male of /outing!. Patent Diapralagm Filter, tor the cia liege( Pittsburgh and Allegheny. /0107 GIBSON, Agent. for Walter 111 Oibson,ll9 Broad...a MT/ Oct 10,1E45. . We have been uslngone of the above article. •t Il.• orrice of the Novelty Works for three mons., on mai, and feel perfectly waged that a is a useful nillftillllll, and we take pleasure in gecommenoing them . • ue. 101 article to allwho love pure water. Orden , .01 be thankfully received and promptly executed. gnat) LIVINGSTON. ItOGGEN A Co A • Ii• Pianos. fimiaJantreceive4,one. clegaot Ilo , ewood 66 octave Pluto Form, from me cele brated factory or T. Gilbert te Co., Boston. This instrument Is trmarksb. file for brilliancy andstnesaof lone, and elarticitY of touch. The above him Is coutdered one of the very first in Boston, and Bets Floors, for elegance o exterior, beauty of tone, and daration, are ....Mutt ed by those of any other make. For sale on reason& ble terms by 11. KLEBEIL, ,WM as I. W. %Vondweltht. _ ' liiii — raii,Viesialltapp " PS, U5OO 000 said, FROM PAYETTEMANUFACTURING COMPANY, Vu eases superior Family Blankets, 40 by 111 gm; Su pair Steamboat do sby 7 Ili arto do do do 4by 7 ft; 150 do red and white Horse do ltar do esdored California do i• ALSO: 50 pieces 64 white Flannel, warranted:all wool; 100 do 4.4 do do do do ' too do 3-4 do do du do 150 do 34 red do do do 75 do 3-4 yellow do do do ALSO: • 0.600 1, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen Yarn, at out ern manufacturer's pnces. op- Wolohoose, No 237 woos ii, 41k door from Plok. ranl9 firliiMA tfiE'S - - -- rdiailiottlor tale by J. febtl3 ____ Ti .l Li WILLIMI63 g ualtrilEA 'EAU 11.—A pure ., i sTaed . o L yzigy HAIITE triii - teUM nod for re EWll6ltt tr. t by N ICKE ROILLLEKON, NMI Mead 174 LitterMAl I - MGR DART- C-7.. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 'l5, ISSO:' CARD TO LADIES AND PHYSICIANS.—No A recommendation it ets completely satiefaMory, as to the eraellenee and complete success of Urin..U . as the nulled testimony of those who have ape teemed la benefits. Dunne the last fifteen yds', in all palm of the United States, our MOM taleoted and eminent physicians, bare duly born tesumony to the &aperient}, ease ' and comfort of hilt. nerrs Inven tions for Ladiestsuffaring. They do not coumtess by steel pressure, which to tow proved to be attended by had effects, causing more difficulty than before axial cd. Iler long standing in Philadelphia,and large end increasing business both Wholesale end Retail, is a tearantce of the correctness of the above. To procure her Genuine Suprter, apply only to P 751. THORN, Droonst, 53 Mar po ket st, PinsburgilL Nil others are counterfeits. JAMES BETTS, Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia. Cabe-Meal CLOVER SEED-11 bbl. toed and for lab 11_ febli • f . ELL PHOTPILSISOR TRlCOPElffiefia 01111 •011 ILEDICATILD COMPOUND. TNFALLIBLE for renewing, invigaratim, and Waa l. tyfyin g the Hair, removing Scurf, Dandruff, end all affections of the Scalp, and curing Eruption. on the Skin, Dlsesims of the Gland., Muscles and Inter ns, and relieving Stings, Cum, Braises, Spates, . de. With this preparation, When le no anal word ae WV The lint Journals in America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent Cid...ea pr ofessione, and ladles who have need lifer years in their dreming rooms and mrserbm, admitwitkomae cord, that, for imparting rigor, gloss, Bizerte.° and curl to the hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, heal ing wounds, caring comet... sprains, stinffitake., and relieving diseases of the skin, the gland., and the muscles it has no equal among the multitude of Wm pounds advertised in the public prints, er need In VB. vale practice. In cheapens. as well as effieney,ilar 'Vs Trieophemus unrivalled. The affinity between,' the membranes winch cooed. mote the skin„ and the hair whieh draws Its mutteusnee from this triple envelope Is very dote. All dioceses of the hair originates in the ekm of the head. If the oof the scalp are clogged, or If the blood and ther fl olds do not eirculute freely through the small veseels which feed the roots with moisture end Impart life to the fibres, the result Is sent, dandruff, .heddlild of the hair. groynes., dryness, and hareenesa of the lignmenot, and entire baldness as the case may it...— Stimulate the akin to healthful wine with the Tricep. herons, and the torpid vessel., recovering their ICU.. Ity. will mutlitilate the diem... In all affiecuoa of the skin, and of the mbetram of muscles and integuments, the procese and the effect are the same. It Is upon the skin, the mnseulailbbre, and the glands, that the Tricopherous has Its episodic action, and in all elffictions and Wadies of these; organ., It is a serereirn remedy. Sold, in large bottles, price MI cents, at the principal Office,l27 Broadway, N. Y. lErFor We by A E. SELLERS,J L .r. mat PROCLAMATION. 17 NOW all men lobo are sick and antieted with M. .11 ease of the bladder and kidney, with rheumatic pains in back or lunbs, stiffjoints, old samai ruontat ulcers• tte, that they men be cured by taking the Pe troleum! You may,talk about its being a nostrum much an you please, but this doe. not make it so, for we proclaim lathe face plan honest community, that it ban =nuts which -ra not cootained in any tuber remedy. The man who la racked with pain and suf. lenng from dome., eau for fifty roots• get relief from any of the ills enumerated above. Header! it =mt. very hole to make a DIAL This Petroleum is no mix. lore—to =impend, put up for the purpose of imposi ng on the einattinity; bat it Is a remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, and bubbles up from the bo som of our mother earth In its original purity, and of• fern to tattering humni y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap care. It has cured Pilo. after other =Mime have failed to render nay relief. It has cured Rheumatism of long stending, mud of the wont and moat pandul character. It hen =tied Cholera Morten by one or two doses,• it has eared old caves of Diorama, to which cam other remedy has bean of no avail. As a laced remedy in burns and scalds, it is beater than any medical corn. potted or ointment that we know of. It will core chit. Wants or fronted feet. in a lew applications, aodoubt• tat testimony can be furnished of the troth contained in the above staterr.en by calling 0118orcool M. Kier, Canal Basle, 7th street: o, either ache agents. Keym t McDowell,=mar of Wood meet and Virg. Alley; R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood amat, D. A. El liot tt. D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, aro the agents. jan3l CAUTION EXTRA - • • • . A tom by the name of FUEL CLASP has eng s ged with a yowls man of the name of S. P.Townsendand uses his name to put up • Sarsaparilla, which 'they call Dr. Townisend's Cars‘willa, denominating It GE—WINE. Ongstal, etc. Thu Townsend IA DO doc tor and never won, but arm formerly a worker on rail• roads, canna, and the like. Vet he minnows the title of Dr, for the purpose of gaining era& for what he is not. Ile is sending out cards headed "Tricks of Quarts "Lu which ho says.l knee told the ma of my noire for 117 a went. I will give S. P. Towniend WOO if he will produce one single solitary proof of ads.— This is to caution the public DOtto be deceived, and pundime am: but the GENUINE OfiltilllAL OLD Ca. Jacob Townsend's Sarmiparalla, haying on it the Old Dr.'s lateness, his family coat of arms, and Washy" nature across the costa ann. JACOB TOWNSEND. Prikcipal Office, IW Naana St, Nen York City. OLD DOOTOft JACOB TOWNSEND, via' ORIGINAL DISCOVERER Cy TIM 12371/71211 TOWNIZNII L&UJAPLUILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is now about :Orem aim, and her lung been known as the AUTHOR and DISCO. VEREII tithe GENUINE ORIGINAL 'TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, be was compelled to haul mannfacture, by which means It hav been kept out of market, end the gales euramscribed to those only who bud proved no worth and known Its calve. This Giant Ungduatt.lo f i Lltraullori Is manufactured on the largen male, and is called fur throurboutthe length mid breadth of the land. Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it improves with sae, and never changes, but for the better; Caw.. it is prepared on wlenuile principles by a lICI<MiiC man. The higheot knowledge of .lierinsmy, an the late, discoveries tithe An, knot on been brought into re quisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr.'s Sarsiptc rib... The Sitreaparilla root, It le well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and mine pro reties which are Men or ueeless; and °there, which, 1 retained in preparing a for use, praline. fersenta non and arid, which le injurioos to Me rote. Some alike properties of Sarsaparilla are Ito rolatßo that they entirely evaporate and are lost In th e prepare- U., if they are not preserved ti a .ientille process, known only to those capeelcon In its nhanallettire. Moreover them volatile pnneiplea. which kp elfin Ira por. or as on exhalation, under lien; ens the very to medal medical properties of the root, which glees to it all as value. The OLD DR JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA la so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Har wet-ilia root are brat removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentatlon ; is extracted and rejected; then every particle of medwal since Is them red ie a pure and concentrated Him; and thus It Is rendered incapable of losing Lay of Its wettable an healing properties_ Prepared la thin way, it Is matte( the more pouerfal assent In the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the mason why we hear commendations on Wefind Ir I d n oin " g 's wer in n e d b e e rs m in e ilie earn on and f Cons c u h ro d p d ro ' n, Dyspepsia, and Lice, Complaint, and in [Remain., Semliki and Piles, Costiveness, MI Cutaneous Reim. thins, Pimples, Manny.. and all windiness arising from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD. It possesses t maniellotu efficacy In all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Aeldity of the Stomach; tram unesant circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the beats, cold feet and cold,hands cold dabs and hot dashes ever the body. It !us not had its equal in coughs and colds, and promotes easy. ecpc l ousration and geode perspiration, reining attic rare of this longs, throes, and every other part But to nothing Is its eleclierite morn manifestly soon and acknowledged than in all kinds tants/tea of FFAIALE COMPLAINT& It work. wonders le one. of gum alba, or whites, Palling of the Womb ‘ Obstrneted, Suppressed,. rtill. Cal Menses, Irregalanty of the menstrual periods, and the lac; sod is effectual ie caring all fonm, of the Kid. ney Diseases. fly removing el:masc.., and regula ting the general system, It gives to. and strength to the whole to., and cures all forma of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, d ouprev en or relieves a grem variety of other diseases az Spinal Irritation, Nenralsia, St. Vita, Dance, Swooning, Epilepdo Fin, Couvulouns, As. Is nor M., then, nOt M.Milie Paz-Eatmasts. Nate? Bat can any of Mese Ming.p be said of S. P. Town. .end's Inter.. article ThM young man's liquid tat to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.,21, because of the Grand Feet, that the one to inalterable of Demnoranon and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it sours, ferments, end blows the bottles containing it into fragments; the soar, acid liquid ci plodrig and dernaglng other goods! Must not this her ohne compound be poisonous to the system? What! put acid ono • aysleto already dimmed with omit! What causes Dyspepsia bet acid? Do we not ell know, that when trod sours in oar stomachs, what mischiefs it prodoces?-Ihualence , heartburn, palpitation of the heart, fiver complunt, diarrhoea, dysentery, eholie and corruption of the blood? What Is aerofoil but an veld humor in the body? What produces all the homers wßich bong on Eruptions of the Skin. &mid Head, Salt Rheurn,Erysipelas,Whlte Swellings, Faver-P.ere*, end all aim:moons Internal and extemal? It Is defil ing under heaves hot an acid substance, which Sun, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, mom or less. What manes Rhencoausna but • .our sold Said, which insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir Stating and inedll2ll4 the tender and delicate tissues upon which It isms? So otnervons dummies, of =pe rtly of the blood, of deranged circolartons, .nd near?? all the ailments which afflict [lnman nature. Now, I. It not horrible to make and well, and infinite ly worse to nu this 1./SURING, PLIt WENTING, ACID "CONIPOUNDI OP S. P. TOWNSEND! _ am' ct nd yet he would fUiUb.. - e1ti....ii1;;T0 . 0.1 that Oil Jas rob 'Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, it an imitation at his inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we ebould deal In an prude which would Lem the 01.1 dimant reartnOltince to S. 'fownsend's ankle! and which should bring dawn upon the Old Dr. sash a mountain load of oomph... and enottuations from agent. who bane .old, and pur chasers who have Reed S. P. Townsend'. Fermenting Compound! We wish it understood, because it is the ebsolum troth, that S. P Townsend'. arucle•and Old Dr. Jacob Towntendk Simparilla are beaven.wide upon, stod infuntely disc ler, that they are unlike in every per• brow, having I not one single Min u g in common. It in to arresultruuds upon the nfortunate, to poor balm into utided humanity, to kindle hope iu the despairing bos olu to resume health and bloom and 0. got Imo the cras hed and broken and to banish Janata. ty—that old DILJACOLI TOWNSEND hue BOUGHT and FOUND thd opportunity and meatus to bring hi. Guano UNIVERSAL CONCENVILATEIJ within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who abed it, that they May leant and know, by Joyful ex. patience, ilk eimaseenuaur ?smear° ow. I For sale by. J. KIDD ic CU Wholciale Agent for Western PenosYlvania; J. SMITH, Itirrnhigham, Ih. J. SAIDIEANT,IAIIeitheny; Dr. I. CASSLLL, Filth ward. G. W. UARDNER. fib ward.Putsboreh smut I'IVERCOMPL.4II - NT.—Another core performed by m using the onguial, only true and genuine Unto Manua, Brown eo., 0., March W, IW. Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln April last myself° was attack ed-with Liver Complattus, and had the adore of two physicians, whettried various reaedies with pro. dining any good effect Having heard ofyear calve brat. Liver Pilo, concluded to give theta a fait trial. 1 Pereintstrl ono box of Mr. 8ei:440( Aberdeen, .4 gave theta aecordlogto the directions, by which she was greatly telleveof. I procured a seeohd box, tactical/rely !Wed her, and she now 001070 06001. lent health. I bate weed them ml.ll, and Peewee.ce them the beet fatally medicine I ever vied. Yon., lc., Mune But.. Prepared and soldby IL E. SE L E _ 67 Wood an eleb by Braggists generally in tka two eine. MEDICAL. GENUINE MEDICAL. WALLIBTERsa OISTXR/lITs Contatiniat so Mercury, oar edam MisurraL rFIFIE following testimonial was given by the cele- A. bnted DyWooster Beach. the molar of the great. medical work endued 4 The American Practice of Medicine and Family Pliyilician." , Raring been made acquainted with the ingredients which compose McAllimerN All-Heating Olottaetu, m a y having prescribed and tested it in severaleases in rectifying Wet It is a I v h : i0 "41 4 ='; i neraT i altual r no mineral sibstanee th.lutin g redlems, combined on they are, and used as directed by the Proprietor. are not only harmless, but of great value, being a truly mientille Remedy of great power. and I chearfally recommend it as a compound which has dorm much Need, and which Is adapted to the care of a great canny of case.. Though I have never either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret me& eines, regard for the wily honest, coneciendosta ho mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of his discovery. oblige moo l say thus mtg . . nnilt . p it ;il 92d, Ism W. REACH, D. D." NEN=MM=iI PlLES.—Thourands are yearly cared by ails Clint• Vitra. It never fans in giving relief. For Tamers, 11leers, and all kinds of Sons, it has no lrgo .i thersi and Norse knew ho valet in c of Swollen or Sore Breast the) would always apply It. In such cases, if ued according to dimetlons, iigives relief in • very few hours. Arooadlhe box are directionsf6ansin6 Oinuntint ,tor. &retain, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Teller. Clulblairt, Seald Head, Sore Eyes, flemcY, Sons Throat. Bronclutes, Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Barns,,Corns, all Diseases of the Sit in, Sore Ups, Pimples, &c., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumadren. Piles, Cold Feet, Creep, Swelled or Bro. ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Aime in the Face, ao. Frees the Reading Eagle. There we. never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be. fort the public, that has In so abort a time woo seek • reputation no McAllister , . All-licalies or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of it speaks warmly in it, praise. One has been cured by It of the most painful rheumatism, another of the pile., a third of It troublesome pain in the side, a fourth or swelling in the limbs, So. If it does not give Immo. diode relief, in every cart, it east do mu ituary, being applied outwardly. Al another evidence of the wonderful healing pow• er pawned by this rtive, we subjoin the following ton:ideas, from a respectable citizen of Haldane reek wnship, i¢ this county, Maidencreek, Berk. co., Mush 30,1817. Mean. Ritter & Co--I desire to inform you that I was entirely cored of a severe palate the back, by the use of McAllister. All• Healing Salve, which I ste• chased from you. I suffered with it for about •20 years and at eight tort unable to sleep. Dating that time I. tried Sarum remedies, which mete prescribed tor me by physiciansandotherpartans, withoutreccivlng any het, and at last made trial of title Same, with a re sult favorable beyond coectation. I am now enure ly free from the polo. and ieloy at night' Peecefel and sweat sleep. 1 have also used the Salve since for tooth ache and other complaints, with sunder happy resalts. Your friend, JOSlBllounsteser JAMES MeALLISTER, Sole ProprietirrhiiaeaboViiotedieine. Prinsipal Cleo, No IS North Third areel, Phlladel. phi& PRICE 23 CENTS PER MAE. Aohwrs to Prrrssoanu.—Ltrann & Reiter, corner of Liberty and Sr. Clair atreete; and L. Wilcox, Jr, cor ner of Market street and to Diamond, also comer or Fourth and Smithfield atreem; J.H. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold or the BOOHLOIO in Southfield street, hd door from Second. In Allegheny City by U. P. Schwartz and J. Sorg eat. By J. O. Smith, Druggiai, Birmingham: D. Negley, East Labeny; It Rowland, klelleemion; J. A , egandet h. Son, Monongstiefa City; N. B. Bowman & Co., and J. T. Regent, Brownsville; John Barkley, Fkaver, John Walker, Jr., Elizabeth. fehtteodly Jadd's Medicated Liquid Cutlet.. Tm ts undoubtedly th e best preparation ever di.- covered, .or dreams' antes, Ana. Ids. Cuts, Chil nobl:.!..up43;7.lle.s, or any kind of , fr d eah Granada also for arliele Is intended for &may use, and slioaldb• found in th e possession of every faintly to the land. Mechanics who ore I. constant danger of it:nary to their SIZOLIS through accident. and the Improper or to ore of tools. will And this article to be invaln• able to them, mid el a fair trial will cornier It hr. It is ut excellent sabstltitt. (or adhesive plaster of dl hods, withoutnay of Its inconveninaces, nod is Go medicated as to allay all pain immediately and man perfectly. A very little applied any whet* on the rtfrfaeo of the silo. immediately 1012011 • finfr, smooth coating. very imilar to the amoral cuticle or enter skin. which:nay be freely worked with water and soap, without any in jury took. wenn& The article to freely used sod highly recommended by the most eminent physician. of New England, and 'other parts of the century. For gale our by ft E SELLF.ItSs fi7 Wood st tp - N. B —rho trade supplied at the mannfacterer's res._ Sellers' Versaillage.' ree4 T FIAS in a tingle instance, failed to ez- I ped Wen.. Con. Guar Ho.; Va., July et 1.7. Mr. R. P. Scharr Sou will teeolleet that when we am (*Pittsburgh, la November last, 7. prevailed • us in try to year Vennifoge, to test its virlaet. We .• • nod through the winter am sold has we pat , •-• whit. pre It a fair repine:4on. In Stay last X ibl v ar Lisll: ‘4 7gh w nL as U.por oe the lith of the pontoon month, and on ye terday we sold the loot of two dozen bottles. We S od it so val uable S naleine, that every person of a tangly wish . b blive Sin their pomade. ho who have purchased It would be perfectly willing Se give mtgficates ezeellenny. Lou. of ithe quantity wa ha. vended. It has never, to a tingle mann. ts, Idled to nape worm.. Yd. Mend, W. C. Altzuta ft Co. Frei.. and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 07 W ocKI st, nodd by Druggitts generally in the two eines. le 111 • W4TER COHN ESTABLISH/LENT, 1111 WARD ACHES, LS, Plifillpstairg, 'app. s' e the town of Beaver, on the Ohm rivet, Bea ver e aty, Pa. spoltwlrS - LAND AND KILL FOR SALLY. 1003 aubseriber offer., at private sale, SIXTY ACRES OF LAND, almat Ming five of which is `..erll..tdret:Z:n get bottom meadow, and on either by steam or waterpower. '.ere ic is on the said Fermi TWO DWELLING HOUSER, Me owner/ out houses, and so ORCHARD of hearten Frail Trees. The Mill gearing is made of cast Iron, with three eon of Pones. The alsime premisel are situated Ina good farming winleiteut to Hopewell township, Beaver roomy, dime then from Economy, eight , miles from Beaver, on the south aide of the Ohio river enthln three miles of said river,laud twenty miles from Pittsburgh. Titielndupotahle. Forlfarther information and conditions of sale, en quire of the subscriber, on the pronneea or or Ei Ha miter*, Orocer, tne,Dismand, Pittsburgh. nevlSwMfglp WALTER JOHNSTON. BMW GOODS NI P. DLLLNT'I, 40 LIBERTY STREET, FITE3BURGIII. TOOT RECEIVED, an extensive and varied assort ment of goods, adapted to the present and ap proaphing season. such as black, brown, and drab mixed Falmennon Beaver Cloths, a superior article for bashtess, frock and over ems. Alan, a great variety of Blankets and Finings, nt. brac4g all the above mention. colors; superfine Ete black, brown, olive, claret, and all other desi. rabllcolored Clio.; French. English and American plain and fancy Quainter., of entire new muter. se a Nery desirable colon, to which we wish particu larlyto call the attention of those in want of a hand. masa pair of panto. VENTINOS—The alsortment of VesuNgs is annually handsome, comprising the new est sod most approved atyle fin fall ond winter wear; all ofwhich will be made to order, al short omits and on reastmable tem. fear COAon ha of entire new ts which we wouldntl. Me attention of those who mit, de. sire to unite case, elegance, comfort and convenience In their garments. To sock we would particularly recommend these to their nonce, since they combine all the beauty of the over coat, wit& the comfort and convenience of the sack coat.. . A general asaomnent of READY MADE CLOTH. IND on hand, made in the present Pall Platoon, and will Do wild wholesale or retail, at Len lowest earl &lees. 0116 P. DELANY. - 11111/ZAHRIA.TORT TIIE AMERICAN RIIEU VATIC BALSA MI! ANEW remedy lately dinovered in the Vegetable Kingdom-. lare and permanent rare for all Mesenteric Complaints, each an Inflammermy, Chronic, Acute and Mercantil Rheumatism; Cola, Lumbago, Spinal Affections. &e -nds medicine has long been sought for. It ha. been said that Rheumatism amid not be cured; hot thee, 111 • remedy designed by nature for the cure tat every do. ease that the human system y subject to. At test a re medy has been found that cares Rheumatism of the worst lone--eta of the most valeable vegetable pro deadens of the earth—the greetut and most important discovery of the age, and a wonderful blessing to the human family. It ewes without sickening or dentine. Ong, uld mimeo strength and vigor to the whole ap t... It has eared, during the past three means, over 600 eases that were considered incerabie. Certificates of the carnale properties of this medi cine can be seen by calling en the Agents. None genetne Inlets pot up with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, ugned by the proprietor, It. TURNER, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by R. SMYEER. earner Third and Market st, Entsourgh. Sold also by O. F. Timm ns Nolan Main at, Cineinumf, O. felt7-11trsehrtfl FREEPORT ACADEMY rplIE. undersigned Committee would announce to the public that they have procured the services of the Rey. M. RYERSON. • graduate a Princeton Colthgc, as Principal of an Academy, to be located to Fret. port, Armstrong county. The Principal will ow r•erl means in his power to ,thtablifb a reputation for the School, by baying a strict attention to the Intellectual and moral training of the youth entOtrlittott to his cafe. The Course of Windy will be all the Branches non ally mega to similar institutions j including the Greek so d Lour, Languages, and the Mathematics. so far ae may be necessary to enter College. Also the higher branches or an English Education, suck as Natural Philosophy Chemistry, Astronomy, &O. Th e above Mates , Wilitlfed under two chafers, $8 and 610 per *leaden of 21 weeks. The Reboot whß commeace on the lie of My, 1850. Be.. A. Alexander, D. D., prof... In Prloamn Runnel Miller. D. D $ Theolonlem seminary. " J. Carnahan, D. D. Pres , . Princ"eton Cortese. Jno. McLean, D. D, V. P. " JoelStmseroad, Florence, Pc 0 W. A. Breed, Steubenville, 0. a Georg. Gordon, Frankfort Springs, Pa. A. W. Lana A. Rahman. D.J. Wearer, Westley Bowmen, Wm. Moorehead, Wm. Alar. ph y, Robert Moots. John "'lambi.. FREDERIC KALER, Pres•t. C. O. fisonrnmr, Seery..—ldetil.welayl 20erR. MURPHY keeps constanqy on hand ae. eortownt of Bleached Linea Table Diaper.' of rent widths and gualines. Also—Table cloth. and Napkins, Toweling Diapers mod Towel., and tall assortosont of boom huniahing good. feblt CA ARIBUTIINOT • Drkl3Jest renamed from the Eastern Mute, and le receiving • large variety of ecesonehle Goode. to 'arch he reepeethdry Invitee the at of reereh • ante and penWss. No St Ward et. kbu EIHIPITING PAPEit—A t U imply or all tho Gant aiaey oa Matt ant nada to order. fawn =MOLDS It BLUM MISCELLANEOUS , ■odera•and Antique Furniture JAZIES WODDIN,ELL, ea, Tam er., nrusrcau. .1. W. W. 4... • ~ : 'Respectfully informs the ;notate that he luta cum- • ' plated his spriest stock of""'- - - FURNITURE. the largest and moat vartedassoronent ever offered for sale m this city, compriaing several setts of Rosewoon, Mintoostsv, and (Race Walden., exceed, ornetnental •nd plain, suitable for Parlors, Drawing end Bed Rooms,all of which will be sold at the the lowest prices. Pomona desiring, Furniture of any description, are speetfally invited to .eall end examine els stock, which embraces very description, from the chestiest and plelnest to the mestelegant and Costly, of which' the following comprises ape=Tete a Tete Diva Tete a Tete Solna; ns; Conversation Chairs; Elizatictainn Claws; - Reception do Louis XIVdo Extension do Buret Enlque4 . What Note; Toilet Tables; Louis XIV Commodore; Delia of York's Couch; GO Sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covers; rto Divans, do do do, 40 dos Mahogany Feeler Chalet o .. Rosewood do do; Id " 111't Walnut do do; 40 " Cane Scat Ed; Vo" Mahogany Rocking do; 2 " do Piano Stools; ' Marble Top Centre Tables; .1) do do Wwitt Stands; Yu 1116orany. IZtati=l 8 Cherry do. A very largo aislartment of Common Cnaars and oth er 1 , 111'11ton: too teetoaa mention. p. cZearo Boats furnished on ibe abormat notice to Al ra promptly attended . •P. --Cabinet Mader. eon he suppEed with all envy of Kahogany, %Valuta, and Vence", at conalderably redated peters (add WOOILD 6CU, (Successor, in hPCoril & Xing) in Fashionable mattet Corner of Wood and Fi h Strum ARTICULAR attention paid to [ler Retail Trade. P Gentlemen can rely upon !Tallinn their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the Elm sarrximais and wolumticsranr, of the Lama arum, and at the rawest [atm. Cowry Merchants, purchasing. by wholesale, ere rerpectfally invited to call and examine oar Blurb; no We can say with confidence that on maids ocurry and mew, it will not stiffer in • comparison with any house In Philadelphia frldr =M2M JOHN P. FIEREARY, Printing Ink Manufartorer No-. 33i and 3IJ Stanton Ktre et, NEW YORE—De pot N 0.3 Spruce atreet—Would m il l the attention of Primers to his Improved Printing Inks or varlet. kinds and orders, at the following mice,: Extra fine Jet Clark, for Card and Wood Cats - • - tz irs and 3fo per lb. Pine Boot Ink 075 OU •-• Boost ak . a4n u5ll 4 . New. lok - • 0 t 9 u wr it :6 •• Flne Red Ink • 1 .1 I 81 t Elmo Yellow, fir,ca Waite IN 1 tat 1 . • i:o:d n ' t p-r Ih, ant lirocze ta. 50, 73 cu and tol P •7lrt7y u trli7 , Zll l 7llW. P'' I.ll.Lturet, C. Morgan &CA.. rrhio. Morton A lisorrvould, Loicav Ky orlll:4Gna HEW COACH PIICTOILI. . h M. A tLe w gi7 k ,„.", ° , l, — , Vo d ,.77:e7reriPhe .I "Tn hunch, betureem Frdsral and nandcwky skeins. Lucy ate now making. and nee prepnred to receive orders for every description of vehicles. Coaches, Chariot's, Be. roaches, Boggles, Phtelons,tke,. Ice. , which from their L ' T t= n e rti c eVilt d e b " :Z u jhe ' Plec " I f Ort h td * e t' llt . L ' y o ur th catbird to do work en the most rear twine ter.. with Melte wanting article,. to three line Paying particular If itendon to the selection of mate nabs, and having none hot competent workmen, the have no hesitation iu warranting their work. We therefore nab the attention of the paltbe to this loaner, N. B. Repairing done to the best manner, and on the most reasonable term. I=l MACHINIST AND MANDFACIITRER—Lather, Tobacco, Hearin and large Sereveoor all kinds; Dress Carling, end Bran. , Worts generally. Corner of Ferry and Filet rare., THE subscriber, hasots parch:used dae Faetory of lames P,atteroon, , !nested Cl the above eland, vroold teSpectfully minim Om Wanda and toe oablte titat he o prepared to 511 any ov'ent In his late, on the nano reasonable terms with dispat c h, sand will feel ratan! for thole patronate. THOMAS PARKINSON. Ptttsburgb, 32.1. 1t,56. HAVING thspored of my ertntili , limeot Thorns, Parkin., I tate the liberty to aoliett for him the pninnirige of my friends and the polihe, feeling erinflilent that any favors conferred we: be duty appromoted awl promptly attended to. JAhIES PA.TIEILZ ON. Jr. Pin...burgh, J.. 1, this.—ljon7id3M PITTSBUIICIR ,i/BiIIIAL/S INSTITUTE T; Second Session of dd. Institution, under the care of Mr. and Mn. Swum Mr the_inevent academic sr will commence as is day. himmay. February. ISM. in the same building. No. :a Liberty stre Arrangements have been made by which they wilt be able to furnish young ladles facilities equal to any lathe Wen, for obtmaing a Moraugh English, Cl.. elLand Ornamental education. A fall course of FM. isophicat and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de. .artments of Vomit and Instrumental Mane, Modern . _ . =googol, Drawb= and Painting, will enett be under the care of a eon:memo Yrofemor. lly close attention to the moral aad 11.11G.12114 maprovement of Muir pit th Prolcala hoe n a otinv of ow iv . i e pano i . p = the y L o v m h ; th c r u eijoyoen. Fhe arms, wee circular or apply to the Principals. f s iatsAPAßaz 4 r.... f !; - .::., • ..:. 'l' 4 I AI _ u•, ; i . I i , 1 i .:,- : C . : I I, j' i . !; ' ;. - 1' I. ! •z.. -IC "' 110 * ; 7'71 1 Vr'4.. 1 .0 1 oqt • ' r 7 ._:..''' ~ It p, I - 1.7 , 4 ' 7 * i j - ,1 :s 1 k=i-ra.ifJ, t) i 4 c ,e•* , .. _.-....._ .qi..,,,.., ..,Q '6: is QUART BOTTLZS. FOR MI 1:0110VAL LAO OZIMAIMAT MIAOW ALL =LAM MIAMI TOM AM =MU CATS OA WNW BLOOD ?A MITT OW Mt ATATAX, TC Seraalo or Ring's Evil, Ram: Wino, Obstinate Cuts. neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Fore, Blotches, Biles, Chronle Sore Eyee, Ring Worn , or Tema, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bows and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, CYPlffitic Bympoons, Sciatica or Lnashago.—end dine:nal arising fret. an Iniudiclous.use of Mercury, Ad. toles or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Dirordent, Ike. In this preparation are smoke!, concentrated all the rolcdroinal properties of Campanile, combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary production, the most potent simples of the vegetable ktngdom; nod it has been no folly Meted, not only by Palmas rodm• solves, host also by phyla:lw, that it has received their unqualified recommendation. and the epproffro- bon of the public: wol hos, romblithed, on its own merits, a reputnnon for rota: and tarteser far rope- nor to the Toriout comporools bearing s uch me of ' Samsun:ill, Ihaeomes how been eared, as are not fornithed in the records of limo pat, and what n hos already dew for one thousands who hays used it. It is copulae of.doiog for Coe mallow still mffering anti' struggling with Lineage. It purifies. cleantes, and ' strengthens the fountain rot - Inas of life, and lams new rigor throughout the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The folawrog striking. and—as will be seen—per. mweincons of an inveterate can of Cetera, com mends Itself to all similarly afflicted: 7 . wow, Conn., man. 1, ISIS. Messrs. Saner: Goal men, Sympathy Mr the ofillet. ed induces me to i nto you of the remarkable cure Ceded by your Cerro anlle, in the case of my wife. She was severely motile ed with the !kraal on differ. eta pails of the body: the riande of the neck wore greatly enlarged, nod h r torah. much swollen. Alter suffering over n yew d fiodinfr no rebel from the r, remedies used, the awn a ttacked one leg, and be long the knee suppurate . o tter physician leg, should he laid open, who h Wan dont , but saffron; any permanent benefit fn aos sitaraoh we baud of , and were induced to om, Pe de Sampanlll.- 'The fns bottle p ro duced &decode and favorable effect. rcloevt in t her orrooloan any p cropuon she had ever taken ~. and before the used six owes—to the astonishment and delight If her friend ' he Mond her health gent: restored. It Is now over year since the cute me ef fected, and hoer health re area good, ahowitathat the doom was tarauchly rodicated from tho system. Ow neighbors arc all kno ong to these facts, rood think very highly of Sande Sal aparilla Vows with recpect, JULIUS PIKE. Extraet from a toter re dyed from Mr. N. W. liar. ris, a ptaleinaa wall kno non Loam. CD., Va.: "(tenon:men. I have go al a negro boy of em wash your thorsuponlia, who es attacked oath Scrolata, and of • wrofulowToomi . "yours, truly, "Fredericks Hal, Va. Sem' Ss. fy to direct anew. ton so deservedly popular, no Oen who wish to use the! induced to try worthless< hot containing tale or no role rant; and we think benefit fit Oaf readers th to the advert:sem left column. The bottle hot held a roan, and tam w will find concentrated la of the root, The capene In efficacy in awing the 10 rworomunded; and at ' any other, perhaps., is Mt ring the system for a eh nal,Sept. lad. Prepared and sold, wh DH.TAND9, Druggist and earner of William, New gists generally throagboul ads reknit per trouter For solo ay le WILCO , k CO., and EDWARD PI o. Mr Dr. S. sUrric. no 13= I ~ , Clll,l.lll,slun, n rcessa. 111.1CiG SOWOI klOWll,lllid is preparation, bat patients entrant of Sarsaparilla, are • mann nits better:lathe, name, , If of the mrtoe ef tam vale- In dcotran confer animater irecting theta attention n Messrs. Sands, in another J reeenily been enlarged to • w t • randy rood article is all tha medicinal vishre r en of thousands ha whichd arlims diseases for It the present time morn than seethe.. useful. In grapn el of reason.—(llama /oars wale and retail. by A. O. & Chenst, 100 Fulton street; irk. Sold also by Dreg the Unnad Stales and Can a bouleaforSs.. , • Jr.. B.A. t AIINESTOCE NI/ERICH, Pntaburgli. AI. rdniu-glerulklrr Cough Byrnßel ! . ion or much merit, whanao • ca willingly and voluntar. ".rgi". An aged and •r tiling it, expressed Ida a dough ranted, by taring, • d." Au editor of ono of u• • I always keep It in on an ceonnt,•be without saya—u am satisfied, after am, that it is tho beat cough edtber in the Old or Now - ugh, gat 4 bottle and try It, Bollies a , Imp*.ls be a propitral many 01 corns.n a l it lir earthy to Mt curative , highly reepened eitlsen, platen of - Min Tory repute Wt is wenn no ',means our duly paper• sta.:Akio DIY house, and orananot, t tt. , l An old Country - tun 0 • trial of throe or (our ye. medicine I bawls ever vied, Woad. , Lf you /tate aea Items but= csats. . T ri• _. ~.. , .u. ~...,•, MISCEf k LANEOUS EXTRACT ,__ L OO W O OD C O ase; for eats by ' 1033. . 3 EIDD & C. .• DACOINI—= wke pr , .. bileolllthol2l67ii ieilli4 ZI on eornbc3.,"" I"I,IVATRAiii,N.. kb 23 1 ofiA It sod 31uLAto_OS 3" 49 . - t". r lo 'E r: " - . '-----1714-13iif• - - SEI barrel. Itoluses. for sale by feb2A MI PI IMO ALEN . t. CO. Eft PEED --V brie Oblitiever—B, for sa Seed. C L Peb ‘ Z . WAL BACALEY.& CO, BUTTER -113 barrels Roll Miller for sale - b - y --- feel', WAI BAOALEY & CO. ILORED OIL-3 bbls Jam reebl ariffbr sale be ' I.J febl3 . ROMA. ON, LITTLE &CO 11BDEIMV-3oiAlKiluit re Al tea for Sale by . li feb23 • - WICK k. FcOABBLESA NTELVET CORDS-40 pieces. of scions aiiiiinrid V qualities, just :feel by feb‘.l SIIACIIMETV & WRITE JUST received, some hindre:me new style Velvet• rile and Tapestry Carpets, direct 'Tour England, and will be fold no to* am theirs= quality can be purchased in the Atlantic Citie weta*Tocic, robin • ^5 Foadli Pittabusqh WADDlrib—lnbees glazed, ruperiorr - " 13 do commoni 2. do white. The caderaixned bavittc been appointed agents, by the nianuf4etarerl, intend keeping a tare tinnily of their waddiug constantly on hand., and will be pre pared to fill orders :to . elly 62t4L11. Mr...par ticularly invited to examine the qualities and puree of the above supply, which we think wilt compare favorably wiLblhavrof any othirparke.t. • ' -WICK & tdr..CANIILVSS, . fel.Z Comer a Wood nod Water rtrrebi. 50 dor Wodlen Stag nom - , db Vora; t knee! . 'Wblio Flionel; al/ La Ban 10 Zinc Washboards; tot sale by Cabal J D WILLI6II9. POT i-15 aukt on hand and ran note FL DT fetal &It OID ALERATUS.-25 - caza. Adam,; roe tale by Cabal J h R F.. 0111) _ . BuTTE.II , -10 bit prime Family, for gale by fetia •-• •J & R FLO= • r'ILOVF.R NEED 1 0 WA, to &pro ruorl for .ale I; -- V &I= J A IIIjTCRIRONI k 0 Ni.cdKRRE4-10OOls lane ra 03, N .,.. mut° • IN " NoU do do; fr.bl3 I A 110VIIRRIIN it ' , BACON -2 k.. 2 da Sides; I do &maiden!, a very superior arti le, tor aaleby 61,25 WALLINGFORD & CO. I A kegs Nat, pmbet Yee , ar7 — b - 3 formate by ARAM & CIWZ LAAVUR 91:ED-2 bbk Jost reed and for pole by C fob2s A lIIISTRONII & CROZER_ DULK YORK—IRMAIILA Jun 1 - 6717 for oak LT I) feb2s A II MSTRONG & CROZER 4.2 IACATIIo--4o duA tAN, Scythe Stleoths; for gale 1:1 by &MG JA3 A HUTCHISAIN & CU lIEWALINIS-211 116111ln mons and for sale by febl4 AIUMSTRONG & CROZER AI`CH tAI-30 gross for 4510 by 11 , 1 feblll JOHN- D MORGAN IREAAI TARTAR-2 bbl, for flotA by JOHN DIVORG AN upßOOMS—x.s*a Coroon toriagtElrau!ij .. L N fetal CJII:ESD-511 b Cr m, ' 75 Th.J7y; (or sale by fe,55 D WILLIAMS, LW Itimd et 71 Mapratt Ak Hama' Patent Sods Ask, r,sxs rharily airire; direrm, from the L.." manufacturers. ma New .Orieentaiperrhips Iteadieia,Jelount, and Austria, which anti be snit, en atriyal, at the Inarest market prom by h. 31 bit TCYIELTREE, febN ICA Liberty - in ra- vrili also receive Into eapplies dating the pnn; vin Pad'ailnlpb .and Balcatore. Yroporty 11. Aillighlillyettrior Pale. rpllE.suimenber. oder for sale a number 0 thole. I Lots, =mate en the Second Wanl.fiontin on the Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of W, (OH. ROHINSON, Arty at Law, St C mr se or ofiAS ROBINSON, on not tirembe nvlT:dh,rrtf7 • riILIE SPLENDID ENGRAVING of the Death Wei Seen!. of REV JOIIN PPTALEE, publisbed by eat...moon, engraved by Wm. Overand Gelb., of London, from the °Drivel cognac:l6y Mauthed: Clax ton, has join been received, and now for rale by • R. HOPKINS. feb2l Adsollo Raildiom Foorth L-RD -54 bbts, Ile, 11 stands No 1, to wove steamer Estpltndes, for safe. on m.OISA fall DICKEY Jk. CO Er TIEIL FLIXI ova •12.2 Rttra.Z la net onre repro do than a had, putrid breath, or dart, Tenor 410 ell ad meth. liperaints Lave these it la their oworstalt— they can, for two ahilioya, bay no wick that wit! Intake than breath pure and sweet addle Spiry ortir • Aware, - - - ft mires dimenes of the Gems, springy or uleeramd, lend for the Teeth it is onequalled, removing the tartar. fumning the teeth in the gash, and clean them so white sr We MOM thefrosnaNcril filch, reader,. are the popcniee of. Jones's Arelief Teem piste, and, without praising it . 00rreirefs, her what ore of our lien respectable and scientific Des • tins, litr. ti Field, of New York, says: - - .1 here both coed and onalised this beautiful and in palpable article, (Jones' Amber Too th Pame,)th , d can recommend it as posseraing ell the qualideselall ed for IL. Reader' ' we eau say no more to °nevi:ie.:, only Ow if you try due once you mill be well pleas. I. IL lapel up in beautiful ththlith China Pole, for .1 coon' Sold by the Agent, WId..I4LCHBON, 89 Lib , e t) lomat, l'inalmrah. analSoik,aT • thegflowing are “ l r e '4 aTior q trig:L.7o7a as. =.s Jorms's Coral Heir Reiterative. If they deed cot won, they cannot these highly respectable extent who bloc tried it— • Geo.l3eck et, 411 u et, Near York.' Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Manic ay, &potty, Ma. Win. Tompkins. 92 King et, New York.' Mr. Thor. Jackson, Montour, teand, near Patellae is 9 K Cullen, late barber ateamboat S. America. And more thtt a hundred others state, though this wart motet, that it will force Mohair to mow cm dm. /mad or fact, stop It falling MI; strengthen their ms, mitring cm! and dandrafiroot the attic. toil ing light, red, or gray hair assume a AM dark loot, tne keeptim dry, ho rah or wiry hair moist, soft, clout end bottleful, a very, very long time. , kohl by the Agent, VOL JACKSON, Err Liberty at Pittsburgh. Price 34,50 cents, and one doll.. • auterirmer Lk...11M arm gala Dureassa—JUN ES.. tut tan Chemical *nap causes a tree penparationi'a oft a the same lame mo re Soften., • and whited. the akin .airing the texture and beauty of .Intarats. Sccorr, Sar RIS3S2 alls Solos, are soon not only healed, but fa te d by ate; as at least seven t apt elan, in New Vert know, who It in sank e nae tt . and find it unfailing—.• &an in . . barn, Bronco, Faxon., or any other si , ndis. ease. The render a assured lid, litis to no elms pulled nostrum, as one trial will prove, Itonld rani secrete at least SO persons eared of Sow Haan, Sow Lacs AND , PiII sty and use it, and We reader is.-again eseured I mould not, cruelly sell it. for the above =lees I knew i. to be all I stale. Those who are liable to Cuarea, Curate, oa Caw. Puffs, will fin ' tbis cure. Any one alnieledwith nnY ofthe above. A. slat day disewes, will find this all and even more(' Lain bin lit la Ylveet , reeltbut I stau lilut, reader, the stores we flooded with bnitmiotta end lie sure you non for JONES'S Italian C. entice' Seer , sou by WM. JACKSON, IS Libertystreet Plnisliargh augllida'.•T NEW HAIL D %UM ST a' SIGN OF I'IIE . PLANE AM' SAW: , No. Z 8 Wood - Kermit, Pitt burs if. IIiTUSER .AND LAUFMAN, Itopere - and - cts`era Li in Foreign and Domestic LIANA , MARX, to all it. varicues, aro now prepared to as low zr V. WI reasonable terms as earl he purchese.lelscwhae tolicitoar friend., and the pablic call and coalmine one stank, which cemeszs in parte) KNIVEK and FORKS, POCKET and PFN RNIKES, AGISSORS,SHEARS, RAZORS, Honer such so Locks, Latehes, Hinges and Screw, together with OT , Y article unually kept in Hardy.% e Storrs We iarite the attention of CaTeraere and h. enhanics poen:lly SD OUT LIMOTTMeItrOf TOols,•rtuell ye teen selected with great care. and which we are u. terinia cd b !sell ea as so gm satisfaction. atchc sot - ' 1.0 , LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U. SING CO M MON PREPARED CHALK. They are net aware how frightfullY iniarteds 1 1 0 to the stud how coarse, how rough, bow sal, low, yellow, and anhealthy the skin tip. pears &Actuated prepared chalk! De rides it is inlunous, containing a large quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable art i WI; which we call. JONES' SPANISH LILY Will Th. It is perfectly innocent, being periled of all dole en) ons qualities; and it imparts to the Vilna a natural,l,eal thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the *Cme time acting as a cosmetic on theskin,[ maltiog it son rind i__ snootit. Sold by the Agent, Whl. ACKbOii, Si' Lib err' st. Pittsburgh. Pride ZS cen ausllidle NT BISDIGAL AND 81711.01 AL OFFICE, No. 55, DIAMOND ALLEY, a A .• few door. below Wood attain. to '' r weeds marker. • ~I )8. EIN.OWN, having tern , ; • — " s r- regularly educated to the medical ~7 ~„„, rofeasion, and been for roue time ! ,/ 7 tn general' pruner, now <venues / - .0,.. ~ i/' . Ma auenuon to the treatment or 'IV ,' ',,,,„, these private and delicate cam- "s ' . .. -...... . 1 . • plaint. giweibicchpel"crillPiArV:ViT; -him. 14 yearn assiduously devoted to many et treatment ethos, complaimatdaring welch time hangshed mere prisetice and has cured more pa• lents than can ever (nil to the lot of any private prae thinner) amply valides him to oder `twain of speedy, permanent., and satisfactory mire to all &filleted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising theme. from. Dr. Brown woald Inform thew *Mimed with pnvire diseases which have brooms chronic. by time or age grassed by the um of any of the common nostrum, Or the day, that their complaints canbe radically Initiator °uglily cured; be having given his earefel ettentien to' the me ,„,,„,,,4 5ne n tuts, and suceeeded in hundred. of inidaneee in mama parse. of Inhumation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often meal/ front those eaten ahem ethers have consigned them to hopeless despair: Ile panieultirty invites each as have been tone audunaueeenfultytreated hyother• to consult bud, when every attiefaciuott will be river them, and their cases treated in a earefal,thocough and Intelligent manner, poind out by a long experience, stsidy,and invesigadonowhich iris legit... Ale for there engaged in one else of !rend praitica :o• 111odioilub to given MI-Hernia or Itlptarer-Dr. Drown illounitas pee. sons ad cad withlienals. to WI, as biihniptild punt ' ear attention to Rua disease. CANCERS also eared. Skin d ca iscuss; also U • a,ralsy, spasolity wed N. Patienis of either Dog Hall:got a distance, by noting their &ells* to writing, giving all Lb. symp• toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by addressing T. BROWN, '.Ol. D., post paid, and enable , (Mei No. GS Thisoond allay, opposita the Waverly • • L.- . Raimitavmst.-..-Dr.nrown's newsy discovered reme dy for Rheumatism Is a speedy and certain remedy for that peak! trouble. It never falls. Mee stad• Private Consulting , Roomy f 10.65 =Walley, Pittsburgh, Pa.. U. Oxon a always as horn. n-rNo 09TO nem, n • OZO. W. IA MI 1, CO.. INFORM endt friendss - w:6 rablus lb* Lbeyhav co longer ally connem....n sub mit In?, establish ment In Penn excel. know as ;LE P.ltabnen• Drawer. t i r s t : iz a r &e I r a d r ilje 1n5mi5:19 ,2 : , .% rem, ' 4 . EEMM VOL. !XVII. NO. IS7. TRANSPORTATION • • R MANCE PIVY. DA It W. 1114 07708/0571711 loor•citadide wrru .sno AND chactuxtr, six.= ' PaI4DELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. rf DODS forwarded, by this Line we canted in the la. =mil train to Clianaberancreb, .3 am immechateL ly loaded in Wagons going night and day Omagh ta Pittabarab. • The bor.s are elationed every 13 miles, which innues Oke prompt de/tverry of goods within dm time promised. • ILe gyp, Sort. will leave oar warehouse &ail', 01.- day. exCeptrd.) at Y o'clock, P. AL chippers are as red that no mate goods will be taken 4ach day than e. be !palatially carded through; hl DAVIS d: CO, IV Market civet, Philadelplua. , JOHN APPADES & OD, _ Cartel Dann, o, Kiwi NeFADEN & CO., FOTWAIDrso - Datum•: moo facteaarn, GUM! Baron, P[2113 caret, PUlabargb. _ JAM ... IL DA.12 . 51 lb CO. From nevem/10 Cah .Immuno 227 Market, and 54 Commerce m., Philad4his. . . .. Wrcanoes mule by either of the above,. Fbar. • g, d other merchandice, cowsigned to these for mils. . lael • • 172i/ON 1413161. WWITRR ARRANGEMENT. 1850. THE Subscriber, now having to succeasfal open- J. don in Express - Warns, Line between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia ore prepared to receipt for 81:0) lb" freight Each dray deliverable through in . ,slX 'PUS, fitindaya excepted. ' lIENRY GR sin. AFF ttsburg&& CO , ieanal Ba Pi DUTILLE HUMPHREYS IC CO.,' 107 Market al, Phil*. !MONONGAHELA ROUEN. MIM*A, • , . . . Only 73,2111•6 • Via Bniartiuville and Cumberland to . Be. Unions arid Philadelphia. - I T- u,14.01,z,b . . - ,LBiez:tka-pr,•=s.•bitltitt hour.; time to Philadelphi a,4 0 hours. ' The evening , beat leaves daily, laneept Sunday snri, coin In as 4 o clock. Piumengers by leaning on ihei avenlng,boat, will ernes thomauntalns in stages n_nzt day, and Mee avoid night travel. Secure your tickets im the (Mee, Monangahal House, or W. Charles hotel. orWbly J. MEWL - IMPS, Agent • WINTZR AURA 'lto KIIEEINTo 14.1.. 1850. .48t412 4 . EXPEL' WAGON LINE •THRnm+^ FIFE DAYS! TIM tubserlhers, having sumended their canal op: erations until the opening of the Sprang N”iga con, hale established an Fatness Linn by Railroad and Wagon they Phaladelpina and Suusburge, which they am prepared to forward WO pounds each day, and receipt tbr the delivery of the same in 5 day. They beg leave to assure their friends and the pub and despatch, cann lic that their arrang ot (ail nts regar to glee s din ausfacl g mon, ien w .ll slim favor them with their commands. & O'CONNOR, comer Penn and Wejrne eta, Pitnanp. THOSUS FII,III.IIDOL, 275 Market meet, Philadelphia. _ GEE, WO: PEEL WO' • VITINTIOIL mia.aNduntiosT. 1850. faig. ' Dtit Cow. DD. OLD COIDDITDO., • ;'• B IN 011, A M.' 5 ,EXPRESI • WAGON LINE TO ADD rook Pittaburits and Philadelphia. A 8 the besmesa oath° canal (a about Ming closed CI for the mum, we would inform the public that Ire have Reale brought the Comeloga Wagons late to. qu.Sition, and will be prepamd to forward 6i4/0 pagoda rlaily,Mommeneing ea !Uneasy, the 20th inst.) A Car leaving Philadelphia daily by the mail mauler Chem berrburg, arta the Wagons traveling day .a.Ai g ht, anamea the delivery at Good. in fore days.. Apply RINGNAH, Ptuobn rgo, • D1NG114.74 & DOCK, No. Itt Market sweet,. uavroi Philadelphia. WIFTEEL AUZIANCMCIENT IRMA - MO. Ogg. EXPRESS WAGON LINE 1.11,1 rang PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. p.m (Sundays excepted,/ running Day 10d Nigt. MF. public is respectfully h informed ihai this Line, which has been in ineeessibl eperation the two previous; winters, will again commence running on tilontluy, the of November. . - A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chartibersbargh daily meta why with the Mad Train,. and from Chasm. bertburigh with relays of horses mnning day and night: We are prepared to forward 6000 lb. Height daily by • the above Line. Apply to D. LEECH Iheo, Plholourgb, or to—HARRIS k LEECH, notHlthdtf No 13 Son. Third =eel, • Every Odd Fellow 'should Substribe Vo/nm.sB MIL—XLII., 1850. GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND G OLDEN RULE The Gazette and Rule has now the import of the Order to an extent that makes us determined not only to deserve thin approbation, but to add largely to our list .Readers, and therefore we prime.° the following N.WW, MEWLS, which.. more liberal than have ever beeiCoffered by any newspaper or magazine la the United Emma. We etre on the Gazette ed Rul every yen, EIGHT` HUNDRED PAGES n OF C HOICE READ- INO, idylls that can be boated, then fermis& a book which each year makes morn valuable. The character of the Gazette tad Rola is too well known to need explanation here, and it Its enough to remark that it contains, from time to time, the proceedings of . We Grand Lodges of the New York, and also of ether Satezi accounts of Celebrations, Inellmtione of Now Lodges, and ortasionelly, a Complete Directory af all the Lodges In the Union. Its Literary. Department is filled with Orlgleal Tales of the highest czcellenea, by the most eminent writers in oar country; Popular Tales; Choice Miscellany; the rarest Gems of Poetry hem the English Poets; Sketches of Traeel; -Ante. domain., &c.; land occasionally illustrated with E•auttrol Wood Engraving. Fleiog equal in its Literati character to any Weekly in the country, and being ens perfect in Its Odd Fel lowship department, it is worthy of a place, on the table Dream brother of the Order, and Indeed is in. dispersible to all who wish to keep fully Informed of the work of oar now glorious Order: One copy, Coe yttll,• • -•• • ....... ••—• ••El le Two copies, ono year; ---•—•—• 200 Seven copes, one year, cach---••• 100 Twenty copless--- , •---.4--.• 50 00 Than redocing so that every- lodge can get a first class paper cheaper than the cheapest local paper. Read the Bellowing: The particular and especial attention of the brother.. hood is desired to the following eztnet from • knee from that disdnguished brother, James L.. Ridgely, F•9.,' Grand Car. and Rec. Eternary of the R W. Grand Lodge of the United States, I. 0. 0. F. The GOLDEN RULE is to me a most Ingmar, end valued visiter, and eine it has fallen into pun hands. I have witnessed Its gradual and steady im provement with great pheasant It is now became, in m 9 Magment, sr Iron ram 5000 examine.. IS 11131 oancl; and Ido inn; that a discerning and Intelli gent Brotherhood will, by r, liberality wonky of Tope great exertions, enable Intl still more to augment its usefulness 10 the Order at large. With Met respect I your friend andlnither, JAR. L. RI DGELI." Opinions of Mans bars of G. L. of U. Slates. Believing that the interests of the 1.0. of 0. F. as well as of society at large, will be most effectually promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of he principles, we would corona', recommend to our brethren'the Cimesers or mac Uses no Gomm Ream, as awe condaemd by Crimple% re Clarke, as a 'Anionic, medium for the eriarition of the designs cf Odd-Fellowskly, nid as worthy ohs cordial support of the Order. Thomas vtlldey. P. G. Sim John A. Kennedy. P. G. Eire. • P Jam. L Ridgely, of ?dd., R W G G. P G M Rev. F. hI P Wells, of Mass , R W G Ch. P G John R Johnon, of Oa ,R W.G. Mar. PG Peter Frits, PGM J I Etches, P G WJI AI. len, P Cur i e, A Wells, Grand Rept...naives of Ps. Wm G See et Lof Penn. Smith Skinner, PG Mar GL of U:1 P G '54:0.m0. Cohen, rand Reprenentannes of Gaunt. P G M Helm I, Wenaten Grand Rep of R T. PG PP Theobald, PGM W R Scab, Grand Rep. f Mason C Robinson, P G Rep cf Vireida. POSH From, Ir., Grand Hey of Mass. P G Geo H Dickson, P Ou John Fairfax Smith, grad Itepresentztives of Delaware. P m Rau, PG—Wood, Or.ed tads. of New Jersey. .P C 'Falcon Barr , jr., P G N John H rieuley, Grand • sreseatothres of N Carolina. -•.••- . • • • P G John Bristly, PG M RO Shaw, Grunt Repro. • 11011.3tifell of Alabama_ W W Moore, P G ht John T Tower', Grand Repreeentattrea of District or Columbia. PG P Stephen Tinian, Grand Rep of Sit Ramp. -' PG . Filiation Andrews, PG Jam. Straw Inl4•Ert Grand Representatives of boutmana. PG D Nilarrows, Rep Lof MistissipolZ ' P G Isaiah Ruh., P G \%Tor A Moffett, Grand Rep. 'resentetives of Missouri. P Al Geo NV Mann, PG - I:Walt Morton, .P J Peaeoek, Reps G Loden of Teurkersee. ' • ,aPG Fred S Garriu, Grand Rey of Ark., P, C John 1Y Hunt, P G B 1 , Zimmerman, - Grand Representatives of Maryland. • • • • ~.i.12011118 Post, Grand Master of I.: Y. Damda, D G Master of N Y. • Benjamin I Panty . ° Secretary of N Y. P G John .1 Davie, P 0 .41.1 W P 0 W.Nlir 'bblee, Grand Bepretentaßros of N Y. Geo H Andrea..., P G hinter of N —. . , . .... . . ... . - . . . Posnasters arr. authorized to malt ;money to jotib• ii.hers, and ell money wailed in restate of the roat• mural . , and duly forwarded by him, t s at onr nat.. In all eases where postage on subscription I. not paid. it will be deducted from the =own ereditedld• those who send it. Address . . : CIiktIPTON & CLARKS, febt-d9dlrt&plsTl No. 4t Aim at; New York: lalaLLllga OPP AT 87GDIJCEDI!III0Elt ALEXANDER DAY, 'corner attic Dianiond Market street, are noes selllng..olZ at. waged pnoes, their stock of Winter Goods, consisting of and Ladles , Dress Goods. in great vanety. Also•-Blankets and Flannels, Clollta,Camdat* SAW., etts, and a toll assortment of br-asy, Cotters Goods. Confident that better bargama cannot be kad Istat4 wham, en:invite the attention of barer. • . ALEXANDER & DAT., 73 Market atreia'-''' , jinn q"diime, / n um. mt. 4, able in Cincinnati, Loninill.nnd BL - Lousy; te4 on the; most l'airorablo tenni. sing • ENEEN THROUGH IN MEE=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers